#although the hope they give is more specific - nekomaru to akane and mahiru to hiyoko
aparticularbandit · 9 months
Okay but also.
I can't remember if I've posted this or not already but.
I don't think Mikan chose Ibuki at random, and I don't think it had anything to do with how gullible the Despair Disease made her.
I think it had everything to do with what Ibuki was doing through that entire chapter prior to getting the disease and what Mikan's goal was.
Nagito states that Mikan's goal wasn't hope but despair - Mikan was trying to cause more despair.
Ibuki, throughout the entire chapter prior to getting the disease, was trying to give everyone hope. She set up the beach fireworks. She set up the dance. She set up her rock show. She was trying, as much as she could, to inspire hope and encourage everyone.
Removing Ibuki as a constant source of attempted hope - especially after she'd been giving so much hope - is the murder that would cause the most despair.
Once she got the disease, once she decided to kill someone to cause despair, Ibuki was the obvious answer.
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metukika · 2 years
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SDR2 cast talent swap!!! Inspired by @/pancakemolybdenum’s version of the first game’s cast.
This was all randomized!! Here are the titles assigned to the characters!
Mahiru: Ultimate Lucky Student
Kazuichi: Ultimate Musician
Ibuki: Ultimate Princess
Hiyoko: Ultimate ???
Gundham: Ultimate Impostor
Fuyuhiko: Ultimate Breeder
Akane: Ultimate Traditional Dancer
Chiaki: Ultimate Gymnast
Hajime: Ultimate Gamer
Teruteru: Ultimate Mechanic
Sonia: Ultimate Swordswoman
(Impostor): Ultimate Team Manager
Peko: Ultimate Cook
Nekomaru: Ultimate Yakuza
Nagito: Ultimate Nurse
Mikan: Ultimate Photographer
More notes about my hcs for their backstories and stuff about each of their designs under the cut!!
I did not expect to write so much, I’m so sorry. If there are grammar mistakes or misspells there are not anymore because I’m not rereading this thing lol. Feel free to just skip to your favorite character but thank you if you read all of it anyway! Would love to hear your own takes!
Koizumi- lucky: I feel that she is more like Naegi rather than Komaeda when it comes to her luck-- as in, she’s not really aware of it, or believes in it. It’s less straight forward with her. She insists that the only reason she gets the good things she gets is because of hard work and dedication, but behind the scenes in a convoluted way-- her luck works. 
For example, she’ll work hard to study on a test but forget to study one of the subjects. Her luck causes the teacher to accidentally forget to print the pages of the test about that sub-subject because of something that without the whole context doesn’t seem like a coincidence, and then Koizumi will have time to study the subject she forgot, and get a good grade. 
Not a lot for me to say about her design. I gave her a kind of rich-looking school uniform. She says she’s wealthy because of her parents working hard, but the truth is that her father is a slob and had gotten a great promotion following events caused indirectly by her birth. Her birth also inspired her mother in her photography career which helped her with her publicity and gaining more money.
Koizumi doesn’t like the fact that people call her lucky, as she believes people need to work hard and she does really try her best. She came to Hope’s Peak to prove that it is not luck, but dedication that boosts one’s career.
Souda- musician: I think his upbringing would be similar to his canon one, specifically about not being respected in school and his parents’ shop not doing well, leading to money problems. His father is the owner of a shop that sells old electronics, and there Souda finds a cassette tape and records his first songs, fueled by his frustration from school, with a beautiful voice (I know I’m sorry it doesn’t sound right to give him a nice voice but it had to be done).
At the start he sings about heartache and romance and that stuff, but doesn’t tell anyone about it. One day his cassette is stolen and he gets laughed at his corny lyrics by his schoolmates. The embarrassment and even more bullying causes him to change his look to fit in and he stops writing songs, instead he makes mindless mediocre dubstep music. He still hides his earlier songs from his friends at Hope’s Peak and claims it’s the later songs that are the reason he was invited as an ultimate, even though it was his original written on a guitar songs that got him there. Most of his new classmates aren’t really fans of his later works, although they sill act polite. He’s not really a fan either though.
The mp3 device clipped to his belt is a mirror of that screw he has canonically... Not sure why I gave him half green hair. It just felt right.
Mioda- princess: If I need to go into geography my head will explode, unfortunately. Would it have been smarter to think of that before designing? Yes. But I’m not smart, so.
Most of the time she’s a slightly milder version of her canon self-- maybe without the talking of herself in the third person thing, though-- but when she needs to get professional she knows how to put on a calm smile and how to be quiet and obedient (reference to how she acts with the effects of the Despair Disease).
Out of everyone in her family, Mioda is the kindest one. Unlike her parents, she is beloved by all, as she tends to sneak out of the castle and go to the poorer parts of the kingdom to help her people. She likes to be entertained and is known for paying well to street entertainers and musicians, sometimes joining the fun. Her singing’s horrible but everyone has fun when she is around. She might not be the expected image of a princess, but her kindness is what got her to Hope’s Peak.
I kinda fused Sonia’s braids with Mioda’s cone things, and got rid of the colored stripes in her hair (rip), maybe that’s why I gave Souda extra.
Saionji- reserve course student: Since her grandmother had used to attend Hope’s Peak, and Saionji’s family from her mother’s side had all turned out successful, she had a lot of pressure put on her to become talented or at least highly outstanding like them. Her father is the only one who didn’t care how she turned out, and loved her regardless.
Because her family made her work extra hard, Saionji didn’t have time for friends and was bullied heavily. Because she failed to get a talent, she only had her dad to rely on. Her sour life effected her mood and the way she treated others. Because her family is wealthy, they had gotten her into the reserve course department at Hope’s Peak. 
I don’t really know about the whole Kamukura thing. That’s up to you if she agrees to go with the Hope Cultivation Project. Maybe Saionji!Kamukura would be pleasant.
I lowered her pigtails to make her look tamer, and implemented the bows of her kimono onto her new design as well. I thought having an orange school uniform would be fun, especially with the green. I also gave her an ahoge of course.
Tanaka- impostor: As a kid, he liked to people-watch, but not to interact. He’s mostly ignored by his peers, which made him feel less human. The only times kids would interact with him would be to be mean, and the odd attention would encourage Tanaka to angrily stalk them for a little while, learning their traits and how they act. He would notice little things about people and liked to pay close attention to them (since it would make sense that he would be less of an animal guy than canon, and being an impostor would be a very human-heavy job, I think he would have some odd connection to human individuality, although not his self’s).
I think it would make most sense that his mother’s death would be what caused him to start to impersonate others, as she’s the only one by his side, even if it makes me sad... All alone, Tanaka decides to stop being himself so he can get close to the humans he finds so interesting.
He would probably be a slightly less friendly/more awkward version of whoever he is acting as. I know I could have had him impersonate anyone but I’m too lazy to think of anyone else and I thought that making him dress as Togami would be funny. Like every version of the impostor has to be Togami at some point.
As Togami, he fits into the arrogant personality well, although he’s more obnoxious and focuses more about the “I’m better than you” than the “you are worse than me” parts of him but is still more pleasant that the real one. He is not obsessed with the occult or at least doesn’t outwardly show interest in it, but he still has delusions about ruling the world-- probably with the power of blind confidence and money, this time around.
Loud, but very mysterious. If he was in the game the player would be like “Where did Byakuya get that scar from? Did he lose his mind?” But, nope. It’s just Tanaka. I think he’d still refer to himself as a boy, but he has no trouble acting as a girl, when need-be.
Kuzuryuu- breeder and Pekoyama- cook: Kuzuryuu’s family lived pretty out of the way, near a forest in a large mansion. While his parents were either too busy fighting or were focusing on his little sister and her promising grades, Kuzuryuu would venture out into the forest and befriend the animals. Even with his small physique, he wasn't ever scared of the bears or any dangerous animals. He didn’t want to seem threatening to the animals so he would wear soft clothing, even though it didn’t really change anything, and just made his crass personality all the more of a surprise to strangers. Though it’s not as bad as early canon Kuzuryuu.
One day he met an abandoned girl in the forest and his parents took her in and let her be the family’s cook. She was more of a servant than a third child, and was never legally adopted, but Kuzuryuu and his sister had tried to treat her like a friend to their best of their usually-rude abilities, although it was hard for her to accept. By working for the family, Pekoyama became the ultimate cook.
When Kuzuryuu became slightly older and was allowed to leave the house, he would dedicate his time to breeding animals and saving species in the brink of extinction. He often brought Pekoyama with him, as he liked her, but she thought she was only brought to make him food while he was busy. She can make all kinds of food but focuses more on vegetarian options as the first time Kuzuryuu had walked into the kitchen while she was there with raw meat on the counter he couldn’t stop crying. She still cooked meat from time to time for his parents, but she wants to show the world you don’t need any to make a great meal.
I could have made Pekoyama a more specific kind of cook, but again-- I’m too lazy to think about that. I wanted to giver her a different type of outfit, and found this one with like a half overall-thing clipped onto it? Probably should have searched Japanese outfits but oh well. Her braids are now braided against her head, referencing Hanamura’s braided side. I made sure to give her like a little bow thing around her neck. That’s a chef thing, right?
The cow on Kuzuryuu’s sweater is referencing the animal skull he has on his tie in the game. He has a scarf, like how Tanaka has, since I thought it wouldn’t make sense to give it to the Ultimate Impostor. But instead of mysterious, Kuzuryuu’s scarf is soft looking and has stripes like his original suit. I HAD to give him an animal sidekick so I gave him a skunk. I thought it would fit his original color scheme and the cute looking but potentially dangerous vibe would fit him. Also I made the little shaved parts on the sides of his head in the shape of claw marks.
Owari- traditional dancer: It was too late when I though of the idea of making her not Japanese (well it wasn’t really, but-- AGAIN: I’m lazy). I feel that her backstory would be similar to the original. A customer at a workplace she worked at offered her the job, and although Owari is not into feminine things, she decided to accept because the pay was good and she wanted to provide for her siblings. 
She had gotten good reflexes and flexibility by evading harm in the dangerous area she had lived in, which helped her become a great dancer.
I made sure to give her her ahoge but tried making her hair more... in order? She doesn’t bother wearing her kimono tightly.
Nanami- gymnast: Since she’s like an AI and all she canonically doesn’t have a human backstory, but I guess I’ll do my best. She probably got into gymnastics from finding interest in it, maybe she liked the aesthetic. She’s flexible and prefers doing more of the exercises that use objects, like ribbons and balls. She enjoys the art of it more than the physical labor, but she’s still good at it. Even then, I think that for herself, Nanami prefers comfort over looks, so outside of shows, she wears more causal clothing. 
I’m not sure if she would be the “traitor” in this au, since it would make most sense it’s the Ultimate Gamer.
Hinata- gamer: He’s sloppier than most people, and is physically unhealthy and less hygienic. But his kind nature and devotion to common sense is enough to stop others from looking down upon him. Because he looks at screens too often, his eyes are eternally tired and red rimmed, making him look very uncaring and cold (reference to Kamukura) but it’s only when he’s deep into gaming that he acts like that to the outside world as well. It’s best to not bother him while he’s in the middle of a game.
He often forgets about his own health and the need to actually interact with other people, so when he does hang out with the others in big social events, he gets a little overwhelmed and just awkwardly stands to the side.
What happens when you take one of the tamest designs in the games and gives him an ultimate that is usually assigned to people who have no fashion sense? Nothing! Nothing happens! The best I could do was put the logo of his previous school on his sweatshirt.
Is he the “traitor” in this universe? I kind of like that idea actually, because I really like the idea of gamer!Hinata and isn’t putting a character you really like as the traitor just what everyone needs in their life? I’m attached to him, now. And so I must suffer.
Hanamura- mechanic: He helps at his mother’s auto repair shop, as the constant smell of cars and strange angles she needs to work in is not very good for her already fragile health. In his free time, Hanamura used to make little gadgets that would make her day to day life easier. Despite all this, to others, he claims he works to help big companies design new cars and fixes rich people’s limousines (are there like a mechanic hierarchy? I don’t fucking know).
I have no idea how to give a mechanic a well groomed look, so I didn’t do that. Maybe it all transports into his personality, and he’s a gentleman in this one, instead of a pervert. We can only hope.
I kept his three stars to his design, and gave him a black shirt to wear under his button up kind of like his canon pants (I’m a genius).
Sonia- swordswoman: I don’t really know what to say about her... is she a foreigner? Maybe. Is she working as a bodyguard to the Ultimate Yakuza? I personally don’t think she does. She’s a well mannered girl but has more of a personality than early Pekoyama. She expresses interest in dark themes in this au as well, but maybe something different than the occult. Like torture methods or gruesome fighting styles. Maybe ninjas, because they’re Japanese and use swords? that would make sense.
I wanted to put the sword in a different part of her body, rather than her back. I gave her a braid, like Pekoyama, but put it on the side because Sonia’s hair prefers her right side for some reason.
(Impostor)- team manager: What I got from Nidai’s... being, is that team manager translates to coach? (I’m just going to call them Impostor, here, but they would probably have an actual name.) 
Impostor lived with mostly absent parents and no friends. They unashamedly took comfort in food for their loneliness. Because they were very public with their poor eating habits, people had starting accusing them of encouraging others to live an unhealthy lifestyle. While this didn’t bother them at the start, it got to the point of being irritating eventually, and because of Impostor’s natural instinct to be forward, they wanted to prove them wrong.
So they signed up to work as a coach at a children’s football practice, to promote sportive activity, and found that they enjoy being a supporting leader that people looked up to. So much so that they decided to become a coach. Eventually, Impostor started coaching important teams and people stopped bothering them about their weight.
I thought giving them a track-suit would be cute, especially since in the game they wear Togami’s very fancy outfit all the time. 
Nidai- yakuza: Heir to the Nidai clan, he is well respected from the members all around. The ones who aren’t close to him admire his scary stature and his great ability to give out orders and be assertive, and the ones close to him like him for his understanding personality and loyalty. 
Then he should be the perfect heir, right? Problem is that he has a heart defect and will most likely pass very young. For the early part of his life, Nidai had to stay indoors being treated, and was pitied by many. Since then he decided to not let that get him down, and by acting brash he managed to get the support of others, which is what mattered most to him.
Of course I’d get the big intimidating dude to be the Ultimate Yakuza... kind of reminds me of Kuzuryuu’s earlier beta designs. And no I didn’t make him Jewish, that necklace pendant is a reference to the design he has on his canon jacket. I gave him a small handkerchief poking out of his suit’s pocket to symbolize canon Nidai’s... thing that’s sticking out of his pants. 
Komaeda- nurse: Since it was probably because of canon Komaeda’s luck that he was born to a rich family, I’m gonna decide that this version of him was born to a more average family. Because of his poor health, he decided to get into nursing so his family wouldn’t need to pay too much bills if he could do some of the work himself. He mostly only treated himself at home, but with his dwindling health he had to teach himself more and more.
The more time passed, the worse he got, and the more he knew for certain that there would be a chance that he passed young. This is what fueled him into working hard as a nurse and eventually getting him the title of an ultimate. This also what caused him to latch so desperately onto the concept of hope. Hope is what kept him going even when he got worse. For the sake of not killing off Komaeda from this universe, let’s say his abilities as Ultimate Nurse is what helped him eventually achieve redemption on his health and let him live comfortably. 
Mixing canon Komaeda’s crappy luck at times and canon Tsumiki’s clumsiness, we can probably expect this Komaeda to also be a klutz. That is why a part of his doctor coat is ripped. It’s also a reference to his canon weirdly fucking cut jacket. I gave him hair clips since hygiene is probably more important to this Komaeda than canon-- one of them shaped as a medical plus sign. I also turned his shirt’s design into more of a plus sign. I gave him a blood pressure pump and mask as well.
Tsumiki- photographer: As a result of her abusive living space, Tsumiki would escape from home and hide in the nearby nature often. She lived in a small town on a hill with a wonderful view. She would escape and watch the sunset/sunrise and the animals in the distance and that helped her relax. Eventually, she decided she wanted to capture that beauty and managed to get herself a camera. 
After showing her parents some of the pictures, they used her to get money and that is how she started her career as photographer. She was requested to photograph many places due to her natural talent, but her favorite would be in great fields, focusing on wild animals. She decided to focus on capturing wildlife, since she found comfort in staying as still as can be and blending into the background, away from other humans. Since her parents only cared about the money, Tsumiki would photograph often and the great amount of experience is what helped her achieve title of Ultimate Photographer.
It feels a little wrong to not dress her up in pink, but it’s not a color that appears a lot in nature. She’s not as clumsy as canon Tsumiki, but hiding in bushes and such induces the amount of scratches she has. She’s also usually dirty from laying hours on the ground, which does not help her get along with her peers. I thought giving her shorter hair would be more practical. 
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