#and me chose my human services was because I just wanted to be some tour of therapist
still-got-no-idea · 6 months
questions :3 1- Whens your birthday [dd/mm] [[<-the only reason i remember america has [mm/dd]] is because the teacher gave us a lecture lol]] 2- What time period would you want to live in? You can choose future or past for any length of time 3- Do you have any headcanons ? [utmv or other] 4- What made you want to choose human services? Any specific jobs in mind ? 5- Do you have any music reccomendations [im not sure if i asked this one yet but the more the merrier lol]
1) July 15th (15/7)
2) I… don’t really know. I never really thought about it. Maybe something like the 1980s-1990s, since that would probable be around the time where I’d have to know how to do certain things to make certain parts of technology work, and I honestly really do feel like it would be good to do that so that I just kinda know these things, at least
3) not really lol. I only ever really come up with things like that when I’m writing certain things, but it’s not really something that’s ever come up in my brain in any sort of obvious way
4) I wanna be some type of therapist. That’s… about it, really. It was a job that I kinda wanted, so yeh
5) genuinely the only music I’ve been listening to for the past several months is just Will Wood so I don’t have anything other than just Will Wood in general-
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knight-a3 · 5 months
Now we're getting into the realm of OCs. To preface, I was strongly inspired by THIS COMIC. I was also playing with an alternate face design for Random in a couple of these.
Anyway, this is Smokestack!
More below.
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I started drawing @mfdragon 's OC, then kept making my own alterations until he became mine. I researched steam-powered locomotives for this y'all. I'll explain in a minute.
Final tidbit of context: I was playing with an alternate design for the Random face, just so it matched the other two a bit more. How I feel about it goes back and forth. I like Random's OG design, but it's just so different from the others that is doesn't quite fit in.
Okay, ramblings and train info dump under the cut. Get ready to learn stuff you never cared about.
So basically, the idea is that an allspark fragment brought some old abandoned steam engine to life. Like in the comic, it used Blitzwing as a blueprint, so Smokestack is the first naturally occurring triple changer. Which also means he doesn't suffer the same mental instability as the previous triple changers, he's just naive in a similar way that Wreck-Gar is. He is neither Decepticon nor Autobot. He's too sweet to be a Con, but he's too loyal to his "Dad" to be an Autobot. He's also full of train facts.
Time for trains info dump! Disclaimer, I'm not at all an expert and I am simplifying.
In the steam era, each locomotive was custom-made, so there weren't any industrial standard models or anything. Different companies had different classing systems at different times. I tried to figure it out once and gave up. Instead, steam engines are categorized by their wheel arrangements. There are leading wheels, driving wheels, and trailing wheels. The driving wheels are the only required ones cuz those are the ones that move it. The leading and trailing wheels are for stabilization and weight distribution. Different arrangements were better for different things, such as freight vs passenger. I don't know the science behind which ones were good at what.
The kind of trains that built the transcontinental railroad were 4-4-0 configurations, commonly called "American Standard" due to their prevalence during the westward expansion. They had two sets(four total) of leading wheels, two sets of driving wheels, and no trailing wheels. Like: <••⊙⊙]▣□□□ They're little guys.
The single most produced type of steam engine was the 2-8-0 "Consolidation". <••⊙⊙⊙⊙]▣□□□□ It was a good multi-purpose design. So I chose to make Smokestack 2-8-0 because it gave me the most wiggle room for when and where I wanted him to originally be manufactured and in service. By making him a random abandoned one, I didn't have to think about what museum pieces could be in the Detroit area (Nobody but me would care, but I got hung up on that for some reason).
Anyway, when he only has one vehicle mode, Smokestack is his original 2-8-0. Once he upgrades to having two alts, he becomes a 4-8-8-4 "Big Boy" <••⊙⊙⊙⊙-⊙⊙⊙⊙••]▣□□□□, which is LARGE. 16 driving wheels, which are at least as tall as a person! The purpose was to have enough power to handle the steep grades in the Rocky Mountains and similarly difficult terrain with heavy loads. These days, rail companies will just hook up multiple diesel engines to the train to get the needed power. There is only one currently functional Big Boy type train, which occasionally does tours. It came by my place on the anniversary of the transcontinental railroad in 2019, but I didn't understand trains enough to properly appreciate it.
Next, I'll be getting into drawing other characters, and making human designs.
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rosesandalfazemas · 1 year
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3. Your best version
Spanish version
That was undoubtedly the first stone upon stones that the Englishman could call "home." Although at first there had been only two towers and a small wall, over the centuries, technology and the importance of existence, Windsor gradually became a region in itself, covering hectares of extension in both buildings and complexes, roads, fields, hunting grounds, rural zones and urban areas.
It had been the place of birth and death of almost all the sovereigns of the nation, and was the undisputed home of the youngest of the Kirklands for many centuries, until the evolution of the world caused him to move with the royal family to new residences; but they always returned, inevitably to the same place, with some new excuse that only showed how deep the roots and the blue blood of their people had, connected beyond the obvious.
Its existence was so important and powerful that the castle, along with the Emerald Bastion in Ireland and Stonehenge in Scotland, were the only structures that were also transfigured in the Dreamworld; for its force in human history was such, that it refracted like the image of a mirror. Points so powerful that they were half of the complex called the Great Gray Castle, one of the most important spiritual structural bases in the West.
“Here we are…”
For this, they had to navigate much deeper than they usually did, conscious in reality with their humanoid skins. And a previous step.
"Meu Deus..."
Gabriel’s steps were light as he made his way down the carpeted hallway, until he was facing the leaves at the entrance to the room. Arthur looked at the guard in the background and gestured for them to spread out a bit; he took a key that no longer belonged to that time, from his pocket. In a quick gesture he opened the old but well-preserved wooden doors, with the original engravings that the couple remembered, stretching out his arms and sliding the leaves backwards.
“The door…”
"The same one," the blond smiled amused. “They’re the passage to the Christian paradise we chose back then, when inexperience made us more tense than we should have been.”
"Well, I was a little older and you had just gotten used to functioning on your own, after learning from Francis. It was quite a challenge for you.”
“Of course.” he smiled tenderly. “It was quite an adventure. But there was time for me to prepare this one for you.”
"It's true." He looked at him for a second. “What's more, I remember it took three tries to make this door, because it never reached the palace intact; something occured and the door arrived broken.”
“Ah yes, all the tension activated my magic; those poor souls took quite the scare” he laughed with a hint of bitterness. “ But after that I learned to control it…”
"... to use conscientiously."
“... to use it conscientiously, yes.”
The brunette smiled, a hint of sarcasm on his lips, and returned to the door, giving it a onceover before entering. He remembered the craftsman who had carved the doors, on days full of joy and bewilderment. He had come over to show off the idea, dirty and nervous, between stern knights in silver armor. And it was Portugal himself who chose him.
For some reason, all the descendants of that craftsman still had a connection to the Royal British Family to present day, offering their services at more sophisticated levels.
"It's like a time travel, marido," he admited, looking all over the room. “It's maravilhoso.”
"That's why I wanted to bring you, because of the expression on your face. I love it.”
Gabriel turned and smiled at him. They continued the tour, walking slowly between the corridors and the decorations of each corner; carding his fingers between some things, both melancholy and pride.
The entire wing had been planned out when the alliance was announced, and built up a couple of years later. With a view of ​​the Chapel of Saint George where they had been married, passing through the red room and the white drawing room, the old bedroom had been covered, decorated and then painted with blues and ochres, because Gabriel liked marine colors, replacing the reds a young Arthur had preffered.
The huge windows had been conserved, and through time they had added heavy curtains that let the light in. On the opposite side, facing north, were three huge standing mirrors with their own vanity table, two internal bathrooms, two work desks, a loveseat, a common library against the wall, two closets with walking room to change, recreation tables close to the door and a large piece of furniture that kept specific glassware for the refined alcohol stored in it, with its glasses and glasses gifted from all the courts of the world.
The bed, next to it, was still as immense as the first, with its dark oak colored carved headboard and high footboards; lined with white and blue velvet curtains, held in place by long golden cords.
In front of it, the walls were a pewter blue and the ceiling white, with hanging gold decorations. Saint George, patron saint of both nations, was painted on the ceiling just like a silhouette, whose sword pointed to the heraldic shields of both houses over the fireplace that was on one of the walls. 
The metal scale ornaments showed who this room belonged to, and why entire generations of humans were never allowed to be there.
“Everything looks the same as I remember.” Portugal walked in, England closed the door behind.
“I wanted to keep it this way. With all the happy and bitter memories.” the blonde spoke, his hands were in his pocket. “I did not want to skip over any details, it is not intended to be a fantasy.”
“Yes, I can sense it in the air.” The Portuguese looked at him sideways, while looking over the base of the steel shields on the wall, with a melancholic look.
“We made love in front of the fire many times, on the stone floor and fur rugs, with those sea storms the winter brought and cooled the whole room.”
"And on the other hand, overwhelmed by the summer heat, we argued much more when we were in bed." continued Gabriel. “We did everything backwards.”
"It was the charm of the marriage." Arthur walked towards him.
Gabriel smiled sadly when, after kissing his husband's hand, his eyes of that strange aquamarine went to a corner, landing on one of the tables near the room's central library.
“There’s where you yelled at me for the first time, I remember, and you threatened to go get our alliance act and tear it up with your own hands, condemning its writing to a hellish fire.”
Arthur blushed violently, looking to the side.
“... I said that?”
"You were angry. You found the letters that Antonio's king had with mine, and you considered it an infidelity in, what you felt, it was monogamy. You were hurt and jealous, and that hit you like an anvil.”
“Yeah, I'm not specifically proud of my reactions in the first decade. However, you didn't reproach me for that behavior afterwards, because you knew it was based on personal stupidity.”
“It wasn’t. You were young, you were scared and you were afraid that I would leave you. But I knew that I loved you and that it wouldn’t happen.”
"Well, there's the age difference," the other pointed out, with a hint of amusement. “You were already more on your feet. I had just stopped being a wild rabbit that Bonnefoy had tamed, wearing a metal armor that was too big for me at our wedding.”
Gabriel laughed slowly.
“It's part of your charm.” he kissed his forehead affectionately, letting go to continue the tour of the room, reviewing each object and piece of furniture, until the turn led him to the foot of the bed. “But you didn’t bring me here to remember our rights and wrongs."
"No, of course," he answered, walking towards him.
"Then, my dear husband, I look forward to hearing from you what you want to do here."
Arthur took his hand and lead him to sit on white feather padding, leaving him on the edge. Then he knelt on the ground and rested his elbows on the other's knees, getting between his legs and looking up at him with the expression of an anxious child.
“By my command, his place preserves all the things that we have gone through in our history. Only a few creatures that still walk the Earth can say that they have experienced what we have, together.” His tone lowered, showing solemnity. “And although time and sea have sometimes distanced us; wars or famines were only breaks from what really unites us.” he took the other’s hands and left the one that tied the weeding ring on top. "Something much deeper than vows in this reality."
"We can't go directly to the Dreamworld," replied the dark-haired man, catching on the intention. “You’ve taught me that you have to go in phases. Human reality is far away.”
“Not from here; in this bubble in which I keep the memories condensed on the walls, the memories on the floor and still drawn in the inks of the library books, witnesses of our time together, it will allow us to travel there at that level of depth and in full consciousness.”
"... So we don't need an ecstatic state to find it?"
The Englishman blinked suddenly, letting go of the hand and pouting childishly.
"...Hey, don't mock me, I do want to fuck you."
Portugal's laugh was as unexpected as well received. It was contagious, and dissipated the tension the conversation gave them.
"Well, that's really a way to get back to the present," he smiled mockingly, the freckles on the nose more visible due to the blush. Gabriel brushed the blond bangs back with his fingers, uncovering the forehead that always was unnoticed by the hair and his thick eyebrows.
"Did I ask a question outside of the lesson, professor witch?"
"It's clear that you don't pay attention" he raised an eyebrow, following the game “. So I'll give you a … practical lesson.”
Taken advantage of by the position, Arthur rose to his feet and leaned over Gabriel, pushing him under himself and laying him down on the bed. He supported all his weight, one that Gabriel received with a big smile, hugging him from behind and seeking his mouth to deepen a long kiss.
"Mmh, amor..."
“Relax, I'll lead… ”
Pale hands traveled to the sides of the other's torso, beginning to undo the buttons and push the fabric. The tanned hands undid the belt and released the trousers, opening the shirt more. Arms stretched out and both legs spread, making the other's work easier with a coordination that left no doubt for how long they had been lovers, between the intense kisses that sought to bite and get deeper.
"Ah! Arthur…” 
"We'll take it slow, okay? Seeing you naked is a problem right now, my control begins to break.”
The Lusitanian raised his arms, while the Briton finished undressing him. A sidelong look and a complicit smile accompanied the silent acts, until Portugal was completely naked.
“You know, Ludwig told me this is a fetish.” he pointed himself out, still dressed. “I think we have nothing left to try, however. Still, seeing you like that makes me—“
"Marido, you're rambling again," he snapped his fingers at him, amused. “You said you were going to go for a practical lesson, but don't take it too literally.”
"Is that a bossy tone I'm hearing?" Arthur feigned an offended question, while Gabriel spread his legs, fully exposing himself against the head of the bed, tucked between the pillows.
"I'm a king, what did you expect from me? Begging?”  He smiled maliciously, “You must serve me. It is your conjugal duty, especially in our bed.”
Still dressed, the blond crawled over to the other, caressing the knees and lowering his hands to the huge scars on the thighs of both legs, pressing them. The brunette's reaction was reflected on a sigh and his growing erection.
“Damn the moon that guided my path to ever cross your own, gypsy. You only get me turned on.”
“Everything turns you on, Arthur. You are a pervert with beautiful eyes.” He rose his brows. “Stop making excuses about my so-called luring sorcery.”
“It’s real; I could only be comfortable with another witch, and here you are, giving me orders.”
"Are you going to fuck me or not?"
England applies pressure onto the scars, making the other moan loudly.
“I said we’d go slow, my dear husband.”
“Mhm… I’m getting desperate, do something before I go insane and stop listening to you.”
“As you wish.”
Arthur leans down onto the other’s hips, taking the hard member into his mouth. The skillful mouth made the lusitanian bang their head against the headboard of the bed, raising his eyes to the ceiling, half closed. Moans built up in his throat and he held onto the wooden bedposts, while his partner’s dominance made him feel like an anvil.
“Give yourself to me the way I do to you, no conditions.” The other asked for, “The way we did when we first made our vows. Just like that time…”
“Sim, sim.”
Arthur undoubtedly showed a great power; perhaps the most powerful nation in Western Europe, even with all its setbacks. But there was no action or comment from him that went unnoticed by anyone in the world; from a caress to a red button that he pressed, or how many cubes of sugar the ideal tea should contain.
Greece was right in thinking that his existence generated tidal waves; some that maximized his husband's bodily pleasure, found in the warmth of his mouth. Something that perhaps only a couple would endure and that would kill a mortal with a heart attack.
When the blonde spread the tanned legs with false kindness, holding them by the knees, the noises coming from his mouth were more obscene, causing a more intense arousal. Little by little, every soft word, etiquette rule, or dress code fell apart, as each piece of clothing was ripped open, a button broken off, and a zipper undone.
“Let me see you.”
Arthur kissed him again, letting the wandering hands continue their work. He was half dressed, and beneath him was Portugal, naked and ready. Pausing for a moment to caress the edges of his face, moving gently down his shoulders, arms, chest, waist, and thighs.
“This is your best version.” He whispered against Port’s lips, focused on the other’s pupils.
“Esta é a sua melhor versão.” Portugal repeated, reaching for the other’s hands with his own and interlocking his fingers.
They smiled at each other, conjuring up an old ritual they’d always shared. Something the old tribal women from here and there, between the Calé and the Celts, had taught them over time. Something that evoked a recognition among creatures conceived like those; long-lived and almost infinite, with thousands of folded sides in many dimensions. This way, they focused on a single form: the one that brought together a bit of all of them, and made it plausible to channel any quality of the other sides; since it was the most powerful, tangible and consistent.
The human form.
A breeze from nowhere blew gently into the room, bringing with it a strong scent of roses. The emerald eyes on Portugal seemed to shine in the soft gloom of the room. The answer was immediate: the pupils of a strange-green sea seemed to lighten up just a little, and a wave of lavender appeared around them. A brightness that called to another, in many places at once. Both smells could be felt and seen, surrounding and enveloping them like cocoons.
"You look beautiful like this, the real you." Gabriel whispered, obsessed by the vision above him. The blond smiled lazily.
“Then you should hold me closer, dearest, because for this trip I am the channel through which you must pass.”
"Oh, must I... ?"
“Indeed. That's why I prepared you with my mouth before.” he raised his thick eyebrows.
"Well, I won't deny that it's a pleasant surprise." Portugal laughed slowly, still caressing the pale skin. It’s been a long time since it was my turn.”
“It's your luck'ey day, mate. I’m not complaining too much either” he shrugged. “It’s always a pleasure when we switch”
“Bem! Someone was in the mood and didn't tell me.”
The blond laughed slowly and then positioned himself over Gabriel, allowing his hands to relax the sensitive skin, in ascending and descending all over his body. Eyes closed and a lazy smile, Arthur let himself settle down, until the warm hands on his cheeks made him see his lover’s face again.
"Ready to ride?"
Arthur rested his hands onto the other's chest, deep kiss to hide his moaning. The Portuguese's hands found his pale waist and beyond, touching his ass to hold tightly and tenderly to make the ride easier.
“Just relax.”
After a moment everything became more gentle and the fingers more inquisitive. Arthur bit his lip, smiling and running his tongue over his mouth, anticipating the oncoming pleasure when he felt the tip of the other’s member at his entrance.
“Stop overthinking, Gabe, you’re making me anxious.”
“That’s the idea.”
Suddenly, Portugal sank him down quickly, and provoked in Arthur a lewd cry that turned into laughter and then a deep groan.
"Aaah yes! This is what I wanted! You're perfect.” Kirkland sat down better, biting his lip and facing towards the ceiling with half-closed eyes. “Just a little more... a little-“
“Mhh!” Gabriel frowned at the tightness, but the next thrust pushed him fully into his partner, sighing with relief and pleasure.
The breeze was more intense between them, the scent of roses and lavenders sweeter, until everything began to mix and instead of wisps of dust in the air, threads of light began to form, like spider webs that could barely be seen when hit by the sun; and it stopped, shining like gold. And again. And again.
Suddenly, it was night and day; and it was winter, and spring, and summer, and fall; there were noises, music and then silence; as if they passed between people and events with great speed.
As their bodies synched into rhythm and Arthur began to ride Gabriel, the sharpness of those golden threads around them began to narrow, surrounding them; they were everywhere, they were part of everything; they even came out of them. In those movements, their strings began to braid to a point where they looked like two creatures woven from the same skein, barely distinguishable from each other.
But they didn't seem to notice; they only felt the building pleasure of where they were connected; one that grew closer and closer to orgasm.
It all happened at the same time; the climax, collapsing onto the other's chest and hugging each other, squeezing their arms, as if they were going to disappear. But they laid horizontally on the bed, breathing heavily.
When they parted ways and looked at each other, they were no longer the ones from the mirror of the human world.
When they looked out the window, the skies were pink, the sun blue, and the fields orange.
After many centuries, they had come to the Dreamworld together.
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
Protection Forever - William Lennox
Lennox x Reader
Description: Running into an old flame at the worst possible time.
Warning: nah. Bad writing? Kinda. Unedited because I was excited. I’ll not when it’s been fixed. Somethings may not be fully aligned with the movie but I tried 😩
Word count: 2500+
Dedicated to @merakiaes hey fren!
All gifs from @meragifs too!
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You were an EMT.
The two of you pulled up to meet with the other Autobots, you exiting the vehicle before he transformed. You were in awe as he and the rest of the cars all changed.
The biggest one, their leader, gave a rundown of everything that was happening once he confirmed Sam’s identity. This was just a recap for you as Ratchet had already explained. The teenage boy just stood there stuttering not really knowing how to process everything and you frowned again. That was when you really took notice of two teens just standing there. Having known what was expected of Sam Witwicky you frowned slightly.
“I don’t know about this Ratchet, he’s just kid.” You commented to the alien you had formed a quick bond with.
“And who might you be?” The one called Optimus inquired.
You gave him your name before the other yellow autobot, who you’d later learned was Bumble Bee, uttered something through his radio. It was hard for you to hear but the other robots seemed to be use to it as Ratchet responded immediately.
“The human. I like her.” Ratchet sounding irritated.
Bumblebee made another comment and right before Ratchet could respond one of the others chimed in.
“Wait why do they get humans?” Jazz asked incredulously. “I want one too!”
“Enough! Humans are not pets.” The one call Optimus Prime stated sternly, clearly tired of their bickering. You held your laugh, highly amused.
They were like siblings. A family.
“Exactly I’m just here to help and be a better tour guide than these kids can be.” You confirmed practically forcing your services on them. “Besides they need adult supervision. From the looks of it, you all do.” You grinned at everyone around you. Optimus gave a nod, agreeing.
“She stays. Let’s move.”
In that short amount of time things moved rather quickly. You watched the Autobots accidentally destroy Sam’s backyard when attempting to retrieve the glasses, you were all arrested, you escaped thanks to the Autobots, only to be arrested again.
Finally you ended it some secret base. How get you weren’t alone. The government had apparently been on a roll with kidnapping civilians who “knew too much “.
Things weren’t going great but quickly went left when the Decepticons, the Autobot rivals, came to retrieve Megatron.
A war from another planet had officially made Earth its battleground.
You were nervous, trying to figure out how to calm everything down before things started to escalate. Nobody was going to get anywhere with all the bickering. That’s when you saw him.
It had been what? Two years?
Still, without even knowing it, without even knowing you were present, he was still able to make your heart be slow and fast at the same time. The army had aged him, but for the better making him all the more attractive but you couldn’t focus on that right now. Especially when you heard:
“The cryogenic system is failing! We're losing NBE One!”
All the soldiers begin to pack everything that they could to prepare in a fight the way they always did. It was an mirable the way Linux game orders in his men took them without a second thought. The trust there.
“That’s good. Get all the ammo you got.”
“Everything you can carry. Bring it.”
Tearing your eyes away from your former lover you grab Sam.
“Come on, we need Bee.” You reminded him, nodding in Simmons direction
“You got to take me to my car.” Sam said, then repeated when he was ignored. “You have to take me to my car. He’s gonna know what to do with the Cube.”
“Your car? It's confiscated.”
“Then unconfiscate it.” You stared blankly.
“We do not know what will happen if we let it near this thing! -“
“You don't know.”
“Maybe you know, but I don't know.”
You rolled your eyes at the insufferable mans rambling.
This was really was more about ego who was in control more than anything. The guy running the ship, clearly was on a power trip. Unfortunately for him he was facing off against soldiers . The Captain who’s eyes you could feel staring at the side of your face.
A Captain and his soldiers. Ones that really dont like to lose and take serving their country seriously.
The guy who arrested you earlier continue to argue with Sam about getting him back to bumblebee when Lennox finally pulled out his gun sick of the back-and-forth.
“Take him to his car!”
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As soon as he did so all hell broke loose and everyone from both parties pulled out a weapon.
“Drop it!”
It wasn’t until One of the sector seven agents pointed a gun at the back of Will’s head that you disable to another agent and took his gun and pointed it directly and held it directly at the one pointing the gun at your ex.
“I really wouldn’t.” You warned.
You were no soldier, but Will have taught you plenty before you broke up. So did your brother, before he passed away. He actually served alongside Will but died in combat. Biking. That’s part of why you were so hurt when Will re-enlisted. When he got promoted to Captain and chose the army over you. You were terrified of losing him the way you lost your brother. The break up wasn’t that messy but you both said things you didn’t mean. In attempts to mask your own pain and hurt one another.
You know. Hurt people, hurt people.
It’s still came to no surprise that you put a bullet in someone to protect him. Together or not you’d never let anything happen to him.
“I'm ordering you under S-Seven executive jurisdiction-“ Simmons ranted.
“S-Seven don't exist.” You interjected, earning a quick appreciative glance from Will.
“Right. And we don’t take orders from people that don’t exist.”
“I’m gonna count to 5. Okay-“ Simmons attempted to threat yet again.
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“Well, I’m gonna count to three.” Will deadpanned.
You knew that look. God did you know that look and it was so wrong that you were so turned on.
Finally the Secretary of defense interfered telling Simmons to do what was being asked of him. Everyone relaxed slight, weapons lowering.
The Captain and couldn’t help but watch you how do you get up and prepare to go.
“So that’s her huh?” Epps commented as Will watched you run off with Sam.
“Yeah..” Will answered, mind racing.
While he knew he’d eventually see you again, he didn’t think it would be like this. You looked breath taking.
“Damn. Shorty had your back that entire time.”
“Gear up,”
“What I’m just saying I thought she was gonna put a cap in his.” Epps shouted after his Captain receiving no response.
Will knew you had his back, you always would, the same way he would always have yours. He thought of you often, the break up between two inescapable, never feeling like he did the right thing. You were always not too far from the front of his mind. Him wondering how you were doing. If you were happy. If you found somebody else. There was no doubt he regretted what had transpired between the two of you. It was his fault. He knew that. You knew that. He had ample opportunity to fight for you and he didn’t. When he was promoted Captain he felt he had to choose between you and the army. He didn’t choose you the way he should’ve. In reality he could’ve had both. However hr so caught up proven himself to his deadbeat dad that he possibly let the best thing that ever happened to him go.
Not to mention trying to atone for your brothers death. It wasn’t his fault, but he still couldn’t shake it. So without talking to you he reenlisted. Needless to say where that got him.
Now hear the both of you were in the middle of an alien war. Yeah. This is the last place he thought he’d see you.
You were numb. The battle on the highway enough to freak you out. For mommy, just a moment you thought this might be a dream but no. This is all very real. One minute you guys were just entering the city trying to lay low, next thing you know - BOOM! The explosion knocked all of you over, injuring some, killing a few. Bumblebee’s legs were partially blown off.
Getting up off the pavement you waited for the ringing in your ear to subside as you stood up, trying to study yourself when you felt a pair of arms hold you still.
You knew it was Will just by the way he touched you, you blinked hard trying not to go down memory lane.
“Are you okay?” The concern in his voice was enough to make your heart skip a bear.
“Yeah,” you nodded slowly. “Yeah I’m fine.”
Slowly you removed yourself from his grip and went to check on Sam and Mikaela. Ratchet on the other hand -
“Hmm. His pheromone levels are-“ you quickly turned on him and glared.
“Ratchet I’ll turn you into a can opener if you don’t shut the hell up.”
The robot nearly held his hands up in the surrendering position as he followed you. Will had arranged an aircraft to pick up Sam and the cube while everyone else defended themselves against the deceptive cons in a hurry to get the cube far far away before Megatron arrived. Sam was in a panic and so Michaela, you could see Will’s short fuse getting ready to exploded. It was then you decided to be an escort.
“Sam, you can’t do this alone.” Michaela fussed.
“He won’t be alone.” You commented, causing all parties involved to look at you.
“I’m going with you.” You declared.
“No.” Will didn’t even hesitated as he stepped closer to you.
“Captain Lennox-“
“No!” You grabbed him by the front of his beer and pushed him back.
“Do you see what going on out there?!” You continued to hold on to him and you yelled at him over there chose. “We’re at a war. One we are extremely ill prepared for. So get your shit together! Sam is my responsibility. I have to get this kid to safety.”
This time your hands slid up the side of his face forcing him to look at you.
“Y/n..” he breathed out leaning down toward you, and for the first time during all this madness you could visibly see he was afraid.
“I’ll be back, Will.” You assured him, briefly resting your forehead against his.
Gathering himself he pulled away, looking toward Sam then back at you.
“Go. Go!”
And then we were running.. With nothing but an M16 strapped to your back and the pistol in your hand, you ran faster than you ever have before.
The four of you were under attack once more, you and Sam doing what you had to, to avoid getting snatched up as a fight Ironhide and Ratchet defended you. Unfortunately you were too close to one of the cars that went up in flames and you were thrown into another car from the blast.
“Y/n!” You could feel the blood on your forehead as you slowly pushed yourself up. As you tried to stand you immediately stopped feeling the pain in your thigh. Looking down could see the damage that had been done. The blood surrounding the afflicted area.
“Wha- what, what do i do?!” Sam asked frantically once he took notice of your injury.
“You gotta keep going Sam. I’ll be fine.”
He stood fo his feet, unsure of what to do. When Ironhide told him the same thing.
“Go!” You screamed once more.
Sam left and continued to run without you as you, as quickly as possible, as you tore your focus away from him to pull the shard of glass in your leg out. Ripping a piece of your shirt off you tightly tied it around your thigh in order to stop the bleeding. There was no point in going forward now but the return back to everyone else and help them fight.
You just had to avoid getting killed in the process.
You seen a car steering wheel, a Mountain Dew vending machine and and Xbox all turn into one of those freaky ass robots right before your eyes. All of which you helped others fight off. It was so surreal. In fact, if it wasn’t for the constant ringing in your ear from all the explosions you definitely think you were dreaming. You almost made it back to Lennox and his men when another Decepticon stood between between you and your destinations. They were definitely taking a beating. You saw Epps shooting a green laser indicating the robot that doubled as a helicopter wasn’t a friendly and decided to do what you could to keep the Decepticon from getting any closer to them and hurting any more civilians. In an attempt to draw it away from everyone else, you begin to fire your weapon giving it everything you had.
Unfortunately, the side effective taking its attention off the others meant putting the attention on you.
You ran trying to duck and dodge a bullets now directed your way.
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But Will. Will’s heart dropped. Seeing you there defending yourself alone. His pause was brief, the air forces plan already in motion, before he started the motorcycle and was speeding in your direction.
“William!” You screamed for him fearfully as he drove straight toward the robot.
The only thing you could hear was your heartbeat pounding in your ears. You almost couldn’t breathe, you don’t remember the last time you ever felt so scared in your life. But it wasn’t your life you feared for was it?
He rushed forward and slid under the robot continuing to firing the launcher. All you could do was watch as he drove toward you. Toward the danger your mind wondering if he did that on a regular basis. Was this the life of a soldier? What he went through day after day when he was deployed?
Standing up he only spared the parts of the dismembered robot a glance before shouting and turning looking for you. In a matter of seconds he was standing directly in front of you and pulling you into his arms.
There was nothing like physically being about to touch someone, hold someone to really know they were okay.
“So…” you began, suddenly feeling nervous. “...That was hot-“
Before you were able to get another word in, he captured your lips with his kissing you roughly and bringing you closer, hands on the small of your back. You couldn’t help it kiss him back just as fiercely put in every emotion you had into that kiss.
Every ounce of passion he had in body, put into this kiss, your lips just as soft, kiss just as pure as he remembered. When you kissed, he knew he was a goner and could never let you go again.
It has been two years since the last time you guys have been this close. This intimate. Reconnected. The feeling it gave you, the indescribable feeling, was one neither one of you ever wanted to forgo again. Pulling back slowly, you both had smiles on your faces, Will pulling you closer to plant a kiss on your forehead.
“Excuse me,” Epps interrupted.
The both of you turning your attention on him.
“As cute as this shit is it’s highly inappropriate in the middle of the battle. I’m just saying we are trying to stay alive and shit.”
Oh my fu- I don’t even know what this isssss
Couldn’t tell you what my original ideas was or nothing. I believed this was going to short-
I enjoyed writing it though! Shoutout again to @merakiaes for being on this lennox train with me lol
I’m just....I’m just gonna leave this mess here.
- Mo
Tags: @merakiaes @lilythemadqueen
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xmint-conditionx · 4 years
☆ flanked ☆ ch2 | knj
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(verb) flank -
guard or strengthen (a military force or position) from the side.
attack down or from the sides, or rake with gunfire from the sides.
☆ pairing: soldier!namjoon x widow!reader; namjoon x fem!reader ☆ word count: 3.1K ☆ summary: you’re a recently widowed military spouse who is stationed at camp walker, south korea. you’re dealing with the tragedy of your husband’s recent death, and in the process, you accidentally meet a k-pop idol you’ve had a crush on for years. who knew you’d both be at the same post while he’s doing his compulsory service? who knew he’d be so damn nice? who knew it would be impossible to get him out of your head? ☆ warnings: angst, mentions of death, grieving, lots of fluff in this chapter tbh and you might die because dork namjoon has come to the party ☆ a/n: hey everyone c: sorry this repost is a little late; i've been sick the past two days and holed up in bed for the last one. i'm so excited to release this for you and start on the next chapter.
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It is 6:05 in the morning, and you are awake. Not wide awake, but awake. You can’t believe you let Namjoon convince you to get up this early, because frankly, nobody has ever convinced you to get up this early. When he said that you’d have to get there first thing in the morning so you can see everything, you really didn’t think he would mean you’d have to get there at 7 AM. It’s always been your philosophy that it’s wrong to wake up before the sun, and you’re finding that getting out of bed in your pitch black room isn’t easy. You’re gonna have to make sure to clarify everything that man says in the future. Ugh, military men, you think.
You groan, muscles stiff as you finally manage to get yourself out of bed.
Bananas is obviously not getting the memo, the only sign of him being his fluffy tail poking out from under the covers. He’s never been into early mornings either.
Namjoon sent you a text yesterday and told you that the exhibit that he really wants to show you requires tickets. He then told you that because they only sell 100 tickets per day on a first come first serve basis; getting in line any later than 7 AM would surely be entirely too late, apparently. The Daegu Art Museum opens at 10, tickets go on sale at 9:30, yet you need to be in line no later than 7? Sure.
He seemed really excited about the exhibit, though, saying that Yayoi Kusama, whoever that person was, was a genius. So… you couldn’t exactly turn him down. Her works were deep and breathtaking and spoke so much about life, according to Namjoon. He had promised it would be worth it, and you thought about that promise as you groggily did your morning routine. Yeah, you thought, it had better be. If only he hadn’t sent too many pleading-eye emojis.
You grabbed your over the shoulder bag and gave Bananas a good belly rub before heading outside.
Despite being almost non-functional this early in the morning, you beat Namjoon to the museum. Gawking at the massive modern building, you walk up to the front doors, where a decent line has already formed. Okay, maybe he was right.
You find yourself a place at the back of the line and just as you reach in your bag to grab your phone to text him, you see Namjoon walking in your direction, long legs making short work of catching up to you. You catch his eyes lingering on your bare legs as he approaches, and for just a moment, you’re glad you chose to wear this skirt.
“Morning, Namjoon,” you groan, leaning up against the museum’s outer wall. More people start filing in line after you, and you’re thankful Namjoon wasn’t too late. “I guess you were right. Look at all these people.”
“Morning, peach,” he says with another one of his dimpled grins, “Glad it’s warming up out? It’s supposed to hit 20 degrees today.”
“Okay, it is entirely too early for you to be this happy,” you say, voice groggy. Namjoon just shrugs.
“Guess I’m just excited.”
You look around the small crowd that has formed and notice that a lot of the people are sitting up against the wall while they wait. You decide to do the same.
“I am too, trust me,” you say, back resting against the cool stone, “I’m just not usually up this early.”
“I see. Maybe conversation can keep you awake. Are there any other places in Daegu you want to see?” Namjoon inquires.
“Well, there is that aquarium I keep hearing about. One of my coworkers on post says that there are mermaids that do a little performance with the fish.”
“Oh! I know which one you’re talking about! I’ve actually been there a few times. I love it there! Fish are so cool.”
“Before I went into veterinary science,” you say, “I was originally planning on being a marine biologist.”
“You’re a vet? I didn’t know that! No wonder Bananas looks like such a happy pup!”
“Yeah,” you say, letting your head fall back, “he really is. But, I really want to go check it out. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to an aquarium.”
“The mermaid performers swim around with a bunch of stingrays. Stingrays are actually not that dangerous, especially if they have the barbs removed from their tails.”
You feel your eyes growing heavy.
“Wow, I didn’t know that.”
“A lot of people think they’re really dangerous because Steve Irwin died from a sting from a stingray, but his injury was a result of the barb piercing his thoracic wall. Most stingray injuries are actually very mild.”
“That’s interesting,” you say quietly, eyes fluttering closed.
“Some people think that cutting down their barbs is abuse, but it’s like cutting off a fingernail to humans. They don’t feel it at all and it grows back over time.”
“Mhmmmmm,” you say as you feel yourself slipping back into sleep.
“It’s the touch tanks that can be a little problematic,” Namjoon continues, oblivious, “Stingrays have a type of mucus that covers their body that protects them from bacteria. If that gets rubbed off, they become vulnerable. A lot of zoos and aquariums are taking plenty of precautionary measures though, like making sure the guests wash their hands before and after they experience the touch tank. In fact, I think that given the proper precautions, touch tanks…”
The warmth next to you feels like home, and threatens to pull you back to sleep. You feel yourself holding onto something... firm and yet so soft, but it’s comforting, so you tighten your grip and nuzzle further in. You then feel a gentle breeze run across your legs and wonder where your blankets have gone. Bananas has probably hogged them all. You breathe in and smell laundry detergent, a little musk and… men’s deodorant? There’s the quiet chatter of birdsong, and an unmistakable trickle of water, and you instantly remember where you are.
Your eyes snap open to find yourself snuggled up to Namjoon, arms hooked around his bicep and cheek against his shoulder. He seems un-bothered by your lack of respect for his personal space; he doesn’t even look up from his book. Like it’s the most natural thing for you to be attached to him like this. Embarrassed, you quickly distance yourself from him and apologize profusely while he just chuckles a bit. He puts his bookmark in to keep his place and turns towards you as you blink yourself awake, tasting the dryness in your mouth. Oh god, you must have had your mouth open.
“It’s fine, peach. I didn’t even realize you were asleep until you started snoring.”
You gasp. “I did not!”
“Oh, you did,” he says, eyeing you playfully, “It was only a little though. And it was really quiet. Kind of cute, actually.” You play hit him in the arm that you had just been latched on to.
“Hey, don’t be mad at me. I bought your ticket!”
“You what?! What time is it?” you ask, scrambling to look at your phone. It was 5 minutes until open. “Namjoon, why didn’t you wake me up?”
“I was going to, but you were sleeping so hard...”
“Well, at least that means I wasn’t all over you this entire time.”
“Oh, no," he says, "you were.”
You groan. “How did you get up and buy the tickets then without me knowing?”
“A man has to have some secrets, you know. Come on, let’s go look at some art.”
The inside of the Daegu Art Museum is stunning. The lobby is bright and open; the sunlight pours into that first room through the large windows, casting a lovely morning light on all of the bright and cheery visitors. Some of the larger pieces are displayed in this grand lobby, some towering ten of feet above you.
“Namjoon, this is beautiful.”
“Just you wait, Come on, first we’ll do classical, then lunch, then modern art. The best one we’ll save for last.”
Classical art wasn’t your favorite, but Namjoon got absorbed in just about every piece. When he saw one that really grabbed his attention, he would sit there gawking at it, mouth open as he read from the little plaque next to it. The way his eyes filled with wonder and widened with discovery at the newly rotated paintings was absolutely adorable. He almost had this child-like wonder about him, eagerly looking back and forth from the plaque to the painting and back again. You almost enjoyed studying Namjoon instead of the art.
You let him take the lead, showing you some of his favorite pieces as you navigate through the galleries. He is definitely in his element here. After he finishes his embellished tour of the classical works, you both decide it would be a good time to break for lunch. The museum has a little cafe, so Namjoon takes care of waiting for your orders while you are tasked with finding a nice spot to spread your blanket outside on the grounds. You see a spot beneath a tree offering up a little shade, so you spread the blanket over the soft grass and take your place, closing your eyes and breathing in the fresh air. Namjoon soon arrives with your food, and settles down next to you.
Before you start to eat, you remove your cardigan, exposing your chest and arms to the air, hoping to enjoy some of the new warmth in Daegu. You hear Namjoon take a sharp inhale, and thinking something’s wrong, you quickly look over at him. He’s got his eyes trained on you, and he swallows hard before he realizes you’re looking at him. He jerks his gaze away, finds something else to look at and shakes his head, as if to clear it. Was he… checking you out?
“Sorry, I thought I uh…” he trails off, “thought I saw a bug. It was, uh, just a shadow.”
“Uh, thanks for uh, looking out,” you say, before a thought strikes you, “Hey, Namjoon. I brought my painting stuff with me today. I was hoping to paint a little while we eat, is that okay? I don’t want to be bad company.”
He perks up, “Oh, yeah, sure. I can just keep reading my book. Hypervelocity stars aren’t going to learn about themselves!”
You set about getting out your watercolor palette, planning on using some of your bottled water to wet your paints. For some reason, you glance back over at Namjoon. He’s sitting with his back against the tree, legs crossed at the ankles, book in one hand, and bao in the other. His eyebrows are slightly furrowed together in concentration, and he lazily takes a bite, not even looking at the bao bun. You hold back a giggle when you see he got some sauce on his mouth. You can’t help but point it out by getting his attention and tapping your own bottom lip. Namjoon studies you for a minute, and slowly licks his bottom lip, almost too slowly. Before you can register what he had just done, he just smiles at you innocently and goes back to reading his book.
This man is going to kill you, so he might as well be the subject for your art. The way he’s positioned himself is just too adorable to ignore.
After getting the basic shape of his outline done and halfway through the details in his face, he stirs from his place under the tree. You watch him as he places his book down carefully on the blanket and walks toward your back, steps ever so gentle. You turn your head and see a little bird hopping around on the grass, and Namjoon is after it. He breaks off a piece of bread from his second bao and extends it towards the bird, who eyes him suspiciously. To your surprise though, it hops forward and takes the bread, chirping up at Namjoon. He goes to sit cross legged on the ground, but doing so ends up startling the bird, who then flies a short distance away on the lawn. Namjoon sulks and pouts a little before getting up and walking after the bird. This is the craziest thing you have ever seen. You love animals so much that you’ve dedicated your career to helping them stay healthy, but this is on a whole other level.
You go back to refining your art, throwing some color into the sky and on the tree, seeing as your main subject has wandered off.
You’re startled when he comes back from behind you.
“How’s the art coming?” he asks, looking over your shoulder at your book, “Hey! Is that me?!”
“Well, it was going to be until you started playing Snow White.”
“Yeah…” he says, looking down at what’s left of his sandwich, “the little guy ate all my bread.”
You laugh a little at him as he frowns at the char siu pork filling barely being contained by the thinnest bun dough you’ve ever seen. Widening his eyes, he downs the rest of the bao bun in one bite.
“Dind youh whanna fhinish youhr phaintingh?” he says, covering his full mouth as he speaks.
“I can finish it some other time. Let’s go see the modern stuff before I want another nap.”
Stepping into the large room that houses the modern art, you take in a sharp breath with how absolutely full it is. Sculptures, paintings, installations; and in the back of the room is a line leading to a small door. You don’t know where to look first, so thankfully your personal tour guide is there to show you the way.
You’re reading the plaque on a minimalistic piece when Namjoon comes and grabs your wrist, excitedly ushering you to follow him. He leads you to the other side of the room where he stops in front of a section of blank wall, gesturing for you to look at it. You sit there and wonder what in the world he could be talking about when you see it. A piece of bright pink gum is stuck to the pristine white wall.
“This wasn't here last time!” he exclaims in a whisper. “I can’t believe this.”
“Yeah, kinda sucks that someone did that.”
“No, you don’t get it. This is an installation.”
“... are you sure about that?”
“Yeah! Look, it's about how such a simple thing can ruin something so large. Like finding a fly in your chardonnay, or there being a hair in your food, or one small imperfection in a person ruining your whole view of them.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s actual trash, Namjoon.”
“Of course it’s actual trash. I don’t think the artist could have gotten the point across without using actual chewing gum. It says so much. It might also be depicting the actual process of tainting something too! Like, how long did the artist chew the gum before they stuck it there? How much time and effort did it take them to ruin this whole wall with their gum? Where’s the plaque?”
As Namjoon searches the nearby walls for a plaque, a janitor comes by and scrapes off the gum, smiling gently at the both of you. You send Namjoon a pointed look, one that’s screaming “I told you so,” and then you both start laughing, having to hold back most of the sound in the quiet of the viewing space.
“Okay, last but not least. You ready?” The two of you were next in line to enter that small door you had seen at the back of the room when you first entered. The lady taking the tickets had already informed you that you would have five minutes once the door shut. You still had no idea what to expect.
“Yeah, I guess I had better be.” The door opened, letting out the museum goer who had just been in there.
Namjoon leaned up to your ear from behind and gently said, “Close your eyes.”
You were about to protest when he continued speaking, placing his hands on your shoulders, “I’ll walk you in there and tell you when to open. Trust me?”
You answered him by letting your lids drop. You felt him guide you by your shoulders as you walked gently forward and then to the right. You could tell that the floor texture had changed from the concrete you’d been walking on all day to something more plastic. You heard the door softly click shut behind you.
“Open,” he commanded softly, and you complied.
You could not make sense out of what you were seeing. The view went on forever, but you could tell that the actual room was so very small. Directly in front of you and on all sides were mirrors, infinitely reflecting off of themselves into the horizon. You were both completely surrounded by them. Scattered around the part of the room that wasn’t the black platform that you were standing on were delicate fairy lights in a cool white tone. It felt like you were floating in a void, so endless and empty. There were specks of brightness, but they did nothing to change the darkness enveloping you. Though it felt infinite, there was a nagging sense of being trapped. Surrounded on all sides. It was beautiful and terrifying to look at. Consumed by everything and nothing. You forgot Namjoon was there until he spoke quietly against your ear.
“This is what I think grief looks like. If it could take a physical form, this would be it.”
He’s right. He’s so right. You’re being swallowed by emptiness. You both are.
You both stand there in silence for the next few minutes, Namjoon’s warmth radiating onto your back, his hands still on your shoulders. Occasionally, his breath would brush against the nape of your neck.
“You really get it, don’t you?” you ask quietly.
“I can’t say I understand what it’s like to lose a spouse, peach. But I understand grief in my own way. I know this sounds crazy, because I don’t believe in any higher power, but I think we were supposed to meet each other.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean... “ he starts, “I just feel better when I’m around you. I feel like a… better person. You don’t treat me like... “ he stops himself.
“Like what, Namjoon?”
“You don’t treat me like other people do. In a lot of ways. That’s... the easiest way to say it.”
You just nod, wanting to soak up these last few moments in this room with him. In this dark space, it’s not so scary to get close. You allow yourself to lean back into him, and he stiffens up for a moment before circling his arms around you.
“We’re gonna get through all of this together,” he says against your ear, “I promise. Together.”
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Previous Story || Current Masterlist
Chapter 6: Friends of the Ood
Fandom: Doctor Who // Pairing: 10th Doctor x OFC
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel @stareyedplanet @perfectlystiles
Minerva’s face claim: Victoria Camacho // (Kaeya’s face claim: Michelle Trachtenberg)
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Chapter summary: The Doctor and Minerva take Donna to see her first alien planet. Things go wrong when they realize what's happening with the Ood and for some reason, Minerva feels a terrible ache in her chest.
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"Afraid you're gonna lose, Minerva?" Donna taunted as she did several laps in the swimming pool of the TARDIS, "I'm just asking for one little race."
Minerva just smiled and watched her ginger friend swim around the large pool. The two had taken for a relaxing swim before going to Donna's first alien planet adventure. Minerva had been talking about the pool earlier and Donna wanted to give it a go. So, Minerva brought the ginger to the wardrobe and plucked out two bathing suits to get into the pool.
Donna wore a one-piece, lavender bathing suit with thin straps going criss-cross on her back. Minerva chose a white one-suit, not feeling quite secure in a bikini for some reason. It had deep cut-outs on either side, a gold circular pendant binding the bust and the abdominal pieces together. But while Donna was taking some swims, Minerva was sitting outside with her feet dangling below in the water. Her hair was left down to its natural length and the clip she was supposed to be using to be in the pool was right beside her.
"C'mon!" Donna called again, swimming towards her.
The Doctor walked in, having heard Donna's constant calls for his Clever Girl. "What's going on?"
"Minerva doesn't wanna race with me," Donna rested her arms on the floor beside Minerva, "I told her I'd go easy on her."
The Doctor bent down beside Minerva, "You haven't told her?"
Minerva smiled with embarrassment, "Nope..."
"Told me what?" Donna looked between them, a frown growing on her. What was she missing out on now!? Those two always had some inside jokes going on!
"Minerva's an excellent swimmer," the Doctor declared, "She used to be on a swim team as a kid."
"Wow, and you didn't say?" Donna asked Minerva, eyes wide, "All this time you could've easily won a round with me!"
"I didn't want to..." Minerva shrugged. She liked swimming but she didn't like boasting about her natural ease with it. There was simply no need to.
"Well c'mon then," Donna grabbed her hand, "Do one round with me. I want to see how fast you are!"
"No, let's not," Minerva tried to pull back.
"Oh go on," the Doctor encouraged, "You'll be excellent as usual!" He kissed her cheek.
Minerva smiled, sighing as she reached for the clip, "Alright, then. I'm coming in."
"Hooray!" Donna clapped and swam around them.
"Let me," the Doctor took the clip from Minerva.
"You know how?" she teased, "Just twist and snap."
"Ha, ha, I think I can manage to do some hair."
"Yeah, figures since you take two hours each day," she mumbled.
"Oi!" he frowned, "I do not take two hours."
She glanced at him, raising an eyebrow, "Three?"
"Minerva," he mumbled, raising her hair as she instructed and snapping the clip to hold her hair.
"Yes Martian?" she shifted to peck his lips.
"Nothing..." he sighed, the kiss was enough to shut him down, even if it was just a simple peck.
"Good," she patted his cheek, kissing him again more deeply before jumping into the pool. "Donna Noble, you better get ready!"
"Oh, a challenge," Donna returned to them, both having their hands on the edge, "Do the honors, spaceman!"
"On your marks..." the Doctor stood to his feet, still a bit hazed from Minerva, "...get set...go!"
Both women pushed themselves with their feet, swimming ever so fast. The Doctor beamed when Minerva started getting ahead. Oh, she was just amazing at swimming! He actually hadn't seen that well of a swimmer since...
He shook his head, not wanting to finish that thought. He knew exactly who Minerva reminded him of as a swimmer. There was only one person who swam as fast as she did...Kaeya. Granted, it was expected from the princess of a species of water. As much as the Doctor didn't want to think of it, Minerva did share that similarity in rather high levels. Minerva was incredibly fast, she could stay underwater for a long time past any human he'd ever seen, and she was skillful like no other. He thought she was rather lovely as a swimmer and always tried pushing away the similarity as best as he could. It wasn't fair to Minerva, nor Kaeya. He should just focus on Minerva and only her. And that's what he tried with great struggle, but still tried.
"Oi, you're too fast!" Donna complained as she stopped midway, Minerva already making her return trip back to the Doctor.
"Sorry!" she called, making the ginger laugh.
"Minerva wins!" the Doctor declared, finally out of those thoughts of his. He bent down with a grin, "My Clever Girl wins."
"Thank you Martian," she grinned back, "What's my prize?"
"A kiss from a Martian," he tapped his lips.
"Ew, thank god I didn't win," Donna muttered as she returned as well.
"Mm, I'd rather get a kiss from a human," Minerva taunted.
Immediately, the Doctor thought back to Cody. Ever since they had left Isadora's house, he'd been having more and more thoughts of Minerva and Cody actually getting together. He'd been having some nightmares about it too. The kind where Minerva openly and flat out said she preferred Cody over him any day...and then she left, forever.
It was hard to ignore them, but he did...because he came to the conclusion that he didn't want to give Minerva up. Yes, it was probably selfish but he was doing it out of lo...
He was doing it because he was in like with her. Yes. That's what he meant to say. He didn't want to give her up because he knew for a fact that only he could make her the happiest woman in the universe, despite all their differences and struggles.
"I'm just messing with you, Martian!" Minerva laughed, pulling him out of his thoughts, "Of course I'd want a kiss from my big, hot Martian," she leaned over and pecked his lips.
He faintly smiled, "Thank you."
"Well, I'm gonna go shower," Donna stepped out of the pool and wrapped her towel around her body, "You two behave," she wagged a finger at the pair.
"You're ever so funny, Donna," the Doctor rolled his eyes, "But you should know that you really are not."
"Uh-oh," Minerva swam back a few feet.
The Doctor only had the chance to mutter out two words, "Uh-oh what?" before he was pushed into the pool.
Donna busted out laughing, nearly falling back with so much laughter she had pouring out, "Oh my god!"
The Doctor shook his head, looking at himself and seeing he was soaking wet. He was still in his suit with shoes on, "That wasn't funny!"
"I thought it was," Donna shook her head, still not over it.
"Next stop, Donna Noble's home!" he shouted, completely outraged.
"Yikes," Donna stopped laughing almost immediately, "Minerva, I leave that up to your charms cause I really don't want to go home! Bye!" she quickly rushed off, smirking when she got a glimpse before leaving of Minerva swimming over to the spaceman.
"She is going home right now! I'm not even gonna land, nope! I'm gonna chuck her out from the sky!" the Doctor was rambling in his fury, "And no parashoot either! She'll just have to wing it! Then I'll throw all her suitcases out and-"
"Woah there Martian," Minerva was now in front of him, her hands on his chest, "Don't you think you're overreacting just a bit?"
"I'm all wet and in my suit, Minerva, look," he reached inside his jacket's pocket and took out his screwdriver, "It's wet too!" his frown turned into a pout, "That's not fair!"
She laughed, "You're so cute sometimes!" she took his screwdriver and threw it to the floor.
"Sometimes?" And then his pout reverted to a frown, suddenly his soaked appearance wasn't a big problem.
"You can't be cute all the time," she shrugged calmly, "Sometimes you have to be a bit hot," she supplied, leaning up to his ear, "And sometimes you have to be a bit sexy," she smirked as she faced him again, the pink tint on his cheeks more than satisfying for her, "But right now, you look really adorable with your hair all floppy and wet." She laughed as she ruffled through it.
"She is so going home..." he managed to say, her little compliments - plus having her right in front of him when she was practically little clothed - were a bit distracting...just a bit.
"What can I do to change your mind?" she asked seriously, though the faint smile letting her know he really wasn't going to send Donna home, "I'll do anything."
She nodded, "Anything, I'm at your service Martian."
"I want a kiss right here," he tapped his lips. She nodded and pecked his lips, "And another one," he tapped again and he was kissed again, "And another," he was kissed again, "Another," this time he grabbed her by the waist, his hearts racing as his fingers brushed on her exposed sides.
Minerva had chills going around her body at the sensation of his fingers on her skin, "And then?" she mumbled, doing her best to focus on his face entirely.
"And then I want a big kiss," he smiled.
"With pleasure," she draped her arms around his neck and tugged herself closer, chest-to-chest, "But for the record I was already planning on doing this anyways," she said before kissing him.
And so, the Doctor forgot all about Donna and her little stunt. The only thing on his mind was his Clever Girl who kissed so sweet and soft.
The TARDIS was currently jostling its three passengers all around, all aboard for their newest trip. The Doctor and Minerva were finally granting Donna her first alien planet trip which had the ginger beaming here and there.
"Set the controls to random! Mystery tour," the Doctor explained as the box came to a halt, "Outside that door could be any planet, anywhere, any when in the whole wide- are you all right?" He paused when he saw Donna blinking and looking around.
"Terrified. I mean, history's one thing, but an alien planet..." the ginger breathed.
"I know," Minerva grinned, "Each time I go to a new one, it's just so wonderful! Though I have to say my favorite one is Planet Sto, Astrid took me to all the shops they had."
"Can we go there next?" Donna asked, quite serious. She was never one for shopping but an alien shopping spree didn't sound too bad.
"How about we get through this one first?" the Doctor offered, nodding for the doors where their secret trip awaited them. Donna beamed and nodded fairly fast, "I know what it's like - everything you're feeling right now. The fear, the joy, the wonder - I get that!"
"Seriously? After all this time?" Donna asked, a bit surprised.
"Well, now it's even more wonderful because I got my Clever Girl with me," he wound an arm around Minerva's waist, tugging her closer to him.
Donna rolled her eyes, "Don't start you two," she warned and headed for the doors, "Oh! All right, then, you and me both! This is barmy!" The pair followed, the Doctor stopping for his coat on a rail. "I was born in Chiswick. I've only ever done package holidays. Now I'm here. This is- I mean, it's- I dunno. It's all so- I don't even know what the word is!" Donna opened the door and stepped out into a rather cold snowy environment. "Oh, I've got the word. 'Freezing'," she frowned.
The Doctor stepped out and helped Minerva, taking a quick scan of the place, "Snow! Ah! Real snow! Proper snow at last!" although deep down, the Doctor worried over the climate for a certain Clever Girl.
"I think we deserve real snow," Minerva nodded, no one catching a quick flash of blue her eyes gave as she looked up to the blue sky. She started to shiver as the seconds went by but she didn't want to leave, the place was amazing!
"What do you think?" the Doctor looked at Donna.
"Bit cold," she shivered, hugging herself.
"Look at the view!" Minerva exclaimed, trying to run forwards, but the snow was making it a struggle.
"Yep. A beautiful...cold view," Donna called.
"Millions of planets, millions of galaxies and we're on this one. Molto bene! Belissimo! Says Donna, born in Chiswick. You've had a life of work and sleep," the Doctor caught up with Minerva, snatching her by the waist, suppressing a laugh at her surprised squeals "And the telly and rent," he continued, hugging her to provide some heat for her, "Takeaway dinners, birthdays and Christmases, and two weeks holiday a year and then you end up here! Donna Noble, citizen of the Earth, standing on a different planet. How about that, Donna?"
The pair turned around and saw they were short one ginger.
"Hey, Donna?" Minerva called.
The ginger reappeared from the box of wonders wearing a warm coat with a fur-lined hood, carrying a blue coat in her arm, "Sorry. You were saying?"
"Better?" the Doctor smiled.
"Lovely, thanks."
Minerva tilted her head, studying the ginger for a second, "Can you hear anything inside that?"
"Pardon?" she leaned forwards, making Minerva laugh, "Oh, here," she handed Minerva the blue coat.
"Oh thanks!" Minerva took the coat and started putting it on.
"Minerva, we can go back..." the Doctor began but was soon cut off with a hand over his mouth.
"No, I don't want to go. It's lovely and I want to explore," she declared.
The sound of a rocket flying over made the trio look up, Donna gaping at the sight, "A rocket. Blimey, a real, proper rocket. Now that's what I call a spaceship," she slapped the Doctor on the arm, "You've got a box - he's got a Ferrari. Come on, let's see where it's going," she trudged ahead, the Doctor pouting and glancing back at the TARDIS,
Minerva, now dressed in the double-breasted, closed, blue coat, giggled and turned his head back, "I love your box of wonders."
She nodded, her fingers reaching further around his face and pulling him down. "So much," she murmured before kissing him.
"OI!" Donna called back, not about to let a snog session ruin her chances to see about that rocket.
The pair pulled apart with smiles for each other, Donna's call not even perturbing them. The Doctor put an arm around Minerva's waist and headed after the ginger.
"Perhaps we should really go back..." he repeated, not to pleased with her wanting to stay. This was her health after all, they shouldn't risk it.
"Don't you dare," was Minerva's only words on the topic.
The trio were walking in the direction of the rocket when the Doctor stopped, his head turning as he heard ethereal music somewhere. "Hold on-can you hear that?" he asked, "Donna, take your hood down."
The ginger pulled down her hood, "What?"
"That noise-it's like a song..."
Minerva frowned as she heard something extremely faint, very very faint, "I think...no," she shook her head. She must be dreaming, her head hadn't cleared from her mother's words and her father's pending illness.
"Over there!" the Doctor broke into a run in a different direction.
Then again, if the Doctor had heard it...
After a short run, they found the body of an alien half buried in the snow, an Ood.
"What is it?" Donna asked, she and Minerva kneeling by the body.
"An Ood. He's called an Ood," the Doctor answered, kneeling as well and pulling out a stethoscope.
"The humans' servants?" Minerva frowned as she recalled the story the Doctor told her about when he and Rose had met "the devil". As much as she believed in the spirits, that one was just creepy to her.
"Yup," the Doctor mumbled, the rise of guilt flashing in his mind when he remembered the Ood that had died last time he saw them...thanks to him.
"But its face..." Donna said, a bit horrified at the appearance of the alien.
"Donna, not now. It's a "he", not an "it". Give us a hand," the Doctor gestured for her to kneel on the other side.
The Doctor moved the stethoscope around the Ood's chest, "I don't know where the heart is. I don't know if he's got a heart. Talk to him. Keep him going."
"What's your name?" Minerva asked softly.
"Designated Ood Delta 50."
Donna, seeing how the Ood's translator ball lit up when it spoke, picked it up and spoke into it, "My name's Donna. That's Minerva."
"No, no, no, no. You don't need to," the Doctor motioned for her to put down the ball.
"Sorry. Oh, God- this is the Doctor. Just what you need - a doctor. Couldn't be better, eh?"
"You've been shot," the Doctor blinked at the injury the Ood bore on its abdominal.
"Who would shoot an Ood?" Minerva frowned, "I thought you said they were peaceful..."
"They are," the Doctor confirmed. Minerva made a good point, if the Ood were peaceful beings...why would they need to be shot?
The Ood struggled to speak out, "The circle—"
"No, don't try to talk," Donna tried shushing it.
"The circle must be broken."
"The circle? What do you mean? Delta 50, what circle? Delta 50? What circle?" the Doctor asked repeatedly.
But suddenly the Ood opened his eyes that were a deep, glowing red. The trio scrambled back as it growled and sat up. But the growl quickly faded and he fell back, dead.
"He's gone, now..." Donna blinked, walking towards the body.
"Careful, Donna," Minerva warned the ginger.
But Donna felt no more threats from the dead alien. She placed a hand on his chest, "There you are, sweetheart," she stroked his head, "We were too late. What do we do, do we bury him?"
"The snow will take care of that," the Doctor stood to his feet, helping Minerva up then.
"Who was he? What's an Ood?" the ginger turned around.
"They're servants - of humans in the 42nd century. Mildly telepathic. That was the song—it was his mind calling out."
"I couldn't hear anything," Donna stood.
"But I could," Minerva frowned, looking at the Doctor with concern, "It was really faint though, only like small snippets that faded as soon as they started. How can I do that if Donna can't and we're both human?"
The Doctor could see that as part of Kaeya's people's abilities—the Moontsay's, abilities. They were mildly telepathic and because the crystal had remnants of Kaeya and her people, then it was sure to have been affecting Minerva in that way as well, allowing a snippet of the telepathic abilities to inhabit Minerva's mind.
"I...don't know, sorry," he sighed, the lying was just getting difficult to do when she wore that sweet, innocent look on her face.
"I told you, you were special," Donna reminded, giving the Doctor a questioning look while the brunette looked ahead. With a nod from him, Donna understood that the crystal was acting up again.
"Oi, you're special too," Minerva countered, believing Donna's silence had gone to those self-esteem doubts of hers. Donna didn't consider herself important nor special in the least minimum and that was something Minerva would not stand for.
"I'm not the one who heard a mind song!" Donna tried playing along with Minerva's beliefs.
"For all we know it was just the TARDIS getting into my head," Minerva shrugged, "I've spent a long time in it now. That was probably it." She glanced at the Doctor for another confirmation.
He did a quick nod and looked back at the dead Ood, not having the courage to look her in the eye and lie once more to her. "His eyes turned red," he said instead, hoping to get off the topic.
"What's that mean?" Donna asked.
"Trouble. Come on," he nodded for the ginger to return. He took Minerva's hand and started walking away.
None of them noticed the small wave of snow purposely moving to cover the Ood in a perfect manner followed by a blue light racing up to the sky.
"The Ood are harmless and completely benign," the Doctor was explaining to Donna, Minerva already knowing from his story telling, "Except the last time I met them there was this force, like a stronger mind, powerful enough to take them over."
"What sort of force?" Donna questioned.
"Long story."
"Long walk."
"It was the devil, Donna," Minerva answered.
Donna raised an eyebrow, tossing her answer to the trash, "If you're gonna take the mickey, I'll just put my hood back up."
"Must be something different this time, though," the Doctor mumbled, "Something closer to home," they peered over a bluff and saw a base, Ood Operations, "A-ha! Civilization!"
~ 0 ~
Solana Mercurio was greeting a group of buyers for the Ood in front of the company's warehouse, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Ood-Sphere and isn't it bracing? Here are your information packs with vouchers, 3D tickets and a map of the complex," an Ood was passing out the maps to the buyers, "My name's Solana, Head of Marketing. I'm sure we've all spoken on the vid-phone. Now if you'd like to follow me—"
"Sorry, sorry! We're late! Don't mind us! Hello," the Doctor, Minerva, and Donna came running up, all out of breath, "The guards let us through."
"And you would be—"
The Doctor flashed his psychic paper, "The Doctor, Donna Noble and Minerva Souza."
"Representing the Noble Corporation, PLC Limited, Intergalactic," Donna supplied, Minerva shooting her a proud wink for her quick wit.
"Must have fallen off my list. My apologies, it won't happen again," Solana smiled, writing down their names, "Now then, Dr, Noble, Mrs. Noble, Miss Souza, if you'd like to come with me—"
"Oh, no, no, no. We're not married," the Doctor shook his head, irritated that once again people mistook Donna for his wife.
"We're so not married," Donna added.
"Never ever."
"Good because I'd kill both of them if they did that to me," Minerva smirked, taking the Doctor's hand in hers, "My sister cannot marry my boyfriend."
"The only one I'd ever marry is you," the Doctor blurted quite absently, however his comment didn't go over Minerva's head.
"Really?" she blushed, "You'd want to marry me?"
The Doctor, who was now sporting a red blush on his face after realizing what he said, started stuttering, "Well, I mean...y-yes, but not if you-you d-didn't want to. I-I mean if it was al-al right with y-y-you and..." He took a forceful pause, actually afraid he might have scared her off.
"Right, so can we go in?" Donna asked, biting down her laugh at the pair. They were just adorably hilarious!
"Of course. Here is your information pack. Vouchers inside," Solana handed Donna the packet, "Now, if you'd like to come with me, the executive suites are nice and warm." An alarm blared, making everyone look around.
"Ooh, what's that? Sounds like an alarm," the Doctor tried locating the origin of the alarm.
"It's just a siren for the end of the work shift. Now then, this way! Quick as you can!" Solana ushered them inside, also looking about and wondering what the hell was going on.
On a turn of a hallway, Minerva turned around in front of the Doctor and pulled him down into a surprise, passionate kiss, "For the record, I would love to marry you one day," she smiled, Eskimo kissing him afterwards.
The Doctor blinked then smiled, blushing again but this time it was worth it knowing his Clever Girl would actually want to be his wife in a future...
~ 0 ~
Solana was expounding the qualities of the Ood which stood on pedestals for display to the potential buyers, "As you can see, the Ood are happy to serve and we keep them in facilities of the highest standards, "Here at the Double-O - that's Ood Operations - we like to think of the Ood as our trusted friends, "We keep the Ood healthy, safe and educated, "We don't just breed the Ood, we make them better, "Because at heart, what is an Ood... but an extension of us? If your Ood is happy then you'll be happy too," Solana finished with a grand smile and received a round of applause from the buyers. She stepped off her pedestal and moved to the Ood standing in a row, at the center of the room, on circular platforms, "I'd now like to point out a new innovation from Ood Operations. We've introduced a variety package with the Ood translator ball. You can now have the standard setting - 'How are you today, Ood?'" she stopped by the first Ood.
"I'm perfectly well, thank you."
"Or perhaps after a stressful day, a little something for the gentlemen. How are you, Ood?" she moved onto the second.
"All the better for seeing you," the second Ood answered in a sultry female voice.
"And the comedy classic option. Ood, you dropped something."
"D'oh!" the third Ood answered in a Homer Simpson voice, making everyone laugh.
"All that for only five additional credits. The details are in your brochures. Now, there's plenty more food and drink, so don't hold back," Solana stepped back and allowed the buyers to mingle about.
"This is all wrong," Minerva muttered, nearly glaring at the potential buyers.
The Doctor slipped on his glasses and headed to the control board where he switched on the screen. Donna grabbed a drink and followed, along with Minerva, over to the Doctor.
"Ah, got it. The Ood-Sphere," the Doctor pointed to the screen which showed their current location, "I've been to this solar system before - years ago. Ages. Close to the planet Sense-Sphere. Let's widen it out... the year 4126. That is the Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire."
"4126? It's 4126? I'm in 4126?" Donna gasped, Minerva smiling in amusement at her.
"It's good, isn't it?"
"What's the Earth like now?"
"A bit full, but you see, the empire stretches out across three galaxies," the Doctor gestured to three lines connecting in a near triangle across the screen.
I"t's weird. I mean, it's brilliant, but... back home, the papers and the telly, they keep saying we haven't got long to live - global warming, flooding, all the bees disappearing."
"Yeah. That thing about the bees is odd," the Doctor mumbled absently.
"But look at us - we're everywhere. Is that good or bad, though? I mean, are we like explorers or more like a virus?"
"Sometimes I wonder..."
"Oi," Minerva elbowed the Doctor in the ribs, "Don't diss my species," she wagged a finger.
"Oh but what a beautiful virus you are," he teased, taking her pointing finger and kissing it, making her laugh.
"What are the red dots?" Donna asked, chuckling herself and pointing to the dots.
"Ood distribution centers," the Doctor replied, distracted as he kissed each Minerva's fingers, she laughed even harder.
"Across three galaxies? Don't the Ood get a say in this?" Donna questioned, deciding to find out for herself as she saw the pair get into another moment of theirs, "Um... sorry, but..." she tapped the Ood gently, "Hello. Tell me, are you all like this?"
"I do not understand, miss."
"Why do you say, "miss"? Do I look single?"
"Donna, any guy would die for you," Minerva turned around.
"Says the woman who has an alien for a boyfriend," Donna frowned, "C'mon, even the spaceman has a girlfriend!"
"Don't do the 'says' thing, that's mine," Minerva pouted.
"And why do you say it like it's impossible for me to actually have a girlfriend?" the Doctor looked the ginger with a pout.
"Have you seen yourself?" Donna gave him a quick look over.
"I have," Minerva mumbled to the side, blushing deeply for her comment.
Donna shuddered. "Ew."
"Not like that!" Minerva quickly exclaimed, blushing even harder.
"Back to the point, please," the Doctor nearly pleaded, sporting his own embarrassed blush.
"Right. What I mean is, are there any free Ood?" Donna turned to the Ood, "Are there any Ood running wild somewhere like wildebeest?"
"All Ood are born to serve. Otherwise we would die," the Ood answered.
"No one can be born to just serve," Minerva said, sadly looking from one Ood to another, "Everyone has a purpose. Everyone is important."
"Before the humans, what were you like?" Donna asked the Ood, the alien simply tilting it's head.
"The circle," it said.
The Doctor tensed, recalling the last Ood's words, "What do you mean? What circle?"
"The circ- the circle- is-"
"Ladies and gentlemen. All Ood to hospitality stations, please," Solana called.
All the Ood started to leave. The Doctor took off his glasses and reached into his pocket for the map of the complex, "I've had enough of the schmoozing. Do you fancy going off the beaten track?"
"Is that a date?" Minerva raised an eyebrow, playfully biting her lip, "Full of adrenaline?"
"What kind of alien boyfriend would I be if I didn't offer a date like that?" he smirked.
"Then off we go!" she beamed, moving to go ahead when she was yanked back, the Doctor giving her a sharp look, "What?"
"You know the word," he reminded.
"What's the word?" Donna stepped to their side, curious.
Minerva groaned, "Allons-y, then..."
"What?" the ginger frowned, confused.
The Doctor beamed and planted a kiss on Minerva's cheek, "Allons-y!"
"That's such a stupid word!" Minerva shook her head, letting the Martian lead them away, her hand in his.
~ 0 ~
The trio came to a locked gate and the Doctor used his sonic to open it.
"Ood Shift 8 commencing," a voice over rang around the area, "I repeat, Ood Shift 8 commencing."
The trio climbed up a couple steps and looked down into an open area where two rows of Ood were being marched. An Ood at the end of one of the rows fell to its knees, a soldier, Kess, walked over to it, "Get up. I said, get up!" he ordered, cracking a whip.
"They're slaves," Minerva said with utter disgust, "Doctor, you forgot to mention that," she shot him a sharp look.
"Get up!" Kess ordered again, the poor Ood standing up, "March!"
"Last time I met the Ood, I never thought, never asked..." the Doctor mumbled, trying to avoid Minerva's eyes.
"That's not like you," Donna shook her head.
"I was busy..."
"That looks like the boss," Minerva nodded over to two men walking after the Ood, another Ood walking along with them.
"Let's keep out of his way. Come on," the Doctor led them down the stairs and off to another place.
The trio were striding down a line of warehouses, the Doctor lagging behind as he looked at the map of the complex.
Donna and Minerva stopped at a door where Donna whistled loudly, making the Doctor duck and turn back, "Where did you learn to whistle?" he joined them.
"West Ham, every Saturday," Donna shrugged.
"You are so my sister," Minerva laughed, "I've got a whistle of my own."
"Yeah, where did you learn?" she asked as the Doctor used the sonic on the door.
"I've been on the road since I was fourteen, after I left uncle Aaron I started hitching some rides. You gotta have a whistler like no other."
The door slid open and the group went inside. They found it was a warehouse that was filled with dozens of large shipping containers. There was even a large metal claw that moved along the track in the ceiling, currently lifting and moving some of the containers.
"Ood Export. You see?" the Doctor pointed up to the claw, "Lifts up the containers, takes 'em to the rocket ships. Ready to be flown out all over the three galaxies."
"What, you mean- These containers are full of..." Donna trailed off, she and Minerva gazing up at the claw.
"What do you think?" the Doctor moved to the nearest container and opened it up.
"Oh my god," Minerva clapped her hand over her mouth, appalled at the many Ood standing inside the container in a formation.
"Oh, it stinks. How many of 'em do you think there are in each one?" Donna crinkled her nose at the scent.
"A hundred? More?"
"A great, big empire, built on slavery," Donna frowned.
"It's not so different from your time," the Doctor countered, both women glaring at him.
"We don't have slaves," Donna snapped.
"I didn't even use the maids in my house," Minerva added.
"Who do you think made your clothes?"
Minerva and Donna looked down at their current clothes, suddenly self conscious about them.
"Is that why you travel round with a human at your side? It's not so you can show them the wonders of the universe, it's so you can take cheap shots," Donna spat.
"What are you sorry for? Showing us the dark sides of species," Minerva sighed and moved over to his side. He sighed of relief that she hadn't taken offense to it and dropped a kiss to her hair.
"I don't understand, the door was open—why didn't you just run away?" Donna asked the Ood that had remained still.
"For what reason?" one of the Ood asked.
"You could be free," Minerva offered, thinking that was more than enough of a reason to run.
"I do not understand the concept."
"What is it with that Persil ball? I mean, they're not born with it, are they? Why do they have to be all plugged in?" Donna looked at the pair, confused.
"Ood, tell me, does "the circle" mean anything to you?" the Doctor asked, all the Ood's translator balls lighting up as they answered in unison.
"The circle must be broken."
"Whoa, that is creepy," Minerva's eyes widened.
"But what is it? What is the circle?" the Doctor insisted.
"The circle must be broken."
"But why?"
"So that we can sing."
Up above, Kess, along with two guards, had found the group. Kess walked over to a comms, "Mr Halpen, I'm in Ood cargo. I found your unwanted guests," he turned to the guards, "Go!" and he hit a button, an alarm blared.
"That's us, come on!" the Doctor yanked Minerva by the hand and started running.
The trio ran down the maze of shipping containers, Donna stopping at the sight of a door, "Doctor! Minerva! There's a door!" she headed for it when it opened up and guards rushed in.
"Don't move!" one of the guards held a gun to the ginger.
Donna raised her hands in surrender, unaware that the pair had ran off without her.
"N-n-n-no, wait!" Minerva stopped the Doctor, "We're short one ginger!" they both looked around to see it was just them.
"Stay where you are!" they hard a guard shout from a distance.
"Gotta keep going!" the Doctor pulled her away again, several of the guards beginning to find them.
~ 0 ~
Kess moved down a catwalk and looked down as the pair ran down the maze.
~ 0~
"Donna? Where are you?!" Minerva shouted, frantically looking around for their ginger friend.
~ 0 ~
"All guards withdraw," Kess ordered into the comm.
"I said withdraw. Keep to the perimeter. I've got these two."
~ 0 ~
Down below, the Doctor and Minerva stopped, the Doctor pressing himself against a container to listen.
"Where is she?" Minerva panted for air, leaning against the container on her back.
~ 0 ~
"I've always wanted to do this," Kess turned on the equipment around him, taking a seat at the controller of the claw.
~ 0~
"Doctor," Minerva tugged on his sleeve and pointed up, both of them seeing the claw moving for them.
"Don't you dare!" he almost growled, yanking her away. If they dared to touch even a strand of Minerva's hair with that thing...
"Where are gonna go!?" Minerva called, glancing back as the claw neared them.
The claw was sent smashing down, just narrowly missing the pair.
"Can you help me?" Donna stood to her feet, one of the Ood raising its head...with its eyes red, "Oh, no you don't," the ginger breathed in horror.
Minerva screamed as she and the Doctor fell and rolled on the floor, "It's gonna get us!" she cried as the Doctor jumped to his feet and pulled her for another run.
He cast a glare up to Kess as they ran again.
"Stay where you are, that's an order! I said stay! Doctor! Minerva!" Donna pounded on the door, the Ood taking slow steps for her.
The claw knocked the pair again, this time sending them over some barrels and finally to the floor on their backs.
"It's coming," Minerva pointed up, panting for her air.
The Doctor quickly rolled over her, not going to let anyone hurt her if he could help it. He would not fail her, never again. Minerva screwed her eyes shut and held onto the Doctor's lapels when the claw dropped for them, terrified of what could come next.
Another hand turned off the control up where Kess was, halting the claw just mere inches from the pair below.
The Doctor lifted his head up, thanking every possible god he knew of for their streak of luck.
"Why aren't we dead yet?" Minerva whispered, her eyes still shut. The Doctor looked down at her and chuckled, internally debating what he was laughing at: her question or her adorable scrunched face. He leaned down and kissed her, without a question Minerva responding to it, "Why are we kissing when we could die?" she murmured against his lips.
"Open your eyes and you'll see," he pulled back so she could see above.
Minerva's eyes opened and gazed above at the claw just inches above them, "We have extremely good luck," she whispered.
The Doctor looked at her eyes, just loving how really deep their shade of green was, they were lovely. He could possibly stare at them all day...
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Minerva blinked, blushing at how close they were and their position at the moment.
"I just love your eyes," he remarked, resting his forehead on hers. He also blushed at her closeness; he could actually feel her breath hitting him as she panted.
"Are you ever gonna get off me?" she asked quietly, her blush growing deeper, "Because I think they're coming..." she tilted her head back to see running feet coming for them.
"Ruin the moment why don't they," he muttered as he pushed him self up, Minerva laughing as he helped her.
"Doctor, get me out of here!" Donna shouted endlessly from her container as the Doctor and Minerva were being brought by guards.
"If I were you, I'd listen to the ginger," Minerva said to the guards, "You want trouble, simply upset Donna Noble."
"Unlock the container," Kess gave the order.
The door of the container was opened and out came Donna running to hug the pair, "Oh thank god!"
"Nice to see you again, Donna," Minerva flashed a smile.
"All safe and sound," the Doctor added.
"Never mind about me, what about them?" Donna pointed to the row of red-eyed Ood marching out of the container and killing several guards.
"Red alert! Fire!" Kess ordered and started to shoot along with the rest of the guards, "Shoot to kill!"
The trio took the opportunity and made their escape. They ran out of the warehouse, along with Solana, and stopped once they felt they had a decent distance from the Ood.
"If the people back on Earth knew what was going on here..." Donna leaned against a wall as she caught her breath.
"Don't be stupid. Of course they know," Solana waved her off.
"They know how you treat the Ood?"
"No, but they don't ask, same thing," Minerva spat, a new disgusted expression in her eyes, "What does the company do to make them obey?"
"That has nothing to do with me."
"Why cos you don't ask?" Minerva gritted her teeth.
"That's Dr. Ryder's territory!"
"Where is he?" the Doctor moved over, "What part of the complex?" he held the map to her, "I could help with the red-eye. Now show me!"
"Don't think that's gonna work," Donna dashed off.
The Doctor took Minerva's hand, keeping her quite close to him as they ran. No one even looked up to see the blue light just hovering over the spot they had been in.
Solana hurried to a nearby comm. and switched it on, "Mr Halpen, I found the Doctor. He's heading for Ood Conversion."
"On my way," Mr. Halpen replied.
Solana switched off the comm. and took a deep breath, finally returning to normal. A sudden wind picked up as the guards ran past her, under the blue light. The wind held them back for a couple of minutes, as if it was trying to stall.
The trio stopped by another warehouse, the Doctor looking around as he heard the same Ood song again, "Oh, can you hear it? I didn't need the map. I should've listened!" he used the sonic on the door and unlocked it, ushering Minerva and Donna in before going in himself and locking it shut again.
"Does that mean we're locked in?" Donna frowned at the turn of events. She had just been trapped in a container with red-eyed Ood, did she really want to be trapped in a whole warehouse of more Ood?
Minerva looked around as she felt a faint song run through her mind, "Do you hear that?" she whispered.
They headed for some stairs and went down to discover some cages.
"Oh, my head," the Doctor put a hand on his head, feeling it pound with so much music and a high volume.
"What is it?" Donna asked.
"Like...like singing," Minerva mumbled, "But it doesn't hurt me," she looked at the Doctor, "Because I can't hear it properly, I guess..."
They stopped at a cage where Ood were huddled together. The Doctor switched on a light to get a better view.
"They look different to the others," Donna remarked.
"That's because they're natural-born Ood. Unprocessed. Before they're adapted to slavery. Unspoiled," the Doctor explained as he squatted in front of the cage, the two women following, "That's their song."
"But I can't hear it," Donna sighed, tired of being the only one who couldn't hear the blasted song.
"Do you want to?"
"Yeah," she turned to face the Doctor.
Minerva tilted her head at the Ood, carefully focusing to the small snippets she heard.
"It's the song of captivity," the Doctor explained as he placed his fingertips on Donna's temples.
"Well, let me hear it, spaceman."
"Open your mind. That's it. Hear it, Donna... Hear the music."
But Donna gasped and faced the Ood, tears streaming down her face as she heard, in a max volume, the song of "captivity". It was...it awful. She could actually feel her heart breaking at their sadness, their sorrow.
"Take it away," Donna breathed, turning to the Doctor again, begging him, "Please..."
"You sure?" the Doctor asked, also catching Minerva's look.
"Oh god yes, please..." Donna nodded, letting him place his fingertips on her temples again, "...I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
"But you can still hear it," she said after he was done.
"All the time," he said sadly.
"This is completely awful," Minerva sighed, putting a hand over her head, "We need to stop them."
The Doctor used the sonic on the cage while the women heard a noise from the level above, "They're breaking in," Minerva looked up.
"Ah, let 'em," the Doctor entered the cage as the Ood tried shuffling away, "What are you holding?" he asked them, one of the Ood looking up in shyness, "Friend. Doctor, Donna, Minerva, friend. Look at me. Let me see," the Ood came closer, "That's it. That's it, go on. Go on."
One of them held out his cupped hands and removed the top to reveal a mushy...
"Brain?" Minerva frowned.
"It's a brain. A hindbrain," the Doctor explained, "The Ood are born with a secondary brain. Like the amygdala in humans, it process memory and emotion. You get rid of that, you wouldn't be Minerva or Donna anymore. You'd be like an Ood. A processed Ood."
"So the company... cuts off their brains?" Donna could barely utter the words as she thought of the horror those poor Ood went through.
"And stitches on the translator..."
"Like a lobotomy. I spent all that time looking for you two," the ginger looked between the pair, "Because I thought it would be so wonderful out here. I want to go home."
Both stunned, the pair looked at Donna for a second before Mr. Halpen and the others arrived, "They're with the Ood, sir," a guard said.
The Doctor slammed the cage door shut, "What are you gonna do, then? Arrest us? Lock us up? Well, you're too late! Hah!"
~ 0 ~
Now in Mr. Halpen's office, the trio were being handcuffed to a pole by guards. Minerva could not be angrier with the Doctor. "Seriously, stop talking!" she yelled at him.
The Doctor flinched at her loud tone. Of course he was guilty that he'd gotten her and Donna cuffed...but it was all for a good cause after all...he'd just have to apologize in a big way again.
"Why don't you just come out and say it? FOTO activists," Mr. Halpen crossed his arms and leaned against his desk, eyeing the trio with suspicion.
"If that's what Friends of the Ood are trying to prove, then yes," the Doctor snapped.
"The Ood were nothing without us - just animals roaming around on the ice."
"Who the hell are you to decide that?" Minerva raised an eyebrow, "It's because you can't hear their songs...their...very sad song." She looked down, even though she couldn't hear the song in all its volume and glory, she could still feel it in her heart...her heart just seem to ache at it.
"They welcomed it! It's not as if they put up a fight," Mr. Halpen shrugged.
"You idiot! They're born with their brain in their hands, don't you see? That makes them peaceful! They've got to be because a creature like that would have to trust anyone it meets!" Donna was trying very hard not to yell for the first time in her life.
"Nice one," the Doctor whispered to her.
"Thank you."
"The system's worked for 200 years. All we've got is a rogue batch. But the infection is about to be sterilized," Mr. Halpen moved to the comm., "Mr Kess, how do we stand?"
~ 0 ~
In the warehouse, guards were moving canisters into position by the fenced-in, red-eyed and rabid Ood. Kess stood watch, "Canisters primed, sir. As soon as the core heats up, the gas is released. Give it 200 marks... and counting."
~ 0 ~
"You're going to gas them?!" Minerva gasped.
"Kill the livestock. The classic foot-and-mouth solution. Still works," Mr. Halpen said.
Her eyes narrowed, her eyes flashing blue for a brief second to speak, "You were just like them," she mumbled before blinking and looking around.
The Doctor wondered who she meant by 'just like them'. He supposed that was a brief slip of the crystal inside her. But what did it mean? Was it supposed to be his people at the time of the Time War? Someone the Moontsays had disagreements with as well?
Perhaps this wasn't even what he should be thinking about. His poor Clever Girl was suffering without even noticing. He just wanted to fix this before she realized what was going on. He didn't want her know and see how terrified she'd be. This was his job and he was going to see to it that nothing happened to her. She would only be happy and happy and happy, just like she should be. She had such a big heart and she didn't deserve this. She'd gone through so much, endured so much from her family and from alien nonsense she had no business being in. And yet after all that, she still had such a big heart; such kindness inside her. The Doctor loved that about her— the fact that she wasn't corrupted by her mother, by the alien mishaps.
He just loved it...he loved...loved...
He blinked as he picked out the repetitive word running through his head and shook it fiercely. This was not the time to be thinking of any of that.
~ 0 ~
The unprocessed Ood put their hands out to the side...
~ 0 ~
The fenced-in red-eyed Ood stood in the center of the warehouse of containers with their hands out to their sides...
~ 0 ~
The Oods in the showroom gripped their heads as if they were in pain...
~ 0 ~
The fenced-in Ood in the warehouse joined in on the song along with the unprocessed Ood, the volume increasing.
~ 0 ~
The alarms blared inside Mr. Halpen's office, "What the hell?" the man looked around. He, along with Ryder and Ood Sigma, exited the office and left the trio cuffed to the pole. They rushed out to see the guards shooting at the infected Ood.
"It's a revolution," Ryder stared in awe. Halpen pushed past him and went up the stairs, Ood Sigma following in.
~ 0 ~
In the warehouse, Kess had been fenced in instead of the Ood, the canisters still active and his gas mask thrown on the other side of the fence, "Come back! Let me out of here!"
The canisters released the gas and Kess screamed.
~ 0 ~
"Change of plan," Mr. Halpen hurriedly entered his office.
"No reports of trouble off-world, sir. It's still contained to the Ood-Sphere," Ryder entered after him.
"Then we've got a public duty to stop it before it spreads."
"What's happening?" the Doctor asked, just able to hear the shooting from outside.
"Everything you wanted, Doctor. No doubt there'll be a full police investigation once this place has been sterilized so I can't risk a bullet to the head. I'll leave you to the mercies of the Ood," Mr. Halpen headed for the door.
"But, Mr Halpen, there's something else, isn't there? Something we haven't seen," the Doctor called, making the man stop.
"What do you mean?" Donna asked, confused.
"The creature couldn't survive with a separate forebrain and hindbrain, they'd be at war with themselves. There's got to be something else, a third element. Am I right?"
"Again, so clever," Mr. Halpen said.
"It's got to be connected to the red-eye. What is it?"
Mr. Halpen looked at the Doctor in the eye for a second, "It won't exist for very much longer. Enjoy your Ood," and he left the office with everyone else.
The trio immediately started to try and free themselves from their cuffs.
"Well, do something! You're the one with all the tricks! You must've met Houdini!" Donna cried.
"These are really good handcuffs!" the Doctor exclaimed.
"Yes, because it's all about the quality, Martian!" Minerva reached up to her hair and plucked out a bobby-pin.
"Are you really going to try to get out of this with a pin?" Donna shook her head.
"Donna, I've opened the TARDIS with a pin. What's a handcuff to me?"
The Ood entered and made them all desist in their struggles. They started marching towards them, making them scream out in unison that they were friends.
"Doctor, Donna, Minerva, friends!" the Doctor shouted.
"The circle must be broken!" Donna and Minerva added together.
"Doctor, Donna, Minerva, friends!"
"The circle must be broken!"
"Doctor, Donna, Minerva friends!"
"The circle must be broken!"
"Friends, friends, friends! "
"The circle must be broken!"
"Doctor, Donna, Minerva, friends!"
"The circle must be broken!"
"Doctor, Donna, Minerva, friends!"
"The circle must be broken!"
"Doctor, Donna, Minerva, friends!"
"The circle must be broken!"
The Ood held out their translator balls to them but stopped just literal inches away from the trio's translator balls switched off and the Ood held their head in their hands. One lifted its head and the group saw his eyes were normal again, "Doctor. Donna. Minerva. Friends."
"Oh, that's us!" Donna leaned her head back in relief, "That's us!"
"Yes, that's us! Friends! Oh, yes!" the Doctor laughed.
"Do you think you could set us free? My pin broke." Minerva gestured to her handcuff, so innocently that it just added to the Doctor's joyful laughter.
~ 0 ~
The trio ran down the stairs from Halpen's office and across the compound, careful around the ongoing fight. The Doctor came to a halt as he tried to think, "I don't know where it is! I don't know where they've gone!"
"What are we looking for?" Minerva asked.
"Might be underground, like some sort of cave or a cavern or..." the Doctor looked around as they continued to run.
~ 0 ~
On a turn, an explosion knocked the group to the ground.
"Alright?" the Doctor glanced between Minerva and Donna.
"Peachy," Minerva rubbed her head.
The smoke cleared up and they saw Ood Sigma standing in front of them.
~ 0 ~
The group arrived in front of the Warehouse thanks to Ood Sigma where the Doctor used the sonic on the panel to get inside. They rushed in to see a great large brain being kept below within an energy field.
"The Ood brain. Now it all makes sense. That's the missing link. The third element, binding them together," the Doctor said as they all looked below, "Forebrain, hindbrain and this. The telepathic center. It's a shared mind... connecting all the Ood in song."
A weapon clicked behind them and they turned to see Mr. Halpen holding a gun to them, "Cargo. I can always go into cargo. I've got the rockets, I've got the sheds. Smaller business. Much more manageable without livestock."
"He's mined the area," Ryder said.
"You're gonna kill it," Minerva whispered, "The weaker species, huh?" She didn't know why but her chest seemed to ache. "Why? They're innocent..."
But Mr. Halpen ignored the girl, after all that had happened he really could care less about the Ood being 'innocent' and whatnot, "They found that thing centuries ago beneath the northern glacier," he chose to focus on the brain instead. If they were to die, then they might as well know what the thing was.
"Those pylons..." the Doctor said to the women.
"In a circle. "The circle must be broken."" Donna realized, Minerva nodding in agreement.
"Dampening the telepathic field, stopping the Ood from connecting for 200 years."
"And you, Ood Sigma, you brought them here. I expected better," Mr. Halpen shot the Ood a look.
"My place is at your side, sir," Ood Sigma moved to Halpen's side.
He laughed, "Still subservient. Good Oo—" he stopped when he felt a lump in his throat.
"If that barrier thing's in place, how come the Ood started breaking out?" Minerva asked.
"Maybe it's taken centuries to adapt. The subconscious reaching out," the Doctor offered, not so sure himself.
"But the process was too slow, had to be accelerated," Ryder spoke up, turning to Mr. Halpen, "You should never have given me access to the controls, Mr Halpen. I lowered the barrier to its minimum. Friends of the Ood, sir. It's taken me ten years to infiltrate the company. And I succeeded."
"Yes. Yes, you did," Mr. Halpen nodded then pushed Ryder over the railing.
"You murdered him!" Minerva cried, disgusted by the man.
No one dared to look down as they believed Ryder to be absorbed by the brain and so none of them saw the blue glow of light rushing down and making him fade away just before he would actually touch the brain.
"Very observant, brunette. Now then, can't say I've ever shot anyone before... can't say I'm gonna like it, but, uh, it's not exactly a normal day, is it? Still..." he aimed the gun at them.
"Would you like a drink, sir?" Ood Sigma moved in front of the group.
Mr. Halpen laughed, "I think hair loss is the least of my problems right now, thanks."
"Please have a drink, sir," Ood Sigma held a glass out.
"If- if you're gonna stand in their way, I'll shoot you too..." Mr. Halpen seemed to struggle to speak, his last words coming out slurry.
"Please have a drink, sir."
"Have-have you...poisoned me?"
"Natural Ood must never kill, sir."
"What is that stuff?" the Doctor asked curiously.
"Ood-graft suspended in a biological compound."
"He's looking...pale," Minerva remarked, Halpen looking extremely unwell.
"What the hell does that mean?" Mr. Halpen asked, almost gagging.
"Oh dear," the Doctor breathed.
"Tell me!"
"Funny thing, the subconscious. Takes all sorts of shapes. It came out in the red-eye as revenge. It came out in the rabid Ood as anger. And then there was patience. All that intelligence and mercy focused on Ood Sigma. How's the hair loss, Mr Halpen?"
"What have you done?"
"Oh, they've been preparing you for a very long time. And now you're standing next to the Ood brain. Mr Halpen, can you hear it? Listen."
Mr. Halpen looked to the side as he heard the faint Ood Song in his mind, "What have you-I'm... not-"
Ood Sigma stepped out of the way for the group to see what was going on. Mr. Halpen dropped the gun and gripped his head in agony. He pulled at his scalp and it actually came off, revealing an Ood head. He lurched down as he gagged, tentacles coming out of his mouth.
"They-they turned him into an Ood?" Donna gaped.
"Yup," the Doctor nodded, looking at Donna and Minerva and finding the clever girl to be somewhat distance.
"Minerva?" he asked.
"They died, so many died," she whispered so sadly it broke his hearts. She placed a hand over her heart and he knew that it was another slip of the crystal.
Mr. Halpen made an odd gurgling noise and coughed up his secondary brain.
"He has become Ood-kind and we will take care of him," Ood Sigma said.
"It's weird, being with you two," Donna remarked, "I can't tell what's right and what's wrong anymore."
"It's better that way. People who know for certain tend to be like Mr Halpen," the Doctor said and heard a loud beeping noise, "Oh!" he turned off the detonation packs quickly, "That's better. And now... Ood Sigma, will you allow me the honor?"
"It is yours, Doctor."
"Oh yes!" the Doctor went to the equipment that powered the field, "Stifled for over 200 years but not anymore. The circle is broken. The Ood can sing!"
The field around the brain shut off and the song emerged, heard by everyone now.
"I can hear it!" Donna exclaimed as the Doctor laughed.
Minerva turned to the Doctor, his laughter cutting short when he saw her face covered in tears. He rushed up to her, pulling her away from the others, "What's wrong!? Why are you crying!?" he checked her over for any physical injuries he might have missed earlier.
"I...I don't know," Minerva admitted, looking around as she thought, "My chest," she placed her hand over her chest again, "It...it hurts, it's...this..this is so sad."
The Doctor grew silent, that was Kaeya's pain, Kaeya's pain breaking through.
"Why am I so sad?" Minerva burst into tears.
The Doctor pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly, looking over her to Donna who stared with confusion and concern. For such a happy moment, it hadn't felt like it...
~ 0 ~
The Doctor and Donna stood outside the TARDIS, Ood Sigma and several others a few feet away from them. The Doctor kept the door open in case Minerva were to call or shout for him. She'd been put to rest after her sudden crying, no struggles given for the first time. The Doctor had made sure her she was as comfortable as possible. He felt responsible, truly responsible, for everything Minerva was going through. He felt so impotent with the situation and frankly, he didn't know how long he could last like this. Finding Kaeya was proving to be an even bigger challenge than it was with Aaron Lozano.
He had to basically sit there and watch how Minerva endured Kaeya's crystal's effects.
"The message has gone out. That song resonated across the galaxies. Everyone heard it. Everyone knows. The rockets are bringing them back. The Ood are coming home," the Doctor spoke, his thoughts pushed away as he focused on the Ood. The faster he finished up here, the faster he could get to Minerva's side and take care of her.
"We thank you, Doctor, Donna, friends of Ood-kind," Ood Sigma said, "And what of you now? Will you stay? There is room in the song for you."
"Oh-I've-I've sorta got a song of my own, thanks."
"I think your song must end soon."
The Doctor stiffened, "Meaning?"
"Every song must end. Even a flower's song must end."
"Yeah..." the Doctor turned to Donna, avoiding the trouble to think of those confusing words, "Um, what about you? Do you still want to go home?"
"Nope, I think there's someone in that box that needs my help," Donna gave him a sharp look. She would certainly not be leaving the spaceman and Minerva at any moment, not when there was this big of a problem with Minerva. Besides the traveling and all its glory, she truly did take a liking to Minerva, and she wanted help the Doctor in any way so Minerva would be well again.
"Then we'll be off," the Doctor cleared his throat, the ginger certainly had a look of doom when she wanted to.
"Take this song with you," Ood Sigma said.
"We will," Donna nodded.
"Always," the Doctor added.
"And know this, you will never be forgotten. Our children will sing of the Moontsay-Doctors, and our children's children, and the wind and the ice and the snow will carry your names forever."
If the Doctor hadn't been too focused on Minerva he would've caught the alerting word in the Ood's words. He, along with Donna who had missed the word as well, quickly hurried inside the TARDIS.
Once gone, there was a rush of wind and snow scurrying behind the Ood, making them all turn.
Dr. Ryder stood on the snow, stumbling back, "What...what happened?" he shivered and hugged himself, "It's so cold," he dropped to his knees, feeling too weak to stand, not to mention the blazing coldness.
"She is returning," Ood Sigma said, "Moontsay, friend of the Ood."
The blue light behind Dr. Ryder glowed stronger for a second or two and rushed up to the sky again.
~ 0 ~
Donna stood in front of a stove in the TARDIS kitchen, awaiting for hot chocolate to finish up. The Doctor sat at the table, waiting for her to finish up. He knew Minerva would be waking up soon and he wanted to have something nice and warm for her. She had been freezing when he brought her into the TARDIS and her room. He had wrapped her in blankets and left a heater in her room after he left, hoping it would be enough to bring her temperature up to a human status. And since he could only do milkshakes at the moment, coldness, he asked Donna to help make a nice hot chocolate.
"I just don't understand what the whole crying thing was about," Donna leaned against the counter, watching the hot chocolate in case it was ready yet.
The Doctor sighed, having thought about that more thoroughly, "During the war, Kaeya's people, most of them, died as bystanders. Kaeya lost everything and I think the situation paralleled with the Ood."
"That's awful," Donna shook her head, "To lose everything, to lose a home...I tell you, I lost it with my father's passing, I don't think I could manage losing everything like..." she eyed him cautiously.
"Like Kaeya and I," he finished for her, "It's okay to say it. But, technically, Kaeya hasn't truly lost everything. Her planet is still here, with only her grandfather-"
"A grandfather she thinks is also dead," Donna pointed out, "She has no idea that some of her people have survived to this day.
"I'll gladly take her to see Mayar," the Doctor sighed, "Though I'll probably stay inside the TARDIS."
"What are you going to do when the princess returns?" Donna looked back, "I mean, you said she was in love with you, but...there's someone new in the picture now."
"For some time I believed Kaeya had changed into some dark woman, but now I understand that she was sick. I still care for her, just..."
"...not the way you used to," Donna finished for him.
"I'd like to be friends but not if it makes Minerva feel uncomfortable, and definitely not if it only hurts Kaeya."
"That's big of you," Donna nodded, "But how do you know Kaeya won't bring the claws out to fight for you," she chuckled a little and sat down on the table while the chocolate finished up.
"If she's truly the same woman that I knew for centuries then I know she won't do anything."
"Why though? I mean, I don't know a lot but you said there'd been centuries of love between you two."
"Donna I was married," the Doctor announced, becoming silent as he thought of that wasted time with Kaeya as well.
It seemed to parallel his time with Minerva. Granted, a year didn't compare to centuries but the pain was the same. There was so much they could've done together, he and Kaeya, but under the circumstances their 'courting' was cut short the moment his marriage had been arranged.
"Tell me the story," Donna quietly edged, seeing the troubled thoughts on his face.
"No," he shook his head, snapping out of the thoughts.
"C'mon, remember what I said? I'm here to help Minerva and you. Minerva's told me nearly everything about you."
"Another time, I promise," he said instead, actually meaning it.
It would be nice to get the story off his chest and get an opinion that didn't belong to Minerva. He knew that Minerva would never scold him for his past, just because of who she was and what he was to her. But Donna always spoke her mind. He knew that she would say when he'd messed up, give him the real scold he needed, the real advice he needed. Perhaps, like Martha was to Minerva a confidant, Donna could be his.
"Alright spaceman, I'm holding you to that," Donna stood and went to a cabinet, "I'll understand the little love talks about a girlfriend/boyfriend."
"N-n-n-no, it's not like that yet," the Doctor shook his head.
"Oh c'mon, you don't have to lie to me, spaceman," she winked, "I can keep a secret," she whispered.
"I'm not lying," he shrugged 'casually'.
"But you're almost there," Donna studied his face, smiling sadly, "I know it because...that's the look that Lance used to give me, a fake one, but...yeah," she shrugged and turned away before her eyes watered up and were seen.
"Donna," the Doctor moved up to her, "He's not worth it," he set a hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah, I know, I know," she wiped a loose tear, "But, Minerva's worth it, right?" she turned to him.
"Millions," he breathed, "She's...she's just, wonderful in every aspect."
"And that's why you're falling in love," she wagged a finger, laughing when he saw him blush, "It's alright because she is too," she picked up the hot chocolate mug, "It won't be long until the three little words pop out," she grinned and pushed the mug to him.
"Thanks Donna," he rolled his eyes playfully and took the mug and walked away.
"I'm here to help!" the ginger called with a small laugh.
~ 0 ~
Minerva had her earphones inside her ears, connected to her mp3 and listened to her music. She sat against her headboard, on her bed, with her blankets to her waist. She'd gotten some nice sleep, but she was still a bit cold and she didn't want to cause any trouble for the Doctor or Donna and so decided to listen to her music in hopes of falling back asleep...though it somehow seemed to be hard as she'd been doing this for twenty minutes.
The door to her room opened just slightly, the Doctor poking his head to see how she was doing, "You're awake," he blinked and stepped inside, noticing she had her earphones plugged in, "Right, probably want to be alone, then," he walked for her.
But she beamed at his appearance and yanked her earphones off, putting her mp3 on her bedside table, "No, I want you to be with me," she reached out for him, "As much as I love my songs I love even more when my Martian is with me."
He laughed, "I brought some-"
"Hot chocolate!?" she tried lifting herself up to see the contents of the mug.
"Yeah," he walked to the side of her bed, handing her the mug, "Donna made it so it's edible."
She chuckled and took his hand, "I would've loved your milkshakes."
"But I wanted you to be warm and since I'm not allowed to use the stove without your supervision, I asked Donna to make it."
"I'll have to thank her then," she pulled him down to the bed, "Can you stay with me, please?" she asked seriously, "I'm cold."
"Anything my clever girl wants, she gets," he reminded and made himself comfortable, "So," he reached for her mp3, "What exactly were we listening to?"
"My favorite song," she sipped her mug.
"Ah yes, the little Spanish one. You know, I don't understand what is so special about it," he gave her a look.
"Is describes me before we got together."
"Care to elaborate?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Mm, alright, I'll tell you why," she made herself comfortable and leaned against the headboard again, "You came into my life and you showed me what it was to be truly happy and I just couldn't tell you how much you meant to me back then. You're always here for me when I cry, when I need someone...you're always here. You've done so much for me and in the past I was afraid I'd lose you and you'd never know how much you meant to me. That's why I love the song, because it's my story, my story in 3 minutes."
"Only here I don't ever plan on leaving you," the Doctor earnestly told her. Suddenly, he kicked off his shoes and scooted closer to her, his hand under her chin, "Never, never, never," he said before pressing his lips to her for a gentle kiss. Minerva was blushing red by the time they pulled apart, not even her small shiver managing to cool her down. The Doctor sadly looked at her and suddenly grinned, "I've got an idea," he declared, "Can you lean forwards, please?"
"Mhm," Minerva did as told and watched him crawl behind her, leaving her in-between his legs.
"There we go," he gently pulled her back to his chest, dropping a kiss on her hair; she definitely felt warmer now which was a good sign, "Now drink up, clever girl."
She took a sip from her mug, "Mmm, it has marshmallows."
"Donna's touch."
"I definitely feel much better now," she tilted her head up, "Do you mind staying with me tonight?"
"Of course not, I'll be here until you want me to leave."
"Oh, guess that's never," she casually shrugged, "I have so much on my mind I don't want to be alone. I'll crack if I do."
"No you won't," he assured her.
"Right, because you're here with me now. I can't break if I got my brilliant Martian with me, right?"
"Right," he firmly said.
"My doctor and even a psychologist, wow..." she paused to think, "...you know, if you wanted to charge, you'd make a fortune out of me and my problems."
"I do charge."
"Oh really?" she raised an eyebrow, "And what's it gonna cost me? Five hundred dollars? A thousand?"
"A thousand," he declared, nodding.
She laughed, "I'm gonna have to make a payment plan because I'm broke!"
"A thousand kisses should do the trick," he grinned.
"Oh, kisses," Minerva pretended to think about it as she drank from her mug again.
"Yes, I don't need money, I need kisses from a beautiful woman."
"Have you tried Marilyn Monroe? I'm sure she'd love plant a big one on you," she shrugged.
"Nah, I was setting my eyes on this brunette," he kissed her cheek, making her smile, "She has this beautiful eyes that I can stare into for eternity, she's insanely clever, mind you she's short," he kissed her neck.
"And yet so big of confidence," he kissed her temple, "She's got really long hair I just love to kiss," he set a couple of kisses around her head, making her chuckle, "She always smells like vanilla for some reason," he turned her head to him, "Sound familiar?"
"Mm, maybe," she mumbled, entranced by his closeness and minty scent.
"And I've heard she's cold so I've gotta warm her up, starting with her lips," he lifted her chin and kissed her.
"Definitely warmer," she murmured into their kiss.
"I swear to you, Minerva, that nothing will happen to you," he rested his hand on her cheek, looking her in the eye, "I swear."
"I know you will, I trust you with my life, Martian," she took his hand from her face and kissed the back of it, not grasping what the Doctor was truly talking about. While he spoke about the crystal she thought it was just him by him and his over-protection, "For now, think you can keep me warm?"
He smiled and nodded, "Of course," he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her blanket over them, resting his chin over her head while she drank from her mug, silently cursing himself for this mighty secret of a crystal he was keeping from her.
But it was for her own good and if it did her good, he'd do it.
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
When it will be time.....
Sequel to the one-shot 'Let me fly away' :
Bell wanted to flee and Park decided it was better to join her instead of staying with the CIA. The two run away and tries to have a normal life but nothing can't be normal with Bell's state that started to decline.....
Warning : angst !
Words : 5800+
Bell couldn't do it alone !
She wanted to fly away.....away from everything that has been her life for weeks. She was controlled by the CIA the entire time and that needed to end one day, She just wanted to turn that page over but there were still one thing that wasn't erased in her mind : love. She realized that her love for Park was so strong that she couldn't think one second to be able to flee without having her at her side. Even if she was seeing herself as a monster, Bell was showed that love can maybe save her from her loneliness. Her new free life needed someone with her.
She asked the CIA to never try to found her again because she know of their true motives towards her : they were never going to let her having a normal life, they were going to use her at her full potential against Perseus remaining followers and once it was all done, they were going to dispose of her because she will be someone who know too much about the CIA's dark moves but they were so blinded by their work that they couldn't see that Bell....lost everything in her mind after Solovetsky. That's why she fled, she has nothing to do anymore in this spy world. She asked them to never find her but to Park, she wanted to be joined by her.
She thought at first that Park was feeling betrayed and that she was going to be alone, knowing that Park was true in her loyalty for the British Crown but she was nonetheless surprised when Park arrived at the location she gave her : Park's loyalty was for the MI6.....not the CIA and the USA. She couldn't let the CIA find her first, Bell was the one she loved and nothing could've stand between her and Bell.....not even Adler. The two went on a long hug, having found each other again but Bell knew that choosing that free life can maybe not last long because of her state and the fact she was needed to be drugged to be stabilized enough to survive......it was a good choice for her even with the sad reality. Both know of that but now, it was time to move on to live that free life and profit of it.
With now the CIA in their tracks, knowing that they will never give up their researchs, Park immediately organized their escape from West-Berlin and for that, she needed help from the MI6, who agreed at full extents to make their escape. The MI6 were very trustful and believers for the two and they were obliged to help them after they discovered the details of Operation Greenlight and finding the american nuke hidden beneath London. That was all saw as a betrayal by everyone inside the MI6 and their relations with the CIA were greatly reduced : there weren't going to trust an organization that has put an nuclear bomb under their capital and the lives of their agents were primordial : Bell & Park needed to be saved.
The two spent 2 more days inside West-Berlin, getting hidden in multiple MI6 safehouses before they could finally leave the city alive, getting away from Germany once and for all. They didn't know exactly where they could start a new life as they had many options : France, Canada or even Australia but finally, the two decided it was better to get back to the United Kingdom, Bell wanting to discover the country that was supposed to hers, she was thanking the MI6 for making her dreams come reality.....and Park was happy about it.
They spent another day in London as Park decided to make a little tour for Bell for discovering the city of the Empire where 'the Sun never sets' while still protected by the MI6. Bell could finally feel free after all this time, having Park with her, to support her until the end. After that day, Park's superiors found them a place where the CIA could never find them....a place where they could start all over again : a MI6 safehouse at the south of England next to Dover. The couple agreed and the same day, they were moved to that location.
It was a very big house, given as a gift from the MI6 to Bell and Park for their services they have done for the Crown and after the two moved in, it was the beginning of their new lifes away from everything. The night, Bell was alone on the cliff overlooking the sea, she could see from afar the French coast and the city of Calais, it was so beautiful for her, feeling the cold along her body and hearing the sound of freedom around her.....she was happy and free, hoping that this would stay like this when the time will come. She was relaxing, thinking of something when Park arrived,
"You're good ?" Park asked, arriving to get to Bell's side,
"More than good, it's wonderful." Bell replied, spreading her arms and breathing the cold
"I knew that you will like the place." Park exclaimed, looking at the sea "It's making you feel free."
"All I wanted, Helen." Park was surprised to hear that as Bell never used her first name before and Bell saw through her look "I know, it's strange for you that I call you Helen, right ?"
"No, it's not strange, that proves that we will move on, not making the same things we have done with....the CIA." Pronouncing the last words was complicated as each time, anger could be heard in their voices "We both know that.....you decided to stop been drugged by them by fleeing..."
"I know." Bell cut her "I know that I'm not going to make it maybe at the end of the month or maybe another month because of my brain but at least, I will die as a happy and free woman."
"You know that the MI6 can help you with that." Park tried to say but Bell was unanime on the subject
"Helen, I....I saw that the MI6 were good to me but no....I can't, I don't want to suffer again." She admitted, sure of herself and her choice "Previous night, I could still see Adler injecting an needle into my eyes....and memories when he brainwashed me....I can't let this happen again." She crossed her arms "I'm afraid of needles now and I can't see myself back into that chair and on that strech, helpless."
"I'm so sorry about that." Park excused, still feeling herself ashamed of what happened to Bell "You know that I'm willing to stay with you at all costs." She added
"Really ? Even when...." She cut herself, taking a breath "When it will happen ?"
"Yes !" Park said, moved by her emotions.....that simple word was hard for her because she realized that Bell herself stated that nothing can't be done to save her. She will have to stay with her until the end. Bell at this moment, started to look at Park.
"Listen, I need to ask you something." Bell said, determined after thinking of what she wanted to do right now
"Anything." Park replied and after that, she was surprised when Bell get on one knee,
"I know that I'm not maybe good with that type of thing but...." She cut herself, to take something inside her pocket and then, she handed something from her hand.....a ring. "Before we find each other again few days ago, I decided to buy something with some money I stoled from the safehouse." Park couldn't believe it, Bell was literally asking to her, she was jaw-dropped by it and so surprised. "Leading me to one question : Helen.....
Will you be my fiancee ?"
Park was so moved by that gesture, Bell wanted to live as a real couple even if the laws was so restricting in the country and she bought a ring just for that.
"I know that the rights of people like us aren't recognized but I want to be with you until the end." Bell added, tears falling down
"I....I.....yes." Park replied "I want it." She then took the ring in hand and put it at her right hand, it was so pretty that Park started to cry too, causing Bell to got up and to put her in a hug....a big & recomforting hug, happy from Park's decision.
"I love you." Bell said
"I love you too." Park responded before they looked at each other and pull a kiss on their lips, cementing their new union. Park broke the kiss, a smile on her face
"Let's go home, shall we ?" She asked
"I'm following you, sweetheart." Bell said, causing Park to blush and to laugh, happy for that surname
After that, the two went back home and spent their first night in their new home. A first real good night for Bell, finally free. It was the beginning of something great for the two. Both decided that they couldn't pronounce their engagement and making it official by organizing something. It would be too hard to make some bribe and they both decided to keep it a secret for themselves even they chosed to publicly showed their relation when they were in town in Dover or either making a walk in the british countryside.
They didn't have financials problems as the MI6 were helping them to get over it, they were still giving protection to the couple because of the CIA still looking for them and hopefully, the MI6 were giving them money, allowing them to go to the store like human beings. They were now on trying to have a normal life without thinking to anything related to their old life during their times in Adler's team. That life was behind them for good and a new one were starting for them.
The first days went pretty well as Bell wasn't showing any signs of worries about her state, she was so fine and happy to feel free that she was well. Each day were giving her a smile because she know that she weren't a CIA prisoner anymore, she was a free woman who wanted to have a normal life despite that her days were counted and she wanted to pull the best of it before the time come for her. She know that one day, her brain is going to drop her and that she was going to die from that but she didn't care, the life the MI6 gave to her and Park was more important.
Unfortunately, their new normal lifes did take a worst turn when Bell state started to decline. One day, while having an walk in the city of Dover as an couple, Bell suffer from an panick attack in the middle of the crowd. Park was there to help her quick and Bell realized that she was starting to have a fear from crowds, they got back home and they tried the next day, to fight that fear but again, Bell had another attack, meaning that she couldn't go in public anymore, she decided to stay at home forever as Park was the one to go out each time they needed to go to the store and making a walk. Bell was now forced to stay in home, knowing that it was just the beginning of her end.
The nights were no longer the same : she was having nightmares all the times during her sleeps, causing her to cry each time she was waking up, always recomforted by Park at her side. It was breaking Park to see Bell in that state, she promised to stay with her until the end and even it was painful and torturing, she hold her promise. During the followings days, Bell was either sit on the couch when it was raining outside or outside, looking at the sea sit on a chair when it was sunny, she was awaiting for the moment to come as Park was still next to her.
But something came an morning when Bell arrived in the kitchen and was asking who was Park, giving the worst horror that Park could imagine : Bell was now facing memories loss about her life, she was at first forgetting simple things like why she was in that particular room or doing something that she has already done but then it was getting worst, she started to forget names and faces of people she knew, it broke her heart each time Park was explaining her everything and who was the woman that was at her side each morning. She had to write in a diary to not forget simple things and reading that diary each day was making her so bad.
Memory loss and a fear of crowd was making Bell so bad, meaning that her life was going to end soon and she was feeling so weak, her days was now filled of staying on the couch without moving for hours, looking at the ceilling or at the TV while Park was watching her closely, ready at any occasions. It was torture for her each time she had to leave the house, fearing the worst when she came back but Bell was still on that couch, her diary with her in case.
In an evening after staying on that couch all day, Bell was still feeling weaker when Park arrived with two cups of coffee in hands.
"Did I ask for an coffee ?" Bell said, confused, having forgotten that
"Yes, you asked me to make your favourite as always." Park smiled, hiding her pain. Bell took the cup anyway as Park sit on the seat next to the couch "How are you feeling ?"
"Bad....as always." Bell replied, taking a sip from the cup
"You sure that you don't want to go to bed, right now ?" Park asked, wanting Bell to feel better
"No, I...I....I want to stay here, just thinking." Bell replied, putting the cup of coffee back on the table, not finished "I'm awaiting now." She looked at the ceilling
"You don't need to....."
"Think about that ?" Bell guessed her words in advance "What can I think about ?"
"I don't know, me ?" Park wasn't sure
"Each time I see you, I'm happy and each time you got out of the house or even going in another room, I had to check my diary, fearing the worst." She took her diary in hand and opened the page where she wrote Park's name underlined multiple times and next to it, a drawing of Park's face. "See ?" Bell showed that page to Park "I can't forgot your pretty face."
"That's good, I didn't know that you were a drawner." Park exclaimed, amazed to see her face perfectly drawned on Bell's diary
"It's something I never thought too." Bell looked at her book "Can't even remember when I did it." She put the diary back on the table "I can't...." Suddenly, they started to hear the sounds of a car arriving near the house and something were off because the MI6 never come this late "Who's this ?" Bell asked, worried
"Don't worry, I will check." Park got up from her seat and joined Bell to give her a kiss on the forehead "Stay here, okay ?" She said before walking to get to the front door, wondering who can be coming that late.
She opened the door of the house and were a little blinded by the light of a car arriving in the yard and she couldn't see exactly who was driving and the passengers. When the car stopped, she realized in horror who was in that car : Russel Adler were driving while Frank Woods and Alex Mason were his passengers. She couldn't believe it : there were here, weeks after the events that lead to Park's banishment from the safehouse, the CIA found them. She was so angry but she was willing to get into a fight right now. The trio got out of the car and Park decided to join them, clenching her fists and jaw,
"I told you to leave us alone !" She yelled at Adler, facing him in an instant
"Hey, calm down, Park." Adler put his hands in front of him
"Calming down ? I can't with you in my sight." She exclaimed, full of anger "You hit me and you want me to calm myself down with you ?" She then look at Woods & Mason, the two even with what happened were still with Adler "What are you doing here, you two ?"
"Listen Park, we can explain that from....." Mason was going to start until.....
"Who are they ?"
Everyone looked behind Park, discovering Bell on the porch of the house, looking confused and talking to Park "Helen, who are these peoples ?" She asked again
"Hey, Bell." Woods showed his hand into saying hello as Bell approached them, curious,
"Who are you, sir ?" She asked again, she has forgetten their faces too
"Bell, that's me, Woods and.....it's Mason." He gestured to Mason, slowly realizing what was actually happening,
"Oh....Frank and.....Alex, right ?" Bell said, pointing her hand first at Woods then at Mason, both nodded with an little grin before she looked at Adler "And you, who are you ?" She was intrigued by this man who had scar on his face,.
"That's....Adler, Bell." Park looked down, stopping to clench her fists
"Ad-Adler ?" Bell started to said in horror "The Russell Adler ?" She looked at the man, realizing who he was. She then moved to face Adler and suddenly, she grabbed him by his collar and pushed him against the car.
"No, Bell, stop !" Park moved to separate Bell, she wasn't in a state to fight as Woods and Mason were moving too
"I told you to...." Bell wanted to throw a punch but then, she released Adler and she fall on all fours, looking so weak as the three mens were very confused
"Bell, it's alright." Park moved to got Bell back up, she didn't want that to happen but for her, Bell was getting worse every day and that move proved that to her "Let's get you back to the couch."
"Wait, Park, we're helping." Mason said, getting with Park, helping her to move Bell back to the house, also with Woods help.
They helped Bell get back on the couch as Adler was staying behind. For the first time in his life, he was looking worried about Bell's state but he wasn't showing it at all as he stayed behind. After the trio had Bell back, lying down on the couch, Park decided to get also on the couch, putting Bell's head on her legs to make her feel better as Woods and Mason decided to sit on the different seats of the living room and after a few seconds, Adler sit as well. The mens were looking at the two womens, wondering what was happening.
"How did you find us ?" Park asked, taking back her angry look
"Hudson's superior...." Adler replied, cutting himself before starting to speak again "He knew that the MI6 was hiding something and he forced his way inside to find you."
"He threatened my superiors ?" Park said, holding Bell and Adler nodded,
"He's willing to have Bell back under the CIA contr-....."
"No....not the CIA, I don't want that." Bell exclaimed, not moving "Not anymore."
"And you two ?" Park looked back at Woods and Mason
"We were forced to participate in the mission as Hudson's superior has threatened Alex's kid." Woods admitted
"You had a kid, Alex ?" Bell asked, she has forgotten so many things that she couldn't remember everything.
"Yeah, I told you that back before you left.....I'm sorry if you had to hear it again." Mason looked down, he was dead worried about Bell, now knowing her true self.
"So, they threatened your kid ?" Park added
"Yeah, those fuckers forced us to stay in the team." Woods affirmed, using his usual behavior towards his 'boss'
"And why are you here ?"
"Hudson ordered the three of us to get Bell back." Adler replied, getting comfy in his seat
"And you're willing to do it ?" Bell said, firmly
"We want to help you, Bell." Adler told her but for Bell, it was just another lie again, why the CIA would help anyone like her and hell, why the CIA is even helping ?
"Help me ?" Bell repeated, looking at Adler with wide eyes "You can't do that."
"And why we can't do that ?" Adler asked
"Because I'm dying !"
Bell yelled at him, using her strengh to do it as she was getting weaker each day and her voice was following the same thing. Bell started to have some tears falling from her eyes as the mens were shocked to hear that. Mason & Wood couldn't believe it at all but they realized in horror when they saw Park's face decomposing itself at hearing Bell.
"I'm dying and I'm just waiting for the moment to come." She added, angry and sad "I'm losing my memories and I can't get out of that house without having an attack."
"Bell, it's.....you can't tell us that." Mason exclaimed, knowing how it feels "You can be saved !"
"No, I can't and I think it's too late to talk about saving me." She started to redress from Park, sitting on the couch "My brain is going crazy each day."
"Bell...." Adler tried to say but she couldn't let him speak,
"I can't remember your names, I forget sometimes my own name and worst, I forget who is Park." She was starting to cry "It's the same thing each day."
"Bell, you can't give up like that." Woods tried to say, his voice were nearly cracking
"I don't want to be drugged again, Frank....I'm afraid of taking something that could maybe help me."
"Park, tell us that you can't believe her." Mason saw Park's face and realized that she wasn't able to do a thing
"I promised to stay with her until the end at all costs, I knew the risk and it's torturing me each day to see her like that but I respected her wish." She whispered long enough, giving a little smile to Bell "We got engaged." She continued to smile
"You....you....really ?" Mason said, sounding shocked of happiness
"Well not officialy but she bought me an ring, asking me to be her fiancee."
"It's wonderful !"
"Yeah but now it's so hard for me to hold on....."
"Park, I know that Bell....." Adler spoke up but again, cut by Bell,
"You don't know a thing about what I want." She started "You know only things that YOU want !" She added, raising her voice at the max she could have done "I can't....I can't forgive you for what you have done to me, Adler." She then got up from the couch as Park got close to her in case "Let me just....;fucking die, damnit !" She yelled but then, she calmed herself down.
"It's okay, Bell." Park holded her hand with Bell's one
"I....I need to go to sleep." Bell looked down "I'm tired !" She then looked at Park "I need you."
"Go...I'll join in a minute." She then released Bell from her hands as she was given a little kiss on the forehead by her before she started to walk slowly, not forgetting her diary, going upstairs, looked by the others.
"Park, tell us that it isn't true !" Mason said again
"Bloody hell, it's real !" She didn't shout at all, wanting to keep her calm "I can't forgive myself to have helped Adler doing that and look now."
"I'm sorry." Adler replied, worried
"Don't ! " Park looked at him in fury "You can't convince me too." She got up from the couch, needing to join Bell "I....I need to join her."
"And what now ?" Adler asked
"You can sleep here on the couch or in your car if you want as long you're not going to take Bell from me but don't come upstairs, please." She looked at the three of them "I need to be with her until the end." She whispered, leaving the mens in the living room as she got up the stairs.
She was feeling so bad right now : Adler was there in the house, she wanted to get him, Woods and Mason out of it but she wasn't willing to show her anger anymore, it will have been a useless fight she was going to lose anyway. She walked slowly to the bedroom, fearing like each time she was coming back at home, she opened the door of it, Bell was on the bed, lying down on it, looking at the big window of their room overlooking the sea.
Bell wasn't even under the blanket, her right hand was holding her face against the bed and she was still dressed up in her clothes, she was crying and she was getting weaker. Her diary were posed on the nightstand, closed. She knows that Park was there and she didn't move or even react. Park sit on the bed before joining Bell, putting her both arms around her, to recomfort her.
"How're you feeling ?" Park asked like each night.
"Bad.....worse." Bell replied, her voice lowered "Isn't it beautiful, right ?" She asked, gesturing at the view, changing the subject
"I know, you remember your proposal you make to me ?" Park smiled about talking about it
"Yeah, it's the only thing I didn't lose." Bell was sounding happy, didn't lose that memory was helping her a little about remembering Park everyday
"I'm still proud of that, I wanted big things for both of you." Park said, proudly
"Helen....I....I....I'm getting cold." Bell whispered "Is it....is it normal ?"
"Don't think about it !" Park reinforced her hold around Bel, pulling both women closer and closer until they were against each other, wanting to warm "It's going to be okay." Park added, closing her eyes, needing to sleep"Just....try to sleep, okay ?" She also whispered
"I love you, Helen." Bell said before she closed her eyes too to sleep
"I love you too." Park replied
The silence came in the room as both women start to sleep peacefully in their room, both in their own thoughts and it was so hard for Park right now. Each day were getting closer to the moment she was fearing the most and she was prepared to live that even it would so hard for her to get on....to move on after that. Bell was everything to her and she was going to lose her. She lost her family....her brother.....and now, she was going to lose Bell.
This night was very long and Park couldn't have one minute of sleeping without thinking of every moments she has spent with Bell during two months. She was loving her so much that she wasn't able to think one moment, to have her removed from her life. She wanted to help her to move on and that what she did : she helped her get a normal life she dreamed about but it was torturing so much that Bell wasn't going to make a whole life because of her state.
It was breaking her heart a lot and even she was saying to herself that she was going to be strong, she couldn't in fact. She promised Bell to stay with her and she couldn't return with the MI6 and working with the CIA again after what happened. She remembered the night before Bell left the safehouse : just them, looking at the stars as Bell was talking about getting lost around those stars......and she know that Bell will be among those stars soon.....
Park woke up first in the early morning as the sun were rising up, her arms were still around Bell, they didn't move a lot but then, she put her hand above Bell's heart......it wasn't beating anymore, the moment happened and it was finished for Park as she was continuing to hold her :
Bell.....was no more !
After all these days of a normal life, Bell died peacefully in her sleep, hugged by the one she loved, a smile on her face that was all white. She couldn't fight it and now, she was no longer alive. Bell was no longer here. Park wanted to cry all part of her body, thinking about what Bell said to her before sleeping. It was so hard for her to move on now and to get out of the bed. She didn't want to left her but she had to announce to the others the sad news. She got up from the bed and she gave a kiss on Bell's forehead.
She was shaking a lot as she walked downstairs to join the others. When she got down, Adler, Woods and Mason were at the table, having prepared the breakfast for the womens...
"Hey, Park !" Woods smiled, trying to forget everything from last night
"We prepared Bell's coffee : we know that it's her favourite." Mason was doing the same as Park was having a little smile until she broke it, she couldn't smile anymore "What ?" Mason asked
"She's gone !" Park whispered, starting to cry
"No.....no, it can't be....."
"She's gone in her sleep.....peacefully." Hearing this shocked the mans, Woods wanted to throw the cup of coffee he had in hand in anger but it wouldn't help him. Mason was going to cry too but he was holding on. Bell was someone very close to him during the times the two were together like Woods. They were her biggest friends alongside Lazar. Adler was.....for the first time, sad. He really wanted to help Bell but he knew that she wasn't going to be convinced. "She joined the stars !" Park added, looking at the window, her eyes full of tears
"Park, we're sorry !" Woods exclaimed silently
"I....I need to stay with her, that's what she wanted." She said before slowly making her way back upstairs, the mans wanted to stop her but they couldn't. Woods put down his cup of coffee on the table and put his hands on the chair in front of him, holding it with all his might.
"She's dead." He said, overtaken by the news "Alex, I can't believe it."
"I know, she didn't deserve that." Mason replied "She was a good person.....and she preferred to die."
"I'm feeling so ashamed." Adler affirmed, feeling guilty after all this time, he wanted to make amends with Bell and he never had the chances. "We killed her....I killed her."
"It's too late to change that, Adler." Woods almost yelled, angry about him....about everything. "You and your fucking mind games with Hudson !"
"I'm sorry." Adler put his head in his hands
"You can't be fucking sorry now." Mason added "She died by your fault, damnit."
"I know !" Adler almost yelled too, making an new silence between the guys, wondering what to do now. Mason got up from his seat,
"Maybe....maybe I can talk with Park for a moment." He said but no one responded, all looking down. He walked away, slowly getting up the stairs, leaving Woods and Adler in the kitchen.
Woods was remembering everything from Bell : her kindness towards the others, her humor and her brave spirit. He always thought highly of her and his best friend Alex was thinking the same but the two never thought about Bell's true identity and after they learned it, they were feeling so bad about her. It broke both mens hearts when Bell wasn't able to recognize them and when they discover that Bell was facing death and memory loss, it broke them further. Today, they lost someone precious....
Adler was feeling so bad right now, he was the one to be blamed for : he forced Park to follow him into brainwashing Bell, he was him who were drugging her food and drinks each time. He was so angry when Bell gave him her real thoughts about him but after some times, he realized that his anger was an big mistake from him and that's why he volunteered to get a chance to talk to Bell but it was obvious that Bell will never forgive him.
They couldn't cry, trying to calm themselves until.......
It was Mason screaming from upstairs, sounding so shocked. At hearing this, Woods started to run in the stairs, fearing the worst from his friend, he was followed quickly by Adler as he arrived next to where Mason were standing, he was looking at something horrible and when Woods looked at, he realized the horror too......Park......Park wasn't able to hold on.......she was in the bed with Bell, hugging her but now......Park was no more......
"No....not her too !" Woods arrived, getting next to Park and checking her pulse, she was dead too.
"She....she killed herself." Mason looked at the nightstand where he could see some meds, realizing that Park provoked an overdose to herself "She....she couldn't accept it." He found next to those meds a letter : a suicide note......
Please, let me stay with her, I can't be separated from her !
"I.....I can't believe it !" Adler was getting more worried and guilty
"Bell was everything to Park.....and she wasn't able to lose her." Woods put his hand softly on Park, with an sad look "I'm so.....sad....."
"I think....I need to get some air." Mason said, exiting the room, tears falling from his eyes
"I'm gonna call the MI6, telling them what happened." Adler exclaimed "They need to be given a proper funeral together !"
Mason exited the house behind, looking at the sea. It was so hard for him now to accept the fact that they just witnessed Park and Bell's death in the house they slept in. They just lost an friend....two friends who loved each other. Park wasn't able to move on and like she said, she wanted to stay with Bell until the end, she needed to die too. As he was looking at the sea, he could start to see Bell's ghost overlooking the sea.....and then, Park ghost joined her too.
He wasn't dreaming at all : he was really seeing them, like if they were alive. He still looked at them, knowing that he will be the last time he will see them. They both joined their hands together, looking at the sea and then looking at each other, Mason could hear them talking.
"So, it was time...." Bell voice was cracking
"Yes, I couldn't move on without you, Bell !" Park voice was also cracked
"It's okay !" Bell put her hand on Park face "Ready ?"
"Yes." Park replied
"Let's go join the stars, Helen !" She smiled before they pulled for a hug and then, they were gone from Mason's sight.
It was the last time he could see them, he was happy and sad at the same time because he know that they will be joining a place very peaceful and away from that terrible world. They leaved this world happy and together. Bell was so relieved to have Park at her side during all that times and now, her and Park were going to a place that was so wonderful and good for them, she lived a good life.....a good normal life with Helen Park, the one she was loving the entire time and now....
They flied away....to join the stars !
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min-shu-gah · 4 years
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a/n: I was going through my phone and came upon this photo of Yoongi and it just made me wanna write. So this is that...
Word count: ???
Yoongi x reader, Yoongi fluff
Yoongi had been in a sour mood all day. From the moment he came home from the studio he had been giving you the cold shoulder. You knew better than to pry, but it drove you crazy to know something was bothering him. Yoongi had been tirelessly working at the studio trying to finish songs for the new album. On nights he came home late you knew he’d had success and written something he was happy with. But nights like tonight, when he came home early and quiet, it meant he had hit a road block. In an effort to relieve his mind you decide to take him out for his favorite meal. You walk into your bedroom to see Yoongi sprawled out face down on the bed. You pause, taking him in, a small smile spreads across tour face. You walk up behind him, and without hesitation climb onto the bed beside him, draping half of your body over his. Your hand instinctively reaches for his hair, tangling your fingers through the blue mess. Yoongi’s only reaction a low drawn out sigh. “Have you eaten?” Your voice is quiet and calming. He can hear the concern in your tone. You take his silence as a no and continue. “How about we go eat your favorite, it’s been a while.” There’s a brief moment of silence before Yoongi’s head turns to face you. His face is blank of expression and his voice comes out tougher than expected. “Okay.” You give him a smile and move your body to allow him to stand.
You offered to drive but Yoongi declined, as he ushered you toward the passenger seat. The ride to the restaurant was quiet, but a nice calming quiet. At some point Yoongi moved his hand to rest on your thigh. You laid your hand on top of his and gave it a light squeeze just to let him know you appreciate his affectionate touch. In the past Yoongi had always shut you out when he was having a hard time. But he must have sensed how much that effected you because he had recently been working on giving you extra attention when he was upset. When you arrived, the restaurant seemed slightly more crowded than usual. You look towards Yoongi to try and get a read on how he’s feeling, unsure if he can handle such a crowd right now. The only emotion you can read though is tiredness. You reach for his hand and put his movements to a halt. He looks back at you with a questioning face. “Are you okay to go in? I don’t want the crowd to bother you.” For the first time tonight he gives you a tiny smile. He pulls you closer to him and begins to walk towards the door. “I think I can handle it.” His voice comes off slightly sarcastic and you can tell he’s beginning to come back to his normal self. Once you’ve sat down Yoongi order’s more food than you find necessary but keep quiet. The service is fast so you don’t have to wait long before digging in. The man in front of you acts as though he hasn’t eaten in decades and stuffs his face full. He’s eating in such a hurry he doesn’t notice the mess he’s made on his face. In an effort to save him some kind of dignity you slide napkins towards his side of the table. He looks toward you with meat hanging from his mouth. “Whaaat?” He’s barely audible and you can’t help but laugh. “You look a mess Yoongi.” He swallows what’s left in his mouth and reaches for the napkins. After wiping his face he looks towards you for reassurance he’s cleaned himself completely. You give him a nod and watch as he continues to finish his sides. By this time he seems to be back to normal. Between bites he asks about your day and what you have planned for tomorrow. Conversation comes easy and it feels good to sit and listen to his words. Sitting there in front of him you can’t help but stare in awe. You can’t believe that this human being chose you. He’s chosen to spend his time with you. He’s chosen to share his thoughts with you. He’s chosen to give you his whole heart and to let you be apart of his world. He pulls you from your thoughts by waving a hand in your face. “Hey, you alright there space cadet?” You shake your head to signal you’re still on this planet and give him a low laugh. “I’m fine, I’m just admiring you that’s all.” The smile that stretches across your face puts your dimples on full display and you can feel your cheeks start to hurt. Yoongi tries to pull a straight face, hoping to hide his emotions. His facade is good, but you can see it in his eyes. “Oh please, you drank too much.” His nonchalant tone cracks and you can hear the happiness seep through. He is content, and so in love and you both know it’s true.
a/n: so I’ve never done this before lol. I write a bunch but never post my stuff because it never really feels good enough. This isn’t really what I would call good but it was really just for fun anyway. I’m trying to branch out tho and do new things so I’ve decided to post it. It could be way better but it could also be way worse 😂 anyway if you read it thanks and if you don’t that’s okay too
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fane-oh1 · 4 years
Hello! I’m Brittany. I love a good sci-fi setting, and I’ve been enjoying my Cyberpunk 2077 playthrough (albeit very slowly because I get distracted by everything). I’m a full time student right now, so I’m probably going to be slower than I’d like to be on replies, but I’ll do my absolute best!
Anyway! This here is my child, Fane. He’s a piece of shit. And I have a love-hate relationship with him. If you want to plot with this idiot, either dm me on Discord or hit me up on Tumblr!
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…// (Seoirse O’Fannaín the Seventh, Male) has entered Night City. He is 28 years old and looks a lot like Sebastian Stan. You can usually find him working as a Solo somewhere in the (Northside Industrial District). Some would describe him as (Loyal and Creative) as well as (Clueless and an Extreme-Altruist).His aesthetic is often described as (Crisp and professional, dutiful sentinel, and deadly when provoked) and he’s known as Fane.  \…
TW: Death of Parents (accident), Military Service
Full Name: Seoirse Rían O'Fannaín the Seventh Preferred Name: Fane O'Fannaín Age: 28 Birthday: September 1, 2049 Sexual Orientation: Panromantic demisexual Relationship Status: Single Occupation: Former Militech Special Operations, Solo Nationality: American [first generation Irish-American]
Cyberlimb Left Arm [Illegal Militech Prototype]
Gorilla Arm (Cyberlimb Function)
Rocket-Launcher Arm (Cyberlimb Function)
Mantis Blades (Cyberlimb Function and Human Arm)
Smart Link (Cyberlimb Function)
Militech Berserk Mk. 5
Kiroshi Optics Mk. 3*
Bioplastic Blood Vessels*
Subdermal Armour*
Synaptic Signal Optimiser*
Lynx Paws*
Fortified Ankles
Limbic System Enhancement
Visual Cortex Support
Bionic Joints
Bionic Lungs
Dense Marrow
Titanium Bones
Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York Hometown: Brooklyn, New York Current Residence: Night City, California Health Issues: Hypermetabolism, Missing Left Arm Traumas: Losing his parents at eighteen, Losing his arm in service to Militech
Face Claim: Sebastian Stan Eye Colour: Blue Hair Colour: Dark Brown Height: 6'0" Weight: 172 lbs [192 lbs. including Cyberlimb] Tattoos, Birthmarks, Scars, etc.: Scarring all down his left side from the synthetic musculature he needs to stay upright under the weight of his Cyberlimb.
Father’s Full Name: Seoirse Conor O'Fannaín the Sixth Father’s Status: Deceased Father’s Cause of Death: Automobile accident Mother’s Full Name: Darina Nollaig O'Fannaín Mother’s Status: Deceased Mother's Cause of Death: Automobile accident Siblings: Eibhlín Sibéal O’Fannaίn [Alive], Sutton Bonavitz [Found Family, Alive]
Ex-Significant Other(s): None of Note Current Significant Other: N/A
Hobbies and Talents: Fane is a musician, through and through. He loves writing music, he loves playing music, and he loves listening to music. Fane can play nearly any instrument, and any instrument he doesn't know, give him twenty minutes, and he'll be proficient with it. He has a particular affinity for the piano and the guitar though. Fane is also a talented vocalist (Voice Claim: William Beckett).
Fane is a former special operations sniper. He’s a near-perfect shot, and even more so with his enhancements. He’s quiet on his feet and tactical when the situation calls for it.
Fane speaks English and Gaelic fluently
He keeps a collection of notebooks and various sticky notes to keep things that he thinks he ought to remember safe.
Fane absolutely loves food in any form. He's not terribly picky and eats just about everything.
Despite loving food, Fane cannot cook. He's an absolute disaster in the kitchen and should not be trusted alone in one.
Fane’s Cyberlimb causes him daily pain, but the fact that it’s an illegal prototype makes it hard to have it looked at.
More facts to come as I think of them!
TW: Death of Parents, Military Service, Non-Graphic Dismemberment
Born to Irish immigrants in Brooklyn, New York, Fane thought he’d always live in New York City. He didn’t care that it was an old city, with new technology being built on old structures. He loved it. Brooklyn was, and always has been , his favourite place in the world. He grew up as the diligent older brother to a sister that was eight years younger than he was, and he had dreams of becoming a school teacher.
But when he was eighteen, the worst possible thing happened. His parents were killed in an automobile accident, hit and run. They never found the person or persons responsible. At that time, Fane was enlisted in the Militech army, looking to save some money before going away to college, so his sister was taken to a cousin that lived in Night City until Fane ended his tour and could meet them there to live.
That was not meant to be, unfortunately. For, Fane was injured whilst serving, had his left arm almost completely severed. He expected the army to fix his arm, maybe install some cybernetics to make it go, but he did not expect them to completely remove his arm and replace it with an experimental prototype. The prototype is heavy, and in order to support the weight, his entire left side has been rebuilt out of cyberware plating and metal.
But Militech didn’t stop there. They had the perfect subject to turn a human into a living weapon, so they did. Nearly every organic part of Fane’s body was replaced without his consent. Only a few pieces of his cyberware were things he chose*. Now, his body houses an unsafe amount of cyberware, and he’s often in danger of succumbing to cyberpsychosis.
After becoming Militech’s experiment, however, Fane used their new upgrades to run away. He deserted the army and ran straight for Night City and disappeared beneath the crowds. He tries to keep a lower profile, keeping to himself when the situation calls for it. He earns a living a solo, choosing to act as a bodyguard somewhat off books. If the price is right and he’s desperate enough, he may take other jobs. But he would rather use his illegal cyberware to protect people instead of hurt them.
*See above List, they are starred
Wanted Connections//
Possible Relationship (Fane can be difficult to ship with. He's 100% demisexual, and his panromantic side does tend towards males or male-presenting individuals but not exclusively)
Friendships  (Fane loves making friends, he's just, not the greatest at keeping them sometimes)
Enemies (While Fane himself is not prone to making enemies, he is a former Militech soldier, which can be a sticking point for some people)
Got other ideas? Let me know! I'm open to a lot of things!
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r-ahh-mi · 5 years
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Warnings: Smut. 18+. Other than that, this is just a massive dose of fluff.
Word count: 4.5k
Summary: Rami is left sifting his mind through an interview during a long press tour of the world that is drawing out far too long for his liking. After months of being away from any sort of familiarity, he begins to miss the very human being who makes him feel at home.
There was a small buzzing..or humming-like sound ringing through my ears. The humming was occasionally reaching new octaves and levels of intensity and calm, as if it was riding a very bumpy wave, but suddenly the hum was loud and staccato; repeating itself another two times before a small pinch of pain seared through my shoulder until the sound was no longer catching my attention. I winced, moving my hand in an instant to the warmth on my arm-only then did I recall just where I was and what I was doing and why I had been so rudely nudged by the person sat next to me.
Press tours were never my cup of tea. The first couple stops were fine because the questions were new and fresh and my responses were genuine and filled with real emotion, but after having to repeat a story three times, four times..ten times. It’s dull and my words begin to lose their value of genuine excitement and amusement that it once held. This interview was just like that.
The main cast, myself included, were nearing the end of our dreadfully long press tour that had wrapped itself around the globe, thus making the travel extensive and for long periods of time. And to be completely frank, I missed my bed, I missed my dog, but what, or should I say who I missed the most was my wife.
We’d never gone this long without seeing one another and I knew it was taking a tremendous toll on me and her both, though she was quick to hide it. I knew she wasn’t one to need me around every waking moment, but by the solemn tone of her voice everytime we said goodbye from our nightly phone or facetime call and whenever I told her about something amusing that happened in my day, her smile just wasn't the ‘grin and bear it’ one I was craving to be in the same room as and to smooth away with a kiss that lingered. It was small and slightly even sad, as if she wanted to badly be experiencing the same casual amusements I was seeing everyday.
I could feel myself falling back into my own head--the voices were blurring together again and the high pitched buzzing was seeping through my ears as I was beginning to be consumed with my thoughts again.
Again, the pinching electrocuted a response out of me as I mumbled an ‘ow!’, and looked in the direction of the co star sat next to me who was looking at me with a less than friendly expression on their face.
I looked around the room and noted that everyone, and I mean everyone, was staring at me. Some looking annoyed, but most just looking expectant.
“Would you like me to repeat the question Mr. Malek?”
My eyes focused on the nicely dressed female as she looked at me nervously while I attempted to re-compose myself.
“Yes-s”, I stuttered, but was quick to get myself back on track. “Yes please.”
Though I didn’t really want her to. Lord knows she would only mutter out a question I’d already heard dozens of times and answered with less than the acceptable amount of enthusiasm.
“I asked if you were missing home at all; I’ve heard it’s much warmer in the states right now than it is here. I’d assume you’d be a bit home sick right now.”
To my surprise, this question was much much different from the others, in fact it’s the first time any member of the press seemed to show a glimmer of sympathy or interest in my personal well being as opposed to wanting further knowledge of this movie I was promoting. It took me a second to respond, though not too many ticking moments or else I feared I’d receive another twing from a rather bony elbow in my side.
“I do miss home, very much actually. Very excited to be in my home with my wife in the next couple days.”
The interviewers eyes seemed to light up, both with excitement of the prospects of a topic to talk about and something else that seemed to make a small smile turn up the corners of her mouth.
“I’m sure it can be tough being apart from your partner for that long. How do you cope with that?”
I shrugged, what we did was anything but coping or ‘getting by’. We made it work tremendously well and, for the most part, I have her to thank for that. She was quick to keep me grounded and even more quick to assure me that mentally I was still the down to earth boy she’d met twelve years ago who was just in the beginning stages of his career as an actor. She supported me then, she supports me now; there was never a push from her for me to do something different and I never pressured her to accept this lifestyle that I had thrown her in to, yet she did so with an overgrowing ease.
“It can be tough, but nothing we can’t handle. We’ve known each other for too long to let much get to us.”
“Surely there has to be some discourse in-”
I shook my head as my patience seemed to fly out the window much quicker than it usually did. Lack of sleep could’ve been the easy option, but what really seemed to get my ticking was this interviewer quickly shuffling from a sweet question to a comment that was seeking out drama and gossip--you know, things to actually assist them in selling their shitty writing.
“She’s great, truly she is,'' I interjected the woman’s long spiel. “Not everything is easy, but we are doing more than okay in our relationship and she’s the best person I can think of for me to share my life with.”
A couple of my co stars ‘awed’ dramatically as they patted my shoulder. I smiled in recognition, but couldn’t help but feel odd for doing the simple task that was loving and actually enjoying the person I chose to spend the rest of my life with.
“Do you have any children?”
“No”, I shook my head, “no children yet.”
“Yet?” The female interviewer quirked her eyebrow as I nibbled on my lip, holding in a smile that was threatening to spill all the way up to my cheeks.
“Yes, not quite yet.”
“So children are definitely on the table for you in the future?”
I nodded matter of factly as I thought back to the conversation me and her had prior to getting married--baby names, preferred genders, and possible nursery themes. We both saw eye to eye on nearly everything, although, the thing that was of utmost importance to me was having a healthy baby with this woman who, at that point in my life, I hadn’t even gotten the courage to ask to marry me just quite yet.
“Yeah, we absolutely want them in the future. Just waiting for everything to settle down a bit first.”
After that, the conversation seemed to shift to my co stars as the interviewer asked each of them some personal questions that weren’t much different to the ones she asked me. Of course, my busy, busy mind didn’t pay much attention once I knew that I had been asked the questions needed for this interview and I was happy that my mind was free to wander a bit more.
However, I wasn’t awarded the same freedom to think happy thoughts as I was just before the interviewer brought her attention to my personal life. Instead, now all I could think about was her and it was setting in just how god damn much I missed her. She was my partner, but most of all she was my best friend and no one enjoys being apart from their best friend for long. It’s as if a chunk of you is just missing or far away and I wanted nothing more than to cuddle it firmly against my chest and forget about the weighing lonesomeness I was feeling for her.
Eventually, the interview was over and I was free to go back to my hotel room and do as I pleased with the rest of my day. The rest of my castmates had settled on having a bit of an outing with it being our last day in an exotic location that the tour had taken us to and of course I was invited, but I just didn’t feel up to it. I would rather go back to my hotel room and bask in the sullen feelings and order some severely overpriced room service.
As soon as I slid my card into the slot and unlocked my hotel room door, I kicked the uncomfortable leather loafers to the side and reached for the phone set in my pocket as I began distracting myself with the email and text notifications displayed on my lock screen.
As I traveled to the bathroom, I found myself puzzled that I hadn’t heard from her, my wife, in quite some time. Usually she would send me a text whenever she woke up, but as I did the math in my head to compare our time differences, she would have woken up hours ago. I sent her a brief ‘love and miss you baby’ text and set my phone down on the counter as I stripped down to my briefs and shuffled my legs into some much comfier sweatpants.
I began to think about how I would spend the rest of my day; watching a movie or tv show, reading a book, because I never had time to read anymore, or maybe sleeping. Sleeping sounded like the most plausible option, seeing as I rarely got it these days, so I mentally prepared myself for the comfortable awaiting hotel sheets I would be swaddled on top of in just a moment.
But as soon as my eyes looked up and onto my bed, I nearly choked on the sharp and unexpected amount of air I had taken in. Such a reaction was bound to happen when one saw a human form lounging comfortably on their bed. Of course, the second I saw the figure the first thing I thought was to protect myself, but the moment I took in the familiar colored hair, skin, body type, and the faintest of smell, I felt anything but the opposite of crisis mode.
Instantly my shoulders slumped back down to their relaxed positions as I stared at her in disbelief. She smiled cockily—typical—as she watched me just stand there, owl eyed and ridden with shock, but the moment my mind and body seemed to process that my wife, of whom I hadn’t seen in months—god, so many fucking months—was laying on my hotel bed in a country that she was not meant to be in, I lunged for her instantly.
One could compare it to a linebackers tackle as I flung my arms around her, latched my legs to fit on top of hers, and snuggled into her side. She giggled briefly as she returned my fierce hug with just as much, if not more, power and for a couple minutes we just stayed latched on to one another.
I buried my face deep into her neck, smelling the floral accent from her favorite shampoo and id never craved a stereotypical feminine scent so much in my entire life until this very moment as I pressed a simple, sweet kiss to her neck. She giggled some more as her fingertips began to lightly trace up and down my arm and I couldn’t help myself any longer as I pulled my face up so I could have a better look at the face that I recently saw via my phone screen, but hadn’t seen or touched in person in months.
I took her in, making little notes of all the similarities and differences from the last time I saw that gorgeous face of hers, but even more than that, I loved being able to trace my thumb along her cheek again as I cupped the side of her face in my palm. She leaned Into my touch, the way she always had done, and brought her hand up to rest atop mine while her thumb rang along the mountains my knuckle bones created on my hands.
“How are you even here right now?”
Instantly, her lips twitched up into a large grin and I could only hope that she was pleased to hear the sound of my voice as I had been to hear her laugh again.
“I was able to get some time off of work and I didn’t feel like waiting a couple more days to see you.”
“So you just hopped on a plane without telling me?”
She cocked her head to the side, her eyes following the same kind of movement as her grin turned back into that sly, beautiful smirk. “Yep.”
Without hesitation I propped myself up on one elbow and moved my mouth to hers in a long, soothing kiss and it was almost like I was being teleported back to the very moment we first pressed our lips together. I relished in the taste of her mouth as our lips started working against one another until my body began to fall into rhythm as I rolled on top of her, letting my weight fall completely onto my arms which held me up above her form. The moment I felt her one hand fall on top of my back, that warmth shot through my body as if her fingertips had an electric current pulsing through them just waiting to zap me.
Though I wanted to take my time cherishing every moment and inch of her, I was also terribly filled with a lust that I hadn’t been able to fully quench in the last one hundred or so days. She was the only one who would be able to fulfill me in such a manor like that, I was positive, so I didn���t waste anytime removing her clothing from her until she was left in nothing but a pair of panties that seemed much too fancy to just be everyday underwear.
I’d be sure to give her shit about that later, but for now I wanted to appreciate them, appreciate her as much as possible.
As I moved a stray hair to safely rest back into its proper place with the other strands of hair, I couldn’t help but notice the beauty that was her. Sure, she was physically stunning, but she was much more than outwardly beautiful to me. She was filled with joy, sarcasm, whit, and intelligence that was remarkable and beyond anything I had ever seen in anyone before.
“I’m flattered by your staring, but it’s getting creepy.”
I rolled my eyes at her comment and playfully nudged my nose against her cheek, feeling the swell of her bare breasts press against me as I continued nudging her face with the tip of my nose until she was in a fit of giggles, but her noises seemed to decrease in volume as I began moving my lips delicately in a downward fashion along her skin.
I let my lips linger for long as I found the nape of her neck, letting my teeth gently graze against her skin before I’d bring the slickness of my mouth and tongue against her sweet smelling body. Her hands gripped my back much firmer than before as she wrapped her legs around my waist, her body beginning to subtly move against mine every now and again.
I noticed her breath becoming louder and faster as my hands began to palm at her chest- the silky smooth skin felt as if I was grasping the finest of materials in my hand as my thumb glided smoothly to flick over her taut nipple, making her body instantly grind itself against mine and causing me to suck in a sharp and nearly painful breath.
If this is how she was making me feel now, I couldn’t imagine what it would be like once I was intimately cradling her form as close to mine as possible while we both moved within one another. To be that close to her again was something I had been craving an ungodly amount and now that I was feeling her, tasting her skin, and hearing her make the most lust filled and pleasured noises, I was nearly thanking god for this time apart that made me that much more grateful to be as close and intimate with someone that I truly and utterly loved with everything I had.
I maneuvered my body down from her collarbones until my trail took me to her chest. I didn’t dare leave the upper half of her body until I left a teasing kiss with the slightest bit of sucking to her hardened nipple as it was kissed by the cool air. She responded exactly as I thought she would, muttering a ‘fuck’ that couldn’t have been louder than a whisper, as she let her relaxed hands slip from my back to my neck. And when my mouth hovered just a bit above the warmth between her legs, I could feel her fingers curl within my hair as she waited in anticipation and I didn’t leave her hanging for long.
My mouth grazed along the fabric of her panties, mouthing and teasing at the material while grazing my teeth along the nicely trimmed lace that was fit perfectly to her body. She voluntarily spread her legs further apart as I wrapped one of my arms around her thigh, keeping it still until I moved the thin material away from her core. Her wetness was immediately visible to me which made the stiffening in my groin begin to pulsate as it became more and more consumed with sensitivity.
I seemed like a magnet to her as my mouth instantly fell to her lower lips, dipping the tip of my tongue gently between her folds as I gave a long lick to her core that made her body twitch ever so slightly beneath my touch.
I let myself enjoy her more as I began leaving flat tongued licks to her small bundle of nerves and playing them up with either quick flicks of the tongue or slow, nearly achining movements.
She moaned out my name as I continued tasting her and I felt her hand slowly slither down to rest on top of my hand that was laying on her thigh. I let my hand switch places to rest next to hers as I intertwined our fingers, all the while, my mouth proceeded to please her body. Her hips were stirring lightly with every flick of my tongue, but her hips became almost uncontrollable as I puckered my lips and began sucking mercilessly on her clit.
She was writhing and squirming with every gasp she could fathom up. Her hand was squeezing mine harshly as our fingers still remained intertwined until it was evident that she was hitting her climax. Her hips moved against my mouth and loud moans breached from her mouth as she grinded her body and I sucked and licked her up for as long as I knew it was pleasurable to her—until I felt her body relax back down into the mattress and her thumb start lightly tracing the divets of my hand again.
I pulled my face up and the first thing I saw was her bashful glow as she looked up at me with red cheeks and a thin layer of sweat glazed across her forehead.
“Well, that was quick,” I joked as I sat back up, but she didn’t seem too thrilled with my better attempt at humor as she brought her had up to lightly smack me along the arm.
“Hey!,” I winced.
“You deserved it! One-hundred percent deserved that Rami!”
I couldn’t help but let out a long string of silent chuckles as I held my hand to my heart in an attempt to calm myself, but she had a much better way of bringing me back to the situation.
Her legs, once again, became tangled up around my waist as she pulled my body downwards and luckily I caught myself with my arms to hold up my spare weight and not crush her.
We both smiled at one another as I combed my fingers through her hair, making the locks fan out across her head like a halo encapsulating her face.
“You’re so beautiful.”
Though my words seemed cliche and maybe they were, they held my inner most true feelings for this stunning creature below me that still managed to keep me memorized.
“Shut up,'' she said between a laugh and a smile as she used her hand to push my head down towards her and press our lips together.
This time the kiss was much more heated and less simple and sweet. It was passionate and loving and sexy all rolled into a glorious triad as we began to get lost and found all at the same time as we fell into our old rhythm of being intimate with one another. Naturally, our bodies began to move against one another, causing me to elicit a sort of primal noise as I pressed my mouth even further against her lips.
We stayed like that for awhile; me pressing my hips down into hers, her responding immediately by pressing her hips upwards until we met in the middle and gave each other the friction we were teasing one another with. However, once she started whimpering against my lips, I couldn’t help myself anymore. I just wanted to feel her as close as humanly possible and I wasn’t letting me or her deprive ourselves of it any longer.
I sat my body up with my weight balanced on my knees while my hands began to busy themselves as they smoothed down the middle of her chest, down her stomach, and to the top of her panties. She assisted me by pressing her thighs together and lifting her bent knees and hips in the air to allow me to roll the fabric off of her hips and down her legs until I was tossing the flimsiness to the ground.
I began to reach down towards the waist of my sweatpants and slip the fabric off of my lower half until I too was left just as bare as she was. Then, I felt her delicate fingers dance along my stomach--I hadn’t noticed until now that she had sat up and must’ve watched me shimmy out of my remaining clothing items, but she seemed to be enjoying herself quite nicely as she traced the indents of my stomach muscles until she was skating her fingertips across the line of hair resting against my lower stomach.
I’m sure she felt as my body tensed with pleasure beneath her, but it didn’t keep her from losing track of her trail ahead. Her hands moved to my hips, letting both of them feel the deeply carved indents that created an upside triangle shape into my skin, but her touch didn’t stay there for long. One of her hands remained on my hip, keeping me grounded, as her other one moved to exactly where I wanted her to touch me the most and I couldn’t help but sigh loudly at the feeling of her palm wrapped tightly around me.
I began to close my eyes, relishing in this much missed feeling and loving that she was the one making me feel this pleasure, but I was also more than ready, both physically and mentally, to feel her to the fullest extent. Quickly, I opened my eyes back up and gently placed my hands on top of hers as I slowly pinned her hands to the mattress.
“You really, really missed me, huh?,” she taunted as she playfully stuck her tongue out from between her teeth.
I shook my head as I resumed back into my position of hovering over her and without saying a word, I grabbed ahold of my member and pressed it against her wetness. Instantly, her playful smirk was replaced with squinted eyes and lips pressed together as she held in a noise that surely was threatening to vibrate off of the paper thin walls.
I started off slow, making sure that we were both comfortable with one another, as I slide inside of her with one paced motion. Her nails instantly dug into my arms as she threw her head back in pleasure, finally letting out a noise that was more than pleasing to both my ears and my hardening member. I let myself fall backwards, nearly slipping completely out of her before I repeated the motion and once I could tell she was enjoying this just as much as I was, I created a steady rhythm for the both of us.
Our foreheads were nearly touching as I thrust my hard cock into her, this time with a little more force, but nothing rough in nature. She seemed more than pleased as she moved her hips upward to meet my movements and I couldn’t help but laugh quietly to myself. Maybe she really, really missed me too, huh?
I could tell she was nearly close to reaching her climax already, but holding off and I was doing the exact same. She was clenching all around me and, my god, the noises she was making alone surely could’ve gotten me there; I wanted nothing more than to finish off and feel that pleasure that she always made me reach, but savoring this closeness and intimacy with her was much more important to me right now. I began to slow my movements down just slightly and she took note of this as she looked at me with the slightest bit of concern that screamed “what's wrong”.
My eyes softened at the comforting look on her face as she brought one of her hands up to my sweaty cheek.
“You okay?”
“Perfect actually.” She looked less than satisfied with my answer as her eyes blinked quickly--she couldn’t have looked more adorable if she had tried.
“Just want to enjoy this as long as I can,” I somehow was able to mutter, though it was surely smothered in heavy breaths and spaced out words.
She partially nodded as her teeth sunk into her bottom lip, “Told ya you missed me”.
Of course I missed her and of course I missed this, but I knew she was merely tugging at her ego and letting me know that she was still the sarcastic, beautiful woman that I fell in love with years ago. And truly, she was just that-- I couldn’t have been happier to be so deeply immersed and in love with a human being than her if I tried.
Tag: @lovelymalekk​ @mezzomercury​ @amcquivey​ @sherlollydramoine​ @rami-malek-trash​ @rogers-wristbands​ @deacytits​ @ramimedley​
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darkestwolfx · 4 years
Lost Kingdom - Re-Review #34
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“Lesson over.”
And once again, Kayo is seemingly perfect... @tsarinatorment​ and @psychoseal​ is it time for some more rants? I think so. I’m sure Tin-Tin would have been quite capable at holding her own in TOS, and I also think Gordon would be a little better at physical combat. But hey, this is only like forty seconds of the episode, so I will move on.
“I wonder if Kayo’s finally met her match.”
“Guess not.”
Just to say, I was so voting for MAX - seriously, I have faith in this robot. Does no one remember him in ‘Legacy’? I’d have MAX for a guard dog any day.
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“I’m detecting structures down there. They seem to be man made.”
“Want me to get Virgil?”
Why, Alan? So he can go in and do some heavy lifting? In fairness, there had to be some kind of reference to him because um... where is he? Anyone want to hazard a guess? 
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“The World Council Emergency conference just ended, and the archaeologists agree, it is the lost city of Atlantis.”
“Imagine that. A city reappearing after thousand and thousands of years.”
“If it’s been buried under water for that long... there won’t be much left that’s worth seeing.”
Oh my gosh, I love the story of Atlantis! Literally, other than animal conservation, Ancient/Classical History was one of my favourite topics.
Anyone else love this film? Apparently it’s one of the most loved Disney films, but also most forgotten. Bit of trivia for you as well - it was the only Disney film to have ten proposed DVD covers, all of which were released as promotional posters, but of course only one made it onto the DVD. However, the German and Chinese distributors for the DVD chose to use different posters for the DVD cover (both of which only saw distribution in these countries) whilst the rest of the world copied the British/American choice. Personally, I preferred every other poster to the one they used the DVD, but hey, they didn’t give me a vote.
And, okay, yes, I won’t admit to knowing everything, but I do know a lot about what other people might class as pointless.
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Anyhow, back to Thunderbirds;
“I’ve got a feed coming in. You need to see this.”
“This is Francios Lemaire, bringing you lucky viewers, yet another chance to watch me make history! And here we are, on the bridge-”
“Control room.”
“Control room- of my luxury sub, the Jules Verne, from where I’ll be bringing you footage, of the very first human - that’s me - to explore the legendary, lost city of Atlantis!”
Oh look, here we go!
As soon as that music started I just who it was going to be. 
Madeline is perfectly describing my feelings on Francois for this episode in this picture. I think - by the look of the faces we got from Tracy Island - that she describes what the Tracy boys feel as well.
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“I order you to leave the area.”
Yeah, Lady Penelope, you tell him.
“Alright, alright, I was only trying to bring a bit of culture to the masses.”
Probably not the right way to do it.
“Your submarine’s in a live sea quake zone, Mr Lemaire, I strongly advise you to leave as fast as you can.”
“What is this? The International Rescue Babysitting Service!”
Um... considering your past record... yes?
Anyone remember the birthday party in the Mariana trench?
“I’m well aware of my location, thank you.”
Um, was he drinking whilst driving? Yeah, that’s a great thing to teach the masses.
“Francois, that’s re... uh.”
“Oh dear. Silly goose. Why didn’t you tell me I was in the wrong gear?”
Probably why you got the wrong gear, mate... Time to call the International Rescue Babysitting Service, d’you think, Lemaire?
So, anyhow, thanks to Lemaire’s stupidity - we have a rescue! And it’s one for Gordon - the water kind of gave that away - and oh look, Virgil (wordlessly) runs across the scene and gets ready to go. Really, where was he?
Still, I think I would have lost my patience with Lemaire by now - and damn ethics, I might have been tempted to ignore him.
“Hello, how much longer do I have to wait?”
“It’s only been half an hour.”
“I’m bored.”
“Patching you through to Thunderbird Two for an update.”
Ha-ha, way to pass Lemaire away from you John!
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“We’re coming too!”
I can hardly believe it! It’s Brains, willingly going on a rescue, in person!
“I’ll tell you what’s crazy, Brains. Us chasing Lemaire through an active sea quake zone!”
Why is that man such an idiot? He really didn’t even need IR. Next time definitely just leave him, I vote.
“It’s breathable air.”
“It better be, look!”
And Lemaire’s idiotic streak increases...
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So, here we are - apparently. There are many proposed locations for Atlantis (the first map below is Europe, the second is a wider view of the world), with many still in dispute. For a long time, it was believed that Atlantis being near Santorini made sense. In fairness, when I stayed in Crete, I had a lovely tour with some locals who tried to show me all the reasons why Atlantis had been near them. Actually, their argument (especially in their native language without the typical English mis-translations) is quite convincing. Crete does have massively similar architecture to that suggested in the Ancient Greek depictions of Altantis. It was argued that these could have been built at a much later stage, but the stone dates back far enough to suggest not. Whether or not Atlantis did sit near Crete, it is fair to say (especially as both were inhabited by the Greeks) that maybe the Atlantians did have a part of their Empire there.
Later, theories rose that Atlantis had previously filled a gap in the Straits of Gibraltar, and Island separating Spain and Africa, and potentially offering connections between continents. This was initially met with much annoyance by Greeks, who believed that Atlantis (an ancient Greek Empire) couldn’t have sat so far away from their own homelands. But, at the time, it was really only Greek and Italy who had big plays across Europe, and the Atlantians were rumoured to have waged war or conquered a considerable amount of the country in Greek’s name. The Straits also make a lot of sense scientifically and geographically. Although the Greeks believed (at the time and still now) Poseidon to be responsible for the sinking of Atlantis, we know that it had to have been a combination of earthquakes and/or tsunami’s which brought down this great empire, and the Straits of Gibraltar sit directly on a tectonic fault line which has led to a subduction zone (so sea quakes would be of great possibility - so I’m assuming TAG have gone with Gibraltar as a setting here) which has now been active (that we know of) from the 1700s - seems likely to be it was active before too.
You can read more about that here if it is of interest to you: https://www.livescience.com/19656-gibraltar-subduction-zone.html
Of course, many take the belief that Atlantis was a fictional story of Plato’s, whilst other’s take the belief that it was the end of the ‘last great ice age’ which caused the disappearance of Atlantis (due to flooding, sounding familiar?), but Plato’s descriptions, whether believed or not does suggest that Atlantis built connections between Africa and Europe (later working into the Pangea theories) and that the sea delves further than we know;
“In the Atlantic there was an island, larger than Libya and Asia put together, and was the way to other islands, and from these you might pass to the whole of the opposite continent which surrounded the true ocean; for this sea which is within the Straits of Heracles is only a harbour, and the surrounding land may be most truly called a boundless continent. Now in this island of Atlantis there was a great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island and several others, and over parts of the continent. She was pre-eminent in courage and military skill, and was the leader of the Hellenes. And when the rest fell off from her, being compelled to stand alone, after having undergone the very extremity of danger, she defeated and triumphed over the invaders, and preserved from slavery those who were not yet subjugated, and generously liberated all the rest of us who dwell within the pillars. But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea. For which reason the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable; and this was caused by the subsidence of the island. ”
Plato’s final passage on Atlantis, as it sits translated from direct Greek (thus ignore any tense errors - they are intended).
Plato’s impenetrable and impassable ocean theory would fit with the territory of high seismic activity too - which does suggest Gibraltar as a decent proposal, especially as Plato seems to know the Straits by another name, but the same land mass.
Okay, I’ve now ranted on about Ancient history enough, I think (although it is another reason why I love this episode), and I honestly do still have such a soft spot for the history of Atlantis. Maybe one day I’ll change careers and become a historian, but for now I’m happy with my mission of trying to limit extinction and global disasters. If anyone wants any more knowledge on Atlantis, just ask and I’ll put it in a separate post - this one is going to be too long otherwise, and is meant to be about something else.
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You can definitely see where they took their inspiration from. I seriously adored all the behind the scenes footage for this episode. Go and look at it for yourself, the detail they put into it all makes it worth it.
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“Look at those shapes. This was definitely built by Mer-people! Start rolling. I’ll do a piece to camera.”
“You grabbed me, we ran. I don’t have the camera with me. And we shouldn’t be in here!”
“Mr Lemaire, you’re putting yourself and your wife in danger!”
Yeah, I don’t think he really cares Gordon, she’s just his glamorous assistant and biographer after all - wife is actually quite far down the list.
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“Would you order MAX to assist Mr Lemaire from the area?”
“That won’t be necessary!”
Scared of a robot, are we now, Lemaire?
See, just saying MAX could have totally taken Kayo. In my opinion.
“We’re trapped and Thunderbird Four is on the other side. Is it still in one piece?”
“I’m picking up full readings.”
Hell, it better be! You only just rebuilt it in the last episode! Goodness, imagine that all over again.
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“Hello Gordon.”
“Lady Penelope!”
“Aren’t you lucky that I was around to come and dig you out of trouble.”
“I’m even happy to be rescued by a Lady in a pink submarine if it gets me away from Lemaire.”
So don’t go knocking it Gordon! She could easily turn around, you know. And just say you’re happy to see her, Gordon! Goodness these two could have been together long ago if they weren’t both so stubborn (and Gordon a little silly).
“He is one royal pain in the-”
Language! You’re talking to a Lady (and an audience group consisting of children), Gordon! I think we can all agree with the proposed end of that sentence though. Lemaire is.
“Do not fire a missile at my submarine!”
Yeah... point proven, again, I think.
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“Final proof that Mer-people exist!”
Did anyone mention yet that meeting a mermaid is Gordon’s dream? Just because, he doesn’t seem too excited about that prospect here. Brains on the other hand, he can die a happy man now.
“We’re going to rebuild it in the assembly hanger, full scale!”
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Nice reference to the selfie-stick in this episode, which was at the time, brand new, of course. I am still bitter that said word has made it into the Oxford Dictionary - seriously, they dropped the level of the game by letting that in.
“Parker loves playing pinball, don’t you Parker?”
“Not when hI’m the ball, M’Lady.”
We’re really learning a lot about Parker’s free time lately - pinball and complaining about the weather... hmm, interesting.
It was a nice way to end - showing everyone going out to the pool - good to see them making use of that thing!
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squirrels49 · 4 years
What Fowl Can Be Known as a Hawk, But Isn't a Hawk in Any Way?
It was not the first moment that our kitty had brought a surprise back with her. It was not the first time she'd attracted in a live fowl. Maybe it had been she published it in the sack instead of the basement or livingroom (her standard locations to place her victim unfastened ). I presume what really surprised me that the most was the size of the bird that has been now flying in a panic around my bedroom.Over years, using just two female house cats who we let outdoors a few of hours per day, we have experienced our share of rabbits, mice along with other bark , and birds input our residence. Most of time they're still alive, fearful, but for the most part, unharmed. Cats that are satisfactorily fed do not hunt for meals, they hunt for fun, and thus they ordinarily don't eat the animals/birds they capture. They often bring them to the individuals as a present or to demonstrate that they'd caught something.Being a Healer, I understand the value of aiding those creatures and critters overcome their shock before discharging themas it is the jolt which often kills themnot any injury they may have sustained.So the chicken that was currently flying across the sack was just the modern chicken necessitating my attention.Unfortunately, which has been going for considered a significant issue. I was used to helping little sparrows that frequented our garden and the neighbor's bird feeders. This chicken was much bigger-in factthat he had been a predator . He was a hawk.I need to admit my close connections with hawks has been lacking. I feel the nearest I came into one was one had been at an tree eyeing a deceased bird close by. Still, the chicken proved to be much further away compared to main one who currently stood in my dresser looking like it would attack anything or anyone which moved.Normally I'd have let the chicken settle down a bit before approaching him, but it was hurt by my cat like I saw blood onto the ground and walls where the hawk had flown. This absolutely had been enough bloodstream to imply that waiting was not wise if I wanted him to survive.But there have been those talons. And there clearly is that sharp, pointed beak.And these very modest eyes were seeing each movement I made.I shut the bedroom door to contain his flight then grabbed a small blanket to throw over him. This functioned. The bird can barely fly. I donned leather gloves and sunglasses (for security ) subsequently lifted the package, careful to grip the ft. With my husband's assistance, I had been able to examine the bird without even any the damage to either of the us. He experienced only a small cut on his rear and one of his wings had been overlooking a couple larger feathers. Each wounds were bleeding.As I found no other wounds that were of immediate consideration, '' I gave the fowl that the homeopathic medication Aconitum napellus("Aconite") for the shock. Aconite operates great to relaxed shock in animals along with human beings. I have used it before on creatures and critters, also when responding to vehicle accidents.When the remedy had slid the bird, I washed the cuts afterward gave him that the homeopathic medication Gunpowder to stem infections. I bandaged his wing it wouldn't proceed for transport to the Wildlife Sanctuary. For rehab, they'd execute a excellent job.But Al As, these were shut, or so the hawk was attracted house and put from the spare rest room because of the night-it was quiet and there was nothing the hawk could damage himself should he drift all about. He looked a ton better than he'd had before he had been awarded the homeopathics.The subsequent early morning , the hen was doing great, however that I still wasn't certain about the wing. I removed the bandage from his wing, lifted up him and enabled him to fly-he didn't do so good-so I took him into the Sanctuary for more treatment. The hawk was possibly the size of my kitty and that I wondered just how she'd gotten the jump on him. Marin (my kitty ) had no harms, that had been surprising since the hawk was a predator who would prey . Maybe, becoming that the hawk was not small, he was not a threat to Marin.The hawk was published from your Wildlife Sanctuary that a few days later. The rehabilitation helper had been amazed the bird had not arrived for the Sanctuary in jolt, and failed to develop an infection and was able to become released so fast. I wasn't amazed, however, due to the fact I understood the healing skills of homeopathy.I believed the stories that the hawk would tell to other hawks, even joked only just a bit believing the hen could probably come up with a very dangerous and exciting story, telling of this great struggle which had hurt him. Had he told the truth-that he was captured by the cat-he would have already been teased for quite a while.The initial issue we did our trip was supposed to check to our hotel which was that the Barrier Station re sort at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. On our holiday bundle we've got a 3 days and 2 night live, they gave us some dinner certificates to Mulligan's restaurant and pub and Jolly Rodgers. Also a excellent surprise in our vacation package had been 2 tickets to a Musical Show.After checking in we moved right into the hotel to examine it empty the large quantity of luggage we had brought us. The room was we predicted. Even though there were only 2 of us they gave us a two bed room accommodation. This was the bomb because we had our own toilet. The master bedroom had a huge Jacuzzi inside (which we use every night) along with also a king size bed together with a huge balcony. The other bedroom needed to bedrooms and your bathroom. They both had television's and were very well decorated. Along side a huge living space, dining room and kitchen that they also had a washer and dryer. Had we know this we'd have brought much less clothing?After unpacking we moved into the welcome center and assessed all those tasks that these were presenting. They had special to ground meals, games and a variety of lessons, along side several traveling excursions. Perhaps not merely did they all will have outside pools however they also had just one of the largest indoor grills that I have ever seen. And of course a weight room with all types of exercise equipment and also in door and outdoor hot tubes. Of course, when that was not enough they had a superb character walk trail and a location for runners.After exploring the resort we chose to simply take benefit of one of those dinner certificates we had been given and also went on Mulligan's for lunch. We're impressed by the number and high quality of the food and service we received. They'd a deck which moved to the surface of the cafe s roof with tables up there and also you could take pleasure in the sea view as you dined. I do feel just a modest sorry for its waters since they needed to go upward and down about half staircase all day long.When we ended dinner we continued with our vacation going to the shore where we did just a small sunning and tried some small fishing in the fishing pier that had been a few miles from our resort. Not bringing some fishing gear together were surprised that they'd everything you might want to go fishing. It simply cost us about 40.00 for all the apparatus and bait you wanted and now being outside to the pier you did not need to worry about getting eaten alive from almost any critters which might possibly be wondering all around on the island. We also toured about thirty kilometers of the island also found many great places to eat and shop. One of my favorite areas in Kitty Hawk to eat would be Jimmy's Sea Food Buffet. They offer an early bird special at which you can win $100.00 in funds as well as to get the first hour they give you lobster. You really don't even miss the lobster though, because with every different kind of seafood you may think of they possess ten different sorts of crab legs plus you can eat everything you want. Unfortunately we didn't get to eat there this time round because of the a number of other locations we never tried while there on vacation.However we did get to see one of the better musicals that I have ever gone . It was mixed with oldies and classical tunes together with some humor. The entire cast was superb. It lasted about two hours was so interesting that it felt which we're only there for half an hour. They change shows frequently so if you visit into the outside banks regularly you may get to see distinctive reveals. On Wednesdays that they offer you a magical show for those magical buffs in the same construction. So the next time you go there on a break please put that on you are todolist because you won't be sorry when planning on taking my own advice.One issue I did not plan moment doing our vacation was a round of golf and I am sorry I didn't because there weren't several really nice cheap golf courses near. I'm not sure but some one told us there were 12 in the area. Sounds like a golfer's paradise to me personally and together with this most golf courses I think that you need to plan to stay per week instead of just a few days. We did not go into any one of this course's this time round whilst the temptations would have already gone to great but I am certain that with many that they might never have been on to crowded.Well the bottom point for the full article is that it was really so relaxing and so gratifying our next vacation will likely be in the outside banks next year plus people also plan on taking a couple mini holidays or long weekends because a few call it there on a normal basis. And certainly will always be towards the top of my record for vacations to get quite a while for you to come.Because a few varieties of hawk some times kill game critters, the full class continues to be contested. You can find those, and they are several, who fail to observe that birds of prey fill out an important part in the amazing scheme of character. Does the hunter who shoots down the hawk at each and every prospect, because some species occasionally captures what he is very happy to take into account his special property, ever cease to request exactly what caused the quail along with different non-migratory match critters to reach the powers of swift flight that alone create sure they are desired as things of sport?It may be that the bird of prey, pursuing one opposite since the days of these invention, which has evolved not only its own strength of wing, but but in addition that of its quarry. And just as certainly as it is accurate, therefore indeed will that electricity be lost in the event the contributing cause be removed. The do do, a pigeon, found himself over the island of Mauritius in which enemies were unknown. He yielded to gluttony and in action, designed a corpulence that uttered traveling, and was eaten out of the face of the planet in a limited while right following his discovery by gentleman. His relative, the rock dove, who'd to flee the chasing hawk or perish, created but retains a power of wing which is famous around the world.To find additional details on this please dig this. At the same manner some other species, notably a number of the rails, by adopting a carefree lifetime, have forfeited flightand now face extermination if some active enemy invades their haunts. The most hawks, which we have been now , have made our grouse and quail what they are. Close students of the area additionally recognize that the amazing significance of hawks from removing game animals suffering from infectious diseases. Just a small thought should convince people of the fallacy of this debate the diminishing ranks of our game critters are the consequence of depredation by hawks, an idea that's become the foundation of most of the prejudice directed toward them. In case this were well founded then the decimation of the hunters would have caused a gain in match birds.In real truth the two hawks and match possess diminished concurrently, and also from exactly the very same primary bring about. For example of the destruction of harmless hawks under mere sensing, there can be cited an item only published in the report of advancement within an evaluation of methods for increasing quail. Up to thirty marsh hawks had been frequenting roosting regions from the match addresses, and so approximately 1 / 2 of these were taken. Subsequently over one million of the castings of the birds have been analyzed, each signifying dinner with the result that the stays of 4 quail had been observed, whereas a lot more than 2 hundred dishes had comprised one or even cotton rats, which eat the eggs of the quail. Really the announcement is highlighted that the majority of the opponents of those quail are the destroyers of its foes.The nighttime bird that is described being a Frequent Nighthawk is not a hawk in any way, but also a Nightjar. The title derives from the fact that the man makes a exact loud'jarring' call. All these 10" jay-sized birds have plumage that is indeed well camouflaged it renders them almost undetectable once they are nesting around the ground. They like to use gravel on which to rest and also build their nests. Nightjars additionally utilize dry grass and leaf litter, which hides their brown and gray mottled feather coloring perfectly.Nature also has given the nightjars' eggs with camouflage by creating grayish brown scrawling marks all around the off-white egg-shells. Mama nighthawk incubates the eggs all by herself. Preventing the nest emptied at the early day and afternoon, the feminine nightjar ventures outside to collect pests on that to feed, whilst her male counter part watches from a position never far away. He will finely lure off any prospective predators. Surprisingly, regardless of the typical nighthawk's custom of nesting on the ground, they are remarkably long-lived. The normal life span for a nightjar is 5 years, which is quite a while in bird years.After 18 times have passed, and the younger nightjars hatch. Now they're totally coated with fluffy down feathers. This really can be when the male measures in to help feed the younger hatchlings. Flying pests comprise their whole diet and are pre digested and then regurgitated with their own ma ma and papa.If the infants are jeopardized by almost some other predator, including individuals, ma-ma nighthawk pulls a nifty trick out of her bag and acts like she was hurt. She is good at this action which the predator is tempted to move off out of her nestlings since she clumsily blows off a brief distance away. After the intruder was taken enough by the nest, ma-ma nighthawk flies off usually. Nightjars are all about foraging at dusk, twilight and in moon light. Additionally they hunt as darkness turns to dawn. Their highly sensitive crimson reddish eyes tend not to require plenty of light as a way to locate their prey. In fact, too much light can blind them into your own foodstuff. In case the current weather is wet or snowy, nighthawks revert to a country of torpor to reserve their power. When problems are favorable to good searching, they take to the skies all over again. Nighthawks forage only on the wing. Once they restthey lay length wise across a branch or right on a lawn. Their feet are so tiny and their legs really long as to be not quite ineffective to them.The telephone of a nightjar can be a high-pitched'spee-spee-spee' sound that I have heard often when I am out throughout bliss. During a night of trying to find insects like moths and mosquitoes, even a nighthawk can rid us of thousands of pests. Their mouths are deceptively large and open very wide while they scoop the air for all types of traveling bugs. As they want more open spaces near forests in which insects are plentiful, nightjars are one of the very first ever to take advantage of a freshly burnt forest region. These areas afford a very good background due to their bright colors, thus helping them combine in to that environment additional easily.The decline of common nighthawks has been brought about partly with using pesticides, deficiency of habitat in which to hunt, and also the deficiency of their favorite nesting sites. That are the older style apartment lava roof. The other exact obvious rationale is that their habit of earth nesting and resting makes them much more at risk of predators such as owls, falcons and hawks.When their instinct tells them to go for warmer climes at South America, they shape flocks at times numbering in the tens of thousands Their migratory travel starts in mid July as the nightjars take the own time to stop and eat on the way. If they spot a river or marshland about sunsetthey are going to pause to eat their fill and re-energize, subsequently continue their very lengthy trek southward. Nighthawks return to the united states and Canada around February with the very same leisurely method.Common nighthawks also have been referred to as'bull bats' because of their nightly . However, they don't use echo location as snakes do to find prey. Nightjars have likewise obtained the strange name of'goatsuckers'. At some point it had been mistakenly thought they made their way into barns at night time to sneak the milk out of goats, but this is not true.There are just six species of us Nightjars: Eastern Whippoorwill,'' Mexican Whippoorwill, Chuck-Will's-Widow, Pauraque ('pa-RAW-kee') and Buff-collared Nightjar. All of these species are on the reduction. It isn't probable that you may understand a nighthawk because of these nighttime flights along with camouflage, form fact which they can stay absolutely still whenever approached. They will only fly when the prospective predator has too close for comfort. But in case you need to ever see one of these birds, consider yourself quite blessed indeed!Connie Smith could be the proud operator and director of Grandma Pearl's Backporch, LLC, and the professional writer of many online content about effortless and one of a kind methods by which you can cause the greatest bird-friendly lands to enable wild birds thrive and thrive. Understand just how to produce fun and secure backyard habitats for wild creatures with their preferred crops and foods, even whilst adding shade, odor and beauty to your landscape. Uncover simple how-to projects for producing your very own one of a kind bird feedersand find out how easy it's to entice various birds into your gardens and lawn. Visit today!
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manjuhitorie · 5 years
Hitorie’s unreleased concert recordings, are coming out on wowaka’s birthday
Hitorie’s full length DVDs of 2 concerts: The Loveless tour final and the IKI tour final in their full glory! It's region free and the release date is November, NOVEMBER, 4th. wowaka’s birthday.
The cover art has been unveiled, and the details of the bonus items have been divulged! 
The standard edition cover feautures wowaka in ai/SOlate T-shirt twanging his guitar! 
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It comes with both concerts and an envelope with a lottery ticket for a chance to win a framed photo. It's cheaper and only comes with the 2 DVDs, the perfect piece! Regular edition DVD: via cdjapan
The limited edition cover features all members basked in laser lights! 
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The complete special package comes with both concerts, a new special photobook of unreleased photos by cameraman Nishimaki Taichi, sticker replicas of the staff passes used for both tours, and an envelope with a lottery ticket for a chance to win a framed photo.  It’s also separated into Blu-ray and DVD, so make sure you buy the right one for your gear! DVD limited complete edition: via cdjapan   Blu-ray limited complete edition: via cdjapan Bonus pre-order items!!!
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If you preorder from select stores you’ll receive a A2 size poster of the wowaka photo (Tower Records and CDJapan are sure to have it)!
Amazon preorders will include a 5 piece set of concert photo post cards! (Amazon hasn’t prepared a page yet though, I'll link it ASAP).
And preorders from the concert venue booths will nab you a Hitorie-chan themed ticket case. 
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The track list is as follows
From Hitorie’s UNKNOWN-TOUR 2018 "Loveless" at EX THEATER ROPPONGI March 25th 2018 01. NAI. 02. Shinya 0-ji 03. Inperfection 04. One Me Two Hearts 05. Nichijou to Chikyuu no Gakubuchi 06. Bathtub and Sleepwalk 07. Eve Stepper 08. Loveless 09. Monocolor 10. Glare 11. Senseless Wonder 12. Unhappy Refrain 13. Social Clock 14. Namid[A]me 15. Talkie Dance 16. Unknown Mother Goose 17. Absolute Encore 1. Dancing Mannequin, Singing Fool Encore 2. Little Cry Baby
From Hitorie’s National Solo Tour 2017 "IKI" at STUDIO COAST May 7th 2017 01. Heart Breath 02. One Me Two Hearts 03. Inperfection 04. Daydreamer(s) 05. Eve Stepper 06. Rularula 07. doppel 08. Lights in the Polar Night 09. Saihate 10. KOTONOHA 11. Hagure no Color 12. 5 Count Hello 13. Dancing Mannequin, Singing Fool 14. Shutter Doll 15. Little Cry Baby 16. Glare Encore 1. Kara no Waremono Encore 2. Senseless Wonder Encore 3. SisterJudy Encore 4. Montage Girl
"The full crowd bouncing around today was the best, I wish I could've shown everybody how crazy you guys looked. Please stick with us through future endeavors to come." After the IKI show in the DVD, ygarshy had said this.
And now.... that chance to see that day's craziness and follow their future is upon us, please do consider purchasing and dancing!!! And thank you for looking... 
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⚠️~~~⚠️~~~⚠️The rest of this post is unnecessary bonus manju material⚠️~~~⚠️~~~⚠️
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I had report on the Loveless final compiled together from way back on March 28th 2019, so I’ll post it here again to give a small taste....!
●The stage lighting for Namid[A]me was apparently breathtaking, they made it look like it was actually raining, ●Yumao used a real gong for Social Clock. ●During Senseless Wonder yg went all the way over to snd’s side of the stage, stuck his body against his, and they played it out together. Then came the encore MC break.
●Yu started cheering himself on, while making flamboyant poses: "Yumaooooo!!  Oooh~!  WOooooOOah *rough voice* !!💪( >ω <💪)” Crowd: “You’re so cool~!” Yu: “Thank goo~ *Goes to a cutesy voice*” “You’re so cute~!” “Thank goo. Thank you!” SND: “Hey dude, they’re all callin’ ya cute and cool y’know.” Yu: “…(short pause) Thank goooo~~~”
wowaka: (laughing) We’re done, that's all we need for MC ahahaa.
●Leaving members stuck on what to ramble about, they’ve already talked so much throughout the whole tour, what’s left? So wo suggested that they do a re-cap on all those fun boring discussions they’ve had. Omnibus time. 
●Back when the Japan was collectively swept off their feet by the Olympic ice skater Yuzuru Hanyu-kun and his performance, wo had also praised him during MC.  Yet just thinking about him puts pressure on Yumao, it inspired Yumao to do his best. And as the next song on Rie’s set list was the inspirational Memai, he concentrated so hard, poured himself in and played super neatly, “Oh shit oh no oh shit, Hanyu-kun makes me nervous.” Yumao explained. 
●During the span of the tour SND fell off the stage way more then once... SND: “The skin on my back peeled off once too.” Yu “Eeeh?!” SND “Saying it peeeled all the way off is an overstatement but..” ”Well then the scab ripped off.” “Seriously?!” “But it healed nicely.” “Ahh” “After that, in Niigata, when I went to brandish my guitar up with a “pwooosh” towards the roof, it went bonking into my forehead.” ●SND’s middle finger had also stopped moving, (nerve palsy maybe??) During Talkie Dance there’s the “piropiropiro” where a “pero, pero” bit comes in between (Queue SND and Yuma singing the riff together), which is very straining. He has to press his fingers against the strings one by one to play it, he was scared but nonetheless. So Yuma watched him at the piropero part wondering “Oh no oh no is it gonna move? Is it moving today??””
When it came down to it his middle finger moved for him so thank goodness... (Manju comment: SND is this karma for all the times you gave the crowd the middle finger when they cheered your name,,, or flipped off girls who waved at you, or giving wo the middle finger a lot? God I love you)
●Yumao “Also ygarshy laughed ONCE!” “There was the one time I was talking nonstop (queue SND and Yumao making “blaghblergh” noises together to imitate him). When yga let out a chuckle, which made me super proud in front of everyone… I went Wahooo!!! but turns out it wasn’t because my story was funny or anything.  It was because yga was off on his own! Testing how many candies he could eat before we would shut up!” SND: “Did you chuckle because you finished the third candy?” yg: “Uhhh” SND: “Well tell us about it.” wowaka: “Is this the first time he’s talking?” yga: “See, I always think our encore MCs are… long. So I feel like having some candy. I was originally worried I wouldn’t be able to finish eating one in time, the song would start and turn into a problem, but.... it turned out that day’s had become the longest MC yet. I lost my inner bet, damn it, I thought. You guys really can talk. Three whole candies worth of talk! So I laughed, and Yumao thought I was laughing at hims story”
Yu: “Yeah yeah!! Honestly the story I had been telling didn’t have a punchline, so I just used your laugh as an escape.”
SND “Foolish” Yu “Yep” wowaka “Well that day the most” Crowd “laughing” Yumao “...Thank goo~ (laughing)” (Yumao you never have a punchline I swear to God I love you too)
●wowaka talked about the story from back when he used to be so so scared of standing in front of people. In middle school his teacher chose him to represent his class in the English speaking competition, yet he was so afraid that he just, went out to the podium crying hysterically. “I can’t talk English in front of everyone waghhh....”
But now he’s able to do >this<. He’s become such an adult. 
SND “I bet there wasn’t even as many people at the competition as there is people here today, haha and you’re able to even talk naturally here, eh, look at you.”
Yu: “Ahh even SND’s such a big boy now~.” SND: “Well we all have.” ●They announced the next nexUs tour at the Loveless tour final. “We just love doing shows” 
●Also Pre- Little Cry Baby emotional speech from wowaka.   “In living we find cool things and sparkling things, yet there’s moments when we betray those things, we worry if ahhh was I wrong with that, there’s so much of this, in actuality that’s all I do, yet still we’re made out of things we can’t throw away, that’s what I think, what is it! Like those sorta texture that have a paint dried over them, like things that are just superficial just… Those are things that I have NO FUCKING  interest in! Like it’s that, c’mON, with music, people are just humans!! trying to be, they’re trying to do what they can do! I have interest in things that only humans can do, some things that can even surpass human, and that’s what fuels me to do music. As long as you follow me, I feel like ,, I could go anywhere!!!!! thank you always, thank you for making me!! Thank you for being here!!!”
This was also the showing they used during the Memorial Service on June 1st… STAFF WE ARE GOING TO CRY “Thank you we were Hitorie, let’s definitely! *through deep breaths* definitely! Meet again!”
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Also some from IKI
●wowaka’s mother came to this show.... As divulged in this interview. THE ORAL CIGARETTES had sent Rie flowers in celebration of the event, which were on display at the venue.... Shiohigari SND’s good friend went, also the Synth player of the band “the telephones” who took the picture that’s featured on this blog) went also! ●Before Shutter Doll Yumao did his signature, Yumao! Yumao! Yumao! cheer on rhythm with the familiar intro, but with “Final! Final! instead. Along with We’re ●Hagure no Color had snazzy band introductions molded in between it. ●wowaka had actually cried during Little Cry Baby..... It really is a song that’s so important to him.... I’m anxious to see the video... ●MC: One was wowaka talking about how thankful he is for everyone and everything about this IKI tour. wowaka “I don’t want it to to enddd!” SND “We’re been on this tour for 4 months, it’s been a long time though, it’s amazing, it’s a new record for us.” wowaka “Now what am I going to do with myself tomorrow.“ SND “Go back to our dark dark life...” wo “Why”
SND “You guys had been waiting outside all this time, how was it, was it cold, are you okay? Further crowd: “We were okay-! Closer crowed “(less voices) We were okay.” SND “So you guys were okay and you were cold, okay (laughing). Well if you were cold, then see this sweatshirt Leader is wearing.. please wear one too That thing is perf.  Crowd: “Woooah!!” SND: “Why the fuck ‘Woah.’ Even if you said you’re okay then still go buy one alright. Thanks..”
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valeriics · 5 years
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( pinterest ) / tw: ptsd, death mention 
hello ! my name is thalia and i bring to you all my second muse woop woop ! below the cut you will find some information on valeria ! if you’re interested in plotting with her please feel free to hit the like and i’ll come invade your messages or shoot me a message !
ADRIA ARJONA  ,   CIS FEMALE ,   SHE / HER          →         according   to   the   school   records   ,   VALERIA MORALES  NARVAEZ has   been   teaching   at   sacred   heart   for   the   past   4    months   .   i   last   saw   them   around   the courtyard   ;   i   think   they   were   preparing   lecture   notes   .   at   twenty-nine   years   old   ,   vale teaches  international human rights law   and   get   this   ,   i   heard   that   she witnessed her partner’s death —   figure   it’s   true   ?   everyone   around   here   always   associates   them   with   mud ridden boots traded for sleek shoes, a wedding ring gracing her finger even in mourning & a glare that would put medusa to shame.   in   this   time   of   strange   happenings   ,   they   have   no   affiliation   with   the   cult   in   the   woods   .         
name. valeria morales narvaez.
nicknames. vale.
age. 29.
d.o.b. 20th of january.
teaches. international human rights law.
ethnicity. guatemalan & puerto rican. 
nationality. american. 
languages spoken. english & spanish. 
gender. cis female.
orientation. bisexual & biromantic.
valeria grew up in a town called tombestone, in arizona. with a population of a mere 1,400 people it was small enough that everyone knew everyone else’s business. she never liked that. at a young age, she grew bored of her life, choosing to follow her brother, javier, and his friends about like a lost puppy against her mother’s wishes. she had her hands full with the little farm she owned, javier and ensuring that the family had food on the table. she didn’t want to be running after her daughter, ensuring that she wasn’t found shooting targets with the boys, jumping out of windows late at night, racing old cars on dirt ridden roads, or stealing the neighbor’s chicken again for the fun of it all. and so the woman came down harshly on valeria, harsher than on her brother.
the harsher her mother’s verdict was, the more she distanced herself from the woman. the more she urged herself to leave this town. she wanted nothing more than to go to university out of state, to turn her back and never return. so, when the marines came knocking she answered. name was signed on the dotted line, they would pay for her education as long as she enlisted. perfect, she thought. not thinking twice, she packed her things and left for the other side of the country, not once thinking to call her mother and seeing if she was alright. she attempted to outrun the expectations her mother held.
after university, military service loomed over her shoulders, she knew she would have to keep her end of the bargain or suffer the consequences. and so, she found her way to the marines: a family she never asked for, but loved regardless. training was rigorous, it was hard– even more so considering she was a woman. it felt as though she had to work twice as hard simply to keep up with the boy’s club. the young woman was sent to boot camps all across the country, from sweating their asses of in the desert, to navigating the forests in negative degrees, and taking a well deserved break with an unhealthy amount of smoke. it was all fun and games, until she had to grow up– and grow up fast.
valeria was deployed to a conflict zone, she didn’t think to question orders. she simply did them, following her platoon into danger. it was then that she met a man whom she would fall in love with: jason carter. he was a complete and utter fool, probably the dumbest among men as vale would have said with an eye roll. he got on her nerves for the longest time, though during their time in the conflict zone together she learnt more about him, a side he didn’t show as much, and fell hard and fast.
after a year and a half they married, promises were made of settling down in the countryside together. they became each other’s solace in the messy world that they lived in. someone that vale could turn to, when she had already turned her back on her family. then, they were deployed on yet another tour. jason was in the car before her, perhaps they didn’t see it– vale could not make sense of the events that came to happen. there was a blast, a road side bomb went off. the car toppled over, and no man left behind was quickly forgotten as complete chaos unleashed itself.
her husband was dead. and she would never be able to tell him that she loved him again. she would never be able to feel his gentle touch on her skin, see his gleaming smile at first light, or press a kiss to his lips. he was dead.
her life was never the same again. returning from that tour was harder than any other before. she couldn’t even bring herself to step foot into her own house, haunted by the ghosts that still lived there. instead, she moved into the first motel she could find. she was released from duty shortly after, diagnosed with ptsd (post traumatic stress disorder) and told she would receive help for serving her country. but, the problem was there were too many soldiers, and too little help. she waited in line for an eternity, watching as her brothers and sisters fell to the bottle, drowning their traumas in booze. vowing, never to touch a bottle again.
she had her problems, and oh she had many, but she didn’t want to end up like them.
lifeless zombies. 
not quite alive, but not quite dead either.
after a while of medication and therapy she submitted her resume to the united nations peacekeeping mission, and with a stellar recommendation from her commanding officers she was accepted there. after working her way through the ranks, the woman was assigned to various conflict zones this time instilling peace rather than the organized chaos the military orchestrated. 
valeria worked for the UN peacekeeping mission for 2 years, her military background served her well as she was sent out into various conflict zones and made overall possible due to her degree in international law. 
she was offered a position at sacred heart and chose to accept it, she’s been working there as an international human rights law professor for the past 4 months. 
her husband has been dead for years and yet she still mourns his loss. 
she lives her life by routine: waking up, having the strongest coffee she can get her hands on, smoking a cigarette out of the window, boxing, preparing for lectures in the courtyard, holding her lectures, retreating to the comfort of her home with yet another cup of coffee before marking assignments and going to sleep. 
she doesn’t have much of a life, because she’s afraid of getting attached to people again and losing them all over again. 
sleep? who that? 
she’s still suffering profoundly from her ptsd but she’s got a handle on it, and goes to her weekly sessions with the therapist never once missing an appointment. 
she’s incredibly passionate when teaching, the type of lecturer that will waltz in first class of the semester and list a bunch of things wrong in the world then turn to the class being like “does this make you angry? if you’re not angry get the hell out, because you’re clearly not in the right class.” 
her husband left her a large quantity of money, but she refuses to touch it, so it’s just sitting in a bank whilst she continues to live like she’s strapped for money. 
( these are just some ideas but feel free to hit me up with any you’d be interested in )
i. someone that keeps trying to drag her out to have a good time but she keeps saying no, slowly running out of excuses ! 
ii. a student that wasn’t too fond of the class at first but actually loves it now that she’s the teacher. 
iii. a confidant. 
iv. they often run into each other in the courtyard, don’t really talk much but the other’s company is the norm when she’s working on lecture notes. (can be teacher or student, maybe they see each other so often there that it’s weird when the other isn’t there at the usual time?) 
v. someone she met when she first arrived that showed her around. 
vi. friends from uni (they would know a very different valeria than the woman she has become nowadays). 
vii. someone that reminds her of her brother? they’re like family but not really. 
viii. frenemies
ix. they just really don’t like each other. 
x. a student that had to take her class but slacks about and she’s having none of it. 
xi. one night stand (let me make her feel guilty as shit hehe) 
xii. flirtationship 
xiii. they just roast each other a lot? full on banter where neither has to hold back from stepping over a line. 
xiv. boxing sparring buddy. 
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folerdetdufoler · 5 years
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saturday morning was cloudy. the whole day was cloudy, but to start, i woke up to a sunrise that didn’t exist. so i ate breakfast and went back to sleep (if i had to define what a vacation was, it would have to include that activity: going back to sleep). then i went to meet nadège, jenn, and haidee at their flat.
i’ve always stayed in a hotel when i’ve visited, specifically the hotel. part of it is because i know how the hotel works, and i heavily weight the value of the familiar. it also was part of the rewards program with sas. it isn’t anymore, and i think they’re going to be doing construction next year, so i’m starting to consider different options for stays for my next trip. i’ll probably stick to a hotel because i heavily weight the existence of room service too, but now it doesn’t have to be the radisson blu. i’ve ridden that elevator enough times.
but uh, the point of this consideration is because they were staying in a really nice flat, which was like an extended stay suite but through airbnb. i was super anxious about using airbnb last summer because it was someone’s home, but this flat was not that, which was appealing to me. i would have to pack much less if i were to go the walk-up route though. um, so i met them there and we walked to get kabobs. jenn had to catch a flight that afternoon but she hadn’t gotten her kabob fix yet, so it was a necessary spot. we met jenni’s group there and then walked down to the river for a moment to eat and chat. nadège and i kept walking along the river since we weren’t eating, and we had a chance to talk through some of the stuff that was bothering me from the day before.
it was really helpful to have that chance, both to let me express myself as well as hear her perspective. most of the time, even though i’m constantly keeping up with people on my dashboard, i’m still very much in my own head about it all. i’m not using a soundboard, just letting my own opinion boil up until it causes problems, spilling negativity into other people’s lives. this has been happening more often, probably because i’m talking to fewer and fewer people as the fandom shrinks and i get more stubborn, so i really appreciated this chance to both be very much in the fandom (in oslo, with human beings) as well as take a step back from it. i still need to work on how i balance my sense of self that i get from the internet with how i express myself in person, and it seems like that just means i need to take a walk and talk to someone. like, every day.
anyway, that’s what we did, going down to the dick swan and back, visiting the barely-canon tree and syng. when we got back to the girls we figured out where we were going next, and we broke up for the afternoon.
a couple of days ago jasmine and silvia had mentioned the nrk studio tour as a thing to do, and i impulse bought (is there any other way?) a ticket for saturday. nadège and haidee were interested in going, so we decided to press our luck and head over to the office to see if we could squeeze two more people onto the tour (it was listed as sold out for saturday when they checked). taru gave us helpful tips for getting to the office but between my struggle with google maps and the front door, we were still too late. the guide was nice enough to come to the front and answer some questions though, so we just went back to the website and bought tickets for sunday instead.
by then the clouds were releasing a week’s worth of weather, and we were all the way out in marienlyst with a couple of hours to kill. so we went through our lists of things we wanted to see, if there were any sites left that hadn’t been toured even though we’ve all been to oslo a few times at this point. and there were! we were actually kind of close to the university campus where parts of “all stories are echoes” are set, so nadège wanted to find an important statue from the fic. she and haidee had read it, and while we walked to campus they did a recap for me, so i would understand the significance of the statue.
at that point it was raining heavily and we were lost but i didn’t really mind it because we were just walking and talking. there was a general goal that we were trying to achieve, but it felt very relaxed, and it was fun listening to all of the things that really excited them about the stories they read. after all this time i don’t think i ever did that, like really find out what attracted them to this fandom, so it was a fun and enlightening conversation. it also passed the time well, as we were walking through the campus and then trying to find a bus back to sentrum.
oh wait, not sentrum. next we looked up kjærlighetskarusellen, because that post about it from the header had recently circulated, and it was another canon detail that sort of defined these trips that we take. we come to oslo because we are fans of a show that is set here, and we love it so much that we seek out every little detail in appreciation. that love has grown to encompass the whole city, so we were looking for this show detail as well as monument to the city’s history and its relationship with homosexuality. we lingered outside of it for a bit, because there was a man actually using it as a urinal, and then we snapped our photos once the coast was clear. now i am no stranger to being creepy but that was probably a top five moment for me, taking a picture of a public urinal. i loudly talked about how it was a cultural heritage site as if that would convince random people passing by that i was truly interested in the city’s sanitation efforts instead of, like, men peeing. for the record i’m not particularly interested in either.
then we went back to the flat for a bathroom break, and on to eat waffles. oh boy! i was excited because i had never had one before. i was still shy in terms of trying one, and chose the nugatti topping instead of the jam & brown cheese classic (pictured is haidee’s waffle). mine was super sweet and...gummy? like the hazelnut paste and the soft waffle was just cement in my mouth, and i got a work out just trying to clean off my teeth with my tongue. but it was delicious. i’d probably eat one every day if i had daily access to haralds.
after our waffle we went to meet jasmine and silvia. we shared a pizza for a late lunch/early dinner, and then went back to the hotel so i could change out of my wet clothes. we recapped each other’s dramas and activities from earlier in the day, and talked about fandom and the internet and how people change, if they do. at this point we’ve known each other for at least a year, if not longer, and it’s interesting to see how we, and the rest of the fandom, have evolved as the show has faded into the distance.
some of the stuff we talked about got intense, or we got wrapped up in drama (what else is new), and we had to take a break by watching the bloopers. that was an instant mood lift, and fun to do with people in the same room. everything was a little bit funnier or cuter or sillier when i could hear everyone else laughing at the show too. someday i’d love to rent out a cinema theatre and project season three for a marathon viewing (with bathroom breaks) for a group of fans. maybe for a seven-year anniversary, when you could time it so it would play on a friday evening, and at exactly 21:21 in real time you’d watch isak walk across the courtyard at school to save the man of his dreams.
but back to saturday. it wasn’t raining, but we took the metro to the park next (baby’s first metro trip!). we were going to meet jenni, taru, and kati, and figure out a good place for jasmine and silvia to hang out outside to listen to karpe. we said our goodbyes at the gate and shifted to the other friend group. i think we were kind of early but there was already a decent crowd going in, and going right for the main stage. i don’t think we bothered with food or drink this time around, mostly because we’d just eaten and it was starting to drizzle, which meant everything would get wet anyway.
jenn mentioned a few times that it was a shame there wasn’t any festival merch to purchase while we were walking around, because we kept seeing all of the volunteers with their t-shirts and bags from previous years. it felt like a missed opportunity. i wondered if it was on purpose, to give more weight to the merch that the volunteers got, as a draw for them to sign up and return to work. limited merch would make that experience more special. but i was wrong, because after jenn had left we finally found out that there was a merch tent with apparel for sale; we just hadn’t found it. so before we joined the crowd for karpe we went up the hill and bought tote bags and socks. i’ll deliver jenn’s tote to her on friday, at the sigrid show. i’m mostly mentioning that here so i don’t forget. i was so excited to find socks because i’m getting used to wearing more funky options (mostly due to haidee’s lovely gifts!) but also because they were um, featured on the festival issue of natt & dag.
we moved closer to the stage, but it was actually the farthest we’d been from it the whole week, simply because the crowd was already packed in. while we waited ronny from nrk p3 walked past, and that was my only celebrity sighting at the whole festival. on thursday i thought i saw axel bøyum walk in front of me, but i’m not sure. it was fast, and i thought i noticed his sharply-angled face and deep eyes, but he was also wearing a hood so i didn’t have much else to compare. he was short though, which also made him stand out to me. anyway, that was the extent of my sightings: 1.5 people. there were others there, of course, because i saw their instagram posts, but i either wasn’t paying attention or wasn’t in the right places to see them. since i myself prefer not to be seen, i tend to treat everyone else the same (at least not on the internet), so i default to ignoring the people around me unless they acknowledge me first. i need your explicit consent before i let myself stare at you.
here’s a brief pause to note how sad i am about heimebane. aaaaaand moving on!
the karpe crowd was huge and...different. saturday had a different vibe in general because it was the weekend, and if someone was going to just pick one day to go to øya this would be that day. also it was raining, so there was this anticipatory buzz that was like, 80% for the show and 20% for getting dry again in a couple of hours. our group kind of slowly shifted and morphed as we were pushed closer to the stage and trying not to lose our footing on the sloped ground. but then the show started and the crowd exploded and you just had to fuckin’ roll with it.
i had to read up on the show afterward to understand some of what magdi and chirag were talking and singing about. despite talking about it with fryd months ago, i didn’t get into their new album like i’d wanted to. so i didn’t understand most of the message in the moment; i was just enjoying the beats and the intensity of everyone else. there was a group of younger guys in front of us who sang every damn word and it was just a really...fulfilling thing to witness? norway came out for norway, and the crowd was exactly what karpe deserved for the show they put on. the guys chatted with nadège and sang at me to get us hyped, and i still felt slightly removed from the crowd but that was okay. i enjoyed this outsider place. i didn’t have to understand or be part of it because it was big enough on its own. i could simply bask in the overflow and dance in the rain.
i knew one song from when i had it on repeat summer 2017, the result of following ashley’s obsession with karpe on tumblr. i also still connected it to skam, from when i was more passionately following the actors’ lives and seeing them go to their concert in oslo, which i think cengiz was also dancing for? these are very weak links but links nonetheless, and it still felt like i was ticking off boxes on my unwritten “experience skam” list. it’s also a testament to how far i’ll twist something to justify it, make it fit my personal narrative. i must still feel guilty about my trips to oslo.
(side note: i’ve been meaning to look this up but i am fascinated by their use of the sas brand in their album and shows, like...they are aggressively shaping the brand and i’m curious as to whether they have permission to do it or if they don’t need it or what level of control the brand has over its use. the relationship between a brand and an artist these days is fucking fascinating, and i’m sort of aware of the rules that we need in america but is it different in other countries? i’m already a fan of sas, in that it’s my airline for my trips to oslo, but would i have been influenced more toward or against it if i were approaching it from a karpe angle, if the duo were introducing me to it? anyway, just some mind wanderings there.)
at the end the crowd was lighting up their cups again. we were surrounded by different people than how we started and couldn’t find the ones we knew. we made the same walk away from the stage, bouncing along with the flow, until we got to the festival sign to catch up with everyone. we took a group pic and said goodnight, not entirely sure what the next day would bring but quite satisfied with the one that had just ended. it was funny how used to the exit walk i’d become, after just a few days, and i felt a little nostalgic about even that, as we did it for the last time. and even though we were all soaked and exhausted, i didn’t feel a particular rush to leave. but it was over. just like that. the volunteers were collecting cups from the crowd as we went, but i took mine home.
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“It’s a contradiction” – exclusive interview with Charlotte Wessels & Martijn Westerholt about Delain’s upcoming album, Apocalypse & Chill
The dance on the edge of the abyss and its soundtrack: Dutch chart-topping metal outfit Delain have spent the last several years increasingly taking the world by storm, one album at a time. Now, with five successful releases already under their belts, the heavy crossover icons reach new heights with their latest multi-faceted dystopian masterpiece, Apocalypse & Chill. On Apocalypse & Chill, Delain leaves all stereotypes and preconceived notions in the dust – exploring themes of impending doom and human indifference – making this their boldest, most daring and undeniable offering yet. On a cold and foggy Friday evening, we had the opportunity to do an exclusive interview with Charlotte Wessels and Martijn Westerholt about their upcoming release.
MyTouche Blog: What is the message behind the title and the cover of the album?
Charlotte Wessels: So, when you look at the lyrics, but also just the vibe musically, half of them are like really post-apocalyptic and dystopian. On the other hand, there are also nostalgic songs. There’s quite a contrast. It looks like the world’s on fire – no, the world is quite actually on fire. And we all live in the world dominated by social media, and you only see the perfect lives on those platforms. It’s a contradiction, that’s where Apocalypse & Chill came from, and it’s a wordplay on Netflix & Chill which is also very much symbol of the times, you know.
Martijn Westerholt: On the album cover you can see a lady getting a tan, sunbathing and in the background, there’s a city on fire. It’s the same vibe there so it very much supports the theme of the album, it’s very fitting.
MyTouche Blog: As time goes by how much is it hard to keep the original Delain sound?
Martijn Westerholt: That’s not hard at all actually! Because, from our perspective, we don’t plan to write in a certain way. We accept the fact, that we always say “okay, let’s make it even harder, louder and heavier”, but for the rest, we don’t really plan and we just write how we always write. At least, it’s how it feels to me. And of course, when you change as a person also your music automatically evolves as well. But to me, it all fits together and although I don’t wanna deny that this album is – I think – the most diverse album we’ve made so far. A lot of elements in there, but we’ve used those elements before: electronic, orchestral. It’s all well-known stuff to us. (laughs)
MyTouche Blog: What things inspired you the most while you were working on this album?
Charlotte Wessels: Hah, good question! Yeah, for me usually it’s just everyday life, and as I mentioned earlier, the stuff that you worried about, the stuff that occupied your mind or it can also be inspiring just being on your bike towards a songwriting session while the Sun is shining, you know… It puts you in a certain mood. So it really depends on the day but in general, I’m just inspired by the things that are the most occupying in my mind at the time of writing. And most of the time, since we write the three of us, a big part is also just the people whom I write with, so it also takes a very big role.
Martijn Westerholt: Yeah, we inspire each other. That’s the best gift you can give each other. And for me, it’s also just about making music especially when I feel good physically and mentally, then I just start playing…
MyTouche Blog: Beast In Black’s Yannis Papadopoulos had a guest appearance on your upcoming album, and Vengeance is actually turned out a very interesting and exciting song. Could you tell us please that how did the idea of the cooperation come up?
Martijn Westerholt: First of all, it’s kind of in our DNA to have guests in our music. We love to work with guests, it’s always a very rewarding process. So, in general, we like working with guests. In the case of Yannis: we have toured with Sabaton a couple of years ago and he came to a show, and Charlotte talked to him extensively, they kept in touch, and I also kept in touch with Anton, the songwriter of Beast in Black. Somehow I think it was summer, when we played at a festival in Spain and they were playing as well, and during that time we were very much in the process of our album, and we had some material what we thought could really fit for his voice, so we asked him if he would be open to. We gave him this material and asked him to choose something from this material, and he chose the song Vengeance. That’s how it came to be, and I really happy with the result, he is such an insanely talented singer, so yeah, we really happy to have him on this song.
MyTouche Blog: The whole album has a very cool and modern sounding, it a little bit reminds us of the latest Within Temptation album, Resist. Were our first impressions valid, did it have any influence on you?
Martijn Westerholt: Well, of course, my brother writes a lot of Within Temptation stuff together with Sharon.
Charlotte Wessels: Maybe it’s in the Westerholt’s gene! (laughs)
Martijn Westerholt: (laughs) Yeah, because it’s not really concretely like “oh, I feel inspired by what they do” and then I do it too or something. That doesn’t really happen. We do show each other what we are currently making, you know, but that’s kind of it. So, yeah I think – it’s for me at least – it ends there, but when I heard the song “One Second” I could really recognize that typical element in there.
Charlotte Wessels: Yeah, similar. I mean there are certain bands which are often compared with us, and a lot of them I used to listen a lot too, like Within Temptation. Before I was in Delain I had gone to every show that I could. I’m not going to say that I’m not a fan, because I am, but as long as I know that people compare us a lot, I tend to not listen to them too much in order to not be influenced by it subconsciously, you know what I mean? Like I tend to listen to more bands that have absolutely nothing to do with us when we are writing, because it kinda keeps you fresh in a way. So I am absolutely sure that their latest album is very inspiring but yeah, I haven’t listened to it too much. (laughs)
MyTouche Blog: We felt like that the sixth song on the album, “To Live Is To Die” is some kind of line between the first and second parts of the album.
Charlotte Wessels: We didn’t do that intentionally, but I can see where the idea is coming from, because it’s kind of a bridge between the more poppy part of the beginning of the album and the more symphonic part. So yeah, it does kinda function as a bridge if you look at it that way.
Martijn Westerholt: Yeah, it has this electronic theme in there and it also has it’s orchestral middle part and choir. Now that you’ve mentioned, it makes total sense. (laughs)
MyTouche Blog: The first verse of “Legions Of The Lost” is in Latin. Where did that idea come from?
Charlotte Wessels: So when Martijn wrote the first part of the “Legions Of The Lost” he programmed the choirs and I think that was Latin lyrics, right?
Martijn Westerholt: Yes!
Charlotte Wessels: Then we did actual choirs and I didn’t want them to sing just anything, but on the other hand the Latin sounded very… You know how it sometimes adds a bit of mystery, when it’s not a language that you speak yourself, and also because it felt old. For me, it adds extra weight to the sound of the choir, so I went dusting off Latin and looking for phrases and words from old poetry. It really fits with the theme of “Legions Of The Lost”.
MyTouche Blog: Your brand new video for the song called “Ghost House Heart” just came out. Can you share with us some details and behind the scenes stories about the shooting?
Martijn Westerholt: Well, we’ve done it in December in Liverpool. We, me and Charlotte, went there. It had it’s own victorian vibe, you know. It was an old house, it was even a haunted house! And this mid-December period is a really dark time outside, it gets dark really early and all, and it was cold, but this really fitted the vibe. I really-really liked that. I didn’t even dare to go upstairs, Charlotte did, she was braver than me. (laughs) I stayed downstairs.
MyTouche Blog: What do you think, which song will be the most successful from the upcoming album?
Charlotte Wessels: I think “Masters of Destiny” has already proven itself to be quite successful along with “Burning Bridges”. Actually I feel that “Legions Of The Lost” could be very popular too. Martijn and I came to the conclusion that we both really like how “To Live Is To Die” and “Creatures” turned out. But yeah, time will tell which one is the most present track on the album.
Martijn Westerholt: It depends on a little bit if you look at it from a live perspective, or if you look at it from an album perspective, because those are completely different. There are songs which are very popular when we play them live, but those are not necessarily the most popular on streaming services. It also depends a little bit on that. I think the record point of view “Masters Of Destiny” could really be a candidate for that, but yeah, we have to find out.
MyTouche Blog: And what is your personal favorite track from the album?
Martijn Westerholt: That’s also a difficult one. Yeah, I like “Creatures” and “To Live Is To Die” very-very much, and just how they turned out I also really like very much.
Charlotte Wessels: For me, it’s probably “Legions Of The Lost” and “Masters Of Destiny” following up.
MyTouche Blog: And the last one is coming: please, describe the album in five words!
Charlotte Wessels: HAH! Should I start, Martijn?
Martijn Westerholt: Yes, and then…
Charlotte Wessels: Diverse!
Martijn Westerholt: Heavy.
Charlotte Wessels: Orchestral.
Martijn Westerholt: Then I say electronic.
Charlotte Wessels: And then I say apocalyptic!
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