#and i think adding the scientific angle would be super interesting
nettlestingsoup · 9 months
Hi! Can I ask 3, 8 and 11 for the New Year asks!
hi spook! thanks for the ask!
3: i would love to get either some untamed fic or some magnus archives fic done this year! i'm terrible at writing for other fandoms, i always start things and then just get drawn back into my stray kids projects hahahaha
8: the hanahaki au lives in my brain all the time. i would absolutely love to be brave enough to write it, but i desperately want to get it right since hanahaki is such a weirdly iconic part of fandom, and i've wanted to wait until i've had a unique perspective on it that i could use in a story.
the general vibe of it is that minho, a hanahaki researcher in a university, starts to fall for chan, a temporary researcher who's only at the university for a year. because he knows chan loves travelling and loves the way his job takes him all over the world, and doesn't really want to be tied down by anything, minho holds his feelings in and resolves to keep them a secret; this is all well and good until the first symptoms of hanahaki begin to make themselves known. half from not wanting chan to know and half from the fascination of experiencing the disease he's studied for years first hand, minho lets it progress until it's almost too late. the idea for this would be to write most of it as a normal fic, with intermittent chapters of minho's notes on his own symptoms and their progression, which one of his friends eventually discovers. it will be so difficult to write, but maybe this is the year i try!
11: i would love to get more into horror (with happy endings of course!) and letting myself be spookier and more weird! i'd also love to do more fairytale-esque things like the river and the rowan tree if i can.
thank you again for sending an ask! happy new year! <3
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system76 · 3 years
Behind the Scenes of System76: Industrial Design
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Since moving into a factory space in 2018, System76 has delved deeper and deeper into manufacturing hardware in-house. Three years later, we’ve introduced five Thelio desktops, fine-tuned the hardware, developed our fully configurable Launch keyboard, and optimized our production processes. Helming the design process is Mechanical Engineer John Grano, who wears a number of different hats here. We sat down with John this week to discuss industrial design and the team behind our beautiful open source hardware.
How would you describe industrial design for people unfamiliar with the term?
To me, industrial design is basically the art of making something into a usable product. In industrial design, you have to balance looks and function, and that drives your form. It’s kind of like hardware UX in that it’s really important to have the right feel. If you can make the system connect better with people, they’ll like it more. Adding that softness we do with Thelio, like slightly rounded edges and darker wood, it makes it a little more approachable to have a semi-natural looking system and not something that’s blinking at you with red lights all the time.
System76 itself is a group of hardcore programmers and people that are really into Linux, but I think the idea of trying to democratize Linux is extremely important. If you can create something that doesn’t have that robotic aesthetic, it will provide people with something that feels more familiar and usable. No one really wants to go sit in a car that looks like a square with wheels on it. They want something that makes them feel something, maybe openness or comfort, when they’re in it.
What inspired you to get into mechanical engineering, and how did you end up at System76?
The way my brain works lends itself well to engineering, for better or for worse. There’s a lot of really solid engineers who don’t have much creativity, and then there are a lot of people who have great creative ability, but can’t do math. I kind of fluctuate in the middle; I wouldn’t say I’m the best at math or the most creative person in the entire world, but I have enough of each that the combination pushed me towards mechanical engineering. I like working with my hands, and it’s more of a study of how things work in the real world versus computer science, which is a purely digital and nontangible practice.
During school I worked mainly as a bike mechanic, and that helped me to think about how to build things better. That led me to my first internship at a bike company working in a wind tunnel, which was really fun. Realizing that I could probably never get a job there—or at least one that would pay me enough to live—I started working at an environmental engineering company, where I prototyped scientific sampling systems for R&D that would process materials with all these gasses at really high heat and tried not to die. It was kind of fun making these large-scale systems that were basically just gigantic science experiments, but I didn’t really have the creative outlet I wanted in terms of making something that looks good.
One of the main things that drew me to System76 was being able to have a solid influence on what tools we were able to use and how we were going to push the design. In the past three years, it’s pretty wild to see what we’ve been able to accomplish coming from a completely empty warehouse to being able to crank out parts.
I had also previously, while working at these scientific instrument companies, been working with a local company to design and develop a cargo bicycle, so I had that experience as well in terms of consumer product development with overseas manufacturing. I think that helped get me in the door here.
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Let’s talk a bit about your team. Who do you collaborate with on a typical day?
It’s a very small team and everyone does a lot. I pretty much lead the mechanical engineering team slash design team...slash manufacturing team. Being a small company, we are all wearing a bunch of different hats. Aside from doing the initial design work on all of our Thelio desktops and the Launch keyboard, I also program our laser-punch machine and our brake press and run through all of the design for manufacturing hang ups that show up. Those changes tend to be a result of our current tools, and internal capabilities.
Crystal came on last August as our first CNC Machinist. She heads up all of the machining, trains our operators, makes sure our parts are coming out in a nice clean fashion, and has done a lot of work on minimizing machine time and maximizing the parts we can get out. She also provides really great feedback on what's possible and what kind of special fixtures or tools we'll need to make for a specific part. Around the same time we picked up our first Haas 3-axis CNC mill to start working on the Launch project. That led to some other opportunities to make parts for Thelio and improve the feel of some of the parts that we were pumping out.
We just hired Cary, who came from a similar background as me in consumer product development, as well as low-scale scientific machine development. He’s going to help build manufacturing tools for us, and he’s only been here now for two or three weeks. Going forward, Cary will be heading up the Thelio line long-term, and I’ll be moving to some interesting R&D work.
And Zooey?
Zooey doesn’t really do much. She just kind of sits there and waits for people to feed her their lunch. I take her out for walks during the day so she can get away from everyone petting her. She doesn’t like when they do that.
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What was the R&D process like for Launch?
Launch is a less complicated product in that we don’t have to deal with things like cooling. Even dropping a PCB into aluminum housing deals with multiple processes, like using the laser and CNC machine. This was a start to looking at those processes to see how much time it takes to produce parts, the costs going into making them, and monitoring the cutting quality. You have to be familiar with the machines and know what you’re looking for when you see a tool going dull.
We first let the software experts do their thing and optimize a layout they wanted for their programming life. Then I was given that template, built a couple of sheet metal chassis that we wired up to test that layout, and made a bunch of little changes to that to get that right secret sauce for our keyboard-centric workflow in Pop!_OS. Once we got a sheet metal product that we were sure was going to be usable, we decided officially that we were going to pursue making a keyboard. That came with a whole new set of manufacturing requirements that we would have to look into.
We spent a ton of time working on pocket profile. When you look at a Launch, you’ll see that it’s not a perfect rectangle. That’s because when you’re using a mill, you have a round tool, so you can go through and get close to a pretty small radius on the corner, but you can never make it exact. If we wanted to get a very small, tight pocket, we’d have to use a very small cutter that takes an extremely long period of time.
We’re taking raw billet, which are these huge 12-foot-long sticks of aluminum that we cut down to get our final product. We went with a rounded rectangle so that we could use our cutter and decrease the overall time to machine that part. There was a lot of work in that and making sure the pockets were all 13.95mm versus 13.9mm versus 14.1mm.
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We also did a lot of R&D on how we go about putting the angle bar on. Magnetic assembly seemed to be a good idea. We went from trying to glue magnets in to doing what's called press fitting. The bars come right out of powder coating while they’re nice and warm, when the aluminum is slightly larger than when it cools down. Those magnets aren’t actually adhered to anything in the bars; they’re squeezed in nice and tight from the aluminum cooling and contracting around them. That’s called a press fit, and doing that makes the process faster and less expensive.
It’s similar with the bottoms of Launch; we have steel plates that we press fit into that part as opposed to gluing or screwing, but that we do before powder coating; steel rusts, and we don’t want someone opening up their keyboard in a year and finding a little bit of rust floating underneath their super high-end PCB. So we do that, sand it down, use our media blaster to clean off the surface from the tool paths you see from the mill, and then we powder coat it through and through.
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Word on the Denver streets is that Thelio Major is getting a redesign soon. What does that entail?
We’re bringing Thelio Major a lot more in line with Thelio Mega in terms of a different PCI mount for graphics cards, because we know that’s been a pain point for a lot of our users. We want to provide a little bit more robust installation for these graphics cards, which continue to increase in size and weight. The NVIDIA 3000-series cards are almost a pound heavier in some instances, and that’s a lot of weight to be shipping across the country.
We also want to continue to make Thelio Major cooler and quieter when it’s running with these new GPUs. Our new brake press allows us to make radius bends on parts, so we’re starting to run through R&D of a laser-welded external. It’s a wholesale departure from us using custom brackets and 3M VHB tape. That will provide a nicer finished product to our end user, and it’ll allow us to make our product faster with less material and less steps.
What qualities do you look for when adding someone to the team?
Creativity is extremely important. As a small manufacturing company, our priorities can shift on a day or in an afternoon where we don’t have the full line of product anymore. There are all sorts of examples in the past few years of times where you have to react pretty quickly. The motherboard’s been EOL’d, or we have to change our sheet metal design, build a new part, things like that. Making sure that someone can adapt to those changes on a moment’s notice is one of the key parts of the job.
We also want people who get excited about a new challenge and have the desire to keep improving something. I look for people who like to make things and go back in and refine it and not hold it up on this pillar. It’s good to not look at something like it’s perfect.
You have a lot of love for your Audi. What do you love about it over other options?
I like German cars. We have a family of them. They’re high-performance and not too expensive if you do all the work on it yourself. There’s a huge after-market community that tunes and changes these cars, which is pretty fun. Plus I prefer the metric system. Having a standard system drives me nuts, because what the [REDACTED] are fractions?
My real love, though, is bikes. I love tuning and riding bikes, and I love that more than I like to work on cars. It comes out of tinkering. I work with carbon fiber, I’ve done a lot of repairs on bikes over the years—there’s a certain sense of freedom you get from riding a bike that you can’t get from anything else. Not motorcycles, not cars.
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365days365movies · 3 years
May 1: The Prestige (2006) (Review)
Are you watching closely?
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This movie...this movie. I like Christopher Nolan, and he specializes in these mind-bending sort of films. Haven’t seen Memento yet, but Inception and Interstellar definitely fit that bill WELL. And Nolan’s definitely good at it, with this film now added to that list.
Gotta say, I wish there were more movies like this. You know, about magicians in the past. Plus, I’d really love to see a movie with more scientific magicians. Like, inventors who use their scientific acumen to perform insane feats. Really lean into that Arthur C. Clarke angle, y’know? I think it’d be pretty cool, honestly.
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Also, I haven’t seen The Greatest Showman, but I’m sure that Jackman gives off some similar vibes here. And before you say “YOU NEED TO SEE THEGREATESTSHOWMAAAAN”, I’m just gonna say: P.T Barnum does NOT deserve to have a musical made about him starring Hugh Jackman. Dude was an animal-abusing racist MONSTER, who did a LOT of fucked up shit in the pursuit of money. Dude rented a blind elderly black woman (while slavery was illegal in New York, mind you) and sold tickets to see her, claiming that she was the nurse of baby George Washington, and 161 years old. When she died of old age, he sold tickets to her fucking AUTOPSY! And that was the VERY BEGINNING of his career. FUCK P.T. BARNUM.
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...Anyway. Let’s talk about The Prestige, huh? Review time! Check out Part One and Part Two of the Recap, if you’re interested!
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Cast and Acting: 9/10
Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine, David Bowie, Andy Serkis, and Rebecca Hall. HOOOOO BABY! These six are the tanks of this movie, and they’re all excellent in their roles. I knew that Hugh Jackman had more acting range than he’s often given credit for, but this is the first time American audiences could see that range, and he’s fantastic with it. Bale is kind of Bale in some ways, but definitely disappears into the role of Borden pretty seamlessly. Which, again, is pretty much Christian Bale in general. I could say the same about Caine, but he REALLY disappeared into this role. Usually, I still see Michael Caine when I watch him, but this was all Cutter all the time here. Bowie as Tesla was surprisingly great, watching Andy Serkis’ Alley has fun, and Rebecca Hall’s tragic Sarah is basically the emotional core of the movie. But where’s Scarlett Johansson, you ask? Well, she was...OK. I really don’t think she was great in this movie, but it’s not like she was bad. Still, that’s where the missing point is; with her.
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Plot and Writing: 9/10
I mean...come on. This plot is top notch. Based on the book written by Christopher Priest, and adapted for film by Jonathan and Christopher Nolan, this is a great story, and the twists are fantastic throughout. Genuinely didn’t expect the Borden twist...although I did figure out the Angier plot point pretty quickly, one the purpose of the machine was revealed. Yeah, soon as I figured that out, it was all over. I think the Nolans figured that that would happen, though. In any case, this is still a well-written film, full of references to the truth throughout. If you’re interested, watch this movie FIRST, then go on YouTube and find some video essays. You’ll see what I mean pretty quickly.
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Directing and Cinematography: 8/10
I’ll be honest: I do like Christopher Nolan, but he’s never really struck me with a particular directorial style. The more notable part of his direction revolves around his film concepts than anything else. Now, that isn’t AT ALL to say that Nolan’s direction is bad. On the contrary: it’s quite good! But I’d also be lying if I said that the direction of The Prestige really stuck out to me. Much as I hate to take away any points here, this just wasn’t super-notable to me. Wally Pfister’s cinematography is also fantastic, but equally as notable. So, good grade here, but not perfect.
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Production and Art Design: 9/10
Given the fact that this film is almost solely dependent on the idea of good-looking tricks and costumes, this is a VERY well-produced and designed film. Chronistically authentic and convincing, this is simply a goo looking movie. And the electrical effects are cool! There’s a lot to love here, is what I’m saying.
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Music and Editing: 8/10
Music’s good, and definitely sets an eerie tone that fits the film. As I write these reviews, I listen to the soundtrack again to put me in the mood for the movie, and it works. This soundtrack is also VERY good at knowing when to use silence to emphasize something, as showcased especially well during the very end of the movie. As for the editing...OK, real talk? It’s good most of the time, but it’s also kinda choppy half of the time as well. I get that the plot is suppose to take you all over the place, but...sometimes I don’t know how necessary the edits are. Like, showing Borden reacting to the journal seemed unnecessary sometimes. A LOT of flashbacks, is what I’m saying.
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Y’know...I think an 86% Is pretty good.
But I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I thought I’d like it...well, a little more. I mean, again, 86% is nothing to sneeze at, but it’s definitely lower than I expected. I think that, once the euphoria of the twists and the ending dies down, you’re still left with a great movie...but not a perfect one. And I think that’s still completely fine, because this movie is still a STELLAR film.
Do I recommend thisWATCHITNOW. Sorry, uh...yes. Yes, I recommend it whole-heartedly. It’s a fantastic goddamn movie, and you should see it at least once, for the experience. And trust me, when you watch it once, you’re gonna want to watch it twice. It’s that engaging, and it’s that good.
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So, now what? That’s the first of the lo-fi sci-fi done, and it’s focused upon an interesting technological advancement: cloning. What’s another good advancement to look at? Well...why not something a little more unusual? Something not seen in the films very commonly. Something...something...uh...wait. What was I saying?
I’ve forgotten.
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May 2: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), dir. Michel Gondry
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waveypedia · 4 years
Key to a Memory
(warning for swearing)
{people need a melody to open their eyes
like a key to a memory frozen in time
holding on to everything, you’re stuck in the past
boy dontcha know that the world moves fast
it’s been a little while since we’ve been together
it’s been a long time since we were young and wild, remember
when we were friends, remember}
May 14, 2019 I 6:26 pm
UNKNOWN NUMBER: It’s me Della!! Your bud!!!
UNKNOWN NUMBER: I’m back from space!!!
UNKNOWN NUMBER: I can’t believe you have the same number you nerd! lol I remember when Uncle Scrooge finally forced you to get a phone and you got a super cheap one and then upgraded it with your own tech
UNKNOWN NUMBER: I can’t wait to see how much more upgraded and fancy your phone is now!
UNKNOWN NUMBER: sorry for not texting you sooner I got back a couple days ago but things have just been really hectic since then ya know??
UNKNOWN NUMBER: anyway I know you’re probably busy changing the world and inventing amazing things for Uncle Scrooge
UNKNOWN NUMBER: he told me you got an intern!! Congrats!! I can’t wait to meet them
UNKNOWN NUMBER: just call me when you get a chance ok? I’d really like to catch up
“GYRO!!” Della screamed, kicking open the door to the lab. Gyro scowled at his desk and scrawled a quick note to outfit the elevator with self-opening doors. The scientist sighed and stood up reluctantly, stepping around his desk to be in full view. “What is it now, Della?”
Della sprinted into the lab, her grin threatening to split her face in two. She exuberantly waved a bundle of papers in Gyro’s face. “Donnie and I got tickets to the new Galaxy Wars movie, and you’re coming!! Thursday at 6!! Be there or be square!!”
Gyro snorted and gently waved her off, pushing the tickets out of his face. “Dels, I’m busy here. Besides, any self-respecting scientist knows those movies are garbage.”
Della fake-pouted and slung her arm around Gyro’s shoulders, despite the height difference. She had to lean and go up on her tiptoes to manage, making Gyro burst out in a fit of laughter. She shrugged, tugging Gyro down to her height. “Whatever. The premiere was a couple weeks ago, so you probably won’t get into a fistfight with an overzealous fan this time-”
“-Their fault-” Gyro muttered under his breath as Della prattled on.
“-Aaaaaand Cousin Gladdy’ll be there! With his luck we probably won’t get kicked out by the ushers,” Della finished proudly.
Gyro rolled his eyes good-naturedly. “Ugh, Gladstone? That man is too self-absorbed. Takes one to know one. And does that mean Fethry will be there as well?”
“Yep!” Della beamed. “He loves science, Gy, and he loves you! He’ll grow on you one day.”
“Highly unlikely.” Gyro shoved her arm off and stretched, standing up to his full height. “I grudgingly respect Fethry’s passion and his interest in scientific fields. He’s just so…” Gyro huffed. “Annoying.”
Della poked him in the beak. “Whatever. If you think Fethry’s annoying, my buddy Loopy from flight school will be there and she’ll blow your mind. But in a good way! Loopy’s amazing!”
Gyro groaned and slapped a hand on his face, slowly dragging it down. “Loopy and I are your only friends, aren’t we?”
Della puffed her chest out in mock effrontery. “I have lots of friends! I’m the best at making friends! They’re just all over the globe, you know, cause of all the amazing and daring adventuring I do!”
Gyro snorted and knocked his friend with his shoulder. “Whatever. When one of these international ‘friends’ comes around to Duckburg and hangs out with you beyond the adventure, let me know.”
Della smirked. “So you’ll be there?”
“Fine. I’ll be there.” Gyro affirmed, rolling his eyes.Della beamed mischievously. “Wonderful! See you there! Also it’s a sleepover and I’m adding you to a group chat specifically for this event now byeeeeee!!!”
“WHAT?!” Gyro squawked, racing after Della, but the elevator dinged and carried her far away. “Della! No! Come back! DELLA!!! I WILL NOT SUBJECT MYSELF TO THE TORTURES OF YOUR CHILDISH SLEEPOVER!!!” He chanced a look at his phone. It was already blowing up with texts from Della and Fethry.
Gyro groaned and slammed his head down on his desk, grateful for the solitude of his lab. He pulled up the calendar Scrooge filled with his deadlines from the board and added the movie night so he wouldn’t forget. A small, pleased smile played at his beak.
He picked up his phone, muted the group chat, and returned to his work.
read 9:28 pm
May 15 I 4:03 pm
Della Duck: hey dumbass
Della Duck: they have read receipts now stupid
Della Duck: I know you saw my messages
Della Duck: whatever I know you’re hella busy just call me when you get the chance
Della Duck: hahah did you see that? hella! I used new slang!
Della Duck: Louie taught it to me :D
Della Duck: I can’t believe his name is Louie and not Rebel! I’m kinda mad at Donald but also it suits him more than Rebel
Della Duck: Dewey though… he’s DEFINITELY a Turbo
Della Duck: Huey could go either way but he’s okay with Huey so I guess I am too
Della Duck: It’s a lot to take in
Della Duck: although Webby would be overjoyed to be Jet or Rebel
Della Duck: I can’t believe I have an extra daughter!!! how cool is that?? four kids for the price of three!!
Della Duck: or maybe it’s more like six kids for the price of three since Webby had friends over today and they all seem close
Della Duck: Ooh you know who would be a good Rebel? Lena! apparently she just came back from the shadow realm??? I missed so much
Della Duck: i can’t believe you guys got to fight magica de spell without me AND she had a kid
Della Duck: she’s still kinda hot ngl
Della Duck: but louie showed me a picture of her after she lost her magic and ehhhh
Della Duck: but also there are lots of hot people around these days and I’m kinda freaked out
Della Duck: like I made a best friend of my roommate on the moon!! Her name’s Penumbra but I call her Penny and I’d let her stomp on me. Best part is she probably would
Della Duck: also Uncle Scrooge got a new pilot & driver and I hate him cause he’s sorta replacing me?? But also he’s hot in a himbo kinda way
Della Duck: I know you have insanely high standards but you gotta back me up here gyro Launchpad is kinda hot
Della Duck: damn i’ve missed our conversations about various hot people and our lack of love lives
Della Duck: I told you about Penny you gotta fill me in on the current hotties in the Duckburg science community
Della Duck: I also met your intern! He seems nice ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ) ;) ;) ;)
Della Duck: i can hear your voice. “Della that is an excessive amount of emoticons”
Della Duck: well if you want me to stop you’ll just have to reply ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Della Duck: at least you’re not telling me to use “emojis”Della Duck: apparently they all have hidden meanings and I don’t understand
Della Duck: Louie, Dewey, and Lena tried to teach Uncle Scrooge and I
Della Duck: I’m ashamed to say I think he fared better than I did
Della Duck: he’s old!! He’s supposed to be clueless!! I’m not old I was just on the moon for a decade!! That’s gotta count for something right?
4:46 pm
Della Duck: i see how it is
Della Duck: ignore me all you want but i’m right
The sun was nearly below the horizon, painting the evening sky and the waves below it in a plethora of muted colors, when Della broke the topic. “Yo. I think Magica de Spell is kinda hot.”
Gyro swerved to stare at her so fast he felt something in his neck crack. “Magica?! She’s ancient; are you crazy?!”
Della shrugged, kicking sand around absentmindedly with her bare toes. “Yeah, but she doesn’t look it. She’s hot in an unattainable kind of way.”
Gyro snorted, loud and sad. “I know how that feels.”
Della nudged him teasingly. “What’s going on in your love life? I shared, now you have to.”
Gyro rolled his eyes and nudged her back, harder. “You know nothing’s happening.” He shrugged carelessly. “It’s not like I have much time outside of work.”
“Yeah, but that’s because you refuse to take care of yourself and you act like you’ll die if you leave the lab,” Della said good-naturedly. “You should come on an adventure with us!”
Gyro sighed contentedly and waved her away. “I’ll stick to the lab, thanks. My inventions’ corrupted morality circuits provide me quite enough stress and adventure, thank you very much.”
(He couldn’t very well tell her that her dear ol’ uncle had entrusted him with the project of a lifetime, his chance to thank her for her gift of friendship, his chance to prove himself to Mr. McDuck for once and for all, his chance to redeem himself from the smoking failure that was 2BO. He didn’t have to run himself ragged working on the Spear of Selene day and night, but this was important, far more important than anything Gyro had worked on at McDuck Industries before. For his career, and for his friendship. And he wanted to do it right.)
(Shame he failed in the end anyway.)
Della sighed assent, smiling, and leaned back on her elbows, working her fingers into the sand. She had given up for now, but Gyro knew she would broach the subject again soon, from a new angle, with a new tactic. Della Duck never gave up.
“Maybe one day,” Gyro said, surprising himself. After this whole Spear debacle is said and done.
Della beamed and knocked her shoulder into his affectionately. “I’ll hold you to that!”
Gyro smiled wryly. “I know you will.”
Gyro pushed up his glasses and studied Della’s texts, willing his eyes not to unfocus and his brain not to zone out. He read them once, twice, three times. Four.
He began typing.
Gyro Gearloose: I remember-
Gyro Gearloose: My love life is as nonexistent as it was when you left-
Gyro Gearloose: emojis are zealous anyway-
Gyro Gearloose: I’m sorry-
He deleted his words, frustrated, nerves and old, painful memories rubbed raw, and never sent a reply.
June 11 I 2:09 pm
Della Duck: so Fenton and I went out for coffee today
Della Duck: not on a date, just as a chance to get to know each other platonically
Della Duck: he’s so much like you
Della Duck: not on the surface. In fact you guys are pretty much opposites
Della Duck: but you both care so much, even though you show it differently
Della Duck: i know you care your prickly demeanor can’t fool me
Della Duck: you’re both incredibly passionate about sciences
Della Duck: you’re both super awkward
Della Duck: he has high praise for you, and he really admires you, but it sounds like you’re not that close and I think you totally should be!
Della Duck: I know you’re probably annoyed that I’m meddling in your (love) life again, but get used to it!! I’m the best wingman and friend and I’m here to stay!!
Della Duck: even if you don’t text me back
Della Duck: (but seriously, please text me back. I miss you.)
Della Duck: he said you might need some space and I guess that makes sense but i just don’t understand why
Della Duck: that’s the only reason I haven’t stormed down to the lab by now
Della Duck: Did i do something before I took off for the moon?
Della Duck: or are you like Donnie and you’re mad?Della Duck: at least I think Donnie’s mad
Della Duck: or he will be
Della Duck: he’s on a cruise, Gyro! A fucking cruise!!!
Della Duck: he left the day I got back and now he’s gone for a fucking month
Della Duck: he thinks I’m dead
Della Duck: I miss him so much
Della Duck: the cruise doesn’t allow cell phones so I can’t even contact him and tell him I’m alive
Della Duck: But Huey and I sent postcards!! I don’t know if they’ll reach him but I really hope they do
Della Duck: Huey and Webby have been checking the mailbox meticulously to see if he sends one back
Della Duck: sorry for ranting
Della Duck: I just miss him
Della Duck: I miss you too you know? Yeah i’m being stupid sappy again but it’s dumb that you’re right here, across the city, and we haven’t talked
Della Duck: call me gyro you fucking coward
2:43 pm
Della Duck: also Fenton is totally Gizmoduck right
Della Duck: I met Gizmoduck once when he came to formally greet me
Della Duck: and i’ve seen him around the city lots
Della Duck: but they’re so similar. They have the same mannerisms
Della Duck: I guess that means you built his armor then right?
Della Duck: or you helped
Della Duck: it’s great Gyro
Della Duck: look at you! An invention that didn’t turn evil!!
Della Duck: I’m proud of you bud
“Have you ever thought about hiring someone to help in the lab?” Della asked one day, apropos of nothing.
She had dragged Gyro into a fancy coffee shop - one he’d probably be banned from had he attempted to patronize it on his own, and one he would be in the post-Spear of Selene era - and forced him to take a break from the top secret project he’d been devoting all his time to. They bought overpriced, bougie coffees on Mr. McDuck’s dime and traded jabs without any real bite to them, as was customary for them. Della mocked Gyro’s unique taste for black licorice, again. Same old, same old.
And then, this.
Gyro paused, his ceramic mug halfway to his face. “I’m fine on my own. Any help would only get in my way. They would stumble over their own feet and I would have to take precious time off of my own projects to tediously help them flail and fall.”
Della set down her coffee and leaned forward with her elbows on the table. “You’re so cynical. Besides, you’re working yourself to death down there! It might help if you had someone else to lighten the load.”
Gyro paused. “I suppose I might be more productive if I didn’t have to do the menial tasks beneath me…”
“-And you could make a FRIEND!!!” Della cheered, standing up and leaning heavily on the table, her enthusiasm thundering in full-force. “Someone to chat with on late nights deep in projects, someone who understands your passion for science, someone you can count on when Donnie and I are off on an adventure!”
Gyro groaned, startled at first but then settling into resignation. “I should have known you had an ulterior motive.”
Della giggled, batting her eyelashes jokingly. “I only have your best interests at heart.”
Gyro shrugged and swirled his quickly-cooling coffee around in his mug. “Besides, Dels, you know there’s a reason you’re one of my only friends, right? You and Dickie and Daisy, you’re the people I’m closest with and that’s because you wouldn’t put up with my prickly, stay-alone-all-the-time bullshit. You guys drag me out of whatever place I’m holed up in kicking and screaming. Most people are not like that. I’m lucky to have three of you,” he admitted in the kind of moment of uncharacteristic vulnerability and clarity that only comes when you’re with someone you really trust.
Della snorted and reached across the table to shove Gyro gently. “Shut your self-depricating hole, Gyro Gearloose. Trust me, I wouldn’t put up with you if I didn’t want to.”
Gyro smirked, a small smile chasing away the dark storm clouds that covered his face. “I know, Dels.”
“Good.” Della replied self-assuredly. “I love Dickie and Daisy, and I love that they love you, but they’re not local. You need more friends, Gyro.”
“Maybe,” Gyro hummed softly, the closest he would ever come to admitting it. “But it’s even harder to get along with coworkers, and the chances of my subordinate being someone who actually wants to be friends with me is abysmal.”
Della shrugged. “Sometimes you learn to like each other. Like me ‘n Donnie! We drive each other crazy, but we have each other’s backs when it matters, and we’re always there for each other.”
Gyro snorted. “This hypothetical person and I will be coworkers, Dels, not siblings. That’s different. Besides, you and Donald love each other too much to be healthy.”
“Yeah, but Donnie and Uncle Scrooge and I are a little like coworkers, aren’t we? Adventuring is our job, and it’s very stressful at times,” Della said.
Gyro shook his head. “Dels, honestly, you have to get a job at some point. Mr. McDuck won’t let you leech off of him for much longer now, and you have no experience. It’s really not the same.”
Della shrugged. “At some point. I know Uncle Scrooge is biting at the bit, especially after Donnie joined the Navy, but I don’t want the responsibilities and schedules of work to tie me down and take me away from adventuring, you know? It’s the same reason I didn’t go off to college.”
“I still think you should have,” Gyro replied, smiling wryly. “You’re bright and you’d flourish being able to study what you choose.”
“I learn a lot adventuring,” Della replied smugly, stubborn as always. “I can speak seven languages fluently, you know!”
“Even if most of them are dead, or belong to otherworldly beings from alternate dimensions,” Gyro pointed out.
Della sighed contentedly and shook her head. “Whatever. What’s done is done, and I’ll get a job someday. But just think about it, Gyro, all right?” She locked gazes with Gyro pleadingly.
Gyro sighed in defeat. “Fine. I will give it some thought. But don’t get your hopes up, all right?”
Della smirked. “Whatever you say.”
Gyro put his head in his hands, roughly shoving aside his expensive coffee. (He was lucky it didn’t crash and burn, like most of his inventions.)
She’s not gonna win this one, Gyro aggressively promised himself. I can’t subject anyone else to my bullshit.
(The only reason he assented and allowed an intern on, in the future, was because Scrooge all but ordered it. He saw firsthand the way having positive people around improves lives and wanted that for Gyro too, especially with Della gone and Donald barely speaking to him. And if Mr. McDuck’s not-so-subtle hints and gentle persuasion-turned direct orders gave Gyro crystal-clear flashbacks to Della’s not-so-gentle prodding, and if he cried that night after his boss left, well, no one would be anyone the wiser.)
(He got quite lucky with Fenton and Manny, though. Some of that was the Board's thorough vetting process, but some of it was Scrooge himself intervening, because he wanted Gyro to make a friend as badly as Della had.)
August 15 I 7:26 pm
Della Duck: all right
Della Duck: I talked to Fenton again
Della Duck: i’m sorry for bothering you
Della Duck: it hurts to not talk to you but I’m gonna give you your space
Della Duck: I’m here whenever you’re ready
Della Duck: but please be ready soon Gyro i’m impatient
I know you are, Gyro nearly whispered as he read the texts. It felt like a finality, a surrender. But that couldn’t be right, because Della Duck never gave up.
How could he and his stupid, stupid inability to communicate his feelings and face his irrational fears be the one thing that forced Della Duck to admit defeat?
(read 7:58 pm)
The McDuck Annual Holiday Party was in full swing when Gyro arrived quietly. Launchpad had offered to drive him with Fenton, Manny, and Scrooge when they left a couple of hours ago, but Gyro had stayed to put the finishing touches on his current project, lest he lose his motivation.
That was the only reason. Not because Della would be there, and he might be forced to talk to her. No, sir.
Gyro clenched his fists so tight his knuckles turned white in the pockets of his vest. Who was he kidding? He wasn’t fooling himself, and he certainly wasn’t fooling his friends family coworkers. Every single one of them, even Mr. McDuck (now that was painful) had tossed him a look that ranged from disappointed to knowing to pitying as they left for the party. It made Gyro want to scream in rage and slam his fists against the wall until they were bruised and bloody. But even he knew that was unacceptable party behavior. (Mrs. Beakley had humiliatingly taken him aside for a quick rundown on which of his usual behaviors were not applicable at company parties.)
Steeling himself for a night of faux cheer and passive-aggressive conversations, Gyro quietly opened the door and slipped inside. Skirting on the outskirts of the party, he scanned the room desperately for allies to swarm to and enemies to avoid.
He spotted Fenton and Launchpad first, amicably chatting up the legendary Greek hero Storkules and his sister, the equally inexplicable and ethereal goddess Selene. (A mystery to unpack at a later date.) Beside them was the gruff Moonlander that Della seemed to love.
Gyro set his jaw. He could handle chatty immortals and aggressive aliens. At least they probably wouldn’t have a personal vendetta against him because of a malfunctioning invention or a poorly placed comment. He waded determinedly through the sluggish crowd, surprisingly stopped a couple times by friendly faces. (Boyd’s hug of greeting lasted almost three minutes, and that didn’t even account for the rest of the overzealously affectionate kids.)
Looking back, he’s lucky his the kids stalled him, because when he finally emerged from Webby’s hug, his eyes locked on his own personal horror story.
This was the first time Gyro had actually seen her since she’d come back from the moon. Her hair was longer, if only slightly, and her metal leg gleamed in the light from the chandeliers above. (His fingers itched to get his hands on it and upgrade it, toy with it, make it into a personal project, but he adamantly refused himself.)
Alongside the physical differences, Gyro noticed some changes to her demeanor as well. She seemed more… weathered, and tired, despite the ever-present spark of energy she seemed to radiate and her unwavering grin. It was cliché, and Dr. Gyro Gearloose hated clichés with a passion, but she had an almost haunted look in her eyes, contrasting her radiating cheery energy.
She was different, and he was different. So much time had passed. It seemed almost impossible that the duck in front of him was the same duck that Gyro had shared coffee and secrets with almost daily ten years ago.
And yet he yearned to return to their easy friendship. Not for the first time, Gyro wished desperately to go back in time a decade and stop the Spear of Selene from ever happening.
Della slipped between Penumbra and Selene, glowing in the way only an extrovert in social situations can. By way of greeting, she hugged everyone, even Fenton (!!!). She settled at last, hanging off Penumbra’s shoulder with Selene’s arm around her and Launchpad’s jacket around her shoulders (how she had acquired that, Gyro had no idea).
Unfortunately for Gyro, from her new position, she had a perfect view of him, stuck with only a single sparse group between them. Her eyes strayed to lock onto him and he froze, panic creeping in a mile a minute.For a moment neither moved, staring at each other.
She hadn’t texted him since August, true to her word, albeit how much it hurt for both of them. She had come to the lab a couple times, to pick up Fenton and/or Manny for coffee or to pick up or drop off Huey, Webby, or Boyd. But Gyro had always hid like the coward he was, terrified to face his best friend. The last time they’d talked was the day before Della took off in the Spear of Selene, ten years and eight months ago.
At last, after four months, and nine months of radio silence from his end, here she was, almost close enough to touch.
Then Gyro’s fight-or-flight instinct kicked in and he turned tail and ran, panic clouding his vision and his judgement. He shoved one of the Sabrewing husbands roughly aside (Scrooge would undoubtedly make him apologize for that later) in his frantic quest to escape all the raw emotions, of hurt and guilt and self-hatred, that sprung up all of a sudden.
His eyes locked on a door and he wrenched it open before slamming it shut. He leaned hard against the door, hands clenched around the handle, breathing hard.
Only once the panic began creeping away and his breathing slowed did Gyro finally process his surroundings. He was in a small broom closet, filled to the brim with glittery party supplies Mrs. Beakley had probably denied Webby. (She would probably find a way to sneak them into the party sometime later.)
And perched precariously on top of a box labeled “glitter fireworks” was a woman Gyro had met once, in the Old West, two hundred years ago.
Goldie O’Gilt sized him up, panicked and ruffled, and apparently decided he was no threat. She slid gracefully down from the boxes. “What brings you here, to the closet of forgotten and abandoned party supplies? Girl troubles?”
Gyro wanted to laugh, because technically, she was right. “I’m gay,” he replied, giving her his best deadpan stare. It was lacking.
She assessed him, trying hard not to smile, before bursting out laughing. Gyro barely resisted the urge to bury his face in his hands. “People problems, whatever. Please. You can’t fool me, hun.”
Gyro crossed his arms testily. “Why are you here? Away with you.”
Goldie grinned smugly, pretending to examine her nails. “Oh, nothing special. Just some extra fun for Scroogey later. May or may not involve glitter fireworks. You?”
Gyro snorted, without any real humor behind it, and rolled his eyes. “Great. Well, I have better things to do than watch you drive Mr. McDuck up the wall. See ya.”
“This is about Scroogey’s rediscovered niece, isn’t it?” Goldie called after him, as if as an afterthought.
Gyro froze, his fingers curled around the doorknob. “Why do you care?”
“I don’t, really,” Goldie hummed, faking disinterest. “But spare an old woman some juicy gossip, would ya? ‘Sides, I’m a professional conwoman. I see all the angles, and yours is in plain sight.”
Gyro scowled and shifted so he could see Goldie’s face again. She was smirking, small but triumphant, which did nothing to quell Gyro’s steadily growing mix between annoyance and panic. “And I suppose this has nothing to do with ‘Aunt Goldie,’ would it?”
Goldie shrugged nonchalantly, but the smile on her beak shifted into a small pout of annoyance. “I’ll do you a favor and be honest with you. Cherish this moment; it won’t happen again.”
She sighed and leaned more heavily against the precariously stacked boxes. “I may have missed Della and her adventurous, rambunctious spirit over the years,” she confessed, suddenly looking a good deal more like the age-old tired adventurer she was. “It hurts to see that spirit quenched, especially when I just got her back. She hasn’t even frustratingly tagged along to one of Scroogey and I’s not-so-solo adventures! And… I care about her. She’s almost my niece.”
Gyro frowned, stunned at Goldie’s clarity. “...Oh.”
Goldie straightened up and whipped out a shiny knife from the folds of her dress. “But tell anyone, especially Della or Scrooge, and they’ll never know what happened to ya,” she warned, wagging the knife in the direction of Gyro’s face.
He pressed himself against the door while maintaining his scowl, despite the fact that it was too far away to hurt him. He knew what she could do if she put her mind to it. “I won’t.”
Goldie slipped the knife back into the folds of her dress, where it seemed to magically disappear from her hand. “Good. Now go get my niece’s spirit back,” she instructed strictly, shoving Gyro not-so-subtly towards the door.
He wrenched it open and slipped surreptitiously outside, glancing around the party. The crowds seemed to have thinned a little.
Gyro spotted Della easily. She, Donald, and Mrs. Beakley were gently corralling the gaggle of children upstairs - it was quite late, after all. Gyro started to step towards her, then hesitated.
He chickened out and sprinted unsteadily outside instead, taking in big mouthfuls of the refreshingly cold December air.
The chill set in after a few moments and he wrapped his arms around himself, shivering, and despairingly started the long trek away from the mansion.
His phone was buzzing with worried texts from his friends (and Della, no doubt), but Gyro set his jaw and walked on, stubbornly ignoring their annoyingly righteous concern. No use telling everyone he lost his nerve again, just like every time Della texted.
Gyro gritted his teeth and pulled the collar of his jacket over the lower half of his face as protection against the biting winds. The physical pain lessened, but the icy feeling in his gut did not. He balled his hands into fists, as if to physically punch his overwhelming guilt and regret away.
I’m a bad friend.
Early April was always a little tough for Gyro, with the anniversary of the destruction he inadvertently sowed in Tokyolk. It got better with time, but the early years were always a little rough.
(And after that he always had another grief-filled and regretful anniversary to observe in April, anyway.)
He was pushing through it, though, by throwing himself into his work. This year was especially easy. The Spear of Selene was almost done, and would probably be finished just before the eggs’ hatching.
The last time he talked to Della was when he was taking a quick, rare break the day before what would be the second-worst day of Gyro’s life. (Tokyolk took first, if only narrowly.) He had gone off on a quest in search of coffee - he was at the launch lot, and he’d unfortunately been banned from the closest coffee shop. (It was their fault anyway - what kind of coffee shop didn’t want an automatic coffee bean stocker? Even if it tried to stock customers when there were no beans left? Really, they shouldn’t have run out of beans. And his price of free coffee for life was so reasonable and small, really, when he usually frequented the one closer to the lab. Their loss.)
“Gyro!” Della sprinted up to him, face flushed from running in the chilly winds and early spring air. She held out a coffee from the aforementioned shop to him with a grin, prompting his frustrated rant, but Della just let him prattle on with a goofy grin gracing her face.
“What’s going on?” Gyro finally demanded, after watching Della beam ardently at his violent threats and calls for justice and revenge towards the coffee shop. “Your smile is… sillier than usual. Which is saying something.”
Della waved him off, his insult breezing past her. “It’s a surprise. You’ll see!!”
Gyro raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. “Is it a good surprise?”
Della beamed triumphantly back at him. “Definitely.”
Gyro frowned dubiously, but he knew Della well. For all her recklessness, when she was this sure about something, her judgement was usually worth listening to.
(Later, he’d wish he hadn’t listened to her, and trusted his own gut, for once.)
He shrugged. “I highly doubt it’s as good as you think it is,” he replied haughtily, prompting carefree laughter from Della.
“It definitely is. Just you wait.” She reached out with her free hand and booped him on the beak, causing him to reel back, away from her. “I can make an educated guess that you’ll love it.”
Gyro rolled his eyes at her rudimentary science terminology, causing her to giggle. “If it’s another movie night with Fethry, I’ll pass.”
“Better than that,” Della promised, her smug grin turning downright devious. It didn’t faze Gyro in the slightest.
He shrugged carelessly. “With you, that could either mean better or worse. Otherwise known as pure, unadulterated torture for me.”
Della laughed, but her smile softened into something more vulnerable and emotional, no longer masked by a carefree and reckless demeanor. “I’m telling you, Gyro. You’ll love it. Come on, when have I ever been wrong?’’
Gyro barked a laugh. “Do you really want me to answer that? Because I have a full comprehensive list at the top of my head, and that only covers the basics.”
“Hating black licorice doesn’t count,” Della protested. “It tastes worse than every iteration of Hell, and I’ve been to every iteration of Hell!”
Gyro raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. “Did you taste every iteration of Hell?”
Della rolled her eyes playfully. “Whatever. Just trust me on this one, will you?” she asked, hitting him with that almost vulnerable expression again.
Gyro huffed. “Fine.” He stuck a finger pompously in the air. “But I reserve the right to pass judgement when I see it.”
Della sighed without any real weight behind it. “Fine, whatever you want. But trust me, you’ll be blown away by the amazingness of this surprise!!!”
“We’ll see about that,” Gyro replied, smirking. “Now, away with you!! I have a highly important project to finish - which is unanimously more important than whatever surprise you have cooked up - and I simply cannot afford any distractions!!”
Della snorted knowingly. “Whatever. See you tomorrow at my amazing surprise! And you’re welcome for the coffee, Mr. Banned-From-Coffee-Shops!!”
Gyro shook his head fondly and made his way down the hill back to the lot. The Spear of Selene loomed in front of him, shining in the weak midday sun. It seemed frozen, waiting, on edge.
“Soon,” Gyro promised to no one in particular. He climbed inside to make some last-minute tweaks to the nuanced controls. “You’ll be in the air by May at the latest,” he promised, patting the cold metal of the rocketship. “Just let me make sure this is perfect. So nothing could ever go wrong.”
Jan 3, 2020 I 5:47 am
Donald Duck: hey asshole
Donald Duck: fyi Della’s really upset
Donald Duck: she really missed her friends ya know?
Donald Duck: Look, Gyro
Donald Duck: I know how this feels
Donald Duck: I know you’re scared
Donald Duck: but dude you face scarier stuff every day when your inventions go evil
Donald Duck: if you can face Lil’ Bulb turning evil not once but twice and still call him your son I think you can face your best friend
Donald Duck: and i know I said some shitty things to you the day we lost her and I’m sorry, that was uncalled for
Donald Duck: I was upset, as were you
Donald Duck: I forgive you if that’s not clear
Donald Duck: i forgave you a long time ago
Donald Duck: Della has too
Donald Duck: she never blamed you
Donald Duck: except maybe for the flavor of Oxy-Chew. But that saved her life, Gyro!
Donald Duck: I know I said your invention killed her, but your invention also saved her, and after she fixed it your invention brought her home
Donald Duck: now she’s back, but you’re losing her again
Gyro stumbling blearily awake, fumbling for his glasses, tired and disoriented, was nothing outside of the norm. He was a secluded, inane inventor with few friends, little social interaction, and no sleep schedule. Not to mention the plethora of projects piled on his desk vying for his attention, and the ever-present mug of coffee in his hand. (At the moment, there was a half-empty one on his desk, placed precariously on top of some blueprints.)
But his latest cup of coffee’s predicament was the least of Gyro’s worries at the moment. Because his phone, charging on his bedside, was blowing up. And that was decidedly not normal.
Gyro, at this point in time, didn’t have social media yet. (Fenton, Louie, and Dewey didn’t exist in his life yet, and so they had not had a chance to plot and execute an intervention.) Sometimes his phone blew up from the group chat with Daisy and Dickie, or the group chat with Della, Daisy, and Dickie, or just Della when she got excited. Or Fethry, once in a while, but Gyro was certain he’d blocked Fethry’s number this time.
Gyro clumsily put on his glasses and pulled himself up into a sitting position, still half-asleep. He scrolled through his notifications, frowning.
Mostly missed calls from Donald and Scrooge, a couple confused text notifications from Gladstone, two missed calls from the Board (that couldn’t be good), and one from Roxanne Featherly, a trainee journalist under Angus Fangus who had taken an unfortunate liking to calling him whenever one of his inventions went haywire.
Panic began to stir in Gyro’s gut.
The weirdest part, though, was that most of the notifications had not come from Della. She was by far his most ardent caller, and she had called, a couple times, but they were all over an hour ago. They were all buried by the rest of his missed calls.
Odd. Very odd.
Gyro tried calling Della first, to soften the blow of whatever was happening. Della wouldn’t sugarcoat the problem. She knew better. But there was something about her contagious enthusiasm and optimism, as well as her face-it-head-on attitude, that made whatever issue was at hand seem less daunting.
But his call went to voicemail.
Gyro shook his head, confused and more than a little scared at this point. Della almost never refused his calls, even if she was on an adventure (as long as she had cell service). It annoyed Donald to no avail, but Gyro was grateful for it - he didn’t reach out for social interaction with no reason.
But now? It only scared Gyro.
He frowned, contemplating, and called Donald next. Scrooge was more likely to call unprompted than Donald, and he didn’t want to deal with the Buzzards or Featherly yet, so Donald it was.
He picked up on the third ring.“Oh, so now he picks up!! When he can’t be of any help!! What’s the big idea, Doctor?!”
Gyro scowled, annoyance beginning to mix with the terror in his gut. “For your information, I just woke up. Now, what is going on?! Della won’t answer my calls and I have an ungodly amount of notifications at three AM. Seriously, people.”
“You want to know what is going on?!” Donald screamed, his voice and temper steadily rising. Gyro flinched at the volume, but kept the phone pressed close to his ear out of half morbid curiosity and half unwanted worry. “I’ll tell you what’s going on!!! Scrooge just killed Della!! And he used your stupid, untrustworthy invention to do it!!!”
Gyro nearly dropped the phone.“...Killed?” he nearly whispered. “How? The Spear of Selene isn’t ready yet and-”
“She took it!!” Donald screeched. “She took that good-for-nothing rocket and flew straight into a cosmic storm!”
“She wasn’t supposed to!” Gyro spluttered, numb. “She wasn’t even supposed to know about it yet!”
“Well, she did!” Donald spat darkly. “And now she’s gone. She left her boys orphaned. What were you thinking, making her that rocket?!”
“It was Mr. McDuck’s idea,” Gyro whispered numbly, automatically. “He- I- We never thought-”
“Scrooge,” Donald growled, and if Gyro knew him well enough he was dragging a frustrated hand down his face. “Of course. He’s too reckless and careless. He killed my sister.”
Gyro rubbed at his eyes under his glasses, unable to think of a coherent response. “I- I don’t think-”
“That’s right, you don’t think,” Donald snarled. “None of you do. And now my sister is dead, thanks to Scrooge. And you. Lose my number, Gyro. You won’t see me again.”
Gyro stared numbly at the floor, his phone still pressed against his ear, as the dial tone played. Finally, he slowly lowered it to his side and dropped it on the bed next to him before taking off his glasses and dropping his head into his hands.
Then, finally, he cried.
Della Duck. Dead. His best friend. Dead.
It was impossible, improbable. Della Duck was a famed adventurer barely two decades old. She breathed life. She had faced perils and terrors far worse than a cosmic storm, sustained injuries far worse, and bounced back.
Because of Gyro’s invention. Maybe if he had worked a little harder, been a little more meticulous, he could have saved her.
He had failed again, gambled and lost with precious lives again, caused death and destruction again. It was Tokyolk all over again, and this time, the lost stakes were even more personal.
Gyro grabbed his phone suddenly, shakingly off the bed and pulled up Della’s contact. Her face beamed back at him, so full of life it seemed to burst from the tiny circle on his cracked phone screen.
He called her again, listening to it ring with baited breath even though he already knew the outcome.
“Hey, this is Della Duck, adventurer extraordinaire! I’m probably trekking through the Amazon or fighting a demon monarch in another dimension right now. Catch ya later!”
Gyro hung up before she could finish her last syllable and sobbed.
February 28 I 2:26 pm
Della Duck: fyi I’m picking Huey up today instead of Launchpad since he has a sleepover with his friend Jason today
Della Duck: you know
Della Duck: in case you wanna hide from me again
Della Duck: btw do you care if I snag that magnifying glass that shrinks people in like a month? We’re gonna go to Miniapolis soon
Della Duck: i mean i’m gonna take it anyway but figured you might want a heads up
March 14 I 5:18 pm
Gyro Gearloose: go ahead
Della Duck: GYRO!!!!
Della Duck: oh sorry
Della Duck: look I’m really excited but I also don’t wanna come on too strong
Gyro Gearloose: you’re fine
Della Duck: :D
Gyro Gearloose: it’s my fault I was being a coward
Gyro Gearloose: i couldn’t face my emotions and that was shitty of me
Della Duck: Gyro i took off in a rocket at midnight without telling anyone and left my kids without a mother for a decade
Della Duck: i win for stupid shitty actions here
Gyro Gearloose: it’s not a contest
Gyro Gearloose: we’re both shitty and stupid let’s leave it at that
Della Duck: yeah ur right
Gyro Gearloose: but dels
Gyro Gearloose: I’m sorry
Gyro Gearloose: it’s been almost a year and i fucking ignored you
Gyro Gearloose: i had the chance to get you back and i didn’t take it
Della Duck: hey
Della Duck: it’s okay
Della Duck: i know this is all a lot
Della Duck: i’m here now and that’s what matters
Gyro Gearloose: della i’m so glad
Della Duck: hey Huey is coming to the lab today
Della Duck: what if I come to pick him up and then you and I go out and catch up?
Della Duck: get expensive coffee on Uncle Scrooge’s dime just like old times?
Gyro Gearloose: fuck yeah
Gyro Gearloose: I’ve missed our expensive shitty coffee and gossip
Gyro Gearloose: I have SO much shit to talk about Dr. Akita
Gyro Gearloose: god
Gyro Gearloose: I hate him now
Della Duck: oh man
Della Duck: Huey told me a bit about Tokyolk but I want to hear all about it for you
Della Duck: and Boyd!!! Omg I can’t believe you’re a father
Della Duck: he’s so sweet
Gyro Gearloose: I don’t know if I’d call myself a father he has the Drakes
Della Duck: but you want to be don’t you?
Gyro Gearloose: ...yeah
Gyro Gearloose: but i’d be a shitty parent you know that
Della Duck: actually I don’t think so
Della Duck: i’m a shitty parent and I’m doing fine
Gyro Gearloose: what a surprise
Della Duck: wow thanks for the vote of confidence
Della Duck: but Beakley Donald and Scrooge are helping me
Della Duck: we’ll help you
Della Duck: join the shitty parents club!!
Gyro Gearloose: haha all right
Della Duck: also
Della Duck: i want to hear all about fenton
Gyro Gearloose: then I want to hear all about Penumbra
Gyro Gearloose: you’re not the only one who can play the love interest card
Della Duck: joke’s on you I WANT to talk about penny
Della Duck: anyway i’m leaving now
Della Duck: see you soon!!
Gyro Gearloose: i can’t wait to see you and your ugly 10-year-old clothes
Gyro Gearloose: seriously you’re wearing almost the exact same outfit
Della Duck:  uh HELLO you have no right to shit on the way I dress look at yourself
Della Duck: you dress like a very old gay man
Della Duck: i mean that vest?? really?
Gyro Gearloose: at least i’m not old
Della Duck: touché
Della Duck: LP is driving so i’m almost there see you in a sec
Della Duck: and i’ll probably grab that magnifying glass now
Gyro Gearloose: that’s fine
Gyro Gearloose: i missed you
Della Duck: aw you old sap
Della Duck: never thought i’d hear you say anything like that tbh you’ve gone soft
Gyro Gearloose: I realized recently that my greatest mistakes were not as black-and-white as they seemed
Gyro Gearloose: and if Boyd can forgive me for unknowingly letting Akita turn him into a weapon of mass destruction and for me ignoring him for years and belittling him throughout this trip
Gyro Gearloose: and if I can face both brainwashed 2BO and Akita and win with the “power of love” or whatever than maybe I can talk to you
Della Duck: damn
Della Duck: I have SO many questions about Tokyolk
Della Duck: but i can hold onto them for a minute
The lab doors dinged open, but Della was sprinting out of them before they were fully open. The rest of Team Science watched warily as Della rushed towards Gyro, beaming and laughing, joy seeming to spill out of her. They expected him to hide, or push her away. but to their happy surprise, Gyro met her halfway and wrapped her in a hug.
Or, Della nearly crashed into him and squeezed him so tight he couldn’t breathe, prompting some annoyance, but it was crushed under the sheer joy and emotions of seeing his estranged best friend after eleven years.
Gyro laughed shakily, holding back tears, until he realized Della was crying too. She got snot on his work shirt, but he didn’t care.
They held each other for quite a while, until Della finally pulled back, wiped her eyes, and socked Gyro in the shoulder. “Don’t ever leave me hanging like that again, you hear?! I will hunt you down! I’ll give you your space but I’ll hunt you down! I won’t let this happen again!”
Gyro smiled and wiped away his own tears. “Yes, ma’am. Now, coffee?”
Della beamed. “The expensive kind. You got it.”
“It’s about time,” Manny tapped grumpily in the background, with Huey, Fenton, and Lil’ Bulb adding their agreement, but Della and Gyro ignored them as they flounced out of the lab.They had eleven years of friendship and gossip to catch up on, after all.
{it’s not too late, it was
never too late}
woohoo this is a wild ride! i didn’t intend for it to be this long but it just got away from me. Della and Gyro having a friendship, especially before the spear of selene, is one of my favorite headcanons. I think Della would basically grab Gyro and force him to be friends with her and to hang out with her haha.
I have a hard time writing Gyro as mean as he is in canon because I’m a sensitive sweet bean who isn’t creative or socially adept enough to come up with good insults (yet, hopefully). but i’m getting better! i hope this read as somewhat in character. same with Goldie, i’ve been trying to figure out how to write her for two years now sdfghgfds. I think I got Della’s character somewhat down though!
soft Gyro is more of an interpretation (albeit supported by canon) than canon fact but I LOVE it and i’m writing four (counting this) fics based off of it so get ready for that
the title and song lyrics are from People Need a Melody by The Head and the Heart. That song is really special to me because it was my closing song for camp last year (we would sing a song special for each unit each night before bed). I didn’t plan to use this song from the start (the working title was “DR. GYRO GEARLOOSE GET OFF UR ASS AND ANSWER UR PHONE -Della”) - I was listening to it one night, nostalgic for camp, while writing this fic and I realized the lyrics fit!
(also I was on a call for colorguard while I was writing this author’s note and my instructor said “I hear a lot of typing” lol)
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your-dietician · 3 years
Over 270,000 people sign petition for France vs Switzerland to be replayed
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/sports/over-270000-people-sign-petition-for-france-vs-switzerland-to-be-replayed/
Over 270,000 people sign petition for France vs Switzerland to be replayed
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Switzerland’s goalkeeper Yann Sommer (R) saves a penalty by France’s forward Kylian Mbappe during the UEFA EURO 2020 round of 16 football match between France and Switzerland at the National Arena in Bucharest – GETTY IMAGES
Over 270,000 fans have signed a petition calling on Uefa to replay the Euro 2020 last-16 match between France and Switzerland because “the rules (of the game) were not respected” when Swiss goalkeeper Yann Sommer saved Kylian Mbappé’s decisive penalty.
Mbappé’s miss resulted in the world champions crashing out of the tournament in Bucharest after leading their eventual conquerors 3-1 at one point in the match.
But a petition was launched by a disgruntled French fan, Pierre, in the aftermath of the penalty shootout, demanding that Uefa replay the tie because Sommer’s feet were over the line as Mbappe struck the ball. Goalkeepers need to keep at least one foot on the goal-line when facing a penalty, otherwise the spot-kick can be retaken.
Neither the referee nor Var intervened on Sommer’s save but more than 270,000 people signed the petition – which has now been closed – despite several different angles showing that Sommer’s foot was on the line when Mbappé kicked the ball.
The hosts of the petition, leslignesbougent.org, wrote that “Uefa had been officially approached to gauge its position on the matter”, and that Pierre had informed the host site that he wished for the petition to be closed after the angles showing the legality of Sommer’s position came to light. “Our servers exploded,” the site added.
The original petition read: “During the penalty shootout of the France v Switzerland match, goalkeeper Sommer was not on his line ahead of Mbappé’s shot. We ask that Switzerland’s qualification is cancelled so that the match can be replayed.
“Sport must be played within the rules and that evening the rules were not respected.”
02:53 PM
Czech Republic v Denmark
Denmark coach Kasper Hjulmand says the team is looking to Christian Eriksen as an inspiration ahead of the match against the Czech Republic in the Euro 2020 quarter-finals.
Story continues
Eriksen suffered a cardiac arrest during Denmark’s opening game of the tournament. Team-mates were left shaken after seeing him receive emergency medical treatment on the field.
Hjulmand says “we’ll play with that heart of Christian Eriksen once again.”
The winner will face either England or Ukraine in the semi-finals.
02:49 PM
Masterful Jordan Pickford has joined an elite band valued more by his country than his club
Unlike at Everton, when Pickford wears an England shirt he looks like he is sure he belongs out there, the undisputed No 1.
Jamie Carragher’s latest column for Telegraph Sport.
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Jordan Pickford celebrating England’s last-16 win – GETTY IMAGES
02:38 PM
The Battle of Rome
Paul Ince’s bloody headband, chaos in the stands – and Southgate’s dark side.
England’s last trip to the Italian capital, in 1997, was another game they could not contemplate losing. David Seaman looks back on that momentous night.
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Paul Gascoigne (L) and a topless Paul Ince (R) – GETTY IMAGES
02:20 PM
England get to work…
… with the quarter-final against Ukraine just over 24 hours away.
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Kalvin Phillips of England trains during the England Training Session at St George’s Park on July 02 – GETTY IMAGES
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Mason Mount of England trains during the England Training Session at St George’s Park on July 02 – GETTY IMAGES
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Tyrone Mings shifting some tin – GETTY IMAGES
01:56 PM
Boris Johnson says he has no plans to reduce Euro 2020 stadium crowds
Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday he did not plan to order a reduction in crowds attending the remaining Euro 2020 matches due to take place at Wembley.
Crowd capacity at Wembley will be increased to more than 60,000 fans for the semi-finals and final of Euro 2020 under a pilot scheme announced last week.
“Of course we’ll follow the scientific guidance and the advice if we receive any such suggestion,” Johnson said in response to a question at a news conference, alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel who said she was worried about Uefa’s decision to let more people into stadiums.
“But at the moment… the position is very clear in the UK, which is that we have certain events which we can put on in a very careful and controlled manner with testing of everybody who goes there.”
01:34 PM
England fans in Rome
The first pictures are beginning to filter back home…
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Fans gather in Rome ahead of Ukraine v England – Rome, Italy – July 2, 2021 – REUTERS
12:20 PM
Germany’s Kroos announces retirement from international football
Germany midfielder Toni Kroos has announced his retirement from international football after his team’s exit from the European Championship, the 31-year-old said on Instagram.
The 2014 World Cup winner earned 106 caps for his country, contributing 17 goals and 19 assists.
Kroos said it was clear to him “for a long time” that he would not be available for the World Cup in Qatar next year.
He said his priority now would be to focus on his club career with Real Madrid and spending time with his family.
12:16 PM
The eight defining games of Raheem Sterling’s England career
From scapegoat to star man, Sterling has been the object of anger and criticism but is now England’s most experienced player and one of Euro 2020’s pre-eminent players.
Here, Sam Wallace runs down the eight matches that have defined his international career to date.
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England’s forward Raheem Sterling celebrates the first goal during the UEFA EURO 2020 round of 16 football match between England and Germany at Wembley – GETTY IMAGES
12:00 PM
Emma Hayes signs new Chelsea deal
A revealed by Telegraph Sport in May, Emma Hayes, who has starred as a pundit at Euro 2020, has signed a new deal to remain as manager of Chelsea, the Women’s Super League champions have announced.
The 44-year-old has been with the club since 2012 and guided them to four WSL titles, two FA Cups and two League Cups. Hayes’ side were also Champions League runners-up last season.
She said on Chelsea’s official website: “Everyone knows what this club means to me.
“The work we’ve done together over the last nine years has been hugely rewarding, full of growth of the women’s game, accompanied with winning, which is one of the club’s key values. I really look forward to keep building on the successes we’ve already achieved and I’m delighted to have extended further.
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Emma Hayes the manager of Chelsea Women lifts the Barclays FA Women’s Super League trophy after the Barclays FA Women’s Super League match between Chelsea Women and Reading Women at Kingsmeadow on May 09, 2021 in Kingston upon Thame – GETTY IMAGES
“It’s been a year and a half without fans, so I can’t wait to welcome them back to our home and share with them the wonderful team we’ve built together.”
Having retained the WSL trophy and the League Cup in 2020-21, Chelsea fell short of adding the Champions League as they were beaten 4-0 by Barcelona in the final in Gothenburg.
That was a first appearance in the final for the Blues – who reached the semi-finals in 2018 and 2019 – and the first by an English club since Arsenal, who had Hayes as assistant manager at the time, won the competition in 2007.
11:24 AM
Some more Premier League news…
Chelsea midfielder Billy Gilmour has joined Norwich on a season-long loan deal.
The 20-year-old impressed for Scotland in a goalless draw against England at Euro 2020 on June 18, before then having to self-isolate after returning a positive Covid-19 test.
Following his performance at Wembley it was reported that several Premier League clubs were interested in signing Gilmour on a temporary basis.
Newly-promoted Norwich have won the race for his signature and Canaries boss Daniel Farke feels Gilmour is a “perfect fit” for his Canaries team.
“We are really happy to have brought Billy in,” said Farke, who saw midfielder Emiliano Buendia leave for Aston Villa for £33million last month.
“We must say a big thank you to Chelsea and all those involved for making this deal happen. I think it helped that in the past we have shown that young players with potential are in good hands here at Norwich City.
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Billy Gilmour – GETTY IMAGES
“He will help us to achieve our targets. We still have to keep in mind that he is an unbelievably young guy and that he hasn’t played regularly on this level. We have to give him some time and space to improve and find his rhythm.”
Gilmour made 11 appearances for Chelsea last season, starting three Premier League matches.
The former Rangers youth player was an unused substitute in both the FA Cup and Champions League finals as Thomas Tuchel’s side lost the domestic showpiece to Leicester but beat Manchester City to become champions of Europe.
11:10 AM
The England team Gareth Southgate should pick to defeat Ukraine
Telegraph football writers pick their XIs – and you can too, by clicking here.
We have asked our writers to pick who they would like to see face the Ukrainians, especially bearing in mind that four of the England squad are on yellow cards.
10:50 AM
How England can beat Ukraine and take another step to glory
What do we know about England’s opponents? What are their strengths and what are the areas to exploit? Who are the players to watch out for?
Telegraph Sport spoke to Ukranian football expert Andrew Todos and former Norther Ireland manager Michael O’Neill, who masterminded a win over Ukraine at Euro 2016.
You can read our big match dossier by clicking here.
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Graphic depicting England and Ukraine’s star players
10:30 AM
England at full strength for Ukraine
Gareth Southgate’s 26-man squad all trained on the eve of England’s Euro 2020 quarter-final against Ukraine.
The reward for Tuesday’s 2-0 last-16 win against Germany at Wembley is Saturday’s clash against Andriy Shevchenko’s side in Rome.
The Three Lions fly to Italy on Friday afternoon and the full squad trained at their St George’s Park base that morning.
Mason Mount and Ben Chilwell were among those in action, having left isolation on the day of the Germany match after coming into contact with Chelsea team-mate Billy Gilmour, who tested positive for Covid-19 after playing for Scotland against England.
Harry Maguire, Declan Rice, Kalvin Phillips and Phil Foden are a booking away from a suspension heading into the quarter-final.
Manchester United defender Maguire, who was named man of the match on Tuesday, is set to join manager Southgate at Friday evening’s press conference in Rome.
10:23 AM
Captain Kane reporting for England training
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JULY 02: Harry Kane of England trains during the England Training Session at St George’s Park on July 02, 2021 in Burton upon Trent, – GETTY IMAGES
10:08 AM
In Premier League news…
From our reporter, Mike McGrath.
09:44 AM
No, not the Trojan war hero, but the cat that lives in St Petersburg’s Hermitage museum. He chose Spain while attempting to predict the result of tonight’s quarter-final.
Probably no need to play tonight now – the cat’s called it…
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Achilles the cat, that lives in St. Petersburg’s Hermitage museum, chooses Spain while attempting to predict the result of the UEFA Euro 2020 quarter final match between Switzerland and Spain during an event in Saint Petersburg, – REUTERS
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Achilles the cat, that lives in St. Petersburg’s Hermitage museum, chooses Spain while attempting to predict the result of the UEFA Euro 2020 quarter final match between Switzerland and Spain during an event in Saint Petersburg, – REUTERS
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Achilles the cat, that lives in St. Petersburg’s Hermitage museum, chooses Spain while attempting to predict the result of the UEFA Euro 2020 quarter final match between Switzerland and Spain during an event in Saint Petersburg, – REUTERS
09:23 AM
De Bruyne and Hazard
Belgium boss Roberto Martinez will give Kevin De Bruyne and Eden Hazard until the last minute to prove their fitness ahead of tonight’s Euro 2020 quarter-final clash with Italy.
Manchester City star De Bruyne suffered an ankle injury during Sunday’s 1-0 win over Portugal, during which Real Madrid’s Hazard also limped off with a muscle problem, and neither was able to train with the rest of the squad on Thursday morning.
However, speaking at his pre-match press conference ahead of the game in Munich, Martinez said: “We all know that we are fighting against time, but we’re going to take until the last minute to make the decision.
“Every day that goes by, every time they can sleep and get three meals and get some treatment, we see an improvement, and then we’ll see [today] if they can be involved or not. Unfortunately at the moment, we cannot make a decision.
“Obviously it will be difficult for [today] – a soft tissue injury in Eden’s case, maybe is difficult for a game like tomorrow, and for Kevin, having a ligament problem maybe is a bit different.
“But it’s more a medical decision. At the moment, it’s not a football decision; [today]it will become a medical decision in the afternoon and then we’ll make a football decision after that.”
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De Bruyne left the pitch looking dejected in Belgium’s win over Portugal – GETTY IMAGES
Martinez could do with having all his most potent weapons available for a clash with an Italian side which is unbeaten in 31 matches, while both teams are bidding to become the first to win 15 consecutive European Championship matches since the start of qualification.
09:06 AM
In case you missed it…
Neil Diamond told The Telegraph yesterday how “thrilled” he was that England fans were singing his famous ‘Sweet Caroline’ song at Wembley.
“Well, I hope you can do it again – here’s to England”, he told The Telegraph.
The 1969 song has featured in every England victory celebration at Euro 2020 and was a high point of celebrations after the team beat Germany 2 – 0 in the round of 16.
After the match, striker Harry Kane and coach Gareth Southgate both told the media how much they enjoyed hearing fans belt out the song in unison.
08:52 AM
Tournament odds
The bookies have England now as Euro 2020 favourites – even at 2/1 in some outlets.
Then come Spain (3/1) followed by Italy (4/1), with Ukraine the outside shot with bookmakers at 33/1.
08:41 AM
Magic Monday
A look-back at the day that proved internationals reach parts that the club game cannot.
As if Spain 5 Croatia 3 wasn’t enough, Switzerland and France also served up a classic on Monday night. What made it so memorable?
Read Thom Gibbs’ excellent breakdown here.
08:30 AM
RIP Charlie
08:16 AM
Predictions for this evening
Let us know in the comments below!
I’m going Spain and Italy to progress… just.
08:14 AM
Alvaro Morata
As Sam Dean writes, Alvaro Morata has scored 21 goals in 44 appearances for his country. He has won 14 major trophies in club football. He has played for four of the biggest clubs in the world and he has been transferred between them for a combined total of more than £170 million. If he finds the net against Switzerland on Friday, he will become the highest scorer in Spain’s European Championship history. Everything about his CV, and his list of accomplishments by the age of 28, suggests that Morata must be one of the continent’s elite forwards. And yet, for many people, the former Chelsea striker still seems to be regarded more as a punchline than as a top-level predator.
Read about how Morata has emerged from the darkness in a bright, dangerous Spain side.
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Spain’s Alvaro Morata celebrates after scoring his side’s fourth goal during the Euro 2020 soccer championship round of 16 match between Croatia and Spain at the Parken Stadium in Copenhagen – POOL GETTY
07:59 AM
Can Switzerland do it again?
A reminder of how the Swiss got there in the first place.
They knocked out the world champions, France, on penalties, after fighting back from 3-1 down.
Refresh yourself on events in Bucharest by clicking here.
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Kylian Mbappe missed the crucial penalty for France – GETTY IMAGES
07:35 AM
The Swiss are back!
Remember this bloke?
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Swiss fan reacts to their victory over France
Topless and fully clothed, desperate and ecstatic: a Swiss football supporter has become a viral sensation after cameras zoomed in on his rollercoaster emotions watching his team beat France in the Euro 2020 tournament.
Found by Swiss media after images of him yelling and grimacing during Monday’s match went round the world, Luca Loutenbach has already amended his Twitter account to describe himself as the “Nati’s official meme since 28.06.2021.”
The Nati is the nickname for Switzerland’s national football team.
Loutenbach, 28, told Switzerland’s Blick TV that he was “just a normal fan”.
But those filming the game thought otherwise, zooming in on him several times during the play as he perfectly encapsulated Swiss fans’ ecstasy, dejection and frenzied joy – starting off wearing the Swiss red shirt and ending up topless and screaming.
The images quickly went viral, with London Mayor Sadiq Khan tweeting one with the comment “man of the match”.
“A star is born,” Swiss public television RTS said.
“Thanks for all your messages, what is happening to me is unreal,” he wrote Wednesday on Twitter.
“I’m actually quite discreet, even if that wasn’t on show during the game. So this is fun for one or two days, but I hope it will ease off a bit after a while,” he told Swiss TV.
Such is his fame that Switzerland’s airline Swiss has gifted him a free ticket to Russia to see his team play Spain in the quarter finals on Friday in Saint Petersburg.
The country’s tourism agency has also contacted him via Twitter to offer a relaxing weekend away in Switzerland.
07:18 AM
Good morning!
Hello and welcome to Telegraph Sport’s live coverage of the build-up to quarter-finals day, with the first two last-eight games kicking off tonight. Switzerland face Spain in St Petersburg at 5pm before Belgium take on Italy in Munich at 8pm.
England midfielder Jack Grealish said captain Harry Kane is the best player he has ever played with and tipped the Tottenham Hotspur forward to break the Premier League scoring record.
Kane drew a blank in each of England’s three group games at Euro 2020 but scored the second goal in Tuesday’s 2-0 win over Germany which put them into a quarter-final clash with Ukraine in Rome on Saturday.
Grealish said Kane, or “H”, was a deadly finisher but also praised his work outside the box.
“No one here would ever doubt ‘H’,” Grealish told British media on Thursday. “He’s the best player I’ve ever played with.
“He’ll break the Premier League record and the England one but he’s not just a goalscorer. He’s unbelievable when he drops deep and finds passes and puts it through people’s legs.”
Alan Shearer is the Premier League’s all-time leading scorer with 260. Kane is seventh on the list with 166.
Grealish came off the bench to play a role in both goals in the win over Germany but the 25-year-old said he was uncertain if he would start against Ukraine, given the attacking options at coach Gareth Southgate’s disposal.
“It’s difficult. I’m always playing every minute at Villa. I have to be realistic about myself and the talent that we have, especially in my position,” he said.
“You’ve got six players that play either side of Harry that, in reality, could play for most clubs in the world — myself, Jadon (Sancho), Marcus (Rashford), Raheem (Sterling), Phil (Foden) and Bukayo (Saka),” he said.
“That’s scary how good us six are. That’s not being big-headed. That’s just the truth.”
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agent-yolk-writes · 5 years
Friends Like You and Us - Venom!Reader - Ch. 5
Successfully (hopefully) queued at the stroke of midnight to bring you the latest chapter of some spider shenanigans. Fresh off the back of AO3!
In this episode: The gang throws spaghetti at the wall until something sticks, Noir enjoys playing with the remote, you have a breakdown for five minutes, and your aunt really needs to get her shit together for important business trips.
I also made a master list! Anyone new who wants to start or the veterans who want to revisit that one part in that one chapter!
AO3 Version | Masterlist
”Welcome to the first, and hopefully only, Spider-Persons conference. First off, I would like to thank (First Name) for hosting us and fixing up drinks with what they had to work with. Our main objective tonight: get everyone back to their proper universes before we don’t feel so good anymore…” Ham eccentrically led the charge of the brainstorm session. He managed to clap the lights off and pulled down a projector screen out of nowhere, the screen flashing crude images of the four of you finding a potential solution with lines and circles everywhere. It almost looked like what football coaches had to look at. Staring down on all of you squeezed on the couch he added, ”...any ideas?” Before clapping the lights back on, shooting the screen back from where it came.
Not risking what damage you might’ve inflicted on your phone, you pursued what you were looking for on your laptop while being squished to the side of the couch. It’s loading speeds left something to be desired, but it’s still functional and you can’t complain. Venom does about the heat, but that’s out of your control.
Over the horizon of your screen, you could see Peni, seated in the middle, pulling a projection of your New York out of nowhere and zoomed in on your current location. You weren’t really paying attention to what she was saying as she played around with the map. You were internally arguing with your backseat navigator on where you say the post last, only to find out the mods did indeed removed it from the search bar. Now you’re left in a predicament.
Try finding news archives.
Oh...Oh yea...No wonder I keep you around.
Where was he when you had to take the SATs?
He was right. Spider-Man’s death was the national news! There were so many news choppers around that it almost risked the two of you being forced apart by sound alone. Because of that, as well as the risk of you getting caught, you didn’t feel it was safe enough to investigate it yourself. Thanks to the media, you didn’t have to do the heavy lifting.
“You thinking it could be Osbird?” You heard Ham ask.
“Osbird? Ain’t it supposed to be Osborn?” Noir questioned.
“(First Name)!” Peni calls to you. “Does the Green Goblin exist in this universe?”
Didn’t he...
Died with Spider-Man.
. I think he got killed in the same explosion.” You mentally high fives your companion for being a database for most things super. Good thing your universes are very similar.
Still, that doesn’t help your allies as your enhanced ears heard Ham cursing under his breath.
To alleviate some of the pain you added, “...If it helps, I think he was working for this guy named Wilson Fisk.”
“Kingpin…” Everyone else said at the same time. “What in the Sam hell is he scheming?” Noir grimly added. Glancing at the Wikipedia page for him, apparently he has more money than god. Of course he would be living in NYC. That’s where all the corrupt billionaires live!
You wouldn't happen to know him, right?
Never met him.
Well, there goes your first potential lead. The first news article that pops up is Fisk sending his condolences to the aunt of Spider-Man, May Parker, as well as his wife Mary Jane. He released a sympathetic statement relating what it’s like to lose someone close. A jump to his Wiki states that he had a wife and son that were killed during a high-speed car crash. There were rumors for a while about the wife being the one in the speeding car, but all whispers were quickly squashed before the sun could rise the next day. Money really is an effective superpower these days.
Another article tells you that he’s been heavily involved in Alchemax, a business he acquired a few years ago. His main advisor and the one who looks after the company while he’s away is Doctor Olivia Octavius, a woman with the frizziest hair ever. You vaguely recall watching a documentary she was the main star in during your science class, but you didn’t really absorb what she was saying.
Your fingers rubbed your eyes to relieve some strain. It felt like listening to Hannah yapping non-stop about any villain Spider-man even looked at during lunch. Ever since this whole series of wacky events dragged you into this mess, you have just the right about of knowledge on at least the most popular, infamous really, supervillains.
“Welcome back to Inside Edition-” The new voice almost triggered your fight or flight responses if you didn’t look up and see that the television was on playing tonight’s Inside Edition. Wait, you didn’t turn it on. Looking to your left, you realized it was the only other person left on the couch with you and, thus, the closest one to the table with the remotes.
Squinting at Noir with tired eyes, you asked, “What are you doing?”
The monochrome detective was fixated on gripping the device in various locations. “Interesting...it doesn’t have wires, and yet it calls the huge black mirror to awake. It doesn’t run on steam or heat, not to mention it’s so tiny.” Surely they had batteries back then, right?
“Yea. That’s what remotes are.” You commented. “They were made so we don’t have to get up every time to change the channel. You can even change the volume to hear better...the long ones with the plus and minus on it.”
“And please do.” Ham waved his hand to get both of your attention. “I think something important is coming up.” You didn’t even have to question him as the television had the collapsed remnants of Spider-Man’s final stand being narrated by a blonde woman you can’t piece the name of.
“While the world still mourns the loss of Spider-Man, many are still trying to pick up the pieces of his final moments to paint a picture. Tonight, Insider Edition has gained exclusive footage from one of the first helicopters on sight of the explosion. What you’re about to see is graphic and may upset some viewers. Take a look-”
The camera switched to a shaky camera arriving on the scene. For a few seconds, you could see the East River and the Williamsburg Bridge that connects Manhattan and Brooklyn before it forces the viewers to focus on a trail of smoke coming from a crater.
“What used to be one of Wilson Fisk’s many investments is now up in smoke. There’s no word yet if there are any other casualties in the explosion. It is rumored that this building was used to hold scientific research and experimentations in the medical field. We tried contacting Fisk for a comment, but he has yet to respond.”
It cuts to another angle, and you could see a blur hiding away something red and blue. The original cameraman holding it let out a gasp and said something expletive. “We censored this for the viewers at home, but it was here that the camera crew noticed the body of Peter Parker, better known as Spider-Man, unmoving-”
The feeling in your stomach only got worse as the newsreel goes on. You felt upset to point of nausea. You wanted to tear your eyes away from all this sad news but at the same time, you don’t. You were there when the news broke out, you were at his funeral hiding behind one of the church’s spirals as his widow encouraged others wearing his mask that they too can be a hero. You could still remember the bile burning your throat that night, muttering ‘what-ifs’ to yourself as if you were the cause of his death.
You’ve only paid attention to him because he was your solstice to your new powers, but he’s now gone, leaving the two of you in the dark. You should be over this, but for some reason, you’re not.
“I-We’re going to bed. Goodnight.” With a slam of your laptop, you didn’t give them time to react before you slammed the door to your room shut and placing your desk chair under the knob as a security measure. You needed to be alone right now.
If it wasn’t for your companion supporting your body, you would’ve slammed your head on the bed frame. You were that much of a wreck that Venom had to assume control to get you safely on the bed.
“Talk to me, (First Name).” He rarely calls you by your name.
“I-I…” You got distracted with the tears streaming down your face. “I’m scared. It...It’s all coming crashing down on m-me now.” You grabbed the nearest pillow and stuffed your face in it. While anyone else couldn’t comprehend the muffled wailing through the pillow, Venom could hear you perfectly. “I don’t wanna do this! I never did!” After sobbing in silence for what could’ve been minutes, you let go of it to hug your knees. “Last month I thought about pursuing a career in journalism. How can I do that now? Now that I have a bugged alien in my system tearing me apart with him! Explain that to me, Venom!” You’re trying so hard not to alarm your compatriots outside your door, but you’re too exhausted emotionally at this point to properly check yourself at this point.
You could feel Venom’s tendrils wiping away your tears. His inky forehead bumps into yours like a cat. “(First Name), look at us. Breathe.” His voice rumbles something comforting in your chest. You couldn’t help but close your eyes and breathe alongside him. “That’s it…”
The room was quiet except for your synced breathing and the occasional sniffling. More minutes have passed and already you feel better than earlier.
“I...I’m sorry, Vee.” You whispered. “Everything just...happened, all at once. You, the other Spiders...I think this is what they call ‘imposter syndrome’ kicking in, I dunno.” Forcing out a laugh to ease the tension, you continued. “I just...felt out of place, having to put wool over our eyes to believe we’re sheep too. I hope we don’t have to suffer any longer. If everything works out, I don’t think anyone would have a clue about you...about us.”
Your symbiote friend curled himself around the pillow you were still latching onto. While it doesn’t feel like a genuine embrace, it’s the best thing you can work with.
“Do...Do you think tomorrow will be a better day?” You whisper.
“...I don’t know.” You’re not surprised at that answer. “We’re in a deep bond, we can’t lie to you even if we tried.”
“Do...Do you think it’ll affect whenever we find a way back to your home? The whole bonding thing?”
“...Vee?” You remembered him explaining about bonding briefly, when you had nightmares from his previous hosts. Symbiotes don’t really exist in this universe, so there’s no real documentation or even a tabloid piece about it.
“It's hard to say for certain. At this rate, we might die if this ’Kingpin’ lead gives us nothing to work on.”
”Yeah...That’s true.” You agreed, letting out a deep sigh. “But he has influence all over the place. He could hide anything if he waves enough money under someone’s nose.”
“Then we’ll eat them. Simple as that.” Venmo’s enthusiasm made you chuckle a bit.
“Well try not to eat their hands if there’s a fingerprint lock.”
“No promises. Now sleep.”
“Yeah yeah…” You snuggled deeper into your hugging pillow. “Night, Vee. Tomorrow’s gonna be better, I hope.”
“Goodnight, (First Name).” With that, you closed your eyes. If you went to sleep any later, you would’ve caught a conversation of two certain spiders from outside and something about a goober.
Outside of your room, the others were fixated on what came on after seeing the remnants of the explosion.
“Social media is blowing up over this mystery figure seen all across Manhattan. Blink and you’ll miss it, but it looks like there’s already someone taking the shape of Spider-Man!” It was a set of shaky pictures and so-called ‘tweets’ of people freaking out.
“On person tweeted quote, “Some nightmare version of Spider-Man just passed my window, i think that’s my sleep paralysis demon #fml.” Another reported saying quote, “I think I saw it ate the local drug dealer whole. gross. to think i had to witness vore at four in the morning. stay classy, nyc.””
“Our sources at PDNY say that this mysterious person, if it even is a person, is not believed to be involved in Spider-Man’s death. However, they are a person of interest in multiple disappearance cases involving convicted felons that have been released from prison ranging from drug dealers to serial killers.”
“PDNY reminds everyone that if they see something, say something.”
The trio looked at each other, an unspoken question is trying to be answered. Ham was the only one who looked at the door where you entered for the night before passing air through his lips.
“Pfft, there’s no way.” He says to Peni and Noir. “I mean, what are the chances? They’re too nice and they’re housing us. If they were harboring a murderous symbiote, they would’ve told by now...right? Right?”
A surprise pair of glitching and convulsions woke you up earlier that day. Not wanting to feel sick by getting up immediately, you just lied there and drifted up for two hours or so before a series of knocks jolted your sleep away.
“Rise and shine, kid!” Noir yelled.
“We got a mission!” Peni added enthusiastically. A mission? This early? A glance on your phone, however, says it’s almost 10 in the morning. So much for going to school.
You pushed your upper body off the bed with a groan. Venom pushes himself back under your body and into your ‘pajamas’.
“Mmmf...it’s too early for hero stuff..” You grumble, wiping off any remnants of sleep. “Don’t heroes have...unions, or whatever?” Was among the other incoherent grumbles as you washed up and got ready for the day.
Finishing your wakeup routine in the bathroom, you were immediately greeted with your three inter-dimensional companions bustling around as much as they can in such a small apartment. SP//dr’s hanging out on the fire escape ladder, but his visor is lighting up inside so you can barely make out Peni hard at work with something. Noir’s holding the remote, continuously surfing channels and not really stopping at all even at the channels that play classic black and white film. Ham is...stacking a tower from whatever he can find on the fridge. You pray he didn’t see the unopened package of black forest ham you know that’s in there.
Of course, Ham was the first one to notice you staring at him. “What? I’m a growing pig.” Before you could even answer that, he slides the leaning tower of breakfast into his mouth in a single bite. You couldn’t help but be impressed yet slightly jealous.
The mech’s visor slides open and out pops out Peni. “Good morning! Sorry we didn’t wake you up earlier, but the phone rang.” She explains.
“Did you...answer it?” You asked with an eyebrow popped up.
“Well…” She looks down, pushing her pointer fingers together like she’s hiding something she broke. “We tried, buuut...we couldn’t figure out how to actually answer it.”
You looked over at the home phone. It wasn’t anything special, just a wireless phone that you had to press a button in order to answer an incoming call. “...You don’t have cordless phones in your home universe?”
“Everything’s at my fingertips, so I don’t need one at home.” Was her defense.
“Mine has a sleek new design that looks like a candlestick.” Noir turned his head to add in.
You looked over at Ham. “And what’s your excuse?”
“...In my defense, we have cans with a string between them. Reception’s a hit or miss these days.” You shouldn’t be surprised at his answer, but it still doesn’t stop the double facepalm you gave yourself. Peering back to the phone, you noticed that there’s a blinking light indicating someone left a voice message. As you walked over to play it, part of you prayed it wasn’t the school asking for your unexcused whereabouts.
“You have, one, new message.” Don’t be school, don’t be school... “Hi, sweetie! It’s your aunt!” Oh, thank god. “I hope you’re doing okay on your own, but I need your help with something. I...accidentally forgot to send out a file on my work computer, and I need it for an important meeting tomorrow. Would you be a dear and head over to my office? There should be like multiple post-it notes with the file name as a reminder for me to send it.” Mary laughed as her own forgetfulness. “Your visitor pass should still be working, so use that to get in. I’m sure the guards will enjoy seeing your lovely face again. Try not to stumble onto Alchemax’s floor this time. Call back soon, love you~”
“End of message. To delete the message…”
You look back over at the trio sheepishly. “Oh, yea...forgot my aunt works in a pharmaceutical building that neighbors an Alchemax branch...Hahaaa, that’s soo weird…Now what?”
You could hear Venom sighing inside your head. Funny how things seem to go together right when you need it.
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mythgendered · 6 years
Archie Mega Man: No, it’s ACTUALLY about ethics in video game robotics!
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Alright guys, cards on the table: I’ve talked a big game about what I like about the comic so far, with words like theming and worldbuilding and fleshed out characters, but now we’re really getting into it. We’re about to take our first real dive into the story that Flynn has been prepping for us. We’ve had fun in the first three arcs, setting up the stories to come with talks of free will and what it means to be a self aware robot, mashed in with fun adventures and at least one robot dog.
But now the kid gloves are...well, they’re still on, because this is still the super fighting robot comic and we have a lot of goofy adventures left in us. But! we’re switching to something cool, something that says less Mickey Mouse and more...Sonic the Hedgehog.
So let’s put on out fingerless kids gloves and dive into Spiritus Ex Machina, or TERRORISM AND THE ETHICS OF CREATING FEELING MACHINES!
Heads up, this is a long one.
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With Dr Wily foiled again and seemingly off the radar, the Light family is afforded some relative peace -- and just in time for the Advanced Robotics Trade Show! It’s a time of meeting new faces and reuniting with old friends, and we are introduced to two of Doctor Light’s oldest friends and fellow roboticists: Dr. Mikhail Cossack and Dr. Noelle Lalinde.
The trade show isn't just about exchanging ideas, as Doctors Light and Lalindre take the stage to debate robotic ethics; namely, is it right to give a thinking, feeling AI to a robot meant for dangerous tasks? Is it ethical to let a robot feel emotion, even negative ones?
The debate gets heated, but before it can continue, the convention is hijacked by a terrorist group known as the Emerald Spears (ha, ha). The Spears are a militant anti-machine group, and they seek to put an end to the field of robotics through any means necrssary-- first through debate, then with the explosions they’ve planted around the convention center.
That leaves Mega Man, Roll and his new companions Pharoh Man and Quake Woman with little time and fewer options to save the day-- because while they’re programmed to help, how can they when they can’t harm humans?
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And here we are! We’ve finally arrived at the meat and potatoes of Archie’s Mega Man, and what Flynn has been working toward for the past few arcs. Everything I said I loved about the comic takes shape here, built atop the foundation laid in Time Keeps On Slipping and even the first four issues.
There’s a lot to enjoy here, so let’s take things part by part.
Since Mega Man X introduced repolids and their free will, the franchise has had great potential for a conversation about the ethics of robotics, about how far science can go, or how far it should go. This is a conversation that Ian Flynn is clearly interested in, and the comic is all the better for it. It’s these questions that, while in the background of the last three arcs, are now irrevocably hanging  over the cast’s heads, looming over everything they do.
Is it right to create thinking, feeling robots? If we give them the ability to feel and choose, are we putting a gun to our head? Conversely, if we limit those choices, are we condemning thinking, sentient creatires to a shackled, hollow existence? Is it fair to take away that independence, especially if they won’t be able to care about what you’ve taken?  At what point does the gift of life become a cruelty-- and to whom is it the most cruel? 
If I’m sounding a bit pretentious, I hope you’ll forgive me--but these are the kinds of questions that drive the comic from here on out. And while Rock and his allies continue to struggle against the forces of evil, at times those supervillians merely serve as merciful distractions from the real, troubling implications of he world Thomas Light has ushered in. A world that, by series canon, arguably ends up hurting more than it does heal. 
It’s a wonderful level of nuance that Flynn brings to this setting, and one that grounds the otherwise cartoony classic era in a way that more naturally leads into the darker X series-- while still preserving the fiun spirit of it all. I’ll admit, I’m something of a sucker for these “soft existential crisis”angles in scifi stories, and the comic manages to balance it out with the super heroics admirably.
In fact, it’s that balance that drives the arc’s central conflict!
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Rock isn’t fighting a group of rogue, reprogrammed robots, here. The Emerald Spears are wholly human, and that doesn’t just tie our heroes’ hands, it shackles them. Elec Man openly gripes about his uselessness, even bringing up that if he still had Wily’s evil programming, the story might have ended a lot sooner.
(Which, itself, is very relevant to the arc’s proceedings)
The conflict is something of a puzzle-- how do our heroes save the day without breaking the one rule they literally can’t break? The answer becomes working around he Spears, tricking them where they can and disarming them to reduce their threat. Ironically, it isn’t until the Spear’s impromptu new leader, Xander Payne (who we’ll get to in a moment), loses his patience and gets trigger happy that our heroes can fully fight back.
All the while the doctors trade words with the Spears’ leadership, continuing the ethics debate started at the arc’s beginning.
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It’s a brilliant blending of physical and philosophical conflict, each joined together for a coherent, compelling storyline. This is easily the best the run has seen, with a gripping and intelligent arc that also sets up the stories and themes to come.
I know I’ve been repeating that a lot over the course of these pseudoreviews, so here’s the best time as any to just lay out our themes -- Flynn’s themes. Themes of what it means to be a living, thinking machine, and of what impact living machines have on the world. Themes of scientific progress, and where we should or even can draw the line. Themes of forgiveness -- who we can forgive, and who we maybe should stop giving chances to, and can we forgove ourselves? What consequences do our actions have, and at what point do good intentions stop mattering?
These are the questions the comic asks time and again, and rearely do they have clear cut answers, because these arent questions that can be answered simply.  But they’re questions that need to be asked, and are asked, and the comic is just...so much better for it, guys.
Hey, I said up top this reread would be a lot of gushing.
But let’s start talking nice about other stuff this good good arc does right!
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As I said back in the first storyline, Flynn makes good use of his Mega Man lore to worldbuild. In three arcs, we’ve gotten references to Blues and Mr X, heaps and heaps of foreshadowing to the X era, and now we sre formally introduced to the Cossacks and future Mega Man 4 boss Pharaoh Man. It really ties the setting together-- of course these titans of robotics would know each other outside of Wily attacks. It’s also just nice to see these characters have a tangible presence in the workd prior to their “intended”  introduction in their respective games.
Plus, lookit that big hug Thomas gives his friend. That’s cute as heck!!
But even with the worldbuilding, it also gives us that sweet, sweet dramatic irony we love.
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Yeah Pharaoh Man, thats sounds like it would be rough!!
Flynn gets a little cheeky with the irony and he foreshadowing, but it honestly gets me every time and I love it.
But this arc doesn’t also just bring out the goods with established characters/- we also get a whole feast of brand new original characters!
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Spiritus Ex Machina introduces us to Dr. Noelle Lalinde and her own robot master, Tempo, also known as Quake Woman. And guys? You know I talked a lot of love for Agents Stern and Krantz. I love them. They were great characters when they were inteoduced, and they will continue to be great characters in every story they feature in.
But I absolute ADORE the Lalinde family, and Tempo herself may just be my favorite of all the comic’s original characters.
(Also, say hi to Pedro in the corner there! He’ll be important soon, and meshes the comic’s strengths of OCs AND established characters.)
In addition to adding a much appreciated female presence to the Mega Man Universe, Tempo and Lalinde embody many of the comic’s themes of sentient AI, robot emotions and familial forgiveness. Theirs is a tragic, but ultimately happy, story of pain, loss and growth. I. Love. Them.
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This arc primarily focuses on Dr Lalinde, and how Tempo’s accident affected her and hew worldview-- explaining the hard stance she took against Thomas “my robots are my children” Light during the debate.
Tempo is more of a...presence than a character here, which is the point-- Lalinde took something from her, something unimaginably precious, and left her literally a shell of what she once was. Future issues will focus more on Quake Woman herself, and we’ll get to see how these same effects impact her, so I’ll save that discussion for later. This post is already getting long enough, and I haven’t even touched on the bad guys yet!!
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The Emerald Spears are...alright antagonists. They serve as effective bad guys in Dr Wily’s absence, and their more realistic approach to terrorism contrasts well with the Mad Doctor’s own theatrics and literal mustache twirling. I don’t see Xander payne chainsawing a Japanese cyprus with a cord plugged into it.
They also provide a more philosophical counter, by harshly and violently pushing back against the pro-robotics ideals of Dr Light and his colleagues. They fear and hate the dangers advanced robotics pose, and are working to prevent the undermining and extinction of humanity. And honestly? Take one look at the X series -- heck, the Zero series!! -- and tell me they’re not a little right to worry.
I mean, they’re absolute monsters who threaten countless lives in pursuit of a bruitish, self serving and discriminatory worldview but uh...things really arent great for humanity in any of the multiple bloody robot wars that consume the planet over several series and centuries.
What I’m saying is, theres another layer of dramatic irony when your shortsighted, idiotic doomsday cult happens to be right, you know? This never happens in the Battle Network timeline!
The Emerald Spears are bunch of preachy, annoying jerks, but their presence is welcome in this setting, even if Xander Payne is an absolute weenie!!
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In what appears to be a soft retcon, Xander Payne is (re)introduced to us as this sunglasses dude from Issue #2. Since hen he’s become a fanatical, robot-hating terrorist leader because, uh...
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Because Elec Man zapped him and now he’s got a sick robot eye??
Ok, so Xander’s is not exactly the most...tragic of backstories, especially by this comic’s standards. He might be, in fact, 100 percent a dick. And yeah, that mostly has to do with him trying to bomb a bunch of innocents and his own men, but its really informed by him being such a baby about it all!
I’m of two minds with Payne-- on one hand, he’s kind of a whiny baby throwing a tantrum at advanced robotics, and he has a really gross pencil stache. But again, there’s a certain narrative beauty to a major antagonist being this much of a weenie while, again, kind of also being right!
His presence is not as irritating as it could be, and he largely justifies himself with later, far more interesting revelations than “I never asked for this sweet robot eye.” 
But enough about that! lets talk about he really interesting bad guy!
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Dr Wily rules the B Plot of this arc, which sees him exploring the mysterious Lanafront Ruins and discovering several ancient technologies-- the largest of which begins building for him a brand new army of robot masters.
This is largely set up for future arcs, the Super Adventure Rockman adaptation in particular, but--
Actually, can we take a moment to sppreciate how cool it is that the comic adapts Super Adventure Rockman of all things? And well before Mega Man 3! That is just so wild to me, and reson #413,612 why I adore Ian Flynn’s writing.
But anyway, In addition to setting up future arcs and adaptations, Dr Wily’s subplot here lays the foundation of the...well, of the Wily Family. The Wilybots had loads of personality in the MM2 arc, and that doesn’t go away when Ra Moon ressurects them. They banter, talk with each other, welcome in the newcomer MM3 bots and...it’s really solid setup for character beats to come. Wily and his robots have been fairly straightforward antagonists to now, but once he Curse of Ra Moon takes its toll, the character development train barrels toward them at full speed.
But we’ll get to that.
For now, we leave the arc with one last character introduction, though we’ve seen him at least once before.
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If it isn’t apparent by now, I think Spiritus Ex Machina is a wonderful, wonderful story arc. It’s a kind of turning point for the comic, where the storytelling steps away from the face value of super fighting robot antics and really considers their consequences and implications.
It’s where the comic’s  world really comes alive, with more characters and a more realized setting. Things are different from here on out, in exciting and wonderful ways. Like I said last time, hearts will be broken, allies will be made, and worlds will collide -- and I’ll be loving every second of it.
God bless this comic, y’all.
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skyfishcosplay · 8 years
A beginner’s guide to choosing and working with fabrics for cosplay
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Choosing the right kind of fabric and treating it right when sewing can greatly improve the finished look of your cosplay. Here are a few tips on how to decide what fabrics to buy and how to treat and work with it when making your cosplay.
Deciding what fabric to pick
So you have picked a character and decided to make the cosplay yourself and are now ready to buy fabric for it.
The first thing you need to do is to find a couple of good reference picture of your character from different angles and see how many different fabrics you will need.
The next step is to try to decide what kind of fabric you will need, this step can be really tricky if you don't have any previous experience with fabrics.
A good way to start figuring it out is to think about what qualities you want the fabric to have. Is the character wearing a formfit catsuit? Then the fabric should be stretchy like a four-way stretch spandex or a lycra. Is the character wearing a corset? Then the fabric should be stiff and a bit thicker. Is the character wearing a light and airy skirt? etc etc Write up the qualities you want the different fabrics in your cosplay to have and start doing some research.
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Look at what kind of fabrics other people used in a similar garment or what recommendations the sewing patterns of the similar clothes say.
Another tip is to think what kind of person your character is. Is it a princess? Then maybe the fabric she would wear would be a bit more expensive looking and not just a simple cotton. Is it a hobbit? Then maybe the fabric should be natural and not synthetic.
Difference between Synthetic and Natural fabrics:
There is a lot of different kind of fabrics but they all fall under two main types; Synthetic and natural fabrics.
Natural fabrics are made from either the fibers of plants or animals (wool, hair etc). Examples are: Cotton, linen, silk, wool etc.
Synthetic fabrics are made from fibers made in scientific way and are produced from chemicals. Examples are: Polyester, Nylon, Spandex, acrylic etc.
Blend fabrics is as it sounds a mix of the both fibers to create a textile that has properties from both fibers.
Buying fabrics in store vs online:
If you have access to a fabric store that sells more than just curtain fabrics then it's a great opportunity to get to know how different fabrics feels and works. Don't be afraid to take help of the employees of the store and ask what kind of fabric would work for the garment. Bring a photo of your character so you can check how the color looks and if you already have a piece of your cosplay ready and you need a fabric in a similar color take a sample with you so you can check so it match.
I highly recommend bringing a camera (or your phone) to the store and take photos of the fabric you are thinking of buying. Most fabric looks different with a flash and can get really shiny or change color. Since you probably want photos of your finished cosplay it is important to check so the fabric looks good both on and off camera.
This is for example photos of the same fabric taken in different lights:
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If you don't have a fabric store close to you or could not find the fabric you were looking for, buying fabrics online is a great second option. Buying fabrics online can be hard since you don't have the opportunity to touch it, feel it and see how it flows, it can also be hard to see the exact color of it. I therefore recommend that you order some fabric samples of the fabric you are interested in before buying several yards of it. Fabric samples are often not very expensive and it is a great way to get to see how it looks and feel before deciding.
A tip is to save the fabric samples or cut out a piece of your fabric and write on a note what kind of fabric it is and where you bought it and then save it in a folder. This makes it really easy to later when you are going to make another cosplay to just check the folder and see if any of those fabrics would work for that cosplay.
Be aware of shiny and cheap looking fabrics!
Some shiny fabrics will look extra shiny when photographed and shiny fabrics have a tendency to look cheap and not so nice. Make sure to photograph the fabric before buying it to avoid this.
Some fabrics wrinkle very easily and it is not fun to get a lot of wrinkles on your skirt as soon as you sit down. A tip is to wrinkle a small piece of the fabric and see how much it wrinkles.
Don't be afraid to use the "wrong" side of the fabric.
Most fabric have two sides that look different, one right side and one wrong side. Most of the time you will most likely use the right side of the fabric but don't forget to check the backside of the fabric. I like to use the wrong side of fabrics when the right side is for example too shiny. This way you will end up having a lot more option when choosing fabrics.
For my Sophie Hatter cosplay I used the wrong side of a micro satin and it worked fine:
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So you decided on a fabric and are now going to buy it, but how much do you need?
This is a tricky question, some fabrics are expensive so you don't want to buy too much of it but if you buy too little you need to buy more later. When I started out I was really scared to order too little and ended up with a lot more than what I needed (I still have several yards left today), I have since then learned how much I will need.
A good way to think about it is to look at sewing patterns for similar garments of the one you will make. How much fabric does it recommend you use? Are you going to make a circle skirt? Use a calculator like this one to: http://byhandlondon.com/pages/circle-skirt-app to calculate how much you will need.
Remember to take a bit more of what you think you will need, since you want to include the seam allowance and it is easy to make mistakes.
A good way to see how much fabric you will need is to make a mock up. Sewing the garment you plan on making first in a super cheap material. I like to use really cheap bed sheets for this. By making the garment in a cheap material you will be able to see how much fabric you need but also practise to make it so you don't make as many errors and mistakes once you make it in the real fabric.
If you end up ordering too much it is not the whole world, you will be able to use it for other cosplays in the future.
You bought the fabric, what is the next step?
Once you have the fabric it is a few things you need to do before starting sewing.
It can be a good idea to pre-wash your fabric.
The fabric can shrink and change color a bit when you wash it and it is therefore a good idea to pre-wash it then you are planning on making something that is going to be washed again later when it is sewn. You don't want to make a cosplay just to wash it after the convention and end up  with something you're not able to wear again because it shrunk in the wash. Different fabrics works different and you need to look up how you should wash it and in what heat. Also remember to check how to dry the fabric afterwards, some fabrics can for example stretch out when hanged or the washing line can leave marks on the fabric and be hard to get away.
You don't need to wash all fabrics but a good thumb rule is that if you are planning on washing the piece at some point later, pre-wash the fabric.
Choosing the right thread and needle.
When choosing thread for your fabric it is two things you need to think about; What kind of thread do you need and what is a good color match for it. There is some different kind of threads and a good way to think about it is that if your fabric is synthetic you will need a synthetic thread such as polyester thread, if your fabric is natural you will need a natural thread like cotton thread. If you for example use a synthetic thread to a natural fabric the textile can rip because the thread is stronger than the fabric. I recommend to look up different properties for different thread before buying or ask in your store what would work best.
When choosing the color of the thread for the fabric it can sometimes be hard to find a exact match. I would when recommend to buy a darker shade of color rather than a lighter, it will look better. Bring a fabric sample of your fabric to the store so you can see so the color of the thread match the fabric before you buy it.
It can be a good idea to choose the right sewing machine needle to your fabric before you start sewing. Needles comes in different thicknesses and the thicker your fabric is the higher needle size you want. There is a few special needles like needles for sewing in stretch fabric, leather and microtex. Having the right needle for your fabric will make sewing a lot easier and I recommend getting the appropriate needle for the fabric you are working with.
Dyeing or adding a pattern to your fabric.
If you did not find the right fabric color for your character it can be a good idea to just dye the fabric yourself. When dyeing a fabric it is important to first pre-wash the fabric. It is also important to remember that it is much harder to dye synthetic fabric than natural. Make therefore sure what kind of fabric you are using and look up tutorials for how to color your fabrics. Remember that it also is important that if you are dyeing a natural fiber fabric that the thread also is natural and not synthetic so you don't end up with a dyed fabric with a different colored thread.
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Finding the exact pattern your character have on their clothing can be really tough and it can therefore be a good idea to try making the pattern yourself. Fabric paint works great for this. Lay your fabric flat and draw out your pattern with a pen and then fill it in with the paint. Heat transfer vinyl works really well for some designs as well. There is a lot of tutorials about this, so look them up for inspiration.
Sewing patterns are a great help when sewing clothing and getting to know how clothes are constructed.
I highly recommend buying a pattern similar to what you are going to make, it will make the whole sewing process much easier! With the sewing pattern you will get big sheets of paper with the pattern pieces in different sizes and a step by step instruction on how to put it together. On the back of the pattern you will find a size chart so you can find out which size works for you, there will also be recomendations on what kind of fabric works for the clothing and how much fabric you will most likely need.
Making a pattern from scratch is a lot harder than it seems and you need some experience on how patterns work before you try making one yourself. If none of the sewing patterns fits your character design spot on you can always buy a similar pattern and then alter it.
Some people like to cut out their size out of the sewing pattern directly from the paper sheet it comes in but I recommend getting a roll of sewing pattern paper. It is a thin see through paper that you can lay over the sewing pattern and then trace with a pen the pattern to the sewing pattern paper. By doing this and cutting out the pattern from the sewing pattern paper instead of the sewing pattern directly you will be able to use it again in the future even if your size changes or lending out the pattern to a friend.
When you finally place the pattern pieces on the fabric don't forget to add a seam allowance! This is a small extra measurement you add around the pattern so you don't sew the garment too small. Some patterns already include seam allowance so make sure to read the instructions before drawing it out.
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A tip is to try out the sewing pattern by first making a mock-up with a cheaper fabric. This way you will see if the size fit you and if you need to alter the design a bit without wasting your more expansive fabric.
The importance of grain lines and what it is.
To put it simply grain lines exist in all woven fabrics and are the orientation of the threads in the textile. Depending on which direction you cut out a pattern piece from the fabric the chosen grain will affect how the fabric hangs, stretches and sometimes looks. Depending what kind of fabric you are using this can be very important. If you are using a fabric like for example velvet or twills it is really important how you cut out your fabric. If you lay your hand to the fabric and stroke it in different directions you can feel how different it feels. If you cut out the pattern pieces in different orientations and then sew it together the grain lines will be different and when the light hits the garment it will appear as if it has different colors. Make sure when working with these kinds of fabrics that the pattern pieces are all cut out along the same grain lines.
In some woven fabrics however this is not that noticeable. Study your fabric before cutting out the pieces and see if you need to cut them out along the grain line or not. Non-woven fabrics do not have grains like for example leather, felt or interfacing.
Remember to zigzag.
Some fabrics fray, a lot, when you cut in them and to prevent the fraying from ruining your seams it is a good idea to use a zigzag stitch around the edges of the pieces before sewing them together. I have seen a lot of new people getting into cosplay make the mistake of not zigzaging the edges and end up with a ripped seam when the fraying eats away the fabric. Zigzaging takes a bit longer and you need a bit more thread but is really worth it in the end, no one likes when their cosplay breaks.
Ironing is really important!
I can't stress this enough! Ironing is one of the most important things you need to do when working with your fabric. Iron your fabric before drawing out your pattern on it, iron down the seams while you are sewing you cosplay together and iron everything once you are done. This will make such a difference in the final result. Your cosplay will look a lot better just by ironing it. If the cosplay get wrinkled in the transport to the convention it can also be a good idea to iron it again before putting it on.
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OBS! Think about what kind of fabric you are using! Always iron on a test piece when working with a new fabric. If the fabric is synthetic it will melt in high temperature so it is really important to make sure you use the appropriate temperature. Wool can also be affected by high temperature so make some research before ironing. When ironing sensitive fabrics it can be a good idea to use a second piece of cotton fabric inbetween the iron and the fabric to prevent the sensitive fabric to take any damage.
Some extra tips:
Buying fabrics and sewing patterns secondhand - Second hand stores are great for finding fabrics, sewing patterns and details to a good cheap price. Buying skirts, curtains and bags are perfect to scavenge for parts to use for cosplay.
Look up tutorials - Tutorials are great and there is tons of them. Do some googling and see what you can find. A good place to start: http://cosplaytutorial.com/list.php
Alter clothing - If you are just starting out sewing and don't really know what you are doing it can be a good idea to start with altering clothing instead of sewing everything from scratch. Buy a base garment and then alter details and add what you need. This is a great introduction to sewing and does not cost and take as much time as making everything from scratch.
Interfacing - Interfacing is perfect if you need to make parts of your fabric more stiff like for example the collar. Interfacing is a piece of fabric that you can iron on to the backside of your fabric piece.
Lining - Lining is a inner layer of fabric and is really good you use in for example jackets were you will be able to see the inside and the lining hides the seams, interfacing etc.
Weathering - If you want your cosplay to look worn, bloody or dirty weathering is the way to go. There are a lot of different ways to do it so search around and pick your favorite method.
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superfreakinlonely · 4 years
You have probably heard the rumors or perhaps looked and the leaks. In fact, OnePlus has been slowly spilling the beans about their new flagship smartphone, the OnePlus 8 Pro. Now the company is taking a different approach this time by launching two new phone, the OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro.
These phones are meant to replace the OnePlus 7T and the 7 Pro, respectively. I’m here to give you a complete breakdown of the differences between the 7 series and 8 series, some of the features they have added or removed, and finally discuss the pricing of these new phones. Trust me whenever I say that this is not the OnePlus that we used to know my friends.
Alright, so I’m going to start with the 8 Pro. OnePlus has addressed a few of the issues that I have had with the 7 Pro. The edges of the display are less aggressively curved, but not completely flat like the 7T. The body is slightly taller and slimmer compared to the 7 Pro. However, the camera bump is slightly bigger and noticeably protruded, and I’m not a big fan of that. The corners are less rounded, which I like, and the back looks absolutely beautiful. I have the Ultramarine Blue model, and while it is composed of Gorilla Glass just like the 7 Pro, they added a matte texture giving it a really soft, smooth, and anti-reflective look. Now you can pick up the 8 Pro in two other colour options, one of them is Glacial Green and the other is Onyx Black.
They have still kept the Alert Slider on the side, which is still one of my favorite features of OnePlus devices. Looking at the display you might notice something different about the selfie camera. If you recall, the 7 Pro had a motorized pop-up camera resulting in a notch-less design, but they took a step back this time and went with a hole-punch camera cutout on the top left-hand side of the display. I don’t mind it at all, since it is still the norm with modern Android smartphones. However, it’s really interesting how they bragged about the durability of that motorized camera last year and now it’s gone.
The OnePlus 8 on the other hand is a slightly smaller version of the 8 Pro. The design is basically the same with the exception of the display, as the curve doesn’t extend all the way to the edges, like the 8 Pro. I like that difference. The back is a welcome change over the 7T’s, so you can say goodbye to that huge circular camera bump and treat yourself to a subtle low profile look, just like the 8 Pro. Overall, the 8 looks very similar to the 7 Pro. Now I’m not a fan of this colour, it is called Interstellar Glow, and it is super reflective and a fingerprint magnet. Thankfully, you can pick it up in different colours, just like the 8 Pro.
Moving onto the display, I guess we all saw this coming, it’s a 120Hz Quad HD+ AMOLED screen spanning across 6.78-inches versus 6.67-inches 90Hz with that same resolution on the 7 Pro. Do I notice a huge difference between the two? Yes, but it isn’t that significant and it shouldn’t be your first reason to upgrade from the 7 Pro. I should also mention that it doesn’t stay at 120Hz constantly. In fact, when your phone is idle or when you are viewing anything static, the phone dynamically shifts down to 60Hz. OnePlus did that to preserve battery life. They are also taking a big step forward in providing a good quality display that doesn’t sacrifice on colour accuracy as these screens do come factory calibrated, which is nice.
Unfortunately, my review sample started showing a weird green cast on the top right-hand side at the lowest brightness setting and there were banding issues as well. Now I did end up confirming with some of my colleagues who were also testing this new phone, but they didn’t experience any of these issues. I guess I just ended up receiving a dud sample, but nonetheless this is a great screen for content consumption. Honestly, I can’t tell if there is a difference between the 8 Pro and the 7 Pro, minus that curve, because watching content on the 7 Pro is really not that great with that aggressive curve compared to the 8 Pro, which seems to be a little bit better.
The OnePlus 8 on the other hand features a 1080P+ display – just like the 7T – with the same refresh rate at 90Hz. This is really disappointing because it doesn’t look like they have upgraded anything here. I would have preferred 120Hz at 1080P, because that would have been a clear upgrade over the 7T, while now there’s really nothing new here. Yes, the display on the 8 is a little bit brighter compared to the 7T, but I think OnePlus got a little lazy here. Both of these phones come with dual stereo speakers and they sound great. I didn’t notice a huge difference between the 8 series and the 7 series. They still feature in-display fingerprint sensors. Oddly enough, the 8 Pro felt slower compared to the 7 Pro when it came to unlocking the device, plus the 8 Pro had trouble reading my fingerprint as well. I tried resetting and re-scanning my thumb print multiple times, but it just still feels slower compared to these 7 Pro, which is just really weird.
The specs on these phones are as expected Top of the Line. OnePlus hasn’t cut any corners here. They both come with Snapdragon 865 SOC, 8GB or 12GB of RAM. Keep in mind that the 8 Pro comes with LPDDR5 versus LPDDR4X on the standard 8. I’m not sure if there’s a scientific way to test the difference between the two in the real-world, but I’m going to have to look into that a little bit later. Both also come with 128GB and 256GB of storage, with the 8 Pro having slightly faster storage. The battery area gets a welcome upgrade over the 7 Pro and the 7T, with the 8 Pro increasing to 4510mAh and the 8 to 4300mAh.
As always, both of these phones feature the fastest charging protocol that OnePlus can deliver. In this case it’s Warp Charge 30T, which is basically the same as the 7 series. However, they finally managed to add wireless charging support – but only on the 8 Pro – and WOW is it fast. They are calling it Warp Charge 30 Wireless, which recharges the battery on the 8 Pro to 50% in 30 minutes. The wireless dock charger itself is a unique piece of engineering. This thing comes with a fan to help dissipate the heat, and it gets as loud as 30 decibels, which on paper might seem quiet but it’s not ideal when you have it beside your bed. There is a setting on the phone that can turn off the fan, but that will reduce charging speeds.
I spoke with OnePlus about the backbones of this technology and what they were able to accomplish is quite fascinating. Basically, they are pumping in more voltage and reducing the amps, which then results in a higher charging rate. Inside the phone there are isolated charge pumps that reduce the voltage down to a safer level that can be used to charge the battery. If you are interested in learning more, you can click here to read an article by The Verge explaining the whole process. It’s really good stuff. Now I should mention that you don’t have to get that dedicated wireless charger to experience wireless charging on the 8 Pro. This phone does in fact support regular Qi-enabled wireless chargers. Just keep in mind that it’s not going to charge as fast as the dedicated charger that OnePlus offers. Now this phone also features support for reverse wireless charging, which is something that is nice to have. And finally, the 8 Pro gets the official IP68 water resistance rating, so if that’s something that you were looking for it’s there.
Oxygen OS on the 8 and 8 Pro look basically the same as on the 7 series. You have probably heard me say this before, but this is by far my favorite Android operating system, even compared to Google’s stock offering. There are tons of customization options such as the new dynamic wallpapers that look really good. It’s clean and simple to use. They have added a new feature called MEMC technology (Motion Estimation, Motion Compensation). Basically, using advanced algorithms, it converts 24FPS content to a higher frame rate that should result in a smooth playback experience. Think of it as one of those motion smoothing features that are available on TVs that convert 24FPS content to 60FPS, but you are now getting that on a smartphone. Honestly, I’m not a fan of this feature because if I shoot content in 24FPS I would rather watch it in that frame rate, otherwise you kill the cinematic experience. Now luckily you can turn it off through the settings, so thank you OnePlus for giving us that option.
Finally, let’s talk about those cameras. The 8 Pro features a quad camera setup with a 48MP ultra-wide angle lens, a 48MP standard wide angle lens, and an 8MP telephoto that has a 3X optical zoom and up to 30X digital zoom. Then there is a colour filter camera, which isn’t really a dedicated camera, but it can be used to create artistic lighting effects in real-time according to OnePlus. It looks very limited and quite frankly useless because these filters can be applied in post-processing through any number of third-party image editing applications. I don’t really see a purpose for this feature.
The standard 8 gets three cameras, but they have made it worse this time. You get a 16MP ultra-wide angle lens, a 48MP main sensor, and a 2MP macro camera. That’s right… 2MP. They dropped the telephoto lens that is found on the 7T, 7 Pro, and 8 Pro, and instead they are using a digital crop of the main wide angle camera to get that telephoto effect. Honestly, at this point, I don’t really know what to say… However, there’s only one way to discover how these cameras perform, so I decided to take all these phones for a little photoshoot to see how they stack up against each other.
Let’s start with that 2MP macro lens on the standard 8. It’s awful, I mean this shouldn’t be legal in 2019. The colour balance is off and there isn’t much detail. It’s a very questionable decision by OnePlus in my opinion. Now moving onto the main sensors, OnePlus has improved white balance and that results in true-to-life colours out-of-the-box. However, the implementation of this new sensor comes with major compromises. Dynamic range is significantly worse, especially compared to the 7 Pro and the 7T, and the colours looked washed out on the 8 series. If you look at the 7 Pro and the 7T there is a good balance of contrast and saturation. Generally, I would still pick the 7 Pro because the out-of-the-box pictures look way better than these new phones. If you look at the shots of the fire hydrant it’s just so weird to see the 8 Pro get destroyed by its predecessor. The selfie cameras are noticeably better on the 8 series, but I really wish that OnePlus improved the contrast factor, that is what’s missing here. I didn’t see a major improvement in low light, but who knows what software updates can do to these phones later on so definitely stick around for my long-term review when I revisit the camera on the 8 series.
How much do these new phones cost? Are you ready for this? The OnePlus 8 starts at $700 USD for 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. For an extra $100, you get an extra 4GB of RAM and twice a storage. Now the OnePlus 8 Pro starts at $900 USD for 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage, and if you only highest-end variant prepare to spend $1,000 USD on a OnePlus phone. That’s right, OnePlus did it, they finally managed to come out with a $1,000 smartphone. I’m still in shock from learning that. You see this is not the OnePlus we used to know. In fact, they cannot be considered as a so-called mid-range smartphone manufacturer these days, because they have officially entered the elite smartphone market to compete against Samsung and the rest of competition. I can’t quite blame OnePlus for pricing their phones at $700 and $900, because they designed this phone to compete with the Samsung S20 series which starts at $1,000 USD. OnePlus decided to follow that higher price trend and compete with against that price point. While the 8 Pro and the 8 are still less expensive compared to the Galaxy S20 series, it’s just the way the market is going and unfortunately it’s us the consumers paying that premium, which is unfortunate.
OnePlus will continue to sell the 7T and the 7 Pro at much lower price points compared to the 8 and the 8 Pro, and I think that’s a pretty good deal because those phones are still really, really good. I would still recommend them any time or day. That is where I stand right now, but I just don’t know. I can’t give you a full verdict on the 8 and 8 Pro, so stay tuned for my long-term view of these phones later on. I actually have some unfinished business because I have to review the Samsung S20 Ultra, which is in the works, so keep an eye out for that too.
The post OnePlus 8 Pro | OnePlus 8 – What ACTUALLY Changed? appeared first on Hardware Canucks.
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ratthewrodent · 5 years
Obviously we are in the midst of the 2019-2020 cycle, but there are early birds out there who want to get started on their personal statements and have requested some guidelines now. I will keep updating this with your ideas (and what I pick up along the way), so feel free to make suggestions! If you're not ready to tune into this just yet, no worries - I will post it again in a few months.The PS is like the first chapter of a novel...you want to engage the reader so that they want to continue on. It doesn't need to be some kind of masterpiece - it's your whole app that counts, but it is a first impression. You don't want it to stand out in a bad way, where the adcoms just want to close the book and be done. So rule #1 is not to put anything that could be off-putting: don't put yourself down, don't sound arrogant, and don't get into controversial subjects (more on all this below). Your goal is to sound reasonable and compelling.What are you trying to answer? Here are the official prompts: https://ift.tt/2F0t9Gg. (please note that for the 2020 cycle, the DO character limit is now the same as the MD one - 5300 characters.) Basically, you are sharing your story of how you became interested in medicine. You want to explain why you want to become a doctor out of all the possible choices that's out there for you. What sparked your interest? How did it develop? What confirmed this for you? What makes you ready? How is medicine a fit for your goals? It's your chance to describe your journey to medicine (and becoming a doctor specifically).An adcom on SDN said that 92 percent of personal statements are decent enough to move on, 1 percent are amazing, and 7 percent are awful - with your job being to avoid the awful category. That sounds about right! Very few are outstanding - they either involved an extraordinary circumstance or there was something deeply moving and meaningful that's hard to replicate. Basically, you want yours to Pass Go and not make ad-coms roll their eyes. If you're not a creative writer, this isn't the time to start. Write clearly and thoughtfully - show you are reasonable. Be careful of humor, too - it could really fall flat.You only have room for a few personal stories and this is what takes time - deciding which ones you want to use. This is where you play around and experiment. The same person can create multiple personal statements using different anecdotes and they would all be fine - it is a matter of seeing what works best to highlight your story and your positive attributes. I think 2-3 stories that go into depth seems to fit the best - any more than this, it begins to read like a resume. If you're lost, forget about an opening and conclusion for the time being; try out one "background" paragraph along with 2 fairly current experience paragraphs (one nonclinical and one clinical) as a guideline.You don't need one "aha" moment. Instead, you can build up your narrative step by step, to the point where at the end you have shown that medicine is the right path for you. It is often hard to get started, but just begin writing. Some people say open up a bottle of wine (or whatever), loosen up, and just get down some thoughts. Maybe something inspired you early on, or maybe you were involved in an activity that eventually paved the way for medicine. Maybe you have a family story/background that was meaningful. There is no right or wrong on how to start, but you should eventually describe some kind of clinical experience to lend validity to the idea that you want to be a doctor.Your PS can include your life's experiences before college (some people have said their advisors have told them only to include life after HS). Your background is something that makes you unique and not interchangeable with a zillion applicants. If it's relevant to your "why medicine" story, you can include it, and then move forward to include more recent experiences. What you shouldn't include is a childlike idea based on fantasy notions of becoming a doctor...your ideas should have substance.Try to keep it in chronological order and not jump around - it creates too much extra work for the reader. You can start the opening at any point in time, but then starting in the second paragraph go back in time and move forward (or just keep moving forward from the beginning).Think about what qualities you want to show - you can look at the AAMC Core Competencies for ideas and pull a few from there: https://ift.tt/2ZDoL9B. Some forward thinking premed-redditors have gone through this list and have highlighted for their LOR writers the areas they want emphasized. (See point below: Coordinate your PS with the rest of your app.)"Show, don't tell." You may have heard this before, but what does it mean? It is fundamentally about tone. Telling is when you are instructing/teaching the reader. For example, saying "Being an empathic person is important in medicine" is telling. "I showed a lot of empathy when I talked to the patient" is telling. Instead, you want to describe a story and share your thoughts along the way. Here's an example (which actually happened when I was an intern!): "Mr B tearfully explained to me that none of his 7 siblings were a compatible bone marrow match. As I pulled a chair over to talk with him, I thought about the trust he placed in me with something so personal. I felt compelled to make this better - and frustrated that I couldn't. However, spending time with Mr B, I learned that medicine is not always about cures, or even finding the right words to say; listening and presence can also be powerful forces." With this, I am setting the scene and giving you my thoughts/realizations. I'm sharing an experience that shows reflection and growth. You can do some telling, but get those stories in! (And you can definitely tell in the conclusion - more on that later.) Here's more on this idea expressed in a very direct way by u/aspiringsocialepi: https://ift.tt/37m5Pia that you can connect with people - this is the humanistic side of medicine. They will read your stats and accomplishments in the app; they need to know you are trustworthy and care about people. I feel that one of your anecdotes needs to show connection. If you're talking about a patient, do not use their real name (due to privacy/HIPAA concerns). Say, the patient, who I will call...., or put a name in quotes, or just say the patient.Showing your ability to care about people is super important, but also think about other doctor qualities to add to your story. Remember you are building the case for "why physician," not simply "why healthcare professional" (or other position). Again, you can review the AAMC core competencies list. Some attributes to consider are scientific curiosity, depth of knowledge, problem solving, teamwork, leadership, teaching, and research. Don't simply say you've observed these qualities and that's what you want to do - think about something that shows these traits in yourself. For example, if you say that you saw leadership in Dr. X and you value leadership in becoming a doctor, you can support that idea with some kind of personal leadership example.Have a strong conclusion - this is where you can be more direct. You can point out the role of a physician. You can "tell" now - you can say what qualities physicians have and how your experiences make you feel ready. You can say what you'd like for your future. Stylistically, you can bring in the theme from the opening paragraph and make a quick reference to it. Don't say how great you will be (yes, I have seen this) - keep this about service to others. Think of the conclusion as your TL;DR of the personal statement - make it easy for them to understand your whole why medicine story.Coordinate your PS with the rest of your application. You will need to write 3 "most meaningful" essays as part of the primary; you'll have secondary essays; you'll be getting LORs. Think about the activities you're highlighting and build that theme. For example, if global health is important in your why medicine story, have that in the PS, add a most meaningful essay that doesn't repeat but complements the PS, talk about it in the secondaries/interviews. Having an angle (without being repetitive in content) can help to set yourself apart. If you don't have a unique aspect - no worries. Think along the lines of personal qualities - maybe you're a good communicator or a good teacher, for example. Know your strengths and let that come through. For more on this, read u/LuccaSDN's advice: https://ift.tt/36917nQ word about form: Don't have 1-2 long, drawn out paragraphs or 9+ mini-paragraphs. I think around 5-6 work best (including opening and concluding paragraphs). Don't make the opening paragraph overpowering, leaving the following paragraphs with less substance. It should just be an opener, and it doesn't need to be overly dramatic - just something engaging. Don't put in anything too graphic...you don't need that. That story about how the blood was oozing all over as the transplant surgeon grabbed the heart doesn't work (yes, I have seen this). Be thoughtful - it's not an adrenaline race. Your "regular" stories are interesting - get into them! Explain why you did xyz, describe something absorbing, and reflect back your thoughts/meaning.Try not to view this as drudgery. Have a little fun with it. Have people read it through along the way and stay open to suggestions, but in the end go with what feels right for you. In the end, you should feel proud of your story - you are amazing for getting to this place! Own that (humbly, of course).Remember these are just guidelines to give you a framework - you do you! I recently read a PS with a long intro paragraph, which I typically don't suggest. If it's taking me awhile to slog through the intro, I can only imagine how the adcoms feel after reading so many. But this one worked - it was totally absorbing and would have lost something had it been broken up into another paragraph. These tips aren't set in stone.ADDITIONAL THINGS TO AVOID (will keep adding to this as the issues come up):Be careful when criticizing doctors or medical care in the US - you don't want to come off as judgmental or that you're wiser than the people who have been part of the system for years. If you want to talk about ways to change healthcare, make sure you have demonstrated background knowledge in the area you're discussing. Avoid getting too political.Just as with politics, use caution when discussing religion. You don't know who is reading your PS and what their beliefs are. Don't offend anyone.Don't bring up issues of serious mental illness - keep in mind adcoms view themselves as the gatekeepers, wanting to make sure that you'll be able to make it through the hardships of an intense workload and stressful clinical situations. They don't want it on their heads that they put someone in a pressure cooker and the person got sick as a result.Make sure that the humanitarian trip you've discussed is a legitimate one and doesn't represent "voluntourism" (where the programs end up not benefiting, and even exploiting, the people they are trying to assist). Here is a guideline by the AAMC: https://ift.tt/36917US bring up bad grades - there will be other places in the app to discuss academic inconsistencies. This is your story of why you want to become a doctor - show your background, your interest, and your readiness for medicine. If it's important to you to describe an academic struggle, keep the emphasis on how you have grown and are now ready. Don't get into specific grades.ADDITIONAL INFO (links):Here are u/Arnold_Liftaburger's thoughts on writing the PS (from r/premed FAQs): https://ift.tt/36918rU are u/holythesea's ideas on how to write a narrative: https://ift.tt/2EZAqGr out the advice from u/word_doc73: https://ift.tt/2rGIOYm here is a helpful thread from SDN: https://ift.tt/37kH8D4 thread on finding online personal statements: https://ift.tt/2sjAzSp PS advice: https://ift.tt/39hppy9 are more examples of of personal statements provided by u/HeyHiHello99: https://ift.tt/2tbpHWM via /r/premed
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randybenedict · 6 years
T2 Biosystems takes aim at sepsis with sensitive diagnostic tech
Sepsis, a complication of an infection caused by foreign cells infiltrating a person’s bloodstream, affects nearly two million people each year in the U.S. If not addressed quickly, the infection triggers the body’s immune system to begin attacking its own organs, resulting in a slow, weeks-long death.
The challenge for clinicians is identifying the source of the infection, according to T2 Biosystems (NSDQ:TTOO) CEO John McDonough.
“Is it bacterial? Is it fungal? If so, what species is it? Because the really good news is if you could know that information fast enough and get patients on the right drugs you could cut mortality rates in half,” McDonough told MassDevice.com.
For decades, healthcare practitioners have relied on blood cultures to diagnose infections. But that can mean several days going by before the patient is linked to the proper therapy. And most diagnostic systems aren’t sensitive enough to detect the small levels of intruder cells in a patient’s blood.
Often, doctors will immediately prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics to sepsis patients, in the hopes of killing off the infection with a lucky shot. But McDonough points out that this type of empiric therapy is not ideal, especially in an environment where doctors are working to use antibiotics less frequently.
That’s where McDonough hopes that T2 and its diagnostic technology can meet an unmet need.
‘One challenge after another’
Lexington, Mass.-based T2 was founded in 2006 by a group of serial entrepreneurs, including MIT’s Bob Langer. McDonough came on board in 2007 as chief executive, bringing with him a bundle of experience in leading startups.
“I’ve been doing start-ups for way too long,” he joked. “I love the challenge of trying to do something new and different and innovative. In the case of T2, it’s truly all about saving the lives of patients who are dying of sepsis.”
The company’s technology uses super-paramagnetic nanoparticles with species-specific probes to detect pathogens directly in a patient’s blood sample. Thanks to years of work, T2 has managed to develop a system that can identify tiny levels of sepsis-causing pathogens in a matter of hours.
But it didn’t happen overnight.
“There was every reason at the beginning why this was going to fail. I mean, it was just one challenge after another,” McDonough said.
“We could hardly detect anything at first,” added chief scientific officer Tom Lowery. “When we were trying to figure out how to solve a problem, there was no, ‘That’s not a good idea.’ We would try five, six, seven very different approaches and try not to be dissuaded by all of the times we ended up realizing it didn’t work.”
“At a big company, you would allocate your resources away from the risk. But in a small company, you don’t even know there’s risk,” McDonough told us. “You just take picks and shovels and you keep digging until you find a way to get there. It’s crazy how it happens but you’re often just in a dark space and the only thing that’s getting you through it is you really believe. You believe in the people around you. You believe in the opportunity and you just keep going.”
Changing the paradigm
The 175-person company now has the only FDA-approved diagnostic for detecting sepsis-causing pathogens at a sensitivity once thought impossible. While traditional methods detect pathogens at between 100-10,000 colony-forming units per mL, T2’s system can make a positive ID down to 1 CFU/mL.
Not only is the T2Bacteria product highly sensitive, but in a pivotal trial, it demonstrated 98% specificity.
Importantly, while a traditional blood culture can take days to produce a result, T2’s system cranks out an answer in just three hours.
Now that the T2Bacteria panel has FDA clearance, the next step is convincing hospitals to adopt the technology directly into their sepsis protocols. McDonough thinks that beyond the diagnostic’s sensitivity and specificity features, the technology has a convincing cost-savings angle.
“Sepsis is the most expensive hospital-treated condition in the U.S., at more than $27 billion dollars per year. There are two million patients and more than $27 billion dollars being spent. If you get patients on the right drug within the first 24 hours, you can cut that cost by 20% to 30%,” he explained.
McDonough and Lowery both noted that their conversations with potential customers are always interesting, as many can’t believe that the system doesn’t require a blood culture.
“Blood cultures have been in use for 80, 90 years and it’s so ingrained in laboratorians’ minds that this is the way you handle things,” Lowery said.
“When you’re changing a paradigm, it often doesn’t change easily,” McDonough added. “But driving mass adoption is priority number one.”
The post T2 Biosystems takes aim at sepsis with sensitive diagnostic tech appeared first on MassDevice.
from MassDevice https://ift.tt/2xRpiZ4
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flicknv · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POCFj1fYJCI)
I highly doubt that a majority of these examples drive scientists crazy. While many of the comments on Youtube pointed out that either A. Peter Quill is only HALF HUMAN, therefore we don’t know what would for sure happen to his face in the vacuum of space, or B. it’s science fiction, the key word being fiction, many others argued that most of these movies are Space Fantasy or Space Opera not truly science fiction at all. I think all those reasons entirely miss the point of what is truly wrong with this list. 
A well known “general guideline” for writing television or film, or with cinematic storytelling in general is this: To whatever degree you ask the audience to suspend its disbelief, you must pay that audience back with the same or greater degree of AWESOME. The definition of awesome is variable of course. In other words, if you're going to ask us to buy this shit, make it worth it. I think this video would be more interesting if they used examples of movies where that failed to do this.
In many of these examples, this "guideline" is achieved through a really great story and VFX. Sometimes it's according to genre.For example, if it's a comedy, and it's fucking hilarious, we don't really care if a situation is 100% believable because, it's fucking hilarious and we're having a great time.
With visual effects, while it is about making cool and appealing shots, those are not the only reasons they add certain elements. Sometimes they have to add things relevant to everyday human experience in order to sell the shot. This is especially true with space movies which are completely manufactured environments, using a variety of techniques. They are constantly asking you to buy the environment they've created, but the "compelling movie" part is all about the story. They have to ask: Does adding or doing this thing take the audience out of the story? or Does depicting this in a super accurate, true to life way take the audience out of the story?  With cinematic storytelling, it doesn't really matter what would happen in real life if it is visually boring, uneventful, and generally not compelling, and even less so if the visual result of "reality" is unbelievable. (not mention if say, it's gross and disgusting and the audience being grossed out and disgusted doesn't serve the story in any way)
For example, let’s take the case of Star Wars and "making the jump to light speed." (which some commentator tried to argue was only ever called hyperspace, and it was never intended to mean they were actually traveling at the speed of light. He is of course absolutely incorrect about this as both Han and Obi-Wan call it “light speed” at least once) When Han finally makes the jump, visually something has to happen there. Something has to give us the impression and the feeling that the Millennium Falcon and those aboard (and perhaps we along with them, depending on the camera angle) are experiencing a sudden change in speed and thus, are moving way way way way way faster than they were the instant before. 
Like, way.
Like, epically faster. Faster than the speed of light!  
What's the best way to achieve this? Would seeing a closer “reality,” which this video claims would be only black out he window on either side of the ship and nothing but a big bright light in front of them do it? I suppose you could get some help by having one of the characters talk exclaim to notice the speed change, "Oh wow, THERE we go, NOW we're traveling at light speed! SO FAST" 
Or would showing the stars outside the window turning to streaks as you make the jump, give us the feeling of suddenly moving forward at an unimaginable speed? This view would actually have some relevance to what we experience in our own lives, taking off in a plane for example, traveling in a car. It fits with our own visual cues. But honestly, since I first saw the thing back in 1977,  I've never heard or read of anyone saying "Oh my god, when Han finally makes the jump to light speed, those streaking stars just completely ruin it for me. So unrealistic!" Why? Because streaking stars outside a dirty, barely bolted together hunk of metal space ship called the Millennium Falcom = AWESOME. 
That's also why they usually have sound effects with explosions and impacts in space. They clue us in as to what is going on, and they help us to believe what is happening in front of us. They help tell the story, which at that moment is THAT X-WING JUST GOT TOTALY DESTROYED WHEN THAT TIE FIGHTER HIT IT.  So it's completely irrelevant whether explosions or the sounds that might accompany them actually happen in space.
But the thing is, sometimes space movies aren’t awesome. Sometimes they get  it so wrong, and the story isn’t enough to make up for all the crazy sauce. And that’s when it’s fun to hear to hear the inaccurate hideousness, like NASA employing bunch of sociopaths. 
But does that mean a film should just ignore science all together? 
No of course not. If fact, science fiction, and all it’s sub-genres are known to inspire actual scientific and technological achievements. 
And again, even if you throw caution to the wind and wanted invent a world where people walk on their hands instead of their feet and know how to fly without the use of a plane or spacecraft, remember you still have to deliver the AWESOME SAUCE. 
To equal parts crazy sauce
But even scientists want to dream about a galaxy far far away, and in the era of the Evil Empire, most of use want to believe it’s out there, somewhere. 
#sci-fi #science #editing #storytelling #starwars #guardiansofthegalaxy #film #scientist #visual #hyperspace #lightspeed #space #spacetravel #peterquill #starlord #space opera #space fantasy #story 
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