#cause I think he’d be more conflicted if Itachi had lived and he had to come to terms with him
theshadowrealmitself · 4 months
“Sasuke doesn’t get why I don’t hate him sometimes. Like, he sees the similarities between our situations, his brother being used as a pawn to kill their parents, and Obito, someone who could’ve been like a brother to me, being used as a pawn to kill my parents. And I get it, I see what he means, but I just can’t hate Obito.”
“I know he feels alone and he wants me to feel the same way so he’s not, but…”
“I thought about my parents a lot as a kid, who they were, if they just died accidentally or if I was abandoned, and then I found out I was a jinchuuriki. And, well,…there were times I didn’t even think I was actually human, didn’t think I actually had parents.”
“Sasuke…Sasuke spent so many years hating Itachi for what he did, but me? I didn’t even know there was somebody to blame.”
“…I thought maybe I was the one to blame.”
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atqh16 · 2 years
I always think a lot about what would attract Naruto and Sasuke to each other in a world where the massacre never happened and Narutos parents lived so both of them don’t have the trauma that initially bonded them together in the first place. One of the things I’ve come up with is the idea that, Sasuke is an intelligent and thoughtful person like Itachi. But in contrast he doesn’t have that same stoicness in him. You can see that even as a child he’d always been incredibly affectionate with a strong tie to his emotions. But he’s not gonna get that same connection from Fugaku or Itachi and I gather he’d feel isolated because of it. Thinking stoicness is the way to go. Even if Mikoto was the more emotional parent, Sasuke still has a strong attachment to Fugaku in how badly he wants his approval so his mothers affection won’t be enough for him.
And with all off his peers seeing him as “out of their league” or seeing him as someone to fawn over due to his talent and intelligence, he’d also be isolated from them.
But then you have Naruto. Emotional, affectionate, stubborn with a strong moral code all as a result of his parents guidance, he’d definitely still have a desire to perform the way his father did (even if neither him nor Kushina ever pressured him to) so he’d still definitely see Sasuke as a rival. So that connection between them would still have a base to it and it wouldn’t be hard for that rivalry to turn into friendship. Because Naruto provides Sasuke with the emotional connection that he doesn’t get from everyone else. I think similar to canon, what Sasuke loves about being with Naruto is how he’s allowed to be himself. Not the stoicness that Fugaku and his brother maintain (even if the latter never intended for his personality to be a source of conflict for his little brother)
Also I think Naruto would also provide a strong moral compass for Sasuke. We’re shown that even from a young age, Itachi has always had a mindset that was too entrenched into seeing morality as a philosophical discussion. He’s a good person but he struggles with the idea of what that actually means. It’s what caused him to make the mistakes he did in canon.
But Naruto has a very straightforward moral compass. It’s just based on compassion and love and a need to help people who are suffering and I think Sasuke would find a connection with that. Sasuke is just as good and kind as Naruto but he does tend to be easily influenced by strong emotions like anger and grief and that can make him blind to what’s wrong and what’s right. Naruto shows him the way by simply treating him the same way a person ought to be treated. With kindness, compassion, understanding and love. I just love these boys ok!
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animeomegas · 3 years
Omega!Itachi Getting Married
Anon:  Helllooo!!! I was wonderin if u could write for omega itachi getting married. I'd really appreciate it :)
(Hello! Hello! This is the oldest request in my inbox, so I hope this ends up being worth the wait! Enjoy~ <3)
Warning: implied sexual activity
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General headcanons - Non-massacre AU:
Itachi has always known that he would get married someday.
After all, it was his duty as clan heir.
But he never expected to actually love his mate. He was required to angle for a politically/socially advantageous match and he had made his peace with that.
If he had to marry someone to keep peace between clans, he would. If he had to marry someone his parents chose for him to keep conflict in the family down, he would.
Itachi’s fatal flaw is that he doesn’t see his comfort/happiness as important.
And while he looked forward to his future children, his future spouse was a neutral event. It would happen, whether he wanted it to or not, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Best case scenario, he might have a new friend, or at least someone he respects, to live with him.
Worst case scenario, he ends up in a horrible marriage. He tried not to think too much about this option.
He never expected there to be any love between him and his future spouse.
Until he met you.
He found a person who actually loved him. An alpha who was as dedicated to a future family as he was. A partner who respected him more than he had ever hoped.
And Itachi fell hard and fast.
So, when you proposed, he felt like everything he had never dared to hope for was coming true.
You went to get his parents’ permission first (and the permission of the clan by proxy) and did the proposal in front of them. It wasn’t ideal, you knew Itachi would be happier with a private proposal, but you also knew that Itachi wouldn’t believe that he had their approval unless he saw it first-hand.
Itachi and his family are very traditional, so you weren’t mated before you got married, instead, you mated on your wedding night.
Itachi is very happy to let his family dictate the wedding. He doesn’t care as long as he’s married to you at the end of the day.
(But he does have preferences that you can extract from him, but getting Itachi’s true opinion, can be like pulling teeth.)
You had known Itachi since you were both 18, two years now. You had been courting him officially for a year and a half before you proposed.
As I mentioned, you proposed in front of Itachi’s parents, to make sure that he knew that you had gained their approval.
Sasuke was also there, after years of bribery, finally accepting of you and Itachi’s relationship. You met Sasuke when he had just graduated from the academy, and he was not impressed by this new person stealing his brother from him when he wanted Itachi to train him ☹
For Itachi, it was a normal family dinner.
He definitely noticed that you were behaving nervously, but he knew his family could be stiff, overly traditional and a little intimidating, so he figured that was the cause of your discomfort.
Sasuke was also staring at you suspiciously the whole evening, but to be honest, sometimes Sasuke was just like that, so Itachi thought nothing of it.
You kept a hand on his knee for the entire meal, only letting go of him when you announced that you had brought dessert for everyone and would be happy to serve it.
Itachi smiled his gorgeous smile at you, so pleased to see you making an effort with his family (or perhaps he was smiling about the desert, Itachi’s sweet tooth is legendary after all. It was difficult to tell.)
Nervously clenching your hands, you walked over to the fridge, pulling out the plate of dango you had hidden in there earlier. It was Itachi’s favourite, and if there was anything to convince him to say yes to your proposal, it was a demonstration of how much dango you were willing to buy for him.
‘Don’t mess this up,’ you said to yourself, gingerly sliding the plate of dango out of the fridge. It was an elaborate platter that had cost far too much. There were seven different dango flavours with an assortment of dips and dressings, arranged artfully with fruit and dried flowers to decorate the plate.
You walked to back to the table and presented the plate with a dramatic flourish to hide your nerves.
Itachi’s face lit up. Despite your nerves, his obvious excitement put a smile on your face. He really was perfect.
And that’s why you can’t mess this up.
“There’s anko, green tea, sesame,” you pointed at each flavour as you listed them. “Hanami and…er… some other ones…?”
Sasuke scoffed at your embarrassing failure to recall the flavours, causing a red flush to creep up your neck. You didn’t even know that there was this many dango flavours before yesterday! Thankfully, he didn’t say anything, perhaps due to the sharp look Itachi had shot at him.
“I made sure to get enough for everyone, but there’s something I’d like to ask for in return.”
You could see Itachi trying to catch your eye, probably to ask what an earth you were doing, but you purposefully avoided looking in his direction.
“The only thing I ask,” you continued, nervously. “Is for a minute of your time before we eat dessert.”
Mikoto smiled at you and nodded for you to go ahead with a gentle wave of her hand. Sasuke simply raised an eyebrow at you but didn’t interrupt.
“Great,” you laughed nervously. “Um, so, er, Itachi.”
Itachi straightened under your sudden attention. He looked immensely uncomfortable and confused, he was probably panicking about you doing something in front of his family that you would regret. He always played liaison between you and his family to avoid conflict and was probably not comfortable with you doing this. Unfortunately, he would never believe that you had his parents’ approval if you didn’t propose in front of them.
“I’ve known you for two years now, Itachi,” you started, finally looking at Itachi in the eye. “And it sounds horribly cheesy, but I think that I fall in love with you more every day.”
A barely audible gasp left Itachi. He was a genius, after all, he had probably figured out where this was going. He looked torn between panicked and elated, seeming to settle somewhere around shell-shocked.
“I’ve come to realise recently that, a life without that love, without your love, isn’t a life that I want.”
You can just about see tears gathering in Itachi’s waterline. It doesn’t look like he’s breathing at all.
With one final rush of bravery, you pulled out the diamond ring that had been weighing down your pocket for months and knelt down onto the dining room floor.
“Will you marry me?”
Itachi’s head whips around to face his parents, most likely preparing some serious damage control. But when he sees his mother’s gentle smile and his father’s subtle nod, he slowly moves his gaze back to you. You’ve never seen him look so shocked before. It was almost amusing enough to distract you from your nerves. Almost.
“I-,” Itachi swallowed hard. “I don’t know what to say.”
“Just say what you want to say, Itachi,” his mother replies, trying to encourage him.
His mother’s words seemed to break him out of his stupor and Itachi breathes out a single word.
You let out a delighted and relieved laugh, taking Itachi’s hand in yours and slipping the ring onto his finger, and even though his family were all watching you, you couldn’t help but pull him into an embrace.
“I love you so much,” you whispered to him. “I’ll read you my real proposal speech this evening.”
Itachi laughed into your shoulder. His laughter had a hysteric edge to it, his mind still clearly reeling at what you had just done.  
“Real speech?”
“You didn’t think I was going read my real proposal out in front of your parents, did you? No way. They still think we’re virgins and I didn’t want to spoil that illusion for them.”
Itachi quickly and efficiently jabbed you in the stomach and hit you with his infamous glare.
“Okay, I deserved that,” you winced, gingerly rubbing the sore spot.
Finally, you pulled away and moved to dish out the dango. And if Itachi got the biggest portion, well, no one mentioned it.
Itachi lets his clan take over the planning.
He doesn’t want to deal with the stress of having to combat his family at every turn and would much rather just let them do it. As long as you’re there with him, nothing else really matters.
But even when his clan leave the smaller decisions up to him, he’s hesitant to voice his opinions, wanting his alpha to make them as an apology for his family commandeering everything.
But if you pay attention to little signs and reactions that Itachi gives, you can figure out some of his wants and desires.
Overall, there isn’t much to say about the wedding planning, because Itachi doesn’t do much of it.
Things he wants (compromise available/no compromise allowed):
Sasuke as his groomsman and Shisui as his best man – Itachi doesn’t have many close friends or relatives. He has you, Sasuke, Shisui… er, he’d probably invite his old captain Kakashi and… well, you get the point. So, every person who is important to him needs to be by his side at his wedding, and who is more important than his best friend and little brother.
A traditional wedding – He isn’t actually that bothered by what type of wedding he has, but he knows his family and clan will insist on a traditional celebration and as I mentioned, he doesn’t want to fight. The elders will push the wedding to be held in the clan compound and Itachi would be told to wear a traditional Uchiha wedding garment.
A sweets cart – This is something that he won’t bring up, and therefore isn’t bolded, but it’s very easy to see his face light up when he sees this in a wedding catalogue. It’s a wooden cart with different jars of sweets with little scoops for people to help themselves to. Itachi loves sweet food, obviously, but he also thinks it would be something the children in the clan would adore. He kind of really wants one, but he won’t bring it up unless someone else does first.
An early wedding – He won’t fight you or his family about this, but ideally, he would like to get married in the morning, maybe around 8 or 9 AM. Itachi is definitely an early bird who prefers the ambience of the early morning which is part of the reason, but mainly he just wants the performative part of the wedding over and done with so he can start his honeymoon. He doesn’t find it appealing to spend all night pretending to tolerate the elders of his clan who will almost certainly spend their time berating him for his choice of partner and then telling him he needs to have as many children as possible because he’s a powerful ninja that will produce powerful children. He just doesn’t want to deal with it. Leaving at 6 PM with you to go on your honeymoon and finally, finally mate? That sounds much more fun.
To try and conceive on his honeymoon – Obviously, he’s not going to force anything if you aren’t ready, but he would really love to start trying to conceive straight away. He’s desperate to have his own children, firstly, but also, he knows this is his only ticket to retiring from being a ninja. He wants to retire so badly, and so if you’re both ready for children, he doesn’t want to wait.
 The wedding:
You don’t see Itachi for a day before the wedding, as is tradition. You see him for the first time that weekend when he’s walking down the hall towards you.
And as Fugaku walks Itachi down the aisle, you are completely breathless.
He looks stunning.
His hair had been intricately platted with flowers, some lose strands of hair left to frame his face.
He’s wearing a deep red, formal kimono just as you expected, but it looked so much more beautiful than you had imagined.
He looked like royalty.
The whole ceremony flew by, and before you knew it, it was time for you and Itachi to say goodbye and leave for your honeymoon.
Your honeymoon was to be had at a cabin held deep in the woods on the Uchiha compound. The rule was that married couples could not be disturbed for anything other than a life-or-death emergency, so you would be completely alone.
It might have been nice to go abroad, but the Uchiha clan didn’t want Itachi to be distracted by his honeymoon outside of Konoha where he might be attacked and his eyes stolen.
You both had already been by to drop off everything you would need for the week, including clothes, food, games and toiletries.
So, now, all that was left was for you two to get there yourself.
You and Itachi had decided to amble your way to the cabin, taking your time to enjoy each other’s company after a day of socialising with everyone but each other. Not to mention that neither of your outfits were particularly well designed for gallivanting through the forest. It would be rather embarrassing to have to end your self-imposed isolation to go to the hospital on day one, so walking slowly was probably a good idea.
You had been walking for about thirty minutes so the cabin should be… There! You were there!
“Wait!” you shot out a hand to stop Itachi from entering, startling him slightly. “Don’t go in yet.”
Itachi furrowed his brows, absently blowing a stray hair from his face that must have fallen down during the walk.
“I… want to carry you inside,” you admitted bashfully.
Itachi chuckled but stepped closer to let you do it. You beamed at him, pressing a kiss against his lips as a thank you. He looked a lot more tired than this morning; his hair was falling out of its elaborate placement and the makeup you were sure he was coerced into using was a little smudged.
He really was the most beautiful person you had ever met.
With his permission now gained, you placed an arm around his shoulders and another arm behind his knees, before gently lifting him off the ground. You nuzzled Itachi’s neck, enjoying his content scent and the way he sighed happily at your attention.
With your husband firmly in your grasp, you nudged open the front door with your foot and stepped safely over the threshold. You carried Itachi all the way to the bedroom and placed him down gently on the bed.
Itachi leant up to steal a kiss.
“Bringing me straight to the bedroom, you are incorrigible,” he teased, kicking off his shoes and making himself comfortable on the bed.
“I-I wasn’t, I didn’t mean that!” you sputtered, flushing under Itachi’s laughter. Silence fell over the room for a moment as the exhaustion from the day swept over you both.
“Would you mind helping me out of this kimono, please? I think it’s time for something a little more comfortable.”
It took a solid ten minutes to get Itachi out of his clothes and into some pyjamas. Ten minutes and a lot of swear words as every layer seemed to be hiding another one underneath.
“This wasn’t how I imagined undressing you on our wedding night, that felt a lot like pass the parcel but somehow more stressful.”
“Oh?” Itachi questioned, pulling you to sit down on the bed with him, finally free from the constraints of his wedding attire. “How did you imagine it?”
Rather than answer with words, you pressed wet kisses over Itachi’s neck, smirking against his skin as you felt his hand come up to grasp at your hair and a gentle moan escape from his lips.
This was definitely going to be the best part of the celebrations.
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excitedlysuffering · 4 years
Deidara Headcanons Collection
Oh god I’m like minutes from being too late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEI🥺❤️😍
What He Looks For In A S/O~
• He would most likely want someone who was an artist, cuz he needs someone who understands and relates to his passion and will challenge him on perspectives (respectfully, ofc)
• Needs someone who is as active as he is, he could not deal with someone who wanted to stay home all the time
• Dei is a wild child so whether he knows it or not, he’s going to need someone to balance him out with a more calm/logical outlook on life
• But that’s not to say he wants to date a square cause that’s a big fat LIE
• He needs an S/O who’s able to keep with his spontaneous attitude and mood swings
• He’d probably be drawn to the innocence of his S/O, he’s seen and done a lot of hard things in his life so would love to be able to leave the darkness behind around you
• If his S/O was a shinobi he’d be relieved cause they can take care of themselves, but he would also want to accompany you on missions because this boy can WORRY
• If you’re not a shinobi, he wouldn’t mind all that much cause he doesn’t have to be concerned with you getting injured on missions, but he would want to teach you the basics defense combat
• This boy just needs some love with a capital L, tbh
Relationship With Dei Stuff~
• He’s surprisingly empathetic and can pick on your emotions/moods quite easily but that doesn’t mean he always acts on it
• He’s a naturally happy person so negative emotions are a bit hard to deal with
• If you’re just grumpy, he’ll just stay out of your way (a bit) but if you’re really struggling or on suffering through Satan’s Week he’ll try to do his best to comfort you
• (be patient with him)
• Even though he can’t take you out on dates to the city like he wants to, he’ll improvise
• Boi isn’t an artist for no reason
• Ofc he takes you out to see his art and to fly on his creations, but he’s a romantic at heart and loves cheesy cliches
• Watching the sunset on picnics
• If he’s free camping in the forest
• Or just art dates where you guys will find a common project and will work on it together
• Bonus points towards you if you and Sasori can at least tolerate each other
• They might never admit out loud, but they are best friends
• Even if no one could ever tell
• The three of you are around each other a lot so if you and Sasori are always arguing or getting on each other’s nerves your relationship could suffer a little because of it
• LOVES to spoil you. Like just because
• If you and Dei are dating, you two make a great team whether it’s art collabs, missions, or just life in general
• He can be a real sweetheart and is more sensitive than people give him credit for so if you just love on this boy you’ll have him forever
How To Lose/Annoy Him~
• Insulting or just plain not acknowledging his art goes without saying, I would think
• I haven’t seen this mentioned before, but hating on or trying to avoid his mouth hands. Although they’re a huge part of his life they’re also strange so he can be a bit insecure
• Being insensitive about his speech tic (un, yeah, hm) he’s already come to term with them, but he doesn’t need you, or anyone else rubbing it in
• As stated earlier, not being able to get along with Sasori, or him just generally disapproving of you more than he does the average person
• Being overly clingy. Example, when he’s working on his art and you’re all over him, infringing on his special time
• Playing hard to get or trying to make him jealous. Dei is naturally impatient so it makes no sense as to why you’re trying to get a rise out of him. He can pretty blunt and he expects you to just come out and say it if something is bothering you.
• Slightly nsfw, but pulling on his hair. He doesn’t like his hair being ripped out in the slightest
• Being friends with Tobi
Soft Deidara Things~
• Definitely one for matching shirts (i.e His= Art is a bang! Yours= I’m a bang!)
• He loves to just cuddle up with you after a long day, no words he’ll just collapse on you
• Brush it, braid it, comb it, whatever, but it’ll soothe the heck outta him
• He really loves to pick out your clothes. Dei is a fashion master and he loves seeing you in clothes he likes
• Will be that one person to sleep crazy to the point of kicking you off the bed. Now you sleep literally on top of him so he’s pretty still
• Loves to wake up before you to look at you like ‘wow she loves me??’
• Can actually cook really well (i mean he did live on his own for a while) and loves having you try new recipes he’s come up with
• Just loves being around you, you’re presence can calm him like no other
Random Dei Facts~
• His love language is a mix of words of affirmation and physical touch
• As much as he likes to go go go, he also appreciates a good nap here or there
• He’s bad at taking care of himself like he’s on the brink of artistic genius and he’ll genuinely forget to eat or sleep
• Has a big thing for music, whether it’s a song or just instrumental he loves the environment it brings
• He doesn’t quite have PTSD, but somethings do trigger him or make him anxious. You just can’t live like he does and not be effected
• That one scene where he’s recruited and is under Itachi’s Sharingan/genjutsu and calls Itachi art and then is repulsed by the thought really makes me think that one of Dei’s biggest fears is thinking/realizing someone’s art is better than his own
• He isn’t religious but is a strong believer in fate, karma, and such things
• Contrary to popular belief, he doesn’t use his hand mouths for anything other than art. Those are his art tools, his partners, and he’d be much too weirded out to use them for anything different
• He’s like a scarily healthy eater. Not necessarily vegetarian/vegan but is a calorie counter and has a very balanced diet
• He loves to do little not so harmless pranks on Itachi as mini revenge. He’s even more ruthless as Itachi begins to lose his eyesight
Little Things~
• Place to kiss- Behind your ear because he loves hugging you from behind and surprising you
• Way to hug- As previously stated, from behind cuz he feels like he’s protecting you and you fit in his arms like a puzzle
• Thing to do with you- Discuss or work on art projects together or in each other’s general vicinity
• Cuddle position- Lotus (you in his lap, facing him, your legs around his waist) cause he just loves to hold you and you can easily mess with his hair
• Type of date- Anything that’s just the two of you spending quality time away from his busy life
This or That-
• More of a summer person, he loves the outdoors, even more now that he has someone to share it with
• Definitely a night person. He gets more done at night but also loves being able to unwind with you
• Likes to cook more than being cooked for, cause he likes treating you
• Is not much of a reader, it can’t hold his attention for long, but occasionally will ask you to read to him if he likes the sound of your voice. He does
Conflict Happenings~
• Passionate and Stubborn Boi™
• If you’re also headstrong, there will be plenty of arguments, usually over small things
• Best case scenario, something says something that makes you both laugh and problem solved or you end up making out (cuz oh my jashin scowling Deidara can step on my NECK)
• Worst case scenario, someone storms out and you don’t talk for a bit
• When he wants he can give a verbal tongue lashing harsh enough to make anyone cower
• Eventually, one of you will cave. You miss each other too much and even art isn’t filling the void
• Apologies are mumbled but heartfelt as to not bruise either of your egos but also cuz you’re both genuinely sorry
• However, if you’re not confrontational, it might actually cause him to mellow out a bit (only around you though)
• He can’t bring himself to have a one-sided argument with you. It makes him feel guilty and does a lot of damage
• Instead, he might actually talk things out, courtesy of self-calming techniques you probably showed him at one point
Modern Dei~
• He’s that one college student that is at every party but still gets great grades??
•!He has a double major for sure, art and chemistry, cause how else is he going to make perfect explosions?
• If he wasn’t recruited to a sports team (I could see him doing gymnastics or wrestling honestly) then you had best believe he’s a serious martial artist
• He’s smart and sells (non-explosive) sculptures for money on the side
• He loves road trips, doesn’t care as much about the destination, he just loves driving places
• A serious ride or die friend, like loyal to a fault, but if you ruin that he won’t make any efforts to restore it
• Incredibly independent and struggles to ask for help even if he’s bad at a particular subject
•’CEO of completing assignments the night before its due and still acing it
• His living space is purely organized chaos like everything has it’s own system even if it looks like a mess
• Wouldn’t mind having a roommate, but he’s also used to living alone so he’s fine either way
• If he did, it’d probably be Sasori, cause he’s one of the only people who could TRULY handle Dei 24/7 (barely)
• Isn’t an overachiever, but just like with art, if someone’s going to see his work, it’s going to be his best work
• Even when his friends drink, he’s not that big on it. Feels like it hinders his inspiration and he gets AWFUL hangovers and can barely handle it
• Modern Dei is a great Dei, cause no matter what our blonde baby is best. Period.
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life-rewritten · 4 years
The Relationship of Tul and Tin A chance to love episode 5 vs Naruto and Heirs (a comparison) Part 2/2
I find it fascinating that the works of two of my favourite authors' work have a lot of connections though they write for two different genres. One is Kim Eun Sook a Korean drama writer with the work known as Heirs (This wasn't her best work, but it's what I will be analysing today) and Two is Mame, a Thai writer with the work A chance to love. At first, I thought the similarities don't add anything when analysing the show. Still, after episode  5 of ACTL, I ended up running back to the Heirs and realising the amount of analysis derived from putting the two together. We're going to focus on Tin and Tul, two brothers that are placed in the spotlight in episode 5 of ACTL and we're going to try and understand the characterisation of Tul. Is he really evil cold-hearted and cruel for no reason, or is there a part of humanity still with this character. Let's find out. Read the first post here to know more about the similarities between the two and what they show about Tul’s character. 
So is Tul as evil as we think he is or is he just someone whose layers need to be uncovered to sympathise and understand?
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I found these two's dynamic so interesting, there's no doubt from the past analysis that Tul is not emotionally capable of feeling the amount of hurt or pain he's caused Tin or Hin perhaps, he's full of vengeance and has formed an automatic ego self-defence mode to survive and conquer. To get revenge and prove the grandma wrong, he has to be the number one son, and he has to take the assets. For his mother, he has to hate Tin and Tin's mum for being the reason for why she suffered. And for the path, he was forced to go on. Whilst he does love his son (he names his son after Hin) he remains bitter about what that cost him to have, he stays determined to keep preventing any chance of humanity entering in or making him weak especially when it comes to Tin.
The exciting thing is Tul is the one who raised Tin, Tin saw him as his pseudo father figure, cherished and wanted to be like him. Tul spoilt Tin so much as he admits in his story, he says he did it to ruin Tin to ensure that his own personality was nastier and people wouldn't be able to deal with him, but I find my self struggling with this. If Tul could take care of Tin so well before he reached the age (where he'd be seen as a threat) it suggests a little bit of care for his brother, perhaps he doesn't realise it like Won with Tan from Heirs the series (again read the previous post), maybe he's too damaged to let it happen. Still, he manages to make Tin trust him wholeheartedly only to ruin his trust in people and the world that way.
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This leads me to another comparison with two brothers, Sasuke and Itachi from Naruto, From Sasuke's vengeful perspective he looked up to Itachi so much that it was a shock when his brother killed his whole family and told Sasuke he means nothing but a rival. Itachi tells Sasuke to grow up filled with hate to overtake him, but he mocks and belittles and tells Sasuke he'd never be able to. After Sasuke kills Itachi, that's when he realises the truth; his brother was made that way as a killing machine by the environment. His number one treasure was Sasuke, he wanted to protect Sasuke in the environment and so kept pushing him away to turn him powerful and to keep him safe. When watching Naruto, the clues were clear that Itachi letting Sasuke live (after taking care of him so well even when he didn't have time) and telling him to become stronger hints that he's not as bad as we're led to believe.
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I think this is the same for Tul and Tin, Tul maybe this vengeful, resentful villain but the reason why he does what he does to Tin is kind of for his own good. In his own flashback to his son, he admits he had to stop Tin from being spoilt and hurting others; he had to punish him and teach him a lesson. It all sounds sinister, but it's actually like Itachi, Tul has seen the environment, has suffered from the family, and even in the flashback Tin can see and is angry at the way they treat his brother. Still, he doesn't even know the half of it, he doesn't know what the grandma did to Tul, and he didn't know that Tul was in so much pain, this is because Tul only showed him the positive mask. Tul making Tin stop trusting in people, showing Tin he's a villain, or betraying Tin to make him grow up is for his own good in a fucked up way, he does it to make Tin grow and mature, he does it to make Tin start to protect himself, realise his naivety about people (we see how many people try to manipulate and use him for money), and to stop trusting in their family dynamics. It's after Tul hurts Tin that Tin realises the shallowness of his mother, the harshness of his world, and competition embedded to separate him and Tul from the start.
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Tul basically made Tin become colder, more observant and more protective towards himself and his own assets. Like Sasuke, Tin is determined to reach the inner parts of his brother and find out why he is the way he does, like Sasuke, Tin is full of resentment and hatred but still wants the love his brother shows for his son. Both have been made into products of their traumatic environment and have been deemed destined to be against each other. Tul is psychologically damaged, it will be hard for him to come back from what has happened to him, luckily for Tin, Can shows up and is the light he needs to stop feeling suffocated or needing to be strong to survive. Tin like Tan from Heirs matures and grow and understands by the end the reason for why his family dynamics are the way it is. Unfortunately for Tul right now the one person who maybe can poke at his walls and his 'breath'/ 'rock' to lean on is not near him, so it depends on that relationship to see if he will become 'good'.
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There are instances of humanity shown from Tul; he does love his son, he does cherish Hin and hates when he gets hurt by anyone especially Tin, and he does feel grateful for Tin taking care of his son.
Another proof is the people around him, his own son loves and cherishes him and feels warmth from him, (he's not cruel or evil to him, so much so Tin is jealous of that) and Hin loves him from what we can see. Hin worries and cares for Tul's well being meaning that as harsh as he is, he can be loved, vulnerable and exposed.
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But also It's his admission in episode 5, he hates who he has become, he warns his son to never end up like him, he hates that he was made to be this way. This suggests that he's not a villain that enjoys harming others, but he's a person who has been turned into someone that needs to harm others and get revenge, to survive. He sacrificed his heart for the chance to get to the top just like Won did.
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In a way, though he sacrificed so much to protect himself and the people he cares about (I bet that's why he ended up giving in and marrying or to get that girl pregnant, to protect Hin probably) and to keep his family reputation intact just like Won does at the end of heirs. Mame characters are dark, twisted, incredibly flawed. Still, there's this depth to them that can never fully be exposed; there's conflicts of morality, societal norms/perceptions on the character's actions and also conflicts about nature vs nurture. When is it okay to be a villain, can love really be found between two damaged people (Tul and Hin) and is it love or is it toxic. Can a character ever fully develop when he's been pushed to no point of return, can the character's actions be forgiven once the truth about them is unveiled? It's why I love this writer's universe. It's why I'm obsessed with this show.
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nanawritesstuff · 5 years
of love and war | madasaku(day)
@madasakuweek its time to partAYYYY
Prompt: soulmate/soulmark 
Pairing: madasaku
warnings: minor language 
Summary:  To Sakura, soulmates meant happy ever afters and domestic bliss. And then she grew up to realize that for her, they meant war.
Part I
There were a few things Sakura wanted in her life. 
To be a good ninja. To be a good daughter. To be a good friend. And, despite everything, to be a good soulmate. 
It was more fact than legend, the soulmark that marked them. She had always been curious about what kind of a person she was meant for. She got her answer at age four when a blurry outline of her soulmark started developing on the side of her neck. It appeared like fire, not hurting her but refusing to be ignored. It came with whispers laced with possessive intent, like they would take over her entire being. It took two years for it to develop, but when its lines were finally dark and thick, she hadn’t expected her parents’ apprehension. 
She had no idea what it could be. It looked like a pinwheel, the straight tomoe nearly hypnotic in its design. The circle stood out clearly on the side of her neck as she admired it in the mirror. It looked like a really pretty tattoo.
“It reminds me of the Sharingan,” her mother whispered. She was unable to hide the look of worry, although she tried to smile when her daughter eyed her. She really was too sharp for her own good.  
“What’s that?” Sakura asked curiously. 
“It’s a dojutsu. The- the um, Uchiha dojutsu,” Kizashi told her hesitantly, not sure if he should tell her. Sakura gaped at her father. 
“So Sasuke-kun’s my..my…” She couldn’t bring herself to complete her sentence. It brought mixed feelings, and her mark seemed to almost burn in response.
Mebuki couldn’t help but laugh at her words. “You do know there are more Uchihas present in Konoha, right? Your classmate isn’t the only one.” Her mother ran a hand through her hair, smiling fondly. 
“But Sasuke-kun’s the only one my age!” she exclaimed. Her parents hummed in response and exchanged a look she didn’t entirely understand. Her father kneeled before the couch, rubbing his soulmark with a hint of reverence. It was bright green and stood out clearly, an unspoken declaration to the world. 
“We don’t even know if its a Sharingan. You go back to the academy next week. Let’s wait and see what happens, hmm?” her father told her gently, waving the soulmark patch at her. A little square that could be infused with chakra, making it very difficult for anyone other than her to take it off. It was developed specifically to cover up soulmarks, and hers was a little too obvious to leave exposed.
She went back to the academy with her heart racing, her palms sweating, and her eyes flitting between her classmates, looking for the quiet but arrogant boy who seemed to have won so many hearts. She spotted him by the window, looking like he didn’t have a care in the world. Sakura marched towards him, fixing a polite smile in place. She felt sick with anticipation. 
“Good morning,” she greeted him, waiting. He nodded in response, his face a picture of innocent confusion as she visibly tried not to wilt. She could feel Ino’s eyes burning a hole into the side of her head as she waited for something to change.
And nothing did. Her mark remained unresponsive and dark under the patch. Not even a spot of color appeared, the way it was supposed to when you met them. No matter how determined her smile was, there was no change. 
Sakura couldn’t lie to herself, she was quite disappointed. She couldn’t even respond to his questioning look as she trudged up the stairs, towards the back of the class. She plopped down next to Shikamaru, glancing at him to see what he was up to. To absolutely no one's surprise, the boy was napping peacefully. The fan on his upper arm was dark against his pale skin. 
She tried not to burn with envy when Kiba and Shino stood staring at one another for minutes, hands pressed to their transforming marks, completing missing the stiff postures of two other classmates.
Sakura used to have dreams, before. She could never remember them but always woke up with the impression of having been in the forest. She could nearly smell it if she tried hard enough, it was unlike anything she had ever smelled before, the scent of a forest edged with a hint of smoke. Neither were uncommon scents but there was just something...more. At least, when she still had the dreams.
There was only one Uchiha left in Konoha, and only two left in the entire world. But that didn’t really matter to Sakura. Her mark had gone the terrifying shade of grey her grandmother’s was.
Her Uchiha soulmate was dead.
The dreams had stopped. The whispers had stopped their possessive dance in her soul. Nearly overwhelmed by the loss of someone she had never known, she tried to accept that there was no more waiting to be done. No more fantasies, or excitement at the thought of meeting the one. Her parents told her that no, her life wasn’t over and she could still meet someone who was wonderful to her but there was no hiding the guilt in their eyes. Sakura would just have to learn to live with this sense of loss, wandering in the forests of Konoha trying to catch a whiff of that scent again. 
Telling Sasuke about it after they became teammates had seemed like a bad idea. She went to Kakashi for advice and her immovable sensei had looked stunned at the sight of it, resting his hand on her head for a moment, before telling her it was her decision. 
“It’s a tricky business, the whole soulmark thing,” he admitted, peeling off his left glove. Sakura gaped when she saw a similar pinwheel design on his wrist. It was red and black, which did not make sense. 
“Wait, I don’t understand...” she trailed off, green eyes empathetic but confused. She gave herself a mental smack for the pang of jealousy.
“Neither do I,” he told her quietly. “I thought I lost him years ago, but it never faded. I still look for him when I get the chance but he’s nowhere to be found.” 
That was awful and she told him so. Soulmarks die when your soulmate dies. It was just a fact of the world. Not a machine that could experience technical difficulties. But Sakura had a hard time accepting it. 
“I’m sorry, sensei.” 
“Me too.”
They decided to tell Sasuke together. 
The Uchiha didn’t take it very well. He simply turned green and left the training grounds, Naruto running after him to get some sense into him. They both came to the bridge together the next morning. Naruto smiled sheepishly, stammering apologies they couldn’t comprehend until he unzipped his jacket to show the blue lightning bolt on his chest. He wrestled Sasuke into showing them his mark too, the bright orange Uzumaki symbol strangely bright on the pale boy. 
Kakashi and Sakura felt very uncomfortable when all of a sudden, Sasuke bowed to them. 
“Sensei, I apologize for any grievances a clan member of mine may have caused you. And Sakura…” Sasuke looked deeply conflicted. “I’m sorry.”
His eyes looked lighter already.
Sasuke told her that her mark was most probably the evolved form of the Sharingan, but it didn’t look like his brother’s unless it had changed. Sakura refused to acknowledge the part of her that still had hope. It would likely remain there until news of the traitorous Uchiha’s demise reached them. 
She had wondered if Uchiha Itachi was her soulmate and if he’d died after he murdered his family. 
She had thought that maybe the guilt had killed him. She could understand that.
Except, he wasn’t and it hadn’t. Her heart had nearly beat out of her chest as she raced to Tanzaku town with her dark-haired teammate because apparently, his brother was alive and out to kidnap their blonde one. Her hands were already forming the seals for a substitution when they got to the narrow hallway, a chair appearing where he was a second ago. With all the bravery she could muster, she looked right into his eyes and it did absolutely nothing to change her mark. In a completely impulsive and idiotic move, she was told by her teammates, she had peeled off the patch and watched as Itachi’s eyes had widened minutely. It only confirmed things for her but she wasn’t prepared for the ache she felt.
He knew the mark. Had he killed them? Had they died wishing for the chance to have met her, just once? 
Jiraiya arrived while Sasuke crouched protectively in front of Naruto. It was killing him not to charge at his brother, but her teammate had sorted out his priorities. 
Before Itachi escaped, he turned to her and Sakura tried not to shudder at being on the receiving end of that attention. She failed but he didn’t move. His gaze lingered on her mark before he dragged his partner away. 
“We should probably tell the Hokage,” Kakashi murmured gravely. Naruto wrapped an arm around her in comfort, but she still felt so cold. Sasuke was trying to come to terms with the fact that his brother hadn’t been satisfied with killing their family and he was now out to kidnap his soulmate too. 
Itachi’s blood felt like ice in veins and he knew Kisame could send something was off. He shrugged off his concerns, watching idly as his partner shrugged off his cloak. The thick cords of muscle wrapped around long limbs sent a shiver up his spine, but his dark eyes went to the Konoha symbol on his partner’s back that never failed to amuse him and he chuckled, feeling grateful for the simple shark tooth on his own back. 
Thinking back to his brother’s teammate worried him further. Because he knew who that mangekyou Sharingan belonged to and he couldn’t help but pity the girl. At the same time, he was curious to see what would become of her. 
To be marked as Uchiha Madara’s, even if the man himself was dead, was a heavy burden to bear. 
“You wanna talk about it?” Kisame asked him, stretched out on the bed. Itachi leaned back in his chair, his gaze unfocused. 
“No. It’s better to let the dead stay in the past.”
Sakura had accepted that she was never meant for the whole soulmates business. 
Times were getting tougher and she didn’t have time to spare any thought to it, but when the masked weirdo appeared with a Sharingan, her heart skipped a beat. 
But it was Kakashi who went rigid beside them. 
There was no major physical sign, that’s what she’d heard. Other than the first blooming of the marks, the marks never did anything to indicate the presence of the other half of the pair, but it was something you felt in the soul. That’s what Naruto had told her. 
Kakashi took one careful step forward, his eyes fixated on the orange mask. “Is that you?” His voice seemed to waver, and Sakura realized what he meant right away. Her heart dropped to her stomach while Naruto’s rasengan seemed to slow in its formation.
The man only tilted his head. “Do we know each other?” he asked. His tone was casual, nonchalant and of course, Kakashi didn’t buy it. 
“Save it. Just-is it you Obi-?” Kakashi was cut off by the man’s sudden disappearance, having to dodge a sudden barrage of kunai. Naruto and Sasuke interfered where they could but the man seemed dangerously focused on Kakashi. 
He disappeared soon enough, despite Sasuke’s wildly spinning Sharingan tracking the traces left by his chakra. Almost as one, they turned to look at their captain. He looked empty as if all the warm had been drained from him. They huddled around their sensei, lending what comfort they could to him. Sakura couldn’t bear to see the lost look in his eyes. Her own mark felt...deader than usual. 
Soulmates could be so selfish. It was nothing like the fairytales she had grown up reading and hearing. They could abandon you so easily, via criminal organizations or death.
They were soon faced with the reality of a war none of them had been expecting. 
Sakura had come to accept that she would never get to meet her soulmate. 
It was as good as fact to her, something she didn’t question anymore. She was learning to live with it. Tsunade had done it, and she was her student in this too.  As she drove a fist through another white Zetsu, her neck throbbed. She spun into a kick, kicking a head off clean. She felt exhausted, and her neck wouldn’t stop burning. She’d think someone had poisoned her if her mind hadn’t become almost startlingly clear. 
Everything seemed still around her. Sasuke stepped into view, his expression fearful. Why did he look afraid? She was about to question him when she realized it. He was afraid for her. Itachi stood nearby, his face grim and eyes pitying. She felt a whisper somewhere, but no one had spoken. 
“Sasuke?” she tried, trying not to step back when he reached out towards her. His fingertips touched the corner of the soul patch, peeling off a bit. She tried to breathe, and he tried to school his expression into something more reassuring before she let him peel it off completely. And he stayed quiet, exchanging a glance with his brother. 
She hated being left in the dark.
“What is it?” Had it faded away? That had never happened before, to anyone. Not even Orochimaru had been able to get rid of his mark, to the quiet glee of Jiraiya. 
“It’s...it’s normal again,” Sasuke told her hoarsely. “Not grey.” 
“What the fuck does that even mean?” Sakura asked. It hadn’t changed until now, and they were way past the whole resurrection fiasco. Anyone who had to be resurrected had been, and most of them were gone already. Tsunade’s mark had bloomed to life when she met Dan again. 
Sasuke looked like he really didn’t want to tell her. 
He didn’t have to. There was something coming their way. Akamaru whimpered at the dense chakra and Sakura was tempted to follow along, because she felt it. She felt the pull Ino had described, the breathlessness Naruto had struggled with. Her eyes drifted away from her teammate and locked onto the figure now in their line of sight. 
She wanted to scream. 
The first thing she saw was the wild hair that looked like it had a life of its own. The intimidating armor, complete with the gunbai. The eyes spinning with Sharingan that matched the one on her neck. He stopped next to Obito on a cliff overlooking the rest of the battlefield, and time seemed to slow down as Sakura watched his eyes slowly shift to her. They blazed, and Sakura could almost feel the color bleed into the mark on her neck. She felt the world slip out from beneath her and she felt Sasuke’s hand slip into hers. Uchiha Madara.
“No,” she gasped.
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553butterfly553 · 5 years
Second Chance (An Itachi Uchiha Love Story) 5
It's been about a week later now. Everything had gone mostly well. Hidan refuses to be in the same room as me and Kakuzu is always angry whenever he sees me. On a good note though, I was growing closer to Itachi and was getting to know the true him better as he got to know me. Kisame and I were still close as well, possibly even closer than we were before. It was nice spending my time with them. However, most importantly, Tsunade finally was set to arrive today. As soon as I woke up, I got dressed in my usual outfit and then headed out to the mansion with the criminals in it. I call them criminals, but most of them stopped being a criminal by the time they died, but whatever. Anyway, as soon as I entered the door, Kisame was there waiting for me. “What's up, Ki?” I questioned when I saw the worried look on his usually calm face. “Itachi got worse last night. He coughed up a lot of blood by this morning. There were many coughing fits.” Kisame responded simply as he began to walk to where Itachi was. I followed closely and was beginning to worry more than I'd been worrying before. What if Itachi got so sick we couldn't save him? However, my thoughts of doom were broken by hearing Itachi coughing. Kisame and I quickly rushed into the living room, which was where Itachi was now and made our way to his side. A few other Akatsuki were in there as well. They were Obito, Nagato, and Konan and they all looked very worried about Itachi. “Itachi...” I muttered as I put my hand on his back to try to heal him somewhat. I just wanted to try to take some of the pain away and relieve some of the strain on his body, and it seemed to work, as his coughing slowed down to nothing, faster than usual. “Itachi, just hold on, Tsunade will be here soon.” I looked at him with worried eyes and he just looked back up at me with pain in his eyes. “Tsunade is here now.” Came Sakura's voice from behind Kisame. I turned to see Sakura standing in the doorway, with Tsunade standing behind her. She still looked young, as expected and she had a look of disgust when she looked at me. I instantly stood up and took a step away from Itachi. I was now standing next to Kisame, who looked at me with confusion. I just shook my head and watched as Tsunade moved to Itachi. “Can you move to the infirmary?” Tsunade questioned as she reached Itachi. He nodded his head and got up, losing his balance for a moment before standing straight up. Tsunade turned to Sakura and spoke to her this time. “Take me to the infirmary.” Sakura just nodded her head and began to walk. I instantly followed them, but Tsunade turned to speak to me. “Stay here.” “No, Itachi is my patient and friend. I'm coming with you. I can be of help, I have medical training as well.” I responded strongly but still a little wary. I knew that Tsunade didn't like me one bit. Orochimaru never got her permission to use her DNA to make me. So I was the child she never wanted with the man who used to be her teammate. I was just a bad reminder of the past to her. “Very well. However, he has to stay here.” Tsunade spoke as she looked at Kisame. “As long as Itachi has proper medical attention, I won't interfere.” The large blue man retorted as he looked at the former Hokage. She nodded her head and began to follow Sakura. I walked right next to Itachi, keeping an eye on him. “Are you alright? Are you sure you can walk all the way there?” I asked him with worry clear in my voice. He simply turned to me and gave me a small smile. “Don't worry about me, Adryn. I'll be fine.” Itachi spoke as he kept the smile on his face. “You are dying, Itachi, you might not be fine.” “I trust that you all will find a way to cure me.” I was a little shocked at that. “You trust us?” “Of course. After all, you promised you wouldn't let me leave this world again due to my illness. I trust you most of all, Adryn.” To that, my face went completely red. “What's the deal with them?” Tsunade questioned Sakura as she eyed me and Itachi. “She loves him with all her heart. He is giving her a chance to see if he will fall in love with her. However, Sasuke and I are pretty sure they should just get together already and stop dancing around things.” Sakura simply responded with a smile on her face. “Hey! We can hear you!” I gasped out, still blushing completely red. “And we aren't dancing around anything, it's just...” I trailed off, not able to find what I was trying to say. “It's just complicated.” Itachi finished for me as he looked at the ground. “It wouldn't be so complicated if you'd just...” Sakura just sighed instead of finishing. “Anyway, we're here.” Sakura finally spoke up as she pushed open a door. We all went inside, with Itachi climbing onto the patient's bed without being told to. It seemed like he'd just known that was where he was supposed to go. So, that allowed Tsunade to just dive right into it. A bunch of tests and medical bullshit later, Tsunade, Sakura and I all concluded. They voted me to tell our conclusion to Itachi, who'd just been sitting there listening in on our conversation, not fully knowing what we were talking about. So, with as much calmness I could muster up, I turned to the man I loved. “Alright Itachi, we have reached a diagnosis.” I started as I kept up my calmness. He could see right through it though. “It's nothing good, is it?” Itachi questioned simply with a frown on his face. He was expecting the worst. So I smiled at him softly. “It's not as bad as you're thinking. However, Tsunade cannot heal you. Not completely at least. She thinks that she can heal you enough to reverse some of the effects, along with taking some medication once again. Even so, you will have to work up your chakra reserves and stamina by training again.” “So I'll have to be back on medication?” Itachi seemed to be conflicted over that and was now looking at the ground. I moved to be in his view and smiled up at him. “Now, now, 'tachi, you want to stay alive, right? Then, for now, that means being on medication, and maybe being healed in a particular way every so often. Tsunade will show me how to heal you so she doesn't always have to be here. If you ever start getting worse, we can just heal you again or give you stronger medication.” “Do you know what medication I will be on?” “Hmm. Not yet. Actually, we're going to make it. Specifically for you.” I stood back up straight again and turned to the other two women. “So, should we get started on that medication? I have a lot of various herbs in my garden, those might help.” “You have a garden?” Sakura questioned in surprise. I just chuckled at her. “I don't take care of it though, but it is at my home.” “Of course,” Sakura stated before turning away to address Tsunade. “Thank you for coming here, milady. We greatly appreciate your willingness to help a former criminal.” “A patient is a patient. Besides, I know the truth about him anyway.” Tsunade responded simply. “Seriously? Who told you?” “Kakashi did.” Sakura seemed to find that acceptable and just nodded her head. “So, how is your relationship going with Sasuke?” That seemed to blindside the pink-haired girl and she began to turn red and sputter nonsense. “I'd like to know that as well. How is your relationship with my brother going? He refuses to tell me anything about it.” It was Itachi, now looking at Sakura with hopeful eyes. “Well, it's going good. He's gone most of the time, atoning for all he'd done when he was... insane. However, I know he loves me and he tries to write to me or visit the village every now and then.” Sakura finally responded when she was calm once again. “I see.” Itachi couldn't help but smile at that. He seemed almost relieved at hearing the pink-haired girl's words. “Sasuke might not act like it, but he genuinely loves Sakura.” I decided to point out with a smile on my face. Itachi looked at me and gave me a small smile back. “I'm glad he was able to overcome his hatred and find someone to love.” “I'm glad and surprised that Sakura could forgive him for him being such an asshole to her for all those years.” “I love him, so I could forgive him easily. I know he was going through a lot, so he wasn't completely himself during those times. If anything, I'm surprised you never held too much of a grudge against him for him trying to kill you.” “Yeah, well, as you said, he wasn't himself. I couldn't hold it against him when he was going through such a tough time. I knew that I just needed to be there for him.” “You really do care about my little brother, don't you?” Itachi was now fully smiling at me. It caught me off guard and caused me to blush. “Yeah well, he means a lot to me. He's practically family to me.” “Alright, enough of this.” Tsunade suddenly spoke up interrupting my conversation with Itachi. “Adryn, take me and Sakura to your herb garden. To make Itachi's medication we need to start there.” “Alright.” I then turned my attention to Itachi. “I guess go find Kisame and let him know what's going on if you want to. At least go find him, you shouldn't be alone while you are so sick. Just in case.” “Very well. I will go find Kisame.” Itachi then hopped down and left the room. Once I knew he was far enough away, I turned to Tsunade. “Do you actually think we can save him? I don't want to get anyone's hopes up and then we not be able to save him.” “I believe we can save his life. I wouldn't give anyone any false hope.” Tsunade spoke as she looked me straight in the eyes. I just nodded my head and began to lead them to where my little garden was. It wasn't as small of a garden as I make it seem. It has most herbs in there that can be grown in this part of the world. Both Tsunade and Sakura were shocked when they saw it. However, their shock quickly wore off and we all began to hunt down what we needed. There were a few
herbs that we couldn't find that we needed, but there were enough of them that they would be alright. Along with that, we had to raid the main headquarters' infirmary to find the medicine that we needed to mix with the herbs. So, a few days and a lot of work later, we had the first doses of Itachi's medication. I was taught how to make it, so Tsunade could return to her life. All that was left to do was have Tsunade heal Itachi, well heal him as best as she could, which would help slightly and then teach me how to heal him. It was difficult to learn and it pushed my medical skills, but eventually, I figured out how to do it. “So now, take your medication, if you start to cough again, have Adryn heal you. That should keep the cough at bay. It isn't a perfect cure, but we will keep working at it.” Tsunade informed Itachi as we all sat in the living room together. “We all” meaning, me, Itachi, Tsunade, Sakura, Kisame, and Sasuke. It was now finally time for Tsunade to leave, so she was informing us of any last things that she could think of. “Also, I don't think I need to say this, but do not tire yourself out too much. Training is important for you now but in moderation. Do not overwork your body. You are still dying, just dying slower than you were.” “What if he reacts to the medication negatively?” Sasuke questioned after Tsunade was done with talking. She instantly replied to him. “He's already taken the medication for three days now, if he was going to have a negative reaction, he would have already or it would be starting now.” “Hmm.” Sasuke seemed to accept that started looking to his brother now. It was like he was silently asking if there was anything that was different about him or if there was any type of reaction now. “I feel better than I have in a while, and there have been no reactions negatively,” Itachi answered his brother's silent question. Sasuke nodded his head and kept silent. I had a question though, so I spoke up. “How long do you think this medication will last him? How long will it take for his body to become accustomed to it?” “I am not sure, but I know it will happen.” Tsunade's words were vague, but I just nodded my head. “Watch over him closely, Adryn.” “You don't need to tell me that, I already planned to.” She looked at me for a moment before turning to her student. The two of them began to say their goodbyes as I turned to Itachi. I had been sitting on the couch next to him with Kisame on my other side. “Is it alright that I plan to keep an eye on you?” “I'd be worried if you didn't.” I knew Itachi was meaning that since I was in love with him, it'd be weird if I didn't keep an eye on him. I just smiled at him and watched as he slightly smiled back to me. After a few minutes, Tsunade was gone. She had to return to her life of gambling and alcohol. While we were left to sit there in the living room, not really knowing what to do now. “So, how is Itachi supposed to train if we can't go outside the mansion?” Kisame suddenly questioned breaking the silence. “I'll ask Lady Mizukage if he and someone else can train together just outside the mansion,” I responded after a few moments of contemplation. “I would like to get a chance to train too. Being trapped in here is giving me anxiety.” Kisame flashed me a smile and I just looked at him and sighed. “I'll see what I can do.” With that, I stood up and headed out of the room. I made it to about the entrance hall when I walked right into someone. “Ouch,” I grumbled as I rubbed my nose. This all felt familiar, and I began to wonder if I've bumped into the same person as I did before. However, when I looked up I was met with purple-eyes. “Oh, Hidan, I'm sorry, I was in a rush.” Instead of responding to me, Hidan just continued walking. There was no “watch it bitch” like I was expecting. I wrote it off as him just acting weird. Maybe he was still trying to avoid me. Or maybe something was actually wrong. Either way, I needed to just go ask Lady Mizukage about the Itachi training situation. One thing at a time, I liked to tell myself. So with the Hidan issue out of my mind, I hurried off to the Kage. It didn't take long, but when I entered the room with the Kage in there, my Kage wasn't there. “Um, excuse me, where is Lady Mizukage?” Even Chojuro wasn't there. I was a little worried. “She wasn't feeling well, so the kid took her back to her room to rest.” Lord Tsuchikage responded in his usual annoyed sounding tone. “Oh...” I wasn't sure what to do now. “Was there something you needed, Adryn?” Lord Hokage questioned making me turn my head to him. “Well, Tsunade just informed us of Itachi's condition.” “She informed us as well. Was there something about it that you needed to talk about?” “No, well yes. Itachi needs to train, so I was hoping that you all would let him leave the mansion for short periods of time to do so. Sakura and I would be watching over him and whoever he trains with closely, so they wouldn't be able to escape.” “No.” Lord Tsuchikage said just as Lord Hokage spoke, “Alright.” “Lord Hokage, they are dangerous criminals. They shouldn't leave the mansion at all. Itachi should just be happy that we are giving him medical attention.” “Itachi needs to train or else in battle he might actually die due to his low chakra reserves and stamina.” I snapped at the older man. He looked at me with anger in his eyes at me snapping at him. “Now, now, Lord Tsuchikage, Adryn makes a great point. We were wanting to use the Akatsuki to fight for us anyway, if Itachi can't fight, then he might hold everyone else back.” Lord Hokage commented simply. “Adryn, have Itachi and one person leave the mansion for an hour a day. Watch over them closely. Do not let them escape.” “I don't think they want to escape anyway, but alright. I'll do my very best.” “Doing your best might not be enough. Make sure they don't escape!” Lord Raikage grumbled at me. “Yes, sir!” I responded officially before bowing to them all. Once I did that I left the room. However, as I left I heard Lord Kazekage speak. “You are too hard on her. She is one of the Mist's best ninja. You shouldn't treat her like that.” I couldn't help but smile and mentally thank Lord Kazekage for that. I didn't hear anything else, because I had already walked too far away, but that's probably for the best. So, with a smile on my face, I quickly made my way back to the mansion. Once I got in there and greeted the ANBU there, I informed them of Lord Hokage's ruling. Once they believed me, I hurried off to where Itachi was. I could sense him somewhere near the kitchen. Possibly in the living room that was just off the kitchen. On my way there, I came across Kakuzu just standing in the hallway. “Kuzu, is everything alright?” I questioned to no avail. He didn't respond to me or even acknowledge that I was there. Just like Hidan had done. So, I now knew that something odd was going on. However, I quickly made my way passed him and went into the kitchen. “Hey 'tachi, is it just me, or are Hidan and Kuzu acting weird?” The Uchiha man turned from the sink he was at and thought it over, before shaking his head. “I don't think they are acting weird. They are probably still angry with you.” Itachi finally responded, however, he then continued to speak. “However, there is something weird going on.” “What is it?” My anxiety instantly raised up to a level 8. “I just saw two people wandering around the mansion. They were just looking at the mansion but when they met my eyes, they fled into the forest.” You see, the mansion is surrounded by forest on all sides. Along with that, there were ANBU stationed all around the mansion. So if people were walking around it, they would know. “Seriously? Well, that's odd. The ANBU didn't tell me that any strange people were walking around when I entered and I didn't see anyone when I was out there, but if you say there were people, then there were.” “Thank you for believing me. That is exactly what Kisame had said to me.” I couldn't help but chuckle at that. “That man truly believes in you, doesn't he?” Itachi smiled softly at that. “I'm glad I have two people who trust me so much.” “Sasuke trusts you as well. He's just always been a bit difficult.” “Yes, that is true.” “Anyway, Itachi, I have news for you.” Finally getting onto the point I'd originally come to the mansion to tell, I informed Itachi of what I'd been told by Lord Hokage. He seemed happy as he continued to smile. “That is good to hear. When can I start training?” “Right now, if you want to. I already told the ANBU and they should be telling the others right about now. Go find Kisame and we'll go outside now.” “Very well.” Itachi then hurried, yes hurried, out of the room to go find his friend. I couldn't help but just smile at that. However, my smile faded when I heard a voice from the other doorway. “You love him an awful lot, don't you, kid?” I turned around to see Sasori and Deidara standing there. “Oh, hello, and yes, I do,” I responded with a smile on my face again. “How could you love a murderer like that, un?” Deidara demanded annoyed as usual when it came to an Uchiha. “I can't tell you. It's a secret.” I smirked at them and then quickly made my way out of the room. I could hear Sasori grumbling about me as I left and Deidara agreeing with him for once. I just shook my head and went to go and find Itachi and Kisame. I was eager to watch them train together and to see how well Itachi could do even though he was still sick. The only time I'd ever seen him fight, recently, was when he fought again Sasuke and then I wasn't able to just focus on his fighting, I was panicking too much. So, this time I planned to focus on his movements and maybe I could copy them if I tried hard enough. This would be a good training time for me as well.
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365daysofsasuhina · 6 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Thirteen: Another Day ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Itachi ] [ SasuHina, pregnancy ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
It’s just another day. Just gotta get through one more day.
So has been the approach of Uchiha Sasuke regarding his life after the war. And it’s not been easy. At first, he found himself completely stripped of his purpose. Losing to Naruto - or rather, conceding to Naruto - had signaled an end to a phase of the avenger’s life. One that - though changing - had remained a constant for a decade. Have a goal. One goal. Stick to it until reaching the end. Adjust as need be.
First had been vengeance against Itachi. Then justice in his brother’s name against the village that had used him. After their meeting in the war, and the discussion the the Hokage, he’d had one last iteration: bring the battle to an end...and then use the circumstances to wipe clean the slate of shinobi. Remove the Kage. Ensnare the beasts. Use his newfound power to bring peace absolute, even if it meant resigning himself to the shadows.
He’d accepted that role. Made peace with it.
But, as usual...Naruto got in his way.
It was for the better, he supposes...even if some aspects, to him, remain necessary. Mostly regarding the shape and path forward of the shinobi world. Once he’d been healed and made whole (physically, at least), he’d left Konoha behind with a pilgrimage in mind. With plans to see the world and its new beginnings in every land, every village.
But then he’d gotten a bit...sidetracked.
And now, here he is, with not only a brother returned to him, but a cousin as well. And a police force under his command, in joint effort with the Hyūga. Which had led (at least in part) to his meeting the woman he wakes up to on this fine day.
Hinata’s still asleep, lying on her back as to best compensate for her rather voluminous stomach. Within grows their future firstborn, who’s finally letting her sleep in for once.
Managing to spare a few minutes to watch her, Sasuke eventually has to concede to a need to rise. Even if his wife is on maternity leave, he still has a job to do...bright and early, as he does nearly every day.
His morning routine is quick and basic, up and out the door in less than half an hour. As she always does, Hinata’s left him a breakfast to eat on the road to the station. He finishes just as he reaches the front door.
“Uchiha-sama!” A young Hyūga recruit snaps to attention. “The captain of the ANBU was here earlier, sir! He requested an immediate audience.”
...shit. That’s not good. Suddenly far more awake, Sasuke presses for details. “Where?”
“I...I think he’s just been waiting in your office, sir.”
A nod. “Thanks.”
He wastes no time in striding down the hall, entering the proper room and locking it behind himself. Itachi leans in a corner, dressed in ANBU gear, minus the mask. “Itachi? What -?”
“I need your assistance on a case.”
“...me as an officer, or me as an Uchiha?”
“The latter.”
Sasuke’s visible eye narrows. “...it happened again?”
“...it did. Worse this time.”
“My front door.”
A hand raises against his loud tone. “Thankfully that means it’s really only visible to us, tucked away in the compound. I’d like to keep word of it that way, as well.”
Sasuke pauses, trying to think. “...what did it say?”
“The usual. Threats, a list of our crimes...but no one claiming it. Whoever it was, must have been skilled. Someone would have noticed them otherwise. This wasn’t some run-of-the-mill dissenter against the Uchiha. This was someone serious.”
“I take it you moved your family?”
“I did. I’d have done the same for you, but the words were rather specific in targeting me this time. If you’d like, I can still have Hinata fetched. Shisui took the rest to the Hokage tower this morning.”
Sasuke runs an irritated hand back through his hair. “So much for having this be just another day…” Pause. “...I think that’s best. Until we can go over the scene and find out more. I don’t want to run in the face of a threat, but…”
“I know. I feel the same. We have people we can’t dare to risk.” With that, Itachi replaces his weasel facade. “I’ll dispatch a few of my officers. If things get bad enough, the missus suggested taking herself, the kids, and Hinata to her home in the mountains.”
“With the pair of them pregnant?”
“She’s capable, and you forget her teacher lives there as well. They’d be safe, and far from harm’s way...not to mention under rather strict defense.”
Sasuke can’t help a scowl. “...I don’t want our clan driven out of Konoha again.”
“Neither do I. But their safety is priority.”
“...I know.”
With that, the pair abandon the station and return to the Uchiha compound, the only three structures standing out rather obviously in the otherwise-empty district. Giving his home a glance, Sasuke instead follows Itachi to the main manor.
And then balks.
Carved into the front door is a vulgar message, within which is contained a number of threats, and foreboding warnings against Itachi’s “betrayals”.
“...she didn’t see it, did she?”
“No. I was up far earlier, and ordered her and the twins out the back with Shisui. They didn’t need to see that. He took them to the Hokage tower for now, to keep an eye on them while on shift with Kakashi. Hinata should be there by now as well.” Itachi’s face declines slightly. “...I should not be surprised, and yet…”
“It’s nauseating,” Sasuke agrees before his brother has to speak. “...and pisses me off. What do they mean, betrayal? You were working on behalf of the village! Everyone knows that now!”
Rereading the message, Itachi slowly shakes his head. “...I’m not sure. It could be that I betrayed the Uchiha...but who beyond us would be left to feel anger in that regard?”
“I dunno…”
“...there was Akatsuki, I suppose...and…” He fades out to silence.
“You remember what was reported about Root? There was no actual list of active members. And it was suspected some refused to report back to Konoha to be reassigned and reintegrated after Danzō’s death, and the faction’s dissolution.”
“This is only a theory, but...perhaps those remnants of Root are those who have been targeting us. Think about it: it makes sense. It could be said that I ‘betrayed’ Danzō. You and Shisui as well. Shisui’s eye was stolen, but he escaped, and has been revealed to have been living in secret despite Danzō’s order for his death. You fought him and drove him to suicide in an attempt to stop you and Obito. And I...I brought the truth of his actions to light with my return and pardon. All of his work has been revealed. His role in the massacre. Danzō’s life, reputation, and wishes have all been made moot by the three of us.”
Sasuke can’t help a humorless huff of breath. “...so you’re telling me we have an unknown number of ANBU-level nutcases still loyal to a dead asshole looking to get revenge on us?”
“As I said, it is only a theory. But it would explain why we can’t seem to catch them. It could be just one person. It could be a hundred. We have no records of Roots numbers, let alone how many turned their backs after Danzō’s death. They were brainwashed to be loyal to him. A few managed to resist, but…” Itachi gestures almost apathetically. “That may be the root of our problem.”
“...I’d expect wordplay like that from Shisui, not you.”
“He’s not here. Someone had to do it.”
Sasuke drags a hand down his face, sighing and staring at the splintered door. “...if that’s the case...we need to be damn careful. Hinata’s a jōnin, but also pregnant. Your wife’s a non-combat medic in the same boat with two kids. How the hell do we protect them without quitting our jobs to guard them day and night, and fortifying the houses?”
“...I don’t know. I will speak to Kakashi on the matter, as I’m sure Shisui has already begun. He may have more insight, and have help to offer. But I cannot assume what resources he would be willing - or able - to spare.”
The pair lapse back into silence, each lost in their thoughts. Anger slowly begins to boil in Sasuke’s blood. How dare they...how dare they come after his family...after all they’ve already been through? When will it end?!
“...for now, we’d best reconvene in the Hokage’s office. One of my squads will gather evidence in the meantime. And we’d best put the compound on lockdown. No one in or out.”
There’s sympathy in Itachi’s gaze through his mask. “...we’ll get through this. As always...we live to fight another day.”
...but how many more will we need?
     OOF. This one's posted before midnight (my time) - yay! And also is a little bit heavier than usual!      This is another canon-ish snippet from a major WIP fic of mine that I'll probably never actually finish. SH is a side pairing in it, with focus actually being on a few RPCs of mine. And the epilogue (having been planned before Boruto's creation) focuses instead on major conflict surrounding the Uchiha, and a faction called "New Root"...which, as we can see, is causing the tiny clan some major issues.      'Issues' being a rather light word for it.      Anywho, Itachi just might be on to something with his Root theory...which is actually a much bigger problem than their first assumptions of simple villagers being upset with his return (as well as Sasuke's) given their past behavior. Which leads to a lot of drama and tension down the road!      But, this is just a snippet for the challenge, ahaha - so that's where we'll have to leave it for now. But, either way, I hope you enjoyed reading, and thanks as always for stopping by!
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usratonkachi · 7 years
sasuke uchiha’s trajectory / a pro-sasuke meta.
Sasuke was more than just a rebel, spoiled and “whining emo kid” that wanted revenge, I can prove it.
Contains anti Konoha, shinobi system, Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, Danzou, Hiruzen, Tobirama, SS/SNS arguments, so if you're not ready to handle criticism against your favourite character or ship, don't even read it.
This is for people to think more deeply about Sasuke and his actions, so you don't have to fully agree. But I'm not open for critics or similar. I'm exposing what I think, what I saw and how I interpreted Sasuke's trajectory. If you strongly do not agree with or get offended by anything under the cut,  that's not my problem so you can complain over there, don't @ me.
However, if you have any real doubts, other valid arguments to add, or you just want to talk about what you just read / discuss about anything you politely disagree with, you can contact me here or here, or chat me on tumblr itself. I'm not changing my mind though.
Also, a big thank you to my friend who translated from pt-br for me because I’m too lazy. Love you, Konan. ♡
Here's where Sasuke starts being hated by the Naruto fanbase because it's when he stops acting according to what Konoha believes he's supposed to. But, before hating him, there's a lot of things to acknowledge about.
Sasuke always believed to be an avenger ever since the Uchiha massacre. Even when he began to blend in well on Team 7's dynamic, as soon as Itachi landed feet in Konoha again and he failed to defeat him, he came back to believe in such fact. Thus, he wanted to grow stronger.
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Not just for seeking to be stronger, Sasuke also feels like he doesn't belong to Konoha anymore. Sakura never understood the pain of having everything that matters the most taken away, Naruto never really had anything and Kakashi, the only one who could connect to him, only pushes him away.
Although what people think, Kakashi and Sasuke's relationship was deeper than it seemed. Kakashi was someone that made Sasuke feel safe and vehemently trained him for the Chuunin Exam. In a summary, Sasuke trusted Kakashi and had him as a mentor.
Instead of offering Sasuke the emotional support he needed, Kakashi basically fought him for using one of his jutsu against an ally even though Naruto had done it too and could just have killed him as well. Beyond that, he insults him multiple times and doesn't take his only goal seriously. He tied up the boy to a tree like he was some kind of animal, for God’s sake.
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You can read more about Sasuke and Kakashi’s relationship in this awesome analysis.
This is only the beginning of Konoha trying to make Sasuke feel guilty for everything he did and wanted to do, when actually all his hate and thirst for revenge was perfectly comprehensive, since he lost everything to the system he lives in.
1.2. SAKURA:
Besides comparing her pain of losing him with his pain of having his whole family murdered by his own brother, Sakura still blackmails him emotionally because it's all about what SHE wants, about what SHE feels. It only shows she doesn't really understand him.
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1.3. NARUTO:
Naruto, just like the rest, also doesn't get Sasuke's goals and motivations and tries to stop him from seeking power with Orochimaru, even if he has to "break his arms and legs".
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In a summary, the approach of these three didn’t work. Naruto thought he could handle everything with his fists, Sakura thought making it about her own feelings was a good idea, but their lack of maturity is understadable. However, Kakashi understating Sasuke’s pain, like he wasn’t allowed to feel that way because Kakashi himself didn’t (it’s not even the same situation lmao), only made it all worse and was a decisive reason for him to leave.
Besides what everyone thinks, Sasuke doesn't really allied himself to Orochimaru or condoned with his ideology like Anko or Kabuto. He didn't intend for him to possess his body, not before killing Itachi. He wanted to train and get strong.
To this point, Sasuke literally didn't do anything questionable. During training, he never killed anyone or acted as cold as he wanted people to think he was. That's why he says "I'll be merciless in front of him (Itachi)," because that's something he has to force himself to become, not something he is.
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One more proof Sasuke never shared Orochimaru's goals and, instead, used him as a way to obtain more power is his speech before "killing him", where he questions his goals and ways.
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After Orochimaru's "death", Sasuke frees all his prisoners and victims of his experiment, including Suigetsu, Juugo and Karin. In Juugo's case, he offered himself to be his "prison", stopping him from hurting even more people.
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In pursuit of Zabuza's sword, Sasuke prevents Suigetsu from killing just any person.
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This is a crucial point in Sasuke's history because it's where he finds out that the brother whom he always had the goal to kill in revenge actually did everything in order for him to stay alive and become a hero.
At this point, it's important to keep in mind that Sasuke accomplished his lifetime goal, the only thing he believed he was alive for. Many times he said he didn't care as to what happened with his life after that moment, so it is unimaginable the misery and emptiness that he felt. Pay close attention to the expression of his eyes.
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Not even the sight of another Uchiha alive took this expression of pure misery from his eyes. That’s how broken he was at this point.
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Obito took advantage of Sasuke's mental instability to pour over him all the truth about Itachi. At the minimal possibility of all the acknowledge about his brother and his entire life being a lie, he breaks down, literally blacks out.
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At this moment, there is a giant lack of critical sense from the fandom. Sasuke finds out that Itachi was coerced to do a mission to save his life at the behest of the Konoha leaders. So it's OBVIOUS that he couldn't return to Konoha after knowing the truth.
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Many think that, since he knew Itachi did everything for the Village (which wasn't exactly the truth because he'd feel doubtful before, but made his decision once Sasuke's life was threatened), Sasuke should, too. But instead, he hates who made Itachi suffer.
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Not only because of his brother, Sasuke hates Konoha for the way it treated his clan, with mistrustfulness and discrimination over one of the families that helped founding the Village.
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"Even in the middle of the most profound despair, his eyes reflect a single ray of hope"*. That summarises well how Sasuke felt without any perspective of life, but grabbed onto the first shadow of objective that was offered. Obito knew how to take advantage of Sasuke's misery.
*This is a sentence that is written on chapter’s 400 art cover but I couldn’t find it in English.
Recruited to Akatsuki and manipulated by Tobi, Sasuke made his first move directly against Konoha when he appeared at the Kages' reunion to face Danzou, one of the responsibles for his clan's genocide and Itachi's sacrifice.
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Sasuke's plan was to find Danzou and destroy him like part of revenge against Konoha, but Zetsu alerts the Kages about his presence in the place, which causes everyone to fight against him.
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From here on, Taka starts to question Sasuke's sanity multiple times because of the sudden change in his chakra. Gathering all the precious traumas, the guilt for Itachi's death and sacrifice and the hate over who made him go through it, he was on the edge of going mad.
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At this point, Sasuke doesn't put anything above his goals. Danzou confirms that Itachi's sacrifice was true and nothing else matters to him, so he kills Danzou and sacrifices Taka. After that, he realises Sakura's intention to kill him and strikes back, trying to kill her as well.
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Then Sakura tries to kill him once again, and once again he defends himself trying to kill her back. The same happens with Naruto and Kakashi. So psychologically unstable, he doesn't even care about his physical limitations and insists on keep on fighting blindly.
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We all know Sakura hesitated but Sasuke didn’t. His sight was troubled and she came from behind. He was defending himself.
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Tobi advising him to kill Karin:
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As much as Sasuke was reluctant because he wanted to be definitely full hatred, vulnerable regarding physical strength, he voluntarily decides to hear what Naruto has to say.
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Then Naruto starts the “because we’re friends” talk and Sasuke clearly feels kind of affected because he actually wants that bond so badly but he also wants justice for his brother and clan, about what he’s totally right.
In a summary, besides the declared intention to kill Karin after she was hit because of his shaken up sanity, Sasuke acted in self defense and in defense of his goals, what ended up not killing anyone.
Sasuke meets Itachi's edo tensei with still profound grudge over Konoha for what it did to his brother. He wanted answers from Itachi in order to confirm everything that was told by Tobi and Danzou.
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The closer to Itachi he feels, the more Sasuke hates Konoha and wants to revenge his brother for being forced to sacrifice himself.
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After confirming that Itachi's sacrifice for the village and himself was true, Sasuke falls into an internal conflict for not being certain of any concepts anymore; of a clan, a village, a shinobi, and even himself. To obtain answers, he resurrects Orochimaru to bring the Hokages back to life.
There is a lot of virtue and maturity in Sasuke's decision of understanding all the concepts through their stories. Patiently, he listens to Hashirama's version about everything to then come to a conclusion on what to do about his revenge and himself.
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Hashirama talks about his and Madara's trajectory, inwardly connected to the Village's concept, which he had helped found. And allied to the concept of a ninja village, he defined sacrifice as one of the methods to protect it, which Madara stated would drag the Village into darkness, what was clearly a reference to Itachi and the Uchiha's sacrifice, culminating into Sasuke's personal hell. In the end, Hashirama ends up taking the responsibility for this method being considerated valid to protect the Village.
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In front of all that, Sasuke, for now, decides to battle next to the Shinobi Alliance so that his brother's sacrifice wouldn't have been in vain. Next to Naruto and Sakura, he seals Kaguya and has an important part in the world's salvage. Without him, there would literally be no way to save it.
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Besides all of that, he still recognised the mistake he made on Karin and asked for her forgiveness.
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An addendum: SASUKE DID NOT TRY TO KILL SAKURA IN THIS MOMENT like a lot of people try to decontextualise. He put her in a GENJUTSU, the same way Itachi did to himself after the Uchiha's massacre. One more reenforcement to his attempt of cutting his ties with the previous Team 7.
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To this point, Sasuke comes to an obvious conclusion, but that requires extreme perspicacity from a 17 year old kid: Konoha's problem was its system. The failure that would allow sacrifices like Itachi's to happen was structural.
Even Orochimaru, when resurrected, acknowledges Sasuke's maturing.
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With that in mind, Sasuke decides to become a Hokage and lead a revolution that would change the shinobi system and would nip the world's evil in the bud.
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Sasuke's revolution consisted in following Itachi's steps, his great inspiration and influence, sacrificing himself to carry alone all the hate in the world. The intention of it was to unify the whole world and that only he would have to deal with the Villages' darkness.
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This new goal of him destroys every argument against him that paints him as someone egocentric and selfish. Everything Sasuke wished for was to deal with the darkness by himself in a way that there wouldn't be any more sacrifices like Itachi's or of children like himself and Naruto.
Therefore, as noble as his objectives were and as mature as they sounded for his age, Sasuke sins on the chosen ways to start his revolution (even though I wouldn’t mind if he killed the kages whereas all their war crimes). Still, it's comprehensive since he started using Itachi's example as a guide of his actions.
Sasuke then apologised for all the suffering he caused his friends, even though it wasn't really his fault. He felt so responsible for the bad events that he left on a redemption trip to see the world with his own eyes, proving his maturity once again.
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I want to start this section saying how much I despise for personal reasons (it’s explained at the end of this meta) canon adult Sasuke for what Kishimoto did to his character but I defend him anyway because he’s still hated for absolutely wrong reasons.
Apart from everything he went through previously, Sasuke was brainwashed accepted the position of shadow Hokage and started to protect Konoha even if the village never had redeemed itself for its crimes against his brother and clan.
He sacrificed almost an entire life next to his wife and daughter in favour of not only Konoha, but the world, since he was the only one who could track traces of Kaguya thanks to his Rinnegan. In the meantime, he saved the village again and again.
Sasuke is constantly judged for pointing out a sword in Sarada's direction on their first meeting, although there wasn't how he'd know that, out of all people, she would be there (thank you Naruto you’re so responsible, no wonder you’re such a good parent lmao) considering there were sharingan user clones walking around.
Anyhow, he saved his daughter when it was needed and searched for Sakura to guarantee her safety, even though he had defended that she would be fine since she was as strong as him and Naruto. Besides, he AGAIN helped saving everyone.
Sasuke was a child that had everything and lost it all in the most traumatising way possible to the person he loved the most, ordered by the Village he grew in. He saw his family BEING SLAUGHTERED thousands of times in Itachi's genjustu when he was just a kid.
He had his only goal ripped from him on his teen years when getting rid of the target of his revenge only to learn that he actually had sacrificed himself on HIS BEHALF, since his LIFE WAS THREATENED by the superiors responsible for Konoha.
Although being a completely traumatised child and psychologically shaken up, being manipulated by his brother first, then by many others who only wanted to take advantage of his abilities, Sasuke still became aware of the world enough to want to change it for the better.
The revolutionary ideals that conferred depth to the character and made him promising were devastated because antagonists are portrayed as "insane", "out of their minds", "dominated by hatred" so we'll think the revolution of systems is a crazy people thing.
Sasuke was a victim of the system that allows 13 year old children to kill their families in sacrifice of a "greater cause", like this kid and theret family weren't part of who deserved protection. If he had controversial actions, Konoha and its system are the ones to blame.
The real guilty ones are Tobirama, who SEGREGATED the Uchiha without a reason; Hiruzen, that didn't have any tact or pulse to deal with Danzou and the Uchiha; and Danzou, whose crimes I don't even have to mention because they're common sense. If you want to blame someone, these are the ones.
Even though the real guilty ones were previously mentioned, Sasuke was thrown in jail and still got scolded by the greatest Sixth Hokage, his said mentor, who told him to "try not to go mad again", like it was his fault for being traumatised thanks to the Village.
And that's why I hate the ending of my favourite character. It has nothing to do with some kind of ship like many may think (even though I’d much prefer him to end with someone who could really understand him), but because he was distorted to fit in a stupid and conformist narrative, when he had a marvellous potential as a character.
And as if it's not enough, he's hated and made fun of in the fanbase, even though he's the only one, among the kids, to really make sense, even with all the traumas he suffered. Even when he had proved not to be selfish, or dumb, nor egocentric or a terrible father or an abusive husband and etc.
Sasuke Uchiha did nothing wrong and I just proved it. If you, a possible anti who read it all the way here, still want to keep in the ignorance of hating the character based on his actions then that's on you. I've done my part. That's it. Now go love my baby cause he deserves it. ♡
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I couldn’t get to all of these opinions without help, so I’m recommending some important pro-Sasuke posts (besides the ones I already did during the post).
Sasuke changing the shinobi system thread. About adult Sasuke. Sasuke’s “crimes”. Sasuke’s protectiveness 1 and 2. Anti SasuSaku fandom. Naruto’s feelings for Sasuke. The Fucking Will Of Fire™. Why pro-Sasuke people are pro-Sasuke anyway? Anti-SNS. Sasuke’s guilt trip.
pt-br twitter thread / pt-br tumblr trans
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ryodan · 7 years
SasuNaru and the pinhole : part 2
This comes full circle in the Gara fight when Sasukes survivor guilt was shown on full display, with him stating he believes the only reason Itachi let him live was to be an avenger. Sakura comes in to take his attack and
1 thing I’d like to highlight, Sasuke throwing himself in front of them earlier was because he cared and it’s unlike his moral standard..and his last words would have been this
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But to willingly and consciously give up his revenge because the pain of losing someone dear is a great deal of character development and refutes any argument that he did not care about Sakura. Not to say he would not have done the same for Naruto, but Kishimoto chose her for a reason.
Naruto sees this and remembers Kakashis and Hakus quote about fighting for the people you love making you stronger and giving you a stronger resolve and he charges up on chakra
‘Sakura-chan wa orega mamoru!’
‘I’ll protect Sakura!’
And he fights Gara, and teaches him about the pain of suffering on your own, shouldering pain with your friends and protecting them..the whole concept behind the series
Itachi happens and ofc you know sasuke is conflicted, his resolve is awakened
Now, sasukes inferiority complex dates back to his childhood, and that is why he compares Itachi to Naruto, both of whom are people who had a strength sasuke thought was unattainable to him
His petty side did show throughout a lot of the series
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It was also shown on multiple occasions. Sasuke did not like Naruto catching up to him because it was another Itachi situation. Additionally Itachi dug salt into the wound by saying things like you are weak and I am not interested in you. The fact that he was interested in Naruto, who was getting stronger than him made his petty rise to like 5000 degrees, I don’t think anything that follows, or a lot of their ‘rivalry’ in part actually is justified. Their dynamic through this lens but not a single non sns fan ive met irl wasn’t annoyed by narutos constant bitching and sasukes constant petty side.
People also like to forget this happened
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When he was practicing he was thinking that he was completely useless in a situation where somebody he cared about a lot was in grave danger,  which again correlates to his past. This is also him feeling inferior to Naruto but Kishimoto put the smile thing intentionally, in fact he put in there when he woke up again indicating it was a mix of a little of things making him feel inferior.
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Since this is a post debunking most sns arguments ive ever been told to make ship this ship, I see people saying Sasuke cared more about Naruto than Itachi when he heard he was back. And while of course he did care a great deal, his best friend no matter how annoying their relationship is, is being targeted by the person who murdered his family in cold blood, of course he would not let shit like that happen again..but I feel like if anyone was viewing these scenes with an sns lens on it annoys me. The person who massacred a clan and made a child feel like he was not good enough to be slaughtered and that his own reason of living is to carry the moral burden of avenging his clan (no matter how great itachi is, that was the pov at the time for sasuke) was in town, sasuke was having flash backs all the way there and it was heavily sasuke x itachi related, in the worst of ways because of the torture. Naruto was like???? My friend??? Good, of course he’d be like that but the fact that some shippers see this arc as an sns arc pisses me off bc sasuke is not there to wank your fav as so many shippers in general see him..but this scene in particular makes me uncomfortable to think that people view the mental torture of this kid as a romantic arc bc he thought about his friends safety. Also, Naruto is a great friend I just wanted to say that tbh.  This scene is also interpreted wrong
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This is the first time Naruto realizes he should get over Sakura, and again is a scene that refutes any ‘naruto was the only one who mattered in team 7’..because of all Team 7 mattered.’she hugged him shes selfish’ ah nah youre just reading the scene out of your ass if you say so imo
‘naruto went crazy when sasuke was hurt so it means he love sasuke’
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Yes, ofc he does. He’s his best friend. It’s not romantic tho
To clarify : I don’t know id consider him to be in love with sakura? I always thougth it was a crush and he seemed to get over it so good on him, but the databook and certain chapters state otherwise? I don’t see at all imo but maybe it’s bc I am biased anti NS
Anywho, moving on to a scene that reprsents why I cant be fucked to pretend this relationship is healthy or that I can condone on it on a romantic level no matter how much I love the bond between them
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‘he woke up from trauma so,,,,’ if he was acting dick-y I’d understand. He’s 12 so I will defend him because a childs brain can barely handle any of what hes been through (I mean gaara) but he straight up almost killed Naruto for inferiority complex reasons
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Yeesh. What he actually says is めざわり, mezawari..the term the village described Naruto with all of his lonely childhood. Naruto jumps right back and says ‘you’re still weak’ after he witnessed the entire Itachi situation knowing full well that’s not something he should say right now. The went full out on each other knowing the other could die bc theyre petty? Sasuke goaded Naruto on so much the need to prove himself made him charge at him with full intensity to kill him. That’s a no from me. I mean that apple plate scene was crappy too, but in it’s intensity and relative to the situation I’m willing to let it :/ me
I understand the trauma aspect, but I don’t justify picking a death match with your friend bc they are getting better than you.
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They explain my stance better than I can
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Kakashi gets shit sometimes for this scene but I’d like to remind you that the Uchiha massacre was only a political problem in the series after the truth was revealed. Telling Sasuke to just let it go and share his pain instead was not the right way to go about it and Kakashi acknowledged that himself, it was not fair to the situation at hand but he did get through to him, so much so that sasuke went from shouting murderous statements to this, because Kakashi does understand the pain and guilt you feel when your loved ones are dead while you were helpless to help. Revenge is unhealthy…its even more unhealthy when it makes you take it out on people you love and end up hurting yourself more. I hear people say Kakashi and sakura are selfish for relating the situation to themselves, but so did Naruto and so would anyone. No one is that mother Theresa to not see situations as 2 sided.
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To go even further into this, there is a thing I see that’s like Naruto was the only one who understood him? Naruto was the only one who didn’t. In fact, self admitted it himself. He was very naïve and did not see the situation through sasukes point of view for a long time
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I give Sakura credit on this tbh
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After the FOD  Sakura was imo, the most in tune with sasuke
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Blah Blah blah confession happens, certain people call her selfish but she never made the revenge aspect about her
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Or people who say she didn’t understand his resolve, or that she was doing it bc she just wants him to stay is dumb. Both naruto and sakura did it for both sasuke and bc they want him to stay. They forget she said ‘are you going to isolate yourself again’ meaning no, she understood a lot of his psychological reasoning than she is given credit for.
Idk how this is selfish, or kakashi saying I lost people and learned revenge isn’t healthy is, when everyone is doing it for his benefit.  I think it’s the mistranslation. Some people also think she has never attempted to understand where he is coming from better.
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Or people who say its unhealthy bc ‘even if he cared, she didn’t know’ she did before and after
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The first battle in the final valley only happened when Naruto jumped sasuke and punched him, Sasuke wouldn’t have gone as low as killing someone unprovoked..had it been Sakura he would have also obtained mangekyo.
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He did power up using the pain he felt by the loss of their bonds, in fact the only time he ever thinks of them positively is them as a unit, he said it himself he thinks of them as family
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That’s when sasuke almost killed Naruto to obtain mangekyo. Now, let me say another misconception. Sasuke doesn’t kill Naruto bc he is the person closest or dearest to him, that was and consistently remained to be his family. Itachi said kill your best friend the term he used was もっとも and tomo
Not 親友 shinyu 友達,友人 so many words that can indicate dearest person but that wasn’t chosen, instead that was.
 The curse of hatred activates when losing a person very dear, and experiencing self hatred because you couldn’t do anything, Like sasuke when he awakened sharingan in the night of the massacre. To further it to mangekyo the common trope among uchihas was to kill your best friend, to power it up you experience more emotional pain, to make it permanent you implant another uchihas eye to your own and that erases the risk of blindness. All of this ofc means more emotional pain, and no one wants to rebuke narutos status as sasukes best friend their bond is tight bc of the loneliness they know. But none of team 7 are sasukes dearest atm, its his family, his resolve to leave to avenge his family is strong only furthered by Itachis manipulation and his curse of hatred making him feel even more survivors guilt. The main source of his power ups aside from kagatsuchi have always been his family, the love he had for them caused him the most emotional suffering. I recommend these videos they explain it better than I do.
There is ofc the emotional pain of killing a best friend , and its emotional pain of loss and regret that activates mangekyo anyways so when he gets a huge dose of it with Obito he awakens it and rapidly descends into the curse of hatred
Naruto wants to bring sasuke back bc he doesn’t want to see his friend hurt himself, and bc he wants his friend around coolio he even states sasuke is like a brother to him
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Again confirming the #nohomo
This is where the fight gets problematic, ‘sasuke was killing naruto bc hes his dearest person’ is easily refutable but whats not refutable is that he wasnt thinking that for a big part of their fight, which is why kishimoto could never get away with any sort of romantic context on this ship. People talk a lot about heteronormativity when it comes to SNS but this is a gross representation of a gay ship, I’ve had that told to me by multiple gay male friends
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Yeesh. And the smile is fucking over kill. Mind you, Naruto also has 0 explanation for this behavior so hes just getting beaten up by his friend who is saying ‘you being my best friend is all more the reason to kill you.’  
Thing Id like to add one that, and ill come to again..people say  naruto was the person who understood sasuke the most.. except that was towards the end..and he fully understood him by their final battle. If you remember me saying their bond is a concentration of the series themes, then this is not a surprise. You don’t need to know someones gut, nor experience what they experienced to share or understand their pain. As naruto learns more and more by every arc and experience, he understands sasuke more and by the end tries to communicate what he learned to him. The fact that it can only be Naruto was alluded to by Kakashi when he mentioned ‘the cycle that only ends by death’, then by pain mentioning the world being a cycle of hate, then by the prophecy and by the land of iron arc when Karin noticed sasuke and narutos double chakras and Naruto confirmed he is not fighting sasuke only in order to protect him when kiba accused him, hes the only one who can save sasuke and break the cycle. That’s why they communicate only through their fists, they are literally destined to it as they have indra and ashuras chakra within them.
This, does not mean Kakashi and Sakura did not understand sasuke. They got his motivations way more than Naruto did. 
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After the fight sasuke refuses to kill Naruto because he refuses to be like Itachi, confirmed himself in the first reunion
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Another sort of annoying thing the sns fandom does is devalue sakuras hard work, Naruto trained to get stronger, beat the akatsuki and bring sasuke back. Sakura trained to protect her  friends, better herself and bring sasuke back. Theres this stigma that because she ended up with a lot of peoples want to be fictional boyfriend that she must be selfish..naruto was willing to die with him!11!! K.
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‘just because she had the resolve doesn’t mean anything bc she didn’t do it’ No, but she did what she could to the best of her abilities, however its established the only one who can fight him is Naruto over and over again. If it were her trying, itd be a one sided massacre on his side, and talk no jutsu doesn’t work on him…the only way to break the damn cycle is the child of prophecy, although she was still able to affect him with just words. That’s why shes the only one he ever outwardly thanked , he appreciates her effort way more than some fans give her credit for.
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scenariosofkonoha · 8 years
What Was Left Behind
4 part mini Shisui story that I may or may not finish.
In the nighttime darkness of the Uchiha Compound, there was a quiet wind dancing through the streets, not bothering a single soul as it stole away the stale air and replaced it with new. Truthfully, there was no soul awake to be bothered by the gentle force as it made its rounds through the base. All were resting in the safe haven of deep slumber that took away some of the burdenous hours of their lives, allowing each and every being to recover from the weights that were brought upon them from their everyday routine. And while these treasured seconds passed, taking away the worries of others, new worries and burdens were placed upon two young souls, who already knew too much for their youth.
There, in a small apartment that belonged to one of the youngest jonin in the village, a brilliant, yet weakening kunoichi stood almost lifeless from the strain of her time in the village. There was much demanded of her, and in the beginning she took it all without a single thought, but days turned into months and as nothing ever seemed to get better, her spirit deteriorated. Now, as she slowly washed the crimson makings off her face, the same that had adorn her ancestor years ago, she did whatever she could to not think of what lie ahead of her in the next twelve hours. She was not afraid of what lie ahead. No, she was not one who was ever afraid; leary, yes, but never afraid. She had simply grown weary of taking on every single burden that the Hokage gave her without question, and that was what caused her reluctance.   
Wiping away the dark marks from her pale skin, she looked into the mirror of her lover’s bathroom, slightly frowning as she noticed the dark circles that surrounded her sharp red eyes. The months of taking mission after mission without anymore than a night of rest were wearing her thin, that was obvious simply by the way she carried herself. Her body was still strong; she never worried about her body, it was built to be strong, but as each mission passed and she lost more and more precious moments with those she cared for, her conscious seemed to wander further and further away from the constant missions she was assigned. Every time, it was something new, something that got her outside of the village and acted as a barrier to her from everything that was happening inside her home. That was the only reason he kept sending her out; she was already well aware of that.
Still, even with her being out of the village, the young kunoichi continuously thought of everything that was going on in her absence, and as the months passed, the lack of her presence became more and more prominent to the issue of resolution. She played an important part in what the outcome would end as, but at this point in the matter, her part seemed to have been made nonexistent by those who deemed her so critical in the past. The tables always seemed to turn and the truth and the lies mixed in together, making the end goal blur into a mixture of conflicting ideals of more than one person. She thought she saw it all, but even if she did, none of it fit together properly. Everything just seemed to cloud her mind, filling her with the wrong thoughts when she had only one goal in the end.
“Y/N…” a steady voice called out to the twenty two year old, slightly worried about her, but already well aware of the burden she felt.
Looking at him through the mirror, she gently hummed, questioning his call. Like him, she knew what he questioned, but it was just routine to ask, and in their ever changing lives, the small constant was greatly appreciated.
Slowly walking back behind her, the messy haired jonin placed his hands on either side of her slender frame and gently pulled her closer to him as he kissed her shoulder. Truly, it bothered him to see her like this, but he knew her position all too well; it was one he took part in too, so he shared the burden. Though, him sharing her burden didn’t help out on the weight each of them felt. In his opinion, they shouldn’t have to shoulder the mistakes that their ancestors made, but the prodigy already knew that wasn’t how the world worked, so he just tried to get her away from the thoughts. In a rather hushed tone, as if he feared others to be listening, the young man spoke to the girl who should have been so different from himself. “You know, you’re going to kill yourself if you keep thinking the way you are.”  he offered up calmly, showing a side of himself that few saw.
With a deep breath, the kunoichi kept looking into the mirror at herself and the one she loved more than life itself. “We both know that I have met the god of death too many times in the past for him to be surprised by my presence now. He more or less just looks upon me in woe these days.” she offered up, bringing to knowledge that she had seen too many perish in her short lifetime and that the one held onto her now had held onto her cooling body in the past.
Instantly thinking on the instances she spoke of, Shisui opened his eyes and gently shook his head that the thinking. ‘Course he had seen many deaths in his lifetime, and to a point he had become numb to it, yet there were three that still caused him agony, one of which involved the one he had a firm grip on that moment. It may have been years ago and it may have been only a close call, but still, her heart had stopped and he had been changed, so it still affected him now.
Guiding her away from the mirror and turning her around so that she faced him, Shisui placed his forehead against hers and stopped the morbid thinking before it got out of hand. “I know things like that need to be talked about, but if I only get you for one night, I don’t want tonight to be the time to talk about. They keep sending you away and if I only get six hours with you every two or three weeks, I don’t want those six hours to be filled with worry.” he stated, wanting nothing more than to just spend time with the girl he adored without having to speak of the burdens that both carried.
She frowned slightly, before nodding. There was a lot that needed to be talked about, too much in all honesty, but if he wanted to stay away from those subjects, than she would do the same; it was something they had grown to understand as a couple. Still, looking into those dark eyes of his, her frown continued, knowing that she would have to be leaving before the sun rose, leaving him again. Now, it wasn’t that Shisui didn’t go on missions; it was that he had asked the Hokage to stay inside the village and watch over the Uchiha clan and complete a surveillance mission, which destroyed her team and put a halt to any time she had with him when she was actually in the village.
This separation put a strain on her to tell the truth, but this strain wasn’t solely because she was romantically involved with the Uchiha. No, the white haired beauty had grown up next to the Uchiha despite the Elders opposing it. She had been on the same genin team and became the closest companion to the genius, so to be away from him for so long was like losing a part of herself.  And with him focused in on trying to maintain the peace between the Uchiha and the village, and the Hokage continuously sending her out of the village so that she would not get mixed up in that mess, she rarely saw Shisui anymore.
Yet there seemed to be a light coming closer and closer to what had to be the end of all this. Shisui had spoken to her of the plan to use Kotoamatsukami on Fugaku Uchiha to end the other’s plan of a coup d'etat and ensure peace for the village, and once that was done, there would be no need to worry of the Uchiha. Shisui had sworn to both her and the Hokage that the Uchiha would place the village as their number one priority despite what had happened in the past. It was the first step into making a peaceful future, and then if everything worked out as he had planned, Shisui promised her that he’d focus more on her, and if his family and her family were to join.
Then the Uchiha and the Senju would finally be at peace, for the granddaughter of Tobirama Senju to marry the son of Kagami Uchiha would be the final step to rid the bad blood between the two noble clans.
Gently taking on of  his hand, she absentmindedly traced the outline of his index finger as she admitted the truth. “I’m sorry, Shisui. The last couple of missions have just put their toll on me…” she trailed off, knowing that those weren’t the correct words, but that the one who held onto her knew what she spoke of. Allowing her head to fall from his, she just murmured words that made her seem weaker than the kunoichi she was. “It’s just, I’m tired of him sending me out of the village. I know that I can easily be used as a pawn, but I want peace for the village. I want what you want, and I don’t think Hiruzen knows that. He sees me as Tobirama’s granddaughter and he still thinks he sees the prejudice and worry in me that my grandfather had, but I see hope and peace for the future in ones like you and Itachi and Sasuke, and I just want to be back home with all of you…”        
Shisui heard her words, and though he agreed with most of it, he knew that the Hokage was right in keeping her away while all of this went down. It was still dangerous for one of the last living Senjus to be in the village during this, and if anything were to happened to her, Shisui wouldn’t have the slightest idea of what to do. The bond between his clan and hers was still broken, and she could easily be blamed and targeted. She were strong; Shisui never doubted that, but if his whole clan decided to blame her for a screw up in his plan, she’d be in danger, and that was something that he was not going to allow.
“Y/N, I know. I know that this is hurting you, and I’m sorry, but just give me one or two more weeks. I swear, when you come back after this last mission, I will make sure that coup was stopped and that the Uchiha are completely on Konoha’s side. And then it’ll be just you and me, okay?” the young shinobi offered up to his love, trying his best to work with what they were given.
Looking back at him, the Senju sighed slightly, still at a loss for why she was forced out of the village during this critical time period. “There’s just so much, Shisui, and I know I could cause everything to go perfectly or to hell, but why send me out of the village for almost three weeks when your plan is supposed to go into effect in two days? Why not just have me undercover, away from all Uchiha, until you complete your part, and then after that we would unite the two clans. It doesn’t have to be you and me getting married or anything yet, but just an alliance right after you finish your part, so there’s no time for things to fall apart.” she offered up, trying to do whatever she could in order not to leave the twenty one year old again.
Slightly laughing at her urgency, Shisui gave a small smile to her as he moved his hands away from her hips and held her face. “Shh, nothing will fall apart. You gotta give me time, Y/n. I know you want peace and to be back home, and that’s only going to happen after all this is finished out. We need to stop the coup d'etat first and once that is over with, we will have time to clear the bad blood. I’m not just going to drop everything marry you, because that’s going to right the wrongs of those before us. I’m going to marry you, because I love you, and I’m going to do it the right way and the way we deserve. It’s gonna be for us, not for our clans. Our ancestors screwed up, but just because they screwed up relationships between my family and yours, I’m not going to sacrifice what I think is right for us. I’m going to marry you, because of you, not because I want the village to recognize the Uchihas and the Senjus have reconciled.” Shisui proclaimed calmly, looking to her with a steady smile the entire time. He had all the determination in the world to marry the young woman, but he wanted to make sure that everyone knew that he married her because she was his everything, not because she was a Senju.
And then quickly breaking the silence with a quick chuckle, he rubbed his neck awkwardly, “Plus, I may or may not have misplaced my last payment and this mission isn’t paying for anything, so I don’t have any money until I figure out my bank passcode, so I can’t even get you a ring till I figure out that code…” he laughed out, doing whatever he could to try to bring a lightness back into the room.
Allowing a smile to come upon her face, she looked to him, still leary of what lie ahead. “Shisui, it’s not about that. It’s just…” she stopped herself in order to find the right words. “I don’t know if this plan will fall through and if it doesn’t, there’s not a doubt in my mind that Hiruzen and Danzo have another one in place, something that’s just going to harm others despite their pleas that it will protect the village.”
Almost immediately stopping his smile, Shisui narrowed his eyes at a single name that came from her mouth. He didn’t pay no attention to when she spoke to the Hokage, it was common thing, but when the leader of the Root got close to her, Shisui became watchful. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the kunoichi. No, it was never that, but Danzo was manipulative and lusted for power, and even with one like her who knew what was right and what was wrong, there was the slight possibility that he could get to her. “What did Danzo tell you?” he questioned her, evidently leary of the old man who had to be so close to his father before he had been murdered…
She just shrugged, not really paying attention to Shisui's suspicion. N one could blame Shisui for treating Danzo the way that he did; you can’t get away with killing a man’s parents and then lying about it without consequences. Danzo was despicable, it didn’t take a genius to see that, but somehow he stayed up in the top parts of the village’s hierarchy, and that caused even more issues between the new and old generations, especially with her and her lover. She was completely aware that Shisui didn’t want her anywhere close to Danzo, simply because of her heritage and how heavily involved she was with the Uchiha. It could have been a blueprint to disaster if it wasn’t handled correctly, and if Danzo ever got a chance to mess with anything, everything could come falling crashing down.
And so, the albino just tried to continue on. “The usual, he was just stirring up trouble where there should be no trouble.” she offered up, not really going into any detail of the conversation she held with the Elder.
“Y/N, what did he say?”
 A small sigh followed the repeated question. “It ridiculous, Shisui, don’t worry. He just thinks we’re just playing the Elders and that when we get a proper chance that we’re just going to turn on the village. He thinks that you’re more loyal to your clan than to the village and he thinks I’m more loyal to you than to the village, so he fears that the coup d'etat will still happen, and it will happen with both Uchiha and Senju blood. That’s what he fears more than anything, that Uchiha and Senju blood will mix, and when that happens, he will be nothing compared to it, and so he will do anything to make sure that doesn’t happen.” she offered up, reciting what her early meeting covered.
Instantly analyzing this, Shisui just shook his head before giving a statement that meant nothing more than to save the one he had to protect. “I don’t want you around him. I don’t care what the Elders want; I don’t want you around him. I need to protect you, and I can’t do that if Danzo gets to you. I know you are strong and that if you had to face him, you could fight him off, but please do not go around him without me there, Y/n. Promise me that?”
“Y/n. If he really doesn’t want our blood to mix, he will kill one of us. There’s not a single doubt in my mind that he won’t do that, so I do not want you anywhere near him. He’s power hungry and will do anything to remain on top, including killing his mentor’s grandchild and friend’s son. I’m not losing you again.” Shisui stated, holding onto her almost as if he were afraid to let go.   
Offering up a small smile in attempt to comfort him, she nodded to him, noting that it was probably one of his greatest fears in this world, to lose another by Danzo’s hand. “Don’t worry…” she murmured quietly before giving him a gentle kiss. Part of her didn’t particularly like that he thought there was a possibility that Danzo could overpower her, but she also recognized that Shisui had lost others to Danzo before, all who were stronger than he was, so he was still fearful of what may lie ahead in her future.
Quickly pulling her into his chest, the Uchiha kissed the top of her head before mumbling into her ear, “I love you more than anything. I swear, just give me time and I will make sure that our future will have a peaceful village and a reconciled family and blood that is mixed…” he whispered before gently pulling away in order to look at her in the eyes, confirming the validity to all his hopes.
“I will, and when I come home everything will be different, and then we can both work together again to make the future different.” the kunoichi agreed.
A small smile came upon the jonin’s face as he looked to his lover, knowing that as long as she was behind him, everything would work out. And so, he didn’t worry about what was going to happen after she left in upcoming hours, he just paid attention to few hours he had left before everything went into motion. Kissing like he would never again, Shisui Uchiha then whispered one final thing to her before they both stopped thinking completely. “I promise you, I will make sure our future will be one where we will never look back to what we left behind…”
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