#and isnt kind about jt. He he.
puhpandas · 1 year
Evan Afton is genuinely SO Norman Babcock. like his whole family doesnt understand him and in fact dislike him and actively tell him so and act callous around him (save for Norman's mom)? his family treats him like hes different or weird and excludes him? hes bullied at school and is small for his age? he keeps to himself and has unique interests that everybody ridicules? he actively tries to stay out of peoples way because hes seen as a burden? he spouts on about 'fake' visions he has and people think hes crazy for it (Evan with the nightmares, Norman with the ghosts and prophecies)? he gets dragged into some decades long tragedy and has to deal with it? they share the same role, but Evan is the beginning while Norman is the end? come on man
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whoamisposts · 2 months
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LOGAN HOWLETT×FEM!READER (FLUFF ..) Part 1 from the series
ps. english isnt my first language and this is my first time writing this, sory if its not good, im open for request, enjoy...
summary:since Wade needed you to save his and yours timeline,you decided to help,after all he was one of your dearest friend, right?....But he didn't warn you about someone...and that someone was The Wolverine....just a Canadian guy, you thought...
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since Wade needed you so much, that he passed days at your window or he would plead you to come with him for a mission, you scoffed everytine, rolling your eyes, or just sipping your coffee and looking away, like he was some kind of little annoying child
After what looked like an eternity and definitely felt like one, you decided to end his plead and whiny shit and just go with even if you haven't been on duty for a long long time..however, you needed to save his and yours timeline as well, afer a psycho business man wanted to kill him and all of his friends,as he would destroy his time line...
two days later, you picked your old suit, nothing much, but it protected you after all, then at late afternoon,Wade told you to come over for at least a week to figure out what you wanted to do and maybe rest and not run to a place and another and take everything slow, for once in your life he was right,so you did as you were told
you arrived at 8 pm, you walked in the hallway of his building looking for his apartment,you were used to go there, everytime he needed some comfort or advise,and when you two where at University, you studied together at his place, but something caught you off guard, well, you knew that Wade smoked, cigarette but
you smelled the sharp odor of cigars...
"strange..." you though, thinking that he discovered something knew, so you rang the bell,after all it was a bit late and the breeze was slightly cold,after some minutes you could hear his voice shouting things like
"IM COMING,WAIT A SECOND!" but the sound was something like muffled
you didnt even had the time to think about jt that the cracky door opened, Wade was in his pijamas,with lamas? uh okay...
"hey y/n...im sorry i made you wait-" He didnt even finish talking that the foam of his thootpaste fell from him mouth while the toothbrush was on his other hand
"you know what? dont worry,its okay..." you smiled at him as you entered the appartment, Wade was a little embarrassed for his state so he didnt talk much, but you broke the silence
"by the way, you pijamas is cute..." you chukled, he smiled at you too, and took your big bag with the necessary for a week or more, you two talked about his day and he couldn't stop to thank you for coming, as you were talking he showed you the room where you should sleep
"Thank you Wade its reall-"
"Y/N!" Wade yelled,you just heard a loud tod and your shoulder hurting a few seconds later
"oh man..." a husky voice could be heard, as a large hand wrapped around your biceps to help you steady yourself, you looked agaist your shoulder, you expected to see a wall or something but no...
a large frame,not very tall but taller than you, was grabbing you from your arm, as he looked at you too he left you, and scoffed
"you need to watch were youre going..." he pointed his index finger at you in the same annoyed and raspy tone, then he shifted his finger towards Wade and continued
"...and you have some explanation to do..."
the situation ended well, all of you were sitting at Wade's table
"Logan meet y/n...and I hope you two will get along" as your friend spoke you could notice that Logan didn't care much, instead he just gave you a nod as he continued to sip his beer, you nodded too in response, then Wade whispered to your left ear
" he's not quite friendly, but we need him and after all, he's a good partner" he smiled, you smiled back, still gazing on the man, after some time passed to decide the plan or at least started to figure it out, after some time you all gone to sleep...
but the night was restless, you see, you sleeped in the room next to Wade's one, and he could not sto snoring a talking in his sleep about some werid shit,like a dog and women, as his usual, so you got up, putted on top of you t-shirt and shorts a black hoddie with a zip, and fixed your hair on your side, not wanting them to bother you, you were really tired after all, yiu dragged yourself in the living room to look at the clock and drink some cold water before returning back to sleep, or at least try
you gazed up at the clock, it would not stop making some spooky sound or something
all that you could see before cursing under your breath, you walked barefoot in the dark room to fix yourself a water glass, and you did so, as you sip you lean your back on the counter, the only light in the room was the one of the window and the balcony so you turn your head to face it, but before that, you smelled the same odor of cigars as before, so you turned
just to see Logan in some loose sweatpants and a shirt while smoking looking at the silent city at night...he stopped and after sniffing some times he turned his head to face you could he smell you?
"kiddo, its late you know?" His voice was the same as before just a little bit more lower, maybe from the smoke he just blowed out his nostrils
"I know..but-"
"That stupid asshole snored like a pig yeah" he scoffed followed by a light chukle, you laughed too, of course not too hard to woke up Wade, Logan took his last grab from his cigar before putting it away and blowing away the smoke before turning back in the appartment
"well lets get to bed mh.." He suggested, but you in a stubborn way,you sat yourself on the sofa, but Logan didn't reply,instead he leaned on the counter like you did before
"so.." He started looking out the window seeing the sunset raising,realising how late it was "what do you think about the plan mh?.."
"y/n?.." He called out for your name after a few seconds when you didnt respond
"y/n?..." He called for you again, as he turned around just to find you asleep on the couch, he chukled at the funny scene
"I'll take that as a yes..." He replied with his usual sarcasm and frowned face...
the next morning you woke up with the sun directly towards your face, you sighed and you got up to look at the clock
"oh lord.." you whined, after a few moments Wade walked in the living room with a yawn and his stylish pijama and waved to you
"hey, you sleeped on the couch?.. didnt like the room" He murmured, you nod, as you stod up and walked to him near the table as he fixed you a cup of warm coffee
"no no...just you know? collapsed...I hope i didnt catch a cold, here isnt very warm,but I might say i slept well..." you spoke to him while sipping your coffee, he chukled
"of course you did not,you idiot, you slept with a blanket" you chukled before realising the fact that last night you just collapsed on the couch without a blanket, you gazed upon the sofa just for a moment to see if he lied to you
Logan?... the first thought that came to your mind...
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wienertit · 1 year
OKAY. OKAY. its been a while since ive rambled on this account so today im going to clear up how i see itapan so that no one gets confused when i say “i dont think they would ever date” and then proceed to draw them making out or whatever.
when you hear “one sided itapan” you might think italy has the stronger feelings (because he’s the one approaching and hugging and kissing japan or whatever) but i feel that it’s actually japan with the stronger feelings.
when italy’s affectionate towards japan, its not because he’s necessarily attracted to him, but that’s just how he behaves. i think that he’s kind of trying to lead him on so japan is nicer to him. italy has been coddled his entire life like he’s been taken care of by austria and hungary and spain and france and germany and literally everyone loves him. and he KNOWS that everyone loves him so he purposefully babies himself to others so he can get even more special treatment. hes an annoying little asshole who uses his good looks and weakness to get out of trouble and i love it!!!
throughout the series (both in anime, manga, and a little in hetamyu), japan actually grows a bit of a soft spot for italy because of how weak and pathetic he makes himself seem. at first he’s polite and awkward because he idolized italy to be strong and capable, but once his expectations are SHATTERED he gradually begins to want to take care of him in a way. he doesn’t get mad at him as often and sometimes even defends him when germany is upset or lecturing him (like in hetalia fantasia). he tucks him in bed and lets him sleep on his chest and share a bed and bathe together and do the gayest shit ever. i probably would’ve thought “well thats because he’s too polite to refuse” but he ACTIVELY wants to do this stuff with him. he puts a hand on his back to keep him in place when he rests on his chest. he visits italy often and loves to cook with/for him. he wants to learn how to hug and kiss him back even after italy says its fine. he writes him letters and a SONG where he asks italy to visit him and gives him a pressed flower bookmark. japan goes out of his way to return italy’s affection and spend time with him while italy just does it because he’s italy.
i dont really think it’s a “sad” one-sided crush because in the end they’re still friends! they still both care about each other and confide in one another and hang out. italy isnt just affectionate to japan because he wants to lead him on and get more special treatment, but because they’re friends and he does still like him platonically! they can act like a couple without actually BEING one and thats insane!!! i love that shit!!!!!
ive mentioned how itager/gerita was my first hetalia ship and it still stands as one of my favorites. the problem is that im PICKY with it because i dont like a lot of the fandoms’ interpretations of them. i guess i wasnt as picky with itapan and liked it simultaneously with (although much more than) itager. but when i rewatched all of hetalia over the spring i realized how much MORE i liked itapan in the context of itager, which kind of blew my mind. like i remember mentioning to some itapan friends how i think they would never date and i still stand with that today. like italy and germany are too busy trying to win eachother over and they would just get together instead. japan actually likes his friends though and wants them to be happy so he would just go “ok” and move on while still doing all that gay shit with them. i guess jt makes itapan more of a brotp but it doesnt make it any less enjoyable for me. i LIKE to see them hanging out and being friends and dont really mind fanart where they’re dating or whatever because i can just pretend that they’re not!
anyways sorry for being a little insane i hate itapan but i actually love itapan okay i love them okay yahoo!
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offmychest-official · 1 month
(im sure this probably needs a tw but idk what kind so ill just leave it up to you to tag it however you deem appropriate)
my (16f) friend (25m) keeps hurting me. i just wanna vent about it because i cant talk to anyone else, theyll just tell me to stop talking to him because its creepy that hes an adult & judge me when i keep doing jt anyways. but idrc, i dont want to stop talking to him hes the only person who ever makes me feel special and treats me like im 16 and not a full adult. to everyone else ive been an adult since i was like 7 because they didnt wanna take care of me. i dont wanna lose that, im already so lonely.
hes mostly nice. he talks to me every day. he wants me to get better and makes me do things that are good for me because otherwise i do nothing and hurt myself. but he does it all kinda weird and yells at me if i mess it up. then sometimes also gets really mad at me for reasons i dont understand. today he got mad at me for never listening to his advice and said hes never giving me advice ever again. which is ok ig but the way he ssaid it it made me feel like he was gonna stop caring about me and it made me scared and i cried. hes said im the best thing in his life and that he cares about me so much and trusts me but then doesnt act like it. he’ll tell me for hours he wants me and then later tell me hes just some random guy on the internet and i shouldn’t get attached to him anymore. then he says that was a lie and begs me to forgive him and i say yes but it doesn’t make me any less sad.
hes not a good person, i know he isnt. i know its unhealthy to keep talking to him, i know all of it is probably manipulation. but i just dont have anythinf else, my life is so lonely and even if i had more friends my age i could never tell them the things i tell him. he doesn’t judge me for being horrible because hes just as bad. people my age would stop talking to me if they knew the things he knows about me. even when he hurts me im just glad i have someone to cry about. no one else cares about me in the entire world and i know he probably doesn’t either but at least when he says it to me i can believe him sometimes.
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kusundei · 3 months
iiiii. am. normal. i mean? as normal as i’ll ever be.? its just like. yeah no i feel better sort of but thats also the bad part. oh bcuz who am i.? im trying again not to condemn myself over it but i cant exactly help feeling bad whenever iiii feel okay again. who am i to be normal??? to act like everything js okay and nothing happened?? its just. incredibly selfish. half the reason i keep just kind of distracting myself is because if i am alone for too long j will start thinking about it and i’ll be evil but isnt that whats supposed to be happening anyway? im not relinquished of anything. he can be as kind and sweet as he wants because he truly is just at his core but he is. way too kind to me when i am so incredibly undeserving.
ive always sort of felt undeserving of everything regarding him but i chose to look past it because i am better. i am a good person i am okay and i can be better and im not condemned to my past but idk. this just reminds me that no i am still selfish and i am still not . really a good person. it really has just kind of brought the attachment style and allll my doubts back into the forefront of my mind ljke it was before. like when we first started dating and i was horrified. didnt believe anything he said really but i worked through it its just like? why am i doubting him now? i was the one who hurt him so why is it making me? falter?
i mean im just asking a rhetorical question because i know. iiii always know. its just that i truly dont believe he means any of it anymore because j huuurt him. the one thing thats always sort of bothered me is when he deemed me perfect, which is such a nice and flattering sentiment but i think it weighed down pn me this feeling that i HAD to be perfect when i knew deep down i had already made such a bad mistake. which is why it was so scary? i knew how he was going to take jt and j tried to just accept it and work through it and j AM. i am i am i am but i keep going back and forth on how i want to deal with this. do i keep acting like im okay and everything is okay and live like that? because it would work and it would probably help him so much more than me focusing on how much i hate myself now but i just feel. horrible if i do do that. but is that me self sabotaging again by truly preferring to condemn myself and let this kill me? like it did last time?
i dont know. again it kind of has just reminded me of last time. but the issue with this compared to how it was with jd is that that issue w jd happened about a year and a half into our relationship and the worst part? it ruined it. it festered there and grew more and more till it killed both me and her because it stuck. ajax and i arent even at 2 months yet and jve already? done? something? that detrimental? its just like. i need to change something. find something. DO something different. because i know what i did with jd last time and jm trying not to repeat a cycle. i’ll be different ill try ill do everything i can because iii cant. as selfish as it is i cant let. this . go. i cant let HIM go either and j feel horrible about it again but i just i dont know
its just so weird because. its all came back. and its so unhelpful. because i KNOW hes still going through it and he doesnt believe me and things r just different but why is it also different for me? i should just be focused on him. doing the most i can to make him feel better and really emphasize that nothing has changed in me especially regarding how much i love him. its just i also keep just feeling. so. so guilty. it comes and goes in waves again. it truly is just the fact that hes right. because if i do love you this much then why would i do that to you? why did i do that? and my only answer is just that i am selfish. because i didnt know how to keep my mouth shut and i made such a personal thing out to be just another thing i could just say because iiiii trust them. but HE doesnt know them. j told her for what? because i needed her to know? she didnt need to know that. even if i was as shocked as i was and still processing it and wanted to talk about it i shouldve kept it to myself and processed it silently. instead i put him last and ignored the matter of fact that this would affect him badly just because iiiiii wanted to talk about it . i was selfish and put myself before him and this always happens when i do so. truly why dont i ever learn? what is wrong with me?? i keep kind of forgetting about it all and then it comes back. then goes then leaves. what sucks is truly that . im so doubtful again. its not that i dont trust him and i dont believe him its just that i hate myself. i hate myself all over again and its making me unable to believe that i deserve any of this AGAIN. that no. hes lying to me. he doesnt mean it hes just saying that? ive hurt him too much . because theres no way he just has no negative feelings toward me when i was the one who did that. and let alone if he IS telling the truth then thats worse because why am i spared? why am i given the benefit of the doubt when he has vocalized that if it was anyone else he wouldve hated them? so why is jt different for me? you SHOULD hate me. thats the problem.
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cosmignon · 1 year
fandom ask meme round two: old gods of appalachia
The first character I first fell in love with: 
I do love JT Fields a whole lot like yes Jack the trickster you are a scamp and scoundrel but you're being very affiable about it and I like the paradise arc w/the lil lovebirds a whole lot. The next season coming up starting with Jack in peril has me going ooohohohoho
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
I didn't really expect to like Polly's little henchmen duo but they've grown on me they're like her sick and twisted uncles to me. Now if i could just remember their fuckin names!!
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
the railway man is cool hes spooky but i am not a huge fan, i like other antagonists more
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
idk enough abt the pulse of this fandom to get a good answer for this
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
havent listened to it long enough to say boss
The character I would totally smooch: 
i know theyd both rip me to shreds and kill me and kill me and kill me but hey lavinia, hey polly barrow, hiiiii
The character I’d want to be like: 
melvin blevins is a kind soul and inspiration to all
The character I’d slap: 
i think i should be able to give old hornet head a little slappity slap without immediately dying
A pairing that I love:
I am so bad with names but the lil lovebirds from the paradise arc are in fact very cute and im rooting for them i hope that boy got to california safely
A pairing that I despise:
idk man this isnt rly a show i do shipping with bc im more concerned about going "ah spooky!"
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afklancelot · 2 years
imo i find it weird that some people who read house of leaves tend to dismiss johnny truant’s sections or at least find them less interesting than the Navidson Record.
this aint trying to say the parts where they’re exploring the house aint cool/terrifying as fuck (they are) of that the sex scenes johnny describes are the best (they definitely arent) but like… JT’s sections are genuinely much more terrifying/heartbreaking than The Navidson’s Record because it feels more grounded in reality.
Like, of course the house is very scary with its ever-changing architecture and the fact there may or may not be a minotaur inside the house’s labryinth, not helping by the book’s atypical typography. the thing is, even with the house’s horror, there is still a small sense of relief in that at least it can’t happen in reality. Yes there might be strange architecture out there irl, but at least there’s no “bigger on the inside” bullshit or hallways randomly appearing out of nowhere. Hell, the Navidson Record, despite the horror and losses that occur, still ends on a happy note for the Navidsons who, despite being effectively traumatized and Will being disfigured for the rest of his life, still came together in the end as a family (even with Tom being dead).
Johnny’s story, though, feels much more realistic, not helped by the fact you see entirely through his point of view for his section (besides Hailey i guess?). His story, his gradual slope down into obsession over the Navidson Record, his own realization of his diminishing sanity… that kind of shit probably happens, has happened, in real life. His backstory can be especially heartbreaking: on subsequent rereads, the part where JT reminisces about his biological father and JT’s reaction to death (the newspaper yall…) hits different, and my dad aint even absent in my life.
Like, this isnt trying to compare on which section is “better” (thats subjective ofc), but i can count on one hand on scenes in The Navidson Record where I felt emotional (Navidson’s letter in general, the part where Navidson sees Karen rescuing him). JT’s section, on the other hand… already mentioned the part w his bio dad, but also JT’s backstory, his whole relationship with his schizophrenic mother, his last goodbye to Thumper, the very last section involving JT, especially when he tells the story about the baby… hell, those are just from the top of my head, and i havent even reread the book in a while.
House of Leaves is three things mainly: a horror story, a story about love, and a heartbreaking tale revolving around mental illness and family, and it’s Johnny’s sections especially that deal with all three prominently.
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ketavinsky · 2 months
would love to hear about your oc tomilin someday if you ever wanted to share. based only on the tag i’m already obsessed he (?) seems cool af
hi, hello anon! id love to share some brief notes! tomilin is the blanket tag i have for dimitriy tomilin and tommy tomilin, two men who are the same person and also kind of not
i dont have a lot of art of dimitriy save for a sketch here- the rest is on desktop, and im on mobile now, sorry! dimitriy's story, which is very different from tommy's, is the unfortunate collateral damage of one of the old gods in my pantheon, dusk!
the story, the whole fiasco associated with the tomilin name, takes place in a universe where much of north and east asia is struck by a series of incurable plagues, the last of which is a blood disease propagated by the microbes that associate with root nodules in soil- though dimi and his peers are never aware of it, this is due to dusk's influence, and Her dominion overlapping the vessels of the body and those of the soil. as a result, most plant matter is torched as a cautionary matter, a series of absurd rituals develop. dimitriy is born into poverty in a hyper-industrialised alatyr, think diesel-run biopunk, with nothing to his name at all, and does his level best to adapt!
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lots of issues, lots of conflict, lots of loredumping, but the main thing you need to know is that bolstered by the encouragement of his daughter-cousin yanz (his cousin on his father's side, whose parents he deeply resents, and whom he raises as his own daughter out of love), dimi really skyrockets in the plague years. he's charismatic, attentive, bold, and a natural born leader, and he goes from being a small time knife gang leader to the champion of his own amateur revolution. more drama, more issues, and then after the pretty horrific death of his daughter-cousin, he's betrayed by his second-in-command, marigold crass. heres a bunch of stuff from my guide!
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at the brink of death, twitching over the hardwood floor, all his dogs nosing at his shredded remains, dimi is approached and resurrected by another member of the pantheon- but, hes different.
here begins the era of tommy. you have to remember that dimi was a good kid at heart. tommy is really, really, not! tommy is scum, but he's fun about it! he has a nifty little mechanic where hes functionally immortal- each time he dies, he slips through space and time to another era, another location. from this massive breadth of experience he's only affirmed his prior self's problematic ideas about the innate wickedness of humanity, and he considers himself the paragon of said wickedness. he loves to paint, listen to himself talk, fuck, smoke, and tear shit up, and he's been to university eight times! yes, i do have notes on his eight degrees
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heres his pinterest!
heres art of him by lapstle
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heres art of him by art_by_benni !
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hes also gay as hell and pretty hypersexual about it (this isnt entirely emotionally healthy for him in how he conducts his life, but hes immortal, you cant really expect him to take care of himself) compared to dimi who was also gay as hell but had a very transactional, sterile view of intimacy. both tommy and dimi disdain vulnerability and believe firmly that relationships arent for them, though dimi was always surrounded by people- tommy is a solitary creature. he doesnt need people. never ask him how much of his personality is his and how much is marigold's fear / veneration of him.
also i ship him with my dear friend's oc, JT.
Nsfw art warning (my art) i actually have quite a bit of nsf art of them!
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allysr00m · 5 months
Ugh that time some twat was determined to debunk and disagree with everything I said, I had said people were unfair to Taika over the letter thing (for reasons I've said before) but are OK with Con and Keanu Reeves doing Zionist shit, and Taika getting hate for stuff but Justin Timberlake getting less hate for years.
They were all 'Taika was ignorant about put of touch no wonder people are upset' (REALLY upsets me when people paint him as thus shitty 'out of touch' rich guy), saud Con isnt loved by the community, went on about how lovely and kind Keanu is so he can't be a Zionist (said Taika was awful for the letter but nothing Keanu has dont, I.e hanging out with Netenyahu (pictures readily available) and maybe training with IDF members 'does not show his views', and said he isn't white lol Keanu is white) and that most people h8 JT.
I can't stand assholes like that just determined to disagree with everything you say, males me so angry :(
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tasmanianstripes · 4 years
First when Tommy was living with Techno everybody was like "awww Techno helps Tommy when he's having a panic attack and protects him from Dream uwu" like displaying Techno knew Dream abused him, but then when Tommy betrayed him it was suddenly "Well Techno didn't knew Dream abused Tommy, you can't hold that against him when he teamed up with Dream!"
So which one was it??? I guess Techno apologists flip-flop between opinions and don't mind ignoring canon scenes as long as Techno isn't the bad guy
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frienderbender · 3 years
oh man, if you’re taking requests.. please tell me about melmord in any of your AUs, if you’d like? i must selfishly ask about my fave, i’m sorry 😔 bonus main-character-related question: do toki & murderface have any pets in your literally just a bunch of guys AU?
YES YES i got so excited when i saw this in my inbox you have no idea ive been dying to talk about melmord and jt in the just some guys AU. oh my god.
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so. this AU is actually just my melm/jt domestic life wish fulfillment AU. theyre married and live in the neighborhood with their cat and no kids and are just living their best life. jt is still a therapist, havent decided what kind of therapy exactly hes working but. ill figure it out. who knows. melm on the other hand im not sure exactly what he does, i feel like he just kind of does a bunch of odd jobs/is a househusband. as far as their interactions with everyone, i feel like jt does not like kids at all but will still try and be as neighborly as he can manage. melm is a lot more chill and i feel like the kids like him?? hes cool and can do magic tricks. would actually agree to watch one of them in a pinch if toki isnt available. so they have fun.
and for the second question: i want them to! i just havent decided on what pet(s) they should have. a kitty came to mind at first, obviously, but i feel like murderface would prefer dogs, so im split. or maybe something else entirely?? honestly im open to suggestions from anyone when it comes to this
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wolfcrunch · 3 years
I'm generally ok with this arc so far but I admit the fights are getting a bit repetitive (not helped by the fact that the current arc in the anime, the JT arc, is kinda repetitive too) so I do understand why ppl would get impatient. Hopefully Lady Nagant will drop some kind of reveal that will shock the readers (and Deku if she says it out loud). I am LOVING the frequent appearance of the OFA vestiges though!!!
hm, i wouldn't really call these current fights too repetitive though? izuku is fighting villains but, the way he goes about both muscular and lady nagant is different. he can go more head-on with muscular, he's already fought him before and very much knows his style, not to mention it was due to shindou's quirk finally taking affect that izuku could end things in one punch.
with lady nagant however, he's dealing with an entirely different problem. lady nagant is not bloodthirsty and looking to kill him, and she doesn't have a quirk that would enable her to fight in close quarters. izuku's made to be a bit more strategic about how he uses his arsenal - his quirks - to try and gain the upper hand. she's a former hero who was directly under the hpsc, much like hawks, meaning shes obviously extremely capable and why hawks warned izuku at all. and even then, she's managed to hit him twice now and he cant depend on danger sense the closer he gets to her. the fight also isnt over yet, since i doubt horikoshi will write her off as a one-time character.
but i too am loving the ofa vestiges showing up... en is so short, and 3rd looks so tall. i hope we get a name for him and 2nd soon..
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alex-fa-gsmp · 3 years
okay do not bring up wandavision at me again like genuinely
warped au right
man SQUID being one of the people to realize somethings Wrong - thats gotta hurt
bc in the fake reality, theyre a wonderful president of ancapistan - a thriving and happy nation. they have their cabinet, they have complete control, and everything is perfect for them. They and addict live together along with adrian occasionally staying over when government gets busy. sunny lives in her mushroom, scar in his hole, rose and cerul in their tree, and quartz in their own house.
thats not right, is it?
no, no thats not right. quartz should hate them, the two of them should be borderline violent when they meet... right? squid looks at quartz and feels such an intense hatred even though they cant remember quartz ever remotely crossing them other than maybe a couple offhand comments.
squid looks around. addict is being too kind to them. why doesnt that feel right? addict is their spouse, they had a beautiful wedding. of course addict is nice but why does every look feel like an arrow to the chest?
sunny is a well respected member of the community, but that CANT be right. somewhere in their mind squid knows sunny is almost universally hated.
panic sets in. somethings deeply wrong, something has to be wrong. life isnt this easy or peaceful or happy, not for them, not for anyone here. they look to adrian for answers but he can only detect so much to be wrong with the world around them. information might not match but jts not like adrian is a cold computer - he has a soul.
what surprises squid is that rose, of all people, agrees. somethings not right. squid feels like rose should hate them, they feel like they should hate rose, but theyre all on the same side-
thats right. theres SIDES. and they and rose are NOT on the same side. rose is the ENEMY. so why is he here? Why-
Squid gets a headache, they lock eyes with Addict, and they see something.
And then it's all fine again. Squid and Rose are talking about something else now. They're laughing. Squid doesn't remember their panic from just moments before.
But they remember Addict's eyes.
And they're terrified.
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I remember you mentioning Not too long ago that if Selena ever decided to come clean about her drug addiction, she should speak up about it once and not bring it up again. I highly doubt people will stop asking her about jt tbh. People believe exposingsmg and what she says. They believe her more than entys blinds. But then again not many people know who Enty is. They know more about exposingsmg cause they’re always talking about Selena 24/7 and they defend Justin and make him out to be some sort of saint when he really isnt. Most of they’re followers are also Bullybers/Demi fans/Ariana fans/ and Hailey fans. Imagine how good twt would be without those toxic stans constantly hating on Selena. I see it on here too and on your account. I know for sure they’d make sure the GP know the kind of person she is and the drugs she would use. I see it constantly on Twitter. They bring it up and call her a druggy and a flop all the time. So if they’re not afraid to call her that on Twitter with other stans, I won’t be surprised if they do it with the GP. Plus the media won’t ever let it die down. I don’t see them asking Justin about his drugs issues at all and i still think he battles with them as does Selena.
I think she should do what Taylor did in her documentary. Taylor briefly spoke about her eating disorder but it wasn’t the entire focal point of the documentary. Selena should touch on it in a documentary and then move on.
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maddieandyou · 5 years
aww shaunny
The pancakes
Claire is so great for going to see him
Aww claire, I LOVE her
Lol Melendez suddenly next to claire
Damn shaun with an attitude? I'm kind of living
Shaun in between TWO in love couples I see👀👀😂
Seeing lim and Andrew's in interesting
Morgan going into a different field would introduce new characters and storylines and I'm here for it
Glassman being good at his job is something I've missed
The way both claire and shaun are like 👀👀 to the kissing, stop making them pine for people
This guy really thru Claire's patient mental health before surgery back at her in a way that allows his cheating lol
Love this idea of balancing 2 girls between one person, what.... does... this... remind me of... not just shaun....
LOL the way Neil looked at Clarke when she asked who shes dated
The 3 of them together is something I've missed
Yes claire!!! Noticing things
Ckaire interrupting group therapy is so funny
Omfg Shaun wth, that's CLAIRE you're being mean to hes pushing people away
Lolol this argument between Andrew's and lim shows how when it's the same situation between melendaire it's a different romantic feel than when it's with anyone else
Dash is a romantic thought u hated them.? Says Neil, the biggest Romantic is the world
Omg, haven't kissed?? Its because it would be fucking weird claire please dont kiss dash
Awww Neil
If hes the right guy stop holding out for the right time?!!!
Is that not the WHOLE conflict of why melendaire cant yet be together
I'm so deaddd
claire being so focused on the work and not the feelings of the patient is so cool i wish we had more times when she doesnt give a fuck about the patient bevause they're a dick
Punk rock, patti smith?? Claire we r bffs
All they have in common is their college days
Dont kiss him
Well see how it feels I guess
Neil is the most in love person in the world
"Right approach, wrong route" keeping that quote for my melendaire analysis lol
Hope this guy doesnt acc become paralised
Aww look at the framing YET again of melendaire being their own team
This poor fucking patient no one cares about him 😭😭😂😂
Heartbreak- neil bless youuu
Aw shaun
Andrews jumpers are the highlights of every episode
Poor morgan working on a HANDS case and hearing lim say it's time to let go
Omg I love this patient lol setting shaun up
You cant.... mess up a car...in a carpark like that....without being ..arrested???
Aww Morgan
LAST Surgery?!?!
I'm glad she fessed
Aw shaun with random people is always a gift
Only half way thru the episode and so much has happened?? Can last weeks episode take the memo of how to fit in a lot without having to cut cool (melendaire) scenes
Aw Lim, that was nice of you
LOL shaun the way he said stutter
No one is more in love than neil lol the LOOKS
Thats so good how prosthetics move like that
Aww hes so nice to her
He loves herrr
She either can tell he loves her and isnt sure or is like fuck I LOVE him??
I like this nurse tbh, I would like to see more
He said "our" backyard, sir you are not over your wife
Claire... shes deffo confused about her feelings now
Why are you smashing leas car up
She doesnt deserve to be side lined like this
Freddie is so good at acting
I mean shaun... you can't keep a Gf
SHAUNNNNN I love that he told her off like that, the ACTING
What's about to happen ?!?!
I wonder where they're gonna take this
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kusundei · 3 months
i likely wont forget about what happened today and i dont tbink i’ll ever let myself forget this ? i’ll probably force myself to let this linger and stay with me forever or at least a long while bcuz as bad as that sounds truly i needed this icthink . knew i could lie forever and the longer it wasnt acknowledged it just got worse truly .? i have this. bad achijg feeling. perchance a sort of grief and regret and remorse ? everytime he says something kind it makes me. odd. keep jusr feeling my throat close up again and then my heart just hurts. badly. it wont stop aching i feel sodramatic its crazy i havw to keep telling myself i cant start crying again because my head already hurts sobad and i cant be doingthis anyway. i just feel. guilty still. im not rwally lashing myself ajymore or anyrhjng i just still feel bad and j feel awful when he says things like rhat bcuz. i have no idea? is it that i dont beleive him? is it that i feel guilty that hes being kind despite it all??? that i feel suddenly undeserving???? im not redeemed yet so i cant accept this anymore??? made too big of a mistake? ? im trying not to rlly acknowledge it but oh god forbid i . feel **it**. but im not avoidant and i wont do that judt because im scared again? And its also on me . truly i am just glad he was honest and talked to me and ill just choose to bask in this a little longer so i can truly feel the weight of my mistakes. he keeps telling me he misses me and i feel so overwhelmingly guilty. because god forbid who am i to miss you as well after that? whooo am i to hold your hoodie and wish it was you? let alone the smell is making me. emotional. scared i’ll be evil tomorrow if i see him but i will orobabky live?? im normal i am a man or something aling those lines. i wouldnt cry. im just. still. feeling bad. not like im upset i have no reason to be upset. just again feeling bad. theres a difference between the two im just trying not to lash myself anymore . moving on and its okay? even though it isnt truly okay really? it’ll be okay. i feel guilty wanting to move on from it but i know i need to but i also cant w peace of mind till i truly grasp how hes feeling ithink. a part of me wont accept whatever silliness hesputtiny downcright now bcuz im doibting it. but hopefully the ache will leave me eventually bcuz an evil part of me is festering because of it. ifeel it in my bones but i wont. ive caused too much already i cant maybe ill feelcbetter tomorrow bcuz i feelclike irl i might be able to grasp it better
the least i can do at this point is to live. let it consume me (maybe) but not let it show. to be okay enough to function? to be normal to the closest degree i know how to. to be everything again and just be better. not redeem myself because theres nothing i can do to redeem that but to the extent in which i’ll feel even a little bit more fulfilled. oh hut truly none of it is for the sake of me i just. need to do something. to fix this somehow but i know there isnt rlly any fixing i can do. it’ll probabkyfollow him the same way it’ll follow me but i can only pray it doesnt plague him like how i know it will for me . this is just evil sam though i’ll be okay. im always okay. i AM okay.? im not crying anymore. i had no reason to be crying in the first place he has every reason to be upset with me. inqasnt even upswt i just felt bad. kept having to reassure myself and reread everything and be. reasonable. fuck that 40 minute audio recording it ws just alot of back and forth. but oh god am i glad my mom spared me warlier maybe it was worth the lashings. because if she did take my phone like how she was yelling st me earlier as she attenpted to break down the door it wouldve been over . but im okau and im normal? fake it till we make jt . thug it out. lock in. just do something? lessen the pain in any way possiblr and make it up some how. oh but everytime he does somethijg to be silly and normal like we r normally it just makes me feel like hes also lying to me and j dont want him tooo. oh bht god forbid im the one being eivl now so. icant idk. imjust. doubting everything again slightly. ive taken a few steps backwards but its okay ill be fine (im still guilty)
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