#and kill me pretty and sukiyaki
babygirltangerine · 1 year
rb + put in the tags your favorite song on the bullet train soundtrack
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crepes-suzette-373 · 6 months
Oden = Oda Nobunaga???
This is not a theory or anything, more like just an observation of character inspiration. I probably should have posted this first, because this is the more sensible one instead of my wild theory.
I had wondered if young Oden's story is partly inspired by the younger days of Oda Nobunaga. I mean, I hate to keep harping on this fellow, but his name is kind of the homonym of Oda-sensei's name and he's a very famous samurai in Japan to boot.
I would not be surprised if this fellow was used as inspiration for multiple people in One Piece, but very cleverly hidden. Like how Law and Zoro both took inspiration from pirate François l'Olonnais, for example.
For one, the name. The -da kanji 田 from "Oda" 織田 can be read as "den", which means that technically speaking "Oda" can be read as "Oden". This is not usually done, but for the purpose of jokes and puns, it's not wrong.
Secondly, the character. Young Oda Nobunaga was a wild young lad, and it was to the point that the entire town called him a fool, and his tutor eventually killed himself out of despair for Nobunaga's chaotic behaviour. Much like how Oden was such a troublemaker that he got disowned.
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All the quoted Nobunaga biography texts are from "The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga", which has free previews in Google Books (thank goodness, the actual book is expensive as hell).
There's no official biography quote for this, but there is a famous legend that at age 2 Nobunaga would bite all his nurses/babysitters that they can't stand it and all quit. As seen in the manga panel above, Oden has been causing problems since he was a baby.
Though, unlike Oden, Nobunaga was apparently never disowned. after his father died he still was the heir, and became the new head of the family. He cleaned up his act and became respectable.
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And just like how Oden was still pretty sassy even after getting all "cleaned up", so was Nobunaga. It wasn't his father that he met though, as his father had died then, but his father-in-law.
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Another thing is that, there is a trope in fiction that Nobunaga does not discriminate the outcasts, and would not mind picking up random people off the streets to be his vassals. The most famous case in point is Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who would go on to become the ruler of Japan in later years.
Oden took in fellow troublemakers like Kin'emon and the minks as his followers, not discriminating against them like the other citizenry.
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The final thing that made me really go "hmmm" is the Akazaya (Red Scabbards/Sheaths). Young Nobunaga himself had a red scabbard and his group of rowdy vassals had been "outfitted in red". This term is a bit unclear, I checked the raw and it only means something to the effect of "army in red", and it doesn't say if that means their clothes, armour, or weapons.
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Either way, I specify "Young" because the rest of Nobunaga's life has nothing to do with Oden in One Piece. If anything, Nobunaga's later vicious career reminds me more of Germa, but that is neither here nor there.
Plus, younger Koudzuki Sukiyaki happens to somewhat look like the ukiyoe of Oda Nobunaga, take that as you will:
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Hey look, Sukiyaki even has the flowery patterns on his coat too.
As a bonus, the fan Wiki has noted that Oden and the Koudzuki family story seems to also take inspiration from the deity Susanoo. What with the whole saga being centred on the fight against "Orochi", like how Susanoo fought against and defeated Yamata no Orochi.
So, you see the flower patterns on the ukiyoe above? That's the Oda family's house crest. And guess what? It is also the divine crest of Susanoo:
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Legends say the Oda family ancestors were shrine priests or strong believers of Susanoo, and a Susanoo shrine was declared "the ancestral Oda family shrine".
Maybe sensei knew of this and took inspiration from both Oda Nobunaga and Susanoo to create the Wano storyline.
To be honest, this is why I somewhat wondered if Germa specifically has connection to Wano, like maybe they had ancestors from Wano? Same historical inspiration, Sukiyaki weirdly looks like Judge, and so on.
But like I said, Law and Zoro had inspiration from the same person, but I don't really see any signs to suggest they're relatives thus far, so maybe this is just a big nothing.
(unless the bombshell is that Zoro and Law are related somehow)
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🍕 ❤️ 💚 🧠 for Korak and Crash pls I’m having a weird day and they’re comfort characters for me
I'll bring you the good stuff for our beloved saints Crash and Korak just for you Korbs.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Crash: I already answered this elsewhere, but now I am on my phone because I have to pretend to do my job, so I will copy it here.
"There is an elcor street food vendor on Omega that serves the best food out of a giant pot that Crash has ever tasted. She doesn't know what's in it (he must have told her a hundred times, but she's pretty sure it changes every time), but it's delicious."
Korak: OK, I made up a food one time and I can't even remember if I fucking named it because of who I am as a person. Basically, it's like a goulash, heavy on that one little snippet of world building Bioware gave us about there being a spice called ignac native to Khar'Shan, and full of all sorts of delightfully weird alien veggies. Korak is also quite fond of sukiyaki he's found.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Crash: I gave an answer for Crash already, but she's such a joyful person, let's hit you with another. (I am coming up with this off the dome by the way.)
There was a young turian kid living on Omega who she knew well because his family lived in the same building as she did and he was often left unattended (latch key kid sort of situation). One day he comes to her crying because he can't find his ragged little stuffed varren toy.
Well, she went looking for it and found it pretty easily, the little scamp had dropped it just outside and it had gotten kicked out of the footpath. But instead of just giving it right back to him, she set up a little adventure/mystery for him to go on with her to rescue his toy.
They went mucking through the jungles of Sur'Kesh (the back alley behind the mega-complex) but alas! He was not there! So they trudging through the deserts of Tuchanka (an abandoned lot in front of an empty warehouse) and broke into the crumbling ruins of the evil krogan warlord's secret base (the warehouse) where they had a very intense imaginary battle to rescue the stuffed animal. Burn took a nasty wound to the snout, but our little turian hero was there to save the day and patch him up!
The best thing about this story is that her little buddy grew up and got off the station before it dragged him down or killed him like it so often does for so many others.
Korak: The first Nos Astra sunrise that Korak saw when he and Aumellio left Omega behind together. It was a simple thing. They were staying in a cheap hotel, didn't even have a place to actually live yet, all of their possessions condensed into a few not very large boxes. But leaning against a balcony rail together, watching a new beginning literally light up before them.
Cheap hotel coffee tastes really good when there's hope on the horizon.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Crash: You know, it's an interesting thing to think about, how krogan perform gender. The examples we get canon-wise in game, krogan society is deeply gendered at least culturally. The women have their own clans, their own spiritual practices even. Crash rejected all of that. She left Tuchanka which it seems like not very many krogan women do. She wears armor and has no desire to live like the women on her homeworld do. But she still identifies as "female" for whatever that might mean. If we base all of what we know of krogan females on Urdnot Bakara, one might say she's gender non-conforming at the very least.
Though I suspect all of this is just another failure on Bioware's part to include non-cis-male aliens in their initial world building.
Crash is firmly asexual and aromantic. (She does however like romance stories but she won't tell you that.)
Korak: Korak is a cis dude, and he's very much a gay man. There's not a lot to elaborate on there, he's a pretty simple guy.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Fuck how am I supposed to choose?
Crash: I think my favorite thing about Crash is how sure she is of herself and her joy. She made a conscious decision a very long time ago to live in a way that made her happy, made her feel fulfilled, and she does it with all of her hearts because she knows she's doing what she wanted all along.
Korak: My favorite thing about Korak is that he's actually a bit of a sweetheart and he's so lost trying to be a good dad, but goddammit he is giving it all he's got.
Plus he's kind of a hunk.
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jpt3391 · 2 months
Sukiyaki Western Django
Like the name of the dish, the movie was a variety of things and to me it was a bit hard to keep up with at times. I understood where the movie was trying to go and surprisingly a lot of the references, but I was still left a bit confused as to the meaning behind some of it. One of my favorite references made in the movie though, was when Tarantino's character references the movie Akira, and calls himself just another anime otaku. Of course, he was talking about his son too, but it made me chuckle. The movie starts off with Tarantino's character somehow killing a snake that was just picked up by a bird, which happened to have an egg in its stomach, so that already sets the tone of the whole movie. It's a bit ridiculous, but it's not trying to hide it. Tarantino's character then defeats some cowboys that try to kill him, and then is greeted by a mysterious lady. The movie then goes on to introduce a nameless gunman who rides into town between the red gang and the white gang (the Heike and Genji respectively). It is revealed that the rival clans are fighting for supposed hidden treasure in the town, but none of them can find it. It goes behind the backstory as to how the clans settled in the town, with the Heike first taking it over from the initial gold rush prospectors. This is symbolized by them painting the town's gate in red. Then the Genji come and show their strong presence to the Heike, essentially taking over the town but making the Heike do all the dirty work while they wait for them to find the treasure. The nameless man tries to find his way in all of this and by talking to the people of the town, he is able to piece together what is actually happening. Between the hunt for treasure is the underlying story of Heihachi, a kid born from Akira and Shizuka. He, like the nameless man, is born from both clans and that is shown with his interesting hairstyle. Then the fighting ensues and of course, the nameless man wins in the end and Heihachi finally overcomes his trauma and becomes the legendary gunslinger, Django. Overall, the movie was pretty fun to watch but still something that wasn't entirely my style.
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kazuma-asogi-blog · 4 months
okay mr handsome i know some people but also i know mr pretty prosecutor would kill me if i found a way to bring you sukiyaki. even though i dont know how to poison people. idk how to get ahold of iris but do you think i could give her the recipe?? would that be good?? congrats on the trial win thats really good!!! knew you could do it~
So you don't know how to poison someone, but you do "know some people" ...suspicious...
Haha I'm joking. Still thinking like a prosecutor. A recipe would be appreciated! I believe there's an address in Randst Magazine where enthusiasts of her work send Iris letters. Perhaps you could send it there?
Thank you for your congratulations!
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danbenzvi · 2 years
Just listened to: “Bullet Train (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)”
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Track listing:
Avu-Chan (Queen Bee) - “Staying Alive (originally performed by Bee Gees)”
Siiickbrain featuring Pussy Riot - “Power”
Englebert Humperdink - “I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles”
Alejandro Sanz - “La Despedida”
UPSAHL - “My Time To Shine”
Tamio Okuda - “Kill Me Pretty”
Big Fella - “Couple Of Fruits”
Carmen Maki - “Tokiniha Hahano Naikonoyouni”
Shuggie Otis - “Sweet Thang”
Song For Memories - “Five Hundred Miles”
Asakura Miki - “Holding Out For A Hero (Dance Version) (originally performed by Bonnie Tyler)”
Kyu Sakamoto - “Sukiyaki (the English language version you might know by A Taste Of Honey is a cover)”
Rare Earth - “I Just Want To Celebrate”
Dominic Lewis - “Momomon”
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Ei! Ei! Oh! A transcendent victory! The big 3-0! The greatest milestone thus far, with non-stop bangers since Episode 1! Avataro Sentai! Donbrothers! Our festival is yet to reach its climax! Everybody jump! Everybody dance and sing together!
Spoilers, I guess continues this Saturday! Yeah, I mean this one!
-Donbros Fantasia!
-Toradora Onitaijin!
-Oh shit, Auntie Yuriko has been kidnapped!
-...you remember her, right?
-Those darn Anoni!
-Obviously they're trying to save her from Chef Haruka's Beef Stroganoff.
-The Anoni finally exist! As like, characters!
-Gotta hunt the Juto.
-I guess the Anoni do hate being eaten. I mean, I would too.
-Imagine literally the only family you have being Auntie Yuriko.
-...now I'm curious, what might've happened to Haruka's parents? Or rather, how little connection do the team have to regular society outside of each other and their civilian workplaces?
-"I have a wife!"
-Oh, we're finally letting that house of cards collapse, huh?
-Guess he's a real gentleman.
-Kijino Miho.
-Ah, yep! Hanamura!
-Knew that guy was trouble.
-Sorry Tsuyoshi, but we've gotta hunt 'em all down.
-Sassing and making small talk with her own kidnappers? Like aunt, like niece, I suppose.
-That's a pretty fancy spread they've got.
-Y'know, I can respect the honesty.
-But like
-Yeah, your shitheel ex-boyfriend's mom is a furry.
-Oni hidden in the leaves.
-Sneak 100.
-Yep, that dude is gonna die an absolutely horrendous death.
-At the zone.
-Didn't even pay for it!
-"Oh, don't mind me, just a little oni lady doing her weekend shopping~!"
-Ohhhh, here it comes, my one weakness! Extremely awkward public confrontations about infidelity!
-Help, I'm gonna die!
-Stop crying, you overgrown flamingo chick! She was talking to this dude for like five minutes!
-...still love you though.
-Sayama appears!
-Everybody's here!
-Hanamura's mom sent him to a farm upstate.
-Whole-ass sukiyaki plate.
-Meatless sukiyaki!
-Gotta let the dog out?
-Sayama was just chomping the whole time, huh?
-Find Murasame.
"Your food, sir."
-Shinichi's look of terror is honestly justified.
-YOU pay!
-Man, stiff 'em like that.
-And Kaito just accepts it.
-God, man.
-Spice Spice Spice
-Oh, Tsubasa you charmer.
-Dog Man meets Condor Woman.
-"So like... you wanna be friends? Kinda?"
-So the Anoni went to the Donbrothers as messengers, while Sononi chose to ask Tsubasa perfectly.
-Oh shit, we're all going to the townhouse.
-"Get spiced, idiot!"
-Oh shit, Miho's here.
-From the Don Clan.
-"Don't hurt the cats. I'll deal with it."
-Alright, that lines up with what Sonoi told us.
-I mean, you guys are kinda just going off of your instincts, but the Juto possessing Sayama's boy has been trying to murder Tsubasa this whole time, so...
-Oh, copy!
-Oh, so... Don Murasame's meant for killing, huh?
-Oh shit, penguin.
-That's it, grab your aunt.
-"Murasame, it's shark time!"
-"The plan's over. No more beast hunting!"
-Oh, Jirou's taking care of the Spice Guy.
-Donbrothers really is a lot, huh?
-Good job, Jirou!
-Spice man's really gone up the Scoville!
-Transcendent wind!
-They know.
-Inu Brother focus episode.
-The dog unmasked.
-The confrontation we've all been dreading is near.
-And I'll be on the edge of my seat the whole time.
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catflowerqueen · 2 years
One Piece Chapter 1053 Review:
When a chapter is called “The New Emperors,” you know it’s going to be good.
For once I’m with the Elder Stars in wanting to know is who, exactly, managed to actually get a picture of Luffy in his Gear 5 form. It’s not like Momo or Yamato had a camera up there, after all… I guess it does make sense for it to have been that CP0 guy, but you would think he would know better than to show off Nika like that. Unless the Elders hid that even from CP0… Also, weirdly enough I thought Luffy’s poster was actually one for Sabo for a moment? I think it’s because of the wispy bits reminding me of Sabo’s hairstyle.
I am loving Morgans lately. He just does what he wants in favor of getting those big scoops! Makes me wonder if he’s going to try and stowaway/beg to join Luffy’s crew when they finally set off for Laugh Tale, just so he can be the first to know the story.
And congrats to that trio on their new bounties! I think Luffy’s doubled? Which is cool. I’m a bit surprised they’re all worth exactly the same, though. I guess it was easier than trying to figure out the minutia of everything that went down. Also, considering how desperate the Elders were about not wanting Luffy’s D initial to be on the poster, I wonder if their brains would explode if they found out about the fact that Law is also a D, and just doesn’t bother advertising it.
It's hilarious that everyone else—even the actual Shogun and his official entourage, it seems—was too impatient to wait for the fancily cooked meal, leaving Jimbei all alone. I applaud his politeness, but I do hope he will get the chance to hang out with everyone else! …Or maybe it’s just that he learned his lesson after all the rowdiness at the Fishman Island celebration and is taking his chance for peace and quiet while he can. Chopper, for one, is certainly living up to his moniker by literally crying at the fact that there is cotton candy.
And I’m glad we have confirmation that Robin is okay! At least for now. As for that twist about Tengu-san… I am honestly surprised he was not, in actuality, killed at the start of all this, like we had been led to believe. Maybe it was supposed to be a sort of psychological torture-type deal? To have to watch his family come to such harm while his country fell to ruin around him? At least he has Momo and Hiyori now, but I’m not certain how that particular meeting will go if he ever changes his mind about meeting them… especially since I’m pretty sure it will be their first time ever meeting with their grandfather (at least while knowing he is their grandfather).
Oh, wow, Pluton is in Wano? I guess that makes sense… the Viz translation of her commentary in Alabasta made it seem (at least to me) like it was actually buried somewhere there… but I guess she did just say it “tells of the location,” which doesn’t necessarily mean it is somewhere on that island… Assuming the World Government is also aware of this, their desperation to get Robin specifically now, as well as their general interest in Wano, makes a lot more sense. It also makes me glad that neither Kaido nor Orochi could read poneglyphs. Also, it’s rather hilarious that she is just steamrollering all over the Kozuki family drama after confirming that Momo is in the dark about all this. Probably because it just confirms that Sukiyaki has more of the info she is actually interested in.
…And I guess that confirms that Ryokugyu does, indeed, have control over plants… and also seems to explain why he seems perfectly fine after not eating for literal years—he’s just letting his plants do all the work. I wonder if that makes him a paramecia, or a logia? Assuming it is a Devil Fruit at work and not something else, like him being from a race of “tree people” or whatever. I mean. There was that zombie tree thing on Thriller Bark, so anything is possible. Also, he looks a lot younger than I thought he would.
And there’s the confirmation about why all the credit for beating Kaido went to Joyboy! It is indeed to respect Luffy’s wishes about not being called a hero! And Kidd being so upset about the bounty thing, while Luffy is just ecstatic he’s okay and immediately pulling him into a “hug” like that is hilarious. It’s too late, Kidd, you’ve been assimilated into the friendship circle.
But I can’t believe that the people joking about “Emperor Buggy” were actually correct! I mean. I guess it does fit Oda’s style and how inflated Buggy’s general character and deeds are… but still. It makes me even more surprised at the fact that Kidd, Law, and Luffy have equal bounties if Luffy is the only one being named an official emperor. Kidd’s anger makes a lot more sense. …But he still can’t escape the friendship circle. Also, props to Law for taking this all so calmly, but, then again, he kind of already did complete his ultimate goal at Dressrosa, so he has fewer stakes in this whole thing now. I hope Shanks is proud!
And it’s not as much of a cliffhanger as I’d feared it would be, considering we’re looking at a month’s break. I’m definitely worried about what this admiral is going to do, and I hope that the Straw Hats can either overcome it or beat a hasty retreat… but overall it was a nice tying up of some of the loose ends and a good set up for what’s to come in the future.
…I still am a bit disappointed that there was neither confirmation nor denial by Luffy in the matter of Yamato’s crewmate status. Though at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Yamato just hopped on the Thousand Sunny and Luffy only asked, like, three days out at sea what he was still doing there. So kind of exactly what happened with Robin, but with less animosity and suspicion by everyone.
I also wonder about Carrot, since she (and the other minks) apparently did not hop back on Zunesha before their homeland literally wandered off again.
Anyways. I loved the mood this chapter gave off.
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yamatonikado · 3 years
thoughts on the new food fantasy updates: 
- yes i spent 41 dollars to get all the gyudon shards so i could fully ascend him. yes i know if i was patient and waited I wouldn’t need to spend half that much. yes i know gyudon comes back in the pool. no, i want nothing else with the event. i just really love gyudon and needed exactly 75 shards to fully ascend him.
- sanma and sukiyaki are cute like old school cute like ok dads 
- sanma: yeah i stayed up late to make us lunch and treats *is sleepy*
- sukiyaki: *tossing away his bloody clothes and weapons after staying                  up all night to fight fallen angels secretly without anyone’s knowledge*          awwwwww honey you’re so sweet, you do so much for us, i love you.                take a nap you deserve it 
- sukiyaki remind me of that one meme with the solider t-posing in front of the sleeping kid and is taking the brunt of the harm in order to protect the little pavillion LMAO 
- idk what happened it was a pretty boring story like the evil guy was like KILL EVERYTHING THERE IS EVIL IN THE WORLD YOU DO NOTHING BUT PICNIC AND HAVE LITTLE DATES AND VIEWINGS like i did the natto storyline so idk how sukiyaki reacted but i would have cut a bitch like yeah the world is horrible. what’s new? you think genocide’s gonna solve anything? 
- also mentions of tempura but no tempura in sight tsk tsk -5/10 
- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hate the bar feature. like ok i hate it it feels so useless. you can only serve five drinks a day. leveling up takes for ever for no reason. you can’t keep extra ingredients OR drinks, which makes making the drinks so expensive. if I wanna make two pineapple juices???? I have to refresh the store??? all to buy four more un-fancy pineapple juices? and spend ten diamonds for a refresh that won’t even let me keep surplus ingredients that I bought? feels like an entire waste of money to me. 
- also apparently in the bar you can get food soul stories, but that’s only if you enter the bar at the times it’s open (so you need to log in during the 4ish hour window it’s open and then enter and exit the bar until you get or unlock some side story) like...why even have that be a thing LOL 
- also also you don’t receive any profit from the bar unless you enter during the time it’s open, even if you leave out drinks (heard this is just a glitch tho, waiting to see if it’ll get fixed)  
- each drink gets you two affection points with a food soul (so far as i’ve seen), you’d need to sell a food soul 500 drinks to complete their fondness bar and for the final rewards. 
- in conclusion, it just feels boring like it’s so inactive and slow LOL like i don’t mind waiting events but this is just stupid to me bc it is super inefficient. I wish the inventory didn’t reset everyday (wasted like thirty gems trying to stock up and lost all my inventory which is no big deal but like making duplicate drinks is difficult also when you level up it makes it difficult to unlock recipes). 
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Kirby: Meta Knight and the Puppet Princess Chapter 2
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Having landed, Kirby and King Dedede were thrown out of Halberd as they should be, but needless to say, they don’t flinch from something like that. Seeing the pure white palace standing in the center of the capital, Chiffon Castle, the two jumped up simultaneously and shouted.
“That’s the castle of sweets, huh~!” “Charge~!” “Hold on.” Meta Knight called out to the two who were just about to rush off. At the same time, Sword Knight and Blade Knight jumped out and restrained the two with sheer strength. “You guys might have forgotten, but our goal is to rescue the princess. We part here if sweets are you guys’ goals. You guys can try out whatever cake shops or cookie shops as you like.” “D-Don’t say that, Meta Knight.” “He’s right, of course our goal is to rescue the princess! It’ll be embarrassing if you think of me as a glutton that’s blinded by cakes!” Both their sense of justice is much stronger than others. It was no lie that they wanted to save the princess. ......Only that their appetite, equally strong as their sense of justice, was a bit troubling. “......Well, fine. We go to meet the king from now on. Try not to be rude.” “Yessir!” Kirby and Waddle Dee obediently raised their hands. King Dedede swaggered contemptuously. “You can count on me. I’m the great ruler of Dream Land! The king of Chiffon Star or whatever will be a good match for an opponent!” “Don’t roll up your sleeves! We aren’t going there to fight!” In any case, the group headed to Chiffon Castle with Meta Knight as the lead.
The king of Chiffon Star, Merengue XIII, was a corpulent and amiable figure. However, that expression of his was gloomy with no light in his eyes. He was so enfeebled that he couldn’t rise from his bed, but once hearing that Meta Knight was visiting him, he mustered all his strength to greet him. His legs shivered and seemed like he could collapse at any moment even as he was supported by his chief retainers on both sides. “Welcome......you came for me, Meta Knight.” Merengue XIII said in a frail voice. “I came in haste once I learned of the case with Princess Marona. Do not despair, oh king. I will rescue the princess without fail.” Hearing his words, Merengue XIII had tears gather in his eyes and looked around at his chief retainers gathered in a row. “All of you retire. I have a serious matter to speak with Meta Knight.” “Yes, sir.” Seating the king in his throne, the chief vassals lowered their heads and left the hall. Merengue XIII turned to Kirby and his friends with a concerned look. “Sword Knight and Blade Knight are your men. But I’m not familiar with the three behind them......” Kirby answered with liveliness. “We’re friends with Meta Knight! We often hang out together!” “......I don’t remember hanging out with you guys even once.” Luckily, Meta Knight’s murmurs didn’t seem to reach the king’s ears. Merengue XIII sighed heavily. “There’s no need for concern if they are friends of yours. The story I will disclose from now on is very serious. I want you all to keep it a secret no matter what.” “No worries! I’ll keep it a secret!” “Me too. I don’t use my mouth aside from eating.” The king nodded with a feeling of relief. “......As it happens, my country has been in a crisis since.” “I hear that Princess Marona has been abducted. What is the demand from the culprit......” “No, you see......” Merengue XIII awkwardly cast his eyes down. “It isn’t that the princess is kidnapped.” “......What?” “Marona left on her own will. The note informing it was left in her room.” The king took out a letter from his breast pocket. Receiving it, Meta Knight read it out. ““Toodle-oo! I really hate father! I’m not going to do as you want! Marona.”......hmm, this is......” Looking up at the king, Meta Knight said with a bit of a shock. “Was it a family argument? So that’s why the princess became sulky and ran away from home. What......there’s no need for concerns then. I’m sure she’ll reflect on herself and return shortly.” Sword Knight and Blade Knight looked at each other’s face. “What, it wasn’t an abduction!?” “That seems to be the case......it’s a relief, but I lost all interest.” Kirby and King Dedede also said in unison. “There was no need to worry, huh. Good to hear~!” “Good golly, a false alarm. It can’t be my turn to shine like this.” “Let’s go and have some cake, King Dedede.” “Sounds good. Off we go, Waddle Dee.” “Yessir!” When Kirby and his friends were about to leave the room, the king called them to stop. “Hold it, the story starts from here.” “......In other words?” Meta Knight asked back. Merengue XIII hung his head and continued. “It’s more serious than an abduction. The princess left with my country’s treasure, you see.” Kirby and King Dedede paused, hearing of a treasure. “What is the treasure?” Asked Meta Knight. “It’s a secret recipe book that has been passed down for generations in my royal family. Thousands of different recipes for cakes, cookies, and so on are written on it.” Kirby and Dedede jumped up as they heard the king’s words. “Cake recipes!?” “Thousands, you say!?”
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“Correct. It is filled with finest recipes that can produce intricate flavors. That the cakes from my Chiffon Star are called the best in the universe is thanks to that recipe. An outsider cannot approach it as it is usually stored in a vault at the Royal Cake Factory. Marona left with that.” “Goodness......” Meta Knight contemplated. “Why would the princess do such a thing?” “So she’s trying to make a killing by opening up a cake shop!” King Dedede gave an inference. Kirby too isn’t the one to lose. He shouts what comes to his mind. “Pretty sure that she’s gonna make heaps of the best cakes in the universe and throw a party! I wanna go too! Party, party!” “Fat chance, maybe you guys though.” Said Sword Knight. Blade Knight also nodded and agreed. “You think a sophisticated princess like her would make such a greedy plan?” “......There seems to be a reason of some sort.” Muttered Meta Knight, where: “Precisely!” Agreed Merengue XIII, bending himself forward. “Marona was a good girl who was very docile, gentle, and wouldn’t talk back even once. But that Marona changed suddenly.” “......What?” “She hardly spoke to me for some time now. When she did once in a while, she would say nothing but complaints.” Merengue XIII cast his eyes down with a sad look. “Complaints?” “Aye. Things like sweets aren’t good for your body, the citizens all get cavities, or I ought to forbid baking cakes.” ”HUH!?” Kirby was astonished and shouted loudly. “You shouldn’t bake cakes? Why!? A world without cakes is no different than a pancake without maple syrup on it!” Dedede also stomped his foot on the floor and yelled. “Right, I say! It’s like a shortcake without a strawberry on it!” “It’s an oden without daikon in it!” “Yup! It’s the same as sukiyaki that doesn’t have meat!” “......That’s enough with using foods as examples.” Meta Knight stopped them as there would be no end if left alone. “How peculiar. Why would Princess Marona suddenly do such a thing?” “I have no clue. However, I am suspicious of a certain figure.” “A certain figure?” “Right. A man that abruptly came to this star a few months ago.” The king resentfully made a wry face. “He was dressed nicely and courteous, not to mention how eloquent and loved by everyone he was. I heard that he came from a distinguished lineage and had complete trust in him, but......” “What about that man?” “He disappeared together with Marona.” The king clenched his hands in frustration. “Thinking back on it, that man was kind to Marona from the start. He must have gotten close to Marona with smooth talks and instilled slanders of me on her. My docile Marona has been completely deceived by that man!” “What was that man’s characteristic?” “Hmm......he was tall and very elegant. He behaved like a gentleman and had charms to attract others. Baron. We called him a baron, and I had my complete trust in him......” “Did you say a baron?” Meta Knight’s voice suddenly became stern. Sword Knight and Blade Knight gasped and turned to Meta Knight. “Baron......!” “Lord Meta Knight, could he be......!?” Meta Knight drew closer to Merengue XIII. “What was that man’s name!?” “It was Baron Gallic.” Sword Knight and Blade Knight leapt up, hearing that name. They both had a menacing look and looked they could draw their sword at any moment. They shout as their voices tremble in rage. “Gallic......that rascal is up to something sinister again!” “There’s no need to sit here like this, my lord!” “Settle down, you guys.” Meta Knight raised his hands and stopped his men. The pair would usually obey his orders immediately, but this rage cannot be suppressed in any way. The pair asserted fervently. “There’s no point in calming down! That scumbag......” “Let’s go, my lord!” “I’m saying to settle down!” Meta Knight scolded his subordinates harshly. Having been all worked up, Sword Knight and Blade Knight were taken aback and drew their body back. “P-Please forgive us, Lord Meta Knight......” “I too despise him. That is why we must act calmly. Nothing will come out of it if we were to jump in without a lead.” “Hey, what do you mean? You know who that Gallic guy is?” Asked Kirby, having heard Meta Knight and his men’s exchange. “......Aye. We have a bit of a connection with him.” Merengue XIII was bewildered and asked. “What sort of connection? Is he an evildoer after all......?” “He is exceedingly dangerous.” Meta Knight nodded as if reflecting upon a bitter memory. “Oh king, the case now is similar to the case that befell to I, myself before.” “What......?” “My faithful subordinates were targeted by him once.” Meta Knight turned to Sword Knight and Blade Knight. The two are hanging their heads in shame. At last, Blade Knight was the one to raise his head after the silence. “It was a shameful incident......but it’s no use hiding it. Let’s bear the shame and talk.” “Yeah, it might lead to solving the incident now.” Said Sword Knight as well. “Sword Knight and I dropped in on a star once and came across a man that called himself Baron Gallic at a restaurant......!” Blade Knight broke off to contain his surging rage. Sword Knight continued. “We thought of him as a very elegant and generous man. At that time, you know. Anyhow, dressed in a luxurious suit, he treated the customers throughout the store to a lavish hospitality. He said that they can order whatever they want.” “Eh!? You mean that he treated everyone!?” Kirby was so excited that he fell over. King Dedede also bent himself forward. “What was that star and restaurant called!? I wanna be treated as well~!” “I-It’s embarrassing, Your Majesty......” Waddle Dee turned red and pulled the hem of Dedede’s garb. “But that was only the beginning of his preposterous trap. He was targeting the two of us all along and approached us.” Said Sword Knight. “......Why?” “He was after Galaxia, the treasured sword under our lord’s ownership.” Everyone’s eyes were drawn to Meta Knight. Meta Knight calmly drew his sword. Receiving the light from the chandelier, the naked sword, Galaxia, sparkled in full radiance.
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He sheathed the sword at once, but that radiance was so beautiful that it was seared into everyone’s memories. “It’s so pretty......” Muttered Kirby, where Sword Knight said proudly as if it was his. “Yeah, it’s the most renowned sword in the universe, you know! Baron Gallic plotted to get his hands on that sword.” “He got close to you bums for that reason?” Asked King Dedede, and the pair nodded. “We thanked Gallic and parted that night. And we met him at a different store the next evening.” “We thought of it as a coincidence, but that wasn’t it. He was inspecting our movement.” “We opened ourselves up completely while talking. He was a good talker and was skilled in sounding a person out.” “We foolishly ended up believing all his words.” “His words......?” “He spoke insultingly of our lord.” Said Sword Knight, expressing his anger. Blade Knight nodded. “Saying that Meta Knight is disturbing the peace of the universe, how he is a fiend scheming to take over......that we’ll all be in a serious trouble if we don’t get rid of him......he instilled such things to us.” “What did you just say!?” Kirby was shocked. Waddle Dee also stared in wonder. “You believed something like that~!? Even if you were treated by him!?” “No, wrong.” Meta Knight was the one to deny. “There’s no way the two would lend their ears to such words if they were normal. Gallic however appears to use a special technique.” “Technique......? What kind?” “That’s what we don’t remember well.” Said Sword Knight Knight, and Blade Knight also agreed. “We were instilled with slanders of Lord Meta Knight from Gallic and believed it all......that’s what we’re sure of, but the details of those memories are all fuzzy.” “Once we came to realize it, we stole Lord Meta Knight’s Galaxia and were delivering it to Gallic.” Everyone was speechless and stared at Sword Knight and Blade Knight. “At that time, the one to lend me his strength was that great bandit, Daroach. As you could expect, he is well versed in the criminal underworld. He informed me that until now, the man named Gallic has been suspected of having connection to several crimes.” Said Meta Knight. “Suspected......?” “Yes. He would never leave any evidence. That’s why we could only say that he was suspected of.” Meta Knight said resentfully. “Thanks to his cooperation, I was able to have the two come to their senses at that time. Galaxia also came back safely.” Blade Knight nodded. “As anyone could expect, Mr. Daroach has gone through much adversity. He knew well of Gallic’s tricks.” “He said that it must’ve been something like that of hypnosis. He controlled the pair’s minds with a strong hypnosis.” “Ha! Only a fool would be hypnotized.” King Dedede shook with laughter. Blade Knight and Sword Knight hounded Dedede sternly. “We admit that we were thrown off guard, but you have no right to call us fools!” “The hypnosis that Gallic uses is strong. Even you wouldn’t be able to escape from it!” “Hahaha! Who do you think I am? You think the great ruler of Dream Land, King Dedede, would fall for something so idiotic as an hypnosis!?” “What did you just say, you cocky......!” Meta Knight stopped the three who looked like they could brawl at any minute. “Knock if off. This is no time for internal discord. It was regrettable that we let Gallic slip away at that time. He would stop at nothing to obtain the treasure that he’s after. I’m afraid that he’s up to something sinister once again......” “......Good lord!” Merengue XIII covered his face and lamented. “Marona ended up in his control through the same trickery. Where she then abhorred me and left with the precious recipe book!” “That seems to be the case.” Meta Knight turned back towards Merengue XIII. “We cannot leave this as it is now that we know of it. We must rescue Princess Marona as soon as possible.” “Yes, let us go......!” Merengue XIII tried to stand up while faltering, but Meta Knight stopped him. “Your body is weakened. You mustn’t overdo yourself.” “But my daughter......!” “Leave this to me. Baron Gallic is my utmost hated enemy. I will bring him to his knees and rescue the princess.” Sword Knight and Blade Knight also vowed with their fist raised. “We’ll settle the grudge from that time!” “This time, we’ll rescue Princess Marona and teach him a lesson for sure!” Hearing such promising words, the king was moved to tears. “......Meta Knight......and your two men......I ask of you all......” “I’ll go too!” Shouted Kirby. “I can’t forgive a bad guy like that! I’ll make sure to catch him and give him a good scolding!” “I’ll go as well.” King Dedede raised his voice even louder than Kirby. “I'm a justice-loving king that despises evil! I can’t ignore a knave that controls the heart of others!” After declaring fearlessly, King Deded said in addition. “It’d be nice if you could care for a reward, King Meringue.” “......I’m Merengue XIII.” “Well, at any rate, it’d be great if I could receive a “Never Ending All You Can Eat Cake Coupon.” I’m not really saying that I want that. I just want you to remember that I really love cakes. Not just cake, but fruits, pudding, bavarois, and even jellies......” “Let’s go, King Dedede!” Meta Knight tore King Dedede off, who was on the verge of clinging to Merengue XIII. “I beg of you, Meta Knight. Please, save Marona......” With tearful eyes, Merengue XIII bid farewell to the party leaving the hall.
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HI, I REALLY LIKED THE LAST ONE YOU DID WITH BAKUGOU AND THE READER, NOW IM BACK🤡 if it aint too much to ask, may i get a request with kirishima where him and his girlfriend go grocery shopping? like the others planned what they want to eat and so kirishima and his s/o go get the ingredients they need; but they get sidetracked 🤡 his s/o keeps sitting in the cart while kiri drives them around (crazily), they keep trying samples, etc. they get what they need and head back to the dorms🥰 thanks!!
HI I don’t much about stores in Japan butttt I LOVE THIS IDEA SO HERE U GO SORRY FOR THE WAIT!!
Title: Shopping Cart Joyride
Prompt: (Requested!)
Rating: Fluff!
Words: 5,870
“You know what would go great with these notes? Some sukiyaki.”
You snorted at Mina’s words, partially ignoring her as you continued to show Tsuyu the correct math equation. The girls from 1-A were all gathered in the living room, notes and textbooks haphazardly scattered across the coffee table and floor. While you weren’t the smartest student within the class, you were at least in the top 5, meaning you and Momo had been recruited by your other classmates to run a studying session.
“Oh, that does sound good! Do you think we have everything for it?” Ochako piped up in excitement, and soon everyone was chattering about the prospect of hot pot. Even your stomach was growling at the thought.
“Do you think we could convince Bakugou to make it? He’s the best chef here.”
“Oi! Talking shit, you extras?”
Just as the words had left Mina’s lips, the infamous hothead himself entered the building, a gym bag tossed over his shoulder and sweat glistening from his forehead. Trailing close behind him were Kirishima, Kaminari, and a handful of the other boys who forced themselves through Bakugou’s tough regime, huffing and puffing as if they just finished a marathon. Your E/C gaze immediately sought out Kirishima, drifting over his frame before dropping to your notes once more, a light blush adorning your cheeks. From beside you, Jirou nudged your arm with a grin. Your crush on the red head was apparent to a lot of your classmates, except for him it seemed. Not that you minded that fact too much; just imagining Kirishima knowing about your little crush and ignoring it would be too embarrassing.
“Always, Bakugou! But we’ll stop if you make us sukiyaki for dinner!” Mina bartered, sitting more upright as she let her attention zero in on her target. He snorted, shouldering his bag with narrowed eyes. You swung your attention back to Kiri, and immediately swung it away after meeting his eyes. Crap, you thought to yourself, biting down on your bottom lip. That was unexpected. You could feel almost all of the girl’s eyes on you, most likely because they caught the awkward interaction. Ochako swore that Kiri felt the same way, but you always brushed her off. He never seemed to treat you any differently than the other girls, so why would you assume otherwise?
Mina continued to plead to Bakugou, until he finally broke. “Fine! Just stay the hell out of my way, or I’ll kill you!” He barked, shoulders tensed as he dropped his bag onto the chair and storming into the kitchen. Only a few seconds ticked by with the sound of banging cabinets before he returned to the room, pan held in one hand like a weapon. “How in the fuck am I supposed to cook something when there’s no ingredients, huh dumbasses?”
Mina’s face fell. “Ah, I forgot about that part…”
Momo perked up. “Hey, it’s still early. We can still go get some ingredients, right?” She looked to her peers, who all nodded in agreement, before returning her attention to Bakugou. “Make a list of what you want, and we’ll send someone for them! How simple!”
His frown grew, but he did as Momo asked and stepped into the living room, dropping his frying pan onto the couch before scribbling down what he needed in a lone notebook. He tore out the page and, strangely enough, handed it to you. “Here. Get all of this, or else.” He threatened lightly, but the words didn’t hold the punch. Before you could reply, he was out of the room, trudging up the stairs and to his room. “Be back in an hour or you’re fucked!” He hollered out behind him. 
“I guess I’m in charge of this, huh?” You sighed, standing up from your spot on the floor with a groan. Your legs were sore, being in the same position for nearly an hour, and made your way to the kitchen where your class hid its food money, shoving a majority of the wad into the pocket of your sweatpants. You felt a presence behind you, and immediately yelped when a hand grabbed your arm.
“Woah! Calm down, it’s just me.” Kiri raised his hands by his head in mock innocence, grinning as you placed a steady hand over your rapidly beating heart. He was still in his gym clothes, red basketball shorts and a white t-shirt, although his hair was slightly damp. No doubt due to a shower he had taken after working out. You shoved the thought out of your head almost as quickly as you had formulated it. The last thing you needed to think about was Kiri in all of his bare glory, from his biceps to his happy trail down to his… man, you really needed to stop imagining that before it was too late. A hand appeared in your vision, and you snapped back to reality.
“Sorry, did you say something?”
“Yeah! I was asking if you needed some help to the grocery store! I’m sure those bags will be pretty heavy.”
He wrapped one hand behind his neck, grin softening as you debated his proposal. On one hand, you’d be alone with him for an uncertain amount of time and, while you were certain you wouldn’t make a fool out of yourself, that couldn’t be promised… On the other hand, you’d be alone with him for an uncertain amount of time. Without the eyes of your gossip-greedy friends. Which didn’t sound bad at all.
“You know what? Sure. Thanks, Kiri.” You smiled at him, noticing the way the tips of his ears reddened. It made your heart jump to your throat. “No problemo! Let me grab my coat, and we can head out!” He was as loud as always when he bounded out of the kitchen, practically flying up the stairs. As soon as he exited, you released a sigh and went back into the living room. At that point, the boys had surged with the girls, studying forgotten as a rerun of an older movie played on the TV screen. Ochako had her phone in her hand, no doubt notifying the group chat of that night’s dinner plans; a ploy to get Midoriya out of his bedroom. Her gaze swung to you.
“So! Kiri and you are going to the store, huh?” She said, and you didn’t miss the suggestive tone in her voice, nor the wiggle of her eyebrows.
“Yeah, we are. Why?” You play innocent, batting your lashes at your friend as she snickers. The familiar blonde of Kaminari pops into your line of sight, and he’s wearing a similar grin. “Oh, no reason!” He sings, leaning over the couch’s cushions on his stomach, chin propped up by his palms as he kicks his legs up and down like a preteen girl. “Just try to stay away from one another, hmm? Can’t have your flirting get in the way of our dinner, you know.”
You flicked his forehead, hard enough to earn a whine from the boy. “Shush, you’ll get your food. Jeez.” You barely notice how his eyes darted behind you before returning, and his smile taking on a more flirtatious turn. He leans forward more, pushing up and hovering his face only inches away from your own. “Well, if you ever get tired of waiting, don’t forget I’m always he-” He’s stopped as a familiar hand lands on his face, shoving him off of the couch and unfortunately leading to him crashing to the floor with a groan. You look beside you, Kiri’s hand still in the air but an ever-present smile on his lips. “Ready to go?” He chirped, and you notice how he’s switched out his shorts for dark jeans, a bomber jacket tossed over his shoulder yet unworn.
“We’ll be back soon, guys!” You shoot a final farewell to your classmates before Kiri sweeps you out of the building. You’re grateful that the nearest store is only a few minutes’ walk away; not because you don’t like walking with Kiri, but because you’ve just noticed how the wind has started picking up and your current outfit isn’t really cut out for cold conditions. You wish you would’ve changed, your wrinkly t-shirt and sweatpants suddenly looking less appetizing than they had only moments ago. You drift your eyes back to Kiri’s jeans, climbing them up his leg and chest until they meet his ruby eyes. Again. You bit your lip and looked away. Second time. I’m slipping up. You joked to yourself
“Are you cold?” Kiri asked, disregarding how you had pretty much eyed him. His attention instead shifts to your crossed arms, before moving to the sidewalk ahead of him, cheeks dusted from the cold. You were a little chilly, but you’d never admit that to him. Especially since he seemed fine. “Nope! The weather is great right now!” You exclaimed a bit more than you needed to, and to prove yourself, you uncross your arms and will them to casually swing beside you. You hoped he didn’t notice the shiver that ran through you.
“Well, at least it isn’t too far of a walk! Hey, did you understand Present Mic’s lecture today? I didn’t…” He switches the topic quickly, and you happily delve into the new subject as you try your best to explain the new information that had been drilled into your minds earlier that day. By the time you’ve finished, the two of you are idle in front of the market, and you’ve partially forgotten about how cold you are. At least, until you enter the store and you’re hit with a blast of warmth.
You pull the crumbled list from your pocket, eyes scanning over Bakugou’s scrawled words. “We might need a cart. Looks like Bomb Boy wanted everything the store had to offer.” The comment earns you a chuckle, and you take it.
“Already five steps ahead of you, partner!” You look to see Kiri already armed with a plastic cart, his jacket balled up in the corner of it.. You shift away from the entrance to avoid blocking it, and he follows dutifully, swinging the cart to his right as he glances over to you beside him. “What’s the first on the list?” Kiri ducks his head beside yours, shoulders brushing as you give him a chance to go over the list himself. You’re a hair away from his face, and so close that you can see a little scar that’s practically invisible on his otherwise clear forehead. You stare at it for a moment too long, wondering if there’s a story behind it, before he swings his attention to you and suddenly your lips are inches away from one another and your brain sort of short circuits to the point that all you want to do is close off that couple of inches that sits between your lips and-
You stumble backwards and plaster on a weary smile. “Vegetables first! Let’s go!” You rush the words out and surge forward, painfully ignoring the fact that you were seconds away from ruining your friendship with Kiri. He stills for a moment, then he’s close behind you. You almost miss the blank look that’s overtaken his usually bright expression, but it disappears too quickly for you to properly register as his familiar grin returns. “Man, wouldn’t it be funny if we got only a few vegetables and a bunch of meat? I bet Bakugou would blow a gasket!” He said, and you forced yourself to chuckle at the thought.
The first few moments are filled with an awkward silence, as you read off of the list and Kiri finds the items said. After a few ingredients later, Kiri swings his head around, scanning the store curiously. “Hey, when you were a kid, did your parents ever drive you around in the shopping cart?” The question is unprompted, and you tilt your head at the red head in confusion.
“Um, not really. My mom didn’t take me with her when she shopped, usually. Why do you ask?”
“Well- Wait, never? Dude, you missed out!”
A small smile graced your lips. “I guess I wouldn’t know, huh?” You teased lightly, but Kiri doesn’t laugh; instead, he glances around once more, before moving all of the collected vegetables into the same corner of his jacket.
“Alright, get in!”
You stare at him for a moment, eyes scanning over his serious expression. You’re still smiling. “Seriously?”
“Seriously! C’mon, it’s dead here. No one will say anything about it!”
You highly doubted that, but only shook your head before doing as Kiri asked, wobbling slightly as you climbed into the cart. Kiri’s arm automatically shoots out to balance you, and you use it graciously, appreciating the warm muscle under your palm as you steady yourself and sit down, facing away from Kiri and arms wrapped around your knees. “Are you ready?” He asks in a giddy tone, and you have a feeling he’s more excited than you are for this. Nonetheless, you nod, and suddenly you’re barrelling down the aisle, flashes of green blurring slightly. A surprised giggle bubbles from your lips, your hands moving from your knees to the cart’s walls on either side of you.
He cart-drifts the turn, and you wonder if you’re going to crash straight into the table of bananas before you’re flying once more. Your giggles have escalated into shrieks of glee, and from behind you can hear Kiri’s breathy laughter as he pushes the cart. He halts the cart expertly, and you nearly fall forward and face-first but catch yourself. You’re still laughing, and Kiri joins in with you. Despite how short the first ride was, you enjoyed it. It felt exhilarating, and a part of you was ready to do it all over again. You and Kiri made eye contact for only a second, and then you’re flying through the air again, screaming like a child with Kiri close behind.
That is, until the store’s employee just happened to turn the corner at the exact wrong time.
He seized up, panic flowing over his features as he saw you and Kiri barrelling towards him in a bright red cart. Kiri automatically hit the breaks, lurching you forward before slamming backwards, whining in pain. However, it goes unnoticed as the store clerk’s fearful eyes morph into a glare.
“Please refrain from any unnecessary activities on the floor.” His voice was ice cold, and he pointedly stared at your frozen frame until Kiri’s arms circled under yours, effectively pulling you up to help you climb out of the cart. As soon as your feet had hit the tile, the clerk was gone once more, his grumbling audible from the aisle next over. You glanced over at the red head, faces blank for a moment. Then, smiles bloomed on both of your lips, and you held your stomach as you giggled uncontrollably. “G-god, that was embarrassing.”
“But you had fun, right?”
You straightened up, noticing how Kiri’s smile had taken a softer tone as he stared at you. “Yeah, I did. Thanks, Kiri.” You had to urge to press a kiss to his cheek - friends did that, right? - and did so, pretending to ignore the fact that his face flushed red. “C’mon, let’s finish this list and head back before Bakugou blows us both up.”
You continue down the list, Kiri pushing the cart as you lead him through the store. During your hunt, the two of you go between other ingredients you could add that weren’t on the list. “What about hot sauce? Like, a really hot one?” He said, and your eyes lit up. 
“Oh my god! And what if we put it only in Bakugou’s bowl?”
“And Kaminari’s! Maybe Mina’s too, since she’s the one who wanted sukiyaki and couldn’t come get the stuff herself.”
“Jeez, that’s evil. I love it.”
Kiri laughed, and you felt your chest warm at the welcoming sound. “I’ll take all the blame too. Gotta protect my grocery store co-pilot, right?” He winked, then changed his attention to the next aisle where the cursed sauces laid. He grabbed what Bakugou had asked for first, then stood in front of the hottest sauces the store had to offer with a hand on his chin. He looked like he was in deep thought, and after staring at the shelves for a moment longer, turned to you. “What do you think is hotter, the bottle with four jalepenos, or the bottle with four flames?” He grabbed the two mentioned, turning them over in his hand as he read the labels before giving them to you. You scanned both quickly.
“Well, the one with the flames does say ‘Burning off taste buds since 1974’, so I think they’ve got the heat crafted pretty well.” You mused, handing both bottles back to your friend. He scrutinized them a bit more and shrugged. “Aye aye, captain!” He said, grinning once more as he placed the first bottle back in its rightful place, and its rival in the cart. “I think that’s almost everything, though! Just gotta grab the meat next. Man, I’m hungry…” Kiri continued to mumble as he pushed forward into the store, towards the cold section to nab the said item. Your heart sank; you were hungry as well, but a part of you wanted to keep hanging with Kiri one-on-one. It was fun. You were having fun.
However, it couldn’t last forever. 
“Did you find everything okay?” The store clerk’s voice was bland, eyes still narrowed at the two of you as he lazily scanned through the items you had gathered. It was the same man as earlier, who had caught you screaming down the aisles like a madwoman, and an embarrassed blush crosses your cheeks. Even Kiri looked a little guilty, but he tried to downplay it with a short chuckle. “Yeah, thanks! I like your watch, by the way!”
“… Thanks.”
Kiri puckered his lips in an attempt to stay silent, and you force yourself to fight down the giggle that threatened to rise. He looked like a duck, sort of; a red-haired duck. Or  a baby who had just tried a lemon for the first time. He caught your gaze with his own, eyes twinkling mischievously. The only sounds were the beeping from the register as it scanned through every item, and the low melody of the speakers playing overhead. The store clerk was muttering under his breath, and Kiri raised an eyebrow in your direction silently. “He seems upset. Wonder why.” He leaned in to whisper to you, breath tickling your ear. You grin, and quickly try to wipe the look away as the clerk glanced up at you. “Here’s your total.” He pointed to the electronic screen, and you scurried to pull the crumbled bills from your pocket, awkwardly handing them over. If looks could kill, the clerk would’ve been a murderer long ago, and you shrunk away from his gaze slightly. He moved his attention back to the register, grumbles growing in volume slightly, and Kiri pinched your side. “Jeez, be careful now (Y/N). We don’t want to get on his bad side.” You forced down the giggle, opting for a straight face as the employee hands back your change and receipt.
It isn’t until you and Kiri step outside that you two finally laughed; it’s full of hiccups and snorts, and you leaned against the wall until both of you calmed down. “I feel kind of bad for the guy.” Kiri says, and you wiped a stray tear from your eye. Looking down at your hands, you’re glad you hadn’t come alone; the bags really were heavy.
“I blame you! Hold the bags, co-pilot.”
Kiri dutifully does as you ask, grabbing the two plastic shopping bags from you and brushing his hands against your own. You felt a slight tingle from it, and drew back fairly quickly as you began to head back to the school. The wind has picked up, and as a gust sweeps by, you shiver. It doesn’t go by unnoticed. “Here, take this.” Kiri sets the bags to the ground and slips out of his coat, hanging it from his fingers. He’s looking at you expectedly, and you hesitate. “I can’t! It’s really not that cold out, I’ll be fine.”
“(Y/N), I can see the goosebumps on your arms. Just take it before I force you to.” The threat is empty, and shyly you smile as you accept the coat, slipping it around your frame. It’s big on you, not that you mind, and smells entirely of Kiri; of the musky cologne that he wore so often, and coconut shampoo. You snuggle deeper into its warmth. Kiri grabbed the bags once more. “Okay! Let’s hurry up, it’s cold!” He rushed forward before you had a chance to swat at his arm, chasing after him with a fist in the air as he laughed.
He finally slowed for you, and you continue to walk side-by-side with one another. “Are you sure you don’t want me to take a bag?”
“Of course not! How manly would I be if I let a lady carry the groceries?”
You snorted, but let the topic drift away as you look forward, lost in your thoughts. The day had gone so good, and you had been crushing on him for quite a while… Would it be a bad time to confess? If he didn’t feel the same, you knew Kiri would still try to preserve the friendship in some way or another. Just the thought of that made you wince, and you casted a glance at your companion. What you didn’t expect was to meet his amber gaze, but instead of turning away, you kept staring. And so did he.
He stopped walking, and opened his mouth to speak. Then closed it. He tried speaking again, to no avail, and instead sighed. “Man, this is harder than I thought.” He said, and laughed slightly after. His grip on the bags was tighter than before, knuckles turning pale as he averted his gaze for a second before returning his eyes to you. He took a deep breath, and patiently you waited. You felt like your heart was jumping out of your chest, but you waited nonetheless.
“It’s just… We should hurry home before it’s too late.”
Your heart deflated, and you hoped it didn’t show on your face. Instead, you opted for a short laugh, one that sounded pitiful to your own ears. “Ah, yeah… Good thing we’re close.” You turn back towards the path and step forward, silently cursing yourself for expecting something… different. What had you expected, really? A confession? You bit your tongue, dashing away the thought before it can fully form into something more.
The walk back is quieter than the walk to the store, and you try not to dwell on the fact too much. As soon as you enter the kitchen, you plastered on a smile. “We’re ba~ack!” You shouted, and Mina popped her head over the couch cushions. Most of your classmates had situated themselves in the living room, Bakugou included; although he looked pretty peeved.
“Oi, what took you so long? I thought I told you an hour!”
You rolled your eyes at the blonde, redirecting your gaze to Kiri as he sets the bags down on the dining table. You smiled at him. “Well, you shouldn’t have given us such a long list!” As you turned back to the living room, you motioned for Kiri to get into the kitchen, hoping he hadn’t forgotten about the hot sauce. Based on the gleam in his eyes, though, you guessed he hadn’t. “So get in the kitchen, Wench Bakugou!”
“What the fuck did you just call me?”
“Chef Wench Bakugou? Is that better?” He grumbled as he stood up, nearly shouldering you as he stalked into the kitchen. You jumped towards the seat he had left on the couch, and despite your happy expression, you noticed how Ochaco looked at you with worry. “Outta my way, shitty hair!” Soon after, Kiri was kicked out of the kitchen as well, grinning like a cheshire cat as he stumbled into the living room, collapsing beside his friends. Automatically, they fell into conversation, and Ochaco slid closer beside you.
“Hey, are you okay?” She kept her voice low, and you glanced at her from the corner of your eye with a sigh.
“Is it that obvious?”
“What happened?”
You sighed again, a bit louder this time, and slouched back into the cushions. “Can I tell you later? I’m just ready to eat and go to bed.” Ochaco nodded in understanding, looking over at Kiri for a thoughtful moment before switching the subject. “Since, you’re back, can you show me how to solve this equation? For some reason…” As Bakugou worked in the kitchen, you went back to helping your classmates with studying. You could feel someone’s eyes flick over to you every so often, but you chose to ignore looking up, instead focusing on the task at hand. Within the next hour, Bakugou’s familiar growling cut through the chatter, announcing that dinner was ready to be served.
You stood up at the same time as Kirishima, obviously having the same thought as the two of you grinned. “You did all the hard work, so let (Y/N) and I serve you!” A chorus of thanks resonated from the living room, and even Bakugou didn’t bat an eyelash as the two of you made your way into the kitchen.
“Jeez, they believed that pretty easily.” Kiri snickered, rounding the corner with the bottle of hot sauce in one hand. You didn’t as where he had hidden it; instead, you made your way to the cabinet, reaching up to pull down the glass bowls that resided there. However, it seemed as though someone had recently moved them, putting them on a shelf higher than usual. You stretched up on your toes, inches away from the dishes, mumbling softly about how short you were. Seconds later, there was pressure on your back as Kiri stood behind you, easily grabbing the wanted bowls from their place. Heat rose to your cheeks once more that evening, as you felt his chest press against your shoulders, crotch flush against your backside. If someone had walked in at that moment, they might have assumed that they had walked into something more inappropriate than a friend lending a helping hand. Automatically you froze, hand dropping and bracing itself on the countertop. You felt light-headed, and more so as Kiri pulled away and tugged you to turn around. He used his arms to trap you, placed on either side of your frame as he set down the few bowls he had grabbed and tilted his head down to stare at you. His eyes were burning, but with what you weren’t sure, and before you could decipher it he leaned in closer, lips hovering over your own up until-
You were the one to push forward, leaning further into Kiri as you kissed him, barely a brush of your lips, enjoying the little zap that ran through your body as you did so. He tensed up, as if unsure if he should follow in suit, but quickly made up his mind as he wrapped a hand around your waist, the other finding its way into your hair and tilting your head upwards. He pulled back for barely a moment, then he was kissing you more deeply, hungrily. His tongue ran over your bottom lip, asking for entrance that you granted. He was warm, and tasted funnily like marshmallows; a complete opposite of his quirk, really. Nevertheless you enjoyed it, and the only reason he pulled away was to take in a lungful of air, and as soon as your mouths disconnected you gasped for it. Your lips felt swollen, and in surprise you ghosted your fingers over them. Did that really just happen? You thought to yourself and, shyly, you glanced to Kiri under your eyelashes, gauging his reaction. His cheeks were dusted pink, lips bright as his chest rose rapidly. He looked just as shocked as you, eyes wide as he scanned over your face, eyes staring at your lips a moment too long. Then, he grinned.
“So… That wasn’t supposed to happen.”
You automatically felt your heart stop, staring at his face and willing him to say more. Don’t say it was a mistake, you screamed to yourself. Don’t make me pretend to forget about it. That had been your first real kiss - you didn’t count the one from first grade, which was barely a peck before the victimized boy ran off screaming about cooties - but Kirishima’s words didn’t make it as special as you wanted it to be. Idly, you wondered if that was his first kiss too. If it was, you were greatly surprised. Kiri spoke again.
“I-I mean, not that it was bad! But I had wanted to confess first, maybe take you out on our first date before doing that. Or is the first date too soon? Is kissing a third date kind of thing? Everything is so different in the movies.” Kiri began to ramble, eyes darting around the kitchen to avoid your gaze. You stared at him silently, trying to digest his words, which spurred him on to continue talking. “I mean, I almost did it earlier, too! I was able to stop myself then, but you just looked so cute with your little smile, and it was cute that you couldn’t reach the top shelf so I helped you like they sometimes do in those shoujo mangas, but I didn’t expect you to lean forward and-” He finally stopped himself, eyes widening even more as he looked down at you in wonder. “And… and you leaned in, which means…” You could practically see the gears in his head churning, and before you could second guess your actions you grabbed his face with both of his hands.
“Which means I like you too.” You affirmed his thoughts, and if you thought his smile was bright before, the one that grew on his face at that moment was a lighthouse beacon. He didn’t hesitate to yank you into a fierce hug, and you grunted softly at the force but welcomed it anyway, tangling your arms behind his neck. You two sat like that for a bit, before Kiri’s shoulders tensed. “Crap, they’re probably wondering where their food is.” He muttered, and you laughed. You pressed a swift kiss to his smooth cheek, enjoying the way he blushed over the action, before pulling away for him. “C’mon, we’ve still got a plan to commence, co-pilot.” You teased, taking the bowls he had set on the counter and scooping a serving of sukiyaki into them. “Would you like to do the honors?”
Kiri quickly pulled the rest of the bowls down from the shelf, setting them all side-by-side with one another before grabbing the hot sauce. It was sealed tightly, and even the smell of it after being opened made your nostrils flare. Kiri laughed evilly. “Oh, would I!” He added a few drops to three of the bowls, mixing it into the broth and giving it a slightly darker color before looking at his work in satisfaction.
“Sorry for the wait!” You announced, swinging out of the kitchen with a bowl in each hand. At the sound of your voice, everyone made their way to sit at the tables, chattering in excitement. Kiri was holding four bowls in his arms, and he shot you a wink before handing them out and returning to the kitchen for more. “Here you go, Mina.” You said sweetly and, her being as trusting as she was, grabbed the food with a chirp of thanks. You and Kiri leaned against the kitchen counter, eyes trained on your victims; Kiri had untainted portions hidden behind his back for them after their suffering. Mina was the first one to eat from the tainted sukiyaki, and as soon as the first spoonful hit her tongue, her eyes were watering.
“Why is it so spicy?” She whined, fanning her tongue comedically with one hand as she coughed. Everyone looked at her in confusion, up until Kaminari started mirroring her. “Seriously! Baku-bro, c’mon!”
The blonde growled, his first bite of his meal still untaken. “What are you talking about, you damned Pikachu? I didn’t add shit to it.”
Midoriya reaffirmed everyone else’s thoughts. “Yeah, it tastes fine to the rest of us, right guys?”
“Shut up, you damned Deku!”
The green-haired boy shrunk back with a sheepish smile, all too familiar with Bakugou’s empty threats. You and Kiri exchanged a look, both of you quietly enjoying your own meals with hidden smiles. You knew Mina and Kaminari wouldn’t be able to handle the hot sauce, but Bakugou was different. He’d either love it or rage about it for the rest of the week. You bounced your knee in anticipation. He took his first bite, brows automatically furrowing together before- “What the fuck? It’s hotter than hell!”
You couldn’t hold back at that point, and started giggling like a little school girl, hand pressed against your mouth to try ceasing your guilt from escaping. Bakugou’s eyes automatically sought you out. “This was you two, wasn’t it?”
“Aw, no fair (Y/N)!” Mina squealed, jumping up and lightly slapping your arm. Her face was still red, eyes still watery, but she smiled nonetheless.
“Sorry, sorry.” Kiri said with a grin, hands raised like a caught criminal. “It was my idea.” He pulled out the bowl hidden behind his back, handing Mina and Kaminari the safe dinner portions with a chuckle. They took it with thanks, but Bakugou refused the bowl with a vicious grin. “Keep that baby shit! Only a real man could eat something this hot!” He barked, before shoveling a large portion into his mouth with a triumphant look. Kiri still and, after glancing at you only once, puffed out his chest.
“Oh yeah? Well I’m a real man too!”
You couldn’t stop him in time, only staring wide-eyed at your crush as he grabbed Kaminari’s uneaten bowl and took a bit bite from it. His face was frozen in its usual smile for only a second, before it crumbled. Cheeks bright, tears streamed down his face as he worked to swallow the concoction. “S-See? Easy!” His voice cracked, and not even you could hold down your laugh as you slapped Kiri on the back for a job well done.
“Don’t torture yourself, man!”
“Put down the poison, Kiri!”
The class cackled at the red-head’s reaction, but he didn’t seem to notice as he kept his eyes trained on you. He smiled, despite the tears that ran down his cheeks, and you grinned back before tangling your hand in his. Kiri didn’t need to act manly to win your heart; he already won it a long time ago.
If only a certain blonde didn’t ruin it with: “Hey, keep that romantic crap outta here, I’m eating!”
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my-infp-world · 4 years
INFP Music Collaboration Project: Complete!
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The INFP Collaboration Playlist Project is now complete! 
In total we had about 200 songs submitted and that completely blew me away! Thank you all so much for participating, I had no idea that it would get this many responses! 
Thank you especially to @rokokokokolores,  @stillnotknowing, @anypassingthought, @2nerd4this, @sonsoftie, @aseratreasures, @infp-relatable, @lunagirl0013, @idunno-justpicksomething, and @namhamjoon (please let me know if I accidentally forgot to tag you)
These are just the participants who were okay with being named but also thank you to all of the anonymous participants!
Here’s the final playlist from everyone’s suggestions, including some of mine that I threw in even though some of you beat me to the punch for a few songs.
Here is the INFP Music Collaboration Project!
Spotify Link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2F8xgXYEKiJSBOo7g8IvON
I was thinking of doing another one of these in the future but just make up my own prompts and put them all in one form and leave it open for a while or forever and just update the playlist twice a month or something like that. If you have ideas, just drop a comment or an ask if you want it to be anonymous. 
For those who want to know what the playlist turned out to be, here’s the list of songs with their categories below this break:
Silver Dagger - Live at Cecil Sharp House - The Staves
Today I Sing the Blues - Aretha Franklin
Pink Moon - Nick Drake
White Flag - Joseph
Black Swan - BTS
Indigo - Origa
Everything Black - Unlike Pluto
Yellow Lights - Harry Hudson
Red Hill Mining Town - U2
.stage 4 fear of trying. - Frank Iero
Symphony No.5 In B-Flat, Op.100: 2. Allegro marcato - Sergei Prokofiev
One More Time with Feeling - Regina Spektor
100 Bad Days - AJR
R.I.P. 2 My Youth - The Neighbourhood
+THNX190519+ - CL
100 Ways - Jackson Wang
Day 1 â—‘ - HONNE
18 - Anarbor
Two - Sleeping At Last
Three Tree Town - Ben Howard
Fumes - EDEN
Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Rey
T-Shirt Weather - Circa Waves
ME! (feat. Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco) - Taylor Swift
Dream - Priscilla Ahn
Carnival Hearts - Kayla Diamond
Yam Yam - No Vacation
Motivation - Normani
Wake Me Up - Avicii
Alligator Alley - Michael Daugherty
Because of You - Kelly Clarkson
Sincerely, Me - Mike Faist
Cheerleader - OMI
Viva La Vida - Coldplay
Supermassive Black Hole - Muse
Over You - Ingrid Michaelson
Shine A Little Light - The Black Keys
Dynamite - BTS
Prelude in E-flat minor - Dmitri Shostakovich
Sick of Myself - Matthew Sweet
Salute - Little Mix
Smother - Daughter
Ship To Wreck - Florence + The Machine
I Am The Best - 2NE1
Baba O'Riley - The Who
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
King - Years & Years
I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) - Whitney Houston
I'm Coming Out - Diana Ross
Rain - MIKA
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up) - Fall Out Boy
Jump in the Line - Harry Belafonte
We Are the Tide - Blind Pilot
I'm A Believer - Radio Edit - Smash Mouth
So Much More Than This - Grace VanderWaal
Open Road - Lost & Found Music Studios
Vasoline - Stone Temple Pilots
Walk in the Night - Kaori Kobayashi*
Fáinleog - Live - The Gloaming
I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers
Kiss - Prince
Olalla - Blanco White
Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
Whiskey and Morphine - Alexander Jean
Meds - Placebo
High - Sir Sly
June - Florence + The Machine
Here's to Never Growing Up - Avril Lavigne
Void - The Neighbourhood
Clouds - BøRNS
Love Wins - Carrie Underwood
Shukumei - Official HIGE DANdism
Boy With Luv (feat. Halsey) - BTS
The Man Who Can't Be Moved - The Script
Love Come Down - Kalafina
Here Comes The Sun - Remastered 2009 - The Beatles
You Are the Best Thing - Ray LaMontagne
Pokemon Theme Song - The Breaking Winds Bassoon Quartet
Someday - From "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"/Soundtrack Version - All-4-One
How We Love - Ingrid Michaelson
Everything You Ever - Neil Patrick Harris
Bluebird - Sara Bareilles
The Christmas Shoes - Newsong
Amen - Amber Run
Empty - Ray LaMontagne
In Dreams - Roy Orbison
The Beach - The Neighbourhood
Kimi Ga Hikari Ni Kaeteiku - Kalafina
Memories - Maroon 5
No Choir - Florence + The Machine
Should I Stay or Should I Go - Remastered - The Clash
Love On Top - Beyonce
Keep Your Head Up - Ben Howard
Fight Song - Rachel Platten
Samson - Regina Spektor
One More Sad Song - The All-American Rejects
No One - Alicia Keys
Poison Prince - Amy Macdonald
Love Story - Taylor Swift
7 Things - Single Version - Miley Cyrus
Rude - MAGIC!
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
Lean on Me - Bill Withers
Cat's in the Cradle - Harry Chapin
More Than a Feeling - Boston
Killing Me Softly - Frank Sinatra* 
How Sweet It Is - Michael Buble
This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) - Natalie Cole
I'm A Believer - Radio Edit - Smash Mouth
Hold You in My Arms - Ray LaMontagne
Never Stop (Wedding Version) - SafetySuit
Skinny Love - Birdy
That's the Way It Is - Cassidy Janson
Angel - Darren Hayes
Titanium - Madilyn Bailey
There Must Be An Angel - ORIGA*
Mr. Tambourine Man - The Helio Sequence
Rude - Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox
Bad Guy - The Interrupters
Africa - TOTO
Beautifully - Jay Brannan
Creep - Radiohead
Cupid - Sam Cooke
Your Favorite Thing - Sugar
Livin' On A Prayer - Bon Jovi
I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston
For Good - From "Wicked" Original Broadway Cast Recording/2003 - Kristin Chenoweth
Take Me or Leave Me - Idina Menzel
Something To Believe In - Jeremy Jordan
Dancing with the Devil - Wolf Gang
Holding Out for a Hero - From "Footloose" Soundtrack - Bonnie Tyler
A Thousand Miles - Vanessa Carlton
Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me) - Train
Waterfalls - TLC
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) - Green Day
Wannabe - Spice Girls
Memories - Maroon 5
Men Of Snow - Ingrid Michaelson
The River - Kyla La Grange
Saturn - Sleeping At Last
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
The Fear - Ben Howard
Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine
The Good Part - AJR
Build It Up - Ingrid Michaelson
Freckles - Natasha Bedingfield
Happy Home - Lukas Graham
Barely Breathing - Duncan Sheik
The Road - Hurts
Lost in My Mind - The Head and the Heart
Love Like You (feat. Rebecca Sugar) - End Credits - Steven Universe
Esmeralda - The Hunchback of Notre Dame Company
West Side Story: Act I: Maria - Leonard Bernstein
Nina Cried Power (feat. Mavis Staples) - Hozier
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond
Roxie - Renae Zellweger
Grace - Florence + The Machine
Sukiyaki - Kyu Sakamoto
Fuckin' Perfect - Melanie La Barrie
Who's Got a Match? - Biffy Clyro
Into The Fire - Thirteen Senses
Bang The Doldrums - Fall Out Boy
I Was Here - Beyonce
Neon Gravestones - Twenty One Pilots
Danzon No.2 - Arturo Márquez
Most Girls - Hailee Steinfeld
(Finally) A Convenient Truth - Get Well Soon
Stand by Me - Otis Redding
Such Great Heights - Remastered - The Postal Service
To the Beginning - Kalafina
Here Comes a Regular - 2008 Remaster - The Replacements
Night Rather Than Day - EXID
Wonderwall - Remastered - Oasis
Waiting for the End - Linkin Park
All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix
Human Nature - Michael Jackson
The Longest Time - Billy Joel
Love, You Didn't Do Right by Me - Rosemary Clooney
Before Our Spring - JONGHYUN
girls - girl in red
Conversations in the Dark - John Legend
Just like Heaven - The Cure
On The Street Where You Live - Frederick Loewe
Still into You - Paramore
Five Variants of "Dives and Lazarus" - Ralph Vaughan Williams
Black Woman - Danielle Brooks
Eyes Nose Lips (feat. Taeyang) - Epik High
Empty - Ray LaMontagne
Just a Dream - Carrie Underwood
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
Requiem - Laura Dreyfuss
Hurt - Christina Aguilera
So Much More Than This - Grace VanderWaal
Pretty Hurts - Beyonce
Just like Heaven - The Cure
i'm lonely - Luz
Skylark - Aretha Franklin
Never Let Me Go - Florence + The Machine
Ship To Wreck - Florence + The Machine
Going Under - Evanescence
Muddy Hymnal - Iron & Wine
Rush - Aly & AJ
Smooth (feat. Rob Thomas) - Santana
Who Let The Dogs Out - Baha Men
She Looks So Perfect - 5 Seconds of Summer
Never Let Me Go - Florence + The Machine
Vienna - Billy Joel
The Pros and Cons of Breathing - Fall Out Boy
In Dreams - Roy Orbison
Car Radio - Twenty One Pilots
Sweet Nothing (feat. Florence Welch) - Calvin Harris
Lonely Dance - Set It Off
*Could not be found on Spotify
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tracingdreams · 4 years
Why Tasuki Hates Women: Fushigi Yuugi Special Story: Part 6 (Final) - Miaka
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“The reason why I started hating women” 
(Ore ga Onna-girai ni Natta Riyuu)   PART SIX (Final)
~From Fushigi Yuugi Perfect World compendium, Vol 6, 2005
(Author Nishizaki Megumi, who also wrote the Gaiden novels. Original work and illustration, Watase Yuu)
Translation is mine, any errors are also mine.
Above image of Tasuki and his sisters - Eimin (centre), Rin’an (top right), Manka (bottom left), Aidou (bottom right) and Fuyou (top left).
The Seishi are en route to Hokkan (yeah, before all the nasty kicks off) and they’re taking a break. Tasuki is recovering from his seasickness, and Miaka is keeping him company in the way only Miaka can - by eating lots and asking him probing questions. Miaka tries to figure out Tasuki’s perfect woman and Tasuki explains his childhood traumas - all five of them ;)
This is a longish story so I am splitting it into parts where there are natural divides.
At the end of part 5, Tasuki’s sister Aidou had just noticed something...
“Shun’u. By the way, what’s that?” Aidou asked.
“There. That thing on your right arm that looks like a character.”
Everyone turned to stare at the place on Shun’u’s arm.
“……For real.”
“It says ‘wing’.”
“Hey, is that the thing that you mentioned that time way back, Ma?”
“No way…”
“It can’t be…Shun’u is…”
Everyone was speaking at once.
“Are you…the Suzaku Stellar Warrior, Tasuki?!”
Shun’u himself stared at the character on his arm with wide eyes of disbelief.
When the country was on the brink of destruction, a priestess would come from another world, and, along with seven stellar warriors, would save the nation. Was he really one of these individuals?
In the blink of an eye he realised that he would be released from his way of life up until then.
“Right, because I’m Suzaku’s…”
“The Seven Stellar Warriors can die in battle, though, right?”
“Even if he isn’t killed, up till the time Suzaku is summoned, he could be taken away.”
“No way. This is a problem…”
“It’s a real bother, honestly. How can someone become a stellar warrior just because they can run a bit fast?”
“Are you sure you didn’t just write it on your arm yourself for a joke?”
One by one everyone examined Shun’u’s arm.
His mother and his sisters were making a hysterical fuss about it all, but eventually, they came to a collective decision.
“Until such time as he’s called away to be a Stellar Warrior, we should make Shun’u work even harder!”
Crestfallen, Tasuki poked at his arm.
“...It was at that moment that I decided to run away from home.”
“So that’s what happened.” Miaka said to Tasuki, who, by this time, had begun to get fed up.
“But Tasuki, your older sisters are healthy and pretty cool, really. And your mother’s a really good cook.”
“My older four sisters are all married now and have left home. They just come back when they get hungry for sukiyaki.”
“In that case, I like the hunger bug!” (NB This seems to be a play on words with suki and sukiyaki. It fails in English – it’s also joking on Japanese vocabulary knowledge).
Miaka sat up proud, answering like a proper examination entry student.
“That reminds me, Tasuki, do you not have a father?”
“I do. Now you mention it, he hasn’t come up in any of my stories so far, has he? He’s the kind who fades into the background so much that I never know what he’s doing.”
Tasuki continued.
“Apparently, though, in the past, my father had an active physique and a muscular body. But as the number of daughters increased, he had the life force sucked out of him by his womenfolk. I absolutely didn’t want to turn out like him. Although, the day that I left home, my father was the only one who covertly followed me in order to see me off.”
“I had the feeling that Dad was saying to me, you’re the only boy, go and live your life however you want to.”
“I see. So then you joined the mountain bandits..?”
Miaka gave a small laugh.
“Tasuki, the first time we met, you lied to me and didn’t tell me who you really were.”
“Yeah. Because Reikaku-zan was more important to me than being a Stellar Warrior.”
“Because you hated women, you thought, like hell I’m gonna obey some priestess, right?”
“Something like that.”
“And yet, you’re here anyway. Well done.”
Tasuki stretched his body out.
“I wonder why I felt that way. I think it’s a bit mysterious even now.”
“I think that in the meantime, Tasuki, you’ve become able to find a woman you like now. Honestly, I don’t think it matters what your perfect type might be. If you fall in love with her, you’ll suddenly love everything about her anyway.”
“……Is that how it works?”
Grinning, Miaka nodded her head, and Tasuki stared at her intently.
“On the other hand, you really can eat a lot, can’t you, for a woman? Leave some for me!”
Tasuki reached out a hand to take one of the butaman, but Miaka pulled it out of his reach.
“Nope. That one’s the last one, after all.”
“What are you talking about? It’s fine, let me eat it!”
“No way, no way!”
They both climbed up onto the sideboard and the last butaman rolled around and around as they fought over it.
“But Tasuki, I thought that you were seasick!”
“Huh?” Tasuki stood still for a moment, then said, “now you mention it, I feel better.”
“That’s good. In that case, I’m gonna take lunch to Tamahome.”
With a big smile on her face, Miaka waved her hands in a wave, then turned, hurrying away in the direction of the ship’s main chamber.
 Hating women, huh…
Tasuki allowed a rueful smile.
With Mum and five sisters, I really had enough of women.  
And my dream is to become a man amongst men, like Hakurou had been. So why exactly am I here like this? Even though I had absolutely no interest in the Suzaku legend.
Tasuki’s gaze fell in the direction that Miaka had gone.
Maybe because you’re a kind of woman that, until now, I’ve not had around me?
That was it.
Idiotically direct.
Someone who doesn’t make a fuss about herself.
Clumsy, but always hard working.
Although carrying the burden of being Suzaku’s priestess, always trying her best.
Maybe it’s because that priestess is you.
It’s not as though I’ve stopped hating women.
But the priestess…no, Miaka…I’ll protect you and you alone.
No matter what happens, I’ll gamble this life and protect you, so don’t worry about a thing.
 On board the boat heading for Hokkan, and through all the hardships they would face ahead, Tasuki felt a different wind beginning to blow.
 The End 😊
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nerianasims · 4 years
Billboards #1 1963
Under the cut.
Steve Lawrence – “Go Away Little Girl” -- January 12, 1963
"Little girl" didn't mean "little girl" in songs of the era. She could be 49 for all we know. And yet, having to constantly remind onesself of that does not make for a pleasant listening experience. Nothing about it is a pleasant listening experience. Okay, he's drawn to someone he shouldn't be and doesn't know if he can resist. That's a common enough human experience. But he's so smarmy about it. And musically, it's light and boring lounge schmaltz.
The Rooftop Singers – “Walk Right In” -- January 26, 1963
It's okay. It's catchy. I can believe the singers are living breathing people, and not automatons, which is saying a lot for folk-pop of the era. There's some nice acoustic guitar work. I just can't get over the feeling this was originally either about drugs or sex work and has been sanitized. It's fine though. Which is a major improvement over the offensively bad "Michael" two years back.
Paul & Paula – “Hey Paula” -- February 9, 1963
They want to get married as soon as possible because they just can't wait. Why is not said -- this song is Wonder Bread -- but it's obviously because of sex. Also they're singing to each other's stage names, Paul and Paula. "Hey Paula" and "Hey Paul." Getting married very young because you can't handle not having sex any more is a really bad idea. Anyway, it's hard for me to think about the lyrics much because the music is so bland I think it killed some brain cells.
The Four Seasons – “Walk Like A Man” -- March 2, 1963
Can't sleep, Frankie Valli will get me. That falsetto. Dear lord. Anyway, his girlfriend has been spreading lies about him and he's gonna "walk like a man" to get away from her. I'd run like a woman to get away from his voice.
Ruby & The Romantics – “Our Day Will Come” -- March 23, 1963
Now here's a wonderful voice. Ruby Nash has a rich, beautiful contralto, and she puts a lot of joy into it. She's telling someone not to be upset about waiting, because "our day will come" and they'll be able to live happily ever after together. The bossa nova arrangement is nice, but this is all about Nash's voice. Quite good.
The Chiffons – “He’s So Fine” -- March 30, 1963
The narrator is in love with a shy guy whom she's having problems getting close to, but she's determined. "Sooner or later/ I hope it's not later." A nice bouncy girl group song. Also George Harrison ripped the melody off for a much worse song years later.
Little Peggy March – “I Will Follow Him” -- April 27, 1963
In high school, one of my friends and I made up words to this song that went "I hate him/ I hate him/ I hate him" and etc. So uh. This song. As-is, I find it annoying. It's a good jumping off point for you and your friends when you're deeply pissed off at some guys, though.
Jimmy Soul’s “If You Wanna Be Happy” -- May 18, 1963
If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, don't marry a pretty woman, marry an ugly woman who can cook. This song makes me laugh. It's dated and problematique. Whatever, I find it amusing.
Lesley Gore – “It’s My Party” -- June 1, 1963
Johnny and Judy are colossal jackasses. They timed starting to go steady at Johnny's girlfriend's party, sheesh. It's all rather unlikely. Considering she's going through something that would be both heartbreaking and horribly embarrassing, Lesley Gore doesn't sound too terribly broken up about it, even if she is supposed to be crying. It's still a good song.
Kyu Sakamoto – “Sukiyaki” (originally "Ue O Muite Aruko") -- June 15, 1963
Kyu Sakamoto had a wonderful voice for pop songs or light tenor roles on Broadway, and he used it well. This is a bittersweet song in Japanese about looking up when you walk after your heart is broken so no one sees your tears -- after your protest movement against U.S. interference in your country fails. Hm. We tend to underestimate how much people in the past knew, and it is entirely possible this song became a hit partly in solidarity with that protest movement. Or maybe because people happened to hear it on TV because of the movement. Or maybe just because it's a pretty song, sung beautifully.
The Essex – “Easier Said Than Done” -- July 6, 1963
The narrator's friends are saying she should tell a guy she's into him, but she can't seem to do it. It's a buoyant little song, but nothing more than that.
Jan And Dean – “Surf City” -- July 20, 1963
This song is explicitly not for me. "Two girls for every boy" sounds no fun at all. And they keep singing it in falsetto. As for the sound, it's an early 60s surf song. Yawn.
The Tymes – “So Much In Love” -- August 3, 1963
The narrator and his fiancee are so much in love, and his backup singers are snapping and woo-wooing to support him in the background. It's nice, and kind of a big nothing at the same time. There's something very assembly line about it.
Little Stevie Wonder – “Fingertips (Pt. II)” -- August 10, 1963
Stevie Wonder was 13 at the time. Which means I don't like this song. He's just too young. Also it's live and sort of all over the place, though it's mostly harmonica. I'll be much happier to hear Stevie Wonder when he's back a few years from now.
The Angels – “My Boyfriend’s Back” -- August 31, 1963
I consider this song close to perfection. It's musically fun and taunting, and the taunting is serious. "Look out now, cuz he's comin' after you." This piece of shit who's been spreading rumors about and sexually harassing the narrator is about to eat dirt. Oh yeah, I love it.
Bobby Vinton – “Blue Velvet” -- September 21, 1963
Apparently David Lynch named a movie for this? I avoid David Lynch like the plague, so that doesn't influence my hearing of the song. The narrator and the woman in blue velvet were in love, but then she "left." It's melancholy enough that I feel she may have died, not just left. Pretty, sad, but that's about it.
Jimmy Gilmer And The Fireballs – “Sugar Shack” -- October 12, 1963
The titular "sugar shack" is supposedly a coffeehouse. I have my doubts. They had to bury implications under a lot of layers in 1963. Or maybe I'm just trying to make the song more interesting, imagining the narrator wants to marry a sex worker and not a waitress. The song is bouncy and bubbly and dull.
Nino Tempo & April Stevens -- "Deep Purple" -- November 16, 1963
I find this song very unpleasant due to Nino Tempo's singing. There's something about it that grates on me, the woo-woo's especially. This is about dreaming an old -- possibly dead -- lover is coming back to you. And it's sure cheery and peppy. Also there's a spoken word section that's not good at all. I do not like this rendition of this song one bit.
Dale & Grace – “I’m Leaving It Up To You” -- November 23, 1963
No Ray Charles this year? I'm in desperate need here. Sigh. Grace's voice is high and nasal and I have nothing to say about Dale. The idea of the song is that they're leaving it up to the other person in the relationship whether to keep going. The lyrics are nothing special, but they're fine. The music is boring except that Grace's voice is like nails on a chalkboard. I don't know how much more stuff like this I can take.
The Singing Nun – “Dominique” -- December 7, 1963
Well, it's different. It’s French. Jeanne-Paule Marie Deckers, the Singing Nun, wrote this cheery song about the founder of her order. He chose poverty and only talked about God, you know the drill. I don't connect with it, and I also have nothing negative to say about it. It's a refreshing song.
BEST OF 1963: My Boyfriend's Back and Sukiyaki in a tie  WORST OF 1963: Nino Tempo & April Stevens' rendition of Deep Purple, though there were many contenders
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hoshizoranoseirei-a · 4 years
Minji loved her partner like a brother; when you sat in a patrol car most of the day, you got close to the one in the seat beside you. Hearing his excuse, she rolled her eyes. “You think I don’t know that?” she countered. “I love my job, but Gwanny, darling brother of a partner of mine? You need a reason to go home at night. And who’s to say tall, blonde and handsome over there won’t understand? He’s literally got a world tour coming up, right?”
Under his breath Gwangseon retorted, “What is he, McDonalds fries?” He knew she was right but he couldn’t bring himself to make someone feel like that didn’t matter to their significant other. His mother had fought through that herself before his father was killed, he just couldn’t do it. Hearing the second question he looked up at Minji. “Yeah he does, so what?” He continued queitly.
Minji laughed, reaching to knock his hat off. “I wouldn’t know about that, men aren’t my thing.” she teased. Watching him, though, she rested her arm on his shoulder, moving to lay her chin on her arm. “Gwanny, honey, say something to him. Just go on one date. We aren’t the only one with demanding careers you know. Annnd you have unused vacation pay.”
With a sigh Gwangseon removed Minji from his shoulder. “It’s too hot for that.” He said and moved away in an attempt to get off the subject. “I thought you had a date toinght. Did she cancel?”
Minji rolled her eyes, but let her friend change the subject. “She did not cancel, thank you very much.” she answered, running a hand through her hair. “This will be date three, things are going really well.” she mused, smilng as she thought about the young woman she’d taken out. “I think you’ll like her once we’ve dated a while longer. You might scare her off.” she joked.
Gwangseon quirked a brow at his partner and was about to retort when a call came over the radio. “That would be our call to respond to.” As he climbed into the cruiser and clicked his seat belt in place he retorted, “I would not, she would love me. You’re talking about the EMT right?”
“That it would, now that we’re done guarding your eye candy.” Minji teased with a smirk, going to get in and leaning back in her seat. She responded on the radio and then returned to their conversation. “Yeah, she’s amazing.” she grinned, looking at Gwangseon. “But right now, you’d still scare her off.” She wanted to try and keep the other’s mood up even with the call they were receiving.
Gwangseon knew it was bad when he saw the ambulance in front of them. The two of them got out of their car and walked to the others. The superiors talked to the both of them. “The guy inside has a gun and has already shot the wife. We aren’t sure if the kids are okay but we need someone to talk this guy down.” Upon hearing the request Gwangseon raised his hand from the small group of that had now gathered. “I’ll go in.”
Minji was about to volunteer when Gwangseon spoke up first, taking a moment, she moved to grab his wrist. “Gwanny, are you sure?” she asked, tilting her head a little. “I can handle this, the energy is pretty thick.” she murmured, clearly worried for her partner.
“I’ll be fine.” He responded and placed a hand on his partner’s shoulder. “Did you forget I’m a selkie?” He walked forward and walked to the door. A call of ‘stay back’ stopped him and he called back, “Sir, please let us help you and-” He was cut of as a shotgun fired through the door and the blast from it slammed into his shoulder. He fell to the ground and the last thing he could see was Minji running towards him as the pain made him pass out.
Minji watched her partner approach, her senses on full alert and tense almost to the point of pain. She knew the meaning, knew the familiar grey haze in her vision all too well, but she couldn’t tell when it would happen. And then the shot rang out. Seeing Geangseon go down put her in protection mode, rushing the porch to grab Gwangseon and put pressure on the wound. Two others followed her, guns at the ready just off the porch as she pulled her gun out and readied it with one hand. As the door opened, she turned her gaze from her unconscious partner, glaring up as the man tried to exit. Her gaze went monochrome as she stared at him. “Lower it, or I swear to the heavens, you won’t make it to trial.” Her voice was calm but laced with danger, and after a long moment, the man lowered it, allowing the others to arrest him while she focused on Gwangseon.
“Damn it, Gwanny.” She cursed, knowing blood from his shoulder was all over and not caring. She helped lift him onto a gurney and when asked, she decided to follow while the other emts worked on the wife, who was hurt but awake and breathing. Getting in the cruiser, she followed the first ambulance, grabbing his phone so she could give it to him when he woke up. She ended up in the corner of the room, watching Gwangseon sleep. Checking the time on his phone, she frowned at the missed message. Pulling her own phone out, she messaged the singer explaining the basics. It took less than half an hour before Jae was being let in by a nurse and she looked up, giving the artist a speech before finally letting Jae join her as they sit and waited.
Gwangseon spoke quickly when he came to. “I didn’t even get a sentence out.” He looked to the side, knowing Minji would be there and startled by Jae’s presence. He quickly explained what happened, though vaguely to Jae before reaching for his phone and giving up. Minji announced she was headed to change. “Wait,” he called after her and as the door closed he continued weakly. “Come back.”
“I’ll come back when I’ve changed, Gwanny. I’m covered in your blood and I’d like to at least have normal clothes on.” Minji said as she opened the door. Her date had been messaging her since she’d told her, and Minji apologized again for having to cancel, even though she knew her girlfriend would understand. She drove back the precinct and showered, changing clothes and letting her boss know her uniform needed to be dry cleaned. She hoped to give Jae and Gwangseon some time alone, not wanting her partner to be lonely anymore. She decided to stop and pick up Gwangseon’s favorite place, messaging Jae if he wanted any. SHe hoped to spend as much time as possible away so that when she showed up with food, maybe the two had come to an agreement of some sort.
Gwangseon wanted food and he wanted it now. He kept complaining to Jae about how he was hungry but he didn’t want gross hospital food. He messaged Minji to grab extra sushi because he really wanted sushi from his favorite place a few blocks from his apartment. He placed the phone in his lap with a sad face.
Minji walked up to the door and knocked before entering with the bag of food. “How are my lovebirds?” she mused, quietly closing the door as she lifted the bag. “I have food for all of us. Especially the high one.”
Gwangseon looked at his partner, attempting to remember what exactly she was doing at the hospital. “Why are you here? And I am not a love bird, I’m a human.” He hid his face in his pillow and huffed. “Wait.” He looked back up at Minji. “Sushi? From the place near my place?” He really wanted to eat that sushi but nothing else.
Minji rolled her eyes. “Still high as a kite, I see.” she mused, walking over to set the bag of food on the window sill and divide it up. “Yes, you nutcase. I spent a lot of money on you two.” her voice was playful though, just glad her partner was okay. “Just sushi, a lot of it, for the wounded one. Sukiyaki and sushi for the idol.” she said, handing out chopsticks and moving to perch in the window sill where the food had been, lifting to tuck one leg under her as she moved to open her own food. Taking a bite, she hummed, chewing and swallowing before pointing her chopsticks at Gwangseon. “The next time I step in with a feeling, you listen to me, damn it.” she said sternly, though the attempt at threatening was lost since she was pointing chopsticks and not a gun.
Gwangseon looked around. “Who’s wounded? I don’t see anyone wounded.” His eyes grew wide at the sight of sushi. He raised his arms to grab at it and jolted in surprise. “Oh, I’m the one that’s wounded. Oops.” He said with a light giggle. when his sushi was placed in front of him, he struggled with his chopsticks. “I’m sorry.” He said sadly, sounding like a young child being scolded. He set the chopsticks down and looked longingly at the sushi.
“And this is why I never take you to a bar, Gwanny. Total lightweight.” Minji rolled her eyes as she ate. Seeing him give up, she was preparing to get down when Jae set his own food down to feed her partner. “Well, then. Thank you, little songbird.” she mused. “By the way, that last comeback? Phenomenal. Right, Gwanny?” 
Gwangseon managed a ‘mhm’ around the sushi Jae had placed in his mouth. He swallowed the sushi and spoke matter of factly. “I really liked the choker with the rings on it.” He felt Jae pause and whined for more sushi. “Why’d you stop? Give me more sushi.” He pouted and continued to Minji. “The ring choker was really pretty on him.” He nodded and accepted another piece of sushi from Jae.
Gwangseon’s confession caught Minji off guard indeed. She knew her partner loved that choker on the singer. She watched Jae stumble and recover, continuing to feed the selkie. She laughed a little. “Gwanny, honey, since Captain is giving you some time off, why don’t you spend a few days with Songbird, hmm?”
“I guess. I don’t see why not. But is it okay with all the girls falling all over him?” He asked rhetorically, anger laced in his words. He huffed as he munched another bite of sushi. Gwangseon looked out the window and mumbled, “It’s so sunny, I wish it would rain. I like the rain better. So much more romantic than sunny days.” His eyes drifted closed as he fell asleep again, welcoming the escape from his feelings.
Minji arched a brow. “You are clearly blind if you think Songbird here doesn’t have eyes for you.” she countered. “Besides, you have time to tend to him, right?” she asked Jae, who shrugged as he nodded. 
“Yeah, All that’s left for the new comeback is promo photos tomorrow, and then the next month or so I’m basically free minus a few days of recording.” He turned to looked at Gwangseon. “You’re welcome to stay at my place if you’d like, Seony.”
“I’ll get out of here and let him sleep. You gonna stay with him?” Minji asked as she helped Jae rebox the leftovers, moving to rest a hand on Jae’s shoulder. “I’m gonna visit him, but he’s got leave since he’s hurt and I really hope you two get along. He adores you, if you couldn’t tell.” Giving him an encouraging smile, she walked to the other side of the bed, kissing her partner’s head like a sister might for a sibling. “Take of him, Songbird.” she said sternly, turnign to leave.
GWangseon woke up to the sun burning holes in his eyes. He groaned and spoke, half asleep. “Someone close those damned blinds.”
Minji had gone home and returned early the next morning to relieve Jae so he could go shower. She didn’t comment on how she found the two, but she took her place in the chair as she waites for Gwangseon to wake up, reading a book with right leg crossed over left. “Welcome back, sleeping beauty.” She mused, glancing up as she turned the stick to close the blinds. “Your Songbird will be back soon. He went to get a shower and change.”
“My songbird? What the hell are you talking about?” Gwangseon shifted in the bed, groaning as his shoulder was enveloped in searing pain. He pushed the morphine button once. “What did I do, Min?” Dread replacing the look of pain that painted his face. “What happened? Tell me I didn’t do what you’re implying I did.” Panic in his words, Gwangseon’s eyes grew big.
Minji gave him a sly little smile. “You didn’t make a fool out of yourself, if that’s what you’re asking.” she answered, marking her place with a bookmark and closing the book. “But I left you two alone to change and get food. I don’t know what happened while I was gone, though. You let him feed you sushi.” she offered. “He stayed here last night to keep an eye on you.”
Gwangseon groaned. “I did what?” He turned his eyes to the ceiling in an attempt to remember what exactly had happened when Minji had been absent the previous night. He remembered crying at some point and he remembered someone touching his face but not who it had been. Everything was hazy and faded together. “He stayed?” Pausing his attempts as Minji continued. His thoughts instead went to the beautiful pop star that seemed to have a thing for him before floating back to the memories he couldn’t find. What had he said that had made Jae stay? “Why would he stay?”
Minji nodded. “It was really cute.” she assured. “I don’t know what you two talked about, but you let him feed you.” Crossing her legs the opposite way, she sat back in her chair. “Of course he stayed. He was worried as hell when he got here. I don’t know why he wouldn’t stay. Guy clearly has an attraction to you. My bet is probably since you two met months ago.” Her arms crossed next. “I did bring some clothes for when you get out. He’s offered to let you stay with him while you heal up. Which isn’t a bad idea given you’ll push yourself too hard trying to get back on the beat.”
Gwangseon rolled his eyes and tried to sit up only to fall back down because he had used his injured arm. He looked back up at Minji. “Okay you might be a little right but I am not going to stay with him. He can stay with me.” He looked away with a huff and rolled his eyes again. “Who am I kidding his place is probably waaay nicer than mine. I might as well. But you have to tell him.” 
Minji decided not to tell her partner that he’d already agreed, humming a little when he admitted she was right. “I know you too well.” she countered. “And of course I’ll tell your boyfriend you’ll stay with him.” she teased with a smirk. “If you promise to tell him how you feel at some point.”
Gwangseon’s eyes widened. “He is not my boyfriend and I do not have feelings for him.” He would have crossed his arms if it didn’t require him moving his arm. He looked away, hoping his partner didn’t see the red that dusted his cheeks at the thought of Jae. “Besides, he has a career to worry about anyway.” He didn’t want to make eye contact, afraid he’d admit Minji was right. “I’m sure I’m the last thing on his mind right now.”
Minji watched him and rolled her eyes. “Gwanny, I need you to get that pretty head of yours out of your ass and stop denying it.” She countered, she saw the door open as Gwangseon continued, watching Jae.
“If you were the last thing on my mind, I wouldn’t have come to the hospital at all last night.” Jae countered. He passed out the food he’d brought, Minji grinning as she moved to eat. 
“See? Stop worrying so much, you’ll be fine.” she promised. “Gwanny decided to accept your offer to stay with you while he heals up. You better take care of him.”
Gwangseon flushed. “Minji, I meant tell him when I wasn’t in the room.” He looked away quickly. “It’s only because I can’t take care of myself like this.” He was angry that he wasn’t going to be able to do things on his own, he hated when people helped him. Gwangseon knew that the singer wouldn’t mind but he was beginning to feel like a burden and that didn’t help how insecure he felt looking at Jae. He shifted the blankets again to cover more of himself up. He didn’t like this one bit. “Min, can I talk with Jae privately?”
Minji found she actually liked the guy behind the music. Most artists were the playboy or playgirl types, but Jae was genuine, and she could sense that. Hearing Gwangseon’s question, she nodded. “Just let me know when I can come back in, I’ll be at the waiting area.” she told Jae, setting her food down and heading out, closing the door behind her.
After conversing with Jae, Gwangseon told him to bring Minji back in. When Minji rejoined, Gwangseon smiled and ate some of the food Jae had brought him without thinking about it. “Sorry, Min. Just needed to talk with Jae. Sorry if your food got cold while you waited.” He placed another bite in his mouth and chewed thoughtfully. “You know, Min, they’ll probably partner you with a rookie while I’m out. Have fun with that while I get babied because I’m injured.”
Minji arched a brow. “As long as you two didn’t have a fun time, we’re good.” she teased. “Believe me, I’m aware. IT’s going. To suck. Sp enjoy your spoiled life of leisure while you have it.” she teased back, going back to her food and crossing her legs. “As for you, Songbird, you better take care of him.”
“I promise, Minji.” Jae assured, returning to Gwangseon’s side.
Gwangseon’s eye grew wide at Minji’s comment but he laughed a little. “Nothing like that happened.” He listened to Minji as she complained about what was to come at the job. “They’re gonna love you, just don’t scare them off okay? And my life will be just fine even if I don’t go with Jae.” Gwangseon huffed a little as Minji continued to tease him. “You aren’t being unfair. What about little miss EMT huh?” His eyebrows writing the extra question marks his word couldn’t. “What about her?”
Minji arched a brow at her partner, but she knew she got the point across. “Yeah, but you know rookies. Either too eager to prove themselves or too uncertain.” At his comment about not going with Jae, she gave him a ‘don’t you dare’ look. “You already agreed to go with him, don’t make me smother you.” She joked, pursing her lips when he mentioned her girlfriend. “Sunhi and I have a late lunch today since dinner got cancelled.” She stated simply. “Don’t try to change the subject.” Jae chuckled at the pair, which made Minji look to him. “I’m serious, though, Songbird. Spoil him. He needs to relax and if he had to do this alone I know he wouldn’t. Can you give us a moment?” Her eyes went to Gwangseon, and Jae stepped out.
“Gwanny, I swear to gods, don’t let him get away. He’s genuine, like sincerely genuine, about his interest in you. I haven’t sensed that kind of energy in a long time.” She told him quietly.
Gwangseon shook his head and looked at his partner, smiling but not smiling. “I’m giving him a chance to prove himself, even if I didn’t technically say that.” He stretched a little and winced when his shoulder pain ripped through his thoughts. “Would it be okay to hit the morphine pump again? Or do you think I’ll end up like I did last night?”
The psychic gave him a grin. “Gwanny, I promise you. My feelings are never wrong. I can’t see the future, but my ability to read energies is on point, and you know it.” Minji watched the man she considered her brother. “Try to go as long as possible without it. I’m not worried about you being out of it so much as getting addicted.” Her voice was a little sad, thinking about her mother’s addiction that led to a grave before Minji had graduated from academy. “That’s why I don’t want you alone. And Jae is very willing to take care of you, and you better not give him a hard time. He’s trying really hard to win you over.”
“Yeah and he’s succeeding too.” Gwangseon hated to admit it but the singer was pulling him in more and more each day. It was aggravating that he couldn’t manage to get over his feelings for Jae. He really thought he could handle it but Jae was all he’d been able to really think about since he’d run into him the other night. It just started as a small crush when he acted as a security guard at Jae’s concerts a few months prior but contrary to what he thought was going to be a fleeting crush, it had somehow turned into this. “I just don’t know if it would last, Min. And you know that it’s harder for stuff like this to effect me. I understand though and thank you.”
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serenetic · 5 years
2-1. An example of wrong method of playing
Sanma and Sukiyaki are starting to feel fed up. It’s because Fallen Angels had come crashing the festival venue.
Sukiyaki: There’s no end to this... how many have we defeated by now?
Sanma: I wonder... I’ve gotten tired counting.
Sukiyaki: ... so, anything else you want to say?
Sanma: ―― try not to kill them.
Sukiyaki: It’s the long-awaited festival after all. I get it.
It was then that they heard a dull sound of something crashing down along with a groan coming from behind them. Sanma and Sukiyaki quickly turned around to have a look.
What they saw was an Amazake, wounded and collapsed onto the ground.
Sukiyaki: (It received a fatal blow... well, in any case, we were saved.)
―― In a shooting game stall located a little away from their location.
Milt: Hehe, this game is pretty fun.
Caviar: Tell me, Milt. What did you shot just now...?
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