#and if you guessed that Az immediately got wall slammed again
forlornmelody · 5 months
Aziraphale: Crowley, dear, I'm going to get us hot chocolate. How dark would you like it?
Crowley: As dark as my soul, Angel.
Aziraphale: So, white chocolate, then?
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qforqazaq · 5 years
Ninety One – Men Emes
Okaaaay, people, here comes a long-awaited comeback from Ninety One that screamed, no, shouted so much culturally significant meta at me I could barely handle it. Ironically, when I was watching reactions to this MV, most people were so bloody oblivious to anything that was happening on the screen that I was painfully restraining myself not to slam my head on the table, but then remembered "oh, right, that's why I'm running this blog in the first place."
Okay, let's start with the video, shall we?
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The opening scene is obviously with Alem because if 91's song doesn't start with Alem there's something definitely wrong with it.
Anyway, we have Alem looking like a mo-fo mafia boss, a Kazakh Don, if you like, in an office that's practically littered with KZ references. First, your eyes might catch those weird looking symbols on the desk, which are actually Orkhon-Yenisei runes - a script of Old Turkic tribes aka one of the direct ancestors of Kazakhs - that I was going to talk about for ages, but didn't have a good excuse to. So thank you Ninety One for bringing that up, I can unleash my inner linguistics nerd upon people regarding the subject in a separate post. The runes are actually read from right-to-left (because that's how it works) as "l" and "r", although I'm not sure of their implied meaning here. My theory that means just that: "left" and "right", for whatever deep reason.
So, while you're admiring Alem's outfit and hairstyle as he's showing off his results of perfecting The Stare™ (I had a theory his stares are so intent because his contact lenses keep drying up and it's his attempts not to blink much when cameras are on), you notice not only that Samsung is the main sponsor of this production (is it surprising?), but also that there's a picture of random people on the background, and a funny-looking statue next to the window. Except for that is not a picture of random people, that is actually a photo of the leaders of the Kazakh national movement/autonomy against Communists in the 1910s - Alash Orda, which I'm probably going to elaborate on in another post. For now, I'll just say that these were the writers, poets, social and political activists, the Kazakh Intelligentsia™, who were later prosecuted and repressed by the Soviet regime. Very important addition to the set if you ask me, and very deliberately chosen.
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As for the funny-looking statue, that is a miniature "Balbal" of Kültegin or Kül Tigin, who was the General of the Second Turkic Khanate of the same Old Turkic people who used to write in the aforementioned Orkhon-Yenisei runic script. We can talk about it later on, for now, I can only say that 10 seconds into the video and my inner history nerd was screaming very much delightedly at these references. Didn't expect that much meta in such a short amount of time, eh? And we didn't even mention how cigars are allowed now, along with the whiskey-looking tea in a tumbler.
Anyway, then we are abruptly cut to AZ and, shortly after, ZAQ with an eagle. And no, it's not just a "lol, look, a bird", that's the Golden Eagle, a species that was trained and used for eagle hunting by the Kazakh nomads for centuries. Which is why we have it on our flag too. Btw, extra kudos to ZAQ for delivering his lines while having an eagle on his arm without its hood. I would have been more than slightly concerned if I were him.
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If you don't know much about that aspect of nomadic life in Central Asia, I recommend watching the critically acclaimed documentary film The Eagle Huntress about Aisholpan - a 13 y.o. Kazakh girl from Mongolia being the first female mastering the art. FYI, it is narrated by Daisey Ridley aka Rey from Star Wars. Watch it.
The scene is black and white, and AZ and ZAQ are wearing suits which look very agreeable.
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Then, we have the bridge that is delivered by very blond Bala, which isn't the best look on him in my opinion, but he's wearing a suit too, which is always a good idea. Bala, you must know, has perfected his camera acting and now successfully flirting with it without so much as breaking a sweat. Good job Juz, you know what you're doing.
Now, when we're done sharing niceties, can we, please, focus on the background - which is, of course, all lofty and fiery - specifically, on those symbols carved on the wall? And what are they? Yes, you guessed right: the Orkhon-Yenisei runes, yay. FYI, it says "QAZAQ", in its very palindromic fashion - the meaning here, I assume, is quite self-explanatory.
In one of the cuts we see that Bala is actually there with a dog. And, guess what, it's not just a dog, it's actually a Tazy - the Kazakh national hunting breed, of which, quite frankly, I did not know anything before researching for this MV. See, even I'm being educated here, I feel so enlightened.
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After that, we have the chorus, and all five of them are first standing and then walking like a bloody band of gangsters, all suited and effortlessly cool, as if towards an important tét-a-tét with a competing band. My immediate association was Crows: Zero (I'm sure, my fellow Japanese weeboos get what I mean) - lots of shonen swag and badassery. I approve.
In the meanwhile, Bala is showing off his moves, again, very at ease, chill and relaxed.
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Chorus moves to the second part of the song with another rap verse from ZAQ. Do you remember that set in the previous black-and-white scene with the rappers? This one is that same set i.e. a carcass and insides of a Yurt - a traditional nomadic portable house used by Kazakhs for centuries. We see ZAQ sitting in what looks like a Khan's throne with battle spears and fur skins of wild animals. And no, nobody is trying to offend animal rights activists and humanists, just trying to showcase the culture here, alright? As you've noticed hunting has always had cultural significance for Kazakhs, and, well, it's survival in the bloody Eurasian steppes we're talking about here, with windy -50°C in the winters you've got to wear something to protect from freezing over, you know.
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ZAQ delivers his lines in his usual very efficient fashion, and we cut to Ace walking over to the race track, very stylishly so that it might as well be a car commercial, to a parked Ford Mustang (and, yay, we've got a budget for a nice car now!) that's drifting its tires out in the shots in-between. Did I mention Ace's wearing a suit? I'm telling you, a car commercial.
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I have a feeling that a Mustang was chosen deliberately, a subtle shoutout to horses as another culturally significant symbol and animal for Kazakhs. They could've gone for a Ferrari for the sheer visual effect of it, but I suppose Samsung is generous, but not that much.
And then, we have a chorus with a dance break. Interestingly, despite the numerous cuts and camera angles, and even blinding background lights that obscure the view, I did not mind how the dance was shot. The choreography itself is nothing short of cool: very laid-back, effortless, with easy open moves and a masterfully feigned nonchalance. I know I'm using cool and effortless a lot, but what can I do, they are the keywords for this MV. I like those claps btw, remind me of hilarious dances in Kazakh weddings lol. Very ironic. In either case, my compliments to Asiya for her work, bravo.
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While you're still getting over the choreography, you're introduced to AZ casually lying among many ladies in night gowns, and yes, we now are allowing this too along with cigars and whiskey-looking teas in tumblers. Don't get me wrong, AZ is wearing a modest pair of black silk shirt with black trousers (can't say the same about his wild tricoloured mess of hair), and evidently still can't take his hands off his nose (he does keep rubbing it), but the whole scene, the wide shot of it, looks so unapologetically hedonistic that it might as well be a Gucci Guilty commercial. Well, Ninety One definitely went all Gucci in this MV, so associations are unsurprising. Scrumptious.
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The only cultural reference we've got here is the neon rune "r" on the background when AZ is sitting up.
Then, it goes back to the chorus with the guys standing with more fire in the background. There are other cuts from previous scene including the one with Alem throwing off 10000 Tenge bills with that photo on the back while staring into the camera.
Conclusion? A+ to the production team, especially set designers, Bibotta for the styling, and Yerbolat for knowing what looks good and what doesn't.
All and all, it was a good MV, a good break from artificially colourful secluded studio sets.
Now let's move to the music.
The song starts with, what I thought, those weird sounds from some Japanese instruments, but upon hearing the chorus my immediate reaction was "wait, is it a hip-hop beat from the early 2000s?"
Honestly, it isn't a very pop song. It screams hip-hop, and I dare say, this song was meant to be performed by the rappers only, which was somewhat proven true given that AZ and ZAQ were both writers and composers of Men Emes. Its hip-hop nature shows even in the structure: there are no vocal verses, only a bridge and a chorus performed by the vocalists, and everything else is just rap. And oh my, that's some rap, indeed.
First, can we just address, that once again the rappers of 91 managed to sneak up another controversial line bordering with vulgarity? I am talking about the first two lines of AZ's rap here, those who don't know what I am talking about, ask me about it later. The audacity though, huh. In either case, that got an incredulous chuckle out of me upon realisation. Congratulations, boys, mischief's managed.
AZ was his extravagant self in general, wouldn't say he brought a lot of literary value in this track, to be honest. Well, especially compared to ZAQ (and it is always difficult to compete with ZAQ's lyrics), who's just unleashed the study of "how many words and rhymes with "u" and "ü" sounds I can shove into one rap verse while making it sound intelligible and meaningful." And did so successfully, I must say. Personally was always astonished how masterfully he manages to use the vowel harmony - one of the linguistic traits of the Kazakh language - weaving syllables to the whole other level of wordplay. Lyrically, all cultural references in the MV seem justified, given how ZAQ is lamenting over how "his nation is moving with a snail speed" and such. With this, he is brushing the socio-political problems in the country, it seems. And it is very promising, as in this country high profile artists don't risk doing that.
(Btw, a mention of Surtur was another delightful nod to my inner nerd who loves Norse Mythology, and a reference to Cthulhu was rather amusing. Lovecraft wouldn't've minded.)
I had many problems with voices in this track. For some reason, I couldn't recognise half of them. I only clearly heard Bala, Ace's voice became obvious only when he moved to an octave higher, and I didn't even realise it was Alem singing in the beginning. Was very shocked to know that it was ZAQ, not AZ, rapping with that higher voice in the second part before switching to his usual old school style. We're trying different things, I see, though I wouldn't mind them toning down their tuner game a bit. I know who's singing what now only thanks to the MV.
To sum up, it's a very different 91 song. Not that it's very astounding in its originality with blending different genres in one as you'd expect, but it's probably refreshing to hear something bold, audacious, yet simple, very hip-hopesque circa 2001 from them. It seems they're deliberately trying to diversify their audience throwing a track like that. Which isn't bad at all, I rather enjoyed it. (By the way, those drums in the bridge section sounded almost tribal. Just saying.)
Despite the MV and song screaming "WEALTH", "SWAG", "COOL" and "SUAVE", I do not actually think it was only about showing off. Well, of course, a part of the message was a la "look what I've got in the end, despite all your judgement" with "you're not me" and all that. However, I think it was also targeting and mocking the spoiled kids of corrupt government officials or just corrupt rich "bosses" in general who always act as if rules and law are not made for them. "Yeah, you're cool, but not the coolest, might be rich, but not the richest, and even good-looking but not really. Don't be so full of yourself, you're not the centre of the universe" kind of message. And that imagery of Alem as a mafia boss in his office is juxtaposed with all those cultural artifacts hinting on what is actually more important and valuable, especially with the Kazakh cultural leaders of the 20th century watching from the picture on the wall. And Alem throws those bills as if saying "yes, I'm doing that, but it's just money, so what." Even AZ looks somewhat lost and empty-eyed lying there among girls when he's not trying to convince you how envious you should be right now.
Probably it's me reading too much into this, I don't know, but the MV only amplified the feeling that you've got to read between the lines, it isn't all about bragging.
For now I'll give the MV 9 out of 10, and the song is a solid 7.
Peace out ✌️
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wingsofanillyrian · 7 years
The Dance: Chapter 2
Summary:  Everyone knows the High Lord of the Night Court is a monster. Not that Rhysand has ever cared what the other Fae of Prythian think, but when he meets Feyre, Tamlin’s betrothed, he realizes everything is about to change.
Chapter Masterlist
Before anyone asks, YES I do plan on continuing this!!
Gasping, I landed at the foothills of the mountains and fell to my knees. I hadn’t even known where I wanted to go, my only thought was getting away from Mor and Cassian and Azriel and their prying gazes. The club had been too small of a space, the walls closing in and Mor had wanted to comfort me, as if she’d known what happened. Had Tamlin felt it too? Oh Gods, what if he hurt her because of it?
Snapping my eyes shut, I forced myself to take a deep breath and retract the claws that had sprung out. No, I knew Tamlin- at least I had at one time. He wouldn’t hurt Feyre, she was the closest thing he had to a mate. After a few moments, I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings, a tiny portion of the tension in my shoulders eased as I recognized them.
I had winnowed to the cabin.
I walked, rather than flew, the mile from the snowy steppes to the quaint log cabin, where white smoke was already pouring from the chimney. No doubt a fire was burning in the hearth, summoned by the need to dry my cold, wet clothes.  My skin prickled when I passed through the wards that guarded the area and I stumbled to the threshold.
I’d bring Feyre here, I thought, and immediately regretted it. The pang of longing for my mate hit like an arrow to the chest, causing each breath to come in a rasping pant. The physical ache of knowing I would never have her, of knowing another male warmed her bed. Falling to my knees, I tried pushing back against the rising tide inside me, fingers clawing at my chest as if to rip out my heart.
I’d never felt so lost and hurt in my entire life.
After what could have been hours, my breathing steadied to somewhat normal levels, and I leaned forward to rest my head against the cool wood floor. I couldn’t go back to Velaris, not like this. The ache in my soul would render me useless.
The cabin would be my home until I learned to live with the pain.
I stared at the report in my hands, reading but not absorbing the words. The giant stack of papers had appeared this morning at the kitchen table, a note from Mor sitting atop the pile like a crown.
I’ll be visiting you in the afternoon.
Please wear pants.
Her crude attempt at humor did nothing to comfort me.
I threw the pages down and sighed, leaning back and pinching the bridge of my nose. I couldn’t get anything done. All I could think about was Feyre; she’d absorbed my mind wholly and completely.
The scene kept replaying over and over in my head: Tamlin’s hands on her body, the look of disgust on her face when Mor told her what he’d done, the warmth of her hand in mine, and finally the terror she unknowingly blasted down that bond when she ran from me.
Her terror was justified, I suppose. Certainly, Tamlin had nothing nice to say about me and the ruthlessness of the Court of Nightmares was common knowledge. Few knew the truth behind that façade: the Court of Dreams. The one thing that I managed to do right in this life was keep Velaris alive and thriving, hidden from the rest of the world.
But of course, Feyre didn’t know that side of me. Hell, she barely knew me at all, besides what Tamlin might have told her. I didn’t know anything about her either, not her last name or even what she enjoyed doing.
The only thing I knew for certain was that she was my mate, and I had blown my only chance to woo her.
A tentative knock broke my self-loathing. “Come in,” I croaked, voice hoarse from weeks of disuse. A head of blonde hair poked around the door, and I sighed again. This wouldn’t be a fun conversation.
“What is it, Mor?”
She stepped into the tiny cabin, clicking the door shut behind her. “Just wanted to see how you were doing.” Tucking her hair back, she sank into the chair opposite me. “Cass and Az are concerned. Amren is too, though she won’t admit it.”
“I’m fine,” I said, forcing a smile to my face. “Why wouldn’t I be?” Mor’s brow furrowed and she worried her bottom lip with her teeth. I braced myself for what she would undoubtedly say, averting my eyes to the ground.
“You’ve been gone for weeks, Rhys. You’ve never been away from Velaris nor neglected your duties for so long.” She toyed with the hem of her dress, reminding me of the way Feyre had nervously tugged at her dress when we met. I went rigid at the memory, looking away to pin my gaze over Mor’s shoulder.
“We all felt it snap into place,” she said, speaking softly as if not to further upset me. “Rhys, we’re here for you-“
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I picked up a random stack of papers, studying them intently. “I have a lot of work to do.”
“Rhysand.” I ignored the command that laced the word, frowning as if the report concerned me. Mor growled, the sound bubbling out of her chest as she slammed a hand on the table.
“Damn it, Rhys! You aren’t okay.” Her eyes were wild, searching my face when I finally looked up. “Feyre is your mate, and she’s with someone else. Don’t you care at all?”
“Of course I fucking care!” I spat, rising from my chair. “She’s malnourished. She’s with Tamlin- living with him. Even after you showed her how much of a fucking prick he is, she still ran back to him, even though she’s terrified of him. And she’s scared of me too.” Hot tears built behind my eyes, and I clenched my hands into fists.
For two weeks I had shoved that interaction down, determined to forget about it. Feyre didn’t know we were mated by the Cauldron, and she never needed to. I had given her a chance to come with me, but she had chosen the High Lord of Spring. And why shouldn’t she? I’d done so many horrible things in my life, maybe meeting her only to lose her minutes after was punishment for those things.  I scrubbed a hand over my face as those pent-up emotions threatened to spill over.
“Rhys,” Mor whispered, moving around the desk and placing her hands on my arms. “She doesn’t know the real you. She only knows the mask. You just have to find a way to show her who you truly are.”
I laughed harshly and stepped back. “And how the hell do you suppose I do that?”
Morrigan squared her shoulders and lifted her chin, staring me down. “You go back to that club and you prove to her that you aren’t the High Lord of Nightmares, but of Dreams.”
“She won’t trust me.” My voice was barely more than a whisper. “She’s terrified of me.”
“Show her Velaris.” Mor said unflinchingly, and I looked at her, utterly shocked.
“I can’t! What if she runs back to Tamlin and tells him? Then everything I have worked so hard to protect would be in danger.”
Mor shrugged. “I guess you’ll just have to trust her.”
The nightclub was just as I had remembered, with the hot press of slick bodies on all sides and the salty scent of sweat coating the air. I clung to the shadows to the side of the dancefloor, blending in well enough in a black button-down shirt, sleeves rolled to the elbows. I stuck out like a sore thumb being here by myself and wearing so much clothing. Observing the other Fae on the dancefloor had me undoing the first few buttons of my shirt, revealing the tattooed chest that sent males and females alike swooning at the sight.
It had been two hours since I arrived, and I had accomplished nothing. I waved off the few stray admirers that had dared approach me, and was damn near ready to give up when she walked in.
I waited for Tamlin to show his ugly mug, but it seemed she was instead escorted by the russet haired Fae with the golden eye- Lucien, if memory served. Not a very effective body guard either- his attention was immediately locked on the first female he saw, leaving Feyre to wander to the bar on her own.
“Just one tonight, sweetheart?” The barkeep drawled, eyes sweeping over her body. I couldn’t blame him, the form-fitting black dress she wore worked wonders for what little curves she did have. She smiled meekly at the grubby male and nodded, and I pushed off the wall and slid onto the stool next to her.
He returned with the drink, and I passed him two silver coins. “I’ve got this one,” I drawled, sensing Feyre’s curious stare. To her credit, it only took her a few moments to discern who I was.
The corner of my mouth twitched upward and I ran a hand through my hair as I turned to face her fully.
“In the flesh and blood,” I purred, meeting her eyes of dull blue-grey. There was no spark in them, although I somehow knew that they once had been filled with passion and fight.
“What are you doing here?” Her gaze flitted around the bar, scanning for any of Tamlin’s minions. It snagged on Lucien, who was completely unaware of my presence, too wrapped up in some pretty female. Feyre curled her shoulders inward, whispering angrily, “I know who you are, and if Lucien sees you-“
“I know,” I said, instinctively dropping my voice to match hers. “But I had to see you again- to know you were okay.” Her brow furrowed and she studied me with a calculating gaze. There- that was a remnant of the spark I knew resided within her, her assessing gaze raking against my defenses.
“Why does it matter to you?”
I didn’t want to lie, not to her. I settled for the vague truth. “Because I care about you.”
“But you’re the High Lord of the Night Court,” she blurted, then clapped her hand to her mouth. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to call you out!”
Shaking my head, I said, “No one else can hear us. I’ve put up a wall between them and us, precisely for that reason.” My eyes were drawn to her lip, which she had bitten nervously. Gods, such full, pink lips. What I wouldn’t give to kiss them all night long, to feel them on my neck, chest, and-
“Rhysand?” My gaze flicked back up to her eyes, noting the slight rose tint of the blush on her cheeks. I quirked a brow in silent question.
“Why do you care about me? I’m only another Spring Court Fae, and Tamlin’s betrothed to boot.” She said it with such malice that I knew she wasn’t with him for love, but for some other deeper, hidden reason.
I swirled the amber liquid in my glass, contemplating how to respond. I didn’t want to endanger her by telling her we were mates. Tamlin’s temper was a thing of legend, and I had seen him pissed off enough that I knew I didn’t want Feyre to endure that kind of rage.
Mor’s words echoed in my mind. Prove to her you aren’t the High Lord of Nightmares, but of Dreams.
“I’m not as horrible of a person as everyone leads you to believe,” I murmured, swiveling to face her. “My Court of Nightmares? It’s only a front. A mask to hide the true gems of my Court, one city in particular.” I reached for her hand, and to my delight she didn’t pull away. Her skin was cool and rough, possessing none of the warmth I had been expecting to find.
“I’d like to show you, if you would allow it.” I could see the wheels turning in her head as she weighed her options. My heart pounded in my chest, and although I desperately wanted her to say yes, I also knew that by showing Feyre my secret, I would be betraying my city.
The hair on the back of my neck stood up as the atmosphere in the room shifted in the space of a blink. The gathered Fae murmured anxiously as someone cut a path through the center of the dance floor. Something was wrong- whoever it was wasn’t well liked by the crowd.
A single name surfaced in my mind as I caught a glimpse of blond hair: Tamlin. Urgency flooded my system, causing me to squeeze Feyre’s hand in hopes of speeding her decision.
“There’s not much time,” I said, double checking my glamor and the shield of air surrounding us. High Lords could recognize glamors, however, and Tamlin was nearing the bar where we sat. My violet eyes beseeched her as I studied her face.
“I promise you, Feyre, that I am not a monster. I want nothing more than to prove that to you. Please let me show you Velaris.”
She fidgeted in her seat, frowning at our clasped hands. It seemed like an eternity before she nodded slowly. “I think I would like that.”
“Great, we can go now!” I squeezed her hand, the glare of the lights on Tamlin’s mask near blinding as he drew nearer. I prepared to winnow us, the edges of my vision turning black when an arm latched around my neck. The tip of a dagger dug into my side, effectively pinning me in place. Feyre’s hand slipping from my grasp as Tamlin stauntered up.
“Well well, what have we here?” He cocked his head to the side, a predatory grin on his face as he circled me. “High Lord of Night’s come to play, eh?”
Tagging: @spegetty @viajandosinalas @personpersonper @thisisnotmynamefml @photofeesh @4clovermania @highladyofluna @darlingfireheart @highladyofidris
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Vince (10)
[9/14/16, 4:00:07 PM] Jak: the figure gathered itself and stood up, brushing off the dirt from the floor. He stared at the door for a moment before finally turning around to face the rest of the gang in the room. it was Jak, a 3 month older version of him that they were used to , but it was him. His hair was trimmed up. He was sporting a long white over coat, standard issue of the institute. Probably contained some kind of tracker on it. Jak stepped out of the darkness to reveal himself, speaking in a deeper, just puberty broken voice " Guys?? [9/14/16, 4:00:47 PM] Robin: Robin spins around to get a closer look. [9/14/16, 4:01:16 PM] Forge: Forge rolled over slowly, eyes red and brows raised high Jak? That you, boyo? [9/14/16, 4:02:05 PM] Jak: Jak looked around the room, clenching his head tight " fuck , which of you is screaming right now?" [9/14/16, 4:02:49 PM] Robin: “Jak?” [9/14/16, 4:03:25 PM] Jak: he looks up as best he can, ignoring the massive headache and rush of everyones thoughts " aye." he smiles at them [9/14/16, 4:03:54 PM] Robin: Robin runs to him and hugs him tightly. “You bastard, where have you been?" [9/14/16, 4:04:31 PM] Dagda: Dag glances up. "We'll look at that..." He murmurs with a wave, opting to stay sitting [9/14/16, 4:04:54 PM] Azuna: Azuna eyed Jak with an air of suspicion. "Good to see you." He said. He didn't get closer, merely stood back and stared at Jak's new attire. [9/14/16, 4:06:22 PM] Jak: Jak returned robins hug, a bit tighter then he intended, it had been long since he had contact with another like himself " They, snatched me the day we got out of the simulation. Guess they Didn't know I could do the thing with the mind that I can do. They added me to some list, some, threat list and I was monitored, for a long ass time. But I guess I did something right if I'm allowed back" [9/14/16, 4:06:53 PM] Azuna: "Guess so." [9/14/16, 4:07:20 PM] Robin: “What’s this?” Robin gestures to his coat. [9/14/16, 4:08:31 PM] Jak: " oh, OH" jAK GETS A LITTLE EXCITED " See., its flame retarded? is that the word? anyway, it prevents me from burning my clothes. My fire got stronger. watch." Jak lights a burning blue ball in his hand [9/14/16, 4:09:11 PM] Robin: “Flame retardant, hun.” Robin smiles at him. [9/14/16, 4:09:48 PM] Azuna: Azuna snorted quietly. That was more like the Jak he knew. [9/14/16, 4:10:17 PM] Forge: Forge, a little revitalized by the return of a fellow firebug, chuckled and watched Jak fiddle with his flames Aye, but did they make yer hair flame proof? I'd be more concerned with that, boyo. [9/14/16, 4:11:02 PM] Jak: " No" Jak sighs " that's why I needed it trimmed to be honest. " [9/14/16, 4:11:15 PM] Azuna: "Maybe they should make Dag more fireproof, given his magnetism to the stuff." He muttered, just loud enough to be heard. [9/14/16, 4:11:33 PM] Robin: Robin laughed. [9/14/16, 4:12:01 PM] Jak: jak looked around at everyone " Why is there so much yelling, btw?" [9/14/16, 4:12:28 PM] Robin: “We’re all a little… conflicted.” [9/14/16, 4:12:58 PM] Azuna: Azuna let out a quick, jarring laugh. It sounds empty. "That's an understatement." [9/14/16, 4:13:00 PM] Dagda: This message has been removed. [9/14/16, 4:14:27 PM] Jak: " No, I get that robin, but, Why... are you, guys all yelling at once?"  Jak still hadn't really gotten a grasp on hearing others thoughts [9/14/16, 4:14:59 PM] Robin: “We’re not yelling…” [9/14/16, 4:15:35 PM] Dagda: "Just makin' and ass of myself as usual Jaky boy" Dag says with forced cheerfulness. [9/14/16, 4:16:25 PM] Jak: Jak walks around the room looking around " No seriously, you guys are very, aggressive right now? Did something happen?" [9/14/16, 4:16:51 PM] Azuna: "I'll give you three guesses." [9/14/16, 4:16:58 PM] Robin: Robin is silent, watching Azuna’s reactions and realizing what may have happened. [9/14/16, 4:17:03 PM] Azuna: "No, I'll give you one guess." [9/14/16, 4:18:04 PM] Jak: " no reason to be rude, I just don't see why theres so much hostility towards me"  Jak picks up on the feeling of distrust [9/14/16, 4:19:07 PM] Robin: Robin is still silent, scared to bring up more conflict. [9/14/16, 4:20:23 PM] Azuna: "Forgive me, it's been a long three months, we're all a little high-strung. And in you come, dressed like you've joined the Institute A-Team. What the fuck is that about?" He was half-shouting by the end of this sentence. [9/14/16, 4:20:58 PM] Robin: Robin touches Azuna’s arm. [9/14/16, 4:21:31 PM] Jak: " Like I said, Az, It's flame retarded. It prevents me from actually killing myself when I light up a fire" Jaks voice is a little raspier now, breaking every other word [9/14/16, 4:22:22 PM] Dagda: Dag watches the exchange, his eyes narrowed. "Yeh do seem to have been treated a bit better than us though." [9/14/16, 4:22:29 PM] Azuna: "They could easily have given you something that didn't make you look like ONE OF THEM!" Azuna was practically shaking with rage at this point. Maybe it was unfounded, maybe not. [9/14/16, 4:23:40 PM] Robin: Robin’s grasp on his arm tightens slightly. “Az…” [9/14/16, 4:24:53 PM] Jak: " Look. I get it. But, don't you everEVER, say I've been treated better then you." Jak flinches towards robin and can tell that everyone is thinking the same thing. "traitor" pops up a lot in his mind [9/14/16, 4:25:42 PM] Robin: “We don’t know how he’s been treated,” Robin whispers. [9/14/16, 4:28:13 PM] Dagda: "Just sayin' that he dresses a bit smarter than we do. Also been given more chances to practice from what it looks like." [9/14/16, 4:28:20 PM] Azuna: Azuna's eyes turn cold. "All I see is another fucking white coat." His words are dripping with so much venom, he wouldn't be surprised if he started spitting the poison out. [9/14/16, 4:28:48 PM] Dagda: Dag frowns. "That may be goin' a bit far fearless." [9/14/16, 4:29:29 PM] Jak: Jak, being the asshole he usually was, flipped his coat inside out protruding a black lined inside. , but revealing many scars that weren't on his arms before, as he quickly covers back up and grins " better Az?" [9/14/16, 4:32:17 PM] Azuna: Azuna rounded on Dagda instantly, completely ignoring Jak, hissing his words. "I have absolutely no idea what he's been doing these past three fucking months. You know what I've been doing? THE SAME SHIT I'VE BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST 18 FUCKING YEARS. Every. Fucking. Day. Sleeping on the fucking floor, barely eating, acting as the walking pincushion. He spat this last word with hatred. [9/14/16, 4:34:13 PM] Robin: “Calm down, Azuna.” Robin’s gentle demeanor turned cold. [9/14/16, 4:34:41 PM] Jak: " Youre.. mind, is, stronger?"  Jak notions towards robin [9/14/16, 4:35:30 PM] Robin: “You’re not the only one who has neurological powers, kiddo.” Robin turned to Jak. [9/14/16, 4:36:33 PM] Dagda: Dag's frown deepens. "I ain't yer enemy darlin'. Don't make one of me." He murmurs to Az [9/14/16, 4:36:47 PM] Azuna: Azuna clenches his hand into a fist, and attempts to put it through the window in their chamber. Not even a crack. Blood could be seen dripping down the glass, his knuckles split. [9/14/16, 4:37:18 PM] Azuna: His form softened slightly, and he half-slumped against the window, breathing heavily. [9/14/16, 4:37:58 PM] Robin: Robin sighed loudly and held his fist in her hands, her eyes flashing green as she healed the wounds. [9/14/16, 4:38:21 PM] Jak: jak clenched his head again when Az slammed into the mirror " can you please, PLEASE not shout into oblivion az? " [9/14/16, 4:39:17 PM] Forge: Forge sat quietly in his corner, left exhausted both physically and emotionally from his previous encounter with Dag. He looked sadly towards Az and shook his head All walls crumble in time... He muttered [9/14/16, 4:39:40 PM] Dagda: "Well, if everyone wants to start playing the pain Olympics then by all means let's show off our scars, but I think we have better things to do with our time" Dag drawls, "like workin' out that plan we were talkin' about earlier." [9/14/16, 4:40:43 PM] Jak: Jak sits on the ground and just observes everyone as he tries to get a grip on his headache [9/14/16, 4:41:44 PM] Robin: “What do we have to go off of, exactly?" [9/14/16, 4:42:52 PM] Dagda: "Nothin' but theory and a whatever bullshit scraps of hope we can dream up darlin'" Dag snickers, "but sounds like more of a grand time then sittin' here and bitchin'." [9/14/16, 4:43:56 PM] Jak: " You're referring to a break out?" Jak looks at robin, no one said it particularly yet, but , he can pick up certain sounds from peoples thoughts, not very effectively yet but enough to hear some things [9/14/16, 4:44:32 PM] Robin: Robin says nothing to confirm or deny. [9/14/16, 4:45:58 PM] Azuna: Azuna sat against the window. "From what I've seen, outside of this room it's pretty much the same as how it was in that machine. Only difference seems to be the hallway directly outside of this room." He turned to look out of the window again. "And outside...It's completely different beyond the immediate forest. I wouldn't even know where to start." [9/14/16, 4:48:21 PM] Jak: " You know, You really just need to take out the glass there. Theres a direct line to another hallway through that and you wouldn't even be on camera. At least not until you reach the other hallway":  Jak pipes in half minded [9/14/16, 4:48:30 PM] Robin: “We can’t escape while we’re under their watch. I don’t want any risk of us being caught in another fucking simulation.” [9/14/16, 4:53:45 PM] Azuna: "Should we risk trying what we did the last time? Granted, we were given quite a good opportunity then, so I'm not sure." [9/14/16, 4:54:11 PM] Azuna: "Only time we'd have is if we take them by surprise, which is why we need to know the route beforehand." [9/14/16, 4:54:58 PM] Dagda: "And how are we meant to find that out?" [9/14/16, 4:56:30 PM] Azuna: "I don't know." Azuna threw a hand up. [9/14/16, 5:03:24 PM] Robin: the queen of calling updated the group picture [9/14/16, 5:07:49 PM] Azuna: The door hissed and clunked open yet again, the massive tumblers within retracting. A much smaller figure than Jak was thrown into the room, grunting as he hit the floor. The light out in the hallway had either burned out or was shut off, throwing the hallway beyond the chamber into almost pitch black darkness. It was a wonder how the scientists could see in such low light. This new figure, was not one our group had met before... [9/14/16, 5:13:13 PM] Vince: The figure stands up quickly, to start dusting himself off. He grumbled to himself, curses being heard under his breath. Letting out a sigh he turned to face the others in the room, nearly jumping out of his skin seeing the amount of people. [9/14/16, 5:14:16 PM] Forge: Forge raised an eyebrow and called out Evenin'. Good ta see a fresh face... I think... [9/14/16, 5:17:10 PM] Jak: " Hey there, no need to be afraid of us, well maybe except for az over there"  Jak speaks , noticing the uncomfort in their thoughts [9/14/16, 5:19:54 PM] Vince: A look of confusion walked across the kids face, as he starred at the other man. He wasn't exactly used to being in a room with this many people, well with this many people who aren't scientists. [9/14/16, 5:20:47 PM] Jak: " Oh don't let the coat fool you..."  jak looks at az " Im not one of them. Names Jak. " [9/14/16, 5:21:57 PM] Dagda: "Fuckin' fabulous," Dag mutters, looking the kid up and down, "babysittin' time." [9/14/16, 5:22:25 PM] Jak: " lay off dagster"  jak chuckles, cracking his first joke since he's been here [9/14/16, 5:25:25 PM] Vince: He raised an eyebrow at Jak, looking up and down at the other judging to see if he was a threat or not. "Vince." [9/14/16, 5:26:36 PM] Dagda: "Call me that again darlin' and yeh'll be scoopin' yer insides up off the floor with yer hands" Dag replies cheerfully. [9/14/16, 5:29:07 PM] Jak: " Finally, some cheer out of you losers. "  Jak nods to vince " so , what you here for? They didn't throw you with us bunch so we could make a new friend" [9/14/16, 5:34:48 PM] Azuna "Maybe they did. I'm Azuna. You can call me Az, if you want." Az stood and offered Vince a hand. [9/14/16, 5:35:23 PM] Tony: " oh. friendlier to him huh az?" jak chuckles [9/14/16, 5:35:42 PM] Azuna: Azuna merely shrugged. [9/14/16, 5:36:45 PM] Forge: The Scotsman piped up from his corner and gave an idle wave Forge. [9/14/16, 5:39:10 PM] Dagda: "M' Dag," the lanky Irishman chimes in from his spot on the floor. His smirk still in place, but still off compared it's normal state [9/14/16, 5:39:41 PM] Vince: Vince paused, taking Azuna's hand, giving it a quick shake. "um hello, nice to meet you." [9/14/16, 5:45:14 PM] Azuna: "Indeed. If only it were under better circumstances." Azuna returned to his spot in front of the window, and sat back down. [9/14/16, 5:45:59 PM] Jak: " don't mind az dude, hes an azhole" Jak grins [9/14/16, 5:46:41 PM] Azuna: Azuna sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "One of these days I'll get used to those." [9/14/16, 5:49:51 PM] Vince: Vince nodded, watching Azuna return to the window or what seemed to be a window? he couldn't tell with the other blocking it. [9/14/16, 5:51:50 PM] Jak: " So I hate to be the nosy type nut, what do you do man?"  Jak asks genuinely intrigued [9/14/16, 6:03:49 PM] Vince: Vince crossed his arm's and raised a brow at the other, attempting to make himself bigger and more defensive than his small framed allowed him. "No offence but I don't really wanna be showing what I can do to people I don't really know." [9/14/16, 6:04:43 PM] Jake: " What ever man, suit yourself"  Jak lights up an impressively large flame in his hand and tosses it passed dag playfully [9/14/16, 6:05:55 PM] Forge: Forge scoffed and chuckled incredulously at Vince, shaking his head Ya best learn to share quick 'round here, bucko, Ye'll be with us fer at leas' 2 weeks, minimum. [9/14/16, 6:06:52 PM] Dagda: "Not to mention we all have to start gettin' real friendly with those lovely little gifts of ours" Dag adds [9/14/16, 6:09:57 PM] Azuna: "Maybe a lot longer, if what we're planning works." Azuna mused aloud. [9/14/16, 6:11:35 PM] Jak: " Oh did I show you guys these?"  jak pulls out matching fire resistant gloves " these are also fire retarded too" [9/14/16, 6:15:43 PM] Forge: That's fire retardant, Jakaboy. The Scot smirked, leaning back against the wall [9/14/16, 6:16:44 PM] Dagda: "Lovely toys they seem to have given you darlin'" Dag calls from the floor as he lays back down, head aching from the beating that had occurred earlier [9/14/16, 6:27:22 PM] Vince: "Toys? they seem useful?" not understanding the harshness towards Jak. [9/14/16, 6:36:03 PM] Dagda: "Not sayin' they aren't kiddo," he replied tiredly, "just admirin' them.....not everything I say is meant to be a fight." The last part is muttered and slightly sullen. [9/14/16, 6:37:55 PM] Azuna: "Of course not." Azuna replied, seeming to regain some of his humanity. "We've just had a lot of those lately." [9/14/16, 6:43:00 PM] Vince: "I see" he replied, taking a seat on the ground still farther away from the others. Making I clear he didn't trust them yet, finding it best to keep his distance [9/14/16, 6:59:36 PM] Azuna: "We've...been through quite a bit. You'll have to forgive the harsh attitudes around here. We'll mellow out, just give it time. Tomorrow we can get back to you on something we've got in the works currently. Might even need your help." Azuna looked up, towards Vince. He shrugged, half a smile on his face. [9/14/16, 7:08:56 PM] Vince: Vince leaned against the wall he was closest to, uncrossing his arms to get more comfortable. "it's fine, I can't blame you guys for being tense. I mean we aren't exactly in paradise." [9/14/16, 7:10:50 PM] Azuna: Azuna looked around, as if seeing the room for the first time. "Huh, you're right." His tone had an air of teasing about it. [9/15/16, 11:55:06 PM] Robin: Robin smiled warmly at the new captive. “We’re glad to have another one on the team." [9/16/16, 6:06:11 PM] Azuna: Azuna cleared his throat, regaining his composure, and continued. "Indeed. The more the merrier, after all." He nodded. [9/16/16, 6:24:05 PM] Robin: “The more to help us break out of this place,” Robin added. [9/16/16, 6:35:02 PM] Vince: Vince nodded, starting to fiddle with the loose fabric on his jeans to keep his mind busy.
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