#full time college classes + needing to stay evenings to catch up with what i missed lol
tigwex · 1 year
The desolate portion of the journey has begun
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captainmalewriter · 3 months
Commission Story
“Dude check out my sweet pump! I swear to God I’m getting bigger!” 
Xavier was checking himself out in the mirror while his best friend Carlos sketched something on a legal pad on the nearby living room couch. Carlos stopped drawing for a brief second and looked over at Xavier with lazy eyes.
“Yeah man, you’re getting real massive now,” Carlos lied. Xavier’s bicep looked exactly the same as the last time he checked. “Maybe I’ll ask you to spot me the next time I go for a PR.”
“Alright alright, cut the crap,” Xavier rolled his sleeves back down. “I can do without the teasing, thanks.”
“No I’m serious, X! You’re starting to look like me! C’mon, let’s compare sizes real quick.”
Carlos hopped off the couch and joined Xavier before the full-body mirror. He then took off his shirt in one smooth motion and flexed his muscular torso. 
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Having been in various sports throughout his life, Carlos boasted an impressive physique. He had strong, broad shoulders and absolute cannons for arms. Carlos took up most of the mirror space when he posed, which forced Xavier to step to the side. Having seen the same body repeatedly throughout the years, Xavier was no longer impressed by his friend’s athletic build.
“Nah, you’re still pretty small.”
Xavier poked Carlos at his side, where he knew he was most ticklish. Carlos jabbed Xavier in retaliation. Xavier returned the hit in kind. They would then continue exchanging blow for blow, hitting each other’s ticklish spots until one of them eventually called uncle. This was a game they frequently played ever since they first became friends.
Carlos and Xavier had first met in middle school when they sat next to each other in art class. They formed a homework pact soon after first meeting each other. Xavier helped Carlos with his science homework, while Carlos helped Xavier with his drawing assignments. Their mutual agreement led to them becoming best friends. On the outside, they looked like a stereotypical duo that would typically be at odds— Xavier being the scrawny, gay nerd while Carlos was the conventionally handsome, popular athlete, but anyone who knew either of them knew they had a lot of love for each other. Nowadays, even though they attended different colleges, they would still make time to hang out with each other often. Theirs was a friendship that survived the test of time.
“Alright alright, enough!! You win!” Xavier called out. They were both out of breath and red in the face after roughhousing, but that didn’t stop them from sharing a laugh and a bro hug. 
Their loud, combined laughter stopped them from noticing when Carlos’ father, Enrique, arrived home from work. Enrique looked at them with a scowl plastered on his face. Xavier and Carlos both immediately stopped laughing when they noticed him. Carlos felt a cool breeze on his exposed skin, then hurried to put on his shirt, remembering he was shirtless.
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“Dad!” Carlos said while slipping his shirt back on. “You’re home early—”
“What are you still doing here? Shouldn’t you be at summer practice already?” 
“Not yet I don’t, practice doesn’t even start for another two hours!”
“What kind of loser talk is that?” Enrique crossed his arms and shook his head in disappointment. “How do you expect to stay ahead of everyone else if you’re not out on the field putting in the extra hours?”
“I’m fine, Dad, I don’t need extra practice hours.”
“Psh, that’s how it always starts. First, you stop going to practice early. Next, you stop going at all. Then, you start getting less and less playing time because you’re not playing as good as you once were. You’re going to lose your scholarship, Carlitos, is that what you want!?”
Xavier noticed Carlos’ eyebrows beginning to furrow and stepped in before he could respond. 
“Hey, let’s just get going. Don’t wanna catch the midday traffic after all.”
Xavier helped himself out while Carlos lagged behind. Carlos gave his father one last cold stare, then began walking out. Enrique stepped towards him as he did so.
“And I want you to stop hanging out around that queer. He’s going to make you weak.”
Carlos stopped once he heard what his father whispered into his ear. He couldn’t believe what he had heard. He wanted to retaliate but couldn’t find the words to do so. All he could do was listen to his father’s dress shoes echoing down the hallway as he left. Carlos cleared his throat and went for his car, where Xavier was already waiting in the passenger seat.
The car ride to Carlos’ college, where summer practice was being held, started off silent and tense. Xavier looked over to his buddy as he drove them down the freeway. He knew Carlos wasn’t the type to show his emotions often, but he knew the dilemma over rugby and his father was eating him alive inside. 
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“Hey… Sorry about your Dad. He sucks.”
“Hmph, don’t be. You know he’s always been like that, I’m used to it,” Carlos responded. 
“I know, but that doesn’t mean you have to keep putting up with it. You need to tell him that you wanna pursue art.”
“It’s not that easy—”
“Why not?”
“Dude, c’mon, you know my Dad doesn’t give a fuck about my art. He just wants me to focus on rugby so I can keep my scholarship.”
“Well, can’t you just switch your program of study? He doesn’t have to know!” Xavier teased. Carlos didn’t laugh.
“Can’t. The school won’t allow it. Student athletes can only be in certain programs and art isn’t one of them.”
Xavier wanted to offer a rebuttal but couldn’t think of anything they hadn’t already considered. He stayed quiet and shrunk into the leather cushion of the passenger seat.
“You know, maybe my Dad’s right,” Carlos started. “There are worse things in life than being forced to play rugby. Besides, imagine all the money I’ll earn once I go pro. Maybe sticking with sports is the right call.”
“Dude, what about your art? Art can make you money too! I’ve seen your drawings and paintings, you’ve got talent! You can make it big, even bigger than with rugby!”
“You don’t know that,” Carlos sighed heavily as he stopped at a red light coming off the freeway. “I’m not saying I’ll stop drawing completely, but maybe that shouldn’t be the focus of my life right now. I need to stay in perfect shape if I wanna go pro with rugby.” Carlos turned his head to Xavier and held eye contact with him. His gaze softened. 
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“I appreciate you looking out for me, X, but I really don’t think art is in the cards for me. It’s gonna take a miracle to change my Dad’s mind, and I just don’t think it’s gonna happen.” 
Xavier stayed quiet but gave an affirming nod, then looked away. As they pulled into campus, he pointed to the library.
“Drop me off there, I wanna check out some books,” Xavier said. Carlos did as requested.
“You’ve been hanging out at the library a lot lately. You’re not even a student here, what are you doing there?”
“Your school’s got an interesting collection on the history of alchemy, so I’ve been reading it. Nothing special, really.”
Xavier lied. For the past few months, Xavier hadn’t been studying the history of alchemy but rather how to practice alchemy. While he had started his research with a rudimentary understanding of medieval chemistry, Xavier soon discovered that alchemy could be used for way more things besides the old and tired turn-metal-into-gold gimmick. A sly smile formed on Xavier’s face as he finished reading the last alchemy book in the library collection. With a careful hand and enough determination, he could transform anything into anything! Including the human body.
Xavier was ready to put his knowledge into practice that very same night. Against Enrique’s wishes, Carlos let his best friend sleep in their spare room for the night. While they were sound asleep, Xavier’s mind was racing with all the possibilities the world of alchemy had opened up for him. 
Once he finally settled on a plan, he went into action. Xavier crept into Carlos’ room while he was snoring peacefully. He tiptoed slowly, careful not to wake him up, and kneeled beside his bed.
“Alright… Just five minutes then I get out… For the sake of science, nothing more…”
Xavier reached out to Carlos and pulled down his white undershirt. Then, with the tip of his pointer finger, he drew a heart right over his actual heart. He whispered an incantation as he did so. Once he finished tracing the outline of a heart, Xavier lifted his finger and then firmly pressed the center of Carlos’ heart. As soon as he had done so, Carlos’ snoring immediately ceased. It worked. Xavier successfully transformed him into a bodysuit.
While Xavier was overjoyed that his little alchemy experiment had worked, he knew he had no time to celebrate. Xavier had no idea how long the transformation would hold so he hurried to put the Carlos bodysuit on. 
He pried the bodysuit’s mouth wide open then stuck his face inside. Xavier pushed his way down Carlos’ throat. The bodysuit’s internal fluids acted as lubrication for Xavier’s body as he slithered his way inside. He could hear all the slippery, wet noises Carlos’ body was making as it expanded to take in another human body. It was a tight squeeze but with enough force, Xavier was able to force himself into Carlos’ body with one final push. He was in.
Xavier heard a moan as he laid inside the bodysuit. He wasn’t sure if it was him or the bodysuit, though that was the least of his worries. Xavier began to stretch his limbs out from inside of Carlos. As his limbs slipped into Carlos’ limbs like sleeves, the once limp bodysuit sprang to life. Slowly but surely, Xavier was able to move and feel through Carlos’ body.
Urghhhh fuckk!!
Xavier let out a loud moan from within Carlos as his senses adjusted to their new body. All at once, he felt the sudden shift in body weight thanks to all the muscle mass Carlos had. Xavier smirked as he ran his hands down his newly obtained firm pecs and chiseled abs. The light body hair brushed against his fingertips, sending electric, sensual sensations as he explored his borrowed muscular body.
Mmmm fuck yeah…
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Xavier purred with Carlos’ voice as he continued checking out his new body. He kept a wide grin as he did so. Xavier could hardly believe how much of a success his little alchemy experiment was. Movement… speech… feeling, Xavier controlled it all! 
Even though Xavier was already very familiar with Carlos’ well-toned body, being able to see it from an up close perspective spurred great excitement and pleasure. The tent forming in his sweatpants was a testament to that. Xavier looked at his growing boner with a devilish smirk. He wanted nothing more than to grab and massage his cock, but decided against it. After all, 15 minutes had already passed and he swore he’d only allow himself five minutes. 
Xavier laid back down in bed and let himself out of his borrowed body. He was ejected from Carlos’ body with a loud slurp, leaving an empty bodysuit behind in the bed. Xavier looked down at the limp bodysuit as his senses readjusted. He was worried about possible side effects, but was relieved when Carlos began snoring again after a few minutes had passed. Thankfully, the bodysuit technique he had performed on him seemed to be temporary. Xavier went back to the guest room and practically collapsed on the bed due to fatigue. Performing alchemy and taking on a new body left him physically and mentally exhausted.
Xavier woke up late the next day. Despite having slept in, he was sore and with body aches, most likely due to the bodysuit experiment he had pulled during the night. Xavier stretched and rolled out of bed, wondering who he would use alchemy on next. He had woken up so late that Carlos was already gone for rugby practice, leaving him alone with Enrique.
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Enrique was busy working out in the back. He was only wearing a pair of shorts, sunglasses, and a hat. Even from inside the house, Xavier saw how sweaty Enrique was from doing yard work in the hot sun. He watched Enrique toiling away with a hoe for a few minutes. 
“Hm… He’s not a bad option for a bodysuit. Thicker body type, some muscle, lots of body hair, full beard… Yeah, he could definitely be some fun to take over for a spin…”
Then quickly retreated into the hallway when he saw him coming inside. He refused to interact with a man he knew hated him. From the safety of the hallway, Xavier watched Enrique as he took a break on the couch. Enrique noticed Carlos’ notebook sitting on the coffee table and audibly groaned in disapproval.
“I told him he needs to stop drawing… All this art bullshit is gonna get in the way of his focus! I need to hide this before he gets back home.” Enrique leaned his head back against the couch cushions and closed his eyes. All while not even noticing that Xavier was glaring at him with a growing vengeful lust.
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Any hesitation Xavier had had disappeared when he heard Enrique’s plan. It was a simple plan with amazing benefits: Xavier would get to try out a dad bod, and because it was Enrique he’d be wearing, he could become his best friend’s dad and help him follow his dream of becoming an artist. It was a win-win situation!
Xavier waited a couple of minutes to make sure Enrique’s guard was down, then proceeded to take action. He crawled up to the couch and quietly positioned himself over Enrique. He then gently placed his finger on Enrique’s exposed chest and began outlining a heart, just like he had done with Carlos. Xavier’s finger practically glided along his chest because of how sweaty he was.
Hrmph… Hrm? What the—
Xavier was hoping Enrique had fallen asleep, but he was wrong. He was wide awake. Xavier finished performing the bodysuit ritual as quickly as he could. He managed to complete the ritual before Enrique could fight back. Enrique began transforming into a bodysuit. In a state of panic, Xavier hurried to put him on. He pushed his head into the mouth of the bodysuit and began forcing his way into Enrique’s body. He thought he was in the clear, but then he felt a rubbery hand holding him by the neck.
What are you doing!? Get out of me!!
Xavier heard Enrique’s voice rejecting his presence. He was shocked. He didn’t think someone could resist body invasion once they started turning into a bodysuit. It seemed like Enrique was a fighter! But so was Xavier. Xavier caught a whiff of Enrique’s sweaty musk as he fought his way in. The strong, masculine smell ignited a powerful lust inside of Xavier. He craved more and he was going to make sure he got it no matter what.
Xavier used his full strength to push himself in. Thankfully, although Enrique resisted against him, he was still turning into a bodysuit. The longer it went on, the less of a fight Enrique was able to put up. Xavier crawled his way inside of the dad bodysuit. Enrique’s body expanded and distorted as Xavier’s presence filled up the inside space. With one last burst of energy, Xavier was swallowed up by the bodysuit. The bodysuit began thrashing around on the couch as Xavier began stretching his limbs out into Enrique’s limbs.
Umphh… Stop…! Ughhnnn…
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Enrique felt himself getting taken over by the young gay man as it happened. He absolutely hated the thought of it. He felt Xavier’s hands fill in his own hands like a well-fitting glove. He felt the same full sensation with his legs and feet. One finger at a time, one toe at a time, Enrique was completely powerless to fight against Xavier’s growing control over his body. And the worst part of it all was how good Enrique felt having someone wear him like a suit. As Xavier filled in the bodysuit from the inside, was hitting nerve endings Enrique didn’t even know he had. It sent shocks of pleasure that left Enrique jolting and moaning obscenely. His manhood was hardening and leaking precum from all the stimulation. 
Aarrghhh fuckkkk!!
Xavier growled out with Enrique’s voice. He slipped his own cock into Enrique’s growing member like a personal dick sleeve, sending another wave of ecstasy throughout their shared body. An unwanted smirk formed on Enrique’s face once Xavier gained full control over his body. It was over.
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Hey! Stop that!! Get your hands off my dick!!
“No way man! This cock’s mine now!!” Xavier teased. He made Enrique’s hands paw at their protruding package. 
He then grabbed and lowered Enrique’s shorts with lightning speed. Enrique’s cock was at full mast and sprung out once it was released. Xavier whistled with delight as he admired his new cock. Enrique had a cock that was as thick as a beer can with a big tip and an unkempt bush of pubic hair too. After thrashing around from getting taken over, Enrique’s body was drenched and glistening with sweat. With a horny grin, Xavier lifted his arm and aired out his sweaty pit hair. The potent smell immediately filled his nostril. He leaned into his pit and took a deep sniff of his musk. The manly aroma fed his arousal, and made his already erect cock to grow even harder and longer.
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Stop it! That’s gross!!
Xavier groaned when he heard Enrique complaining from inside his head. 
“Are you sure, big guy? Seems like you’re into it too!” Xavier waved his erect member around, causing precum to drip around his hairy thighs. 
Once Enrique quieted down again, Xavier decided to indulge. He leaned his face back into his ripe armpit and used his tongue to sip a few droplets of salty sweat hanging off his pit hair. He then took another few whiffs of his sweaty scent, groaning as he did so, then ran his fingers down his hairy torso. He stopped momentarily at his nipples to pinch them. Xavier loved the pain sensation jolting through his chest as he pinched his sensitive nipples. His hands continued slithering down until they finally reached his leaking manhood. Xavier ran his fingers through his new bush. His fingers got caught in the forest of thick, black hair. Xavier smirked as he tugged on his bush while his other hand began pumping his throbbing member— all while Enrique was conscious of him moving around with his body.
“Nrghh… fuck man!! Nghhh this feels so good…”
Xavier moaned loudly as he jerked off, much to Enrique’s dismay. Enrique couldn’t do anything but complain as Xavier had free reign over his body. Everytime he protested, Xavier moaned louder and louder until he stopped again. 
This continued for about another five minutes until Xavier felt himself getting close. Once Xavier felt it, he grabbed his throbbing member with both hands and stroked ferociously. His pecs were bouncing up and down with every pump. He was dripping sweat everywhere from how intensely he was jerking off. Then, at the moment of climax, Xavier threw his head back and let out a sensual gasp as load after load of warm cum came shooting out of him like a fire hydrant. His cock was twitching and throbbing until every last load was pumped out of his heavy balls. 
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Xavier was breathing heavily. All of the body hair on his upper body became drenched and sticky with all the sweat and cum. He laid on the couch satisfied and completely relaxed, until he heard the garage door opening. Carlos was home.
“Oh fuck, not now!”
Xavier sprang to his feet and hurried to clean up after himself. He threw on his shorts and used nearby napkins to dry off his bodily fluids. No matter how hard Xavier tried, it made no difference. The couch was still soaking wet and he was still red in the face after his little tugging session, but it would have to do for now.
Carlos walked into the living room as soon as Xavier finished throwing away the evidence of what had happened.
“Hey Dad,” Carlos said.
“Hey… Son. How was practice?” Xavier said with a nervous stutter. 
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“It was fine, I guess.”
“Hey man, that’s really good to hear! I’m proud of you!” 
“Yeah… thanks.” Carlos looked at him with a confused expression. He couldn’t access his mind even though he had perfect control over Enrique’s body. Without access to his memories, Xavier had to guess what Enrique would say. He was in uncharted territory, and he was terrified.
Carlos!! Hijo! Help me!! Your weird friend is controlling my body!!
Enrique was still shouting in Xavier’s head. Irritated, Xavier accidentally responded out loud.
“I swear to God will you just shut up already!?”
“I didn’t even say anything!!”
“Not you!!” Xavier looked over at Carlos. He shook his head to himself. “I’ve been feeling kind of weird today, I’m sorry.”
Carlos stood apprehensively for a brief moment, then lowered his guard again. “It’s alright, I understand. I had a really weird dream last night. I don’t feel like myself today either.” He took out a car key and offered it to Xavier. “Here, thanks for letting me borrow the truck.”
Not suspecting anything of it, Xavier tried reaching out for it. As soon as he did so, Carlos pinned against the couch.
“Fucking liar! I know it’s you in there Xavier!”
“Huh? No it’s not—”
“Save it. I know my Dad, and he would never say shit like ‘man’ or ‘I swear to God!’ What the fuck is going on!?”
“Okay okay I’ll tell you! Just let me get up first!”
Carlos did as asked. Xavier then explained everything to him. He explained how he used alchemy to turn Enrique into a bodysuit and took over his body and identity. Xavier explained that he wanted to help him pursue his dream of becoming an artist by taking over his dad’s identity. After he was done, Carlos stood up and paced around the room quietly.
“This is insane…” Carlos murmured. Xavier stayed quiet. “This is so fucking insane… And honestly? This might be the miracle I was praying for…”
Xavier was overjoyed that Carlos was on board with his plan. He pulled Carlos in for a bro hug, and after they hugged, Carlos told him to never do that again if he was going to act like his father from now on. Xavier chuckled and nodded.
“You got it, Carlitos, I’ll become an even better father than your dad ever was!” Carlos grinned.
“I’ll hold you to that, Dad.”
From then on, Xavier continued pretending to be Carlos’ father Enrique. Carlos had to teach him what to say and what not to say, but Xavier was a quick learner. Although Carlos still had to play rugby to keep his scholarship, he could finally devote more time to his artwork thanks to his father’s new attitude. Carlos was able to find success as a painter after he graduated. In fact, he had been invited to a gallery opening for rising new artists such as himself. His future as an artist was bright.
And while Carlos was busy making a name for himself, his best friend/new father lived happily too. Xavier loved his new dad bod, and so did the gay hunks at the local gym. They would never give him the time of the day back in his old body, but with his new DILF body? They were all over him. Although Enrique still occasionally complained in his head, Xavier learned how to ignore him. The old Enrique had become a distant memory over the years as Xavier and Carlos lived their best lives as a happy father and son duo.
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Thank you for supporting!!
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spideyjimin · 3 months
INTRO | un cielo di perle
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“un cielo di perle” means a sky of pearls in italian
⏤ pairing: taehyung x female reader 
⏤ genre: college au, rich kid!taehyung, strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers, fluff, angst, and smut
⏤ rating: 18+
⏤ words: 941
⏤ summary: taehyung doesn’t know how to love, he actually has never loved anyone, not even himself. he dreams of escaping this life, a life where he can do whatever he wants and where his parents don’t exploit him. his dream becomes a reality when he meets you; however, it comes with a challenge. at first, you hate him. but as the saying goes, there’s only one step between hate and love. and when taehyung loves, he can steal a sky of pearls for his lover.   
⏤ warnings: mature language, swearing, mention of sex, and that’s it
⏤ playlist: brividi - Mahmood ft. Blanco
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Kim Taehyung is walking on the campus with a little handbag in his hand. His black hair is pushed back, and he’s wearing a white button-up shirt with brown classic pants. The outfit is complemented by a black watch on his left wrist. His entire being breathes old money as always. Taehyung was born into a very old and powerful family. A family whose history dates back several centuries. 
However, with such history comes also strong responsibilities. He can’t do whatever he desires because the family’s image and reputation are at stake. He has grown up knowing it, especially since he’s the firstborn and only son, he only has a younger sister. So the responsibilities have all fallen onto his shoulders. Responsibilities that are way too heavy to carry. But what can he do? 
As he’s walking to the lecture hall to attend his history class, everyone turns their heads to look at him. On top of being a handsome man, he has quite a strong presence and charisma. All eyes are always on him, he knows how to catch someone’s attention. Nonetheless, sometimes, he considers that to be a burden more than anything else. His parents make him use his charms to conquer new investors for their couture house. 
Quite quickly, he reaches the lecture hall and takes a seat next to his best friend, Jimin. They grew up together and they have always counted on each other. Taehyung knows that Jimin will always be there no matter what, and that he’ll try to help him find a solution. However, there’s one problem that he’ll never be able to help him with. You.  
“Hi,” Jimin says with a little smile appearing on his face. “Where were you last night?” he asks.
Taehyung disappeared last night, he wanted to be alone. Alone with his thoughts. He was supposed to be at a party organized by Jungkook, one of his closest friends but in the end, he didn’t go. He is completely heartbroken and instead of getting drunk, he decided to stay alone to realize the extent of what his life has become. And he realized that for the first time in his life, he deeply loved someone. But it's someone he can’t have and keep in his life. 
“I stayed home,” he replies to his friend. 
Jimin frowns, it’s quite surprising since Taehyung wouldn’t miss a party. However, he has noticed that his best friend has changed for the past 2 months. He was acting differently and he was definitely happier. 
Taehyung’s eyes notice you entering the massive room full of students. You’ll always be the only person he’ll notice in a crowded room. You’re talking to your best friend, Nari, and you don’t even see him. In some way, he prefers you don’t so you don’t notice how he’s devouring you with his eyes. His heart wants to be next to you but his mind reminds him that the only way he can protect you is to keep you far. 
Life isn’t particularly easy for him. His parents are always there to remind him that his responsibilities come first, and when he doesn’t listen to them, they threaten him. He never has a choice. Whatever he might feel isn’t important. They decide for him, and he needs to do as they say. He’s completely powerless. He’s just a puppet in his parents’ hands. They found out about you, he still doesn’t know how, and they told him that they would destroy your life if he didn’t stay away from you. 
His future is with Hyejoo, the daughter of another powerful family. The daughter of one investor of Kim Couture. That’s the girl his parents chose for him. The saddest part is that she even likes him a lot when he only finds her stupid and ridiculous. He’ll never be with her. 
As his eyes follow you, he’s brought back to the intimate night you shared a couple of nights ago. For a brief moment, he closes his eyes. It was the best sex session he had ever in his life, and god, he has fucked many girls in his life. He can perfectly see you again under his body while he fucks you with no mercy. He can perfectly hear you moan as your body contorts with pleasure, and the way he perfectly fits inside you. He can still sense your soft skin under his fingers, and he can still taste your lips on his. Damn, now, he wants to kiss you. His fingers run over his lips to imitate the feeling of your lips.  
But he quickly reminds himself that he can’t have you. His eyes abruptly open again. 
“Are you okay?” Jimin asks. Taehyung only nods.
Very discreetly, you look around to look for the man that broke your heart. It doesn’t take you long before finding him, and to your surprise, he’s also looking at you. You’d even say he’s intently glancing at you, but you believe it’s only your imagination playing with you. He rejected you after all so it wouldn’t make any sense to be looking at you this way. 
You rapidly look away, and this anger you’ve been feeling since he broke your heart comes back. You hate him just like you did two months ago. Maybe even more because you let him in. You let him use you. Two months ago, he was simply a stranger that you didn’t like. Now, he’s a lover that you hate. But, you totally ignore that Taehyung is protecting you from his family. 
To understand how you both got here, we need to go back in time.
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etherealyoungk · 1 year
college boyfriend!chan
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because i really wanted to write something with these pictures of chan <3
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college bf!chan who had a crush on you ever since you joined, and it took him a whole year and a half before he gathered the courage to finally talk to you and (clumsily) ask you out. chan likes you so much and is always waiting for you by your locker or outside of your class so you both can go to lunch together. he's just so enamored by you really.
college bf!chan who would see your schedules for the new semester and see if you had any classes together. but you didn't since you both were doing different courses. you just happened to have one class a week together and he's just complaining about how he's supposed to spend the entire day without out?? that's a crime in his opinion. so the one class he's with you he's gonna flirt with you nonstop, sending you cute smiles and winks and air kisses because he didn't get a seat next to you and ended up sitting at the other end of the lecture hall. he'll def be the type to pass little love notes to you during class if he manages to sit next to you. and he's also gonna hold your hand underneath the table the one class you have together. he's just so enamored by you really.
college bf!chan who would always aks for a goodluck kiss before a test or exam because why not. "they really do help, last time you forgot to kiss me and my grade dropped", he says with the most serious face and how can you even say no to that cute face.
college bf!chan who loves having little library study dates with you and he brings all your favorite snacks. he'll say "okay let's study for 1 hour and then take a break", but he's getting distracted within the first 15 minutes and scooting his chair closer to yours as he leans his head against your shoulder. "one hour isn't over genius", you tell, knowing well what he's trying to do. "hm i think i need a recharge kiss", he says, lifting his head up as he looks at you. "please?", he adds, puckering his lips. you give him a knowing look but give him a peck anyways. he proceeds to feed you some chips and looks at what you're studying.
college bf!chan who convinced you to skip class to watch a movie and you couldn't even say no because he'd already booked the tickets. so that's how you were both in the theater watching a movie instead of being in class. but you didn't really care, seeing chan smiling and eagerly watching the movie he was so excited made your heart full. he'll spoil you with an added dinner date too, which ends up being mcdonalds but who are you to complain, these were the best kind of dates.
college bf!chan who would hate seeing you stressed out and anxious during exams season and complained about how exams are actually stupid and should be banned. he'll make sure you don't overwork yourself by staying up late, pulling all-nighters - because he knows you've done it before and hates seeing you breakdown later.
college bf!chan who attended a class for you when you were down with a nasty cold and took the time to make notes for you so you wouldn't miss out and have to stress out over catching up. the notes he took were cutely messy and scattered but he did mange to get down the important information. he'll even be ready to do the assignment for you, but you tell him it's okay, feeling bad. he cups his cheeks in his hands as he tells you he'd do anything for you and this is the least he can do before he's giving you a warm hug. you did end up getting a decent grade for the assignment because of chan.
college bf!chan who will spoil you after your exam, treating you to a cute lunch and buying you your favortie cake as a little celebration for getting through exam season. expect lots of handholding as you both walk hand in hand.
college bf!chan who would smile and be your biggest hypeman when you're presenting your presentation to the whole class. he'll also be a little goofy, shooting you smiles and winks and you're trying not to smile too hard and laugh at his antics. he'll even write a" y/n is the best" with a little heart on a small piece of paper and hold it up, shooting you a silly smile as you see what he's done and bite your lip, trying not to grin. the moment your presentation is over, you're gathering your stuff back and going back to your seat, whisper yelling at chan. "what were you doing!", you say as you put your stuff on the table and sit down. luckily you both were in the back so no one could hear or pay much attention to you both. "i was supporting my lovely partner who worked so hard on their presentation" "by trying to make me laugh?", you say deadpan. "what no i was being supportive...baby cmon. fine next time i won't be supportive i guess", he says, frowning as he crosses his arms. "you're such an idiot, my idiot", you say, smiling, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "thank you", you add and he finally cracks into a smile and he intertwines his hand in yours.
college bf!chan who's always supportive of whatever you decide to do. he's your little pillar of support and you're so grateful to him for being with you.
taglist: @daisycheols @ylliris-hanniehae @naaaaafla @slytherinshua @joshuaahong @fairyhaos @rubywonu @gam3bo1z @cutiepatutie13 @ibsysbsfunsbs @rksbae @kyeomyun @icyminghao
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casuallyawkardd · 1 year
Dating Miguel O’Hara
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x GN!Reader
Summary: An overview on what dating Miguel O’Hara would be like. Starting from how you meet/get together to actually dating and the long run
Warnings: fluff, angst, age gap kinda?? I picture reader in their early/mid 20s and Miguel in his early/mid 30s
A/N: Wow, two in one day, a rare sight indeed 😂 This is SFW but like if ya’ll want a NSFW it’s here and send in requests if you have them! Or just your own headcannons I don’t care I have no one to talk about this man with🤷‍♀️
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Miguel is a workaholic, so he doesn’t leave the Spider HQ hardly ever. He usually spends his time in his office/lab working, in the cafeteria on the hunt for an empanada and maybe in his private quarters if Lyla convinces him to take a break. Aside from going out to save the world, both his own and others, Miguel is basically a homebody....except for when it comes to one thing.
Miguel lives off of the stuff. His superhuman abilities can only keep him going for so long. He needs an extra boost to keep him going through the long nights. That being said, he’s very picky about his coffee and refuses to touch the liquid trash the cafeteria offers. Which is how he meets you.
You’re a college student, in your senior year actually, having spent the last three and a half years working at a small cafe for some spending money. It’s nothing special, somewhere that’s a secret delicacy to the locals of Nueva York. It’s quiet, which is what Miguel likes. It also stays open late, something he appreciates as well. 
The first one to fall is you. To you, he’s the handsome regular who always comes in ten minutes before closing, orders a Red Eye, requesting that a questionable amount of espresso shots be added to his black coffee, and grumbles a ‘thank you’ before leaving. Does he know you’re the person behind the hand that slides him his coffee? Probably not. But seeing his face every Tuesday/Thursday night is fine with you. 
Call it a middle school crush, if you will.
One night you decide to change the routine, preparing his drink before he’s even arrived. Like clockwork, the bell at the front door rings and he comes in. You throw him off as you present the coffee and tell him the total before he can get a word in. 
He finally looks at you, really looks at you. 
You think it’s the first time he’s actually lifted his head, making him even taller than he already seemed. Miguel pays, mutters the same ‘thank you’, but leaves a much more generous tip than usual. 
Catching Feelings
Things go on as usual, that is until Miguel notices that it’s no longer you serving him his drink. Whoever the new guy is, he doesn’t make the coffee like you do. It tastes shitty now. How do you even mess up black coffee???
When he finds out you switched to working mornings, he’s suddenly getting his coffee at the buttcrack of dawn. You take this as a good sign, daring to strike up conversation. You had tried in the past, but only ever received grunts as replies. To your surprise, he indulges you and even asks questions of his own.
“Why’d you switch shifts?”
You explain that you had started taking classes in the afternoon, prefering to end the day studying and doing homework rather than wiping counters and serving half awake customers. He keeps going.
“What are you studying?”
“How much longer until you graduate?”
“Any jobs lined up?”
It’s the kind of questions you’d hear from your distant relatives who don’t know you well enough to ask anything interesting. But when he does it...your stomach finds itself in knots. He’s no longer some handsome regular. Miguel is funny, in a sarcastic, blunt sort of way. When he chuckles, it rumbles in his chest. His smiles are small and brief, usually only one corner of his mouth turning up rather than a full on grin. 
Miguel doesn’t notice that you’ve wormed your way into his thoughts. It’s a slow process. The small talk building up on itself with every visit until one day he realizes he knows that when you were little, your older brother pushed you off the slide at the neighborhood park and that’s why you have a small scar on your temple. How you love your anatomy/phys class, but hate the TA that runs the lab. How it’s ironic that you make the best coffee he’s ever tasted and yet you personally prefer tea. 
Hell, even the other spiders are starting to become aware that something has him distracted. How his ‘quick coffee runs’ progressively taking longer and longer and that he smiles a little when he tosses the empty, cardboard cup in the trash. It’s all an inside joke until Peter B. opens his stupid mouth. 
“So who are they?”
“Who’s who?”
“Don’t be coy, O’Hara~”
Miguel doesn’t know what his friend is talking about until he’s alone later that night, watching his screens. He finds that he can’t focus as well as he usually does, thinking maybe he needs some coffee. The thought makes him freeze.
“....God dammit.”
It doesn’t take long before he asks you to be his partner. Not because he’s fallen ‘madly in love with you’, as Peter likes to say, the thought seeming childish to Miguel. Rather, it’s because he wants a reason to keep you around. 
Hear me out.
You go on a couple dates when his schedule allows it. Rather when Lyla/Jess/Peter convince him to touch some grass... He enjoys going to the science museum, tagging along with you to the gym and treating you to a nice dinner from time to time. But like I said....he’s a workaholic. What most would consider quality time with a potential new love interest, he views as time away from his job. Worrying that the multiverse will collapse at any minute if he’s not watching it. 
When he asks to be exclusive, it’s more of an excuse for himself to keep seeing you. He likes you, likes how he acts when he’s around you. Likes how you make him feel. Miguel wants a reason to keep seeing you and not have the reason be to satisfy his coffee fix.
It helps that you’re both busy, that way he doesn’t feel like the only one who has to take rain checks for date night. He was upfront from the beginning, telling you that he was Spiderman and letting you know what you were signing up for. That he’ll try to be attentive, especially in those crucial first months of dating, but that he wouldn’t be able to always give you the attention that you deserved.
It’s a lot to hear, but you agree to be with him. He’s too pretty to pass up, you think. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen? It doesn’t work out and you break up? You’d been there and done that with past partners; it was nothing new. 
Nothing could’ve prepared you for dating a man like Miguel O’Hara.
He’s got more pros than cons, being written in the books as your first ‘mature’ relationships. The honeymoon phase is short lived, only a few weeks as you two enjoy the new relationship. He shows you around HQ, you invite him to events at your college, the typical stuff. Afterwards, you two go back to being busy, you’ve got finals/graduation/job hunting and he’s got a Spider Society to run. The result being that you call each other more often than talking in person. Miguel doesn’t do texting, you thought you were reserved with your emojis, but Miguel brings a whole new form of dry to the table. With a call, at least you can pick up on his tone. 
Miguel, from the beginning, isn’t one for PDA. Reserving the times when he holds you and kisses you breathless for when the two of you are alone. That being said, he’s affectionate in his own way. Holding doors open, remembering what you like to order from your favorite food places, standing between you and anyone he deems as sketchy. Spoiler alert, it’s anyone who isn’t a fellow spider. He cares and you know it, which is what matters. 
Okay girliepops, yes that’s a gender neutral term, let’s be honest with each other. 
If you want to be a for lifer with him, it’s not gonna be an easy road. He may have more pros than cons, but the cons are a lot more severe. 
He gets absorbed in his work. He’ll go for long periods of time without contacting you. Hell. you two will probably be on and off for a good chunk of time. It’s not that he doesn’t love you like when he first fell for you; rather he struggles to find a healthy balance. He’s used to the world being on his shoulders, being responsible for the fate of the multiverse, at least that’s how he sees it. 
Normally you’d drop him like all your other exes, but you’re in too deep now. You reminisce on the good times because when things are good between you, they’re really good. 
You decide to be the push the both of you need. Even if it’s considered ‘toxic’, you give him an ultimatum. He either prioritizes you or the rest of the multiverse. Miguel scoffs at the idea at first, thinking the choice is obvious, but then he really thinks about it. Realizes that he’s as much in love with you as you are with him, arguably more so. He’s mad, but not at you. Mad at himself. Mad that the idea of you out of his life is almost the equivalent of when he lost the life he had with Gabriella. That he’d be a fool to let you slip away.
“....God dammit!”
You two get married shortly after that incident, ya’ll have been together for years at this point if you include the on and off phase of your relationship. It’s nothing fancy, just signing some papers and throwing a party with a small group of friends and family. Similarly to when you first started dating, Miguel considers the marriage an excuse to be around you more often. The voice in the back of his head that tells him to go home to sleep rather than on the platform. That reminds him that there’s something worth going home to now. 
Is he the perfect husband? God no. He’ll fall into his old habits of putting work first and you second, but he does better about it and it doesn’t happen as often as when you two were just dating. The thought of getting to crawl into bed, wrapped in your arms as he falls asleep, motivating him more than anything else to keep the multiverse safe.
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traningdummy · 1 year
Detective and Professor
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Javier Peña X professor! Male Reader
(power bottom Javier is amazing is write, omg)
Javier sighed as he walked through his room, as today a class was coming through the department today. His chief had apparently approved the local college’s criminal justice class to come through. He wanted to stay out of the department, but his boss needed him to show them around.
After he got his clothes on he got his badge and left, loving the wind on his hair. When he made it to the department the class wasn’t there yet, so he decided to go inside to make sure his desk was clear. Yet when he walked inside, the class was already there.
Students left and right, each talking to cops, detectives, and new recruits. Javier sighed and tried to get through unnoticed till he bumped into someone. He almost fell before he caught himself.
“I am so sorry!” The person said, Javier sighed before looking at the person. The man was surprisingly very handsome, wearing a nice suit, with a possibly new hat. “Again, so sorry sir I’m looking for Javier Peña have you seen him?” The man asked and he sighed before nodding.
“That’s me, let me guess I’m supposed to show you around?” Javier said and the man sheepishly nodded.
“Students gather up!” The man yelled to his class, to Javier’s surprise they all listened. The man counted all of the students before nodding, and gave out some papers. “Remember, take notes as we will have a small worksheet about this tomorrow.” He informed the class, most nodded and a few others sighed.
“Let’s get the tour started.” Javier spoke and led them through the department, the evidence room, while also noticing the professor’s stare. Javier would catch him staring, he found it funny that the man was blatantly staring.
The students all split up again, leaving Y/n with Javier. Both drinking coffee, Y/n’s face red as he was caught multiple times staring at Javier’s body. Javier had a smirk seeing the other man all flustered.
“What were you staring at?” Javier asked the professor as he took another sip of his coffee. The other man sputtered but didn’t answer as his shoulders slumped in defeat.
“Your ass, sorry if I invaded your space Javier.” Y/n mumbled, trying to be sincere but also not have his students hear him. He wouldn’t want to be tormented by them as well. “Please don’t tell my students anything.” He asked Javier who nodded.
“I don’t want to embarrass you that much, I never caught your name. What is it?” Javier asked and put down his mug.
“Oh, it’s Y/n L/n, I teach the criminal justice class at the college. Nice to meet you Javier.” He said and the two shook hands. They began to talk to one another, as the ice had broke. Y/n’s students saw their professor and knew they were going to mess with him.
A few weeks after Y/n took his students to the department, he and Javier talked a lot. In his free time he would call the man to talk, or go to the department. On some rare occasions Javier would come to his classroom, sometimes when it’s empty but often when it’s full.
Javier became a class favorite during the weeks he came, always having interesting stories to provide to the class. Some good, and some not so good, he mostly had stories where he had sex to get information.
But Y/n fell hard for the man, having his heart always flutter whenever he came in unannounced. It felt like he was on cloud nine, and even his students could see the love in his eyes. They all shipped the two, always smiling whenever Javier came in to share another story.
So, with the help of a few of his students, he got the courage to ask Javier to the teacher student prom. A night where teachers can watch and even party with the students, with many restrictions imposed. But regardless every teacher got a plus one, and Y/n wanted it to be Javier.
So he went to the department after grading, thankfully he caught Javier as he was leaving. “Hey Javier!” He yelled to get the man’s attention. Javier looked over and gave a faint smile, putting away his suitcase and leaned against his car.
“Hey Y/n, let me guess you forgot another pen?” He asked, as it was Y/n’s usual excuse to hang out with Javier. The professor shook his head with a sheepish grin.
“No, I have all of mine, I double checked. I actually had a question to ask. Would you like to be my plus one to a dance?” Y/n asked, giving him a flyer for the dance. Javier looked at Y/n before skimming through, seeing it was legit.
“Hmm, I’ll see if I can make it. No promises.” He said, and Y/n nodded. He was happy the other man even considered the invitation. “See you later professor.” He said, getting into his car and drove off.
The night of the dance was a stressful one for Y/n, he had to find a good suit. One that wasn’t too flashy yet enough to make him stand out a little. Yet once he was dressed and ready he headed to the campus.
When he arrived he got there early enough to help set up, saying his greetings to the other teachers. Yet sadly his suit got unwanted attention by a few of his colleagues. Feeling stares on his body as he walked around and helped, it made him feel uncomfortable but he didn’t say much.
Finally the dance was all set up, both students and teachers came flooding into the large gym. Y/n decided to stay near the drink station to make sure no one spiked the punch. Yet he also looked around for Javier.
Javier sighed as he looked into his closet, all he had were a few shirts and pants. It was a dance and he wanted to dress somewhat nice for Y/n, but he decided against it. Getting on what he thought looked good and left for the campus, following the directions on the flyer.
When he arrived there were already many people outside the gym. He parked his car and went into the gym, where he had to show his invite to a security guard. Inside there was music blaring, students dancing, teachers talking amongst themselves.
Yet as he looked he couldn’t find Y/n, so he went further in to get a better look around. Which was a terrible idea as many people crowded him, lightly shoving him around. Thankfully someone pulled him out of the chaos.
“Finally!” Y/n said as he pulled Javier to the drink stand. “You want some?” He asked and the man nodded, taking the cup from Y/n. “So you showed up, I’m glad.” He said with a smile, taking a sip from his own drink.
As the two talked to each other they enjoyed themselves. Even though the music was loud, students were yelling to talk to one another, they felt like it was only them in the room. But the mood was ruined when one of the teachers came up to them.
“Hey Y/n!” She said with a smile, she was obviously intoxicated as both men could smell the vodka on her breath. “Wanna have a dance?” She asked, and Y/n being too nice for his own good said yes.
“I’ll be back!” He yelled to Javier as he was dragged to the dance floor. Javier grumbled as he felt his throat feel constricted and it burned. He wanted to yell at the woman for taking Y/n, but he didn’t want to get in trouble.
Yet he watched Y/n and the woman like a hawk as they danced, making sure she kept her hands off of him. Yet whenever a slow song finally came on she had her hands on his shoulders. Y/n looked uncomfortable but didn’t say anything as he ghosted his hands over her waist.
Yet whenever she squeezed Y/n’s ass, that was the straw that broke Javier’s patience. He stood up and went to Y/n’s rescue, taking her hands off of his shoulders. “Sorry ma’am but we have to get home, our babysitter has to get home.” He said with malice in his voice.
Before she could complain Javier took Y/n and they left the gym. Heading outside and to his car, Y/n sighed and leaned against the man's car. Finally relaxing after getting away from the teacher, he loosened his tie before giving Javier a smile.
“Thank you Javier, if we kept going I was scared I would get drunk from her breath.” He joked and the man laughed, slowing cornering Y/n. Putting his hands on either side of the professor, pinning him to the car. “Woah, umm, is it just me or are you heating up?” Y/n asked as he chuckled nervously.
Javier didn’t say anything as he looked Y/n in the eyes. Waiting for any form of confirmation, which he found when the other man put his hands on his face. He leaned into his hands before leaning in, kissing the man softly. “Huh, tastes like punch and beer.” He mumbled, going in for another kiss, this time going for Y/n’s neck.
“Fuck, Javier I think we should do this someplace else. I don’t want to get called into the deans office for public indecency.” Y/n said, worried about losing his job. Javier nodded and the two got into his car, thankfully for Y/n he didn’t bring his car as he walked to the campus.
Javier began his merciless attack on Y/n’s neck as soon as the door to his apartment closed. The professor moaned and whined, trying to take off his suit. Yet when he gave up Javier helped him, which stopped the assault on Y/n’s neck for a moment.
When it was off Javier ripped off the rest of Y/n’s clothes, wanting to see the man he dreamed of naked. They moved to his couch and Javier straddled Y/n’s lap, feeling his cock go hard against his own. Javier took off his own clothes faster then he took off Y/n’s.
“Jesus, you’re so handsome.” Y/n said between his groans and moans, Javier smiled and leaned the man down on his couch. Back against the couch while his chest was exposed, Javier then removed both his and Y/n’s boxers revealing their cocks.
“Could you sit on my face?” Y/n asked, almost taking the man above him off guard. “I just stare at your ass, and I just wanted to eat you out. Oh my god I sound like a pervert.” He said and Javier laughed, he scooted up and slowly lowered himself onto Y/n.
Soon enough the man was eating him out, Javier was moaning at the feeling. “Esto parece divino.” He moaned, never feeling any sensation like this before. It was a welcoming feeling, he could get used to this. The feeling of Y/n’s tongue in his ass, eating him out like a meal.
But he needed more, he needed to claim the man below him. So, much to Y/n’s dismay, he moved back to his hips. “Aww, I didn’t get to finish.” Y/n complained, yet he stopped his whining when he saw what Javier had planned next. The man positioned himself above Y/n’s cock before lowering himself onto it.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” The man below Javier mumbled, and soon he bottomed out. Both men took a few breaths before Javier began to ride, loving the man under him unraveled with pleasure. The dorky and pervy professor who he crushed on, became his.
He saw Y/n’s hands try to hold his hips, but he moved them up above his head. “No touching.” He said sternly, the man nodded and let Javier keep going. Javier could feel how much Y/n wanted to touch him as his hands shook in his hold, it made him smirk, feeling how desperate the man was.
Soon Y/n came into Javier, his hips thrusting into him as he did. But Javier hadn’t released yet, so he took the time he needed to finish. “J-Javier.” Y/n whimpered, feeling the overstimulation as the man above him kept riding.
“You can keep going, can’t you cariño?” He asked, and Y/n nodded, not wanting to disappoint the man. So he endured the overstimulation in his cock as Javier kept riding, chasing his own high. Yet he decided to let go of Y/n’s hands, thinking he was too overwhelmed to touch his hips.
He was right as Y/n’s hands only touched Javier’s chest, feeling him up and down. Keeping his hands away from Javier’s hips, wanting to be a good man for Javier. Soon Y/n felt Javier slow his pace, thinking he was soon to finish yet the man had other plans.
He moved himself to where his cock was in front of Y/n’s face. “Open.” He said and the professor obliged, opening his mouth to let the man abuse it. Javier thrusted in and out, loving the sound of Y/n slightly choking on him. Thankfully he started to feel his climax, so he gave a few more hard thrusts before releasing in Y/n’s throat.
“Oh fuck.” He mumbled as he pulled out his cock, seeing that Y/n had taken all the cum Javier had shot. He thought he was tired, but when he saw Y/n’s fucked out expression he felt ready for another round.
The next day Y/n had hickey’s all over his body, neck, and legs. His students snickered amongst each other already knowing what had conspired. Y/n sighed and opened his suitcase to see a small note from Javier, as he read it he smiled before putting it away.
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changes (j.h.s.)
a/n: this is the first part of my college!AU. not much happens yet, but things are only just beginning with these two! let me know you're thoughts so far!
part of second star to the right (and straight on 'til morning)
folks who wanted to be tagged: @memeorydotcom @djs8891
warnings: college!AU, javynat/icemav, swearing
word count: 2.7k
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You slip into the classroom, smiling at Pete as he logs in to the computer. “Hey Pete.” 
He glances up at you from the screen, returning your smile as you saddle up into the first row of seats in the lecture hall. “Hey kid, I haven’t seen you in a few weeks. How was the last bit of your summer?” 
You shrug, tugging your bag off into the chair next to you. “Pretty good. Quiet. How was your trip to Italy with Tom?” 
“Pretty good. Nice to get away from the work and hustle-bustle of his job. Definitely don’t miss the paperwork, that’s for sure.” You both laugh lightly, as the door to the classroom open again, a few boys you recognize from the football team filtering in. “I was surprised to see you on my roster for this class. Didn’t you already fulfill the requirements for this?” 
You shrug, pulling your laptop out as you finally sit down. “Yeah, but I need a couple more extra credits to stay a full-time student to keep my scholarship and you know I love taking your classes as it is. Might be one of my last chances to do so.” 
He tilts his head in acknowledgement as the door opens again. “Remind me after class that I wanted to talk to you about what you’re planning for post-grad.” 
You quirk an eyebrow. “Why?” 
He huffs out a laugh, collecting his papers. “I might have something for you.” The room has slowly begun to fill up as the two of you have chatted, meaning class is just about ready to start. Pete hangs by the front podium, letting everyone get settled. 
Your eyes glance over your computer screen at the non-existent Canvas page, meaning Pete has yet to publish it. The papers in his hands are what you suspect are copies of the syllabus he probably finished over breakfast with Tom this morning. Typical. 
“...dude, this is going to be such an easy credit, I’m telling you.” One of the men behind you says. “He’s just Bradshaw’s quirky godfather. You just gotta say something nice about the Navy and he’ll give you an A.” 
You snort, shaking your head at Bradley feeding his athlete friends with lies about his godfather’s class. You had taken enough of Pete’s classes to know that retired decorated Naval aviator or not, Admiral husband or not, Pete welcomed critical and open discussion of the United States military’s global engagement. Encouraged it, even. 
One of the men behind you sighs and you hear him lean back in his chair. “All I need is an easy A. Gonna skate through this class no problem.” 
“Shit, I forgot my pen. Jake, do you have one?” 
“Javy, I don’t even have a notebook. What makes you think I have a pen?” 
“Sorry Javy, you’re straight shit outta luck. I only have one for myself.” 
The man, Javy, groans. “Fuck me.” 
“Pretty sure Natasha did just that last night based on the- ow.” 
“Hey, psst. You, girl in the front.” You startle, turning around to face the boys. “You got a pen for my friend Javy here?” Reuben asks.
You nod, digging through your bag for your pencil case. “Pencil or pen?” 
“Whatever you got’s fine, sugar. Right Javy?” The blond says, nudging his friend. You roll your eyes to yourself, unimpressed. 
“Here.” You say, leaning up to hand the black pen to Javy. 
“Thanks, I’ll give it back to you at the end of class.” Javy says with a warm smile as he takes it from you.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ve got plenty.” You say with a wave of your hand, already turning back around. Pete clear shis throat just as you do, catching the attention of the students in the room. He offers them a warm smile. 
“Well, let’s get started shall we? I’m Pete. You can call me Pete or Mr. Mitchell, whatever suits you. I’m a retired Naval aviator, served for nearly twenty years. I’m an adjunct here at San Diego State, have been for about the last six or seven years. I teach international relations and military history classes mostly. If you’re here, you should be here for History 2060, Global Military Conflicts Post-1945. If that doesn’t sound correct, you’re most likely in the wrong classroom. Don’t blame you, I got lost this morning on my way in from the parking lot.” That earns Mav a laugh from the classroom as you shake your head. He’s told the same joke on the first day of every class you’ve ever had with him. “I’m going to go around and pass out the syllabus. We can read through it and discuss it. The biggest takeaway is that, unlike some of the other History courses on this campus, I care less about your memorization of dates and people on a test. I want you to take something meaningful away from this class and that’s going to come from the papers you write, the readings you do, and the discussions you’ll have in this class. Let’s begin.” 
“Easy A, here we come.” Jake mutters behind you as the stack of syllabus gets plopped in front of you. 
He’s in for a rude awkaening, you think to yourself as you take a syllabus, passing it back to the boys.
“Don’t forget. Your first response paper is due tonight at midnight. I want well-thought out papers, with clear arguments and evidence. Feel free to be critical of the text, but you must respond to it and the more you can incorporate the discussion we had in here over the past few classes, the better. Shows me you’re listening and engaged.” Pete calls out as the class packs up. 
Two weeks into the semester and you had all just finished reading Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried. Pete had said he’d chosen the book so you could all understand how these global conflicts could be captured in a fictional manner, asking you to focus on how it communicated a very real history of the event. The book had been supplemented by lectures and class discussion and you felt yourself falling in love with the class everytime you showed up. 
“Have you started that paper?” Reuben asks, sliding his bag over his shoulder. 
Jake snorts. “Hell no. It’s only what, three pages? I’m gonna start writing it after practice tonight.” 
“Finished it last night.”
“Fucking nerd.” Jake says as Pete calls out your name, motioning you up to the front of the room. It catches the boys attention as you walk around the front row, meeting Pete halfway. The boys are lingering and watching, something you’re painfully aware of. 
“I’ve been meaning to ask you, but are you thinking about grad school?” 
You nod. “Yeah, I am, but I think I’m going to take a year off first.” 
“Have you thought about SDSU’s program at all?” 
You sigh, crossing your arms. “Kind of-”
“-Who willingly puts themselves through more school?” 
You turn catching both Reuben and Javy nudging Jake. You sigh, uncrossing your arms, looking to the ground. 
“We can talk more about this at a later date.” Pete says. “I’ll let you go, I know you have to get to work. Good job on the paper, by the way.” 
“You read it already?”
He nods, walking back to the table at the front fo the room. “Thought I’d get a head start on grading the ones that got turned in early last night. You never fail to impress me, kid.” 
You can't help the grin spreading across your face, even as Jake coughs words that sound oddly like teacher’s pet into his fist.
“Thanks Pete. See you on Friday.” 
Jake swallows, staring the 12 out of 100 blinking back at him on the screen. 
“Did you get your grade back for that response paper we wrote last week?” He hears himself, asking. 
“Yeah, I got an 86. Why?”
“Dude, Pete graded those response papers harder than I thought he would. I scraped by with a  73.” Reuben says, sliding in the booth next to him. “How’d you do Jake?” 
He shakes his head, unable to say anything as he stares at the screen. 
Reuben leans over his shoulder, looking at the screen before letting out a low whistle. “Shit Jake.” 
“What? What’d he get?” Javy asks, craning to see the screen. Jake turns the laptop to Javy, earning him a wince. 
“Yikes dude.” 
“What am I gonna do?” He mumbles. 
He pauses, waving his friends on as you chat with Pete. He fiddles with his phone, trying not to look nervous as he hears you and Pete discuss research you’d done from this summer. 
“...I really think you should try to get that published, kid.” 
You hesitate. “I don’t know, do you think it could?” 
“Oh absolutely. Here, why don’t you hang on for a second and let me talk to Jake and we can discuss it more?” 
“Oh yeah, sorry.” You give him a nervous smile, stepping a little ways away to give them some privacy.
“What’s up Jake?” 
He sighs. “Sir, I was wondering if you could maybe give me some insight to the grade I got on my paper.” 
Pete frowns. “Did you not read the feedback I left on Canvas? I’m never sure if my comments save properly.” 
“No, I did. I guess- I guess I’m just kind of confused as to why I got that grade.” 
“Well, you lacked a clear argument and the paper was riddled with typos. The assignment was only three pages and you turned in a page and a half. You only used one quote, from the first chapter of the book, telling me you didn’t read any further. You didn’t incorporate any class discussion and you’ve only been here once since the semester started. Now, I know I said I didn’t have an attendance policy but if you aren’t here, you’re not participating in the group discussion and that’s a huge chunk of your grade, Jake.” 
“Is there any way I could re-submit the paper for a higher grade? I’m on the football team and we have to maintain a 2.8 to stay. It’s my last season, Mr. Mitchell, and I’d really like to keep my starting position.” 
Pete sighs. “Tell you what. I’ll let you re-submit the paper for a higher grade if you go to the Writing Center and work with one of their consultants on the feedback I left for you.” 
“Those are my conditions, Jake. For any one, not just you. I want to see that you’re actually working on improving.” 
“Well, isn’t it just that… isn’t that place for all the bad writers?” 
Pete’s frown deepens. “There’s no shame in asking for help if you need it, Jake. It’s important to me that you know that.” 
Jake just shrugs. 
“You know, she comes as a very highly rated consultant from some of your athlete friends.” Pete says with a nod of his head over to you. You’re looking at your phone, clearly trying to look busy.
“Yeah, yeah, I think Garcia worked with her last spring.” 
Mickey Garcia was Reuben’s room mate, another athlete but on the baseball team. He’d raved about this girl he’d worked with at the Writing Center last spring, helping him get a 93 on a notoriously difficult final for an International Relations class. 
“She’s one of the best students I’ve seen in my time at San Diego State. You don’t have to work with her, but it might be nice to have a familiar face and someone who knows the class material. If you do decide to re-submit the paper, just ask the tutor to let me know you were there, yeah? You’ve got a week to get the new one back to me.” 
Jake pokes his head through the door, eyeing the room nervously. “This the Writing Center?” Your co-worker Mia pops her head up from the computer at the front desk, nodding. 
“Yes, it is! How can I help you?” 
Jake looks around nervously. “I have an appointment.” 
“Okay…” Mia trails off. “Do you remember with who?” 
You shut the room to the storage closet. “Hi Jake.” You say warmly, lugging the Costco-sized bag of candy out to the front table. “I’m just finish refilling the candy bowls if you wanna sit down at one of those tables over there?”
He nods, walking around the front desk to one of the tables, pulling his laptop out of his bag. 
“Isn’t that Jake Seresin?” Mia whispers, eyes wide. “From the football team?” 
You shrug. “I think so. He’s in one of my classes.” 
She nods. “Want me to finish doing that?” 
You sigh, handing her the bag. “That’d be great. Are you still leaving early tonight?” 
“Yeah, if you don’t mind locking up the Center.” 
“Yeah, it’s no problem!” 
You turn back to Jake, whose knee is bouncing as he takes in the space. 
He’s nervous, you realize, a stark contrast from the cocky boy you’d known in class. 
You grab your laptop, sitting down across from Jake. “Alright Jake, do you just wanna share the document with me so we can get started?” 
He wipes his hands on his basketball shorts, nodding as he opens the computer screen before pausing. 
“Can I ask how you did on the response paper for class?” 
You duck your head, biting your lip. “It wasn’t my best one.” 
“What’d did you get?” 
“A 94. You?” 
Jake swallows, eyes flitting around the Center. 
“12.” He whispers.
Your eyes grow wide. “Wait, shit, are you serious?” 
Jake nods. “‘S kinda why I’m here. Pete said if I came here, I could re-submit the paper for a higher grade.” 
You nod. “Well, what do you want to focus on then?” 
Jake shrugs. 
“Well, what would be most helpful for you?”
“Could we start by just looking at his feedback and talking about it? I admittedly didn’t understand some of it.” 
“Yeah! Yeah, of course.” 
The next hour flies by as you work through Jake’s paper, identifying places for him to expand and ways he could utilize evidence. You both worked through Pete’s feedback as you worked to build a better argument based off of it.
Finally, you sit back and sigh. “Well, we’re just at about time. You got any last questions for me?” 
Jake shakes his head, shutting his laptop. “Thanks for all your help on this.” 
“Yeah, of course. It’s my job.” 
“This… this all seems to come so naturally to you.” 
You shrug, closing your own laptop. “Yeah, yeah, I mean I’m a senior so I’ve had a lot of practice. It’s a lot harder when you’re first starting out.” 
“I couldn’t imagine just writing all the time.” 
You give Jake a bashful smile. “I’m writing a 30 page paper for my senior capstone.” 
Jake cringes at your words. “I couldn’t do that.” He says, rubbing his forehead. 
“Hey, you’re already improving. It just takes time to learn how to write in a style like this.” 
“I much prefer my Business classes. At least there, it’s a cake-walk to scrap by with a B average.”
“Well, you’re already doing better than me there. I failed Math in high school.” 
Jake chuckles, packing up his things. “Hey, uh, Pete told me I needed you guys to tell him I came here?”
You nod. “Yeah, we just send them an email with your appointment form, discussing what we did in the appointment.” 
Jake sighs, shoulders slumping. “Thanks.” 
“No problem. Feel free to make another appointment if you have any more questions.” 
Jake gives an aborted nod, slipping his backpack over shoulder and standing up. “Thanks again.” 
He blinks, looking at the grade in Canvas. 
Javy leans over his shoulder at his phone as their coach talks. “Is that the revised grade?” He whispers, Jake nods, locking the phone and slipping it back into his pocket, trying not to think about the comment Pete had left just below the grade. 
There was significant improvement here Jake. Please see my comments in the document and on the rubric for further feedback. I highly encourage you to continue visiting the Writing Center throughout the semester. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 
“How you do that, Jakey?” Javy whispers. 
He shrugs as Coach Simpson dismisses them. “Does it matter?” 
Javy lets out an incredulous chuckle. “I mean, if you went from a 12 to a 70, I’d kinda think you sucked Mitchell’s dick or something.” 
Jake middle finger doesn’t stop Javy’s chortle as he leaves the locker room. 
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littlespacereader · 9 months
I’m finally up to date with Doctor Who and I literally love the 15th Doctor and his vibe so much that I literally whipped this together in a day. I’m thinking of possibly making this a mini series like my Supernatural fic and just keep adding to it. Let me know what you think!! Please enjoy💞
The Cafe Caregiver ☕️🍼🍪
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Caregiver!Fifteenth Doctor & GN Little!Reader (SFW)
Tags - regression refusal/acceptance, sippy cups, fluff, cybermen (at the end), cookies, the doctor has a thousand nicknames for you, he just finds you adorable, you wear his coat
Nicknames - darling, little one, sweetheart, munchkin, pumpkin, sweet one, love
Some people don’t understand that when it comes to a Little regressing, it isn’t always convenient or vise versa we want to regress but don’t have the time to do so.
I’m sadly the latter of the two options. I’ve spent the last four years in college, sometimes regressing at night after long tiring classes. Now right out of college I’ve been running from job to job, with little to no time to regress.
Regression, well, it started to become an afterthought. Not that I wanted it to, but life didn’t seem to be giving me an opportunity to pause and breathe enough to regress and relax.
Tonight was no different. I just finished another long and tiring work day at the office. Since I’m new I get the pleasure of staying super late, even after everyone else leaves. The life of an intern.
I was making my way down the building to head back to my flat. But I paused in the lobby, looking through the big tall windows at the pouring rain outside.
There was no rain in the forecast? How did I miss this? I mean I only have myself to blame. It’s London, of course it’s raining. And better yet, of course I don’t have a rain coat or umbrella or even a coat to help me stay warm.
So here I was, running like a wet dog down the side way, trying to catch the last bus to my apartment. I ran and I ran and I ran, as fast as my legs would take me down the dark sidewalk illuminated only by the street lamps.
My bus stop was in sight and better yet, my bus was parked right next to the sign. I waved my hands like crazy and yelled out to the bus to stay for just a second longer. But I watched as the bus took off.
I just froze and watched as my bus grew smaller and smaller into the distance. I stood, in the empty bus stop, in the pouring rain, with no jacket to keep me warm and no way home. I was completely in awe of the events.
I honestly wanted to cry. I just wanted to stomp my feet and start crying. But I couldn’t, not yet. I pushed my regression down for a moment. I need a place to gather my thoughts and figure out what I was going to do. But most importantly I needed to get out of the rain.
It was hard to see with the rain coming down as hard as it was. Plus it was late, most shops had turned in for the night.
Just as it felt as though all hope was lost, I spotted a tiny shop across the street with its lights still on. So checking both ways before crossing, I ran across the street and over to the cafe.
The door flung open with a little ding of the bell on top announcing my presence to everyone inside. That…being…no one. The cafe was shockingly empty. You would think it would be full of people like myself trying to escape the rain.
I wiped my feet as best as I could on the mat, I made my way over to the counter. I wrapped my arms infront of me, trying desperately to keep myself somewhat warm. But it was hard to when I was soaking wet and they had the ac on for some reason. Needless to say I started to shiver badly.
I stopped at the counter and looked around. There was no one to be seen. The place was empty. There was no one at the front and there was no noise of people working in the back. The place would’ve been silent if it wasn’t for the soft music playing from a radio on the counter.
There was a bell on the counter next to the register. Maybe they really didn’t know someone was at the front? Just when I went to hit the tiny bell…
The bell to the front door dings as a man enters the cafe He paused at the door and takes in my soaked form. Then he said something that made my heart sink and my body freeze.
“Little one, what happened to you?” He asked so genuinely concerned.
I just stared back at I’m utter shock. No one in my life knows about my regression, no one. And here he was saying it so out in the open as if I had a name tag that said “Y/N, a Regressor”
“What?” I asked as my brain started to spiral out. Maybe I just heard him wrong. Maybe I was imagining things.
“Why are you soaking wet? You’re going to catch a cold! Here,” He pulled off his long tan leather coat and draped it across my shoulder. “This should keep you warm.”
He talked with such a gentle and caring tone. He spoke as if he had knew me for years. The coat felt so warm and cozy around my frozen figure. It was almost like a weighted heating blanket.
Finally I found the courage to talk out of my shock, “I didn’t know it was going to rain.” I said with a voice that sounded so small and vulnerable.
“Didn’t-Didn’t know it was going to rain? In London?” He chuckled. “Darling how long have you been here? It’s always going to rain in London. It’s hard to have a clear day here.”
“I…I didn’t remember to bring an umbrella.” I looked down as I tried to stop myself from crying. There was something about the man that just made me start to regress immediately, like the straw that broke the camels back. I felt like I couldn’t hold back anymore. Especially not after everything that’s happened up till this.
“Oh. Oh sweetheart it’s okay. It’s okay, you’re okay. Come here.” He held his arms out for me and I immediately went into them.
He wrapped me in a tight hug as I just cried into the man’s neck. He rubbed my back and rocked me as he whispered reassurance to me. “It’s okay darling. It’s okay. You’re safe, I promise.”
After letting all the terrible and sad emotions out, I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked back at the kind man. He smiled with a warm look of compassion and kindness. He caressed my cheek and wiped the tears away.
“I’m sorry,” I started to say.
“There’s no need to be.”
“I’ve…I’ve just had a horrible day. My job keeps me so late unnecessarily, I didn’t know it was going to rain so I’m soaked, my bus left me here and now I…I don’t know what to do.” I cried to him. I shook my head as more tears fell.
“You don’t need to worry any longer about any of that. We’re going to get you warmed up and back home safe in no time. Okay?” He smiled moving his hands from holding my face to holding my hands in his.
I nodded my head and squeezed his hands back. For having just met the Caregiver I felt an overwhelming feeling of safety with him.
“But for now I have to ask, it’s been a while since you’ve regressed hasn’t it?”
I nodded again, feeling almost ashamed at the admission.
He hummed in agreement, “You don’t need to worry anymore. I’m here to help make it all better Little one. You just regress and I’ll take care of everything else okay?”
Oh God how I wanted to scream yes, how I wanted to just start crying again because someone could see me for what I was, which is an overwhelmed Regressor.
But I settled for a nod again and a small smile.
But there was still some unanswered questions that stopped me for a moment. For example, “Wait,” I squeezed his hand again. “How did you know?”
“Know what darling?”
“That I’m a Regressor? How did you know?” I mean this guy literally just walked in, looked at me and immediately was like “Oh look a Regressor!”
“Where I’m from regression isn’t something so hidden or lesser known than you think. Truth be told I haven’t seen a Regressor like yourself in a long time. It was a refreshing change seeing you. I guess the Caregiver side of me couldn’t stop itself from helping. I’m sorry if I was a bit to forward.”
I shook my head, “No, don’t be. I think your just what I needed, especially after everything.”
He smiled, “Good, I’m honored to be.”
“What’s your name?” I asked.
“I’m the Doctor,” he smiled, “What’s your name sweet one?”
“I’m Y/N.”
“It’s lovely to meet you Y/N. Now, let’s get something warm in you. My coat is warm but it’s not enough to keep a cold away.”
With my hand in his, he lead me back to the abandoned counter of the cafe. “I think a nice cup of tea would be good for the both of us don’t you think?”
He stopped and looked around the quiet cafe. I chimed in, “I don’t think anyone’s here. When I arrived there was no one around and there still isn’t.”
“Strange… Did you ring the bell?” He points out.
I shook my head. “I was about to before I met you.”
“Oh, I’m sorry for interrupting you. Would you like to do the honors?” He gestures to the bell.
I couldn’t help but smile at the gesture. Of course my little self wanted to ring the hell out of that bell, so I did. I hit the bell once, no one came over. So I rang it about another 50 times. Still nothing.
I looked back at The Doctor confused and he looked at me just as confused. Just as he was about so say something a man appeared out of no where.
“Good evening,” the man said in a robotic tone, “How many I help you?”
The man looked human but there was something very off about him. He talked like a robot, he was emotionless and I don’t think he was even blinking. I stared at the guy as I tried to figure out what he was or if he was actually human.
“Hey,” The Doctor nudged me, “It’s rude to stare you know.”
“Is he even real?” I whispered to The Doctor.
“Of course he is! He’s standing infront of us isn’t he?” He pointed out, but it didn’t answer my questions.
But before I spoke up again, he began to order for us, “We’ll get two cups of tea, one in the cup and another in a sippy cup. I’ll take a croissant and they’ll take a chocolate chip cookie.”
I immediately pulled on his arm, “A sippy cup?!”
He looked at me with a raised eye brow, “Do you think you’re old enough to be holding a glass tea cup right now?”
I looked at him with a defiant look and he looked back at me with the same eye brow raise. But the problem is he was right and he knew and I knew it.
So instead of admitting he was right, I just started to blush and turn my head and body toward his shoulder.
I could hear the smirk in his voice, “That’s what I thought love.” He looked over at the robot…I mean the guy, “That will be it for us thanks.”
“Please have a seat. I will return with your items shortly.”
With that The Doctor led us over to a booth to sit in. Once seated I looked back over at the counter and the guy seemly disappeared again.
“Are you sure he’s not a robot?”
“What if he is? What would be the issue with a robot?”
“What is a robot doing working at a café in London?! And why does it look so lifelike?!” I asked as if it wasn’t obvious.
“Maybe he couldn’t find work on other planets?” He suggested.
That stopped me for a moment, “Other planets?”
“Here is your order sir,” the robot…I mean guy appeared out of thin air. It was so much of a surprise that I jumped a bit from the shock of it.
“Here we are,” The Doctor said taking all of our cups and plates from the tray, “Thank you very much.” He said paying the bill to the very real guy.
“Please let me know if you need anything else.” And with that the robot guy walked away.
“Strange,” I said more to myself than to anyone else.
Before I could even touch anything The Doctor waved this strange device over our food and drinks before looking at it. The device was blue and it made a weird noise.
“What’s that?” I asked with a tilt of my head.
“This is my sonic screwdriver. It can scan for dangerous things and can unlock plenty of other things.”
“Are…do you think the robot guy poisoned us?”
“No! No, the “robot guy” is just that, a robot guy who serves us tea. But with everything in life I like to keep a close and careful eye out for anything.” He explained.
“Like a certain someone trying to sneak a piece of cookie before they’ve had a drink of their tea.” The Doctor added with the raise of an eye brow.
I pulled my hands away from the cookie and blushed like crazy being caught in the act. I turned and picked up my sippy cup. The cup made me feel so Little. The cup, the way the Doctor was caring for me, it all seem to hit me like a train at that moment.
Here I was sitting at a public cafe with a sippy cup in hand and being taken care of by a Caregiver. It was enough to really have me sink into my headspace.
Soon regression started to sink around me like nice warm weighted blanket. I leaned back in the booth and started to drink the nice warm tea from the sippy cup.
The Doctor sat across from me with a smirk on his face as he sipped his own tea. “See,” he said putting his cup down, “You have nothing to worry about. Just let me take care of everything for you munchkin while you take the time you need to regress okay?”
I nodded, still not letting the sippy cup fall from my lips. The tea was amazing and just what I needed to warm me up.
The Doctor leaned forward and started to break apart my cookie into smaller easier pieces to eat. Once finished the two of us started to dig in. I ate the small pieces of my cookie while he ate his croissant.
Soon the two of us were finished. It was getting late, and between that and the nice warm cup of tea and jacket I was slowly starting to nod off at the table. Something that didn’t miss The Doctor’s careful attention.
“I think it’s about time we get you back home and in bed. Don’t you think?” The Doctor smirked.
I nodded, taking the empty sippy cup and putting it back on the table. The Doctor and I stood up from the booth, but right away he could see I wasn’t too strong on my feet. So he decided to lend a hand.
“Is it okay if I pick you up pumpkin?” He politely asked.
I nodded right away, too tired to want to walk back to my flat anyway.
The Doctor lifted me up and onto his hip with ease. “There we go,” I heard him say as I started to relax against him.
He turned to the interesting robot guy, “We’re all set here. Thank you again. Cheers.” And with that he walked us out of the café.
The robot guy continued to watch as we left.
Thankfully the rain had stopped. The Doctor walked down the deserted sidewalk with me in his arms half asleep. “Now, where do you live?”
I mustered all the energy I could and lifted my head up to tell him the address. Once I did I looked up and over The Doctor’s shoulder to see the café worker. I jumped in The Doctor’s arms which soon got his attention too.
He turned around and witnessed the man. We were a bit away from the cafe now thankfully. With his hair pulled back we could see there was something attached to his face. Something silver with blue lights.
“Doctor?” I asked as anxiety gripped me. I held onto him a little tighter.
“We’re…we’re going to have to make a little detour to your flat Y/N.” He said in a voice that was doing a poor job of covering up worry.
“Hold onto me tightly.” He instructed before he took off down an alley way running. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head against his shoulder.
“What’s going on?” I asked in a trembling voice.
“It seems our cafe friend seems to be working for an old enemy of mine called the Cybermen.”
“Cybermen? Who are the Cybermen?”
“Something we don’t want to meet and something too scary for someone as young as you right now. But there’s no need to worry. I promised to take care of you and I never break my promises.”
He continued to run from one alley way to another. In the distance I could hear mental feet marching toward us.
“Where are we going?”
“Well I can’t bring you back to your home with the Cyberman following us. But that just means I’ll have to bring you to my home.”
“Your home?”
I lifted my head up and looked ahead of us. There was nothing there. The alleyway was empty except for an old blue police telephone box at the end of it.
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mychlapci · 9 months
Okay but drift going back in time through some mishap and telling himself "I'm not going to do anything to influence the timeline again" and then he sees a young college student ratchet flirting with another mech and throws the whole thing out the window
Maybe they are at a shady bar, drift went to make sure he stayed out of the way of his past self and ratchet went with a bunch of classmates for their first pub crawl. Of course he's not going to refuse a drink from the hot older guy at the bar. He doesn't even notice the way drift scares off his classmates until it's just the two of them.
He does notice when he gets up to leave, much drunker than when he sat down, and drift drags him over to a corner and bends him over a stool. It's not even a dark corner, the whole bar can see them as Drift takes Ratchets seals and fucks him full of transfluid. Maybe that's where the party ambulance rumors start, as half ratchets class watch him moan like a whore for a mech he just met and doesn't even know the name of 🐢
hghhhh that's exactly what i meant by Drift catching a possessive streak over seeing young Ratchet… he knows they haven't met yet and they're not conjuxed, but seeing him get flirted with immediately made him forget his promise to not mess with the time-line. It's just that… Ratchet’s getting flirted with by some life-less, idiot student that cannot possibly become Ratchet's first… No, Drift won't allow it, he can't allow it. Ratchet deserves to have his seals broken by a good spike, an experienced spike, a spike that knows his internal nodes inside and out. He ends up chasing away the guy and cannot stop himself from offering Ratchet a drink… they chat for a while and Ratchet keeps getting more and more buzzed and his friends have disappeared to the other end of the bar, conflicted about the scary older guy that's currently getting closer and closer to Ratchet… but Ratchet doesn't seem to need any help, in fact he appears to be enjoying himself, putting his hands on the older mech, shimmying closer to him in turn, arching into every touch, generally being a giant flirt for a guy that has yet to tell him his name...
Drift getting Ratchet, now stumbling and a little drunk, into a corner and shoving his spike into that tight, virginal heat, feeling Ratchet's seal snap when he pushes in. Ratchet whining and whimpering, drawing curious optics towards their little corner of heaven as he has his first proper overload, legs quivering so much he doesn't think he can stand for much longer… His classmates then spend the entire semester talking about the Party Ambulance that lets just about anyone have a turn on his holes <3
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raeynbowboi · 11 months
Mystery Inc as a DnD Party
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I figured as long as we're still in the vicinity of spooky season, I'd build everyone's favorite gang of teenage mystery solvers as a collective unit. Pulling from their group dynamic to come up with a party roster that will give everyone in the party a designated role.
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Skills: Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Persuasion
Freddie is the dimwitted but lovable himbo leader of the team. He's also the muscle, except in moments of athletic skill, when he's outshined by Daphne. His backstory isn't always consistent, but he's usually a jock of some sort. He's not usually all that book smart, but he has a good heart, and inspires his team to success. Paladins who swear an Oath to the Crown hold law and justice above all else, and Fred usually enjoys catching the bad guys and seeing justice served.
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Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Investigation, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Performance
As surprising a choice as this might seem, Bard is actually a very appropriate choice for Daphne. Modern Daphne is the most supportive and emotionally intelligent member of the group. From What’s New Scooby-Doo? to Be Cool, Scooby-Doo, Daphne has become the emotional powerhouse of the group. Sensing when her friends are off their game, and offering sage advice to her friends when they need it. She’s also become a very creative girl, skilled in singing, dancing, fashion, design, and more. She’s grown to be the group’s resident skill monkey, almost on par with Velma’s uncanny encyclopedic knowledge on all brainy subjects. If a lock needs picking or the gang needs to get out of a trap, you can count on Daphne to have a nail file, bobby pin, or something else on her person to save the day. She's typically also the face of the group when it's not Fred, meaning she's going to want high Dexterity and Charisma. I chose Lore because Daphne is a reporter in Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island and this is the only real career she's ever had. A lore bard is basically a more magical reporter, and singing the tale of her group's mysterious endeavors.
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Skills: Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature
Velma was the most debatable one for me, as she could be a wizard or an artificer. And I was really leaning toward Wizard, but I had to stay true to Velma's character. She's been a tinkerer and a gadgeteer for a long time now. Velma is absolutely fascinated by robotics. But while Velma in our world can handwave superstitious nonsense, in a world with gods, demons, and real ghosts, I could absolutely see Velma using her knowledge to become a powerful wizard. I even considered the Knowledge Domain Cleric because it's basically designed to be a magical detective, and if Velma was going to worship a deity, it'd be a god of knowledge and reading. Ultimately, I did choose Artificer as it was more in-line with her base character as a skeptic and a scientist, but she would work as a Wizard. Plus, as is, Daphne is the only full-caster in the party.
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Skills: Animal Handling, Investigation, Stealth, Survival
No surprises here, Shaggy and Scooby are a bonded pair, and the two were going to be joined to each other one way or another. Scooby is technically a Beast of the Land, and there's no Great Dane stat block, so call him a Mastiff if you need to. You can't really build Scooby by himself per se. There's no dog race unless you go Custom Lineage or something, and even then, I'd struggle to assign Scooby a class as he's mostly an animal sidekick. Make sure Shaggy picks up Cooks Untensils and proficiency with them so he can become the party's designated camp chef.
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Ultimately, I'm happy with how the team turned out. Fred's the tanky and bulky frontliner, Velma can use her robotics to help solve mysteries, Daphne is the face on top of having so many skills, and Shaggy works with Scooby. Inadvertently, they're also all classes with access to healing spells. So, while I suspect Daphne being the sole full caster will probably assume primary role of group healer, everyone is capable of healing each other up. Making this a great group of supportive friends taking care of each other.
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jujumin-translates · 6 months
Event | 7th Anniversary: All Actors Aboard! | Chapter 1: VELUDO STATION MEMORY ✕ Tenma Sumeragi
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Tenma: Good work.
Tsuzuru: Good work. It’s rare that we all get to eat lunch together like we’re doing today.
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Taichi: That’s what happens when we all take different classes~. Oh, what’d you guys get for lunch?
Tenma: The hamburg steak meal.
Juza: I got the meal of the day. Couldn’t resist ‘cause the dessert was animitsu.
Tsuzuru: I got the kakiage udon set.
Taichi: Nice! I got the chuukadon!
Taichi: Mighta got a little ahead of myself with getting such a big serving though. I’m so full I feel like I’m gonna sleep through my next lecture…
Tsuzuru: Well, you should at least try to stay awake.
Tenma: I’ve got a photoshoot later, so Igawa’s picking me up from campus in a little bit.
Taichi: For real!?
Tsuzuru: You really are always busy, huh.
*Phone notification*
Tenma: Hm? A LIME from Igawa.
Tenma: …
Juza: ? What is it?
Tenma: …He said he can’t pick me up because something else came up.
Tenma: It’s fine, I’ll just take a taxi to the site. The app to call one is--.
Tsuzuru: A college student calling a taxi… must be a rich person thing.
Taichi: Well, that’s our Ten-chan!
Taichi: That actually reminds me of something that happened back when we were at O High! Ten-chan got totally lost.
Tenma: …I wasn’t lost. Why do you even remember that, anyway?
Taichi: There’s no way we’d forget that, Right, Juza-san!?
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Juza: Yea… that. That was pretty surprisin’.
Tsuzuru: What are you talking about?
Taichi: Umm… I think it was around the time right after Juza-san and I finished the first performance of the Newborn Autumn Troupe.
Taichi: C’mon, Ten-chan, tell us!
Tenma: …
Tenma: Back then--.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tenma: (...Igawa’s late.)
Tenma: (He said this morning that he was going to meet me by the road near O High because I’ve got to head to the drama set for filming after school.)
Tenma: (But it’s already way after the scheduled time and he still hasn’t come. I already tried calling him, but he’s probably driving. What should I do…?)
Juza: …Huh, ain’t that Tenma?
Taichi: It is! Ten-chaaan!
Juza: Thought ya said ya had filmin’ for your drama today.
Tenma: I do. But it’s way past the scheduled time and Igawa still hasn’t come to pick me up.
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Taichi: Really? What are you gonna do?
*Phone buzzes*
Tenma: --It’s Igawa.
Igawa: “Tenma-kun, I’m so sorry! I had something else come up on short notice, so I couldn’t pick you up…”
Igawa: “However, the site this time is quite close to where you are now. I apologize, but could you please head straight there yourself?”
Igawa: “It would be much faster to take the train, but knowing you, you may be better off taking a cab, Tenma-kun.”
Tenma: …Got it. I’ll call you when I get there.
Taichi: What’d Igawa-san say?
Tenma: …He had something else come up and that’s why he couldn’t pick me up.
Tenma: I think I’ll just head over to the main street and catch a cab there. I don’t think I’ll be able to catch one around here.
Juza: Gotcha.
Taichi: See ya!
Tenma: Yeah, see you later.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Tenma: (I was just trying to get to the main street… how’d I end up at Veludo Station!?)
Tenma: Even though I thought I was using the map app properly to try and get there…!
Taichi: --Huh!? Ten-chan!?
Juza: What happened? Thought ya were headed to the main street.
Taichi: What happened to taking a taxi? Could you not get one?
Tenma: Y-Yeah.
Tenma: But it seems like I can get there by train too, so I thought it’d be nice to do something like this every once in a while.
Tenma: I was just about to buy a ticket. Ticket machine… first, you need to press this button on the panel and…
Taichi: …Ten-chan, do you even know how to buy a ticket?
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Tenma: I-I know how to! Umm… and then to get to here…
Juza: If ya wanna go to that station, ya can buy a ticket for the amount it says there.
Tenma: Right… thanks. Alright then, to the ticket gate…
Tenma: …
Juza: …What is it?
Tenma: Nothing…
Tenma: …What platform should I go to to get to that station?
Taichi: …
Juza: …
Tenma: …What?
Juza: …Tenma. How ‘bout we go with ya?
Tenma: Hah!? Why do you need to…
Taichi: C’mon, it’s not a big deal! We’re just worried about letting you go by yourself, Ten-chan!
Taichi: We just wanna tag along, so don’t even worry about it! We’re just curious about the drama set ‘n stuff, y’know! Right, Juza-san!?
Juza: Yea, we are.
Tenma: --.
Tenma: …W-Whatever. You can come along if you really want to.
Taichi: Alright, let’s all head there!
Juza: That way goes back home.
Tenma: Right… thanks.
*Flashback end*
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Taichi: You really surprised us back then, Ten-chan!
Juza: Glad ya managed to get there okay.
Tsuzuru: Huh, that’s quite the episode.
Tenma: …Well, you guys really saved me back then.
Taichi: That reminds me, isn’t the theme for “VELUDO” this time memories about the station!?
Taichi: Why don’t you write about that, Ten-chan?
Tenma: What!? There’s no way I’m writing about that.
Taichi: Huh, why not!? I’m sure there’s tons of people who would love to read about your getting lost episode, Ten-chan~.
Tenma: I told you, I wasn’t lost!
Tsuzuru: You sure are stubborn, huh.
*Phone buzzes*
Tenma: Looks like the taxi’s here. I’m going to get going now.
Tsuzuru: See you.
Juza: Stay safe.
Taichi: You gonna be okay? You’re not gonna get lost on your way to the taxi, right?
Tenma: You don’t have to worry about that!
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Taichi: Ahaha, I’m kidding!
Tenma: Jeez…
Tenma: (The “VELUDO” article, huh… well, maybe I’ll consider doing it.)
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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lizzyscribbles · 3 days
An Exercise In Futility - Part Four
(My college chemistry class decided to kick my ass these past few weeks, so I haven't had much time to write, which sucks, but whatcha gonna do? Finally got to sit down and go to town with this one, so I hope a few people enjoy!)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
TW: Suicidal Ideations and Terminal Illness
“…what did you say?”
And there it was, the reminder that Yoichi had, in fact, actually uttered the very thing he’d sworn to keep a secret to the only person he’d never wanted to tell. The car rolled to a halt in front of the house, but Yoichi couldn’t even wait until it had fully come to a stop before he was unlatching the door and jumping out. Hisashi’s panicked squawks were drowned by the pounding of his own heart. He made for the front door, leaving behind nothing more than a muttered, “nothing, sorry,” to placate Hisashi’s demands for an explanation.
Throwing the door open, he barely made time to kick off his shoes before speeding down the hall to duck into his room and yank the door shut behind him. For a moment, he considered dragging a chair in front of it, but he knew there was little that would stop his big brother should he decide that he was coming in, least of all a tiny chair.
Looking around his room, a wave of exhaustion hit him and he let himself wilt like the sad little flower he was. The room smelled stale, even though he’d just been there that morning. The curtains were half drawn, letting in patches of gloomy light to catch on the dusty floor. Yoichi couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt up to vacuuming…or really anything other than a simple tidy…and it showed. 
His jacket slid right off his boney shoulders and landed in a heap on the floor. Shuffling over to his bed, he faceplanted, wriggling forward to bury himself under one of the many blankets piled on his bed. He knew Hisashi would be along momentarily, he never was one to let things go, but for a moment he just wanted to pretend everything was fine. 
Because it was. It was fine. Eventually, he wouldn’t have to do this anymore.
He jumped, just slightly. He hadn’t even heard the door open, but Hisashi probably hadn’t even bothered to open it. Grabbing the edges of his comforter, he dragged it further over his face until the only thing he could see was darkness. Maybe, just maybe, if he stayed completely still and silent Hisashi would think he fell asleep and leave him alone. 
No dice. A quiet sigh echoed through the room, footsteps padded closer before the bed dipped next to him and a hand settling on his back. Yoichi curled further in on himself, pressing the blanket over his face to muffle his sniffling and dab at the tears with the corners of his eyes.
He wasn’t even sad, per say, just offput that he’d blurted his biggest secret like it was nothing. He was pretty sure his eyes were just leaking because they didn’t know what else to do. He wasn’t upset, but his back hurt and his lungs ached and the room was altogether too loud and too quiet, and Hisashi was mad, he could tell, he didn’t need to see him, and, and…
Two hands slid under him, pulling him from his stupor to realize that he’d started to full on sob, tears rolling down his face. Hisashi hefted him up, blanket and all, cradling him close like he’d done when Yoichi’d had one of his many emergencies. He used to do it when they were kids too, long, long ago when they were forced to wander the streets, constantly on the lookout for their next hot meal. Yoichi was never able to move fast enough to satisfy his brother. He always tried, but was left gasping and panting within minutes. Even at a young age, Hisashi had always indulged him briefly before doubling back to heft his younger brother into his arms with a wry smile on his face. If Yoichi didn’t know any better, he’d think that his brother enjoyed being forced to carry him, like he sped up just to tire him out quicker.
But Hisashi wouldn’t do that. Hisashi wanted him to get better, not worse.
More minutes had trickled by, lost forever in Yoichi’s mind, and he really had to come back down to Earth now. Hisashi’s grip on him was borderline uncomfortable, and he had taken to lightly shaking his brother while feeling his forehead. Yoichi squirmed, nose scrunching into a frown. Hisashi let out another sigh, relaxing his fingers just slightly as Yoichi opening his eyes. Hisashi eased him up and Yoichi tried to scoot to sit beside his brother, but he still wouldn’t relinquish his hold.
“Yoichi. Talk to me.”
Yoichi shook his head, mumbling. “There’s nothing to talk about.”
“There most definitely is something to talk about. You seem to be under the impression that there is ‘no point’ in pursing your good health, and that is an egregious falsehood I intend to correct right now.”
Yoichi folded his arms over his chest, determined to bore a hole in the carpet with his gaze. “Will you put me down if I agree to tell you?”
He could his Hisashi frown out of the corner of his eye, but set the cocooned Yoichi delicately next to him on the bed. “…Was it that doctor? Is that why you’ve been so sullen lately? Did he tell you something? Yoichi, if he told you something about your health I need to know.”
“He didn’t.”
“–that is my name and you are wearing it out–”
“–what did he say to you? Or was it that nurse that always signs your cards? I never liked her, the way she spoke to you was so incredibly unprofessional, I’ll speak to her superiors–”
“Helga didn’t say anything. The doctor didn’t tell me anything, Hisashi.” Yoichi snapped, throwing the blanket off himself. “He hasn’t told me anything for months. No one has.”
“What? Why not?”
“Because I haven’t been going.” Yoichi shrieked, jumping to his feet, the blanket falling from his shoulder. “Because I haven’t gone for months.”
“Because it’s stupid and pointless, I’m stupid and pointless, and before you ask no one had to tell me that! I’m not an idiot Hisashi, every single professional whose ever took so much as one look at me has told me the same exact goddamn thing, that I’m not going to live past my twenties. Hell, maybe not even my teens! I could keel over literally any day now–God knows I can’t keep up with the army of pills they want to shove down my throat at every turn–and no matter how hard you try to ignore it, that’s just the truth. Not even you can change it, big brother, I'm dying. Slowly, but I am.”
Yoichi paused to take a breath, furiously wiping tears from his eyes.
“And I’m fine with that, okay? I’m fine with dying, I really am. This isn’t even really living anymore–and don’t try to tell me it is, there are some things you just don’t get–so what’s the point? All I do now is slow you down, I slow everyone down, and I’m tired. I’m tired of being sick, of the hospital visits, the doctor’s appointments, of the pills and the masks and the inhalers…”
Yoichi finally looked up to meet his brother’s gaze.
“…I’m tired of being alive, Hisashi, I can’t do it anymore.”
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beefromanoff · 6 months
Project Mockingbird Ch. 16
summary: Charlotte's press conference, dinner party at the Avengers' Tower, Asguardian mead. what else needs to be said?
pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC
author's note: a longer chapter this time! let me know what you think! thanks for reading! the slow burn is BURNING baby!
tag list: @bangtanxberm @scott-loki-barnes @kayhi808 @charmedbysarge
(let me know if you want to be added <3)
chapter list
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As the sleek Quinjet sliced through the clouds en route to New York, the mood among The Avengers was surprisingly light. With Charlotte’s press conference looming ahead, there was a ripple of nerves from those who preferred to remain out of the public eye, balanced out by those who were more on the veteran end. Several days of preparation had led them to this mid-morning flight, where the team had decided to make a weekend of it. With their headquarters being upstate at the compound, there wasn’t much need for the team to be at the Tower in the city. Tony spent the most time there of anyone, residing there with Pepper most of his days. His research and development space was ten times the size of the lab at the compound, spanning nearly twelve floors and responsible for producing all the newest tech to outfit the team. Other than that, it was used as a base for any Avengers who had business in the city, or just wanted to get away. There were two large residential floors with around twelve bedrooms each. Some of the more seasoned members, like Steve and Natasha, had their own personalized rooms from years of visiting. Others just chose a guest room when they came to visit. Peter was the only other one who spent considerable time there, with the Tower being only blocks away from where he took college classes during the year. 
The interior of the Quinjet was full, with people occupying nearly every sitting area. Nat and Steve sat at the front, piloting the ship. Calla sat behind them, eyes glued to her laptop, chatting to Bruce on the phone pressed between her cheek and shoulder. Sam and Peter sat across from Wanda, Charlotte, and Bucky in the open back galley. Wanda had made a game of tossing grapes into the air for Sam to attempt to catch in his mouth, but he was continually derailed by Peter snatching them away at the last second with a well-timed web. 
“Aw, come on man. That’s not cool.” Sam rubbed his jaw, having just bit down on nothing. “You better sleep with one eye open, kid.” 
Charlotte leaned back in her seat, watching the playful exchange between Sam, Peter, and Wanda with a small smile. She glanced over at Bucky, his expression unreadable as usual.
"You know," she said, nudging him lightly with her elbow, "you could join in on the fun too. Unless you're afraid of losing to Sam."
Bucky raised an eyebrow. "I think I'll pass. Not really in the mood to fight another grown man for food today." He frowned at Sam flailing his arms to catch his balance after lunging to catch a grape in his mouth. “Or to look like…that.”
Charlotte chuckled. "I see you’re feeling especially cheery today."
"Of course I am," he replied, his lips quirking up into a small smirk. “Today’s your big day.”
“Don’t remind me.” She slumped lower in her seat, covering her eyes with her hands before peeking through her fingers at him. “Is it too late to make a break for it?”
"Sorry, you’ve exhausted the number of times I’m willing to jump out of a plane for you this month." He gave her his usual semi-annoyed look before softening it into a half-smile. “Don’t be nervous. You’ll do great.”
Charlotte nodded, a small sigh escaping her lips. "I mean, it’s not even the interview that’s bothering me. It's the fact that everything is, like...official, you know? I know I’ve been at the compound for a while, but I still kind of felt like I was just crashing there. Even the training exercises, all of that…I just feel like I’ve been staying as long as I’m welcome. But this, telling the world, I don’t know."
Bucky nodded in understanding. "I get it. I do. Don’t think this changes anything. You still have complete freedom to walk away whenever you want. This is just part of what we do. You aren’t trapped anywhere.” His hand twitched on his leg like he wanted to reach for her, but he didn’t. 
"Thanks, Buck," Charlotte said, offering him a grateful smile.
"No problem," he replied, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer than usual before he turned to look out the window.
Charlotte felt a flutter of something in her chest at his lingering gaze, but she pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand. With Bucky's reassurance, she felt a little more confident about the upcoming press conference. She followed his glance out the window and allowed herself to zone out for the rest of the short flight.
Once they landed, the team dispersed into the Tower, each member attending to their own pre-conference rituals. For Charlotte, this meant entering a world she was far less familiar with than she expected. 
Pepper led the trio of women to a spacious room filled with racks of designer clothes and a vanity table laden with makeup and hairstyling tools. The scent of luxury perfumes mingled with the smell of coffee being brewed in the corner. 
"Welcome to the glam squad headquarters," she announced with a flourish, a warm smile on her lips. “Any of these outfits are available for you to wear today, and our lovely team will ensure you look your best before we hit the stage. I’ll come back for you in about an hour and a half. Let me know your lunch order and I’ll make sure it’s delivered.” She gave one final reassuring nod before stepping out the door.
Wanda was already browsing through the outfits, her fingers dancing over the hangars with an appreciative hum. "You're going to look stunning, Charlotte. The world won't know what hit them. I am a little jealous, though, I didn’t have half of these options when I joined." She gaped at the designer dress covered in plastic she tugged off the rack.
Charlotte chuckled, though her nerves were bubbling just beneath the surface. "As long as I don't fall flat on my face, I'll consider it a win."
"That's the spirit," Natasha quipped, her tone light but her gaze assessing. "Remember, if you look hot, they’ll only half pay attention to what you say anyways."
“Gee, that’s uplifting.” Charlotte cocked an eyebrow.
“Well, it’s true.” Nat shrugged. “Might as well use it to your advantage.” She held up a blazer dress with a plunging neckline. 
“I love, but I think we should go for pants this time around.” Charlotte tugged the hem of her cargo pants up, revealing the almost-healed stitches still marring her leg. 
“Probably for the best,” She agreed. “Wanda, you got anything good?” 
The outfit ultimately chosen for Charlotte was a pair of cream, high waisted slacks and a matching vest-style tank top that complemented her athletic figure perfectly while hiding her unsightly battle wounds. Though her advanced healing had taken care of the various cuts and bruises across most of her body, her ribs remained black and blue and the leg…another story completely. The fabric was forgiving enough to allow for comfortable movement, yet tailored to show off her curves. The ensemble was accented with a simple gold belt, adding a touch of sophistication without overdoing it. After an hour of ironing, curling, being made up by a team of beautiful but somewhat rough-handed women -- the three Avengers were left alone. 
Wanda, with a gentle touch, brushed a few of Charlotte’s curls, loosening them with her hands. As she worked, she shared her own story of the first press conference she attended, the nerves, the fear of being judged, and how she found her strength. She had the shit luck to have to do a press conference shortly after a particularly public failed mission, with the news not being especially fond of her at the time. The look in her eye said she still carried the weight of their judgment. 
"It's about owning your story, Charlotte. Not letting the world dictate it…because they will try. Don’t let them tell you who you are or who you should be."
Charlotte listened intently, absorbing the wisdom being offered as well as the glimpse of vulnerability. She looked at her reflection, seeing not just the physical transformation but feeling a shift inside herself. She could do this. She was playing a part, just like every other time she’d stepped into a new world before. "Thanks, you two. For everything."
Natasha placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, locking eyes with her in the mirror. "We've got your back, always. Pepper won’t let it go sideways, and if anyone tries anything…." She winked and tugged at the hem of her dress, revealing a thigh holster.
With a final gloss touch-up, Charlotte stood ready, the epitome of a public figure: poised, confident, and only somewhat reluctantly embracing her new role in the spotlight.
It was a blur of activity from there.
Pepper came to retrieve the girls and guide them to a small room beside where the conference would take place. The men of the team were already waiting, having undergone a slight transformation themselves. Most of them wearing some variation of a button up or suit jacket, they looked equally as handsome as they were lethal. The sounds of a crowd in the next room carried through the wall, catching Charlotte’s attention. Stepping back through the door, Pepper stood to usher everyone through to take their seats at the long table on the stage. 
As they walked to the doorway, the team offered their affirmations to Charlotte, each one expressing their confidence in her in their own way. Steve’s reassuring nod, Tony’s overstated wink and thumbs-up, and Wanda’s warm, encouraging smile. As they filed out of the room, Charlotte was left alone in the sudden quiet of the room, unable to make her feet move. 
Charlotte jerked her head up to see Bucky leaning against the doorframe with an ease that belied his own turbulent history with the spotlight. He watched the others leave, ensuring they were alone before turning his full attention to Charlotte. "You look ready to take on the world out there," he remarked, a slight smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
Charlotte met his gaze, her expression a mixture of gratitude and burgeoning panic. "I feel like I'm about to face a firing squad."
"That’s just the press. Less lethal, but twice as persistent," Bucky quipped, moving closer. His tone softened. "Hey, look at me," he coaxed gently until she did. "You've got this. You're strong, you deserve to be here, and you’ve faced shit ten times as bad as this in the past two weeks. This is nothing."
Charlotte huffed a laugh, tension easing slightly at his attempt to lighten the mood. "I think I’d take the airborne dogfight over this right about now."
“Careful what you wish for.” 
Looking up at him, her eyes pleaded. “What if they hate me?” 
“That’s impossible.” He didn’t miss a beat. There was a pause as he stared down at her before shrugging, a mock-serious expression on his face. "Plus, if I can win over the court of public opinion, then a superhero gymnast with a penchant for high-stakes blackjack doesn’t stand a chance of failing. Plus, you’re not half-bad looking."
Her laughter was genuine this time, cheeks flushing. "Thanks, Bucky. Again."
He offered her a reassuring nod, his gaze sincere. "Don’t mention it. Just remember, those people out there? They’re not your judges. You’re not on trial. You’re here to tell your story, on your terms. That’s all."
As Pepper opened the door, giving them the final call, Bucky stepped aside, offering her the way out. "Showtime, Charlotte. Time to introduce the world to the newest Avenger."
With a deep breath, bolstered by Bucky’s words and the support of the team, Charlotte stepped through the door. The room buzzed with anticipation, a sea of faces and flashing cameras directed at the stage where Charlotte took her seat beside Pepper Potts, who had assumed the role of moderator for the event. Charlotte's gaze swept across the crowd, taking in the eager expressions and lifted recorders. Despite the butterflies performing acrobatics in her stomach, she held herself with an almost deceptive calm, playing the role of the poised and practiced figure she so desperately wished she was. 
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Pepper stepped forward, offering a warm smile to the audience. "Thank you, everyone, for joining us today. As you know we're here to introduce a new member to the Avengers Initiative, Charlotte Rossi. Many of you might know her from her impressive gymnastic achievements in the past, but today, we're here to discuss who she is and her new role with us.” She read from her notes, clearly well-rehearsed, because she only glanced down every few sentences. She gave their pre-written statement about Charlotte having been recruited and training with the Avengers for the past few months, and how they believe she will be an incredible asset to the team. When she finished, she looked back up at the crowd with her usual poise and calm. “Questions?"
The first question came swiftly, a hand shooting up from the front row. “Charlotte, many people in the gymnastics world were confused and angry about your sudden appearance on the scene. Where, exactly, did you come from?” 
Nervously, Charlotte leaned into the microphone and joked. “How much time do you have?” The ripple of laughter through the crowd relaxed some of the tension in her shoulders. She was warned not to bring up her heritage, Pepper reaffirming how skittish the American press could be when it came to ‘outsiders’ in positions of perceived power. 
"Charlotte, can you tell us about your transition from gymnastics to becoming an Avenger? How did those skills translate?"
Charlotte’s response was more relaxed, her voice steady. "Well, I’ve found that dodging bullets isn’t all that different from navigating a balance beam, except the mistakes are a lot more dangerous than a five-point deduction." Another round of chuckles amidst the raised hands. 
Another question followed, more personal this time. "There have been rumors of your...let’s say, 'adventurous' nights in Las Vegas. Care to comment?"
Finding her rhythm, Charlotte offered a wry smile. "What can I say? I like to keep life interesting. But to set the record straight, no laws were broken. Unless you count breaking the bank as a crime, in which case, I think you’ll be more concerned with Mr. Stark over here."
The atmosphere of the room lightened with her candidness, her ability to address rumors head-on while still maintaining a playful air about her. A seasoned reporter from a major news outlet raised her hand, her expression one of genuine curiosity mixed with the tenacity of a journalist looking for a deeper story. 
"Charlotte, much of your background remains a mystery to the public. Would you mind sharing some of your experiences that shaped the person and the Avenger you are today?"
Charlotte took a deep breath, her training with Pepper reminding her to navigate these waters carefully. She had been instructed to answer honestly, to allow the world to see her as a person and get invested in her story, but also not reveal so much that any potential enemy would gain an edge on her. She gestured down the table at the rest of the team, all watching her with encouraging smiles. 
"Everyone here has a story, a journey that led them to where they are. Mine was...complicated. I was orphaned, abducted, and subjected to years of horrific experiments and abuse that I don’t know if I’ll ever go into detail about.” The room was silent, the eyes of her teammates somber. A few, Natasha and Bucky in particular, looked like they’d rip the head off of anyone who dared interrupt Charlotte in this moment. “I've faced challenges and situations that tested me in ways I could never have imagined. Ways that you probably can’t imagine. But it's because of those challenges that I learned resilience, the importance of standing up for what's right, and the value of strength—not just the physical kind, but the strength of character. Those are the qualities I bring to the Avengers. I want the horrors of this world to continue to remain a mystery for all of you, and your children, and their children. I want to stop the evil before it starts. I want to protect the innocent the way I, and so many others," Her eyes darted to the side, to Wanda and Natasha, before facing forward again. “...weren’t protected.”
A murmur of approval and slight applause went through the crowd, cameras flashing wildly now that the vulnerable moment had passed.
Another question followed swiftly from a bald man in the front row, touching on her capabilities. "Can you tell us more about your powers? What makes you a valuable asset to the Avengers skill-wise?"
Smiling slightly, Charlotte replied, "Why don’t you come up here and find out?” More laughter, except from the reporter asking the question, who paled. “I have enhanced reflexes, strength and a very adaptable mind, which, when combined, allow me to anticipate and counteract threats in ways that are... unconventional."
Her answers were measured, revealing enough to satisfy curiosity without delving too deeply into the traumas of her past or the specifics of her abilities. It was a balancing act—showing vulnerability to make her relatable but maintaining enough distance to keep her privacy intact. The mock-conferences and press training with Pepper had seemed like overkill at the time, but Charlotte silently praised her for mandating them. Ten or so minutes passed with similar questions, asking about things they knew she wouldn’t be able to answer, like future missions and training protocol. She gave them the canned answer she’d practiced so many times. It went around and around before the inevitable question about her love life emerged from the crowd, thinly veiled as professional interest. 
"As the newest Avenger, there's bound to be speculation about...romantic connections within the team. Any comments?"
Charlotte’s laughter was soft, flipping her hair behind her shoulder as she leaned in to answer. "I wasn’t aware that joining the Avengers came with a dating service. I’ll have to check on that. Right now, my focus is on settling into my role and using my abilities for the greater good. But thanks for asking."
Pepper raised her hand to quiet down the chuckles of the crowd and the clamoring for further questions. “I’m afraid that’s all the time we have today. Thank you all for coming, please feel free to contact me with any further questions regarding Ms. Rossi or the rest of the team,” She was cut off by an overzealous reporter in the second row. 
“Wait, wait, Ms. Rossi,” She was flushed, clearly nervous. “What should we call you? I mean, there’s Black Widow, Captain America, the Falcon…and you?” 
Charlotte felt Nat’s hand squeeze hers under the table as she grinned. “Mockingbird.”
The evening sky was streaked with hues of orange and pink as Charlotte stood alone on the balcony, taking in the breathtaking view of the New York skyline. The gentle breeze tugged at her hair, sending strands dancing around her face. She savored the stillness of the moment, a welcome respite from the chaos of her thoughts.
A soft voice interrupted her daze, and she turned to see Bucky stepping out onto the balcony, his figure illuminated by the fading sunlight. The team had opted to stay dressed up for the evening, with Tony throwing an over-the-top dinner party for the occasion. She’d borrowed a loose, but low cut black slip dress from Natasha, not caring that the bandages on her left leg showed beneath the calf-length hemline. It was only the team tonight, anyways, and they’d seen much worse. Bucky’s black dress shirt hugged his chest, his long hair falling just above the collar where it was tucked behind his ears.
"Hey," he said, his tone surprisingly gentle.
"Hey," Charlotte replied, mustering a smile.
They stood in comfortable silence for a moment, both lost in the beauty of the sunset.
"Quite the view, huh?" Bucky finally spoke, breaking the silence.
Charlotte nodded, her gaze fixed on the horizon. "Yeah, it's... surreal," she said softly.
Bucky chuckled, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Tell me about it. Never thought I'd be watching sunsets from a place like this."
Charlotte's gaze lingered on the skyline, a playful glint in her eyes as she turned to him. "Just taking it all in. Hard to believe I went from some shit orphanage in Russia to this."
Leaning next to her, Bucky chuckled. "Hey, you had a few steps in between. Vegas, right? I’m sure you saw some views there that put this one to shame.”
“I’m embarrassed to say I didn’t see much of the sun while I was there.” Charlotte chuckled sheepishly. “I spent most of my time in the casino, losing track of time. And money.”
“Sounds like you acclimated to modern life quicker than I did. I was still figuring out smartphones while you were racking up chips at the Bellagio, and I had about five years of real world experience on you."
Charlotte laughed, a hint of mischief in her smile. "Hey, a girl's gotta eat. We figure out what we have to do to survive."
Bucky nodded in agreement, a wry smile playing on his lips. "I don’t disagree…but it does sound like your methods of survival are more on the glamorous side.” He raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Like I said,” She winked. “A girl’s gotta eat.” 
There was another moment of comfortable silence as their chuckles faded into the cool air. Shifting her weight on her heels, Charlotte glanced back up at Bucky.
"How'd you manage?" She asked, her curiosity evident. “To acclimate to all…this.” She gestured across the horizon. 
"It took me a while to find my footing. Everything moves so fast," Bucky replied, glancing at the bustling city below. “I used to live over there, you know.” He pointed to a suburb across the skyline. “Brooklyn. Steve and I grew up there. It was so simple back then, but of course, we didn’t realize it at the time.” 
Bucky paused, considering his thoughts. "The team helped a lot. Steve, especially. He’d just gone through it a few years before I did, so he was extra empathetic. I don’t know if I would have figured out half the shit that I did if it weren’t for him."
“Is that why you’ve been helping me?” Charlotte nudged him. “Just paying your super-soldier duties forward to the next poor soul thrust from cryo into the modern world?” 
Regarding her carefully, Bucky shook his head before looking back out into the last few beams of light. “Something like that.” 
Charlotte's laughter filled the air. "Damn, Sarge. Here I thought you were doing it out of the goodness of your heart.” 
“Maybe I just like feeling like I’m not the most out of touch person on the team.” His voice bordered on playful.
“Whatever stops the tears.” Charlotte gave him a light shove, picking up her heels from where they were discarded on a nearby patio lounger. “But for now, we should probably head back before Tony sends a search party."
Offering his arm with a gentle tease in his tone, Bucky said, "After you, Ms. Rossi. Let's not keep the man waiting."
The evening unfurled under the twinkling lights of the Tower's lavish dining room, an opulent space that could easily have doubled as a ballroom in another life. It was somehow sleek and modern, but regal and timeless all at once. The massive table, hewn from a single slab of dark, polished wood, stretched across the room, its surface gleaming under the soft light of numerous crystal chandeliers. Each setting was a masterpiece of fine china and gleaming silverware, flanked by crystal glasses that caught the light and scattered rainbows across the white linen tablecloth. Around the table, a jovial atmosphere bubbled among the Avengers, the change of scenery causing everyone to let loose for the evening.
The press conference had gone off without a hitch, marking yet another victory for the team, not just on the battlefield but in the court of public opinion. It was an occasion worth celebrating, and Tony, ever the consummate host, had spared no expense. His private chef had outdone himself, with course after course of exquisite dishes that would have made a Michelin-starred chef green with envy. The air was filled with the rich aromas of gourmet cuisine so fancy that Charlotte couldn’t even place half of it.
As the first round of plates were served, Tony stood, glass in hand, capturing the room's attention with the clink of a knife and a flash of his charismatic smile. "Ladies and gentlemen, and Spiderlings," he began, winking at Peter. "Tonight, we toast to many things. To the newest Avenger, Charlotte, who's shown us all that a life of white collar crime and card counting is something to aspire to." A round of hollering and whistles filled the room, Nat rustling Charlotte’s hair as she giggled.
"To Pepper, whose brilliance behind the scenes ensures our press conferences look more like award shows than the PR minefields they truly are. All while looking absolutely delicious, if I do say so myself…and I do." Another wave of laughter and applause swept through the team, with Pepper smiling modestly, her cheeks tinged with a blush of pride.
"And let's not forget to raise our glasses to Sam and Calla," Tony continued, his smile broadening. "The two people on my payroll who managed to keep the biggest secret from what was previously thought to be the world’s leading intelligence organization. We really should be more concerned about that. To Sam and Calla!" The table erupted in a chorus of congratulations, with the couple beaming, their hands intertwined.
Tony's gaze swept across his team, a twinkle in his eye. "And because no celebration is complete without a challenge, even our super soldiers aren't off the hook tonight. Thanks to a little intergalactic bartering, I've secured a keg of Asgardian mead. So, let's see if those enhanced metabolisms can keep up with the gods. Cheers!"
Laughter bubbled up around the table as Tony poured the golden liquid, serving two glasses to the reluctant super soldiers across the table from Charlotte and Natasha. Crystal glasses were thrust into the air around the table, clinking and spilling as the buzz from the wine served at dinner caught up to everyone.
"Here's to us," Tony declared, his voice carrying the weight of their shared trials and triumphs. "To the Avengers, new and old, and to a night that we'll remember—probably. Actually, hopefully not. Drink up!"
I don’t think I’ve ever felt so full in my life. 
Six courses. Plates practically licked clean. Dessert still on the way. Which, of course, I’d ordered two dishes. Who the hell could choose between red velvet cake and bananas foster anyways?
The meal didn’t seem to slow anyone down. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes with Earth’s Mightiest Appetites. Looking around the room, it was like the most chaotic renaissance painting you could imagine. Sam, with his arm around Calla, was telling a story that somehow had Peter terrified, Wanda laughing so hard champagne was about to come out her nose, and Pepper looking mildly concerned. Tony was engaged in conversation with Calla, somehow tuning out her fiance’s antics. Though his eyes had the classic red-wine-glazed look in them, a quick glance at his lips told me they were talking about carbon fiber photon reactors. Snooze. On Sam’s other side, Steve was playing right into Natasha’s hand. She was leaning forward onto her elbows, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger as she pretended to listen to his story about the Yankees’ World Series win back before the war. 
I couldn’t help but admire her tactic. Poor Stevie, looking equally as excited to be talking about Babe Ruth as he was to have Natasha’s undivided attention. I chuckled, taking a sip of my wine, catching Bucky’s attention across the table. He shook his head ever-so-slightly, rolling his eyes at the scene unfolding beside us before turning back to pretend he was listening to Steve as well. Amid the joviality, I found myself continually stealing glances at Bucky. He was surprisingly engaged in Steve's story, a ghost of a smile on his lips as he listened. There was a warmth in his eyes that I'd grown accustomed to, a subtle shift from the guardedness I'd seen when we first met.
Then, Tony, with that mischievous glint in his eye, raised his glass for attention, and the room fell silent. "I've got the best idea for our next fundraising initiative," he announced, his voice cutting through the air. "The ‘Women of the Avengers’ swimsuit calendar. Think of the headlines, the buzz! Pepper, get Sports Illustrated on the phone. We need to get the ball rolling."
The table erupted in groans and laughter, and Pepper promptly smacked Tony on the arm, a warning in her eyes. Amidst the chaos, I caught Bucky's gaze. His eyes traveled over me slowly, appreciatively, sending a shiver down my spine. Leaning in slightly, he murmured, just loud enough for me to hear over the chaos, "I'd hang that on my wall."
My cheeks flushed and my heart somersaulted in my chest at his audacity. In a room filled with drunken laughter and shouting, we somehow shared a private moment, our eyes locking amidst the chaos.
I wondered if he was thinking the same things I was. The same filthy, depraved things. It was a fleeting connection, but it was enough to make my pulse race and my breath catch in my throat.
Before I could fully process the moment, Steve elbowed Bucky, teasing him about his newfound appreciation for modern digital calendars, and the spell was broken. But the ghost of Bucky's gaze lingered, burned into my skin. As I forced myself to turn my attention to the rest of the table, I couldn't shake the feeling of his eyes on me, an almost intoxicating thrill that danced along my skin, igniting a spark of…something.
I could only hope it was a firework and not an atomic bomb.
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After dessert, the atmosphere had shifted as everyone moved to the lounge while the staff cleaned the table. Tony, who seemed to get his kicks from getting everyone drunk and causing trouble, had suggested, "How about a game to keep the night interesting?" which was met with an enthusiastic chorus of agreement and raised glasses.
We settled into the spacious living area, sitting in various degrees of sprawled across the sectional and the floor. At the heart of our haphazard circle, a bottle of Asgardian mead, now half empty, stood proudly. "Alright, we're playing 'Never Have I Ever'," Tony declared, brandishing five fingers in the air, "Avengers edition. And let's not forget, honesty is the best policy, especially with FRIDAY, and Jesus, as your judge."
The game started with mostly harmless confessions. Pepper shared that she'd never dyed her hair, prompting Tony to jest, "Really? I totally had you down for a secret pastel goth phase."
The stakes and laughter rose as the rounds progressed. "Never have I ever stolen something," Sam chimed, casting a glance around the room as if Scott Lang were present to take the fall in that round. Grinning, I put a finger down and took a drink, seeing Natasha do the same across the room.
My turn came, and I felt a momentary hesitation, keenly aware of all the eyes on me and everything I truly hadn’t done. With a dazed smile, I ventured, "Never have I ever been mistaken for a celebrity." The room erupted into laughter as several fingers dropped. Tony grumbled about his frequent mix-ups with Elon Musk, and Peter, flushing, confessed, "Someone thought I was Tom Holland once."
Bucky, who had been partaking with a quietly amused smile, chose his turn to engage fully. "Never have I ever gone skinny-dipping." His declaration sent a wave of laughter and surprised exclamations through the group as multiple fingers, including Steve's to everyone's astonishment, were lowered. 
"Alright, Rogers, you've got to have a tale behind that," Tony prodded, only to be met with Steve's good-natured refusal and a chuckle as he took a sip, "Not a chance, Stark."
As the game unfolded, laughter and pure drunken candidness seemed to dissolve the last remnants of formality among us. I found myself caught up in the genuine joy of the moment, laughing with an ease I hadn't felt in ages. Surrounded by friends, real friends, I felt the burdens I’d been carrying for so long lighten, even if just for the evening.
As Wanda took her turn, her grin widened mischievously, lighting up the room. "Never have I ever made out with someone in this room," she announced, and the room fell into a brief, suspenseful silence before bursting into laughter and gasps of faux outrage as nearly everyone lowered a finger.
Wanda's eyes twinkled with mischief as she confidently dropped a finger of her own, her gaze briefly connecting with Peter's in a silent, shared joke. One by one, fingers descended amidst smirks and secretive glances. Pepper and Tony exchanged a look of amused resignation, Steve and Natasha shared a glance that spoke volumes, confirming rumors without a word, and Sam's arm found its way around Calla -- everyone taking a sip of their drink. 
Well, all but two of us.
All eyes eventually drifted to Bucky and me, the lone two not ensnared by Wanda's cleverly laid trap. The air between us felt thick, suffocating, as our teammates' expectant glances bore down on us.
"Come on, you two, don't hold out on us," Tony teased, his smile broad and mischievous. "This is a safe, albeit slightly incestuous, place," he assured. 
"Yeah, join the club. We're all exceptionally good friends here," Sam added, winking as Calla elbowed him.
I couldn't help but laugh somewhat nervously, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. Bucky's reaction was so characteristically him. “What, do you want me to do a backflip or something? Fuck off.” He waved off the laughter and boos of the team, taking a longer drink than usual from his glass. I had never been more thankful for his grumpy old man shtick. 
My stomach warmed as I gulped down more champagne, averting my gaze briefly before recovering with a playful retort. "Alright, storytime, everyone. If we're airing out our laundry, let's make it a show. What about you, Steve, Natasha? And Peter, Wanda, do tell," I said, managing to deflect attention while fueling my own curiosity. Peter? Wanda? Really? Do I know these people at all?
Bucky simply shook his head, amusement touching the corners of his eyes.
The room murmured with anticipation, everyone's attention now laser focused on Steve and Natasha. After a shared, silent exchange, Natasha leaned in, her voice low. "Let's just say, long missions can get... interesting. You find ways to pass the time," she teased, leaving much to the imagination. Whistles and catcalls filled the air as Steve blushed, looking sheepish but not ashamed.
The spotlight then shifted to Peter and Wanda, the former wearing an expression of embarrassment mixed with fond remembrance. "Peter wanted to make an ex-girlfriend jealous, and being the wonderful friend I am, I agreed to help," Wanda explained, grinning.
Peter chimed in, "It was more effective than we anticipated," eliciting another round of whistles from the group.
The chaos reached a new height as everyone seemed to freak out at the new revelations about how salacious, and as Tony said, incestuous our little team truly was. I made a mental note not to refer to us as a family, ever. I opened my mouth to excuse myself, but the team was so distracted, I saved my breath. Pushing myself off the ground, I grabbed my glass and made my way around the massive couch. I hadn’t quite realized how much I’d drank until standing up, feeling my head spin. Maybe mixing the Asgardian mead with expensive champagne wasn’t my best idea, but hey, Tony said the goal wasn’t to remember tonight, and I was well on my way.
I found myself at the bar, reaching for a bottle that promised to cool the warmth in my cheeks and the flutter in my stomach. My hand brushed against metal fingers, and the world seemed to tilt slightly on its axis. Bucky, with his stupid silent approach, apparently had the same idea, and was reaching for the same escape in a bottle.
"Sorry," he whispered, his fingers closing around my fist, gripping the neck of the bottle. Yet, he made no move to distance himself; instead, he edged closer, the air between us practically crackling with electricity.
Our eyes locked, and in that moment, the crowded room, the laughter, and the music faded into a distant hum. I could smell his cologne and the bitter scent of the otherworldly mead. I could see the stubble along his jawline. 
"No, you’re not," I found myself whispering, the words a mix of challenge and invitation, laced with a yearning for the line we’d drawn in the sand to be crossed.
His smile was slow, deliberate, dark. "Not even a little," he confessed, his voice husky.
The air around us seemed to thicken, time slowing as we leaned closer, the rest of the world blurring into insignificance. The anticipation of the moment was almost palpable, our breaths mingling, his lips the last thing I saw as I closed my eyes. My stomach seared with the fire that ripped through it and threatened to burn me alive. 
"Hey, you two! You're missing the best part of the party!" Sam’s voice had never felt more unwelcome as it carried around the corner, his fists banging on the wall. 
We sprang apart, the spell broken. I swore I felt the moment freeze over and shatter into a million pieces on the ground. Bucky's gaze turned guarded, yet a smile lingered on his lips, a silent acknowledgment the fact that, I don’t know…fucking everything almost just changed. I couldn’t tell if it was the base of the music or my own heartbeat thundering through my bones. All I could see was a set of blue eyes, watching me, daring me to say anything. 
Bucky released his grip on mine and the bottle, muttering, “I think I’ve had enough tonight.” 
"Coming, Sam," I managed, my voice steadier than I felt, my heart still racing, my muddled brain struggling to process what just almost happened.
As we rejoined the group, the buzz of the party enveloped us right back in. I settled onto the couch between Wanda and Peter, animatedly cheering Steve on in a game of flip cup against Tony. I took a slow sip of the champagne I’d refilled and a deep breath along with it. 
Atomic bomb, for sure. 
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sfb123 · 1 year
Hands Down
Chapter 1: "Dear No One"
Catch up here!
Pairing: Liam x Riley
All characters belong to Pixelberry
Summary: Can Liam and Riley still find their way to each other despite Riley turning down Maxwell's invitation to Cordonia?
Rating: G
Word Count: 2,591
Song Inspiration: Dear No One - Tori Kelly
A/N: We're officially off and running, thank you all so much for the warm reception of the prologue. Your excitement is making me even more excited to get this out to you!
A/N 2: Spoiler alert, there's no Liam in this chapter. But I promise it's still worth reading.
A/N 3: Thank you @txemrn for pre-reading.
Tags are below the cut/in the comments. If you'd like to be added or removed, please let me know!
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Riley was on cloud nine as she walked the familiar path back to her apartment, making a mental checklist of everything she would need to do over the next month. She was excited and nervous, but this was everything she had ever wanted. 
Over the last few months, Riley had been focusing on school. It was her last year of college, where she majored in dance and minored in education. When she wasn’t studying, she was working. In addition to her job at the bar, she was assisting at the dance studio that she had attended as a child. 
The last month had been the busiest: finals, graduation, and the studio’s annual recital. Once all of that was finished, she jumped right into working the studio’s summer camp, all while spending her nights working at the bar. However, today was the day that made it all worth it. After the students had left for the day, the owner of the studio pulled Riley aside and offered her a full time teaching position when classes started up again in the fall.
This job was exactly what she had been working for. When she was growing up, the studio was her favorite place to be. The students and teachers were her friends, her extended family. When she was nine, she decided that she wanted to teach dance, and be what her teachers were to her for other kids who were trying to find their place in the world. She would have been happy teaching anywhere, but to be able to teach at her studio, her home, was the ultimate dream.
She entered her apartment, dropping her keys on the table by the door. She plopped down on the couch, her head falling back as she let out a wistful sigh. 
“Finally!” Her friend and roommate, Daniel said as he entered the living room. “I need your help,” he lifted his arms, each containing a dress shirt on a hanger. “Which one?” He held them up to his torso one at a time.
“Another date?” 
“You know it,” Daniel smirked. 
Riley rolled her eyes as she pointed to the green shirt. “That’s three dates this week.” 
“Four, you forgot about my double header Saturday,” He corrected her. “How was camp?” 
The corners of Riley’s mouth turned upwards, a wide grin slowly spreading across her face. “Pretty well, Christie offered me a full time teaching position when the season starts up in September.”
Daniel’s fingers froze in place on the button he was trying to secure. “Shut. Up.” Riley nodded her head, unable to contain her excitement. “Ri, this is amazing!” He rushed to the couch, she stood just in time for him to wrap her in a bear hug. “That’s my little Debbie Allen.” 
“So, now that I’m going to be teaching full time, I’m only going to need the one job.” She said tentatively as she pulled out of his embrace.
“Yeah, I kind of figured that was coming.” The moment was interrupted by the chime of Daniel’s phone. He pulled it from his pocket, and took a quick look at the screen. “Oh crap. Riley, you know I’d stay and celebrate, but I’ve gotta-” 
“No, totally. Get out of here.” She playfully punched him on the arm. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
“Oh please,” Daniel groaned. “If I did that, I wouldn’t be going out in the first place.” He leaned down, kissing her on the cheek before hurrying out of the apartment. 
Riley sat back down on the couch and picked up the remote, turning on the television and sighing to herself. Getting this job was the best news she had probably ever received, her dream was coming true. She should be celebrating, but she was sitting home alone, watching reruns. 
She understood; the world didn’t revolve around Riley Brooks. Her friends all had plans; she would never ask them to cancel for her. It was moments like this where she missed having someone to celebrate with. Since her last relationship ended, she had put dating on the back burner; she wanted to focus on her studies, but more than that, she felt she needed to take time to heal her heart. However, Riley had always been a hopeless romantic, waiting for Prince Charming to come sweep her off her feet. 
And when he finally did, she was too scared to pursue it. 
If she were being honest with herself, that was part of the reason she had kept so busy in her final semester. She was trying to ignore the nagging regret that had consumed her since she rejected the invitation to compete in the Cordonian social season. Not a day had gone by since her night on the town with Liam that she hadn’t thought about him. Missed him even. But she had blown her chance. The social season will be coming to an end soon. Liam was about to choose his bride. A woman that would probably make him forget all about her. Riley pushed past her thoughts of the man she could never have, and turned her focus back to the television.
A few days later, Riley was at her father’s house for a family dinner that had been put together both as a congratulatory gathering to celebrate her new position, and because her sister Danielle had an announcement to make. 
“Did you tell her to be here earlier than the rest of us?” Riley’s mother, Tina, asked her ex-husband as they sat in the living room of Riley’s childhood home. 
“I told her to be here thirty minutes earlier than I told you two,” Riley’s father responded. “She must have caught on.” 
As if on cue, the front door opened, and Danielle entered, followed by her girlfriend Sophie. They walked into the living room, unphased by their tardiness. “Hi everyone!” Danielle said to the annoyed and impatient faces of her family. “Jeeze, good to see you guys, too.” 
“It would have been better to see you forty five minutes ago, when you were supposed to be here,” Riley teased. “Can we eat now? I’m starving.” 
“No, not yet. We have an announcement!” Danielle said, raising her right hand to halt her family. “So as you already know, Sophie and I were out of town for the last couple of days. But what you don’t know is that it was to celebrate our engagement!” 
With that, she and Sophie each raised their left hands, showing off matching oval halo diamond rings. Tina sprung up from her seat, pulling Danielle and Sophie into a hug. 
“This is wonderful,” her grip tightened. “I’m finally going to be a mother of the bride!”
“Way to make it about you, Mom,” Danielle’s voice was muffled against her mother’s shoulder.
“Congrats, kiddo,” David said, prying the couple away from Tina. 
“Thanks, Daddy.” 
Riley approached them next, “Congratulations, Dani.” She pulled her sister into a hug before turning to Sophie. “My condolences.” She said to her future sister-in-law, who chuckled in response. “No, seriously. We’re stuck with her; you’re choosing to be with her.” Riley joked. 
“Ow!” She yelped when she felt a slap on her shoulder. Her head turned to the side to find her mother scowling at her. “Congratulations.” She muttered as she dramatically rubbed her arm. 
“Thank you,” Sophie replied. “Thank you all. You guys have always been so welcoming to me, and I’m really excited to become part of the family.” 
“Oh please,” David scoffed. “You’ve been a member of the family for years now. This just makes it official.” He patted Sophie on the shoulder. “Now let’s eat!” 
As everyone made their way to the dining room, Riley lingered behind. She was happy for her sister, she really was, and Sophie was perfect for her. A perfect addition to the family. It just served as another reminder that, despite her professional achievements, there was still something, or someone, missing. 
Throughout dinner, the conversation focused on Danielle and Sophie’s news. Everyone wanted to know how it happened, what Sophie’s family said, and if they had made any wedding plans. 
“We’re going to keep it pretty small,” Danielle explained. “Just close friends and family. It helps that Ri won’t need a plus one,” she joked. 
Tina and David chuckled while Riley narrowed her eyes at her sister. “I’ve been focusing on finishing school, and getting a job,” she protested. 
“We’re both still in school, and managed to get engaged,” Danielle shrugged. 
Riley crossed her arms over her chest. “Yeah, but I was in my last year, and I have been working toward a very specific goal. You have switched majors three times, and you’re only in your second year!” 
“Alright,” Tina’s mother interrupted. “That’s enough. This is supposed to be a happy occasion. You both have major milestones to celebrate, and there isn’t one that is better or more important than the other. Your father and I are proud of both of you,” she assured them. “And who knows? A couple of years from now, we will probably be sitting around this table celebrating Dani’s new career, and Ri’s engagement.” 
Riley and Danielle mumbled their apologies as they typically did when they would get into arguments. As their attention moved back to the meal, David decided to redirect the conversation. “So Ri, how many classes do they have you in charge of?”
“I’m teaching ten of my own, and assisting five.” She replied, pushing her food around on her plate. 
As much as she appreciated her father trying to bring things back to her, she couldn’t help but feel like she had been overshadowed by her sister’s news. Once again, she felt that pang of loneliness in her heart. 
At the end of the night as everyone was saying their goodbyes, Tina pulled Riley aside. “Ri, are you alright?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?” 
“You got quiet after your fight with your sister.” 
Riley sighed. “It’s just annoying. I came in here all excited about my news, and I just felt kind of overshadowed.” It was a half truth, she felt silly telling her mother the rest. 
“Riley, you have worked so hard to get where you are, and I couldn’t be prouder of you,” her mother assured her. “As for the other part,” Riley arched a brow, “I’m your mother. I know you better than you think.”  
“I know it’s hard to be alone, especially after having someone for a while. But you have been focusing on yourself, and that’s more important than anything else. You have to love yourself before you can love someone else.” 
Riley rolled her eyes. “Sure, Mom.”
“It’s a cliche for a reason. Besides, you and your sister are different people; you always have been. You’re the level headed one, the one who plans and worries. Your sister just,” she waived her hand back and forth, trying to come up with the right words. “She just goes with the flow. You’re doing everything right, and you’re going to get everything you want.”
“How do you know?” 
“Again, I’m your mother. I know things.” 
Riley chuckled and pulled her mother into a hug. “Thanks, mom.” 
The next night, Riley and Daniel entered the bar together for their shift. They were greeted by their manager Eli, his welcoming smile quickly morphed into a scowl when he realized that it was them, and not a customer. 
“It’s about time,” he hissed.
Daniel rolled his eyes while Riley took a deep breath. Eli was never in a good mood, so she knew there wasn’t going to be a right time to talk to him. She decided to rip the bandaid. “Eli, can I talk to you for a minute?” 
“You had better make it fast. We have customers that need to be taken care of.” Without another word, Eli stormed toward his office. Riley looked over to Daniel, who offered an encouraging smile. “Today, Miss Brooks!” Eli called from the back of the room, catching the attention of some of the patrons. Riley trotted in the direction of his voice.
Once she stepped inside, Eli closed the door behind her. “Let me save us both some time. The answer is no.” 
“The answer to what?” Riley asked, confused by the statement.
“I’m not a fool,” he began. “And despite what you and your friend think of me, I am not oblivious to the things going on around here. I know you just received a bachelor's degree, however I also know that it is not in a field that would benefit this establishment in any way. Therefore, your degree does not entitle you to a raise.” 
“Oh,” Riley replied in a surprised tone. “No, it’s not that. It’s about my graduation, but I’m not looking for a raise. I actually received a full time offer to teach, and it pays enough that I will only need the one source of income. So I… Well, this is my two week’s notice.” Riley had never quit a job before, and she hated confrontation, so the words spilled out of her at a rapid pace. “But I’ll have my regular availability, and I could probably do some extra hours if -”
Eli lifted his hand to halt her word vomit. “I don’t need your life story.” He said coldly. “Your resignation is accepted.” Riley let out a breath, she felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. “That doesn’t mean you just coast for the next two weeks.” He reminded her curtly. 
“Oh no, of course not.” She replied quickly.
“Then get back to work!” 
Riley exited the manager's office, the sound of the door opening pulled Daniel’s attention away from the customer he was waiting on. He locked eyes with her. She gave him a shrug and a half smile as she made her way to her post behind the bar. He scribbled down the order and hurried to Riley.
“Well?” He asked, nudging her with his shoulder. 
Riley chuckled as she slid a pint of beer across the bar. “It’s done. I will only be a waitress for two more weeks.” 
Daniel gave her a questioning look as he passed his customer’s order to the kitchen. “Then why do you look like your dog just died?” He placed his hands on her shoulders. “Riley, this is amazing! You’re starting your dream job, and in two weeks you’ll have your nights free, you’ll be able to have a social life again!”
“Right,” Riley scoffed. “A social life, because I’m so good at those.” 
“That’s what you’ve got me for.” Daniel grinned. “I’m going to get you out and having fun. Maybe even get you on a date or two,” he winked. 
Riley rolled her eyes at her friend. “Yeah, sure.” 
“Listen,” Daniel started in a more serious tone. “Baby steps, I’m not going to force you to go to parties every night, or surprise you with random blind dates, but you deserve to be happy, Ri. Not just dream-job-college-graduate happy, you deserve to be everything happy.” 
Riley smiled softly. “Thanks, Daniel. You’re the best.” She pulled him into a hug. 
Their tender moment was interrupted by the ringing of the kitchen bell, notifying them of an order that needed to be delivered to a customer’s table. “That’s me,” Daniel said as he pulled away and went to the kitchen to gather his order, promptly returning with a plate in each hand. “Let’s get you through the next two weeks first,” he encouraged. “After that, everything’s going to change.” 
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@amandablink @custaroonie @jared2612
@21-wishes @ao719 @belencha77 @burnsoslow @lovingchoices14 @the0afnan
Hands Down:
@imjusthereforliam @kristinamae093
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blvssomed · 8 months
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[  cillian  murphy,  cis  man,  he/him  ]  —  whoa!  SILAS  WILDE  just  stole  my  cab!  not  cool,  but  maybe  they  needed  it  more.  they  have  lived  in  the  city  for  32  YEARS  ON  AND  OFF,  working  as  a  MEDICAL  EXAMINER.  that  can’t  be  easy,  especially  at  only  44  YEARS  OLD.  some  people  say  they  can  be  a  little  bit  BRUSQUE  and  CRITICAL,  but  i  know  them  to  be  CLEVER  and  SEDULOUS.  whatever.  i  guess  i’ll  catch  the  next  cab.  hope  they  like  the  ride  back  to  MANHATTAN!
full  name:  silas  fionn  wilde
title:  doctor
nicknames:  only  silas
born:  dublin,  republic  of  ireland
citizenship:  has  dual  citizenship  between  the  united  states  &  ireland
age:  forty4
sexuality:  bisexual/biromantic
height:  5’8”
marital  status:  divorced
occupation:  medical  examiner
children: maeve wilde ( daughter - age 20 )
born  into  the  wilde  lineage  where  the  majority  of  offspring  would  inevitably  pursue  a  career  in  the  medical  field,  silas's  life  has  been  full  of  expectation  before  he  even  appeared  into  the  world  on  the  stormy  evening  of  october  5th,  1980.  his  parents  were  introduced  by  mutual  friends  while  at  university  where  old  money  flirts  with  old  money.
silas's  father  continued  to  add  to  the  wilde  wealth  through  his  illustrious  career  as  a  plastic  surgeon,  while  his  mother  dealt  in  rare  art  and  antiquities.  their  travels  often  called  for  a  nanny  to  watch  over  silas  and  his  eventual  younger  siblings,  but  dublin  was  home  base  —  where  they  would  inevitably  return  to  no  matter  how  many  transatlantic  plane  rides.
for  as  much  as  silas  didn’t  mind  burrowing  his  head  into  a  book  and  memorizing  his  way  through  the  dictionary  to  pass  the  time  once  he  made  his  way  through  his  father’s  library,  eventually  his  father  announced  he  sold  their  home  and  they  were  relocating  to  new  york  city  after  silas's  twelfth  birthday.  apparently  it  was  a  more  accessible  city  to  capitalize  off  of  people’s  insecurities.  from  his  father’s  enthusiastic  retellings  over  dinner  as  the  lines  by  his  mother’s  mouth  downturned  and  her  eyes  lackluster,  money  was  not  the  problem  at  hand.  
his  mother’s  attitude  shifted  with  the  move,  becoming  more  agitated  and  more  often  than  not,  narrowing  silas  as  the  main  target  for  her  sour  moods.  these  turbulent  moods  would  come  in  unexpected  waves,  before  his  mom  would  be  pulled  away  to  some  european  city  for  another  bidding  war  over  antiquities.  as  a  teenager,  silas  wasn’t  entirely  certain  what  caused  these  shifts  in  his  mother,  but  he  could  only  assume  the  rise  of  his  father’s  career  came  at  the  slow  decline  of  his  mother’s.  or  perhaps  she  thought  a  flourishing  family  meant  less  traveling,  less  exploring,  and  less  freedom  for  her.  silas  doesn’t  think  he’ll  ever  know,  but  he  did  his  best  to  shield  his  younger  siblings  from  her  wrath.
academics  proved  easy  for  silas,  his  natural  proclivity  for  picking  up  on  theories  and  dates  helped  him  stay  at  the  top  of  his  class  at  the  private  academies  his  father  had  him  and  his  siblings  enrolled  in  upon  their  arrival  in  new  york.  his  spot  as  valedictorian  of  his  graduating  class  was  secure  and  despite  many  others  who  would  think  the  expectation  of  a  medical  career  as  a  noose  around  the  neck,  it  merely  made  silas  think  outside  the  box  regarding  which  career  would  not  only  keep  him  intellectually  stimulated,  but  not  have  him  regret  his  decision.
his  college  years  and  twenties  seemed  to  slowly  inch  on  once  silas  settled  on  wanting  to  become  a  medical  examiner.  it  checked  off  the  box  of  a  medical  career,  while  also  ensuring  that  he  wouldn’t  have  to  directly  deal  with  people  like  most  others.  while  unfortunate,  his  patients  silence  would  be  a  blessing  for  him  in  fending  off  unnecessary  interactions.  a  bachelor’s  degree  in  forensic  science,  following  into  medical  school,  and  once  he  passed  his  medical  licensing  test  with  flying  colors,  he  gained  a  residency  back  in  new  york  city.  said  residency  led  to  a  coveted  fellowship  with  the  medical  examiner  of  the  nypd.
the  trek  to  becoming  a  medical  examiner  was  long  and  winding,  having  to  sidetrack  his  time  as  a  forensic  pathologist  and  network  meticulously  in  new  york  until  a  position  opened.  this  position  took  the  form  of  a  friend  of  his  mentor  retiring  in  the nyc  office of the chief medical examiner.  silas's  networking  skills  were  put  to  work  and  with  a  glowing  recommendation,  silas  secured  an  interview.  silas  has  been  in  nyc  for  the  past  34  years,  but  has  been  a  medical  examiner  for  the  city  for  seven.  he  has  his  sights  set  on  the  role  of  chief  medical  examiner,  but  he  still  has  some  time.  
silas  is  someone  who  takes  his  work  extremely  seriously,  a  bit  of  a  workaholic  who  values  what  he  does  and  the  importance  it  brings  to  many  people’s  lives.  unfortunately,  this  has  come  at  the  cost  of  his  own  personal  relationships  which  led  to  his  divorce  a  few  years  back  with  his  ex-wife.  they  wanted  silas  to  pull  back  from  work  and  start  a  family.
having  met  in  college  and  found  the  other’s  ambition  charming,  silas  and  his  ex-wife  married  not  long  after  graduation  and  both  agreed  that  their  careers  were  their  highest  priorities.  while  silas  never  particularly  desired  to  become  a  father,  when  his  wife  suggested  they  try  then  he  agreed  for  her  happiness.  their  agreement  was  only  one  child  and  that  was  the  way  it  was,  up  until  a  few  years  later  when  she  began  dropping  less  than  subtle  hints  about  expanding  their  family.  for  as  much  as  silas  loves  his  kids  and  holds  a  fondness  for  them  like  no  other,  his  line  was  drawn  at  one  and  so  he  put  his  foot  down.  his  wife  used  to  see  his  ambition  mirrored  in  herself  and  while  silas  never  shied  away  from  being  called  a  workaholic,  the  term  came  in  tenfold  when  his  wife  told  him  he  valued  his  career  more  over  their  family.  after  nearly  a  decade  of  marriage,  and  following  the  fifth  birthday  of  their  kid,  silas  and  his  wife  signed  divorce  papers.
overall,  silas  is  more  quiet  than  most,  choosing  to  be  observant  and  analyze  a  situation  first  before  offering  his  thoughts.  he’s  dedicated  to  what  he  deems  as  important  and  may  come  across  as  brusque  in  conversations  since  he  tends  to  get  straight  to  the  point.
he’s  definitely  learning  some  patience  bc  his  daughter and niece/nephew  are  currently  living  with  him  as  they’re  attending  the  nearby  college  and  deem  themselves  above  a  dorm  room.  so  instead,  silas  is  playing  host  and  (  un  )  fun  dad/uncle  as  he  gets  a  taste  of  what  parenting  two youths is  like.  he  feels  grey  hairs  coming  in  and  has  taken  up  morning  yoga  to  help  level  out  the  frayed  wires  going  off  in  his  brain.  but  it’s  fun  bc  silas  is  slowly  learning  to  loosen  up  a  bit  and  not  take  things  as  seriously.  you’re  allowed  to  have  fun  silas  !!
any  hookups  tbh  he  works  a  lot  and  juggles  that  and  looking  after  his  daughter  mauve  and  his  niece/nephew  now  that  both  are  living  with  him  in  his  upper  west  side  townhouse,  so  his  personal  time  is  a  bit  limited.  not  to  mention  he  isn’t  looking  for  a  committed  relationship  after  having  been  divorced  since  he  finds  being  single  easier,  so  he  settles  for  hookups.
a  blind  date  that  maybe  a  mutual  friend  set  them  up  on  and  silas  went  on  to  get  them  to  shut  up.  maybe  your  muse  was  actually  interested  and  was  bummed  when  silas  didn’t  follow  up  with  them  so  now  your  muse  side  eyes  him,  or  maybe  your  muse  also  went  to  appease  their  mutual  friend,  so  it’s  generally  amicable  and  they  have  no  issue  with  one  another
going  off  above,  maybe  the  two  of  them  pretend  to  see  one  another  or  use  each  other  as  a  default  date  when  said  mutual  friend  is  involved  or  have  defaulted  the  other  as  a  plus  one  for  any  real  event  they  need  a  date  for.  they  get  along  and  have  enjoyable  conversation  which  is  why  they  default  to  one  another
friends  !!  give  silas  some  joy  in  his  life  w  friendships  bc  this  man  needs  it
maybe  someone  silas  unintentionally  pissed  off  with  his  resting  bitch  face  and  judgemental  little  eyes  lmao  he  has  that  effect  on  people  <3
someone  who  frequents  the  same  gym  as  him  or  even  someone  who’s  in  his  weekly  yoga  class  and  they’ve  developed  an  early  stage  friendship  from  being  next  to  one  another
a  bar  hookup  bc  im  trash  and  the  whole  seedy  vibe  speaks  to  my  soul.  whether  or  not  silas  and  your  muse  acknowledge  each  other  can  be  discussed.  though  i  will  say  the  idea  of  silas  being  a  dumbass  and  not  recognizing  them  and  your  muse  hating  him  for  not  remembering  them  is  on  brand  for  him  so  there’s  that  lol
fellow  upper  west  siders  !!!
anything  really  pls  i  love  plots
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maigetheplatypus57 · 5 months
In Another World, You Were Mine
In another world, we got to spend our high school years together, instead of being separated by a virus and by our computers.
In another world, I would have never gone to the States, would have been able to stay by your side and see you everyday.
In another world, we finally got to be in the same class together, trying to sit next to each other and giggling as we passed notes or played tic-tac-toe and drew in each other's notebooks.
In another world, at age 16, I would've summoned up the courage to confess my lingering romantic feelings, to ask if we could try again, go from queer platonic to romantic.
In another world, if you had said yes, we could've been dating throughout senior high, holding hands and sneaking kisses when no one was watching.
In another world, it's you instead of my (required to be male) prom date that I would've walked through our favorite mall with, checking out all of the shops of our childhood and laughing at silly toys in toy stores.
In another world, we would've applied to colleges together, celebrating when you got into your art school and holding our breath as I open my letters from the top schools in the country.
In another world, we might have had the courage to come out to our families again, this time on our terms.
(No, I'm sure we never would have been brave enough, at least not until we were adults and in schools where they were more accepting of queer students, but it's nice to imagine.)
In another world we would've been attending colleges a few hours drive away from each other in two different cities, instead of a 16 hour flight across two separate continents. We could've been hanging out on the weekends with the rest of our friends, catching up on college stories and complaining over schedules.
(In another world, I don't know if I would've still been alive to see any of this happen, but I wish I was even given the chance to try.)
But that's in another world, and in this world we had this:
A three-and-a-half years long queer-platonic relationship, full of laughs and playful flirting, before the time zone difference got too stressful for us and we broke it off.
Two debuts, barely three days apart despite our birthdays being 6 months apart (because that was the soonest I could come home to celebrate with all of you) where I was one of your candles and you were one of my roses with silly stories and heartfelt messages, where we danced as much as we could and drank to celebrate our adulthood.
A conversation in the bathroom, where I said I love you but I need to be in a relationship that's more physically affectionate than texts and video calls, one where I can actually go places with them and experience things in person.
A promise in the bathroom, where you said maybe in five years when we're done with school and if we're not seeing anybody, we can try again, but unless one of us is willing to move to the other's country then I don't know how we would even begin to manage to try again.
A flight back to the US, where I made the mistake of watching La La Land and Everything Everywhere All at Once and cried thinking about what could've been, about what we could've been, and what we were not.
A million thoughts in my head, saying I love you and I miss for you and I wanted to love you the way I wanted to but it never went how we imagined it was supposed to be. Saying I love you and you were the right person but it was simply the wrong place the wrong time the wrong circumstances. Saying if you read this poem please message me because I love you, and I haven't really talked to you in a while and that's mostly my fault, and I hope you're doing well and you're having a wonderful time where you are right now. Saying, over and over again, I love you I love you I love you I love you-
I love you, and I wish it worked out in this world.
But maybe in another world, you were mine.
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