#and i will go down kicking and screaming and clawing till everyone fucking bleeds
yayyy! new blog. so can i request on how the companions would react if the ss went out on a mission alone and never came back? the companions go look for them and find their gun, thinking they’re dead but hear hear a voice from the closet. when they find the closet, they find a gravely injures f!ss? Sankyu!
i’ll make it romancable. i just changed the scenario up a bit. ❤️ not the proudest of this but i hope you enjoy.
everyone knew that they were inseparable since the day they became official partners. wherever sole went, he always followed. it brought them comfort knowing that he was just an arms length away to protect them from danger, but now it was different. someone had ordered sole to go on a solo mission to clear out a building with a supposedly “low” population of raiders. to his discomfort, sole had agreed without a second thought and decided to hit the road as soon as possible. “are you sure about this? i can always come with you.” worried was an understatement, he was terrified. sole tip toed and placed a kiss on his cheek, her hand resting on his shoulder. “i’ll be okay, alright? i’ll be home in no time.” even with the turning feeling in his gut, he decided to trust her words.
somehow, he ended up in front of the building sole was assigned to, letting his fear overcome him. i mean how was he not supposed to? it had been three straight days with no sign of his other half and the deafening silence in their shared home had been eating him up inside. letting out a deep breath, he entered with soft footsteps, his breathing echoing down the hall. he saw how dead bodies littered the floor, the dried up brown stains coloring the pale blue walls. as he took another step closer to the hallway, he felt himself kick something forward and heard it skid harshly on the wood tiling. looking down at the item he had launched, he felt his heart stop at the familiar weapon.
Danse (after blind betrayal):
preston had followed him just to ensure his safety just in case he needed backup but he also grew speechless at the discovery. danse froze, his face full of shock. every part of himself wanted to check the gun on the floor, but he couldn’t move a single muscle. this wasn’t actually happening right? he had already lost everything in his life, but nothing matched the sorrow he felt at that moment. yes, he was sad and confused, but he felt anger at himself. he let the realest thing he had slip through his fingers like sand. “danse,” he heard prestons voice call out to him, but couldn’t muster up a single reply, “if we look, we can find the general around here, maybe even alive.” he shot preston a look of grief and anger as he clutched his fists, tears stinging in his eyes. “and if she’s not?” “then i’ll be here to help you.”
they both looked through every corner of the building, searching for some kind of sign. preston was beggining to find the situation hopeless, only praying sole made it out while danse refused to give up on the search. he felt his body suspend as he heard coughing coming from the closet near him. with no hesitation, he jerked the door open and found his other half, holding onto the side of her neck as blood dropped down at an alarming rate. he felt so much relief wash over him but was quickly met by terror as he watched the color drain from their face. “preston!” preston ran over, horrified at the sight before him, “i’ll go get help.” danse watched as he raced out the door, his eyes shooting to sole the second after. he removed her hand and applied pressure to the wound with his as he placed his forehead on hers. “sole, if you can hear me, please hold out for a bit longer, help is coming,” he choked, feeling the tears fall down his face as sole let out a small noise, “i can’t do this without you by my side. i love you too much to lose you.”
“this is some kind of fucking sick joke right?”, he muttered, his heart beating out of his ears. this one time, he wanted to make up some kind of lie that maybe sole dropped their gun on the way out back to hq or maybe she found no use for it but the way the blood painted it made him believe anything but that. he laughed bitterly, trying to escape what he thought was the truth of the situation. soon enough, those laughs turned into sobs as he leaned on the wall for support. he wanted to scream at everything, his heart breaking at how unfair life treated him and the ones he loved. “please,” he begged, “please let this be a joke..” he fucking knew he shouldn’t have let sole go or at least followed her in secret.
his breath got caught in his throat as he heard a noise come from the closet. furiously wiping his eyes as he lifted his gun, ready to shoot whatever came out at him. but as he got closer to the door, his heart skipped a beat as he heard someone call his name faintly. quickly opening it, he found his other half weakly staring up at him, a gunshot wound near her chest. he wanted to say so many things to her, but his words got caught up in his throat and he solely focused on getting sole up and out of there. deacon rushed over and picked her up without another word, dashing out the building. “we’ll be at hq in no time,” he panicked, nearly out of breath, “i’ll never fucking leave you alone again.” she looked up at him, seeing the fear in his eyes behind his sunglasses, “and i’ll be damned if i let you leave me, sole.”
“no fucking way.” he didn’t even recognize his own voice as he spat out those words. “there’s no fucking way she’s dead.” he grabbed his shotgun, his eyes darting at every direction as anger and devastation filled his core. “WHERE ARE YOU, YOU FUCKING COWARDS?!” his voice echoed the empty halls as he stomped, breaking down almost every door in search of the person who was responsible for her death. he was gonna find this person and gut them till they were unrecognizable. as he knocked the last door down, he pointed his gun at the figure sitting against the wall but immediately retreated his weapon as he saw sole looking up at him with half lidded eyes.
“holy fuck,” he knelt down besides them, his hands cupping her cheeks, “sunshine, talk to me. say anything, please.” she felt his hands shake against her skin, and sent him a weak smile just to reassure him that everything was gonna be okay. he watched as soles eyes directed to the deep wound on her stomach and hancock didn’t waste a minute, immediately picking up sole and running out. as sole was brought to dr. amari and treated for her wounds, hancock was given the good news that she would make it. he bent down, kissing soles forehead as she slept. grabbing his weapon, he walked out the doorway as the doctor called out. “where are you going?” he cocked his gun, replying almost instantly, “to kill the bastard that fucking dared to touch what belongs to me.”
even if fear hit him, he took a few deep breaths but couldn’t help but to pull his hat down, his “heart” aching with unbearable pain. “fuck, i’m sorry sole,” he choked, “i’m sorry i failed you.” he wanted to find soles body and give her a proper burial but felt his body weaken at the thought of seeing her lifeless. he picked up the gun and placed it in his pocket, following the blood trail that led down the hall to a closed closet. with a deep breath, he slowly reached out to the doorknob, dreading every scenario that dragged his thoughts. that was until he heard a soft, pained groan coming from the other side, “help..”
nick opened the door almost instantly, his gears whirring loudly as he found his lover with a major laceration on the side of her head. he saw how the blood dried up, covering almost half of her face and a good portion of their vault suit. god, he hated how her blood painted her pale, soft skin. nick took off his coat and held it against her head as she squirmed in pain. “doll, i need you to hold still,” he tried to stay calm, but knew fear got the best of him, “i just need to tie this on your forehead to stop any further bleeding.” he took out a stimpack and injected her arm, quickly placing sole on his back and headed to diamond city. “nick.. i-i’m sorr-“ nick shushed her, “save your energy, sweet pea, you don’t need to explain yourself. you just need to focus on staying awake,” he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, “i love you, sole.”
“no please.” he mewled, his legs giving out on him as he knelt forward to pick up the gun with shaky hands. maccready couldn’t do this shit all over again. he couldn’t lose sole like he did with lucy, and just couldn’t afford to put another person he loved six feet under. he let out a deafening sob that echoed through the walls, breaking his promise within seconds. “fuck! sole, don’t do this shit to me right now!” his voice cracked with grief as he clutched her gun to his heart, clawing at it desperately. he was hoping, somewhere, somehow, sole could hear his pleas. “you can’t leave me like this!” his begs for her got louder.
his sobs were cut off by the sound of metal hitting the floor and reverberating through the hallway. maccready stood on his feet, gripping his weapon tightly as he let out angry breaths. he was going to kill the fuck out of whatever was behind those doors. as he yanked the door open, he halted any further movement and dropped his weapon out of shock. sole had a broken leg with various cuts littered around her body as she smiled weakly at him. with fat tears rolling down his face, he dropped down to hug sole, sobbing into her hair. “you’re okay.. we’re okay.. fuck..” he lifted her off the ground, beginning to sprint back to sanctuary, ignoring the pain in his legs. “i got you, love,” he whispered as he looked at the road ahead of him, “when we get home, we’ll get you fixed up and i’ll plan a day for both of us to enjoy ourselves.. so please hold on for me.” sole only closed her eyes, letting out a soft hum.
ps: it’s 12 am here and i’ll edit this once i wake up in the morning so pls don’t mind my writing!
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starkerkeyz · 5 years
Gateway: The Path to Happiness
Keyz 💖: This rp is LONG and so fun💕 Queen keeps me on track and focused (ง'̀-‘́)ง this is post IM1 so Tony is a young broken baby and Peter is going to save him💖
Queen 💓: I really hope everyone likes it! It is very long and very hard to edit. Credit to @the-mad-starker for doing almost all of the editing, we couldn’t have done it without you!
AO3 Link
Warnings: Alcoholism, self harm, Discussion of past abuse, trauma from past abuse, Obie is the abuse, Tony is a hot mess, ABO, omega/omega, intersex omega
Tony sways as he walks and takes another swig from the bottle clutched in his hand. He doesn’t even bother to hide it behind a trite little paper bag like the nice beta at the 24 hour convenience store had offered. Tony doesn’t care if people know he’s wasted. He doesn’t care if he’s arrested, either. His lips curl up, a snarl behind glass.
Let them try. 
He’s quickly nearing the end of the street he’s on. Just by the corner, only separated from the main road by one measly building, a tiny alleyway housing some other late night drifter leaning against the cold brick. 
Tony thinks nothing of it until the scent of alpha hits his nose like a punch, and he almost lifts a hand to check under his nostrils for blood from the force of it. He’s, at once, filled with longing, the loneliness of an abandoned omega roaring up out of him like a tsunami. In equal measure, a cold fury sweeps down from his ringing ears and his grip on the bottle turns into firm claws. 
Something feral and wild prowls behind the arc reactor and makes Tony’s pupils blow out, neck prickling and hot. 
He remembers the feel of Obie’s hands on his nape. The paralysis of the omegan sweet spot being taken advantage of; held down and kept there while his clothing was removed. For the arc reactor, Tony. But that hadn’t stopped him from pawing Tony’s chest, either. Gloating about how much money Tony had made him on the black market while he did it. 
Fuck alphas.
The Alpha looks up, taking a deep breath, opening his mouth and tastes the omega scent, distressed and abandoned omega. He grins as he surveys the omega walking forward towards him, and he sees the alcohol in the omegas hand. He’s never seen an easier target, drunk and craving an alpha. “Hey, Baby,” the alpha calls, pushing off the wall. He strides towards the omega, “How about you, me, and that bottle go have some fun?”
Tony lowers the bottle from his mouth and tries not to make it obvious he’s holding it ready. He plasters on a sloppy smile and waves his hand, dismissing the alpha and moving to walk past.
“Not interested, buddy,” he grumbles, shoulders rising up to his ears and making him even angrier. The smell of alpha makes his knees feel weak; he doesn’t stop moving forward. Obie was a bastard and so is this guy.
The Alpha is a little surprised by the reaction. Normally, lonely abandoned omegas fall at your feet at the slightest notice, just to have an alpha pay attention to them for a few minutes. It’s what every part of their body and minds crave. 
This one though seems angry. That isn’t a problem. “That’s a pity baby,” the alpha purrs. 
He steps to the side, letting the omega pass, before stepping close and grabbing the nape of the omega’s neck and gripping tightly. 
“But we can have you feeling good, anyway. I was just out for a smoke, baby, let’s go inside and I’ll show you a real good time. You’ll forget about your old alpha and being angry real soon,” he coos.
Tony goes for a swing, having expected something but he’s been trying to convince himself not all alphas are bad (he’s wrong, so wrong, this is wrong) and he’s too slow. His arm drops, fingers going limp.
The bottle falls down to the ground and shatters, beer spackling the pavement and cement along with dark brown shards of glass. 
Tony can’t even flinch away. 
The alpha wraps his other arm around the pretty omega’s waist, hand sliding over his hoodie to feel the body underneath. 
“Mmm, Omega, we are going to have so much fun,” he growls, voice low and full of lust. “Gonna make you scream, baby, and don’t worry, I like my omegas with a little bit of fight.” He roughly pulls Tony towards a doorway, grinning.
“Bet you have a lovely pussy, baby. Wonder how wet you’ll be already given how much you crave an alpha, poor little thing.” A foot connects with the back of the alpha’s knees and they buckle. He yelps and lets go of the omega. As soon as he does, he turns to try and see the attacker and gets punched in the face. He stumbles back and sees a slender omega who, at once, puts himself between him and the first omega. 
The omega growls and the alpha growls back. He goes to punch the omega who ducks out of the way and swings at him. Then everything goes black.
Tony stumbles back, going for the neck of the broken bottle without thinking about what’s going on behind him. 
He grabs the neck, shallowly cutting his fingers and palm in the process as he snatches the broken glass in his clumsy post-paralysis grip.  By the time he turns back around, his attacker is knocked out.
Tony blinks rapidly.  
The newcomer smells like another omega but he overpowered that alpha like it’s nothing. He isn’t sure what to do. His hand stings but he isn’t about to drop his only means of defense. He doesn’t want to turn his back when his nape still throbs with the memory of that asshole’s grip.
“Who are you?” Tony starts off, shifting his weight from foot to foot, swaying more than intended as the alcohol fights for control over his faculties. The omega kicks the alpha to check if he’s really out cold before turning to the alpha’s victim. He can smell the loneliness and he can see the alcohol, too. He’s very glad to have gotten there in time. He gives the other omega a gentle smile. 
“I’m Peter.” His eyes flick to the weapon the omega holds. “How about you put that down. You’re hurting yourself. I’ve got bandages, how about I help you stop the bleeding and get you to a taxi?” he suggests. 
“N-no. No, thanks. I’m fine.” Tony takes a step back even though it hurts to leave such an invitation behind. 
He can’t trust anyone. He can’t even trust himself. 
He wants to stay so badly…
That’s why he’s gotta leave. He can’t stay. He should be heading home, Obie will want to know-
Oh. Well.
Tony stops and looks down at his hand where his knuckles have gone white over the broken brown glass. It makes the red rivulets of his blood stand out vividly in the dim lighting. 
He doesn’t have an alpha anymore. He doesn’t even want one. But what does he do with himself without one?
Peter knows just how scared and instinctive omegas are in this kind of state and he inches forward and lets out a gentle calming scent, the kind you use to calm children. 
“It’s okay, you can trust me. I know you must be really scared, but I have had that happen to me, and I really do just want to make sure you get home safe, and you don’t hurt yourself.” He pauses and offers the omega a hand palm up. 
“I’m Peter Parker, what’s your name?”
Tony doesn’t offer his last name. His hand spasms on the bottle and shatters it further, splintering the glass. He sees the cuts and slivers but doesn’t feel a thing. 
He drops the useless bundle of shards at his feet and then drops his hand at his side like his injuries mean nothing. 
"I’m not going to hurt myself,” he says as if he isn’t bleeding onto the street. 
He furrows his brows, petulant and feverish with conflicting emotions and cravings. He could still smell alpha pheromones in his nose and feel the hot, dirty clamp of alpha fingers on his omegan weak spot. 
“How is an underage twink supposed to help an adult with adult problems, anyhow?” Tony snarls meanly, trying to hurt, to lash out and cut off any attempts to get closer. Trying to cover up his pulse starting to kick and scream frantically behind the reactor. 
“You’re gonna make me do things I don’t wanna do. I don’t. Wanna. I don't…” Tony blinks, slow and furious with himself. He snarls at nothing. Then he looked at the other omega with naked longing, vulnerable and glassy-eyed and wanting so much. “I don’t wanna be alone.”
Peter nods encouragingly.
“I’m 25 and I know no omega wants to be alone after an alpha tried that. You won’t be, I’m here,” he promises, stepping a little closer as he continues to hold his arm outstretched. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want. Let’s just go a street over, away from this alpha. And then, if you want, I’ll sit with you, or take you home, or stop the bleeding, I promise,” he says softly. “I know everything is scary right now, but it’s going to be okay. I’m an omega just like you, and we look after each other.”
“Nobody looks after me,” Tony tries to say it meanly, to say it through his teeth, but it comes out more broken and tender than the split skin of his fingers. 
He scowls at himself for showing vulnerability and shakes his head, angry and hurting but not retreating anymore. 
“I look after me. The people who look after me. My alpha…” Tony’s eyes go far away. He slowly comes back to himself with a shake and looks at Peter, shoulders pulling in to make himself small. He’s so alone. “I don’t have an alpha anymore, Peter. He wasn’t a good alpha. But he was mine? And now I'm… alone. I look after me.”
Peter nods. 
“I know, it’s awful being left alone like you don’t matter, but omegas always try to look after each other, because we understand each other in a way alphas never could. I know what it feels like to be abandoned by an alpha, but the things that helped me were my omega friends.” He steps closer. 
“It’s hard to trust, Tony. I know that but you only have to trust me a little bit, for a little while, just till we get you home,” he says softly. He reaches out and takes his uninjured hand. “Just for a little bit, I’ll look after you.”
“I don't…” Tony looks down to where the other omega is holding his hand. 
He can feel that more clearly than whatever dull throbbing ache he’s done to his other hand. He looks up at Peter and wants to stop fighting. 
“You’ll take care of me?” Tony’s voice is as small as it’s ever been. He’s scared to move; not even to lace their fingers together. 
What if Peter leaves him like Obie did?
Peter smiles and nods.
“Yes, I will, Tony. It’s going to be okay. How about we go away from this horrible alpha?” he suggests gently. “I’ve got bandages in my bag, and I can help some of the pain go,” he coaxes. He steps back and gently tugs on Tony’s hand. 
“I’ll take care of you,” he promises. “Come on, omega, we will have you home and safe soon.”
Tony goes along with the other omega, forgetting about his hand and the glass and the alpha and Obie. Peter has such a nice smile. Tony doesn’t want to think about the rest if he doesn’t have to. 
He doesn’t meet the other omega’s eyes but he does weave their fingers together, holding on tight in the dark. 
Peter guides the omega to a bench the next road over. He lets go of the omega’s hand to take his backpack off and get a first aid kit out. He then gently takes Tony’s hand.
“Let’s see, ow, that must hurt,” he murmurs letting out a soothing scent. “Let me get that glass out.” Peter gets some tweezers and starts gently getting the glass out. 
“You’re being so good, omega. Good boy,” he murmurs sweetly. He gives him a big smile. “That’s all of it out. I have to disinfect it now though. It’s going to hurt but you’re going to be a brave boy for me, aren’t you?”
Tony doesn’t even care that this kid is calling him boy like that. It makes his insides kinda squirmy. Maybe the alcohol is making him nauseous. 
“It doesn’t hurt,” Tony responds honestly. He watches Peter tend to his injuries dispassionately, eyes hooded. He reaches over and grabs one of Peter’s hands with his free one. “I can feel you, though. You’re warm.”
Peter rubs Tony’s good hand for a few seconds before pulling away to get the disinfectant. He wipes several times.
“That’s it, well done. You’ve been so good,” he murmurs with a smile. 
Tony is still bleeding and Peter carefully wraps the hand in a bandage. He then takes both hands in his.
“There, all good. It’s better now, omega. A taxi will come soon and then you can get home and in bed. Won’t that be nice? Maybe you can make yourself a nice nest?” He suggests gently.
“No.” Tony takes both hands back and puts them in the pockets of his hoodie. He moves to get off the bench and walk away altogether, shoulders hunched against rejection and cutting himself off preemptively. 
“No nests. My alpha…” Tony pauses, stuck in his autopilot with an interrupted subroutine. He doesn’t have an alpha. “I’ll sleep. Somewhere. But not in a nest. Good night.”
Peter’s heart aches for the omega. Was he not allowed nests?
“Of course, you can sleep wherever you want, Tony,” he says, stepping forward towards him. “You are an omega who looks after themselves, but why don’t you wait for the taxi? You said I was warm. You must be cold. Walking home won’t be nice. The taxi will be here real soon and then you can get home and have a good sleep.” He pauses. “I promise you’ll soon wonder why you ever missed an alpha when being by yourself can be wonderful.”
“I don’t know about that,” Tony whispers. He ducks his head and looks at his shoes for a moment. Then he turns back around and comes close to Peter again, still not making eye contact. 
“But I’ll stay. For the taxi,” Tony murmurs softly. His hand still doesn’t hurt but he thinks maybe it aches, being alone. 
Peter gives him a big bright beaming smile. 
“That’s good, Tony,” he says. He gently takes both hands and stands a little closer, thumbs stroking his hand soothingly. 
“You know what helped me when I was alone?” He asks, “After a bit, I broke the rules the alpha had laid down and that helped me feel a little better.”
“My alpha would have pinched me for being out so late.” Nothing worse, because Tony would have complained and someone would have seen, but those hateful little corrective pinches to his sides and ass were humiliating. 
Tony whines, distressed, shifting from foot to foot again like he’s thinking of running for it as soon as Peter lets go of him. 
Peter’s heart throbs in sympathy. He steps forward and pulls Tony into a firm hug. Arms strong around him like an alpha’s would be. 
“He won’t do that anymore, because you’re not alone. You’re free,” he promises, hands rubbing Tony’s back soothingly. “Right now, it feels bad but when you shake off the physical craving then you’re free and it’s wonderful, I promise it is, Omega.”
Tony shudders and clutches at the other omega, fingers digging in too tight as wetness threatens to spill past his lashes. Peter smells so sweet and soft and sincere. Tony wishes it was real. He wishes he deserved nice things. 
The taxi pulls up before Tony can break down any further.
Tony jerks back like he’s been stung. He stumbles away before he can make even more of an ass of himself, mumbling a tiny thanks to Peter without looking at him. He heads towards the taxi with the scent of blooming happiness being snuffed out and replaced by uncertainty and shame. 
“See you around, Peter.”
Peter opens the taxi door for Tony and waits for him to clamber in. He then pulls out a business card. 
‘Gateway-The door to a new world
Peter Parker’ 
It then lists a business email and phone number. Peter pulls a pen out and writes his personal number on the back and gives it to Tony. He leans in and kisses his cheek. 
“Feel free to call me anytime, okay?” He says softly. “You seem like a great person I’d like to get to know.”
Peter steps back and shuts the door and waves as the taxi leaves. 
Tony looks at the card and thinks about tearing it up. He doesn’t deserve someone as nice as Peter. Obie wouldn’t want him to keep this card… 
Tony slides it into the back pocket of his jeans and rests his head against the taxi window. 
“Wake up, Tony." 
Tony rolls off the couch with a flail, shouting at nothing and landing on his bandaged hand for his troubles. He winces, standing up with his hands cradled to his stomach protectively. 
"I don’t want to know where you’ve been or what you did to your hand. Just please take a shower and go to that meeting like you promised me, okay?” Pepper means well but she’s not his alpha and her presence so close when he’s so unbalanced is more stress than relief to his omegan senses. 
“I will, I will. I’m up. It’s at 2? I’ve got hours.” Tony shuffles to the bathroom. He can’t turn his back, even on Pepper. 
“Tony, it’s noon and the place is 45 minutes away. Please let Happy take you.” It’s so he’ll let her know when Tony arrives. He’s used to being monitored and kept track of this way. 
“Sure thing, Pep." 
She leaves. 
Tony takes a piss but doesn’t return to the bathroom. He pours himself a morning glass of whiskey and nurses that in place of showering or brushing his teeth. 
He feels the little card in his back pocket - didn’t change his clothing from last night- sitting on the couch and in the car. He doesn’t pull it out until he’s all the way at the meeting, alone and afraid and trying to remember Peter’s smile. It’s for reassurance and it leaves him feeling like a dumbass for hoping a little card could or would help. 
"Stupid. Why am I even trying…” Tony murmurs to the card, leg bouncing, bandages stark and obvious and ugly. He’s a mess. A wreck of a human and a disaster of an omega. No wonder Obie tried selling him for sex.
Peter is helping set up chairs with MJ and Wanda when people start to enter the room. This is a meeting that isn’t run by Gateway but by going as clients, there is a Gateway presence there, one that the organizers love because of how the three of them give the other omegas hope. 
He’s just finished when out of the corner of his eye he sees… Tony? He turns and sees Tony standing in the doorway in the same clothes from yesterday. Oh, the poor thing. He waves, smiling widely.
Tony enters the room, looking around for a quiet corner to stand and hide in, but then he sees Peter. He is hit with the sudden urge to move closer to him and enjoy his company and also to move farther away because fuck, he hasn’t changed clothing and he brushed his teeth with whiskey this morning afternoon. 
Maybe other people could tell, but Peter would know.  Anyway, Peter’s accompanied by another pretty omega closer to his age and Tony isn’t sure if he’s even welcome. 
He flushes in humiliation but waves back. He hovers around the proceedings without looking at the other omega, getting in everyone’s way with his slow shuffling in and out of their paths, swaying gently from booze and lack of good sleep.
Peter can see the others omega’s embarrassment in the way he quickly looks away and awkwardly walks around the room but Peter strides over.
“Tony, it’s good to see you.” 
Tony seems very responsive to contact so Peter greets him traditionally, kissing his cheek.
“It’s especially good to see you here, Tony. Do you want to sit by me?” He asks. “If you need it, you can always tap me and we can go take a little break.”
“It’s okay. If you want to stay with your friend.” 
Tony isn’t nearly as drunk or out of his wits as he was last night. He still finds himself leaning into Peter’s space, craving the contact and attention with a bone-deep need that he wishes he could smother and repress.
“I didn’t think I’d see you again. Especially not… like this.” He sprayed himself with something expensive and nice but is it enough to cover the smell of his self-loathing and depression? 
He shouldn’t have come. Peter will think he’s- well, Peter will know he’s a terrible person to associate with, now. So much for that little card being helpful. 
Peter would probably hang up on him now. 
He’s just being polite to Tony.
Peter gives him a smile.
“MJ and Wanda are fine on their own, probably already making new friends,” he jokes. 
Peter takes the bandage free hand. He feels a deep sympathy at the way Tony smells and looks. He’s clearly falling apart at the seams, poor thing. Peter will help him though.
“Let’s sit together. Don’t worry, I promise the meetings aren’t too bad and you don’t have to speak if you don’t want to.”
“You’re the nicest person I’ve met, Peter Parker.” 
Tony might be drunker than he thought. He lets the younger omega guide him to their seats. He, thankfully, takes a spot that’s a little away from the others, a small oasis of a chair or two of space between Tony and any other omega besides Peter. He relaxes, turning his shoulders towards Peter and feeling light enough to exhale and smile.
“Thanks, by the way. I think I dove into the taxi too fast to say it last night.” He squeezes Peter’s hand. He’s reluctant to let go. Peter is the only familiar face amongst the crowd and he smells so comforting and his smile is just as charming and boyish as Tony remembered. He doesn’t want to let go. 
Tony is sweet. Peter can tell he’s scared and feels alone, that he’s been mistreated too, but that inside, he’s the sweetest little omega. It will just take a while to draw it out.
“That’s okay, I’m just glad I helped, Tony.”
The group leader Emma stands up and starts talking. Peter doesn’t drop Tony’s hand, just strokes it with his thumb. He gives Tony an encouraging smile as they go around and introduce themselves. Some people say why they are there, some not.
“Hi, I’m Peter. I’m here because I want to support people who went through the same things I did, to show that you can get through it and get stronger despite the experience.”
All eyes turn to Tony after that and he panics. He can’t do this. He can’t tell them the truth. He can’t.
“I’m- my name is. Tony. And I was assaulted. By an alpha.” He’s lying about why he’s there. He was scheduled to be at this meeting long before the incident last night. Nobody in this room but Peter will know the truth and Tony-
Tony actually trusts him not to call him out on that.
It makes his next words come breathy. His hold on Peter is tight so he doesn’t float away.
“A good Samaritan saved me. It’s the only reason I’m here today.”
Peter knows Tony isn’t being truthful as he references yesterday, but he can also hear some truth in the omega’s words. He’s been assaulted before that. 
He feels the tight grip on his hand and squeezes back. 
They finish up with names and then the group leader has them go around the circle and talk about a time that they overcame fear. Tony stays silent for each round of talking but Peter speaks up every time. 
The whole time he holds Tony’s hands. 
After an hour, the meeting wraps up, and Peter turns to Tony. 
“Perhaps this sounds strange, but would you like me to come home with you to just help you do some normal things? It can be hard to do those things after being abandoned,“ he says quietly.
“You don’t want to see it.” Tony turns into Peter’s space, mirroring his posture and still holding onto his hand. The uncomplicated comfort is nice. The bubble of privacy around them is nice, too.
“You should be doing better things with your time. I have the money to pay people to help me.” Tony rubs his unshaven cheeks ruefully. He has the money for a barber but he won’t go. He’s never letting anyone near his upper body with sharp implements ever again. Not without a repulsor to the face.
Peter gives him a smile.
“I’d like to help, Tony,” he says softly. “How about we go to yours and you take a nice hot shower and shave and I make us some dinner?” 
He leans closer letting out a soft interested scent.
“I’d really like to know how to get to know you better, Tony.” 
“I’m Iron Man,” Tony blurts, like it’s shameful, like Peter will leave him -like Pepper, like Obie, like his parents- and he runs a hand through his hair, breathing out harshly. He looks at Peter through his lashes, shoulders rounding for a blow.
“My name is Tony Stark. I’m… I’m too old to be this fucked up, kid. You don’t want to get to know me better. I’m really, really not worth it.” 
Tony should have waited until after he had home-cooked food to deliver this news. Then again, hiding his huge home and fleet of cars and name brand everything would have probably been impossible. 
Well, it’s better to get this out of the way so he can absorb this let down with some rum and coke for dinner when Happy gets him home after this.
This statement piques Peter’s interest but he gives no indication that that is the case. He smiles at Tony and squeezes his hand. 
“That doesn’t matter to me. I still want to help no matter how much money you have, so do you want my help?” He asks softly. 
"I–. Yeah.” Tony can’t believe this kid. For someone able to knock out a horny alpha with ease, he’s only ever been soft to Tony. It makes Tony’s skin prickle warmly and that light floaty feeling comes back. 
“Some things you can’t buy, I’m offering one of those,” Peter says with a soft smile. 
“You can come back to mine. I have a driver but we can take your car or a taxi or- whatever.” Just don’t leave me goes unspoken but rings loud and pathetic in Tony’s ears. 
Peter gives him a kind loving smile.
“My friends carpooled, so we go with your driver. Don’t worry,” he soothes. “I just need to go and tell them.” 
He stands and leads Tony over to MJ and Wanda.
“Guys, this is Tony. We’re going to go and chill at his place,” he explains. 
MJ gives him an up and down and then nods.
“Okay, see ya,” she says. 
Wanda smiles, “Night, Pete!” Peter gently leads Tony out of the hall. 
“You got any food in the fridge or do we need to pick up some?”
“Probably should pick some up.” 
Tony only knows what alcohol he has on hand at any given moment. There are snacks everywhere but as far as real food goes, he only eats that at work when people are watching. 
“Or we could get burgers on the way back.” 
His comfort food. A good, greasy burger to absorb all the toxins from his body and flush his cheeks with warmth. Obie used to pinch him for loving burgers so much. 
Peter sees the light in Tony’s eyes when he talks about burgers, and he smiles.
“If you’d like that then we can do that, Tony,” he promises with a soft smile, “I’ll just make you some nice tea at home.” Peter guides Tony down the hall and out into the cold.
“When is your driver getting here?” he asks. “And where would you like to get burgers?”
“Happy should be just around the corner.” Tony doesn’t think about it as he leans into Peter’s touch, taking his phone out and texting for his beta friend and driver. He’s too excited about the idea of burgers with another person to think about how skin hungry he’s acting.
“We can get some from this place near my house. It’s a hole in the wall but so good. I’ll pay.” Tony finds his words ramping up the more excited he gets. He hasn’t had a burger with a friend in. A while. 
And Peter’s his friend… right?
Peter smiles as the car pulls up and they get in together. The driver gives him a look in the mirror but doesn’t comment. 
Tony rambles, clearly nervous about the hole in the wall and going there in the past with his friend, Rhodey. Peter smiles and listens, thumb stroking the back of his hand reassuringly. When they get there and get out of the car and join the queue, Peter stands close so their arms press against each other.
“I love burgers,” he tells Tony, grinning.
Tony moves closer and closer the more Peter smiles and doesn’t push him away. He’s really missed this. 
Obie never touched him, he wasn’t Tony’s alpha, sexually, but the loss of his scent and even the contact of those damn pinches left him feeling raw and exposed. 
Peter’s skin against him makes him feel settled and warm and he wants to keep this feeling going for as long as he can. He’s forgotten about wearing yesterday’s clothing or basic social norms and is nearly climbing into Peter’s back pocket in his eagerness by the time they get to the register and order. And Peter still isn’t pushing him away!
“We can eat at my place. I’ll shower and get cleaned up for you.” Tony puts his arm around Peter’s shoulders, wanting to cuddle and holding back. 
Peter loves how Tony is so tactile, already craving his touch. And the way he says he’ll do things for Peter. He’s the sweetest little thing. 
Peter kisses his cheek and puts his arm around Tony’s waist.
“That sounds wonderful, Tony. Just got to wait for our order then, go together!”
Tony preens under the attention. He ducks in and rubs his cheek against Peter’s, quick and shy, scenting him like it means nothing and ignoring the blush on his cheeks. 
Tony pays and they pick up their order not long after. Tony holds the food and opens the door for Peter, not letting him lift a finger. 
Tony feels giddy enough to do it again at the car door, smiling widely at Peter, and letting him in first. Pepper doesn’t like it when Tony showers her with affection like this but Peter isn’t pushing Tony away and so Tony can’t seem to stop wanting to get closer. 
Helen Cho has warned him about alpha withdrawal but that couldn’t be why he feels so at ease around Peter… could it? He isn’t an alpha…
Peter is surprised when Tony scents him. For such a nervous skittish thing, he has warmed up to Peter very, very fast. Then he holds the doors open like a sweet gentleman and Peter gives him a big smile.
“Do you want me to eat with you now? Or after my shower?” Tony chatters away to cover his insecurities, tugging Peter along now they’re in his territory. 
He, kind of, doesn’t want to separate from the other omega. Would it be weird if Peter comes into the bathroom with him? But then, he’d see the arc reactor, so nevermind, forget that mood killer. Tony will stay fully clothed around the other omega at all times. Peter reaches out and gently strokes his cheek. “Tony, you go shower and I’ll get out plates and get us something nice to drink. It will feel really nice to get all clean, and then, you can put on nice, fresh clothes, something soft, okay?”
“Soft. Right.” He could do that. And then Peter might smile and say he’s done good. The thought makes Tony’s stomach flip and twist.
Tony rubs his cheek against surprisingly long fingers, eyes going lidded and glassy for a moment at the rush of pure endorphins. He blinks slowly; nods even slower.
“Okay, Peter. I’ll go do that. You won’t get bored? I can make it quick. I can leave the door unlocked?” Tony’s anxiety starts pulling him back down from wherever he’s floated off to. 
If Peter’s gone when he gets back from his shower then he’ll be heartbroken. 
Tony is so so so vulnerable that Peter is surprised there isn’t anyone in his life living with him to help him. Just Peter’s wrist near his nose has his eyes glazing over. But he’s such an anxious thing, scared of being left alone. Peter steps close and draws Tony into a hug, guiding the omega’s nose to his neck.
“I’ll be here, Tony. It’s all okay,” he coos.
Tony nuzzles into the offered skin. He moans softly, full of need and longing, and clings onto Peter tightly. He feels so much building up under his skin from years of being pushed down too low for Obie to reach. Feelings and cravings and cracks in his armor he’s had to hide. 
Tony exhales the weight of it all and nearly cries from how easily Peter holds him up. 
The kid’s a miracle. 
“Sorry. Sorry. I’ll go shower. You’re not a teddy bear or a therapist.” Tony backs off abruptly, his limit hit and tolerance too low for any more touchy-feely things without the ease of alcohol. He gestures to the kitchen and dining area, cheeks and neck red. “Have at it. I’ll be back soon.”
Peter watches as Tony leaves the room and heads off through some doors into the bathroom. There's a strong urge to follow, to see what the beautiful touch starved omega would do if he strode in naked and joined him in the shower. Tony is so eager so surely he wouldn't mind...
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somanycannons · 5 years
Richie Tozier x Reader
Part One~ Sorry for any spelling mistakes or anything! Hit me up and tell me if you like it and maybe I can do some one shots for you!
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Y/N had always been the quote on quote weird child of her family, from wearing mostly bold and dark color, listening to heavy/soft rock/metal music, and trust me coming from her family it was crossing some lines nearly getting her kicked out and few bruises from her fathers belt when he had a few too many one night when she was younger something that she never talked about with them due to the fact it was old news, but nether the less the Losers all adored her just the way she was her dyed black hair and her bubbly smile that new how to light up a room whenever she was in it and bring out the best of them especially Richie “Trash Mouth” Tozier, he adores y/n she was a walking talking sassy goddess who knew how to handle her own and then the Losers came face to face with that fucking clown and something changed in her down in the sewers something she didn’t share with any of them. Richie remembered her hand grabbed his hand tightly in hers showing signs of fear nothing she had ever done before especially when she kicked Bowers in the dick.
“Don’t let go for the love of fucking god Tozier” She whimpered gently in his head her breathing ragged almost
“ Doll you’re going to be fine... you don’t have to wo— WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?” Richie yelled staggering back
IT had transferred into another nightmarish monster but not of Richies fears but Y/N, she was nearly frozen in the spot look at the beast, it was talk dark and lanky long claw like hands and distorted face , she knew exactly who it was and it was her biological dad, a true monster in its own form who was known for beating the living shit out of her until she was black and blue, the piece of shit who nearly killed herself and her mother before her mother finally had enough sneezing them out in the dead of night and they left , soon enough y/n mom found her step father who saw Y/N as the apple of his eye and even showed her some of the rock bands that he loved and taught her everything he knew and even sometimes he would stay with her late a night when the nightmares from her passed shook her awake. News later on reached that her biological dad had killed himself in a car accident leaving them to breath out and relax for the first time in a long , but that secret was never told to the others she didn’t want them to know of her fucked up family. Richie couldn’t get her to move at all almost as if she was she was a statue or stuck to the ground with glue ,she started to tremble her eyes glassed over with memories of the past playing like a bad movie.
“Come here you little cunt” IT sneered his claws lashing out wildly at Richie and Y/N
Y/N managed to click in fight or flight instincts the memories of what once was finally washed away she had to live for herself not then none of it can happen ever again she knew that her step dad always promised and kissed her head repeatedly telling her that till she fell asleep again, she grabbed Richies hands dragging him along with her as they ran amongst the sewers screaming and yelling for the others. Richie and y/n finally found the others and soon, all of them were coming face to face with the stupid clown beating the fuck out the clown with the piece of the fence from the Neibolts house , each time one of the losers hit it it would turn into a fear of theirs. Y/N held the rod in her hand her eyes narrowing at the clown as it shifted into her father snarling and claws reaching out for her
“Nobody will love you you stupid cunt not with all those scars “ IT laughed
“I can love myself though you stupid cunt” she laughed slamming the pole straight through the clowns head blood splattering across her face her voice quivering
The Losers jumped off the cliff where they first started the summer off with when Beverly first joined the bunch of misfits, not a lot was said after and then a blood promise was made and everyone went their separate ways, Richie and y/n walked together she hadn’t said much she kept her head down most of the walk , Richie sighed and grabbed ahold of her hand gently pulling her to him dropping their bikes in the process
“ What was the sloppy fuck talking about in the sewers doll?” Richie looked at her gently placing a hand on her cheek softy running a finger along a cut
Her eyes glasses over and she couldn’t hold anything in any longer the secrets needed to come off of her chest that were too heavy for her to carry any longer, she told him about how her dad who he’d met was her step dad and how her biological dad before moving here used to beat her till she was bruised and bleeding nearly killing her once till her mom was finally able to leave and that he was dead but she was still plagued with the nightmares. Richie sat down holding her cooing sweet nothings in her ears and rocked her ever so softly
“I will never let anything hurt you again not eve that sloppy fucking clown Y/N, you mean everything to me , shit I love you more than anything “ Richie uttered and then stiffened realizing what he had said out loud to you
She looked at him a blush on her lips as she leaned up and smash her lips into his
“Me too Richie..” she chuckled kissing him once more biting her lip
Richie sighed a sigh of relief hugging her tightly again trying to savor the moment for just a while longer before they had to get back to the real life and home for the night, but something felt wrong in the back of both their heads as if something was going to change these next couple of year of school and what would happen but then again only time could tell but Richie new one thing that he wasn’t going to let her go easy.
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daysswithyou · 5 years
Fallen Chapter 4: Going under
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Characters: DAY6 Young K x OC (Rachel)
Genre: angst, fake dating, high school romance, fluff, romance
Note: Picture Young K from the “When You Love Someone” era
Author’s note: I’m sorry this update took so long, but I’ll strive for more frequent updates from now on!
Warnings: Mentions of drowning, cursing
Each step felt like a dreaded eternity.
The fear of your imminent fate made your heart thunder wildly in your chest, the sudden surge of activity in your body rapidly depleting your energy. Your hands start to feel clammy with cold sweat, your throat was turning dry and the rapid beating of your heart in your ears was much too loud for your liking. Well aware that everyone was staring at you as you make your way up to the podium, the heat began to rush to your face, making your face and ears burn from the attention. Your physical discomfort only made the entire situation worse, and you unconsciously scraped the tip of your forefinger with your nail till the skin was red and bleeding. Instinct made you want to scratch and claw at your neck but you firmly clench your fists by your side, doing your best to not flinch under their gaze. 
I can’t show signs of weakness now. Not in front of the whole school, and especially not in front of Im Jaebum. I will not give him that power or sick satisfaction.  
You were full of spite, and spite was what made you climb to reach the podium to stand on top of the dunking machine. Yet, despite your earlier bravery, all of that dissolved in the face of your worst enemy and most hellish nightmare. Any step closer and you’d be able to see the deadly water from your line of sight, and your fear of the water far outweighed the fear of being scorned by the school population, or the anger of letting Im Jaebum have the last laugh at your sorry state. You can hear the sniggers and insulting remarks from the audience, and from the corner of your eye, you can see Im Jaebum smirk at your pathetic form, taking his time to enjoy the way he gets to humiliate you again in public. Anger overtakes your senses in a moment of folly and you take a step further up onto the podium. 
That’s when you get a first glimpse of the swirling water, and the memories come crashing back like a tsunami wave slamming into you at full force. The force nearly knocks you off your feet, and it leaves you gasping for breath. 
“Rachel, come to Mummy!”
The water felt warm against your skin, the salty taste of the water making you gag and cough for a short while. Blinking rapidly as seawater splashed into your eye, you rubbed your eyes as you tried to focus on the blurry figure of your mother floating at a distance, just her head and arms visible above the surface of the water as she beckoned you towards her. To her right, your father was also mimicking her actions; a competition to see which parent you would pick. You swam with all your might, kicking your legs with power and pushing back the water with your cupped palms to reach your parents. 
But why weren’t you getting closer to them?
Cold rain started pelting down on your small body, their rapid hits on you feeling more like punches than rain. The waves started to push you back, but soon they grew in size and force, becoming ferocious waves that kept crashing onto your tiny frame. You were getting terrified now, and began screaming for your parents.
“MUMMY!!! DADDY!!!” 
Tears began to mix with water, staining your face in sticky streaks. Despite your efforts to desperately keep your head above the water like how your father told you to just now, the waves kept mercilessly throwing you underwater, only letting you up for a short respite. Even then, you could no longer breathe or scream for your parents. All you could do was swallow mouthfuls of seawater, the violent coughing and choking afterwards making you wear out your energy faster. You reached your hand out towards Mum and Dad, hoping to feel their warm hands engulf yours like they always did, hoping to feel their warmth as they held you close and whispered into your ear that everything was going to be alright. Yet, all you could feel was the water slipping through your fingers. 
Mum...Dad...please save me… 
Just before your eyes fluttered shut, you took one last look at the empty surface of the water...
Then darkness took you under. 
Trembling, you opened your eyes; only to be met by Im Jaebum’s sideways glance, the look of contempt and disregard clearly written in his gaze, the familiar shadow of a smirk passing on his face before he schools it back to neutral to face the crowd. 
“Ah… it seems like Rachel is having a hard time getting into the chair? Perhaps you’re getting the jitters there Rachel? We’ll be a good host and give her the option to decline, alright? We’re opening the option for someone to take her place. Any takers?”
He turns to face you fully now, sending a sickeningly sweet smile in your direction. 
Im Jaebum you fucking son of a bitch.
You know he’s doing this on purpose; to prove the point that you’ve been thoroughly ostracised in school. That no one, not a single person, would be willing to save you even at your breaking point. Just like a decade ago, there would be no one there to save you. The anticipation from the crowd, the piercing gaze of Im Jaebum, and most importantly, the unwanted memories from years ago, was making the last bit of self resolve crumble away. 
Just before you screamed in hysteria, you see a hand shoot through the crowd, a loud and clear voice immediately following afterwards. 
“I’ll do it. I’ll take her place.”
Your head snaps in the direction of the voice, the low timbre of a male register hitting your senses. The crowd parts for said male like they did for you before, giving you an unobstructed view of him whom was now heading in your direction. 
His short hair was roughly chopped at the edges, small tufts standing out like spikes from the messy styling. His long sleeves and baggy outfit hid most of his body, but still, even from this wide distance, you see the huge swinging of his arms and the long strides he took. He walked with a sense of purpose, the aura surrounding him commanding for undivided attention from everyone that was watching, and you were no exception. Your eyes were completely fixated on him, and you soon found his fox-like eyes boring into yours as he looked up to scale the steps. He locks onto you even as he brushes past to walk towards a beckoning Jaebum. 
“Let’s give him a round of applause everyone! Our school’s star basketball player Brian Kang has offered to take Rachel’s place!”
You expected Brian Kang to wave or acknowledge the adoring crowd below but he simply turns towards the swirling pool with a stoic expression on his face, brushing off Jaebum’s hand on his shoulders rather nonchalantly. Only you could see it; the rough shove of Jaebum’s hands off his shoulders, the burning glare he shoots Jaebum from over his shoulder, and his lips almost coming up into a menacing snarl. 
You instinctively take a step back when Brian Kang comes to stand beside you, making space for him to settle into the seat. You watch as the seat releases him into the pool as the timer ends it’s countdown, him surfacing after a few seconds to slick his hair out of his face, earning a few dolphin screams from the cheering crowd. 
You know you should be feeling thankful that he took your place to go under the water, but instead, you watch in anger as he takes the fall for you. 
Brian Kang you fucking idiot.
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(Evil laugh >:3c) ✂
Send me ‘✂’ and my muse will kill yours.
((Readmore for dash comfort.))
He wasn’t worried for his safety in this little meeting. He’d found the teen suffering alone many times in the dorm shadows and made mental notes to pull him to talk. The dents in walls, the smoldering handprints against surfaces, and night of loud cry only made the older man’s heart cry out more for him to do something.
He should have acted sooner, he could see the cracks. Cracks the little cup of tea he’d lovely offered now were not going to fix. He reached out with a large thin hand, long fingers pet lightly through blonde locks. He was so sorry…so very sorry.  
“Bakugo, you can talk to me. I can’t even fathom how you feel. We did everything we could and it still wasn’t enough. I’m so grateful your friends were there.”
He watched shoulders hunch and the blonde pull in on himself, tears starting to burn eyes and tumble down. He tried, tried…still petting golden locks that looked close to the color of his own. 
“I wish I had been able to do more. None of it was your fault. Not one thing, from now on you have Midoriya to…”
He stopped the moment he watched the kid’s head snap up, controlled, instant, like his head and shoulders were puppeted. 
“Deku…Deku, you son of a bitch.”
He removed his hand quickly, backing up and hitting table with his wobbly knees. He could see reason fade from the teen’s features. Something else enter his mind and tick away. Oh no…I’m too late. He’s gone. He’ll kill me here.
“Bakugo..Katsuki. Please, calm down now. It’s me, All Might? You know me, I love you like my own.”
“But you…love DEKU more, he’s your chosen one. The next pillar with a gross ass fake smile. Here to keep the peace and make everyone fucking happy. Well, I’m not happy. Not happy…not happy.”
He waved hands to try to defuse the advancing boy, knees buckled at the coffee table edge. His rear and back hit the table with a thud and an ‘oof’. His long form was soon crawled over, strong hands clawing at his clothes and tie. He tried to pad and shove. Too close! Too close! Steam rose from his form, he tried to channel the few seconds he knew he would have to just remove the kid.
He was poofed back in steam and smoke, Bakugo hit him! The second he pushed his strong form out, he was struck. He was left coughing with a very upset boy in his lap. Hands clawing at his shirt and ripping buttons. Black rimmed eyes we wide and he went to grip wrists.
Cloth was ripped till the spider work of veins and scaring was uncovered. All of it coming together at one circle of a spot at his side. He kicked, the table wobbled and the blonde stopped…dumbfounded by what he’d found. Mouth hung slightly open and panicked eyes wide. Was it over, did he stop? Was this all enough for him to–
Fingers had stabbed right into that middle point and shoved. It didn’t take put a second for the kid’s fingers to break skin and be inside. He was struggling for real now, it all hit home. The tall blonde thrusting head back to scream in pain and for help. Aizawa, Midnight, Midoriya, ANYONE!
The pushing did not stop, Bakugo snarled and shoved harder. Within a moment his whole hand was covered in the old man’s blood and it pooled on the table top. He was four fingers in, and his feature’s changed…a grin creeping along lips. He was enjoying this?
“I’m…I’m doing it. I’m killing All Might, number one. Haha, you’re so warm here.”
He was still screaming, his lungs were burning as the teen dug into him like a plaything. He was now thrusting fingers harshly in and out, getting deeper and deeper till he was wrist deep. Help came too late, Aizawa snaring the boy and ripping from the bleeding form…too far for help of Recovery girl with the blood loss and the hole size.
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ruffsficstuffplace · 6 years
And The AWRD Goes To... (Part 66)
The Grimm howled and screamed—agonizing, horrifying noises that nearly deafened the hunters and the civilians, chilled their bones. Blinded by the light, they could only listen to the sound of searing and sizzling, smell the stench of smoke and burning flesh, feel the beowolves and the nevermores hurriedly let go of them and scatter, if their claws, teeth, tusks, and sharp beaks didn’t just suddenly disappear.
The glow faded, Akko’s vision slowly returned, she saw all of the Grimm cowering a good distance away from the car, the survivors hissing and whimpering from the glowing, golden burns on their bodies, if white-gold flames still weren’t blazing on their hides.
“YAY!” she cried as she threw her arms and her weapon up into the air.
The injured Grimm retreated further into the horde or perished, making way for their uninjured, unaffected brethren to come charging in.
“NOT YAY!” Akko cried as hurriedly loaded a Showstopper, and aimed for the thickest and closest concentration of Grimm.
White-hot fire exploded out from the barrel, knocking Akko flat onto her rear, and into a new dent on the truck bed. The boarbatusks dashed straight to the hottest part of the blast and incinerated themselves; the beowolves and creeps screeched to a halt and screamed as they tried to escape, found themselves trapped by the charging bodies behind them; the nevermores were blasted away, turning to ash mid-flight, or flying into the horde and spreading the flames.
This light barely faded away, stray orbs of golden dust burning and floating in the air like lanterns; the Grimm retreated again, staying even farther away than earlier, looking almost terrified of the radiance.
Whitley swore in Vox as he lay on his stomach on the truck bed. “I’M BLIND! What the hell was that?!”
“I fired a Showstopper with the Shining Star!” Akko yelled as she pulled herself out of the dent, metal crunching and snapping underneath her. “Sorry, didn’t realize it was that powerful, but at least I didn’t collapse the tunnel and the Grimm seem to be pulling back for now?”
“Man, after we get out of here, we really need to get that thing’s capabilities quantified, we can’t just keep trying new attacks on the field like this!” Ruby said as she blinked her eyes, grabbed what remained of the headache rack as she stood up. “Speaking of which: Woody, can you get us out of here now?"
“NO, BECAUSE NOW I CAN’T SEE ALONGSIDE BLEEDING TO DEATH!” Woody screamed as he raised up his bloody, ripped up arms. “HELP ME!”
“Whitley, first aid!” Akko cried as she activated her scroll’s distress signal. “Weiss, get geared up! Everyone else, hold off the Grimm with me until we can get out of here!” she said, as she jumped off the back of the truck, and held her weapon at the ready.
Ruby and Diana moved to the other two vulnerable sides, Whitley jumped into the front seat as Aqua pulled out Woody’s first aid kit from the glove compartment, and Weiss hopped into the backseats, opening up her locker and changing into her combat clothes.
The orbs started to burn out, the light began to fade, the Grimm began to charge again; there was something in the scorched asphalt, the seared walls, and the glow in the air that slowed them, kept them from rushing all at once like earlier, but there were still dozens of them attacking at once, and only three huntresses ready and able to fend them off.
The tunnel began to echo with the sounds of fighting, gunfire, and shouting, exploding with flashes of dust and searing white light, stray fire and the Grimm taking out the lights above, the few security cameras that still worked.
AWRD and Whitley’s scrolls all began to flash and beep, the calls patching straight through: “AWRD! AWRD! This is Haven, come in, AWRD, over!” Ursula cried.
Whitley handed his scroll to Aqua with one hand, while his other shook his can of first aid spray.
“Aqua here, AWRD’s busy fending off the Grimm, over!” Aqua said, watching the chaos right outside her window.
“How’s the situation? Saints 4, 5, and 7 are inbound in two mikes for evac, but we’re blackout here, over.”
“What was that?!” Ursula cried.
“Just Woody screaming from being treated! We’re still… relatively fine, over!” Aqua replied.
(“What is this crap, medical grade napalm?!” Woody snapped.
“Grimm Hunter Grade, actually!” Whitley calmly replied as the continued to douse his arms. “And for your information, it’s only napalm for the horrible bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants that Grimm usually bring with them.”)
“Anyway: all hunters alive and active, three in combat, two civilians injured or with disability, and Grimm attacking us on all fronts!” Aqua continued. “Whatever the Shiny Rod did to her weapon is helping holding them back a lot, but I don’t think it’s gonna last forever, nor can she do it again, over!”
“Not when you’re the only one who can drive this thing~!” Whitley hummed.)
“Roger that, just try and hold out a little longer! Haven, over and out!”
Aqua closed Whitley’s scroll, and put it back into his pocket. And at the exact moment she turned her back, a beowulf leaped up into the air, over Akko’s head, past the occupied Ruby and Diana, and right on the hood, thrusting its arms through the missing roof and towards her!
Weiss intercepted it, kicking it to its back before she stabbed it through the heart with Myrtenaster. The beowulf cried out, limbs rising up instinctively, before they fell limp on the hood, its body began to turn to smoke.
Weiss jumped off the hood and beside Akko, blasting the Grimm around them with fire dust.
“What took you so long?!” Akko cried as she ignited the rest with shotgun blasts.
“Jewelry!” Weiss said as she switched to air dust, spreading and feeding the flames. “You wouldn’t believe how hard all of that was to take off.”
Akko chuckled. “Fair enough!” she said, before they both focused on the Grimm.
The tide soon began to turn for the worst.
The light and orbs began to fade away and burn out, and the Grimm began to intensify their assault. They closed in tighter and tighter, to close to use Showstoppers, grenades, or fire dust attacks safely. The rest of their ammo clips, shotgun shells, and dust vials started to run dry.
Soon, Woody and Aqua were hunkering down together at the foot of the backseats, AWRD and Whitley above them keeping the Grimm out of the car, chopping off limbs, stabbing heads, bodies, and limbs, or using what little dust they had left.
The hunters scroll started to flash again: “AWRD, these are the Saints! We are at your position and ready to extract and provide fire support, over!” a pilot said.
Whitley pulled out his scroll, and hurriedly tossed it down. It struck and bounced off Woody’s head, before Aqua picked it up from the floor and answered it. “AWRD here! The Grimm are literally right on top of us, we really need some of the heat taken off, over!”
“Roger, willco! Brace yourselves for double breach and suppressing fire, 30 meters north and east your position, over and out!”
“Don’t hold back!” Aqua cried.
Boom. Boom.
Two explosions breached the tunnel wall, gunfire, explosives, airship cannon shells flying in before the dust could settle. Huge swathes of the horde were destroyed instantly, the assault on the car weakened as the Grimm redirected their attention to the ships, jumping or flying out of the holes to try and attack them.
“Fuck me, that’s a lot of Grimm!” one of the pilots cried.
“We know!” Woody snapped. “How’s about getting us the fuck out of here already?!”
“Evac team breaching ten meters north from your position in five...!”
“Ten meters?!” Woody cried. “That’s basically right next to us!”
AWRD and Whitley made a few last attacks at the Grimm, before they holstered their weapons.
They threw themselves over Aqua and Woody as they joined hands and linked auras, projecting a shield over all of them.
The Grimm rushed in, clawing, biting, and pecking at the barrier, cracks and holes rapidly appearing over it.
A third breach, another round of gunfire, bullets, shells, and even a laser. A grenade was thrown, exploding into a thick cloud of white smoke. Muffled shouting, more gunfire, the sounds of violence and dying Grimm as the evac team rushed out of the smoke.
The Grimm let up on AWRD and Whitley to face them, one beowulf snarling and roaring at them.
Woosh. Sching.
Its head fell from its shoulders, cleanly cut off, Amanda smiled as the Grimm finally noticed her right underneath the beheaded beowulf. Blake and Yang rushed in and helped kill the rest, Jaune and Jasminka picked up and carried off Woody and Aqua. The rest of teams BLJC and JAYS fended off the Grimm as they retreated, blowing them up, harassing them with swarms of Lotte’s fairies, or simply riddling them with bullets and shrapnel.
Saint 7 lowered a gangplank, they didn’t hesitate to run up it, PNPR helping them pull them aboard, or covering the others retreats with more grenades and gunfire.
The gangplank was pulled up, the Grimm howled and screeched as they continued to fly out or try to jump onto the ship, they were shot out of the air, or killed as they clung onto the sides and tried to climb in.
“4, 5, scorched earth and retreat, now!” Saint 7’s pilot screamed as they started rise up, and turn to Haven. The other ships let loose one final barrage, explosive shells collapsing the tunnel, burying the Grimm in several hundred pounds of mountain rock and concrete.
They howled and screeched, the sound echoing through the air, till they were too faint and too far to hear. All was quiet inside Saint 7 as everyone caught their breaths, wiped off the sweat pouring down their skin, and laid down on the floor of the cabin, or sat in the seats.
“Welp, my truck’s been severely fucked up for the third time!” Woody said he sat on one row. “Pretty sure my mama’s not even going to let me borrow any of the company cars at this point, assuming we all make it out of this mess alive...”
“Oh, shut up, Woody,” Aqua murmured as sat on the row opposite him, “at least you could always replace that dust burner of yours...”
“I seriously advice you two not to to intentionally attack or incite negative emotions in one another,” Penny said. “The Grimm will likely already be attracted to the Shiny Rod still, it is unnecessary, dangerous, and irresponsible to increase the likelihood of attack even further.”
Woody and Aqua shot looks at each other, before they turned away from each other.
“The hell is up with that thing, anyway…?” Woody asked as he looked at Akko, the Shining Star now split back into two. “Why do the Grimm want that more badly than fuck boys do pussy on any given day of the week?”
“That, we really do not know for sure,” Diana said as she sat against the wall, her spear propped up on her shoulder. “Perhaps it’s because the Grimm know it holds such great power, and they fear it being unleashed any more than it already has.”
“It was pretty incredible back there, yeah.” Ruby said as she examined Crescent Rose on the floor. “I know this technically counts for most any weapon, but it’s like the Shiny Rod was specifically designed to kill Grimm, in the most effective, most awesome way possible.”
“Like how, exactly?” Amanda asked as she leaned on the wall. “You can’t just say things like that without describing how it went down.”
“How about we save the hunting stories until after the big plan?” Sucy said calmly. “Besides, I still need to double check that you’ve all got enough of what I asked for.”
“I agree, let’s take inventory,” Blake said.
Amanda frowned, and sighed, before she and the rest of her team and BLJC started pulling out reagents, herbs, and other ingredients from their pockets or their packs, setting them out in front of Sucy.
“What are those for?” Weiss asked.
“Grimm bait,” Sucy said as she pulled out a paper checklist.
“Wait, what?!” Weiss cried.
“It’s part of the plan,” Akko said flatly. “We’re going to head back to Haven, prepare a last stand, then lure the biggest, most dangerous of the Grimm up there so the civilian evacuations have the best chance of getting out of here.”
“And before you complain, Headmaster Lionheart himself gave the okay for this plan, and your own grandmother agreed to help me make it this time,” Sucy said as she examined a jar of some glowing fungus, tapped the glass a few times.
Weiss frowned, and leaned back in her seat. “I never thought I’d ever see the day that things got this bad...”
“Like my Uncle Qrow says, ‘No one ever does’ Weiss...” Ruby said quietly.
The ships managed to return to Haven without incident. The hunters and most of the soldiers disembarked, the Saints were declared part of the civilian evacuation, and they barely avoided getting swept back in the tide of people and Faunus rushing in.
The teams split up, JAYS being ushered into a field laboratory with Freya at the helm; PNPR and BLJC either helping control the evacuation or setting up the defensive emplacements around campus; Aqua and Woody joining the evac ship for the disabled and injured; and AWRD and Whitley heading into the triage tent for the hunters.
“Uncle Qrow!” Ruby cried as she she spotted him sitting up on a cot, before she dashed over to him.
Qrow quickly raised his hands. “Wait, wait, sto--!” he said, before he was tackled onto his back.
Whitley rolled his eyes. “Could you please show some care and restraint? I know you’re happy to see him alive, but he’s still probably injured.”
“Well, at least it’s far from the worst thing that’s happened to him all night,” Winter said as she walked up from nearby.
Weiss and Whitley gasped. “WINTER!” they both cried, before they ran up to her and tackle-hugged her, too.
“I was so worried when I heard that the wild watch towers were completely overrun!” Ruby cried, tears in her eyes. “I thought you’d died out there!”
“Heh, what can I say, guess I caught a lucky break for once...” Qrow said as he calmly peeled Ruby off of him, dropped her off by his side. “Of course, the reinforcements from the city didn’t hurt,” he said, casting a look at Winter as he sat back up.
“How did you two manage to get back up here from way down there, anyway?” Whitley asked as he and Weiss pulled away. “We lost the lower levels so fast!”
“Look, I’d love to know, too, so I have a great story to tell at the Lodge once all this is over, but we were too busy trying to survive and retreat to really pay attention to the details,” Winter replied. “Anyway, I think you five should get some rest and recharge your auras.”
“Especially if you’re not joining the other first years in the evac,” Qrow said. “You look too tired to fight, they’re putting you on that ship whether you like it or not.”
Akko nodded, and soon, they all laid on two cots or the floor, water bottles and MREs in their hands. “Well, team?” Akko said as she ripped off the top of her pack. “We staying or going? I don’t want to split us up, so this is going to be all or nothing.”
“We’re staying,” Weiss said, before she took a sip of water. “Everyone else in my family is going to be in this fight, and I want to be there with them, whatever happens.”
“Ditto that!” Ruby said as she dug into her MRE with a spoon. “My parents and their old team never backed out when the odds were against them, I don’t intend to either.”
“I third the motion,” Diana said as she gazed at her spear laying beside her. “This weapon has been used to hold numerous lines before, and I’m not about to stop now.”
“Not technically a part of this team, but I’m staying if I can help it, too,” Whitley said as he warily eyed the contents of his MRE.
“Then it’s settled then,” Akko said as she raised her hand. “Team AWRD, plus Whitley, to Haven’s defense?”
“To Haven’s defense,” everyone else said as they did the same.
Soon, the search and rescue trips into the city were halted; the evacuation ships began to lift up from port and get into formation; every remaining, able-bodied huntsman, huntress, and soldier trooped to the Great Hall, now surrounded or adorned with turrets, artillery, guard towers, sandbags, shield generators, traps, minefields, spikes, electrified fences, and other defenses, the few airships they could spare patrolling above them.
In the square in front of the Great Hall, a fire pit was being built, Freya, Sucy, and a few members of R&D carefully filling it up with layers of Grimm bait, stardust, and fire dust.
“Have you tested this stuff with an accelerant before?” Benilde asked, her voice muffled for the safety mask on her face.
“Nope, but given what we already know of this stuff, I’ve got hypotheses as to what the effects will be,” Sucy said, wearing a similar mask.
“How confident are you in them, exactly?” Benilde asked nervously as she opened a container of stardust.
“Eh, 63% at best, 7% margin of error,” Sucy said as she started carefully scooping it out and layering it on the pit.
“That’s… just a little better than complete chance.” Benilde said.
“Well, I would have more accurate predictions if SOMEONE didn’t destroy all my samples, force me to erase most of my data, and keep me from running any sort of tests, field, laboratory, or simulated,” Sucy said, casting a sideways glance at Freya.
“Oh, shut it, Manbavaran...” Freya grumbled as she opened a new container of dust.
The bait was set, everyone was in position, and the evacuation ships began to sail off. The air was tense  as everyone waited for the signal, and one long, grueling minute later, it came:
“Visual on Grimm pursuit, over!” one of the evac pilots cried.
“Roger,” Lionheart said, before he turned to the others, and shouted, “Ignite the bait!”
Sucy threw an incendiary grenade at the pit, it lit up immediately; just like in the Celestial Hills, a thick, black, ominous vapour with streams of purple started to rise up in the air, coupled with an awful smell like sulphur and hot asphalt, and a sound like a tar pit violently bubbling and sizzling under a hot sun.
Then, there was a flash of bright gold, before it quickly turned to an ominous, bloody crimson light.
The pit exploded again, the vapour turning into a choking cloud of smog, the smell like a day after a brutal, army-on-army clash in the most hostile no man’s land imaginable, the sound turning into ear-piercing, bone-chilling wails and screams, like hundreds of thousands of people burning to death, falling through an endless abyss, or suffering any number of other, unspeakably horrific fates.
It suddenly stopped, the black smog flickering and fading away like dying embers, the stench burning up along with them, no sound but but an ominous silence.
Lionheart’s scroll activated again. “… Headmaster, we’re just going to ignore whatever that was, and tell you that the heat is of us, and all on Haven, over.”
Lionheart cleared his throat, and said, “How many Grimm do you estimate, over.?”
“Uh… all of them, sir.”
Before Lionheart could reply, a monstrous screech filled the air as the giant nevermore rose up into view, murders of smaller nevermores flying right behind it, before they swooped down on Haven as one, a swarm so large they blocked out the moonlight.
Missiles, flak, and bullets were fired, they barely seemed to make a dent in their numbers, the ones that were killed were easily replaced, the giant simply pulling back into its murder and using them as living shields.
They descended on the Great Hall, pecking at eyes, digging their talons into limbs and bodies, slamming into equipment and people, trying to break and injure them. It was impossible to see or hear through the feathers, the glowing red eyes, and the high-pitched screeching, impossible to see or hear the giant nevermore and several other murders grabbing AWRD lifting them up into the air, until they were already back up in the sky, long out of range for any safe way to shoot the Nevermores down and save them.
The perimeter alarms started ringing, mines started to explode, hordes of land-dwelling Grimm thundered into view, and the Battle for Haven began.
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legion1993 · 6 years
You Killed My Love, Now Your Blood Pays My Revenge!
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A/N: this is for @imagineteamfreewill for meg's chicon challenge... another bumpy ride!
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Prompt: "If you take one more step, I can promise you that you won't like what comes next."
Summery: you and Sam have been together for a year and a half now... you loved hunting and sparring cooking dancing basically you guys loved trying to be as normal as possible! but when you found out that azazal was trying to open the devils gate and that he had captured Sam... you were dead set on a rescue mission one that you knew would one way or another not end well...
to hunt is to hunt things that go bump in the night... that's also how you met the love of your life.
Sam and his Brother Dean had saved you from a pack of werewolves, your heart raced as Sam's giant form covered yours protecting you from the lunging werewolf...
he took a set of claw marks to save you, you later thanked him by bandaging his wounds and giving him a kiss which led to a blurred night of passion!
that was what started you on the Winchester love trail... only to have something tear you away from your love...
Sam: "so according to every single biblical reference there is something called the devils gate!!! and apparently..."
Y/N: "the apocalypse is on the way and somehow Sam is apart of it..."
Dean: “ya so am i... well apart of the apocalypse anyway but you were very very right when you said that Sam is massively apart of this...”
Bobby: “none of you are 2 far off, everything with Azazel it lines up directly for the fucking apocalypse... if Azazel gets his hands on Sam he can use his blood to open the devil’s gate which is like the gateway to the part of hell where all the higher form demons and things are kept...”
Dean: “then he shan’t get him...”
Bobby: “if we let him out of the area he needs to be with someone he cant go alone... till we can find the devils gate and till we can can stop azazel we need to stay safe...”
Sam: “maybe we shouldn’t change anything maybe we should keep them the same...”
you shot straight out of your chair and stormed out of there before another word could be said...
Bobby: “Sam do you not realize what that girl has done to save your ass... seriously boy whats wrong with you... thinking things could be normal is an understatement... this is not normal, someone else would have left your ass, this girl sacrificed her entire career, going to school and everything to hunt full time just to spend all her time with you boy...”
Dean: “bobby has a point, Y/N showed me a photo of her scholarship she was supposed to be heading to Yale the week after she met us... but she gave it all up for you...  she said that giving up Yale broke her heart but she mended her heart when she started dating you bro...”
Sam looked out the door watching you standing near the edge of the property... he sunk his head down low...
Sam: “she gave all that up for me... why would she do that... i didnt ask her too...”
Dean: “you didn’t have to... she did it cause she loves you dude...”
Bobby: “Sam go talk to her now before i kick your ass to kingdom come...”
Sam got up off his chair and walked out the door adjusting his shirt a thousand times before you turned around and stood in a fighting stance...
Y/N: “what now Sam? come to break up with me to make things easier...”
Sam: “that’s not it at all, Y/N i love you and i always will... but right now you have no idea what kind of pressure i am under, i mean having my girlfriend, my uncle and my brother protecting me, its like i never had the chance to grow up at all...”
you started walking away, knowin’ he would follow, your own heart screaming at you, your mind dangerously wandering... that’s when you stopped dead in your tracks, you could feel someone or something else following you and Sam...
Sam: “whats wrong?”
Y/N: “someone or something else is following us...”
Sam: “stand back to back with me we need to prepare for anything...”
Y/N: “no we need to get back to the house...”
you turn to leave but stop immediately, you turn around to see Azazel approaching you but cant stop him in time before you get blasted into a tree... Sam rushes to your side...
Sam: “Y/N...”
Azazel: “minions grab him...”
immediately as fast as Sam’s arms had been around you, they left you as quick as well... you leaned against the tree grasping your side, you dared to look but you of course were able to move long enough to see there was blood, you pulled out your phone and hit dial for Dean...
Dean (over the phone): “Y/N...”
Y/N (over the phone): “Sam, Azazel, ambush... woods just outside of Bobby’s... im bleeding...”
Dean (over the phone): “stay calm we are on our way...”
the best description of what happened next is simple:
you were rescued by both Dean and Bobby who brought you back to the house, stitching you up they listened to you about what happened... 
as you explained how you felt like you & Sam were being followed while arguing and working out your issues in the woods... 
you were stitched up quickly before Bobby spoke up with some interesting news...
Bobby: “so i dug around a little bit more after Sam went to talk to you... i found out that Samuel Colt made a set of railway tracks in the shape of a devils trap... in the center of it is a bunch of empty field and a graveyard...”
you get up off your chair and you smile lightly making your way to grab your gun holster, you put it on switching your torn bloody shirt out for your plaid shirt, leaving it undone knowing you were wearing your sports bra... 
you were stopped by Bobby & Dean before you could reach the door... no one could tell what the fuck you were thinkng, no one could tell how pissed you were...
Y/N: “Bobby, Dean get out of my god damn way...”
Dean: “where the hell do you think you are going?”
Y/N: “i am going to get Sam back... you can get out of my way or you can come with me... but the longer we wait the worse i fear it will get...”
Dean: “slow down and think about this for a moment, Sam wouldn’t want you to do something stupid... especially when it comes to hunting or even that of saving him yourself... don’t do anything you would regret...”
Y/N: “i owe him Dean he took that huge werewolf scratch for me, i have to do this to repay him for that...”
Dean stood aside he understood where you were coming from... Bobby staring at you like you were nuts didn’t stand aside, but you walked right passed him out to your motorcycle slinging your bag of weapons on your back... you shot one more look at the house, to see Dean and Bobby standing there looking at you...
you drive off and all you could think about was the love of your life being in the hands of yellow eyes himself... although you had no idea that after you left you were about to be followed or beaten to the devils gate...
~back at Bobby’s~
Dean and Bobby were on the phone with Ellen and Jo...
Ellen: “wait wait wait woah slow down guys... we have a few small options...”
Dean: “like what ellen we couldn’t stop Y/N from leaving...”
Ellen: “boy don’t make me come over there and slap you, now lets all get to the devils gate before she does... how long ago did she leave...”
Bobby: “bout an hour...”
Ellen: “ok boys listen up Jo and I will go on ahead but at the end of it we all need to be there, this is all hands on deck... we will also see if we can talk some sense into Y/N...”
after a few seconds of silence the line disconnected, leaving dean and bobby standing in the kitchen, not sure what just happened...
Bobby: “i guess we should pack...”
Dean: “i guess we should...”
while they packed and loaded the cars you were almost at the cemetary in wyoming... but thats when you saw it, you saw the same beat up car blocking your path you pulled into the small motel parking lot to see who the fuck was blocking your path... 
you got off the bike and stored towards the other car only to watch the doors open... 
Ellen: “calm down girl its us...”
Y/N: “Ellen, Jo what the hell are you guys doing here...”
Jo: “we could ask you the same thing... but Bobby and Dean filled us in, after they called in a panic... saying you took off all pissed and hell bent on rescuing Sam whatever it takes...”
Y/N: “damnit i knew they would call for backup but i didn’t think you would try to stop me from saving the love of my life... of all people in this world i expected you guys to be on my side...”
you stormed towards the motel office to book a room, you didnt know how long you would be so you booked it for 3 days... this way you would either succeed or die trying... once in the room you unpacked the weapons to polish them...
Y/N (to self): “just because i want to be the one to save the love of my life doesn’t mean i don’t think any less of the rest of them, seriously its my fault Sam got captured, its my fault we were even outside of the property...”
Ellen: “its not your fault hun...”
Y/N: “if Sam and i hadn’t been arguing, i wouldn’t have stormed off, if i hadn’t stormed off he wouldn’t have come after me, he wouldn’t have gotten captured...”
Ellen comes over and sits beside you on the bed noticing you starting to cry, making sure that she was there incase you had a meltdown... you were on the verge of one, but you were just upset and angry... that is never a good combination of emotions in any circumstance...
Jo: “the impala should be arriving soon... mom let me worry about Y/N you deal with Bobby and Dean...”
Ellen: “ok, but neither of you leave this room tonight... well all head out as a group when the sun rises...”
Jo: “don’t worry i wont leave her side...”
you let go of Ellen and got swept into Jo’s embrace, Ellen heard the roar of the impala as she headed for the door, both you and Jo sitting cuddled on the bed... Ellen shut the door which stopped Bobby and Dean from entering...
Ellen: “she’s with Jo she is fine, neither of you are to enter this room you hear me...”
Bobby and Dean nod as they present the map to Ellen of how the lines are on the devils trap... while you and Jo sit inside and cuddle...
Jo: “once everyone is asleep we will leave, Mom will most likely bunk with Bobby and Dean... just to give us some space... so we will head out after they go to bed...”
Y/N: “but what...”
Jo: “if your gonna ask about my mom don’t worry by the time she realizes whats happened it will be too late...”
Y/n: “good but the only things we will need are guns, bullets, and voices... its mainly gonna be demons... no one is gonna blame us for this, we are gonna get in so much shit but i don’t care, i wouldn’t sleep much anyway without Sam by my side...”
Jo: “i know how you feel girl... its gonna be ok, tomorrow you will have the love of your life back, and we will spend more time together right...”
Y/N: “absolutely... i just hope i’m ready for this... but if Azazel has hurt Sam in any way shape or form, ill kill him... well that’s the plan anyway but it will be worse...”
You pull the colt out of your bag, Jo looks at it then at you and then back at the gun...
Jo: “does dean know you have this?”
Y/N: “no he doesn’t and that’s the thing is he hasn’t noticed that i took it for weeks now... i have been waiting for an opportunity to arise for me to kill this son of a bitch... i’m not gonna let him kill Sam... when do we leave...”
Jo: “in a while... i mean if we tried to leave now, we would surely be drawn and quartered...”
Y/N: “i know but every second we just sit here it could mean one second less time we have till they spill all of Sam’s blood or worse...”
Jo places her hand on your shoulder and then goes to see the stash of weaponry you brought seeking out a nice set of gun and bullets... she grabs the duel glocks you have sitting there... 
Jo: “these are very nice...”
Y/N: “lets just say they are great for making head shots on vamps, i dont even have to get dirty...”
Jo: “what do they shoot range wise?”
Y/N: “260 range...”
Jo’s jaw drops in shock and surprise... you were amazed that she didnt know...
Jo: “your kidding right?”
Y/N: “nope but my duel Uzi that i have in my duel holster are 2 up from those glocks... laced with demon trapping bullets and silver bullets... however Jo you use those glocks they wont let you put them back down, i took those off a witch who spelled them to be used against hunters, i had a different witch de spell them but they bond with their owner...”
Jo: “how will i know when they have bonded with me...”
Y/N: “when your strength feels like its gonna rip your shirt...”
at that moment Jo felt what you just described... you were certain that someone was gonna die tonight and you had a feeling that more than one life would be lost, if not 2 then 1...
that moment that the door 2 down from you guys shut and the sound of bobby, ellen and Dean floated through the walls you and Jo geared up and went out of the room as quiet as possible... went over to your bike and pushed it together down the road once far enough away you started it, with Jo on the back holding on for dear life you guys sped off towards danger...
Jo: “how do you think this will go?”
Y/N: “I think we have a 50/50 chance of this going badly…”
Jo: “what's the plan?”
You felt the wind rush passed you as you sped up… feeling like something was already wrong…
Y/N: “we go in and shoot anything that tries to stop us but Azazal is my battle and Sam needs to come out of this alive…”
Jo: “I'm ready for this… you know if we pull this off perfectly no one else will question us for anything…”
You and jo see the graveyard and you guys pull in seeing immediately Azazel Sam and some other dude… you and Jo get off the bike and are immediately pulled in closer by a force…
Azazel: “ladies welcome to the greatest moment in history… I'm about to open the gate… but I want you both to see what I've done to these 2 men…”
You saw Sam and the other man turn towards you and Jo their eyes red…
Y/N: “you spelled them you bastard... what the hell is your big obsession with Sam and what's his face anyway… why do they fit into this…”
Azazel: “their blood is used to fuel the spell to open the gate… don't worry kiddo your boyfriend won't know what he's about to do yet…”
You and Jo took a few steps back as Sam approached you both, you took steps forward and made your final approach between the 2 of you… but Sam or at least spelled Sam was either very angry or forcibly angry… he lunged himself at you… his hands clasping around your neck…
Jo: “Y/N…”
Y/N: “toss me the pocket knife…”
Jo: “Y/N no…”
you look slightly at Jo to see her being held against her will by Azazel… Sam was still choking you but you wer3 able to reach up and pull his hair back, releasing his hold on your neck you leaned up and kissed him… instantly breaking Azazel’s spell Sam instantly breaking the kiss making you gasp…
Sam: “Y/N…”
You touch his cheek and feel his hands pull you off the ground pulling you close to him, he realizes that you have fear in your eyes… Sam turns around holding onto you as he spots Azazel holding Jo…
Azazel: “Its a shame to see that true love does exist… oh well if I can't have soldiers I'll just settle for one… kill him…”
that's when there was a gunshot in the air, your love bleeding as he falls holding you, Ellen Bobby and Dean had also just shown up at the time of the order given… they all witnessed the love of your life getting shot… Azazel gets the nerve to throw Jo into another tree knocking her unconscious ...
Azazel: “oh well time to open the door…”
You stand up with tears in your eyes you look at Sam’s body, then turning to Azazel as he opens the gate… gearing up your guns you start slowly walking to Azazel…
Y/N: "If you take one more step, I can promise you that you won't like what comes next."
Azazel turns to you upon hearing that…
Azazel: “I killed the love of your life I wonder how it would look right now to him you standing over his murderer but your the true one that killed him…”
You fell to your knees, no one could blame you but Dean was at your side in an instant you leaned into him…
Y/N: “Dean I'm sorry… I said I was gonna get him back but instead I made it worse... “
Dean: “hey hey hey it's ok… none of this is your fault never believe this piece of shit…”
Y/N: “but it is if Jo and I had just waited… we wouldn't be in this situation…”
Dean looked at you then at the gate which was just about to burst… Dean covered you with his own flesh as the gate burst open… you and Dean had a front row seat… you both witnessed several thousand clouds of black smoke flying around, you and Dean dared not look up… until a white light surrounded the both of you… it knocked back several of the clouds then it faced Azazel…
Azazel: “didnt i break you… John…”
The white light turned into the likeness of John Winchester… you were amazed when he didnt speak but instead he smiled lightly as he nodded at you, you knew right away what he was meaning… you pulled the colt out of the back of your jeans, handing it to Dean he looks at you…
Dean: “you took this, why…”
Y/N: “i wanted revenge, i was seeing revenge, i wanted to kill Azazel for what he was doing to Sam… i was gonna use it on him but Sam’s death has hit me really hard… i have to let someone else do this… Avenge Sam, Avenge everything and if this works correctly, we will have victory and mourning later…”
Dean took the Colt in his hand as John watched and stepped aside, Dean kneels and looks straight at Aazel…
Dean: “hey asswipe, this is for all the toruble and pain you have caused my family… go to hell…”
With that he pulled the trigger and shot Azazel point blank… Ellen, and Bobby worked to close the gate, and with it sealed you were immediately the center of all concern...
~thats all for now folks~
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onlyjihoons · 7 years
collegebf! daniel
a/n; happy birthday to kang choding hehe,, dedicated for my dearest mother @mongniel aurora until she disowned me so im trying to validate myself and also the loyal mom, ariane @deepdickdaniel
(repost bc the tags werent working)moodboard will be uploaded in a seperate post soon!
major: vetinary
minor: sports science
honestly took up vetinary bc of peter and rooney
so he could save on the fees to the vet
though he puts up a strong front he is often a kultz and actually really soft??
likes kids too and often swings by the early childhood department to visit minhyun
but let’s face it, animals like him better than the babies do
has a phobia of insects, especially flying ones
hence cant join practical lessons that involves specimen or live insects
his classmates would be kind enough to share with him the notes they took in class, but he would rather fail the topic than look at notes of insects
there was once his friend, ong threw a fake spider whilst daniel was studying and he screamed, pushing off the seemingly 1 ton table and chair away from him
ong was like,,, “are you sure he wants to be a vet next time”
despite his phobia of insects, he will actually grin and bear it when he needs to remove lice from animals
red bull and gummy addict, but more likely to die of shock from insects than diabetes
you will always spot a can of red bull on his lecture desk, and bet 10 bucks it has a love note attached to it from his admirers
fairly popular in school, because a soft, tall and cute guy doing vetinary?? he just screams boyfriend material in that white lab coat
and glasses slipping down his nosebridge just makes him look even more cuter
loves dancing as a hobby so he took it up as his minor
does b-boying and modern dance, looks equally hot in both
when the school hall is filled with girls, it is either some kpop boy band is performing, or daniel and his dance group, wanna one are performing
has so much charisma in his dancing, the idea of “cute daniel” gets thrown away
but a cute bunny most of the time who is addicted to gummies
surprisingly, hasn’t dated a lot as contrast to rumours that he’s a fuckboy
he really hates fucking around with others’ feelings… despite being choding(childish) around his hyungs of wanna one
meanwhile you,, a medicine student trying to keep up with the expectations of society
to be honest, you’re doing well
but not well enough to enter the top hospitals of seoul
and you’re here on scholarship anyway, might as well make use of it to make your parents proud
you’re your parents’ only child too, the pressure to do well is also quite high
you barely dated, the only time was in high school where you were a foolish teenager dating your best friend
you did have classmates confessing to you though, but everything stayed platonic
they weren’t upset surprisingly, they were more than willing to be friends with you too
eventually they found their other halves, but are still good friends with you
you were glad guys in your faculty were understanding,, unlike some that disliked you after that
you were friends with jaehwan, your old friend since the both of you were in diapers
he took up music, and ended up having lots of college scholarship offers
he eventually went to your college, despite it not one of his first few choices
“my friend would die a lonely virgin if i didnt help her with her love life”
“shut up jaehwan, 80% of your girlfriends broke up with you because your laugh is annoying”
“i dId NOT aSk for this sLaNdEr”
anyway, you had no idea how jaehwan ended up in wanna one(and daniel’s roomate), depite his “boom boom-bastic” dance skills
but that boy’s vocals can reach to the gods in heaven and appease them
he tried to matchmake you with all of the members of wanna one(excluding the minors of course) but it all failed because your friend was the worst at being discreet
the lords of venus eventually shined upon you when daniel was sent to your faculty for “emergency” treatment
“y/n,,, we need you to fix daniel, quick.” jaehwan said breathlessly over the phone
“if he needs a one night stand, im not an option, you know that, kim jaehwan.”
“no, that stupid boy accidentally cut himself while trying to disect a frog… and he’s bleeding a lot.”
“oh the flower boy from vetinary?” you nodded as you took your first aid kit, “but you aren’t even majoring in vetinary, jaehwan, what are you doing with daniel?”
“he called me to call you– ok nevermind, i’ll explain to you later, we’re on our way to your faculty. wait for us outside the medicine labs.”
“uh okay.”
so there you were, waiting outside the medicine labs with your first aid kit
seconds later, you saw 3 boys running towards you, one visibly taller than the other 2
you could finally make out their faces, it was jaehwan, daniel and another boy, wonwoo whom you were friends with due to jaehwan’s failed matchmaking
“y/n,, i think daniel is gonna suffer from anaemia…”
you tried to stifle your laughter as you examined the cardigan wrapped around daniel’s hand
“he won’t. don’t worry.” you assured them as you unraveled the cardigan, “let’s just hope it’s nothing too deep…”
when you revealed the wound, it was just a minor cut, though not as minor as a paper cut but definitely bleeding
you glared at jaehwan, who smiled sheepishly and resigned to his death after you treated daniel
you dressed the wound quickly, lips pursed in concentration
what you didnt notice was daniel’s gaze, which was on you the whole time
he had a weird feeling in his stomach, he wanted to use his other hand to run it through your hair
he tried to shake it off, but he got more and more attracted to you when he saw your eyes meeting his to make sure he isnt uncomfortable
this wasnt the first time daniel saw you though, he often saw you on jaehwan’s lockscreen, as your friend had set the selca both of you took as his lockscreen
as much as daniel wanted to meet you, he didn’t want to give you the wrong impression because of his rumours
and now he finally did, but he was pretty sure you’re gonna hate him for being over-reacting
“done,” you patted his dressing and pushed his hand towards him, “it’s nothing too deep, don’t worry. but make sure to take it off when you’re showering, if you need any help just give me a call.”
daniel shot you one of his signature eyesmiles, “thank you so much, i’m sorry i had to make you rush down for me…”
“no its fine! just call me whenever. i hope you get well soon.” you smiled, then tiptoed to daniel’s ear, “just don’t tell jaehwan though, he can be a little, nosey.”
you were lying if you said daniel wasn’t attractive and totally did not win you over with his eyesmile in the span of 3 seconds
“and kim jaehwan, you owe me a meal. for helping your friend and putting up with your drama.”
at this point, daniel was totally smitten
everyone could see it, even the members of wanna one started teasing him about it
“i can set you up with a date with y/n if you want–”
“no i dont like her peter and rooney are my girlfriends”
daniel totally did not ask almost everyone in his faculty for your number
when he finally had the guts to text you, he was all giddy when you replied, jumping up whenever he heard the personalized notification just for your contact
meanwhile, while you were talking to daniel, you really loved it when he talks about animals, it seemed like all time has stopped in the world and his passion for taking care of animals is just so attractive
and he didnt seem like the usual fuckboy everyone perceived him to be
one day, daniel asked you out for a pizza date, and you immediately agreed
because free pizza and a cute date, why not
the both of you ended up going to laundry pizza, just bc daniel said ioi went there to take their album jacket photos there LOL
but the pizza there was good so you weren’t complaining
daniel ended up paying for the both of you, after 15 minutes of rentless argument over who should pay
the both of you also went to the arcade, wasting your money on those claw machines
you didn’t get anything, but you had fun throwing airballs at the basketball machine thingy
daniel walked you back pretty early, because he knew you had a morning lecture the next morning
not gonna lie, you wanted to stay longer but daniel was not gonna have any of it
daniel walked you till your doorstep, and your hands were fumbling through your purse for your keys
looks like someone forgot their keys,,,
you laughed humourlessly as you tried to open the locked door, but only for daniel to giggle along with you
your roomate was out too, and she wouldn’t be back till the next morning
“i dont think its safe for you to be sleeping outside, why dont you stay over at my place?”
“ok let’s go”
you didnt even say anything and here you are, at daniel’s dorm, unsure of what to do
just watching daniel hastily clean up his dorm is quite amusing
“jaehwan wont be back till really late, he has an event to attend to.” daniel smiled as he proceeeds to kick the sweet wrappers under the sofa, “i’m sorry you have to put up with this, y/n.”
“no, no, thank you for letting me stay here, or i’ll be freezing in the cold right now.” you shook your head, yawning
“do you want a change of clothes? i have a hoodie you can wear…hopefully”
you never knew you would be staying in daniel’s dorm, on his bed, in his hoodie
until today
you slept fairly well, with daniel’s scent invading all your senses
until you felt something on your foot
you woke up, scared
the thing kept probing at your feet, and soon it was licking it
you screamed, and soon enough daniel ran into his room to see what happned
“y-y/n?” he rubbed his eyes as he turned on the lights, “what happened?”
“s-something was at my foot”
daniel moved the sheets, and he found rooney peacefully sleeping on the foot of the bed
“i’m sorry, rooney always likes to invade the bed in the middle of the night,,, i should’ve told you earlier”
“it’s fine, i was just too shocked hahaha”
“maybe i’ll sleep with you, so peter and rooney wont disturb us”
you stared at daniel, as he quickly waved his hands, “no, no, i wont do anything, i swear, you can end me if i do.”
neither of you could sleep, so daniel nudged you
“y/n… i know its weird to say this but,, i like you”
well that was really weird
“i don’t expect you to accept me and all but i just wanna let you know that i–”
you cut daniel off with a kiss, as he sneakily snaked his arms around your waist to bring you closer
after a good like, 20 seconds, you pulled away, “me, rejecting kang daniel?? no way.”
ever since the both of you started dating, jaehwan started to brag about himself, saying that the both of you were a couple thanks to him,,,
but would shut up immediately after he sees you in the vicinity because he would be running away from you
a very cute relationship, daniel would always wrap his arms around your shoulders and snuggle you close to him
instant ramen dates are a big thing and you always have to clean up after daniel
but he helps of course, after hearing you nag at him for the nth time
he would always make you a bento before your papers, with a note that says, “with this bento, you will do well! fighting! love, daniel”
and vice versa, you would bake him muffins too
sweetest boyfriend, but the type to say pick up lines to annoy the heck out of you
they arent even smooth, theyre hella bad
and yes, kang choding still exists
you have to physically stop him from buying/eating more gummies or his teeth would rot
since daniel is relatively bigger in size, you would always steal his clothes and he would always wonder how his clothes would mysteriously go missing
he would know the answer when he sees you the next morning
the whole campus ships the both of you sm
please love kang daniel
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The boy in the hospital bed
Request: Hey! Can you do, like, a high school star wars au in which kylo ren (or ben) goes batshit crazy and shoots up the school? His main target is finn, but finn’s boyfriend poe takes a bullet for him? And poe’s dad kes alongside leia visits poe in the hospital, stuff like that. I really want to make this on my own, but I don’t know how to write :(... Thanks a lot for the help!
warnings: blood, school shooting, injury
Word Count: 1658
Notes: hey guys! guess what, I’m alive! anyway here have a oneshot with Finn and Poe
Pairing: Finn x Poe (Stormpilot)
Finn was in shock. The lady at the hospital who gave him a cup of water told him so. He had been staring at the wall for over an hour with absolutely nothing to say to it. His head was pounding and all he wanted to do was scream, cry, beg someone to tell him what the fuck had happened to Poe, but no one would. No tears would come and no scream made itself present.
There was an ache deep in his chest, burrowing itself there as he sat, waited. The hours ticked by and he could not sleep, could not eat. Everything had gone numb and yet the roaring rage which festered inside of him must have been what caused this in the first place.
He remembered when he first knew Ben was… iffy. It wasn’t that he was really into black, or that he had an affinity for history, it was what he enjoyed learning about in history. He loved stories of the holocaust and sometimes acted… odd when someone opposed it, could shoulder and all that. He loved learning about the civil war and those who opposed Lincoln. The only reason he enjoyed Hamilton was for the ‘scummy’ cast, as he had said.
His cousin, Rey, who happened to be one of Finn’s closest friends, enjoyed avoiding him at all costs. She tried to steer Finn clear of him through any means necessary and had begged her dad not to tell his sister about her orientation, for fear that Ben would find out and use it against her.
So it wasn’t really surprising to anyone that when he found out about Finn and Poe’s relationship he thought it his right to express his disgust as much as possible, including through aggravated assault which ended up with Finn in the hospital for a concussion. That was what had got Ben expelled in the first place.
This though, this was too much.
It was one thing to punch someone, it was one thing to shout and scream until your lungs were burning and your throat was in pieces, but to bring a weapon into a school and fire? That wasn’t right.
He couldn’t quite remember what happened properly, if it had been morning or after lunch. He had gone to school quite tired from staying up trying to finish his Media coursework, but none of it mattered, his Media teacher had been shot in the calf so he doubted she would be collecting it in any time soon.
The cupboard in science was where he had hidden, trying to discern the footsteps outside from the boots which his attacker had seemed to be so fond of. Was it a student or a teacher or him. Eventually he had pulled out his phone and called Poe, begging him to run even if Finn didn’t follow. then, Rey, telling her to never talk to Ben or believe a bad word he said about her, because she was wonderful no matter what. He had called Poe’s father, almost like a father to him, and choked out a goodbye, fully expecting the next shot to end up between his eyes. He texted everyone he knew and could think of, telling them about how much he loved them and wanted to thank them.
Leia, Ben’s mother, telling her it wasn’t her fault he might not make it out, and thanking her for the sandwiches she made him a couple of days ago which she gave to him with a smile and a pat to the cheek.
Jessica, thanking her for every minute she helped him with his physics homework and how much he wished he hadn’t kept her from her family.
Poe, poe a thousand times over telling him that he loved him, the words being clicked on the keyboard as quietly as possible to be said, but not heard. Not by Poe, not by Finn, certainly not by Ben.
Shots had rung out in the hallway, Finn had gulped and hid further in the cabinet. He had to remind himself to cry quietly. He, like the students in his class, didn’t want to die that day. And so he wept silently.
eventually, the hallway became quiet and no more shots or footsteps were heard. He couldn’t hear any breathing, though probably because of how loud his own was. He couldn’t hear any shuffling, or any sign of life. And so he ran.
Finn had bolted from the cupboard and sprinted out of the classroom, down the corridor and down the back staircase, swiftly followed by many of his classmates who’s names he wished he had learnt. If he had to pay homage to them, what would he say about the nameless face?
He ran, oh god he ran. He ran till long after his legs screamed at him to stop, he ran long after his lungs begged for air.
He ran and he ran and he ran, adrenaline coursing through his system and only letting him think about one thing and one thing only: survive.
He had the door in sights, he remembered seeing a glow of light in the relatively dark hallway, the windows shining as the light of an angel would, beckoning him and begging him to run just a little further.
And then the light had been blocked out.
Standing in front of them was Ben, with a lopsided psychopath’s grin, staring down his prey. His eyes were only focusing on Finn as he removed the safety in his gun and raised it. The entire world seemed to slow as the trigger was pulled.
Finn barely remembered hearing the scream from near him, and the thunderous footsteps which came towards him. He remembered seeing a form suddenly hit into him and the dull thunk of a bullet impaling itself into flesh, and then, blood.
It wasn’t his blood, it wasn’t him panting and gasping for breath, it wasn’t him desperately clawing at his boyfriend, no, that was Poe.
Poe’s ragged breaths barely escaped past his lips as he collapsed on the ground. His blood was soaking through his and Finn’s shirt through the would which was bleeding heavily. His eyes had become glassy and Finn could swear that in that moment, his heart stopped.
He didn’t realise that the students behind him had taken down Ben, kicking the gun as far away as possible, he didn’t realise that someone had screamed for a medic, or that the person who screamed was him. He couldn’t remember getting in the ambulance or being given a blanket. All he remembered was sitting in a hospital waiting room chair, staring at a wall for hours.
He had become vaguely aware of a comforting arm slung around his shoulder in around about the 3rd hour. He didn’t dare look up, for fear that if he did he might find himself unable to stop crying, but around the 5th hour, the arm withdrew, and he regretted not seeing who had offered him comfort for 2 hours.
When the person came back, he looked up.
Leia Organa, Ben’s mother, was sitting next to him. She had a small bag of crisps in her hands, and she was trying to open them, but to no avail. They were trembling too much. Instead of looking away, or perhaps screaming at her, or even running, Finn simply took the crisp packet, opened it and handed it back to her. It wasn’t her fault.
Her breath was shaky, of course it was she loved Poe. Though the rugby coach had a nerve as hard as a coffin nail, seeing the goofy boy who always came out of a game with a black eye and smiling, her favourite player shot by her own son, that rattled her.
Finn remembered when Poe had asked why their had been no American Football team, and Leia had simply smiled and said that “it’s for pussies.” Of course, it had been because of the British curriculum, but she never let anyone know that. Now she wished more than anything to tell Poe exactly why they didn’t have an America Football team, for him to laugh, instead of lying lifeless in surgery.
By the time the doctors came out, hands having been freshly bloodied and then washed, Finn was asleep on Leia’s shoulder, and her on his head. The nurse who had offered Finn a water a few hours ago came back and gently shook him awake, upset that she was disturbing what was probably the last good night’s sleep he was ever going to get.
The one thing that the nurse was grateful for was that it wasn’t bad news she was delivering.
She’d never seen anyone run so fast to a hospital room, despite the fact that the patient was completely dead to the world. It was almost as if his life depended on seeing the patient, alive and somewhat well.
Finn had never felt so relieved to see someone unconscious. He watched the gentle rise and fall of Poe’s chest, the small breaths which escaped from him affirming that he was indeed alive, and suddenly it hit him. What if he had died?
All at once, all of the emotions which had been stirring within him burst through, bringing forth hot, heavy tears which streaked down his face, still grimy and unwashed after hours of waiting. Sobs broke through his lips as he watched his boyfriend slumber. He wasn’t still, wasn’t unmoving, god he was alive.
Leia came into the room, instantly engulfing Finn into a hug and letting him weep on her shoulder. Though she got through the death of her husband, though it was her son who had done this, and even though he was going to rot in jail for the rest of his life for this, Leia couldn’t find herself caring for what would happen to him, and instead cried for the boy in the hospital bed.
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I think I´ve broken Something
Karkat was growling, pressing his good hand against his nose. His feet a steady thrumming as he was running down the hall. He was looking around for some kind of hiding place, always alert to footsteps that weren't his own.
Everything was going to shit right now. And no, that might be too clean a sentence to describe what was happening right now, because he could swear that the apocalypse, with all it's meteors and debris raining down on Alternia, bombing the planet apart, till only specks of dust were left, was a process that was a lot more orderly than what he was going through at the moment.
They were so close to their goal, already in reaching distance of their fucking reward and then everyone just seems to go bonkers. They had contacted the aliens that were at fault for the failing of their own session, with the abomination they had created with Jack Noir and were on a good way of making amends, of repairing the stuff that was broken and now this.
Karkat couldn't believe it, hoping to survive somehow the insanity, that was spreading across the meteor like a cloud of smog. He threw himself into an empty room, locking the door and kicking a few boxes in front of it. Shaking he sunk down on his knees, still pressing his good hand against his bleeding, probably broken, nose. The other hand laid limp in his lap, the bones snapped.
When he came into the common room that morning, a horrible gut-wrenching sight had greeted him. YELLOW and FUCHSIA just splattered around the room, across another wall a streak of JADE. He had found Sollux and Feferi with their hands intertwined, holding tightly onto each other in their last moments as Matesprites, still being on their pile, maybe just having had a feelings jam. Kanaya was laying on the floor, a hole in the stomach, her eyes were closed and Karkat couldn´t bear to look at her any longer.
He didn't understand who would do this, why anyone would kill the bubbly heiress, the grumpy psionic or the gentle peace-maker. As far as Karkat was aware the Witch Of Life, the Mage Of Doom and the Sylph Of Space did nothing to warrant a death sentence. They hadn't angered anyone, so why were they laying here, unmoving and unresponsive to his desperate calls for them to wake up.
Even now he suppressed a sob that wanted to crawl out of his throat. He didn't want to draw the attention of anyone right now. Especially not of any other troll, the candy red still dripping from his nose only cemented that idea.
After fleeing from the common room, bile in his throat, he noticed that he was trolled. A memo was opened and Terezi was declaring that Vriska needed to be stopped. He was so focused on his pager that he didn't notice the BRONZE puddle until he stepped into it. With a look of horror on his face he looked around.
He followed the flow of the puddle till his gaze landed on Tavros. His lance still gripped tightly in his unmoving hand, his eyes wide open as if staring at something that Karkat couldn't see. The Page Of Breath was still, Karkat shivering, just shook his shoulders but nothing happened.
Karkat fought back another sob, crawling towards a corner to let himself fall down. He was making himself smaller than ever before. The mutant didn't want to be found, as if that was anything new.
When he stumbled around the lifeless body of Tavros, he started to run. Where was everybody? He hoped that they were fine. He stopped when he found tracks of CERULEAN, he almost didn't dare to follow them, but he had to. After all there was a minimal chance that the owner of the blood might still be alive. But he wasn't in luck today, even worse. Tracks of TEAL started to mix soon into the blue blood already on the ground.
When he found them, both were dead and already cold, not that they weren't cold before being high on the hemospectrum and all, but now the coldness spoke of dead instead of strength like before. Vriska had the sword, that Terezi had disguised as a cane, shoved through the sun on her clothes, right next to her laid Terezi herself, her bright red glasses smashed, laying broken in front of her face. Her blood had run down her mouth.
The Seer Of Mind and the Thief Of Light were laying side by side. This time he didn't even try to shake them awake and just stumbled away.
Karkat started to shiver, when he looked up in alert. He thought that he heard something at the door. In fear, he stopped breathing, not daring to move in the slightest. There was somebody at the door, there was it again the scratching noise, as if nails were raking down the metal, that separated them. Karkat tensed even more but suddenly it stopped and whoever was on the other side seemed to move on.
He quickly escaped that gruesome sight of his flushcrush and the killer of the BURGUNDY blooded psychic Aradia, the Maid Of Time, both dead on the ground. He looked into every room that he passed. Karkat was slowly becoming desperate in trying to find someone who was alive, he didn't even stop to think about who could be killing all the trolls, when he stopped.
He backtracked a few of his previous steps having seen a VIOLET trail, it was still spreading. Slowly he opened the door, careful, tense and ready to jump away when needed. When he saw Eridan, Karkat promptly vomited. The sea dweller was only halfway there. His head and upper body were laying close to the door and caused the trail that had alerted Karkat. The rest of him though was laying deeper in the room, the in between a horrible mess with his blood.
The Prince Of Hope was literally sawed in half and spread around the room like some kind of seriously gruesome decorations.
Karkat was still retching, the smell, was suffocating him, and the sight too much. He stumbled backwards out of the room. This was bad, this was seriously bad.
Karkat flinches, swallowing the bile that had gathered in his throat back down, he turned around, looking upwards and with a scream threw himself backwards. Behind him, on the wall was a vent and a tall figure was crawling out of it. A crazed, far too wide smile on their face. Karkat scrambled for the door, a scream, that he belatedly realized was his own, sounded out when he accidentally put too much pressure on his broken hand.
He seriously had to find the other three. Karkat was running, he had to warn them, that something was here on the meteor and killing all of them. He run as fast as he could, the air burning as he was breathing in. The mutant threw every door open, he had to find them before it was too late.
Karkat screeched to a halt, feet still sliding across the floor while he was fighting for stability. He succeeded when he got a good grip on the door frame. Karkat couldn't believe his eyes.
He focused on the OLIVE that was splattered around and the thin trickle of INDIGO. When he looked up he saw three lines of PURPLE. Karkat stopped breathing, still taking in the scene that presented itself in front of him. Equius was lying on the ground, suffocated by a string, a small trickle of blood running from his lips, which were grotesquely showing a smile. Nepeta was laying there, one of her arms obviously broken, her head bashed in. Over her stood Gamzee, hurt, three scratch lines, the source which were clearly Nepeta’s claws, running across his face, in both of his hands were clubs, one of them splattered with the green of Nepeta’s blood.
The Heir Of Void and the Rouge Of Heart hand’s were stretched out towards the other as if they wanted to give comfort to the other one last time as Moirails, while the Bard Of Rage smiled crazily, his bloodlust clear in the way he was standing, the evidence clear that he had murdered both.
Karkat took a step back, while looking at Gamzee. He couldn't believe it, his friend would never to this. Gamzee just lifted one his arms, club at the ready to strike. Karkat threw one of his hands up to defend his face, but it didn't work. He felt the bones in his wrist give way and felt the club connecting with his face so that CANDY RED was coloring his face when the club connected with his face. He threw himself backwards and out of the door he couldn't believe what his friend, that he dearly trusted had done.
Gamzee jumped out of the vent, building himself up to his entire height, he raised the club once more and stroke down, where Karkat’s back was turned to him. With a yelp Karkat rolled out of the way of the club.
There is no other way, Karkat thought, he had to do this now. With a metallic sound he equipped his twin sickles, hissing when he instinctively tried to grab both, momentarily haven forgotten that one hand wasn't really usable anymore, but he still held on. Karkat wasn't very confident that he would win this fight against Gamzee, but he would try his best.
He darted forward, ducking under another swing of Gamzee. Soon they settled into a rhythm of attacking, defending, for Gamzee, and evading, for Karkat. But Karkat was soon shaken out of this complacency when a something wet hit his body, splattering him in blood from the hair tips down to his shoes, and he stood still.
Shock coursing through his veins, as Gamzee hit the ground with a last gurgle, before he went quiet. His neck was cut through and Karkat’s sickle was coated with the high blood’s blood. Karkat’s body was soon shaken by a sob, as he threw the sickles away from himself, sinking once more down to his knees. He was alone now, all alone.
The Knight Of Blood wailed into the silence, but no one was there to hear. Only the dead surrounded him.
Karkat was growling, pressing his good hand against his nose. His feet a steady thrumming as he was running down the hall. He was looking around for some kind of hiding place, always alert to footsteps that weren't his own.
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Prank Wars
Request Fic:  Bucky Barnes X Reader, Natasha Romanoff
Tumblr media
Request Fic for @marvelandwinchesters927 care of @this-kitty-has-claws Based on this video on YouTube.
Hope it’s everything you wanted, doll!
Summary: Bucky’s prank goes horribly wrong when he sets up his girlfriend.
Word Count: 2025
Warnings: Swearing
It was a fairly common occurrence around the tower. Bucky, skulking as only an assassin could, setting up another prank, usually aimed at Steve or Sam. Not Bruce, not anymore. Not after he’d Hulked out and nearly tore the tower down. Wanda could read him too well, and Vision was too self-aware. Tony had a tendency to retaliate in ways Bucky no longer wanted to think about. Sometimes Nat would catch one - though after she’d threatened to shave his head in his sleep, Bucky had toned it down with her. More often than not his pranks were aimed at you.
You took a joke pretty well, even going so far as helping him set up a few. You’d also pranked him back a couple of good ones. You were his best girl after all. Had been for well over a year. He loved you with all his heart, which you knew very well. It was what made this prank so perfect.
The jealousy you had over Nat was, to his mind, stupid. Sure he and Natalia had history, but it was merely that, history.
You were the woman he loved more than anything in this world. The one who he wanted to spend his life with, and by now, you should know it. Still, the insecurity you had, the misgivings, this idea that one day he’d leave you for Nat was an ongoing conversation which he wanted to be stopped.
This seemed like an ideal way to do so. Set you up. Make you think the worst. Then, prove it was all a big joke. You would laugh, he would laugh, everyone would get a kick out of it, and this dialogue you kept having would finally end. It was perfect! A win-win all around in his mind.
The look on Natasha’s face, however, said otherwise.
“Bucky, this is a bad idea,” Nat said for what felt like the hundredth time.
“Nah,” he scoffed, flicking the fingers of his metal hand at her. “You worry too much! It’s perfect! She’ll get a kick out of it.”
Clenching a fist in the bed sheets, Nat shook her head. “I don’t think so, Barnes. You’re not female. This could go sideways on us real fast.” She sighed, picking at a loose thread. “Besides, I really like (Y/N). We’re finally friends.”
“So much the better then,” he stated firmly. “She’ll know you’d never do this for real.” He grinned, big and wide. “She’s on her way, so get your ass in bed.”
Rolling her eyes, Nat slid beneath the covers. “Still think you’re a jerk for doing this to her.”
“You don’t know her like I do.” He shrugged, climbing in after Nat.
Messing the blankets around, he made sure that when he stood up, taking the sheet with him, he wouldn’t reveal Nat’s fully clothed frame. He, on the other hand, had stripped his shirt off, wanting at least a little authenticity, though his lower half was fully clothed. Hell, he’d even left his socks on. There was zero chance you’d ever think this was real once you saw that. You knew how much he hated socks in bed.
He’d been away on a mission with Natalia for two weeks, in which time he’d spent much of it texting, emailing, and sending you silly pictures - when he wasn’t beating on bad guys. You’d been uncomfortable with the idea of him and Nat alone for all that time, but he’d brushed it off as ridiculous. She was his friend and colleague, nothing more.
It made the timing of his prank so much better. He’d given you a fake ETA, saying it would be a few hours yet before they got back. Tony had been charged with seeing you sent up from the lab early. The Iron Man knew only that Bucky was pulling a prank, but not what that prank was.
You would arrive any minute to find he and Nat in this compromising position, likely shriek your head off, scream and swear at him, and then laugh when you found out it was a joke. It was the perfect set up. Nothing could go wrong.
Hearing tuned to the hallway, he listened for the familiar footsteps. When they appeared, he rolled himself on top of Nat, made sure he wasn’t touching anything which would get him punched clean off the bed and smirked down into her narrowed eyes. “Make it good, kotenok.”
“Call me kitten again, and I’ll knee you in the nuts, Barnes.”
Clearly, she was still not on board with this, but it was too late to back out now. “Some acting skills, super spy. Thought you were better at this.”
“You’re a dick,” she spat, but her hands latched around his neck.
She moaned, then, convincingly enough that the footsteps headed for the door stopped.
Bucky chuckled, unable to do anything else, practically giddy with how excited he was for this prank.
Knowing your Russian was still rusty, he began to murmur to Natalia in it, saying stupid things like, “There is a sparkle on your nose,” and “Do you realize your left nostril is bigger than your right?” all in a deep husky voice, his bedroom voice, the one he used on you.
She, however, snorted out a giggle, unable to help herself, and fired back with, “And you’re a man of very little brain if you think this isn’t going to bite you in the ass.”
Then, the door was pushed open. He heard you inhale sharply, and the cup of tea you carried landed with a smash.
“Oh my god…”
Bucky whipped his head up, making a fake noise of surprise, and rolled off Nat. “Baby! What are you doing here?”
Your breathing was fast and irregular. Tears have started falling down your face. “Tony said… you…. back early.”
He watched you step back, hands flying to your mouth.
“Are you fucking kidding me? You’re cheating on me? With her!”
Dragging the sheet from the bed, making sure it covered his clothes, Bucky moved toward you. “Dollface, I’m sorry…”
“How could you, Bucky? How could you when you know how I feel–” a sob causes your voice to break. “I’ll never forgive you for this!” you shriek, face crumpling.
“Baby! I’m–”
You cut him off with a rapid shake of your head. The whispered words which next come out your mouth freeze him in place.
“I don’t want to have this baby with you.”
You were already gone, rushing down the hallway, loud sobs filling the air.
He whipped around to stare horrified at Nat sitting on the edge of the bed. “What did she say?”
“She said she was pregnant. Well done, Barnes. Told you this would bite you in the ass.”
You raced down the hall blinded by tears, filled with surging hormones and turmoil, running away from your biggest fear. There was only one thing to do in a situation like this. Only one place to turn.
Taking as deep a breath as possible, you screamed, “STEVEN!”
He appears as if by magic, running full tilt toward you. Where he was or what he was doing you couldn’t tell.
Breaking down, you ran into his arms.
“(Y/N)! What is it? What’s wrong? Is it the–”
You cut him off with a wild shake of your head. “Bucky! Natasha! My bed!” you wailed, leaving yourself breathless as you burrow into his chest.
“What?” he gasped.
Sobbing, you choked out, “Affair!”
Bucky took that moment to appear. “Baby doll! It’s not what you think!”
Steve tucked you behind him, placing himself between you and Bucky. “You son of a bitch!” he snarled. There was no forewarning, he just hauled back his fist and plowed it straight into Bucky’s face.
You gasped in surprise, jumping with the action.
There was a wicked crack when Bucky’s head snapped back. “Fuck, Rogers! I think you broke my nose!” he cried, grabbing for his face.
“I should be breaking your fucking balls!” Steve bellowed.
Everyone gasped.
“Steven, language,” you whispered, shocked at the straight-laced soldier.
“Well it’s true, dammit!” he snapped.
“It was a prank, goddammit!” Bucky yelled, eyes full of anger and regret. “See! Fully dressed!” he waved between himself and Natasha.
“It’s true, Steve,” Nat confessed. She looked more contrite than you’d ever seen her. “I’m so sorry, (Y/N). I never should have agreed to this. There’s nothing between Barnes and I. Promise.”
“Really?” you asked, wiping at the tears streaming down your face, and darting a glance at Bucky.
“Really, really,” he said, cautiously pressing off the wall.
Before anyone could stop him, or guess his intentions, Steve hauled off and hit Bucky again.
“Jeez! What the hell, punk?” Bucky groaned, holding his nose a second time. “You didn’t quite break it the first time so you’d thought you’d try again?”
“That’s for being a stupid son of a bitch! Pranking your girl! And in her condition! Dumbass.” Steve growled.
“How the fuck did you find out before me?” Bucky barked, glaring at his best friend.
Steve only rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. “Who do you think has been holding her hair back these last two weeks?”
They all looked at you. “Morning sickness is a bitch,” you grumbled. “Steve found me being sick the morning you left.”
“And you waited till now to tell me?” Bucky moved cautiously around Steve, keeping a wary eye on his friend.
“I wanted it to be a surprise,” you whispered, eyes downcast, and hands twisting together.
Cupping your cheek, he tilted your head up while pressing a tender kiss to your lips. “Oh, it was a surprise, doll face,” he chuckled, wiping the tears from your face. “You forgive me?”
“Yes.” His eyes were full of excitement, but you have one condition before you let him fuss over you. “But no more pranks, James Buchanan Barnes. None. You’re retired. This one just about blew up in your face.”
“Absolutely, baby. Whatever you say.” He nodded before dropping to his knees to kiss and murmur to your belly.
“Bucky? Your foot is bleeding.” It was staining his sock.
“Stepped on the mug you dropped,” he said, nuzzling into you, speaking words you only sort of understood.
They vibrated against your stomach. It almost made you giggle. “Maybe you should go see Bruce. Get patched up. Steve, too. I think he broke his hand on your hard head.” He kept flexing and shaking it at any rate.
“Only if you promise to go to our bed, and be there when I get back,” he stated, looking up at you with adoring blue eyes.
Nodding, you patted his cheek, and send the two of them on their way, Steve much less annoyed than before. Both were now gushing like two old women about shopping for baby things and picking out names. It made you roll your eyes.
Once they were out of earshot, something which took longer as they were both supersoldiers, you turned a smug grin toward Natasha. “Didn’t suspect a thing.”
“You are evil. I love it!” she snickered. “Come on. I’ll help clean up the tea you dropped. Nice touch by the way.”
“It’s all thanks to you, Nat.”
You had all wanted the pranks to end, growing tired of Bucky’s incessant need to one-up himself. When he’d approached Nat with this harebrained scheme, she’d immediately outed him to you. Between the two of you, you’d managed to orchestrate the entire thing, right down to the smallest detail. Though, finding out you were pregnant had merely been the cherry on top of the sundae.
“I think Barnes, Jr. may have tipped him over into compliance far faster than your tears and demands would have.” She linked her arm through yours as you made your way back down the hallway.
“Think this will give us a reprieve, at least till after the baby is born?” you wondered.
“Even if it doesn’t,” she shrugged, “I can always shave his head.”
 The mental image that created made you laugh. “Well, here’s hoping this is the end of the Prank Wars. I quite like his hair.”
…The End…
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rasmot-corner · 8 years
Vent Story: Burden
As the title suggests, this is a story for me to Vent. A few things have been bogging me down lately, and the same stupid thought keeps entering my head. As such after being able to sleep a little bit longer and so on, i was able to sort of turn that all into fiction. 3,553 words of it really. I know not everyone is going to enjoy it, it won’t make tremendous amounts of sense and all of that. But i’m just putting it out here so that people i trust and care about will see it. So be warned, bit of blood and all of that. It is also a bit action based so there is that too. I hope someone enjoys it. All i know is that it helped me really.
Shallow breaths echoed against the steel and metal in the chamber. Bright unblinking screens surrounded the periphery, creating an unbroken 360 degree view of the exterior. The light from the screens stung his retina as he flicked from screen to screen and back again. Hands and fingers trembled against the twin joysticks as he tried hard to keep still. Headphones were clamped to his ears, a constant stream of sound and noise from the exterior filtering in. Were he in a better state of mind, a better time, a better place, a better position, he would take his time and listen to the sounds of nature all around him. A desperate whimper escaped his mouth as he tried to calm his breathing just to concentrate. Taking just a moment he looked to his right shoulder, a piece of jagged metal protruding from it. He was thankful that the suit he wore had managed to seal around the wound and prevented him from bleeding out.
 He forgot how many times this was. Did it even matter anymore? Once? Twice? Three times? Fifty? All that he knew was that he was sick of it happening again and again. Every time he let down his guard to trust someone or a group of people, most times they would just end up doing the same thing. They would turn their backs on him and of course hunt him down. It was always an ambush. And this time hurt like all the other times before it. He closed his eyes for a brief moment and gripped the jagged piece of metal and held his breath. With one yank he tore it free. His entire body screamed in agony as he thrashed and kicked in the metal cockpit. Slamming his fists and hands and feet against the metal walls as the painkillers finally filtered in to the wound. Finally he screamed out in pain inside of the sealed cockpit. Screamed and screamed and screamed till tears flowed from his eyes and the screams became sobs.
 Tremors crissed and crossed all up and down his body as he tried to sink into the cushioned pilot’s seat. Sobs wracked and clawed their way out of his chest as he covered his face with both hands. The suit of course sealed itself tight around the wound. Not that it mattered. It wasn’t the wound that hurt the most. It was a week earlier that he had found another pilot like him, female of course, and of course he fell for it. She would introduce him to her group of other pilots. It was a small squad and most of them seemed okay. That was except one of them. He had seen it before. There were those that liked to lie, those that had someone else in mind, and those who were just plain psychotic. And always, always he would blame himself for getting into those messes. He would always feel like he said the wrong thing or did the wrong thing or just fucked it up in some way. That was one of the reasons why he didn’t get along with the corps. They would always call him a fuck up. Maybe this time they were right.
 The radio crackled to life with a female voice. “TR-468, do you copy? Repeat, TR-468 are you out there??”
 “Wh-what!?” He scrambled for the radio and tried to get a connection. “This is TR-468! Repeat, TR-468 responding! What the hell are you guys doing out here??”
 A low chuckle came from the radio. “What do you think we’re doing buddy? We’re trying to get you the hell out of here.”
 “Who the hell is that!? Hey, back off!! This is our hunt!”
 He cursed himself. Out of all the pilots he had ever met, only a few of them were close enough to allow him to consider them friends. And now they were in the crossfire. The one place he didn’t want them to be in. His fingers danced over the controls to the radio. He was trying to get them back on again or to speak to them. It was of course of no use. They were now jamming the signal and he had no choice but to start up his unit again. Yet again he felt like a useless burden. Like he was yet again just a waste of space that got others hurt. Teeth grinded together as he flicked through the start up sequence and flicked the series of switches and controls required. He was thankful for the black and green paint he had splashed his mechanized unit with as he started it up and raised it upwards.
 The mechanized units had become a standard part of warfare now, Bipedal robotic units with a pilot inside that could carry and dish out tremendous amounts of pain. Every soldier had one, either given to them by their respective corps or given to them by third parties. All of them were geared differently and kitted out to the liking of the user. Each soldier had their preference on combat; his was about mobility, firepower, and being able to take a pounding. He closed his eyes and pounded his closed fist twice against the metal hull of the Mech-unit before gripping the controls. His left thumb flicked rapidly over the switches to enable the flight module attached to the back of the Mech-unit before he stomped on both floor pedals. The loud screaming whine of a red hot exhaust echoed through the cockpit as he gripped the controls and prepared to be launched upwards. The entire Mech was launched at a 90 degree angle deeper into the tree line. All of the screens suddenly went red as the missile lock warning blared over the displays. He barely had enough time to turn to see the missiles screaming for him. His trigger finger flicked off the safety before he rose up the Mech’s right arm and yanked the trigger down. The screaming whine of the rotary gun mixed with the blasting howl of the thrusters as he fired off a hail of bullets directly at the missiles. He caught them both; the furthest one was hit first before the closest detonated. The explosion launched him backwards. His feet were forced off of the floor pedals as his head slammed into the cushion and the Mech rocketed towards the ground. The first slam was the hardest as the entire cockpit jostled with the impact and he went into a small roll before everything came to a stop. The tug of the safety harness against his chest and the slightly brown color to the screens was enough to tell him that he was face first in the dirt. Grabbing both controls for the arms and working the pedals he got himself upright again. Damage indicators thankfully showed nothing other than a minor dent in the outer hull layer of the Mech itself. He was about to start moving again when he heard more screaming engines in the distance. It was an artillery barrage. He flicked the switches and changed from burst flight mode to horizontal thrust and slammed the floor pedals down again. The entire Mech rocketed forwards into the tree line as he dodged and weaved through them, multiple explosions rocking the ground behind where he last was.
 “Son of a bitch! He keeps fucking moving!!”
 A feminine voice came on over the radio. “I knew I should’ve aimed for the center! I should’ve aimed straight for his stupid heart!!”
 “Well maybe NEXT TIME think about that! After all this is your boyfriend’s stupid idea!!”
 Another male voice came in over the speakers. “Can it, both of you. He couldn’t have gone far.”
 He clutched his chest for a moment before he cut the thrusters and started to move his Mech into a slow jog through the trees. Hearing her voice was bad enough on his mind. Then he heard her lament not killing him sooner, or aiming straight for his heart. That was what hurt more than her voice ever could. He knew it was stupid to feel this way. There were no true feelings for her but he just wanted some companionship. All he wanted was just one night where he didn’t feel absolutely alone. He couldn’t stop the tears from streaming down his face as he tried to pilot the Mech, wiping them away as best as he could. And now he was being hunted yet again, being hunted for either his money, his Mech or whatever else they wanted. He tried hard to think of what to do. There was only so much more that he could ever take.
 He glanced up to the upper portion of his Cockpit. Pictures lined the upper portion of friends, people who actually did stick around. All of them had their own unique Mech-units, each painted a different way. He paused on one and very gently stroked against the picture for a moment. Out of all of them, she was the one who stuck around the longest. He took as many bullets as he could for her and stuck with her for so very long. She had seen these hunts before and been there to help him through it. And he had been with her to help her through hunts of her own, knowing how they worked what the play was. His eyes moved back to the screen and he stopped his entire unit dead in its tracks. It always played out the same way in the end. It always ended in the same way. They would chase and chase and chase until they finally would knock him down and he would just barely get out of there alive by sacrificing a piece of his Mech. It was always an arm, weapon, thruster pack, sometimes even a leg.
 Not this time.
 Flicking over the controls to the flares, he slammed his fist down on the controls and turned his Mech around. He flipped on his personal playlist and glared at the screens. Now he was pissed. Now that his best friend, someone he cared for and loved above everything else was in the battlefield with him. Now that she was in the fray? He was pissed beyond all reason. He didn’t even wait for the response flares from the hunters as he kicked his Mech into overdrive. His breathing went shallow again as blood flooded and flared through his body. The pounding of his heart was immense and loud, threatening to overpower the music blaring in the Headphones. Sweat poured down his body through the suit as his Mech stomped closer and closer to the hunters. He could see them on the periphery. Each one of them was starting to bear down and get a lock on him. Waiting and salivating to fire the first shot.
 He wasn’t going to give them the chance.
 Quick a quick juke he moved his Mech right out of the way of the first blasts and let it slide as he brought up the Rotary cannon. He roared out loudly as he depressed the trigger and let the entire Mech shake as he unloaded round after round after round into the Mech closest to him. Thousands of rounds rattled and screamed out of the rotary cannon as each one penetrated and perforated into the hull of the Mech. The constant ring and ting of the brass shells slamming into rock, dirt, and tree root was almost deafening. Just before the other Mech could even react he locked every single missile launcher onto it and slammed the fire button down. More missiles than ever was needed roared out at close range and slammed into the Mech, burrowing and then exploding as the fuses finally caught onto what happened. Smoke billowed out from both the launchers of his Mech as they slammed close and what was now a hunk of scrap metal as the Mech fell over.
 “Two flat lines! Repeat! Two flat lines!! He cratered the hell out of them both!!”
 There was a growl from the leader. “What the hell? Are you certain!?”
 “No doubt about it, that’s where the flares from the fucker came; now I really wish I had killed him outright.”
 A grumble came from the leader. “Stay focused! I want a lock on that Mech and I want that pilot dead! Try to save some of it, would you?”
 “I got this boss, you guys flank ‘im!”
 So the loud mouth wanted a piece of him first? That was fine by him. He grinded his teeth and started the Mech up again, ejecting the spent cartridge for the Rotary cannon and swapping it to the left arm. He pulled the Plasma cannon from the left arm and let it slot it and checked the charge. It wasn’t a full charge, but it was enough. He tapped the controls for a brief moment and found the source of the radio burst. After he found a good place he waited patiently and brought the long range targeting display onto his screens. He wasn’t going to try and snipe the loud mouth. That wouldn’t satisfy his rage nearly enough. Instead he was going to jump on top of him and burrow his cannon straight into the cockpit and slag the entire thing. The loud mouth was coming in over the horizon, and he began sighting him in and tapped patiently at the joysticks. He was just about to move when he heard a dull thud. He glanced to the Plasma cannon and scrambled to remove it.
 It was far too late.
 The entire Plasma cannon detonated with the arm of his Mech unit with it. The entire Mech tumbled down the small mountain as he tried to keep it from falling too steep or too hard. He managed to finally right it at the last moment as he thudded down onto the ground on both feet. Staring him down was the loud mouth who was charging a Rail cannon. The cannon went off right as he made the Mech dive straight at the loud mouth, the round missing his Mech and landing into the rocks behind it. Both Mechs collided and tumbled. The loud mouth tried to fire off a burst for the head of his Mech which had all the sensors and viewing scope. He managed to move the head away enough just to be able to force the Mech of the loud mouth onto its back before he dropped down the artillery cannon on his Mech’s right shoulder. There was a brief murmur of “oh shi-“ as the cannon went off five times straight into the cockpit. There was nothing but bloody paste and burnt out instruments left when he was through.
 Grabbing and ripping the right arm off of the loud mouth’s Mech he went for a retreat to buy himself some time. Disabling the locks on the Mech’s arm he managed to get the upper arm portion free from its port and dropped the rest of the arm. He then unlocked the upper arm portion of his right arm and dropped the dead weight before slotting it in. A little peeved by the color choice and the fact that the arm was bulkier, he slotted it in either way and did a quick system reboot of the arm and plopped in the previous drivers while piloting his Mech. Thankfully he had a spare Plasma cannon and slotted it into the new arm, letting it take a firm hold. The charge however was only half full. That meant he needed to dig into the hull of the next Mech with the shoulder cannon until he had a clear shot with the plasma, or use up the entire charge on one shot.
 Another thud and explosion came from his left as another of the remote charges exploded, this time bringing down a tree. He could only guess as to whom that was. Which meant his objective was clear now. He weaved and ducked the Mech through the tree line as he followed the mountains down. Multiple explosions went off and took trees with them, threatening to deforest the entire area with remote explosive munitions. That was before he heard the whistle of something else. He dove with the Mech and avoided three razor edged circular blades that sliced through the tree trunk and the next tree after that before stopping. Every piloting skill he had was put to the test as he ducked and weaved through the trees to avoid the buzz saw blades. Finally he found something he could use to his advantage. He continued straight on before doing a complete 360 degree spin and firing off a pair of tow cables at a pair of solid rocks. The cables slammed and dug into the rocks before becoming taut and reeling in to keep him from moving. This caught the other Mech by complete surprise who was trying to come to a stop.
 There was far too little time for that now.
 Flicking on the horizontal flight controls and slamming on the pedals he flung his Mech forwards and cut the tow lines. He rammed his right arm straight into the enemy Mech in a punch and held the trigger down for the plasma cannon. The whining charge muffled out the screams of the pilot as he finally let go of the trigger and stopped the thrusters. His Mech came to a stop and the enemy Mech slowly oozed off of the arm as the hot plasma had nearly liquefied all of the metal and turned the pilot into molten cinders. He shook off the Mech from his Mech’s arm and replaced the Plasma cannon with the Rotary cannon as he went to look for the last one. He paused for a moment with a slight realization as to who he had just killed. It wasn’t the woman. No it was the leader of this whole ordeal. It was the one who put her up to hunting him down. He was about to turn but was caught by several repeated cannon blasts to his Mech’s left side. The first three had flung his Mech to the right, the next three had dug through the armor and the last one opened a hole in the cockpit.
 Bright light flooded his vision and the yanking motion of a Mech grabbing his own was felt. The opposing Mech’s cockpit opened and he was met with the Woman yet again, face to face. Tears were streaming down her eyes and a visage of pure anger hung on her features. The left arm of her Mech was holding his in place while the other was holding a barrel aimed straight for his chest.
 “You were supposed to run! This was supposed to be easy!! But you killed them! First my friend! And then my . . .” She paused and glared at him. “Are you happy now? Are you happy with what you’ve done!? This is YOUR FAULT!”
 He stared into her eyes before he clenched his jaw and shook his head. “No. This is yours. When you slammed the door on me, when you turned me away, when you decided to join in on this “hunt” . . . that’s when it stopped being my fault.” A sneer broke out across his face. “I am happy now; I get to see your true form. Not the mask you lured me in with.”
 “You son of a bitch . . . well now it’s the last fucking thing you will ever see!”
 The cockpit slammed shut and he waited for the end. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath only to have it interrupted with loud cannon blast slamming into the side of the opposing Mech. His own Mech was dropped and he frantically looked around only to see it in the horizon. As smile broke out on his face as he saw the familiar soft pink Mech parked on top of the hill. A couple more followed it, all familiar Mechs to him. They were his friends that he had heard earlier. They all managed to chase off the Mech and got his own standing. He didn’t take a moment to say thank you, instead he slammed his fists on the missile controls and braced as his Mech fired off a volley of missiles at the retreating Mech. He watched as they detonated and exploded on his target, the faint cry of pain signaling the fact that the pilot was now no more.
 One of his friends watched and made a slight gesture with the arm of their Mech. “Was that really necessary?”
 “I think so.” He looked over to see the cockpit of the pink Mech open up, the pilot smiling. “After all, I probably would’ve done the same.”
 He smiled and nodded as they all turned and went back towards home. Each of them helping his Mech to walk back home. They all took turns and breaks as they made the long journey through the forest. But he didn’t care how long it took. All that mattered to him was that he had his friends with him, and they would help him through the worst of times.
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whitewolfwings · 8 years
Dance with the Devil
[Verse 1] I once knew a nigga whose real name was William His primary concern, was making a million Being the illest hustler, that the world ever seen He used to fuck movie stars and sniff coke in his dreams A corrupted young mind, at the age of thirteen Nigga never had a father and his mom was a fiend She put the pipe down, but for every year she was sober Her son's heart simultaneously grew colder He started hanging out, selling bags in the projects Checking the young chicks, looking for hit-and-run prospects He was fascinated by material objects But he understood money never bought respect He built a reputation 'cause he could hustle and steal But got locked once and didn't hesitate to squeal So criminals he chilled with didn't think he was real You see, me and niggas like this have never been equal I don't project my insecurities on other people He fiended for props like addicts with pipes and needles So he felt he had to prove to everyone he was evil A feeble-minded young man with infinite potential The product of a ghetto-bred capitalistic mental Coincidentally dropped out of school to sell weed Dancing with the devil, smoked until his eyes would bleed But he was sick of selling trees and gave in to his greed [Hook] Everyone trying to be trife never face the consequences You probably only did a month for minor offences Ask a nigga doing life if he had another chance But then again there's always the wicked that knew in advance Dance forever with the devil on a cold cell block But that's what happens when you rape, murder and sell rock Devils used to be gods angels that fell from the top There's no diversity because we're burning in the melting pot [Verse 2] So Billy started robbing niggas, anything he could do To get his respect back, in the eyes of his crew Starting fights over little shit, up on the block Stepped up to selling mothers and brothers the crack rock Working overtime for making money for the crack spot Hit the jackpot and wanted to move up to cocaine fulfilling the Scarface fantasy stuck in his brain Tired of the block niggas treating him the same He wanted to be major like the cut-throats and the thugs But when he tried to step to 'em, niggas showed him no love They told him any motherfucking coward can sell drugs Any bitch nigga with a gun can bust slugs Any nigga with a red shirt can front like a blood Even Puffy smoked a motherfucker up in a club But only a real thug can stab someone till they die Standing in front of them, staring straight into their eyes Billy realized that these men were well-guarded And they wanted to test him before business started Suggested raping a bitch to prove he was cold-hearted So now he had a choice between going back to his life Or making money with made men, up in the cife His dreams about cars and ice made him agree A hardcore nigga is all he ever wanted to be And so he met them Friday night at a quarter to three [Hook] [Verse 3] They drove around the projects slow while it was raining Smoking blunts, drinking and joking for entertainment Until they saw a woman on the street walking alone Three in the morning, coming back from work, on her way home And so they quietly got out the car and followed her Walking through the projects, the darkness swallowed her They wrapped her shirt around her head and knocked her onto the floor "This is it kid, now you got your chance to be raw." So Billy yoked her up and grabbed the chick by the hair And dragged her into a lobby that had nobody there She struggled hard but they forced her to go up the stairs They got to the roof and then held her down on the ground Screaming, "Shut the fuck up and stop moving around!" The shirt covered her face, but she screamed and clawed So Billy stomped on the bitch, 'til he broken her jaw Them dirty bastards knew exactly what they were doing They kicked her until they cracked her ribs and she stopped moving Blood leaking through the cloth, she cried silently And then they all proceeded to rape her violently Billy was made to go first, but each of them took a turn Ripping her up, and choking her until her throat burned Her broken jaw mumbled for God but they weren't concerned When they were done and she was lying bloody, broken and bruised One of them niggas pulled out a brand new twenty-two They told him that she was a witness for what she'd gone through And if he killed her he was guaranteed a spot in the crew He thought about it for a minute, she was practically dead And so he leaned over and put the gun right to her head [Sample from "Survival of the Fittest" by Mobb Deep] I'm falling and I can't turn back I'm falling and I can't turn back [Verse 4] Right before he pulled the trigger, and ended her life He thought about the cocaine with the platinum and ice And he felt strong standing along with his new brothers Cocked the gat to her head, and pulled back the shirt cover But what he saw made him start to cringe and stutter 'Cause he was staring into the eyes of his own mother She looked back at him and cried, 'cause he had forsaken her She cried more painfully, than when they were raping her His whole world stopped, he couldn't even contemplate His corruption had successfully changed his fate And he remembered how his mom used to come home late Working hard for nothing, 'cause now what was he worth He turned away from the woman that had once given him birth And crying out to the sky 'cause he was lonely and scared But only the devil responded, 'cause god wasn't there And right then he knew what it was to be empty and cold And so he jumped off the roof and died with no soul They say death takes you to a better place but I doubt it After that they killed his mother, and never spoke about it And listen 'cause the story that I'm telling is true 'Cause I was there with Billy Jacobs and I raped his mom too And now the devil follows me everywhere that I go In fact, I'm sure he's standing among one of you at my shows And every street cypher listening to little thugs flow He could be standing right next to you, and you wouldn't know The devil grows inside the hearts of the selfish and wicked White, brown, yellow and black color is not restricted You have a self-destructive destiny when you're inflicted And you'll be one of god's children that fell from the top There's no diversity because we're burning in the melting pot So when the devil wants to dance with you, you better say never Because a dance with the devil might last you forever [Hidden end feat. Diabolic] [Immortal Technique] Oh y'all motherfuckers thought it was over, huh? Well it's not. You didn't count on a fallen angel getting back into the grace of god and coming after you. Ya'll niggas ain't shit Your producers ain't shit. Your fuckin' A & R ain't shit. I'll fuckin' wipe my ass with your demo deal. Yo, Diabolic, take this motherfucker's head off! [Diabolic] Go 'head and grip Glocks I'll snap your trigger finger in six spots You'll have to lip lock with hypodermic needles to lick shots I'll watch you topple flat Put away your rings and holla back Can't freestyle, you're screwed off the top like bottle caps Beneath the surface I'm overheatin' your receiving circuits by unleashin' deeper verses than priests speak in churches What you preach is worthless Your worship defeat the purpose Like President Bush takin' bullets for the secret service Beyond what y'all fathom I shit on cats and jaw tap 'em Show no compassion like havin' a straight-faced orgasm Tour jack 'em Have his half-a-ten bitch suck my friend's dick In the mean time, you can french kiss this clenched fist Diabolic A one-man brigade spreading cancer plague This fuckin' a pussy's face Holdin' a hand grenade So if I catch you bluffin' Faggot, you're less than nothin' I just had to get that stress off my chest like breast reduction [Immortal Technique] You motherfuckers are nothing, you cannot harm me I'll resurrect every aborted baby and start an army Storm the planet huntin' you down, 'cause I'm on a mission To split your body into a billion one-celled organisms Immortal Technique'll destroy your religion, you stupid bitch You're faker than blue-eyed crackers nailed to a crucifix I'm 'bout to blow up like NASA Challenger computer chips Arsenic language transmitted revolutionarily I'm like time itself, I'm gonna kill you inevitably Chemically bomb you, fuck usin' a chrome piece I'm illmatic, you won't make it home like Jerome's niece I'll sever your head diagonally for thinkin' of dissin' me And then use your dead body to write my name in calligraphy This puppet democracy brain-washed your psychology So you're nothing, like diversity without equality And your crew is full of more faggots than Greek mythology Usin' numerology to count the people I sent to Heaven Produces more digits than 22 divided by 7 You're like Kevin Spacey, your style is usually suspect You never killed a cop, you not a motherfuckin' thug yet Your mind is empty and spacious Like the part of the brain that appreciates culture and erases Face it, you're too basic You're never gonna make it Like children walking through Antarctica, butt naked
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