#and im trying to fit commissions on top of that to survive
tigwex · 1 year
The desolate portion of the journey has begun
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lookingforhappy · 1 month
Five should never have been with the CIA, he should have been with the Keepers
the CIA is incredibly reminiscent of the Commission, the thing that Five has been trying to escape since s1, and that has repeatedly dehumanised, manipulated and hurt him.
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not only is it a secret organisation that aids in the manpiluatation of the lives of others by a higher power but he is also constantly monitored, with and without his knowledge -
he has to report to his boss, he is constantly followed/attended to by Derek (who is lightly implied to also be a keeper), and the keepers are undoubtedly reporting back to his boss to keep him in line without his knowledge.
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(just look at how many are keepers.. thats insane for Five not to have noticed anything after spending so long in the commission on high alert - what happened to him always checking the surroundings first??)
sounds similar to him having to report the handler, constantly being followed by her (into the bathroom, the tube room, etc) and always being watched by the infinite switchboard and his tracker.
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there's also the "Five is one of the top agents at this secret and shady org. and Diego is the butt of the joke because he wants what Five has and Five won't give it to him & when he does get it it's a comedy scene" thing.
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which is honestly just another nail in the "cia is too similar to the commission to be comfortable for five" coffin for me..
he is also constantly referred to as "Mr. Five" a name that is only ever seen used by the Commission,
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and which is supposed to show the Commission's false respect for Five by tacking a "Mr." onto his name while also refusing to add on a surname (Hargreeves) - or in the circumstance that Five doesn't accept a last name, then addressing him by his full name "Number Five" or "00.05" or just "5" - which dehumanises and detaches him from his family aka his reason for leaving.
Five also calling his boss "sir" is incredibly out of character as at no point in the series has he called anyone by a honorific, not the Handler, not his father, and especially not someone younger than him.
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and also that he calls the cia director (lance ribbons) "boss"
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like not even "my boss" or "the boss"... just "boss". it just feels like such a young mans word, which Five decidedly is not. if i had to pick how he would address ribbons id have him say "ribbons", "director" or maybe "director ribbons" if he was in a formal situation. never "sir" or "boss"
There's Five adapting to the timeline/circumstance and then theres Five's entire personality changing.
and honestly, if this is a survival technique for Five in this timeline, to play into his apparent youth, then why not show that?? or even explore it in a more interesting way like how the comics had him disguise as a kid with a backpack, bike and binoculars???
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instead they kept giving him stupid little props that only served to further hammer in the obvious "hey! five works for the cia now!"
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all it does is make him look ridiculous, and i know that five is holding the gun and torch in the correct way but god it makes him look like such a cop. and after hes been fighting authority for his entire life it feels so fucking weird.
what's interesting though, is that he would have fit in fine with the Keepers! and we see this demonstrated perfectly in their first scene
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just.. the way that perfectly sums up Five.. plus our concerns that he wouldn't have anything to do after the apocalypses are solved and aidan's comments that Five was feeling like he had nothing left/suicidal.. for there to be a group of other people that not only believe him but support him unconditionally?
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(aaand im out of pictures... great)
for Five to be able to say this to other people? and to not be thought of as insane?? thats big.
and then for Five to be hinted at not keeping up with his siblings aside from Diego - the deleted scene with Klaus at the party shows that Five doesn't know how long Klaus' been sober for, he also asks Luther where Viktor is, clearly hasn't seen Allison or Ben in a while.. it's all such a perfect set up for Five to join the keepers.
and not only does this set him up with other people, in a support group setting. but it also perfectly sets up his arc to have conflict with his siblings without losing their trust (sorry fivela stans but i cant get on board bc it destroys his relationships with the family).
while Viktor was negotiating with Ben, the others could have been negotiating with Five. which would have brought us full circle, of five disappearing and fighting like hell to get back home, to returning but not feeling like he belongs, to being brought back into the fold. this is also the perfect opportunity to bring Lila in, as she would have the best understanding of where he stands after being manipulated by the commission.
it's also the perfect opportunity to have Five cause the apocalypse, instead of save it. people have talked about Five being set up to cause the next one since forever, and Klaus has a perfect set up for it too.
I personally think that each season should have rotated who causes the apocalypse instead of randomly making it Viktor's fault. this way we could explore the siblings individually and their trauma and recovery. give them all a seasons worth of focus.
season 1 gave us Viktor's apocalypse.
season 2 should have given us Diego's via JFK's survival causing the apocalypse (exploring his hero complex and how his ignoring his family in favour of pursuing his own ego/comfort isn't good for anyone etc)
season 3 should have been Allison's via her desperation to get Claire back - the kugelblitz shouldn't exist (because it doesnt work with the established laws of space time) but instead her deal with Reginald should have caused the apocalypse maybe as a way to motivate the others like Five into finding a solution.
season 4 can still be Ben's but ultimately for the final season it should have been a joint effort or at least come full circle and actually been impactful with more connections to Ben's death instead of the 2 second reveal of him getting shot in the most anticlimatic and confusing reveal i have ever seen. Ben has literally haunted the narrative for 4 seasons, between his death being the reason they disband, to his ghost being the reason they survive at the end of s1 and s2, and his alternate reality self in s3 and s4. he didn't get the send off he deserved for someone who has influenced near everything in the show.
there should have been 8 seasons - 7 to deal with the issues of the individuals, and 1 to deal with their recovery as a group, almost acting as an epilogue.
instead we got 4 poorly planned and incomplete seasons..
anyway, thats what i think Five should have been doing this season, not joining the CIA
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nemeseos-noctua · 4 years
Here's the other: How'd they react to their S/O who cherishes their gift given by their beloved so much, that one day the gift was destroyed by a hilichurl and they went so livid they practically fought the creatures to death and threw them to a lake somewhere, and sulked the whole how they don't deserve them anymore cuz of how careless they were. For Razor, Albedo and Xiao 👉👈
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: razor, albedo, xiao (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: not proofread, mc is referenced as an alchemist/adventurer in albedo’s, one swear word in xiao’s
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he made you a paw-shaped clay sculpture!
it was cute and small, fitting right into the palm of your hands
to others—it may look like some worn-down toy, but to you, it was a good luck charm from the ever-cute razor
but perhaps, it wasn’t quite the clay-shape that you held close to your heart... no, it was the strenuous effort razor put into sculpting the paw
you remember it vividly. how the boy would dig his hands into mud and sit under the burning sun, carving the dirt with his bare fingers as he hid the gift from your sight
so when a good-for-nothing hilichurl decides razor’s paw-shape charm was a nice pebble for hot potato... boy were you livid
Patting the ground beside you, [e/c] eyes widened upon the feeling of nothing but grass.
What...? Peering over, you stared blankly at the empty space, comical arrows pointing at the now-gone charm you had received from Razor. Just where was it? You swore it was right beside you...
And as if Barbatos were laughing at you, the wind blew, burning your eyes as the sight of mitachurls and hilichurls danced around the fire in the distance, tossing what looked like a rock into the air.
You blinked.
That was the charm Razor made.
first of all... how did the hilichurl get it? the charm was literally right beside you!
agh, whatever.
you’ll just retrieve it. easy, right?
first of all, your power would literally turn the lush grass into a desolate canyon (not really). second of all, you’d probably end up destroying the paw in your rampage
—if the hilichurl didn’t destroy it first
Materializing your weapon, you couldn’t help but hope that the paw had miraculously survived the impact of a hilichurl throwing it against the floor.
Hah, what were you thinking? Of course it didn’t... physics just didn’t allow it.
But you know what physics did allow? Why, beating these enemies to a pulp, of course!
once you floored the hilichurls, you quickly scrambled as to look for signs of the paw anywhere
berating yourself as to how utterly foolish you were for letting it go and leaving it unguarded in the first place, you stared in defeat at the sight of crumbled clay and hardened dirt in the grass of the hilichurl camp
why? why were you so careless? seriously, how did this happen? if you had just kept it in your backpack like a regular person, razor’s hard-earned hours and craft would still be as grand as ever-
Blinking, you hadn’t realized you had been sulking in the midst of this hilichurl camp. [E/C] eyes lifted up, widening once they had landed on none other than Razor, his crimson eyes like the agates that littered Dragonspine, his hair as grey as stormclouds.
“Ah... Razor...” You smiled in exasperation, staring at anywhere but said boy. How could you face him after watching his clay paw get destroyed by some measly hilichurls?
“Are you okay?” He asked, glancing around at the scene before him. The grass wilted, the camp that he remembered being obnoxiously loud and disturbing was silent and empty.
“Yeah, no biggie,” Waving off his concern, you began to walk away, your heart sinking with each step.
First, you let his gift get destroyed. Second, you walk away from him.
You were such a terrible partn—
“[Y/N]?” Razor’s voice cut through the air, a tension you had created solely on the thoughts of your own mind. Gripping your wrist with a tender touch, you didn’t fail to notice the way his eyes drooped down ever so slightly.
“Did I... make lupical mad?”
Gulping, you quickly waved your hands in front of your face, eyes widened as you tried to carefully explain the series of events that had just led down to this very moment.
“I—well, you see, your uh, paw-clay-thingy... I was careless and I—“
“Break it while hunting?” Razor answered, tilting his head as his hold merely stayed still, not wavering for a second, as if you were a boar in his hands.
Razor was much better at observation than you had thought.
“It’s okay. I make more for lupical,” Razor nodded, already beginning to pace over to a pond as he dipped his gloved hands into the water, wafting around for dirt as you rushed up behind him.
“Wait! But I was careless... you don’t need to make ano—“
“It’s for lupical. Lupical close, I give lupical gift that never break.”
Everlasting—that was what he wanted to make.
And a part of you couldn’t help but agree.
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albedo, in all of his alchemy prowess, made you an artificial flower
how? don’t ask him. he’ll spew some lengthy thesis and paragraph about the fundamentals, the research, the prototype, the testing, the—
ahem, anyways!
you had never intended to bring it outside. but one day, you had left your camp under the supervision of barbatos (wow go barbatos) and ventured off to fetch some materials
and when you came back? you were met with the sight of hilichurls and slimes raving around your tent
what the—
“I...I’m hallucinating,” You deadpanned, slapping your wrist at the sight of pyro slimes and masked hilichurls dancing around your tent, the inside of your humble abode moving around as if it were possessed.
And the cherry on top? A pyro abyss mage emerged, the flower floating besides it. But oh boy, it was no flower anymore... it was a flaming flower.
At that moment, you were left to ponder. Maybe, just maybe, you kinned a whopperflower at that point. Because oh boy did your temper and sanity explode on those little enemies, the way your blade sunk into their forms—
you were already planning your apology to albedo. he trusted you and loved you enough to make an artificial flower for you... and yet, it so pitifully crumbled at your touch
okay, not quite your touch. but it crumbled at the ugly pyro abyss mage’s touch
so, as any good s/o would do, you sulked while rebuilding your camp. it’s okay. as long as albedo didn’t know his creation was charred, all would be well. besides! he was quite a busy man! chances were low that he’d discover!
busy, he was, observant, he is
perhaps, you should’ve known
“Ah... hi Albedo,” You winced, opening your tent to smile at the alchemist who merely stared at you.
“You were gone for a while. Is everything okay?” He noted, remembering your absence from visiting his own camp at Dragonspine. As an alchemist, he knew what it was like being holed up in a camp. But for two weeks? Even he needed breaks.
“Well, you see... I was out... gathering materials! Yes!” You gave him a weak thumbs-up, wailing internally once his piercing azure eyes trailed around your camp, noting that nothing looked new. 
 “You don’t need to lie to me, [Y/N]. Is something the matter?”
“I’m sorry!” You cut off, clapping your hands together in a prayer-like position, guilt welling up in the pit of your stomach.
“Your flower—I left it unsupervised and it was set aflame and I’m so so so sor—“
“Don’t be.”
Mouth dropping, you stared up at the male, an amused expression painting his face like the canvases he dedicated to you.
“At least you were not hurt while it was set aflame. Come, I’ll show you how to make some more,” Opening your tent for you all the way, Albedo held a hand out to you, eyes flickering in mirth.
“And next time, don’t try to run away from your problems.”
“You cheeky littl—“ A blush of both embarrassment and fluster formed on your face, shocked at his sudden remark.
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he made you an adepti amulet
enhanced with super-cool-adepti-no-mortal-can-have power, xiao had informed you that all you needed to do was hold up the amulet and it’d scare any kind of enemies away!
cool, right? too bad you left it unattended while fighting the irritable anemo cube! now it’s at the bottom of the sea <3
how did this happen, exactly? well... you see... when wind picks up and becomes strong... light-weight objects will fly up into the air!
and sometimes, those light weight objects will fall into the sea, and sometimes, those objects would be gifts from your adeptus boyfriend who was waiting for you back at wangshu inn—
ahem. anyways. you beat the crap out of the anemo cube (aka, beth. aka, tornado cube. aka, cube waifu)
I should just... not go back to Wangshu Inn today. Haha... I’ll go ask Katheryne for a commission... You nodded, stuffing the turquoise shards of wind into your pockets, your bags filled with mora and enhancement ores being thrown off the side of the cliff.
—Along with the adepti amulet Xiao had made for you.
Seriously... you still had to wonder just how that happened! One second, you were avoiding getting sucked up by the vent of the anemo cube... and the next, your bag was traveling the world!
Can’t have shit in Teyva—
Trekking back to Mondstadt in defeat, you were innocently oblivious to the worry of the Yaksha back in Liyue.
are they okay? do they need help? did they go to dragonspine? all these questions spun around xiao’s head as he watched the moon rise, his mask dissipating into the wind
you told him you’d return tonight... yet you hadn’t. and a part of him had wished you hadn’t left liyue, so he had at least some control over whatever dangers dared to attack you
but, he knew you were strong. why else would he love you, anyway? he does not find appeal in being the savior 24/7
so, he waits. atop the balcony of wangshu inn, across the stars and moon, he prays to his archon, wishing—no, hoping you arrive safely
And—you did. You arrived back at Wangshu Inn.
... Three weeks later.
“You’re late. Very late,” Xiao’s voice blared in your ears, a blessing and a curse all at the same time. You didn’t know how to tell him the amulet was thrown off a cliff—but at the same time, you really wanted to run your fingers through his hair.
“Haha... sorry about that,” You laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of your head as Xiao merely grumbled, appearing before you with a piercing stare.
“Where were you? You did not even send me a letter.”
“I’m sorry... it’s just... eh... well...” You looked away, your heart churning against your ribs as Xiao extended his index finger out, tilting your chin to face him.
“What?” He asked, his tone harsh yet soft, longing yet logical.
“I uh... kind of... lost your adepti amulet... I’m sorry.”
He blinked.
“You waited three weeks to tell me that?” He asked in disbelief, almost in disappointment. Seriously, he was an adeptus! A Yaksha, at that! He could’ve just made another one for you... But nooo... you decided to wait three weeks in the land of the free (America?) and then worry him to death.
“Mortals...” Xiao muttered under his breath, crossing his arms with a huff as he turned his head away, the wind picking up.
“Hey, wait! Aren’t you going to say anything? Like a disappointed lecture or something?”
Disappearing, you facepalmed, already pulling out some sweetflowers and milk to whip up some almond tofu.
Damn that adeptus. Who was he to tug your heartstrings like that?
You sighed, sitting beside a cooking pot as lingering yellow eyes watched your form, their irises softening at the sight.
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— constellations! 💫
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hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
Hamilton High School AU 27
“I want to make a campaign for an art class at school, for John. I know we're seniors, but I think it'd mean a lot for him... When we were talking, he told me about how he hates that there's no art program and that the only reason he really accepts those commissions at school is to add some color."
Lafayette smiled and pulled out an outfit. "I think that would be a sweet thing to do for him. I don't doubt that he'd love it." He showed him the blue shirt that he wore to the art gallery and a pair of dark jeans. "How's this? This is your only formal shirt. Maybe with some Converse?"
"That's fine." He nodded. "Thanks, Laf." He paused for a second. "Hey.. Do you want to hang out? We could watch a movie or play some GTA or something."
Lafayette smiled widely. Alexander never asked to hang out before. "That sounds great. You can choose whatever we do."
Alexander nodded. "Well.. We can watch Heathers? I've got a lot of bootlegs on my laptop."
"That sounds great! Or, maybe... Have you ever watched Sweeney Todd? I found a professional recording of it."
Lafayette? The guy who spoiled his kitten and wore bows in his hair when he was younger, like Sweeney Todd? Alexander supposed he shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. After all, most people probably wouldn't have guessed that he was a Heathers fan. "I've only seen the movie, but sure."
He scrunched up his nose. "The movie is nowhere near as good as the live performance that I have, in my opinion."
"Okay, I'll take your word on it."
Lafayette smiled and went to his room, crouching down as he opened the door and cooing at Rosie. "Hi, baby! I'm here early!"
Rosie bounded across the room to Lafayette excitedly, like it was the first time she'd seen him in years. She leaped up so quickly, she tripped over the edge of her basket with a little thud on the floor. Not that it stopped her dashing however. Lafayette hadn't had Rosie particularly long, but she already knew who her 'parent' was. She purred against his leg affectionately.
He smiled and pet between her ears, then scooped her up, kissing the top of her head. "I missed you too. Let's go hang out with Alex."
She meowed in response and watched as Lafayette grabbed his laptop, bringing it to Alexander's room.
He sat down beside him and put on the musical, smiling as the music began. "Do you mind if I bring Rosie here?.."
"No, of course not, as long as I can hold her."
"Oh, of course." Lafayette handed her over and she purred just as affectionately as Alexander held her.
Alexander hardly paid attention to the show, too busy playing with the tiny kitten in his lap and listening to Lafayette hum along. He really was talented and there was no surprise that he was going to star in the school musical, though it did surprise him to hear for himself just how high Lafayette's voice went. "So, why is everyone so chill about all of the death?"
Lafayette chuckled. "Well, if you were actually paying attention, you would know that these two, Sweeney Todd and Mrs Lovett, are the only ones that even know about it. Sweeney's obviously the murderer and his victims are used in her pies."
"Well, I'm sorry your fluffy heathen is toying with my heart."
"Yeah, you." He chuckled, then grinned. "So, what you're saying is... Their pies are to die for?"
He rolled his eyes at the awful pun. "Yes, I guess you could say that." He smiled. "The ones made with priests are heavenly. The lawyers are nice, if they're for a price. And Beadle isn't bad 'til you smell it and notice how well its been greased. My advice is to stick to priest." Of course, Lafayette was quoting the pun filled song, "A Little Priest," but Alexander clearly wouldn't have known that.
And, as expected, Alexander broke into a fit of giggles at the pun. After all of the drama of the past few days, he was able to just laugh and be happy and it only helped that he was eating better and that he actually took his medicine.
Lafayette was more than glad to see him so happy.
But he knew things could've been better. He pulled out his phone and texted John, who should've just been getting off of school. [hEy!] [todays not been 2 sucky] [watchin musikals w/Laf] [wana join? iv got a cuddle heer w/ your naem onit 😘]
John sighed as he read the text, walking with Herc to the shop. [Sorry, I wish I could, but I got detention : (] [Adams made Jefferson 'apologize' and I told him to fuck off.] [I'll try to go afterwards, I promise.] [I love you.]
"Are you sure you're up for this?.. I won't be offended if you're not."
"I'll be fine." He looked at his phone as Alexander responded.
[awwww :( remind me 2 beet his ass wen im bac in] [i love u too <3] Alexander sighed and looked at Lafayette. "He's got detention. Because of stupid Jefferson, too. I hate that guy."
[I won't, but I'll happily beat his ass for you.]
Alexander smiled a bit at the response. "Well... At least we can still watch musicals. Oh! I have an idea." He reached down and grabbed a box from under his bed. At first glance, it looked like a normal box of mementos and pictures... Then he pulled out a bottle of vodka. "Don't tell mom and pop."
Lafayette chuckled and shook his head. "As fun as that sounds, going to school hungover doesn't."
Alexander tutted. He knew Lafayette was right. "Okay. Let's watch Be More Chill."
John sighed as he dropped his bag behind the till in the shop, watching Herc get ready. "Alright, I'm already ready for this to be over," he half-joked.
"Me too. Last chance, John. You don't have to be here."
He shook his head. "I want to."
"Okay.." Herc sighed as he heard the unmistakable bell ring and turned to see Jefferson walk in with his friend, John Jay. He'd only really seen him around Jefferson and knew he was a shy guy.
John slipped into the big, spinning chair behind the till and turned away from everyone, simply listening as Hercules worked with them.
"What are you looking for?" Hercules droned.
"Where's your usual pep, Mulligan?" Thomas teased.
"What can I do for you today, gentlemen?" Hercules added, voice dripping with optimistic sarcasm. John Jay snickered.
"Prom suits." Thomas replied with a little grumble.
"Er, nothing flashy..." John added, causing Thomas to tut.
"ONLY flashy, JJ..." Thomas corrected him.
Hercules rolled his eyes and let the pair watch as he picked out a suit, able to tell their sizes at a glance.
"I like that one," Jay told him.
Hercules nodded and gave him the one he was referring to.
John Jay thanked him and walked towards the back, following his directions to the changing room. "Hi, John." He realized that he shouldn't have said that only after he saw him cringe. "Sorry.."
"It's fine.."
Jay ducked into the changing room as Thomas grinned over at John as he turned around, figuring there was no point in hiding anymore.
"Just the babe I wanted to see. Still have my number?"
John ignored him, putting in his earphones, and Hercules tried to distract him.
"If by flashy, you mean glitz and glam, we've got an array of sequined suits-"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, so Johnny, tell me-"
"As well as matching ties, bows and shoes that go well with them-"
"That's nice. Baby, why don't you-"
"And to top it off, we've got a sale on matching cuff links and ties, so you could even match them up for a reduced price-"
"Hey Jerkules, I'm trying to talk to-"
"There's also tailed suits and with matching heels, if you're into that sort of thing as well."
Thomas looked like he was going to smack Hercules, like steam would start pouring out of his ears in frustration. "..I want a model." He gritted.
"Hmm... let's see... there's just me running the shop today... and I'm a completely different size to you... so I guess there's none available." He hummed. The most frustrating thing was Hercules was technically not doing anything. Sure, he was being a bit more brash than usual, but all he was doing was selling. Thomas wouldn't even be able to leave a bad review.
"..what do you think?" Jay asked nervously as he returned from the changing room. Hercules certainly had a talent for picking the right outfit for the right person. The pale blue matched Jay's aesthetic perfectly. Even the size was dead on flawless. Jay looked pretty charming... unlike his friend who looked like he'd erupt at any moment.
"Looks great." Hercules smiled... somewhat cheekily. He was going to milk the moment. "I was /just/ saying to Thomas how we have a sale on matching cuff links and ties if you wanted to look at those."
Jay opened his mouth to answer but shut it when he caught sight of Thomas' glaring. "...s'fine." He concluded instead.
Thomas pushed passed Hercules as to stand over John, yanking out his headphone. "If you want to strike a deal, then you have to talk to me." He snapped. "Or should I discuss it with Alex instead?"
"...who's Alex?" Jay queried, raising a brow.
"The guy I added on your Facebook earlier."
John flinched and sighed, shoving his phone into his pocket and snatching his headphones back from Thomas. "First of all, ouch. I don't appreciate you yanking my earphones out. Second," he looked over at Jay and smiled. "You look good, Jay. That's definitely your color." He gave him a thumbs up, then turned back to Thomas. "Third of all, if you even want to /think/ about ever having me back, you will not lay a hand on Alex. Or Laf. Or Herc. Overall, don't get your hopes up. You're still the last person I'd ever sleep with." He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned farther back in his chair. "Didn't you want a model or something?"
Thomas nodded. "Well, can't go to prom without a prom date."
"No. You already tortured Laf enough."
Thomas rolled his eyes at Hercules's protests. "Oh, come on. You know this place can't survive without me."
Hercules hated to admit it, but he knew he was right. As popular as his parents were in Ireland, almost none of that was in New York. Just a few bad reviews and the shop would have to shut down, sending them back to Ireland.
Jay shifted his weight from foot to foot awkwardly, just trying to avoid the conflict that was brewing. Sure, he knew what Thomas was capable of, but that didn't mean he was like him. "Maybe some of those suits over there?.." He pointed at a rack.
John sighed. "I offered. I'll do it. Thanks, Jay." He gave him a small smile, then returned to glaring at Thomas. "I don't know why he hangs out with you. He's way too nice for you."
Thomas rolled his eyes. Jay was a nice guy, he knew that, and he wasn't going to drag him into this.
Hercules led him away and John stood up.
"Alright. What am I trying on first?"
"Let's see.." He went to the racks and picked out a light pink tux, one that looked just a size smaller than John. "Try this."
"Whatever." He took the suit and went to the changing room, glad that it fit him right. He went back out and stood on the pedestal.
Thomas lit up at the sight, especially knowing that John was in no position to do anything about it. He stepped towards him and straightened out the suit a bit, then cupped John's cheek. "You know, last time I got this close to you, you punched me." He almost looked sincere.
But John knew better. "You earned it."
"Yeah, yeah. Go change." He gave John another outfit, this time a dress.
He tutted and took it, going to the dressing room and getting changed. He came back out after a few minutes in the deep pink, knee length dress and distracted himself by wondering how many sequins were even on the dress as Thomas approached him again.
"Don't you look adorable?" he hummed. "You should wear some more dresses. Speaking of which," he gave John another hanger. "Try this on for size."
John rolled his eyes and changed into the dress, which was noticeably tighter. He was doing this for Alexander, he reminded himself, the same Alexander who was texting him.
[hey! me n laf r watin]
[Sorry, but I have something to take care of with Madison. I'm already out. : (] [I'll text you when I can see you, I'm sorry.]
[Aw, tat suks : (]
He went back out, clutching the light blue and jeweled fabric, and stood on the pedestal, blushing and hoping that his boxers were high enough to not be noticed.
"Phone away. Alexander isn't here. It's just you and me."
John tutted and put his phone down.
"Good boy."
Across the shop, John Jay and Herc were just finishing up.
"Thanks for everything, Herc."
"Just doing my job." He smiled, then glanced up and frowned at John and Thomas. "Aw, Jack.." he muttered.
Jay glanced over as well and frowned. "Hey, Thomas, my mom's expecting me home soon. You're my ride home, maybe we should go.."
Thomas shook his head. "Just one more, JJ."
"Come on, Thomas. You're not even looking at any suits."
"Alright, fine." He sighed and went to Herc, paying for his time, before going back and getting his coat, smacking John's behind as he passed by.
John jumped and ducked into the changing room, quickly getting back into his own clothes, and sitting against the wall.
"Get out of here, pervert," Hercules grumbled at Thomas.
"Same time next week?" he smirked.
"Let's just go, Thomas.." Jay muttered, walking out with him.
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