#and kidfic just doesn’t have a name but i could post the first chapter this month 🤭
aqpippin · 6 months
i’m gonna do two six sentence sundays bc i can 😛 one before i go to sleep and one later
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goldeneyedgirl · 4 years
2020 Fic Meme
It happens every year like clockwork. The Fic Round-Up Meme. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to it this year because I’ve written so much. As usual, compiled from ancient Livejournal fic memes. I like doing it as kind of a time capsule of my writing. If anyone else wants to take a crack, feel free. I love reading writers’ throughs on their own work. <3 No tagging because that is PRESSURE. 
12 Days of Fic-Mas (Twilight, WIP) Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 + Christmas Eve Twelve days of fic extracts, previews, and drabbles focusing on Alice Cullen and Jess/Jasper Hale: Anathema, the KidFic, Married in Vegas, Daemons, Memento Vivere, Human Alice Kills James, Jess and Alice do Prom, Forgotten, Vampires in Vegas, Shadow to Light Missing Scene, Hybrid, Cowboys and Angel Solstice, and All These Broken Things
Afterglow (Alice/Jasper, AU, Romance, G)  There were three things of which she was certain. The first was that her name was Alice. The second was that she was born an angel. And three, she was getting ready to die.
Against a Wall (Alice/Jasper, Human/Vampire AU, Romance, Angst, PG) If you asked anyone with the surname ‘Whitlock’, they’d tell you that the family was cursed. It was the Whitlock Curse to blame the day the bank took the ranch away from Jasper’s own father.      
And Found (Alice/Jasper, Soulmark AU, Romance, PG) The soul mark appears when Alice is six. It is a twisted ribbon of a mark, from the inside of her left elbow, up her arm, over her shoulder, along her clavicle, over her right shoulder and down to her right wrist. What ugly, soulless individual could inspire such a mark?
Jar of Hearts Pt 1 Pt 2 (WIP) (Alice, Emmett, Seth, MCU xover, Angst, PG) The snap came for everyone - “He said he’d never leave me,” she says in a wobbly voice. “He promised me.”“It wasn’t by choice,” Emmett rushes to tell her. “You were his last thought; he tried so hard to get home before he…”
Never a Question (Alice/Jasper, AU, Angst, G)  Carlisle is quite sure that he’s watching his son’s heart break into a million pieces as he stares at his human mate, slowly dying alone, not a single person allowed to hold her hand.
Hand in Hand (Alice/Jasper, AU, Fluff, G)  “Never,” he swears, pressing a kiss to her cheek that makes her beam -  “There’s not a single moment I can think of that cannot be improved by your presence, darlin’.”
Love & Duty (Alice/Jasper, AU, Romance, G)  A trainee witch is sent to treat a wounded cowboy from her brother coven. 
Shadow to Light (WIP) (Alice/Jasper, AU Angst, PG) In 1918, Jasper lures the newborn known as Mary-Alice back to Monterrey. He is lost to her before it even begins. (Ch 6-8)
The Way of Things (Alice/Jasper, AU, Drama, M)  She truly doesn’t know what comes next. He truly doesn’t know if it will be good or bad. They will live this life for as long as it lasts, long may it last, surrounded by the people they love and trust. 
What You Say (Alice/Jessamine, Canon, Angst, M)  Edward might have thought Aro was their reckoning, but Alice knows for her, it is Jessamine’s hurt.
Total number of completed stories: ELEVEN. 
Total word count: 90,155 words were formally posted - not including snippets, previews (aside from FicMas) or anything that was shared on the Discord server. 
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? I fucking nailed it. Like, seriously. THREE chapters of Shadow to Light? Every single day of JaliceWeek AND FicMas? I mean, I think the lockdown definitely helped with free time, and not going to lie, the iOS shutdown of Fortnite probably assisted my productivity. 
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? The Discord has so much to answer for. I wrote porn. Like, what. What. What. What. I find this bizarre and did not have ‘let’s just go full NC17 in 2020′ on my bingo card, but it happened. In fact, 2019 Lexie has just gone full spit-take and yelled, “WHAT?!” at the top of her lungs. 
And to make it more surprising, it’s both het and f/f porn. Like, mind-blown. Who am I anymore?
What’s your own favourite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? The Way of Things, What You Say, And Found, & Afterglow. All fics that came together really well, that felt like *me*, and had hopeful endings. I’m really proud of them. 
STL doesn’t get an opportunity to be apart of this til it’s finished. 
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? The porn. 
Apparently, I can write it. Who knew? 
I definitely threw caution to the wind with JaliceWeek and just went for whatever crossed my mind and stopped worrying so much. Like, whatever, this is what I want to write so I will. I mean, the MCU crossover is happening in a slightly more obscure way than I initially envisaged it, it’s definitely a better fic for it.
I joined the Discord, and that’s been amazing. I’ve spent my last few fandoms existing in kind of a vacuum because of bad experiences and the fact I’m usually doing something niche, so having people to talk to who are so nice and welcoming and are happy to ignore my special brand of obnoxiousness is so lovely and has had such a good affect on my mental health. Sometimes you need people you can be your dorkiest self with. 
My instincts are pretty good as far as fic goes, people are awesome, and I can write sex scenes. It’s been a learning curve, let me tell you that. 
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?  I have to balance grad school, my business, and my writing, so that’s going to be interesting. I think I need to look at my fic more as downtime than a high-stress ‘job’ because I LOVE writing it. I love writing. I love reading. But I get in my own head and overthink. So my goals are BALANCE and RELAX. 
My best story of this year: Oh man, that’s not something I can judge. I am so incredibly proud of how Afterglow, And Found, and The Way of Things turned out. Especially considering I was so behind with JaliceWeek, and I think I was putting out a fic a day, and freaking out because I was lacking ideas, so when these three just came together exactly how I wanted them, it was a good moment. 
My most popular story: Shadow to Light. Look, if that’s my legacy to fandom, I’ve done pretty damn well. I’m really, really appreciative of how enthusiastic people are about this ‘verse. I don’t always understand it, because I can see how my writing has changed and how the story has evolved massively (first it was supposed to be a one-shot, then five chapters.) I hope that it ends up being satisfying for everyone because I have LOVED writing it, even if I am slower than molasses. 
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Everyone is always so damn enthusiastic about my writing. I think maybe Hybrid is kind of a big question mark for everyone at the moment because there are so many questions and no answers yet. 
And any of the Jessamine/Alice. That’s a new niche, I get not everyone is into it. But it’s happening and will continue into 2020.
Most fun story to write:  What You Say or Jess and Alice at Prom. Jess is a little snarkier than Jasper, less controlled, and the girls are super fun to write, even high-tension scenes. 
Most Sexy Story: Oh, I can answer this now! Um, maybe The Way of Things or Jess and Alice at Prom? Yup, those are my picks. 
Story with the single sexiest moment:  The Way of Things. This happened before the Discord Intervention, and I’m genuinely not sure if I’m happy with the end of the Prom fic, so it might be reworked slightly in the future. But The Way of Things I was really happy with because it covered so many ideas I had in a way that fit together well. 
That’s where she makes good on her unspoken promises from aeons again, of their private victory celebration. She sits astride him, her hips rolling hard against his, drawing out his groans and growls as he grips her thighs almost tight enough to crack. Their gazes are locked the entire time, her tongue skimming over her lips, as she lets her emotions tell him everything that she wants and everything she plans to take.
He remembers fucking her in the dirt in Dacia; his mouth between her legs as she hollered obscenities in a Paris attic; and the urgent, passionate loving-making of a marriage finally consummated.
She remembers bloody emeralds looped around her throat and resting between her breasts as she gets down on her knees and takes him into her mouth, his fingers tangled in her hair; the delicious weight of him on top of her, their sweat mingling and cooling in the frozen night as their flimsy bed creaked against the wall; and his soft encouragement in her ear as he grasps her around the waist, their hands resting together on the gentle swell of her stomach. 
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: I think I restrained myself from anything too dark or twisted this year, actually. Oh, wait, Vampires in Vegas. That one has some pretty dark implications about Alice’s life, about the vampire underworld, and Jasper’s behaviour, especially as it goes one. No fic that deals with someone being put into sex work without educated consent is going to avoid being dark, and I think it’s logical that vampires would have their hands in a lot of illegal yet profitable areas. 
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Anything with Jessamine/Alice because, like, Jess isn’t a name-swap of Jasper, and the relationship dynamic shifts with the slight personality shifts. And then you have to consider the family and social dynamic of two women in the relationship, so working all that out was fun. 
Jar of Hearts is another one, because I had to work out who the fic was going to follow and what was lost. And Emmett and Alice pretty much don’t interact in canon, but they were chosen for a reason. I’ve stripped them down to their worst, most isolated selves without their ‘true north’ (Rose and Jasper) or their moral center (Carlisle and Esme), or even their secret weapon (Edward). Seth, too, has been isolated from his family and friends, and is especially ‘other’ in this situation. This is an MCU crossover, so we’re kind of following a heroes’ journey with the last of Forks’ supernatural creatures.
Hardest story to write: Shadow to Light because of the way I have to use language, because of the plot strands from canon when I hate writing canon material, and how the characters have changed and how this new version reflects the old version. 
Against a Wall, as well, because of the in-verse time crunch I had - I needed Jasper damaged, military-minded, and changed by age 19. And I needed the boy broken. I’m happy with it, the story is done and dusted, but it didn’t quite turn out how I planned. And that’s okay, because I like this version. But I think I tackled something a lot bigger than I anticipated with it. 
Most disappointing:  Look, I love the verse and the set-up, but I think Love & Duty could do with another 2k words for build-up. I just ran out of time, honestly, to build up that mutual attraction between Alice and Jasper. 
Easiest story to write: Anathema, because Alice’s voice was so clear in it. Anathema!Alice knows exactly who she is, and that’s always fun. And the Shadow to Light Missing Scene; it wasn’t as long as I hoped, but it turned out exactly as I imagined it happening. 
Biggest surprise:  Everyone really, really liked Forgotten. And Vampires in Vegas, which I honestly thought were the weakest offerings during FicMas. 
Most unintentionally telling story:  The Way of Things. There’s so little dialogue, and it’s covering such a massive amount of time and story that it’s intentionally written to tell. 
Story I’d like to revise: Love & Duty, and Married in Vegas. A little polish, a little shine, it’s fine. For Love & Duty, it’s definitely the time crunch I need to go back and fix; for Married in Vegas, it’s just reflective of how long ago I started it. I’m a better writer, I know the characters more, and I’m less prone to overly dramatic plot twists. 
Story I didn’t write but will at some point, I swear: Look, let me lay the groundwork now so that no one who isn’t on the Discord isn’t startled. 
There’s going to be a Jess/Jasper/Alice threesome fic, and I regret nothing. 
I really, really want to get All These Broken Things redone and posted because it’s getting silly how long it’s just been sitting there. 
I want to actually write Monster, which is a fic I don’t talk about much but I want to write. It’s a question about who the monster of the story is, and I’m not sure I’m as skilled as I should be, to write it, but I want to try. 
And one of my numerous attempts at a Haunted House Cryptid fic. It has to happen, I have so many ideas!
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metalbvcky · 4 years
Daww, thanks for the tag @musette22 and @hawkeyeandthewintersoldier <3 :D 
What is your name?
Mandy, although you could easily figure out my real name by looking up an old Nickelodeon show from the 90′s :P 
What are your fandoms?
Marvel (Stucky) and Supernatural (Destiel + Gen bc I’m writing that Spongebob crossover) 
Where do you post your fanfiction?
AO3! I post snippets/previews of my WIPs here, because I love rambling on about writing. I also figured out how to put my long list of ideas to good use: by making moodboards and writing ficlets. Because if I dedicated every idea to a full fledged fic, I would never be able to move onto things I really wanna write lol. 
Going by kudos, what is your most popular one-shot?
Bucky’s Got a Bun in the Oven? with 205 kudos! It was my first published fic and I’m still blown away by the reception. It’s crack, but now I’m planning on a series (not crack lol I think I’ve had my fill of it during 2020- gonna be taking it seriously) of Pregnant!Bucky because...why not? :D 
Going by kudos, what is your most popular multi-chapter?
Buchanan Medical with 195 kudos! It’s got a lot more hits than kudos but tbh you can never go by the kudos/kit ratio. That fic is my baby, I put a lot of research/love into it and I’m proud of it even though the AU/tropes might not be everyone’s cup of tea :P 
What is your personal favourite story, out of your current content?
Ooohh, I have so many. But I gotta go with my most recent fic that I posted yesterday: Hot as Sand. I said I wanted to go to the beach and that fic definitely has beach vibes haha. Which was my goal and after reading through the comments, apparently I did good :) 
What work were you most nervous to post?
I don’t really get nervous when posting a fic, but I was a little nervous to post Pumpkin Spiced Roadtrip. Everyone’s lovely comments is what settled me aha. It didn’t get nearly as much attention as my other fics but that’s okay, not everything is for everyone :) 
Is there a method to how you title your work?
PFFFFFFFT I wish. It’s an endless loop of going through songs and looking at pictures on google images/pinterest. Sometimes the title will just come to me, but that doesn’t happen often. 
Do you outline your works or just wing it?
YES, YES, YES! Outlining is my favorite part of writing, next to editing. (yes, I love editing!!! can’t edit if there’s nothing on the page) My outlines can get very detailed (oh and messsyyy) but I’m a bullet point outliner so it’s somewhat-organized lol. When I get to writing, my outlines can change. Sometimes I don’t add a scene I outlined, instead come up with something else and add onto the outline. The only fics that didn’t have an outline was a few of my short crack oneshots. 
Are you excited about any of your up-coming works?
You’ve all probably heard it oven a dozen times by now because I’m super ecstatic about it but I’m literally dying to get to my second longfic: Apple Pie Crumble Cake, a Bakery/Kidfic AU. Now that I’ve got my spur of the moment oneshots out of the way, I can get to work on it soon!! Oh, and there’s that Spongebob+Supernatural crossover on my main, too, haha. 
No idea if you guys were tagged yet or not but here ya go (no pressure of course <3) @kalee60 @buckybees @captainjanegay @greyhavensking @ixalit @hbalbat 
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safeklancewriters · 6 years
Fic Rec #3
Date ending: April 21
Sorry all that this is late! Next months should hopefully be on time if life doesn’t get in our way. But this month she’s a long one and we have some stellar fics for yall this month! As usual, the fics will follow below the cut
bring him home by 221bdisneystreet Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance Additional characters: Hunk | Pidge | Shiro | Allura | Lotor Tags: Angst | Hurt/Comfort | Angst with a Happy Ending | of course there's gonna be a happy ending i'm no sadist | klangst | Brainwashing | Blood | Violence | the blood and violence isn't very graphic tho | it's somewhat mild | Post-Season 4 | Canon Divergence | i guess?? idk where this could be in the timeline exactly | just pretend it's after s4 | anyways i hope you all love dying cuz i sure love dying | Minor Injuries Stats: Words: 1713 Chapters:1/1
Summary: This isn’t Keith. This isn’t the Keith he has fought alongside as a fellow teammate. This isn’t the Keith he used to call his rival and now can consider his friend. This isn’t the Keith he has slowly grown fond of with each passing day, with each passing second. This isn’t him. But maybe…
Keith’s been brainwashed and Lance hopes he can snap him out of it.
red skies ch. 4 by angstinspace Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance | minor Hunk/Shay Additional characters: Hunk | Pidge | Keith | Rover | Zarkon | Haggar | Shiro  Tags: Alternate Universe - Space Opera | heavily influenced by star wars | but not exactly a star wars au idk | broganes | au where rover doesn't die | Slow Burn | pew pew laser guns | plot twist heavy | spot the golion references | adding characters and tags as i go | white haired keith | lance is basically han solo | POV Multiple Stats: Words:39,121 Chapters:4/?
Lance's fingers hovered over the talisman, an inch away from brushing against it. His mind went blank as he stared down at the other boy, who stared back at him with wide, questioning eyes that were a startling shade of violet.
The dazed look on the boy’s face transformed into a frown as his breathing quickened. The more his eyes focused on Lance, the more a wild panic started to set into them.
"Who are you?" he asked sharply. It sounded like he'd meant it to come out with more ferocity, but his voice rasped on the words like he hadn't spoken in weeks.
Lance doesn't know where he comes from––only that he was found in a forest on a distant planet when he was an infant, with no sign of his origin except a blue talisman around his neck. Nowadays he's content to travel the universe with his best friend Hunk, scavenging and selling goods. But that all changes when a girl named Pidge hitches a ride with them, and in the same day the trio finds a crashed ship carrying nothing but a boy with no memory of who he is ... and a red talisman that matches Lance's.
the stars are bound to change by angstinspace Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance Additional characters: OCs Tags: Kidfic | Angst with a Happy Ending | Fluff and Angst | Pining Keith | Minor Injuries | Slight Canon Divergence | Slow Burn | like....really slow burn i'm so sorry Stats:  Words:50,828 Chapters:9/9
Summary: Both paladins turned to their new, small alien companion. She lifted her head to look at each of them in turn, her eyes round. Keith laid a gentle hand on her shoulder.
“How about you, Zola?” he said. “Are you ready to go?”
She didn’t answer right away. Then she hesitantly asked, “Where are we going?”
As he made eye contact with Lance over her head, Keith could have sworn he felt something electric in the air: a simultaneous resurgence of determination.
“We’re going to take you home.”
Keith and Lance rescue a little alien girl from a hostage situation and bring her home ... and learn a few things about themselves and each other along the way.
Sunlight by bepsicola Rating: N/A Pairings: Keith/Lance Additional characters: Shiro | Allura Tags: Drabble | Alternate Universe - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Setting | Pining Keith | Pre-Relationship | Listen. It's tender. Stats:  Words:1,015 Chapters:1/1
Summary: Lance had made a mistake, but he could also make flowers grow.
Learning About Strays by Katsudonace Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance Additional characters: Red Lion | Blue Lion | Black Lion Tags: Established Relationship | Alternate Universe - Modern Setting | Trans Male Keith | Trans Male Lance | Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD | Abandonment Issues | Emotional Hurt/Comfort | Fluff | Light Angst | Nightmares | blind cat | three-legged cat Stats: Words:5,780 Chapters:1/1
Summary: It's been two weeks since Keith and Lance started dating, and they've begun preparing to move in together. They decide to tackle one hurdle before they go any further in their relationship, sleeping in the same bed. However, there are still aspects of themselves that they haven't told their partner. What starts as a peaceful night turns into one of discovery as they learn more about the baggage each of them carry.
Cheetah Tongue by mishcakes Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance Additional characters: everyone else on team volron Tags: Alcohol | i mean it isnt but it makes them act like it | so just to be safe Stats:  Words:2,680 Chapters:1/1
Summary: In which Keith and Lance go on a journey to find out why they woke up alone together in a closet.
Glow in the Dark by mishcakes Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance | mentioned Hunk/Shay Additional characters: Shiro | Pidge | Hunk Tags: ghost au | Real estate au | ghost lance | broganes | supernatural au (not the show) | keith | is bad at feelings | Slow Burn | i guess this counts as one now | Angst Stats:  Words:35,571 Chapters:9/9
Summary: Keith and Shiro are real estate agents tasked with fixing up a once abandoned house. It's a mystery why the house was abandoned, until Keith realises that it's haunted by an annoying ghost named Lance.
The Stars Above Nevada by quasarii Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance | Keith & Shiro | Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Keith & Pidge Additional characters: OCs | Iverson | Keith’s Father Tags: Major Original Character(s) | Gay Keith | Bisexual Lance | Laundromat AU | a dash of angst | lowkey slow burn | Gays In Arcades | Wannabe Contemporary Novel | Coming Out | Lance Likes Philosophy | Bilingual Lance | Cuban Lance | Texan Keith | Pretentious Philosophy | Alternate Universe - Laundromat | Don't Ask Me How This Fits Into Canon | Galaxy Garrison | Keith has Social Anxiety | Shiro Is Flawed But We Love Him | Pre-Canon | i guess | Don't | Examine This Too Closely | some time skips | finished fic | Greek Mythology References | if nevada-boo was a thing like weaboo i'd be it | a ton of broganes Stats:  Words:77,957 Chapters:28/36
Summary: “Tell me,” Keith asked, finally tearing his eyes away from the sky to look at Lance. Lance frowned in confusion. “Tell you what?” “What the desert whispers into your ears.” – One night, a few hundred years into the future, in a dark laundromat in the middle of the vast Nevada desert – Keith ends up meeting Lance by a turn of fate. When they meet again in Galaxy Garrison for their junior year, an unlikely friendship blooms between them, as lively as the star-scattered skies, and as strong as the desert wind. 
The stars, the moon (they have all been blown out) by Talking_Bird Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance Additional characters: Pidge | Shiro | Narti | Kova Tags: Alternate Universe - Hogwarts | Room of Requirement | One Shot | First Kiss | Pining Keith | Love Confessions | patronus reveal | Tooth-Rotting Fluff | gryffindor klance | beater keith | chaser lance | liberal use of the room of requirement | Patronus | Friends to Lovers | Best Friends | Amortentia | POV Keith  Stats:  Words:9,700 Chapters:1/1
Summary: On the night before Lance and Keith graduate from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, they decide to sneak out one last time to the astronomy tower.
Keith tries to find the courage to tell his best friend he's in love with him.
[[Updated with art!!]]
New Endings ch. 4 by thatreallyshittydude Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance Additional characters: Allura Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence | Black Paladin Lance | yeah you heard me Stats:  Words:11,004 Chapters:5/?
Summary: For the last two years, Keith has been completely alone. Nothing in his life meant anything. He simply kept going without any purpose, serving a faceless organization that hardly got anything done. But one day, he receives a call. A call to join Team Voltron, a call to become the Red Paladin, a call to meet new people. Though begrudgingly, he answers it.
polaris by VaraderoBeach Rating: Teen Pairings: Keith/Lance Additional characters: Shiro Tags: Alcohol | Underage Drinking | Keith is Bad at Feelings | Pining Keith | gratuitous imagery of constellations | Keith Has Anxiety | rating for alcohol use | Garrison AU/Modern AU Stats:  Words:6,513 Chapters:1/1
Summary: Keith looks down at the stereotypical red solo cup in his hand, filled with some liquor he found in the fridge. Someone named Rolo had put in his hand almost an hour ago. At first, he hadn’t had any of the mystery liquid out of fear of the unknown, but the second he saw Lance he chugged half of it’s contents. It’s fruity, but sour.
Keith looks up from the cup as he brings it to his lips again. His eyes, almost as if they’re trained to do so, find Lance. Lance is speaking to the short girl — Katie, he thinks is her name, but he isn’t positive — and the larger man he knows to be Hunk. He and Hunk have physics together. They’ve never spoken. Lance laughs at something Hunk says, and Keith finds himself smiling into his cup. He hates it and downs the rest of the cup’s contents, and then grimaces at the taste.
Keith decides he needs a refill.
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dinoswrites · 7 years
Little Arrow Chapter 4: How This World is Ended
Solavellan, Post-Trespasser Kidfic. Ongoing.
Read from Beginning | Masterpost | Read on A03
Someone tried to tell her about the Dread Wolf, once. Evie doesn’t remember how young she was at the time. Before she met Solas, she thinks. Very young, either way.
She doesn’t remember who it was—someone who had an accent like Mamae’s, she thinks. Maybe Una, who always looks after her while Mamae’s away.
She remembers only a little of it. Sitting on her lap, while Una—or not-Una—spoke in a soft, low voice, the kind people only use for the most important stories. Like when Cassandra talks about Andraste, when she thinks Evie can’t hear.
She doesn’t remember much of it. Only that Fen'Harel tricked someone, but she doesn’t think it was a very good trick. And that after he did it, he laughed, and laughed, like the bad guys in Varric’s stories.
Mamae had been very angry, when she’d found out. Evie remembers that.
Now, she thinks she understands why.
The people who have taken her won’t let her walk—and they keep whatever spell they’ve cast on her going, so she’s too dizzy to even if they tried to make her. It comes and goes—she thinks they must have to recast it, or maybe they lose concentration.
She only catches snatches of their conversation as they make their way through a world of broad shadows and impossibly bright lights.
“Looks like Fen'Harel’s following that false trail you laid,” one of them says, right before they shove Evie to her knees in front of a lake. The cold of the water on her palms is what shocks the worst of the spell away from her mind. She feels it rushing over her fingers as they dig into the riverbank for balance, hears the movement of water and thinks—not lake, river.
“How do you know?” someone else asks, frantic. “How do any of us know? What If he’s just behind that tree, waiting to turn us all to stone?”
She tries to remember any of the people coming to visit her talk about a river, but the only one she knows is the one that winds through camp.
Someone laughs. It sounds low, and a touch desperate. “We’ve got a worse fate than stone waiting for us if the Dread Wolf catches us.”
Evie opens her eyes, but the light reflecting off the water is awfully bright. It makes her head spin, and her stomach roll, and she nearly collapses face first in the mud.
That voice…
That’s the man who…
“Make her drink,” he snaps. “She’s useless to us dead.”
That’s the man who killed Mamae.
Evie tries to get up—get to her feet, grab his leg, shove him in the river, do something—but she feels a heavy hand on her neck, and her face is shoved into the rushing water.
She reaches, instinctively and blindly, for her magic, even as she breathes in a mouthful of river water. It sparks around her, frantic and useless, still too weak for her to call on with any strength, but it makes whoever’s holding her let her go, surprised.
Before she can react though, someone else grabs her.
“Idiot!” he shouts. And then he yells some other things, too, but that hazy spell is falling over her again, and everything just sounds far, far away.
Sometimes, she comes to, only to find herself slung over a shoulder as they move through places where she looks up and sees ground, or there are bushes with leaves of colours she’s never seen before—
She tries to scream, and struggle, and bite the ear of the person carrying her or dig her nails into the gaps in their armour. From the moment that fog begins to lift to the moment it falls back over her mind again she fights, and hot, angry tears stream down her face.
“You killed her,” she screams, as loud as she can, over and over.
One time, she hears the person carrying her call her, “Fen'Harel’s demon brat,” just before the spell slips into place again, and her every thought is jumbled up, her vision fogged over, her limbs limp.
Every time she comes out of it, each time opening her eyes to somewhere completely different from the last, her panic rises.
Where are they taking her? How long has she been out?
How long has Mamae been lying there? Did Cole find her before she…
Could Evie had helped her, if she screamed louder? Fought harder? Ran faster, back to camp, where everyone could help?
And then, after all those thoughts race through her head, she’ll hear the voice of the man who killed Mamae, and the only thought she has is, this is your fault, and the only thing she wants to do is make him hurt.
And that’s all she tries to do, until they put the spell on her again.
They won’t let her sleep. Even if they did, she doesn’t know what she would tell Solas. She can’t seem to collect her thoughts enough to figure out where she is—she couldn’t even tell him what the trees look like, or what time of day it is.
All she knows is that she gets thirstier, and hungrier, and weaker, every time she comes around.
They stop trying to make her eat and drink because she just keeps biting their hands.
Who is Fen'Harel, she has time to wonder, one near-lucid moment. It’s raining, hard enough she can’t hear anything but the hammer of water on stone and the long, drawn out roll of thunder in the sky.
Her father, apparently. And a frightening enough figure that everyone who has taken her is utterly terrified of him.
And that… that just gets her mad all over again.
Because—because if she’s important enough to matter, to keep in some bubble and never be let out, to chase down when people take her, then why was he never there?
Mamae was there, she thinks, sullenly. Cole. Dorian. Sera. Bull. Solas…
Whose eyes are just grey, and it doesn’t mean anything that hers are, too. Who is just kind to her because he’s in love with her Mamae.
And now Mamae’s…
“It’s fading again,” someone mutters, and Evie realises she’s crying as she chokes on a sob.
“We’re almost there,” another person says, as they cast the spell again.
She comes to for the final time on a hard, cold stone floor. People are shouting, but her head is spinning too much still to make out what they’re saying.
No one’s holding her, though—and though people seem to be pacing, she doesn’t think they’re running for their lives anymore. It’s dry, but she thinks she can hear thunder in the distance—or something loud, anyway.
She risks opening her eyes. It’s dark enough that she’s not immediately dizzy, but there is a weird green light somewhere in the room that casts everything in misshapen shadows.
She’s hungry, so hungry that her stomach feels tight and hard, and it honestly just hurts more than anything. She’s thirsty, too. Her mouth is dry, her throat rough, her lips cracked and bleeding. She curls her fingers on the stone, and they tremble as she moves.
One of her nails is broken in half. The exposed nail bed is covered in old, dried blood, and dirt, and the pain is a dull, lingering throb that is answered by an ache that burns throughout her whole body.
But it’s the nail bed that she stares at. Swollen slightly, probably infected. Left to heal on its own, no attention given to clean it or treat it.
Mamae never let her go without cleaning the smallest cut, and bandaging it up nice, or asking Dorian or Vivienne or Solas to heal it for her.
Her eyes hurt. Her everything hurts.
But focusing on the hurt slowly clears the fog from her mind. As she blinks, the world gets a little easier to make out, she can make out more of the room she’s in. She can see people pacing back and forth, and their words become less and less hazy until she can almost understand them.
Then someone kneels in front of her, and helps her sit up against something hard and cold at her back. She tries, weakly, to struggle, but she can’t. And they are gentle, surprisingly--their hands unfamiliar, and rough, but they do not grab at her, or cover her mouth when she makes a small noise of protest.
They press a hand to her forehead, and Evie feels the veil shift, and all of a sudden the fog lifts from her mind.
She gasps, blinking rapidly at the man kneeling before her. He has very yellow eyes, and he has very hard features, but he is looking at her with something like pity, or regret.
He brings a cup with water to her mouth, and she drinks, greedily.
“Slowly, da’len,” he tells her when she chokes. “Slowly.”
Everyone else in the room has stopped arguing. They’re all so quiet, Evie can hear sound coming in from outside.
It’s far away, but it sounds like… like metal on metal. Like spells being cast. People shouting.
Kind of like how Varric describes great battles, when he tells his stories.
When Evie takes the cup from the man he stands and walks over to the others, who stand on the other side of the room and stare at Evie like she’s about to explode. It’s the people who took her—the man who killed Mamae, and everyone with him.
Beside them, on a pedestal of stone and casting that weird green light all over the room, is the orb from Solas’s dream.
“What have you done?” the nice man asks in Elvhen, and the silence in the room is broken.
“Only what I had to,” the man who killed Mamae snaps. “Only what my hand has been forced to do, Sorrow, by those who are too weak to act.”
She thinks she’s heard wrong, at first—Solas and Mamae have been teaching her, but she still makes mistakes sometimes—but then she realises that the nice man’s name is Sorrow. Abelas.
Abelas crosses his arms over his chest. “Taken a child from her mother? Nearly killed her on the way here? If you expect to blackmail the Dread Wolf with the life of his child, you could have brought her any place but his own stronghold, and perhaps bothered to feed her.”
“That’s no child,” someone snaps. “That demon nearly bit my hand off.”
“I can’t imagine what you might have done to deserve that,” Abelas retorts, dry.
They start talking too fast, and all over one another, too fast for Evie to understand. So she drinks the water—the cup, it seems, never gets empty—and reaches, tentatively, for her magic.
It answers, and she has to bite back a sigh of relief. It’s as strong as if it never left her, and though she’s tempted to call up a barrier and make a run for it, the only door she can see looks heavy, and when she looks at it more closely, she can make out the shimmer of magic keeping it shut—just a force spell, like Dorian sometimes uses to lift things.
Weird, she thinks. Wouldn’t it just be easier to ask the Veil to do it?
But the Veil feels strange, here. Hard and brittle, like the thin layers of ice that sometimes form at the edges of the river when it’s very cold out. But also like something is building behind it—something old and very, very angry—and all it needs is one little crack to break free.
The orb sits in the middle of it all—the Veil thinnest around it, and it feels like that angry thing pressing the hardest right there.
Every time she looks at the orb, it almost feels like whatever that thing is looks right back at her, and she feels something like a hot breath or a flame on the back of her neck.
Someone shouts, suddenly louder than all the others, and Evie’s attention snaps back to the argument in the middle of the room.
“You have ruined the cause you claim you are furthering,” Abelas shouts. “Our forces are divided, slaughtering each other just outside that door while both the Inquisition and the Dread Wolf draw closer, and for what? To hurt him? To force him to rend this world asunder, by placing his child in harm’s way?”
“I had children,” the man who killed her mother snarls. “Two of them, boys, with their mother’s eyes. Do you know how they died, Abelas, while you were holed up in your temple and mourning the loss of a monster? When the Dread Wolf put up his veil? They were in the city of glass, in the crystal lake. Serving a noble who worshipped Falon’Din, and when the magic left, the water rushed in. They drowned, trapped in a glass room, the air just above them, and they could not reach it.”
“Many children died,” Abelas retorts. “If you think bringing down the Veil will bring them back, then you are mistaken.”
“I don’t care what it does,” he snaps, his eyes hard, magic crackling at his fingertips. “I care that he hesitates now, when we are in ruins. Not when it could have saved my children—not when it could save anyone but his own flesh and blood.”
Abelas seems to realise something, then, even as everyone else in the room just begins to look more confused.
“Sarvis,” someone says, “what are you saying? What about the empire? You said she could bring it back, just like Fen'Harel.”
“You’re mad,” Abelas says, slowly uncrossing his arms and reaching for his sword.
“This world was never meant to be,” Sarvis says, “and I don’t particularly care how it is ended.”
Abelas draws his sword at the same time as Sarvis drops to one knee, and a rush of magic surges out from him, crashing over everyone in the room.
They all go flying—Evie is just out of the blast range herself but she watches with wide eyes as they all hit walls, crying out, and fall to the ground in heaps of limbs and clothing.
Abelas crashes into the wall near her, almost close enough for her to reach. He hits the ground and rolls a little, and she stares down at him as he gasps for breath, like all the air has been sucked out of his lungs and he can’t get it back.
“Run,” he coughs out, in Trade.
In the center of the room, Sarvis stands and dusts off his hands, as if he has been cleaning out an aravel. The orb is glowing brighter now, and the presence on the other side of the veil feels like it’s all around her, like a heavy smoke tainting the air.
As Sarvis starts to walk towards her with urgent strides, Evie tries to stand up.
Her legs give out from under her, too weak to use, and she crashes hard to the floor.
She throws up a barrier, frantic, desperate, but the Veil is too brittle for it to work properly, and before she can strengthen it Sarvis is there, dispelling her efforts with a thought and grabbing her by her arm.
“Let me go!” she shouts, her voice scraping at her throat, but no matter how she tries to struggle Sarvis only yanks on her harder. She tries to make him let go—but there’s nowhere to dig her nails in, nowhere to press or pinch that isn’t covered in armour. Any spell she tries fails, useless, as he drags her toward the orb at the center of the room.
All the while, the thing on the other side of the veil presses closer, and closer, and it almost feels like it’s grabbing at her. Pushing her closer, because Sarvis isn’t moving fast enough.
She struggles, and she fights, and she yells, but in the end Sarvis drags her up to that pedestal, and presses her palms flat against the orb.
It’s very, very cold.
And then suddenly it’s not. It’s—it’s hot. The light from the orb rushes out, and she feels energy wash over her, through her, and she feels like every bit of her is full of static, all of a sudden, and then the static turns to fire, and it starts to burn—
And then, just when it starts to hurt, all that energy shifts. She can still feel it, filling her up, but it moves from her skin to Sarvis’s armour, where he’s holding her wrists, and as she stares up at then as the magic starts to eat away at the armour, like the river pulls at the bank.
It happens so quickly, she barely sees it. It’s like she blinks, and Sarvis doesn’t have hands any more. And then his arms are gone, and he’s screaming, and—
And then he’s not screaming any more, because he doesn’t have a face.
Evie watches in horror as the light begins to reach out from the orb in thick, heavy tendrils—almost solid enough to touch. It passes over her, briefly, before snapping out like a whip, directly at the closest person lying on the floor.
It eats his leg before he can even start screaming.
And it’s not enough. It’s going to keep going—whatever it’s looking for in her, every time it washes over her like a wave, she doesn’t have enough of it. She tries to pull her hands off the orb but it’s stuck, so she only succeeds in falling over and hitting the ground hard.
She manages to sit up just as the second man vanishes into thin air, dissolved by twisted magic. And then it snaps out again, reaching right for Abelas this time—
Evie closes her eyes and does the only thing she knows how—she throws up a barrier around herself, as hard and fast as she can.
Something’s different about it, this time. She doesn’t just pull at her own magic—she feels something else guiding the Veil along with her magic, drawing it in a wide circle around the center of the room, curving over her like a dome.
It takes so little effort. She just thinks about it, and it’s done.
She looks up, wide-eyed and breathless. She can see her barrier, glowing with a strange green light, and trapped within it is the energy coming off the orb. She can see what was left outside slowly disappearing into the air, suddenly harmless.
What remains within, however, still hovers in the air—it moves along the edges of her barrier, searching for a weakness.
And when it doesn’t find one, it all pulls back into Evie.
She screams. And screams. And screams.
It feels like every nerve in her skin is on fire—like every part of her body is burning, or maybe like a big flame has just caught in her chest, and it’s rapidly spreading to the rest of her. She tries to let go of the orb, tries to throw it across the room, but nothing works—it’s like it’s been burned into her skin, and it’s carving a path along every vein from there to her heart, and holding her with an iron grip.
She doesn’t know how long she stays like that—it feels like forever, but it could only be a few minutes—before she hears the door burst open with an explosive force, and the rush of armoured feet running on hard stone floor.
She looks up, towards the source of the voice. “Dorian?” she asks.
And—there he is. Rushing up to her barrier so fast as if he could barrel right through it. But he can’t pass through, so he only hits it uselessly with his fists. At his side is Bull, sword drawn and his eyes wide with fear, Sera just at his back looking even more frightened, Varric with Bianca, and…
And Solas.
Solas looks terrified.
“Da’assan,” Solas calls, “It’s going to be alright, I promise. Just—just hold on.”
He looks like he’s in physical pain, and Evie—she can’t even look at him, right now, so she drops her gaze back to the orb in her hands.
She hears a dull, echoing thud as Dorian pounds on the barrier. “Let us in!” he calls, “Evie, drop the barrier. Drop it now.”
Evie tries to shake the orb out of her grip one more time, but it’s useless. She shakes her head, furiously.
“Come on,” Varric says, “we’re not mad you snuck out. I frankly can’t believe it hadn’t happened yet. Let’s just all go home and talk it over, okay? Just drop the barrier.”
“No,” she says, and it sounds broken to her own ears. Rough and raw. “I—I can’t. It’s—It’ll kill you, if I do.”
“We don’t have time for this,” Dorian says.
“No!” Solas shouts, and everyone stops.
It’s so loud and sudden that Evie looks up at him, startled.
His jaw is tight, and he has his hands flat on the barrier. “She doesn’t have the strength to power the orb,” he says, and she’s never heard him sound like this before. Like he’s trying to sound calm, but there’s something about the way he’s speaking that just sounds frantic. “Look.”
Evie glances over to the pedestal, which is slowly being eaten away by magic.
“If she drops that barrier,” Solas finishes, “we all die.”
“If she doesn’t?” Sera yells.
The pedestal vanishes, and the magic surges back to Evie again. She screams, doubling over the orb in pain.
“Then she loses concentration on the barrier and we all die,” Dorian finishes.
“Or the orb kills her first,” Solas corrects. “Da’assan. Evie. Look at me.”
She does. It’s hard to see him through her tears and the storm of magic raging around her but there he is, his fingers curling against the barrier as if he could walk through it and hold her. As if he desperately wants to.
“I can help you,” he says. “But you need to let me in.”
“I thought we just said don’t do that,” Sera shouts, but Bull hushes her.
“You just have to guide the barrier to let me pass. Just—just don’t drop it, alright? Just allow one person through. That’s all.”
Evie looks back down at the orb and shakes her head.
“Da’assan,” he says. “Please. I can help you, please.”
“No,” she says, her voice catching. Her tears are falling in big, ugly drops onto the orb, and hissing away into steam the moment they touch it. “No—you have to go. Before—before it hurts you, too.”
“They killed Mamae,” she shouts. The orb flares in her hands, so bright that for a moment everything is white, but her barrier holds, and the magic doesn’t stop burning her. “They killed her because of me and—and I can’t. I can’t let that happen again. If I let you in, you’ll die, and—”
She sobs, so hard that she can’t speak for a moment. Her whole body trembles as she curls around the orb, as if her body can protect everyone else in the room from it.
No one says anything, while she collects herself.
“Solas,” she says, “I know—I know that Fen'Harel’s my father, now. But I—but I always wanted you to be my Papae instead. So please, go. I can’t—I can’t—”
It surges again, and she screams so hard that it feels like a knife splits open her throat—and it burns,  but she can’t keep screaming so she stops, and just breathes, and cries.
Solas lets out a small, pained sound. Kind of like it’s supposed to be a laugh, or it would be in any other place. At any other time.
“Da’assan,” he says, “I am Fen'Harel.”
She looks up at him. Through her tears, she can see that he’s crying, too.
“I am your father,” he says, his hands flat on the barrier, pressing as close to it as he can. “I created that orb in your hands to end this world, but—Evie, the moment I met you, I lost all resolve to do what had to be done. I was only too foolish to see it.”
He tries to smile, but it comes out as a grimace.
“Evie,” he says, “I have—I have ruined so many beautiful things in my life. I can’t watch that happen to you. Please.”
She just keeps staring at him. Like—like maybe he’s lying, or maybe she hasn’t heard him right. Like the pain is making her think that what she wants to happen is happening, or she’s dreaming and she’s not supposed to say yes—
But it’s not a dream. And he’s standing there, crying, and no one else is saying anything at all, and he just looks so frightened and so, so desperate.
“Okay,” she says. “Okay. Tell me—tell me what to do.”
His shoulders sag with obvious relief, but the worry in his expression does not ease.
“It’s like—it’s like finding me in the Fade,” he begins. “But I will reach for you, instead. You’ll feel it on the barrier—you just have to guide the barrier along the path I show you, but do not let it break.”
Evie closes her eyes. “What if I can’t?”
“Evie, look at me,” Solas says. “You chased me halfway across the dreaming without knowing what you were doing. You escaped a barrier crafted by the brightest mages of this era. You’ve just now made a barrier to keep an ancient magic at bay—you can do this. But we have to act now. Are you ready?”
“Wait,” Dorian says.
When Evie looks at him, he’s staring at her—his hands balled into fists at his side. There’s a big cut on his forehead, and a smeared trail of blood running down his face, like he’s wiped at it with the back of his hand a few times. As he glances at Solas, then back to Evie again, his eyes look… utterly lost. Like he can’t decide what to do.
“How can we trust that this wasn’t all some trick?” he asks. But he doesn’t sound like the last time Evie heard him speak with Solas—not angry, not demanding anything. Just… pleading. “How do I know that you’re not—not lying to us all? That you didn’t orchestrate every second of this?”
Solas just meets Dorian’s gaze, either one looking every bit and lost and desperate as the other.
The power surges again—and as Evie screams her vision goes white, for a split second, and she can’t feel anything but heat and pain, so intense that when she blinks it takes a moment for her to see anything at all.
Everyone is shouting all at once.
Solas is screaming her name.
“Papae,” she whimpers, curling over the orb in her hands, and it’s the only plea she can make.
She feels Solas reach for her, then—feels it almost like a physical thing, like his hand on her shoulder. Or just behind it, rather. As if it’s that simple—as if he’s just moving to reassure her after she’s had a bad dream and he’s helped her out of it, and he’s waiting to see if she wants him to comfort her.
It’s the most natural thing in the world to say please, help me.
It doesn’t seem like anything changes. Her magic shifts, and the barrier holds, and she wonders if she’s done it right.
But then Solas is there, crushing her to him. The orb pressed between them as his arms wrap around her and pulls her as close as he can, as he kisses her forehead and says, “I’m here, Evie, I’m here.”
Part of her worries that it’s going to eat him up, like everyone else. But she doesn’t have the energy to pull away anymore—she can barely even lean into him, and let her tears fall on the soft fabric of his vest as she breathes in the smell of him. He smells like ash, like blood, like sweat, like smoke, burnt hair and skin—and underneath all that he smells like the Fade, like the air before a storm, like the forest that is her home, like a campfire with fir bark in it so it’ll burn hotter in the cold winter air.
As if from somewhere far, far away, she can feel his magic whirling all around them, so dizzyingly fast that she can’t even dream of keeping up.
Something hits the top of her barrier and shatters. She distantly feels Solas turn from her a little—shouting over his shoulder, “Get everyone out of here!”
She doesn’t know if they listen to him--all she can hear is the storm whirling around her, and Solas’s voice as he draws her tighter still.
“Hold on Evie,” he begs her. “Hold on, please.”
She can’t answer him. Everything hurts, and it’s all too bright, she feels like the whole world is burning too hot and too fast, and he’s her only anchor in this storm that’s howling around her so loud that soon she can’t even hear him, and after a little while she can’t even feel his arms around her, or his heart hammering against his chest where he’s pulled her so close.
She doesn’t know how long it goes on. It could be forever—it could be a minute.
But eventually, something gives with a great, mighty shudder. And then, bit by bit, she starts to feel things again—the throbbing of her broken nail. The dry, chapped skin of her lips. Cold, hard stone under her—the warmth of Solas’s chest against hers, his hand in her hair as he rocks her back and forth, his sobs as he begs her to wake up.
“Papae?” she chokes out, uncertain.
She can’t tell if the sound he makes is a laugh or a sob.
“Da’assan,” he says, and she can feel his tears in her hair when he pulls back and kisses her forehead. “Oh, da’assan.”
And then he pulls back again—looking her over with red, puffy eyes, as he tries to wipe old tears from her face with his thumb.
Above him she can see the sky. It looks like a storm has just passed—little straggling remnants of dark, dark clouds lingering on a backdrop of a dark, clear twilight sky.
She curls her fingers in his vest—and that’s when she realises that she’s not holding the orb any longer. She looks for it, frowning—even just moving her head feels like too much but she does it anyway, even though it makes her dizzy.
It takes her a minute to find it. It’s on the ground, just beside them. She doesn’t see it at first because it’s not glowing anymore—it’s broken clean in two, nearly indistinguishable from the rubble lying all around them. Like it’s some other part of the building come down around them.
Then Solas is taking her hands and casting healing magic on them. It takes him longer than normal, Evie realises dimly. Like he’s been drained nearly dry.
“I broke your orb,” she says. It hurts to speak, and her voice comes out cracked and rough.
He makes that sound again—but it sounds more like a laugh this time, she thinks. “It’s for the best,” he tells her.
And then his magic falters, and he leans forward a little—resting his forehead against hers, as his fingers curl over hers, protectively.
She can hear someone calling her name—Dorian, she thinks, just as he’s joined by Sera, and Bull, and Varric.
Solas turns, and she can see her aunts and uncles clambering over what’s left of the building around them. And she watches as, one by one, their expressions shift from panic to relief as they see her and Solas sitting in the rubble.
Behind them, approaching hesitantly, are more elves that she’s never seen before.
“Lord Fen’Harel?” one of the elves says. “What… what happened?”
He turns back to Evie again, and his expression softens. He cups her face with one hand, very gently, before saying, “It’s over. It’s… it’s over now.”
No one says anything at all for a long, long moment. Solas pulls Evie close once more, and she doesn’t resist—just lets herself be held, and buries her face in his vest, closing her eyes and just breathing, for a moment.
“Holy shit,” Sera says, finally breaking the silence.
For once, no one tells her to watch her language.
Dorian heals her hands, when Solas finally lets her go.
Some of the strange elves linger, but most of them seem to wander away. She can hear them arguing among themselves, for a while—in Elvhen, and too far away for her to make out the details.
“They gonna be trouble?” Bull asks, as he helps Solas stand.
Solas’s mouth twitches downward. “I don’t know,” he answers.
Dorian ends up carrying Evie away from what’s left of the ruins—Solas leans heavily on Bull, who walks with his sword drawn, and Varric and Sera flank them on either side, Bianca and bow in hand.
No one bothers them, as they walk through the old, crumbling city. As Doran carries her over the old road, as he whispers for her not to look as they pass people lying on the ground who aren’t moving.
She looks anyway. Until Dorian turns her so that her face is towards his jacket, and she curls into him, but does not close her eyes.
It gets dark quickly, but they walk by the light of Dorian’s staff until they pass through a mirror, into a place that makes her skin tingle with magic, and then back out again. And they don’t stop until they reach a clearing, and Dorian sets her down on a soft patch of moss.
“I’ll set wards,” he says, as Bull settles Solas next to Evie. “And a barrier, for good measure.”
She leans into Solas, not even thinking twice about it, and he wraps an arm around her shoulders just as easily.
Just as Dorian turns to go, Evie asks, “Is Mamae really gone?”
Solas’s arm tightens around her, ever so slightly.
“We don’t know,” Bull answers, his big hand coming to rest on Evie’s knee. “She… she told us which way they’d taken you, and there wasn’t time…”
He trails off, helplessly. Not saying it, but Evie knows—they might have saved her, if they had gone after her instead.
As if he can read her thoughts, Dorian sighs. He turns back and sits on the ground beside Evie, reaching into his jacket.
He pulls something from around his neck. Evie’s seen it before—it’s that crystal he and Mamae use to talk to each other sometimes, when they’re far away. He’s let Evie use it before, once or twice, when he was with her and Mamae wasn’t.
He takes her hand and presses the crystal into it.
“She used this,” he says. “And—she made us promise to find you. Not to wait around for her—just to get you back.”
“Hero and the Kid went to look for her,” Varric offers, settling down on the ground just in front of Evie. “So… maybe…”
The crystal in her hand is still, and silent. She doesn’t know if that’s good, or bad.
“Whatever happens next,” Dorian says, “we’re here for you, Evie. That’s a promise.”
He waits until she nods, and then he stands up and starts to set wards around their makeshift camp.
“Can you find her in the Fade?” Evie wonders, looking at Solas.
“Only if she’s asleep,” Solas replies, his voice thick. Every other possibility left unspoken.
She exhales. “I’m scared.”
He does not reply—but she remembers what he said, about the perfect things that he’s destroyed, so she shifts closer—and he shifts in turn, until his arms are wrapped around her, his face buried in her hair.
She can feel his heart pounding against her back.
She reaches up and pulls one of his hands from her chest. She twines her fingers in his, and then brings their joined hands down to her lap.
“Can we look for her together?” Evie asks.
He huffs a breath into her hair.
“Of course,” he says.
It takes them a long time to fall asleep—even as she lies there, uncertain of what awaits in dreams, Solas lying on the ground at her back, their clasped hands resting on the ground just beside her, the steady rise and fall of his chest lulling her, slowly, into dreams, even as he grips her hand tightly, terrified of what waits for them there.
She doesn’t know how long it’s been since she slept. Everything hurts, even the bits of her Dorian healed. Even the bits that she hadn’t known, before today, even could.
“What if she’s not there?” she asks, her eyelids drooping. “What do we do, then?”
He sucks in a slow, uneven breath. “I don’t know, da’assan.”
“Will you leave again?”
His grip on her hand tightens.
“If you want me to,” he says.
She shifts a little closer to him. “I don’t, though.”
He exhales into her hair. He sounds like he’s crying again.
She shifts in his arms, turning around so she can hug him back. And he is crying, and it gets worse when she wraps her arms around his neck, even though he pulls her closer still when she does.
“You deserve so much better,” he tells her. “You deserve a better father. Someone who—who wasn’t afraid—Evie, this is all my fault. Ir abelas.”
She presses her face into his shoulder. “Tel’abelas,” she mutters against his clothes.
“All of this happened because of me,” he insists, clinging to her like he’s terrified she’ll let go. “Your mother—Evie, if she’s gone, it’s my fault. My—my indecision caused this. I’ve—I’ve ruined everything I’ve ever tried to save.”
He chokes on a sob.
Evie feels like she should be crying too—because he’s upset, and she doesn’t know how to comfort him. But she feels like she’s cried enough for a lifetime, now, and even though this feels so important, she can feel exhaustion settling into every bone in her body, now that the danger has passed and they have stopped.
“You saved me,” Evie offers, but it doesn’t seem to help.
Anything else she might say is interrupted by a high, bright sound. Almost like the cry of a very strange bird, but just a little different.
Solas is upright in a heartbeat, clutching Evie to his chest, and he tries to stand up but he still doesn’t have the strength, so he kind of just lands in an awkward sitting position, and he has to let go of her a little bit to steady himself.
Evie turns around in his arms again, trying to blink the sleepiness out of her eyes as she looks in the direction of the sound.
Sera, nearby, has an arrow to her bow, pointing in the same direction. Varric’s got Bianca ready too, and she can see Bull reaching for his sword, and Dorian grabbing his staff—
“Dorian Pavus, if you do not drop this miserable excuse for a barrier this instant, I will be forced to dispel it myself.”
“Aunt Cassandra?” Evie blurts, incredulous, immediately recognising the voice ringing through the woods.
Evie and Solas suck in a breath at the same time.
“Mamae?” she calls back, because—because—
Because she doesn’t quite believe it.
But she hears someone curse—Uncle Thom, from the sound of it—and then someone she doesn’t know scolds, “You have a stomach wound, slow down, she’s not going anywhere.”
“Blondie,” Varric says, almost exactly like he says thank the Maker.
Dorian waves his hand, and the barrier must drop because Evie sees Cassandra charge into their little clearing, sword drawn.
And right behind her, an arm thrown over Thom’s shoulder, is Mamae, her eyes wide and desperate.
“Where is she—oh.”
Uncle Thom can’t move fast enough for Mamae once she sees Evie, Solas clutching her on the ground.
Solas doesn’t even move—he’s sitting stock still, just as stunned as Evie is, so when Mamae manages to break from Thom,  stumbling a few steps to more or less just fall on them both, he barely even manages to catch her.
Evie actually has to check if she’s dreaming. And then check again, just to be certain.
“Da’vhenan,” Mamae cries, clinging Evie to her. “You’re alright. You’re alright.”
Crushed between Mamae and Solas, her fingers curling in Mamae’s clothing, Evie breathes and she smells her Mamae—camp fires and her sweat, the trees that line the river, under the smell of elfroot and dried blood.
“Mamae,” she says, and no matter how much she’s just cried, suddenly she’s crying again.
“Did they hurt you?” Mamae asks, but Evie’s crying too hard to answer.
“Yes,” Solas says for her. He sounds like he’s just come up for air.
Mamae pulls back a little, then. Evie looks up, and Mamae and Solas are staring at each other, tears streaking down both their faces.
In the silence, she can hear Thom say, “Stepped on the damn crystal when I found her, or we would have used it ages ago.”
“Stepped on—that is a priceless artifact, and you stepped on it?!”
But Dorian doesn’t sound as angry as he wants to, Evie thinks, watching as Mamae breaks into a smile, even though she’s crying. Watching as Solas’s expression cracks, and he leans forward in the same moment Mamae does, and as Evie’s pressed between them she can feel Solas’s chest shake with a laugh that’s half a sob, and she can feel Mamae’s shake too, in turn, as she rests her chin on Evie’s head, burying her face in Solas’s shoulder and he, presumably, presses his to her hair.
Evie feels the arms of her parents wrap around her—around all three of them, together, and as she cries it feels good. Even though she still hurts, even though she’s shaken, she still has them.
Mamae, herself, and Solas—Papae, now. Together.
And right now, that’s all that matters.
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therealmnemo · 7 years
Rules: tag the person who tagged you, always post the rules, answer the questions, and add the date!  
Both @thejourneymaninn and @hollyand-writes tagged me for this <3
What are your five most popular works?  
Oh boy, hits or kudos? Because they do not match lol. Anywho, by kudos:
A Surprise in the Snow (93 kudos) - Fenris/m!Hawke. While Hawke is at Skyhold, Fenris finds something left behind by slavers. This is part of my little bird series, one of my first fanfics, and my rare m!Hawke fics.. and it’s been my most popular even after everything I’ve written. Yay kidfic!
I Need A Hero (90 kudos) - Fenris/Anders. Modern au with Cop!Fenris and Firefighter!Anders, based on art by @sixlilypetals and written for the @daficswap. I had a lot of fun writing this, and I’ve got an outline for a sequel that I’m writing for TBAAs giveway.
I Have Promises to Keep, And Miles to Go Before I Sleep (86 kudos) - Fenris/Anders. False calling prompt from @tearsofwinter. It zoomed up after adding the less ambiguous happy ending that was also requested from Tears :D
Infinity in Pieces (73 kudos) - Anders/Fenris/f!Hawke. Mermaid/Soulmate/Modernish au. This was written as a giveaway for my own blog for @fenrisofseheron. It’s my first multi-chapter that I finished and feel like it could be fleshed out a bit more, but it was fun :) 
I’m going to put down both of these, because they’re a couple kudos apart, but I think they’re about equally as popular I am a Question to the World (66 kudos) and  You Could Be Happy (61 kudos) - these are my drabble collections for Anders and Fenris weeks last year, respectively. There are pieces in them that stand out and I think they’re popular for those reasons. For Anders - “And Baby Makes Four” and “I’m Still Here”. For Fenris - “Surprises” and “Flight”. (One of my fave fenhawke writers gave me kudos after Surprises and I almost cried, and I got the most comments ever on the Flight chapter on any of my works and almost cried again.)
What are your five least popular works?
Not counting podfics or small drabbles that were originally tumblr prompts:
Critics Be Damned (11 kudos) - Gen. Varric thinks about everyone he’s lost during the changes of Thedas and what he leaves behind. I mostly got inspired by the ‘Hard in Hightown: Chatper ???” Codex.
I Still Hope (14 kudos) - Anders/f!Hawke. Got inspired by the song ‘I Know You Care’ by Ellie Goulding and wrote a bit of reflection for an f!Hawke that worries over Anders losing himself more and more to his cause. She doesn’t mourn his cause, she mourns that it has to be fought to begin with. I don’t know if that came through well enough, though.
Flight, Sundered. (15 kudos) - Anders/Fenris/f!Hawke. My poor, abandoned WiP about a Tranquil Hawke’s journey through the events of Kirkwall. It only has one chapter up. Someday I’ll get back to it. 
His Hands Shake (20 kudos) - Carver, implied Carver/Merrill. My very first fic, written for a Secret Santa. Templar Carver going through lyrium withdrawal and getting hope from Varric about the recovery thing that Cullen set up. 
The River Always Finds the Sea (21 kudos) - Karl Thekla/Anders. This is the third fic in my merfic series. I’ve come back to write this before I get back into the main series. It’s written from Karl’s POV of his time in the Gallows Circle and his relationship with Anders while he’s in captivity. 
Are you surprised? Why?
Not really? I’m a f!Hawke writer mostly, but m!Hawke tends to just really pull in readers, so seeing that continually rise to the top (an m!FenHanders one is the next in popularity) kind of bums me but I’m still proud of it. My Fenris x Anders pieces I wasn’t too surprised because the community is super thirsty for more fics (we are, I will consume them alllll) and we really look out for each other. As for the less popular ones.. still not that surprised. One is a gen and it’s super sad, the others consist of ships with Anders and f!Hawke (which just aren’t as popular), one’s a Carver fic, and the last one is a Kanders. All pairs and subjects that just aren’t that popular. 
Optional: If you want to calculate this, what are your works’ average number of notes? Idek, part of the reason of notes difference, will be cross-posting to tumblr as well as originally posting these under a different tumblr name.
Today’s date, so you can see how your results might change if you do this again in a year.
Tag six people to do this next! 
I was super late in answering this, so I don’t know who all has already done it :(... tagging @pikestaff, @the-arkadian, @storybookhawke, @dorianpink, @cypheroftyr, @warriormaggie :)
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callioope · 7 years
Top Ten Fic Recs
Thank you @rxbxlcaptain for the tag!
It took me entirely too long to post this because until recently (rebelcaptain), I was very, very bad at bookmarking fics that I like and I had to track things down (seriously 71% of my bookmarks are rebelcaptain). (Also I may have reread parts of these oops.)
So (A) I’m probably missing a Harry/Ginny fic or two—but I included two Fantastic Beasts fics plus a rebelcaptain Hogwarts AU, so Harry Potter is still appropriately represented on this list; (B) I’m most definitely missing a Gendrya fic—turns out a bunch of those that I did bookmark don’t exist any more, so, yea, Gendrya is really the main reason this is late; and ( C) taking up half the list, rebelcaptain is possibly over-represented here, but you know what I don’t care because these fics are amazing and there are so many more that are amazing that should be on here too and 5 is a small number.
Without further ado...
After the End by Arabella and Zsenya (Sugar Quill, Harry Potter, Harry/Ginny)
The Unrecorded Hours by hollycomb (Live Journal, The Hunger Games, Everlark)
A Certain Sort of Magic by redcherrychocolate (AO3, Howl’s Moving Castle, Howl/Sophie)
The Most Fantastic Beast by chasingblue57 (AO3, Fantastic Beasts, Newt/Tina)
Everybody Loves Newt Scamander by Aethelar (AO3, Fantastic Beasts, Gen)
And The Next by ienablu (AO3, Rogue One, rebelcaptain)
Kindred by simplyprologue (AO3, Rogue One, rebelcaptain)
this is the fate you’ve carved on me by Selkit (AO3, Rogue One, rebelcaptain)
You Must Remember This by theputterer (AO3, Rogue One, rebelcaptain)
Good Game by rxbxlcaptain (AO3, Rogue One, rebelcaptain) 
More details under the cut
(If anyone is wondering, these are organized based on date read.)
 After The End
Summary: It's the summer after seventh year, and Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and the rest of the wizarding world must learn to live without fear. This story was written prior to the release of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix."
This was THE fic for me, like the end-all, be-all of Harry/Ginny fics. It was the first fic that came to mind and pretty much if I could only recommend one fic, I’d rec this one. One of my all-time favorite moments in anything is when Ginny and Harry are talking about Seamus & Lavender’s wedding vows and Ginny accidentally says she would promise to outlive Harry. UGHHH I have wanted to reread this fic for years, but it is so so long. Ah screw it I just looked up that scene and *dies*
The Unrecorded Hours
Summary: Katniss and Peeta in the weeks and months after the war.
Simply amazing. Perfect fleshing out of how Peeta and Katniss “grow back together.” I just reread the whole thing oops. Reading this gave me such closure on The Hunger Games that I didn’t end up reading much fic after this. Yep this is pretty much canon for me. Also so much angst in this, which is not typical for me, but this is just spot on. Trigger Warning: thoughts of suicide, PTSD.
A Certain Sort of Magic
Summary: In which Howl suffers a unique malady, Sophie feels perfectly invisible, Michael is thwarted, everyone is thoroughly dramatic, and there may or may not be a wedding. 
I went through a brief Howl’s Moving Castle phase after I read the books and this fic just stuck with me. Funny, emotional, perfect characterization. A good fluff fic to follow up the angst from the previous fic in this list. I wouldn’t call myself a huge Howl’s Moving Castle fan, but apparently I had a bunch bookmarked (more than Gendrya; I don’t understand, I really don’t) and this one always stood out to me.
The Most Fantastic Beast
Summary: Only a few days old, Newt and Tina's daughter wakes in the night. Newt is there to soothe her. 
What pure adorableness this is. Like yes I am a sucker for kidfic and oh this is just so sweet.
Everybody Loves Newt Scamander
Summary: Newt Scamander and the people (creatures, beasts, I'm pretty sure I can put anything sentient here) that get drawn into his life. A series of ficlets from different character's point of view that may, at some point, be connected or have a plot but as yet do not. Also Pickett. Quite a bit of Pickett.
Um, hilarious, amazingly well written character study of Newt through everyone else’s eyes. And yes “quite a bit of Pickett” is accurate—Pickett is amazing and what a way to look at Newt as a character. I mean I’d rec this just for the Pickett chapters alone.
And The Next
Summary: Jyn looks to the disappearing horizon and thinks, ‘The Force is with me, I am one with the Force. The Force is with me, I am one with the Force. The Force is strong with me, I am –’ Jyn wakes up in her Wobani prison cell, panting and a scream dying in her throat.
Where do I even begin, I love this, this is my favorite rebelcaptain fic of all time, one of the first I read and I was blown away. The characterization, the writing, the plot, the agony of having to live that day over and over… ahh it gets me. Like it had me at Groundhog Day AU, really, but then just the execution, A++++. Love. This. Fic.
Summary: “I left the next-of-kin space blank on my enlistment form,” she whispers, taking the datapad from his loose grip, logging in with her own restricted access codes. Draws up her contact forms, and gives it to him to place his name. “I’d like that.” He brings up his own next. 
Love the next-of-kin bit, and like I said, I’m a sucker for kidfic and this one gets there eventually. This remains one of my rebelcaptain faves. So sweet, so beautifully written.
this is the fate you’ve carved on me
Summary: Jyn is four years old when it appears on the inside of her left arm: a long, twisting tangle of flowing lines and blocky symbols... (Soulmate AU)
Wonderful, wonderful soulmate AU, follows the events of Rogue One with the twist of them being soulmates. I love it.
You Must Remember This
Summary: Six months [since Scarif], and Jyn and Cassian are at an impasse. She thinks he knows everything about her, and she doesn't know anything about him. 
Great characterization in this, both Cassian and Jyn. It’s got fluff and angst and just like, I love love the main point, like what does it mean to really know someone? And it’s just Jyn getting to know Cassian’s background and falling in love with him and also learning things about herself and it’s beautiful.
  Good Game
Summary: Last spring, Jyn Erso and the Gryffindor Quidditch team lost the final to Cassian Andor and his Hufflepuffs. Today, Jyn is getting her rematch, and she is determined to win.
*incoherent fangirling/ranting about the perfection of this fic* *starts over* OKAY SO this fic is such a perfect blending of the two loves of my life, Star Wars and Harry Potter. From the characterization (and House choices, A+), to the rivalry/tension between Jyn and Cassian, to the excitement of the Quidditch match, to Seeker!Bodhi, I was consumed with pure happiness the entire time I read this. I’m also going to cheat and sneak one more fic in and rec Luctor et Emergo, which is sorta like an expanded version of this and equal perfection of Harry Potter/Star Wars mash up.
Okay so I’m not really sure who hasn’t done this yet and who wants to do it but I’m going to tag @magalis, @latinaspitfire @lustfulpasiphae @yavemiel and anyone else who sees this and wants to do it bc I think we all love fic recs and I know I’d love to see everyone’s :) 
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victuuriporkbowl · 8 years
Victuuri Recs #6
Maelstrom by feelslikefire (NC-17, 43,6k) Summary: Victor Nikiforov is poised to win gold in his fifth consecutive Grand Prix Final. He has the world at his feet, is unparalleled in the sport--right up until a snowstorm blows into Sochi, and he finds himself repeating the same day over and over and over. He stumbles over Yuuri Katsuki, and everything changes. (Or, the time loop au. Loosely based on Groundhog Day.) [Time Loop/Time Travel AU, *FAVORITE] Victor Effing Nikiforov by shysweetthing (NC-17, 13,2k) Summary: AU in which Yuuri still doesn’t remember the banquet, somehow doesn’t blow Japanese Nationals, runs into Victor at the World Championships, and has absolutely no idea why his idol is suddenly friendly and incredibly handsy. Does Yuuri care about his reasons? No. It’s Victor Effing Nikiforov. Basically this is an excuse for total fluff. And porn. And shit-talking with bonus smut. (Edited for accuracy.) Happy birthday, Victor. ~~ Victor turned back to him, supernova smile in place once more. “I really, really like you. Promise you’ll still dance with me at the banquet if you take gold this time around.” Yuuri stared at the man. He looked at their entwined hands—he hadn’t wanted to pull away—and their thighs, pressed together despite there being plenty of room in the backseat of the cab. That scent of Victor’s cologne—just a dab, lightly applied somewhere on his neck—swirled around him. This was too real to be a dream, too physical for him to have imagined it. “I’m sorry,” Yuuri said slowly. “But…have we talked before?” [Canon Divergence AU] i know my madness by astoryaboutwar (NC-17, 14k) Summary: It's hardly a secret that Victor Nikiforov is a massive player. (In which Yuuri doesn't blow the Grand Prix Finals the first time round, does blow Victor, and everything changes but ends up the same.) Right Off His Feet by EmilianaDarling (R, 7,4k) Summary: One of Yuuri’s hands is sliding around his waist, guiding him effortlessly until they’re dancing together. Really dancing together, and Viktor forgets to think, to breathe. Yuuri’s so close that Viktor can feel the heat of his breath against the back of his neck, the warmth of his skin through his clothes.Then he closes his eyes, leans into the touch, and gives in completely as he lets Yuuri lead. [Missing Scene] Six Kinds of Love by Frilly_Axolotl (NC-17, 13,4k, WIP, Warnings) Summary: It's almost funny how one night can change a person's life forever. They were caught and sold together over a year ago. Two Yuris for the price of one, the auctioneer said. But now their sadistic Masters seem to have angered the enigmatic Viktor Nikiforov, who is willing to take on another slave or two as compensation. Yes, one night can change a person's life forever. Perhaps that is not always a bad thing. [Kidnapping, Slavery!AU, WARNINGS - This is a much darker fic than I normally rec, but it’s incredibly well written. Just mind the warnings and take note that they heavy stuff is in the first few chapters, and the story turns into one of healing and recovery from there] lovesick by Ironinkpen (PG, 2,7k) Summary: “Did the doctor send you?” When Yuuri doesn’t reply fast enough, since he's still gaping like a fish, he turns to Yuri. “Did the doctor send him? Because wow,” He drops his arm and presses his hand to his chest like the dramatic bastard he is. “You’ve got to be the prettiest man I’ve ever seen.” “Oh my god,” Yuri groans. “Is he hitting on you?” (In which Yuuri worries, Viktor's on the good drugs, and Yuri puts up with a whole bunch of bullshit.) a match worth waiting for by fan_nerd (NC-17, 17,8k, WIP Series) Summary: a collection of fics centered around a/b/o dynamics. victor is an omega; yuuri is an alpha. [Omegaverse, Series, Not Complete] A Fellow With a One-Track Mind by ken_ichijouji (dommific) (NC-17, 3,9k) Summary: Victor decides in order to help Yuuri land quads more consistently, he should have some kind of reward system. (AKA the Victor strips every time Yuuri lands a quad fic.) i think i was blind before i met you by incode (NC-17, 4,9k) Summary: Victor has a thing for every new bit of Yuuri he sees. (It’s odd, when he thinks about it, how awkward he has historically been in everyday life in contrast with the way stepping onto the ice feels like fitting into a disguise, an alternate persona where he’s confident, alluring, captivating. Yuuri used to feel so invisible; Victor has made him blossom into someone present.) Immaculate Dream, Made Breath and Skin by RC_McLachlan (NC-17, 2,8k) Summary: Almost half his life has been spent training for the day that Victor Nikiforov takes him to bed, so when it finally happens after the Grand Prix Final, Yuuri's prepared. More than prepared: he's ready. No one's ever touched him as a lover, sure, but there's nothing that he hasn't already dreamed about doing or having done to him to make anything that could happen a shock. But apparently Victor's sole purpose in life is to subvert all his expectations. Life is a Series of Accidents by BrinThePuffling (R, 24,6k) Summary: When Yuuri started college in America, he had a certain amount of expectations. Pretending to date his history TA was certainly not within that realm of expectations. Falling in love was even further outside his expectations. [Fake/Pretend Dating, College!AU, Ace!Yuuri] silver by pageleaf (NC-17, 2,9k) Summary: "Oh? You can't kiss silver?" Viktor makes a mock-horrified face. "Silver? No way!" Ah. Yuuri recognizes this—Viktor getting into one of his bratty moods. Yuuri's never really tried to do anything about it before, and eventually Viktor always tones it back down, but this time, Yuuri wonders... He shrugs. "Well, I guess I just won't be able to kiss you then." [Dom/sub] Distraction by SuggestiveScribe (NC-17, 7,9k) Summary: "Yuuri, let's not think about that," Viktor said, holding out his hands. Yuuri set his other skate aside. "You should take your mind off it; maybe seek a distraction--" "Okay." "--Anything to disengage from the nega--" Viktor stopped, blinking. "Wait, what?" Yuuri rose back to his feet, moving to stand in front of Viktor. Emotion burned at the edge of his irises, and in the limited light his stare flashed more crimson than brown, "I said, 'okay'." a day for all the rest by Etharei (NC-17, 6,2k) Summary: Phichit clears his throat. "You, ah, might want to wear your scarf again." He taps meaningfully at his own collarbone. Victor touches the indicated spot on his neck. The skin is markedly sensitive. He presses down, unable to help himself, and the sweet little ache summons a sense-memory: strong fingers carding through his hair, then digging into his shoulder, powerful thighs like a vice around his hips, his name gasped into his ear before a hot mouth seals over the skin of his neck. The day after the Cup of China. Breathless by MilkTeaMiku (NC-17, 5k) Summary: “Take whatever you want from me, Yuuri,” Victor urged. “Use me however you like. I’ll give you anything you want.” After being in Russia for two months, Victor is eager to return to his mate and finally mark him. [Omegaverse] Watch. by SuggestiveScribe (NC-17, 7,8k) Summary: "You have pretty legs, Yuuri." You searched for: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov by Arumattie (PG, 8,2k) Summary: Having discovered the ice skating fandom, Victor takes a keen interest in the fictional love lives of himself and his fellow skaters. That said, he's quick to pick a favorite ship. We Share a Common Interest by autoeuphoric (FreezingRayne) (NC-17, 2,9k) Summary: Yuuri lets the music fill him up, feeling Viktor’s attention prickle over his skin. The flames remind him of the sweeping lights in an exhibition skate, and Viktor’s gaze reminds him of the Grand Prix. But dancing this close--he doesn’t remember that. It’s completely new. (Yuuri and Viktor revisit the time they met) Hooked On Your Love by EllaWinchester24 (NC-17, 5,3k) Summary: Yuri is whining, rutting against the mattress, nose buried in Victor’s shirt. His lithe body is naked, every beautiful inch on display for Victor to feast his eyes on. Which is… not what he should be doing, fuck. OR The one where Omega!Yuri gets his heat in Russia and alpha!Victor discovers exactly how much his mate likes it when he praises him. Basically, me indulging myself with some smut and fluff. [Omegaverse]  be the salt on your skin by alykapedia (NC-17, 2,2k) Summary: Yuuri’s heat arrives two weeks after Viktor shows up. (Or: the five times Katsuki Yuuri spent his heats alone, and the one time he didn't (and never would again). [Omegaverse] Unimaginable by emilyenrose (PG, 4,8k) Summary: Sixteen year old Victor spontaneously travels to the future, where he's... retired? And married? [Time Travel AU] all come praise the infanta by pearl_o (PG, 1,2k) Summary: One week after Victor announces he won't be competing next season, he posts to his Instagram account a photograph of an impossibly tiny onesie and a small stuffed poodle lying atop a comforter. [Kidfic] turntables by exocara (PG, 4,3k) Summary: It happens approximately one week after Yuuri’s disastrous performance in Sochi. Viktor Nikiforov @v-nikiforov I wish I could date pretty black haired boys who dance well. “Ooh, the candidates are already flooding in!” Phichit says with an amused grin. “Candidates?” Yuuri asks and Phichit helps Yuuri scroll down to read the replies. Most of them are variants of “date me!” with pictures attached. It’s all very interesting. “You should send one too!” Phichit says and Yuuri doesn’t even bother answering him. “Look, I’ll send one if you send one. It’ll be fun!” [Canon Divergence AU] Shut up and let me hold you by shysweetthing (R, 2,4k) Summary: “How can you tell me to return to the ice while saying you’re retiring?” As Victor spoke, his anger flared into something just a little darker. Something just a little possessive, and Yuuri was usually the possessive one between them. Victor found himself closing the distance between them, grabbing hold of Yuuri’s leg. Yuuri shrank back—a centimeter—but Victor followed. Their noses brushed. Their lips were so close that when Victor spoke, it was almost a kiss. “Yuuri, how am I supposed to skate my heart out when you are my heart?” Stupidly Happy With You by qwartooty (PG-13, 2,9k) Summary: “You have that stupid look on your face again,” Yurio said, skating up to where Viktor was watching Yuuri. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Viktor said, putting on a very deliberate frown. “Face it- Katsudon is sucking the cool right out of you." “He’s not sucking anything out of me.” “Ohoho?” Phichit glided by them with a gleefully scandalized look on his face. (post episode 9 - in which Yurio means well, Viktor loses his cool, and Yuuri helps him find it) (oh, and Phichit is a little shit) Deluded by SuggestiveScribe (PG-13, 3,4k) Summary: “Say Yuuri,” he began, gently brushing off the legs of his slacks, “do you know much ballroom?” “Uhm, well,” Yuuri was wringing his hands now, suddenly overflowing with anxious energy, “Just the very basics that helped with skating. It was mostly ballet for m--” Viktor extended his hand where he stood, arm and fingers outstretched and beckoning to Yuuri, “Then you know how to waltz.”
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