#sooooo she never gets a chance to cause any real trouble
victorluvsalice · 10 months
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-->Victor finished up in the greenhouse around this time, so I had him head to the barn to make an eco upgrade part (the fabricator STILL refuses to attack him and paint him funny colors for our amusement), then Transportalate up to the second floor to use the toilet and mop some mysterious symbols in the seance room before heading to bed. He climbed in just as a refreshed Alice climbed out, which, figures. XD As Alice was feeling the Fury again, I decided it would be better to just indulge in the werewolf stuff for a bit and see if I could knock her over the edge into a little rampage. Because sometimes it really is just easier to let them fall to the Fury and see if they can bring themselves out of it quick. So she transformed into her beast mode, scavenged up a time capsule in the back yard, then went out for a very successful hunt (bringing back THREE spare pieces of meat!) before coming back and saying hi to Smiler (who, after getting a bunch of robot salvage parts and checking the latest SimsTube trends, was busy making computer chips and mechanisms on the robotics bench) and heading upstairs to play some video games. And that is where I would have left things --
-->If I hadn’t seen Rory Oaklow hanging out on the front porch, having just been sprinkled by a specter! I figured "oh, okay, Alice can chat with her and get some more werewolf experience" -- and indeed, a quick conversation with Rory about her time as a werewolf unlocked the "Werewolf Mentorship" ability for Alice! Making her a more effective mentor toward new werewolves! :D I'm – not sure when she’s ever going to use that, but still. XD I then decided they might as well play tug-of-war while they were hanging out together, since that too would be good for the old XP bar --
-->But then, who should show up in the kitchen but bad old Temperance, ready to cause mischief! Fortunately, Victor had already woken up and started making himself breakfast, so it was the work of a moment to slap down his bizarre idol and render her pretty much immediately helpless. (Getting slapped in the face with a spatula as he prepared his eggs couldn't have helped either. XD) However, Temperance's appearance was accompanied by the house making a bunch of creepy noises, and, well, despite being a big bad werewolf, Rory didn't take them well and ended up running off in fear before any tugging of warring could happen. So Alice instead just scavenged up some turquoise from the yard. XD Victor had his breakfast as Temperance finally floated out, and eventually Rory came back from her terror run, allowing me to get Alice to send HER home too.
And THEN, with all the actual residents of the house safely gathered in the kitchen where I could keep an eye on them, I was finally able to save and close out of the game! Whew! These sessions always take longer than I think they're gonna...but hey, it was nice to play again, see the trio in action, and actually make some real progress at selling stuff in the store! :) Next time, though, we're taking a break from store shenanigans for HOLIDAY shenanigans -- as next episode, it'll be Winter Saturday, aka New Year's Eve! Which involves the completion of a few errands, and a very special date...see you then!
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Driving Home For Christmas - Johnnie x Reader (Prime Mover)
Holiday Fic 3! 🚛🎁
@wltz-bby​ @happyskywhale​
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Author’s Note: Sooooo... this song was just staring me in the face and I didn’t even clock that this was the easiest connection until super late. When I sat worrying about how the heck I was supposed to fill all my December slots!! 🤦‍♀️🙈
As a warning, this one is certainly Christmas related, rather than winter related. As the next one will be
This is also the same relationship as in ‘End Up With You’ and ‘My Oh My’.
Disclaimer: Prime Mover & associated characters not mine / I capped the cap! / lyrics not mine.
Premise: Everything seems to be going too well for Johnnie on his last run of the year, until he hits traffic...
Words: 2331
Warnings: Swearing / all the joys of your parents hating your S/O during the festive season / sexual connotations look I told ya
_____ I'm driving home for Christmas Oh, I can't wait to see those faces I'm driving home for Christmas, yea Well I'm moving down that line
And it's been so long But I will be there I sing this song To pass the time away Driving in my car Driving home for Christmas
It's gonna take some time But I'll get there Top to toe in tailbacks Oh, I got red lights on the run But soon there'll be a freeway yeah Get my feet on holy ground
Driving home for Christmas With a thousand memories I take look at the driver next to me He's just the same Just the same
Top to toe in tailbacks Oh, I got red lights all around I'm driving home for Christmas, yea Get my feet on holy ground So I sing for you Though you can't hear me When I get trough Oh and feel you near me Driving in my car Driving home for Christmas
This hadn’t exactly been the plan. Nowhere near the plan. In fact, if you had it the way you wanted it, Johnnie wouldn’t even have been pulled out on this last run of the Holiday season. He was supposed to have got back and been done roughly a week ago. Only a few days ago, as he’d been kicking around the garage to hang out with you, Phil had hauled him into one last over-nighter. Johnnie could probably have said no, and afforded to. And you, staring helplessly at him, hoped that he might. But he didn’t - and part of you knew that he wouldn’t. Johnnie would take work when he could get it - that’s what he always did. You let him know how unhappy you were about it, but he had calculated for this, and all he did was smile, showing you his worked out route: “It’s okay! I’ll be home! I’ll be home!” He was due back mid-afternoon Christmas Eve and you had held him to that. In fact, Johnnie had been running pretty well up until about lunch time, he’d got all the way there in relatively light traffic and made good time - the final drop off was complete and now he was driving empty back home he could at least lay on the gas a little. He made sure to update you every chance he got - and you always reminded him to take rest breaks. Johnnie bent the rules often enough, you didn’t need him in trouble just before the holidays - especially not REAL trouble. By the way you’d both calculated it, he might have been back even earlier than expected. And that got your hopes up. Unfortunately, as the day had worn on, Johnnie realised that he was not the only one going home… everyone this side of Australia seemed to be heading in the same direction. And suddenly he found himself stuck in tailbacks and holiday traffic. “Aw… Geez…” The radio was playing the appropriate festive music, only - sitting in the Australian summer heat - Johnnie couldn’t really say he was feeling the lyrics when all they talked about was winter wonderlands and wrapping up warm. No thanks. The one upside was, with only minor movement, he could message you a little more. But he didn’t want to worry you too much and stress you about traffic. So he let you know that he was in it - but nowhere near how bad it really was. It couldn’t be this terrible all the way back home, right? It had to let up eventually… Johnnie would have nothing to worry about. And worrying you any further would just cause him unnecessary problems. *** Your original idea was to wait for him at the depot until he arrived and then head over to your parents. But as it got later and later, he was nowhere to be found and you were pretty much the last person standing - realising the futility when even Phil started switching the lights off - you understood that you should be heading off yourself. In reality you didn’t think Johnnie or your mum would mind this predicament so much, considering how much they despised each other. But as you’d been telling both of them all week to ‘please be nice to each other! It’s the holidays!’ you figured you’d completely wasted your breath. Well… then again, you probably would have anyway. You checked your phone once more as Phil practically had to drag you out as he locked up. Nothing. You sighed gently; hopefully that meant he was at least moving again. You just hoped Johnnie wouldn’t do anything reckless… You knew better. Tapping out a quick text, you slipped into your own car, turning on the ignition and hoping you weren’t met with traffic of your own. The wrath of your mother at this time in the evening, considering it was already dark, would be bad enough. ‘I’m heading out to my parents now. See you back at home! Stay safe babe, I love you xx’ *** You barely got the chance to knock at the door of your parents’ house before your mother wrenched open the door. Her eyes were narrowed at you standing alone and she peered out onto the driveway, expecting to see Johnnie exiting the car or standing a little way off looking reluctant to be a part of this. When she realised he wasn’t there, her face softened and she looked back to you. “Hi Mum…” Your hands were in your pockets, “Happy Christmas-!” “Come in, come in!” She opened the door wide and as soon as it was closed behind you, she started, bustling passed you, her finger jabbing the air: “I TOLD you he was useless! I TOLD you he wouldn’t get home and he’d make my little girl cry-!” You weren’t crying, but you supposed you couldn’t exactly hide the disappointment on your face. Rolling your eyes you scoffed, trudging in after her, “Mum, he’s just running late. He says there’s really bad traffic. I’ll have him back this evening… You don’t want him here anyway-!” “No, and you should stay the night! Have Christmas with us!” “Mum.” You were firm as she turned back to you, “You know I can’t do that to him.” “I don’t know what you see in him.” “I don’t think there’s anything I could say that would persuade you to see anything in him.” And that was the honest truth, Johnnie could turn into a full-blown Saint and your mother would probably still hate him. You’d long since given up trying to change her opinions of him - after all, hers weren’t changing yours. Sure, there was some truth - and legitimate reasoning - behind her concerns. But making it her personal vendetta to hate him hardly helped the situation. Sometimes it just made you hold onto him a little stronger. And perhaps you would argue with her, but it was Christmas, and that was the last thing you were going to do. Besides, you were growing pretty tired of this type of bickering. Your dad appeared in the doorway, “Hey sweetheart!” “Hey dad!” You gave a genial wave. You were never exactly sure where he stood with the trucker you dated. You thought the appropriate word might be ‘tolerated’... He also peered around, “I thought Johnnie was coming?” You watched your mother instinctively glare at the mention of his name and shook your head; you had told them you would call in as soon as he was back. At this point you’d regretted planning anything. “Yes, but he hasn’t returned yet and it was getting late. I didn’t want you to think I wasn’t going to stop by.” “Ahhh… He got caught in that big smash up?” As if that was any help with your panicking about his safety, ever. “What!?” “It’s caused back ups everywhere in the region, he’s probably in traffic there. It was all over the news.” “Still bad? On Christmas Eve – that’s just… that’s horrible is everyone okay?!” You father shook his head, “No. All clear now. Seems to be no major injuries.” Thank goodness for that, you breathed a sigh of relief; “Good, I hope he’s moving.” Your mother scoffed, “Probably at some bar somewhere-” “Mum, Please. It’s Christmas!” You tried your hardest not to snap at her, it took a surprising amount of control; “I know he’s not here, but please can we talk about something else?!” She stepped forward and took your face in her hands with a concerned sigh, “Oh, Y/N… One day you’re going to see what I see… and you’ll realise…” “...Maybe, but it’s not today Ma. Today Johnnie’s still my boyfriend and I still love him. And I want him home!” She let you go, and pushed passed your father into the kitchen, “Well now, both of you sit! What was the point in me preparing this food if we’re not going to eat it!?” You shrugged yourself out of your jacket, throwing it on the coat stand and ran a hand through your hair, groaning. Hopefully that was the definitive change in subject that meant Johnnie wouldn’t be brought up for the rest of the evening. And you’d certainly be praying on that one! *** Johnnie rolled the truck into the depot just as the clock ticked around to midnight. It would certainly be Christmas Day before he got back home to you. He was exhausted and he parked up, sat in his cab for a minute, head against the steering wheel groaning. At least that would be it for this year. He could relax for the next week. Clambering out of the cab, he gave his truck the once over, it looked fine - and it wasn’t like anyone was around to check it anyway. He yawned as he strolled slowly over to his car; the only one left on the lot. Rubbing his eyes, he slid into yet another driver's seat and turned on the ignition. This journey wouldn’t be so bad though, all he had to do was drive across town to your place. He fished his mobile out of his pocket - Johnnie had felt the vibration before, but had opted for simply getting the journey done instead of pulling in anywhere to check it. Aside from a bunch of Christmas well wishes, there was one from you saying you’d left for your parents. Well, now he was here that much was obvious - Johnnie thought for a minute, would you still be there? You could well be, but what would be the point in going over? He doubted they would want him crashing the party. Best to leave you to it, especially as they weren’t his biggest advocates. Instead Johnnie opted to drive home, and tapped a text back: ‘Ok, at depot, see you at home. Also sorry I couldn’t be there x’ Throwing his phone back in his pocket he pulled the car out of the lot and breathed a sigh of relief. He was almost home, he was almost back to you. You checked the text as soon as you received it, with a little smile. He could apologise for not being there all he wanted, but you really knew he’d only have been with you begrudgingly. In reality the traffic meant both your mum and Johnnie had dodged a bullet tonight. And, whilst you were a little disappointed not to have him back on time, you thought that might have been better for all of you. Finally you might have a nice peaceful Christmas - and not an argument to be had! You didn’t even bother texting him back, he’d be home before he got it anyway. And you couldn’t wait. *** When Johnnie pulled into the drive, he was almost surprised to see lights on in the house. ‘Oh? She’s back?’ Your parents didn’t want to keep you for Christmas then? They had released you! Johnnie smiled gently, at least that wouldn’t mean waiting up for your return. Although he realised you were probably waiting up for his... He opened the front door with a yell: “Babe, I’m home!” Expecting to have to catch you into a hug as you ran to him. Instead he was greeted with a call of “Welcome home!” from elsewhere in the house. He waited, but when you still didn’t appear, he frowned. That was odd; was one night away simply not long enough for you to enact your signature move? Nah, surely not! Johnnie moved through the house slowly peering into each room trying to figure out where you were - making you eventually call out again, “I’m back here!” He paused, and tipped his head with a little smirk; Oh. Bedroom, right! You probably were really waiting up for him then - and if you were comfortable in bed, he could understand your unwillingness to get out and run to him. Opening the bedroom door, Johnnie understood everything, and bit his lip a little too hard at the sight he was greeted with. Instead of being tucked up in bed you were lying provocatively across it, in fairly sheer - and festive themed - lingerie. The little look on your face was playful as your eyes met his. He tried to hold your eyes for a moment before he swept your body - the artwork of all your tattoos on full display. About the only places you didn’t have any were your face, neck and hands. Other than that, your body was a canvas of gorgeous intricate patterns. He knew the list of stories for each piece was endless, and even Johnnie didn’t think he’d heard all of them yet. You sighed seductively, rolling onto your stomach, propping your head up on your hands and swaying your legs in the air, waiting on him to make a move. “You got any new ones?” You laughed through your nose; “In 2 days? No. But I wouldn’t object to you kissing all your favourites.” “They’re all my favourites.” “Mhm?” Your tongue ran out across your lips as his eyes met yours again. “Is this my Christmas present?” You smirked, “Noooo… but you can have that if you’re good.” Johnnie took a step forward, wicked glint in his eyes as his smirk matched yours; “Well I can’t promise you I’m not about to do something that’ll get me put on the naughty list.” That only made you smirk even harder, and you knelt up, pulling him to you by his jacket. Johnnie’s hands rested on your hips for about half a second, before he started running them over your body. It felt so good to have them back on your skin. You grazed your lips to his, pulling away teasingly when he attempted to deepen the kiss, whisper seductive: “Aw, well, you should let me be the judge of that. I certainly won’t tell anyone.”
Thank you for reading! On the home stretch now-! 3 to go!🎉
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thenovelartist · 4 years
Sooooo we know shaw from mpqc is in love with mc how would he react to her picking gavin? Oh and better yet how would he react to her telling first she's pregnant and asking how to suprise gavin
Oh, interesting concept. Hopefully, I can do Shaw justice because I don’t know if I got a good grip on his character yet. (I also surprisingly busted this out real quick. This inspired me quite a bit ;D)
He’s only interested by her because she’s a weird girl.
That’s what he constantly tells himself.
It’s not that he actually likes her. No.
Except he can only keep up that lie for a little bit before he caves.
Admitting his feelings to her? You crazy? No way.
But maybe dropping as many hints as possible or sneaking in as many subtle flirts as he can? Yeah. That seems better.
Anything other than fully admitting his feelings, right? What guy actually does something that mushy and still feels like they have a pair?
Except, maybe if he’d done that, he wouldn’t be kicking himself right now.
“Did I tell you Gavin and I are dating?”
Of all the guys in the world he could have lost to, what a frickin’ slap in the face to know he lost to his brother.
“No. But I gotta ask, what’s the appeal of Mr. Tight Ass?”
He’d never get over it. He couldn’t. Not when the one girl he not only was slightly interested in but also thought may have been in his grasp ended up being swept away by the guy he’d once admired more than anything.
Damn, that hurt.
Not that he’d show it. Not when he saw them together on dates, or when they showed up at his concerts. Not when MC showed him the new ring on her finger, and for sure not at their wedding.
Shaw could say he was a bit of a glutton for punishment, though. He was happy to steal MC away any chance he could to hang out or cause trouble with her.
It was fun watching Gavin squirm, and thankfully, MC usually went along with it.
Until the day—
“Shaw, I can’t. I’m pregnant.”
Dry lightning flashed across the sky as the city went dim. (Great, now Carrie Underwood’s “Blown Away” is going through my head.)
“Oh?” was all he managed to say.
She blushed, her hands going to rest on her still flat stomach.
Never had Shaw been more jealous of his brother than now.
“So, did Mr. Tight Ass knock you up on purpose to keep you from hanging with me?”
“… Really, Shaw?”
After a long while, Shaw finally found the courage to be somewhat genuine despite what felt like a knife in his chest. “So, is he as excited as you are?”
“He doesn’t know yet. I’m trying to think of the best way to tell him.”
“We could tell him it’s mine.”
Shaw laughed, pretending he was fully kidding.
But honestly, the question was ‘what wouldn’t he give for that to actually be true?’
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empyreanwritings · 5 years
Sinful (3)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader x Natasha Romanoff 
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: language, smut (vaginal fingering, edging, spanking, light d/s themes), mentions of oral (female receiving), 18+ Only
Summary: It’s not considered homewrecking if you want both of them, right? Maybe not, but it sure is naughty.
A/N: Sooooo this is my first attempt at real smut. It’s very light cause I’m just dipping my toes into the smutty waters. Huge huge HUGGE thank you to @somebody-else18 for beta reading this and convincing me not to hide from writing it! Ily so much bby <3 Let me know what you guys think! This series might have five parts unless I get carried away, so I guess we’ll see! I’m also going to tag @wintersoldierswhore for....research purposes x
Feedback is always welcome and appreciated (: x And again, you should not be reading this is you are under 18.
You felt nothing but utter bliss waking up that morning. The memories of last night - especially your punishment - flashed through your mind, and you had to take a deep breath to keep your heart from racing again. It had been sex that you never experienced before. Something about it felt sinful, but you couldn't bring yourself to stop it. You wanted more from the both of them, and you hoped they did too because you'd gladly let them have you any way they wanted.
It wasn't a usual arrangement. Even now, with Bucky's arms around your waist and your head resting on Nat's bare chest, you still thought it was a little odd. But you knew you could get used to this. The feeling, alone, it brought you was enough to keep it going.
You had been so consumed with your thoughts, you barely noticed Bucky's fingers running along your hip, making goosebumps rise wherever he touched. He slipped his metal hand between your thighs, and you gasped when he began lazily rubbing circles on your clit. His motions were slow, almost agonizingly so, and you shifted your hips in hopes he would get the hint to speed it up, but your actions made him pull away.
"Don't be greedy, kitten," he whispered, his lips grazing over the soft spot under your ear. "I need you to be quiet, or you'll wake Nat, and she'll have to punish you for that. Do you understand?"
You swallowed the whimper that threatened to make its way out of your mouth and nodded. There was this burning desire inside of you to be good for him.
He smiled against your skin and moved his fingers back to your clit, resuming the torturous circles. You leaned your head back against his shoulder and let out a frustrated breath when he still didn't pick up the pace, but he rewarded your silence by slipping one of his metal digits into you. You accidentally let a surprised moan out, and he stuffed two of his fingers in your mouth to keep you from making any more noises.
You sucked eagerly on his fingers as he slipped another inside of you. The heel of his palm was pressed against your clit, giving it just enough pressure while he worked you up. He knew every way to make you squirm, and he especially liked the way you shuddered when he curled his fingers against your most sensitive spot.
You reached back, digging your nails into his side to keep yourself still when you felt the familiar tightness in your belly begin to build. He finally slipped a third finger in and began pumping them roughly in and out of you. The sudden change of pace made your legs tremble, and you knew you were going to come soon if he kept it up. You wouldn't be able to hold it back even if he asked you too.
"Fuck, you're so wet, kitten," he groaned. "Just listen to all the filthy noises you make when I do this. I bet you taste so delicious right now."
You could feel the orgasm getting ready to crash over you, and there was no way you could respond to him right now; you were too focused on the pleasure he was bringing you.
But you never reached that point. He pulled away just before you let go, and he chuckled when you turned around in a frustrated huff. Your pupils were lust-blown, and your skin was flush, but he knew by the scowl on your face that you were feeling entirely unsatisfied.
Bucky sucked your juices off his finger and moaned. "Delicious, just like I thought."
"Now, now, Y/N. Be a good girl and don't complain. We'll make it up to you later." He shot you a wink before sliding out of bed and making his way towards the bathroom.
You watched him walk away, your mouth agape. You threw yourself back against his pillow and groaned. He actually did that to you! He was about to give you an amazing orgasm to start your morning off, but he walked away like nothing was going on, and now you were even hornier than before.
Nat was still fast asleep next to you. How she managed to sleep through your torture was beyond you, but as you watched her chest rise and fall slowly, you realized that you wanted her to wake up. Bucky hadn't let you finish the way you would have liked, and you wanted Nat to fix that. You could hear Bucky's words in your head - warning you not to wake her up or she'll punish you.
But, surely, her punishment wouldn't be any worse than what he did to you, right?
Bucky and Nat were very different when it came to sex, you noticed. They were both dominant, but Nat enjoyed making you come repeatedly as a punishment, while Bucky enjoyed making you wait for your rewards. You knew the punishment last night had been mostly his idea. Making you watch and not touch yourself? That had Bucky written all over it. While it was risky to wake Nat up so early, you knew there was a small chance it would work out in your favor, and you would get what you wanted.
You slowly shifted closer towards her side of the bed. You draped one of your legs across her hips, and she shifted to wrap her arms around you. You took this moment of closeness to place open-mouth kisses across her chest, just above her breasts. Part of you wanted to leave love bites all over her untouched skin, but you had to remind yourself that you didn't know if that was okay, so you settled with leaving the sloppy kisses in its place.
"I see Bucky stirred up some trouble with you this morning," she mumbled, her voice still thick with sleep.
You nodded and whimpered. You grinded yourself against her bare thigh, letting her feel how wet you already were.
She sucked in a breath and quickly rolled you over onto your back. You watched eagerly as she straddled your hips, her hands running up your sides. You didn't regret waking her up now.
"Do you want me to finish you off, princess?" She cupped your breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze, which made your eyes roll back. "Do you want me to make you come? Fix what Bucky did to you?"
You nodded again. "Please, Tasha. I need it. I need you."
She leaned in close to your face, her lips barely an inch above yours. She brought your bottom lip between her teeth, and you were already trembling again when she began to suck on it. The anticipation was killing you. There were so many things you wanted Nat to do to you right now, but it seemed she wanted to take her time too, and it was driving you crazy.
"Get on your hands and knees," she ordered.
You quickly complied. The eagerness you felt before bubbled back up, and you bit your lip to keep yourself from smiling too wide. You didn't want her to know this is what you were planning the moment Bucky walked away from you.
Instead of feeling her mouth on you, though, her hand came down on your ass, and you squealed in surprise.
"That's for waking me up when I'm sure Bucky warned you not to." Her hand came down on you again, and this time you moaned at how pleasurable the pain felt. "You need to learn a lesson in patience, kitten. So, I need you to count to ten, and when I'm done, then I'll take care of you. Maybe."
You nodded, but that wasn't the response she wanted. She wrapped your hair around her fist and gently pulled your head back.
"I need you to use your words. Do you understand what I just told you?"
"Yes," you mewled.
"Yes, what?"
"Yes ma'am."
You couldn't see it, but Nat smirked at your words. Knowing that she had you in the palm of her hand made her want to roll you over and have her way with you. She loved the way you responded so well to her, but she couldn't overlook your punishment. She needed to make sure you knew who was still in charge.
"Then let's get started, shall we?"
You shifted in your seat, trying to find a way to get comfortable even though your ass still stung. Nat had given it to you in more ways than one, but she made up for it by letting you come twice with her mouth before she finally pulled away to get ready for the day.
She and Bucky mentioned they had an assignment to take care of in New Jersey, but they hadn't given you many details about it. You weren't sure if they'd be gone all day or for the weekend, and you felt sort of sad at the idea they wouldn't be around to keep you company. It was probably silly to feel that way considering they might not even be concerned with missing you.
That thought made you stop in the middle of eating your cereal. Would they miss you the way you missed them?
Sam placed a bottle of orange juice in front of you. There was a look on his face that told you he wanted to say something, but you weren't sure if you were ready to know what it was.
"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked you.
You raised your eyebrows at him. "I was just about to ask you the same thing."
"I saw you sneaking out of Bucky and Nat's room this morning," he cleared his throat and gave you the look you were dreading to see again. The one where he was clearly scolding you with his eyes; the one you saw the first night during Tony's party when he caught you lusting over the couple. "You want to share what's going on there?"
"Not really," you mumbled. "It's not really anyone's business."
"I just don't want you to get hurt, kid. At the end of the day, they're the couple. You don't fit in with that, and they'll choose each other over you."
His words hit you harder than you expect them to. It was like an ice-cold bucket of reality dropped all over you. You wanted to argue and tell him that he had no idea what the hell he was talking about, but you could imagine how it must look from an outside perspective. You looked like someone who was worming their way into a couple's bed - nothing more, nothing less - and there was nothing you could say to try and make it look better. You doubted he would believe you if you tried.
You sat back in your seat, trying to swallow the lump forming in your throat. Your entire morning was ruined with just a few words.
Sam reached over and placed a comforting hand on your arm. "I don't know the situation, so I guess I can't really talk but you need to think about this. Is it worth risking your heart?"
"You should have just stopped at you don't know the situation," Bucky grumbled as he stepped into the kitchen with Nat.
"We're heading out for the assignment," Nat mentioned, directing her words towards you. "We'll be back tomorrow night, so don’t go missing us too much."
She tapped under your chin to get you to look up at her and planted a kiss on your lips. You blinked in surprise when she pulled away, but you didn't have time to think about her words because Bucky stepped over to you and gave you a kiss as well.
He laughed at your reaction, but the amusement was wiped off his face in an instant. "Don't change your mind until we get back, okay? We'll respect if you change your mind, but please don't do it until we get back and talk with you about it."
"O-okay. I won't."
The smile on his and Nat's face made the butterflies flare up in your stomach. You almost wanted to turn around and tell Sam to stick his negativity up his ass. Almost. You were too busy enjoying the happy looks on their faces.
Marvel Tags: @killcomet @stuckysheart @steampowerednightvaler @scarlettglowss 
Sinful Tag: @coohlwhip @marvelfansince08love @ithoughtiwasflying 
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xolarajean · 4 years
Greenhouse Academy S1-4
Preface: So, I finally have gotten around to writing a review about S1-4 of Greenhouse Academy. I finished over a week ago and watched all 4 seasons in about 4 days haha. Honestly, I’ve been procrastinating this review because I have A LOT to write about. So here we go!
Plot: Eight months after losing their astronaut mother in a rocket explosion, brother and sister Alex and Hayley Woods enroll at a private boarding school, the Greenhouse, for gifted future leaders. Separately, they join two competing houses, Ravens and Eagles, within the school and tension builds up between the two siblings as they adjust. Soon, mysterious events catch the attention of the students from both houses and forces them to work together in order to find out what is happening at the draw the Greenhouse.
Review: 3.5/5
I found the plot really intriguing at first. In addition, I liked the actual events that happened and where the story could head in the future. Though, the execution was not as great. The acting I felt was good for the most part, but the writing seemed a little awkward and cringey at some points. But bear in mind that it is targeted at kids/teens (even though at some points in season 3 and 4 there were some curses thrown around) so it is kind of expected to have those moments. Either way, those moments are bearable to watch through. I personally liked season 1+2 more than season 3+4 for the most part. There is one main issue I have with this show, but I can’t describe it without spoiling it. So, continue reading if you’ve watched the show/don’t care about being spoiled (It’s mostly about season 3+4).
But the main issue I have were the character changes. The obvious ones are the actual cast changes for Emma and Brooke. And the fact that Jackie left... that broke my heart. I still have this naive hope that she will come back though. It sucks that the original actresses could not continue with season 3 and 4, but you can’t really blame anyone since those decisions are based on personal reasons. It’s hard not to prefer the original actresses because well they are what we are used to. Though, I can’t understand why everyone is hating on them sooooo much. I personally think they were fine at acting. The REAL problem was the writing. In season 3 and 4, the personalities of so many characters were switched and the plots were messier. 
To start off, the whole love triangle between Daniel-Hayley-Leo was annoying. I DID ENJOY Daniel and Hayley, but Leo was just being a dick for the entirety of season 3. Obviously Leo was already a bit of an ass with the whole Aspen and LDR drama, but in season 3 the writers just made him 10x that (especially with the whole leading Beca on and straight up insulting Hayley at every chance he got). As you can tell I’m not a big fan of Leo, but the thing that got me is that the writers made Daniel such a jealous boyfriend? It seemed really out of character to me for Daniel to go through Hayley’s text like that and be paranoid of Leo (I mean hello this is the guy that is just straight up insulting your girlfriend and cheated on her. I don’t think you have that much competition or so I thought -- ending of season 4 was annoying). Like I know he was probably scared of Hayley getting back with Leo because of the Brooke and Alex thing, but honestly he knew that his relationship with Brooke was already sinking before Alex came into the picture. Plus, Hayley wasn’t flirting with Leo like Brooke was with Alex in Season1+2. The only good part about this love triangle was how supportive and understanding Daniel was with Hayley at the end. I mean done get me wrong I was thrown off by the huge 180 his personality took, but I’m just gonna believe that Daniel is just that good of a guy to be that mature. Anyway I’m just gonna end it with I prefer Dayley because their relationship felt more real (also I’m so glad that she told Daniel about the button and secret room right away and the writers avoided the keeping secrets to protect you which leads to tension trope because I would have imploded if they did that) and I want to erase the ending of season 4 from my head. 
Next up: Emma and Max. Honestly in the first episode when I learned that Jackie was gone and both Emma and Max started lying about being in LDRs, I knew the writers were gonna try and pair them up. I had hope that they would pull a twist and have Jackie show up in the middle, but NOPE. Like this pairing is just super... boring? Like they are both sweet characters, but they really don’t bring that much to the table in terms of romantic chemistry. I liked them better as best friends who geek out together. And because the writers focused so much about their relationship it left almost no room for actual individual screen time or character development for either of them. Like all they did was use some algorithms and their intelligence to solve some seriously hard problems, but it made them seem more like robots and tools to solve the conflicts in the plot. All I have left to say is that I still ship Jackie+Max.
Now I wanna talk about Alex and Brooke. Tbh I never saw much chemistry between the two characters in any season. Like yeah Alex was a good guy that was with her at the right time when she went to the cave at night in like season 1 where he fought off the park ranger, but still it didn’t feel like a real relationship. This continues into season 3+4 and I was sooo happy when they broke up (but why did she have to do it during a basketball game? Heat of the moment I guess) Also, even when Alex was “trying to be a good friend” to Brooke, it came off that he was still trying to get back together with her even though it is obvious that she is just not ready? And near the end of season 4 after she talks to Jason in the hospital when she and Alex were talking, I cringed so hard when he admitted that he was having trouble being just friends because it felt to me that he was trying to guilt trip her into getting back together with him which is just so wrong?!?! Again, I wish to delete this scene from my brain.
Lastly I wanna share my opinions about Sophie, Parker, and Enzo. Let me start out by saying I think in season3+4, Sophie was my favorite character. I mean come on how could I not love her? She is determined to chase her ambitions like the bad ass she is even with her past (which I’m super mad that they didn’t really delve into her past because that could have made the show a lot more interesting). I also liked the introduction of a character like Enzo since it brings a new kind of person into the show and makes it more realistic because for the most part these kids seemed a little “too perfect.” Though, the writers didn’t use him to the full potential that he has which sucks for the viewers and the actor too and based on what we saw he is pretty good. Anyway I liked how he is actually a softie at heart and does the right thing for Soph. Now I wanna talk about the Sophie+Parker ship. Honestly, are the writers trying to pair up literally all the students together?!?! Again like Emma and Max, I felt that this wasn’t a real relationship; we’ve barely seen these two have any romantic chemistry and I view them more like a good pair of friend (class clown/funny + class president/serious dynamic is something I love). That’s all.
Quick opinion: Louis just felt off since the S3. I mean I get that he wants to better the students, but causing fights seemed wayyyy out of line for his character. So that was weird. 
Anyway that was all of my thoughts (at least for now) about Greenhouse Academy! Even though it seems like I hate the series based on my complaints above lol I actually really liked it and hope for a season 5 (crossing my fingers) where the writers and other staff can hopefully redeem themselves by fixing the problems above. If you have any thoughts about the show, please do talk to me about it because I LOVE chatting about the shows I’ve watched. 
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brittle-bone-gabe · 5 years
And We’ll Float Away: Chapter Two- Derry Town House
Chapter One, Chapter Three,
Summary: The Losers manage to get Eddie out of the cave, even with a hole in his stomach from Pennywise. From there on, when Eddie saw his life flash before his eyes, he realizes that this wasn’t the life he wanted to live. No, he wanted a better one, with a better person. Pairings: Reddie (Eddie x Richie), Benverly (Ben x Beverly) Read on Ao3: Here
The Losers were silent after pulling themselves out of the Quarry, Eddie was more than happy to finally get out of that nasty water, ready to take a real shower. Ben and Beverly had been holding hands the entire trip back, as if they have been dating this entire time after all these years; like they haven’t ever drifted apart. Eddie was still wearing Richie’s shirt, it was clinging tightly to his body from the quick swim everyone had. Yeah, it was uncomfortable with how it was clinging, but there was no way Eddie was taking if off just yet, it was like a… security blanket wrapped around him, he didn’t want to let go of it until he was safe in his own room at the town house. Lowkey, but would never admit it, Eddie could see why Richie wore these stupid fucking Hawaiian shirts, it was comfortable and loose. Maybe he’d pick himself up some.
Eddie could feel someone staring at him as he pushed his damp hair off from his forehead, when he looked over he just saw Richie in the process of looking away from him. Fucking dick is making fun of me… he thought. That was the last thing Richie was doing, in fact, Richie was having trouble not staring at Eddie.
God… Eddie Kaspbrak is wearing one of my shirts, Richie couldn’t help but think when giving him a sideways glance, he was now picking at the bandage on his left cheek. Richie just wanted to reach over and grab his stupid hand, to tell him not to pick at it, but he knew that Eddie knew that better than anyone to not pick at wounds or bandages. His eyes drifted back to his shirt that was still clinging onto Eddie. And goddamn did he look hot wearing it, he thought to himself again, turning away just in case Eddie were to see his now reddening face.
Mike looked up from the sidewalk they were walking on, seeing the library coming up quickly.
“Alright, guys,” he started, stopping in his tracks, the rest of the Losers stopping to look at him, “I’m gonna grab my stuff. We’ll meet at the bar afterwards?”
“Your st-st-stuff?” Bill wondered aloud, “whe-where are you gonna g-g-go?”
Mike thought about it for a moment, not exactly sure how to answer that.
“Another library? Solve another non-existent towns mystery?” Richie suggested playfully with a one arm shrug as his hands were shoved in his jeans pockets. “Oh! We can be like Scooby and the Gang!” He looked at the other Losers who had smiles on their faces, even Eddie which boosted Richie’s ego quite a bit. “We can travel around solving mysteries. More clowns dead, better for us. Whatdaya say?”
There were a collection of Beep-Beep Richie coming from the Losers which caused the taller man to roll his eyes. They clearly didn’t see a good joke when it was in front of them. He looked at Eddie again, who just lightly shook his head, trying to hide the smile on his face now.
“Bev would be Fred, of course,” he started again, “always taking charge. Mike; you’re Velma, so smart.”
“Wait, what if I want to be Fred,” Ben asked Richie who shrugged again.
“I see you more as Daphne, y’know, damsel in distress kinda thing.” Ben reached over, punching Richie rather hard in the arm. “Oh, ow,” he said sarcastically, rubbing the stinging area. “Ed’s is Scrappy; sooooo annoying!”
“Fuck you, dick.”
“In time, Ed’s,” he said with a wink.
“I…” Mike was cut off from his own chuckling at Richie’s jokes, “I’m not sure where I’ll be going yet, but…” he pulled out his phone that he, thankfully, left on shore before jumping in the Quarry, “I’ll be sure to stay in touch.”
“Ooh! Good idea!” Bev said happily, taking out her own phone, unlocking it, “we gotta make a group chat. Richie, what’s your number?” “312-227-IfuckedEddie’smom.” Everyone groaned at his response.
Eddie smacked his arm. “Shut the fuck up!”
“You’re… such a… tiny, angry man…”
“I am normal height, Richie! It’s not my fault you’re Bigfoot!”
Once everyone exchanged numbers, Mike promised to meet them all at the local bar before heading back to the library to collect what little items he had stored away there. There was something heavily satisfying about being able to pack everything away from the library after staying there for years. Honestly, Mike never envisioned himself being able to leave this place, leave it as far away as possible. Years spent here finally paid off; Pennywise was dead, there was no more reason to stick around here anymore, everyone would be safe now thanks to the Losers.
Everyone’s phone went off, indicating that they all got a text message. They couldn’t help but all check; it was a text message from the group chat that Bev called Losers Club. Everyone groaned when they saw the text that came through from Richie. He had sent everyone a clown emoji alongside a knife emoji. Yeah, he thought that was so fuckin’ funny.
“Richie…” Bill said, throwing him a glare from over his shoulder.
“I’m funny! Right, Stan?”
“How do I block someone's number?” Stan asked aloud, tapping away at his phone.
“God, maybe I should start charging you guys for my jokes like I do everyone else. Ungrateful.” His phone went off in his pocket. When he checked it it was a middle finger emoji text from Eddie. When he looked over at the smaller man he saw that he couldn’t keep his smile contained anymore, letting out a laugh. “I hate you.”
“Okay, I want to block both of them, how do I do that?” Ben asked, holding his phone out to Bev, who lightly smacked his arm.
“Aww, why can’t we be like that, Eds?” Richie lightly bumped into Eddie’s shoulder.
“Hmm… maybe because you’re an unfunny slob.”
Richie stopped walking as the others kept going, he looked hurt from Eddie’s words. Well, not really, but he had to make sure Eddie thought that.
“Wow, wow, wow. Hurtful,” he said before catching back up to them, “maybe you should come with me to Chicago, Eddie Spaghetti. I’ll show you around, show you a good time. Whatdaya think?”
“Absolutely not. I have to go back to New York.”
“Right. Your wife,” Richie almost spat, rolling his eyes, “we can… bring her along,” he forced out.
“She hates your guts, Richie.”
“Ouch. Her approval is all I needed in life and now? Hm. I don’t know how to go on.”
“Wait, why does she hate Richie? I mean, we get it,” Stan asked.
Beverly had to hide her laughter, putting her hand up to her mouth as she looked over to Ben who had a smile on his face. She missed this. She missed goofing off with the Losers, god, all these years were wasted with them all forgetting about each other. Imagine them in college together? Imagine them getting wasted at odd hours in the night, talking about life and goofing around. If Bev could hit the rewind button so they wouldn’t have ever gotten each other and could spend more time together than she would’ve hit it in a second.
“She thinks you’re annoying, annnd you’re not funny,” Eddie continued.
“So she has the same views as the rest of us?” Bill wondered, “huh… maybe she should join the Losers Club.”  
“When did this turn into a roasting session about me?”
“The moment you opened your mouth,” Ben finally said.
“...alright, I guess I’ll just go fuck myself.”
The rest of the walk back to the town house was like watching a bunch of teenagers walking home from school. They were all loud, making jokes, and laughing loudly. The Losers Club was robbed, that was for sure. All those memories they lost of their childhood, all those late nights they had spending the night, drinking stolen cheap alcohol, smoking cigarettes trying to seem badass and adult-like, all that time they spent in their clubhouse that Ben had made. What else have they forgotten?
Once they reached the empty town house, Richie was ready for a drink. He leaned over the counter, trying to see if there was any booze left over. Unlucky. Of course. Beverly lit up a cigarette to get rid of the stress that was today. She did a mental headcount, making sure to count Mike who was busy getting his stuff together so he could leave this town behind forever. Everyone was here, all seven of them made it out of the battle alive and that’s all she could’ve hoped for, especially since her visions… those horrible visions she was sure was about to come true. She’d seen how Stan should’ve died - taking his own life in the bathtub; she’d seen how Eddie was supposed to die - from that wound in the cave, but because of Richie staying with him he managed to cheat death.
Maybe the Losers were harder to kill than the Deadlights gave them credit for.
Bev snapped out of her thoughts when Ben put a hand on her back, bringing her back into reality. Bill was now standing up on the stairs, looking at the other Losers.
“After 27 fucking years we finally killed that fucking cl-cl-clown,” he said with a huge smile on his face, “I’m so pr-proud of us.”
Everyone cheered, holding up their hands as if they had drinks to toast with. They’d make a proper toast once they were all down at the bar. He turned around to head upstairs with Bev, Ben, and Stan following behind him.
Being alone with Eddie made Richie’s heart race, he could literally feel it slamming against his chest. Now was his chance. He could tell Eddie exactly how he felt, how he felt towards him since they were kids, remembering how he felt the moment he saw him again after all these years. Fuck, fuck, fuck, what should he say?! What shouldn’t he say?
When Richie snapped out of his thoughts he saw that Eddie was making his way up the stairs. Thinking fast, Richie reached out, grabbing Eddie’s arm to stop him. He couldn’t say anything, his mouth was opened as if he was about to speak but no words came out. Fuck.
“Eddie-” He started, trying to think on his toes to get something across at least.
“I’ll give the shirt back,” Eddie said, assuming he knew what Richie was going to say, tugging a little bit on the collar, “but… I should probably wash it first. It has bacteria water and some of my blood on it, sorry. But I’ll get it back to you before we leave.”
“Oh…” Richie let go of his arm, chewing on his bottom lip, thinking of what to say still since he still had his attention, “that’s not what I-”
“Your jacket?” Eddie assumed again, “I think we left it at the Quarry. It’s covered in my blood, Rich, I don’t think you want it back,” he leaned against the stair railing, still feeling a slight aching pain in his stomach from where the stab wound had healed on its own. It wasn’t the same pain he felt when he got and after he got stabbed, but it was more of a healing ache.
Richie couldn’t help but smile at him, letting out a small chuckle as he rubbed his eyes from underneath his glasses. “No, you idiot. I was going to ask if you were okay.”
The exact moment Richie finished his sentence Eddie’s head started swimming with everything he wanted to say all at once. He had quite a few opinions based on that question. Should he lie about how he was really feeling? He always thought of Richie as his best friend, so why would he lie about that? It was rare, if Eddie was remembering correctly, that Richie would make sure someone was okay. Normally he would crack really stupid jokes as his own way of asking someone if they were okay.
“Oh…” Eddie’s face felt hot as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “are you actually asking or…?”
“No, no, no, I mean it. Are you okay?”
The sincerity in his voice caught Eddie off guard; yeah, this was something he didn’t remember Richie doing at all. Hell, Richie made a joke at the restaurant sounding seriously interested in his career as a risk analyst but then pretended that he fell asleep since it was “so boring.” He was waiting for Richie to crack a joke, but the look on his face indicated that it wasn’t going to happen.
What the hell.
Eddie took a deep breath in, telling Richie that he was about to speak quickly, so he was mentally preparing himself to try to keep up.
“I’m fine besides the fact we swam around in that nasty ass Quarry,” he started quickly, putting a hand over the bandage on his left cheek, “y’know? I just know that there’s some kinda infection trying to set in as we speak. Fortunately, yet unfortunately, it takes about two or three days before an actual infection sets in, so I would have time to try to cut that down by putting antibacterial cream on it, but-”
Yeah, Richie is starting to regret asking him.
“You’ll be fine, spaghetti man,” Richie said, cutting him off as he stepped up on the same step Eddie was on. He wrapped his arm around his best friends shoulders, they slowly walked up to the top floor.
There was a strange comfort flooding over Eddie with Richie’s arm wrapped around him. As much as he wanted playfully shove him off like he used to when they were kids, but this time it felt different, like Richie actually want to comfort him. He had to stop himself from leaning into his side.
“When’s your flight back to New York?” Richie asked once they were at the top of the stairs.
“I… haven’t booked one yet…”
Well, mark Richie down as surprised. He would’ve expected that Eddie had booked it on the way back from the Quarry, knowing him. Everything had to be planned out in advance for him so he felt like he had order and control in his life.
“No? Why not?” He asked, his arm still around Eddie’s shoulders. Eddie hesitated for a moment, he didn’t end up saying anything, instead he just shook his head as if he didn’t want to say anything. “What? What aren’t you telling me, Eds?”
“I just…” he tugged at the wet shirt that was clinging uncomfortably at his torso before shrugging, not even sure what to say or why he wasn’t even planning on buying a ticket yet. “I just want to stay here for a little while longer,” he admitted, “what about you? When are you heading back to Chicago?”
“I… haven’t booked anything either.”
“You’re so unprepared…”
Richie was speechless. There was so much he wanted to say to him, especially since he had his arm still around Eddie, wanting to tell him everything he was feeling and what he felt for years. Why was this so hard? Maybe because the other Losers were still here, if he said anything and they happened to overhear then they would make fun of him? Hell, he’s never come out to anyone before about his sexuality and he was terrified of the responses. Especially since he was famous, what would that do to his career? Would it be over for him just as his career was starting? That would fucking suck. Especially since this was a job he really enjoyed.
Not right now, he decided.
“I’m gonna clean up with real. Clean. Water!” Eddie announced loudly so the other Losers could hear him.
In return, he could hear a collection of fuck off’ s from those in their rooms, sick of his shit obviously. He moved from Richie’s arm, walking down to his room at the end of the hallway, closing the door behind him.
Richie stood there in stunned silence as he watched Eddie walk away from him. He had no fucking idea why he was so anxious and suddenly so speechless. God, yeah, he felt like a fucking idiot and he had no idea why. Was it trauma from the events of today? Well, no doubt there was some underlying trauma bouncing around his brain now, but he was expecting to repress it for a few years before looking back on it when he was in his 60’s. Hell, he did think his best friend in the whole world was going to die, fuck, he thought Eddie had died and he was crazy for feeling a weak pulse and everyone was right when they kept telling him he was dead. Deadlights? Could that also cause trauma? What the fuck were even the Deadlights? How would he bring that up to a therapist?
He let out a sigh, as he finally figured out what to say to Eddie, but when he opened his mouth to speak he realized it was already too late since he long since when into his room to clean up. Great job, Trashmouth, you blew your chance, Richie thought as he slumped back into his own room, which was right across the hall from Eddie’s. He tried closing his door, but it didn’t quite click with the latch on the doorframe, so it was still slightly opened.
Richie stood in front of the mirror that was propped up on the wall over the dresser. He couldn’t help but stare at himself, all he could see was Eddie’s nonexistent blood still all over his face. It caused his breathing to hitch from panic, he was scared to close his eyes to sleep now, he knew all he was going to see was Eddie getting stabbed by Pennywise, watching him thrown around like a ragdoll all over again. Why did this have to fucking happen? Why couldn’t Mike have just called them for a get together, a normal get together after all these years to catch up? Just throw Pennywise out of the entire equation and it would’ve been a great time with friends.
He took off his glasses finally, snapping out of his thoughts. He looked at them, seeing Eddie’s blood stuck through the cracks that refused to wash away with the rest of the blood and dirt. There was no way these were getting fixed anytime soon, not until he got back home to Chicago. Thankfully he had an extra pair in his dufflebag that he always carried around just in case, since he was as blind as a bat without them and he refused to use contacts, as he was too squeamish to put them in himself.
Kneeling down next to the black dufflebag on the floor, Richie started going through it, tossing out the extra clothes he brought trying to find the glasses case. Where were they? He knew he packed them. He grumbled to himself, as he could barely see even with the glasses on since they had a crack that made them useless.
Thank fuck, Richie thought as he found the black glasses case.
He stood up again, his knee popping as he did. He tossed his old pair onto his bed before opening up the case, putting on the backup pair. Finally. He could see clearly again.
Standing at the end of his bed with his back to the door, Richie didn’t know what to do now. He didn’t want to be alone with his thoughts for too long, he needed someone to talk to. Fuck, he didn’t have anyone to talk to about anything that just happened. Besides whatever the hell just happened in the sewer, he didn’t want to talk about that right now, he wanted to talk about his feelings. Feelings… about what exactly? Richie wasn’t sure about that one. Maybe his manager was right… maybe he needed to take up therapy to get this shit off his chest.
Richie let out a sigh, snapping out his own thoughts for therapy and everything about his career that was suddenly causing him stress. He should be celebrating right now, he and his only true friends killed the thing that tormented them for years, saving a bunch of other people in the process. Why didn’t he feel like anything special happened? For some reason he was craving some validation and wasn’t sure where to get it from. Finally, Richie started taking off the wet shirt that was clinging to him, struggling in the process since it felt like it didn’t want to come off, he felt a small sense of panic, like he was never going to be able to get it off. Once it was covering his head he heard a small knock on the door, along with the creaky door hinges opening.
“Rich, man, I totally forgot I got stabbed in my bathroom, I don’t think I can-” Eddie had started as he walked into his room, thinking it would be okay since the door was opened. The instant he saw Richie look at him, the shirt off over his head but his arms still in the sleeves he felt embarrassed. It didn’t help that Richie gave him a small, awkward smile in return. “Shit, man. I’m sorry. The door was opened…” Eddie stammered, turning away as he could feel his face becoming hot.
Eddie jumped slightly when Richie let out a laugh, dropping the shirt on the floor at his feet. “Don’t be so dramatic, Eds, we’ve gone swimming in the Quarry a shit ton of times in just our underwear, remember?”
Well… now he remembered that.
Eddie couldn’t help himself when he rolled his eyes. He didn’t look away from Richie because he was embarrassed, but because he knew that since his face was feeling hot that it was probably turning a bright shade of red and didn’t want Richie to make fun of him for that. Since Richie did bring up the fact that they used to go swimming in the Quarry a bunch of times as kids, that didn’t really matter, but it was the fact that they haven’t seen each other in years. It was almost as if they were strangers in some way, but… not really? Like… they should’ve felt like strangers, but they all had the type of friendship that never changed, no matter how long they’ve been away from each other.
“Oh, uh…” Eddie started, clearing his throat before turning to face Richie again who still had that stupid smile on his face, “can I use your shower?” He asked quickly.
Richie let out a long and dramatic sigh, resting his cheek on his hand as he stared at Eddie. “I suppooooseee soooo,” he said just as dramatically.
“ Coolthanks,” Eddie said quickly, turning around to leave the room but accidentally slammed his shoulder into the door on his way out. Richie could hear him curse under his breath as he left to go get some clean clothes and a towel, as there was no way he would use a towel that didn’t belong to him since he had no idea where it’s been and it had to be clean.
Richie moved into his bed, laying down on the sheets with his arms crossed behind his head, staring up at the ceiling for a moment before closing his eyes to relax and waiting for Eddie to come back. Waiting for him to come back? He was just using his shower, that was it.
Should I tell him how I feel? Wait, what even do I feel? No, never mind. All these thoughts were flooding through Richie’s mind all at once and he wanted them to stop. God, he was happy to see his friends, but at what cost? A clown fucking with them, his best friend almost dying, and now he’s stuck with all these feelings that’s been tormenting him for most of his  adolescence.
The moment the door opened again, Richie’s eyes shot open, seeing Eddie walk back into his room with a pile of clothes and towel folded neatly. Of course he probably took the extra time to fold them before coming back. Fucking loser. Eddie stopped at the bathroom door, turning to look at Richie who was still shirtless; if Richie didn’t know any better he thought he was checking him out.
“That’s disgusting,” was the only thing Eddie said, snapping Richie out of his thoughts.
Richie instinctively looked down at his chest then back up to Eddie. “Not enjoying the view?” He asked playfully, a goofy smile on his face.
“I meant you laying on your bed after swimming around in that nasty water, you fucking idiot.”
Richie’s cheeks turned pink. “Oh. Well. What is it that the kids say? YOLO? Because… YOLO.”
Eddie gave Richie a look that screamed I can’t believe you fucking said that, you idiot. He flipped him off, and Richie couldn’t help but laugh at him, he was so fucking cute.
“Aww, fuck you too, Eds,” Richie said as he flipped him off in return. Eddie shook his head, going into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him.
Great. Now Richie was alone with his thoughts. Again.
He was trying to recall what he saw in the Deadlights. How long was he in there again? Five minutes? Five hours? It certainly felt like a lifetime, almost like he didn’t want to leave. He remembered that much. Richie had felt… happy… in the Deadlights, he certainly did not want to leave, like he actually had a life, a life he didn’t want to leave. A life he wanted to have in real life. Why couldn’t he stay? God, it sounded like he was hooked on a drug and needed to take another hit in order to feel a purpose.
Richie closed his eyes, only seeing one thing… Seeing Eddie getting stabbed by Pennywise. His blood all over him. He’s going to die, you have to save him. Save him, Richie. Who else would save him if not him?
“Richie, hey, Richie?” He heard Eddie’s voice calling his name. He wasn’t sure if this was real or just reliving what happened hours ago. He felt someone shaking his shoulder, causing Richie to open his eyes again. When he looked over he certainly didn’t expect to see Eddie standing next to him, dripping wet from the shower with only a towel wrapped around his waist.
Richie’s eyes went wide in surprise as he quickly sat up in his bed, scared that if he didn’t react now something else would happen to him.
“What? What’s wrong?!” Richie blurted out, thinking that he was hurt or something. He couldn’t help himself when his eyes traveled down to Eddie’s stomach to make sure there wasn’t a hole where he had gotten stabbed. Hell, there wasn’t even a scar. It was like nothing happened.
“Is your soap antibacterial?” Eddie asked him, grabbing the towel around his waist so it wouldn’t fall.
“Um…” Richie pinched the bridge of his nose, not expecting that’s what Eddie wanted. “I don’t… I don’t think so, buddy. Is there a difference?” He asked, looking up at Eddie again as he dropped his hands to the mattress.
Eddie took in a deep breath, indicating that he was about to start speaking really fast again. “Well, there’s really no difference between normal and antibacterial soap,” he started, catching Richie off guard, “but normal soap removes germs from us while antibacterial soap kills bacteria and stops their growth.”
“Oh wow, dude…” Richie breathed out, trying to process everything Eddie was trying to say. “I’m gonna say no.”
“Did you know the FDA is even trying to ban antibacterial soap from being sold at the store because there’s really no difference?”
“Okay…” RIchie said, standing up.
He grabbed Eddie’s shoulders, spinning him around so he was in front of him as he kept talking about the fucking soap. Richie walked Eddie back over to the bathroom until he was standing in front of the door. He pushed him inside so he was in front of the sink before closing the door so Eddie could take a shower and stop talking about soap. Soap, soap, soap. Did it really fucking matter?
Richie pressed his back against the cold surface of the door, letting out a sigh as he rubbed his face in frustration.
He was in love with a goddamn idiot.
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traphousebois · 5 years
Chapter 2: Bad guy
Summary: So your a tough guy, like it really rough guy just can’t get enough guy, chest always so puff guy, I’m the bad type make your mamma sad type, make your girlfriend mad type, might seduce your dad type, I’m the bad guy......duh.
*chapters are in the masterlist link*
Link to the song
Your Pov:
Ever since I can remember I was always getting into trouble. Whether that was talking back to teachers, cheating on tests, or fighting I was always in trouble. I was a reckless kid. Always coming home with a bloody nose, but it had to be this way. This was the only way I would get attention at home. Granted, it wasn’t great attention, but it was attention. Both of my parents traveled a lot for work. My dad was an engineer and my mom was a journalist. They were always working. They would leave me home alone for weeks at a time, just leaving some cash for behind behind.
When I was six I got in trouble at school for stealing a girls purple scrunchies. I refused to give them back to her so they had to call my parents to come pick me up since we didn’t have any close family members that lived around us. When my mom finally arrived she was pissed at me. Which was understandable, but hey! I really wanted those purple scrunchies. I didn’t care though, I was just in to much shock that she had actually left work for once.
I quickly put two and two together and realized that if I kept getting into trouble like this I would finally get the attention that I so desperately craved and needed. This would quickly become a normal routine in our household.
When I entered high school it only got worse. People had started to become afraid of me. They would flee whenever I came into the room, they would stare and point. There were a few brave ones that would come up to me in the halls. But that would only be just to make fun of me and call me names. When this happened it usually ended with me in the principals office and them with a black and blue eye.
Relationships with a boy were even worse. That’s if I even had a chance at all. And if by some miracle I did I would somehow find a way to ruin it.
Once I met Colby though, everything changed. We went to the same high school obviously, but how we met and somewhat got a long is still a mystery to me.
We met through a mutual friend. His name is Jake. I know it’s a shocker that I even had a friend.
Jake and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember. We grew up as next door neighbors so he knew all about my non existent parents and whatnot. His parents were honestly better than my real parents and would let me stay over when I got too lonely at my own house. He was like a brother to me.
Meeting Colby is a whole different story though.
I was hanging out at Jake’s house one day, like I do every other day, and he asked me if I wanted to go to a friends house with him. The friend being Colby.
“I don’t know Jake,” I was hesitant. “You know how other people feel about me,”
Jake shook his head in disagreement.
“Colby’s not like other people. Besides, who cares what other people think of you Y/N? They don’t know the real you.”
I started to grow frustrated with him. I didn’t want anyone to know the real me. Besides everybody already though of me as some kind of ‘Bad guy’ so why not just live up to their expectation of me?
“And what exactly is the ‘real me’ Jake?” My hands were placed on my hips, I wasn’t in the mood for him. “Cause from what I’ve heard I’m quote on quote ‘the bad guy,’ I ruin things Jake, that’s who I am.”
Jake again shook his head in disagreement.
“Your not the bad guy though. I know you, and I know the real you. I know why you do the things you do and act the way you do.”
I rolled my eyes. Sure he did.
“Your not the ‘seduce your dad type’ or ‘make your girlfriend mad type’ your more like the opposite really. Please come.”
At this point he was on his hands and knees begging me to come. I rolled my eyes at him. How was he my best friend again?
“Fine,” I sighed looking down at him.”I’ll guess I’ll come with you , but on one condition?”
“If there’s even one look of judgement from Colby were out. No questions asked.”
Jake nodded and started to grab his keys.
“Deal, now let’s roll.”
The ride to Colby’s house was nerve wracking to say the least. I’ve never hung out with anybody before besides Jake and I had no clue what to expect. From what Jake’s told me about Colby he seemed like a pretty good kid. Had two loving parents, a brother, played in our school band with his best friend and even go straight A’s. What more could you ask for?
Pulling up to his house in when the panic really started to set in.
“I changed my mind Jake. I wanna go home.”
Jake laughed and put the car in park.
“Too late now Y/N, were already here.”
I turned to look at him. Beads of sweat were starting to form on my forehead.
“Hey, your gonna be okay. Remember our deal? First sign of judgement and were out, no questions asked.” He said while grabbing my hands and laying the across the middle.
I took a deep breath and focused on his words.
“Okay, your right. I mean they don’t call me a bad guy for nothing right?”
Jake rolled his brown eyes at my lame attempt at a joke, but squeezed my hands nevertheless.
“Let’s just go and get this over with.”
This was so awkward. So incredibly awkward. I can’t believe I agreed to come. Jake better hurry up in the bathroom before I kill him.
“Sooooo tell me about yourself?”
I looked at Colby unamused.
“You probably know it all already.”
When Jake introduced us it was weird. Colby’s eyes widened in shock when he saw that I was behind Jake. I was probably the last person he was expecting to hang out. That action alone on Colby’s face made me want to leave already and never come back.
Once we were inside and all introduced Jake of course had to go to the bathroom. When he disappeared down the hall that left Colby and I alone in the living room.
“No I don’t. Those are all just rumors. I don’t actually know the real Y/N.”
I scoffed and looked over at him from my side of the couch.
“You don’t wanna know the real me Colby. Nobody knows the real me.”
He shook his head, his brown hair moving with it.
“Jake does,” he quickly said. “Jake knows the real you.”
I laughed at this. And how would he know that?
“”Jake likes to think he knows the real me.”
I stood up my sitting position. I was getting out of here. I didn’t wanna talk about the ‘real me’ and who knew it anymore. I didn’t even wanna be here in the first place. Who was I to think that this was going to go well? Who was I to even think that he wouldn’t ask me questions like that?
“Listen, the real me is bad alright? It’s always been. So don’t try and stick your nose somewhere were it doesn’t belong. Oh and tell Jake not to wait up for me.”
I was almost out the door when Colby’s voice spoke again. He sounded genuine.
“You don’t always have to do this ya know? It doesn’t always have to be like this. You can change, I could help you. Because deep down I know your a good person. Jake tells me all these wonderful things about you, so I know your not actually bad. Your just a girl who’s afraid and I can see your struggling. Stop trying to ruin things that could be great for yourself.”
I turned my head and glared at him through the small crack that was left in the door.
“You don’t know me at Brock, and you don’t need to either.”
And with that I let the door slam shut. I had to be the bad guy after all, didn’t I?
Authors note: Ahhhh here it is! Hope you guys enjoyed it! I’m doing a part 2 to the second part of the song. If you listened to the song you know what I’m talking about lol. That should be out tomorrow. Also this is not my song and all  credits go to Billie Eilish. But this is my concept idea lol. I’m so excited to start this series! Thank you guys for reading and let me know what you think of it so far, feedback is appreciated! Love you❤
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bastionkeeper · 7 years
@mykindofcontent and I wrote this fic together. Kravitz expresses a concern about how dating Taako has made reaping hard, as his bounties always threaten the love of his life. Taako, always the drama queen and emotionally repressed elf does what he thinks is a solution and only makes things worse. Will breaking up really help things?
Kravitz paced hurriedly across the bedroom floor. One arm folded over his chest, the other gripping his chin, his eyebrows were furrowed as he thought. He shouldn’t have been home yet, not really, but it had been the third time in two weeks he’d had to call Lup and Barry to take over one of his cases. It was getting out of hand. He never needed help before. Now he had to rely on his two new subordinates just to bring in a small fry bounty.
He scowled at himself. The ones he had to give up all had one thing in common.
They all knew him as Taako’s trophy man.
Some amount of fame was expected when getting involved with the seven extraplanar beings that saved all of existence, but Taako seemed to thrive off the attention, and death worked better in the shadows.
It shouldn’t have mattered, really. He should have been able to date whoever he pleased and have it not matter at all. If only it was that easy.
There were those that simply didn’t take him seriously because of his romantic position and that was easy enough, even the most well-read gossiper wet their pants at the sight of a flaming skeleton.
Then there were those that made things personal, made it clear that if he continued to track them they would take the man that set his heart beating and break him.
He could have trusted that Taako was strong enough to take care of himself, but part of him refused to take that chance. He let them go each time, and it was starting to get dangerous.
His love was his weakness, and that was a terrible thing to say. Kravitz hated the idea that a person could be a weakness, it was selfish and cruel...but it also had a truth to it.
His nervous pacing came to a stop as he heard the front door opening. Taako was home. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. There was no reason to breach this subject yet, not when he didn’t have any solution in mind. It would just make Taako worry.
He couldn’t help a small part of himself that felt guilty. Taako had been acting distant and Kravitz knew the elf well enough to know it was because of his own behavior. Taako always drew back and guarded himself if he thought something was wrong, he would never confront it until Kravitz was ready.
“You home early again?” Taako’s voice came from the living room. “You keep slacking off just to see lil ol’ me and Lup will be employee of the month before you know it.”
Kravitz tried to laugh, still feeling preoccupied as Taako made his way into the room. “I believe we’ve been over this dear, the Raven Queen doesn’t have employee’s of the month.” “That’s because she hasn’t had more than one employee before~” Taako spared a moment between the banter to press a kiss to Kravitz’s check. Kravitz was aware of the way Taako’s eyes searched him suspiciously, knowing things were not as calm as they seemed. He had the eyes of a rabbit ready to run at any second, back to hide in its burrow.
Kravitz hated seeing him so on edge, and even more hated being the cause of it. He wanted to be Taako’s safe space, somewhere he could drop his act. Taako normally trusted Kravitz enough to show him his real face, the one behind the glamour that hid dark circles and scars. Lately though, the magical and emotional glamour had been intact.
Maybe it was time to get it out in the open, he didn’t want Taako to agonize over an invisible problem for weeks.
“Sweetheart, can we talk?” Kravitz said, steeling himself. “I promise it’s nothing bad, please don’t worry, something has just been bothering me and I’m sure you notice... “
“Krav, honey, nothing makes a man worry more than the phrases ‘we need to talk’ and ‘I promise it’s chill don’t sweat it’,” Taako joked, masterfully hiding any signs of nervousness. “But you know you can tell me anything anyway.”
Kravitz tried to laugh off the comment, but he could tell he wasn’t fooling anyone. “It’s...about work. About why I’ve been...home more.”
“Did bird mom fire you since Lup is so much better?” Taako’s words came out teasing, but his stance tensed. He forced himself to keep the playful smile on his face.
“She might,” Kravitz said, only half kidding. He didn’t think he could be fired per se, but he certainly would be in trouble if this kept happening. His Queen was patient, and she understood the position he was in, but it couldn’t last forever. “Things have gotten… difficult since the news we’re dating started spreading. Some of my bounties have started using the knowledge to their advantage.”
“Like...no more flirting with death?” Taako made another joke, but Kravitz could see it in his eyes. He knew what this was about and he was already making an escape plan, a way to fix it all without ever having to talk about how he felt. The joking was just stalling for time while he planned. He loved his boyfriend, his silly complicated boyfriend who never just took the straightforward way out.
Kravitz shrugged. “It’s just been hard. Not so much hard as it is frustrating.” He confessed. “I’ve been doing this job for so long and suddenly I feel almost incapable. I’m not used to-” He stopped himself, thinking over his words.
“Not used to people having stuff against death huh?” Taako helpfully added.
“Yes, exactly! I was this mysterious being of Death, everyone was scared of me. It was better that way, my job is supposed to be straight forward. I’m not supposed to get nervous whenever someone knows your name and threatens you.” Kravitz sighed. “Back before I had attachments...just had the job, that wasn’t an option for them.”
Taako took a step away, trying to feign a look of boredom to cover his hurt. “So I’m a problem then?”
Kravitz groaned. “You know that isn’t what I meant, Taako.”
Taako shrugged. “Alright my man. Well...I have to go get some stuff for dinner, okay? Can we finish this later?” Taako couldn’t stay in that room much longer without showing his cards. He had to go think about what to do about this.
“W-we don’t have to talk about it any further,” Kravitz said, “I’m just...venting about a bad day. You don’t have to try and fix it.”
I want to fix it, I want to help the same way you always help me. Taako thought as he backed towards the door. “Cool, cool, because I hate talking about your work no offense.” He didn’t know it yet, but that was just the first blow he would deal tonight. He tried to ignore the hurt look on Kravitz’s face. “I’m gonna get stuff for dinner.” He said quickly, making his escape.
Taako made his way to the store automatically, not really thinking about it. He wasn’t after any ingredients, he was after a solution. He didn’t want Kravitz to suffer because of his “big Taako personality” that always sucked everything up like a black hole. Kravitz deserved a better life than that, his own life. How could he give that to him?
As he passed the liquor aisle an idea sprouted in his mind. He shook it off at first, it was too painful to even consider...but...he loved Kravitz right? Loved him enough to….let him go? Taako always did fine on his own...right? Would it be better if he just wasn’t selfish about things and toughed it out on his own again? Besides, he had his sister back, and his family. If this meant Kravitz could be happy, that was worth it… right?
Taako made up his mind, he started filling his basket with wine that he wasn’t going to really drink until much later, after he’d already ripped off the band-aid.
It didn’t take much to disguise himself as a selfish drunken asshole. A little dab of wine behind his ears and on his tongue to make him reek of booze, a bottle half emptied into the gutter, and the sharpest words from his repertoire.
He stood in front of the door to his….to their house gathering up the will to do what needed to be done.
He made a show of stumbling through the front door, freezing as he saw Kravitz.
He was used to this by now, having come home a thousand times to see his boyfriend just humming to himself as he cleaned or read or did nearly anything else, but somehow this time it felt different. This time he could feel his heart ache when he heard Kravitz stop humming, when he came over to Taako with a concerned look on his beautiful face.
Taako took a deep breath, and he started. “Wha’ are you still doin’ here? I thought you were married to your work.” He took a swig from the open bottle in his hand, pretended to stumble in an attempt to lean against the doorframe.
Kravitz tried to reach out and take Taako’s arm to steady him, but he jerked away. “How much have you had?” He asked.
“Not enough.” Taako took another drink, knowing he’d need it. “Hey, no big deal if I...uh...if I overdue it right? Since you’re sooooo much better off without attachments.” he made air quotes with his fingers. “Ha, just like meeeee. No wonder we hit it off, bone-man. We both don’t need...any...anybody.”
Kravitz sighed and rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache come on. “You’re twisting my words, and I really don’t think we should have this conversation while you’re drunk.” He paused. “Or maybe we should since you won’t talk to me otherwise.”
Shit Taako thought. Kravitz was about to be the good guy, cart him off to bed and be there in the morning with a cup of coffee to talk it out open and honestly when he was sober. He couldn’t let that happen, he had to push him past the point of forgiveness.
Taako drew his arm back, and being careful not to hit Kravitz or anything near him, he threw his bottle at the wall and watched it shatter, spraying red all over the room.  “Fuck you! Not my fault I can’ talk to you unless m’drunk!”
Kravitz had flinched away, now he whipped his head back around to look at Taako with wide surprised eyes. Taako could see fire dancing in his eyes, the way it did when Kravitz was staring down a bounty, not his boyfriend. “What is the matter with you?”
“Fuck off, I’m perf...Taako brand, baby,” Taako stumbled forward, pushing Kravitz roughly aside. He moved to the kitchen, pretending he didn’t care enough to stick around and watch Kravitz react. He just pretended to search for more booze. It also gave him an excuse to not look Kravitz in the eye and see the hurt there.
Kravitz grabbed Taako’s arm, pulling him away from the fridge. “If you want to talk, then talk. Clearly something is bothering you enough that you...You...went and got yourself pissed." He sounded frustrated, slipping into his cockney accent without thinking.
Taako struggled against Kravitz’s grip. “Lemme go you ass.”
Kravitz let go, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths. He didn’t want this to escalate any further. He could feel his frustration from the past few weeks at work threatening to spill.
Before he could think his actions through, Taako shoved Kravitz hard. “Fuck you! You think you can put your hands on me? I get you were super lonely before yours truly but don’t forget who I am, I have a million suitors, I could drop you easy.”
Kravitz practically snarled. “Oh yes, how could I possibly forget who you are when no one will let me forget! I may as well be dust next to the great self-important Taako!”
Taako bit his lip, he’d done it. He’d broken down his sweet loving boyfriend....pushed him past the point of forgiving him. He could do this, he could break Kravitz’s heart in such a way that it would mend but never again trust Taako.
“I might have been lonely before I met you, but at least I actually had compassion even without a working heart. What’s your excuse for being so horrible?” Kravitz continued.
Any heart Taako had shattered into a million pieces. Maybe he was pushing this too far? He started to panic, his breath picking up as he remembered all the horrible things he’d said and done tonight. “A celebrity who saved the goddamn universe doesn’t need a heart, just more fucking alcohol.”
Kravitz drew away, a disgusted look on his face. “How could I have been so blind to have fallen for someone like you. I should have known when I met you that you were just what you appeared to be. A selfish, cruel, ignorant little mortal who couldn’t give a damn if his life depended on it. Or maybe only if HIS life depended on it and nobody else's….”
Kravitz looked Taako dead in the eyes “...I should never have gone to that pottery shop with you.”
Taako broke then, he had to turn towards the counter to keep Kravitz from seeing the tears in his eyes.
“Fuck, Taako, was this some game to you? Did you just want to charm me for immortality? I… I loved you.”
Taako pressed a hand over his mouth, forcing himself to remain still. Did that mean Kravitz stopped loving him? So easily?
“...Leave,” he whispered, barely audible.
“I said leave!” at least Taako had an excuse for crying now, he could turn around and face Kravitz without giving it all away. He whirled around, tears flying from his eyes. “Get the fuck out of here! I never want to see your stupid face again. Especially not in my house.”
Kravitz wordlessly summoned his scythe without ever looking away from Taako. He cut open a portal and just like that he was gone.
Taako stood there for several heavy seconds after Kravitz left, his whole body shaking. He fell to the ground soon after, and had just enough presence of mind to struggle back up to his feet and get a glass of water. He threw it back, coming up gasping for air with a throat made raw by stifled tears.
Breaking up with Kravitz wasn’t what made this hard. What made it hard was hearing Kravitz’s angry, honest thoughts. Did he really believe Taako was using him? After all this time?
Had he done the right thing?
“I love you Taako and...I think at this point everyone in reality is going to love you and...nothing’s gonna change that.”
Fuck this, Taako was ready to get drunk for real. He wasn’t stopping until he didn’t even remember his own name let alone Kravitz’s. He was going to get void-fish drunk and then he was going to sleep until it stopped hurting.
Lup suspected something was wrong when Kravitz didn’t show up for work, but her suspicions only grew when Taako didn’t answer her call.
Taako always answered, sometimes even when Lup rather he didn’t. She spoke into the stone again, hoping to get him. “Taako come on, whatever sex you’re having can’t be THAT good.”
She frowned at the stone in her grip, looking over at Barry. “I’m gonna go check on him. I don’t care if I get scarred for life.”
Stepping into Taako’s house was like stepping into a nightmare.
First of all, she nearly broke her neck when she stepped out of the portal and onto an empty bottle. Then there was the glass shards everywhere, and the dirty dishes no one had bothered to do with food no one had bothered to finish still on them.
Panic seized her. “Taako?!” She called loudly, floating over the disastrous floor towards her brother’s room.
There was no answer, but she realized as she entered the bedroom that that was because Taako didn’t feel like answering.
He was awake, sitting in front of his bed with his back against the frame. He had the blanket wrapped around him like an enormous cloak, and he was staring deep into a bottle of vodka as if it was a magic mirror. He looked gaunt, and the bags under his eyes were terrible. His hair looked unwashed and was tangled to hell. He didn’t look up as his sister entered.
“Taako, talk to me,” Lup said, kneeling down and grabbing her brother’s shoulder.
He tried to speak and ended up coughing instead, his throat sore. He tried again. “Why does doing the right thing hurt so fucking bad?” He whispered.
“What did you do?” Lup asked, but Taako only looked down at the ground in shame. “Taako. What. Did. You. Do?”
Her brother started crying, soft and slow like he’d already used up most of his tears. Lup felt her heart ache, and she stood up.
“Alright. Shower. Now.”
“Taako I swear to god I’ll strip and carry you if I have to, get your ass in the shower and you don’t get to take that.” she snatched the bottle from his hands and before he could grab it back she walked to the window and poured it out.
“Hey!” Taako yelled, wobbling to his feet. It wasn’t hard for Lup to grab him and toss him over her shoulder.
“Alright, since you wanna be difficult…” she carried Taako to the shower and dropped him inside, flicking on the water and drenching Taako and his clothes.
Taako groaned. “I can do this myself, just toss in some new clothes.”
“Use soap, don’t just stand there and pout!” Lup ordered as she left the room.
First she searched the closet and found a simple pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt she suspected was Kravitz’s to toss into the bathroom. Then she set about cleaning the mess her brother had made of his expensive house.
The uneaten food broke her heart. Not only was Taako not eating, but he wasn’t even really cooking. It was all instant food, convenience store crap. The broken glass was bad too, it looked like Taako had tossed a whole bottle at something or someone. That was the only bottle he’d wasted by the look of all the other empties around the place.
As the water turned off she heard a screech that sent her running back into the room.
“Literally any other shirt!” Taako yelled as he threw the shirt at Lup and slammed the bathroom door shut again.
Her stomach twisted. Now she had a better idea what had caused her brother’s breakdown, even if she didn’t know the specifics. There was only one reason why Taako wouldn’t want Kravitz’s shirt.
She found another shirt, one she remembered clearly was Magnus’s. She left it on the doorknob and went to the kitchen to make something that might soak up all the alcohol in her brother’s stomach. As she cooked she sent a quick message to Barry, telling him she wouldn’t be working today and to try and find Kravitz if he could.
Taako took awhile to come out and Lup was pretty sure it was because of his outburst from earlier.
He lurched like a zombie into the kitchen, giving her food a baleful look before getting himself a glass of water and retreating back to the bedroom.
Or at least he tried to before Lup hooked a finger into the collar of his shirt and stopped him in his tracks.
“Sit.” she ordered, pointing to the nearby table.
Taako obeyed his sister’s order but just buried his head into his arms once he’d sat down. Lup filled a plate for him, she’d made some simple breakfast foods guessing this would be Taako’s first meal of the day at….well, well past noon.
She placed it in front of him and then sat in the opposite chair, steepling her fingers in front of her and waiting patiently for Taako to sit up.
“C’mon Ko, we both know you can’t resist my cinnamon walnut pancakes,” she said, letting her tone become playful. “Remember cycle 43? You died trying to get walnuts from the local and very mean natives just so I could make them.”
He sat up and stared at the pancakes, then back at his sister. “I’m not hungry.” He said simply. “I don’t want to talk Lup, I don’t want to eat. Just let me drink and rot away in peace.”
Lup slammed her palms against the table, jostling the silverware and startling Taako.
“Taako, I know you’re feeling real shitty right now but just look at me for a second?” she said, her voice like a fire raising up. “Do you see my face? Same as your face, right? Because we’re twins. We’re siblings. We shared the same womb, we shared the same life, and we share everything else we have because that’s what siblings do. What siblings do not do is let their brothers drink themselves to death because of some breakup.”
At the mention of the break up Taako looked away, using one hand to cover his face. “You can’t, you can’t just say that like he’s any other guy! You can’t, he’s not dust like everyone else was okay?! Don’t treat him like that.”
“Why did you break up, Taako?”
“He wasn’t happy.” He choked out, still refusing to make eye contact.
“Did he say that to you?”
“He didn’t have to…”
“Oh, Koko… “ Lup sighed. “He was never happier than when he was talking about you. What could’ve made you think differently?”
“My track record for the first part,” Taako laughed coldly. “He told me...people were using me to get off scot free from death. He told me no one feared him anymore and that he wasn’t able to do his job, and that he was too busy worrying about me to...feel anything else.”
There was a pregnant pause before Taako spoke up again. “I made myself the center of his universe...just like I always do...and I ruined it for him.”
Lup reached across the table and took Taako’s hand in hers. “Why didn’t you say that to him then?”
“Because he’d just find a way to tell me I was wrong?” Taako laughed a bit, tears in his eyes. “Because...he’s such a good guy he...he always makes me feel better...but I needed him to feel better this time. I needed him to move on and not miss me so he could be happy...that’s why I…” he trailed off, pursing his lips.
Lup frowned. “I hate to break it to you, but I don’t think he’s very happy… He hasn’t been to work in days.”
“What?” Taako’s ears lifted in surprise, the highest Lup had seen them since she’d arrived here.
“No one knows where he is,” Lup said. “I kind of assumed he was here… But he clearly isn’t, and hasn’t been.”
“Well, we have to find him,” Taako said, standing up quickly.
“Should be a bit easier now that I know how you were living,” Lup said. “He’s probably hiding out somewhere being miserable.”
Taako swore softly. “I fucked up… Lup I fucked up so badly.”
She patted his shoulder. “We all do it, you guys just need to talk it out like fucking adults.”
“What, like you and Barry do that?” Taako raised an eyebrow at her.
“Honey, Barry gets an update if I wake up feeling mildly discontented,” Lup said. “Which, to be honest, might be unhealthy in the other direction, but at least we’re honest with each other. You can’t hide how you feel and then expect the other person to understand. You’re setting yourself up for failure coding everything.”
“Can we please find Kravitz and then you can lecture me on how your relationship is so much better than mine?”
Lup rolled her eyes. “Alright, but be prepared to take notes, sucka,” she teased. “Why don’t you stay here and call him?” She suggested. “Barry and I will keep looking for him.”
Taako swallowed thickly. “Yeah, sure, no problem, I can absolutely call him.”
Lup smiled at her brother and summoned her scythe, opening up a portal.
“Oh, and Taako? Eat your goddamn pancakes or I’ll force them into your mouth.” she grinned sweetly, baring canines, and then vanished.
Taako did indeed eat his pancakes, washing them down with some pinot grigio. He couldn’t just call Kravitz up out of the blue. Not after everything he’d said. He’d just top off his buzz a little to take the edge off, give himself some liquid courage so he could do this. So he could fix things. If sober Taako fucked things up then drunk Taako would glue them back together.
He sat on the couch, watching as the sun set through the window and cast an orange light over the living room. His palms were sweaty, and he kept running a thumb over his stone of farspeech saying to himself: “okay call him...now….now...call him...NOW”.
As he tried to tune into Kravitz’s frequency he heard a crash, like glass shattering. He stood, turning towards the source of the sound.
“What, you assholes couldn’t even be bothered to check the door? It was unlocked! You had to just break my window?”
Before he could get anymore drunken snark across, one of the intruders: a man in a dark cloak, pinned him to the wall by his throat.
“Tell the reaper we have his boy toy,” he said to another intruder.
Taako struggled against the man’s grip, trying to reach for the spare wand he kept tucked in his pocket but it was no use. He felt lightheaded already, losing his grip on his stone of farspeech so it clattered to the floor.
The other intruder busied himself with some sort of ritual preparation. He was spreading out raven’s feathers and onyx. Taako knew enough about this school of magic to know they were going to try and speak to Kravitz through a spell, most likely to tell him that if he didn’t leave them alone they’d kill Taako.
Well, at least I fixed this problem, right? Taako thought wryly.
His ears flickered. He could hear the faint static from his stone, meaning it was tuned to someone else’s frequency. He had to say something, had to warn him.
He tried to speak, but the man pushed his forearm deeper into Taako’s throat. Black spots appeared in front of his eyes as his lungs struggled to inflate.
“Are you almost done? Will it work if he’s passed out?” The intruder asked.
The other one grunted. “This stuff takes time, don’t make him pass out or we’ll have to wait longer and we’re running on a time limit as is.”
The man eased up, and Taako’s feet touched the ground again. He coughed, and tried to think with a muddled oxygen deprived and wine soaked brain.
“He won’t come,” he said. “He won’t come, I broke his heart he doesn’t love me anymore.”
“Yeah, okay,” the man holding him scoffed.
“No, really,” Taako said. “I kicked him out of the house, that’s why he’s not here.” he subtly dropped his location into the sentence. “I told him I could have anyone else if I wanted. Got him real mad. He won’t come back.”
The guy’s face screwed up. “Wow that was kinda assholeish dude. Why would you say that?” Taako looked at the stone of farspeech, then he closed his eyes. Maybe it would be better if Kravitz didn’t come, if he could be free. “...because I love him.”
“Jerry, get your shit together, this isn’t some gossip time sleepover party we need him for this ritual.” The guy setting up the summoning circle said. “Aw come on! He’s clearly hurting, I’m just talking to the guy.” The man - Jerry- whined in protest.
“He’ll be hurting a lot more if his ex doesn’t come for him.”
Jerry brought Taako over to the summoning circle, pushing him down to his knees. “What do we do with him if death doesn’t show?”
The other intruder looked up, a knife in hand, and gave a sinister smile. “What, you never heard of lucky elf’s ears?”
“That’s pretty fucked up… This is why I married ya~” Jerry replied, blowing a kiss.
Taako rolled his eyes. He was gonna die, and to add insult to injury he was gonna die at the hands of true love. Great.
They waited there for Kravitz to show, and with each passing minute Taako’s heart sank. Eventually, Jerry’s husband sighed and stood, lifting his knife. “Well, guess that’s it. Search the house, take anything expensive or magical. I’ll strip the elf of his ears and whatever other parts we might ne-”
Suddenly there was a sound like a snap, amplified so loud that Taako’s ears rang. A portal opened up on the floor inches away from where Taako was kneeling.
A dark cloaked figure soared out of the portal, black wings pounding against the air and sending feathers flying. Taako’s eyes widened: he was still so fucking beautiful.
Kravitz stayed in the air just inches off the floor, his face furious, eyes glowing. He raised his weapon, swiping it downwards in a deadly arc that swiftly dispatched Jerry. Jerry’s husband tried to get a spell off, but it glanced off Kravitz’s wings harmlessly. Kravitz raised his scythe again and with a sickening sound he separated the man’s head from his shoulders.
Kravitz grabbed the souls now freed from their bodies, his hand turning skeletal where it touched the immortal essence. “No one touches him.” He growled before sending the souls off to the eternal stockade. He could feel the tension still in his shoulders as he willed his scythe away, landing on the floor softly.
He didn’t vanish his wings, not yet. He wasn’t sure if he was staying, but he needed to see Taako.
The elf was still on the floor, staring up at Kravitz with watery eyes.
“Are you okay?” Kravitz asked gently.
Taako looked at him in disbelief, then his face slowly contorted into the biggest frown Kravitz had ever seen as Taako burst into tears at the idea of the man whose heart he broke asking if he was okay.
Kravitz’s heart twisted as he rid himself of his wings to kneel in front of Taako. He reached out hesitantly towards him, a reflex, but paused. “Taako… I- I need to know what’s going on. Please, talk to me.” He offered his hand to Taako, allowing him to make the first move if he wanted to.
Taako didn’t need any more prompting. He grabbed Kravitz’s hand and pulled himself into Kravitz’s chest, wrapping his arms around the reaper. “I’m so sorry, I fucked up and i'm sorry.”
Taako just kept going from there, words falling from his mouth like a waterfall as he explained the whole thing. “I just w-wanted you to b-be happy, and I thought...I thought t-that I was making you m-miserable, but all I-I did was scare you a-and make it worse, and make you n-not love me anymore,” he sobbed.
Kravitz held Taako tightly in his arms, rocking him back and forth as he cried. “Shhh, please calm down, it’s alright.” It was a lie, what Taako had said days ago had hurt, but hearing his Taako sob hurt much worse now that he knew the truth. “Breathe darling, please.”
Taako took a few desperate breaths, and scrubbed at his eyes. He tried to make himself look presentable for Kravitz. “I did something so shitty...I’m so sorry...I should have just talked to you instead of...fucking acting out a way to push you away. I’m everything you said I was...I’m selfish, cruel, and ignorant.”
“I wasn’t any better.” Kravitz sighed. “I wish you had just talked to me, but I should have been more clear. I’m sorry I ever made you think that I was miserable because of you. I was angry, I wasn’t thinking. This is just different, being with someone is different, but it’s ultimately a good thing.”
“You’re saying...I’m worth it?”
“You’re worth everything to me, Taako.”
Taako looked at Kravitz, gently running the tips of his fingers along the reaper’s jaw. “Where were you this whole time?”
Kravitz sighed. “I just...went to an old bolt-hole of mine. I was angry at first, I just hit the wall until I was tired...then I was sad. I couldn’t think or stand...I just sat there thinking about our fight over and over again. Then...I heard your voice.”
“Why would you come to help me? After everything I said?”
“Taako I don’t- I don’t care if we break up, or if you’re horrible to me. I won’t let anyone hurt you. You might be a weakness but you’re one of my greatest strengths. My love for you keeps me going.”
Taako traced Kravitz’s lips with the tip of his finger, relishing the feeling of his boyfriend’s arms around him. “I...I don’t ever want to do that again. I love you...and I’d give you my everything.” He bit his lip. “Can we ever get back to how things were?”
Kravitz ran a hand through Taako’s hair in a soothing motion. “We can’t just undo what we said, so not quite.” He smiled ever so slightly. “But we can keep talking, keep being honest with each other. We can grow and heal and learn, together. If… If that’s what you want.”
“Kravitz, there’s nothing I want more, than being happy with you.” Taako crawled further into Kravitz’s lap and nuzzled up against him. Kravitz smiled, feeling himself warm at Taako’s touch, feeling his heart start beating again.
The house was still trashed from the home invasion, and Taako and Kravitz were still raw and vulnerable from the fight, but it was nothing they couldn’t fix.
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sixmorningsafter · 7 years
76 Theses
Oh hey there, Gabi. Long time no see. Hope your summer is going well as if I don’t already know because I follow you on Instagram, and I hope your med school prep isn’t destroying you I’m going to grad school in the fall, so girl I can only imagine. EDIT: GIRL HOW DID YOU POST A CHAPTER TWO DAYS BEFORE YOU MOVED AND STARTED OVER IN ANOTHER PLACE FOR FREAKIN’ MED SCHOOL
LMAOOOO FWIW I didn’t start over, I literally moved like 30 minutes away (and my family did a solid 75% of the work because what are big over-involved Puerto Rican families for). Summer was GLORIOUS. And 6 months ago, loooooool, I’M THE WORST. But you’re the best. This review is the best. Hope you’re crushing grad school (I know you are instinctively but I also know you are because I’ve talked to you about it and despite your humble nonsense I can tell you’re killin’ it). ANYWAY, diving on in to this literary masterpiece of a review:
Anyways, let me start by saying, literally every time you post a new chapter, I think “I’m ready, let’s go”. But literally, every time I read a new chapter, I am not ready, and you slay me every single freakin’ time. Dude, I have no clue how you do it, but every time, I die. Any more deaths, and I’d be a freakin’ Winchester.
A/N: looooool that’s incredible because every time I post a new chapter I think ‘this is it, this is where everyone realizes I don’t actually know how to write, it’s been fun’. But in all seriousness, girl, the fact that you make a point to send reviews after every chapter and go into detail like this is just–like honestly it’s reason enough to crank out 30K words of my bullshit. Not even kidding. If literally no one but you read this story I’d still write it because getting your hilarious whip-smart reviews are life. It’s so appreciated. It’s so appreciated.  
Off the bat, while you may believe this is a “filler” chapter, it is a damn good filler I wish I could write filler chapters as nicely and uniquely wtf. If you meant filler as in full of wonderful delightfulness, then yas girl this is the filler-est of filler chapters. Because if you meant this is some fluff piece that has nothing of substance, if you thought for once second that we aren’t thriving off the Bamon drama of the Steroline giggles, we’d all have to chase you out of town good thing you’re already moving.
This chapter is amazing, and on a personal spiritual level, I still can not get over your similes. I know that sounds silly and amateur, but while you’re hella awesome at metaphors, your similes, dude, are unique af, and every single time I write something that barely resembles something you’ve written, I’m staring at my screen like what the actual fuck is the nonsense? Sooooo, rest assured, this chapter is awesome (to be explained in great detail), and you’re awesome too (also to be explained in greater detail).
LMAOOOOO CASSIE I HAD TO LOOK UP WHAT A FUCKING SIMILE WAS HELP ME WHY AM I HERE. But DUDE, I actually have some words to say about this, the first ones being - GAH. Thanks so, so much love. I’m beaming. The second ones being - I ALWAYS think they’re weird when I write them. Seriously. Like that feeling you said you get when you try getting creative with a description is the exact same one I get -ROLL WITH IT. I had to learn that by just sucking it up and posting shit with unusual descriptions and then seeing what kind of feedback I got for it (which tbh makes it sound like I’ve been doing it for a while lololol but I actually just recently started challenging myself to get more creative with my descriptions for things). It actually came from constantly reading writing with cool imagery (Six of Crows was a great one!) and realizing that they never fell back on tired/common metaphors. They always used something unique (Kaz’s voice being like dry leaves scattering across pavement or w/e? Lmao you know how I felt about the constant descriptions of Kaz’s voice but I loved that one). I’m clearly nowhere near that level but I’ve definitely taken to stopping a few times while writing and going, ‘Wait. This is a chance to come up with something cool. Slow down. Do better.’ Cause tbh I have no instinct for it. I don’t think in creative metaphors or similes or whatever. But if I labor over it for a minute or two I can maybe come up with something, so yeah, THE POINT OF ALL THIS BEING - it probably sounds a lot better to a reader than it will to you. They feel and read unnaturally to me because they don’t come naturally to me, lol, but the people reading probs don’t know that so trust yourself! Do it! Knowing you and your talent they’re probably incredible.
Okay, so, in an attempt not to be mundane, let’s go through this fav line by fav line please forgive me if I just rewrite the whole chapter because ff.net doesn’t let you copy/paste
“She remembered feeling alarmed, a little helpless, like a plastic bag caught in the middle of a hurricane” (us FL girls can spot one another from miles away) (but also???? great simile). Poor Damon, but also poor Bonnie. This girl is just tryna help—it’s the core of her being, tbh—and this boy is too proud. Not like proud-proud, but that oh-shit-I’m-exposed proud. You know.  A/N: AMERICAN BEAUTY REFERENCE WHADDUP. Lol I was channeling that plastic bag shot at the end of the movie. Granted there’s no hurricane in that but you know, us Florida girls put hurricanes into everything. And yeah, that’s a great read on Damon. His pride/confidence is something he uses as a shield more than anything, which isn’t to say it’s fake exactly, but more so something he relies on to stay detached and not really have to deal with things. It’s easy for him to be like ‘world sucks, I don’t care’. Anytime anyone sees below that confidence/armor, though, it’s really destabilizing for him because it makes the reality of his fears/anxieties harder to ignore, ya know?
Kai calling out “Friends?” is the most relatable thing. He’s a murdery little bean.
“And sure, maybe she’s being a giant, hypocritical pot to his doesn’t-deal-with-childhood-trauma kettle…” Yes girl, these lines are really awesome. Also, I like how Bonnie recognizes the cycle right away. She’s like ‘been there done that broseph’.
“Do you have any pop tarts?” this girl asks. Lol when you stress eat. Btw, we never find out if she got them??? I need answers???? I feel like Kai could 3D print pop tarts if he needed to.
“Toodles”: I had a friend (loose usage of the term) in hs who used to say that, for real, and it’s funny ‘cause she was this gossipy diva (Bekah?) and reading this just sent me back. Also, toodles is such a passive-aggressive thing to say, especially for Care. I don’t think toodles has ever been said without the backing vocal of ‘I hate you please die’.
“… the prospect of going through the whole song and dance made her bones ache, it was so tiring.” FINALLY, CAROLINE, YOU’RE FREE OF THE CURSE I can tell not really, but, at least, we’re getting through some of that warding doe. RIGHT!? Lol I was excited to put that bit in because it was sort of my attempted nod to everyone reading that it was okay (actually encouraged!) to feel frustrated with Caroline’s constant mood swings because she herself hated them. They weren’t meant to be read as a some ‘fascinating complicated girl’ thing, you know? I feel like a lot of shows (esp. with male writers) like to write these female characters that are difficult and volatile for the sake of being ‘interesting’ and I kind of wanted everyone to know that I wasn’t going for that. Caroline’s coming from a place of fear. She knows what she’s doing isn’t fair. She knows it’s angering and more trouble than it’s worth. And even more than that, she hates it just as much as everyone else does, and by the time we hit chapter 16, she’s finally too drained to listen to that frantic instinct to self-preserve. She just throws caution to the wind and lets it go. It’s still scary for her but what can you do. But you’re right, she’s getting there!
***Side Note*** when is Tyler gonna be a thing, I need some sma Tyler in my life rn Me toooooooo he’s my husband. He should be popping in for 18 or 19!
Stefan’s recap of what happened, “you planned the homecoming dance at the same time as the football game”/”False” is great. I really love your back-and-forth dialogue, like always, ‘cause it’s natural and it’s funny as hell. Idk, when I write it (or sometimes when I read other people’s), it doesn’t have that same fast pace hilarity. Maybe that’s just me. It’s definitely just you cause I’ve read your dialogue and it’s hilarious, but one thing I’ve found that super speeds up dialogue is removing the dialogue tags. Seriously. Makes a world of difference. Like I don’t think it’s even possible to write an extended snappy exchange with dialogue tags tbh, cause your mind will just naturally slow it down to read the description. Half the time I go back to edit, I’m just removing unnecessary dialogue tags or descriptions that felt needed at the time. It helps if you can pick dialogue that sort of speaks for itself in terms of how it’s said, too (and realizing that once you’ve set the tone of a conversation, you really don’t need to keep re-emphasizing that tone - it really only needs to be addressed if there’s a shift imo). Also, I’ve kind of found that leaving out subjects can both make dialogue sound way more natural and also speed it up. Like even in the example you used below: “You’re ridiculous”/ “Effective” / “Terrifying”/ “Productive”/ “And impressive as hell” it wouldn’t read the same if it was: “You’re ridiculous.” “I’m effective.” “You’re terrifying.” “I’m productive.” “And you’re impressive as hell.” See how it slows it down? And throw in dialogue tags and it’s even slower. “You’re ridiculous,” he said. “I’m effective,” I countered. “You’re terrifying,” he replied. “I’m productive,” I quipped. “And you’re impressive as hell,” he concluded. To me that just completely changes the speed/flow. So yeah, there’s my unsolicited advice on snappy dialogue, lolololol.
Caroline’s interjection: “Systematic overview” lol
“You’re ridiculous”/ “Effective” / “Terrifying”/ “Productive”/ “And impressive as hell”—ooooo, Stefan! Your heart-eyes are showing! 
***Side Note*** so, uh, are we ever gonna find out what Stefan allegedly did? Muahaha yes. Kind of. Iz cute.
His deadpan face eased into a smile—one of those twinkling, warm ones that reminded her of honey spilling off a spoon—and predictably, annoyingly, her stomach did a flutter—gold. I feel like you can really get away with lines like this when it comes to Steroline because a) Caroline is a writer and b) Stefan is a Disney prince I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU USED THAT BTW I’M GETTING AHEAD OF MYSELF BUT DUUUUDE LISTEN I have so much fun writing in Caroline’s PoV because I can write things in a way that I can’t with other characters. I think you’ll see a lot of that in 17 when Caroline dives into her Matt history. And Stefan’s fun because he’s such a fucking sap so I can get as dumb as I want. He has a scene in 17 where I’m like ‘jesus christ dude get a grip’. Damon’s my annoying son because he’s closed off as hell so I always have to keep his thoughts muted and on-the-brink-of-something. Bonnie probably comes the most easily. Anyway, there’s my response to a question that was never even asked.
“It was the elephant in the room, big and obvious and floating over their heads like a light-up blimp. None of this frothy, chit-chat matters, it read in a glitzy, scrolling marquee, waving its animatronic trunk, y’all are fake.” … Does it ever get exhausting? Knowing that you’re literally the best at this metaphorical imagery thingies that need an actual name so I can use it and throw it in your face like, look at this gabi, think about what you’ve done? I almost cut that out because I thought it would feel random! See? That was one of those ‘pause’ moments where I almost left it as ‘the elephant in the room’ and then was like ‘you can do better than that’, and then after I extended it I was like ‘that sounds weird as hell but whatever roll with it’. So roll with yours, girl!
“An awkward beat passed as they regarded each other in the bright, exposing overhead light”/ “the lighting too clinical for such a personal conversation”. So, recently, coupling physical and metaphorical description has really been my jam, and I am so totally digging this. I have this weird thing where I feel like the lighting has to be soft for intimate conversations and if it’s not I’m like not in the right headspace for it, looool. So I’m glad you’re weird about that with me!
“[Katherine] was tough. Cynical. Her arms would lock tightly around him, jaw set, damning the world and the fucked up people in it.” Nice glimpse at the infamous Katherine Pierce. Can’t wait for a possible cameo from her in the future. NYE! Hopefully. I might be overselling NYE.
“Melted, really, like a clock in a fucking Dali painting.” Ok so like, do you Google this shit or is your brain just going a million miles a minute, coming up with stellar ways of impressing us (me)? Like jfc Gabi, calm down. LOOOL okay that one was instinctive because I compare legit every melty thing to a Dali clock. My sister’s cat has no bones and liquifies into whatever space she inhabits and we call her a melted clock.
“Floaty, useless goddamn feathers” this is cute i’m fine
“The Tylers” mention: Tyler believes in love? Is Tyler a Stefan, and that’s why Defan gels? Does Tyler have a girlfriend or boyfriend or a something?!?!? How cute! I feel like the best way to describe Tyler is like… surprisingly well-adjusted. Like he definitely had some shitty things go down in his life (abusive dad), but he had a loving mom and an unexpected support system in Damon and Katherine and because of that, he’s grown up to be this easy-going, confident guy. He’s definitely got a wild streak because of Damon and Katherine, but even when he went out with them they always kept an eye on him, always kept him out of the real dangerous stuff. He grew up loved. So when it comes to romantic love, he’s a casual optimist about it. He’s not some heart-on-his-sleeve romantic, but he believes it’s out there. His issue is kind of that he gets along with everyone (one of those types), so no one’s really knocked him off his feet yet love-wise. “The Carolines”: oh shit, called out. I love that he can read her like a goddamn book even though they aren’t anything under the surface at all. Like that just shows how good he is at this. Yessss, love that interpretation. I kind of wanted to emphasize how much he has everyone pegged so that it would heighten the contrast to how much he keeps having to redefine Bonnie.
“She’d cracked his varnish”—nice—“so thoughtlessly, like it wasn’t something he relied on”—oh shit—“and for what?/ “For shits and giggles? To see if she could?” Like usually I can handle these lines I’m lying but how sad and fucked up is it that Damon thinks Bonnie was only kind to him for something. I totally understand his mindset (like get where he’s coming from), but jfc honey, Bonnie is the Hufflepuffiest (which kudos btw for using the house for both ships, nice nice, I’m honored on behalf of us honey-badgers) and she literally didn’t try to help for anything. He def. struggles with the idea of people being kind for no reason. AND YAS GIRL HONEY BADGERS UNITE! KINDNESS EVERYWHERE! YOU get some kindness. YOU get some kindness! ERRBODY IN DA CLUB GETTIN KINDNESS.
“He scoffed again, shaking his head—worry. Concern./ “Unwanted things.” CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IS THE SHIT, MAN. All us writers out here (or just me idk) are screaming and, probably totally weeping.
“Her eyes looked a little buggy in her magnifying goggles, hair in a mess of curls, and instantly, unwantedly, he felt a bit of the cool distance warm right off him.” Oh silly boy. Like you can actually resist how adorable Bon-bon is. Also, love nerd!Bonnie, can she come back some more? I’m going to incorporate it into 17! I think. Lmao I will now.
“It means I don’t need you to fucking fix me.” Yikes, dude. I always worry that those mood-shift lines aren’t going to pack enough of a punch so I love when you single them out.
“One little emotion glitch”… It’s really interesting you put it this way. Stefonnie are all heartstrings and mush, and Daroline are very ones-and-zeros, very programmed­-and­-defined. And this ties into Kai’s “logic” speech, because while these no-strings-attached sillies think they can avoid what makes us all human, they’ve got another thing coming. These fools are just as sappy-feely as their romantic counterparts. TRUEFAX.COM I wanna change the story description to just that ^^ 
“Relax.” IF THAT SHIT ISN’T THE MOST ANNOYING THING EVER I HAVE NO IDEA HOW BONNIE DIDN’T DECK HIM RIGHT THERE. Not to call him out, but my boyfriend does this whenever I get worked up, and I’ve warned him, next time he tells me to relax, he’s getting hit. I literally read Damon’s “relax” in my bf’s voice, and I got so irritated. (Great job). I THINK YOU MEAN YOUR FIANCÉ WHHHAAAATTTTTT
“Your blood type was ‘tequila’.”
“Does that bother you” / “Not as much as it bothers you” OOOO GIRL EXPOSE HIM YAS another line I hoped packed a punch.
“Cat, is he lying?” lol when do they actually name her Never.
“Casually vibrant and loose” reminds me of sunshine for some reason. Sunshiny Caroline is my fav.
“Bonnie’s Caroline. Spirited. Brassy… A hell-raiser with a sparkling stare and a laugh like a bell.” Stefan, babe, stop.
“Badgering the witness!” LOL I’m using this in b&b, you’ve been warned, bye DO IT.
“Memory Lane was closed.”/ “Detour to Platonic Avenue”: good, good, keep it up. I love how they end up talking about it anyways? And it’s lowkey a daroline convo, but without a doubt, Damon would flirt it up, and it’d probably end in more sex, but these two goofballs I swear: “Told you I was the class skank”  and “it takes years of training” but also “No room left behind” “Nothing is good enough to make me forget about how much I hate heights” / “I am” OH SHIT IT’S GETTIN’ HOT IN HERE. But also????? Excellent example of what I was saying (re: daroline convo); Caroline lapsed into her natural, flirty confidence, not even realizing GIRL HOW AREN’T YOU REALIZING how something so saucy, that would naturally turn on Stefan, can’t be said so casually. HAHAHA honestly as I was writing that I was like ‘careful what you wish for steffy bear’ because like you said, that is natural Caroline. She’s confident, flirty, vibrant, etc, and if Stefan was already falling for the prickly, self-preserving version, how did he expect to survive this one, you know? I don’t approve of these characters’ dumb ass decisions I just write them.
“You’re Lawyer Dangerous-ing me, aren’t you?” and “Wow, I ruined you.” Love it. I feel like Kol pulled this shit on Caroline, and she lowkey trusts her brother, so she fell for things like this all the time. LOOOL Kol’s such a menace.
“You didn’t think you were Buttercup, did you?” / “That’s embarrassing”: I love sma Stefan so much. I liked tvd at one time, but that’s for another day lololol we’ve discussed this.
“Ugh, montage love” I’m sorry Gabi, are you in sma too? ya know every now and then I have to insert my frustration with how dumb everyone is.
“Was it real if the sun started to fade after a few years? Was it real if the gravity weakened and he had to struggle to stay in her atmosphere? Was it real if another planet got pulled in, too, one he could never see because it was always on the exact opposite side of her, moving in tandem with him, eclipsed by her glow?” Shit, girl. Like, go home already. Gah, thanks love. Another case of ‘pause. Think. You can do better.’ I’m telling you, you just have to roll with it!
“I don’t regret a second of that” oh Stefan, you lovesick fool
“I’m like a human Bermuda Triangle” love
“Just give him the Disney Prince look” and the process of him going through it, and him being like, “This is just my face” I’m dead.
“Danger Zone” lmfaoooooo, followed by “Whatever, Piss Pants”. Sounds like a classic Caroline x Kol moment Honestly, it was so nice to write them just having an easy convo, lololol. And TOTALLY a Care x Kol type exchange. Oh, Kol. I can’t wait to write him over the Christmas chapter(s). 
“Bonnie knew the ball was in her court to be the bigger person” to “…they all made her feel caught between telling him that everything was going to be okay and asking him if he wanted a gold fucking star.”/ “Unfortunately, the latter seemed to be winning out.” Okay, so I have to admit this: this “petty, four-year-old” Bamon is a little shamefully like me and my boyfriend. We’re like the diluted version of bamon in this fic. I’m the nerd/caring one, my bf is the cynical/well-read one, and we’re both petty af, and our form of affection is kinda like bamon’s back-and-forth. I mean, we’re not as fucked up at all, but idk, I see parts of our relationship in bamon, which is why they are otp does that mean I think ryan and I otp? maybe but I don’t like being gross. Anyways… FIANCÉ RYAN. CASS IS GETTING MARRIED Y’ALL. I OTP YOU GUYS ENOUGH FOR THE BOTH OF US SO IT’S FINE.
“Must be depressing” / “Don’t worry about it” / “Just means it doesn’t matter” / “Because isn’t that the human way?” Ooooo this shit boils my blood this is the kind of crap ryan pulls sometimes omg but moreover, this baiting thing is so aggravating. Say what you want to say and be done with it! WEDDING BELLS AND RIIIINNNIIINNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG LMAO literally any mention of you and Ryan’s going to bring that response out of me bye
“I mean, didn’t you tell me last night that your biggest fear is that something’s wrong with you and it’s only a matter of time before everyone else figures it out?” and Bonnie’s internal monologue “her head was caught in a hum as she tried to shake off the burn of hearing her biggest insecurity thrown in her face, casual, smug”. I got to admit, Gab, you really know how to write ‘em. Like I was literally hanging on every sentence like oh. My. GOD. DAMON WENT THERE.
Side Note: this whole scene had me all sorts of fucked up, and like damn girl, you really know how to write ‘em. Like I felt for Bonnie. Not in a personal way, but like having someone just throw your deepest fear in your face? Someone who you were just warming up to? Like shit.
GIRL thanks so much, that scene definitely took some tweaking. I always stress about those moments because it takes me so long to get a sense for exactly what kind of mood I built (cause I’m almost like… already in the mood when I start writing it so I don’t actually know if I built it or not? Like if someone who wasn’t me would feel it through the writing alone? Does that make sense? I always try to explain this and fail). But anyway, gah, so glad this pulled you in. Like it’s one thing to try and be funny and fail at it (my life) but for some reason it’s way more nerve-wracking to me to try and be dramatic/intense and fail at it. 
 Kai’s crème-bru-yay is like opening Pinterest and seeing the first promoted post lol.
Damon’s “would it kill you to stay for one dessert” and her “it might kill you”, which I translated to “I might kill you, you fucker” Exactly what it meant.
The Bon/Kid talk. Nice. I love how it parallels to the Care/Stef talk earlier (dunno if you did this on purpose?) Nope, but I’m going to pretend I’m put-together enough of an author to do things like that and say of course.
“I don’t even know what your vulnerabilities are, Damon!” Have you read Lee’s “Parachute” bamon fic. Damon asks, “Do I ever say anything I don’t mean?” and Bonnie says something like Uh yeah, you say whatever will bother people the most. That. That is so true, and I didn’t realize it until I read it in her fic. Noooo, I haven’t, but now I really need to!
He was a friggin’ serial killer and they’d played right into his game Jesus fucking Christ they were all going to di—I love how off the rails Bonnie’s thoughts are. Like she’s stilly lowkey pissy at Damon, but at the same time, she’s like we’re gonna die. LOL that’s why Bonnie’s the easiest for me to write, because I too am often balancing serious emotions with cracky off-the-rails thoughts. 
“I’m sorry but what the everloving fuck, dude?” So, first, amazing line lmfao; second, amazing scene, my friend. Damon, somehow, talking Kai down? Like who would have thought? “Not a good look, man.” I’m dead.
Jk that line is getting it’s own number. Just reading it makes me think that Damon must’ve said something like this to Tyler. Must have. Like, maybe Tyler’s talking about how he got into a fight at school, or maybe about how he screwed things up with a girl—idk idc, big brother!Damon is a good look. Toootally! I was 100% channeling big bro!Damon there, and I definitely hoped people would connect it back to Tyler. Tyler’s just someone that Damon wants better for, you know? Like him and Katherine take him along on their wild rides but like I said earlier, Damon definitely doesn’t want him to live the same kind of life or make the same kind of mistakes/sacrifices he’s made. So I can totally see him steering him off that path if he senses him heading down it. And just in general, so happy you liked that scene. It was one of the scenes I was most pumped for ‘cause I live for feels, and I thought it showed really cute sides of both Damon and Kai.
Kai’s fun fact about Dante, and Damon’s plain, “Bummer” lol.
Kai’s “Did you mean what you said earlier…thinking I was cool…?” I seriously don’t know how you made a serial killer adorable but how dare you :D
“Boyish, almost, like he was some angsty teen she’d walked in on listening to Britney Spears”, oops you did it again I’m hilarious my friend, you played with my heart for fantastic similes. Like, this one just epitomizes what you wanted it to, this sheepish, caught-in-the-moment-of-a-good-deed kinda thing. Like, Gabi, stop Yeeeesssss that was exactly what I wanted to get across but I wasn’t sure I got it across so YAY. Goes to show you. You never think that of your own stuff. Idk why this review response is turning into a giant PSA on cutting yourself some slack with your own writing but CUT YOURSELF SOME SLACK WITH YOUR OWN WRITING PEOPLE.
‘you are so much more than you think you are, you piece of shit’—see, that’s my kind of “terms of endearment”. LOL mine too.
Caroline vs. Cat, illustrated by “Are you trying to die?” is very much like me vs. a cat except I’m super allergic, so I’m doing the dying LOOOOOL love ya, Cas.
“Stefan!” She blustered out of her room with a scowl, padding down the hallway in Bonnie’s too-small Gryffindor slippers. First off, Caroline calling Stefan. Secondly, Caroline calling Stefan to be a meditator between her and the cat. Thirdly, why does Bonnie had Gryffindor slippers if she is clearly (eh) Hufflepuff (she could easily be Ravenclaw tbh). LMAO so I made them Hufflepuff at first and then I remembered Bonnie had a Gryffindor shirt and I thought it’d be funny for her to just randomly have paraphernalia from every house because she can’t decide who she is and goes through phases where she’s super convinced she’s one house and then it changes a few months later.
“Tide of amusement”/ “Wash of endearment”: teach me your wayssss I read that as ‘teach me your waaaavvveeesss’ we’re both hilarious
“Saint Stefan”: I really like (and appreciate) that Caroline is the one calling him this. That it’s not some jealous brother, but some girl who blatantly misunderstood him and is coming to the conclusion that maybe this savior complex isn’t as bad/ingrained as she thought. Honestly even just reading ‘jealous brother’ gave me such TVD PTSD. Gross. I’m with ya, girl. 
Stefan’s advice, “Dazzle him with that Rebekah charm” literally is the most Dad thing I’ve ever seen lmao
“Demon.” / “Demons everywhere.” Lolololololol
“Do your thing. Give me the sisterhood spiel or whatever Hallmark collection it was you were planning on plagiarizing.” Well shit. I’d probably pay to hear Damon and Rebekah’s verbal sparring. LMAO Damon vs. Rebekah would be amazing. I feel like they’d be fast friends, which makes me laugh because Kol would totally idolize Damon and yet him and Rebekah would loathe each other.
“But more importantly… Tiffany will be social media stalking you every inch of the way, seething with jealousy, so take a lot of pictures.” I love how she gives the realest advice, and then brings it to Rebekah’s level lol. I feel like big sister!Caroline is something we were deprived of and didn’t know it. Hahaha you know Rebekah would totally ignore that shit if it didn’t circle back to making her nemesis miserable. But sister!Caroline is definitely something I want to do more of, so I’m so happy you liked that side. Christmas time will give her and Kol some quality time (and Mama Liz!)
“I’m going to need some tea,” she says lmao.
 Oh this is the thing I was talking about when I referred to Lee’s fic: “he’d know before he’d even opened his mouth that he was going to hate what came out” and “why the hell had he even gone there? He could’ve just told her he needed space”. Very similar. You guys had the same revelation. That’s rad - I definitely have to go read her fic. Lee’s writing is always brilliant.
“Unfortunately, the hole he’d just managed to dig himself into had an echo, and the only sound in it was the disbelieving crack in Bonnie’s voice when she’d confronted him about bring up her parents.” Right in the heart.
“But maybe she thought he was a megadouche” he cares what she thinks! “Maybe she was waiting for him to prove that he wasn’t.”
“You missed a spot” / “A harsh spray of water cut him off from the pull-out faucet she’d shot straight at him”—if this petty shit isn’t me & ryan CAS AND RYAN ARE GETTING MARRIEDDDDDDDDDD
“And mean.” I love that tack on, it’s so childish, but epitomizes how she can’t even stay mad at him. “Very, very mean.” Their childish bits are my favorite parts to write. It’s in full-swing in 17.
 “I just had a really shitty week last week.” Oooo glimpse into the past. Like Bonnie’s with the Enzo/Klaus mention. More of that ahead!
“And don’t stop calling me kid.” / “It’s cute and I like it.” Can they just kiss and be together already omg You would think but everyone in this story is stupid.
“And he was struck by the most bizarre impulse to kiss her” see, even Damon knows!!!!
The “pep rally” / “I was actually a cheerleader for a bit in college” convo. Classic Bamon
 “Try not to do anything secretly heroic while I’m gone.”
“Maybe he was allergic to pep” / “maybe he was high on it” Damon and Bonnie sitting in a tree… D-E-N-Y-I-N-G
“I think I need to talk about Matt”/ “And I think you should probably tell me about Elena”. What? Caroline Forbes is talking about exes? Is doing something healthy that’ll further her relationship with Stefan? THERE IS SO MUCH PRIDE IN MY HEART – Also, I think this was a great way to end the chapter ‘cause it’s super cliffhanger and also super like a tvd episode, you know? Great, excellent, fantastic job! RIGHT? LOOK AT HER GO! She’s ready to confront some things! And because I took six months to reply to this and have the benefit of actually having the scene written now, I can tell you that she’s really going there. Saying things she’s never said out loud. It’s a hard scene for her. But she’s determined. So it makes me so happy that you’re proud of her (I’m proud of her!), and hopefully the next chapter will make it a little clearer why she is the way she is (and why it took her this long to get there). Also, YAY for show-like endings! You know that’s what I’m going for ;) TBH that’s a large reason why the chapters have gotten so long - I want like a whole episode in a chapter with a beginning, middle, and end, and I want them to set up a story for the next one, and for four central characters that usually ends up taking me about 8-10 scenes, loool. So I’m glad you like it that way, too ;)
Okay, so this is longer than I hoped, but I’m sure you won’t mind. Take your mind off med school, off the whole moving thing. Anyways, thanks a bazillion for being this awesome author that interacts with her audience, who puts at least 1000% percent into this fic when, really, you don’t gotta, and ya know… thanks for fulfilling the need everyone has seen tvd died (there were only 6 seasons right?)
Definitely only six seasons. And girl, psh, thank you for making all of the things you listed above worth it. Seriously. You guys make writing this story a legitimate joy - I literally have you in mind when I write. I anticipate who’s going to like what. Whose going to have a problem with what. And it makes me a better writer. Seriously. Anyway, you’re as lovely and witty and talented and kind and weird and wonderful as ever and I expect detailed updates on you and Ryan’s royal wedding every week and NEVER EVER APOLOGIZE AGAIN FOR WRITING A LONG REVIEW WHO ARE YOU KIDDING YOU’RE MY SUN AND I’VE SAID THIS BEFORE BUT I’LL SAY IT AGAIN IT TAKES ME FOREVER TO RESPOND BECAUSE I LEGIT CAN’T THINK OF A REPLY THAT’S WORTHY SOOOOO THANKS FOR MAKING MY LIFE K BYEEEEE
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pigeonacademic · 7 years
Critique of a Writer’s Post
 I've seen this post floating around, and this is targeting male writers (Even though female writers are guilty of doing this too) and I notice a few things wrong with the post. The girl who made this post must have been reading  a lot of fanfiction, because I read a ton of stuff by male writers and most of this isn't accurate at all. So, let's begin.
(NOTE: This isn't attacking OP in any way, it's just addressing stuff.)
Lesser known facts when writing women:
High heeled shoes don’t become flats if you break the heels off.
Never saw this in writing before. The one time a broken heel was mentioned the woman kicked off her shoes so she could walk.
The posts of earrings aren’t sharp.
They're not needle sharp, but they ARE sharp to SOME degree. You can still scratch someone with them.
Nail polish takes a long time to dry and smudges when wet.
If you keep applying coat after coat on your nails, then yes its going to take a long time to dry. One layer? No, it doesn't take a long time to dry at all, and there's also the factor of cold wind blowing on them or you blowing on them yourself. The smudges thing is true.
I never really encountered nail polish in writing unless it was by a female writer, and the only time I read some nail polish action by a male writer was Louis Sachar, and the bit he wrote was how the main antagonist used rattlesnake venom to help it dry faster.
You can’t hold in a period like pee.
Never have I encountered this in any piece of professional writing. Fanfiction however does a lot of this, and guess who writes the majority of fanction?
Females. Granted, most of the authors who write like that didn't even get their first period so they have no idea what it's like. (Looking at you, early-Hetalia fandom)
Inserting a tampon is not arousing or sexual in any way, ever.
Never have I encountered this in any professional writing either but I HAVE encountered it while reading fanfiction. (Also by female authors)
- Bras leave red marks on the skin under and around boobs and it is a magical experience when taken off.
While it's indeed a magical experience, it also depends on how small your bra is and how tight you have it. If you have it on tight of course its going to leave marks, and it also depends on breast size too. For example, if you are a B or an A cup, you don't really get red marks unless you got on a too-small bra. If you have a larger chest then yes that chance increases.
From the sound of it, you're reading romance novels, aren't you? Not only are the majority of those written by women but I'm pretty sure they're there, just not mentioned by the writer because if there's some steamy action about to be going down do you think the author would disrupt or disturb the mood by mentioning the marks? Over-detailed, like mentioning every single eyelash on her eyes, or every visible pore on her skin. Its an unnecessary detail.
- Make up can take anywhere from 5 to 25 minutes depending on how skilled you are.
You already addressed one point: It depends on skill level, and you know what else it depends on? How MUCH you're putting on. I doubt that a woman after a one-night stand will put on full foundation and contour if she's planning to leave early, and most of the time all that foundation and contour is really only used for going clubbing, out on fancy dates or putting in extra effort to look good.
- Taking hair out of a ponytail after wearing it for hours does not make it perfectly straight when it comes down.
The Ponytail is my signature hairstyle, and if you don't brush your hair beforehand of course it's not going to be straight. You're also forgetting something:
Whenever I take my hair down, yes its a little wavy from where it had been bunched up but in a few minutes it DOES go straight. Hair flattens out unless you've used mousse or hairspray. All it takes is a few minutes.  
- Hair when wet sticks to the skin it no longer flows, idiot.
One, NEVER call ANYONE an idiot, especially since you're targeting males in this and a lot of female writers are also guilty of this. Two, it depends on WHICH definition of flowing. I know a lot of authors confuse flowing for 'long', and when your hair is wet yes it DOES get longer by at least two inches.
Also, head movement can unstick hair, like tossing your head like a horse. It's not sticking to the skin then.  
-When women with long hair kiss, turn around, do anything, their hair falls in the way.
I used to have really long hair, and guess what? That is what hair does! If you're hair is not pulled up, slicked back or tamed in any way, yes it does get in the way, especially bangs! Hair is NOT stationary, it moves a lot, so yes, most of the time long hair DOES get in the way. Also when you're kissing, most of the time you're tilting your head one way (and that's a normal kiss and not a makeout scene like in most of these books) the hair will SHIFT with the movement, and a lot of the time it will fall in the way if it's not held back in some way. (I should know because whenever my boyfriend and I have a long kiss my hair gets in the way, a lot so I have to use bobby pins)
- Stockings are itchy and tear like wet paper bags.
That depends on what KIND of stockings you get and whether you shaved or not beforehand, and they don't tear like that unless you're doing a lot of activity, like running or your legs rub together. I LOVE stockings and I wear them all the time, and guess what? Out of the six pairs I own and wear regularly, only ONE has ever gotten tears in it and that was because I was exercising in them. I could walk to the library and do chores and when I check, no tears. It depends on how active you are, and if you're wearing some that are your size.
Pantyhose, tights, leggings, and stockings are each different.
The only ones I see interchanged all the time are pantyhose and stockings. The others? Not so much. Very common mistake, also done by female writers too. Also, since you're READING this, how can you tell which is what if he says she's wearing leggings under her skirt or dress? You don't know that woman's fashion sense, maybe she likes wearing things that don't go together. Unless the book contains photographs, she could very well be wearing things that aren't normally worn like that.
- Waxing hurts and leaves red skin for a while afterwards while shaving leaves stubble
Correct with the waxing, but the shaving one depends. Are you using shaving cream? A sharp blade or a dull one? Most of the time if you use shaving cream+sharp blade, most of the time the stubble isn't noticeable, and it also depends on if she uses a razor OR hair removal cream (Which I have used before) which leaves no stubble.  
- Most can’t run in heels unless they have been VERY worn
If you've been running in heels for a while and practice, you can actually run in most heels regardless if they're worn or not. NOBODY can run like an Olympian or track star, so regardless most of the time you're doing that "clickety clack" run anyways, which isn't fast by any means but still counts as running. When I got a brand new pair of heels the other day I was running around in them to get used to how they feel on my feet. It depends on if you've been running in heels before and also how good your balance is.
- Insecurity in appearance doesn’t mean “buy me a drink”
That has nothing to do about someone else buying you a drink. Since when has this ever happened BECAUSE the girl is insecure about her appearance? Here's what happens the majority of a time a girl's offered a drink:
-Its because its a date and guys usually buy the drinks first -It could be a way to get a conversation going -It can be a way to deviate from the uncomfortable topic of body image -The guy is just being nice -The guy could have sinister motives -The guy wants to order too but he doesn't want to look like a dick by ordering for himself first
Not once had I read about a guy buying a girl a drink BECAUSE she's insecure about how she looks.
A lot of female characters DO have different tastes! NOW if you're reading works by the SAME AUTHOR then yes, this is applicable because a lot of writers have a hard time writing characters different than why they're used to. For example, R.L Stine (a kids' author, I know but he's the example I can think of right now) has a pattern for his characters:
-Siblings, boy and girl -Exact same personality types for both -Usually have a dog for a pet -Sister is usually causing trouble, the danger-seeker/ignorant while the brother is the "DOOON'T DO IT!" type.
He could learn how to deviate with different characters who have different tastes.
Most professional authors make their own characters, and most of the time in the SAME BOOK the character has friends who do have SIMILAR interests but they also are interested in other things. Also, you got to remember that if something is wildly popular in the book, like a certain movie that everyone likes, you got to remember: Its a pop culture thing, which means its popular with a LOT of people. now if everyone liked the exact same obscure thing that not a lot of people know about (for example, the manga Hollow Fields) then yes, that is when the 'different tastes' should definitely apply.
-Having large breasts sucks. It sucks beyond belief.  If a garment happens to fit your large chest, odds are it won’t fit the rest of you. Underboob sweat is real and terrible. Bending over for extended periods of time will tweak your back out. Running can be painful due to boob turbulence. Bras are hella expensive. Big breasts are not fun.
I used to be a D cup, and most of these are accurate EXCEPT for the bras being expensive. Bras are NOT expensive unless you're buying designer ones.
Seriously, I see posts claiming how "Finding bras for big boobies is SOOOOO HARD BECAUSE THEY'RE SOOOO EXPENSIVE :'(" but a lot of places to get big bras are NOT expensive.
There's this one shop that my Mom took me to for bra shopping. Can you guess how much the D cup bras cost?
Three bucks.
Another shop had them for SIX bucks.
You can buy enough bras for a week and still not spend a lot of money on them. (Not to mention a lot of the bras there were really nice looking too) and they're not expensive at all. (And no, these weren't some far-off places in the sticks OR a donation store like Goodwill, these are actual stores peoples regularly go to.)
If you go to Victoria's Secret and buy fancy designer bras of COURSE they're going to cost more!! They're made by a high-fashion company that overprice things, AND YOU DON'T NEED THOSE. If you're so desperate for a designer bra, I can tell you there's plenty of thrift shops that have fancy bras for waaaaay cheap (I shop at those most often because I keep finding a lot of cool stuff that's not even in stores and ARE actually really hard to find, like corsets) so swallow your pride and go there if you really want designer but can't afford them.
Long story short, any other place that is NOT designer high-end fashion DO have cheap bras for big knockers.
Putting a tampon in isnt a quick bend-poke-done kinda deal. It involves cubicle yoga, messy hands, numerous curse words as you realise it isnt in correctly and have to take it out and start again with a new one.
Hilariously, the only tampon-stories I've read were fanfiction from girls who hadn't even used them and just read the instructions on the box, AND speaking of instructions there was a pamphlet on periods that I had that explained how 'its easy'! But professional writing? Nope.
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stinkrascal · 3 years
Little controversial, but a lot of fun. What are your sim s' toxic traits? Asking all of my favourite story tellers. Let's get deep
omg YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS please i love talking about controversial things lets goooooooooo <3
vlad - he’s a very controlling and overbearing person, honestly. he’s the type of person who trusts his knowledge above everyone else’s and feels he’s the most capable in any given situation, therefore he feels it’s only right that he’s in charge, no matter the circumstance. he’s wise, yes, but after centuries of believing this of himself, his wisdom has warped to unabashed pride, and he finds it difficult to trust another’s capabilities over his own because of it. i like to think this ties into why he’s fairly codependent in his relationships; he needs to feel as though he’s the one providing for, guiding, and therefore “controlling” his relationships, he needs to feel needed, so he seeks out people who feed into that desire, people he feels are “misguided” who need a wise, proper hand to bring them to normalcy. you know, someone like him, the spitting image of normalcy, seeking out impressionable people in an attempt to satiate his intense desire to be needed. like sir have u ever heard of therapy? LMAOOO
breanna - she’s laidback to a fault and oftentimes irresponsible, someone who rarely considers the outcomes of her decisions and someone who ignores the telltale signs given to her. this manifests in a lot of careless, reckless behavior and poor decision making skills. like, for instance, if vlad reminds breanna that the water bill must be paid by x day? you best bet the water will be shut off because queen, irresponsible as she is, forgot to send the check. if she promises to bring you to your doctor’s appointment, you best bet that the morning of you’re gonna call her only to discover she didn’t realize your doctor’s appointment was Today and she is currently stoned asf and cannot operate her vehicle, to which you will reply Breanna It’s 8 AM Why Are You Smoking At 8 AM to which she will apologize and cry and hang up and fall asleep. much like vlad, i like to think this ties into her own codependency issues, as she feels she’s, in essence, unable to properly, or rather, responsibly care for herself, and must rely on someone else to do this for her. she enables his controlling nature by relying on him for most things, and in return he enables her immaturity by providing for her unconditionally. isn’t that, like, super fucked up lmaooooo? like, it’s the sims universe u know, so take all of this with a grain of salt, bc like in the context of my silly sims 4 legacy all of these codependency issues honestly amount to, like, breanna being a happy and uncritical stoner tradwife and vlad being the one who pays the bills and drives. it’s not actually that serious u know. but when you think about it critically and apply it to like real-world scenarios n consequences n whatever... it’s gross as fuck <3 you guys need therapy <3
lucien - like vlad, he’s fairly prideful, as he feels he’s the most knowledgeable and capable of any given situation, but more so than that, he feels the need to show off his intelligence by testing others’ knowledge. he also feels the need to lecture those he feels aren’t as knowledgeable as he is; often he doesn’t realize he’s doing it. he’ll basically mansplain to you for hours, if you don’t keep him in check. also, his ego usually gets the best of him, and he can’t help but find himself better than those he views as unintelligent. it can come off a little classist at times, and this is something which has been brought to his attention in the past, something he wishes to alleviate in his further interactions. it’s a work in progress. ;-;
gen - their main issue is that they’ve a difficult time understanding and empathizing with other people, primarily women. i like to think this comes from their overall discomfort within themselves, whether that discomfort revolves around their personality, their gender identity, or their apathy towards life. women in particular are difficult for gen to empathize with, as it is that gen makes an effort to distance themselves from women, most likely a consequence of their discomfort with their assigned gender. lashing out at the “thing” they wish to distance themselves from is a simple, quick way to tell your peers, I Am Not This Thing! you don’t wish to be perceived as a women? vehemently hate all of that which is considered womanly, and maybe you’ll stand a chance against your audience. that’s... gen’s way of looking at it, at least. it’s not healthy, and gen realizes this by now, but so far it’s not caused too much of a hindrance on their life, save for all the girlfriends they can’t get because of their shitty misogynistic streak, so they’re not too bothered. i can promise you as they grow more comfortable with themselves, they will eventually drop their mean streak. i know gen’s been a misogynist for, like, two years now lmaooo ;-;
carlile - much like his mother, he’s extremely irresponsible. he forgets important dates, he often misplaces his belongings and the belongings of others, he can hardly be trusted to cook without forgetting the stove’s on then burning the house to the ground. he’s also rather bratty, especially when he’s hungry. idk i’m blanking on carlile honestly his toxic trait is being perfect <3
nikolai - he has a hard time establishing boundaries with others, so he often finds himself in situations he finds uncomfortable, merely because he can’t say no to anything. you can usually tell when he’s uncomfortable, as he wears the expression well on his face, but even then, he’ll bite his tongue and carry onwards. worst of all, though, he’ll be upset with you if you’re the one who suggested the plans, even if he’s the one who agreed to the situation despite not wanting to attend in the first place.
klaus - he doesn’t expect anything from anybody, and he feels that all people should feel this way about each other, as no expectations means no one can get hurt. this also means, however, that klaus’ effort put into everything he does is fairly low, and he doesn’t often impress people with his lazy, myopic attitude. he’s self-dependent to a fault, wanting to do most things by himself without considering the help of others, as he feels he’s the only one who should provide for himself. basically, he doesn’t accept “charity” from other people, and he thinks most people shouldn’t accept “charity” from others, either. very much a “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” kind of guy, which i consider toxic as fuck, so, like. :)
anastasia - she’s a lot like vlad; she feels her judgment is the best in most situations, and she feels she deserves to be in charge at all opportunities because of this. her confidence teeters on pride, and she often confuses the two and unknowingly comes across as arrogant and abrasive because of this. she trusts the abilities of others, it’s just that she believes she works the hardest and wants it the most, and this innate desire puts her above others. she’s also prone to fits of jealousy, especially over her friends, an attribute also lovingly instilled into her by her father :p if you so much as look at her best friends the wrong way, she will come for your throat as though she were some rabid dog, about to feast on her next meal. she’s loyal, yes, but loyalty doesn’t come without its faults; she’s quick to excuse her friends, even for truly heinous actions they provably committed, so long as she feels the intention is forgivable. her love and affection for other people blinds her, and often she’ll act in their best interest, even if that means being rude or aggressive towards others who go against them.
ilya - his toxic trait is that he’s never featured on this blog and idk what to do with him <3 his other toxic trait is that when hes a teen hes gonna commit arson. thats sooooo toxic
ok im gonna go through everyone else really quickly bc my fingers hurt HAHAHA ok lets speedrun this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bonnie - her toxic trait is that she thinks 50 shades of gray is legitimately a good book series. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
cooper - his toxic trait is that he smells so bad and he doesnt know why he uses soap and deodorant and bathes frequently hes just sweaty asf and you know what Me too king sweaty kings rise up
shivi - her toxic trait is that shes a barista at a coffee shop and she doesnt even like coffee. her other toxic trait is that she lowkey hates vampires :( and thats just rude asf
maeve - her toxic trait is that shes an apologist. she sees someone doing something terrible and shes like OKAY THEY DID THIS BAD THING BUT THEY’RE JUST TROUBLED IT’S NOT THEIR FAULT MAYBE I CAN FIX THEM!!!! like no bitch you cant
tarek - his toxic trait is NOTHING tarek is literally so perfect like he just wants to take care of his sick boyfriend and learn how to be a top tier witch like thats it? He doesnt deserve any slander bye
abigail - her toxic trait is that she’s SOOOOOO clingy to the point where like u guys can be in the same room but if you’re not looking at her rn while you two are in the same room together she’s like DO YOU HATE ME? like abbie please we dont hate u ur just being crazy rn. shes also extremely jealous and self-destructive so like if she feels like u are cheating on her she will FREAK OUT and ruin your relationship bc she doesn’t know how to effectively communicate her emotions and feels the need to lash out inexplicably at everything that triggers her </3 poor girl
karmen - her toxic trait is that she hides behind her humor and nonchalant persona to mask her emotions. she says it’s a coping mechanism, but the truth is, she refuses to meaningfully engage with these feelings, as they’re too uncomfortable for her, so she downplays her struggles with humor. she’s very much someone who acts as though she’s got it under control, even if the truth is, she’s struggling to stay afloat. her other toxic trait is that she will endanger her own internet safety it if means she can get a cute e-milf to send her money <3
caspian - he’s reserved to a fault, as though he’s physically unable to admit what’s troubling him. yet, when he speaks, you can always tell when there’s an issue. it’s always one of those things with him, where the emotion is too repressed to be articulated, yet too present to ignore. he’s so resistant to aid, he’d rather subject himself to terrible situations if it means denying help from another. often, he does this under the guise that he doesn’t wish to be a burden to others, therefore he must take care of himself without help, but he fails to realize that by not helping himself, he’s hurting his relationships around him, which burdens everyone. he’s deeply insecure, and he often weaponizes his insecurities, typically without meaning to. this manifests in a lot of self-deprecation, deflective language during arguments, ie “I’m the worst person ever, I wouldn’t blame you if you hated me after this,” which often comes off very manipulative. again, he doesn’t mean to sound manipulative, it’s just something that happens naturally, something he's gotta work towards alleviating.
vaughn - like caspian, he’s many emotions which are too strong to ignore, though too repressed to be expressed. this manifests primarily through vaughn’s financial immaturity and his promiscuity. he enjoys the physical pleasures of life, and he often abuses these luxuries as a way to distract himself from the very real pain he feels, pain he refuses to admit he harbors. so instead he sings his silly songs and spends his money recklessly and fucks everyone within a thirty mile radius to distract himself from the void in his chest :\
wolfgang - he’s basically an incel LMAOOOOOOO or like what do they call an incel who larps as a normal person to pick up woman? a pick up artist i think? hes that LMAO hes quite literally in the incel community is what im trying to say. i havent talked about it yet but its literally a plot point. if you look in my brainstorm sheet rn it says “Wolfgang munch reads incelme forums every day. Wolfgang munch thinks j*rdan peters*n is the leading figurehead in the hall of intelligentsia.” so like yeah
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