#and i won't change my icon
technicolorsnowflake · 9 months
Furiously reblogging every post of @newbluud I catch made me realise, that this is my little corner of the internet and I can fill it with as much garbage, amazing art (You know it is amazing and you cannot stop me from saying so) and knick-knacks that being me joy. And suddenly 'properly' engaging with Tumblr became so much easier. I can share the things I like with the people that stumble upon my little corner of the world.
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aquilamage · 9 months
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I still haven't stopped thinking about Them
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numetaljackdog · 1 year
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oof-i-did-it-agaaiiin · 7 months
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fuck it. ros & guil r dead blog theme.
an assortment of headers and icons!
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cosmic-kaden · 11 hours
Since it's pride month letting you all know I HC these 4 (Ran.dy, Ce.s.ar, Ad.am, and M.at.t) as Bi/Pansexual. (just like me~ :3) I will not take criticism <3
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All of my boys love me for who I am and respect me and my pronouns, never shying away from correcting others when they either accidentally (or god forbid purposefully use the wrong pronouns)
They love me for me and they love me unconditionally just as I love them. My blood family doesn't accept me so others will have me and my boys? They got me and love me no matter what <3
Happy pride all~! <3
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lloydfrontera · 1 year
this arc also has one of my favorite lloyd illustrations in the entire novel and listen listen-
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i don't want to be mean but like,,, c'moooonnn look me in the eye and tell me this wasn't a downgrade. c'mon. this is not a dig to the artist they are doing an awesome job but like,,,, c'mon
edit: so,,i might've been wrong about this one ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_,,, turns out,,, i was confusing two different events in which lloyd absorbs mana from a jewel,,, so,,, i apologize for comparing the two when i shouldn't have :(
edit 2: i apologize for shit!! the webtoon was a coward and didn't give us lloyd turning someone into a mummy by absorbing his mana and looking pretty while doing it!! absolute travesty!! crime against humanity and me specifically!! jail!! jail for webtoon writers and artists for one thousand years!!
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licorags · 19 hours
it's officially june over here, which means: 1) happy pride month!!!! and 2) it's my birthday month!!!!
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tearueful · 10 days
I'm delighted to be Simpsons icon tbh
tee hee~ You're also that person who is really into Hetalia in my brain.
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superbatson · 2 years
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i made some icons of billy in the fotg trailer. feel free to use ❤⚡
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softietrait · 1 year
piinkplumbob ➜ softietrait! ‹𝟹
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destinyandcoins · 9 months
@tumblr give us back dashboard icons on the posts on my dash. immediately. do you know what you've done?? i rely on the .03 seconds of Color and Shape i see out of the corner of my eye whilst scrolling in order to identify who's reblogging something on my dash unless it's something Niche and exclusive to that one mutual. this is destroying my ability to vibe with a post based solely on which beloved blog i'm following put it in front of my eyes.
i only know the actual urls of maybe a dozen of the blogs i follow, everyone else i'm identifying on flavor of post, static-y white noise approximations of their url, and the likewise indistinct impression of colors and shapes from their icon like a toddler only just starting to recognize sounds and shapes but without enough comprehension to articulate what they're seeing. i'm going to crawl into your servers and chew through all of the hardware keeping this site up and running, what the Fuck are you playing at
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caught-a-dragonfly · 2 years
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Been doing some studies to try and loosen up my style a bit. Loved fire for this because its always moving/dancing (plus I may or may not have a thing for characters that can wield fire in some way)
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fromtheheartlocket · 3 months
oh my god. percy jackson. percy jackson. i'm about to become insufferable
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featheredpheonix · 10 months
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@0atchi truly continues to assign me the fruitiest eggiest animal she can think of 😔😔😔
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ofwaking · 1 year
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hehe new dash icon
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heloflor · 9 months
Been back from vacation for around four days now and learned about Charles Martinet retiring, which did bum me out.
Like don't get me wrong, I knew this day would happen eventually. Nintendo clearly wants their franchise to go on for as long as they can, and Martinet is already rather old. It was only a matter of time before he would have to pass on the torch. But i guess I just didn't expect it to happen this soon ?
On that note, I'm actually not that worried for Mario's voice. In the trailer of Mario Wonder, the new actor sounds a lot like Martinet, to the point where many thought it was him (myself included). And considering Nintendo being Nintendo, they'll probably not tolerate a bad imitator. I'm also not worried for Wario since Wario Ware Gold happened so him having another voice won't be too weird (for context I played this game in french). As for Waluigi, he's a character I don't care that much for so I won't mind if he sounds a bit different.
Now Luigi is actually the one I'm worried about, because Martinet gives him such a soft-spoken dorky shy vibe and I couldn't imagine him any other way. I'm going to miss him sounding like a dorky sweetheart trying his best to be as brave as his bro...
Oh and also, a few things I've read and agree on : 1. It'd be better if each of those characters get their own voice actor that can imitate them well, rather than trying to get one person who can do some voices well but others not, 2. It sucks that Martinet didn't get to voice his characters one last time in the movie, tho given there's going to be sequels, it makes the casting decision makes a bit more sense (makes more sense as in "not casting Martinet so that there's no actor change for the sequel which would makes the voices sound off", not the whole "shitty popular guy instead of an actual voice actor" thing), 3. At least Martinet chose to retire instead of being unfairly fired. Hell Nintendo actually recognized how much of an impact Martinet had on their characters and made him the Mario franchise's ambassador ! It's great !
In any case, thank you Charles Martinet for voicing our childhood. ❤ The cheerfulness and dorkyness those characters have wouldn't exist without you, and may you have a happy retirement.
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