#and jimmy had a dog with him? or a cat? a Pet
vivwritesfics · 5 months
Jimmy is a frisky little fuck, gets the neighbour cat pregnant. But hey, that's an excuse for the neighbour cats owner to introduce her to the pretty man with the mesmerising blue eyes who also can't wait to become a cat grand parent
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Beaver had been acting incredibly strange. When her owner acquired her (literally rescued the little cat from a bin - she had been sitting in the apartment dumpster literally chewing a bit of wood, how she got her name), she had never been one to beg for food. 
In the three years she'd owned Beaver, she'd always filled up her bowl in the morning, and then Beaver would sporadically eat from it. She'd never finish the bowl before noon and then yowl for more. 
And Beaver was definitely getting fat. 
Her owner was incredibly worried.
She scheduled an appointment with the vets and then spent maybe two hours trying to coax Beaver into her cat carrier. But the cat was a wild child. If she didn't want to do something, she wasn't going to do it. 
The cat carrier idea was abandoned. "I kinda hate you," her owner muttered with little conviction as she scooped Beaver up into a blanket and left the apartment. 
It was a little awkward, carrying a cat through Monaco like it was a baby. But Beaver was pretty happy to lay in her arms, happier than she would have been in the cat carrier. 
When, at last, they got to the vets, they were the only beings in the waiting room. Thank God, the last thing she needed was a dog freaking Beaver out, or Beaver chasing somebody's pet rodent across the room. 
She couldn't stop her knee from bouncing as they waited to be called. Her eyes couldnt stop drifting across the room, to that ugly, magnified picture of a tick. When they were called (which didn't take too long, maybe everybody else's pets were thriving that day), she carried adjusted her grip on Beaver and carried her into the waiting room. 
Pregnant. Her mangy little street cat who she loved more than anything was pregnant. "Beaver, you hoe," she mumbled as they walked out of the vets office. But then she looked at Beavers swollen belly. She had kittens in there.
Who the hell was the father? Beaver hadn't left her apartment (by choice), so who had gotten her pregnant?
She didn't mean to gasp as loudly as she did. In the hall of the apartment complex, she stopped walking to look at Beaver, her eyes wide. "It's the neighbours cat, isn't it?" She asked, but Beaver didn't confirm or deny. 
But it madde sense, didn't it? The neighbours cat had a habit of breaking into her balcony to check Beaver out. It wouldn't be a surprise if he and Beaver got busy while she was at work. 
"Well," she said to Beaver as she unlocked the apartment door, "at least you've got taste." 
Yeah, the neighbours cat was pretty beautiful. A Bengal, if she knew her cat breeds (which, she barely did). And his owner wasn't bad to look at either. 
The owner that she should probably inform of what was going on. 
She placed Beaver down on the sofa, and she climbed out of the blanket. "Okay, Bea," she said, holding out her hand (so that Beaver could push her head against it). "I'm gonna go and tell your baby daddy's dad what's going on. You stay here and... try not to let any more boy cats in." 
Beaver ignored her and made her way to the bedroom. 
Standing up straight, she brushed the loose cat hairs from her jacket. She grabbed her keys from the side and made her way out of the apartment, to the one just above her own. 
As she waited outside of her cats baby daddy's owners apartment, she could hear an incredible amount of commotion from inside. Well, I say commotion, but it was one single voice, sometimes shouting. She raised her knuckles to the door and knocked. 
The shouting stopped. Their was a pause, so long that she thought he wouldn't answer, before he pulled open the door. 
Eyes so pretty she got lost in them, and quite literally forgot what she was going to say. She'd never properly met her neighbour before, just seen him when walking through the building. Her mind blanked as she continued to stare into those pretty blue eyes.
"Can I help you?" Her neighbour prompted, and she shook herself out of whatever trance he had her under. Witchcraft, I tell you. 
"Uh, yeah. Sorry to bother you but I live in the apartment beneath you with my cat, Beaver, and I think your cat might have gotten mine pregnant."
His face dropped, and then a smile split across it. "Really?" He asked, and she nodded. "Jimmy is going to be a dad?”
"If Jimmy is the pretty little Bengal that Beaver is obsessed with, then yeah, Jimmy is gonna be a dad," she answered, shifting her weight from foot to foot.
Suddenly he was reaching into his apartment and grabbing a set of keys. "Can I come meet the momma?" He asked, his voice so excited. How could she say no to that?
On the short journey form his apartment to her own, they introduced themselves. Max was Jimmy's dad, and he was a car mechanic (okay this girl clearly didn't know who Max was, and he didn't want to come out with the whole F1 driver thing. So he took a leaf out of Daniels book and called himself a car mechanic).
(She thought it was a little weird, how did a car mechanic afford a luxury apartment in Monaco? Maybe he was a car mechanic to the stars or something).
"Why is she called Beaver?" Asked Max as she pushed her key into the lock on her apartment door.
She didn't judge him for asking, it was an incredibly strange name for a cat. "Well, when I found her she was chewing this bit of wood and she looked sort of like a mangy little beaver. Turns out she was just a mangy little cat," she said and let Max in.
They might have been in the same building, but her apartment was much smaller than his own. A lot more full, too. Where Max had little else beside his set up in his living room, she had so much stuff. A fluffy colourful rug, a sofa big enough for a whole group of people, a cabinet full of DVDs.
"The little miss is probably in my bedroom," she muttered as she kicked off her shoes. "I'll go and get her."
Max kicked off his own shoes. He took a moment to look around properly, careful not to invade her privacy.
She emerged just a few moments later from a little way down the hall, a little black and white cat in her arms. "This is Beaver," she said, holding the purring kitten towards him.
"Hi Beaver," said Max as he took her from her hands. "I'm Max, Jimmy's dad. You're gonna make me the happiest cat grandpa out there."
Beaver pushed her head against Max's, still purring. "She likes you," said her owner as she sat on the couch.
"They're gonna have the prettiest babies," Max said as he sat beside her, Beaver happily sitting in his lap. As carefully as he could, Max fished his phone out of his pocket and passed it to her. "Give me your number, just in case you guys need anything."
But it wasn't just in case they needed anything. After Max went back to his apartment, they texted almost constantly. It started off being about the cats, but then it went further (I say further, but it was just them sending each other memes, giggling from behind their phone screens as they laid in their respective beds).
Max invited her out for dinner maybe a week before the kittens were born. It wasn't anything fancy; he was just craving something unhealthy and he wanted some company.
And then the kittens were born. As Beaver hid herself away in her closet, she pressed her phone to her ear. "C'mon Max, pick the fuck up" she whispered as she sat on her bed.
She was panicking, admittedly. But who could blame her? Her cat was about to give birth!
Max finally picked up his phone. "Hey, I'm at the pet store. What sort of bed should we get for momma and babies?" He asked, sounding all too relaxed.
"Shut the fuck up and get your ass over here!" She cried. "The babies are coming!"
Max ran out of the pet store. He'd never moved so quick in his life (not with his own two legs, at least). In ten minutes flat he was outside of her apartment door, knocking insistently.
Max was just as stressed as she was. But, upon seeing the look on her face, Max let the stress drop. "She'll be okay," he said, pulling her close for just a moment. For a moment was all they had; they had to get to Beaver.
He took charge, sitting her on the bed with a glass of water. The two of them waited while Beaver gave birth. There wasn't much more they could do. Once the kittens were born, Max brought in towels and blankets. He kept a nice distance to her while he set up a lovely warm bed for her and the kittens.
"They're beautiful," he said, not daring to pick them up. "Should we bring Jimmy down here to meet them?"
She shook her head. "Not yet. Let momma and babies rest," she said, laying her head on Max's shoulder.
He squeezed her. "We're gonna be the best cat grandparents," he said. When she held up her hand, Max gave her a high five.
"Can the grandpa take the grandma out for dinner? Is that something a new cat grandparent would enjoy?" He asked, looking down at her with her head still on his shoulder.
She hadn't yet taken her eyes away from the kitten. "Real dinner? Or you just want company?"
"Real dinner, date dinner."
"Love it."
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
Max dating a dog mom
"Bailey, come here!", you called the cocker spaniel as he seemed to have hid away under the sofa.
"Your child is afraid of me", Max stated with a pout.
"He's just shy, aren't you, Bailey? Come here to mama", you called, kneeling on the carpeted floor and patting your thighs.
Slowly, the brown puppy walked closer to you, nestling on your lap and looking at Max, "that is Max, he's mama's boyfriend", you tried.
Max sat on the floor next to you, hoping to be able to lure in the puppy. The relationship was still new, and he didn't know if your dog not liking him was a deal breaker. His friends had dogs, how hard would it be to make Bailey like him?
"Aren't you a cute little one?", Max tried, offering his hand for Bailey to smell, his puppy teeth going straight for them, "you went straight to nibbling me", he chuckled.
"Bailey, we don't bite Max! We like Max, he's nice", you scolded lightly.
"They're puppy teeth, they don't hurt, do they Bailey?", Max tried further, petting his snout.
"It's time for you to eat, Bailey!", you called the puppy, the mention of food being enough for him to leave Max in the living room.
"The cats are going to kill me", Max sighed, "I smell like a dog", your boyfriend mused as he joined you in the kitchen.
"They won't - maybe they can become friends! Do you want to be friends with Jimmy and Sassy?", you asked your puppy.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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verstappen-cult · 9 months
ouuu, imagine getting a new pet with the f1 grid! like, whether it be just recently moving in together and wanting a new addition or whether it be just a small present, your choice ofc! 💖
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one day you came home only to find lando laying on the floor with a tiny cat sitting on his chest, talking so soft as if he was speaking to a child, hands caressing behind his little ears. “hey, i got you a present!” he was lot more excited than you, and you were the one that actually wanted to adopt a cat. you named her with a little bit of help from lando, and soon became a crucial part in both your lives. every time lando is away, which is most of the time, he���s always asking for pics of his two girls. you’re pretty sure he loves the cat more than he loves you. and vice–versa.
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it was always a plan. even when you had been dating for just a couple of weeks, you two always wanted to have a dog together. and that’s why the moment you move in together, you go to one of the shelters in the city to adopt one. it’s hard. there are so many dogs waiting for someone to take them home that it is impossible for you to not cry. eventually you take home a little one that kept following charles everywhere he went, and the moment the dog starts running and sniffing everything, making you both laugh, you know he’s the perfect addition to your life.
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oscar knows you grew up with a lot of dogs and cats, and that you miss them every day. he also knows you are pretty happy living with him and traveling when you can, but living away from family is hard. it’s no secret that you are the most important person in his life and he will always want you to be happy; that is why one day you wake up with a slight pressure on your chest and two big brown eyes looking at you. you’re very sure everyone in the building heard your scream when you realized it was a rabbit. oscar had the biggest smile on his face, and felt like a very proud boyfriend, as he saw you play with him.
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you and max weren’t looking to adopt a new cat, you really were more than happy and done with jimmy and sassy. but then one day you’re walking back to your hotel after lunch and next thing you know, you are inside a pet shop. you were just thinking about getting the cats new toys and maybe a cat tree when you saw her sitting at the counter, looking so soft and tiny. when max went to pay, the owner told you she was a stray cat and the rest was history. there was a lot of paperwork to be able to get her out of the city and back to your home, but it was all worth it.
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★ — ALEX ALBON (23)
you’re always looking to adopt new pets. or members of the family as alex likes to call them. you know who you’re dating, so it’s all part of the relationship. not that it bothers you; you’re really happy with the zoo you have at home. the newest addition is a little more big than the rest of the pets, and it doesn’t surprise you, nothing does with alex anymore. and you always wanted a horse growing up, it’s a win for everyone. every time alex has free time you’re traveling to visit alex’s parents where the horse lives and it’s hard when you have to say goodbye but you know alex is already looking to adopt a new cat, or a dog, or another horse, and that makes it a little easier.
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daniel just comes home holding a guinea pig one day and you don’t even question him. he said he found it near the park where he went to run and couldn’t leave it there. just like that you got a new pet. neither of you had a guinea pig before so you don’t really know how to take care of him. or her? so the next morning you take the little one to the vet and then to a pet shop where you buy everything you’re going to need. and some other things that aren’t necessary but daniel saw and fell in love. if you had to drag him out of there before he brought a fish, well, that’s no one’s business.
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you were cuddling on the couch, mick with the most awful cold ever known to men when you got a call from her mom, and before she even got to say hi your boyfriend was already asking for the family dog. it was so cute seeing him say how much he missed him and how he wished he could be there to cuddle and feel better (rude!); that was the exact moment you knew what to do. it was a little hard trying to find a shelter, and then complete the form and interview they asked for, but in just a couple of days you were standing in front of a blanket-covered and almost crying mick cuddling with his new dog.
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© VERSTAPPEN-CULT ⎯ do not repost, translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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f1version · 1 year
11. “am I your favorite?” “I like your dog a bit more than you I won’t lie” with max but instead of dog it’s cats🫶🫶
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pairing: max verstappen x fem! gf! reader
summary: 5 times you told Max his cats were P1 in your heart, and 1 time he did a Grand Slam.
warnings: 5 + 1 format ( it’s my first time doing it ), fluff, teasing & joking, established relationship, sassy and jimmy are the favorites ( duh! )
word count: 1.7k
note: this just reminded me how much i LOVE writing fluff, thank you kay <3
general masterlist ★ 1k special
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1. SEPTEMBER 30, 2023
The first time it happened, it was Max’s birthday. It wasn’t race week and the obnoxious party Red Bull was going to throw him, was the following day. That left you, Max, Jimmy, and Sassy against the world.
“You are so pretty,” Max said while petting Sassy. You smiled, he loved those little beings so much.
“They may be my favorite thing on this house” You answered jokingly, Jimmy crawling into your lap “Taking P1 indeed”
Max looked at you funny because was he really behind his cats? You bet. Max Verstappen loved being first, even if it meant fighting his cats to be P1 in your heart.
“Oh really?” the Dutchman teased “I’ll be the judge of that” He finished as he picked up Jimmy from your lap and ran away.
2. NOVEMBER 28, 2023
The second time it happened, it was Tuesday, two days after Abu Dhabi. Max had already secured his third world championship back in September, but RedBull had kept both of you there until Monday for partying.
You had just arrived at your shared apartment in Monaco, Jimmy and Sassy surprisingly purring at your arrival, tangling in your feet.
“Hi lovelies!” you said softly, petting both of their tiny heads “How are my favorite beings in the universe?”
“Oh, now they’re your universe?” Max complained, leaving his bags on the floor to pet his cats too “I figured a three-time world champion would be”
You just laughed at his childish behavior “Oh shut up, Maxie. Let them have their moment”
3. DECEMBER 31, 2023
The third time, was on New Year’s Day. You were at a party in Monaco, the sky adorned with stars, and the place was full of friends, family, and colleagues; One minute away from giving a warm welcome to 2024.
Max was holding you close, one arm around your waist, the other one caressing your arm. Your arms were wrapped around his torso, eyes focused on the stars before they drifted to him.
“Maxie” You called, he hummed, his arm around your waist losing a bit. “What’s your year's resolution?”
You and Max usually took that question as a joke, even after you achieved the majority of last year's. Max thought about it for at least 8 seconds before a grin popped on his lips.
“That one’s obvious. I will overtake the cats and become P1 in your heart,” He said, unserious. You laughed.
“Hard one. They will always be my favorite”
Max rolled his eyes, bringing you close one more time that year, his eyes shined with happiness and little mischief.
His temple met yours.
“Well, they don’t get to kiss you right…three, two…now”
Cheers and celebrations were shared while Max cupped your cheeks, kissing you sweetly.
“Happy new year, schatje”
4. JANUARY 29, 2024
The fourth time was on purpose. Max was away in Milton Keynes for testing and practice, you were home with two little creatures.
It had been a long day at the office and you missed Max, so around dusk, you decided to tease him a bit with a picture of the cats.
you: [ 1 image attached ]
you: actually my favorites ever EVER
Max laughed at loud when he saw it, getting a whistle from Christian and a pat on the back from Danny (they had just wrapped up a meeting). Max rolled his eyes, focusing back on your messages. He could win this one.
max: you know what’s my favorite EVER?
you: what?
max: [ 1 image attached ]
max: the new car😍😍😍
you: i could fight you and your vroom vroom AND win
max: good luck with that schatje
5. FEBRUARY 14, 2024
The fifth time was on Valentine’s Day. That morning, when buying groceries, you found yourself in the middle of the pet section, buying a couple some cat accessories and costumes for Valentine’s Day.
You were so eager to try it on the cats that when you got home, you discarded the other bags in the kitchen knowing Max would organize everything while you styled the two furry demons.
“Max! Look at their little costumes!” You said picking up Sassy, she had a heart-shaped antenna headband and a tutu.
“I’m one hundred percent sure she will hate you for the rest of her life” Max answered picking up his phone to take a photo.
“Oh yeah?” You challenged, picking up Jimmy so Max could take a photo of him too. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that, since I’m hers and Jim’s favorite… and they’re my favorite”
“Really, schat? On Valentine’s Day?” Max said in faked disbelief “I knew you hated me, but this is heartless”
You just laughed, turning around so you could take off the costumes before they were destroyed.
“I love you, babe!”
“Blah, blah, blah,” Max said “I love you too”
+1 . . . CLOSURE
Finally, it was a “normal” Sunday. Max had a two-week break before the next race, so he took one week off the factory to be with you.
But the thing is, Max, had been acting suspicious. All week long he had been so secretive but also so loving and touchy. What made you realize something was a bit off was his attitude around Friday, Saturday, and today.
On Friday, he decided to go hiking with you, gifting you a beautiful bracelet with three charms: A cat that looked just like Jimmy, a second cat that looked like Sassy, and a couple for both of you. You were used to Max gifting you things, usually, they were simple, handmade items, but he also bought you expensive stuff. You loved everything he gave you.
Then Saturday came. He prepared a dinner date in your favorite Monegasque restaurant, where he gave you flowers and a necklace, it had a heart with an M engraved on it. You loved it.
Even after two days of wonderful gifts and sunshine, Sunday morning was still a surprise. Max decided to wake you up with breakfast in bed and tons of kisses, a lovely morning of you asked anyone.
After that, he said you had to be ready for a picnic at 4 PM, you could have begged him to tell you why but you knew he was stubborn enough to resist everything.
Either way, that’s why you found yourself at the top of Monte Carlo, having a picnic while the sun was burned by the ocean.
“So, are you going to tell me what’s been this weekend?” You asked after taking a sip of wine, it was enchanté.
“Why? Is it out of character?” He asked back jokingly, you rolled your eyes, smiling. “I’m joking”
“I know”
“Follow me”
You grabbed Max’s hand, getting up from the floor. He started walking towards the sunset, golden light shining on his face, blue eyes turning green.
“This past month, we have been talking—daydreaming about a life together” Max started, you nodded “And, yes, we already live together but remember how we wanted more?”
You nodded again, your chest growing warm, this had to be going the place you wanted it to. This had to be the moment you had been waiting for. Max got close, taking your other hand in his as the sky turned pink.
“Well, I figured a couple of months ago before the season started,” He continued “That I want to spend the rest of my days, nights, years, life, and eternity with you”
He started to move away, making up space for a final movement.
“So, I wanted to know,” He knelt “Would you marry me?”
The world stopped. It stopped and even if the sun was setting, daylight had just sprung out from the bottom of Earth.
You started shaking your head yes.
“Yes! Yes, and a million times yes!” You exclaimed, wrapping your arms around him.
Max let out a loud sigh, laughing a bit before sliding the ring into your finger and launching himself at you “Thank you, baby. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you so so much”
“I love you so much more, Max”
There were hugs, kisses, laughter, and the dizzying feeling of adrenaline drove the car to the top of the podium. Max, drunk in happiness, cupped your face in his hands.
“Now that's out of the way. Am I your favorite?” He asked, almost laughing, but so hopeful. He was so cute.
“Max Emilian Verstappen!”
“I’m just joking…” He laughed, hugging you for a second and then holding your waist “But am I?”
“I like your cats a bit more than you, I won’t lie”
“Oh for fu-”
That’s when this whole situation clicked for you. Max had started all of this on Friday so it could be like a race weekend, finishing P1 on Sunday’s race.
“Schatje, I’m kidding, you’ve always been my favorite,” You said, now you were cupping his face in your hands “And you just did a Grand Slam,” You said, kissing your future husband.
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Guide Dog
Max Verstappen x Blind!reader
Genre: fluff
Request: no… please request things :(
Summary: adventures of max and the guide dog
Warnings: none
Notes: headcannon format. I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it again: blindness is a spectrum. This is short but I thought it was cute
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We all know that Max is a cate man
Jimmy and sassy are practically his children
He was skeptical about the guide at first
A golden retriever that you’d had a few years now.
He’s a sweet dog that’s pretty chill even when he’s not working
You started slow
Brought your guide to his apartment a few times to see if the cats would get along with him
They did for the most part
As long as he didn’t bother them they were chill
You moved in with him after they got acquainted
Max thought it was fascinating to watch you with the guide
Sometimes he felt like he was competing for your attention
And the attention of all the pets in the house
They all liked you
Your dog knows his way around Monaco better then Max
And you haven’t lived here that long
Races are interesting
Most of the time you walk around with him before and after the race
Always away from the cars
Then you’ll watch the race from somewhere quieter
… and safer
During the race the staff is always running around and things around the garage are being moved
It’s a death trap for you and the dog
The amount of noise also makes it harder to navigate
Max himself started to become reliant on the dog
He was good about nudging max if he wasn’t on duty about running into things around his own house
Him and the dog came to an agreement that they would share you
Really it was Max making the deal
He ended up becoming the best wingman
He knew how to locate specific objects
Instead of bringing them to you, he brought them to max to give to you
Eventually jimmy and sassy also warmed up to the much larger four legged animal
You made a cute little family
Mostly consisting of fur, but still a family nonetheless
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arkhammaid · 2 months
Fem max headcannons??
hmmmm.. just sum thoughts, nothing else
fem!max could retire and become a full time streamer and still live in luxury. she's one of the top streamers on twitch, because she's hilarious as fuck and has several world records in sim racing. obviously
she still has only jimmy and sassy as her pets, but she'd really like to get a third one. she doesn't because she's away so often and she doesn't want her kids to not get along
red bull's golden child as in, pr golden child. the big dogs at the drink company (well also the racing rb company) absolutely love her because she's literally what red bull stands for. and she knows it. life time free rb drinks!!!
has like fifty millionaires and a few billionaires in her contacts, only to regularly hook up with them. if she gets spoiled in return for spending an evening with them, who is she to refuse?
definitely also hooked up with lewis. after 2021.
people outside of f1/motorsports definitely know more about max. i'm talking about lewis hamilton's level of fame, if not beyond. she is after all the first female world champion, even several times world champion. also, tiktok loves her
due to the way she gained fame, max is much more popular. instead of people saying she's rude or blunt, they just say she's gen z (which is true). rb pr definitely spreads that lmao
of course people still hate her, but the orange army is much bigger and more fierce (fangirls are scary...)
she definitely got her nudes leaked. personally she doesn't care because she knows she's hot, but the people around her are very bothered by it
her hyperfixtations are car and cats. doesn't care about fashion at all, she just rocks the skinny jeans and rb kit (she actually brings back skinny jeans...)
technically she has been single since forever, she never had a public boyfriend. she says that most men don't like a woman who's more successful that them and especially in racing, when it's clearly a 'man sport'. in private she had several flings (charles is just waiting at the sidelines, hoping one day she will pick him.... just one chance is all he needs.... he's so pathetic)
max is and will always be a yapper
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onboardsorasora · 1 year
Um, I love your Disney Princess AU, can you please write more?
Hii HitGirl!! Sorry I took so long. Thank you for this ask, I'm so truly happy you enjoy it so much! Please don't be hesitant to prompt me for this verse, I'm all too excited to write it- and I truly appreciate that people love it as well <3
I took a bit of extra time because I wanted to get all of Alex's cats right! so I went searching lol Also this is unedited so hopefully it doesn't suck
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Part 1 | Part 4
Part 5
Getting to Alex's wasn't as difficult as Max worried it would have been. Considering all that has happened so far, Max thought Daniel would have had issues getting into a car. but it turns out the main problem ended up being getting Daniel out of the car. 
He loved to drive and he loved to race. Max had to promise to let Daniel drive at some point in the future. 
Pinky swears because those were unbreakable. Daniel's face had taken on a seriousness that Max found out of place. He agreed easily because he hadn't been lying and it was such an easy thing that made Daniel happy.
Lando had tried to prepare Alex, he really did. But there was nothing that could get you ready for seeing literal magic in real life– if you'd never experienced it before. Alex knew about magic, it was a cultural thing, but he'd never encountered it in exactly the way Lando tried to explain.
Daniel was in heaven. That's what Alex's house was! Alex was fun, he was tall and his smile was bright but then the noise had overwhelmed Daniel for a little. So many curious voices! And he was so excited to meet everyone.
Very soon he was in the middle of a kitty pile; there was Horsey but he also answers to Stan, Duckie, MooMoo, Sasha, Frooky, Goosey, Lookie, Gucci— there was no way Daniel was going to remember everyone. He apologized so many time already and Tino said it was fine. They were all just happy to talk to someone new and Daniel was so so happy to meet everyone.
He was overwhelmed in the best way and his grin told everyone just how ecstatic he was. Max could only stare at Daniel, while Lando and Charles tried to fill Alex in on what they knew. There wasn’t that much information other than what was happening in front of them.
Alex’s girlfriend Lily came home with boxes of pizza and Daniel swayed happily in his purring pile. She placed the boxes in the kitchen counter and bounded happily over to Daniel. Alex had been texting her updates and she wanted so much to meet Daniel.
“Hi! I’m Lily, its so nice to meet you!”
Daniel beamed at her, entranced by the glitter that sparkled over her eyes. It shimmered green in one direction and purple in another. Lily was beautiful and Daniel sang as much, he reached out for her face and the rose on the back of his hand bloomed more petals than it had before. 
The pile of cats vibrated with purrs that would probably register as a seismic event if Jimmy and Sassy were there as well. Tino and Otto started their own awhoos and then it was chaos because Alex joined in, awhooing with the dogs. Lando followed suit because he loved all forms of chaos. 
Max and Charles were left watching the madness from the kitchen, because even Lily fell to Daniel’s charms– giggling and blushing at the magic around her.
It took a little while for everything to die down, and reach a baseline level once more. Pizza was shared and Daniel positively vibrated out of his skin. He hummed the entire time that he wasn’t chewing or swallowing– though he did try hard.
“Lily…” Daniel asked when the boys started playing FIFA, it was interesting but he was way more interested in the glitter Lily wore. MooMoo said it was eyeshadow and Daniel believed them because they would know best. Cats never lie. Michelle never wore make up like this, she stuck to neutrals, this would look amazing on her.
“Yes?” She smiled sweetly at him, looking up from petting Horsey.
“How did you get the glitter– on your eyes? It's really pretty.” He asked shyly, biting the side of his finger.
“Oh! I can show you– come!” The cats shuffled away, letting them get up from the couch unhindered. Lily lead him out of the living room– Max’s eyes following them– to one of the bedrooms, but there was no bed. It had all sorts of sports tools and there was a desk with lights and a large mirror. Lily turned on the lights and started digging through a drawer. With an aha! She showed him three small pots of sparkly powder.
Grasping his left hand, she opened one of the pots and dipped her index finger in, before smearing a bright red shimmery pigment over his rose. Daniel’s eyes widened in surprise and his mouth opened in an O as he shifted his wrist to see how the colour shimmered in the light. The rose bloomed even prettier with the added colour.
“May I?” He asked reverently and she nodded, handing him a pot of bright sapphire blue. She uncapped it for him and he tentatively dipped a finger in, admiring how the whorls of his fingerprint were now shimmery. “So pretty,” he whispered before smearing the colour in the fluttering wings of his cherub. The tattoo smiled at him before shooting an arrow in glee.
“That’s beautiful!” Lily gasped, entranced by the site. Daniel smeared the rest of the pigment on the belly of the cherub who giggled, which made him giggle.
“I can’t wait to show Max!” Daniel smiled in wonder, his big brown eyes watching the play of shimmer as he moved his wrist and forearm. Lily smiled sweetly at him, “you should show him now.”
“But he’s playing–”
“He won’t mind.” She grinned conspiratorially and he grinned in return, nodding once before skipping out of the room, humming a happy tune.
“Max! Max– look! I sparkle!” He sang proudly, kneeling by the bewildered man who sat crosslegged on the floor and pushed his arm in his face. Lando and Charles snickered behind them.
Max looked at Daniel’s fluttering and shimmering tattoos before looking up at his beaming face, “yes, very beautiful Daniel.” He responded softly, his tummy swooped– as if he just took the checkered flag– when Daniel blushed.
Part 6
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deceiver-a-day · 7 months
Rulilas Gontaut
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Reimbursing Rulilas Gontaut
• [x] returns the cost to Rulilas Gontaut 
• [x] embodies an apology 
• [x] acknowledges failure
• [x] provides a new opportunity for Rulilas Gontaut 
• [x] relieves you of your guilt
Sometimes children grow up with a different perspective from most and see the spirits of things. Sometimes only partially. This has given rise to stories of monsters under the bed or in the closet.  Some see the spirit of a particularly uncomfortable shirt, an unloved toy, a cat’s stealthy vomit, their resentment of something a classmate said or a spirit of their own fear of the dark.
Me? Aside from the mostly friendly spirits of the floorboards, I was tormented by the spirit of my guilt.  It was two months before she came. Ms. Gontaut. I had seen her walking the halls at school. The other kids said she must’ve been a teacher for one of the older grades, but none of us really knew. She came over one evening just before bedtime, apparently she had called ahead because my mom seemed to be expecting her.
“Do you know who I am?” she smiled gently while I stood in my pajamas and my confusion. 
“Ms. Gontaut?”
“And do you know what I do?”
I shook my head.
“I check for monsters under beds.”  
My mom smiled as if this was a joke, but I could see the now-usual sadness in her eyes.
“Mine’s behind the dresser.”
“I check there too.”
After studying her for a moment, “Adults can’t see it.” My friends couldn’t either, but I didn’t want to seem too crazy.
Ms. Gontaut’s eyes twinkled as she offered her hand, “You’ll have to take me to it then.”
After checking for my mom’s nodded assent, I led Ms. Gontaut to my room and gestured to the offending dresser. She paused in front of it before pulling something out of her pocket and cooing and calling as if to coax a dog.
It emerged with its sharp claws which it had used to dig into my heart the weeks previous and with its tentacles which it had used to choke me with sobs, but with its many eyes focused on this strange woman from school and, for the first time, without its fangs bared. As the monster ate the thing from her hand, she began to pet it and looked back to me.
“Have you given it a name?”
“A name. If you haven’t yet, that’s fine. I need to tell you something,” she gently took something that the monster had clutched in its claws, “You should probably sit.”
I sat on my bed and she handed me the thing she had retrieved. It was Iggles, an old gift from my father that I had lost years before from a time we visited an aquarium. I stroked the purple seahorse.
I’m sorry, I heard my father’s voice in my mind, Oh, Jimmy, I’m so sorry I had to leave you.
My eyes stung. But wasn’t it my fault? After all those angry things I had said that morning…
Ms. Gontaut’s hand was on mine, the other firm upon my monster. She shook her head.
“It isn’t your fault, Jimmy. It was never your fault.” She was studying the monster, interpreting its features.
“But I–” I broke into a sob.
“Maybe you said some words in anger that you regret, but you didn’t cause the storm and you didn’t loosen those rocks. You weren’t even there.”
“But what I said chased him! I saw it!” 
She gazed at me with an apologetic understanding. I realized I had never quite seen eyes like hers before.
Ms. Gontaut gestured toward Iggles. I handed him over and she held him up in front of me.
I’m sorry… my father’s voice whispered in my mind.
“Focus carefully on this seahorse’s eyes. It is normal for words to stick with someone for a time; to chase, to torment, to remain, to comfort. But your words did not kill anyone. Followed, yes, but they caused no harm to him. Normally, people don’t even see them. Would you like me to make it so that you can’t see them?”
I considered the option for longer than I would have expected, my eyes supernaturally transfixed to Iggles’s button eyes. Concern about the monster next to us crossed my mind.
“You don’t have to fear this one. It’s coming with me. It will not be lurking around invisibly.”
“O-okay. Yes. As long as you promise they won’t hurt me.”
“Then continue staring at the eyes.”
I’m sorry, Jimmy. I’m sorry I frustrated you. I’m sorry I’m gone. I’m sorry I can’t be there for you. I love you. I love you…
My father’s voice ceased apologizing. The world around stilled a bit and the spell that seemed to keep my eyes locked finally broke. The monster was gone. The floorboards were merely floorboards.
“The weight of the guilt of your father’s death is not anyone’s to carry, especially not yours. If you feel the need to apologize for something you said, you can write it down, maybe. Or tell your seahorse?”
I love you. I love you. I love you…
“I’m sorry, Dad. I don’t hate you. I miss you.”
Ms. Gontaut held my hand for a while. I felt better. Still raw and anguished, but less guilt-wracked…not that I understood it in those terms at the time.
“It will still hurt,” she broke the silence at last, “The world can be like that. But it…the world…can offer happiness from time to time. I will not tell you to shed your grief. Only your guilt. If you need to talk to me at school, stop me any time.”
—from The Memoirs of Jim Alastair Who Broke Florida
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the1bidding · 6 months
need to sleep but also need to tell everyone the kind of pets everyone would like:
Damien: he loves loves cats and he would own so many of them if they loved him back. It’s like he naturally repels them it’s really awful for him
Red: loves big dogs because they’re adorable and cool as fuck. Also they scare people she doesn’t like away and she can name it Lucy :)
Christophe: fucks heavily with small animals. He loves hedgehogs and rabbits and whenever he gets the opportunity to take care of some he’ll jump at it
Estella: she doesn’t really care for animals or having pets, but she likes bats well enough. They’re nocturnal and don’t bother her
Cosette: has a strange connection with armadillos. She also likes possums and used to take care of one named Babe before she had to let her go
Gregory: he likes small dogs and is super afraid of big ones. Smaller ones are just cuter and more cuddly to him but he’s got a lot of those scars for a reason unfortunately
Jimmy: he likes snakes!!! they’ve just got so much variety and they’re so mysterious and cool looking that he just wants one (or a lot of possible)
Mark: he’s more partial to smaller animals as well, as he isn’t well experienced in taking care of anything bigger than a squirrel. Squirrels are literally his best friend
Rebecca: she loves lizards and turtles. They’re just the littlest guys to her and they’re trying to make it in this tough world just like she is
Phillip: doesn’t care for animals too much at all. It could even be said that they get in his way considering his living situation, so he generally thinks of them as a nuisance
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thedanishcatgirl · 3 months
Hey so found this and fought I'd share a writing of the season finale I made back when that was a thing.
Fwip awoke in his bed from a terrible dream. He got up, but as he saw out of the window he froze in terror. No, his eyes must just be deceiving him, after all he had just woken from a truly terrible dream. But as he headed out, he realized it had not just been a dream for everything was still destroyed. He had lost everything, it was all gone. But what had even happened. The last thing he remembered was desperately trying to fix the reactor. Back to reality. There were the cats and parrots, so at least some of the pets made it out before the building exploded. 
“Have you seen the dogs?” he asked as if they could answer him. Please let the dogs be alive. Then he made it to the big crater.
“Oh no.”
There were some of the golems, at least they could help repair things. If that was even possible. And then he realized all the stuff he had on him during the explosion was gone, except for his clothes, scarf boots and goggles. That meant
“Oh no no no. I’ve lost I’ve lost the crown. The cro the crown is gone.”
The entire village was gone, the villagers probably dead. Except one. Somehow the villager of the hot tub had survived.
It was a miracle.
“Oh buddy, stay in your hut tub, you don’t wanna see what’s out there.”
But otherwise that was it. The Grimlands his, home was gone. There was no way they could come back from this. As he walked past the donation box he quickly checked if there was something useful. Yes, there was a cooked chicken. He had some food, at least he could have something to eat. It was so hard to believe. His mansion, the forge, everything was gone. He couldn’t stay here. Thankfully he knew a certain someone who wouldn’t mind letting him stay. As he continued along the path, his thoughts were interrupted by another miracle.
“Huh the dog the dogs the dogs!” 
They were alive and his sword was there too. 
“Oh I have my sword and Koda and Nova. I got you two but I don’t have any steak for you I’m sorry. It’s good to see you both. Let’s go see if we can find Gem.”
She would help them.
As he got closer to her empire, which thankfully wasn’t too far from his, he noticed the downside to her being so close. Namely being the flaming debris on top of one of her towers.
“Oh no, did it get over here? That’s not good, no!”
He quickly continued. At least everything seemed to be intact thankfully. Just a little debris all over the place, but it could be fixed. Then he found her.
“Gem it’s it’s all gone everything it’s it’s” he looked down ashamed and stumbling over his words.
“What’s gone?”
“The the Grimlands the Grimlands it’s gone.” Once again he looked away couldn’t bear keeping eye contact for long. Then the panic came back.
“Jim Jimmy was there with me, Jimmy was there with me oh no I told him to run I told him to run oh no I, I hope he got away I told him to run I didn’t see him.
“Fwip! How did this happen?”
“Jimmy and I tried working together to make him a new Codfather head, and it overloaded the reactor when we put cod in there to work with salmon. And I made it with the puppies and that’s’ that’s it.” 
Gem looked sad.
“Well I’m glad you’re okay… do you need anything?”
“Yeah I I think I need to stay with family for a while. Can I, can I stay in the Crystal Cliffs with you?”
“Of course you can,” she said as she handed him some more food.”
“Food thank you, thank you I, I need yeah thank you Gem,” he said as he started eating.
“But we can’t stay here, we have to go tell the others we need to make sure Jimmy is okay.”
“Okay yeah yeah we should we … what’s on your head?"
“Oh that’s Violet, my baby dragon.”
“Okay yeah things are happening here weird things happening . Let’s go see if we can find everyone else and tell them what happened. Yeah that sounds, that sounds good let’s, let’s go.”
“Yeah let’s go to spawn.”
She was right as always, that was the good and responsible thing to do. His dear sister had always been good at that. It was gonna be okay, she was here, she would help and protect him, just as she always had. So they walked the long way to spawn together.
“Common doggies let’s go, it's just us now we gotta keep moving.”
“We’ll be fine. Everything will be fine, let's just get to spawn and it’ll be fine.”
Just as she said that he noticed the others in the distance.
“Oh oh god there they are.”
He would have to face everyone and own up to his mistake, and they would probably be mad and.
“It’s okay it’s okay they will take it fine.”
She was right she was right, she always was, she would support him.
“I … think it will be okay I.”
“It wasn’t your fault.” 
“Uhm he’s bye bye, he’s gone, he’s done,” they heard Jimmy tell the others
“What do you mean?” the others cried in shock and confusion.
“Yeah did you see that big bang, hear about it?”
“That was him, smithereens he’s blown up, he’s gone he’s done.”
“That was Fwip?” Joey asked just as he had arrived.
“What are we talking about?” Fwip asked.
“Are you okay?”
“No I’ve had a rough day, it’s been a, it’s been a hard day” he said and looked down at his soot covered self.
“It’s all gone.”
“Excuse me sir” Joey asked while pointing a bow at him.
“Joey let him explain” cried Scot
“You have some explaining to do. My base is completely destroyed, this is an act of war!”
“You’ve seen the crater?”
“It’s not his fault” cried Gem.
“I thought you were gone” said Jimmy
“I did I barely made it out of there. My puppy dogs made it out of there. They dragged me out of the explosion and all I’ve got left is my dogs and this,” he said, showing his sword. 
“That’s it.”
“What happened?”
“What was that noise?”
“Jimmy and I tried teaming up, to help him out, to get his codfather head back, and we mixed cod and salmon in the reactor, and uhm it overloaded, there was too much power.”
“So you’re both to blame for this!”
“Nah uh”
“I was just trying to help, I was just trying to … we’re buddies.
“He had the big thingy.”
“He blew up his empire!”
“I’m sure it was an accident!”
“Gem stop being so neutral.”
“My base is big and strong” proclaimed Joel.
“Should we be checking our empires?”
“Your base is big good Joel.”
Typical Joel, assuming that since he and his empire are big and strong nothing will happen. This was ridiculous.
“So nothing happened to any of you guys?”
“I haven’t been back yet.”
“I don’t know.”
“Well you better go look!”
“The prophecy!”
“Yeah I need to go check, I'll be back, good luck.”
“I gotta go find the wolves.”
“This is bad.”
“Good luck everybody.”
“And Jimmy you better watch your back, because I’m coming for you,” Joey threatened.”
“Good luck I hope it’s okay.”
“Joey don’t threaten the cod,” Gem scolded.
“Joey, I thought we been past treats for a while now.”
“Uhm if you ever need a babysitter for that dragon I’m around,” Joey said while looking at Gem and Violet.
“Thank you…”
“I’m sure by boyfriend would love to meet him.”
“Mhhm mhhm.”
“Fwip what have we done?” Jimmy asked him.
“Uh uh Jimmy, Jimmy I think it’s I think it will be uh I think it will be fine right?”
“Uhh well I’m gonna go check my base.”
“Yeah I hope you’re okay, I hope you’re okay.”
Then he and Gem walked together back to the Cliffs.
“Uhh I think they took it well, I think they took it well,” he said now that it was just him and Gem again.
“Yeah they took it well. It went well,”
“Yeah that’s, that’s you know what, that went as best as it could I think they all understand that it wasn’t.”
“For the fact that you just exploded your entire base, I feel like it went fine.”
“Yeah I think they understand that it wasn’t malicious, and that’s the important part.”
“Yeah you’ve never done anything malicious, you just do stupid things all the time
“Yeah that’s not me, I've never done anything like that,” he said, not even noticing the tease at the end of her sentence.”
Fwip was very glad he had his big sister with him. She made the long journey so much easier. He could feel the exhaustion now that the adrenaline was gone.
“Come on we’re almost back.”
“This world is a whole lot bigger when you uh when you can’t fly. Whooh my legs are tired. I think I gotta lay down for a little while.” 
“At least you have legs. Come on.”
“Yeah yeah okay, we made it we made it, we’re back alright okay.”
“What are we gonna do now? Do you think we can stay here?”
“I uhm I don’t know if there is anything left of the reactor to explode, but something tells me we wanna be as far away from here as possible.”
“You don’t know?”
“Gem it all exploded and I walked away. I uhm yeah I just ran, I ran.”
“If we can’t stay, I suppose we can leave the Crystal Cliffs and me and you can get away on one of the big dragons. Violet can’t fly yet.”
“Yeah next time Violet we got you. Okay yeah uh I like that plan, I think we should do that.”
“Okay, um you can’t fly onto the dragon.”
“I have the perfect spell. I've been working on my magic. You just stay right there, and uh just one second.”
And then she flew off. It was gonna be fine. Gem had a plan, she makes good plans.
Suddenly he was on one of the dragons.
“Ohh you even got the puppies up here! Oh he’s gonna fall. You gotta sit right there buddy.”
Gem laughed. It felt so good to hear that pearly laugh once again, after all that happened.
“I think both of them should maybe sit.”
“Yeah, that’s yeah all hands and paws and tails inside the dragon please.”
“That’s perfect, we should be able to get away from here. Dragons know perfectly how to fly away from disasters.”
Finally he could just sit back and relax. But that meant that all the sadness he had pushed away finally showed itself. He had blown his empire up. He triggered the explosion that also damaged many of the other Empires. Who knows how much damage and death his mistake had caused. Joey and the other rulers had full right to be angry. He sensed the tears falling from his eyes, but he didn’t have the strength to stop them anymore. Gem noticed and pulled him into a big hug. Not letting go she said “Don’t worry you’re safe now. It’s alright no one's gonna hurt you.”
“But, but you heard how angry Joey was, and with his relationship to Xornoth I .. I wouldn’t put it past him to…”
“But we are far away from him, and all the others. No one knows where we are. And if something happens I will protect you, like I always have.”
“Thank you…”
He could feel himself melting into her hug. Had her embraces always been this warm?
“Hey that’s what you got big sisters for,” he heard her say as he closed his eyes, and finally gave into the exhaustion.
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l-estappen · 6 months
Leashes and Lust ❦
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The pet store buzzed with the scent of kibble and the cheerful squeaks of chew toys. Max and I agreed that getting everything Leo needed was a top priority. We had already selected Leo's bed, bowls, toys, carrier bag, and a few cozy blankets, but a small dilemma arose as we approached the leash section. 
“What do you think about this leash?” Max asked, holding up a navy blue one. 
I wrinkled my nose. "Red would look so much better on him." 
"Navy blue is classic, sophisticated —” 
"Are you saying red isn't classy?" I interjected, raising an eyebrow. 
"Of course it’s not," Max replied with a grin, "It’s too flashy." 
“Watch it, Verstappen.” I glanced between the red and navy blue leashes, contemplating our options. "You know, we could always get both.” 
"Two leashes? Isn't that a bit excessive?" 
I shot Max a playful smirk. "Says the guy who insisted on buying Leo five different toys just because he needs variety ." 
Max rolled his eyes, but a grin tugged at the corners of his lips. "Hey, a dog's gotta have options, Charles. You wouldn't want Leo to get bored, would you?" 
"Right, because a dog's happiness depends on the variety of chew toys he has," I teased, nudging him playfully with my elbow as we continued browsing the leash section. 
Max chuckled, shaking his head. "You know you love spoiling him as much as I do." 
"Guilty as charged," I admitted, glancing at Leo nestled in my arms, snoozing away without a care in the world. 
"Alright, let's compromise,” Max suggested, placing both the red and navy blue leashes into our shopping basket. "I suppose that could work.” 
"Exactly," I stated triumphantly, pleased with our resolution. "We should get some stuff for Jimmy and Sassy as well, so they don’t feel left out." 
With Leo resting in the crook of my arm, Max and I made our way to the section dedicated to felines, and a pang of guilt tugged at my heart. I couldn't shake the memory of Sassy's reaction when we first introduced her to Leo. Her suspicion and unease were palpable, her cautious approach to the new addition a stark contrast to Jimmy's immediate curiosity. 
"How about a cat tower with a scratching post?" Max suggested. 
"Good idea," I said, my voice tinged with remorse as I recalled Sassy subdued response to our puppy. 
Max must have noticed the regret lacing my voice because he paused, his gaze softening as he met my eyes. "Don't worry too much about Sassy, Schatje. She just needs some time to adjust."
"I know, it's just... she seemed so unsure... I don't want her to feel neglected or overshadowed." 
Max placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "She won't, trust me. We just need to give her the space and time to get used to Leo being part of our family." 
I couldn't help but smile at his comforting words, and before I could stop myself, I leaned in and pressed my lips to his as a silent thank you. His tongue traced a delicate path along my lips, seeking entry, and I willingly parted them, inviting him in. 
"You're distracting me," I mentioned. 
"Is it working?"  
I chuckled softly in response and Max reached for a robust cat tree adorned with various platforms and scratching posts. As we made our way to the checkout counter, Max couldn't resist adding a few more items to our growing collection of pet supplies—a feathered wand toy for Jimmy, a plush mouse with a bell inside for Sassy, and a sturdy rope tug toy for Leo. 
"Looks like someone's really embracing their inner pampered dad," I remarked as we waited in line to pay. 
Max laughed, shaking his head. "A good pet parent makes sure all their babies are happy and well-cared for." 
"Sure, sure," I teased, "Next thing you know, you'll be scheduling spa days for them." 
Max raised an eyebrow, pretending to consider it. "That's not a bad idea. The cats could use a little paw massage." 
After paying for our pet supplies, we made our way out of the store and towards the Café de Paris where Alexandre already waited for us. 
"Looks like we've got a bit of a crowd today," Max observed, glancing at the sea of eager faces already making their way in our direction. 
Before I could retort, a group of excited fans approached us, their phones at the ready. "Charles! Max! Can we get a picture with you guys?" 
Max flashed his signature grin, "We are in a hurry! Just one quick snap, alright?" 
I smiled in agreement, though I couldn't help but feel a twinge of protectiveness as I pulled Leo closer to my chest, shielding him from the grabbing hands. 
As the phones started to click away around us, Leo stirred in my arms, the sudden sounds waking him from his peaceful slumber. His tiny yawn elicited a chorus of "awws" from the onlookers, who were quick to snap a few more pictures as we continued on our way to the Café. 
Leo, now fully awake, squirmed in my arms, his curiosity piqued by the new sights and sounds surrounding him. His tiny paws pushed against my chest as he craned his neck, trying to catch a glimpse of the commotion around us. 
"Easy there, little guy," I murmured, adjusting my hold on him as we navigated through the growing crowd. Tuned in to my emotions, Max stepped in front of me, effectively blocking the eager fans from getting too close. The hand that was not burdened with shopping bags found its way to my waist, offering a reassuring squeeze as he led the way. 
As we finally reached the entrance of Café de Paris, a wave of relief washed over me. Max held the door open for me, and I stepped inside, grateful for the respite from the bustling crowd. Just before Max followed me in, he turned back to the fans gathered outside, a warm smile on his face. "Thanks, guys. We appreciate your support." 
"That was nice of you," I commented when Max finally stepped inside the café, joining me at the door. 
Max shrugged modestly. "Are you okay? You seemed nervous..." 
“I was nervous because of Leo," I admitted, glancing down at the small bundle of fur. "I don’t want him to get overwhelmed by our legion of fans." 
Max's expression softened as he reached out to stroke my cheek gently. "I understand, Schatje. But it's something that he will need to get used to." 
I leaned into his touch, finding solace in the warmth of his hand against my skin. "I know, Max. It's just... I want everything to go smoothly from now on." 
Max's thumb brushed lightly against my cheekbone, his gaze unwavering. "And it will, Charles. We'll make sure of it. Stop worrying, Sassy will come around." 
I nodded in response to Max's reassurance as we made our way through the café, but inside, doubts still lingered. Despite his comforting words, the worry for Leo's well-being and the adjustment to our newfound family dynamics weighed heavily on my mind. 
Our friend Alexandre was already waiting for us on the terrace, a warm smile lighting up his face as he waved us over to join him. As we settled into our seats, the vibrant atmosphere of the terrace and the familiar sight of our friend provided a welcome distraction from my worries. 
As the music's sensual beat shifted, Amazónico morphed from a restaurant into a vibrant bar, the air now filled with sensual Bossa Nova rhythms. Laughter and chatter mingled with the music, creating an atmosphere of celebration befitting Joris's birthday party. Dim lights cast a seductive glow over the space, sparking excitement within me as I watched Charles lean closer.  
"Care to dance?" he asked, his mouth mere inches from my ear.   My heart skipped a beat as I met Charles's playful gaze, a surge of affection warming my chest. Despite the tensions we faced earlier at home with Sassy, seeing him carefree and playful now was a welcomed sight. 
"I'd love to," I replied, feeling a rush of excitement as he took my hand, the pull of his strong grasp urging me onto the dance floor.  
Charles swayed his hips to the beat, and I couldn't help but admire the fluidity of his movements. We navigated through the throng of people, my hand resting on the small of his back as we searched for an open space on the dance floor. When we found it, Charles pressed his back against my chest, his hips undulating in a slow, sensual rhythm that sent shivers down my spine.   
“Do you have no shame?” I questioned into his ear, my hands instinctively finding their place on his hips, pulling him closer.  
"Pas du tout," he admitted.  
As Charles ground back against me to the pulsating rhythm of the song, I instinctively moved in sync with him, and when he pressed his ass against my growing erection, a deep, resonant groan escaped my lips.  
"You're driving me crazy," I confessed, tucking my fingertips up the front of his t-shirt and pressing against his stomach as I nuzzled his neck.  
Charles turned in my arms, his hands hooking around the back of my neck. My gaze flicked down to his mouth for a fleeting moment before meeting his eyes again, our hips bumping and grounding into each other.  
"And you are making me hard," Charles added.  
Unable to resist any longer, I leaned in, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss. Our mouths met with a fierce urgency, every stroke, every nip and tug, sent sparks of pleasure shooting through us. I slid my thigh between Charles’ legs, offering him a firm surface to grind against, and was rewarded with the reverberation of his moan against my lips. His hands roamed over my back, drawing me closer, as he shamelessly ground his hips against my thigh.  
Fuck, this is getting out of hand and I was the one to blame.    
"Charles," I warned between kisses, “We need to slow down.”  
"I don’t want to slow down," he breathed against my skin. "I want you."  
I pulled away slightly to reason with him, but my heart raced with desire as I took him in. Charles's usually emerald-green eyes darkened to a shade of forest green, burning with an intensity that told me that there was no backing up.  
"Don't fight this," he whispered, his voice husky with need, "You want it just as much as I do."  
I swallowed hard, torn between the magnetic pull of his desire and the rational voice in my head urging caution. But when Charles's tongue darted out to moisten his swollen lips, rationality seemed to fade away, drowned out by the primal urge that surged through me. With a knowing smirk, Charles reached for my hand and tugged me off the dance floor. Someone from our group whooped and hollered at us as we passed by, and with that fleeting devil-may-care attitude, which came out to play once in a while, Charles was quick to flip them off.  
My pulse raced with anticipation as he pulled me towards a dimly lit hallway and swung open the first door he found.  
"Here," Charles said, pushing me inside what I assumed to be a stall designated for people with disabilities and closing the door behind us with a resounding thud.  
I edged across the small space, crossing my arms nonchalantly against my chest as my back hit the opposite wall.  
“Quite a show that we put on the dance floor. I'm sure the internet will have a blast,” I remarked.  
Charles shrugged. “Couldn’t care less.”  
As he began to close the distance between us, a commanding tone crept into my voice. "Stop right there."  
"Pourquoi?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of neediness.  
"Because I said so," I stated firmly, my gaze unwavering as I held his.  
A flicker of defiance danced in Charles' eyes, but he thought better of it and took a step back. Pleased with his reaction, I let my gaze roam over him, taking in every detail of his disheveled appearance. His beige Dior t-shirt hugged his chest just right, emphasizing the contours of his muscles, while his dark, loose jeans hung low on his hips, drawing my attention to the slight bulge beneath. My eyes lingered on the subtle outline of his erection, a testament to our dance floor rendezvous. His chestnut hair was tousled, his lips swollen, and his eyes, dark with desire.  
"Enjoying the view?" the tease prompted, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes.  
"You bet I am," I replied, my tone low and husky. "Get over here."  
As my order hit Charles's ears, the only defiance glinting in his eyes was, Try and stop me. But tonight, I wasn’t waiting for him to comply. As soon as he was within my reach, I grabbed his hand, pulled him towards me, and spun him around so that he was facing the wall against which I was leaning.  
My body was an immediate presence behind him - one of my hands moved around to the button of his jeans, my mouth came down to his ear, and as my breath brushed against it, a shiver of anticipation raced up his spine.   
“I’m so fucking hard for you right now,” I moaned when he ground his ass back against my erection, “And I haven’t even gotten your pants undone yet.”  
Charles blindly reached for the hand I was now using to unzip him, and when he found it, he guided it inside his open pants, behind the material of his trunks, and then he curled his hand over the top of mine where he most wanted it - on his aching dick.  
“Oh que oui.”  
My chuckle was arrogant as hell, and the strong, solid strokes I began had his hips punching forward to fuck my fist.  
“That’s what you want?” I wondered by his ear, and Charles’s hand left his trunks to come out and grab at my thigh for something to hang on to.  
“C'est ça,” he agreed, as I twisted my hand around the tip of his cock and he thrust into the touch. He bit his lip as he continued to rock his hips, my hand providing the perfect amount of friction to torment but not quite get him there.  
“So…what’s next?” I asked. “We can’t just stand here like this all night.” I stopped moving my hand, and Charles clenched his fingers in my thigh.  
“Putain, ne t'arrête pas.”  
“Then answer my question.” My demand had his dick throbbing. “Come on, Schatje.” My teeth nipped at the shell of his ear, and Charles’s jaw bunched. “I’ll do anything. But I wanna hear you ask for it.”  
“Take my goddamn pants off.”  
My fingers were in either side of his jeans, yanking them, and his trunks, over his ass to his thighs. “Hands up. Legs spread. As wide as these jeans of yours will let you get’em.”  
Charles placed his palms against the wall and widened his stance. I then crowded in behind him, and the rough denim grazed Charles’s naked ass as I planted a hand by either side of the ones he had on the wall.  
“Mmm.” I smoothed a palm over the rounded curve of Charles' ass. “It’s gonna be a real tight fit in here tonight.”  
"Sainte merde, Max." Charles swore, bucking back against me, needing some kind of contact.  
“So…what’s next?”  
"Maybe I just want to rub against you," the teasing taunt slipped past Charles's lips before he thought better of it, but being in the mood I was in, I wasn't about to let him get away with it.  
"Like this?" I asked, feeling the anticipation rising as I began to roll my hips, grinding my erection up and down his crack.  
Charles’s desperate plea escaped his lips, "Mon Dieu, Max. Get rid of your fucking clothes."  
The familiar rustling of fabric filled the confined space as I quickly shed my clothes and fished a lube packet from my wallet. It didn’t take but a few seconds, and then I was back, wedging my lubed dick right where Charles wanted it most. The sound that escaped his throat as my cock slid along the slick crevice of his ass was nothing short of desperate. 
“Verdomme, Charles,” I exclaimed as I ran my fingers through the pre-cum I’d left all over his skin, making him shudder. 
“Dedans…” Charles erupted on a rush of air. “Mon Dieu… Put something in me.” 
I slipped my slick fingers down the heated skin of Charles’s narrow cleft, and when the pads of my fingers found his hole and massaged over the top of it, he cursed. I then pushed a finger in nice and deep, the way he loved it, and when his head fell forward and his shoulders bunched, my cock throbbed. 
“Yeah, Charles. Go crazy for me. I wanna watch,” I proclaimed as I withdrew my index finger and then slid it back inside. 
“Max,” Charles roared as I added a second to the mix, rubbing and pushing at the entrance I was stretching. 
“Vraag me erom.” At my words, Charles turned his head, and I saw that his pupils were blown and his teeth clenched. “I want to hear you. Ask me, Charles.” I added slight pressure to his hole, and his breath rushed out. 
“Tu vas payer pour ça.” 
“I’m looking forward to it,” I declared, chuckling at his threat as my fingertips entered him. “Now come on…” I continued, twisting my hand. “Beg me for it.” 
“You goddamn sadist. If you don’t hurry up and fuck me with something, I—” 
That was as far as Charles got because, as far as begging went, that demand was music to my ears, and I was right there thrusting two fingers inside him. Charles arched back, pushing his cock through his fist as the intense pleasure of having my fingers inside him hit. Pulling those fingers free, I added a third, massaging over Charles’s prostate. 
“Putain,” he swore, clenching his tight fist around the base of his cock. 
My mouth found his neck as I dragged my tongue up the line of it, biting down gently. My cock bumped against Charles’s ass cheek as I continued to slowly stretch him, bringing him to the brink time and time again. 
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard,” I declared against his cheek, withdrawing my fingers. His hole clenched at the loss, craving exactly that. My hand landed on the back of his neck. 
“You might want to brace yourself,” I suggested, giving him a rough shove forward. His left hand shot up to support himself against the wall. 
“That’s it,” I said as my other fingers dug into his hip. The head of my cock nudged against his entrance. “Now, Charles. Say it.” 
And the words flew from his mouth, unstoppable. “Baise-moi, Max. You—”  
I was balls deep inside him before he finished his demand. His whimper echoed around us, just as I had predicted. 
The hand that I had in the back of Charles neck tightened as I withdrew, then thrust forward, drilling into him. The strength of that thrust had him stumbling slightly, but I pulled him back against me, his spine flush against my chest. 
“Nom de Dieu, that’s…” His voice cracked, leaving him as my arm wound around his waist, taking hold of his cock. 
“Diep. I’m so fucking deep, and your ass is so tight.” I stroked my fist up to the head of his dick, and he groaned at the intense pleasure. 
“Any final requests?” I asked, my voice ragged. 
“Fuck me until I can’t walk.” 
I close my fist around his cock, and I gave it a rough pull as my hips surged forward. Then I plastered him against the wall with his arms drawn up over his head, holding them in place as I drove inside of him. 
There was nothing gentle about what happened next. I grabbed his hip to hold him still as I fucked into him relentlessly. 
“Ah putain…merde,” he exclaimed, his voice failing him. 
“Give me your tongue,” I demanded, and his head turned so my mouth could find his, and then Charles went wild. 
His hands twisted and clawed above him, trying to get leverage, until I pinned them in place. My cock throbbed inside him, and he shut his eyes, surrendering to the greedy, dark side of himself. 
“Déplace-toi,” he uttered between clenched teeth, and when I held his stare, he whipped his head to the other side, sinking his teeth into my bicep. 
“Fuuuck” I cursed loudly. My arm stung where Charles had just bitten me, and as I held onto his hips, I relished the feeling. 
With his hands on the wall and his legs barely parted due to the confines of his jeans, Charles's hot hole was a challenge I was enjoying getting my dick in and out of. I couldn't seem to temper my own fevered response to the way he was reacting to me, and hell if I wanted to. 
"Yes. Mon Dieu. Fucking harder, Max." Charles's words were clipped, his movements now methodical as his hand moved in time with his pistoning hips as he ruthlessly chased after the climax building in him. 
The grunts echoing throughout the floor were accompanied by curses and threats that made my lips curl and my balls tingle. I'd always loved a good argument with Charles, and I enjoyed the fight for dominance between us during sex. And hell if I wasn't about to bask in the satisfaction I was about to take in filling Charles's ass in the most primal way I could. 
With one hand on Charles's hip, I raised my other to grip the back of his neck again, and the second I did, Charles started to beg. Deeper, harder, more, now—Charles wanted anything I was willing to give, and, luckily for him, tonight, that was everything. 
I wasn't sure how long it took the two of us then. Minutes? Seconds? I had no clue. It was as though time stopped as every nerve ending in my body lit on fire. 
A harsh growl left my throat as Charles's entire body arched back into me, his muscles tightening around me as if trying to draw me even deeper inside him. 
"Maaax," he whined, his body trembling against mine, and I could feel the pulsating waves of his release as he came all over the wall. 
Watching him lose himself in the throes of ecstasy only heightened my own arousal, and I continued to move within him, driving deeper and harder until I couldn't hold back any longer. With a primal grunt, I came, emptying myself inside Charles's ass. 
As the waves of ecstasy subsided, Charles and I remained entwined, our bodies still humming with shared pleasure. With breathless moans, we let gravity take hold, and sort of just fell onto the hard floor, holding onto each other tight. 
The sudden change in perspective brought a new intensity to our closeness. I felt every beat of Charles's heart against my own chest, every rise and fall of his breath as he nestled against me. The floor was cold against our skin, but being tangled up together made it feel cozy.  "You okay there, Schatje?" 
Charles let out a contented sigh. "Mmm, more than okay," he replied, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.  
I chuckled softly, the sound vibrating through our entwined bodies. "Glad to hear that," I said, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "But seriously, I might have gone a bit hard on you there. Are you sure you're not sore?" 
Charles shifted slightly, his eyes meeting mine. "I'm sore in all the right places. I think you might need to carry me out of here." 
"I will give you a piggyback ride," I whispered against his lips, my heart swelling with love. 
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russellsppttemplates · 8 months
Finn wondering if Jimmy and Sassy feelings would get hurt if he ask for a dog
"Hey, darling, how was your day with grandma?", you wondered as your little boy ran to your arms. Since you and Max were renovating your home office, you thought it would be best that Finn spent his day with his grandparents, allowing you and Max to work quickly without the added worry of your son accidentally touching something dangerous and hurting himself. Your husband had been the one to pick him up from your parents' house, "Finn, do you want to tell mama what you told me in the car?", Max nudged, pulling your son to sit on his lap once he sat in the office chair next to yours as you tidied your desk, organising your materials into the drawers and pots.
"Oh, that's right!", he beamed, "you know grandma and grandpa have Juno", he mentioned your parents' dog. She had been in the family even before you moved out and the sweet labrador was the delight of both the older and younger family members, even Finn didn't escape it.
"I was just asking papa if he thought Jimmy and Sassy would be mad or hurt if we got a dog", he stated, looking at you as he explained the situation, "I know we've had them in the family for a really long time, they were here before I was even born!", he exclaimed, "and before mama, too!".
Chuckling at his antics and at his cuteness, you nodded, "That's right, Jimmy and Sassy have been with us for some time", you noted, giving him your full attention.
"But I don't want to hurt them because they'll think they're being replaced, but they won't be! Our hearts will grow bigger to have another pet in our lives!", he extended his arms before he slumped down, "what do you think mama? Papa said I also had to run the idea by you", he pouted.
"Well, having a dog is certainly different that having cats, Finn", you tried your best to no destroy his hopes straight away, "cats are very independent, they mind their own business, and a dog requires a little bit more attention, and with papa being gone for a good chunk of the week at times, it might be a bit too much for us, and the cats might not react well", you said, "not because they will think we don't love them, but because it will be someone new in the house".
"I get what you mean, papa said the same", he looked up at Max who nodded, "it's going to be another responsibility that, realistically, will fall on you and maybe we should wait until we have more time in our hands", he smiled, holding your hand in his and playing with your fingers and your wedding band.
"How about we go and play with the cats, though? Me and papa spent the day drilling and I think we need to gain some extra points with them", you winked at your little boy, seeing him run off to find his furry friends, "I know I'm biased, but he's so cute when he's like this, makes my heart all melty inside", you cooed, pretending to squish his cheeks, "your genetics made him incredibly cute!".
(Thank you for your submission ✨️)
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amporella · 2 years
what are your pet headcanons for the sp characters? like what animals would they own if they did?
THIS IS SUCH A GOOD QUESTION... HERE ARE MY THOUGHTS (though a few of them are canon):
Stan: He is SUCH a dog person. Like, he's an animal lover all the way, but dogs are definitely his favorite. His dream house has like five dogs in it. And while he loves all kinds of dogs, he's definitely more of a large dog breed kind of person. He wants to come home to his big Lab or German Shephard or whatever getting up and putting its paws on his shoulders and licking his face. He just loves his dogs!!
Kyle: THIS IS AN INTERESTING ONE. I think that he is definitely more of a cat person than a dog person (both by personality and that dogs are generally a little messier), but I can't imagine that he'd be thrilled with constantly vacuuming hair from his couch. He would deal with it because he loves his cats, but I can also see him dodging the issue entirely and getting hairless/hypoallergenic cats that don't tend to shed a lot. Either way, he would definitely spend a LOT of time thinking before he ever made the leap to getting one.
Kenny: RATS! I know he had Mr. Possy in Phone Destroyer, but possums don't make very good pets, so I think he would probably settle for leaving food outside for them instead of actually owning them. BUT he would own rats. They're such clever little quirky guys, and they're low maintenance enough that a busy guy like Kenny could have some and still keep them happy. He also strikes me as being able to bond with rats over also often being misunderstood but actually very very smart.
Butters: He would get a budgie!!! A little parakeet. They're very social and affectionate birds and Butters would return ALL of that tenfold. He would just casually talk to his bird a lot, and he would be very very good at teaching it phrases. The Chaos Hamsters are good, but his parakeet can actually say 'chaos' and that was like the best day of his life. His budgie would really be his constant companion.
Craig: He is a guinea pig guy for his whole life. If he had to choose another pet it would be a cat, but I don't think he'd vary from guinea pigs if he didn't have to. He likes his pets cute and inherently fairly low maintenance, BUT he turns it into a really high maintenance job because he would dote over those guinea pigs like it's his job. When TFBW said guinea pigs were one of the two things Craig cared about they weren't kidding; those guinea pigs live a life of absolute luxury. He names all of them Stripe.
Tweek: FERRETS. I asked a friend about this one and I didn't even consider ferrets but now I know they're correct. They're cute and mischievous, and generally very charming in a very Tweek-like way. Them being super curious and playful would just bring a lot of light to his home, and would probably help him destress! They would definitely try and steal and hide his Legos, though. Hermit crabs and/or fish are also options for him! He loves watching them move. They're just so fun. He would like their fun shells.
Clyde: He is also SUCH a dog guy. He owns a huge dog and it sits on his lap all the time and he's totally cool with it. He's the kind of guy to have a bumper sticker talking about his dog and to mention his dog first in his Tinder profile. He is basically a puppy boy himself so there is no reason for him not to own a dog!!
Tolkien: Owns the most spoiled cat on the face of the Earth, BUT would also own a very regal looking dog. And could possibly own a bird too. He has a LOT of room for pets and I don't think he would stick to only one!! He's very smart about biting off only as much as he can chew in terms of pet amount, but he also owns a bunch of different pets throughout his life.
Jimmy: HE ALSO GIVES ME BIRD VIBES. A cockatoo in particular! He's very talkative, and so is his pet. He would practice his comedy routines on it and teach it to laugh when he finishes a joke. It's basically his comedy wingman. He'd devote so much time into teaching his bird new words and he'd definitely love every second of it.
Wendy: Definitely a cat person and pretty similar to Kyle with her reasoning, but generally a little less concerned about the hair. And regardless of what pet she ended up getting, she would definitely train it. She leans towards very clever breeds of cat and probably somehow manages to teach them to read. She could also get a bird! She's very capable no matter what pet she has.
Bebe: Also a dog person as opposed to a cat person! Would go on a lot of jogs with her dog. However, if she didn't have a dog, she would get chinchillas instead! They can be very playful and active, and they're pretty enough that she'd be content chilling with them until she gains their trust.
Nichole: She would get reptiles and nobody would expect it!!! She has the most beautiful elegant ball python that just chills on her shoulder when it's out of its cage, and she's so unbothered by it. She is extremely fearless and Stan is literally terrified. Ball pythons live super long too if you take good care of them, so she has this one python for ages and loves it very dearly.
Heidi: Honestly, I can see her as a horse girl. She strikes me as the type for whatever reason!! Alternatively, she could also have a few cute mice that are just very snuggly with her. She needs to either have a huge pet or a very very tiny pet.
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ladylilithprime · 7 months
One Size Fits, Some Exclusions Apply
Series: Fluffy Faerie Tales
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: background Sastimmy/Jamstiel (Jimmy Novak/Sam Winchester/Castiel)
Rating: General
Tags/Warnings: Half-Fae Sam Winchester, Jimmy and Castiel Are Twins, Selkie Jack Kline, Sam Winchester Is Jack Kline's Adopted Father, Brief Allusions to Canon-Typical Violence, Selkie Donna Hanscum, Foster Mom Donna
Summary: Thanks to the efforts of Nox and Sam, Matthew Pike has been rescued and relocated to Avalon and a new foster mom who has some concerns. Cas does his best to be reassuring.
For: @fluffyfebruary challenge!
Prompt: Day 21: Reward
Read on AO3
IT WASN'T A particularly big deal in the grand scheme of things. Graduating second grade was a milestone, but a fairly basic one. Having perfect attendance wasn't so much a moral success as luck of the draw when it came to catching or not catching the usual schoolyard cold and flu germs that got passed around. Grades were low stakes even at the highest mark, not that anyone would dare say that to a child's face or in range of their proud parent unless that person was a complete idiot.
And frankly, as excuses to have a party and offer complimentary cupcakes at Lighthouse CommodiTeas, Jack's end of second grade graduation was as good an excuse as any and a better reason to celebrate than more emotionally fraught reasons.
Jack sat at his usual table at the front, devoid of the now-obsolete homework and, instead, hosting a medium-sized travel terrarium with a mildly nervous tarantula huddled inside beneath a carefully constructed hide of tree bark and moss. The tarantula was being regularly checked on by its owner, Matt, who sat across from Jack and nibbled on his cupcake. Next to them sat Kaia, Jack's friend from karate, also eating a cupcake and asking questions about the care and needs of the tarantula as she wrote down a list for designing a new, bigger terrarium that would live in Matt's new room.
"I don't know if I should be concerned or not, honestly," Sheriff Donna Hanscum admitted from where she sat at the corner table across the room nearest the kitchen. "I don't want to discourage his interest, but, well... it's a spider, not a cat or a dog. And what if his focus on his pet is just his way of avoiding dealing with anything else?"
"My understanding is that Matt had this tarantula for some time before the... incident that resulted in him coming into your care," Cas said with as much delicacy as he could muster. The inciting incident had occurred on his day off, so he had only heard about it after the fact from Jimmy and been peripherally present for the fallout. "He may very well be focusing most closely on caring for his pet in order to avoid his own trauma, in which case showing care for the tarantula may help establish that, when he is ready to accept, care will be offered to him, too."
"Yeah," Donna sighed, looking down at her cup. Hellfire mocha with raspberry syrup, if Cas recalled correctly. "I just... I guess I'm worried that I won't be any good at this foster mom thing, y'know? I mean, I always thought I'd at least have a mate before having pups."
"Not something I can help you with," Cas said dryly, which at least made Donna laugh a bit. "You care about him and want him to be safe and happy, which is most important. Communicate with him, check in, listen to him... parenting is never going to be a one size fits all sort of thing, though from what I recall from working retail even 'one size fits all' was a misnomer."
"Usually is," Donna agreed. "But I get your point. Just gotta be open to listening when he's ready to talk."
"Exactly," Cas nodded. "And you aren't completely on your own in this, either. You have your pod, and your friends, and Matt will have all of you plus Jack and Kaia."
"Y'all really are great friends," Donna said with a smile. "Don't know too many other kids who would use the excuse of graduating second grade to throw a covert 'welcome to your new home' party for a kid they just met."
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Cas lied as he plucked the chocolate and pretzel spider off his cupcake and took a bite.
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bigboxcar · 7 months
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Mugshot Monday - "Presidential Pets" coffee mug by The Unemployed Philosophers Guild with Morning Glory Signature Blend by Peace Coffee
Happy Presidents' Day to those who celebrate!
I have the day off so I'm lounging this afternoon drinking coffee in my Presidential Pets coffee mug.
It's a curated list of presidential pets who lived in the White House for 4 or 8 years depending if their owner survived re-election, or not.
When I think of presidential pets, the first one that comes to mind is "Socks", Bill and Hillary Clinton's cat. The second pet I think of is "Bo", Barack and Michelle Obama's rad dog.
I really don't know my presidential pets and I found some of the pets on the mug very interesting:
Calvin Coolidge had a racoon named Rebecca.
Thomas Jefferson had a mockingbird named Dick.
Theodore Roosevelt had guinea pigs named Admiral Dewey, Dr. Johnson, Bishop Doane, Fighting Bob Evans, and Father O'Grady.
My favorite--JFK had a pony named Macaroni!
Jimmy Carter gets the best name for a Siamese cat: Misty Malarkey Ying Yang.
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Only Donald Trump, James K. Polk, and Andrew Johnson did not have a single presidential pet while they were in office. Very vary suspect, don't you think?
Here is every pet on my Presidential Pets coffee mug:
Admiral Dewey, Bishop Doane, Dr. Johnson, Father O'Grady, and Fighting Bob Evans (Theodore Roosevelt)
Barney (George W. Bush)
Bo (Barack Obama)
Dick (Thomas Jefferson)
Emily Spinach (Theodore Roosevelt)
Fala (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
Him and Her (Lyndon B. Johnson)
Jack (Abraham Lincoln)
Laddie Boy (Warren G. Harding)
Macaroni (JFK)
Major and Champ (Joseph R. Biden, Jr.)
Millie (George H. W. Bush)
Misty Malarkey Ying Yang (James Carter)
Mr. Reciprocity and Mr. Protection (Benjamin Harrison)
Old Ike (Woodrow Wilson)
Old Whitey (Zachary Taylor)
Pauline Wayne (William Howard Taft)
Polly (James Madison)
Rebecca (Calvin Coolidge)
Rex (Ronald Reagan)
Siam (Rutherford B. Hayes)
Socks (William J. Clinton)
Sweettips (George Washington)
Washington Post (William McKinley)
The mug impressively displays these 24 presidential pet illustrations and serves as a great introduction to the subject. If you'd like a more comprehensive list, check out the Presidential Pet Museum website.
Cheers to all the presidential pets! 🐕 🐈 🐎 ☕️
See also my 720+ photos from the Mugshot Monday project here: www.MugshotMonday.com– Every Mug Has A Story
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zinabitchh · 2 years
A little cute Jimmy Pesto piece? About a cat?
Jimmy Pesto never considered himself an animal person. He wasn't one to enjoy the company of other people, let alone pets. He thought dogs were smelly and needy, cats were too aloof and cleaning a litter box would be a hassle to add to his already full plate. Sure, Pepper had a turtle but Jimmy wasn't actually involved in its care. He didnt even realize turtles live for so damn long, thought Pepper would lose interest and they would just rehome it. Boy was he wrong, did you know they can live for decades!?
Yeah, Jimmy Pesto wasn't a pet person. At least he thought so, until he met Cat.
Cat was a small, pathetic, black mat of hair that showed up in his alley one day. It mewed scratchily, like there was something caught in its throat. Cat was supposed to be a longhair, Jimmy thinks, but with how matted and dirty he was, he just looked like a clump of hair that might be found in the dumpster outside of a barber shop. Jimmy never meant to actually like Cat.
It started small, with Jimmy going to throw out the trash in the dumpster out back. Cat would mew pitifully, but looked excited at the prospect of new garbage to pick through. Jimmy grimaced the first time he saw Cat climb into the dumpster, but ignored the bad taste in his mouth. Whatever, at least someone was enjoying his leftovers.
Eventually, Jimmy found himself throwing things into the trash that he would normally put in slop buckets for the pig farm out of town. It was the deal they had, he brought slop, they provided him with pork for the restaurant. It started with little bits of cut up leftover meat, tossed into the bag here and there. It became the occasional whole meal pretty quickly from there. Cat always looked grateful when Jimmy brought out the waste, and maybe he caught himself smiling affectionately at it once or twice.
Jimmy was a smoker, couldn't go more than a few hours without a cigarette. It was during one of these frequent smoke breaks when Cat made its first move to win over Jimmy Pesto's cold, dead heart. He was focused on the deep inhale and the bitter yet relieving taste of the cigarette smoke when he felt a little bump against his leg. He sputtered the smoke from his lungs, momentarily convinced it was a huge rat that was rubbing on his calf. But when he looked down, a pair of yellow, hopeful eyes stared up at him. Cat was rubbing his body back and forth across Jimmy's legs, and his heart warmed. He shook his head, looking down, and gave a light nudge to Cat's side, pushing him away. Cat purred, quickly returning to Jimmy's legs, and continued to brush against him.
Jimmy sighed, cigarette now hanging between his lips, as he stared down at the animal. "What am I going to do with you, Cat?"
Cat? What a silly name for an animal! But, Jimmy realized, he had been calling the animal 'Cat' subconsciously the entire time he had known the animal. It had been a few weeks at this point, and he knew the cat would start to get cold as the winter months advanced. Still, he shook his head, took one last puff of his cigarette, and crushed the cancer stick against the brick wall. He opened the side door to the restaurant, and turned to enter. Just as he was over the threshold though, he caught himself looking over at his pitiful friend, before righting himself and going back to work.
After a few visits like this, Jimmy started to feel actually bad for the poor animal. He tried to stamp down the feelings, he really didn't need another mouth to feed, but couldn't help it. How could Cat get as much satisfaction as he did by just rubbing on Jimmy's legs? Had he ever been patted before? He sighed, rubbed his forehead, crushed his cigarette. He looked down, and there was Cat, looking back up at him. He reached down, ready to stroke his fur. Stopped himself, what was he doing? Making friends with a stray? He turned and hastily went inside.
The next time he was out, Cat was nowhere to be seen. And he wasn't there the next time either. Worry gnawed at Jimmy, had his friend left because he wasn't getting enough affection? Had a fox made a meal out of Cat? He chewed his lip more than he smoked his cigarette.
Days passed, and there was no sign of Cat. Jimmy began to accept that Cat may not come back, but still left some scraps for him on the off chance that he might. He felt stupid for worrying about a stray, a stray he couldn't even be bothered to pet, but the nerves toiled in his stomach every time he thought about Cat.
A week after he disappeared, Cat came home like nothing had happened. Jimmy sighed a breath of relief. Swore that Cat would never be able to worry him like that again. He didnt even hesitate to pet Cat when he saw him, welcomed him back with open arms and an open heart. So what if it was one more mouth to feed? He would have scraps no matter what. He opened the door to the stairwell that lead to his upstairs apartment, and Cat trotted in like he already owned the place. Jimmy smiled affectionately, watching the animal sniff everything. Yeah, maybe Jimmy Pesto was a pet person. But only for his Cat.
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