#reincarnated queen
echoing-cryptid · 2 years
conspiracy theory:
the queen isnt dead they just put her in cyro-freeze
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atemgirl94 · 2 years
Pharaoh and Reincarnated Queen’s adventures pt. 10
After the announcement of the tournament all of them had gone home. Each had information that the other two didn't know about. For Hathor and Yugi they were aware of the Prince that was destined to come back to help Britt and Yami, while Yami and Britt knew information about their past and destiny.
Things had gone back to normal, Yami went back within the puzzle while they figured it out. Britt took the chance to take a shower as she thought about all of what she'd learned. She didn't hear him calling for her anymore which brought her some peace that she wasn't hearing him when she was doing things.
'My birthday falls this week, I turn sixteen before the tournament.' Britt thought
Part of her wanted to back out of this tournament and not even compete but the part of her that knew he needed her help was stronger and she would risk it all for him. She knew her Goddess was on the line here when she would step into the tournament.
'If I lose then I lose the Goddess...' Britt thought
don't worry love, I would get it back for you. Yami thought to her
She smiled a bit hearing his voice but she blushed at his thought of calling her love. She got out as she dressed for bed, she layed down there at first looking at the ceiling and then she reached for the paper Zoey had gave her looking at it.
'this...this was my...no our...family.' Britt thought
Hathor was thinking about the things Zoey said about Britt and the Pharaoh when it came to their bond. She wondered how long they had being exchange students before Yami and Britt would be separated.
'When our time as exchange students are up, Britt, Bre, Nana and I will go back to Egypt. Britt will be heart broken to have to leave but..I like Yugi..I don't want to leave either.' Hathor thought
Britt had fell asleep with the paper close by her, she was a bit exhausted to say the least. So much had happened in one day that she was not sure how to process it all. She knew the same as Hathor that their time as exchange students would be coming to an end soon.
The next day Mr. Motou had gotten them breakfast made. Britt stretched as she opened her eyes and thought about what it'd of been like to wake up with Yami beside her knowing that at some point in her past she did.
Yugi was already at the table as he seen the four girls coming to the table and sitting down. Britt yawned a bit as she covered her mouth. Bre and Nana laughed a bit looking at her.
"So, what happened last night? You all came in pretty late." Bre asked
"Nothing much..nor anything you need concern yourself about." Britt answered
Mr. Motou came putting the plates infront of them as they were all talking. He caught the word date as one of the things said and he cleared his throat a bit making the five of them look at him.
"There was a date last night?" Mr. Motou asked
"Sorta." Hathor said
"Sounds like a double date you ask me." Nana said
"What?" Britt asked
"You and the Pharaoh, Hathor and Yugi?" Nana guessed
Hathor and Britt both blushed a bit at her words and Yugi looked a bit bashful at the same time. None of them agreed or denied the double date but their reactions were obvious.
"Ah ha! So you did." Nana said
"Any kissing?" Bre asked
"Not with me and Yugi..but Britt on the other hand." Hathor said
Britt blushed a bit "So what? I found out a lot." Britt said
Mr. Motou knew already that Britt was the reincarnation of the Pharaoh's Queen. He wasn't surprised in the least but he was responsible for the four girls while they were exchange students.
"Be careful." Mr. Motou said
"Hm, careful. Words I don't think I can live with during the upcoming tournament." Britt said
"We're entering!" Bre and Nana said
Britt just looked at them knowing from what Ishizu mentioned there was going to be a lot of danger. She opened her mouth to object but Bre and Nana both put their hands up to shut her up.
"You are our sister, and we love you. You cannot do this on your own. We are going and that is final." They said to her
Britt wanted to object and fight but she knew her sisters well enough to know they would be just as stubborn as she was going to be. She wouldn't let Yami go in this alone and they were making it clear neither was she.
"I'm entering too." Hathor said
"What? But, Hathor it-" Britt didn't get to finish as Hathor cut her off.
"I am your cousin and I love you like a sister. I am entering to be there for your safety." Hathor said
After that for the next couple of days were normal, Britt's parents had been in town setting up for Britt and Bre's birthday party. Hathor and Nana had invited the friends of Britt's at the school but they'd gathered word people from Egypt were coming for her birthday party.
Yami had been in charge of keeping Britt distracted, so he kept her in her guest room to make sure she didn't mess up anything. She would look at him but he would pull her close as he had her sitting on his lap.
"What are you doing? We are supposed to be getting ready for the tournament." Britt said
"Someone said your birthday was today." Yami said
"So? It's just another day. We have to be getting ready and I know the ri-" she was cut off by Yami kissing her and she kissed him back at first but then she pulled away.
"We really should be preparing for the tournament." Britt said as she looked down.
Yami put his hand under her chin to make her look at him. "Taking one day to celebrate the day you were born is not a bad thing." Yami said
"But the closer we get it's going to get harder to leave when the exchange program is up." Britt said
there was a silence between them for awhile but then they went looking for something when they went into a kitchen and a box was left there. Britt seen it was for her and opened it seeing that it was a dress and shoes for tonight.
"huh?" Britt asked
"seems someone wants you to be dressed up for something." Yami said
Britt took the box into her room and closed the door to be alone. It was a few minutes before she came out and walked out with the purple dress on and one inch heals. Yami turned and looked at her seeing how she seemed a bit uncomfortable but he walked to her and that's when she realized she could look him directly in his eyes without having to looking up at him because she was an inch shorter than him.
'I..I can look him eye to eye..' Britt thought but she blushed a bit at how she felt so uncomfortable right now.
"No need to blush Britt, you're beautiful." Yami said
Britt gave him a brief smile.
It was later when he was leading her to the party and she was blindfolded. Just so she didn't fall he'd picked her up holding her where she'd be comfortable. Britt didn't care for being blind folded but she tolerated it.
When she felt him put her down she wasn't sure, she felt something beside her and her hand went out she felt it was Bre's hand so she knew Bre had to be blindfolded too.
Once the bloindfold was pulled off of the two girls, everyone was there infront of them.
"Surprise!" They said
Britt realized it was a surprise birthday party, the twin girls smiled seeing that their friends from home were there and they seen their parents. Yami came up beside Britt taking her hand and she looked at him smiling.
"you knew about this." Britt asked
"They asked me to distract you, it seemed to of worked a bit. Now what is the first thing you want to do?" Yami said to her
Britt looked around for a minute seeing that there was plenty of guests but the place had a stage and she smiled knowing exactly what she wanted. She looked at him as she let his hand go and took her twin's hand as they both went up on the stage. Hathor and Nana went up joining them as Britt made a motion to her friend who started some music and the girls started to dance up on the stage.
Yugi and his group of friends found Yami then watched as the girls were dancing up on stage. When the next song came on Britt started singing as they were dancing and she motioned for Tea to come up to join them. Tea made her way up as she joined the four up on the stage but Britt's singing made Yami put a hand on his head.
'her voice...'Yami thought as a bit of memory came to him.
After that Britt came down, many of her friends back home surrounded her asking her when she'd be back.
"I don't know, maybe when this student exchange program ends but I don't think I want to." Britt said
"Ooh, does Egypt Tournament Champ Britt Petrova have a boyfriend here in domino city?" One of them asked
"well.." She started and then she heard Yami's voice "that would be me."
As her friends took a look at him Britt went over wrapping her arms around him. Yami held her close and she just smiled a bit at him.
"So when did you two start dating?" Another asked
"Uh, not very long." Britt answered as Yami nod
Not long after her parents came over, Britt let go of Yami and she showed her parents respect as she felt him let her go. Angela and Max Petrova had came over and looked at their daughter. Britt had always been a daddy's girl so her father was a bit protective of all his daughters.
"Happy Birthday Britt." Her mother said handing her a box.
Britt smiled taking it as she looked at it before she opened it. Inside was a ring that seemed to of been made of gold as she took it out and looked at it.
"What is this?" Britt asked her mother
Max spoke up and decided to speak up since this part was a bit hard for him to accept even though they had known since she was ten years old.
"Careful with it, it's quite old but it belongs to you Britt. It..was found in your former life's tomb." Max said
Britt wasn't sure what to say as she looked at it then looked over at Yami. Yami came over hearing that part and he looked at it before he looked at her.
"May I?" He asked as she handed it to him.
Yami carefully took her hand and placed the ring where it would have been five thousand years ago. Britt looked at it seeing where he placed it and felt a sense of belonging with it. She looked at her parents knowing this couldn't be easy on them.
"Dad, I-" Britt started but he didn't let her finish.
"I've denied it enough and you have lived with people judging you because of what happened when you started sleep walking, but it's over now.. So before that program is up are you going to want to come back to domino City?" Max asked her
"I do, I like it here." Britt answered
Part of her wanted to tell her dad about the tournament coming up, that she was going to face some bad people and could get hurt but to keep him calm and not have him be against Yami she kept quiet. Yami on the other hand held her close to him as he looked at her before he looked at her father.
"Mr. Petrova, Britt is participating in the coming tournament. She's aware of some bad guys coming and I wanted to assure you that I will keep her safe." Yami said
"I can take care of myself, I don't need protecting!" Britt insisted
She heard laughing near by and she looked seeing one of her friends who liked her. She stayed by Yami as she watched him coming towards them.
"Of course you don't. The reincarnated Queen can handle herself." Jake said
Hearing those words Britt realized Jake knew the truth the whole time, she never had to of told him but it didn't seem to make much of a difference in this situation.
"Mr. Petrova, I begged you not to send her here. She's choosing him again just as she did 5,000 years ago." Jake said
"So what if I am? What's it to you?" Britt asked
"I'm in love with you! I've been in love with you for over five thousand years and you choose him everytime." Jake said to her
"I don't feel the same about you." Britt said
Max knew this was a bit out of hand and he had Hathor take care of Jake. Returning his attention to Yami and Britt he sighed a bit hearing about the tournament and knowing the risk.
"You must be careful Britt, let him protect you." Max said
"But daddy, he can't protect himself and protect me at the same time." Britt argued
"Britt, listen to your father." Angela said
"Yes, mama." Britt said
After so long it was mingling with everyone until they got to the presents. The twins went up sitting opening the presents that were given to them. Britt and Bre smiled as they were given things from back home that they couldn't get in Domino City.
Tina, a friend of Britt and Bre's presented to them some clothes from her parents store. Each of the twins looked at it and Britt blushed a bit on some.
"My parents made sure you girls have dresses for any dances that come up. After all there will be homecoming dances, prom, and well you know." Tina said
"Yeah, I'm aware." Britt said
"Oh, Tina you haven't met Britt's boyfriend.." Bre said
"Boyfriend? Ms. I'm staying single no matter what has a boyfriend?" Tina asked
"Sorta, we've only like went out once." Britt said
"Hey once or not, I wanna meet the guy who took my friend out for a date." Tina said
"Technically it was a double date." Hathor said
Looking over Britt seen Hathor wearing four inch heels which made her taller because of the heels but Britt preferred her one inch heals since she was shorter than Yami.
"Oh so you're dating someone too?" Tina asked
"Uh not technically. I didn't kiss him like Britt did her date." Hathor said
"Ooh. Though Britt isn't the type to kiss and tell." Tina reminded Hathor
Yami and Yugi debated how Yami should come across in this moment with them separated. Most people knew what Yugi looked like but since the battle at dungeon dice monsters Yami had taken on Yugi's image for the time.
"Just tell them you're me. When the tournament starts we'll be doing the tournament anyway." Yugi said
Joey and Tristan had been busy talking to people and had been taking some snacks when offered. They'd eventually came over hearing that part that Yugi said
"What's going on?" Joey said
"Britt, she's getting questioned about Yami so I told him to say he's me." Yugi said
"Well that does make sense." Tristan said
Yami walked away from the group to go over to them. He got beside Britt and wrapped his arm around her. Britt looked over seeing him and she smiled.
"Hi" Britt said
"Hey, you seem to be surrounded." Yami said
"No big deal. Really. You don't need to start protecting me now." She said with a bit of a laugh.
"So is this him? The boyfriend?" Tina asked as she nudged Britt a little.
"Boyfriend?" Yami said looking at Britt who blushed a bit and looked away. "S-Sorta..We're entering the tournament coming up."
"Oh well Good Luck! Also Take good care of my friend there, she gets a little over her head sometimes." Tina said
The party went well and after a few days they'd gone to where sign ups were. Among the group was Yugi, Britt, Bre, Nana,Hathor, Tea, Joey and Tristan as they all walked in the place. As they entered the man behind the counter looked at the group.
"May I be of some assistance?" He asked the group
"Hi, we came to register for the battle city tournament and get our duel disks." Yugi said
"Well then my young friends you have entered into the correct place." He said then looked back "You are fortunate since I have seven duel discs left on my shelf. But first I have to make sure you are qualified to register." The man said
"Ok I'm Yugi Motou" Yugi said
The man went to the computer entering his name "Alright, Yugi Motou." He said and then looked "Not bad, you've got five stars. That's the highest rank." The man said
"Where does this information come from?" Yugi asked
The man moved the monitor showing them Yugi's profile. "Kaiba corp did extensive research on duelists around the world and compailed into a database. This shows your skill level and the rarest card you've ever played in a duel." The man went on to explain the rest to them about the system then handed one duel disk to Yugi.
"Now whose next?" The man asked
"I guess me, I'm Britt Petrova." Britt said to the man
The man moved the monitor back "alright, Britt Petrova." He said before he then looked at the chart. "Congratulations you qualify as well with a five star rating. Quite the rarest card you have there miss." He said handing her a duel disk.
Bre, Nana and Hathor got up there after their cousin coming out with a four star rating each and getting a duel disk.
"I want a register too. Joey wheeler's the name." Joey said
The man checked the screen seeing what it said for Joey. The man told Joey his result was one star and way too low for entering which made Joey have a fit in the store. The man noticed the rare card Joey had and altered his results.
"My apologies Joey you actually have four stars and qualify." He said giving the duel disk to Joey
After that they all left heading out for getting ready.
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luxthestrange · 3 months
TTIGRIAS Incorrect quotes#47 Rizz master-
F!Y/n: Can I try "Rizzing" you Up?
Frey: Sure?
F!Y/n*Straightens back, clears throat, and looks her in the eyes*
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bruciemilf · 2 years
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Tragic (TM)
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misty-moth · 20 days
I mentioned it before, but Gilbert reminds me so much of Theodore and reading his route confirmed it… so I wanted to add more similarities
*spoilers for Gil’s route kinda below the cut*
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Jislan is a character more like Cyran/Roderic for context… though this sounds more like Walter.
And then we get jelly/stalky Gil below:
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And violent jelly 😀:
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I woke up at 4am and couldn’t stop thinkin about it. Granted the manga is more whimsical/magical, but I quite enjoy it (and need to reread the rest of it now).
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winkeuu · 2 years
LMAOAOAO the jungkook-diana conspiracy theorists came OUT
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katherine-mp4 · 4 months
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just my little hc :)
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evilhorse · 6 months
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My son is an old man.
(X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023 #01)
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Hello hello! I’ve a been a fan of your stuff for a little while but I always get confused with how many AUs you have! For the sake of me and any new fans who have a favorite AU, could you name all of your AUs, and the basic concept of them? Please and thank you!!
I mean.
You asked for it. Here's every au.
Forest Gods
Pride and Prejudice
Coffee shop
Asylum inmates
Prison inmates
Daycare Attendants from FNAF
Ancient mummies in a crypt
Beasts (beauty & the beast style)
High school students
Ghost HUNTERS (& demons)
Gods in general
Fairy MC
Dragons (including one where they were all different head on one hydra)
Build-a-wife related AUs
Avatar (the good one not the blue one)
Wizards (howl's moving castle style)
Among Us aliens
Wild west cowboys
Steven Universe gems
Cheshire cats
Coraline monsters
DnD party
Mamma Mia surprise dads
Demon familiars to a witch
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shoujo-dump · 1 year
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Tensei Shitara 15-sai no Ouhi Deshita - Moto Shachiku no Watashi ga, Toshishita no Kokuouheika ni Semararete Imasu!?
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ystrike1 · 2 years
I Worked Myself to Death and Reincarnated as the Queen of His Majesty, Who is Younger than Me! - By Ononata Manimani (8/10)
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I've had this on the back burner for a while. Yandere confirmed! This is a reincarnation story with some cuteness, some creepiness, ghosts and good art. It's a wacky story with alot of unexpected elements, like the ghost thing, which is a main plot point.
Emi is a painfully average office worker. She woke up sick then she went to work. She got sicker. She hasn't had a lover in 3 years, and she's not close to her family.
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Her death is kind of brutal. She gets a sharp pain in her head after days without getting treated. She works for a "black company" that will fire her if she dares to go to the doctor. She dies with nothing but regret, and when she awakens she sees a handsome man.
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It's her husband, King Theodore. Emi has been reincarnated into the body of Princess Emilia, Theodore's first wife. Emi crawls out of her coffin. Theodore picks her up, and he decides to use her. In this world reincarnated people are a sign of disaster. Emi will be burned to death by a mob if the truth comes out. She has to be a good wife or else...
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Wait...Emilia is still alive...kinda. Emi got the body, but the spirit of Emilia is floating around her. Ok, so what does this mean? Emilia's spirit is a side effect. It's what happens when a foreign spirit like Emi steals a body. Emilia could turn into an evil spirit, and bring forth calamity. Theodore wants to destroy her, but Emi befriends her instead.
Theodore isn't a very romantic guy. He's a practical, workaholic king. His reincarnated wife is interesting, so he lets her live...for now.
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Theodore softens up pretty fast, but he still isn't very romantic until like chapter 4. I wasn't sure if he was a yandere for a while. He's very childish around Emi. Emi is willing to be a good Queen in order to live a comfortable life, but that doesn't mean love is on the table. Emilia and Theodore were in a loveless marriage. Emi does not pursue Theodore. He eventually comes after her.
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Sidenote. Theodore is the strongest magician. He has a ton of scary powers, but he's overworked. He will die if he doesn't learn how to let his guard down. Emi is pretty nice, and she can also see that Theodore is an effective King. She doesn't want him to die, and she doesn't want Emilia to become an evil spirit.
Emilia becomes her best friend by the way. It's kinda weird, but cute...Emilia is a brat though. I roll my eyes when she rants about men and romance.
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There's a lot of culture shock in this. King Theodore rules over a polygamous kingdom. Emilia didn't have to be by his side. She actually wanted him to bring in another princess. Emi is more traditional. She never wants to fall for Theodore, because she doesn't want to share the one she loves.
(She is willing to be one of the queens and enjoy a wealthy life though lol...)
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Theodore proposes once more after he promises to be faithful.
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After the proposal Theodore becomes very jealous. He hates Emilia. He wants Emi to care about him. No one else. He even gets jealous when she compliments the servants.
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It's easy to see why Theodore is a yandere. Emi is his friend. Possibly the first friend he has ever had fun with. He is a work machine, but Emi is able to break down his barriers. She knows how bad overworking is, and her earnest attempts to help him are pretty cute. Theodore also isn't an overly toxic yandere... mostly...they are married...and he kind of has a point...
Emi makes up a ton of excuses, but Theodore thinks a loving royal marriage will bring happiness and prosperity to the whole country.
...he's absolutely right. Emilia was a total brat content to hide in her personal castle. Emi is a dutiful queen. A love match with her husband can only be a good thing...but sigh...ugh...Emi is insecure because her previous life sucked etc.
This is pretty complex for a reincarnation story, and the yandere isn't a boring cookie-cutter villain.
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galahadwilder · 1 year
I know I used @princess-of-the-corner’s idea of having Chloé change her hero name for “The Time I Got Reincarnated” but now I can’t stop thinking about Chloé “Refuge in Audacity” Bourgeois:
Changing absolutely nothing about her hero identity
Claiming loudly in public that she’s not stupid enough to use the same identity after it got compromised
Concluding that obviously the new Queen Bee is someone pretending to be Chloé Bourgeois.
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seleneprince · 3 months
Hear me out
With the growing popularity of transmigration webtoons, I assume we've all read those ones about a random girl or fan reincarnating in the villainess' body and changing the original plot completely, and often finding out the villainess wasn't so bad and the MC was the real enemy all along.
I'm obsessed with that trope and I don't care how repetitive or predictable it gets sometimes, it fuels me. It gives me life. And since I recently started to re-read The Remarried Empress on webtoon (i'm following I Abdicate my Title as Empress now and the nostalgia hit me), I had an idea I can't stop thinking about. Well, two ideas:
A fierce fan of The Remarried Empress dying in an accident or falling into a coma, I don't care, and reincarnating in Rasha's body, right when's she found by Emperor Sovieshu on the trap. She's a BIG supporter of Navier and hates Sovieshu with passion, blaming him for everything. Her opinion on Rasha is the same as the average fans...until she experiences the girl's trauma and hardships herself, and realizes that there's more depth in the unfamous webtoon villainess than she thought. Despite her new identity and knowing most of the plot, she cannot bring herself to stay away from Navier and show her adoration for the Empress, acting like a fangirl whenever she sees her or hears about her. She helps push all the strings to guarantee Navier and Heinrey's love story to shail, because even though she wants her close, she wants Navier to have the happy life she deserves.
Or the original Rashta going back to the past after her death and, feeling terrible for what she did, vows to not commit the same mistakes again and decides to do her best to help Navier from the distance whenever the Emperor fucks up. She doesn't want to be empress, just have a cozy and secure life away from slavery, so she's resolved to make Navier stay and if she has to act as a marital therapist for them so be it. She knows her position is secured with her baby, so it's not like she needs the Emperor's affection on her, just his promise to look after her (plus she resents him a lot now, so the less she interacts with him, the better).
These ideas were born out of my new found realization that Rashta, while she works amazing as a pitiful villain, her character was deeply misunderstood and forever condemned to be mocked and attacked by everyone, both in the story and the fandom. She wasn't a saint, sure. She did bad things out of selfishness and purposedly went against Navier to steal her place, and I was satisfied with the ending she got. But most of the flaws that made her so annoying for the fans are actually reasonable within her character's past. Rashta was sold as a slave by her own father when she was a child, placed in a house with masters that abused her and treated her like trash simply for existing (Lotteshu even gave her a dead baby to let her believe it was the one she lost, how the fuck no one talks more about it?). Then, she escapes and the Emperor saves her, showering her in affection and riches and promising her a fairytale love story. She think she's safe, that she can finally be happy, but Lotteshu re appears and begins to blackmail her, and then turns out the Emperor doesn't love her but wants to the heir she can give him. Ergi is her only friend in court apparently, but he's manipulating her from the beginning and eventually betrays her. And Rashta wasn't purposedly rude to Navier at first, the girl was illiterate and knew nothing about etiquette, but she admired Navier and wanted to be close to her, but Navier assumed she was mocking her instead. And Sovieshy obviously never helped this situation.
I want to see a story where Rashta's traumatic past is properly explored instead of showing it as side information, and she gets the development she should have had. And what better way than with a reincarnation story? At least in my opinion
Anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk lmao
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cometrose · 2 months
Queen of Tears is so interesting cause i've never dealt with two really complex leads like this in romcom (i mean it is funny)
i've said it before but Haein and Hyunwoo know each other very well but don't know each other at all (i don't know if i've ever seen communication issues this bad).
Losing the baby clearly drove them apart. She blamed herself and put up high walls. He wears his heart on his sleeve and cried over it. We can argue that he should've comforted her in that moment but at the same time she clearly knew he was upset so why didn't she go to him? Haein thought she had no right to grieve and consequently Hyunwoo thought she didn't grieve at all. The moment where they needed each other more than ever- the moment they should've been together they both fucked up.
The core of the issue is that they can't read each other's mind, this is literally said at the beginning of 6- they love each other dearly but also tripping over each in the process.
Outside of Hyunwoo jumping up and down at her diagnosis and faking his way into her will (which was painfully cruel and soooo funny) It's very clear that this is a two person game. Although I always interpreted Hyunwoo's joy as the same as the mistress of a wealthy man who is just waiting for him to die so she can get the money, (it's mean but most times the master either sucks or he's naive as hell and she has no reason to mourn) and at that point Hyunwoo's in the same situation.
Why didn't Haein defend him in front of her relatives? Why scold him publicly in front of the employees? She does a lot of things behind the scenes but good intentions can only go so far if object of those affections is ignorant of the full story. The same thing happens in episode 6, she is trying to protect Hyunwoo from her family but without telling him so he is ignorant of the big picture. Why wasn't Hyunwoo honest with his feelings? Why is he always assuming the worst when she never explicitly says something? We see he tries to talk to her (it fails) but his fear of upsetting her leads him to do otherwise cruel things to keep her happy.
Which is also why the divorce paper is so interesting. That paper was one of the best things he’s done. He was completely justified in writing that. It breaks Haein's heart but severing ties like that was way healthier than him forcing himself to stay in this marriage and pamper her with fake love.
One thing I will admire this piece for is the role reversal, like i'm seeing so many typical fl tropes on Hyunwoo and ml tropes on Haein. You ever read one those isekai or time reverse manwha's were the fl goes back in time to get a divorce but falls in love with her partner again? yeah this is the same exact thing.
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romanceddawn · 2 months
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the beginning of this part where seto's all business-y and has cool security around him makes you think hes so mature but then he throws a literal tantrum and it reminds you "oh right this is a teenage boy who just came out of a coma. huh."
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paperglader · 1 year
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the magical revolution of the reincarnated princess and the genius young lady (2023)// Lycoris Recoil (2022)
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