#and is technically longer than nocts if i think about it
dude-iloveu · 1 year
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All My Strength, For You
For Kaciart (https://kaciart.tumblr.com/post/623568650228596736). I am routinely inspired by your art to write these things. Some inspire more than others, and I may have an FFVII brewing in my mind from another recent pic. (Even though I know, like, nothing about it.) I love your work and am glad to be among the followers.
I know there isn’t much to go from, but I always imagine the training halls are at or below ground in this universe (the glaives’ areas obviously being an exception.) Here, it’s just below ground.
This is set the September before the events of the game. (Noct 20, Prom 19, Iggy 21, and Gladio 22)
Story under the cut. Also on ff.net
Prompto was somewhat enjoying his afternoon. Yeah, taking a few hits from Noctis wasn’t what most people call “fun”, but this was time he gets to spend with his friend.
He was still technically a recruit in the Crownsguard, but he had finished most of the basic training last month. Now it was just drilling those basics and building proficiency in his division, projectile weaponry. He thinks Noct was the one who pushed for him to get placement there, but he didn’t know for sure. He was shaping up to be as expert a marksman as Weskham Armaugh of his majesty’s retinue according to his instructors. He really hoped he was good enough to join Noctis’ retinue when he goes on his tour of Lucis.
A fist sailing closer to his face brought Prompto out of his thoughts and back to the moment. Right. Focus here, focus now, block the fist, kick the open side. He and Noctis were working on hand-to-hand combat in one of the Crownsguard’s satellite offices. And Noctis, of course, was winning more than losing.
“C’mon Prom, I know you can do better than that,” Noctis teased as he dodged the kick. Once upon a time, that would have hurt Prompto’s confidence.
Now it served to spur him on.
Prompto let out a short breath, readied his arms, and sprang at his friend.
Everything seemed to slow as sudden tremors knocked the two of them off their feet.
Prompto noticed cracks forming in the wall as he fell. He managed to twist enough to cover Noctis when he landed. Noctis was dazed as he looked up at Prompto.
But he would not move until he was sure Noctis could get out safely, and he didn’t.
Not as another boom was heard through the ceiling.
Not as tremors rocked the area again.
Not as dust fell around them.
Not as he could hear the concrete cracking.
And certainly not as what felt like a ton of concrete landed on his back.
After an agonizing minute, Noctis’s eyes cleared.
“Astrals, Prom! -“
“You ok, buddy?” Prompto’s voice was breathy.
“Wha- Am I ok, are YOU ok?!” Noctis’s words got faster and faster the more he spoke, “Wait, no, stupid question. Of course, you’re not ok. A bunch of concrete just landed on top of you.”
Prompto’s weak smile turned into a grimace as some weight shifted. Rescuers were digging through the rubble or the debris was settling.
Noctis thought of how he could signal the rescuers when something wet landed on his face. He looked to Prompto and saw blood on what hair and clothes he could see.
“Noct,” Prompto breathed, his voice barely a whisper, “Get out of here. You can send someone for me when you climb out.”
“No Prom, I won’t leave you.”
“Please. Help can find me faster if you show then where I am.”
Noctis looked away with a frown, tears in his eyes. “Why do this?”
“Because you’re my friend. I’d give everything for you.”
Noctis could only stare in shock and wonder.
“So please.”
At that, Noctis’s face set in determination. “I will make sure they come back for you; I swear.”
Prompto gave a small nod. Noctis nodded back and wriggled out from underneath Prompto as quickly and gently as he could. He spotted a small opening up and to his right. With one last look at his friend, the Prince of Lucis began to climb.
Rescue teams and Crownsguard worked frantically to clear the rubble. According to the younger Lords Amicitia and Scientia, Prince Noctis was in the building when it collapsed. They set to work immediately after the bomb-induced tremors ceased. That was an hour ago.
The sky continued to darken slowly as crews worked to dig those trapped out. They had already pulled 15 other Crownsguard out with nearly 20 more still buried. They had a long night ahead of them.
The Prince’s shield and advisor rushed over to a commotion a little deeper in the hole. The crew there found another person. They worked quickly to uncover the person and found another Crownsguard. He was unconscious but alive. The young lords sighed to themselves and kept digging. They would not leave until his highness was safe.
Climbing through the rubble was hard. The spaces were incredibly cramped and there were a few places he just barely squeezed through. After what felt like hours, Noctis could just see some slivers of light. His climbing became more frantic but there were no spaces big enough to get through.
“Damn it!” He slammed his fist on the concrete right above him.
Noctis sighed and dropped his head. Can’t go any further until I’m unburied. He took another breath and slowly let it out. Looking up, he breathed in deep and shouted as loud as he could.
Ignis wiped the sweat from his brow. He, Gladiolus, and the rest of the rescue crew have been digging people out of the rubble for over two hours now and there was still no sign of Noctis. He had hoped to find His Prince by now. Ignis knew that he and Prompto were in the training hall working on hand-to-hand, but he still held hope that Noctis and his friend were not too far down.
A faint noise froze Ignis in his movement.
“Iggy?” Gladiolus asked from his left.
“Shh, I thought I heard something.” Ignis motioned with his hand to still his fellow retainer.
They both stood in silence for a few moments before Ignis heard the sound again.
“Over there! A voice!” Ignis pointed in front of him before carefully running over. Gladiolus and a few others followed.
“……Iggy……Is that you?” The voice was soft through the rubble but definitely familiar.
The crews in earshot gasped.
“…Yeah…I climbed as far as I could…but I’m stuck here.”
Gladiolus pushed away some concrete and motioned for the other crew to do the same. Ignis joined the effort. The digging was a little more rushed.
Noctis could hear the people moving above him. He doubted that Ignis heard him when he said that Prompto was further down, but he can tell his advisor when he’s a little closer. He could feel the dust fall on top of him as the light peeking through got stronger.
A crack above him suddenly flooded with light. He flinched a little but was able to wiggle his hand through.
Ignis looked for another piece of concrete he could lift when a slight movement caught his eye. A hand. He knelt by the hand only to find Noctis staring back at him through the crack.
“Noct,” Ignis breathed, “Are you alright?”
Noctis gave a slight cough. “I’m uninjured. But…Prom’s further down. He’s hurt, bad. He…he shielded me from the collapse. He told me to climb out and direct the crews to find him.”
“Alright, we’ll get you out then dig for Prompto.”
“Ok, but I’m not leaving until he’s out.”
Ignis nodded and stood back up. The crew had stopped while he and Noctis were speaking. A look got them moving again. A few more pieces of concrete moved out of the way and Gladiolus was able to pull Noctis from the rubble.
“Are you ok?” The shield rumbled.
���I’m fine, but Prom…”
“We’ll find him, Noct,” Ignis reassured, “Just tell us where to go.”
Prompto’s eyes drooped. He felt like he had been kneeling there for ages. The weight on his back became harder and harder to keep up with his shaking arms and legs. He knew he couldn’t let his arms buckle or lock, or he’d be looking death in the eye. His hands and knees dug into the concrete below him painfully. He wouldn’t be surprised to find them covered in blood by the time he got out.
He was also finding it hard to keep his eyes open. They drooped over and over again as his head fell forward. Sleep sounded so good. Maybe a short nap…
NO! Sleep means that the arms collapse and that means death. Do not fall asleep!
But keeping awake was hard.
Dust fell around him.
“You’re sure he’s around here?”
“I’m positive, Gladio.”
The crew with Ignis and Gladiolus followed Noctis’ directions and started digging where he indicated. They had been digging for nearly half an hour. Gladiolus had a few doubts about his Prince’s word. He raised an eyebrow.
“I’m sure. The spaces I could get through were always on my front right. I retraced my movements from where you pulled me out. We should be almost directly above him.”
Gladiolus sighed. “Ok. We’ll keep digging.”
Sleep was nearly impossible to fight off at this point. Yet Prompto remained awake. His head was about to drop again when something shifted. Somehow, the weight on him got lighter.
“What?” He murmured.
A beam of light cut through the dust almost right in front of him. Prompto stared at it for a while before putting two and two together. Rescue was close.
“Hello? Anyone up there?” he said as loud as he could.
The light cut off as feet suddenly appeared in front of him. Prompto looked as high as possible but couldn’t see the person’s face.
“Prompto?” he heard as the other knelt in front of him.
“Iggy?” Prompto’s voice wavered and wobbled like his arms.
“Yes. We’ve almost got you completely unburied. Just hold on a little longer.”
Ignis’ legs then feet disappeared as he climbed out of the hole. To help with getting me out, I guess? Prompto could feel the weight lessen as more time passed. He thought maybe another ten minutes after Ignis left, a different set of feet appeared. Arms then hooked underneath his shoulders and pulled him forward.
Prompto’s arms hung uselessly and his legs dragged through the dust as whoever removed him from the pocket put their arm under his and pulled him to their chest. Prompto looked up to see his rescuer was Gladiolus.
“Shh, it’s ok. You’re almost free.”
“’m tired.”
“Then sleep. You’ve earned it.”
A week later saw Prompto still recovering in the hospital. The entirety of his back was shredded from the falling concrete. His hands and knees were in a similar state. He sustained a slight concussion from the falling concrete as well. The hospital staff refused to let him leave until his back was healed to the point where he could sleep on his back like normal and raise his arms without pain.
“You know you didn’t have to do that.”
“I know, Noct,” Prompto sighed. They had this conversation before. “I wanted to.”
“Still doesn’t mean you should.”
“And let you die? Not a chance in hell.”
Noctis fell silent at that. He couldn’t argue the point when he would do the same.
“Anything you want?”
“Can you tell me how the bombers are doing in the Marshall’s interrogations?”
Noctis gave his friend a mischievous smile at that.
King Regis ordered a thorough investigation immediately after word of the bombing reached him. He pushed Clarus Amicitia to head the investigation upon hearing that Noctis was also in the building upon its collapse.
Investigators found a group of protestors to be responsible for the bombing. Nearly everyone in the group were brought in for questioning. Marshall Leonis was conducting the interrogations himself. The protestors cracked right away and pointed to a specific person as the instigator. That person went missing from Insomnia the day after the attack.
“They cracked like eggs. Cor is also working on measures to make sure this doesn’t happen again.”
Prompto smiled and went to sleep.
Poor Prom ended up stuck there for about three hours. Noct took about an hour to get to the spot where Gladio pulled him out, Gladio and Ignis took another hour after he got there to actually pull him out, and getting Prompto out took another hour. My dude was so sore. It took a physical therapist nearly a week to get his muscles to fully relax. He also had a hot bath at least once a day for a month.
I also feel like this might feel into the claustrophobia we see in game. I know like it's more likely from the MT pods, but this might've exacerbated the issue.
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errantknightess · 5 years
Sunshine boy
Pairing: Noctis/Prompto
Word count: 2,995
Summary: Prompto gets a sunburn and a helping hand from Noct.
[Read on AO3] || [prompt]
The sun beats down like it has a personal grudge against them. Prompto sighs and blinks away the blinding glare and sweat dripping into his eyes. His throat is parched like the earth underneath, small clouds of dust swirling up every time he drags his feet. Seriously, why couldn’t they take on a hunt somewhere cooler?
They’ve been running around the desert since the crack of dawn. Now it’s well past noon, and the angry Leiden heat is at its worst. Prompto silently blesses his tank top. He’s getting a heat stroke just looking at Ignis in that long-sleeved button-up. Even Noct’s black T-shirt seems like too much, with the way it clings so tight to his back. Apparently Noctis thinks so too, because he pulls at it and groans when the stretchy fabric sticks right back to his body.
“Man, it’s hot.”
“So take your shirt off.” Gladio’s tone is only half teasing. He’s already taken his own advice hours ago and looks perfectly happy for it. Prompto has to agree: it’s a great idea. His eyes snap back to Noct before he can try to be subtle about it. They have this exact same conversation every time Noctis complains about the weather. Which is a lot. It’s just a matter of time before he breaks.
For now, it seems Noct is not quite that desperate yet. He just grunts something in reply, pushing his hair back from his damp forehead. His skin shines in the relentless sun. A drop of sweat breaks away, rolls slowly from his temple and down the side of his neck. Noct winces and lifts the edge of his shirt to wipe at his face. Framed by the dark fabric, his stomach looks paler than the sun-bleached stones, the sharp curve of his hipbone smoothing out where it dips into the waistband. For a second, Prompto finds it hard to breathe, in a way that has nothing to do with the hot, dry air around him.
He doesn’t realize he’s staring until Noct looks up and stares back at him. His eyes are intent, curious, and their icy blue does nothing to help Prompto cool down. The wave of heat that rushes under his skin gets to him worse than the mid-day desert swelter. Maybe he should ditch his shirt, too.
“Ready for more?” Noct asks, and Prompto needs a second to realize he means the hunt.
“You bet! Race you to the next spot!” He swats Noct on the shoulder and takes off into the distance, like he can leave his embarrassment behind if he’s fast enough.
It’s not until sundown that they get the last job over with. Prompto has never been more grateful to see the pale glow of the haven runes under his feet. Tomorrow, when they cash in all those hunts, they will finally be able to afford a proper motel room – maybe even for more than one night! But right now, it hardly makes a difference to him. He’s ready to crash straight on the solid rock of the campsite.
Still, he stays up long enough to help set up their equipment. Soon the tent is pitched, the fire stoked, and Ignis’s camp stove buzzing under a pot of fresh meat stew. Prompto opens the last folding chair and nearly knocks it over as he collapses onto it, boneless with exhaustion.
Not a second later, he does knock it over, jolting back up with a sharp scream.
His back stings as if he’s been hugged by a cactuar. Prompto looks around, bewildered, half-expecting to find one of those sneaky bastards zooming around the camp. All he sees are the startled glances of his friends. Gladio and Noct have their swords drawn, and Ignis is pointing his way with the knife he’s been using to peel potatoes.
“What was that?”
Prompto gives them a nervous shrug. “Sorry, guys. I guess I just sat on something.”
Ignis drops the stance, but his eyes quickly scan the nearby bushes as he turns back to his work. Gladio sighs – part relief, half part amusement – and goes back to reading, sword flickering out in a flash of light. Noct takes longer. Prompto can still feel his cautious gaze on the back of his head as he picks up the chair and sets it in front of the fire again. He examines the seat and the backrest, runs his hand over the rough canvas. It looks and feels normal. Weird.
“Your shoulder is all red,” Noct pipes up behind him. He pokes it with his finger, and Prompto barely bites back another scream. That stinging itch is back, shooting up and spreading over him like flames in the wind.
“Sorry!” Noct pulls his hand back as if there really were flames to burn him. “Just… This doesn’t look good.” He leans closer again, studying Prompto’s shoulder with a worried crease between his eyebrows. His soft hair tickles Prompto’s cheek. Prompto swallows the urge to bury his nose in it and twists his head to see for himself.
It’s hard to tell in the deep orange sunset and the glow from the fire, but his skin looks red all right. Not a flushed, healthy pink from exertion – it’s bright red like a freshly fired brick. And it hurts like he’s been shoved into a kiln, too.
“That’s a pretty bad sunburn,” Ignis judges, stepping up to them in two brisk strides. The look he turns to Prompto is as concerned as it is stern. “Did you not use sunscreen?”
“I ran out,” Prompto admits, sheepishly shrugging his sore shoulders. He doesn’t add that he didn’t bother picking it up at their last outpost since they were low on money. In retrospect, maybe he should have found something else to skimp on.
“You could’ve used mine.” Noct sounds downright betrayed. Prompto recognizes this tone. He’s heard it often, ever since high school, every time they argue about him asking and accepting favours – or, well, not doing it, at least not enough in Noct’s opinion.
“It’s not a big deal,” he says quickly. He doesn’t want to argue about it again now. “It’s just a little sun. I’ll be fine!” He plops down in the chair and reclines as far as he dares, even as his back goes rigid with sudden pain. The doubting look Gladio shoots him over the book tells him he didn’t quite manage to keep the wince off his face. Prompto gives up and changes the position, leans forward with elbows on his knees, but it’s hardly better. His arms ache too. Even his hands are burnt, fingers swollen and red against the stark white shape where his gloves were. He closes his fist and hisses as the tight skin pulls over his knuckles.
“You’re hurt.” Noct’s face is serious, like this is something that requires a potion and not a wet towel and some cream.
“I’m not injured,” Prompto protests, just in case.
“Technically, you are,” Ignis supplies. “Mild as it is, sunburn is not unlike other types of burns. Your skin is damaged. With your complexion in particular, it was rather irresponsible of you to go out in the desert without protection.”
“Yeah, I’d say.” Gladio marks the page with his thumb and points the book at Prompto as menacingly as one can point a cheap romance paperback. “You’ll have a hell of a time fighting tomorrow, that’s for sure. Hard to land a good blow when the lightest poke makes you fold up. Trust me, I know something about it.”
“And yet you still run around shirtless…”
“Not like it can hurt him,” Noct quips, pulling a soda can from the cooler. “By now, he’s got skin like a dualhorn.” He dodges the book Gladio swats at him and ducks behind Prompto’s chair. Prompto feels him reach over the backrest, and suddenly the icy touch of metal bites into his skin.
“Better?” Noct asks, slowly rolling the can over the nape of his neck. Prompto whimpers at the pressure, but it really does ease the pain a little.
“Yeah.” He closes his eyes and bows his head down, arching his neck into this passing relief.
“It’ll heal faster if you put some lotion on it,” Gladio says. “There should be some in my bag, go get it.”
“Great idea.” The blissful chill disappears, but Prompto doesn’t protest, not when Noct’s hand closes around his wrist and gently pulls him out of the chair. “Come on, let’s get you sorted out.”
Gladio grins in a very weird way, or maybe that’s just the flickering firelight. Prompto doesn’t have time to take a closer look. He stumbles past and lets Noct tug him inside the tent.
The flap falls closed behind them, casting everything in a greenish shadow. Maybe it’s just a trick of his mind, but Prompto already feels cooler, away from the heat of the fire and with the fresh night air licking his skin. That must be where those shivers came from, too. Definitely not from being nervous – why would he be nervous? It’s not like he’s imagined this a hundred times, the two of them retreating into the tent in the evening, all alone…
Noct lets go of his hand and starts digging through their things, and Prompto desperately tries to pull himself together. He almost succeeds. Then, Noct turns to face him with a small jar in his hand.
“Take your shirt off,” he orders.
Prompto’s brain short-circuits as reality collides with all of his fantasies and plows right through them.
It takes a long, excruciating moment to peel off his tank top. Every brush of the fabric on his raw skin is torture. Maybe it would be easier to tear it off in one go, but Prompto can’t bring himself to do that. Once he’s finally free, he tosses the shirt on his bedroll and turns to Noct, trying to not be too obvious in the way he straightens his back and pushes his chest out.
“Wow.” And yeah, at any other time this would be a welcome reaction to get from his crush seeing him shirtless. Except Noct winces with sympathy as he stares at him, taking in the full extent of his burn. “These tan lines will stay forever.”
“Shut up,” Prompto groans. “I thought you wanted to help.”
Noct gives him half a smile that would make him flush if he wasn’t already all red. Then, he dips his fingers in the balm and gingerly smears it on Prompto’s shoulder.
He could as well poke him with a white-hot rod. Prompto yanks away with a yelp, nearly knocking the jar out of Noct’s hand. Noct pulls back, meeting his eyes with an anxious glance.
“Sorry. It hurts that much?”
“No, it’s fine,” Prompto says quickly, because really, that’s just embarrassing. “Just warn me next time.”
“Okay.” Noct’s breath brushes warmly over his neck. “Here goes.”
He puts his hand to Prompto’s shoulder again, much slower this time. It barely touches him before he’s curling in on himself like a distressed bulette.
“Hey, stand still,” Noct complains. “I’m not gonna chase you all around the tent.”
“I’m trying!” Prompto takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, steeling himself best as he can. “Okay, okay. I’m ready.”
Still, he can’t help but flinch when the next stroke sears a prickling line across his back.
“This won’t work,” Noct sighs. He grabs Prompto’s elbow and gently pulls him down onto the bedroll. “Here, lay down. I can’t do this when you keep dancing like that.”
Prompto obliges, sprawling on his stomach and resting his cheek on his crossed arms. He can’t twist his head back to see, but he can feel Noct hovering over him, straddling his legs as he leans closer to reach his shoulders.
“Get ready.”
Prompto’s muscles tense up as soon as the touch comes. The balm stings on his skin and in his nose – a sharp, airy scent of aloe. He bites down on his lip, trying hard to stop himself from whining, but a few pathetic sounds still escape him.
“Just a bit more,” Noct assures him, his voice as soft as his fingers.
Prompto grunts through clenched teeth, pressing his face into his folded arms. He doesn’t mind Noct taking his time, if that means he’s careful. And Noct’s trying. His touch is light, barely there over the biting of the salve. Every now and then, he stops to take more from the jar, muttering a quick warning before he continues. He’s going slow, steadily rubbing small circles all over Prompto’s shoulder blades. It would be relaxing, if Prompto could stop focusing on every touch and on how it shouldn’t feel this good. He stifles another choked sigh, hoping it can pass for a moan of pain as Noct gently strokes over his biceps. The weird minty chill numbs the skin wherever his hands glide, to and fro, covering every inch. It doesn’t really hurt anymore – just tickles. Prompto stifles a laugh into the crook of his elbow. As he squirms, Noct squeezes his thighs with his knees to keep him in place.
“Almost finished.” He swipes over the nape of Prompto’s neck, brushing his hair up and away from the oily balm. Prompto shivers again and Noct presses down, just a little, a steadying hand on the back of his head. Yeah, he definitely doesn’t mind Noct taking his time. He could easily spend all night like this, with a hand in his hair and fingers skimming over his skin, slender, warm and gentle. Noct’s fingers. Now he really wishes he’d taken the shirt off earlier and baked to a crisp in the desert sun, just for this to last longer. Just to have those fingers explore more of his back, trail lower, trace down his spine all the way down to—
“All done.” Noct pats him on the side, well away from all the tender spots. The pressure on his legs lets up as he crawls off him. Prompto misses it instantly. He sits up slowly, even though his body feels like jelly and he’d rather just melt into the bedroll.
“Thanks,” he mutters.
“No problem,” Noct says, but makes no move to leave now that he’s finished. He gives Prompto a long look, as if checking his work. “You’re pretty burnt up at the front, too. You wanna…?”
“Uh, sure.” Prompto plucks the jar from his hand and starts rubbing at his shoulders, ducking his head low. He’s not doing half as good a job as Noct did, but at least he doesn’t have to look him in the eye and let him see just how much all of this gets to him.
“You missed a spot,” Noct points out. Their hands brush as he reaches into the jar. He takes a swipe of the balm and gently drags his fingers across Prompto’s collarbones – and then further, down his chest, and Prompto almost forgets how to breathe.
“Does it help?” Noct asks. His low voice vibrates in the air between them, in what little gap there’s left.
“Yeah.” Prompto forces a light tone, trying to think about anything except how easy it’d be to close that gap. “Dude, it’s like you’ve got magic hands… Oh, hey! You actually do. You think it would work if you hit me with an ice spell instead?”
Noct smirks and pokes him in the nose, leaving a small lump of the balm on the tip.
“Sure it would work. If you wanted to get frostbite.”
“Oh. Right.” Prompto goes cross-eyed, staring down Noct’s finger as he starts to smear the balm on his face. “Guess it wouldn’t feel that nice.”
“Does this feel nice?”
Noct strokes his cheek gently, hesitantly, like he’s trying to play connect-the-dots with his freckles and can’t figure out the pattern. His hand wanders down, smoothing along the line of his jaw. Prompto slowly nods into the touch; he doesn’t dare to speak, not when Noct’s fingertips linger just by the corner of his mouth. The cool, slightly sweet taste of aloe clings to his lips as he breathes in. There’s another taste on that air, too – something warmer and much, much sweeter. He closes his eyes and it only grows more intense. Everything’s more intense. The pulse drumming in his temples. The warm puffs of breath on his face. Noct’s hand curling on the nape of his neck.
The tent flap rustling open.
“Dinner’s ready.” Gladio’s voice rumbles in the sudden silence as he pokes his head inside.
They pull away so fast it probably looks comical. It definitely looks suspicious, if Gladio’s watchful gaze is anything to go by. Thankfully, he doesn’t comment, and a second later he’s gone as if nothing happened. Because, well. Nothing happened.
“Be right there,” Noct calls after him, though he’s not looking that way at all. His eyes keep shifting between Prompto and the floor – favouring the floor – as much as Prompto can tell, because he’s pointedly avoiding them too. Until finally he catches one of Noct’s ill-timed glances and it’s too late to look away.
Noct opens his mouth, but whatever he wants to say doesn’t make it out. Prompto is kind of relieved. He wouldn’t know how to reply, anyway. His tongue is stuck to the roof of his mouth, dry as the desert. The silence stretches on for a moment longer, just long enough to hold his breath. Then, Noct steps forward with a sigh and rakes his hand through Prompto’s hair, wiping off the slick remains of the balm.
“Come on,” he says at last.
Prompto stares at his back as he leaves the tent, a black shape blending into darkness. His scalp prickles where Noct’s fingers touched; his shoulders shiver with goosebumps and his face burns, and none of that has anything to do with the aloe smeared on his skin.
He’s definitely ditching the shirt tomorrow.
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autumn-maple13 · 5 years
Lost to Time - Chapter 27
Chapter 27: Heading for Caem
Amara and Ignis awoke long before the guys did, dressing quickly to steal away to the café they had visited so many days before. The owner had welcomed them warmly, making sure they were okay as she made them coffee and breakfast, and even joining them while they ate – though she did leave them to their own devices when Amara produced the map of the locations of the Royal Arms.
And yet, despite the time they spent there, they still returned to the hotel before everyone had awoken, arriving just in time to say goodbye to Talcott before Monica and Dustin took him and their luggage to the Cape to begin their side of the preparations. Iris met them in the lobby, smiling at them before she took a moment to let Ignis know she would be riding with them, as the Guards had only enough room for Talcott once everything was loaded. Amara cringed as she thought about the amount of room the Regalia's backseat actually had with Gladiolus and Noctis hogging it.
"You could ride with me instead, so you don't have to be so cramped," the redhead offered, making the Amicitia look at her in concern.
"Do you really think Gladdy would let me ride on your motorcycle?"
"I think he knows I'm a very safe driver, so why not?"
"Safe, but a tad unpredictable at times. Perhaps it would be better for her to take one of our spots in the Regalia, while one of us rides with you instead."
"Have fun Specs!" the trio turned to watch the other part of the group come down the stairs with all their bags, including Amara's from her room. Noctis smirked at his advisor, not even trying to hide how amused he was. "I don't think any of us need to get near her after yesterday."
"Noct, as your friend and a Glaive fully capable of kicking your ass into next week, shut up." Amara smiled sweetly, "Unless of course, you want me to run off to Altissia ahead of you and spill everything to Lunafreya. I'm sure I could find some way across the sea, just for the sake of embarrassing you."
"Speaking of, don't think I've forgotten that I need to find out what you've already told her."
"My lips are sealed."
"Ignis, I command you to find out for me."
"Sorry Noct, but this one is above my paygrade as either a Crownsguard officer or your advisor."
"Don't you outrank her though?"
"No, she's actually currently one of the only four officially ranked officers left. Our activities with the Guard are more for practicalities sake since we're technically both your first and last line of defense. Gladio is the only one among the three of us with a rank, though he doesn't have an officer's title."
"You have to actually fulfill Crownsguard assignments to gain rank, and he didn't have too many opportunities since he's your Shield." Amara nodded, smirking in triumph for a few seconds before something hit her. "Hey, wait, what do you mean after yesterday?"
"Wait, were you just threatening me without even paying attention to why?"
"It's kinda just force of habit to threaten embarrassment upon you at this point. I heard 'I don't think' and just kinda zoned out on the rest."
Gladiolus grinned, walking over so he stood beside the duo and leaning into them. "He means the way Ignis acted when he found out you might be on the base."
Amara flushed brightly when a glance to the side showed Ignis fidgeting slightly, suddenly very interested in the lens of his glasses, before she began glaring at the taller man and then at her snickering former classmates. "You two can it."
"Ah, it's good to hear her fussing again," Prompto laughed, walking over and slinging an arm around Amara's neck. "Come on Ams, I'm sure you already know we were all freaking out trying to get you back."
"Of course, she knows, Ignis isn't the only one around here that cares about her," Noctis added, pulling the blond's arm off the woman. "Let's get going already. Specs, you ride with Amara. I'll drive the Regalia."
"Alright, but just so you are aware we should make a stop at Malmalam Thicket on the way there to procure another of the Arms."
It only took a few minutes for all of them to make their way to the vehicles and re-stow everything away. Iris was the first to get settled in the Regalia, taking Noct's usual seat in the back. Unusually, all the guys were quick to buckle up once they took their own spots, leaving Amara and Ignis to exchange amused looks before climbing onto the redhead's motorcycle. The man wrapped a steady arm around his partner's waist as she turned the engine, letting her wave to the others before heading up the ramp and out of the parking area. Noctis was quick to follow her out of the city, though Ignis was chuckling in her ear about the distance he was keeping between them.
Heading in the direction of the waterfall tomb, the little journey looked like it would be smooth sailing for them all the way to the Thicket – until a buzz filled Amara's ear. Looking up, she growled at the sight of one of the Empire's flying fortresses coming in above them. The sound of the Regalia's engine roaring closer was the only interruption, with Noctis pulling alongside them with a grim look. Ignis shifted slightly behind her.
"We should find a spot to pull over," his hand tightened on his partner's hip, no doubt reminded of the news he had received the previous night.
Amara nodded, glancing at her friend's. "Old Lestallum is just ahead! We can stop there!"
Falling back behind the Glaive, the group looked ahead of them to the small town that was quickly approaching. They were quick to pull into the parking lot of the hotel on the main street, parking there and asking Iris to stay put while they went to take care of things. Deciding to take the Regalia, despite her previous 'capture', the group hopped in with Amara behind the wheel, letting her take them out of the city towards the old Lucian base the Fortress had landed in.
"Surprised to see them this far out," Noctis grumbled, adjusting the bracer on his arm and making Prompto sigh.
"Leave no plot of land unconquered."
"Those aren't conquering numbers," Gladio pointed out, a growl to his voice.
Ignis nodded, looking over at Amara as she gripped the wheel a bit tighter. "Likely building a supply line it would behoove us to cut."
The redhead agreed, turning down a street that led away from the Base's entrance and following the tall walls as the guys made a few comments about how the base looked. Pulling over not far beyond the wall's uphill curve, Amara sliced the wires acting as a guardrail before climbing back into the car and maneuvering it carefully off the road. After a quick (and careful) disguise job, the group was following the Glaive up the hill, through the brush. Heading quickly up the slope Amara soon found an unwatchable part of fencing that acted as a makeshift wall between the base and some of its supply pipes, cutting them a hole in the shadow of the inner walls and motioning towards a concrete slope that stretched upward some feet in front of them. Looking up they could see a guard tower situated on the upper level and looked to Amara questioning.
"Noct and I will take out the guards, the rest of you stay out of view for now." She was speaking quieter than they had heard in some time, motioning for everyone to follow her, then at Noctis when they reached the crest. The King threw the first warp, taking out a sniper on the stairs of the tower as Amara threw one of her Kukris, warping over to take care of a Trooper in the tower's shadow. Hearing the sound of metal hit the ground made the other few troops in the area show themselves, only to be taken out with expert precision before they could ever fire off a shot. The others joined the duo soon after, and followed Amara up the stairs to the lookout, sharing a few curses and groans at the sight below them. The base was already much farther set up than anticipated, with the fortress's tail acting as a conduit to spread the MT generator's power across the area.
Noctis sighed, looking over it again before turning to his friends. "So, what's our plan?"
Ignis took a moment to think, then looked at Amara. "Find the base commander and take him into custody. Targeting metal men will yield little in the way of reconnaissance, but bones bend easily. We'll split into two groups."
Amara shook her head. "No, three. I'm going to head for the generator."
The men looked at her for a moment but nodded when they saw her glaring down at the machine. Ignis sighed softly, shaking his head.
"Prompto and Gladio can generate a diversion."
"Aw, yeah! Making a scene's what I do best." The man laughed, cracking his knuckles.
The taller blonde smiled for a moment, then looked to his King. "Noct, are you prepared?"
He got a nod in response, making Prompto smack his friend's shoulder lightly. "Operation: To Catch a Commander is go!"
Amara looked at the guys but only took a moment to wish them luck before losing a kukri down to a sheltered area behind some shipping crates. It had taken them a bit longer to get to the base than she had realized, she noticed, as she slinked through the shadows that were growing darker by the minute. She didn't want to risk checking the sky to confirm her suspicions, so hoped the guys were being careful to avoid any demonic distractions the Niffs had held on several bases she had infiltrated in the past.
Slipping beneath a tarp when she heard metal clad feet getting close to her, she willed herself out of sight using Noct's magic as she had been trained to do with King Regis's, and tried to ignore the slightly more red tint bleeding into the purple edging the crystalline fragments surrounding her from the magic.
Not moving until she was sure she was in the clear, the woman snuck back out, dispersing her magic so she wouldn't drain herself further as she slipped through the shelter of more supplies until she found herself nearing her target. Watching for any patrol before making her next move, she slipped along the edge of the inner wall, ducking behind what she could to avoid being lit up by the harsh lighting of the center of the area. Heading quickly up behind the Generator when she was close enough, she set to rigging a Firaga flask to its base, then warping herself up onto a platform before she threw a lower level flask at it, igniting it with a loud explosion that sent a shock through the base – setting off alarms and awakening a large MT armor that she hadn't realized was manned, but the Generator stayed running, though it was fluctuating wildly.
Realizing they must have re-enforced them somehow after the last base was taken out of commission, she was happy to hear the guys joining her before she dove headlong into attacking the MT power supply, letting them handle the armor. Hacking at it with strong blows of a broadsword was enough to dispatch it after the explosion had weakened it, so she found herself quickly warping in to help the guys. With Gladio and Noctis attacking the armor's legs and Prompto sniping its joints, she set to disarming it – though she and Noctis were warping after it when the surprisingly agile armor leaped into the air and landed several feet away, perfectly situated to rain missiles on them.
The duo were quick to remove the launcher from action as their grounded companions moved in, and were successful in setting one of them off directly in the face of the armor – making it succumb even faster despite themselves barely missing being caught in to close range explosion. Between the four of them, it didn't take much longer, leaving them darting out of range before it exploded itself.
Hearing the laser gate locking them in with the armor die out, the group turned to watch a peeved Ignis approach, frowning as he looked at them.
"Glad to see you lot were successful."
"Does that mean you weren't?" Noctis almost sounded shocked, with agreeing expressions on their faces as they looked in surprise at the advisor. He made some sort of motion at them as he shook his head.
"I placed our captive into the Hunters' custody, but I've just been informed he's fled… He lives to die another day."
"And I'll gladly help him with that," Noct growled, rubbing his shoulder. "For now, let's head back to town."
The group muttered their agreements, following the Advisor back out of the area and heading for their exit.
They had hardly made it into the open when the sound of a grunt from above them left the guys looking at Amara in shock when she summoned a crystal barrier over their heads and a sword to her hand. Jumping in front of Noctis she blocked the incoming spear of a woman clad in Niff emblemed clothing, letting her barrier dissipate when the woman kicked herself free, only to launch another blow that locked them close together.
"Hey pretty girl," the woman seemed to purr before launching herself backward and away from them, landing gracefully a few feet away as she laughed. Gladiolus darted in front of the King as the redhead dissipated her sword to draw her kukris, looking at the Niff female with a smirk.
"Hey Aranea, long-time no ass-kicking."
"Oh, so you remembered me? How sweet! Unfortunately, I'm not here for you today Glaive."
"You're not getting Noctis." She was aware of the others jumping in front of their charge, though she didn't risk a glance to see who was where.
"Well, let's see what you can do!" Aranea had hardly finished speaking before she shifted her weight and darted around the group at an incredible pace – directly into her target, who was lucky to warp through her strike and avoid it. Knowing his fighting style wasn't suited to dealing with the Niff's heavy dragoon lance, Amara used one of her old tricks and left Gladio trying to not fall on his ass when she leaped up onto his shoulder, then off of it into the air where she summoned her own lance.
Quickly balancing herself, the redhead brought the full force of her body weight down with the lance between the other woman and the King, cracking the ground from the force of it. Warping through the enemy's attacks, the Glaive dispersed her spear and switched back to her kukris, using the small blades to knock away the lunges of the lance trying to hit her. Aranea was getting angrier by the second, and finally shoved her away before leaping high into the air – hovering there long enough to begin spinning quickly as she rest her foot on the hilt of her spear, building up speed and torque that would be sure to do a lot of damage.
Realizing what was at stake, Noctis and Amara both warped after her and left the others to deal with the MTs that were starting to arrive on dropships no doubt alerted by any number of alarms on the base. They were cleared out easily enough as the duo chased the bigger threat through the air and from platform to platform, at one point managing to slam her face first into a metal beam, until she finally managed to knock both back to the ground below, only to perch rather unimpressed on another platform above them – looking like she was checking her watch of all things as she peeled her helmet off.
"Aw, is it that time already?"
"What time?" came the question from the more than confused king as he rubbed his wrenched wrist, looking less upset by the whole situation than he had earlier.
"Quittin' time," Aranea shrugged. "Sorry, but this girl doesn't work after hours. I could, but there wouldn't be a single gil in it for me. Hey, we should play again sometime, pretty girl."
Amara tried to come up with a retort, but the Niff had already leaped high into the air, and into a waiting dropship that was an oddly bright shade of red. As it took off from the base, Noctis couldn't help but look over at the Glaive with an even more confused look.
"Who the hell was she?"
"I'll have to explain later, for now…"
Prompto sent a nod her way, turning to his friends. "I'm still worried about Iris."
"I imagine she's fine," Ignis didn't seem particularly concerned, instead using a potion on his liege then tossing one to the redhead, but Gladiolus seemed a bit more worried.
"But we shouldn't keep her waiting."
It was a quick agreement before the group was hurrying from the base, pausing at the edge of the lights to look down at the dark expanse separating them from the Regalia.
"Amara, I don't suppose…?"
"Prompto, you and your flares are coming with me this time."
"What? Why me?!"
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lhugbereth · 6 years
Promptio Bar AU Teaser
Collab with @jilldrawblog
I feel like I’ve been talking about this for a while, but haven’t had anything to show for it yet. So here’s the introduction - a big of mood-setting, some Gladio backstory - with more to come soon. I’ve actually got about 3k words written so far and ideas for the next few big scenes :) Brainstorming with my artist-in-crime (jill) is always so fun, and usually results in filthy, smutty Promptio for us all ;) 
(Also drinking is good)
Comments and suggestions welcome!
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Promptio Bar AU (title pending), SFW for now 
Five o’clock was usually a busy time at the Regalia. Technically, the bar didn't open for another hour and a half, and the regulars didn't start rolling in until even later. But five was when the prep-work got done - things like washing the glasses, cutting the garnishes, arranging the cheese on the platters just to Ignis’ liking. There was almost always something that needed Gladio’s attention behind the bar, and keeping busy was just how he liked it.
Except...that evening was different. Neither Ignis or Noct had turned up yet (they had gone across town to interview a potential hire) and had left Gladio in charge of the big, empty place all alone. Which was, well, lonely. Gladio didn't do well with quiet; with time to think and wonder what the hell he was doing with his life at thirty, still single since longer-than-he-cared-to-admit; still disappointing his father, who’d wanted him follow in his footsteps and join the Force, not drop out of the Academy to work in a run down bar.
But, hey. At least he could add ‘Letting Dad Down' to the short list of things he was consistently good at.
No, quiet and downtime didn't rank high among Gladio’s favorite things, so without Ignis to boss him around, he was forced to get creative. He cleaned the shelves. Restacked the shot glasses. Made himself a drink (then a second, and a third) and was just going over the counter with a fresh coat of polish when the bell above the door announced their return.
Noct entered first, dark hair flecked with powdery white from the storm outside, followed closely by Ignis who smiled as he took both of their coats. The door fell shut against the elements, and Ignis’ eyes landed on the bar. “Ah, Gladio, thank you for holding down the fort,” he said, turning to hang up the garments on hooks behind them. “Have any trouble while we were gone?”
Shrugging, Gladio tossed his rag into the sink and dusted off his hands. “Not really, unless you count the cockroaches partying it up in the back room.”
“...My bar does not have roaches,” Ignis deadpanned.
From his left, Noct gave his upper arm a reassuring pat. “Sure, keep telling yourself that. I hope you didn’t chase them out, Gladio,” he continued with a grin. “They play a mean game of poker.”
“It’s a joke, babe.” The younger man - Gladio was honestly still trying to figure out what exactly he did there besides suck Ignis’ dick and mooch off of his rich father - pushed himself up on the toes of his sneakers and gave Iggy a kiss. “I’ll be in the office. Call me if you need me.”
“Of course.” An indulgent smile, followed by another chaste (probably for Gladio’s sake) peck on the lips, before Noct was sauntering out of the room and Iggy was approaching the bar. He removed his gloves, ghosted his fingers over the freshly-polished countertop, and favored his friend with a smile. “You’ve been busy.”
“So have you,” Gladio retorted, nodding his chin in the direction Noctis had taken off. “How’d the interview go?”
“Far better than expected. If I’m being honest, I had imagined the Lieutenant's choice in character to be as bad as his choice in liquor. But I was pleasantly surprised.” Ignis pulled a thin stack of papers from his bag, and set them on the bar where Gladio could take a look. The top page was a resume for some kid named Argentum (sounded fake), who seemed to have about as much stable job experience as Noctis and even less perfunctory education.
Gladio scoffed. “He’s a loser.”
“On paper, perhaps,” Ignis countered, green eyes glinting behind his sharp lenses. “But he’s friendly, outgoing, and quick on his feet. Eager to work, too. Says he wants to put himself through school, what with his family….”
Ignis didn’t have to finish his sentence. The second page of the packet explained it all in bold headlines and shocking photos. His parents, gone. Dead. Brilliant scientists assassinated by some Niflheim extremists as punishment for defecting. Their twenty-four-year-old son, according to the newspaper article, had survived the ordeal because he’d been staying in Insomnia at the time, with his uncle Cor Leonis.
Well, at least that explained how the Lieutenant knew him.
In the wake of his silence, Ignis continued. “He’s got nowhere else, Gladio. We can put him to work here, help him to get by. And he and Noctis seem to get along so well already.”
“Great, just what we need. Another stray to take up space in the break room.”
Green eyes narrowed. “I know you think you can handle this bar by yourself, Gladio. But having a little proper help might do you good.” He folded his arms over his chest as he took in the sight of his friend, jaw still unshaven and hair pulled back in a messy bun. “And goodness knows we could use a fresh face around here."
"Hey, I have it on good authority that no one’s tired of lookin’ at my face, okay?"
“Regardless,” Ignis waved the topic aside. “Prompto’s going to be starting this weekend, so try not to scare him off. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some business to take care of in the office.”
There was nothing subtle about his smile, or the way he loosened the knot of his tie as he went. Gladio sighed, made a mental note not to go bother them for at least half an hour, and instead distracted himself once again by drying off the glasses he’d washed earlier in the night.
Prompto, huh. I’ll give him a week.
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glaivenoct · 6 years
Spilled Coffee
Words: 2,555 Summary: Four years leading up to this moment he’ll cherish forever. All thanks to a little spilled coffee. Who would’ve thought?
A @nyxnoct-secretsanta gift for @just-sly ^.^ Happy holidays, friend!! I hope it’s been a lovely one for ya! This isn’t quite a strictly coffee shop au ^^; but I wanted to fit it in in some form with the happiest ending I could think of for these two!
Up on (ao3) as well (especially if I can gift the work to you over there, sly!)~
“Do you remember the day we met?”
The question’s followed by the strong smell of coffee. His favorite coffee, a hot snickerdoodle mocha, is placed with the utmost care into his chilly hands. A wisp of steam curls from the lid, wafting the pleasant scent of cinnamon to his nose. Noctis brings the cup closer to inhale the aroma deeply, smiling when he sees Nyx sitting across from him with his own hot drink and a curious twinkle in his eye.
“We met around the citadel several times since I was a kid.”
“Yeah, I remember always meeting and Prince Noctis and Sir Ulric there. I’m talking about when we really met. Here. As just Nyx and Noct.”
Noctis traces a hand around the lid of his cup. Thinking back to it… Nyx looks as endearing as he did that day they met here, bundled handsomely in a gray jacket and black scarf. It’s as cold outside as it was that day too. The coffee shop they sit in now hasn’t changed one bit either.
Noctis loves this place. It’s close to his apartment, and nowhere near as bustling or minimalist as the coffee shops closer to the citadel. To Noct, it’s always felt like a neat mix between a miniature library and coffee shop. It’s quiet and comfy, walls lined with vibrant shelves of books and chalkboard art with witty quotes. The floors are dark and maple, reflecting soft, golden light that relaxes him in the evenings.
Every seat is cushioned, inviting writers and readers and artists alike to stay for as long as their muses indulge them. Noct’s favorite touches were the couches. There’s two of them; one towards the front of the shop, pressed up against the big window that peers out into the street. The other is towards the back, secluded in the perfect corner for Noct to huddle into and keep to himself.
No one here ever bothers him. He never feels unwanted stares or hears people muttering to each other and asking if that’s really the prince sitting in the corner. The baristas never seem to pay any mind to his title either, no matter how many times they write his name on cups. They hand it off to him and wish him a good day like they would any other customer. No formalities. No “Your Highness”.
He likes that. He likes coming here often to write back to Luna in their notebook. Never without his snickerdoodle mocha and chocolate muffin.
It was four years ago he came here to do exactly that. He was so invested in his written words that he’d lost track of time and would’ve stayed longer had Ignis not texted him to inquire of his whereabouts.
Five more minutes, he decides at the time. That’s all he needs to finish his response to Luna. It’ll only take him ten minutes or so to get back to his apartment. No big deal.
Or so he thought. Five minutes and Noct’s gathering his things, hurrying to the door with half a cup of semi-hot coffee in one hand and his phone in the other.
He’s halfway through a text to Ignis when it happens. He runs into someone, spilling what’s left of his coffee all over them. Whatever astonished gasp’s ready to come out of Noct’s mouth turns into an odd, mortified noise when he realizes it’s Nyx.
At the age of nineteen, Noctis is painfully aware of a big, fat, blooming crush on the revered hero of the kingsglaive. It’s always been the little things about him that pique Noct’s interest. Makes him wonder what more there is to the man besides his perfect guard stance.
Perhaps it’s the years’ worth of little smiles offered to him when they pass each other in the halls. The warm “Good morning, Your Highness,” or the inquiries on how his day was going. It never feels artificial or forced simply because he’s the prince, and over the years it created a particular fondness Noctis can’t say he’s held for any other glaive.
He didn’t realize how much it was really a crush until he started training with Nyx. Gathering up the courage to do something about it felt impossible beneath the eyes and ears of the citadel. He flirted where he could. Maybe enjoyed their sparring sessions a little too much when they got up close and personal, but for the most part, Noct played it safe and suffered in silence.
Spilling coffee on him, however, is the exact opposite of safe. It’s embarrassing. The most damn mortifying thing that could’ve happened to him. Of all the people he could’ve spilled coffee on!
He wants to crawl into a hole, vanish into oblivion, let one of the gods strike him down there and now. His blush reaches his ears while he apologizes like a madman and scrambles for an explanation to excuse his clumsiness and lack of attention.
There is none.
And Nyx. Sweet, wonderful, coffee-soaked Nyx ends up smiling at him.
“Prince Noctis,” he says, raising both hands to placate him. “Really, it’s okay. Nothing a little trip to the dry cleaners can’t fix.”
Noctis can’t accept that. Nor can he accept missing out on the prime opportunity to finally act on his stupid crush. He owes Nyx some sort of recompense for ruining a perfectly good jacket, doesn’t he? That’s the least he can do, right?
The recompense turns into Noctis buying Nyx’s coffee that evening and informing Ignis he’s going to be home later than expected.
Technically, it turns into them sitting in the exact same spot four years later as – according to Crowe – disgustingly devoted boyfriends. That brings a coy smile to Noct’s face. He takes a sip of his coffee.
“Of course I remember. Why are you bringing it up now?”
“Because this is the exact jacket.”
It’s a second before the statement clicks in Noct’s head. He wrinkles his brow and gapes at Nyx’s crooked smile. “No,” he says, not liking one bit how satisfied Nyx looks. “No it’s not!”
“It totally is.”
“You did this on purpose, you jerk!” Noct kicks his boot beneath the table, laughing when he does.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, babe.”
“Our anniversary was last week! I’m surprised you didn’t do this then.”
Nyx shrugs. “You know me. Always full of surprises.”
“Kinda like how I was surprised to run into you here in the first place.”
“Oh, you ran into me alright.” Another kick and Nyx is laughing again. “Nah. Guess I’ve been reminiscing on a lot since our anniversary. Even before then.” He smiles like there’s a secret he knows that Noct doesn’t, eyes glued to his cup. “Four years… that’s pretty great.”
Noctis can tell there’s something bigger going on in Nyx’s head and he waits to hear whatever it is. Nyx remains quiet and dazed in affection, though, which is more suspicious.
“What aren’t you telling me, Nyx Ulric?”
“Hm?” Nyx blinks up at him, quick to shake his head. “Oh, nothing. Nothing at all, little king.”
Noctis doesn’t believe that at all, but he lets it go knowing that whatever it is, Nyx might tell him eventually. He’s always full of surprises after all.
But that’s the last thing on his mind later that night when he stirs awake in Nyx’s bed. He’s displeased to turn over and end up burying his face into pillows rather than his boyfriend’s neck. He stretches an arm to investigate the space next to him and finds it vacant and cold. Noctis lifts his head with a grumble just as he hears the door opening.
And then there’s a clatter, followed by a soft “Damn it.”
“Nyx?” When Noctis turns to face the door, Nyx is already crouched on the floor, hand clutched protectively around an object he can’t recognize in the dark. The glaive freezes into position and looks up at him slowly.
“Hi.” Noctis can barely make out his nervous smile with the moonlight pooling in from the window.
“It’s the middle of the night. What are doing?”
“Taking a walk?”
Noctis squints at him and maneuvers out of bed to turn on the nearby lamp. Nyx is standing up and closing the door behind him as the light’s switched on. Noctis catches him stuffing something in the pocket of his gray jacket.
That’s when the thought from earlier pops back into his head. Nyx is planning something. Something he doesn’t want Noctis to know yet. He crosses his arms and approaches him slowly, startling him once he’s fully turned around. As charming as that smile of feigning innocence might be, Noct refuses to let it deter him.
“What’cha got there, Ulric?”
“Got where? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Noctis cocks his brows and reaches for the hand that’s stuffed in a pocket, laughing when Nyx tentatively pulls away from him. “You sure?”
Nyx bites his lower lip and lets his eyes wander up to the ceiling. “It’s… a surprise. It was supposed to be.” The inner conflict begins to surface to his features. He’s contemplating this… or has contemplated it for a while.
This surprise isn’t just a surprise. It’s important and serious to Nyx. Noct takes a step back from him and grabs the hand that fiddles with the end of his jacket.
“Okay.” He rubs a thumb soothingly across Nyx’s fingers. “This never happened then. Come back to bed.”
“Noct.” Nyx halts the hand that moves to aid him in removing his jacket. Gods, that indecisive glint makes Noct even more curious about whatever surprise he’s holding onto. More so when Nyx squeezes his hand and stares at it, thumb stroking his pinky and ring finger.
Noct squeezes back as a way of asking Nyx to talk to him. To ask if everything’s alright.
Finally, he shakes his head and huffs. “Screw it. This… might’ve made more sense to do last week. I wanted to do this last week but, uh, the most important part got held up a little bit.”
“Nyx, we said no anniversary presents this year. Flowers, chocolate and us. That’s it.”
“Do you remember the day we met?”
Noct’s grip on Nyx’s hand lightens. “What?”
“The day we met. The jacket and the coffee. Talking till we were the last people in that place. Otherwise known as one of the best days of my life.”
“What does that have to do with –”
“If you had told me that day that we’d be where we are now, I don’t know if I’d believe it.” Nyx squeezes his hand again. “Four years.”
Noctis swallows, the beat of his heart picking up. It hasn’t been without struggle. Within four beautiful years they experienced the burden and blessing of their relationship’s secrecy. The relief and freedom of every reveal to their loved ones and eventually the public. They dealt with the war, the on and off distance that would put between them and leave Noct praying to each god for Nyx’s safe return home.
They dealt with it all long enough to see peace touch their lives as the war came to an end. To be confident and comfortable holding hands in public. To pay no mind to what any ignorant, nosy citizen might have to say of a prince falling for his father’s glaive.
Had Noctis been told that one fateful day that this is where they’d be now, maybe he wouldn’t believe it either. He’d be determined to get there, though. To see the laughs, kisses and embraces that countered the heartaches, the tears and the doubts. To experience the indescribable sensation of falling in love with Nyx repeatedly.
If he’s not mistaken, he might be falling in love with him again right now. Or at least with captivating look in his adoring eyes.
“Four years…” Noctis says, staying fixed on Nyx even when he notices him fishing the surprise from his pocket.
“I want more than that. I want to give you more than that. I’ll give you every year I have if you want.”
“Nyx…” Noct doesn’t know how the part in his lips and the curious furrow to his brow give Nyx even more courage. What he knows is that the palm of his hand is sweaty, and his legs are starting to feel a little like jelly.                                                        
Nyx gives him that kind smile like the day they met, holding his hand even as he drops onto one knee. “Noct. My love and my heart. My little king.” He releases his hand to properly present a small black box, opening it up and revealing a sleek, black ring with two purple bands encircling the edges. “Will you marry me?”
Noct’s breath catches in his chest as he waits for panicked thoughts to surface in his brain. Instead there’s a distinct twinge in his chest threatening to reduce him to tears, yet no moisture wells into his vision.
All he feels is the twinge. It’s warm and turning into a pleasant flutter – into an instinct that serves as the blockade for any of those panicked thoughts to reach him.
There’s nothing to panic about. There’s nothing to question. For all the times their relationship faced uncertainty, there’s not a thing in this world that can make Noctis uncertain now.
So he falls to Nyx’s level, grabs his face with both hands and kisses him hard. He doesn’t hold it for long. He’s too eager to part just enough to mutter “Yes,” against chapped lips, letting his fingers wander into braids.
“Thank gods.”
Before Noctis knows it, Nyx is wrapping his arms around him, pulling him to the floor and rolling on top of him to kiss him. He starts giggling into them, which gets Nyx to fall into his own hysterical fit. He’s quick to muffle it into his neck, but it only gets Noct giggling even more. They stay a quivering heap of euphoric fiancés for a good minute before they come back down to eos. Noctis closes his eyes and locks his arms at the back of Nyx’s neck, soaking in this newfound love while they settle down.
“I’m really glad you spilled your coffee on me that day.”
Noctis just smiles and tugs Nyx closer. “You sure you want to marry me, hero?”
He can feel his hero smiling against his skin before he even lifts his head. Nyx pushes himself up enough to bring the little box back into sight. He plucks the ring from the box and delicately takes Noctis’ left hand.
It slides so smoothly onto his finger and it feels so right. Up close Noctis can see the purple bands of ore shining when he flexes his finger a certain way. He notices faint engravings in between them too. A mix between Lucian and Galahdian emblems. Customized just for them. Something grows heavy in his throat.
It’s perfect. Might not be on their anniversary like Nyx originally planned, but it’s still perfect.
Four years leading up to this moment he’ll cherish forever. All thanks to a little spilled coffee. Who would’ve thought?
Nyx stills his fiancé’s shaking fingers as he places a kiss right above the ring.
“I’ve never been this sure about anything in my life till now, little king.”
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merlevum · 6 years
Dormiens rex De Aurora
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Nyx Ulric Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, cyrofreeze, cryovat Summary: Gladio must travel through a fall Insomnia. Ignis does his best not to let him dwell on his thoughts. 
Gladio regained his strength and retained his body heat without needing extra clothing or the thermal blankets after the second day. The moment Gladio was given the go-ahead, he started his usual routine of stretching and limbering out his stiff body. A thousand years certainly had not been kind in that regard, but after the third day, he was feeling at least somewhat better. Ignis brought him clothes, showing him to a shower they had brought the second day Gladio was more fully awake. They warned him about taking too hot of a shower before leaving him.
The clothes, while not exactly his usual Crownsguard uniform, were comfortable enough. Supple leather pants and a fitted shirt accompanied by combat boots and a set of boxers and socks. Well, it was better than what he had before. His Shield tattoo peaked out where his shirt stopped, but that didn’t bother him. Not really. It was meant to be seen and meant to warn people to step the hell away from him or anyone he was with. Every shield from the Amicitia family had gotten something either a tattoo, a pendant, badge, whatever to show exactly who they were. Though the Amicitia genes probably did more for him than the tattoo. Even his father had a tattoo of the bird with wings wide open on his shoulder. Apparently, his old man had worn more sleeveless shirts than even Gladio. Slicking back his hair, he noticed at least he didn’t need to cut it for a while, guess being frozen had some perks. Though, it looked like he could do with a bit of a shave. Maybe he could ask Ignis for some stuff.
The week passed in a flurry of trying to get his body back into condition and watching over Noct. Ignis and Prompto were in and out throughout the week, making sure the pretense they had come up with was kept when it came to their scientist. Gladio still wasn’t sure about all of this, but he was going to be damned if he was going to stay in this room for one more day. Aside from sitting still, he hated having to hide like this. The four walls around him were starting to get rather cramped, but he couldn’t leave with Noct still asleep.
No one said what they speculated, but Gladio was starting to worry if fears of Noct ever waking up were going to be confirmed one day. The prince was known for napping, but this was getting ridiculous, but then there had been that one time. Gladio shoved the thought away as he straightened his form a bit and focused on his push-ups. He had worked up a decent sweat and working on a cool down.
“Good afternoon, Gladio. I’m glad to see that you are able to move around without too much trouble,” Ignis stood in the doorway, shifting his glasses. Gladio noticed the slight twinge to the assistant’s cheeks but figured it was from walking here from the outpost. Apparently, Ignis had explained earlier that week, the climb from cryovat building to the outpost was a bit of a distance. “Have the doctors finished clearing you?”
‘Yeah, perfect bill of health. More than I can say for sleeping beauty though.”
Gladio knew he was being bitter and irritable, but he couldn’t help it. A week in a room without windows, or any sense of what was going on outside of the room was really grating on him. He still couldn’t pull his sword from the Amiger, so he was forced to continue to strengthen his core. Without some form of protection, Gladio knew he would need to be ready to protect Noct with his own body for when he finally woke up. Still, he couldn’t figure out why he couldn’t get access. Was it because of Noct, or was it because of King Regis?
“That’s not fair, Gladio and you know that,” Ignis said with a sigh.
“Fair or not, I’ve been stuck in this room. Noct hasn’t woken up, and I’m damn tired of just standing here doing nothing.”
Gladio practically prowled the room he was confined to. Ignis could have compared him to a coeurl if he hadn’t felt a twinge of guilt. The medical team had already alerted him to Gladio’s foul mood. Perhaps it was time he let Gladio see what the outside world looked like now after a thousand years. He bit his lip, wondering if he really should let Gladio go out. They would have to go through Insomnia first and foremost and then come back down through Insomnia to get back here. Was Gladio ready to face that?
“Gladio would you--” he stepped closer to the Shield, putting a hand on the other’s shoulder. “Would you join me for a walk? You’ll want to put on the jacket, it’s rather cold out there and we can’t have someone recognize you’re not from here because of your skin.”
“My skin? What’s wrong with my skin?” Gladio was not in the mood for half baked truths today and frankly, he didn’t give a damn about hurting Ignis’s feelings at the moment either. He shrugged out of the comforting hand to face him.
Gladio was taller, but then he was used to towering over people. He was an Amicitia after all, and their male line tended to be rather tall. Still, Ignis wasn’t small by any means and if the grip he felt the past week and the way he had gotten him out of the cryovat, Ignis wasn’t weak either. But if Ignis thought they weren’t going to be butting heads or Gladio was just going to follow everything Ignis wanted, he had another thing coming. Gladio didn’t follow blindly.
“If you haven’t noticed, Prompto and I are both fairly light skinned. When Insomnia fell, according to history, so too did daylight. The nights grew longer until there was no sunlight. Since then, people have had to make due with artificial light. When it comes back, we will all have to adjust to the actual sunlight again. Since you’ve been frozen, your skin has not had to go through the lack of sunlight. You’ll stick out like a sore thumb, I’m afraid. And while I trust our little outpost, there is always the chance that someone loyal to the empire will spot you.”
There was no sunlight? Ignis and Prompto had never seen a sunset or even a sunrise? Their world was just dark? “W-Wait, what do you mean? Why is night? Wasn’t that connected to the Starscourge?”
“It was and still is. Gladio, we haven’t solved the problem of the Starscourge completely. We've only been able to reverse the effects of those who are infected but not yet turned.” Ignis leaned against the wall, watching Gladio. “Why don’t we continue this while we head to the outpost. Talk like this scares the medical team and I dare say you could do with a bit of fresh air.”
Grunting in response, Gladio grabbed the jacket he supposed would have gone knee length for most, but only to his own waist. It covered up his tattoo and skin. Ignis handed him a pair of leather gloves and a hat. Gladio didn’t like hiding. He wasn’t a spy, he wasn’t some outlaw, and yet he here he was. He technically was supposed to be dead and the only place he could even think to call home was supposedly gone. Begrudgingly he dawned on what Ignis gave him and then followed him out of the room.
Unlike when his father had taken him down, Gladio found there was a broken down stairwell that they used instead of the elevator. Who knew if the elevator was still operational? Or maybe, just maybe, they didn’t know how to use it? You needed a code to get it working, especially to come down here, but the stairs worked too. He could use the exercise honestly.
“The Starscourge, did you ever figure out what it truly was?” Ignis asked, shifting his glasses as he led Gladio through the building.
“We didn’t. All we knew was the Oracle had the power to cure it. If King Regis or anyone else knew, they didn’t tell Noct or me.” Gladio grunted. His legs protested a little as they started their incline. At least he was moving now, he could focus on the way his body moved instead of how helpless he was in the room.
“Right.” Ignis seemed accustomed to the climb making Gladio wonder how many times had he come down here? “The Starscourge is actually an organism which takes away the light. People have described it as “drinking the light” away. I don’t think they’re wrong necessarily, since many of the victims, start showing signs of darkening and black skin, along with a black fluid coming from the body. Once the scourge takes over the body completely, the person turns into a daemon.”
Ignis glanced back when he didn’t hear the familiar sound of Gladio’s boots. The Shield had stopped, staring at him with his mouth agape.
“Are you kidding? Those things? Those creatures were human once? How the hell--” Gladio ran a hand over his face. Ignis frowned, unsure of why such news would come as a surprise. “You said the cure you have doesn’t actually reverse this, right? So, with no daylight and you telling me about the daemons, then it means that you still have issues with it."
Ignis nodded, eyes working towards the conclusion that Gladio and the others from Insomnia had fought daemons but knew nothing of their origins.
"Great. Another thing to add to my growing list of shit to worry about.” Gladio started walking again. Just another damned thing to mull over until Noct woke up.
Ignis hummed. “You won’t have to worry about daemons until you leave the outpost. For some reason, Insomnia is one of the few places daemons dare not to venture after it’s fall. We’re still not exactly sure why though.”
The way Ignis spoke, Gladio knew he couldn’t fault the guy. They were just part of two different worlds. Insomnia was his home and standing strong before he was under. Ignis was trying to spare him, Gladio could tell, but the way Ignis spoke, it was clear Insomnia was just history. Insomnia was just a pile of ruins. But nothing could have fully prepared Gladio for what he saw when they stepped through the front doors of the cryovat building and into the streets of Insomnia.
What Gladio remembered and felt was just yesterday, was nothing like what he compared it now. Standing at the entrance of the building, all he could do was stare. He had grown up on these streets. Played and goofed off with others. He drank with the Glaives at certain bars and even picked up his sister. All of it. It was just all gone. Where once tall buildings stood, with streets winding this way and that to connect all of Insomnia, lay in ruins. Even the more crowded areas he could remember where the Glaive stayed, or the barracks of some of the Crownsguard, it was all different. There was no music coming from the streets and vendors he used to frequent. No car engines purring as they drove past. There was no sound of the wall guards or anyone he knew. It was deadly silent, save the humming of the large floodlights that illuminate the path Ignis wanted them to take.
“Gladio....if you need time--”
“We should keep moving.” He would have to face this some time or another. Now or never, so he could start to move forward. “Insomnia fell, and it won’t be coming back the same way. Not when you said something was built on top of it.”
Ignis stayed quiet but stayed close as he followed the floodlights. Gladio was grateful, not really wanting to talk about the Starscourge or Insomnia anymore, not when his home looked like this. Mostly though, he just didn’t trust his voice to break. Not when he saw all the destruction Niflheim had done to his home. What the Starscourge had done to the people he loved.
All of this was just too much for the Shield, but if he just shoved it down, at least for now, everything would be okay. But this wasn’t just someplace he didn’t know. This was his home. Some of the roads were still there from what Gladio could see in the pitch black of night and the black structure that was built overhead. As they walked there were pieces of buildings and craters in the streets, things they had to avoid. The way Ignis took them, it was to one of the main roads that would lead out of the city. Overhead, he could barely make out a distinct dome structure thanks to the floodlights. It was solid, yes, but what was it made out of? How would Noct react to all of this? Gladio was barely taking it in because of how dark it was and focusing on anything but who might have lived there or if he recognized a storefront at all.
“.....Fucking, Six.” Gladio’s breath hitched at seeing the remains of his own home thanks to a floodlight.
His fucking home was half destroyed and in ruins. Iris. Jared. Talcott. Shit. He couldn’t keep it together. The tears started again as he sank to the ground. Ignis turned when he heard the curse. Staring in the direction Gladio looked, he pursed his lips.
“Gladio....” Ignis reached out but let his hand fall. How was he supposed to comfort the Shield? There was nothing he could say, no consolation that might provide some hope. This happened a thousand years ago. “Gladio, it’s best not to dwell on this. At least not yet.”
The Shield looked up at Ignis, eyes filled with confusion before his brows knitted together and Ignis knew he had said the wrong thing.
“Not dwell on this? Shit, Ignis! Yesterday I was fucking around with the Glaives and making plans to go out drinking at the bar that was just down the road from here.” He stood, clenching his fists, but Ignis didn’t move. “That house--That’s my house. How can I not dwell on it! My family is gone. My home is gone! How the fuck should I feel?”
Ignis looked away from Gladio lips a thin line. He expected Gladio to crack, but now he had to choose his words carefully if he was going to get the Shield to come around again.
“Gladio, grieve all you like, but it won’t change the circumstances. If you dwell on this, put the blame on yourself or the empire, or whoever, you’ll spiral deep to a path you’ll not come away from unscathed. Revenge does things to a person. His highness needs you when he wakes, but not someone who is bent on only revenge and doesn't think with a clear head.”
“If he wakes,” Gladio said through clenched jaws.
“Gladiolus! Listen to your--”
“I wouldn’t say another word Ignis.” Gladio drew up to his full height, eyes narrowed. “You won’t like what happens next.”
“Is that a threat? For fuck's sake.” Ignis sighed. He rolled up his sleeves, staring at Gladio from above his glasses. “You won’t listen to reason, will you? No, you’re the type that needs to be reminded you aren’t at the top of the class.”
Gladio clenched his fists. How dare Ignis think he can lecture him. Neither of them knew shit about each other.
“If that’s how you wish this to go, Gladiolus. Just remember, I did not want it to come to this. But it seems you think I don’t care. When I know what it’s like to lose those close to you. I might not understand what it must be like to see your homes in ruins like this, but then I’ve never really had a place to call home.”
What? Gladio let go of the breath he seemed to have held without him realizing. Ignis watched him, rather unimpressed, but Gladio relaxed a little. What the hell was he doing? Ignis had done nothing but try to help him and this was how he returned his thanks? He rubbed his hand over his face, letting out a long sigh, the anger was suddenly gone.
“I....I’m sorry,” he said, not looking at Ignis. “I just--”
“It’s a lot to take in. I understand that much, Gladio.” Ignis seemed satisfied with Gladio’s lack of rushing at him to step closer again. “Listen, you can grieve and you can yell and be mad at the world, but it won’t change what has happened. But you and his highness obviously have something you must do otherwise you wouldn’t have been put into the cryovat. You have a job, Gladio.”
He nodded. Of course, he had a job to do. Gladio wiped the tears from his eyes. He didn’t know how to really come to terms with all of this, but Ignis was right. It was the duty of the prince to keep moving forward and Gladio would have to do the same.
“Walk tall....”
“Excuse me?” Ignis asked, rather confused.
“It’s what his majesty would say so those who left to go on a mission. He’d tell them to walk tall.” Gladio gave the man a half smile. “I shouldn’t have....threatened you like that. You’re only trying to help.”
Ignis nodded. “Then we should best be on our way. There are makeshift stairs from where this road leads out of Insomnia. The outpost is just above us, where we can find Nyx.”
Gladio followed Ignis’s lead once again. Though he couldn’t help but glance back at his home.
Missing a step, he realized that he needed to go back to his house. At least once. There would be the family armoury there. If he couldn’t summon anything from the Amiger, at least he’d have a weapon to defend himself from daemons. He didn’t care if Ignis thought they were safe here if it was perpetually dark, no place was safe. Besides, Ignis was right, he had a job to do. Protect Noct and in turn the people who were left to the fate of Niflheim and for that his resolve strengthened. Insomnia might have been in ruins, but it’s people weren’t. That much was clear when he traced the pattern of some symbol that’s on the labcoat Ignis was wearing. The motif of Insomnia was there even if it was combined with that of Niflheim. He wondered if Ignis knew? Where there other signs of Insomnia still out there now? Catching Ignis watching him, Gladio looked down at the ground, his cheeks burning.
The road to come out of the city was long, even by car. Walking it was rather tedious and Gladio could feel the intrusive thoughts starting to creep back. The sooner they were out of Insomnia the better.
“Hey, Iggy? C-Can you just talk about something? Anything’s fine. Just something.”
“If you’re sure,” Ignis said, continuing on the road, careful of a small crater. Gladio stared at Ignis’s back so he didn’t have to look down in the crater and see something that might trigger more memories. “Well, since you’ve been asleep for so long, why don’t I talk to you about the outpost a bit.”
“Sure.” He could see the muscles pulling and straining of Ignis’s back as they made the steady climb up towards where the old wall of Insomnia still held in parts.
“The history between Insomnia and the creation of the outpost is hazy at best, but from what Nyx and I have gathered, it seems the outpost is where the current resistance started. We had no idea about Insomnia bellow it’s depths, but we found that the area was free of daemons. As I've stated before we don't know why, but we took it as a sign that this place would be safe.’ Ignis glanced back. “I say we, but I mean the people who started the outpost almost 800 years ago.”
Gladio nodded, trying not to look at the buildings they passed. If he focused on Ignis's voice, everything didn't feel like it was crushing around him. Not to mention he caught Ignis looking at him with those concerned green eyes of his.
“The world was plunged in darkness, Niflheim included, but they were prepared for the daemons and anything else that might have happened as if they were aware of it. Regardless, the outpost started off like any other, just trying to protect it’s people. Now though, it is the unofficial start of the Hunters. They protect the people when they can, but mostly they are considered hunters of the daemons.”
Gladio furrowed his brows. Start of the hunters? "Wait, Ignis. There were already hunters when Insomnia was...well you know. What happened to them?"
"Hmm. We weren't aware that there were. I did say our research had holes and gaps. Perhaps something happened to the original band of Hunters.”
The two came upon the man-made steps Ignis warned of. Looking up, Gladio took a deep breath. It would be a bit of a climb and his legs were already starting to hurt from just the trek here. He really needed to get back into training his tired muscles. He nodded for Ignis to continue when the other glanced at him as if calculating if Gladio needed a break or not. The steps were made from clay, but they were well used, meaning Ignis and the others came down here pretty frequently. Did they check Insomnia as someone would ruins? No, he didn’t want to think about that right now.
“--Nyx always did say that they served a purpose here.”
Shit. Ignis had kept talking. “Um...What about you? Are you part of the Hunters?”
“Me? Gods no. I’m a man of the sciences, not of a man to go traipsing about after daemons. No, I’ll leave that one to Nyx. He’s much better suited that I am.” Ignis gave Gladio a smile. “But I do know the signs, and I do help them when they need something.”
Gladio didn’t believe that for one minute. Ignis was ready to tussle with him earlier as if he was confident enough to know he could beat Gladio in a fight. There was no way someone confident enough for that didn’t go out and help the Hunters with fighting daemons, but Gladio said none of this. If Ignis didn’t want to tell him everything that was fine, so long as it didn’t hinder Noct and the mission they were on. His legs hurt, muscles he supposed that haven't been used for a thousand years and encased with ice, he couldn't expect his body to react the same way it normally would.
“Signs?” Gladio could tell Ignis was slowing down to match Gladio's steps for his sake, to which he was eternally grateful.
‘Yes, the Hunters have certain signs to show where their loyalty lies. Those who wear certain badges or who make certain gestures are loyal to the resistance. I did mention the resistance started here. Over the last two hundred years, we have certainly expanded, but we’re still without a way of bringing about the dawn. But now that we know you and his Highness are here, I’m sure the Hunters will have a different outlook.”
Ignis waved his hand to dismiss the comments, but Gladio could see the hope behind Ignis’s glasses. They had all been fighting to preserve themselves without any real promise of finding the answer to the empire and the Starscourge. Gladio looked away, not sure if Noct and he would even be able to provide that. They didn’t know any secrets that might help and if the Astrals knew, they were certainly quiet about it all.
"Hasn't the empire caught on to it?" Gladio asked, trying to find some badge or way of knowing that Ignis was part of the resistance.
"Gladio, we've been around for two hundred years, we know how to hide things well enough. Do you see the symbol on my back? Within it, and only if you look closely and know where to look you will find a crest the resistance first found in some book. Nyx said it was from the Kingsglaive? But perhaps you would know better than us." Ignis shrugged out of his lab coat as he came to a stop. He pointed where the crest was on the symbol.
Sure enough, Gladio recognized the crest of the Kingsglaive.
"Did you know what they did?" Gladio asked, as he handed the coat back to Ignis and they continued walking.
"I'm afraid not. We know they were an organization, but other than that nothing. Much of Insomnia's history before the fall was either burned or left in rubble." Ignis watched Gladio's face twist in discomfort, but at least the Shield was holding on.
"The Kingsglaive were a group of people who were....outlanders as some called them. They were from Lucian territories whose homes were destroyed by the Niffs. They sought refuge in Insomnia and a lot of them went into the service of the Kingsglaive for various reasons. They used the magic the king offered to them to be able to warp and use magic themselves, but they had to learn how to. Drautos was the head of them." Gladio supposed if he couldn't access the Amiger, he doubted any of the Glaives could have accessed that power either if there were any. With what Ignis told him, he doubted they had, perhaps Niflheim had gotten rid of them all.  
"Magic? Fascinating. Do you possess this power as well?" Ignis asked, pulling out a little notebook from one of the pockets on his lab coat.
"Not at the moment. I think since freezing, that power is supposed to pass on to Noct, but since he hasn't touched the crystal or worn the ring, he doesn't have that power yet." Gladio wondered if they would get that power back if Noct wore the ring. Maybe, but if his lessons as shield and protecting Noct were right, Noct would need to touch the crystal first.
"I see. Well, let's hope we can wake his highness. I'd very much like to see this magic in action. Though, if the crystal is involved somehow, then there might be a problem. The crystal lies in Niflheim." Ignis watched Gladio, waiting for him to grow in despair, but the Shield only sighed.
"If that's the case, then we have a long road ahead of us."
Gladio's breathing was laboured by the time they reached the top of the stairs with a thin layer of sweat settling on his skin.
"Though, I honestly can say I don’t understand much about magic. I was only part of the Kingsglaive for a short period of time before I was put at the task of being the Prince's Shield. I had different lessons to learn then."
Ignis hummed as he punched in a code on a panel to make the metal door before them open, letting in a cool breeze that felt wonderful against his flushed cheeks. Motioning for Gladio to go through first, the Shield stepped up and into the night sky and open land.
Instead of the barren lands surrounding Insomnia, Gladio found that bits of forestry had started to reclaim the land again. Perhaps the fall of Insomnia meant that the land could repair itself from the harm that the Lucians and Niffs had done to the land. Seeing the trees, and feeling the breeze for Gladio felt like the first time in a long time. Sure they wind and breezes in Insomnia, but there was just something about the outdoors like this that really helped to relax the mind. He loved camping, and his father had taken him a few times, it was nothing like this. Those times were orchestrated and in special environments.
"Enjoying the view?" Ignis asked, closing the door. "We keep it sealed with a code only we know so that no one else can get in."
Gladio nodded, still drinking in his surrounding. Ignis smirked, knowing the Shield had not even turned around yet. When Gladio did, the awe in his turned into complete and utter surprise.
"What the--" Gladio smacked Ignis on the arm, sending the poor man pitching forward. "Iggy, you said this was supposed to be an outpost. This is like a city!"
The outpost was almost the size of Insomnia. There were plenty of buildings, though none of them had the same regal appearance as Insomnia once held. These were more crudely built, but safe enough to house in. Lights illuminated the city from the middle to the outside with floodlights, probably to keep the daemons and other creatures at bay. Smoke rose above the structures, sending wonderful smells of food that Gladio hadn't had for a week. Oh, they were going to hit a vendor or two before they headed back down to Noct. There was some music, but the biggest difference Gladio loved about this place, there were people. Laughter, conversations, yelling, everything! It wasn't deathly quiet, or silent to leave him with only his thoughts. This place was alive. The world had succumbed to the darkness, but the people were still very much alive and thriving.
Iggy laughed, a sound that had Gladio stare at him. He straightened his glasses, watching Gladio.
"It is an outpost. A rather large one, at least on a map. Forgive me, I thought you might enjoy seeing it for yourself instead of me trying to describe it to you. The less Niflheim knows the better. Come on, we need to get through the residential area before we get to Nyx." Pulling out a phone, Ignis texted Nyx now that he had reception. "By the way Gladio, why are you calling me Iggy?"
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Glaive, Crownsguard, Lucis Caelum
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): Final Fantasy XV/Ignis Scientia
Rating: PG/K+
Original Idea: Nothing in particular!
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) This was just so much fun! Probably one of the more epic speeches I’ve ever written.
“Princess!” Ignis called, chasing me through the darkness, weaving through the underbrush with expert ease despite the fact that he couldn’t see anything.
“Stop calling me that, Scientia!” I snapped, jumping over a boulder instead of going around it like a normal person. “I'm not a princess! I'm a daughter of the Crownsguard turned Glaive.”
“With respect, lieutenant,” Ignis said, catching up and grabbing my wrist. He whirled me around to face him. I could see my reflection in his visor, despite the darkness. “You are the only blood relative Noctis has now. With his absence, the line of succession falls to you. You are the natural successor to lead the people through this eternal night.”
“I don’t want the throne. I'm not a leader,” I said, pulling my hand out of his grip. “I'm a Glaive. You’re a Scientia, though. Everyone knows that name as the royal advisors. Claim regency or stewardship or something. You’re a natural leader, Ignis. Not me.”
“I can’t lead what’s left of Lucis and hunt daemons at the same time. And I am much more inclined to hunt. But I promise you, princess, that I will guide you and advise you to the best of my ability. The people of Lucis will look to you for leadership. For comfort and guidance. You do belong to the bloodline of Lucis Caelum—”
“My mother was an illegitimate child,” I said. “Making me an illegitimate heir. And either way there’s no way anyone would believe me. No one except you knows who my mother and I really are and who we come from. There’s no way to even prove it with the Ring of the Lucii gone with Noctis.”
“There is,” Ignis said. “Your magic still works. You are tied to the Crystal. When King Regis died, every other Glaive lost their magic. Except you. Because you are of the line of Lucis.” He sighed and set his hand on my shoulder. “Please, princess—lieutenant. Your people need you.”
“No. They need someone like you.”
“Leading the people of Lucis is not my duty. My royal duty is to advise the True King—and, in his absence, you. You have a duty to your bloodline to serve your people. A duty to your king—your cousin. And it won’t be forever. Upon Noctis’ return, you can relinquish the throne and give it back to him.”
I sighed and closed my eyes. “I’ll think about it. You’ll have your answer when I return from this hunt.”
“That’s all I ask right now.”
“If I say yes—what will I have to do?”
“A public address in front of Lestallum’s city hall, claiming your right to rule and proving your bloodline by revealing your magic. From there, I’ll teach you and guide you. Hopefully you won’t have to be much more than a figurehead. The mayor of Lestallum will still run the city, but our people will look to you for reassurance and comfort. You may have to organize things and give speeches, but we’ll take those as they come. And I promise to aid you where I can.”
“Alright. I’ll think about it. No guarantees,” I said. He smiled and let go of me. I ran into the darkness.
Stepping up to the podium, I looked down at Ignis’ speech cards. He’d had Prompto write the speech so the lines would be even.
Ignis’ speech was beautiful. Eloquent. Full of compelling language and exquisite words.
But they weren’t my words.
I shoved the cards in my pocket. Near the front of the assembly and off to the side, I saw Prompto whisper to Ignis—presumably describing my actions.
“Uh… hello,” I greeted. A quiet murmuring shivered through the crowd. “Some of you know who I am. Most of you do not.” I cleared my throat. “I am a lieutenant of the Kingsglaive and a daughter of the Crownsguard. My name is Estelle Constellatio. Or… that’s how people know me. No one here barring three are aware that I have another name. One in the middle. My true name is Estelle… Lucis… Constellatio.”
Louder whispers rippled through everyone standing in front of the hall.
“I'm guessing a lot of you don’t believe me. Think I'm just some power-hungry twenty-something looking to take advantage of the power vacuum in my cousin’s absence,” I continued. “And yes, I said cousin. The late King Regis is my uncle. My mother is the illegitimate daughter of King Regis’ father—a grandfather I never knew. I joined the Kingsglaive rather than the Crownsguard in order to hide my connection to the Crystal. Those of you who know anything about the members of the Kingsglaive know that their power died the night His Majesty did, as their magic was bound to him.” I clenched my hands into fists at my sides. “To prove to you that I am who I say I am, I’d like to say: if I were just a normal Glaive, I’d no longer be able to do this.”
I raised my hand. Lightning came down and struck it.
People openly talked, a quiet roar rising over their heads, rather than whispering.
I lowered my hand. Everyone went silent. “I stand before you today to claim my birthright as the only blood heir to the line of Lucis Caelum and step up as acting regent of the Lucian throne. And I swear to you that I will do my best to lead you through these hard times.”
I took a deep breath and sighed, peeking a glance at Prompto and Ignis. Prompto nudged Ignis—who nodded at me with an encouraging smile.
I looked out at everyone else again. “I’ll be honest: I don’t want this job. I actively fought Ignis Scientia—one of the royal advisors—against taking up this role. I'm not doing this because I want to. I'm doing it because I have to. I will lead you because it’s my duty.
“As a Glaive, I do this for hearth and home.
“As a daughter of the Crownsguard, I’ll do this for my king.
“And as a granddaughter of the Lucis Caelum House, I do this for my country. And my people.” I put my fist over my heart and bowed to the crowd. “I am humbled, and honored, to work for and with you. And when His Majesty, King Noctis returns, I will happily and readily relinquish the throne to him.” I licked my dry lips. “Thank you for your time, and your support. May the Six bless us to get through this together.”
I stepped away from the podium and bowed.
There was a long silence.
Someone started clapping.
It was Ignis.
Prompto joined him. Then Gladio.
Then everyone started clapping. Someone cheered. Someone else whistled. I put my fist over my heart again and bowed once more before turning and going into the city hall to collapse on the nearest bench and pant from anxiety.
No one liked public speaking much—least of all the girl who’d run away from the spotlight her entire life. That girl being me. The amount of energy and effort it took to seem smooth and confident while facing down what was left of Lucis made me feel like I’d run three miles without stopping.
Someone dropped onto the bench next to me. A gloved hand found mine where it was resting on my knee with surprising accuracy. “Impressive speech,” Ignis said. “Better than mine. Did you make it up off the top of your head?”
“Sorta. I thought about it a little while I was out hunting,” I said. “For hearth and home. For my king, country, and people. Some of that. And you’re right. This is my duty. I didn’t ask to be connected to the Crystal—to be the daughter of an illegitimate daughter of a long-passed king. But I am. And sometimes we have to suck up what we want to do in order to do what we have to do.”
“That’s very wise of you, princess—I mean, my queen.”
“Oh no, Ignis. Please don’t. Don’t with the titles. I’ll play the part of the acting queen but I don’t want to actually be a real queen.”
“Just as it’s your duty to serve the people, it’s my duty to serve you—as the acting queen. All you have to do is ask.”
“Oh trust me, you’re gonna get sick of me because I'm gonna ask so many questions. I don’t know how to be a leader—royal or otherwise. I'm trained to fight and to follow orders. To use my magic to vanquish MTs and daemons. Queenly stuff isn’t me. You’re gonna have to teach me a lot.”
Ignis chuckled. “I understand that,” he said. “I pray you are a better pupil than Noct.” He sounded amused.
“I’ll try to be. Out of necessity.”
“In that case, I look forward to working with you, m’lady.” Ignis stuck his hand out.
I shook it. “Me too. But please, if you can call my cousin Noct, you can call me Stell. Everyone does.”
“Alright. Stell it is,” he said with a smile. “Shall we start? I did have a few notes on your delivery.”
“From my speech?”
“Play nice, Ignis. I’ve never done public speaking much before.”
“Playing nice has nothing to do with it,” Ignis said. “Your voice was confident, but some of your pauses and throat clearings came across as scared. If you must pause, try not to clear your throat so much. And try not to lead with ‘Uh.’”
“I’ll bear that in mind.”
“Splendid. Now, I must say, you do have a gift for words. For making that speech up on the spot, it sounded like something a real queen would say. I have the utmost confidence that the foreseeable future with you as acting regent will go well.”
“Thanks. That makes one of us.”
“We’ll get through this, Stell. Together. It’s going to be hard on everyone.” He set his hand on my knee. “But we can do this. Don’t be afraid to let Gladio, Prompto, and myself help you.”
“I won’t. Promise.”
“Good. Now, go get some rest. We have a lot to cover, but we can make a real queen of you yet.”
“Thank you, Ignis.”
“Of course.” He patted my knee. “I’ll see you in a few hours.” He paused. “Well. Technically I won’t see you—but I’ll meet with you again in a few hours.”
I chuckled. “Right. You get some rest too,” I said. “You’re gonna need all your strength to turn this Glaive into a queen.”
He kissed my hand. “I have faith in you.”
“I'm honored. See ya later.”
“Until then,” he agreed.
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emeraldwaves · 6 years
Title:  #pinkwall Chapter 10 Pairing:  Promptis Rating: T Word Count:  2,475 Read on Ao3 Summary: As a last hurrah before graduating college, Prompto suggests he and Noctis take a road trip to L.A during their 2 week spring break. Prompto is desperate to snap pics in front of the infamous Pink Wall of Instagram and Noctis is hoping to finally confess his feelings for his best friend. Will either of them find what they’re looking for on their impromptu cross-country road trip?
Thank you to @youaremynewdream  for betaing! !
Driving into L.A. feels like hell on Earth. There are so many cars and the highways are so damn wide. Noctis has driven in New York City plenty of times, which is its own branch of hell, but this is completely different. Cars seem to stack and the red brake lights feel incredibly evil.
"Man," Prompto sighs, "they were not kidding when they said L.A. had bad traffic." He lets out a long whine and longingly glances out the window. "Feels like we should've been there hours ago!"
"Well someone had to stop to look at trees all afternoon."
"Hey man! That stop was worth it and you know it!" Prompto laughs.
"It was pretty nice."
Noctis does have to thank to the trees for convincing him to confess his feelings to Prompto. He hasn't done it yet, but he sure as hell plans on it.
"See!?" Prompto says, nudging his shoulder. "You loved it."
"But I sure as hell hate this," Noctis snorts, glancing at the angry red lights in front of him.
Noctis no longer enjoys being at a stand-still, that's the real problem. This entire trip he's been stuck in the same place with his and Prompto's relationship. They've traveled across the country, and yet Noctis feels like he has barely taken a step. The traffic glares at him, reminding him of all the frustrations he's felt every step along the way.
But not anymore.
Tomorrow, he and Prompto will stand in front of the stupid Pink Wall Prompto's been dying to see and Noctis will finally let out all the emotions he's felt inside.
He can only pray Prompto still wants to talk to him after all is said and done. Actually, maybe there's a small part of him praying Prompto will want him too, but Noctis doesn't want to hold his breath.
The hotel Noctis chose overlooks the Santa Monica pier and they're about twenty minutes away from downtown L.A. sans traffic (which there always is, so really it's more like forty minutes). However, the Pink Wall is actually in Hollywood and Noctis has little desire to stay for a long time there. It's a tourist trap, for people hoping to sell cheap souvenirs to idiot tourists who think they can catch a glimpse of an actual celebrity if they walk the Walk of Fame for long enough.
It only takes them another hour to make it past downtown L.A. to Santa Monica, and Noctis has never been so happy to see a bed in his whole damn life. After the exhausting day in Vegas and nursing his hangover while he drove to L.A. with the detour, Noctis feels like he's just about ready to collapse.
"Man, I can't tell if this is the best hotel we've stayed in, or if I'm just really exhausted!" Prompto sighs, flopping back onto his bed.
Noctis falls forward, his face burying into a pillow. "I think I'm going to die I'm so tired."
"You know Noct," Prompto hums, the light from his phone illuminating his face. "The Pink Wall is technically open 24/7, so we could go look at it right now-"
"No," Noctis states flatly and turns to face the wall. He's exhausted, and he needs the mental recharge before he rushes into telling Prompto everything he's been feeling for the last few damn years.
"Okay, okay!" Prompto laughs. "I promise it was just a joke!"
"Oh really?" Noctis hums, rolling his head to the side to look at Prompto's bed. "So you're telling me if I got up and said 'Let's go right now!', you would tell me you were too tired?"
"Yes," Prompto nods. "I would."
"Suuuure," he sighs.
"Alright, princess," Prompto teases. "I forgot that you need your beauty rest."
"After driving your ass around all day, I do," he smirks and shuts his eyes. It's barely 10 PM, but they've got big plans tomorrow, and Noctis' plans are even bigger.
Still, as tired as he is, anxiety courses through his veins. He can hear Prompto next to him, gently tapping on his phone; knowing him he's probably too excited to sleep. Noctis can't bring himself to talk to Prompto though... he's too nervous he’ll blurt out his feelings if he keeps speaking too much.
Noctis is a man of little words, and there are only so many he can use to distract himself from what he really wishes to say.
His mind keeps playing various scenarios over and over. Prompto will take all his pictures and force Noctis to be in a few. Eventually Noctis will say all his feelings and then they can both be awkward when Prompto rejects him.
He runs through various scenarios in his mind; telling him in front of the wall, telling him while he's taking a picture, spelling it out with his body somehow? No... that was the dumbest idea he's had in a long time.
Though he’s expecting rejection, he hates the small sliver of hope he has that maybe, just maybe, Prompto has feelings for him.
As he finally drifts off to sleep, he wonders how tomorrow will play out when Prompto finally, once and for all, knows what Noctis has been thinking this whole damn time.
Noctis is abruptly awoken by Prompto's cheer and he groans, folding the pillow over his ears. "I just want one day of sleep."
"Noct, this is the day we've been waiting for!"
"The day you've been waiting for."
Prompto flops down on Noctis' bed, draping his body over Noctis' legs. "Yes, but you're coming with me. It wouldn't be fun if I went alone."
He grunts when the bed sinks more under Prompto's weight. "And you need me to drive you."
"Technically I could Uber but... who wants to do that! Besides, you have to be in some of my pictures," he says, and pushes himself off the bed. "I'm gonna get ready."
"Alright..." Noctis grumbles.
A sense of dread fills his stomach. Today is the day... and nothing is going to stop him, especially not his own goddamn nerves.
Thankfully, he does get a bit more time in bed, since Prompto takes years to get ready. When Prompto doesn't re-emerge from the bathroom after almost 30 minutes, Noctis forces himself out of bed to go check on him.
"Prom..." he mumbles, scratching at his stomach. "What is taking you so long?" He peers into the bathroom, only to find Prompto styling his hair, probably for the tenth time. His fingers glide through his blond locks, sweeping it up.
"I'm getting ready!" he exclaims.
"For thirty minutes?" Noctis says.
"Noct," Prompto sighs. "We drove all the way across the country for these pictures. They gotta look perfect!"
Noctis sighs, leaning against the door frame. "You do look perfect," he says softly, and Noctis means it. The words slipped from his lips unexpectedly, and Noctis’ cheeks flush.
"You don't mean that, you just want me to hurry up!" he sighs, folding his arms across his chest.
"No... you look fine, you goof," Noctis rolls his eyes, trying to play it as cool as possible.
"B-But I..." Prompto stammers, blushing so hard. It makes him look even more perfect. He turns towards the mirror. "Maybe you're right."
The two make their way to the car and Noctis feels his heart throbbing all over his body. He knows he can survive, but he feels like his body is about to explode behind the wheel.
"L.A. is such a weird city," Prompto muses, looking at the traffic as he stares out the window.
"Yeah? It kind of seems like a place you would like," Noctis admits. Everyone in California feels so wild and free... it suits Prompto.
"I don't think I could live here," he chuckles. "New York is more dynamic, better for the types of pictures I wanna take."
There Prompto goes again, reaffirming Noctis he won't be leaving.
"Yeah, New York is better, for sure," Noctis agrees, partially because he doesn't want Prompto to start thinking the opposite.
The closer the GPS leads them to Melrose... the more Noctis' palms begin to sweat. Prompto is talking about various poses he wants to try... and he wonders if there will be a line... or if they'll have to pay. Noctis gives him half-assed answers as he tries to focus on the road in front of him... on the goals in front of him.
"We're almost there!" Prompto cheers, thrusting his phone up into the air. "I can't believe it!"
By now, they've probably driven almost 3,000 miles to get to this point. 3,000 miles for Prompto to take a few pictures.
And yet... it's so much more than that. Images of the trip flood Noctis' mind and he knows this is the right thing to do... so much has built to this... the diner, a Ferris Wheel, Mount Rushmore... his jealousy of their tour guide, Gladiolus, Cindy's advice, Ravus' assumptions, dealing with Vegas, and hugging a tree... everything feels so goddamn clear.
"I SEE IT!" Prompto shouts and points his finger towards the windshield.
It stands there, like a beacon of pure pink as the two of them drive down the street, heading directly towards it. It’s about three stories tall, shining against the hot L.A. sun. The glint in Prompto's eyes is as pink as the wall itself, excitement radiating off of him.
Noctis' heart flutters. Prompto has been waiting for this. They both have, truthfully... a rush of emotions about to come to a head.
It really is a pink wall... the end of the line... the place where all of Prompto's dreams will come true, and Noctis will bare his heart.
It's all so very real.
They pull into the parking lot where a few groups of people are posing in front of the wall, snapping pics. Most of them are taking selfies, but some of them are getting the parking lot attendant to snap a pic or two for them. There is a small line and Prompto rushes from the car to stand in it.
A girl with short dark hair bounces up and down in front of them. "I came from Wyoming!" she says. "My brother and I are visiting some family friends," she laughs. "He refused to come with me."
"Lame! This is the coolest part of L.A.!" Prompto chuckles. "We came all the way from New York City!" he poses proudly, like the distance is an accomplishment. Somewhere behind them, Noctis is sure he hears someone say they came from Europe, but he decides to keep his mouth shut, wanting Prompto to keep his pride.
"Wow! New York City! That's so far. I'm Iris by the way..."
Noctis tunes the girl out as he stares at the wall looming in front of him. Some of the wall casts a shadow on the parking lot and the wall itself isn't completely illuminated by the sun.
They keep moving closer and closer.
"Dude Noctis, did you hear Iris!?" Prompto says and gently hits Noctis' arm.
"Eh? What?" he says, pulling his gaze away from the wall.
"That guy, Gladio? He's her brother! Gladio's here in L.A. too! He never told us he was coming!"
"Yeah, I kinda dragged him into it in the last minute," Iris giggles. "He hates leaving Yellowstone."
Noctis can't believe what he's hearing. Gladio is in town? Gladio?! Hell no.
It's finally their turn and Noctis wraps his fingers around Prompto's wrist. He tugs him forward and Prompto stumbles. "Woah! Noct! You're really eager!"
"Yup," he says and Prompto fixes himself, rushing towards the wall.
He runs up to it so fast, pressing his palms against it. "I can't believe we finally made it to you!" he squeals and pushes his cheek against it.
"Stay like that..." Noctis chuckles, and reaches into Prompto's back pocket, snagging his phone to snap a quick pic. "You'll thank me later."
"I'm sure I will!" Prompto says, keeping one hand touching the wall as he stares up at it. "We're about to have a damn good time together."
All they need is some fun music, and Noctis swears they would be something out of a movie montage. Prompto steals his phone back to snap a couple of selfies, holding his fingers up in a peace sign. He's smiling so happily, Noctis can't help but smile too. Prompto's smile is always infectious like that. He hands the phone back to Noctis and Noctis takes a few of Prompto jumping into the air, standing in a star pose, crossing his legs with his back leaned against the wall.
Prompto really is the perfect picture subject. His blond hair and freckles pop against the bright pink, and he looks so damn handsome, his face turned to the side as he stares seriously at nothing. Noctis can't help but blush, his cheeks matching the color of the wall.
Noctis wonders what Prompto’s face will look like when he finally tells him.
"Noct!" Prompto waves, breaking him from the daze. "Get over here! I gotta take a few of you."
"Ugh..." he groans, but he does it for Prompto. They drove all this way after all.
Prompto sets him in different positions, and a few Noctis ruins by doing silly dramatic poses.
"Noct!" he whines. "You're not being serious! Let's do a few together."
"Okay, okay," Noctis chuckles. The tension is tight in his body. He knows they're almost done with this photo shoot. Prompto will probably take a few selfies of the two of them and then they'll be moving on to another, fun, L.A. wall.
Prompto wraps his arm around Noctis' neck, pulling him close as he holds his phone out. "Say cheese, Noct!"
"..." He tries to smile, but his smiles are always a little awkward. Nothing like the brightness that are Prompto's.
"Do you want me to take a few for you?!" Iris calls out and Noctis suddenly remembers she's there, which means Gladio could show up at any moment.
"Yeah!" Prompto cheers, and dashes over to hand his phone to her. "We gotta document our long trip!"
"Alright!" she says, and her hands hold Prompto's phone as she raises it to center them in the frame.
Noctis purses his lips. What if Gladio shows up to meet Iris and ruins everything? What if he can't say what he needs to say to Prompto!?
"This really has been the best trip, buddy!" Prompto says, smiling at him. He slings his arm around Noctis' shoulder and pulls him close, their noses practically touching.
It's then Noctis decides.
There's only one thing to do.
"Say cheese!"
Instead of saying anything, Noctis presses his lips to Prompto's, pulling him into a surprise kiss.
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blazefire-engine · 6 years
@blue-water-crystallis: “there should be more 30 year old noctis x lightning! maybe noctis takes lightning on a romantic date/tour in altissia? maybe he proposes to her there?~ it would be a cute little drabble!”
Thank you so much for your request!!! We totally need Lightis in Altissia and I believe I have what we need LOL. So this went way longer than I intended... it’s not even a little drabble anymore (still cute tho!) and I kinda went ham: basically Noct and Light were forced to a date in Altissia and on who proposes… well, I'll leave that as a surprise ;D Hope you still enjoy this!
Based on Weskham's bar, also known as the floating market, in Altissia in FFXV.
Timeline: Post XV (yes, they all live!). 30 year old Lightis.
“You need a shave.”  The royal adviser heard the Captain of the Glaives chide the King.  
Another time, he heard a few bones popping and Noctis’ disapproving voice, to which Ignis assumed he was giving Lightning a massage.  “You need to slow it down.”  
“You need to eat.”
“You need more sleep.”
With the royal couple stating what the former needed, they neglected what they both needed.  So, Ignis had enough of this and decided to intervene.  
“What you two need is a vacation.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“I can’t believe Iggy did this.”
Lightning snorted.  “He literally kicked us out of Insomnia.”
They were currently on a gondola, traveling to Maagho.  Weskham Armaugh was more than happy to shut down his bar for only the two of them.
It would be romantic.  A candlelit dinner for two. The older man teased over the phone.  Some wine and delicious food.  And you won’t even notice I’m there.
A romantic candlelit dinner, huh?  Noctis glanced at Lightning who sat at the other end of the gondola, a hand on her chin as she stared at the city, twilight settling over Altissia.  There was no doubt that he loved her and she felt the same.  But ever since the dawn had returned to Eos, the two had been particularly busy rebuilding Insomnia and essentially, the whole of Eos.  
He watched the evening breeze passed, tousling the strands of hair loose from her bun and the soft ruffles of her cream-colored, cotton dress.  
“You look nice.”  He blurted out, heat rising to his ears.  He silently thanked for his long hair covering the reddened tips.  “I mean, I didn’t get a chance to tell you earlier…”
Lightning raised an eyebrow, but the smile on her face tells him she’s amused.  “Thanks.”  She fiddled with the end of her dress, then eyed his royal raiment.  “You look nice, too.”  
She smiled wider now, showing a little teeth.  His heart raced faster, just when he thought she was already beautiful, she suddenly does that and now the word doesn’t do her justice.  As if he could fall any further.  
His thoughts were interrupted when the gondoller cheerfully announced they have arrived.  Noctis stood swiftly, standing at the dock to offer his hand to Lightning.  Her warm hand took his and he helped her on her feet.  
“Your Majesty.  Captain Farron.”  Weskham greeted warmly, walking towards them.  “Welcome.”
“Weskham.” Noctis shook his hand with a smile.  “We’re just Noctis and Lightning for tonight.”
“No titles.”  Weskham commented as he gave Lightning a chaste kiss on the cheek.  “I like that.”
“Thank you for accommodating us.”  Lightning smiled.  “You didn’t need to shut down your entire bar.”
“Nonsense, it’s my pleasure.  For all you’ve done for Eos, this is the least I could do.” He gestured towards a lone table with two seats.  “Come, come.  Take a seat, I’ll bring my finest wine.”
Settling down, Noctis snorted at the table’s set up. “Candlelit dinner.”
“For two.” Lightning quipped. She stroked the petals of the single rose in the vase. “This is nice.”
“Yup.” He cleared his throat.  Awkward.  “Us two. Alone.” More awkward.
She nodded. “We've never really had time alone, not after since…” She didn't finish her sentence, but Noctis knew what she would say.
Since you came back.
Ten years.  To have Lightning and his friends wait for that long, while the world was steadily growing into darkness…
“Here you go.” Weskham placed two glasses and poured them red wine. “I'll leave the bottle.” He winked and went back to the bar to prepare their food.
“I don't think I've asked before. About what happened while I was, you know…”
Lightning shrugged, knowing what he was asking.  “Nothing drastic really. The daemons grew stronger, the darkness continued.  I focused my efforts on training new Glaives and missions to help refugees. There was nothing we could have done except wait for your return.”
He gritted his teeth and forced out another question.   He needed to know.  “And everyone?”
She swirled her glass of wine. “There was a time we all drifted apart. Ignis had his crutch, and everyone else had theirs.” She turned her eyes on him, blue and sad. “You were the glue that kept us together. It hurt, not having you around. So we distracted ourselves. We met from time to time, but it wasn't the same as before.”
He looked down, ashamed.  “I'm sorry.” For all the hurt, pain, and suffering he had caused. For leaving them behind. He realized he didn't deserve it; their friendship, loyalty, and love.
Lightning’s warm hand cupped his, giving a light squeeze. “Don't be.  It wasn't your fault.  Your fate was written long before you were even born.  Your leaving was an inevitable.”
“For a long time, I was very angry at you.” She admitted quietly, her thumb stroked the back of his hand. “You left us to deal with the shit you and your forefathers caused. Everything that happened in my life was because of your bloodline and that damn crystal. I lost my family in a crossfire, I lost my friends and my innocence fighting a war.”
“But when I met you, you made up for what I had lost and gave me even more.  You gave me a new family, a new home.  Which was why I was so angry at you.” She whispered fiercely, gripping his hand now.  “I thought I couldn't forgive you for taking that away from me. Not for a second time.”
With the emotion in her voice, Noctis needed to see her, to face what he had done. So he looked up and met her warm gaze, her blue eyes with unshed tears as she confessed.
“And yet, above everything, even during the darkest of times, there was one thing that stayed true: I loved you.” She grasped his hand with her other one, holding tight as if he'd disappear again. “I still do, Noct.”
He believed her. Again, he had no doubt. But hearing her say the words made them real.
He took both of her hands, bringing them close to his mouth to place a lingering kiss. “I love you as well, Claire.”
She could only stare at him, her mouth slightly open. She always knew, but to see him act on it so intimately made her heart stammer
“I hope I'm not interrupting anything.” Weskham gave them a cheeky smile. “I've brought a Fettini di Cernia.  And my notoriously expensive Fine Caviar Canape, as I remember you have never tried that before.” He took the liberty to pour more wine into their glasses.  “Claire. That's a beautiful name.”
“Don't let anyone else hear that, Weskham.” Noctis warned half-jokingly.
“Of course, what is seen and heard in Maagho, stays in Maagho.  Enjoy your dinner and lift a hand if you need anything.”
They ate in comfortable silence, a comment about the food here and there.  Now that the topic of his decade-long sleep was out of the way, Noctis could almost feel their relationship change, like a flower on the verge of blossoming.
“Wanna dance?” Noctis asked after they both finished their meal and had two full glasses of wine.
“Sure.” She smiled, taking his hand once again. This time he placed an arm around her waist and the other hand entwined with hers, while her other hand came up his chest.
They swayed to the jazzy song Weskham played and they were glad he did decide to reserve the bar just for them.
Lightning placed her head by his shoulders, comfortable in their position.  “So, what now?”
“What about now?” He asked, slightly confused.
“Our relationship has changed.”
Ah.  “I say... we're still in the dating stage?”
To which Lightning responded by giving him her bullshit look. As if they hadn't confessed they loved each other.
Noctis laughed.  “Technically we've been dating for 13 years.”
She rolled her eyes and deliberately stepped on his foot.
“Ow, okay, okay.”  After a few moments of silence and swaying, he struggled to find the right words. “You know what happens after dating…”
It didn't even take her a second to respond.  “Okay.”
“Wait.  'Okay,’ to what?”
She smiled softly, but her eyes were shining in amusement.  “I'll marry you.”
He stared at her, then concluded.  “You're drunk.”
“Please, I have more tolerance than Gladio.”  She rolled her eyes again.  “But why not? You love me, I love you, we're meant to be.”
Noctis sighed as if exasperated.
“What?” Lightning frowned, realizing maybe she was too forward. Perhaps Noctis was right and she was drunk?
Instead, he groaned and pressed his forehead against hers.  “You always steal my thunder.”
“Well, I am Lightning.” She gave cheeky smirk.
“Shut up.” He laughed. She could be such a dork at times. “I hate it when you have more balls than I do.”
She couldn't resist placing a kiss on his pouting  lips.  “So, is that a yes?”
“Imagine the history texts from now. 114th King of Lucis was proposed to instead of-”
“What is seen and heard in Maagho, stays in Maagho.” Weskham’s voice called out from the bar. “And give that lovely woman a damn answer.  It better be a yes.”
Long-ass AN: Good on ya Iggy, he was so sick of hearing those two worry about each other. I always wanted to write an Altissia fic, especially Maagho and I wanted a little Lightis dance.  Also, this is kinda sequel to my Totomostro fic, if you remember that bit about the Caviar Canape ;)
Weskham is me, and pretty much every Lightis shipper. LOL. He totally ships them, also because their love reminds him of a younger Regis (cries).
So that little monologue of Lightning and what happened in that ten years made me so sad writing it.  I imagined that she would've been so angry, she would've chosen to be that way to shield herself from getting hurt. BUT LOVE CONQUERS ABOVE ALL.
And yes, Light was drunk... DRUNK ON LOVE LOL. And she has the highest alcohol tolerance (next to Gladio) out of the Chocobros (oooh I'll make a headcanon).
And that 13 years of dating joke (gives myself a pat on the back + that lightning/thunder pun). #neverforgetvsxiii and I imagine their relationship (actual dating) to be like this: technically starting 1 year before XV plot, then 1 year into the XV plot (basically the game until chapter 13), then 10 years of sleep, and then 1 year post XV plot.  Makes sense, yeah?
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kaijoskopycat · 7 years
Happy (Belated) Birthday to this asshat - @limitlessmonster​ . (even though I technically was only half late cause you got half on your actual bday and half on xmas). I whipped up some Promptis for you. <3 Enjoy, Atsubuttface! 
Just some Promptis casually sparring…. shirtlessness included. 
“No Gladio today?” Noctis stands in the open garden, outside where the sun mercilessly beats down upon him. Prompto can’t think of any other reason for him to be outside on this sweltering day unless he had planned some training with Gladio. There’s no way he’d suffer this sauna otherwise. “Guess not,” Noctis replies with a shrug, stretching his arms above his head. “Could’ve used the workout, but I guess it won’t be happening.”
Hm… Prompto watches as Noctis tilts his body forward, stretching his arms toward the ground before coming back up with a sigh. 
Noctis glances at him out of the corner of his eye. “What brings you—“
“What if… I spar with you?” Prompto scratches the side of his face and offers a sheepish smile. “I mean, I’m no Gladio, but I can still pack quite a punch.” He brandishes a fist to make his point. 
Noctis’s lips twitch. His head tilts to the side, eyeing Prompto up and down. “Are you sure you’re okay with it?”
Prompto perks up. “Of course! I mean…” He rubs at his naps and nods. “Yes, if that’s what you wanted.” Seemingly satisfied, Noctis smiles. He takes a few steps back, shrugging off his black, quarter sleeve jacket to leave himself in only a fitted, black t-shirt. “Sparring…” He begins as he cracks his knuckles. “Gladio and I usually use swords, but… maybe today we can use no weapons.”
“No weapons!” Prompto nods enthusiastically. “Got it!”
“Just skin on skin combat.”
It feels like all the air rushes out of Prompto’s lungs. “Skin on…” Skin. Noctis’s skin on Prompto’s skin.
He feels like now is not the time to be reminded of the fact that he’s harboring one hell of a crush on the Prince of Lucis.
“First to pin the other three times wins?” Noctis adds, cocking his head to silently asking for confirmation.
Prompto stares at him. At the way the t-shirt sleeves cling to the muscles in his upper arms, the way the sun pierces through the material showing more skin than a full shirt should, accentuating everything beneath.
He slowly nods. “First to three… yeah, first to three.” As he tries to shake himself out of his daze, he stretches his arms above his head and mimics Noctis’s cracking of his knuckles. He finds his voice long enough to throw out a barb. “I won’t go easy on you just cause you’re the prince!”
Noctis smirks. “I should hope not, Prompt.”
Prompto smiles back and falls into a loose, fighting stance. He watches Noctis tilt his head from side to side, a soft crack coming from his neck before he says, “Ready?”
“Like now?” The words barely leave Prompto’s lips before he’s dodging a fist to his side.
He grits his teeth and lunges to the side when Noctis immediately turns, using the momentum of his missed punch to swing his body around for another. It had been so long since Prompto had faced Noctis head to head in any sort of training combat that he’d nearly forgotten how fast he could be. Even without the help of magic to move him.
Prompto, still gaining his bearings and trying to following Noctis’s movements with his eyes, can do little more than defend himself. He slaps away an elbow to his face, and jerks back to avoid more than a glancing blow against his ribs.
He tries to swipe Noctis’s feet from under him and ends up stumbling forward when Noctis dodges and slaps him hard in the back instead.
“Can’t win if all you can do is defend, Prompt.”
“You can’t win if all you can do is taunt, Noct.” Prompto lands a kick to Noctis’s shin knocking him backward, but he doesn’t expect Noctis to use the fall to his advantage.
As Prompto steps forward, Noctis catches himself with his hands behind his back and uses them as leverage to swing his legs around, knocking Prompto’s legs out from under him.
His back hits the ground hard and he fights for a breath when he feels a weight pinning his legs down. Noctis hovers above him one hand shooting out to pin his right wrist to the ground, the other nabbing his left arm and pressing it against his chest.
“One point for me,” Noctis breathes, flicking his head back in an unsuccessful attempt to remove the hair from his eyes.
Prompto’s eyes widen. Noctis is on top of him. Pinning him to the ground. Holding his hands (well, his wrists, but that counts, right?). He’s on top of him.
Pull yourself together, man.
“Right…” Prompto twists his wrists and Noctis releases him with a grin. “Point to you.”
Noctis rolls off him and pushes himself to his feet to stretch. Prompto watches as his hands wander to the hem of his shirt.
“But… uh…” He swallows, trying to push a lump past the dryness in his throat because there is no way Noctis is going to do what he thinks he’s going to do. “I was just warming up, you know? So don’t get cocky! I—“
Prompto nearly wheezes out loud when Noctis pulls his shirt over his head. Is that a chorus of angels singing? Or is that his imagination? Because the sight before him is downright heavenly.
Noctis in any clothing is a treat, honestly. He’s always been the most popular boy in school, and not only for his royalty status. As Prompto gapes at him, he can understand why every inch of the Prince is captivating.
Noctis isn’t Gladio. He’s not the size of a truck. He doesn’t have muscles growing on his muscles. But he’s still built from years and years of practice, of training. Honing his skills has done more than improve his ability to wield manifested weapons.
His body is firm, toned. His shoulders have broadened as he’s aged and his arms have filled out more, the muscles perfectly defined. His bare chest heaves as he tries to catch his breath from the sparring and a bead of sweat glides down his abdomen to catch just above the waist of his pants.
Prompto has to physically will his gaze away and laments the fact that he doesn’t have a camera embedded in his eyeballs.
“What?” Noctis finally says, raising an eyebrow his way. “It’s hot out.”
Prompto finally pushes himself to his feet, absently nodding. “It’s definitely hot…”
“Ready for another round?” Noctis raises his fists and grins.
Prompto can’t help but grin back. “Ready when you are.”
The second bout of sparring is significantly longer. Prompto starts to gain momentum, landing a few hard hits and knocking Noctis off balance. He almost pins him twice, but Noctis manages to pull through with another victory.
They’re both still on the ground after Prompto had been pinned, laughing about the ludicrous expression he had made when he last fell, when Noctis calms down enough to say, “How about we have a prize at the end?”
Prompto takes a deep breath to steady himself and cocks his head. “A prize?”
Noctis nods. “As in, if I win… I get whatever I ask for.”
Prompto grimaces. “I’m not Ignis. I can’t bake.”
“No, no.” Noctis chuckles. “I won’t ask for anything like that.”
“Okay,” Prompto runs his fingers through his hair. “And if I win…”
“You get whatever you want.”
Oh, that’s cruel. Prompto knows that the thing he wants is something he can’t ask for. He’s not about to let Noctis know that.
He’s also not about to disagree with Noctis’s terms.
“Fine,” He gives in. “First to three gets whatever they want.”
“I’m almost there,” Noctis reminds him with a grin.
“Don’t count me out just yet!”
The third round ends with Prompto’s victory. Noctis had thought he could startle Prompto by purposefully missing a hit and coming at him from behind. But Prompto had been observing him throughout their matches and he had started to pick up on some of Noctis’s favorite moves.
The fourth, and final round, however is where Prompto ultimately lost because of his own clumsy feet. He had the upper hand. He had landed more blows than Noctis, knocked him off his feet more times than he had fallen himself. He had the perfect plan laid out in his head, but his feet obviously had other ideas.
His right foot had caught behind his left ankle throwing him forward. He when he tried to use the momentum to roll himself back to his feet, Noctis had already tackled him, pinning both hands over his head and straddling his waist.
“My victory,” Noctis gasps, breathing hard above him.
Prompt groans. “Go easy on me. Remember that I don’t mix well with kitchens. Don’t make me make a promise I can’t keep. Noct, just tell me what—“
Noctis swallows his rambling by pressing their lips together. He’s tentative at first, just a peck, but when Prompto doesn’t move away he becomes more bold.
Prompto swears this must be a dream. All of it. It has to be. Noctis, pinning him to the ground, straddling his waist, shirtless, sweaty, smiling down at him, kissing him.
So Prompto kisses back. When Noctis flicks his tongue against his lips, Prompto opens his mouth. The deeper kiss brings a soft moan from the back of his throat and Noctis growls softly in return.
Noctis pulls back right when Prompto thinks he’ll faint from lack of air.
“You…” Prompto stares up at him, dazed. “This… is a dream.”
Noctis snorts and smiles a boyish, happy smile. “Then I hope it’s a good dream.”
Prompto smiles back, lopsided and lazy. “The best.”
“Good,” Noctis replies. “Then… does that mean I can do it again?”
“Do…?” Prompto’s eyes widen. It’s not a dream. Noctis’s weight above him is definitely real. The way he shifts his hands until he threads their fingers together is very real. “You want to…”
“Take my prize,” Noctis replies with a grin. “Again.”
“Oh… oh, yes.” Prompto nods, eager. “Yes, please take all the prizes you want.”
Noctis chuckles and leans forward. “Then we may be here all night.”
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rexmajestatis · 7 years
More Accursed!Noct headcanons pls
this has gotta be Spud, since I’ve never really talked about Accursed Noct on this blog and I think Spud’s the only one who’s gotten any details. anyway, I wasn’t sure if you meant the AU as a whole or just Noct in particular so I went with just Noct.
Noct did stick with just standard healing for a while, until Prompto came back from a reasonably long absence to reveal that he’d contracted the Starscourge and it had taken long enough to get back that he was, technically, past the point of no return. Noct just decided he didn’t like that logic and ignored it.
Noct doesn’t have any siblings. no cousins. still a very small family. but he had a wife and a son eventually, and his son would become the Founder King. probably not the Mystic, though I haven’t thought of an actual title. the Oracle was the regent for a few years since Noct’s son was only about eight when Bahamut decided Noct has fallen from grace, and it took rather longer than in canon to form the various covenants.
the other Bros aren’t quite equally immortal, since they can still be killed, but Noct’s made sure that they can take a hell of a lot more damage than a human should be able to take and old age isn’t going to touch them.
fast forwarding to modern day, Noct’s reasonably good friends with Luna. she knows the role he’s supposed to play and the role she’s supposed to play, and they’ve decided that doesn’t necessarily preclude them being friends with each other. and she’s a reasonably good sanity check in a way the Bros can’t always manage.
Noct fills more of a ‘trickster mentor’ sort of role with regards to Chosen King Ardyn. they actually get along reasonably well, if you ignore the fact that Noct is lying his ass off at basically all moments and that Ardyn’s default state of being is Needlessly Smug 20-Year-Old.
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merlevum · 6 years
Dormiens rex De Aurora
Chapters: 1/?
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum Characters: Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Nyx Ulric Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, cyrofreeze, cryovat Summary: Noctis and Gladiolus are forced into a cyrofreezing chamber to secure the future of a new dawn. What they don't realise, is that a thousand years is a long time and things have changed more than they originally thought. At least one mission remains the same: take back the crystal and wake the slumbering Astrals. That is if Noct and Gladio want to bring about the dawn again. They'll need a bit of help though. Perhaps not all hope is lost.
[Basically, what would happen if Gladio and Noctis end up frozen for a thousand years because Insomnia fell before the peace signing ever happened. Now Gladio and Noct are going to be picking up the pieces. I'm terrible at summaries.]
Iris laughed as Gladio choked on his dinner. It was just the two of them, sitting on a couch in an apartment. Nothing glamorous, but it was enough for what they needed. Everyone else part of the resistance was in the same boat, after all, living in abandoned apartments as the Niffs continued closing ranks.
They rebellion was all that was left to go against Niflheim. The abandoned apartments of Insomnia were perfect for hiding out. The streets and other buildings not being used for residency were useful for urban warfare. The remaining Kingsglaive would give the Niflheim a run for their money, and what Gladio would give to be right alongside them.
Over the course of the years, their numbers waned, and now it was just a handful of rebels left. The worst part of it all, their leader and rightful king of Lucis was killed earlier that weak. Moral was low and it was tough trying to keep everyone from sinking. Thankfully he had Iris there to remind him of why he was fighting and why they needed to pull through with this asinine plan. In truth, Gladio should have been with the prince, considering he was the prince’s shield, but things had changed.
“You have a what? Come on, Iris. You’re only now telling me?” Gladio sighed, forgetting about his meal for a moment as mediocre as it was. How could he know anything about a boyfriend when his sister just now told him that she was seeing someone for months.
“What? I couldn’t have told you till now. You’d go and find him and beat him up, Gladdy. I don’t want that,” she said, smirking. “Besides, you had more important things to deal with.”
Gladio could see it, the unshed tears starting to gloss his sister’s eyes as her smile wavered. Of course, she’d wait till the last fucking minute to tell him about a boyfriend. He had hardly been around to really be there for her in the last few months. Not with the Niffs drawing closer and closer and his detail of protecting the prince. Not to mention he and their dad were fighting about the cryofreeze they wanted to put him under in hopes of a better future.
‘You are a shield and part of the house Amicitia, Gladiolus. Start acting like it.’
Was his father’s way of saying there was nothing more to discuss, despite Gladio being old enough to make his own choices. But this decision was not coming from his father, it was coming from the head of the Kingsglaive along with the Crownsguard now. It was an order to a soldier and not a son. Perhaps he resented that part of his father, wishing that he wasn’t the head of the Kingsglaive and the one everyone was looking to for hope when the king fell.
The two hadn’t spoken since. Gladio too furious at his own dad for wanting to freeze him because of a prophecy their king had before his death, and Clarus-- well who knew what his dad was thinking.
“Nothing's more important than you, moogs,” Gladio reached over ruffled her hair. “But if he’s not treatin’ you right, you tell dad, yeah?”
She nodded, sniffling. “I-I’m going to miss you.”
“Me too, Iris. Me too. Trust me, if I didn’t have to, I would stay right here.” Gladio rubbed the back of his neck. He hated making his sister cry, or even just on the verge of tears. How was he supposed to protect anyone if he couldn’t even keep his kid sister from crying?
“I-I’ll write letters, and maybe even record something for you. You’ll just have to find it, kay?” Iris said, tears now spilling over her eyes.
She hiccuped before flinging her arms around Gladio and cried. He patted her head and held her. Even if she did those things, there was no telling if he’d actually be able to find them. But for her sake he nodded, afraid his voice would crack if he tried to speak. If only she could have come with him. She would have been able to keep him in check and give him something even worth fighting for, but it just wasn’t possible. Instead, it would just be him and Noct. He cleared his throat when she finally let go of him.
“Good. Now, did ya make your favourite brother dessert?”
Laughing, she shook her head with an apologetic look. “No. They didn’t have what I needed…..sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry about.” Gladio pushed his plate aside, no longer all that hungry.  
He hugged her once more, wanting to convey to her how much he loved her and that no matter the time or distance he always would. He practically raised her when their dad wasn’t around and now that things would only get worse from here on out, he didn’t want her to be alone. Holding her, he had a feeling it would be the last time he’d get a chance to do it. She would grow up while he remained a frozen corpse essentially until they woke him up again.
If he was ever woken up. This was more like a suicide mission really, if no one actually woke him or Noct back up. The thought sent a shudder through him. None of this was to his liking, but with his sister next to him, he finally drifted to sleep. They slept like that until Clarus came to fetch his son the next morning.
“Gladiolus,” Clarus started before sighing.
Gladio ignored him as they walked down the corridor that led to the cryovat chamber. They were several floors below the basement of a building that had served as some sort of science tech lab before Niflheim decided to invade. The way he saw it, the making of the cryovat made Gladio wonder if maybe this was a plan they had all along, since the beginning of the invasion. To throw the prince into a cryostasis because they fucked up too much to actually win. He knew he was being bitter and didn’t care.
“You know why you must be the one.” Clarus put a firm hand on Gladio’s shoulder, who was ready to all about shrug it off, but didn’t when he looked up at his dad. “Noct knows you. Your vats are synced up. If he wakes up, so do you and he’ll need you. Along with this.”
Clarus held up a ring. It was small in his father’s large hand. The metallic black held the image of the royal seal of Lucis. In the middle of the seal was an icy blue crystal. Gladio took it gingerly. The only way his dad could have gotten a hold of the ring was to be with King Regis when he died or sought the body after he was killed. Or had King Regis given Clarus the ring before he was killed? So many questions and there was hardly any time for answers. Whatever the answer was, he just hoped that Noct wouldn’t ask him later.
“That is the ring of Lucis and very important if you are going to help his high- his majesty win back the war later.” Gladio could see the pain behind his dad’s eyes. Noct was technically king now, not that the kid acted like it. Not yet anyway, but Gladio would help him. “Everything has been put in place, except your willingness to go.”
“Can you blame me?” Gladio asked shrugging out of his dad’s grip. He glanced to his dad as they made their way into the room that held the cryovat.
Gladio sighed, stuffing the ring into the pocket of his pants, much his father’s chagrin. The air in the room was chilly, but he knew in moments he would be much colder. People flitted about, working on machines he couldn’t even begin to comprehend. Not that it mattered. He didn’t really want to know what the hell they were doing; Gladio prefered the weight of metal in his hand or a good book. Would they have books when he woke up? He sure as hell hoped so. Maybe they should have packed some gear or something and left it in the room for them? Not like his dad actually told him the plan for how they were supposed to wake up aside from the fact they weregoing to wake up.  
“I’d rather stay and fight, but if Noct needs me fine. I’ll do this.” Gladio stripped himself of the jacket he wore and shirt, knowing that the pants and the shoes were about the only thing coming with him.
The tattoos he got when he joined the Kingsglaive and then later the Crownsguard were revealed. Nothing new to him and Clarus, Gladio could feel the technician’s gaze on his arms. The feather tattoos had been Nyx’s idea, and Gladio had to admit they were pretty nice to look at. What would the future think of his tattoos? Not that it mattered, they were more for him in the first place, just like his father had a pendant of his usual broadsword hanging around his neck. The technician applied pads to his chest when Clarus cleared his throat. Gladio distracted himself by looking at his dad.
“J-Just….keep everyone safe. Kay? And make sure you check on Iris every once in a while, she misses you.”
And I won’t be around to pick up the slack anymore.
“I’ll do my best Gladio.” Clarus came forward with quick strides when the technician was finished hooking Gladio up. He could feel his dad’s love through the hug, strong and a bit hesitant. Neither of them wanted this, but it was the only way to secure the future. Gladio just hoped he and Noct didn’t fuck it up. If they couldn’t do it now with his dad and Cor, he wasn’t so confident they could do it in the future either.
“I’ll do my best too...dad,” Gladio said, a lump forming in his throat.
“Time to--”
Sirens blared to life. Shit, Astrals take him, those fucking Niffs had somehow gotten into the cryovat building. Gladio made to grab for his clothes, screw being put into the cryovat. He would fight alongside his dad. They could put the ring in the cryovat alone for all he cared.  But Clarus held out a hand and shook his head.
“I’ll make sure they don’t get this far. Get into the vat, now.” Clarus assumed his role as head of the Kingsglaive and the Crownsguard. Gladio didn’t want to part like this, but the order was there and he had been raised to follow orders. “Please... So they can start the process. And Gladio….no matter what happens, I’m proud of you.”
Gladio bit back the tears, watching his dad walk away. Niflheim would pay for what they had done and going to do. Letting it all go, Gladio turned his attention to the machine that would be his home for an insurmountable time. It was large and rather crass compared to some of the tech Insomnia had produced in the past, but then this tech was still fairly new. The large chamber released small puffs of crystal air as it was opened. One of the techs helped him inside, hooking up the remainder of the cables to the machine. When everything was good, the door closed. It took all of Gladio’s will to push down the sudden fear of the enclosed space.
This wouldn’t be the end. He would get woken up again. He had a job to do and he was going to do it. Wait for Noct to wake the fuck up and then kick some ass. A cold crept through him as the air around him began to crystallize as if Shiva herself was freezing him. He watched outside the little window from the vat. He could see the technicians scurry this way and that, shouting something or other. The lights flickered, but the power to the vat stayed the same. Gladio wanted nothing more than to rip open the door, but when his hand went to feel for the handle, he quickly realised there was none. He was trapped until someone would open it for him.
Panicked, he tried to steady his breathing, but it hurt. Gods did it hurt. His breath came out in short bursts of crystallized air. Slowly his body began to shiver and after another minute or so, he couldn’t even feel his legs anymore. He didn’t dare look down at them, panic and fear making him wish he had never set foot in this damned thing. Instead, he focused on the commotion outside the window through his ragged breathing.
Right as his hands started to go numb, he saw it, his father come barreling through the door. Someone had pushed him. Rage and anger filled him, seeing his dad get tossed by some Niff trash. The old man had better get up. Some of the technicians pulled out weapons of their own, coming to his dad’s rescue. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to move his hands to bang on the door of the vat, calling out to his dad.
It was just so damn hard to keep his eyes open.
Fucking Six.
It was just too damned cold.  
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chocobutt-trash · 7 years
Ardyn being creepy stalker old man who want nothing more but prompto's love and willing to kill everyone who's in his way to the point prompto had to give in just so he could save noctis in the end
Oh you have my attention!
I wrote a few drabbles in response to this, but it kinda got out of control, so here, have a oneshot.
(fic below the cut, also on AO3 if you want to read it there)
I tried to gift it to you on AO3 @you-are-so-perfect-that-i but please let me know if I got the wrong user account!
‘My dear Prompto, what do you think?’
He’s been idly watching the canvas awning flap in the breeze, the distant glow of the Meteor lighting up the sky far beyond, but now he looks to his left. Ardyn is far too close.
‘Sorry … what?’
‘Old man’s saying there used to be black chocobos or somethin’.’ Gladio chips in.
‘And there still are,’ Ardyn says, and for every second he edges closer, the air grows colder.
Prompto recoils instinctively. His side hits the edge of the plastic camping chair. He doesn’t want to get up, doesn’t want to cause a scene. But it’s uncomfortable.
Isn’t anyone going to do anything?
For a moment, it looks like Gladio will step forward, but then the most curious thing happens - a flash of purple-red energy across his eyes, then Gladio’s expression glazes over, and his muscles un-tense. The same thing happens to Ignis, and for some reason Noctis isn’t even looking.
Prompto casts wide eyes back to Ardyn as the man curls a possessive finger under his chin.
‘I merely wish to illustrate it would be a shame for something so precious to be lost.’
His touch is like ice.
Nobody challenges the man, and later, when Prompto goes to bed, he is on his guard the whole night through.
Ardyn’s dropship is a cataclysmic mess of lavish furnishings and metal cambers. It looks a bit like an interior decorator had a fight with a mechanic. Nobody wants to be there, especially not in the wake of the man’s great reveal. He’s the Chancellor of Niflheim. Figures.
As to why he’s taken it upon himself to save them from Titan’s wrath, that’s anyone’s guess.
For lack of anything better to do, Prompto wanders over to the rows of Magitek Troopers, strapped into their seats diligently as the dropship hums its way across the Lucian countryside. Maybe he can gather some intel. Maybe he can sate some of the curiosity sunk in his bones.
‘Such a marvel, aren’t they?’ Ardyn has somehow gotten close to him again. His frame is so large he near on blocks out the light. Prompto bristles, watches him warily.
‘I don’t like them.’
A look of mock-surprise now, and it rubs him the wrong way.
‘That’s no way to talk about my army. It’ll hurt their feelings.’
‘They’re machines. They don’t have feelings.’
‘Oh, Prompto…’ He speaks as if Prompto has just said the silliest thing, and it makes little sense. ‘Besides,’ Ardyn continues, ‘I thought you had a thing for machinery. That is, if your prowess with that circular saw down in the ring was anything to go by.’
Prompto ignores the compliment, if that’s even what it is. He turns back to examine the trooper’s eyes, because somehow the red glow is less unsettling than the look in Ardyn’s. The Chancellor continues his rambling.
‘I helped design them, you know. They proved quite the challenge. A few technical difficulties, but now they’re quite obedient. And, I must say, I have developed such a soft spot for them. In a way, they are all mine.’
He strokes the dull metal casing of the trooper’s helmet, far too lovingly. It makes Prompto shiver. For the remainder of the journey, he attempts to put distance between them. He doesn’t go to Gladio or Ignis for comfort. He doesn’t want a repeat of last night, because he has to remain cheery, he can’t make a fuss.
It’s probably nothing.
It starts raining as they descend into the Risorath Basin. The Imperial Blockade is mysteriously unmanned. ‘They all but turned the key,’ Ignis murmurs, ‘as if awaiting our arrival.’
‘And if anyone’s waiting for us, I bet it’s that guy.’ Prompto can’t bring himself to say his name.
Ignis ruins it by saying it in full. ‘Chancellor Izunia.’ Prompto wishes he wouldn’t. There’s the most resonant timbre to the Royal Advisor’s voice sometimes, and right now it sets his skin prickling. He’s still at a loss to explain why. He has only the vague sense that something is not right.
The party of three have almost reached Steyliff Grove when a rogue basilisk gets in their way.
Damn oversized chicken has petrifying venom, and, just Prompto’s luck, it ends up splashed all over him. The feeling of nerves seizing up is not a pleasant one, and before he knows it, he’s stuck in the mud, staring down death.
This is it.
With an ear-shattering screech and a flash of purple-red light and - wait. The basilisk falls on its side, eyes lolling wide as its feathers sag.
There’s a touch at his back. He can’t move his head to see.
‘You must be freezing.’
That voice.
Ardyn is beside him, yet again, and he’s busy placing that heavy, thick coat over Prompto’s bare shoulders wet with rain. Prompto feels his nose flare, but the venom is still so thick in his system he can’t move, can’t refuse the kindly, yet unwanted action.
‘Shh, now, it’ll be out of your system in a minute. Can’t have you dying here, can we?’
Realisation dawns. Ardyn has just saved them.
The Chancellor catches his eye. He knows Prompto’s figured it out now, and he smiles, pats the coat again over Prompto’s shoulders like he’s tucking him into bed. He hasn’t bothered to reassure the other two, and his smile curls a little higher when he looks at Noctis, all paralysed and bedraggled mere metres away. It’s as if he takes no small amount of pleasure in the Prince’s discomfort.
Moments later the venom wears off, and Prompto shrugs the coat off. He says thank you, albeit reluctantly, because yeah, he’s grateful, but it feels … icky. Forced. Ardyn grins, pleased as punch, and leads them on to the grove with a commanding flourish. He will help them get their mythril, and it turns Prompto’s stomach all the more to think he will be thanking him again before the day is through.
The change comes in Altissia, when he tries to stop Ardyn from reaching the altar. So far, the man has thrown aside everyone who’s gotten in his way, but when he comes to Prompto he stops, leans in to him as if he’s about to share some arcane secret. Prompto’s already dropped his gun in the water, so he has to rely on a dagger, hastily pulled from the Armiger.
It doesn’t take much for Ardyn to deflect it. A grip of the wrist, far too tight, making him cry out and try to kick. And soft-spoken words as the dagger falls from his grasp and into Ardyn’s free hand.
‘My, what a brave little soldier. I hate to do this, my dear…’ And he lets go his grip, gathering more of that eerie purple light around his hand. A soft, feathery sensation as it hits Prompto in the face, puffs around his nostrils. It smells of liquorice. It’s overwhelming.
Ardyn plants a gentle kiss atop his forehead as he lolls forward. ‘Sleep,’ he says, his voice low and rumbling, and Prompto is reminded of listening to distant thunderstorms while cosied up in bed at night.
And then, Luna. Prompto’s slipping out of consciousness but he sees Ardyn head up to the altar, he sees him draw the blade - Prompto’s blade - and he sees it vanish entirely into Luna’s flesh.
Now Luna is dead, and they have no Holy Oracle to guide them. The crystal still lies captive in the dark heart of the Empire, and so they must continue on.
The train ride to Gralea has been painfully slow and downright depressing, up until the point Ardyn turns up.
Now Prompto’s pulse is racing.
The train conductor is the last bastion that stands between them. He’s a short man, and doesn’t have an ounce of muscle on him. He’s really not going to last long. But he’s Prompto’s only hope right now, and he needs him to distract Ardyn long enough for him to go tell Noct what’s happening.
‘Please, Sir, take it easy, like. Jes’ need to see yer ticket, and-’
The poor conductor doesn’t finish. Ardyn’s face crosses with some dark emotion - impatience? - and he extends a hand. Another flash of that dark energy and the conductor is flung to the wall, where he crumples in a heap. The sound is crunchy, and it does horrible things to Prompto’s brain, where he tries very hard not to think about nails on a blackboard.
‘No need to look so appalled, my dear. I did ask him politely.’
‘You … Is he alive?’ Prompto thinks he spies blood coming from the man’s head and he’s freaking out. There’s nowhere to run.
Ardyn merely shrugs. No longer interested in the mess he’s made, he swings closer and pins Prompto against the windowpane. It jitters with the train’s motion, makes Prompto’s jaw vibrate.
‘No-’ he begins, but his protest is silenced with a kiss. It should be warm, but it’s just as cold as the first time Ardyn touched him, and there’s a possessive urgency behind it. When he feels the man’s tongue snake between his teeth he wants to be sick. He pushes back, but he’s pressed harder into the window. His feet scrabble for purchase against the linoleum.
It doesn’t last long. Ardyn pulls back, breathless and looking near on intoxicated. ‘We don’t have time,’ he says. ‘But no matter. You’ll be on your way soon. Now, run along, and tell Noctis I’ve arrived.’
Prompto’s reward for trudging through the snow is an intimate welcome from Ardyn and a squadron of troopers. He’s taken to a small, tinny room, pale and cold as the snow outside, and here Ardyn backs him up against the wall again.
He flinches, expecting another kiss, but what he gets is something cold and hard pressed into his hand. His own gun.
‘Can’t have you dying here,’ Ardyn murmurs affectionately, echoing his words from outside Steyliff Grove. He reaches out to touch him, but now Prompto readies his gun.
‘I’m not going to hurt you,’ Ardyn says, highly amused.
He shoots into Ardyn’s outstretched hand anyway. The bullet passes through sinew and bone and pierces the man’s chest. There’s a fizzing in the air, a black miasma clustering around them, and after a torturous moment the bullet simply drops out of Ardyn’s flesh, clatters on the ground.
The noise rings in his ears.
That shot should have torn his lungs, but Ardyn’s still breathing fine. In fact, he hasn’t flinched at all. So this time, when he reaches forward, Prompto doesn’t see the point in wasting his bullets.
Ardyn doesn’t reprimand him, he merely takes Prompto’s right hand in both of his, and with great reverence, hitches up the black band covering his tattoo.
A soft tug towards the panel by the door, and the barcode lights up an unholy green. The door hisses, then unlocks. So that’s what my tattoo does. Another childhood mystery solved. Ardyn mercifully withdraws his cold touch and smiles fondly at him.
‘Off you go, now.’
It’s so cold in the facility.
Prompto wants to move, but it’s far too dangerous. Up ahead, Ardyn’s talking to the Imperial researcher, Verstael Besithia. The man who Prompto apparently ought to call father, if those documents are to be believed.
He doesn’t want this cruel laboratory to be his birthplace, but when he sees the clone in the tank that looks just like him, the evidence seems irrefutable. His stomach, already torn up on a diet of stress and vending-machine coffee, threatens to add some evidence of its own to the scene, but he holds it down.
Ardyn stops near the tank with the Prompto-replica inside. ‘This model was always my favourite,’ he says, while Verstael scowls beside him.
In the annexe, Prompto clenches his hands tight round the gun’s grip. He remembers Ardyn’s words on the dropship. He remembers the kiss. He wants to scream.
When Prompto ends up confronting Verstael, he shoots him just like he did Ardyn. He’s almost expecting the man to react the same way, to barely flinch and simply regenerate with that daemonic power. But he doesn’t, he simply falls to the floor.
 ‘Ah, look what you’ve done!’
Ardyn’s voice over loudspeaker is a shock that pulls him out of his pathetic weeping.
He swears, and looks around for the source of the noise. Meanwhile, Ardyn laughs softly and rambles on, enjoying his little power play until he gets to the one line that truly chills Prompto to the bone.
 ‘One less obstacle between us.’
He’s in Gralea now, and things have gone from bad to worse.
Ardyn’s hands are tight around him. One at his throat, and one round his waist, dragging him down the rusted half-lit corridors. Well, it’s hardly dragging, because he’s being awfully nice about it. Prompto’s already tried struggling, but he’s got a nasty wound across his face now to show for it. ‘If I’m forced to mar that pretty skin, I will,’ Ardyn had said, and he had been sad but so very determined.
Better to obey, while Ardyn’s being gentle. He’ll escape when he gets the chance.
‘Wh- what’re you doing?’ His voice trembles. He feels pathetic. To have made it so far inside the Keep, only to be cornered at the very last second.
‘Why, only helping you get back to Noct.’ He drawls the Prince’s name out in too many syllables, like pulling apart strands of toffee. ‘That’s what you want, isn’t it?’ Lips brush his ear. ‘As for what I want…’
He doesn’t finish the sentence, and that scares Prompto far more than the hand at his throat ever will.
There’s a room at the end of the corridor, filled with screens. Releasing his neck, Ardyn points to one of them.
‘Look at him. Your precious Noctis, running around like a mad thing. He’s not searching for the crystal.’
Prompto fixes him with a stare. Ardyn’s begging the question be asked, but he’s not going to play.
With a slightly exaggerated sigh, Ardyn says, ‘He’s looking for you, you know.’
Again, Prompto refuses to rise to it. He stays silent, and Ardyn flicks his temple. It shocks him enough to make him sniffle. It’s embarrassing.
‘Wouldn’t want him to - ah’ - Ardyn pauses to watch the bridge Noctis is scampering across disintegrate beneath the prince’s feet - ‘fall.’
‘Noct!’ He’s hyperventilating just watching it, but there, on another screen, is Noctis warping to safety, shaken but otherwise okay. Prompto’s still hyperventilating when Ardyn turns to him, eyelids heavy and full of intent.
‘Oh dear, seems he doesn’t have much choice. But you do.’
He tries to kiss him again, and Prompto utters his denial, backs away under the man’s grip. Now Ardyn drops all pretence, and he looks laconic, tired of the chase.
‘I’m only going to make it harder for him the more you deny me.’
He’s serious, holy shit, he’s serious.
It doesn’t make any sense. All he can think is why? Why me?
Again, he wants to cry. He wants to be sick. He wants to lash out, to fight.
Instead, what he says is, ‘Don’t hurt him. Please.’
And he closes his eyes. He’s determined not to tremble at the first touch, but it happens anyway. Ardyn’s messing with the spikes in his hair, sighing.
‘Oh, you really are a gift from heaven. You’re far too good for this world. I would say I’m going to enjoy making my mark on you, but then,’ - he grabs Prompto’s wrist, nails digging ever so lightly into the tattoo - ‘I already have.’
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alia-turin · 7 years
Title: Broken Bonds [Chapter VII] Previous chapters: Chapter I, Chapter II, Chapter III, Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI AO3
OC, Libertus Ostium, Cor Leonis,  Luche Lazarus (mentioned), Titus Drautos | Glauca (mentioned), Nyx Ulric (mentioned), Gladiolus Amicitia, Crowe Altius (mentioned), Iris Amicitia, Prompto, Ignis
This one is very much SFW, no kinky stuff.
So Cor finally learns from Gentiana where Noct is, three t-shirts joke makes cameo
Tagging: @birdsandivoryy  @yourcoolfriendwithallthecandy @jojopitcher@fromunseeliecourt @lazarustrashpit @littlestfangirl @kairakara101 (tagging you because some time ago you asked me to tag you on Luche related stuff, that’s not 100% related to him, but there is something related to him in pretty much every chapter)
If you want to be tagged (or untagged) please do let me know. Tagging is not some exlusive club, so I’m absolutely not bothered by your requests to be tagged.
Ada was walking down the Lestallum streets, tired and absentminded. She had spent three days in the wastelands trying to find more meteor pieces and other resources they needed. She was also avoiding everyone especially the Marshal and Libertus hence her choice to spend all that time outside of Lestallum instead of returning.
“Did you hear?” her ears caught a conversation between two of the towns people. “Some black-haired witch told the Marshal to stop looking for the prince. Now he is calling off all the hunters and crownsguard. That’s some trick if you ask me and he fell right into the trap.”
Ada slowed down her pace to hear the whole thing and stared at the men until they noticed her and looked back at her. She quickly pretended she wasn’t listening to them, last thing she needed was another outburst of the townspeople against the treacherous glaive.
She had planned to go to her apartment, rest couple of hours and then leave again, but given that information she went looking for Libertus. She found him close to the barricades barking orders at some new recruits. Ada patiently waited for him to finish, she wasn’t getting in the middle of that.
“Well, well look who is back.” He gave her a warm hug as if he hasn’t seen her in months. “I was almost worried the Marshal killed you and hid your corpse somewhere.”
“I just wanted to get some things done.” It wasn’t technically a lie if there was some truth in it. Maybe a half lie.
“Right. You have a lot of things to tell me.” Libertus grabbed her and pulled her aside, in one of the tinny alleys where no one could hear them. “So, the Marshal?”
“That can wait. What’s that about black-haired witch and the prince?” Ada knew she wouldn’t be able to avoid talking about Cor with Libertus, but the other matter was more pressing in her mind.
“Don’t know much. I know the rumor which you have heard apparently. The other thing I know is that the Marshal suspended the search for the prince which caused a bit of drama from his highness’ retainers, but eventually they calmed down. Wanted to speak with the Marshal but Monica hinted it’s not a good time.”
Things were bad then if Gladio and the rest were involved in that. Part of Ada had hoped that was just some town’s talk, gossip and rumors but little to no truth. And what was all that about black-haired witch? Part of her was happy no one had started rumor of redheaded witch or she might be burning on a stake somewhere with all the love people around had for the Kingsglaive.
“I will check on him.” Ada tried to leave without talking any further with him but he grabbed her wrist.
“Oh, no you are not going now. You were absent for three days, not a single word where were you going and not even telling me how that date with the Marshal went.” Libertus moved so he could block her way out of there.
“I don’t know what to tell you it was good…it was fun and he is great…” She really didn’t know what else to tell him. The only person she ever talked with about dates and such was Crowe.
“Anything in particular…any details...” Libertus was acting like a teenager trying to get information from his buddies and that entrained her a lot. They all used to do that back in Insomnia, tease each other and make fun of each other. Sticking the nose in other’s personal business was just natural.  
“For some reason he wears three t-shirts.” She finally said, that was the most innocent things he could think about.
“Three t-shirts.” He lifted three fingers in front of her eyes. “So, you saw him naked or you just stopped at the second t-shirt?” he was laughing at that point.
“No, I saw him naked...” that was a childish conversation but somewhere deep in her she was enjoying it too much.
“And it was so bad that you ran out of town on extended vacation?” he was still laughing.
“No, it was…” that was hard to explain. “It was good. It was great, he is great. He is not the reason I have been avoiding everything.” Loneliness was an addiction and she has been walking for couple of weeks now on the that thin line that stood between shutting herself out and allowing people to walk in her life again. The Marshal had reminded her how good it was to finally be free of that isolation, but loneliness was a drug, one it was hard to get rid of.
“You need to move on.” Libertus wasn’t laughing anymore, he was his friendly, loving self. “I know how hard it is to move on, I waited for Nyx almost a year before I moved on, but you need to do it, or that will kill you.”
“I know.” She forced a smile on her lips and place her hand on his shoulder. “Thank you. You are a good friend.”
They parted ways like that, he still had things to do and she wanted to check on Cor. Probably it was just her imagination but whole Lestallum seemed strangely quit. People were usually busy with stuff or just hanging around but now it seemed like everybody was on their own, and minding their own business.
Ada walked in the hotel, Monica was hanging around by the reception.
“I would advice against…” she started but Ada gave her a friendly smile and continued walking towards the Marshal’s office at which the other woman just nodded.
She knocked once, there was no sound or anything coming from there so she just walked in. As soon as she saw the state of his office, she walked in quickly and closed the door behind herself. One of the bookshelves was pushed down, all the books and items that had been on it have fallen on the floor. The papers and maps from his desk were also on the ground, some of them ripped. The chair which was usually behind his desk was either kicked or thrown to the other end of the room. Cor was sitting on his desk, holding his right hand which was bleeding.
“What happened?” Ada rushed towards him and grabbed his hand, it didn’t seem too bad, the blood was coming from bruised knuckles.
“You are back.” He completely ignored her question and the state that his office was in.
“Let me look at that.” She ran her fingers gently over his skin until green light appeared around them. The spell acted immediately. Few seconds later the bruises on his hand were gone, only the dried blood was left.
“Thank you.” He moved his fingers, then clenched them in a fist and eventually relaxed them. “Doesn’t hurt anymore.”
“Is that because of let me quote ‘a black-haired witch who told you to stop looking or the prince?” Ada wanted to hug him and tell him things would be okay, but she was guilty of disappearing without a trace so she was going to leave the first step in that regard to him.
“Black haired-witch?” He looked confused.
“It’s what the people around town say.”
“How…” he didn’t finish that sentence just gave a frustrated sigh. “It’s not a black-haired witch. It was the messenger of the gods. She told me to stop looking for the prince, and that when the time is right he will appear at Angelgard. That it is not up to me or anyone else, I assume she means his friends, to find him, but he will come when he is ready.” She could feel the anger in him as he was saying that. Then he continued without Ada asking him anything which was surpassing. “I have served three kings, and I failed each one of them in a different way. Cor the Immortal.” He smirked. “More like Cor the Unable.”
“You are blaming yourself for too much.” She reached for the hand she had just healed and held it in hers.
“Am I? According to everyone I’m the most skillful swordsman, deadliest man on the star. My skills are nothing if I cannot use them in protection of my king.” He said all that with his eyes fix fixed somewhere in the distance but not at her.
“Look at me.” She lifted his chin and forced him to look her in the eyes. “Your duty is not just to your king. That’s part of your duty, as it is part of mine. King or no king you still have duty toward his kingdom and the people who live in it. The prince is not dead. He will be back, if the messenger of the gods says he will be back, it will happen. You can sit here and destroy the whole hotel in anger, or do something useful. Didn’t you tell me something like that few weeks ago?”
They stood like that for a while, his eyes pinned on hers.  
“I’m terrible at following my own advice.” He finally said.
“Then follow mine.” She moved her hand to his chest, placing it just over his heart. “The prince will be back. It’s up to you if he will be back to a graveyard filled with demons, or to something that reminds civilization.”
“Thank you. I needed that.” He kissed her forehead.
“Plus, the list of people to blame for the current situation is very long and you are not even on top of it. I believe even I am head of you.” She smiled, hoping that this stupid joke will change the mood in the room a bit.  
“Let’s not make a competition out of that, I have been around longer than you and I might be able to come up with few more points.” He moved his hands on her waist pulling her closer to him. “Would you stay tonight with me?”
“I…” she started and then closed her mouth. Nervously she bit her lips and realized that answer was taking her longer than it should. “I will stay. I will also help you clean that mess here.”
 “He likes you” Crowe elbowed her and Ada almost spit her beer in the other woman’s face.
“Luche! Come on haven’t you noticed the way he looks at you?” Crowe literary pointed at the four guys playing billiard. “He is imagining you naked every time he turns his head that way.”
“Bull. Shit.” Ada drank from the bottle. In all fairness she didn’t mind seeing him naked. “He might be imagining you naked.”
“He looks at me as ‘one of the guys’, that certainly is not ‘one of the guys’ look.”
Ada attempted to say something but then Nyx came to their table and interrupted her.
“Hey Pelna and Axis are leaving and we need two players, want to join?”
“I don’t know how to play.” Ada said which made Crowe and Nyx stare at her.
“You have never played billiard?” Nyx finally asked looking for conformation if he heard right.
“Well…you know we don’t have that in Galahd….” She stared making an excuse.
“Okay we need to teach you.” Crowe pulled her up grabbing both of their beers.
“Luche, why you never taught her how to play billard?” Nyx shouted at the other man.
The other man just shrugged but threw a one of the billiard sticks at Ada.
“There is first time for everything.” He had already arranged the balls on the pool table in a neat triangle. “I’ll play with her, I’m better than the two of you combined anyway.”
Nyx and Crowe snorted loudly in disagreement at the exact same time. Luche started explaining the rules, but she remembered very little of what he said. Every time her eyes fell on his, she wondered if what Crowe had said was true.
“Okay bend down.” She followed the instruction bending over the table. He came just behind her, helping her place the stick correctly. “Now you need to hit them hard but not too hard.”
Ada followed the instruction but as soon as the she aimed the room went completely dark. That wasn’t right, that wasn’t how things worked out, that…
…dim light came on and she saw Luche standing in front of her, the pool table was gone, gun pointed at Crowe’s head.
“She deserved it.” Those were the exact same words he had told her that night when they fought.
“Don’t do it, she was your friend!” Ada screamed.
Luche just shrugged and pulled the trigger, Crowe’s blood and brains flying all over the place.
  Ada opened her eyes the mental image of gore still appearing in her mind even after she was awake. She could feel Cor’s rhythmic breathing behind her, at least one of them was getting some sleep. Carefully she sneaked out of the bed and gathered her clothing from the floor. She needed some fresh air.
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what a lovely lovely day (12/29/17)
hello friends I just wanted to talk a bit about what a good day I’ve had :) it’s the end of the year and as such I’ve been reflecting, and I notice I’m remembering bad days a lot more than good days. SO now that I’ve had a day where I just can’t stop smiling (yes, those days do happen) for the first time in a while, I figured I’d talk about it, should I need to remind myself of the good days in the future :000
it didn’t start out as a good day, but I ended up finishing a big project that really needed finishing. I cleaned out my room! it technically took about 2.5 days, but I’ve cleared and reorganized my bookshelf and altar, my storage shelf, and today I just finished my desk.
My bookshelf doesn’t have as many books on it now, as I had a lot of books that I’ve kept since like 5th grade that I’ve since cleared off. I also organized it better, so that all of the hardcover books are on the bottom, and comic-style books like manga and small art books are on top!
I cleaned out the wax burner on the top of my bookshelf, and now it has a cherry blossom wax. I’m remembering to use it more, I think.
My storage shelf was what kickstarted the whole cleaning process; I got The Art and Design of FFXV for Christmas and it’s a very wiiiiide book. I couldn’t store it safely just on my desk, so it had to go where it is now! I now have my art books, comic books, markers, and paints all in their own little places, as well as all of my old sketchbooks (from like 2008 hhhhhh).
On top of the storage shelf is where my figmas (Miku Append and Levi) and play kai arts figures (Only Ignis and Prompto, but Gladio and Noct are supposed to be here soon!!) are, along with my succulent plant. Above them I rehung some posters that fell down, and they look really great!!
My desk no longer has all of my art books jammed onto it, so now I have full view of the window that my desk is by. I think I had started to feel walled in by all of the books; now I only have some current sketchbooks and some Adult(tm) stuff like college papers in front of me. It’s streamlined, I like it. I also have much more organization and room where I sit now. It’s no longer chaotic clutter!!
I think the biggest thing is that I vacuumed the hell out of everything~! I no longer see little crumbs or popcorn kernels or loose smarties wherever I step. its nice!!
I got rid of a bunch of stuff, too. I think there were 3 trash bags in total, with a fourth one sitting unfinished next to me as I write this. I also had 2 large bags of giveaway things that my mom and I dropped off at a thrift store yesterday, and having all of these unnecessary things out of the way is so freeing! It’s kind of like when you step out of the shower and you feel all clean, and everything is smooth to the touch, except it’s for a room instead of your body. if that makes sense?? its 1:22 am help
and on TOP of all of that productivity, I also went over to my lovely bff’s house and we watched all of season 1 of my hero academia and I love it!! and I got to meet her new kitten, such a sweet little bean TuT
(this might be a little tmi but) I also had a really good day for being on my period? I accidentally bled through a pair of underwear, but that’s only because my cramps receded enough that I basically forgot about my menstrual cycle. I’ve never had that happen before!!
I finished an ink drawing with my brush pen where before I was too scared to ink anything more than large shadows with my brush pen as well, so I feel super good about what I accomplished today!!
I think I beat myself up a lot for not doing as much as I feel I should be doing? I keep comparing myself to people online, thinking that I’m awful because I haven’t applied to as many colleges or I’m useless because I don’t have x project done or y amount of notes/followers but!! I need to stop that. I can never, ever see another persons’ full pathway. I don’t see the roadblocks they’ve faced, or the hurdles they’ve crossed (or the hurdles they had to crawl under, or even straight up go around!). And they will never see the same for me.
I remember a quote I read on twitter once-- it went something like, “I slept past my alarm the other day, and when I woke up I resolved to work harder to make up for lost time. I never considered the fact that perhaps I just needed more rest.” Those words have stuck with me. I want to use them for 2018.
2018 is going to be a great year, my loves. I have drive this year. I’m going to college in 2018. I’m going to finish big projects in 2018. I’m going to do so much in 2018 and so are you. Whether you start a webcomic or beat your highscore or try wearing more makeup or anything else your beautiful mind can fathom, we all are going to achieve so much!
It’s now 1:40 am on December 30th and my music has finished playing so I’m suddenly aware of how tired I am, so I’m going to head to sleep! I had a wonderful day, and I hope that you had one as well. If you read through all of this, would you mind sending me a message? Tell me about your plans for 2018, or even just about the nice bird you saw today-- I’d love to hear about it.
Until next time my loves!!
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