#and idk if I’m wildly problematic for this but I feel like lots of kids pretend to be blind in public at some point in their lives just
lilnasxvevo · 1 year
Pour one out for A Qing because I just realized that at LEAST once she HAD to have seen Xue Yang do something stupid that she desperately wanted to roast him over but that she couldn’t say a word about without revealing she wasn’t actually blind
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somestansomewhere · 3 years
Debbie Gallagher: ALL Love Interests RANKED
Okay! I tried to rank all of Debs’ love interests and it was hard to do because I am not set on that ONE PERSON that I ship her with above all else, but these are my thoughts! Keep in mind that these are all MY OPINIONS and you are entitled to yours as well! Let’s talk about it! If you read all this ILY.
Here we go:
23. The Guy At The Pool (Season 5)
He thought Debs was special needs and she tried to flirt with him...
22. Kelly (Season 9-10)
I LOVE Kelly so much but she was not into Debbie! I really love her with Carl and Debbie should not have tried to interfere! I will however say that I really really REALLY enjoy their friendship and I wish that that would have continued on. They had some really good moments together.
20/21. Eugene (Season 6) & Board Game Guy (Season 7)
Alright so these two don’t technically count because Frank tried to set Debbie up with Eugene so that she’d be written into his will. And the Board Game Guy was from a deleted scene as one of Debbie’s “life partners” from that flyer she made. So enough said.
18/19. Tyler (Season 6) & Erika (Season 6)
Again, Frank attempted to set Debbie up with Tyler and while that “potential relationship” wasn’t as bad as what happened between her and Erika, I am grouping them together because Debbie wasn’t technically into either of them and it was set up to fail right from the start.
17. Larry (Season 6)
The pregnancy fetish guy! I’m not quite sure what the intentions were for this character in the long run but it was a funny joke in the episode he was in. Even in the beginning Larry gave off red flags, but Debbie was happy... until the truth was revealed. Weird.
16. Jared (Season 11)
Another irrelevant love interest: the gay guy that cheated on his husband with Debbie after giving her cocaine. Obvious issues with this encounter/plot line aside, I did feel that their interactions at the bar were flirtatious and I didn’t hate him.
15. Calista (Season 11)
ANOTHER irrelevant character that was used and never brought back!!! I didn’t totally hate her either, she was upfront about her ex-girlfriend and that whole situation. She helped Debbie and didn’t take advantage of her but the second she came on screen; I’m sorry but I did not give a fuck. Her last episode built up a potential friend/relationship opportunity for Debbie and they just did nothing with it. Idfk what else to say, not a fan but I did appreciate Calista trying to take care of Debbie when she clearly was drinking too much.
14. Sandy (Season 10-11)
Oh boy, everyone’s favorite partner of Debbie’s... Yeah, Sandy is so low on this list not necessarily because I didn’t like her for Debbie, or that I have beef with Elise (b/c I love her as an actor sm). I personally just hate the sheer fact that this character EXISTS in the first place. I never understood the hype, but I know that people only like her because she’s a Milkovich ie. related to Mickey. That’s the hard truth this fandom isn’t willing to admit. My disliking Sandy should be a post of its own but lemme get into her relationship with Debbie.
You could tell that Emma and Elise liked working together so the chemistry was sorta there (definitely not soulmate shit tho). Each time that they interacted in s10 I was over it. S11 was better in the sense that whether I would like to admit it or not, they did have some “cute moments” (mainly just Sandy calling Debbie babe/babes). The second shit hit the fan in regards to Sandy’s history, I immediately understood Debbie’s issue with her and why her character would not want to be with Sandy. But, with that being said, Debbie was also in the wrong because she made everything about herself throughout the entire course of this relationship! Sandy did call her out, ex: “who was supposed to take Franny to school?”, and things like that were nice. HOWEVER I am sorry to say, this relationship felt like a massive waste of time and it felt like they were trying to force something that shouldn’t have existed to begin with. I don’t have the patience to even analyze this anymore, but maybe down the line because clearly there is SO MUCH to delve into!
13. Alex (Season 9)
Omg I did not like this relationship/plotline at all. Alex had issues but Debbie was so inconsiderate! I never saw the appeal here! It was nice that Alex had the decency to go and help Debs with Ford after the fact. I just feel “meh” about this tho. They had moments but ultimately I personally wasn’t into it and Debbie’s random newfound self discovery of “lesbianism”.
12. Kyle (Season 3)
Emma Kenney’s first kiss! Kyle was a one episode character that did have the potential to be more than that. I didn’t hate the kid as Debbie’s love interest, but there also wasn’t anything special about him. He was just kinda there and then he left. Debbie really seemed to like him though, spelling his name in her peas, etc.. I do like that one line about cigarettes that Kyle had but again he was such a short lived character and when he turned out not to be related to Kevin it became unnecessary to keep him around... even if the episode alluded to him returning. They were sorta cute!
11. Claudia (Season 10)
So I didn’t like this relationship much either but there was a certain kind of stability in the relationship that felt organic and nice. Partly because I enjoyed watching Constance Zimmer and she made Claudia likeable. Do I ship it? No. Was it a problematic dynamic? Yes. Was it a tolerable relationship? Eh. I didn’t hate it entirely though. Debbie, being a Gallagher, eventually fucked it up. And while I did like the drama, Debbie wasn’t REALLY into Claudia as much as she may have believed she was. So, it totally felt like a one off that would end with Claudia not returning... and it was. So there was no time for an investment of any kind.
10. Hedi (Season 11)
Gosh... Debbie’s endgame(?). Hedi was introduced too late for me to care enough about her (At this point it would have made sense for Debbie to wind up with Calista because at least she was already introduced!). I don’t necessarily like Hedi as a character and quite frankly it was a “who tf does SHE think she is” kinda deal for me. At first I was interested and didn’t hate her (and I don’t), but then she “thought she was Jimmy” and I instantly got annoyed (LOL I GUESS it was a nice nod to him tho... I guess).
My (several) problems with Hedi as a character aside, there IS something about Hedi being presented as this “dangerous badass” who is (somehow) WORSE than Debbie, that worked well. I’m not a fan of the ship, but it is an interesting dynamic in the sense that Debbie could potentially be “living on the edge”. I fear for what trouble this could cause Debbie BUT it’s like Frank referenced: Monica vibes. I don’t think it’s “true love” like Debbie said to Franny. A constant storyline for Debbie has been “why can’t anyone ever love me” and so she falls in quickly. Maybe Hedi will leave her but that’s the thing, “she’s done worse” so idk, either way I don’t think it’s meant to last! But I guess I don’t mind them being together! Karma’s a bitch! Will Carl tell her what Arthur found? Would it even make a difference?
9. Julia (Season 10)
I would have actually rather preferred her with Carl too! It was never love between Debbie and Julia, but the relationship did create good conflict for my viewing pleasure. UNPOPULAR OPINION, I didn’t mind Julia as a character at all. She was fine for me. I also enjoyed how ultimately SHE was only using Debbie in the end. Julia does admit later on that she was experiencing with her sexuality so maybe she did have feelings for Debbie at one point, which I thought was interesting. Debbie got herself into this one. At least Julia was more age appropriate than Claudia... (which is ironic since Debbie got in trouble for being with Julia when the age gap is MUCH bigger between Claudia and Debbie LOL I love it)! I also found Julia annoying Debbie to be amusing, that’s not to say that I liked her a lot either cuz I don’t!
8. Matty (Season 4-5)
Man do I feel bad for Matty! Debbie raped him and it was horrible. From the get-go when Matty was introduced the relationship was hella awkward!! And not only that but Debbie was a MINOR! Matty did do the right thing and said they couldn’t be together but a part of me will always feel strange that he WAS INITIALLY attracted to Debbie before learning her age. That to me is still wildly inappropriate. He shoulda cut it off. He did try to be her friend and took her to that dance which was cute but ahhh this was just a MESS all around. Cringe. At least he didn’t take advantage.
7. Henry (Season 4)
Speaking of Matty and that dance, Henry was supposed to take her. He asked her as a joke in order for Seama to inflict revenge on Debbie. If that weren’t the case however... DAMN THEY WERE CUTE! The potential that this relationship could have had! If only it wasn’t all an act! It was a “day worth of love” and sure that’s not enough for two people to REALLY be IT, yet there was something charming about their connection that I wish was real. Or idk maybe Henry could have reconnected with her later and apologized and it could have been revealed that he did actually like her... but that wasn’t the case. Fuck him!
6. Simon (Season 1-2)
Debbie was NOT interested in Simon at all but at the time he was almost like the male version of her. Their banter back and forth was fun to watch and he probably would have treated her well. It’s unfortunate that we didn’t get to even see their friendship progress. Their interactions were funny and he was a good guy!
5. Batiste (Season 10)
Y’all may not understand why this guy is so high on the list but a part of me wishes this character wasn’t a one off. Batiste is the dude Debbie tried to return her “unused” shoes to. If you can recall, he wanted a blowjob to take advantage of her. While this was a dick move (and the plot went nowhere) a part of me would have liked to see more! He did have an arc where he acted like an ass and realized that it is wrong to degrade women. I just think it could have been built upon and Emma may have had chemistry with this actor. There was something here that I didn’t hate and I felt it could have been expanded upon.
4. Little Hank (Season 2-3)
Debbie’s first real crush! It was interesting to see how he didn’t like her at first and then a “friendship/relationship” slowly started to develop after he gave her flowers. IT JUST NEVER CONTINUED! Little Hank was in no way the most upstanding, but it was cool to see Carl have a friend that Debbie crushed on (when she was little she wasn’t intentionally taking something away from Carl ie. Kelly, so I support it). Their interactions were fun to watch too! The fandom definitely has a soft spot for Little Hank! And at one point everyone was rooting for them to be together. Too bad we never discovered what ended up happening to this character!
3. Neil (Season 7-8)
The bathtub scene tho! Adorable! There was a short moment within this relationship that was super cute where the two of them really did seem to care about each other and may have both been in love. It goes without saying that Debbie was only using him, but they did have SOME potential and they found a common ground where they each benefited each other’s needs. Debbie once again was TOO controlling and self absorbed to make it work, but I don’t think she was entirely happy in a relationship with him. He deserved more respect!
2. Derek (Season 5-8)
Baby Daddy! I really did enjoy them together until Debbie took advance of him and Franny came into the picture, but at the same time that’s one of the reasons that Derek, as a character, has a deeper connection to Debbie and the audience. I always enjoyed their flirting back and forth and the relationship they had (the deleted scene with the card/push up game ahh my heart)! Debbie really did mess up due to her desperation to “belong to a family”, which is another one of her consistent character traits. She just went too far and tried to trap him. Then shit got messed up between their families. Derek did eventually ask for parcial custody and did have a desire to be a part of Franny’s life. Debbie said no and that plot line died until s10. Pepa!! Ahh! RIP to Derek, it was sad to me that he died. Definitely a character and relationship that I wish was incorporated more because I truly enjoyed them together.
1. Duran (Season 8)
Besties with benefits! Stop! Nobody talks about my guy Duran! Sure they both said that this relationship was of a sexual nature and that they were just a couple of friends but damn! The chemistry and dynamic was palpable! It is truly a shame that we didn’t get to see more of this friendship! They were on common ground and really did care about each other! I don’t know why but I really just LOVED them together! Duran was also in her friend group with Farhad and that was a group that seemed to have a positive impact on Debbie as a person. S8 Debbie was cool! These two complemented each other so nicely! Duran wasn’t by any means the best influence on her because he almost lead Debbie down a “Monica path” but come on, Hedi is worse in that department. He was getting his life together like Debbie was with her profession. Just think of the hair convos Duran and Tami could have had Lol. Idk, I just like Debbie with him a lot! It was healthy to an extent and he was supportive of Debs with Franny.
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janiedean · 4 years
Hi! I'm the Plato anon for before. First of, thank you so much for your offer, but I think I managed on me own. Second, could you elaborate on the "analysing as YA" vs "analysing as an adult" approach? I assumed that "discourse people" on this website generally don't go beyond "antagonist is bad because they are against the hero!" out of ignorance/lack of interest except to score Internet Fame Points, not that it was due a specific mindest. I also don't really read YA (except Tiffany Aching)
TIFFANY ACHING!! T_T ANON LET ME HUG YOU it’s like the only YA I actually liked in my entire life apart from nick hornby’s one book but that wasn’t typical lmao
THAT SAID, well your discourse people point is pretty much part of it but since I’m here and I can rant have the entire thing I was too tired to hash yesterday ;) so, in order:
first thing, we need to establish that ya books and **adult** books generally have different target audiences which is fine and good because obviously if you want to write a thing you’ll do that for An Audience That You Have In Mind; this doesn’t mean that adults can’t read ya or that teenagers can’t read **adult books** because everyone can read what they want (and personally for one I never cared for ya in my entire life not even when I was the target audience), but it simply means that some books are meant to be liked by one category first and eventual others later and they need to be talked about in that specific context first and everything else later - then there might be books that are aimed for kids/young readers or sold like that or that can be read on more than one level which can be appreciated for different things later in time (for example I read huck finn at sixteen and I absolutely loved it but it was a book that here is seen as good reading material also for eight year olds, and at eight I wouldn’t have liked it for the reasons I did at sixteen, and if I read it now I would still like it, while a bunch of the books for kids I read when I was seven is stuff I enjoyed then but forgot now and probably was good for that age but didn’t stick with me);
second thing, that means that when I discuss a young adult book aimed at teenagers I will never hold it to the standards I would hold a book aimed at a general adult audience, especially if it’s the kind of ya like dunno as stated the vampire diaries aimed at teenage girls which is obviously the kind where you have the fantasy world with the hot dark guy who swoons the high schooler protagonist off her feet etc because that stuff is basic teenage girl fantasy 101 and like... I’ll expect a bunch of romance tropes, the usual push and pull, the guy eventually being into her, the protagonist being someone a fourteen year-old can see herself in, probably a few sexual elements thrown here and there and so on, because that’s the shit marketed at fourteen year-olds who want to read that and like... it’s really not that deep. I can’t ask the vampire diaries to be moby dick because it’s not meant to be. or, if I read percy j/ackson - which is another thing I have zero interest in but I know about because I see tweets from the author - I expect to have a bunch of teens coming into their own coming from different backgrounds because the author wants to represent properly a lot of categories so most of his readers can have someone they can see themselves in and like if a thirteen year-old who suspects being lgbt or whatever sees themselves in the gay kid from per/cy jackson guess what that’s what that book is for, so I won’t judge it on like... being a faithful representation of greek myths or how good the style is or whatever, because even if to me it’s not top notch writing or has a plot idc about it has to be for teenagers and pre-teens, not for me, a thirty year old who again didn’t even like pre-teen aimed literature when she was a pre-teen;
third, I can extra clarify it using the damned hp discourse, as in: when I say I’m tired of people not reading anything else or reading everything like hp, it means that they read it when they were growing up/were teens and it was aimed at them which is fine, but then twenty fucking years later when the people in question are way beyond their twenties (guys I’m almost 32 and I remember when the first one came out come on) when talking about any single piece of media in existence (movies, comics, other books) use hp characters/situations as the terms of paragon - like guys I had to read sn/ape comparisons with theon and ky/lo ren on the basis that THEY’RE GREY CHARACTERS as if sn/ape is the only grey character that ever existed, people keep on talking about vold/emort as the only bad guy that ever existed and so on, and like... you can’t talk about, idk, asoiaf or any book aimed at an adult audience like you’d talk about hp, because at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if I read comparisons between sn/ape and ivan karamazov and I think I don’t need to specify how completely nonsensical that would be;
now, with all of this explained, what I mean is: ya in general - which is not a fault per se of the genre since it’s aimed at teens and pre-teens - tends to have... very fixed narrative schemes depending on which teens it’s addressing - like, stuff like tvd or twilight is obviously the romance teenage girl fantasy where you have the girl fighting to be with the dark beautiful supernatural creature in question, per/cy jackson is more like I’ll give you a bunch of relatable characters having cool adventures against bad guys with the occasional redemption so we can see that people are redeemable but you still have right vs wrong, hp is sort of like that in the sense you get relatable-ish protagonist with relatable friends growing up throughout the entire thing and fighting on the good side vs the evil side including the usual death of the mentor plus people who seemed bad actually not being bad™ except that PJ has more povs and better rep from what I gather but that’s not the point so it’s basically the growing up journey for the young protagonist(s) the kid sees themselves in, then there’s stuff like hunger games where you actually have the dystopian worldbuilding just written to be enjoyable by younger people who don’t want to get too depressed (and ngl I haven’t read the books but I’ve seen the first two movies and guys the way everyone ignores the classist commentary in thg to discuss the love triangle is... a staple of the problem tbh) but still try to introduce deeper themes and have more nuanced characters and at the same time are still written to be enjoyed maybe by the more adult side of the target, and at the same time I can’t say that thg is the same as 1984 when it comes to target audience because 1984 doesn’t make the ugly dystopian themes more accessible using the love story/teenage protagonist etc;
at this point the problem is: if you only ever read ya and nothing else in your life (which is what a lot of people here do - guys again when I got here in 2011 if people didn’t discuss hp they discussed john gr/een, the only *adult*-aimed book I see discussed on tumblr is asoiaf... because of got X°DDD) then you end up seeing every other piece of literature expecting what you do out of a young adult and then you expect adult literature out of young adults/ya to approach certain implications the way an adult novel would, which is... frankly ridiculous;
specific examples: I see blogs which are principally about like ya fantasy books ie acotar or shadow/hunters or whatever shitting on grrm because AAAAH HE’S PROBLEMATIC/MISOGYNIST/HE HAS VIOLENCE AND RAPE IN THE BOOKS BLAH BLAH and like... spoilers: if I wrote a fantasy series aimed at fourteen year-olds who want their fantasy romance with the hot dark guy who is maybe a tiny bit problematic but turns their leaf for them I would hold back on blood and violence, if I wrote a fantasy for adults where I want to be realistic about misogyny I will not, and the fact that grrm gets judged on what happens and not how he writes it (and again, saying that a guy who has 1/3rd of his pov characters female except that it’s actually 50/50 because there are no throwaway povs except for mel while guys have a lot more of them and all the female povs have narrative weight [and mel has it before she gets one] and all of them have a different personality and he also has the same trope [brienne and arya] in two people with wildly different personalities and needs which is basically a goddamned miracle is a misogynist because there’s misogyny in his fantasy world is ridiculous imvho) which is.... exactly expecting of asoiaf what you’d expect out of acotar, when grrm and acotar’s writer write for wildly different audiences. now, if I had read acotar at 15 and asoiaf at 15 I’d have had no doubt re asoiaf being more my thing because again the subgenre acotar goes for is not my thing because I never related to that fantasy while brienne is my rep, but in general a 14yo girl who likes the acotar-like stuff will not care for grrm.... which is normal because grrm writes for adults of both genders, not teenage girls (I mean teenage boys also have their own subgenres for which the same rules are valid), and someone who likes percy jackson (aimed at both genders but like... pre-teens early teens) who doesn’t gaf for grrm won’t because it’s not aimed at them unless they like grrm for other reasons ie idk they realize that they relate to jon snow idk but you see my point, so like tldr that’s what I mean with if you only read ya you’ll expect adult writers to handle their themes like ya writers would and like... sorry but if I write stuff for adults I won’t feel the need to specify that the bad guy is B A D with neon lights because an adult should grasp that from the narrative, I don’t need to make sure it’s obvious bc it’s aimed at kids;
reverse: when I see people saying ‘the vampire diaries is problematic because it’s about people who are a hundred years old preying on teenage girls so we need to stop teenage girls from reading that kind of thing because it makes them think it’s okay to go with someone that much older than them’, we’re at the opposite problem in the sense that you’re asking a young adult novel what you would ask of AN ADULT NOVEL when there’s no point in it. like, a teenage girl knows perfectly that damon salvatore doesn’t exist and vampires don’t exist and werewolves don’t exist - the entire point of tvd is that she gets to fawn over the hot supernatural dude who changes for the better thanks to the female protagonist she most likely sees herself in and she gets to have a few nice fantasies about that which is like... normal for people who are developing their sexualities, most people wouldn’t actually want damon salvatore the way he’s exactly in canon irl because they know it’s a fantasy and so it should stay. like, sorry but as someone who watched the show because ian somerhalder is hot in her twenties and tried the first book and gave it up at page 30 because I couldn’t do it, I can 100% assure anyone that the biggest issues with tvd books are that the writing is really fucking bad (for my standards at least), with the tvd show that from S4 the writing spiraled downwards and no one wanted the magical vampire pregnancy witch twins ridiculousness, but none of the content actually was shit that anyone would take seriously like that and I wouldn’t expect tvd to approach that subject realistically. if I read a vampire book aimed at adults who actually wants to write such a relationship as creepy WELL YES OF COURSE I’D EXPECT IT TO BE OBVIOUS ABOUT IT BEING CREEPY, but if it’s aimed at freaking teenagers... it’s a fantasy and not really that deep, take it for what it is and let teenage girls enjoy thinking about smooching damon salvatore (or stefan or whoever) without assuming they need to be protected from Horrible Vampire Fiction™, same as no one goes bitching about unrealistic sex scenes in serialized romance books because people read them because they’re unrealistic and escapism, not because they expect nobel prize worthy exploration of themes from them;
now, ^^^^^^ would not happen if people actually read variedly and studied some decent lit analysis in school - but like, after I had to read I think at some point that of mice and men is ableist... THAT’S the damned point - with ya you can take a lot of the plot at face value, with adult lit you can’t and you have to see motivation beyond the action of the characters and you can’t do that if you only read books aimed at pre-teens/teenagers where obviously that’s... more spelled out than it would be in a book aimed at an adult audience;
that by the way also means wildly missing actual adult themes discussion in ya, because again, I haven’t read thg but from the two movies I’ve seen it’s fucking obvious that the whole thing is an anti us-classism commentary from how the districts are built to how the games are rigged to pretty much everything in the worldbuilding, but all the discourse I see on tumblr is about either the love triangle or katniss being miscast or president snow being a jerk and whatever else, but I never once saw anyone saying ‘heeeeey the people in katniss’ district are an in your face metaphor of poor people in the us of a belonging to certain categories while the first few districts are absolutely the 1% and the entire point of it is that she wants to tell you A CLASSIST SOCIETY IS BAD AND WILL LEAD TO REVOLUTIONS’, which to me was... like, glaring, it was literally what 90% of the entire thing was about and no one ever discusses it in a fandom-wide sense (I mean... I saw a bunch of hg posts back when the movies came out, I never saw this brought out), which... is a problem because it means that the moment people are put in front of a ya product that actually tackles that kind of issue.... they go and worry about the love triangle (which seemed to me the excuse to draw the people in the story) not about the social commentary, and like, maybe a twelve year-old won’t catch on the social commentary, a twenty-year old especially from the us should, and I don’t see that happening;
and sorry but that is because if you only engage with content aimed at a younger audience than your target first you assume that every piece of literature should be consumable/readable/enjoyable by a younger audience (and sorry but no, some of us don’t want to write stuff making sure teenagers like it) and then ask of actual ya media to cater to their *adult* needs and not to the needs of the target audience because wow obviously if you’re 25 you won’t want out of literature what you wanted at fourteen;
and this also is valid for children’s media because again, I’m cutting it short, but adults watching st/even universe and sending people death threats because they don’t agree with their opinion of a cartoon aimed at an audience that’s at moooostttt eight years old is a thing that shouldn’t even fucking exist, and if you think steven/universe is that important at an adult age you need to re-assess your priorities;
tldr: adults should not expect media aimed at kids/teens to cater to their interests and shouldn’t analyze it the way they’d analyze a piece of media aimed at an adult audience and should not presume that every piece of media should have the scope/schemes of medias aimed at kids/teens because some of us don’t want to read that.
now, I’ll leave you with a nice short anecdote which hopefully will further clarify what I mean and add to another point which would be, kids and teens don’t give a fuck about what you, an adult, do: when everyone was in a frenzy about my little pony back in 2013 or so I had to see a ton of posts like ‘AAAAAH MEN/BOYS WHO ARE INTO MLP ARE STEALING THE SHOW FROM YOUNG GIRLS HOW DARE THEY ENJOY IT WE NEED TO KICK THEM OUT’ with added people saying that a ten year old male kid who tried to kill himself bc his friends bullied him bc he liked mlp deserved it and the likes, my only thought was that... when I was 8-10 in elementary school and was actually the target for cartoons and stuff, sailor moon was the rage between all girls my age me included, we’d spend recess playing pretend (and I’d get stuck playing sailor mars bc no one wanted her, sad) and our hugest first world problem in existence was that we needed technically a mamoru and of course no self-respecting boy in elementary school would have admitted under death threats to watching sailor moon because it was a girls’ thing (aaaaah gender roles in the early-mid 90s, how fun) so everyone despaired because ofc no one wanted to play mamoru... and the few times any guy actually showed up like HEEEEY I WANNA DO IT BUT PLEASE DON’T TELL MY FRIENDS I LIKE SAILOR MOON we’d all be like OMG YOU’RE OUR NEW FAVORITE PERSON PLEASE YOUR SECRET IS SAFE because we couldn’t believe we found the magical boy™ who wanted to do it, and if anyone had told us that the kid in question was stealing sailor moon from us we’d have laughed in their face.
kids don’t ask of media what you, an adult do, and it’s unfair of you, an adult, to ask children’s/ya media to cater to your damned interests, which are amply catered to by the tons of adult literature around which also forces you to push on your views and read more challenging things and to not read/watch stuff at face value, which is why I would really appreciate it if the amount of 20yo people on here who I consider adults engaged with more adult media and let themselves be challenged instead of just going back to ya/kids’ things, which are good for teens and kids and can be enjoyed by everyone but should not be the only goddamned genre you measure all other literature against because then you get people saying that lolita is pro-pedo when it’s exactly the goddamned contrary, but if you think that pov character = protagonist = good guy (which is... staple kids/ya stuff for obvious reasons) then you decide that humbert humbert is someone you’re supposed to root for. too bad that you’re not and the author was an actual csa victim so it’s a completely ridiculous reading that wouldn’t happen if you didn’t read lolita the way you read hp.
... okay, I’m done, sorry for how long this was, I hope it cleared things for good xD
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thepucegoose · 6 years
was tagged by @scifistudies bc they’re v cute
Rules: Tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better
Name: Kit
Nickname: people call me Kit-Kat sometimes :D also at school they sometimes called me Reedy-Boy which i think was supposed to be an insult but i loved it
Gender/pronouns: they/them pronouns, i reckon i’m nonbinary bc i feel kind of like a girl and kind of like a boy and sort of neither idek gender is weird
Zodiac sign: cancer
Height: i’m v nearly 5′7″
Sexuality: sexuality gets kind of weird when gender gets all muddled but basically generally Girls u kno? i just say i’m gay
Languages spoken: english and i can speak conversational bsl (just about). i also know a tiny bit of french and an even tinier bit of hebrew. i can read welsh pronunciation and say i want toast which is p much all i need to know i reckon.
Favourite season: autumn
Favourite fruit: raspberries
Favourite scent: my mum’s baking in the oven 
Favourite colour: yellow!!!
Favourite animal: just Animals u kno
Dogs or cats: dogs,, but also,,,,, cats
Coffee, tea, hot chocolate: tea pls
Average hours of sleep: 8-ish? i try to aim for 9
Favourite song: i really love music oh man, this is Not a comprehensive list. i love allll grace petrie songs but especially maggie thatcher’s dream, the best thing i never had, the distance, and sunshine (it physically hurts to only write four there). i also really like the mountain goats; my fave song of theirs is maybe dance music. also: california and the circle game by joni mitchell; supernatural by ken ashcorp; mary mccaslin’s version of living without you; ain’t life sweet by penny lang; letter from america by the proclaimers (i’ve seen them live!! this is what happens when ur mum is scottish); the binding of isaac by schmekel; broken things which was part of the sweet liberties project; girls by the 1975; and two of us by the beatles. i like so many genres but i definitely have a Type when it comes to my faves.
No. of blankets you sleep with: one but w another at the end of the bed. it was crocheted by my great-granny.
Favourite fictional characters: starsky my boy i love him so much im gon cry (also hutch i love him too). jim kirk (from the original series of trek), jamie mccrimmon (from classic who), bunny manders (from the raffles series bc Bunny Is Nonbinary), jadzia dax (from deep space nine), also i’m still getting to know him and he’s a mess but i love fox mulder (from the x files)
Dream trip: I like going to northern france and also scotland w my family but I reckon it’d be cool to visit the states too.
Dream job: rn i want to be a carpenter and build kitchens.
Blog created: i made my first blog in 2012 but idk when i made this one.
Favorite artists: i like leonardo da vinci just bc i think he’s wildly relatable like my boy started so many paintings and only finished 12 he was so adhd.
Favorite books: i like maurice by e.m. forster. even tho it’s Problematic [tm]. also there but for the by ali smith and the don camillo stories by giovannino guareschi. i like david sedaris’s stuff a lot too and i’ve met him!! i’m reading meddling kids by edgar cantero atm and it’s a queer pastiche of scooby doo and the famous five and it’s stunning? it’s about this group of folks who were teen crime fighters in the 70s but it’s set in 1990 and one of them’s dead but Nate’s still talking to him lol and honestly it’s So Good. 
Why I made this account: bc im trash for hyperfixations and tumblr is a Terrible Enabler. 
Followers: 51!! i’m only v small and it’s a relatively new blog. 
I tag:
@monsterhuntingsince93 @thepucegoose @desdoesstuff
if anyone else wants to do it just say i tagged you im so terrible at tagging people and also there’s no obligation if i have :D
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janiedean · 6 years
How can you love Theon Greyjoy and make a long ass meta to defend him but at the same time, hate Cersei? Aren't Theon Greyjoy pre Reek and Cersei kinda similar? Those arrogance, jealousy, bad judgment of self capability, obsessed w social status ect. Yes, Theon change . But that because he was tortured. If Theon fans are being honest, they'll know that if Theon hadn't been tortured, he will always acting like a jerk and be like male version of Cersei. Why you can stand Theon but not Cersei?
.......... can you read?
first of all: I don’t do long-ass meta to defend theon unless it’s about people saying idiotic stuff about him that’s not in the text, but never mind.
second: if you think cersei and theon are the same damned person I don’t know what books you read, but never mind.
third: I listed openly all the reasons why I hate cersei here, you can have fun reading it.
fourth: I find theon an extremely better written and conceived character in every sense and that counts, because theon povs don’t bore me to death, cersei’s do.
theon has ordered ramsay to kill two innocent children to fake bran and rickon’s deaths. since it happened:
he’s had nightmares about it all the time during acok
he feels guilty about it
he can’t even think about it without feeling sick
he can’t get over it
hasn’t thought once that it was ramsay who pretty much suggested him the idea and has never used it to excuse himself
has spent adwd also feeling shit about it and ended up admitting to himself he did a crap thing
meanwhile cersei has ordered to have all of robert’s children murdered, which means at least fifteen kids among which a newborn, and since it happened, do you know what she thought about it?
no. she hasn’t thought about them once, she hasn’t regretted it once, she hasn’t given a fuck about them once, and whenever she thinks about someone she’s hurt it’s always IT WAS THEIR FAULT NEVER MINE.
theon does horrible stuff for stupid reasons but has a conscience and realizes at once he’s doing horrible things and he knows it and he feels bad about it, cersei is a narcissist piece of shit who doesn’t think of anyone else bar herself and doesn’t care for anyone else bar herself and doesn’t feel bad about *any* of the crap she’s pulled, hell she doesn’t even know she did it because she doesn’t care.
that’s enough of a difference to me, but if you wanna go on.
sixth: let’s see why your concept of ‘he’s the male version of cersei’ is dumb as fuck, shall we?
cersei at six/seven: convinces jaime to do sexual stuff with her to the point her mother separates them, molests tyrion in the cradle to the point where jaime had to told her to stop or he’d die. theon: was on pyke getting abused by his older brothers/asha says he was shy/too soft for their islands, was not molesting anyone.
cersei at twelve: kills her then friend because the poor girl had have a crush on jaime. theon at twelve: was being friends with robb while feeling like shit because he thought ned could kill him any moment and was struggling with being a hostage and far from his family. and certainly didn’t push robb down a well.
cersei at fifteen: LET’S CONVINCE JAIME TO RUIN HIS LIFE AND GET INTO THE KINGSGUARD WHILE PLANNING TO MARRY RHAEGAR AND DUMP HIM! theon at fifteen: most likely having a lot of sex but that’s it.
also, cersei killed her friend because the poor girl dared ask maggy if she’d ever marry jaime, like, SHE HAD A FUCKING TEENAGE CRUSH ON JAIME AND CERSEI KILLED HER BECAUSE SHE DARED HAVE A CRUSH ON A GUY SHE THINKS SHE OWNS.
theon’s actions contributed to robb’s death:
And Robb. Robb who had been more a brother to Theon than any son born of Balon Greyjoy’s loins. Murdered at the Red Wedding, butchered by the Freys. I should have been with him. Where was I? I should have died with him.
yeah, sure. cersei couldn’t even muster the force of will to fake feeling bad about jaime losing his hand but lmao okay sure they’re the same person.
Aren't Theon Greyjoy pre Reek and Cersei kinda similar? Those arrogance, jealousy, bad judgment of self capability, obsessed w social status ect.
theon’s arrogance is a defense mechanism pretty much - he postures all the time. cersei’s really like that. theon’s jealous because he wants to be included and have a nice family the way the starks have because he didn’t have it at home and he feels emotionally neglected, cersei’s jealous of anyone else being in her spotlight. which is NOT the same thing. everyone in these books has bad judgment but theon takes bad decisions because he feels backed into a corner, cersei doesn’t even realize she’s taking bad decisions because she doesn’t think SHE is capable of taking bad decisions, while theon’s perfectly aware that he’s not doing the right thing from half of acok on. he does that anyway because he thinks he has no choice, but he has a lot more self-awareness than cersei has. theon’s obsessed with social status because he clings to that to construct a sense of identity, cersei’s obsessed with social status because she wants power.
a lot of people behave sort of similarly for wildly different reasons and those reasons are actually fundamental when deciding if you like a character or not.
Yes, Theon change . But that because he was tortured.
PEOPLE DON’T BECOME BETTER PERSONS THANKS TO EXTENSIVE TRAUMA. CERSEI ALSO WENT THROUGH THE WALK OF SHAME, IT DIDN’T MAKE HER A BETTER PERSON. SHE STAYED THE EXACT SAME AS BEFORE. does that make the walk of shame good? no, because regardless of whatever crap someone’s done, they don’t deserve it, same as no one deserves torturing.
what theon’s torture did was forcing him to face his issues in depth and make him figure out what he eventually really wanted the moment he was stripped bare, but do you think that if he never went to pyke and could have stayed with robb he’d have done the same shit he did in winterfell? no, because theon craved validation from other people, cersei just wants to rule other people. what theon is at the end of adwd is what he always had the potential of being but torture didn’t make him better. he didn’t change because he was tortured. I’ve written tons of meta on why theon at the end of adwd is most likely theon at his most genuine, but if you paid any attention to adwd, you’d have figured out that the moment he has the realization is the one I quoted above. most likely, if robb genuinely liked him and wanted to be friends with him, given robb’s preference in friends... then robb must have seen the guy who saves jeyne, not the guy who kills children. and maybe someone who saves jeyne jumping out of the window is not cersei ie ‘I will send my younger kid to whip someone so he becomes TOUGHER’ and such other amenities, or even better, ‘I’ll completely ignore that my brother has emotional needs and a personality of his own because I have to fuck someone who’s the male version of me because I’m that kind of narcissist’ but hey, totally the same person, right?
good fucking grief anon, cersei’s an asshole and she’s been since the moment she was born and it didn’t take posturing, theon’s turned into one because of crappy upbringing circumstances and who did a bunch of crap to be accepted by others, not to run the fucking seven kingdoms, and theon’s actually had a character evolution that couldn’t have been possible if he had always been an asshole, while cersei hasn’t because she’s been an asshole from the moment she was fucking born.
also, a bunch of theon fans actually love cersei as a character and they love her also because of those similarities and they find her an interesting character, while I personally can’t wait for the moment she fucking dies already and theon outlives her and most other people in these books, and that’s entirely my prerogative because they aren’t the same character, but the fact that *I* hate cersei doesn’t mean all theon fans do. 
but lmao, ‘if theon fans were honest’. good fucking grief theon fans are the least apologetic subfandom in here and we never glossed on the fact that theon is a trash fave, where the hell do you live?
also, last I checked, cersei laughed the moment she heard that cat went insane when she watched robb die in front of her and theon wishes he was dead at the red wedding, that good enough for you?
idk, I love theon because he’s imvho the best written and conceived character in these books all around and he has a compelling storyline that puts together a lot of themes I love (redemption, identity arcs, subversion of the traitor arc and so on), and cersei to me is the fucking least compelling main character in these books because I don’t give a fuck about someone who’s completely bonkers, cares nothing for anyone but herself and whose chapters I find annoying as fuck because her storyline is not what interests me in a fictional character in the slightest. you want male cersei, look at balon, not theon.
AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, just to be clear:
I only ever mention cersei when discussing anti jaimebrienne meta because it usually comes from cersei apologists, but other than that
I never talk about her because I know a lot of ppl I follow like her
I never tag my posts about her because of that
I never tag anti jc posts or anti c. posts differently from what anti-jb people and anti-brienne people do in this fucking fandom
I don’t go into the askbox of cersei stans asking them how in the fucking hell can they think she and jaime are the same person when the text disproved that from the first tyrion pov
I don’t reblog cersei gifsets
the only cersei I have in my blog is the fanart on the header which is crack fanart which happened because a friend and I were joking about she and athos being a bit too much into alcohol that’s fucking it
I don’t let other people know.
can y’all let me dislike this fucking asshole in peace (asshole isn’t even close to the loathing I feel for her but never mind) without deciding that’s hypocritical if I hate her and I don’t hate someone else who’s also not a pure cinnamon roll?
thank you and learn to fucking read because honestly, saying that theon is male cersei is a level of reaching that I can’t even find a fucking metaphor for, given how high it is.
it’s also called personal taste and I can dislike whatever fucking character I like, but for c. I actually have also personal reasons you can maybe discern from reading that linked post. but even if I hadn’t, it’d be my fucking business.
thanks for coming to my umpteenth ted talk. smh.
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janiedean · 8 years
In reponse to the other anon regarding Africans and black identity: the black Africans you know are coons or are putting up a front in the presence of white folks. Sorry not sorry, someone has to spread some truths.
anon, I just. I read this ask four hours ago. I’m staring at it now and I honestly cannot even imagine how to convey the disgust I’m feeling. like it’s making me sick just to look at it. idk. I honestly hope I never run into anyone like you irl. anyway.
you freaking fucking condescending asshole who has no idea what they’re talking about, I work with refugees. I’ve spent like one year talking regularly to people who risked their fucking life to get here in 75% of the cases (last year about 90%) including fucking underage kids, but obviously you don’t care about that, do you? three of the people I’m doing a theater lab with are living in a freaking refugee center, ALL OF THEM OUTSIDE ROME so in order to come to school they have to take one bus and one train every other morning. a lot of the people I worked with last year came from some small town one hour and a half out of the city and school started at 9 AM which meant they had to get up at like fucking six AM to get there. some of them were torture victims. some of them were abuse victims of every kind you can think of. most of them have to talk about that shit to lawyers in order to get a permit of stay or refugee status. but hey, that’s posing to you, is it?
some of these people can speak six fucking languages. *I*, as in the idiot who has to teach them stuff, can speak two currently, read one in a more or less average way and another one very badly. some of them have fucking degrees. and they come to some school where you teach basic italian for free. those people have a rich culture and they are fucking people who couldn’t give two fucks about my skin color or theirs differently from y’all apparently. what even should they have to pose for? what should they have to fake? living abroad? being separated from their families? having suffered more than you or I can even basically imagine? missing their homeland? jesus christ there was some guy a while ago, I was trying to teach people how to talk about the weather, I asked them about the weather in his country and he waxed poetical about how much he missed it and it’s amazing sun and the likes for five minutes, what the fuck do i tell him? you’re a poser because then you could just go back when obviously he needs to be here for other reasons? I just - posers. the fuck. they pose so they appear less privileged than they actually are? rich. THEY LIVE IN A COUNTRY THAT’S NOT THEIRS WHEN IN MOST OF THE CASES THEY DIDN’T EVEN CHOOSE TO BE AND COULDN’T THANKS TO THE DUBLIN TREATY IN AN HISTORICAL MOMENT WHEN XENOPHOBIA AND RACISM ARE AT THEIR HIGHEST AND THEY’RE POSERS? christ, I’m - I can’t even.
I can tell you that whenever we have cultural exchanges and when we had the end of the year school party people were happy to talk about things, to dance with also HORRIBLE WHITE PEOPLE (if it makes me less problematic I didn’t, even if they asked me to, but hey, it was posing! and I didn’t just bc I’m self-conscious about dancing but whatever) and to sing songs from their countries but hey it was all posing to make us feel better? what they should be faking? 
newsflash to you: most of those people, as stated, cannot give two single fucks about skin color. I have classes from all ethnicities and nations and I’ve never seen anyone white (I also have russians or chinese/asians or EEs btw) give a fuck about sitting with someone black or asian or whatever the hell else and I’m fairly sure that even if they’re a lot less fucking privileged than you, me, most people living in a first world country WITHOUT BEING A REFUGEE AND THE LIES AND WHATNOT, they’re nowhere near as full of hate or pettiness or ignorance as you. or of whoever voted for trump since whenever he’s mentioned in class everyone goes like ‘ah yeah the dictator?’. well, someone’s ahead of half of the people who thought he and hillary were the same thing. idek. sure as fuck they have a better grasp of english grammar than half of the people I read making Informed Discourse on tumblr, and it’s not even their mother tongue 99% of the time. of course, there’s also assholes, but assholes are everywhere. my country, yours, theirs, whatever. doesn’t make them fucking posers.  
‘someone has to spread some truths’ okay. sure. I’d still like to know which ones they are but honestly, don’t even tell me because you honestly disgust me and I don’t want your racist ass around here. get. out. and just because you deserve it: maporcamiserialadra io la gente come te non la posso reggere, non la potevo reggere quando li avevo in classe alle elementari, non la posso reggere ora, mi fa letteralmente schifo e saichetedico ma mannaggia a li mortacci tua, e non posso manco dare il beneficio del dubbio ai tuoi cazzo di parenti perché uno/a che spara una cazzata del genere qualcuno ad essere così meschino, poraccio e insopportabile deve averglielo insegnato. va a farti fottere e fammi il piacere di levarti dal cazzo tipo adesso perché la gente come te è il motivo per cui il razzismo esiste e me fa veni da vomità, porcaputtanaeva. mi fai veramente ribrezzo. 
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