#and it's so hard to understand what Monty is going through because he'll never understand. he'll never understand the weight
simmeons · 11 months
im normal about silly characters (lie)
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First I must make it clear that I came for Yves, stayed for Cyprus, and found Mont to be my true love. And Blanche as my confusing friend in the midst.
As a new fan that has been searching through this all, my knowledge isn't the best but I'm trying.
Yves is so interesting but also expansive that I'm having a bit of a hard time grasping it all. He's your personification of infallible unconditional love that people can display right? The mother of mothers.
Yet I can't find myself wanting to be open or close to him even with the knowledge that he won't judge me or that he'll take care of me like I dream of. Almost like I'm expecting him to be this way because I'm already viewing him in that parental role since I can't find mysel liking him romantically.
In contrast the thought of Cyprus doing the chores and cooking like in the Yandere coworker series, it gives me a warm giddy feeling like most yanderes would for me. Because I view him in a more romantic light.
I think that says a lot about how he's written and portrayed subconsciously by you. Since I read about him hating children and pets making me decide not to pursue him romantically it made me view all the other works of him differently.
But what I also found jarring due to that view is the first chapter of [the best and worst of both worlds] where he's so flirty and fun while the reader is this nervous failure in response.
From what I've seen Yves wants to mother and while you did say he would change himself for the reader, he wouldn't upheaval himself.
So what does he do when the reader is someone who wants to mother someone else, much like that one ask about Yves being a monster in law against Monty.
Now that was Yves just not being with reader and reader already with Monty. So if [tbawobw] (I'm sorry lol) had a far more put together reader that didn't stalk or fawn over Yves, how would he go about getting their attention?
Another thing I want to question is about Yves with a guarded reader. Now we know that he's 'okay' (debatable) with a reader that just chooses to keep him as a friend. And that if reader would hate who Yves is as a person, he would manipulate the environment to get their views to broaden before approaching.
But Yves with a reader who is very friendly, warm and caring to everyone but will not get close to them. Texts are dry, conversations never steer into Reader's personal life, such questions get obviously ignored or clearly told 'I'm not comfortable with that' and reader keeps even family apart mentally from their inner thoughts and feelings.
Now Yves has all the info, he's Yves but it means nothing if he can't get the reader to actually open up to him even when they do meet. They could be near homeless and still say 'I'll be fine, [insert clear conversation chang].'
Sure he can gift them all the money and gifts, they'll accept and use it. Only telling him that they used it wisely and appreciated his kindness before keeping the convo minimal. The kind of reader that has no shame in telling Yves that they feel uncomfortable with his amount/type of questions and/or visits.
So let's say he drives them into a corner, not too traumatizing but enough so that reader is forced in his vicinity when they breakdown from stress. He comforts them, reassures them, helps them and what happens?
The exact same thing. And if he does ask why they won't let him of all people close even when he is the first person that reader has broke down in front of, the response he gets is a 'I have never seen you become as unstable as I was in front of you. That dynamic felt unfair and uneven so I'd rather us return to our old one where we both were equals without faults.' and they just end it saying they understand if Yves doesn't want to be friends anymore.
What does he do then? He won't break down, he promised himself after all he's been through. So faking a breakdown won't work but just telling false information doesn't work either. Anymore traumatizing could be permanent too.
Yves could just use his drugs and subtle mind control thing that I'm still not really sure how it works, to nudge reader to accept his kindness. But we've seen it with Yandere Brother before, where some people are stubborn enough to require direct methods. Reader could have that same mental fortitude.
AND we all know this situation would be killing Yves, as he loves to coddle and mother reader. Would sending anyone ahead of himself before they meet even work? Only Yves would have the means necessary to make reader break down and someone else comforting them, someone who does break down in front of reader too making it 'equal' earning Reader's trust and closeness would only backfire.
Because now Reader would have someone to turn to for their emotional needs. Even if Yves killed that person off, Reader would just grow even colder to everyone outside of themself.
If he went the drugging then it goes back to reader continuously only giving in when having breakdowns/being drugged. Both which are harmful long term. And mainly that reader isn't truly turning to Yves out of their own violation but out of habit. It becomes emotionless, almost like a chore. They find no real comfort in Yves fixing their problem or caring for them or being with them. The true reader is even more guarded to him.
I feel like this dynamic would be very depressing for him, this situation in whole would be triggering Yves motherly instincts on full throttle while not letting him do as he wishes to help.
But yeah I only know so much so if there's another ask that goes on this road just link it for me please. If not, I would love to hear your take on how Yves would handle it.
Shifting to another point of Yves, lets rewind to how Yves actually feels not being readers partner. We know he won't date them if they can't handle not having sex or not being faithful.
He becomes the monster in law but there's 3 specific post that I really want to focus on. 1 - how Yves reacts to a respectful reader that ends the relationship 2nd date due to the sex. 2 - how he reacts to Monty being the husband. 3 - a post about how being just the friend is killing Yves in the inside. [the one comparing him to Pearl from SU]
So going for 1, in the post Yves is all 'okay' and smiles and just wants to be close with reader. And it's very clear that reader would have dated Yves if not for the sex. Yves vets all the possible partners for the future and only allows the one that fits his standards to stay.
But then it all comes crashing down when we get to 2.
This scenario doesn't touch on how the timing between Reader meeting Yves and Monty. It seems to imply that the whole sex thing wasn't a factor.
As previously stated, he feels that Monty is bad and absolutely nothing good but Yves pushes himself to get along somewhat with Monty to make reader happy. Monty is a yandere and honestly? A big variable at first since Monty's obsession with reader is pure chance.
So if reader is more put together then [tbawobw] leading to a more subby and controllable Monty making them much more compatible without Yves romantically in the mix. Reader could get attached and start dating Monty before Yves can gather enough info against Monty that ultimately doesn't matter because all Monty cares about is reader.
(and my computer is dying, I should speed this up)
Now in the 2 post, Yves has this breakdown about why reader didn't want to be with Yves in all his perfection and instead went with Monty who is his opposite. He says that they could have chosen someone better.
But what exactly does that mean for Yves?
Now on the surface it's just that Yves really wants reader to have the best possible and be well taken care of since Yves can't be their partner due to sex. But that isn't really how he feels. If reader chose a 'good husband' Yves could at least pretend like it doesn't bother him much.
But he just can't with Mont, not with the differences between them. Yves glaring hatred for not being readers husband, for having it taken from him in general is made so obvious and that. That right there is what's pushing him to breaking down in the form that he hates.
Post 3 confirms it all. But it doesn't bring up the topic of sex. Something that he already has so much trauma with. It's hard not to bring up some self loathing even though Yves (rightfully) wouldn't change his boundaries.
So in the worst case scenario, a guarded reader that I described above, rejects Yves respectfully due to the sexual incompatibility, proceeds to open up naturally to MONT and marry him keeping Yves always as a friend at best.
Just how deep in hell is his life? Would something like this expose new actions from Yves? I, uh, do have one more thing about Yves but I think I should just send it like this. It's long enough.
W anon
holy shit W anon u put the W in win bro
a WHOLE ASS THESIS omg thank u so much i love analyses holy crap like a whole well structured and well written essay on Yves's character and his complex feelings of being cucked
ultimately he wants you to be happy, but technically faking breakdowns can work if he does it convincingly enough. His breakdowns will never be about his TRUE past traumas. He thinks you're too delicate and innocent to handle that without accidentally traumatizing yourself too. HOWEVER, he may give you very ,very watered down concepts of what had happened to him- or downright fake events.
He would stage slips of sanities strategically and breakdowns too to coax you out of that shell. But not too much to raise suspicion out of you. Just enough to manipulate you into thinking he can be anything less than perfect. Remember, he's a terrific actor. Anything vulnerable about Yves is probably not real and is probably a highly calculated move
but yes, let's say you rolled a nat 20 on perception checks every time and you caught his bullshit, and he KNOWS that you will catch onto it, AND you fell in love with Monty because he's not fancy pants rich mcgee.... its spirituality and religion time. He will be literally doing black magic rituals just to keep himself in check, he knows that it probably won't help, but this is just for him to not fall into the abyss of despair and insanity, just to retain his sense of self in a reality that loves to erode it exponentially.
so basically, rule of thumb for Yves: if it's anything that he cannot solve without either destroying his boundaries or destroying your happiness, he's drawing those fucking sigils on his attic floor with his blood, lighting candles n shit (just like when you want to die while suffering from dementia, but he keeps you alive because he's selfish)
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ikamigami · 3 months
Moon saying "I can't tell the difference between what's real and what isn't anymore" as justification for the mental illness claim, even though he just got comforted during his breakdown and would've for this too except he hid it, that might've been true right after the weird waking dream, but not long after that it seemed like that issue was dropped and he just did something else, is that just me or?
The feeling of not being sure what's real or not sticks with you through whole psychotic episode.. but how you react to things depends on how much detached from reality you are.. or I mean that even if your perception of things is different during mild psychotic episode you still know what is morally right and wrong..
Or to specify.. if you experience severe psychotic episode it's hard for you to understand the consequences of your actions - good example was Sun's psychotic episode: he wasn't thinking about the consequences of his actions, he was unaware how damaging his actions were or could be..
When you experience mild psychotic episode you're more aware of things and if in case like New Moon's you know what you're doing is wrong and know the consequences of your actions - New Moon was aware that others wouldn't want him to bring Solar back the way he wanted hence why he didn't tell them anything and later he decided to leave after he'll bring Solar back because he knew that others aren't and won't be happy with him and what he tried to do..
I think that Moon tried to justify his own actions because he felt confused and scared because of experiencing hallucinations and not being certain about what's real and what's not..
Like you said at first after Moon's vivid/waking dream he's confusion was understandable and if he hypothetically punched Monty because he thought it was someone else or he thought Monty was a threat to him it'd be 100% understandable and justifiable because he couldn't tell the difference between what's real and what's not.. but later he was more aware of things and knew that he's in the wrong and knew the consequences.. and yet he didn't stop, he didn't ask for help, he didn't apologize to anyone and said "I'm sorry that I lashed out.. I just don't know what to do anymore.. I don't know how to make this feeling stop, how to make these voices to go away.." instead he continued to try to kill someone and didn't care that Earth, his sister, could've died as well..
So Moon later was using his mental state as an excuse..
Also him wanting to bring Solar back was him acting on his delusions.. because we saw that even his hallucinations tried to stop him.. if he was acting on his delusions I think that he'd be saying things like "no one understands me" "I'm not bad person" "stop judging me" "you know nothing about me" "get away from me" "I don't trust you" and "I'm weak" "I know that I'm worse than Old Moon" "I tried my best" "I was never good enough" "no one loves me" "stop looking at me like that" "I'm sorry" "I don't know what to do" and he'd either try to hurt himself or just avoid everyone because he's afraid of their judgement or he could attack his family because he thinks that they're threat to his life - ofc all of this is if I'm right that he has persecutory delusions..
But what we got "so I'm a villain" - this could still count as his delusions if it were just these words but because he decided to take bad actions it's not caused by his delusions..
Sun trying to kill Eclipse because of his delusions has a lot of sense considering that he may not see Eclipse only as Eclipse we know but as an embodiment of the voice in his head.. you may think that's a stretch but we ta got any introspection of what Sun exactly thinks about Eclipse especially in crucial moments - why we never found out what Sun was thinking when they found out that star was killing Eclipse? And ofc when Sun went after Eclipse he was very detached from reality..
With Moon we didn't have anything like that so it seems more like he's trying to excuse himself.. like there was no real reason to why Moon became so murderous because of mild psychotic episode.. I think that it's not caused by his mental issues and I really dislike when people try to justify Moon's actions because of his mental issues :/
Thank you for this ask, dear anon ^^
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