#and maybe a cameo from the dracula main cast at some point too
vickyvicarious · 11 months
By this time I had searched all the tombs in the chapel, so far as I could tell; and as there had been only three of these Un-Dead phantoms around us in the night, I took it that there were no more of active Un-Dead existent.
I think this could be a great hook to a sequel/spinoff of Dracula, which doesn't negate the success of our heroes by contradicting the rules we're told/what we are shown.
So, Dracula is still dead. But Van Helsing missed a fourth vampire. Perhaps a new one, turned by the vampire ladies while Dracula was away, and who thus doesn't have a space in amongst the tombs in the chapel like the rest. Perhaps he missed a tomb along the way.
It could be mostly focused on the locals, who thought they were finally freed of the terror that has been ruling over them for so long. They begin to enjoy themselves once again, to relax their guards a little, to feel happy and safer than ever before, as the Count is gone and the wolves act like normal wild animals, and no one is dying anymore. And when some of the children are too pale/tired and start to tell stories of playing a game with a new friend in the woods, perhaps the adults refuse to hear them, fail to recognize the signs, because they aren't used anymore to victims surviving an attack. And they don't want it to be true, anyway, they desperately don't want to believe that it truly isn't over yet.
Until something happens to convince at least one of them that a vampire truly is still out there. A personal encounter, from which they're only saved by their loyal dog, maybe.
I kind of like the idea of the main character being the adult daughter of the mother who in canon was killed by wolves - perhaps she barely survived and was later turned by the vampire women to become one of their 'sisters'. The daughter will have to hunt her own mother. (This admittedly is still a 'didn't die after all' twist, but far less egregious since her death wasn't shown outright, we just heard her becoming silent and wolves leaving while licking their lips.)
Or, keeping the mother as a red herring by making her into a werewolf, who the daughter thinks is the vampire all along. Only to eventually find out that the vampire is actually her little brother who the mother 'died' for (in this verse probably a bit older, child rather than baby), and now they have to decide whether to kill him or protect him, and in so doing begin again the supernatural oppression that has suffocated their people for so long. Maybe at different points the daughter can be opposed to the mother before they end up coming to an understanding and working together (depending on your version of werewolf). Maybe the howl that saved her from the attack wasn't her dog after all but her mother in wolf form.
It could be a totally unrelated vampire as well, but I think that loses some of the emotional connection that these options have. Still, the decision to approach and even enter into the Castle alone would be huge, for these people who have lived in its shadow their whole lives. And I would hope for an explanation why the vampires let the child turn when normally they just kill their meals permanently, or why the fourth vampire didn't try to eat Jonathan/welcome Mina and menace Van Helsing. But still, if you want to build off the book it's a good starting point.
I think you could get a really heartwrenching and scary story out of this premise. Definitely better stuff than the 'actually, Dracula just pretended to die (and was the good guy all along)' stuff.
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sweetdollfromhell · 5 years
Theories and wishes for What we do in the shadows
1) Badass Guillermo everybody!!!!!! I'm excited to see our little familiar evolve into a monster hunter. Let's just hope that no member of the main cast dies.
2) Mark Hamill will be there! I don't care if he's a vampire, another monster or a vampire hunter (okay, he's my favorite, I admit). But I need a ham-fight with Matt Berry.
3) They're talking about bringing back the Vampire Council in one form or another. It'd be fun to have a different cameo every season.
4) Ghosts! Can we expect Gregor to come haunting the vampire house? I can see too well in the Ghost parody with Nadja while the rest of the cast treats this one like a vermin infestation.
5) Witches! I must admit I'm really looking forward to seeing their versions of WWDITS universes. I know we saw a necromancer in the bonuses, maybe he'll come back. If not, I'll see a relative of the witch whose skin was used to make Laszlo's hat come back asking them to give it to her...Cue the panic to find him or else be cursed. 
6)They also said Laszlo and Nadja are going to make music together...That's all, I just think it's freaking adorable!!!
7)Colin Robinson's sexcapades... maybe the scariest thing we'll see on this show.
8) I'd like to know more about energy vampires as a species too.
9) So Jenna won't be in this season (insert ugly cry here).  I'm really sad especially that she was supposed to have an important storyline but Beanie Feldstein has a movie coming up + a leading role in another TV series so I understand. I just hope they don't kill her character to explain her absence.
10) Laszlo gets kicked out of town for something he did a long time ago (Laszlo and his two true loves: Nadja and poor decisions).
11) I confess I'd like to know more about Laszlo too. Nandor and Nadja have several episodes focused on them but Laszlo? We know that he is an English nobleman who is dying of leprosy and that he vaguely implies having some kind of depression before meeting Nadja. And before telling me that I read too much in to it, the guy who was noble, powerful, rich, handsome (by default but still) but was miserable and considered the fact that Nadja killed him as the best thing that ever happened to him.Maybe it was just not to end up disfigured by leprosy and find the love of her life...But it could be more complicated (maybe Jenna wasn't the first person Nadja saved).
12) Info on Dracula please! If Van Helsing is real, who else is real? Tell me that at least one of the vampires from the movie or show was involved in the events in the book!
13) Am I the only one who wants to see the werewolves again? I'd like to see vampires being forced to work with them for XYZ reason.
14) Someone said he would like to see flashbacks of the characters but because of the nature of the show, it's impossible...Then I remembered that in the film they do a reconstruction of the events at one point. Please, give me the worst community actors with true life movie effects!
15) Other monsters, really weird ones please.
16) We will also learn more about Guillermo's life: what did he do before he was the babysitter of a bunch of vampires? How he met Nandor and why he wants to be a vampire?
Maybe I'm asking for a little bit for 10 episodes. Any ideas or theories?
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sepublic · 5 years
Infinity Train Book Two!!!
Cartoon Network JUST released the trailer for Book 2 of Infinity Train, and it looks GOOOOD!!!
-As predicted, each season will follow a new protagonist with their own issues who’s now trapped on the Infinity Train; In this case, it’s a young teen named Jesse who wears a letterman jacket (probably in high school), who has a younger brother he has (or had) a good relationship with, as well as a mom and dad. We don’t know WHY Jesse is on the Infinity Train, but I doubt it’s another divorce, as we’ve already explored that kind of issue before. Also, he has a smart phone, so Book 2 takes place around modern times (This makes me wonder if we’ll ever have a season that takes place BEFORE the others, like in the past).
-Also predicted beforehand; With a new protagonist comes a new main cast! We have the much-anticipated return of Mirror Tulip, who’s now the secondary protagonist, and she looks DIFFERENT; In the best way! MT, as she calls herself, is really embracing her individuality and I’m so happy for her! Hearing her voice is also bittersweet, because it reminds me of Tulip and I still miss her, alas. I always expected MT to return, but not as a member of the main cast, so count me VERY happily surprised!
-It seems MT is acting as exposition to Jesse, recapping on how the Infinity Train works so we don’t have to see him go through the process of figuring out what was already established beforehand. That’s helpful, and it also gives past ties to Book 1 as well.
-There’s a Map Car based on old, classic explorer maps; However, it’s incomplete within a void. In order to expand the car and access the other door at the end, Jesse needs to add more pieces to a smaller, identical map to expand the room accordingly.
-There’s a Fall Room where Jesse meets another new main character; Allan (Ellen? LN?) Dracula! Despite the name, Dracula is actually a deer, but he can apparently shapeshift, change colors, and shoot lasers out of his eyes- He’s probably a native to the Fall Room and doesn’t seem to talk, so it’s likely Jesse named him. Unusual choice in name, but it’s neat nevertheless!
-Unfortunately, those dumb Mirror Police are still hellbent on killing MT for violating Mirror law and have been chasing her across multiple cars, even hanging up at least one wanted poster that I think MT took. It still resembles her appearance at the end of the Chrome Car episode, so did MT change her appearance to hide? Or was it to be more of an individual, or both? Also, WHY are the Mirror Police so insistent on arresting/killing MT? Is there some grave consequence to her being free, or are they doing it just because that’s what the law says? Terrifyingly, the Mirror Police can travel through/hide in ANY reflection, including puddles. Can MT still do this, or will traveling through mirrors trap her again? Likewise, I don’t see Tulip’s mirror on MT... did she learn to remove it, did it get lost against her will, or is it hidden beneath her clothes???
-Intriguingly, MT says ‘Remember Tulip?’ to Jesse. This implies that either MT or someone else explained who Tulip was to Jesse, or Jesse himself knew Tulip prior to boarding the Infinity Train. The latter option is VERY interesting and I wonder how much time has passed since Book 1.
-Khaki Bottoms lives! Unfortunately, he lost an ear after the Stewardess destroyed his home, but at least he still has another one of those jiggly-wiggly things, whatever those are. 
-THE CAT!!! Everyone expected her to be a recurring character through seasons, making deals with new protagonists and messing with them, but it’s still great to see her! And she’s still up to her old antics too, I see; Either way it’s great to see her. Having the cat be a recurring character, a constant throughout Infinity Train, is really cool- It’s like in Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, how each part covers a new protagonist after a certain amount of time, but there’s still a recurring character here or there, like Speedwagon!
-Also, we see Dracula approach a claw machine, only to be tiny and IN the claw machine. Jesse is trying to play to win him back and the cat explains what he has to do. It seems there’s going to be a ‘Festival Car’ episode where the main cast travels through, with Dracula getting distracted and captured while the cat helps Jesse and MT rescue him. Also, the two are seen running at some point without Dracula, making me wonder if the Mirror Police are in this episode.
-Another licensed song at the end, and more antics with the Mirror Police being annoying! Please tell me MT is okay at the end of this season
-And our final stinger, OneOne! I made an earlier post discussing what OneOne’s role in future seasons could be, and it looks like I was mostly right; He’s seen on a monitor explaining to someone (it doesn’t look like Jesse, but maybe he’s wearing something?) explaining that you can’t escape without companionship. It seems OneOne is also functioning as exposition, explaining to new arrivals how the Infinity Train works, and he might be telling Jesse (who MT is spying on), or perhaps ANOTHER passenger, how the train works. On an unrelated note, if OneOne has control over the Infinity Train, couldn’t he just force the Mirror Police to stop hunting down MT as part of his authority as Conductor? Or is this scene happening much later into the season, and this is where MT explains her problem to him? Perhaps OneOne is LETTING the Mirror Police chase down MT because he knows why the laws exist? Is that why MT is hiding, because she doesn’t want to be seen by him??? IS ONEONE TRYING TO FORCE MT BACK INTO THE CHROME CAR BECAUSE THAT’S PART OF HIS ROLE AS CONDUCTOR WHICH HE JUST NOW REMEMBERED!??!
-No Atticus, alas. I mean, I expected it with the whole ‘New protagonist and cast’ format, but I wish we get at least one cameo from him in Book 2.
-In the Map Car, it seems our trio is riding on the compass like a boat through the ocean, only for the mast to fall down and split it in two, separating Jesse from the others. Earlier, we see the whole trio on one of the compass halves, but the room looks like a natural background; This is where the Mirror Police appear.
-Jesse is naturally surprised to hear about MT’s technical status as a criminal. Considering her reasons behind it, I don’t think he’d blame her, but I do hope Jesse doesn’t begin to wonder if MT has done OTHER bad things she hasn’t told him yet...
-Also, I just noticed that this season is keeping to a trend of there being a main protagonist as a human passenger, accompanied by an inhabitant of the Infinity Train that was part of the train itself, as well as an animal companion also native to the Infinity Train. I wonder if it’ll be revealed that Dracula can talk.
-This bit is just speculation, but will we see Tulip at the end of the season, after Jesse escapes, but now all grown-up? Also, what happens if a passenger’s number goes down, but they don’t want to leave the friends they’ve already made on the Train? And will we see Amelia again, having now reformed and trying to bring down her number count?
Honestly, I can’t wait! 
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bluebeetle · 6 years
How do you hope the castlevania show handles the other games?? it seems like they arent gonna be following curse of darkness well ...
Yeah! It does seem like theyre gonna take their own direction… i suspect Dracula might still be revived by the end of it but it definitely seems like theyre trying to be smart and not have Dracula be the main villain/end villain every season which makes sense, as to viewers it can seem tiring. 
Im hoping even if they scrap most of CoD’s story,, we still get a few story beats like 
Trevor and Hector meeting–perhaps even fighting–but teaming up in the end (And thus sypha and probs alucard too!!). pls i NEED them to met my son
isaac and trevor fiiiight. hopefully with the same amount of gay.
JULIA! Personally, im hoping they scrap Rosalee altogether bc she basically existed to die and be man pain so im hoping Julia will sorta be a mix of Rosalee and Julia–i.e. still a witch and isaac’s sister, but also being hector’s saviour in a way. 
speaking of, even if she isnt isaacs sister, JULIA BETTER NOT BE FUCKING WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!! like thats such a cop out if they do, to make her brother black but not her?? she better be black and awesome and heroic and save hector’s ass from carmilla, im just saying. also her and sypha NEED to bond.
i hope we get more backstory on everyone as well
ALSO DEATH!! even if its as Zead, id love for Death to show up. Maybe even be the reason for Dracula’s later cycle of ressurection. seriously, where is he? where is Dracula’s BFF and Best Bro Ever??????
as for the other games… I suspect they might ignore a few of em, but the main ones i’d like to see are, roughly in order:
Okay first of all, I kinda DONT want a Lament of Innocence game. I actually dont rly care for it, i think a lot of the story ideas are really dumb, Leon is lame…. etc. However he is already established in the show, so if they DO touch on his game i want either a: there to be a shit ton of focus on Joachim bc hes the best character and also less Wife Death and better focus on Mathias
or b: it to have all of those things and also be a B plot told in flashbacks and not the whole season, particularly in:
Simon’s Games! Simon has NO supporting cast, its just him and Drac really, so having the B plot saves them a lot of time making up a ton of things wholesale tbh… that said, id lvoe to see a Simon based on Kojima’s art, with a personality that isnt too much like Trevor or Richter’s… Id also love for them to do Simon’s Quest too, because while it isnt a well liked game, it would be the PERFECT drama. 
Like okay, I imagine it like this: We have this man, whose family is still not well liked by the people of Wallachia and who still have a bad wrap of being associated with evil and dark magic… hes  been raised basically his whole life to fight monsters and especially Dracula.
and he eventually does it and earns respect from the people who once hated him. Hes not sure how to handle this, since now his main purpose for living is over, but he tries his best… only for the back wound he recieved from dracula to cause him pain, almost like its not healing, and suddenly people are weary of him again as it becomes clear over time that the wound is cursed, that hes dying–or perhaps, worse, becoming some sort of creature of the night (maybe hes turning into a zombie, falling apart, or showing traits of vampires or werewolves or who knows).
One way or another he finds out he has to revive Dracula and kill him again to save himself fromt he curse. But that goes against everything he wants, to risk bringing Dracula back into the world–but is other option is to die painfully and risk becoming a creature of the night. All while trying to keep the unsteady trust he’s made with the people of Wallachia… basically, its very good drama that is a good break from having a Looming Big Bad!!
plus, i can imagine the final fight between them could be very interesting–both are weak, Simon from dying of the curse and Dracula from just being revived, so the fight isnt just about brute strength, especially as the longer it goes on, the weaker Simon gets but the strong Dracula gets as he readjusts to his new form. 
Juste’s on the other hand would be a more straight forward jaunt through the castle with monsters, with the twist being it’s his friend possessed by Dracula and all. Id LOOOVE for there to be focus on Maxim, Lydie, and Juste’s trio as well as talk about Juste being the most magic-based Belmont and what that means for them, as well as their much cozier place in the society that once rejected their family, and especially for what that means for White Haired, Magic Juste.
 Basically all I need from this part is good character writing for the three of them, but esp Maxim and Juste… Lydie wont be too hard bc she has like no personality in the games lol… give her one please. 
After that, theres of course Rondo of Blood and SotN. For the first one, I figure they can probably be pretty straight forward: Richters gotta fight Dracula, rescue some people, he meets a nice girl named Maria who helps him, etc… most of it will come fron the strength of Maria and Richters writing but theres bound to be some really cool action scenes with Richter and his skills and powers, but maria too! 
However, Id LOOOOVE for there to be more focus on Richter during his possession at some point, and his struggles with that!!! Also, Cameo from Juste his dad/grandpa pleaaase. 
As for Alucard and Maria… I hope they age up Maria a bit bc while Alucard is forever like, 18, itll nudge any romance that may happen between them outta an area of “Is This Weird?”. Anyways from there you get the usual Tepes Family Drama from Alucard having to kill his dad AGAIN and the Succubus as his mom oooo that good drama…
but I hope we get really good Maria characterization and stuff from her, like!! Please. Im also wanting her to not be white bc we NEED heroic characters of colour pls…..
I really hope they cover Order of Ecclesia bc Shanoa is great. I dont have much to say there tbh…. Idk if theyll do Bloodlines or Portrait of Ruin but there also a good way to break up the formula. Id also die if they made Sonia canon again….
Finally, i’d say the Sorrow series are the best ones to end the show on… I mean, on top of being the latest in the timeline–which means they can also do some neat stuff with modern or future tech–it also creates the best way to wrap up the series. Like, its a great way to say good bye to everyone, but especially to wrap up the Alucard and Dracula plot via Genya and Soma. 
I dont have too much to say here, other than I thin they could do some really good stuff by building up on whats already established in the show esp with Alucard and his Dad and then contrasting it with how they write Soma. 
Plus, Soma’s powers could make for some REALLY REALLY awesome fight scenes!!
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Epic Movie (Re)Watch #143 - The Librarian: Curse of the Judas Chalice
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Spoilers below
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: I don’t think it’s ever been shown in theaters, so no.
Format: DVD
1) At the time of viewing this it was the only Librarian film I had never rewatched. Not from a dislike of the film, I do enjoy it, more just because I was never in the mood before I guess.
2) The opening is very 007 while also still remaining very much Librarian. It is clear they’re going for a 007 vibe (a strong separate adventure establishing the character and tone for the film which doesn’t have too much bearing on the rest of the plot) but Flynn is still a dork (sneezing into a glass of champagne and then explaining how it’s not really champagne) and the humor is still there. It’s a lot of fun!
3) One thing I truly enjoy about this film is we get a bit more with Charlene/Jane Curtin. She is on the phone with Flynn during most of the beginning, and her reactions to the escalating purchases is incredible. Shows you that Jane Curtin is still comedy gold.
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4) The entire auction scene is awesome, actually. It relies very heavily on comedic misunderstanding on three fronts: Flynn with his girlfriend, Flynn with Charlene, and Flynn with the auctioneer. It leads to some clever gags and just good fun all around!
5) I love the duel Flynn has with this random villain at the beginning of the picture, but more than that I love how they’re both history nerds! How they talk about the artifacts they’re destroying and the history behind them and GAH! Whey couldn’t we have more of this bad guy!? I LOVE this bad guy!
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6) The large connection annex!
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I love the effort in these films to make The Library more and more wondrous and (in result) giving us a regular stream of Flynn geek out sessions! I would 100% be Flynn in the library. Just saying.
7) I totally love Flynn’s breakdown in this film, and Wyle is amazing in the scene. It is absolutely hysterical and shows Flynn at a point of pressure we haven’t seen even when his LIFE is threatened!
Flynn: “Yeah I’m fine. Yeah I’m good. What could POSSIBLY be wrong!? I mean I work in a BASEMENT! Doing a secret job I can’t even tell my mother about! AND MY BEST FRIEND IS A SWORD! What could possibly be wrong!?
Charlene: “I think he’s snapped!”
Flynn: “This place is SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF ME! I look around, I don’t even see relics anymore. You know what I see? I see the parts of my life I have GIVEN UP finding them! Blackbeard’s chest, my mom’s sixty-fifth birthday! DaVinci’s diary, my ten year college reunion! Do you even KNOW how often those come along?”
[Beat as Judson and Charlene look at each other.]
Judson: “Um...ten...ten years?”
8) Can I just say, I could have really used more scenes between Judson and Charlene in these movies.
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(GIFs originally posted by @flynnscarnation.)
9) Bruce Davidson!
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Davidson is probably best known for his villainous role as Senator Kelly in the original X-Men film, but his role here as Professor Lazlo in this film is a nice change of pace. For most of the film he’s a little more introspective and definitely more intellectual. There’s a certain sadness and age he plays to Lazlo, but a nice twist he brings to the part when the story allows him to (more on that later).
10) One of the best things about this film is when Charlene comes to Flynn’s apartment more-than-a-little-drunk and has a heart-to-heart with him.
Charlene: “These are travel brochures for vacations I never took.”
Charlene: “You’re not the only one this job has cost.”
It’s a side to Charlene we’ve never seen before. A fun side, a regretful side, an empathetic side, and a side I really wish we’d get to see more of because Curtin plays it wonderfully.
11) Can we just all take a moment to appreciate how incredibly dorky Flynn’s New Orleans outfit is?
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He’s such a dork I love it.
12) Stana Katic as Simone.
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I love Stana Katic. Stana Katic is what kept me going through the weaker final seasons of “Castle”. The news that Stana Katic would not be on a proposed ninth season of “Castle” if it were renewed had me stop watching it. Her brief appearance in Quantum of Solace was great for me. I think Stana Katic is incredible and her performance in this film is no exception.
Simone may be the best developed of all three female leads in the Librarian film series, and considering how great Emily Davenport was that’s saying something. She is devoted to her destiny, she embraces it and celebrates it (and she tries to encourage Flynn to do the same). She has this incredible love for life and energy you see in all her scenes, a remarkable feat considering the fact that she’s dead. Her life is defined by her destiny, her need to do good, but also the pain she’s held. The loss of her lover, of her LIFE. Yet most of her scenes are defined by this love of life I mentioned before. A playfulness, a fun energy and just sincere passion that infects every scene she’s in. She messes with Flynn, she used to be an Opera singer because she LOVES music, she has this incredible smile and it’s just...GAH! I’m obviously a bit biased because I love Katic so much but I think she KILLS it as Simone.
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13) Obligatory Jonathan Frakes (the director of this film and the previous Librarian film) cameo!
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14) It is also worth noting that Wyle and Katic have some incredible chemistry. Maybe even more so than Flynn did with Emily in the last film, and THAT is saying something.
15) So I’m pretty familiar with most fictional movie logic, but I have to say the idea that Judas (the disciple who betrayed Christ in most Christian religions) is a new idea I kinda like. It gives the vampire an interesting origin and provides a lot of explanations (why silver harms them because of Judas’ thirty pieces of silver, their fear of the crucifix, how a wooden stake from an Aspen tree can kill them because that was the kind of tree Judas hung himself from, etc.).
16) I love this line.
Andrew [after Flynn is surprised he doesn’t believe in Voodoo]: “What? I’m a black man living in New Orleans, I have to believe in Voodoo? It’s the twenty-first century.”
17) I have said time and time again that I would probably be Flynn in these situations. Like Flynn, my tongue can be too sharp for its own good.
Flynn [after being asked why he wants the Judas Chalice]: “I already have the Judas plate and the Judas knife and fork, so if I want the complete set...”
Flynn [after the bad guy monologues]: “Wow. I’ve actually never sat this close to a psychopath before.”
18) This random thug has known Flynn for MAYBE an hour (TOPS!) and already has made a great observation about him.
Thug: “You always talk in like whole paragraphs, you ever notice that?”
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19) The deepened mythology of The Library - how it holds the Tree of Knowledge and is pitched in a bigger war between good and evil - doesn’t ever really get to play out in a film. However, you can see THAT story in the TV show followup “The Librarians” on TNT!
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Now that I’m done with the commercial segment of my post...
20) The twist of having Bruce Davidson’s Lazlo end up being Count Dracula who needed the titular chalice to recover his strength is actually really great. I did NOT see that coming the first time I saw this film, and I think it continues the trend started in Return to King Solomon’s Mines of having a nice final act twist to keep the audience on its toes. They work better than one might initially expect.
21) Okay, I have so many questions...
Flynn [after saying he’s fought evil in many forms]: “Approximately thirty-five forms. Give or take.”
So we have the bad guy from the first Librarian, the time traveling ninjas from the end of the first film, the Crystal Skull dude from the beginning of Return to King Solomon’s Mines, the main bad guys from that film, and the evil historian guy from the beginning of this film. That’s five forms of evil. What are the other thirty?
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22) So after Flynn kills Dracula Simone decides to move on, to let herself die so her soul can be at rest because she protected the Chalice and now the vampire who turned her is dead. And you know how she goes out?
Simone: “I’ve always wanted to see the sunrise again. Will you watch with me?”
She watches the sunrise with Flynn...
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And they confess their love to each other right before she dies.
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(GIF originally posted by @queerseth)
You hear that? That sound in the distance? Oh it’s nothing. Just my heart breaking.
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I really enjoy this film and I think it’s a fitting end to what has become The Librarian trilogy. I think it may be as good as Return to King Solomon’s Mines if not for different reasons. The handling of vampires in the film gives it a distinct taste, Wyle and Newhart are great as always, Curtin gets some more fun things to do, and the addition of Stana Katic to the cast is just 100% spectacularly! I think it’s just great and if you like any of the other Librarian stuff, Stana Katic, or just adventure films in general, you should give this a watch.
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