#and i was like oh shit yeah truuuue
impishjesters · 11 months
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Not a date, okay maybe a date
warning(s): absolutely nothing, pure teeth rotting goodness A/N: This is dedicated to someone who made me realize tsundere Zooble was an amazing idea and I had to write something for it. I hope you like it! 💖
The two of you aren’t dating but you might as well be. Zooble can complain all they want that they don’t like you like that but none of you are blind. They complain but let you get away with just about anything when it involves them.
“Oh, are you guys not joining us?” Ragatha asked.
“Not today, sorry. Zooble and I have plans to go to the lake!” You took Zooble’s hand in yours, giving them a gentle pull from the crowd.
“What? Who said I—”
Zooble’s confused stuttering was ignored as you continued to pull them along, waving at the others. “Have fun with Caine’s little mess of a game!”
You heard Jax shout back an “as if” before they were out of sight.
Zooble followed reluctantly but dragged their feet as if it would stop you from pulling them along. They knew it was a fruitless task asking what this was all about, but it did mean they wouldn’t have to participate in Caine’s dumb little game.
At some point after leaving the tent, Zooble’s arm disconnected, leaving you walking hand in hand with their detached limb—that was totally not still tenderly holding your hand. You slowed down realizing the weight you’d been pulling along had lessened but kept the limb in your grasp.
“Oh c’mon, you can’t be grumpy.” Even with the occasional antenna twitch of irritation, you knew they weren’t actually upset you plucked them away. “If anything you should be thanking me.”
“Oh? What for?” They mumbled.
“Getting you out of Caine’s lil game.”
Zooble rolled their eyes and came to a stop beside you, arm moving to cross them before realizing they were lacking said arm. “I would’ve opted out of joining anyway.”
“Truuuue, but!” You swayed your arm still linked with Zooble’s. “This is more fun!”
Their claw arm dropped and the arm in your grip was just barely putting up a fight to get tugged free from you. “Pulling my arm out of the socket and dragging me off to the lake is…fun?” Their eyes squint in suspicion as you lightly jogged away from them.
“No silly! We’re going to the lake because I set up a little spot for our date!”
Zooble choked at the mention of a date and found themselves quickly speed-walking after you. “D-date? Wh-why would w-we be on a date? I’m flattered, really, but I don’t… like you like that…”
“Uh-huh.” If one didn’t know Zooble well enough they’d probably be inclined to apologize for misreading everything, but you knew better. It didn’t help that they were blushing something fierce despite their already naturally pink head. No, you knew the things they said and the way they felt didn’t always match up.
Deciding to play the little shit card you stopped and looked down at Zooble’s hand in yours before pouting. “If you really don’t wanna go on a date with me… I’m sure I could maybe ask someone else.”
Zooble froze at the mention of asking someone else on a date and had to bite back immediately yelling out no. You didn’t like anyone else like that…did you? No, you liked them, you’ve stated it multiple times.
You pinched at the cuff of their glove, still pouting. “I just… I put a lot of effort into it, I even asked Caine for some help.”
They groaned, claw hand rubbing uncomfortably over their face before walking up to you. The arm joint of the hand you fiddled with bent and popped back into Zooble’s shoulder with ease. “No that’s—” their hand squeezed yours. “—since you’ve already got it all set up I’ll join you. Sides the others are too loud, it’d be an awful date.”
You bit back a giggle as they spoke, your eyes taking in their nervous shuffling, unable to look you in the eye. Got ‘em! “So you’re saying you’ll be my date?”
“Uh..y-yeah, I-I guess.” Zooble stuttered. “I-I mean it’d be dumb to let all your effort go to waste..” They cleared their throat, letting you tug them along still holding their hand. Oh boy, when did the two of you lace fingers??
“Yay! Oh, I can’t wait, so even though we can’t eat Caine helped me put a whole picnic together and there’s a boat so we can go into the water—”
Zooble hummed as you rattled everything off, you’d really gone all out from the food to the activities, making them low effort so that even Zooble could participate with minimal energy wasted. Though who were they kidding, you could’ve planned something far more energy-focused and they’d still find themselves doing it because of you.
Not that they’d let that information slip, but they didn’t need to.
The picnic date had been perfect, a nice layout of simple yet cute dishes neither of you could eat but it’s what they’d imagine you packing up for a real date. Both of you sat just talking and taking in the scenery before you pulled them over to a little boat.
The ride was quiet outside of the artificial sounds, you spoke enough for the both of you and they were thankful. Even if you did make them blush with some out-of-pocket comments or praises.
When the sun began to set you’d taken the boat back to land and led Zooble hand in hand to an open clearing to watch the sunset. You sat down and Zooble joined you, leg casually touching yours in the process.
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you until you pointed out the sun looking at the two of you with a ridiculous smile. The moon replaced them not long after and you muttered out something about Caine and the moon that had them genuinely chuckling.
“So, glad you came on the date with me after all?”
“Mm, I guess it wasn’t so bad.” They squeezed your hand, lacing their fingers with yours. “I guess I could be convinced to join you again.”
You leaned against them, resting your cheek on their noodly arm. “Oh, you wanna go on another date?” They hummed. “Should I invite someone else? You know, like a friend date or—”
“Don’t.” Zooble huffed and looked down at you. “Just us… nobody else… besides friend dates don’t exist.”
Your lips curled into a smile, curling further into them. “Oh, they do exist. Friends can go on dates.”
“No, they don’t.” Zooble poked back, leading the two of you to playfully bicker about the existence of friend dates.
Yeah, the two of you might as well already be dating. And soon that’d probably change from a “maybe” to a definite “we are” dating.
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fakeloveaskblog · 2 years
(Hi, me again. Hats off to you Lukas for your incredible writing skills. I felt so happy for Remus when he was getting excited about T.)
Okay then, London it is! Let me know when you’re ready and we’ll be off.
Glow Eyes
(Aww thanks mdude C:)
After all of them had slept over at Remus' place Logan had been designated as head breakfast chef while Janus sat on a chair and handed him utensils every now and again. Remy was busy putting up post it notes reminding them and Remus to take their hormones every day next to the post it notes reminding them to take their meds. They had a giddy smile on their lips the entire time they were doing it.
Right when Logan was finishing an omelette Remus tried to casually walk into the room as if he didn't look like he'd put immense effort into looking as cool as possible.
"Oh girl you going to audition to be a reject emo band member" Remy asked sarcastically.
"Quite impressive how you have managed to own so many clothes with different clashing shades of green" Janus snarked in.
Remy leant closer to their friend and jokingly sniffed as loudly as possible next to his hair "Is that the smell left from a fucking curling iron? You already got the hair of jesus if he just kept being jewish. Girlie you aint gotta curl it more"
"Maybe I just wanted to feel a bit extra pretty" He pouted while crossing his arms.
Logan sat down by the table and said "Ah yes the classic burst of confidence after starting hormones"
"Truuuue girl. I have ben like tooots feeling my oats today"
Janus placed their hand next to Remus to whisper "You do look genuinely good by the way. We're just joking"
"I know"
After Remy had finished half a meal they pretended to gag a little "Starting to feel a bit nauseous. Is it like okay if I take he rest of the zanny to keep the withdrawl away?"
"The rest of the one you took yesterday?" Janus replied.
"Just tell someone if you start feeling lightheaded"
Remy left the table and Remus waited a few minutes before excusing himself. He knocked lightly on the bathroom door and the door opened for him to see his friend rinse the remains of the zanny from the sink.
"Sooo" Remus leant against the doorframe to try and look suave "Since Jannie and Log is going on a day trip I was just wondering if you also wanted to do something today?"
"As long as it doesn't involve mud wrestling I'm like in" Remy replied with a smile.
"Cool. Cool" He blushed lightly "There's this art exhibition I've been wanting to check out if you wanna come along"
"Wouldn't wanna miss out on hearing my best girlie talk about some art shit I got no idea about" They jokingly cupped his cheeks before bopping his nose which made him giggle.
When they got back to the table Logan and Janus were practicing their british accents to each other while Lo was braiding his partner's locs into a braid. Jan's was surprisingly good only because they were doing their best impression of a posh british villain. Logan had somehow got so turned around he sounded italian if anything.
Janus put their favorite beanie on to finish of their look and Logan kissed them on the tip of their nose to make them smile.
"Hello ghost? We are ready to go to London"
"Let's hope that London is ready for US! Muhahahah!"
(You can write a cool teleportation description if you got any idea for how the ghosts do that. otherwise you can just make the remus remy date start C:)
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hood-ex · 2 years
I think that after Dick and Jason beat the shit out of each other, they should just be like, "Isn't it weird that we're the only ones who remember what Bruce used to be like?" And they should nurse their wounds while gruffly reminiscing about Bruce giving them piggyback rides and wrestling with them for funsies.
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yungimmortals · 3 years
moving day | joel & jade
date: august 17th, 2021 summary: yeah that’ll be one vegetarian everything but the kitchen sink (“and yes that includes pineapple, thank you”) pizza
Jade dropped her overfull suitcase on the ground unceremoniously. He’d move it to the bed in a bit, since he planned on living out of it for the next three weeks, but for now she was interested in exploring the cabin that looked like nobody bothered to clean since it was last lived in. With pillows, blankets, and cushions strewn about into some sort of half-collapsed fort, it was at least cozy, despite the need for a bit of a revamp (and definitely a dusting).
The twins had been directed here by Chiron, who seemed less than excited about their arrival. He was probably informed of their stunt by the messenger gods that kept track of them, and the fact that they’d gotten him a PARTY PONIES: OHIO AQUATIC DIVISION shirt didn’t seem to lighten his mood very much. Whatever, Jade was still wearing his. Still, the centaur was nice, and polite, and let them know that this was the cabin that they’d be staying in, and if the twins wanted to find their siblings, most of them lived together in town. That’s right, siblings. Of course Jade was excited at the prospect, but part of her was nervous to meet them. Was one sibling not enough? What if they thought he was weird or didn’t want to interact with him? Whatever. She pushed the thoughts from her brain as she took a seat on her suitcase and let out a huff. “I can’t believe we went all the way to West Virginia and didn’t even see Mothman. We’re going back, since we’re closer than before.” He picked up a pillow to hold to his chest. “I want him to lay eggs in me like I’m a caterpillar and he’s a wasp.”
Ducking out from under a sheet that was tacked up between a wall and the corner of a long-unused bunk, Joel let out a low whistle. "Look how cool this place is, buddy." He reached up to scratch the chin of the bearded dragon perched on his shoulder. Where Jade had brought his stuff in before exploring, Joel had practically bolted into the cabin, ditching his suitcase in favor of exploring the place he'd be calling home for the foreseeable future. 
 He came to a stop in front of a wall of photos in the corner. Or what had been a wall of photos. The paint was discolored in places, sun-bleached from being covered for so long, he guessed. Here and there, a few stubborn pieces of tape still stuck to the wall. There were only a few photographs left and the sun had done a number on them too. "Jay, come check this out," Joel called, gingerly removing a photo from the wall as his twin entered the cabin. 
 When he didn't immediately come over to see the very cool thing he wanted to show him, he wandered out of the half-collapsed fort and back into the cabin's main area— just in time to hear Jade's Mothman discourse. "Oh, eugh. Gross. You would." Joel nudged her shoulder with a laugh. "I'm totally down to go back, just...give me two weeks before I have to get back in a car. My legs thank you in advance. They be achy. Oh, hey, look at this." Remembering the photograph in his hand, Joel let it flutter down to Jade's lap. "Think these were the other kids Chiron was talking about? Sure is a lot of 'em. They can't all be...right? Right?"
Jade grinned up at Joel as he bumped into him. He’d been hoping for a bit of a shudder, but he'd said far worse to him, so it was no surprise that Joel wasn't too off-put. "Yeah, I'm good not having to drive a couple hundred miles to get a bed and a shower." He stretched his legs out in front of him, grabbed the photograph that Joel had given him, and stood, inspecting the picture as he folded over, stretching out his back. "Hmm. You're wondering how much our father, who art on Olympus, got around?" Jade straightened up and twisted his neck to the side so that he could crack it, then reached up to scratch under Toothless's chin. 
 "I don't know. You think they're all here?" Jade held up the picture so that the two of them could inspect it together. "Maybe some moved away? And..." She pointed at two of the faded faces. "Are those the freaking clones? No way I'm related to a clone." He cracked a smile and then pointed at Joel. "Unless twins is a cover up. Who's the original? I call it."
"A shower!" Joel crowed, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He lifted the collar of his shirt and took a sniff— yeah he was definitely (over)due for one. "Remind me to do that after we get settled. But heck, we're so close to the moth, the man, the legend. That'll be an easy trip when we feel up to it again. Maybe next time Toothless will pull his weight on the trip, eh?" When Jade cracked his neck, Joel made a face at the sound, as if he hadn't done the same exact thing the moment he'd extricated himself from their car. "He's a god, obviously, he fucks. Weren't the Greeks all about hedonism? Oh snap, that is them!" This was directed at the photo in Jade's hand, faded faces smiling up at him from the no-longer glossy picture. His smile mirrored that of his twin. "I'm the original, you broke the mold. Too cool for us all."
Jade barked a “ha!” at Joel’s description of Mothman, her eyes bright as she looked up at him. “Yeah, and then the Romans created stoicism to balance them out. All killjoys. Definitely do not fuck.” She pointed at Joel and bared her teeth in a grin so wide it was practically a grimace, her eyes crinkling up. “Of course you’d say that. I say I’m the original, you just improved the structure. Better posture, more muscle mass, but you sacrificed the most important part.” She stuck her tongue out. “My excellent personality.” 
 She stretched her arms behind her head as she yawned. “What do you say? We scope out the sibs before we sink our teeth in? Find out what they’re like?”
"Definitely not," he agreed with a laugh. "Hey, these muscles were hard work. Chopping wood really bulks you up. That and carrying Mrs. Wainwright's great dane for a mile when he gives up halfway through our walks but I have to get him back to her house somehow." Joel stuck his tongue out at her in return. "I could never hold a candle to your winning personality." 
Switching his attention to the photograph again, he shrugged one shoulder. "Might be a good idea. I dunno, I'm up for it if you are. Although, I've already got the best sibling right here." He slung an arm around Jade's shoulder and gave her a squeeze. Truthfully, he was excited to meet more potential siblings if there were any to be found. But at the same time, he had Jade. And the two of them had only ever really needed each other. Judging by the state of the cabin, he assumed any of their other relatives lived in town, if they'd stuck around at all. "Think they're all weirdos?"
“I never said they weren’t,” Jade replied breezily. “But that heart... maybe I am the clone. I would’ve left the dog to find his own way home. What can be programmed more easily, empathy for Scoob or a cool ass personality? Robots can be cool...” He trailed off as he considered each of the different options, as if he were actually wondering which of the two of them was a clone. 
“Well, duh, same.” Jade laughed and reached around Joel so that he could pinch his side. He were nervous, but the prospect of something new was so tantalizing it made him ignore the fear of rejection. He snorted. “If they’re related to us, I’d put money on it. Plus, you know, clones and jerks without shadows? Sounds like the right kind of weird.” He ground his teeth together as he grinned once more.
Joel jostled Jade, laughing. "Now, c'mon. You couldn't leave ol' Scooby behind.  He would've howled all sad as you walked away. Robots are cool. You a robot?" He made a surprised sound at being pinched, swatting Jade's hand away. "Truuuue. Y'know, it was the shadow that got me. What were the odds, honestly. I thought we were the only freaks like that." He snapped some finger guns at his twin. At the same time, his stomach growled loudly. "Unpack then food? Food then unpack? I wanna head into town to explore. How expensive do you think it is around here? I've got—" From his pocket, Joel produced a piece of lint, a very crumpled five dollar bill, and the drachmas they'd been gifted. "I've got enough. You hungry?"
Jade snorted and rolled her eyes, a crooked smile clear on her face. "And I would've turned my music up." She shook her head, as stiffly as she could managed and blinked at two different times with her eyes. "No. I am. Hu-man." She smiled and shook her head. "Nah, I knew there were others out there, I believed." When her stomach growled in response, she laughed. "I'm liking option two. We can check out what food they have out in town? Two birds?" She raised her eyebrows at Joel.
"That's some chameleon-type shit," he said matter-of-factly, then flicked a coin from his hand at Jade, trusting them to catch it. His flannel was already tossed over the corner of a bunk and Joel snagged it. Pulling it on over his PARTY PONIES tee,  he surveyed the cabin once more. His expression turned wistful. This would be home for them. This strange town filled with more strange things in one place than they had ever seen before. Joel was desperate to get out and explore. He nodded at her. "Yeah, that sounds solid. Two birds, one drachma. And maybe an extra large pizza."
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darkicedragon · 4 years
darkicedragon ................so are werewolves overloaded with testosterone? aZure pfff XDDD apparently yes darkicedragon frankenstein looking at muzaka or kentas' data like 'ಠ-ಠ im surprised youre able to hold a conversation rn, and arent trying to start a fight' '...................do you wanna? owo' //sigh// 'not........like that.......' aZure XDDD the word who shall not be spoken in the household bc if it is, all the werewolves are like OwO!!! darkicedragon 'fite' is their version of 'walkies' say the word and you just hear a thunder of footfalls running towards you XD
aZure yeeep XDDD "Dad, is dad home, I need help with something." "Hmm, not sure, let me check." breathes in "LET'S FIGHT, MUZAKA" THUMP THUMP THUMP AS MUZAKA JUST BARRELS DOWNSTAIRS "Yes, he is home" darkicedragon XDDDDDDD hmmmmmm. so is m21 also overloaded, but his heart keeps it in check. sometimes? so hes okay, and then suddenly he just wants to punch something/someone just sets him off and he wants to fight? as a kiddo anyway ............ though i guess adult/canon m21 is just fiting himself..................... aZure M figures he has just anger issues and maybe that got him in trouble and he's learned to keep them in check he's pretty good a bottling stuff up darkicedragon yeeeeaaah and/or he learned to punch with his words instead cue freak out when he has a spar/fight with kentas and just feels satisfied afterwards? oh if its kiddo m, he could have really hurt some ppl when he got angry/fitey, so he bottles everything up instead no feeling. feelings are dangerous aZure hmm, not sure if M would let go in a spar? darkicedragon truuuue aZure bc his whole thing is that he thinks his way through a battle ... well used to when he had a brain darkicedragon XD aZure and wasn't just hulk smash but let's consider him still having a brain I think he'd fight more like Franken? than Muzaka or Kentas darkicedragon thats the testosterone talking uwu the werewolf brain/heart started taking over as the series continued, so then there was only hulk smash to solve his problems aZure bottles it even harder, esp if he snaps at ppl >-> darkicedragon yeeeah. the more he loses control over himself, the more he'd swerve into never trying to put himself into a similar situation aZure pretty much >-> I don't think M does well with losing control darkicedragon nooooope aZure bc it kinda reminds him of the Union when he was not in control darkicedragon mm aZure so despite his instincts/hormones I think he'd fight for control over himself and fight using his brains never fully letting go darkicedragon so 👏 what happens to crack the control? owo though yeah, if he ended up losing control with ignes, ms NEVER going to stop bottling up his instincts after that aZure definitely, esp if he can't keep a clear head in a fight darkicedragon maybe he goes to frankenstein when he suggests trying to balance out the testosterone? human body just Cannot Deal aZure or teach him how to keep a clear head bc as he was proven, just going hulk smash only works if you're the strongest but he's not so he needs to use his power efficiently darkicedragon yusssss aZure O-O oh shit darkicedragon muzaka and kentas might not be able to help that well, bc a fight is just a rush for them, and they can still think during it. m just gets overwhelmed aZure M attacked the household when he was instinctual darkicedragon yuuuup aZure he isss deeeefinitely not gonna be on good terms with that darkicedragon yeeeeep aZure that's gonna be suuuuch a huge nooope darkicedragon honestly might not transform again after that aZure exactly their definitions of 'letting go' are very different darkicedragon or just. disappears. better him dead than him hurting his family aZure Kentas won't know how it's for M he thinks it's like for any other werewolf, something natural but M isn't fully that and his instincts aren't quite pure darkicedragon yeah aZure yeahhh >-> honestly, I'd rather have Franken or Muzaka talk to him... than have Karias beat him until he snaps outta it darkicedragon absolutely bc that just reinforces hes a beast that needs to be beaten down and hes not in control aZure yeeep >-> so Franken actually sitting him down and talking to him figuring out HOW he's affected and how the instincts actually make him behave, what he feels, why does he feel like he's not in control figuring out that for M, it's just overwhelming and finding out ways to combat that darkicedragon yussss
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kimtotes · 4 years
🤣Just when I was starting to hate Sutter a little less👀my friend showed me a tweet he made after s6,someone asked if Jax will have a love interest in the final season and he said”no love,but he probably will be fucking tons of whores”I mean,I’m back to hating on him🤣I also remember he liked to point out constantly Abel was not Tara’s son,like he said,the loss of Tara the only woman he ever loved,the woman he thought he was destined to be with,his moral anchor and the mother of one of his sons😑he shitted so much in Tara/Abel🙄Oh!I think we can trust Theo😂he has always defended Tara in interviews and even on twitter,he once answered a girl who said Tara died bc she betrayed the club and he was,since when protecting your kids in betrayal or something like that,I mean😍😍😍I’m not sure about J/T,he probably thinks Tara was too good for Jax,which truuuue🤣but I can’t help shipping them🙃lmao
I think I remember that post!! He was unbearable in S7, thats when I deleted him off all social media 😑. I can’t stand that at all because that was never the case!! Tara/Abel was such an important relationship! SOA also use to emphasis the importance of found families, then he completely changes that mentality and constantly invalidates Tara/Abel because they’re not blood related??? God I fucking love Theo even more now, I didn’t know he’s defended Tara like that in the past 🥰. He really gets it where it truly matters! Yeah I can definitely see him thinking Tara was too good for Jax! He seems to like J/T now, especially in S1 but that will probably change 🤣. I’m glad that Theo and Kim have both called out Jax for being shitty to Tara! Same!!! I know it’s true, but I’ll always love J/T 💕
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yafookinboi · 4 years
Hello void, you are now going to become the place where I gush about all of the things I don’t feel like I can say to anyone due to fear of judgement and vulnerability 🤙🏻 I should probably be able to talk about this stuff with at least one person but I feel so immature, and I feel like talking about it gets my hopes up just for things to never work out. Like putting it into words makes it real and a lot less easy to ignore once I’m let down. I don’t know, I’m getting ahead of myself here; I wanted to happily gush in this post not ramble on about my inabilities to let people in and fears of putting myself out there because I might get hurt. But really quickly on that subject: I feel like I get a little too invested a little too quickly? Like I just get way too excited and want to spend way too much time with people and want to learn everything about them right away? Which (if I acted on those urges) would probably come off way too strong and scare people away. I don’t know. Aaaaaahhhhhh it’s literally been 3 years since I last liked someone I’m so out of practice and way too eager lol But enough of the melodrama of talking myself out of things. Game plan: don’t get so fucking hella attached to day dreams and what I wish it could be, and also don’t over talk myself out of the possibility of something happening as a way to avoid getting too attached to a day dream possibility. The strat this time around is to remain open to the possibility of something and try not to be blind to the signs of something (which I usually am) so that if they are there I can recognize them and react accordingly to potentially nurture a budding relationship, BUT still not get way too invested in it so that in the event something doesn’t happen that I’m low key torn up over something that didn’t even exist to begin with. We’re all about balance in 2020 lol or at least we’re trying to be. I’ve had a lot of character growth over the past few years, so maybe it’s time for something. I don’t know lol But I trust the good Lord to take care of me and will follow Him wherever he points me. If this is a thing He has in mind then I’ll take it, if it’s just a nice friendship that He wants for me then I’ll take that, too.
Time to gush now: (read as: time to talk about all the shit that gets me too invested and excited that might potentially set me up for failure in my endeavor to not get hurt, but fuck it lol live and learn) So yeah! Carl (I think that’s the name we’re using here) and I went on a bike ride the other day and it was really nice! He showed me around, (I’m new and don’t know where anything is) and we ended up going in some of the other buildings. He showed me his program, and then we pulled over and chilled underneath some trees for a while. We talked for a couple hours honestly and it was just so natural. I didn’t have to force myself to think of topics or answers, everything just flowed. And holy shit that’s just— so nice? Even when I’m talking to people in my class about things and it’s normal stuff (side note I have to force myself to network with these people so that’s the vibe— I’m an introvert and we do a draft for capstone projects so I have to force myself to get to know people) so like we’re all getting food or something, I still feel like I’m putting on a bit of a show. Like I have to get in the mode of “networking and chatty” so that I’m not just sitting quietly listening to a conversation I’m not interested in and not getting to know anyone. But with Carl there’s no performance, no face, nothing. It’s just me. I don’t even really get that embarrassed either lol I straight up ran into a fucking WALL and just brushed it off 😂 in hindsight I’m cringing the tiniest bit, but because I just laughed it off and continued I don’t think he thought much of it (or maybe he did and thinks I’m a goober but either way I’m not thinking about it much lol). But if it was other people I’d have been dying from embarrassment lol but yeah, we sat and talked for the better part of 2-3 hours, just hanging out and getting to know one another. It was so nice. And for future reference when I’m telling myself that there are no signs: bitch you’re wrong yes there are. We wanted to go on a bike ride one day, but due to a mishap with a team thing it was too late so we didn’t go. He was the one to bring up how we didn’t go on our bike ride one night when I was giving him a ride home, and I said oh how about ____? But he had a test or something, so I let it go. Then a few days later at practice someone roasted me for not knowing where anything is and I was like “Bro you have to show me around with that bike ride,” and he was like truuuue. But that was the end of it, and I didn’t think much of it, probably that it was going to be a week or two before we got around to it. But later that night my man texted me asking if I wanted to ride the next day. So I mean /maybe/ he felt guilty about not going on the ride? Or obligated to make it happen? But like? If he didn’t want to go he could 10/10 not have texted me and just let it go lol So I mean, he put in the effort there :) And then, we had our first big team event last night and he ended up riding to it with someone else, so I figured he’d ride with them back, too. BUT 👏🏻 CHECK 👏🏻 THIS 👏🏻 SHIT👏🏻 We all parked in the same area, so Carl’s ride (we’ll call him Tim) was pretty close to my car, but when Tim started walking over to his car I was ready to say goodbye and MY BOI CARL WAS LIKE “I think I’m going to ride with (fuck I guess my name will be Skylar) Skylar” and Tim jokingly gave him a little bit of shit, and Carl laughed but justified it with “you live in the other direction” and so I got to give him one last ride home since he’s getting his car back today. And it was really nice. I love talking with him. And he WENT OUT OF HIS WAY TO RIDE WITH ME 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 So that has to be something, right? riGHT?? So yeah, I don’t think it’s a complete long shot to be like “he might be into me, too”. Idk, but I guess we’ll have to wait and see :)
Bro he’s so cute too I can’t. But holy shit do I have a type lol fucking BLONDS lol When we were talking the topic of professional dress clothing came up and he mentioned how he needs a new suit and dresspants because the set he has now is too small. And he said “the pants make my ass look great, but still” and I just laughed but got damn I bet they do make his ass look great 😆 I need help, is it normal for people to gush like this? Lol But yeah I 10/10 have a type and it’s: taller than me, blond, and a nice ass. Aside from that everything else is not physical lol aaaaahhhh I want to hug him, he looks like he gives great hugs :3 I am straight up touch starved, I do need help lol
Minor low key cringe for me is that I have been having the WORST breakout because of wearing a mask all the damn time, so my chin is like a fucking battleground. Which isn’t a problem when the mask is on, but when it’s off... it ain’t cute. And Carl has seen me without my mask on multiple times, and I usually don’t think about it when it’s off, but when I get back to my car or drop him off and then take my mask off and look in the mirror... that’s when I see all the damn whiteheads and scabs and shit and I’m just like “welp. He still talked to me. So hopefully my personality is cute even tho my face isn’t right now lol” which I know is exaggerating things, and if he’s that shallow to not like me because of acne then that speaks a lot to his character, but stillllllllll. Acne sucks in general lol. But, yeah, on the bright side I’ve been having the worst breakout since he’s met me in person and still seems to like me, sooooooooooooooooo there’s that lol. It does seem to be clearing up a little bit though 🤞🏻 I have a bad habit of picking at my skin (ayyyyy trichotillomania and its friend dermotillomania waddup), which probably makes the whole acne thing so much worse. And I’ve been trying really hard not to pick this past week and it’s kind of been paying off. So that’s good, hopefully I can start to keep the pimples at bay and go back to my one bad pimple at a time lol.
Aaaannyywaayyyyyyy that’s all the new developments for now lol I’ll probably be back in a few days with more updates, but ye :) I’m excited to see what the future holds :)
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multifandomfics · 8 years
Hamilsquad Chat Fanfic Part 1
Hi guys, hope that you enjoy this fanfiction just as much as we enjoy making it! love you guys so much and hope you stick around for more fanfictions coming soon <3
~Beenicw and Solthedog
Hamilton: Hammy
Laurens: Laurensisgay
Mulligan: SmolMulligan
Lafayette: TheFrenchiestFry
Angelica: AngietheAngel
Eliza: Elizard
Jefferson: Jeffermacandcheese
Maria: Mariaisabitch
Madison: madasahatter
Day 1
Hammy: heyo
Laurensisgay: ahola
Hammy: I just got back from my rap club
Laurensisgay: wtf you have a rap club
TheFrenchiestFry: ^^
SmolMulligan: ^^^^
Hammy: nvm to long to explain
Laurensisgay: kfjdskafjdklsa
TheFrenchiestFry: this chat is getting boring im adding a girl
Laurensisgay: butttttt i like guys better
Smolmulligan: but guys are boring plus your gay af
Laurensisgay: and?
Hammy: dkjsajfdksajlfdksa
Laurensisgay: jk jk
TheFrenchiestFry added ANDPEGGY to the chat
ANDPEGGY: I have been summoned?
Laurensisgay: wth laf
ANDPEGGY: ew its laurens
Laurensisgay: ew its the last sister
SmolMulligan: Damn that was cold
ANDPEGGY: triggered*
Hammy: what is even going on
SmolMulligan: what are you saying
TheFrenchiestFry: i love you babe
Hammy: love you to bae ;)
SmolMulligan: love you
Laurensisgay: love you too babe <3
ANDPEGGY: stfu he was talking to me
Laurensisgay: hush child you know it was for me
SmolMulligan: shots FIRED
Hammy: LFKjdsalkjfdklasjfkdsa BABE I LOVE YOU
Laurensisgay: love you to babe <3
ANDPEGGY: im gonna add eliza and maria
Hammy: noooooooooo
ANDPEGGY added Elizard to the chat
ANDPEGGY added Mariaisabitch
Hammy: Im going to commit
Laurensisgay: are you going to commit to your love to me
Hammy: why??
Mariaisabitch: wow i feel loved
Elizard: i love u tho
Mariaisabitch: i know <3
Elizard: im going to the bed now
Mariaisabitch: kk ill be there in a sec
theFrenchiestfry: DKLFSJLAJ IKRRRR
Hammy: i think laurens and i are cuter
Laurensisgay: yeah
Smolmulligan: but hammy is a sinammon roll
Hammy: flkdjsalfj wth
Laurensisgay: oh shit thats true
Hammy: but laurens/mulligan you are both sinammon rolls too
ANDPEGGY: no they are both burnt cinammon rolls you are a sinammon roll
Elizard: well hammy they are right you did the nasty in the pasty with my girlfriend while you where my boyfriend
Mariaisabitch: ^^Truuu
ANDPEGGY: GasdP such sinn
Hammy: OMG why do you have to bring this up
Laurensisgay: if you do that while we are together you will become a sin sinammon roll
Thefrenchiestfry: wth are you guys going to go to bed soon your blowing up my phone
Mariaisabitch: then turn your fucking ringer off
TheFrenchiestFry: But...I need it on for my alarm
ANDPEGGY: It’s 7:30 Turn the ringer off and go make me a sandwich
SmolMulligan: I feel like I haven’t done anything in this chat for a while so…
SmolMulligan added QUIETTHEKINGISSPEAKING to the chat
Laurensisgay: yass another supergay guy
QUIETTHEKINGISSPEAKING: how do i leave this chat
QUIETTHEKINGISSPEAKING: i didnt ask to be here
Mariaisabitch: fuck you too
Elizard:^^^ No respect
TheFrenchiestFry: Ok but what I want to know is why Mulligan has his contact
QUIETTHEKINGISSPEAKING: We have a class together
SmolMulligan: I swear George if you tell them what class I will cut you
TheFrenchiestFry: I think I speak for everyone when I say ^^^^
QUIETTHEKINGISSPEAKING: It’s a class where we learn how to make flower crowns
SmolMulligan: Bitch
Elizard added AngieTheAngel to the chat
AngieTheAngel: ‘Ello
AngieTheAngel: huh
AngieTheAngel: I always thought Laurens would be the one taking a flower crown making class tbh
SmolMulligan: He’s in our class
Hammy: Um how did I not know about this????
Elizard: Laurens doesnt spend every minute with you Alex
Hammy: :/
QUIETTHEKINGISSPEAKING: So about this whole leaving the chat issue….
Mariaisabitch: YOURE STAYING
TheFrenchiestFry: Guys we should all sign up for the class
Laurensisgay: It ended
SmolMulligan: No it didnt
QUIETTHEKINGISSPEAKING: No yeah the class is still going on
Laurensisgay: BYE
SmolMulligan: ;)
Hammy: I'm joining
Laurensisgay: stfu no you are not
SmolMulligan: Wth why can't he join???
Laurensisgay: because thats me time
Elizard: truuuue ^^^^
Mariaisabitch: wtf eliza
Elizard: hush my bab
Mariaisabitch: im coming to the room
Elizard: fdklsjalfkdsaj
Elizard: k
Smolmulligan: no
QUIETTHEKINGISSPEAKING: wtf that doesnt make sense
Angietheangel: im dead what even is this conversation
Hammy: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Laurensisgay: what is wrong ham
Hammy: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Hammy: kkkkkkkkkoooooooooooop
Laurensisgay: wtf
Hammy: ppppppp
Hammy: ppppppp
Hammy: p
Hammy: kl
Elizard: ^^^^^^^^^^^
Laurensisgay: one sec guys let me check on hammy
Hammy: dklfs
Hammy: koiiiikkkkooo
Hammy: okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Hammy: kkkkkkkkkkkk
Hammy:k k
Laurensisgay: lol he was sitting on his phone
Hammy: lol sorry guys
Thefrenchiestfry: WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME????
Hammy: well good night guys laurens and i are going to bed
Laurensisgay: gn <3
Mariaisabitch: no
Mariaisabitch: goodnight
Elizard: gn
Thefrenchiestfry: thank you
Smolmulligan: gn
Angietheangel: lol im just ignoring this chat
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fouramour · 8 years
for a guy so skilled with words
Rooty-Today at 12:18 AM
> There he goes again, that little shit. This absolutely doesn't sit right with you and something has to happen. You wouldn't want to resort to actual flogging (plus, would that even work on the lucky gnome?), but.. Clover should be reasonable enough to talk with, right...? So you wait in the foyer with a book and a coffee until he returns, whenever the hell that may be.
butterfliesDance-Today at 12:18 AM
> You change out of your little outfit into a clean violet and white one in the taxi back, no mind paid to the driver. They've seen worse, you're sure. You wanted to make sure Deuce saw you in it while he left, who can really blame you? You maybe pick up glitter on the way back. When you slide back into the mansion it's with a cup full of glitter and a plastic spoon, a litle nod given to Trace as you pass him.
Rooty-Today at 12:30 AM
You don't bother looking up to him from your book just yet. You notice him anyway. "Wait" You sound a little tired. "Do you have a moment? Do me the favor."
butterfliesDance-Today at 12:31 AM
You stop mid-step and pause a moment before you turn to him, all smiles. "I thought it was you that owed me th' favors," you say. Wiggle your brows. "Yeah, sure, what's up?"
Rooty-Today at 12:42 AM
"Chalk it up as another one I owe if you so please." Not like one more or less still mattered. Your eyes are still on the book for a moment, then close it and look up at him with a frown. Not an angry tone, more like a concerned parent.  "Do tell, why... are you doing this? I'm honestly confused. Do you like playing with Deuce you so much? With the Crew? Or are you playing us? Is it a game of how much you can get away with? Do you even know?"
butterfliesDance-Today at 12:47 AM
You pause, hesitate, clasp your hands together in front of you. You sound confused, maybe quietly apprehensive. Hoo boy are you gonna do this tonight. "Uh...that sure is a lotta questions. You want me t' pull up a chair or somethin' first? Wasn't figurin'." Maybe you should just run, but. It's not like it's Die or something, right?
Rooty-Today at 1:18 AM
"Have a seat. We can even look for a more private place to talk if you like. Think explaining this is gonna take a while? I'll even make us tea." You're only half joking. You even stand up and stretch a little.
butterfliesDance-Today at 1:19 AM
You look down at your cup and drop the spoon in, shrugging. "Sure, why not. Grab the honey, I wanna see if it agrees with glitter. You lead the way?"
Rooty-Today at 1:22 AM
"Take the stickball room, I'll be there in a bit." You give him a little wave. At least he seems cooperative and you have little reason to believe he'll just take the next emergency exit like some other members of this house as soon as you turn your back too him.
butterfliesDance-Today at 1:24 AM
You return the wave and slide off to follow instruction, slipping into the game room and thankfully not passing anything else of interest. You set down your cup on the stickball table and scoot yourself up to sit on the edge of it. Rather than, you know, a chair, where you'd be as short as ever anyway. You hum to yourself and watch the ceiling while you wait.
Rooty-Today at 1:39 AM
You join him soon after with a pot of tea, honey and two cups. He picked the table it seems, so the items go right on the felt and then lean against it with your backside. "So, you wanna start? Or do I gotta repeat the question?"
butterfliesDance-Today at 1:42 AM
You twist around to pour the tea for both of you, a quiet, thoughtful noise escaping in your pause. "Well, uh. Nah. I remember. It ain't a game o' what I can get away with, I haven't covered nothin' up. If I wanted t' have fun with secrets then I would, but it ain't my style."  You dump your glitter in the cup-- most of it-- and offer the rest to Trace. "I play with Deuce 'cause 'e makes me happy and there might be somethin' bigger I can get out of it eventually."
Rooty-Today at 1:52 AM
"Yeah I noticed." You almost chuckle. That puplic show is part of why you're so put off by the whole deal. "Eventually. Doesn't sound like you really got a plan there." You take a spoonful of glitter, no, three, and put that in your own tea, then raise the cup, but don't drink. "He makes you happy? You're not falling for him, are you."
butterfliesDance-Today at 1:56 AM
You swirl the cup around until most of it's dissipated and then dump honey in, stirring it. "I don't," you admit, shrugging. "Don't need one as long as it's not hurtin' nothin'. Longer I go without tricks the more likely I can pull somethin', after all." You almost take a sip before you bark a laugh, raising your free hand to your face. "Falling for him? You're seriously worried? Hell no! He's cute, sweet, funny, don't get me wrong. I'd date him. But truuuue luhv? Fuck that."
Rooty-Today at 2:02 AM
"Well, tell me, what am I supposed to think? We announce some kinda no flirting with the crew rule and you up your game by like four gears." You take a sip, then sigh. "I really don't want to worry about losing someone I oughta trust to the crew, in one way or another."
butterfliesDance-Today at 2:06 AM
"I up my game because Die did that straight after I hooked up with Itchy and he got pissy about it. I up my game 'cause you know I'm the exact sort of guy to do something just to prove I can, Three." You take a sip of your tea, make a little face and then a little shrug. Another sip. "It's not that hard."
Rooty-Today at 2:11 AM
You set your jaw, hardly satisfied with that answer. "Alright. Point proved. Now how do I get you to stop that? Or is a show of undying loyalty too much of a challenge for you?"
butterfliesDance-Today at 2:12 AM
You level a look at him, barely frowning. More bored than anything. "I just want attention, dumbfuck. What'm I gonna do when I don't get it here."
Rooty-Today at 2:16 AM
Well, that answer actually has to sink in for a moment. You roll your eyes and stare at the ceiling before turning to look at him. "Really. You live years in this house and tell me you don't know how to get attention from the people here? So what. You got a whole city to pick from and you run right to the enemy. Don't tell me that anger and distrust  is really the kinda attention you want to fish for here, or are you really enjoying that?"
butterfliesDance-Today at 2:23 AM
You duck your head and look off to the side, then into your cup. Furrow your brows. "You have Fin and Nep. Itchy and Die. Handy and Crow. Eggs and Biscuits. Cans isn't exactly a conversationalist, Stitch, Snow 'n Scratch aren't exactly peers. Dave's not interested, city folk don't get it unless I'm paying them not t' care. At least Deuce thinks about me even though his Crew's better."
Rooty-Today at 2:53 AM
"You think we don't think about you? You know, my life's more than Fin and Nepeta. I always got room for family. And they'd enjoy your company too, I'm sure.  Just.. geez, for a guy so skilled with words you kinda suck at telling us you got issues here, huh? I mean, we all got our share of problems to sort out. It just shouldn't always end with someone crawling to the crew for help, or we get disasters like... " You motion around in the air. "Crowbar. And we don't need any more of that."
butterfliesDance-Today at 3:01 AM
You open your mouth and a sound comes out, then abruptly cuts off. You set your cup down and hiss under your breath, sitting up and leaning closer to him. Your hands prop you up. "Don't compare me to Malcom. Don't start that. I am nothing like that," you almost whisper. Then you pause, draw back. Look almost apologetic. "...I'm easy. Real easy. Not hard t' please. I'm-- sorry." You're panicking, is what you are.
Rooty-Today at 3:12 AM
Oh boy, you hit a nerve there, didn't you? Oh boy. "Listen, sorry, I'm just- Someone's gotta worry in this house if no one else does, right?" That's not really a mood you got to see Clover in a lot. Oh. He's panicking, yes? You bump yourself off the table you leaned on and turn towards him to properly face him, even bowing down a little with a concerned look. What do??? "Hey..."
butterfliesDance-Today at 3:19 AM
"It's fine-- 's fine. You're just doin' your job. You do it great, y'know, I thought y' would." Your voice is just a tiny bit rushed. You glance at the doorway. "I'm sorry. I, y'know, I jus' don't wanna be a problem, don' really wanna get in nobody's way, don' get doin' that if I can handle it myself. You know? Did you have anythin' else to say? I'm not tryin' t' run off from th' Felt."
Rooty-Today at 3:27 AM
"Well uh." Yeah, feels like time over. He wants to leave, doesn't he? "Dunno, dial back the flirting. And uh." You're doing it great he says when really you're just completely winging it. "Is there anything I can do for you? Not just right now, I mean. Should we meet six days a week for tea time or anything. Not just out of pity. I really mean it. Something, anything?"
butterfliesDance-Today at 3:31 AM
"I'll tell you. Text y' or somethin'." No you won't. You rub at your eyes with the back of your hand and take a deeper breath than should be necessary. "It's fine. May I be dismissed? I uh. I gotta go, pretty soon. Thanks for not bein' pissy with me. Y' jus' let me know if y' need anythin'."
Rooty-Today at 3:41 AM
You resist the urge to roll your eyes, but it's obvious that talking any more was no use. "Yeah, okay. Just go." You wave him away.
butterfliesDance-Today at 3:43 AM
You just hug him, really briefly and not all that tight, and you slide off the stickball table and bolt like your life depends on it. Seconds later, the mansion's front door slams.
Rooty-Today at 3:51 AM
You look after him, not... entirely sure how to feel. You didn't exactly go into this conversation with a lot of hopes. For all you know he could have just shrugged you off. You certainly didn't expect this. Oh well, maybe let it sink, sleep on it for a night. Might be good for both of you. You sigh, then start collecting the cups from the table and clean up.
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