#and mike goes 'yeah maybe it's true and I'm sorry for that but don't you dare say that I don't care about you'
drinkinboilingcoffee · 4 months
OK here's what I got so far for the AU based off of your weird Dream...
The whole premise of this is this is a univer met Henry in college so he never became the co-owner of fastbear entertainment, So instead of that he just kind of continues to have lots of gay sex in college until he runs into a man who after the gay fun time has a panic attack due to being religious and gay being sin and all that and William gets the idea that he can control people through religion/guilt... Around the same time I think he gets into the supernatural just because he likes vampire novels and thinks vampires are cool, He discovers Remnant/agony and decides to make his cult focus around that! And so he starts forming his call to and it goes really well because It's the 60s and a bunch of new religion stuff is popping up and William is a charismatic man.
By like 1971 his call to is like 300 strong and he moves everyone to hurricane Utah. (By the way I'm using a mix of my remnant/Agony yours if that's okay). Part of his cult's whole Philosophy is that only some are worthy of true in mortality and to get immortality it takes pain, and bloodshed and maybe a little bit of cannibalism if we're feeling silly. Around this time the Afton kids are born, I don't really have much ideas surrounding them and how their parentage might change other than similarly silly ones about them being actually agony creatures or something, But the Cult continues and continues to grow in numbers.
But in 1983, Evan is chosen for like a weird murder ritual thing, And Mikey's forced to do it and he does it with glee because like that's what he's supposed to feel and then he realizes that actually killing your brother makes you sad and he sad :(. Weird idea but I think it's a test of faith thing where somebody in the cult is killed in an incredibly brutal way and like sacrificed and then if they let's say come back to life or possess anything then If they come back as like a remnant zombie which has only happened like twice they are consumed by the cult for like magic religious reasons and if they possess any of this stuff that's kind of like thrown around the body then there To feast on Dissenters and all that...
This is all I got so far sorry if this is weird and rambling and long I just have so much ideas and like weird religious cults <3
Ok I didn't expect this to start with "so one time William was having gay sex and-" but I love this idea. Love the part about Evan and Mike and the two of them growing up in the cult without fully understanding its implications.
I do have a bit that was different (both in the actual dream and me spending my lunch break trying to piece it all together) but a combination of our ideas might work best for a fic:
-Evan was alive in my dream but very much did NOT want to be involved in the cult, whereas Elizabeth was its most enthusiastic member (as you can probably guess, most of the characters were adults by then also)
-Henry was involved and 'opposed' to the murder part of it but made no attempt to stop William.
-William knew NOTHING about remnant, just that corpses kind of sort of maybe made you live longer if you concentrate and consume it right (coughcoughmandatorycannibalismlorecoughcough)
-The more 'lives' you consume, the more powerful you're considered. The ranking was identified with a sort of ritual scarring (similar to springlocks)
-Mike had a breakdown after killing his first person when he was 13 and tried to escape, only really succeeding in doing so with the help of Jen (who also very much wanted out)
-yeah there was still probably gay sex involved why not
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lover-girl-estxx · 11 months
can u do nick x reader where reader has never talked with and nick is very insecure thinking she hates him and thinks his brother is cooler so nate tells the reader and she goes to him and she asks him if it's true and you can complete the rest ,and thank you so much
You Think?
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"morning Nate" I said with a smiled "morning" he smiled back Nick came and stood next to him, I grabbed the paperwork I was working on and went into the office.
| Nate's POV |
"she never talks to me" Nick said I shrugged "why though?" he added "people think you're a little scary" "i'm not" "have you smiled at her?" he slowly nodded "yeah..yeah I think so" I shook me head "c'mon Nick" "maybe talk to her..." he whispered "i'll try" I shrugged.
I lightly knocked on the door then opened it a couple sat in front of her "oh sorry" I said "it's okay we just finished" she said standing up shaking they're hands. I sat in front of her "what's up?" she asked "oh nothing am just on break. bored" she nodded "what's up with you and Nick?" "what?" "how do you feel about him?" "he's cool" she wrote on the stacks of paper in front of her I nod "okay see you later" I stood up "really?" she said and I walked out smiling and nodded.
| 3rd Person |
Y/n was shy there was no way someone like Nick would like me. I mean when he walks through the gym he barely looks at her and when he does it's a dirty look. She didn't know it's wasn't a dirty look Nick just has really bad RBF, Nick all always looked at her not when she's looking of course. They were both to nervous to talk to each other.
"I need you to fix Nick's paper work and talk to him about the fights" Richard said "oh-um yeah can you just ask him to come in?" Y/n said Rich nodded and left the office. "Nick break go see Y/n in the office" Richard said pointing behind him, Nick sighed and stood up "don't be an ass...smile" Nate whispered to his brother as he passed. "Yeah?" he sighed sitting down "um-can you just fill this out? We have to redo forms-" "Yeah- yeah" He took and pen and started filling it out. she sighed and looked down to her thumbs "and I booked you next two fight. Mike Ania on the 15th and KJ Noons in two months" "well do you have stats?" he looked up she nodded and gave him a file "i'm gonna go" Y/n stood up and walked up. Nick threw the pen down on to the desk running a hand threw his hair "were you an asshole?" Nate asked from the door "a huge asshole" he sighed Nate shook his head then followed Y/n out the door.
She sat down and light a joint, Nate sat next to her "can I ask you something?" she said handing him the joint "shoot" he took a puff "you doesn't Nick like me?" "he likes you" she shook her head "he hate's me" "no...He really really likes you, he's just insecure doesn't know how to talk to girl....girls that he thinks are cute" she looked to him "..really?.." "yeah....go back to the office" he nodded his head "okay thanks" she smiled he nodded "you should come to the skate park with us later hang out with Nick" she stood up "maybe I don't know" "you should".
"I don't have the stat's on you're other fight yet" she said sitting down "oh okay that's fine thank you" Nick said 'don't be an asshole...Smile' he smiled Y/n was taken back and smiled back. he stood up with the file going to leave then turned back to her "me and Nate are going to the stake park if you want to come?" "Okay! I don't really know how to skate but i'll go" "I could teach you..if you wanted" he said lowly "okay yeah sounds good".
| Y/n's POV |
"We're heading out.. You coming?" Nate asked "Yeah" I grabbed my back pack "come on" Nate wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I sat on the top of the empty pool bowl while they skated and I smoked "come here" Nick yelled I put the pipe back in my back pack walked over to him "what?" "get on the board" I stood on the board he put his hands on my waist from behind "am I standing on it right?" "move you front foot up more" I did "perfect..push you're foot" when I did the board went out from under me, Nick catched me I was now facing him "sorry" I whispered face to face with him "it's okay" he leaned a bit closer "do it already" I whispered he kissed me and his hand went onto the back of my neck, when we pulled away I smiled "you really need to learn how to talk to girls" he chuckled "I know sorry about that" "i'll let it slide" I pecked his lips
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I think I want an awkward confession from Mike to Will
Not in the middle of an apocalypse, literally fighting for their lives, and you know, trying to save the world!
Not in a crisis, not a sad one where the one confessing "knows" is gonna be unrequited.
Or even worse a sad one when either one of them is dying or severely maimed
No, an awkward confession.
What about a casual day on Mike's basement?
These feelings Mike has been harbouring finally have a name, it finally makes sense
Where Mike just NEEDS to get it out of his chest, he doesn't plan anything at all, struggling to put words in a cohesive way.
Unconsciously clenching his fists, unprepared and hopeful Mike goes for it
He stutters (because he is Nervous and he hasn't done something like this, ever) eyes dancing around, looking everywhere but at Will because he might die if he makes eye contact with him
He just blurts it out, no pauses, barely took a breath in the process
Mike exhales, he can finally breathe
But Will is not following. He didn't quite catch what Mike was saying
After a couple of moments of silence Mike is just preparing for the worst
"Sorry?" Will manages to say, dumbfounded
That felt like a punch to the gut. Mike will have time to mop and accept rejection later, he wants this to be over now
Mike rushes out to say something, whatever makes this moment go faster, he probably made things worse, they just got back from that weird phase when Will was in Lenora just for him to ruin it
"Sorry!? No!? I totally get it, really, it's okay, uh... can we just forget it about it? I mean, I might need some space after this, OR If you need space I'd totally get it! but we're cool, man, I'm cool!" Mike says in a breath, scratching the back of his neck
"No, I mean, can you say that again, please? I didn't get what you were saying"
Oh no. Again?!
Something in his gaze must have given Mike away, Will looks at him, searches for his eyes and takes his hand into his, prompting Mike to sit down with him
Applying some pressure he puts his thumbs in between Mike's knuckles, as to loosen them.
Mike inhales, tries to take a deep breath "Yeah, I just... I guess I wanted to say that..."
Mike tries to organize his thoughts for a beat too long
"Why are you so nervous? Is everything okay?" Will asks, disconcerted; this is coming out of nowhere, Mike manages to nod
"You can talk to me, Mike, whatev—"
"I like you"
Will stares at him, from head to toe, tries to figure him out, and it doesn't make sense.
It can't possibly be true. It's not, it's just wishful thinking
"...Okay" Will answers, uncertain to where this is going
Mike can't think of another way to make this more clear
"No! I mean... I like, like you Will" Mike says, a rosy colour tinting his cheeks
Will's eyebrows raise, gasps "Oh! Mike I—" Will tries to say, but Mike beats him to it
"I like you! So much, I don't think I fully understand it, but ... With you everything feels so much easier and it's good" Mike pauses, a small smile on his face "It feels good" Mike says, it's almost as if he said that to himself
He then lowers his gaze, he can't remember when it started to get difficult to maintain eye contact with Will "I want to see you at school, and I want to walk you to your class even if it's at the other side of mine, and maybe go out on the weekends, just you and me"
Will looks at Mike, full of adoration, this is happening and he has to tell him.
Mike lets out a breath, he quickly glances at Will's direction and then back at the floor
"Listen, Mike—"
"The last thing I'd like to do is to make you uncomfortable or anything like that but I needed to tell you, it started to get too ha—"
"If you'd like me to leave you alone and give you some space, I'd totally get it, real—"
"Mike! Shut up!"
Startled, Mike is finally quiet.
"Please, shut up" Will begs, a small smile on his face
Will turns to Mike, takes his face between his hands, caresses Mike's cheeks with his thumbs
"Mike, I like you" Will smiles at him.
"I mean, I like, like you Mike" Will says as he brings their foreheads together
Mike's breath catches, he smiles, he is over the moon
"Really?" Mike says as if he's trying to convince himself this is happening
Will nods and leans forward, getting closer and closer to Mike
Mike notices, he timidly starts to lean in as well...
"Mike! Honey, don't forget to take Holly to her ballet class!" Mrs Wheeler shouts as she was opening the door to the basement
Startled and a little annoyed Mike and Will quickly sit at the ends of the couch, as separate from each other as they possible can
"It's getting late for the class and you promised to take her"
Mrs. Wheeler opens the door
"Mom! Can you knock the door?!"
If Karen noticed something weird between them she didn't say, she just went along with what she asked Mike to do
"Oh! Hello Will!" Smiling Karen greets him
"Hello, Mrs. Wheeler" Will greets back
"You know where the keys are, don't be late Mike, Holly is waiting for you at the living room" Karen says as she closes the door
"Okay, mom, I'm going" Mike says as he watches the door closing finally, relieved his mom has left them by themselves again, at least for a little while
"So, yeah..." Mike says watching his feet "I have to take Holly to her class, come with me?"
Will nods "Yeah, let's go"
They stand up and go on their way out, Mike stays closer to Will, their arms brushing Will laces their fingers together lightly
Mike is so glad he managed to say it, to finally let Will know what he means to him.
Mike has known for quite some time now that he has feelings for Will, but he was gathering the courage to confess
Will and Mike are like 17 in this one btw
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
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Good lord it's a mod and it's not even what we came up with but it's an awesome mod and who knows who the hell did it but boy does it look cool he says he's got that old Porsche rear window and talk to it and that comes out on a little on the Bradley but I noticed something too it's kind of aftermarket fairings.. it looks like they didn't even touch the front end and just lowered it. That's right they widen the front a little not too much. Is something SUV chassis and I believe that one was front wheel drive and it's like the golf and it's like the Renault and you know those kind of went really good when you turn them into this like 155 miles per hour then you put this on it goes 205 or 215 depending on the horsepower and you can increase it and put more cooling a lot of cooling if it's a big one and his front wheel drive it's still getting the snow and weather is an awesome choice it's not even a car and it would be a new introduction for Pontiac and a very brave thing to do crazy thing to do actually yeah I like that
We're going to go ahead and approve this and we knew it was Ahmad it's a mod and it's aftermarket but boy is this a cool and the guy probably want some money Trump knows the guy and he's not a trumpster and he thought it was a cool thing he's ever done and he heard that our son liked it he tried to get him interested in Pontiac and he is and he wants a piece of the pie and we could kind of get him involved he says oh a plant making my car but they still on the plan so we'd have to try and work with him on it or and he says okay so we're thinking about doing this and we're going to try and go ahead with it
Thor Freya
This is the coolest idea I put some different colors on it cuz I got it off the internet now but I'm going to and I man it's going to look awesome says I should go build one tonight and this is Alice Cooper he's the one that says he wants one and the song is on he says he wants me to modify one tonight and have someone put a stereo in it right now so I get there it's a nice flower punk a ballpunk or a powerful Alpine and yeah that's true and you're going to crank the song He's a kind of song it's like a slimeball thing even though it's nice it's like a good use special Mike goodhue special. Yeah that would be fun too he's driving around again didn't shoot at you so it's okay just pushed each other so what we used to do it at work sometimes these guys with a little I didn't see it but oops sorry that kind of stuff make it even and it was even Steven but yeah that's true we could go out to get a hamburger at those places get out and I'm like 5'4 maybe like 6 ft 2 probably wouldn't go too fast it says he's the limiter you can make a character for Comic-Con and he can he can make some money he's saying he can make money at cosplay and it's true and he'll be the limiter a new character you say and he's just big and it slows down the car and his friend drives lol.
I want to try and do this sounds like fun
It's not really my car but this is a groovy idea I've been doing Comic-Con and calling himself the limiter because he's heavy and that's not the idea that's groovy no that's stupid he always has these dumb ideas but they turn out to be a lot of fun like Ken potato what a dumbass idea and how to get your ass like that is gross is an awesome idea and this is Jimmy yeoman type of car too
I got to have one that looks awesome I got to have one I want this to work I didn't make this car I'm trying to figure out who it is we are trying to figure it out
Jimmy uhkman
I think I know who it is and he is not around and we can send money and more to their family and even ask them if they want to get involved if they don't that's fine we can still send the money and there's a way to do it he says and you set up a foundation with the company from the beginning and we as the people need these to survive with over 200 mph is fast enough and in the city it's fast enough for always harassed
Guy from American pickers and no I'm not picking my nose and that's not me in the movie it's funny cuz we knew
We're going to do this we know who it is he's in our family and we really do understand who he is we know that something happened and we've make it in this honor and somebody probably put it there and they wanted to work we do understand their family and we want them to have them and he says he'll donate it to them like thousands and we get that too
0 notes
no because for me the BIGGEST like MASSIVE byler proof is the fact that they've building that up for 4 whole ass seasons so clearly the story will develop more in s5.
and if it's supposed to be a slowburn why the hell should it end up with will being rejected?
the only outcome would be that he becomes a villain, but then the ending could not be considered beautiful.
so yeah, no fucking way byler is not canon.
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staticscreenwriting · 3 years
Love like the movies // Bucky Barnes // 6
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Trigger warning: Alcohol, food, mention of sex (nothing graphic and no actual smut)
Summary: This is a story of boy meets girl. The boy, Bucky Barnes, finds himself thrown into a world that seems so different from everything he’s ever known. The girl, (Y/N) knows entirely too much about rom-coms and is quite particular about the way she eats her popcorn. Bucky meets (Y/N) a few months after returning to NYC. He knows almost immediately that becoming her friend is inevitable. This is a story of boy meets girl. This is a story about love. (Bucky Barnes x female!Reader // a few spoilers for TFATWS)
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"You held hands?"
"And then you cuddled."
"We didn't cuddle, I was just kind of - leaning into him. Sort of."
"So you cuddled!"
"Sure. If that's what you wanna call it. We cuddled."
"Then what?" Robin inquires. Smirking at (Y/N) over the rim of her wine glass, like a giddy pre-teen waiting for the kissing scene to come up in a romance movie.
"And nothing. That's it."
"Oh come oooon. You cozied up to each other and then just what - acted like it never happened?"
"Essentially. But that's okay. It's not a big deal. And don't say it like that."
"Like what?" Robin continues to poke and by this point, it's not so much her wanting information than her trying to rile up (Y/N). Though she's very well aware of this, (Y/N) falls for it anyway.
"Cozied up to each other," (Y/N) says and scrunches her nose up in distaste. "Like we had dirty sex or something."
"Do you want to have dirty sex with him? Oh man, imagine what that arm can do."
Holding her hand out to stop her best friend from talking, (Y/N) takes a big gulp of white wine, emptying her glass. This is a conversation that can't be held entirely sober. "First of all, don't say those things about his arm. It's- I don't know. It doesn't sit right with me."
"Sorry yeah that was … not cool" Robin apologizes and by the tone of her voice (Y/N) can tell she means it.
"I'm the first to admit that Bucky is insanely handsome and if things were different, sure. But we're friends and I really enjoy the time spent together and our friendship. I don't wanna do anything to jeopardize it or ruin it by adding unnecessary feelings to it."
"Feelings aren't unnecessary," Robin replies, combing her fingers through her fiery red curls.
"Sometimes they are. The last thing Bucky and I need is broken hearts and ruined friendships."
"What if it doesn't end that way?"
"Relationships never work out well for me, you know that."
Robin places her glass on the countertop. It means whatever talk is gonna follow, it'll be a serious one. There's been very little need for a serious talk between the girls over the time they've been friends but neither of them has ever been afraid to start those conversations and say things as they are. Sometimes that's what friendship is, being blunt even if it's not what your friend wants to hear.
"Look I'm not saying you have to take the relationship to another level. If this is making you happy the way it is, then that's all that matters to me. I just don't want you to give up on something that could be great, because you're scared and because some stupid assholes in the past didn't realize what they had in you."
Where she's only had shit luck with relationships, (Y/N) thinks she's really lucked out in the friend department. Robin is as wonderful as they come. Even if she drives her crazy sometimes.
"They weren't all assholes." (Y/N) chimes up weakly though there's not even enough determination in her voice to convince herself.
"Weren't they? Let's see ...I'm not even gonna talk about Russel. He doesn't count. Who else was there? Pete liked to show you off but he didn't like you. Did he?"
"Not really."
"See? Asshole! Kylie only wanted to be with you so she could be the cool girl who's fucked another girl once and use that as something to brag to the guys about."
"She was figuring herself out."
"She was straight, babe. She was using you and your sexuality as some kind of badge of honor so guys would think she's cool. She only wanted to make out with you at parties and when there were men around to ogle you. I’m the last person to blame anyone for trying to figure out who they are and who they like but that wasn’t the case here. She used you, and what does that make her?"
“ An asshole? “
“ An asshole!”
“ What about Ricky, he wasn’t an asshole! “ (Y/N) chimes in, filling her glass up once more.
“ Okay sure but he was your High School sweetheart and that rarely lasts. I’m not gonna count him. What about Mike —“
“— Okay, you’ve made your point. I have a bad taste in romantic partners, I get it. Doesn’t change anything. Me and Bucky we’re — we’re good as we are. No romance needed.”
“ Just don’t want you to miss out on something great.”
It’s not that the thought has never crossed her mind. In fact, when she’s being really honest to herself, it swirls around her head a lot. When he grants her one of his smiles. The rare ones that make his eyes crinkle. Or when he comes to see her and brings dog treats for Lady, just because he’s that thoughtful. Or when she noticed he put a popcorn and a sun emoji next to her name in his phone. The popcorn, as he said because she liked movies and the sun because she’s always happy and smiling. Or when he held her hand throughout the entire movie. Those are moments when (Y/N) thinks about what it would be like to be more than friends.
“ It’s great as it is now. He’s great.”
“ Then that’s all that matters to me.” Robin smiles. She has one of those smiles that makes you feel at home. Comfortable and soft. Like warm milk with honey a mom makes their child when they can’t sleep.
It’s a while later, when (Y/N) strolls back into the room, another bottle of wine in hand, that a knock sounds on her front door. Her eyes wander to Robin then to the door then back. “I’m not expecting anyone.”
“ Oh, that’s Bucky.” Robin, who’s by now migrated over to (Y/N)’s huge fluffy couch, Lady cuddled onto her lap, says with the most casual of tones (Y/N) has ever heard. As if Bucky and her have been lifelong friends. As if there is nothing strange or peculiar about this situation.
“ How do you know?”
Robin shrugs and goes back to petting Lady’s curly fur. “ He texted you when you were getting the wine. Said he was around and had food. I told him to come join us for movie night. What’s the big deal? “
“ I uh — it’s not I just — you could’ve told me. “
“ That was literally 5 minutes ago babe. I had no time to tell you yet. By the way, this man uses entirely too many emojis.”
A smile pulls on the corners of (Y/N)’s lips. She’s asked him once why he never used any emojis, or smileys as he called them (all of them — even the ones that aren’t faces). He told her he didn’t really understand when to use most of them, like the shrimp or the Hockey stick. (Y/N) told him it’s because they’re fun. Ever since then he uses all kinds of emojis with her. None really relating to his messages. It’s quite endearing if she’s being honest.
“ Are you gonna let him in? “ Robin asks, shaking (Y/N) out of her thoughts.
The smell of Chinese food floods into the apartment as (Y/N) opens her door to Bucky. He looks so effortlessly cool in his leather jacket and boots. With his hair a little longer now, all swoopy and quiffed. Like the bad boy straight from a romance novel. The one with a heart of gold. The one that gets the girl.
(Y/N) is not that girl, the one from the novels, the Hallmark movies. The one that’s quirky but never weird. The one that makes all the boys fall for her. She’s not the main character, at least according to herself. She’s the side character that shows up like twice. The one that helps the main character on their quest to self-discovery or true love. That’s who she is. Not more, not less.
“ I brought food!” Bucky exclaims as he steps inside, waving the bag around before placing it on the kitchen counter, to which Lady jumps up from her position on Robin’s lap.
Lady, (Y/N) has realized a while ago, has somehow fallen head over paws in love with Bucky. Always following him, looking up at him with her big brown puppy eyes. Always looking to be close to him. Maybe, (Y/N) thinks, it’s the treats he always carries around. But maybe it’s Bucky too and his patience and his affection and the way he greets the little dog like she’s the main reason he’s come around.
Moments like this, they come with those little flutters around the heart. People always compare them to butterflies. (Y/N) thinks that’s wrong. Butterflies are gentle, graceful, and soft. This feels like a swarm of bees. Chaotic. Overwhelming. A little bit scary.
“ Man, did you plan on coming here, or did you buy all this for yourself?” Robin asks, eyes wide in surprise at the sheer amount of styrofoam containers Bucky keeps pulling from the bags.
“ I kind of bought it with the intention of sharing, yeah. “
Robin’s eyes meet (Y/N)’s across the room and there's a silent secret there, hidden in her teasing smirk. One shared only with a friend. No words. No sounds. Just the truth and two knowing hearts connecting.
“ Am I intruding? If you guys want me to leave, I can leave. “
While he tries to keep his voice casual, the sad tint doesn’t get lost on (Y/N).
“ Absolutely not, don’t be silly. We’re just drinking wine and watching a movie and you are free to join us in both.”
While he shakes his head at her offer of wine, Bucky helps (Y/N) bring the food over to the couch and plops down in the middle of the couch, Robin to his right and (Y/N) on his left.
“ What are we watching? “ he asks, a dumpling already on the way into his mouth.
“ Well, “ Robin responds filling her glass up once more, “ it was (Y/N)’s turn to chose so —”
“ A rom-com”
“ A rom-com. “
Something about seeing these two interact and joke around inspires a fuzzy feeling to wrap itself around (Y/N)’s heart. Even if they’re making fun of her.
The way Bucky fits in here, as if it’s where he’s always belonged. The way he’s not a stranger imposing but a friend added to the mix. It’s a nice feeling. She hopes he feels it too.
“ Okay, whatever. This isn’t your usual rom-com though, there are ghosts in this one. “
“ Is it ghosts falling in love?” Robin asks and lets her laugh get swallowed by her wine glass.
“ No. Well — uh kinda but not really. They fall in love be — you know what, just start the damn movie! “
There’s an undeniable intimacy in watching your favorite movies with other people. It’s like giving away little pieces of yourself and sharing them with others. No matter how insignificant it may seem to anyone else but you. These are the things that make us who we are. Our passions. For art. For music. For books. For movies. And opening up is always scary. Even if it’s just a teeny tiny bit.
Through the corner of her eye (Y/N) glances at Bucky and Robin, trying to judge their reactions. See if they’re enjoying themselves or not. Bucky displays his ever-present scowl. It’s the default setting. Sometimes she wonders if that has always been the case. If that's just what he looks like or if years of abuse, horror, pain have left their marks on him, on not only his heart but also his face.
Maybe this can be his safe place, she thinks. Maybe she can be. Not someone to fix him, because he’s not broken, just lost. Not to fix but to hold his hand while he heals. Slowly but surely.
For a while, the three sit in comfortable silence. The kind that fills you with this inexplicable calm. Where no words are needed.
And then the beginning chords of unchained melody spill from the tv speakers. It’s a touch there, a kiss here, hands covered in clay. Bodies covered in clay. Gasps and heavy breathing. Hands grasping skin, wandering, loving.
Robin’s presence falls completely to the back of (Y/N)’s mind. Bucky’s however...
“Do you want to have dirty sex with him? “ her friend's words ghost through her head like a particularly annoying jingle for some tv ad. The room feels warm all of a sudden. Not warm — boiling. There’s a heat radiating from her right, from Bucky. So what if he’s attractive. So what if she sometimes lets her mind wander and think about how his hands would feel on her skin or his lips on hers or his — yeah okay you get the point. So what?
Bucky slumps down into the couch a little more with every second of steamy pottery sex that’s fluttering across the tv screen. Is he — nervous? Uncomfortable ? No, she must be imagining it. Projecting, that’s what this is. She’s projecting her own chaotic emotional state onto him. There’s nothing there. (Y/N) has to remind herself. Just secret little thoughts that have to be kept between her and her. As long as no one knows, no one gets hurt. It’s the easy way out. The safe way. The right way.
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“ Sooo, what did you guys think?” (Y/N) asks, turning her body towards her friends and sitting criss-cross on the couch.
“ Didn’t expect all the murder. “ Bucky replies as he takes a sip from his beer. “ And the — “
“ The messy sex! I know.” a visibly intoxicated Robin cuts in.
“ Not where I was going but okay.”
She doesn’t pay his words any attention, instead of launching herself backwards over the arm of the couch, dramatically fanning herself with her perfectly manicured hand. “ I am not going to lie, oh boy that was some hot stuff. Wouldn’t say no to that.”
“Oh please,” (Y/N) chimes in, wine glass clutched in hand and smile on her face. She can clearly feel the alcohol washing through her system bringing her to the place between sober and drunk where everything feels light and your confidence seems to get a little extra boost. “ What do you have to complain about? You’re getting married in two weeks! I’m sure you get enough action as it is. “
Robin doesn’t answer right away, just throws (Y/N) a giddy, boozed-up smile. Though in her eyes, there’s a loved-up glimmer of someone about to marry the love of their life.
“ Yeah, that’s true.”
“See, so you’re not the one that should be complaining. Us, however…”
Her red curls swing around her like a spark of fire as Robin sits up again, pointing her finger at (Y/N).
“ And whose fault is that? You could be getting some if you didn’t get so lost in your romantic fantasies. And him — “ the red-haired girl exclaims before pointing her finger towards Bucky “ don’t even tell me he ain’t getting some. Look at him! Are you sexually active, Bucky? “
“ You don’t have to answer that. Robin, come on.”
“ No, you don’t have to but you should. I’m trying to prove a point. Help me prove a point, Bucky. “
“ You’re making him uncomfortable. “
“ Am I making him uncomfortable or you? “
“ Ooookay, I think it’s time for you to go to bed. “
“ Nooo, we’re having a conversation. “
“ Would you look at that, my drink is empty. I’m just gonna — I’m gonna get another one. Okay? Okay.”
Bucky doesn’t wait for an answer before getting up and rushing out of the living room and into the kitchen, clearly uncomfortable. Clearly embarrassed.
“ See what you did? You scared him off. “
“ I couldn’t scare that man off if I tried. Trust me. “ Robin murmurs, a loud yawn cutting through her argument. There’s a certain determination in her words though. Some truth hidden in there that (Y/N) can’t quite put her finger on. It’s like Robin knows something she doesn’t. And maybe it’s good this way. Maybe she doesn’t need to know.
“ Alright, whatever that’s supposed to mean, Tipsy. I’ll go see what he’s up to. You go the fuck to sleep.”
“ Whatever mom, “ Robin bickers and cuddles closer into the soft couch anyway. “ Oh, don’t forget to invite him! I like him. We’re friends now. “
“ Go to sleep! “ (Y/N) orders again, earning herself a salute from her best friend who starts snoring no more than 2 seconds later.
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He feels like a 13-year-old. Actually — no. Things were easier at 13. Situations like this one were easier at 13. Being horny was easier at 13.
It was all new to him then, yes, but it was new for everyone at 13. He’s 106 now, a grown man. He should be able to talk or at least think about these things without turning into a full-blown mess. His hand is clammy, his face is probably the same shade of bright red as Robin’s hair. And by god, his thoughts are a jumbled mess, swirling around all over the place.
Truth be told, he hasn’t had a lot of time to actually think about anything even remotely physical. It was never very high on his list of things to figure out and the opportunity hasn’t really presented itself to him either. Not since the 1940s at least.
Have things changed? Surely not, right? Maybe people got a bit more experimental and for sure they talk more openly about it now but the fundamentals must have stayed the same. He sure hopes so at least.
His thoughts get interrupted as (Y/N) steps into the kitchen. Her eyes are slightly glassed over from the wine though she’s nowhere near as drunk as Robin. She seems happy, then again she always does. For a little moment, he feels jealousy wash over him. About being able to get drunk. It’s damn stupid, he’s well aware. But that doesn’t make his feelings less valid. To just drink and let go and forget, that sounds really nice.
But that’s just one of the things the serum has taken from him. By far not the worst aspect of it all but unpleasant either way.
“ Hey uh — you okay? “ she asks leaning against the kitchen island across from him.
“ Sure. Are you? “
“ I uh — might be a little drunk, “ (Y/N) confesses as she lifts her hand and indicates a tiny space with her fingers.
“ Yeah, I think you might be.” Bucky laughs. Actually laughing comes naturally when she’s around and quite honestly, at first, it made him feel guilty. Guilty about the fact that he got to laugh along with a pretty girl while so many people had to die through his hands.
He tries to push those thoughts away. They aren’t doing anyone any good. Not him and not those people either.
“ Hey, I’m sorry she was making you uncomfortable. She gets — well she has no filter when drunk. Or ever really.”
Bucky shakes his head. His finger nervously trails along the grain of the stone countertop. There are conversations he needs to have, sooner or later, if he wants to live his life. Not just coast along but actually live. But it doesn’t mean those come easy. Not for someone who’s been through all he’s been through. Not for someone who’s grown up the way he has, who’s been raised the way he has.
“ Ah, no. Don’t worry. I uh — I just. It’s been a long time since I had talks like this. “
“ Like what? “
“ Between friends, you know. About — stuff. “
“ About sex? “
“ Mmh. “
“ You don’t have to talk about it with us if you don’t want to. It’s fine. “
“ No, but I do want to talk about sex with you. I mean — not you, you. You both. But not in a weird way. I mean — with friends. “
“ Okay. “
“ It’s just that I was raised in different times and the last time I had a real actual friend that I talked to about intimate things was so long ago. Steve and I talked about everything and even then there used to be reservations. One because I don’t think Steve really wanted details and two because Steve wasn’t — he didn’t have the most experience when it came to women so it was a very one-sided conversation. And I’ve never talked about any of this with a girl. It’s all new to me but I don’t want you to think I don’t trust you. “
(Y/N) regards him with a glimmer of amusement and mischief in her eyes as she munches away on some cold leftover spring rolls.
“ You don’t have to justify yourself to me, Buck. I know you trust me, I hope you know I trust you. “
He does. And he doesn’t hate how it sounds when she calls him Buck.
“ So, Robin and Charlie are getting married in two weeks. I was wondering if you’d like to be my plus one. Back when they announced it I was under the impression Russel and I would be a thing by then but uh — clearly that didn’t happen. It’s in upstate New York. We’re all gonna stay at this gorgeous Inn and well there’s a spot open if you want it.”
“ As a plus one? “
No matter how much he wants to deny it to himself, his heart does a little flutter as she says those words. A plus one sounds like something. He’s not sure what but something, surely.
“ Yeah, as a friend, obviously. “
“ Obviously. “
There goes the flutter.
“ Robin is okay with it by the way. She explicitly told me to ask you.”
“ So Robin wants me there, not you. “
“ No! I want you there! I love spending time with you. Also, Robin’s family is crazy. I need you by my side. I need you there. I want you there. “
“The need to be needed is an individual’s sense of significance rooted in the sense of being part of a community or cause beyond themselves. The need to be needed is one of our fundamental desires. We want to feel significant in the eyes of others, even if it is only one other person. “
Bucky has read those words in one of the many magazines stacked on the little side table in the waiting room of Dr. Raynor's office. They didn’t really make much sense to him then. He always thought he’d be fine by himself.
In that moment he realizes that was all a big pile of absolute bullshit.
The feeling of being wanted, of being needed, even if it’s just one person that needs him, that means everything.
“ Okay, I’ll come. “
“ Yeah? “
And there it is again, the smile that reminds him of the sun. The smile that he’s sure could bring a thousand men to their knees, including himself.
“ Cool. I’m — I’m really happy about that. “
“ Mmh. Me too. “
For a moment they just look at each other, words unspoken swirling in the air between them, neither brave enough to let them slip from their tongue.
It’s not until a particularly loud snore coming from the living room pops the bubble and breaks the spell.
Both of them fall into giggles before Bucky speaks up again.
“ It's late I should probably go. “
“ Yeah and I should go to bed. I’ll have a hangover tomorrow for sure.”
Bucky slips into his leather jacket and places a soft kiss goodbye on Lady’s head before turning back to (Y/N).
“ For the record, I’m not getting any. “
“ I uh — okay. Good. Well not good, “ (Y/N) stumbles over her words “ not good for you. Good for me. I mean. Not that I don’t want you to have sex. But I mean, Robin was taking the piss, and if I don’t get laid it makes me feel better to know you aren’t either. Oh god, this sounds horrible. I’m just gonna stop talking now. “
Bucky smiles the brightest smile she’s ever seen him smile, it almost breaks his face in two. And even though she wants the ground to swallow her whole right then, if it puts a smile like that on his face, she’ll gratefully embarrass herself again.
“ Have a good night, (Y/N). “
“ You too, Bucky”
And with a kiss to her head, he leaves the flat, a smile staying on his lips the entire way home.
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“ Why did I have to come again? This is a bachelorette party, I thought men aren’t allowed. “ Bucky grumbles as (Y/N) parks her truck in the parking lot of the convenience store. The pink and blue neon lights reflect on the wet asphalt.
“ It’s a shared party. We’re all friends so it makes sense for the couple to celebrate together. Stop moaning. “ (Y/N) exclaims as her heels create a click-clack sound.
The store is empty as they enter except for the bored-looking teenager leaning against the counter by the cash register.
There’s something about empty stores at night that makes it feel like time stands still. Like for a moment, reality is altered. There’s only you and the outdated music coming from the speakers and the hum of the refrigerators holding the soda cans.
“ I can’t believe Hannah forgot to bake the cake. It’s all she had to do. I did everything else, everything. She had one job. “
Bucky’s learned by now to just let her rant about this topic. It’s all she’s talked about for the last hours since Hannah, public enemy number one that day, has called her to inform her she’s forgotten about the cake. Why there needs to be a cake at this party, Bucky doesn’t know but hey, who is he to question it.
(Y/N) walks straight over to the counter that holds the bakery items only to be met with disappointment.
“ Well great. We can choose between one single cupcake, a box of stale donuts, and a croissant. “
“ What about this one? “ Bucky asks and points towards a bright pink cake decorated with candy roses and white icing.
“ It says Happy Birthday. “
“ Ah, don’t worry we can fix that.”
(Y/N) raises her eyebrows in doubt. “ You sure? “
“ 100%. Trust me. “
She regards him for a moment, uncertainty shining through, before granting him a little smile and a nod. “ Okay then. You get the cake, I’ll be over there for a second. “
Looking through the fridges, (Y/N)’s eyes fall onto a pack of popsicles in the shape of Captain America’s shield.
Ripping open the fridge door she calls out “ Hey Grumpy, would you like thes— “
All she hears is a smack and then Bucky’s voice exclaiming a loud “Fuck!”
And in that moment she doesn’t know what’s more shocking, the fact that she just slammed the door right into his face or hearing him swear.
“ Are you okay? I’m so sorry. “
“ I’ll be fine.”
“ We gotta put ice on it. “
“ No (Y/N) I — “
She’s already on her way to get a pack of frozen peas. And if Bucky is being real honest, his cheek does hurt quite a bit. Super Soldier Serum and all …
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“ I am genuinely so sorry. “
Bucky sits on the bed of (Y/N)’s truck, frozen peas pressed to his face and a chuckle falling from his lips as (Y/N) sends yet another apology his way.
“ It’s okay, (Y/N). I told you, I’m fine. “
He pulls the peas away from his face and places them next to him, before picking up the cake and lifting the plastic lid off of the container.
“ Alright, let’s see if I can fix this. “
“ You have a bruise on your cheek. “
Bucky looks up at her with those gorgeous blue eyes of his, that (Y/N) sometimes finds herself drowning in. Calm and story all at once. Like oceans.
“ Does it make me look rough and handsome? “
“ You’re always handsome. But yes, it gives you a roguish charm. “
“ Good. “
(Y/N) feels a heat rush to her face as Bucky focuses back on the cake.
“ Mmmkay. Let me see. What if we — “ Bucky murmurs, more to himself than to (Y/N). He swipes his finger, sans glove, over the white icing letters and while there’s a good intention there, when he lifts his finger back up the cake looks like a downright mess.
“ Ta-da “ he exclaims and turns the cake towards her.
“ It says Happy day now “
“ Is it not a happy day? “ Bucky asks, eyebrows raised in question.
“ Let me rephrase that. It says ‘Happy messy white stain Day’ “
Bucky pulls his lips into a grimace, eyes wandering from (Y/N) down to the cake and back to her. “ Yeah, we can’t bring that “.
Laughter fills the air as they regard the sad mess of a cake before them. If this was a movie, (Y/N) thinks, this would be their moment. The one where they realize. The one that feels like time stops and all that matters is them.
Something wet and sticky against her cheek pulls her from her daydream.
“ What the hell? “
Bucky only grins at her. There’s the boyish charm again. It’s so insanely endearing to see these little moments flare up and push through the perpetual gloom he seems to carry with him. He doesn't hold the weight of 90 years of fighting on his shoulders right then.
“ Oh you didn’t “
Before Bucky can react she grabs a handful of the cake and smashes it against the uninjured side of his face.
“ Is that how you wanna play it? Okay. Fine. “
Cake flies through the air as their laughter rings through the night. Not a thought wasted on pain, on worries, on heartbreak.
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The rooftop bar (Y/N) booked specifically for this night is covered in fairy lights and glitter decor. There’s a karaoke machine in one corner and an open bar in the other.
A loud cheer sounds from the crowd as Robin steps out into the open, fingers intertwined with those of a petite brunette with big square glasses sitting on her nose.
They get swallowed by a tidal wave of people, pulled from one hug into another, and while his eyes stay with them, Bucky feels a touch against his metal arm. (Y/N) wraps herself around him leans her head against his shoulder and stares lovingly at the couple before them.
“ I’m so glad she’s happy. I love her so much. “
“ She loves you too. “ he says.
And really how could anyone not?
A little while later, when the crowd has allowed them to breathe again, Robin and the brunette wander towards Bucky and (Y/N), matching smiles on their faces.
“ Buck, this is Charlie, Robin’s fiancee. Charlie, this is my friend Bucky. “
“ It’s so nice to meet you,” Charlie exclaims, a strong English accent dripping from her words. “ What in the world happened to your face? Are you okay? “
While Bucky smirks, (Y/N) flinches at those words and shrinks into herself a little.
“ Oh you know, funny story. Someone here was a little too excited about some red white and blue popsicles. “
Robin lets out a loud laugh “ Now that sounds like someone I know very well. “
“ They were shaped like Cap’s shield, okay. I thought it was funny and fitting. “
Charlie’s eyes move between the 3, a look of confusion settling on her features.
“ Why fitting? “
“ Oh babe, let me catch you up,” Robin says and steers Charlie in the direction of the bar.
The night flies by and for the first time in so long, Bucky doesn’t feel out of place. Not for a single moment. Even being surrounded by people he doesn’t know and while listening to music he doesn’t get. It’s nice, feeling like you belong.
Robin and Charlie have just finished their karaoke rendition of Don’t Stop Believing when a familiar voice echoes from the speakers.
“ Hello guys, my name is (Y/N). You may know me, I’m the maid of honor. I am responsible for this party — you’re welcome. Anyway, I guess it’s my turn to sing tonight but I can’t do this one alone. I’m gonna require my friend, Mr. James Buchanan Barnes up on this very stage with me. “
Oh no. Definitely no. Not in a million years. No w—
“ Because this one’s a duett. “
Her eyes meet his across the way, shining with amusement, mischief, affection. Even across the dimly lit roof, her sunshine smile seems to light up the entire night.
“ I’m not doing it, “ Bucky says and shakes his head as Robin slides up to his side.
“ C’moooon. “
“ Nope. I probably don’t even know the song. “
It’s like the universe wants to make a fool of him as in just that moment Bill Medley’s voice sounds through the night.
“ I know you know this song. “ Robin says and nudges his side “ come on don’t make her do this by herself. “
“ I — “ he looks at (Y/N) again, with her sunshine smile and those expressive eyes and the buttercream stain on her shirt. And he doesn’t see fear or pain or regret. All he ever sees when he looks at her is happiness and fun and laughter.
“ Ugh. Okay. Alright. “
Cheers follow him as he steps on stage and (Y/N) hands him the second mic. Though it’s supposed to be a duett, (Y/N) doesn’t really care and sings both parts with unfiltered joy and unapologetic passion. And while it takes a moment for him to warm up to it, Bucky can’t help but let her enthusiasm light a spark in him too and by the time the pre-chorus hits he joins her in singing their hearts out.
“ You're the one thing I can't get enough of. So I'll tell you something. This could be looooooove “
New York comes alive with the promise of a better tomorrow. One where Bucky feels like he belongs. To a place or a group of friends or a person. A tomorrow where he can laugh with a pretty girl, have food fights in a parking lot, and sing some silly song at the top of his lungs.
Maybe the song isn’t all wrong. Maybe he’s having the time of his life. And maybe, just maybe, he owes it to (Y/N).
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109 notes · View notes
booksfromblackwood · 3 years
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Is anyone still around in this fandom? If so, I thought I’d post the first chapter of an old fic that I re-wrote last year! Let me know if anyone’s still around, and if you’d be interested in reading more! Hope everyone reading this has a great day! :)
Han has left the chat.
Three Days Before The Disappearance
.Sam.Giddings. added josh_wash, ashleeeeey, xXGamerChrisXx, TheOriginalMatt, HanButterfly, BethWash, Mike_Munroe, EmilyD_, and _Jess.Riley_ to the chat.
.Sam.Giddings. named the chat Info For Tomorrow.
.Sam.Giddings.: Hey guys! Just to keep everyone updated on our travel plans for tomorrow! I know it's going to be a long day for everyone so it's vital we stick to the plan and stay in our groups where possible!
ashleeeeey: Okie-doodle!!
TheOriginalMatt: How are you so organised, Sam? You're a lifesaver!
HanButterfly: Hi!!
BethWash: trust sam to be more prepared than those of us organising the trip lol
xXGamerChrisXx: Since when was 'okie-doodle' a thing?
EmilyD_: Thanks Sam x
xXGamerChrisXx: And thanks so much, sam!
.Sam.Giddings.: So quick reminder of everyone's groups:
_Jess.Riley_: I'm stoked!!
ashleeeeey: That's rich coming from someone whose username is xXGamerChrisXx! :P
.Sam.Giddings.: Ash, Chris, Matt, and myself will start the journey first tomorrow morning.
xXGamerChrisXx: You wound me!
Mike_Munroe: Thanks for the plan, Sam!
TheOriginalMatt: Excited to see everyone tomorrow! This is going to be a killer weekend for sure!!
.Sam.Giddings.: Em, Mike, and Jess, you guys are next.
ashleeeeey: You're so dramatic!! XD
Mike_Munroe: Team Two here we go!!
xXGamerChrisXx: Made you smile, though! ;-)
josh_wash: what about us
.Sam.Giddings.: I'm just getting to that!
ashleeeeey: True :)
xXGamerChrisXx: You guys are already there and are therefore irrelevant! :P
.Sam.Giddings.: Han, Beth, and Josh, you guys are there already!
josh_wash: thanks cochise i feel so appreciated
BethWash: lol thanks chris
Mike_Munroe: So, what are we all up to?
BethWash: i found cake
xXGamerChrisXx: Browsing reddit like a nerd XD
ashleeeeey: Listening to Sam's rundown of tomorrow unlike sOmE pEoPlE *coughcoughChris*
EmilyD_: Honestly just packing my final things with Jess. Mike's mostly watching the TV.
xXGamerChrisXx: :-(
.Sam.Giddings.: So, tonight we should all make sure our bags are packed and that we have our passports and tickets ready!! Set your alarms for the right times (depending on your group) and make sure to sleep early too (especially if you're in my group since tomorrow will be an early start for us)!
ashleeeeey: :)
TheOriginalMatt: 5am gang where we AT?
HanButterfly: Beth where are you rn? Because I want some of that cake!!
.Sam.Giddings.: So Team One (myself, Chris, Ash, and Matt), we need to be up by 5:00am and be ready by 5:30am for the taxi to the airport!! Matt and Chris, yours is going to be at Chris' place at 5:24 for some reason so make sure to be ready!!
BethWash: the lodge kitchen bcos where else would there be cake han lol
.Sam.Giddings.: We'll meet up at the airport when we arrive! Once we re-group, we'll check in, probably eat some breakfast whilst we wait, and then catch the 8:30 plane!!
TheOriginalMatt: Sweet!
ashleeeeey: Can't wait! :)
josh_wash: yo matt you surviving the puns
.Sam.Giddings.: Team Two - you guys don't have to be up until around 9:00am since your taxi is at 9:20 and then your plane is at 11:30!
HanButterfly: Josh would you like me to save you some cake before we eat it all? :)
EmilyD_: We'll need a little longer than 20 minutes to all get ready but sure x
TheOriginalMatt: Just about! Myself and Chris have mostly been playing on his PS4 so I've been distracting myself with that! XD
josh_wash: yes please!
josh_wash: i feel for ya bro, a whole evening with chris' puns can prove fatal
josh_wash: you die of cringe
Mike_Munroe: Poor ol' Chris XD
.Sam.Giddings.: Once we arrive and get our bags, we need to catch the 2:30pm train and then the 4:20 bus! After that we have to take the 5:40 bus (I sent you guys screenshots of the route yesterday) and get off at Blackwood Pines ready for our hike up the mountain (with a little help from the cable car, of course)!
xXGamerChrisXx: I'm being BULLIED guys :(
ashleeeeey: Aw, poor Chris! :P
josh_wash: jk XD
TheOriginalMatt: I like how Sam's still here typing all we need to know whilst we're talking about cake and puns XD
.Sam.Giddings.: Team Two, you guys need to catch either the 5:30pm or the 6:00pm train depending on when your stuff arrives. After that you'll need to get the 7:50 bus and then the 8:40 bus to Blackwood Pines (you have to specify you want it to stop there or the driver won't stop) before you head up. Remember to lock the cable car station once you get in, Mike!
josh_wash: oh gosh tHE CAKE
Mike_Munroe: Gotcha' Sam!
HanButterfly: No worries, Josh! I managed to save most of it from Beth!
BethWash: rip my chance at a third slice of cake
_Jess.Riley_: Really, thanks Sam! We're all packed and ready to go! Xx
HanButterfly: It's really going to be such an awesome weekend! I can't wait :D
ashleeeeey: Thank you so much for inviting me! I've never been on something like this before!! :D
TheOriginalMatt: Yeah, thank you so much guys! I can't wait either, Han!!
.Sam.Giddings.: Have we got rooms sorted out for the lodge, guys?
BethWash: ash take the plans away from sam so she can have time to relax lol
EmilyD_: I'm with Mike in the room away from everyone like agreed right x
ashleeeeey: I'm trying but she won't let me! XD
HanButterfly: I mean if needs be we can sort out rooms once we're here! If not maybe we just sort out the first night rooms since it'll be fairly late when everyone arrives and then we can adjust them as needed as the trip goes on!
BethWash: lol poor sam will be up all night organising at this rate
.Sam.Giddings.: Sounds good, Han!
Mike_Munroe: Great idea, Hannah!
BethWash: em, yours and mike's room (upstairs guest) may not be ready first night so is it possible for you to share a room with jess til we get a chance to sort it out tomorrow?
EmilyD_: That's fine, hon. Thank you again for the trip and for letting us use the upstairs guest room x
josh_wash: how about for the first night emily and jess share beth's room and then beth sam and han go in hannah's room
josh_wash: mike can go to the small room downstairs if he's alright w/ that and matt can room w/ me
xXGamerChrisXx: Yo dude you forgot ash
ashleeeeey: It's alright, Chris! I can find somewhere!
EmilyD_: Ash you're honestly lovely but I'd kinda' like to be with either Jess or Mike if that's alright xx
ashleeeeey: No problem, Emily! I wouldn't want to intrude! :)
EmilyD_: Knew you'd understand xx
josh_wash: why dont you and ash share a room cochise
xXGamerChrisXx: I thought I was rooming with you and matt?
josh_wash: bro please just think for a minute here
ashleeeeey: I'm not sure.
xXGamerChrisXx: Beth, han, and sam, is there any room with you guys?
ashleeeeey: I'm really sorry to be a bother!!
.Sam.Giddings.: Of course you can room with us, Ash! We'd love to have you with us! :)
BethWash: im with sam
HanButterfly: Of course!!
xXGamerChrisXx: Thank you to the only valid washington kids right now!
josh_wash: -_-
xXGamerChrisXx: I see what you're doing, josh. ha ha, we've had our laugh, now please stop before this weekend.
Mike_Munroe: Rough subject, huh?
josh_wash: bro chill you know i was just joking
ashleeeeey: I'm really sorry!! Please don't get upset with each other!
xXGamerChrisXx: No ash it's alright! i promise i'm not actually mad! :-)
josh_wash: he acts mad over text to get his point across but he literally just sits there with a blank expression irl XD
TheOriginalMatt: Is Sam still there, Ash? Haven't heard from her in a while!
TheOriginalMatt: Gotta check up on my plane buddy for tomorrow!!
_Jess.Riley_: Did you guys get window seats or middle isle seats? I got a middle isle and the others got a window!
BethWash: she hasn't drowned in her notes has she lol
TheOriginalMatt: We got two sets of window seats! Though I don't know which of us is actually going to be at the window and which one will be window isle!
ashleeeeey: She's just brushing her teeth! Her mom came in and brought us a load of vegan snacks for the trip tomorrow and now I'm even more excited!!
ashleeeeey: Speaking of which, I'm probably going to head to sleep in a minute! Though I'm not sure how much I'll actually get since I'm so excited!!! :)
xXGamerChrisXx: Sleep well, ash. see you in the morning :-)
ashleeeeey: Night, Chris :)
ashleeeeey has left the chat.
_Jess.Riley_: Well that was cute!
xXGamerChrisXx: People say goodnight to eachother! that's a normal human interaction!
_Jess.Riley_: You know full well it's cute when it's you two
.Sam.Giddings.: Ash told me she logged out so I came to say goodnight!
josh_wash: w/ jess on this one bro
HanButterfly: Goodnight, Sam!
BethWash: night sam!
josh_wash: dont let the bedbugs bite!
TheOriginalMatt: See you bright and early tomorrow!!
.Sam.Giddings.: See you at the airport/lodge, guys!
xXGamerChrisXx: Night!
.Sam.Giddings. has left the chat.
BethWash: its cute because you like eachother chris
xXGamerChrisXx has left the chat.
HanButterfly: Aww, don't tease the poor guy!
TheOriginalMatt: Chris says goodnight, as do I! Can't wait to see you all tomorrow!
BethWash: night guys!
TheOriginalMatt has left the chat.
josh_wash: night!
Mike_Munroe: Make sure to save me a slice of that cake, Han! I gtg!
Mike_Munroe has left the chat.
HanButterfly: Goodnight Mike :)
EmilyD_: We'd best be off too. See you all in the morning.
_Jess.Riley_: Night x
EmilyD_ has left the chat.
BethWash: night
HanButterfly: Goodnight x
josh_wash: night xxxxxxyzqvp
_Jess.Riley_: Ha ha, very funny. Get that one from Chris?
josh_wash: lol night
_Jess.Riley_ has left the chat.
BethWash: PLEASE can i have some more cake, han?
josh_wash: you guys can literally just talk if you wanted
HanButterfly: Nope! Gotta' save some for Mike~
BethWash: you wont shut up about that for the rest of the evening now, will you?
BethWash: lol
HanButterfly: :P
josh_wash: you guys gossip in the kitchen
josh_wash: imma head to bed
BethWash: night bro
HanButterfly: Sleep well!
josh_wash has left the chat.
BethWash: please?
HanButterfly: No :P
BethWash: ugh night sis
HanButterfly: Night, Beth! XD
BethWash has left the chat.
HanButterfly has left the chat.
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dreams-of-wings · 5 years
Impossible (7/8)
Imagine Billy Hargrove with a Mixed/Biracial SO
Warnings: SEASON 3 SPOILERS, Swearing, mild violence, angst.
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The rest of the week flies by, with Billy weaning himself away from hanging out with Tommy and Carol and more to hanging out with you.
Billy actually learned a couple things that just barely helped him scrape by on his tests.
You passed with flying colors of course.
Now y'all are in the "real world"
Billy snags a summer job as a life guard.
You got a job at the hospital as a patient escort (the hours ain't bad, and it pays good).
You visit Billy at the pool sometimes, and you both still hang out on weekends.
Tommy and Carol don't hang around him anymore (because popularity status from high school no longer matters).
You're trying to help Billy move out of his house, but getting a place of your own isn't easy, so you manage to convince your parents to let him move in with you guys.
He has to stay in the guest room and pay rent though, obviously.
Billy still hasn't moved in yet though because he wants to save a bit of money before he has to worry about paying bills.
It's a smart idea and you support him.
For the most part your Summer is just working, hanging out with friends after work, and juggling the kids (Will, Dustin till he goes to summer camp, Mike, Lucas, and Max. You don't worry about Eleven because she isn't really allowed out of her house).
One day when the kids are all hanging out at your place, Billy walks in and treats the place like he lives there.
Just walks in grabs the milk from your fridge and makes himself a bowl of Cereal, before sitting in a stool by your kitchens island.
Thay all just kinda stare at him for a moment in silence.
Billy just rolls his eyes and finishes his bowl before getting up to go to the bathroom.
"Ah, ah! Put it in the sink!" You just happen to walk past to grab something from your parents room.
He doesn't fuss, throw a fit, or even act remotely annoyed. He just back tracks and put the bowl in the sink, filling it with warm water before continuing on his way.
Once you both are out of ear shot, Lucas mentions how he's glad the two of you are dating, because Billy's gotten a whole lot better. He's still an ass, but old Billy would have tried to scare the shit out of the kids for fun just for staring at him. New Billy was just annoyed.
Max acts like she's disgusted, not at the idea of the two of you being together, but just because Billy is her brother and she's just grossed out by the thought of him with anyone really.
"They are not dating!"
"They totally are, did you not see the way they just interacted!" Mike is whisper yelling.
"Yeah, it was actually kinda..." Lucas shrugged and looked at Mike.
"Domestic," Mike found the word Lucas was looking for.
"Nu-uh! Billy's just moving in, so he should know house rules by now." Max tried to justify what just happened, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms, before sitting back into the couch with a huff.
"That statement really doesn't help your case."
"Trust us, they're dateing."
"Who's dating?" You walk in just then.
"No one!" "Mike and Eleven!" "Max and Lucas!" They all had conflicting answers to your question.
You just raised a brow in confusion at them.
At that moment Billy steps out with his red duffle bag and heads out for work, "Forgot I left my stuff here the other night," he explains as he passes you to the door.
The kids all look at each other, 'The other night?'
"Okay, there's leftovers in the fridge!" You call as he opens the door.
Billy pauses again and backtracks, closing the door, going to the fridge, and opening it. He paused for a moment as if searching, and then he pulls out a Tupperware container with last night's dinner in it, before putting it in his duffle and heading out again, "Thanks," he opens the door, "See you later!"
"See you!" You turn and look back at the kids, "Sorry, what were you saying?"
They kinda just stare at you gobsmacked.
The kids actually make it there mission for a while to prove to Max that the two of you are together, but all they succeed in doing is getting caught and threatened by Billy to "Fuck off" and "take your sick jokes elsewhere." He doesn't appreciate peeping toms, especially when they're peeping at him.
Still kinda the same old Billy, just much less dramatic.
You notice something's up with Billy though after he gets attacked by the Mind Flyer.
He seems paranoid, tense, and almost bipolar.
You ask him constantly about it when you see him, and at first he tells you its nothing.
You thought his dad found out about him trying to leave because now he doesn't come around your house anymore.
You still see him at the pool, and he'll stop by, but he never stays.
He becomes awkward in conversations, like he's there, but not completely.
You wonder if he's depressed.
Then he starts avoiding you all together after Heather goes missing (of course you didn't know that she'd gone missing).
When you manage to corner him at the pool, Billy seems to revert back to his old High School self.
He's rude and tells you he wants you to stay away from him.
You're honestly really hurt now because you've made so much progress.
He was supposed to be moving in for gods sake.
Little do you know he's just trying to protect you.
You're the last person he wants to hurt.
He's already hurt one of his coworkers.
He almost hurt Mrs. Wheeler.
But you don't know about her.
When the kids try to spy on Billy, your house is the first place they go to.
Max has been sleeping over at Elevens house the past few nights, so she doesn't know he's been actively ghosting you.
"I dont know, he's avoiding me."
They of course thought that was weird, just a few days ago he seemed so comfortable in this house and around you, and suddenly he's giving you the cold shoulder?
"Did you guys get into a fight?" Max is concerned now because she's really hoping Billy is not the host. They're looking for Billy to do very un-Billy things as proof, and this- thus us very un-Billy.
"No, one day he was fine, then the next he acts like he doesn't want to talk to me if he doesn't have to, and now he's avoiding me all together!" You're actually getting very frustrated now.
"Do you guys know something? Did something happen? Is Billy okay?"
"No nothing," You still dont know about what's been going on the past year or so. You weren't there when they caught off the Demigorgon and you weren't there for the fall of the Mind Flyr either. They had to keep it a secret, "Max just noticed he hadn't been around you lately."
"Friends don't lie," Eleven doesn't like that they were hiding Billy's life being in danger. If something happens to him, you would be hurt, and it would partially be their fault for not telling you the truth.
They try to keep Eleven quiet.
Spoiler, it doesn't work.
So they have to tell you everything that's happened since Will disappeared.
You didn't believe them at first of course, but then Eleven shows you her powers and you start to second guess yourself.
It would at least explain Billy's sudden odd behavior, and why Will acted strange after he returned.
Of course you had always blaimed it on PTSD since you didn't know what the kid had truly been through.
Now you see it's much worse than you could have imagined.
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So now your in on the madness.
The next place the kids go is the pool.
Shocker, he's there.
"Its too hot outside to be wearing a long sleeve," is your contribution to their debate on whether or not Billy seems like Billy right now.
"True, but light color cloths make it a bit cooler."
Also true.
None of you could see from this distance, that Billy us sweating buckets right now.
But at least the sun isn't hitting him directly, so he skin won't burn and give him another lesion.
The boys are talking about their plan, but your too lost I thought watching Billy to notice them leave you, Max, and Eleven behind.
It was odd to think that this person you were watching wasn't really Billy. He looked like Billy, but he didn't act or think like him.
When the boys come back then fill you in on the plan.
For the most part you're just hiding with Max, but you will come in handy if the real Billy is still in there somewhere.
You show yourself alongside Max.
Billy pauses for a second, like his mind is trying to comprehend that you're a part of this.
"Why?" He actually looks vulnerable and his voice sounds broken, till it slowly contorts into a look of anger and he starts banging o the door.
Your a little unnerved.
And your having flashbacks from back in High School when you and Billy still didn't get along.
He doesn't understand why this is happening to him.
Everything was going great.
He had a job.
He was working on getting out of his father's house.
And he actually felt like he had someone he could trust.
Then you had to go and do this to him.
That's when it occured to him.
He's been treating you like shit these past few days.
And he's done terrible things
Maybe he deserves this.
That's when he screams in frustration, anger, and sadness, before he starts sobbing.
"Its not my fault...."
"I'm sorry."
"I didn't mean to."
He's pleading to you and Max with a broken voice and a broken spirit.
For once Billy looks the way he's always felt on the inside.
Desperate, alone, and afraid.
"I'm sorry for the way I treated you."
"It's not my fault, I promise you."
You're the first to approach the door, and Max follows right behind you as she begins to question Billy.
"He made me do it."
When Max questioned him about who "he" was and what "he" made him do, Billy seemed to retreat into himself more.
The sight broke your heart.
After high school, Billy seemed better, and after he started slowly getting away from his father he actually seemed more confident- and not that fake ass peacocking he didn't in school either, like actual confidence.
But now he was fighting something he couldn't get away from.
He slowly lays down on the floor and continues to beg and plead.
He can't even say what he's done.
You almost open the door, till Mike and Eleven stop you.
Your almost on the verge of tears.
"He's my friend....."
"That's not Billy," Mike says sternly.
"He's hurt," you're trying to get them to let you open the door.
But you stop when Will tells you he can feel "him."
Mike backs of first and tells you and Max to get away from the door.
You're confused at first, but you see Billy just as he comes for the window with the piece of tile.
You push yourself away from the door, and take Max with you, saving her from being hurt by the thing posing as her bother.
When Billy manages to get out and starts hurting the kids, you call out to him.
He stops to look at you and you can see the real Billy in his eyes and in his lip that quivers slightly at the edges.
When El starts throwing him around the room all you and Max can do is hold eachother.
Billy had changed, and you all had gotten so close, and now you have to watch someone you have come to love get hurt.
It breaks your heart to see how desperately he wants to fight this thing. He's always tense, like he's trying to hold his body back, and the tear that trails down his face tells you that again, he's so sorry for what he's doing right now.
You're relieved when he runs off because it means that he can't hurt the kids, and they can't hurt him anymore.
Max is glad she at least has you with her.
Sure she has Lucas, but her friends never really liked Billy, so they don't understand why she cares so much.
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You go to the hospital with the kids when Nancy and Jonathan take them along.
You pose as Mrs. Driscoll's grandchild as well.
It was terrifying seeing a pile of gore come to life and chase your friends down.
After you all got back to Eleven's house, you can't stop pacing up and down, and you're just making Max more on edge.
I mean who could blame you though.
Those guys at the hospital who turned to mush were under that monsters control, so what was keeping it from doing the same thing to Billy?
What if he dies a horrible painful death? And you can't be there with him?
Max tries to reassure you that everything will be alright.
After all, they've beaten this thing before.
Though it does sound more like she's trying to convince herself more than she is trying to convince you.
You sit down when Max and Mike get into an argument about Eleven. Honestly, after the night you've had, you've just realized how physically, emotionally, and mentally drained you are. You didn't even think you've slept in almost 24 hours - the kids came to your house, you went with them to the pool, you watched Billy till the end of the day when his shift ended, trapt him in the sauna (mind you it was already dark when the Sauna Test went down), craziness happened, went to Eleven's place so she could find Hopper and they could fill him in on what's going on (because apparently the Sharif is in on this madness too), and that's when Nancy and Jonathan arrived with their information on Mrs. Driscoll, and now your here.
Maybe it's been a little more than 24 hours... Perhaps you should lay down...
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Meanwhile, Billy is off doing God knows what.
He's trapt in his own mind - completely aware of what's happening but he's unable to do anything about it.
This monster has taken control of him from the inside and the first few days it at least seemed like he had some semblance of control - like he was driving and the monster was sitting in the back seat telling him what to do. Of course at that point he didn't have to listen, but then it started showing him things. It migrated to shotgun and started messing with the steering wheel.
Now it just feels like it's in the driver's seat, but he's bound and gagged in the back passenger seat where he can at least see everything.
It was hard hurting those kids. He had promised Max he would never hurt her friends again, and honestly, because of you he and his little sister had grown closer, and he's actually been relatively happy. He had just been starting to think that maybe, just maybe, Hawkins wasn't so bad and he could stay.
Then shit hit the fan.
He had never seen you so afraid of him in the time he has known you. Not even when you both didn't get along in high school. Back then, you had more of a rebellious fire in your eyes, and no matter what he did to try and snuff it- to make you afraid of him, it only seemed to feed the fire. But back in the sauna...you looked petrified, unsure, on edge, afraid.
Ironic how now that he desperately wants to protect you and Max, you're both can't trust him.
Why is he like this?
Why does he always screw things up?
His mom left him.
His dad hates him.
He was a fuck up all throughout school.
He had shitty friends who, let's be honest, weren't really even his friends.
He hurt- maybe even indirectly killed his coworker.
He almost killed Karen. Oh God, Mrs. Wheeler. He regrets trying to get her to meet him at the hotel. He doesn't even have feelings for her - he just thought she was hot and wanted to get laid, and by an older woman at that. In fact, he had been on his way to meet her when he was attacked.
And now he's probably lost you and Max.
He feels utterly and terribly alone.
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When you wake up, it's to the sound of El screaming. She's freaking out because of the vision she just had of talking to Billy.
The conversation about what she just saw was very sobering. You are wide awake now that the possibility of death looms over you, and the sound of screeching from the approaching monster in the distance doesn't help.
It found you.
You all get the house ready - shut the windows, close the blinds, block off possible openings and stand back to back.
You would feel much safer in a basement.
When it comes through the windows, you help Jonathan fight it off to the best of your ability, but you both end up getting thrown around the room.
Thank whatever supernatural being put El on this earth, because you all would have died without her.
Fast forward to you all going to Starcourt Mall
You help Eleven walk because she's injured, and since Steve isn't here, you're mom now.
Apparently everyone was somehow already on to fishy stuff happening? But what do Russians have to do with anything?
You're so worried about El, that bite looks bad. Like, infected bad, but it can't have been more than an hour or two since she got it, so it can't have progressed that quick.
You know something isn't right.
And you are proven correct when you see something wriggling around in the wound.
Props to El, for being so strong when Johnathan tried to remove that nasty thing, and then removing it herself.
They would have had to knock you the fuck out first if that were you- all the nope.
You all know what happens.
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Part 8 will hopefully be the end. Idk we'll see, maybe I will get carried away and make it too long and then their will be 9 lol.
Like I did with this imagine. It was only supposed to be one part, but here we are going on 8.
I apologize for this part following season 3 so closely. As you all can tell I like to at least try and make my own content so it doesn't just feel like you're reading the show, and I think my struggles reflect on this part a bit. I have seen season 3 at least 4 times now because I was trying to find a way do this without just basically rewriting the season with the reader patched into it, but it was either this, have the reader just kinda loose contact with Billy and then find out he's "dead" (my denial is showing), or have reader become one of the flayed (let's be honest, not much would probably go on there). Plus this option has the most angst I feel.
Hope y'all are ready for the angst in the next part.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things 2 Fanfic
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Chapter Nine- Part Three
Phina was trying her hardest not to die with laughter. Dustin was very excited about the dead Demodog in the living room. He made Steve pick it up in a blanket while he took everything out of the Byers' fridge to store it in.
"Shut up," Steve glowered at Phina, a glare on his face.
She raises her hands, "I didn't say anything."
Steve playfully glares at her, "maybe, but I know what you're thinking, asshole. Shut up"
She grins at him and tilts her head cutely, "bite me, Harrington."
Dustin sighs, shaking his head as he turns towards Steve, "it should fit now."
Steve gives him a look of exasperation, "is this really necessary?"
"Yes, it is, okay," Dustin answers, "this is a ground-breaking scientific discovery. We can't just bury it like some common mammal, okay? It's not a dog!"
"All right, all right, all right," Steve sighs as he walks towards the fridge, "but you're explaining this to Mrs. Byers, all right?"
He lifts the creature into the fridge and it's head slams against the side. Phina laughs sharply and almost falls off the counter she was sitting on. Steve tries to shove it in again but it doesn't work.
"Christ," he groans, "help me out?"
"What am I supposed to do," Dustin asks.
"Get the door, man," Steve grumbles as he pushes the Demodog into the fridge more.
Dustin grabs the fridge door, "all right, I got the door."
Steve tries to pull back from the creature and the slime on it gets all over his arm, "Ew! Jesus-"
"God," Dustin yells.
Steve quickly pulls away from the creature and he and Dustin slam the door shut which makes the entire thing shake. They both stare at the door for a moment and then Steve puts his hand on Dustin's head, patting it like a dad would a son.
"Phew," Steve sighs.
Phina grins at the two of them. She thought it was cute that Steve and Dustin were getting closer. Steve looks over at her and rolls his eyes at her grin. She enjoyed that little show a little too much.
"I'll rub this slime on your face if you don't wipe that grin off your face," Steve jokes, gesturing to the slime on his arm.
She grins wider, almost like a cat, "I'll burn you."
"Point taken," he nods, a smile now on his lips.
From the living room, Lucas's voice says, "Mike, would you just stop already?"
"You weren't in there, okay, Lucas," Mike fires back at him, "that lab was swarming with hundreds of those dogs."
Dustin rolls his eyes, "Demodogs!"
"The chief will take care of her," Lucas says, ignoring Dustin.
"Like she needs protection," Max mumbles.
Steve, Phina, and Dustin walk into the living room. Phina had given Steve a rag to wipe off the slime from his arm
"Listen, dude," Steve says to Mike, "a coach calls a play in a game bottom line, you execute it. All right?"
"Okay, first of all," Mike says, clearly annoyed, "this isn't some stupid sports game. And second, we're not even in the game. We're on the bench."
Steve stammers, "so my point is..."
He pauses and they all look at him, "right, yeah, we're on the bench, so, uh, there's nothing we can do."
He throws the towel over his shoulder and Dustin speaks up, "that's not entirely true. I mean, these Demodogs, they have a hive mind. When they ran away from the bus, they were called away."
"So, if we get their attention," Lucas continues.
"Maybe we can draw them from the lab," Max adds, looking up at Lucas.
"Clear a path to the gate," Mike says.
"So El and Hopper can get in," Phina says.
"Yeah, and then we all die," Steve counters, looking at all of them with a look that said, are you even hearing yourselves?
"That's one point of view," Dustin argues.
Steve shakes his head, "no, that's not a point of view, man. That's a fact."
Mike pushes through Steve and Dustin, "I got it!"
He walks around a corner and they all follow him. He kneels down and points at a spot on Will's map that covered the walls of the Byers' house.
"This where the chief dug his hole," Mike says, "this is our way into the tunnel. So..."
He stands up and walks over to another piece of the map, "here, right here. This is like a hub."
He stands over a place where a giant blue area was, "so you got all the tunnels feeding in here. Maybe if we set this on fire-"
"Oh, yeah," Steve says, one hand on his hip as he points, "that's a no."
"The mind flayer would call away his army," Dustin says, ignoring Steve.
"They'd all come to stop us," Lucas exclaims.
"Then we circle back to the exit," Mike plans.
Steve leans towards them, "guys."
"By the time they realize we're gone-"
"El would be at the gate-"
"Hey!" Steve claps to get their attention. "Hey! Hey! This is not happening."
"He's right guys," Phina says.
"No, no, no," Steve yells, "no buts. I promised I'd keep you shitheads safe, and that's exactly what I plan on doing."
Phina crosses her arms over her chest, "it's too dangerous, guys. Steve's right, it's our job to keep you guys safe. I'd be damned if I let you guys go with me."
Steve whirls around on her, "with me? No, no, no, you're not going down into those tunnels either! We're staying here. On the bench. And we're waiting here for the starting team to do their job. Does everybody understand that?"
"This isn't a stupid sports game," Mike yells.
"I said does everybody understand that," Steve yells back, grabbing the rag of his shoulder and pointing at Mike, "I need a yes."
All of them turn towards the sound of a loud engine. Max instantly runs over to the front window and jumps on the couch to look through it, Lucas following her lead.
"It's my brother," Max says as the engine grows louder, "he can't know I'm here. He'll kill me. He'll kill us."
The engine revs a few times before the car screeches to a stop in front of the house.
"Stay in here," Steve orders all of them, "I'll talk to him."
Phina glares at him, "like hell I'm staying here, Harrington."
Steve knows not to push her when she gets like this so he just sighs and looks at the kids behind her, "stay hidden you dipshits."
Phina and Steve walk out the front door and close it behind them. Steve stands slightly in front of Phina to hide her from Billy's view. The boy mentioned slowly gets out of his car, a cigaret lit between his lips as he looks over at them, leaning on the roof of his car.
"Am I dreaming, or is that you, Harrington," he asks.
Steve has his hands on his hips, "yeah, it's me. Don't cream your pants."
"And is that the gorgeous freak of Hawkins behind you," he asks as his gaze turns to Phina.
"Better watch what you say, Hargrove," Phina snaps, "I'd hate to make do on my promise."
Billy throws his jacket off his shoulders and Steve walks towards him, sensing the trouble that Billy wanted to start. Phina catches up with Steve with her arms crossed.
"What are you doing here, amigo," Billy asks, his eyes turning back to Steve.
"I could ask you the same thing," Steve says with a fake uninterested tone, "amigo."
The two stop a few feet away from Billy, "looking for my stepsister. A little birdie told me she was here."
"Huh," Steve hums, "that's weird. I don't know her."
"Small. Redhead, bit of a bitch," Billy says, glancing over at Phina, "not to be confused with this beauty right here."
Steve glares at him, "doesn't ring a bell. Sorry, buddy."
"You know," Billy sighs, "I don't know, this... this whole situation, Harrington, I don't know. It's giving me the heebie-jeebies."
"Oh, yeah," Steve asks, pushing Phina back a little, more for Billy sake than hers, when he feels heat start to radiate off her, "why's that?"
Billy pulls the cigaret out of his mouth, "my 13-year-old sister goes missing all day. And then I find her with you, and the freak of Hawkins, in a stranger's house. And you lie to me about it."
Steve chuckles lowly, shaking his head, "man, were you dropped too much as a child, or what?"
Billy chuckles and runs his tongue across his teeth as Steve continues, "I don't know what you don't understand about what I just said... She's not here."
Billy uses his cigaret to point past Steve and at the house, "then who is that?"
Steve and Phina whirl around to look at the window. All of the kids are pressed up against is and they jump away when they see the teens look at them. Phina wants to strangle all of them.
"Oh, shit," Steve slowly turns back to Billy, "listen-"
Billy pushes Steve and he falls to the ground, hitting his head.
"Steve," Phina yells but Billy shoves her away from him and she falls too.
"I told you to plant your feet," Billy growls at Steve and he kicks him in the side when he tries to push himself up.
Billy walks past them and towards the front door. Phina pushes herself up and glares at the back of his head. Vines start to crawl over the ground towards him slowly.
"Phina," Steve groans, "don't."
The vines retract quickly as Phina comes to her senses. She couldn't reveal herself to Billy, or anyone for that matter, not if she wanted to live a normal life ever again, not if she wanted to stay out of places like Hawkins Lab.
Phina rushes over to Steve, "are you ok?"
He groans as she pulls him to her feet, "not important right now."
He grabs her arm and they run into the house hearing yelling from the kitchen, "you are so dead, Sinclair! You're dead."
Steve lets go of Phina as he grabs Billy, spinning him around to face him, "no... you are!"
Steve hits Billy with a punch that used his full weight, making his entire body spin to the side. Phina goes behind him and grabs Lucas, pulling him to the rest of the kids. Billy laughs maniacally as he turns towards Steve.
"Looks like you got some fire in you after all, huh," Billy yells, "I've been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody's been telling me so much about."
Steve doesn't flinch as Billy gets closer to him, he only hardens his gaze and sneers as he pushed Billy back, "get out."
Billy reels back and swings at Steve who dodges beneath his arm. As he comes back up, he hits Billy across the jaw and sends him back into the table.
"Yes! Kick his ass, Steve," Dustin yells.
"Get him," Mike yells.
"Murder the son of a bitch!"
Steve hits Billy again and he falls backward and leans on the sink, his teeth covered in blood.
"Now! Now!"
"Get that shithead!"
Billy laughs, throwing his bloody face towards the roof.
"Kill the son of a bitch!"
Billy grabs a plate off the counter and smashes it over Steve's head.
"Steve," Phina yells.
"Billy," Max yells.
Steve stumbles towards them and Billy walks towards him, rearing back for another hit at Steve. Phina grabs the kids and pulls them away from the fight. Steve stumbles into the living room and Billy stalks towards him. He grabs Steve by the shoulders and Steve squirms in his grip.
"No one tells me what to do," Billy growls, bitch-slapping Steve across the face.
"Steve," Phina yells again, not knowing what to do without revealing her powers.
Steve is sent to the ground as Billy yells, "Whoo! Get up!"
He stalks towards him and gets on top of Steve. He throws a powerful hit across Steve's cheek and then another one. Left, right, left, right. Blood spews from Steve's mouth and Phina's vision goes red.
The kids' yelling goes deaf in her ears as she feels something snap within her. It's like a dam has broken and power floods through her. Her hands twitch at her sides, her nails tingling as they go from normal, short, stubby things, to sharp thorns growing from her skin. Her eyes feel like they are burning within her skull, the emerald that had been referred to as flame go black as the depths of the sea. She stalks forward, the kids backing away from her, not in fear, but in the realization that she was a bomb about to explode. Her new talons drip with a toxin, nothing that would kill, just subdue, as she raises them above Billy. Time slows as she sinks her talons into Billy's neck, the toxin taking effect immediately. She rips her hand back, leaving four deep gashes.
Billy stumbles to his feet, turning to look at the girl. Fear shoots through him at the sight of her. She looked like a demon had taken over her body, her eyes black as night, her hair entwined with thorn laden vines. Whatever she put in him, he swore it was making him hallucinate. He falls backward, away from her. It draws her eyes towards Steve, passed out on the floor.
Slowly, the red in her vision leaves and the talons retracts, leaving her short fingernails in place. The black in her eyes changes back to the normal emerald as she stumbles towards him.
"Steve," she whispers, falling forward, the world turning black instead of red.
-2293 words-
Ooohhh, badass Phina coming out to play, and all for Steve ;) I hope you liked this chapter and are ready for the next four!
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
The ships in the Pacific cause the rain it goes across the Midwest plain and there's nothing to stop it and it stops at the Appalachia and unloads it's been doing it for weeks and it's pressurized you're probably shoot some of the objects right up out of the water hundreds of feet. And it causes a small tidal wave well three four feet high not too bad it's going to bubble and it's cause massive massive storms you get a lot of rain here tonight believe you me the long cork it it's only a mile or too deep you're getting some big stuff out we need that diamond and they need it here to defend themselves against... The clone Army
Mike said it too we can hit a lot of stuff with that thing.
To them a mile is very big diamond really big ones are 20 mi and 30 mi of gargation and they have mild diamonds in practically all their ships no they have them in class a 500 Miles ships so for real let's work on this and we need to help everybody know we need to make sure everything's secure and there's going to be a war shortly and they need that thing real bad and it's probably more in Appalachia and there's going to be a war now and these Macs are going to get up and fight and Tommy f is going to be sorry I say that every time but they will fight hard over this stuff they need it that sounds pretty smart he knew it would be a lot of diamonds maybe not that big though but he says it probably came from below and not from up River that's true too but a lot of them came from up River can you be able to tell because the rocks are from up River that have diamonds in them it's going to be very apparent and they can all go up there in down below they're going to find huge ones and it's going to be on call me if we'll fight over it this place will find and shut the hell down such a nasty Palace s***
Thor Freya
Are you people really need here is an enema and that's what's happening
Hahaha that's funny husband that's really funny
I'm administering it now I hope I don't overpressurize it LOL you have some weird things are going to be flying out of this country this state here I mean State not country
You're making me laugh and I needed a laugh oh good bugs are going to come flying out hope they're ready for that these idiots what's happening before and a smaller scale but we'll see a lot will drowned hopefully but he says some of waterborne and they're very nasty and even the fleas could drink it all up as they're heading out I hear that too all good they're charged up so getting ready and I mean it too
Hahahaha sounds like a swan song the song is happening now
Mac daddy
It's me singing the song and what's coming from this terrible lie because these people didn't know what it was now they're lying they knew it was from the river and they knew about the diamonds his eyes are sparkling like diamonds when you look into them I'm just really happy okay
Bja Jenna you have to make an agreement Max and no more announcing you're hunting is down and nothing is happening it's a clones
We do know it's them and that sucks
Let's find a nice one for Grandma so when she gets out you can at least say you did it for her LOL and she won't accept that but she'll accept the diamond
Zues Hera lol hahahaha like me
This is not like you because the other side is like that there's silent but deadly
Yeah okay we're working at least that's what we do for a living you get the prints around so you're running things
Ben Arnold
Whoopee we're doing the job so what the hell is my name again and the guy with blonde hair and usually work with people named Sebastian and stuff like that on a deadly team of mercenaries
Haha yeh me
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