momachan · 7 months
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"The dawn train lurches me toward London rolling a sick, millestone headache around the bowl of my skull. My heart twitches like a dying best, crawled into the rank burrow of my chest to breathe its last. I'm cold, chilled to the marrow. I daren't even shut my eyes for fear of sleep and dreams. I feel like an old soldier, attending one by one, the funerals of war comrades. Ritchie was the last of the Newcastle team. Benjamin got it first-- from the Invunche, and me. Then Gary Lester-- from Mnemoth, and me. Now Ritchie's incinerated by the Tongues of Fire-- and me. Christ, it's been ten years-- will I never stop paying for that debacle?
John Constantine, Hellblazer Vol. 1: Original Sins.
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thecreaturecodex · 1 year
Out of curiosity do you think that Golarion's Caliban and hagspawn from 3.5 ed could coexist in the same setting or would they prove to be redundant?
Yes! I wrote the caliban, so I should know. At least, I mostly wrote the caliban. It was an RPG Superstar entry I wrote, and then a lot of the content from that year ended up in Tears at Bitter Manor. The gorget of living whispers was mine too, and they ended up giving it to the final boss!
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My original flavor text had nothing to do with hags. I wanted the calibans to be the children of parents who were "blessed" by Lamashtu. The inspiration was various hybrid cryptids from the mid-to-late 20th century, like the Lake Worth Monster, Honey Island Swamp Monster and the Goatman (hence the axe). In the original stat block, the caliban's share deformity ability could also affect mental ability scores (so you could have a scholarly caliban parasitizing his intellectual rivals, or one who wants to be beautiful stealing abilities from pretty faces). The third flavor change that Paizo made was making them all male; again, as a way of making them relate more to hags than Lamashtu.
The art is perfect, though. No notes.
For a "mutant child created by hags", I would use my invunche statistics or 3.5 hagspawn, and use calibans for more general monstrous mutants.
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milfzatannaz · 2 years
Hi! You seem to know a lot about Constantine comics so of you could help me?
I started from Hellblazer issue one and they reference Invunche as a past thing. Should I go back and read other comics or will it be explained in Hellblazer? Also Astra, does she always appear as a flashback or was there an issue in a different comic where it was happening real time? Like, was there ever issues where John is actually young and learning this stuff or are they all flashbacks?
Ohhhh the Invunche is covered in Swamp Thing, where John originates! I recommend issues 37-50, but they’re specifically referenced in issue 48-49. And Astra is further explained in the Newcastle arc written by Delano, but otherwise they don’t spend a lot of time unpacking her specifically. She pops up down the line in Ennis and Jenkins.
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myth-lord · 2 years
A Bao A Qu Aatxe - Khalkotauroi Abaia Abere Abuhuku Adaro - Zitiron Adze Afanc Agrippa Agropelter Ahuizotl - Ugjuknarpak Airavata Ajaju Ajatar Akaname Akashita Akheilos - Isonade Akhlut (Amarok) Alp-Luachra Amhuluk Amikuk Ammut Amphisbaena - Ouroboros Anggitay Aniwye Aproxis Apshait Asanbosam Asdeev Aswang (Manananggal) Awd Goggie
Banaspati - Soucouyant Banshee - Limos - Pesta - Nemain Barghest (Cadejo) - Cu Sith - Cwn Annwn - Osschaert (Pesanta) Bauk (Nalusa Falaya) - Gaueko Baykok Berberoka Berserker - Einherjar Binaye Ahani Boitata Boobrie - Hverafugl Bruch Bubak (Tatty Boggle) Buckrider Buggane Bukavac Bulgasari Bunyip - Dingonek Burach Bhadi Burrunjor - Kasai Rex Butatsch Byakko
Cactus Cat Cacus - Belacko Caladrius - Zhenniao - Alicanto Caleuche Camulatz Carbuncle - Arkan Sonney - Cagrino Caspilly Catoblepas Cherufe Chipfalamfula Chochin-Obake - Aoandon Chon-Chon Chupacabra - Nadubi Cipactli Cockatrice - Basilisk - Codrille - Aitvaras (Pukis) Cuca Cuero - Rumptifusel Curuara - Inulpamahuida Cyclops - Papinijuwari - Tartalo
Dijiang - Hundun Dire Boar (Erymanthian Boar) - Bonguru - Babi Ngepet - Ao-Ao - Cuchivilu Djieien Djinn Doppelganger - Fetch - Frittening Dorotabo - Landvaettir - Ahi At-Trab (Seitaad) - Tsenagahi (Planctae) Drop Bear Dryad - Radande - Batibat - Askafroa - Yanagi-Baba - Mandremonte Dullahan - Ankou
Ebajalg - Hala Echeneis Egregore - Ewah Eintykara Enenra Erote
Fachen Fad Felen Fafnir - Pixiu Fomorian Fossegrim (Nokken) - Encantado (Boto) Fulad-Zereh
Gaasyendietha Gardinel Garei Gargoyle Garmr - Orthrus - Cerberus Gegenees Girtablilu Globster Gloson Goblin - Nuno (Trenti) - Kobold - Grindylow - Curupira - Ijiraq - Spriggan - Pukwudgie - Eloko (Chaneque) - Likho - Dactyl - Bilwis - Bugbear Gold-Digging Ant Golem - Invunche - Wulgaru - Celedon - Terra-Cotta Griffon - Sak - Hieracosphinx Grootslang Gulon - Rompo - Taotie
Haietlik Hantu Bulan Harpy - Siren - Erinyes (Fury) - Alkonost - Lechuza Heikegani Hinnagami - Jenglot Hinqumemen (Engulfer) - Umibozu Hrimpursar Hyakume Hydra - Orochi - Ladon - Nyuvwira
Ichneumon Ikuchi (Ayakashi) Imp - Incubus - Scarbo - Bushyasta - Skrzak - Galtzagorriak Intulo Ipetam Issitoq - Aghash - Aten Itqiirpak Ittan-Momen
Jba Fofi - Tsuchigumo - Aasivak Jinmenju - Wak-Wak - Zaqqum - Lunantishee Jinshin Mushi Jorogumo Jubokko Juggernaut
Kamaitachi Kameosa Kampe Kappa - Suiko Karkadann Karkinos - Saratan Kelpie (Each Uisge) - Each Tened - Helhest - Apaosha - Ceffyl Dwr - Skinfaxi Kerit Keukegen - Otoroshi Kholkikos Kikimora Kirin (Qilin) Kitsune - Kumiho Kongamato - Ropen Kurage-No-Hinotama
Lakuma - Charybdis Lamia - Echidna - Gorgon Lavellan Leprechaun - Gancanagh - Clurichaun - Far Darrig - Amadan Dubh - Domovoi Leshy - Bies - Anhanga (Waldgeist) Leucrotta Libelula Diablu Longgui Lou Carcolh Lusca - Iku-Turso - Migas (Tree Octopus) - Kraken - Rogo-Tumu-Here
Makalala (Tuyango) - Colorobetch Makhai Mandarangkal - Empusa Mandragora (Tiyanak) - Davalpa Manticore - Sphinx - Piasa - Lammasu Mapinguari Marool Minotaur - Erchitu - Sarangay Miraj Mishibizhiw Mngwa Morgawr - Mamlambo - Mokele-Mbembe Moskitto (Xan) Muhuru - Mbielu-Mbielu Muirdris Musca Macedda - Druj Nasu Muscaliet Muse - Leanan Sidhe Myrmecoleon
Nakshatra Meenu Namazu Nekomata (Cat Sith) - Kasha (Ovinnik) Nereid - Rusalka Ngoubou - Odontotyrannus Nidhogg Nocnitsa (Mara) Nosoi Nuckelavee Nue Nurikabe
Olgoi-Khorkhoi (Death Worm) Olitiau - Popobawa - Camazotz - Guiafairo Omukade - Ek-Chapat - Con Rit - Kugdlughiak Oread - Lampad Otso
Pard Penchapechi Peuchen - Haemorrhois - Seps Piskie (Sprite) - Ishigaq - Phooka (Puck) - Attercroppe - Tooth Fairy Polong Poltergeist - Dybbuk - Isogashi Poludnica (Lady Midday) Psoglav
Qalupalik Qinyuan Qiuniu
Rahara Raiju Ramidreju Rat King Rawhead (Bloody Bones) - Stuhac Redcap - Ly Erg Roc (Ziz) - Minokawa - Thunderbird (Impundulu) - Phoenix (Rarog) - Psonen - Tsenahale - Nachtkrapp - Naujakuksualuk Rock Bolter Roperite
Salamander Salawa (Sha) Satyr (Faun) - Shurale (Mahaha) Sazae-Oni Scarab - Khepri Scorpios - Sandwalker Scylla Sermilik Shadhawar Shen Shinchu Sianach - Delgeth Sigbin Skinwalker - Rougarou - Selkie - Bouda (Kishi) Skolex Sluagh - Hidarugami Spartoi - Gashadokuro - Tupilaq - Mekurabe - Ahkiyyini Stella Stray Sod - Hungry Grass Succarath
Tarasque Tesso Tiddalik Tlanusi Troll - Kayeri - Kapre - Porotai - Aigamuxa - Yehwe Zogbanu - Shellycoat Trolual - Raudkembingur - Bakekujira
Valkyrie Valravn Veela (Sylph) Velue (Peluda) Vish Kanya Vodyanoi - Bagiennik - Arzhavennik - Bolotnik - Cmuch
Wanyudo - Ophanim Water Leaper Wendigo Will o Wisp (Luz Mala) Wyvern (Vouivre) - Cuelebre - Tizheruk - Scitalis - Knucker - Suileach - Caorthannach
Xhumpedzkin (Ix-Hunpedzkin) Xiao - Ahool Xing Tian
Ya-Te-Veo Yale Yara-Ma-Yha-Who Yowie - Yeti - Fear Liath - Hidebehind Yuki-Onna
Ziphius Zirnitra Zlatorog Zmey - Azi Dahaka Zombie - Draugr - Mummy - Topielec - Corpo-Seco - Gaki - Aerico
Cat Sith / Pyrausta / Impundulu / Ninki Nanka / Khodumodumo / Minhocao / Marabbecca / Metminwi / Qupqugiaq / Myling / Moroi / Bloody Bones / Rokurokubi / Ifrit / Ghul / Ghawwas / Tiyanak / Mara / Acheri / Tikbalang / Baku / Calopus / Mahaha / Trollgadda / Tetragnathon / Vatnsandi / Ungaikyo / Naglfar / Oniate / Petsuchos / Sessho-Seki / Waldgeist / Tienlong / Tiamat / Asag / Hongaek / Ga-Gorib / Dalaketnon / Dobhar-Chu / Gbahali / Zheng / Antaeus / Maenad / Green Knight / Tulpa / Hiiden Hirvi /
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mindless-mutant · 2 years
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beni75 · 8 months
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1-. Fayla
3-. Golden dragon
4-. Haomaru Makoto
5-. Happy Halloween I no
6-. Ilina sisters
7-. Invunche
8-. Jeanne d'Arc
9-. New Luchi Shugenja
10-. Land of beast
11-. Leviathan
12-. Max the Monk
13-. Moon Witch
14-. Okenuth
15-. Pepper and Wanda
16-. Quetzalcoatl
17-. Red de Plata
18-. Ryujin
19-. Sir Constantine
20-. Summoners
21-. Therion
22-. Tsukuyomi
23-. Vitalia
24-. Xanochoy
25-. Yoko
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palaeolith-1 · 3 years
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hellwatermelon · 4 years
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Best of 2020 pt 5/12
Havukruunu - Uinuos Syömein Sota Hélène Vogelsinger - Contemplation Hum - Inlet IDLES - Ultra Mono Infant Island - Beneath Invunche / Ifernach - split jazmin bean - worldwide torture Joshua Burnside - Into the Depths of Hell JOYRYDE - BRAVE Jucifer - نظم
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mellamame · 5 years
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bigbenalpha · 6 years
I’ve been DMing, session 22
LEVEL FIVE!  I wasn’t originally going to give it to them until the end of of this story arc, maybe one or two more sessions, but they started making coherent plans (and sticking to them) and using strategy to take down enemies so that seemed like a pretty big milestone. And we’re also nearing the point when I hand over the DM chair and become a regular player for a while. 
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So down in the cavern beneath the watch tower most of the party was squaring off against the magma mephits while a few others searched for the enchanted object that kept summoning the little pests. Kainos caught a glimpse of something and sent Amnon (the new winged tielfing guy) and Eimir to investigate. They found a Drow sorceress who offered up a trade. She chain lightninged the remaining mephits and held out the item- a porcelain doll with a lovely dress covered in summoning and control runes. In exchange for her destroying it before the next batch of mephits appeared she wanted the party to promise they’d clear a path for her to the top of the tower. She needed something from there but wouldn’t say what. She explained that her particular bloodline was highly vulnerable to sunlight as well as the enchantment that were keeping the mephits in their respective summoning areas.  She didn’t care about anything else, she just needed that one thing. There was a lot of initial mistrust and couple of failed attacks on her by the more trigger happy members but eventually the party agreed.
Retracing their steps they made it back up to the stairs leading to the third floor of the tower, which was heavily obscured by smoke.  The party used magic to open the windows then sent up their stealthy sharp shooters to pick off the smoke mephits. The searchers quickly found the object - a humanoid skull with bizarre proportions, the runes were carved into the backs of the teeth- while the fighters dealt with the new mephits that were summoned.  
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The next floor up was clear so the party repeated their strategy - the flier took up position outside while the stealthy fighters moved to engage the ice mephits. The top floor was a lot more open, more like a light house. The mephits had killed another guard and iced him up inside the chamber where signal fires were lit. The strategy worked again and the rest of the party moved up to search the top floor. A few new mephits popped up but didn’t last long. One of the banners flying on the balcony was the item that summoned them. 
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The sun was going down but they couldn’t find anything that seemed like something a Drow magic user might want so they spread out and got ready for her to show up.  When she finally did there was another highly mistrustful conversation. When she was asked what exactly she was looking for she laughed and said “All of you,” and revealed her true form - MAW-MAW SUGAR, the green hag who cursed the windmill farm where the first adventure happened!
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They party tried to get off attacks on her but they were just attacking an illusion. Several giant hornets flew up from the forest and landed on the balcony around the top floor, trapping the party inside. Maw-Maw Sugar pulled out three crude looking dolls resembling Nora, Glim and Valik and made them start walking out to the waiting bees. She stopped and said she had a trade to offer and since the party owed her anyway, for destroying her artwork, they should listen or the bees were getting a meal.  
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She said that she had been visiting warmer areas, making new art, when she felt the party destroy her masterpiece. The tragedy and haunting of the farm was a tableau that would have stood the test of time, she said, and she was very cross about the party setting the ghosts free. She sent the nightmares to them as a promise of what was coming. But when she returned to the area she discovered that a large bandit gang had invaded her home in the nearby swamp and were using her magics to gain power that was rightfully hers. The items in the tower that summoned the mephits where hers. The bandits tricked one of the guards into thinking the mephits would do his bidding and make life easier at the tower. Think Fantasia and the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. The real goal was to clear out the tower so the bandits could move through that area of the forest and river unimpeded. Their main base, Maw-Maw Sugar’s home, was in the swamp upriver from the town. Closer to the mountains, which was something of another problem, she said. The earthquakes that had been happening in the region (seemingly minor details from the first few sessions) and massive storm that swept down out of the mountains that caused all the flooding were because a dragon cult had attempted to summon Tiamat, the evil five-headed dragon goddess.
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The cult was attacked and destroyed before that happened (another minor detail from early on was all the roads into the mountains were blocked by the military so the party’s caravan had to go through the long valley). The black dragon that was being used to make part of the new body for Tiamat managed to escape but the bandits used some more of Maw-Maw’s magic to “catch” it and bring it to the swamp. They are planning to twist it to their will somehow. But what they don’t know is that there is a piece of a god stuck inside the dragon. A god that isn’t from this world. If the bandits succeed, or the godling manifests, then this world is in big trouble, but more importantly to Maw-Maw Sugar, she won’t be able to make her art as easily as she used to. And at the very least the bandit’s need to punished their regulars crimes, not the least of which was breaking and entering into Maw-Maw’s house.  So, if the party agrees to handle the bandits Maw-Maw will consider the debt she thinks the party owes her to be paid. If they fail, well, saves her the trouble of killing them all, fun though it’d be. The party had a short debate and decided to agree. Maw-Maw put away the three dolls but not before revealing that she had one for each party member.  She dismissed the bees and moved out tot he balcony. The invunche, who had been lurking on the floor below followed her. She summoned a giant flying shoe, they all three got in and flew off into the night, leaving the party where they stood.
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The party made its way back to Midvale and collected the reward for freeing the watch tower. It was late so no shopping could happen but drinking definitely did. Nora attempted to give her bard friend, Morrisey, a note but Amnon and Titus got their hands on it instead. Kainos took Spider-Lan (the former aasimar druid, Lancoren, who is now cursed to be a drider) into the woods and attempted to commune with Lolth. Lolth didn’t appreciate that but she let him live since he is in a unique position to be useful. Brude decided to leave altogether and rode his panther off into the night. And that’s where we stopped. PREVIOUS      NEXT
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reptileshrine · 6 years
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lpbestiary · 7 years
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In the mythology of Chiloé Island, southern Chile, the imbunche is a creature described as a stunted and deformed human with a backwards-facing head and twisted limbs. It walks on one foot, with its other leg fused to the back of its neck. It cannot speak, communicating only in guttural sounds.
Legend states that the imbunche was a first-born son who was kidnapped by (or sold to) a warlock. The warlock broke the infant's leg and twisted it over his back. When the child was three months old, the warlock forked his tongue, feeding him black cat's milk and goat's flesh, before moving onto human flesh stolen from graves. When it comes of age, the imbunche is used to guard the warlock's cave, or to exact revenge on the warlock's enemies.
Image source.
Monster master list.
Suggest a spook.
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thecreaturecodex · 7 years
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Image © GENZOMAN, accessed at his deviantArt page here
[The invunche is more famous than most South American folkloric monsters, as it featured in the Swamp Thing comics. The CR and abilities were designed for synergy with hags. Incidentally, a hocus, a pocus and an invunche make for a CR 8 encounter--perfect for a gang of goons serving a hag coven.]
Invunche Shambling forth is a twisted humanoid form, tears forming in its skin exposing muscle and bone. Its hair is wild and it bears a maddened expression. It moves in a strange hopping gait with its arms and a single leg, as one of its legs has been twisted over its back and fused to its neck.
Invunches are grotesque creatures created by hags to act as familiars and guardians. Their bodies are hideously twisted, but they are capable of surprising speed in their hunched way, moving similarly to a man on crutches. They have little society except for that of their hag controllers, and an invunche typically follows a hag’s commands without question. They rarely wear clothes unless provided for them, and are content with whatever scraps of treasure are spared for them. Their one exception is food—invunches are ravenously hungry for milk and meat, and an improperly fed invunche may wander from a hag’s lair to find a decent meal.
In combat, invunches are straightforward combatants, using their fists and jagged teeth to pummel foes. The very sight of an invunche panics animals and fills humanoids with a bizarre madness, causing them to eventually lose all track of reality and fall comatose. If fighting in concert with a hag coven, invunches remain close in order to defend their charges and help empower their magic.
An invunche is created from a newborn humanoid baby between 0-3 months old. As part of the ritual, one of the legs is sewn to the back of the head and neck, magical ointments and tinctures are rubbed on the infant and its tongue is slit with an enchanted knife. Once this is complete, the monster grows to full size in a matter of weeks, although it is particularly ravenous during this time.
Invunche             CR 5 XP 1,600 CE Medium aberration Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., mistsight, Perception +15 Aura unnatural (30 ft.) Defense AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 17 (+7 natural) hp 59 (7d8+28) Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +8 DR 5/cold iron and magic; Immune curse effects, disease, pain effects; SR 16 Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee 2 slams +10 (1d4+4), bite +9 (1d4+4) Special Attacks dissociation gaze Statistics Str 18, Dex 11, Con 19, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 14 Base Atk +5; CMB +9 (+11 bull rush); CMD 19 (21 vs. bull rush and trip) Feats Alertness, Dazzling Display, Great Fortitude, Weapon Focus (slam) Skills Intimidate +12, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Perception +15, Sense Motive +17 Languages Aklo, Common, Giant SQ hagfriend Ecology Environment any land or underground Organization solitary, pair or coven (1-2 plus 3 hags) Treasure incidental Special Attacks Dissociation Gaze (Su) 1d4 Wis damage, 30 ft., Will DC 15 negates. This effect only works on humanoid creatures. Hagfriend (Ex/Su) All attacks made against a hag take a -2 penalty when that hag is adjacent to an invunche. In addition, when a coven of hags uses its coven spell-like abilities, an invunche can use its full round action instead of that of one of the hags. The invunche must be within 10 feet of the hags in question, and the coven still requires three hags to use its coven spell-like abilities. When an invunche uses its action in this fashion, it can deliver a touch spell used by the coven. Unnatural Aura (Su) Animals, whether wild or domesticated, can sense the unnatural presence of a spectre at a distance of 30 feet. They do not willingly approach nearer than that and panic if forced to do so unless a master succeeds at a DC 25 Handle Animal, Ride, or wild empathy check. A panicked animal remains so as long as it is within 30 feet of the invunche.
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rectaprovincia · 7 years
Over the centuries, all sorts of methods have been used to govern people. And while some have been just and humane — such as most modern legal systems — others have been more unusual. Social fear, religious tyranny, and military might. However, few examples stand out as much as the events that took place over a century ago on a small island off the coast of Chile.
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mrr080t0 · 5 years
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Invunche - II Ferocious Black Punk from the Netherlands. Coming from the same vein as Ildjarn, & Bone Awl. #Invunche #dutchblackmetal #rawblackmetal #blackpunk https://www.instagram.com/p/B33IBt8ll5m/?igshid=1363o761ux8bw
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