#and now i wanna check fionna and cake even more now
thewhizzyhead · 1 year
anyways I hope everyone is having fun watching masc cropped military cut PB and vampire queen marceline fight and choke each other to death while human Gumball and Marshall Lee share their first onscreen kiss. also does this remind anyone of first kill and heartstopper-
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aili-not-ally · 2 years
The Gumball Letters
If you're reading this, then my time has come.
Inside this box that Butterscotch Butler (hopefully) gave you, you will find photos, tchotchkes, and a smaller box. Just don't put on the cursed amulet we found four hundred years ago. Ha ha, wasn't that fun? Inside the smaller box is a necklace I've made for you. It's not much, but I hope you'll like it. The charm is made from a fragment of your old bass and the twine is from one of the strings. After we left the Glass Kingdom that day, I went out to look for the remains, hoping I could piece it back together. Those two bits were all I could find, sadly.
Marshall Lee, I love you more than anything in this world. Even though I'm not the best at showing it, it'll always be true. I don't want you to wallow in a pit of misery now that I'm gone. I know how you get. Instead, go out and make some new friends. Just promise that you won't forget Fionna, Cake, Evan, LSP, or anyone. And promise you won't forget me. Don't think of this as goodbye. I'll always be in the cotton candy grass you walk on and in the sugar smelling air you breathe. Don't weep at my grave. Be happy. Be free. Be you.
I love you, Marshall Lee Abadeer.
Barnabas Gumball
P.S: Don't let Cinnamon Bun fool you - she has dibs on nothing. And don't worry about the Candy Kingdom. Mo-Chro will look after it.
Hey, Bubba.
I don't know how you'd feel about me writing this. It's been two hundred years and I just still can't believe you're gone.
I wish that you would have let me do something to help. But at the same time, I respect your wishes to move on from this world.
I did my best to take care of Mo-Chro for you. And I checked in on Cycla and Gorion every chance I got. I also appreciate you assembling that box for me. But I made my decision: I'm going to look for some vampire hunters and allow them to stake me. I can't do it, Barney. I tried to be strong. I really did. But I just can't. You don't understand how lonely it is here in Aaa without you. Without Mo-Chro. Without Fionna and Cake. Without anyone.
So yeah. I'm just gonna wait around for some bozos to come and exterminate me. Hopefully it won't take long. I just hope people still believe in vampires. I know this is more of the coward's way out. But I'm tired, Bubba. I've lived since before the Great Mushroom War. And I'm just tired.
I'm tired of crying. I'm tired of killing. I'm tired of living.
I'm coming, Barnabas.
To whoever reads this...
My name is Ben, the former prince of the Pup Kingdom.
And I'm Shelly! His best friend!
We only know bits and pieces of this Marshall guy's story, but we think it's worth telling. So if you see the gravestone we've laid in the ground for him, please take some time to pay your respects.
And don't steal the necklace!!
"Great, Shelly, now all people are gonna wanna do is steal the necklace!"
"Then we better take it with us!"
"No! That would make us grave robbers!!! Do you want that on your conscience?!"
"Wazzat mean?"
Okay so for context:
The first letter was written a few decades after the events of Obsidian. Gumball got sick and made the box and the necklace for Marshall.
Marshall tried to convince Gumball to let him turn him into a vampire so he could live forever, but Gumball said no. Don't ask me why. There were a lot of tears that day though.
Anyway, Butterscotch Butler gave Marshall the box. And there were even more tears. Mo-Chro took over the Candy Kingdom, but he died about fifty years later. Marshall tried to go on for a while longer, but he pretty much just gave up by the time Ben and Shelly came into the picture.
Ben and Shelly received a commission to deal with Marshall. Guess who posted it.
So they go to stake Marshall, who surrendered. Shelly and Ben drop the stakes, feeling bad, and Marshall just takes the wood and does it himself.
After snooping through his stuff, Shelly and Ben figure Marshall out and bury it all. The necklace now hangs on a tree branch above his gravestone.
And don't worry - no one stole it.
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