#and in one or more possibilities they're not a woman
charlesoberonn · 9 hours
Story idea I've been spinning round in my head for a few weeks now, inspired by Adventure Time and the Powerpuff Girls:
Deleri Lectus, robotics and tech genius, defends the world and her home city of Megalopolis alongside her ancient automaton dad and her elementally-powered sisters. Thanks to their efforts the people of the world can live in peace and safety.
One day, during a routine superhero battle against a minor villain, Deleri is knocked out. Then she wakes up somewhere else.
It's the same city, but something is very wrong. The streets are dilapidated, the sky is full of smog and ominous purple lights, and robotic enforcers patrol the streets.
This city is a dystopia ruled by none other than Deleri's younger sisters. But in this universe they're not her sisters, because in this universe, Deleri doesn't exist.
She confronts the dictator versions of her sisters, finds the deactivated and damaged body of her robodad and takes off with him, running away from her sisters' agents who consider her knowledge and opposition to their regime a threat.
Now Deleri is on a quest to understand what happened to this timeline, and how she can help fix it. And if possible, how to get back home.
Some more details:
Deleri wears a type of powered suit similar to Iron Man. Her appearance is basically "Cthulhu as a teenage girl" with green skin, tentacles for hair, and bat wings.
Her sisters are called Tourmaline and Pyrope. Tourmaline has fire powers and Pyrope has water powers.
In her original timeline, Deleri and Pyrope helped their sister avoid the temptation of using a dark fire that gave her enhanced powers but corrupted her. In this timeline Tourmaline still has the dark fire.
Deleri gets around in a cool airship which she constantly modifies and upgrade.
She gathers a small found family of friends and allies to help her in her mission(s). The first of which is Snowfall, AKA Snowfy. A snow elemental who ran away from home in the Weather Kingdom. She quickly becomes Deleri's girlfriend.
Deleri's robot dad is so ancient that nobody knows how to make the fuel that powers him and he has to conserve it
In Deleri's timeline, her dad was in sleep mode for centuries when a strange woman placed baby Deleri in his arms and then ran off, never to be seen again. He tried to find Deleri's parents but eventually decided to adopt her himself.
In this timeline Robodad expended all of his fuel to protect Pryope and Tourmaline against a powerful enemy. That's why he's deactivated now. This event led to the sisters eventually becoming dictators.
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astrobiscuits · 11 hours
Childress (30117) persona chart - what will your pregnancy be like?
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Sun placement - the central theme of your pregnancy
🧸 Sun in 1st house/Aries Sun: Your main focus will be on you and yourself only. You might become more selfish during this time, believing you deserve "the best of the best". You might take up a high-impact sport (such as boxing, martial arts, American football, hockey) or a speed sport (sprinting, speed skating). If Sun is afflicted, you might prioritize yourself in the detriment of your baby's health (it could also point out to a possible abortion, but there needs to be more indicators in the chart for that)
🧸 Sun in 2nd house/Taurus Sun: Your main focus will be on your financial assets, material possession and self-worth during your pregnancy. Most of your time will be spent on buying stuff for the baby - bassinet, bottles, clothing, room decor etc. If Sun is well aspected, you might feel more desirable as a woman during your pregnancy, embracing your new body; likewise, if Sun is badly aspected, you might criticize yourself for gaining extra weight and feel less desirable
🧸 Sun in 3rd house/Gemini Sun: Your main focus will be on learning as much as you can about pregnancy & childbirth. You will desire to be informed about different types of childbirth, different symptoms during pregnancy, whether they're normal or not. If you have friends who are already parents, you might seek advice from them about childbearing and what it is like to raise a child. If Sun is badly aspected, you might have a harder time making decisions regarding your baby
🧸 Sun in 4th house/Cancer Sun: Your main focus will be on your growing family, especially your baby. If you have family traditions passed on through generations, you might repeat those traditions while pregnant. You might start a diary where you keep record of your baby kicks. You will be emotional during your pregnancy, but you'll be able to regulate your emotions. If Sun is afflicted, you might prioritize the baby over your own well-being
🧸 Sun in 5th house/Leo Sun: Your main focus will be on children in general. If you have family and/or friends with children, you might socialize with them more, watch how they interact with their parents and other children, and imagine what your own child will be like. You might use different apps to visualize what your baby will look like. You might also enjoy your life more and consider pregnancy to be one of the best period of your life (ofcours, if Sun is well aspected)
🧸 Sun in 6th house/Virgo Sun: Your main focus will be on your physical health and your daily responsabilities. You might pay more attention to your diet during your pregnancy. Developing a relationship with your doctor/midwife will become crucial for you during pregnancy. Delegating tasks to other people might prove to become more difficult, as you want to feel like your in control of everything that happens in your life. You might resort to light physical activity to manage stress
🧸 Sun in 7th house/Libra Sun: Your main focus will be on your relationship with your partner. You will make choices according to both your opinion and your partner's opinion. You might allocate more time to pampering yourself and doing feminine activities such as getting your nails done, doing your makeup, finding new clothes which are both fashionable and fit your new body, going for photoshoots in flower fields
🧸 Sun in 8th house/Scorpio Sun: Your main focus will be on the life-altering transformations you'll be facing as your pregnancy progresses. Your life will likely change A LOT after you find out you are pregnant. You might become more private with the people around you, feeling like you have to protect yourself from those who ask too many questions and/or potential stalkers. You will pay more attention to the sex life with your partner. If Sun is afflicted, you might develop a deep fear of having a miscarriage
🧸 Sun in 9th house/Sagittarius Sun: Your main focus will be on travelling and acquiring wisdom. You will likely become more optimistic and generous during the pregnancy. As the Sun rejoices in this house, you might start thinking about the meaning of life, with its different philosophies and religious beliefs. If there are other indicators in the Childress persona chart, this placement can indicate getting pregnant in college (same goes for Moon in 9th house)
🧸 Sun in 10th house/Capricorn Sun: Your main focus will be on your career, status and public recognition during your pregnancy. You might become more popular only for the fact that you're pregnant and glowing. The father of the baby will likely become more important to you during the pregnancy. If Sun is afflicted, you might focus more on your career to the detriment of your baby
🧸 Sun in 11th house/Aquarius Sun: Your main focus will be on your wishes and aspirations, your community and your friend group, but also on eccentric matters. You might develop an interest in the latest baby gadgets, which will make your life easier after pregnancy. If you're an introvert, you might feel more extroverted during pregnancy or vice versa. You will likely post more frequently on social media or start a new page/channel focused on the pregnancy
🧸 Sun in 12th house/Pisces Sun: Your main focus will be on your spirituality, escapism methods and night life. You might have premonitory dreams about your baby, such as finding the gender of the baby, their feelings during the pregnancy or even their past life. You might also intuitively know your baby's real due date, regardless of the one mentioned by the doctor. If Sun is well aspected, you might quit addictions for good, not just during the pregnancy. Likewise, if Sun is afflicted, you might cope with potential problems during pregnancy by starting (or continuing) bad habits, which end up becoming addictions
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Miscellaneous obs
🍼 Sun/Moon aspecting asteroid Child (4580) or Miminko (60000) indicates having a strong connection with your baby during pregnancy
🍼 Asteroid Juno (3) aspecting Ascendant indicates that the first child will be very similar to the spouse. If the aspect is positive (sextile, trine), the child will inherit the positive traits of the spouse. If the aspect is negative (opposition, square), the child will inherit the negative traits of the spouse. For conjunction, it will be both positives and negatives. This aspect can point out to the relationship between the child and the spouse too (positive aspect = great relationship; negative aspect = strained relationship)
🍼 Planets conjuncting one of the angles = a significant change is likely to occur in your life during pregnancy
planet conjuncting ASC - change regarding the self
planet conjuncting IC - change regarding what's familiar & home environment
planet conjuncting DSC - change in an one-on-one relationship
planet conjuncting MC - change in reputation & professional matters
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the-other-art-blog · 23 hours
What do you think about the theories going around that they might announce Benedict to be bi by the end of this season? His character has always had queer undertones and the show runners have talked about making more stories with lgbtq inclusivity. As much as I love Sophie, I really don’t think they’re going to include a female lead next season
My short answer is: I've heard the rumors and even if they announce Ben as bi, he's still marrying Sophie. They already skipped Ben season, they're not going to change his story completely.
My long (really long) answer is:
I truly believe that Benedict wasn't supposed to be anything but straight. People saw him hanging out with ONE gay man, who was very much in love with another gay man, and decided he must be gay or bi too. It didn't matter that he went right to a threesome with 2 women. That storyline was merely to show Benedict how difficult life could be for some people and to stop being so judgmental and hypocritical. In the end, it was about SOPHIE BECKETT.
Bton team must have decided to keep Benedict's future open so as not to cause problems with the side of the fandom and press who would call them for supposedly queerbaiting. They consciously decided to pair him up with a woman in s2 and his poem was about a woman (another foreshadowing for SOPHIE BECKETT).
With Jess as the new showrunner, I think she decided to address Ben's sexuality and open a door for bisexuality to appease some people.
Let me just say that a lot of Benophies including me have embraced the idea of bisexual Ben, you just have to read fanfiction to see that. I am just concerned that certain people will be nasty to Sophie because they want Ben to marry a man.
I also don't think that a show whose main audience is women would erase a female lead. That would just be absolutely stupid.
They might experiment with secondary characters, but not the leads.
I have heard about a threesome between Tilley, Benedict, and a man name Paul Suarez(?) We saw him in the trailer.
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I've heard various versions. It seems Lady Tilley arranges the meeting, but I'm unsure if Ben agrees. Some people say he declines the offer. So, even if he is attracted to men, which he has never indicated in any shape or form, she is not ready to go physical. This is fine, bisexuality doesn't mean you MUST sleep with both sexes.
And honestly, if he does it, I wouldn't blame him. That man is gorgeous.
But again, it's pretty obvious that this is just to appease people. But really they are setting everything up for Benophie. There have been direct references to events from that book:
Violet moving out of Bridgerton house
Benedict losing his art
Benedict being an asshole to debutantes
All the mentions of Benedict excellent dancing skills
She's coming. SOPHIE BECKETT is coming.
Even more, they won't change canon couples because this is a business decision. The books are being republished with a tv tie-in cover. Let's say that Ben gets a male love interest, how would they do that cover? Are they going to bring a random woman to pose for him? It's the same for the other books, and some of them are too specific in the titles. Philip is going to be Eloise's husband in the show because the book is called To SIR PHILIP with Love, same for When HE Was Wicked, and It's in HIS Kiss.
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Can we submit Genderfluid Science Geniuses?
I'd say my stance is that, if a character wouldn't mind being referred to as a girl at least part of the time, they're definitely permitted! Speaking from the perspective of a nonbinary person (though not specifically a genderfluid person) I know I wouldn't be the most comfortable if I myself was submitted to an explicitly gendered poll like this, but I know that that take won't be the same for everyone! So if a character is generally comfortable with being lumped in with women then I wouldn't have an issue with it at all! If their preference when it comes to how they're acknowledged is vague, I may open up a preliminary asking for voters familiar with them their thoughts on whether it'd be respectful to the character for them to be included.
I will add that, with the current number of unique submissions already nearing the 128 limit with the submission period still having a ways to go, there's a chance that they may be one of the characters that doesn't make the cut in the end. If they don't, please know that it's not because of any phobic sentiments on mod's part! While I'd love to include every character sent to me, at the end of the day some will be facing the chopping block. If I do decide to run another SGGShowdown bracket sometime after this one ends, I'm like, 99% sure that I'll make it so characters that were solely rejected from the first bracket due to being at capacity would take up the first however many slots of the second bracket.
With all that being said, I'd definitely submit them if you think they wouldn't mind being a part of something like this! I'm worried it may sound like I'm already planning on rejecting them, but I promise that's not the case! I haven't decided exactly how I'll be picking which valid submissions get to be in the limited number of slots and which don't yet, so I just wanted to get that little disclaimer out of the way!
#SGGShowdown Speaks#SGGShowdown Announcements#The current plan is to have the format of every poll mention Science Genius Girl somewhere within the post.#Not exactly sure how yet but like#I wouldn't feel great about having the post say smth like “Who should be Tumblr's Science Genius Girl?”#only for one of the characters to not be comfortable with being called a girl you know?#Also for a certain set of characters (I am thinking about one in particular here but I won't say a name to avoid showing bias)#where there's like different possibilities for them but they're still distinctly the same character#and in one or more possibilities they're not a woman#I personally will be avoiding using images of them from the possibility where they're not a woman#and I'd generally recommend not propagandizing using information from the possibilities where they're not a woman#but they're still totally fine to be submitted!#If it's a case like a character starting the series off as a woman but later on transitions to a man or something like that#with absolutely no substantial (canon) examples of alternate timelines where that's not the case#the character will be rejected.#I know some media has situations like multiple endings where no one ending is considered the “canon” one where this can get messy#but just generally I'd like for winning SGGShowdown to be something fans of a character can be proud of instead of smth to feel awkward abt#Tags ended up running a bit long but the words just kept tumbling out lmao.#I hope this all makes sense! I just don't want to end up offending anyone accidentally or anything like that.
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kingdomoftyto · 9 months
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rad-roche · 4 months
joyous news. you know how the fallout setting is on kind of a skew for dead man talking? nothing major, but little things here and there. shaun never existed, so someone else is director, which means the institute is slightly different, so on. that specific setting is the one me and The Girls are using for the tabletop, which means that while dmt/dww is over, the incessant prewar Bits are not and BOY are they numerous
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spitblaze · 10 days
I’ve got a question, maybe it’s out of line, let me know, but as a non-binary jew, do you believe your children, if you ever have some, will be jewish as well ?
Eeeeeh if I ever have kids I'll probably be adopting ones at an older age (above toddler age) but like. Probably yeah, if nothing else having the community of a synagogue and the regularity and comfort of traditions help bring meaning to life and everyday. I'm not gonna make them do orthodox stuff, I was raised reform and I like the philosophy of adaptation rather than assimilation. Tradition and mitzvot are important, but not all of them are necessary or relevant or really even socially acceptable in this day and age, y'know?
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daisyachain · 1 year
there’s one version of an f/m/m triangle that crops up so often I’m surprised there isn’t at least a tvtropes/vernacular name for it. Miyokichi/Kiku/Shin. Molly/Fitz/Fool. Asuka/Shinji/Kaworu. Futaba/Taichi/Touma. not-really-but-you-could-shove-it-in-here Luthien/Beren/Finrod. Utena/Touga/Saionji is a twisted spun-on-its-head version of it. Specifically comprising:
masculine male character A: either is the protagonist or a character on to which male viewers can project.
female character B: a secondary character and A’s official love interest, often kept apart from A by story/circumstance/gender roles. Shows some resentment of the trials she’s put through by the story in being A’s lover such as being shoved to the side, cut out of his life, or put in danger.
less masculine male character C: another major character, A’s devoted sidekick, feminine and/or conspicuously cold toward women or sexuality, somewhat ill-used by A but not resentful about it, as a contrast to B.
The dynamic is used pretty equally by female and male creators, though probably with different purposes. Outside the story, there’s a clear explanation for how the roles are divided: men are main, women are peripheral. Obviously the female love interest has to be on the margins of the story. Obviously the male main character has to have an ally in-story who can bounce dialogue back. Any human person has to have a best friend (for men, has to be male) and a lover (for men, has to be female). The major character male bestie and the minor character female gf is the minimum character dynamic you need to sustain the main character as a believable construction.
Except within the story, the dynamic begs far too many questions. On B’s part: her other half and love interest uses her for sex once every few chapters and dumps her to go off on another plot-relevant adventure. She’s kept in the dark, talked down to, pushed away, and distrusted. Her place at her sweetie’s side is occupied by Some Dude and no matter how much she puts into their relationship, she’s always going to be a prize for after the mission. Why does she stay with him? What could possibly attract her about this bestubbled grunt machine whose passion for the sword outmatches anything she’s given him?
On C’s part: he gets used as an emotional support crutch, designed to service his best friend’s every need at the expense of his own goals or story. He’s a housewife, he’s a domestic, he does every thankless story task with a smile because he has to provide the exposition/set up the plot/set the plan in action that carries the main male character to victory. He doesn’t have a love interest of his own, meanwhile the most important person in his life is obsessed with a woman he barely speaks to. Why should he care so much about someone who only takes? Why is he committed to this one-way friendship? What does he think of taking the backseat, providing support, submerging his own will for the sake of a person instead of an ideology?
On A’s part: if he’s a red-blooded heterosexual male character who pursues a woman as is acceptable, why does he dig himself so deep in with his designated ally? Through dialogue and because he has to in order to show the audience, he exposes his heart and soul to C and keeps him in his pocket for as long as we are watching, so why then does he cast him aside so easily? He invests the most time and energy into his relationship with C, cultivating love and loyalty there, but he draws the line so firmly in the sand that the audience is sure he’ll never, ever step aside for one minute to follow the friend. Why does he choose a man for his emotional battery? Why doesn’t he communicate with his supposed partner? Why does he choose to use B and C for sex and solace respectively, and why don’t they ever mix?
The gender dynamics wrap around to simple: women aren’t up to being equal partners to a cool guy, so you need a male wife to do everything for you and appreciate the protagonist’s sick abilities. romance with a man is perverse and impossible, so you need a female love interest to prove that the protagonist isn’t gay and fulfil the audience’s needs. But in-between all of that you could ask some interesting questions of the spoke character, A, the male protagonist whose actions are taken as normal. the question being: bro. what’s wrong with you
#kelsey rambles#aaaaaand the only thing that satisfactorily calls the A-character on his mistreatment is the podcast CARAVAN. which is not good#actually i'd go as far as to say it's bad#rgu goes into it a little but it's nowhere near the main focus of the series#using asuka-shinji-kaworu as the example that just sucks so bad#shinji's treatment of asuka is so horrible and misogynistic and despite her screentime. in shinji's mind she's never more than peripheral#and gets dumped at the last second and turned into a corpse. she's an object of desire and he refuses to recognize the ways they're the same#on the other hand shinji loves and idolizes kaworu.....only in as far as kaworu is his own dream guy who gives him everything he wants#and never makes even the slightest hint of a glimmer of expectation of anything from shinji in return#the moment kaworu's desires become explicit--he's not only killed but erased from the story altogether#eva rebuild 4.0 does this in the most insulting way possible by farming him off with....rei?#not to try and take eva rebuild seriously but the way it expands on kaworu and sidelines asuka is somehow insulting to both of them#even moreso than the original series was. which is saying something#someday i have to read the eva manga because i hear it takes kaworu in a more problematic direction that is still a direction and so better#or as for SGRS--shin is far more loving and devoted to kiku than he is to any woman and takes a killing blow for him#he watches him in life and guides him through the underworld. he gives more to kiku than he gives to anyone.#yet as a character any possibility of like-liking kiku is denied. what's the damage there?#how does it make story sense? why does kiku have a more serious relationship with a woman than the ostensibly straight shin?#the answer is The Misogyny but even then it's jarring to have shin's plain love be obfuscated with the constant references to being straight#as opposed to kiku. who actually has girlfriends and not one-night stands#it's nonsensical to read shin as a straight man and yet any possibility of him returning kiku's feelings is barred off blacked out redacted#leaving us with a dog's breakfast of a dynamic that IS fun. because in this case it's intentionally bad. and the author is winking at us
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Behind every great warrior woman is another woman who is choosing kindness. For now.
#this is about io & laezel#ive been thinking about their dynamic esp since i plan on having them go do the whole revolution thing#also trying to workshop their tag/title/ship name#'calloused hands heavy hearts' is nice but im not sure it quite fits?#silver is a throughline b/c of the silver swords and eilistraee#some of the taglines have clicked immediately and some of them are. not doing that#but ive been thinking about these two w/in the healer x warrior framework#and how their backgrounds affect that#io *knows* how to fight. they're always ready for that possibility (eventuality really) since. you know.#holy war anti-lolth rebellion etc etc#but they were *exclusively* a healer pre-game. they hadn't even really left the baldur's gate area#and also. the importance of both warriors *and* healers during revolutions and rebellions#literally and figuratively#those on the front lines will run out of steam quickly without people supporting & sustaining them#something something kindness is not softness. softness is not weakness. weakness is not a moral wrong#something something a hard stone will grind itself to dust without something to cushion it#both io & lae'zel have calloused hands if for different reasons#one set of skills is not more important than the other. they compliment each other even#'new growth'? maybe? you can't grow a garden w/o both pulling up weeds and carefully tending to it#idk if this makes sense but. i am turning them around in my head#sticking them under a microscope#bg3#bg3 tav#my post#jay rambles#io dein#(im having trouble with their epithet too but that's a ramble for another time)#woman* (nb woman. she's trans femme and her gender shifts around a bit. 'woman' is the cliffnotes version)
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yotd2009 · 1 year
it's 2023 and i'm still bitter about how kuroshitsuji, a complex slow burn mystery manga, got absolutely massacred by its shitty semi-episodic shota/fujobait anime adaptation
#like yeah the manga could be a bit questionable in the earlier parts (cough corset scene cough comedic relief grelle + soma & agni cough)#but almost all of that got retconned once yana toboso was allowed to have more creative freedom over her work#(and her editor's interference is something we Know had a p drastic effect on the series bc it Literally Gave Us Grelle (toboso wanted to#have a female jack the ripper but her editor said that if she did then she would've had to be working w a man. so in response toboso#decided that madam red's partner in crime would be as effeminate as possible so grelle was created in the vein of buffalo bill and then#only in her next appearance a few arcs later when the book of murder arc was over and done with was she acknowledged to be a trans woman#not the best situation for girlie overall but the manga started treating her much better over time + she slayed)#but the anime was on a whole different level s1 Literally ended while teasing a kiss between a grown adult and a 12 year old#and then s2 just made up random bullshit including a brand new 14 year old to ship bait w adults#and it doesn't help that whenever the series comes up everyone in the surrounding area becomes 50x more susceptible to false info#(see: undertaker's real name being shared around on an image that's literally watermarked by a TUMBLR HEADCANONS BLOG)#so there's a p decent subset of ppl who believe it was originally meant to be a yaoi (rumor that began from the same hc blog)#or that yana toboso is a shotacon (pr.osh.ippers on twt made that one up to try and win arguments)#i want the series to get the fmab treatment w a shiny new anime made by some1 other than a-1 pictures#bc we've seen what happens when they try and adapt the arcs that came out after they committed to the random bullshit plots of s1-2#in the form of the book of murder circus & atlantic ovas. which are excessively plain and just streamlined disconnected and heartless#renditions of the manga arcs which will make no sense to anyone who hasn't already read it. they're like ufotable's fate route ova but at#least that has higher production values and is somewhat visually interesting#romeo.txt
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neverendingford · 2 months
#tag talk#fuck. I might just be a straight woman.#like. I like men. and the more I transition the more I vibe with binary womanhood.#sure I don't like getting shoved into restrictive femininity. but I vibe with womanhood as separate from femininity.#anyway. I might be straight. and In ten years it's very possible that being trans becomes a much less huge part of my life#because it will stop being something that I do and something that I wish for and simply something that I am#yeah yeah whatever hi my name is Reggie and I like men#I just. as much as I don't like certain restrictive gender roles I find myself slotting very comfortably into others#and I realize that my idea of gender and their roles was very much shaped by my female role models growing up#and a lot of the disconnect and distress when growing up was due to not being able to follow the path everyone else did.#all my girl friends were growing up into women and I was stuck on the man track.#and being gay was the closest I could get to being myself#but I'm closer than I've ever been before to being able to live my truth as myself#still not gonna shave my legs unless it's sometime in the future for a very specific event.#I like them fuzzy. they make me feel cool.#I like having some cultural masculinity still. I just don't want to be defined by it#talking about my binary trans experience is always a little weird because I'm aware of how binary I'm describing things#and I get that if my words were used to describe someone else's experience it might end up sounding hella transphobic#but these words are for me. they're my experience. they're my life not someone else's.#and this is how my identity works.#it's like how feminism protects the right of trad wives to be trad wives.#we just gotta recognize that just because one woman wants to be the designated dishwasher not every woman feels that way.#anyway. I might be dating a guy by this time next week. he's cool so far and we kinda got match-made by a mutual friend#we watched Redline tonight and it's hella good#he's really cool but I feel like I've got something to provide and to bring to the relationship. so we're still on peer-level I think.#which is new. usually I'm way ahead of the other person. maybe my fault for fishing in the bad fish barrel#the emotionally damaged and burdened fish barrel.
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ronanlynchbf · 10 months
saying "this is unbearable" abt things yet still continuing to bear them. give it up for the human spirit everyone 🙏👆👍💪💪💪❗❗❗
#guy who has given up 999999999 times but has then kept going 1000000000000 times despite it..#this is abt aforementioned work situations and also new awful work situation. this time i got yelled at by a customer bc i wouldn't leave#when i opened the glass case for them which is like. a showcase with these glass doors that only employees can open with specific keys in#which the more expensive bags & jewelry & watches etc reside and if a customer asks if we can open it so they can view or try on a thing#inside we have to stay by them until they're done looking or trying on and have decided they're gonna take it (or not) because we have had#things stolen so many times here u wouldn't believe. so we're told to stay thus i had to stay till she was finished and she didn't rlly lik#that one i guess.. anyway while i do not give a shit what a random woman thinks of me i am very bad with getting yelled at so. fun times.#still red in the face as i'm typing this. it's fine though i didn't cry 👍 a near thing though but that's also fine i'm gonna go to the#staff toilets and sneak my trusty wired earphones in with me and listen to whale song until i've calmed down#can't wait to get home and eat and shower and get in my sweatpants and drink a beer or possibly some wine and watch attorney woo and then#later this evening play a game on the ps5 with my siblings and eat late-night snacks and drink another beer or possibly some more wine and#forget all about the start of this day <33333 and scroll through tumblr somewhere in between there and also do my duolingo lest i lose my#stupid streak. peace n love on planet earth once i get home <3333#r.txt
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the-busy-ghost · 2 years
The utter fury of reading about a character in a Victorian novel who is frankly described as ‘ugly’ and googling them only to find out that absolutely every tv adaptation portrays them as ‘brown haired but otherwise conventionally attractive to the 21st century’
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helenhuntingdon · 1 year
Of course another lesbian show was cancelled
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kleefkruid · 1 year
I have a magazine shoot in the Netherlands soon and the concept is 'relationship intimacy (semi-clothed, semi-nude full body shoots in like couch/bedroom settings) and I'm not a 100% certain of this but the moodboard has 1) a picture with 3 people laying together and 2)my part of the shoot isn't with one but two other people.... So putting two and two together I might be doing a poly tinted set-up here, thoughts and prayers guys, let me be a slut
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akagamiko · 2 years
Some Things About Gryphon:
One of the 12 Supreme Grade Swords
Her blade is a little over 4 feet long (1.24 meters), with the hilt she’s over 4 1/2 feet (1.43 meters) 
Old as Fuck, dating back to around the Void Century
Has been passed down through his family since she was forged
✨Legend✨ has it that Gryphon was forged with a dragon’s flame
Gryphon’s blade can be set aflame, she has a very warm aura about her even when not in use and the blade has been known to leave burns both in and out of battle. On the plus side, she can also cauterize the wounds she gives you.
Because she’s been in his family for centuries, she is incredibly loyal and would be an absolute shit blade for anyone not blood related to them--if not related, they would need to be an incredibly powerful swordsman
Shanks is sure that Mihawk is the only person who could handle Gryphon. At the moment, there are definitely plans to ensure that  she would go into Mihawk’s care if something were to happen to him. (Mihawk is not aware of this)
An absolutely blood thirsty blade, but only for Devil Fruit users. Someone with an ear for swords would be able to hear her screaming if there are 3 or more DF users around.
Growing off of that: she can handle 1 fairly well, but starts to get antsy when there are 2 DF users nearby. Again, with an ear for swords would probably hear something akin to distant whispers or wind-like noises.
Gryphon was far less well-behaved when Shanks first began working with her when he was around 17. She could barely stand being around 1 DF user until they were able to form a connection and she was able to calm down. This took a few years.
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