#killing byakuya - attempting to be their leader - would also have been an option
aparticularbandit · 9 months
Okay but also.
I can't remember if I've posted this or not already but.
I don't think Mikan chose Ibuki at random, and I don't think it had anything to do with how gullible the Despair Disease made her.
I think it had everything to do with what Ibuki was doing through that entire chapter prior to getting the disease and what Mikan's goal was.
Nagito states that Mikan's goal wasn't hope but despair - Mikan was trying to cause more despair.
Ibuki, throughout the entire chapter prior to getting the disease, was trying to give everyone hope. She set up the beach fireworks. She set up the dance. She set up her rock show. She was trying, as much as she could, to inspire hope and encourage everyone.
Removing Ibuki as a constant source of attempted hope - especially after she'd been giving so much hope - is the murder that would cause the most despair.
Once she got the disease, once she decided to kill someone to cause despair, Ibuki was the obvious answer.
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kimmysfandomblog · 5 years
FF7 crossover I’m never gonna write
-A Final Fantasy 7-type AU. I say “type” because it’s going to have to change a lot to fit the different personalities hahaha
A very long (and messy) post because the idea is in my head, but I don’t want to really write it in a more structured manner XD
In short:
Cloud- Hajime
Tifa- Nagito
Aerith- Chiaki
SHINRA- Togami
Sephiroth- Kamukura
Under the cut is the details, put there for length and FF7 spoilers?
Characters are matched not by personalities, but on their roles in the story. This means that some events in the story don’t happen the same way.
Hinata is the main character. His childhood neighbor, who is the child of the mayor and his crush, is Nagito Komaeda. Hinata goes from Nibelheim to Midgar in order to join SOLDIER, but ends up in infantry.
Sephiroth is of course replaced by Kamukura. Kamukura was actually a test tube baby instead of born, like Sephhiroth had been. Hajime’s mother was the donor, so he is actually Hajime’s older brother (It’s very tragic). Hajime hears of this hero who is only a few years older than him and strives to be just like Izuru Kamukura.
The big bad JENOVA is replaced by JUNKO, the alien who wishes to destroy the world.
The evil corporation is the Togami Corporation, with Rufus Shinra being replaced by Byakuya Togami, mostly just because they really match.
Dr. Hojo is replaced by Monokuma- but humanized? He is completely unrelated to Izuru, but his obsession with Junko remains. One of his rivals, and the one Izuru actually liked, is Taichi Fujisaki.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu is the head of the Turks, taking place of Tseng
the other Turks are just going to be Saionji, Mahiru, and Mikan
Palmer, Heideger, and Scarlet are replaced by Kaito, Shuichi, and Maki (Togami probably has blackmail on them or something?) Kaito has the space program (that never gets funding), Maki has the Weapons Department, and Shuichi is manager of the Turks and internal affairs. He is like a detective and is kept on mostly because he’s good at deducing who goes against the company. None of them like their jobs, but Maki is resigned to do it. Shuichi and Chihiro are actually working together in attempts to thwart Shinra. Kaito just wants funding for the Space Program because he truly believes the world can be saved that way and he’s a bit blind to the corruption since he was off in Rocket Town for most of his career.
To kind of balance it out, though, I’m adding Toko Fukawa as leader of the SOLDIER/Infantry Departments
The friends who join:
Multiple people technically take the role of Barret. The members of the terrorist group (Future Fighters as opposed to AVALANCHE) don’t all die. The ones who survive are Makoto Naegi, Kyoko Kirigiri, and Aoi Asahina. Nagito joined them after Nibelheim burned down. Sakura Oogami, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, and Mondo Oowada perish with the fall of the plate.
On a side note, Asahina is basically the Barret of this story. She loses her brother to the explosion at Corel, she and Sakura had escaped from there.
Chiaki Nanami takes the place of Aerith, but rather than just an Ancient, it was more like she has abilities that really affect technology. Her father was Taichi Fujisaki, and she’s totally unaware that her half brother was so close to her.
In the game, Nanaki/Red XIII is an intelligent animal trying to go back to their tribe... in this one his role will have to be taken by Kiibo instead, who tries to go back to his “grandpa” Dr. Idabashi.
Chihiro Fujisaki is going to take the place of Reeve with Usami being Cait Sith (no need for the mog)
The obvious choice for Cid is Kazuichi Souda, but he won’t be getting any addictions! His best friends, Gundam and Sonia, stop his rocket because it was too dangerous to fly. (and they all become a happy trio)
Now for the optional characters, Kokichi Ouma takes the place of Yuffie because he’s mischievous and would totally play pranks.
Peko Pekoyama would be the Vincent Valentine, but the twist is that she and Fuyuhiko used to be partners in the TURKS (instead of Vincent and Veld). She hides her real name by calling herself Sparkling Justice and hidin her face with a mask, but she mostly still fights the same, making Fuyuhiko especially mad when she’s around
Additional notes:
-Chiaki and Chihiro are going to be half-siblings, with Chihiro actually being older because I’m basing this mostly on Alter Ego. Taichi’s first wife dies in childbirth, and he falls in love with Chiaki’s (unnamed) mother. Chihiro and Chiaki are taken from him, with Chihiro being told that if he doesn’t cooperate, Chiaki and his stepmother would be killed. Chiaki is completely unaware she has a half-brother, however he’s always kept an eye on her through her plush toy. This is ultimately why he spies on the group, but he’s also the leader of Urban Development
-Kamukura does not see Junko as his mother. She promises him the excitement he can’t get anywhere else by causing Despair, and he becomes obsessed with the idea that destruction will relieve him from boredom. He loses his mind to Junko in this AU, but he’d been close to redemption at the end, knowing the truth of Junko’s corruption and how he’s actually related to Hajime.
-Makoto and Kirigiri grew up in the orphanage at Midgar under the plate. Makoto has a vision of a better world, and she joins him. This is especially so when she finds out she has a personal reason for going against Togamis. Her father lead a rebellion against the corporation and dies. Together, with other orphans who are affected by the Togami COrps, Mondo (brother dies because of Togamis) and Ishimaru (he was reluctant to start but the common people are suffering and he’s against the cruelty, plus his whole family was forced underground because of the Togami Corps) found a new group they called the Future Fighters. Aoi Asahina and Sakura Oogami join them shortly after. Nagito Komaeda is found and taken in by Makoto. Makoto is against the fighting, but he’s in agreement that Togami Corps need to be taken down. He mostly gets information, being a decent spy/detective. Kirigiri is the gunslinger, but she’s also the strategist. Asahina and Sakura are the “monk” types. Komaeda usually uses guns, but he is also the one who makes the bombs. Hajime, when he briefly joins, uses a sword.
-Chiaki is the healer/magic user, however her affinity with technology often acts up and can be used against enemies. Kiibo uses built-in guns and laser eyes (but h absolutely cant be in water or struck by lightning). Usami is a magic user, mostly using buff on the team or casting status effects. Kazuichi can still be the dragoon type since there’s no real reason Cid ended up with spears. Ouma is still gonna be a ninja. Pekoyama uses the sword rather than a gun. (and Gundham and Sonia are both magic users, both summoners, but Sonia is also really good at white magic while Gundham is reall good at Dark magic.
-instead of the Golden Saucer, there is Towa Park. Haiji is the Dio of this AU, and instead of Dyne, there are the Warriors of Hope (all of them only a little younger than Asahina). None of them die, but Monaka gets crippled through her own stubborness. She hates Asahina for the death of her mother and the fall of Corel. She was left with her abusive dad and stepbrother until she fakes crippled legs. Each of the other kids were stuck in homes of paid actors who forced them to call them parents and abused them.
-Chiaki has no “Zack” in the same sense Aerith did. Her “Zack” was Kamukura, who did not fall from the roof, but rather landed gracefully in front of her from the roof and protected her from monsters. He came down mostly because of the flowers being something he hasn’t seen before, at first, but he genuinely liked her eventually, up until he goes missing. Chiaki never really forgot him, but finds a boy who falls down from the roof that really reminds her of Kamukura, even if he doesn’t act a lot like him. (Does this mean he kills Chiaki? UHHHH)
-The one who saves Hajime before the events of the game, Hajime’s “Zack,” who was somewhat friends with Kamukura but not especially close, is First Class SOLDIER Nekumaru Nidai. the experiments on Nidai ended in him being mostly robot because they tried to use Junko’s cells on him, whereas Hajime seemed to barely have any influence from it. Nekomaru is trying to go back for his not-girlfriend (yet) Akane Owari, a martial arts teacher that travels the world, but has laely been based in Midgar (partly because of him, if she were honest). He doesn’t make it, and she never knows he’s dead. She eventually leaves Midgar when the plate drops, which is suspected to be because of the Togamis. She meets up with the main group in Gongaga, where Nidai had been from. Komaeda reacts to her and this village when she talks about him.
-Pekoyama was given a solo mission mostly because Mr. Togami (Byakuya’s brother) was suspicious of the Turks at that time. Kuzuryu and Peko are loyal members of the Turks at this point and there’s been rumors that ther leader, Jin Kirigiri, is thinking of defecting. spreading the Turks out and eliminating some of them in “accidents” seemed like a good way to go about things. Kuzuryu was able to earn the company’s loyalty, but he did it to find Peko, who had been successful in stopping a terrorist attack, but only through a cost of grievous wounds. Dr. Monokuma gets to her and experiments on her, and she ends up in Nibelheim labs, waking up a monster. She seals herself up to await her death.
-Nagito is the Nibelheim mayor’s only son, who’s had a crush on Hajime for a long time, but was never allowed to hang out with Hajime, specifically after Hajime is accused of endangering Nagito after he went off alone to Nibelheim Mountains to find his mother when she passed away. He begins to think it is better if people aren’t close to him, seeing as his mother died through an accident involving him and the town is starting to get superstitious about his family being cursed. So, while respected, he keeps his distance. Hajime does manage to convince him to meet, the night before he leaves for Midgar. A promise is made that Hajime would come back and tell him all about his adventures as SOLDIER. He jokingly says Hajime should save him from harm one day. When the catastrophe that is the day Kamukura burns down the village happens, Nagito is saved by luck. His personal tutor find him and takes him to Midgar, staying with him for a while. However, he ends up dying in terrorist bombings, and rumor has it that the Togamis are responsible for that, too. Komaeda decides he wants revenge and through some lucky finds in the black market, is able to teach himself to create bombs. Kirigiri, when the group finds him, is able to teach him to use guns as well.
-Hajime is found by Nagito at the train station. Although Hajime claims he is SOLDIER First Class, he also says that he was at Nibelheim when it burns. Nagito is concerned by this, but given Hajime’s clearly distressed state, doesn’t dispute it. He instead invites him to the terrorist group that goes against the Togami’s, mostly to be able to keep an eye on Hajime and eventually figure out how Hajime knows what happened at Nibelheim when Nagito knows the one who is supposed to be there is Nekomaru.
-The Turks, lead by Fuyuhiko, are only him, Hiyoko, Mahiru, and the newest member, Mikan. normally, the Turks are comic relief characters, and they still can be, but the jokes would have to be different for sure. Hiyoko’s the “dancer” who buffs the team and causes static effects, but she can truly pack a punch. Mahiru is the magic user, her element being lightning. She’s pretty good with close-range/mid-range weapons. Mikan is healer, but also great at magic in general. Fuyuhiko, of course, only uses guns, but he uses it really well (However you never fight Tseng in the games I guess, so you only see him use guns)
-Hajime can “date” one of these people, depending on the choices made by “players”: Nagito, Chiaki (they have the highest chances with him, just like Tifa and Aerith), Makoto, Asahina, Kokichi, Pekoyama, and Kiibo (the rest are the not-exactly-romantic and harder to achieve options, just like Barret, Nanaki, and Yuffie. While you can’t date Vincent Valentine.... I wish it were possible XD)
-All that date stuff said I’d honestly be down for Nagito, Hajime, and Chiaki together I mean they don’t have to fight. Aerith and Tifa never fought and actually could get along and AerTi is a ship that people like too so three doesn’t have to be a crowd
-There are a few things I am unsure of, like Chiaki’s reaction that Kamukura is evil? Does Kamukura recognize her and still kill her? What about that plot thread where she and Chihiro are related? What is up with Kuzuryu and Peko like why is she fighting against him and does he ever figure out it is her? And I want Kamukura redeemed but how?? I have way too many characters as well and Makoto and Kirigiri technically don’t have to be there but I just wanted them to be there XD And for whatever reason they are building bombs and detonating reactors... joy... And why are Kaito, Shuichi and Maki working for a guy they don’t like and doing evil things? (I mean I genuinely like them so what gives, Kimmy?)
I gave this AU a lot of thought, but it comes with so many plotholes and inconsistencies in story and/or characters XD
But listen... FF7 is a great game. And because of it I haven’t been able to sleep until I finished thinking about this AU XD
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