#and if thats not a job well done by our d i dont know what is
ratatatastic · 4 months
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our top d pair making the best defensive decisions which is apparently *squints* going spread eagle and becoming a human bowling ball and like somehow that worked
florida panthers @ new york rangers game 2 | 5.24.24
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chucklechampion · 6 months
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ah heem heem......
#literally my boss called me into her office and was like 'if you have anything to say tell me now'#'if we start the investigation and find anything we have to fire you'#and i was like 'you know me. you know that i have never taken anything and never paid for it.'#ive taken stuff and paid for it later that day or the next day#but NEVER?? no#i love this stupid job why would i steal from it#and in her defense she did say that there was no bad blood and we were okay#but like that means that if she sees something weird its like 'nothing personal youre fired'#i literally know she WONT fiind anything weird. thats the point. i didnt do anything#but it makes me feel suspicious and that me saying i didnt do anything is an admission of uilt#guilt#aand the more upset and nervous i get the less believable i seem#which makes me MORE UPSET AND NERVOUS#and i told a coworker about it and they really were acting like i did it#like BITCH IVE KNOWN YOU FOR YEARS YOU THINK I DID IT???#have i stolen before?? did i used to steal all the time and just dont remember???#what if i took something once and was like 'yeah i'll pay for it later tonight' and forgot and now its gonna cost me my job#because heres the thing#that VERY WELL couldve happened#my adhd is a fucking bad i very well couldve done that#she picked the perfect time to accuse me of this to retaliate too#last month we lost a lot of money at our snack market#which indicates a lot of theft#and i live here so it'd be easy for me to do#that doesnt mean i did it tho#god this is so upsetting#and this is gonna be a no news is good news situation bc i dont imagine they'll call me in and be like#'we went over months of footage and you have been found NOT guilty! :D'#like no if they dont find anything they'll just never bring it up again#but like that means im gonna be waiting for the other shoe to drop for the rest of the time im working here
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 2 years
Surprise Homies!
Luke Hughes x college vlogger!reader
Sup Homies Masterlist
** I had this idea but wasn’t really sure how to write to so hopefully it makes sense & y’all like it**
"Okay boys, you ready? " You ask the guys as you finish setting up your camera. Nods come from all of them, so you hit record. You’re crouched in front of the camera blocking most of what’s behind you. 
"Sup homies & welcome back to the channel!! 
Todays video is going to be a bit different, but still fun!! I’ve had lots of people asking for a boyfriend tag, but I think those can get boring so we’re spicing it up. I have here some of our closest friends too, since we’re going to play a little game so without further ado, let’s get started.”
You step back & walk backwards towards the couch, where there’s a spot for you on the floor between Luke & Dylan. Ethan, Steve, Philippe & Jacob are on the sofa behind. As you sit down, the boys wave. Steves made a couple of appearances in the vlogs when the two of you are studying together, but none of the other boys have so they’re pretty excited. 
You plop down & Luke wraps his arm around your shoulder. 
“This is Luke, my lover. Boys, introduce yourselves.” Quickly they go around & say their names. 
“So, some of you many recognize these lovely lads, as they all play for Michigan’s hockey team. Steve here is the reason I met these lunatics, and you may recognize him as my study buddy as we go through engineering hell together” You stick your hand up for a fist bump, which you get before continuing “the rest of them just want to be in the vid for some clout.”
They protest “dont lie! Dylan asked me to put instagram handles in the vid. Anyway! They’ve all been playing since they were tiny, and today, we’re going to be testing their hockey knowledge. I’ve got 5 questions, of varying difficulty for them. They’ll have 10 seconds to write down their answers on these” you grab the mini whiteboards out of the bag in front of you and pass them around 
“Okay, lets got going!!
Question 1, and if you guys can’t get this there’s no hope for you here”
“Hold up, what do we win?” Ethan pipes up “The satisfaction of beating your teammates isn’t enough?” he shrugs, “I mean yeah”
“Anyway, question 1. 
Name one of the greats who had a fun nickname. "
“What the hell is considered a fun nickname “ Steve asks as he starts writing
"ehhhh. times up. flip!!"
L: CuJo
S: the dominator 
D: Super Mario baby
E: The great one
J: Sid the kid
P: Finnish Flash
“Ethan, thats basic, so no point. Steve, who the fuck is that, Luke, Phil, Jacob you all get a point. Duker gets a bonus for being the only one to put Super Mario which is the best nickname, no question.”
“Dude, Dominik Hasek!” Steve says “oh okay, never heard him called that but” you pull up your phone “google says that was his nickname so you get a point. Moving on”
“Question 2, name Two teams to win back to back Stanley Cups at any point. Go” The boys are writing as you count down. “Done! Flip them” 
L: Tampa bay & Islanders
S: Red Wings & Tampa
D: Pittsburg, Montreal
E: Oilers, Canadiens 
J: Detroit & Toronto
P: Canadiens & Lightning
“Okay points for all good job boys. Next question, numba three!!
Give me 2 teams located in State, or provincial before you get your panties in a twist Ethan, capital.”
“Bruh I dont know geography!” Dylan complains. “Well, that sucks for you then”
“I though this was going to be stats or something!”
“So if I asked you to list the top scorers in NHL history you would get it?”
“Yeah probably!”
“That sucks for you then since I’m asking the questions. Go”
Dylans muttering to himself going “is that a capital” as the timer ticks down
L:  Rangers & Preds
S:  Avs (Denver) & Blue Jackets (Columbus)
D: Columbus & Boston??
E: Edmonton & Toronto 
J: Red Wings (duh)  hurricanes (hopefully)
P: Detroit & Boston
“Luke, you’re wrong no points!”
“Hang on, NYC isn’t the capital?”
“Dude even I know that & I’m Canadian”
“Jacob & Steve, you both get bonus points for actually putting teams, not just cities. Clearly the rest of the boys can’t listen” 
“Duker, good job you bullshitted your way through that”
“Thats my talent babe” he winks at the camera
“Question 4, What is the dumbest penalty that a team can get? “
“Is there a right answer here?” Jacob asks
“Yes, There is a correct answer, And if you don’t know this, clearly you don’t pay attention when we watch hockey together”
“Oh thats easy” Luke & Duke both say before writing 
“Time!! Flip.”
L: Too many men - can y’all not count or something (direct quote)
S: Too many men
D: Too many “idiots on the ice” 
E: Too many sticks? idfk
J: yelling at the ref (abuse of officials)
P: Too many men?
“Wow Jacob & Ethan, wow. I see how it is.”
“You know we’re normally playing when youre watching hockey right?” Jacob says in protest. 
“Well the others got it right so stop being a sore loser. The rest of you all get points. And get your shit together guys. Lukey, bonus point for the quote”
“Its not hard, you say it every time.”
“And yet, you idiots still get the penalty!! Think of poor Adam who had his hatty taken away the other weekend because you guys can’t count!”
“Okay lets move on. We’ve heard the rant before” Steve butts in before you can get too heated. 
You stick your tongue out at him but continue
“Final question, and you can get a lot of points here. There have been lots of brotherly duos that have played in the NHL” The boys immediately start protesting & talking over each other.
“Pretty sure this is blatant favouritsim”
“Oh Hell no” 
Putting your fingers in your mouth you whistle to get their attention. 
“Can I finish? Thank you. Now, there have been many brotherly duos play in the NHL. Name one duo where at least one of them has played at least one game this season. More obscure means more points, for a max of ten, so for example if you were to say a certain Canuck & his annoying brother, that’s easy as fuck so half a point. Since this requires some more brainpower, I’ll give you 20 seconds. Go”
“What if we dont know both their names?” “You’ll still get the points if you give one as long as it fits the criteria”
“Bro what the fuck?” 
“Who the hell” 
You sit there laughing at them as they try & come up with more obscure duos than the others. After 30 seconds, times up. 
“Flip em boys”
L: Mikey & Ryan Mcleod (Go Devs!!)
S: P sure Adrian Kempe had a brother 
D: Foudy Bros (CBJ!)
E: Willy & Alex Nylander
J: Reinhart (??)
P: Kevin Hayes
“Okay, honestly I dont know off the top of my head so imma google.”
“So Luke, you’re good, 2 points.  Dylan also good, three points .”
“Hey!” Luke protest 
“Shut it. Your brother plays with one of them so its not worth as much.”
“Ethan’s secretly a Leafs fan confirmed. Also 3 points”
“Philippe & Steven. One of your boys have played this season so 5 points for more obscure”
“But Jacob, I’m impressed. Even though you weren’t sure, you not only got 2 brothers, you’ve got 3!! And only one of them has played this year, Mr Sam Reinhart. I would’ve given you more if you had at least one first name, so 7 points for you!! Be more confident in your answer next time”
“Woah woah woah 7?!” Steve says
“What would it have taken to get ten?” Phil muses
“My game, my rules. Okay!” You clap your hands “Time to see who our winner is.”
You’ve got the scores on the whiteboard in front of you, just have to tally them up
“Alright, so here’s our final ranking
On the bottom  Ethan with 5 points. You did terrible. 
Not much better, we have Luke next with 6. What the hell babe, thats embarrassing for you.
Dylan in fourth with 7. Philippe with 9, 
Stevn has 10
And our winner, Jacob! With 11 points!! 
“Can I just say, they’ve been alive longer than us so obviously they’d do better” 
“Ethan age has literally nothing to do with this. You just suck.” Jacob says
You stand up and talk to the camera
“Before this ends up in an argument or wrestling on the floor, Thanks for watching everyone! If you want to see more with these lovable idiots, check out the UMich hockey social media accounts. Maybe they’ll make some vlog appearances too! 
Love all you homies, see you in the next video!!
Luke pulls you down into his lap and you smile up at him while the boys argue, as your outro music plays in the video. 
Arms wrap around your shoulder and Luke presses a kiss to your neck. “Done babe?”
Smiling, you lean back in your desk chair & tip your head back for a kiss. “Just about”
“Hurry up I want cuddles” he whines. 
You giggle as you turn back to your laptop, double checking the title & thumbnail before scheduling the video to go live in place of your usual Sunday vlog. Hitting upload, you close you computer & join Luke on your bed.
“All done” you whisper before kissing him. He palms your ass, pulling you closer & says “good” before hungrily kissing you. You ignore the rest of your responsibilities to lay there together and cuddle, knowing your time like this is coming to an end soon. 
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richardsphere · 6 months
Leverage Redemption Log: The Golf Job
Thats Golf with an O not a U. (so its not about BP) its also notably with an F not a D so its not about Hardison returning to learn a lesson on the importance of simplicity in the art of the con either. --- five-hundred and four nails. Thats a large and incredibly specific number of nails (wether hardware or keratin)
Migrant labour, phones and families held hostage. Well our mark at least knows talent when he sees it.
Welcome to America kid, where "upwards mobility" means a sherpa carrying a drunken white man up Mt Everest. --- HURLEY?! I mean i knew you were still around cause Parker mentioned you earlier but to see you is another story.
Breanna is at a coding-camp to get her skills improved. Ok so i know from the TVtropes page of the OG series that there was a korean spin-off, so im assuming that this is a reference to the Korean Spin-off.
But apparently Hurley went from "no longer doing crime" to "I swear im no longer doing crime unless im conned by a hot nun" to "fuck it, if I cant live a life of non-crime i'll at least have someone I trust decide which crimes im doing". --- Golfing trip. Harry loses his ball and stumbles across our Mark. Harry overhears the less-usefull half of the conversation (basically only knows about a "liquidity issue") and witnesses Bao get threatened.
Elliot is at this point so familiar with the whole "busman's holiday" thing that he no longer finds the irony funny anymore.
Ah im starting to realise whats happening. The halloween episode was a "girls night out" and this is the "boys night out" episode. But cause Hardison is only available as a special guest they had to bring in Hurley to avoid working a 2-man crew. Harry's first time having to do an actual B&E himself. Meanwhile elliot is doing his "pretend to be a creepy rich guy oggling the staff who arent paid enough to put up with it" con. (not a fan) Hurley is getting the money by rolling pockets as a server. --- And Harry needs to figure out a password. First two tries fail (both decent guesses) and he knows a third failure will lock him out so he tries Breanna, who is unfortunately unavailable for reasons of coding camp. Oh he's resorted to Social Engineering, taking a leaf out of Sophie's book. Lets see how it plays out for him.
And He's Done It! (Maybe "Imaloser" is a bit on the nose, but it fits the character of "disgruntled IT guy who is sick of these idiots not doing this right")
Something bad enough that Harry's old employers wouldnt be willing to keep it on their servers lest it damage them? Thats bad.
And Harry almost got compromised but quickly pulls the "this is my office" and stealthily distracts her while he removes the pictureframes. He's getting good at this. (but also, he was never bad at it. His first self-made heist was pretty well thought out with exception to the whole "insurance would've covered it" thing.)
little bit more social engineering and he's got access to the paper files (unfortunately he slips and gives himself slightly away, both with his rant on how lawyers are scum and the daughter thing. Yes Saphron has a child but its a baby, not remotely old enough to be someone she'd remind him of) --- Elliot getting confused on the various stupid con-names. (good gag.)
Sophie doing her part of the con in a cameo. (wonder if this is gonna be a repeat of the Girls Night Out Job and next episode lets us see why she's wearnig a moustache in a monastary, but i dont think so)
poor guy's gonna be on hold for hours isnt he... great dart-throw though. Impressive. --- I like Bao's little story about the Golf-club of the Lake. Hurley is trying to reach out but unfortunately, fear is still winning (cause hostages at the nail-salon) --- Harry is taking his understudy on an all-expenses spa-day. Oh she's calling him out earlier then expected (harry is not that good of an actor) but he reaches out and works her on their side.
Greenscreen Parker is rather uncanny valley.
So yeah, he's a human trafficker. --- And we're back to continuity-jokes (thin blue line and that one where he played baseball)
Repeat of Sophie's advice. Ah the magic words... god i hate those. Hurley reverse-engineers the secret to Elliots power: The more Chaos, the better the Elliot.
Little "chaotic Hurley" montage (the keys, thats just low) --- Operation Ultrakaren is a go! And Hurley is going into withdrawal,
Well Harry is definitly undeniably outed to his old company now. (i mean they already suspected, but now Saphron knows)
"shoulda yelled two". a solid 2/2. bows on everything, wrap-up at the theatre.
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abcdosaka · 2 years
i have not posted on here in a while. idk various things have happened. but heres the most recent stuff.
this is sorta fresh (literally 2 days ago) but im mostly over it i think? i made a hinge account and briefly talked to this girl and i liked talking to her but i think i just dont know how to rizz someone up, or maybe ik and i dont have the courage to do it so i gotta play nice girl from the start. and i think our second phone call i was just kinda lacking in energy and i wasn’t texting her too often either. but at the end of it she was like lets just be friends going forward.
i havent really had any experiences before, like real ones where i was the one initiating everything, so it hurt, kinda like getting rejected for a job interview. i was like ig im just not outgoing or funny or charming enough but damn we talked like twice on the phone, we never even met up, that quick huh.
tbh i think i initiated slightly more and she was less interested and she also made it pretty clear she wasnt sure about getting into a relationship. idk its not worth analyzing. we do have a lot of similar tastes but if she wants to be friends she has to initiate and i might blow her off anyway i dont feel like talking to her anymore lol. or maybe ill respond but just really slowly. ik its giving nice guy/friendzoned. ehhh i might respond she was nice/friendly enough i just need time to get over it fully. i think this is a lets see how im feeling in a week situation. to be fair sometimes good friendships pop up out of bad experiences for me like i thought D was a huge dick when i first met him but we got along well for the time we knew each other
idk i would rather have someone who knows what they want and is certain about it too. but in the first place i dont even want to talk to ppl like its such a hassle texting randoms multiple days in a row. i got a couple other likes and i just ignored them. ive ghosted two ppl bc i just was sick of the texting going nowhere.
tbh i think im just sad bc my ego’s a little bruised. but idk that happens to me easily like applying for a job sucks and it hurts to get rejected and having a job kinda sucks too but its required. relationships, kinda the same but i dont think its required? they never seemed that great or fun or loving to me, prob bc my parents hated each other for 90% of my childhood. even when i see relationships in fiction im like oh cute but idk if i really need that.
im more upset that i dont really have anyone to talk to about this stuff. and im upset s didnt wanna meet over reading week. like besties for 10 years but you couldnt free up a space for me even tho i asked like 3 weeks ago. idk if i can even call us besties. i used to be so insecure abt what kinda friendship we had but now im kinda sick of this. maybe i should ask. i kinda hate feeling needy or sounding clingy though. idk i was pretty friendly in my response
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she didnt even receive it T_T
idk she hasnt responded to any messages frequently for the past month so shes probably really busy but ugh i fucking hate this. i just wish she’d check in for once like “hey sorry ive just been really busy the past month and havent had the energy or time to respond but hopefully ill have some time soon”. cuz the thing is its kinda typical of her to flake/be distant/antisocial. like after we graduated hs she ignored my messages for a month and she promised not to do that again. and when we hung out for the last time before i moved for uni she overslept and i think shes done that two or three times since. its really frustrating when we dont get to see each other than often. so if i ask her its gonna be like this is an isolated incident but its not and im prob not gonna see her again after i graduate uni bc i wanna move across the country. and we almost never call bc everytime i ask she doesnt want to. i think thats just her hating calling but how tf else are we supposed to stay in contact when we live in different cities??? and texting for hours on end is fking annoying? same difference ik a bit hypocritical there but also, calling means u can multitask but texting means u have to focus solely on texting unless you wanna respond every 2 hours or even worse, every 5 minutes, theres no flow unless you pay full attention to texting.
and the thing that sucks even harder. is that we had a mutual friend, j, who was her BESTIE for middle school and almost all of highschool. (i had a crush on this chick btw but never told her and i kinda stopped talking to her in senior year). and j did the same fucking thing like she decided she didnt wanna talk to people she knew before highschool anymore and basically just slowly cut s out of her life. and s was so upset abt it she told me abt it a lot
see the thing is if i do confront her about ALL of this, i  think its gonna go the worst way possible. like we will slowly drift apart and im gonna lose my closest friend who probably doesnt even consider me at least one of her closest friends. and then im fucked. i mean im not fucked but im starting from ground zero.its really hard not having someone you know you can rely on. altho maybe shes not the most reliable and ive been coping by pretending im independent and dont need anyone for emotional shit. maybe im just catastrophizing. like on one hand, i truly am unsure enough abt our friendship that idk if she’d make an effort after i move real far. but on the other hand i am a known pessimist and i suck at this people bullshit. so idk if i should ask or not.
ugh i shouldnt have wrote this. i was like “if i go in depth on this post i wont be able to stop and then im gonna cry and i dont wanna cry. i should try to keep it light.” like lol. at least it was good practice for typeracer. im gonna do one race and go to sleep. this is frustrating
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Ahh okay dream 1
These will probably be pretty condensed cause its just one of those dreams where you had to be there....
So, the first dream somehow i was casted into a new mini series tv show. And we basically filmed the pilot or the first couple of episodes not thinking much, but the pilot leaked? and went viral online. It was insane. 
I was the only person in the main cast who wasnt super famous and they just happened to take a chance on. It was me, cole sprouse, lili reinhart, maybe kj apa?? although im not sure, and connor woods like fibulaaa. 
And it was basically riverdale hahaha. But so much better. It was like a dark drama where we were solving mysteries, well we hadnt gotten that far but the pilot was the exposition of a mystery that we were going to come together to solve. We were a group of young friends, and we were sitting in a park/parking lot and talking and connor was throwing a basket ball around the group.
And the color scheme was very filmy and aesthetic and the writing was amazing and most importantly i sounded natural and organic!! Like im literally not an actor lmao, but i did a good job. 
So we filmed it, idk if it was the teaser that got out or the pilot but basically. Something got posted on twitter and it blew up, and it was like INSTANT fame for me. Like i was gaining 100s of thousands of followers, people were looking up everything ive ever done and trying to make connections to the show and my career, it was fucking insane. 
I posted something in regards to the show, and a random person found a bunch of my film pictures which apparently i had some with connor and sally darrs whole group and they put them in the twitter thread so now MY film pictures were going viral. And people were starting to ship me and connor and say like “ooh theyve been friends maybe thats how they got the role”
And i was like omg how did they find those!! Also yes connor and i are friends now but when the pictures were taken it was like our friend groups first time hanging out with connor and sally darrs group and i just happened to take pictures cause i was excited and they really liked us and i wanted to make it look like we were longtime friends. 
So it was crazy. I was on the phone with people flipping out that i went viral. Dalvin even came up to me and was like woah arielle you were cast in “whatever the show was called” and i was like yeah!! and he was like thats so cool. 
At one point i was in hs and m*d* came in my class and i was trying to show her like look, this tweet went viral and im on this show and she was like 
“Does bri river like those people?” and i was like what???? i dont know i don’t follow her, to support you wtf?? How is that the first thing you ask me when im doing something successful like how are you making it about you? (except i didnt say all that just the first part) 
Anyways, everything was happening so fast and i was so excited and because it was going viral it was a big indicator that the show was gonna be picked up and we’d get to film more epsiodes and it’d be popular. It was coming on TV and i was like “woah i didnt even know it was coming on tv yet??” 
I was excited for the press runs, like i wonder what my outfit is going to be and its gonna be so fun to do all of this with like cole sprouse and lili reinhart like im gonna be recognized as a huge actor this is insane. And people were so curious about me because i was the only nobody. 
ahhhhhhhhhhhh isnt that insane!! It was so fun and exciting and i was so happy.
Oh and VERY IMPORTANT, before i fell asleep i SPECIFICALLY asked spirit for help on career path and.....whats my purpose and am i supposed to be applying for sm jobs on linkedin. soo.....don’t know what this means yet. But in addition to my tswift and renee rapp dreams. ALso the dream where my dad posted a tweet that went viral on twitter. Somethings...brewing :)
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evanthefunky · 2 years
Some of the things that made me 🤌feel something✨ in Stranger Things s4 that definitely weren't supposed to: (kinda began to rant/ramble, but im funny so you should still read it)
- as a part of the "I watch everything with subtitles" gang, the amount of goofy description subtitles is bonkers. In a good way- i, too, would describe that sound as squelching, but that, like, implies wetness? Must one put "squelches wetly" ??? Also, the amount of "eldritch" as a descriptor. Jeez. You know you can say "weird", "sinister", or "ghastly", right? I mean, ok, sinister is used. But like yo. My favorite subtitle has been "eldritch thrumming".
- Henry/Vecna/One/Orderly's timeline. (More below cut)
I dont know how old we're assuming he is, since I haven't finished episode 9 (ITS TWO HOURS AND FUCKING 22 MINUTES THAT IS SO GODDAMN FUCKING ABSURD) so idk if there's been clarity but like. One looks not a day over 25 in 1983 which is when I assume El escapes the lab. But Jamie was probably 28-31 when filming the show, since he's 33, as of when I searched him last night. And Two looks MAAAAAYbe fuckn 17, more likely 14/15. So like. How old was Henry when he committed the murders, how old was he when he became One, how old was he when he became an orderly instead, how old was he when he became Vecna??? EXPLAIN TO ME.
- while I'm thinking about it. This . Is a goddamn. Television show. Right? I grew up in the golden days (everyone romanticized their childhood experiences, im no exception, yes this is a huge generalization and recognize for yourself if you agree with this and please just let me continue, im feeling cynical toward myself) where something called Television (or TV) shows had seasons of about 20 episodes at least, and each episode was anywhere between 20-45 minutes. And. It worked great. Sure, without commercials, you have to fill a whole half/full hour of content, but like. Tv shows these days... I dont remember the last one I watched that was from these days that was longer than 10 episodes, if it even reached that! If each fucking episode of ST had an outrageous budget of like 3something MILLION dollars....... don't u think u could. Chop it up a little bit. ? Each episode is literally already episodic. Plenty of places to cut and make a new episode. Is it because you're afraid of losing attention? Babes, i wouldn't have even watched the show if it hadn't been for an edit of the characters. Sure, maybe im in the minority. But like. God, this show is so fucking long. I've already watched 10 hrs of content for a TV show and you're asking me to spend 2:22 hrs more??????????? Bruh. Split that shit into at least 2 episodes. What.
- this is kinda at fandom, kinda at the d bros- I was led to believe Eddie was in this show waaaaay more than he actually is. He's. Hes barely in this show, and he's certainly not as interesting as im led to believe. Nor is Robin, but that's for another point. Well actually,
- the script does not do right by Robin and Eddie. I believe they are played by good actors! I have no reason to not believe that. Theyre putting their hearts into their jobs here, so props to Maya and Joe. But like. They have the weakest, most obviously quippy lines that simply aren't delivered well. Robin seems to be an afterthought even if a lot of her storyline is kinda spotlit. Honestly, thats the most well done part of her character, and I hate to say that, bc queer people are more than our love lifes or lack thereof! But the rest of her outside wanting to be with a girl is made to be this typical against the grain ~girl~ who doesn't like feminine clothes and can't walk in heels, etc. She feels like all the cliches of a typical anti-main girl and put lesbian on top as a cherry. It just feels weak and like a little over the top. To be clear, I'm not saying she shouldn't be a lesbian. Also, I understand that I wasn't around in the 80s, and I dont know what someone had to do to be obvious to other queers but not obvious to non-queers. But it feels like a disservice or not as well done as it could be. And Eddie... kinda has the same amalgamation of pile of labels. Metal head, dnd dm, guitarist, has charisma but will run at the first sign of danger, also a fan favorite of queer fans (possibly projecting). There's more to each of these characters, but it feels like they, with all this potential, max out the space theyre in and one of them (if theyre in the same scene) has to be chosen over the other. Its just a disservice. It really isn't even a surprise to me, as we close out episode 8, that Eddie doesn't matter ultimately to the story except to be a sacrifice. Theres not growth or development beyond him deciding to not run anymore. Joe's voice may be music, but the lines that seem most genuine to Eddie are improvised rather than written. Which is not !!!!! A!!!!! Good!!!! Sign!!! *sigh*. Anyway I think im done about them. They just feel like they take up as much space as they can and are still flat. They have lots of facets as interesting character with the potential to be more, but either the performances of the written script or the boundaries of it limit people I imagine could actually be pretty fucking good.
- maybe its because I never have, but like, my god, I dont care about the adults storyline. Since season 1, I have skipped nearly every scene for the adults, simply because I could not bother. Part of the reason I started s4 was for the actor of Anatov- I think this actor is neat and I've liked his other two characters I've seen (from Game of Thrones and Jack Ryan). So hearing that he was in s4 was cool, but since he's attached to Hopper's storyline, its hard to really give a shit. Also, his directing and line delivery hasn't been very great. His physical choices made... I feel like they are unrealistic? I just. I like him because I like the actor and I like that he isn't a total dick, but I also don't care to worry about Hopper's storyline, so I dont watch it much. When the stakes are low, I wish they weren't made out to be life or death when Hopper just needs to figure out his development without getting to do a lot of action, and you're golden, and dont need to watch any more. Sure, its neat, but I know that Hopper and Joyce and Murray are gonna be fine, so like.... whats the point. You're not making me care any more about these characters. Altho Murray is indeed funny as hell, God bless.
- I do love the music and score of this season. Its very in tuned with itself, it knows what stranger things sounds like. And so that remix of the Journey song at the end of episode 8 was 1000% a banger and so cool because already its a cinematic, iconic song, but then you mix it to fit better with your over-arching shows score and. God, it sounds so cool!!!!
- steve and Eddie's dynamic. Fandom does exaggerate their relationship a little bit, but not really in a way thats too far-reaching. I think, mostly, that the duffer bros were too scared or didn't even think to see it as queer, even if Joe was exuding charm from his pores and confirming with fans that he was being a little flirty. Now, of course, it may have partially been a lie to appease fans and audiences. But like also. I see where people are putting on their "I see gay" goggles. Maybe I pause the show too much to laugh or ramble frustratedly at the content, but its. Idk. Not really what I see.
Ultimately, I probably harmed my own viewing experience with my decision to see the show as like. Entertainment because its already bad, not really giving much room to be impressed or emotionally influenced. Or maybe I'm just feeling cynical today. Don't know. Either way, par for the course, im disappointed in a show I dont really care that much about. Is that more commentary on me, or culture saying "oh its popular you HAVE to watch it", or my falling into fomo or just wanting to watch something to feel anyrhing..... idk. Hopefully the finale is interesting. I'll probably watch most of it- even the adult storyline scenes.
But I dont have much hope or grace left for it.
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gtschnickschnack · 4 years
This writing’s been around for a bit. I liked the idea of writing a fic in transcript format
Plot: While sorting things Tim brings back something neat he found to show the others (it’s borrower Jon)
length: its pretty short, like 1k maybe?
cw: gt typical manhandling, borrower called by it/its for one half
The role of archivist goes to Sasha and ofc Jon is the borrower :) I feel like this is fine to read if you don’t know the podcast since it takes place in s1, but at some points a bit confusing maybe. I dont think its a nice format to read in general but it was a fun exercise I wanted to share
TIM: Guys, I found something.
ARCHIVIST: What is wh- (surprised) woah, what is that!
MARTIN: Wh- Is, is that alive?
TIM: Very sure, it’s moving a lot.
MARTIN: Bloody hell, where did you even find that?
TIM: Under a shelf. It was carrying a paperclip.
TIM: Don’t ask me! I mean.. What are we gonna do with this thing?
ARCHIVIST: I'm still stuck on what that even is.
MARTIN: It's so small…It looks pretty scared though, should we set it down?
TIM: I don't know, it’s squirming a lot. I’m scared it will just hurt itself.
MARTIN: You think it has wings? Like would it get out of a box?
ARCHIVIST: No, I don't think so.
TIM: It looks just like a person, but… really little.
ARCHIVIST: It does…. Very expressive face. (to Tim) You got a clue on what that is?
TIM: Not one.
MARTIN: Here, I emptied one out. Careful.
TIM: There.
TIM: What should we do to calm it down?
MARTIN: Are you asking me?
TIM: I don’t know, you’re the bug expert here.
MARTIN: I know about spiders, Tim. Spiders. Whatever this is, it’s not a spider.
TIM: Okay okay, but maybe there’s something-
ARCHIVIST: Hey guys. Is it…
TIM: Oh..
MARTIN: It… It’s crying.
TIM: Should I pick it up again?
Martin: No, don’t. I think that’s just gonna make it worse.
ARCHIVIST: Do you think it can understand us? MARTIN: I don’t know.
ARCHIVIST: Hey, little one… it’s okay. We don’t want to hurt you.
TIM: Sorry if I scared you.
ARCHIVIST: Can you understand us?
TIM: I don’t think so, it’s just curled into a ball now.
MARTIN: What do we do with this? I mean.. should we tell Elias?
ARCHIVIST: No… Let’s keep this to ourselves for now.
ARCHIVIST: Oh, shoot the time! I wanted to record another one of our glitchy statements!
TIM: What? You can’t do it later?
ARCHIVIST: I mean I, I wanted to get that done before today's shift ends. Elias wasn't pleased the last time i postponed making a tape recording.
TIM: Weird.
ARCHIVIST: Yep. But… don't want to loose the new job just yet. (sigh) I'll just try and be quick about it and later we can talk this through together. In the meantime… I don't know, try and figure out what that is? I won't be long.
MARTIN: Alright.
TIM: Well?
MARTIN: I don’t know, it’s still crying, though. Maybe we should give it a tissue?
TIM: Hm.
TIM: Don’t drop it on top of it! Now you just startled it.
MARTIN: Well I’m sorry I can’t warn it, I don’t think it can understand us.
TIM: I don’t know…it's staring between us.
TIM: (slowly) Do you understand us?
Martin: It nodded. It- You didn’t just- that was a nod, right?
TIM: Woah. Can you talk?
MARTIN: Oh my god.
TIM: Okay, that was a nod, but can you like actually talk?
MARTIN: Maybe it- uhm, they, have like stage fright? Oh hey no, it’s okay, you don’t have to talk. Please don’t cry again.
TIM: Yea, it’s alright. We’re not going to make you do anything. (to Martin) Maybe we should put them in a corner or something? Let them calm down?
MARTIN: Probably a good idea.
TIM: On the shelf should be good.
MARTIN: (whispering) Christ, Tim, thats like a person, a proper person.
TIM: (whispering back) I know.
MARTIN: What do we do?
TIM: I don’t know. (sign) Maybe we have statements on similar things? We could check those, or check the library.
MARTIN: I don’t remember seeing any book on tiny people working there, but I guess I could check anyway?
TIM: I check statements, you check the library?
MARTIN: What, like now?
TIM: I mean our boss gave us the task to figure this out, best to follow her orders.
MARTIN: Guess so. (sigh) Yeah, okay. I’ll see what I can find.
TIM: Alright, I’ll do the same. And keep an eye on our guest.
TIM: Who turned this on?
TIM: Hey uh.. don’t get startled, I’m just picking the box up again, okay?
TIM: So uh.. You seem calmer? A bit maybe. Sorry for spooking you like that, little uh.. guy? one? I’ll just go with one, don’t wanna assume anything, you know.
BORROWER: Wh-what are you going to do to me?
TIM: … What? Nothing, we- just talk, we just want to talk.
BORROWER: Are you going to let me go then?
TIM: I mean of course, we’re not going to to just keep you captive. But I think we have some questions first.
BORROWER: …okay. Can you… let me out of the box at least?
TIM: Sure, I can put you on the desk I guess..
BORROWER: (alarmed) No! D-don’t touch me!
TIM: Okay, woah it’s okay! Hands are up here, see? Not gonna touch you. How am I going to get you out then..
BORROWER: I uh.. don’t suppose you could tilt the box?
TIM: Oh, that’s smart. [SHUFFLING] Just be careful sliding out.
TIM: There we go.
ARCHIVIST: All done n- what are you doing, Tim?
TIM: I’m just helping our little guest out, per their request.
TIM: Oh yeah, they can talk.
ARCHIVIST: Wait what! You can talk?
ARCHIVIST: Oh wow… I, I’m Sasha. Do you have a name?
TIM: Oh, I’m Tim by the way.
ARCHIVIST: Well... nice to meet you, Jon. Can you tell us what you are? Unless you already told Tim...
TIM: No, I haven’t asked.
BORROWER: I… H-how many questions do I need to answer before you let me go?
ARCHIVIST: Wait what? Tim, what did you tell them?
TIM: What? I di-
MARTIN: Sorry it took me so long I got held up by Rosie and- why are they on the desk now?
TIM: They asked for it.
Martin: Oh?
BORROWER: Y-you said you would let me go a-after some questions.
ARCHIVIST: Tim?! TIM: Not like that! I said we have some questions and that we would let them go, of course.
MARTIN: Wait guys, let’s back off before they back off the desk.
TIM: Right.
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staysuki · 3 years
squid game episode 5 reactions:
1) yes teamwork go guys. i wonder if anyone else are gonna copy their strategy. there’s always that certain disadvantage with going first
2) gihun really setting in with the guilt of blood on their hands (technically)
3) ms. no.240 being a chaotic neutral/good queen i see, but she has a point. “dear God we worked together as a team to send people on your side” I CANNOT WITH HER SHE’S SO FUNNY. still, i’m a bit done with the edgy girls but it’s nice to see more female charcaters here. she makes sense though, no.001 and sangwoo deserve praise 😤😤😤
5) so are these guys selling organs? i don’t understand the whole side plot with the masked guys but then again, i’m not really paying much attention to that :D. i haven’t seen mr. hwang in a while tho, i kinda miss him
6) yes, sangwoo is very cool. LMFAO ALI BITING BACK WITH THE ATTITUDE BUT 212 RLY GOTTA HIT MY BOY WITH THE IMMIGRANT FILES. THAT HIT HOME 😭💔 let him live. why are you kicking him out, he’s the strongest man on the team, did you see him swinging that largeass beam around last night.
7) “we’re all equal here” sangwoo is a politician. what a straight edged guy this character is, i love him. and he’s so big brain catching up on that part where the gangster team probably knew the game ahead of time + 212 already being suspicious of the doctor hmmmm. i love sangwoo sm, me thinks i’m into the brainy types. i hope they dont die grrr but they probably will
8) mr. 101 going to gihun to psyche him out but our MC really pulled the reverse uno card on him and made him paranoid WE STAN. this man’s EQ is on the roof, he’s so good at reading situations.
9) ali and sangwoo best pair. a power couple honestly. these two will die together in a final stand i can feel it
10) i am so disinterested with the secret masked people smuggler arc, i do not care about these people at all. it’s simply just mr. hwang but even then, i like, do not care at all. the power dynamic is so funny though, they need the doctor but they keep threatening him.
11) more gihun backstory, that’s so sad, i wonder what that attack meant. we haven’t really learned much about his previous job aside from the fact that he used to be a driver(???) maybe he was in the military? like we know he wasn’t able to make his wife’s labor because a guy died in front of him, they made it sound so mundane but that trauma flashback sequence is so heavy. oh they were having a worker’s strike, that’s even worse omg.
12) i hope mr. 001 doesn’t die from the fever, thats such bad timing but it makes sense, even for the others, once the adrenaline dies down, the fatigue will catch up to them.
13) mr. hwang almost getting caught oh no. i’m kinda getting into the whole smuggler arc now but ngl the fact that i can’t see their faces makes it harder to commit, i’m only rooting for mr. hwang. maybe it’s a way to not overload the characters too much(???). oh no the doctor got scammed.
14) what if detective hwang’s brother is actually a masked worker and not part of the games? 😤 or idk, that would be too good to be true for him.
15) the doctor is gonna die, he got too cocky, he couldn’t play the long game. sure, he’s needed but like, wth man.
16) mr. hwang got found out but damn he’s so good. go point that gun bestie 😭♥️. but the reveals of their faces are so anticlimactic.
17) “we can still fix this” pLEASE
18) ok so his brother is dead— oop nevermind, it’s a different body. oh well, i still think his brother is either dead or a worker. either way, go get your body count mr. hwang.
19) i know they have moles and everything but damn they’ve really spent all that time just running around and talking— oh nevermind they got found out.
20) i hope mr. hwang doesn’t bite off more than he can chew and that he gets out of here safely. highly doubt it but i’m rooting for him now. also these people are disgusting. MR. HWANG CAN MURDER IN COLD BLOOD, I AM SO IN LOVE WITH HIM.
21) equality huh. this guy is so weird omg i cannot. they got what they had coming though. oh no sirens going out, this ain’t good. also no.28 and 29 are gone, they’re gonna catch him 😭 hwang please live ily. HIS BROTHER WON 👀 his bro’s probably a worker now idk man
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yyxgin · 3 years
i think the only person ive ever wanted to steal from was some lady on tiktok who ordered rare pc’s and showed tiktok and then just resold them at the same or more value. she showed a jungkook pc from a japanese release if i remember correctly and it cost her $400 and when she resold it she made profit?? like HELLO??? apparently that was what the pc collectors would call ‘a steal’ in regards to how much she paid for it.
oooh i just googled pepco apparently they own some big-ish stores here. it sounds p straight forward!! plenty of training videos i imagine 🥲 friends at work are always a good idea but apparently i have what my mother calls a ‘fuck off face’ and... she’s not wrong. not at all. it morphs into disgust easily when i garner unwanted attention. but it’s not intentional anymore i practiced for when i used to walk to school bc i hated people and the randos bc they’re so creepy when i’m clearly in uniform and underage ewwwww blergh 😫
i initially started writing how i do bc i used to love how fancy my nan’s writing looked so when she passed away and i was old enough to understand how to write in cursive i just did that. my r’s and i’s are dangerously similar but no one complains so :D
libra ☀️, leo 🌝, virgo ⬆️ !! i’m easily the flirtiest person ik and i don’t even do it on purpose it’s dangerous but there’s a boy who matches my flirt w flirt and it’s an ongoing joke so 😳😫😫 idm making decisions if it’s like,, just for me but when there’s more than one person involved i don’t like to step on toes or come off as if i haven’t considered others thoughts and feelings bc i had a day out w a girl and she said to me sumn about wanting to do something and said ‘so like 7pm, yeah?’ and i freaked out bc i was not comfortable getting the train home later than 5pm and she was just dragging me everywhere and i distinctly remember thinking never letting myself get in a situation like that again. she even brushed off my subtle comment about seeing a bookshop that looked old and that our other mutual friend would enjoy by saying ‘god no. you wouldn’t catch me dead in there.’ i died inside. i just wanted to look at books bruh 💔💔
shotaro is v cute!! gives me stray kids vibes tbh. all of stray kids are so precious to me. esp felix!! he’s just so 🥺🥺 HE MADE COOKIES!! FOR OTHER IDOLS!!!
don’t worry bestie! 🤩 we all have days like that. tbh i was v tired yesterday myself. my sleep is so restless nowadays too 🙃 and uh i’ve been doing training courses all day. it said 60 mins per course and they weren’t lying!! the other ones i’ve done before ive been able to push out in a couple of hours max but maybe bc i have actual time to dedicate to my job i have to do more courses since i’ll be there more often. anyway.
do you have plants? 🤔 ~🌻
pepco is awesome tho,, they have so much cheap useless stuff there i always leave all my money there </3 my boss said i’ll have a discount since i work there but i forgot how much it was ?? i think she said 11% or something ?? i honestly kind of zoned out during that part. i dont think i’m getting like training videos ?? we don’t quite do that here, they just show you around and tell you how stuff works around there and that’s it ?? i hope i do good i’m kind of stressed :DDD also people tell me i look really egoistic and like a bitch at first so i guess im just gonna smile nonstop or something so i make some new friends uhhh
your big three... im not really fluent in astrology lmao but libra sun leo moon sounds like a very sexc combo imo,, i am aries sun libra moon cancer rising (i think i said libra rising earlier ?? my mistake oopsies) so feel free to read me or something if you’re into that bc i just pretend i know shit about astrology all the time even tho i know nothing :(
also that friend you mentioned sounds like a real bitch,,,why didnt she let you look at old books :( meanie !! 
i hope your training videos are over soon omg that sounds like such a pain in the ass. also i hope you get to sleep better soon :(( 
YES I DO i have uhhh 13 plants atm and the list is still growing. they are all alive and well and ive had them for like 2 years now so thats a record for me even tho i think one of my plants is currenlty dying and im really sad abt it i dont know how to fix it :( 
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
aw shiro, my love, don't worry about it!! i only hope you're okay and safe :d please only reply when you're free, and don't feel bad about it!! >:(
my day yesterday was okay, i've just been relaxing, and studying occasionally. went out to explore a nearby town too, it's so pretty there. and much colder (since it's a highlands) of course!! Today was great too. I bought doughnuts (they're amazing?? I love doughnuts), and I had instant ramen, but it was SO spicy I nearly died. (Three bottles of water later, because someone finished all the milk in the household *cough* me *cough*) and I'm still just reeling. Sucks having such low spice tolerance HAHA. I'm listening to some old school hip-hop rn, while typing this out :D how were your two days?
here are some i'll be using to teach english :d and that would honestly be much appreciated, he's getting on my last nerve rn. (I included the first few, what do you think?)
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thats such a priceless feeling i so totally agree. you're so precious 🥺🥺 i'm sure they're prouder thank you imagine. you're so dedicated!! i'm sure all that extra research you've done will definitely pay off. it's good that you know what the job is roughly like, so you'll be really prepared when you finally do start it. you know that one scene, in the 2nd season of the great pretender? when the chinese mafia boss emphasizes the importance of a translator in literally everything? (like that book award example) i may be getting the thing muddled up, but i found that so cool. like yeah, a book or speech could be absolutely beautiful, but if everyone can't enjoy it due to it being a different language, it would be such a shame. i just find translators really important. sorry, i'm really dorky haha 🥺🥺
awww but i think your personality type is wonderful. a lot of my favourite characters are intj (they're all so precious istg grrrr) yes!! i was in a tooru brainrot yesterday too 😭😭😭 (saw a bunch of couples on my walk, and I was like "if only Tooru was real grrrr") and yes?? there'd be so much to learn from each and every one of them. dedication from hinata, savage lines from tsukki, kindness from yams/yachi, how to be a dork 101 from atsumu. aaaah 😭😭i'm sorry they're all so wonderful.
No pftttt I totally feel you. I saw some people without masks today and I was like "bro wtf" and just really loudly said "I sure hope everyone starts following the rules so the cases don't increase" because I'm a lil bitch like that xD
awww okay!! I'll definitely keep that in mind. Mayo makes everything better, tbh >.< aww that's understandable! I don't have specific preferences but hearing the phrase "soggy cheese" makes me want to cry somewhere :( I don't like nuts in chocolate. I'm very passionate about that? XD ikr??
I'm surprised too, I usually never pass on murder, but I guess you're just special like that 👉👈 sir I'd get married to you as many times as you'd like 😼 oops sorry for being cheesy, but—you like cheese ;)
I won't ask why, don't worry. Since I kinda feel the same about Malaysia tbh. It's a love hate relationship, I think HAHA but yeah 😣😣 i don't look up to US at all, and it sucks because people generally do. And I'm just like ;-; why (no offense to Americans tho lol)
is that even legal omg they're so chaotic?? XD how cute tho. Angel does stuff like that all the time too, but I'd never know that when I first met her (she has the most perfect exterior, and then when you get to know her; she's the biggest dork) Schools opening on the 20th, I can't wait to see her then :] (I can, however, wait for the exams which are scheduled for the 25th ugh)
peanut butter is indeed yellow, not up for discussion hehe :) here's my favourite hues!! I love gentle, soft hues like these (pastels) , for yellow; I don't have a favourite. they're all wonderful
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ahhh no that's so precious of you!! :)) I'm smiling rn.
yeah skdhskdjsk I'M JUST SO GRRR. Whenever someone goes "hey Ari can you ______" and we both respond?? The tension?? In the air?? Bro skdjskks. 😔🤚 You share a name with one of the most precious characters too tho!!;
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This is Shiro from Voltron hehe. I love him so much, just like I love you (tho I'm sure we both know I love you more <3)
I share a name with a book character. His name is Aristotle Mendoza, but his crush-turned-boyfriend calls him "Ari" (which has been my nickname since I was 12). Reading it for the first time was the BEST feeling ever. It's also my favourite book, "Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe".
—Ari :D (no pfttt I love the tag so much. I have my own tag, that's like the best thing ever 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺)
Heyyy I'm so sorry for answering so late!! I know you said not to apologize but..... well hmm no excuse I just feel like apologizing, but either way thank you for your patience!!♡ This is the third time I'm rewriting this, and this time I'm doing this in my notes because fuck it😔
Im glad to hear that!! Highlands are always so pretty. Wish we had those here, but it's only steppe here:( Boring~ ooh, donuts!!! They're really good. I havent much, but I tried them like 3 times and they're so good. I really hope I will get to eat more<3 also WHAT'S THOSE NOODLES' NAME I WANNA KNOW- Are you feeling okay now, though? XD
My days were nice!!! Felt as if I had been hiding three bodies, but I've been feeling better lately. We had online school yesterday so I'm excused from the errands for the half of the day, thankfully. But your messages make me very happy. Though I dont always feel like writing a response (or I get stressed because it doenst save) so very sorry for that😔
Ohh those look so pretty!! I'd totally join to just look at them. The colors are so nice🥺 it looks like one of our olympiad prep slides, though better. I dont have the screenshots sadly😩 Either way I really love the little details like the squiggly thingies or the Ж .... they seem unnecessary but the energy changes a lot without them hehe
I really hope they will be🥺 that'd mean a lot to me. And I'm also really hopeful itll work out. I really don't wanna disappoint my family, which is literally just one person. The less people there are, the more it hurts, you know?
Yeah, that scene meant so much to me!! I dknt remember much, but I was very happy they said something like that, because I've been told being a translator wont work out for me. Now look at me, I'm about to tell them to fuck themselves<3 I was also so surprised to see Laurent know that many languages ..... I aspire to be like him😩 And honestly, I havent though so deep of that but you opened my eyes and now I'm about to float off into the next universe😭 dont apologize though, its very cute!!!♥︎♥︎
Heheh, I guess you're right.. every single anime INTJ is a silent sexy mastermind and I love them . ... YEAH every single time I see a passing couple i cry because I dont have anyone 😡💔 and sometimes when I see people doing something amusing (which includes people failing cuz I'm evil) I just imagine one of the characters doing that and I smile all the way xD Honestly, I'd sell my father on black market for a single day with one of them:( though that may sound like a really low price because his cigarette filled lungs wouldnt cost a lot... I sound like my 7th grade self again I'm so sorry
BAHQHHANEJWJD I HOPE THEY WERE EMBARRASED. I HOPE THEY FELT AWKWARD AND OTHER PEOPLE DID TOO, they deserve it. Like, learn your lesson bitch, it's been a year!
Yeah!!! I love mayo, not to the point where I would gulp it down from the package, but it does make dishes taste good. Same, soggy cheese on itself sounds like a dish served in the ninth circle of hell. You should try nuts in honey!! Like, just straight up dip them in honey. Sounds weird, and it doesnt always taste NEJFJKSKF (depends on the honey)but I think it's worth trying xD Walnuts are the best with honey I think
That was so funny ... TOO FUNNY, I LAUGHED FOR LIKE . 3MINUTES STRAIGHT and I do not laugh when I'm tired. You really are special 😭😭😭😭 cheesy ... HAHRNFJJSF
I'm so sorry for being a bully like that but it's so funny how you left a single U there . Its so mysterious, was it in purpose? Or were you lost in the excitement if messaging me?
I was one of those people, honestly 😭 but mostly because I wasnt aware of its political condition, I guess. Maybe theres more than just politics that's bad about US, but honestly, it has more opportunities than this hellfire. Though now I'm more into Norway and Japan. Really wanna travel there :(
Heheh, yeah, we never really show off to strangers at first. I dont know what exactly I mean by we, but you get my point ♡ Good luck though!! I hope it goes well for you<3
Oh they looks so pretty!! They're really wonderful. Like bubblegum and cotton candy and literally anything sweet... it's so cute !!! And I totally agree, there isnt a bad yellow.
HAHAH, honestly, that reminds me of how there were 4 people with the same name in my class, and whenever the teacher did the attendance thing, they would all stand up. Teachers usually dont say the last names, so we always gotta ask which person they mean if theres more than one person with that name, so yeah.. That happened on accident at first, but then they just did it for trolling xD
OH MY GOD HES SO PRETTY? HES SO PRECIOUS?? HUHHH??? I gotta thank Kuro for this wonderful opportunity of sharing a name with someone like .... him🥺
Oh that's so cool!! Also, he has a boyfriend ... I really need to start reading xD it's so cute though! It sounds like such a good book, I'm glad you share a name with him, hehe!!
I also share my real name with one of the characters in a kids' show, and its SO ugly, I'm in pain. Every time my friends see one of those on TV they go
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Which is a pain in the ass, it's so embarrassing...........
Awh, okay!! I'm glad you love it, cuz I do too. Because it's your name.... cuz I love u. That was so lame PLEASEJWJDJSJF I HOPE YOUR DAY WAS GREAT !!! LOVE YOU
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knicole0527 · 4 years
How Did I Fall For Unwritten History?
So I’m in a whole relationship right? Like a whole fat ass relationship. Like me plus her equals nobody else . Its kinda dope and kinda like coccaine . If she was a drug I’d take it . She grounds me . She makes love to my mind , heart , and then my body . Her way of words sometimes makes me feel stupid because she uses words I cant imagine using . My vocabulary aint that big . But ask me about math or science ? I’m definitely ya girl . She was my missing piece . If that makes any sense at all . We definitely have our rollercoasters but I’ll killl anyone over her and I stand on that . Best part its with who I chose and not who my parents chose or approved of. I actually dont care whether they approve of me or not. Mom didnt want kids anyways. As she put it, she likes “ a return to sender kid “ I know she used to joke about it but I later found it to be true. So at this point either you like my happiness or you dont. But anyways, So we met the first time at work, Afni Call Center to be exact. She was a bet. By bet I mean with green money with coworkers. So I bet that I would get smashed by this girl and they would each owe me 50 bucks. I mean who can turn down money. Plus she was kinda cute and I know she was watching my little booty when I would walk away . I was 80 pounds lighter when we first met .
But here lately things have gone to shit . I can admit I fucked up . Well in the beginning . I cheated . She found out . But I was honestly gone tell her everything but she found out I broke her heart all that and then some . Since I put all my business out there . Only reason why I cheated was because I wanted a kid . I wanted her for sure but I wanted a kid . As time passed us by I realized she doesn’t want kids at all . So I had to make a decision , kids or stick around for my one true love in my adult life . So I looked her in the face , I probably had tears In my eyes and told her I chose her . She looked at me with confusion for a little and I dont think she anted me to flat out give up kids. But I was gone doe what I had to do to keep her by my side .
Now before we get to me cheating . I had an apartment on Old Morgantown Road . I loved that damn space man . Hard wood flooring . Storage unit . I had a w/d hook up . I had a good apartment and I could afford it and be able to live my best life . Rent was 475 a month . Utilities and water ran me about 80 . So I was well within my budget . But my dumb ass got involved with this man who I thought I could change . I was trying to hear from nobody about nothing . I wasnt trying to hear that he was cheating because I felt like I gave him no reason to cheat . I was giving him everything and then some . Hell I let his stupid ass cousin stay on my couch . So they were living rent free right , I know stupid Kendra always doing dumb shit . I should have opened my eyes but I didn’t .
Well he and I are definitely no longer together . He got my little cousin pregnant . I dont know whats worse . That she knew he was still living with me . That she knew we was kin . That he knew we was still together , fucking and living together and I never ask for a dollar . Or that my bosses had to call me in the office with another one of my cousins and sit me down to tell and show me that he was cheating and she was pregnant . It even shocked me that she tried to question me about my niggas car . Like girl he and I live together so yes maam I’m gone drive his car . and she was in shock to see me in the drivers seat . huh . Aint that funny how it all played out though ? But you know , karma got took his dick for a minute . He got the worst news of his life . His heart was just as shattered as mine . His trust was screwed if not worse than mine . He found out that while he was too busy cheating on me , she was getting knocked down by his cousin . LMFAO SERIOUSLY . He did all that cheating and got that girl pregnant and ended up getting played himself . So while I was his woman , he had a side bitch who had a side nigga , but THE SIDE NIGGA HAD A SIDE BITCH . I hadnt had sex with him in a while because things started getting to me and I was becoming very suspicious so I was still going to get checked anyways . But yea . What a fckd up love hexagon . Crazy how we all worked together . But when I reached my snapping point . I became a little on the ratchet side and called his mom and told her come get her sons belongings because he was homeless again . My cousin didnt have her own spot so somebody had to come take care of him because by that time I was done pretending .
Shit got bad for me mentally . I had me fckd up . I lost my job and went broke because I drank and popped it away . I know definitely wasn’t the right thing but I just wanted to feel numb to everything . I didnt really care how I got high just as long as I as high I was okay and at peace .
Alot of time went by and my past came back . She made me feel safe . And she saw me ; like the actual me . She knew something was up . Hell I gained 50 pounds since the last time we seen each other . But when she came back . I dont know if I was more so excited to see her or trying to fuck her right there on the floor at work . I walked in the door and the moment I seen her ... I didnt care who I was talking to , I think Wanda , I’m sorry boo but I seen my old boo and just had to do it . I could not help myself I had to hug her before I did anything else . I had a little more weight on me too because during our last encounter , hmm hmm , I was a bit smaller and hadnt grown boobs yet . So when she seen me running 90 mph to her ; baby girl was in for a shock .
Time went by and we started seeing each other a little more outside of work . Then she started to spend the night . But when she started doing that , I think I made things a little complicated for her at her moms . I had no intentions of doing so but it kinda got weird because she wasnt coming home very much any more . But yall , when I had her all to myself . Do you know how many times I undressed this girl with my eyes . I mean she standing there fully clothed and I seen EVERY INCH of her thru them clothes . It was bad yall . lol . She kinda eventually sorda moved in ; even though I thought she had already moved in . Time went by and things were okay ya know . We were just in the “ talking “ phase and just filling each other out . She started to grow on me a little more than I planned . and then I wanna say it was my birthday or after ? Baby girl was so drunk . She , our mutual friend , and I went to go grab food and drinks . Weeellllllll , I trapped her into drinking and drinking and drinking . We got home ? and she drank and and got funnier as the night went on . I remember that day like it was yesterday and the videos I have are absolutely the funniest videos I have ever recorded . “ butt clouds “ and the car honk that about gave her a damn heart attack .
Anywho times have went on . We decided to go to hilltop and live there . Who would have thought we would live together because I was stern on not wanting to live with her . It was weird living there . Always wondering if or when we were going to get a roommate . Then ? Thats the first time I ever broke a heart . See , she was always wanting to like distinguish a title. Meanwhile I am petrified of titles and labels and shit . Plus I have labeled myself for so long I didnt want to put a label on she and I . So I waited and waited and waited and decided to test waters . By testing waters meaning , I caught baby fever BAD . LIKE BAD BAD . I wanted a kid so bad I didnt think about talking to her first , I was just hoping one day I could be like , surprise baby we are having a baby ; butttttt I was gonna tell her how I got pregnant IF if actually happened . But she kinda beat me to it . She seen the messages on her tablet and as you know it went to shit from there . I broke her heart . I wasnt sure if or when she would or could ever forgive me . ( its JAn232021 ) and I know she still hasn’t forgiven me for anything . Not sure if she will ever get past it enough to love me love me .
We made it official , May 2019. By that time the only things that mattered to me were building a life with her. Come August 2020 . We got a place together and as time went on, I knew something was wrong but I would rather ignore it than have to go to the doctor because that just aint my cup of tea. I hate doctors.. they always wanna diagnose people with shit. I just didn’t wanna be one of those people so I held out as long as I could before it got to the point of being unbearable . I lost yet another good job . At first they thought it was covid and it wasnt . I tested negative for covid . Then I had like 5 appointments that following week . I was put on all types of stuff . I was throwing up everything . I was crying non stop . I was doing things not in my normal regimen . Thats when things fell harder on her . Harder as in bills , and stress and everything . I became that burden . I became the thing in the relationship that puts everything on the line . I became the complete failure in the relationship .
I wasn’t able to help like I planned . in fact my checks were so small that every pay day because I had all my bills and people I owed money to on auto pay and I kept making promises, put me in the negatives . I was in the negatives for 3 to 4 months . So imagine being the one in the relationship who didnt feel welcome . Who didnt feel like I deserved the love and things like that . All I wanted to do was help out and I couldn’t . Made me want to pack up and wait until I knew she was gone so I could leave . I didn’t know what to do . But I knew I was pretty much of no use . I knew that she resented me . I knew it pushed things back so far it may never come back to normal .
But now , Im better than I was still struggling though .  But I have this amazing job . I have a job where I can do my part and not hurt . I have a job where I can finally help out now . But its not enough . I’m not enough . The love is not enough anymore . I have became disposable . I have become the one who broke and shattered her heart and trust in her adult love life . How do I come back from it ? How do I rescue something that may have already died ? Am I worth it ? Am I better off without ? Do I deserve her ? She deserves the world and I want to give it to her I do .
But idk , maybe my mom was right . just maybe the only things I’m good at are singing and laying on my back . Havent accomplished shit yet . Got banned from a job because I tried to put my hands on someone . Got fired from 3 good fucking jobs because of my health .
Im crashing at this point . My future is on edge . I am on edge . this is not cool dude . But I will play the hand I’m dealt . Maybe I will win and marry the woMAN of my dreams . Or maybe I will just fck it up once again . We Will See .
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huntsman-ash · 4 years
Dead Drop Recording: Team CAMO Coms
(Once again, recording starts in mostly silence. Dropship engines heard in the background)
V: What...in the ever loving fuck...JUST HAPPENED.
D: Does it look like I know? My guess is the Aces didn’t do their fucking job right.
B: Are we SURPRISED about that? Ironwood wanted the most loyal, not the most competent, and so he got a bunch of FLOOZYS lead by THE BIGGEST FLOOZY to do his jobs for him. And look where THAT got him.
V: We shoulda killed RWBY when we had the chance. What was I telling you all, “they’re too much of risk, we need to put them down.” But you guys-
D: Command, too, technically.
V: Fine, Command too, they said “wait and see”. AND NOW apparently whatever it was holding Atlas up is COMING DOWN, that TWINK is saying to leave via some HOLES or SOMETHING...Im sorry, did we not go through all of this trouble JUST TO LEAVE EVERYTHING BEHIND? This red-caped (Transcriber note; wording expunged. Excessive transphobic, homophobic, speciesphobic, and overall just insulting terminology utilized. New insults found and cataloged; 12) literally just DESTROYED an entire kingdom!
B: Not like it would have helped if we had knocked her out. She’s just another aspect of this.
V: The fuck do you mean?
B: Come on, how long have you spent berrating us with your hatred of Atlas and its military incompetence? You told me you joined the HK’s cause the Specialists were too “pussy”, didn’t you? Well, looks like you were right. Their incompetence and weakness was on full display here, and as a result, now everyone looses. 
D: Yeah, we were kinda fucked the moment Salem showed up with that whale and Ironwood didnt do anything about it. 
V: So. This was the end result no matter what?
D: More or less. Its how The Story goes, you know?
B: Oh dont start with that again Olivia...
V: Hey, it makes sense doesnt it?
B: I’ll believe my life is written by two people in the sky when I see proof of it. Solid proof. Miss me with that faith stuff. 
V: So...since Atlas is apparently falling-
A: (Sound of cockpit door opening) Its falling. Sharp’s sensors just confirmed it. Its slow, but its not stopping. Full impact expected within the end of the day, and the kinetic force-
V:  Yeah, Mantle’s toasted. Great. All this work and we STILL loose the kingdom.
A: Full evacuation is commencing via the Relic. More importantly, Command has cut communications entirely. Fortress is going Full Dark until they know whats going to happen next. We have free reign to do whatever we deem neccecary.
V: (Clatter as he stands up) So when do we tear Ruby’s head from her shoulders and peel those fucking silver eyes from her sockets!
A: Possibly never. We have more important problems to deal with.
S: (from the cockpit) Dropships dont fly on anger and wishes alone Vulcan! We’re down to a fourth tank of fuel and I dont think we’re getting any more from the airbases or First and Second Fleet. 
A: Vulcan. Your uncle. He had an escape craft in case something like this happened, yes?
V: Yeah. The Final Solution. Retrofitted SDC Dust carrier turned into a pocket battleship. He started prepping her the moment he saw the whale coming in. Launched sometime after it landed and cut a swath through the Storm. 
A: Any idea where it might be?
V: Standing off Cross’s Landing right now if I had to guess, seeing if they can go back home yet. Maybe clearing the Landing itself since its got enough firepower on it to do it. 
A: Then its within range. Can it take a dropship?
V: Course, Tahoma built it as a weaponized party boat. How else are you gonna get a dozen faunus ladies and sixty kilograms of weed onto it when its hovering over the tundra?
B: Damn, thats a lot of drugs. And girls. How come he never invited ME?
A: Then thats where we go. You’ll get us onboard, we refuel...and we’ll go wherever he takes us. I DOUBT he will complain about us joining his crew?
V: Four highly trained HKs, a working armed dropship, and a competent pilot? He’ll give us first class accomidations.
A: Then lead the way, Vulcan. CAMO; our hunt is not done. We stand, as always. Leashes OFF!
V, B, and D: To kill the hunters, its what we do! (Transcribers Note: One of the HKs rallying cries)
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cinnbar-bun · 5 years
I hope you're having a great day! i don't see a lot of love for Eustace and Seruel so i was wondering if i may request separate headcanons where reader-chan ( a fellow erune- possibly a shiba inu if thats ok! ) was a close friend of theirs but got separated from them, but then happened to reunite with current eustace and seruel! thank you ^-^
You were a society member (well, now ex-member) that had frequently been put on missions working with Eustace or something related to him.
He always was quick and to the point, occasionally sounding rather brutal, but you knew that was just how he spoke. And you didn’t mind, he was a nice guy on the inside, even if he didn’t act like it.
Neither of you had any home to return to, and you found solace in his presence. He understood you and for that, you gladly called him your friend. Whether he thought the same was unclear, but he didn’t say anything so you assumed he didn’t mind.
That was until he had completely left you. You had no clue what had happened, only finding out he left with a certain skyfaring crew. You berated yourself for feeling sad at the news, you were a society member, this wasn’t a fun party where you got to make friends. This was a job.
And a job had you ordered by the higher-ups to locate a member gone rogue and kill them on sight. Simple enough. Stealthily breaking into the ship, you hid in a corner and took a breath. There was very limited information on this rogue, but it was-
The sound of a gun being lifted up had you freeze as you turned to where the sound came from.
“E-Eustace? You’re the rogue?!”
He was shocked too, given the fact he nearly dropped his gun as he stared at you.
You were beyond ecstatic to see him, and you lunged at him as your ears ruffled up and down.
Unlike before, where he would’ve said nothing and kept you at arm’s length, he gently wrapped an arm around you in an awkward hug.
“I thought you left me! I didn’t know where you were and no one said a thing! I’m so glad to see you again!”
Despite learning to trust with the crew, he was still on edge and had you explain what had happened. You did your best, and he filled in the rest, explaining his reasoning for leaving the society. The truth made you shocked as you stared at him in disbelief. That couldn’t be true... right?
The more you thought though, the more his story made sense. You apologized for attempting to kill him, and he forgave you.
He looked more relaxed, you noted. It was such a somber demeanor compared to how it was back then. The crew must have been something to have him act warmer. You smiled at his progress.
“I’m happy for you, Eustace. You seem to have found your new home. I’m proud of you. I thought we’d be alone forever, but you seem to have got it!”
He paused and a slight frown made its way onto his lips.
“You don’t have to be alone either.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m saying join me. This crew is incredibly nice.”
“Me? Someone who has done all this garbage?”
He nodded. “They accepted me as their own. It...really wouldn’t be my home without you.”
Your eyes widened as you saw him struggle to get those words out.
“Incredible... they got you to open your heart. Heh, count me in. I’ll join you, Eustace. I still have to do a rematch with you since our last spar.”
A small grin appeared on his face.
“You’re gonna lose again, (Y/n).”
“As if!”
There was still so much to talk about between you two. And you had all the time in the world now in your new home with Eustace.
As a prince of a Irestill, Seruel was almost always cramped up in his castle. He was born and raised to be a king first and foremost.
That was the case, except he occasionally took part in sneaking out with Naoise and Heles to visit the town. Something about it made it so homely and loving, that he couldn’t help but want to be in this place forever.
His idealization of the town made him not notice a figure as he bumped into them. They yelped and nearly fell over and he quickly pulled them against him.
You and him froze and awkwardly stared at one another, neither making a move as he held you close.
“U-um...May you let go?” You asked. The utter horror in his eyes was almost humorous as he clumsily let go and apologized.
He looked to be in his early teens, similar to you, with a sturdy build and rather gorgeous features. The girl, who looked similar to him, and another male beside him laughed at his reaction and the man huffed.
“D-dont laugh! I was just enraptured by the flowers here.” He explained, and you smiled.
“Oh, you really like them?” He nodded in response to your question, and you picked a beautiful flower from the pot and handed it to him. It was yellow and reminded him of the sun.
“Thank you, but I haven’t given you anything-“
“No worries! My family and I own this flower shop!” You pointed out and he finally noticed the sign that stated that. “It’s nice to have people appreciate our work, so it’s worth more to me than a coin or something.” You brushed off.
His heart fluttered and he gulped before nodding. Something about your kindness and love for what you do made him bashful as he stared at the pots of flowers around you.
Just as he was going to say something, his father had angrily called out to him, Heles, and Naoise, and he froze in terror. The king had nearly dragged them back to the castle, but Seruel was too busy looking at the flower. It was...incredibly pretty... he had to admit.
Needless to say, the poor boy had developed a sort of crush on you, yearning to go back into town just to talk to you again. Heles and Naoise teased him about it, and he’d deny those feelings before he’d stare out the large castle windows and think of you.
You were what the people of Irestill were. People who loved, cared, and did what you wanted to make others happy. And it made him want to become a sort of ruler you’d be proud of, whom he could protect and allow for that joy to continue forever.
Sneaking out became a more common phenomenon as he’d sometimes sneak out late at night to see you or in the afternoon in a rather awful disguise. You didn’t know what reason there was for the theatrics, but he insisted he had to do this or his father would nearly kill him.
And you two certainly got close after many years of this cycle continuing. He’d sneak off to you and you two would just sit on a bench and talk, and he felt comforted by your presence. Quietly walking around town in the middle of the night and occasionally dancing in the town square, it made him feel more encouraged to be a better ruler for you.
That is, until the attacks and the near loss of Irestill.
He had left without a word, going off to track down Naoise as his kingdom fell into shambles.
He had always remembered you and cared for you, but he had to go off for a bit. He would reminisce on the times with you and wondered how you were doing.
When he had returned, he had seen you, tired but still in high spirits to help return the kingdom to its former glory. It had been a while and he may have gotten a bit more cynical, but he still cared and loved his people.
And yet it was only fitting the prince nearly trip you again and hold you close at your reunion, but unlike the first time, this one was more joyous and less awkward as you gasped and embraced him. Your ears perked up and he chuckled at your enthusiasm.
“I am back, (Y/n).” He said as you nearly choked him in your hug.
“Dummy. You left just like that? You gave me a heart attack!” You pouted. He laughed and twirled you in his arms.
“But I am back now, and I plan on helping this kingdom do its best. And I don’t plan on leaving you alone again.” He stated, pushing strands of your hair behind your hair.
“Good! Because I’m not leaving you!” You retorted.
“Good. Then you shall stay by my side.” He grinned.
You nodded and he pulled out a rather smushed bouquet of flowers.
“I was planning on giving this to you but it seems that I was rather rough with the poor things.” He explained as he handed it to you.
“I love it. Now come, we have much to catch up on, my prince.” You teased.
“Yes, we do.”
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Child of Fate (Parts 1 and 2)
Also on AO3!
Chosen by the Fates for his many monumental futures, Izuku is gifted a 'quirk' at the age of 5. The ability to see and influence the strings of fate.
He will become a Hero.
But fate does not smile upon a hero any more than it smiles upon a worm.
basically, the 3 fates from norse myths are still kicking
w all the crazy shit that's gone on since the rise of quirks, fates are constantly getting harder and harder to predict or manipulate so they are kinda out of a job
so they say "fuck it, lets throw our hat in the ring" and decide to pick a "champion" of sorts
out of everyone, there is one child that sticks out a lot. he's plain-looking, but every future he's in is incredible. he's not always a good person, but he always brings about change of some sort, for reasons he believes are good ones
and they look at this child with his shining fate and think "this one"
bc the fates know what it's like to be jerked around by the universe, they ask him
"this is a deal we've done before, but we'll give more to you. trade us an eye and our powers will be yours to wield as your quirk, all we ask is that you live up to your fate"
they do the deal, the 4-year-old izuku gives up the sight of one of his eyes for the power of the fates
the quirk is registered as "all the odds" aka: he can see the odds of a certain thing happening
but that's not his quirk. he can see the strings of fate, follow them to see the different future outcomes, or pull at them, making some options more likely than others
the only person he tells the full details of his quirk to is Katsuki, bc the fates tell him he literally always tells Katsuki in the end, and it'll "save a lot of trouble", not that he knows that 
Katsuki is very excited to know he becomes a top hero, but he makes Izuku promise that he won't change his future bc he wants to make it there alone
also, the major downside of izukus quirk? he can't see his own fate
and the futures he sees are only as complete as the information he has
ie, he could witness kamino ward, but the future wouldn't show afo or mini might beyond a vague blob
anyway izuku gets teased for his lame quirk for a bit, then stops bc everyone who teases him gets weirdly bad luck
its the fates, they love their baby champion and he said no killing people
but people who are good to him get good luck, so he's got the nickname cat, for black cat and lucky cat!
anyway, episode one kinda happens normalishhh, but he doesn't ask if he can be a hero, because he's going to be a hero, he doesn't care what anyone says, he will be
but when he sees all mights strings of fact he gets a really weird look at them, because something unnatural is holding one of them above the others. so he asks "who tried to seal your fate?" bc he has no brain to mouth filter
and all might, understandably, is confused by this tiny boy asking him a very very weird question
he doesn't even get a chance to go tiny before izuku does dead pale, and whispers "shit" allmight poofs tiny, izuku looks at him, yells "I WONT SAY ANYTHING" and running jumps off the roof. all might coughs up a lung but the kid was 'lucky' and stuck the landing
basically, w the appearance of the sludge villain, the weird fate he saw for katsuki that morning suddenly made a whole lot more sense
the fates guide him to katsuki as fast as they can, he arrives there just before allmight
anyway izuku is calling out for katsuki and lays eyes on someone in the sludge, he doesnt see who it is, he doesnt see their fate. he sees that flash of a hand reaching out for help and he's already leapt over the barrier
he grabs a bit of rubble from the ground and throws it at the villain's eyes, nails him right in the fucking eye, gets katsuki half out. but the villain is baring down again and its all izuku can do to try to keep katsuki's mouth free
allmight saves them
anyway, when izuku is walking home all might pops out of fucking nowhere and gives izuku a heart attack
does the: you are so stupidly heroic, do you want to be a hero?, izuku says: i sure fucking do
“whats ur quirk”
"oh funny that its,,, its a little weird."
"i can,,,, see and influence the strings of fate"
"wait yoU JUST THoUghT I wAs CRAZY?"
",,,,, people say weird things around me ok"
anyway all might basically says "ur crazy, your quirk is cool, take one for all."
and izuku says "OK YEAH"
all might asks a little how izuku was going to get into the hero course and he just pauses
"you know i was wondering about that but the fates told me id be fine." they both pause, staring at each other "wait,,, did they,,," "the fates totally knew huh"
anyway he eye glow when he use the fates quirk
all might sees izuku and he's like,,,, its baby nighteye
he honestly, for a hot minute, thinks nighteye might be izukus dad
bc like; green hair, gold eyes (well, eye), smart, analytic? thats nighteye baby
all might asks lowkey like "oh you don't talk much ab ur dad huh?" and izuku explains he doesn't know the guy. all might mentally tells off nighteye for having a child and ditching the mother
todoroki’s question literally is "are you all might and nighteye's illegitimate love child"
and izuku, who has no filter, blinks and responds with
"who said i was illegitimate"
anyway, back to the training
izuku who has been training to be a hero forever is pretty damn fit for a kid, but hes not one for all fit
anyway katsuki is like "izuku why are u following an old man around is he a pedo, and izuku wheezes like "NO OH MY GOD KASTUKI NO" and he explains like,,, a little of it
"like so i might have a strength quirk now too"
"izuku what the fuck why are you so op"
"im sorry katsuki im just better than you l m a o"
so a brief overview of his quirk:
he gave an eye to use it so one of his eyes is just like,,, white. the whole thing is white. bc,,, its not really a quirk lmao,,,
anyway: he can view the future as much as he wants, it just takes some time, if he wants to take a quick look he doesn't need to stop paying attention, but its two slow and branching to be used like nighteye's in a fight (think like doctor strange in infinity war)
unlike nighteye, he has a third-person view of the events in question, and has,, some sounds? not many. mostly like breaking shit or oneliners he's heard before
changing the future, however, is more difficult by a long way
viewing the future has no real cost other than the fact he's not paying total attention at the time
changing the future, however, causes pain
nerve pain proportional to the change. little things, like flipping a coin heads? to make it more likely, its like a prick of the finger. to make it a 100% chance its like badly stubbing your toe. to change something big, like to move where a blow hits, feels like your arms have been plunged into burning oil. to change something massive, like, to stop something that was almost certain to happen, can cause enough pain to not only render him unconscious but can cause nerve damage leaving him with chronic pain/numbness/lack of function
the pain is normally in his arms bc its izuku and he break he arm
anyway! bc he was fitter and caught a glimpse of gran yelling at him about something called full cowl in the future + he cleaned the beach faster, he has like 2% full cowl for the entrance exam and had the quirk 2 months beforehand
katsuki avoids izuku for the day literally bc he doesn't want izuku to know if he passed before he did. which,,, is fair. he does explain this too so there isn't any random angst, izuku is just nervous
(oh also he can see the fate of someone he's looking at, he can change the fate of an event he's already seen to a different option he's already seen)
so we get the ochako bit, plus a bit of comedy bc katsuki is in a fucking beanie and sunglasses so izuku doesnt recognise him
he totally does but he doesn't say anything bc he's trying real hard
so izuku is kicking some ass in the exam and the bAMN 0 pointer like a fucking b a s t a r d hes like "what's the chances of this thing just like,,, breaking" and unfortunately they are v e r y low
so he is like "well i guess it's punchy time"
but before he gets there he sees a piece of rubble about to hit ochako. and he sees there isn't a small chance of it crushing her leg, so he changes the odds of that and gets a lovely few seconds of burning pain for his trouble
(he’s,,, pretty used to it by now so the boy has a scary pain tolerance)
bc he doesn't want to break his poor arms he jumps up the sides of the robot and tears out some wiring in the back and they start to fall
and he's like "oh shit the chance of my getting hurt is pretty high huh i should change that too" and ochako saves him with her quirk
and then he has a bit of a horrifying realisation while he's trying not to cry from pain
his quirk never changed the actions of other people before. ofa made it stronger
but, as he is now understanding, that hurts like a motherfucker, and his not-eye burns too and boy that's really unpleasant
this is another au where shinsou gets in on rescue points from saving katsukis ass + using him to save someone else
katsuki is a little salty but hes like "yeah tbh i really wouldn't have saved them alone, its fine" and then forces him to meet izuku bc hes still a total quirk nerd
izuku drags them + ochako out for ramen bc hes celebrating. shinsou is like "its a little early to celebrate getting in" and izuku just turns looking a lil confused "no im celebrating surviving the exam"
ok so, first day its wild
izuku's quirk is listed as "lucky punch" aka he can see odds and he's strong and no he doesn't know why stop looking at him like that
izuku and katsuki walked to school together bc they are baby and secretly nervous
izuku doesnt really look at katsuki's future all that often bc he doesn't like it, no real deal w izukus quirk he just wants to be successful by himself. so izuku, who can't look into his own future, has no idea how this day is going to go
they rock up to class, get inside and aizawa shows up, izuku has a brief heart attack, the quirk assessment starts. this time aizawa doesnt even have like a problem w izuku he's just trying to prove a point ab them being little baby heroes and sucking ass and izuku looked nice enough not to be mad about it for the rest of the year
so aizawa erases his quirk which, fair and izuku is confused and trying to use it
both of them
erasure didn't touch the fate quirk
so when he turns to look at aizawa he gets a face full of the USJ incident and he goes dead pale. aizawa is a touch confused but continues his whole thing, gives izuku his quirk back. he's still shaking. he throws the ball, it goes,,, less than it could have but far enough to be impressive
izuku stands next to katsuki shaking while they wait for the test to end. shinsou and uraraka are kinda distressed and all 3 of them are angry at aizawa even if they have no idea why. izuku bolts from the field right after and throws up in the bathrooms, followed by a quick panic attack. he was so freaked he was using ofa to get there so now uraraka, katsuki and shinsou are trying to find the boy
and aizawa is faintly confused
shinsou finds him first, shaking and sick in the bathroom. he grabs shinsou by the arm and says "staffroom, now." shinsou, who really doesn't know what's going on but is 100% shook, takes him there. he basically has to half carry izuku there bc he can't support himself
they get there and izuku knocks saying "i need to speak to yagi-san, now." and he sounds so scared and the whole office jumps bc why does a kid know allmights name, and all might jumps bc what happened to his boy
so he rushes out, grabs izuku and hurries him into a private office aizawa gives shinsou a look and shinsou just glares at him lmao bc its his fault izuku is like this. even though,, he's not really sure how
anyway, through sobs, izuku explains what he saw
and all might feels sick bc his boy didn't need to see all of that horrific violence, see his teachers torn to shreds and crushed to bits while the other students watch on helplessly
nezu doesn't know the extent of izukus quirk, mostly just because they didn't think ab telling him. they tell him now
aizawa is brought in to see smallmight trying to comfort his poor shaking student, who looks up and him and flinches and aizawa is like "ok guys the fuck did i do" nezu explains and then aizawa feels like a right dick to be honest, not that it was really anyone's fault
then the horrifying implications of "villains inside UA" sinks in and he's suddenly very on edge. now, izukus quirk isn't 100%. he had such a brief look at the vision he doesn't even know how likely it is. and while he offers to take a better look, its clear he really, really doesn't want to, so they all basically say
"right. so. we should probably be pretty careful tomorrow, huh?"
so when the usj attack starts, they have all might with his full 3 hours, mic, aizawa, and 13, w other heroes on standby, they hope, hope, that this wasn't very likely
they were wrong.
they were basically praying that the villains wouldn't make it into the usj
they've already altered the fate izuku saw by bringing allmight from the start, and present mic
but its not enough
the villains arrive and shigiraki is angry from the beginning, two unlisted teachers are waiting for them. shigiraki is childish but he's not stupid. he looks at the only child truly rattled, already protecting his friends, and he thinks he's found the cheater
they may not know the children's quirks, but present mic? 13? they know those quirks very well. mic is warped to the ruin zone, too unstable to freely use his quirk. kurogiri sends bakugo, kirishima and jirou after him
All Might is warped right to the nomu, kurogiri and shigiraki on standby for support. 13 has been taken out, aizawa is fighting through the villains to get to the nomu, to maybe offer some support to all might. he doesn't go after mic. he has to believe mic can handle himself or he'll break down where he stands.
izuku is warped to the shipwreck zone. alone. from a quick look at the future, the fates for anyone warped with him were grizly. he is confident in his choice to stop anyone from warping with him. he's ignoring the steadily climbing number of futures where he alone meets a terrible end
he's missing so much information on the villains every future he sees is hazy at best. all he knows is that if he doesn't get off this boat, aizawa gets hurt and that's not something he can abide
he busts the fuel tanks, letting the flammable liquid float across the water. he drops a match. in the chaos, he uses as much of ofa as he dares to jump to the shore. he steadfastly ignores the smell of burning meat.
he is one the opposite shoreline to canon, approaching the fight from the side, rather than the front. aizawa is hurt, battered from various villains, bleeding sluggishly from a headwound. he looks dazed
4 of shigiraki's fingers are wrapped around his neck
all might is at a standstill. if he strikes against the nomu, shigiraki will put his thumb down. he stands there and takes blow after blow, smile long gone from his face
izuku looks at the strings of Aizawa's fate. so many end here in so many ways.
he pushes his quirk into getting shigiraki away from his teacher. without direction, he's just baring against his quirk, begging it to give him a chance.
it does.
the bright flash of an explosive blonde draws the eyes of kurogiri and shigiraki. he uses the moment of distraction to launch towards his teacher, yanking him from shigiraki's hand. he loses a large chunk of skin for his trouble
all might defeats the nomu, but hes not looking good
bakugo, a limping mic, dazed aizawa, battered all might and bleeding izuku are the last stand, all praying the other students are ok.
iida did not escape
they have no backup coming.
shigiraki is fuming, but kurogiri can see the heroes are flagging. izuku is putting his all into his quirk, trying to give them all a lucky break
for the second time, it comes through
the rest of the students run towards them, joining them shoulder to shoulder. all of them are scared, some are hurt, but none of them are going to lay down and let shigiraki win. the villains escape
izuku falls
aizawa has a concussion + post-concussion syndrome. he has chronic migraines for the next year, and trouble with his long term memory for a few months
izuku is suffering from massive quirk overuse, his hands don't feel 'right' again for weeks
all might has lost only 20 minutes, but it's time he'd rather have
mic broke an ankle, but it's quickly fixed. Still, it aches from time to time
the other students had mild cuts/bruises and were left shaken
aizawa cries that night. a mix of the head injury, his hurt students, the look of fear he saw in their eyes. he holds mic and he sobs
izuku and his mother had a real relationship breakdown when she tore down his dream, even when izuku got a 'quirk' it never recovered. they don't talk. he doesn't tell her what happened. she doesn't find out.
izuku wanders the city the next day, unwilling to explain why he had no school today. he runs into mic who takes one look at this shaken student, outside and unprotected, and basically kidnaps the guy
izuku is forcibly dragged to the place mic/shinsou/aizawa share
when shinsou and aizawa find out izuku's mother basically just sent him off to school, not taking a day off work? they go full protective mode. shinsou wraps him up in the biggest blanket they own, grabs his own and forces izuku to play videogames with him on the couch. aizawa fumes in the kitchen over a cup of hot chocolate, mic fumes with him honestly
so, izukus kinda a mess, never tells his mother anything, etc, aizawa kidnapped him and he and shinsou played video games. izuku didn't go home that night, he just hopped on a train and rode it until it was time to go to UA
so when they get back everyone is just glad so see izuku alive tbh
so, sports festival! its a lot like canon
izuku doesn't use his fate quirk to change the future, but he does look at the possible futures and he sees that iida never makes it to the podium. he thinks for a second and makes a horrible realisation
the hero killer is in hosu
iida's brother is in hosu
iida’s brother is a hero
just before the event starts he finds aizawa and he's pale already
he gets out 'i need to see allmight' and aizawa gets a horrible feeling because last time this kid was worried they all almost died, so they run to find all might. seeing aizawa run around with a concerned look on his face? the stuff of nightmares at UA. everyone practically dives out of their way
izuku tells all might who swears a blue streak and pulls some strings to get extra heroes in hosu. izuku doesn't breathe a word to iida, because he just can't. not only does iida not know about the fate quirk, he can't scare him like that
bakugo knows something is wrong, but izuku won't breathe a word so he lets it lie
anyway, todoroki does his lil speech and izuku is honestly too burnt out to be intimidated, he sees his own death daily during just casual use of his quirk. boi ain't scared of much. bakugo gets pissy bc "FUCK YOU HALF AND HALF THAT'S MY RIVAL" and basically all of 1A is trying to claim izuku as their rival, either out of admiration or the desire to annoy bakugo
so izuku has to give the speech. which he's not happy ab because p e o p l e
and also because well,,, he's got no one at home to watch him
his speech basically goes along the lines of "we are here to fight fate. the odds are against us but we will win no matter what. not because it's easy, but because we have to. no matter what course we are in, we are all at this school fighting for a better future, for ourselves, our loved ones and the world. it doesn't matter if the odds aren't in your favour - the chance of any of us being here to see this moment is so small it may as well be impossible. its nothing to beat those odds again."
and everyone is like "owo how inspirational" but like anyone who knows him sees,,, layers
aizawa sees the bitterness about the USJ
all might sees izuku reducing his fight to be a hero as a quirk of fate, reducing his own involvement to 'it could have happened to anyone' when thats not true, because he is special
katsuki sees the bitterness that even though he had a good quirk, people tried to grind him into dust because he couldn't talk about it.
if inko was watching, she'd see how badly she betrayed her son
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
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Bloggin’ bout HS^2′s second upd8 continued.  > (==>)
And it had felt so real, almost like he could have reached out and touched him--
--Yeah, the next page is gonna be BGDirk just standing there like I saw before I read the update, right?
> (==>)
> (==>)
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Two pages. Close enough.
> (==>)
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Hah!  Get fucked, Dirk.  (Even if you’re supposedly one of the better Dirks.)
> (==>)
Yep, all see-thru and everything.
DIRK: You passed out in a puddle of your own drool. And what the fuck is that on your face? JAKE: My face? What do you mean on my face? DIRK: The moustache, Jake. Who’s idea was that. JAKE: Oh! You dont like it? DIRK: I didn’t say that.
Oh come the fuck on.  He looks good in a mustache, Jane-influence or no Jane-influence.
DIRK: We’ve had this conversation before, dingus. I’m you. And I’m me. But I only exist because of your powers. The fact that I’m manifesting here, in the new universe, outside of a dream, is evidence in itself for just how absolutely boned you are.
Now what exactly do you mean by that last part?  How is this a sign of trouble?
--Is it because this Dirk thinks he’s needed?  And therefore shit will be going down?
DIRK: You’ve been a useless sack of shit for two decades. I’m here to kick your ass back into active duty.
I mean, Jake MIGHT be able to help stop this stupid goddamn war, but this IS Dirk trying to help him, so...
JAKE: And what side am i supposed to be fighting on? for jane or against her? DIRK: Against her. Obviously. What the fuck, dude.
JAKE: But you were the one who wanted her to run in the first place! You wrote her bloody speeches! DIRK: Yeah, I did. And every single one of them kicked ass. I wanted Jane to be the democratically elected president. Not a cake-slinging Jeff Bezos with a great rack.
Pfff.  I mean, you didn’t do a great job the first way, either.  It’s heavily implied things in Canon-land were about to go to shit too.
Not as FAR to shit, nor as quickly, but still to shit.  So, really, how DIFFERENT is this from the way you wanted it done, Dirk?  How can you claim this isn’t half YOUR fuck-up too?
DIRK: Don’t worry about it. The point is, you have a chance to make a difference. You’re in the perfect position to infiltrate her operation.
Oh hell no.  Don’t send him back in THERE you utter horse’s ass!  How could THAT be good for his mental health!? What the fuck about Tavros?!?
DIRK: That’s horseshit and we both know it. Jane would take you back in a second. She loves you.
I think Jane’s definition of “taking him back” would be a bit broader than his body or soul could fucking afford.
> (==>)
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Eugh.  You really liked the Condesce’s way of doing things right down to her style, huh?  To think you used to love the spoon.  Is that a fucking spork?  Is that zilly Battlespork your go-to weapon now?
Also, it took me a moment to realize those green and orange silhouettes were Jake and BGDirk.  I was a little like “how did Rose get here?!?”.
> (==>)
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Have I mentioned how good all this art is?  So much attention being paid to the use of color, to making everything look so soft and streamlined?
Looks like she’s going in for at LEAST a hug.  And the art style might be mercifully light on showing us indulgent details of just how asset-laden Jane is supposed to be.  Shots of Jake’s manly bod aside, something in me doesn’t like the traditionally-sexualized stuff pushed like that in a canon that’s been light on it for so long...
> (==>)
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Oh, that... THAT looks fake.  Or like, she’s about to turn around and happily wail on his ass or something.
JANE: Boo hoo hoo! Oh, Jake! Something awful has happened! JAKE: It--it has? You mean more awful than usual? JANE: The opposition has taken Tavros, Jake. They’ve finally shown their true colors. I knew it was only a matter of time before they attacked our family directly!
.....Ah.  Well, that explains it.  She’d never cry like that about HIM returning AFTER STEPPING OUT ON HER.
It’s then that Jake realizes that Jane isn’t mad because she’d never realized he was gone.
Poor pages, huh?  All their most dramatic gestures always undercut.
...It seems like we might see Candy kind of resolved in less of a fucked-up worldstate after all, at this rate?
She seems to have forgotten that she’d been cross with him the last time they met, because now that Gamzee is gone, there’s no one left to talk to.
It’s true. Gamzee’s absence always improves things.
> (==>)
All of it is made worse by the occasional wry glint in her eye, or moment of self-deprecation in the slant of her mouth. It reminds him of the Jane he used to know. Or the Jane he thought he used to know.
Ambition is a hell of a thing.  Seems like she’s drunk of it almost as deeply as Prince Dirk.  I’d imagine this could be a pretty consistent thing with really active Life players when they get actual power, huh?  The way it just gathers to Life players in all its forms -- power over others, status, wealth -- it’s easy to start to leverage it in ways that constitute abuse of power over others from a Riddle perspective.
At first Dirk stands at Jake’s elbow, a one-ghost support staff, before he appears to lose interest in Jane’s rant and wanders off across the office, reading the spines of books and spending way too long staring at a startlingly phallic piece of installation art,
--PLEASE let us see it.
, the provenance of which Jake doesn’t know, but could hazard a guess it wore a codpiece.
Nope, never mind. Interest lost.
> (==>)
Then he settles on Jane’s desk, propping his ghost butt there and sort of just...well. Here’s a picture of what he does.
Where is this going?
> (==>)
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Oh, so the BEST option, then.  :D
Okay. That’s a bit of an exaggeration.
> (==>)
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--Alright, forgiven.
he’s thoroughly exhausted from attempting to pay attention to his supervillain wife while trying not to look at the crotch of a ghost man from his brain.
...Okay, hold up.  BGDirk, are you trying to steer him into doing this for self-indulgent, non-comedic purposes? Or is this a bit of Prince Dirk in there?  (I mean... I can’t definitively say Jake wouldn’t have wanted this.)
And I’m still wondering how all of this is going to be relevant.  IF it’s going to be relevant.  Despite promises to the contrary that are seemingly being ignored.
> (==>)
DIRK: All according to keikaku.
Fuck you.
JAKE: i really didnt think id fall off the wagon so quickly. I dont think being here is good for my emotions to be honest. DIRK: Yeah, probably not. But that’s okay. They don’t matter. JAKE: Oh.
Yeah, Dirk, you suck at this more than you know.  This ain’t going to go as well as you “hope” I don’t think.
DIRK: Don’t know anything about stiff lips, dude. But that’s not what I mean. It’s not because you’re a man. You’re a god. JAKE: Oh right. That. DIRK: The world comes first, even at the expense of all your relationships and personal happiness. That’s what being a hero means. JAKE: I guess...i never really thought about it like that.
You’re also not guaranteed to be fucking right, you know.
There are definitely dichotomies where what was best for the world wasn’t best for the person, so far, and vice versa in Homestuck.  But Dirk’s taking his anime-flavored principles as gospel as usual, and ignoring, oh I dunno, the impact of the heart in all of this.  Some people, ESPECIALLY JAKE and other Pages so far, CAN’T operate at their best until they’re at least reasonably healthy and sure of themselves, and investments to that effect are essential to letting them slowly realize their full potential.  Brain Ghost Dirk is likely making the same goddamn mistake he made with his overbearing Dirkbot back on Jake’s island.
> (==>)
DIRK: Think what you want about Jane, but at least she realizes that none of you can ever be normal, and she never bothered to try. Can it really be a god-complex if you’re actually a god? DIRK: People like us don’t get happy endings.
...Yup.  This is the fucked-over part of Dirk’s worldview coming in full play, here.  And he believes in it so strongly that he couldn’t even fucking leave NON-CANON alone anymore.  Fuck.
JAKE: Thats bleak dirk i dont think i could possibly believe that!
DIRK: Yeah. That’s probably more a Dirk thought than a Jake one. I told you, it’s hard to tell sometimes. JAKE: Is...is that really how dirk felt the whole gosh darned time?
> (==>)
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Last page of the upd8.  Well... all I can say is, it’s a good thing he’s a fucking ghost here.  And half Jake, at that.  At least that can limit the damage.  Hopefully giving Jake just enough of a kick in the doing-something direction without being so overbearing that he makes things worse, making for a balance of...
Wait, is that why we’re here?
Maybe that finally makes some sense of all this.  Of this cut, of this small violation of that last sentence in Meat, of--  ah, yeah, I might be on to something here!  Only maybe, but still--!
We’re quite possibly bearing witness to a realm of influence where, through measures outside of his control, Dirk has a balanced impact.  Where this same ideology of his, tempered by Jake’s hopeful mindset and Dirk’s inability to take direct action, might just manage to make things better and actually make everyone happier by the end, while solving Earth C’s fucked-up Candyland state at the same time.  It’s possibly to show the readers (through the lens of a Hope player specializing in positive possibility) that Dirk, had he been restrained, COULD have had a positive impact, even at the same time that we’re shown Prince Dirk at his soul’s most overblown and heinous.
And, if we want to be optimistic..... perhaps this’ll show Dirk, too?
Canon and Non-Canon may not “meet” again.  But that doesn’t stop Dirk, via this fragment of his multiverse-spanning soul, from seeing Non-Canon.  From seeing how well things COULD have worked out, had he held back.  And if we keep cutting like this -- back and forth between the “real” story and these events in Candyverse -- perhaps the moment at which Brain Ghost Dirk realizes what he’s accomplished, realizes how much better things are because he could hold back, will coincide at the end with Prince Dirk finally, belatedly, realizing just how fucked his plan was, and understanding at the very, very end why he has to fucking die?
THAT would be interesting.
I guess we’ll see?  Talk to y’all next upd8.
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