#and now I'm just over the whole thing woops lol
unusualwhatsits · 1 year
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Can this count as a WIP Wednesday if I never intend to finish it. Spidey!Will's design by Kidovna
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yume-x-hanabi · 1 year
So, bit of a life update because it's been... almost two months? since I last properly logged here (I had some stuff in the queue, but I think it ran out after a while, woops). Getting a bit personal, so the rest is under cut.
Honestly the main reasons are simply, I'm busy, and exhausted. Not a good combination lol
I haven't had proper relaxing time for me since at least a year and a half. Summer holidays are supposed to be the time when I can finally relax responsibility-free for a month and a half to get over usually hectic second semesters. Except last July my grandma had a fall, and while she's fine, long story short she's now in a nursing home and we spent the whole summer and lots of free time during the following months clearing her house (which was. a mess).
On top of that I'd bought an apartment (yay) in a building that's still under construction, and while that's great because it means I could customize it the way I want, it also meant spending a lot of time going here and there to choose floorings, furniture, and lots appointments (bank, notary...) etc etc. And now that it's in the final stage we're running into issues because the notaries aren't agreeing about some conditions, so the deed signing date recently had to be postponed, which'll leave me very little time to schedule the actual move (I have to be out of my current place by the end of the month). Super stressful. And also busy--spent nearly two days last week playing telephone game with the developer, the notary's office, the bank... and we still haven't solved the issue as of now orz
On top of that, this past school year has been super intense, I took on more admin responsibilities, which, while fun, consume a lot of time and focus, which put me behind on my regular class prep and grading, which just generally added to the mental load. Also I had to take lessons on Saturday mornings for my teaching certificate, which is also something that ate into my time and energy this year.
This all kinda came crashing down on me in early June when I just... kinda shut down for about two weeks. I had 4 super important tasks/projects to do, and for those two weeks I made progress on none of them. I just kinda froze, not knowing where to start, and my focus was allllll over the place, could not keep it on one thing for the life of me (there may or may not be suspicion of adhd at play, I'll have to look into it more and see someone about it, but... no time atm orz)
I managed to pull through in the end (well, one of the things is postponed to August so I have more time to do it thankfully), but I'm completely mentally exhausted. So yeah, I kinda gave up checking tumblr for a while, bc I just didn't have the mental capacity for that.
In happier news Missy is still as silly as ever, my niece is the cutest, I got a baby blahaj yesterday to go with my big one, Dreamcatcher's new mini-album is wonderful, and once everything is solved and I can move in it'll be awesome to live in my own place. Also I went to TwoSetViolin's world tour show in Berlin last week-end and it was awesome :D (might make a separate post about it later)
And now I need to start packing. Gonna be a busy month again 😅
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someone1348 · 2 years
Okay okay sooo this is going to be a rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles (or rottmnt 2018) kind of tickle rant post /pos because I got lots to say and no where/one to say it too! You can ignore this if you want to but I promise my next post we will be back to our regularly scheduled program of the glorious Dreamsmp!
Sorta spoilers ahead I guess! I just detailed some scenes and gave the episode it's from!
Also they are brothers everything is platonic thank you and enjoy!
My boysssss!! Ahh!
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Where do I even start!!
Okay okay! I am going to start off with my boy!!!
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-Mr Primetime!
-I love him wayyyy to much!
-When I started watching the show a few days ago and I saw him I said "oh no, here we go again another blue character with a great sense of humor, charm and a playful attitude, my one weakness!" And I was RIGHT! He is fantastic! /pos /hj /lh
-IM SO MAD WE GET NO LER!LEO we got Lee!Leo in the show cannon, so I'm not complaining but STILLL the lee in me wants something! A few crumbs is all /hj /pos /nsrs
-He's such a bratty switch I swear! I can never tell what side he's leaning more towards by the end of it, he's just smack dab in the middle and I love it!
-I headcannon that he loves making people laugh and hearing them laugh because of one of his one liners or something he did just makes him all warm and happy inside, although he would never admit that, so tickling is a perfect win in his books especially when it comes to his brothers/the people he cares about the most
-Leo is absolutely 1000% the type to not only tickle someone just for the fun of it but he is also GREAT at cheer up tickles!
-He is everyone's personal hype man! So his cheer up tickles, most of the time, he can adapt lol, are a one way train ticket to compliment ville! Woop woop! All aboard people! Captain Leo coming through! /lh /pos
-He's a squirmy lee as we've seen in the 'Mystic Library' Season 1 episode 20, his giggles are all over the place and just so amazing! He quite literally loses all control of his body so tickle him with caution! And he will always get revenge so be prepared to run! And good luck!
-Whenever he does get tickled it's most of the time Donnie being the ler. Or Raph but yeah, With the siblings bond they share it's bound to be him most of the time if not all of the time! Donnie gets some much needed Revenge time and Leo gets tickled, It's a win win regardless!
-He will always provoke, never EVER will he ask for it, unless raph tells him to say it or else he won't get tickled, but other than that he refuses to admit it! Especially not to Donnie!
-Have I mentioned how teasy he is! I can't stress that enough!
-Also he 100000% uses puns/jokes in his tickling as a part of his teasing and or provoking but yeah it's simply Leo!
-He also has/can do that teasy voice where a person can soften/lower their voice and drag out syllables and just AH! (Okay okay I'll stop I just ahhh leoo!!! *clears throat* anyway! /lh /pos)
-OH one last thing! He absolutely uses his portals to tickle people, he's used it to scratch his own back the possibilities are endless, he has definitely tickled people that way!
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-I have A LOT! to say about Donnie so strap in people!!! Here we go!
-Imma start off with Ler!Donnie because I haven't seen many talks/thoughts on it! And I have a lott! to say!
-SO! Starting off with what we know, Donnie is the tech man of course but in the one tickle scene from 'Many Unhappy Returns' Season 2 episode 2! HE HAS A TICKLE MECHINE JUST ON DECK TOO! Sorta its a feather attached to his bo staff but he just HAS IT UMM HELLO! /pos That was so awesome! He's so a ler lean! Like ah! Amazing!
-this is the other thing on my mind BUT! In Season 1 episode 5 when splinter steals the tank and he goes "Oh Papa if you surrender now! There Shan't be any consequences!" THAT FELT SO LER CODED! like that whole scene gave me such ler vibes/energy!! You can't tell me after hearing that that the bros have hid from him before and he's tickled them out of it! Also Splinter saying "I am not taking the fall for this, purple is a monster!" Uh yeah a huge tickle monster who should never be messed with, do not underestimate bootyyyshaker9000 that's the lesson of the day!
-Mikey is his favorite to tickle, you would think it would be Leo But it's really Mikey! I could talk for hours about the bond those two share but I'll keep it down for now!
-He absolutely (other than the one we saw) Absolutely has invented more tickle tech things! Honestly an adorable thought to go with this headcannon is that he's made something like that for Mikey, like a peice of amor that only activates when Mikeys being silly or something (Like the Donnies gifts episode) and it just tickles him before he even understands what's happening
-He's a genius! You mix a smart guy and a ler in one! Boom Tickle Tech!
-He absolutely made more too after that battle seeing as how effective it was against the enemy, he keeps it in his battle shell now cause' you never know when you might need to use it!
-He will absolutely use tickles to cheat in video games too! Anything to be #1!
-Also his Nicknames for everyone!
-Donnie is just so amazing!
-Now Lee!Donnie! I've seen a lot and I agree with most of it! So here's what I'm adding! He's Lee moods are rare but the only person he feels comfortable with going too when a lee mood does set in is Mikey! Little by little He's slowly warming up to everybody but it's just perfect!
-Lee!Donnie to me, what I picture at least is just giggle city! He doesn't squirm much/at all but he's just full of giggles! If you hit the jackpot though it's loud, genuine and amazing! Go Donnie!
-PLEASE DO ME A FAVOR AND SAY YOU'RE PROUD OF HIM! Compliment him! Especially in the middle of tickling him he will GLOW!
-He absolutely has a ticklish shell
-I feel like he wouldn't want it touched/isn't comfortable with that but he gives you the go ahead I think that is the jackpot
-He's so amazing!
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-Deserves more attention I swear!
-This man cannonically has Autophobia (The fear of being alone) and I think that just adds an extra layer to him but also lee!Raph
-With this being Cannon I feel like one of the ways the boys would snap him out of his crazy state is to tickle him and remind him that they are here and that they are never going anywhere and that he's not alone and I just think it's so cute!
-Another thing with this to me is if they are ever playing hide and seek (with or without the tickle twist) he has to hide with someone every time if he's not seeking
-Because of his oldest brother role and overall strength he doesn't get tickled as often he's normally the one doing the tickling but I really feel like he enjoys tickles, give him some, He deserves them! He's doing great!
-Random thought but I feel like the spikes he can grow on his shell are really ticklish!
-His brothers have all absolutely tickled him to calm his emotions when things start getting out of control
-OH and Donnie has absolutely tickled him until he actually came up with a plan, Donnie said it was "training" it technically was but he also used it as an excuse to tickle him
-Now Ler!Raph! Oooo boy!
-He has absolutely used his mystic forms hands to tickle people! (Like Leo and his portals!) I think he did in the 'Many Unhappy Returns' tickle scene I don't remember but still!
-He's so gentle when he tickles most people (Leo is the exception, and bad guys of course!) He doesn't want to accidentally hurt anyone but he's also just a more gentle guy! We love him so much!
-His tickles are a bit all over the place too as well as his teases because he's not good with plan making and teases in general but he'll always leave you giggling and sometimes your face reder than his bandanna
-He just loves making people happy so tickling people is just a total win in his books!
-Such a sweetheart AH! Just don't make him mad! Haha!
Last but not least!!!
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-Dr Delicate Touch
-Starting off with that! "Dr Delicate Touch" as we know, there is nothing Delicate about it! Haha! But as my Segway he ABSOLUTELY has used that name before tickling others It's their equivalent of the "Tickle monster" Like to his brothers (*Cough* Donnie *Cough*) He would say something like "Uh ohhh I think someone needs a visit from Dr Delicate Touch" and then proceeds to tickle them
-A lot of people see him as a lee! And I agree! He is very Lee coded being the youngest and everything, just by the way he acts! But I see him more as a Lee-Lean rather than just a full Lee
-My reason for this is because in the "Many Unhappy Returns" episode when the tickle scene happened he was the first one to call it out the whole "We found a tickle spot!" Bit and he seemed really happy about it so I think he does enjoy being ler but because of the way he is he's more of a lee
-Mikey is so fun as a Ler! His tickles are fast and all over the place but in an organized way if that makes any sense at all
-He's the type to point out little things the lee is doing and tease like that but in different voices
-He'll play different characters or put on new voices when he's tickling someone just to keep it interesting and upbeat
-Oh and he's absolutely used a paintbrush to tickle someone, art is his thing! He's gotta have done it once!
-Very vocal teases
-Now as a Lee! Ohoho boy!
-He has been targeted by everyone so there is no set Ler for him but he would argue that it's Donnie!
-He's got the loudest laugh out of them all, Leo is a close second, but his laugh is also all over the place when he's tickled, he can go from big loud laughs to sweet honey giggles! Either way he is a walking tickle spot!
-He gets tickled for everything, Here's how the list goes, When he's doing something reckless and someone needs to stop him it's Raph on the case! He outright just provokes Leo and For Donnie it's for comfort
-He absolutely has hidden in his shell to make the tickles stop or to just get his ler mad but either way it's always a giggle fest when that happens and it takes every ounce of teasing in the Ler's arsenal to get him out of his shell
-We've all collectively agreed that his death spot is his underarms right? Fantastic yes! /pos
-He got a taste of his own medicine once with being tickled by a paint brush and he absolutely lost it he can't handle his own medicine!
-Physical teases get him the most though, stuff like stopping mid way through and then starting up again or those fake attacks where they look like they're going to tickle you and then stop just inches before they reach your tickle spots, and just slower tickles in general he can't handle that!
-He's so great!
I LOVE THEM SO MUCH! I just wanted to share my thoughts so I hope you enjoy! :]
-K :]
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lau-ry · 1 year
Two things about Baldurs gate :
1) it's a great game
2) i expect too much of it apparently and it is so frustrating argh
Half of the time i'm not sure what i'm supposed to do at all. Other half there are too many ways to solve a problem but somehow all of them either not easy to guess (aside from "kill them all" and "find a secret passage") or not the things my character would do.
I hate to break immersion to rewind again and again because things go straight opposite from where i expected. It's realistic may be but so SO frustrating.
(Someone tell me, is there a way to save the gnoms from Nere that is not killing off the whole fortress. I spent two days on it and feel very stupid)
Also, with so many moving parts of the plot, they often don't come together that great.
Like why Laezel starts a fight with Shadowheart over the artifact when Tav has it and Tav decide what to do with it. She should have tried to steal it or better yet just go report to a first somewhat reasonable gith and then help them chop down our party. (yes, it looks like there are no reasonable giths around, but she does not seem to realise that)
Actually the whole artifact thing is strange, Shadowheart is way too chill about it transferring to Tav. This mission is currently her whole meaning in life and she is just "woops, that happens, i guess it's yours now".
Also how the people who "wait in the camp" still has artifact's protection ?
Also that magical subspace camp on itself, how does it even work (i bet companions hate to be left there because they then have to pack and carry and unpack again all that unnecessary stuff, lol)
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skaldish · 2 years
The gender thing is fascinating because Im a Jew who grew up in a very conservative Christian farm town and I got on best with the few people of color and the people raised by hippies and now I'm thinking about how we all were the most okay with being openly affectionate with each other even if it just meant a hug when we saw each other. (There is a whole element to this for black people against homophobia but at the same time they still would hug when they saw you, it's complicated).
Then when i went to college my friends were all first generation Americans or immigrants from all over the world. Then i lived in Israel for a year and both jews and arabs were so loving in their male relationships. I taught at an arab school and guys were constantly hugging and having their arms around each others shoulders, even to me as their teacher for the oldest guys in the school there was a lot of arm around the shoulder (lots of hugs but kids hug teachers everywhere lol).
Fascinating since for the more extreme ends of both cultures there are rules against physical intimacy with the opposite sex (was super weird for me as someone who'd been hugging his girl friends his whole life. Almost hugged my host teacher close friend once not thinking and she like jumped away like no! Thats super not allowed! Woops, ended up fine). I think it fills a void, but not ideal since there is an even bigger intimacy gap as a result between men and women. It's one of the smaller reasons i didn't stay, i need physical affection from my friends and i only got it from guys there which left me feeling weird.
Idk how much i contributed to this post but it's another culture thats pretty different but ends up with different problems. Women still have major guards up because the no touching rules end up with men being even more alien and predatory seeming (and my god there was a lot of open misogyny and cat calling and the like), but men still were very casually affectionate with each other. So i guess my point is that men being affectionate with each other isn't even enough but it did make me feel loved in some regards i only got from non white&christian friends at home? Idk.
*nods* It's always great to hear the perspective of other people who have a different cultural experience. I don't think a lot of American men know that men are affectionate to each other in other cultures...or else they chalk it up to some kind of effeminacy, or use some other conspiracy thinking to draw conclusions. (Something something Alex Jones going on about gay frogs.)
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walks-the-ages · 2 years
You said that legends Luke Skywalker is canonically a-spec, so I'd like to see the excerpts. Not in a confrontational "prove it to me" sorta way but a "I'm curious" sorta way.
I don't have the books or ebooks on hand, but it's Barbara Hambly's duology Children of The Jedi / The Planet of Twilight books with Callista.
Yes, I say Duology, not Trilogy, because the piece of shit who wrote the book in the middle of these two is a piece of crap misogynyst dudebro who wrote an entire trilogy about Luke running away from his responsibilites because Leia nagged him too much about babysitting so he went and did a little Overpowered Gary Stu thing of raising an obsidian castle up off the shores of a corscaunt beach and spent weeks just wandering around Vader's old Castle, sitting on the ceiling and Brooding(tm) about how he's so overpowered and meant for more and he's so angsty because he has a greater destiny and he can't connect to normal people and .. yeah. Anyways. Guy who wrote the shitty middle book is also unfortunately very "popular" star wars book author so he has written a lot of the other Legends book and .... It's always very refreshing to see other people rereading then and being horrified at what they thought was amazing writing when they were kids lol.
So yeah, ignore the shitty book in the middle by what might be Kevin J Anderson? My internet isn't cooperating at the moment so that either the authors name or the name of a random unrelated actor but it's something something Anderson. Ignore his book because he tries to retcon everything to make Callista a wilting wallflower who oh so scared of Luke's power and she feels so inadequate next to him and she left out of shame and Luke spends the whole book brooding about "oh I'm so scary and strong in the force I scared poor wittle Callista away boo hoo I am so sad and angsty because I'm so scary and overpowered" and then shitty author man tries to kill Callista off along with his sexist stereotype walking female imperial admiral lady character
and Barbara Hambly took one look at his shitty "sequel" to her book and said "Nope! We are fixing literally all of that and more, what the fuck is wrong with you dude, why the fuck are you treating all of the women this way"
Woops. Rambled a bit. Kevin J Anderson or whatever his name is pisses me off to the extreme, especially because he was allowed to write so many books that butchers the original trilogy characters even more than the "sequel" trilogy did.
anyways , long story short if you want to see Aspec Luke Skywalker, you can read Barbara Hambly's Children of the Jedi and Planet of Twilight, and also whichever book Luke proposes to Mara Jade in.
Because even as a kid I read that book and was absolutely fucking delighted at the hilariously out of left field it was and how platonic it was.
It pretty much boils down to:
Luke and Mara Jade are stuck in a flooding cave or something where they might die.
The conversation pretty much follows as such, from what I can remember reading over 10 years ago so obviously don't quote me:
Luke: "Hey Mara. We're friends, right? "
Mara: " Hmm, I mean, yeah I guess. We interact sometimes, sure. So we're acquaintances. And I'm not trying to kill you anymore so we're not enemies. And I've saved your life a few times so... Yeah. I think we're friends."
Luke, possibly after almost drowning: "Cool, cool, cool. So. Hey....... Do you want to marry me?"
Mara thought about it for a moment. "do you mean you want to get married now as the last thing we do before we die or...?"
Luke: "no, I mean even if we survive this. Do you want to marry me, even if we get out of here alive?"
Mara pondered the question, looking down at Luke where he looked like a pathetic drowned rat. "Sure." She shrugged. "I'll marry you."
Luke: "Awesome! I wasn't sure if you would say 'yes' seeing as we've never ever even in our most private thoughts considered each other as romantic or sexual prospects and we've never dated or expressed interest in each other for the years and years that we've known each other but I just feel like it's meant to be, y'know? And--"
Mara rolled her eyes. "Luke, I already agreed to marry you despite our nonexistent romantic or sexual history together, so just chill. Or don't, I don't need you freezing to death; now that we're engaged you're not allowed to die on me, I'd look awesome in a wedding dress."
And then they survived and announced their engagement to Han and Leia who came to rescue them and were met with confusion ("wait, Leia, did they even ever date!? How did I miss that!?"" / "No, shhh han, just be happy for them.") But they did go on to get married (I think they showed the wedding in one of the comics).
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headfullofpresley · 1 year
Thoughts on the whole debate of people writing Elvis as gay/trans when he was straight and cis? I don’t think Elvis would like it, the man was prideful and would probably hate to see his name associated with those works but I also don’t think he would like 97% of the fics written about him on here regardless if it was m/m or not. I think the solution is to just stop over-sexualizing him altogether
hi anonnnn. I missed half of this debate tbvh but I know that there's fics like that out there on this app and possibly other websites. I made a comment on this, talking to a friend in our Discord server, saying what I think about it. I'm guessing that's why people are in my DMs right now, lmao. Anyways, I don't know, I rarely read fanfiction because I'm simply too busy with work and life and I'm a picky reader woops
But that's not the point. It's not about me reading it because I don't. It's about how Elvis is portrayed in lots of these fics and that's also what I said in Discord. And yes, it's fiction, but I do agree with you, nonnie. Though there's absolutely nothing wrong with writing fanfiction, it's an outlet for people and I'm not stopping anyone from writing it. All I've ever done is state my opinion on things and if people want to be so extremely offended by it, then that's not my problem. Like I can scroll past those fics (which I do), people can scroll past my opinion too. It's not about me (or people who agree) not liking these fics, it's how Elvis is portrayed. How he's put in a box/having put a label on him, but if people wrote fics about a gay person being straight and engaging in heterosexual intercourse, there would be a freaking storm of shit.
To me (see, this is the start of someone stating their opinion), it's just strange to be writing about him like that and like you said, anon, I don't think he would like to be written about like that, but I'm not stopping anyone from doing so or telling them that they're disgusting or anything else in such direction. I'm only giving MY OPINION.
Some people might not put their opinions on some things on their blog, some do. I do. And if anyone is offended by that, it's honestly not my problem.
Most people already know how I feel about Elvis being oversexualized. When it comes to fanfiction, I think there's a time and place for everything. If one writes only smut, then yeah I feel like that hyper-oversexualizes him and that's definitely not my cup of tea but there's plenty of amazing fanfic writers out there who don't do that. But like I said (because some people don't seem to understand this so I'll say it again), I can't stop anyone from writing what they write and that's not my intention. It. Is. An. Opinion.
Honestly, I don't have much else to say and this is the one and last time I'll speak on it, because people wanna be petty and send hate on anon (bc of that thing I said last week, lol. You know.) because apparently they don't have much of a life outside of this app or they're scared to come off anon, who knows. This is what I think about it and I'm not going to change my opinion. I'm not telling anyone they have to agree with me and if someone doesn't like what I have to say, they can kindly unfollow.
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animegoil-vnc · 2 years
A Tiny, Brilliant Light is the Vanoe fanfic I've been enjoying the most, and I was wondering, was Noe's teacher abusing him? Sexually, I mean. Because, I like to think that I'm not the only one who has noticed that it's strange that he calls him 'mon chaton' and he is a bit creepy. That's a headcanon that I like (the teacher's abuse of Noe), I'd love to see Vanitas' reaction to this fact and I think it would add a lot of drama to the fic, but if you don't plan to include it in your fanfic that's fine, I'll keep reading anyway because it's wonderful, really (^^) thanks for your effort! <3
T_T You are so sweet, I'm so happy you're enjoying that fic! And um... thanks for reminding me that I really, desperately need to finish the next chapter, woops.
RIGHT? Teacher is so insanely creepy - I keep meaning to look up whether 'mon chaton' is equally as creepy in French, but even if it isn't, it still comes across as creepy in English and his whole character is just one big creep fest. Have you read the fic Une vertu de l'ame by Synnergy? In it, Teacher basically groomed Noe to think of doing sexual acts as something pleasurable and kind that you do to make someone else feel better, and it's just so on point for how sneaky and creepy Teacher and Noe's relationship is.
I thought a good bit about whether to go that route in my fic, an I decided to not for a few reasons:
There's already so much I want to dig into about Noe's past, and sexual abuse would have likely overshadowed a lot of those more nuanced horrors I wanted to explore. Vani will have a lot of respond to and dwell on about what he's learning about Noe even now!
Noe's been through a LOT already, so partly I felt bad piling on even more trauma! It's not just his current upheaval of losing his grandparents, getting kidnapped and moving to a new home, but also his experience being an orphan and living as a vampire amongst humans. Our poor baby T_T
Writing children is hard, writing traumatized children is harder, and writing Noe as an in-character traumatized child has been EVEN HARDER lol. If part of that trauma involved sexual abuse, it really would have required a delicate and well-researched effort to make sure that I'm handling the matter with the care, respect and realism that kind of topic deserves.
Frankly, I was also kind of uncomfortable with it and wasn't sure I wanted to write about a child being sexually abused in the first place. I would have felt obligated to do some research and dive into that and I mentally and emotionally wasn't ready. It's one thing for it to be a fictional thing, but the research would have been about real kids and just T_T
So in the end I decided to address the elephant in the room by having Vani ask Noe about it but have Noe reply in the negative, not to say it couldn't have happened later since Noe's just recently come to live there. You're right it'd make a great fic to explore Vani's reaction to that, but I don't know if I'm the right gal for it!
(on that note, Vani being abused while in the church could also make for another terrible situation to explore, especially if both bonded over it or if it helped Noe realize that there was nothing normal about the kind of relationship he had with his Teacher - please, someone explore this because I'm not sure i'm the right gal!!)
Thanks for the thoughtful question!
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ashacidic · 2 years
so I saw this super cool silver art that you did about a sandstorm or heatstroke or something and I keep finding the tag #fnf hypnos lullaby or something like that.
please tell me what it’s about I have no idea what this is about
To put it short, its a swap scenario of Friday Night Funkin's Hypno's Lullaby mod, Blake and Red's week ("Frostbite"). But I have no clue how much you know so I'm gonna explain EVERYTHING about that sentence.
Friday Night Funkin is a Newgrounds Rhythm game that got popular around late 2020, the gist is that you, the player are playing as Boyfriend (that is his canon name and I love him for that) who is trying to get UNDER THE SHEETS and DO THE DO with his Girlfriend, Girlfriend. But her father doesnt really like that, nor do these 5 other mfs and a couple o-kids who just wanna jam out, so what are we gonna do ??? RAP BATTLE THEM ALL OF COURSE.
There are 7 weeks out as we speak, updates being delayed due to touch ups happening and. the creators having lives lol
Now FNF: Hypno's Lullaby is a Friday Night Funkin mod based around pokemon creepypastas (pokepastas, for short). Originally it was just Hypno's Lullaby and Lost Silver who where included, but with the recent update it TOOK OFF with a lot more songs and pokepasta characters included (Glitchy Red, Easter Egg Snow On Mt Silver, Buried Man, Hell Bell, etc), along with an original pokepasta to the mod (being Grey and Shinto) !!!!
Now lets focus back on Snow On Mt Silver !!! The player character within the pokepasta is named "Blake" (and by association everyone calls that version of Gold "Blake"), and to give a quick rundown of the pokepasta itself, a kid got a little too curious why his brother was in the ward over a pokemon game and watched Blake's pokemon die out as he reached the top of Mt Silver, where you face (Champion) Red as a final boss within both the G/S/C and HGSS versions of Pokemon. By then, an arm and a leg has been lost presumably to frostbite, and youre made to face Red at the top. Red also gets pretty fucked up too, his chest and limbs gettin all gorey n' shit !!!!! The song of the Hypno's Lullaby week is based off that, the instrumental and vocals playing into the heavy snowfall and both pain and numbness due to nerve damage aspects of both being frostbitten. There was also the Freakchu jumpscare which I think is in the playable version too ??? im sorry my memory is a little wonky, I highly suggest reading through it or listening to a reading yourself, the pokepasta is years old,,,
buuut imagine THAT but SWAPPED with their rival counterparts, Blue and Silver, and in a completely different setting !!!! Instead of the sub zero temperatures of Mt Silver (and Gold's crazy ass not wearing ACTUAL PANTS ??? hes in SHORTS THE WHOLE TIME ???), the blistering heat of wherever the hell they are !!!! ( and I guess Silver is no different, being almost completely covered up in 100 degree F weather)
If I got anything wrong, woops !!!! just excited lol. hope this helped !!! there are full playthroughs of the mod on youtube, I suggest the Community Games version !!!
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wishingwell1111 · 1 year
holy shit yall i only had 350 cal today!! not healthy stuff but idc if it's that low lol
18 salt and vinegar chips - 210 cal
redd's hard cider - 140 cal
we went grocery shopping yesterday and i didn't get a TON of unhealthy shit like i normally do. these chips were the only thing really (by my standards ig). i would easily eat a whole package of those chips and today just 18. wild.
seriously guys, adhd medicine is great. honestly i think the main reason i've been able to lose weight is from being on them. i take 40mg of focalin now, i just got if upped. i also had the energy to shave, shower, read a book, andclean my room up a bit which i still have a way to go on but still!! usually i lay in bed all day and only get up to eat something or go sit on the couch. so while this doesn't seem like much, being up on my feet for a bit longer is still an improvement from basically nothing!
i have a hard time with hygiene stuff and have for a long time (depression, executive dysfunction, sensory issues,, laziness) but i'm getting better, if i can get myself to shower more often then i can use our treadmill more!! because i always need to shower after i do or i feel gross. so i'd usually put off using the treadmill until i know i'm going to shower. and if i'm using the treadmill more often that will help so much!! cause i know some days i slip up and give in to the hunger, but don't exercise, so if i'm regularly exercising gaining weight won't be as easy as is it now.
i gained back too much weight when i went to chicago a couple weeks ago since we were going out to eat all the time and smoking,, so veryy easy to over-eat and of course i did. which i knew was going to happen and i was being gentle on myself (ish) but after then i kept eating more because the hunger was harder to resist. i'm doing better now but god the scale is pissing me off. but good news is i'm so close to being the same weight as before i went! little steps i guess 😅
ok wow that was a lot, woops
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the-sun-princess · 1 month
Emi Plays Revue Starlight: El Dorado Part 6
an now. back to kaoruko n maya nonsense
ok claudine u were the devil in the movie right before this
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i mean they just statin things with the same first chara of their names but still skjdhf. kjsdhf oh i guess kaoruko doled out the things
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going back for the others now
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these are all apparently ""senka-ryu vocal warmups""
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she gave karen n claudine pretty nice ones, nana and futaba fitting ones, and started getting kinda lazy with mahiru and maya. til junna's was just about food.
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junna says this with so much passion akdjfh
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a good question tho junna. esp since senka-ryu is a dance school. idk how much vocal warmups they actually do
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thanks futaba
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uh huh. bullying junna scene it is
oh this is new, judy n amemiya and masai are talkin the script over a lot more. i. dont remember what happened here in the karen jun story akjhskjdhf
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i cant take that line seriously. can only think of majora's mask man
judy's quite the bean tbh
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dang foreign blondies are all so meddling lmao
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she says that THEN LEAVES KJAHDF oh jesus i almost deleted this entire post thank god it saved as a draft
aw kaoruko gave her one too
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i'm actually surprised amemiya doesn't have a problem with it
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alright well i'm glad i read amemiya right. then they just do a buncha "..." trading lmao until
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girl can you BE any gayer. just from saying her given name ksjhfkjsdhf it's not like u kissed her
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ah stageplay time
......oh there's been a log this whole time i could have been reducing my screenshots by quite a bit lol woops
i do Not care about judy's thoughts on maya akjdhf
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oh a relive references. rip relive. i hate that they wont give us the peter pan event before u die
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lmao futaba is all wound up and antsy after kaoruko flies off the stage to the intermission. she IS kaorukos #1 fangirl, after all
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there's my image limit TO PART 7
<<part 5 part 7>>
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bloodydamnit · 5 years
heyy i love your robin drawing!! i was just wondering (i'm sure you've been asked this before so sorry if it's repetitive) what your drawing process is. do you make renders then draw the lineart separately? idk why i always thought you drew directly on renders ahaha
Hey!!!! first off, thank you so much! That’s a really good question. So, for little spurts like my Robin drawing, I made that render ages ago. It was our original image of Robin since Season 2 was just an idea. I did the drawing separately because it was just something to keep my hand and mind going. The render just acted as a quick reference. 
Normally, I make a full render of the painting that I’m going to make. Most of the time, it’s just a base goal. So I know how everything will lay, how the lighting falls, etc. I’m a very visual person and I need things to be close to what my painting is going to be. Otherwise, I’ll fret over lighting and shadows for days lol. 
Then, I trace the render (because I cant be fucked redrawing the whole thing. it’s a waste of time imo. If it’s just a portrait though, neck up (like robin), I’ll just draw it separately. I’m really anal so it usually ends up being exactly the same as the render anyway. Again, for me, tracing is just a time saver. I don’t have the time to draw something for 6 hours when I just spent 8 on the render.). If there are things I’m changing, I’ll get rid of the render and finish all the details with just the drawing. After the lineart is finished, I begin to paint. Normally I pull up sections of the render and paint on whatever color background I think will add to the painting the most and compliment skintones primarily. 
Here’s an example. I’m making a big Witcher piece right now. I made a full render of what I want done: 
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After the render, I pop it into procreate or photoshop to mess around with the colors, brightness, etc, and get them how I want them. After that, I make the lineart and then, sometimes, quickly plot out a background. 
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(geralts head got erased. Woops. I was posting to instagram and the blue lines were distracting me lol)
Now, I didn’t really like Geralt or Yennefers faces. There’s only so much that 3D renders can do. So, I quickly went to google just to get the actors for reference, so I can make them as close to the actors as possible, since I’m using the TV show as reference. 
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Doesnt have to be the same pose or anything. It’s just so I can see their facial structures, while still using my renders as reference. For example, my render of geralt has a higher cheekbone and it’s flatter. Where as Henry Cavill’s is a bit lower and he has a stronger jowl. I added that into my final painting so it looks more like him. After I make all the reference changes in the lineart, like where the shadow might fall differently, etc, I begin painting.
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Going back and forth between the actor and the render as reference. 
Now this is just my process for something like a movie or show that people can look at and will probably go THAT DOESNT LOOK LIKE THE ACTOR AND BLAHBLAHBLAH. If it’s a book or an oc, I just make the characters how I see them and nix any photo references in favor of making it my own in my renders. But its pretty much the same process! 
Hope this explains things and thank you again!
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Hello it's me again~ may I... Ask for a cute little one shot thing for Ashe and Hubert. I'm weak for them....
And also, Modern AU for this one!! and...a lot more (attempted) humor than I originally intended lol - as well as a switch from my usual format!! 
....aaand a lot...longer...than I thought...i know you said little but i kinda went off woops
Hubert was going to die. That’s it. He was going to perish in just a few moments and the one person he thought would have his back was currently trying not to laugh at him.
Correction. Was laughing at him.
“Edelgard please, this is a serious matter...” Hubert grumbled, though that only succeeded in making her laugh harder...for some reason. 
“I’m sorry Hubert,” Edelgard said as she wiped away the tears in her eyes - liar, she wasn’t actually sorry, Hubert could tell - and sighed. “But truly...how could you expect me to not laugh?”
“Maybe out of respect for a childhood friend?” Hubert buried his head under his arms, trying to figure a way out of this situation while his traitor of a friend simply laughed. 
“Hubert, honestly, how did you expect me to not laugh? What you’ve told me is, pardon my bluntness, absolutely hysterical,” chuckling as she spoke. Perhaps Hubert would have to reconsider helping her get those tickets Dorothea’s new play if this was how she was going to treat him.
What was the matter, exactly? According to Edelgard, something hysterical. That something being the fact that, after what might have been a year or two of stewing in his feelings for a young man named Ashe Ubert, and decided to take the plunge and attempt to confess.
By writing him a letter. With the intent to gift it in person, since he knew that he would not be able to say the words aloud, having not bothered to sign it. And then leaving said letter in front of his dorm room because he was an idiot and a fool who panicked as soon as he knocked on the door, dropping the letter and booking it.
Do you understand Hubert’s dilemma now?
And thus he had come to Edelgard, hoping for sympathy and maybe advice on how to get the letter back if not apologize, only to be met with laughter on her end. The absolute traitor.
“In any case...I don’t believe you have any reason to worry.” Edelgard took a sip from the coffee she had been nursing when Hubert initially asked if they could meet. Thankfully the shop had been quiet when he arrived, with very few patrons aside from himself and Edelgard...
...and yet, with how much she was laughing, Hubert almost would’ve preferred if there were more patrons - if only to have some distraction from his embarrassment.
“I believe I have every reason to worry. I made a fool out of myself,” Hubert lifted his head, only to hold it in his hands. Goddess, the amount of embarrassment he felt from this whole situation was immeasurable - and it was all his own fault! He really had no one to blame here but himself.
And yet...truthfully, he couldn’t find any true regret in this situation. Well, of course he regretted leaving behind the letter, and he defnitely regretted running away like a coward even more, but he couldn’t find himself regretting falling for Ashe. In fact, he found himself struggling just trying to picture a world where he did not fall for Ashe. After all, Ashe was practically a ball of sunshine incarnated as a person - if opposites really did attract, well, that would explain quite a bit. 
There were a million and one reasons as to why and how he realized he’d fallen (including but not limited to the time Hubert had quite literally tripped into Ashe’s arms)...and apparently, he had found it fit to include it all in the letter.
Perhaps if he asked nicely enough, Edelgard’s step-brother would be willing to put him out of his misery.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Ashe hadn’t known what to expect when he first found the letter in front of his dorm room after hearing a knock on the door. He’d reached down to pick it up, but when he looked up to see who left it there, all he’d seen was a flash of black rounding the corner. Maybe he should have given chase, but at the time, he had been distracted by the letter that was now in his hands. 
So he had gone back into his dorm room, carefully opened the letter, and began to read.
And within the first few sentences, felt his entire face burn.
Whoever it was that wrote this letter - and actually wrote it, in very neat (and almost familiar) handwriting - was very, very much in love with him. And very detailed about said love. No, there wasn’t anything gross or creepy in the letter, but with how hot Ashe’s face felt, there might as well be. 
It’s just...he’s never felt so flattered in his entire life? It was almost uncomfortable, with how hot his dorm room seemed all of a sudden when they mentioned how much they adored his cooking, and the way he gushed about his favorite books, and how his eyes apparently lit up whenever getting particularly passionate, and...
Well, you get the gist. The point was, Ashe was definitely flustered. There were just a couple of problems.
First of all, whoever had written the letter had not signed their name. Sure, they had handwritten the entire letter, but Ashe didn’t think comparing the handwriting of every student on the campus would be feasible in any way (although, looking at it again, it did look rather familiar...). 
Second of all...Ashe already had someone he was in love with. So whoever had sent this letter, he was flattered, really, but his heart was already set on one person.
That person being Hubert von Vestra. Maybe it was surprising (Ashe could almost hear Sylvain’s shocked sputtering if he were to ever find out), but Ashe found himself falling head over heels with this man. Perhaps he was rather intimidating when you first meet him, and maybe he seemed far too dark and broody for someone like Ashe to fall for, but that was the thing.
Hubert was more than just some dark and broody forensic science major (though he wouldn’t blame people for thinking otherwise). At his core, Hubert was a truly kind person, despite it only being to people he deemed worthy of it. He was loyal to a fault, and just as protective - Ashe almost giggled remembering the time someone had tried to trip Ashe and ended up getting their own legs swept out from underneath them. There was also the fact that Hubert was fond of cats - Ashe had caught him, on multiple occasions, petting and even feeding the stray cats around their university.
It also didn’t hurt that Hubert was very attractive. Very, very attractive,
Look, point was, Ashe had to find whoever wrote this letter and tell them that he was awfully sorry, but his heart was already set on someone else, and he couldn’t find himself returning their feelings when he was already in love with another. That would just be cruel of him.
So he had headed out, letter in hand, hoping to maybe find Hubert and asked him if he could help him figure this out. No, this wasn’t just an ulterior motive to spend more time with Hubert - though that certainly didn’t hurt - he just knew that if anyone could figure out who wrote it, it would be Hubert. After all, Hubert was extremely smart, almost scarily so. 
Luckily, he didn’t have to look for too long. He spotted Hubert sitting with Edelgard at the university’s coffee shop - though for whatever reason, Edelgard seemed to be laughing as Hubert buried his head in his hands. Did something happen?
“Hey, Hubert!” Ashe called out as he walked over, holding the letter tight. Hubert’s head whipped around to look at him, with a strangely panicked look in his eyes as Edelgard’s simply twinkled with what Ashe guessed was amusement. 
“H-Hello Ashe,” Hubert said in a strained voice once Ashe had reached their table, with Ashe tilting his head at hearing the strained tone. 
“Are you feeling alright? If you aren’t, I can always come back later-” Ashe began saying, though he was cut off. Surprisingly enough, by Edelgard - somehow, she just didn’t seem like the type.
“No, it’s quite alright. I’m certain we would both love to hear what you had to say,” Edelgard said, giving Hubert an odd look.
“A-Alright, if you say so.” Ashe looked between them, a bit concerned, but he supposed Edelgard would know if Hubert was alright or not. “I got this letter earlier today, and I was wondering-”
Hubert suddenly seemed to choke on nothing, coughing hard. Was Edelgard sure that he was alright? Hubert was turning horribly red...although, Edelgard herself didn’t seem too concerned. In fact, she seemed almost amused.
“Well? Go on,” she prompted.
“...I was simply wondering if Hubert could maybe help me find out who wrote it,” Ashe finished almost weakly. 
Hubert’s face seemed to be warring between various shades of red and turning completely pale. He muttered something, so quietly that Ashe couldn’t hear it.
“Did you say something? I’m afraid I couldn’t quite hear you...” Ashe watched as Hubert gave an almost helpless look to Edelgard, as Edelgard simply gestured for him to go on.
Hubert coughed again, and without looking Ashe in the eyes, he spoke. “It...It was me.”
Ashe stared at him for a few moments, completely silent as his mind processed what Hubert had said.
(Edelgard, admittedly, was having far too much fun watching the both of them stumbling over their words as they both admitted to having at least a year’s worth of feelings for one another. She was glad that they finally managed to get together, even if it was in one of the more ridiculous ways Edelgard had thought of.
Well, she’s definitely seen worse. That worse being her professor’s first attempt at romancing the dean of the school...his fault for taking Sylvain’s advice to heart. At least it worked out between them.
She almost wished she had recorded this. Dorothea would be having a field day with this entire situation.)
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frisbee-camp · 6 years
Let Me Help
AO3 Link//Wattpad Link
Tj and Cyrus have been friends for a long time, but will that change after life comes crashing down and impulsive decisions catch up to them? (Angst, Ambi, love notes, slow burn, aged up so they're all in high school, god tier ships, mental health, and like a whole bunch more ladies! Let’s get this angst.)
Chapter 9 Unresolved 
"What do you mean you saw them kiss!?" Cyrus had practically yelled, Nala jumped. Andi and Buffy had told Cyrus that they saw Jonah with Walker the entire night, practically attached to the hip. "He's been avoiding us a lot lately," Andi frowned and bit her lip. Buffy nodded and added, "Plus, Marty said there were rumors that Walker was dating a boy." "But, Jonah?" Cyrus said, slumped, "Jonah Hercules Beck is straight..." "No one's straight Cy," Andi said as they pointed between themselves and Cyrus, "we would know." "Yea, but..." Cyrus trailed off. He had totally believed Jonah Beck™ was 100% straight. But now that he knew he was with Walker, he felt a sudden urge of jealousy. He was the complicated one, he was the gay one, not perfect and popular Jonah Beck. Cyrus grimaced, his cheeks felt hot. "Cyrus?" Buffy said, "are you alright? It's OK to be jealous." "Yeah Cy, we all know you liked Jonah, it was pretty obvious," Andi said smiling, "but now that means you can focus on TJ! Who has a total massive humungo crush on you!"  "Guys, I don't know why I said I liked him, I think it's because he defended me. It's because he defended me right? I mean no guy will ever like me," Cyrus said as his friends gave him shocked looks. "You've got to be kidding right! You've got the toughest guy in all of Jefferson basically in love with you and you don't even see it? You're all he sees Cyrus! D'you think he'd punch his longest friend over anyone? Don't be so oblivious," Buffy huffed, clearly over Cyrus' lack of self-esteem. After that, their conversation shifted to Buffy complaining about all of the girls that flirted with Marty and Andi complaining about never being able to see Amber because of her work schedule. Cyrus stayed silent for most of it, thinking back to when he woke up in his own sweater. Any other jock would have thought it was embarrassing or dorky, but TJ had kept it. His heart skipped a beat. Maybe he did like TJ? But, at the same time, he thought about how Jonah was going out with Walker, and that made his skin burn. It was worse than when Andi dated him, at least then he thought he had no chance, but now? Now that Jonah was, bi? pan? questioning? Whatever, Cyrus was still bitter. He envied Walker. What did he have that Cyrus didn't? Art skills? He could take a class. He's an artist! He'd won an award for his screenplay. Whatever, he thought, I'll just make Jonah jealous, we'll see how he feels then.  When his friends had left after telling him that their "relationship intervention" was over, Cyrus received a text from TJ.  From Cool Basketball Guy!!!: Hey Cy, hope you got home safe and everything, I'm sorry I punched Reed... Are we still cool? 😬 To Cool Basketball Guy!!!: Yes :0 thanks again,,,,,sry i was a mess lol. see you tomorrow?  From Cool Basketball Guy!!!: Of course :) See you at lunch? To Cool Basketball Guy!!!: Yup WOOP WOOp 💥 Cyrus couldn't help but frown at his own text message. Ugh, I'm such a dork. He immediately texted Buffy and Andi for help.  To GHC👩🏻👩🏾‍🦱🌈❣️: Cyrus 💕🕍✨: I think I just said I liked him because he defended me, so I'm overthinking it right? Like we're friends, so nothing will happen PLUS HES A HET!!1 ANDIII😽: cyrus stop overthinking everything, this happened with me and amber too remember???? BufFY 😩🙆🏽‍♀️: HE LIKES YOU DONT BE A DUMBBASSSSSS, THE ENTIRE SCHOOL KNOWSSSSSSSS LOOK AT THE VIDEO I DMD YOU ON IG GODDAMN  ANDIII😽: Buffyyyy we weren't supposed to show him that.... BufFY 😩🙆🏽‍♀️: he needs to know Cyrus was never into social media, he only went on to comment encouraging things on his friend's new posts. He even had his notifications off, but once he opened the underused app, his screen was filled with dm's, new followers, and comments. He quickly scrolled through most of them. Many of them asked if he was Dating TJ?! One said Hi cy i know u dont know me but ur like really brave another said idk who ur kidding, tj is straight lmaooo and another said hey is it true? His heart raced, he suddenly needed to stand up. Where would people get such an idea? Sure, people must have seen TJ fighting with Reed, but he didn't think people would connect that to him. TJ was respected, Cyrus wasn't, why would Tj's actions be caused by Cyrus? Cyrus opened Buffy's direct message, which had been pushed to the bottom of his feed by the time he went looking for it. It was a dark video, but Cyrus managed to catch an out of focus TJ and Reed standing in Iris' living room. He turned up the volume,  "-somewhere else!"  He heard Tj say, he looked disheveled and sweaty. "GOD, What is with you. Do you like him or something?" Cyrus gasped at the same time as the camera person. Is this the source Buffy and Andi were talking about? "So we were right, you do like him! And now you're choosing him over us?! We've been friends longer than you have with that loser-" Cyrus' eyebrows raised as he saw TJ's fist come in contact with Reed's face. The rest of the video was a blur of curse words and drunk teenagers chanting "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"  Cyrus sat down on his bed, unable to comprehend what had just seen. Now he knew why he was getting so many notifications. He didn't know TJ could resort to violence like that. Hearing about a fight is much different than seeing that. But, he smiled. TJ had defended him, plus someone liked him! Him! Anxious, depressed, confused Cyrus Goodman who hated loud noises and sports. He felt light and airy, but most importantly he felt needed, more needed than ever. He had almost wanted to come out to his parents right then and there. They were all there, of course, sipping their wine about twenty feet away. He had quickly texted his friends a shocked cat gif and turned off his phone as he walked out of his room with newfound confidence.  "Hey Cy," one of his parents had called to him suspiciously, he didn't care which. TJ Kippen liked him and maybe he liked him back.  "Hello parentals," Cyrus said cheerily as he sat in an empty dining room seat, they were still having brunch, which had now turned into wine and ice cream. Cyrus picked at the leftover grapes and popped them into his mouth grinning.  "You look very happy today Cy, what did those girls do to you in there?" Norman joked. Cyrus shrugged and chucked uncomfortably.  "Whatever happened to that girlfriend of yours Cy? Ilene was her name?" a mom said. "No Sharron, it was Ivy," Todd said. "No, I'm pretty sure it's Isa," Leslie said. "Guys, you're all wrong. It's Iris. And we were never really together and I don't want to talk about this with my parents right now," Cyrus got up to leave, but one of his parents called out to him.  "Wait! Cy! Don't close us off so quickly. Just tell us, are there any new girls we should know about?" Shannon wiggled her eyebrows, Leslie nudged her side. Cyrus laughed a little too loud, "NO," he said, "no girls mom, never."  "Never?" Todd said, quizzically. Cyrus stopped. Did I just out myself through a joke? Am I really boo boo the fool?  "Cyrus?" His mom said, "do you want to tell us something we might already know? You know you can trust us." Cyrus thought about how his parents were trained in observing and analyzing. He knew that if he didn't answer, then they'd know he was hiding something if he answered too quickly they'd also know, and if he said anything at all they'd also know. He stood still instead, hoping that some being would impossibly teleport him to a different planet. Maybe Pluto? he thought Pluto is cute, and very far away from here.  "Cyrus?" His parents called again. Cyrus stared at the wall behind them, unable to speak. He gave one last chuckle and turned to walk a little too quickly to his room. He put on his headphones, played his playlist titled I'M A BIG FAT HOPELESS ROMANTIC and looked at the messages left on his phone. They ranged from encouraging Bitmojis to angry girls telling him to back off.  Oh my god, tomorrow is going to be hell. Cyrus spent the rest of the day nervously doing his homework in anticipation of tomorrow. Normally, he'd text TJ whenever he was nervous, but now that he was the reason for his anxiety, he stuck to his history notes. He had come out of his room only when he knew half of his parents were gone. Monday morning was relatively quiet, his parents had decided to not ask him about what had happened yesterday, which he was eternally grateful for. However, that was not the root of all of his worry.  Once he got to school, Cyrus immediately knew something was different. For the first time in his life, people his age noticed him. Everyone's eyes followed him down the hall, to and from his classes, and even during the peak hallway traffic. Thankfully, he had Buffy and Andi the entire day to protect him. Sure, they could protect him from direct attack, but he could still see kids whispering and pointing at him.  During lunch, Andi, Buffy, and Cyrus sat at their usual spot.  "Okay you guys, things are different now, be prepared." Buffy had warned them both. Cyrus felt uneasy, he knew something was about to happen, but he didn't know what. They had been discussing how to address Jonah's new boyfriend without being overbearing. They decided to not bring it up.  Just then, Marty and Amber walked up to the table and sat next to their respective partners, leaving Cyrus alone with his muffin for the millionth time. He thought about texting TJ, but he didn't know what to say to him.  "Cyrus!" Amber said, "I'm glad you're feeling better. TJ should be here soon."  Suddenly, the cafeteria doors opened and in came Jonah holding hands with Walker. Cyrus made a fist. They sat down a little too happily, Cyrus looked down at his tray. He felt tears pool in his eyes.  "Hello there," Buffy eyed them. Cyrus tentatively looked over at Jonah who seemed grounded. There was something different about him as if a light he didn't know existed had been turned on. He watched as Jonah talked to his friends, he didn't listen to what they were saying, he was too busy looking at how Jonah looked at Walker every so often just to smile at him. Cyrus wanted that. He wanted someone who understood him, someone who grounded him in reality, someone that didn't make him feel so lost.  "So," he heard Jonah say in his direction, "I heard that TJ likes you. I thought you guys were already together?" Cyrus thought he heard a twinge of jealousy in his voice, but it might have been his imagination.  Cyrus suddenly couldn't handle it anymore, from the stares to the questions, to gently coming out to his parents, it was too much. He silently stood up. His friends eyed him. "I need," Cyrus started but couldn't seem to verbalize his thoughts. What did he need? Something, he needed something. "Something," he said, before quietly packing his things and walking towards the cafeteria exit. Before he could exit, he saw TJ walk in. Cyrus saw the confidence oozing out of him, his stomach churned.  "Hey," TJ smiled at him, "Where are you headed? Lunch just started." "Oh, I was going to uh-" Cyrus looked up at Tj, Did his face get cuter? "I uh, was going to go sit with Andi and Buffy and them," he looked for an escape, but TJ was already turning him back around to join his friends.  "Come on then silly, they're the other way," TJ grinned. Cyrus hid behind TJ for most of the walk back to the table, the whispers they were getting were becoming unbearable, he wanted to cry. He couldn't make himself look his friends in the eyes when he sat back down. "Is this the something you needed?" Marty chuckled, Buffy jabbed him with her elbow. Cyrus fiddled with a broken spork as his friends continued talking about Jefferson gossip. Tj had inched himself closer to Cyrus, he let him. He hadn't noticed how different he felt with TJ around. How much easier living seemed to be. Before he knew it, he and TJ were shoulder to shoulder, leg to leg. He still couldn't bring himself to look at his friends, but they were used to his daily mini meltdowns. TJ started to laugh at something Walker had said, Cyrus grinned slightly He fits in so well. He saw Tj look down at him worried, he gently pried the spork out of his hands, it had started to draw blood. Cyrus hadn't noticed.    "What's wrong? Do you want to leave?" Tj softly asked him. Cyrus gave a small nod, his heart lurched. There were too many eyes on him.  Tj quickly packed away his things and gave his friends an excuse. Before walking away, Cyrus saw Jonah frown at them.  Cyrus didn't know where Tj was taking him, but he didn't really care. In the hallway, Cyrus thought he heard a noise. Once they rounded the corner, he saw Reed, Lester, and a couple other boys he didn't know. He gulped. TJ moved in front of him. "AYYYY look who it is!" Reed said, throwing his arms up.  "Leave me alone Reed," TJ said, trying to walk through.  "Bro, we're still bros. I forgive you for the other night. I know you were drunk and shit." Reed leaned in closer and said something to TJ that Cyrus couldn't hear, but made TJ look back at him.  "Dude, leave him alone," Lester said, pushing on Reed's shoulder.  "Hey, I just want to know what we're all thinking. So Teej, what is it? Are you still choosing this dork over your bros?" Reed said. The rest of the gang looked apprehensive, they didn't care enough to cause a scene. "Dude, just leave it," One boy said worried.  "Shut up," TJ said quietly, "Just shut up." Cyrus saw TJ ball his fists and tense up. Lester moved towards Tj, but Reed stopped him with his arm.  "Tell us," Reed said.  TJ stayed still. "Teej-" Reed had said before Cyrus heard bodies hit the floor. He closed his eyes. There was yelling, sneakers hitting the floor, and eventually, he heard the voices of teachers. Someone pushed him against the wall, someone else called his name, someone else touched his hair. He didn't want to open his eyes. 
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fleetwoodsushi · 7 years
Hey Kelly, I'm a newish harrie and I really love your blog! I was just watching some videos from Harry's tour and I'm just so amazed by his live vocals, not many singers sound that great live in my experience so I'm just really impressed. I'm just curious, what do you like most about Harry's voice/vocals, like what drew you to him as a singer? And what are your favorite performances by him? Have a great night!
hey there! WELL you have hit upon probably my fave subject to moan on about so I’m sorry if this gets long haha, also HIYA I love new fans woo!
Harry’s voice is - I’m sorry for sounding cheesy - probably my favourite sound in the whole world. It’s def what struck me the first time I heard a 1D song and then as I started looking into them (watching an embarrassing amount of youtube videos) I fell more and more in love. I don’t know how to quantify it and I’m not big on over-analyzing things like this but…it’s like…salted caramel crunch covered in the smoothest chocolate??? sounds ridiculous Kelly but here we are.
Some people say he’s not “technically” a stand-out singer. I disagree but there are definitely people who can hit a note easier I’m sure, but music is never about that for me. The thing about Harry is that I can FEEL everything he’s singing. There’s so much heart behind it and so much more than just him hitting a note. He has the most incredible tone, it’s so naturally beautiful to listen to. He has the ability to be so soft (like From the Dining Table) but also so powerful and hard (like KIWI) and it’s my Faaaaaaaave Thing.
Here’s some standouts for me and I’ll go kinda chronologically cause why not!! haha
Here’s little baby Harry on xfactor. I’ll admit, I didn’t watch all their xfactor stuff as I came in a little later (like 2013) but this one I did watch and you can tell, even though he’s only 16, there’s something so special about his voice!
Here’s some clips from when Harry toured with 1D. I can remember being so excited every time they did a show because Harry so often changed up notes, added special things, etc. 1)The best song from Take Me Home tour2) “Right Now” aka we didn’t deserve it, Where We Are tour3) Singing “18″ and being an all around earth angel every time 4) When they surprised us and did Drag Me Down for the first time and Harry killed everyone with the runs at the end, when I say I SCREAMED I mean itOn to SOLO HARRY! Almost every live performance has been impeccable, even phone-recorded fan vids from concerts have been gorgeous, here’s some cause I love to INDULGE:1) First show at The Garage and already changing it up and sounding incred2) Singing “Ultralight Beam” at The Garage and…well killing us all dead 3) “Woman” at The Troubadour4) “Sign of The Times” in MexicoHere’s my last few faves, mostly full songs!1) Meet Me in The Hallway from Behind The Album doc2) “Woman” from Live in Manchester3) this is just a clip but his Late Late Show performance of Two Ghosts was hauntingly beautiful4) Carolina on Late Late show (so fun)5) and my fave Sign of the Times performance from Graham Norton, he just looks so happy at the end lol it’s cuteSOOOOOOOOOO yeah this got long I’m SO SORRY. I love Harry’s voice!! Thanks for being so kind and I’m sorry this ran away with me! (WOOPS) But if you ever wanna see or hear more, I have this tag Harry Sings and there’s loads of loads of clips! Hope you like this! xxoxox
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