#and just to b clear i know the appeal of this kinda thing cos when the last star wars film was poorly received
dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 years
ok so you've heard of the 'I liked this before it was popular' crowd, now get ready for the equally insufferable 'I disliked this thing when everyone else liked it & now everyone hates it so I feel smug' lot lol...
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mammons-sugarbaby · 4 years
The bros reading MC’s diary Part II: Romantic!
Lucifer ⦁ He'd started giving MC piano lessons after their RAD classes, they'd requested it and he wasn't going to pass up a chance to show off his talents. ⦁ After MC leaves he notices they forgot their things, namely a few schoolbooks and notebooks ⦁ He also notices when he gathers them up that one notebook seems different than the others and opens it to see what it is ⦁ It's a daily journal of their time in the devildom ⦁ He flips through a few more pages and lands on a page that, to his surprise, is about him ⦁ He goes to the beginning and sees where it becomes less about general happenings and more about him
Diary Content ⦁ "Lucifer agreed to teach me how to play the piano! I've already been practicing a little so he would be impressed at how quickly I learned. I feel bad for lying but... It's a chance to be close to him, to get him to notice me. Sometimes it's hard to concentrate with him right next to me, and when our hands brush against each other...It take everything in me to keep my composure!"
⦁ "I'm so excited! Lucifer is taking me to Restaurant Six tomorrow! He says it's to reward me for my hard work, both for my RAD classes, and how well I've done in our piano lessons! My heart was beating so fast when he asked if I would like to go. I'm going to go shopping later for an outfit to wear, it has to be something special! I know it's just a treat but....I'm just going to pretend we're on a date."
⦁ "I'm so embarrassed! I was waiting for Lucifer in the music room and I started daydreaming about us sitting next to each other. Lucifer turned to me and our eyes met and I confessed my feelings and....then he leaned in and kissed me! So I was shocked when Lucifer was right in front of me suddenly asking if I was okay. For a second I thought the kiss had actually happened...But he just said we had better start lessons...and I was too nervous through the whole thing I kept messing up...I think I irritated him because he said that I I obviously wasn't able to pay attention and that continuing would be a waste of time..."
His Reaction ⦁ He had been surprised at how quickly MC had learned and suspected they knew more than they let on, and though he wanted to be mad or disappointed about the lying, he was actually impressed with the lengths they went to get his attention. He made a mental note to be more....attentive during their next lesson.
⦁ Lucifer recalled his shock at how well MC had dressed for the occasion, he hadn't expected them to go all out. At the time he felt a little guilty for not putting more effort in his attire, but seeing how MC stared at him and how they blushed when he looked at them or complimented them, he doubted they cared. He would ask them again when he had some free time, this time he would specify that this time was more of a...romantic occasion.
⦁ He recalled that day well, he had entered the music room and saw MC staring at nothing, a hint of a blush on their face. It had taken a few moments for him to get their attention, and now their reaction when they snapped out of it made sense. He felt bad now because he had snapped at them, but he would make it up to them in the future. He looked forward to teasing them, and....he'd be lying if he said he hadn't thought about kissing them at times.
Mammon ⦁ He was looking through MC's stuff to sell for quick grim ⦁ Finds an intricate looking book, it's looks expensive ⦁ He opens it and notices its a scrapbook ⦁ He soon realizes that there a lot of cut outs and pictures of him ⦁ And there are full pages of writing ⦁ Of course he's going to read about what they have to say about him, The Great Mammon!
Diary Content ⦁ "Managed to sneak in another magazine that featured Mammon without anyone noticing, I'd be so embarrassed if anyone found this book. I feel like a kid with a crush drawing hearts all over everything but...it's fun, and it's not like anyone is actually going to see. I'm almost embarrassed at all the times I've written about confessing to him."
⦁ "He makes my heart stop sometimes I swear, every time he looks at me, my mouth goes dry and I feel like I can't breath for a minute. He's just so damn hot. And he's funny too! And even when he's hyped up about another plan to make quick grim, even if it makes absolutely no damn sense, I can't help but nod along and want his plan to succeed."
⦁ "I know it's dumb but I just want to march over to him one day and demand to know how he feels about me. Sometimes he acts all flustered around me and his face looks like he's blushing, but then he says something that dismisses everything and just...crushes me a little. Today we were hanging out and one of his brothers teased him about being around me all the time and he told them it wasn't like he wanted to, he was just helping me with classwork. Which he was, and poorly at that, but it hurt a lot, I had to get out of there before he saw me cry. He apologized later but....he just gives off such mixed signals...I wish he'd just say how he actually felt."
His Reaction ⦁ He's floored, he had absolutely no idea they felt this way. At most he just thought they were a fan of his. But they were right, they had written what seemed like a hundred different ways of confessing their feelings to him. He felt his get hotter and hotter with each page he read.
⦁ He had just figured MC was kinda shy and was supportive towards everyone. He even thought they were fake laughing at his dumb jokes to make him feel better, especially since everyone usually groaned and said his joke was stupid. But the fact that they actually found him attractive and funny? He wanted to run to MC and wrap them in a bear hug.
⦁ Mammon hadn't realized he'd been hurting MC all this time, making them feel like he was stringing them along. He just got so embarrassed and didn't want anyone know how he felt about MC. He already got so much shit from his brothers, teasing him about falling for the human wasn't appealing. But he'd take their teasing over continuing to hurt MC this way. He couldn't bring himself to admit his feelings outright, but he wouldn't deny them anymore. 
Levi ⦁ He'd gone into MC's room to retrieve some games and manga he'd lent them ⦁ He saw a pile of books near a neat stack of games and assumed they'd left it on their desk for him. ⦁ It wasn't until he got back to his room and was organizing them that he realized he grabbed a book that wasn't his. ⦁ He opened it then quickly shut it after realizing it was their diary. ⦁ He argued with himself to read or not to read, but he saw his name! ⦁ Deciding, he opened the diary again, he just had to know what they were writing about him
Diary Content ⦁ "Hung out with Levi in his room today. He was watching a new show, as usual, and I asked if I could join him. He said sure, but there wasn't a whole lot of space to sit, so I tried clearing away a few things so I could sit beside him without being too close. But I guess I was still nervous being so close to him because I kept fidgeting and bouncing my legs. Eventually he got annoyed and grabbed my legs and put them in his lap!! I was so shocked my brain felt like it short circuited."
⦁ "While I was playing co-op mode with Levi tonight, he got in a rough spot and I ended up saving him. You would have thought I'd saved his actual life! He threw his arms around me and told me I was the best player-2 ever!! My heart was pounding, he usually wasn't so...hands on? I'm probably weird for thinking about it, but I imagined him kissing my cheek."
⦁ "Every day I feel like it gets harder and harder to be around Levi, I get so....tongue tied! And my heart feels like its beating a thousand times a minute! My face gets so hot and i feel like I can't even look at him or I'll confess on the spot! I haven't been hanging out with him as much because....I really like him but I'm sure that he'd think having a 'normie' crush on him would be lame and gross. And he seems so down lately I just want to cheer him up and see him smile again! Maybe I can give him head pats to cheer him up? It would give me an excuse to touch him at least..."
His Reaction ⦁ He remembered that night, mainly because when he had realized what he'd done, he got so embarrassed. MC had been really quiet and would barely look at him, of course they'd be disgusted by a gross otaku like him...
⦁ His brain had to take a moment to process the last sentence. They wanted him to....KISS them??? He hadn't thought about it when he had hugged them because he was so happy, but afterwards he couldn't stop thinking about it, how he wanted to wrap his arms around them again, to hold them..
⦁ So THAT'S why they had been avoiding him!! He thought after the previous two events, they were grossed out by him but....they liked him?? Like liked him?? He honestly couldn't wrap his head around it, he wanted to think it was some trick but....this was MC's diary, why would they lie about something that was only meant for their eyes?? MC liked him....as more that a friend....He couldn't get them out of his head for the rest of the day.
Satan ⦁ MC returned some books he'd lent them ⦁ While putting them away, Satan realized they'd accidentally given him one of their books ⦁ They'd already left though, he opened it to see what the book was about ⦁ It was a thick journal and he realized it was specifically a diary ⦁ And the page he'd opened to was about him ⦁ Intrigued, he sat down and flipped to the first page.
Diary Content ⦁ "Satan offered me a few books today that he enjoyed and suggested we start reading together so we could talk about them. I pointed out he's a much faster reader and he said we could limit it to a few chapters a week. He's so considerate and I really would love to share something like that with him! I know he gets a bad rep for being the avatar of wrath but he's surprisingly gentle most of the time. And I like a lot of the books he reads, so we have that in common. And if there's something I liked but he didn't personally find interesting, he still talks with me about it in detail and lets me be excited. Usually people ould just brush me off because they didn't care."
⦁ "I went to Satan's room earlier to hang out but he was so engrossed in reading I don't think he noticed me come in. I just found a spot to sit and started playing on my d.d.d, but I couldn't help but get distracted by him. I love watching his facial expressions while he reads, if he's around others his face gives nothing away, but when he's alone, or with me, that mask falls. He finally noticed me when I giggled at his shocked expression and seemed embarrassed, but I told him it was something on my phone. I would hate for him to put that mask up around me, I like seeing him openly himself."
⦁ "Today I almost pulled a huge pile of books on myself by accident. I didn't realize when I was trying to get a book from the top shelf that there were books piled on top of it! Luckily Satan was there to catch it before it fell and warned me to be careful. But when he stepped in to stop the books, he'd grabbed my shoulder and pulled me against him, like he was trying to shield me. Then when the books had steadied, he turned me around and asked if I was okay. The look of concern on his face...I can tell he cares about me. I know he didn't mean anything by it, but I swear my heart fluttered for the rest of the evening. I know I liked him before that but...is it cliche to say I think I fell in love? Maybe not that serious but....I definitely have strong feelings for him."
His Reaction ⦁ He was touched at MC's words, he already felt like they were a kindred spirit, but this really made him feel even more drawn to them. He loved being able to talk about a story with them; and realized soon after they had arrived and started reading together that they weren't as fast a reader, which made sense he'd been reading for much longer than they had been alive. He knew how it felt to be dismissed, and even if he didn't find a particular book to his liking, hearing MC's thoughts and feelings on it somehow made him see it in a different light.
⦁ He hadn't realized he let his guard down around MC so much, it almost made him embarrassed to know they had seen him make all sorts of silly faces, but reading that they enjoyed him being comfortable around them made him smile. He did trust them, more than he realized. And it didn't appear that they were aware that they too, made silly faces while reading. But they didn't hide it when they were around everyone else, in fact the only time he'd see them have a blank expression while reading, was when they were reading something erotic. He laughed because when he asked what they were reading to make their face so intense, they immediately turned red and they got embarrassed.
⦁ He remembered that day, how he saw the books teetering on the edge, that sharp worried feeling, and the way they felt against him when he pulled them back. He was able to stop the books from falling, but he was actually prepared to shield them with his body. And seeing their face, wide-eyed and a light blush across their cheeks, he was surprised at the restraint he had; because right then he had wanted nothing more than to lean in and kiss them. But he didn't think that they held the same feelings for him and didn't want to make them uncomfortable. But now he knew they felt they same way, and reading about them falling in love, even jokingly, left him smiling for the rest of the day.
Asmo ⦁ He went into MC's room to show off some new beauty products he'd bought ⦁ They weren't in their room, so he texted them, they replied they'd be there shortly ⦁ he takes a seat on their bed and notices a notebook on their nightstand ⦁ He opens it and sees it's their diary ⦁ And more importantly, they're writing about him
Diary Content ⦁ "I almost managed to flirt back at Asmo with a straight face today. Almost. He's too good! Whenever I do manage to flirt back, the next thing he says leaves me a stuttering mess...I know he flirts with everyone so of course he's going to be amazing at it, but I wish I could fluster him at least once! I think he would look really cute being a blushing mess."
⦁ "It's hard not to take him seriously with the things he says sometimes. It's too easy to read into things. I know he's just teasing me and he doesn't mean the things he says, but sometimes....like today, we were sitting next to each other and he just! Put his arms around me! And said I was one of the cutest humans he'd ever seen!! He's seen thousands of humans, I don't see how I could possibly compare. I even said so and he took my face in his hands and had this really serious look on his face. He told me I shouldn't be so critical of myself and he knows cute when he sees cute! Then he told me we need to have a self care day soon."
⦁ "Asmo!!!! Kissed my cheek!!! Then whispered in my ear!!! All he said was "See you later~" but!!! I swear I couldn't speak for a solid 10 minutes. I sat there and daydreamed about kissing him back, and wrapping my arms around him, and holding hands, and going on cute dates, and all that during class! I missed everything!! And there's a test coming up.....The boy is going to be the death of me, especially if I fail this test and Lucifer finds out....Still...as pathetic as it might be to actually have a crush on the avatar of lust, knowing full well he doesn't feel the same way, it's just how he acts...I might just tell him how I feel so he can shoot me down and I can get over this silly little crush."
His Reaction ⦁ He loved when MC tried to flirt with him, loved seeing their face and seeing them try so hard to act unphased. There was a time or two when they actually had said something that caught him off-guard and made him blush, but he's well practiced at  hiding his feelings. 
⦁ He remembered that day! MC was wearing such a cute outfit and looked absolutely stunning, he couldn't help himself! And then when they put themself down it made his stomach drop. He couldn't believe they actually tried to compare themself. He wanted to go on a who lecture about how everyone has something about them that shines and they shouldn't compare themself, but them again he technically compared them to all the other humans he'd seen....He still meant what he said though, yes physically they were cute, but they sounded cute, acted cute, just....everything about them he found endearing. Even when they were angry, or sad, he thought the were one of the most attractive beings he'd laid eyes on. It threw him off when he thought about it too much, so he did what he did best and deflected, and pushed those thoughts and feelings down. But he couldn't just let them continue to think that they couldn't compare! So he suggested a self care day to try and lift their spirits.
⦁ Oh honey....he wasn't joking. More and more he found himself being serious when he flirted and asked after them. After a while he realized he was pursuing them, it was shocking because usually he was the one being pursued. He had figured MC had developed a crush on him, who wouldn't?? But it made him feel strange because he reciprocated their feelings. He started to plan to ask them on a date under the guise of studying, since they were...distracted during class. He didn't want them to get punished if the failed a test. Lucifer would blame him and tell him he wasn't allowed MC. He wouldn't follow the rules of course, but it would be a pain to try and sneak around to see MC. His thoughts wandered and he imagined kissing MC, something he'd done plenty of times before, but this time it made him blush and he felt giddy and nervous.
Beel ⦁ To be fair, MC told him he could borrow their study notes, but didn't tell him where in their room they left the notebook ⦁ He sees what he assumes is the notebook on their bed and grabs it and heads to his room ⦁ Once he gets settled, he opens it and reads half the page before it clicks that these are definitely not study notes ⦁ This is their diary, and they were writing about him ⦁ He shuts it so fast, super embarrassed, but he can't stop thinking about what he'd read ⦁ Guilty, he opens it to read more
Diary Content ⦁ "Beel asked today if I wanted to go with him to Hell’s Kitchen, he heard they had one of my favorite foods back in stock. I was surprised and asked him how he knew it was one of my favorites, I had only eaten it twice. He told me he notices how my face changes when I eat something I particularly like, and how I make a little humming noise. I was really embarrassed and it made me a little self conscious, so I told him I'd get back to him about it. I hated seeing his face fall...Then he apologized and said he'd see me later, which made me feel even worse!! I just... the thought of someone paying that much attention to me, to notice what I like and how I act when something makes me happy...I'm not used to it. Of course I found him later and asked him if his offer still stood and I swear his smile made me forget for a moment that there wasn't a sun in the devildom."
⦁ "I failed a test today!!! Lucifer is going to kill me...I told Beel about it and he asked if I would be okay if he helped me study. I told him I would be so grateful! I was so happy I hugged him without thinking and I swear I saw him blushing, I mean I was too but then he told me I could always come to him if I ever needed anything. I swear my heart jumped in my throat. He's always looking out for me, I know he's nice to everyone but....he always makes me feel like I'm special to him. I'm probably looking into it way too much but I might have a small crush on him. Not that he feels the same way, and I'm okay with that, but it's nice to know I have someone I can always count on."
⦁ "I want a black hole to open and swallow me!!! I'm going to hide in my room until I go back home I'm so embarrassed!! I was eating lunch with Beel and I was eating a  jelly pastry and he noticed I had some on the corner of my mouth so he asked me to hold still for a second, and wiped it off with his thumb then licked it! I just...couldn't stop staring at him and his mouth....He thought I wanted some of the food he was eating so he offered to let me have some, then held it out for me to take a bite. Then!! Asmo walked by and said how we were so cute together, feeding each other and acting like a cute couple! Beel was confused and told him we weren't dating, and Asmo looked surprised and told him that I had a crush so he thought I had asked him out. I haven't been answering my phone and I've been hiding out at Purgatory Hall for a few hours now. I don't think I can face Beel after this...."
His Reaction ⦁ Beel had seen Hell’s Kitchen had a dish that MC really enjoyed back in stock for a limited time, so he wanted to surprise MC. He thought he'd made them uncomfortable, in a way he kind of did but for a different reason. Maybe it was because food was his thing so he noticed how others reacted when they ate foods they did or didn't like. So he was really surprised when they found him later and apologized and asked him if he still wanted to go. At the time it made him really happy, even more so now. He felt his cheeks flush at the last sentence, did MC really feel that way?
⦁ He had seen how distraught MC was that day and when they told him what had happened, he offered to help. He usually got good grades and didn't think anything of it, but when they threw their arms around him out of the blue, and how happy they were, he got a little embarrassed. They just looked so cute and he found himself wanting to see them more so he told them they could come to him for anything. In a way they were really special to him, and he too liked them in more that just a friendly way. He felt really happy though, that they trusted him so much.
⦁ Things had gone back to normal since that day, mostly anyway. By the time dinner came around and MC still wasn't home, he went out and looked for them. Luckily when he texted Simeon and Luke, Simeon replied that they were at Purgatory Hall baking with Luke. He still wasn't sure how he felt at the time, since learning that MC also had feelings for him, but he didn't want to make things awkward so he asked if Belphie could go for him and bring them home. He replayed the events of the day over in his head, but this time from MC's point of view and how he would have felt had they acted as he had... He didn't want to make things awkward again since things had mostly gone back to normal but he also didn't just want to ignore the fact that they both had mutual feelings for each other.
Belphie ⦁ MC texts him asking if he could bring their notebooks they forgot ⦁ They were supposed to have a study session in the planetarium but MC had forgotten their things in the attic ⦁ He opens one of the notebooks to quickly scan over the notes they were supposed to study ⦁ These are not school related ⦁ This is their diary, and what’s more, there's a lot about him in it ⦁ His eyebrows furrowed and he settled in to read what MC had to say about him.
Diary Content ⦁ " Beel asked me today if I was mad at Belphie, if we had a fight. I was confused and told him no and asked why. He explained that he noticed when I would see Belphie, I'd usually try and leave the room, or I'd avoid trying to look at him again. I hadn't realized I'd been so obvious about it, but I couldn't explain the reason why to him. He told me Belphie was starting to get depressed, and mentioned that I might have had a change of heart due to the incident. I told him that wasn't the case at all! This is a mess....I'll either have to get over myself or tell Belphie the truth...It's not fair to him I'm acting like this."
⦁ "Belphie's noticed I haven't been coming over for naps as often, I always tell him I've got stuff going on. I used to be fine with cuddling for naps, was totally okay with waking up and having his arm slung over me. I don't know when it changed but I started feeling shy, I was less comfortable with him touching me. Not in a bad way! Just....I got hyper aware anytime he touched me, my heart would start pounding. And in the cases that I couldn't come up with a good reason to say no to a nap, I kept as much distance as I could. Saying I felt too hot to be all wrapped up has been a good excuse so far, and it's not a lie."
⦁ " Ugh! Everytime I try to talk to Belphie about why I've been acting so weird, one of his brothers comes around! Or Simeon...or Solomon...or Luke...It's like now that I'm trying to confess, everyone can sense something is about to go down! I just...want to tell him that I like him as more than a friend and if he can just bear with me so I can get over it, I mean he obviously doesn't feel the same and I don't want to make things more awkward and lose my best friend. Part of me wants Belphie to like me back, as more than a friend, but the other part knows that'll never happen and I need to just get over it."
His Reaction ⦁ At one point he barely spoke to MC aside from meals and in passing, they either didn't reply to his texts, or they took forever. He thought maybe they had finally come to their senses and realized that they actually hated him, and for good reason. Even though he knew they had every right, it still made him feel depressed and lonely, angry even sometimes; and one day he'd vented to Beel. While it irritated him that his twin had told MC, he was relieved to read that MC's behavior wasn't in relation to the incident. But now he was curious about what it WAS about.
⦁ He had noticed MC had been avoiding him in a sense, and at the time he wasn't sure what he'd done. But in the times that they had stayed over for a nap, they would practically be hanging off the edge of the bed, or as far from him as they could get. They told him they were hot, which given the red face and sweating, he believed. He had actually planned to get a fan and a mini air conditioner so they would be more comfortable, he still planned to, but now he had a different reason in mind.
⦁ Belphie remembered the various times MC would ask to talk with him, only to change their mind whenever someone else was around. He was actually going to ask them to meet him at the planetarium tonight and demand to know what was going on. But his brain stopped working when he read MC liked him. Like liked him. He laughed because he was doing the same thing, but he was much better at hiding his feelings. He'd had centuries to master it after all. He was tempted to let MC go through all the embarrassment of a confession after what they'd put him through lately, but right now all he wanted to do was find them and wrap his arms around them and tell them how dumb they were for crushing on a demon. A demon who was just as dumb for having a crush on a human.
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xxkellsvixen19xx · 4 years
Spotlight: A Life Of A Troubled Celebrity Heartthrob Ch 8
Word Count: 3,940
"Y/N, I need you in your dressing room now," Michelle grabbed mt arm as soon as we stepped out of the limo, "we don't have much time." She hurried them along, security surrounding them at every turn.
"I'll see you in a bit sweets," Colson called out and blew her a kiss as they separated.
Y/N blew one back and he caught it, causing her to blush furiously.
"I see your husband has beefed up your shadows," Michelle said wryly.
"Yeah, yeah he has. I don't have a say in the matter unfortunately," Y/N shrugged.
"Can't blame him though. You and Colson have been the entertainment headline news ever since he announced your wedding on social media," Michelle opened the door of the dressing room and Y/N followed behind.
"Please remove your clothes and wear this gown," Michelle handed her a short black silk gown
"Really? We've been on the news?" Y/N furrowed her brows, wanting to continue the previous conversation.
"Sweetheart, which planet have you been living on? Anything to do with Colson Baker is news. Sit," Michelle commanded as she pulled out a chair.
"I kinda went of the grid after..you know?"
"I know," Michelle gave her a knowing look and laughed, "I can tell by the marks he left on your body sweetie."
"Oh," Y/N covered her face, embarrassed.
"No need to be ashamed," Michelle laughed, "if I wasn't already married to Byron I would gladly stand in line to jump Colson's bones," she joked, "so does he live up to his rep or nah?" she pried.
"What?" Y/N blushed again.
"Sorry. I don't mean to pry," she pursed her lips.
"No, no. It's okay. I'd like to think we're friends?" Y/N asked.
"Of course! I should be hurt that you'd even-" she held the make-up brush mid-air.
"Okay, I'm sorry," Y/N squeezed Michelle's hand, "but he was more than I ever thought or imagined!" she gushed.
"I knew it!" They giggled like a pair of giddy school girls. They were interrupted when someone knocked at the door.
"Michelle," Colson cleared his throat as he stood at the door, "can you excuse us for a minute?"
"Make it quick and don't even think of spoiling her hair and make-up," Michelle glared at him before leaving the room.
"Well.. you heard the lady Bambi.." Colson locked the door and discarded his t-shirt at the door. He flexed his muscles like he had just entered a boxing ring.
"Colson..noo," Y/N held out her hands in a futile attempt to stop him from getting to her.
"I prefer it when you scream out yes.." he lifted her off the chair and switched places with her. She straddled him as he trailed hot kisses on her neck, causing her to lose herself in him.
"Can wait.." he claimed her mouth possessively and all resistance crumbled..
Good Evening Brussels!! How's everyone doing toniiight???!" Colson bounced onto the stage like he owned the world and everything in it.
The crowd went ballistic and he reveled in their screams and shouts. "Colson! Colson! Colson!"
He smiled and made a turn round the stage, psyching himself up for his performance. He ran from one end of the stage to the other touching and high-fiving as many fans as possible. Some fangirls passed out as soon as he made contact with them and guys ran around in circles. The crowd was in a frenzy and Colson hadn't even started performing yet!
"COLSON BAKER WE LOVE YOU!" the fans chanted over and over again.
"I LOVE YOU ALL! I LOVE YOU BRUSSELS!" Colson shouted over the screams and shouts as he sprinted from one end to the other one last time. More screams, crying and fainting ensued. The paramedics would be busy tonight.
"Tonight we have a very special guest on the ones and twos-please give it up for my one and only doe-eyed beauty-my wife Y/N Baker!!" Colson swept his hand towards Y/N as she stood behind the sound engineers desk. She waved shyly and slipped on her headphones. She was going to be taking Slim's place as sound engineer and DJ for the night. Michelle had dressed her up in a short Saint Laurent sequin embellished cocktail dress, epitomizing the band's statement sex appeal. She looked daring and fearless and it was a head-turning number, She completed the look with studded leather boots and her hair was a 80s messy look .
"You're looking hooot baby!" He winked at her and walked back to the edge of the stage. "I just want to give a shout out to my wife for taking care of me when I was sick. I don't know many people that would wipe puke off my face -for free-but you did it babe. I'm so grateful for you. This first song is for you sweets," he winked at her and positioned himself on a high-stool, "The song is called "Hangover Cure ," Colson strummed his guitar and his angelic voice resounded all over the stadium.
The audience was undoubtedly entranced and mesmerized by Colson. He had a commanding stage presence that sucked everyone in and all they could do was be fixated on him and him alone. Girls in the crowd were openly crying like he was singing the song to them and when he hit his signature high notes they were in a state of delirium. Banners and placards went up everywhere with words expressing how much his fans loved him. And he was truly loved by all of them.
Colson continued the next several songs on a mellow vibe and the crowd was falling more and more in love with this side of him. At one point he removed his baseball jacket and gave it to an adoring fan; who ran around the stage like a headless chicken. Of course the paramedics had to be called in to remove her from the stage after she had passed out.
"So tonight we're going to switch things up a bit," Colson carefully laid his guitar down and stood up again, "I'm going to get a few fans from the crowd to come up here and we're going to sing some of your favorite songs together. Can we do that?" The fans roared in agreement.
"I hope you all still have your ticket stubs cos' I'm just going to randomly call out a ticket number and if it belongs to you then you get to do a duet with me. That okay?" Colson grinned and the fans went wild.
"For the purpose of time and logistics, I'll call them out all at once and I hope you can make it to the front..if not then we will have to pick out someone else okay? Ready? Here goes..Drum roll please!" Colson said dramatically.
"Ticket number 2005, 5721; uhh-3688; 1012, 4562 and last one-6000? Please make your way to the front and produce your ticket to protocol otherwise..you all know the drill," Colson drank some water and a crew member rushed forward to wipe down his body. He wasn't feeling well but he pushed himself, he had to. "Music please," he called out to his band before hurrying over to Y/N.
"Sweets, I don't feel one hundred. Can we please go backstage for a few minutes?" he whispered in her ear and she nodded.
"Bathroom-" he ran to the restroom, clutching his stomach and Y/N asked security to wait outside while she checked on him.
"Are you okay babe?" she tapped on the door lightly.
"Yeah..noo-" he grunted before she heard him spilling his guts into the lavatory again.
"I'm coming in," Y/N announced, his meds and a bottle of water in her hand. She found him seated on the floor, with his back against the wall. His face was pale and his forehead had beads of sweat. Y/N handed the pills and water to him; then started to wipe him down with his face towel.
"Sorry," Colson held her against him.
"It's okay," Y/N gave him a weak smile, "I need to rinse out your towel, I'll be right back okay?"
"Hey! Are you guys okay?" Jax called out from outside, "Can I come in?"
"Come inside Jax," Y/N swung the door open and walked back to Colson, Jax close on her heels.
"Hey, are you okay kid?" Jax crouched next to Colson's slouched frame.
"Yeah, please get Byron to get a supporting act to cover for me for a while. I'll go and lie down in my dressing room for a bit. Help me up?" Jax pulled him off the floor effortlessly.
"I've already told Byron to take care of it. You sure you want to continue?" Jax asked skeptically.
"I will have to manage somehow..can't let the fans down. Beside I just have fan-dues and then I'll be done," Colson said as he put his arm around Y/N for support.
"If you're sure.." Y/N looked at him with concern.
"I'll be okay sweets; stop stressing," Colson leaned forward and kissed her temple.
"Fine," Y/N muttered.
"Okay, I'll leave you two to rest then. Will half-an-hour be enough?" Jax asked as they stopped in front of the dressing room?
"Yeah," Colson nodded.
"Okay, I'll be here to escort you back on stage," Jax replied.
Y/N opened the door for him and helped him lie down on the soft couch.
"Stay with me?" He pleaded. Y/N lay down next to him and he wrapped his arms around her.
"Your body is so hot," Y/N said in alarm.
"Ooh, tell me more baby.." he drawled and buried his nose in her neck.
"Colson, I'm serious..you're burning up," she turned to face him.
"Shh..stop worrying," he kissed her forehead, "I've taken my medication so I'll be fine in a minute. Go to sleep baby."
"You go to sleep Baker," she replied, "I'll be right here," she said softly.
"Thank you baby," he said before he drifted off to sleep.
"Are we really going to the after party?" Y/N frowned at her husband.
"Yes WE are!" Colson laced his hands with hers. They were standing in the foyer at the hotel where the after party was already in full swing.
"But you're not well?" she raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow, courtesy of Michelle.
"We won't stay for long. Promise," he kissed her chastely, "I have to make an appearance you know that right? Plus I really need to get you home so I can finish off what we started in the dressing room.." he nuzzled her neck
"Hmm..and no drinking tonight? Agreed," she looked at him with her pretty E/C eyes.
"Sweets, come on!" he whined, "can we just go and have fun please? I could really use it," he massaged his temple with one hand.
"Why are you avoiding my question?? I'm watching you Baker," she eyed him suspiciously.
"I don't mind baby," he hugged her and gave her a long kiss.
"That's blackmail," she said, breathless.
"Is it working?" His breath danced on her lips.
"Let's go," she pushed him away playfully, "I really need to get this over and done with so I can go home and rest. I'm overdue on sleep."
"Sorry, that's my fault, I know," he said sheepishly.
"Just remember that when partying the night away and I have to drag you home," she muttered under her breath.
"I heard that Mrs Baker," he laughed softly as he hugged her waist.
"Good," she replied.
"What's he doing here?" Colson froze and Y/N followed his gaze. It landed on Slim. Jax and Byron were arguing with him in a corner.
"Let Jax handle it okay?" Y/N put her hands against his chest and pushed him back gently, "Let it go. Please?"
"Fine," he said through gritted teeth and walked away.
"Hey Colson! Hi Colson! Great show Colson!" was all Y/N heard as Colson held her hand all night.
"I need the bathroom," Y/N whispered in Colson's ear.
"Let me come with you," he stood up with her.
"No. Stay with your friends," she said with a wave of her hand, "I just spotted Ash so I'll go with her," Y/N pointed over to where Ashleigh was standing.
"You're sure? Slim is lurking about so I'm a bit uneasy," he confessed.
"I'll be fine okay"" she kissed the side of his mouth and he smiled.
"If you're going to kiss me then you should make it count Bambi," he crushed his lips against hers and kissed her breathless.
"Hurry back before I start missing you," he said as a parting shot.
"Hey there stranger!" Ashleigh practically jumped on her.
"Hey! Careful," Y/N giggled.
"How have you been? How are you handling having your face and relationship splashed all over the tabloids?" Ashleigh asked.
"Colson prefers it if I don't see that," Y/N replied, "probably doesn't want me to get worked up I guess,"
"So you've already become the little submissive wife have you? You consummated the marriage yet?" she smiled and nudged Y/N with her elbow.
"Something like that.." She laughed.
"I want all the deets but let's go and get something to drink first," Ashleigh pulled her over to the bar.
"I really didn't want to drink today Ash.." Y/N said hesitantly.
"Just have one with me?? We haven't hung out for a while..please?" Ashleigh coaxed.
"Okay fine," Y/N sighed in defeat, "just one," she held up her index finger for emphasis. They went to the bar and Ashleigh ordered two cosmos.
"Can we go to the bathroom?" Y/N shifted around in agitation, "otherwise I will pee on myself," Ashleigh laughed as she handed Y/N her drink.
"Let's just go up and use the one in my room?" Ashleigh suggested and Y/N nodded, "I-uh-need to get my phone. Need to take pics you know. It's our last week on tour," she said as the stepped into the elevator.
"Sommer!" they cried out in shock. Sommer was curled up in a ball, whimpering in the corner of the elevator. Her face was badly bruised, her nose was bleeding and she was a mess. Usually she was well dressed, without a hair out of place but tonight she looked like a junkie.
"Who did this to you?" Y/N demanded as she crouched next to Sommer.
"Just leave me alone okay!?!" Sommer snapped, "you and your perfect little life! Just leave me alone! Go away!" she yelled.
"I want to help you!" Y/N said, forlorn, "please allow me to help you?"
"Let's take her to her room, Maybe she needs to clean up a bit and sleep it off," Ashleigh looked around, nervous.
"If you're sure..?" Y/N said hesitantly.
"Look, why don't you go use the bathroom in my room and I will take care of Sommer? I'm sure Slim must already be looking for her of something," Ashleigh babbled.
"No! No Slim!" Sommer backed away in fear, "don't call him. Please?" she grabbed my arm.
"Okay, I won't," Y/N assured her. Something strange was going on here but she couldn't put her finger on it.
"Come on Sommer let's get you cleaned up. You'll need a change of clothes as well," Y/N steered her in towards her hotel room.
"Let me do it!" Ashleigh said too quickly, "well..since you needed the bathroom so badly-I can help Sommer. You go ahead-I got this," she said with a tight smile.
"Okay.." Ashleigh was acting very strange today, maybe she was high on something, Y/N thought. Y/N looked walked into Ashleigh's hotel room and got a sense of foreboding but she just shrugged it off. She went into the bathroom and relieved herself and as he was washing her hands she heard hotel room door open.
She thought it was Ashleigh so she hurried out of the bathroom to find Slim standing at the doorway with a smug expression on his face.
"Hello Bambi..so glad you could make it," he slammed the door shut and locked it.
Y/N stared at Slim as he stood at the door, lazily leaning against it. He looked at her the was a lion on Animal Planet would eye it's prey before it moved in for the kill.. This was like déjà vu to Y/N but this time she wasn't going down without a fight. She had to think quickly before he had his way with her and by the way he was undressing her with his eyes, he was going to pounce on her any minute from now. Her short cocktail dress would make it so much easy for him.
"I've waited for this day for a very long time and I'm going to savor every inch of that delectable body.." he licked his lips and continued to trail his eyes down her body.
She was saved by a loud pounding on the door that startled both her and Slim.
"Slim!" Sommer called out from behind the door, "I know what you and Ashleigh planned-don't do it! Please! I'm begging you!" she said her voice breaking.
Y/N took this opportunity and dashed back into the bathroom and locked the door. If Sommer kept up the racket long enough then help would arrive soon. Slim snarled and he pounded on the door; Y/N searched around frantically for an opening but found none.
"You can try and run from me but you're only prolonging the inevitable," he taunted as he tried to beat the door down, "I'm going to have you and you're going to enjoy it my precious."
Y/N was wringing her hands, trying to figure a way out when her eyes fell on her Apple Watch that Colson had got her just last week. She quickly scrolled to the phone app and dialed Colson's number and he answered on the second ring.
"Hey I've been looking all over-"
"Help me please! I'm stuck in the bathroom in Ashleigh's room and Slim is outside-he tried to-he wants to-" Y/N's voice broke-.
" I'll be on my way. Hang tight okay?" Colson rang off.
The room was silent and she couldn't hear Slim moving around so she began to panic. What was he up to? Suddenly the bathroom door swung open and Slim stood with a self-satisfied smirk.
"I know how to pick locks my precious," he held a paper clip between his fingers. He threw the pin on the floor and locked the bathroom door again from the inside. Y/N tried to back away but the room was constricted. She started to hyperventilate and pressed redial on her phone, wishing and hoping that Colson would get here quicker.
"Told you..you can run but.." he trailed his finger along her cheekbone and she spat in his face.
"You're going to regret that," Slim  gave her a dagger and pushed her against the tiled wall, "I'm sorry this is going to be quick and rough..I would have liked to take it slow but time is not on our side," he grabbed her roughly, lifted her up and placed her on top of the sink. Y/N began to scratch at his face and to kick and scream, but he grabbed her hands and tied them with his bandana.
"You're making this so hard for yourself precious..if you would just give in then we would enjoy the ride together but-I guess you like it rough," he tried to yank her dress further up her thighs but it was too tight and it was proving to be difficult. He pulled her off the sink and pushed her against the wall, "turn around," he said roughly. She faced the wall and started to cry.
"Save your tears for Colson. They're not going to work on me," he unbuckled his belt and she heard his pants fall to the floor.
"I'm not going to run like Scott. I'll just plead insanity due to drug addiction and they will let me go. I'm going to stick around so I can keep coming back for seconds," he pushed her face against the wall and whispered into her ear, "that's if you're good enough..hope I won't be disappointed Precious," he stuck his tongue in her ear and she cried out.
"Please don't!" she whimpered, her tears cascaded down her cheeks.
Suddenly, someone came crashing through the door and hurtled towards them. Slim had no time to register what was happening but a pair of hands grabbed his neck, threw him on the floor and started to strangle him. Y/N sank onto the floor and broke down. Sommer ran over to her and hugged her.
"I'm so sorry Y/N-I didn't know-" Sommer cried along with Y/N, "he and Ashleigh had planned it. I had nothing to do with it-I swear! Please believe me!"
"Colson!" Jax shouted, "You're going to kill him-let go!"
"Death is too good for this scum!" Colson screamed as Jax and the other body guards dragged him off Slim. His eyes fell on Y/N and he dashed over to her. She had passed out probably due to shock or relief or maybe both.
Slim took advantage of the distraction and made his escape, spluttering and fighting for breath. Jax eyed him warily and decided to let him go. He knew he would be back.
"It's okay sweets. I'm here now. You're safe. I got you baby." he lifted her limp form in his arms and carried her out of the room.
"Do you want me to go after him?" Jax walked beside them.
"No. I'll get him. One way or another, I'll get him," Colson narrowed his eyes, "I want you to get that spawn of Judas-Ashleigh. I want her to look me in the eye and explain why she did what she did to my wife," the elevator doors slid open and Jax held them back to allow Colson to step inside.
"She's already in a car and is on her way to the house," Jax reported, "I have a few things to say to her as well. I hope we're pressing charges? We can't let them walk-Y/N deserves justice," he said vehemently as he opened the car door.
"Oh we're going to make them pay..then we're going to hand them over to the police," Colson laid Y/N inside and jumped in beside her.
Colson clenched and unclenched his fist as he looked out the window. Ashleigh had messed with the wrong person. He was going to deal with her personally. Her career was officially over before it even began.
"Jax, can we make a quick stop at a hospital? I need to make sure she's okay," Colson caressed Y/N's face as she lay on his lap, "plus we need to gather evidence."
"Sure thing Boss," Jax nodded.
Colson hoped and prayed that he had got there on time but Slim's pants were down and Y/N's dress was-he shook his head and blinked his eyes rapidly. He couldn't-didn't want to even think about it. His heart bled a thousand times when he thought about what he saw when they crashed through the door. He shouldn't have allowed her to go with that snake-he should have listened to his gut; trusted his instinct.
Now Y/N was a wreck and it would take a while to piece her back together again.
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laufire · 4 years
Black Sails s3
This one took me longer because RL got in the way LOL. I’ve loved it as much as the other two (even if I am IN PAIN over you-know-who’s death DD:). I don’t know when I’ll have the time to finish the last season, but I wanted to post about this one before starting it; otherwise it’d accumulate with the 10+ and counting metas I want to write about this show once I have the full picture LMAO.
As always, I have to start with her because she’s THE FUCKING BEST. This woman is currently competing for the number one spot among fictional characters in my heart LOL (I mean. I have loved Caroline Forbes --who I actually think Max has a lot in common with lmao. Everything I love is the same, as I always say-- for too many years for her to ever be truly dethroned; unless something goes really wrong with Legacies I guess. However, it’s still remarkable that a character could make me doubt).
I’ve absolutely adored her plot this season; watching her growing sphere of influence, the way she affects and upends others’ lives. That’s very much being present since season one, especially with her and Silver in tandem (I have a lot of Thoughts(TM) about those too as a driving/disruptive force in the show --they’ll go to one of those metas--; I’m put off by the fact that I didn’t get to enjoy them conspiring together this season lol. Though her reaction to the fake Long John Silver letter was kind of hilarious xDD. Still. I kind of wish we’d seen the scene where Silver tells her he renounces to his part of the price. It could’ve been very interesting --I guess he could’ve told Jack but that wouldn’t’ve been as good, so this is my headcanon).
The most obvious storyline where this manifest is in her relationship with Anne and Jack. I love everything about it, but well. I have to admit, the ~betrayal/different sides element appeals to me xD. I like that Max prioritices herself and her safety. That she sees the writing on the wall with the English invasion or with Vane’s execution and acts accordingly, the way she calculates her decisions and forms alliances without letting past grievances get in the way --with Eleanor, Rogers, Mrs. Mapleton...--, the choices she makes because she doesn’t want to be “on the outside looking in” ever again and how they always end reverting in her benefit, ultimately (I’m getting ahead because I am spoiled of quite a few things about s4, but I LOVE that eventually she mends her relationship with Anne and Jack. Because it fits into this: how even the possible mistakes and emotional compromises she makes are within a very specific frame that works out for her in the end).
Her relationship with Anne gets even better this season. I think my favourite scene is where Max tells Anne that she nows Anne “cannot fathom leaving me”. Can I get this woman’s confidence LMFAO. But seriously. I luff them. I love how Max convinces Jack of going along her plan to replace the gold with good easier to transport (and how THAT ends up being Flint’s treasure asdñlfkasfj. MY GIRL DIRECTLY CAUSED THE EVENTS IN TREASURE ISLAND OKAY) by appealing to their mutual love for Anne. That she trusts Anne with the story about her father. That she knows just as well as Jack that Anne wouldn’t give up the treasure so easily and she’ll try to save him (and that Anne won’t stomach the thought of Jack being tortured because she couldn’t bear MAX’S torture. My heart).
Another highlight of the season for me was her relationship with Eleanor, which keeps being a huge surprise no matter what xDD (even if, again, never in a shippy way. I’m very glad the season doesn’t go there). I love the reversal of expectation in a general fandom landscape: how ultimately, Eleanor doesn’t have an emotional hold over Max (and that she lost it as early as 1x02, IMO. I’m not saying “Max doesn’t feel anything about Eleanor”, but the truth of the matter is, narratively Eleanor serves Max, not the other way around. And I’m happy and relieved about it, ngl), and that the same isn’t true the other way around. I thought two very telling scenes where a.) Max hosting parody trials of Eleanor that paint her under a completely undignified light, but clearly deriving no pleasure from it: it simply was yet another thing she does for practically, level-headed political reasons; and b.) that Eleanor orders Rogers’ men not to hurt Anne in the exchange because Max’s love for Anne.
Continuing down with Max’s relationships, I’ve grown to really like hers with Idelle. I think Max find Idelle fun, likeable, uncomplicated (the scene where Featherstone tells Idelle he hopes his pardon doesn’t diminish her attraction to her was hilarious and clearly the moment Max was enjoying herself the most in the whole season lmfao. BTW, I kinda liked Idelle/Featherstone since the moment he told Jack he wasn’t concerned because “he was in love with a good woman” and Jack was like “Idelle??”. Yes, it’s fun because client-falling-for-sex-worker is a pitiful cliché, but here’s the thing: he’s right xD. He didn’t say “I’m in love with a woman who loves me”. He said he was in love with someone GOOD and Idelle IS a good woman, dammit xDD).
Max doesn’t concern herself much with the idea of Idelle going behind her back because Idelle loves her, respects her, and is a loyal friend (and yet clearly sees Max exactly as she is and doesn’t have any delusions about it. Luckily for her Max is probably the type to feel angry but not vengeful about this lol, if only because it could reflect on her). And Max is right about that. But I love that Idelle still has it in her to take a different path by allying herself with the pirates. I’m curious about the reasoning being after Max makes Mrs. Mapleton madam again; it’s clear the girls aren’t happy about her and she didn’t seem like she took good care of them in s1, to put it mildly, so there’s some of that, but I like to think part of it was Idelle going, “seriously Max? I’m right here! I could be the Madam!” xDD.
Her dynamic with Mrs. Mapleton was really interesting too; I like how she too puts aside any old grudge and decides to put her bets with Max over Eleanor or Rogers, because she has confidence that Max and her methods (“I choose to let the players reveal themselves to me, least I make an enemy out of someone I might wish to call a friend one day”) will outlast them (btw, that line/her approach in general --as well as Silver’s “liked is a good as feared” MO--, kind of reminded me to Sansa Stark’s “If I am ever queen, I will make them love me.” line. Food for thought). Yet I think Mrs. Mapleton instructed Georgia to  attempt to ~seduce Max to get information out of her, which is very much in line with her. I loled at Max’s reaction basically being “gurl, who do you think you’re talking to. I practically invented this. GTFO” xDD
Basically, her entire storyline this season was pure gold. I love how all of those dynamics come from her maneuvers to keep herself safe, in power, and with influence (because those go hand in hand). I love her pride and her confidence, the way she refuses the scraps Eleanor and Rogers intend to give her at first (and how she firmly says to Eleanor “people do not speak to me that way anymore”, how she establishes a new normal between them), and how she pays her way out of trouble/into power with the gold she stole from Flint & co xDD.
My favourite moment of hers is devided between “in another time, in another place, they would call me a queen”, and “I AM Nassau” (that made me decide that if I ever write fic where Max needs a last name for any reason, it’s going to be Nassau. It is law), and how meta they’ll turn out to be :DD. I also have Thoughts about the evolution of her styles (beyond the obvious “omg she’s soooooo beautifuuuuul” lmao) but I’ll leave that for another show-encompassing meta too :P
She catapulted herself to Forever Fave status pretty quickly (I may have too many of those in this show.  W h a t e v e r  xDD). I love how self-assured she is (“when I speak my men listen, and they do as I say”), and how she always thinks of the big picture (like when she fought her impulse to order her men to fight against the pirates after one of them beat one of hers). And I have a lot of Feels about how this is explicitly linked to her heritage, her mother and father, their ~legacies.
Speaking of: one of the few major spoilers I seem to have avoided was that Mr. Scott was Madi’s father LOL. I was DELIGHTED by that reveal, and how it makes you reconsider his story. His relationship with Eleanor could’ve been a frankly off-putting cliché, but this completely circumvents that; it’s true that he’d shown more independence from her than I would’ve expected in another show, by leaving her side to do his own thing and further contributing to her vulnerability. But giving him a real* family, one that he prioritises over Eleanor and HID FROM HER, using her position to their benefit... That’s on a whole other level.
*I know some people are going to object to this qualifier. Fandom gets like that about found families, adopted families, etc. And I get it, but this is NOT like those situations. Mr. Scott was Eleanor’s SLAVE, FFS. That is incompatible with being her family, her father figure, no matter what she thought. And I love that the show made it explicit, when Madi tried to talk about his “two daughters” and he said “NO. ONLY YOU” in his deathbed (I might or might not have cried, okay. It may be one of my favourite scenes in the whole series). Especially when there’s a very obvious trend of characters of color COINCIDENTALLY being written as prioritizing white characters over their biological families, at the cost of their health and even their lives (I am still not over Monty being forced to kill his own mother to protect Octavia in The 100. Fuck that shit, seriously). Black Sails deciding to do the oposite here is FUCKING REVOLUTIONARY and I love it to pieces.
Another thing I loved is that they picked an actress that looks more like Mr. Scott than like her mother or Max (darker skin etc.): aka how the few black female characters that usually get what Madi will from Silver --that ~eternal devotion, willing to go against anything and anyone for her etc.-- tend to look.
Unsurprisingly, I like Madi/Silver VERY MUCH lol. I like that he is immediately ~drawn to her, in a subtle way, and viceversa (like in the scene where he’s still in the cage watching how she has trouble breathing after seeing her wounded father, or when they hug after his death). All their talks about power, responsibility, succession etc. are really good. And her concern for him is as palpable as probably inconvenient for her xD. I love the scene where she holds her hand as his leg is treated, or her worry one Silver calls himself a “one legged creature”. Though my favourite might be when he smiles when she shows concern for his state after killing Dufresne, and she’s like “well duh, if you fall apart the alliance between my people and yours is screwed” xDD
And though there hasn’t been much development yet on that side, I’m already so onboard with Flint/Madi/Silver lmfao. I love that nod of ~acknowledgment between Flint and Madi with the Maroon Queen’s voiceover about how Madi will have as much authority as Flint in his own ship xD. Her concern about Silver’s relationship with him is kind of ironic knowing that they’ll eventually find themselves more aligned between them than with Silver, by virtue of their many commonalities LOL. And there’s already traces of that ot3 feels, like when Madi tells Silver that the mistake of those “other people close to Flint” that he’s so scared of following to the grave was trying to deal with Flint alone (Madi’s seduction technique: kindness, understanding, and offers of partnership. I dig it).
I want more scenes of and with her mother, too. And between her mother and Silver, since apparently the Maroon Queen trusts him among all the pirates NOT to betray them for money (Jack saying the irony wasn’t lost on him and Flitn was hilarious xD) and that has to be thanks to Madi’s opinion of him. I’m kind of bitter we never got a Mr. Scott & Silver scene, too, especially after Silver and Madi become romantically involved. I love that stuff.
I could just upload a bunch of gifs of various crying/in pain/etc. states here because WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS THE PAINNN. I was ~feeling Flint’s grief the entire time, I swear (though... did it have to express itself by shaving his head... asking for a friend). The violence he kept inflicting in her name (her word will be the last word); how he convinced his crew, Silver included, to go into the storm rather than surrendering, for her (and narratively speaking Silver is right, he did conjure it xDD). How fucking tired he is of it all (“you can talk your way part it”, “I don’t know that I have any more lies left in me”).
As far as I’m concerned he could be hallucinating her the rest of the show (I’m going to miss seeing her so much... especially in light of the ending), as painful as I find those scenes. At this point “But when I lost you... I am ruined over you” is an instant tear-jerker, ugh. So is Flint wantint to let go and “be with her”, and ghost!Miranda saying she’d resent him for giving up. Though my favourite is when Miranda basically describes herself as his “maker”, about how she ~shaped him *clenches fist*. I love those kinds of ships.
BTW: I think the moment Rogers mentioned Thomas, Miranda’s ghost, Flint, and I, yelled “HOW DARE YOU SAY HIS NAME” on the inside xD
Flint & Silver
Sometimes fandom gets it right because the relationship between these two is... A Lot. A LOT. I anticipate a lot of suffering on my part in the near future xD
I loved the evolution in the first half of the season, from Flint telling Silver that “in my head, you’re not welcome”, or Silver resenting that Flint’s words convinced HIM (HE’S the convincer!! It’s not supposed to happen to ME!! xDD) and rambling about how Flint is “able to ~conjure the reality he desires”, to Silver finally confessing about his part on the Urca gold robbery (which I’m at least 60% sure Flint suspected already tbh. That was not one of Silver’s best lies lbr) in order to force Flint to “account for ME” --but ofc still grabbing the nearest weapon as he confeses, just in case xDD. I am also incredibly delighted by the fact that the fandom calls that episode “shark date” asdñflkasjdf (*Flint and Silver barely manage to kill one shark*; Flint, challenging: again? *Silver grins*. Shark hunting = foreplay now, apparently).
I want it known that I end up ENRAGED every time they talk about their ~partnership lmfao. It comes off very intimate and gives me too many feelings xD. “When you and I talk with one voice, we can convince them of anything”; “your words opened that door [Flint convincing the Maroon Queen to spare their lives and join their fight]”; “you didn’t tell me the journey into the dark feels good”; “he doesn’t know how to say no to the both of us at the same time”; “I’m afraid I will be the end of you”. JUST STOP YOU ASSHOLES XDD
One of my favourite moments is when Silver convinces Flint to live. To go on, to talk to the Maroon Queen without a safeguard (that knife would’ve been his doom) and get her on their side (which Flint does with a super passionate speech about fighting England’s empire. ILH). Another is when Silver tells him he enjoyed killing Dufresne WITH HIS PROSTHETIC LEG OMFG (I personally think killing Dufresne was very valid of him lmfao), or Flint says Silver enjoyed punishing Dobbs (which in Silver fashion, worked perfectly for him because it made Dobbs MORE susceptible to him). Though obviously everything pales when compared to the scene where CAPTAIN FLINT COMES OUT TO LONG JOHN SILVER OVER A BONFIRE LMFAO. I loved that scene; it was so gentle. And then Silver made it about him and their relationship xDD (this show is not subtle). Flint’s apparent lack of concern about Silver replacing him is stressing me out though. I dread the series finale xD
Outside of Flint/Silver, Silver’s journey remains awe-inspiring. I just... love him. I love that he gave up his share of the Urca gold because he had to hold onto the crew, but that he is terrified of their bow to take care of him. His concern for his image in front of them was heartbreaking and hit waaaaay too close to home, too. And I wonder how he’s going to react to Billy’s King Long John Silver stratagem xD
BTW, I lowkey shipped him with Muldoon LOL. They should’ve had ~tender sex~~ (on screen, I headcanon it did happen off-screen, whatever) at some point (if only so there was one measly mlm sex scene in the show amidst all the rest. It’s troubling, to say the least, that there’s not a single one when it has a queer male lead tbh. And I get why they didn’t go that route with Flint outside of Thomas and can even see why they didn’t do it with Flint/Thomas even if I judge the hell out of them for it, but given how they go out of their way for the other options... yeah, I side eye them).
I LOVE HIM SO MUCH AND I WISH HE HAD MORE SCREENTIME, OKAY. Every time he opens his mouth the show gets just a little bit better, if you ask me xD. “If you’re going to behave like children, I will be your daddy” WHO SAYS THAT JACK XDD.
I loved him even more when he decided to deny Rogers & co the cache, Spanish invasion or not, to not give up and assure “his legacy”. And OF COURSE he could write his intentions in a way that only Anne would understand (Max reaaaally understimated him there). Their relationship remains the sweetest (weird adjective, maybe, but it’s true) part of the show, btw. I love that how Jack describes how hurt Anne would feel after knowing she might’ve unwittingly betrayed him. Or when he knew Anne giving up to easily meant she had a plan and he cheerfully told Rogers Anne would find a way to save him xD (the scene where he absolutely drags Rogers about his privilege --“but did I make up a lot of ground to catch you!”-- is perfect. And their reunion kiss was so, so cute.
Other highlights were when he threw away the key of the cache in front of Flint to secure it, or made his pitch to be his fellow captain in the fight. I also take a petty pleasure in the fact that Vane sacrificed himself when he went to his rescue LOL. 
I like that he convinced Blackbeard to fight alongside them, but sweetie, you have NOTHING to prove to that asshole. His opinion is worthless (between his “strife is good” and Vane’s “comfort is for women” takes... ugh. They remind me of the exact discourse among leftism I hate okay xDD. In Vane’s case I at least get where he’s coming from and I even agree in part, but Blackbeard is even more boring).
-I love Billy’s more and more insidious antagonism towards Flint lmfao (yes, Flint is also one of my Forever Faves. This is compatible AND the kind of thing that would make me appreciate Billy more. I love irreverence, period). It starts with subtle ways of trying to poison Flint and Silver’s relationship (telling Silver Flint doesn’t see him as an equal, sending Silver to deliver Flint’s message instead of Flint himself, etc.). I laughed at him saying he’s all for Flint sacrificing himself for the crew since it’d be the “first selfless thing I’ve seen him do!” lol. Or that he “wants a good view when things catch up with Flint and the world makes sense again”. And ofc, creating the legend of Long John Silver. You just know he remembered Flint’s out of left field “I AM YOUR KING” and said “not on my fucking watch” xDD. And I love the irony of him being the one delivering black spots LOL.
-Did it really took that long for Anne and Flint to share some freaking words smh. Barely, but I’ll take it. I liked the moment where Jack references Max as “Anne’s lost love” and Flint does that Closeted Queer Observing A Queer Couple Look lol (he did the same when he was witness to Max and Eleanor’s fight. You need more queer friends, Flint :P).
-I liked Mrs. Hudson from the moment that she told Eleanor that the only difference she saw between her and other ladies is that their families have better lawyer --which meant Eleanor was the first one she could be rude towards xD--, and accused her of living of her father’s nepotism LOL. I hope she ends up in a good place and safe back with her kids.
-I can’t say I care much about Vane or his relationship with Eleanor, but his death and her hand on it were very well written IMO.
-I find Rogers so inherently unlikeable in every way LMFAO. And as hypocritical as it might sound, part of it is the extramarital affair ngl. I hate storylines where a man married to a more “conventional” woman is ~attracted to one he perceives as “stronger”, “fiercer”, and more worthy of himself (as if his opinion on the matter is worth shit) --only to eventually try and make the new woman more conventional once he “has” her. This one hasn’t gone all the way there but it has traces of that trope and I loathe it with all my heart.
-The only moment I managed to pay attention to Blackbeard was when he mentioned he had shrapnel advancing towards his heart, and for anyone who knows me a little, you know it’s because my brain linked that to Tony Stark lmfao. *Sighs* I just never like any version of Blackbeard, period. I find them so boring. He’s the opposite of Long John Silver that way, because I’ve loved every single version I’ve encountered so far.
-The way Spain is portrayed in this show is so... unusual. Especially for USA content in my experience. One day I’m going to have to do some more research and write about how Spain (and in particular Spanish violence -inter and intranational) is portrayed across the ocean.
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believerindaydreams · 6 years
GBU rewatch followup
...cleaned up, readable version, now with fewer typos and after-the-fact commentary in parentheticals. 
things I am looking out for in particular:
- how to write trios 
- everything that Angel Eyes does (less than I thought, it turns out; I was bang on the money with “Animal Magnetism” having him only exist for Meaningful Moments)
- the state of Eastwood’s hair (with the hat you don’t really notice it except in the desert scenes, when it is Absurd)
- some of that sweet, sweet Morricone music because it’s the one part of the film that no amount of clever writing will adequately evoke and I love it to pieces (still true)
let’s do this thing then
like, the opening credits are pure stylish flair. That can’t be a book. It’s gorgeous. It’s perfect for what it is. has nothing to do with translation to a 70s au but that is entirely, utterly besides the point
Tuco’s “I have a gun in one hand and a dead chicken in the other” will never not make me laugh
SPAIN: specifically the Spanish landscape and how gorgeous it looks. it all sort of runs together, appropriation and reappropriation and Spain standing in for Mexico…oh hello Angel Eyes,  you look a lot more impressive than Tuco does. Nice entrance.
Also we don’t actually know at first that he’s The Bad? He’s just wandering into frame like he could be the Good cowboy or something, it’s not the music that tells you. It’s the way that the guy’s family respond to his presence and just Go without saying anything. Something about Angel def. invokes silence. No wonder he and Blondie get on.
…like, this whole scene where he’s like “I am going to enjoy your delicious soup but stare at you“ is actually hilarious? Like he’s def. got a sense of humour- it’s just that everybody looks subdued with Tuco in the picture.
There’s a very thin divide between the tension of comedy and the tension of “is he gonna kill me” and Angel Eyes just straddles all over that line.
I like you, Man Eating Soup. Too bad you gotta die now.
…yeah, I think my characterisation of “bounty hunter who keeps his given word but has no qualms” is bang on the money.
last time I didn’t notice how Lee’s voice shifts to being more amused when he’s about to do something incredibly violent. Or how great his voice was at all. Like that was clearly a mistake, he’s great.
Tuco! *hearts* With a trio of men surrounding him in a triangle. ‘m sure that’s thematic.
Clint sounds like Rowdy but more terse.
Oh hell I love the way that we get closeups on Tuco staring at things. I love characters who stare at things in general (cf. Stargate and a team who communicate by looks), and Leone delivers there.
“how much you worth now” and Tuco’s just lol I dunno.
oh Tuco you theatrical hooligan nobody believes your absurd accusations. also geez I couldn’t write that many swears if I spent all day over it.
That is a DAMN sexy wanted poster.
Forgot about Blondie calling Tuco “known at the rat” part. Hmm. I wonder what that’s about?
I always forget how choreographed the duo’s escapes are, like it’s not just shooting a rope, there’s a lot of effort that go into those.
you smug thing Clint. you smug thing. (I assume this was just one of his wry looks past the camera, as he does a lot).
does trans! Angel Eyes in the 70s smoke a pipe. Yes. Yes he does.
“even a filthy beggar like that has got a protecting angel” oh Angel Eyes you has a crush. also a pretty good sense for a scam- are we meant to infer that Angel and Tuco used to play this game? (Also he has correctly assessed Blondie’s Divine Status or whatever it is that keeps him clear of disasters.) 
the way that Tuco jumps on the horse is just. pure sex appeal.
“sawed off runt” Blondie gets in 1 insult but it actually means something, as opposed to Tuco doing 10,000 for the sake of the audience
I see what you did there with putting “the good” on screen just after Blondie abandons Tuco to die horribly in  a desert. I see it.
yeah, I thought I remembered Tuco saving up all the really good insults for Spanish.
(now that I know that Eli’s from Brooklyn, I can’t *not* watch a performance of a deeply pissed off New Yorker who’s in this godsforsaken desert for the dosh but refuses to budge an inch on being a fast talking SOB. The rapid fire line deliveries for sure.)
had forgotten this bit about Angel slapping around a girl….
Aw, Tuco as soon as he finds water is A. drink some and B. play with it. awww you’re adorable Tuco
must go figure out what that thing Tuco wears on his hand is. also contemplate whether the 70s one wears braces.
yeah, like, “I got dumped so I’ll pull myself together and also drink this man’s crazy red liquor and take a hat cos I need a hat” that is peak Tuco right there.
no wait that wasn’t. What is is the exquisitely judged moment where he decides that the guy will probably want the liquor to drown his sorrows afterwards and leaves it.
I am very fond of the way that the war is presented as a disaster that is Happening but which none of the three leads give a __ about. The much maligned poster got that bang on the money.
everything looks so lived in, always, even though I assume they were building sets? Why can’t American westerns of the period look This Real, did they actually build houses or what
Blondie has vividly green eyes. Right then. Tuco’s are brown.
Tuco hires some backup to help him with Blondie. that’s…smart.
I think, actually, that Blodnie’s blue circle calico shirt is something he oughta wear in the 70s. It suits.
“your spurs” like a knight, ha. That’s a terrible gag, Blondie.
why is there so much blood on Tuco’s face. what was he doing to get banged up like that.
so he’s on a stool with a noose, with a gun pointed at him, and Blondie is still not acting like this is anything serious.
ohmigod I LOVE this bit with the cannon and the house collapsing. Hah. It seriously is like Blondie’s a force of nature though
Tuco tracks Blondie by favourite cigar stubs. Also smokes them after. Tempting to borrow that. (like they’re in bed together, Tuco steals his cigar, that kinda thing)
…is he. Is Tuco wearing flares in the 1860s. Yeah I think he is.
“I brought TWO guns” lol sure you did Tuco.
And Tuco winces when Shorty dies and is it like, two against one would make things too complex for him, or he’s mad that Blondie replaced him that fast, or what’s going on here that he let another man hang like that. Blondie doesn’t seem to mind much.
black horse = black car for Tuco.
Tuco mocking Blondie’s fair skin, like yeah there’s definitely a bit of a racial thing here.
“You’ll die. Very slowly, old friend.” also I have an umbrella ain’t it pretty
I think one of the reasons I glom on this film is because for all its length there is literally something happening every single minute. Like most films have dead time when I could, you know, breathe or something, but I haven’t stopped typing since I turned this on.
(the comedy sensibility there as well. You can’t have dead air when you’re writing comedy, things have to be leading somewhere. )
course at the moment the point is “look at this very big desert with two very small people in it”...here comes the whump. Clint sure knows how to lean into it.
sweet jesus Tuco with the sun behind you there you look like some kinda avenging 70s disco angel yourself. also the headband.
here comes the celestial music. here comes the cavalry. see, when Tuco gets into a mess he has to get out of it himself, but this is the second time that Divine Intervention has saved Blondie.
…gosh it’d be funny if that watch in the stagecoach was the Few Dollars More watch. I’m sure it ain’t.
Tuco’s not very good at interrogation. I’m sort of comforted by this, because it suggests he doesn’t do it very often.
when did Blondie get to the stagecoach. seriously when. (oh right it’s Leone. movement is a free action as long as it’s off camera)
that’s twice that Blondie’s called Tuco a rat though. what is about rats for Blondie.
maximum Clint hair fluff here. why do I have a thing for heroes with daft hair. tis daft.
I don’t think that New Mexico has goat skin waterbottles? Whereas they are all over the place in Spain. Hmm.
…okay, I have missed something. Why is Tuco wearing an eye patch now? Like, did he just look at Bill and say “that’s great I’m having that”. Anyway the way he forgets and shoves it up his face to look at the wall hanging is a hoot. (he keeps doing this like a kid playing pirates)
battle between “keeping on hat” and “oh I’m praying”- hat wins. Figures. 
Tuco still has a nasty cut on his face from before. Either this is very good continuity or Eli got hit by a brick during filming and it’s still healing. I honestly cannot tell.
Tuco genuinely doesn’t know nothing about Blondie’s past. Figures.
oh you *bastard* Tuco trying to exhort a deathbed confession. that’s probably his lowest moment in the whole movie actually- cos Blondie started it with the whole “let’s play who dumps who in the desert”
of course Blondie doesn’t fall for it. course he doesn’t. (I do wonder how much of this is Tuco wondering what Blondie will let him get away with.)
also there’s an implied passage of time during which Blondie thinks it’s hilarious to have Tuco fetch and carry for him. That tracks.
ohhhh and the Pablo scene like I have a lot of feels about this. mostly about the way that Tuco is genuinely happy to see Pablo and it all goes wrong, and I already write bits of this relationship into fics but aww…Pablo is genuinely disappointed. Tuco genuinely loves him.
(cannot tell whether Tuco shags a lot of girls or is angry with Pablo and wants him to think he shags a lot of girls. could go either way.)
in which Tuco just straight-up makes up junk about his brother cos he has an audience. and Blondie goes along with it to the extent of giving him a cigar, and it’s- aw. actual partnership moment. for reals.
“god’s not on our side” yup, and maybe Blondie would have done something if he hadn’t been asleep? But I get the idea he’s happy to take cues from Tuco for improv. 
 Tuco’s “oh fuck” moment inf. relatable.
hello Angel. And our duo knows him, too.
…I, uh, honestly can’t figure out why Blondie thinks it’s a good move for Tuco to pretend to be Bill Carson. Like I honestly can’t see how they’d even think that was a thing to do unless they’d seen the movie up to this part. Like, Tuco and Blondie basically have to be plugged into the narrative to know to do anything here except keep their mouths shut and hope to get to Sad Hill at some point?
Angel Eyes is a practical bastard. Also a sergeant. heigh-ho.
these three definitely know each other and I can’t figure out how. What’s this friendship thing about? It is a mystery. (def Tuco and Angel have a past though. What kind?)
Also Tuco figures that Angel is gonna straight up poison him at first, so that couldn’t have been a wholly easy relationship.
…okay, I’ll have to have a scene where Tuco finally says “yes I think your being called Angel is a hoot”- it is, after all, Here.
Is it that Angel doesn’t like getting his hands dirty, or that it’s easier to fob off the trouble on somebody who does like it, or that he genuinely thinks that anyone less hefty than Wallace might not be able to shove around Tuco like this? mysteries.
I wonder what Blondie is thinking. The prison choir is the goddamn creepiest thing.
yeah, Blondie, you think you’re tough but I think you’d spill your guts out also if the alternative was gouging. That’s not Tuco being a coward, that’s just Angel Eyes treating the object of his crush/a stoic/the white guy better than Tuco. It’s not like there’s a Great Moral Principle at stake for Tuco not to talk or anything.
“We’re going for a ride” is like custom-built to be an Epic Catchphrase though.
…blood doesn’t puddle like that. Someone on production screwed up. (blood is always theatrical in this film. too red and technicolour.)
…where was I? Oh yes. Tuco’s now worth 3000 dollars and is proud of it.
And Wallace is enjoying hurting him. Wallace is exactly the type that Tuco doesn’t grok; hurt somebody because they hurt you, or because you’re mad at them, or they have something you want, but just for the sake of hurting, that I don’t think tracks for him.
(Tuco and Blondie’s scam sure has got around if Wallace knows it. I guess that could have been Angel who told him, but it’s…it’s more like this thing where everyone in the film knows things that were said on screen before? I’d have to do another watch to contemplate this, but the notion fascinates me.)
That “I can’t do it while you’re watching me” is almost cute. Like, obviously it’s a ploy to kill Wallace, but also, it’s cute.
Oh yes, the “we nearly killed Eli” scene”. Thank christ the man had a natural sense of self preservation.
Lots of people in this film wear sexy short cloaks. I love those. I want one of the trio to have on in the 70s, anachronistic or no- maybe Blondie? Dunno.
all three leads have a bit where they’re just spying on the other two. v. sexy.
I’d just like to note that as somebody who has infinite patience for wandering around deserted lonely locales, I love this desolation hotel scene.  
…dumping in all the nice bath salts cos he can. Completely undeterred by being a naked man in a bath facing a gun. continuing with the bath afterwards…
And also Blondie knows Tuco just by the gun. That’s not tracker smarts, that’s, um, divine inspiration.
kitten. Aw, you little kitten.
the way Blondie says “old friend” Angel Eyes actually suggests that it was Tuco who met Angel first.
“So that’s why you came to Tuco”. Yeah, I love mutually necessary relationships, and this one sure counts.
“I want that blond alive” yes we know Angel. We know.
“Were you gonna die alone” oh that IS shippy. 
sometimes Tuco crosses himself after a death, sometimes he doesn’t. there’s no apparent logic there.
the way that Blondie whistles and shoots a guy is max. cowboy aesthetic. also messed up.
Blondie seems cool with Tuco killing Angel. Okies.
(I guess he figures at this point that Angel will have to be waiting...)
I’d remembered the “it’s for you”. Had not remembered Tuco tearing up the paper after, but whatevers.
where does Tuco get all these hats. How? Does he just steal hats whenever he sees a new one?
Leone’s favourite trick of ‘things off camera don’t exist” is amazing. really it is. A whole army camp…
and really, this is all extra, they could just go ahead and have the cemetery duel now, but that’s not really the point.
Actually, Blondie does seem perfectly content to let Tuco do most of the talking when it needs to be done.
That whole bit with the liquor swigging- goes along with my notions of Blondie not actually being a very heavy drinker, Tuco being more enthusiastic. also I do like Tuco’s genuine “really?!” upon being told he could make colonel, like this is the first time somebody’s told him he could be something other than a priest or a bandit, and maybe he would have gone for it if he wasn’t hip deep into the 200,000 thing.
And the mutual Blondie/Tuco “this guy’s insane” looks they swap when the captain’s not looking at them, tis fab.
it’s so weird that nobody in this camp is talking…until they start yelling.
Tuco’s notion of avoiding getting killed by cannon fire is to hide as far out of frame as he can. Given how Leone framing works, this is maybe not so dumb.
it takes the entire civil war for Blondie to render a moral judgement, i. e. war is bad. I feel like he’s obscurely irritated that circumstances have forced him to profess an opinion about something.
Hang on, didn’t Blondie learn the name of the cemetery from Angel Eyes earlier? Does he actually need Tuco at this point?
Blondie next to a big case that says “explosives” is…uh, very Bugs Bunny.
…oh, yeah, it does help having a partner to blow up the bridge. Right.
it is genuinely fun, though, watching these two work as partners. They’re very practical when they want to be.
Tuco taking several minutes to gulp his way into telling Blondie his half of the secret is…interesting. Trusting. And I suspect probably saves his life later. Cos Tuco’s right and blowing up this bridge is dangerous and one of them could easily die…and he is, for once, actually doing his best to do right by his partner in a completely stupid and insane world.
lighting your cigar on the explosives is also very Bugs Bunny.
Blondie, just cos Tuco went to sleep with his arse in easy kicking position doesn’t mean you have to kick it. Also I wonder what Tuco’s whimpering there.
and the young soldier scene. I have notions about the utility of Useless But Kind Gestures that I’ve been ranting about in various 1984 postings for a while, and Blondie gets one here. Oughta contemplate that at length later.
oh look it’s the cemetery. Tuco throws away his map.
…and three minutes go clean out of my head, as they do, because the simple fact is that even with the grave name this is a ridiculous task - how do you find one grave in all five thousand? and Leone is covering for it with a mystical quasi-religious invocation to get Tuco to where we need him to be. Thing is, it works on me. Can’t talk sensibly about the Ecstasy, there is is.
The framing of Angel Eyes coming in is epic, I gotta say. First person. Have we had any first person all film?
…but Blondie, why were you having Tuco dig up Arch Stanton’s grave when it’s the wrong grave, unless you knew Angel was coming? He knows Angel’s coming is all I can think of.
also I think we’re being asked to assume that Blondie took Tuco’s gun while Tuco was asleep with his arse in the air, unloaded it, then put it back, and then kicked him awake. dang if that isn’t a sequence I would have enjoyed Leone committing to celluloid.
okay, so. Three-way.
Tuco’s thinking “if one of these people is gonna shoot me, it’s probably gonna be Angel. So I’ll shoot Angel, and Blondie probably shoots Angel too, and then we see where we are. if they both shoot me I’m dead anyway.”.
Angel Eyes, I bet, is just figuring he should get off a shot at the better shooter first, and he figures that’s Blondie.
Blondie knows who has a weapon, so he just has to spin this out and make it look good for Angel Eyes. Easy. I wonder what he would have done if it wasn’t, though?
(we aren’t ever gonna know are we)
I can’t tell who Angel Eyes is trying to shoot with his last shot. I assume it’s Blondie, but the framing makes it hard to tell?
Tuco, you hafta bring all that money back to civilisation, wrecking the bags doesn’t help there.
Ah yes. The noose. Where did Blondie even get a noose? Is it worthwhile asking the question?
I spent a long time the first time I watched this, genuinely wondering if Tuco was gonna get killed. (I didn’t want Blondie to kill him.) And I was genuinely unsure…until I realised that we were setting it up just like old times, and Blondie was gonna have to shoot him free because he always *had* shot him free, and was always going to, and it was a oroubous of a movie. Which is all the more so in the day of easy DVD rewatching.
which is not to say I didn’t quiver when Blondie levels the gun.
anyway after all he’s been through, I think Tuco’s entitled to shout that last line.
and some followups for the notes 
...yeah, it definitely makes more sense for Angel Eyes to be an old acquaintance of Tuco’s (unless you’re writing a fic where Blondie is a Weird Force of Nature and trying to reconcile two different people’s connection to him is a driving force of the plot, but I’ll remember this for the Animal Magnetism sequel).
I guess that Tuco is definitely pretending to be Bill Carson, but why? How does that help them? (I assume Blondie doesn’t see the whole torture-by-Angel Eyes coming...)
Yeah, I can see Angel Eyes as someone who’s perfected his gunslinger because his hand-to-hand isn’t so hot. Tuco’s the one who’d probably win in a straight bar brawl, but unfortunately for him that’s not the movie he’s in. 
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via-val · 6 years
Okay, so recently it has been brought to my attention that some people get confused with the characters and OC’s in pushing each other to the limits, since there are so many of them. I wasn’t aware of this being an issue, nevertheless I’m glad anon pointed it out, this way I can create a character log and keep y’all updated with the new arrivals and so on!
I’ll start listing under the cut. ^w^
First off,  Ryōmen Utsukushi-sa. She is the first OC to appear and does so halfway through chapter one. She has pastel pink eyes, white and pink hair that resembles that of a fairy, hollow bones and a pair of big feather-covered wings that, when fully developed, will grant her the ability to fly. She has a sweet tooth and publicly humiliated Midoriya because Katsuki shoved Nakisakebu, a friend of hers. Her name means two-sided beauty, referring to her backstabbing yet charming personality. She has yet to come back.
Nakisakebu makes a brief appearance as well, although she isn’t that important. She gets shoved by Bakugou at lunch and then plots a way to get back at him by humiliating Izuku. Her name means weep.
On that same chapter, Shinrai Dekinai makes an appearance. He looks pretty much like a human bumblebee, with clear wings, dark, wide eyes and a pair of antennas on top of his head. He is quite fluent in English and turned his back on Izuku upon learning that the latter was quirkless as he doesn’t appreciate people lying or hiding this from him. His name is supposed to mean something along the lines of “this can’t go well.” Foreshadowing? Maybe.
Chapter two greets us with the presence of Kiru Tsume, better known as Shitty Tygra Knockoff. He doesn’t really stand out, just a common boy with the appearance of a tiger and sliced pupils. His quirk makes him part Tiger and allows him several feline-like abilities. His name is just a word play on the word “kitsune” which means fox in Japanese.
Matsuoka Akiko makes her first appearance on that same chapter. She is a young woman with pale skin, grey eyes and long ebony black hair, often referred to as a yokai because of her scary appearance. She co-owns La Parroquia de Veracruz and is a happy woman with a bubbly personality. Her name means bright, in reference to her happy personality. Her quirk, Whim, allows her to know what people want/need and tell them apart. As a child she was bullied and holds grim memories of her teenage years and school, reason why she decided to drop out of uni, quit out of her job as a waitress and help her internet best friend start his business.
Mateo Flores is a mexican boy with pastel pink skin and slightly darker pink hair. His eyes are a deep violet and he has a pair of flashy fangs that can rarely be seen since he is shy and doesn’t tend to smile as much as Akiko. He is the original owner of La Parroquia de Veracruz and his quirk, Flavour, grants him the ability to make literally anything taste like glory. His name means decisive. He settled down in Japan just after graduating high school and opened a café, hiring his ibf Akiko as a waitress and also business partner.
Takane Hikari worked as a receptionist the first time she appeared in the story, back in chapter two. She currently works as an intern for a big Support Company and resides in Hosu. Her hair is cyan, short, curly and her eyes are an icy blue. Her quirk, Splatter, although quite useless makes up for a good party trick as she can eject paint from her body. Her name means light.
Kirishima Iwao is a buff, tall man with dark skin and even darker hair. His eyes are a light shade of blue and his quirk, Rock, gives him a thick skin. However, can unharden his skin and make himself soft for a couple of minutes. He works as a trainer in a local gym. Because I’m an uncreative little shit his name literally means rock.
Kirishima Mio is a petite woman with dark hair and sharp, shark-like teeth. She has scarlet red eyes and works as a detective in a nearby precinct. Her name can either be interpreted as beautiful or saint. 
Now let’s skip to chapter three. The first to make an appearance here is Bakugou Tsuki. She has white short hair and red eyes that match with a beautiful tanned skin. Her quirk, Ember, lets her set random things on fire and then manipulate the embers. She loves to tease her grandsons and is a single mother. Her name means to thrust.
Yasu Nagisa is Inko’s mother. She is a kind yet untrusting, strict woman with green hair, orange eyes and teal skin. Her quirk, Levitate, allows her to make things fly with a simple glance. Her name means shore.
Yasu Ryuu is Inko’s father. He has blonde curls, blue eyes, and prominent freckles. Unlike his wife, he is a happy-go-lucky kinda guy with a quirk deemed best suited for villany by most people. Appearing allows him to have any object appear on his hands by just knowing what it looks like and its location. His name means dragon.
Chapter four presents us a brand new set of OC’s. First off, there’s Hazuki Kisumi, a boy with dark hair, blue skin and navy blue eyes. He has gills on either side of his neck and fins on both his calves and forearms. His name means mist, like the vague mist that can be seen on the shores at sunrise. His quirk, Introduction, allows him to know how a person would like to be approached. He is quite shy and has a slippery tongue.
Then we have Yamazaki Hiroko, a woman that looks like a triceratops all the way from head to toe. She has broad shoulders and three horns atop her head. Her skin is dark and covered in golden scales, along with her muscled tail. She has dark cocoa hair and partially heterochromatic eyes that go from amber yellow to emerald green, although her prettiest feature are her pair of glassy red lips. She has a flirty personality and likes to joke around. Her name means tolerant and her quirk, Mixing, allows her to mix about anything and everything and make it right. Is she a bartender? Mad scientist? Only time will tell.
Shiozaki Fuji is a short woman with vines for hair and a characteristic stoic face expression. She works as a receptionist in NIK and her quirk grows flowers from her hair. Her name means mountain and she is related to Shiozaki Ibara, student from class 1-B.
Daichi Yuu is an old man with a quirk that allows him to literally blend in with his surroundings. He is the principal at NIK, a responsible adult with a successful career in quirk analysis and quite a lively character. His name means intellect. 
From there we skip all the way over to chapter six, where Ai Chiasa makes her first appearance. She is Shouto’s personal chauffeur and her quirk, Teletransporting, is self-explanatory. She has purple skin and peach coloured hair that match with a calm personality. She enjoys pop culture way too much and loves the Todoroki like if they were her own children. Her name means a thousand mornings.
From the recommended exam we have Fudo Daiki, local pervert and wielder of Nightcrawling, a quirk that allows him to use dark areas to teletransport from one place to another. He has neon bright hair and a sly smile and his name means brightness, a contrast to how his quirk works. We also have Shinju Nyoko whose name means gem treasure. She is a bubbly girl with dark skin and an afro. Her quirk, Space, allows her to bend constellations, stars and such at will.
Last but not least, chapter seven brings what I believe to be the last OC’s from this batch. For starters we have Nakamura Harumi, whose name means springtime beauty. She has medium-short, long cocoa hair that match with a pair of brown eyes and grey skin. She is smart yet shy, has a weird liking for the sun and is very trusting of others. Her quirk, Host, makes her the best at organizing events and such.
Then we get introduced to Interi Hiro, a boy with white hair and pastel purple eyes. He is related to Interi Saiko, a girl from the anime-only filler Provisional License Exam episode in season three. He is a carefree guy, although he can be a little bit bitchy when out of soda since that means he can’t use his quirk, I. Q., properly. His name means abundant.
Ryoko Seina is a girl with dark skin, orange hair and bright red eyes. She is a nice person, although prone to get anxious easily. Her quirk, Moonlight, makes her extra productive at night time and she can also expand her limbs thanks to her father’s genes. Her name means innocent and she is a sweet person.
Natalya Ivanova is an elder Russian lady and the homeroom teacher for Class 101 in NIK. She is a strict teacher and likes to make fun of her students, all in good-hearted nature.
Ito Miya is the second highest ranked student in NIK. She has purple skin, pastel pink hair that’s shaved in one side and curly on the other, a scar along her right cheek, freckles and a pair of brown eyes that get hidden underneath black frames that she doesn’t really need. She has three piercings on her left ear to match Kaoru’s and a pair of demonic purple wings that flutter each time she gets excited. Her quirk, Spotlight, allows her switch the attention from herself at will. Her name means wings.
Finally, we have Watanabe Kaoru. He has tanned skin and ash brown hair along with a cute lil’ mole on the upper right part of his lips. His eyes are a vibrant green deep enough to rival Izuku’s and he has a set of three piercings on his right ear. He needs glasses and so he wears a pair of thick-rimmed frames at all times, his name means fragrance. His quirk, Handsome, allows him to morph into what people find physically appealing as long as he meets the requirements (i. e. he can’t grow boobs to appeal people who are into that). He also has a driver’s license and is a long-time friend of Miya. 
And I think that’s it! Here you can find a couple of visuals I created, just in case things are a bit unclear. You can also message me and I’ll answer your doubts to the best of my ability! <3
5 notes · View notes
What’s the best life insurance you can get online?
"What's the best life insurance you can get online?
by a real agency----i will check it out with the BBB    better buisness bureau--haha
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Confused about insurance law in CA?
Hey guys, I obtained my license a couple weeks back but I do not have insurance, meaning I was not added to my parent's premiums yet and do not have my own as well. However, the car that I drive does have insurance on it. Just clarifying, but technically, it is illegal for me to drive as of right now correct? Or is it legal for me to drive as long as the car has insurance? Thanks!""
What is the difference between a car registration and an insurance?
I always mix the 2 up for some reason. I know that insurance is to insure the car for any damages done to the other vehicle or your own vehincle, but what is a registration for. Is it to verify the owner of the vehicle. Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.""
How much does teen car insurance cost?
I'm 16, and I'm about to get my drivers license. My dad is insured through the aarp people because its cheaper for him. he called them to ask how much it would cost to put me on his insurance, and they said 120 dollars a month. I thought this seemed a little unreasonable, because i'm just going to drive a three thousand dollar car like twice a week. How much do you/ your parents pay for car insurance for young drivers? I have good grades. can that get me a discount?""
Need help with my car insurance?
I will be driving for a year this august and i'm currently paying 105 a month for my current insurance. All the quotes im receiving at the moment are alot higher then i'm already paying but i'm sure it will go down once i've been driving exactly 1 year. Will i get a 1 year No claims discount automatically on the date i finish my current insurer? then just set my new insurance to start the day after?
Will Caresource health insurance from ohio cover braces?
My sisters teeth are awful. Will her health insurance cover the cost of braces??
Why do i need car insurnace?
give me 7 reasons why i need car insurance
Estimate for car insurance payment for 6 months ..?
i am looking to consolidate, and want to see what i actually spend is right or not --- what should be a reasonable bargain on car insurance ??- i pay 950 for my 05 and 08 car. is that too much .. for 6 months, driver for last 4-5 yrs ?? what do you guys pay .. i know it depends on what all coverage you end up taking, still any ideas would help ..""
How to get a good quote for my car insurance?
basically, i've got 1 year no claims with direct line car insurance for the past year( only 1 year driving experience). i was paying 85 for fully comprehensive, and was 24years old when applied for the insurance. i just received a letter from direct line for my renewal, and now it's gone up to 109. i was wondering what might cause it to increase, and if now am over 25years should i really inform them (if it's gonna make a difference). is it advisable to switch to another company for maybe cheaper deals?! p.s i have a vauxhall calibra year 1995""
Car insurance cost for a young driver?
My son is nearly 19 years old and having driving lessons. I am worried about the cost of car insurance for him. I have heard if he goes on my insurance it would be a lot cheaper. I have been driving around 10 years now with a clear licence, so my insurance is quite low at the moment. I was wondering if he were to go on my policy how much extra it would cost me if I were to protect my no claims?""
Is the renault twizy cheap for teenagers?
Is the insurance cheap Im looking around below 2000 a year
Teen Insurance for a subaru wrx?
how much will insurance roughly come out to for a 2004 subaru wrx (turbocharged) and I am 17?
Question about Health Insurance in the USA?
If you are not insured will you not receive emergency treatment in A and E? Do you have to pay for this? HOw do they make you pay? What about if you have cancer or need long term care for a degenerative illness? Do many people die in the USA because they are unable to afford treatment? Also I heard that the incedence of TB and pneumonia among the poor in the USA was on the increase because they have no access to healthcare is this true? Sorry I know this is a lot of questions maybe i should split them up next time. :-)
""What would you do? Really want a baby, but afraid of losing insurance.?""
I know this is just for my husband and me to decide, but I'd like to hear what other people would do. We really want to have a baby (we've had two losses in the past). We've paid off our bills and have some savings for a house (we'd like to buy one in about 5 years). The only thing stopping us now is that his job can be unstable and, although we'll continue to be fine financially, I'm afraid of losing insurance. Would you take the risk?""
How much more is car insurance on sports cars vs regular cars for younger divers?
im kinda just looking for a general answer like 25% more or 50% more.... eg if it was a basic ford mustang how much more does insurance cost for that if im 20yrs old?
I would like a rough idea of how much it will cost to insure my 17 year old son to learn then drive my car?
I have a peugeot 206 1.4 2005 plate car, it is the only car we own and I would like to put my son on the insurance. He will be 17 in Jan 2011 and we need to gage how much it will cost to have him as a named driver of my car""
""How much can the owner of a commercial Insurance Agency expect to make? (in Year 1, Year 5, Year 10?)?""
Hi all, I live in Florida and am currently in my second year of law school. I am looking to get into the insurance business after I graduate to build some form of residual income. ...show more""
B Average for Car insurance Discount?
Is 84.86 considered a B average in the eyes of the insurance company? My school doesn't give grades on a 4 point scale- only the percentage
Where can I find a birth control clinic that has the pill for cheap without insurance in orange count?
a place with around 10-20 without insurance thanks
""For maternity insurance, is 50% coinsurance with low deductible and $3,000 maximum out of pocket expense good?""
We are looking for maternity coverage on health insurance through BCBS. If we are thinking this through correctly, policies with 80% coinsurance and policies with 50% coinsurance both have maximum out of pocket expenses for $3000. If we do not have to pay any more than $3000 after the deductible, wouldn't either plan work out about the same? Or is there some sort of loop hole that we will be help liable for more than the $3,000 out of pocket expense per year (we are aware of out of network charges).""
What is the best car insurance that can cover any accidents and passenger & property damage in California?
What is the best car insurance that can cover any accidents and passenger & property damage in California?
How much rental car insurance do I actually need?
I don't have stateside auto insurance. We are military living overseas. Renting a car in Hawaii and don't want to spend a fortune in rental car insurance but want to be covered.
Urgent question about medical insurance for college students!!!???
I'm a student at a major university in the state of Washington (not that it matters for the question I guess). I'm still on my dad's insurance but it's going to expire on my birthday this year. If it is verified that I'm a student at a college (I don't think it matters whether it's a university, community college, trade school, whatever), then the insurance can continue. I stupidly dropped a class close to the beginning of this term, and this unknowingly dropped me *just*, just barely to the status of 'half-time'. I really didn't realize this would happen and has caused me all sorts of grief with the financial aid gods (lol)...I already will have to be writing appeal letters explaining my mistake. Well, I digress, but my question is: For this insurance matter, do I just need to be a student or do I need to be a full-time student . If it's the latter, pardon my French, but I'm pretty much, f**ked, aren't I? Anyone know the answer?""
I'm confused about primary and secondary health insurance?
My daughter is on my policy, where all of the payments come out of a fund set at the beginning of the year, so if it is $1,000 that can be wiped out by one trip to the ER. Also, she is on her father's plan which is a taditional co-pay plan. Would it work out to my advantage to use his at primary and mine as secondary? Can the co-pay requirement from his insurance be paid from my plan?""
Temporary Car insurance??
Need temporary car insurance for about 3-4 weeks, our own policy runs out the middle of next month, but we have just ordered a mobility car, and it wont be here until 1st week in June. We call our current insurance company and was basically told they would charge us for 6 months and then a cancellation fee. What company offers the lowest price insurance for that short amount of time??""
Me and my boyfriend wants to buy a car but were concern about the car insurance we cant afford to pay 200 dollars or more a month just for car insurance but we refused to drive with out insurance we have a baby on the way and we don't know what to do and we really need a car bad please anyone can you please help us out if so can you leave numbers if you know something we just need help
What's the best life insurance you can get online?
by a real agency----i will check it out with the BBB    better buisness bureau--haha
Anyone know where my husband can get dental work done with no insurance?
he is in a huge amount of pain and nothing is working anymore he has even went as far as rinsing his mouth out with peroxide! [ i know right!] but any how we don't have dental insurance and i was wondering is there anywhere he can go like a free clinic or something? we live in East bay California any help would be great thanks! no rude comments please
Im a 20 year old male and im thinking about getting my first motorcycle. I need suggestions.?
Like i said im a 20 year old student looking into getting a bike. Most of my friends have them and they tell me how much they enjoy riding so i'd like to take up the hobby and ...show more
Which Car Would be Cheaper to Insure?
2001 Celica 1997 Spyder Eclipse Neither are GT! I'm just wondering which would be cheaper. ((BTW Yes I would pay for everything myself!) Sorry for the all caps buuuut..PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ME A WEBSITE OR TELL ME TO CALL AN AGENT. I'm not looking for a number I just want to know if they would be much different in insurance prices. One more question, would they be much cheaper than the 2001 Mustang Convertible, if so a lot cheaper, or a little? I got a quote on the mustang a while ago, so I know how to compare that some! 16 year old Female. Thank you for those of you who answer my question!! :)""
What insurance rates do u all pay?
Just wondered what u all pay as i pay alot so does anyone else. Age -20 Sex -Male Car -Focus 2.0litre No mods Convictions-16 Month ban 3 years ago 1500 Anually
Buying new car; 1 day insurance?
I am going to look at a car soon, with intentions of making it into a winter project. It is drivable, but I do not plan on driving it until summer. I would rather not tow it home, but without insurance I dont want to drive it. Is such a thing as 1 day insurance an option, just to get it home? If so, how much does this usually cost? If not, are there any other possibilities besides a tow? State of Pennsylvania by the way.""
How much would the car insurance be on this car?
How much would insurance cost on a black 2012 ford mustang for my 17 year old son. it's the lx kind not gt racing. Please give opinions based off your insurance
Which of these is the correct Republican opposition to universal healthcare?
A. The government can't run anything right B. Government-run healthcare will be too successful, and private insurance companies won't be able to compete As with the Obama is simultaneously a Muslim, a Radical Black Christian, and Godless Communist argument, sooner or later you are going to have to pick one and go with it...at least in this place some of us like to call reality ...""
Can u guys suggest me a best insurance company?
Dear frnds i m intending to sell jewellery at ebay and i wanna insured items before shipping it to customers can u guys suggees me a good insurance company.i want item to be insured until it reaches to customers hand.
Car insurance for a new driver.?
How much money would car insurance be for a 16-year old teenage boy? My birthday falls weird so i get my lisence when im sophmore.
After market alloys and telling your car insurance company about them?
Hi Guys, I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to car insurance... I recently bought a T reg honda civic, its a 1.4i. It had tyres with wheel trims on them when i bought it. However, I am looking to buy a set of alloys to improve the look of the car. NOT for boy-racing about the place I might add! I was wondering if it would be worth my while getting them if my insurance company are going to charge me more for insuring it including the alloys. I dont want to be running about with the alloys on without letting them know because I know it would make my insurance void. Any ideas what the insurance company are likely to say or do? I have only beening driving since October of 07 so my insurance is already 1200 a year, which is awful and I dont need it to go up much further...""
What's the best place to get cheap insurance on an imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan?
What's the best place to get cheap insurance on an imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan?
If I borrow my friend's car for a day...? insurance?
I need to borrow my friend's car for a day. I'm wondering about the insurance since my name isn't on there and borrowing it for a day. What happens if i get into a car accident??
Infertility insurance?
Does any one know of a good provider or some one with an insurance rider for infertility? I have great health insurance, except it dosent cover that! I should say that I live in Kentucky. Thanks""
Will my insurance payment go up a lot?
I was recently in a car accident, unfortunately I was the one who was at fault. It had just rained the night before and the road was wet and so my brakes did not respond and i ended up hitting another car. Anyway, my question is, how much will I have to pay for my insurance now. Will it double, triple? I know that payments tend to skyrocket after your involved in an accident and your the one at fault.""
Whats the average cost for teen motorcycle insurance?
Ok so I am 16 years old and I have an 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 I live in a rural part of CA with low crime rate. I want liability only and have maintained a 4.2 gpa if that helps with insurance costs
Why should anyone purchase insurance under Obamacare when there is no fine?
If everyone bonds together and refuses to purchase insurance under govt. intimidation this would be too large for the govt. to control and destroy Obamacare. Fine or not I will never ...show more
Is financial indemnity a good insurance carrier?
Is financial indemnity a good insurance carrier?
Is insurance higher on red cars?
There are many myths regarding insurance and one i heard is Insurance is higher on red cars , Does the color of our car really affect insurance rates?Thanks :)""
Where can i find cheap car insurance for a 17 year old male?
Its really starting to get on my nervse that i can not find any cheap insurance anywhere! Why do insurance companies in the UK want to make life so hard for young drivers? Yeah stasticaly the majority of us crash our cars. But why should the small majority of young drivers like my self have to pay the price and live with this stereotype by paying RIDICULOUS amounts of money?
Cheapest car insurance? Don't care if my car gets damaged.?
Hi, I have a really old car that I just want to use to get around town. I don't care if it gets damaged in a crash or whatever, because it already looks terrible. SO, how do I get the most basic and cheapest car insurance? Does anybody know what company will charge the least for insurance?""
Car insurance for teens?
I am 17 turning 18 in like four months. I would really like to get a car but I need to see if I can afford it. If you could please list your car and how much you pay for insurance a month that would be really helpful.
Insurance for a 16 yr old guy. please read and answer :)?
My son is looking into buying a 2001 v6 mustang, he is 16. How much would insurance run for? Is it even worth getting the car? PLEASE ANSWER! thank you""
Motorcycle insurance for a 17 year old in ontario?
So im going to get a motorcycle in april hopefully or when time permits within the next 2 years. I am going to write my m1 as soon as possible and im going to do the learning course and get everything done correctly. So onto the bike i want, I want a yamaha wr250r around 2008 and will be riding a lot and ride for however long i could until it gets really cold. So can you guys give me a rough estimate of what it will cost. Im guessing around 3500-4000 does that sounds about right thanks.""
Car insurance beginner.?
i am a 16 year old, good grades, i might get a Honda civic hatchback, does any one know where i am able to get a good insurance company and still pay low amounts in california""
Free Auto Insurance Quotes At What Website?
I have been looking for a site that gives Free Auto Insurance Quotes, everywhere I have found wants to charge me or run my credit. Can anyone help me? All I want is a Free Auto Insurance Quote is that to hard to find?""
What's the best life insurance you can get online?
by a real agency----i will check it out with the BBB    better buisness bureau--haha
""No insurance company will quote me, dckheads..?""
They won't even give me a quote... Ive tried all cars even 1.1L fiestas/corsa/clios and 700cc Smarts... wtf is wrong with insurers in UK. im 17, just got licence.""
Car insurance policy - car purchase date?
So I am currently trying to buy car insurance for myself, I am trying to get the insurance in my name so I can get no claims. The car is my mums however, and it is in her name, but the insurance can let me choose an otpion that says someone else owns the car. It asks when the car was purchased; now when my mum bought the car it didn't have a logbook, and we didn't get one for a year while it was sat at the back of our house. The date on the V5 is 2012 but technically we bought the car in 2011. Should I list the date we bought it or the date listed as registered on the V5? It makes a 250 different in the insurance quote for some reason o.O""
How much insurance ratew for a lotus elise?
Okay lets see... I live in mass.worcester I'm 19 Never owned a car before Has 1 year driving experience with a clean record And the dealer is selling it for 12,999$""
What is a good first car for teen drivers that has low insurance rates?
I am a male teen so my insurance will be high no matter what I just need something lower....
""Just got a speeding ticket with my uncles car, will his insurance raise?""
I just received a speeding ticket while driving my uncles car, i don't have car insurance nor a car. Will his insurance go up from this.""
Can I get insurance subsidies under the affordable care act?
I'm 56 years old and still working and get insurance through my large employer. But, let's say I decide to retire. I'm single with no dependents. My net worth not ...show more""
Does anyone know a home owner's insurance company that will cover Pit Bulls?
Attempting to buy a home and need homeowners insurance.
""Insurance question I need help with, any help would be great?""
I need some help here... The question is Hans sells his car to Pieter and now has no car and no need of auto insurance. Hans calls his State Farm agent to tell him to transfer his auto insurance to Pieter. The agent tells Hans: A. The transfer will not take place until that night at 12:01 AM B. That Hans will need to put Pieter on his policy as an additional driver C. That Hans must keep paying the premium until the end of the policy period. D. That he cannot transfer the policy to Pieter. E. None of the above. Im pretty sure B and C are incorrect, but otherwise I have no clue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!""
Homeowners insurance in NE ALABAMA?
single f close tofire dpmamily prime residence completly redone frame single story built in mid 50 close to fire dpm town valley head zip 35989 market value 100k dont want replacement value 5k deductble need most reasonable quote
Do you have to be on the insurance of the car you use for your drivers license test?
I know the car you use has to have insurance but do you, the driver, have to be on that policy?""
""When buying car, do i look at the fuel efficient or the insurance price of the car?
should i buy a car that will save me money on gas or buy a car that is cheap on insurance???
$100 month car insurance is that a good deal ?
$100 a month car insurance is that a good deal ? 16, i have no drivers license yet ( still getting it in a month) i dont know if he included the good student discount (i don't think that i'm a good student, although i'm in college)""
""Car insurance decreases, when? 26 yrs old?""
I started driving when I was 22 years old, and never had an accident. Right now, I'm 26. I pay $116/month for insurance, which I think is kinda high. The vehicle I drive is a 2006 Hyundai Eantra. Car insurance is: Erie Insurance http://www.erieinsurance.com/""
How much a month would i pay for a 350z plus insurance?
Ok so I'm gonna be 20 in a couple months and I'm tired of driving my crappy integra. I've been saving up and I'm set on getting a 350z. My price range is about 12,000 tops. If I put a down payment of about 5 or 6 grand how much would I pay per month for the loan. And how much would I pay a month for the loan along with the insurance. I'm on my parents plan. I don't know much about interest rates. Can you give me estimates on different lengths of loans and interest rates Thanks ily""
4 years after DUI... insurance?
so when i was 21 i got a dui (it's called an oui here in Maine, but same thing). PLEASE DONT JUDGE ME I KNOW I WAS YOUNG AND STUPID. anyway, i ended up selling my car to pay for the whole mess since my license was getting suspended anyway. since then i have been a happy bicycle commuter! now the time has come for me to become an adult woman again and get my license back because i have enrolled in a college that is not in biking distance. I have signed up, paid for, and in 2 weeks will be taking the DEEP class required by the state of Maine in order to be licensed again. basically i am curious about my insurance premiums. i haven't had my license for almost 4 years, but i have read online that your insurance will have to be sr22 and all expensive and whatnot for THREE years. also, i have since turned 25 and will be 26 soon, so i expect a rate decrease from that. i guess my question is: have i managed to bypass the higher insurance rates because it has been 4 years? if so, it almost seems too good to be true. i am highly suspicious. can anyone give me some insight as to what to expect when purchasing my insurance? thanks chums""
cheap bike insurance for a scooter in uk,any ideas?""
Why is car insurance so high?
it it fair if you do not have good credit you have to pay more for car insurance i dont think it is right i have clean driving record
Do I need renters insurance?
I've had renters insurance for the past 2 years. The new place I'm at now is not under my name. But I do pay some of the rent to the the person I'm living with (whose name is on lease). Someone told me today that renters insurance is no good and doesn't cover anything if my name is not on the lease. Is this true?
What are some good affordable dental plans for an individual?
I currently have no dental insurance and I need something really affordable. Serious answers please
Insurance rates for 2004 Pontiac GTO?
I am almost 18 and looking for a new vehicle. Currently I am driving a Mitsubishi Eclipse Gt (5 speed) and am paying $200 a month! They messed it up so I need to call them back it should only be $120 a month. Anyhow, I am looking to upgrade. I have been looking at Srt-4's which are quite high on insurance, Ion Redline's aka Cobalt SS which is cheaper than the Srt-4, and have currently spotted a 2004 Pontiac GTO (6 speed) , sticker price $12,000 I will try to talk them down to 9 or 10k which might be pushing it even though the car is almost 8 years old. Anyway for the minimum amount for full coverage I only want to be paying no more than $250 a month. Do you think this can be achieved? I have the good student discount and have taken driver's ed. Thanks Guys""
Do i need insurance to title car?
do i need insurance in order to title the car to my name so i can sell it?
""Were can i find cheap car insurance from, for 22-23 yr old woman?""
Were can i find cheap car insurance from, for 22-23 yr old woman?""
Cheap car insurance for young drivers?
I'm turning 17 in a few weeks and plan to start taking driving lessons. My parents are looking into cars for me, they are only prepared to pay 1000 for my first car, but it's the insurance that is so expensive. There are a few cars that I have seen that I like, but any quote I try and get for them is at least 2,500! Are there any companies that do cheaper car insurance for young drivers or any ways that I could make the insurance cheaper? Also, i've heard that getting the insurance in one of my parents names then only being a named driver on the policy is cheaper, but when I have looked it doesn't seem to make much difference? Thank you!""
""Poll: Hey, can I borrow your car?""
Poll: Hey, can I borrow your car?""
Car insurance Q??????????
Im 16 years old and Ill be geting my car In June that I paid $3,000 dlrs for Can I get the car title in my own name or do my parents half to also be on my title and when i get my car insurance will my parents be on that? im paying for every thing with my own money... And I live in the state of WI.""
What's the best life insurance you can get online?
by a real agency----i will check it out with the BBB    better buisness bureau--haha
How do you find affordable health insurance?
I have a friend of mine who lives in Florida. He had open heart surgery a few years ago. After the surgery was done, the Dr walked in the room and told my friend he really never needed the surgery to begin with. He is trying to find health insurance and he is having trouble finding it because of his heart condition even though now he doesn't have one. Most of the health insurance companies want more then $1500 a month to insure him. How does he find affordable insurance in the US?""
Why is there such a big difference in premiums from reputable car insurance vs. cheap ??
Sorry for my use of generalizations, but its no big secret. reputable: American Family, State Farm, Farmers etc cheap : progressive, geico, etc. why are my quotes 3 times higher for the reputable, is it worth the drastic rate increase?""
What company offers best auto insurance rates for not so good driving records?
What company offers best auto insurance rates for not so good driving records?
If insurance companys are so evil like Obama says?
then why is he pushing for more coverage. Why not make health care more affordable so we wouldn't need it so much? have you ever seen so many soft balls thrown at a new ...show more
HOW does indemnity insurance affect Home insurance?
How does having indemnity insurance on a home for buiding work carried out with out building regs affect the cost of Home building insurance?
3 Insurance Questions for a young driver?
(What coverage package would be recommended for a young driver?) 1. What coverage would be recommended to best protect you in the event that your car is stolen? 2. What coverage would be recommended to best protect you in the event that you have an accident that is your fault? 3. What coverage would be recommended to best protect you in the event that your car is hit by an uninsured motorist?
Is it illigal to drive without having the proof of insurance IN your car.?
I have insuarance and i will be getting the papers tuesday. Is it legal in Texas to drive without the pyhsical papers, even though I have the insurance.""
My car was rear-ended but I don't have car insurance?
Someone rear ended my car today. My insurance has been expired for a while now but I still called the insurance company and they filed a claim for me. When I mentioned that my insurance had expired, the lady who filed the claim said that the adjuster will call me on Monday and give me the details. Though the accident wasn't my fault, I am worried about not having insurance at the time. Also, nobody was injured in the accident but my back bumper had a very minor scratch. Was what I did wrong? And should I be worried about anything?""
What's the cheapest business auto insurance company?
There are different business auto insurance companies, I've heard Erie insurance is one of the best ones, do you know of any other companies that might be better or similar? thanks""
Do I need Owner's title insurance in a new construction home?
I'm buying a new home. The seller built the house for me over an existing lot of his property. Do I need to buy a regular owner's title insurance? or might I save some money buying it only for the land?. Since the house is a new construction it should not be any liens. is this a right assumption? The house is located in TX. Also if I need to buy owner's title insurance does it has to be from the same company providing the lender's title insurance.
Where can I find cheap young male car insurance on any car?
I'm a 17 year old driver who has just passed my test and when i go to quote myself on any car its either unquotable or something like 20,000 a year or something stupid even with immobilizers trackers parked in a garage etc and when i put my mum as the main driver (she has 5 year NCD) it only dropped like 200 so i don't understand how people are getting it below 10000 let alone 2000. I haven't bought a car yet but could somebody tell me what is the up most cheapest car to insure and all the combinations that make it cheaper. Once more annoying is that I live in a pretty nicer area so you wouldn't think it would cost as much compared to other people but they seem to get theirs cheaper.""
Affordable healthcare in Virginia?
My current healthcare that I have through my employer sucks. It is way too expensive and not very good. My deductible so high and since I recently added my baby, it's even higher. I am now looking into a different insurance provider that is affordable and provides good service and benefits. Any suggestions?""
Can a person with kaiser permanente insurance in colorado move to arizona and retain that insurance coverage?
Can a person with kaiser permanente insurance in colorado move to arizona and retain that insurance coverage?
Family health insurance that is affordable?
Does anyone know of any family health insurance that is affordable.. my husbands gets laid of in the winter and we need to be able to afford it ..
Mustang GT car insurance?
Hey in 16 and im looking at buying a 1994-2005 Mustang GT. I like working on cars and this car seems to me an awesome car to work on. I just wanted to know how much people pay for insurance with a mustang GT. Also how much more would it cost because i am 16.
How much do you pay for basic liability auto insurance?
I'm only interested in liability insurance. Please list your state and monthly payment.
Free car insurance offers?
Does anybody know of any car companies that are currently offering one years free car insurance when you buy a new car in the UK?
Okay insurance rates on a 2009 challenger rt for a 20 year old male.. how much?
I know its not practical or anything but im just curious what they would be. And maybe any other financial information on the subject. Please no lectures about how I shouldn't have one.
Can I get an insurance quote if I am not 16?
Today, I got a moped so that for my birthday, I can go and do my CBT on the day. I want to get a rough price of what I would have to pay for insurance. I would like to know what I would have to pay but as I am not yet 16, I cannot yet get a quote. Does anyone know how to get round this as I do not want to lie about my age. Thanks.""
Question on using to insurance to pay for something?
if i went to the doctors and used insurance to pay for it would my parents get a statement that says i used it and what it was for ?
Do you need car insurance to get drivers license in Texas?
I'll give the BEST ANSWER award to the person who knows what they're talking about and not just guessing at things.
How would the insurance companies treat mounting a smaller sized engine inside a sport model car?
If i were to for example, mount a 1.4 vauxhall astra engine inside a GSI model car, would the insurers treat it as a 1.4 vehicles insurance rate?""
College Student transferring from VA to SC - do I have to get new car insurance?
I am a college student in Virginia and in August I will be transferring down south to South Carolina (USC). I have a great car insurance quote at the moment. Geico would give me around $155/month just like esurance, progressive and the like. Though, the local statefarm agency said they'd give me a quote for half that much. Is there a way that I can keep my Virginia Insurance in South Carolina? I doubt that I will ever get a quote like that again in a big college town. Thanks for the advice!""
Where can I get cheap bike insurance?
I'm having trouble getting a decent quote for my ZX7R, due to my no claims being void becase I haven't ridden for 4 years. Can you help?""
Car Insurance in UK for a driver new to UK?
I have over 10 years of driving experience, but all my experience is in India. I have recently got the driving license in UK. I want to buy a Car here, but just can not afford the insurance. The insurance companies do not take my over 10 years of driving experiance into consideration and are equating me to a new driver. Is there any insurance company who would consider my driving experience and provide a better quote?""
What's the best life insurance you can get online?
by a real agency----i will check it out with the BBB    better buisness bureau--haha
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