#and music is prooobably setting it off
woodlands-nd · 6 months
I think I need to lay on a bed and make movements like I'm being exorcised or something like that
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worthlessnepenthes · 4 years
So, about that list of young masters. Iirc, it goes 1 Lan XiChen 2 Lan Wangji 3 Jin Zixuan 4 Wei WuXian 5 Jiang Cheng 6 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 7 Nie Mingjue
So six is proooobably either a Wen or Nie Huaisang, with 8 9 10 taken up by the other Wens (Xu and Ning being the Wens in questions because...isn’t Chao married to what’s her face?)/NHS if he isn’t 6, and...maybe Jin Zixun at 10? I mean...technically he is eligible and a young master? Going by names anyway he has to be like. Right in line behind Zixuan for succession right? Or I dunno. Maybe Song Zichen and Xiao Xingchen are on there, but I am going for novel canon and pre/during Sunshot campaign timeline so...I don’t think they are around yet, but time is an illusion so who knows?? But this timing is also why I am excluding JGY, because at the time he is still an unknown Meng Yao. But really the unknown spots aren’t important.
ANYWAY, my actual point was! The list is surely based off of the six arts, which according to my three minutes on google/wiki are:
Rites (禮) Li does not encompass a definitive object but rather a somewhat abstract idea and, as such, is translated in a number of different ways. Wing-tsit Chan explains that li originally meant "a religious sacrifice, but has come to mean ceremony, ritual, decorum, rules of propriety, good form, good custom, etc., and has even been equated with Natural law." [I added this here from wiki because while the others seem somewhat self explanatory this one didn’t. I’m going to say this in a xianxia world is cultivation rather than just propriety, but if it is propriety that certainly explains why the Lans are 1 and 2 on the board]
Music (樂)
Archery (射)
Chariotry (御)
Calligraphy (書)
Mathematics (數)
Now based on the world building in MDZS, I am going to say that Rites is probably Cultivation, which is important for obvious reasons, Chariotry is probably riding, and Mathematics is either...still just math or Scholarly arts in general.
Music is obviously still important, one (and a half, if we count the later MolingSu sect) sect even trains all their cultivators in a musical spiritual secondary weapon, and multiple other cultivators also play instruments.
Archery is obviously important, there’s a whole competition JUST for that and then later at the Phoenix Mountain hunt as well.
Riding is mentioned several times at the competitions, with girls tossing flowers at the riders and such, so is still an important thing despite the fact that they are all cultivators who could presumably ride their swords instead. (On a side note, where the fuck do they keep horses at Lotus Pier? That seems wildly impractical. I guess they are an in town sort of thing. I guess Gusu does the same thing. This all seems very impractical. Walking down all those fucking stairs at Gusu, flying or walking into Caiyi, going to the stables where your horses are... Are there Gusulan disciples that take care of them? Are they on punishment or reward detail? Or are there townspeople hired for horse care? Same questions re:Lotus Pier, but it’s almost definitely treated as a reward by the disciples even if it’s supposed to be a punishment. Getting away from Madam Yu, yay!)
Calligraphy is a cultural thing of importance that I don’t know about so I’m not gonna try other than to say I don’t know why it wouldn’t be important? I would imagine that it still is because I’m pretty sure it’s mentioned that NHS enjoys that as well as music and painting fans? Even if not calligraphy specifically, art in general is surely important.
And mathematics, is also a neat cultural thing in China that I fell down a brief Wiki hole about, please go look it up, so is probably still important, but I could also make an argument for this being like. Talisman work in a xianxia novel? But this is again a cultural thing that I don’t know much about so I don’t want to argue against it, but I feel that cultivators might place a different importance on things in a non Empire setting? Either way I’m going to say that this spot in the six arts is for intelligence.
So, to FINALLY GET TO MY POINT WHY DO I RAMBLE SO, I think it’s pretty goddamn neat that WWX ranks so freaking high on the list? Like, look at the others, every single one of them are sect leaders or sect heirs, prooobably ages somewhere from 15-25 (based on the fact that we first hear about the list when they are heading to the Cloud Recesses lectures, when WWX is either 15 or 16) and he is the son of a servant, and one of the very youngest on the list! Sure, he may be the Head Disciple at Yunmeng and one of the Twin Prides, but look who he is up against? Not to mention there’s probably an unspoken eligibility requirement which he is surely not very high for, seeing as how he is NOT a member of the Jiang clan (member of their sect sure, fight me in the notes if you wanna) so is poor? Not going to inherit anything? So he is this high, beating out Actual Sect Leader Nie Mingjue and his own shidi and Sect Heir Jiang Cheng, (plus whoever the unknowns are, Wens and NHS or whomever) simply on his merits. That’s pretty freaking amazing. I feel like it really shows just HOW talented WWX really was.
Besides, let’s face it. Ain’t no way this list was made just by prettiness. Jin Zixuan wouldn’t be that high and Nie Mingjue wouldn’t be that low.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, please tell me your Feelings on the list.
Also I post on tumblr mobile only and I have no goddamn idea why is does this fucking thing with the spaces, just know I only wanted single line breaks. Wtf tumblr.
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ask-these-fantrolls · 5 years
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"It felt like a holiday- closed off, music playing, all these stupid happy little IGNORANT faces watching the show none the wiser,"
The raspy voice Quaver had come to know and tolerate filled the room as they listened to his tale. Ghorik never really was the most eloquent when it came to words, but honestly? Even a wordsmith such as themselves could enjoy the way he spoke. There was no troll better to be their right hand man... Nor a better psionic to be their best spy.
"And then," the yellowblood leaned in closed, eyes wild on the bard, "once all is said and done and the lights go out... the real show begins. Music blares and diiiiistant screams of the little-tiny-lowbloods they DRAG out for show fill the tent!" His hands gesture wildly as his voice changes pitch and inflection.
The tealblood covered their mouth, picking up their teacup from a nearby table as they listened, "Dreadful it sounds- it must be a sight! Tell me my friend, how can you stomach this blight?"
"Easy enough... The theatrics are incredible! I'm always a slut for a good fog machine." He laughed picking up his own teacup, though not bothering to even try taking a sip. Aside from the cup's empty contents it was always just a little difficult trying to drink through his muzzle, "The thrashing's a little hard to get through... so much fucking blood- a shittier yellow would prooobably have lost their cover!"
"Please then share what you've found. I'd hate to have to send you back," They took a sip. Ghorik never found their unwavering smile strange... "Though, if you can't manage, I can find someone else to pick up your slack," Though, in cases like this, he had to wonder just how sincerely worried they could truly be.
His fluffy hair stuck out on all ends as he shook his head to re-center himself, "Get this for slack... They've got this opening act- some guy named Pennie?" He scoffed at the mention of his name, "Doesn't look like much. All bendy and skin-and-bones... but when the thrashing started... Q, I think he culled more of that lowbie audience than the rest of'em combined!"
The lowblood sat forward in his seat, gaze intense, "And get this... he ate them. His goddamn jaw opened like some FREAK and he ate them! Just cuz that rat bastard Ringmassacre ordered him to."
Oh... what an interesting turn of events. The bard had heard tell of some crazed clowns who could do such things; trolls who worshiped the Messiahs through sacrifice of blood and bone. Though... this sounded different.
"Eager, was he, to please the show's head?" It wasn't a sight most ever got to see. Quaver had crafted their facade of a gentle leader so well after all... No e would expect the dark thoughts within their thinkpan- the scheming midblood who was already responsible for the dismantling of numerous carnivals and the burning of churches. The troll who had organized countless raids and led their glorious Merry Men to victory against slavery rings...
When that damn wicked smile spread over their lips it became all the easier, "Few things short of desperation can lead to such a pile of dead."
"It doesn't take a genius to see those googoo eyes he makes at the Ringmassacre, Q,"
Quaver simply had to laugh, "Adoration and care is one hell of a drug. Perhaps he needs attention from someone less... smug?"
He never liked that look on their face. The calm and collected smile no different from their usual face, and yet still so menacing. Their bright teal eye peeked open to return Ghorik's earlier stare.
"Why a misguided troll does as he's told: for love, for acceptance, or to be fine," they grinned
"Q I don't like-"
"What, praytell, is better than moving on from influences old? To put it simply... I want that troll to be mine."
The yellowblood blanched. They... they couldn't be serious, right? He laughed nervously- searching for any hint of a joke in their voice... but that damn smile of theirs denied him that pleasure, "C'mon... you're not serious! He's insane!" The troll stood from his seat, looking down to Quaver in a panic, "How the hell could we recruit that bozo?? Not to mention getting the others behind it..."
"Oh don't worry! You'll surely tell them what for. I'd expect nothing less from someone of caste heliodor." the bard laughed as they set aside their delicate teacup in favor of a kalimba at their side. They plucked a few notes, humming out a tune before playing it on then instrument. As their dear friend slumped down into his seat, the corner of their mouth twitched. What a drama queen... It didn't take much to convert someone like that to a different side.
All he needed was a small push in the wrong direction.
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voidburntflesh · 5 years
azalea bluebell chrysanthemum geranium hydrangea iris lily poinsettia tulip violet
azalea: what’s one word that describes you? CHEEBAI WHO TF HAS ONE WORD. I’M GONNA ANSWER ‘CHEEBAI’.
bluebell: do you drink tea or coffee? more coffee than tea nowadays... i got into coffee out of necessity during uni and now i’m probably addicted. i drink tea when i’ve already had enough coffee or when i wanna chill..? OH BUT TEH VS KOPI IS DIFFERENT. TEH ALL THE WAY.
chrysanthemum: what are you afraid of? probably most afraid of danger to the people i care about (including myself fucking things up for them). aaand people. i fear people. and time.
geranium: how has your day been? BEEN GOOD BECAUSE I MET~ YOUUUU~~~ <3 instant mood lifter.
hydrangea: what’s your dream job? SHIT IDK SIA. i think my dream job is multiple jobs / side projects? i’ve always wanted to be someone who explored various creative fields (i guess more specifically theatre/film, music, literature/academia, in no particular order..)
iris: who’s your celebrity crush? SO YOU WANNA TURN THIS INTO A PUBLIC SHAMING HUH U SMUG BICH??? YOU JUST WANT ME TO ADMIT THAT I’D MELT MY BALLS OFF FOR A MAYNARD JAMES MOTHERFUCKING KEENAN DO YOU?!!? (oh wait do idols count as crushes... if not then my answer is.. uhm... laure le prunenec, maggie cheung, karen gillan, don’t shame me)
lily: what’s something you’ve achieved that you’re really proud of? i guess i’m somewhat proud of.. getting through to who i am so far..? i feel i’ve worked through a lot of my unpleasant shit over the past couple years and appreciate the level of (hopefully) self-awareness and (relative) self-assurance/acceptance i’ve gotten to currently – this isn’t just my own work, it’s thanks to you wy, to some other people, and to music.
poinsettia: where would you like to be in ten years? WITH A DINGUS, FOR A START. other than that, hopefully just with decent stability and fulfilment, and with friends and the arts still in my life.
tulip: if you had three wishes, what would you wish for? 1. for people to stop being hateful and ignorant/illogical (which i think covers a lot of bases in world issues – is that cheating?), 2. for greater ability to understand humanity and the universe, if that makes sense, and 3. the most banal – to change me bodayyy~
violet: what’s one thing most people don’t know about you? my dark past....... ok wah this is fucking hard. i guess one thing would be that for all my cynicism and shit, i do still harbour an idealised romantic hope of the typical future that society sets for people, i.e. marriage and parenthood. prooobably selfishly so i can one day call myself a husband and father.
DAS ALL BYE BITCH. you had surprising questions!!
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scummy-writes · 8 years
Rfa+saeran, they go to the beach and mc is wearing a bikini! Mc doesnt know that shes turning them on ;) maybe nsfw depending on who it is? Or how they exercise self-control~ whatever floats your boat
(⺣◡⺣)♡* Bikinis are nice~
-He is a BLUSHING mess
-As soon as you came back with Jaehee from the changing room in that cute and colorful polka dot bikini, he was done for
-Instantly hid his lower half in the water as much as possible. Very quietly happy the ocean was so cold
-He wouldn’t even get close to you- Not within arms length. Splashing around? Cool! Floating halfway on a board? No problem!
-Everything was fine until Seven suggested playing Chicken. Of course you’d be on Yoosung’s shoulders
-It. Was. Torture. 
-He could feel everything. Everything. Once the game was over he quickly hopped out of the water and rushed to the restrooms to take care of himself, one way or the other.
-If you noticed him rushing to the restroom while trying to hide himself, you prooobably tried to follow him and give him a bj near the restrooms.
-But Yoosung would just freeze up and yelp that it was fine and slam himself into the bathroom and refuse to do anything public like that hsfbg don’t kill this poor boy
-Self control? What is that??
-Granted he wasn’t too bad. He’d obviously look over your form, taking in the cute little musical note bikini you picked out.
-How? Did you look so amazing just wet??
-Constant little touches. Pulling you in for a kiss/selfie, to float with him on a tube or water floater, possibly some weird water cuddling (Zen you are Desperate) (I did not make water cuddling up it is. A strange  way to cuddle.)
-Eventually you got tired of playing in the water and wanted to tan a bit, so he watched you streeeetch out on a towel, and constantly found himself staring at you
-(Seven even threw a ball at his head to snap him out of it)
-After a few moments he’d pop out of the water and go over to you, making some excuse to pull you off with him
-Zen wouldn’t mind doing any semi-public sex. He’d probably take you off towards some empty showers and try to finger you and convince you to give him a bj
-Just a quick session! Nothing too long.
-If not then he’d yank you to the hotel and find nearly anywhere to fuck you that was available.
-He was determined to come back with a few bite marks leftover
-She nearly reacts just as bad as Yoosung. She’s so red in the face watching you strip off your tshirt and show off your tan bikini with little coffee cups on them
-She loves it
-She loves you
-You’re Killing Her
-She’d try to relax in the water, or over on a towel set up to catch some sun she never, ever, gets
-lots of candids of Zen taken, and saving his selfies that he still uploads to the RFA chat
-After a while she’d join you with making some silly sandcastles. Hers are horrible but it’s cute she tried. 
-Probably wouldn’t initiate anything until the hotel, tho!
-If she did feel it enough, she would want to lick and kiss you Everywhere. Every place she could touch.
-Her main focus would be getting you off, rather than anything else
-Lots of oral! 
-He doesn’t play in the water at the beach
-He mainly just relaxes under an umbrella and responds to work related emails or texts, mainly drinks a bit and reads a nice book he brought along
-He didn’t notice what you were wearing until you took off your long t-shirt
-That….That was a cute cat-head shaped window…Right at your breasts….
-The book was suddenly open but in his lap, trying to cover up his first reaction
-He watches you for a while. You drawing a cute heart in the sand for him, you splashing in the water with the others…
-After a bit you come up beside him, dripping wet, and asking him how he is.
-He just responds that he needs to go to the car, and wants you to come along.
-You don’t really question it much, until you notice that he’s using the book to cover up a certain area….Ooooh….
-As soon as the two of you get in the car, and Driver Kim (Of course Jumin brought him) is instructed to go to the hotel, Jumin throws the divider up, turns on the radio, and has his way with you.
-Bj in the backseat? Sure. Full blown sex? Yes.
-Does it stop in the car? Nooope.
-Has his way with you a few more times in the hotel room, and by the time the two of you are done it’s already too dark for the ocean. Damnit, Jumin.
-Help him
-You wore a binary bikini. It’s was just black with a simple over-used green binary code on it, but oh my god it was amazing
-And when you were soaked? God Help Him.
-He tried playing with you and having self control. He tried playing Chicken with Yoosung and Zen, and god that was horrible.
-Volleyball? Why the hell did he think he’d be able to focus
-Final idea was playing in the sand with you, which he immediately tried to bury himself in there.
-If he couldn’t take it anymore, he’d make some silly excuse that he needs to talk to you, bring you to his car, and beg for you to help him out
-Handjob? Blowjob? Just anything dear god this hard-on was fucking painful
-If you tease him he’d take you fully in the backseat, not caring how loud the two of you were. At least this place was mainly private thanks to Jumin.
-He wasn’t one for the beach to begin with. He was a bit grumpy about going, but when you showed off in your cute black bikini with little skulls on it, he shut up immediately
-He’d try to act like everything was normal but his cheeks would be so red
-Mainly sticks to playing with the others while you sunbathe
-Keeps losing or getting splashed because he keeps looking at you
-Ends up sun bathing with you or attempting very bad sandcastles with you
-If he can’t control it anymore, he pulls you up and asks you to take him to the showers
-Before you can even make it there he has you pulled off somewhere public, but secluded, as he fucks you rough and hard-covering your mouth so your moans aren’t too loud
-You were killing him jesus christ
Scum’s Safety Tip! Do Not have sex on the beach. Sand gets everywhere. Everywhere.
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