#because otherwise one of the dudes you live with will realize you have for SURE seen him doing crimes
lilnasxvevo · 1 year
Pour one out for A Qing because I just realized that at LEAST once she HAD to have seen Xue Yang do something stupid that she desperately wanted to roast him over but that she couldn’t say a word about without revealing she wasn’t actually blind
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firendgold · 28 days
"dumbledore wants to control--" hush
Thinking about how irritating it is that people still believe that Albus Dumbledore (the person people should argue is maybe too lenient with letting every teenager in his school become Sherlock Holmes or Harry Houdini as it suits them) wants to control every single move any teenager makes under his roof or relationship they have, especially Harry.
Y'all. Albus does not care. He sure will prod you in one intellectual direction or the other, help you along toward whatever conclusion he's already drawn about goings-on, but this man is not gnashing his teeth or doing disapproving frowns over his glasses because one of his students keeps their guardian informed of Hogwarts happenings or wants to visit their vault in the middle of the year for some reason or what-the-fuck-ever.
Equally irritating, the fanon idea that Albus wants Harry to only live the life the headmaster plans or wishes (and that's IF they clear the hurdle of even realizing Albus wanted Harry to live at all).
"oh, Dumbledore doesn't want Harry to have power!" HE DOESN'T??? the same guy who said that Harry was a better man than him and a worthy master of the Hallows?
"Dumbledore only wants Harry to do X/be a sacrificial lamb!" He did not want Harry to die. He had no other choice thanks to the actions consistently taken by y'all's problematic fave, Voldemort. It's only a twist of irony that Voldemort also unintentionally rescued Harry as well. If Dumbledore had taken some of the actions y'all wanted him to by pretending he had the power to override an age-old Goblet that Barty used to put Harry in the tournament, then Harry would have perma-died at any point where an otherwise-resurrected Voldemort got his hands on him.
And Albus never expresses any desire for Harry to do or be anything besides what he is. Harry decides he wants to be an Auror because a Death Eater in disguise told him he'd be good at it. He never challenges this career path even when he honestly should.
Albus' actual wishes for Harry's future boil down to this:
is he alive?
is he safe?
is he happy?
If these conditions are filled, the real Albus Dumbledore is ecstatic.
So no, there's no universe where Albus is trying to block Harry from meeting with Ministry officials (unless they're losers like Rufus Scrimgeour, who was actively more interested in arresting randoms and getting photo shoots with the teenager he should have been PROTECTING from Voldemort, not holding in front of himself like a human shield).
The real Albus does not even lift an eyebrow at your fanon Harrys deciding they must meet with The Heads of Prominent Magical Families who previously didn't give a single shit about them. (And fandom, why is this dumb idea STILL A THING two decades later?? Who gives a shit what the dude whose name you found on Pottermore and whose personality you made up has been doing during the Voldemort years, when it was likely just sitting around with a thumb up his ass twittering about Family Honor while fascist terrorists were murdering people across the country?)
Albus likes Harry more than anyone else. He wants Harry to live a fulfilling life. If Harry became Minister for Magic, Albus would be thrilled. It would give him an excuse to actually visit the Ministry more often.
If Albus could be said to have an endgame or desire for Harry's career at all, it would be making Harry a professor at Hogwarts. Did you see how much he teared up when he found out the resistance was named after him? Or how he spent the whole next year giving Harry 'lessons' he had to know were being passed right to Ron and Hermione? Albus' passion is teaching; it's the one thing he feels he hasn't completely screwed up or corrupted. He'd die happy if Harry became the Defense professor and they could share meals and classroom anecdotes every day.
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physalian · 3 months
Another 5 Character Types the World Needs More of (Part 3)
Part 1 Part 2
I did not expect these two posts to continue getting notes. So. Here’s some that didn’t make the cut and a few new ones.
1. Character who is immune to everyone else’s bullshit
This can either be funny or a breath of fresh air. I’m talking your drama cast of 15 all losing their minds over “he said/she said” and fixating on so many ridiculous and arbitrary problems… meanwhile Chuck over here is skinned with teflon and completely immune to tropes like manufactured miscommunication or drama, who’s juuust shy of being genre savvy to Get Shit Done like this is their second time around the block and they are not happy to be back.
The first one to pop into my head is Soundwave from TFP. He has no voice actor for 99% of the show and doesn’t have a face and is only the focus character for like, 2 episodes, but whenever he’s on screen you can just see “I’m surrounded by idiots” playing on repeat in his head. This con is brutally efficient, never messes up, and is never wrong and while everyone else is caught up on ladder-climbing and revenge quests, Soundwave is over here vibing and keeping the whole cause together.
2. The Femme Fatale, but a man
This is not sexy suave abusive asshole hero you’re supposed to root for, who’s a male power fantasy. This is literally the exact same trope, but a man. Meaning, he gets the same revealing uniform, the same “I’m letting you think you’re in charge but really I’m pulling all the strings”. Crucially, he’s straight, because most of them are gay-coded (because the man being in the submissive, ‘girly role’ is horrifying, he must be gay). This dude weaponizes toxic masculinity, making the villains extremely uncomfortable and throwing the villain’s own power fantasy back in their face.
This dude unabashedly flirts with his captors just to get in their heads, removes all concepts of personal space, and makes straight villains seriously question their sexuality. He has social engineering down to a science. I’m sure there’s one that exists, but every one I can think of is already queer-coded and that’s not good enough. So just. Black Widow. But a man.
3. Mary Sue/ Gary Stu who becomes the villain
Since these characters are the product of insecurity and lack of self-awareness… the example for this trope is Titan from Megamind. This character is absolutely the hero of their own story, practically perfect in every way. They think they’re the best at everything without trying, flawless in features and personality, and everybody loves them. And genuinely, they are just that good.
So good, that they live long enough to become the villain. Obviously people who write Mary Sues with full sincerity have no idea that anything’s wrong or problematic, but a genuine Mary Sue whose perfection is their greatest flaw without them even realizing it would be an interesting villain because I’m getting sick and tired of “sympathetic” villains who are really starting to feel like excuses for abusers to be abusive because they were smacked around as a kid.
4. Paragon who is wrong, but also right?
Apparently I’m in a Transformers mood today. There’s an episode where the Autobots’ medic/second in command does the whole “desperate scientist tests their invention on themselves with horrible results” trope and he gains the strength and speed he otherwise hasn’t had in like, eons, and starts kicking ass and taking names (and committing war crimes) to the point where his team is like “uh, buddy, slow down a bit, you’re starting to act like a Decepticon”.
The best part of that episode is where Ratchet (medic) completely unloads on Optimus about how he’s too soft, about how he’s had a million chances to end the war and murder Megatron (which is true) and yet Optimus lets the window pass again and again still hoping for Megatron’s redemption… while in the process, countless Autobots keep dying, collateral keeps happening, all because Optimus is stubborn and won’t just get it over with.
We know Ratchet is right, because throughout the next season, Optimus is a bit more… shall we say, ruthless, in trying to legitimately end the war, Megatron’s redemption be damned. But that episode ends with Ratchet nearly dying when trying to kill Megatron himself, and understanding that the Autobots are Autobots for a reason, because they’re “good,” and sinking to the enemy’s level won’t be a good foundation for a peaceful post-war survival of their species. Point being, sometimes being a Paragon is an incredibly selfish virtue.
5. Parents who know what’s up
So, while I am a firm supporter in the dead parent cliché because parents are super inconvenient sometimes, when it’s not that kind of story and the parents are a big part of the plot… while also being idiots (like Disney and Nickelodeon sitcoms circa 2008), just to make the kids sound smarter, it’s just been done to death. Everything you could think of, your parents probably did when they were your age so having competent parents in the plot as a well-meaning obstacle that continues to surprise the hero is pretty rare in stuff like YA. Usually it’s “I must lie to them to keep them safe” meanwhile Sally Jackson is over here murdering her husband with Medusa’s severed head.
They don’t have to join the hero team, but parents painted as bumbling idiots is a disservice to the mischievous teenagers they used to be. Or just the parent who really does know the kid better than they do, like when kids anxiously come out and the parent is like “honey I knew since you were 3 let’s go get ice cream”. I didn't watch Glee but that one dad who was like "son all you wanted was a pair of sensible shoes, I knew." So yeah. Smart parents. More please.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 months
The Lady Whistledown Papers : 1x01 - A Diamond of the First Water (Part 3)
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Hi! Welcome back to The Lady Whistledown Papers, where I'm taking an in-depth look at Penelope Featherington and Colin Bridgerton's character arcs and romance within the show Bridgerton!
For previous issues, follow tag : The Lady Whistledown Papers
Girls Like You
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Jumping back in, we start off with a montage of suitors for both Daphne and Marina set to Maroon 5's Girls Like You. Usually, I have some great thoughts on the use of music within shows but this one feels... just like a fun little pop song to put to a montage? Most of the lyrics involve -- needing a girl like you -- and -- yeah yeah yeah. It's not the most profound song, but it works nicely for the montage.
Also, I love when they match the Featherington girls' dresses. I'd love the backstory as to why Portia is obsessed with citrus fruits.
As a nice touch, when the LW voice over starts, the camera pushes in on Penelope. I kind of love all the hints they give that LW is Pen -- it's incredibly obvious once you start looking for them. Anyway, Penelope is so devilish here. She loves the attention Marina is getting - not only because she finds Marina a nice person, but because it's pissing her mother off. I love that the LW narration is Pen's way of throwing salt in her mothers' wound. It's a bit wicked. And delicious.
What's somewhat wild, though, is that LW goes after the Queen about her choice of Daphne as a diamond. THE QUEEN! Like, that is bold, Pen. Incredibly bold. She even throws shade at King George, like wow. It's no wonder the Queen is obsessed to track her down. Pen's playing with fire here. But I wonder if she doesn't realize, yet, that there can be consequences to her words? I mean - right now, LW is almost like her journaled words being published -- unedited thoughts that aren't necessarily filtered, but are done so anonymously. The only reactions she's really getting are her mother's frustrations -- which she delights in.
It'll be interesting to watch the LW development as the show continues...
Courting I
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Awww, it's our first real Polin scene of the show! And it's... like ten seconds long. But! Still plenty to dig through.
Colin's decided to call on Marina - I'm assuming he's the one (or one of the ones really) who brought her flowers. And during one of the suitor's atrocious poems, Colin's throwing Pen (and you could argue Eloise) looks. Like, can you believe this guy? Seriously?
But, no, I love that there's this layer of non-verbal communication right off the bat. Colin isn't just some random dude Pen has had a crush on from afar. They have an established relationship from the onset (which I'll talk about more in a sec) and how many times -- cutting through the ridiculous nature of the society they live in, do they shoot each other knowing looks.
They grew up together, and while Colin probably very much thinks of her as an additional sister at this point -- there's a comfort there that he can express how he's feeling over the situation to her.
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A quick second about the dog - it took me a sad amount of times to realize that one of the suitors had brought it as a gift. It also doesn't show up after this episode (I think) so I really hope it's safely living at a neighbor's house after Portia decides to get rid of it.
Anyway... I was thinking about Eloise in this scene. Why is she even in this scene, she doesn't need to be. Well, actually, in a way, she does! First of all - we can appreciate Claudia Jessie's fantastic comedic skills (Btw - anyone else up for a buddy comedy with Claudie Jessie and Nicola Coughlan? Because I sure am here for it).
Secondly, it helps reestablish that Pen and Eloise are bffs. Which helps establish why Colin would otherwise randomly come up to talk to her after calling hour is over. This is the first episode of the series, and all of these relationships are being established. And it can be done without dialogue having to confirm it. It's all subtle, but it's better than the trap of over explaining things in expository dialogue.
Anyway, I want some backstory... How often do Eloise and Pen sneak over to each other's houses? They were children when they met - how often did Pen play over at the Bridgerton house? It's interesting that children are allowed some freedoms that once you get older, aren't allowed anymore. I have to wonder - if one reason that Pen and Colin are so free with each other later on is that because they they were children together, and probably played together as kids, they don't feel as bound by society's rules because they didn't have to when they were younger.
And now I just have all of these headcanons about a much younger Colin chasing his sister(s) and Pen who is visiting around the house in the way siblings do. And Eloise deciding she wants to take revenge, and she and Pen coming up with plots to play pranks on her brother(s). Think of Gregory and Hyacinth at the beginning of the episode, running around causing havoc. And I can just imagine that Eloise and Colin are a lot like that, too. And of course, Pen, who wanted to be away from her own family, from her own sisters who treated her like a disease, would want to be a part of it as much as she could.
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Before I get into their exchange, a small, but important detail is what Portia says a moment before -- she encourages the young men to acknowledge her other daughters in hopes that someone will notice Prudence or Phillipa. But the way she includes Penelope's name -- "or even Penelope" -- it's an after thought. It's like, oh yeah, I have a third child I guess if you really want to acknowledge her, go ahead, but meh, who cares. It's so sad, really that Portia thinks so little of her at this point in time.
But then here's the kicker -- not one of these suitors even takes a glance over in Prudence or Phillipa's direction. But Colin takes a moment to full on have a short aside with Penelope. He makes it a point to go over to her to share a laugh -- because they'd probably been rolling their eyes at each other during all of this suitor business, and now that the official courting moment is over, they can have an exchange.
The fact that Portia is so blind to what goes on with her youngest daughter is the reason LW works. Penelope is left to really be on her own - and while that's devastatingly lonely, it also allows her a freedom that other women her age and place in society don't get.
Anyway, back to Colin -- and the fact that the first thing he does is seek out Penelope. He could address his own sister, who is sitting right there, but he doesn't. Because Eloise probably usually ignores him. Penelope doesn't. She latches on to pretty much everything he says, and that's gonna be a big deal for Colin (but we'll get there...)
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Their exchange is only a couple of lines, but they're able to be witty with each other. Penelope mentions that the suitor is no Lord Byron (and -- guys, as an aside, if you want a wild time, look up the life and times of Lord Byron and the Shelleys. It's just... a good time...) Anyway, Colin's face subtly shifts in this moment. Her wit and intelligence is impressive, and he clocks that. It's why he keeps coming back to her - because they can share similar thoughts - but also she's deeply amusing on top of that.
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And, oh, dear Penelope... Her eyes never leave him. She is just so, so gone. Not only is she just over the moon that he comes to stop to talk to her, not only is she gazing adoringly up at him during the quick exchange, her look lingers as he leaves. Of course, part of this is visual storytelling to show the depths of her feelings. But, we're beyond crush stuff here -- this girl has got it bad.
Seriously -- how does Eloise not notice all of this? I mean, plot purposes, yes, and the fact that Eloise is usually caught up in her own drama to really notice other things. But you'd think you'd notice your best friend being moony for brother after a while. Because, Pen, girl, you wear your heart on your sleeve...
Courting II
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Before we get into the meat of this short, little moment - I have to mention the transition. In the scene before, Simon and Anthony were talking, and Anthony mentions that he's not worried about taking a wife because he has brothers... And we cut to this scene where Colin is courting Marina. And, I think it's a neat little transition because - we see Colin doing something that Anthony is actively not doing. Looking for a wife. (Or at least a romantic partner)
That's the thing about Colin -- he is a romantic. Unlike Anthony, whose position is different because he is the oldest and therefore there's more responsibility there, and therefore he'd rather not deal with it at all (and who has a ton of trauma going on in addition) and unlike Benedict, who is kind of caught up in finding himself more than anything, Colin (who is young still at this point) likes the idea of a wife and a partner and a domestic home.
It's one (of many - I'll get to it) reason he is so quick to propose to Marina. It's why he doesn't fuck around ages later when he figures out his feelings for Penelope. It's actually something Colin and Penelope have in common -- they both have a shared love of romance.
Okay, so onto this moment, I want to note the blocking of the scene. Notice how Penelope is on the floor, playing with the dog? It's purposeful! It positions her to reflect that she's still a child, or at least a child when compared to Colin and Marina on the couch, deep in their courting moment. It highlights the chasm currently between them -- something Marina will bring up later, that Penelope is still a child, a younger sister, not serious marriage prospect in Colin's eyes.
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There's Lady Whistledown narration going over this scene -- where LW proclaims that Colin might be rewarded with the prize of Marina. And we see Penelope watching with a mix of emotion.
Penelope was having fun with all the suitors back when there were a ton of them and they were spouting bad poetry. But now that it's just Colin and Marina, the knife twists a bit in Pen's heart. She's playing with the puppy, as a way to pretend she's not that interested, but she's dutifully watching. And yes, a small part of it is her LW ways. A bigger part of it is to watch the development of this particular courtship. And, a third part of it is that there's a twisted sense of -- I may hate every thing about what's happening, but we're still in the same room together. She doesn't miss opportunities to be near Colin whenever she can.
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The LW narration is somewhat brutal and almost petty. Pen is mocking Marina through the guise of carefully placed compliments. (Note - Julie Andrews doesn't oversell it the narration, but the hint of sarcasm is there.) Again, they did a great job at layering the narration over Pen's face, so we literally are hearing what she's thinking.
Here's the other thing about the narration :: 'It has come to my ears that Mr. Colin Bridgerton will win the grand prize when he sweeps Miss Thompson off her pretty, little, slippered feet.'
There's a lot in that little sentence. Pen is watching Colin and Marina laugh together. And that is hard for Pen -- because we saw it even in the first scene they have together. They laugh, have in-jokes, seek each other out and share cute, sweet little moments. Sure -- we know (or will be told) that Colin is flirty in general, he cracks jokes, makes people seem at ease, and is genuinely kind to everyone. But Pen has taken a lot of those interactions for herself, has buried them away as something special between the two of them.
Colin flirting out during promenades (or whenever) is kind of a distant thing. Pen having a front row seat to watch Colin lay his natural charm at a serious romantic partner is something else entirely. She hates it. And that's why she turns away, because it's a bit too much. And yet, she doesn't leave -- because she can't.
Also, ALSO! The - sweep her off her feet - comment in the narration. Marina will find Colin a bit fun, but it's a nice connection. And I do think she likes Colin. But she's not really swept off her feet. Pen was the one who got swept off her feet. I just... think they did a great job keeping up the duality of having LW be her own thing and having it really reflect Pen's inner thoughts.
So on that angsty note... one more post about the first episode to wrap it up, then we can move on!! See -- I told you there's a lot in this first episode!
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evan4ever · 2 years
I Didn’t Know Where Else to Go
Warren Lipka x reader smut
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I am so ungodly attracted to this man
Warnings: a lot of foul language, harassment, bullying, drinking/drugs, smut, fingering, p in v penetration, unprotected sex, orgasm
a/n: I saw a tik tok about enemies to lovers and came up with this 🙊🙈 excuse any errors, as always lol
You and Warren Lipka were far from friends, enemies if you will. You were this good girl with daddy wrapped around your finger and he was the bad boy who always got himself into trouble somehow, whether it be with the police or with another human who outdid his strength. You weren’t strangers to each other, almost every party you went to he was either there already or would show up later. And he always had something to say to you.
“You know they say when a boy is mean to a girl it’s because they like her?” You teased one time, causing the many people in the room to laugh and Warren to become flustered and annoyed.
“You’re nothing to like.” He’d scoff. “You’re not even fun to be around. One little inconvenience and you run back to your daddy to fix it. You’re pathetic, honestly. Leftovers for later when the actual meal goes cold.” His words stung you, they often did because he always threw it in your face that you’re dad helped you. As if it was a bad thing? But the way he spoke of it embarrassed you in front of your friends. You had always tried to stay as humble as possible but Warren always made you seem otherwise.
“Did daddy buy you that car?”
“Does daddy pay all your bills even when you’re 23 years old?”
“Oh look, the rich bitch is here.”
He always had something to say. And you hated it. You hated him.
Tonight was no different. You were at a party, a pretty and short black dress on and your high heels somewhere in the living room since you’ve ridden of them the second your feet began hurting. You were pretty tipsy, having taken 3 shots of tequila with your girlfriends while the boys cheered you all on. And you were sipping on the pineapple Malibu you held in to tightly while you danced in the middle of all of your friends. You were having a great time and you weren’t even that drunk yet. Though you never got too drunk, your dad taught you that it’s better to get to the right buzz that way you sober up quicker and know what you’re doing. It’s worked all these years and you didn’t plan on stopping.
The living room was loud, music blasting and people singing and talking and yelling to another. You only danced your little heart away to the music, your eyes closed and arms held in the air careful not to spill your drink. You hadn’t even noticed the few people who had come through the front door and at the moment you didn’t care. That was until an angry yell broke you from your music high, your eyes shooting open and looking around for the possible fight that was going to break out.
Of course your eyes landed on Warren who was smirking while one of the guys who’s been at the party since it started was practically cowering over Warren, his finger pointing at him and jabbing into his chest. You weren’t sure what started the fight, but it wasn’t really on your list of things to happen tonight. When you realized the bigger man was getting ready to punch Warren, you quickly strolled over to them and rested your hand on the boys raised arm. He looked at you angrily, but it slowly diminished at the sight of you. You only sent him a soft reassuring smile and within moments, the boy took a step back from Warren, who was still standing there with a smirk on his lips and his arms crossed over his chest confidently. The boy looked back to Warren and with a deep, obvious annoyed sigh, he turns and walks off. The rest of the crowd turns back to their previous doings at the realization that there would be no fight to watch, and you look back at Warren, copying his stance by crossing your arms.
“What is wrong with you? He would’ve crushed your skull.” You furrowed your eyebrows genuinely wondering what goes through this dudes mind that makes him so reckless.
“Hm, good thing the little princess was there to save me, right? One look from you and he backs down in a fight? What, you fuck him too?” You clenched your jaw at his last question, feeling the rage inside of you boiling in your chest. Warren was always quick to calling you a slut or a whore. According to him, your body count was probably 300.
“You have some real nerve, Lipka.” You shook your head and turned in your bare heel no longer wanting to be near him.
“Yeah, go cry about it to your daddy.” You heard him call back at you with a laugh. Spencer was stood next to him but being the low key guy he is, he said nothing and didn’t acknowledge Warren’s “joke”.
You made it to the kitchen and witnessed a few other guys snorting a line of coke off the counter, furrowing your eyebrows in disgust and walking to the counter to get yourself a glass of water. Your mood was low since the interaction with Warren, you were ready to leave as soon as you sobered up which wouldn’t take long. You chugged the glass of water and set it in the sink, gasping at the hands that snaked around your waist from behind you.
You looked back still startled by the interaction and looked at the guy who had just snorted some Coke now clinging to you from behind. “You got all the guys here wrapped around your finger, know that? Whatdya hiding under this dress baby?” He was obviously fucked up and you were not having it, immediately pulling yourself from his hold and storming past him not in the mood to be slut-shamed again. Especially when you’ve only had sex a handful of times and all of them were with you longtime ex boyfriend from high school. You had a pretty face and people liked you and that made you a slut, apparently.
“Aw come on don’t be like that” he called out to you but you continued your way and ignored him, “bet I’ll convince her next time.” You could hear him laugh with his friends and once again, you blood boiled. You irrationally grabbed the glass bottle full of cheap vodka that was next to you and turned back around, matching your way back to the man. He turned to you with a grin, thinking you had changed your mind but before he had the chance to speak, you swung the glass bottle into the side of his head, the sound of glass shattering and the man hitting the floor causing silence throughout the house.
All eyes were on you, warrens included, and no one knew what to say. The man was groaning in pain, bleeding from the side of his forehead and seemed pretty fucking dazed. “You just fucking assaulted me, you dumb bitch!” He groaned out trying to stand. You took a step back from him but remained angry and threatening. You didn’t even feel the shards of glass that had sliced into your arms when it shattered on him.
“I guess you should learn to control your fucking mouth? What, are you gonna turn me in? I’m not the one high off fucking coke.” You raised an eyebrow daring him to continue arguing, though he didn’t. His buddies helped him up and with a few glares and nasty looks they led him out of the kitchen. You clenched your jaw and looked around at the crowd still staring at you in silence. “Don’t you all have something better to do?” You raised your voice at them, a few turning away quickly to act preoccupied and a few continuing to watch as you marched from the kitchen to the living room to grab your phone and storm out of the house. The party was over for you, you wanted to go home.
And so you made it to your small apartment where you entered and slammed your keys down on your counter and took a few breaths to calm yourself. You were ridiculously worked up and you knew it was over so stressing over it was going to do you no good. Instead, you stripped yourself of your dress, already barefoot having forgotten your shoes, and made your way to your bathroom to start a hot shower. You stepped in once at the right temperature and closed your eyes as the steaming water hit your body and relaxed you muscles, exactly what you needed. You weren’t even sure how long you’d been in but finally drew yourself from it and slipped on some short spandex and an oversized shirt to get comfortable.
You made your way to your couch and sat down snuggling into a blanket and searched through Hulu for a movie to watch. You really wanted to go to sleep, but you needed the noise so you didn’t feel alone, especially after such a bad night. You settled on The Proposal, one no one could ever go wrong with, and just barely got comfortable when you heard a knock at the door. You couldn’t control the groan that came from your lips as you threw the blanket off and stood, striding to the door in annoyance and throwing it open, as if your dad taught you nothing about answering doors especially at midnight. You weren’t sure who you’d see waiting for you, but you definitely weren’t expecting to see Warren standing there.
You furrowed your eyebrows at him in even more annoyance, as if your night could get any worse, and you were about to ask him what the fuck he wanted but your mouth shut instantly at the sight of his bruised face and bloody lip. “What happened?” You asked instead. He tried to look anywhere but your eyes, almost ashamed of himself. You only remained looking at his beaten face in concern. “Do you need a doctor? I can take you.”
“No.” He finally spoke and you tilted your head confused, finally shaking it as if to ask him to elaborate what was going on. “I..” he cleared his throat and took a deep breath in. “These guys. They were talking some real bad shit about you. Like bad. I’m talking jumping you for what you did to their friend. It pissed me off and so I beat the fuck out of them. But it was me against three so, I look like this.” Your body tensed at the thought of what these guys could’ve, would’ve, done to you. Frat boys could be really screwed up and not many had respect for girls. Girls were a means of pleasure and a punching bag to them. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know where else to go.” He finally looked at you and met your eyes. Yours softened realizing that the man you never liked or got along with defended you behind your back, and you were thankful.
“Are they..?” You started and trailed off but he knew what you were going to ask and shook his head.
“No. They backed off and went back to partying. I don’t think they’ll fuck with you.”
You let out a sigh of relief and nodded. There was a silent awkward beat before you finally stepped aside. “You can come in. I should clean up your lips so it doesn’t get infected.” You insisted and he obliged, letting himself enter into your home. You closed the door behind him and went straight to your sink to retrieve a wet towel and some alcohol as well as an ice pack. He decided to sit at your table while he waited for you and you joined him a moment later, sitting in front of him. “Can I?” You asked permission before starting and he simply nodded. You began wiping the blood away and once clean you hesitated. “This might burn” you whispered and he only nodded again bracing himself and wincing once the alcohol met his gash. You apologized quickly and placed the wet towel over it to try to ease the burn and in minutes he seemed no longer phased.
You removed the towel and examined it, seeing it now perfectly clean and only a cut that was no longer bleeding, smiling to yourself at your work. “Here, I brought an ice pack for your swollen eye. It’ll help it.” You encouraged him to take it from you and he did, placing it against the side of his face.
“Thanks.” He nodded to you awkwardly. Another silent beat passed as you both struggled for words, having literally never been in each others presence where it wasn’t hateful; having never been alone. It was weird for you both, though not uncomfortable.
“Why did you defend me?” You finally asked, wanting to understand given your past with the other. He owed you nothing, you were just as mean and spiteful to him. Your eyes were on his curiously, desperate to know.
He shifted awkwardly and shrugged. “Don’t know. I guess it just made me sick to think about letting them do what they were saying. I had to at least try to stop them.”
“But why?” You asked immediately. “You hate me.”
He furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at the table as he went over your statement, almost ashamed of the way he’s treated you. “Just because I don’t like you doesn’t mean I want you hurt.”
Your eyebrows raised in surprise. You weren’t sure what you were expecting him to say but it wasn’t that. And it honestly made you happy, appreciative. It brought a whole new light to Warren you’d never seen before.
You copied him by looking down at your hands and picking at the skin on your finger while thinking everything over. “Well, thank you. I owe you one.”
“No you don’t.” He said almost in disbelief, looking up to meet his eyes again that were on you already. “You don’t owe me anything. Not for this.” The seriousness in his voice told you not to object, only nodding in response. You were both still sat next to the table facing each other. Your knees were against his from how close you’ve been by cleaning up his face. And it was like something took over you. This new light you saw him in was almost hypnotizing, making you do what it wanted you to do and having no say — not that you minded.
You leaned forward in your chair, your eyes never leaving his, and he was quick to understand what you wanted, leaning in grabbing your waist and pulling you from your chair onto his lap. Your bodies were against each other now, your face slightly above his making him have to look up at you. You gazed down at him, wondering if you should really do this or not. But you couldn’t control yourself, you were so fucking attracted to the guy right now. You wanted him and by the looks of it, he wanted you too.
Your hands slid up his arms to his shoulders before stopping on either side of his face, now caressing him. His eyes never left yours and there was a look of hunger and desperation in them, but he wanted you to be sure. You finally lowered your face closer to his and let your lips close the small gap you had left in a gentle kiss. You felt his hands find their way under your shirt and softly move over the bare skin on your waist and back, his fingertips beginning to trace your sides up and down sending a shiver down your spine and goosebumps to arise all over. You broke the kiss only to tilt your head the other way allowing you kiss him again more deeply. His hands began grabbing at your sides harder causing a small moan from you to escape into his mouth, only turning him on more.
He quickly took ahold of your waist now and pushed you down onto him, both of you breaking the kiss to let out a moan as you felt his bulge pressing into you, so close to where you wanted it to be. He wasted no time in reconnecting his lips to yours, now allowing his tongue to slide into your mouth. His hands slide down to your ass and grabbed ahold of it as he stood from his chair, holding you up. Your legs instantly wrapped around his waist, your arms hooking around his neck as you both continued your heavy makeout while he carried you to what he assumed was your room.
Once at the foot of your bed, he broke the kiss and slowly lowered you onto it now hovering above you. You pushed your self back towards the pillows and leaned forward, grabbing him and pulling him on to you so needing, leaning yourself up so you could attach your lips to his again and feeling him lower you both so you were laying flat now, his arms holding him over you on either side of your head. Your hands slowly made their way to the bottom of his shirt and pulling on it, indicating you wanted it off, him leaning back upright and removing it, tossing it somewhere on your floor. His hands immediately went to your spandex, hooking his thumbs into them and beginning to pull them off. You took leaned up enough so you could remove your own shirt while he stripped you of your bottoms, now leaving you completely bare and exposed to him.
Your heart began thumping louder in your chest as you realized you were laying naked in front of him, becoming insecure and covering your exposed breasts from him.
“Hey, hey” you heard him say, your eyes closed from the fear of his reaction to your body. You felt him lean back over you and use one of his hands to push your hair from your face, tracing down your cheek gently. “You don’t have to hide yourself from me. You’re fucking beautiful.” His words were so soft and sincere that it picked a weight off your chest, you eyes blinking open and looking up to meet his. They held so much truth behind them as they gazed down at you that the insecurity you felt simply diminished while looking into them. This was a new part of Warren you had never seen, never expected to see either. And as you looked at the man shirtless above you, you couldn’t help but take in his beautiful features, they made him look like a fucking God.
You slowly removed your arms from your chest allowing him to see your breasts, his eyes looking down and taking them in. “Fuck” he whispered out, his eyes flickering back to yours before his head dipped down and took one of your nipples in his mouth. Your own mouth fell open at the new sensation, his other hand tracing over your shoulder before landing on and taking your other breast into it, kneading and softly rubbing over the other nipple. Your eyes stayed on his, watching him suck on and play with your tits while he watched your desperation grow. Light moans escaped, feeling yourself becoming more and more wet from the pleasure he was giving you, your head falling back into the pillow as you showered in it. You pushed your chest up into him needy for more feeling, bucking your hips into him immediately after to relieve some of the pressure being built up in your aching pussy. He quickly grabbed your hips and pushed you back down into the bed to deny you of the relief, your eyes shooting open to look at him with confusion.
He looked up yo meet yours and gave you an innocent smile before pushing himself lower and placing each of your legs over one of his shoulders, now able to see your dripping pussy. He groaned at just the sight and you watched with furrowed brows, impatient to feel him. “So fucking wet for me, huh?” He teased, one of his fingers coming up to play with your clit. You sucked a sharp breath in, still watching him, his own eyes on your heat. The desperation you felt was becoming almost painful and you couldn’t control the second buck if your hips just to feel more of him. He took the chance to use his other hand, pushing a finger inside of you with such ease, a long moan escaping from you.
“Yes.. please..” you begged, feeling pathetic in doing so but needing more. He didn’t hesitate, pushing another finger in and sliding them out, watching in awe as your juices soaked them completely. His ears filled with another moan from you, and he finally began finger fucking you faster, just like you wanted. You gasped and your back arched off the bed as he watched proudly, the sight of you and the sound of you making him harder if it were even possible. God, he couldn’t wait to feel you around his throbbing dick.
He fingered you for some minutes longer before pulling them from you, moving himself back over you. He brought his fingers to your mouth and opened, tasting yourself on his fingers with no hesitation. He groaned at the sight of his fingers in your mouth and lowered his head into your neck, leaving hot open mouthed kisses from your ear to your collar bone, allowing himself to suck on the thin, sensitive skin while he worked on removing his jeans and boxers. His dick spray upward finally being released and you quickly wrapped your hand around him and jerked him off while he moaned into your collar bone, biting down on it causing you to gasp. His hips began moving, sliding perfectly through your hand that was still wrapped around him. You closed your eyes at the beautiful sound of his low moans against your skin.
After another moment of jerking him, he grabbed your hand from him along with your other and pressed them into the mattress, once again on either side of your head and hovered above you. His eyes were so much darker now as they looked back into yours that we’re looking up at him through your long lashes.
“Are you ready?” He asked and you nodded eagerly, so much more than ready. “Are you sure this is okay?” He double checked and the simple question caused so many butterflies in your stomach that it nearly took your breath away. You blinked a few times before nodding again, this time much slower and serious. Before he could do anything, you leaned up and placed a small, reassuring kiss on his lips before falling back against the pillows as your hands were still held down by his. A half smile broke on his lips before his hand released yours and reached down to line himself with your entrance, immediately taking your hand and pressing it back into the mattress. Your eyes held contact as he slowly pushed himself into you, both of you moaning from the feeling that you’ve both been waiting for.
He pulled himself out and slowly reentered you a few times to allow you to adjust to him, then he leaned down and connected your lips as he began speeding up, your moans muffled against his mouth, a sound he fucking loved. You bit down on his bottom lip, his eyes closing and Devilish smile forming on his lips. He released your hands and grabbed your waist tightly and in one quick, swift motion he flipped you around, a squeak coming from you, so you were now straddling him. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to his chest and held you to him while he thrusted up into you hard now, gasps leaving your mouth with each one that felt it was hitting deeper and deeper inside of you.
Your hips began moving in sync with him to help him reach the deepest part of you, his eyes fluttering shut while yours watched him from a above him. “You’re so fucking hot” you squeaked out while he continued thrusting and you continued riding him, unable to keep your own eyes open from the pleasure. You squirmed from his hold and sat upright so it was easier to grind into him with each bounce, which also happened to cause enough friction on your clit to push you closer to the edge.
“Fuck, Warren, I’m gonna cum,” you nearly cried out, your head falling back and your hands grabbing his legs to keep you balanced. He quickly brought his hand to your clit again and rubbed quick circles, a string of moans leaving your open mouth while he watch in awe, never taking his eyes off of you.
“Cum for me baby, fuck” he groaned, thrusting harder into you as his own orgasm drew close. “Cum all over me, princess.” You let out a breathless laugh at his usual nickname he decided to use, grinding yourself into him at his last hard thrust, pushing you both over the edge.
“fuck fuck fuck” you whined as your buddy feel forward into him, his hands gripping your hips to hold you in place with his dick deep inside of you as he came at the same time.
“Fuuuck y/n, holy shit” he growled, grabbing the back of your neck and pulling your face to his so you could both watch each other ride out your orgasms. “That’s good baby, ride it out” He encouraged and you whimpered at the sensitiveness you began feeling. He crashed his lips onto yours again and trusted a few more times before pulling himself out, his hands resting on your bare back, your head falling into the crook of his neck.
You both laid still like this for a few moments while you caught your breath, finally lifting your head and looking at him again. His eyes opened at the feeling of your movements and met your face, tilting his head the side and smiling lightly at you. Your hand moved up to caress his cheek before leaning down and placing one more quick, gentle peck to his lips that he happily returned.
“So..” he started, grinning even more, “guess we don’t hate each other as much as we thought?” He suggested, you letting out a quiet laugh.
“Should be nice to me more often. This was… fun.” You admitted and he nodded, agreeing.
“You’re right. This is way better than yelling profanities at each other. I’d much rather fuck you when you piss me off. “
“Guess I’ll piss you off more often then.”
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gtzel · 4 months
Help! My classmate is a size shifter!
not so strong tough guy
The first thing that came to mind when i thought of Elijah Stoll was alone. He always seemed to be off on his own and I've never really seen him talking to anyone that wasn't a teacher. Of course that's probably because of the standoffishness and over all cold aura he gives off. Like the kind of person you've never talked to but definitely wouldn't be put against on any kind of tussle.
Anyway, he's wired, and up until a week ago i wouldn't have even considered talking to him. we had our separate lives, i had my place as class rep, popular guy and the one dude everyone could rely on, and Elijah, well he was just alone. Up until that day, last week, when everything changed.
i was walking home after school when i heard a commotion from a nearby alleyway. i went to check it out only to find two of my upperclassmen cornering someone. their backs were to me so i decided to watch and see what was going on before acting.
"heh, get a load of this freak" the one with black hair said.
"yeah, what you gunna do now that all your goodie too shoe teachers aren't around to protect you huh?" jeered the other.
"i'm warning you, b-back off" i couldn't see the person speaking, but i heard his voice behind the gritted teeth with which he spoke.
"aaw, what are you gunna do huh? shoot rainbows at us?" one said, the other laughed at the comment. they both closed in on the boy, fists clenched and raised in a perfect setup to pummel the guy.
i waited to hear if the guy would fight back, but i couldn't decipher anything of the sort. i turned the corner just in time to see the black haired man deliver a mean uppercut, then he proceeded to kick the boy back to the wall. the smell of old garbage mixed with the new fume of blood fumigated the alleyway.
"h-hey!" i yelled without thinking. the other of the group turned to face me.
"well well well, looks like we have a witness" he moved toward me and i caught a glimpse of the victim. it was Elijah, THE Elijah, the one who was supposed to be invincible. the one who no one messed with. i didn't have time to think before the other guy lunged at me.
I'm really glad that i joined the football team because otherwise i don't know how i would've reacted. thankfully, i shoved him off me causing him to land against the wall. then the other guy turned to look at me.
He growled at me. He actually growled and then clenched his fists while talking a few steps toward me.
"listen here punk, you'd better get out of here and forget you saw anything or your next"
"yeah right, like I'd just leave after seeing what your doing to him" i swung at him, my fist balled and made contact with his cheekbone.
he stumbled backward but quickly recovered. he spat liquid red on the cold alleyway floor.
"oh your going to regret that" he threw himself at me, i barely dodged. i know when I've lost, and when facing the both of these two gangsters i realized id have to make a break for it.
i grabbed Elijah's hand and pulled him with me. he quickly realized what my plan was and ran as well. together, the both of us ran out of the alleyway and down the street.
the potent smell of blood and sweat still clung to us as we ran along the hot summer pavement. perspiration trickled down my face as we ran, hand in hand away from the men.
finally we came to a safe space on a nearby balcony. i let go of his hand and gasped for air. my throat stung with dryness as slumped against the metal fence.
he sat down next to me. i could see his pulse thumping rapidly on his neck and he turned to look at me.
"w-why did you do that?" his voice was strained from panting.
"what, save you from those thugs? that was nothing. i could've taken them both but i just uhm..."
"sure...which is why were currently hiding from them on the rooftop of an abandoned building?" he said sarcastically. i laughed at that, he really didn't seem as cold as people said he was.
"yeah yeah, whatever. why were they attacking you in the first place?"
"oh uhm, they tried to inject me with some kind of serum, i got 'em to stop halfway through because i was feeling weird but they did get me pretty good" he showed me a recent stab wound on his arm.
"wait, what the heck, why would you even agree to something like that in the first place??" i exclaimed.
"well i mean, the pay seemed to be good, didn't know it would hurt so bad though" he shrugged, his raven black hair coming down in strands along his face.
"well you shouldn't take shots from random strangers offering money. that's like a massive red flag"
"yeah whatever, honestly i didn't think anything of it. its not like they were trying to kill me or something, i think they just wanted to try out a new vaccine of some kind"
i reached over and tucked his hair behind an ear, we locked eyes and i pulled away blushing "s-sorry, i just-"
"n-no, its...its fine" he blushed cutely and looked away.
we sat there for a few minuets in comfortable silence before Elijah stood up.
"looks like its getting pretty late, i should probably head home." he brushed the dust off his cloths and reached out an arm to help me up.
"yeah, i guess. will i see you tomorrow at school?" i asked, grabbing his hand and getting up.
"yep, oh, what was your name again?" he said, pushing a strand of black hair back.
"see you tomorrow Brian"
"tomorrow." and then we parted ways...
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jeannereames · 9 months
If you could change or insert one aspect of the common pop culture picture most people have in their heads when they think about ATG what would it be?
I'm going to jump this in the queue because I can answer it swiftly, but also because I have TWO things that are personal pet peeves.
FIRST: That "historians" keep insisting Alexander and Hephaistion were "just good friends" in the face of obvious evidence to the contrary.
SECOND: Alexander called Hephaistion his Patroklos (to his own Achilles), and they used this comparison frequently throughout their lives.
So, let’s take on the “Fake News,” shall we?
The notion that "historians" keep insisting Alexander and Hephaistion were "just good friends" in the face of what would seem clear evidence to the contrary is over 50 fucking years out of date.
Are there “historians” out there who say that? Sure. But they tend to come in two flavors: 1) people who aren’t specialists, Hellenists, or even historians,⸸ or 2) Greeks.* Since Badian, Green, Hamilton, and Schachermeyer (et al.) took over Macedonian/Alexander studies mid-century, few specialists claimed Alexander and Hephaistion couldn’t have been lovers, or Alexander couldn’t have been attracted to men. Even Hammond cagily acknowledged it.
Yet—TBH—I don't think those who repost that meme really care. They just want a convenient strawman/whipping horse to make them sound "smarter than the experts."
You don't. You sound as if you haven't read much about Alexander since about 1975. Historians who have died of old age by now said Alexander and Hephaistion were probably lovers.
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But that raises another problem: the implication that anybody who might argue they aren't lovers must be an old, white homophobic dude. Again, this is wrong.
The current discussion centers more on source problems, and separates Alexander having male lovers from Alexander and Hephaistion being lovers themselves (not the same thing, actually). Those making the best argument for caution are young, very much not homophobic (but absolutely brilliant) women (e.g., Sabine Müller). Follow the link to see a picture of Sabine, if you don’t believe me. I don't agree with her, but you can't shoot down her argument by screaming "Homophobe!" at the top of your lungs. The points she raises are all good ones and any responsible (and smart) historian will take them seriously.
As for the Alexander-Achilles/Hephaistion-Patroklos pastiche… yeah, sorry, no.
I realize this torques off folks, as it’s become a mainstay of queer culture surrounding Alexander as a gay icon and owes more than a little to Miller’s The Song of Achilles.
Busting it probably makes me sound like a Grinch.
BUT…the facts just don't support it. Yes, Alexander compared himself to Achilles--but not as much as to Herakles and Dionysos. Not even close.
How do I know? I COUNTED THEM. Facts ... not impressions.
After all, looking closely at what the sources (not impressions) actually say about Hephaistion is how I came to the conclusion the man was a lot more important than heretofore recognized. 😉
Again, as I’ve said elsewhere, Alexander did compare himself to Achilles. That’s not in dispute … it just wasn’t as frequent or common as modern fans like to pretend. And Hephaistion was compared to Patroklos only twice. There’s also a problem with WHO made those comparisons: chiefly Arrian. Again, I’ve talked about this elsewhere, so won’t go over it again.
Yes, I made the comparison myself in Dancing with the Lion: Becoming. But it concerned one circumstance near that book’s end (not giving spoilers), and isn’t something they harped on otherwise. That mirrors how it appears in our sources: it’s limited, and situational.
“Patroklos” was not Hephaistion’s nickname. Wish folks would stop claiming it was.
⸸ Just because somebody is tagged “historian” on a History Channel special—or his own private blog—doesn’t mean they actually have a PhD, or even a Master’s, much less one in ancient history, Classics, Classical archaeology, or ancient art history. The number of idiots on Tik-tok yapping about how Alexander thought this or did that—and clearly know jack shit—routinely stuns me…even while it doesn’t. Dunning-Kruger Effect all over the damn place.
* Greeks must often work within the confines of official narratives in order to secure jobs and funding, which can limit what they say on certain topics, from who’s buried in “Philip’s Tomb,” to the Greekness of the ancient Macedonians, to any possible homosexual “taint” staining Alexander’s greatness. This may swim against the current of academic discourse outside Greece, even by other Greeks. The Greek Ministry of Culture and Sport has softened on some of these topics in recent years, especially as LGBTQIA rights have gained better traction in Greece.
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inchidentally · 9 months
I'm sorry to bombard you like this, but you're like a therapist. So I want this winter break to end as soon as possible. Because seeing how many fans of different drivers enjoy fresh content, Oscar fans suffer a little. I mean, I should be used to it because I've been a Sebastian fan for the last 16 years and it's not news to me that someone disappears during the winter break. But it's different with Oscar and I feel a little sad about it. Well. I'm almost 27 years old and I miss a guy who doesn't know me. Can you write me something comforting? Thank you in advance! <3
don't apologize anon!! but let me just say I'm not remotely qualified as a therapist and could probably do with a second one for myself but I will absolutely try to offer comfort <3<3
ohhhh dude as someone who is only just now learning abt Seb in a fandom way I know you've already had it tough bc not only is that man charismatic and hilarious and beautiful he's also SO private. Oscar at least is so lowkey even in media engagement that it's not a huge surprise when he doesn't show up otherwise. but there's a reason I tag Seb "sun king". dude shines brighter than the screens behind a podium when he shows up. I don't know if I believe the rumors of him returning to F1 at all but I do think he's going to get back into a more public facing position at some point (and likely get back into racing in some capacity).
I think w Oscar what's been getting me is how excavation is the best way to get to know him and acquire content rather than relying on regular updates. I wish we had those too or at least the content from fans recognizing him - and maybe that will happen more w time. but I'm much more a feelings person than a fan person and Oscar's just really worked his pale little hands into my heart ??
I always felt like the intensity in his eyes when he looks at certain friends just had to have something behind it than that being his resting face. bc his resting face is basically 'please let me sleep sitting up' asgfaslglfsa. but the way he looks at Logan and Lando is so similar and the more I learn about loscar lore the more I realize I'm not just seeing things with him and Lando. it's not at all the same relationship but it's coming from the same place for Oscar in terms of his qualities as a person.
bc pre-F1 Oscar was wayyyy more open and expressive about his competitiveness and his celebrations etc - just overall way more open in general. so the amount that he kept checking in on Logan and making sure he was included over all the years they've been boys and young men from karting to F1… idk man that's extremely special and unusual coming from a privileged kid in a male dominated environment where the one goal is for the individual to win. sure, plenty of guys form strong friendships in those years and a lot of them had to leave home young to pursue racing beyond the karting level.
but for Oscar to not only have lived alone in the UK from age 14 and be in that environment and to be as motivated and hungry as he was it just says so much that he's still close with all the guys from his boarding school (where he had an attendance of under 40% !!) and that he's kept Logan close this whole time. esp after reading the Player's Tribune article about him we know that Logan's got a soft heart and that he's a "worrier" and just how hard it hit when his own family left him to return to the US. he often felt like an outsider and like, Oscar being the same age and being even further from his own family but some part of him still said to latch onto this American kid in particular. they were literally directly competing but Logan's even confirmed how it never affected their friendship. including Oscar interrupting a major victory for himself bc it was marked by Logan crashing out early and rushing to console Logan in person !! that's so unbelievably tender ?? winning these series' is the one thing in the world these boys want when they compete - but Oscar's thinking about his friend right when he wins ;__; kinda makes you think about how Oscar didn't spend one second celebrating as much as he rightly could have over that sprint win and consciously avoided bringing it up so often that Lando does it for him ;__;
and when the rest of the F1 grid is name dropping the right guys for fans to go crazy when it comes to quiz questions etc, Oscar goes right to Logan and Zhou bc he's actually known them the longest. and whenever there's the drivers parade or anything that brings the teams together, he's seeking those two out. when you consider the huge divide that formed when Oscar got the McLaren updates and especially after the sprint win he technically was in the company of all those guys at the front of the grid socially. he started getting those coveted fist bumps! but if he could spot Logan or Zhou he'd move or change his seat just to be with them.
and lol we know now that Oscar's been a major Lando fanboy since he moved to the UK so he'll also have seen how small and young Lando was for what he was achieving. he'll also have seen when Lando started opening up about his mental health struggles. and considering how much we've seen that Oscar leans liberal and socially sympathetic is in his likes and reposted content etc (esp him showing such a major social conscience during covid about people needing to protect the vulnerable) we know it isn't a leap to assume he understands/appreciates Lando standing for social progress within F1.
add to that Oscar having liked content that was to do with team atmospheres and cultures and Oscar himself being approached by McLaren when Lando started running circles around Daniel and all that drama was going on, of which Oscar was made painfully aware. oh and add that Oscar also liked carlando stuff back when Carlos was with McLaren… Oscar had so much knowledge about what to expect as Lando's teammate… and yet!
Oscar very specifically has never tried to create a 'bromance' with Lando when it would've been so easy! the Lando effect was right there! and we know from the Prema content that Oscar could've been how he was with Robert and Arthur and a landoscar bromance at least close to carlando and dando could've been born! it would've made Oscar's life so much easier in terms of being accepted by McLaren fans to yuk it up and be the cheesy jokes/exasperated guy from twitter (that everyone already knew him to be) to Lando's well-known hyperactive youtuber personality!
and we know he wasn't suddenly quiet and reserved out of nerves because Prema's social media popularity had fully prepared him for going viral and he'd done a ton of F1 track media stuff during his reserve driver year!
and the staring at Lando thing officially stopped being a fluke or something he did out of nerves as well because welp, it just get happening! Oscar shadows Lando and Oscar stands back slightly to let Lando have more of the spotlight and Oscar has endless patience with Lando and says "no I'll keep you happy!" when Lando tells him what to do!
Oscar is smart! Oscar is very aware of what the people he cares about are feeling! Oscar takes note of their personalities and accepts them for who they are! Oscar pays attention to what is going on around him in an intelligent and sympathetic way! Oscar doesn't default to posting the people he's closest to! Oscar views certain things as - if not 'sacred' - at least deeply important and not something to joke or be flippant about! his friendships supercede even his passion for winning!
Logan feels deeply and doesn't mind people knowing it! Lando feels deeply and doesn't mind people knowing it!
Oscar watches Logan and Lando closely with those focused brown eyes and Oscar is drawn to the people in his life who feel most vulnerable and Oscar interrupts his own victories to consider Logan and Lando !!!!!!!!
anon I assumed you wouldn't mind but all of this is to say that while we may never get Oscar appearing as frequently on social media as the other drivers - especially in winter - Oscar is someone we should use our down time looking more deeply into as a person because still waters running deep etc. what content we do have about him is so worth savoring I think.
because I for one definitely have taken too much about him for granted thinking he was Just a Guy and I was very very wrong about that.
I hope that helped a little??
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demonir · 3 months
dude now I'm just sitting here staring at a wall thinking abt how fucked up being lgbt is...
Don't get me wrong I'm happier knowing who I am and I shudder to think what would be of me if I had never found out, there's so many queer people out there that will welcome you with open arms and guide you through or just simply offer you a shoulder to cry on and that's wonderful I love that and we need more of that
But then there's the rest of the people, the assholes that want you dead just for existing, the ones that are less vocally hateful and might tolerate being in a room with you but should you need anything they'd rather let you starve than approach, the "I support you but" people that say are open minded and supportive but the moment you cross some invisible line of theirs you are no longer "one of the good ones" and must be dealt with.
We've all seen these people, they might be strangers, coworkers, acquaintances, friends, family and even our partners and their words and actions hurt like knives. But a lot of us have learned that we shouldn't waste our time with them if we can avoid it, turn around, block them, leave the room, move out of the house if you can, we can do these things
But what happens when the hatred is coming from inside the community itself? I cannot begin to tell you how soul breaking it is for me when I see discourse like "LGBT without the T!" or "Asexuality doesn't belong in the LGBT" or "If you're bi but in a straight relationship then you're a liar/traitor" or "If you don't pass as your gender then you're not truly trans" and these are just some off the top of my head, there are so many more and even if they don't personally affect me it still hurts me to see it so much.
You're not making the community nicer or safer by dictating how someone should exist, there are no "traitors" there are no "liars" there are no "pretenders" everyone is just trying to live their life while staying true to themselves but everyone around them is constantly telling them they are wrong for it, not gonna lie to you I'm sometimes afraid that I'll get someone telling me I'm not truly nonbinary because I'm not androgynous or use they/them and I'm easily perceived as a woman, I get afraid I'll be told that what I'm doing is just a phase by other queer people despite the fact that I've been trans since I was 14 and it took me all those years to be able to come to terms with the fact that yes I love dresses, yes I like makeup, yes I'm fine with she/her pronouns, yes I sometimes find it endearing to be called a girl, but no I am not a woman and I'll never be.
But guess what? being afab carries this weird notion that I am somehow harmless or at least less of an issue than lets see uhh oh yeah amab trans people! trans women get labeled predators, groomers and a danger to everyone around them so often and the punishment for not passing as their desired gender is far greater than anything I've ever personally received. People have let these notions about birth genders and sexualities carry on to their trans views in macabre and harmful ways. You want to be wary of men? sure, there's an extensive history of issues that make your fears rational and justified... but why are you pointing your finger at a trans woman? Because she has stubble or a beard? no long hair? doesn't like dresses? doesn't want hrt or surgeries of any kind? has a deep voice? because she has "male interests"? do you not realize how harmful that is?
That's not to say trans men don't get a similar treatment, but I don't see them being labeled as dangerous and violent even half as much as trans women do, it's this notion that being born with a penis somehow makes you vile or something???? unless you prove to us how innocent and righteous you are by looking exactly how I want you to, staying 5 meters away from me and never displaying any sort of sexual attraction towards anyone ever otherwise I am calling the police on you
That's bogus nonsense and I'm absolutely tired of it, stop carrying societies old and nasty views of gender and sexuality into this community that is about supporting and uplifting people no matter how they want to be, and while we're at it someone's presentation and physical appearance isn't indicative of their morality
I wish every trans woman on tumblr right now that feels afraid to speak up about the current situation or even just their life experiences as a trans person a very very happy rest of their lives, and I wish every trans woman who IS speaking up about stuff a very happy rest of their lives as well
Again just so we're clear, I'm nonbinary and afab she/he he/she whatever order so I should in theory not be the target to any uhh "mysterious" blog bans and stuff, however if my blog dies after this post know that I did not do it myself.
Stand up for trans women always and forever, we are all fighting together and there is no glory in hurting each other
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iguessitsjustme · 4 months
Jack o' Frost Ep 5 & 6 Thoughts
I think you guys were playing a prank on me telling me to watch this show. Was that what happened? Is this payback for all of my cruel polls? Did I deserve this? It’s fine. It’s fine. I am going to try my best to enjoy the final two episodes. Because I need to. THERE IS GOOD IF I JUST LOOK FOR IT and ignore the very bad things. It’s fine. Time to watch:
I don’t blame Ritsu for being hurt by Mr. Lyingface but also why is his response complete and utter avoidance? My guy. Go confront him. Make him own up to his actions. Then you two can talk it out. Or not. It’s not your fault he withheld this from you. But your response to learning about it is not great either.
I don’t care about what’s happening right now but I am VIBING with this music. Guitar and strings? Excellent.
Oh no music went away booooo.
If even the ex boyfriend is like “y’all…need to talk” then perhaps forcing the relationship isn’t a good idea and you should both give yourselves a break. A chance to move on with your lives and be happy.
Wow. Okay. This is a conversation that should have been had before you got to this point of anger my guy. My dude. If Ritsu has been constantly flaking on you and forgetting your dates, this needed to be brought up not in a fit of anger on his birthday. Is Ritsu wrong for it? Absolutely. Should he be making adjustments to make sure he doesn’t flake on you? Yes. Was this the proper response to it happening? No. In this situation they both suck. But I think yelling at Ritsu, on his birthday, while he’s drunk, was not it. Has he even brought it up before? Based on his earlier conversation with Tomoko, I’m gonna say no. That he waited until it reached his boiling point and he exploded. Which is not a productive way to solve issues.
And now Ritsu is acting like a petulant child. Am I supposed to want these two together? Nope. Not unless they get counseling.
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Dude. Listen. As someone who is also bad at talking about how I feel…you cannot be this way in a relationship. You just can’t. You have to be willing to compromise and talk about it even a little bit. Otherwise you will not have a relationship. It will either blow up like your relationship with Ritsu did. Or it will fizzle out. If you want something that lasts you have to be willing to open up when you’re hurting. It hurts the other person more if you don’t.
Gotta pause. My coworker is sending memes in the group chat.
Ritsu is right. He can’t fix his behavior if he isn’t told he’s hurting Mr. Lyingface. He can’t reflect on it if he doesn’t know. This goes for before and after the amnesia as well. Do I think he should have to be told to stop flaking on his boyfriend? No. He should try to make sure he’s making time for him BUT sometimes when people get busy, they don’t realize what they’re doing or who they’re ignoring. I have been in both positions of being ignored and doing the ignoring and I gotta say. It’s very easy to not realize you’re ignoring someone. It hurts so, so incredibly bad to be ignored by someone who you love so dearly, but sometimes they just…don’t realize. I say this as someone who shuts down when hurt. I also say this as someone who had someone blow up at me the way Mr. Lyingface blew up at Ritsu. Guess who I don’t talk to anymore. And this is someone I loved a lot. I miss her so much. She remains a part of me. I can’t erase her from me any more than I can erase one of my limbs attached to my body. But in the end, we could not communicate. The same way these two can’t communicate. These two should not be together. They just should not be. It is not fair to either of them if neither can compromise. Sometimes it is best to acknowledge the love. To know it happened. And then to let it go. Keep the memories in your heart and in your soul. But give yourself the grace to find happiness without them.
Anyway time for episode 6 and then I can move on to my next binge of the day.
He’s running again. Ugh the cardio. Maybe I should go on a jog. It’s been awhile.
Fluffy pancakes…mmmmmmmm. Gimme.
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I forgive everything. This show gave me a sailboat.
I’m indifferent to these two but this MUSIC. Has me in a chokehold.
They’re gonna fuck on that couch again.
Last time they did that, they broke up immediately after.
Well. That’s a show I watched. I hope you guys liked my liveblog. I had fun. Well I had fun liveblogging. This was not my favorite show but it also wasn’t the worst? I hope those two get couples therapy or they will not last. They never really resolved their issues. But I do enjoy writing out my thoughts as I watch things. I will liveblog something else later. Maybe another show from my poll? We’ll see.
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saturnskyline · 2 years
#maybe even with the inherent homoeroticism in there depending on who you ask
me, me, me, ask me!
Kim is sixteen when he wants to move out. His father doesn't say no, but he might as well. He tells Kim that nowhere is as safe as their house and that Kim can move out when he can defend himself properly, and by properly, he means Kim has to win whatever fight his father organizes. Kim is a good fighter, a natural one, he gets praise from Chan, and nobody except Pete gets praise from Chan. But his father is a cunning man, and when Kim gets attacked by Big, Chan and some burly dude he has never seen before, it only takes them a few minutes to win.
"Who was that?" he asks later when Pete ices his sore jaw and tells Kim what mistakes he made during the fight and what he needs to work on next. 
"Game," Pete says because Pete knows everything. "I've seen him with Khun Vegas."
"What do I get out of it?" Vegas asks because Vegas doesn't do favours, not even for his family. 
"You can pretend I am Kinn and beat the shit out of me?"
Vegas snorts and ends the call.
Kim trains harder than ever and still loses. Fucking Game pulls a knife on him, slaps him, and fights like he has no honour. This time Pete is silent as he holds an ice pack to Kim's bloody nose.
"No," Vegas says instead of hello. 
"What would it take?" Kim asks because he hates the house he lives in, hates the chain on his neck, and hates not following his dream.
There is a long silence. 
"Why?" Vegas asks in English.
"I want to get out, and he won't let me leave otherwise." 
Vegas laughs, but it sounds hollow. "Sucks to be you."
He ends the call but messages Kim two days later. The message contains nothing but a time, date and address. Kim has three days to figure out how he can sneak away; he has a feeling Vegas does not want witnesses. 
Vegas is two years older, taller and stronger. He fights to win, and he fights dirty. He enters the abandoned apartment with a scowl and wastes no time with pleasantries, dropping a bag and going after Kim like his life depends on it. He pushes Kim into the broken coffee table with a kick in his stomach, and it's on. Twenty minutes later, Kim is on his back, bleeding from at least ten different places, and he isn't sure that a few of his ribs are not broken. His head hurts, and his wrists are firmly pinned above his head. Vegas grins with bloody teeth, and something in his eyes makes Kim realize that maybe it was not a good idea to show up alone, with nobody to protect him.
"See you in two weeks," Vegas finally says, disappearing before Kim gets enough strength to sit up. He stays like that for a while, wrists still above his head, and if he closes his eyes, he can still feel Vegas's hands around them.
It takes a while to unlearn some of the things Big and Pete have taught him, but Kim is a quick learner. Where Vegas might be stronger, Kim is faster, and where Vegas is more aggressive, Kim can use that momentum against him. That and he learns to use anything and everything around him to fight Vegas. The first time he throws an old vase, Vegas actually stops and laughs, looking at the broken pieces around him. Kim punches him in the jaw to shut him up. Later he yields to Vegas when they roll, and the ceramic pieces cut up Kim's back badly enough that he needs stitches.
Five months in Vegas shows up with a bruise on his face, his lip swollen and bloody. 
"Cheating on me?" Kim asks, pushing Vegas against the wall with a strength he didn't have months ago. Vegas growls like an actual animal and swaps them around so viciously that Kim almost loses his balance. His head hits the wall with a loud thud. Kim's so used to the pain, he ignores it. Vegas goes for his stomach, and Kim risks leaving it unprotected. He punches Vegas in the mouth, splits the lip open again, and Vegas stumbles backwards. 
Kim wastes no time, aims for legs and kicks hard enough that Vegas falls, and the adrenaline rush from knowing that this might be the first time he wins is so heady that Kim almost falls himself. He knows he is not strong enough to make Vegas yield just by pinning down his arms, so he uses his body to pin Vegas down, punches Vegas in the mouth once and then twice and then the third time, enough to make Vegas dizzy, to make him forget who is stronger. 
"Yield," he orders, looking down at the blood smeared all over Vegas's mouth. 
Vegas looks at him. It's a strange look, like he's calculating something, and Kim pushes his knee deeper into Vegas's stomach. "Yield."
Vegas surges up and bites Kim's lips with such strength that the blood that Kim tastes is his own. He yelps in pain and surprise, and the next thing he knows, Vegas flips them around, grinning like he always does when he knows he's won.
"What the fuck," Kim turns his head, breathless still, and spits blood on the floor. He should have aimed for Vegas's face.
Vegas, the crazy motherfucker, leans down and licks Kim's jaw like Kim is some prey to be eaten. 
"See you in two weeks," he says, leaving Kim on the floor, covered in their blood.
Kim disarms Chan, Game and Big four months later and gets his apartment keys. If Vegas is surprised to see him a week after, he doesn't let it show. He pushes Kim against the kitchen counter, and Kim breaks a dish against Vegas's cheek. It's on.
first of all, before i go any further, this is in reference to my tags on a previous post about kim and vegas bonding through violence:
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well idk what i'm even supposed to say gdhfsdjfhsdf. i'm glad you volunteered for the sake of "inherent homoeroticism" bc you are going to be the reason i put the vegaskim? kimvegas? (probably both. they're fighting for dominance after all) tag on my blog for the first time 🥲 thank you for your service bestie <3333
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zaceouiswriting · 3 months
Fairy Prince - Hearts of Leviathans - Ch.25
Character: Sky x male reader, Riven x male reader, Brandon x male reader
Universe: Somewhere in Winx Club/Saga
Warnings: None
As it gets later, out of curiosity, I follow some of the specialists and find myself in a canteen that looks like one in an old barracks. When I see the sad state of this place, I can only roll my eyes. This building is far from up-to-date. In search of a quiet place, I walk past it, turn a corner, and step into a notch. I put my hand on the building wall, connecting myself with the building to bring the look of the canteen and its decoration closer to modern standards. 
Instead of a large square room, I rounded it off with large windows that look out onto the inner garden, which most people have probably never seen before. I also gave it a first, second, and third floor, with a large chandelier hanging from the much higher ceiling, ending at the third row of windows. The first floor covers three-quarters of the ground floor, while the second covers two-thirds, and the third floor covers half. The tables are more luxurious, made of sturdier wood, and the chairs are almost as comfortable as those in a palace. However, columns sometimes make the large rooms narrower.
A squeak escapes my throat as I come back to myself. "Shit, dude. What the fuck?" I asked the person who snapped me out of my head.
"Where were you?" His heated voice, different from the calm and relaxed one I'm used to from him, is already making me nervous.
I look for a way out, ready to dodge all his questions, but he smacks me in the back of the head before I can do so. With my eyes wide open in shock, I'm ready to unleash a torrent of words at him, but he hits the back of my head again, leaving me speechless.
"You're such an idiot!" he shouted at me. "I was worried when I didn't find you in the hospital room," he mumbles further. "Do you even know how many rooms there are here?"
"Well, I do, but I'm sure that's not the point."
"Of course not, you fucking idiot!" His fists are clenched at his sides. When I finally realize that I messed up, I hang my head.
"I'm sorry, okay? My mind is a bit foggy, but I can't tell you why, after all, you're as much of a traitor as my parents; you have to accept that I'm not going to tell you as much as you'd like." Seeing that he's about to argue, I raise my hand. "Don't you dare say otherwise!" I warn him. "My grandfather is no longer my ally, nor my family; after all, he is forcing me to marry someone I met once. Cory. Once! This hasn't happened since the Vulcor tragedy; that only happened because a member of my family was forced to marry someone he didn't love." I repeat our world history. "What's going to happen this time? Is the rest of our world supposed to drown in our seemingly endless oceans?"
I can't explain my anger, but I'm ready to put Cory in his place for the rest of our lives. While I'm sure it wouldn't help us move on to greener pastures together, it would calm the raging anger in my heart.
"Only when you swear your eternity to me will I let you back in, but until then I will never accept you as a friend or an ally because I simply cannot trust you."
I push past him without giving him a chance to say anything else, and I shove his shoulder so hard that he almost flies against the wall. I walk past the new canteen with long strides but still take a quick look inside. A gentle smile graces my lips as I see how much more comfortable it looks now. But unfortunately, I also meet the brown eyes of a certain specialist who I don't want to talk to right now.
Sky raises his hand and waves at me, but I avert my gaze and run away quickly, my steps faster than I intended. I jog around a group of girls, bowing my head slightly so they don't get any funny ideas. They can't be trusted either. I have no idea where I'm running, but I'm not stopping either.
It's only when I reach the room where I'm supposed to sleep that I finally stop jogging. When I get inside, I see all my things lying on a bed, which I'm sure Sky put there. Once I reach the bed, I dig through my stuff until I find my sword, the rusty beauty that will surely one day be as legendary as it is meant to be.
With the weapon, which feels like an extension of myself, in my hand, I step back into the hallway, walking straight ahead, past the main entrance, all the way down, then taking the hallway to the right, at the end of which I can barely make out the door I had been sleeping in while recovering. I head down the hallway to the right, away from this room, and walk until I reach another circular room. Although there are other corridors, my gaze remains fixed on the large wooden doors in front of me; it looks like no one has ever been here beforehand.
Honestly? It's not even a miracle; considering the inside of the building is about a hundred times bigger than it looks from the outside, it's a pretty cool magic trick.
I put both hands against the doors and opened them easily. Behind them is a small staircase, with two statues on either side looking down on a large open space. From where he stands, he can easily reach the statues as they are level with my feet, but just a few steps in front of the statues, the level drops immediately.
I go down the stairs, but only when I get to the bottom can I see the entire room. It's clearly a training hall, perfectly tailored for specialists and fairies. While the left side is just for the fairies and the right is just for specialists, the middle is a battlefield with activatable walls, simulated buildings, and everything a warmonger's heart could desire. It's only rudimentary, as I've never trained in a place like this—part simulation and part real world—but I'm sure it will work.
I ignore everything, as it's just a shortcut right now. I head straight to the other side, where there's a perfect mirror image of the entrance. After opening the doors, I enter another round room that leads to changing rooms. As before, the right side is designated for the specialists, while the left is appointed for the fairies.
When I look at the two doors, I don't go through the pink one on the left—even though I'm a fairy myself—but through the blue one on the right, just so the fairies don't mistakenly conclude that I'm a pervert again. I can only roll my eyes at the thought. It still gets on my nerves to no end.
As I walk in, I see that the room is also circular. Everyone has their own small cubicle with a safe, a locker, a bench, and even towels hanging there. The only problem is that, despite the presence of several hundred students, only about 24 people fit into one of these circles. The only solution was to make more circles. As I continue straight ahead, there are several rooms to the left and right; it almost looks like a room with endless mirrors.
It takes me a minute to reach the other side of the long changing room, but when I get there, I leave immediately and find myself in a hallway, facing several more doors. But this time I turn left and almost immediately reach a door that leads outside. It's one of two back doors. The second door is on the other side of the building.
Finally getting outside, I breathe in the fresh and slightly humid evening air, the perfect time for some exercise.
The sounds of the nearby forest, the singing of birds, the buzzing of insects, and the cracking of old wood are more relaxing than I first thought.
From the exit, I walk a bit until I am almost directly in the forest. Between the trees, I come to a halt. I turn to the side, straighten my back, hold the sword in both hands, raise it above my hand, and swing it downward. I repeat the movement over and over again, with the same intensity and strength. It doesn't take long before I feel myself slipping into the rhythm as my mind goes blank—exactly what I needed.
Completely relaxed, like I haven't felt in a long time, I swing my sword as if there were no tomorrow. Nothing can stop me—not the looks I can sense from somewhere, not the bird that nests on my head, not even the few smaller animals that sniff my legs.
Except for the icy, biting breeze. I am jolted back to reality as my body suddenly trembles from the cold. As I look around, I can barely see my hand in front of my eyes; the faint moonlight just isn't enough to make out anything about my surroundings. Because of my long training, my entire body is covered in so much sweat that I almost freeze my butt off.
My teeth chatter without my consent, and my hands clench around the hilt of my sword. Even though I'm still fully clothed—I haven't even bothered to put on my gym clothes—I feel like an idiot. Everything is almost glued to me. Sometimes I truly wonder where my head is. It's obviously not where it should be—in my skull.
Trembling, I walk back to the building, only to realize my mistake from earlier. Looking along the side of the building, in the pale moonlight, I can barely make out the corner of the front of the structure, only a few hundred meters away. Rather than walk all the way back into the building, I should probably just go around the outside.
With a satisfied groan, I keep standing there for a second to enjoy the warmth, but at the same time, to my surprise, the lights in the hallway turn on by themselves. I am taken aback, but after a short moment, instead of confusion, a smile crosses my lips. However, I can only thank the building inside my head because I am too exhausted to do it any other way.
With slow steps, I walk back to the main entrance of the school, where the boys' dormitories are located. But the closer I get, the more I notice how quiet it is. Not just quiet, but dead silent. Only then do I realize how late it actually is. When I'm almost back at the door to my room, I'm still thinking about what to do. But when I remember my roommates, my decision is already made because I don't want to be near two of them. Who knows what they do if they got their hands on my unconscious body?
I like my life, so instead of going in there, I walk a few meters back to one of the arches at the start of the hallway leading off the round foyer. Behind the arch is a living room with many couches, books, games, a fireplace, and a TV. It is rather old-fashioned.
I go deeper into the room, close to the fireplace. I turn it on, and the house lets the fire burn endlessly. It quickly warms up my ice-cold body. I pull one of the sofas closer and lie down on it, and not a second later, I already feel cozy and sleepy. The first day is over. Now there are only five years left. It can only get fucking worse.
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caputvulpinum · 2 years
Holy shit, not only are you a thin wristed lil lady pretending to be a dude, but you think replying like a toddler to anon messages is "raising hell"
Thats the biggest self own ever you little dissociative disorder having lil gen z
I was wondering how well a fundraising scam on tumblr would go and you proved it'd be fantastic. 😘😘
I wonder if the reason you keep sending me asks is because I'm the only person who has shown that they're willing to pay attention to you and talk to you. How long has it been since you experienced anything like intimacy? How long has it been since someone told you they loved you? I bet it's been a really long time. I bet that one day your parents stopped telling you they loved you and didn't try and call you. I bet that one day you realized you haven't heard from pretty much any of your friends from school, the relationships you were certain you'd be lifelong. I bet that you've spent a lot of your life feeling like everyone hates you or, if nothing else, simply does not care about you. A complete lack of recognition.
And so you come onto a microblogging platform and say racial slurs at me because I've shown that I'm willing to respond to what you say, no matter how dismissive I act, but I'll still respond, and any attention is attention that you didn't have before.
People like you and me tend to struggle with suicidal ideation. It kinda just comes with the territory of it all, y'know? Anon, I want you to know that I'm not going to tell you to kill yourself. I just want you to know that the little voice in the back of your skull has never been wrong. It has all, always, been entirely your fault, and the reason that people never want to stay in your life is because you are a miserable and hostile person who poisons everything they touch. Your parents hate you for good reason, you're single--or will become single in the near future--because no one sees anything in you worth intimacy, and there will never be anything for someone like you except for trying really really hard to upset trans people online, and I'm sorry to say it but you're not actually even successful at that, either.
I'm not going to tell you to kill yourself, Anon. It brings me far more satisfaction knowing you've still got several decades to go of remembering what I've said to you today. I'm genuinely so glad you reached out, Anon, because you'll never be able to really forget anything I've said here. I'm sure you're going to try and dismiss it and laugh it off--in another Anonymous message, of course--but you're not going to forget it. Every single time anything bad happens in your life, you're going to remember me telling you it was your fault, and you can disbelieve it all you want, but I'm going to sleep easier knowing I've poisoned not just every moment of genuine despair but every moment of possible happiness. You're going to second guess yourself forever no matter how much you try and pretend otherwise.
I love you, Anon. I hope you live the sort of life I think you deserve, and I hope that you live a very, very long life.
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thisismeracing · 10 months
I- I loved these new layers!!!!! Hahaha//
queen I have layers for dayzzz. I’ve spent the last 2+days hyper fixating on this couple. the lore that my silly little brain has thought up is wiiild. So forgive me if I become annoying. Just tell me to stop and I will. No hard feelings
Adding the online hate and maybe, just a tiny bity of toto not supporting their relationship at first or jugding and yup reader goes all in to keep it a secret and mick is 100% the supportive partner making sure she knows theres nothing wrong with their decision.//
oh this was something I was thinking about too. like I don’t even see this as being anything major either. like it’s wasn’t Toto issuing ultimatums or fuck smashing any headphones. he was just skeptical. He knows his child and she is a sensitive girl. wasn’t sure if Little Wolff had what it took to be in a relationship like this. I’ve kinda head cannoned that she’s not a social media person, she doesn’t like attention for attention sake, she’s almost the antithesis of your stereotypical gen z(very similar to Lance’s vibe. Happy with his safe people. Quite otherwise). So Toto is rightly concerned. He knows that dating a driver specially a Schumacher, whether they like it or not going to cause some media attention. I think in the beginning just assumed it would be a short-lived relationship and was just hoping that he didn’t have to pick sides. Or that anybody got their feelings too hurt. As soon as he realized that this was serious, his attitude completely changed. Very supportive. But. I do think that that’s stuck around in the back of little Wolff’s mind whether she realized it or not. So when all the drama happened and she found out she was pregnant, she made the choice to keep her normal routine, just hiding as long as she could physically and then to subtly drop off the face of the planet for the last couple months that she couldn’t hid it. She just kinda because a homebody. And just made sure that any video calls were chest up. Don’t think it would be too hard to hid with how crazy the end of the year schedule is and then does anyone really expect the young couple to be around during the first couple weeks of break?? The answers no. Everyone except them to be held up somewhere shagging like rabbits.
The seb part!! Gosh. That golden boy menace has my heart. Always has always will. But there just something about him being beekeeper age that just hits different 😝
and like they’re not married! Micks just been calling her that especially in the hospital b/c everyone’s just assumed. But in his mind. Like that’s his WIFE. She will not be disappointed after giving him this magical gift. Mick doesn’t give a fuck if Toto is technically his boss. Muck doesn’t care if he has to go full NEPO baby. He’s a Schumacher, he’ll challenge all of his father’s BDE/psychological warfare to keep that woman happy.
Alright, you got me into the secret baby train choo choo //
Aw but see the great thing about the secret baby train is if it’s done well it’s not the main plot point. Like just a stop. There’s already so much going on it’s just kinda swept away.
I won't ever get annoyed with thots, you can keep them coming as long as you want <3
wasn’t sure if Little Wolff had what it took to be in a relationship like this. // I think papa wolff is protective enough to have a hard time picturing his girl in any relationship, ti doesn't matter if its with a driver or a regular dude, toto just doesn't really vibe with this idea. he's used to be the one who protects her, and he's used to be the one she runs to hide behind, he won't admit it but he's jealous of sharing this duty with someone else.
Mick doesn’t give a fuck if Toto is technically his boss. // they blurred the lines the second he started dating wolff!reader so at this point he doesn't even try to be the nicest, he's honest, and he's clear about his priority and who she wants to please and that is wolff!reader and nobody else, she's the only wolff he'll get shit from (and jackie because jackie absolutely adores mick -cue to baby fever and all- although toto tried making his youngest pick the wolff family side, jack loves the schumachers way too much).
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p8567899754nhu · 1 year
@plumsaffron @alexkh2108 Like people claiming that Tobirama hates Uchiha and wanted to destroy them. Then when he became hokage, how did Uchiha clan still alive even after his rulling? If he hates Uchiha, why does he have an Uchiha in his team with Hiruzen, Danzo and another dude? If he hates Uchiha, why does he saying that they understand love more than everybody else?
tobirama did hate the uchiha was and extremely was prejudiced against them, so much so that finding sasuke with ooruchimaru he immediately assumes sasuke must be with oruchimaaru because he is an Uchiha-mind you at this point he doesnt know anything about sasuke(and sasuke isnt the only one keeping ooruchimaru comapany we have jugo and suigetsu too) so if tobirama isnt racist than what was this initial treatment of sasuke who is still a kid at this point ? and then on further learning about the conflict between sasuke and konoha he threatens him and makes chakra displays and perhaps an attempt to kill him although to ooruchimaru who had previously summoned him and made him fight against hiruzen and attempted to destroy konoha he has but potrayed slight annoyance. despite him knowing that ooruchimaru is the one who summoned him at tthe firstt place. his intial treatment of sasuke tells us alot about how he views the uchiha
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he knows nothing about sasuke at this point mind you
"it very much like an uchiha to keep such company" i mean you have to be absolutely retarded to not see it.
especially when a neutral shinobi like ooruchimaru-he had no business supporting the uchiha or konoha btw - calls tobirama out on his discriminatory policies
"If he hates Uchiha, why does he saying that they understand love more than everybody else?"
lol when does he say uchiha understand love, he says uchihas love more and that too he's just dogwhistling shit he has no concrete evidence of this shit which he probably gathered experimenting on the uchihas during warring states era perhaps (explains his shallow knowledge of sharigan and edo tensei creation- a jutsu so evil that it strips the user of her free will to act even while dead- a justsu so immoral that it requires a living sacrifice ) not only this,
even he explicitly states he is not sure about his sharingan bs
he ALSO dogwhistles hashirama on "rumours" about the uchiha and says shit so vile that madara realizes his clan is not safe with that wanker ...
i mean later he also them a clan possessed by evil, and cursed clan but idk the mention of "love" is enough to send tears down a tobirama wanker's eye
he didnt want to destory them ?
yes why would he want to destroy them till they were cooperating and being good servants i mean one can always send 11 year uchihas to war to die for konoha and keep useing them till they are resourceful-once they stop being subservient servants - they are dead (i mean konoha still used them after death by taking their eyes )in no other than tobiramas chosen council made of wankers who definately inherited some of his bigotry otherwise
he didnt directly kill them yes but, he could not only prophesize the genocide but also could predict that the coup would take place? Fascinating! He should've become a fortune teller in Hokage's stead. And Itachi committed a genocide (if it were lawful, it wouldn't have been kept under wraps, with Itachi being made the sole scapegoat). Also, Itachi's a model Uchiha in his view, an Uchiha who butchers men, women, and children in the name of the state? Oh, no, you see, he gave them jobs! In his view, "either you're with him or you're against him (how can anyone call this hard-right fascism, amiright?)". So he wanted to work with them, but he one) removed them from the political infrastructure and limited their power to stop a "fictional" Madara; two) he started the surveillance on them; and three) the only Uchiha that are model Uchiha in his view are either the ones that butcher every single Uchiha down to the last child or the ones that are totes cool with his segregationist policies. Heck, he's literally praising Kagami and Itachi. By praising the latter, he's fully endorsing the genocide.
And did he want to work with the Uchiha? 
i mean he convinces hashirama tto do a democracy so as to not elect madara uchiha as hokage (since we are able to see the village folk are intimidated by madara to some degree -the flower girl incident -and hashiramas golden retreiver personality was definately more popular) he btw ends democracy after he becomes the hokage as he directly elects hiruzen as the hokage not consulatations form anyone whatsoever so was this show of democracy only to prevent madara (an uchiha ) to stop becoming the hokage
"If he hates Uchiha, why does he have an Uchiha in his team"
well he didnt do any favour to anyone by keeping kagami in his team i mean he had kaagmi in his team- so what? does that erase the fact that he said racist shit to hashirama about the uchiha, to sasuke or that he played pretence of democracy just so an uchiha couldnt become the hokage or even the fact that he rounded up the uchiha and confined them to a select region (this was wayy ebfore the 9 tails btw) do you know that population movemnt is a war crime and almost always paves way to genocide? nah but tobirama isnt racist for ghettoisation because you see he used uchiha and love in the same sentence and also becuase an uchiha happened to be in his team , yes he appreciated kagami who happens to be an uchiha but he also praises itachi who happens to be uchiha does that make him uchiha -loving? he explicitly states that kagami was capable of rising above the clan i.e kagami abandoned the clan or perhaps like itachi was an uncle tom he doesn't make any rising up remarks for danzo, hiruzen, koharu and hamru and even his akimichi student
dastan go..
Tobirama's statements on the Curse of Hatred are absolutely laughable, middle-school-faux-philosophy rhetoric that only the people with very tiny intellectual capacities would ever buy. Were the Senju any different? No. Both Hashirama and Black Zetsu have talked of the Senju Clan's tendency to look for strife, blood-shed, and power. If both Uchiha are Senju are the same, how are Uchiha more blood-thirsty when this statement's directly contradicted by Hashirama and Black Zetsu? Why would Zetsu lie when he was playing both the clans? However, I'd say that the Senju were worse as they never wanted to change. They simply organized, multiplied, and intensified conflicts. That's all.
At first, Tobirama also considered his own words on Curse of Hatred to be nothing but "rumours". So he basically started "dog whistling" over no concrete evidence as his analysis has nothing to do with "curse". It's a genetic ability of the Uchiha to awaken the Sharingan in response to "heightened emotions". The heightened emotions are simply translated into a physical manifestation of c
t's repulsive how any individual can consider the most common reactions to grief as "curse of hatred" when, frankly, genocides, wars, and slaughters are so out there compared to a mere loss of a loved one that … I don't believe any normal, sensible, and decent individual would even venture such a statement.
Also, nothing in his own hypothesis points to anything even remotely along the "clinical" nature of hate, power, or blood thirst that he himself calls the "curse of hatred". He's presented literally squat to back up his hypothesis; and he was cutting up the Uchiha years ago, but he considered it to be "rumours" when the village was founded and then later "hardcore facts"? Based on what? What changed? Nothing is given from his side to validate it. It's ridiculous that Tobirama fanboys seem incapable of reading what Tobirama himself has to say on this. These three things can't be right at the same time: either "only the Uchiha clan has the curse of hatred" or "both Senju or Uchiha showed the same disposition for the curse as they both had engaged in same code of conduct, therefore, they both are affected by the curse of hatred" or "every person who experiences heightened emotions is affected by the curse of hatred". If one is right, two and three can't be right. If second is right, one and two aren't right. If the third is right, the first two are wrong. Tobirama's hypothesis being some kind of "hard fact" falls apart as soon as it's analysed in the light of the evidence given by other characters.
Furthermore, if the Uchiha were the only ones affected by the "curse of hatred" that's triggered by "heightened emotions", then why didn't they exhibit it when they were ghettoized? What about Tobirama himself? What would anyone call his tendency to not move on from past conflicts? A "unique curse that's not curse of hatred as that's reserved only for the Uchiha"? Again, if "heightened emotions" are the "curse of hatred", then the entire shinobi world suffers from it (as stated by Nagato and Jiraiya)? Nagato even acted on it, so he, too, has a "curse of hatred"? Gotcha, St. Patrick Tobirama! Perhaps Tobirama's fans are incapable of the most basic hypothesis as whatever he's said is not only infantile but also rooted in bigotry.
I forgot to add another minor argument: if Tobirama is right about the "Curse of Hatred" as he's a scientist, then why's Orochimaru wrong when his experience with the Sharingan and knowledge on Tobirama's own Jutsus far exceed anything Tobirama has ever done? We know for a fact that Izanagi's time was extended via Orochimaru's experimentation, and he's the one who created the whole arm for Danzo. We also know that he's the one who created the Shin clones, as well.
Then we have Sasuke's own disgust at Orochimaru's experimentation on the human bodies to learn the secrets of immortality (that's how he invented his Immortality Jutsu, you know). We also know that he's the only one to reverse the Reaper Seal.
This shows that Orochimaru's anthropological research on clans far exceeds Tobirama's, as well; otherwise, Tobirama would've left his research scrolls on the Uzumaki Fuinjutsu behind, but he didn't. Heck, Orochimaru was skilled enough to completely manipulate and close off Naruto's Kurama-seal with relative ease, too. He was using Tobirama's Edo Tensai so casually that Tobirama was taken aback by it. In fact, he perfected Tobirama's own Jutsu to the point that Tobirama himself couldn't overcome it.
So let me get this straight, Orochimaru who's got intimate knowledge of the Sharingan, genetics, and bodies to the point that he's even able to create artificial versions of Uchihas doesn't have anything to state on the Curse of Hatred, but Tobirama who only began to name the curse after the village was formed and has very little experience in Sharingan experimentation is right? Why? How and why do Tobirama's opinions outweigh Orochimaru's, a man who's managed to even create Sharingans? He's also calling Tobirama out on his policies. On a purely pragmatic level, Orochimaru doesn't care about the village or the Uchiha (beyond obtaining their bodies), so his opinion is the most objective out of everyone. Then why isn't more value placed on his opinion compared to Tobirama's despite the scientific knowledge of the Sharingan under his belt? Is there any scientist in the manga who backed up Tobirama's hypothesis? If the only other (and a far more capable) scientist, Orochimaru, is not only speaking out against Tobirama's hypothesis but also calling him out on it, shouldn't that raise a red flag as the only person to back Tobirama's theories is Tobirama himself? That itself should work against him, but Naruto fandom simply adores any scrap of material they can get their dirty little hands on, with which they can malign Sasuke. It's pretty cartoonish, if you ask me.
He also states that it's for the best if a group of people is butchered for the sake of the village. No one finds anything wrong with this brand of hard-right fascism? I don't understand. The Uchiha are evil for being dissidents, but Tobirama is righteous for inventing a policy in which even genocide is A-Okay for the preservation of status quo? Isn't this what every forward-thinking individual keeps whining against? Man, you guys are complete cartoons, aren't you?
I'd say this (a post I copied from somewhere, but I can't find the source) as it sums up my arguments fairly well: "People often argue characters like Itachi or Tobirama made difficult choices, but it's not true. They're small-minded, lazy in thinking, and they took the easy way out. Massacring people isn't difficult. What would've been difficult is navigating a myriad of social and moral issues like managing volatile historical inter-clan grudges, integration, pluralism, sharing of power, phasing out slavery and other inhumane practices, figuring out an economic model that doesn't rely on making kids killers and weapons, and at the same time trying not to antagonize all the traditionalists and interest parties. These things are really difficult, much more difficult than killing people. It'd actually require political talent and leadership."
Did Tobirama have these leadership qualities? If you say, "yes!", then you're being a deliberately obtuse, because we're all well-aware that that's not how you lead people in any socio-political and economic set-up, because that way lies disaster.
Then the Uchiha are often accused of war. The first world war began because of the combined issues that arose from the distribution of tailed-beasts to other nations, which Tobirama distributed on power-balances between the villages (his exact words), and the shinobi-system that Tobirama created was copied by all (again, exact words by Hashirama). Tobirama was attacked by Cloud, not Rock, Shinobi who ambushed and killed him. He also appointed Hiruzen, knowingly that Danzō had "forever been vying with Saru over one thing or another"? But Danzō didn't have the hater-gator Uchiha-curse, so Tobirama was cool with it.
Why would any sensible leader select such people as the village's torch-bearers when he knows that it'd cause political strife in the future? And it didn't? (Danzō paying Orochimaru to murder Sarutobi, anyone?) Who didn't see this coming? So to pin the whole thing on Madara's attack on Onoki and throw away everything else is simply bizarre to me. We don't know when this happened. We don't know why it happened. Madara also asked Onoki to bow before Konoha, and this is backed by the facts that Konoha 1) started an imperialistic and corrupt governmental system that everyone copied (Tobirama created the system), 2) they distributed all Bijū on the basis of power-balances between the villages (Tobirama outright states that despite the Kazekage's reservations about the whole thing; heck, the rest are already ready for war to crush wind—Madara was the cause!, my arse), and 3) the second world war was literally started by Konoha. In fact, Kumo tried to steal Kurama long before Madara ever tamed it, and that escalated things, as well.
What about the third shinobi war that was again started by Leaf as it'd lost its power? What about the fourth war that started 'cause of Konoha's state-sponsored terrorism that killed Yahiko? What does all this have anything to do with Uchiha? From the looks of it, every single world-war was either directly started by Konoha at the loss of power or indirectly through fascist practices. Madara or Uchiha had nothing to do with any of them.
Then we have the "Uchiha become vengeful, hateful terrorists" and "Tobirama was being cautious as the clan became vengeful terrorists . . . Lol, it's not racism" bits.
I like how the term "vengeful" is often used for people who fight back against the oppressors. It's kind of … curiously interesting. You know, leave it to the anus-sniffing gremlins to over-use the "terrorist" term as it's so en vogue among the terrorist white states' leaders and citizens these days.
I'll be blunt here: if you're willing to kill off a group down to the last child, you'd better expect the same treatment in return. Heck, it's justice, a term that means to "make things exact" in its original etymological usage. So the "Collective Punishment" Sasuke and Nagato had in store for Konoha was not only fair but also just.
Leaf started the second war and engaged in mass-slaughters and pillaging of resources to stabilize her own economy. This is outright stated by Nagato. Tsunade, who fought this war and murdered Nagato's people, doubled-down on her bullshit like a typical fascist cunt, but she's . . . cool, I guess? It's strange how the fandom absolutely adores nasty fascists but hate any character that stands against it. I wonder why? Nagato's death (brought about by a fascist's lemon-y "don't like, don't read!" Fan-Fiction; doesn't that just melt your heart? The tenderness of it all!) was the death of Ame's short-lived freedom.
She was on the front-line in the second war that Konoha started. She lied through her fucking teeth when she said that Nagato was lying and that the nations suffered tragedies. Man, fuck off, you smacked bag of twats! I suppose, she gets this laudable quality from her Uncle, Tobirama! How adorable. She's one of the "good" fascists, you know? A "war-criminal" feminist icon! She only sent in Jiraiya to further de-stabilize Rain when it was finally enjoying peace under Pain's rule after years of strife, despite Shadow Villages still trying to cause conflict there and make money; however, Tsunade was crying "women tears" (over Dan's precious one-of-a-kind penis), so it's all very sad and not terrorism at all! It's only the "hater-gator Uchiha-curse" suffering Uchiha that are terrorists.
Nagato's dialogue about his friends, family, and village isn't so different from Sasuke's (when he gave his impassioned speech before Kakashi and Sakura), now, is it? Heck, Sasuke's retribution is exactly like Nagato's, as well, who killed Hanzo, his family, and all associated with him, down to the last child. I wonder, why are people only pressed about Sasuke? It's almost as if it's self-inserting rearing its ugly head, something that I previously explained. (Uchiha hate is always about self-inserting and Sasuke-hate—always!)
They're exactly the same, aren't they? Victims lashing out at extensions (shinobi) of Terrorist States that have exploited, butchered, and pillaged them relentlessly to build their own economies and capitalistic war-machines. Obito told Kakashi and Naruto the whole thing; but their responses are gold! They range from endorsing genocide to outright whiny denial that why would Sasuke choose revenge and not serve the state that butchered his clan? And while I'm at it, can we all stop pretending that Kakashi is anything more than a fascist cunt-bag (Naruto isn't any better)? Thank you.
I mean, what about the other sorts of terrorism conducted by the states? (Haha, Raikage talked the big talk at the summit when he'd attacked Konoha several times and kidnapped Hinata and then wanted Neji's father's head! Yet the fandom still loves him, you see, because he "showed" Sasuke! Whoohoo!)
All of the Kages' confessions at the Kage Summit can be translated into the following: cross-border terrorism, murder of civilians to get funds from Daimyos (which is what started the Third Ninja War as Konoha and other villages were dry on funds), proxy wars, etc. None of this is terrorism? None of these are terrorists? No, you need to be suffering from the "hater-gator Uchiha-curse" to be a terrorist. Nice morality some of you have. It's as if all of you are . . . fucking ducks! Organized mass-scale state-sponsored terrorism? A-Ok. Victims lashing back at the system? Vengeful terrorists. Neat-o! (I've decided to forgo orphan exploitation and slavery they all practiced, too, aside of the slaughters, genocides, and pillaging on the side-lines
Furthermore, to bring the argument back to the Uchiha, the Clan had entered into a "treaty-based contract" with the village, a contract based on equality principles. If you don't uphold the contract, you don't get to decide what the treaty-makers choose afterwards. This is a dangerous "submit or die" mentality that the Fandom preaches to espouse.
(some of these points are not my original and ive taken them from various sources one of them happens to be Dustan go on fanfiction.net she has brilliant insights on this whole situation )
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You have been bitten by the mutual virus. To cure yourself, you must provide one reason why you follow each of your mutuals before sending this to others (whether mutuals or not) while in anon.
Good luck!
Oh my god. UHM OKAY. I'm just gonna go through my mutuals from order I followed them. (I'm not good at tttthhhhiiiisssss)
@artbykays - I'm not sure if they realize that we're mutuals or not. Which is fine, it doesn't really matter. But their art is chef kiss amazing. Like seriously, its thanks to them my simping increases.
@darlin-collins - They're funny, have you not seen the stuff they put out into the internet?
@dani-ya-dig - They're just very cool and funny. i tend to follow blogs that I find funny since laughter is the best medicine. They certainly have that.
@romeo-the-homeo - I like lurking through their content because it's very silly of them. (I almost threw my phone when I saw that they followed me back.)
@annahhopee - HER FICS DUDE! I don't know much more to say than that.
@clover-46 - David Shaw. (Real talk, I became moots with Mrs Shaw because we both wanted Redacted Mutuals to talk to. Also their art is scrumptious. I want more of it. I will lurk in her walls until she posts more of it. I will live like Bruno there, building my own civilization of rats while she believes that she is safe from me. She isn't. Not from me, and not from my husband. David Shaw isn't safe either. Vega and I are coming for you and David, Clover.) Can you tell she's one of my mutuals I'm closer to because I'm more comfortable being unhinged?
@frenchiefitzhere - I actually threw my phone when I saw she followed me. I follow her for the memes, the music, the fics. All of it. Also she said that she was sure that Cam would like my IKEA octopus that I named after him and I almost cried.
@/hufflepufff171 - Tumblr Live friendo :)
@itsyourstarboy - Another person that I had a mini freakout when I saw he followed me back. But he's funny as fuck. Also a fellow Guy enthusiast, which I'm happy about. Sometimes I throw anon asks at him and wonder if he knows. He probably does now, but he won't know who is an anon and who is me. MWAHAHAHAHAHA (also he said he liked my fics and I almost cried.)
@epsi-l0n - He's intimidating. I'm going to preface it by saying that. But he's also very funny and isn't afraid to say something that might get people riled up. Actually I'm 90% sure he thrives on chaos and can't live without it. Also he keeps people in the basement and I've been avoiding detection so I don't accidentally wind up in there.
@soup-scope - Their art is very eatable. My favorite breakfast. Nom nom. Whether it's "serious" art or memeable art. Favorite snack. Also they reblog really good stuff that I'm afraid I'd somehow miss otherwise. So they're going my dash a service. (I also stole their shoelaces when they weren't looking but don't tell them. >:D)
@itsrubesshawty - 1. Their blog aesthetic? I love it. I'm a sucker for the darker aesthetics (ironic since I decides to go with bright colors for mine, but I'm trying to make people's eyes bleed so they accidentally click the follow button because they can't see. Which I'm pretty sure is what happened to Rubes.) Also their headcanons are hilarious. I got hooked because of the phone one they graciously tagged me in.
@genderfluid-bastard - He finds reblog gold. LIke seriously, some real gold here. Not fools gold. Real gold.
I love my mutuals, even if I don't talk to them all the time because I'm scared of bothering them. :)
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