#set in an au where Obito and Itachi are alive
theshadowrealmitself · 4 months
“Sasuke doesn’t get why I don’t hate him sometimes. Like, he sees the similarities between our situations, his brother being used as a pawn to kill their parents, and Obito, someone who could’ve been like a brother to me, being used as a pawn to kill my parents. And I get it, I see what he means, but I just can’t hate Obito.”
“I know he feels alone and he wants me to feel the same way so he’s not, but…”
“I thought about my parents a lot as a kid, who they were, if they just died accidentally or if I was abandoned, and then I found out I was a jinchuuriki. And, well,…there were times I didn’t even think I was actually human, didn’t think I actually had parents.”
“Sasuke…Sasuke spent so many years hating Itachi for what he did, but me? I didn’t even know there was somebody to blame.”
“…I thought maybe I was the one to blame.”
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mixelation · 11 months
Does Itachi still have his lung disease in the Reborn AU? Does Tori fix that since shes technically a medic? Or would Tsunade/Sakura be better for that?? (Does Tsunade even come back????)
i haven't thought about this a lot for reborn au, but usually for AUs where itachi stays in konoha, i go with "it's chronic but he has access to ongoing expert treatments/management so it's not going to kill him any time soon." as a person with multiple chronic illnesses, i don't like the idea that "taking a bunch of drugs just to stay alive" (or whatever obito called it) is like... bad or a last resort action. some people are just on medications for their entire lives, or they have to make specific life-style changes. it's not a big deal. i think adding this to a ninja setting makes the worldbuilding more realistic/interesting
anyway, i actually don't think i'll send tsunade back to konoha in this au, so it's probably like the difference between "sees a random doctor willing to talk to missing-nin/under genjutsu every once in a while" (what i imagine he was doing in canon) and "has a care team he can see regularly, and also konoha just has the best medics available, so they're able to diagnosis him and do wild chakra-based interventions."
i think tori's medical training is like... she already had some skills for her research, and so konoha was like "here, enroll in three years of training, we always need more medic-nin" and then she's in a constant battle with the hospital where she's trying to dodge shifts and occasionally gets put on completely rando missions just because she's technically a medic and they need one. (sometimes they call her in for weird chakra anomalies, which is actually relevant to her research, so she's like "oh neat!" and the hospital is like "FIX IT NOW" and she's like "...do i have to?") so she's probably gotten some itachi's-lung-specific training because she works with him frequently, so she could do an emergency intervention if he had a poorly timed flare-up, but most of the basic management is up to him
tori might be interested in doing research on his disease? but i wouldn't write a ".....and then she cured it!" narrative. it would be like "hey itachi i knocked out this allele in some mice and 30% of them developed respiratory problems compared to 0% of the control" and itachi is like ".....okay?"
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team7-headquarter · 2 years
A little guide for my personal use, but could come in handy to understand my Diamond Girls au:
This world is based on Naruto, manga/anime by Kishimoto. However, it's an alternative universe set on semi modern times, where even the best shinobi only holds a low reserve of chakra. Therefore, the characters are forced to rely more on their ninja like abilities and well, rely on guns and weapons.
Example A: the Susanoo technique allows the user to fortify their skin and clothes, along with giving them enhanced strength and speed, but it is not a giant spectral warrior who can cut down mountains in half.*
*No one in this au can take down a mountain.
Example B: the Byakugan have a time limit of usage that corresponds with the chakra reserves of the user AND it can't shut down completely chakra pathways. Although it can be used instead for strategies and tactics, as well as to wear down the enemy with heavier strikes to their systems.
Let's call the year the Konoha 12 were born the Point Zero or Year Zero (Y. 0) and count accordingly.
Minato became Hokage on year 3, did the shinobi system reformation on year 4 and died on year 8. The sannins reached the village on year 9. The Konoha 12 started their Academy phase on year 9 and became genins on year 16.
The main timeline starts on year 20, with the Konoha 12 getting reunited to train together for the Chunnin Exams.
Based on how old were they on year zero:
The Sannins were 35 years old.
Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo Shimura were 55 years old.
Sakumo Hatake was 38 years old (if he was still alive).
Fugaku Uchiha was 32 years old.
Mikoto Uchiha, Shibi Aburame, Hizashi Hyuga, Hiashi Hyuga and Rasa (Gaara's dad) were all 26 years old.
Most parents of the Konoha 12 were 22 years old: Minato, Kushina, Shikaku Nara, Chozo Akimichi, Inojin Yamanaka, Tsume Inuzuka, etc.
Except Kakashi, who was 14 years old.
Obito Uchiha, Rin Nohara, Asuma Sarutobi, Might Guy, Kurenai Yuhi, Anko Mitarashi and all of that generation were 16 years old.
Shishui Uchiha was 11 years old.
Itachi Uchiha was 7 years old.
The Konoha 12 were born that year or maximum 2 years prior.
Konohamaru would be born on year 4.
From ages 0 to 8, children are encourage to develop a sense of citizenship in the village. Those feelings should grow as the ideals who would made of them great shinobis. Around this time the clans would teach their children most of their traditions. They're not expected to understand/apply the knowledge yet. For civilian kids, these years are just school years and could be filled with the families teaching them a new profession, unless they desire to follow the shinobi path.
Minato created the new system intending so no more children were forced to go to war.
It favors the education of highly skilled shinobi and medic nins in order to decrease the death rates. It also favors adaptability and creativity, to avoid getting skillful shinobi stuck on a stiff team structure.
From ages 8 to 12, it's Academy I. On this period the children are taught the basics of the shinobi world. Their schedules still allows free afternoons and weekends for them to play or spend however they like. Most civilian kids leave on this stage when they realize they don't want to be shinobi. Also, this stage separates the kids in three secret categories: genius, average, special interests.
From ages 12 to 16, it's called Academy II or Field Academy. Here happens the heavy load, with simulated missions and full schedules. Here geniuses are tested to verify their ability to manage a real life challenge. If they pass, they'll go directly to anbu at 16. The average kids will be trained to become genins at 14 or maybe 15, ready to be assigned to the field. The special interest children (clan kids) get recommendations to join a special program as genins, where they'll have to balance missions with their continuing education.
Ages 16 to 20. Teenagers leave the Academy as genins sorted in the following categories: Far Above Average (FAA), Above Average (AA), Average (A), Slightly Below Average (SBA) or Below Average (BA).
⠀⠀⠀Based on this, there are 5 options as a genin:
1— ANBU / BLACK OPS: for FAA only. They become chunnin, not genin. Every FAA who wants this option must have passed their psychological examination.
2— GENERAL FORCES: mostly for A, SBA and BA. This genins are the common force behind most of the mission that reach Konoha. They go directly to work at the field, being either in D-rank mission outside Konoha or helping the village.
3— SPECIALIZATIONS: for all categories if they have recommendations. This is mostly for clan kids or genins interested in special areas like I&T. Like the general forces, they're assigned in groups of three members, but they take fewer missions and focus more on learning their roles in the village.
4— SUPPORT SYSTEM: for all categories. Similar to the specializations, this is for genins that want to work on an specific area in short-term programs. They help run most of Konoha, act as messengers and members of the administrative staff, etc.
After reaching 20 years old, any shinobi is competing within the system for promotions and higher ranks. There are different ways of becoming chunnin, not always having to pass the Chunnin Exams. Minato's reform helped raise the common age to take the exam to 18 and 20 years old. Only FAA take the exams or are promoted before that age.
5— SANNIN PROGRAMS OR OPERATIONS: open to all categories without recommendation. However, it's not compatible to any other category. Genins who join this option leave behind their clans and teams, since their loyalty must lay with the sannin and the new mates in the program/project. Not all genins can access them. They must past the test of the sannins or their subordinates in order to get accepted.
Every character in this au is slightly changed by the difference in experience on this world.
For example, Akatsuki is not as radicalized as in the manga, although they are working with one of the sannins to kill Hiruzen (wait and see!). Without Madara / the Zetzus to control them and with Yahiko still alive, they fight to bring peace to all nations. The morally greys.
Sakura met Chiyo during her specialization, when Sakura studied in Sunagakure for a year. The circumstances of their fight with Sasori where different. Chiyo didn't die and Sasori was taken back to a prison in Suna. The specifics in the fic.
Sasuke is more openly affectionate (barely) because his family is alive. What makes him more like his manga self is Fugaku treatment and the political context suffocating him. The Uchihas are the next clan to eliminate after the Senjus and the Uzumakis, a international complot with Danzo being the executioner of Konoha. There're other factors, like Akatsuki and the Sannins.
Kakashi is equally guilt ridden but at least Rin is alive. He focus on supporting her with her chronic illness condition, an aftermath of her being a jinchuriki and Kakashi's chidori, (here chidori is an attack to the nervous system capable of frying it in full force. Rin fell on a coma but Tsunade was able to "reboot her system"). Also Obito is Tobi, but not a puppet of Madara. He works with Akatsuki and later with Itachi and Jiraiya and other shinobis to clean Konoha's corruption.
On their Academy II era, Team 7 went to the Land of the Waves mission. Haku was saved. It happens that Itachi had read the mission specifications some time later after the team assignment and immediately sent Shisui to them when he realized the real danger they were in. With his speed, he was able to reach the bridge on time. Chidori affected Haku's nerve system, but his natural cold kekkei genkai allowed his body to enter a coma that could be stabilized with Sakura's knowledge of medical ninjutsu. At this point in time, Sakura had been taking spare lessons from Tsunade for 5 years. Shisui took Haku on emergency back to Konoha, where Tsunade took care of him, having experience with Rin. Haku was them basically adopted by Kurenai (an accident, really!).
And so on. The characters and dynamics won't be the same as in the manga/anime, because the circumstances are not the same either. Although I try to respect the bases of how they're written.
Most of the main conflicts are there, except for Kaguya and Madara. The real conflict is the political corruption of the hidden villages, responsible for the Uzumaki genocide and Minato and Kushina's deaths, for example. They want to eliminate the Uchihas for the same reason why they wanted the Uzumakis gone or the Senjus buried. Other things they don't like and want to erase: Akatsuki, Jiraiya and Tsunade; the first for helping Naruto on his journey to figure out the truth about his clan and parents, the second for pushing for the medical shinobis age and preaching that medics can overrule most shinobis at war.
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jesseevelann · 2 years
Some of the shitty AU's I've composed over the past year
Modern world single dad Obito au, where Obito works as a highschool teacher and struggles to win custody over the kid he and Rin had together.
Naruto and Sakura working with their adoptive father Obito in the Akatsuki behind the Hidden Leaf's back.
This ones a roller coaster - Obito returns to the Hidden Leaf after that mission, after getting help from Madara and the Zetsu, he returns to a normalish life after Madara passes. He becomes Jounin, and is even runner up for Hokage after Minato... but behind the village's back, he's working with Zetsu to complete most of the Infinite Tsukoyomi. He broke out of the manipulation years ago, but pretends go be under their thumb to complete his own plan for world peace. He helps Itachi kill their clan, and continues on with the nine tails attack and Akatsuki manipulation. He makes friends with village folk, and even helps Kakashi with team 7 as an honorary sensei. And on his missions, he slips away to the Akatsuki to keep a firm eye on what Pein and Nagato are doing. As a Jounin, he encounters the members of his organisation and is forced to fight them. As Tobi, he gets to see just how much his team has grown.
Modern setting teacher Obito au. Obito works at a big, slightly trashy highschool as a maths and history teacher, teaching his teammates in another universe, and giving detention slips to his enemies. A strict, cruel man... who works as an assassin when the school shuts.
Modern setting demon Obito au. A sacred, winged creature worth a lot of money dead or alive. Stuck in the world of mortals with no way home, he takes sanctuary anywhere he can. After being captured by a gang that called themselves the "Akatsuki", and his life threatened, he gives up hope. But the one watching over him, a thin blonde in his late teens, sets him free. Since that day, Obito has made a vow to return the favour.
Deidara, a young prince of the kingdom of Iwa, living his boring castle life. His personal servant, a much older man with glasses, being his only entertainment. Obito spends his days scrubbing floors and tidying up Deidara's room, and taking orders from the king and Deidara 24/7. Deidara never found out why such a fancy, an oddly sexy, man would be working as a servant, or why the others give Obito strange, almost terrified looks... but one fateful night, when Obito kills a bandit to save Deidara's life, all of his questions were answered
Shortly after Boruto's birth, Naruto and Hinata get a divorce. With split custody, Naruto raises Boruto on his own the best he can, with the help of his friends and family. Years after his split with Hinata, Naruto starts to notice something wrong with Boruto after he returns from Hinata's for the week. He's thinner, and ill looking. Panicked, he postpones several meetings to take Boruto to Sakura. Boruto had been starved, and even beaten. Naruto has enough, and enforces full custody of Boruto, knowing exactly why Hinata was doing it. A way to get back at him, and a continuation of the Hyuuga clan's traditions. In his moment of need, Kakashi steps up and takes care of Boruto in the day, and helps Naruto with everything he can. He moves in, and slowly falls in love. Naruto reciprocates, and Boruto gets a new mama.
Trans Sakura (mtf) and trans Sasuke (ftm) au
Obito is an ancient vampiric diety that is awakened by a snobby highschool kid, Deidara. A curse is unleashed as he is released, and Deidara has to spend his time hiding a vampire bound to his soul from his parents and friends
Sakura is an infamous murderer on the run, wanted dead or alive. Luring people in and taking there lives in a gruesome way. Slow, painful deaths, and horrible medical experiments. Sasuke, who sought her out, gets kidnapped. He begs for mercy, he only wants to join her. He wants to be with her, he wants to assist her. He wants to be hers. Reluctant, and untrusting. Sakura agrees. She takes Sasuke with her, and he only falls in love with her more watching her kill.
Trans Boruto au. Struggling to come to terms with who he is, and amongst all of the bullying for changing from a girl to a boy Boruto asks his father for help. Naruto sends him to Sakura, someone he knows will help Boruto through his transition without judgement. Sakura is transgender herself, afterall.
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drowningindango · 3 years
Gen Swap AU (masterpost)
This is an overview for the AU as a whole. (Will be updated if there are changes or additions.)
Setting: It’s not a complete “swap”, but actually just takes the entire Founder generation and moves them into the present. (There is the fun implication that the village was built by a warring states version of Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke instead, but shhhhh. That’s an entirely different story. We avoid all thoughts on who created Konoha here. Regardless of what happened in the past, Team 7 still exists as normal in their own time as well. Maybe they were reincarnated.)
The main focus is technically on Madara and Obito, but the world building is so fun to explore that everyone else gets to shine as well.
This is a happier timeline and most of the tragic events do not happen/happen differently.
In this AU, Mikoto is Tajima’s oldest daughter. That means, as Mikoto’s younger brothers, Madara and Izuna are directly related to Sasuke. They are his uncles and Tajima is Sasuke’s grandfather.
I might add Madara’s other siblings later, if I find the time to make the appropriate OCs. They are all alive.
Hashirama’s siblings are all alive too.
Genin teams:
Madara, Mito and Hashirama are in one team. Kushina is the jounin acting as their leader and teacher while they are genin.
Tobirama, Touka and Izuna are in one team.
Obviously the genin teams mentioned above grow into close friendships.
Butsuma and Tajima are cranky old men who meet up regularly to exchange gossip.
Madara and Gai are a duo of chaos that should not be left unsupervised. Equally enthusiastic to challenge each other.
Mikoto and Kushina are both alive and close friends.
Romantic relationships:
MadaObi: The whole AU was initially made for this ship. Obito and Madara have vaguely known each other since childhood. Obito starts a somewhat one sided rivalry that turns serious the more he grows in skill when he’s older and somewhere along the way they fall in love.
IzuTobi: They eventually become boyfriends and terrify everyone.
HashiMadaObiMito: The seeds for this polycule develop after Obito starts pursuing Madara. HashiMito is happily bullying their way into the relationship (and Obito’s pants).
HashiMito: High school sweethearts, if high school existed in this universe. Power couple with a strong libido. (Yes, this is relevant information because I say so.)
HashiMadaMito: Somewhat complicated. Madara was always kinda included in their relationship. Unofficial couple, but everyone just sees them and assumes they’re together from the way they act. In some versions of the AU they are a steady poly couple before Obito comes into the picture, in others they’re living in a limbo state where Madara himself is unsure if he is even a part of their relationship.
KakaRin: *holds them up like a potato* I just think they’re neat.
Other relationships:
Tajima used to be Uchiha clan head but eventually retired and gave up the role. Fugaku is his successor (and son-in-law), and Tajima never wastes a chance to throw snark at him. It’s his retirement hobby.
Obito eventually becomes Tajima’s son-in-law… and favourite son overall.
Touka and Izuna are rivals.
Mito will eventually teach Tenten in fūinjutsu.
Ages (at the time of Kakashi Gaiden*):
(*The AU covers multiple generations, I simply picked a point in time so you can compare the ages of relevant characters)
Tajima 43
Fugaku 30
Mikoto 25
Kushina 22
Minato 22
Madara 15
Obito 13
Kakashi 13
Rin 13
Yamato/Tenzou 9
Hashirama 15
Mito 15
Izuna 11
Tobirama 11
Touka 11
Itachi 3
(Sasuke will be born 2 years later)
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donotpercieveme123 · 3 years
I would kill for an AU where Madara uses the edo tensei to bring Izuna back after he leaves the village and the whole VotE thing. And instead of Obito pretending to be Madara it's Izuna. We never saw him use his Mangekyou so he could have the same abilities as Obito, and he wears the mask to hide the edo tensei cracks.
And he does things a lot differently. Like 99% of the nonsensical things obito gets up to he just doesn't. Like the nine tails incident. That was just genuinely an accident (and the tailed beasts are more so forces of nature, pure chakra, who aren't santient). And obviously the fucking massacre, he has absolutely no hand in that. Like he gets there too late, some of the eyes have already been stolen (danzo), so he just destroys all the remaining eyes as per clan rituals, and instead of going ape shit he buys his time and plans for absolutely destroying konoha ltr.
The whole thing with Mist too, and the Mizukage has nothing to do with him. But what he does do is set up footholds in all the great nations, like he really plans for a war if it comes down to it, like in Rain with the Akatsuki. Insurrection!
This also raises the opportunity to explore the politics, culture, and history of the other great nations. Like yes pls!! Also the 3 great ninja wars that were just never given any context in cannon.
The akatsuki don't just basically in fight and end up killing each other lol, and the edo tensei has a lot of limitations that it didn't in cannon. Like his army of reanimated corpses is a lot smaller, and they're weaker (like the edo tensei limits their abilities). And his white Zetsu army is also not that big. Like he has fewer pieces but he lays them smart. It would make for a much better war arc if we see actual warfare and if there's no insane power scaling right out of the blue.
Pain destroys Konoha like in cannon, but Naruto is not able to talk no jutsu his way out of this one. He dies bringing Madara back though, so the odds aren't insanely in their favour. Like imagine if pain was still around during the war...
Probably the biggest obstacle to this AU working would be having Itachi join the Akatsuki. Izuna would just not tolerate his presence. Or he wouldn't have while he was still alive, I feel like he's lived long enough that he's mellowed out a bit in the sense that he can put up with about anything if it helps meet his end goal.
So I think he wants him where he can watch him, and itachi becomes his double agent in the end. (He should have had far more complicated feelings towards Konoha, and in cannon he doesn't even report anything useful on the Akatsuki lmao so maybe it's not a stretch.) And if he's promised a perfect world I think he would support it. Like oh u can make world peace, don't tell me 'pacifist' Itachi would not eat that shit up. Like give me deranged Itachi absolutely haunted by guilt. I want to see him absolutely unhinged!
Also what if Danzo used Shisui's eye to push Itachi over the edge to do it. Like I can't imagine anyone being able to slaughter civilian infants in cold blood and justify it in any way, then still get treated like he's some martyr.
Izuna probably knows this, but he's still very much like u still wanted to do it to a large extent, sure u were a child, but children doing shit like that was just his experience too so he cuts him no slack about it lol. And besides, Itachi is sick and dying anyway, no point in trying to get rid of him in the end. (They're similar in strength but Izuna doesn't want to risk it either way, smart boi).
Oh and instead of putting everyone is a genjutsu so they can have constant wet dreams, it's more of an Infinite Kotoamatsukami where ppl still go about their lives but they just don't have free will in a few areas. Like overriding everyone's brains that ppl just can't hurt each other anymore. Also controlling the world leaders so they can implement his political system. Complete control, but they mean well. Like authoritarian communism lmao.
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momowho34 · 3 years
Time for another naruto au post that so long and complicated it might aswell be a fic in and of itself. Why am I like this :,) Naruto au where Itachi runs away from the village with Sasuke in tow and doesn’t leave him behind. Also Itachi is a little older then a teenager because it makes more sense. Buckle up this is a long one.
Itachi refuses to kill his family and runs to warn them but when he gets there everybody’s dead except for Sasuke, (who witnessed the whole thiNG OOPSY-) so he takes him and runs for their lives.
Itachi joins the akatsuki but uhhhhh now there’s a four year old tagging along and Itachi’s too scary for anybody to mention it.
Imagine the fluff and angst potential with the akatsuki oooooof there’s so much omg
At first they all think it’s super annoying but within like two days they would all gladly die for this kid. Seriously they were pretty sure their hearts were made of stone at this point but apparently not.
Kisame is surprisingly really good with kids, partly because he appears fairly calm on the outside without being too standoffish so Sasuke likes him best. Also Kisame could happily play peek-a-boo for the rest of his life he likes the small things
Kakazu is awful with kids but sasuke likes him anyway and he hates it (not really) Hidan.... really doesn’t know what to do. He’s never cared about another person in his life, okay? He kind of wants to kill the small child but he knows Itachi would steal his fucking knee caps and bury him at the bottom of the ocean so he doesn’t even mention it ever
Sasori is the mom when Itachi isn’t around. They would all feed him candy until he fucking died if Sasori didn’t stop that. Sasori is also the one to go “oh my GOD Deidara you can’t dare him to climb that mountain he could fall and hit his head no I don’t care about that deidaRA HE IS SEVEN YEARS OLD ITACHI IS GOING TO KILL YOU WHEN HE GETS HOME MARK MY WORDS—“
Tobi likes to blame all of his mistakes on Sasuke as a joke. Also they all teach Sasuke bits of their fighting styles so he becomes even more formidable and all of them are kind of freaked out by how quickly he masters their techniques
When he’s too young to tag along on missions he has to stay with Konan and Pain. He really values Konan because she’s really the only one of them who treats him like a person instead of a stupid child that needs protection.
“He costs too much,” Kakazu says. “He shouldn’t be here, what about how much it costs for him to stay with us” all while consistently finding room in the budget to get the kid anything and everything even though he’s fairly low maintenance to take care of
When Itachi arrives, everybody tries to disregard the rumors paired with Sasuke being there. Because of Itachi’s overall demeanor and Sasuke’s refusal to talk about it, they assume that he killed his family but didn’t kill his little brother for some reason
...And then Sasuke starts having nightmares. Like loud, screaming and crying in the middle of the night nightmares. Every time it happens, Itachi wakes up, calm and collected, and holds him until he falls asleep again. They all start having doubts about Itachi really killing his family.
Itachi doesn’t really hold a grudge against Konoha, but he didn’t see the whole family die like Sasuke did. Sasuke wants revenge, and he’s dead set on it.
Okay yeah but what abt the actual plot and stuff??? Don’t worry I’m there.
So a while later after that during Naruto’s three year journey (which he still takes with Jiraiya because he needs training to fight Orochimaru who is still a big threat btw) he meets this weird black haired kid staying at the same hotel he is.
Turns out they’ve both got caretakers who are absent (Jiraiya’s at a brothel somewhere and Kisame and Itachi are off killing some guy) which sucks so they bond over that and compare abilities and beat the shit out of eachother a little and develop a mini rival complex all of that but then
“Wow you’re so cool! You fight just like a ninja! You should come back with me!” Naruto laughs one day. Sasuke asks “Back to where?” And Naruto’s like “back to the leaf village of course! I’m a leaf village ninja, I’m out here training with my sensei! I forgot that I left my headband in the room, I can show it to you.” But Sasuke just gets really pale and runs off and Naruto doesn’t see him for the rest of the trip.
He thought he’d never see him again but then Sasuke gets separated from the Akatsuki members reeeaaaallly far away from their base and Konoha. As he’s trying to figure out what to do, a certain ninja crew happens to be in town. Naruto is like “omfg I know this kid!!!!!!!! Hey Sasuke!!!!! Hey Sasukeeeee!!!!!”
Sasuke is like o-o but then he starts to consider his options. If anybody figures out about his sharingan, he’s straight up fucked. His eyes are gone, he probably gets murdered. Naruto is like “what r u doing here????” And sasuke spins a fairly convincing story
He’s like “oh yeah and I know my way around this place so I can help you out could I maybe seek asylum in your village maybe??? I could be helpful” just so he can head in the general direction of Konoha and hopefully get closer to his base along the way.
So Kakashi begrudgingly agrees and Sasuke tries not to burn alive because he’s in the general proximity of leaf soldiers that he fucking hates and he will not grow attached to any of them at all no siree, not at all, no way!
Sasuke begins to grow close to them, of course. Sai and Sasuke do goth shenanigans and he fights with Naruto and tries to get Sakura to leave him alone (what is up with her why is she being so weird?)
Oh bonus angst: Tobi used to talk in his sleep sometimes, and at some point Sasuke drops “those who break the rules are scum, but those who leave their friends behind are worse then scum” casually and Kakashi almost has a full blown panic attack.
This is when he first realizes something is seriously up with this kid; and his first name sounds... familiar. His suspicions are just suspicions until they run into Orochimaru. Now Orochimaru could just out Sasuke as akatsuki, instead he plays with his feelings a little bit. He keeps saying things like “how does it feel to fight on the same side as your enemies for once?” And “have you forgotten already?” They defeat him without Sasuke revealing his sharingan but the jig is up in Kakashi’s mind.
Kakashi doesn’t quite connect the dots; but he’s almost there. Whoever this kid is, they’re coming back to the village for sure. It’s the safest thing to do. Meanwhile the Akatsuki are freaking out. Itachi is unhinged and almost grieving, they have no idea where Sasuke could be. The team is out in full force; including Tobi
And you know, Obito doesn’t care. He shouldn’t care, nothing matters in this false reality. It just doesn’t. Tobi might have given a shit about Sasuke, but Tobi isn’t real. He’s just a front, Tobi doesn’t exist. So why is he looking so hard for this stupid kid that he shouldn’t give a shit about? Obito convinces himself it’s just a front, it’s just part of Tobi’s act, but it’s not. What’s happening to him? Why is starting to feel things now, so deep into the plan?
Annnnnndddd that’s as far as I got with it lmao. That’s still pretty fucking far tho
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nyasukee · 4 years
about my au ^^
this is just a bunch of headcanons goodngijth
the uchiha clan
because i think them living together as a big family is really, really funny to me.
they’re all alive and well, even Indra. Though, he’s the relative that rarely ever shows up or lives with them because.. why would he. Instead, everyone has to deal with grandpa Madara. 
In this au, the uchihas run a restaurant instead of being military police. because fuck Tobirama <3 *side note, the Senjus run a store directly in front of them so .. local beef. 
Sasuke started working there when he was 11, just helping out by cleaning and such. He met Obito through there and to this day he regrets ever finding out Obito is his cousin. He’s embarrassing. Obito’s the type of relative to tell embarrassing stories to strangers. Sasuke tried fighting him over it but Itachi was there so there wasn’t much he could do.
The only uchiha that can’t cook is Sasuke. So he’s usually on dish washer duty LMAO. No matter how many times Itachi tells him the measurements this boy will eyeball it because he think’s he can do better. 
Madara, Izuna and Obito all live together, much to Obito’s expense. there isn’t a day where Obito doesn’t wish Madara would die in his sleep.
Itachi and Sasuke both used to live with their parents until,, an accident occurred that got them both killed. by then, Itachi was still 17 and with Sasuke being 12, they had to move in with Shisui, he didn’t mind it that much though ^^
Though, Shisui lives near Madara and them so they had to deal with his bullshit as well. Every year or so, during the holidays Itachi, Sasuke and Shisui were all invited over to Madara’s house. They never want to go there because Madara always finds creative ways to ruin everyone’s day.
The only pro about Madara is that he’ll willingly give you his ID and credit card and make you buy booze for him. Sasuke and Obito usually just spend his money on random shit. Madara knows and only punishes Obito. 
When the time came and Itachi had to move out for college, because of what he wanted to pursue, he couldn’t go to the school Shisui went too. Instead, he attended the same one as Obito. 
college // Itadei 
it’s literally just Itadei. the main focus of this au lmfaooo.
Before Itachi became Deidara’s roommate, he was paired up with Sasori. Due to them being in the same major it sort of made sense? They didn’t co-exist well though, they usually got into arguments over petty shit because, Deidara is very very petty. Though, they’re always seen together so nobody can tell if they’re friends or not??? 
The only reason why Sasori left is because he graduated early. Which left a vacant space for him. At first, Deidara didn’t mind. It was finally quiet... too quiet. He lowkey missed the bickering and things were getting boring so he set out to look for a roommate. Which didn’t exactly work out in his favor so for a while he had to live alone.
Eventually, the same thing happened to Itachi, his roommate ended up leaving because they wanted to live off campus which left an empty space. 
not getting into logistics, but they ended up becoming roommates with each other. which, was hell.
Deidara is 19. He’s literally fresh out of high school and still has most of his bad habits from then. He’s loud, messy, unorganized, stays up all night blasting music, spends all his money on food, has terrible eating habits because he’s an art student. He’s the typical college kid who’s in debt lmao.
Itachi was much more mature. He was an excellent student, always on time, always got his work done in a timely manner, he was neat and clean, never caused problems, was somewhat popular with the people there even if he didn’t talk much. To Deidara, Itachi seemed so arrogant. So obviously he didn’t like him, which caused Deidara to pick small arguments with him over little stuff. It was honestly just a little bit of jealousy.
Itachi doesn’t entertain shit like that so he didn’t even bother arguing back with him which set off Deidara even more lmaooo. Itachi thought he was annoying though, which it’s arguably hard to annoy Itachi like that so.... laughsj
Anyywayyy, after a while the two got used to each others presence and after a certain night where they started to drink together. they spent some time talking with each other and ever since that night, they’ve gotten closer. yes, Deidara is technically under drinking age but does he really care??? not really. Itachi advised him not too but who is he to tell Deidara what he can and cannot do???
Itachi ended up becoming really helpful for Deidara, doing little things for him like, cooking so he doesn’t have to eat out so much, taking small responsibilities off of Deidara’s shoulders so he has more time to work on his projects. 
Deidara realized what he was doing and wanted to do something back in return?? Now, Dei isn’t always the best person to talk too, since he’s young lol.. but He’s a good listener and comforter. If he sees that Itachi is having some problems, he doesn’t force him to tell him about it, instead he sits by his side with a hand on his back which just means “whatever it may be, I’ll be here for you.” Itachi greatly appreciates this, much more than spilling out his feelings just like that.
Eventually, this lead to an on and off relationship between the two. Only because both were extremely busy and Deidara has... uh commitment issues and commitment scares him. Itachi understands, he knows Dei’s feelings towards him are genuine and is more than willing to wait until Dei is ready to be more serious. 
Despite their relationship being more relaxed, the two don't actively seek out other people. They both have something the other needs.
i’ll add stuff about the other characters, cough konoha 11 and the rest of the akatsuki cough, later because this au is still a major wip... and was created impusively. 
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frankencanon · 4 years
uchiha kakashi?
early on in the wave mission, when sasuke first finds out kakashi has a sharingan, his reaction makes it sound like for a second he actually thought kakashi might be an uchiha
and now i can't stop thinking about an au where sakumo was in a secret relationship with an uchiha branch member and when she got pregnant they begged the sandaime to send them on a fake mission so she could give birth in secret
but she ended up dying in childbirth and so sakumo brought the child (kakashi) home by himself
and because sakumo died when kakashi was still very young and sakumo was still very much in mourning and couldn't bring himself to speak of her to kakashi, he ended up dying before ever getting around to telling kakashi
and so kakashi had no knowledge whatsoever about his mother, much less that she was an uchiha
and so during the mission when obito unlocks his sharingan kakashi ends up unlocking his too and obito is just like WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU KIDDING ME
but he still loses his eye (maybe before he unlocks it?) and so when obito dies (or does he die?) he offers his to kakashi so it's "a complete set"
or maybe kakashi's unlocking the sharingan makes up for his missing eye (or maybe he doesn't lose it in the first place?) and so obito doesn't have to push him outta the way in the first place and so they all get outta the bridge mission alive
would kakashi have to hide his sharingan? would he try to keep it a secret from the uchiha clan or would they find out about it and try to forcibly induct him into the clan? found family trope anyone????
if obito dies and kakashi gets obito's eye would kakashi be able to deactivate it? if he can't, would it be a constant drain on his chakra or would he be fine leaving it uncovered?
if he gets the mangekyou would he have two different ones then? would they each have a different ability?
speaking of, what would kakashi's unique ability be?
how would him being an uchiha affect him and sasuke's relationship? if kakashi was adopted into the clan? would he have survived the massacre? would the massacre have happened? what if obito and him both survived AND he was inducted into the clan?
would he survive the massacre? would it take place when he was away on a mission? or would he and itachi be assigned the mission together and both become missing-nin?
if obito survived the bridge mission, would he survive the massacre?
how would his and sasuke's relationship be different if he kept his identity as an uchiha secret? and sasuke eventually found out?
what if obito lived and he talked his grandmother into adopting kakashi? and they both became brothers?
what if obito didn't survive and his grandmother took kakashi in afterward anyway since they were close and he was an orphan and she had just lost her child and and and
what if what if what if?
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
Regarding the ask you got about the Itachi post, I’m noticing this trend specifically in the Naruto fandom where canon facts are completely disregarded as never happening. Obito referred to Izumi as Itachi’s lover. Like, in the Japanese audio. It’s canon. And that’s not something the Japanese language uses lightly, he wouldn’t have called them lovers if they weren’t together. People don’t have to like it but to act like that wasn’t established fact ... buffoonery. You didn’t do anything wrong.
Thank you nonny. 🥺
I just kind of brush that stuff off. I know people don’t like that it was something, but people can not like it just like you said and it won't change anything. 😬
It was something I felt I wanted to put into my writing... it’s not the first thing I’ve written where I’ve talked about Izumi and Itachi. I did a whole scenario on him being in an arranged marriage with her set up by his parents in another AU where they were alive and he was Hokage that did very well. 😂
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In today’s thoughts: Naruto setting up a temporary restaurant for a festival, it was supposed to be a stall but he went overboard, like seriously overboard it looks and acts as a permanent restaurant
And!! It’s frog themed!! (Iruka helped him find a lot of the decor)
Anyways, thinking about Sasuke, Itachi, and Obito coming in to eat (it’s my au, I decide who’s alive), bringing along a huge ugly-cute frog plushie for Naruto that they won from one of the stalls
Naruto, of course, loves it and excitedly puts it up on its own pedestal thing where it blends perfectly with all the other frog decor and he calls it “frog king” while Sasuke points out that “this is way too much effort for just a stall, dobe”
And at some point, Jiraiya stops by, gets into a joking argument with Naruto over whether it’s a frog plushie or a toad plushie, agrees with him that whatever it is, it’s a king, and makes it a lil crown while Naruto cooks
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nonbinarysasukes · 5 years
hokage!kushina au
minato rejected being hokage bc he knew his fiance had always wanted it, and bc he knew she had better leadership skills, so he recommended her for the post instead. and when the new hokage was announced as kushina uzumaki, kushina didn’t cry (minato did though). she squealed and hugged minato, then calmed herself down saying, “a hokage has to be cool and composed-ttebane!”
because of kushina’s smart thinking to put mikoto and fugaku on watch while she’s birthing, kurama is held back and sealed into her once more after naruto is born. minato and kushina raise their son into a wonderful (gay) boy. kushina and her bff mikoto find out abt danzo and have him sentenced to death. the members of root, including the children, are freed. 
kushina also abolishes the shitty team setup of “two boys one girl” and starts failing the incompetent boys and passing more girls instead. women’s rights in konoha have never been this good. more than half the anbu is now the women who never got a chance to fight bc of konoha’s elitist system. mikoto is promoted to captain like she should have been so many years ago.
kushina outlaws the hyuuga branch system to much outrage which thankfully calms down soon enough. hinata is never kidnapped bc konoha’s guards aren’t negligent. as a result, hizashi never dies, and he and neji are treated fairly. neji, hinata and hanabi grow up like siblings. hinata grows out of her stuttering habit and becomes a calm, mature young ninja. hanabi is the same bright, talented firework who goes on to lead the hyuuga. neji settles down with lee and gaara as an anbu of konoha many years later.
team gai remains the same, with their wholesome dynamic. neji plays along with lee’s rivalry, all the while hiding his huge crush on lee. tenten just smirks at them the whole time.
tenten gets to study under kushina - surprisingly the uzumaki clan also has a history of weapons. tenten falls in love immediately. she and temari draw in the chuunin exams and tenten gets enough courage to ask her out. they get married after steadily dating for five years straight. temari is the kazekage, so they get to meet on political missions (which end up being just makeout sessions but no one needs to know)
team 8 have kurenai sensei, as usual. she’s not with asuma bc he’s a creep but dates shizune instead. kibahinashino is a thing ok?! hinata is the team leader no questions asked. kiba and shino work amazingly well with her and they all lead feminist rallies together. kurenai has fun with her kids.
anko gets actual. fucking. therapy. kushina lets her nuke oro***maru herself. jiraiya is given a proper dressing-down for his perverted and irresponsible behavior and reforms himself. he takes an active interest in helping orphans and starts tons of orphanages. tsunade returns to konoha eventually and is also given a right scolding by rin and kushina. shizune joins in too.
kakashi, who moved in with kushina and minato not long after obito’s “death”, grows up as naruto’s big bro/uncle of sorts. rin grows to become a strong medic-nin, even learning from tsunade, and is easily able to fight off her kidnappers with a few punches, thus staying alive. obito never finds rin’s body and soon realises madara’s intents, managing to kill him while he’s asleep and running home to konoha where he reunites with his team. obito is fully pardoned by kushina, who gives him a huge hug as she announces his pardoning. minato cries.
there’s no uchiha coup bc they saved the whole damn village and are now respected and well loved. the uchihas also show their warmer side to konoha, which endears them further. fugaku retires from ninja work bc he’s Stressed TM and becomes a househusband. mikoto’s cool enough for both of them anyway, he reasons.
kakashi retires from ninja-ing at 20 and starts dating gai, whom obito sets him up with. rin and obito become the closest of friends but never get together bc obito gets over his puppy crush and rin’s aro. yamato adopts shin and sai, and obito and yamato start dating. 
naruto, sasuke and sakura are still put on the same team with yamato as a sensei, but naruto and sasuke grow up as really close friends. sakura never has a rivalry with ino bc sasuke’s always goofing around with naruto and doesn’t come off as ‘cool’ and ‘crushable’ - though he does grow into his coolness later lmao - and sakura later starts dating ino. (sasuke and naruto and sai set them up.)
team 7 are the BEST of friends, and when sai is added to the team (having had to undergo therapy to reverse root’s brainwashing) he fits in perfectly. he and sasuke have fun making dick jokes. naruto and sakura just face-palm at the two.
naruto’s still a bit of a goof and quite awkward, but he doesn’t have such a problem with chakra as he used to. he’s also talented with sealing, having been taught by kushina personally! he’s all-round average as he doesn’t have much stamina, but a brave shinobi. when he is fourteen he’s made the jinchuriki in an official ceremony.
sasuke pretends he can control naruto through his sharingan and scares him for nearly a month before revealing he’s joking. naruto was so mad (esp bc kushina and minato played along, like of COURSE)
sakura learns from rin rather than tsunade, who turns out to be a wayyyy better role model. she learns a lot about being a medic-nin and even develops her own style of taijutsu - blossom fist, which relies on strong and super-fast attacks by focusing on making the chakra overflow in an opponent’s bones, essentially breaking them. sakura also spends a lot of time with sasuke, both training their genjutsu together.
sasuke awakens his sharingan when he is twelve and itachi comes home half-dead from a mission. he turns out to be extremely talented with the doujutsu, perhaps more so than any member of his clan. itachi teaches him swordplay as well. sasuke also hones his lightning ability and, having never relied on the mangekyou, becomes a master of the regular ability of the sharingan. he receives training from kakashi and becomes almost as good a copy-nin as him.
tenten becomes hokage soon after kushina. sakura is her right-hand. sasuke and naruto are joint anbu captains (minato and fugaku are so proud). kushina officiates sakura and ino’s wedding. everyone’s actually happy.
kushina is regarded as konoha’s strongest hokage until tenten. she and tenten are considered to be on the same level. they’re even called “the twin queens” across the five shinobi countries.
anyway thank you for coming to my ted talk lol ik this got long but i wanted everyone and sadly i couldn’t have the akatsuki and everybody bc let’s be real how much can i type? i might put it in a part 2 tho!
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avenger-hawk · 5 years
Hello, it's me again. Thank you for answering my last question, I really apprecite how you give an elaborated answer, thoroughly explaining your point of view. My next question for you: is there any other character (or characters) that you would have like to see Sasuke interacting with, but in cannon he had very little contact or no contact at all? Why?
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Hello again, and thanks for coming by~
This is a cool question, there isn’t just one character I’d have liked to see Sasuke interacting with more, mostly because I really love Sasuke’s interactions with almost anyone, some superficial fans see him as smug and arrogant or always brooding and ‘emo’ but to me he’s neither. He’s just aloof and usually lost in his own thoughts, and uninterested to most things with no problem in saying it, but when he is interested in something or someone he has his own cute way of showing it. But let me start with the list of characters. 
Both are very smart but in different ways. Both are observant and strategic. Both are usually lost in their own thoughts, one in contemplation of clouds and stuff, the other lost in memories and plans and considerations. Both are familiar with revenge, although one has been condemned and the other not at all. At his best Shikamaru is open-minded, as shown in the way he never had prejudices against N*ruto as a kid. I think in a post-ending setting he might be one of the first to actually talk to him because he knows how it feels to want revenge above everything, among all things, so he shouldn’t be one of those who judge him. At his worst, Shikamaru’s individuality has been brainwashed by Konoha like everyone else, so he might keep an eye on him cause he doesn’t trust him. Which means darker interactions and possibilities. Also his shadow jutsu is an interesting one in this setting. 
Sasuke loves animals. Kiba has a dog, actually Kiba is a sort of dog as well lol. He’s similar to N*ruto because of his assertive, loud, enthusiastic attitude but he’s less flashed out ofc, and he lacks N*ruto’s possessive, imposing and generally negative traits. Like I said here Akamaru would sense Sasuke’s kind soul and Kiba would follow his best friend’s ‘advice’. Sasuke would get along with Akamaru and Kiba would talk to him, Sasuke would not be talkative at all but he’d pet Akamaru a lot. Their interactions would be kinda like NS but healthier? But lol the word itself sounds so boring. Cuter sounds better. Also, Kiba being ‘beastlike’ in certain ways, and Sasuke being passive means possibility for dark imagery.
I’m really disappointed that except for fighting in the beginning they didn’t really interact in canon because Sai is his replacement…and tbh Team Yamato was much better, as a team, than Team7. Anyway. Sai and Sasuke have something in common: they both were loved and protected by their big brothers, who died, sacrificing themselves for them, in a way or another. It’s a lot in common, actually. I wrote a scene about this in my fic In Power We Entrust The Love Advocated. Both are blunt, but in a different way. Sasuke knows what he’s saying and why, if he steps over social norms it’s because he doesn’t care. Sai ignores social norms, he’s without filter and awkward, and he tries to learn with sometimes terrible results. Their interactions would be awkward and weird at first. Sai was Danzo’s subordinate, this would make Sasuke wary of him; but also, Sai was Danzo’s slave, he had no choice in this. Almost like Itachi. Sasuke would understand this very well. Also, my personal headcanon is that since Danzo formed Root after the massacre, he told Itachi’s story to those shinobi, both to teach them that shinobi must carry on every mission assigned no matter what, and to teach them that emotions are a bad thing. Sai would more or less know about Itachi and he would tell Sasuke, in a way that didn’t judge, but that instead admired him. And Sasuke would appreciate. Their interactions would be more relaxed then, but still there would be weird comments on Sai’s side.
I don’t ship them and I don’t care much about her but her desperate cry when he was sentenced to death impressed me very much. It doesn’t just show a girl’s crush, it shows real empathy and compassion for the destiny of a person she once had a crush on. Cause she did move on when she first got interested in Sai imo, like normal people do btw. So it would be cute to see a girl interact with him for real, with no secret agenda or smth. 
What a wasted potential their relationship was…in pt1 creepy monster Gaara was interested in him, before N*ruto took over. In pt2 Gaara acts like the Kazekage with a desperate broken Sasuke attacking their meeting, but he also sheds a tear for him. Gaara was really saved cause he was a monster. Sasuke isn’t and was never one, and he didn’t need to be saved but the narration pushes that direction. Gaara was interested in Sasuke’s fate in ep479, I think he would not judge him (his official Kazekage position aside) and he would like to bond with him somehow. Sasuke admires strength and Gaara is very strong, so he would not ignore him. And Sasuke talks about politics as well. Gaara would listen and talk as well. And he would stare at him a lot. But I wrote about this already. Besides there’s a lot of dark potential as well. Because imo it’s interesting to think that there’s still some darkness in his heart and somehow he’d let it out with a passive masochistic Sasuke who feels like he needs to atone for his sins. 
He was Itachi’s partner, he knows a lot about Itachi because he’s observant, and Sasuke is the one who killed his partner. He was snarky about it with Obito and Sasuke himself but I (like to) think that he was feeling something, like resentment, towards Sasuke for killing Itachi. After all, no matter his reasons, he sure preferred Itachi. I also like to think that during the time Sasuke and Team Taka stayed in Obito’s hideout as Akatsuki members, he made no mystery of the truth about Itachi, and I like to think that he asked Kisame about his brother. (which kinda opens to the dark stuff cause Kisame being angry at him because he killed Itachi…you got it)
I find him very interesting despite disagreeing with his politics, and I really liked his interactions with Sasuke, especially the way he first insulted his clan and rudely talked to him, but then he tried to protect him against Madara. And I liked how Sasuke humbly, pragmatically and with an open mind he listened to him without letting his feelings get in the way, without getting offended. I would have liked to fight together more, and to see him protecting him more actively, not being blocked by those black sticks. And I would have liked him to openly praise Sasuke and his abilities like he did in his mind.
I’ll forever be salty at how their interactions were little and not emotionally charged at all. I mean Sasuke is the last Uchiha alive and Madara was another founder, the former head of the clan…I get that he was fighting a war and I know he did show interest in Sasuke’s eyes (and he acknowledged the pain he felt to obtain them) and he did try to get him on his side, and I get that Sasuke was all hyped up to protect the village because Itachi, but still. Like, Madara’s plan was to create a new world, he could have told Sasuke, he could have told him that Itachi would have been there, since his allies Obito and Kabuto were defeated or being defeated. Ugh.
my madasasu tag. my madasasu edits and meta.
Orochimaru (&Kabuto)
I like all part2 interactions between them, and I really like the way they became after Orochimaru was brought back, but I’m also interested in their interactions in Otogakure, the way he trained Sasuke, the forbidden substances he got him to take, the forbidden jutsu he taught him and the forbidden things they required to be done (think whatever here lol). The way he trained Sasuke to take poisons and not be affected, I’m sure they were all painful and hard things to bear, and I’m sure than in part of them he was strapped to a table, and others he was really really exhausted and badly injured, after. Not to mention the way Orochimaru talked to him, how he manipulated him using Itachi and his weakness compared to him, how he was ‘kind’ to him in his creepy way. All the things Sasuke had to witness beside him and how he decided to free the prisoners, and Team Taka ofc. Speaking of which.
Team Taka
They did have a lot of interactions but I wanted more both pre ending and post ending. How Sasuke first met them, how he decided they were the ones he needed. Their travels, their conversations, their nightmares, their bonding moments. 
Sasuke and Karin’s conversations. Both suffered great trauma, both lost their families.
Juugo being protective and loyal over Sasuke but also! his dark side coming out against him and Sasuke welcoming it and becoming his cage, but kinda getting hurt in the process.
Suigetsu admiring Sasuke and wanting to be noticed by him but being obnoxious and mischievous. And kinda sadistic. And Sasuke being ok with it cause he’s passive. 
Special mentions, in and out of canon:
I really loved their fight, the strategy, the contrast between their personalities. I like that both have an inferiority complex, especially towards Itachi, and they both worked hard to get stronger, but they act differently. Deidara is loud and apparently messy and he loudly brags his art and abilities, Sasuke is silent and calm and uninterested but he is proud of his achievements, as shown when he explains Deidara what he did and he points out that it’s chidori, not raikiri. His version of the jutsu. Other things in common? They’re both reckless with their bodies when it comes to achieve their goal. I’d love an AU where they interact, like my Akatsuki AU. It’s kinda like NS in a way. also.
They spent a lot of time together in canon but it’s not shown. It’s some of my canon behind the screen thingies, and I’d love to see any interactions between them. Obito knows the truth about Itachi, he knows Itachi while Sasuke doesn’t. He wants to know anything about his brother and I’m sure he asked him a lot. Obito told him stuff also because he needed to manipulate Sasuke against the village, but also because he feels some little attachment between the other Uchiha, just like he felt some for Itachi. There’s a scene that is always overlooked and that I liked a lot, in ep375 when Obito is about to be ‘killed’ by Kakashi and before he’s taken over by Madara, Sasuke is there and Obito refers to him as ‘fellow traitor’. I like that he kinda aknowledged Sasuke’s presence in that moment ok. To do such thing while Kakashi and Madara are clearly the strongest presences for him, I like to think that Sasuke left an impression on him.
(my obisasu tag and meta)
I mean, in the filler non massacre arc. He did train Sasuke after all. I’d have liked to see more. But it’s no mystery, that arc inspired me greatly and if now I ship Shisasu even in other contexts it’s because of it.
my shisasu tag. my shisasu edits and meta.
Only because I’d like Sasuke to tell him that he’s just as guilty as his buddy Danzo. That old a**hole.
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kegareki · 6 years
tbh i'm always curious about the kaguya causes the apocalypse au, but rarely have concrete questions to ask. so um, what are sakura and obito's abilites like? how powerful are they, both as a team and individually? sakura canonically had healing and super strength, which are great, but I'm also a fan of aus where she branches out and learns other things, so i gotta ask. does she learn genjutsu from obito? also they survived a WHILE in the apocalypse, right, presumably they got even better (1/3)
and learned new stuff from each other? and/or from other survivors in their group? what are their go-to weapons? how does their power level now compare to people in the past? (2/3)
(3/3) ALSO! they travel to other dimensions using kamui, right. where does the kamui spit them out when they go a new dimension? somewhere randomly? (if so, how many times have they ended up dumped in a swamp, or in the middle of nowhere?) some fixed place every time? wherever obito wants? where? and can they choose when they arrive in a new dimension, or are they also just randomly spit out whenever and good luck figuring out in what time and place they are?
these are really good questions!!! i apparently wrote 1100 words in response, so: under the cut!
sakura and obito did survive a while in the apocalypse, yeah. people survived in groups–konoha especially espouses teamwork–and people took positions well-suited for them, at first, like they have been trained to do. hyuuga, inuzuka, aburame, yamanaka, and sensors were good at keeping track of people and directing the groups to safe spaces and such, for example. but people die, and at some point you stop being able to replace them
so people learn to cover those positions in any way they can. enhancing their senses with chakra; trying to recreate barrier seals that you’ve only seen and never studied; etc. people share information about what they remember. people go off and come back with clan scrolls, because there’s no point in hoarding clan information if that information will help keep them alive.
obito and sakura learn together, and what they teach other is–incidental, at first? sakura is healing someone, and she nabs a passing obito into helping her. obito can heal himself just fine, thanks to hashirama’s DNA, but–well. he has deep chakra reserves, as well as the ability to absorb and transfer chakra, so he might as well learn how to heal other people, because at some point they’re going to run short of medics, and it’s better for everyone if most people have even rudimentary medical skills
obito… okay i’m going to be entirely honest here: obito is fucking HORRIFIED at how sakura was treated as a genin. obito’s already complicated relationship with kakashi is complicated even further because he cannot BELIEVE that kakashi didn’t teach her SHIT, didn’t CULTIVATE her OBVIOUS TALENTS, didn’t direct her to anyone who WOULD. kakashi failed sakura, and obito is pissed off on her behalf, because that shouldn’t have happened!!!! obito offers sakura his knowledge Readily and Gladly because she should never, ever feel useless again. she should never, ever be given less than what he or anyone else can offer.
it had been noted in canon that sakura would have been adept at genjutsu, and he gives her techniques. they have to be adapted some, because genjutsu with a sharingan is formed differently than genjutsu without a sharingan, but sakura figures it out. she’s quick and eager to learn! and she’s GOOD at genjutsu! she learns how to conceal people and things; she learns how to subtly redirect a person’s attention so that their eyes skip over something without truly seeing it; she learns how to muddle a person’s sense of balance, of temperature, of pain.
and obito teaches her some ninjutsu, because that’s ANOTHER area where she was failed! why the FUCK did kakashi skimp out on even THIS?!!
sakura has water and earth release, so obito basically goes: okay, cool, here’s some mist techniques. here’s a few iwa techniques that i saw when i was 12 and that i picked up from deidara. you’re going to be so badass, i’m so proud of you.
sakura especially becomes more well-rounded than she was previously, and honestly kind of terrifying because she’s ENJOYING being versatile which means making use of her new techniques, but obito’s pretty happy with his end of the deal, too. his self-healing is passive rather than active, so learning how to use medical techniques and gaining medical knowledge is Actually Helpful because, hey, now he knows what the fuck is going on and now he can actually heal other people. AND now he knows how to do stuff like making blood clots! while that may not help much against kaguya, he’s not going to NOT appreciate new and interesting ways of killing people!
in terms of power, it’s hard to tell when your opponent is a Literal God, but by the time everyone else is dead and they abandon this world, they’re kind of stupidly powerful. like 12-year-old sasuke would eye them warily and challenge them to a fight in a hotel hallway because he can Tell they’re powerful, maybe more powerful than even Bane Of His Life Itachi, and he needs to see how he matches up against them. like–they don’t really escape because they’re dying; they escape because there’s nothing left for them, and staying would just mean dying meaninglessly.
weapons like shuriken, kunai, and senbon had become, increasingly, a scarcity, because making more becomes difficult and then impossible. they picked over past battlefields for weapons that they’ve thrown. not a lot of people had Many Throwing Weapons after a point
but when obito and sakura hang out in kamui, it’s not like THEY’RE going to lose weapons now, so obito pulls out some from his Long-Discarded Weapons Stash and they sort of idly brush up on their bukijutsu. is sakura likely to ever have need of a gunbei? no, but obito’s going to show her how to use it, anyway.
the mechanics of kamui in this ‘verse are like–
the sort of “neutral ground” is the space that obito is used to, the grey landscape of blocks where everything he puts inside of kamui shows up. in order to access anywhere else, kamui needs a set of parameters, conscious or subconscious.
in the beginning, the only parameters are the conscious “not our world” and the subconscious “please be empty,” so the destinations were random and without people. an empty forest; an abandoned cabin; a peopleless island.
obito isn’t USED to making use of this aspect of kamui, so at first, aiming for particular places and times would be difficult. he’d overshoot or undershoot, or get there at the right time but not the right place. but he’d get more precise about it and learn what sorts of parameters work best with what he has in mind (ex. events can come quicker or be delayed or happen somewhere else, depending on the circumstances! some events are sort of fixed in time and place–october 10 in konoha for the kyuubi attack, for example–whereas others shift–like who kumo takes to make a jinchuuriki). if he isn’t clear on a specific variable, what comes out will be random–like if sakura was like “i miss hashirama trees. can we go check that out” and obito’s parameters were just 'hashirama trees around konoha’, they could drop ANYWHERE in that particular forest and at any time where those trees exist
obito and sakura kind of–tend toward peaceful times and places, at first. they gather themselves up and put themselves back together as much as they can. they’re tired.
but then one day sakura makes a comment, like i wish i’d known you sooner, and obito thinks: but you could.
not this sakura, of course, but another one. a different one.
they find an obito crushed under rock, still alive, and obito can use his mangekyo to take him into kamui, and sakura can heal him from there–at least enough to keep him from dying, at least enough to take him to konoha.
being able to help–that goes a long way, after such a long period of helplessness and hopelessness, and when they think about it, there are so many things that they could help prevent, so many lives they can save with the information that they have now.
so they basically become S-class dimension-hopping superheroes just because
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Age swap AU! Naruto and the rest of Konoha 12 are the senseis while Kakashi and the various jounin/chunin are the students. Jiraya, Orochimaru and Tsunade are of Hiruzen's age. Kagami is still alive and he, Hiruzen and Danzou are of the Sannin's age.
Tsunade is the Hokage while Orochimaru is the one running ROOT. Danzou is the one that run away from the village while Hiruzen is the one traveling the world and Kagami will be the fifth Hokage after Tsunade, who's the Third, while Jiraya is the one who died like it happened in canon with Kagami.
Sasuke is the one who "died" during the Kannabi Bridge and Naruto is the one with the Sharingan and the one in ANBU. Sakura is the Sanbi Jinchuuriki and the best medic after Tsunade, Rin is Kushina and Minato's daughter (Minato's generation is the only one that remains the same) and also the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki.
The Uchiha clan still gets killed, but not completely. Mostly the adults, while everyone under Obito's age gets left alive so that the village is forced to adopt the children and let them really grow up in the village, and Kagami survives because he's not in the village when that happens.
Itachi is older than Shisui instead of the other way around and he's the one killing himself in front of Shisui because of Orochimaru and awakening his Mangekyō, and Shisui is the one doing the semi-massacre and leaving the village to join the Akatsuki.
I think (unless we want really old man dad Sakumo) that Sakumo is about the same age as Minato and Kushina (cuz that hair is distinctive. we can change other people’s families but Kakashi i refuse to see as the son of anyone but the great white fang). Sakumo perhaps died on a mission protecting his teammates, leaving Kakashi as an orphan at the young age of 1. 
So When Naruto gets team 7 he gets Kakashi (orphan since 1), Obito (Orphan since like 6 and hates his brother) and Rin (Orphan since birth). So not a single one of the people on team 7 knows what it’s like to have parents, or at least to keep them.
Obito is still relitivly a bright personality, where Kakashi is still a very straight forward but kind of goofy personality, but the diffrence is Obito does harbour that anger towards Shisui that make’s him want to kill him. He tries not to let it eat him alive, but it sort of does just without it being seen. Naruto sort of see’s it where others don’t, so he’s always trying to keep Obito on track and out of the darkness.
It...does not work. but we’ll get to that.
When Team 7 is formed it’s pretty much the same as Team Minato, major difference being that Rin is the Jinjuuriki for the nine tails. So Rin, Kakashi and Obito are all destined to be power houses. They’re all either extreamly skilled, or they will have the skills honed inside of them over the years. One way or another they will all take names and kick ass.
At first the team is...less than stellar. Kakashi is a genius and he rises through the ranks pretty quick, Obito is trying to get stronger and he’s getting there but he has so much anger towards Shisui that holds him back, and Rin is always trying to prove herself and control the Jinjuuriki (cuz Tsunade tells her. She make’s sure Rin knowns what tf she is dealing with)
Naruto focuses the most on Obito because of their matching personalities, but he doesn’t forget about Rin and Kakashi (like my depressed boy sometimes forgets about Naruto and Sakura). Noticing Rin’s really great chakra control and the fact that she is a Jinjuuriki, he sets her up with Sakura for extra training. For Kakashi, he tries a variety of other teachers but Kakashi doesn’t really do well with any of them. Shikamaru can help him improve his tacticle prowess, but Kakashi refuses to work with someone who would rather watch the clouds. Kiba is a no go for Kakashi and he bites the poor bastard to make that clear, and Ino just about punches Kakashi through a wall for being a snide little shit. Fidning Kakashi a teacher is hard.
Obito (like Sasuke) activates his sharingan during the mission against Zabuza. Except he’s protecting Rin doing it, while Kakashi is fighting Zabuza with Naruto (like Sakura could have done if Kishi cared about his female characters). 
During the chunin exams, Naruto’s team is the only one where all of them go ahead into the second round. Rin beats Asuma to head into the semi finals, Kakashi beats a Sand Shinobi, and Obito beats Ebisu. 
Naruto teaches Obito the Rasangan (which he learned from his sensei Minato) to use against the Sand shinobi that he will be facing in the semi finals, Baki (who is the jinjuuriki for suna). Rin is meant to face off against Kurenai and Kakashi is set to face off against Gai. 
After the chunnin exams and the attack on Konoha (in which Tsunade is put into acoma after having to fight her father (age so she’s hashirama’s daughter now lol) and uncle) Rin leaves with Sakura to go search for the new hokage that they have decided on, Kagami. Kagami reluctantly agrees and says he will find a good fifth hokage as soon as possible. 
Afterwards, Team 7 tries to continue on (Kakashi, Rin, Gai, Asuma, Kurenai and Genma all get promoted to chunin, though Kakashi is a clear favorite as a tactical leader) Obito ends up getting approached by Danzo to become stronger so that he can face his brother Shisui. Obito ends up taking up the offer and getting taken in much the same way as Sasuke was, except the one’s who go after him are Rin, Kurenai, Asuma, Genma, Ebisu and Gai to face off against the last of the sound five. Kakashi is off on his first solo mission during this time. 
Rin and Obito end up facing down (like sasuke and naruto did) and Rin ends up passing out after ending up with two tails worth of power. Kakashi is still the one to find them and carry Rin back, but he didn’t get there in time to stop Obito. 
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mochidoodle · 8 years
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everybody lives AU | AKATSUKI • setting — the Last •
Akatsuki becomes a mercenary group for hire, as they did in Road to Ninja.  This is more appropriately named the “everybody comes back to life and somehow things work out AU”... but as promised, 10 Akatsuki members in the timeline of The Last! Designing is fun (esp the village flak jackets) (・∀・)
See more extensive character/AU details below the cut!:
Ame Orphans run the Akatsuki out of the Hidden Rain (where it doesn’t rain so much anymore). Nagato resumes status as the mysterious village leader and occasionally disguises himself as an instructor at the newly instated academy. His style is heavily influenced by Jiraiya.
Yahiko keeps the piercings because they were a pain to remove and Konan thinks they’re cool they’re pretty rad. For some reason he gets strange looks when he goes to Konoha on assignment. He gives Chouji a heart attack.
Konan becomes friends with Kurenai and Rin. She becomes “Auntie Konan” to Mirai. Back in Ame, Konan takes up a team of genin to lead. 
She constantly nags at the members, especially Sasori because he straight up forgets to eat, Deidara because he’ll follow suit, and Obito (they are on surprisingly good terms) when he forgets that arms aren’t disposable and becomes reckless on assignment. all hail Akatsuki Mom
Obito is the official Konoha liaison to the Akatsuki, and since he is part of the Konoha Council (AKA team Harass Kakashi), he has the authority to extend Akatsuki communications to other villages as well. 
He still helps old ladies cross the street, but cross him and suddenly 4th Shinobi World War Tobi™. 
He scares Hinata at first, but she discovers that he’s?? Really?? NICE??? Tenten asks for help with time-space ninjutsu, and he teaches her tricks on storing shinobi tools more efficiently. 
Obito occasionally lends a hand at the hospital because (he sighs about this) Madara taught him how to perform various operations, including eye surgery. Sakura is lowkey impressed.
Sasori and Deidara pair up again. They’re always arguing. Always. It’s something petty every time...people start wondering if they argue for fun.
Sasori becomes good friends with Sakura; they talk poisons/antidotes a lot. When in Suna, he gives Kankuro tips about puppet design and where to get the best materials.
Sasori now has two scrolls: one is a dragon, one is a lion (think Chinese festival/lion dance style)
Deidara befriends nearly everyone his age. He hangs out with Kurotsuchi and Akatsuchi whenever he’s in Iwa. Quickly befriends Kankuro when he tags along with Sasori to Suna (where he also gets strange looks). Deidara and Naruto have a running contest to see who can drag Obito harder. RIP Obito, take 3.
Ino and Deidara mutually agree that they both have great style (I mean, do you see their hair? Brilliant) They often shop together and Ino rants to him, sometimes about Sai. Deidara’s replies are usually “dump him" and escalate to “blow him up” but Ino obviously doesn’t follow this advice.
Hidan becomes Macklemore?? ?
How and why Kakuzu and Hidan are alive is beyond me. Their entry is prohibited in several villages (thank Shikamaru I guess) but they often sneak in under the guise of construction workers. Kakuzu is still in charge of finance, but (hopefully?) everything is legal. 
the Zombie Combo is usually sent on assassinations bc a) Kakuzu still steals hearts and b) Hidan still sacrifices people. This is an issue since the nations are at peace and no one hires assassins?? Shh we don’t talk about these two...look away...
ok but Macklemore
Itachi cuts his hair (it was getting super long), but grows it out again when Sasuke subtly mentions how his long hair reminded him of their mom. 
Resumes status within ANBU but mostly carries out missions with Kisame, who joined Kiri’s ANBU. 
Often seen hanging out with Shisui and Izumi at a dango place. (Shisui, btw, takes up a position on the general police force). The three of them revive the Uchiha district’s popular senbei (rice cracker) shop.
Bee won’t give up Samehada so Kisame kinda just...  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gai is known as the Beautiful Green Tour Guide. He and Kisame have a strange but good friendship. Gai doesn’t forget him this time. Kisame and Itachi appreciate Gai’s extensive knowledge of restaurants in Konoha.
Sakura and Itachi regularly try to check in on one another whenever both are in town. Of course, they talk about Sasuke. Mostly embarrassing Sasuke stories (Itachi about baby Sasuke, Sakura about genin Sasuke).
All members are affiliated with their original villages and thus wear new hitai-ate without the symbol crossed out. Everyone has a sash (kind of like Asuma’s 12 Guardian Ninja sash) but some of them wear them as armbands or leg..bands... wtf Hidan
A lot of their efforts are directed towards recovery from the war, including the protection of destroyed towns that are often ravaged by bandits.
Base of operations is in Ame, but they usually don’t have to convene unless it’s something urgent, like the moon falling...
They work on shutting down underworld crime, including drug/weapons/human trafficking rings, illegal gambling, illegal shinobi fighting (see: the Coliseum from Sasuke Shinden), etc. They also provide aid to village police forces for special assignments if needed. (Nagato tracked down a serial killer once...)
And yes, they still have that glowy hologram meeting thing.
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