#and it is very scary how quickly everybody seemed to pounce on her for things she either didn’t actually do or things that got blown waaaayy
hyperfixationtimego · 2 years
hello!! i don’t really want to harp on this issue, but this is just a small reminder that Mindy Kaling has actually NOT done a lot of the horrible things she’s being accused of! You don’t have to personally like her or her humor, but I beg of you to please at least do some research on her supposed problematic behavior before you start treating her & the things she makes/contributes to so viciously :(
If you have a reliable source detailing something shitty she’s done, by all means please leave it in a reply/reblog! The more knowledge the better! But I do ask that you be civil about it!
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Momo Ōkami
Notes: I….just, here *hands you this fic *. I may work as a housekeeper, but I’m in the mood for something dirty, I’ll tell you that. Jokes aside, I really miss writing self indulgent stuff :’) I got the title from Momotaro and Okami bc I’m not original and I needed a title :’)
Genre: Some angst, but enough fluff to drown cotton candy in bc boy am I a sap
Au: Yokai Au
Warnings: Reader’s a simp (and I am too), incorrect knowledge of everything, kinda slowburn, arranged marriage, “kidnapping”, smut, and kinks.  
    After the old Oni of the mountain had passed away or moved out, another one simply took his place. He was different, you could tell. Soft yellow hair, bright amber eyes, and healthy, peach colored skin had given away that he wasn’t full Oni. Yes he was tall, muscular, and had a roundness to his stomach and face, but he wasn’t as fearsome nor tall as the former one who terrorized your forest for years.  
Belonging to one of the most powerful clans in the forest, you and your family were still wary of the new half-ogre yokai. Although seemingly peaceful, one could never be too careful. Especially whenever you made your nightly trips around the mountain roads at night for fresh rabbit or deer, you knew that he was staring at you. It didn’t bother you like you thought it did, for this type of staring felt different. As if he was taking your character in from curiosity, rather than with malicious intent.
 You found yourself returning his curiosities, staring up at the mountain, venturing a little too close to his home as you seen him tend to normal, almost domestic things, such as feeding chickens or adding wood to the fire. He seemed to live a peaceful life, his life did not revolve around the other Oni, such as terrorizing and eating humans, or causing mischief and grief upon others. At times he’d catch you staring, and when the two of your eyes have met, it felt such an odd intimacy between the both of you, you felt emotions that were very akin to a human’s, swell within you, and couldn’t find yourself to hate them. After a few months of playing this odd little game, it escalated.      
 You and your family were called Okuri-Okami, or “sending off wolf”. It didn’t take a smart person to figure it out, with your family making daily trips around the mountains, playing this life or death game with innocent travelers, and had a reputation of being although not the noblest, but an old and respected clan within the forest. You yourself weren’t really into eating the villagers who still thought that your kin were noble, going as far as building a shrine for your family and gift them food and nice things for not eating them. Humans were odd, and the fact that you could transform into your human form, made it more difficult to stomach the thought of eating them, to your parent’s disapproval.  
When the Oni had caught wind that you weren’t into eating humans, he’d started acting different. At first you didn’t understand why, but he’d started to indulge you by waiting for your own nightly routine to start, and start walking several steps ahead of you, letting you to purposely “escort him to safety”. He would never trip, and even if he did, you weren’t the type to pounce and try to gobble anybody up, unlike most of your kin. You were sure that your kind didn’t eat Oni, and so it confused the ever loving hells out of you when he started this little game out of the blue.
When you “escorted” him to the mountain pass which led to his home, he’d say “Thanks for seein’ me off, Darlin’” in such a smooth and husky voice, you couldn’t but help feel the warm, familiar emotions flutter within you. He would skip a night, only for gifts such as sekihan, deer meat, or other small little things for you to appear at the edge of his territory. Not knowing what to really do, you accepted the gifts with a mix of confusion and gratitude, and the next night, he would be there with a giant smile.
“My name’s Taishiro.” He broke the awkwardness between the two of you, and you caved in and gave him your name, liking the way it rolled off of his tongue.
 Months had passed. The two of you started talking more often as he walked next to you rather closely, stepping in pace right next to yours as he did so. You were a little shy, but his warm aurora and bright smiles and twinkling eyes crumbled your resolve rather quickly. You began to use your clothed human form, letting him take in your feminine features, feeling a pleasing warmth whenever you noticed that he stared at you a little longer than usual, or would have pink dust settle on his cheeks.
You had to admit, he was very handsome, as well. You tried your best to sneak glances, but would turn beet red and look away whenever you felt that he had caught you red-handed. He would chuckle and it fed the fire growing within you.
“I better not trip, or you’ll eat me up, Sugar.” He gave a wink, and you swore that time had froze when he said that, then you would flush furiously and let out a growl mixed in with an embarrassed whine, causing him to bellow with laughter. To say that you had grown closer to him, was an understatement of the century.
He learned slowly but surely that you were the only child of your parents, how you never wanted to feed on human flesh, and that you didn’t know what to do with your life. He listened thoroughly and replied with his own words of encouragement and that he was glad that you didn’t feed upon humans, for that would make it awkward. When asked why, he finally opened up to you. His mother was human and his father was an Oni. Growing up for him was harsh because everybody knew what his father was, and there was very little his mother could do to protect him. So he left, and kept traveling until he found a more remote forest with very little villagers around. Although he didn’t hate humans, his mother was one, and he was half. It gave you a sense of sympathy for him, and it strengthened your resolve to never become like your parents, and he broke the boundaries of your physical contact by gently patting your shoulder.
That was another thing, touches. He would always find an excuse to touch you, whether it be a simple head pat, ruffling hair, gently squeezing your hand, or other soft, platonic touches that left you all too warm and all too disappointed when he’d break away, grinning brightly and seemingly too unaware of the affect that he has a hold onto you. It made you feel a little more braver as the nights and days would pass, ever so softly returning the hugs he gave you, and shyly yet surely pat his shoulder or gently squeeze his arms or hands. A rush of prideful victory swelled within you as you noticed that his eyes would soften or blood would rush to his cheeks. You liked this man, and didn’t know how to really handle your growing feelings for him.
You didn’t dare tell your parents. Already they were disappointed in you that you refused to eat humans, and now you were corresponding with a half-breed Oni? Sure you could live somewhere else, and break yourself away from your small pack, but if you did that, then they would run you out of the forest for good, that, or kill you. A sadness overcame you that you realized that you wouldn’t be able to see Taishiro, anymore if you were gone. You’ve grown very fond of him, and it surprised you on how easily he tore down your defenses, and instead of feeling vulnerable, you felt very warm and comfortable. It was scary, because although you knew you were on thin ice with your parents, you didn’t mind taking risks to just be near the tender giant.  
  Soon, it all came to a freezing halt as your parents sat you down one day, and began to speak to you with the familiar coldness lacing their tones of voices.  
“You’re old enough now to start a family and live away from us. The Tanuki living in the eastern shrine has offered a handsome dowry of fine meats and Sake for your hand in marriage. Your father and I will worry about the guests and your attire, so don’t worry.” Was the harsh slap of reality. You knew that your parents will not let you have a say in it. In your pack’s mind, it was true. You weren’t a pup, anymore, you were unclaimed, and you didn’t fit in with your clan’s expectations or traditions. You were now chained to their final decision of just marrying you off, thus you were prevented from doing your nightly routines, leaving your mother to educate you in being a good wife, and your father to plan the wedding and invite guests.
 You missed him. Although two days had passed, you were kept inside your family’s little shrine as your mother doted on your outfit and hair. Your father had been gathering the guests and materials and plans for the wedding as you tried to worry on how to act as a wife and take care of your husband, but your thoughts kept venturing back to Tai, hoping that he wasn’t disappointed or too upset. A voice within you wished that he was your betrothed, instead, and you weren’t really surprised with that thought.
The little wolf intrigued him. Instead of being frightened by him, she just waltzed up on that mountain as if she owned the place, not caring who or what he is, and he knew from that day on, he was hooked. He couldn’t help but play a little game with her, courting her with gifts and make it known that he was interested. The canine yokai took a spell to warm up to him, and he wouldn’t doubt that she still didn’t know that he was courting her, but to be honest, it was a treat seeing how she blossomed, coming out from her shyness. He was more pleased and surprised that she began her own little venturing, returning his small touches and face would resemble a fire as he caught her admiring him or trying to reach out and initiate a small touch. Nobody had ever done that for him, and he doubted that she had the same attention. He tugged away from the dark, possessive thoughts that lurked.  
It didn’t take long for him to develop romantic feelings for the woman. He had to keep beating away his father’s bloodline of just wanting to take. He wasn’t like his father, and she deserved to be courted, not be treated like his mother. He fought off a dark shudder of disgust as his mind went back to his wolf. Granted, she was also very pretty, and had stopped using her wolf form. Doe eyes and a cute, warm smile have had been greeting him for some time, now, and when it stopped, he panicked. Was she hurt? She wouldn’t just up and disappear, right? It wasn’t a dream, he knew that she was very real. Questions and thoughts had haunted him for about two days as he tried his best to follow her scent. Usually he wanted to mind his own business and not bother with traveling down into the heart of the forest, but he felt desperate.
Where was his little wolf? He tried asking the animals as well as other yokai, but they all ran in fear, leaving him no answers. He knew that she came from a very prominent clan, what if they found out about him? What if they had enough of her stubborn nature and just decide to finish her off? He felt a mix of panic and anger as he all but tried to follow her fading scent, internally promising a lifetime’s worth of hell on anybody who dared to lay a finger on her.        
   Her scent, although a little faded, was stronger at the shrine. Was she there? He knew that she wasn’t scared of him, nor would she hide from him. The sound of bells snapped him out of his thoughts as he ventured more closely to the shrine, peeping from behind it.
   Your mother told you that you looked beautiful, but really, you didn’t care. Your parents were way too eager to hand you away, they didn’t bother to host a meeting with your future husband, no. Your father gathered a small party of his and your mother’s friends, a Shinto priest (that they’ll probably eat later), and the awaited guest, your betrothed. It was a small, Shinto wedding mixed in with other elements that your parents thought that the Tanuki, your betrothed, might like. You wore a traditional Shiro-Muku, symbolizing your purity, and had your hair tied into a bun with a beautiful hair piece. It wasn’t much, but your thoughts kept racing back to the possibility that you might just make a run for it.
Granted, you did try for the last two days, all but kicking and screaming, but your parents were more powerful, and although you were not weak, by any means, your shrine was surrounded by yokai who were at your parent’s bidding, and you yourself could not fight off every single one. If you could manage to get to the mountains, you knew that Tai would scare and keep every bad thing away from you. You had since accepted your feelings for him, and knew that he would protect you if not as a lover, then definitely as a friend.
Your heart was aching, and you knew that you were going to make a break for it at the wedding ceremony. Possibly tarnishing your parent’s reputation, and angering the Tanuki, but you found yourself just not caring. Your father didn’t even bother to knock on the paper walls, you could hear his footsteps coming your way.
“It’s time.” He said, and you got up to follow him outside. The hood of your wedding attire shielded you from the sun that you haven’t seen directly in a couple of days. You had to admit, the smell of fresh air was very enticing compared to the shrine’s settling dust and your parent’s scents.
Anxiety rose within you as you realized that this wasn’t a lucid dream, this was happening. You wished that your parents have had given you more time to process the knowledge that you were to be wedded away, to live in another forest with a husband and his yokai that you didn’t know, and you were going to be separated from everyone. A dark thought passed through you. If you were mistreated or hurt, your parents would never know, and if they did, they’d do the bare minimum for you.
Honestly? It pissed you off. You knew the only person who could ever care for you this much would probably tear down the whole forest, and he was probably searching for you this moment, if your doubts and fears kept telling you that he probably thought that you weren’t interested, anymore. It hurt, all the doubts and wondering if you’ll ever see him again clouding your emotions. You tried to focus on the small wedding. It was very thoughtful and beautiful. Your father’s friend, a Kitsune, lit small blue flames around, they floated around the small number of guests and your betrothed, who you now took notice of. He was giving a cheeky grin as your eyes met, and although you didn’t feel the same, you thought it would be polite to offer a weak smile in return.
As your father led you to the priest and the Tanuki, thoughts of running away kept running through your head. Just as you began to slip your hand out of your father’s strong grasp, a familiar scent hit you with almost full force. Your father stopped, as well, taking notice of the shift of atmosphere. Time didn’t seem to slow down as heavy footsteps cracked upon the branches, getting closer to the area as everybody froze in panic. You couldn’t help but feel elated, but also worried. His usual sandalwood and sweet vanilla scent, was now spiked with a darker edge to it, but you knew that it wasn’t aimed at you.
    His blood froze in shock as he realized what was behind the shrine. A wedding. Your wedding. No doubt that it was put together quickly. Before he had time to really take the information in, the doors of the shrine opened, and out you came, being led by your father. Although he admitted quietly to himself that the outfit fit you well, you looked so sad and had little bags underneath your eyes and his chest tightened at the realization. You didn’t want this. As if lost in your own thoughts, he noticed that you subconsciously begin to look around, for him no doubt. A dark, possessive anger hit him as he realized that your father was gripping you a little too tightly, and the Tanuki was eyeing you in a way that made his own blood boil. Without thinking, he acted.
All the wedding guests seemed to be frozen in fear as he stormed up to the area, the need to just take you away gripped him ever so strongly when the two of your eyes met. Your cold expression turned to that one laced with relief and guilt as if silently pleading him to just take you somewhere safe. Taking the silent hint, he smacked your father’s hands away. Coming out of his shock, he started yelling.
“Who in the hells do you think you are?” You father’s face was a beet red, as his eyes all but bugged out in anger. Huffing, the Oni growled out as he picked you up neatly into his arms as if you didn’t weigh but a feather, holding your shocked self closely to his chest.
“I’m her mate. Never bother her or us ever again.” He snapped, and before anybody could have time to process the fact that you were about to be willingly abducted, he bolted as he carried you safely back to his cave, or your new home. He knew that the yokai wouldn’t dare touch an Oni like him, even if he is a half-breed, he still carried the demonic blood of his ancestors. He liked to fight, he was use to it, but he wouldn’t hurt your family if he could help it. He kept sneaking glances at you, who in turn was blushing and glancing up at him owlishly. His heart-beat picked up at the small smile on your face and you looked so relieved, and he knew that he did the right thing.  
Your home wasn’t too far away from his cave, but there were twists and turns of trees and the old beaten path was starting to be covered up by growing shrubs. It was cool and dark, and he felt you shiver a little in his arms, and he hummed as he placed you gently onto the furs, covering you up a bit. A calm quiet enveloped the two of you as he held onto you, letting you soak up his warmth as he gently drew circles on your hands.
“I’ll get some firewood and heat us up, alright?” He broke the silence, and you nodded. Taking a last look at you, he left the cave as the disbelief in his own actions clouded his thoughts.
You were in the twilight zone. First, a surprise marriage, and then you let yourself willingly get abducted by Tai, who was very blunt about his feelings towards you, thus reciprocating your own feelings for him, and now your new home was here. Although relieved and feeling very, very safe, you were so tired from the swirling of chaotic emotions that rocked your normal stagnant world. The warmth of the fur skins and Tai’s heat that he gave you soothed your nerves as your world gently faded into black.
You awoke to a soft snoring and the crackling of fire licking at the wood that he had chopped. When you tried to move, you noticed that the searing warmth was from Tai himself as his arms were wrapped around you, hugging you close to his chest. You couldn’t help but wiggle a little, feeling a little too warm as he murmured something, cracking an eye open.
“Hey.” He said softly, eyes staring down at you with such a gentle emotion.
“Hello.” You answered back, and he gave a lofty chuckle.
“Didn’t mean to get too carried away, there. Couldn’t bear it, seein’ ya so sad...n’ other things.” He admitted calmly, yet his thundering heartbeat gave away his nervousness. You felt your emotions soften with warmth at the notion, looking up at him through your lashes.
“They kept me guarded in the shrine, because they knew what I was planning.” Your cheeks reddened as you continued, and he listened carefully. “I was going to run to you, if I’ve gotten the chance.”  
He looked at you with slight surprise, but the smile stretching across his face was there in an instant as his eyes twinkled with warmth.
“So, we’re married, now? Husband n’ wife?” He asked hopefully as he changed the subject. Such a jovial and excited feeling flooded through you as he mentioned the titles. Yes, wife, you were his wife. Although there wasn’t a ceremony binding you, the two of you were already emotionally bonded, and it was more than you could ask for. Nodding with enthusiasm, you looked at him fully.
“Yes...I’m your wife, and you’re my husband.” You tasted out the sentence, liking the way it rolled off of your tongue at the fact. At first he seemed to be frozen from mild shock, but then you gave a surprised whimper as he shuffled you closer to him, enveloping you in a heartfelt kiss. It felt so warm, and so right as he took his time in tasting you, running his tongue over the roof of your mouth, your molars, and then sucking gently on your own tongue. You let out a soft whine at the feeling, trying your best to reciprocate his actions as he gripped you a little more tightly, yet squeezing you gently as he let out a surprised grunt of approval as you couldn’t help but deepen the kiss, absentmindedly shifting your leg against his intimate area as he slowly broke away as a string of spittle connected your mouths.
     The both of you were breathing heavily, but you looked almost wrecked, and he didn’t even touch you more intimately, yet. Heat pooled between your legs and you bit off an embarrassed whine as you realized that he could probably scent your arousal. You looked at him, and he was returning your admiring gaze with such a burning fervor, you couldn’t help but kiss him again. He moaned a little in surprise, but then relaxed as he hummed with approval at your boldness.
Breaking away, he chuckled softly as he ran a hand down your back, tucking your chin up ever so gently to look at him.
“Ya know I’ve been wantin’ this for a while. Seein’ yer shy self just bloom up fer me, n’ leavin’ such soft touches will make a pent up man go crazy, Sweetheart.” He bravely admitted, liking the way although your face was probably burning up right now, you were looking up at him with such a hungry stare, he groaned as he couldn’t help but kiss you for the third time, liking the way that you were practically salivating at his suggestive thoughts.  After breaking away, you panted softly as you let the burning emotions flutter through you as you eyed him.
“I love you.” You admitted, leaving him to look down at you with the same killer softness that made you so warm and ticklish inside as he pulled you tighter into his chest.
“I love ya too, Darlin’.” He kissed your head endearingly as the two of you cuddled in silence, enjoying the intimacy. Although it was nice, you still had an unfamiliar itch to scratch, and you knew that he could probably scent out your arousal, but was waiting on you to say something, first. So you did.
“I’d like to consummate our marriage.” You admitted in a tone in which you almost didn’t recognize. He looked at you with very little surprise, and then he stared down at you with such a dark and needy fervor, it made you squirm with need.
“I know that there’s a chance that we’ll do it anyway, but do ya really know whatcha’re askin’ for?” He asked slowly, and you shook your head.
“I still have demon lineage, I’m constantly fightin’ myself from takin’ what I want. It was worse today, y’know? What if I was too late? What if ya were already gone, an’ I never saw ya again? It’s not yer fault, but I had to push down some very dark emotions today.” He explained slowly, making sure that you were well informed. You knew what he was talking about, but you wanted him to say it.
“What are you talking about, Tai?” You asked.
“I wanted to just take ya away somewhere safe, but at the same time, I wanted to just pin you down on the forest floor, n’ just…” He breathed in slowly, as if shamefully admitting this, yet the both of you knew that your heartbeat started to accelerate as his grip on you tightened a little, making you a beacon to the thoughts that were running through his mind. Even though the both of you got the hint on what he was talking about, his eyes burned through you with a dark lust as he dared to finish his sentence.
“...fuck you senseless. I hadda fight down those emotions, an’ they’re still pretty bad. We can try tonight, but I don’t know how or if I can handle them durin’ an intense and emotional time such as love-makin’.” He bit his lip as he quieted, looking at you with worrying, almost pleading expression that you wouldn’t judge. Heat crept upon your cheeks as you reached up and cupped his face, he felt himself relax underneath your gentle gaze as time seemed to stand still.
“I trust you. Besides, I don’t know if my parents will be foolish enough to try to take me away from behind your back, but I know that if I’m claimed, they won’t even bother.” You admitted truthfully, helping the both of you to just take the final leap of faith. He nodded in your hands, eyes burning bright.
“I’ll ask ya one last time, are ya sure? You’re playin’ with somethin’ dangerous, because I don’t think I can trust myself. I’ll do my best to never hurt ya, but still….are. Ya. Sure?” He drew out the words, making sure that you knew what you were getting in to. Honestly? You wanted him. You trusted him, and if he lets himself go, you wanted that part of him, too. You nodded, telling him verbally yes, and he delivered.
 He flipped you onto your back, hovering above you, and you couldn’t help out a low whine of approval. The crackling fire made his muscles and fat glisten with sweat as he stared down at you with such an intensity burning through his amber eyes, you thought that you could probably come undone just by the sight, alone.
He knew just from your scent, that you’ve been aroused for quite some time, and honestly? It fed his ego a bit too much, especially how you stared up at him, practically drooling with want as your eyes unabashedly wandered all over him. It made him feel very, very wanted. He moved first, not taking too long to chuck off your wedding attire, pulling out the hairpiece as your hair fell gracefully around you. Not wanting you to be the only one, he stripped, as well, throwing his and your clothes away somewhere as the two of you drank each other in.
 He was feeling a little too warm, seeing you bared out for him, naked, flushed, and what really made his cock twitch, was that you were wet. Your face was red and you looked so shy and vulnerable, especially when you were seeing his cock, all heavy and swollen, he couldn’t help but feel a surge of protectiveness and need. He kissed you again, more slowly and sweetly, letting the roughness of his calloused hands rub against your skin, letting his thumb brush heavily against a nipple. He held in a gasp as you moaned into his mouth, accidentally brushing your other leg against his dick for the second time in your hazy pleasure, him feeling his pre-cum smear onto your hot skin.
Deepening the kiss, he let himself bite and suck at your lower lip, letting his tongue slide over the sting, as if in a quiet apology. You whined, hands were fisted into his hair now as you returned such favors, although a little too sloppily. He didn’t mind. In fact, he lowered his mouth, feeling the pulse of your throat hum with a surprised yelp as he chuckled, and then harshly sucked, making sure to leave bruises for everybody to see. He groaned as your fingers pulled his hair tighter towards you, and licked the reddening marks in apology, but he really wasn’t sorry, for you were all but chanting his name as in a trance with need.      
Taishiro pulled away, admired the sight, seeing how your body was glistening underneath the crackle of firelight, little sweat droplets rolled off of the peak of your breasts as they jiggled from your panting from another intense kiss. The image will forever be burned within his brain as you looked up at him from cloudy, hazy eyes and swollen lips from his biting and sucking.    
He felt a dark, possessive feeling crept up upon him. Although in control, he did try to warn you, he didn’t want to succumb to his darker desires, especially with you. You were so willing and wet, and blushing, he plunged down the dark thoughts as he lifted up your right leg. An embarrassed sound escaped you, but he chuckled as he started kissing and giving small, feather-like licks on the inside of your thigh and the back of your knee, enjoying the sharp, surprised, and excited gasps that came out of your lips. He wasn’t even close to starting, yet, and yet here you were, aroused scent heightening at the intimate suckles that he was now lavishing on the back of your thigh and leg. You were so cute.
Licking his thumb, he pressed it against your perked nipple, watching your face as he flicked the nub, seeing how much you liked and reveled with the physical attention. He knew that he was stalling from the main event, but he just really wanted to take his time with you, his newlywed wife. A thought passed his mind as he first brushed against your folds, causing you to jump at the slight contact. He probably needed to be gentle. He was so much bigger than your small form, and also...well...he knew that you weren’t experienced. Truthfully, he didn’t care, and loved you no matter what, but he knew that he had to be extra cautious. He never wanted to hurt you, and he knew that he was big.  
So he began rubbing your clitoris and entrance, making sure that your natural juices acted as lubricant to your sensitive, raw bud as he licked a stripe down your inner calve, relishing in the way you let out a pleased mewl. He chuckled.  
“You liked that, Sweetheart?” He murmured against your flushed skin. You nodded as he slipped in two fingers, scissoring them gently and slowly into the almost too tight heat as he eyed you, taking in your small reactions of pleasure mixed with discomfort.
“Actually, I think I want to taste ya.” He said aloud, not hesitating to spread your legs further apart as he bent down to the point in where your flushed, dripping sex was right in front of him. You moaned in surprise, legs automatically tightening around his head as he let out a soft groan as he flicked his tongue against your sopping entrance. Sweet and divine was what you tasted like, and he decided to open you up slowly with his fingers as he also tongue-fucked you.
Your whimpers were the sweetest as you writhed beneath him, legs trembling and hands gripped all too tightly in his hair as he hummed in pleasure at your secretions covering his mouth and chin as he delved three fingers and his fat tongue into almost too tight and warm heat. The sounds were lewd, especially when he couldn’t help but slurp and suck up your flowing arousal, enjoying the sheer intimacy between the two of you as you chirped out his name in warnings that you were about to come. He wanted you to, so he didn’t say anything as he continued his ministrations. He felt his cock twitch as he felt you tightened up around his fat fingers and wet muscle, and then spasm as you held onto him with your hands and legs as if he were a lifeline, calling out to him so sweetly and wanton, that he was afraid that he might cum right then and there.
Breaking away ruefully, he sat up, catching his breath as he stared at you, and his heart skipped a beat and if it were any possible, more blood rushed down south. You looked absolutely wrecked. Your eyes were clouded with tears as drool dribbled down your chin, face, chest, and everything else was flushed with a pretty red as your grip on him loosened as you came down from your orgasmic high, and as if a switch was flipped, he surged forward and kissed you rather roughly. You groaned with pleasure as he massaged your breasts, letting his rough hands palm over and rub at your nubs. His dick rubbed against your thighs, and your hips in return moved on their own accord, trying to reach for more as he bit and sucked at your throat and neck, leaving newer, red marks traveling downwards.  
He broke away, looking down at you with question.
“Are ya alright, Sweetling? Do ya wanna stop?” He didn’t recognize his own voice, raw and hoarse as he hoped to all layers of hells not that you were done, but he would never pressure you into anything that you didn’t want, and would always respect your choice.
“Taishiro, please continue.” Your own voice was even wrecked as you looked at him pleadingly and desperate to come again, and he couldn’t help but growl with almost feral approval that he did that to you.
“Alright, try to relax, okay, my pretty wife?” He found himself humming rather gently as he slicked his own pre-cum down his aching cock, smiling gently as your cheeks flushed with the endearment as you nodded. He kept himself from groaning from not only the friction, but from the sympathetic look that you were giving his dick, as if you wanted to lick it to make it feel better. Later, he thought. Definitely later.
He aligned himself to your entrance, intertwining his free hand with yours as he watched your expression carefully as your legs wrapped around his waist. He tried not to close his eyes as hot, tight heat started to surround him as you forced yourself to relax. He took small breaks, slowly kissing you as he moved inches further, speaking words of encouragement and endearment as you hummed softly in return, hand squeezing his. Finally, he was all the way inside you, letting his forehead rest against yours as he eyed your expression. You didn’t look like you were in pain, only in slight discomfort, but he asked anyway.
“How are you feelin’? Doin’ okay?” He grunted out. His expression softened as you rested a hand upon his cheek, kissing his forehead gently and he couldn’t help but hum with pleasantry at the sweet gesture.
“I’m wonderful. You’re wonderful. Please keep going?” You asked, and he grunted, refusing to refuse such a request. He kept an eye on you, feeling the unfamiliar heat envelope him as he rocked his hips ever so gently, feeling your walls squeeze him impossibly tight as the two of you watched each other’s expressions. He heard of stories. How inexperienced men could leave a woman unsatisfied. Granted he wasn’t too inexperienced, but it was his first time actually being within somebody, and it felt as if it were a sacred connection between the two of you, if he was being honest.
 He’d be damned if he came before you, leaving you unsatisfied, and his pride and ego wounded. He reached down, gently rubbing your clit as you gasped softly at the added friction as he continued the torturous pace. He wanted to buck into you wildly, lose all control as his mind screamed at him to just take what he wanted. He hushed his thoughts. He was taking what he wanted, as it was gifted to him by his lovely wife.
“So beautiful,” He admitted, watching you move your hips awkwardly trying to mimic his pace. Your walls tightened, and he let out a small, breathy laugh mixed with a grunt.  
“of course you’d be into that. My lovely, beautiful wife is taking me so well, hm?” He murmured lowly, as if almost afraid to break the intimacy.
“Taishiro...husband, Dear...please move faster.” You panted, trying to quicken your hips, and he tried not to falter. He trusted you in being sure that you wanted more, and so he obliged, trying to quicken his pace only a little bit, but found himself all but snapping his hips into you with fervor. He couldn’t find it within himself to apologize, for you let out such a beautiful sound as your head threw back, exposing your kissed throat as he felt you tighten even further, close to cumming. The sight fueled him as he couldn’t help but continue his almost punishing pace, one hand still intertwining with yours and the other’s fingers were soaked with pre-cum and your lubricant as it rubbed at your clit.
He sucked and licked at the column of your throat, asking you almost frantically to cum for him, kissing and biting.
“So fuckin’ tight. Such a perfect wife. Ya’re squeezin’ around me so beautifully. ‘M gonna carve my dick within ya. Ya’d like that, wouldn’t ya?” He couldn’t help but ramble, half aware of the things he was saying as you finally came around him a second time, and it was beautiful. You screamed his name as fresh tears coated your eyes with ecstasy, eyes squeezing shut as you spasmed uncontrollably around him, and his movements faltered, hips bucking wildly as he came in a large spurt, coating your raw insides as your name called out from his own mouth.
 He fell onto his side, pulling you close to him as the both of you were breathing heavily. Through the orgasmic bliss, he admired the way your breasts rose and fell to the motions of your panting. It took a spell, but the both of you looked weakly at each other, and he tilted your chin up and kissed you softly.
“Did I hurt ya?” He whispered hoarsely. You shook your head.
“No, you were perfect. That was perfect.” You answered back weakly with such warmth filling your eyes, you were practically glowing as you held a soft smile.
“I love you, dearest wife.” He kissed the corner of your mouth, and you melted.
“I love you, too, beloved husband.” You truthfully admitted, squeezing his hand.
He felt himself softened as he gently pulled out of you, grimacing a little as a little blood was mixed in with his seed as it leaked out of you. He looked at you, about to question if you were really alright, but your eyes were shut, and you began to snore softly. He kissed you again, getting up to get a wet cloth from the cave water to wipe you down gently. When he was done, he pulled your sleeping form tightly against him, kissing your forehead as sleep overtook him.  
The morning after, you were a little sore, but you felt so damned happy, you were all over your husband and he relished in the attention that you knew he probably hardly got. He eventually made the both of you new clothes from deer skin, and the two of you packed and left to live in a human village, in your human disguises. Of course there were questions, but you and your husband lived peacefully, never really seeing or hearing from other yokai as the two of you loved each other dearly in domestic bliss.
Whew this took me three days to write as I balanced between work and sleeping. I wanted to write it in Tai-chan’s perspective, and I’m not disappointed. I know there’s a lot of stuff missing, like further details on yokai and sending off wolves don’t have shrines, I don’t think, but it’s for plot. Self indulgent, really, but feel free to like or reblog <3
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vee-angel · 5 years
Talynn’s Edge (part 1, repost)
The following story is an erotic fanfic based on “Sonnie’s Edge,” the 17 minute short film featured as an episode in the Netflix show Love, Death + Robots. It’s not *completely* necessary to have watched it to enjoy this story, but it’d definitely enhance your understanding. A lot of things about this story are a departure from how I normally write, but all in all, I think it turned out well.
Content warnings: Beastly violence, beast on human sex, beast on beast necrophilia, foot fetishism, references to rape and mental illness, vanilla sex (which was literally the hardest part to write, not even kidding), and an American desperately trying to write with British syntax and idioms (If you’re a British person, feel welcome to let me know if I got anything just incredibly wrong).
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(Part 1)
The new beastie-baiting arenas weren’t the scooped out, jury-rigged shitholes they’d been a year ago. Right around when Khanivore and I cleared our second dozen consecutive win was about when people were saying the sport was set to go legitimate any day now. Still hadn’t happened, but by the size of the audiences, it seemed like things were going that direction quick.
This place had been set up like the old boxing rings, except the ring was actually ring shaped, and dropped to a pit instead of platforming up. Big displays on the walls cycled through beastie-baiting champions; pilot in the foreground with the newest beastie behind them. The losses were greyed out in the way-back, didn’t want to bring too much attention to dead beasties.
I went tense when I saw my picture pixelate in under the “Sonnie’s Predators” logo. Fucking photochoppers had done a bang up job of making me look the way they supposed I ought to. Scars were smoothed out, but not completely, thank god. My tits weren’t that round, and the screen showed some stupid flirty smirk in place of my resting ‘fuck off’ face. I pulled my hood further up. Last thing I need is some Baiter-groupie figuring out I was here.
Nothing technically wrong with a Baiter checking the competition, but I’m not the type for making a spectacle of it. It’s why I had the rest of my team sit this one out.
There was a new Beastie-baiter giving the people their fill of spectacle and blood-sport. Talynn, her name was. A woman, first one since me. Figured it wouldn’t be long until popular demand put the two of us in a ring together, so might as well get a look at her first. I’d heard she was an American, and acted like the wankbait that promoters had always wanted me to be. Also heard she’d spent a few years as a medical examiner, chopping up corpses to see how they’d died. Bitch liked the cameras, always talking about she had expertise on how bodies break down, come apart. Said other baiters only knows how they get put together. After half a dozen consecutive wins and no losses, people were starting to take her serious.
The main lights started to come down and the pit-lights came on. Bright enough in the center to see the spectacle, with the special lights that luminesed the UV reactive ink everybody got on their skins nowadays.
Announcer appeared in the middle making a big show of how we’d all be witness to a show of hedonistic bloodlust the likes of which nobody’d ever seen. Did a decent job of getting the crowd all riled up and cheering. He introduced the Yank, first. Lascivious twat had named her team “Talynn’s Gash.”  
She walked out alone, confident with this psychotic babydoll grin that men seem to find alluring for some fucking reason. She wore this skin-tight red bodysuit that looked like slicked-up rubber. She walked right up the the very edge of the pit and squatted down like she was some kind of bird perched there. Her hair was dyed purple and formed into a row of short spikes on top. The sides were buzzed to less than a centimeter with swirly lines shaved down to skin.
Her beastie was introduced a moment later. Talynn’s Gash ran a creature called “Hellcat.” People said she and her beastie had an unnatural connection that goes beyond the affinity link. That she treated Hellcat like some kind of pet. Some even suggested that she did… indecent things with her beastie. Fucking idiots make up rumors about things when they don’t know shit. I’ve never put much stock in gossip.
Hellcat waddled out awkwardly on two thick, stubby legs, looking like something that wasn’t meant to walk upright. Beastie’s were required to be able to walk on two legs, but nothing required them to stay upright once the fight started. It dropped down into a quadrupedal position that looked more natural for it. All in all, it was shaped something like a prehistoric hyena, short coal-black fur with a few crimson stripes going up her legs. Massive jaw-muscles rippling into a stout, colossal neck. Thick limbs terminating in raptorial talons, like an eagle with a few extra fingers and thumbs. But the real eye-catch were the spines. From brow to hips, the back and sides of the beastie was adorned with thousands of long, barbed porcupine needles.
Hellcat went statue still for a moment while Talynn perched at the precipice of the pit looking pleased with herself, then suddenly the creature burst into a cheetah-sprint across the pit. It took a leap out over the edge and sped up the walkway while the spectators jumped back screeching. Creature looked like it was running out of space when stout legs launched it up the wall, it began ascending quickly, scratching deep gouges in the fresh-painted wood. The speed demon barely slowed down ‘til it hit the ceiling. Hellcat jumped with scary explosive velocity spinning and flipping to land with a dense thud back in the center of the pit. God-damn it was fast. Fastest thing on legs I’d ever seen.
By the sound of cheers, the audience got a thrill out of it. Still… reckless to put her beastie so close to the ground. And god-damned disrespectful to fuck up the nice new arena walls.
Other team got introduced with typical fanfare. I wasn’t much worried about them. Gone up against them a few months back; second-rate, nothing special. They were fighting something looked mostly like a minotaur with bone-armor rhinoceros skin. Few thick spikes jutted from the knuckle plates. Minogore, they named it. Beastie looked like it might have cleared three and a half meters, as opposed to Hellcat who was only a bit past two.
With introductions done, it was finally time for bloodsport. Fight lights had barely lit when Hellcat rocketed across the pit and snatched a big, bloody crescent out of Minogore’s shin with its beartrap jaws. Fight went on like that a bit, Hellcat dodging lumbering attacks while taking some chomps out whenever it could. It stayed crouched low to the ground, no way to hit without going through the jagged porcupine needles on her back. Minogore got some glancing blows, but his arms were getting hairy with jagged quills.
Minogore was slowing down on account of the chunks of muscle and bone gnawed off his legs. Hellcat was getting more bold. It dodged another fist smash and bounded up his tree-trunk torso like a squirrel. Latched onto his back and started eating through his shoulder. He ran clumsy toward the edge of the pit to try to smash her against the walls, but she hopped off half a second before he hit. Damage had been done, wet bits of blood and splintered bone dripped from Hellcat’s diamond-hard teeth. Minogore’s right arm hung ragdoll.
Their pilot didn’t give up easy, I’ll give ‘em that. He stumbled back in as Hellcat just stalked around him, lupine-like. His one good arm all pulled up and ready. It feinted like it was going in for the kill, but Minogore didn’t take the bait. Did it a second time, getting closer now; that’s when the beastie’s great big fist crashed down on its back. For a split second I thought the fight was turning until I saw those shiny black spines bending towards the fist, barbs hooking in and sticking against it like they were magnetic. Before he could pull back, Hellcat sprinted, yanking him off his feet like he’d been tied to a racecar. Hellcat spun around with the beatie’s hand still velcro spiked onto it and pounced on his back.
With his one good limb all twisted around behind him pinning him down, he just thrashed as Hellcat had a feeding frenzy on the back of his neck. There was a wet crunch as she finally bit through his spine and the body went limp. The crowd shot to their feet with screaming applause.
I looked over at Talynn to see how she was taking her win. She breathed hard with bedroom eyes. Touching herself sensual through her rubber catsuit. She was getting her jollies from this. I heard the crowd starting in with these shocked gasps and looked back into the pit. Hellcat had gotten the late Minogore’s head ripped right off and was holding it up in triumph. It was back up on two legs, but there was this thing between its legs.
Down at the very bottom of its belly was something looked like a big, red dogcock sprouting stiff from a skin-sheath. Hellcat dropped the head and grabbed the beastie’s neckstump as it crouched down and started humping her beastly prick into the wound. Unbefuckinglievable.
Minogore’s pilot started on with a stream of frantic threats and obscenities across the pit at Talynn. She didn’t seem to notice on account of being distracted by the sensations of necro-rapin’ the poor beatie’s corpse that were coming to her brain through Affinity. She was down on all fours touching herself through the bodysuit while she was piloting her beastie to defile her enemy’s remains. The other pilot stormed out, not wanting to watch any more.
Twisted bitch finally finished her show of live-action bestial snuff porn, leaving Minogore’s headless body dripping with spunk. Couldn’t believe she’d actually built a beastie with functioning parts like that. Most Baiters don’t put in anything that isn’t absolutely essential. At best they give just enough vocals so as it can growl and snarl. Talynn and Hellcat left the stage to the sound of an applauding crowd that was looking about to see if everyone else witnessed the same surreal fuck-show they’d just watched.
I kept my hood up and my head down as I shuffled out of the arena with the rest of the spectators. Afterwards, made my way to an out of the way chippy restaurant a few blocks down to process and strategize. Sat down and ordered the specialty. Talynn and I were going to get paired off sooner rather than later, and that beastie of hers was a damn frightful thing to contend with. It took out limbs before going in for the kill; that’s where Khanivore would have an advantage. Two arms, two legs, four bone-spear tentacles, and the bladed head. That gives nine appendages for Hellcat to neutralize before she can kill me. Khanivore’s a good bit faster than the great, burly brutes she usually fights, but nothing compared to Hellcat. Thing moves like it’s got a rocket up its arse. We could maybe get a quick little drone so Khanivore could get in some practice. Or do things analogue-like and pick up a pack of rabbits, maybe. Make for good stew after, anyway.
Just then I noticed a pair of eyes boring into me from a table off to the side. I glanced back. Fuck. It was Talynn. Her and her team must have waltzed in while I was playing out fight scenarios in my head.
She stood up and glided smooth right on over to me, eyes staying locked on my scar-striped face. She sat down across from me looking like she was ready to pounce, except not at all hostile. She moved with this weird felinity made her seem not quite human. I figured I’d been found out and there was no point in pretending I hadn’t been doing what I was doing. Felt awkward, though.
“Hey... congratulations on the win tonight. Figured what with us being the only two female pilots in the sport, promoters would have us face off eventually. Wanted to see what we’d be up against.” I sounded a bit more nervous than I wanted, but she didn’t seem to notice. Just kept staring.
“I idolize you, Sonnie.” she said in this awestruck little voice, “I don’t care if you were watching me. God knows I’ve watched you and Khanivore. You’re a warrior; bestial rage and savagery. I honestly get a little wet when I watch you.” She said the last bit looking straight into my eyes without a whisper of shame. Randy bitch got me blushing.
She was real pretty up close, too. Shit, I’d always been a bit soft for the pretty ones. Waitress brought my food a moment later and I offered to share with Talynn. Her team was getting a bit rowdy over in their corner, but her venerating eyes never left me for a moment. We ate and talked flirtatiously until she invited me back to her room.
I told her we’d better go to mine instead. I got caught up with a pretty thing a while back that had ended up with me having a couple more face-scars and a skull that’d been rebuilt twice now. I’m extra careful since.
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As we headed the few blocks back to the room I’d got for the night, Talynn kept looking down at where I was walking, like she was fixated or something. When I asked her about it, she got this nervous look like I’d caught her staring at my tits, and then she changed the subject.
Back in my room I had her strip the moment she got through the door. The red bodysuit didn’t leave much room for hidden tricks, but I couldn’t be too careful. She had a cute body, a bit of rich-girl softness, but not too much, and that bit of a tan that American girls have. I noticed a mess of little white lines down her left arm and across her belly; looked self-inflicted with a razor. She’d used to be a cutter, but I’m in no place to be judgemental. She stood confident with arms akimbo, except her eyes were still downcast to the floor I was standing on.
“You got a thing for feet or something?” I asked teasingly. She responded by shifting with this coy little grin. “Oh fuckin’ hell! You do, don’t you??” She nodded.
I hopped up on the dresser bit of the hotel room and crossed one leg over the other. I pointed one of my street-blackened feet at her, “All right, well get on with it then.” She got this look on her face like I’d just told her she’d won a million quid.
She drifted down onto all fours real graceful and started coming towards me. The girl moved like she was born quadrupedal; made sense she’d practice getting the feel of it to drive Hellcat the way she did. Writhing muscles in her back made me think she might be stronger than she looked, but there wasn’t much she could do to my feet that’d remove me as a rival so I wasn’t worried. Not yet, at least.
She came up and pressed her face against the sole, all reverent-like. I’d heard about people who get off worshipping feet, even got fan-letters from a few, but I didn’t peg Talynn as the submissive type. Then again, she seemed up-for-anything when it came to displays of carnality. Her tongue dripped out of her mouth and slid it slowly from heel up to my toes before she began fellating the digits. It felt… weird. There was an unfamiliar kind of pleasure in it I hadn’t expected, like a finger in the ass.
She flossed her tongue between each of my toes in turn, then pinched the skin at the side real gentle between her teeth. She worked her way back, biting a bit harder as the skin thickened up. It hurt just barely enough to make it interesting. Eventually, she was literally nipping at my heels. I wondered if she’d be appreciative of the poetry of that, but decided to keep my mouth shut about it.
The little footbath she gave me with her gob lasted a good ten minutes. “You’re done” I told her in this dominating tone I guessed she’d like. She looked up at me with this little puppy-dog pout. “It’s my turn, get on the bed. Face up.”
She hopped over, staying on all fours like a good little pet. I pull a set of police style handcuffs out of the drawer and use them to fasten her wrists around the bars in the headboard. She smiled like she thought it was kinky. Truth is I just don’t like surprises from my one-nighters, especially not the ones who’re stark mad like Talynn.
I start kissing at her neck and work my way down, fingertips trailing behind. Cute little Baiter had nice soft tits, so I took my time on those. I figured she liked things a bit rough, on account of the happy little gasp she let out when I grabbed hard and dug my fingernails in. She had these puffy pink little nipples I grabbed and twisted hard. She squealed but still had this toothy grin on her face. At that point I sucked as much of her titmeat into my mouth as I could and bit down. Not too hard, just enough to leave a momento that’d last a couple days. Gave her a matching bite mark on the other side before returning to my pilgrimage down to her smooth little quim.
Between her legs tasted like a rich girl. You could tell the ones that ate all fresh organic grown shit. I put my hands on the inside of each leg and pried her wide open. Bendy little cunt, nearly got her into a full split. I gave a few slow kisses on the lower lips before I got to work. Buried my tongue inside her before I started using it to write out the alphabet. It was a trick I’d heard way back before I’d had my first fuck. Not too effective on it’s own, I’d learned, but pay attention and you can figure out the right spots to hit. Talynn liked the side to side and when I did little circles around her clit. T’s and Z’s and O’s hit the spots for her. Also liked when I raked my nails up and down the inside of her thighs. Got into a nice rhythm for a while, licking and sucking and scratching a bit harder each time I switched it up. The girl was breathing harder and shorter, and started in with this happy little mewling.
I stopped suddenly and pulled away just as she was edging right close to the point of no return. Looked up at her to see her staring daggers at me, but her mad little smirk said she was still having fun. “Bitch!” she said at me in this I-can’t-believe-you-did-that tone.
“Can’t have you falling in love with a rival Baiter, can we? You might get soft when you’re in the pit. Don’t want any doubt when I take down that beastie of yours that I did it fair.”
Talynn barked out this arrogant laugh, then suddenly she… changed. The little babydoll act turned sinister, and she got this air of menace dripping off of her. The cute little fan-girl was speaking in this deep dark voice all of a sudden. “You think Khanivore is going to take me down?” Her tone seemed real arrogant for a bitch that was naked and handcuffed on my bed. “We’re unbeatable. You may have seen Hellcat in action, but you don’t know what we’re capable of.”
She had my interest piqued with that one. “You and your beastie got a secret edge, do you?”
Her grin turned sinister, “If you’re lucky, you might figure it out right before I fuck your beastie’s corpse. Then, I’ll fuck you until you scream. And this time, I won’t let you escape until I’m satisfied.”
This time I actually laughed a bit as the mad cunt thought she could menace me in her predicament. “And what are you going to do if I win, then? That mean I get to fuck you ‘til I’ve had my satisfaction fulfilled?”
She shrugged, “I guess so.”
“That a promise?”
She stared into my eyes real intense while she considered. “Winner fucks the loser any way they choose. I promise if you do.”
I nodded and then opened a drawer to toss her the handcuff key. It landed by her head and she seemed to have no problems with holding it in her mouth and twisting round to get her wrists undone. She started slipping back into the red, rubber skinsuit when she got inquisitive. “They say you got raped by a gang that carved you up afterwards.” She said the words way more casual than any sane person ought to, “That’s where you got all those pretty scars. They also say it made you angry, and hard. And that’s why you always win. Is that true?”
“It’s true that’s what they fucking say, yeah.”
Talynn asked, “Does it turn you on?” I shot back with this face that said what the fuck? But she just kept on with this dreamy-dark look on her face. “Knowing that they wanted to hurt you, to violate you. Does it make you wet when you look in the mirror and see the love letters they wrote to you in your flesh? It’s kind of beautiful when you think about it. They wanted to give you a gift they knew you’d keep forever.”
“Are you fucking mental?!”
This gash of a shit-eating grin opened up across her face as she looked back at me, “Can’t have you falling in love with a rival Baiter, can we? You might get soft.”
I shook my head, she was just fucking with me to get a bit of payback. That was fair enough. “Anyone ever tell you you’re a goddamn psychopath?”
“I’m told it’s one of my better qualities.”
“Look, I’ll be honest with you. The estate gang bit’s a fabrication. Got into a mishap and flipped my van a while back... I ain’t never been raped.”
Talynn had her clothes back on at this point, what little of them there was. She walked up to me real close and said, “Well if you want to keep it that way, you’d better start training.” Then she walked out of my room with this conceited expression that made me want to bash her skull into pudding.
Yankee bitch was a spoiled twat, and fucking certifiable, but she’ll be a hell of a rival.
“Sonnie is amazing.” I spoke the words into the mostly empty warehouse to my precious Hellcat. In truth, I was talking to the other part of myself through the Affinity Link, perceiving the world through two bodies at once. She was the real Talynn; the warrior, the sadist… the beast. She appeared as my savior when I was a child. A monster strong enough to overcome the ones that surrounded me. Doctors called her a ‘dissociative identity” and told me I needed treatment to get rid of her. Bullshit. Talynn was my avenging angel, she didn’t need treatment. She needed a body of her own, and a regular supply of monsters to keep her bloodlust sated.
The beast and I mirrored one another, stalking in excited circles. “We’ll need to train if we want to beat her. And I know you want to beat her, don’t you, Talynn? It will be so beautiful. Khanivore will make such a beautiful corpse-lover for you, don’t you think? I’ll keep us linked for afterwards, so you can watch me violate Sonnie in the back room. She’s such a beautiful thing, isn’t she, my love?” My naked body writhed at the thought as I laid down upon a large metal crate. My throbbing cunt overflowed with lubrication. Sonnie refused to give me an orgasm, and I wouldn’t be able to rest until I was satisfied.
“Sonnie is mine, Tara-Lynn.” The words snarled through my own vocal chords, but the voice wasn’t my own. Speaking was the only thing Talynn used my body for, everything else she did with Hellcat.
“What? No, she didn’t know she was talking to you when she agreed. She doesn’t-”
“I want them both!! I will violate Khanivore’s corpse and then I will drag Sonnie into the pit and fuck her in the blood of her beastie.” Talynn animated Hellcat’s face into a menacing scowl as she spoke.
“Oh.” was all I said at first. “The audience will enjoy that.” I finally added.
“As will you, Tara-Lynn. You always enjoy feeling through my body. I know you do. She’ll be so small, so tight as we rape her to death.”
I had to admit it was true, I always loved feeling sex through Hellcat. At that, Talynn directed Hellcat’s massive body to climb atop my own, I had to be careful to avoid the talons and spines. My legs spread eagerly as my beloved’s red cock tumesced beyond her sheath. She slowly pressed it between my legs and found no resistance as our bodies joined as closely as our minds.
Hellcat rocked my body as she began slowly, but powerfully, thrusting her beastial phallus inside of me. I squealed in rapturous pleasure as I felt her knot slowly expanding inside me, binding me to her. Talynn directed her thrusts to quicken in pace. I lay passively, knowing that any errant movement could cause my accidental mutilation and possible death upon the deadly anatomy of our murderous beast.
I perceived our lovemaking alongside Talynn through Hellcat’s body as well. The sensory nerves she insisted be grafted to her cock allowed me to feel the tightness of my cunt gripping. I felt her thick muscles above me, saw through eyes looking down at me. How easy it would be for her to end my life if Talynn directed her to do it. She could easily fuck me to death if she’d willed it. The thought raised goosebumps on my skin.
Talynn slowed the pace of the frantic thrusting inside of my cunt. Hellcat could reach orgasm more quickly than I could, and I wanted to climax with her simultaneously. We closed our eyes and let our minds play an image . We pictured Sonnie beneath us, her beautiful scarred body laid bare. The thought of butchering her beast in front of a cheering audience, and then dragging her into the pit for us to fuck bloody put us over the edge. It wasn’t the first time we’d fantasized about such a thing, but it was the first time since she’d agreed to it, the first time since we’d felt her touch in real life. Winner fucks the loser to satisfaction. She promised.
Hellcat began to cum, filling my spasming cunt, pumping near scalding hot jets of artificial semen inside of me. God how I want Sonnie to feel this. I want to feel this with her. I will feel this with her. Hellcat is unstoppable. Sonnie is going to be mine.
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bigbenalpha · 6 years
I’ve been DMing, session 5
The D&D session this evening (08/22/18) was pretty loot-centric. No fights happened but there was still a dangerous development. This recap is slightly long but it's a good read if I do say so. **WARNING** might be scary
A few more bodies were found in the flooded cellar, but they were genuinely dead. The party found healing potions and antitoxins in the cellar, coin and many useful items that once belonged to the zombies. The ghost's body was discovered - it was the zombie that was missing its legs. Her daughter and son were two of the bodies from inside the cellar. The party made a pyre and burned all the corpses. They decided to check out the cave where the stream flowed out to fill the cistern. This is where the Drow came out according to the goblins.
Inside they discovered a large cavern with many types of mushrooms, some edible and some that glowed faintly. There were also many clusters of glowing crystals and a strange trail of something on the cavern floor that seemed like room temperature ice. It was the hardened slime trail of a flail snail. Luckily the snail wasn't around but several party members knew that the trail, once hardened, could be harvested and melted down and used like glass. It would fetch a good price from the right people at market. Back outside, a locket and a strange metal object was found in the ashes of one of the dead kids. Right about where the stomach should be. The locket was a cameo that matched the family portrait in the farmhouse and the object... maybe was a key to the lightning chest?
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A few of the party took the ashes and skulls of the ghost and her kids to the small family cemetery and laid them to rest by the grave of her husband, placing the cameo in his gravestone. Back at the house, the object was indeed the key to the chest. even more coin and loot was found. But first a magic mirror in the lid showed the party a quick montage of the many people who tried to pick the lock. The first was a goblin being forced to do it by a Drow then a series of random people who seemed like bandits or adventures, maybe a hapless teen who talked his pals into partying in the haunted house. Most of those people were clearly killed by the lightning trap. Then there was hideous, green woman with greasy black hair and gnarled hands. The lightning slammed her hard and seemingly fried her left eye. As she crawled away the mirror returned to normal. When the party returned to the great room of the farm house they felt the temperature drop like when the ghost confronted them in the windmill. They saw the lady working at her stove while her kids sat the kitchen table. The front door opened and the husband walked in. The party were only able to hear the faintest whispers from the family and they all ran together and embraced. Right before the vision faded the woman looked at the party and smiled.
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The party loaded up the slightly recovered hostages and the stolen loot onto the farm's rickety wagon and donkey cart (which were going to have to be pulled by the big beefy party members). Storm clouds had gotten thicker in the sky. Useful things were harvested from the ankheg and giant wolf spiders, then they were thrown onto another pyre with the bodies of the Drow, goblins and chitines. As they reached the edge of the wheat fields lightning struck the windmill and farmhouse. The fires quickly spread and the old grains in the mill exploded. As the party picked up their pace and fled into the forest and the road back to the caravan the fire spread to the fields.
Also in the chest was a journal. The ghost's name was Willofred Hargrove, wife of Yusef, mother of Henry and Susan. The ghost and the family portrait she her having long, raven-black hair, as do her children. She was a wizard and she and her husband were adventures who finally came back home to take over his family's farm. They were joined by two dwarf fiends and a halfling. About fifty years ago the town of Fair grove was caught in a turf war between hill and fire giants. Yusef was in town and died. The town wasn't completely destroyed and many people kept living there but it was pretty much done. Then another series of bad things begin to happen. Crops failed, farm animals and elderly folk were struck down by a mysterious malady, children began to act up and do destructive things. The final event was shocking - a young mother threw her newborn twins over a waterfall and killed her husband. She was raving that it was really the fault of the Queen Bee or the Green Bee and she took her own life a few days later. Willofred suspected that a green hag was at large in the area and began to take steps to protect the area from her. Then Henry and Susan went missing. That was the last entry.
Back at the caravan the hostages were all reunited and their stolen items returned. The party were congratulated and many tales were told over the campfires. As the evening drew to a close Baba Sarya told that party that had seen in her cards that a heavy cloud hung over that farm and the party had disrupted something. She told them all to stay close to the fires or sleep inside if they could. Everyone went to bed and fell into a well earned sleep, and they dreamed.
They all dreamed the same thing, but they were each alone in their dreams. The awoke from a nap, on a couch, the tears they shed when they cried themselves to sleep were dried on their cheeks. They were back in the farmhouse, clean and well-kept. Their spellbook and various implements of craft were on the coffee table. None of the scryings had shown the location of Henry or Susan. They stood up and straightened their dress, the potions that were cooking on the stove were ready to be bottled and stored. They loaded up the bottles which felt weightless compared to how heavy their heart was. They made their way to through the fields, past the windmill and down the path to the cellar. Odd, the door was open and one of the oil lamps was burning. Maybe one of the farm hands had forgotten to close up properly. They set the potion bottles on the shelves that were full of many home-canned foods. They hear a sound even though in the dream there aren't really any sounds. They turn and see their children standing in the cellar door. They run to them, silently shouting their names but they don't respond. They look up with dead eyes and pestilent mouths. The door slams closed and the children pounce. The lights go out and they tumble in the darkness, every bite just feels frozen and empty.
When the lights come back the party members are themselves again, but so very young. They're reliving a shameful episode from their pasts. Maybe they were grown when it happened bu the dream they're kids. They're being slapped around by bigger kids they half remember and grown-ups are watching and letting it happen. The worthless little shit deserves that and more after doing a rotten thing like that. maybe some of the adults are people from the caravan. They finally get free of the crowd and head deeper into the house. Is it a house? Did all that really happen here? Somewhere a baby is crying and maybe... pigs are eating at a trough? They wander down a long hall, things seem familiar but not. The crying and eating sounds get louder. A woman is humming an oddly happy tune. They go in the room where the singing, crying and eating are coming from. The ceiling seems so high and all the furniture has strange, drawn-out proportions. Two dark-haired kids are sitting at a table eating dinner. A woman with long black hair is sitting with her back to them, sewing and singing. You can tell now that two babies are crying somewhere in front of the woman. She sings:
"You must be my lucky star 'Cause you shine on me wherever you are (SNAP! baby screams) I just think of you and I start to glow 'Cause I need your light and baby you know" (SNAP! baby screams)
They don't want to get closer but they can't help it.
"Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight"
They're right beside her and she turns suddenly. It's the hideous green hag with a patch on her left eye.
"I see you! I know what you did! Maw-Maw Sugar knows!"
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On the table in front of her are two screaming newborns. She's twisted one of their legs around and sewn it onto their backs. Their heads are at an unnatural angle. They flip over onto their remaining leg and to hands and crawl to the edge of the table. The party members jump back and bump something. This gets the attention of the two black haired kids who stop eating their mother and get up. Maw-Maw Sugar cackles. ^They party realizes they're in the windmill. Here's where things diverge in the dream.
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Half the party get scared and run, half stay and fight. The fighters become their adult selves and have their weapons. They swing at the hag but she floats out of reach. The zombies and the baby things move in. The fight goes up the stairs as the the hag cackles and the windmill catches fire.
The ones who run go outside into the wheat field, which stretches on forever. The zombie kids and baby things give chase. From up above they hear the hag cackling. They turn to see her circling overhead, riding a flaming scarecrow. She swoops down and grabs them in her giant hand and pulls them to her face.
"I know what you did and I'm gonna find you! And Maw-Maw sugar is gonna EAT! YOU! UP!" Her face is covered with bees and she pulls the patch away from her eye revealing a terrifying, fanged maw. She crams them. In the mill the fight stops when the fire engulfs the stairs and they fall into nothing. Everybody wakes up, not at all rested. and that's where we stopped. PREVIOUS         NEXT
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vee-angel · 5 years
Talynn’s Edge (part 1)
The following story is an erotic fanfic based on “Sonnie’s Edge,” the 17 minute short film featured as an episode in the Netflix show Love, Death + Robots. It’s not *completely* necessary to have watched it to enjoy this story, but it’d definitely enhance your understanding. A lot of things about this story are a departure from how I normally write, but all in all, I think it turned out well. 
Content warnings: Beastly violence, beast on human sex, beast on beast necrophilia, foot fetishism, references to rape and mental illness, vanilla sex (which was literally the hardest part to write, not even kidding), and an American desperately trying to write with British syntax and idioms (If you’re a British person, feel welcome to let me know if I got anything just incredibly wrong). 
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(Part 1)
The new beastie-baiting arenas weren’t the scooped out, jury-rigged shitholes they’d been a year ago. Right around when Khanivore and I cleared our second dozen consecutive win was about when people were saying the sport was set to go legitimate any day now. Still hadn’t happened, but by the size of the audiences, it seemed like things were going that direction quick.
This place had been set up like the old boxing rings, except the ring was actually ring shaped, and dropped to a pit instead of platforming up. Big displays on the walls cycled through beastie-baiting champions; pilot in the foreground with the newest beastie behind them. The losses were greyed out in the way-back, didn’t want to bring too much attention to dead beasties.
I went tense when I saw my picture pixelate in under the “Sonnie’s Predators” logo. Fucking photochoppers had done a bang up job of making me look the way they supposed I ought to. Scars were smoothed out, but not completely, thank god. My tits weren’t that round, and the screen showed some stupid flirty smirk in place of my resting ‘fuck off’ face. I pulled my hood further up. Last thing I need is some Baiter-groupie figuring out I was here.
Nothing technically wrong with a Baiter checking the competition, but I’m not the type for making a spectacle of it. It’s why I had the rest of my team sit this one out.
There was a new Beastie-baiter giving the people their fill of spectacle and blood-sport. Talynn, her name was. A woman, first one since me. Figured it wouldn’t be long until popular demand put the two of us in a ring together, so might as well get a look at her first. I’d heard she was an American, and acted like the wankbait that promoters had always wanted me to be. Also heard she’d spent a few years as a medical examiner, chopping up corpses to see how they’d died. Bitch liked the cameras, always talking about she had expertise on how bodies break down, come apart. Said other baiters only knows how they get put together. After half a dozen consecutive wins and no losses, people were starting to take her serious.
The main lights started to come down and the pit-lights came on. Bright enough in the center to see the spectacle, with the special lights that luminesed the UV reactive ink everybody got on their skins nowadays.
Announcer appeared in the middle making a big show of how we’d all be witness to a show of hedonistic bloodlust the likes of which nobody’d ever seen. Did a decent job of getting the crowd all riled up and cheering. He introduced the Yank, first. Lascivious twat had named her team “Talynn’s Gash.”  
She walked out alone, confident with this psychotic babydoll grin that men seem to find alluring for some fucking reason. She wore this skin-tight red bodysuit that looked like slicked-up rubber. She walked right up the the very edge of the pit and squatted down like she was some kind of bird perched there. Her hair was dyed purple and formed into a row of short spikes on top. The sides were buzzed to less than a centimeter with swirly lines shaved down to skin.
Her beastie was introduced a moment later. Talynn’s Gash ran a creature called “Hellcat.” People said she and her beastie had an unnatural connection that goes beyond the affinity link. That she treated Hellcat like some kind of pet. Some even suggested that she did… indecent things with her beastie. Fucking idiots make up rumors about things when they don’t know shit. I’ve never put much stock in gossip.
Hellcat waddled out awkwardly on two thick, stubby legs, looking like something that wasn’t meant to walk upright. Beastie’s were required to be able to walk on two legs, but nothing required them to stay upright once the fight started. It dropped down into a quadrupedal position that looked more natural for it. All in all, it was shaped something like a prehistoric hyena, short coal-black fur with a few crimson stripes going up her legs. Massive jaw-muscles rippling into a stout, colossal neck. Thick limbs terminating in raptorial talons, like an eagle with a few extra fingers and thumbs. But the real eye-catch were the spines. From brow to hips, the back and sides of the beastie was adorned with thousands of long, barbed porcupine needles.
Hellcat went statue still for a moment while Talynn perched at the precipice of the pit looking pleased with herself, then suddenly the creature burst into a cheetah-sprint across the pit. It took a leap out over the edge and sped up the walkway while the spectators jumped back screeching. Creature looked like it was running out of space when stout legs launched it up the wall, it began ascending quickly, scratching deep gouges in the fresh-painted wood. The speed demon barely slowed down ‘til it hit the ceiling. Hellcat jumped with scary explosive velocity spinning and flipping to land with a dense thud back in the center of the pit. God-damn it was fast. Fastest thing on legs I’d ever seen.
By the sound of cheers, the audience got a thrill out of it. Still… reckless to put her beastie so close to the ground. And god-damned disrespectful to fuck up the nice new arena walls.
Other team got introduced with typical fanfare. I wasn’t much worried about them. Gone up against them a few months back; second-rate, nothing special. They were fighting something looked mostly like a minotaur with bone-armor rhinoceros skin. Few thick spikes jutted from the knuckle plates. Minogore, they named it. Beastie looked like it might have cleared three and a half meters, as opposed to Hellcat who was only a bit past two.
With introductions done, it was finally time for bloodsport. Fight lights had barely lit when Hellcat rocketed across the pit and snatched a big, bloody crescent out of Minogore’s shin with its beartrap jaws. Fight went on like that a bit, Hellcat dodging lumbering attacks while taking some chomps out whenever it could. It stayed crouched low to the ground, no way to hit without going through the jagged porcupine needles on her back. Minogore got some glancing blows, but his arms were getting hairy with jagged quills.
Minogore was slowing down on account of the chunks of muscle and bone gnawed off his legs. Hellcat was getting more bold. It dodged another fist smash and bounded up his tree-trunk torso like a squirrel. Latched onto his back and started eating through his shoulder. He ran clumsy toward the edge of the pit to try to smash her against the walls, but she hopped off half a second before he hit. Damage had been done, wet bits of blood and splintered bone dripped from Hellcat’s diamond-hard teeth. Minogore’s right arm hung ragdoll.
Their pilot didn’t give up easy, I’ll give ‘em that. He stumbled back in as Hellcat just stalked around him, lupine-like. His one good arm all pulled up and ready. It feinted like it was going in for the kill, but Minogore didn’t take the bait. Did it a second time, getting closer now; that’s when the beastie’s great big fist crashed down on its back. For a split second I thought the fight was turning until I saw those shiny black spines bending towards the fist, barbs hooking in and sticking against it like they were magnetic. Before he could pull back, Hellcat sprinted, yanking him off his feet like he’d been tied to a racecar. Hellcat spun around with the beatie’s hand still velcro spiked onto it and pounced on his back.
With his one good limb all twisted around behind him pinning him down, he just thrashed as Hellcat had a feeding frenzy on the back of his neck. There was a wet crunch as she finally bit through his spine and the body went limp. The crowd shot to their feet with screaming applause.
I looked over at Talynn to see how she was taking her win. She breathed hard with bedroom eyes. Touching herself sensual through her rubber catsuit. She was getting her jollies from this. I heard the crowd starting in with these shocked gasps and looked back into the pit. Hellcat had gotten the late Minogore’s head ripped right off and was holding it up in triumph. It was back up on two legs, but there was this thing between its legs.
Down at the very bottom of its belly was something looked like a big, red dogcock sprouting stiff from a skin-sheath. Hellcat dropped the head and grabbed the beastie’s neckstump as it crouched down and started humping her beastly prick into the wound. Unbefuckinglievable.
Minogore’s pilot started on with a stream of frantic threats and obscenities across the pit at Talynn. She didn’t seem to notice on account of being distracted by the sensations of necro-rapin’ the poor beatie’s corpse that were coming to her brain through Affinity. She was down on all fours touching herself through the bodysuit while she was piloting her beastie to defile her enemy’s remains. The other pilot stormed out, not wanting to watch any more.
Twisted bitch finally finished her show of live-action bestial snuff porn, leaving Minogore’s headless body dripping with spunk. Couldn’t believe she’d actually built a beastie with functioning parts like that. Most Baiters don’t put in anything that isn’t absolutely essential. At best they give just enough vocals so as it can growl and snarl. Talynn and Hellcat left the stage to the sound of an applauding crowd that was looking about to see if everyone else witnessed the same surreal fuck-show they’d just watched.
I kept my hood up and my head down as I shuffled out of the arena with the rest of the spectators. Afterwards, made my way to an out of the way chippy restaurant a few blocks down to process and strategize. Sat down and ordered the specialty. Talynn and I were going to get paired off sooner rather than later, and that beastie of hers was a damn frightful thing to contend with. It took out limbs before going in for the kill; that’s where Khanivore would have an advantage. Two arms, two legs, four bone-spear tentacles, and the bladed head. That gives nine appendages for Hellcat to neutralize before she can kill me. Khanivore’s a good bit faster than the great, burly brutes she usually fights, but nothing compared to Hellcat. Thing moves like it’s got a rocket up its arse. We could maybe get a quick little drone so Khanivore could get in some practice. Or do things analogue-like and pick up a pack of rabbits, maybe. Make for good stew after, anyway.
Just then I noticed a pair of eyes boring into me from a table off to the side. I glanced back. Fuck. It was Talynn. Her and her team must have waltzed in while I was playing out fight scenarios in my head.
She stood up and glided smooth right on over to me, eyes staying locked on my scar-striped face. She sat down across from me looking like she was ready to pounce, except not at all hostile. She moved with this weird felinity made her seem not quite human. I figured I’d been found out and there was no point in pretending I hadn’t been doing what I was doing. Felt awkward, though.
“Hey... congratulations on the win tonight. Figured what with us being the only two female pilots in the sport, promoters would have us face off eventually. Wanted to see what we’d be up against.” I sounded a bit more nervous than I wanted, but she didn’t seem to notice. Just kept staring.
“I idolize you, Sonnie.” she said in this awestruck little voice, “I don’t care if you were watching me. God knows I’ve watched you and Khanivore. You’re a warrior; bestial rage and savagery. I honestly get a little wet when I watch you.” She said the last bit looking straight into my eyes without a whisper of shame. Randy bitch got me blushing.
She was real pretty up close, too. Shit, I’d always been a bit soft for the pretty ones. Waitress brought my food a moment later and I offered to share with Talynn. Her team was getting a bit rowdy over in their corner, but her venerating eyes never left me for a moment. We ate and talked flirtatiously until she invited me back to her room.
I told her we’d better go to mine instead. I got caught up with a pretty thing a while back that had ended up with me having a couple more face-scars and a skull that’d been rebuilt twice now. I’m extra careful since.
As we headed the few blocks back to the room I’d got for the night, Talynn kept looking down at where I was walking, like she was fixated or something. When I asked her about it, she got this nervous look like I’d caught her staring at my tits, and then she changed the subject.
Back in my room I had her strip the moment she got through the door. The red bodysuit didn’t leave much room for hidden tricks, but I couldn’t be too careful. She had a cute body, a bit of rich-girl softness, but not too much, and that bit of a tan that American girls have. I noticed a mess of little white lines down her left arm and across her belly; looked self-inflicted with a razor. She’d used to be a cutter, but I’m in no place to be judgemental. She stood confident with arms akimbo, except her eyes were still downcast to the floor I was standing on.
“You got a thing for feet or something?” I asked teasingly. She responded by shifting with this coy little grin. “Oh fuckin’ hell! You do, don’t you??” She nodded.
I hopped up on the dresser bit of the hotel room and crossed one leg over the other. I pointed one of my street-blackened feet at her, “All right, well get on with it then.” She got this look on her face like I’d just told her she’d won a million quid.
She drifted down onto all fours real graceful and started coming towards me. The girl moved like she was born quadrupedal; made sense she’d practice getting the feel of it to drive Hellcat the way she did. Writhing muscles in her back made me think she might be stronger than she looked, but there wasn’t much she could do to my feet that’d remove me as a rival so I wasn’t worried. Not yet, at least.
She came up and pressed her face against the sole, all reverent-like. I’d heard about people who get off worshipping feet, even got fan-letters from a few, but I didn’t peg Talynn as the submissive type. Then again, she seemed up-for-anything when it came to displays of carnality. Her tongue dripped out of her mouth and slid it slowly from heel up to my toes before she began fellating the digits. It felt… weird. There was an unfamiliar kind of pleasure in it I hadn’t expected, like a finger in the ass.
She flossed her tongue between each of my toes in turn, then pinched the skin at the side real gentle between her teeth. She worked her way back, biting a bit harder as the skin thickened up. It hurt just barely enough to make it interesting. Eventually, she was literally nipping at my heels. I wondered if she’d be appreciative of the poetry of that, but decided to keep my mouth shut about it.
The little footbath she gave me with her gob lasted a good ten minutes. “You’re done” I told her in this dominating tone I guessed she’d like. She looked up at me with this little puppy-dog pout. “It’s my turn, get on the bed. Face up.”
She hopped over, staying on all fours like a good little pet. I pull a set of police style handcuffs out of the drawer and use them to fasten her wrists around the bars in the headboard. She smiled like she thought it was kinky. Truth is I just don’t like surprises from my one-nighters, especially not the ones who’re stark mad like Talynn.
I start kissing at her neck and work my way down, fingertips trailing behind. Cute little Baiter had nice soft tits, so I took my time on those. I figured she liked things a bit rough, on account of the happy little gasp she let out when I grabbed hard and dug my fingernails in. She had these puffy pink little nipples I grabbed and twisted hard. She squealed but still had this toothy grin on her face. At that point I sucked as much of her titmeat into my mouth as I could and bit down. Not too hard, just enough to leave a momento that’d last a couple days. Gave her a matching bite mark on the other side before returning to my pilgrimage down to her smooth little quim.
Between her legs tasted like a rich girl. You could tell the ones that ate all fresh organic grown shit. I put my hands on the inside of each leg and pried her wide open. Bendy little cunt, nearly got her into a full split. I gave a few slow kisses on the lower lips before I got to work. Buried my tongue inside her before I started using it to write out the alphabet. It was a trick I’d heard way back before I’d had my first fuck. Not too effective on it’s own, I’d learned, but pay attention and you can figure out the right spots to hit. Talynn liked the side to side and when I did little circles around her clit. T’s and Z’s and O’s hit the spots for her. Also liked when I raked my nails up and down the inside of her thighs. Got into a nice rhythm for a while, licking and sucking and scratching a bit harder each time I switched it up. The girl was breathing harder and shorter, and started in with this happy little mewling.
I stopped suddenly and pulled away just as she was edging right close to the point of no return. Looked up at her to see her staring daggers at me, but her mad little smirk said she was still having fun. “Bitch!” she said at me in this I-can’t-believe-you-did-that tone.
“Can’t have you falling in love with a rival Baiter, can we? You might get soft when you’re in the pit. Don’t want any doubt when I take down that beastie of yours that I did it fair.”
Talynn barked out this arrogant laugh, then suddenly she… changed. The little babydoll act turned sinister, and she got this air of menace dripping off of her. The cute little fan-girl was speaking in this deep dark voice all of a sudden. “You think Khanivore is going to take me down?” Her tone seemed real arrogant for a bitch that was naked and handcuffed on my bed. “We’re unbeatable. You may have seen Hellcat in action, but you don’t know what we’re capable of.”
She had my interest piqued with that one. “You and your beastie got a secret edge, do you?”
Her grin turned sinister, “If you’re lucky, you might figure it out right before I fuck your beastie’s corpse. Then, I’ll fuck you until you scream. And this time, I won’t let you escape until I’m satisfied.”
This time I actually laughed a bit as the mad cunt thought she could menace me in her predicament. “And what are you going to do if I win, then? That mean I get to fuck you ‘til I’ve had my satisfaction fulfilled?”
She shrugged, “I guess so.”
“That a promise?”
She stared into my eyes real intense while she considered. “Winner fucks the loser any way they choose. I promise if you do.”
I nodded and then opened a drawer to toss her the handcuff key. It landed by her head and she seemed to have no problems with holding it in her mouth and twisting round to get her wrists undone. She started slipping back into the red, rubber skinsuit when she got inquisitive. “They say you got raped by a gang that carved you up afterwards.” She said the words way more casual than any sane person ought to, “That’s where you got all those pretty scars. They also say it made you angry, and hard. And that’s why you always win. Is that true?”
“It’s true that’s what they fucking say, yeah.”
Talynn asked, “Does it turn you on?” I shot back with this face that said what the fuck? But she just kept on with this dreamy-dark look on her face. “Knowing that they wanted to hurt you, to violate you. Does it make you wet when you look in the mirror and see the love letters they wrote to you in your flesh? It’s kind of beautiful when you think about it. They wanted to give you a gift they knew you’d keep forever.”
“Are you fucking mental?!”
This gash of a shit-eating grin opened up across her face as she looked back at me, “Can’t have you falling in love with a rival Baiter, can we? You might get soft.”
I shook my head, she was just fucking with me to get a bit of payback. That was fair enough. “Anyone ever tell you you’re a goddamn psychopath?”
“I’m told it’s one of my better qualities.”
“Look, I’ll be honest with you. The estate gang bit’s a fabrication. Got into a mishap and flipped my van a while back... I ain’t never been raped.”
Talynn had her clothes back on at this point, what little of them there was. She walked up to me real close and said, “Well if you want to keep it that way, you’d better start training.” Then she walked out of my room with this conceited expression that made me want to bash her skull into pudding.
Yankee bitch was a spoiled twat, and fucking certifiable, but she’ll be a hell of a rival.
“Sonnie is amazing.” I spoke the words into the mostly empty warehouse to my precious Hellcat. In truth, I was talking to the other part of myself through the Affinity Link, perceiving the world through two bodies at once. She was the real Talynn; the warrior, the sadist… the beast. She appeared as my savior when I was a child. A monster strong enough to overcome the ones that surrounded me. Doctors called her a ‘dissociative identity” and told me I needed treatment to get rid of her. Bullshit. Talynn was my avenging angel, she didn’t need treatment. She needed a body of her own, and a regular supply of monsters to keep her bloodlust sated.
The beast and I mirrored one another, stalking in excited circles. “We’ll need to train if we want to beat her. And I know you want to beat her, don’t you, Talynn? It will be so beautiful. Khanivore will make such a beautiful corpse-lover for you, don’t you think? I’ll keep us linked for afterwards, so you can watch me violate Sonnie in the back room. She’s such a beautiful thing, isn’t she, my love?” My naked body writhed at the thought as I laid down upon a large metal crate. My throbbing cunt overflowed with lubrication. Sonnie refused to give me an orgasm, and I wouldn’t be able to rest until I was satisfied.
“Sonnie is mine, Tara-Lynn.” The words snarled through my own vocal chords, but the voice wasn’t my own. Speaking was the only thing Talynn used my body for, everything else she did with Hellcat.
“What? No, she didn’t know she was talking to you when she agreed. She doesn’t-”
“I want them both!! I will violate Khanivore’s corpse and then I will drag Sonnie into the pit and fuck her in the blood of her beastie.” Talynn animated Hellcat’s face into a menacing scowl as she spoke.
“Oh.” was all I said at first. “The audience will enjoy that.” I finally added.
“As will you, Tara-Lynn. You always enjoy feeling through my body. I know you do. She’ll be so small, so tight as we rape her to death.”
I had to admit it was true, I always loved feeling sex through Hellcat. At that, Talynn directed Hellcat’s massive body to climb atop my own, I had to be careful to avoid the talons and spines. My legs spread eagerly as my beloved’s red cock tumesced beyond her sheath. She slowly pressed it between my legs and found no resistance as our bodies joined as closely as our minds.
Hellcat rocked my body as she began slowly, but powerfully, thrusting her beastial phallus inside of me. I squealed in rapturous pleasure as I felt her knot slowly expanding inside me, binding me to her. Talynn directed her thrusts to quicken in pace. I lay passively, knowing that any errant movement could cause my accidental mutilation and possible death upon the deadly anatomy of our murderous beast.
I perceived our lovemaking alongside Talynn through Hellcat’s body as well. The sensory nerves she insisted be grafted to her cock allowed me to feel the tightness of my cunt gripping. I felt her thick muscles above me, saw through eyes looking down at me. How easy it would be for her to end my life if Talynn directed her to do it. She could easily fuck me to death if she’d willed it. The thought raised goosebumps on my skin.
Talynn slowed the pace of the frantic thrusting inside of my cunt. Hellcat could reach orgasm more quickly than I could, and I wanted to climax with her simultaneously. We closed our eyes and let our minds play an image . We pictured Sonnie beneath us, her beautiful scarred body laid bare. The thought of butchering her beast in front of a cheering audience, and then dragging her into the pit for us to fuck bloody put us over the edge. It wasn’t the first time we’d fantasized about such a thing, but it was the first time since she’d agreed to it, the first time since we’d felt her touch in real life. Winner fucks the loser to satisfaction. She promised.
Hellcat began to cum, filling my spasming cunt, pumping near scalding hot jets of artificial semen inside of me. God how I want Sonnie to feel this. I want to feel this with her. I will feel this with her. Hellcat is unstoppable. Sonnie is going to be mine.
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