#and idk i have a great relationship with my dad mainly spent watching movies together and sharing music
rexscanonwife · 7 months
So what if I want Toki to imprint on me like a baby duck I think it's what we BOTH deserve 😤😤
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stuckasmain · 4 years
I still don’t think your ready for it, but here’s my Batb Cruise show review:
Yes you read the title completely right, I was made aware of this a day or two ago but apparently one of the Disney Cruises is doing/did beauty and the beast the musical but based upon the live action movie. So naturally a massive fan of the live action I was both shocked and wildly confused, lucky for me I found a video on the entire performance(likely taken from a cruise tv.) from what I skimmed over it looks like instead of full body suits to look like they are it’s going to be regular (human outfits.) and then puppets, so I am Really really interested to see how this goes.
The timing is a little off we skip the prologue (Aria etc.) and start straight in How does a moment last forever... are they placing Belle after it? It was before in the movie. Wait oh my god he’s also narrator- it is the prologue! Pulled a sneaky one on ya.
•Adams dramatic sassy hand movements are my entire life (no dance just this art right here.)
•The enchantress looks straight outa Atlantis but I LOVE the effects used omllll
•who needs her when you’ve got us (LE DUO OMG- it’s the thing.)
•from what I’m seeing it’s a combination of both the animated and live action, as some lyrics/moments are the animated , like Lefou reverted back to his original sorta idiot phase.
•met HER saw HER *kick* we stan.
•Lefou just waving his bag in the girls face. Legend lmao.
•a LOT more comedy then the movie. When Gaston drops the Boquet Lefou picks it up and smells it and just melts all cute like. My heart?
•”keep moving old legs.”
•Gaston is also a lot more like the animated, more dumbed down for comedic effect.
•so there’s no Philippe so some dudes took her dads wagon. That’s how jumanji started you know smh.
Lumire looks like he’s absolutely losing his mind I’m deadddd. Also Cogsworth’s wig is my entire life.
• ok so the beasts voice- he sounds like a Pirate I’m crying “ee stole me rose matey.”
•belle straight up using the stick like a musket
•storage space! Storage space! For all of Lumiere’s shoes! His shoes yes he had a feel large collection of shoes- he rather likes Heels-
Stop talking.
•while my love massages my tight caves.
I’ll massage your caves Gaston!
Who has no one snatched you up yet? (He didn’t say girl :0)
•everyones awed and inspired by au
Gaston placing a hand to his chest.
•Gaston kissing his own portait, no bimbettes Lefou sings their line, no Tom , Dick or stanley that I can see either
•they all start russian dancing instead of the stopping/sword fight. Weird flex but ok.
Now the girls are... is that the cancan?
•Fun cult activity’s with friends
•lefou dreamily gasping over gaston along with the women.
• they kept my favorite line :)
•So Gaston has the French flag now? Also Maurice runs in automatically? Damn there goes pacing i guess- like aren’t they supposed to be together for at least awhile before going after her jeez
•why’s every single woman in this show use a super high pitched cutesy voice “YeAaA!” Is the audience one year olds and dogs???
•Gaston was a captain :0 Damn high rank.
•or a Budae *laughing* *distant roar* *s c r e a m *
•Madame de Garderobe has me screaming lmaoooo
•Mrs.Potts was a governess? Wack.
•ok so I cant describe the noise i made
L: OH YES! Darling
P: high pitched giggling.
The stage is still black and I can’t breathe-
They were definitely- whatever the equivalent would be of making out
•This plan is uh Dangerous~
I’m-I’m gay for the featherduster. This is not allowed. THEY ARE SO CUTE I CANNOT FUNCTION.
*more adorable couple giggling*
Cogsworth coughing
•food fashion show.. I cannot... I can’t function.
•Lumiere being dramatic:
Coggsworth: if i had hands, I’d slap you.
That’s- that’s not creepy at all lmao.
•you lost me 2 verses ago now there’s cheese
•no one:
Plumette giggling and calling out everything:
That hurts.
•ok so Mrs. Potts being a governess in this version now makes sense as she’s the one to start days in the sun instead of the queen/little Adam
•So Candenza is completely gone from this version????? So Lumierè and Plumette get both love lines from the song. Their still busy being cute as hell tho. (Does this imply their also singers? Pretty sure their still just footman/maid.)
•cogsworth now has Mrs.Potts lines but his voice is great.
•instead of soup it’s tea he I N H A L E and belle looks SO done lmao. Also no library?
•oh jeez yea no library just straight into something there.
•oh so the library is now IN something there, alright.
•Adam just DECKS Lumiere. Idk what that was about lmao - showing he’s nice now by uppercutting a candlestick across the room.
• BELLE:D this dork-
•Hes making jokes now.
•”we love you.” But... everyone is still all-
Ok so either Mrs.Potts is a massive liar or they don’t count
•the dress is low key just as underwhelming as in the film
•Plumette keeps running on and off stage idk what that’s about.
•the danceeeee
•Adam keeps talking about his mom
•no evermore ;-; my favorite song and it’s gone for a 5 second day’s in the sun reprise.
I’m wounded.
•belle casually taking a dudes knife to cut them free
•I feel like the mob song is cute down a lot, also Lumiere comes in sliding on his knees. Respect.
•”Gaston help.” Is kinda like nothing now as they have been so comedic. I feel nothing.
•i like the way they executed the final fight (beast/Gaston as servents vs the villages was literally nothing.)
•Lumiere sliding in on his knees again *French accent*YAAAAAAS
•ok so the death scene still hurts me like a truck.
Lumire: guys we did it :)
*literally watches the love of his life, his best friend and other friends die(yes it’s technically death.)*
Everyone steps away from the puppet and turns around, the lighting goes dark I’m - ;-;
•the prince is low key better in the suit the guy playing him is uhhhhhhhh I know the whole point is to look past Appearance but who’s dad is this?
•I’m absolutely SCREAMING. Instead of the dramatic one by one they all pop up together and collectively go :00000 what?! Whoa!
•Lumiere and Plumette low key not even a “hi.” Just kiss and start dancing. Mood.
•Ballet attack part 2 and middle aged prince returns.
•No chip or Madame at the end either! :0
•oh wait here’s chip!
Cogsworth melting in the background is me
so as I’ve said it’s like a mash up of the original and the remake with some of the choices it makes, I think it really makes or breaks some of the characters.
Both of them fell back more into their Cartoon counterparts of : here to be the bad guy, here to be funny. Both of them become so overly comedic that you wouldn’t be able to tell who’s line was whos if you were shown them without being told. I think , funny as they were it negatively effected their character’s. Same case with the beast he definitely became more comedic if anything at all.
These guys I think are the opposite. I think having a slight bit more of the animated made both banter and flirting hike it’s way up. Cogsworth and Lumierè were more showy in their banter , while Lumierè and Plumette were much more loud and showy with banter. Also the accents are art. Mrs. Potts was there to be the mother like figure and not given much of herself
Rip to chip who had like 4 lines and didn’t even show up to seconds before curtain. Also Madame de Garderobe who was there to be a good singer and nothing more as she lost her whole arc.Rip to Cadenza, Frou frou , Chapu and Philippe for being written out all together.
As I’ve said the changes either make or break some moments, like adding a overwhelming amount of comedy like the og movie. As funny as it was it did not have that same weight/gravity the remake did in its more serious/emotional scenes like the death/human again scenes I felt little here and Gaston betraying Lefou. As well as having the more serious/soft songs as the remake really backfired with so much comedy, and not even the more Witty subtle humor of the movie. Funny, but odd as character choice
So I know you had to cut it down a lot in order to fit it on stage however, nessisary parts or songs (evermore ;-;) were completely excluded likely do to the slightly unessisary over extension of dance numbers in Gaston(that didn’t need it) and Be our guest. Which could have been time better spent.
The servants are the absolute saving grace of this musical. The costumes! Oh!(again cogsworths wig is my life.) the humor! The acting, the singing, the relationships- all of it- all of it. They carry the entire thing, and if I’m honest it’s mainly Lumierè, Cogsworth and Plumette, occasionally Mrs. Potts if you stretch.
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tommyhagen · 6 years
Five Percent Of A Fairytale : Things Could Be Better Pt 1
Meant to post tons of stuff before this but oh well skipping way ahead, seriously send asks about what you want to see because my interest here is waning. And as always references to Charles and Tony being best friends. Sorry bout it but it’s basically canon. And idk if you got my subtle little hinting but Charles’ college Alpha was Sherlock
Tw: Slut Shaming
They were sitting on the couch, cross legged, giving the girls their bottles when Steve finally brought it up. Tony had been the one to put the rule in place but was just as relieved as Steve to have it broken. It worked for a while, hell, for a while it was the only thing that kept it going. No Talking About Our Past. But turns out that was a lot easier said then done when they spent almost every moment with two little beings that were the embodiment of it.
It was sudden as it always was when something was weighing heavily on Steve’s mind. “Did I make you happy, Tony?”, he blurted out. Tony would never understand how even an Alpha could be so serious while making silly faces at a baby. Not even Virginia’s contagious giggles could crack him when he got like this. “Before, I mean.”
Tony considered waving him off but knew better than to think that would work much longer. It would only get more difficult as time went on. Steve and Tony were fine now, even good. He’d forgotten how much he liked their friendship. It was like someone had hit a reset button on their relationship and they were getting to know each other all over. Things were going well but they could be going better.
It was obvious that there was still something between them. How could there not be? There’d been no closure, no catharsis. Tony had just chosen not to think about it. He’d thought that was what was best for the babies but now he realized it wouldn’t be fair to them. Sarah and Virginia weren’t going to have a childhood like his. No one would grow up walking on eggshells. They wouldn’t suffer because of their parents’ issues with each other.
It took a moment but Tony finally replied, “It wouldn’t have been so hard on me if you didn’t.” It was the truth. As much as the end of things had sucked major ass, it’d been a great ride down. Everybody needed a whirlwind romance at least once in their life. Even if they usually ended in one too.
“Good.”, Steve sighed, already on to burping Ginny. She was a big eater just like her dad; Sarah on the other hand was already getting picky. “Good. At least that something. Of course, I’m sorry if it made things harder on you but I’m proud to have made you happy.
I know it might be hard for you to believe now but I really wanted to.”
Tony considered that. “I know.”, he decided, finally moving on to burping Sarah. At Steve’s suspicious side glance Tony laughed if for no other reason than to break the tension. “Really! I do! I mean for awhile there we were really good together, weren’t we? And I’d been completely obsessed with you since I was a kid. You’ve seen my childhood bedroom. I couldn’t help it when you were practically all Howard ever talked about. He’d lose it if he saw us now. I was in love with you since I was five years old.”
In the past Steve would have laughed at the irony in that. Howard had spent all that time and money just to create his son’s first Alpha. But now Tony had barely finished speaking before Steve was asking, “Do you miss me?”
Tony blinked owlishly him. Well then, they were gonna be jumping right in the deep end, huh? Oh boy, this would take some consideration and very precise wording. Unfortunately, he wasn’t known for being particularly good at either. “I guess I miss certain things about you. I think that’s just how it is with your first love.”, Tony mused.
“I was your first love?”, Steve interjected.
“Well, duh, obviously!”, Tony laughed. Then at Steve’s blank look he continued on, “Really?! You didn’t know that?!”. Steve shook his head.
Tony sighed and wondered if it would have made a difference if he’d shared this earlier. He thought not. It didn’t stop him from admitting it now, though, “Well, you were the only one before T’Challa. I mean, clearly I’ve got plenty of experience. I’ve been passed around the scientific community like a bong. You know that stretchy guy, Reed Richards? Well, I can tell you for a fact that’s the most interesting thing about him. His work is so derivative it should be in a fucking science fair but he makes up for it. So long as you can get him to keep his stupid mouth busy with something else it’s quite an experience. Yeah, slept with him, that uber hot wife of his and her Alpha brother. Never the big guy though. Kind of a shame too, bet that would have been interesting.”. Tony’s laugh this time was completely genuine and bright.
“Tony!”, Steve gasped, horrified. “You are holding our little girl!”. So much for precise wording.
“What?”, Tony protested. He’d missed this. Steve was the sort of the man who wasn’t your friend once he was your lover and Tony was the type who couldn’t have any sort of meaningful relationship that was just one.
It turned out that Steve had been right. Tony really had missed him. Even if he was just missing the man Steve had been before becoming Tony’s Alpha. That guy had been pretty great, after all. Tony wondered if it was okay to feel so natural interacting as they once did even after all Steve had done. Was he being too soft?
Despite the concerns Tony continued to joke, “She doesn’t even know what I’m saying. Watch.” Tony laid Sarah on his lap so she was looking up at him. Then, very sweetly, he said, “Motherfucking cocksucker!”
Sure enough, his daughter just cooed delightfully in response. Steve was still covering Virginia’s ears. It’d been mostly an attempt to get a rise out of him, anyway. Tony chuckled at how easy and predictable Steve was even after all they’d been through. “They can only pick up a few words at this point and it’s all just stuff like their names, really only the things important to them. It’s pretty much just about positive and negative sounds right now. I’ve only got a month or so left of this so you better believe I’m gonna take advantage of it. They’re only babies.”, he explained.
Steve gaped at him. “You know so much about them...”, he wondered.
Tony was a bit uncomfortable under the Alpha’s gaze but figured Steve was most likely just baffled that he had somehow created life with a person like Tony. And how could he hold that against him? The girls had been inside him for close to 9 months and sometimes even he could barely believe it. How had he ever gotten so lucky? “Well, I did give birth to them.”, Tony replied. “You try keeping literally anything inside of you for 9 months and not having it become your main interest.”
He’d meant for Steve to laugh but he didn’t. To fill the awkward silence Tony tickled Sarah’s round little tummy. At least someone laughed at his jokes. He pulled his girl close and peppered her face with kisses. “Give me Virginia. I’m terrified of them thinking I play favorites.”, Tony said and that had only been half a joke.
Steve finally did chuckle as they switched their little girls out, so caught up in the pure bliss of having their children close. It was still an easy feeling to have when they were so small and cute. And hadn’t learned the word ‘no’ yet. “You just said it yourself, Tony. They’re only babies. But they won’t think that when they grow up and become young ladies either. You’ll see.”, he reassured.
“Now how would you know that? Both of us were only children. And my parents still managed to play favorites so long as the kid wasn’t me!”, Tony teased.
Steve still frowned deeply as he always did whenever Tony talked about his less than stellar childhood. Meanwhile, Steve’s own had been a low budget, single parent version of the Brady Bunch. They were a real Dickens novel, the two of them. The loved poor boy and the lonely rich boy, living in the same city only separated by a few decades. Maybe they hadn’t worked out in real life but someone could probably make bank off a movie where they did. But real life was more complicated than a romcom. And Tony wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I just know.”, Steve insisted, forcing Tony to stop thinking about who would play him in that movie. But probably Johnny Depp, right? Yeah, he was an Alpha and all but he’d played Omegas before.
“They’re my little girls, after all.”, Steve continued. “Only natural that I should understand them. They already know how much their mom loves them. Everybody does. You’re an amazing mother, Tony, incredible actually. Gosh I- I wish you could see yourself with them it’s just so...beautiful to watch.”. Steve looked too enraptured to really process what he’d said.
Tony sure as hell had. “Thank you.”, he replied stiffly.
And now Steve had too. “Oh! I’m sorry. Don’t know what came over me.”, he exclaimed, suddenly becoming incredibly fascinated with Sarah’s feet. In his defence, they were adorable.
“It’s okay.”, Tony reassured him a bit nervously. “Old habits and all that.”
“Yes. Old habits.”, Steve murmured before lapsing them back into awkward silence. Their daughters cooed and wiggled between them, completely oblivious. But soon enough they wouldn’t be. They had to fix this. All the same, for now, Tony would let Steve struggle with words for a bit. Mainly Tony was just happy to have not been the one making things awkward for once.
When Steve finally did land on something to say it was forced and too far back in the flow of their dialogue. He’d never been any good with uncomfortable situations. “Have you...been with Doctor Xavier too?”, he asked.
Odd and totally off topic but Tony’d take it. “With Charlie?!”, he practically gasped. “Man, I wish! If I could fuck only one Omega for the rest of my life it’d be Xavier, any day, anytime! Not that he’d ever let me. I had a chance back in college but his college boyfriend beat me too it. Didn’t stand a chance against an Alpha like that. Since then, I think Charles has turned me down more than anyone else. That’s a part of it though, isn’t it? The unattainable one.” Steve just went right on staring. So in fear of yet another awkward silence, Tony kept babbling, “But he’s no pure little lamb. Don’t let his sweet old man act fool you; he’s a dirty slut through and through! I’m pretty sure he’s even got me beat.”.
Tony’s nervous babbling slowed as he frowned telling the next bit, “He’s not like that anymore. Really he’s not even like himself at all these days. Hasn’t been for awhile. And I thought my first romance ended badly. His Alpha completely ruined him. That’s why he’s in the wheelchair, you know? That guy was a complete psychopath. I met him a few times and his college Alpha was no sweetheart but at least he didn’t disfigure him. Still completely crazy, though. He was big into drugs and and got us into a lot of trouble. If his brother hadn’t been in like a British version of S.H.I.E.L.D or something I probably would have been charged with a felony. Poor guy just has the worst taste. If you wanna go for him, I get it, he’s hot as fuck. Just warning you now though, you’d be wasting your time. Charles hates Alphas. Who could blame with what he’s been through.”
Steve was smiling again at the end of his nervous rant. Tony tried not to let that make him feel uncomfortable but it was hard to do given some of the things he’d said. A smile? Had Steve been listening to him at all?
“How can you just say things like that, Tony?”, he laughed. So no. No, Steve had not.
Virginia was yawning and Tony decided not to get himself worried over Steve instead focusing on putting her down for a nap. He kissed her sweet little button nose. “I’m not telling you anything he wouldn’t tell you himself if you asked. Charles doesn’t have secrets. Never did, even before.”, Tony shot back in what he hoped seemed like a casual manner, rocking his youngest gently.
“I didn’t mean it as an insult. It just amazes me how freely you speak.”, Steve clarified.
Eventually Tony returned the smile Steve was offering. “Well, not all of us came over on the Mayflower with the puritans, Gramps.”, he teased.
They sat in companionable silence for awhile, Tony softly humming a lullaby. That only lasted a few precious moments before Steve made things even worse than before. “And Bruce? Have you been with him too?”, he demanded, looking far too invested in the answer to even reign casual conversation.
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