#and ivxdewdrop
chasesylvan · 5 months
Sleep Isn’t Your Only Friend
Rain had been getting ready for tour in his green room when one of the crew members shouted out that they had a 5 minute hold before the show started, Rain sat down on a chair in his room and had a little think about what had been happening on tour, they had been touring with this band, he thinks they’re called, Sleep Token, which consisted of a singer, a bassist, a guitarist, a drummer, and 3 female backup singers. This had been great for them as sadly, Mountain and Copia had to retire from this tour due to urgent and unavoidable family matters, so they had just decided to let the drummer and singer from their touring partners take over for them until they were ready to come back for the new tour.
Rain had walked out of his green room and saw the other bassist walk out of his as well, he must have heard him because he turned back and gave a smile through his black and white mask, Rain gave a forced smile, starting to not like this other bassist. The water ghoul will admit, he had troubles with jealousy and he knew it, he was walking down the hall that contained everyone’s green room, each marked with their name, until he got to who he assumed was the other bassist’s green room, the door marked with the engraving of ‘III’, ah, so that’s the bassist’s name, ‘III’, Rain thought to himself. He continued the walk down to the entrance that opened up into the stage, he peeked out behind the curtains slightly to see all the people that had shown up for the collaboration, Rain didn’t get nervous anymore, he stopped having the jitters around his 5th or 6th show, he can’t remember.
But what he did know, was the presence behind him, he could smell who it was and it stunk, he turned around to find the other bassist, III, staring at him through his black and white mask, “Hey, man, I’m III, it’s great to finally meet you.” He stuck his hand out for the water ghoul to shake it, who hesitated at first, but dryly shook his hand. “You nervous?” Rain asked, sensing the other’s nervousness and anxiety, “U-Uh a little bit, never performed in front of a crowd this huge before.” III responded in a nervous tone, the water ghoul slowly but discreetly rolled his eyes so the other man couldn’t notice.
“You’ll be fine, you have a mask on like the rest of us, you’ll be fine, besides, aren’t you guys also performing some of your songs?” Rain was a tad curious to know what songs they had chosen to perform, before the tour had been agreed with by Ghost and Sleep Token, they were required to learn and practice all of Sleep Token’s music before the tour had been agreed on. Even though Rain knew how to play them all, he wasn’t informed on what songs they had chosen to perform, they were allowed 4 songs, and the same to Ghost, they were allowed 4 songs. Ghost had chosen Rats, Kaisarion, Year Zero and Square Hammer to perform.
III thought about it for a second, putting his finger on his chin and on his hip and doing that foot thing where he puts more weight on one foot than the other. Rain couldn’t help the pooling of weird arousal in his abdomen, he kicked that to the back of his mind, no way in Hell would he fall in love with a bassist who he has barely met and quite frankly he doesn’t like. “I believe the songs we’re performing together are… The Summoning, Sugar, Ascensionism and The Offering.” Rain knew too well those songs, The Offering being his favourite song to play on bass. But he was not about to admit that to someone he barely knows.
The crew member from earlier shouted from somewhere down the hall, “It’s show time, people! And… ghouls.” “Alright, showtime, man, hey, good luck.” III said to the water ghoul, “Thanks.” He said dryly. They walked towards where the curtain was draped over the stage and got into their position, hearing Imperium play as they got ready for the Ritual to begin. III was over near Dew and Aurora’s place on the stage, but not too close to them. He gave the other bassist a friendly nod, but Rain just looked away from him, the other bassist didn’t take any offence from this, as he was merely getting under the water ghoul’s skin, which Rain wasn’t aware of yet. Imperium ended and Ghost started playing Kairsarion, with Vessel and II replacing Copia and Mountain, everything was going well, Dew and IV seeming to be messing around with each other, IV was the guitarist who he hadn’t gotten a chance to meet yet. Kaisarion had ended and it was time for Sleep Token’s first song of the Ritual; The Summoning. It had started and Rain was dancing around, getting the audiences’ attention when he could sense a presence and turned around to find the other bassist standing behind him, giving him a smile through his thin but thick mask, Rain gave a disgusted look, but thankfully due to his big and heavy mask, III didn’t take note of it, instead giving the water ghoul a soft pat on his crotch, which sent waves of heat travelling down Rain’s body to his toes. This guy is trying to kill me, help me Satan.
The Summoning ended and it was time for Ghost’s second song of the show, which was Rats, Rain was still trying to comprehend what happened on stage, he’d lecture the other bassist about it after the show ended, but he just stuck to Swiss’ side of the stage, being silly with the multi ghoul, and occasionally hopping around near the ghoulettes’ areas. At the end of Rats, he caught III’s gaze from the other side of the stage, and he swears to Hell he caught III winking at him. After the last 5 songs went well, III and Rain only exchanging glances and pats on the shoulder here and there, the show went good.
Sorrow in the Wind started playing, and because Sleep Token don’t usually stay around to hand out picks or drumsticks, this was new to them, them all watching the ghouls and ghoulettes walking around stage, messing around with each other, handing out picks and drumsticks to the audience. II decided to run up to Mountain’s drum kit to find a new packet of drumsticks sitting next to the drums, he picked a couple out and walked back down to the stage and threw some out to the crowd, who were yelling a bunch of “I LOVE YOU GUYS” and “THIS WAS THE BEST SHOW OF MY LIFE” and honestly, II could just cry right then and there, he walked over to one of the ghouls, Phantom, and gave him a hug, who immediately hugged him back and he could faintly hear Phantom whisper in his ear, “I’m proud of you, you did so well tonight,” And that’s when the waterworks started, II started sobbing and held his hands up to his face to hide the tears, “Aw baby, don’t cry,” Phantom grabbed the smaller man and held him in his arms, the drummer said through tears and sobs, “I’ve n-never played in front of a crowd this big and supporting before, i-it’s just a lot to t-take in,” II sniffled and basically threw himself into the taller ghoul’s arms, who happily held and swayed him side to side.
The show ended by them standing near the stairs, bowing to all the audience members then leaving to go back through the hallways to the green rooms, everyone had gone to their green rooms, and as III was walking to his, someone grabbed him by the arms, turned him around and pinned him against the wall near his green room, he looked to see that it was Rain, “What the fuck was that out there?! Huh? Patting my dick and patting my shoulder?” Rain wasn’t yelling, but it definitely wasn’t a quiet tone, III was just standing there, and brought his arms up and started holding Rain by the waist, this caused Rain to startle and shove his arms off, “The fuck are you doing?!” Rain was seriously not impressed by this behaviour, until III grabbed Rain by the neck and smashed his lips against his, Rain not pulling away. The water ghoul putting his hands on the other bassist’s chest, the kiss started turning dirty as they both fought for dominance. III pulled back from the kiss, smirked and said, “I knew you had a knack for me,” The water ghoul looked at the taller man and was speechless, III took this chance to sneakily smack him in the crotch, causing Rain to double over, “What was that for?” The ghoul responded in a croaky and in pain tone, grasping his dick
and groaning, III just laughed and walked off, leaving Rain horny, in pain and confused.
Rain slowly walked back to his green room, still in pain from the abuse to his crotch, he opened the door with his name engraved on and sat down on the couch in the room and his mind wandered back to the moment that just happened. Why the fuck would he do that? Rain thought to himself, still horny from the treatment he just received. He ignored his boner, not in the mood to finish himself off, and decided to get changed into nicer looking clothes as they all decided to have dinner in a big place that Vessel and II somehow managed to hire, but the ghouls weren’t complaining, III said he needed the bathroom so he left to go find one while the rest of them found a place to sit, the spare seat, coincidentally, being next to Rain. III had returned after about 15 minutes, taking the spare seat next to Rain, they had been eating until Rain felt a hand on his thigh, he looked next to him to find III eating his food like nothing was happening.
His hand started inching more and more up his thigh, till it stopped right near his crotch, Rain was shaking at this point, slightly not wanting this, but also allowing it to happen, that is until the hand cupped his dick, which he shook, causing a few curious eyes to dart over, “Are you alright, Rainy?” Phantom asked the slightly shaking water ghoul, “M fine, Mount, was just a fly and it scared me,” he grabbed the hand on his cock and shoved it off, but it was back mere seconds later, to which Rain at this point, was just allowing the hand to explore, III caressing his inner thigh. Rain unexpectedly got up from the table, causing III’s hand to dart back to his own lap, and he walked out of the building to sit down on the stairs for a minute, III following after him a few minutes later, everybody at the table trying to guess and understand what just happened.
III walked down the stairs and sat on them next to Rain, “Hey, I’m sorry for back there, I should’ve asked you and it was wrong to do without your consent.” III said to the water ghoul, Rain looked at him, sighed and put his head on his shoulder, “It’s okay, you didn’t do anything wrong, I’m the one who should be sorry from the start, I thought you were just trying to get into everyone’s pants and to be the “goody two shoes bassist”, I shouldn’t have been so quick to judge, I’m sorry, III.” III kissed Rain’s temple and put his arm around his shoulder, “No you’re fine, you’re allowed to have judgements, I was just trying to get comfortable with everyone and also get accustomed to the large crowd.”
“Because see, we barely get big audience, whereas you guys have massive crowds, so when Ves informed us that we were gonna be touring together, I was shitting myself,”
III scooted closer to the water ghoul and sat his head on the other bassist’s head, sighed and continued, “But I knew I had to be strong and look like the overly confident bassist with no worries, but that wasn’t gonna happen, so when we did the show, I started to get more comfortable around everyone, mostly you, because you seemed really cool.” III remembered what happened on stage that he’s gonna apologise for as well, “I want to also say how sorry I am for what I did to you on stage and after the show, it was totally wrong of me and I should have asked if you were ok with it before I went along and did it.” Rain peeked his head up from the taller man’s shoulders to press a chaste kiss on his lips. III cupped Rain’s cheeks to give him a proper soft kiss, and pulled back after, needing air, he knocked their foreheads together and they both let out breathy giggles.
“I wouldn’t mind sharing a bed with you tonight, if it means I get to see that beautiful blue body of yours.” III smirked at his own comment, which made the water ghoul blush like a blueberry.
“I wouldn’t mind that either.”
They had walked back to their hotel rooms after texting everybody that they felt unwell and would end their night early.
Fast forward to the end of “their special night.”
III was panting, “Rain, you were amazing, so soft, loving. I don’t think I have ever had more amazing sex than that with anyone, not even IV, shhh don’t tell him that.” III giggled a little, he was only kidding, not wanting to hurt his other boyfriends’ feelings, their relationship was open and so they were comfortable with each other hooking up with the members of Ghost.
“I enjoyed that as well, III.”
Their night ended by them laying back down, Rain in III’s arms, feeling safe and loved, and fell asleep peacefully to the rhythmic beat of the taller man’s heart in his ears. This was probably the best and most wonderful tour of his career with Ghost.
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