#and it affects Obito more than anything that he could’ve been like a big brother to Naruto
theshadowrealmitself · 4 months
“Sasuke doesn’t get why I don’t hate him sometimes. Like, he sees the similarities between our situations, his brother being used as a pawn to kill their parents, and Obito, someone who could’ve been like a brother to me, being used as a pawn to kill my parents. And I get it, I see what he means, but I just can’t hate Obito.”
“I know he feels alone and he wants me to feel the same way so he’s not, but…”
“I thought about my parents a lot as a kid, who they were, if they just died accidentally or if I was abandoned, and then I found out I was a jinchuuriki. And, well,…there were times I didn’t even think I was actually human, didn’t think I actually had parents.”
“Sasuke…Sasuke spent so many years hating Itachi for what he did, but me? I didn’t even know there was somebody to blame.”
“…I thought maybe I was the one to blame.”
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