#and just other worlds than Henford-on-Bagley and San Myshuno
victorluvsalice · 10 months
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-->Victor finished up in the greenhouse around this time, so I had him head to the barn to make an eco upgrade part (the fabricator STILL refuses to attack him and paint him funny colors for our amusement), then Transportalate up to the second floor to use the toilet and mop some mysterious symbols in the seance room before heading to bed. He climbed in just as a refreshed Alice climbed out, which, figures. XD As Alice was feeling the Fury again, I decided it would be better to just indulge in the werewolf stuff for a bit and see if I could knock her over the edge into a little rampage. Because sometimes it really is just easier to let them fall to the Fury and see if they can bring themselves out of it quick. So she transformed into her beast mode, scavenged up a time capsule in the back yard, then went out for a very successful hunt (bringing back THREE spare pieces of meat!) before coming back and saying hi to Smiler (who, after getting a bunch of robot salvage parts and checking the latest SimsTube trends, was busy making computer chips and mechanisms on the robotics bench) and heading upstairs to play some video games. And that is where I would have left things --
-->If I hadn’t seen Rory Oaklow hanging out on the front porch, having just been sprinkled by a specter! I figured "oh, okay, Alice can chat with her and get some more werewolf experience" -- and indeed, a quick conversation with Rory about her time as a werewolf unlocked the "Werewolf Mentorship" ability for Alice! Making her a more effective mentor toward new werewolves! :D I'm – not sure when she’s ever going to use that, but still. XD I then decided they might as well play tug-of-war while they were hanging out together, since that too would be good for the old XP bar --
-->But then, who should show up in the kitchen but bad old Temperance, ready to cause mischief! Fortunately, Victor had already woken up and started making himself breakfast, so it was the work of a moment to slap down his bizarre idol and render her pretty much immediately helpless. (Getting slapped in the face with a spatula as he prepared his eggs couldn't have helped either. XD) However, Temperance's appearance was accompanied by the house making a bunch of creepy noises, and, well, despite being a big bad werewolf, Rory didn't take them well and ended up running off in fear before any tugging of warring could happen. So Alice instead just scavenged up some turquoise from the yard. XD Victor had his breakfast as Temperance finally floated out, and eventually Rory came back from her terror run, allowing me to get Alice to send HER home too.
And THEN, with all the actual residents of the house safely gathered in the kitchen where I could keep an eye on them, I was finally able to save and close out of the game! Whew! These sessions always take longer than I think they're gonna...but hey, it was nice to play again, see the trio in action, and actually make some real progress at selling stuff in the store! :) Next time, though, we're taking a break from store shenanigans for HOLIDAY shenanigans -- as next episode, it'll be Winter Saturday, aka New Year's Eve! Which involves the completion of a few errands, and a very special date...see you then!
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melsie-sims · 1 year
Melsie’s Sims 4 World Map
Many months ago (well before Growing Together came out) I teased a world map I was working on... but never actually ended up posting the finished product. I’ve FINALLY polished it, and even added where I thought San Sequoia might be located. 
I thought I’d share it with you guys and explain a bit how my map will end up influencing my gameplay.
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Here we have a full map view with all of the different continents. Every grid square is 20 miles (32km).
Under the cut there will be a grid-less option too, as well as a written list of all the worlds in each continent. Feel free to use either map for your own gameplay or if you want to incorporate it in your challenge rules! Just make sure to give me credit and maybe link my Simblr! Thanks in advance and happy simming!
I use Kuttoe’s Home Regions mod and have configured the settings so that NPC sims can only show up in worlds that are located within their specific continent. Clearly some worlds will be a lot more populated than others, but I think it’ll still be a very interesting way to play!  
For my current legacy challenge (Vega Legacy) my active sims will have no specific rule as to where they can travel, but I will try to keep the traveling to a minimum: once a day if they stay on the same continent, and once a week for worlds that are on different continents. 
I previously intended for sims to pay 100 simoleons per grid square traveled (200 simoleons if it’s an ocean square) and will probably still do that eventually... once my legacy founder has funds to spare. 
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I’m also providing a grid-less option for those of you that prefer a sleeker look and don’t care about the specific distance between places. 
Continent 1
Willow Creek
San Sequoia
Granite Falls
Moonwood Mill
Magnolia Promenade
Brindleton Bay
Continent 2
Continent 3
Forgotten Hollow
Continent 4
Continent 5
Oasis Springs
Del Sol Valley
Continent 6
Continent 7
Mt. Komorebi
San Myshuno
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angieruthsims · 6 months
Growing Pains Legacy Challenge
Each Generation has a color that is completely optional! If you don’t want your sim to be based on that color, it is completely fine. Each generation has a little bit of something different but there are recurring traits, skills and objectives. This challenge is up for interpretation if you do not want to follow the backstories to a t. 
Generation 1: 
Growing up you had a fascination for plants, gardening, and investigating the newest things. Upon living in Strangerville you become aware of new plants popping up and you investigate. While investigating you meet fascinating people and have a child with two different people. Once you defeat the cause of the new plants, you finally settle down and marry only to become a hero of Strangerville. 
Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery 
Career: Gardener 
Color(Optional): Brown
Live in Strangerville for your entire young adult-elder  life. 
Defeat the Mother Plant. 
Marry once Mother Plant is defeated. 
Have 2 children with different parents. 
Max Logic, Charisma,and  Gardening  skills. 
Take up a hobby of Knitting once married.
Generation 2: 
You and your sibling grew up with your parent being the hero of Strangerville, you always thought you wouldn't be able to do anything as cool as that but you wanted to try, and so you grew up in drama club, then one day got a job offer for an acting gig, it was then that you knew you could be just as big or even bigger than your parent was. 
Aspiration: World famous celebrity
self assured
Career: actor Color(Optional): Black
be in drama club through childhood and teenhood
have one best friend who you fall in love with and later marry
become a 5 star celebrity (somewhat difficult)
have 1 child with a coworker who you raise as your spouse’s 
Max Acting and Singing 
Generation 3: 
You were an only child to a world famous actor/actress. You absolutely hated the spotlight and from the moment you could walk you tried to escape it. When you were old enough, you moved out and moved to Henford on Bagley to become a homebody. You found it was much easier on you to create things that you enjoyed to sell at the local fairs.
Aspiration: Master Maker
Loves the outdoors
Career: none
Color(Optional): Grey
Move to henford on bagley as soon you turn into Y/A
Make money through craftables only. (woodworking, candle making etc)
Marry a local
Have 2 or more kids
Have 3 or more chickens
Max Handiness, Cross Stitching and Fabrication 
Generation 4:
You grew up on the country-side away from the hustle and  bustle of the big city with your family. You weren’t like your parents and siblings who loved going outdoors and helping on the farm. Instead you loved to be inside, reading and creating stories. As you grew up you knew you couldn’t just live in the middle of nowhere and so you moved to the city you always heard about from your grandparents. You end up getting a job as a critic but don’t stay in it too long as you long to be a writer, finally getting to write all the fantasies you had as a child. One night you have a one night stand that ends up in twins, even though parenthood was never even a thought in your mind now it’s a reality. 
Aspiration: City Native
High maintenance 
Career: critic (no branch) then writer Color(Optional): White
Master Writing, Photography, and Wellness 
Have twins 
Never Marry 
Live in San Myshuno 
Have a bad relationship with the next generation.
Gen 5:
You grew up in a home with only one parent, A parent who didn’t shy away from letting you know you were the unwanted child. Your twin was your parent’s favorite and got everything they wanted. You on the other hand grew up craving more and stealing some of your siblings toys. When you got older you began your journey in the criminal lifestyle just to gather any attention you could. You met lots of people throughout the lifestyle and married many, all ended in divorce and a child. You knew you wanted your children to have better than you did; So you then became the parent that you never had to all of your children. 
Aspiration: Mansion baron
Career: criminal
Color(Optional): Red Tasks:
Master Mischief and Parenting 
Have a home worth 150,000 
Get divorced 3 times before marrying the love of your life, your twins best friend
Have at least one kid per marriage 
Have a good relationship with each child
Gen 6:
You grew up getting everything you ever wanted. Your parents gave you everything and more so you could have a successful future. From a young age you loved cooking and all of the gourmet meals and even dabbled in some baking. You got the courage to open up your own restaurant thanks to your parents and your highschool sweetheart who gave you the final push. You wanted the food served there to always be fresh so you had your own little garden in the back of the restaurant. 
Aspiration: Master Chef
Career: Chef (open your own restaurant) Color(Optional): Green Tasks:
Max Cooking, Gourmet Cooking and Baking 
Have 3 best friends
Marry highschool sweetheart
Have only 1 kid
Have a small garden of fruits, veggies, and herbs
Gen 7:
Growing up you always admired how your parents did what they wanted to so you decided to do the same. You loved sports and the occasional video game enough to build a lifestyle out of it. When you weren’t on the slopes, rock climbing or running on the treadmill, you were sitting at your computer playing video games. When you finally met and married the love of your life while at a video gaming event, you had two children because you never wanted them to feel the way you did growing up with no siblings. 
Aspiration: extreme sports enthusiast 
Career: Athlete 
Color(Optional): Orange Tasks:
Max Rock Climbing, Fitness, and Video Gaming
Marry a Programmer
Have 2 kids
Spend every saturday on the slope
Live in Mt Komorebi 
Gen 8:
Growing up you really had a knack for helping other kids in school. When you were old enough, you began a career in Education. Being around the children everyday made you want a kid of your own. After falling in love with the teacher next door, you began the process of trying to have a large family. With wanting a large family, there were bound to be issues, and you faced them together. You really wanted a child so you began adopting, one child became two, two became three and by the time you were sure you had all that you could dream of, a little surprise completed the family. 
Aspiration: Big happy family
Family oriented 
Career: Teacher Color(Optional): Pink Tasks:
Adopt 3 kids and have 1 of your own
Be best friends with all of your children
Marry a co-worker
Max Research & Debate, Parenting and Charisma
Complete aspiration
Gen 9:
Being the youngest child and the only biological child to your parents, you didn’t realize all that went into becoming your true self. You hopped from job to job, from partner to partner and from hobby to hobby. You truly wanted to find yourself after having so many failed attempts at becoming your own being. You ended up finding out later in life that you really loved music and that your 4th partner was your final partner in life. 
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: Scientist, business, painter, entertainer Color(Optional):  Blue Tasks:
Reach level 3 of all of the careers (except entertainer)
Date 4 people throughout life, finally settling down with the last partner
Max Painting, Violin, and Piano
Reach level 7 of 8 other skills
Gen 10:
Hearing the stories of generations past made you realize there were a few key things to becoming who you are meant to be. Number 1,  know what you love. For you that was animals and romance. Your childhood best friend had those same wishes and dreams and little did you know, they wouldn’t just be your best friend later on in life, they would be your Life partner. Working off of that love for animals you ended up creating your vet clinic from the ground up.  Creating a name for yourself and also creating a legacy for generations to come. 
Aspiration: Soulmate
Dog Lover
Career: Veterinarian (Open up your own vet clinic)
Color(Optional): Yellow Tasks:
Don’t take any money from previous generations, build everything from the ground up
Always have a dog and a cat
Have a 3 star vet
Marry childhood best friend
Max Veterinarian and Pet Training Skills
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lucyl626 · 9 months
Updated World Groups
Months ago (or almost a year ago?) I made a world group system for The Sims 4 that I only posted on Twitter. The point of this was to give me some limitations and gameplay rules to spice things up because it's just not realistic to make a few-hour trip to Sulani from Britechester while they are far from each other. Also, grouping worlds gives more space to work with. The original system was made before Growing Together. I added the three new neighborhoods and made some changes. First, I'm going to show the world groups, then I'll tell you the gameplay rules and mod suggestions for more immersion.
World Groups
Group 1: Willow Creek - Magnolia Promenade - Newcrest - San Myshuno. Willow Creek and Newcrest are suburbs of San Myshuno. Magnolia Promenade is a small shopping district between Willow Creek and Newcrest.
Group 2: Del Sol Valley - Tartosa - Chestnut Ridge - Strangerville - Oasis Springs. Del Sol Valley sits between the ocean and the desert. The far you go, the more sand you see. Tartosa made it here because it’s famous for its wine, and Chestnut Ridge came with wine making, so Chestnut’s Rider’s Den is connected to Tartosa’s Terra Amorosa.
Group 3: Brindleton Bay - Moonwood Mill - Glimmerbrook - Forgotten Hollows. Moonwood Mill, Glimmerbrook and Forgotten Hollows are the nest of the occult. They are all in the same woods next to Brindleton Bay’s Cavalier’s Cove. Closest destination world is Granite Falls.
Group 4: Windenburg - Britechester - Henford-on-Bagley. Britechester sits between two historical towns, Windenburg and Henford-on-Bagley.
Group 5: Evergreen Harbor - Copperdale - San Sequoia. San Sequoia’s Anchorpoint Wharf is connected to Evergreen’s Port Promise. The other end of the bridge goes to Copperdale..
Group 6 : Sulani - Tomarang - Mt. Komorebi. Sulani is close to Tomarang on ship, Mt. Komorebi is next to Tomarang in land. 
Destination Worlds: Granite Falls - Selvadorada 
Gameplay Rules
Rule 1: You can freely visit any lot inside your homegroup. 
Rule 2: If you are leaving your homegroup, you have to rent a house and stay at least 3 days (2 nights). 
Rule 3: Copperdale High is an elite school. You can attend active school only if you live in the San Sequoia group, or you can build a "high school dorm": a lot your teen can live on with other teens far away from family, and you can only visit home on weekends.
Rule 4: If you are a spellcaster living outside of the Glimmerbrook’s area, you can freely visit the magic realm. That’s why you have the Glimmerstone.
Rule 5: You have to move into a dorm if you want to go to university, except if you live in Henford-on-Bagley or Windenburg. In that case university housing is optional.
Rule 6: Your minimum vacation in a destination world is 5 days (4 nights)
Rule 7: Batuu is an amusement park in a virtual reality. You can freely visit any time for any amount of time.
Mod Suggestions
Of course you can make world groups, but the game doesn't care. It will spawn sims from all worlds. If you don't want to have Caleb Vatore as bartender at Sulani, you need a mod.
Previously, I used Lotharihoe's Sim Spawn Overhaul, it still works as far as I know. I found this when I wanted to have stray dogs in all worlds, but it's much more than that!
Lately I use Kuttoe's Home Regions mod paired with Townie Demograpfics. It's a little bit more complex, but also assigns homeless sims to worlds, so you don't have to home every walkby townies. With Townie Demographics the randomly generated sims are not so random.
For high school immersion, I recommend Rex's Choose High School Classmates mod. 
And that's it. You can use my system, or look for a better one, or just create one by yourself. I hope this post will inspire someone. Have a nice day, everyone!
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abbysimsfun · 2 months
Sims In Bloom: Generation 1 Pt. 11 (Buttercup's Lament)
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Soon after the Nesbitts returned to Henford, Hazel started grade school and Heather returned to Sherman Bagley High. For weeks Heather was sad and depressed but wouldn’t talk about it, no matter how close she was to her parents and no matter how much they wanted to cheer her up. Eventually, Daisy figured out the reason after a visit to the Pancakes to check on Annette and Elizabeth, where Everett was flirting endlessly with Spencer Kim-Lewis, his new girlfriend.
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Heather had long harboured a crush on her lifelong best friend, and his affection for their mutual close friend Spencer caught Heather off guard. She didn’t want to lose either of them as friends, but she hated seeing them kiss and flirt in the hallways at school. She tried to pretend it bothered her far less than it did, claiming she was happier single and focusing on her skills. She still entered video game tournaments regularly and even placed third in a few, but this hardly earned enough for vet classes. She resolved to get even better.
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One night she babysat for her siblings while her parents joined Bob and Annette for a double date at the Spice Festival in the city, but loner Bob came home early, always overwhelmed by crowds. He was a little bit drunk, sniffing the flowers in the laneway behind Cobblebottom Street, and whatever came over Heather would require years of therapy for her to unpack. At least she recognized it – but flirting with Everett’s sauced father was a low point for her. She was grateful no one witnessed it, and more grateful still when Bob woke up hungover with no memory of what Heather had said to him. Even Heather wanted to forget. She’d never make Everett see what he was missing through his own father’s eyes, and her naivete filled her with self-loathing.
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Soon after, she made a point to talk things through with Spencer. Spencer liked Everett, Everett liked Spencer, and Heather cared about them both. Resolving to get over him once and for all, Heather threw herself into video game tournaments – she even finished second in one for Incredible Sports and made 450 simoleons. Even though she was outgoing and made friends easily, she was single and loved it, too. When she wasn’t gaming, she was building plugins and practicing programming while teaching herself lab work on the vet station in the yard. The second vet station, to be exact, after River’s good friend Carlton Bell set the first one on fire in an experiment gone wrong.
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The Nesbitts travelled to San Myshuno for a double celebration – attending Geekcon as a family and to celebrate Holly becoming a teenager. Holly was the only Nesbitt to get Daisy’s blonde hair, but she had Neal’s hazel eyes, just like brunette Heather. Holly was a generous soul, but she was spoiled. All the Nesbitt children were, but Neal and Daisy wouldn’t apologize. Their kids worked hard, and they had a blast together in the city. After the festival ended, they wandered uptown to Myshuno Meadows to check out the observatory and disaster memorial garden. Heather remembered to get a photo of the skyline for Dylan Kraus, a school friend who worked as a grocery deliverer for Abby Goldbloom and dreamed of a world beyond Henford after high school. Dylan was also the new mayor’s daughter, and Susan Richey-Kraus thought the best place for Dylan was the town where she served as mayor. Dylan strongly disagreed.
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Would Heather be able to get past her feelings for Everett and focus on other interests? ->
<- Previous Chapter | From the Beginning
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awolfgeeksclothing · 2 years
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Introducing... Amari & Sven for @madebycoffee
Amari Oates (29, Straight?) has dreams of making it big in music and dance. He’s smooth, confident, friendly and always looking for his next adventure. He has so much energy he nicknames himself the energizer bunny (and I’ll let you interpret that how you want 😏), however this comes with a drawback. He’s often restless and this includes socially where he may want to move too quickly. He keeps himself in great condition through dance, calisthenics and yoga. He lost his hearing in one ear due to a childhood illness but this didn’t stop him leaning to spin the decks. He’s entering the challenge with eyes for Xiomara, and maybe to sneakily gain some fame too👀 . Originally from Oasis Springs, Amari moved to San Myshuno to achieve his dream of being a professional dancer (Bailey Kay hit him up pls🥹) Only it hasn’t quite worked out. But he’s never worried! His slightly better than average DJ skills have kept him living comfortably in San Myshuno. Right??
Wrong. The increase in living costs has hit the sims world hard. And with these living costs, Amari has had to get a roommate. Which brings us to:
Sven Lingaard (31, Bisexual). An upbeat, very handy, but incredibly messy gentleman. Sven comes from a large family originally from Widenburg. They moved to Henford on Bagley, purchased a 50x40 plot of land and built a farm. Sven is not shy of hard work, and anything that broken he can fix. Now, despite Sven coming from a big family (five brothers and sisters), he can be reserved and almost naïve at times. He hasn’t had many experiences and in fact has only had one partner in life (his high school sweetheart called ?????) He prefers a slow burn type of romance. He’s decided to try new things from moving to San My, to entering the bachelor/ette hopefully winning the heart of either Xiomara or Taine.
Roommate dynamic and other points:
These two have only known each other for a short while. They’re sort of friends, but can clash at times. Amari isn’t a exactly tidy himself but he has a really hard time with Sven’s untidiness (think constantly muddy boots, dirty clothing and plates across the apartment). 
Sven works the morning shift as a fisherman but Amari’s late night dance rehearsals or mixing means a lack of sleep at least three times a week. 
Sven would love a big family one day (soon). He has a very good relationship with his family and couldn’t dream of having anything less than five kids. Amari is neutral on this topic but perhaps someone can change his mind...
Because Amari doesn’t worry about things, he can fail to realise the importance of some situations. This is why he hasn’t gotten a steady job.
Sven likes to craft beer...or juice 😏. He currently only does this for personal use. Even if Amari is often “borrowing” a bottle or two (pre-drinks amirite?)
Amari’s confidence means he likes to show off. A lot. He can come across as arrogant. But just give him a reality check and he’ll pack it in.
Anyway, I hope you, Xiomara and Taine like them both! 
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caithyra · 2 years
New Sims 4 Worlds Wish List.
‘Tis the season for wish lists and all...
With all the new lot types and whatnot that Game Packs and Stuff Packs has added at this point to The Sims 4, wouldn’t it be nice if the devs made a new blank world based on Oasis Springs in the same way that Newcrest is based on Willow Creek?
Additionally, in a hypothetical Get to Work refresh (it really, really needs it IMO, especially when it bugs out due to having a scenario running, and aliens need to be brought up to date with the other supernaturals), to make an Oasis Springs equivalent to Magnolia Promenade?
Also, the next Expansion Pack really should have a Windenburg-sized world (27 lots! Copperdale and Henford-on-Bagley only have 12, so yeah, expansion pack worlds have definitely been shrinking) after all the small worlds we’ve been getting.
But speaking of refreshes and more lots in worlds, San Myshuno needs a refresh quite badly. There should be apartments on more of the floors/storeys (pick your English) than one per building (all the multi-level floors belong to the same apartments, so no dice). There should also be basement apartments IMO.
Really, an EP world should not have less than 20-30 lots in it, and if it is a metropolitan world, bump it up to 40-50 or something, counting special lots such as high schools and chalet gardens, since players cannot add more lots to their games like in TS2 and TS3.
Additionally, Forgotten Hollow needs a refresh. It is too empty and nothing to attract plasma*ahem*sims for the resident vampires, maybe add slides (children need slides in TS4!) and swings (do we even have any base game ones?) and whatnot to a playground in the town square or something, on top of adding more stuff for adults than chess sets (playgrounds add to the creepy vibe). I would also want a chance of ghosts spawning by the graveyard (beside Vlad’s house) at midnight to make the world feel more unique (imagine ghost children playing in the playground at night...).
Vacation worlds (Granite Falls and Selvadorada), now when rentals are all over the place, should have residential neighborhoods added to them. Heck, one of the Refresh promo sims (Kurt Lumberjackson) is said to have grown up in Granite Falls! Amusement park worlds such as Batuu is fine as a vacation only, but Granite Falls and Selvadorada are meant to be tourist destinations with residents in them!
Oh, and if they insist on selling Kits, they should make World Kits a thing, since they’ve given up on Gameplay Kits. It would also make the Kits feel less that cobbled together assets that weren’t ready for a Pack release (I’m looking at you Laundry Day/Bust the Dust, Country Kitchen/Country Living, Décor to the Max/Paranormal, Blooming Rooms/Eco Lifestyle and Little Campers/Werewolves). Heck, since they would be $4.99, those worlds should be plenty of lots (at least 20-30). But don’t do it before Oasis Springs get a free “Newcrest”, and don’t just recycle assets from existing worlds in the World Kits.
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neon-danger · 1 month
I made my friend fix a few broken traits as I got tired of dealing with the stuttering they gave me with moodlets nor did I want to take them out. I swear I'm the only one that ever had this issue with anything as no one else ever has a clue about it, but WHATEVER, my Sims can have all the mood swings they want and any game lag now is by means I have no idea of and don't care to fix. Why are some worlds or districts of worlds laggier than others. I don't know. I also don't care, just don't go to them often, easy, problem solved.
I’ve noticed that uptown in San myshuno is pretty bad, but so is any 64 by 64 lot after get famous
Fr cannot even play on the one in henford on bagley even when the lot is EMPTY
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rosevelvetcupcake · 1 year
Obsessed with the Sims 4 Not-So Berry challenge? Love the concept, but tired of playing it over & over again; Wish it was more storyline-driven? Say no more, for I have a solution; My own version of the NSB challenge that I started writing back in May of 2022:
The basic rules for the NSB challenge are simple: Each Generation is based on a specific color, & must have that hair color, or at least as close as you can get to it (MY FELLOW CONSOLE SIMMERS, SNOWY ESCAPE HAS GREAT HAIRS FOR THIS!). Each generation has a unique set of rules, including, but not limited to: Their Aspiration(s), traits, & career(s). The original challenge was written by @lilsimsie 5-6yrs ago.
*there may be multiple aspirations listed, only the first is required, the 2nd is to switch it to after you finish the first, but you don't need to complete it
Gen 1: Rose (Dusty Rose/Pastel Pink)
You grew up in the simple farming life in Henford-on-Bagley. As an orphan, you never knew your own parents, but after the orphanage kicked you out at the age of 18, you start a cozy farm where you raise crops & animals as if they were your children until you had your own *human* children. You've always known that you'd love your own child more than anything, & try your best to give them the best life you can while managing your farm.
Aspiration(s): Country Caregiver, Super Parent
Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Family-Oriented, Cheerful
Must Master Gardening & Parenting Skills
Must live entire life with the Simple Living & Wild Foxes lot challenges
Must marry a townie from Henford-on-Bagley (or a NPC, like a Pub Owner or Grocery Deliverer (aged up ofc) in an older save file, for example
Must have at least one cow, llama, & chicken
Must befriend one bunny & bird flock
Must die before gen 3 heir is a teenager
Must START generation in Henford-on-Bagley
Can only PREGNANT once (can still have twins/triplets, science babies, get others pregnant, or adopt)
Cannot have a real career
Cannot attend university
Gen 2: Sapphire (Blue)
You grew up in the heart of Henford-on-Bagley, but never got to see the rest of the world, so when you move to Windenberg, you enjoy spending your days socializing with new people. After growing up in such a small town, the busy urban life excites you! That being said, though, you still have a major soft-spot for your childhood home & the cozy country-side. To you, Windenberg is the best of both worlds.
Aspiration(s): Leader of the Pack
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Dance Machine, & Insider
Must Master Dance, Cross-Stitching, & DJ Mixing skills
Must be born in Henford-on-Bagley, but eventually move to Windenberg before they are an Adult
Cannot attend University
Gen 3: Orange
You're sort of the "Orange Sheep" of the famiy, so to speak. While the generations before you enjoyed the simple, cozy, quiet country life, you've always wanted more with your life. You & your parents always argue about how you dream of leaving Windenberg to go off to college. You know they love you, but you also know your thirst for knowledge & new experiences just can't be ignored. So you run off to college, & move to San Myshuno. Your relationship with [gen 2] is permanently damaged, & while you may mend your relationship eventually, it will never be the same. Romance was never a priority, you never really thought about it. You've always been way too focused on your family, education & career, so you never marry (plus, you've never really been that interested in relationships anyway, which is perfectly fine!).
Aspiration(s): Academic
Traits: Ambitious, Lactose Interolerant, Genius
Must Master Logic & Research & Debate Skills
Must earn a Distinguished Degree from either university
Must join any career supported by your sim's Distinguished Degree
Must retire from career as an Elder, then join the Teacher career in the Educator branch
Must move to San Myshuno Spice Market neighborhood as soon as sim starts Uni
Can never marry
Must adopt all children
Cannot interact with parents throughout entire Young Adulthood
Gen 4: Teal &/or Turquoise
You grew up in the more suburban areas of San Myshuno, the Spice Market, filled with friendly faces & a love for flavor! Ever since you were a child, you would look up at all the fancy high-rise buildings, & the locally-famous Uptown San Myshuno, dreaming about one day being one of those successful, wealthy residents. Like your parent, you have a lust for new experiences & culture, & none is as unique & diverse as San Myshuno! Especially when it comes to food! Growing up in the Spice Market, you fell in love with food, & have quite the knack for the culinary arts. You are always on the look-out for new recipes. You've only ever had 1 parental figure, & they never married, so you never really saw a lot of PDA. It's really unusual to you, & makes you a little uncomfortable. I mean, people just,,, put their lips together?? For pleasure??? Kinda weird if you really think about it, not gonna lie. Regardless, you find yourself a partner & stay together for the rest of your lives, happily growing old together. You love your city, & what better way to protect it & show your appreciation than become a Politician?
Aspiration(s): City Native, Grill Cheese
Traits: Ambitious, Unflirty, Foodie
Career(s): Politican Career in either Branch
Master Cooking & Gourmet Cooking skills
Must marry & stay together until death do you part
Must join the Fast Food career in high school
Must learn ALL City Living recipes
Gen 5: Black
You were raised by one of San Myshuno's elites, a born-&-raised Myshunan! While your parent's intentions were always good, everyone has their enemies. Not even just from your parent's haters, there was crime everywhere! It's inevitable in such a big city. Everyone tried to hide it from all the children, but no one could hide it from you. You train hard to become a Detective when you grow up. In high school, you make an enchanting frenemy, your academic rival of sorts. You fall in love & get married straight out of high school. You have twins, & wanting to protect your family, get up & move to the suburbs. Not only is work hard to manage, but with raising two kids who are total opposites at the same time, plus the frequent marital squabbles, which is expected when your life is an enemies-to-lovers fanfiction. Needless to say, it’s stressful, & when your workaholic-ass finally gets home, all you can do is try to hold onto your sanity for dear life. But it’s all worth it when you get home & can relax by baking, a coping mechanism learned from [gen 4], & other creative activities. Your kitchen permanently smells like freshly-baked cookies.
Aspiration(s): Successful Lineage
Traits: Good, Gloomy, Loner
Career: Detective
Must master Baking skill & 1 other “creative” skill of your choice (ex: Painting, Fabrication, any instrument, any skill involving food or drinks, etc.)
Must marry HS rival
Spouse must have the “Evil” trait (Cannot be in the Criminal Career, because [gen 5] would arrest them)
Must have at least 1 set of twins (Cheats allowed! Btw, if u shift-click on keyboard or O+X on PS4 controller (idk Xbox), u can click "Starve baby (DEBUG)" if u have triplets)
Must move from San Myshuno to any world perceived as “Suburban” (ex: Copperdale, San Sequoia, Newcrest, etc.)
Gen 6: Gold/Yellow
Your family is from the fabulous, busy city of San Myshuno! But unfortunately your lame parents decided to steal you away from it & instead move you to Nowheresville. They’re fine & all, but, like, not really, y’know? This suburban slice-of-life way of living just isn’t enough for you! Your parents could never balance their attention between work, & your & your sibling(s), & each other, so you always felt like you got the short-end of the stick. As a result, you crave the World’s attention (Daddy Issues much?*)! What better way to get that attention than to become a World-Wide Celebrity! You’ve always had a taste for the dramatic. Your creativity was never encouraged in your youth, so you throw yourself into your life’s work just like [gen 5] (*You can say that again). Of course, you never go anywhere without your other half, your mischievous twin. They might stress you out from time to time, but you might as well be bound at the hip. As long as they don’t cause too much trouble, right?
Aspiration(s): Master Actor/Actress, World-Class Celebrity
Traits: Creative, Self-Absorbed, Snob
Career(s): Actor/Actress
Must master Acting & Media Production skills
Must live with your twin for your entire life
Must only have 1 child
Must marry baby-parent, then divorce child’s parent when [gen 7] is a teenager
Heir must be the oldest sibling, being Gold/Yellow theme, twin being Silver/Grey theme, & other siblings being Copper/Peach, Bronze/Brown, etc., continuing with a metallic award-based color scheme
Twin Requirements:
Aspiration(s): Public Enemy, Chief of Mischief
Traits: Geek, Goofball, Kleptomaniac
Career: Criminal
Cannot marry or have children until Heir dies or retires
Gen 7: Red
Just like [gen 6], you have immense creative talent, & your self-expression has no bounds. Unlike their parents, yours support all your endeavors unconditionally. Your parents’ divorce left an impact on you, & sent you into an emo/goth phase, which was more encouraged by your Pling (a gender-neutral name for Parent’s sibLING). You write goth-y fanfiction, channeling these hard times into your creative spirit. Teenage angst aside, you have a happy childhood, spoiled rotten by your famous parent. You learn to accept the change as you become a Young Adult & completely go back to your usual self. Born & raised in Del Sol Valley, you most definitely believe you have a greater sense of style & poise. You just enjoy the finer things in life. As an artist, you feel fully qualified to tell others when their work isn’t one of the finer things.
Aspiration(s): Painter Extraordinaire
Traits: Materialistic, Creative, Self-Assured
Career(s): Critic in the Art Critic Branch
Must master Painting skill
Must be at least level 7 Writing skill
Must live in Del Sol Valley for your entire life
Gen 8: Violet
You live a simple life, despite being raised in Del Sol Valley. You spent your childhood playing the piano with your family & singing, letting your voice echo throughout your luxurious childhood home, which you admit, was impressive, but you stayed humble & didn’t get caught up in the spoiled, luxurious life of fame like [gen 6 & 7]. You appreciate your Glamourous childhood & the privileges you have that others aren’t lucky enough to. The generational creativity certainly didn’t skip you, for your love for music & your natural talent is blatantly apparent. Any party guests can hear the instruments being gracefully played from The Other Side of the Door of your bedroom. You take any & every chance to take up a new instrument, until there aren’t any more to master! While [gen 7] focused more on painting & such, you’d always find your nose stuck in one of their novels they wrote as a hobby in their emo days. Novels of romance & fantasy, occult & spectacular sights. Thoughts like these consume your Teenage Mind. One day your dreams came true, as you met a Vampire, the Edward to your Bella. You fell in love & promised to run away together as soon as you graduated. Your Highschool Sweetheart teaches you about fantastical abilities & Wonderland -like secret worlds you only saw in your Wildest Dreams. You work together to build your dream home from scratch while pursuing exciting magical adventures. You fill your home with your Family Portrait & photos of your youth.
Aspiration(s): Musical Genius, Spellcaster & Sorcery
Traits: Music Lover, Book Lover, Romantic
Career(s): Entertainer in the Musician Branch
Master Piano, Pipe Organ, Guitar, Violin, Singing, & Vampire Lore skills
Must have 5 kids, at least ⅗ being vampires (matches Vampire Family aspiration), must have human Heir
Must move to an Occult world as a Young Adult with $0
Must learn ALL spells
Gen 9: Cream🍦
Your family was…interesting…to say the least. There was always something happening. You grew up w/ magical parents, a vampire & a spellcaster, w/ 4 siblings, & sometimes you feel like the only normie. After all, even some of your siblings are vampires, too. You don't really fit in, but honestly, you're glad. I mean, wasn't it Spiderman who said "with great power comes great responsibility"? I mean, you have 1 human-born musician parent who's working to become a talented spellcaster, shooting off spells all over the place & another vampire parent trying to train vampire children. So there's always spells being thrown around, sometimes starting fires, yelling & criticism, kids trying to fly through the house, & stubbing toes on all sorts of instruments just lying around. To be honest, as much as you love your family, & how close & special they all are, it *is* pretty overwhelming. Luckily, you used meditation as a way of coping through the chaos. Speaking of overwhelming things, you grew up in a pretty isolated area. Your life motto is "don't talk to strangers." So when you get older, you take a trip to the peaceful Mt. Komorebi, & fall in love. The serenity, the snow, & most importantly, the solitude. So, after your trip, you pack your bags! You continue to develop your yoga skills, but also develop an interest in snow sports! You're just in love with mountain climbing! Just another reason why you love Mt. Komorebi so much. You enjoy your alone time for as long as you want, then take in a single child as an adult, adopting them. You guys sorta just,,,found each other?? Whatever, you guys are more like bros than parent-&-child. Like &i & Bex from the late 2010s Disney channel show "&i Mack" (iconic). You chill out together, go down the bunny slopes, & while it's not really your area of expertise, you teach them to ski & snowboard as best you can, & they seem to love it, so you must be doing something right. You learn from the culture around you, & practice healthy habits, like clean vegetarianism & meditation, inspired by your relaxing environment. Oh, & you think Simmis are really, REALLY cute.
Aspiration(s): Inner Peace, Mt. Komorebi Sightseer
Traits: Socially Awkward, Loner, Vegetarian
Master Wellness & Rock Climbing skills
Must move to Mt. Komorebi before aging into an Adult, alone
Must adopt 1 child-aged sim as an Adult
Must complete Simmi collection
Any or No career, as long as their career doesn't involve too much socializing
Gen 10: Olive
You grew up sort of bouncing around between boring blue suburbans, collecting post cards from all of your foster homes, until you somehow l&ed in the clutches of your best friend, your adoptive parent who lives in Mt. Komorebi. It's awesome! They teach you about meditation & stuff, but most importantly, they teach you to ski & snowboard, your passion! Sure, they might just know the basics of it all, but after they introduce you to the snow sports, you become obsessed & throw your heart & soul into it. You learn the local mannerisms & expectations, & they immediately grow on you. You're super friendly & outgoing (mostly from the isolation [Gen 9] enjoys so much, so you're constantly on the lookout for some outside socialization), but you would cut someone's foot off if they entered your home w/ shoes on. Are they trying to dirty your brand new rugs?? If you want some protection for your bare feet, but on a slipper, you just got that carpet at the San Myshuno flea market, after all. The audacity. Besides that, though, you're really chill. I mean, how can you be so pressed when you're the kid of a total Zen guru? Even if you think they're a little quirky at times, they still taught you everything you know, & you love them for it. You want to become the reigning Monarch of snow sports.
Aspiration(s): Extreme Sports Enthusiast
Traits: Proper, Bro, Adventurous
Career(s): Athlete in the Professional Athlete branch
Master Skiing, Snowboarding & Fitness skills
May or May Not have kids, up to the player since it's gen 10
Must complete Postcard collection
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whatthewoohoo · 3 years
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Current for ALL worlds, including Henford on Bagley!!
This is a save file, not a tray file.  Just unzip, take the files and drop them into your SAVE FOLDER!  It is numbered as 38, so as long as you have 37 saves or less (If you have more than 37 saves, message me and l’ll help you rename it and we’ll also discuss getting you some help  =P) it should work fine.
All lots are bulldozed (buildings and landscaping), Sims are evicted and all public lots have been rezoned to residential ,THAT CAN BE. Some special lots i.e. Secret Lab, Bluffs and others like them, can’t be changed.  Apartments have to have a trash can, mailbox and elevvator, so those are just sitting there. Those have been left alone.
Britechester (University) and Batuu (Star Wars) have been unaltered. These worlds are filled with community living lots and specialty lots which cant be bulldozed or edited enough to make a difference.  Magnolia Promenade has been cleared as the buildings are normal community lots and can be razed. The entire area has been rezoned to residential.
Special lots like the Grotto have been left alone as have the destination spots. If someone would like these cleared or would like to me to clear Britechester and San Myshuno as much as possible, send me a message and I’ll see how much I can do.  
So, that being said, here’s a quick breakdown.
All lots are emptied except those that can’t be. Lots are rezoned residential and sims are evicted. Destination, specialty and apartments have been left.
Any issues please Message me or send me an ask.
Download Here  SimFileShare
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thesimscurator · 2 years
Career World: Career Challenge Rules (N.A.P.s & Misc.)
I've made a series of Career Challenges to help you get the most out of playing my Career World save file. Here's part 4, the final part of the challenge rules: N.A.P.s & miscellaneous.
There is now a “one sim, one vote” rule for enacting N.A.P.s. Even if you have the influence points to spam the N.A.P. you want, you must use them to convince neighbors to vote for your preferred plan rather than throwing several votes on it yourself. The only instance where you may spam votes is to change the lot type of a community lot, since several of the variable lots have been set up for specific gameplay variations rather than actual venue types:
Changing San Myshuno City Hall to a marketplace will decorate all the offices for Winterfest and cause a kind of craft/gift fair to be held on the top floor. For obvious reasons, I encourage doing this during Winter and changing it to something else during the other seasons. Changing it to a community garden will add greenspace to the top floor. Changing it to a makerspace will add a daycare center on the top floor—handy if you’re playing a family sim and want to bring your kids to work. Each of the four variations also changes the décor in the top-floor event space, so if you’re hosting a gala or wedding reception you may want to flip through in build mode and change the lot type to whichever one jives best with your event.
Changing the Science & Tech Centre on the Foxbury campus to a marketplace will cause the “freshman fair” to appear on the ground floor and spawn signage outside. This is just a regular marketplace, but I like to pretend it’s one of those start-of-year events where all the on-campus clubs advertise to the incoming students. I recommend doing this for one week in Fall, then changing it to something else. All of the other venue types for this lot are identical; all that will be affected is what the NPC sims do on this lot (makerspace will have them using the fabrication lab, community garden will have them gardening in the biology greenhouse, and community space will make the place basically empty of NPCs).
The Old New Henford Fair is a seasonal festival lot: marketplace=Winter, makerspace=Spring, community space=Summer, and community garden=Fall. You’ll need to plan ahead and vote a week before the new season to keep this up-to-date. Unfortunately, the programming on community space means NPCs will not visit the festival in the summer, so I have set up some clubs for Henford-on-Bagley residents that meet at the festival grounds in the hopes that you’ll find the locals there when you visit the fair.
All of the other four-in-one lots (San Rio Park & Mercado, Steampunk Gardening, the Maker’s Market, etc.) are not really meant to change; they are only four-in-ones by coincidence, since the lot type I wanted it to be happened to be bundled into the community space thing. I do not recommend changing them, or they will not function as intended.
Back to N.A.P.s: when you first start the game, you will find that max neighborhood action plans are already in effect in all occupied neighborhoods; this is because it took me a long time to set up this save file. I have carefully selected many of the current N.A.P.s by local area; all desert neighborhoods, for example, now have water conservation policies (except for the wasteful, privileged celebrities who occupy The Pinnacles). If you would like to change the current N.A.P.s, you must do so through the democratic process: get repeal signatures from your neighbors to remove the ones you don’t like, then convince your neighbors to vote for your choice the following week. No cheating away N.A.P.s that you don’t like. Use caution when changing N.A.P.s, though, as changes may have unintentional consequences on your neighbors (removing “Free Love” from Strangerville neighborhoods, for example, will destabilize the Eclectic Arts Household throuple).
Misc. 1: There are special instructions for if you are planning to live at the Komorebi Research Station on the top of the mountain (which you will have to do if you get into the “Climate R&D” focus of the Civil Designer / Green Technician career):
You and any member of your climbing party who is part of your same household must have level 6 or higher rock climbing skill in order to reach the summit. Unplayable members of the climbing party who are NOT part of your active household, however, will simply scale the mountain automatically even if they have no rock climbing skill at all, so no need to worry about skilling up non-playable members of your research team.
You and any member of your same active household must have jobs that either have no set hours (freelancer, ministry of labor careers, etc.) or allow you to select “work from home” in order to enable you to remain on the mountaintop. If you ever attend rabbithole work or an active workplace, you will respawn on your home lot and have to climb the mountain all over again to access the research station. Likewise, any non-playable members of your research team, if you want them to stay and live with you on the lot, must either be unemployed or in a ministry of labor or gig-style career that will not automatically send them away at a specific work time. Careers with an option to work from home WILL NOT WORK for non-playables, as the game will auto-select go to work for them when their shift begins and send them away down the mountain, never to be seen again (at the research station, anyway).
There is no way to order things for delivery to the research station (I mean, it’s at the top of a mountain!), so just like a real backpacking trip, you will have to think ahead and pack anything you will want to have while you live there (meal ingredients, medicine, etc.). The research station has the “Simple Living” lot trait, so you’ll need to do some serious planning when it comes to packing ingredients! Because upgrading the equipment is part of the Climate R&D challenge, I have included the “Reduce and Recycle” lot trait and a fabricator on premises, so you can fashion upgrade parts out of recycled vending machine drink cans or whatever.
The research station generates plenty of its own electricity thanks to a combination of geothermal power, the solar panels all over its sides, and the windmill, but is not connected to any kind of water or sewer system. As such, it is equipped with a composting toilet and H2O siphoners on all of its plumbing appliances. To operate these correctly, farm insects on the insect farm outside, feed them the compost from the toilet so it doesn’t explode, and harvest the insects for bio-fuel you can use to refill the H2O siphoners in a nice circular economy. If you find you’re not generating enough bio-fuel, you can substitute recycled bits you’ve fished out of the trash or build another insect farm to generate more fuel.
Misc. 2: If you are playing a Gold-Digger with the “Lotto Predator” focus, you should first go through the save file and move ALL households to “other households” so they will automatically buy lottery tickets when the lotto comes up. Households that are marked “played” do not autonomously buy lottery tickets, so if you leave them all “played” you’ll need to manually go into every household and have them buy lottery tickets when the lotto comes around in order to successfully play the challenge. Only homeless sims will ever win if you do not choose one of these two options, and you need your targets to own homes. And to that end, I also recommend moving unhoused randos from the manage households bin into all the unoccupied houses, in order to maximize your odds that the lotto winner(s) will have a house and be easy to find after they get rich.
Misc. 3: If you are playing an Interior Decorator and finding the travel restrictions too restrictive, you may institute "all-night commute rules." This modified version of the travel rules allows you to travel to other worlds that are nearby your own by not sleeping at all the night before the gig, or for 12 hours after the gig (except for involuntarily passing out on the floor). I do not recommend this option unless you are a vampire, a celebrity with the all night reward trait, or have some other means of circumventing sleep without cheating your motives up—but of course, it’s up to you. For the purposes of this special travel restriction, here are the specifics on which worlds are near one another:
All desert worlds (Oasis Springs, StrangerVille, and Del Sol Valley) are within all-night commute distance of one another.
All European worlds (Britechester, Henford-on-Bagley, Tartosa, and Windenburg/Forgotten Hollow) are within all-night commute distance of one another.
San Myshuno is a hub: it has bullet trains to Mt. Komorebi/Glimmerbrook and Britechester, shipping lanes that connect it by boat with Brindleton Bay, Evergreen Harbor/Moonwood Mill, and Tartosa, and is nearby Willow Creek/Newcrest/Magnolia Promenade (I mean, you can see it in the distance from these worlds!). Each of these places is considered to be within all-night commute distance of San Myshuno and vice-versa, BUT they are not considered within distance of one another. So, you may not use the all-night commute rules to travel between Brindleton Bay and Mt. Komorebi/Glimmerbrook, for example, just because both are in distance of San Myshuno. You also may not pull any other kind of twofer, such as travelling from San Myshuno to Windenburg/Forgotten Hollow via Britechester (because Britechester is within distance of both). One hop for the all-night commute rules ONLY.
There is a freight train that runs between Oasis Springs and Willow Creek/Newcrest/Magnolia Promenade, but since it’s a freight train and not a passenger train you can’t really use it. If you live in one of these worlds and are SUPER DESPERATE to take a gig in the other, you may illegally hop the train, but with the added rule that you may not use ANY objects—including refrigerators and toilets—during all the same times you cannot sleep. Steal some food from your clients during the gig and try not to die.
That's it! I hope you'll have as much fun playing these challenges as I did making them up. Remember: with this game, you'll get as much out of it as you put in.
Good luck, have fun!
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victorluvsalice · 3 years
Sims Challenge Wednesday: Fallout 4
And for my second challenge -- one themed around the settlement-building mechanics of Fallout 4! Because that felt like a better fit than trying to do the main plot. . . here we go!
Fallout 4 Sims 4 Challenge
Premise: It was all going – fine, you suppose. Sure, you were living in an embarrassing imperialistic and xenophobic nation, which was fighting a terrible war with the other superpower over the last of the oil reserves in the world, but you yourself were doing good. You had a nice home in a little suburb, you could take advantage of personal domestic robots, you were getting enough to eat despite the food shortages – all in all, your life was pretty okay!
And then some asshole had to go and drop the bombs. By sheer luck, you’d been admitted to nearby Vault 111 mere minutes before the alarm sounded, and you made it there just in time. The staff there was very friendly too, telling you that your new life underground could start just as soon as you were decontaminated in these weirdly-cold pods. . .
210 years later, you wake to discover that:
a) you were totally lied to and you’ve been frozen for the past two centuries as part of some mad experiment
b) you are the only survivor of that experiment – everyone else’s pod failed, and a revolt by the security staff six months into your freezing means they all either died or skedaddled long before you woke up
c) oh, and the revolt was over dwindling food supplies, so you can’t even stay in the vault, you’ll starve
So out you venture into the world, to find – hmmm. People seem to be surviving, but they could probably use some help. Good thing you’ve got nothing but time on your hands. Time and the desire to make proper homes for the new friends you’re finding. Time to build a settlement and make it something this post-War world can be proud of!
Now if only you could shake the feeling you ought to be looking for someone. . .
This is a challenge loosely based around being the Sole Survivor of Fallout 4, specifically being the General of the Minutemen and building settlements. The goals are to build up the world of Brindleton bay from some ramshackle farms into a bunch of thriving settlements, create and manage a club for helping others and improving the world, and defeat the nasties that are making life harder for everyone else.
Packs required: Get Together, Get To Work, Cats & Dogs, City Living, Eco Lifestyle, Cottage Living, Island Living, Discover University, StrangerVille
Your Sim: Create your “Sole Survivor” in CAS. They can be a Young Adult or Adult, and have any traits. However, they are only allowed to have two outfits – a set of everyday wear (for everyday, formal, athletic, party, hot weather, and cold weather), and a set of underwear (for sleeping and swimwear). They will get more clothing as they survive out in the world.
Optional: Rather than start right out of the vault, you may play a brief one-week “pre-War” period with your Sole Survivor to gain some skills and whatnot. The Military or Law career is recommended if you want to follow the actual given backstories of the Fallout 4 Sole Survivors (Nate and Nora respectively), but you’re welcome to give them whatever pre-War occupation you like.
Their World: Set up the rest of the save file as per these guidelines:
Go to Brindleton Bay and wipe out all the existing architecture – you can keep the pre-made families, but not their houses. The apocalypse has happened, and the world has got to look the part! (If you really want, you can keep the lighthouse on Deadgrass Isle, but give a makeover to look wrecked.)
Pick one lot in either Sable Square, Whiskerman’s Wharf, or Cavalier’s Cove to serve as your “Diamond City” marketplace. This should include a small bar, a small clothing store, a grocery stall, a food stall, and whatever other stalls and vending machines you think your Sole Survivor could use to survive out in the wasteland.
In a different neighborhood to “Diamond City,” pick another lot to serve as your “Goodneighbor.” Build a lounge there (The Third Rail) with a bar, microphone for a singer, and plenty of seating. If you want, you can double up and have your lounge in the basement and put a little spa-type building (The Memory Den) up top. Feel free to throw in a goodies stall too.
All remaining mainland lots should be residential, and need to have the “Off The Grid” and “Simple Living” lot challenges enabled. You may enable other lot challenges or traits at your discretion (“Filthy” is recommended, given the state of post-nuke Boston in Fallout 4).
Pick two residential lots on the mainland (in different neighborhoods) to serve as “raider outposts.” Build up these lots to have three or four beds under minimal shelter, and off-the-grid compatible appliances. Each of these lots should have three or four Sims on it, all with either the “Mean,” “Hot-Headed,” “Kleptomaniac,” and/or “Slob” traits. Put all these Sims into a “Raider” club (you may choose your own gang name) and set their club activities to encourage them to “Be Mean,” “Fight,” “Swipe Items,” and “Sabotage Items.”
Set up the remaining residential lots with the bare minimum for survival: If the lot has Sims living on it, make a small hut for them to sleep in, with just enough beds for everyone, and one outhouse with a toilet and sink. No working lights, and they must have only a small fridge or cooler. If the lot doesn’t have Sims living on it, you can only have two beds maximum, and no food source at all. You can build whatever structure you wish there. Regardless of whether or not it is occupied, each residential lot must have a woodworking table, and an outdoor cooking station of some description. Other crafting items (candle-making, juice-fizzing, fabrication machine, robotics station, etc) may be placed at your discretion.
Choose an uninhabited lot for your Sole Survivor to start on – once they are moved in, set their money to zero.
Goals: Your Sole Survivor is looking to complete the following:
Build up every empty residential lot in the world so it can support at least five Sims, one pet, and one robot helper
Improve the occupied residential lots so everyone has adequate food, water, and shelter
Complete the Master Maker aspiration
Complete the Leader of the Pack aspiration as the “General of the Minutemen” and build up the club to full strength by befriending the other “settlers” in the world
Defeat all of the raiders in fights and force their club to disband
Your Sole Survivor cannot have a normal job, as those just plain don’t exist anymore. They must earn their “caps” via selling things they have found or made (or, with the right traits, swiped) to other Sims, or via doing Odd Jobs for the people already living in the post-War society.
Your Sole Survivor is only allowed to purchase basic build mode items (e.g., walls and wallpaper, floors and flooring, roofs, doors, windows, columns), animal sheds, chicken coops, and basic pet supplies (food bowls and beds) directly from the catalog. Everything else must either be obtained by scavenging (dumpster diving for items or harvesting wild plants), building it themselves (making furniture at the woodworking table or using the fabricator), or “purchasing” it at the DC marketplace (either by genuinely buying it from a stall or visiting the lot and spending money on SOMETHING to represent a shopping trip). This includes clothing – you may either visit the marketplace once every three days to buy a new outfit for any category, or “scavenge” one by finding something that could reasonably contain clothing from a dumpster.
In order to increase the variety of their scavenging, your Sole Survivor may visit the Bramblewood of Henford-on-Bagley, or go on brief vacations to Granite Falls. Other locations depend on if you can make them look suitably post-apocalyptic (for example, creating a post-apocalypse Newcrest or Forgotten Hollow shouldn’t be too hard, but I think you’d be hard-pressed to justify San Myshuno!).
Your Sole Survivor must build up every lot in their world to the standards of a good settlement – enough food, water, and sheltered beds for all residents, along with power for items that may need it: Food is produced by farming crops and owning livestock. A small crop counts as 0.5 units of food; a tree or over-sized crop counts as one unit of food; a chicken coop with at least four chickens, a cow, or a llama counts as two units of food. (Yes, you are strongly encouraged to regularly trade animals for meat – or, if you feel bad, ingredients and produce.) You must have enough units of food to cover all residents (so a minimum of six). Water is produced by setting up dew collectors or water generators. Each dew collector or water generator counts as one unit of water. You must have enough units of water to cover all residents (again, a minimum of six). Sheltered beds are beds in an enclosed area with a roof. There must be one bed per Sim – you may use double beds, but they only count as one bed for one Sim! (Think of it as making sure there’s “spare beds” for anyone passing through who may stay overnight – Fallout 4 has traveling traders, after all!) Power is generated by generators, solar panels, and wind turbines – each provides one unit of power. You don’t technically need any power on your lots, but it will make your settlements happier if you can actually power things like salvaged TVs and computers.
Once a settlement is set up with all the basics, if it is empty, your Sole Survivor should go out and find homeless Sims to populate it. You may move the Sims in normally, or ask them to be roommates – though given your Sole Survivor will be moving to each settlement in turn to “renovate” it, it’s recommended you move in at least one Sim normally to look after everyone. Once you have all the human Sims, your Sole Survivor should adopt a stray cat or dog, then build a helpful robot to help with gardening, repairs, or generally just keeping people happy. Optional: If you have the Dream Home Decorator game pack, you may, at your discretion, allow your Sole Survivor to join THAT career and make use of it to renovate the lots of settlers who already live in the world. Given how buggy the pack is reputed to be, though, I’m not sure how much I recommend this! (Though I guess if you’re just willing to go room by room, since those gigs seem to work relatively well. . .)
Your Sole Survivor needs to form the “Minutemen” club to help out others in the wastes, by befriending other Sims living in the world and inviting them to join. The club’s required activities should include any of the activities from the following list: Be Friendly Tend Animals Tend Garden Fish Woodwork Work Out Build Robots Fabricate Objects Fight (Raiders)
Related, your Sole Survivor needs to get rid of the Raiders making life harder for the people just trying to survive in this world! Have regular fights between your Sole Survivor and their Minutemen versus the Raiders and keep track of the winners and losers – once each Raider has been bested in at least one battle, disband the club. Your Sole Survivor will then take over their outposts to turn them into functioning settlements. The Raiders themselves can either be moved out or rehabilitated and allowed to live in the new world so long as they don’t start too many fights.
Optional Hard Mode – Expand The Map: More space, more problems – rather than setting up in Brindleton Bay, set up in WINDENBURG. You are allowed two community lots to build up “Diamond City” and “Goodneighbor” in this instance, and a third of your choosing.
Optional Hard Mode – Join The Clubs: Your Minutemen are not the only faction out there in the Wasteland – there’s three others, and oh look, they all seem to hate each other. Set up three other clubs, one each for each of the mainland neighborhoods:
The Railroad – required activities “Debate,” “Hack,” “Be Mean (Institute),” “Be Mean (Brotherhood of Steel).”
The Brotherhood of Steel – required activities “Swipe Objects,” “Work Out,” “Be Mean (Railroad),” “Fight (Institute)”
The Institute – required activities “Build Robots,” “Use Science Objects,” “Fight (Railroad),” “Fight (Brotherhood of Steel)”
All members of these clubs should live and hangout on the same lot (The Old North Church and its basement for the Railroad; the Boston Airport for the Brotherhood (though if you think you can make the Prydwen, go for it); the CIT Ruins and the labs beneath it for the Institute). Make sure they all dislike each other, and make them all “invitation only” clubs. Your Sole Survivor needs to join all of these clubs, work toward becoming the leader of each other, then decide who stays and who goes based on your “ending:”
Railroad Ending – Disband the Institute and the Brotherhood of Steel once you’re the leader. Exile the members of each from the world.
Brotherhood of Steel Ending – Disband the Institute and the Railroad once you’re the leader. Exile the members of each from the world.
Institute Ending – Disband the Railroad and the Brotherhood of Steel once you’re the leader. Exile the members of each from the world.
Minuteman Ending – Disband the Institute once you’re the leader – at your discretion, the members may keep their lot, though they have to give up their basement labs and live in the ruins up top. The other two clubs may remain depending on how friendly their members are with your own Minutemen club. Check everyone’s relationships with each other – if the majority of either club hates the majority of the Minutemen, that club must be disbanded.
Given the size of this hard mode, I would recommend running it in tandem with “Expand the Map” above so you have more room to breathe with each club!
Optional Hard Mode – Automatron DLC: Create a placeholder Sim, get their Robotics up to ten, have them make a Servo, then kill the Sim and either let the Servo live on the lot alone or have them wander as a homeless NPC. In order to get access to the Robotics station, your Sole Survivor must find and befriend this Servo.
Optional Hard Mode – Vault-Tec DLC: One of your lots is not a traditional settlement, but an unfinished Vault-Tec vault! This settlement must be built entirely underground, and does not have any beds, water, or food when your Sole Survivor arrives. However, it does have at least three generators for power! Also, the first Sim you recruit to live there must have either the “Good” or the “Goofball” trait.
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gabbaclub · 2 years
I wrote a new legacy challenge
 Know where you belong Legacy
Welcome to the "Know Where You Belong" Legacy challenge. I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you enjoy playing it. Unlike my "Everyone Has A Secret" legacy challenge, there are no set colors for each gen unless you want to give your sim a set color but you don't have too. This challenge is very pack based so if you don't have a pack for that gen you can either improvise or skip it.
Basic summary- The “Know Where You Belong” legacy is a 10 generation challenge which each generation is sort of based off of a pack/world with other little challenges to complete.
Basic Rules-
1.Keep lifespan of normal except for the 10th gen then you can change it to long 2.No money cheats unless stated otherwise 3.Complete ALL careers and aspirations unless stated otherwise 4.No adopted children may be heir 5.Every heir must live in a different world then they were born/raised in 6.Your heir may be any gender but for the rules i used more female specific terms just for ease 7.It doesn't matter which biological child you choose for the next heir 8.If the generation states that you move to a certain world then you MUST move to that world 9.The biggest rule is to have fun and don't stress, also if you do play please tweet your sims at me @gabbaclub on twitter so I can see them or use the gallery hashtag #KWYB All of my socials are in my tumblr bio
Generation 1- Farming Madness
You never had a loving family, all your childhood your parents were constantly at work leaving you by yourself for hours at a time with barley anything to eat and nothing but your loving dog to entertain you. Growing up you always wished that you and your dog could run through the fields of the country side but your parents would never take you to Henford on Bagley because they were so busy with work, they were so busy with work they couldn't even give there only child the one thing you ever wanted! A farm to call your own is what you have always wanted so never even being able to run through a field you decide that on your 18th birthday you would runaway and move to Henford on Bagley with nothing to your name but a small suit case packed with clothes and a blow up mattress, can't forget your elderly dog too.
Traits- Animal Enthusiast/Loner/Family-Oriented Aspiration- Country Caretaker Career- None
1.Never build any type of structure until you have at least 1000 simoleons
2.Start out slim and by elderhood be THICC
3.Move to the largest lot in Henford on Bagley with nothing but you, your                 elderly dog, and a blow up mattress (this means zero simoleons)
4.Never have anyone in your household have a real job(school doesn't                   count)
5.Own a house worth at least $30,000 simoleons
6.Never flirt with anyone until your elderly dog dies
7.Must have at least 3 children(when you pick the heir there best friend                   must move in with you since they have nowhere else to go)
8.Must have at least 1 lama 1 cow and 2 chickens
9.Must adopt a dog after your first child is born
10.Never have any friends except your family and animals
11.Obtain at least 2 fair ribbons
12.All children must have good manners
13.Max parenting/gardening/cross-stitching skills
 14.Never have any electronics in your house(you are aloud stoves/fridges/radios but that's it no TVs or other things similar)
Generation 2- Trouble The City
You grew up in the quiet countryside of Henford on Bagley, life was great your family loved you, you always had what you wanted except Electronics. All your school friends were constantly showing you there new plum phone and the newest plum tv they had but you never had anything to show them other than the one action figure you got for your birthday. As you grew older and learned about the city and all the cool things the city had to offer, you new that's where you wanted to live. So when you and your bestfriend aged up into teens in secret from your parents you both got jobs to save up for an apartment in San Myshuno, you lied to your mother and told her you were "Volunteering For the Henford On Bagley residents when in reality you were going to work.
Traits-Self assured/Cheerful/Non-Committal Aspiration-City Native Career-Politician
1.When you and your best friend become teens both of you have to get a part time job(keep track of how much money they earn as this is what you will have to use to furnish your apartment your parents can pay to buy it but you have to furnish it yourself
  2.Move you and your best friend into an apartment when you become young          adults
3.Both sims must go to university you with the history degree and your best           friends you can pick
 4.get 100 dollars a week from your parents to pay rent until you finish uni
5.when both you and your friend are adults have a drunken whoohoo and have an accidental baby with them
  6.start dating but the relationship must fail and you both co-parent as besties not lovers(you may not get back together after the relationship fails)
  7.Never have any real relationships other than the one with your bestie
 8.Max research and debate/charisma/video gaming skills
9.Must have at least 1 tv 1 radio 1 gaming console and 1 computer by the time your an elder
10.Complete the poster collection and the snow globe collection
11.Have a karaoke night with your best friend every Friday night until your elders
 12.Have only one child
13.learn at least 10 city recipes
Generation 3- Fame is everything
Growing up with your parents living in separate beds made you think that people aren't supposed to be settled down but rather dating multiple people...at once. With your mother being a politician you got recognized in public quite often, all this attention from your parents and the public really goes to your head and you decided that you needed to be the best celebrity out there. Even though you love your parents and know they just want the best for you, you ignore all of there career suggestions and leave to del sol valley to be the best actor ever!
Traits-Romantic/Self absorbed/Snob Aspiration-World Famous Celebrity Career-Actor
1.move to the biggest lot in del sol valley
2.have dated at least 5 sims(they all have to fail)
3.reach level 3 in the actor career and be a level 5 celeb
4.have a rival celebrity that lives in the mansion next door
5.in secret hookup with this celebrity and have a baby
6.when you age up to adulthood marry this rival and after marriage never               have a friendly relationship above 50 with this sim
7.have at least one more child
8.donate to charity at least 4 times over the course of your life
Generation 4- Food is life
Growing up constantly having to hide from paparazzi is exhausting but its the only thing you know. You grew up watching your butler cook and taking notes trying to learn the best you can but not actually ever gaining any useful tips considering you were never aloud to cook, so one night in secret you tried to cook a grilled cheese but when you forgot about it, the grilled cheese caught on fire and your father ran downstairs trying to put out the fire to save you he tragically died in the fire after his bunny slipper caught fire. After the fire your mother banned you from the kitchen as a whole you had to eat dinner in your room and anytime you wanted a drink you had to get it from the mini fridge in your room considering you weren't aloud to use the real one. Having your fathers death scar you, you never wanted to cook again but the only problem is you love cooking, so the solution is to Hire someone to do it for you!
Traits-Foodie/Clumsy/Glutton Aspiration-Mater Chef Career-Restaurant Owner
1.Accidentally kill your father aka not the heir in a fire one night trying to make a grilled cheese
 2.when you become a young adult move out to an empty lot and buy a restaurant in evergreen harbor (your parent will pay for both lots and the basic furnishings of a restaurant)
  3.You must live on your restaurant lot until it reaches 5 stars then you may start to build a real house on your home lot
 4.Find love through an employee or customer
5.have children once your restaurant is 2 stars
6.don't finish the aspiration
  7.Max mixology skill
  8.Complete the experimental photos collection
9.Have the most expensive stove and fridge
Generation 5- Island life
You never had any privacy or silence with the constant commotion of your mothers restaurant downstairs, and your siblings constantly barging in your room taking your things and annoying you. All these things made you hate living at home and hate your family, so when you became a teen you ran away from home and cut off all ties with everyone just to move out to the beautiful islands of sulani. Now you could finally think for yourself and you come to the realization that sulani is NOT as pretty as the pictures that you saw from years ago, clearly sims have no remorse for the environment how rude! You dedicate your life to fixing and restoring the beautiful waters of sulani. Little did you know you would stumble upon a fruit that would change your life forever...
Traits-Child of the island/Child of the ocean/Good Aspiration-Beach Life Career-Island Conservationist
1.Have a negative relationship with every family member in your house      
 2.Move to the island in sulani
3.until you become a young adult beachcomb and fish for money
 4.must live on off the grid lot until young adult hood you can only have items on your lot that are transportable(like the bed from outdoor retreat)
 5.one one of your beach combs "find" mermadic kelp and eat it
 6.never tell anyone you are a mermaid until your spotted one night by a wandering islander and fall in love with them
 7.max fishing skills
 8.complete the fish and island collections
 9.spouse may never have a job but they can do odd jobs
10.host at least 5 kava parties
Generation 6- Strange Is Normal
The island life was nice but the ocean isn't your calling and you found that out quite young when you bumped into the crazy outsider who says they moved to sulani to get away from the dangers of strangerville...the dangers of strangerville? what is going on in strangerville that's so dangerous? after learning this information you go back home and spend endless nights researching strangerville trying to learn what is going on there, when your research leads to nothing you decide the best way to figure out what's going on is to move there so on your 18th birthday you move to strangerville in a little trailer to start your quest to get to the bottom of the strangerville mystery.
Traits-paranoid/Genius/adventurous Aspiration-Strangerville Mystery Career-Secret Agent
1.move to strangerville in the 20x15 trailer lot and live there until the strangerville mystery is complete then you may move to a bigger lot but you need to stay in strangerville
2.Befriend at least 1 scientist and 1 military personnel
3.Cannot get married or have children until you complete the strangerville mystery
4.max fitness/logic skills
5.have twins and only those two
Generation 7- Crazy and you know it
Even though you were born well after your mother fixed strangerville some of the strangerville toxins sill affected you and now you are a crazy looks focused partying maniac. Becoming a teen was the best thing for you as you were finally able to party and hookup with as many sims as you want. You became a young adult and the raggers never stopped you partied every night and the hookups kept happening, then you met them...the love of your life you knew they were the one and settled down with them as quickly as possible, but if you thought the raggers and hookups would stop just because you were married, you are sadly mistaken you continue to throw parties just less frequently and still hookup with sims and your partner knows but they love you so much that they overlook it.
Traits-Erratic/High Maintenance/Slob Aspiration-Party Animal Career-Style Influencer
1.Move to willow Creek and throw a party every other night
 2.Meet your soulmate at one of these parties and marry them within a week of knowing them
3.after marriage throw parties 2 times a week and hook up with at least one sim per party
4.have your kid walk in on one of your hook ups
5.have a 3 bedroom house by elderhood
6.max painting skill
Generation 8- Life is lonely but good
You grew up with strangers constantly being over and loud music but you always stayed in your room, the one time you left your room during one of these parties to go ask your mother if you can order a pizza as nobody has made you dinner but when you walk into the guest bedroom you find your mother making out with another sim that was defiantly not your father. she immediately shooed you out the room and threw some cash at you to order a pizza with but that didn't matter as you were now scard after what you saw, as you became a young adult you despise any type of romance even when its your own parents complementing each other.
Traits-Unflinty/Gloomy/Neat Aspiration-Best Selling Author Career-Writer
1.Write your first book as a teen
2.move to Newcrest and adopt at least 2 cats
3.never have any type of romantic relationship
4.be abducted by aliens and impregnated with triplets(I recommend mc command center for this)
5.never move out to a different lot
6.max writing/wellness skills
7.complete post card collection(this doesn't include the my first pet stuff cards)
8.Capture epic saga of one of your children (not the heir) and reserect them after they have an accidental death
Generation 9- Nothing Fits
Its always just been you, your two other twins, your mother and your cats, you were always so bored but you could never find anything that satisficed your boredom, whether it be playing video games, board games, meeting other sims, or joining after school activities you never found anything fun enough to continue. Sadly this indecisiveness continued throughout the rest of your life and you were never able to settle with one job or one partner.
Traits-Ambitious/Materialistic/Vegetarian Aspiration-Fabulously Wealthy Career-Retail Employee, Scout, Doctor, Entertainer
1.When you become a child join scouts
2.when you become a teen join the retail career
3.when you become a young adult join the entertainer career
4.when you become a adult join doctor career(this is your final career stay in it till you die)
5.Have 6 failed relationships
6.on your 6th relationship have at least 2 kids then your spouse tragically dies after laughing a little too hard at a tv show
7.Live in 3 different worlds over the course of your life(this doesn't count the one you were born in)
Generation 10- Jack of all trades
You grew up moving multiple times in your life just you and your sibling to comfort each other as you parent were to busy trying to do multiple things at once. When thinking about your future you always thought you would be like your parent and complete multiple achievement's over the course of your life, which is exactly what you did.
Traits-Out-Going/Perfectionist/Active Aspiration-Super Parent/Neighborhood Confidante Career-Education/Lawyer
1.Max both careers and aspirations
2.max logic/fitness/charisma skills
3.Reach the top of Mt. Komorebi
4.Marry high school sweetheart
5.adopt 1 kid and have 3 biological kids
6.complete MySims trophies, simmies, message in a bottle collections
7.after getting to the top of Mt. Komorebi move to Tartosa
8.Have at least 10 friends
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moonlightdinosaur · 3 years
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Isn't she a cutie??? Her name is Willow.
I gave her the 'Good', 'Loves the Outdoors' and the 'Animal Enthusiast' traits and the 'Animal Caretaker' aspiration.
I also came up with a little bit of a story for her individually and the elven folk in general and how they could work in TS4 as a vanilla challenge...
The residents of Henford on Bagley were very suprised to see a forest elf, I can tell you... But build a house she did and she was so sweet and kind that noone dared to kick her out! Noone really knows where she came from other than 'the forest' and noone knows exactly why she built a home next to the waterfall but what they do know, is that mysteriously nature is thriving and the farmers crops have never been better, so who are they to ask?
The elven race only recently emerged into the world of humans, slowly integrating societies through mutual trust, though they keep their personal lives firmly to themselves. They are first and foremost children of nature and are born mysteriously of the worlds forests and wild places. They may indulge in human pastimes from time to time and are starting to welcome technology, though generally they become unhappy in unnatural environments such as built up places or cities. They have a tendency to befriend wild animals, most likely due to their own wild natures. Though they are untamed beings, they have become a symbol of good will through their acts of selflessness and good intentions towards all other creatures and humans.
Rules of my vanilla Elven Sims challenge.
1. All Elves are spellcasters and use practical and untamed magic.
2. Elves can only have 'forest friend' pets such as foxes or raccoons.
3. Elves can only have white hair.
4. Elves can only 'try for baby' with other elves. (They can date humans but in order to essentially not breed out the elf race over generations, they don't generally have children with humans. Maybe stick to just one that falls in love with a human or something if your desperate for that storyline?)
5. Elves must have a tie to nature. (At least one trait)
Required trait (At least one): Child of the Islands, Child of the Ocean, Loves the Outdoors, Animal Enthusiast, Green Fiend, Animal Enthusiast.
6. Elves cannot be evil. (This includes evil spells and mischief)
7. Elves must dress 'Elven'. (no jeans or modern style clothing. Get famous costumes are ideal.)
7. Elves must never live away from nature. They can only live on 'natural' lots with simple 'cottage' or 'cabin' designs. (No modern builds, apartments or built up areas).
Bad areas; Del Sol Valley, San Myshuno, Newcrest, Britechester, Windenburg (with exceptions) Mt. Komeribi, Evergreen Harbour, Strangerville, Forgotten Hollow.
Good areas: Henford-on-bagley, Brindleton Bay (not in town), Sulani, Oasis Springs, Glimmerbrook, Windenburg (The Island).
And that's it! I think those rules are generally good for creating a vanilla elven community. If you can think of anything to add, or a relevant challenge or loophole to a rule, I'd be interested to hear it. :)
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whatthewoohoo · 4 years
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                             ~~EMPTY WORLDS SAVE~~
After reading a post by @livingdeadgal128 about her needing an empty world for a challenge I realized it was time for me to stop stalling and update mine! So, here it is.
Some info
This is a save file, not a tray file.  Just unzip, take the files and drop them into your SAVE FOLDER!  It is numbered as 38, so as long as you have 37 saves or less (If you have more than 37 saves, message me and l’ll help you rename it and we’ll also discuss getting you some help  =P) it should work fine.
All lots are bulldozed (buildings and landscaping), Sims are evicted and all public lots have been rezoned to residential ,THAT CAN BE. Some special lots i.e. Secret Lab, Bluffs and others like them, can’t be changed.  Apartments have to have a trash can, mailbox and elevvator, so those are just sitting there. Those have been left alone.
Britechester (University) and Batuu (Star Wars) have been unaltered. These worlds are filled with community living lots and specialty lots which cant be bulldozed or edited enough to make a difference.  Magnolia Promenade has been cleared as the buildings are normal community lots and can be razed. The entire area has been rezoned to residential.
Special lots like the Grotto have been left alone as have the destination spots. If someone would like these cleared or would like to me to clear Britechester and San Myshuno as much as possible, send me a message and I’ll see how much I can do.  
So, that being said, here’s a quick breakdown.
All lots are emptied except those that can’t be. Lots are rezoned residential and sims are evicted. Destination, specialty and apartments have been left.
Any issues please Message me or send me an ask.
Download Here  SimFileShare
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