#and ibuki was a much greater source of hope for more people and therefore a much greater source of despair when she died
aparticularbandit · 5 months
Okay but also.
I can't remember if I've posted this or not already but.
I don't think Mikan chose Ibuki at random, and I don't think it had anything to do with how gullible the Despair Disease made her.
I think it had everything to do with what Ibuki was doing through that entire chapter prior to getting the disease and what Mikan's goal was.
Nagito states that Mikan's goal wasn't hope but despair - Mikan was trying to cause more despair.
Ibuki, throughout the entire chapter prior to getting the disease, was trying to give everyone hope. She set up the beach fireworks. She set up the dance. She set up her rock show. She was trying, as much as she could, to inspire hope and encourage everyone.
Removing Ibuki as a constant source of attempted hope - especially after she'd been giving so much hope - is the murder that would cause the most despair.
Once she got the disease, once she decided to kill someone to cause despair, Ibuki was the obvious answer.
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