#and it's nearing the end of the season 'fashion wise' so eeeeeveyrhing is clearanced and customers go feral for markdowns so it's super bad
bunnyb34r · 3 months
Lmao so NewLady hasnt been there at all this week (either sick or sick of work, either way I get it) and I was the only one in clothing yesterday while RC was in another area
They were sick today, NewLady was out sick, the one lady who is supposed to work our area but conveniently always has other areas to do was off today. I almost called out (only went in bc I remembered I had liquidations to pull and was like eh I guess I could use the cash) and NetflixCoworker almost called out sgdggdgdgd
We were both like "I was so close to calling out too..." like that wouldve been so funny like just absolutely no one in clothing, the recoverer wasnt in last night either, so it was a fucking mess EVERYWHERE, and like no one was there to cover our shifts in our section had we all bailed 😭 but it'd have been so funny
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