#and my life has a tendency for things to go a bit UH OHH just based on all previous examples
mistergoddess · 5 months
hmm yeah in 2 weeks exactly from this moment i will be on a plane overseas for the first time ever in my life and i have put exactly zero thought into any of that like what i'm packing how i'm packing when i'm packing what i'm packing in how i'm getting to the airport what my next move is on a whole ass other continent after getting off the plane or even just. idk. general mental preparation. lmao.
i mean it's the uk and i am not solo traveling beyond the flight there so it's not that serious but fuck i have been head empty i can't even sort out getting a phone plan which i have exactly five days to do lmfaooo let alone all that. eugh. whatever. fuck it we ball mentality.
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0 notes
hopeswriting · 3 years
Here are other interesting things I found while looking into the TV Tropes pages on Reborn. These are from their fridge page, which doesn’t list tropes, but more like realizations/understanding of the story from the viewers (here the tropers) after reading it.
Fridge Brilliance:
As explained on the site, it’s when you have an epiphany that turns what once was a hated moment into one of your favorites.
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[ID: Why is Kyoko not so worried about the fact that Tsuna was in an underwear?
Remember that after Ryohei got hit by a dying will bullet, he said his sister thinks the boxing is like men fighting in an underwear and kitchen gloves.
Of course she wouldn't be so worried, for her, it's no different than seeing her brother in a boxing ring. /END ID]
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[ID: This troper had always thought that the fact Yuni couldn't predict the end of Tsuna's final battle with Byakuran to be very convenient but then she realized that Yuni couldn't do it because she can't see past her own death. Cue Tear Jerker. /END ID]
Ohh, literally never realized (or thought about it tbh lol).
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[ID: It seems a bit random of Reborn to decide that the baseball-playing Yamamoto's weapon of choice should be a sword (rather than just a regular bat)- however, it's entirely likely that Reborn researched all of Tsuna's family candidates and discovered that Yamamoto's father was a former swordsman, thus deciding that his son had the potential to take up the blade again! /END ID]
Fridge Horror:
“Simply put, it’s when something becomes terrifying after the fact.”
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[ID: Reborn's early interactions with Lambo. Sure, we know how annoying Lambo is, about all that "rivalry" thing and that he's not gonna be killed even by grenades, but once we realize it's an adult hitman beating the living crap out of 5-year old kid...
Nana, Tsuna's mother, has Abusive Parent tendencies. She belittles her son when he needs her most (since he has no self-esteem), but treats him nice once he is no longer a loser?
[Another troper adds:] This is actually Truth in Television, more mothers do this than people expect them too, but particularly in Latin America, mothers whose sons prefer studying or reading and other more passive hobbies over sports and well, dating, will most likely belittle their sons. /END ID]
Looking at Reborn’s treatment of Lambo in hindsight is just really... going yikes uh...
Also from having reread the Daily Life Arc recently, I feel like they’re a bit too hard on Nana here, but unfortunately they’re definitely in the truth too.
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[ID: Most people would be baffled that Chrome didn't get an actual help outside the family when she's neglected and abused as Nagi, then made worse when this troper found out that in Japan, interfering a family's matters is considered rude manners.
Even if people find out that something is definitely wrong with the family, they can't help at all, not wanting to be rude. Yikes... /END ID]
?? Is that actually a thing, damn... Yikes indeed.
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[ID: The whole memory from Ten Years Later ordeal.
Suddenly, Shouichi the 15 years old wakes up with 10 years worth of memories, including years of working undercover, in the mafia, under a friend who's bent on world domination.
A teenage Byakuran gets memories of world domination, and wreaking destruction on multiple universes.
Mukuro gets memories of ten more years in a water tank.
Consider how all that would affect a person's psyche. /END ID]
Honestly we don’t talk enough about the Ten Years Later memories and how it must have fucked up some of them (if not all).
I do get the reasoning behind it, but damn, can you imagine?
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[ID: Squalo sent videos of his 101 battles to Yamamoto. Considering swords are sharp and Squalo have no qualms on killing people, the videos probably included a few grisly deaths.
Squalo asked Lussuria to videotape him in the act of murder, and then sent the videos to his protege, who was probably a teen back then.
[Another troper adds:] Well, that's not really illogical, since, well, it's Squalo and all.
Consider the above that Squalo was about 14 when he lopped his own hand off and replaced it with a sword. Yamamoto would be the same age or older at the time.
Consider also that for quite a while indeed, Yamamoto, who for all intents and purposes is a human Wooper, thinks the entire Mafia thing is a huge game, so he probably doesn't even think Squalo actually killed anyone.
Gonna go out on a limb here and guess this entry was actually supposed to go under Fridge Horror, not Fridge Logic. /END ID]
That’s it for now, though I have a couple left of my findings to share lol.
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snakeboistan · 4 years
Based off of this post I made a while back. I would like to thank @nyagisa for helping me come up with some ideas for the plot
The Tokyo sun shone brightly through the windows of the 3-E building, rays of golden washing over the wooden down desks and chairs. The students in the classroom were spending their morning before homeroom as they always did: by chatting away to one another or just minding their own business. The atmosphere of the room was quickly burst when they heard thundering footsteps making their way towards the doorway. Every single head turned towards the classroom’s entrance to find a panting Okuda appear under it, braids swaying and glasses slightly askew.
“I did it,” she announced, “it took me all weekend but I did it.”
“Uhh, what?” Okajima asked, scratching his head.
“Wait,” Fuwa paused, head perking up as if realisation dawned on her. With a widening smile, she asked, “you mean the thing.”
Okuda nodded her head and Fuwa beamed. She raced towards the bespectacled girl and glomped her in a hug, “Oh, Okuda, you scientific genius.”
Okuda turned red and smiled shyly at the praise. Around her, everyone else had no idea what on Earth was going on.
“Hey, mind filling the rest of us in?” Maehara inquired.
“I came up with a brilliant idea for an assassination attempt and asked Okuda to cook something up that would make all of our lives far more easier,” Fuwa explained with a smug grin, “Let history say, children, that being an otaku saved the planet.”
“What did you make, Okuda?” Kurahashi asked, head tilted in confusion.
“Yeah, come on Okuda, tell them,” Fuwa nudged her.
“I-well-I made a truth serum,” she mumbled, cheeks dusted with pink.
“Are-are you serious?” Kimura asked in disbelief.
Mimura’s eyes were wide, “like an actual, real-life truth serum?”
Okuda nodded timidly as she pushed her glasses up her nose.
“That-that’s awesome,” Maehara stated, “like seriously, that’s so unbelievably awesome.”
“Can we see it? Can we see it?” Okajima begged, rushing towards her and jumping up and down like an overeager puppy greeting its owner.
“Sure,” she replied. She opened up her bag to procure a box. Clicking up the lid, she reached in and then held up a test tube that was half-way filled with a shimmering emerald liquid liquid. The entire class looked at it with awe.
“How the hell did you manage to make that?” Yoshida asked, still unable to believe what he was hearing.
“Well all I did was mix a few centimeters cubed of ethanol, scopolamine, 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, midazolam, flunitrazepam, sodium thiopental, amobarbital and a few other chemicals.”
Everyone just stared at her.
“So, is no one going to comment on how she just happens to have all of those chemicals?” Sugaya said.
Maehara shrugged, “Eh, she’s Okuda.”
“Yeah, she carries around actual chloroform with her at all times,” Mimura nodded, “at this point, it’s best to not question it.”
“But seriously, guys this is awesome,” Okano grinned, “imagine if we slipped that into some of his favourite sweets. We could make him tell us anything. Unless he’d manage to sniff it out.” She turned to Okuda, “he won’t be able to, right?”
Okuda shook her head, “he shouldn’t. I made sure that the serum is completely odourless.”
“Haha, yes,” Okajima fistbumped the air, “by the end of the day he’ll be telling us everything we need to know about how to assassinate him. That ten billion yen bounty is OURS.”
As the class cheered, celebrated and praised Okuda for her genius, a certain blonde troublemaker sat at her desk and was watching the commotion in thought, leaning her cheek on the back of her fingers. Slowly, a sly smirk crawled onto her mouth.
Karma was in the forest when Nakamura approached him. He spotted her from a mile away from where he was perched on a tree branch, blonde hair bouncing with every leaping bound she took, that ever-present Cheshire cat grin on her face. He watched with amusement and intrigue as she made her way towards him, immediately getting hit with the idea that the two of them were going to have a very interesting day today.
“Yo, Nakamura,” he called, “aren’t you a long way from class?”
“It’s break,” she supplied from her position at the base of the tree, “besides I can say the same to you, mister.”
“As if the octopus could teach me more about algebra than I already know,” he said haughtily as he jumped, landing gracefully on his feet in front of her, “at this point I only show up for the assassinations. Actually going to class would be a waste.”
“Ohohoho,” Nakamura smirked, “betcha I can change that thought.”
“What do you mean?”
It was then that Nakamura held out a hand that she had hidden behind her back, opening it up to reveal a familiar looking test tube.
“Is that…?”
“Uh hu.”
“How did you get it.”
“I have my ways.”
“No kidding.”
“So, Karma,” Nakamura smirked, blue eyes alight with mischief, “what do you say to a bit of fun?”
Karma grinned, horns and tail appearing out of nowhere as the satanic aura around him intensified, “what do you mean?”
“Ohh, you know,” she hummed, her voice had an ‘innocent’ lilt as she shook a vial that contained the green liquid with her thumb and index finger, “just giving this bad boy to our favourite prank victim. Can you imagine all of the dirt we could get out of him? Who he likes, embarrassing secrets, all of the tea he has - it’ll be a goldmine.”
“Ha, perfect,” Karma laughed, “God, could you imagine what we could make him spill? We’ll make that little mouse squeak like there’s no tomorrow.”
The two of them burst into ungodly snickers, doubling over as woodland creatures ran for their lives, as far away from them as possible. Giving each other looks filled with perversity that would make a necromancer faint, they set their plan into motion.
Shiota Nagisa had no idea what was coming for him.
As soon as the bell rang, signalling that class was over and lunch break had begun, the students rushed towards the door, most of them practically shoving each other as they piled out of the classroom and towards the wooden lunch tables that were situated outside of the building. Nagisa, as usual, was the last to leave due to him being the slowest packer in the class. Plus, he had a tendency to talk to his desk neighbours, Sugino and Kayano, as he put his things away, which slowed him down as well. However, for some reason, Nakamura had decided to stay behind with him, telling him that she wanted to speak to him in private. So before he could sling his bag over his shoulder, he was dragged out by the golden-haired girl into a secluded storage room, where they kept all of the unused Science and Home Ec equipment. There she proceeded to drill him about whether he had a crush on anyone or not, stating that she had a bet going on with Karma. He tried to tell her that he currently wasn’t interested in dating anyone and that he held no romantic attraction towards any of his classmates but she wouldn’t let up until he managed to stealthily push his way past her and back to the classroom so that he could retrieve his school bag and make his way towards the building’s exterior. Once he reached his destination, he was met with Sugino waving an arm to catch his attention.
“Hey, Nagisa,” he called, “I saved you a seat.” When the blue-haired boy sat down beside him, he asked, “so what was that all about?”
“Oh you know,” Nagisa rolled his eyes, “Nakamura being Nakamura.”
“I see.”
With that, he took out his bento box and opened the lid but before he could grab a piece of his hand-made lunch, he paused. Something inside Nagisa felt weird as a sense of foreboding fell over him. He had no idea why but it felt like his senses were warning him of something, that something was wrong. However, he had no idea what. Scanning the environment, he observed that everyone was acting normal: Fuwa was recounting the latest chapter of her current manga obsession to anyone that would listen, the Terasaka gang were debating whether or not cereal counts as a soup, Hayami and Chiba were doing that thing they do where they communicate with their eyes and the slightest movements of their heads, Maehara and Okajima were engaged in an arm wrestling competition that would determine who would be given Yada’s spare wagashi and Karma and Nakamura were huddled together laughing about something. To be honest something about that felt off, especially since they seemed to be stealing glances in between smirks and snickers, but those two working together always filled him with dread since he was the main casualty of whatever prank they’ve cooked up - but there was something about their current behavior that felt more off than normal, their conscious wavelengths held a form of threat that made him feel apprehensive...
“Hey, Nagisa?” Sugino asked, concern evident in his eyes and in the furrow of his eyebrows, “you alright, man? You seem to be on edge.”
Mentally shaking off that strange feeling, Nagisa gave his best ‘I’m-okay-please-believe-me’ smile, “ye-yeah, I am. I just - just got lost in thought, you know?”
To ease the baseball lover’s worries, he pinched one of his pieces of shrimp tempura sushis with his chopsticks and brought it to his mouth, before chewing slowly and swallowing. It was at that moment he knew that something was definitely wrong. As soon as he felt his food go down the oesophagus and land in his stomach, he knew that there was something very very wrong. His body froze, chopsticks slipping through his paralysed fingers and landing on the grass, as he lost awareness of his surroundings. Dread was crawling up his spine and rushed through his nerves, sending them ablaze with this feeling of numbness. The last thing he registered was his stomach dropping before his surroundings blurred and all of his thoughts turned to mush, leaving him unaware of the way Sugino’s eyes widened with fear when he watched Nagisa’s face slacken into an emotionless stare, bangs falling forward as head hung itself over his bento box.
“Nagisa,” he shoved his shoulder, “HOLY C***, NAGISA!”
His shouting had alerted the rest of his classmates, each of them immediately turning their heads to face the pair. 
“Did he eat it?” Nakamura crowed from her seat, face split into a beaming grin. Beside her, Karma gave Nagisa a cocky smirk, as he regarded the used chopsticks in the blunette’s hand “did he actually eat it?”
“What do you mean?” Sugino asked desperately, frantically shaking his head as he looked at his best friend and the blonde, “what did you do?”
“Karma, Nakamura, what’s the meaning of this?” Kataoka demanded. Everyone had no idea what to do; no matter how many times Sugino shook him or Kayano tapped him on the shoulder, his face remained expressionless as his body swayed like a ragdoll. All of the light and energy that inhibited his eyes, the warm emotions that screamed ‘Nagisa’, had vacated, leaving only desolate orbs of blue nothing. For someone like Nagisa, who was always observing, always hyper-alert of his surroundings, to start acting like a lifeless marionette was troubling to say the least. Nonetheless, there seemed to be two students who were hardly concerned.
“Chill, guys. He’s alright. Cool it, would ya?” Karma said easily as he waved a hand up and down in a careless manner. 
“What did you do?” Kataoka asked sternly.
“We just wanted to test if Okuda’s little serum actually works.” Nakamura shrugged with a mischievous smirk, “you know, just to be sure. What’s the harm in doing a little science experiment?”
“You-you did what?” Okuda asked shakily, horror-struck at the revelation. She made that serum for an assassination attempt, so that she could help save the Earth, yet Nakamura and Karma decided to give an untested concoction to her classmate just to get a few laughs. As confident as she was in her abilities as a chemist, she was aware that she’s not perfect and four times out of ten her experiments end up in a complete disaster. At least, if her serum wasn’t made correctly, Koro-Sensei would’ve been able to handle it the same way he can handle all of the other poisons she made that could make a sumo wrestler drop to his knees in a second. She warned the class that she wasn’t sure that it would work, yet these two pranksters took her work as another way they could have a laugh - and on Nagisa as well. Nagisa, who was sweet and kind and always smiled and made her feel included, who always praises her when she does something right and doesn’t laugh when others make mistakes, who never complains about anything. Koro-Sensei told her that being unable to communicate properly means that people will take advantage of you, yet Nagisa, who always seems to know what to say, somehow appears to be the person who is exploited the most. She felt- she felt tricked. Like that time where Koro-Sensei smiled at her and gave her instructions so that she could make a poison that could actually work for him but she ended up enhancing his abilities instead. However, at least then it was all with good intentions, so that she could learn how important it is to communicate, unlike now where her skills were used to poke fun at someone else. Science is all about progression, it’s about working hard to ensure that the world becomes a better place so that people can be happier, healthier and have a better way of life. That’s why she pursues it because if she can’t help people with her words, then she can at least help them with her chemicals. Her voice came out high as she whispered, “Why would you do that?”
“Oh, come on, Okuda,” Nakamura waved her off, “it was just a little prank.”
“A-A prank?” Okuda repeated, unable to comprehend how on Earth these two could be so callous, “you used my formula for a prank?”
“Alright, guys, I think that you two have gone too far,” Maehara tore his eyes away from the petite boy in pigtails and glared at the two smirking devils with his arms crossed.
“Yeah, guys,” Okano said, “I mean your usual pranks are one thing but drugging your classmate so that he could spill his secrets? Not cool.”
Kayano had moved from trying to gain Nagisa's attention to comforting Okuda, who seemed to have fallen into a well of guilt. Her plaits hung limply as she held her head down, her back was shaking with shuddering breaths and her hands were bunching up the pleated grey material of her school skirt. Meanwhile, Sugino’s shaking seemed to have awoken Nagisa from whatever daze he was in and his head snapped up. He blinked at them sporadically as he shook his head - it almost seemed as if he was rebooting. The light didn’t return to his eyes but he seemed to be more aware of everyone. Then, out of nowhere, he smiled. Not one of his usual soft smiles, filled with care. It was just a smile, plain and simple. It was lazy and devoid of any real emotions and it looked so so so wrong on the boy that was the epitome of helpful. 
“Hey, Nagisa,” Sugino said slowly. Everyone else was watching and waiting with bated breath.
The blunette turned to him and the baseball lover almost flinched at the expression on his face. This wasn’t Nagisa, this was some fraud, an unappealing copy failing miserably at impersonating his best friend. He didn’t know whether to scream or cry or throw up but he did know that he wanted Nagisa back, pronto, “hey, Sugino. What’s the matter?”
“Me?” he blinked in confusion, “I feel great. Well, honestly I’m kind of ticked off that I got drugged but, you know, not the worst thing that’s happened to me. I’ve hidden tons of things that are far worse than this but I guess since it’s normal for me to suck things up, I don’t really much. I mean I know I always say that I’m okay when I’m really not but that’s just because I don’t want to burden you guys with something as insignificant as me.” He could feel something in the back of his mind telling him to say that he was fine but why should he do that? What’s the point in lying when he could just free the chains that held him down and just blurt out everything that came to mind. “But I never say anything because I know that no matter what I say or how uncomfortable I am, it won’t really stop anything in the long run, so what’s the point, you know?” 
Everyone looked at him in shock; most of his classmates' faces were covered in expressions of horror and sadness but why were they upset? He was just being honest and, truthfully, he wasn’t upset one bit. How could he be when every word that left his mouth made him feel even more euphoric than he’s ever felt before? His head was flying up high in cloud nine and he never wanted to go down. Unbeknownst to him, the majority of his classmates didn’t share his newfound state of elation.
“Holy s***,” Terasaka whispered as he stared at Nagisa as if he suddenly grew four heads and was breathing fire.
“It-it worked,” Kimura stated dumbly, “the truth serum - it actually worked.”
“The dude’s got no filter whatsoever,” Maehara observed.
Karma and Nakamura’s eyes widened as they looked at each other before snapping their gazes back towards the blunette, who was still smiling away as if he hadn’t said more words in the past minute than he had over the past few hours.
“This. Is. Brilliant,” Nakamura squealed, “Oh my god, this is too good.”
“Nakamura, that’s enough,” Isogai reproached. He turned to Okuda, “Okuda, how long will this serum last for?”
Okuda bit her lip, eyes glistening, “about an hour. Isogai, I swear I didn’t do anything. If I knew that the serum was going to be used on Nagisa-”
“It’s okay, Okuda,” Yada smiled at her reassuringly, “you were only trying to help us assassinate Koro-Sensei.”
“Yeah, you have no part to play,” Okano was still glaring at the pranking duo, “they’re the ones who thought it would be funny to give Nagisa a goddamn truth-serum.”
“What’s the big idea? I don’t see why you guys are all p***ed off,” Nakamura said defensively.
“Yeah, we’re just having fun,” Karma said, “we always prank Nagisa and he’s fine with it.”
“You guys seriously don’t think that you did anything wrong,” Sugino frowned, “you really think that this is just another harmless prank. Although, to be honest, most of the things you do to Nagisa aren’t exactly harmless.”
“What do you mean by that, Sugino?” Karma narrowed his eyes at the baseball lover, giving the black-haired boy a sneer, “He’s never complained that he doesn’t like what we do.”
“Yeah, come on,” Nakamura scoffed, “he’s alright with us dressing him up, right Nagisa?”
“I hate it,” Nagisa said, still smiling with compliance, “I hate everything about it. Whenever I see the two of you come up to me with whatever new idea you’ve come up with, I get physically sick to my stomach with dread because I know what will happen next. You guys will dress me up and make jokes about how pretty I look and how I should ‘cut it off’ even when I tell you that stuff makes me uncomfortable. Of course, me being uncomfortable is never an issue with you lot so why do I even bother. I know that I’m always smiling and laughing when you all make fun of my looks and laugh at my insecurities but I hate it. I hate it so much and whenever I’m forced to crossdress all I can think about is my home life because, guess what, you’re not the only one who thinks I look good in girl clothes. I’ve been forced to wear them since I was six and I’ve learned that speaking up about it only ends in trouble. In hindsight, I’ve got to say that you guys calling something that causes me to get slapped and shouted at by my own mother ‘comic relief’ is kind of a s****y move but, hey, nevermind I get it - my feelings are a joke to you anyway.” He just blinked at his classmates, who were all staring at him with their mouths open and eyes wide with horror. Yada and Kurahashi had hands slapped over their mouths and looked near tears. He had no idea why they were looking at him like that - all he did was answer a question. Was he not supposed to? He didn’t see why he couldn’t divulge that information. Nagisa shouldn’t have secrets. What’s so great about hiding things anyway? He noticed that the delinquent smirks were wiped off of Karma and Nakamura’s faces and were replaced by uncomfortable squirming. He tilted his head in confusion, “why aren’t you laughing? You always laugh when it comes to my appearance. Don’t look so upset, that’s so unlike you. Go ahead and laugh and joke like you normally do - nothing I’ve said has stopped you before, why should it stop you now?”
“Nagisa,” Sugino breathed out, aghast, “what-I-what?”
“You’re mum does what?” Okano whimpered.
“Oh yeah, she hits me,” Nagisa replied as if he was just discussing the weather. His legs were swinging back and forth as he continued, “and starves me, or locks me in my room if I don’t listen to her. Sometimes she throws things at me. I mean, last week she aimed a frying pan at my head but luckily I managed to dodge. Living in my house for fourteen years really enhances your reflexes, you know. She basically wanted a daughter and hates the fact that I’m a boy so she pretends that I’m a girl so that she can live in her perfect world with her perfect daughter that she always wanted. It sucks, but hey, that’s life, you know.”
“The hell?” Maehara said to himself, “what the hell?”
“That’s awful,” Kurahashi said, tears streaming down her face, “why would - why would anybody?”
“Holy c**p,” Kimura’s head was leaning against the palm of his hand.
“Karma, Nakamura,” Isogai’s eyes held fire, “why on earth would you think that giving him a truth serum is okay?”
“How the hell were we meant to know that he was going to spill all of that?” Nakamura yelled at the onslaught of glares, “we just wanted to find out if he liked anyone or something.”
“Guys, I think that we should stop asking Nagisa questions,” Sugino said wearily, “he can’t control what he’s saying and if he had any willpower there’s no way he’d be comfortable in spilling all of this stuff.”
“What’s wrong with that?” Nagisa asked.
“What’s wrong with me being uncomfortable?”
“Listen Nagisa, I know that we messed up,” Kataoka said, “seriously seriously messed up. But trust us when we say that making you uncomfortable is not something that we want to do.”
“Of course not,” Yada cried, “you’re our friend. We love you.”
Nagisa laughed, it was sweet yet sounded artificial, “no one loves me. All I do is drive people away. You can ask my dad or Karma about that. Trust me, whatever it is you think I am, I’m not. I’m just a burden that only causes trouble. No one would want to be friends with me. Even when they say that they are.” He turned to Karma, “‘cause you know Karma, sometimes you really confuse me. You act like my friend now but you pretended like I didn’t exist back at the main campus. Like I get why you don’t like me - not even my own parents do. I guess you do need me around because I’m the guy that collects information on Koro-Sensei but if you’re just going to get bored with me and abandon me again can you atleast do it now instead of getting my hopes up that you actually care about my feelings. Like seriously, between you and dad, I have a ton of abandonment issues. I guess it’s only a matter of time before everyone else leaves me too, huh. Don’t look so upset Sugino, I wouldn’t blame you for wanting to not be around a loser like me.”
“Nagisa,” Sugino’s eyes were brimming with unshed tears, “I would never. You’re my best friend, dude.”
“Please tell me that the hour is nearly up,” Okajima begged to the heavens, “I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”
“We’d never leave you, Nagisa, never,” Kayano cried as she hugged Nagisa from behind. He could feel her shaking in her embrace, “you’re the best friend I could ever ask for.”
“We don’t just have you around because you’re useful or anything,” Maehara said, “bro, you’re an amazing person.”
“I just can’t believe this,” Yoshida said, deeply troubled, “like seriously, what other things are there about you that we don’t know about.”
“I’ve tried killing myself,” Nagisa said brightly, cutting into their shouts like a knife and dropping the temperature of their surroundings, “back during the whole grenade incident. I didn’t know that the grenade was fake and was a hundred percent ready to blow myself up and end everything right then and there. I mean, I was actually kind of happy to finally get an escape from everything and it’s not like anyone would’ve missed me or anything. So I would’ve saved the world and done something I’ve been meaning to do. You can understand my disappointment when Koro-Sensei saved me. Now I have two failed attempts - man, I’m so good at failing, I can’t even kill myself right.”
“Wait,” Okano’s face was white, “did you just say ‘two’?”
“Hmm, yeah, I tried once when I was ten. My parents were getting divorced and were fighting more and more and I knew that it was all because of me and I hated myself for driving them apart so I decided that it would be in everyone's best interest if I wasn’t around anymore so I overdosed on some of my dad’s sleeping pills. Unfortunately, it didn't work as you can tell but -”
He was then cut off by Maehara, who had decked him in the head, knocking him clean out.
The golden-haired boy was shaking, “I-I’m sorry, guys. It’s just that - I couldn’t take it anymore. I just wanted it to stop.”
Isogai placed a hand on his shoulder, giving his best friend a weak smile, “it’s alright, Maehara. I understand. Come on, let’s lay him down in the teacher’s lounge so that he can sleep this off.”
“We are going to speak to him about this, right?” Okano asked.
“I think that we should,” Kataoka replied solemnly.
“Well, I think that we ought to give Nakamura and Karma a few words as well,” Kayano said, “seeing as this is all their fault.”
Everyone watched as Isogai picked Nagisa up in a bridal carry. The tense silence had made them all lose their appetite.
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atopearth · 4 years
Ikemen Vampire Part 6 - Isaac Newton Route
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It was really nice of the heroine to be so concerned over Isaac's wellbeing considering how pale and sick he seemed, it was just bad luck that it had to be because he needed blood, and no one had explained anything to her yet lol. Poor Isaac too though, considering how much he restrains himself from human blood, I don't know what he would do if he actually took hers, he already seemed so shaken realising that he was about to bite her but was stopped by Leonardo... Btw, it was kinda cute how Isaac seemed happy that the heroine remembered his name haha. I feel so bad for Isaac though, he really wanted to apologise to the heroine but she was so scared🥺 Like, it's understandable, but seeing Isaac so hurt over her rejection and fear just kinda broke my heart🥺 Isaac's reason for becoming a vampire was so he could have time alone to think? Hmm~ I see, the heroine's sudden arrival made Sebastian more busy than usual and that held him up on giving the "blood" to Isaac in time... I wonder why Isaac seems to need more blood than others though? Lmao, I found it so adorable yet sad when the heroine and Isaac bumped into each other in the hallway, Isaac started running away and wouldn't stop even though she told him to wait haha. He's so considerate, it's sweet. I'm really happy that the heroine proactively went to apologise to him (by bringing him food since he's avoiding her) because she wanted to understand and get along with him. I thought it was really nice to hear her retort to him when he said he was a monster; her saying that monsters are what we fear, but if we come to know and understand them, then they're not necessarily what we deem as "monsters" kinda reminds me of Frankenstein tbh, the "monster" isn't the bad one🥺
I'm glad the heroine told him that she wanted them to talk about happier things such as science and architecture and not focus on her injury that's constantly making him feel guilty. He feels so bad all the time, I feel sorry for him. It's sweet that he was concerned about whether she might not like going on a tour of town with him, he's way too considerate! Anyway, seeing Isaac so passionately talk about science and teach those arguing students what their textbook really was about was rather cute. He's usually really reserved, so as the heroine said, it's nice to see him feel more "alive". But yeah, even though it's understandable, it's kinda sad that the heroine just kinda tunes out when Isaac really gets into his talks about physics etc. Like, it's probably easier to write the story if the heroine "tunes out" but I think it would have been nice to hear a bit of the stuff he rambles. I was kinda wondering the whole time they were on their tour like doesn't Isaac need to eat?? They've been gone for a while lol. So yeah, seeing him desperately go to the kitchen and eat so fast made much more sense to me afterwards lol. His consideration is too much though, I mean it's coming at the detriment of himself! It's really kind of him to not want to interrupt her excitement and everything, but Isaac really needs to think about himself more. But I guess he enjoyed seeing her happy, so I guess it was worth it to him. Aww it was so sweet how when the heroine got pricked trying to help Harry the hedgehog (Isaac's pet), she was more concerned for his vampiric tendencies that she was going to leave before he made himself feel bad again. I also liked how Isaac was (probably not hungry) more concerned over her safety and gave her a handkerchief to take care of the blood. Omgg it was so cute how Isaac could properly express himself and say that the heroine's cooking was delicious (since she's been cooking every meal of his for a week), he's so sweet and honest when he takes the time to put his feelings into words.
It's nice how initially, the heroine was super scared of Isaac, but now, she feels the safest with him haha. Awww, Isaac hiding his happiness and embarrassment by fidgeting with his hair is so cute, it's understandable though, if someone from the future told me that something I invented is still being used to this day, I would be pretty giddy! It's sweet how Isaac is teaching the kids calculus though, Isaac's awkward but he tries his best to do the things he can, and I think that's really cool. Lmaooo at the head of the Sorbonne tackling a running Isaac trying to recruit him as a maths professor hahaha. Just the image of a random old man appearing, Isaac running away, and then the old man tackling him to the ground makes me laugh hahaha. Lmao when Isaac said he's got the wrong guy and that he doesn't even like sandwiches🤣🤣 (since when he solved the puzzle that other professors couldn't figure out at the cafe, he was eating a sandwich hahaha). Ohh, so Isaac used to be a professor, but it wasn't as nice and simple as he thought it would be. His colleagues denied him, took his work, betrayed him etc enough that he seems traumatised over the whole idea of working with people. I'm glad that the heroine stayed beside him and told him that she won't betray him. I mean, it might not mean much when it comes from someone that he doesn't know too well, but I think the words and the thought counts haha. It's nice how the heroine drags Isaac into silly things like falling into a fountain though, I think it really helps to brighten him up and view things in a different light since she's rather different from him. Aww it's so cute how Isaac called her a friend!! I kinda feel sorry for Napoleon though, I'm sure he really wanted to be considered a friend too, but I guess this is progress so I'm sure he'll be happy for Isaac either way!
A vampire with a cold is pretty hilarious, especially since it was to the point of him practically fainting haha. Poor Isaac though, he felt so queasy. But omggg he was so cute and adorable sick. I loved it when he asked her to feed him soup🥰 and he even teased her lmao, touchy feely Isaac is so funny and cute~ He was like a baby lmao. I think what melted my heart the most was him really wanting the heroine to stay with him as he slept and feeling really comfortable with her hand on his forehead, like omgggg, how can Isaac be so adorable?! I guess the reason why Isaac became a vampire is because ever since he began his journey on discovering things about the world, he was pulled into stuff like politics and jealousy of his genius, so he never really got to do what he wanted to do without all these people causing problems around him. It's sad to know how lonely of a life he led ever since he was born though. He never had anyone he could truly trust or rely on, or even just someone he could talk to, because his family never cared about him and others would either bully or be jealous of him. He never got to experience the "normal" stuff the heroine provides on their outings. He's so stubborn about keeping everyone at a distance and yet he feels unbearably lonely and vulnerable when he's sick, it was so cute of him to hold on to the heroine's hand in his sleep wanting her to stay. It was sad to see a bit of his past though, all Isaac wanted was to meet the expectations of others and be a good professor, and yet whether it be his students or his colleagues, they all ended up disliking him because of his genius. It's terrible.
It's so cuteee how flustered Isaac gets when the heroine touches him now that he knows he held her hand the whole time he was asleep hahaha. He's so embarrassed, it's adorable. Aww, I find it so cute how Arthur and Dazai are the ones who tease him the most about apples and gravity, yet they're the ones who watch out for him and talk to him about his "love life" hahaha. It's honestly so adorable of Isaac to run away from the heroine, although I do feel sorry for her lol. I'm glad Napoleon approached Isaac to understand what's wrong with him these days lol, it was nice to see him tell Isaac that he was thinking too hard and that he should just follow his instincts rather than constantly thinking. It was also kinda cute to see him run to the heroine, I mean, seeing him so actively seek her was nice for a change. I found it so adorable how he actually said to her that he ran there because he found it intolerable seeing her with another guy, he's so honest and cuteee. I loved how after Isaac invited her to go out on the weekend, this time she was much more fussy over her outfit and everything. It's so cute how shy they are, yet how natural it all feels. HAHAHA, I was like, Isaac saving the heroine after she herself tries to save the children he teaches was so cliche, but then I loved it when he lit up some flour to cause an explosion and then run off successfully, that was fun~ it was cute how he bought her that ribbon she was eyeing and even put it on her hair🥰 I was sad when he couldn't bring himself to force her to answer whether she was going back to her time or not, to be fair though, it is a difficult decision for her, so I think she honestly needs more time, especially since she just kinda realised that she loves Isaac. Can, uh Shakespeare kindly...go away? I don't care about his interest in tragedies blah blah, leave the innocent Isaac alone and stop confusing him! Just let him confess to the heroine, seriously!
Aww, c'mon heroine! Isaac said stuff like instead of the stars that she called beautiful, he'd rather look at her which is prettier or something along the lines of that! Why are you still scared of ascertaining whether he likes you or not?!😭 Isaac has been pretty upfront already, it's time for the heroine to step up her game! Especially when he said he didn't want her to leave and then kinda took it back, like of course he's just trying to be considerate to her! She should know what kind of person he is by now! He'd sacrifice himself for her. Okay, that was unexpected. Right when I was cheering her on to talk to him properly, and she goes to his room, Isaac ends up caving to his bloodlust (due to how it's kinda out of control now since liking her makes the need for blood stronger or whatever) and actually bites her and can't stop! Omggg! Such a terrible situation, he's gonna kill himself with guilt and think that she needs to go home asap... Like, I understand that the heroine feeling groggy after getting bitten and stuff makes her say things that might not express her feelings properly, but I feel like the misunderstanding between Isaac and her was rather forced? It's like, with the amount of words she sputtered out, she could have just told him she was feeling dizzy and couldn't focus properly etc, instead of saying things that would aggravate him even more. Not to say that Isaac is completely right though, since he should have understood that she'd be kinda confused right after waking up, but I'd give him the benefit of doubt considering he's the one feeling the greatest guilt for biting her, breaking the promise that he would never bite her, having to wait for her to wake up in his murder scene of a room, not knowing whether she was dead or not, and just basically having to live with the fact that his love really might kill her one day. So yeah..definitely the heroine was the more careless one, especially with the giving him blanc before food, making his bloodlust get worse, but it's definitely Isaac's fault for knowing how his body is yet still not eating properly on time. Seeing Isaac cry really broke my heart😭😭 I'm so glad Napoleon was there to soothe him. I'm mad at the heroine though. She heard from le Comte that the reason Isaac bit her was because of his deep romantic feelings for her exciting his bloodlust and she still doesn't try to rectify the misunderstanding with Isaac! Sure, there's still other problems, but that's for them to decide and discuss with each other, why is the heroine wallowing in pain about it "being too late" when she hasn't gone back to her time yet? As long as they are still there in that mansion, she can still reach him and talk to him! I guess to be fair though, Isaac always tries to solve his problems by avoiding and ignoring the heroine, so it's probably difficult for her to not feel down about it all, rejection is tough to deal with. I'm glad Dazai kinda woke her up to realise that just parting like this isn't what she really wants though, like do they really want to end things like this when they're both in love with each other?! These silly people.
Hmmm, I see why Isaac hates people, the Royal Society took all his research as "their property" and expelled him when he refused to delve in enough details that they wanted, then they even made it seem like Robert was the one who accused him of plagiarism in order to kick Isaac out. Pretty despicable. And they knew Isaac would believe it because Robert always challenged his ideas. It's kinda interesting though, to see that even though Isaac didn't like Robert very much because he always seemed to reject all his ideas, Robert on the other hand really liked these debates with him because he felt like Isaac was a worthy rival he could intellectually explore so many ideas with. It kinda shows how much he "loves" Isaac by becoming a vampire just to have more debates with him lol. As usual though, he alike all the other "villains" in the routes somehow have their feelings go out of control and explode in negativity and violence, and then they get killed~ I feel sorry for Robert though, he seemed like a genuinely nice guy that just kinda misunderstood what Isaac really wanted. I think Isaac is right that he already spent his original life all on research, so it's about time he lived this life for the other things he wanted such as making bonds with others. Glad to see they've finally made up their minds and confessed their love to each other though~ Aww the romantic ending is pretty nice, I love how Isaac gained the courage to try out being a professor again, and he asked for tips from other teachers so that he would be able to teach his students better and not leave them behind. I think the sweetest thing is that he thinks what's most important is sharing this knowledge he has rather than keeping it all to himself, I think it's great! Btw, Isaac in his professor garb is pretty hot, I like it!! I love the CG of them kissing on the grass or whatever, it was cute~
Overall, I quite enjoyed Isaac's route. I think it fell off a bit at the end with how dramatic it kinda was and how they were acting, but it was understandable why they pushed each other away I guess. Well, mostly Isaac, the heroine was a bit eh for her reasons imo, but that's okay lol, she tries haha. Otherwise, Isaac is a really sweet guy, it's so cute and lovely how considerate of a person he is and how kind he is at the detriment of himself. He's like this hurt and betrayed little puppy that needed the heroine to soothe him and help him learn to trust others again and I'm happy to see that happen. Seeing him grow and open up to others again was really heartwarming and I'm glad to see him not so reserved anymore and instead being able to be more open and honest with everyone. It was nice to see that him choosing to have the life of a vampire really brought him a chance to live a life he never could before.
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always5hineee · 4 years
Hell and Back- Chapter 32: Hanging Tension (Trials 48-49)
Word count: 1820
Chapter warnings: Mild language and dangerous actions
       "Ugh, not pleasant." Baekhyun was muttering through his cup of water as the group surrounded him, asking about his experience in the past few minutes. It was to be expected that he would be a little shaken up, but as soon as he'd come to, he'd already started making fun of the situation. It was his attitude and fleeting tendencies that had gotten him into trouble to begin with, and now he didn't even care?
       "You need to be more careful, stupid," Kai knocked him on the side of the head, causing him to yelp in pain, holding a hand to his ear.
       "What was that for?" He complained in a loud, whining tone.
       "For being stupid." Kai reiterated. "Now let's get on with it."
       "Woah, should we uh, you know," Xiumin cut in. "Give him a second?"
       "No, no, I'm fine-" Baekhyun insisted.
       "As if your choices have landed you anywhere good in the past day." He muttered.
       "It's not like we won't have time to wait if we accept it and decide it's too hard." Chen offered.
       "How do you know? We just finished two trials with time limits. He could get himself killed."
       "We just won't let him do anything." Suho decided.
       "Aww, that's no fair." He pouted.
       "You don't get a say. Y/N?" He turned his attention away from his all-too-quickly recovering friend. "What's next?" She looked down, silently hoping for this set of trials to be complete, even though she knew they had plenty more in this section to go.
       "Uh, well, I mean... do you want truth or dare?"
       "Truth." Chaenyeol cut in. "All the way. We are not doing that again."
       "But hypothetically," Kyungsoo countered, "If the dares are getting harder as we complete them, then the truths will start to do the same as well."
       "We'll just have to take that risk, I guess." Suho shrugged. "I mean, at least the worst we have to deal with in the truth situations are each other. If we were smart, we'd just finish out like that."
       "But being divided for the rest of the trials could be really, really bad." Sehun pointed out nervously, not wanting to refer to the Kai-Kris-Chen drama that hadn't gotten that far into the past yet. In fact, he was surprised that Chanyeol had spoken up and suggested truth to begin with.
       "We just need to grow up. Y/N, go." He said. She clicked it, used to the constant orders at this point, reminding herself that it would be worth it in the end.
       [Truth] 48: Who is the most obnoxious player in the game? You do not need to give an explanation.
       "Oh, great. Now everyone's going to be mad at each other." Sehun muttered under his breath.
       "What if we each just picked the person next to us, regardless of the truth? Then everything is fine." Chanyeol offered.
       "The stupid little app thing hasn't had problems figuring us out before," Xiumin mentioned. "You don't think it'll see through that? Especially since you just said it."
       "It's not listening-"
       "Just-" Suho put a hand to his forehead in concentration. "No one give any explanation, just say someone."
       "You go first, then." Chen said grumpily.
       "Fine." Suho looked around at the group, quickly getting nervous. "I, uh..."
       "Not so easy, huh?"
       "I'll go!" Baekhyun laughed, obviously not taking this seriously (unsurprisingly). "It's gotta be Kyungsoo."
       "Me? Why me?!"
       "I'd tell you, but Suho said not to." He said with a fake air of disappointment. Kyungsoo just rolled his eyes.
       "Well fine, because I think you're the most obnoxious." He countered.
       "Touché, my friend." Baekhyun said in a fake accent. "Who's next?"
       "I think Kris is the most annoying." Chen said with a sideways glare."
       "Ohh, yeah. Real mature." He rolled his eyes. "Well I think Kai's the most annoying." Kai looked taken aback by this, as he didn't know exactly where it came from.
       "What about you, Kai?" Xiumin asked as they watched his slightly ticked off face after Kris's comment.
       "Y/N." Was all he said. Her head snapped in his direction, surprised to say the least. She thought they'd been having a good time, even throughout all this. Was he mad about them sleeping in the same room? Or did it have something to do with the Chen situation? Either way, it kind of hurt her feelings more than she expected.
       "Y/N?" She heard one of them ask as she was trying to process Kai's decision. "You never said who it was for you."
       "Oh, uh..." She thought through all of them. Obviously, she'd been annoyed at everyone at one point or another, since they'd been together for so long. Thinking back over just the course of the trials, though... It was a tough choice. They all had their flaws, and their charms. However, there was one thing that had been pissing her off royally: the treatment like she was incapable, just because she didn't have a power. And there was one anchor from which that had stemmed...
       "Um... I guess Suho." He looked slightly offended in the glint of his eyes, but he tried to keep his visible reaction to a minimal.
       "Same." Chanyeol said out of nowhere.
       "Yeah, same." Xiumin agreed. Again, Suho's face was completely motionless, but she didn't know why they'd jumped on the bandwagon so quickly.
       "Uh, well I think it's Baekhyun." Lay said, trying to take the attention off Suho.
       "Me too." Sehun agreed. It was an easy out. Unfortunately, that attention wasn't going anywhere, as he was the only one who hadn't answered- initially supposed to go first, now left for the last.
       "I think it's me, too." He mumbled under his breath. Laughing jankily, Chen pat his shoulder.
       "Come on, man, there's no way they're gonna accept that."
       "Actually," Y/N showed her phone screen. "They did." Sure enough, the completion screen was shining brightly, then shifting into the Truth or Dare slide again.
       "Do you wanna... talk about it??" He asked with a bit of awkwardness.
       "No, just... do a dare next." He said to Y/N.
       "But I-"
       "Just do it, woman." He said again, glaring up."
       "O-okay." She quickly selected the dare button. Grabbing the phone from her without her permission, Suho read it over.
       "One of us has to hang the other from a high place by holding hands." As ridiculously stupid as that was, he seemed more relieved to deal with that than another truth question. "So, who's going?"
       "What, just like that, we're gonna dangle off a building or something?" Sehun asked.
       "Actually, just one of us." Suho corrected. "Speaking of which, Xiuimn, you're the smallest, so you should probably hang." The boy rolled his eyes.
       "Well you didn't have to put it like that." He whined. "Is this because I said you were obnoxious? Because I didn't mean-"
       "What do you think I am, five?" He growled. "Just do it." Xiumin actually looked scared, but he didn't want to say anything contrary to Suho, espcially not when he was like this.
       "Well, I should hang him, because I'm the tallest." Kris offered.
       "Tall has nothing to do with it." Chen argued. "I'm the strongest."
       "Like hell you are! You're like a half a foot smaller than me!"
       "And? At least I can lift literally anything. Plus, your gross sweaty hands are gonna make him slip-"
       "Excuse me?!"
       "Both of you, shut the fuck up!" Suho yelled, causing them to both freeze. He was really mad. "I'll do it myself." With Suho making the decisions and everyone else wavering in tense silence, he directed them to an apartment building not far from their location. They weren't sure how he knew, but the elevator to the roof didn't require a keycard. The fall from there was also... potentially survivable.
       When they got up there, it was admittedly windy, causing her to shiver a bit. Xiumin walked to the edge with Suho, looking down at the traffic below. Walking up beside them, she put a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look over, eyes wide.
       "It'll be fine." She said, nodding reassuringly. "Don't worry, you're in good hands." With no warning, he slung his arms under hers, burying his face in her chest. She could feel him shaking a little bit, likely not because of the wind. He wasn't nearly as scared of heights as Luhan had been, as he hadn't even considered dropping out yet- no pun intended- but everyone was at least a little bit afraid of falling.  
       "What if he drops me?"
       "He's not going to." He didn't really believe her. "It'll be fine, Xiumin, just pretend you're a pigeon or something." She felt a significant chill run up his spine under her hand.
       "That's not helpful." He said, pulling back as he felt Suho's eyes boring into the back of his school. She gave him the space to prepare himself for his hang. Standing next to the rest of the group, Kai noticed her wrap her arms around herself as the wind grazed over her skin.
       "You seem cold. Do you want my j-" Before he could even finish his sentence, she put a hand up.
       "No, thanks, wouldn't want to add any more inconvenience to your life than I already am."        
       "Shh. They're doing the trial." And with that, she stonewalled him as Suho grabbed onto Xiumin's forearm, helping him over the wall so that he could hang. Only after the first few seconds, she heard his tiny voice through the wind.
       "Hey, uh, did it say how long we had to do this for?" He asked, trying not to sound panicked.
       "Um, no." She said, looking down at the screen. "I guess you're just going to have to wait until it says 'complete'. He tried to stifle the groan that left his mouth, followed shortly by Suho's deeper voice.
       "Stop squirming, I'm gonna drop you." A moment later- "I said stop!"
       "Suho, you're making him nervous." Sehun said angrily. "Cut it out."
       "It's not my fault he's moving around so much!"
       "You're not helping!"
       "Well maybe you should have been the one to do it then!"
       "You didn't give anyone a choice!"
       "Everyone stay quiet until the challenge is complete!" She demanded, nearly causing Suho to spin around and snap at her too before he remembered that he was kind of in the middle of something. The second minute passed, then the third. Finally, eyes glued to her phone, the screen shifted at the five minute mark.
       "It's done, pull him up." Suho didn't move to help him right away, causing Y/N to go and pull him up as well. Suho stepped back, saying nothing, as Xiumin reattached himself to her. She ran her hand over the back of his hair.
       "It's fine, it's all done, we're gonna go back inside, okay?"
Go to Chapter 33
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thcmpscn · 5 years
‘’NIGHT CONVO’’ – Meston.
LOC: preston’s apartment. @fckmonax
knocks on the door, super nervous but also excited
takes a deep breath before opening the door “You made it in time, dinners almost ready. Come in”
grins “Yeah, of course. This has been all I could think about literally since we planned it.” steps inside and kisses his cheek
pulls her in for a quick hug after she kisses him “You’re hype for a chicken salad?”
“I’m so hype for chicken salad.” lingers in the hug for a bit before heading towards the kitchen “It’s kinda weird but I always wonder how the flavor of food transitions into breast milk. Like what will Venecia taste when I get back home? So many questions.”
“I read somewhere that food makes your milk taste saltier or sweeter, depending on what you eat.” says as they both walk into the kitchen “you’re the only person I know that would get hype for a chicken salad” laughs
“Huh. Honestly, poor kid. Unable to enjoy actual good food. Has to settle for breastmilk.” leans back against the counter, arms crossed over her chest “What can I say? I find pleasure in the little things.”
''I'm pretty sure milk is her favorite thing in the whole wide world right now.'' chuckles before looking at her for a sec. ''You look nice tonight.''
“Wow, she’s not nearly as complex as I thought she was.” chuckles, glances down at her outfit despite knowing exactly what she chose “Oh this? I just kinda threw something on. My only qualification was that it didn’t have spit up on it. Thanks though.”
''She really isn't. It'll be a minute before she's just as complex as her mama, though.'' chuckles ''You're welcome. Next time we're having burgers, no salad.''
“I’m both excited and terrified for that when that day comes.” rolls eyes “It’s gotta be a really, really special occasion. But sure, we’ll have burgers at some point.”
''You'll experience what its like to handle Ramona Mason. It's a lot, I'll tell you that.'' smirks and squints his eyes ''Every single time you see me is a special occasion, keep that in mind.''
“Yikes, it’ll be like karma coming for me.” grins and shakes her head “So. When are we eating? Not gonna lie, I definitely came over here primarily for the food.”
''It really will be like that.'' shakes head and sighs before letting out another chuckle in serving her plate. ''There you go, hopefully you enjoy the only reason you came here for''
“I really wanted to bring her her tonight by the way. Like why not? She’s a baby, it’s not like she’s distracting or anything. Fabian literally made me pump and leave her though.” smiles widely as he fixes her plate, takes a seat at the table “Fix yours too. It’d be rude of me to eat alone in someone else’s home.”
''It's alright, makes sense he wouldn't want her here. We'll take it slow, I guess.'' reassures her before shaking his head. ''No, it's alright. I already ate two burgers on my way here, I'm good. – and, someone else's home? really?''
“Still, it’s annoying. He’s annoying. nods and proceeds to take a bite of her chicken salad “P, stop. You know what I mean. Not that I don’t feel at home here, but you literally cooked for me and it’d be super rude of me to proceed to eat without checking if you were as well. That’s all I meant.”
''He's being a dad and an ex, It can't be easy.'' sighs before nodding ''I get that but you'll have to get used to me cooking for you without worrying if I ate or not''
rolls her eyes “I guess.” continues eating “Ooor you could just wait to eat until you’re with me next time. Could be like a lil family dinner.”
“Good idea, I’ll wait for you next time if I manage to not go crazy with hunger. - is your food good?”
“The food’s amazing.” makes a show of taking another bite and moaning “Love having my own personal chef.”
laughs and shakes head “Yeah, nothing’s free in life, you’re gonna have to pay for that food.”
raises brows “Is paying you with my presence not enough?”
“Give me a kiss and we’re good” smirks
is taken aback for a sec, chuckles before shaking her head “Nah, my breath smells like chicken salad.”
hums “I guess this boutta be the last time I cook for you, then.”
groans and stands “Fine. It’s just a little weird that chicken salad breath is what you’re into.” leans in and firmly kisses his lips
cups her face and kisses her harder, lingering for a sec
smiles contentedly as he moves away “This is really fun, but I think we’re supposed to be talking, right?” lightly strokes his cheek “We should talk before anything else.”
“You’re right” nods, taking a deep breath “Finish your food and we’ll talk”
sighs, is kinda nervous “Ok. But in the meantime, tell me how your day was?” slips back into her seat, eats
“It was good. There was a big group of people ordering a lot of food and they kept me on my toes for the entirety of my shift but it was alright, I enjoyed it. - My neck is killing me, though.” runs a hand through his neck. “How was yours?”
pouts as she listens to his story, finishes up the last of her food “And then you really came home and cooked again? It’s almost as if you love overworking yourself.” stands to put her plate in the sink, takes his hand and leads him over to the couch “My day was good. Pretty much the exact same as all of my days lately. Ven woke up at around 6 and I fed her. We went back to sleep until like 8 and repeated the process. Then I chatted a bit over text with an old family friend of mine who is apparently seeing Kayla. Watched some tv. Did mom shit. Not a very exciting day.” positions herself behind him in the couch and begins firmly massaging his neck
“I don’t mind cooking for you. I enjoy it, actually. - I’ll watch it later, leave it there.” takes her hand and follows. Moaning softly when he felt her hands on his neck. “Is Ven doing alright? Like, in general? Does she have doctors appointments and such?” moans quietly again. “How did I not know you were so good at this?”
“Yeah, she’s doing amazing. Hitting all her milestones. She actually had an appointment Thursday of last week and didn’t even cry when she got her shots. I found that both admirable and terrifying.” continues massaging him, overall feeling really calm and comfortable in the situation
“She’s already a champ, I love that.” pauses “So, let’s just talk about what happened and all that. — Are you ready to star a new relationship?”
“Ugh. I love her.” freezes for a second before continuing the massage “I’ve honestly kinda learned my lesson with answering that question. Truth is, I don’t know. But I think so.”
“I’m not tryna’ make you go from a relationship to another. We can be together, take things slowly.” shrugs “Like, we don’t gotta move in together right away or do anything too drastic. Just enjoy ourselves, be there for each other and the rest will happen organically.”
manages to be caught off guard by the conversation despite knowing it was planned “I think I would really appreciate that. That’s what I was mostly scared of, I think. The whole jumping into things. I have a tendency to do that and I feel like it always ends poorly.” hesitates “I guess I’m also kind of afraid of the judgment.”
“It would be best if we just took it like a couple of kids, just enjoying ourselves until we both feel we’re ready to aim higher.” sighs “People won’t judge what they don’t know and they don’t gotta know about us until you want to.”
“I think I’d like that. Just opening ourselves up to something happening, but also not forcing anything.” smiles “I don’t want you to be a secret though.” sighs “As much as I hate the idea of us being judged, I hate the idea of us only being behind closed doors even more.”
“It’s up to you, bbygirl.” shrugs “I’m fine with whatever you decide”
“P, I am not keeping you a secret.”
“Alright, that’s good.” nods “How do we go about this?”
“Uh, I don’t actually. know. I literally always just dive right into the deep end of these things.” chuckles “Let’s just maybe start by making every night like tonight? Maybe some days? Like when’s the next time you’re off?”
shakes head and turns to face her. “First thing first.” pauses “Do you wanna be my girl? Like, officially. No messin’ around with other people, no nothing. Just the two of us.”
“Wait... so an open relationship isn’t an option?” laughs
“An open relationship between you, me, myself, yourself, all of us.” smirks
“Ohh, ok. Well in that case, I’m totally on board.” smirks before leaning in to kiss him
kisses her back, breaking the kiss to pull her into a hug “I never thought I’d see the day” chuckles, pulling away
“I never thought I’d see the day.” laughs “Seriously, I remember the day we first met and you seemed so unimpressed.”
“I was unimpressed, believe me.” chuckles “I was like, another rich, entitled, white girl. Groundbreaking.”
rolls eyes “Well I’m glad you gave me the opportunity to prove you wrong.”
“The minute you started talking about weird shit, I knew you were different.” laughs
laughs, checks phone for any updates on ven, sighs “So now what?”
“Now we say goodbye and you go home to that cute little baby of yours and we see each other tomorrow.” smiles
pouts “But I don’t want to say goodbye.” frowns “But I also want to know what Ven’s up to.”
“She’s probably missing her mama.” pulls her in for another kiss “It’ll ve tomorrow before you know it.” kisses her again
“Probably. Imagine having me smothering you every second of every day and suddenly I’m just not there?” frowns “She’s probably freaking out right now and Fabian just doesn’t want to say anything and make it seem like he doesn’t know what he’s doing.” sighs and stands
“it’s okay, you said she was always calm and collected, Im sure she’s not freaking out. Just missing you.” walks her to the door. “Text me, alright?”
“Yeah, but maybe that’s because I’m always around?” stops once she gets to the door, turns to face him “Yeah, of course. I’ll text you once I’m there and settled.”
“Please do, let me know how she’s been in your absence.” leans forward and presses his lips against hers. “Go, we’ll talk in a minute.”
kisses him back, smiles and waves before walking out of the door
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secretlifeofacloud · 6 years
Molly and Nott leave Caleb alone at a party and he ends up meeting Fjord.
'Caleb watches a smile spread on Fjord’s face and he feels himself reciprocating it, he flushes and he has to turn away, biting his lip. They stand in silence again, but this time it feels more comfortable, easier somehow. Caleb realizes that at some point one of them must have moved closer because they were almost touching, shoulder to shoulder.'
“I am having a party.” Jester head dangles upside down on the edge of the bed. “Are you going to come?”
Molly leans against the bed so his head is next to hers. “I don’t see why not.” He smiles at her as she swings her hair back and forth. “What’s the occasion?”
“I’m bored and my mother agreed.”She explains simply as she begins to toy with the jewelry on Molly’s horns. “It’s tomorrow and I can only be there for a hour.”
“And why is that?” Molly gives her a confused look.
“My mom doesn’t want me causing any “trouble”, whatever that mean.” Molly laughs as she flip onto her stomach. “Which is stupid because it’s my party, but I’ll think of something.” She waves it off.
“I wish you luck with that.” Molly gives her a smile, she beams back.
“Oh!” She perks up as she moves to the ground to sit down next to him. “You’ll make sure Caleb comes right?” Jester grabs his arm in question. “I do worry about him staying inside with his books all the time. He has Nott, but he needs more people time.”
“Well,” Molly rubs at his face a little, “it might be a bit hard, but I’m sure if I can convince Nott to come then Caleb will follow.”
“Oh good!” Jester claps her hands together. “Make sure they have lots of fun if I don’t see them.”
‘I will my dear.” Molly kisses her on the cheek and she giggles. “Now where did we leave off?”
“K.” Jester smooths down her dress.
“Hm.” Molly hums in thought looking up at the ceiling. “Kraken.” He faces her with a smile. “Your turn. L.”
The drum is loud as it keeps a steady beat while the elven woman sings in her native tongue the lyrics echoing along the tree line in the forest. Some stayed to the side talking and laughing, while others danced around the roaring bonfire, either way everyone was enjoying their time. Caleb didn’t like crowds, they were noisey and everyone was always pushed against each other, he didn’t like to be touched either. He stays to the side observing the party goers, making no move to join, food and drink is free, so there’s that. Of course it wasn’t his idea to come, he was dragged here by his “friends”, Nott and Mollymauk. Mollymauk thought he didn’t get out enough and needed to have more fun, Nott more or less agreed, though he was pretty sure she wanted to go because she had an itch and didn’t want to go with just Molly. Caleb finally agreed because he was pretty sure that Nott was going to get in trouble at some point during the night and he was going to need to bail her out somehow. He didn’t agree with Molly that he needed to get out more, he had plenty of fun with his book and learning new spells, it was all the fun and excitement he needed at the moment.
Caleb had lost Nott in the crowd sometime ago, Molly had stayed by his side for a while after Nott disappeared before getting distracted by someone in the distance, he left with an apology and a wink. So he drank by himself and talked to no one, on occasion someone would come over and ask to dance, which he would always reply with a no thank you, they would always shrug it off and continue on their way. Molly had also convinced him that he wouldn’t need his coat or books, that he wouldn’t need them for a party, he regrets listening to him now, feeling bare as he stands in his tunic alone. His coat acted as a security blanket of sorts, covering him from the world around him, shielding him from other people and their stares, and now he felt bare and open. It was not the best feeling.
“You get dragged here too?” Caleb jumps at the sudden voice at his side, he turns his head to see a half orc man standing beside him, looking out at the crowd in front of them with a bored expression as he drinks from his cup.
Caleb instantly looks away to stare at his own cup, he furrowed his eyebrows a bit before speaking. “Y-Yes. Am I that obvious?” He winces at his own words hearing how awkward they sound.
“Not too obvious.” The man chuckles a little. “I could just see you look as bored as I feel at the moment.” Caleb glances over at him real quick before staring back at the people.
He was handsome. Very nice to look at. He has a strong jaw and his skin has a nice blue to green color that looked vibrant by the fire. That and his voice is deep with a southern drawl. Caleb feels a butterfly flaps it wings in his stomach, he ignores it. Caleb doesn’t say anything in response and they stand off to the side listening to the music.
“‘m Fjord.” The man says suddenly, Caleb looks up to see he’s looking at him this time and he feels his face heat up.
“What?” Caleb asks stupidly, tilting his head a bit looking at Fjord’s nose avoiding eye contact.
One side of his mouth quirks up in a half smile. “The names Fjord.” He extends his hand.
“Caleb.” He looks at Fjords hand for a moment before slowly reaching out take his hand.
The half orcs hand is much larger than Caleb’s also much warmer than his, which Caleb finds just a tad ironic. Once the handshake is over Caleb brings his hand back to his side immediately.
“I don’t usually come to these things, but Beau said free drinks so I thought it couldn’t be that bad.” Fjord talks with ease, Caleb can only guess Beau is the person that dragged him here.
“My friends brought me here very much against my will.” He sighs swirling his drink a bit. “Then they decided to abandoned me.” He manages a sarcastic smile up at the half orc.
Caleb is surprised when Fjord gives a laugh. “I get where you're coming from, she ditched me to go find her girlfriend or somethin’.” He takes a swig of his drink. “Traitor.” Fjord mutters under his breath and Caleb gives a slight laugh.
“To our abandoners.” Caleb says holding out his drink to Fjord.
“Cheers.” Fjord smirks as they clink their cups together. They drink.
Caleb watches a smile spread on Fjord’s face and he feels himself reciprocating it, he flushes and he has to turn away, biting his lip. They stand in silence again, but this time it feels more comfortable, easier somehow. Caleb realizes that at some point one of them must have moved closer because they were almost touching, shoulder to shoulder.
“Caleb!” He jumps as Molly appears out of practically nowhere and wraps an arm around his shoulder. “How are you doing darling?” The tiefling brings Caleb in close so he can rest his head on the wizards shoulder, his horns grazing his face a bit.
“Fine.” He says mutely, Fjords moves a step away from Caleb.
“Oh good.” Molly lifts his head to look at him. “I was worried you’d be freaking out by now, but your doing fine!” Caleb can smell the alcohol on his breath.
“How are you doing?” Caleb asks between Molly’s eyes making sure he was still the least bit functioning.
“I’m alright sweetheart.” Molly pats the side of Caleb’s face as he leans in close to his ear. “I won’t be coming home with you and Nott tonight. Keep your new friend entertained for the both of us” He whispered before giving Caleb a wink and walking away. “Have fun!” Molly yells over his shoulder with a wave.
Caleb feels his face heat up and hopes that Fjord hasn’t noticed how red he is, he watches after Molly with a slight glare.
“Nice boyfriend you got there.” Fjord’s voice is relaxed but his posture is stiff.
Caleb lets out a quick bark of laughter making Fjord’s head snap to look at him in confusion.
“Molly is not my boyfriend.” Caleb explains amused. “He is just a very touchy, flirty tiefling.” He looks at the space between them.
“Oh.” Fjord cocks his head to the side in thought. “Good to know.” He looks like he’s about to say something else, but is cut off when Jester comes running into his side.
“Caleb you came!” She says excitedly squeezing him in a hug. “I have not seen you in like forever!” Jester pulls back just a bit to look at him with a wide smile.
“Hello Jester.” Caleb pats her with one hand, struggling for air at the tight hug. “I am having trouble breathing.”
“Sorry.” She says simply before letting go, Jester’s gaze wanders from Caleb to the man standing next to him. “Ohh, Caleb.” Her smile spreads into a cheshire grin. “I did not know you had made a new friend.” Jester extends her hand to Fjord. “I’m Jester.”
Fjord looks over at Caleb real quick before reaching out to shake Jesters hand. “Fjord.” He gives her a smile.
“Nice to meet you Fjord.” She sounds as if she were holding back a round of giggles. “I have to go home now, but Caleb,” Jester turns back to the wizard, “have fun with your new friend Fjord.” She gives him a nudge with her elbow before skipping off.
“Well she’s.” Fjord looks after her thinking of a word to describe Jester. “Very nice and uh,  eccentric?” He turns his gaze back to Caleb and smiles amused. “Both of your friends.”
“Yes they are.” Caleb smiles back. “It’s a good way to describe them.”
“Anyone else you expectin’ to come runnin’ by.” Fjord asks jokingly with a small chuckle.
“Possibly Nott, but I’m sure she’ll stay out of sight until she gets in trouble.” Caleb explains only half joking, knowing the goblin girls tendencies.
Fjord nods. “Well in that case.” Without another word he slides closer to Caleb until he bumps into his side and leans down so his face is closer. “Hey.” He says softly.
“Hi.”Caleb says just as softly.
They’re back to talking. They don’t talk about anything that matters or anything important. Fjord talks about his time as a sailor out on the sea, tells stories about the crew members and their lives, his life on the boat, the people he’s at met along his travels, the harsh seas. Caleb talks about his bookstore, the strange people that come in, his time with Nott, his cat Frumpkin, his magic and spells, teaches Fjord a few Zemnian words for the fun of it. Caleb learns Fjord’s allergic to cats. Fjord learns that Caleb gets seasick easily. Yet discussion continues. Nothing to stop the easiness of the conversation that flows between them.
The singular butterfly in Caleb’s stomach turns into two, then three, then four, then five, they continue to grow into more and more. With each word and touch Caleb’s heart races and he blames it on how long he’s been without someone. He’s not drunk, but he feels just slightest bit tipsy. Caleb grows braver with each drink they have occasionally reaching out to touch at Fjords arm, liking the dark tint that comes to the half orcs face when he does it. Caleb thinks it’s silly to be so enamored by a man he had just met, but he can’t help all the feelings that fill him when Fjord looks at him.
“We go back and forth, but yeah I’m originally from Port Damali.” He shrugs a shoulder at the mention of his home. “But we always come back here the most for shipments.” Caleb nods in thought.
“How long until you go back?” Caleb asks not looking up, instead focusing on their feet.
“I got two weeks left.” Fjord reaches out with his free hand, his fingertips brushing along Calebs. “‘nough time.” Caleb looks up at the muttered words to see Fjord looking down at him with tinted cheeks and questioning eyes.
Caleb lets a small smile pass over his lips before looking down at their hands and taking Fjords in his.
“It is plenty of time.” Caleb whispers up at him.
Plenty of time to get to know each other. Plenty of time to talk. Plenty of time to see if they are what they want from each other. Plenty of time to kiss, to hold, to touch. Plenty of time for Caleb to feel hurt if things go well and Fjord leaves. But he doesn’t want to think about that right now, about how fast this evening has gone by, how fast his heart was racing, how fast he’s falling. No. Right now he focuses on Fjord’s hand in his and how Fjord leans down slowly and how he feels his eyes start to close.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” An angry voice yells and attention is drawn towards the center of the crowd where Nott stands frozen like a deer in headlights in front of a man.
“Nott. I have to go.” Caleb keeps his eye on Nott as he pulls away from Fjord. “I will see you again ja?” He asks, slowly pulling away from the half orc.
“Of course.” Fjord says keeping his face cool, but his voice gives away his excitement at the thought of seeing Caleb soon. “Where can I find you?”
“My book shop.” Caleb starts walking towards the conflict. “Good bye Fjord!” He calls out.
“Good bye Caleb.” Fjord says to himself, a smile stuck on his face.
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