#and it's a few miles from Fallon's Palace
15 Questions Tag
tagged by @andromedaexists I already did this for myself, I think, at some point, so I'll do it for Fallon. <3
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not my first name. However, my middle name, Adelia, was my grandmother's first name, and I'm proud to have shared it with her.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I'm not sure. The last time I majorly cried was after my mother's funeral. I've probably cried over a few smaller things since then, but nothing I remember super clearly.
3. Do you have kids?
No, not yet. But it's expected that I have a child at some point, be they by birth or adoption, to continue my family line. I don't see myself having more than one, though.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Not often. My words can be cutting at times, but sarcasm is not my preferred way to speak. Besides, it doesn't exactly provide the best impression of me as Queen.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Physically, their eyes. You can tell a surprising amount about someone from their eyes. Otherwise, their posture.
6. What’s your eye color?
Dark grey, with a hint of maybe blue. I've been told they remind people of stormclouds, on occasion.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. Sometimes you just need hope that things will be okay in the end.
8. Any special talents?
Not that I'm aware of.
9. Where were you born?
The royal palace of Anvia, a couple of miles outside of the capital, Carisfell.
10. What are your hobbies?
I don't have time for many hobbies, but when I have the time I enjoy reading, walking in the palace gardens, and riding through the countryside.
11. Have you any pets?
Aside from my horse Alena, not really.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
None. Unfortunately my upbringing didn't provide time or space for sports.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
I always enjoyed my dancing lessons. I'd probably say those were my favorites.
15. Dream job?
The only dream I ever had was to be Queen. It came true a little sooner than I would have liked, but now I try my best to do things that would make my mother proud.
I'm going to tag @sleepyowlwrites @lockejhaven @bloodlessheirbyjacques and making this an open tag!
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morrigan-sims · 2 years
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A Walk in the City pt. 1
[transcript under the cut]
Later, 1 p.m. Carisfell
[water lapping, people talking, chickens squawking.  footsteps approach]
Fallon: Good afternoon, Baron Andino.
Hermes: Good afternoon, Your Majesty.
Fallon: Sorry to have made you wait.
Hermes: I have waited far longer for much less.  Shall we go?
Fallon:  This is a rare treat.  I rarely get the chance to walk in the city without my guards surrounding me.  So, thank you, My Lord.
Hermes: I doubt Your Majesty’s guards are far behind.
Fallon, quietly: They never are.  [sigh]
Hermes: Still, it seems they have good faith in the people of this city to allow you to walk without them in sight.
Fallon: Is that not why you are here?  A strong, honorable Baron to keep me safe?
Hermes, smiling: Indeed
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misku2024 · 4 years
Session 15 Notes
Chesterton, Dr. Rice, and Jay were left waiting at the bottom of the sheer drop for roughly half an hour before they heard two voices approaching: that of the familiar Detective Drummond and one later revealed to be Ela Santos, an EMT. Both responded to distressing reports - Officer Drummond checking in on Josh Winscott after a family member asked for a wellness check and Ela received some kind of alert made by Perry. Together, Drummond and Ela checked out the Winscott house, found the cave, and followed the path underground, and met the party. Now, as a group of 5, this new team ventured deeper underground. 
After a few minutes the group found a very long corridor, from which branched a separate path. Following this second route, All five found a large grotto with walls covered in different colored stones. At the end of this room was a series of pipes that broke in and out of the wall, later revealed to be an organ. At the top of these pipes were human heads, leathered over time and with mouths that moved and opened when certain keys of the organ were played. Horrified at the sight, the group looked around for ways out of this room. They found one, but also saw something else: hairless, naked, hunched over figures lurking in the darkness and moving to escape the party’s flashlight beams by way of the path the party just came from. With only one way to go now that following their original path meant potentially encountering these creatures, the party walked further into the cave. 
Navigating a series of forked paths - some of which were mossy and some of which were not - the group eventually arrived at what can only be described as a sacrificial site of worship. The tall, perfectly excavated room was odminated by an enormous natural column, carved into the likeness of a great, coiled serpent with a white crescent symbol upon its forehead formed from pale gemstones. In front of the serpent was a large altar marred by dark stains (bloodstains) and decorated with intertwined geometric carvings and runes. Spherical golden censers on stands flanked the alter, each pouring forth clouds of perfumed incense. Everyone except for Dr. Rice succumbed to visions of the statue’s jaw opening and thousands of snakes pouring out. While most resisted the drive into madness, Jay Payne experienced a different vision altogether. In it, he stood alone amongst the perfumed smoke. In front of Jay, the smoke parted and a 15 foot tall humanoid form covered with scaly skin, a cobra’s hood, a long tail, and a golden staff in his hands stood before him. Jay somehow recognized this as Yig, father of all snakes and an outer god - a being that exists outside all space and time. Yig walked toward Jay, grabbed him by the head, and sunk extended fangs into his neck. Outside the vision, the party saw Jay drop to the ground. He began to seize and froth at the mouth while his jaw dislocated and his veins distended and became inky black. Ela, first to respond to Jay’s condition, saw the skin on Jay’s neck rip open in two places - leaving a wound reminiscent of a bite from an extremely large snake. 
Once Jay found his footing, the party delved deeper into the caverns. At one more fork, the party went right. They found the living quarters and laboratory of an abnormal site - some kind of cloaked hybridzed snake-human being, similar to the ones seen on the mural. Also in the quarters of the snake man were four living creatures inside some kind of prison cell - three babies with signs of generations of inbreeding, as well as Josh Winscott, curled into a ball and muttering to himself. While observing the snake man, the party watched him pull a stone from a nearby drawer and place it in an ensconced hole in the wall. When the stone was placed in this particular spot - one at the top of what looked like a carved out archway that was covered in a series of symbolic or runic etchings - two things happened: first, Dr. Rice and Jay recognized this particular stone as being similar (though not the same) to the stone sought during the events at the Crystal Palace. Second, a swirling portal gateway appeared within the archway. 
 While the party attempted to sneak, their extended debates over what to do left them vulnerable to being spotted. The hooded snake man noticed them and rang a nearby gong and combat began. The snake man unsuccessfully tried to render Officer Drummond violent and to attack his party members. After resisting the effects, Drummond tried to bash the snake man with his truncheon, only for the snake to parry and retaliate with a knife. Chesterton joined the melee, doing a lot of damage to the snake, only to have his mind dominated. Jay snuck past the violence and opened the door to the cell holding Winscott and the babies. Winscott told Jay that the snake “goes through there,” referencing the portal. Ela swooped in, grabbed the babies, and followed Jay & Winscott through the portal. Dr. Rice fled the melee, following her allies through the gate, while Detective Drummond tackled Chesterton into it. The entire party, as well as Winscott and the babies, suddenly found themselves on the bank of a river and away from danger, about 5 miles outside Providence. 
Upon reaching this relative safety, Jay, Chesterton, and Dr. Rice - as well as Perry, wherever she is - receive a flurry of notifications, summarized here: Chesterton receives a series of news updates from that he is under investigation by Arkham PD into the assault and attempted murder of Anthony Flinders. While under investigation, the university has suspended his enrollment; Dr. Rice received an email that she has been placed on leave by the university after evidence came to light that she was involved in a romantic relationship with a student. A number of petitions have been filed calling for her removal from the university and the student in question has called or texted multiple times, the general tone of which is “how could you do this, you said it would stay a secret, I’ll never forgive you, etc.” The response from the IREC team members ranges from loyalty to dismay to confusion to betrayal; Perry also gets a receives a notice from the university that she has been fired after documents revealed she had previous affiliation with the Klu Klux Klan; the party receives notification from local news outlets that a Miskatonic librarian has been terminated from her position after leaked documents revealed that she was previously affiliated with the Klu Klux Klan. After a brief discussion, the group collectively realizes that there’s only one person who might both have access to all of these kinds of secrets and that controls the flow of information, media, and police in and out of Arkham: Bryce Fallon, Special Assistant to the University President. 
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krystangreen-blog · 5 years
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Alicia Keys captured the essence of New York City in her song Empire State of Mind when she wrote, “Now you’re in New York, these streets will make you feel brand new, big lights will inspire you.” Likely, you too will find yourself enraptured by this city’s buoyant energy the moment you step off the plane.
If you’re already familiar with things to do in New York City, you’ll want to dig deeper into the city that never sleeps with each visit. But for those new to NYC, you’d be remiss if you came here and skipped any of these classic must-do experiences.
Sightsee for Less
Save with the New York Pass
Includes FREE entry to 100+ top New York attractions.
Take in the View from the Empire State Building
The Empire State Building provides spectacular views of New York City. Your experience begins at the 34th Street entrance and Visitors’ Center where you’ll pass through security and buy your tickets before boarding second-floor elevators that take you to the top.
Highlights of your visit include the 80th floor Dare to Dream Exhibit depicting the iconic 102-story Art Deco building’s 13-month construction in 1930-31. The 86th floor is New York’s highest open-air observatory and the world’s most famous where 360-degree views include Central Park, the Brooklyn Bridge, and the Statue of Liberty. The 102nd-floor wraparound top deck offers panoramic views up to 80 miles away. Your experience ends in the stunning 5th Avenue Lobby.
Some tips for your visit – skip the line with an Express Pass, beat the crowd by arriving before 11 a.m., and use the second-floor bathrooms before getting in line for elevators. Note that kids under six are free. The second floor ESB store is open whenever the building is open. Shops and restaurants line ground level along 33rd and 34th streets, and 5th Avenue.
The Empire State Building is open 365 days from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.
Meet Lady Liberty
The Statue of Liberty is the most recognizable icon of the United States, a symbol of freedom and democracy. There are a number of ways to experience Lady Liberty in New York Harbor, both free and paid.
You can see the Statue of Liberty for free from the Staten Island Ferry that leaves Manhattan’s Battery Park every half hour. The 25-minute ride through New York Harbor passes by the Statue offering riders great views. Or, you can stay on land at Battery Park and enjoy the view from there. Head to the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn for great land views from Louis Valentino Jr. Pier.
For the full experience, take a tour of Liberty Island followed by Ellis Island with Statue Cruises, the only vendor authorized by the NPS to land on the islands. If you plan to climb to the Statue pedestal or crown, you have to make advance reservations. There are 377 steps to the crown and no elevators.
A final option is a New York Harbor cruise that circles the Statue of Liberty. Dinner cruises are popular, offering magnificent nighttime views of the Statue and the Manhattan skyline.
Attend a Broadway Show
We saw Hamilton and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child during our last visit to New York City. I highly recommend both.
Getting a ticket to the Broadway show of your choice can be arduous. Many of your favorites may already be sold out, but don’t despair. If you’ve been lusting after tickets to Hamilton or Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, there may still be a way. If you’re creative, you may not even have to pay full price.
The easiest way to get a ticket to a show on Broadway is to purchase it online months in advance. Since this won’t work for everyone, here are some other things to try. (The more flexible you are, the better your chances.) Grab some same day discounted show tickets from TDF’s TKTS Booths at 47th and Broadway or 62nd and Broadway – many with deep discounts. If you have your heart set on a big show, try a lottery at the theater of choice, or on TodayTix.
Even if you aren’t able to secure a ticket to a Broadway show, consider off-Broadway. The tickets are cheaper and generally easier to come by, and you’ll still have a fabulous New York theater experience. (Harry Potter fans should book tickets to Puffs, a hilarious off-Broadway spin on the popular series.)
(Tip: Don’t forget that there’s also the Apollo Theater in Harlem which first opened in 1914 as a burlesque theater. When the city’s mayor banned burlesque, the theater was closed and reopened as the Apollo in 1934 showcasing African American performers from the Harlem Renaissance. The theater’s famous Amateur Night quickly debuted such greats as Ella Fitzgerald, Lena Horne, Billie Holiday, and Count Basie.
To get to the Apollo, you’ll make your way to the heart of Harlem on West 125th Street. You can tour the theater by joining a daily, guided group tour. One-hour tours are led by Mr. Billy Mitchell, who’s worked at the Apollo since 1965, so you’ll hear plenty of behind-the-scenes stories.
It’s also an electrifying experience to be part of the Amateur Night at the Apollo audience, cheering or deciding when to “sweep” a performer from the stage. Who knows? You may see the next Lauryn Hill, Jackson 5, or James Brown.)
Spend Time in Central Park
The state of New York set aside 750 acres of urban parkland in 1853, which became Central Park. It’s known as the lungs of New York City with thousands of trees that help to improve the air quality, myriad of jogging and biking paths, and green space to enjoy in good weather. There are so many things to see and do here, you’ll want to check out their official website, visit one of their Visitor Centers, or grab an interactive map to chart your own course.
A must-see in Central Park is the famous Central Park Mall & Literary Walk. This is the most photographed and recognizable part of the park having been featured in countless films. Mature elm trees form an elegant arc over a wide pedestrian walkway lined with benches. At its southern end is the lesser known Literary Walk with statues providing tributes to prominent writers.
Other park highlights include the bronze Alice in Wonderland sculpture, Wollman Ice Skating Rink in winter, the 1908 vintage carousel, Central Park Zoo, the Dairy Visitor Center & Gift Shop, and Bethesda Terrace. Families love Conservatory Water for its climbing sculptures, model boats, story-telling programs, and café. We tend to stay at Mandarin Oriental, New York in Columbus Circle because we like walking from the hotel into the park in a matter of minutes.
Experience Times Square
Times Square, aka Crossroads of the World, is the heartbeat of New York City. The billboards alone, or spectaculars as they’re known locally, are electrifying. At Midnight Moment, they’re also synchronized. This is classic New York, high energy hustle and bustle with everyone on the move. You’ll find something to please each member of the family in Times Square. It’s hectic but a must-do at least once in a lifetime just to say you’ve been there.
There are more than a few things to do at Times Square with kids. National Geographic Encounter: Ocean Odyssey is the most high-tech attraction with 60,000 square feet of exhibition space – for virtual sea life encounters. There’s a whole miniature world at Gulliver’s Gate, the best selection of Marvel comics at Midtown Comics, and three floors of chocolate at M&M’s World. And that’s only the beginning.
Other must-do Times Square attractions include touring Madame Tussauds wax museum and joining the studio audience for a TV show “Good Morning America.”
Explore the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Our most recent visit to the Temple of Dendur in the Sackler Wing.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art has assembled an astounding collection representing over 5,000 years of cultural artworks from around the world. One really could spend days here and it’s a top pick for things to do in New York City with kids. The Met even has a family map. My daughter has always loved the Degas ballerinas, Egyptian mummies, Jackson Pollock’s Autumn Rhythm (Number 30), and Arms and Armour.
To make the most of your time with this vast collection, you’ll want to choose a guided or audio tour (there is also an audio tour for kids) that matches your interests. You can choose from a variety of engaging one-hour tours presented in various languages that begin at the Great Hall.
The Museum Highlights tours are regulars with other tours on rotation depending on featured collections. All guided tours are free with the price of admission.  
You can spend all of your time at The Met Fifth Avenue (where most people start) or also visit The Met Breuer for an Architecture Tour, and The Met Cloisters for European medieval art and architecture audio tours. All three museum locations open at 10:00 a.m. seven days a week, but The Met Breuer is closed on Mondays.
Top of the Rock and Rockefeller Center
Head over to Rockefeller Center for a variety of activities. In winter, enjoy the massive Christmas tree and famous ice skating rink. During the rest of the year, admire some of the best NYC views from the Top of the Rock Observation Deck or take a behind-the-scenes tour of NBC Studios. Make a booking for brunch at the famous Rainbow Room. Snag a banana pudding and cupcakes at Magnolia Bakery. Also popular with kids is the enormous LEGO store, Nintendo store, and FAO Schwarz.
Don’t forget that you can request tickets for the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon or even catch a performance at Radio City Music Hall.
Close proximity to Rockefeller Center is a benefit to staying at The Towers at Lotte Palace.
Take a Walk over the Brooklyn Bridge
Many New Yorkers consider walking across the Brooklyn Bridge a rite of passage. Visitors wanting to experience New York like a local flock to the bridge to check it off their bucket list too. The popular pedestrian walkway, elevated above traffic, connects Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan.
The Brooklyn Bridge is hands down the most iconic bridge in New York City, featured in films like Saturday Night Fever and Gangs of New York, among others. The architecture alone is stunning, but be sure to take note of the Manhattan skyline on your way across. Guided walking tours are available, including some focused on the bridge’s history or architecture.
At just over a mile long, it will take a half to full hour to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, one way. You’ll want to plan for it to be pretty windy with no protection from the elements. Wear a hat and sunscreen in the summer. Also, walkers share the bridge with cyclists, so be cautious. There are no essentials on the bridge like bathrooms, snacks, or water.
We started on the Brooklyn side and walked across to Manhattan. It’s a bit of a walk from the Brooklyn subway station (about 10 minutes) to the base of the bridge. It’s a well-marked path but not exactly through a major thoroughfare. On both sides, during a hot summer day, vendors sell much-needed bottled water and ice cream. 
Pay Respects at the 9/11 Memorial
Many visitors to New York City want to pay their respects to the victims of September 11 with a visit to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. The two are located adjacent to each other on an eight-acre Memorial Plaza, and are part of the larger 16-acre World Trade Center. They serve as a tribute to those who lost their lives as a result of terror attacks on February 26, 1993 and September 11, 2001.
The 9/11 Memorial Plaza includes 400 white oak trees, and two one-acre pools with the nation’s largest manmade waterfalls where the twin towers once stood. Every name of those who perished is inscribed in bronze surrounding the two Memorial pools. Memorial Glade includes six stone monoliths dedicated to rescue and recovery workers, relief workers, survivors, and community members affected by the attack. The Survivor Tree that endured the attack is a symbol of resilience and rebirth.
The 9/11 Memorial Museum is the nation’s primary institution dedicated to the remembrance of September, 11. Visitors will find state-of-the-art multimedia exhibits, monumental artifacts, and significant archives. The museum tells the story of both victims and survivors. Visitors can purchase tickets for guided Memorial tours, Museum tours, or combination tours which are also included options on various New York sightseeing passes.
Bask in the Nostalgia of Coney Island
Seriously, Coney Island was much more fun than I thought it would be.
Even if you’ve never been to New York City, you’ve likely heard of Coney Island. This nostalgic seaside resort is embedded in our culture through our music, theater, film, literature, television, and even video games. Once upon a time, over a century ago, it was the preeminent seaside getaway in America.
Today, it’s been revitalized to recapture at least some of its former allure. There are new bars and restaurants, and even the amusement park has gotten a major facelift. But the old carny-style ambience has remained too. You’ll find some of the same concessions that have been here for decades, an enduring circus sideshow, the traditional annual Coney Island Mermaid Parade, and of course, the famous boardwalk.
Must-do experiences at Coney Island include riding the Cyclone wooden roller coaster at Luna Park, and the 150-foot 1920s Wonder Wheel Ferris wheel at Deno’s Wonderwheel Amusement Park next door. An afternoon at the beach, or visit the New York Aquarium along the iconic Boardwalk are also good bets. Grab a hotdog from Nathan’s Famous Hot Dogs, or a caramel apple from the 75-year-old Williams Candy store. If it’s playing, you can even watch a family-friendly sideshow.
Save on Things to Do in New York City With Sightseeing Passes
There are several options for NYC sightseeing passes that help you save month on attractions. They also conveniently allow you to skip the ticket booth lines in many cases.
The New York Pass is a popular all-inclusive pass for active sightseers as it includes admission to over 100 attractions across 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 or 10 days. 
Less active sightseers or those who are weaving in a few major attractions in between eating glorious food and shopping may prefer the New York Explorer Pass. We used this during our trip a few months ago. This NYC sightseeing pass provides entry to 3, 4, 5, 7, or 10 attractions and tours from 90 options. You have 30 days to use the pass from its first activation.
Both are accessible via mobile phones apps so that you can skip the ticket lines and go straight to the gate in many cases. They also don’t require you to choose which attractions to visit in advance with the exception of guided tours which need reservations.
What are your favorite things to do in New York City?
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15 tags, 15 mutuals tag
I was tagged by @cherrybombfangirlwrites Thank you, Anna!
Rules: Answer these questions either with yourself or an OC.
I will be answering these as myself and for Fallon.
Are you named after anyone?
Not that I can remember. I know I asked my parents once like 9 years ago, but I can't remember what their answer was.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Uhhh, I'm not sure. I don't cry very often, so it's definitely been a while.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope, and I don't ever want them. Not my thing, and I also know I would be an awful parent.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Me? Never. ;)
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Probably their hair? Or maybe their clothing.
6. What's your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. Scary movies either don't scare me, or I hate them. And I personally write all my stories with happy endings, for the most part.
8. Any special talents?
Figuring out plot twists way before they happen / figuring out "surprise" endings. It's almost uncanny, to be honest.
9. Where were you born?
Somewhere in Michigan.
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, playing video games, playing D&D, watching Critical Role, and spending time with my cats.
11. Do you have any pets?
Yes! I have two cats. They are bonded brothers named Loki and Charlie. They're 4 years old. Loki is completely black nose-to-tail, and Charlie is completely grey nose-to-tail.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I don't play any currently, but I played soccer as as a little kid, against my will, and not really a sport (at least, I didn't compete), but I took riding lessons for several years on-and-off.
13. How tall are you?
5'10" :)
14. Favorite subject in school?
Graphic design. I took a lot of classes of it as electives in high school, and it was by far my favorite class.
15. Dream job?
Other than spending my days just having fun, then perhaps Enrichment Coordinator at a zoo.
I'll put my answers for Fallon under the cut!
Are you named after anyone?
No. No one else in my family has born the name Fallon.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I'm not certain. The most memorable time was at my mother's funeral, but it's likely I've shed a tear or two since then.
3. Do you have kids?
Not at the moment, but should I find a partner, I would love to have children with them. I'm expected to have an heir one way or another, and I genuinely do want children someday.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Not often. Sarcasm is not often expected from the Queen.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes. Not only do a person's eyes say a lot about them, but eyes are beautiful. After that, it's their demeanor.
6. What's your eye color?
Dark grey.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. I don't enjoy being frightened for "fun", though if others enjoy it, that is their choice.
8. Any special talents?
Not particularly. My mother always said I was a good dancer, but I believe I owe that to my dance teachers rather than talent.
9. Where were you born?
The royal palace of Anvia, a few miles outside of Carisfell.
10. What are your hobbies?
I don't have much free time to engage in hobbies, but in my rare free time, I enjoy reading, walking in the gardens, or riding through the countryside.
11. Do you have any pets?
Unless you consider my mare, Alena, to be a pet, then no. I've never truly had a pet.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I've never played any sports. It's not typical for nobles or their children to play sports in Anvia.
13. How tall are you?
5'6". A respectable height, if I must say so myself.
14. Favorite subject in school?
I enjoyed the more "artistic" parts of my education. Literature, dance, and so forth.
15. Dream job?
To be a Queen my mother could be proud of.
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morrigan-sims · 3 years
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Okay, so Miranda ( @simgerale​ ) posted the AWESOME map she made of Volais and Eden, and that reminded me that I made one for the continent where RTQ takes place!  And then @huhney-butter​ told me to post it, so....  If you want some really rambling Lore, feel free to look under the cut!!
(btw, I did NOT make this myself.  I used Inkarnate to draw it and add the “stamps” and stuff.) (yes, I know Oraine is super-duper blank, I just don’t know much about their geography.)
- Okay, so starting in the west, we have Oryn.  Basically the whole country is surrounded by mountains, except for two places along the border with Anvia, and also the southern edge.   - Those little islands down there are called the Southern Isles, and they are loosely part of Oryn?? It’s kind of complicated.  But they are where Victor Pelle was banished/exiled to after he tried (and failed) to overthrown his older brother, Pierre, the current king. :) - Most of Oryn is covered in trees, except for the moutains where it’s too cold and/or rocky for trees to grow. Oryn also has the coldest climate of the three kingdoms.
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- The city with the red star is the capital, Westcliff.  That’s where the castle is, as well as being the largest and wealthiest city in Oryn. - The yellow star is the location of Ironkeep, the northern fortress that serves to protect the mines, and serve as a collection point for the materials extracted from the mines. - This is very important since the vast majority of Oryn’s income comes from exports of their natural resources, as well as metalworking including swords and armor, as well as (rarely) some jewelry.
- In the middle is Anvia, which is where RTQ takes place, and is Fallon’s home. - Anvia has very good climate and soil for farming and grazing animals, so they are mostly self-sufficient in terms of food.  However, that doesn’t leave much room for money-making, so they make more of their money via selling artisan goods such as furniture, textiles, etc.   - However, Anvia is still the least wealthy kingdom on the continent. - The river that runs through Anvia is the center of most of her activity, with most towns and villages being relatively close to the river or one of its tributaries (not pictured). - The river actually starts in the mountains of Oryn as runoff and snowmelt, before making its way down into Anvia.
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- The red star is Carisfell, the capital.  It’s home to Anvia’s largest and most central market, as well as many of the most skilled craftspeople. - In an unusual move for royals, the Royal Palace is actually situated a couple of miles outside of Carisfell.  This is not a very defensible position, but the people of Anvia have never been particularly worried about attacks on the capital, since the major target in any war (including the past one with Oryn) would be the farms, which provide both food and income for the whole country. - The yellow marker is where I imagine Duncan’s estate to be, since I headcanon that his little province is one of the very few that borders Oryn without mountains in the way.... 
- To the far East we have the final kingdom, which isn’t really a kingdom.  That is the Orainian Empire.   - I’m gonna be honest, and say that I don’t know much about their geography or anything, but there are some important points! - The city to the south is Villecourt, the capital.  It is the largest port on the continent, and a hub for trade.  It is also (luckily) closer to Oryn’s only sea access. - Oraine makes all of their money via trading.  They have expert shipbuilders and strategic merchants, who know just how much to overcharge someone.  (Capitalism, am I right?) - Since Anvia and Oryn aren’t exactly on speaking terms, Orain serves as a go-between, shipping goods that each country needs (food and textiles to Oryn and timber, weapons and jewelry to Anvia.), for a price. - In addition to an individual merchant’s fees, anyone who has their cargo transported on an Orainian vessel must also pay a steep tax set by the Empress.
(Not really important, but I gave the Orainian capital the name Villecourt as a little bit of a play off of “Vile Court”, because that’s really what it is. The Gilded Palace at the center of the city as well as the court mansions that surround it are lovely, but the further form the Palace you get, the worse and worse the city gets.  And the Empress doesn’t care about the people outside the innermost ring...)
WOW, sorry, that was a LOT!! But this is only a tiny fraction of my Lore, especially on Anvia and Oryn.  So, if anyone has any questions, please ask.  If you read this far, I love you, and I hope I didn’t bore you, ajdksaj.
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