#this goes for characters in general or ones i used in aus or ocs like like
simmeons · 8 months
im normal about silly characters (lie)
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tossawary · 15 days
Sasuke not wanting to be a warrior and giving up on his revenge against Itachi is wildly OOC without some really strong push for this change, which is why I lean towards an SI-OC for a House Husband Sasuke AU, because the amount of trauma and pressure that canon Sasuke is suffering from all angles is intense. But the way that I could MAYBE see canon Sasuke giving up on recklessly focusing on revenge against Itachi is if there had been other survivors of the Uchiha massacre.
Like, okay, I understand that the Uchiha massacre was the plan of a couple different puppet masters, so it's not going to make sense. (Massacres do not, as a rule, ever "make sense". They are bad full-stop.) Part of the goal here is obviously to just get rid of the Uchiha clan and the potential threat that they pose to future plans.
But Sasuke could have just died on some random mission as a genin and then what? What if Madara and Obito lose? This is an incredibly violent world filled with incredibly clever ninja, it's unreasonable not to be concerned about any of them being offed randomly by accident. People like Danzo and Zetsu then have no more new Uchiha children to use and to harvest if anything goes to shit. And their stupid plans are often so overcomplicated that there should be a high chance of things going to shit!
They have cloning, of course, but secret cloning operations are probably expensive and presumably have a relatively high failure rate, and require the cooperation of people like Orochimaru and Kabuto. What if you just don't have the material left for a good cloning process?
Itachi is in a really weird position here and I do not well remember all of the different puppet strings that are being pulled here. I assume that Madara and Obito wanted all Uchiha dead for some reason? But I would have assumed that people like Danzo and the Third Hokage would have preferred to leave most of the children alive to mold into a new generation of Uchiha soldiers. I vaguely remember something about Danzo maybe being prejudiced against the Uchiha? (EDIT: Yeah, Danzo probably doesn't want any kind of law enforcement looking into his shit and the Uchiha are the cops, but that doesn't fully explain why he would want to get rid of all of the Uchiha children too.) So maybe Danzo wants them all gone too, and everyone is just forced to leave Sasuke alive because they know Itachi WILL go more insane than he already is if Sasuke bites it in an "accident".
"The Uchiha were planning a coup" is such an unsatisfactory explanation for the actions of a lot of these characters. It is IMPOSSIBLE for every Uchiha to have been 1) an adult, 2) a ninja, and 3) someone who voted for a coup and participated in it. We know ninja like Itachi and Shisui felt more loyal to the village itself and they couldn't have been the only ones. Uchiha have been defecting from their clan in order to join the village instead since Uchiha Hikaku abandoning Madara for Senju Hashirama after Izuna's death and before the creation of the village.
And we know that this is a sexist, patriarchal world! There would have been some men who would have decided the course of action FOR their spouses and their children, if the spouses and children were aware of this ninja operation at all. EVERY single disabled and elderly person in the clan was in on it too? EVERY civilian? Since Hashirama, NO Uchiha has ever married outside of their clan? Okay, I can buy that the Uchiha clan would be incredibly controlling regarding their bloodlines, yes, and I know that they were being isolated and that the more "progressive" Uchiha with outside lovers were probably being killed off by their enemies. Fine. Maybe all of the other adult Uchiha were cooperating and had impossibly good information security, let's pretend that's true.
But that still leaves the issue of the children! Would an isolated Uchiha clan trying to orchestrate a coup not be super controlling about encouraging their members to get into "good, traditional families" and make more "loyal Uchiha soldiers"? Fascist states often get really weird about that kind of thing. Sasuke cannot have been the only young Uchiha child at this point in time! It would be... REALLY weird if he was.
(Itachi is not heroic for this. It is a TRAGEDY. It is horrifying. There are no heroes in this part of the story and the best that I can say for Itachi is that he was another victim of really weird and twisted circumstances.)
Anyway, I think it would be fun to have an AU where Sasuke is left as the clan head of a bunch of children, at least 10 of them or so. He's the oldest among them at 8-9 years old. (I'm pretty sure that other fanfictions have done this before. Someone must have done this concept before.) Everyone expects Sasuke to just dump the children on some village caretakers so he can pursue his ninja career, in order to become the new powerful protector of his clan and murder his brother, but MAYBE this situation is something that would make canon Sasuke decide against all manipulation that he can't actually afford to chase Itachi.
He still wants to be super powerful, of course, so that he can murder Itachi if his brother ever comes back, but otherwise? Rebuilding the clan is more important. He's staying at home for his training and accepting parentification with wide open arms and a deep scowl.
(There is the danger of ROOT making off with Uchiha children, which is also unpleasant to think about.)
I think it would be funny for Naruto to deal with the fact that his rival has been a dad since the age of 8-9 years old. (Sakura: "IDIOT. How did you not KNOW that??? EVERYONE knows that!")
I also think it would be funny if Sasuke, when he was annoyed with Kakashi's bullshit, unconsciously pulled out a squeaky tweenage Disappointed Dad Voice to express his frustration with his teacher. (Sasuke: "Do you think that it helps anyone for you to behave this way???" Kakashi: "Hm, there are many things that I don't like about this.")
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the-whumpening · 4 months
Intro Post (v2, Bigger and Better!)
About Me
I’m Ruben, but you can also call me Ruby or any variation of those. I’m a 28 year old bi/pan transmasc guy from the US. I’m also disabled (chronic pain, autism, other stuff) so I have both plenty of time to be online and plenty of barriers to keeping a regular schedule, so your patience is appreciated.
Askbox is open and anon is on! Feel free to send in prompts, asks, and general conversation!
My Ao3 account
Currently taking it a little slow. I plan to have one new upload every week, mostly of The Pet Tiger. Aiming for Tuesdays, but no promises.
I may keep my queue running with old stuff for a bit.
I expect this schedule to continue until at least mid-July after I move and get settled in my new place.
Feel free to send asks still, I'll get to them when I'm able!
Writing Masterposts
Tigerverse (fantasy/dnd universe whump, multiple arcs/AUs)
Son of Bat (modern setting, bandmates, injury/sickfic)
Weekly Themed Posts [On Hiatus]
Things you’ll likely find here:
General whump and hurt/comfort
Non/dubcon and intimate whump
Recovery/injury whump and sickfics
Emotional whump
Occasional emeto triggers
Some pet whump
Male whumpees, whumpers, and caretakers
LGBTQ+ and disabled characters
Not currently here but maybe in the future:
More pet whump/BBU
Vampire and/or werewolf fics
More NSFWhump
Lady whumper
Royal setting
Robot whump
Non-whump fics (angst, fluff, smut, etc)
Big maybe: fanworks, probably Fallout or DC Comics
You likely won’t see:
Lady whump (no hate, it’s just not my thing)
Military settings and political intrigue
Fanfic (I greatly prefer writing for OCs, but I could be persuaded)
Minor characters, outside of flashbacks (no judgment, just not my thing)
Religious whump
Superhero/Villian/Team whump (don’t mind reading it, just not interested in writing it)
Some whump blogs I'm loving rn (off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting!):
@kabie-whump @echo-goes-mmm @secretwhumplair @whumpzone @whumpcereal
@sowhumpshaped @whumpurr @doomeddestination
My Tags:
#rublewriting (All my writing and masterposts, does not include weekly posts)
#not whump (Any post that's not writing, like memes or personal posts)
#rublogging (reblogs of others' posts)
#self rb (self explanatory)
#ruby replies (replying to asks)
#Tigerverse (any of the fics set in that universe, each has their own tag as well)
#Son of Bat (any of the fics set in that universe, each series has its own tag as well)
#Meet the Characters Monday
#Worldbuilding Wednesday
#Fuck It Friday
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justalittlebuddy · 6 months
Meet Remuf! An OC I made for @hootbon's TADC Freakshow AU! I was inspired by the lore of how revival works and decided to play around with it a bit. I had a lot of fun making this character and coming up with some twisted stuff. I know you must hear this a lot, but you have a gnarly AU! I hope you continue having fun with this circus of madness!
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This once wooden puppet had joined the circus long before it's twisted corruption, spending the majority of their time looking for ways to break out of the digital cage. However, as soon as the virus infected all it could, he disappeared during their latest attempt at escape. It was only after the arrival of Pomni was his remains discovered by Bubble from outside of the circus tent.
Revived, their body came out distorted as a result of being deceased for too long. Along with their body, their memory was also affected, unable to recall his time spent in the circus as well as their name, essentially returning to the state of a newcomer. Inspired by his past antics and form, Caine gave them a new name and a new role.
'Rumef the Escapologist'
-As an escapologist, their acts involve him being chained/trapped in various deadly confinements and it's his job to escape before he dies. So far, he has been attached to a wheel of fire, been inside the belly of a beast, and has even used his organs as keys for his performances. Additionally, his hands are made of lock picks!
Here's some more tidbits about Rumef!
-Polite and soft-spoken, they're the definition of a gentle giant. Due to his loss of memories, they haven't reached the point of madness just yet and try to do their best to cling to their newfound sanity through small things like knitting and general socializing.
-If you're wondering where are all his internal organs, they're inside of his closed chest cavity! They can only be opened through Rumef's hands. (In the drawing, Caine made the keyhole disappear to make the act more 'entertaining' for the audience)
-Rumef is blind in his right eye, the eyeball in that socket is a fake. The real one is stored somewhere else.
-The chains around his ankles prevent him from running, he is only allowed to slowly walk.
-Every now and then, Rumef will, without warning, deeply space out and just stare. When he is in this state, nothing or no one can snap him out of it except for Caine. They will not remember what happens or what is done to them when they're like that.
-When Bubble zooms by, Rumef's arm can sometimes get caught by Bubble's chain, consequently dragging him to wherever she goes.
-You can tell when he's nearby when you hear the rattling of chains.
-Despite his memory loss, he is certain of one thing. There is no escape from this digital circus and no longer bothers to do so. The only escapes he can do are the ones from his morbid acts.
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From Brainrot: Discord Server Invite!
Here it is! This space is open to anyone in the fandom :D
We have sections to talk about specific characters, the world in general, theories, AUs and OCs, a creative section full of channels to share the stuff you're working on and help each other out, and lots more!
You will be asked to read and agree to the server rules when you join, so I'll be attaching those below the cut in case you want to check them out ahead of time and decide whether or not you're interested ^.^
I look forward to sharing a space to chat with you guys!
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2.3 Respecting Everyone’s Fandom Experience
Everyone interacts with The Arcana in different ways, and we want to create a space that respects that while also bringing everyone together! Just like with character discussions, we ask that certain topics stay in their designated spaces. This way everyone can avoid topics that make them uncomfortable while also leaving the door open for people to discuss it if they enjoy it.
Section 3: Creative Works
The most wonderful thing in a fandom is the creativity and passion we all put into our creations. We want to have a space that celebrates that in every way, while also maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment for all our members.
3.1 Posting Creative Works
Be it art, character sheets, fanfics, Dorian Live stories, etc—we love to see what you’ve made/what you’re working on! Please be sure to share them in the dedicated channels so it’s easy to keep track of.
3.2 Copyright
Sharing other people’s work is great too, as long as you give the creator credit. If we know that it’s not yours, then we want to know whose it is. Most of the time, a reverse image search on Google is all you need. If you cannot find the original source, please don’t post it.
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a. Sharing is encouraged, but solicitation is not. If you've posted work you're proud of, feel free to share the link in the dedicated channel! That said, asking others to boost engagement with your content or putting it in other channels to get more views will result in a 30 minute mute + the messages being removed. b. Additionally, pressuring other creators to join/leave social platforms for any reasons will result in a soft ban. c. This rule extends to private messaging as well; please do not DM users about boosting your content, or to join/leave social platforms. If you’re experiencing this, please DM a staff member with the member’s username and a screenshot of the conversation!
3.4 NSFW Creations
a. Links to non PG-13 works are okay! But they do need to be properly tagged with a warning attached to the Discord post, and with any previews being PG-13. b. Please do not post or link any content with taboo themes or extreme violent/disturbing imagery.
3.5 Constructive Criticism
a. Constructive criticism is welcome when it is asked for! If it’s not been invited, then please don’t offer it. b. There are channels for critiquing outside works, but those spaces are not open for insulting/mocking/tearing down creative works or their creators. If you’re wondering what constitutes as constructive or destructive criticism, this article has a great summary of it in the introduction. You can also find a fantastic article on constructive criticism for creative works here.
As you may have noticed, some of the rules have a ‘soft ban’ listed as punishment. Soft banning means you lose the ability to send messages in the majority of the server, or add reactions. You will be able to talk to staff and have a chance to appeal your ban in a separate channel. By joining this server and reacting below, you agree to follow all the rules and expectations as outlined above. Please do not be the reason we have to add more rules.
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zwy01 · 6 months
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Raegyn doodles!
Yaaaaaaa giving my snarky smartass boy some love.
This is my OC, Raegyn Kertia! He is Regis and Rael’s son, and the latter’s heir.
I haven’t gone in depth with his backstory yet, so I figured I could do that lol. He’s one of my 15 “main” characters of my Millennium AU and his full bio is up in my pinned post.
I’ll be mentioning some other names in here too so to quickly recap, Raegyn is the older one of the two Regis/Rael kids and his full-sibling and younger sister is Arya K. Landegre. (Raegyn has three half-siblings, with his elder half-brother Kaelestis Blerster on Rael’s side, and younger half-brother Garyth J. Loyard and younger half-sister Alethea J. Loyard on Regis’ side.) Raegyn has a pretty good relationship with his loving family, buuut it wasn’t always like that, which is the fun part I’m getting to later. Woo!
Raegyn is a really interesting one and I had so much fun making his design and I can’t wait to dive into his story in detail. Let’s get started yaaa! My beloved Ray’s (almost) full backstory.
So we already know that Raegyn is the smartest and most popular of his generation. The star of the show, the center of attention, Lukedonia’s local celebrity… the number one guy. Loved by all, respected by all. Everyone wants to be his friend, maybe even competing with each other for his attention. People constantly shower him with admiration. It’s like he’s walking on the red carpet wherever he goes. People just can’t get enough of him. It’s always “how is Raegyn?”, “what is Raegyn doing today?”, and “I need Raegyn’s advice, where can I find him?”… etc. People are always saying his name, and frankly, he enjoys the attention he receives. Sometimes he thinks it’s funny how he’s not the Lord yet he arguably gets more enthusiasm from the general population than she does. Hah. Hilarious.
Raegyn’s just so lucky, isn’t he? He’s got the brains, a radiating confidence, an irresistible charm, a loving family, and a literal empire of friends… if life is a giant lottery then he had already won it all. Life can’t possibly get better than what it is now, can it? Well, for Raegyn, life is good indeed. Very good.
Everything he has ever wanted gets handed to him easily. If not, he just needs a minute to work it out in his head and say a little something to make the other person give in, and it works every single time even when his requests are obviously beyond reasonable. Basically, Raegyn knows how to use his thinking skills and his natural charm to his complete advantage. Thus life is easy for him.
But because everything comes so easily, life… is also boring. There was nothing to surprise him, to make him go “well that was fresh”. Now what? Life is predictable and repetitive, at least from his experience, because he is so capable of fine tuning things and people to be the way he wants. And the thing is Raegyn does like to be in control of every precise detail in his life, so he would rather have life be a bit boring than to give up on steering everything in his direction. Sometime in his early childhood, he had a single taste of being in control, and he has been hooked ever since. To lose that control would be a big no-no for him. Frankly, without it, he probably has little idea of how to actually live life as it is, which is letting things naturally unfold without his intervention. Yeah. He’d actually physically cringe if he had to stay idle.
This leads to my next point, which is Raegyn’s childhood. Oh boy. How do I even begin. Raegyn is the first child between Regis and Rael, but he’s not Rael first child. Rael is the soul fragment donor of Karias’ heir Kaelestis, who is Raegyn’s elder half-brother. This means Kaelestis is technically Rael’s first child, though the latter is merely a donor in both title and practice. Despite that, Rael was very much involved in Kaelestis’ early childhood as an adult figure, a mentor etc. Kaelestis adored his donor “other parent”, and Rael loved his sweet Blerster boy very much. Donor and son were close and made wonderful memories together, which led to Rael becoming very excited to have his own heir. Maybe even the exact reason why Raegyn was born not very long after Rael and Karias had Kaelestis. (Raegyn was born when Kaelestis was the equivalent of a 6-8 year old human) Rael was more than ecstatic to bond with his second son, his beloved heir, the light of his life. He loved his little boy with all his heart and he couldn’t wait to experience the joy of parenting. He was certain that it was going to be great.
Eeeexcept it didn’t go quite as Rael had expected. Uh oh. The fact that Raegyn didn’t automatically love Rael wasn’t even the worst part about it. Raegyn seemed to despise him. This hurt Rael very much, as he didn’t understand why his heir didn’t want anything to do with him. Raegyn resisted being communicated with telepathically, ignored words spoken at him, never responded to questions, looked away when being looked at, and squirmed with all his strength when any adult tried to hold him. At one point Rael gave up on trying to read Raegyn’s mind because he would find some… not so nice things Raegyn had to say about him, and he didn’t need to break his own heart any further. Rael didn’t know what he had done wrong, if anything. He had already gained experience as a parent from his time with Kaelestis; he learned how to be around kids, what to do and what not to do, and in general just how to handle them. He just couldn’t get his second son to like him. Something is wrong here. Kaelestis was fine with him, then why doesn’t Raegyn like him? And it wasn’t just Rael. Regis was also very puzzled by their son’s behavior, as Raegyn seemed to actively resist him as well. Regis tried to comfort his husband by telling him to not take it personally, because Raegyn… well, he disliked everyone equally. Rael was not convinced at all. Rip. At least Regis tried.
And so this went on for a while, until by complete chance a very tired Regis chuckled something along the lines of “You know what, child? Your behavior isn’t helpful in the slightest, and your father and I are having a hard time. Here, why don’t we make a deal so all of us get the most out of it while we’re still living in the same house?” Boom. That was it. The correct answer. To both his parents’ surprise, Raegyn actually responded. He turned around, stared at his fathers in the eyes, and said “Only if you have something good enough to offer. Just so you know, I won’t settle for less. Very well, Rael Kertia and Regis K. Landegre. Convince me.” Regis swore he heard Rael’s jaw drop to the floor, and he himself was speechless. So their son was capable of communicating with them after all, it’s just that he never did simply because he didn’t want to. The two of them came to the conclusion that their son didn’t like being treated like a child, and they were using the wrong approach the entire time. Regis and Rael thought they were doing the right thing, but they were quite mistaken, as their son needed to be treated as an adult, basically as their equal. None of that kiddie talk, mushy coddling, nonstop love smothering… nope. Interact with him like they would with any other adult? Yep, that got Raegyn talking and assured that they would get milder and even positive responses from him.
That’s when Regis and Rael realized that Raegyn was different, even if they can’t put their finger on it. It was a mix of surprise and curiosity. As impressive as it was, they couldn’t help but feel uncanny. Maybe they were even a bit reluctant to admit that they were uneasy, but Raegyn was their son after all, and they didn’t want to overthink it. I mean, this kid’s first (spoken) words were him trying to bargain with his parents. Maybe their son was just being funny and pranking them all along. They laughed it off, no big deal, all while still keeping an eye out for their unusual kid. From then on they’d modify their approach with their son and things changed for the better and Rael was finally able to bond with Raegyn, though not quite in the way he had expected. Anything is better than nothing, so Rael has no complaints. He might as well beg his son for attention if he really is that desperate.
What about from Raegyn’s perspective? Well, unfortunately, Raegyn wasn’t being funny nor was he pulling pranks on his parents. He was dead serious. He was no ordinary child, and he hated being treated as one. To Raegyn, his parents and the other adults treating him like a baby was a direct insult because he thought the adults were messing with him. That’s correct. Raegyn believed that the adults somehow conspired together and formed a sort of mutual agreement between them where they all treat him like he doesn’t know any better because they think he’s too dumb or something. It wasn’t until later, when Raegyn eventually realized that he himself was the outlier, the odd one out, not them. The adults handled him like they would with any normal noble child. Still, Raegyn disliked it, and it felt disturbing to him. In his eyes, it was like some sort of shallow game of pretend, ill humor that he can never bring himself to appreciate.
That’s why Raegyn purposely ignored the adults even when they demanded his attention, because why on earth would he respond to their silly games? That would just be positive reinforcement and they’d force that shit on him even more. But being the extremely smart kid he is, he is aware of his own gains and losses. He knew he didn’t want to pretend to be a normal kid, he didn’t want to copy their mannerisms just so he could fit in, because that just isn’t him. Blegh. Gross. Reducing himself to their level…nuh uh. But he also figured out that pretending to be one gets him what he wants. To be precise, when Raegyn is his usual self, the adults feel uncanny and have mixed reactions. On the contrary… when he pretends to be normal, they react very positively. Isn’t that weird. Turns out adults like cute kids that act like kids instead of kids that make them uncomfortable by acting way beyond their age.
So Raegyn adapts. Inquire about their day, be enthusiastic and beg to be allowed to tag along, maybe even cry some fake tears when they say no until they say yes. Smile at them and watch them sign boring paperwork all day. Fake interest in their tedious gardening tasks, patrol duty, anything the adults were up to. And when that’s done, ask for new toys and clothes. That shiny ruby brooch? Pout and say you like it very much and want to have it, and Clan Leader is the best dad in the world because he gets what Rayray wants. And with that, maybe a matching bow tie. And a matching silk shirt. And a matching fur coat. You get it. It didn’t take long for Raegyn to master the art of acting and now he’s got everyone wrapped around his little finger. That’s where the fake smiling and enthusiasm began, and he never stopped ever since. Regis and Rael were happy for their little boy, because he finally acted more like a normal child. But deep down they knew he is an outlier, as they had been dealing with his true self until now. They didn’t understand why Raegyn seemingly became normal overnight, but to question that would be useless. Well… at least Raegyn looked like he’s finally enjoying himself now, and that’s a good thing, right? Deep down, they knew something was up. Obviously there was a reason for Raegyn’s sudden behavioral change, but to investigate it would break Raegyn’s trust so ultimately they did nothing and hoped for the best. For Raegyn’s future, and their future together as a family.
Raegyn’s always constantly evolving depending on who he’s dealing with. By the time he was around the equivalent of a 10 year old human, his false persona is such an integral part of his life, he never goes outside without this metaphorical mask. Despite Raegyn’s success at adapting himself into society in the present day, his childhood was a difficult one, at least in the very beginning. It did get better as he got older, but fundamentally, he is still the same on the inside. Raegyn hated how things were structured and the expectations he was obligated to fulfill. Raegyn didn’t understand why he was automatically expected to give his parents his unconditional love, respect, and attention just because they were the cause of his birth and entire existence. That’s the reason? Wow. He never asked to be born, not that he minds existing or anything, but more so it was just weird to him how now he’s permanently stuck with two adults who are way too obsessed with him for their own good, and he won’t be able to get away from them for centuries. His parents got sad when he didn’t respond to them, especially Rael. What did they expect anyway? To Raegyn, things like respect and love had to be earned, and no one automatically deserves it just because of “family” or whatever shallow term they use. And this applies to his own parents as well. If Regis and Rael wanted him to obey and love them, then they have to earn it, and prove themselves worthy. To Raegyn, even if they are his parents, they’re just like any other person out there. They were strangers he couldn’t separate himself from. The point is Raegyn isn’t purposely trying to distance himself from his parents specifically; that’s just how his brain works.
The good news is Raegyn eventually does develop genuine love for his family, which happens during his childhood. It’s true that Raegyn had his doubts about unconditional love and whether that even existed or not, but being the smart person he is, he did pick up on his parents’ love for him. They genuinely care about him, and he… appreciates that. So they were being serious this whole time. Raegyn, who is always right, was wrong, for the first time in his life. Raegyn was finally defeated, in a good sense. It feels good to be loved. But as much as Raegyn was impressed, he was also bothered by something. He was touched by Regis and Rael’s sincerity, and for that he is grateful, but something felt off. That’s when Raegyn realized he was feeling guilt for the very first time, for everything he had done to his parents. To this day, guilt remains the only emotion Raegyn can immediately and correctly identify, which is something I will bring up later. Every other emotion, even the positive ones, he has to think about it.
For the most part, Raegyn is neutral. Even when his little sister Arya was born, he didn’t feel anything. She was just another being he had to live with from now on, just because they share the same parents. Not only was he expected to tolerate her, he was supposed to take care of her. Ick. Luckily Raegyn does develop a genuine bond with Arya, even if it took a long time. They are close as siblings, and Regis and Rael? They were super relieved that Raegyn seemed to accept his little sister immediately, and even more relieved that Arya was a normal child with normal development. To be honest, Regis and Rael were nervous about having their second child aka Regis’ heir because they were afraid that Raegyn would react negatively. Surprise surprise, he didn’t. That is character development right there, from resisting his own parents to welcoming a new sibling with open arms. The truth is Raegyn simply made an effort to prevent his true apathetic self from seeping out because he didn’t want to ruin the moment for his parents. If he were to be honest, well… he couldn’t care less if Arya vanished into thin air on the spot. Raegyn only did it because he didn’t want that feeling called “guilt” to bother him for years to come, so he might as well be nice. Even if Raegyn’s goodwill didn’t stem from true consideration, it was still a massive improvement. He is still learning, but he is getting there… right? Only he knows.
To say that Raegyn doesn’t doubt his relationship with his family anymore, and that he trusts them unconditionally, would be a lie. His parents would die for him, and his sister adores him. He’s sure of that. But on second thought… do they really? This is how Raegyn falls into the perpetual cycle of questioning himself. That’s why he is so conflicted. He feels guilty because he is doubting those he should trust the most, and then he decides to give them his complete trust in order to get rid of that sense of guilt he got from doubting them in the first place, and finally ending it by rescinding that trust because he realizes he was foolish enough to trust anyone but himself. Rinse and repeat. Then again he overthinks it because he just can’t help it. This entire ordeal bothers him, and he would never admit it. In the long run, Raegyn overthinking things would go on to hurt his own ability to make meaningful relationships with people, and that is something I will bring up later.
Now onto the last bits of Raegyn’s childhood before I move to the time skip. I want to mention Raegyn’s relationship with his peers too. Ever since Raegyn’s birth, he has been silently watching and judging everything and everyone. He could be minding his own business, but his eyes were always looking at something. Even if he didn’t want to be a part of whatever the other kids were doing, he wanted to know what’s up, so he observes them from a distance. And he was always disappointed, of course. I mean, this is Raegyn, why wouldn’t he?
They weren’t bright enough to hold an interesting conversation with Raegyn. They got bored, whined, fidgeted, or fell asleep when he wanted to talk about a very long and obscure piece of ancient Lukedonian history that he recently taught himself. Or that time when all the kids just got up and left, when he promised them he was bringing “something super valuable” to their next “playdate”, and everyone expected a treasure map or something and instead Raegyn rolled out a five meter long checklist on how Lukedonian laws can be improved. Raegyn is, of course, very offended. This is his ideal vision of a playdate, after all, because playing means having fun. And this really is what Raegyn thinks is FUN. And his peers? Raegan’s giving up on them. They’re all under-qualified. Every single one of them. Too slow, too dim. Too hyper, too lazy. Too impulsive, too cowardly, etc. They weren’t worth his time, and to spend an extra minute with them was a waste of his energy. Thus Raegyn was a lonely child. He was surrounded by people, yet he didn’t like their company. He didn’t enjoy what they had to offer, yet he couldn’t fit in as himself either.
Raegyn wanted something else. Something more grand, more controversial; something that shakes the very foundation of noble society. History, philosophy, ethics, anything really. The deeper it is, the better. Sometimes even the more taboo, the better, as he likes a good challenge. He wants to hang out with someone who has the capacity to prove him wrong, and reaaaaally force him to get those brain cells working. A good, long debate is more thrilling than the best spar. He needed someone to share that joy of thinking with, someone who truly resonates with his passions. An intellectual soulmate basically. Just a reminder that Raegyn is still the human equivalent of an elementary school kid at this point. He already knew what he wanted in a friend, which is someone who can really match his wavelength, yet this person simply didn’t exist. Raegyn was frustrated. And the thing is Raegyn is an extrovert by nature so he does need a decent amount of socializing to stay healthy emotionally, except there’s no one at his caliber to keep him in company where he genuinely feels fulfilled. This is where things get complicated, and Raegyn is conflicted. He needed that company, but he couldn’t find the right people despite his best efforts. Raegyn was lonely, and his fathers noticed how their son would just slouch and sigh all day.
This would lead to Regis and Rael insisting on Raegyn hanging out with the other kids, because there must be something they can bond over, right…? What they weren’t aware of was how Raegyn was simply at the top, and his loneliness couldn’t be solved with a simple solution, if at all. What about Raegyn? Well, he knew that obeying his parents would cause him less trouble than resisting them, so he obliged. If it makes his fathers happy to see him happy then… he’s willing to pretend to get along with the others for as long as his sanity remains.
So what happened was Raegyn put aside his desire to talk about great subjects and deep matters, and simply went with the flow. He pretended to enjoy their tea parties, tree climbing, fishing, wrestling, etc. It was all so boring and tedious. And then it hit him. Hey… they didn’t whine and run away this time. They reacted quite positively when he pretended to be interested in their shallow activities. They even invited him back. Now that was easy, wasn’t it? Raegyn remembered the tactics he used on his parents and the adults. If he could manipulate them, maybe he could do it to his peers. He did crave that social interaction, and even if what was available to him wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy him, it was still better than nothing.
And even if he honestly wasn’t interested in his peers and what they were doing, the principle of making and having friends wasn’t bad at all. Raegyn already knew that if he made an effort to someone, they would reciprocate it. Take that, and times one thousand, maybe even more. If he shall pretend to be friendly to one person, might as well do it to everyone, because the amount of effort he has to make is the same anyway. And you never know when having a bunch of friends is useful. Who knows. He could get some of them to run errands for him. Give him their things. Tell him useful secrets and information that they shouldn’t be spilling. Maybe one of them will even be willing to die for him. Neat. And this is when Raegyn decided to go all out, and there he established his signature false persona of a friendly, enthusiastic, altruistic, diplomatic, insightful and responsible Kertia heir. He calculated his potential gains, and his conclusion was that the pros outnumbered the cons and this was the way to go. Not only could he impress his parents, but he could also get himself an empire of friends that might become useful to him. Surely this is a better alternative to wandering around aimlessly trying to find his own match. Now he could aim to climb to the top AND find his own match at the same time, sweet! Kiddie Raegyn is tapping into his ambitious side, how wonderful.
(FYI Izar does come up later on but that dude is only interested in math and astronomy, which isn’t enough for Raegyn. And there is an age gap between the two of them: Raegyn is roughly 200-400 years older than the traitor clan kids group so Raegyn was already an adult by the time Izar came into existence. And I say “roughly” because nothing with the ages are set in stone and I’d like it to be flexible so that’s just approximations for context. Anyways)
Yayyyy. Fast forward to Raegyn in the present day as a young adult.
Raegyn’s reputation is perfect. He is perfect. His ambitious childhood goal was to make everyone love him, aaaaand he 100% succeeded. People knew his name, and you could bet that at any given moment, someone in Lukedonia is talking about him, praising him for everything he has done. He’s the big shot. No one would ever guess that behind the glorious, radiating light of his persona hides a cold and apathetic true self. He worked hard to get to where he is today, and he isn’t going to admit to everyone he’s been lying this whole time because that would be throwing his merits away. He has his empire of friends, why would he give up on that? They love him for his false persona, then so be it. He’ll keep it up until he dies.
Part of him legitimately believes that his gains are worth it, and part of him feels like he has gone too far to go back. As much as Raegyn would hate to admit it, he isn’t quite sure who he would be without his false persona. As in, he is afraid to know what will become of him, what will remain of him if he is left alone with his true self. Which is funny because for a person whose hobby is thinking, he doesn’t want to think about that. In a way he is running way from himself, and he knows he feels slightly uncomfortable because fundamentally, that isn’t what he wants. But all these years he couldn’t find his match, nor did Lukedonia have anything else to offer to satisfy someone of his intellectual level. He was losing his patience, but there was nothing he could do. Raegyn never forgot his true self, and he never abandoned it either; he is just suppressing it… to the best of his ability. His vision of a fulfilling life wasn’t realistic, at least from his perspective, so he turned to what he is doing now. He has many, many friends, but no one whom he truly bonds with. He owns many things and people also keep giving him things, yet he has no use for them and isn’t interested in them either. Raegyn started to feel restless. Despite that, he made sure that side of him never showed, to not worry his family, and because he is also too prideful to admit that he’s sick of it too.
That’s when Raegyn discovers a new method of entertainment. He is a nice guy, right? Everyone loves him, that’s a fact. They didn’t know that he had been silently judging them, being nice on the surface and saying mean things about them in his head at the same time. Raegyn needed a new rush of fun. Something fresh to make him feel excited again.
And then… yeah. Raegyn sets his next goal as “seeing how far he can discreetly push people’s buttons without getting into real trouble”. Only a few individuals have his complete respect therefore excluded from his list of “people I can smartass” list… and for the rest of them? They’re all there for his amusement. Even Lord Raskreia.
Oh yeah, her. Remember how I mentioned that Raegyn only believes in authority that is earned? Well, he’s one of the nobles who believe that Raskreia is incompetent. In his eyes she is not qualified to sit on the throne. Too dependent on her feelings, too stubborn, too impulsive… he could go on forever. If it weren’t for the Previous Lord, she wouldn’t even be sitting there on the throne. Raegyn thinks he’s a better candidate for the position of Lord than her. Maybe even the best candidate. Too bad Raegyn isn’t interested in becoming Lord, even if he is curious about the idea of what it is like for him to become Lord. Real life Lord? No thank you. Too many responsibilities, bleh. He wanted to have fun without responsibility, and being Lord would mean having all sources of his entertainment cut off. And his own clan, the Kertia, and Grandia, are pretty cool so… you’re welcome. Meanwhile he can just judge her from the side and keep testing her discreetly to see how smart she is. Which is even funnier because Raegyn should fear Raskreia, as she is his Lord. But just as much as he believes authority should be earned, the fear that comes with authority should also be earned. And Raskreia doesn’t even qualify for that from Raegyn’s perspective. She doesn’t deserve his loyalty. (His cousin Reiner does, which I will explain in a future post where I highlight the cousins’ relationship with one another)
Anyways. Despite Raegyn’s false friendliness and hidden apathy, he does encounter people who genuinely want to connect with him in the midst of him fooling around with his celebrity persona. He is aware that most people love him for the show he puts on, and he’s fine with that. But every now and then there would be someone who wants to know more about him. Someone who doesn’t just want to know Raegyn the great and glorious, but also the mundane Raegyn. The everyday Raegyn. The kind of music he enjoys, what flowers he finds pretty, even the kind of weather he finds the most soothing. The smaller details of his life that people usually don’t associate with him, because he’s known for his great accomplishments. And Raegyn is capable of detecting genuine effort and… this is exactly what makes him uncomfortable. He is confused, surprised, and doesn’t know what to do.
This is where my previous point comes in. Remember when I said Raegyn is struggling in a perpetual cycle of guilt and doubt? Well, this is because Raegyn believes that all relationships are fundamentally transactional. Let it be parent and child, friends, lovers, ruler and subject. People only stuck together for some sort of gain, for their own benefit. It took him a long time to accept his own parents and develop what he would call love for them, and even then, he’d occasionally find himself questioning their relationship. It’s even harder for outsiders, whom he basically categorizes as anyone who is not direct family. The thing is Raegyn is incapable of forming meaningful relationships with anyone. He has a massive following, but no one good friend to share his life with. Not because they didn’t make an effort, but because he kept pushing them away. Raegyn was the one who drove them away when they got too close, even if that meaningful connection was what he yearned for. You can say that Raegyn is projecting himself onto others. Raegyn is almost entirely unable to treat someone genuinely, as he is used to a life full of manipulation and lies where he is the one doing all the manipulating. This is the problem because he’s been doing this for so long, he doesn’t know how to treat someone genuinely. In fact, he can’t really recall when was the last time he treated someone with honesty. By his logic and projection, he believes that those who are trying to take a further step to connect to him are trying to manipulate him, and they’re being dishonest. Do you see where I am getting at. He mistakes all of that for deception from the other side. Karma, reaping what you sow… whatever it is, is coming to kick him in the ass. Now he’s stuck in the loop of pushing people away and complaining about why he just can’t find people to bond with.
If Raegyn could just set aside his need for finding his so-called intellectual rival, he could’ve found a best friend already. Someone who doesn’t necessarily share his capabilities, but truly cares for him. His unrealistic standards and need to maintain his pride is hindering him, yet he can’t quite let it go. Raegyn the glorious is truly pathetic. What a shitshow.
Good news is, eventually he does find a best friend! Like an actual best friend. No bullshitting, no lies. Someone whom he is comfortable enough with to completely drop his act and just be himself, and that person is… Jia! Wait, isn’t she the dumb one? Aren’t they the complete opposites? Yep! They’re healthy best friends, which is nothing less than a miracle. They bring out the best in each other. I’ll be talking about that in a future post!
More on his general personality. Raegyn is a bit snarky and arrogant at times, but people can’t ever get mad at him. He always gets away with being a lil’ shit, because… well, he’s never wrong. No matter how much you want to slap him in the face for something he said, even if you are dead sure that he definitely had no good intentions, when you think about it again… hey, he’s actually right. It makes sense, even if it hurts to hear. He’s totally right. Damn, how did you even get mad at him in the first place? That was dumb, wasn’t it. Now you should slap yourself in the face. You are wrong, because he is right. This is Raegyn, after all. He can present an insult as a compliment. He can turn something totally unfriendly and malicious into a piece of enlightenment, and all of a sudden you actually owe him because he gave you precious insight.
Now you’re curious and decide to stick around to see what other interesting things he has yet to show you. You discover that he’s very friendly and outgoing, and he’s actually considerate and always has solutions to your problems, and makes an effort to make your day. He’s witty, humorous, and a joy to be around, even if he throws a dark joke every now and then, but again you can’t help but let it slide. You start to really appreciate him and don’t even realize this is exactly what he wants to trick you into thinking. One more follower to add to his already super massive following; another shiny chess piece that he has successfully collected for his observation platform of… whatever they truly are to him. He makes it so that you feel like he’s there to entertain you and keep you company, but in reality, it’s the opposite. You’re there to entertain him, for as long as his shallow interest in you remains, which likely won’t last for much longer either. And when he gets bored and very discreetly kicks you out of his life, you’ll feel like it was your fault and now you’re jealous of his other friends and yearn to hang out with him again, even if it means doing whatever it takes to get him back. Raegyn is 100% aware of this, and he definitely enjoys it. He didn’t ask for an encore, yet it came by its own accord. Nice, even more drama for him sip on to ward off some of that boredom before he finds a new source of short-term entertainment.
(BTW just for clarification Raegyn never does anything illegal or anything that can potentially get him in trouble if he gets caught. He’s probably smart enough to get away with it anyway if he really wanted to commit crime for fun but then he doesn’t need to do that. His smartassing, bullshitting, manipulation etc is just on a personal level and never goes beyond that. Even if he’s borderline desperate for entertainment, he won’t do anything that has actual consequences. That’s why he’s not dangerous, he’s just petty and at most a pain in the ass. Can’t throw him in jail or anything, even grounding him would be excessive. He eventually does join Gloria and her search party for Reiner for a certain reason and that’s for another post too)
Just don’t delve any deeper or try to look behind Raegyn’s mask, because you will find something you don’t want to see, and something he doesn’t want to see, and it’s going to be a hot mess.
When he’s not being serious, he is pretty funny. If you can refrain from questioning his personality, he’s actually quite the humor depository. It manifests in the way that when he tries to be funny, it’s like he’s insulting you and when he is actually insulting you, you think he’s just being funny. If you’re in for a short-term, superficial friendship or just need to waste some time, he’s the perfect person to hang out with. He’s not going to be serious anyway, so if you’re interested, meet up and chat away. Just don’t actually develop an attachment to him and you’re good, because it’s no good for either of you. If it’s just for fun and nothing serious, totally go for it. He’ll keep you entertained and (hopefully) you’ll keep him entertained, and if you can handle some occasional arrogance and cheekiness from him, you’ll have a blast, and he’ll make you laugh. Win-win!
(I wanted to get to the details of Raegyn’s crush on Umbra + who he actually eventually settles down with in this post but it was already too long so I’ll do it separately in another post in the future)
And that’s it! Maybe I’ll do another one of these long character posts in a few months. Idk. When I feel like it. Feel free to let me know if there is any particular one you want to see next (did Kaekae last time, Raegyn this time, so 13 out of 15 left) but I will get to all of them eventually. Maybe will take years to complete but I want to get it done lol.
Again, thank you for reading, and stay tuned for future posts!
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healing-winston-pratt · 3 months
do u have any renegades ocs??
I DO I DO!!! I never got to talk much about them but @honey-hippie-harper and I ✨love✨ going nuts with fanchildren haha so in case anyone's interested, the OCs list goes something like this:
Spouses for Tamaya, Kasumi and Evander, as well as their respective fanchildren (actually the only ones we got to introduce were Evander's wife and son, though in an AU where he gets to live we ended up giving them a daughter too :))
The Council's families as in, their parents and siblings for the sake of backstory
Same for the Anarchists
Fanchildren for Nodrian, Osby*** and Dannissa
An OC girlfriend for Callum and their respective fanchildren ofc
Said fanchildren's Renegades teams, their romantic partners, + other Renegades teams who are involved with them
(For example, Nodrian's older children are twin girls, one of them dating a boy and the other one dating a girl. Said boy and girl are leaders of their respective teams so ofc we had to create OCs for said teams)
We like to call that generation "Young Renegades" :))
Minor Anarchists and Renegades, if I remember correctly
*** Special mention to Osby's older child bc they're the true main character of the YR:
Name's Terracotta "Terry" Silva-Tucker, She/He/They genderfluid menace
Their gift is "Dimensional Travel" which means in-world they travel via portals and that's how they fight criminals
However, the full reach of their power is that they can use it to travel to another dimensions, and by that I mean Terry can (and has) travel(ed) to all the other universes created by MM (TLC, Heartless, Instant Karma, Gilded...) as well as any of our AUs
Bc the only thing Dawnie and I love more than creating fanchildren, is creating AUs haha, so Terry often makes appearences in our fanfic/comic AUs
The characters from the main Renegades universe are aware of that, while their versions from the many AUs don't know Terry's not from their world
Terry specially loves crashing at the Teachers AU, where Nova & co + the Fortuna Beach gang are highchool students, while the Renegades Council, the Anarchists and the Rampion Crew are teachers, cuz that's the funniest AU Dawnie and I have created with all the characters from MM books lmao, our magnum opus 🤌
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk, I could talk about them forever but there's only so much infodump you guys are willing to take jsjs
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kisames-corner · 19 days
Kisame Week 2024 Rules & FAQS 🦈
What is Kisame Week? Kisame week is a week that we dedicate to our favorite shark man! Whether you'd like to make art to celebrate or write fics about him, anything goes! Just as long as what you post is your own work, the world is your oyster. If you have permission from the artist to repost for this specific event, that's okay too!
How do I participate? Check out this guide for how to participate.
Do we accept submissions which use AI? We here at Kisame's Corner do not tolerate AI art/fic of any kind. Basically, if you use an AI bot to create your art and/or your fic this is not elidable to be submitted. Using AI for ideas is okay, however your creations must be your own. Reposts are okay so long as you have the explicit permission of the original poster. Since it is nearly impossible to get explicit permission from the original artists whose art is fed into AI bots, and original fic writers who've had their stories scraped, we have decided that all AI work is prohibited. We repeat, all creations must be your own or you must have explicit permission to post them.
Is there a limit to how many prompts I can do? Nope! You can do all or just one, two in one day, whichever! If you want to combine prompts be our guest! The only rule is that if you combine prompts, they have to be for the same day. We want to make sure the specified content gets the spotlight.
How many prompts will there be? 21 in total! We will be hosting three for every day of the week with a bonus "any au' day!
What does "Any AU" mean? "Any AU" refers to any alternate universe you can think of! Modern AU, College AU, Mob AU, etc. Since we ask everyone for prompt submissions, you can guess the amount of AUs are suggested, so we usually just group any and all AUs in this category. If you need inspiration for this category, check this list for the ideas that people submitted.
Can I only submit works with Alternate Universe on the bonus day? Nope! You can create alternate universes in the other prompts as well. The bonus day is more like a free-for-all type day. Just with a fun list added to it :)
How should I interpret the prompts? Any way you'd like! The prompts are to spark inspiration, so go wild! Just make sure that Kisame is at the center of them!
Are prompts going to be ship based? They are not going to be ship based. It's more along the lines of an idea like a word or a phrase or a scenario, and you create content based on that. If you want to write a non-romantic Kisame-centric piece, that is totally welcome!
What pairings are welcome? All ships including Kisame are welcome! As long as the characters in question are of age, everything is accepted as a ship. This includes non ships, × Reader, × OC ships, and childhood aus as well. If you want to keep it platonic, that's okay too! Just remember that if someone doesn't share the same idea as you, it's okay to take a breath and move on.
Is there a word limit for fics? Not at all!! Write as little or as much as you'd like for any of the prompts!
How dark can the content be? As long as everything is tagged correctly and the rating is appropriate, as dark as you want. We don't want to put very much limitation as to how much freedom creators can have. Whatever you feel comfortable making is fine for us:)
Can I submit art and fic? Of course you can! You can do the same prompt with art and fic, you can do one prompt with art and the other with fic, or you can do either or and switch off. There are no limitations for how much you'd like to contribute.
I didn't see my submission in the Voting doc, and I submitted on time. What happened? Since we do get so many submissions (a whole 101 this time!), we like to combine all the Alternate Universe suggestions in one huge ongoing list! Every time Someone suggests an AU, it gets added to the list that you can use to generate some ideas!
I saw something about a Discord Link but I can't find it. Where can I find it? Right here!
Are you accepting late entries? Yes we are up until the 31st of August! Feel free to post your stuff by then :)
Have additional questions? Don't hesitate to ask!
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asherscoffin · 8 days
[This is @cloak-and-dagg3r I just have to use my main blog]
Feel free to ramble on about Misha whoever you’d like but one question I have in particular is if he ever meets any companions after going into hiding or what kinda happens after that??
He’s a very interesting guy I do have to say
Thanks for the ask, Ash!! (Hehe we have the same name)
Despite having been working on Misha's story/character for about 5 years i have yet to get deep enough to start writing in other characters and companions for Misha- A lot of my inspiration comes from my friends and creating aus with them...so even though he doesn't have any companions in his main story, i have like, a billion aus where he does have a companion! Most of them are romantic, i really enjoy shipping ocs together lol. It's pretty fun and there's lots of chemistry that we can experiment with! It could be tragic, passionate and sweet, or something of dark desires... >:)
I do have some favorite aus though!
The Lockwood Farm AU, after Misha settles into hiding in Texas, he meets a man named Lupin who owns a family farm that appears to act as a rehabilitation center. When secretly, it's a cannibalistic cult that is tied to a dark, demonic power that controls it from deep within. Lupin draws Misha in and convinces him to join, which wasn't difficult given Misha isn't a stranger to cannibalism and is generally mentally dark, already classified insane. He was all around deeply willing. An unstable, passionate, and obsessive type of love sprouts between Misha and Lupin. They are a bloodlusty force to be reckoned with. Misha would come to join activities of the cult. Hunting "sheep" within the night while running alongside "wolves", and then feasting upon said sheep in a celebratory dinner. These sheep being victims, and the wolves being members of the cult. He can feel a new electrifying energy coursing through him, he's now more dangerous than before.
( @oddogoblino is the other side of the brain for this au, Lupin also belongs to him! The entire Lockwood Family Farm concept belongs to him! Our stories simply came together ^^)
Yet to be named AU(it's very new), Misha, after going into hiding is eventually found by the Russian Mafia and is captured. They plan on torturing him and killing him much like they did his father. He is beaten and tortured relentlessly yet never ceases to laugh in the face of death with bloodstained teeth. Hysterical laughter despite being broken, bloodied and bound. He peaks the interest of one of the many members of the mafia, Kolya. A gentleman with a hatred for Misha, but something about his bloodied smile and manic laughter makes his heart pound. Not only with anger, but with a warm excitement. Misha tended to tease Kolya sexually, coaxing out repressed homosexual feelings that he was ashamed of. Misha had expected to piss Kolya off before he was inevitably killed, but the results were unexpected, but worth settling for... Kolya had fallen in love with this madman he was meant to kill, and between them they aspired an escape. Kolya and Misha had formed a bond, and thus Kolya faked Misha's death and placed him back into hiding, with him. Inserting a poison in Misha that he could, at any time, set off if Misha chose to betray him and escape.
( Kolya belongs to my friend @whimster! It was very fun writing this au together and honestly i'm thinking about making it canon to Misha's story! :D So if you're curious about what happens after he goes into hiding, this may be it! I also want to eventually do a segment where he is institutionalized but gets broken out... )
Tysm again for the ask, i had fun replying and info dumping about some aus and Misha's relationships,,,,
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hanafubukki · 2 days
Oc infodump alert!
I hate his stupid cute face, I hate the brain rot he gave me, I hate that I made a whole oc because I also hated making him grieve in reincarnated!reader aus
He forced me into being creative again 💔 I don't have time for that, I need to work on my projects but NOOOOO Lilia vanrouge just had to be extra biteable that day
Anyways the oc comes from a world of magic, her specific ability is atom manipulation. She starts experimenting with her ability and taking it to the next level. The next level being time and space manipulation. She miscalculates her formula and puts too much pressure onto the space aspect, landing her into an endless, lifeless, liminal space (like the backrooms without monsters) she survives on scraps that occasionally pop in and by using her manipulation ability to turn junk into food while she explores the area.
She learns that the space she's in acts like a hub, like a neutral void that's connected to all realities and parallel universes. She finds a coffin that looks very comfortable. She decides to sleep in it for a while after fine-tunes her formula, and applying the probability of parallel worlds.
Uh Oh I forgot to mention she's a sleep talker! Spending a long time in a place where you're the only living thing can be very stressful for social beings, good thing she can fixate on her research! Unfortunately she recites the spell that she was concocting while asleep and lands herself in twisted wonderland.
She's in her 20s so she doesn't like being put in as a first year. But she does pick up a thing or two from this alternate world's magic, plus the vice dorm leader is nice to her.
I'm still working it out in my head but eventually she's forced to use her ability and manages to land herself into the area for general Lilia's camp.
He doesn't like her but her ability can lessen the load on his troops (clean water, making it warmer in the night, making food from thin air) so he keeps her around. Eventually he begins to fall for her, and she's not even bothered to hide that she likes him since he's the only familiar face she's seen.
AAAAA Sorry for babbling on but this man who doesn't even exist has ruined my brain
Hello Anonie 🌺🌷💞
“I hate Lilia” me thinks you’re in denial 🫶🫶
Now now Anonie, don’t you know making your own oc/self-insert is the purest form of love? Love for that character and it is also self-love 🥰🥰
Also, you’ve come to me anonie. What did you expect me to say? “Nooo don’t Anonie, don’t do thiissss. Turn back while you still can!!” lolol 🤣🤣
No! I am the enabler! Do it! Make that oc! Put her with Lilia, let them all be happy!!! 🔥🔥🔥🫶🫶🫶
This is me to you right now Anonie:
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Mwahahaha 😈😈😈 We have cookies 💞💞💞
Pffttt lmaoo okay okay I’ll stop hahahah
Also I love reincarnation aus, chef kiss, good taste Anonie good taste.
Your oc sounds very cool! I’m laughing at the fact she finds a random coffin and goes, “let me mess with this thing and take a nap.” 🤣🤣
Ohhh so her ability somewhat works in twst 🤔🤔 that makes living in ramshackle dorm easier at least. Can she rearrange Crowley’s mask? Or make everything he eats taste too bitter?? Just as a bit of revenge?? (Kallisto if you’re reading this, shhh no you aren’t 🤣🤣)
Ohhh timey winey stuff too?? Yesss hello my love. Yesss get that tsundere to fall for her. Yessss we adore that in this household 💞💞💞😌😌
I wonder if future Lilia remembered 🤔🤔
No worries Anonie, I enjoyed reading about it. You don’t need to be sorry at all. And you’re in good company, we adore and are swept away by one Lilia Vanrouge in this blog. 😘
Take a plastic seat while we all sit in a circle and tell us about your woes as we share ours 😄🌺💞
Good luck on your projects Anonie! You might need to get a bit of bat repellant to keep him away 😂🌺
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digitaldoeslmk · 7 months
Random question, because I thought of other jttw/sun wukong media with characters ya don't see cross over to new works, are there any of those lil fellas, ladies or others that ya want to bring to your lmk one since it is your au and you can dictate of say a certain jade rabbit and bodhisattva have a weirdly friendly relationship while in the books they would have been more butting heads?
I'm not trying to direct anything just figured I would use those two dynamic in 2010's "The Monkey King" instead of trying to push some six eared macaque stuff since we know how ya feel on his character in ya au.
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Like far more media on the table for ya to pick from but just curious in general if we may see some characters that are possibly based off designs from each media or if maybe just add a character that only showed up in one of the other jttw adaptations besides of course lego and the jttw novel since those are main staples in your au and all.
(Sorry if confusing just figured I would ask ahead of time instead of being that random "who's that" ask box peep when I see someone new that isn't exactly an oc but also not from either main parts of the au)
i get what you mean but i'm not quite sure tbh! smth like that might crop up eventually as i delve further into the story and worldbuilding, but i do want to keep to JTTW as closely as i can. anything that goes outside of it will mostly be set on the AU's present time and i'll do my best to offer proper context for them when i introduce them!
i miiiight do some references to FSYY but i'm not sure i'll go too deep into it cus it IS a different story with not much connection with JTTW besides general Chinese folk religion characters and deified historical figures.
i do enjoy the concept of Ao Bing and Nezha becoming friends post-FSYY, for instance, so i might explore that later on!
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unholyverse · 1 year
i want to know i want to know about it so bad tell me about it. please
ok a lot of people sent me the asks for it but i will answer yours because :3
sorry in advance for formatting i’m on my phone and tumblr never shows me the right image thumbnails
ok so sometimes i’ll subscribe to the slumber podcast patreon bc. honestly i think they’re more enjoyable together when they’re being boring and talking about mundane shit. but one of the times i wasn’t, i see this on the podcast twitter
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and me <- fic writer with morbid interest wanted to see what the fuss was all about because:
travis is writing a fic about his very real and personal friends
travis is writing a fic about his very real and personal friends’ to the theming of the album (that’s supposed to be) about religious guilt and sexuality that as far as i know, said writer of said album has not discussed with him because of the nature of it
this was set in travis’ knockoff pokemon au he sells books of on amazon (i don’t think awsten has read any of his books including this one)
on top of that when i open the first chapter, he says he wants to post this to ao3 when it’s done. i want to punt him to a wall until he goes splat like a cartoon before he’s able to do that.
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ok so this is where the terror starts for real. there’s only 5 chapters up so far but each chapter is supposed to correspond with a track on intellectual property (which is 11 tracks….)
so we start on chapter 1: ST*RFUCKER
in this chapter, awsten goes back home from his pop star life in whatever in universe equivalent to la travis has and back to the in universe equivalent to houston while he muses on a recent falling out with some oc travis also made up named ash.
oh did i mention im pretty sure travis made everyone gay in this. bc he did. travis made everyone gay in this.
and here’s when i start to see some of the notes other friends have made about travis’ writing from reading his other books. it’s almost like…too travis than anyone he’s trying to write lol. it feels like i’m just reading travis self projecting more than writing the thoughts of another character (who is. his irl friend)
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so awsten gets reacquainted with his parents who are loving but just don’t Understand him and his big city habits and clothes now but it’s fine.
oh and travis made jawn and awsten have a past hookup in this. did i mention that bc he made that a thing.
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the chapter ends with awsten not getting a text back from ash and getting pissed at it in his childhood bedroom.
and that brings us to chapter 2: real super dark
travis starts this with awsten having a post coital convo with ash and flashes forward to the present where ash won’t text him back.
as awsten is mourning this, he starts thinking about how at least he never wrote a song about him and travis makes awsten muse on the ciara situation but replaces her with a guy literally called NAMELESS.
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normal things to write about your irl friend hahahahaha <- i’m starting to lose my mind but know this isn’t the worst of it.
after this is the part where travis texts awsten to come to a party at his place and it becomes very apparent how much travis has fucked with his own self characterization LOL.
here, travis characterizes himself as an avid drinker and party boy that awsten begged to go to the in universe equivalent of la with him, but travis stood his ground and stayed back home. in real life, i think travis is like a sentient piece of white bread and the general coolness of a high school anime club. also i feel like awsten ignores travis sometimes for his other friends. sorry travis.
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when it hits me again that this is something i paid $5 for and this is a guy writing incredibly self indulgent and personal fic that is too self indulgent and personal to be a joke, i stop to ask a discord server of friends if this is insane (they agree it is) and continue on.
in the end, awsten flashes back to another post coital moment with ash before he’s supposed to leave and i have to read the implications of awsten banging the oc travis made up again.
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that was kind of a nightmare just from the bare bones of it right? it gets worse. it gets so much worse.
here comes chapter 3: funeral gray (he spelled it like that bc fuck british spelling we’re in the us of a 🦅🦅🦅🦅)
so awsten is at travis’ place which is kind of a shithole and i assume travis starts projecting about his own neighborhood through fic!travis for like a paragraph.
the party sucks and awsten isn’t really around any of his friends so he goes to leave but notices some guy in a gray sweater outside doing the in universe equivalent of filling up his pokédex with one of the creatures under someone’s car.
then after that we have to have this bit of dialogue that reaffirms to be that this song’s lyrics taken literally is probably the most annoying conversation ever.
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awsten introduces himself to the guy, who immediately clocks him as a pop star he’s heard on the radio.
then travis ruins the moment by showing up drunk and telling awsten to come back in, where jawn is there and it’s not that awkward for them to hang out despite their weird hookup.
they try catching awsten up with local gossip while making themselves out to a fire pit and awstens still trying to find out who the guy he met with the sweater was. by pure coincidence, the sweater guy is outside having a smoke and awsten is crushing hard like an idiot and then we get the reveal that sweater guy is geoff.
yep. we just got gawstened.
now here you might ask, “oh the friend groups all there where’s otto?”. he is literally not in this. at all. i assume there’s a lot of reasons he’s not in this (he’s not close enough to otto, he doesn’t know enough about him in general, possible jealousy on travis’ part on. things?) but either way. he’s not in this shit at all which i find to be a mercy to otto but also. rather interesting. hm.
ok this got too long that tumblr won’t let me post the rest of the screenshots so i have to do a part two which i’ll prommy i’ll link here later i just refuse to type this shit out myself and i need to show you how this is something he is actually posting.
edit from the future: here’s part 2
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108garys · 8 months
Concerning the quarry(update)
I had previously pondered the inclusion of the quarry in my super massive family tree project and decided against it as the main goal of the project is to make all(or as many as possible) of supermassive's recycled models related to each other.
It started focused on the dark pictures anthology and eventually included the inpatient and hidden agenda because of the shared models and by extension until dawn because of the inpatient and so on but there was no obvious connection in the quarry and if I made unique models related to reused ones it had to be purposeful and not just "these characters are both insert random thing" So when I say was settled on the exclusion of the quarry I mean it was not having to work with a game I don't particularly care for and that was that
All that being said I was looking at the Hackett family tree because it goes back to the time of little hope and with my own family tree project it's good to have an example to look at(some of mine to further back lol)
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My reasoning at the time was that with all this material it would be simple to include Hackett side characters in stories set in different eras, I was thinking "oh free names to use for historical OCs in little hope reincarnation cycle fic or stuff otherwise set over a century ago" you feel me? Like I could feel the way I do about the quarry and still do something like that
...but then something unexpected happened
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"Louisa Clarke(Hackett) 1920-1985"
That's Jed's mum
I had previously decided that any Clarke's would be connected to the Clarke family(even jessie Clark the random construction guy from tdim who's last name I'm treating as a typo)
In my preexisting drafts the generation above James Clarke has three brothers but I had always imagined them having a sister/4th sibling and Louisa just slots right in there exactly how I imagined and so just like that the quarry went from not included at all to having around a third of the cast accounted for. I'm not sure I'll actually go ahead and add the whole in game Hackett family to my next draft but at the very least I can make a note off it next to Louisa's name
It's funny because there were other things I was wanting to do that day but this reason to give a damn about the quarry(and not even the main game at that) blew me away and I needed to process it and what this new development means(it means that James Clarke and Jedediah Hackett are first cousins)
I always thought any care for the quarry on my part would come from connecting it with other games and that seems to be true, I can't say if this will translate into me liking the game itself but now I've already got some great crossover stuff that I'm eager to work on that I hope you'll love as much as I do
That all being said I'm not now going to be adding random player characters into the family trees and this is far more than I was prepared to have in my project(not me begrudgingly excepting that I'm going to have to interact with the quarry for these aus I'm excited for 😅)
@kassiekolchek22 @delurkr @tatjana-fantasy @blubary @ctrvpani @eddie-brii @unhingedlesbear @qusok @myscprin @mybrainrotforreal @taylorshope @kindheartedgummybears @tinynightmarewoman (I hope this is at least a good chunk of people interested in this information lol)
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seventeenlovesthree · 1 month
Do you think Koushirou x Mimi would be more plausible in an alternate timeline where they didn’t have much contact after 1999 until they’d both graduated from college and had time to mature?
I came up with a bunch of AUs where various posthumous characters are still alive, one of which involves Koushirou’s biological parents. Since Koushirou’s life would have taken a different direction from the very beginning, he probably would not end up marrying the same person as his counterpart, but I didn’t want to come up with yet another OC so I just used Mimi.
(He still goes to the Digital World in 1999 in this AU, he just doesn’t live anywhere near Odaiba and therefore isn’t as close to the rest of the team as his counterpart.)
Mh. The problem with Koushirou and Mimi in the original timeline - for me personally - is that they are so inconsistently portrayed. Tri, for whatever reason, decided to make "the crush" a comic relief sub-side-thing, but played it "safely" by not making their relationship and their quarrels significant to either of their character arcs and that was a mistake. It was shallow and unfulfilling. I still maintain that stageplay!Koumi and To Sora!Koumi have very high chances of being compatible...
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However, thinking about "what if" scenarios can be interesting too.
The question is in what ways Koushirou would have been different if he had grown up with his biological parents. We don't know much about them, aside from Masami Izumi telling us that his father was a mathematician and professor at a university. Not only was he brilliant, but also into computers - and Masami puts emphasis on how similar Koushirou is to him.
I won't go too much into detail about how to characterize Koushirou, because I have done that a million times already. Nevertheless, the three main questions here are the following: 1.) Would he have turned out as kind as he is in the OG timeline? 2.) Would he still have self-esteem issues? 3.) Would he be more observant even in times when he's got his hyper-focus goggles on?
To 1.) Koushirou in general has several sides to himself, one of them being that he likes to solve problems and is quite a hands-on person when it comes to helping others. While I can see how Kae's and Masami's upbringing had a (positive) influence on his behaviour, we also know that he tried to be "perfect" for them once he learned he wasn't their real son. So part of his helpful nature may or may not be as elaborated on if he didn't have to nurture that personality trait that intensely until it became a natural part of himself.
To 2.) His self-esteem issues in the OG timeline weren't as visible most of the time, but according to the novels, he thought of himself as "a worthless human being", who simply was just "good with computers", thinking of himself as human extension of his laptop who didn't know where he came from and why. While he was always still mostly confident in what he was doing, this is still an important part of himself. Because if he didn't have to doubt his whereabouts, If he didn't have to question whether he "had been thrown away", he may have grown up to be more confident. Or not - because he probably would have been EVEN MORE invested in computers, if his biological father had enabled him even further. And we know how early 2000s kids felt about computer nerds, so he may still have had issues interacting with others. Just for different, less identity-related reasons.
To 3.) To refer back to 2, it's hard to tell whether or not it really would have turned out differently. We learned from Masami that it was only natural that Koushirou got into computers - and him having a tendency to hyperfocus probably would not have changed that much. Because that's just who he is, he just wouldn't have done it to procrastinate and prevent his brain from overthinking, but because he simply had fun with it.
Since we don't know about his biological parents' personalities, their style of upbringing, etc. all we can guess is that if Koushirou never had to doubt his whereabouts, his self-esteem issues may not have been the same. Considering how highly Masami spoke of them, we can assume that his biological parents were still good and kind people, so for the sake of this analysis, let's assume he would still have been raised well. Whether he would have been confident or still feel isolated from other people because he could "connect with them better online than in the flesh" is up to debate.
Long story short - as I had pointed out in my headcanon post, I feel like Koumi could work out well as online friends who'd slowly but steadily fall in love over shared interests. In terms of romance, I see Mimi as someone who needs validation and attention, who needs her affections reciprocated. And Koushirou might be way better at dealing with that in his own pace in written form. Texting doesn't demand his attention all the time and I think their compatibility could develop a lot better if he's got time to actually respond to her. Because even if he might still be a kind person, even if he's still ready to jump to be helpful, he still gets lost in his interests and Mimi needs to grow familiar with that attitude of his first before she can even try to adapt to it. Because under pressure, they're both NOT good at adapting. Especially not to each other.
So - give them the opportunity to get in touch online/through texting and they may be capable of getting to know each other better first, slowly but steadily, before a romance could bloom "irl".
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sharenaweek · 2 months
Now that Sharena Week is closer (a little over a month away!) I thought it'd be a good idea to do one of these!
(if you have any questions not answered here, feel free to ask, whether in a reply, an ask, or even a DM! If your question is more specific/complex DM might be the best option for it to be discussed)
Q: Are Original Characters allowed?
A: Yes! Summoner OCs, Self Inserts, Fan Children, or other original characters are allowed to be included in your prompts — so long as the main focus is on Sharena as much as possible.
Q: Are specific headcanons/AUs/Canon divergences/etc allowed outside of Day 5: Change of Fate?
A: If you want to adhere to a specific AU or set of canon divergent headcanons throughout the whole week/vary through them each day, you're welcome to! As long as it still features the main Day's general prompt & it's Sharena-focused, there should be no issues.
Q: If I'm late/can't post a prompt the day of, can I still upload it later in the week?
A: Yes! As long as you tag your posts accordingly, there's no problem with uploading late, even out of the event's timeframe (though it'd be preferred for most of it to be posted during the specified week, we understand sometimes life happens, or you simply can't finish in time for whatever reason; we'll be sharing everything that's properly tagged to this account!)
Q: Will there be an AO3 Collection for any fics made for the week?
A: If people would like that, then yes! We'd create a collection a week or two before the event and share it here so you can submit your fics!
Q: What platforms/social media are allowed for posting of our works?
A: Pretty much anywhere! For the moment, Sharena Week only has social media presence here on Tumblr, Twitter/X (@ SharenaWeek), and Instagram (@ sharenaweek, though we'll admit I we're not sure how/if it's even possible for us to share your content there, as we aren't used to it — we'll still poke around and like posts at the very least!). As mentioned above, an AO3 collection will most probably be made a couple weeks before the Week, but we probably won't be on other fanfic websites (i.e. fanfiction, wattpad). If you make a post linking to your fic on the websites we do have presence on, however, we'll share it! If needed, we can even compile links to posts on other platforms for ease of access.
Q: Are creations outside of drawing, painting, and writing accepted?
Yes!!! Anything goes, as long as you made it — skill level doesn't matter, either. Sprite edits, music playlists, cosplay, collages, AMVs, vine/tiktok compilations... anything you can think of! That being said, AI work (artwork made with AI websites, fic written by programs like ChatGPT, etc) WON'T be accepted.
Q: What do I do if my post doesn't get reblogged/retweeted/shared by you guys?
A: We'll do our best to check the tags as often as possible during the event, but we might miss stuff, be it because it was posted as we took a break, or because Tumblr is held together with duct tape and hope. If we go a day or two or even more without interacting with your work, feel free to DM us a link to the post or @ us so we can share it!
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fandomsoda · 1 year
Intro/pinned post!!!
last updated: 4/30/24
Ok Welp I’m finally making one of these-
Most basic info about me can be found in my blog’s about (names, identity, pronouns, DNI), but here’s where I’m putting all the other stuff! First of all, here’s my pronouns page for those who want to know more about my exact pronouns/word boundaries!
Here’s my sona, Soda!
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Their full ref can be found here
Art usage rights: My art is fine to be reposted, but strictly with credit. Want to use it as an icon? Make it an edit or add something small for pfp purposes? You’re welcome to, but with permission, credit, clarification that you edited it, and as long as you’re not in my dni/use it for such purposes. Derogatory edits of my work are not permitted so don’t go marking everything up. Do not feed my artwork into ai software. Also do not directly feed my writing or own general text into an ai.
Requests?: Requests for art are a complicated thing and are simply a matter of what I do and do not want to do. Feel free to ask, but just know I may decline! This goes for moodboards and stimboards as well, but I’m much more likely to accept a mood/stimboard rather than art request!
AU/personal projects!: I have a handful of personal AU’s and projects and OC’s I’d like for people to check out and look at. (Also please please please ask about my characters and ask them stuff I wanna answer!) You are welcome to make fanart for any of them but I request that you stay on-model unless you are simplifying the design or the point of the piece is to reimagine the design/put the character into a new outfit. I don’t want to be overbearing but my designs mean a lot to me so I’d like them to stay how they are. People in my dni are not permitted to depict my characters in any way, shape, or form. Don’t touch my babies. Also- No, you may not use my characters in tournaments or polls. Those give me heavy anxiety and rsd to the point of literal nausea. Please keep your vile, Spartan popularity games away from my babies.
Personal projects masterpost
Please @ me in fan/inspired content! I want to see it!
I also know that I can often come off as aggressive and do stupid shit or say stupid shit. I have a lot of growing to do and I make a ton of mistakes. Please be patient and if you desire to call me out on by bullshit (which you absolutely should do) please be constructive and respectful. I struggle a lot with tone and accidentally upset people often. If I upset you, PLEASE let me know. I have no way of realizing if you don’t, please do not lie to me, tell me what’s wrong I promise I care and will try not to take it personally. =m=
Important note: While I may make suggestive jokes from time to time or touch vaguely on mature topics/talk about more mature media, this blog does not welcome nsfw blogs. Any and all interaction with me or my art that is nsfw in nature (inappropriate DM’s, comments, and reblogs) will be instantly blocked. We can joke, we can have fun, but I do not want any concerning behavior towards others or towards myself/my art on this blog. I know that many people who follow/are friends with me are minors and thus I will ensure that this space is not dangerous for them.
I also consume my media critically, even as a Homestuck enjoyer, I do not support Andrew Hussie and recognize the comic’s flaws, but I also love Homestuck for what it is at its core and how it changed my life. I also assume most people consume media critically and thus do not have any fandoms in my dni, but do know there are a good handful of them that I’m apprehensive about, but won’t block on sight.
On the topic of media consumption, I also like a lot of ships that others don’t, and will not tolerate hate. Crossmare has been my comfort pairing since long before Underverse season 2 was even out, and I am not ok with people who think it’s “inherently abusive”. As long as a pairing is not child x adult or family x family, I don’t believe it can be inherently abusive. As long as someone’s specific depiction of the ship isn’t abusive, they shouldn’t get flack for it. However, if you ARE someone who romanticizes abusive versions of these ships, please get out.
Also note that due to my nebularomanticism (arospec umbrella), I do not know what the fuck romantic love is supposed to feel like or look like, the lines between strong platonic bonds and romance are so blurry they barely exist for me, and such- all of my ships are queerplatonic in some way. I have never seen any ship as solely romantic and I don’t think I’m capable of that. But I also do not limit the types of intimacy I depict these characters having. If you’re not ok with queerplatonic kissing or holding hands or other forms of “romantic gestures” or if you think they can’t exist, get out. I’m honestly getting tired of the term “ship” and all the baggage it holds. I just want these characters to be happy and get along and be close. I’m tired of exclusively romantic connotations. All of that being said, once again, proshits GET OFF MY LAWN.
Keep in mind that while my art and personal works ARE here, this blog IS a personal blog. I DO vent on here and often talk about personal topics. Be aware. And just because I share an opinion of mine doesn’t mean that I think it’s super important or right, it’s just how I feel. Just saying this because if you follow me you should be prepared to deal with what I post, and if you don’t like me that’s ok just leave.
Current blog status (important): tired and just. Trying right now, bare with me.
Below are my many userboxes (and blinkies, so flashing gif warning be cautious) that represent me! Check em out for more info!
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^ this user box specifically was made by @/ghostfish-stims!
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^ More info on that here
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^ this blinkie is made by @/pictionary!
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