#and mathieu saying he doesn’t feel good
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Mathieu and Wout just can’t help themselves
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sixpennydame · 3 months
Summer Promises
A one-shot for the Levi Ackerman x Fem!OC series, North Star
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Read on AO3
Word count: 1.7k
Tags: fluff; post-Rumbling world; postwar!Levi feeling the healing power of nature
Author's note: While this one-shot is part of the North Star world, it can still be enjoyed without having read the series.
But the story is best enjoyed while sitting under the trees.
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Levi can’t recall ever enjoying summers in Paradis. It had always been unbearably hot and humid; every shred of his uniform sticking to his body making it difficult to move. Not to mention that summer was the busiest time of year for expeditions. Riding for hours in the heat, the only time he felt a cool breeze was when he was flying through the air on ODM gear. The sound of nearby thunder from a summer storm would mingle with the footsteps of titans, and the flowers that dotted the forest ground were often splattered with the blood of his comrades. 
No, he had no good memories of summer. 
He’d arrived in Mursa at the peak of the season and with no knowledge of mountain summers.  But the moment he’d moved into your home he saw how much you treasured it: the fresh flowers neatly displayed on the breakfast table every morning, and the basket of vegetables from the garden under your arm. You opened every window in the house to let a crosswind cool the rooms, the gossamer fabric of the curtain blowing in the wind. 
He started his walk to his job at the stables in the early dawn hours, when the sun had not yet burned off the heavy dew collecting on each leaf and flower, the birds just beginning their songs. He noticed that the air was cool and crisp in the mornings and evenings here, and you’d given him a jacket when you’d seen him bristle at the chill. 
You - 
If people could be seasons then he’d decided you were summer. You were bright and warm, and had a bustling energy about you. He could hear you humming in your garden when you were pulling weeds, humming when you put laundry on the line to dry. Always humming, always singing…
…he didn’t mind it. 
“Come ride with me,” you said one day while visiting the stables. You were brushing your horse, Astrid, and she seemed to snort in approval. “You were saying you need to ride Demon more anyway, right?”
It’s true, he needed to get the stallion out and stretch its legs. 
“Ok, but just for a quick ride. I need to get back and do the rest of today’s chores,” he answered. 
“Pfft, you’ve done most of them already, the rest can wait. Besides, it’s summer!”
(This was something you often said, he’d realized -  when you wanted to sleep in a little longer on the weekends, when you’d eat an extra helping of strawberries with cream, when you’d stay up too late reading a book - as if summer was some magical pass to do things you don’t normally do.)
“He’s fine to leave for a few hours, right Mathieu?”
The old man smiles, the deep wrinkles around his mouth deepening. “Levi works so efficiently, I barely have anything left for him to do today.” He grabs a saddle and gives it to Levi. “Go, enjoy the summer’s day.”
Once both horses are saddled, you and he ride out of the stables and into the meadow. 
“Where to?” he asks, having a feeling you’ve got something in mind. 
“We’re gonna ride up into those mountains a bit.” You point to a mountain range just to the west of the stables. “I have a place to show you that I think you’re gonna love.”
You look at him with a gleam in your eye. “Wanna race to the foot of the mountain?”
He liked this competitive side of you. “You know Demon and I will beat you.”
“Not if I get a head start!” 
A gentle prod to Astrid’s and you’re off in a flash. Levi smirks and pets the side of Demon’s neck.
“Time to show off a little, eh?” Levi clicks his tongue and taps Demon’s sides, just as they’d practiced over the past week. The black stallion snorts, stomping the ground before he starts his cantor. It doesn’t take long before they’re neck-in-neck with you, but he says a command and Demon goes even faster. By the time you and Astrid reach the foot of the mountain, the other two are relaxed, Demon nibbling on some blades of grass.
“What was that about beating me?” Levi smirks.
You roll your eyes before moving past him, starting up a narrow trail that leads into the trees. He follows behind, welcoming the cool shade as you ride further up. There’s a rustling in the bushes and Levi whips his head toward the sound, suddenly on alert. A deer’s head rises, seemingly unbothered by their presence.
Levi sighs. Even after all these years, it’s hard not to think that any movement in a forest is a possible threat. He keeps his eyes on your back as you ascend, the trail too narrow for you to ride side by side. But it’s a well worn trail, Levi notices; whether it was you or someone else that created it, it’s been used often. You don’t speak a word the entire trek until suddenly the ground evens out and you stop.
“Here we are,” you declare in a sing-song voice, “my little hideaway.”
The dense foliage of the pine and elm trees has given way to a small clearing dotted with white and blue flowers, their petals open towards the sun as if greeting its warmth. It was almost perfectly circular, like it was cleared of trees and specifically made. 
“Martin and I would come here when we were kids.” You step into the clearing. “We thought fairies made this place - it’s always felt so magical.”
“Magical beings that live in the forest.” Levi looks at you, perplexed. “There aren’t forest spirits where you’re from?”
“Not that I’m aware of. But there were plenty of things that wanted to kill us,” he replies. 
“Fairies can be mischievous, but they’re usually kind and benevolent. Especially if you give them a gift.”
You take out a peach and a small bottle from your saddle bag and place it under a large tree next to the clearing. “They particularly like wine and fruit.”
“Who doesn’t,” Levi says, slightly to mock but he must admit, his interest has peaked. “Now what happens? Do they jump out of the trees or something?”
 “No! That’s silly,” you answer. Your eyes shine as you take his arm and pull him into the center of the clearing. “I know you don’t believe in any of this stuff, but..”
You sit down, pulling him down with you. “...you’ll see, there’s something special about this place.” 
Before Levi can respond, you’re lying down in the grass, your face towards the sky, just like the flowers around you. “Just lay down. Close your eyes. Listen.”
There’s something about the calm and confident way you voice those three commands, and the next thing he knows, he’s lying beside you, his arms crossed against his chest.
One final sigh of resignation, and he closes his eyes. He waits a few seconds, wondering if something will happen, and laughing at himself internally for even entertaining these kinds of foolish thoughts. 
But then his breathing steadies, and he notices that it’s in rhythm with the breeze blowing through the trees around him: an in and out, as if the trees are also breathing. 
He feels a tiny insect - probably an ant - walking across his hand, the tall grass brushing against his body.
He smells the scent of pine in the air, sweet and woody.
He hears the bird song around him - the same melody he hears every day, but now, he notices every note. It’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard.
There’s another sound - a voice in the air, but it’s not yours. 
“Rest..” it says..
Levi opens his eyes to the sound of you humming in the distance. He sits up, blinking a few times to adjust to the changing lighting.
“You felt it, didn’t you?”
You’re picking some flowers next to a tree, twisting their stems into a flower crown.
He rubs the back of his neck before standing up and wipes off the grass from his pants. “How long was I out?”
“Oh, for about an hour. I didn’t want to wake you, you looked so peaceful.” 
Levi walks over to the tree you’re sitting under and leans against the trunk. You look up and smile at him.
“The fairies tend to give us what we need most. Apparently, you needed rest.”
Levi does a mental scan of his body. He does feel rested, more than he has in a long time. His muscles are relaxed, and even his knee isn’t aching as much. He’s never been a superstitious person - he believes what his eyes and other senses tell him - but he has to admit, there is something special about this place.
He wants to ask you what you were given during your time in the clearing, and what you need most. And why you brought him, of all people,here.
Instead, he looks away, his face apathetic. “Yeah, well, an afternoon nap is never a bad idea.” He glances down to see you smiling at him. “What?” he asks defensively.
You smile so sweetly at him, he feels a slight heat to his cheeks. 
“Oh…nothing…nothing,” you reply, standing up as you hold the flower crown. “Thanks for coming with me today.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Would you…come here again with me some time?’
He can feel the blush growing across his face now and he turns away, walking towards Demon, who’s grazing nearby. “Sure.”
He looks back at you to see that you’ve now put the crown upon your head. The breeze blows some of your hair across your face, and he almost reaches out to push the strands behind your ear, but you beat him to it. Of all people, why would you want to spend time with him? You'd only just met him a little over a month ago. And what is it about you that makes him want to say yes to whatever you ask?
He can’t explain what it is about this place that makes it feel so special. Maybe it’s some natural phenomenon, maybe it is fairies.
Or maybe it’s just you.
He reaches out and straightens the crown on your head.
“I promise.”
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allyear-lff · 3 months
More than ever
Summary: a woman confronts a very serious illness, most likely terminal, in ways that confuse and infuriate her partner, and those around her, she finds a kindred spirit in a Norwegian blogger that is experiencing similar problems.
Plot and musings with all the necessary spoilers: the indomitable Vicky Kreeps (who also plays the main character in the very engaging Corsage, also in show during the festival) plays Helene who has a pulmonary illness that in all likelihood will end her life, the only very limited hope is a lung transplant but she is never convinced by the idea, her partner, Mathieu, played by Gaspard Ulliel (who sadly died after the film, the credits dedicate the film to him) is confused by the whole situation, and although he clearly is trying to do his best he has started to lose patience with Helene who is zoning him and everybody else out of her life, it doesn’t help that nobody knows what to do, people around her try to cheer her up but there is nothing that can do so, her mother seems to need more help than Helene to cope.
Helene, uncertain about what to do with herself since she has given up her job, has been checking the internet for a while with searches like “what to do when you are dying”, she sleeps, she watches photographs on the internet and little else, at this point she is told she is in the lung transplant list, something that seems to cheer up Mathieu but she reacts with almost complete indifference, almost repulsed.
Helene continues her monotonous life when eventually finds the blog of a Norwegian man experiencing a similar situation, Helene feels affinity with what the blogger says and there is a picture of an attractive man in a revealing hospital gown in the blog, all this piques her curiosity and she starts to message the man until he replies and they start to talk about their shared experiences, at the same time Mathieu feels increasingly like she is no with him anymore, eventually they have a heated argument about the situation, she feels like she needs space alone to deal with the problem but Mathieu feels rejected,  he gets very angry and leaves her alone rushing to the disco to let steam off, Mathieu comes back home and they reconcile, smoke pot and make love, but Mathieu is not there, worried more than anything else, and they have to stop making love when Helene starts to cough uncontrollably.
The couple continues trying to make the best out of a bad situation, they go to a music gig, they seem to be having a good time, but we see them from the back initially, when the point of view shifts to their front we realise that Helene needs an oxygen tank in order to be there at all.
Helene finally decides to go to Norway alone to meet the blogger (she hasn’t mentioned him to Mathieu) with the excuse of a change of atmosphere,  Mathieu is angry, sad and confused but he can't do anything about it and relents.
Helene travels to Norway and witnesses the fantastic landscapes of the land, she reaches her destination to be greeted by and old man who is no other than the blogger, Bent .
She whines that he doesn’t look like the picture on his blog, but he assuredly and truthfully reminds her that he never claimed the man in the photo was him (in fact it was his hospital roommate), they drive to his place and he puts her up in very basic accommodation, clearly not what she had in mind.
Helene is struggling in this remote place, it is too quiet for her so curiously she can’t sleep, there is no phone signal so she can’t talk to Mathieu and initially Bent seems like an obnoxious old fart, which he is in a way, Helene is told where the place with phone signal is (funny because lots of people congregate there for this reason) but during one of these walks she runs out of breath and passes out, her situation is becoming ever more precarious, fortunately she manages to get back to safety.
Now she has established a routine and manages to find the blogger in Bent that seemed so attuned to her feelings, he used to work in oil platforms and has nightmares of his own on top of dealing with his health problems, he always seems to understand how Helene feels and is supportive in the way she needs to be supported.
Helene communicates to Mathieu that she has decided not to have a lung transplant, she doesn’t want to go through all the trouble and feels an innate aversion to the idea, Mathieu of course doesn’t understand any of this and decides to go to Norway to make her come to her senses, but when he arrives there he is faced with the surprise of Bent, who offers to host them both, this initially goes well, but Mathieu notices the familiarity between Bent and Helene (which was never of a romantic nature) and this makes him jealous, leading to punching the old man for whatever silly excuse.
Bent, judiciously, decides to leave them alone, but this just worsens things, the couple fights, Helene goes out in a frantic walk that causes a fit, Mathieu realises to his horror that Helene wasn’t carrying her oxygen, so he takes her back ome the best way he can.
This last experience brings out their worry for each other and they are shown making love, not like the first time, but like a couple with deep empathy for each other. It is after this that Helene tells him that she has decided to stay in Norway, Mathieu starts to talk about plans to do so together but Helene makes it clear she wants to do this alone.
I really liked this film, it presents us with a version of a terminally ill person that doesn’t conform to the stereotypes we are often shown: Helene is more angry than worried about her situation, her friends and loved ones irritate her, she is looking for a way forward and her way forward is taking the path that leads nowhere even if that hurts others, specially Mathieu. It is a different take on this kind of drama where the "battling" we have come to expect doesn't really happen, the situations are convincing and engaging.
Why Ms Kreeps wasn’t nominated for an Oscar for this or for Corsage is a mystery, she is consolidating as a major presence in European cinema and it will be very interesting to see what else comes in the future for her.
Rating: 4.5/5
81 of 168
Date: 24 January 2023
Venue: Curzon Victoria
The list of films in the LFF 2022
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olimpsia · 3 years
Guide episode 11 eldarya
(I’ll be editing this) (Blue answers, are the ones I choose)
Dialogues are a little different, as I’m translating them from Spanish to English. Also, dialogues with the butler are a mystery, as we don’t know his lovometer.
Butler: I stayed out of loyalty
A. (I nodded. He was more loyal to my father than my mother…)
B. Yeah, and also to keep your job.
C. It is very honorable. Without a doubt, he needed you more than ever.
Butler: I’d better let him know so he can prepare.
A. I forbid you to call him. Is It clear?
B. Listen, be nice, don’t call him. I have other things to do before that…
Huang Chu:
A. (I glared at her to stoped her from laughing)
B. A real stroke of luck, as you say.
C. (I winked at her, discreetly. She had a good reaction) +5
Mathieu: (all neutrals)
A. (Even I’m a little surprise, it’s better this way…)
B. (Finally, he’s himself again! I’m glad to see that he regains his initiative)
C. (About time! I thought he wouldn’t!)
Huang Chu:
A. I think we should stay here as short as possible. Pity about the food. (prob +5 Leiftan. Maybe: huang Chua +5. Mathieu -5 and Lance-5. I’m not sure about this one)
B. I abstain. Nevra, I’ll let you decide. (Nevra +5 Huang Chu -5)
C. To be honest, I’m hungry too. I vote for the food. (Huang Chu -5. Leiftan -5. Mathieu + 5. Lance +5. )
If your route is Lance:
Huang Chu: I get it… So, you you trust him completely?
A. Yes, blindly. I know he’s worth it
B. Let’s say I trust him as much as I trust… you, for example. +5
C. I’ll like to… but a part of me has its doubts.
Mathieu: it’s almost poetic, don’t you think?
A. I don’t know if it matters that much… neutral
B. I’m not sure if they are serious, but actually, yes, quite a lot (I don’t remember, but I believe this one is +5)
C. Really? Not at all. It’s even the opposite.
Nevra: I feel like these clothes are not enough for us to be undetectable.
A. I agree with you, we have been a bit presumptuous. +5
B. Clothes are not everything. It doesn’t camouflage your scar, for example. -5 (I choose this one, yeah, I f- up)
C. It’s the least that can be saids everyone is looking at us. Neutral
A. I’m sorry but… this is not the time. Neutral
B. I understand what you are trying to do, I appreciate it. But it is not working. +5
C. Enough, I don’t need that now.
Huang Chu: Hey, Erika, I have a question( regarding the phones.
A. (I don’t feel like talking right now. I’d rather stay alert) no illustration
B. (No doubt they are right, I’m too nervous. I sonido relax) illustration
A. (We need to concentrate more)
B. (He could’ve left, if Nevra hadn’t found him)
C. (Something my have happened, and we couldn’t have done anything)
A. (But he’s right, we need to keep going)
B. Nevra, do you want to stay with us? Illustration
Lovometer here: Mathieu 40 Nevra 45
Mathieu: wait a moment, aren’t you curious about that happens on earth?
A. Well, now that you mentioned it, yes, a bit. Neutral
B. to be honest, no. We will be leaving tonight anyway
C. Why not, if you want…
Huang Chu: Give to those who have nothing, fight against tyranny and injustice.
A. I’m glad you liked it so much. But I came for another reason. -5
B. I thought the guard was founded to keep order… +5
C. I understand… you know what? You would keep that book. Neutral
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andraaste · 3 years
I am not your enemy - Lance fanfiction part 19
After a long absence, chapter 19 of "I am not your enemy" is finally available ! Happy reading to you 💕
Chapter 19 : I was so scared
- Everyone be ready, we arrive on the lands of Genkaku.
The temperature had dropped greatly for several hours, so we had all put on our outfits to survive on these snowy lands. Well, all but two. Lance and Nevra, ice dragon and vampire respectively, didn't seem in the least afraid of these freezing temperatures, which made me quite envious. Although, in a way, I was happy to feel the temperature normally.
But I was literally freezing to death.
Once the anchor was cast, we got off the boat. The snow crashed with a thud under our soles as our eyes lost themselves on the pristine white expanse that stretched out as far as the eye could see. In the distance, a tower rose up around which disproportionately sized draflayels flew peacefully. I blinked several times in amazement.
- Mathieu, look !
I reached out in the direction of what appeared to be a building. The young man kept his mouth way too wide open as a shadow passed over his face.
- It's not good at all, guys, concludes the latter. I was hoping we were wrong and it wasn't really what we thought, but it’s indeed a human building.
Everyone’s silent for a moment. The atmosphere grew even heavier as the icy air froze our lungs.
- It looks really huge... How did it end up here ? Koori inquired. And these draflayels, is it just me or do they really look huge ?
- This is precisely what we are going to try to find out. Lots of strange phenomena have been reported from here, most notably the disproportionate size of the companions. We'll take a closer look, Lance explained.
I watched his closed face. After our conversation the first evening on the pontoon of the boat, the latter had more or less tried to avoid me the rest of the trip. I'm not saying that he didn't speak to me afterwards, but he clearly tried to avoid arguing with me one-on-one. Despite his notable distance, I had to admit that telling him what I had seen in my dreams had relieved me of an immense weight. I was indeed no longer alone to carry these questions which had invaded me these last days and the dragon, although he didn’t have the answers, had fortunately not pushed me away.
Following these revelations, we stayed a long time on the pontoon to discuss. He had asked me a lot of questions about the dreams I had seen and I had tried to answer them as best as possible.
Only, I think he now needed time to assimilate this truth.
Nevra stopped my thoughts by stepping forward to face us.
- Very well, nobody forgot anything ? We’ll walk to this building, but the crossing will be long and rough, I prefer to warn you.
The group nodded. No more hesitation marked our features, we were ready.
- We’ll have to remain as discreet as possible, no one should spot us. Tenjin doesn’t appreciate at all that we come to visit him unexpectedly and we have Koori in our ranks, I wish I could manage to avoid a clash between us and his troops at best, he continued. But should that ever happen, I would like you to stand ready to take up arms.
Turning to the aengel on my right, he narrowed his eyes.
- Leiftan, can we count on you ?
I felt the latter tense slightly.
- Yes Nevra, but don't expect to see me use my powers, that's all I'm asking.
The vampire smirked before starting to walk.
- As long as you don’t disappear at the slightest opportunity, I’ll not pay attention to your way of fighting.
We started the step with the head of the mission, evolving with difficulty on this chaotic ground. After several minutes, Mathieu's voice broke the silence that had established itself.
- Why don't we all ride on Lance's back ? Wouldn't that be a lot more practical, wouldn't it ?
- The goal is to remain discreet, Mathieu. Flying on the back of a dragon is not what I call stealth, the kitsune quipped. And I really don't want to see him...
During our trip, Koori had agreed to tell me a part of her past. The one who, even miles from here, still frightened her today. She had thus revealed to me that her ex-husband Tenjin had manipulated her, her and her family, in order to take power. The young woman, finding herself rejected and seeing the horror of what was going on before her eyes, had finally decided to flee to the lands of Eel. According to the many descriptions of my allies, his temperament more than angry and manipulative must have made him mad with rage to know that he had lost his beautiful. The latter was certainly not going to give us a warm welcome.
As a matter of fact, I fully understood her fears of meeting this man again.
- Moreover, I’m not able to carry five people on my back, unless we really don’t have other solutions. So in the meantime, we're going to have to walk, the principal concerned quipped.
Hearing Lance's voice made me realize that I had instinctively followed his footsteps, walking in his wake so asn’t to get lost.
Lance... I watched his broad back as his steady steps guided me. In the middle of this unknown space, the fear of this mission writhing my stomach, I had only one desire, it was to get closer to him.
But I recovered. Shaking my head, I decided to focus on this journey that I was going to have trouble keeping.
At the end of what seemed like hours, my pace slackened greatly. So much so that the other members of the group moved further away from me. The icy air burned my lungs as I could no longer feel my extremities. My body was still going through the aftermath of those years in the Crystal and to be honest, I had never been a great athlete. I wanted to call my friends when something stirred near me. Turning my head, I widened my eyes in amazement at the slowly advancing beast, about to hunt its prey.
A… wolf ?
I was face to face with a wolf ! But what was this animal of my world doing here on Eldarya ? The balance was much more disturbed than I thought...
Anxiety gripped my stomach further as a deep growl escaped from the back of it throat. I didn't know how long it had been on Eldarya, but the prey wasn’t the same here.
And in view of the trickle of drool that flowed from its mouth...
The beast rushed towards me with a feline leap, catching me completely off guard. In view of the fatigue that was already taking hold of me, I had to concentrate all my attention to succeed in creating my powers in the palm of my hand. Taking a step back, I reached out to shoot a beam of light that hit the ground right in front of it, enough to surprise it for a moment. But the animal quickly returned to the charge. I had no time to launch a second attack when blue flames erupted between the beast and me. It immediately left without asking for it rest, disappearing into the darkness of the forest with an indistinct squeal.
Paralyzed, only my jerky breathing came to frantically lift my chest, creating clouds of vapor at the edge of my lips.
Hurried steps then approached me. Crossing my face, Lance's suddenly appeared to me. His features were hard, almost frightened. Numerous scales covered his tense face.
- Andraste, are you fine ?!
He almost shook me.
- Yes, I’m okay, it didn't touch me, I said, again in shock.
The dragon's shoulders immediately released their pressure at hearing my answer. Pulling my face closer to him, he brought his forehead to mine, closing his eyes sharply.
- I was so scared when I realized that you were no longer following me...
My cheeks turned crimson. He therefore understood that I had followed in his footsteps.
Opening his eyelids with gleaming, almost unreal eyes, I guessed that he had been on the verge of transforming completely from fear. In response, my hands curled his wrists tightly. I hadn't touched him for so long...
I opened my mouth when a cry sounded.
- Andraste ! Lance ! Where are you ?
We detaching with regret from each other, we went up to the sound of Mathieu's voice.
- By the Oracle, what don't you understand in "discretion" ? rebelled Koori. Lance is a dragon, he doesn't need you to scream to hear you call him !
- Sorry, reflex...
The smile of the young human finally made the kitsune flinch.
- Fortunately you're cute.
Lance and I finally came up to the group. Everyone seemed relieved to see us appear.
- Damn, where were you ? she got angry again. You disappeared without warning !
- Excuse me, it's my fault. I think the walk was a little too rough for me, I stopped for a moment, I should have warned you, I said awkwardly.
- When I realized it, Andraste was being attacked by a companion that I’d never seen before.
Everyone opened their mouths wide. Or almost.
- A companion that is unknown to you ? Nevra wondered, crossing his arms over his chest.
- It wasn't a campanion, I interjected. It was about a wolf, an animal of the Earth. They don't usually attack humans except when in danger, but I think this one was starved and scared to death.
- Wait, did you just say a wolf ? exclaimed Mathieu, stunned. Are you sure of that ? Are you okay?
- Sure, and I'm doing well. Lucky for me, Lance noticed my absence and rescued me.
Nevra nodded.
- So we have to conclude that the building isn’t the only thing to have appeared on these lands. Stay vigilant. And Andraste, don't stop without telling us.
I nodded in turn.
- Yes, I'm sorry.
Looking up, I fell on Leiftan's tight but nonetheless gentle smile.
Following this interruption on my part, we resumed our walk in leaden silence. Night began to fall around us, faintly revealing streaks of colors similar to the northern lights of my world. Was Eldarya like Earth, was it on a planet with North and South Poles ?
I was lost in my thoughts when the group stopped around me. A huge cliff stood in front of us.
- Very well, Mathieu and Andraste, I doubt you’ll manage to climb that cliff, said Nevra. It's almost dark already and we haven't seen anyone except this wolf yet, I think we'll be able to speed up a bit using our powers. Lance, can you take them on your back to bring them up ?
- No problem.
Stepping away several meters, I was speechless in the face of the majestic transformation of the leader of the Obsidian. In just a few seconds, a huge ice dragon suddenly rose up in front of us.
Seeing Lance like that took my breath away. I had certainly seen him many times in his hybrid form, but I hadn’t seen him in his draconian form since the brutal battle he had waged against his brother.
Valkyon ...
My hands started to shake. I couldn't take my eyes off the monumental being that stood before me. His huge claws, which could kill us all in one move ; his rough, mighty wings, and his icy blue eyes that had only wanted one.
Eliminate us.
I took a deep gulp of air.
Breathe, calm down.
Lance wasn't the same anymore and it wasn't that shape that was going to make a difference. And yet...
- Too coooool, are we really going to ride on your back, there ? exclaimed Mathieu. Besides, why when I proposed this idea everyone categorically refused ?
The creature blew an icy wind of abandonment.
- Mathieu, hurry upstairs before I decide to leave you there, Lance's deep voice intimate.
The smile immediately reappeared on the young man's face when the dragon bent down to invite him to climb. Without being asked any longer, the human planted his hands in his large scales and pushed in order to propel himself up his body. When he was properly installed, all eyes were on me.
When to go...
I walked hesitantly towards Lance. His eyes, whose pupils resembled those of a cat, never left me for a second. With his head resting in the snow, he seemed to expect me to take flight.
But I didn't.
Reaching his height, I raised a shy hand in the direction of the face of this fairytale creature. When my fingers made contact with its hard, rough skin, I recognized the significant movement of its scales, like a shiver that seems to run through it. Gently, I let my palm slide in a silent caress. Then his huge eyes closed for a moment. When he opened them again, I gave him a sad smile.
I knew he had been thinking the same thing as me. Because right now, I could feel his pain as deeply as mine.
Positioning myself near his neck, I climbed with difficulty with Mathieu's help. Proudly perched on top, I stood stunned at the huge scar that grazed the back of his neck, just under my hands. This one, much more impressive in this form, was torn off, totally mutilated. No scale covered it anymore.
I returned to the present moment when the dragon straightened up, making his deep voice vibrate.
- Hang in there.
I didn't have time to answer anything. My breath was cut short when its huge wings sent us brutally into the air.
(Chapter 20)
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vaultureculture · 3 years
So, A New Era episode 7...
I must admit, I had fun. The dialogues felt somewhat unnecessary at times, but not to the extent of the previous chapters. 
That said, the pricing has been, once again, insane. I had around 9200 maana when I started it, and now, I’m left with 5728. What a SCAM. The outfit was overpriced, as usual. I don't like how the dress looks, nor the color palette chosen for it. When I saw the life being sucked out of my maana count in paying for something destined to collect dust in my Guardian’s wardrobe, I swear I heard the crack of my heart splitting in two. 
Now, let’s talk a bit about Koori, shall we?
Some people in the fandom are mad pissed. Folks want Koori's head on a silver platter because throwing a party at the onset of another apocalypse is, well, foolish. And I, sometimes, I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't dislike Koori. Quite the opposite. 
She is childish, obnoxious, and nonsensical at times, but she is meant to come across that way. Perhaps I have missed it, but not once have I seen a character praise her because of such flaws. In fact, they all acknowledge these characteristics as part of her nature, but prefer focusing on the positives if she happens to be their friend.
She is canonically insufferable and we know that. Mathieu likes it, because he enjoys the constant banter and playful back and forth they have. Many others are annoyed as fuck by it, like Nevra or Lance. You can choose to call her out, not to get along with her. Erika can be and sometimes is uncomfortable with her flirting and mixed signals. Her presence may be forced sometimes, but what is not required is to get along with her. Unlike with Rosalya in MCL, Koori is not your best friend by default. She is just a colleague. 
Again: Is Koori forced into scenarios many times? Yeah. Is she an annoying Mary Sue, as many people claim? I have to disagree. 
She has many flaws that are treated as such. The incident in episode 6 with her protective stones is a prime example of it. Koori is terrified. She has been traumatized by a violent ex-husband, who completely robbed her of her agency. She's also incredibly stubborn, a woman that has taken her fate into her own hands time and time again. She wanted to protect herself, but her agitated state of mind caused it to backfire. 
The “all men are bad” thing? I can only say that, yes, it is a terrible way of thinking, but as a survivor of abuse within a couple myself, you do start to think that way if trauma is never healed. One can reason when they're calm. The second your trauma gets triggered, the “you’re all going to hurt me, you’re all the same, stop lying to me” mentality comes back and strong. It is a natural response to protect yourself from further harm, and it makes you say things you wouldn’t say under normal circumstances. 
Then we come to this episode, episode 7. Koori is very likely as mentally exhausted as the rest of the expedition, if not more. Despite it all, her reaction is to throw a party to cheer everyone up, including herself. It's childish, immature, vain, even, but it is also somewhat brave. To ignore your pain enough to do something like that takes a lot of strength. Her initiative came from a good place, even if it was not the most mature or professional way to react.  
I personally believe that she's right in saying things are in the hands of the higher-ups right now. To lament and mope around wouldn't solve shit. So she preferred using her time to help the entire guard relax before days of anguish and neverending work came.
I enjoy her devil-may-care attitude. It's refreshing when you're surrounded by the self-important pricks that the chiefs of Eel have become. I don't wanna say Nevra and Huang Hua, but, Nevra and Huang Hua. Me, I’m tired of those. 
Talking about Nevra and Huang Hua, who the hell put them in charge? 
Huang Hua's lack of transparency is starting to smell really bad. She does not allow her peers to question her decisions, and if she does, it is because she knows her word will be followed regardless. I understand that some information must remain confidential, but to hide things even from ERIKA, the one who saved her ass? sussy baka 😫  
I don't know if the idea of opening more portals is genius or the stupidest shit I've ever seen. It's bound to be interesting, that's for sure. 
When the ball started, though, I was under the impression that the Huang Hua we used to know had returned.  Her overjoyed screeching very much reminded me of how she used to be. Same with the ABSOLUTELY CURSED WHY DID ERIKA STARE LIKE THAT, GIVE THEM PRIVACY scene where she kisses Ewelein in the hallway. I thoroughly enjoyed those moments, where we got to see her relax and love like any other member of the Guard.
As for Nevra, congratulations, you made someone who was previously in Nevra's route fall apart with him. 
My distaste towards him is peculiar, though. I do not dislike the guy at all, and his arrogance does not take me by surprise. Already in The Origins, he had a mean temper, was overly ambitious, and let fleeting glories get to his head.
What baffles me is how cold he is towards everyone. He seems to be genuinely unable to feel attached to others. He's taken many decisions that are questionable at best and downright cruel at worst.  
His whole ridiculous tirade about how all humans are terrible makes no sense to me, considering Eel is just as brutal as the Earth. We have witnessed children being murdered, prejudice against other faery races, against humans, treason...the entire world of Eldarya was created through a sacrifice, and those who did not agree to it were LITERALLY GENOCIDED. Both the humans and faery are the same. Where does this weird sense of superiority come from? Why would Nevra say something like that, knowing Mat, AND POSSIBLY HIS FORMER LOVER  WHOM HE SWORE ETERNAL LOVE TO, are in the room? 
This boy needs some help lmao. 
Other observations
Erika's comment about jealousy when she's having lunch with Karenn and Chrome. "She wanted to be happy for them, but she couldn't". I think jealousy is not as simple. You absolutely can be jealous and cheering for someone at the same time. You're not angry because they're in a couple. You're just sad for yourself because you haven't found somebody. That is a human feeling, and it should not be vilified. Jealousy does not consist in wishing pain upon others but rather in longing to change yourself.
I was surprised by Leiftan confessing that he had lost his powers. I genuinely believed he simply did not want to fight out of regret.  That adds another layer to all his choices in the past episodes. I wonder how helpless and frustrated he must have felt seeing his comrades in danger while he stood there, hands tied. Nevra’s going to have a lot of apologizing to do when he’s told this information lmfao. 
Mandatory naked Lance mention. An annoying moment for those who are not his route, but me, I laughed hard. Even imagining Guardians who hate him come across that...and just...the staring option...how delightfully awkward. I do believe he may resemble Valkyon in that regard, though. He probably doesn't see bodies as something worth censoring, they're natural, just a body. It was pure chaos and I welcome it. 
The missions with our Guard were super fun. Playing good cop bad cop with Chrome was hilarious lmao. I’ve heard they’re all different, depending on your guard. In this playthrough, I am in the Shadow Guard. 
People will probably burn me at the stake for this one, but I really like Mathieu. His himbo energy is pleasant to me. I find how much he cares about those close to him very sweet. I loved him standing up for humanity, despite being this immature fantastical young adult with his head up in the clouds. His temporary cockiness is laughable in the best way. I can't wait for him to go apeshit though, because something about him is still shady. Beemov, don't disappoint.
Give me more Adalric and I’ll give you money. Love the guy. Same with Jamon and Karuto, I am getting very attached to them. 
The dance scene was very short, but I am somehow not bothered by this. I like it like that. Short but sweet, good ending point for the next episode to begin imo. 
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i-donot-forget · 3 years
Eldarya Ep 7 (opinion)
Episode 7!!!! They gave us a nice ball, a nice dress and a nice moment with our LI (Discounting some details in the illustrations that I already mentioned before) the episode was very good, it is a clear transition, that little respite before everything goes wrong again.
Eldarya has always been a different otome, because the story does not revolve around the protagonist and her love story, it is about the protagonist saving the fucking world, the moments with our route have always been scarce and interrupted, remember that in TO until episode 17 we have the first date, from then on things go too fast and finally it cannot be said that we really got to know any of our romantic interests, an exception for Valkyon but I think it's obvious why. New Era has a great advantage, we already know these guys (except Mathieu but we have that connection of "hey we are both from earth"), we already know who they are, we already know this world, now falling in love will be "faster" than in a way it's good because we already saw that when Erika realizes that she feels something for someone, she goes after him (I love her for that, I couldn't ahahaha) and so we come to this episode, after the beautiful moment on the boat where we realize that we feel something for that special boy.
But this is Eldarya so...
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the damn world is going to end again and Nevra is ready for war, I know it sounds ugly but I find it absolutely correct, if the earth is going to absorb Eldarya... They are lost, I cannot imagine any scenario in which the humans of the earth welcome all of Eldarya with open arms, that is, let's face it, how many countries are there where immigrants are a plague for a certain portion of the population? I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm just saying it's like that and with the Eldaryans it will be worse. People like Huang Hua, Huang Chu, might go unnoticed, but Koori??? Lance???? What will humans think when Chrome is in trouble and can't control himself with Earth's Moon, how are Nevra and Karenn going to live with Earth's Sun that is lethal to them??? I can only think it's going to be a disaster, besides, how does this "absorption" work? Will the portals get bigger and bigger until eldarya disappears? Will everything fall from the sky? because clearly earth will not be the most affected... Humans are dangerous, our history of clash between cultures is always to exterminate the unknown and in this case it will be fatal for both factions but if you ask me, humans are not going to become extinct...
With all of that in mind, I'm not surprised that Lance had his head elsewhere and forgot about his clothes... but hey, it was a funny moment that made me think that we still don't know the real Lance and that attitude is just the same one that Valkyon adopted after Lance's "death"...
The moment of meditation with Leiftan was painful… now I understand many things, and I believe that all his sufferings and the loss of his powers is something mental. All the confidence that Leiftan had in himself resided in his powers, in TO he was at the top, he was the most powerful being in Eldarya and he handled everyone like simple puppets, he was confident, capable of everything, the first time we saw him desperate was after losing half his life (for us), now in NE ufff he tells us, he feels vulnerable, helpless, incomplete, without identity, If everything you were was based on your strength and power, who are you without it? Despite everything, I think it started very well, Leiftan tells us the truth, for the first time he trusts something of the utmost importance in us, the fact that he is now defenseless implies many things, Lance remains on the guard because of his power and abilities which is very useful, the same could apply to Leiftan but without his powers he could believe that the HQ would not want him (although in TO nobody knew he was a daemon). He confides in us a secret that is vital to him, reveals his vulnerability and I must say that I love him too much, when he tells us that he feels exactly the same as we do when we talk to him about our powers, he finally opens up to us and then the hug melted my heart. Now that he no longer has (and cannot) protect us, our relationship will be different.
The ball, I am not surprised that Princess Koori organized a ball, Huang Hua's speech was extremely touching, my heart clenched when she mentioned those who had left, I couldn't help but think of Valkyon... Now is the time to dance and I am fascinated by how Erika takes the reins and invites her LI, here we part.
Mathieu: adorable nothing to say, I love them, his route is pure laughter and games and fun, I really like Mathieu, I did not trust him but their moments together are sooo sweet, we see him as the center of attention, something very about him but naturally, it does not attract attention forcibly, they really are standing out for what they are, everything is very nice, a great dance, I think that at the point where they left the scene, I would believe in a kiss, not passionate or anything but a first kiss all cute, nervous and natural.
Nevra: I love that he's waiting for us, I think they already act like boyfriend and girlfriend without wanting to say it hahahaha and I love him, Nevra want us and loves us, he doesn't say it but he shows it only with his actions, I still feel like he's going to scare at the key moment, I feel that he keeps many things that explode in that uncompromising anger, I wait for a very intimate moment between them that makes me cry I want to see him cry, I know he needs it, I know he needs Erika to hug him and tell him that everything it will be fine, he needs someone to be the strong one.
Lance: the moment is very nice I cannot deny it, it is beautiful, Lance's reaction to Erika's invitation is great and again I love her determination, it struck me that Lance does know how to dance, but an old-fashioned dance, that just means that In his previous time in the guard of eel he did dance, I always imagined him as the popular cool boy that everyone follows, I'm still waiting to see that, I already want to break that shell and get the real Lance out.
Leiftan: Ahhhh my beautiful baby I leave him at the end because it is my route and I love him and I can't help but fangirl very hard for him. Erika dragging him to the dance floor imitating Karenn, I loved it, Erika helping Leiftan with his confidence and security, I super loved it, the inevitable attraction between them that is so strong that the moment screams that they will kiss, I cannot express my emotion, I love him I can't stop loving him and I just want they to be alone to see the damn connection in all its glory 7u7
So I wait for the catastrophe in the next episode, I still don't know if it will be a portal opening in the middle of the crystal room or if it will be the crystal itself that does something idk, surprise me beemoov
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licuadora-nasir · 3 years
Could it be?: Episode 6 fic.
I made my own version of Eldarya ANE's last talk with Lance since I felt that some things were... Missing. Or not completly clear regarding Lance and Erika's past.
The reason why I put my gardienne's name instead of "Erika"? During TO you can decide if you empathize with Lance or not, if you want to understand him or just go with it and try to kill him, and my OC had a bit of hope towards him until the very last moment.
Therefore, whether you liked Lance or not in season one, I thought that it would be more proper to do not use "Erika" this time and give each gardienne more free will.
Any feedback or suggestion is appreciated ❤️ Also, if anyone wants to request anything be my guest lmao, college doesn't start until September and I don't have much to do.
I want to thank the kind @rina-nanashiro that has assisted carefully reading it and pointing my grammar mistakes (English is not my mother tongue woah what a suprise).
I certainly screwed up this time. I was feeling awful. How could I let this happen? Why didn’t I prevent it?
I couldn’t stop thinking about Edgard’s death. The image of the knife in his neck, his blood a wild contrast to the white pristine snow behind him. The only thing I could do before rushing to the ship was stupidly staring at his corpse. Tenjin and his men hurried out and I just let them. I did nothing, again.
I was on the ship’s rail, staring at the ocean like it was the most intriguing and interesting thing I had ever seen. Even the waves seemed to mock me that day. They were calm and peaceful, not like in our first journey when they almost destroyed our ship. Despite it, I would prefer troubled waters that match my mood.
What would I tell Huang Hua, Chrome, Karenn and the rest of the people who expected great things out of me? Am I worthy of a statue when I’m not even capable of saving someone who’s right in front of my eyes? Did I honestly deserve all the praise at the title of “Eldarya’s saviour”? The truth will out and soon all the Eldaryans will realise that I’m nothing but a human with small wings and sparkling powers.
The sound of footsteps interrupted my train of thought. Lance came towards me with a slightly worried expression.
— Are you alright, Kali? You seem pensive.
— Well, we could say so, yes. — I guess he would prefer to say that I seemed pensive instead of a complete failure. Lance sighed and his mien turned serious.
— Actually, you look quite miserable. You’ve barely started these long monologues of yours talking about anything that crosses your mind. — I let a sad chuckle escape my lips. This man could read me like an open book.
— Look, I’m truly sorry we weren’t able to protect Edgard. Really. — I tightened my grip against the rail and turned myself towards the ocean.
— I swore to protect him. To keep him safe, to take him to the HQ. I promised I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to him. And now he’s dead.
I didn’t dare to turn my head to face him. I didn’t want to see the look in his eyes; pity or annoyance, I just didn’t want to see it. If he pitied me I would feel worse, but if he was angry, I wouldn’t hesitate to argue with him.
— Kali…
— It could have been me! It could have been Mathieu! I was there, I could have helped him.
— Accidents always happen, Kalissandra. This mission turned out to be much more complicated than we initially expected. You weren’t supposed to save his life, you were supposed to assist in the examination of the earth construction.
— But wouldn’t you try to protect one of your kind? — I regretted that the moment I said it. I could feel his jaw tightening even without looking at it. Great Kali, you just have reminded him about the extinction of his whole race.
— I’m sorry I… I didn’t want… I just.... — I couldn’t swallow the lump in my throat, and my eyes already began to burn.
— How’s that I’m supposed to be the saviour of Eldarya when I can’t even help someone that’s in front of my eyes? How can I deserve all that admiration when I can’t even do that! I could have been Edgard, Lance, I could have ended up there just like him and DIE the way he did. He was scared, he didn’t deserve it, he just wanted to try and make a living! And The Oracle knows how many people are still out there! And I’m here, doing ABSOLUTELY nothing!— I could not help but let some sobs run free. It was impossible to remove Edgard’s presence from my mind.
It would not matter how many years have passed nor the many deaths I have witnessed. The cruel truth about life would not ever stop being impressive to me.
Oh dammit, how was I even supposed to be a mighty warrior when I struggled to face death?
I felt a soft grasp on my shoulder, and Lance turned me gently to face him.
— Kali, look at me. — Without any hesitation left, I raised my head to face his deep, ice stare. I was expecting some kind of annoyance, pity or maybe even indifference, but what I found was… Determination.
— You are not him. You were truly lucky you landed right in the HQ, and I know you tend to empathize with anyone, even with the ones who don’t precisely deserve it, — He left my eyes for a brief moment. Was he talking about himself? — but right now, there’s no use in thinking about the “what if”. It has happened, and there’s no chance of going back.
— You have to learn to accept that you can’t save everyone. It doesn’t matter how strong you are, how fast you run or the prowess you have upon your powers, you will never control everything that happens around you.
— The fact that you saved Eldarya doesn’t mean that you’re supposed to be perfect. And as I told you, It’s important to be aware of our capacities, but no one is invincible, not the dragons or the aengels. — His hand came to rest on my face, his thumb brushing away a tear running down my face. Determination never left his eyes, still locked with mine. — You may have become a legend, but you are still a person. — His hand was to leave my face, but I gingerly held his wrist to keep it in place.
— I see how willing you are to help everyone in need and improve every day, even though you have skipped the training of the obsidian guard for three weeks. — I genuinely laughed at that. When I learned that he was my boss I was completely horrified.
— Fine, I promise you’ll see me there in the next one. — I gave the dragon a small smile that he returned eagerly. After a satisfied nod, he spoke to me again.
— Listen… I still wanted to tell you that you were impressive, back there. — His hand began to stroke my cheek with his fingertip. I could feel the warmth gathering in my face. — I already knew you were a precious asset for The Guard, of course…
— But I realise now that you are… More than that. — More than that? More than that in which way?!?! At this point, I’m sure my cheeks were flushed with a crimson red, and he must have noticed too, cause he seemed pretty satisfied with it.
— Well, the last time we were together, we didn’t take much time to talk. — He smiled awkwardly and withdrew his hand.
We stayed in silence, side by side, facing the ocean, for several long minutes. There was something intimate about that moment. Strangely, being beside him was… Calming. After this conversation, I felt great. Much better than these past days.
I believed we finally recognized each other. Of course, not everything was forgiven nor forgotten, I hoped we had a chance to discuss our past but right now… I could finally breathe in peace beside him. I didn’t have to keep my guard up around the dragon anymore.
I mean, he could have let me drown in the depth of the ocean and say that it was an accident. Wait, what am I even saying? That wouldn’t work. He’s not incompetent enough to let anyone drown under his gaze. Fine, I won’t thank him for any of that.
But… He did seem truly concerned about my well-being. He has given me a helping hand several times when no one was looking, and even though that’s not enough to neglect his stubborn personality, and yet…
Suddenly, I was seized with doubt. Something strange was happening between us… My heart was racing like crazy, and a small wave of panic rushed through me. His piercing blue gaze was lost in the horizon, and I couldn’t help but be mesmerized by his eyes…
I recognized this feeling. It was very similar to the one I had when we were in memoria, at the forgotten cliff. That time, I still had a small hope that there was something good left in him, and maybe, just maybe, I was right, and this was what I was expecting.
Was it possible..? That he really… That he actually had changed? I couldn’t find the Lance that sunk his claws in his brother’s chest in the Lance that was standing beside me.
I was conflicted. I couldn’t forget the man who inspired my fear, the one I hated and hurt me several times, and at the same time, a new growing feeling was overflowing me.
I shouldn’t, I… It’s Lance! We never got along, and I don’t even think he even wants to, but I was hoping… What was I even hoping for?
I have to get a hold of myself and stop overthinking. I have experienced too many emotions in a few days, and I could always ponder about this with my head over my shoulders.
In the meantime, we were getting close to the HQ, and we would have to face the consequences of our actions in Genkaku.
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mandelene · 3 years
≣: hand holding — a 17 year old Alfred is a pedestrian in a bad hit-and-run accident and is brought into Arthur’s ER. Arthur doesn’t find out until they’re wheeling him into the OR.
Love and Rage
Word Count: 1243
“Seventeen-year-old male en route to trauma – should be arriving any minute now. Hit and run on the corner of Lexington and East 39th Street. Patient was walking to the subway after getting food with friends at Shake Shack. EMS says vitals are stable but the patient was briefly unconscious and there’s suspected head trauma – bleeding along his hairline from when he hit the concrete. Patient was also complaining of shortness of breath and feeling dizzy. Bruising and swelling around his left side where he was struck, including his hip, thigh, and knee. Ribs tender to touch on the left side as well.”
Arthur sucks in a breath through his teeth as he overhears the trauma team receive report. Seventeen—that’s the same age as his boys. How devastating for the teen and his family. How could someone hit a child and then drive off? The thought makes him shudder.
He continues his charting, turning his attention back to his own patients. They have a level one trauma center—the boy is in good hands at least and has an entire team of doctors waiting for his arrival.
He doesn’t pay it any more mind…
Until he sees the bruised boy being brought in on a stretcher.
Arthur’s body goes cold and stiff. His knees weaken. He thinks he might vomit or faint, or both. He stands up from his chair on wobbly legs and grips the edge of the counter of the nurses’ station, trying to confirm if his eyes aren’t deceiving him.
The boy on the stretcher is Alfred.
He is reminded of the conversation he had with Alfred two nights ago—he had asked if he could go to the city with friends after school...
For three entire seconds—the longest seconds of his life—Arthur is paralyzed. He watches helplessly as Alfred is rushed into the trauma bay.
And then, he drops everything and runs.
“Alfred,” he gasps as he reaches the trauma team and pushes past them. “Alfred!”
His son’s blue eyes are glassy as they shift over to him. Splotches of red and purple hematomas are scattered across his face and chest, the left side of his forehead is dirty with sticky, dried blood, and he appears dazed and confused.
He takes Alfred’s hand and squeezes it. It suddenly feels so small and fragile—so easily breakable. “Oh, Alfred…It’s going to be all right, love. I-It’s going to be just fine,” he manages to say despite the sudden incredible ache in his heart.
One of the emergency medicine doctors on the team touches his shoulder and says, “We’re going to need you to wait outside. I’ll find you as soon as I can, okay?”
Arthur swallows against the lump of grief in his throat. Of course…He’s just going to be a distraction—too overwrought to be of any use to Alfred right now anyway. Treatment first, emotions later.
He gives Alfred’s hand one more warm squeeze and kisses his forehead before excusing himself from the trauma bay. When he exits, everyone at the nurses’ station is staring at him but trying their hardest to seem discreet about it.
He retreats to the doctors’ lounge and calls Francis.
That’s all he can do right now.
And he hates himself for it.
They wait an agonizing four hours before they’re given the full list of damage. Three fractured ribs, a concussion—but no bleeding in the brain, which is a huge relief—fractures to both his patella and tibia with displacement (requiring surgery), a dislocated hip (also surgically treated), and a collapsed lung.
But he should be fine with rest, monitoring, and supplemental oxygen.
It takes all of Arthur’s strength not to break down when he gets the news. He hugs Francis tightly outside of the pediatric ICU, shaking.
“We can go in and see him,” Arthur rasps in a hoarse voice, glancing over at Matthew, who is sitting in one of the chairs in the waiting area and looks so pale he’s matching the shade of the wall behind him.
Francis murmurs, “I’ll stay here with Mathieu for another few minutes. It’s…It’s going to be difficult to see him, and I think we both need a moment to prepare ourselves.”
“Okay, I’ll go then. Only two visitors at a time are allowed anyway,” Arthur says, steeling himself. He knows he’s seen worse in the past, but seeing his own child suffering is a different beast entirely.
He alerts Alfred’s nurse of his presence and then enters the boy’s room, inwardly pleading with himself to hold back the intense sorrow washing over him when he sees the oxygen mask on Alfred’s face and the chest tube creeping out from under his hospital gown.
He knows the boy has been through a great deal of pain, and he hopes the painkillers he’s getting are strong enough to at least grant him some reprieve.
Alfred’s eyes are closed at first, but he opens them halfway when he hears his footsteps. He’s still a bit woozy from anesthesia and the cocktail of pain medication—that much is clear.
“…Dad…?” Alfred asks very quietly. A few tears roll down his bruised face.
“I’m here, love,” Arthur replies, hastily taking up the chair by the bedside and grabbing hold of Alfred’s right hand. “I’m so sorry for everything you’ve been through…But you’re going to be all right, and that’s all that matters right now…Don’t cry, poppet. Shhh…”
Arthur carefully pets the boy’s head and wipes away his tears. “I know, darling. I know…”
Alfred rolls his head to the side wearily, and Arthur holds him against his chest very gently, doing his best to console him without causing him any additional pain.
“You’re going to be all better with time,” Arthur promises. “I won’t let anything happen to you, and I wish I could have protected you today…I’m so sorry.”
Alfred sniffles and bites back a sob so as to not irritate his ribs and his lungs. “I’m so tired…And scared.”
“Close your eyes and try to rest. Don’t be scared—I’ll be here should anything else happen.”
“It hurts…”
Arthur can feel his heart being torn in half, straight down the middle. “I know, love,” he sighs, placing a hand against Alfred’s forehead and holding it there—a steady warmth to calm him. “Your Papa and Matthew are going to come in soon. They’re very worried about you. We all are. But we’re also going to do whatever we can to help you get well soon.”
“Are you gonna leave later?” Alfred asks, voice quavering.
“No, no. Of course not. One parent is always allowed to stay. I’ll be here all night. I won’t let you out of my sight.”
“I promise,” Arthur replies without hesitation, combing a hand through the boy’s hair. “I wouldn’t dream of leaving. Do you think I’d be able to sit at home without you? Worrying sick about you? Never,” he assures.
That’s the thing about children—they never understand how much you love them. How you would give up your entire world for them. How everything falls apart when something happens to them…How you can’t imagine yourself living on without them…
If he could find the driver who did this, he would kill them. Would wrap his bare hands around their neck and make them feel the same pain.
The rage inside of him—it’s unlike anything he’s ever felt before.
When Francis and Matthew take his place by Alfred's bedside, he goes to the men’s restroom and cries.
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broxklynn · 3 years
Alright. I kinda feel like there's no interesting love interest in New Era. I just want to say, that it is my opinion and of course, everyone can think the way the want!
So, in The Origins I found every LI interesting. Leiftan (he was my favourite), because of his mysterious personality and this whole trailor-plot later on, his parents, his guardians (I'm not sure if this is how you write it in english, oops) and his motives. My second favourite, Valkyon, also was an amazing character! I loved his opening up to Erika, his family plot, finding out he's a dragon - it was awesome route to play. Next, we have Ezarel, and, my Lord, I can say without hesitation his route was the most fun to play with! His backstory, his honey obsession, his funny nicknames. This find about not like to being touched (which was never explained, thanks a lot, Beemoov) and finally - his jokes. His fantastic teasing and this back-and-forth with Erika. And, we have Nevra. I adored that guy. He was funny, charming and unforgattable. His route was super cool, a bit awkward at times, but in a good way! And his dialogues, it was so funny!
But now? Well. We have Leiftan, Lance, Mathieu and Nevra. And, hm. I'm going to sound really mean, so, yeah. They are not interesting at all, at least for me. Leiftan? He looks way less attractive (sorry, bae, but that's the true - Beemoov made you look terrible), but that's not the main issue. For me, he's still a bit interesting. I'm curious about his backstory (I hope Beemoov will give me that), his relationship with Lance, etc. But, at the same time, he's just, a different character? Maybe only I think so, but I feel like he totally lost his personality, and I understand that he's feeling really guilty about that he's done and he probably going through a lot inside, but, now, I feel like he's so empty? I dunno. Maybe, it's because in The Origins there was this whole trailor/deamon plot, but at the same time, I chose Leiftan to be my LI without knowing he's a traitor - I was interested in him, but now, for some odd reason, it disapeared. Maybe, it's because Beemoov totally forgot about this whole soulmate thing? (what I mean is: in spin off, he tells us how much he waited for "Erika" to come, how much he adored her, ect, ect, and it's just weird that the completely gave up on it) I dunno, he's just, different in New Era. Lance - alright, I totally hate him, but he's the most interesting route, I give you that. He still doesn't make me super intrested, but I am curious about him, his route and stuff (but I'm pretty sure Beemoov will ruin it by rushing things off), so yeah. Mathieu, oh, Lord. I mean, I don't mind him being a human (I know some people do, and that's okay, it's a fantasy game after all), but he's just, for me (remember, this whole post is my opinion!), so boring. Only thing that interests me it this "him being a traitor" headcanon (I re-blog it a few days ago), but it's just a speculation and it would've been a huge rip-off of The Origins, so I dunno. He's kinda boring to me, sorry. Maybe, later on in the story, he'll turn out to be interesting. The last one, Nevra - omg. I totally feel like he lost his charm. I adored Nevra in TO (I loved every single LI in The Origins, tbh) and now, I miss him. He's no longer this flirty, funny vampire. You could say that he "grew up" or "got mature", but that doesn't work for me, I really liked him back then. Really. And, how come he didn't pick up on this whole "movie thing" in episode 4? (When Erika tells him, that the scene was like from the movie), I mean he was the master in flirts and talking to girls, how couldn't he pick up on this? She literally, straight up said r-o-m-a-n-t-i-c. I dunno, maybe I have unrealistic ideas/expectations.
I miss "Ezarel's personality" (I miss Ezarel in general). I miss different body types, different personalities, different backstory. Now, what we have? Flirty, but stupid human, "mature" and a bit awkward vampire, quiet daemon that broke up with us for some reason and hm, hard-to-understand dragon. Nice.
Alright, I feel like this post is really chaotic, haha, sorry.
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elyonposts · 3 years
Eldarya NE ep.4
Guide was made by me, there are answers I've choose + some from trusted source. May cointains some mistakes but tried my best not to. Feel free to comment and correct me if you see something off.
Ps. I am on Nevra's route.
1. (I don't feel like walking to him. I'd rather see how Nevra's doing) (neutral)
2. (I should just bite the bullet and go talk to him.) (neutral)
3. (I'll deal with him later. I'd rather go see Leiftan at the helm of the ship.) (neutral)
4. (I'll talk to him later... I'd rather see how Mathieu's doing.) (neutral)
Nevra: It's not my place to tell you what hapened...
1. Why? Is it a secret? How did you find out?
2. No, of course not. If Koori wants to talk about it, she will. (+5)
3. Couldn't you just give me a general idea?
1. I know I rushed off after our moment on the cliff... (neutral)
2. I was wondering... About the girls you've dated...
3. Whatever's waiting for us in the mountains, at least we've been able to share some great moments.
4. Although I was wondering... Is there anything else we need to look out for in the mountains?
1. I just figured you would tell me if you wanted to talk about it. (+5)
2. She just mentioned it to explain why you're here on this mission. (neutral)
3. I'm not really intrested in knowing the personal lives of everyone at HQ...
1. So... maybe it wasn't such a good idea to bring you on this mission?
2. Thank you for sharing your story with me. I'm touched. (+5)
3. Now I understand why you're so nervous. (neutral)
Koori: I only know about you what you've done here in Eldarya. I have no idea what your life was like before...
1. There's not much to say. I had normal life...
2. I don't really feel like talking about it... You wouldn't understand.
3. My old life... It doesn't even exist anymore. It was completely erased. (+5)
1. (I'm blind with rage. That monster is going to pay with its life!) (neutral)
2. (I need to move Koori to safety!) (neutral)
3. For a moment, I was frozen in shock. I realized how serious the situation was.)
1. (Without thinking, I took (sword) out of its sheath and got between Leiftan and the monster.) (neutral)
3. (I started to panic. I was so scared that I couldn't move.)
Lance's illustration which I didn't get. I am on Nevra's route so maybe that's why or maybe becuase I've got too low love-o-meter with Lance (0%).
1. Lance... Thank you... Really. I won't forget this. (neutral)
2. Thank you. But this doesn't change things between us, Lance.
3. Well, I do what I can... Cruise ships are always so boring... (+5)
1. (Maybe the others are right... Maybe he really has changed...) (neutral)
2. My brain is fuzzy now. I shouldn't make any decisions untill I have more time to think.) (neutral)
3. (It's worth it for him. That way he can manipulate everyone at HQ.)
Koori: Do you really think Mathieu would sacrifice his life for me?
1. Of course he would! Like anyone else on this ship, for that matter! (+5)
2. I don't know. I was just trying to make you feel better...
3. I'm sure of it. He likes to think he's some kind of knight in shining armor...
1. But I'm not sure if it will help much...
2. I could ask Chrome for some tips.
3. Unless... you could help me train? (+5)
Nevra: And he didn't do anything to protect you! He could have easily handle all of the maripodes on his own.
1. I'm worried too. He really needs to get a grip, and soon. (+5)
2. I stil trust him. And I know that one day, he'll come around.
3. Honestly, I don't know what to think... I'll keep my finger crossed...
After a while I got another +5 for Nevra. There were no more choices.
2nd illustration
He. Hehe. I didn't get it. What a useless guide. But i have enough maanaa to do the replay and it's already some time after episode realease so there will be more and more guides. Hopefully I'll get it. Btw I am curious does 2nd illu depends on love-o-meters, crush mode or some answers that are not so 'neutral' as I thought.
End of episode
Maanaa: 1390
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fenristheorem · 4 years
New Era Lance Headcanons
I told myself I wouldn’t do this before episode 4 came out... but here I am.
I originally wanted to wait until ANE episode 4 was out to post any of my own headcanons for Lance, but I know they had a fire at one of their locations recently and that has delayed the release of the episode (my heart goes out to them), so I figured I should just go ahead and post some headcanons because I’ve been dying to do so.
~Headcanons under the cut because these are long~
Twice a year, on their birthday and the anniversary of his death, Lance brings Floppy (because I theorize he adopted Floppy) to visit Valkyon’s grave. Really, this can happen at nearly any time of the year - but seeing as Lance is busy as Chief of Obsidian Guard, he can’t always make time to visit his brother’s grave. However, Lance always makes sure to find time to visit the grave with Floppy on these two special dates. He'll even specifically ask Huang Hua to try and make sure his schedule isn't too busy on these two days. He never says why, but it's not hard to guess.
Lance occasionally talks out loud... to his brother... distantly hoping that - despite the fact that he’s dead - Valk will somehow hear him and by some miracle respond to his brother. He doesn’t do this very often, only when he finds himself caught in a low moment where he feels truly isolated from everyone and the ache to have his brother by his side again echos through him like thunder through a mountain valley, but when he does it means he really needs the comfort. No one in the guard knows this about him; he makes sure that he never does this in public or where anyone could find him doing this. Valkyon’s death effected nearly everyone in the guard, but Lance was still his brother and doesn’t believe most people would understand the full extent of his regrets and, further more, his ways of coping with this great loss.
Lance never visited the re-formed crystal created by Leiftan and Erika. Not once - in all 7 years. He never felt he had the right to because this situation and all his pain was primarily caused by him and, therefore, he needs to bear the pain as part of taking responsibility for his actions. The crystal room became a symbol of hope and forging forward into a new era, and while Lance is grateful for being given a chance to redeem, he's aware that he has a long way to go before he has made up for everything he's done, if he ever could. He feels he needs to find his own hope from within and help guide the guard with it, not rely on the guard and the new crystal to provide him with hope for the future.
Lance is very used to being alone by now. Because of this, he keeps his romantic partner at a distance when they first start off. It’s not that he’s not interested - it’s just that he’s settling into the idea that someone actually wants to be closer to him after everything he’s done, especially the woman he threw off a cliff. He’s not entirely sure how to react to a woman finding romantic interest in him, hell he’s not even sure he deserves it. It's been years since he's allowed himself to consider romantic companionship, so he's widely used to being his own rock. However, once they’ve been together for a while, he’ll trust himself (and her) a bit more and actually allow himself to be a bit more comfortable and minorly impulsive around her. Slowly he’ll allow himself to throw a few jokes around, he’ll allow himself to share his opinion on things around her more, and he’ll find it a little easier to smile each day. Now he’s not one to hide his emotions, but he certainly keeps himself in check to avoid causing damage or pain as he's painfully aware that heavy emotions can influence people. However, this disappears when he begins to trust his partner more; he's less hesitant and more confident that she won't shun him for having strong emotions and opinions on certain things.
Once they’ve been together for a while and his romantic partner has effectively torn down the walls of isolation he built around himself, she’ll find he’s... a bit territorial. After all, he’s allowing himself to become attached to someone for the first time in years; why wouldn’t he be attentive and watchful with his newfound companion? He’s not openly aggressive towards others when jealous or feeling territorial (in the rare case that he is, as he’s learned later on in the relationship that he has nothing to be insecure about), he refuses to bring that sort of disruption to the guard, but he’s certainly not above throwing Guardienne over his shoulder (without his armor on, of course) when he’s reminded of a moment earlier in the day where another man seemed to be just a bit too interested in what she was saying. Pair that with a kind, naive smile from her and a few jokes, and perhaps an encounter with a Leiftan at some point, and you have the perfect combination for a semi-jealous ice dragon who suddenly craves attention from his lover. He’ll take her over his shoulder and saunter over to the nearby bed in who-ever’s room they’re in, lay her gently down and rest himself beside her, wrapping both arms around her and pulling her close to his chest as they settle in to stay like that for minutes to hours depending on how long they have together. She better not hope to leave anytime soon then. Unless they have somewhere to be, Lance is unlikely to let her go for any reasons; he wants her attention and he's going to get it.
Lance is an ice dragon. This is well known by now and he's proud of his heritage. However, with this also comes all the responsibility of being an ice dragon; specifically the instincts. This is also something his partner needs to learn to deal with if they hope to maintain a relationship with him, because he's certainly not about to rebuke himself for having natural instincts (unless it truly begins to become a problem or he accidentally hurts someone). These instincts can range from being very territorial and possessive at certain times and situations, to keeping a special watch on her to make sure she isn't hurt at times where she could be prone to it, or treating her like a living goddess merely because the mood strikes him and he wants to show appreciation for her presence. These are only a few examples. When do these instincts hit hardest? He's still trying to figure that out, seeing that he hasn't been with anyone for a while. However, they can effect him in different degrees. Some days he'll hold her for an extra five minutes longer before she leaves to hang out with Mathieu, Koori and Karenn, other days he'll request that Huang Hua allow him to escort her on a minor mission in the forests surrounding HQ because he wants to do everything he can to protect her and give them time alone together. If they're interrupted on their mission by someone else, Lance will be deathly quiet and still as his partner and the newcomer carry on their conversation, only speaking when spoken too, and he won't be mean, but internally he'll be quite irritated at the fact that their alone-time is being interrupted when he planned for them to be alone for a while. Ideally, his partner will pick up on his distance and wrap up the conversation, and once the newcomer leaves Lance won't hesitate to take his partner by the wrist (gently) and briskly drag her away from the direction of her conversational partner. When he feels they're far away enough, he'll abruptly turn around and press her against a tree, wrapping his arms around her and burying his face in her neck with a faint growl. The best thing his partner can do in this time is hold him. He doesn't need comfort or reassurance, he just needs time alone with her. However, that's one of the extremes of his instincts. Most of the time he acts on subtle instincts. He'll pull her into a secluded corner of the guard for a few minutes to talk privately and share a few kisses, or he'll be passing by and see something in the market that she said she needed, or perhaps he sees something he thinks she'll look good with or he knows she'll like, and then track her down after purchasing to gift his find to her. At the end of the day, he just wants her to know he appreciates her, and when the sudden urge to do something with or for her strikes he has a hard time letting it go. And while Lance is very independent and doesn't wish to oppress or suffocate his partner, his instincts can become a bit overbearing at certain times. All his partner needs to do is confide in him about this and he'll try and make them a bit more comfortable (after all, his instincts tell him to care for her before anything else) but she will need to try and tolerate this as much as possible, if it's even an issue to begin with. However, Lance is quite confident that she'll enjoy the intimate side of his instincts more often than the domestic instincts, no matter how she feels about the domestic side...
I’m considering making Lance headcanons a routine post on my page - maybe one or two posts every couple of days. I have a few more headcanons that I can post, and I’m sure I’ll have more after ep. 4 is out, but I’m always open to writing specific headcanons upon request.
Have a request? Ask them here!
But first, please read the rules list for asks!
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caeli16 · 4 years
My idea about the characters: Lance
Ok, in this somewhat forced "pause for reflection" I want to have my say on some characters, mainly New Era routes (like Ezarel and Valkyon, my heart still can't stand the pain). Let's start with my favorite, Lance. In my opinion, the ice dragon is a very deep and particular character. Undeniably, at least in the first season, he is a negative, sometimes toxic character. He is unable to relate in a "normal" way with Erika. He tries but always ends up being violent. Although Lance is a very cultured person, he does not know in any way, he has forgotten, that he behaves civilly with people. In New Era, for those two sentences we read, I found that a lot has changed. Maybe too much. Perhaps, like the Guardian, we too took a time jump, but I found nothing about the wild and indomitable dragon in the new Lance. I saw that sparkle in his smile in the Valentine's Day illustration. I am confident however, Lance is there, he is buried only in layers and layers of suffering, entrenched behind walls perhaps even higher than the previous ones. Valkyon's ghost haunts him. I think you look for it in everyday life, a proof of this is the "friendship" with Mathieu. Friendship in quotes because in my opinion there is a utilitarian relationship between them. Mathieu adores him and uses it to improve his training, Lance consoles himself with his presence, sees in the young and clumsy boy the brother he killed and is one of the few bonds that keeps him anchored to the world. Let's face it, he doesn't seem like a person with a very developed social life. He is shunned and shunned, it suits him perfectly. Honestly I don't know how he will leave the spark to Erika, there was certainly a mutual curiosity in the past (we could choose whether to cultivate this interest or not). In my opinion Erika has already forgiven Lance in her heart, she did it first for Valkyon and then for herself. He is not a person who has negative feelings (EVEN IF HE HAD TO START, WAKE UP). In conclusion, we find a broken character, annihilated by himself, I'm sure Lance basks in his own pain and torment every night. Will Erika be the light that can illuminate the dark cave where Lance himself took refuge? As the prophecy says "Two enemy brothers, one of ice, the other of flames one day will face each other above the clouds one will have to overcome the other to find peace one will have to overcome the other by losing his soul" never grown and matured without first killing his brother, his family. There was a need for him to learn that there are priorities in life, that every action corresponds to a consequence and that what we believe to be good is not always really good. Killing Valkyon, cruel as it was, was necessary for Lance. And this Valkyon knew, he sacrificed himself being well aware that he would <<lose his soul from him>> but that he, his brother, could have been better.
I apologize in advance for the mistakes, I used “google translate” for several sentences. >.< 
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arcanadreams · 3 years
y’all know that dialogue from the beginning of episode 4 where you talk to Mathieu? the one where you can ask if he wants to reenact Titanic with you? yeah well i’m still salty we didn’t actually get to do that so i’m fixing it with some added self-indulgent headcanons for good measure (in second person format of course because i exclusively write and read x reader fic LMAO) headcanons will be under the cut!!
“Want to come to the front of the ship with me and yell ‘I’M THE KING OF THE WORLD!’?” Mathieu merely blinked in response to your suggestion, arching an eyebrow at you. 
“...No? Why would I do that?” You were honestly surprised at how unenthused with the idea he was. The only other earthling in the entirety of El and didn’t event want to reenact Titanic with you! The audacity!
“Because it’s fun! Why else?” Mathieu clearly disagreed with your reasoning, narrowing his eyes at you skeptically. “Fine, be that way. I’m going to go bask in Leonardo DiCaprio’s glory all by myself, and I’m going to have a great time.” With that, you left the brunette standing on the ship’s deck. You made your way to the bow. Standing at the edge, you sucked in a deep breath of air, sticking your arms out.
Still as unimpressed as when you proposed the idea, to be honest. But he respects that you have the gumption to go through with it.
You glance behind you when you’re done and stick your tongue out at him before smiling triumphantly.
It’s contagious, he’ll admit...he can’t help but smile back. Maybe it would’ve been fun to join in, if only to see that smile up close...
And the way the wind is blowing through your hair is quite pretty, too...
It’s only when you wink at him that he realizes he’s been caught staring.
His cheeks turn a light shade of pink and he looks away, running a hand through his hair in that way he always does. This time, though, there is a noticeable sheepishness in the gesture that isn’t usually present.
Later you tease him about it, saying he should’ve thrown his ego away and joined you if he was just going to watch all the fun you were having and shoot envious eyes from the sidelines the whole time!
Yeah...that’s definitely why he was staring...cough...
Literally what in the name of fuck are you doing? - his inner monologue
He’s an observant man; he looks around for context. Honestly, the way Mathieu is rolling his eyes and Koori is laughing at the scene makes him think you lost a bet of some sort and were purposefully embarrassing yourself.
But before he can think any more on the matter, you turn around with this brilliant smile on your face.
(heart eyes.jpg) It’s such a far cry from the sides of you he has seen up until now; he’s only ever seen you distressed or enraged...both of which were due to his actions and presence.
Seeing the crinkle of your eyes when you’re genuinely happy is new and, dare he say it...intriguing. Beautiful, even.
But then the sun hits your hair just right and you almost have a halo around you and suddenly he remember who he is looking at: the savior of El, the hero who saved the entire world...from him. And he remembers he has no right to be looking at you like this, to be peering in on your moment of joy. So he looks back out over the horizon instead.
Ah, there’s the Y/N he knows. Always there to bring levity to his aching heart.
...Even if he has no idea what the fuck you’re doing.
Just be careful, please!! Don’t topple over the edge of the ship!! He’s a worrywart, be patient with him.
If he weren’t in self-imposed ‘all things to do with Y/N’ exile, he’d be heading right over to ask just what the hell you were doing.
But then the wind rustles your hair and you turn around, resting your elbows on the railing, and oh...the sunlight creates a halo around your head as you close your eyes, clearly enjoying the salty sea air.
Mans about to have a heart attack! You look just as stunning as you did the day he lost you (and himself but he doesn’t really care about that part) to the crystal.
He can literally feel your angelic aura singing, calling out to him in that moment, but he squeezes his eyes shut and shakes it off. He has sworn off anything of the sort. No matter how mesmerizing you are, he can’t give in...(yet)
“Good to know you’re taking this mission seriously, Y/N.”
We’ve got a Debbie Downer on our hands, folks! Ugh! (Just say, “You weren’t as much of a party pooper before I died for seven years.” That’ll shut him up!)
“I’ll have you know I am taking this perfectly seriously,” you turn your body around to face him, and he resists the urge to smile at the grin you meet his gaze with. “In fact, what I just did is a tradition on Earth for sailors. It promotes safe travels.”
“Is that so?” As you nod assuredly, the vampire rolls his eyes. He knows you’re bluffing...but he’ll still probably ask Mathieu about it later. When you’re out of earshot, of course.
“I learned from the best that having a little fun on missions never hurt anyone,” you say, thinking back to your first few missions with him, back before the crystal. Back when he was...different.
“And I learned that it can kill,” argumentative as always, he was...you sighed. Seven years in a coma and your favorite mischief buddy had shoved a stick up his ass while you were gone! Damn.
He noticed the disappointment in your eyes, then, as the sun vanished behind a cloud. Shit. He didn’t...he never meant...ugh. “...If the journey to Genkaku goes well, I suppose your sailor’s tradition will be proven to work.” He was happy to see your face light up the slightest bit at his peace offering. 
“It’s gonna be smooth sailing from here on out, and I’m gonna rub it in your face after.” “I look forward to it,” despite himself, his lips tilted upwards the slightest bit. He felt lighter, much more ready to face the mission ahead...as well as your teasing if you were right about the trip in the end.
Koori (because I’m gay and I love her):
Stands next to Mathieu and laughs. Like a lot. What can she say? What you’re doing is already funny enough, but the fact it’s making Mathieu facepalm is just the perfect cherry on top!
She loves when you get mischievous like this. She happily approaches you to ask what you’re doing.
“I’m reenacting a human movie by myself since Mathieu is too much of a coward to join me.” (There’s a clear “Hey!” in the background but the two of you mutually elect to ignore it.)
“Is this the same movie with the Let It Go song Mathieu likes to sing?” She asks, and you laugh. “No, but is it probably just as famous. It’s about a huge cruise ship that sank.”
“Don’t tell me you just set us up to get swallowed by the ocean!” Her ears pressed down to her head as she joked with you. She watched you laugh, the sun shining off your hair and creating a slight halo effect. It kind of reminded her of when she was able to create that illusion of your angel powers for you, only much, much prettier...
She asks for you to tell her all about the Titanic “so we can avoid the same fate,” but in reality she just wants to stare at you in this lighting, in this moment, for longer. 
Soon enough the two of you are sat on the stairs to the bow while you blabber on the whole story. She watches the way your eyes light up as you recount the dramatic bits and smiles. You’re so cute. You’ll make this rough journey easier on her, she’s sure of it.
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andraaste · 3 years
I am not your enemy - Lance fanfiction part 17
This is finally chapter 17 ! I'm so sorry for the wait and hope you enjoy it !! Good summer to all of you 🌴🐉
Chapter 17 : I’ll personally take care of making him understand that you belong to me
- Ophelia !
I opened my eyes sharply.
Stretched out full length on the mattress, my back sticking unpleasantly to the fabric of my top, I stared at the black ceiling to come to my senses, my jerky breathing breaking the serene silence of the night.
What the hell was going on ?
My heart rate pounding wildly, I felt like I had run a marathon as my chest heaved with frenzy as the images of this incomprehensible dream circled in my head.
It was him, I was sure. I had seen him, his face so young, evolving through different scenes from his past. Seeing him like that had confused me. Proud, playful, oblivious to his surroundings, he was a whole different person from the one I knew now. But ... I had also known him that way. Strange as it may sound, Lance had been my first support when I arrived at HQ. The rest of the story was unfortunately only inglorious.
Especially when I thought back to my buried feelings.
Except that this dream, was it really one ? The little girl had conjured up the deepest memories of the last of the dragons, but what did that mean ? And above all, why ?
My gaze was caught by something that seemed to escape my parted lips. My eyes widened, I watched in amazement as tiny ice crystals smeared the air around the edge of my mouth. When I realized what this implied, my breathing quickened again and very soon, I thought I recognized the light cold breath that the dragon had made me experience a few days earlier.
No, it wasn’t possible.
I shouldn't be able to develop Lance's powers without his presence ... right ?
Straightening up on my bed, I was leaning on my right arm when a strange sensation took hold of me. Slowly lifting my sleeve over my shoulder, I was speechless when I saw the dragon's familiar icy welts as he let them roam my body. Except that for that, we had always needed a physical contact, it was the very reason which had made us discover this phenomenon.
Fascinated, I let my fingers run over the thin blue lines that cornered my skin. I had the strange sensation of feeling him brush against my arm.
My hand immediately tightened on my flesh when something came back to me.
That night, when I had been in his memories, if that had really been the case, Lance and I had brushed against each other in the Crystal Room. By the time our arms had made contact, I was sure the young man had reacted, seeming to be looking for me without actually being able to see me.
But how could he have felt me ​​physically if what I had seen were memories, moreover of which I wasn’t a part ? Raising my arm to my face, I felt the adrenaline slow down. I had to leave these questions hanging.
At least until daybreak.
As soon as the sun shines, I got up to take a shower, hoping to chase away even a few moments the images of those dreams that had haunted me all the rest of the night. I finally didn’t manage to fall asleep again and it was with more than deep circles that I headed for the shared showers.
As soon as I left my room, I was surprised to find a very early-morning Nevra who was also visibly leaving his den, his door being a few meters away from mine.
When he saw me, the vampire raised his eyebrows in surprise before giving me a slight mocking smile.
- I know one who didn't sleep very well.
Great. I rubbed a hand over my tired eyes, hoping to regain my composure.
- Not so much, indeed. Is it showing that much ?
- Well, not that you look less in shape than usual, that would be complicated, but you seem rather tired yes, he said to me without being able to hold back a laugh at my annoyed expression. But you still look very pretty, don't worry.
Already ready to give him a bloody answer, his last sentence stopped me in my tracks. Damn but what an idiot, why did I feel my cheeks blush ?
Locking my door, I remained resolutely turned towards the wooden door in order to hide my dismay.
- I see that I can count on you to reassure me, in any case, I say while feigning indifference.
I heard his laughter echo between us once again.
- You know I'm a trustworthy person.
Without realizing it, I began to smile in turn. I loved the rare moments in which he forgot his cold mask of the right arm of the Sparkling.
- By the way ... he began, his gaze suddenly fleeing, seeming to hesitate on how he was going to phrase the rest. Have you been better since the other night ? I worried a lot, I didn't understand what happened. Eweleïn only told me that she already knew about it and that she was monitoring your condition closely.
- Oh, yes ... I'm so sorry for what happened and I hope I didn't cause you too much trouble. But I think I’ve nothing left. I wanted to thank you for taking care of me, I don't know what ...
- Don't talk nonsense, he cut me off. Maybe I was stupid to you, but I certainly wasn't going to leave you like this.
Running a hand through his hair, I saw concern grow on his face, so often marble.
- And I don't want to sound intrusive, but you'll have to explain to me what happened. I’ve never seen anything like it happen.
His eye, similar in color to mine, observed me so intently that I couldn't bring myself to lie to him.
- Okay, I'll explain it to you, I whispered. Just give me a little time.
- Good, he smiles at me before recovering quickly. With all this, I was almost going to fail in my task. Huang Hua would like you to attend the next Sparkling meeting.
I stared at him for several seconds, not knowing how to react.
- Huang Hua wants to send me on a mission ?
His lips twitched slightly.
- I can’t tell you more at the moment, but I don’t hide from you that it doesn’t enchant me very much considering what happened to you the last time we saw each other.
- Nevra…
I no longer knew on which foot to dance with him. Since our discussion, I had the impression that a lot of things had changed between us but I didn’t know how to perceive them.
- The meeting will take place in an hour in the Council room, don't be late.
The vampire dismissed me without giving me time to answer anything.
Excited at the prospect of potentially taking part in a future mission, I showered in fourth gear, almost forgetting what had happened that night. But it was the lump in my stomach that I knocked on the front door that I had only borrowed a few times.
Opening the door cautiously, I entered the majestic room. I could not restrain my gaze from browsing the large tree which stood proudly between these walls, the immense window which overlooked the gardens of the HQ or the immense prostrate table in the center of the room. I hadn’t often had the opportunity to enter here, but each time I was amazed by what was hiding there.
It was mind blowing.
It was only after my little inspection of the premises that I became aware of the people already here. Facing the large window, Huang Hua stood erect, arms crossed, staring into space. Her tanned skin bathed in natural light caught my gaze of admiration as her fine features turned to me as I reached the bottom of the stairs. Her warm gaze relaxed me immediately.
- Andraste, there you are ! she said to me with a smile of genuine astonishment. Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to see you lately, how are you ? I’ve been kept informed of your condition…
I stood stunned for a few seconds at the warmth and sincerity I could read in her at that moment. Since when hadn't I seen her like that ?
- It's going much better, thank you. If that's any reassurance, my back seems perfectly healed. Well, for now, I added with a wry laugh.
Until my wings decide once again to do what they want, I hear.
- You see me delighted, I hope we can discuss a little more calmly later, you and me.
Pointing me to the seats, she added :
- Please sit down.
Let my gaze slide over the people seated in front of the huge table. Surprisingly, I recognized Leiftan, Mathieu and Koori very close to me. I wasn't the only guest, which relieved me. I also like almost all of the Sparkling members.
All except two of them, who were visibly missing.
Pulling the first seat I could find, I settled myself between the kitsune and Chrome. The big wolf smile fills my whole field of vision.
- Hi Andraste! You're going to attend your first Sparkling reunion, I'm super happy, he said while pointing out his canines.
My smile widens automatically in the face of his good humor.
- Hi Chrome, I'm happy too ! But still a little stressed, I won't hide it from you.
- Don't worry, everything will be fine.
The large door opened again, letting in the two missing limbs. My heart raced even more when the two men sat down in front of me.
- Perfect. Lance, Nevra, we were just waiting for you to begin, Huang Hua announced. As you know, several strange phenomena have occurred in recent months, the barrier between Earth and Eldarya has never been thinner. Several people have reported to us the sudden appearance of a building in the middle of the lands of Genkaku.
Without understanding why, I felt Koori tense up at hearing that name.
- Andraste, Nevra told me about an important point.
The vampire spoke in turn.
- Seven years ago, you told me about very tall human buildings in which people lived or worked. Heum...
- Are you talking about buildings ? I stopped him. Are you saying that a building has appeared on Eldarya ?
I couldn't believe my ears, it wasn't possible. How could a building have landed here ? What if people were inside ?
Mathieu and I gave each other a horrified look. It really didn't bode well.
- Exactly, he concluded. Nothing like this has ever been reported between our two worlds but we have to make sure that it’s indeed a human building. That's why we would need Mathieu and you to go there. Obviously, you’ll be accompanied by other members of the Guard.
Turning to the kitsune, Nevra added :
- Koori, we’ll also need your presence. You’re the only one here who knows the lands of Genkaku.
- Yes, I understand. You can count on me...
The face of the leader of the Sparkling clouded with a compassionate expression.
- I'm sorry to ask you this, I know it won't be easy for you, but we can only count on your presence to guide them in these lands.
- I know Huang Hua. There’s no problem, I’ll accompany you.
- As far as Tenjin is concerned, we'll have to be careful, Lance continued. He’s bound to learn for our coming and we will probably not be welcome.
When the dragon spoke, everyone seemed to be listening to him with some form of respect. I was fascinated by the presence that saw him unconsciously.
It had been two days since the dragon and I had seen each other, the latter being too busy with the upcoming mission departure and his duties as Chief of the Guard. I hadn't had a chance to tell him about my dream, and actually didn't even know whether to tell him about it or not. Knowing him here made me nervous and hearing his voice made my stomach contract. The last time we saw each other was in his bed…
Red rose to my cheeks once again when his gaze brushed mine. I couldn't tear myself away from him for several seconds.
- Lance is right, Tenjin is our main obstacle to getting to the kitsune lands of Genkaku, the vampire said. He's unstable and is very likely to come after us when he sees Koori. That’s why I’m accompanying you as well. It’s rare that we send multiple Guard Chiefs, but this mission’s likely to be more perilous than the usual ones.
Turning to the aengel in his turn, he added, his face suddenly darker :
- I hope we can count on you. You are an outstanding navigator and your abilities have been proven to us more than once. Finally, if you want to stop your « redemption ».
Leiftan clenched his teeth at this last remark, the tension was most palpable between the two men.
- Nevra, we already talked about this. If you have things to settle with Leiftan, it’ll be within the framework of the private one, said Huang Hua.
- You can count on my presence, but I’ll not use my powers, it’s my only condition.
Nevra was about to reply when the fenghuang stopped him with a wave of her hand.
- Perfect, if everyone agrees, the team for this mission will therefore consist of Nevra, Lance, Koori, Mathieu, Leiftan and Andraste. An objection ?
- None, replied Huang Chu. I hope you’ll come back with some new human study topics, that's all I'm asking.
When the meeting is over, the assembly leaves the room in turn. As I was about to climb the stairs to the exit, the delicate and warm hand of the ancient phoenix grabbed my wrist.
- Andraste, can I talk to you for a moment ?
I nodded while stopping my run.
- Eweleïn kept me informed of your physical and mental state. Do you feel like doing this mission ?
- I think so. To tell the truth, I start to circle around the HQ aimlessly. It’ll do me good to feel really useful and to change horizons, even though I know it won't be easy and even dangerous. I’ve practiced a lot and I manage to reuse my powers a bit, not like before, but they are there. Perhaps, in case of real necessity, they will manifest themselves normally. At least I hope so.
A soft smile lit up her face.
- Very well, I count on you to take care of you and to come back to us safe and sound. Unfortunately, Mathieu and you are the only people able to tell us more about this building, I’ve no choice but to send you there with your agreement, of course.
Plunging into her reassuring gaze, I had the fleeting impression of finding the Huang Hua that I knew.
- There’s nothing to worry about. Anyway, I'll be well surrounded, I’ve nothing to fear, I said with a smile.
As I closed the door to the Council Chamber behind me, I lost myself in thoughts of this last exchange. Huang Hua confused me without knowing why. Lifting my head, I fell on Lance who seemed to have been waiting for me. With his arms crossed, he pulled himself away from the wall he was leaning against to walk slowly towards me.
- You're not going to be able to get to Genkaku like that.
Puzzled, I raised an eyebrow.
- Can you light my lantern ?
As he approached dangerously, my whole body tensed in anticipation of what he planned to do. I was no longer in control of myself in his presence and that irritated me.
Unexpectedly, he grabbed my arm firmly and turned me around to rest my back against his chest. His lips caressed my ear in his deep voice.
- You are not sufficiently trained in combat and you are far too pretty for Tenjin not to try to keep you to himself. I don’t like it.
- And how do you plan to fix it ? I questioned him, my breath suddenly more choppy.
- Since I can't force you to stay at the HQ, I think I'll have to train you for combat. I'm going to be pretty busy, but I'll find time for your training.
Slowly letting go of my arm, he added :
- For the rest, I’ll personally take care of making him understand that you belong to me.
(Chapter 18)
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tetrakys · 4 years
Eldarya A New Era - episodes 1 and 2
Let’s start with a brief recap and then my comments at the end.
Not much happens plot-wise, which makes sense since the first chapters are always about exposition and introducing the characters.
Episode 1: 
We wake up in the new Crystal room and are swiftly taken by Huang Hua to the infirmary, we are perfectly healthy and have a chance to meet one of our old friends. Since we have been revered as a deity for the past 7 year sin the Crystal, Huang Hua has to make an announcement to the whole HQ saying that we are back into the living world, then we can finally explore HQ, meet old and new friends, get a new outfit and later attend a party in our honour. This is pretty much the plot of the first episode. 
Episode 2:
In the second we have the chance of picking a Guard to belong to, Huang offered the Light one but Erika refuses because she doesn’t feel ready yet. We also get a new sword that Jamon has created for us and we can train a bit with him, afterwards we join a mission and go the forest. Once there we realise there is something wrong, as if some areas looked corrupted. We find a hurt companion and a very human shotgun bullet next to it and an evil-looking companion who attacks us causing us to end our very first mission at the infirmary, as usual. Once we are back on our feet we talk to Huang Hua about the bullet and realise that there is something she is hiding from us, then we help Ewe making a potion to save the companion. The companion got attached to us so we decide to adopt it.
Now a bit of info dump about the characters:
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Huag Hua is the new head of the guard since Miiko went back to her family obligations. She is no longer the Phoenix apprentice although we don’t know why yet, she is in a romantic committed relationship with Ewelein who is still the head of the infirmary and member of the Light Guard. 
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Aleja and Sonse got married and left, Colaja joined them and she and Jamon broke up since he stayed. He was sad for a bit but then got over it. Kero left when most people left no one knows where he is. Ezarel left with Twilda and Mary Anne to try to make a new life for themselves. Memoria disappeared and no one knows what happened to it and all the dragon spirits. Karuto is still he chef and he became much nicer in time, also is food much better after fruits and vegetables in Eldarya became edible. There is speculation about his relationship with Feng Zifu who is still very polite but much older looking, however nothing confirmed yet.
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Huang Chu is the new head of the Absynth Guard, she looks and acts kinda strict and matter-of-factly but she is also surprisingly open-minded, she encourages Erika to think with her own head and never blindly accept anyone’s order not even her own. She doesn’t get along with Mathieu at all.
Koori is a kitsune member of the Absynth Guard, she is funny, provocative and flirty. She wants to become friend with Erika and even flirts a bit. We see her both flirting with and mercilessly teasing Mathieu, not sure if she’s actually hitting on him or playing him, but this seems to be her normal behaviour. 
Chrome is now the head of the Shadow Guard, he and Karenn are still together and while he is the official head it seems that she is his boss as usual so hierarchy is a bit blurry. The both became more mature in time, she is less into gossip and he went through a rough self-blaming patch, but he looks pretty happy right now, eating a lot and constantly making lame jokes, and she seems to have become a real fighter (everyone is recommending to never train with her).
Adalric is a sylph, Erika comments he kinda looks like a genie. He has constantly his head in the clouds forgetting all the most trivial tasks, he talks with the stars and the wind apparently.
Ophelia is this little girl we see for just a moment, we feel that she has the same aura as the Oracle, we hug her but she just smile and leaves. We are told she showed up after the White Sacrifice and no one actually knows anything about her, not even if she sleeps and eats and where. 
Mathieu is a human who stumbled in a mushroom cricle about one year ago, he was sort of a recluse with no friends nor family on Earth, only thinking about fantasy and adventure, so he is very happy to be in Eldarya and couldn’t care less about going back to Earth. To his dismay the test assigned him to the Absynth Guard and he’s constantly hoping to be reassigned to the Obsidian instead. He’s the happy-go-lucky type but seems to also have a certain depth that we will hopefully find out.
Nevra is now a member of the Light Guard and Huang Hua’s right hand (he basically got Leiftan’s old job). He looks more severe and it seems that the events of S1 hardened him. He is back to his slutty ways but in episode he admits frivolous relationships don’t bring him happiness. 
Leiftan got out of the Crystal with us but it took longer for him to wake up. He says that he needs to find himself and wants to put distance between him and everyone else, in fact he refuses to rejoin the Guard. When Erika asks him to train her aengel powers he refuses and says that he won’t ever touch a blade again and will never be responsible of further violence. Nevra can’t stand him at the moment because he thinks he is escaping his responsibilities. 
Since people liked the expression I’m going to repeat it again, let’s address the elephant in the room first. (Guys “elephant in the room” is a figure of speech, it’s not a real elephant lol).  No one mentioned who is the head of the Obsidian Guard, when Erika tries to ask one time the subject is swiftly changed and people seem to go out of their way to not go there. Everyone, including their grandparents, their cousins, neighbours and the cousins of their neighbours has figured out that the head of Obsidian is Lance, who is name dropped constantly. I know that there are some people who still like to live in denial, kudos to them. BV all but told me that Lance is coming in episode 3 before Christmas, the release pace is like MCL’s so I’m expecting episodes every second Wednesday of the month at this point, but we’ll see.
The situation with Nevra and Leiftan is heavy not gonna lie. I’ve only played the episode with Nevra so far and my heart broke in tiny pieces, but I want to savour the angst and enjoy the ride. I don’t blame either of the two, Leiftan went from traitor to saviour in a matter of what two days? He had not time to think about his choices and properly reflect on himself. I think it’s fair that the writing his giving him a bit of depth as a character now and not just using him for his abs and to kill and save people when needed. So yeah, I approve him going to therapy or whatever is going to do to achieve self-growth. 
Nevra is a bit trickier, he spent one year moping in front of the Crystal every day, then moved on simply out of survival, and he’s well aware that the life he has now brings him no joy so one would think he would jump into Erika’s arms immediately? He is probably still very much hurting about everything that happened and he still has a fight or flight reaction about everything regarding it, his subconscious reaction when he saw Erika must have been DANGERDANGER RUN. Sleep around is easier because he doesn’t care and can’t be hurt again. While I can understand this, I also think it’s pretty cowardly and I would’ve liked to have given the reaction to get mad, to demand him to spend time with us, because yes he hurt but we spent 7 freaking years in a coma and no time has passed for us, the day before we were swearing love to each other and now this coldness. And yes I could’ve chosen angrier options with him instead of being understanding, but then my LoM would’ve dropped. 
So what I think I’m trying to say is that I would like to have the option of getting mad without having devastating consequences on all the relationships. I know that the next episode is called Rage-something so I am hoping Erika will blow up. We are probably going to run into Lance, find out that he’s been forgiven and working with the Guard and go full violent mode. And hopefully she will get mad with the other guys as well. Homegirl needs to unleash since episode 13 AT LEAST.
Also, since Leiftan refused to train her, I’m expecting that Lance will at some point. Sweaty training sessions with a strict instructor who she kinda hates but also kinda thirst for... 😏😏😏 I have expectations now.
My general comment is that I like the writing so far, I see much improvement from the previous season although it’s too early to judge. I loved the shade thrown at Miiko and the Guard test, you can really tell the writer’s thoughts sometimes, he uses Mathieu to tell us what he thinks. 
The one think I didn’t like is that, while I can understand most of the choices and the events of these two episodes, I don’t understand how the writing can justify Erika not looking for Ezarel if she were on her route. No time has passed for her, anyone would go looking for their lover in a situation like this, not just “oh well, he’s gone”. I know he can’t be brought back, but give me a good, logical reason in game. (Also, I hope to never see him and Valkyon as secondary non-datable characters because I would die inside).
About the other characters, I like Koori and Huang Chu, I don’t like Adalric, just personal taste, he seems to be the type of person who would be into yoga and spiritualism and it’s just not me at all lol.
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