#and if ya want art when I finish it and while I work on em cuz some of these take Weeks - ptrn
tothesolarium · 5 months
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Grey, the head director of the Host Program. Once was a designer using material from the Host to make life easier, she is now in charging to keeping balance between the Host’s health and the mortal population
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mangostarjam · 2 months
study break — kaiju no. 8, hoshina soshiro x reader, established relationship, it's just fluff, "love" as a pet name, 700ish words
for 🧸 anon
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Hoshina Soshiro pauses at the door, but you only bury your head further into your arms resting on your desk. He comes closer and sets a small plate of sliced apples by your elbow, where there's still some space. Papers are crumpled everywhere, haphazardly, books pinned open with whatever was at hand at the time — a half eaten bag of strawberry matcha kitkats, Soshiro's nearly empty coffee mug from this morning, your pencil case with highlighters spilling out —
"Soshirooo, save me," you whine, interrupting his mental catalogue of your desk. The soft glow of your lamp washes over both of you as he leans closer. "I don't know how to read anymore."
Soshiro laughs and slides his calloused hands along your shoulders, slipping them beneath the thin straps of your tank top. And then — there's no other word for it — you melt as he begins massaging the stiffness from your muscles. "My poor lil love," he says fondly. "That sounds pretty bad."
You tilt your head to look at him and pout. Even with dark circles beneath your eyes, you're criminally cute, and Soshiro has to resist the urge to pinch your ear. "How am I gonna take these tests if I can't read, Soshiro?"
"You're a smart one," Soshiro digs his thumbs into your shoulders and you groan. The corner of his lips lift in a lopsided smile. "You'll figure it out."
"I'm gonna fail," you sigh. You reach for his hand to press a soft kiss to his palm and his heart does a funny little skip. "Will you still love me if I'm illiterate?"
"I'd love ya to the end of the world," Soshiro says easily. You press his palm against your cheek and your elbow bumps into the plate he brought in.
"What's this?" you dislodge his hands as you sit up to grab the plate. "Did you really cut them into little bunnies? This is so cute!"
"Only the best for you," he says, stealing a slice and popping it into his mouth. The fruit is crunchy and sweet, its juice flooding his tongue as you copy him and hum with pleasure.
"I should take a pic and send this to your friends!"
"Please don't," Soshiro snorts. "You're gonna ruin my rep."
"But they deserve to know how amazing you are," you say seriously. You turn your seat so you're facing him properly, hooking your legs behind his ankles so he's standing as close to you as possible while you're still sitting in a chair. "Soshiro, these apple bunnies are a work of art! They belong in the — mmph!"
Soshiro sticks another apple slice in your mouth and holds it there as you chomp down on it, shooting him a halfhearted glare for interrupting your passionate speech. You look cute with your cheek all puffed up with chewing, but he knows better than to mention it now. "If ya learn how to read again, maybe I'll teach ya how to cut 'em like that."
You finish the apple and shake your head adamantly, still chewing. He waits patiently as you swallow, cupping your cheeks with both hands when you're done and squishing your lips together as you laugh. Your smile is so wide he feels like he's got the world in his hands.
"I only want apple bunnies from you."
"Alright, if ya finish your study session early tonight, I'll give ya a kiss."
You frown beseechingly and your hands come up to play with the hem of his loose sleep shirt. "But I've got a billion more pages to go!"
"Sleep's part of the job, too," he flicks your forehead lightly and chuckles when you pout. "The rest of it'll still be here tomorrow."
"Alright," you sigh, though you show zero signs of letting him go, "I'll remember this when you're the one staying up too late working."
"Is my reward gonna be the same?" Soshiro asks. You giggle.
"With your work ethic I think I'll need to come up with something bigger to pull you away from your desk," you tug on his shirt and he snorts. Your smile softens. "Thanks for the snack, love."
That's just unfair. He sighs, smirking to himself when you tilt your head in confusion. "This doesn't count," he mutters, leaning down to give you a slow, sweet kiss. You sigh into his mouth and he huffs in exasperation, pulling away reluctantly.
"Is it bedtime already?" you ask teasingly. Soshiro pinches your ear lightly.
"Shut up and eat your apples."
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ttupelohoneyy · 3 months
Sabine is young, scared, but smart. She gets sent to Colombia through the embassy, to help out the hospitals, and gets housed in an apartment building with other Americans. The DEA agents.
Javier Peña X f!OC
Sabine Puentes has been a nurse at the army base in Fort Worth, Texas for two years. Why she got sent to Colombia is beyond her...
She's strong, seen a lot of pain and death. She's worked hard and built up respect amongst her peers. But as she sits on the plane, she feels her tears welling up in her eyes. A pit in her gut. She feels like a scared little girl.
Meanwhile Javier Peña sits at his desk, chain smoking.
"Hey, did'ya know im gettin' a neighbor today?" He says, taking another drag.
Steve looks up at him with his tired eyes, "No, I hadn't heard that yet. Is it an agent?"
"No I heard hes a nurse, sent here to help out.
Used to be an army nurse."
"Mhm" Steve Murphy grunts out, "It'll be nice to have someone to patch ya up when you get home, huh?" He pauses a moment to take a drag,
"Whats his name?"
"I don't know, all it says on the door is S. Puentes-Leija."
"He was sent here by the embassy, yeah?"
"Well, we can look em up."
Steve flicked through files and files of names and faces... finally landing on Puentes-Lejia.
"Well, that man, the nurse," Steve's voice lowers,
"your, ahem, neighbor..."
Javier raises his eyebrows in anticipation
"Is a woman. A young woman. An attractive woman." Javier snatches the file from between Steves forefinger and thumb.
"Don't do it..."
"I didn't say anything."
"No but you thought something. Shes only 23 for God's sake. Leave the poor girl be."
Javier shakes his head, "Well, on that note, its time for lunch. Want anything?"
"Nah," steve sighs, "Connie packed me somethin.
Javi nods, stubs out his cigarette and walks out, with full intention of going home and making sure his new neighbor didn't need any help moving in her boxes.
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The minutes turned into hours. The boxes where piled high.
“Goddamn it…” Sabine muttered to herself, “I coulda sworn I packed light.”
She starts with the kitchen, laying out a stack of pyrex mixing bowls. Next, comes the utensils, then the tea towels. She unpacks art, photos, and little “monitos” that she has collected over the years. While she was packing, back in fort worth, she decided that she couldn’t minimize her belongings to the point of not making a house her home. A harsh knock on her door inturprs her thoughts.
“Howdy, ma’am…” a handsome stranger starts. His Texas accent was comforting, already she felt not so foreign. “My name is Javier Peña, I’m your neighbor. I, uh, I work over at the embassy, and I thought I’d offer myself to uh,” his eyes trail down her legs, her shorts are in no way revealing, but nonetheless, they’re daisy dukes. “Help ya unpack your boxes. Or maybe uh, offer you any help I could give.”
She smiles while waiting for Javier to finish his run on sentence.
“Well thank you kindly, I appreciate your willingness.”
“Of course…”
After a few moment of slightly uncomfortable silence, she speaks.
“Would you like to come in?”
“Sure, I’d like that.”
He follows her into her kitchen, which is just off the entry way.
“I don’t have much to offer you yet, but i did run by the bodega down stairs. I got two beers and a bag of chips. Want one?”
“Why not? Ill take it.”
“Oh,” she says in disappointment, “got an opener? Im not sure where mine is…”
“No but I’ll do ya one better”
he brings the unopened amber bottle to his mouth, and bites off the cap, then does the same for her.
“Well, I’ll be damned. I’ve never been able to do that.” She shrugs, “ive always been worried i’d crack a tooth.”
“If your dumb enough, anything is possible.” He chuckles in response.
She squats down to sit on the floor, legs stretched out in front of her.
He follows her lead, doing the same.
“So where are you from?” He asks, as if he doesn’t already know.
“Fort Worth, Texas. Y tu?”
“Not too terribly far from you then, well, I guess nothings too terribly far when you live in Colombia. I’m from Laredo.”
“Mm I love Laredo…” she states as she takes her first swig.
So many things are going through his mind right now. First of them being, he just had that bottle rim on his mouth, and now you have it on yours. He feels childish thinking that, like a middle school boy. But he feels closer to you already.
Second one being “Who the Hell likes Laredo?” That one slipped through the corridors of his brain right out his mouth. He’s glad that was the one that slipped by.
She laughed, and it made his chest tight. Shes got a beautiful, loud and clear laugh. The kind that makes people laugh with her.
“Well it may not be picturesque. But y’all’ve got the Rio Grande. Plus, its close to the boarder.” She stops, trying to decide if it was a good idea to tell the rest of the story… she decided yes. It was a good idea.
“Some of my family lives in Laredo, so when I was younger, learning whats right and whats wrong, my cousins and I would sneak out to a lil bar called ‘Restaurante Paris’ in Nuevo Laredo. Looking back it was dangerous as hell, but it was fun.”
He smirks, listening to her story. ‘When she was young’ he thought to himself. He would give his left nut to be 23 again. He smiles dumbly, in a bit of a trance.
Her voice wakes him up, snapping into reality.
“Well, hate to put my new friend to work, but would you like to help me move the couch from downstairs? I know I can’t do it by myself.”
“Of course. That’s what I’m here for.”
She stands up, offering her hand to help Javier up too. He chuckles, she weighs probably half of what he does, but his creaky knees are screaming for him to accept the help.
“Plus,” he thought, “I’d get to touch her hand… There I go again, with the embarrassing middle schooler thoughts.”
He clasps his hand in hers, making a hollow slapping sound as she pulls him up.
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She laid in bed, her thoughts racing. She tried reading a book, but the words she read barely skimmed her eyes, not quite making their way to her brain.
So much to think about- the gunshots, the music, the man across the hall, her family, the empty apartment.
She circled back to the subjects that were swimming through her brain.
“The man across the hall…” she thought again. She starts her new job on Monday, it’s Thursday. She can figure out an excuse to see him again before then. “Maybe I can make him a meal? No. That’s stupid. Well, no. It’s not. That might do.” She scrambled around her bedside table, looking for a notepad and pen.
• steak
• tomatoes
•salt and pepper
She wanted to show that she was not only a good cook, but also a woman that travelled. Lomo Saltado was perfect for that. Sabine decided she would go to the market tomorrow and prepare. Would dropping of dinner tomorrow be too soon? Would that seem desperate? Or would it be a friendly gesture? What if he asked why she made him dinner?
She started to come up with excuses in her head.
“Oh, I just thought I could make a new friend.” No. That was desperate.
“You seem hungry.” Are you serious? That was stupid as hell.
“Im not used to making dinner for only one person, usually I cook for my whole family. So I just thought I’d bring you the rest.” Mmm, better. Remember that one.
“Just wanted to welcome you to Colombia!” No you dumb bitch, you’re the one that just moved here.
She settled on hoping he wouldn’t ask. As she fell asleep, she thought about his hand in hers when she helped him up. “That is a stupid thought.” She said to herself, “you sound like a middle schooler.”
Oh well. It made her giddy with excitement. She hadn’t felt like that in a hot second. It calmed her down to think about the hot DEA agent next door that could protect her.
She woke up to the sun coming through the blinds, horns honking, and the chatter of people walking down the street. She stretched and yawned, reaching for her list. She grabbed the pen again.
She added that just to bring a little pizzazz to the dinner. Dessert seems like too much, so she just stuck with what she had.
She took a shower, put on a some makeup and decided on a sweet little dress. Right above her knees, and flow-y.
She steps out with her big grocery bags, turning to lock her apartment.
“‘’Mornin’ neighbor.”
“Jesus!” She jumps and turns around to see Javier, standing calmly with a briefcase and mug in tow “you scared the shit out of me!”
“Sorry about that, sunshine.”
“No, it’s fine! I guess I was just daydreaming.”
They stand there, parallel to each other. Eyes locked.
“I, uh… I hope you have a good day at work!” Sabine says, tucking her hair behind her ear.
“I hope you do too. Well, not work. I mean, you don’t look like you’re going to work. So… well maybe you are. I mean, have a good day.” Javier stumbles through his sentence. “Jesus Christ man… what’s wrong with you?”
Sabine laughed a melodic laugh. He smiled in response, relieved she didn’t think he was stupid.
“Thank you. I will.”
They walked to same way, down the same stairwell, to the same gate, of the same apartment building. As she turned right toward the market and he turned left, he one last snuck glance.
“Well fuck me.” He muttered under his breath.
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A pile of papers and files and names and gory, horrible photos lay on his desk. he uses his forearm to swipe it to the side to make room for his mug.
"Hows the new neighbor?" Steve says, moving his legs from resting comfortably on the desk to the floor.
"Fine, I guess. I don't know."
"Don't tell me you didn't see her."
"I mean, yeah, I saw her struggling with the boxes going up and down the stairs."
"bullshit, Peña. I know you were the fine southern gentleman you are and helped her with the boxes."
"Fine, yeah. I helped her move her couch."
"did you help her with any other kind of box too?"
"Shut up, Murphy."
"Peña!" Messina's voice rang through the room. "You were late today. you need to have this paperwork done by 4pm. Understood?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Any leads yet?"
"With all due respect ma'am, I just got here. I'll be sure to update you as the day goes."
Meanwhile, Sabine is overloaded on the bus. Three giant, full bags of groceries, a book she picked up about the local flora and fauna, and a bundle of calla lilies under her arm. Beside her sits an elderly woman, a nun. They smile at each other, it felt poetic to Sabine.
"Buenos dias." the woman said, in a shaky but kind voice.
"Buenos dias, madre." she replied.
Sabine looked out the window, crushed by what she saw.
Absolute beauty.
There were kids walking home from school, kicking rocks and giggling about boys. there was a mother, talking to her friend about the latest goings on, braiding her daughters hair tightly and uniformly while the little girl complained. There was a young man selling bananas on the corner, talking about the car that he's saving up for to this pretty girl, around his age.
It was so contrary to the violence and bloodshed she had been sent down here to help mend. All of these people had lost someone. Most of these people were scared.
Sabine had reached her stop, paid the bus driver with two small coins and proceeded to wobble her way up the stairs. once she had got inside her apartment, she took a deep breath in. It smells nice. It already was starting to smell like her.
She unpacked her groceries, and started to chop away at the potatoes, onions, tomatoes and garlic, slicing the meat and cooking it at a high heat. she fried the potatoes into papas fritas and plated it nicely in a Tupperware container, drizzling its gravy onto it. she put two beers into the big paper sack along with the two containers of food, once for dinner today, one for lunch tomorrow.
she waited until she heard his keys rattle in the lock, and then his door close behind him.
she took a deep breath and *knock knock knock* she waited for just a few seconds before Javier opened the door.
"Hi..." she says with a warm smile
"Hey..." he says back with a softness in his deep brown eyes.
"I made you dinner... and um, I made enough for lunch too, for tomorrow, if ya want.... oh! and there's a couple of beers in there too."
nothing like this had ever happened to Javier. he was dumbfounded.
"Sabine, I, wow... Thank you, you didn't have to do this."
"oh, but I wanted to, its nothing really." there was yet another silence between the two of them. "well I, um... I hope you enjoy it! and if you don't, don't tell me. it'll hurt my feelings." she says with an awkward chuckle.
"I'm sure I'll love it, thank you."
She turned to walk back into her humble abode and he stopped her quickly by saying...
"Actually, do you want to join me? you can have the second portion."
"No, I made that for you! I mean, yes, I do want to join you. No, the second portion is for you," she laughs nervously. "let me just run in really quick and grab a plate, ill be right back."
She turned and went in, leaving the door open in a rush. He stood there watching her run off into her apartment, past her kitchen into her bathroom. He then heard the sink running, followed by the toothbrush tapping the porcelain edge of the sink. She scurried back into the kitchen and plated herself dinner.
"Okay," she beamed up at him. "sorry about that." he looked her over, bottom to top, not so subtly, taking in everything he could.
She was standing before him, in all her glory. barefoot, a little blue sundress, a freckle on her left shoulder, and a strand of curly hair falling right in front of her ear.
"c'mon in, hermosa, make yourself at home."
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clothyume · 7 months
The Thrill That Emerges: Episode 1
Characters: Leo, Mika, Shu
Season: Winter
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Mika: Sorry I made ya wait, Anzu-chan.
Ya weren't waitin' long at all? That's good, then.
Ah, ya brough me a drink? Thanks♪
So, what did ya wanna discuss? New work?
Nnah? It's Oshisan's turn t' to a feature live!?
I see~! I finally get to see Oshisan's solo live. I'm so happy, I've been lookin' forward to it fer ages♪
Hm? ...Ya want me t' help ya come up with an idea?
Come t' think of it, when we were talkin' about the special costume, didn't Anzu-chan come t' ask me what Oshisan's costume would look like.
...Maybe this time Anzu-chan could think up a couple of stage plans and Oshisan can pick between 'em.
Nnah~...But if I say selfish stuff like that it might cause trouble fer Anzu-chan.
Can't we let Oshisan make the feature live from scratch?
When it came t' the special costume. we didn't have enough time and budget, so Anzu-chan and I thought up the ideas, and Oshisan finished it?
Of course, it was real beautiful too.
I got emotional when I saw the ideas we came up with were put into Oshisan's hands, and turned out to be even more amazin' than we imagined.
But... That's why I wanted t' see a solo live that Oshisan created from start to finish all by himself.
...Anzu-chan? Do what I say?
This time we got a lotta time... And Anzu-chan also wants t' see a solo live made by Oshisan from scratch?
Then, yer hearin' out my selfishness?
I'm so happy Anzu-chan said that! Thank ya kindly...♪
Ah, 'course. If ya get in trouble I'll help, so ask me anythin', kay?
Even though we got more time than before, I think we're askin' a lot from Oshisan this time.
I think it'll be tough, but we'll leave it to Oshisan♪
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Shu: Hello, girl? The information that you sent about the feature live has come through just fine.
But... Is this everything?
The special costume has been attached, but it seems there's no information to see regarding the idea.
On the contrary, the scale of the lives performed by Valkyrie in the past and the stages that could be reproduced with the expected budget were summarized.
Hm? As opposed to the special costume, with the feature live we have more time.
However, instead of proceeding like last time, I wish to discuss with you the solo live I want to perform.
I understand your train of thought. In other words, you're saying it would be better this time if I were to make the stage from scratch as I please.
Fortunately, I have no urgent work or plans for a group exhibit. It seems I can use my time for the feature live to my heart's content.
...Though even without being told, there are limits to the time and budget, that much I understand.
Ha. As I continue my career in fine arts, those two things will always follow.
...However, creating great art requires appropriate compensation.
Knowing everything, you wanted to see a feature live created by Shu Itsuki, did you not?
In that case, I will do to just that.
Let's have a detailed meeting this weekend once I return to Japan. Until then I'll collect some ideas.
...Hm? Is there something else?
Aah. I'm also aware of the pamphlet photography. I'll think of a situation for that too.
Well then, I'll get to work.
...What is it? If you're busy then spit it out.
"Please let me learn a lot this time"?
Hmph. I'm telling you I have no intention of teaching you.
If you want to learn, then watch and learn, but don't get in my way.
Yes. Alright, I'm hanging up.
(A feature live, hm. Although there are many restrictions, a solo live is valuable.)
(Also, this time she said she would accommodate my request to some extent. I can't afford to miss this opportunity.)
Kakaka, I'll start devising ideas right away.
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Leo: Wahaha☆ Shu looks happy~!
Shu: Gyaa!?
Leo: Ooh! When was the last time I saw Shu surprised like that?
Ah, it's been too long since I've been this inspired! Wait a sec while I write this down!
Shu: Tsukinaga! When did you sneak in!
Or rather, if you're going to be here, don't yell! It's incredibly childish to surprise someone and enjoy their reaction!
Leo: Ah~ When I first came here, you often got angry like that! Yep, the melody is close to nostalgia...♪
Shu: You don't listen, as usual...
Whatever. At any rate, I suppose you came here again without a cause.
Leo: I do have a cause~? I came to get motivation from Shu! And now you've motivated me so I'm satisfied!
Shu: If you're done then go home. I want to concentrate on work.
Leo: Is that what you were talking about on the phone earlier, a live or something? Were you talking to Anzu~?
Shu: Not just any live, a feature live.
Leo: Hm~? Have I heard that somewhere?
Shu: You probably have. I can't pinpoint when, but your turn is yet to come.
...No, in your case, it's likely you're just forgetting.
Put simply, it's my solo live.
Leo: It's not Michael and Shu's performance, but just Shu's~!
How nice! I'm getting really inspired now!
Shu: I don't feel bad about having expectations, I'm just pursuing my own art as usual.
Leo: Yeah, I think that's a good thing. It's interesting to see the things Shu creates.
The things Shu creates have started changing this past year, I'm looking forward to seeing what the current Shu is going to do for his own live!
Shu: That's natural. Just like you, I've also received various influences in this foreign country.
My art is improving and my expression is expanding. This feature live is a great opportunity to make use of.
Leo: Yup. I'm rooting for you~
Well, it's probably harder for Anzu, who has to go through with consulting Shu. There are times when Shu can be really fickle about a lot of things.
Shu: It's unacceptable for the art I create to be even a little disorderly. I'm a very particular artist.
(...In any case, in order to go through with the plan, I need to communicate with that girl.)
(Even if it's for consolation, perhaps it's better to do what you can.)
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authoraemoseley · 1 year
An Introduction
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About A. Hello there! I'm Anna (now you know what the A. stands for). I'm a 30 something person that's previously self published two short stories and a novella. You can read more about them (and read 'em!) here. I'm currently finishing up the first book in my (darkish) YA fantasy series House of Moons (aka HoM).
I went back to school to get my Creative Writing degree and I'm finishing that up. While it's not the right choice for everyone, it's one of the best and kindest things I've done for myself.
When I'm not writing or studying, plotting how to build the best blanket/pillow fort (you are never too old to make a blanket/pillow fort), baking cookies or trying to master the art of bread. If I'm not doing those things, then I'm probably playing with some sort of animal, reading, or exploring the woods.
I'm very blessed to work in a bookstore. I absolutely love it. Not only do I get to help people get into reading again and introduce them to new authors, I get to work with amazing people who love books just as much as I do.
I'm hard of hearing (HoH) with my hearing aids and deaf without them. I'm learning ASL so that I can y'know, communicate. Also because it's fun and it makes me feel more connected to my culture. I love helping people learn about deaf/hohness so don't be afraid to ask me any questions!
"Ok, that's cool, but what do you write?"
Stuff. So. Much. Stuff. I'm a morbid soul, but I'm also a hopeful one. So I write darkly appealing stuff. I typically stick to fantasy, but toss in dark/horror elements.
My first short story "Roses for Cassandra" is about a stagehand that falls in love with a dancer. Victorian era vibes with a tinge of magic. There's a little darkness wedged in there too. I wrote it because I thought it was what people wanted to read, what I was supposed to write. While I don't think I would write it today, I'm glad I wrote it. It's brought happiness to a lot of people, and that's beautiful to me.
My Secrets of the Lion series (ongoing, currently on hold) is a historical fiction series (currently a short story and a novella), where I really chose to embrace the darkness. I also embraced my love of epistolary writing. Victorian era with secrets, letters, lions and shenanigans! I love my little Victorian era dorks. The novella, Of Secrets and Sound is the first time I wrote my disability into a story.
But my true love, the thing I am deeply passionate about is House of Moons. It's a YA fantasy series with dark elements in it, and the main character has the same sort of hearing loss I have. It's the book that I always wanted to read as a kid, (and as an adult), but I've never found a book with enough space for me. So I'm writing it. My biggest hope is that those who feel like outcasts will be able to find a bit of shelter in it.
"Cool! What is House of Moons about?"
Here, have a synopsis: Mark Featherguard should have it all. He's heir to the most powerful family of fire mages in the world and about to start high school at House of Moons, one of the most famous and prestigious magical schools in existance. To ice the proverbial cake, Mark and his best friend are going to be roommates.
Things would be going great if Mark wasn't plagued with nightmares of a world ending black phoenix. Or if his family wasn't one of the ones who lost their item of Close Power (which they were supposed to guard) years ago and now have to find it and claw their way back into their social standing in the magical community. Oh, and that roommate plan? That's not happening after all.
And then there's the problem of someone, or something, destroying magical schools around the world. Mark just wants to be able to change his hearing aid batteries and pass his classes in peace.
But it seems like the magical world, and his new found friends, might need him to do a little more than that...
30 something because it's a good age to be!
I went back to school to get my degree in Creative Writing (minoring in business writing)...almost there!
I write a variety of fantasy stuff, often times tossing in horror elements
I like writing dark, but hopeful stuff (thus "an appealing darkness")
My main WIP is House of Moons: The Phoenix Mirror which is the first in an upper YA fantasy series.
Deaf/HoH #ownvoices writer because sharing is caring.
One of my back burner projects is a horror short story/screen play combo
Another back burner project is a horror short story collection
Another 'nother back burner project is a collection of short stories that go along with the HoM series.
So that's me! Welcome! As I like to say, my teeth are sharp, but I rarely bite. While I'm quite shy, I do love being tagged and asked things, so if you think something might tickle my fancy, or have a question of any sort, tag and ask away!
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lim-boe · 2 years
A Marshal’s Talents Part 1
Pairing: Tim Gutterson x Reader
Warnings: references to past abuse, cursing
Media: Justified
Word Count: 1294
Part 2
Part 1
 The Marshals office was one often visited by many of Harlan county’s residents. Said visitors being criminals and or fugitives. But this visit wasn’t one of business or Justice. You walked out of the elevator, through the door to the Marshal’s office and scanned the main room for the familiar hat. You saw Raylan talking to an older man in the office across from you. The scolding he was getting perfectly clear through the glass walls. Not wanting to interrupt the more than likely justified tongue lashing, you look for the Givens desk marker. Seeing that it was around 5 o'clock not many were in the office to stop you from plopping yourself into Raylan’s chair, and those who were seemed too absorbed in their work to notice. Propping your feet on his desk you spent about 15 minutes playing temple run on your phone until you heard the door open and the previously muffled voices became crisp.
“ No Art, for the last time, I don’t seek out people to kill. It ain’t my fault they try to shoot me.”
You see the older man, presumably “Art”, follow Raylan out of the door.
“ But ya sure provoke em till they do pull on you. Lucky for me I have a lot more patience than the men you shoot or else the last thing I see will be the barrel of your gun like the rest of them. ” Art smirks.
Raylan turns to Art, “ Aw don’t feel too left out, you do make me put my guns on safety in the office for a reason.”
You watch the conversation with an amused glint in your eye. Raylan had not changed a bit in the few years since you actually saw him. The same smart ass sarcasm that got him beat by Arlo. He was a little thinner than you remember but that’s how age works you guessed. You were younger than him, being born when he was 10 gave you guys a good gap relationship wise, but it balanced how close you became in opposing your dear old daddy.
Raylan turned to walk to his desk as a man and a woman walked through the doors. He paused, eyes wide.
“ Bring your lover to work day, Raylan? Isn’t she a bit young.” The woman chirped as she passed behind him. The man simply quirked his eyebrow at you in curiosity and followed her into the room next to Art’s office. 
Eyes still glued to you, Raylan yelled,
“She’s my baby sister!”
Raylan continued to look at you in utter disbelief.
“ Wow Raylan, is that the proper way to greet your sister after 6 years?” You drawled as you got up from the chair. He blinked, blinked again, and pulled you into a not very Raylan like hug. 
The Givens weren’t ones for physical affection as it turns out, You know with all the hittin there wasn’t much time for huggin. 
You hugged him briefly then pushed away. 
“ It’s good to see you too, you alright?”
Raylan stared at you for a little longer with his hands on your shoulders.
“What are you doing here? And why...” He sounded like he wanted to say more, but the door to what you thought could be some sort of conference room opened and Art plus the man and woman approached the both of you. 
You shook off Raylan’s hands and offered your own to Art, “ Art, I believe? I’m y/n Givens.” 
Art took your hand and shook it once, “ It’s a pleasure to meet one of Raylan’s family members that looks to be a kind upstanding citizen. Although he never mentioned a sister.”. He released your hand and looked at Raylan expectantly. 
Raylan looked at you then the three marshals,“ Well this is my baby sister, who I haven’t seen in a while… and who I didn’t know was in town I suppose.” Raylan waited for you to elaborate.
You glanced away from him as you explained, “ I’ve been in Virginia finishing up my Masters Degree, but I got a call from our Aunt sayin Raylan was back in town and thought I’d come back before he killed our daddy so I took a semester off."
“ Yeah we met Arlo”, the woman said. “ Oh by the way, I’m Raylan’s coworker, Rachel. And this hear”, she gestures at the blonde man standing next to her, “ is Tim.” 
“ Both Marshals as well?” you asked, shaking Rachel’s outstretched hand. 
“ Yes Ma’am”, Tim drawled, uncrossing his arms to shake your hand as well.
Tim, you noticed, had not taken his eyes off of you this entire time unlike Rachel and Art who had looked at you and Raylan throughout the conversation. He was much quieter than the other marshals.
You shook his hand, “ Nice to meet you, Tim!” 
His mouth tilted into a smirk and he nodded his head in a greeting. 
“ Sorry about the comment earlier.” Rachel sighed, “ I’m just not used to seeing Raylan with a woman that he isn’t sleeping with.” 
You made a face at that, “ Yeah, I don’t blame you, he’s a bit of a whore.” 
At that Raylan smacked you in the back of the head and you cringed. He never liked you commenting on his “love life” or whatever it was. 
You turned to Raylan, “ That reminds me, I saw Winona when I walked in…” You trailed off waiting for Raylan to say anything.
Instead all he said was “ Yup”, turned and grabbed his keys of his desk.
“Well I was on my way to go visit Boyd on a new case I’m on,” he looked at you, “ you need a ride back?”
You nodded at Raylan and looked at his coworkers, “ It was a pleasure to meet you all, but I guess we are heading out.” 
You followed your brother out the door as you waved to them. Art and Rachel waved back, and Tim nodded again.
You walked out to Raylan's town car with him and hopped in the passengers seat. He slammed the door and looked at you as he got in. 
“ I don’t see you for 6 years, and you just show up at my JOB!?” 
You gave him a deadpan stare, “ yes Raylan, thank you for recounting the past 20 minutes, your observation skills astound me.”
“Why are you here?” Raylan continued.
“I don’t understand why you are so upset, you're the one who didn't tell me that you were being transferred here of all places.” 
Raylan looked a little defeated. “ I just didn’t want you to feel like you had to come back , just cause I was here.” 
“ I don’t need you to protect me, and I didn’t actually come back because you were back. Aunt Helene called and said she needed some help with Arlo, something about his meds. She just happened to tell me you were here last night. Asked me if I had seen you yet. A bit of a surprise since I thought you were still in Miami.” Your tone of voice softened as you spoke, “ It really doesn't matter Raylan, I’m glad you're okay, and we can catch up since I’ll be in town a while. Now why don’t you take me to my hotel room.”
It turns out you and Raylan were staying in the same motel at the moment. The main reason you probably haven't seen each other in the week you had been here was your constant rides back and forth to Harlan at odd hours or whenever Helen called.
Raylan parked the car and you got out, “ welp, I guess I’ll see you soon Raylan.” You yawned and walked to your room on the other side of the building. He waved goodnight and drove off in the direction of Harlan and presumably Boyd.
To be continued
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paleparearchive · 3 months
Adult Child
Giotto's 1st initial 3★ story (1/2) ( 1 - 2 )
Location: park (morning) | Characters: Giotto, Van Gogh, Monet, Munch, Rubens, Jan, Hubert, Aoi/MC
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Aoi: Hubert-kun and Jan-kun's drawings were very good!
Giotto: Yeah, you're right. How was it to exhibit at an outside exhibition this time? Felt anythin'?
Jan: Weeell! It was difficult to draw something that matched the theme, but it was fuuun!
Giotto: Haha. I see, I see. I'm glad ya had fun. How 'bout ya, Hubert?
Hubert: It was certainly a difficult subject, but I learned a lot from it. I was also able to see other people's paintings. There were various ways of expressing the theme, and I think it was very stimulating.
Giotto: You're so serious… But I think it's nice of ya to be able to properly analyze things like that.
Aoi: (Fufu, Giotto-san truly looks like a father.)
Munch: Ah, there's a park! My friends are saying that they want to play with Janjan!
Jan: You're right! Yeah, let's play, let's plaaay!
Hubert: Ah, Jan! Don't go too far!
Jan: Sorryyy. But I couldn't play because I was painting the whole time… Besides, I didn't even get to play with you until I finished the painting, you know…?
Hubert: That's true, but... It would be a tragedy if something were to happen to you, you know?
Jan: But I wanna play with you and Munch-nii!
Giotto: Jan seems to be eager to play. Well, ya made it to the exhibition with great success. It's good to go all out every now and then as a reward for all your hard work, dontcha think?
Hubert: But…
Aoi: If we all play together, it'll be okay because we will all be keeping an eye, right?
Giotto: Right, right. I'll be watchin' over Jan. Why dontcha also play with us for a change, Hubert?
Rubens: I'll keep an eye on you, too.
Aoi: I'll also do it.
Hubert: I see… If so, I'll be in your care.
Aoi: Leave it to us! Wait, Jan-kun and Munch-kun are going somewhere right now!?
Giotto: Hey, Jan, Munch! No butterfly chasin' today. We'll play with ya instead!
Aoi: (Ah, amazing. Both of them came running toward us with their eyes shining.)
Jan: Hooraaay! I want to play tag, hide-and-seek and Mr. Daruma Fell Down¹!
Giotto: Haha. Are there really that many things ya wanna do?
Jan: Yeah! I want to have lots of fuuuun!
Munch: I'm good at tag! I'll chase you with my friends!
Giotto: Hey hey, usin' your friends is foul play!
Munch: Huh!? But my friends also want to play with us, so I want them to be with me!
Giotto: Hmm. So your friends want to play too, huh? Then I can't strongly disagree. But they must follow the rules.
Munch: Okay! Thaaanks!
Rubens: Giotto-chan looks like he's going to be a great father, am I right?
Aoi: Yes, he really is an adult. Especially when he's with Jan-kun and the others, he's very tolerant…
Van Gogh: Hmm? What's going on with all of you together?
Aoi: Ah, Van Gogh-kun and Monet-kun. Are you two on your way home from shopping?
Monet: Yup. We had to go shoppin' for some art supplies. By the way, if you're gonna play, count me in too!
Van Gogh: Ah, me too, then! I was in the mood to go all out for the first time in a while!
Giotto: Of course, that's fine! Well, now that we've got a bigger group, why don't we play kick the can?
Jan: Let's do it!
Monet: Kick the can…! I haven't done that since I was a kid! It's pretty fiery!
Van Gogh: All you have to do is kick the can while hiding so that the ogres don't find you! All right, I'll do my best!
Giotto: Haha. Ya should go easy on 'em a little bit, right Monet? You're the older brother here.
Monet: Huuuh. But it's fun only when ya take it seriously… Ah, got it! Giotto-san, please be the ogre! Then we can take it seriously, right!?
Giotto: Gotcha, gotcha. But I won't let ya kick me off that easily, 'kay?
Monet: I surely hope so! It'd be boring if it was settled right away.
Aoi: Then I'll keep an eye on your luggage.
Rubens: I'll also do it with Deputy-chan. Everyone, do your best♪
Giotto: Aight! Well then, let's start the game!
Everyone: Yeaaaah!
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taiyaki-translations · 4 months
Autumn Cafeteria - Fall for All 8
Season: Autumn Characters: Shu, Tsumugi, Tsukasa, Koga, Yuta Translator: taiyaki-translations Proofreader: raspberrytls
<On the day of the PV Shoot>
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Koga: (Hm? Looks like no one else has finished changin’ yet.)
(They’re busy preparin’ equipment inside the store, so I guess I’ll wait out here.)
Ah shit, I’m not used to havin’ my necktie on so tight~
This outfit’s so stuffy. Didn’t Itsuki-senpai say they’re s’posed to be easier to move in?
Mm~... I had to come in early, so I’m sleepy. Yaaawn—
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Somethin’ went into my mouth, blegh, blegh!
A ginkgo leaf? That gave me a shock~ They’re startin’ to fall everywhere. 
…Come to think of it, before I got changed, I saw the staff members sweepin’ them up with bamboo brooms.
I got nothin’ better to do, so I might as well clean ‘em up ‘til the others arrive. 
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Tsukasa: (...Fufu. the “Stylist” complimented me on how well dressed I look in this outfit.)
(Even if they’re just being polite, I’m still happy to be complimented…♪)
(...Hm? Who’s that over there…?)
Good morning, Oogami-senpai. Why are you cleaning?
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Koga: I’ve got time on my hands. If you got nothin’ better to do, help me out, won'tcha.  The leaves keep fallin’ one after another. 
Tsukasa: It’s the season of falling leaves, isn’t it? There will be no end to them, so there’s no need to sweep them up?
Koga: Hah? If no one cleans ‘em up, the piles just gonna keep growin’— It’s annoying when the place you’ve worked hard to clean gets dirty again.
Tch, just as I said that, more are fallin’ down. Hey, hurry up and grab a broom.
Tsukasa: A…Ah, understood. So this is the job of a servant…
Koga: It’s just like at your parent’s house, right? Think of it as a life skill.
By the way, do ya know how to use a bamboo broom? Have ya seen one before?
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Tsukasa: The Suou family is a traditional military family, so I’m familiar with them. Since I was a child, I’ve watched the servants sweep the gardens with these kinds of brooms.
Koga: So that’s how it is. It’s what I’d expect from a “young master”... You’re holding the broom wrong.
Tsukasa: Um…? Are my hands in the wrong position?
Koga: Nah, I’m talkin’ about the bristles. If you keep sweepin’ in one direction, only that one side of the broom will wear down. (1)
You gotta turn it every once in a while.
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Tsukasa: I see, thank you for your advice.
Koga: You take care of the front, I’m gonna work on the bicycle parking lot.
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Yuta: ♪~♪~♪
…And voila ♪
Koga: Yuta, c’mon, you sweep too.
Yuta: Ah, Oogami-senpai. Take a look at my fallen leaf art…✩
Koga: Did ya make a fox with the yellow and brown leaves? Not bad ♪
…Wait, yer just playin’ around while I’m tryin’ to clean~!
Yuta: Isn’t it fine~? Senpai is just cleaning to kill time anyway ♪
Koga: ……..
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Yuta: Uwah! You swept it up in the dustpan!?
Koga: Shut it~ So noisy.
Yuta: How horrible, why did you do that?!
Koga: Hmph, I’m just puttin’ trash where it belongs, in the trashcan.
Yuta: It’s not trash, it’s art!
If that’s the case, I’ll just make fallen leaf art faster than you can sweep them away!
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Tsukasa: (Now that I have finished sweeping the area I was assigned, I want to ask for more instructions.)
(But they seem engaged in their conversation, so it’s hard to interject… Ah, the leaves are starting to fall again.) 
(I didn’t notice because I was focused on the ground; the combination of the yellow ginkgo leaves against the blue sky is a beautiful sight.)
(...Should I take a photo and share it in the “Knights” group chat?)
(Usually I send work information, but I just get bored, negative comments. Though that is what it’s supposed to be used for.)
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Shu: …Did you get some good shots?
Tsukasa: Itsuki-senpai, Aoba-senpai, hello.
Tsumugi: Good morning. Ah, it looks like everyone aside from us is already here~
Shu: “Us”? The timing of us leaving the waiting room just happened to coincide, so don't lump us together.
It seems the production side is ready, so filming will start soon. Are you ready?
Tsukasa: Yes!
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…Uh, where is Onee-sama? I heard she will be here for today’s shoot.
Tsumugi: She’ll be late because something came up at work suddenly. She’ll meet up with us in the afternoon.
Tsukasa: The afternoon, huh… No, she’s busy so it can’t be helped.
Tsumugi: Yeah. Let’s proceed with the shoot smoothly and give Anzu-chan a nice surprise…♪
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Koga: 『♪〜♪〜♪』
(...Although it’s a straight method of attack for an idol, I didn’t expect to be singin’ and dancin’ for a café.)
(But I guess this is the right way to do it. If ES is involved, the public’s attention will increase ‘n the café will prosper.)
(Though I came this far ‘cause Yuta convinced me…)
(While workin’ on this project, I also started to grow attached to this place.)
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(I’ve seen how sad people are after losin’ places important to them. I don’t think it should just be someone else’s problem to deal with.)
(I should also earnestly do my best to help out…♪)
Yuta: 『♪〜♪〜.......』
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(It was fun developing desserts that aren’t too sweet~)
(Though the “Super Spicy Anmitsu” (2) was rejected because it seemed like it would mess up people’s taste buds ♪)
(I want this café to be a place where people like me, who aren’t a fan of sweets, can freely stop by.)
(...Oh. I just got an idea for a new menu item. I’ll talk to the owner about it later.)
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Tsukasa: (...When the owner told me business wasn’t doing well, I thought it was for the best that we close the café and convert this area into a parking lot or convenience store, but…)
(I’m glad my seniors intervened. I would have destroyed this space—along with the happiness of the people who love this café.) 
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(I shouldn’t just view this place as a piece of land that the Suou own. Let’s get to know it, cherish it, and protect it.)
(I’ll do so as the head of the family, responsible for the future of the Suou clan…)
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Translation Notes: 1. Here's an illustration of how you would hold a bamboo broom.  2. Anmitsu (あんみつ) is a popular Japanese-style parfait that’s usually eaten in the summer. It consists of cubes of agar agar jelly, red bean paste, mochi, fruits, ice cream and boiled red beans.
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radioisntdead · 5 months
Writers block? Quick write about something you're passionate about
I personally have been learning to embroider and repair clothes, What about you?
-Oldie 🧶🧵
Good evening Oldie 🧶🧵!
EMBROIDER AND REPAIRING CLOTHES SOUNDS SO COOL, I tried my hand at embroidery but it hasn't gone too well but practice helps ya get better bit by bit!
I like to jokingly refer to myself as an Ace of many hobbies [like jack of all trades but with Ace and hobbies]
I HAVE MANY THINGS I'M VERY PASSIONATE ABOUT, Art, yarn, crochet, candle making, as one could guess from my blog writing and other things I can't remember at the moment
Most recently though I've been trying to crochet a plushie for my online friend who's flying down this summer, they have a OC who has a pet pig and I'm crocheting the pig! The yarn I'm using is soft but it has like an odd texture to work with so I have to wear gloves or I'll want to cry, but it's worth it for my friend I've been crocheting for almost a year now but I still can't do too much like certain stitches or a magic circle, MAGIC CIRCLES ARE THE WORST RAAAAA, I really want to learn how to make a strawberry stitch
Strawberries are lowkey my whole brand on my main blog and socials and I love em' a lot, don't tell my friends but I actually prefer mangos a little bit more then strawberries. THE STRAWBERRY STITCH CAN ALSO BE USED TO MAKE PUMPKINS, I love pumpkins, anyways IMAGINE A LIL' BAG WITH THAT PATTERN IT'D BE SO CUTE
granny squares are also the bane of my existence I'm making a sweater that uses them, it was supposed to be for my birthday, my birthday was months ago, maybe I can wear it for my 19th! It took me a bit to learn all the abbreviations for crocheting, for example this list
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I usually [pardon my wording] bullshit my way through making plushies or anything really.
So far I've crocheted two dinos, a several octopuses [I've given em' to my family, my dad keeps one in his car!] A shark, a standing cow, a couple of blankets [two completed and one incomplete, the last one was supposed to be for my late dog but unfortunately he passed away before I could finish it and I haven't quite worked up the confidence to finish it but we're planning on adopting another dog soon so maybe I could finish it for them? I don't know I don't want my dog to think I'm betraying him or anything.] I made two pillows, a few of those little mini crochet Pinterest ghosts for some younger family members of mine [they loved em'!] And an among us character that appears and disappears at random
Here are some of them! The dinosaur is a present for my best friend's birthday, they haven't picked it up yet [Moony if you're somehow reading this, don't mind the weird parts of this blog and also DO NOT PROCEED THIS IS A SURPRISE]
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[Don't mind my nails, I have a bad habit of biting]
As you can tell they aren't perfect but I'm improving! I liked crocheting the hooves for the little cow.
I'm also making a mushroom hat for renfair! I'm cosplaying one of my OCs and she's a mushroom themed fay/elf thing that sells shady stuff from her stand. I burned my finger while working on it like a second degree burn [DO NOT LIGHT GLUE STICKS THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO GO IN A GLUE GUN ON FIRE, BAD IDEA.] So until I'm healed it's on pause but it should be done by the end of the month so I'm excited about that! I used cardboard as a base and then bendable wire to get the shape I wanted and then I put fabric over it, glued it and put the bottom layer of fabric on the bottom and then covered it with pearls, white spots and little details I'm gonna add more when I'm healed.
I got this candle making kit for Christmas that has a little transportable stove and I haven't gotten the chance to use it yet so I'm planning to make some candles this soon I'm gonna make some themed off of characters to give to my friends! I made my best friend a Silco from arcane themed candle for Christmas last year I think? Or the year before that, I cut a silhouette of the character into vinyl and stick it on the glass part of the candle, Might make a Stardew valley themed one for me, my friend likes blue lock [I think that's the name?] So might make a blue lock candle or one based off of their OC, and might make either a bluey one for my best bud or a game character they like,
I tend to use soy wax as it's the cheapest I can get and it's highly recommended I think, be careful on what you put in your candles [like dried flower petals, leaves etc etc] they can and will catch on fire and BAM SOMEONES ON FIRE.
This is more rambling then info dumping, I don't know how to info dump properly, I remember rambling about Flappers ago, I would copy paste it here but the majority of it is me referring to the wikipedia and taking bits from it to quote and then telling my friends that I got it from the wikipedia.
Anyways thank you for listening that helped a bunch! Time to write!
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
Also I had a thought: how would the slashers (specifically bo and Vincent) react to you shoving your face in their chest like so
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I saw Osirisv (I think that’s their url) do it in art form but I’d love to see it in a written form, such as a headcanon. I feel like they would all react differently depending on which slasher you’re referring to, y’know? Anyway hope you have a good day/night lovely!
[Sinclair Twins edition]
Bo Sinclair - Vincent Sinclair
Tw: head full, so many horny thoughts. NSFW, mature language
A/n: THIS REMINDED ME OF THIS ONE TIKTOK SOUND. Anyway I think I saw the post you're talking about and I THOUGHT THE EXACT SAME THING. I was like "damn...all those tiddies and no one is writing about them". But fear do not cause im here to get all of us to horny jail. I hope its okay if did only the twins, if you want other slashers I can do them in a part two!
Every time I watch house of wax and Bo comes out in that black suit i- 
They knew what they were doing when they decided to do that shit
I haven't known a single day of peace since
Onto business now
He should've seen it coming, honestly. 
He's going around with all of that and expects you to do nothing about it? Not today Satan 
You just casually approach him as he is fixing his hair in front of the mirror
He senses your unhinged thoughts from miles away
"Goddammit y/n just do it instead already!!" 
That's all you needed.
He didn't even finished the whole sentence that you're already attempting to your own life by suffocating your face in Bo's glorious chest
HEAR ME OUT. he's like really fit and he's not ripped but he has definition in his muscles right? THE TIDDIES THO
while you're in your personal piece of heaven he's just like contemplating his life decisions 
This tall ass bitch acts all tough but as soon as your face is touching his chest he's blushing like an idiot. 
His own horny bastard brain decides to match your energy and he just smirks
"You know… if you really like me so much you should really show me how grateful you are for em, don't ya think doll?" *boner alert* 
I- I can't excuse myself I'm sorry
moral of the story, if you do this Bo is gonna get horny and either fuck you into oblivion or just having his head full of sinful thoughts 
I think you would genuinely kill him if you do something like this 
But like "oh shy uwu boi" but more like "im restraining myself and my unholy thoughts from auto combustion" 
He's always so focused on his work that most of the he doesn't even pays attention to what anyone's saying 
So when you ask "can I squeeze your boobs" he just absentmindedly nods while, ironically, trying to get the perfect boots shape of one of his wax figures 
He realise when is too late and you're already assaulting his chest by squeezing it and slamming your face against it 
Baby boy is flabbergasted. 
He awkwardly pats your head and stares into the void while his only working brain cell thinks about very naughty things 
He feels so guilty about it
Babe has never experienced things like this so he feels like one wrong move could ruin the mood 
Grateful for the mask covering his now red face
I have this strong feeling that Vinny's chest is less soft than Bo's. Like he's a little bit more on the just fit side than toned or muscular 
He's not gonna be like bo and just be a whore on main out of the blue 
But he's gonna think about how you soft hands (smaller or bigger depending on how yours are) feel against his chest, how he can feel your warm breath against his skin even if he's wearing a shirt and the you intoxicating scent invading his senses 
Yeah he's gonna think about that a lot, when he's alone, preferably in the bathroom with the door locked. 
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what do you think the boys think of marriage? i can’t lie, i am a simple person and just want to marry lester and dote on him for the rest of my life 😩
PLEASE NONNIE YOU GOTTA MARRY LESTER!!!!😭🥺❤️ as always, gender neutral reader, no coded language, “you” & Y/N used.
Bo is very much a family man, which shows itself in the ways he takes care of the town like it’s all one big house - HIS house - and looks after his brothers. In some way, he’s the father Lester never had, and he’s the reason Vincent doesn’t starve to death because he forgot to eat for the thousandth time. Bo doesn’t ever let himself think for even a moment that he’ll find someone who will accept the truth of the town and of his family, so he never really considers being a husband one day. If he ever found someone like that, though, someone kind and good to his brothers, devoted to Bo and to his town, then marriage would always be at the back of his mind and those words would be on the very tip of his tongue every time he speaks to you. His momma’s ring is in the back of his underwear drawer and sometimes you’ll catch him lingering there when he’s getting dressed with you in the morning, though you won’t know why for years… and by then, he’s probably convinced himself that you don’t care about marriage and he’s content with the way things are. So why don’t you propose, Y/N, and bring Bo Sinclair to his knees with love for you?
Vincent isn’t all that bothered by the prospect of marriage. He’s found his love - his sculpting, his art, the opera he plays at all hours - and while a relationship would be nice, he can and he will do without it if it never comes his way. He’s not gonna’ go looking for it, especially not with his momma’s work to finish. He and Bo are working so well on it, after all, and Lester is making it easier to find victims, too. He needs only what he already has. Fast forward and you’re in his life and he doesn’t know what he would do without you now that he knows what life with you is like. He starts small, wondering if Bo would let him borrow their momma’s ring ‘til Vincent can fashion you one out of the scrap metal in the sugar mill, and then he catches himself lingering in the doorway when you’re cooking dinner or doing some kind of chore, wondering if this is what domesticity was like for his parents before momma got sick and he and Bo murdered daddy. Vincent would be a quiet lover of the idea of marriage but only with you, Y/N - if it’s not with you, he’s not interested. He’d be a very loving, devoted, possessive husband, but, fuck, the difficulties - of which there would be many - would be worth it.
Lester spends so many hours alone on the same roads, the same weather, the same animals he has to scrape up off the roads, the same truck…. For days and days he can be alone and he talks to himself to fill the silence, singing along to the radio, but he wishes so much that it causes him very real chest ache that there was someone to live his life with, someone who was less dismissive than Bo and more present than Vincent, someone who loved on him as much as he does his best to love on his brothers. He feels sorry for ‘em but he doesn’t wanna’ fuckin’ be ‘em, though he knows he’s stuck in Ambrose just like they are. He dreams of a relationship, of marriage, and when he finds out that you want to marry him and spend the rest of your life loving on him, Y/N? Why, Lester drops to his knees so damn fast that the world spins and his knees are numb and YOU are standing over him and he’s right where he wants to be. He’s a husband already made, he just has to make it official with you. So hold still, darlin’, and let ‘im get somethin’ from the glove box, would ya’? If you’re going to love Lester forever, then he’ll do the same and then some for you, his one and only.
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anthrofreshtodeath · 3 years
Primogeniture 25
@cloudyunicorn698 requested this one! Jane and Maura will never break up in the Primogeniture universe, so it was fun to try and find a way to meet the conditions of this prompt while keeping it light. As often happens with me, it turned out raunchy 😂
Thus, it is below the read more cut. Enjoy!
Jane grips the armrests of the chair in her and Maura’s bedroom, catching a guttural moan, keeping it in her throat as best she can. It is late - well, late in parenting time - ten pm, and her work slacks are around her ankles. Maura’s head is between her legs, licking right through the wettest parts of her. Jane, with power she cannot determine the source of, forces herself to look down, and she is rewarded with the image of Maura on her knees. The image of the crown of Maura’s head bobbing while she works. “Fuck…” Jane whispers quietly, because all of it looks like art and feels like magic. It has been so long and…
“Mommy!” comes the cry from down the hall, no doubt Chiarina rousing herself from a nightmare. She’s been battling them for weeks now, and Maura says it’s because of her growth spurt and her developing brain.
Jane jerks up and Maura jumps away from her. Rina’s door is ten feet from their own; they have literal seconds. Maura is clothed, and so all she does is heave a shuddering, frustrated sigh and wipe her mouth with the back of her hand. Jane, however, must rise and yank up her pants. She does so with a little dance as the buckle jingles a tune in her hurry, and she zips up her fly just as their distraught daughter bursts into the room.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” asks Maura, with a tinge of disappointment too nuanced for a child to catch.
“Shh shh shh, c’mere,” Jane whisper chuckles three days later, in the register that always drives Maura hot. Maura is trying to wriggle away from her now, but she is also laughing and looking back like she wants to be caught. Jane finally traps her after they take a turn around the rug in the middle of the bedroom, pulling her in by the wrist. Their bodies draw close, with Jane wrapping arms around Maura’s smaller frame. “If we’re quiet and quick, I can make ya cry,” says Jane, smiling into the kiss Maura gives her on their way to the floor. The soft thud of Maura’s head hitting the rug sends pleasure bolts right to Jane’s hips, and they thrust forward of their own accord.
“We have to finish yard work,” Maura faux protests, even as she begins to writhe against Jane, who landed very fortuitously on top of her. “I came up here to use the restroom and you pounced on me like a lion.”
“You been livin’ in this house the past month? I have to take my chances where I can get ‘em,” Jane argues. “A napping toddler and some discretion means we can play. Don’t you wanna play? Don’t you want me to touch on that pretty pussy? I haven’t-”
Maura unzips her own housework shorts and shoves them hastily away, interrupting Jane in the process. “I want you to touch it,” she begs over the rest of Jane’s monologue, “I need you to touch it.”
Jane obliges by sticking two of her own fingers in her mouth and sucking on them once or twice, until they feel wet enough to her, and then swiping them through Maura’s already wet-enough sex. “Oh, baby,” whines Jane when she presses up and Maura takes her in with gusto, squeezing around Jane to show her how appreciative she is.
Just when Maura spreads her knees, however, they both hear the patter of feet on the stairs, followed by the shattering of glass and a surprised shriek. “Are you fucking kidding me,” Jane says, unlike a question because she already knows the answer. She is not being kidded.
Maura is up before her, and pulling herself into some semblance of decency before she runs out to make sure Rina is not bleeding out somewhere downstairs.
It is Sunday morning and they are up early, a whole hour earlier than three-and-a-half year old Chiarina usually rises. Maura looks up at herself in the mirror just after she spits excess toothpaste into the sink. Then, she splashes some water on her face, wondering where Jane has gone, if she is already downstairs making coffee, or if she decided to go back to sleep when Maura got up to pee.
She gets her answer when she pats her eyes dry, and it comes in the form of something hard, at attention and poking into her backside. Then there is the sensation of Jane’s arms snaking around her middle. She gasps when she reaches behind her, rewarded with a handful of what is about to be inside her through the material of Jane’s pajama pants. She turns instantly in Jane’s embrace, and they kiss so passionately, so wetly, with so many whimpers and moans they might as well be naked.
When she grabs fistfuls of Jane’s oversized sleep t-shirt, Maura is painfully reminded that they are not. “Why did you come in here, with that on, wearing clothes?” She whines.
Jane lifts her to sit up on the counter of the double vanity. “‘Cause,” she starts around a smattering of short kisses to interrupt the breath-stealing, tongues-down-throats variety they had just begun, “what if I suit up in the bed and hop right on out, only to have a kid starin’ right at me? It’s happened before, just not with this thing on. I’d like to keep it that way.”
Maura pulls the black tee over Jane’s head, groaning when she then palms a newly-uncovered breast in each hand. Nipples contract, harden, and she’s reminded of what waits for her. She starts to kick at the waistband of Jane’s pajama pants, to no avail.
Jane does it, pulling them down just enough to expose the toy strapped to her hips, and while she does, Maura tugs on the sash of her robe until the knot unravels. The sides flutter open, just like her legs, and then Jane is in.
Choirs sing, angels fly overhead, the sky opens up to bathe her in ecstasy like sunlight - Jane is in, and fucking. Fucking quickly. “Oh my god,” says Maura, hands stuck to Jane’s broad, strong shoulder blades in prayer that as they bounce, there will be nothing to interrupt them.
The toy that Jane has chosen must be the one that fits inside her, too, because she latches onto Maura’s chin with her teeth in an attempt to stifle her moans while they move together. “It’s a fuckin’ miracle,” Jane curses between panting, when she can summon enough breath to talk, only just barely.
Maura is not so judicious with her sounds of pleasure, however. She cannot respond because she is too busy crying out in their en suite. The feminine echoes against its walls combine with slick, soaking symphony her body plays for Jane, and the concert sounds like heaven to their ears. She begins to lose herself, to lean back and accept Jane’s onslaught because Jane clearly knows exactly what to do, when she thinks she hears it.
She shakes her head, deciding that she is both paranoid and conditioned to expect disaster when she and Jane make love lately. Or rather, attempt to make love. She chalks it up to imagination until she hears it again: the faint creaking of door hinges. She is loath to stop Jane’s pump, because christ is it a good one, but then they both pause.
A sleepy voice, clearly concerned, and far off. Like in the doorway of their bedroom. “Mommy, are you ok? Mommy?”
Maura’s pupils focus, and when she can see again, she is looking at Jane, who is looking at her with pursed lips. There is a moment of serenity, just before Maura’s visage cracks and she knocks her head back hard enough against the mirror to hurt. She doesn’t care. “We can never be together,” she cries, putting her hand over her eyes so that the tears don’t fall.
Jane’s lips, as if to agree, touch hers softly, with contrition and with a very acute sense of loss, just before she pulls out. She takes her pants from around her thighs back up to her waist. She shrugs her shirt on and folds Maura’s robe around her middle. “Check on her? I’ll uh,” she pauses and gestures to the protrusion at her hips, “take care of this.”
Maura looks, and to her it represents all that she cannot have. “Fine,” she says petulantly. “But she is spending the night at your mother’s. And if she asks for pancakes, I’m giving her oatmeal.”
Jane barks a laugh loud enough to send their daughter running in its direction. “Shit,” she says, moving out of the way of Maura’s open hand on the back of her head just in time. “I’m sorry, I am. And you know I’m just as frustrated. But she’s just a kid, babe. Who has no idea she’s the reason her parents haven’t fucked in weeks.”
Maura knows Jane’s right, but she still turns up her nose when she walks out. Everyone will be having oatmeal this morning, if she has anything to say about it.
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drakenology · 4 years
Yeah, My Boyfriend’s In A Band
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guitarist!todoroki x fem!reader
summary: something straight outta wattpad! you go to a rock band’s concert and stand front row of the stage. The band’s vocalist /guitarist catches your eye and.. well, the rest is history! this is the story of how you first met.
author’s note: soooo.. how yall been? i kinda said fuck it to the schedule i made. why force myself to make content when I just can’t ya know? I’d much rather upload content when it’s at it’s best. so enjoy! I used some lyrics from some of my favorite rock songs for this, can you guess em? Also the art work above isn’t mine!
warnings: smut (duh.), drug use (weed), size kink, pinch of daddy kink, spitting, degradation
It was a hot Saturday night. You were all dressed up and excited to see your favorite heavy metal band the Diaspora play in your city. You were a huge fan, their posters adorned your bedroom walls. You’ve been a fan since they first came out as a cover band.
The members were all pretty fuckin cute, especially the band’s front man. Todoroki Shoto.
He was so handsome; black and red half and half hair, grey sullen eyes, the sexy scar on the left side of his face only adding to the edginess of his visage. His tattoos coated his left arm in a sleeve, his eyebrow pierced as well as his lower lip. He was fucking hot. Obviously not the kind of guy who would pay any attention to you right?
You threw on the Diaspora t-shirt you bought just weeks before the show and tied it in the back so it could be a little cropped and called your uber, frantically spraying perfume in a panic that you were going to be late to the concert. You ran outside, saying goodnight to your roommate as you rush out the door and jump into the car.
“Hey. I’m Shoto Todoroki and I’m the lead singer and guitarist for the band The Diaspora. Hope to see you guys at the show tonight at 8.” You hear as smoothe and sultry voice play over the radio.
You swoon and text some buddies who were also going to the show in excitement, the rush going straight to your brain in a haze as you blast some of their music in your headphones.
When you arrive to the stadium, you spot your best friend from highschool Nejire Hado. You two actually grew up together and even graduated together. It was like you two were sisters, inseparable since birth. Nejire saw you and waved excitedly, squealing with glee and motioned you to come to her spot in line.
“Y/N!!!! Over here!!” She yelled, causing you to run over and jump up and down with her.
“I can’t believe we’re finally here!” You say.
“Me either! Hey, did you hear? There’s rumor’s going around that their having an after party after the show! We have to go, Y/N please say yes.” Nejire rambled, clapping her hands with an inability to contain her excitement.
You look down at your shoes, unsure at first. What if you aren’t even allowed inside? It could be VIP only.
“Fuck it. Let’s go!” You say, causing Nejire to scream and laugh with joy.
Suddenly, the band’s security comes outside to greet the fans waiting to come inside for the show.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, please enter in a single fil-“ the poor guy couldn’t even finish his sentence before hundreds of eager fans rush past him and squeeze into the stadium doors, running as fast as the could to get to their seats.
Luckily for you and Nejire, you had front row tickets. Those days of refreshing the page for them as they sold out every second really paid off. You grab Nejire’s hand and run inside, elbowing and clawing your way through to your spot with your best friend by your side. The lights suddenly go dim and the crowd goes insane.
The show’s about to start. You heart seemed to float up into your throat as you stood sweating and nervous, Nejire screaming her head off and jumping up and down when the band came rising up from the bottom of the stage. Smoke covers them for a while until it clears and all you see is Todoroki standing above you, the real him finally being exposed to you as you gaze from the crowd.
He was even more handsome in person. Tonight he wore black jeans and a white band tank top ,showing off his muscular and tattooed arms. Chains hung on his hip and his boots as he propped his foot up on the amplifier in front of him.
“YOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” He screamed into the mic, causing the crowd to scream impossibly louder. He smirked, causing you to feel woozy just seeing him look so smug, as if he knew the effects he had on his fans.
You could’ve died right there a happy woman as the band started to play their hit single, the gritty sound of the electric guitar sending chills up your spine as you and Nejire headbang and dance to the music. You sing along to the top of your lungs, watching as Todoroki owned the stage. You gaze up at him again to see something completely and utterly unbelievable.
He was looking right at you.
You gasp, your eyes widening as you lock eyes with him. Shoto kneeled down towards you and reached his hand out to you. You almost scream and grab his tattooed hand with both of your own and smile at him, keeping your eyes focused on his. Shoto took your hand and kissed it as he sang a pretty racy part of his song to you,
“I wanna take you home.” (sleeping with sirens fans?? your nickle aint worth my dime???? NO?)
Oh. My. God
“OH MY FUCKING GOD! Y/N, HE-“ Nejire screamed, just as excited as you. You stood there shocked and flustered, staring into space. Todoroki fucking Shoto just kissed your hand. Shoto smirked and let your hand go, continuing the rest of his show in hopes you got the message. He wanted you. It was common sense that you go to the afterparty now.
The show continued for another 2 hours, Todoroki now dripping in sweat from the hot lights shining upon him and his band.
“Thank you all so much for coming out. For those invited, I’ll see you all at the afterparty! Goodnight everyone!” Todoroki bellowed to the crowd, causing them to cheer him and the band off the stage.
You stand there, high off of every guitar riff and belt from the performance feeling sad that the concert was over. But a rush of hope filled your heart in knowing that you were going to see Shoto again soon. You and Nejire walk out of the stadium hand in hand as you discussed the plan to get to the party.
“So the party is not too far from here, exactly 15 minutes away. We could totally call an uber.” Nejire explains, saying that it’s going to be held in Todoroki’s mansion.
When you both arrive at Todoroki’s Mansion your jaws drop. A huge fountain greeted your uber driver’s car, cobblestone driveways leading you towards his front door. There were hedge sculptures all over the front yard and expensive cars adorned the driveway as you and Nejire step out of the car to see the line to get into the party. Damn. More lines.
You approach the security guard; the same one from earlier that night with a nervous wave.
“U-Um excuse me sir, we’re on the list..” You said unconfidently. Nejire nervous laughed and nudged you for sounding so unsure after giving you a long confidence pep-talk in the car.
“Sorry, kiddo. I’m not seein’ an ‘Y/N’ or a ‘Nejire’. Back o’ the line, ladies.” The security guard huffed, hardly even looking at his list.
“Nah it’s cool, Ben. Let them in.” You hear a familiar voice utter before you get the chance to turn around and walk to the back of the line. Sure enough it was Todoroki standing there, joint lit and eyes hazy. Clearly stoned.
It was like he got more gorgeous as you got closer to him, your cheeks heating up as you realize you’re literally standing in front of your fucking celebrity crush. Nejire squeals and runs inside to go find the drummer and get his number, she says drummers do it harder.
Shoto took you by the hand and led you inside the rager in his foyer. The smell of beer and weed absorbs your nostrils as you walk inside with Shoto in hand, watching as Nejire talks up the drummer with ease as if she already knew him from way back when.
Todoroki sat down on the most comfortable couch you have ever sat in with you next to him, taking a big drag of his joint and motioning it towards you.
“Wanna hit? It’s not laced. Promise.” He said cooly, slowly blowing out the smoke. You take it and take a hit, coughing a little as you puff out the smoke.
Damn this must be what rich people smoke.
“Good huh? Grew it myself. Heh.” Todoroki laughed a little as he watched you take another hit.
“Shit. I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you, finally.” You say, nervousness coating your tongue. Shoto gave you a warm smile, his hazy eyes gleaming in the dim lights of the room.
“Gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl.” Shoto said, kissing the same hand he did at the concert.
You heat up, your panties becoming slightly wet at him touching and kissing you. He smirked and grabbed you by your chin to make sure you look him directly into his grey orbs.
“When I saw you in the crowd, I almost couldn’t keep my eyes off you.” He said into your ear, causing your mind to block out any outside sound that wasn’t his voice. You gulp, blinking dumbly as you try to find the words to say something.
“I-I, um. Th-thank you.” You say, looking down into his lap. Shoto pulled away to smoke his joint a little more. You two talked all night, everyone around you both becoming irrelevant as you seemingly grow closer together.
Strangely, none of the rumors about Todoroki were true. He wasn’t this stuck up asshole the media made him out to be. He was calm and gentle, the sweetest guy you’ve ever had the pleasure of having a conversation with. You learned so much about him that night. He was so misunderstood.
You’re high now and completely hazy as you and Todoroki make out on the couch. You’re not sure how you two even got to this point but you loved it. One thing led to another and now you were straddling him on the couch, his hands in your back pockets as he groped and squeezed your ass.
Your lips mingled as you moan into the kiss, Todoroki’s tongue slipping into your mouth to make home of it. The kiss got so hot your pussy was sopping wet underneath your jeans as you mindlessly grind against him for some kind friction.
Todoroki pulled away and started kissing your neck, damn near ripping your clothes off in front of the entire party. You’re gasping and grabbing at his clothes, forgetting where you are as you become desperate for him. You wanted him so bad and you knew he wanted you too.
“Wanna get out of here? Go upstairs I mean.” Shoto asked, huffing into the skin of your neck as his hard dick poked at your thigh.
“God yes.” You say breathily. As soon as he got your consent he carried you upstairs, the party raising their glasses and their blunts in celebration for Todoroki getting some.
“YES! Y/N tell me everything okay!?” Nejire yelled drunkenly, pulling away from her makeout session with the band’s drummer. You giggle and wave down at her, Todoroki laughing softly as he watched the interaction between you and your best friend.
“Just so you know, princess. I’m not going to go easy on you.” Shoto said, pinning you against the hallway wall.
“I don’t want you to.” You mewl, leaning into his neck to nip at it. Shoto let out a low chuckle and nearly kicked down his bedroom door, tossing you onto his luxurious california king bed.
You take a quick look around his darkly colored room, black walls with coordinating grey funiture. Posters of his inspiration adorned his walls, almost similar to your room just $100,000 richer. He had a mirror above his bed as you look up at your reflection you see Todoroki crawl on top of you, unbuttoning and pulling your jeans off in one fell swoop.
You’re immediately embarrassed, forgetting it was laundry day at home so you threw a thong on because you didn’t have anything else to wear. It was black and lacy and oh so skimpy you quickly move your hands to cover up in shame, Shoto grabbing your wrists and pinning your hands above your head.
“Heh. How’d you know I love lace?” Shoto teased, practically salivating at the sight of your smooth legs beneath him. “You’re so beautiful, you know that?” Shoto said, running his hands along your sides as if he was a lion playing with his prey before he ate it.
You bit your lip, dripping and hungry for some kind of touch in the places you needed him most, your nipples prodding at the thin fabric of your band tee. Yeah, you forgot to wear a bra. Shoto pulled your shirt above your head, tossing it somewhere and hissing at the sight of your bare breasts.
“No bra either? Man.. it must be my birthday. I’m gonna have fun with you, princess.” Todoroki says taking a nipple into his mouth, not breaking eye contact with you as he suckled gently following with short lick causing your entire body to catch flame.
You start moaning miserably, your whole body begging him to take you. Shoto pulls away from your nipple with a light pull of his lips and slips his hand down to your slit, caressing it agonizingly slow to tease you. He takes his other hand and presses his thumb to your lips.
“Open your mouth.” He rasped. And you did, sucking on his thumb as he rested it on your tongue making Shoto moan at the sight, humming a ‘good girl’ under his breath. Shoto held your mouth open and spit, pulling you into a sloppy kiss as he plunged his thick digits into your needy hole.
You arch your back off the bed, biting down onto Shoto’s lip as he finger fucked you without mercy. Your moans filled the air, Shoto watching you intently as he took your breast into his mouth once more.
“Sho- ah! I-I’m gonna-“ You bellow, trying to hold onto something for dear life as he brought you closer and closer to your peak.
“That’s daddy to you, princess. Try again and maybe I’ll let you cum around my fingers.” Shoto hissed, slowing his pumping fingers a bit to ensure you got the point.
He was in control. You pant, your chest heaving as you try to catch your breath only for it to get caught in your throat again. Desperate moans fall out of your mouth as you beg him to let you cum.
“D-Daddy!~” You gasp, Shoto leaning into your neck, his ear right next your mouth as you scream for him. You collapse into his arms, fucked out and stupid off Todoroki’s strong fingers. All those years of guitar weren’t for nothing.
“That’s it baby.. fuck, you made a mess.” Shoto cooed, slowly dragging his fingers out of you as he watched your slick stick to him sloppily. At this point, he’s so hard you can clearly see the veins in his dick jumping out of his pants, his size making you wince in pain before he even entered you.
“Think you can take all of me, princess?” Shoto asked, throwing his contricting pants and boxers somewhere across the room, releasing his impressive size for you to see. You gulp but nod, licking your lips at the sight of him.
Shoto smirked at your reaction and pumped himself a few times before teasingly tapping the head of his dick against your clit, causing you to yelp from the sensitivity of your abused core.
“Pleaseee.” You whine, Shoto grabbing you by the neck and choking you almost to tell you to shut up and be patient. He wastes no time in plunging into you, the thickness of his dick stretching your walls with a delicious sting.
You claw at his back as he bottomed out, gasping sharply as he filled you completely.
“Am I hurting you?” Todoroki asked with what little sympathy he had left in his body. You shook your head no, moaning as he stayed still inside you.
“P-P-Please move..” you mewl, chewing your bottom lip. Shoto smirked and began rutting his hips into yours at a rough pace, not really caring if you adjusted to him or not. Hard slaps and the sound of your whiny moans filled the room as the headboard of his bed slammed against the wall, probably alerting the entire party downstairs.
You’re screaming now, a moaning mess beneath him as he split you wide open. As your eyes rolled to the back of your head, Shoto throws your legs over his shoulder and starts pounding into you.
He’s going to make sure you’re unable to walk straight for the rest of the week, marking you as his.
“Fuckkk, daddy. S-Slow down.” You pleaded only for Shoto to ignore you and continue his pace, laughing at the shocked and fucked out face you were pulling.
“Told you I wasn’t taking it easy on you. Did you forget already, princess?” Shoto breathed, moving his hands to rub shallow circles into your clit.
Your toes curled up tightly as your orgasm ripped through your body, your moans reaching a cresendo as your scream Shoto’s name.
He hissed as your walls fluttered around him, your pussy gripping him tightly as he fucked into you continuosly.
“I hope you didn’t think I was through with you just because I made you cum. I’m not done yet, doll.” Shoto muttered through your pathetic whines for him to slow down.
He cooed praises at you, a “good girl” here and a “you take my dick so well” there until his thrusts got rusty and sloppy; a sign he was close to cumming.
“Shittt, where do you want me to-“
“I-Inside m-mee! Fuck, cum inside me!” You shriek. And so he did, fucking his hot stickiness into you for a while as you both moan and pant. Shoto rode out your climaxes for a while before slowly pulling himself out as he watched his cum ooze out of your abused pussy.
As Shoto flopped on the bed next to you, you both stare up at the mirror on his ceiling. You’re both sweaty and your hair was a fucking mess from being tossed around the bed for what seemed like hours.
“Shit. Probably late as fuck by now. You wanna stay the night?” Shoto asked, taking your hand and famously kissing it once more. You smile and nod, unable to form coherent sentences as you feel yourself doze off.
Todoroki jumps from his bed and opened the door, screaming from the top of the stairs, “Oi! All you motherfuckers can fuck off home!Party’s over!” You laugh and throw a pillow at him.
“Don’t be so mean, Sho. Uh.. C-Can I call you Sho?” You ask embarrassed.
“You keep fucking me like that you can call me whatever you want, angel.” Shoto groans, grabbing you by your face and kissing you sweetly.
“Honestly, I wanna go again. You down?”
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
can i plsplspls have the things you believe hq boys would say for atsumu 👉👈
yes yes! i love me some atsumu 🥺
Things I believe Atsumu Miya (Timeskip MSBY pro volleyball player) would say if you lived with him (from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep) painter! y/n
“Baby, Baby- come on wake up. I got early practice, you know i don’t know how to cook” (5:00 am)
“Baby come on, I’ll make you breakfast later.”
“No? Oh you’re up.”
“What do you mean you don’t like my breakfast, i thought ya loved my cooking.”
“we’ve been together how long? and ya lied to me?!”
“I’ve been telling eveyone that my cooking is great! This is your fault.”
“No shoo, go make me my breakfast.”
“No you don’t get morning kisses.”
“Will ya stop ya whining if i kiss ya?”
“Alright shut up now and get to cookin”
*Will slap your ass, way too hard for 5:30 in the morning*
“I got early practice tonight, thanks for making me food.”
*will wrap his arms around you as you cook*
“Smells good.”
“No the food, ya smell stinky.”
“I’m kidding, i’m kidding. You smell like you.”
“What’cha mean? ya smell like, soap and a clean bed”
“Yes baby, it’s a good thing.”
“Now give me my food and go back to sleep.”
“I’ll clean up.”
*will let you know when he goes to practice and let’s you sleep again*
“Pst.... baby, wakey wakey. It’s morning.” (10:00 am)
“I got breakfast.... don’t worry ya little head, i got it from the bakery.”
“How’d ya sleep. Good? That’s good baby.”
“You got paintings you gotta finish, get to work.”
“Come on you big baby, get up.”
*Will carry you to the bathroom and will strip you bc he needs to shower too*
“Stop squirmin’ - i’m washing you’re head and i’ll get soap in ya eyes.”
“My turn.”
“Massage my scalp harder, harder- okay chill, that’s good.”
“Now hurry up and dry up, you got work to do.”
* WILL SLAP YOUR BARE ASS and will apologize later bc he left a mark*
“I’ll leave you to it then, i’m gonna be in the room, if you need me.” (11:00 am)
*Will walk in and walk out of your studio just to check up on you*
“Need anything? No? Okay.”
“Just checking in, i got you some water.”
“Hey baby, you hungry yet? Ya want lunch?!”
*Will hold you while you paint*
“What do you want for lunch?”
“You want me to order it or pick up? or do you wanna come with me?”
*will start kissing your neck and get you to face him so he can start making out with you*
*it’s very messy, will put you on a table with FRESH PAINT and get it all over you*
sex in the art studio
red paint hand prints on your ass, hips, neck.
“You should keep working on yer painting, i’ll go get the food.” (12:40 pm)
*will tap your hips/thighs/ass before walking out as if NOTHING HAPPENED*
*meanwhile you’re catching you’re fucking breath bc wow... the stamina that man has*
“I’m back... Feel alright?” (2:00 pm)
“I got you some onigiri.”
“Again? what you mean again? It’s free!”
“Shut it, you love Osamus cookin.”
“What do you love more? Me or Osamu?”
“Did you just say Osamu- REALLY?! Really? after we just made love for hours? You tell me this now?”
“Give me back that Onigiri.”
“Come back here!”
“Did ya really need to lock yourself in the art studio? Let me in” (2:30 pm)
“What art piece are you working on?”
“Ah.... mhm, mhm...”
“No i don’t remember what you just said.”
“Keep on working, i’ll check up on you later.”
“Nevermind, i’m lonely- I’m gonna keep ya company.”
“Give me some paint, i wanna paint.”
“Look! I made a fox.”
“Oh hold on, Bokuto is calling.”
“Do you mind if the guys come over?”
“Yes even Sakusa.”
“You never clean, why you gotta clean for him?” (3:30 pm)
*very jealous of the fact that you and sakusa get along very well*
“Sakusa hands off my partner” (4:30 pm)
“Bokuto you too!”
“Hinata, I’m eyeing ya too.”
“Get over here, and sit next to me.”
“Hold my hand.”
“Because i said so.”
“Shut it, Sakusa!”
“No, no, i’m not drunk.” (6:00 pm)
“What’d you mean they should sleep over.”
“But baby~ Night time is our time.”
“OW! Don’t hit me.”
“Y’all are sleeping in the spare.”
“Stop babying Sakusa he’s a grown man!”
“I said hands off my partner Hinata!”
“Baby~ stop babying my teammates and come here!” (7:30 pm)
“What do you mean i smell.”
“No come here, give me a kiss.”
“No, no, no don’t check up with them, come here.”
“Just come cuddle with me.”
“Hey, am i good enough for ya?”
“You sure? Do i give ya enough love?”
“Don’t shit with me alright, you sure i’m good enough?”
“Come here, give me a kiss.”
“You’re more than good enough for me.”
“Please don’t leave me for Osamu, i know it’s a joke just... I cant imagine my life without ya, ya know?”
“Stupid Osamu, i’m proud of him too. But don’t praise him either!” (9:00 pm)
“Do you wanna get some dessert?”
“So what if it’s late, i’m hungry.”
“Fuck em, i just wanna go with you.”
“Hold my hand.”
“You cold? Here just wear my hoodie. I think i’m still a little tipsy.”
“I swear i’ll fight a kid if he doesn’t hurry up.”
“Hold me back baby, i will fight this kid! he just mouthed piss hair to me!”
“Oh shit it’s the pap, come on hurry up, let’s go.”
“No, no- You got the wrong twin, i’m osamu. Yeah sorry about that.”
“I’m glad i brought a cap”
“Give me some of your dessert.”
“Here have some of mine, say Ah.”
“Don’t be stupid, and hold my hand, we’re crossing the road.”
*Will give you a piggy back ride home*
*you will fall asleep on him*
*wwe match when you guys get home and throws you on the bed to wake you up bc he’s such an asshole*
“It’s your fault you fell asleep on me.”
“Arms up, i’ll put on your pjs.”
“No pjs? Alright, we sleep in the nude tonight.”
*you sleep on his chest*
“God i’m so lucky to have you, you know?”
*will fuck you awake and has a hand over your mouth bc he remembers half way that half his team is in the other room*
“Y’all are lucky, y/n has such a talent for cooking”
“Sakusa, you don’t get breakfast.”
“You hear nothing, hinata!”
*pinches your ass in public*
“Osamu give y/n some onigiri, she’s picking up my lunch.”
“MY BABY IS HERE” *runs to you mid practice*
“No bokuto you don’t get to hug her.”
“Back off Sakusa!”
*will bark*
“Stop telling people i use lemon shampoo bc i have blonde hair.”
“Wait i thought i had a manicure appointment today- did i miss it?”
“Shave down my nails will ya? I always mess up.”
“Get your black nail polish away from me, i want the clear one.”
*will bite you to get your attention*
*will show off his manicure to kageyama if he ever bumps into him*
A/N: Thank you guys for 300 followers 🥺🥳
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
You’re Important to Me
Warnings: thoughts and ideations of the un-aliving variety
Genre: Angst but it gets a lil fluffy at the end
Pairing: Mammon x oc
Summary: The way the witches and his brothers treat him leaves Mammon feeling replaceable and unimportant. His human takes it upon herself to try and make him feel better after finding out something heartbreaking.
A/N: since I hit 150 followers either last night or the day before, I figured I would do something a little different for tonight’s post and give y’all a little 2 part fic instead of art. I haven’t written in a long time and this is not proofread so please excuse any typos. I’m a little rusty.
Part 2| Part 3| Part 4
Another day full of studying for upcoming exams at RAD completed and Arella couldn’t be more greatful to finally shut her texts books. Sure, she technically didn’t have to meet the same standards as her demon classmates this time around, but if only one thing could be said about Arella, it was that she was a perfectionist at heart. She’d put in the hard work to get the best possible score- seeing the look of surprise on Satan’s face as she scored better than him would be worth it too, as much as a pipe dream that that would be.
With a soft yawn, Arella pushed away from her desk before grabbing a nightshirt she had stolen borrowed from her boyfriend and stumbled to her bathroom for a quick shower. As she brushed her teeth, she could feel a presence enter her room- well more like she could hear him. Mammon was never all that quiet or stealthy to begin with as much as he’d like to claim otherwise.
Peeking out from the small ensuite, she saw the demon sprawled out on her bed, his face buried in her pillows. Something didn’t feel right. Deciding the shower could wait, Arella made her way across the room to where the bed was located.
“Hey,” She started, gently placing a hand on his back to let him know she was there, “I thought you said you’d be out late with the Witches. Did something happen?”
“Not really….” Mammon starts, his voice muffled by the pillows before he turned to face her. “They got all they could get out of me so they jus’ let me go and I wasn’t havin’ a good time anyway so I jus’ came home….”
Arella frowned at his tone. He sounded upset, depressed almost.
“An’ then the moment I walk in the door, Lucifer’s on my ass ‘bout some stupid fuckin’ bill that came in…. So I got to sit there ‘n listen to him go on an’ on about how I’m such a fuck up and what worthless scum I am, not to mention the rest of my brothers took the first chance they could to hop on the bandwagon and I’m….. I’m just so tired.” At this, Mammon flops over onto his back, throwing an arm over his face.
“Mammon…” Her voice is soft, full of concern as tries unsuccessfully to pull his arm away so she could look him in the eyes.
“Arella, Am I important….?” Mammon asks as he tries -but fails- to hide the way his voice cracks. “Would everyone just be happier if I was….. gone?”
Its that question that shatters her heart to tiny fragments.
“Wha- Of course you are, Love. Why would you say that? I know your brothers take things too far sometimes but they’d be devastated if something happened to you. I would be heartbroken if anything happened to you. We all love you so much, Honey….”
“It doesn’t feel like it,” Mammon barked out a laugh that sounded bitter. “Not with the way they rag on me like they do…. Actually, they’d probly be jumpin’ for joy if I were to off myself- don’t know why I ain’t done it already….”
“Mammon, don’t talk like that. You’re scaring me.”
“Its true though. If I take myself out, then they won’t ever have to deal with the consequences when I fuck up. Won’t have to worry ‘bout me stealin’ their shit to get my hands on some extra grimm.
“Stop it right now, please.”
“It’s not like they’d miss me much anyway. You probly would but let’s face it, ya could do so much better than me anyway... Ya know, I got this pills that I swiped the other day, plannin’ ta sell ‘em an’ all but I think-“
“Mammon, stop!” Arella pressed her hands over his mouth to keep him from finishing his sentence “Please. No more….. No…. More.”
She collapsed down to his chest as violent sobs erupted from her. She had lost someone to suicide before, she couldn’t and wouldn’t go through that again- especially not with the person who was most important to her.
“I’m here for you. I will always be here fir you.,” Arella tightened her hold on the demon beneath her, her body still shuddering with each breath she took in a miserable attempt to compose herself. “So please. Please just don’t do it.”
At her tears, the demon could only react with silence. He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting when letting his feelings out but it wasn’t a reaction like this.
Maybe part of him was hoping for her to agree with him and let her words feed into his terrible mood, or maybe part of him wanted Arella to scold him for daring to even think about taking his own life but there wasn’t any part of him that wanted her to react with sobs and wails, with her begging him not to go through with it.
Slowly, Mammon brought his arms to wrap around her, holding her tight against his chest. They were quiet for a long while as they just held each other.
“I’m….. I’m sorry….” Mammon was the first to speak, to break the silence that had suddenly become suffocating. “I don’t know what I was talking about….”
Arella didn’t reply right away, choosing instead to hold him just a little tighter a bit long.
“Do you feel better now that you’ve talked about what’s going through your mind?” She lifted her head from its place on his chest to look him in the eyes for the first time that night.
She smiled softly as he nodded, leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek. “You’re so important both to your brothers and to me. There’s no one like you in the all of the three realms. If you weren’t here our lives would be so much darker and so much more boring, do you know that?”
“Yeah, I doubt that.”
“No it’s true,” Arella hums, as she pushes his hair back and places a peck to his forehead. “You want to know something else?”
“What?” Mammon arches a brow, “if it’s something cheesy, I’m leaving.”
Arella laughs at that. “I love you more than anything in this life or the next, and, no, you’re staying in here where I can see you.”
“What? C’mon, babe, I won’t do anything stupid, so don’t worry ‘bout me. And the last thing I need is Lucifer gettin’ at me because I spent the night in here when I shoulda been in my room.”
“Then I won’t give you a choice.” She starts matter of factly, “I’m invoking our pact. You’re sleeping in my room tonight where I can keep you close and pamper you all night. Also you’re going to tell me where you’ve hidden those pills you were talking about earlier and if their in one of your safes, you’re going to tell me the combination to it.”
“Arella, I-“ he groaned starting to complain
“No. This is important, Baby. I’m doing this because I care. Not to mention if Lucifer were to somehow find you in possession of those pills….. his rage would be so great that not even I would be able to stand between you two.”
Another moment of silence happened between them as Arella’s orders went into effect. Mammon let out a soft, discontented growl before finally breaking the silence.
“Fiiiiine. They’re in the safe that’s hidden in my pool table. The combination it 0127. Happy?”
“Very.” She replies cheerily. “Now, you’d better get comfortable, sir, because I’m going to remind The Great Mammon just how amazing, how wonderful , how special, and how loved he is.”
“Whatever, you dork, jus’ get off a me so I can move to a better spot.” He huffed as he shifted around under her, trying to hide the faint blush was already threatening to make itself at home of his cheeks.
Masterlist 2
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crackinwise · 3 years
Mondo having a thing about coating Taka with hickeys and Taka having a thing about very much enjoying the process is a good headcanon I've seen used several times, in both fic and art.
I see it causing an issue for them at least once.
Kiyotaka has the syllabus and upcoming events memorized before he and Mondo have a "session" so he won't be caught broadcasting his love life unwelcomed. Besides, he always fears he'll be accused of being hedonistic and immoral just for using some free time to feel wanted by the man he loves.
Meanwhile, Mondo knows to keep it below the uniform collar, but that's a lot of fair game there. After one night where they get carried away, Taka's torso from the base of the neck down looks like a leopard. Taka looks like he lost a fight with an octopus. But it's fine because a)Taka wanted it, and b)he can still look presentable in public with them covered.
But, the next day at gym, the class is told the schedule had to be rearranged and everyone is to head up to the pool. Taka instantly panics.
As everyone starts walking, he grabs Mondo's arm and pulls him to the back of the group.
"Mondo," he hisses, "I can't go to the pool!"
Taka fully despairs for a brief second. "If I take off my uniform, everyone will see the marks you've made!"
The caveman part of Mondo's brain makes his chest want to swell with a mixture of pride and possession, but it plummets down to become a lead ball in his stomach the instant he notices the unshed tears and fear in Taka's large eyes.
"It's okay. S'okay, I'll figure somethin out. Let's just get goin," Mondo promises him.
He can't let Taka feel humiliated. He mostly trusts his classmates by now--Taka would never have another middle school experience--but this wasn't a couple hickeys to get teased over and laugh off. Their peers' first reaction might be to get Taka a bodyguard and Mondo a muzzle. The teacher might investigate; Taka's dad might be called. Mondo shakes away the mental image of a mortified Taka and tries to actually problem solve.
He couldn't picture Taka sitting the period out on the bleachers and risk being a bad class leader. Taka could lie about feeling sick or needing somewhere else to be to work on his Talent, but he wouldn't. Taka wouldn't forgive him for pulling the fire alarm either. He didn't know of any clubs Taka could help at this hour. Would anything at the pool hide him when they got there?
Mondo's head snaps up with an idea and he walks faster to catch up with the classmate who made swimming pools her domain. "Asahina!"
Hina stops hopping around excitedly next to Sakura and turns to address him. "Mondo? What's up?"
He starts to whisper while also glaring at any classmates daring to curiously rubberneck. "I need a favor. Do ya have one of them, like, swim shirts? Y'know, surfers and shit wear 'em?"
"A rash guard?"
Hina frowns, apologetic. "No, I never thought to bring one here since the pool is indoors." She gives him a once-over. "And I'm not sure we'd be the same size."
"It's not...for me." Mondo rubs the back of his neck anxiously. He makes sure to keep his voice low. "It's for Taka."
"Since when does Ishimaru prefer a rash guard while swimming?" Kyoko asks, suddenly appearing on Mondo's other side, startling him.
"Holy fuck! Who who asked you?!" he yelps.
"You're not as quiet as you think you are," she helpfully warns them. "Here, let's walk to the side a bit."
The three step to the outside of the pack of students to continue talking a bit more covertly.
"Now, Oowada, what's this about?" Kyoko asks, eyes sharp.
Yeah!" Hina loudly whispers back. "Is Taka all right? Him asking for cover is concerning, ya know!"
Mondo's defensive annoyance threatens to flare up. "He's fine, but he can't go in the pool today. I can't tell ya why, so don't ask."
Maybe if another teacher needed help, but Mondo didn't know of any and unless one walked down the hall, he couldn't beg them. Or the headmaster!
"Oi!" Mondo's outburst causes Hina to jump. He lowers his voice once again, "Kirigiri! I need ya to ask yer dad if he has anythin he can call for Taka to work on. Like, now, for the whole period."
Kyoko's cool eyes narrow at him. He knows she's still trying to suss out his motives.
"If it were just for you, I'd demand more of an explanation, but this is for Ishimaru, right?" Even as she asks, she has her phone out, texting the headmaster. Mondo catches a glimpse of her text starting with "URGENT" and feels a wave of appreciation.
Finished, she looks from her phone back to Taka, still uncharacteristically silent and walking yards behind everyone else. She notes how he's hugging himself and darting his unfocused eyes around.
"Hmm." Her hand is up to her chin in thought. "Well, all we can do is wait for my father to answer me or make an announcement on his own. I could always just lie and say my father requested him."
"Y'know damn well he'd hate that and give us both detention when he found out," Mondo gripes. He understands why Taka refuses a little dishonest help, but it's still frustrating as hell sometimes.
"Yes," she agrees, her voice was as level and confident as always, "but that depends on how much he'd rather be tricked than show off your love bites."
"Right? Damn."
Hina, still close by and listening, covered her mouth to muffle a giggle.
Then Mondo's steps faltered. "HEY!"
His shout echoed around the hall, causing a few students to eyeball them. Makoto was clutching his chest, about ready to imitate a fainting goat.
Kyoko didn't so much as blink though. "It's as if you forget who I am. But don't worry, I'll take all the blame for lying to Ishimaru if it comes to that."
"Thanks," Mondo sighs out. "If you two didn't help, I was gonna pay Hiro to predict a pool disaster big enough to stall."
That causes Hina and Kyoko to realize the severity of the situation might be more than simple awkwardness.
"You know Hiro would try to charge you, like, hundreds of dollars for that," Hina says, worried. "Maybe thousands. Is Taka really that embarrassed by a hickey?"
Mondo swallows thickly but doesn't answer. He feels incredibly guilty. He feels like a danger to Taka's reputation for a new reason than the usual ones that sometimes haunt him. He knows hormones and his lack of self-control are a bad mix, but add in Taka enthusiastically praising his mouth, and he has zero hope of restraint.
They arrive at the changing rooms for everyone to switch into their swimsuits before going to the pool. The other students file inside while Mondo, Hina, Kyoko, and the trailing Taka hang back.
When Taka stops in front of them, his wide eyes finally focus on Mondo. He glances at the girls then says, hopefully, "Any, um, ideas?"
Mondo worries Taka is going to have a panic attack with the way he's breathing and clutching his blazer closed. As if the marks were magically visible through his uniform shirt too.
Kyoko brings her phone screen up to her face to check for a reply, then shakes her head at Mondo. Hina wrings her hands.
Deciding he's just going to kidnap Taka for the rest of the day and risk his boyfriend never speaking to him again, Mondo starts to grab Taka's arm.
All four friends sag with relief. Hina does a little cheer, gives them a thumbs up and skips into the girl's changing room. Kyoko nods at Mondo's thankful expression and follows her inside.
Taka runs his fingers thru his hair, laughs bubbling out of him. He has no idea what had happened to save him, but he wasn't going to question it just now. He squeezes Mondo's wrist once with his left hand and smiles to convey he was never upset with his partner about the situation. Then he proceeds to speed-walk to the office.
Mondo's frayed nerves want him to break the rules and embrace Taka, but his impulsive actions have caused enough problems today. He turns to go get changed for the pool, his caveman pride starting to return after helping to protect his Kiyotaka.
Following this, Taka didn't let them have another "session" for a month, and when he did he made contingency plans to be nowhere near the pool for a full week.
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