#and i wonder if knowing about the dragon reborn made her put off getting one
cubanpetekotrb · 8 months
So my other obsession of the month is wheel of time and I saw episode 7 and boy o BOY do I have major thoughts and I need to get them out.
Siuan?? What the hell? Following LONG ass post is in defence of Siuan because the general consensus there is right now about Siuan just doesn't rhyme for me.
ONE thing all of Siuan actions did, it brought out SO MUCH .
Liandrin drew out 1 dark friend (Moiraines nephew) and he consequently got locked away (or killed).
One Forsaken showed herself to an entire city, no more hiding or denying (at least not from the Aes Sedai because there were like 14(!) there)
Siuan clearly has doubts about Verin and Verin acted exactly as expected (now I think Verin has a lot more going on but hey 🤷🏼‍♀️)
When Siuan shields Rand, she pushes Moiraine to say all of her intentions with Rand and their decades build plans in front off Rand as if he is not there. Which Moiraine does to protect Rand from Siuan.
Siuan asks Rand if he has channelled carefully and deliberately (not verbatim but this is the general idea), which he hasn't. She scolds him for it and says that he hasn't learned much in 6 months, which is absolutely true.
Which leads to:
Moiraine is shielded (something I do not think Lan figured out on his own) and subsequently released of said shield by Rand when she tells Rand that she trusts him. When last season Moiraine very clearly showed that she doesn't. Rand needed to hear that from Moiraine. It pushed Rand to actually use the one power very DELIBERATELY and CAREFULLY otherwise, Moiraine dead. Now who again scolded Rand about that I wonder hmmm 🤔
Which brings me to the following and perhaps most important point:
Rand now 100% trusts Moiraine, he believes Moiraine does want to protect and guide him to save the world, which previously he didnt. He was confused about what was going on and felt like a toy being played from all sides. Siuan put Moiraine in an impossible situation and Moiraine chose Rand, the dragon reborn because she knows that is the right thing to do. Rand needed to be shown Moiriane will give everything to save the world including turning away from Siuan and being made to do something she does not want (closing the gate).
It is VITAL that he does because Moiraine will be the only one capable of providing Rand the protection and guidance that he needs to save the world. He only does at the end of this episode, which is nearly at the end of this season. They already lost too much time. Drastic extreme measures are unfortunately required because Siuan was right, Moiraines way wasn't working.
At the end of this episode due to Siuans actions, he doesn't trust any Aes Sedai, which is good because you know Black Ajah and doesnt trust the Forsaken, but he very clearly does trust Moiraine, and that WILL set him on the right path.
If I can trust book readers, Siuan is a very powerful channeler. However, like Egwene, it's her intelligence that is actually her greatest power. She is a crazy smart woman and nowhere near as impulsive, brash and stubborn as Moiraine, aka Pufferfish.
Something that stuck by me is that Siuan said "you have given everything, Im going to row beside you now". Siuan knows Moiraine will absolutely not let her. Moiraine is like Nyneave in that way. She would rather die than let anyone she loves do that.
Siuan has given up a lot this episode and put power back with Moiraine, leaving herself incredibly vulnerable, having lost her one true ally, Moiraine. Going back to a tower filled with enemies, she's f*cked, and she knows it, but she needs Moiraine focused on her mission, not on Siuans' potential downfall. Because that will definitely be a distraction for Moiraine.
There is no way in hell a Master chess player like Siuan would move her pawns so early and openly like she seems to be doing in this episode. That is not Siuan. Everyone in WOT world, though, needs to believe that she is (including Moiraine).
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Let's (re)Read The Dragon Reborn! Chapter 7: The Way Out of the Mountains
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People, the fact that I'm using a generic image here is a failure on the part of the fandom. There should be art of this incredibly tiny chapter and its delightful moment! But Google finds nothing. This is outrageous! Great news, everyone! The wonderfully talented @pien-art did in fact make fan art and is even willing to let me use it on my silly little post. My unspoken plans to balefire you all are hereby put on pause. Please go check out their blog for more art!
Also, if you hate spoilers, this whole post is outrageous because I'm going to spoil everything about The Wheel of Time because I can!
This chapter starts with a Flame of Tar Valon icon because Moiraine goes fishing.
Lan spent most of his time scouting their path on his black warhorse, Mandarb, following Rand’s tracks as the rest of them followed the signs the Warder left for them. An arrow of stones laid out on the ground, or one lightly scratched in the rock wall of a forking pass.
Lan and Mandarb get all the more impressive when you consider that in addition to leading the way, he's probably also doubling around them (unnoticed by Perrin) and clearing out the signs he leaves behind so no one else can follow.
Her reply was always very much the same. “If you cannot move any faster than this, perhaps I should send you off to Myrelle before you get any older. Well, perhaps that can wait, but you must move us faster.”
Moiraine, I love you but what the fuck? Lan is doing an incredible job and you're joking about sending him off to get raped because it's not good enough for you.
“No day soon,” Lan said, and surprisingly, there was open anger in his voice. “Never, if I can help it. You will outlive me long, Moiraine Aes Sedai!”
She probably will, but how much longer, I wonder. Did the Finn steal her longevity when they stole her strength, or will she still age according to the power level she was born with? If the former, then she might not even have two centuries of lifespan in her. (Also note how touchy Lan is, to use such a formal address.)
“As difficult as that?” Moiraine murmured. Her hands slipped into the water—and a moment later came out with a splash, holding a fat trout that thrashed the surface. She laughed with delight as she tossed it up onto the bank.
Perrin thinks it's luck because Perrin is very, very silly. Also he doesn't know that she's best friends with a former fisherwoman.
Perrin thought about reminding her that whoever took the fish was supposed to clean them, too, but just at that moment she caught his eye. There was no particular expression on her smooth face, but her dark eyes did not waver, and they appeared to know what he was going to say, and to have dismissed it out of hand already.
Perrin, be grateful that the nice witch caught you a huge dinner. Another problem with not communicating is that of course Moiraine is probably doing useful magic tricks like this all the time with exactly as much fanfare and while effortlessly keeping her composure so Perrin has no idea that as far as the party dynamics are concerned, he and to a lesser degree Loial are the potential dead weight.
“I doubt she sees it that way. First she had to put up with Rand arguing with her all the time, and now you’re ready to take over for him. As a rule, Aes Sedai do not let anyone argue with them. I expect she means to have us back in the habit of doing what she says by the time we reach the first village.”
Loial's probably got a point too about Moiraine's Aes Sedai pride influencing her behavior. She likely strongly feels that she fucked up by giving Rand too much independence (even though really the boy needs as much as he can get) and is aiming for damage control by being extra shitty about things to Lan and Perrin as well.
Loial gave in to it as inevitable, but not Perrin. He tried refusing, resisting, but it was hard to resist when she made a reasonable suggestion, and a small one at that. Only there was always another suggestion behind it, as reasonable and small as the first, and then another. The simple force of her presence, the strength of her gaze, made it difficult to protest.
Perrin is getting worked over like he's saidar and it's a little funny.
He accused her of using the One Power on him, though he did not really think that was it, and she told him not to be a fool.
It is indeed very unlikely that she's Compelling him when she's just so good at social engineering.
The wolves should not have been there. Wolves avoided places where men were, but Perrin could still sense them, an unseen screen and escort ringing the mounted party.
The wolves are of course sticking around because Noam's also in the area.
Short chapter, huh? Next time: Fourteen hundred weddings and no funerals!
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Oops, I was 100% gonna make Aryadne/Egwene hcs and storyline in this modern au but then Perrin snuck in and stole my heart so here we are im putting it under read more for those that want to scroll by:
In this modern au, how I approach the dragon reborn is that Moiraine is looking for a CEO for Damodred Company (what they do we will not discuss lmaoo, its barely a plot point anyway.) And though Aryadne is right there, wanted this position for years, Moiraine goes "I'm bringing the top 5 students (because yes this is college kids)" and Aryadne is offended.
Aryadne has an off and on friends with benefits relationship with Dain Bornhald, who is falling for her but she feels no emotional connection for that man. Sorry to that man lmaooo but we don't care for him.
And when Aryadne and Berden (btw he didn't want the CEO position, actually doesn't care for it all) meet the five (Mat, Egwene, Rand, Nynaeve, and Perrin). And that meet-up is Perrin heart eyes for Aryadne (intrigued being less dramatic) and Aryadne being interested in Egwene (doesn't this scenario sound familiar).
Aryadne feels betrayed by her cousin/best friend, Elayne, and twin brother, Berden, getting along with the Five just fine and slowly, grudgingly does to (Mat is such an asshole when Aryadne actually holds a conversation. "Are you melting, princess? Was that a laugh?" "I can go back to ignoring you.")
Tho she and Nynaeve are arguing more than anything. She can't stand Rand ("How the hell is he one of the TOP 5!?") But he comes through Time and time again, and she sees him as kid brother by the end of it.
Egwene and Aryadne find out they're not compatible, but Aryadne is not taken it well because this is her first relationship that actually tries in, and Egwene feels bad, so they're currently awkward.
Perrin and Aryadne???? Slow very slow friends, meetings they agree with each other but Perrin quietly agrees with her (Rand and Mat gives him so much shit.) And then it's little things like "hey want to get some coffee after this?" Or "hey nice seeing outside the office and campus (cause everybody is again college kids)" and then cause I love drama, Dain and Perrin are friends and don't even realize they're talking about the same girl. Dain talking about how he's trying to get Aryadne to realize that he wants more in their relationship, and Perrin wondering if he should bother cause Aryadne can be dismissive at times even if she does talk to him more than anybody else in the 5. And the two are giving each other advice on handle the situation. And because Aryadne has made herself clear about her relationship with Dain, several times, and despite Perrin's good advice, Aryadne ends the relationship.
And with Dain's good advice, Aryadne and Perrin hits it off great 😂😂. Definitely can see Perrin and Aryadne on a date and Dain happens upon them and Perrin is introducing them and Aryadne cuts him off and is like "how do you know Dain?" And Dain delusional ass is like "You're the one that stole my girl?"
"I was never your girl-"
And Dain thinking that Perrin sabotage him to get with Aryadne, and he's like "you want to be with a mutt?"
Aryadne: wtf you call him?
Its a whole thing but if Dain thought he was ever gonna get back to Aryadne after this, lmaoo he has another thing coming. I probably shouldn't tell the entire plot of fic, but I 100% will if anybody is interested because I know my chaotic ass probably won't stay interested enough to finish it.
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fierypen37 · 2 years
Virtue a Veil, Vice a Mask: Chapter 15
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moodboard by @libradoodle1​
Chapter 15
                                                           Thirteenth Day of the Fifth Month, 299 AC
Greetings, Lord Hand!
 I will not be deterred, despite your measured advice in your last letter. The island will be our home. My poor diagrams do not do it justice. There is land for a food plot and grazing, trees for shade and fruit. It is a peaceful place, and beyond that, well-protected. The issue of water is sorted out—it was Dany’s idea to place barrels to catch rainwater. We already have three barrels full. She also has read of irrigation strategies if we wish to become farmers—an amusing thought!
Daenerys is well and she sends her regards to you and Shae. Enclosed is a tincture of ginger tea Dothraki women drink to ease sickness during pregnancy. After that thrice-cursed voyage back from Pentos, the tea helped ease my mutinous belly. It is my hope it will do the same for Shae.
It does not bear repeating, but my lord father needs to know the particulars of his Hand’s business. My lord grandfather Aerys had a Hand too many, and the realm suffered for it. You are more knowledgeable of histories than I, but my advice stands. My lord father must know. On lighter news, I am deeply enjoying the passages of Dragonkin you made. I tell you Daenerys’s Drogon is Balerion reborn. Again, I wish I had an artist’s hand to capture him and my own Vyrmax on wing. It is a sight to behold. The dragons are unruly as young children, but my Dany has a way of scolding them. Like most children, they listen more to their mother.
Storms are thick on the Narrow Sea, and it has slowed the building of our house and barn. It is a slow, laborious process to haul the dressed stones up the cliff-face. I have tried to lay earthenworks to broaden a path upward, but that also is slow going. I hope to have a letter from you soon.
Jon Targaryen
                                                            Twenty-second Day of the Fifth Month, 299 AC
Most Intrepid Builder,                  
 It is quite a shame you chose to follow your wayward bride across the sea—such grit is much needed in court of late. You know well my dislike of septs and septons, and it felt much a confession to speak with your lord father, but the deed is done. He knows of Shae and the heir she carries. Even as the ink dries on those words, I can scarce believe it myself. Gods help us if court gets wind of it. I intend to keep Shae at my side, though your lord father is of a mind to send her home to Casterly Rock. Though my own bride is much too capable to be in any danger, her blunt manner of speech could be off-putting to the western vassals, who already are restless. Pass on my regards to your lady wife, the tea has worked wonders on Shae’s constitution. I am fascinated by the idea of the horselord fermented milk. I should like to sample a firkin.
Speaking of septons, there are some stirrings of revival within Baelor’s Great Sept. The High Septon has been replaced by a High Sparrow. Dried up stick of a man—he dreams more of gods than cunts and thus I cannot abide his company. Zeal is useful in small measures.
You know of my fascination with dragons and I count the days until I can see one in the flesh. Your Vyrmax is gold and white, yes? To my knowledge, that coloring is unique. Perhaps I should write to your lady wife for the details of their hatching. Gods, if your lord father had a dragon or three, these fools would keep in line!
In my humble opinion, earthenworks shall not be enough for the load you require. If you intend to ride up and down these switchbacks, they must be immune to the ravages of sea and wind. I shall ponder a solution.
Also, the Narrow Sea is called such for a reason! Quit bellyaching about your seasickness and come for a visit! On my honor as a Lannister, I shall throw you and your wife a glorious feast. Give me an excuse to pry open another barrel of Arbor Gold.
A thirsty man,
Tyrion Lannister, Hand of the King      
                                                                         Seventh Day of the Sixth Month, 299 AC
 To a certain thirsty man,
 Ships shall both ways do they not? You and Shae are welcome to visit. Carafes of lamekh await you and more—Dany has a preference for sweetwines. Though the building goes painfully slow for my taste, Dany’s Dothraki have tents finer than most crofter’s huts. There are dangers in King’s Landing for my wife, and I’ll not see her in such a place, even though I sore miss my family and my lord uncle’s home in Winterfell. Daenerys has been trading ravens with my cousins, gods help us. They also demand a visit as soon as we are able. We shall visit someday soon. Perhaps bring a dragon to your heir’s christening?  
             I quite like my view of King’s Landing from across the Narrow Sea. I’ve grown used to the Dothraki fashion of things—conflict is direct and solved quickly. Though I know it does not come naturally, perhaps try this with your High Sparrow. I’ve heard my lord father say the Crown and the Faith are two of the great pillars upholding the realm. I’m certain an accord can be reached by the work of such a diligent and pious Hand. Dany has read your letter over my shoulder and says a new mother deserves a nursery. She has enclosed a fine hrakkar pelt—a white grassland lion for the babe’s crib. Appropriate for a Lannister. Whether in King’s Landing or Casterly Rock, a Lorathi like Shae will find her feet—she tolerates your bullshite, yes?
             Another roadblock in our building. While hauling one of the stones, the belayed pulleys broke. My ancestor Bran the Builder would be ashamed. Two of my men have rope burns on their hands, a third broke his leg. Thank the gods no one else was injured or killed. My Daenerys takes the safety of her people seriously. I plead for assistance and swift wind to bring your reply.
                                                                         Twentieth Day of the Sixth Month, 299 AC
 To a certain beleaguered leader of men,
 Accidents are inevitable when you gather a certain number of men together. Although the real toll has been lost to the ages, even the great Bran the Builder most assuredly lost men building Winterfell or the Wall. Never fear, my young friend! I have your solution. Contained are plans to suit your needs. I took the liberty of consulting the First Builder of the Night’s Watch. Your Uncle Benjen and your lady’s great-uncle Maester Aemon have also enclosed missives for each of you. Both send their warmest regards—a dear thing for a man-shaped icicle from the Wall.
             I shall take your advice in stride. I have a meeting set with this High Sparrow and we shall see how we can continue to uphold the king’s peace. An heir to Maegor you are! You mustn’t dangle the thought of seeing your lady wife’s dragons! It is too fine a thought. As is your lovely wife’s generosity! How kind of her to lavish gifts on us. I am eager to renew our acquaintance.
             Your savior,
                                                                         First Day of the Seventh Month, 299 AC
             My savior indeed!
 A lift! Like the one scaling the Wall. An elegant solution. Not only can we fashion it stable enough to bear supplies and horses, but it shall act as our drawbridge if we wish to have visitors. There are many children and old women in Daenerys’ camp who lamented the thought of traversing the cliff. At last, Daenerys and I shall have our Dragonstone.  
             My Dany is quite a wonder, isn’t she? Now there is scarce a day that has passed without receiving some sort of correspondence. My cousins mostly. They seem determined to bombard her with questions and outdo each other with gifts. Daenerys mentioned how poor her skill at sewing was, and young cousin Sansa has sent her samplers. Arya has sent pressed flowers and carvings. We await another parcel from Uncle and Aunt Catelyn  
 Jon rubbed a cramp from his writing hand, leaning back in his wicker chair. Rain pattered on the leather roof. Unbothered by the rain, the music of camp surrounded him. Dothraki voices, the clop of horses, the smell of cookfires. He shook sand on the parchment to dry the ink and stood from the writing table. It was near midday, and he tired of writing. A lift! Excellent! The master mason and woodworker hired from Pentos would have enough to work with. Jon folded Tyrion’s plans and tucked them in his pocket. Shadow stood tethered outside the tent, tail whisking away flies.
With a quick hop, Jon hauled himself up bareback and clicked his tongue to urge the stallion on. The smell of wet horse filled his nose, a faint halo of steam hovering over Shadow’s sable coat. The rain had mellowed to a faint drizzle. Jon tilted his head back, letting the cool water patter on his face. Dany said she would be on the ridge with the dragons. Jon touched his heels to Shadow sides and set off at a trot, posting in time with the stallion’s long, smooth strides. Several voices called out greetings and Jon waved and shouted back.
“When shall we dance again, Khal Ahesh?” a new recruit said from where he groomed his white’s tail. Aggo had done his work well, and returned from the depths of the Sea with over two score fresh men—more than half of them mounted. Jon and Daenerys’ bloodriders had begun the frustrating process of drilling the riders into the semblance of a cavalry. The men called it ‘dancing.’
“On the morrow, rider. After dawn breaks. I’d like to beat the heat this time,” Jon said drily. It was his command that they did not stop until the group performed a maneuver perfectly. Often, it was well past midday before that happened.
As he cleared the avenue between the forest of tents, he heeled Shadow into a canter. Wet grasses hissed under the power of his hooves. Jon spied Drogon and Vyrmax on wing and frowned. Where was their brother? Jon peered over the crest of the ridge and saw the green dragon’s sinuous form sprawled on the summit. Jon swung his leg over to dismount. A brave mount he was, but even Shadow could not stand eye to eye with a dragon. Jon’s eye slid over his wife kneeling at Tessarion’s side. Gods, the dragons were growing fast. Tessarion’s long form was about the size of a foal now. Perhaps within another year they would be large enough to ride. An exhilarating mix of fear and joy filled him at the thought.
“—you shouldn’t pester him so,” Daenerys chided Tessarion. The bronze-gold eye the size of a Dothraki medallion flitted from Dany to watch Jon’s approach. It was a credit to their growing comfort with him that Tessarion didn’t take to the sky. Dany hadn’t noticed him yet as she gently dabbed at the steaming hot blood oozing from a shallow gash in his forest-green scales. A deep rumble emanated from Tessarion’s chest, almost a purr. The rain evaporated to steam on Tessarion’s scales—approaching him was like approaching an open fire. Sweat gathered on Jon’s brow. The smell was the hardest to put his finger on. Something sharp and animal, along with smoke and old blood.
“There, that’s better isn’t it?” Dany said.
“Another tussle?” Jon asked, nudging Dany’s arm with his own. Daenerys sucked in a gasp. She laid a hand on her bosom, thumping Jon with the clean end of her rag. Jon laughed.
“You startled me!” she said, the sharpness of her tone belayed by her dancing eyes and toothy grin. Damp silver hair curled out in wild spirals, her face gleamed with rain and perspiration. How is this gorgeous creature my wife? Jon still woke in the dark, fearing that the past year had been a dream. Often, even in sleep Daenerys would sense his distress and nestle closer to him.
“Apologies, Dany.”
“To answer your question, yes. Drogon strafed his brother.”
“Poor lad,” Jon said. Daenerys cooed in sympathy. The green dragon nuzzled into Dany’s caressing hands. The gash had already stopped bleeding. Dragons healed fast. Though they grew more independent as they matured, all three hurried back to Dany for comfort. Mother of Dragons.
“I worry he’ll be left out. Drogon will be my mount and Vyrmax will be yours. What shall become of Tessarion?” Daenerys’ eyebrows puckered together in worry and Jon kissed the space between them. The dragon tired of his mother’s fussing and lifted his horn-crowned head to curl on the wilted grasses for a nap. Daenerys stood, brushing stray bits of wet grass from the front of her beaded skirt.  
“I wouldn’t worry, Dany. Tessarion will always have us and his brothers. And who knows? Perhaps one day we will find a third dragonrider.”
Jon’s thoughts turned to his family across the Narrow Sea. Would Aegon or Rhaenys have bonded with Tessarion? Were the half-siblings who looked down their noses at him one day join him astride a dragon? Given everything that Dany had had to suffer for? That was neither fair nor just. Another tormenting thought: a babe. Their own child riding a dragon as they were born to do. It pressed on a deep wound, and Jon dared not voice his musings. They would choose an heir, but not now. Not yet. Dany slid her hand into his and gave him a comforting squeeze. Jon happily basked in the warmth of her regard.
“Perhaps we will not need another. Tomorrow has its own worries. Let us leave them there,” she said. Jon nodded, and they walked hand in hand down the ridge to where Shadow grazed.
“Speaking of tomorrow’s worries, I have a letter from Tyrion. He has sent plans for a lift.” Dany’s eyes brightened. Jon contemplated showing her the plans in his pocket, but didn’t want the rain to sully the designs.
“A lift! That will do splendidly.”
“Aye. Once the rain lets up, I’ll ride to the coast and give the foremen the plans,” Jon said, cupping his hands to guide Dany astride Shadow. She gave him a narrow look and vaulted smoothly astride Shadow’s back. Jon chuckled and swung up behind her. Shadow sidled; ears flattened at the unaccustomed burden. Jon murmured to him, patting his neck. Dany nestled back against him and tossed him a look through her lashes. Heat pooled in his groin. Gods, what she could do to him with just a look!  
“Whatever shall we do on a lazy, rainy afternoon?” she said with a sultry smile.
“I have an idea,” Jon said, heeling Shadow back to camp.
 Dany loosed the leather tie from her hair, unwinding the blue ribbon from her braid and shaking her hair loose until it fell in a damp silver wave. After she lost their wedding ribbon on the voyage to Pentos, Jon gave her his solemn promise to give her all the ribbons she desired. There was a small chest full—Yi Tish silk, Myrish lace, Westerosi linen in a rainbow of colors. Her favorite was still the white silk, to replace the one that bound their hands when they were wed. Jon also promised to wed her again underneath the protection of a heart tree when they visited Winterfell. Twice wed? It was ridiculous, but so sweet it made her chest ache.
             Her husband had matured in the year since they met. His young beard had thickened to a plusher shape, his wild curls now falling past his chin. The breadth of muscle that so thrilled her had seemed to settle and tauten, as if he was a god sculpted in clay and now had been baked to a hard finish. Gone too was his virginal shyness—though Dany had adored it. Her khal’s dark grey eyes devoured her as Dany toed out of her boots, shucked off her rain-damp tunic, unwound her skirt and let it fall. His gaze was as warm and focused as a touch on her naked body, and Dany shivered in arousal. It was near enough to call it the anniversary of their wedding. Gods, he'd been such a glowering prig then. Awkward and gallant and charming. A dragon’s passion lurked beneath that cold northern reserve. Dany smiled at the memory. Jon answered the expression with a curving of his full mouth, looming close enough for Dany to feel his heat. My love, my dragon. One callused fingertip gently traced the curve of her lower lip. The ticklish touch worsened the hot glow between her thighs.  
“What makes you smile, my wonder?” he said. Dany traced meaningless patterns on his hard chest, so warm through the linen of his damp tunic.  
“I was thinking of how irritated you were with me when we met,” she said. Jon smiled, his white teeth offset by his dark beard.
“I stepped out to get some air and am greeted by a little pest,” Jon said, one hand creeping down to pinch her arse. Dany giggled, swatting him.
“Rather, you lost your wits surrounded by your family,” she said. Jon leaned his forehead down to touch hers in a tender gesture.
“You saved me,” Jon whispered, his grip tight on her hips. A knot rose in her throat. The light tone belayed a deep well of feeling.
“If I saved you, then you saved me too,” Dany said, tilting her head to capture his lips in a kiss.
The world blurred and softened as she sank into the give and take of the kiss. Tangling tongues, the tickle of his beard, his rough hands moving possessively over her back and hips and buttocks. She loved it. Every inch of her skin seemed to shimmer under his touch. Dany’s hands undid his belt and tugged his tunic free of his trousers. Underneath, his belly quivered under her touch. Jon strung a chain of open-mouthed kisses down her neck. Dany retaliated by shoving down his horsehair trousers. Stepping out of his trousers and boots, he reached for her. His cock was hot and hard in her hand. Sleek skin throbbing with the echo of his heartbeat. Jon moaned, kissing his way down to take her nipple his mouth. Smooth, hard pulls just like she liked. Breath soft and fast with arousal, she pumped his cock, spreading around that silky clear fluid. Dany’s mouth filled with water. Let me taste you, love you. She slid to her knees on the heap of their discarded clothes.
“Yes. Oh Dany, oh my love, yes,” Jon whispered, petting her hair. Dany gripped the base, lapping him from root to tip. Jon tilted his head back, exposing his corded throat. Daenerys set a swift rhythm, wanting to coax him to a fever pitch. She loved it when he lost control. Jon gasped and cursed, rocking into her mouth. Wet slurping sounds filled the space between them. Dany’s hand slipped down to part her slick folds and knead her throbbing pearl. The pleasure made her hum around his cock. Jon’s fists tightened in handfuls of her hair.
“Fuck, Dany. Yes! Do that again,” he begged. Dany held his gaze and hummed again. Jon groaned, lost in bliss. The sight of him sent her spiraling into climax.
As she recovered, Jon hauled her up to kiss her dazed lips thoroughly. He drew her down on her side and spooned behind her, his cock hard and throbbing against her back. One arm pillowed her head. Jon nosed aside the screen of her hair to kiss and lip at the back of her neck. Dany mewled, grinding back against him. The smell of him filled her nose, clean and masculine. She clenched her thighs together around a sweet longing.
“Touch me,” she demanded, drawing the hand teasing her peaked nipples between her thighs. Jon’s chuckle rumbled against her neck.  
“Yes, my queen. Gods you are perfection,” he said. Warm rough hands kneaded her breasts, smoothing unhurriedly down her side, her hip. At last, he petted her silver curls, teasing her folds open to strum that eager nub of pleasure. She cried out, half in relief, half in agony as he let the pleasure build again. Steadily, murmuring praise in Valyrian. The musical cadence filled her senses.
“Jon!” Dany sobbed as pleasure washed over her. Jon snarled, lifting and bending her leg to sheathe himself in her. Slow, heavy thrusts, the blunt head rubbing that glowing spot inside her. Dany’s fingernails bit into fistfuls of the linen bedclothes.
“Mmh, gods yes. So good. We were fashioned for each other,” she moaned, the breath stuttering out of her with each delicious thrust. She felt him growing thicker inside her. Yes, that glorious moment poised between tension and pleasure--
“Dany!” Jon cried out, filling her with hot come. His release brought on her own with absolute certainty. In the dewy aftermath, she felt him shift behind her, rearrange their limbs so she lay pillowed on his hard chest. The even beat of his heart was music to her.
“I love you,” Dany said. Jon hummed and kissed her hair.
“And I you, my wonder.”
The rain pattered on the roof of the tent, a fire crackled in the pit. Dreamy lassitude filled her, the drowsy pleasure of knowing there was nothing that needed to be done at the moment.    
“You’re happy here with me?” the words emerged half a whisper, afraid to hear a negative answer. Jon tilted her chin up to meet her gaze. Jon’s beautiful grey eyes swam with mingled adoration and tenderness.
“Happier than I ever thought possible.” Almost dizzy with pleasure and joy, she laughed and drew him down for a lingering kiss.
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butterflydm · 2 years
wot reread: the fires of heaven (chap 2)
Spoilers through the fires of heaven.
1. Red silk coat in the desert is probably marginally a better idea than a red WOOL coat in the desert, so Rand has improved at least one of his life choices so far.
2. The Dragon tattoos always sound so cool. Hyper-real tats that look like they’re part of his skin but made out of precious gems and metal. Glorious. Also, he’s posing in that window like a centerfold. Resting his hands on the top of the window frame so that his tats are on display. Silk coat unbuttoned. Shirt opened halfway down his chest. Tell me that’s not peak male model behavior. Classic ‘google earth: always taking pics’ behavior.
3. Ah, Rand is already stubbornly trying to get out of his fated death, even though he feels like it’s almost certainly impossible. Good for you, babe. Save the world and yourself too. tbh, as much as Rand Accepts the Call in a way that Mat and Perrin (especially Perrin) don’t; he’s actually doing as much work to subvert the expectations of what the call expects of him as either of the other two boys. Maybe more.
4. “Moiraine’s Warder, bonded to her in some way Rand did not understand” 
...you know what a Warder is, Rand. why are you. why are you confused. Are you saying that you don’t understand the weave she used to make the bond or something? because I’m pretty sure you know a lot of things about Warder-ness. Anyway ???
5. So Rand ended with half the clans at this point (six of the twelve). And Couladin skins his messengers alive rather than speak to him. Charming.
6. Oh, I do hate the random violence. Just hitting someone because you’re upset they didn’t speak to you in the right tone of voice. It’s not any better to do it with magic than with a real stick. Honestly, no wonder Rand feels like he can’t trust Egwene anymore. If she isn’t the one who hit him, then she watched Moiraine do it and had no objections.
7. Oh, some LTT popped out there with the ‘little sister’.
8. Moiraine is... not a great advisor. I’m just gonna put it out there. I like her; she’s got some great ideas, but she is not skilled at the arts of putting those ideas across in a way that is compelling to her audience. Needs to work on her delivery.
9. “buried in Can Breat” is some more LTT, I believe, from Asmodean’s reaction.
10. Ah, Moiraine is also working with faulty information. Which I don’t blame her for, except she keep believing that her plans will work out as planned despite all the times those plans have fallen through. And, as Rand points out, she’s also being naive, in her own way. Rand KNOWS how people react to him being a figure of prophecy at this point and it is not the roses and kittens that Moiraine is trying to portray it as.
11. Honestly, even reading the scene as evenly as I feel like I can... Egwene’s accusation feels so unfair? Moiraine is the one who started off the conversation by smacking Rand across the shoulders because she didn’t like his tone. She’s the one who set the tone for the rest of the meeting when she made the choice.
12. Egwene calling him all manner of names for the crime of being rude is kinda hilariously hypocritical tho. tbh, the people who accuse Rand of rudeness are usually being much more rude to him themselves.
13. And then he remembers Ilyena and, more than that, he realizes that he’s remembering someone that he “doesn’t know” and freaks out about it. Also, her hair was the exact same shade as Elayne’s, which probably fueled a lot of “Ilyena Reborn” headcanons (despite Rand and LTT not looking alike).
14. Also, Rand does correctly figure out that Egwene is yelling at him because she’s mad at HERSELF (for ‘betraying’ Moiraine by accidentally revealing that it was Moiraine who hit Rand) and is taking it out on him. And he’s right to find this an annoying trait on her part. Don’t yell at people when the person you’re really mad at is yourself! Go scream into a pillow, Egwene! (she’s still young tho so I get why she’s not always mature)
15. ...it is so frustrating that Moiraine and Egwene (and the Wise Ones) are choosing to tell Rand nothing about what’s happening on Elayne’s side of things except “she is well and it is Aes Sedai business” (especially since we know that they tell Elayne all of Rand’s business). They want all the information but don’t want to share it. Trust is a two-way street, Moiraine. How can you expect Rand to trust you when you have never trusted him?
16. I do agree with Egwene that Rand needs rest. And it’s nice that she flat-out told him that Elayne loves him instead of just being all “read the letters”. So at least the conversation ended kinda well.
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empires-recap · 3 years
Shubble Episode 17 Recap
Runtime: 23:19 (2319! We’ve got a 2319! Sorry I’m a nerd I’ll leave)
Date of Release: September 14th, 2021
Other Players Featured: Xornoth (No captions in video, translation provided), fWhip
Note: The way Shubble does Empires is her videos are typically stream highlights. As someone who actively watches Shubble’s streams, some extra context may be provided in italics. Chat will be referred to as such. Cross outs will be my personal commentary.
Intro and Revenge Arc: Shubble opens the video by talking about how she want’s to get revenge on Joey and Sausage. Joey is obvious since he killed her because of Xornoth. She also blames the Creeper death of her original parrot to Joey. She does later show the replacement parrot later. She wants revenge on Sausage because of his instrumental role in killing the dragon and freeing Xornoth. She wears the angry wolf head as a disguise/mask so as not to be recognized. She doesn’t want to do anything drastic this time, just a warning. She believes all people are beyond saving, except maybe Joey. After arriving at Joey’s base with the dark oak signs she made, she realizes they’re too dark and heads off to find some glow squid ink sacs to make it more readable. At Joey’s she also sees hers and fWhip’s head on the wall.
Xornoth Logs on - After getting the sacs she heads to her skeleton spawner to repair her elytra so she can fly to Joey and Sausage’s (girl please put Unbreaking III on it it would help SO much.). As she gets out of the minecart she see the chat message that Xornoth has logged on just as it begins to fade. She become even more scared when she realizes it is only her and Xornoth online.
<Xornoth> >:)
<ShubbleYT> go away
As she leaves the mine, she finds the path up blocked by stone. Xornoth’s head pops out as she breaks ground. He also puts lava down at the entrance which she blocks with cobble. She digs a side path that links to a nearby pond and Xornoth looks at her as she swims up. There is some eye contact before he disappears. She gets defensive as a tentacle wraps around her castle. The ground then begins to die, more tentacles sprout up in front of her, and the sky grows dark with a storm. She heads down to the fairy circle, Lord of Mars and Lord of Saturn in tow. Shubble is blinded and she and Xornoth exchange words (his responses below). She wonders what else he wants now that the dragon is destroyed. He wants destruction and, besides what she has seen, there is plenty more to come. She replies that they are going to defeat him, if they can get all the kingdoms together against him. Gem helpfully /s replies in chat “no we’re deffo gonna sit back and take it” She blames him for Joey and partly sausage, who Xornoth says was already corrupted before he arrived. She says they found a way to cure it, but Xornoth reminds her that that was when he wasn’t at full power. He then calls her out for not protecting her kindom, attacking her golems and poisoning Lord of Saturn. She mounts the Mother Wolf, Lady Sun, and warns Xornoth to not come closer. He says she can’t do anything, none of them can do anything, and kills Lord of Mars (o7). She vows that Xornoth that he will pay, calling herself the angriest wolf spirit of them all.
The Temptations: The grass is restored, but Shubble thinks it was only a glimpse of what he can do. Xornoth then appears in front of her, but quickly disappears before he can do anything. She says that she was going to get revenge, but she knows now that’s only going to fuel him more. He appears by the Mother Wolf and Shubble rushes to protect her. She stakes claim to the land while riding her, calling it her forest. He then appears on her castle, which makes Shubble call him a horrible leader whose only friends he bullied. He denies it, saying they simply chose the side that will win. She counters saying that they were corrupted and that they wouldn’t choose him if they had free will. Xornoth tries tests that theory, temporarily gifting her with regeneration, strength, and resistance. He shows her the power she could wield by allowing her to one-shot a zombie (it was originally a villager who spawned, but Shubble refused since he was an innocent man), and playing into her need to protect her people and kingdom. She seems a little swayed, but stands firm. She says that a leader earns the respect of their people and she won’t loose sight of it because of the power he gifted her. She then calls him out for what he is: a sad, sad spirit that lost who keeps being reborn angrier and angrier because no one really loves you so you make them fear you. He then says wonders why he needs love when he can do this.
<ShubbleYT> fell out of the world
The Warnings: Shubble finally gets the time to dig a grave for Lord of Mars, who valiantly fought by her side. But she admits that Xornoth was right and that Joey and Sausage are running rampant and need to be reminded that there will be consequences of their own actions. She leaves a message in front of Joey’s Fire Temple and Sausage’s Dark Tower: You have angered the forest dwelling spirits. Repent or you’ll face the consequences - Wolf Spirit. She then lights both up with glow ink sacs and red dye. She also thinks of an idea of her becoming the wolf spirit, combining her spirit with Lord of the Moon’s to become a hybrid to be better fit to lead her people and her wolves. The next day, she logs on and finds these crystal or portal things floating above her base.
Mushroom House Build and Ending: She spends most of the rest of the video building a mushroom house for her people, using the same base design from her coven house from X Life SMP by Dad’s Guide on YouTube. She builds it accidentally right next to one of the tentacles, picking away at it as needed with her hands before it disappears entirely about halfway through. Any corruption went into the corruption box at her base. There is a point where she died from landing too hard with her elytra, which lands her at spawn since the loft bed at her base is considered obstructed. She tries to run back but takes enough damage especially with the lack of food not regenerating her health that she dies again by falling on a stalagmite. fWhip, who was lurking in stream quickly logs on to help get her stuff back since he thinks she died at his base. He was taking the bins out irl and missed the first death. She then finishes the build’s exterior and ends the video by saying how much she loves this server and this village and her builds and that she never wants to loose it.
Xornoth Translation (? = unsure) (Any break ups of dialogue are done because someone talked between speech, does not include video cuts)
“Hi” (x2)
“I want destruction”
“You’ll see there’s plenty”
“[laughter] I’d like to see you try.”
“Well that involves you all working together, which you CANT.”
“That man [Sausage] was already corrupted before I showed up.”
“It’s cute you think that will work. You cured it [the corruption] before I was at full power.”
“There’s not much brain between you all.”
“Look at you, cowering in a circle in a hole. Hastier? to defend your own empire. Just like you wouldn’t defend you’re own people.” (The amount of times I listened to this line and only heard Tastier is more than I’d like to admit.)
“You sure?”
“Your Empire’s citizens have some hearts too”
“Your wolves’ hearts will crush easily in my fist enough.”
“That poor? little puppy can’t do anything to me now. You can’t come together to defend your own empires, let alone each other’s.”
“And [Lord of] Mars will pay for it.”
“Mars is dead.”
“I’m sure you don’t say.”
“They joined the side that will win.”
“The side that gives them POWER.”
“You sure you don’t want the power?”
“You could be unstoppable. Never lose your home again.”
“Why would I take your home if you’re working with me?”
“I can give you something to punch.”
“No, but you can punch this.”
“Fine. Look, 1 hit. You can crush your enemies in your fist. Never be bullied again. No one would ever make fun of your height.”
“People would fear you, people would BOW DOWN to you. Isn’t that what you want … as a ruler?���
“Fear, love. All the same. Gets the job done.”
“Who needs love when I can do this?”
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inupibaldspot · 3 years
金継ぎ | KIN-TSUGI [ A Fruits Basket Fanfiction ]
Chapter 8
Upon hearing news that Isuzu was once again admitted to the hospital, Tsubaki went to visit. The hospital did not have fond memories for Rin yet she always ends up back here.
"305...305..." Tsubaki walked through the hallways as she check for the room Rin was in. Upon finding it, she smiled as she knocked the door and opened it. "Isuzu, I came to visit-"
However Tsubaki noted that she was not alone, she was visited by Honda Tohru. Tsubaki beamed at the visitor. "I see that you came to visit, Tohru-san!"
"Yes!" The girl twirled as she smiled. "I brought some jelly for Isuzu-san. Please help yourself with some if you want."
"I'm good." Tsubaki refused as she looked at Isuzu. Their relationship was rather awkward but there wasn't a doubt that after Tsubaki jumped after Isuzu when she was pushed by Akito, the zodiac member warmed up to her. "I bought some puddings as well."
Isuzu perked up as she looked at Tsubaki immediately. The woman smiled at her nervously. "You loved them a lot as a child. Do you still like them...?"
Isuzu pinked as she turned away. "I don't mind them." Her response made Tsubaki laugh as she put the puddings in the fridge.
"Actually...." Tohru started in an unsure tone. "I actually came here to ask something."
Noticing Tohru's hesitant voice, Tsubaki could guess what she was going to talk about. "Why don't we talk as we walk outside?" Tsubaki looked at Rin. "I'm sure Isuzu can use some fresh air."
As the group walked along the nearby park, Tohru started. "Akito-san told me that her existence is equal to that of God. I also heard about your story from Yuki-kun as well, Tsubaki-san. And that all zodiac members and Tsubaki-san will live with Akito-san. "
"Live in the same place, enduring. Is that bond the curse?" Tohru asked.
"We have no memory of the curse but God made that promise...many many years ago." Isuzu explained as Tsubaki simply listened quietly. "A promise to be together for eternity."
"No matter how many times reborn, we continue to be together, never to be separated, forever and ever." Isuzu explained. "We're bound by that promise. It may seem beautiful to others but to us it is nothing but a burden."
"That's why it's a curse."
"Is there no way to break the curse?" Tohru asked.
"I doubt even if Akito knows how." Rin replied. "Even if Akito knows, he has no reason to tell us."
"I expected someone close to Akito might know so I asked Gure-nii..." Upon hearing Shigure’s name Tsubaki stiffened, the said man was indeed very intelligent. Tsubaki doubts that he already suspects Kureno's curse being broken. "But he said he doesn't know."
"What about Kureno-san?" Tohru asked.
"He is no use." Rin huffed as she turned away. "He's no use since he only follows Akito's orders."
"Please don't say that he is no use." Tsubaki smiled at Tohru's reply but it only further irritated Rin as she said. "I'm only saying what is true."
Then the two became quiet as they slowly turned to Tsubaki, making her laugh. "I don't know how to break the curse as well." Making both Tohru and Rin droop in disappointment.
"But I'll tell you this...Not once has there been an occasion where all of the zodiacs, servant and God been born in the same era, till our turn there was never a complete banquet after the very first one." Tsubaki continued. "Also some of our forms are quite different. Hatori is a seahorse rather than a dragon...Kureno is a bird rather than a rooster."
"Slowly but surely the bond has been weakening. Sometimes I think to myself, if the reason for a complete banquet for our nearing farewell." Tsubaki smiled, her heart hurted as she explained. She wondered if it was the sound of the servant saddened. "Maybe not in this lifetime but this bond is sure to break..."
"That's not alright! If that happens then... Then..." Kyo-kun will leave...  Tohru then flushed as she apologized. "I'm sorry for acting rude."
Tsubaki chuckled. "Don't worry I didn't mind." She then tilted her head. "But then why do you want to break the curse?"
Isuzu as turned to look at Tohru. "The curse has nothing to do with so yet... what is it that you can't give up? What is it that is most important to you?"
Tohru opened her mouth to reply yet no words came out. She stood still as if even she was shocked at her hesitation.
Isuzu quickly noted Tohru's hesitation. "You don't have to tell me..." She continued. "Just don't go running off to see Kureno by yourself."
"If you're going to tell me not to overdo on my own." Tohru smiled at Rin. "Let's team up!"
Rin's eyes widened before she turned away and walked away from Tohru. "I don't need an unreliable partner like you."
Tsubaki smiled at the two girls, as her heart warmed. Isuzu has become much more kind...
 When people hear the word servant, in the Sohma family, it was to be looked with pity. Mainly due to the fact that the servant, if their God was not born, lived only till their fifties.
They would die very young since their soul's owner did not exist with them so they would desperately try and leave to go back to their God. They would die by accidents, take their own life or simply die a natural death. The servant was more fragile than anything else.
Imagine the uproar when people learned that the servant was born into the head family. Tsubaki heard that her father cried day and night, apologizing to the newborn baby who was yet to understand the world.
"I'm sorry I gave you a life where you would leave before you could fully enjoy the beauty of life." How ironic it was that he was the one who died young.
Her mother frowned but she did not weep like her father. "That's unfortunate."
The family who the previous servant belonged to was deeply insulted. The reason being the previous servant had died by hanging himself. The young servants born prided themselves and felt immense joy as they waited to serve their master and when they knew their God would not be born their heart will fall into abyss.
Tsubaki continued to play the instrument as she finally came out of her thoughts. Maybe it was due to the fact that they were in their new year’s banquet, Tsubaki felt quite sentimental as she pulled the last string of her kōtō, ending the beautiful performance of Hatori. After that their feast commenced and after they were done eating ,the banquet became less formal as the zodiacs members indulged themselves in small talks.
Tsubaki who was looking at the group noticed Yuki was in deep thoughts even though he was sitting beside Akito.
Akito turned to look at Yuki as she smiled. "You didn't run away this time? I'm happy you returned back to me so I'll forgive you..."
"It’s not the matter of forgiving or not." Tsubaki heard Yuki say, as her eyes widened. Did he just say Akito was wrong? "I'm sick of blaming others. I have become aware of my faults and areas I can improve."
"If I always blame someone or something, I’ll never change." Tsubaki stood up from her seat as she could feel those words meant Yuki has changed. And change meant leaving a part of ourselves behind so we can embrace a better part. Change meant leaving...
Before Tsubaki could interrupt, in a blink of an eye Akito stood up and hit Yuki with the sake bottle making it break into small multiple pieces.
"Yuki!" Tsubaki ran to Yuki who had blood dripping on his face as Kureno stood up and immediately restrained Akito who kept shouting at Yuki.
"Apologize! I said apologize!" Akito would have sure hit Yuki if Kureno had not retrained her. Tsubaki stood up to get Hatori who went outside.
"Sorry..." Yuki did as told. Apologizing to Akito was always the easy way out. Tsubaki returned with Hatori as they both went to Yuki's side.
"Because of you, my head hurts." Akito let go of the broken sake bottle as she walked away.
"Yuki, press this on your head!"
Akito turned around hearing Tsubaki's voice. Did she not hear me? I said my head hurt... Her older sister sat beside Yuki with a worried expression on her face. Shouldn't you be prioritizing me, Tsubaki?!
Akito winches as she feels another throbbing pain due to her headaches as she walks away
 "I don't want to talk with those people ever again...." Akito complained.
Tsubaki sighed beside her. "It can't be helped, we have to keep this up for formalities." Akito and Tsubaki had returned from a meeting with some of the people belonging to the main family. There, the head and the rest would have some tea simply for the sake of formalities. Akito hated these things.
"We'll return to you room now as Hatori will be coming soon for your checkup." Tsubaki explained as she walked behind Akito.
"Is there anyone I will be meeting after that?" Akito asked as she kept walking. Upon receiving a 'no' as an answer, Akito continued. "Then bring Kureno to me after that."
Tsubaki ignored the sudden pain in her chest as she nodded. "Of cour-... Hatori?"
Akito stopped walking as she stared in Tsubaki's directly. Along the long hallway, there was Hatori standing as if he was talking to someone and the next moment a hand reached out for Hatori making both Akito and Tsubaki stiffen.
"Hatori!" Akito cried in panic as she immediately rushed his side as she pushed him away. "How many times do I have to tell you to keep your distance from her?"
Hatori shook his head. "Akito, it’s not like that. She was only saying hello."
"That's right, I was only saying hello. What's so wrong about it?" The door further opened as the owner of the voice walked out. It was Sohma Ren.
Akito glared. "You leer at any zodiac man you see..." She took a step forward as she shouted. "Go back into your room!"
"If you continue to speak like that they won't like you anymore." Ren ran her hands through her hair as she something caught her attention. "You're here too, Tsubaki."
"Good evening, mother..."
"Mother is sorry for saying those things last time... So come to me later, we can catch up okay?" Ren took one step towards her, as her hands reached out to cup her face. But then it was slapped away.
"Stop meddling with our bond!" Akito once again stepped in. "We are connected in a world that you can't reach!"
"What nonsense!" Ren scoffed as she mocked Akito. "How many time do I have to tell you that those bonds aren't real love? That eternally unchanging concept you cherish is fake! It's just a fantasy..."
"I pity Tsubaki and the zodiac members who have to put up with you..."
These words snapped something within Akito, as in a flash she grabbed Ren by her collars pushing her through the numerous sliding doors and into the rough courtyard.
Hatori and Tsubaki ran after them. Akito glared at Ren as she sat on her, strangling her mother. "How about you tell me what real then?! Parental love?!"
"That is not perfect! Lots of parents abandon their children like most of the Sohma parents! Like you!" Hatori successfully pulled Akito away as Tsubaki held Ren who was coughing from the lack of air. The maids nearby upon seeing the commotion ran in.
Akito kept shouting as she tries to pull away from Hatori, ready to kill Ren. "Who are you to define what's real or not?! No has the right to deny the bond between me and the zodiacs or our eternity!"
Ren glared as she walked towards Akito, however Tsubaki quickly grabbed onto her but then it did not stop Ren from shouting. "The real thing exists! Akira-san and I have the real bond."
Akito tightened her jaw as she shouted on top of her voice. "I'll kill you!"
"Go ahead kill me." Ren opened her arms. "When I die, my soul will be in heaven with Akira-san! I have no need for any of you!"
"What are you doing?!" Tsubaki shouted at the maids who were nearby. "Do you think this is a show for you to spectate?! Take mother away from the head of the family!"
At Tsubaki's raised voice, every one stiffened. The maids gulped as they rushed in and escorted Ren away.
"She is cruel..." Akito cried. "Why is she so cruel...?”
Tsubaki walked towards her and embraced Akito. "We are here Akito...The bond still exists with you being in the center of all of it."
She felt Akito grip onto her kimono as her little sister kept crying. "We didn't leave you. We never will since our bond is for eternity..." After a while, Akito calmed down.
Tsubaki stepped away as Hatori then picked up Akito and carried her back to her residence.
 When Akito was young... When Sohma Akira was still alive, Akito was a lively child who really adored her sister.
Young Akito would always cling onto Tsubaki and Tsubaki would always tend to spoil Akito a lot, often she would get lectured by the head maid for that. This was a memory from way back...
So why was Akito acting like that in the present as well? Akito refused to let Tsubaki out of her side, often making her work in Akito's room.
A ring of a phone intruded the silence between Tsubaki and Akito. Akito looked up from her book as she stared at Tsubaki. "Answer the phone. Don't leave the room..."
Tsubaki was confused but nevertheless she nodded as she looked at who was calling her. It was Rin's homeroom teacher.
"Hello Sohma-san?" The person from the other side of the phone spoke. "This is Sohma Isuzu's teacher. I wanted to inform you that Sohma Isuzu did not attend her graduation ceremony."
Tsubaki's eyes widened. Akito clicked her tongue as she approached her. Rin's teacher continued. "I wanted to ask if I could get-" Akito snatched the phone away from Tsubaki as she then turned it off and went a step further to delete the contact.
"Akito, this was an important call." Tsubaki frowned as Akito went back to her seat as she flipped through a book.
‘'You know how I feel about Rin..." Akito muttered. "I don't want to hear about her so better also not call that person back!"
Tsubaki sighed but she listened. A few days later Tsubaki got another call. It was Hatsuharu.
Tsubaki was still with Akito. The latter raised an eyebrow as she muttered. "Who is it?"
"It's Hatsuharu." The answer gave satisfaction to Akito as her attention was no longer on her.
"What is it, Hatsuharu?" Tsubaki went straight to the point. "It’s rare for you to call me."
"Tsubaki-nee." Haru started. "Do you know which Hospital Rin is admitted in?"
Isuzu? Hospital? What was he talking about? She was totally confused. Tsubaki was never informed on such matter. "What do you mean?"
"Huh? You didn't know?" Hatsuharu was even more shocked. Tsubaki always kept tab on the zodiac members whereabouts more focused on Rin as the girl was reckless.
He sighed as his final hope was gone. "If you don't know then never mind. See ya~"
"Wait! Hatsuharu-" Before she could even inquire more, the call ended. Tsubaki then immediately stood up as she walked towards the door.
Akito shouted. "Where are you going?!"
"Akito..." Tsubaki let out a breath. "Apparently Isuzu has been hospitalized. I haven't gotten any words on the matter so I wanted to go check."
"Ahh~" Akito smiled. "I heard about it. I was told to inform you but I forgot. Apparently she is fine so you don't need to go check on her..."
Tsubaki turned to face Akito. "But still, I think I should visit her once-"
"Are you leaving me?"
Tsubaki bit her lips. "Of course not! I'll return as soon as I check up on her..."
"So you are picking her over me..." Akito walked up to Tsubaki as she slowly wrapped her arms around her. Akito then whispered close to her ears. "How cruel..."
"Stay with me... You know I love you more than anyone else. My heart breaks that I'm no longer your top priority." Akito spoke in gentle a gentle manner. "Choose me, Tsubaki Onee-san..."
Tsubaki's hands fell beside her all limb. Inside she knew she needed to go, something about this situation was weird and even Akito was acting suspicious. But then every time she tried to move, her body felt heavy as she ultimately fell into Akito's submission.
Days after that as similar to the day before. Akito still held Tsubaki close to her and would not let her go anywhere along. As Tsubaki flipped the pages she was reading, the door to the room was suddenly opened gaining the attention of both Tsubaki and Akito.
Hatsuharu stood by the door with a furious expression. The head maid showed up a second later as she shouted. "Hatsuharu-san,you may be a zodiac member but you can't barge in like that."
"Shut up." Haru muttered. "Get out of here, hag"
Tsubaki immediately stood up as she approached Haru. "Hatsuharu, you're being rude!"
Akito smiled as she then stood up from her seat. "It seems that Haru is here for me to speak something important." Akito dismissed the maid. "Now go ahead."
Haru lowered his eyes as his hands tightened to a fist. "Why did you push Rin?"
"Me? Push Isuzu?" Akito asked. "First time I've heard of it. Who told you that?"
"An oracle."
Hearing his response Akito giggled to herself. "As usual you're being stupid."
"Stop laughing." Akito in return glared at Haru. Haru seemed to get more furious as time went by. "Why did you do it? Were you trying to kill her?"
Akito hummed as she then turned away. "You believe in an oracle yet you don't believe in me, your God. You've always been kind to her. Why? Do you pity her?"
Tsubaki flinched as Haru punched the wall. "Because I believe her!" As he kept shouting. "You already know that yet you purposely keep asking me that. Where is Rin?"
Akito scoffed as her back faced Akito. "What a worthless conversation? Where did you get such ideas?"
"You always treated Rin coldly... not only her but to all girls." Haru asked as he took a step towards Akito. "You say and do cruel things without blinking. If you’re supposed to be God then-" Haru raised his voice as he walked towards Akito.
Tsubaki stepped in as she stood in between Akito and Haru. "Hatsuharu, back off. “ Tsubaki glared.
Haru stood his ground. "Why are you still by Akito's side? She always tormented you as well."
"I said back off, Hatsuharu!" Tsubaki raised her voice.
Hatsuharu let out a breath. "Just tell me where she is..."
"How persistent..." Akito muttered. "Stop asking. Stop always making me the bad guy every-"
Akito was cut off as someone entered the room. "We sent her to the hospital." It was Kureno. "Hatori nii-san took her by a car. She wasn't fully conscious but don't worry. I was told it wasn't life threatening."
"Huh?" Tsubaki let out a sound. "But Akito you said she was already in a hospital few days ago. What does Kureno mean by this?"
Kureno walked towards Akito. "You mustn't do things like that. No matter who you are there should be a limit to what you shouldn't do."
"Where was she?" Haru asked.
Kureno turned and looked at Tsubaki who had her eyes still widened with her face getting paler. "She was locked in the Cat's place." Akito gasped as she grabbed Kureno claiming her had betrayed her.
Before anyone could move, Haru grabbed Akito by the collar. "Cut the bullshit, you little bastard! Were you trying to kill her again?"
"What I was! It's because you choose her over me." Akito hissed. "You're the one who dug her grave."
Wordlessly Tsubaki placed a hand on Haru's as she separated them. Akito gleamed. "Tell him I'm right Tsubaki...Tsubaki?"
Tsubaki was crying. Tears were falling through her empty eyes. She shouldn't have trusted Akito so blindly. All she got in return was betrayal. She shouldn't have loved Akito.
"I'm sorry..." Tsubaki said as she walked away from the group. "I want some time alone."
Akito gasped as she quickly held onto Tsubaki's waist. What if Tsubaki left and never returned back to her. "No! Don't go Tsubaki..."
Tsubaki pulled herself away as she turned to Akito one last time before she left the room.
"You can't expect love in return when all you do is hurt others, Akito..." Tsubaki cried. "I'm tired of this...I'm so tired..."
 Next Chapter: "You Fought Well..."
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fuchsiagrasshopper · 4 years
Tall Tale
Author’s Note: I’ve been reading for this fandom for a long time, but was never inspired to write for it until @blah-blah-fuckit-shit and I talked about our frustrations with the direction of the show. This is just me moving forward with an idea, and I might continue to write one-shots should inspiration strike. Enjoy!
Pairing: Ivar x Reader
Word Count: 4555
Warnings: Some NSFW content, language
Ivar sat alone, away from the crowd on the dock as the twin ships coasted into Kattegat. In the absence of his father, the town had thrived as a hub for trade, and merchants from all across the seas were arriving for a chance to show their wares. Today was an Earl from Denmark, visiting with his family to discuss trade agreements with his mother.
Steps sounded behind him, and he felt a large hand come ruffle through his hair. Ubbe gave a laugh as Ivar shot him a petulant look.
"Come to catch a glimpse of her, have you?" He asked, leaning up against the pier with his arms crossed.
Ivar frowned while he patted his hair back into place. He pretended the juvenile gesture was something he'd outgrown, but admitting only to himself he knew he liked the brotherly affection between them.
"Who are you talking about?"
"Earl Alfarr's daughter," said Ubbe. "You must have heard the stories. They say he has a daughter of terrible beauty, who can enchant any man and give him the power to lord over all the lands he could ever want."
Ivar let out a scoff of indignation. "No woman is that beautiful unless she is Freyja, reborn a mortal. These stories are getting more ridiculous."
"Perhaps," Ubbe agreed. "But I wouldn't want to pass up the chance regardless of some baseless tales. If she's pretty, that is enough."
Ivar had seen some of the women his brother had bedded, and pretty didn't always seem to be in the criteria. He let out a breathy laugh for his thoughts, and returned his focus on to the family emerging from their ship.
Earl Alfarr was the first to set foot on the dock, a large man with a flat nose and iron grey hair. He held his hand out to his wife, assisting her down the plank. She was a slight creature, all sharp features, and flaxen hair held together in braids with leather cord. The Earl wrapped her up under his protective arm, and it was clear to see his wife was no shield maiden. 
The fabled daughter was last to follow, and when Ivar spotted you for the first time, his heart raced with exhilaration. None but the Gods could say who the most beautiful woman was to walk the land, but you certainly were striking. It was in your hesitant smile. Your eyes spoke adventure,  but not without the self awareness to be cautious. You laughed at something your father said, and Ivar longed to be close enough to hear what it sounded like.
"Well, what do you think? Is this a woman who can enchant Kings and Earls from their lands?" Ubbe asked him, his eyes gazing at the same sight. 
Ivar forgot this moment wasn't private, and whatever fantasies his mind had been about to conjure had ceased. "She is fair," He reasoned.
Whatever feelings he'd been attempting to hide had not gone unnoticed by Ubbe. He looked down at him with a knowing grin. "I'm glad you approve."
"Approve of what?" Hvitserk asked, coming up behind them while crunching loudly on an apple. Sigurd was with him.
"Earl Alfarr has arrived with his family," said Ubbe. "We were just discussing his daughter."
"The temptress?" Hvitserk spat out his mouthful of apple and leapt up next to Ivar, jostling the dock with his weight.
"Ivar said she's fair," Ubbe said, clapping his hand on Ivar's shoulder.
Ivar knew his eldest brother was attempting to be helpful in including him, but when the conversation swayed towards women, he'd rather be left out.
Hvitserk let out a snort. "I wouldn't get any ideas brother. She'd be too much woman for you."
"What do you mean by that?" He snapped, shaking Ubbe's hand off.
"You've never even been with a woman," Sigurd piped up. "You wouldn't know what to do with her."
"Yeah, best leave her to one of us. A woman like that knows what she wants." Hvitserk rubbed his hand over his mouth looking hungry for something other than food.
The bickering started between them, a fight over who this woman would choose when they hadn't even met you yet. Ivar began to crawl away, none but Ubbe taking notice of his departure. When disagreements like this began, he was always ignored because they didn't consider him a threat. Sometimes it was sparring, but recently the affections of women had been added to the docket. As far as Ivar was aware, they had all been having a taste of the blonde thrall from the hall, but Earl Alfarr's daughter was a free woman, and you wouldn't be passed around like a plate of salted pork.
He dragged through the market on his way back home. Many of the stalls were empty, and most of the people had congregated to the wharf. It made his journey short, and he pulled himself up the steps of the Great Hall in search of his mother.
She always had a smile for him, and it put his mind at ease. A part of him knew his mother's love for him was misplaced since her failed marriage to his father, but it was the only sentiment he was allotted, and he took what he could get with the greediness of a dragon. 
"Mother," he greeted as he hoisted himself over to the large fire burning in the pit.
"Ivar, you are back early my love." She glided her way over to him in delicate steps. The light of the fire made her hair look like it was spun from gold, and rose petals. 
"Your guests have arrived, the Danes. The Earl is fat, and his wife looks like a bird."
"And what of his children? Earl Alfarr has many daughters," said Aslaug. "One is said to be a treacherous beauty."
Ivar shrugged as he threw pebbles into the fire. "It's just a story."
"Stories are what keep us alive after we've gone to Valhalla. Even fables have a stretch of truth in them, like dreams and visions."
Ivar sighed. He'd heard this all before from Floki. Despite always wanting to know more about his fate, he avoided going to the seer. There was always a whisper in the back of his mind, afraid to know that a useless cripple was all he'd ever be.
"Do you think I will marry one day?" He asked his mother.
The spontaneous question seemed to catch her off guard, but she switched to a smile that wasn't so genuine. "Of course, any woman would be lucky to have you as a husband. But why such talk of this now? You are still young, and I would prefer if it was Ubbe or Hvitserk coming to me with such news."
Ragnar had not been much older than him when he first married Lagertha, but Ivar didn't dare say as such to his mother. As much as he coveted for her attention, she in turn clung to him. It was difficult to imagine her taking to another woman in his life. He felt trapped, like a carriage sinking in the mud, doomed to be the forgotten son of Ragnar with no family or titles to his name. 
"Well," His mother said, breaking the silence. "We should have the feast prepared for our guests. They will have rooms prepared here with us. No more talk of wives or dreams today my son."
She leant down and placed a kiss on his temple before leaving to gather the thralls. The hustle to set the hall began all around him, but Ivar remained in place, staring into the fire as if it held the answers to his future.
When his brothers returned, Ivar had already claimed his seat at the table beside his mother. The rambunctious chatter of his siblings settled as they assumed their own spots at the table. Ubbe leaned over to get his attention.
"You left before getting a chance to speak to the Earl and his family."
"They're staying with us, I'm sure I'll get my time," Ivar murmed into his horn of mead.
His eldest brother was quick to realize he was being brushed off, and he righted his position in his chair just as the doors to the hall opened. Earl Alfarr was with his family, being led by a thrall who presented them to the Queen.
"You are a gracious host, Queen Aslaug, and a personal greeting by your sons was most appreciated," Alfarr boomed, his voice deep like a war drum.
"I am honored you've traveled this far to treat with me. We have prepared rooms for you and your family. I hope they will be to your liking, as I know Kattegat is far colder than your home," Aslaug spoke as she sipped on her ale. She beckoned her thralls forward, and they prepared seats for the Earl's family. "Please join me and my sons for your first meal."
Ivar kept his eyes down on his plate, picking at the food with little appetite. The warmth of the mead going down his throat was the only comfort that could satiate him. He snuck glances when he could at you as you spoke amicably with his brothers. Your mother would lean over every so often and would whisper something in your ear that had you smiling. It got Ivar curious as to what was being said, but more than that, he wondered what it would feel like to press his mouth near the crook of your neck and whisper words to turn you red.
The calming presence your family brought settled over the rest of the hall, and it was one of the first meals that didn't end with the brothers shouting. Aslaug invited you and your mother to weave with her in the morning, and Alfarr requested Ubbe to accompany him through the market to educate him on trade in Kattegat.
As the thralls began to clear the table of empty plates and food scraps, you stood from your chair. "Thank you Queen Aslaug for the food and shelter, but the journey was long, and I am exhausted."
"Of course," Aslaug said as she signaled for Margrethe. "Please take (Y/N) to the room we have prepared for her."
"No (Y/N), don't go so soon," Hvitserk begged, reaching for your hand.
"I have a song prepared for you," Sigurd added.
You smiled while pulling your hand out of Hvitserk's grasp. "Tomorrow, there will be time for you to entertain me, but for now I need rest."
Before you left the table, Ivar raised his head to catch one last look at your face. You were staring back, a coquettish grin turning your mouth upwards. A wave of heat washed over him, and he flicked his eyes away. His gut clenched, leaving him unsettled and curious. What did you want from him?
Ivar was one of the last to turn in for the night. After the meal he had wandered down to Floki's, unaware he had done so until he had arrived at the boat builder's home. He'd been in search of another voice to help him unravel his thoughts about the future, and who better than the staunch believer of the Gods?
With Floki, sometimes his cryptic responses and blithe giggle left more questions than answers, and Ivar went away frustrated. In his heart he felt he was destined for greatness, but he didn't know how it would all come about. He hated the uncertainty of the unknown. If the Gods had already decided his fate, why couldn't he know now?
He made his way through the hall, the fire now low, and with just a handful of thralls cleaning away the remains of the feast. Sometimes an eye would float his way, but they paid him little mind. Ivar often retired later than his brothers, the pain in his legs keeping him awake at odd hours. Tonight it had been his racing thoughts. 
When Ivar came to his room, he thought he had entered another's chambers by mistake. There was a lump occupying the center of the pallet of furs, and as he dragged himself around the corner, it was your head poking out among the covers.
He wasn't sure if you had been feigning sleep, but your eyes shot opened the moment he came near. A coyness fell over you, and the furs fell to your waist as you sat up.
"Hello handsome," You greeted. Your hair was now loose and wild, a far cry from the tight braids it had been in at the feast.
"Woman, did you get lost along the way to your room?" Either that or Margrethe had done this on purpose, but he doubted a thrall could be so bold.
"So you can speak," You said, throwing the furs off as you slid to the edge of the bed. You were dressed in a pale blue gown, with white rabbit fur trim on the sleeves and collar. Apparently you had gone to your room at a time to change, and had made your way back down the hall with his family's rooms. "You hardly said a word during the feast. I was beginning to think your tongue didn't work."
Ivat scowled for what you said. "Just because I choose to use my words more carefully than my brothers. I don't babble about like an idiot."
"No, I didn't think so."
"What are you doing here?" His eyes narrowed, wanting to come across as intimidating even though he was distracted by the light tapping of your bare feet on the floor while you dangled on the side of his bed. "Did you happen to mistake my room for one of my brothers?"
"I'm exactly where I want to be," You said with your sweet smile. "And I did not want one of your brothers to come to my room, especially the one with the funny looking hair."
Sigurd. Ivar couldn't stave off the grin at your assessment of him. "What do you want then?"
"I'll confess I did not come to Kattegat with my family for an interest in the trade of goods." You came up from the bed, only to kneel down before him on the ground. Ivar swallowed thickly as you brought a hand to his face. "I am the youngest of six daughters, and all of my sisters are married. There are few men of worth or importance left back home that aren't already married. I'm looking for a husband."
"Ubbe is the oldest," Ivar hurried to say as his heart raced. "You should be with him."
"Ubbe is kind, but he is not ready for a wife if he is still playing under the skirts of thralls," You said as your fingers danced their way up into his hair. "And neither of your other brothers are fit to be leaders, not like you, Ivar."
"Stop," he said, grabbing your hands in his to stop your tantalizing teases. "You don't know anything about me. Just because you're beautiful you think you can charm any man, but I won't be a part of your game. Go find another Ragnarsson to use your spell on."
All the confidence went out of you like the passing of a storm, and you slid your hands from his grasp. "That ridiculous rumor again, and here I thought the sons of Ragnar would be above all of that."
Without a word you gathered your skirts, and headed for the door with your eyes downcast. Ivar's face twisted into confusion, and he held up a hand, as if reaching for you. "Wait, what do you mean?"
"I'm sure you're well aware of the story of Earl Alfarr's daughter, a woman so beautiful that she can have any man and his lands. The woman in that story is not me, it's my eldest sister, Saldís. It was just a tale, spread by my father and her husband to gain clout amongst the other Earls." You crossed your arms while looking guarded. "That stupid lie has followed me everywhere I go."
His first assumption about the rumor being false had been correct. Ivar flushed like a fool. You had come to his room, seeking him out because it was what you wanted. The only threat to him not winning the favor of a beautiful woman was himself.
"Don't leave yet," He mumbled, hating the taste of failure. "I'm sorry...alright."
"Maybe I overstepped as well," You replied as you pulled away from the door, striding back to the furs where you took a seat. "Fortune favors the bold, or so I've been told, but you probably didn't want a strange girl intruding on your room."
You were the first woman to come to his chambers willingly. Not a thrall, and not his mother. Ivat felt a sudden shyness, which he tried to overcome by climbing onto the bed beside you. 
"You called me handsome."
Your head spun to face him, and you let out a laugh for his jest. "Yes, and you called me beautiful. There's a boldness in you as well."
"Is that why you think I'd make for a good leader, and husband," He prodded, longing to hear more of your compliments. 
"Maybe, and I'm sure there's more about you waiting to be uncovered," You said, your eyes searching his face. "I didn't mean to come across as desperate with the whole husband business. It's just...all of my sisters are married, and it's lonely for me. It's horrible being alone."
Your words were his. He had thought them a thousand times, wondering if the Gods had made him to be the loneliest mortal on midgard. Now he was sure you were fated to meet.
"Stay with me tonight," He spoke the words fast, afraid he'd hold them in otherwise. 
You made a sound of delight, and your soft hand fell over his. "Yes, but only if you promise to come back to Denmark with me when I leave. I want to show you my home."
Ivar had never left Kattegat, but a yearning for adventure was what he had been seeking. This was the Gods way of guiding him to his future. 
"I've always wanted to see new places," He said, his fingers intertwining with yours. "I will go with you."
You lit up with surprise. "I'm happy to hear you say that. I didn't think you would accept."
"Never offer anything you aren't willing to lose," Ivar advised as his hands started to trace up your arms.
You pulled away, and for a moment he was afraid he had become too forward, but you did not go far. You stood before him, your knees touching his and trapping him on the bed. Ivar felt like twitching. He did not want you to feel his frail legs.
"I feel like the victor, so please allow me to be bold once more and offer something else."
You paused, as if toying with an idea in your mind. Abandoning reserve, you reached for the large collar of your gown and slid it down your shoulders. The heavy fabric dropped down your body with haste, and pooled at your ankles.
Ivar had seen women naked before, but always by mistake. Usually it was catching the thralls with his brothers, moments that were not meant for him. Standing before him bare in the night, with nothing but the flicker of the low fire light dancing across your skin, you were there to be admired by his eyes only. He leaned forward, lips parting. One of his brothers would have said something arousing, but all of his quick wit left him as he drank in the sight of you.
You took a step, raising your leg free from your dress, and bracing it up on the furs beside him. Ivar didn't know what to do with his hands as you lowered yourself onto his lap, so he fisted the soft material between his fingers. He wanted to touch you, but everything he had seen in those stolen glances at Margrethe with his brothers was forgotten. It was you on top of him, the warmth you gave off reminding him of that.
"I've never shown myself to a man before," You whispered, pressing your forehead against his. "Touch me, Ivar."
You were a free woman, and daughter of an Earl, choosing to come to his bed. In his mind, he had made peace with the idea that any woman who would come to him would be a thrall. But you, a woman of high standing, was draped over him and begging to be touched. When your hands laced together at the back of his neck, he reached for your breasts, and gave them a soft squeeze. 
You shuttered and gasped, causing Ivar to let go. "No, don't stop. I've just never had a man's hands on my body like that, and yours are rough and strong."
Feeling more reassured, he brought his hands back to your chest. Your nipples cut to points under his palms, and the soft flesh was pliable beneath his fingers. His cock grew half hard at your moans, and you brought your lips down on his. His hands were trapped up against you as you pressed tight to him, and he struggled to keep his mouth closed until you bit his lip. Your tongue plunged into his mouth, and Ivar finally gave way to his first groan. 
When you pulled back, Ivar tried to follow with his mouth, but you pressed a finger to his lips. "I want to feel your flesh on mine."
Your hands pulled at the hem of his tunic, and he helped you slip him free from the garment. Just as soon as the night air touched his skin, you had pressed your front up against his chest. Your breasts squeezed together, forming a thin cleavage between them that he wanted to press his face into. When your hands started for his hips, it was like being thrown into the frozen fjord, and the spell broke.
He latched his hands firmly on your wrists, halting you. "Don't," He said, breathless and angry.
"I'm sorry," You said, and there was no animosity in your words. "We can stop for now. I just want to stay beside you."
His cock was starting to go limp as his heart slowed and the disappointment began to ascend. The feeling was not unfamiliar. He had never pulled on himself like most men would do when unable to find female company. Whenever his cock had stirred to life, he would wait until it receded. Having you perched on his lap, a wet and sticky spot forming on his crotch from your rutting, he felt ashamed. 
"I won't know how to please you," He confessed, his voice small.
"Yes, you will," You retorted. You reached down between your thighs, gathering your slick on two of your fingers before bringing them up to his lips. As you smeared your love on his lips, Ivar opened his mouth for a taste, and sighed with contentment. "We will do everything together. There is time for us, and I don't want it to be a quick and meaningless hump."
"It won't be," Ivar said, his eyes locking onto yours. You let out a yelp as he suddenly pulled you down on the bed with him, your body still held firm against his. "You will stay?"
You had already started to drape a large fur over the both of you before settling with your face pressed into the hollow of his throat. Your tongue was hot as you traced it through the divot. "That is my promise. I won't go until you tell me to."
Now that Ivar had you, it seemed unreasonable to conceive the idea of ever letting you go. He had you, and you would always be his. While you fell unconscious beside him, his fingers traced up and down the skin of your back, only coming to still once he joined you in sleep.
"Where could she have gone so early?"
Ivar awoke to voice just outside his door, a cascade of quarreling that he recognized as his brothers. They had managed to wake you with their ruckus, as you stretched and shifted with a groan. You smiled down at Ivar, remaining above him as you were when he had taken you to bed.
"They are like a gaggle of geese. Are they always like this?"
"They never stop."
You were about to say more, when Hvitserk's shouting broke through the air.
He came in through the door without so much as a knock, stopping short as he spotted your naked back. Ivar pressed his fingers deeper into your flesh, possessing you.
"Umm...what?" He stared at the both of you, his brows high on his forehead and his mouth opened. "I found her, Sigurd."
"No, don't call him--" Ivar started, but it was too late.
Sigurd came in with Ubbe following, and they appeared just as astonished at the sight of you. 
You didn't seem to mind the attention, rather you played into their surprise by caressing your hand against Ivar's face.
"I suppose I'll have to join with our mothers soon. They are looking forward to weaving," You said aloud to no brother in particular. 
Sigurd was the first to react, letting out a huff while blowing passed Ubbe to the door.
Hvitserk's face broke out into a grin, and he let out a barking laugh. "Well played, little brother. I hope she earns you many lands."
"I will," You said, turning to Ivar as your breath tickled his skin, and your words rattled his heart.
When it was just Ubbe who remained, he kept a respectable distance by the door. The look on his face was one of contentment. "Tell me Ivar, do you still think she is fair?"
Ivar felt the heat rise to his face, and it was difficult not to seem bashful as you watched him with curiosity. "Go away," He grumbled, throwing his head back and closing his eyes.
Ubbe chuckled. "That's what he said to me when he first saw you on the docks. You are fair (Y/N), and I hope you keep each other happy."
He shot out of the room after, but not before Ivar lobbed a mug of stale mead at him as a parting gift. His reaction had you laughing, and you sat up with the furs falling down to your hip.
"Perhaps I cast a spell on you after all," You teased.
Ivar's eyes shot open, and you let out a shriek as he pulled you back down beside him. "And how are you planning on winning me these lands? You aren't the woman in the story, remember?"
"I know that, but your brothers don't. Why not have a little fun first?" You said as you ran your hand over his arm that held you.
There was something devious in your smile that Ivar loved to see. He kissed you again, slow and patient in his victory. His future might have remained clouded, but the Gods had fated him to you, and that was enough to give him the courage to face the unknown.
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swordofsun · 2 years
Wheel of Time episode 4 - Dragon Reborn
This was a complicated episode for me. Very few meh feelings, all extremes.
Things I Liked:
Perrin's talk about the Way of the Leaf. Ideologically it has such a strong hold on him throughout the series that getting this moment to delve into it was nice. His desire for peace and his capacity for violence is the core of his struggle and I've always liked how the Way of the Leaf was something he longed for, but knew he couldn't have. Anyways, love this scene.
Giving the Tuatha'an a bit of a rumspringa is a neat addition. So much about the Way of the Leaf is the choice in following it and that makes this a bit clearer.
Does make me wonder how old Aram is in the show. Do we know? Are we gonna get us some Aram following Perrin around earlier?
Can we just appreciate that the most Aes Sedai thing ever is to be in a hurry to get somewhere and then just stop and camp in the same spot for several day? Most Aes Sedai thing ever.
Lan and Nyneave are getting their relationship shown! We are getting them figuring each other out.
Which means we also get a lot of sassy!Lan which is fun. Really only got that in the books with Nyneave or Rand so it's nice to see more of it.
Bond interactions! "You get emotional when I drink."
Rage healer! Go off girl!
Bringing in the Red *cough* Ajah plotline from New Spring. The open Gentling of men without a proper trial, leaving Owyn to waste away instead of taking him to the Tower, all good stuff. I'm actually really liking that this is a more immediate threat.
Warders and their Aes Sedai! Give me more of their dynamics and how different they all are. No one way to share a bond.
The absolute chaos of the battle scene. RJ always made sure not to glorify war in the books and it looks like the show is following through on that.
Things I Didn't Like:
Gotta admit I'm not loving Rand and Mat's road trip. It's kind of boring?
Related I don't think they've done enough to show why men channeling is such a bad thing. We've seen hints of madness and had it verbally expressed that men go mad, but the consequences haven't really been explained. People are just not upset enough at the idea of a man channeling. It's a bit off-putting. I'd take Liandrin seeming more reasonable if we got a bit more Men Channeling Is Bad.
I get that they want it to be a bit up in the air over who is the Dragon Reborn, but they're leaving poor Rand out in the cold. (At least he has his comfy sweater.) In the effort to not point the finger at him it's become a bit weird at how not special he is.
They all know Nyneave is a Wilder right? Why has no one brought it up yet?
Related is Nyneave our extra ta'veren or can men see saidar being used now? Logain had the Talent to see ta'veren so it would make sense. I guess? I like the idea of Nyneave being ta'veren more than Egwene if we're being honest. But, it was an odd scene.
Further thoughts:
I've never been a big Logain fan. I like his plot line and Sanderson definitely did him dirty in the later books, but I've never loved him the way a lot of people do. I don't see this changing to be honest. In a series full of compelling characters he's just not compelling in the right way for me I guess. Although he's got a lot of story left to go so perhaps that will change.
The continued and casual inclusion of queerness. RJ hinted at a lot and rarely spelled it out and it's nice to see it shown. All casual and accepting and not needing any comment. Nyneave was scandalized at the idea of the threesome, not the two guys.
Fucking assholes making me like Alanna! I don't want to be sympathetic to her! This is really gonna hurt in the future. Assholes!
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gondorosi · 4 years
ASOIAF v/s GoT - Part 1: The  Disdain for Vulnerable Heroes
Book to screen adaptations are tricky as it is. Adapting high fantasy is even trickier as visual artistry quite often takes precedence over plot and characterization. It’s difficult to adequately portray complex morality, hard decisions and internal agony. Characters are often simplified and pared down to only a few most visually arresting characteristics (mighty king/queen, unbeatable warrior, mysterious magic person, wise-cracking smartass etc etc etc). Plotlines are reworked to make them non-controversial, consequences are ignored and the more difficult subplots are simply done away with. Such actions are common across adaptations, and GoT is no exception. 
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The distancing of the show from the books started becoming significantly observable S5 onwards. At a certain pivotal point, the obvious heroic characters began to get pigeon-holed - the noble (Jon), the badass (Arya) and the conqueror (Dany). Crucial characters like Tyrion and Bran also began to lose all trappings of individual motives to dedicate themselves to a ‘greater cause’. Characters canonically unreliable and/or unfavourable such as Jorah, Sansa and Varys get painted in a far more positive light than they deserve. 
Of course, in Martin’s world the characters are far more layered and conflicted. And thus, to stick to the massively simplified (almost bastardized) show characterizations, D&D quite happily chunked off LARGE plot points essential to the main characters, in effect neutering everything that makes ASOIAF so fascinating to begin with.
Let’s first consider the two most obvious leader-heroes of the saga. Both Jon and Dany start out handicapped and subjugated in their own way, before quickly discovering that they have innate capabilities suppressed by their respective environments. Both of them find a role they are good at and use that role to accomplish something revolutionary. Both of them disregard the dangers posed by proponents of tradition and both of them are brought down or grievously hurt by those resistant to change. However, both of them are young. Both of them struggle with self-worth, purpose and identity. They’re two deeply traumatized young heroes who keep the truths of their hearts to themselves. However, the show begins to distance them from their vulnerability somewhere around the middle of its run. There’s a deliberate choice made to move away from complex characterization and focus only on heroics - whether its raining down fire from atop a dragon, or cleaving through enemies with a sword in hand. And while this makes for arresting and unforgettable visuals, you have to wonder why two such beautifully layered characters had to lose their tender facets to continue being badass heroes. 
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No two ways about it - the show has done an exemplary job of building up Daenerys Targaryen the Queen and Conqueror (Season 8 exists only in the Upside Down). Her fiery nature, her courage and her incredible journey from a prized possession to a radical force commanding the very air around her. But before she earned all her titles, she was Dany - a quiet, observant and highly intelligent child who just just wanted to go home. The house with the red door is instrumental to Dany’s psyche as a person - and never mentioning it, or alluding to it takes away something vital from Dany’s story.
That was when they lived in Braavos, in the big house with the red door. Dany had her own room there, with a lemon tree outside her window. After Ser Willem had died, the servants had stolen what little money they had left, and soon after they had been put out of the big house. Dany had cried when the red door closed behind them forever.
All that Daenerys wanted back was the big house with the red door, the lemon tree outside her window, the childhood she had never known.
The red door features prominently in Dany’s thoughts, dreams and visions. To a young Dany, her name is as much a burden and a cage to her as the lack of a name is to Jon. He thirsts for the recognition and dignity of a true name, she dreams of the unfettered lightness of a life without the heavy legacy of her name.
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It might sound contradictory, but for all that the show played up the power and near invincibility of the dragons, they skimmed over their ACTUAL importance to Dany’s entire Essos arc, and subsequently her identity. The show posits her as the Dragon Queen almost from the very beginning - whereas in the narrative of the books, it’s a realization she must come to after losing almost everything she’s fought for in Slaver’s Bay.
Remember who you are, Daenerys. The dragons know. Do you?
This line means much more in the context of Dany’s journey of self-realization than the show ever bothered to address. Through her entire arc Dany is struggling to place herself. She’s caught between the ‘Last Targaryen’ - the rightful ruler of Westeros set to take back the Throne stolen from her family by scheming enemies; and the Mother and Queen of the freed slaves of Slaver’s Bay who look to her to destroy a society which has progressed on the strength of broken bones of slaves. Beyond it all she is the Mother of Dragons - which brings all the boys to her yard. Dorne, fAegon, Victarion and Euron don’t give two hoots about the young girl who overturned the age old practice of slavery - they want her dragons. By the time she’s stumbling across the Dothraki Sea delirious, in pain and hallucinating, she knows not which of these three identities is who she truly is.
The door loomed before her, the red door, so close, so close, the hall was a blur around her, the cold receding behind. And now the stone was gone and she flew across the Dothraki sea, high and higher, the green rippling beneath, and all that lived and breathed fled in terror from the shadow of her wings.
That’s what the show misses. The crux of Daenerys Targaryen isn’t that she HAS dragons, it’s that she IS the dragon. The issue with this interpretation in the show is that to truly take Danerys being the last dragon to it’s intended narrative conclusion, you have to admit that her journey would not, and could not end with her becoming Queen of the 7K. The show turned her magic into a political prop which is entirely incongruous with the world-building elements established by Martin. ASOIAF’s magic doesn’t exist as a plaything and a tool for those desiring power. Magic exists to combat magic. Daenerys Targaryen is a conqueror, a queen and a rescuer but she is also more. (I could go on and on about Dany as the Last Dragon but that would be derailing the intent of this post.)
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You are a queen, her bear said. In Westeros. “It is such a long way,” she complained. “I was tired, Jorah. I was weary of war. I wanted to rest, to laugh, to plant trees and see them grow. I am only a young girl.” 
This is not a Dany the show allows us to observe. The Daenerys Targaryen of the show is not allowed to be vulnerable or uncertain or crumble. She’s not allowed to question her purpose and path in the world. After all, how can the most powerful character in the show ever falter? This is where the show takes the easy way out of putting more emphasis on the visual extravaganza - dragons burning down ships and Emilia Clarke walking through flames unscathed are easy crowd pleasers. But these are also just surface level considerations of Dany’s power and importance. She isn’t who she is because she has dragons - she has her dragons because she is who she is. 
But a major point of contention is - who DOES she need to be? See, Dany has always known she’s ‘important’ - in the way political prisoners are important. In the beginning it’s only her family name which holds her value. Her gradual journey from being only symbolically important as a Targaryen, to owning her own narrative as herself is fraught with considerable internal turmoil. The identity Dany cherishes most is that of Mother. Choosing to free the slaves in Astapor and Yunkai is the first decision she takes as a player with power and resources, and this decision has NOTHING to do with her destiny as a Targaryen. You identify a hero by their choices - and it is in this moment, uninfluenced by magic, or a greater power, this young girl sees the horror in a long established custom and CHOOSES to fight it. I would anyway have been invested as Daenerys as a character - but that one action firmly placed her on a pedestal .
In spite of where her destiny may pull her she wants to retain her softer dreams, her yearning for an uncomplicated happiness. At the same time, she’s voluntarily taken on the burden of ruling in Mereen, despite the responsibility very clearly chaining her. At the end of ADWD, her fevered dreams seem to suggest that both her softness and her duty are pulling her away from her true destiny. Dany’s struggles with self revolve around choosing between her identities as the Dragon, the Mother and the Conqueror - I personally subscribe to the belief that Dany ‘finding herself’ would mean realising that her three identities are not separate, but feed into each other to create the Daenerys Targaryen she is meant to be.
The show puts the cart before the horse and ignores the reverberating impact of a piece of Old Valyria being reborn on the shores of the continent where the empire fell. Her trek through the Dothraki Sea once she escapes on Drogon’s back is such a crucial pivot point in her story - it is literally the point where the old Dany is being left behind for who she will ultimately need to become.
And saw her brother Rhaegar, mounted on a stallion as black as his armor. Fire glimmered red through the narrow eye slit of his helm. "The last dragon," Ser Jorah's voice whispered faintly. "The last, the last." Dany lifted his polished black visor. The face within was her own.
After that, for a long time, there was only the pain, the fire within her, and the whisperings of stars.
She woke to the taste of ashes.
The show does make it clear that Dany’s ultimate destiny lies in Westeros - but the Iron Throne can hardly be it. Why will the last dragon be so singularly focused on a crumbling monarchy? Unjustly attacked and exiled and now fighting to retake their ‘rightful’ place - that’s a traditional fantasy storyline and in a purely monarchical power struggle needs neither Dany’s magic nor her dragons. The Iron Throne is such a low bar - what Daenerys attempted in Slaver’s Bay is ten times more difficult and impressive. As of this point in the books Mereen is on the brink of absolute chaos and the situation is much, much more convoluted than the show made it out to be. The political uprising of Mereen was dealt with so laughably on the show - ‘Bring dragons, Burn shit’ doesn’t solve any problems whatsoever but let’s save that for the next part.
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Painting Dany’s journey back to Westeros as simply an exiled royal returning to take back what’s theirs removed the poignancy in Dany looking for home in Westeros. There’s this sense of yearning in her desperately looking for a place to belong in a country that’s little more than a fable to her. She tried SO hard to make a home with the Dothraki and to find a place as the ruler of Mereen - but if there’s one takeaway from ADWD it’s that Dany’s fate doesn’t rest in Essos. I expect WoW to be a bloody reckoning, an agonizing choice between Dany’s duty and destiny. The new world order she’s established is far too new and fragile to sustain itself. As we see from Cleon’s ascent in Astapor, evil opportunists exists everywhere, regardless of societal class. To cement her order, Dany and her inner circle need to stay in Mereen for a lengthy period of time. But Westeros is calling - she has to choose. It’s nowhere near as easy as the three Yunkish Masters being the only figureheads, the Greyjoy siblings traipsing into the pyramids with the ships she needs, and alliances falling into her lap just so that D&D don’t need to put in any effort into creating plot and can simply throw spectacular CGI at us.
My point is - you don’t need a dragon (or three) to fight Cersei Lannister and a court jester on ADHD masquerading as Euron Greyjoy (not Pilou, its obvious the dude read the books and expected great things from his character). You do however need them to fulfil the prophecy passed down generations of Targaryens, beginning from Aegon the Conqueror. You do need the last living embodiment of the magic of Old Valyria to combat the foul, unholy magic wielded by the utterly terrifying Euron Greyjoy of the books. The reason Aegon began his conquest of Westeros is beyond mere ambition - and if we go by what Martin himself revealed about his intentions, the Others ARE the final War. We had only 2 episodes in S7 to show Daenerys understanding the gravity of the Night King (godawful mission beyond the Wall and polar bear wights aside) - and then arrives the wrecking ball of S8 with its ‘Northern Independence’ and ‘my Iron Throne’.
The trouble with legendary heroes is this - they save the world for everyone else. Dany defeats all other claimants to the Throne and takes back Dragonstone, King’s Landing and the Seven Kingdoms, as Viserys wanted, and she believes her duty to be. She and Jon lead the Last Alliance against the Great Other. Maybe they win and live happily ever after. Maybe they win, but only after losing everything they hold dear. And maybe they win, and only lose part of themselves. Does that end Dany’s story? Is a Kingdom and a reign what she’s been searching for? Dany’s story only ends when she finds herself in front of that red door again. 
It’s an infuriating irony that despite portraying him as MUCH softer than in the books, Jon’s vulnerability is either non-existent in the show, or is turned into a weakness. Where does the show ever dwell on his deep seated issues with identity, duty and survivor’s guilt? Where does the show address the raw power of his love for Arya? And why does the show think that the progression of Hardhome, being fucking murdered AND resurrected, and then Rickon’s death in front of his eyes would NOT leave a lasting mental impact?
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To its’ credit, the show did clearly indicate Catelyn’s hatred for Jon. What we didn’t see, and thus don’t have a ready reference for (in the show) is how Catelyn’s treatment affected Jon. In the books though, you can clearly suss out the emotional impact of the years of Jon’s childhood.
He reached the landing and stood for a long moment, afraid. Ghost nuzzled at his hand. He took courage from that. He straightened, and entered the room. 
He stood in the door for a moment, afraid to speak, afraid to come closer. The window was open. Below, a wolf howled. Ghost heard and lifted his head. 
This is at Bran’s bedside when he’s still deep in a coma, with no certainty of whether he will ever wake again. Jon’s leaving for the NW, and this may very well be the last time he ever sees Bran again. Jon loves his little brother with everything he has, yet the overbearing emotion at this moment is his fear of Catelyn Stark.
Keep in mind that every POV hides something or the other from the reader. Thoughts and feelings may seem disjointed as a critical memory which aligns the two is missing. In this case, Jon is actively NOT thinking of any particular incident. Yet his fear is all pervasive. It’s an uncovered wound and it hurts him. We may not know exactly what has happened between Jon and Catelyn in the 14 years leading up to this moment, but Jon’s fear of her is very real. This almost paralyzing fear of Catelyn placed against the overbearing love he feels for Bran at this moment makes this exchange stand out for several reasons, chief amongst which is that Catelyn has left an indelible mark on Jon’s psyche. 
Robb and Bran and Rickon were his father’s sons, and he loved them still, yet Jon knew that he had never truly been one of them. Catelyn Stark had seen to that. 
By the time the moon was full again, he would be back in Winterfell with his brothers. Your half-brothers, a voice inside reminded him. And Lady Stark, who will not welcome you. There was no place for him in Winterfell, no place in King’s Landing either. 
The fear lessens once he leaves the halls of Winterfell, and bitterness takes its place. Jon’s feelings about her are tinged with fury and resentment. He’s long past hoping for affection from her, but what still rankles and will never stop being a source of anger, is that she deliberately tried to sabotage his relationships with others who most definitely were his family. 
Jon’s thoughts make it obvious that he is painfully aware that he doesn’t belong. For an awareness this heavy to be so deeply etched into a young boy’s entire being, the message has to have been reinforced intensely over the entire duration of his life in Winterfell. That’s not compatible with the assumption that Catelyn was only cold and dismissive of him. We don’t see the instances in either Jon’s or Catelyn’s viewpoints in the books, but the inference is all but thrown at us. 
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Jon’s growth as a person, a leader and a revolutionary is dependent on his time with the NW just as much as his time with the FF. The show cut out far too many important aspects of his time with the FF, but atleast that part of his journey was treated with more respect than his accomplishments as a man of the NW. (Let me not start on the absolute blasphemy to turn one of the most decisive characters in the entire saga into a dithering, uncertain, meek fool in S8.)
Unlike Dany, Jon has never been important. He has no name, no legacy to uphold, no shoes to step into. All he has are his natural abilities - his startlingly accurate powers of perception for someone so young, his capacity for taking feedback to change for the better and his razor sharp practical intelligence. The text seems to suggest that Jon was indirectly forced to downplay his abilities due to his status - besting Robb was just not done.
With her deep blue eyes and hard cold mouth, she looked a bit like Stannis. Iron, he thought, but brittle. She was looking at him the way she used to look at him at Winterfell, whenever he had bested Robb at swords or sums or most anything. Who are you? that look had always seemed to say. This is not your place. Why are you here? 
It’s at the Night’s Watch that Jon first starts to become someone more than Ned Stark’s bastard - in his OWN estimation. The world will continue to see only a bastard and Ned Stark’s shame, but its here that Jon learns to accept and move beyond it. It’s in the yard of the NW training yard that Jon receives his first harsh lesson about himself - he’s lording the privilege of his castle education over boys far less fortunate than him. It’s at the NW that he has the opportunity to use his abilities. It’s here that Jon finds his calling as the champion of the misfits, the ill-begotten, the unwanted and the reviled. He becomes the de-facto trainer of the boys Alliser Thorne deems beneath his dignity. He’s the one convincing Maester Aemon of Sam’s worth as his squire. And it’s at the NW that Jon first begins forming his opinion of the wars of the south - something which he will carry till the end. 
When dead men come hunting in the night, do you think it matters who sits the Iron Throne?
The staggering impact of his experience in the NW to his character is an essay in itself. For the purposes of this post, suffice to say that without the NW Jon would never have grown to the position to have an impact on the greater story. As of ADWD, the Wall under Jon’s leadership has become somewhat of a rallying ground - hosting a King, a highborn Northern lady looking for deliverance and support, as well as the center for revitalizing the Watch, rebuilding the Wall and rekindling hope in the North.
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At some point after his resurrection in the show, Jon’s portrayal starts edging over into the ‘noble, sacrificial hero’ archetype. This wouldn’t necessarily have been a BAD thing – if this ‘goodness’ and ‘nobility’ didn’t come at the expense of Jon’s overall characterization.
His ‘goodness’ comes in the form of forgiving Sansa for keeping the Vale army secret and keeping her as his closest confidant. This so-called goodness of heart is rank naivete the sharply perceptive and observant book!Jon would have been stupefied at. Jon knows to judge people by their actions – and Sansa’s actions made it obvious that she’s playing her own game and considers her brothers’ lives expendable collateral. The Jon who understood the heaviness of the mantle of leadership well enough to cultivate distance from even his closest friends in the NW would NEVER have allowed Sansa so close.
The ‘honourable’ show!Jon allows his Lords and his sister to question and challenge him openly. The ‘noble’ King Jon has to explain himself before undertaking a journey to gain a potential ally - the only possible ally against a War the North seems unwilling to believe despite the reports of the dead having been around since S1. The honest son of Ned Stark cannot lie to his House’s greatest living enemy. Lord Commander Jon would sooner have jumped off from the top of the Wall than take these decisions. He’s aware of the nature of power and authority, and that more than holding a position its important to make those around you believe you hold power. Power can do great good - but it is also fickle. 
Despite the NK and the AoTD being turned into a cosmic farce in the last season, the show did quite a good job of building up the horror, menace and sense of doom in the previous seasons. Hardhome is prime example of why the show was once the pinnacle of television – and what Jon saw there, coupled with the utter failure of his mission to evacuate all the FF would have pushed Jon to the brink of insanity anyway. From what we know of Jon, he carries the deaths of his father, Robb, Bran, Rickon and Winterfell close to him. Compound the steadily growing pressure of that loss with the fact that he loses Grenn, Pyp and Ygritte in the same night. Three of the people most important to Jon but a loss he was never given the time to process as Stannis’s army arrives the very next day. He’s still carrying this heaviness when Hardhome happens, and Jon is exactly the kind of man to blame himself for the people he was unable to evacuate. Not to mention, this is the first time he sees the Night King RAISE the dead – this is the point where the true power of the enemy is fully revealed. That was existential horror at its most visceral and not a sight a man is likely to forget, least of all a man who’s trying his best to create the only resistance.
Let’s forego the changed circumstances of Jon’s murder in the show and consider the act as is – Jon does the right thing, knows he’s doing the right thing and is betrayed and murdered for it. He’s dead and then he’s not and while he’s still struggling with resurrection, betrayal and the memories of Hardhome, Sansa arrives and he’s in the middle of the quest to retake Winterfell. It’s traumatic experience upon traumatic experience, a never-ending series of emotional turmoil with no outlet or time to grieve. This is the only reason I see Jon’s actions at the Battle of Bastards being true to his mental condition in the show – having Rickon die right in front of him when his little brother was pretty much the only reason he was able to gather the mental strength for the campaign would have unhinged him to the point of that ridiculously suicidal move.
But see that’s the last time we see any strong emotion from Jon. He seemed mentally and emotionally exhausted in the Winds of Winter episode, and that’s understandable but only at THAT point. That kind of exhaustion sets in only once you’re done with your battles and Jon’s true battle was just beginning. It’s just never acknowledged – when in truth he would barely have a handle on his temper and would be obsessed with the NK to the point of delirium. We apparently can’t have a functional main hero with his emotions all over the place, gathering the strength to do what must be done while falling apart inside. Or if we DO show him as someone struggling with himself, it’s to paint him as someone too weak to see the truth. Someone too blinded by love who should never have been in charge in the first place. 
Heroes are strong, brave, just and honourable. They are powerful and commanding and inspiring. And at the very core of it all, heroes are human. Wish the show had remembered that.
150 notes · View notes
squid-rp · 3 years
River Jones
Angry Blind Werewolf living off of a modest fortune that was shrewdly invested. Respects his alpha (is the most loyal but isn't going to say it openly without good reason), adored his mother and sisters, having to deal with his great-niece showing up out of the blue with her five-year old daughter and keeping them safe on top of everything else going on.
Looking for: His great-niece (just left a bad marriage, has some vague knowledge of the supernatural. Is probably just human, but I'm open).
Bo Brighton
A Regular Ol' Human Hunter in the Circle of Orion, Bo is a diamond in the rough from a midwestern town with a genius intellect who had the misfortune of falling in love with the girl next door when she broke through all his logic and theories of the world with a charming fairytale about falling stars. Vera ended up moving away when her parents divorced, but she and Bo exchanged letters all throughout the rest of their childhood and adolescence . While he didn't look like traditional hunter material in his late teens, Bo was scouted by a set of Hunters who crammed his genius brain chock full of lore of the supernatural and taught him how to fight for himself. He ended up joining the Circle of Orion right as letters from Vera stopped, leading him to wonder if the Supernatural was behind her disappearance.
He's too smart for his own good, tends to ramble, has piss poor social skills at times and has a bunch of knicks and cuts and burns from trying to cobble together some sort of new invention... or make the perfect soufflé (or both).
Looking for: Because I'm terrible, you know full and well that Vera's a GD supernatural. Whoever picks her up gets to pick what she is.
Sarina Corwin
Brackish Siren turned during an adolescent summer afternoon by the river gone terribly wrong. Sarina's sudden change of both diet and demeanor led to great tragedy, leaving her ostracized and out of touch and struggling to learn the ropes on her own. Years spent learning on her own and avoiding hunters has led her to Colorado, where she relishes helping bby supernaturals without a clue find their way in life, while also keeping them safe from hunters.
Looking for: Her concept is still formulating, so she doesn't really have any want ads at this time.
Neriah Hanlon
The Petal and Vine Shop has been a staple of Crow River since the town's inception, all operating out of a dreary-looking Victorian manor owned by the Hanlon family who seems to pass the business and the property from Mother to Daughter throughout the years. These days, the shop is owned by Neriah Hanlon, a Changeling who has secretly been running the shop the entire time. Neriah is something of a town darling -- always willing to lend a helping hand to those who need it, and who would literally give you the shirt off her back and knit you a whole closet if she felt you needed it. In truth, Neriah helps people forget when needed, and as a neutral agent, has probably offered her services to many of the factions within town provided that she gets proper payment of... a secret, a story, a little trinket that has some sentimental value -- anything with meaning.
And for anyone who would threaten her, she'd like to remind you that oleander is such a beautiful bloom, but can be so very poisonous.
Looking for: Still an evolving concept. I kind of want her to be a Mom friend to people, but who can also snap into being TERRIFYING if trifled with. Give her employees at her floral/tea shop/parlor. Give her people she's helped in the past. She's SUPER OLD, and has probably known some of these characters since they were knee high to a grasshopper.
Genevieve Thorne (Née Durand)
Born to a prominent and well-respected family of New York old-money sorcerers, Genevieve was born out of a magically political union and was expected to do the same. While her magical talents were not neglected, Genevieve was always thought of as "less than" when it came to her older brother, even when she proved more capable, more ambitious, and more willing to learn and be more. When the time came, Genevieve ended up showing up to her marriage ceremony, only to end up murdering the groom and most of the wedding attendees (including her own family) with the help of a Vampire that she had fallen head over heels for. While the pair officially tied the knot later, they would refer to that instance as their true wedding.
Genevieve has arrived in Crow River arm-in-arm with her husband, and has made powerful friends to gain a foothold in the city (it does help that Ariana is rather charming and useful) and to gain knowledge. Genevieve's true goal is to find some magical way to render herself immortal while still retaining her magic. Lord only knows if she'll actually find it.... and god help everyone if she does.
Looking for: Her husband, namely. It might also be fun if someone were coming after her for that wedding fiasco.
Everly O'Reilly
A curious creature from her earliest days, Everly had a habit for constantly being underfoot and eavesdropping on everyone's business as a child, which didn't earn her a lot of friends, but did leave her with plenty of time to read and soak up as much knowledge as she could about random subjects during her childhood. As she grew older, Everly became less of a pest and more of an it-girl with an Instagram following to match. She was her school's prom queen, but also the Valedictorian, and she was a shoe in for going to school on a scholarship for journalism. Instead of taking that road, Everly decided to be her own boss and became a Podcaster for things dark and strange and twisted that most people would have balked at investigating. She gained a huge following and her work enabled her to travel the world...
Which is how she ended up in Crow River. Crow River was going to be a quick stop on the way to something greater, but Everly ended up seeing something she shouldn't have seen, and one moment she was snapping a photo... and the next there was darkness...
And then she was literally clawing her way out of the grave in the woods she had been tossed into, newly reborn as a Vara Vampire.
Looking for: She's got "her Yoda" as she likes to say, but I would like to figure out wtf Everly saw that she really shouldn't have, and if anyone needs an accidental Vara bby fledgling that they didn't mean to create, hit me up!
James J. Jamison
A few years ago, James would have said that he was the most unordinary of the unordinary folks. A supernerd to the max (complete with the comic book collection and fondness for dungeons and dragons), James grew up being ostracized by most of his peers because he was VERY HANDS FLAILING ANIMATED LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THIS THING I LOVE. Cue toilet swirlies in the bathroom during recess and lunch. James made friends with another nerd aficionado in elementary school, but said aficionado never learned a healthy way to heal from the psychological trauma of bullying and turned mean instead, quickly becoming a bully himself once he and James reached high school.
And everything would have been all hunky dory had James not pulled his best "What would Lara Croft do" moment and stood up to his ex-best friend, which ultimately earned him the beat down of his life, but earned him a sea of friends who respected him for what he did.
Flash forward a few years, and James was studying to be a graphic artist and was supporting himself in Portland, Oregon by being a pizza delivery driver...
The last thing he saw was the grill of his ex-best friend's car heading right for him... and the next... being cradled in someone's arms, the wet rain, and then... fire and smoke and ash and...
Confusion. James reawoke as a Phoenix and has been trying to piece things together ever since. Luckily, his parents put out a missing person's report for him and he was quickly picked up by a patrol car. After a few weeks of confusion and therapy, James decided to try and go back to his old life, even if he couldn't remember most of it...
But then a letter beckoned him to Crow River, and like Frodo leaving the Shire, James set off on his quest.
Looking For: I would love it forever if someone wanted to be the person inviting James to Crow River. Like, we can hash out that plot together, but I need it like breathing.
Levison Harding
I admittedly do not know too much about Levison beyond a vague concept of him being a native son of Crow River, and a werebear. He left some odd years ago to do things, and just came back after being captured by a group of individuals who hunted supernatural creatures to make a black market of parts for magical rituals, Vampire blood, etc. I think they originally captured Levison for vampire blood and didn't know he was a werebear until he broke out and murdered the lot of them, taking all of the captives with him in the process of escape.
Now seen as the leading figure for a group of Supernatural refugees, Levison has returned home to try and figure out what his next steps are for both himself and the small group of a misfit found family that he's become the head of.
Looking for: Give me the black market group that he's run afoul of now, and give me his found family. There are no alternatives.
Maira Joshi
Another prominent Crow River family, the Joshi's have been present in Colorado records as early as the late 1800's, and they gained a strange notoriety of mostly having daughters within the family. The current head of the family, Faria, hides her status as a seer in plain sight by offering psychic readings and "mediumship" skills to those who aren't in the know, and her abilities as a seer to those who do. Maira is the youngest of her granddaughters, and showed little affinity for magic and happily went along to become an elementary school nurse. She would have stayed that way had she not started having ominous visions all swirling around Crow River, prompting her to take a position in Crow River and move in with her increasingly ailing grandmother for further instruction. Maira -- by her grandmother's own description -- is a sweet and empathetic soul, more likely to slip into someone's dreams to drive away natural nightmares or induce states of calm on the panicked and suffering. Between her growing skills as a Seer and her knowledge of first aid, her true goal is to help where she can, and to stop the terrible future she occasionally still sees from coming to pass.
Looking for: Other Joshi seers? IDK, I'M JUST EXCITED.
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atemgirl94 · 3 years
Pharaoh and Reincarnated Queen’s adventures pt. 1
5,000 years ago, lived a powerful Pharaoh and Queen who was loved by the people. This Powerful couple worked together to lock the dark shadow games away. They had a successor to the throne but they also had three others who were very young during their passing. Millennium items that belonged to this Pharaoh and Queen were locked away split between Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens. The Pharaoh's soul was locked within the Millennium Puzzle while the Queen's soul was split, part of her soul went in her item while the other half was somewhere else.
5,000 years after their deaths, the other half of the Queen's soul was returned to the land of the living. She was reborn as Brittney Marie Petrova, with a twin sister named Brianna Lynn Petrova, she also had an older brother named Aiden Mathew Petrova and a younger sister named Nanaoko Marie Petrova. As a small child she would only play with her twin as her younger sister was only a few, by the time she was six things were changing. She started sleep walking, it happened to be around one of these sleep walking times that Solomon Motou was coming to Egypt to play the Shadow Game of the Nameless Pharaoh. Many know the tale of how Solomon did but this story is a bit different. As he reached the end coming to the bridge that was connecting to where the treasure was, he was in shock. He saw Britt laying on the ground of where the box was, but the box was in her hands. He had to make his way to her gently knowing one wrong move he would be sent into the shadows. He almost slipped and fell in the shadows but something or rather someone helped him up.
"I've been waiting for you." He said as he helped up Solomon.
When Solomon woke up he thought it was all a dream but he made his way over carefully picking up the six-year-old girl and the box. He wondered how she got in Valley of the Kings and made it past all the traps. It was clear the girl must have been sleep walking as she was still asleep. Solomon took her back to her parents as he handed her to max.
"Solomon, I can't thank you enough for finding her." Max said
"Yes, I'm sure but why was she in valley of the kings?" Solomon asked
"That is something I'm not sure." Max answered him
When Britt was eight, she went out with her mother and sister to play as she was getting all fine. They were going to a park that Egypt had to play with others, when Bre and Britt were running in front of their mother they suddenly bumped into a man wearing robes. The two girls looked up at him and at first it seemed as if he wasn't going to say anything but then he saw Britt's facial features and he recognized her as Queen Brittania, the Queen from 5,000 years ago. Angela had come over and had her girls come over to her as they went and stood in front of their mother.
"I'm sorry for my daughters." Angela said
"No, it Is I who should have seen them. They are just children." Shadi said as he kneeled down and showed respect. "Forgive me Miss, but your daughter here. She is the Queen returning to the land of the living."
Britt and Bre looked at each other before looking back at him "Which one?" They asked at the same time. "I'm Bre and this is Britt." Bre said
Shadi looked at them clearly in surprise because the nickname Britt, Queen Brittania was also called Queen Britt because she liked that better.
Angela wanted to hear more so she invited Shadi back to the house, there once back in their home she asked him to explain as they were sitting in the living room. Shadi didn't say much at first as he took a look around seeing he was in the home of archeologists.
"Your daughter, Britt. She is a reincarnation of a very powerful Queen come back to find her lost love." Shadi started which made Angela and Max look at each other since it'd been two years since Britt had been to Valley of the Kings.
"Please Continue." Max said to him wanting to know more.
"I along with others have been waiting for the return of a Pharaoh who locked a dark magic away a long time ago. It is said when the Queen appears, the Pharaoh will not be far behind. Your daughter has a destiny coming she cannot run from." Shadi said
Britt and Bre were whispering to each other about what he was saying. To them since they were eight it didn't make no sense. Max on the other hand remembered the treasure that Solomon had from the nameless Pharaoh's tomb. He wondered if that was part of it.
"Tell me, has your daughter had any weird behavior within the last three years?" Shadi asked
"Well, she used to sleep walk when she was six. But she hasn't done it since then." Angela said
"I believe the answer you seek will be known when the Millennium Bracelet is found. If she truly is the Queen then that item will hold some answers." Shadi said
Other than that brief moment he didn't stay long. Britt and her family didn't give a lot of thought on it but Britt was trying to become a duelist after that. She built a deck and would duel her brother but she'd always lose. She felt she was missing something but she didn't know exactly what she could be missing. About a few months later her father found a rare card for her, one called Goddess of the Nile. He felt it was important so he bought it for her and when he got home he handed it to her.
"Here Britt, here's a card that might help your deck." Max said
Britt took the card and looked at it "Oh wow thank you daddy." Britt said to him as she smiled.
After receiving the Goddess of the Nile, she reconstructed her deck. It took time and effort, she'd duel against her brother and always lose but she made modifications to her deck. When she reached the age of twelve her brother had been in the tournament for Egypt, and he'd became the champ. She wasn't surprised in the least but she less wanted to duel with him. So, she started dueling with Bre, who'd built a fire deck mixed with fire types and Dragons. The girls loved each other as twins could but they always kept their opinions to themselves. Truly the only way they could be told apart was their eyes and their highlights, as Britt had violet eyes and purple highlights and Bre had blue eyes and blue highlights. Their younger sister was ten around this time and had Green eyes with Black hair w/green tips.
Aiden started to resent Britt for being the one their parents would show attention to. Maybe it was because of what Shadi had told them and they were trying to figure out how to avoid her destiny. They'd kept her in Egypt her childhood. Though Angela and Max knew Britt had always been treated differently than most of the kids, because all the kids had learned she'd gone to Valley of the Kings and came back unharmed.
School was never an issue she'd go do her homework and then walk home. Sometimes the kids would bully her and she'd get a few scrapes and bruises but it was to be expected. Truly the kids didn't understand it all and maybe that was what bugged them the most that they didn't know how she could get to Valley of the Kings and still be alive. If anyone ever asked Britt she didn't remember a thing about it except a voice but she never mentioned that part, her only answer was she didn't remember.
Bullies and people who were scared didn't stop her, she'd kept practicing her dueling skills and when the next tournament came before her Sixteenth Birthday she entered to show them. The day before the tournament was to start her parents had found it, the Millennium Bracelet that the man in robes had talked about. It had been located in Valley of the Queens, in a Queens tomb. They'd put it in their room of artifacts to keep it from Britt. Only sadly her and her siblings got very curious and went in there. They looked at it all but Britt was drawn to the bracelet, she reached out for it picking it up and she tried it on. It glowed since it was meant to be with her.
"It's cute." She thought as she tried to get it off.
The bracelet wouldn't come off and she knew then the start of her destiny would be soon. Not paying much attention to the fact she'd have to keep it on she wore it the entire tournament. Never having to worry much, but when it came to the finals it was her brother and her against each other. Shadi was in the crowd watching waiting to see if he was right about her. Britt had improved her dueling skills and when it came to her final Duel Monster she summoned her Goddess.
"Now, Goddess of the Nile. Attack with Nile Septar blast!" Britt yelled as the final attack was made.
"So, it begins, she has the item and the card of the Queen." Shadi said
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OSS: Crime; Chapter 2-Project “Ma” -Eve-
Original Sin Story: Crime infomine under the cut
Scene 1
It’s said that the witch of the forest uses a spoon instead of a magic wand.
Eve makes her living selling fruits and mushrooms from the forest. She is the eldest daughter of Nemu’s village chief, but she likes the work—she doesn’t have to stay cooped up in the village all the time, and the Mogura (mogura means mole? Don’t know if it should be left as is or translated) are always looking to buy her wares.
The “Mogura” refers to the people who are excavating Second Period artifacts to the forest’s east, presumably because they have filled what was once an empty plain with holes. The people of Nemu hold little ill will towards them over this, as the money that they spend has made the village prosperous.
Eve bought an “automatic carriage” with this money and is currently driving it, using it to carry her stock. Note—this is not actually a car. It is a horseless carriage that makes the wheels turn through special gears that are powered by magic (Eve’s magic, in this case). If I’m reading correctly, it is controlled by a power crystal ball. This is something the “Mogura” discovered. Her father’s connections allowed her to buy it relatively cheaply, but it was still pretty expensive.
Her father is apparently houseridden, after having injured his lower back/hips/etc two years before (sounds like they give him chronic pain?), so Eve has been doing merchant work in his stead. Eve’s mother is also noted as being deceased.
Eve pulls up to her destination, and the men at work all gather around as it’s close to lunchtime. The most popular item she sells is pfifferling (I believe this is German for “golden chanterelle mushroom”), which the Mogura put in dishes with venison that they buy from hunters. The next most popular is trauben (note that Nemu sells wine made with it too).
Once they’re done with their purchases, almost emptying the cart, the Mogura make soup with it and start to eat. One of them brings Eve a bowl. He goes to get a spoon for her, having forgotten one, and she airheadedly almost admits that she has a spoon of her own (the blue magic spoon that she’s not supposed to show people she has).
While eating, the Mogura talk about the “witch of the forest” using her lightning magic to drive out the “White Army” (白軍) that has been terrorizing the region. They come from the east, all have white hair, and use fire magic. Her father told her they were once nomads, but after some fight with the people of the forest long before, they slowly became a savage tribe. They’ve killed hundreds of people in the forest already, and have also been attacking the excavation site.
Just as Eve is thinking about heading back to the forest, they hear screams coming from the north. They see the “White Army” fighting with a fleeing automated carriage much larger than the kind that Eve is driving. Seeing this, Eve leaps into action, driving her carriage in the direction of the fighting.
Scene 2
There are three carriages being attacked. All of them have the crest of Levianta on their side. One has stopped, smoking. The other two have soldiers firing at the attackers with guns. Unnoticed, Eve goes to check on the downed carriage, and just narrowly avoids getting stabbed by the occupant inside (Adam), who after a moment quickly realizes she’s not one of the White Army.
Seth is also in the carriage, with a minor head wound. Adam helps him get into Eve’s carriage. She introduces herself as Eve Zvezda, which he notes with some surprise. He introduces himself to her, and bids her leave with haste (when she asks about the soldiers—Gammon among them--he shrugs it off as their job, and Seth notes they’re fairly capable).
Some of the White Army are headed their way, so Eve starts up the carriage to take them to Nemu.
Scene 3
Eve is able to outpace their pursuers, and takes them to her house (Nemu has no doctors, and so her father, who has medical knowledge, is their village doctor in addition to being village chief).
Her father quickly goes about tending to Seth’s wound, and then brings up that he’s an old friend of Horus (horusu), the former head of the research facility (based on context then this is Adam’s “father”). Adam has to share the bad news that he died two years ago (chief Zvezda hasn’t been to the 12 capitals much lately) and that Adam has taken his position now.
He notices that Seth is blind in his left eye, and notes offhand that Horus’ left eye was blind too.
After they’re done, Eve and Chief Zvezda encourage them to stay, noting the White Army won’t attack here (this is a village full of sorcerers—evidently this is not common knowledge).
Zvezda asks what they’re there for (no scientist has visited the excavation site itself until now).
As a note, his full name is “Raiou Zvezda”, and he is a sorcerer too (note—the only reference I could find is to a Yu-Gi-Oh card “Thunder King Rai-Oh”. “Rai ou” literally means “thunder king” with certain kanji, as well).
Adam reveals that they came to this forest to meet with Eve. This puts everyone on edge (especially given they were originally accompanied by soldiers). Seth pipes in then, trying to calm things down (though his efforts don’t feel genuine to me, personally), alluding to not wanting things to be like the time of “the Witch of Merrigod” (which leads to Raiou accusing them of being on a witch hunt).
Seth says that Raiou suspected them from the beginning—that he must have also known Horus was dead (which Raiou confirms—he hasn’t been to the capitals, sure, but mages have their own information network using green onions).
Against Adam’s protestations that it should be him telling them, Seth explains what they’re doing there, introducing himself as Horus’ greatest apprentice (Adam says he just calls himself that on his own).
The explanation is as follows (note—this sounds a bit like a PR spiel, so take it with some salt): Despite being called a kingdom, Levianta is little more than people assembled to follow the will of their gods (given that the very nation was founded around worshipping them and what they left behind). Thus, the leader must be someone who can hear the gods speak, a virgin maiden with high magical power.
Levianta is ruled by a queen, and they have several mechanisms from which to pick them; a special orphanage run by the Loop Octopus family, the Lighwatch temple run by the Asayev family, the research institute run by the Vaju family, etc. Whichever institution the next queen comes from, that family’s senate member becomes head of the senate. The current queen Alice is from the orphanage (hence why Miroku is the only one able to interact with her, because he’s head of the senate—also, on that subject, it seems Loop Octopus is the family’s full last name. So, Miroku Loop Octopus).
The research institute is looking into ways to artificially create a new Queen/woman with extreme magical power (and thus guarantee Vaju as next senate head)—this is the “Next Queen Project”, which has involved women from all over participating to be this new queen’s mother (Seth insists these women participated voluntarily and were not kidnapped, despite rumors to the contrary).
So…I suppose based on context (not entirely sure if I’m reading it clearly), the “Witch hunts” aren’t hunting witches to kill, but hunting witches to kidnap (which has happened recently). Seth explains that circumstances dictate they don’t have time to wait for volunteers—not on the Next Queen Project (as Alice is still in her 40s and not close to death), but on the new project. Project “Ma”.
Raiou dismisses “Ma” as just an old legend (the legend says that when disaster approaches the world, the two-headed dragon LeviaBehemo will be reborn as the “Twins of God”, and the woman who births them is the holy mother Mem Aleph, or “Ma”), despite Seth insisting that it’s all actually happening.
So, not only will the person who becomes Ma become queen, but whoever produces Ma will become head of the senate. Raiou asks why Miroku would give the research institute as many permissions as he has (command of their security, information, etc), knowing that if they succeed he’ll lose his seat to Vaju; Seth speculates that he must acknowledge that it’ll be hard to find “Ma” through his orphanage, and so figures that by collaborating with the research institute he’ll still be able to leverage some political influence after stepping down.
They came here searching for the “witch of the forest” rumored to appear in “The Forest of Held” to the south of this village. Supposedly, she does battle against the White Army attacking everyone here by using lightning and a blue spoon, and has green hair. They had the soldiers with them for protection (Eve wonders if they’re alright, but Adam assures her that while they can’t use magic, they’re all very skilled with swords and guns).
Eve already seems to have a crush on Adam.
Raiou tells them that they’re mistaken—that this witch is not Eve. All the people in the village have magical power, and there are a lot of girls with green hair. While the people in the village are immigrants from elsewhere, Eve is actually his adopted daughter. His wife found her in a river, and they raised her as their own. He says that they should head to Held’s Forest for their search.
Seth then brings out a two-pronged iron rod—a Second Period device that can read someone’s magical potential…but he left the data output device in the other carriage. Adam requests usage of their carriage to head back over there and get it (note, Adam has magic too—enough to make the carriage run, at least).
Just then, Gammon arrives. He reports on what happened—they handled the situation quickly enough (it just took a while due to the higher numbers of attackers). He had his people go to the capital for reinforcements to go on the offensive against the White Army. Meanwhile, he’ll be doing the bodyguarding duties for Adam and Seth by himself. He has also brought over what they forgot in the carriage (meaning Seth can test Eve’s magic now).
The rod is connected to a box that beeps when he passes it before Eve, and also provides the readings numbers. Her “M” level is 72. Just a little stronger magically than the average person (not candidate levels). He tests it on Gammon, showing his level is 0. Raiou’s level is 200, and Adam’s is over 300.
Eve is a little disappointed that she’s missed her chance to be a candidate, but then she knows her father (who hates politics and only became chieftain because someone had to do it) would never let her join. She loves her father, but doesn’t mean there aren’t things she’s dissatisfied with about that.
Scene 4
Seth heads to get treatment at a hospital in the 12 capitals just to be safe, while Gammon and Adam stay in Nemu for a while to look for the Witch of the Forest, with Eve acting as their guide and transportation to Held’s forest (they are paying her a lot to do it). She takes them to some of the villages in the forest that she knows, and they also go around places where the witch is rumored to be. No luck.
One day they’re heading along when the weather turns cloudy, and seems likely to rain (so Adam suggests they turn in early).
According to his information, the witch appears to help people attacked by the White Army. Those saved forget what she looks like afterwards, though, save for the green hair, that she’s a woman, and she uses a spoon to fire lightning. Adam speculates that this witch can manipulate people’s minds (Eve brushes it off jokingly, saying if she had that power she’d use it to make herself queen).
Eve is a little over 20 at this point (and Adam appears close in age to her).
Adam doesn’t know much of magic—he only recently learned of his high potential. Also note: while they are chatting, Gammon is just looking at their surroundings quietly. Eve’s internal monologue notes how much easier Adam is to get along with (and that he doesn’t look down on her like some 12 capital people do).
Adam used to live in a place west of the capitals, by the coast, in an orphanage. It was there that Horus Solntse showed up one day and adopted Adam. He says his only mother figure was a whale (a little confused here but I think basically a whale has been watching over him since before he was old enough to remember things). Eve speculates that this was an incarnation of a forest spirit.
Eve recounts a time when the loneliness of not knowing her true parents led to her running out into the forest at night. She got lost, and came to a stop crying. Then, a fearsome bear appeared (note that it starts raining on them now). Eve pulls up her skirt to show Adam a scar on her thigh (which flusters him initially because why wouldn’t it). The bear, probably hungry, attacked her. Just then, all the forest animals attacked the bear at once, driving it off. Since then she hasn’t seen a bear in the forest. She figures the forest spirits are protecting her now. This is something she’s hardly ever told anyone else.
Adam’s about to say something, but they suddenly hear an explosion from the direction of Nemu. And they see smoke rising from it. The White Army comes out from the trees, circling the carriage and trapping them. They are led by a woman. She is the “White Fiend of Jakoku”, Raisa Netsuma. Raisa says this is a test (vague though on what it’s a test for).
Raisa urges her men to be careful, as Gammon is a skilled fighter and they are with the “Witch of the Forest”, meaning Eve. Eve denies this—Raisa doesn’t believe her, and charges with a long and narrow weapon wreathed in pale flame.
Eve coldly takes out her spoon (which she got from her dad). She recites the “Medvedi ubit” spell, which sends lightning at Raisa and all her underlings (leaving the forest and its animals, as well as Adam and Gammon, untouched). Raisa is the only one who survives. Gammon goes to catch her before she can escape.
The village is still burning. Eve starts the carriage to go save them, but Adam thinks it’s too dangerous (as their main forces will be there). Gammon tosses Adam the sword that Raisa was using to defend himself with, as he has to stay with Raisa.
The people of Nemu were once a famous group of sorcerers, so it’s unlikely they’re being killed so easily. Still, they head there as fast as they can.
Scene 5
Eve is the Witch of the Forest after all. She isn’t too burnt up over Adam finding out, given that he’s clearly trustworthy and doesn’t mean her harm. And being queen doesn’t sound like a bad thing (albeit she’d need her father’s permission, and she’s not the kind to go against his wishes).
Nemu is burning, under attack by men in red outfits. Adam realizes, to his horror, that these are the “Witch of Merrigod”’s forces, the “Red Devotees” (might be a better way to translate that, 赤の信徒たち) She was once an “Ma” candidate, but the senate and the institute deemed her too evil to be made queen.
The men circle the carriage as it arrives. Eve demands to know where the villagers are, but they all stare at her blankly. She prepares to strike, but the men part to let a red-garbed woman walk through—the Witch of Merrigod, Meta Salmhofer (she hasn’t been introduced as Meta yet but it’s obviously her). She has a very adult air to her, but in terms of actual age she looks younger than Eve. Meta makes an offhand comment that Raisa (and all of the White Army, I think) is an inheritor of Salem.
She claims she’s not attacking this place because of the White Army, but rather (among other reasons that she doesn’t elaborate) to get revenge on the institute (and Adam) for “making a fool of her” (it’s a little vague on exactly what went down during her “Ma” candidacy at the time).
Eve asks where everyone is, and Meta points to Eve’s house, telling her to go look. Eve heads that way with Adam. They find her father in the garden, naked, covered in wounds, and crucified on a big cross that was erected there, already dead. He’s surrounded by the other men of the village, who are standing lifeless just like the red devotees.
Eve is horrified and confused as to how this happened, given her father’s power. Adam explains that Meta is an inheritor of Gilles, and as such has the power to control men—she probably used the village men to attack Raiou, and he, not wanting to hurt them, couldn’t properly defend himself.
Eve wants to go attack Meta, but Adam points out she’ll use the villagers to get in the way (as human shields, basically). They’re about to head to regroup with Gammon when they hear reinforcements from the capital arrive.
They came to meet up with Gammon, but as they were already there they fought against the red devotees. Meta and her forces withdrew (including, unfortunately, the men of the village). When the fires have been put out, they find the corpses of all the village’s women piled up in a cattle pen.
Eve goes with Adam to the capital. She has nowhere else to go.
Scene 6
Asmouse is one of the 12 cities that makes up the capital (based on this phrasing I’m now more thinking that it’s less “12 distinct royal capitals” and more “12 cities that are collectively the royal capital”). It’s run by senator Ceci (Seshi) Vaju, and it has the strongest historical backdrop to it. Vaju is himself a descendant of those who first started discovering the Second Period stuff. He founded the research institute using permissions from the previous queen. Horus, who became the head, was a friend of his.
In addition to all the technological advancements of researching Second Period technology (and I should probably say this at least once—I am saying Second Period for clarity’s sake. But they don’t say Second Period. They say “legacy”. Legacy items), they are also researching how to create people with magical power—that is to say, the “Next Queen Project”. But Horus died of illness before it could be realized. Hence Adam taking over. Etc.
Eve doesn’t care about any of that. The only thing that matters is that she’s an “Ma” candidate.
Adam gives her some coffee (which isn’t common outside the capital) to try and calm her down—Eve (imo) seems restless and uncomfortable. She’s wearing bands on her arms and legs connected to a big box (the chair she’s sitting in is also part of the machine, I think) that will help them properly quantify her magical ability (like a larger version of the device they used in Nemu). It turns out that her spoon can both seal and amplify a user’s magical ability (apparently it was originally her mother’s), so that’s why the earlier reading was inaccurate.
Adam runs the machine (Eve notes that it makes her feel queasy at first). It takes roughly an hour to run properly—they don’t have to run it nonstop but she can’t leave the chair until it’s over. She decides to pass the time by asking Adam about Meta.
Adam explains that Meta is from Merrigod (far further east than Nemu), which is used as a citadel for the dangerous organization “Apocalypse”, of which the “red devotees” and “the white army” are simply different units of their forces. Some say they’re looking to overthrow the nation, while others say they’re just criminals. They are led by Pale Noel, and Meta is his girlfriend. They know almost nothing about Pale—even him being a man isn’t set in stone.
Adam, Seth, and some other researchers headed to Merrigod, backed by Gammon and his security unit. But things went wrong, and it turned into a battlefield. The researchers hadn’t wanted that, but Apocalypse and the security force (ie, Gammon) did. The battle failed—Meta used her powers to control the security force, and there was infighting. Adam and Seth were the only researchers who survived, which is why even now the institute is short-staffed (Adam doesn’t say how long ago this was).
Eve asks what an inheritor is. Adam says it’s someone with supernatural powers, different from magic. Like Raisa and her clan (they had originally thought that it was magic, but even those in the White Army who had no magical ability can use fire). They don’t know the source of inheritor abilities though (research into it is being undertaken by the Lighwatch temple run by Yegor Asayev). Adam doesn’t know much more than that, other than that they’re divided up into classifications like “Gilles” and “Salem”, named after the god’s kin.
Adam may be getting Eve hooked on coffee, I think. She finds it too bitter but can’t stop drinking it.
Eve asks what the senate will do about Apocalypse—he says that (according to what Gammon told him), they won’t do anything. They view it as little more than a fringe organization (as it hasn’t attacked the capital much), and not worth the manpower it would take to get rid of them. Eve understands why her dad hated politics so much.
Adam says that’s why she should become ruler, going to write something down. The machine is still processing, but already her score is higher than her father’s was. She seems unsure, noting that she’s just a simple girl from a village, but he reassures her. This leads to a sweet moment between them (confirming they don’t dislike each other, etc—I feel this is probably a point where he’s faking his affection to make her easier to manipulate, however as this chapter is from Eve’s perspective there’s no way to tell).
Note, Adam knows enough swordplay to defend himself.
They still have Raisa’s oddly shaped (probably eastern) sword (she is in jail right now). Adam speculates that even if she fully recovers from Eve’s attack, she’ll likely be executed. Eve reflects for a moment on how much evil there is in the world despite her work as Witch of the Forest, and what she’ll need to defeat it.
Several days later, Raisa escapes from prison, likely with the help of a collaborator. Meanwhile, Eve’s M number exceeds 350, which is more than enough for her to be an “Ma” candidate.
Scene 7
Eve has to take a “Queen Test” (probably a better way to word that, phrase is 女王の試練)—basically a formality, a ritual to get her accepted by the current queen as a successor. She and Adam are discussing this as they walk through Asmouse. Only the queen knows what this entails.
Having high magical power, in this country, signifies that one is closely related to the gods. The position of Queen used to be hereditary, but then the fifth queen couldn’t have children. So she declared that all in this land were the children of the gods, and that having strong magic was a sign of the gods’ favor. Conversely, those who don’t have magic were said to be unloved by the gods (there’s no actual persecution for that, but advancement for such people became harder). As such, those with magic became able to vie for the throne. Adam learned all this in school after he was adopted.
There was no school in Nemu, and Eve had no need for an education there (outside of which berries were poisonous and how to use magic and so on), so this is all new information to her. Adam says he’ll tutor her on all this stuff.
He takes her to a red-walled building—it turns out to be a shop for dining utensils for her to use. She notices a red glass, and is told what glass is by the old man running the shop (same as with us, but it can only be made by a legacy piece in Asmouse, and colored glass in particular is a rarity). It’s expensive—Adam says she won’t need it, as it’s a wine glass and she doesn’t drink wine. She says she’ll drink coffee out of it, and so he buys it for her. They buy some other things and then leave.
Eve needs clothes, too—she needs a lot of new things. Adam’s not hurting for money (as the head of the institute), so he buys them for her, saying she can pay him back when she’s queen (very certain she’ll succeed). He says that since the moment they first met, he felt like they already knew each other. She does too.
Scene 8
Not even a month has passed, and they’ve fallen in love. Just because they’re similar in age, get along, and are living together. Adam’s the first attractive (both intellectually and otherwise) guy that Eve’s actually been around. Of course, this gets her worried, because one of the conditions of being queen is to be a virgin maiden.
Adam reassures her that while it might be hard for them to be together publicly, he’ll always be by her side. She wonders how, given only the head of the senate can see her—he stumbles for a moment before saying  he’ll maneuver things so Gammon becomes head of the senate, and he’ll be able to change that law to make things easier on them (I feel like he’s bullshitting just to get her to go along with him at this point).
Adam has her drink more coffee (which, when she drinks it, makes all her worries go away—she’s basically addicted to the coffee, yes), and then promises that they’ll get married in secret when this is all over. Eve suggests Held’s forest—as soon as they’ve gotten rid of all the “evil” that’s made it dangerous right now.
Scene 9
A week later, Eve is called to the round hall in Alicegrad. She is greeted by Miroku—they’re about to set up the trial. They are then greeted by a woman in flimsy white clothes, accompanied by a short middle aged man (who is Hugen/fugen Asayev, Yegor’s older brother). She is another candidate for queen (which shocks Eve, which Fugen mocks her for)—her name is Zelarana Chirclatia (zerarana), a priestess of Lighwatch temple.
Miroku and Hugen bicker a little bit. As a note, Yegor apparently went missing very suddenly before this, abandoning his post and leaving Hugen in charge. Zelarana questions Eve on being from Held’s forest, noting an “evil god” lives there. The people of Nemu saw it (Held) as an evil god, but the people of the forest saw it as a guardian deity. Eve isn’t sure which is true. The area with Held in it is inside the border of another country, and Leviantan citizens aren’t allowed to cross the border without permission, so she’s never seen the giant tree Held resides in herself.
Zelarana is a bit pompous, boasting about the training she’s received as a priestess and that Lighwatch priestesses are able to remove the wickedness from someone’s heart. Eve almost brings up that she has brainwashing powers (I mean, it doesn’t say that outright but it’s strongly implied), but thinks better of it, as she knows it’s a power that frightens people more than the lightning and hasn’t even told Adam of it yet.
Miroku reminds them all that this is serious business and a holy ritual, and they back down.
Scene 10
Eve goes first, heading to the Temple of LeviaBehemo where the queen lives. When she passes through the large door on the “First Wall” that only the senate are allowed to pass through, she sees a field of flowers—a garden in the center of Alicegrad. There’s a white building in the center of that—the temple. It’s small, about the size of the house she lived in in Nemu, which disappoints her. Inside is a dim space with four plain white walls. She walks forward and smacks her forehead into a glass wall.
This is a maze, made of glass walls (we later learn it’s called the “Hall of Glass”). Eve makes her way through carefully, growing more disoriented as she does. She calls out, but there’s no reply—though as she goes deeper inside, she sees a humanoid figure in a white dress sitting in a wheelchair. But the air feels like it’s getting thinner. By the time she reaches the queen, she collapses before she can get a good look at her face.
Scene 11
The first scene is a snapshot of her and Adam as twin Irregulars after the end of the world, looking out over all the souls on the world’s ruined surface from inside the Clocktower.
In the scene, when he tells her the world is ruined, she asks if they can return everything to how it was—he says all they can do is do everything over again, putting his hand in his chest. Everything becomes white and disappears.
The next scene is Eve’s showdown with Elluka at the end of the sloth novel. As Elluka starts the body swap thing, Eve realizes that Elluka is the one who destroyed the world. As the light spreads, Elluka transforms into a large monster—one that appears both like a dragon and like a bear. Somehow.
The next scene is Eve in the cabin with Adam, noting he looks like the boy in the first vision but also someone else. They’re making food. The door opens and a cute boy and girl, her precious children, come home. Before she can greet them, everything goes dark.
Personal opinion: It isn’t clear if these are memories, hallucinations, or future vision (given that prophetic dreams are a thing). It does seem to be indicating that, if it’s not referring to this being a loop (one in which Eve retains some faint memories of the previous iterations), that Eve has some way to perceive the future here, albeit in a fragmented fashion. It’s a little too trippy to interpret at the moment.
Scene 12
Eve wakes up in the middle of a conversation with Miroku in the round hall, with no idea what the heck she was talking about. Miroku confirms that she is indeed the next queen, as she was able to meet with the current one and hear the voice of god—or see, more like. It seems she had related to him her vision (or at least part of it), which he took to be future events.
Hugen is heading back to Lighwatch, with Zelarana’s corpse in tow. Miroku speculates that Eve’s lack of memory is a side-effect from receiving a revelation for the first time. After Eve went, Zelarana also entered the Hall of Glass—then she was found running out of the “First Wall”’s door, screaming like a madwoman. She fell unconscious and then died, evidently unable to handle the ritual. Unworthy candidates face “Divine Punishment”, apparently. Everyone knows this. …Except Eve.
Anyway, now it’s back to the institute to be impregnated with the divine seed. Eve has a ton of questions but she’s too exhausted to ask them. She’s also a little cheesed at Adam for not telling her that the ritual was so dangerous.
Scene 13
Eve is lying on a table in the institute. Adam tells her she has nothing to worry about, but she knows now that he lies sometimes (though she hasn’t pressed him on the ritual business). Still, after some conflict she convinces herself that he wouldn’t have sent her into danger if he’d known how bad it was. She’s afraid that their relationship will be over if she stops believing in him. She knows it’s stupid but she loves him.
Adam explains that the ark Sin is underneath the temple. It’s called the Dark Legacy because supposedly the Sin has the power to both save the world and destroy it—and the gods are trying to descend to the world through Project Ma in order to stop their power from running wild and doing just that.
Adam pulls up a cylinder with a cloudy liquid inside—he says this is the “Divine Seed”, which is taken from Sin, and is part of the gods’ body. He’s going to implant it into her to get her pregnant. Eve is nervous, but excited too—she thinks that the twins that she saw in her vision are the ones she’ll give birth to, and is eager to meet them.
She starts to conk out from the anesthesia. He tells her when she wakes up, she’ll be pregnant, and to “Sleep well, sleep princess/sleeping beauty” (nemurihime). It references the song with the whole “after this is over let’s get married at Held’s forest” bit. End chapter.
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The Afterlife
Ru’Yi knocked twice on the door of the hospital ward to announce her presence.
Tom had been moved from the critical care unit and now stayed in a more normal looking room. His dark hair spread out behind his pale face. He turned his head at the knock and his violet eyes looked right through her.
Ru’Yi’s heart dropped. He’d only seen her once, after he’d regained control of his Soul Skill Brother. His eyes were golden as they looked into hers in truth for the first time and behind them was something like a deep intelligence. He was like a different person entirely.
His eyes widened slightly when she didn’t say anything. “Hello?”
“Oh! It’s me. Sorry... I ...” She looked down at the flowers, so bright and gold.  She was an idiot. Why would he enjoy flowers if he couldn’t see them? What was she thinking?
"Ru’Yi!” He broke into a wide grin. “You came back! I thought I’d scared you off.”
“You’re not scary. I’m just happy you’re okay.” She put the flowers in the sink and walked up to him and sat on side of the bed.
“The medicine isn’t very comfortable. But they say I should have fewer side effects over time.” 
An IV was keeping a steady drip down a line leading to his wrist. His long pale fingers rested on the blanket. She reached out to take his hand. It twitched when she brushed against it, but slowly, his palm turned up and his fingers folded over hers.
His eyes lids lowered and he lay still and silent. “I’m so happy... you’re alright.”
He must have been awfully lonely lying in the dark by himself. They didn’t even have music put on for him. “I should have brought your headphones.” She chewed her lip. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s fine.” He laughed a little. “Next time.”
“Hey, can I show you something?”
She reached into her bag and pulled out a ratty Hello Kitty doll. “This is a nasty old thing but... it was a gift from someone I never got to meet. He died when I was a baby. But I still feel like if I hold it close, he’s encouraging me.”
She pressed the doll up to Tom’s face until it squished his cheek. She made a growly voice. “Cheer up, Tom! You’ll get out of this stinky hospital soon!”
“Haha! What is it?” He felt the doll’s old ears and button nose and eyes.
“It’s a Hello Kitty.”
“Does Hello Kitty growl like that?”
“Mine does!”
He gripped the doll, turning it in his hands. “The person must have cared about you a lot.”
“That’s what Mom said. She said that he really loved me a lot. His name was Saeki Ryuji. She said he got hurt on the job and died shortly after, but even after he died, he still left me lots of gifts. Mom kept all the gifts for me, including this doll. She didn’t want me to forget him.”
He stroked the doll’s face. “Do you... believe in the afterlife, Ru’Yi?”
She shrugged. “Like... I know a lot of people do but... It’s hard for me to.”
“Why?” He turned his head in her direction.
“Because if there was an afterlife why do dragons work so hard to be reborn in this world? I learned about how they make eggs for themselves, to stay immortal. If they were immortal in another realm, why would they stay in this one?”
“That’s an interesting way to think about it.”
“What I do believe is what my dad and my mom taught me. That memories of our loved ones are more important than an afterlife. Because if we remember them, we imagine what they would do and say and feel, like they were still here with us. So it’s more important to keep remembering them. That way, they’re still with us in our heart. I think that’s what the real afterlife is. The effect you have in this world, after you’re gone.”
She watched as Tom stroked the doll’s old blue dress. “So... I think Uncle Saeki is alive in a way in that doll. Still cheering me on. He’s cheering you on too, Tom!”
“Yeah, I ... can hear it.”
Ru’Yi looked at him. She could see the pain in his face even as he tried to stay cheerful. “I just... really miss my mom and dad and my sister. It’s hard for me to think about them.”
“They would probably be pretty worried about you.” Ru’Yi offered.
He nodded his head, his cheeks growing red and tears slipping down them. He begin to sob and Ru’Yi rested her head on his shoulder, feeling tears fill her eyes and run down her face. Her throat hurt as she struggled to keep from crying but she wanted to stay strong next to him.
He ran his sleeve across his eyes. “I’m just... I’m just... so sorry... I told them I would take care of my sister... and I couldn’t do it! I’m so sorry.”
She struggled to keep her voice steady. “But... Tom... they wouldn’t blame you for what happened!”
“It doesn’t matter. She’s my sister. She’s my responsibility. Even if they don’t think so... it’s still my responsibility.” He took a staggering breath. “In the car after the crash, I knew my parents were dead and ... my sister was in the car seat next to me. She couldn’t get out. I was the only person who could keep her warm until the ambulances came. It was just me and her... I had to take care of her.”
“When the car came again, I just... froze. I didn’t do anything. It was horrible. Just the sound of it running over her. I couldn’t stop it.” A tear hung on to his nose a moment and then fell down to land on the top of Hello Kitty’s head. 
Ru’Yi sat there, trying and failing to think of something, anything to comfort him. “I’m sorry, Tom. I... don’t know what to say.” 
“No... thank you for being here. If I hadn’t run into you, they would have thrown me out in the cold. Or worse. I owe you more than I could ever pay you back for.”
She looked around and found a box of thin cheaply made tissues next to the sink. She got up and retrieved it, handing one to him. He thanked her, blew his nose and then looked around embarrassed.
She gave a little laugh. “I’ll get the trash can!” She got up and retrieved that too.
He threw the tissues away. “I feel bad for ... trying to keep from thinking about them.”
“You seem to beat yourself up a lot... but don’t. I found out yesterday that lots of people here have lost someone they loved in the past so you’re not alone. In fact, I’m the weird one. Everyone tells me that I grew up in a bubble.”
"I have mom and dad and my life was peaceful. They kept the painful past from  me. The people who loved me and died were like characters in a book. I like them and enjoy thinking about them, but I couldn’t say that I mourned them.”
He made a soft hum in his throat. “You keep them alive that way though... so that’s good. Ru’Yi... this is going to sound really selfish but... can I... keep your Hello Kitty? Just for a little while?”
He was staring at it, running his hands over it.
“Sure. But give him back to me though. I need his encouragement too!”
“Okay, I will.” He settled back against the pillow and sighed.
“Oh... are you tired?” She sat up.
“Yeah. The medicine is harsh. It makes me tired and I lose my appetite. I sleep almost all day.”
“That’s no good... But your blood is stable. Right?”
“Yeah. I just can’t function.” His lips twitched upward.
“Well, they say you’ll get accustomed to it over time. Just rest up!”
He gave a weary nod. “Thank you for coming to see me.”
“I’ll come see you every day. But first I’ll go back and bring your headphones.” She stood up.
“What about your classes? Won’t your grades be affected?” He asked with wide eyes.
“No. I’m smart like that! Don’t worry about my grades!” She grabbed her bag and headed to the door. “Go to sleep. I’ll be back and bring you your headphones.”
“Okay...” He said in quiet wonder. He turned on his side and tucked the doll under his chin. Ru’Yi smiled and left the room.
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Time Will Tell
This is one of those fics where I had an idea, sat down and just wrote out an entire fic. This one is about Lily and how her life in Gedonelune will be going for a little while. I really enjoyed writing this and hope you all enjoy it as well! 💙
After the previous events that took place in the Northern forest, Liz ended up encountering Lily again and this time, she was leading her back to the village. After talking it over with Willem, they had made arrangements for Lily to stay with him for a while for fear of her being noticed by the Ministry.
“Lily, this is Willem, you’ll be staying with him for a little while.”
“Hello, Willem, it’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.” Lily smiled, giving a tiny bow before glancing at Liz. “May I ask why I’ll be staying here? The winged rabbit must be so lonely, I’m worried.”
“Well, there’s a lot we don’t know about you and we need to make sure the Ministry doesn’t find you. As for the Winged Rabbit, don’t worry, the Northern Forest is filled with them, I can assure you he won’t be lonely.”
Lily nodded happily. “That’s good to hear. I have one more question if that’s alright?”
“Of course.”
“What is the Ministry? What is it that they do?”
“To put it simply, the Ministry pretty much helps keep Gedonelune running in a sense. They deal with political matters and help try to keep the peace between the other kingdoms.”
“I see, then why do you wish not to let me be found?”
“Given some recent circumstances, I think it would be best for you to keep a low profile for a little bit.”
“In other words, your Ministry will think I am...suspicious?”
“Yes and unfortunately you’ve already been drawing a bit of attention, even if it wasn’t intentional.”
“I see..” Lily looked down apologetically. “My apologies for any issues I may have caused.”
“You have no reason to be apologizing, Lily. Things like this happen sometimes, this is one of those times nor was it your doing.”
“Ah, alright!” Lily beamed. “Oh, Liz, will you not be staying with us?”
“I’m afraid not. I still have my duties as prefect, so I won’t be around for most of the day, but I’ll try to be back to check up on you. I hope the two of you can get along with each other.”
Lily flashed a happy smile at Willem. “Yes, me too! He hasn’t said a word this whole time, but I can tell he has a very kind heart; warm like the sun.”
“I’m flattered by such kind words.” Willem responded warmly.
“I’ll leave you two to it then. Take care!” 
Lily and Willem both waved Liz off as she took her leave before they headed inside of Willem’s home. Almost immediately, Lily’s wings began flapping, allowing her to float around and take a good look at the home. Every little thing amazed her and she couldn’t stop pointing and smiling at every little object. Her favorite being a music box that she found on the mantle of the fireplace. Willem explained to her that it was a gift from the humans, many centuries ago, he said it belonged to a good friend of his.
“So, this person named Felix carried it with him all the time?”
“Yes, sometimes when he felt restless, he would play this music box and fall asleep.”
“That’s so cute.” Lily squeaked as she held the small box in her hands. “May I?”
“By all means, go right ahead. It’s been so long since I’ve heard the box play.”
“Does it not work right?”
“No, nothing like that. I just haven’t been able to bring myself to open the box.”
Lily’s fingers gently brushed on the top of the box before undoing the magnetic lock on the front, revealing a beautiful flower made out of crystal. There was a silver wind-up key on the back of the box which she was instructed twist. 
It was slow, but a beautiful sound began to play as the box whirred to life; the crystal flower slowly spinning with the music. Completely mesmerized by the sight of it, her eyes never left the flower’s movements, and ever so softly, she began to hum along with the tune, as if she had heard the song a hundred times.
Willem watched Lily with interest and slight sadness. The look in her eyes reminded him of the same soft look that Felix had all those years ago when he too, would listen to that music box. He dared not say anything and instead, he quietly left the living room and went to the kitchen, allowing Lily some time to herself. 
It didn’t last long though, a couple of minutes later while he was preparing food to take over to Hugo, he heard his name being called. Sitting on the sofa was Lily, who was now teary-eyed as she held the music box in her hands.
“I-I didn’t mean to…” Lily sniffled as her hands began to shake
“Lily, what happened?”
“I don’t know, the music slowed down and...and the pretty flower stopped moving, did I break it? I-I didn’t mean hic to.”
“Dry your tears, you didn’t break it.” Willem gave a warm smile as he walked over to her, kneeling down and taking the box from her shaky hands. “You have to continue winding up the box if you want to hear the music.” Willem explained while he began to twist the wind-up key; the box whirring to life as it began to play the music again.
“S-so I didn’t break it?” Lily asked while wiping her eyes, trying to dry up what remaining tears stained her face.
“No, see, it’s perfectly fine now.”
Lily looked down at the music box and smiled happily as she sniffled a few final times. This time, when the music ended, Lily gently closed the box and placed it right where she had originally found it. She soon became more intrigued with the sounds going on in the kitchen where Willem had went back to, finishing up his cooking, glancing over at Lily who looked at everything with interest. The oven was especially interesting to her when she found a switch, which she found out lit the inside up, after clicking it.
“Incredible!” Lily exclaimed happily as she flipped the light switch on and then off a couple of more times, drawing a chuckle from Willem.
“You’ve never seen anything like this before, have you?”
“Nope. What’s it for?”
“It’s used to cook food.” Willem explained.
“Cook food? Oh! You mean the stuff humans have to eat, right?”
“That is correct” Willem smiled.
“Wait, why are you making human food?”
“I make it for the other humans who come visit and reside here. It’s also a nice treat for when I want to indulge a little bit.”
“There are other humans in this village other than Liz?”
“Yes, there’s actually one living right next door to me who you’ll be able to meet very shortly. They should be here soon for dinner.”
Lily’s wings began to flap excitedly. “Oh! I can’t wait to meet another human!”
“You really like humans, don’t you Lily?”
“Yes, I think…” Lily hummed. “I think I had human friends once. They taught me how to dance and sing songs they knew. Humans are fragile, they get hurt easily but they live life despite so many struggled. I admire and love them for being so strong.” Lilly smiled. “I want to show all humans the same love they gave to me once.”
“I think that’s a wonderful thing.”
“Willem, you’re cooking for humans and living among them, does that mean you love humans as well?”
“Yes, though it took a while for me.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m afraid that story will have to wait another day. Would you mind helping me set the table?”
“I would love too.” 
Lily listened intently as Willem explained where everything was and where they had to go. Within mere minutes, the table was set and ready for serving dinner, which Willem had just now taken out of the oven. Around that time, there was a rasp on the door.
“Come in!” Willem called out as the door began to quietly open, revealing a small white cat and a man with silver hair clad in a somewhat casual style outfit. The two of them got a few steps into the house when they suddenly froze, both of them directing their attention to Lily who wore a big smile on her face as she looked them both up and down.
“Willem, you didn’t tell us you already had company.” Mischa purred before nimbly hopping on top of the table.
“If we’re interrupting something, we can go.” Hugo muttered.
“No, both of you must be hungry, so please, sit down and I’ll explain what’s going on.”
Hugo and Mischa exchanged looks and Hugo sighed, giving up as he slid a chair out, taking a seat. Willem began serving them both plates and even got a small helping of the food on a plate for himself and took a seat.
“I believe I owe you both an explanation.”
“Yes, it would be nice.” 
“This is Lily and she’s going to be staying with me for a little while.” Willem explained.
“Is she…” Hugo looked at her and then at Willem.
“Yes, she’s not human. She’s a species of dragon that has long been extinct.”
“I see. Is she trying to...you know?”
“No.” Willem answered firmly. 
“Well, at the very least, that offers some relief.”
“So, Lily, what brings you to Gedonelune?” Mischa asked curiously.
“I’m not sure. I kind of woke up here one day.”
“Woke up?”
Lily nodded. “Yes, I don’t remember much of anything either.”
“How odd. Willem?” Mischa directed her attention to the one beside her. “Do you mind if we have a little chat?”
“I suppose we can, Lily, do you mind waiting for us in the living room?”
“Of course!” Lily’s tail happily swished behind her as she left the table, leaving the other three to talk among themselves.
“Willem, are you sure she’s not-”
“I’m positive. She’s shown no signs of hostility, she can’t even remember the war.”
“War? So she was alive back then?”
“Yes but…”
“But?” Hugo spoke up.
“Well, Liz and I came to the conclusion that Lily actually died during the war. There have been no records of any Zirnitra being alive. As far as records go, the last of their kind died out around the time the war ended.”
“But that leaves the question of how she’s alive and here in Gedonelune.”
“Well, I was thinking about that as well.”
“A flower represents death for my kind and other dragon species. When we die, we turn to flowers, but maybe it’s possible that the opposite can happen.”
“Which means that Lily was reborn from a flower?”
“Quite possibly. Although, I don’t have enough evidence to be sure of it. What I am sure of, however, is that Lily poses no threat or harm to anyone. She’s just lost and wants nothing bad to happen to the human race.”
“Yes, well, wasn’t that brought up once about another certain Dragonkin?”
“Yes...but his hatred was caused because he knew what the humans had done.”
“Do you think the same could happen to Lily if she fully regains her memory one day?” Mischa asked.
“I don’t know, Mischa. I sincerely don’t know. I would like to hope that those memories would not change her pure heart.”
“But you never know.” 
“Yes, that is..correct. Which is why I’m taking full responsibility for whatever may happen.”
“Sorry. I know this a lot to ask, but I have a favor.”
“I know it shouldn’t happen, but I need to make sure the Ministry doesn’t find out about her.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that. Hugo and I don’t talk to any Ministry member. Well, except for when that Klaus fellow is ever in town. Our lips will be sealed, Willem, you have our word.”
“Thank you.”
Dinner went on smoothly and finished with Willem making a plate for Hugo to take home for later. After waving them off and cleaning everything up, he went to go check up on Lily, who had fallen asleep on the sofa, Her wings wrapped around her like a blanket and in her hands, clutched to her heart was the music box. Willem smiled as he grabbed a nearby plush throw blanket, which he used to cover her up.
“Sweet dreams, Lily.” 
Lily, though not awake, stirred softly and smiled as she nestled deeper into the blanket. With that, Willem left to his own room, calling it a night as he shut off the lights, except for a dim-lit floor lamp in the corner of the room. 
Though they didn’t know it, things were going to get quite crazy in Gedonelune, and Lily was soon going to find herself right smack in the midst of it all. What sort of crazy adventures will she find herself in? Only time will tell.
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halothenthehorns · 4 years
Lily snorted in disbelief, asking, "why is that an accomplishment?"
"It's a great honour to do something so bad you get sent to see the headmaster," Remus said with glee.
"Right," Lily rolled her eyes.
Harry remembered them having mentioned being sent to Dumbledore's office before, and asked, "why did you guys blow up a school corridor?"
"That was an accident," Sirius said, smiling brightly. "We were trying to set up a trap for a Slytherin, and this Ravenclaw kid came in and blew the whole thing early. If we'd been allowed
to set it up right, it would have just blew the Slytherin's clothes off of him."
"He was okay," Remus said quickly at the looks on both Harry and Lily's faces. "Just had to spend two days in the hospital wing because his clothes wouldn't come off. They fixed up that
hole pretty fast as well."
"I'm sorry you asked Harry," Lily sighed, "I'm much happier not knowing half the things these four came up with."
Harry didn't hear his mom that time, he was too busy chuckling at their antics. James gave his wife a superior grin, like 'ha he takes after me' before reading smugly.
Of all the offices Harry had been in this year, this one was certainly the most interesting to look at.
"You've only been to three," James scoffed, "we got sent to all of them by our third year!"
"You sound so proud," Lily snorted.
"I'm agreeing with Harry though," Remus said, "Dumbledore's is the best."
Harry knew if the fear of being thrown out was lingering over him, he'd probably want to go have a look around.
"And that would have been depressing, if I knew it wasn't true," Sirius said brightly.
The place was large and circular, and on a table to the right were a bunch of jumbled objects that let out different colours of smoke.
"What do those do?" Harry asked.
"I've no idea," James said, smiling as he remembered some of those instruments, and having to fight back the urge to go have a poke at them when he'd been up there himself, "we didn't stay
long enough to ask."
On the walls were old headmasters in magical paintings, and on top of a shelf was the sorting hat. Harry was sorely tempted to go over and put it on again.
"Now that's interesting," Lily said, going a little wide eyed, "I've never known anyone to put the hat on twice."
"You think it'll reshout out a house?" Sirius asked, grinning at his own stupid question.
James read on, curious himself what the hat would say.
Curiosity won out as he went over and placed it on his head. The little voice appeared in his ear again, and Harry began to ask a question, which the hat interrupted by correctly saying Harry had been wondering if he was in the right house.
"Well he can see inside your head," Lily giggled at the surprised look on Harry's face. "Why's it so surprising he knows what you're thinking, two years after he could do it last time?"
Harry shrugged, even after two years in the magical world, he still wasn't used to talking hats.
The hat still insisted though that Harry would have done well in Slytherin. Harry took the hat off, now feeling more dejected then ever as he put it back.
"Don't worry Harry," Sirius said bracingly, as Harry did look just a tad upset the Hat still stood by this. "I was supposed to be in Slytherin too, but I never looked back. The hat may place you, but you decide how you are."
Any lingering of looking upset vanished as Harry beamed over at him, causing Lily to restrain herself from making a jab at Sirius having said something both kind and intelligent.
Then Harry heard an odd noise behind him, and turned to find quite the ugly bird.
Remus chuckled, and said, "I'd wondered why Harry hadn't mentioned Fawks."
"What is he?" Harry asked nervously, remembering quite well the sickly bird.
"He's a phoenix," Sirius shrugged, like that explained everything.
Seeing Harry's still blank look Remus explained more about the bird's qualities. Harry nodded along happily, then said quickly, "So, the bird's not going to drop dead then? Cause he looks
awful right then."
"Nah," James said, "it's just one of his burning days. He's going to be reborn just as ugly."
"You probably won't see it though," Remus added, "Phoenixes are at their most vulnerable in their infant stage. They only do it around their familiar. I've always wanted to ask Dumbledore
how he got Fawk as his, since it's so stinking rare to find a phoenix, let alone get one to trust you long enough to bond with it."
"More questions to ask," Lily said with a shrug, still fully planning a visit up to the school when they were allowed to leave the house again.
What few feathers were clinging to it were bright red, and its plumage was a lustrous gold, but the bird looked so sickly it held no beauty. Harry was just thinking his luck couldn't be bad enough for Dumbledore's pet to die while he was watching, when the bird burst into flames.
"What?" All four of them yelped in shock.
"Did he really?" James asked, studying the book like he thought it was lying to him.
Harry was nodding mutely, a stunned look on his face.
"Wow, I...have nothing to say to that," Remus said, giving Harry a very inquisitive look. "Unless Dumbledore is standing behind you, and even then it's a shocker he did it with you in the room."
Harry smiled sheepishly, he had no idea why Fawk had done this, but didn't like the extra attention it would get him if it was as odd as everyone here said it was. He certainly didn't need
the extra curiosity about him.
Harry cried out in shock, stumbling back as the bird was engulfed in the fire and before he'd finished blinking there was nothing but a pile of ashes. Dumbledore chose then to open his office door.
"Nope," Sirius said.
"Obviously," Remus said, rolling his eyes at him.
"My son gets to do, and see, the coolest things," James sighed, thinking this was one time he didn't have to even do anything life threatening to get to see that.
Harry began at once trying to explain, but Dumbledore just smiled, saying it was high time. He chuckled when he saw the look on Harry's face.
Lily nodded and said, "you did look pretty surprised just then, but then that's probably the first time you've seen anything burst into flames, even knowing it was going to happen now."
Harry nodded, thinking back to that memory still made him want to back up in shock.
Then Dumbledore explained his bird was a phoenix, who was going to be reborn from the ashes. Even as Harry watched, a tiny, ugly, little head came poking out of the black.
James snickered at his son's description, while Remus went wide eyed with glee and envy. He had only ever heard descriptions of new-born phoenixes, Harry got to see one in person. First the
dragon now this! He was eagerly hoping Harry would describe something else new soon, before he remembered the circumstances that led to him being in both of those places, and his enthusiasm disappeared all over again.
Dumbledore took his seat then and told Harry to do the same, but before he could begin speaking his office door swung open, and Hagrid came storming in, bringing a swirl of dead rooster feathers with him.
"Well he seems to be in a hurry," Lily said in surprise.
"What spooked him?" Sirius added in confusion.
Hagrid at once spouted that Harry hadn't done it!
"Aw," Lily cooed, "he heard what happened and came to defend you."
"I've said it before, and I will forever say it, thank you Hagrid," James said, beaming.
Remus and Sirius were smiling as well, though they were still chuckling a bit at the vivid mental image Harry had painted.
Claiming Harry hadn't the time, Hagrid had been talking to him seconds before it happened.
"Not that you need one," Sirius said, "but Hagrid's even giving you an alibi."
"He had one for the first two attacks as well," Remus reminded him, "the abundance of ghosts, plus you can't leave the hospital wing without Madam Pomfrey knowing. Enter it sure, but you
can't leave. Honestly, if anyone sat down and thought about it for more than a second it's obvious."
"Thanks all the same," Harry said, grinning at the pair of them.
Dumbledore tried to say something, but Hagrid was still going, claiming he'd swear in front of the Ministry itself,
"Wow," James said, going wide eyed, "and Hagrid doesn't like the Ministry at all."
"Can you blame him, they did snap his wand," Sirius agreed.
but finally Dumbledore got his word in by saying he didn't think Harry had done this.
Though they were all pretty convinced Dumbledore thought this, they still released a sigh of relief that it was verbally confirmed all the same.
Hagrid cut himself off and left, looking very embarrassed.
"I don't care how embarrassed he was," Harry said, smiling from ear to ear, "no one had ever defended me like that. I went down to his hut a few days later, and ate everything he cooked."
"Now that's gratitude," Sirius snickered.
Harry felt much better now, but Dumbledore said that he did still want to talk to Harry. He asked him if there was anything Harry would like to tell him?
"Did you tell him everything?" Lily asked hopefully.
"Did you tell him anything?" James repeated at the apprehensive look on Harry's face.
"No," Harry sighed, "I was still afraid of being called crazy more than anything."
They sighed in disappointment, but knew better than to argue the point.
Harry considered all the things he'd found over the year, like Malfoy's actions, and the Polyjuice Potion they were brewing,
"Okay, I don't blame you for not wanting to tell him about that," Remus agreed.
and his ever growing fear that he was related to Salazar Slytherin.
"I am so happy I don't think that anymore," Harry sighed, giving them all very grateful looks.
Aloud he said nothing, and was dismissed.
The school went wild with the news, but mostly because of what had happened to Nick.
"Well yeah!" Sirius agreed, "I don't want to know what can kill a ghost again!"
Remus went bug-eyed, but forced himself not to shout out. No one had ever tested that, this idea had never happened in the wizarding world before...but he wondered if he'd finally found his answer. If it was though, then that meant what was running around Harry's school wasn't just the death of muggle-borns, it would be the death of them all! He tried to shake that thought away though, forcing himself to remain in the here and now and pay attention since he still wasn't positive he was right.
Fear had nearly every student racing to get out of the castle come holiday, and Ron pointed out that would only leave the three of them plus Malfoy and his two friends.
"That does sound pretty bad," James agreed, "especially since you're actively not trying to avoid him."
Harry felt rather relieved, as he was more than tired of students watching him with the growing fear he would suddenly leap forward with fangs and attack them,
"You mean you can't?" Sirius asked in mock disappointment, "personally I'd stand in line to see that!"
or the horrible teasing and hissing.
"Children, honestly," Lily muttered in disdain, hating that her son felt so awful two years in a row because of the random students in this school.
Fred and George seemed to find all this very funny.
"Now here's something fun," James grinned, "what exactly were they doing?" Then he read out eagerly.
As they went out of their way to go in front of Harry and clear his path, claiming that the Heir of Slytherin, a very evil and important wizard, needed to come this way!
Both James and Sirius cracked grins at this, finding this only the start of a list of jokes they would have made in the same instances.
Percy tried to tell them off, but Fred brushed him off by saying Harry was in a hurry, he needed to go and have tea with his monster.
"I don't see why that's funny," Lily said disapprovingly, "people are really scared of this, and them mocking Harry doesn't do any good."
"I disagree," James scoffed, "they're showcasing just how ludicrous the idea of Harry being the person doing this is."
Sirius and Remus didn't seem to be paying attention. Remus still had a bit of a vacant look on his face, unable to completely erase what his mind was sure it had just discovered, one Sirius had noticed happened every time someone made any kind of comment about this 'monster'. Had Remus figured it out? If so, why wasn't he sharing with the others?
James didn't seem to notice his friends were only vaguely paying attention now as he continued.
Ginny was on Percy's side though telling them off as well when George pretended to ward Harry off with a bit of garlic.
Remus snorted, that snapped him out of his revere, "unless there's a vampire running around, that won't do any good."
"It's my point though," Lily said harshly, "the first years are terrified, and her own brothers are making it worse."
"They're just goofing around," Sirius shrugged, "I don't know why she's so upset about them making a joke. Unless she thinks Harry is doing it."
James scoffed and said, "please, the way she fawned over him over the summer. She'll think that of her hero when Hermione stops believing in Lockhart."
"Thanks, I think," Harry said, giving his dad an odd look, trying to decide if that was supposed to make him feel better.
Harry enjoyed them though, since they clearly found the act of him attacking anyone laughable. The person who seemed most annoyed by their actions though was Malfoy, who looked more furious every time he saw them making jokes at Harry.
"Wonder why?" Lily asked, distracting herself. It's not like she could do anything about the twin's attitude.
"He's annoyed that Harry is getting that kind of attention," James snickered. "He's already jealous enough of Harry, now he's getting the credit for something he would have loved to be doing."
"That's awful," Lily yelped, looking ill at the thought, "you think a child would really go around petrifying people?"
"I wouldn't put it past him," Sirius agreed with his friend.
Lily still didn't seem so convinced, but as none of them really believed it was Malfoy, she didn't press the subject.
Ron said this was because Malfoy was just mad that anyone had beat him to it.
"Then he must hate everyone," Remus mocked.
Hermione told them that the Potion was almost ready, so he wouldn't be a problem much longer. The rest of the Weasley's were staying over break as well, though Percy insisted he was only doing so to help support the teachers.
"Somehow I think they could have managed without you," James snorted in disgust at this kid, he clearly needed his head deflated a bit. He may have also been speaking from a bit of past experience looking back on his own thoughts and deciding someone needed to deflate his own head a bit at that age.
The boys were woken on Christmas by Hermione coming in and throwing her presents for them at their heads. Ron's first reaction was to tell her she wasn't supposed to be in here!
"What boy complains about a girl bursting into their dorm?" Sirius asked, grinning wickedly.
"I wish I had complained more," Remus muttered in disgust, "maybe I wouldn't have walked in on so many scenes."
Sirius didn't even bother to look abashed.
Hermione just told them that the Polyjuice Potion was ready.
Lily couldn't help but tense up with nerves, still unconvinced this bright little second year could accomplish such an advanced potion. Harry was fine of course, but what if he hadn't been the first to try it and he watched one of his friends get poisoned? She felt almost as protective of Harry's friends as her own son at this point, seeing all the trouble they got into just made that maternal feeling come out.
Saying how they could use it tonight.
"And a Merry Christmas to her to," Sirius said, wrinkling up his nose in disgust.
Hedwig came swooping in then, and Harry was more than happy to see her, asking if she was speaking to him again?
"Wow," James said, going wide eyed, "I'd forgotten about Hedwig. She honestly hasn't come to see you since the beginning of term?"
"Nope," Harry said sadly, "which is why I enjoyed that gift so much."
She gave him a loving nip while Harry opened his present, which was from the Dursleys.
"Well this can't be good," James groaned, good mood gone instantly.
"If they gave you another fifty pence, you'd have a whole pound!" Sirius said brightly.*
Harry gave an amused chuckle, but he was the only one who did.
Harry had been sent a toothpick,
"A toothpick?" Lily choked.
"Might as well have sent you nothing!" Remus scoffed in disgust.
"Honestly at some point I do wonder why they bother," Harry agreed with a sigh, considering their hatred for his owl it was a miracle any of them had gone near her to tie that up. It was a
rhetorical statement though, and he wasn't really expecting a response.
"Oh, but there's more," James grumbled, reading on tersely.
and a note asking if it were possible if he could stay at Hogwarts for the summer as well.
"If only," Harry grumbled, then asked with genuine curiosity, "why doesn't Hogwarts allow that?"
Sirius said miserably, "oh trust me, I've asked. It's because the teachers have to go home at some point to, they do have lives outside of school like the students. There's not a lot of staff during the summer holidays, so they can't just let the student's wander around practically unattended."
"Still," Lily said miserably, "I would personally volunteer there if it meant kids like Harry had another option besides going home to an awful life like that."
All five of them stayed silent for a moment longer, Lily determining she would put some honest inquiries into this kind of situation. She now knew of three boys who would have done a lot not to go back to a 'home'. This matter needed to be addressed!
Shaking himself James forced himself to keep reading.
Harry enjoyed his other presents much more. The one he got from Mrs. Weasley though brought up some lingering guilt about their old car, which hadn't been seen since the night they'd landed.
"I'm sure one of the teachers went to take it back home or something," Remus said, already having thought of that.
"But Harry never mentioned where he got it from, to anyone," James reminded.
"Well it can't be too difficult to figure out?" Sirius snorted, "it's not like anyone in the school got a howler about it."
"Well I never heard anything else about it," Harry shrugged, wondering why he thought that car was going to show up again later.
The narrative pointed out that no one, not even someone dreading taking Polyjuice Potion later, could fail to enjoy Christmas dinner at Hogwarts.
"Glad I could put that question to rest," Lily giggled, "it was really keeping me up at night."
There was every bit of food imaginable, plus the always enjoyable pranks of the Weasley twins, who had managed to get a hold of Percy's badge and changed it to say Pinhead.
"As often as he polishes that thing, he didn't notice," Remus asked, bemused.
"Why didn't we think of that?" James exclaimed, clapping a hand to his forehead.
"Because, you actually respected me," Remus said, frowning at both of his friends who were snickering, "his brothers clearly don't."
"Way to sink a joke Moony," Sirius said, only looking a bit ashamed.
Harry was in such a good mood he was even able to ignore Malfoy who was making loud comments about his new sweater.
"Bet it wasn't hand knitted though," Lily snapped.
Harry was confident that after tonight, Malfoy would get what was coming to him.
"Exactly what was your plan again?" Remus asked curiously. "Turn into some Slytherins, get him to confess to you he'd been doing these awful things, and then what? Go to Dumbledore without
any proof but your word against someone you publicly don't like?"
Harry was frowning at him as he said, "well when you put it like that it sounds ridiculous."
"How did you put it?" Sirius asked.
Harry opened his mouth, then closed it again, unable to stop himself going red in the face. When his Dad didn't keep reading, he finally said, "okay, fine. We didn't really have much of a plan past getting Malfoy to confess."
"Okay," James shrugged, "so long as you admit it."
Hermione was going over the plan again, saying how it would be best if they could get something of Crabbe's and Goyle's.
Sirius nodded, saying, "at least you recognize that."
Then she also pointed out that they had to stow away the two students, as they couldn't go walking in on them during their talk with Malfoy.
"Also a good point," James agreed.
She gave Harry and Ron some cupcakes that had a sleeping draught in them, which they should give to the two other boys.
"And you're just hoping they'll eat something handed to them by a pair of kids who hate them?" Remus demanded.
"Why are you questioning every little thing?" Harry grumped.
"If you don't ask all the questions, you won't have all the answers," James shrugged, "and you need all the answers when doing something like this."
"I'm both intrigued you boys put so much thought into your stunts, and still annoyed by it," Lily told them pleasantly.
Saying they should leave them somewhere easy for Crabbe and Goyle to find.
"Oh that's even better," Remus amended his statement, "you're hoping Crabbe and Goyle will just eat food randomly lying around."
"Bet you that works though," James said, cracking a grin, "they seem thick enough," then he read curiously.
They asked what Hermione was going to be doing during all of this, and she reminded them of the girl she'd been fighting back at the Duelling Club, Millicent Bulstrode.
"You think Malfoy will find it odd if she joins in on this conversation?" Lily asked, joining in with the boys now, and still annoying Harry. "Do you know if she normally hangs around those
Harry just huffed, he had no answer for that.
The girl had gone home for break,
James broke off, to look at the book in disbelief, but read loudly before anyone could say anything.
and Hermione could just say she'd come back.
"You've got to be kidding me," Sirius said, going wide eyed. "A student randomly came back for an hour, and then left again? Where do I even begin! Why-"
"Okay," Harry cut him off, "it was dumb, I get it."
They felt a little bad about making Harry so obviously upset by their questions, but then James nudged him and said, "Well good. That means you're learning your lesson. Hopefully next time
you'll think of all these things yourself."
"How many times do you expect our son to go around doing this kind of thing?" Lily demanded.
Both Harry and James flushed and ignored her.
Ron was not pleased, as he pointed out that this plan literally had everything that could go wrong.
"At least Ron acknowledges it," Sirius muttered to Remus.
To their surprise though, the first part happened like a charm. Crabbe and Goyle found the cakes and ate them,
"I win," James crowed happily, "next time remind me to put money on that."
"No," Sirius said at once, "I'm not losing money to you again. I hate your stupid betting."
"He's just mad because he always loses," Remus answered Harry's confused look, then began laughing quietly.
passing out with stupid looks of pleasure still in place.
"Wish I had a camera," Harry said, grinning now, "because that was funny."
'To bad Colin isn't following you around anymore then' James thought sadly, but decided against saying that, since it seemed a bit insensitive.
The hard part of that was to shove them into a closet, though they at least had the forethought to take their shoes.
"Now you're thinking ahead," Sirius approved.
They went up to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom to find Hermione stirring a cauldron that was steaming black smoke.
"Ah," Remus began uneasily, but Lily was beaming while saying, "it's supposed to do that. Merlin, I think she actually did it right."
"Here's hoping," James smiled.
Hermione greeted them, then pointed to some clothes she'd stolen from the laundry,
"Good," Sirius nodded, "you did think about this in some ways."
"You lot are far too okay with this," Lily scoffed.
"Well since they're already doing it," James said with amusement, "might as well praise them for what they're doing right."
"And," Remus said quickly when it looked like Lily was going to snap at him, "make sure at least Harry knows why it was wrong."
Harry just smiled at them.
reminding them how much bigger Crabbe and Goyle were. Harry peeked inside the cauldron to find the vat looked like boiling mud.
Lily nodded approvingly, but still wasn't going to be satisfied until Harry drank it first without a hitch.
Hermione was positive the potion was right, it looked the way the book described it. Ron asked what was next, and Hermione said they separate it into three glasses and add the hairs.
"That's interesting," Sirius said, going bright eyed, "what would happen if you put different people's hair into the same cauldron?"
"Your body would try and turn into both of those people," Lily said grimly, "it is not pleasant."
"I find it fascinating you know that," James chuckled.
They did this, and each glass changed colours. Millicents turned into a urine coloured yellow.
"Pleasant," Lily said in disgust.
"Was that not what was supposed to happen?" Harry asked in concern, misinterpreting his mother's look of disgust.
"No, it's supposed to change colours," Lily agreed, "the colour supposedly attributes to that person's personality. Example, a sick yellow makes her a bad type of person. Say the potion was a
more pleasant yellow, like a daisy or something, that person would be more fun to have around. Some people have tried to do studies on it, but since no two people have the same colours, it's hard to pinpoint exactly."
Harry nodded in fascination, but then wondered why he had such a bad feeling about Hermione's potion?
Crabbes turned into a darker muddier brown, and Goyle's looked like a booger.
"Pleasant," Sirius grumbled in disgust.
"Kind of want to make some now, just to see what colour mine would turn," James said, kind of amused now.
"Let me know how that works out," Remus muttered.
Hermione suggested they go into separate stalls, as the three of them would be quite a bit bigger once they'd changed sizes.
"Agreed," Lily giggled, "they don't even make those stalls big enough for the three of you honestly."
Harry nodded, glad Hermione had pointed that out since it had been a tight squeeze in there already.
They did this and then on Hermione's count, they all downed the potion.
Lily sighed as she said, "okay, Hermione officially has to be the smartest student, ever!"
"Kind of have to agree," Remus nodded.
"You're thinking she did the potion right without hearing about it?" Sirius asked, not disagreeing, just curious.
"Well if they all took it at the same time, and we know there couldn't have been any irreversible side effects since Harry's okay, then yes. Hermione did it right," Lily said.
"I don't know, potions isn't really that hard," James shrugged, "you just have to have the patience to follow the instructions as they're given. A first year could feasibly do a seventh year potion if they take the time to do it right."
"Oh really," Lily said scathingly, "so what's your excuse for doing so poorly in the class?" She was perhaps a little stung her husband was knocking her best subject.
Not seeming to notice this danger, James continued, "because we didn't care. Potions had little to no use to us."
Lily scowled at him, looking ready to fight back the importance and difficulty this class had, when Harry said loudly, "can we keep going? I want to hear about this."
Lily still looked a bit annoyed, but allowed James to keep going.
Harry had a hard time swallowing his down, as it tasted like overcooked cabbage.
Lily nodded, looking relieved that this was still correct. The taste should be at least similar to what it looked like.
Sirius shuddered in disgust, deciding he wouldn't join James in his new project, but James asked, "does all Polyjuice Potion taste like that, or was it because Goyle's colour looked like overcooked cabbage."
"I thought it said Goyle's looked like a boogie?" Remus asked.
"Overcooked cabbage does look like boogies," Sirius grumbled.
Lily spoke loudly over them, and repeated the same information she had been thinking out loud, making Remus ask, "so what would an ugly yellow taste like?"
"How should I know?" Lily asked, "I told you no two look the same, same applies to the taste."
Sirius brightened at that, taking back his mental comment.
The pain settled in then as Harry's very skin was stretched out, everything being turned and twisted in a different way.
"You know what," Sirius said aloud this time, "you have fun with this one James. I'm out."
"You're no fun," James told him, pouting, "are you really telling me you wouldn't want to switch bodies for an hour? At least now we'd know what to expect."
Sirius did look a little more persuaded, but James knew he could bring this up again later, so he read.
It stopped as suddenly as it had started, and Harry was left feeling quite out of place on the cold floor.
"I was going to ask why you didn't do that closer to the Slytherin common room, to give you more time," Remus said, "but I guess now I know why."
"Wouldn't want to get caught either doing that, or falling on the ground like that," Sirius agreed.
Harry called out to his other two friends, and was rather disturbed to hear Crabbe answering.
"It was creepy," Harry said, "hearing someone else's voice instead of my own, and then Crabbe instead of Ron."
"It can be disorienting to get used to," Lily agreed.
"When have you taken it?" James demanded.
Lily smirked and said, "wouldn't you like to know?"
"Did you do it in school?" Sirius demanded.
"Of course not," Lily said, looking offended he would even ask that. "If I had, I wouldn't have been nearly as disapproving of Harry doing it."
"But we started dating in our seventh year," James said, now looking like he was about to start pouting, "so when would you have done something like this without telling me."
"Don't look so upset James," Lily rolled her eyes, "I was joking, I've never actually taken it."
James brightened up at once, even smiling now that he realized his Lily Flower had actually just pulled one over on him.
Harry got to his feet and went over to the mirror, quite startled to find Goyle looking back at him. Ron was just as odd to be studied as Crabbe, with the brutish features and gorilla long arms.
"The descriptions are my favourite part of this," Remus chuckled.
Ron was just as stunned as he finished changing clothes, but Harry reminded they did have to get going and find the Slytherin common room.
"You didn't figure out at least that before you started this!" James couldn't help but ask.
"All you'd have to do is slip on the cloak and follow any Slytherin down there," Sirius agreed, "that would have been the easiest part!"
Harry just sighed, deciding against arguing the point.
Ron laughed that it was pretty weird to see Goyle thinking about anything.
All five of them snickered in appreciation of Ron's wit this time.
Then he knocked on Hermione's door, telling her to get a move on. A high-pitched voice answered.
"Ah, did anyone describe her voice as being high-pitched before?" Lily asked in concern.
"Well, we haven't even heard her speak yet," Sirius said, noting Harry's surprised look, so knowing that couldn't possibly be right. Then why did it work for Ron and Harry, but not Hermione?
She was protesting that she wasn't going, they should head out without her.
All five of them looked genuinely concerned now. This whole plan had been Hermione's idea, for her to not be going now meant something really bad must have happened to her.
Even Lily couldn't imagine why though, since the potion had worked perfectly for two of them. Unless Hermione was some sort of half-breed, doubtful since there would have been signs of this, the potion should have worked for her as well.
"I'm sure she's okay," Harry said feeling frustrated he couldn't be more confident about this, "I knew something bad happened to her this year, but I think she's still fine..."
James gave him as reassuring a smile as he could muster, saying, "well I know first-hand Pomfrey can fix almost anything that goes wrong in that school. So, whatever odd side effect happened, she can fix it."
"Can't imagine what the problem is though," Remus sighed.
"Would the potion work on Muggles?" Sirius suddenly burst out loudly, his mind pushing around for something else to change the subject. "I know Hermione's not one obviously, I'm just curious."
"No one's ever tested it," Lily said, Sirius' idea seemed to have worked as she seemed distracted at once by this idea. "Obviously they would have to consent to the idea, which would entail they knew about magic. However, I would think not, since very many things that affect wizards don't affect Muggles in the same way. Hum, I do wonder..." she trailed off.
James smiled indulgently at her, then mouthed 'thank you' at Sirius for giving her yet another project she would probably like to start now. Sirius gave him a half mocking bow as a 'you're
Ron laughed at first, saying he was well aware Millicent was ugly, but they weren't going to hold it against Hermione.
Remus gave a bursting laugh of appreciation.
Hermione still said she wasn't coming, and told them to go, they were wasting time. Ron turned back to Harry and told him that the confused look he now had on was much more like how Goyle usually looked.
The three boys smiled weakly, but until they knew what was wrong with Hermione they couldn't find too much humour in that.
They decided they'd better go, but as they were walking Harry corrected Ron on how to hold Crabbes arms,
"Good eye for detail," James approved.
pointing out he held them more stiff at his side. They went down to the Entrance Hall and Harry wondered where to go from there, while Ron pointed out where the Slytherins came up to breakfast from.
Sirius sighed. Did Harry have any idea how much area there was in the dungeons below? And the Slytherin common room was behind a blank, obscure wall. If they didn't know where it was, there
was a very good chance they'd never find it.
They spotted a girl coming up from that direction, and Ron asked if she could help them get to their common room. The girl scoffed and said she was a Ravenclaw.
"Ouch," all five of them winced, another spot of bad luck.
"I'm not sure how well that could have passed anyways," James sighed, "you're second years, halfway through term. Any first year can find the way to their common room before the first
month's up."
"I don't think even they're that thick," Sirius agreed.
Harry and Ron were starting to feel a little panicky then, realizing this wasn't going to be nearly as easy as they were hoping.
Sirius opened his mouth, thought about it, then closed it again and said, "nah, too easy. Plus we've already been over this."
"Ge, thanks," Harry muttered.
They went down into the dungeons anyways, and after looking around for nearly thirty minutes,
"Wow, I really hope you didn't do all that for nothing," Remus winced.
they finally came across another student, though it sadly turned out to be Percy.
"Percy?" They all asked in confusion. "What would he be doing down there?" James added.
"Maybe Prefect Percy isn't all that perfect?" Remus suggested.
Harry just shrugged, he had a vague feeling he knew the answer, but he had no real feelings towards the matter.
He was suspicious of them at once, telling them to get back to their dorm, it wasn't safe to be wandering the halls.
"Well he's not wrong," Lily winced, hating the idea of this horrid monster going anywhere near Harry, even if he was the one who kept hearing it. At least his father's status wouldn't make her boy a target. Then she felt guilty for thinking like this, since every other muggle born in the school was a target. She sighed, comforting herself that at least this monster's effects weren't permanent, and that Mandrake potion should be done before the end of the year.
Ron pointed out that Percy was, and Percy snapped back that because he was a Prefect, nothing was going to attack him.
"I think we should start calling him pompous Percy," James snorted.
"Is he really that delusional?" Remus asked, raising a brow in disbelief.
Harry nodded, wondering why the longer these books went on, the madder he got at Percy. Was it possible his behaviour got worse as he grew up?
For the first time in his life, Harry was happy to hear Malfoy calling for them from behind.
"And last time I'm sure," Harry muttered.
They turned to find him yelling that he'd been looking all over for them, and he wanted to show them something funny.
"Which probably means it's dumb," Remus surmised.
Then he caught sight of Percy and gave his customary sneer, demanding to know what he was doing down here. Percy puffed up, saying he didn't like Malfoy's attitude.
"No one does," James agreed, "but yours is hardly any better."
Malfoy gave him a dismissive look and beckoned Harry/ Goyle and Ron/ Crabbe after him. Ron had to stop himself just in time for apologizing on Malfoy's behalf.
"It was a nice thought though," Lily said.
Malfoy began ranting about Peter, though Ron quickly corrected it was Percy, and Malfoy hardly noticed as he continued by laughing about Percy sneaking around and how he was probably looking to catch the Heir of Slytherin single handed.
"I would hope not," Sirius frowned, "if the teachers can't, I'd hardly think he could. He's what, a sixth year? He also puts plenty of respect into positions. No, Percy's up to something else."
"And he has been since the summer," Remus reminded them.
They all puzzled for a moment, but shrugged when they realized they were stumped. They just didn't know enough about Percy, and Harry certainly didn't go out of his way to spend time with him, so they most likely wouldn't figure it out at all.
They followed him to a blank wall, and Malfoy said the password 'pure-blood.'
"Well that's original," Lily muttered in disdain.
"It's usually something along those lines though," James huffed.
Lily went bug eyed as she looked at the three boys and snapped, "why would you know that? I never even knew that."
"Really?" Remus asked in surprise, "I would have thought you'd at least know where the Slytherin common room is."
"No," she said, now frowning at all of them, "I don't know where any of them are, except my own of course."
"For shame Lil's," Sirius said, shaking his head from side to side.
"We know where all of them are," James said, puffing his chest out with pride, "and we've a pretty good idea how to get into them as well. The Slytherin's have a password system, like ours,
but it's not as random. It's more to do with their stereotypes, why I've no idea, but since I'm sure Snape sets it up same as McGonagall. That just says more about him than anything, Slughorn to for that matter. The Hufflepuff's are down by the kitchen, and you've got to do a series of taps on these barrels. That's harder to figure out, since it changes as often as ours does. The Ravenclaws are hardest of all, they do a riddle every stinking time a new person comes up."
"Remus was the only one who could ever figure those out," Sirius smirked.
Lily just kind of sat there, looking astounded at the lot of them. She couldn't decide if she was impressed they knew all of that, or annoyed since the houses weren't supposed to know about the other houses dorms. Finally, she went with impressed, since there was no good in nagging them about that now; so she asked, "What are they like then? And how did you get in without being
caught by someone else from that house?"
Sirius opened his mouth to respond, but James cut him off saying, "tell us what the other founders supposedly did to the school, and we'll tell you."
Lily studied them for a moment, before saying, "think we should pick this up later then. We're getting off track, and I want to see what Malfoy has to say about all of this."
James gave her a knowing smile, but continued on all the same.
Harry however was disappointed his mum wouldn't play his dad's game. He really wanted to know both of those answers, since he himself felt like he should know them anyways!
They stepped into the Slytherin common room,
Lily couldn't help but listen eagerly now. Despite how often she had got Sev to describe the common room to her, she would love to hear Harry's account of it.
to find a large room with plenty of comfortable chairs and a roaring fire place, with everything having a greenish hue to it.
"Please tell me you go into the dormitories," Remus said, going wide eyed with remembered glee. "That's the best part!"
"Why?" Lily asked suspiciously.
"Cause the walls are glass," Sirius nodded in agreement with Remus, "and you can see straight into the Lake. We only went into one of them, but I can't imagine why all of them wouldn't be like that."
"Almost, almost," James stressed, "rivals our view of the Quidditch pitch. It's pretty cool to see the mermaids just go swimming past you."
Harry shook his head as he sighed and said, "no, we only stay in their common room."
Lily couldn't help but feel a little envious now, suddenly wishing she really had taken a chance at some point and gone into the Slytherin common room.
Malfoy told them to wait in some chairs in the corner while he went to go get something.
"Sounds dark," Lily said in surprise.
"They like it like that," Sirius shrugged.
"Personally, I can see the pros of that, as opposed to the tower," Remus smiled.
Malfoy came back with a clip of newspaper, handing it to Ron who very clearly did not find it funny but forced out a laugh before handing it to Harry.
"So we were right," James sighed, "it isn't going to be funny at all."
The piece started by saying Arthur Weasley,
"Uh-oh," all five of them said at once. It had been long enough that if Ron hadn't come across this on his own yet, they had been really hoping he wouldn't be tied into this. Now James read with trepidation.
and his title at work, now owed the Ministry fifty Galleons for his bewitched car.
"Ouch," Lily winced in sympathy.
"Damn," Sirius let out a low, throaty whistle, "poor guy."
James huffed a bit as he kept going, not at all pleased someone like Arthur got into trouble. Yes, he shouldn't have broken the law in the first place, but it wasn't him that got caught either, it was the kids. If the boys hadn't taken the car, Arthur might have gotten away with it all together. Then
he realized he couldn't hardly be mad at Harry and Ron, what they did was stupid but ignorant in their actions so they were hardly to blame either. Recognizing he couldn't do anything for it though, he continued.
Lucius Malfoy, a school governor,
"He's a governor," James spluttered in disgust.
"Well that explains how he knew those test scores," Remus grumbled.
"Oh this is just brilliant," Sirius snarled, "Death Eaters making decisions about children's school life. Whatever respect I had for the Ministry before is gone now."
"Ge, thanks Sirius," Lily said, frowning at him.
"You know being an Auror is technically working for the Ministry to," James pointed out.
Sirius rolled his eyes at the pair of them, saying, "okay, so not everyone in there is evil, but a Malfoy getting a job there still feels like an awful omen to life."
"I'm going to agree with Sirius on this one," Remus nodded.
The parents exchanged a look before nodding their agreement as well. Still disgruntled at this revelation, James read.
had made the opinion that Arthur should even be fired for it.
"He doesn't even have that kind of power," Lily snapped. "Arthur being the Head of a Department, only the Minister could fire him. Doing something like that is hardly worth being sacked over."
Harry was sinking lower and lower in his seat, still feeling guilty like this whole fiasco was his fault. James tried his best to comfort both of them, saying, "I'm sure he won't be. Just the Prophet stirring up trouble as usual."
How this was shameful to all wizardkind, and his Muggle Protection Act should be tossed out at once!
All five of them growled in real anger at that now. Where did Malfoy get off deciding that! Taking a deep breath, James now felt a twisting pain in his gut as he forced himself to pay attention to the words.
Arthur Weasley had refused comment, but his wife was more than happy to tell the reporters to get off her property or she'd set the ghoul on them.
"A very real threat I'm sure," Remus grimly smiled.
Harry looked up from the article to find Malfoy waiting for him to laugh. Harry only managed the faintest of 'ha's.'
"Here I thought his sense of humour wasn't even this awful," Sirius hissed, "who would find that funny!"
"He really is as awful as his father," James agreed.
Malfoy was pleased enough for all three of them, drawling about how pathetic the whole Weasley line was, considering the way they acted.
"What, like a decent human?" Lily snapped.
Ron/ Crabbe's face looked furious, which Malfoy noticed and asked about. Ron regretfully had to grumble he had a stomach ache.
The four of them cracked grins at that, happy Ron had an excuse like that on hand, and it was believable enough if the implications of how much Crabbe and Goyle ate were anything to go by. It really wouldn't be good for anyone if the boys were discovered doing this.
Malfoy told him to go up to the hospital then and give those mudbloods a kick. Then he wondered how the Daily Prophet wasn't all over the school talking about these attacks.
"Now that's surprising," Lily said, quirking a brow.
"You can keep anything hushed up with a bit of money," Sirius laughed.
Lily frowned at him, she didn't find this funny one bit, but she also knew by now that Sirius simply deflected bad things with bad humour.
Then he answered his own question by saying that Dumbledore himself was probably keeping this all quite, pointing out that he'd probably be getting fired soon.
"Doubtful," James muttered, having absolute faith no one could remove Dumbledore.
Lucius had always said Dumbledore was the worst headmaster Hogwarts had ever had, how a decent one would have never let such a kid as Colin in.
Remus was red in the face with anger by this point. Dumbledore was the reason he had been allowed to go school, how dare this child say anyone shouldn't have that right!
Sirius balled up his fists in fury as he growled, "and I wish he wouldn't let your kind in!"
"You do know that means us," James pointed out sadly.
"I meant the way he's acting you git," Sirius huffed.
"What, should we start giving them personality tests before they can attend now?" Lily asked, a smile twitching across her face now.
Remus burst out laughing, causing Sirius to mumble something about being ganged up on, but they all felt a little better at the random messing around.
Harry bit at his lip, a question popping into his mind, and before he could decide to brush it away his dad caught sight and said, "come on Harry, what was that?"
Harry meant to deny it, his eyes flickering almost shamefully to Remus, but when he caught sight as well he gave him an easy smile and said, "go on, I can promise I've heard it before, and I know you don't mean it."
Still unable to untense his shoulders, he uneasily voiced, "well, you said that everyone who's born magical is automatically let in."
"Right," Remus egged him on when Harry still looked like he wanted to waver off.
"Well, you also mentioned before that Dumbledore was the only Headmaster who would let you come to school, but I mean, how could any headmaster stop you?" Harry finished in a rush. He
hated saying anything like that about Remus, but they'd asked for it.
Remus sighed as he looked pityingly at Harry, but he knew he'd always prefer him to look upset at the question rather than fearful, so he answered with as much dignity as he could muster, "it's illegal for me to be around children. It's technically illegal for me to even be here," he finished with a guilty look towards the stairs, "but when Dumbledore set it up for me, I'm sure he and all the teachers never mentioned it to the Ministry-"
"Just like no one's going to talk about you being here like that," Sirius finished with a terrifying look on his face. He would happily curse anyone into oblivion if they said otherwise about Remus going wherever he wanted to.
Harry nodded in understanding, that was all the answer he needed.
Then Malfoy started doing a cruel reenactment of Colin miming taking pictures of everything.
All five of them were furious by this point. The kid was a bit of an annoyance, but Malfoy's mocking was beyond uncalled for.
Then he looked over and realized Harry and Ron weren't laughing along, and demanded to know why. Harry and Ron managed to fake some more laughs, but it satisfied Malfoy; which made Harry wonder if the other two were usually so slow to laugh along.
"I would think so," James spat, "or it's just not funny!"
"What do you call them Harry?" Lily asked, "Malfoy's cronies. That's accurate enough, since they probably don't have a mind of their own."
The boys snickered a bit at that.
Malfoy continued in a cold voice, calling Harry a friend to the mudbloods,
James read with gritted teeth, making the rest of the sentence almost unrecognizable.
and how he was another who shouldn't be let into a wizards school, going around with a mudblood like Hermione.
"How many times can he say that before Dad really does curse him?" Harry asked his mom quietly.
"I won't let him curse a child," Lily sighed, looking rather upset at this fact more than anything, "but in answer, not much more."
The present Marauders were all talking in hushed, quiet voices, and the other two really didn't want to know what they were talking about; knowing full well it wasn't anything good. Once
James seemed to have vented enough he read on a little more intelligibly.
Then he laughed at the rest of the school for thinking Harry could be the heir! Harry and Ron felt themselves tensing up in anticipation, which was doused when Malfoy continued with less enthusiasm that he wished he did know who it was, so that he could help them.
Remus let out a dissatisfied huff, which his friends immediately noticed.
"What was that?" Sirius asked, "I thought we all agreed much earlier it wasn't possible a second year to be doing this."
Remus hesitated for a moment before finally admitting to the others what he thought was really going on. "The only creature who could possibly be able to petrify people like this, I thought, was a Gorgon...but what if it's something else. Something that no one has ever tested, because it's just
so bloody dangerous no one has ever even seen one in hundreds of years."
"Quit beating around the bush Moony," Sirius grumbled, not exactly the patient one.
Remus sucked in a deep breath before finally saying, "it's something only Harry might be able to hear, at least it would explain why no one around could hear it as well. It's something only Slytherin could control, the snake tongue! I think the monster creeping around is a Basilisk."
There was a very long pause after this before Lily asked weakly, "but, those things kill by looking, why hasn't anyone died?"
"I, well I am guessing here, but I think it's because no one has looked it in the eye yet." He began, still looking hesitant, but then he continued explaining all of the circumstances and no one
corrected him, but simply sat there in another long drawn out moment of silence. No one had even recovered yet to give their opinion on if they believed him or not before Harry said, "that's it!"
Remus smiled over at him, pleased he had worked this out, but then hesitated again and said, "my only problem is, who could be pulling these stunts off, aside from you. Parselmouths aren't very common, but it wouldn't have surprised me if perhaps Malfoy had been doing this all along, simply hiding his ability, but now it's obvious he's not..." he trailed off in frustration.
"Plus," James agreed, "no offense Moony, but really none of the teachers at the school thought of this either?"
"Um, thanks," he muttered.
"And how is something like that even getting around?" Sirius demanded. "Surely that snake's not exactly subtle."
"That," Remus shrugged, "I've no idea."
"Well, at least as far as James' concern, it is a bit far-fetched. I agree with Remus because I can't even think of anything else," Lily shrugged.
"Thanks, I think," Remus snorted.
Harry was kneading his brow, but looked a little less miserable as he admitted he had no answer. Malfoy's answer, while not unsurprising, was still disappointing. Harry however smiled again almost at once, saying that at least they were on the right track.
Ron very unsubtly let his mouth hang open in shock at this declaration, making Crabbe look more clueless then usual.
Sirius gave a surprised snort of mirth at that description.
Harry quickly asked if Malfoy had any ideas who it could be.
"I'd be astounded if he did," Remus frowned, "since I can't think of anyone."
"That sounded almost pig-headed," James told him with a smile.
Remus just grinned and shrugged.
Malfoy snapped back that he didn't, all his father had told him was that the Chamber had been opened fifty years ago.
"Fifty years," Sirius said, going cross eyed as he imagined that far back, "well that doesn't help at all. Why wouldn't we have heard of it though? It wasn't so long ago that we shouldn't have heard of this."
"Maybe it got hushed up as well?" Lily suggested. "If this same thing happened fifty years ago, and they were all simply woken up in the same way, but nothing further happened..." she trailed
off in frustration at the unlikeliness of this.
Remus was shaking his head fast, saying, "this exact set of circumstances, happening fifty years previously? I'm still blasted how no one's died yet. Thankful, but still."
Still confused but pleased that they had found out something from this little misadventure, James hoped Harry would get out of there quickly now. The hour must be almost up, and they had
learned everything they could from Malfoy. Plus, being around the kid just kind of pissed him off.
Lucius was lucky he knew about it, as the whole instance had been hushed up,
Lily didn't look happy that she had been at least semi right about that, but James didn't pause again.
but he'd told Malfoy not to go around talking about it because it would make them look suspicious. Malfoy was sure of one thing though, the last time the Chamber had been opened, a mudblood had died,
"Do what?" All five of them said in surprise, their shock for once bypassing the outrage at the use of that word.
"Now there's no way that could be kept quiet," Remus said, "surely someone would have looked into a student dying at school?"
They all exchanged very uneasy looks, not exactly reassured that something like a murder was hidden in the Hogwarts school history.
finishing that he hoped that happened again, and that it was Hermione.
"Who the bloody hell hopes someone dies!" James said quietly, he seemed beyond rage at this point.
No one had an answer for him. At James question, they had all thought of a certain three Dursleys, who they may not have batted an eye if they died. However, the main difference there
was that they were abusive people! Hermione hadn't done a thing wrong to anyone, let alone Malfoy. For a child to wish another kid dead like that was pretty dang awful.
Ron couldn't stop himself this time from making to punch Malfoy, but Harry stopped him as it might give up their cover.
"But oh so sweet," Sirius sighed. "Honestly, you could just punch him and run for it, and no one would have any idea what happened! You wouldn't even get in trouble for it!"
Lily opened then closed her mouth before shaking her head in disbelief, but since she knew full well Harry wouldn't allow his friend to do that, at least she hoped, she said nothing.
Harry then asked if the person last time had been caught, and Malfoy agreed whoever had done it was expelled and probably in Azkaban.
"Still can't believe I've never heard of that," Sirius shrugged.
"Well since you're clearly on your way there," James grinned, throwing a look at Lily, "you can ask him while you're there."
"That's not funny James," Lily snapped, "and I wasn't joking!"
"What, you going to turn me in?" Sirius smirked, now right in with his friend on picking on Lily for her earlier exclamation.
Lily narrowed her eyes dangerously at him before muttering something under her breath. Remus was the only one who wasn't exactly reassured that Lily hadn't answered, but since the other boys just started laughing he chose to say nothing.
Harry asked what that was, and Malfoy reminded it was the wizard prison, then mocked Goyle for being so slow, he may as well be going backward.
James rolled his eyes, now knowing Malfoy's sense of humour was as bad as it got, as if he needed confirmation.
Malfoy turned his attention back to talking about his dad, and how he'd been told to just let the Heir do its work on getting rid of all the mudbloods,
James didn't break off again, but he was mentally wondering what the odds were that he would get two chapters where Malfoy constantly said that word!
but then mentioned how his house had been raided last week.
"Wish they had bloody arrested him while they were at it," Sirius huffed.
Harry attempted to make Goyle look concerned,
"Hope it wasn't too difficult for you," James said, still more amused than anything by Harry.
as Malfoy said that they had hidden away anything too important in a drawing room floor. Ron couldn't help an exclamation of surprise at that.
"And there Ron goes," Remus said, tossing his hands in the air in frustration, "cutting people off when I'd have liked to hear the end of that sentence!"
"Yeah, which drawing-room?" Sirius agreed. "As big as that stupid mansion is, I'd have liked more details."
Harry shrugged, knowing there was nothing more they could do for it now. He also had a very firm feeling that they told Mr. Weasley about this, and hoped that this would help redeem him at
the Ministry a bit.
Malfoy looked at him in surprise, and Ron couldn't help but blush, all the way up to his hair, and even that was turning red.
"Time's up," Lily said, going slightly paler as she realized Harry must not be looking at his watch anymore.
"I don't know Lily," Sirius mocked, "are you sure Ron just doesn't blush so much his whole body turns red."
"You two are both awful," Remus cut in before anyone could respond, giving James a chance to keep reading.
The boys jumped to their feet, and Ron used the excuse they need to go get some medicine for his stomach,
Remus verbally praised Harry for that, saying, "it was good of you to set that up before."
Harry smiled at him, deciding against mentioning they'd hardly done that on purpose.
and began running from the room even as they continued to shrink. Harry could feel his limbs shortening again, watched Ron's hair turned back to its usual read,
James suddenly burst out laughing as he said, "just picturing someone watching that as they went by, it would have been a sight."
Sirius grinned as well, unable to deny that, though severally hoping no one had seen that, as it would make it all the harder for Harry and Ron to be 'innocent' of whatever Malfoy might have
seen that night.
only stopping to put Crabbe and Goyle's shoes back.
"Well that was polite," Lily grinned, despite her disapproval of Harry's actions, she couldn't deny she was rather impressed with the way he acted during all of this as well.
Ron was saying how at least it hadn't been a total waste, they did know some new things,
"Agreed," Sirius nodded, "we do know more now than we did before."
and he was going to write to his dad and mention the drawing room Malfoy had mentioned.
James got an uneasy look on his face as he said, "ah, is that really the best idea? Why does Ron know this information? Does Ron really want his dad to go after the Malfoys like that, without some more solid proof?"
At Harry's rather hurt look, James quickly said, "obviously I know he's telling the truth, I'm just saying it might not be the best idea in the world."
Lily smiled approvingly at him, pleased James actually did think things through every once in awhile. Harry however had no real answer for him and just shrugged, never having checked what
Ron told his dad about this.
They made it back to the bathroom and Ron began pounding on Hermione's stall door again, telling her to come out so they could talk. She, however, still refused.
"Not good," Lily frowned, "very not good."
"Why wouldn't Hermione be okay now?" Harry demanded.
They exchanged uneasy looks, not really being able to think of an answer to that.
Harry and Ron were very confused why she would still be acting like this, when Moaning Myrtle came gliding through the door beaming.
"I'll back up that not good," Sirius agreed grimly.
She was laughing that Hermione looked awful, and Ron asked if she still had Millicent's face?
"I don't think she ever turned into Millicent," Lily sighed, "I'm just not sure what she did turn into."
Hermione finally came out, and Harry and Ron were so startled they backed up into the sinks.
"Clearly nothing good," Remus muttered.
Her face was covered in black fur.
"Fur?" Remus asked in concern.
"Oh, did she somehow get hold of an animal's hair?" Lily yelped in shock.
"Yes," Harry said in excitement, which faded at once when he realized he had no idea how or why. Bloody hell, Hermione was about to explain it in just a second and his stupid memories still wouldn't show him?! Still, he asked his mom, "err, that's what would happen right?"
"Just about," Lily agreed sadly, "some people have tried using the Polyjuice Potion for temporary animal transformation, instead of doing it properly by becoming Animagi, and the end results is they get stuck halfway between an animal and a person."
"But it's reversible right?" Sirius asked in concern, thankful none of them had ever thought of that tactic.
"Yes," Lily nodded, "there are a few potions and spells you would have to take to help reverse the process, but it's slow going. It will take a while before she's back to normal."
Harry relaxed, sure that if this was the bad thing he remembered about Hermione this year, this didn't seem all bad since it would wear off by the end of school...right? This was the bad thing that happened to her, wasn't it?
She also had large yellow eyes and pointed ears coming through her hair. She unnecessarily told them she must have drank a cat hair.
"I do feel bad for her," Remus winced, "after all, this was her idea. Yet she was the one who got these awful problems."
Sobbing that Millicent must own a cat, and the potion wasn't supposed to be used for animals. Myrtle was giggling hysterically that Hermione was going to be teased.
"Guess we finally found the one way to cheer Myrtle up," Sirius added, ignoring Remus shooting him an irritated look for that.
Harry tried to sooth her, telling her he was sure Madam Pomfrey could fix her up without asking any questions.
"This is exactly why to," James nodded.
It took them a long time to persuade Hermione to leave the bathroom, Myrtle cackling all the time about Hermione now having a tail.
"There's the plus side," Sirius cried happily as he took the book from James, "having a tail is quite the experience."
*Yes, two fifty pence pieces actually do equal a pound in British money, I had to double check that fact before I said that since I don't know British currency that well, so just in case anybody else was wondering...there you go.
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