#and they defeat vecna
paladinsbrainrot · 2 months
just realized that we’re going to see byler at 8 and 18 in the same season This Is Fine I Am Not Freaking Out
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milf-harrington · 2 years
i wrote this in like an hour so please forgive the quality but here's some gentle steddie set somewhere in the early 90's mentions of canonical violence and trauma, but otherwise just a gentle morning scene
5:30 am found Eddie Munson on the back porch steps, watching their liver spotted dalmatian patrol the fence-line with her usual level of seriousness. Ronnie moved like a spectre in the half-light, her edges all blurred and smudged until she stopped to sniff at a weed and became solid again.
The cherry of his cigarette flared bright on his inhale as he brought his knees further into his chest, feet crossed over one another like he could trap the warmth in if he just curled up tight enough. With autumn creeping closer, the mornings were getting crisp.
Luckily, his ears were warm under both his hair and the hood of his jumper,but his legs were prickly with goosebumps thanks to his habit of grabbing whatever was on the floor. This time it was Steve's basketball shorts, the one's that used to be trackpants until he'd taken scissors to them in the summer of '88.
They definitely weren't suited for cooler weather, but they were comfortable and Eddie kind of liked the distraction the chill brought. It was harder to get stuck in memories of snapping bones and dead motors and being eaten by bats when your toes were trying not to freeze off.
Eddie sniffled without tears and wiped his nose with the back of his hand, bringing his smoke back to his lips for another drag. His hands were shaking, but it had nothing to do with the weather.
He'd dreamed of Chrissy again.
The problem with an overactive imagination, is that it could always make your nightmares worse.
After weeks of stress free dreaming, he'd wound up back in his trailer last night, but this time he'd known Chrissy's favourite song. Playing it hadn't worked, and instead the bats had come pouring from her mouth like it was it's own gate. They'd swarmed him before he even had a chance to run, breaking free through the windows and those damn vents before tearing him and Hawkins apart.
He'd woken in his and Steve's bed, in the house they bought with their shady government money, sweat slicked and on fire. His skin was tight and itchy as he'd crept out of bed, tapping the dog awake to take her outside and grabbing his smokes from the dresser.
Ronnie chose then to drop her favoured rope at his feet, head ducked and eyes flitting from between him and the toy hopefully, tail wagging. Eddie secured his cigarette between his lips so he could distract her with a scratch behind her ears, and grabbed the toy with his free hand before she could react. She'd turn it into a game of tug-o-war if he wasn't careful, and it was impossible to ask her to drop it when it took both hands just to keep hold of the thing.
The rope sailed across the backyard in a high arc, and Ronnie almost tripped over her own paws in her haste to get to it.
A few more throws later, the sky was brighter and the back door opened with a familiar wheeze behind him.
Eddie didn't turn as he threw Ronnie's toy again, but listened to Steve quietly walk closer and settle down beside him with a soft grunt.
A moment later, his cigarette was stolen from right between his fingers, but when he turned to complain, Eddie was met with a steaming mug shaped like a bear. He took it with hands that were steadier than they'd been 10 minutes ago.
Steve, meanwhile, had tucked the cigarette between his own lips like he used too when he was trying to seem cool and impressive (before they got their shit together), and unfolded the blanket he'd brought out with him.
It settled over both of their shoulders while Eddie sipped his coffee, feeling it's journey all the way down to his stomach. He watched Ronnie register Steve's presence and come bounding over.
She stopped in front of them with the rope toy swinging from her mouth, tail picking up enough speed to move her hips with it when Steve signaled for her to drop it.
Steve generally wasn't verbal this early in the morning, preferring to sign until the world felt awake enough for voices. Luckily their dog was deaf too, even if she was cheeky about ignoring signals by pretending not to see them.
Finally, Ronnie relented, dropping the rope between Steve's ridiculous old-man slippers as he passed the cigarette back to Eddie. She graciously accepted her vigorous head scratches as reward.
Eddie huffed a laugh and tapped off the excess ash, taking another drag and waiting until the dog was tearing off after her toy to pass it back to Steve.
He accepted the smoke with a smile and didn't ask why Eddie was awake so early, or why he hadn't bothered to dress warmer. Just made sure the blanket was wrapped around him properly, and pressed a kiss to his temple over the top of his hood.
Eddie sighed from somewhere deep and tired inside him and let his head drop onto Steve's shoulder, feeling it drop as he exhaled smoke towards the rising sun.
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artiststarme · 9 months
Well, @carlyv is loving the angst so here is some more!
What if Steve never made it out of the Upside Down after the attack on Vecna? He tells Nancy and Robin that he’s going back to check on Dustin and Eddie and takes off back to the trailer park. They leave through the gate closest to them and think that Steve got out through the one in Eddie’s trailer. Dustin tries to drag Eddie to the gate with him but isn’t strong enough and has to leave him behind in order to survive. By the time Steve gets to the trailer park, Dustin is missing and Eddie is surrounded by blood. 
He heard the clock chimes, he knows Max didn’t make it. If she died, something had to have happened to Lucas and Erica. As he stares at Eddie’s pale face and blue lips, he falls to his knees. He failed. Steve was supposed to protect everyone and now half of the Party is dead. They didn’t even get to kill Vecna/Henry/One. He didn’t have time to grieve over his failure or the loss of his friends. Instead, the sky erupted into flames and the fallen bats came back to life. They shook their necks, stretched their wings, and as soon as their eyes fell upon Steve, he knew it was over. 
All at once, the demobats descended. They tore through the leather jacket as if it were paper, their teeth gnawing quickly into the preexisting bites on his sides. He couldn’t even scream as tails wound against his neck and limbs. He struggled but alas, it was no match against the plenitude of bats. Just like that, he was stuck in the Upside Down. 
The rest of the Party would commence in the hospital surrounding a comatose Max. They would wait for Steve, check his house, and then check Robin’s. But he wasn’t around. He was still Upside Down lying right next to Eddie.
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iseeinblueandyellow · 2 months
“army dreamers”
i feel like army dreamers by kate bush would perfectly fit into the plot of stranger things five because it’s basically will’s life written into a song. the song is “about the effects of war and about a mother who grieves for her young adult son, who was killed on military maneuvers.” according to google. since the lab is associated with the military and with the possibility of will having powers, they could kill him because they might find out he has powers (and partnered up with eleven?)OR, “military maneuvers” could be used to reference the upside down and will could die there in season 5 while trying to defeat vecna because i do also believe that will and el duo to fight vecna at some point. and also “young adult son”?? some people believe that season 5 is gonna have a time skip to 1988 which will would be 17-18?
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“The weather warmer, he is colder.” HUGEEE possessed will reference. “He likes it cold.” HELLO??? like come on!! most of us know that will is gonna get probably possessed again.
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“But he didn’t have the money for a guitar” will grew up poor. it was clear that the byers had a financial problem during seasons 1-3. season 4? idk cause joyce got a new job AND 40k just to save hopper from the russians!!!
“But he never had a proper education” all of you guys know that will was always a target for bullying, which could’ve messed with his education (since it was always at school)
“But he never even made it to his twenties” will is most likely a character to die in season five, so this lyric piece is just a part of my prediction. although, i highly believe that will WILL die in season 5. 
sorry for this i just really love the song and i was looking at bujo’s byler animation for the 1000th time using army dreamers😣 AND apologies for messy writing i sometimes can’t find words to express how i think
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Vecna: Your days are numbered
Steve: Yeah, it's called a calendar, you fucking idiot
Eddie, in the background fighting with the vines: Yeah! You tell him babe!
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probablybadrpgideas · 2 years
Sidequest where you tidy the GM's house and file their taxes
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demadogs · 2 years
jonathan aint gonna fuckin die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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will80sbyers · 2 years
wait Will is associated to tigers all the time specifically and Henry to falcons/birds spying on people ( with the chessboard too) and the game in s4 is Tigers vs. Falcons :0
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Terry Is Not El's 'Mama'
Let's talk about this scene.
In 4x08: Papa, as El is waking up after finding out the 'truth’ about the massacre, she has yet another flashback of her birth.
It's important to keep in mind that El has had flashbacks of her birth consistently ever since she met Terry aka 'Mama', in 2x05: Dig Dug. Though arguably, her most notable flashback occurred in 4x07: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab, which showcased her mother’s love in the moment El was born and how that memory was a a catalyst for her getting the strength to defeat Henry in '79.
And so, why? Why oh why is her flashback in Papa framed like this?:
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Did you catch it?
The nail polish...
The same woman doctor currently helping attend to El at the Nina Project in Nevada, has identical nail polish to Terry in El's flashback.
Literally, back to back, they are juxtaposing these shots with this woman's hand.
This exact shot of Terry from El's flashback was also shown during the massacre, just a little bit differently with I love you accompanying it instead of Hi, Jane.
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If you want to understand what exactly I'm implying here, this ask I answered a few days ago delves into why I think El's memories in relation to Terry and the Rainbow Room at Hawkins Lab have been tampered with. And the scene(s) here in this post seems to support that claim even further.
Because seriously, why else would they show us a flashback of what we're being led to believe is Terry's hand, aka El’s mom, with it being this huge moment that gives El the strength to banish Henry to the UD, only to bring back that same shot in the following episode, juxtaposing it with this woman who works alongside Brenner and Owens?
I talked about it in that original ask, but I just want to reiterate again that it really doesn't make sense for them to keep rehashing El's birth, making it more and more disjointed every time, if the truth behind it all is that Terry is simply El's mom? It only makes sense to keep bringing it to the forefront if there's still something missing/being misunderstood by both El and as a result, the audience.
I also want to add another scene in the mix, within the context of that scene I talked about most in my ask, related to Terry rejecting herself as El's mom/home, and how that also juxtaposes this scene from 4x05: The Nina Project, which includes Brenner, Owens, some guards, and that infamous third doctor (with the nail polish matching Terry)...
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You might be asking yourself why? And I am clearly right there with you!
And yet, upon thinking more critically about what is believed to go down in s5, I can’t help but wonder if all of this series long build-up related El’s birth(day) memories being tampered with, and how that might have a little something to do with another certain characters widely speculated forgotten birthday…
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Made myself sad here we go
Nancy, Robin, and Steve come back from torching Vecna to find Eddie bleeding out.
Between their combined first aid knowledge, they are able to stem the flow and get him out of the upside down and to a hospital, in time to save him.
Over the next year, Steve and Eddie grow close, into very good friends. Maybe something more.
Then Vecna comes back. The whole group works together to fight him. They lose.
Steve wakes up back on that day, when they first went against Vecna to save Max. He has a chance, a do-over. He thought thinks it was a silly dream at first, but everything plays out the same.
He has a year. He and Eddie fall in love. The world ends. Steve wakes up, back on that day.
Steve loses count of the loops. It’s hard to keep track, anyway, when the loop is so long. But he falls deeper in love with Eddie every time, and it crushes him when he wakes up back in 1986 and Eddie doesn’t remember
And nothing Steve is doing is working. Every time, Vecna wins. Because what Steve doesn’t know is that the only way to defeat Vecna, to end the loop, is to let Eddie die on that day in 1986.
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thorniest-rose · 2 years
Eddie who specialises in alternative pest control, i.e. he safely catches the little critters and lets them out safely in the wild where they can’t get hurt or get into anyone’s homes.
And Steve who doesn’t want mice in his bakery but also really really doesn’t want to kill them because he’s too soft hearted and glue traps sound scary.
omg this is so cute!!!! Steve with a bakery?! That would be the sweetest thing ever... like Steve graduates and is completely over all the toxic masculinity he exhibited and was part of at school, and after everything goes to hell at Starcourt and he isn't working at Scoops anymore, he gets a part-time job in a bakery alongside his hours at Family Video. And it's just because they needed staff and he wants the extra money, not because he has any particular interest in baking, but while he's working there he quickly discovers how much he loves it and how fascinated he is by baking and being able to make pretty, delicious things with his hands that make people happy. He learns how to make all different kinds of bread and pastries, graduating to making cakes for events and weddings and doing all the sugarcraft and experimenting with flavour profiles until the bakery's sales are booming and its reputation sky-rocketing and people are coming from neighbouring towns just to buy something. And people just can't believe that king Steve of all people has such a delicate hand and can make such exquisite things, but he does, and you just know all the kids would be in the bakery and that he'd treat them all the time because he loves them so much.
And maybe after a couple of years Steve becomes head baker or maybe he opens a little place of his own. Perhaps the latter, and the place is run-down and needs a lot of work, but it's *his* and that's what matters. Except he realises he has a rodent issue, and while he doesn't want to kill all the cute little mice running around and nesting in the walls, he needs them out if he wants to run a viable business and not be shut down. He gets a recommendation for a pest control company, and he calls and makes an appointment with a gruff older man who says he'll send his nephew out the following morning.
Cue Steve standing outside the bakery the next morning waiting for him to arrive when he hears a blare of hard rock music and sees a van speeding around the corner. He rolls his eyes, thinks it's some drunk hellion, but then realises, mouth agape, that it's the pest control company. His mouth drops even more when the van parks up, haphazardly outside the bakery, and when, instead of the gruff man he spoke to on the phone, it's Eddie the freak Munson who jumps out. Eddie Munson who he went to high school with and who rocks up in a band t-shirt and ripped jeans, and tattoos across his arms and chest. Who grins at Steve when he sees him, a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, and says, "Hey Harrington, I heard you've got a problem with some pesky little critters," and Steve's eyebrow arches up and he replies dryly, "That's right. But I wanted to get rid of them, not let even bigger ones in" and Eddie thinks that's so hilarious, he lets out this bark of laughter around his cigarette and Steve can't help but laugh too, his life is so weird.
(Eddie would collect all the mice inside the bakery and in return Steve would make him a strong coffee and a freshly baked croissant, and Eddie would be telling him the entire time how it's the best thing he's ever eaten, hands flying everywhere because he's so excited and expressive, and all the while Steve is trying not to flush at the praise and trying not to stare too hard at Eddie's tattoos or his black nails or how his wild dark hair is swept up in a loose bun with loose tendrils of it framing his strangely pretty face.)
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cringengl · 1 year
Just thinking about Jonathan and Will's lies and what it means for s5....
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ice-sculptures · 2 years
i haven't seen anyone bring this up so i wanna point out how absolutely hilarious it is that mike says that " it [defeating the evil] will be easier" if he and will were a team. friends. best friends. baby boy that is the lamest, most teenage-schoolboy-with-a-crush excuse i've ever seen to reconnect with the boy that you Definitely Do Not have feelings for. like it's okay, just say u want to kiss him, i promise he won't be mad!!!!
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redshoes-blues · 1 year
So there’s weird time stuff going on and the Upside Down is stuck on the day Will went missing…
And @will80sbyers made a great post breaking down some of the weird inconsistencies about the Byers’ house and UD that makes it seem like the time things are even more strange than I thought.
Remember Flickergate? We know that lights flickering in Hawkins = lights being interfered with in the UD. And this sparked a discussion about the lights that flicker over the Wheeler’s garage, and the idea that maybe a future Will and Mike cause the electricity to go haywire when they visit that same spot in the UD.
Another thing: I’ve always wondered how Will knew to use music to save himself.
Because maybe it’s just a coincidence since Jonathan played him music when Lonnie was being a sick so it’s a coping mechanism. But!! We also know music has the power to prevent people’s minds from being attacked by Vecna. This is knowledge the Party gains in S4, which in hindsight, makes the coincidence with Will look a lot more purposeful…
So if we’re dealing with time travel into the day Will went missing, and the Party now has the knowledge of how to avoid being attacked by Vecna:
What if Will from the future is the one who saved his younger self? Armed with new knowledge about how the UD and Vecna work, and knowing the UD is stuck on the day he vanished, maybe the key to solving all of this has to do with that day? And the way Will is somehow recovered from the UD?
Remember how Will is found by someone/something in Castle Byers and it fades to black before we see who it is, and he’s there singing Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
Just saying…maybe it’s some kind of time loop phenomenon that only Will can tap into.
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freddybyers · 2 years
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Happy Birthday,
Will Byers!!!
You deserve all the happiness in the world!!🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
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I hope in season 5, Will uses all his bottled up emotions to defeat Vecna. He just fucking kills Vecna with all the power he has in him, which is a lot of power. His nose is bleeding and half of his hair got singed off, but he's raising his hand towards the monster and using his sadness and rage to kill him.
And Mike is just standing there, watching his friend, with Hopper's sword in his hands. He's watching Will use the powers they didn't know he had. He's in awe.
Will collapses to the floor and Vecna is gone. Mike drops his sword and runs over to the other boy's side. "Will," he pressed his fingers against his neck to check his pulse.
"I'm okay," Will said weakly. He touched Mike's hand and leaned into it. "Did we do it?"
"We? We? Will, that was all you! You were amazing! You were like a mage," Mike said excitedly.
"And you were a knight," Will said, smiling. "That's also really cool. Your fighting is probably really good. You probably could have saved me if I was dying. My own personal knight..."
His eyes twinkled and Mike's eyes widened. He felt something inside of him that he's felt many times before. "And you could be my personal mage," he said, leaning down slowly.
Will lifted his head slightly and their lips touched. Mike closed his eyes and Will followed him.
It was peaceful and quiet. It was lovely. It was much needed.
Will smiled into the kiss and so did Mike.
It was perfect.
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