#and it wouldn’t let me delete the damn thing slI had to start from scratch
mysticalbookkeeper · 8 months
A Special Meeting
When Lilac first appeared on the island, Id had witnessed her entrance from the trees, staying completely hidden. He didn’t quite see her face, but he noticed how strange she looked, with purple skin and purple clothes.
He watched her as she made her way along the dug out path towards the lumberjack’s house.
He noticed she had a sword on her and was careful not to get too close, for fear of being on the receiving end of the blade.
Lilac soon made it to the lumberjack’s house and Clover just happened to see her as she was carrying those millions of logs she had just chopped down to her house.
Lilac seemed to ask Clover about something, but Id didn’t quite hear.
“Oh, I’m sorry. If it’s any consolation, this isn’t the first time it’s happened. And I doubt it will be the last. I can’t help you return to your world. But there is a town over in the north east, where I’m sure they’ll be able to help you. Just…watch your step. Lots of monsters are out there.” Clover said.
“Thank you.” Lilac said and began walking towards the other side of the forest.
Id kept to the shrubs and bushes as he made his way, following Lilac.
She was soon confronted by the slimes that hang around the vending machine.
Id watched as they looked at her, before pouncing forth.
However, what Id did not expect was for Lilax to swiftly slice her sword through each one as if they were nothing but paper.
All of the slimes were gone and Id saw the dangerous look in her eyes and hid further.
The odd purple girl picked up the coins from the ground and inserted them into the vending machine. She ordered a soda and some sleepytime tea. Id stuck out his tongue in disgust.
She carried on.
Id watched as she walked passed the bridge (strangely, the kin that was usually there wasn’t present at the time).
Id flew high through the trees on the hills.
He wanted to use this chance to meet her face to face and do his usual antics and see if she would take him on.
So he tossed a rock onto the dirt road Lilac was on. Lilac saw this and approached the rock. She looked up into the trees, but of course, couldn’t see the demon. Id grinned and tossed another rock further ahead from the first one.
Lilac noticed this as well and followed the rock and inspected it. She drew her sword, seeming to be ready to fight whatever seemed to be throwing the rocks. Id kept tossing more and more rocks, leading Lilac up the hill and he soon made his way to the small clearing near the lakey lake and stood in his usual spot on a small little island that was nice and dry from the puddle forming around his feet.
Id waited patiently and began chuckling to himself. He couldn’t wait to meet this new comer and see what she was made of. That is…if she didn’t turn her back and walk away like everyone else did….
Id shook his head. He had to stay focused and not let thoughts like that bring him down.
Id heard gentle steps splashing through the water, creating small ripples around him.
“H…hello?” He heard a voice speak. He pretended not to hear, so he continued to chuckle. Silence for a moment, then more footsteps approaching towards him. He felt a light tap on his shoulder.
“H…hello?” Asked the same voice.
“I’m not poisoning the water supply! You’re poisoning the water supply!” Id said.
Id turned around and opened his mouth to speak, but froze.
From afar, the purple girl had looked like no one special (aside from the whole sword swinging thing), but up close, he was surprised at just how stunned he was, seeing her face to face. He felt himself clam up and his face turn red. He almost forgot what he was about to say.
The girl was indeed purple all over, but she seemed not too frightened that she suddenly appeared on some island in the middle of nowhere surrounded by an endless void. She had a face that looked like it had seen many adventures and many rough and strong battles. Battles that lesser people wouldn’t even dare be apart of. Id was slightly intimidated by her gaze and yet….
She’s so pretty. I wonder if she’d…
Id shook his head from the thought and turned around again, trying to stay focused.
“Umm, excuse me, sir, but I got sucked in by this vortex thing and I was hoping if you knew a way to return home.” Lilac asked.
She sounded so genuine, so concerned, that Id couldn’t help relate. He remember when he found out he couldn’t return home and boy, was that a scary feeling. He wanted to help her feel welcome, rather than just start a fight with this newbie that was just another victim of unfortunate circumstances.
Id took a breath. He was wondering what her favourite hobbies were, her favourite animals, if she liked pranks, or…
He shook his head again and turned around, pretending to notice Lilac for the first time.
“Hm?” He asked.
“What. Is. THIS?”
He fully turned around and laughed, but it was more nervous than his usual maniacal laughter he practiced in the lake almost every day.
“And here I….”
Lilac looked at him with a curious glint in her eyes. As if this was something she wasn’t expecting at all. Yet she still didn’t make an excuse to leave, or sneak away.
Id was a little more shy now. But he kept speaking.
“…thought we were out of the kidnapping business! But here you are! And you are really pre…”
Id shook his head and averted his gaze.
“Really what?” Asked Lilac.
“Err…what I mean to say is, I’ve never seen anyone like you on the island. You must be new around here. But that’s okay! It isn’t so bad! There’s lots of stuff to do here and I think we can become really good acquaintances! And look! You have a sword! Oh, that’s cute. As for finding a way off this island, I’m not sure myself. Everyone, including me, is trapped here and no one knows why or how. Very crummy circumstances, I know, but this island is really nice once you get used to it, I even know some really cool places around here that aren’t completely monster filled. So, what do you say big shot hero? Wanna give me a run for my money?” Asked Id.
“Ummm…” Lilac looked confused. She seemed to not understand what exactly what was going on.
“Ah, I guess so?” She asked.
Id teleported around and began his usual shtick of throwing items at her. However, once the first wrench was thrown, Lilac immediately was charging towards him and she took a swing at him.
Id nearly panicked, but kept fighting her and soon smoke spilled from his coat and coins dropped down.
“Ahh…” Id had never felt so much pain. He could swear he was actually bleeding in some areas.
“Ah ha ha! Finally! Someone who takes this seriously! But just so you know, the deeper you go, the stronger I’ll get! There’ll be no holding back next time! Oh, hey, wait. Here’s my card in case you need something! Just look me up in the yellow pages and ring me up! I’m sure there’s a telephone around here you can use, but as for now, see ya! It was nice meeting you~!” Id said and handed Lilac a card with his name and phone number on it. He looked at her for a little bit, before shaking his head again and immediately vanishing.
Lilac looked around, but didn’t see Id. She shrugged but seemed preoccupied as she picked up the coins.
“Id huh? Alright, sounds weird, but he is kinda funny. Wonder if I’ll see him around. Probably.” She muttered.
Id watched her from afar and felt his smile remain on his face. He hoped he’d get to see her soon as well and maybe things would be a little different that time around. He couldn’t wait to spend more time with her and he teleported somewhere on the island to start planning what pranks he was going to start pulling on Lilac and he hoped that they would get to be the bestest of friends.
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