#and now that hes a dead man theres no one else he can kill ... right ..?
dirt-str1der · 2 years
One last post because this has literally been keeping me up but it haunts me how ice cold kiryu is. The man is like a fucking robot , like yeah he is the warm and compassionate protagonist of our beloved like a yakuza series who loves to help people and adores his nine kids but he gives zero shits about consequences as long as they all fall onto his shoulders and is a huge fan of abandoning everybody who has ever loved him because he cant just Not have his cake and eat it , he also has to fake his death and run away from it
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nexttothelamp · 19 days
#the legal battle will take so long#this is going to be the hardest thing ive ever done and maybe will ever do#life has and will change forever. for the better? i hope but i dont know#is this the right thing to do? yes#does that make it easier? ....only slightly. and itll have to be enough. and i realize now that it is#but oh god does it hurt. im a victim too maybe the oldest one? oldest one alive anyway. that i know of#i cant. believe it#hindsight is 40/20 in this case but fuck#a part of me wants to tell him#to pull him aside and say#i know what you did. i know what you did and its going to come out.#and if it was only in the past i might choose to let the dead rest#but i cant let you near those kids. i can only pray to a god i dont believe in that its not already too late#but baby axel still has a chance#i know with this shit system i wont be able to take the kids from derek#but i can put you away and maybe thatll be enough#i wanna tell him that im going to the police and they WILL be coming to his mothers house#and i wanna tell him that because i loved him. So MUCH once#that im giving him the chance to kill himself and take the cowards way out before its too late#i... mean that a little too and that hurts the most#i cant kill him even though id like to choke the life out of him myself#i cant ruin my life for the man that tried to already#but it would save us all so much trouble if he did us all a favor and shot himself in the fucking skull#theres always going to be more kids and hes gotten to 4 over 2 decades at least. and those are only the ones i know for certain#hes just a pedophile. it makes so much sense now#fuck. fuck.#maybe in a few days ill be able to think about something else#can barely focus on trump getting convicted lol#id say delete later but i wont
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Peaky Blinders Headcannons
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🌿Calls you his angel
🌿He comes across as stoney and cold, struggles to show his adoration, but it all comes out when he says thay word. "Cmere angel," "You're my angel," "behave yourself angel,"
🌿Sometimes he really does believe you were sent from heaven to save him
🌿Or to test him... He's so hellbent on protecting you, preserving your innocence, not letting you get close to the darker side of him and his business that he almost loses you
🌿You're always trying to soothe him, to get under his skin, heal him. You're not stupid, you've heard he's a bad man and you know it too
🌿But even bad men deserve love and you adore him
🌿So you keep trying to look after him. At night when he has his terrors you hold his head to your chest and let him fall asleep there, your hands combing through his hair. You'll fall asleep with him resting there like that and in the morning when you wake up, he's usually woken up before you and moved so that its you resting on him. His hands playing with your hair. You know hes trying to pretend the terrors didnt happen, but you let him pretened. Its slow work getting a man like Tommy to open up, the fact that he let you hold him at all is miracle enough for now.
🌿He's killed for you, he thinks you don't know but you do. Of course you know, he's done it so many times, too many times to hide it. The first time it happened you put it down to coincidence. The man who groped you in the Garrison, he was an unpleasant man, exactly the type of man you could imagine would get himself into a fight he couldnt win. When he got stabbed with a broken bottle in a bar fight no one had been surprised. But when it keeps happening? Its hard to ignore the fact that any man who so much as looks at you for too long seems to end up dead or blind.
🌿Is haunted by dreams of you dying, morbidly convinced hes going to lose you, that youre going to be stolen from him. This is why hes so possesive.
🌿 Nothings going to happen to you because hes not going to let you out of his sight, there will always be peaky boys guarding Tommy's angel. But...
🌿 If something does happen to you, Tommy's calculating the cruelest revenge, the slowest most painful method of killing. Hes militant about it. He'll hunt them down. But he'll be so caught up in planning his revemge that instead of being gentle with you and holding you/comforting you, he'll sit at your bedside with a face of thunder, holding your hand too tightly, his mind far away, plotting the finer details of revenge. He will not sleep until the bastard who harmed his angel is dead.
🌿 He doesn't involve you in business at all, if he had it his way he'd keep you at home in the country forever, never let you leave the sanctuary of the home he's built for you.
🌿And why would you want to? Your doting Tommy has done everything he can to craft a little piece of heaven on earth for his little angel.
🐻 You're far too young, precious and pretty to be sitting in this old mans lap but
🐻 Theres nowhere else youd rather be
🐻 An unforgiving brute to everyone but you, his "ziskeit" (sweetness). He goes 0 to 100 and then straight back down to 0 for you. By this i mean, he's threatening a man's life in one breath, evil in his eyes, cold and cruel with all that sadistic humor mixed in, but then upon turning to see you've slipped into his office by mistake, he drops his tone, speaks to you calm and quiet and soft.
🐻 Has a habbit of beckoning you over to him so that he can whisper instructions for you. He loves how obedient you are and how delicate you look when you tread soft and quick/nimble across the room to be by his side.
🐻 "shikseleh, go wait outside for your old man, thats a good girl, you wait for me and I'll come find you as soon as i can" "patience ziskeit, will you do me a favour? I want you to go find olly for me right, and you tell him, that i told you, that if he doesn't come get this selfish little bastard out of my office I'll kill him...."
🐻 Sending you on your way with a little pat on the cheek only to stop you as you get to the door... "wait a minute, wait... I forgot something very important didnt I... Don't swear..."
🐻 He knows he can't protect you and he doesn't want you to be too innocent - after all hes a dirty old man and there are things he wants to do with you that innocent girls just can't do...
🐻 But he likes to pretend you're innocent and hes determined to keep you good so there are rules. Alfie loves rules.
🐻 No swearing, no answering back, you're to do as you're told by him, youre not to speak to the men in the bakery (they aren't even allowed to look at you) and if you're going to sit down? Well you must sit in your old mans lap.
🐻 He hasnt had to kill anyone over you yet but thats only because he strikes the fear of god into everyone he meets. No one in their right mind would lay a finger on you. The men in the bakery know to turn their heads away and avert their gaze when you walk in looking for your old man.
🐻 He has thought about it many times however... What he'd do if anything were to happen to you. Thats why he wakes you sometimes in the middle of the night, his fingers stroking your cheek, his lips skimming your hair. He'll lie on his back, the weight of your sleeping body on top of his, his fingers tracing down your spine, your head held in the palm of his hand. And he'll hold you all night, thinking about the violence hed commit if anyone ever even threatened you.
🌼 Brings you flowers all the time, buys you so many pretty things. He doesnt think he's good enough to win you over with looks/charm and personality so this is how he tries to attract you. With gifts.
🌼 But you adore him, and you don't need all these gifts to attract you to him because youve only ever had eyes for him.
🌼 He's a little insecure, so he's always getting into fights over you. Nothing serious really, but if anyone dares to observe how beautiful you are, John takes offense. "She's too good for me aye? That what youre saying?" "Reckon you'd like to try a piece of my girl?"
🌼 Calls you all manner of sweet little pet names but his favourite is "little flower,"
🌼 You bring out the child in him, he's boyish and careless with you, will play fight, sneak up on you and make you jump just to hear you shriek and jump into his arms. Will chase you and sling you over his shoulder when he catches you.
🌼 Can't take his eyes off you, you really really ruin his cool. His brothers and sister take the piss and he often finds himself embarassed and blushing because they've caught him watching you again.
🌼 Worries about you, worries you will get hurt because of his deeds with the peakys, naively thinks he can protect you from everything.
🌼 When you are hurt he's both full of guilt/shame and desperate for revenge. Whoever hurt you is going to pay with their life... But his first worry is you, he won't leave your side until youre better, or unless you manage to convince him to go.
🌼 Is always always big spoon, even when really hes the one who needs hugging. He likes to wrap you up in his arms, hold onto you and bury his face in your neck. This way when hes hurt you wont know hes crying (you know but you let him pretend)
🍂 Kind of whipped?? Dotes on you completely, his brothers think its imasculating but he just worships you.
🍂 Anything you want or need, he'll get/do/give
🍂 Knows he should do more to protect you from business but feels hopeless to do so.
🍂 More than this though he wants to keep you safe from himself... He tries to keep a distance from you, and when hes angry he wont see you, he'll avoid you... Which you hate...
🍂 He has it in his head that youre more innocent than you are until one day you catch him when hes feeling violently angry... Hes in the most tumultuous mood, his brothers pissed him off and he's all riled up on snow...
🍂 Hes storming down the night time street, going to find a whore to use up all his anger on before he goes to meet you... Just so he can calm down... Really hes doing it for you...
🍂 But you catch him and tell him to take it out on you... You tell him not to hold back but he does, he can't do that to you...
🍂 But now youve been together so long and he knows he wont hurt you... That you like it when hes violent with you. He'll be so rough with you, he'll choke you, slap you, throw you over the table, treat you so harsh, but he'll always say the sweetest things to you. He'll fuck you real hard whilst grunting the most complimentary and gentle things. "Youre my fucking cherub darling, my fucking little cherub..."
🍂 He. Has. Killed. So. Many. Men. Over. You. So many. Even before you were his, if he saw someone look at you, or flirt with you, or just talk about you, he'd cut in and tell them to watch their tongue. Hes been known to lose his temper over almost nothing, beat a man half to death over one glance.... But you, in your own fucked up way, kind of love that.
🍂 Likes to take baths with you, in the bath hes gentle with you. Will sit between your legs and have you wash his hair, your fingers massaging his scalp make him feel so calm.
🍂 You are the only person who can really calm him down and dull his pain.
🍂 He calls you his angel, his saving grace, because he believes youve been sent to save him, to heal him.
🍂 Lets you hold him when he's calmed down from a rage and is upset, lets you see him cry but isnt shy about telling you it bothers him. You are often big spoon at night, wrapped around him comfortingly. He will take your hands and bring them to his lips, kiss every one of your fingers and hold them close to his face.
🍀 You are his little dove, he hasn't used your real name since the day he learnt it, you have just always been his little dove.
🍀 Tries very hard to keep his innocent dove away from the peaky blinders. You haven't met them yet and Bonnie doesn't intend for you to.
🍀 He just feels so protective of you. Youre much smaller than him, he can pick you up with one arm and your hand feels so small held in his. The thought of you being in the same room as the blinders sends a shudder down his spine. Youre too good, too precious.
🍀 Always holding your hand, whenever he has the chance. Always doing things for you, making sure youre okay. He's absolutely obsessed with how small your hands are in comparison to his.
🍀 Even before you were together he felt protective over you. He would walk you wherever you needed to go, or give you rides on his horse. He socked another lad at the camp once for pulling your hair and trying to tease you.
🍀 It took him absolutely forever to admit to anyone that he actually had feelings for you...even though it was very obvious. He gets far too shy and blushes around you. He thinks the world of you and can't believe his luck. Hes absolutely giddy with pride whenever hes with you.
🍀 Is so sweet, picks you wild flowers, brings you little gifts. He made a little wooden crusifix for you once and threaded it onto a piece of string. Its not the most glamorous jewlery but you never take it off.
🍀 Always holding your hand, playing with your fingers. Likes it when you wear his jackets and shirts. Especially when he has to leave you and go to do work for Tommy. He feels as though having his jacket around your shoulders lets him keep holding you even after hes gone.
🍀 Hasn't killed for you yet... Would kill for you in a heartbeat...even tommy shelby.
🍀 Is nervous for you to see him fight in case it scares you, or makes you scared of him, because youre timid and because you were scared of him when you were younger and before you were friends.
🍀 But he also feels really proud when you come to his fights, he wants to impress you and make you proud.
🍀And he especially likes when you patch him up afterwards and carefully kiss his bruises.
🍀 Dreams of running away with you, the two of you going to live in a vardo together, far away from the peakys, somewhere safe, travelling together, always alone together.
🍀 Desperate to put a baby inside you, tells you all the time.
🍀 There were signs at first which you supposed you missed, but once you're together a little while he has a real soft dom side to him youre not expexting. He's determined to stamp out any insecuroties you might have, praises you all the time, always telling you how beautiful /pretty/adorable you are and...
🍀 They're never said out loud but he has rules for you. They aren't like alfies rules, they're not as jealous. But,
You have to look after yourself, he reminds you when you need to eat, he likes to be the one who washes your hair, he doesn't like it when you leave the camp on your own and especially doesnt want you going into birmingham without him.
🍀 When you look back you realise he always had these rules for you, he'd never let you off on your own, he'd always been over protective... And you also realise youd always complied amd been good for him... You don't know why.
🍀 Absolutely will not sleep unless hes holding you, likes to feel your body pressed against his with you sleeping on top of him. Will play with your hair and draw patterns on your skin. Unless its the night after a fight in which case youre permitted to hold him instead.
🐀 Knows he shouldnt but definitely starts fights to try and impress you
🐀Is always a little bit paranoid that if he lets you hang around with finn and michael, one of them will steal you away from him.
🐀Over protective, puts on a front of being a fighter who's tough and quick tempered, but is actually just very sweet and in love with you.
🐀Is quite cocky, always flirting with you, really enjoys showing you off... Very tactile, always touching you. He is especially tactile around you in front of his friends and you know this is because he wants to remind them that you belong to him.
🐀Asks you who you love/who you belong to on a regular basis, multiple times a day. He'll catch your hand as youre leaving the room, pin you down in bed or up against a wall, get all up in your personal space and ask you... Won't let you go until you answer him so sometimes you stall on purpose
🐀And sometimes you hmmm and give him the wrong answer just to see what he'll do...
🐀Poor boy feels he has to prove himself and so usually you end up getting fucked real hard, only allowed to cum when he asks you the question again and you give him the right answer.
🐀Doesnt have to prove he's a man because he's so sure of himself in that specific way. Which is hot... You like the fact he lets you be big spoon sometimes, that he lets you cling onto him and nestle in as close as you can. Secretly he likes the feeling of being held.
🐀Does have a bit of a temper, will get angry with you if you've been flirting with other men, sulks if youve spent a lot of time talking with Michael or Finn. Doesn't like when you join in their teasing of him... Has plenty of ways to punish you for it later. Isn't gentle.
☘️ When you first met you thought Michael was just a mummys boy. You thought he was too soft for you...
☘️ My god were you mistaken.
☘️ Michael has an underdog complex worse than Tommy Shelby, he is ALWAYS trying to prove something. That he's a man, that he's a bad man, that you're his girl, that he's good enough for you...
☘️ Sometimes he speaks too harshly to you when hes in one of his moods but when he sees the hurt in your eyes he apologises, makes you come to him so he can kiss you and stroke your cheek. He never tells you he's sorry though and you always know hes going to do it again.
☘️ But you kind of like it like that. You like hos angry streak, it excites you, you want to know how far he'd go if you pissed him off. He wouldn't kill you, youre almost certain of that.
☘️ And besides you have the temper to match... If he ever slapped you he knows you'd hit him back twice as hard. Sometimes That is the only thing that stops him hitting you... Not his deeply ingrained principles about hitting girls.
☘️ You watch him change, no longer soft and easily bullied, but fierce, just as cruel, just as rotten as the rest of them... Part of you is sad to see his sweet side leave him but another part of you, and not a small part of you, finds it hot, exciting.
☘️ You like pushing him to his limits, arguing back until he snaps. You like seeing his temper flare and youll do anything in your power to make him snap.
☘️ He's unnaturally loyal for a peaky boy, at first you don't believe it when other people tell you they've seen him turn girls down because of you, then you think it's just a phase, he's got that new love obsession. But after awhile you realise his obsession with you is all consuming... He won't cheat on you because to him theres no point in fucking someone who isnt you. He wouldn't get any pleasure or satisfaction from dominating and owning someone else... Only you...
☘️ You argue and fight a lot, you both have sharp tempers and the relationship looks toxic... It probably is toxic, but you don't care. You set eachother on fire, breath life into eachother. You like getting into trouble with Michael. It started as partners in crime, the two of you against the world, and in many ways it is, youre ride or die, no one can come between you...
☘️ Except you love to make him angry. You love to push him over the edge so that he grabs you by the throat and squeezes, choking you whilst he tells you youre his, "you belong to me so be-fucking-have yourself you ungrateful little brat"
☘️ Youre spoilt because he spoils you and he loves to remind you. Hes proud that he can. He was raised a gentleman remember and he knows exactly how to treat a woman. When you're good you get showered in gifts and praise and kisses.
☘️ He likes to control you completely, down to the way you wear your hair and the clothes you dress. He tells you what to put on in the morning and if he doesnt like what youve chosen he demands you change.
☘️ And this is where his softer side comes out... If he doesnt like what youre wearing he demands you change, but he's the one who changes you. He undresses you, he helps you into your new outfit. If he doesnt like your hair he takes it out gently and fixes it the way he wants to see it. He wipes your make up off, tells you you look too much like a whore... His words are always so harsh but his actions so gentle and caring.
☘️ When hes done he'll say something like "there, thats better," and kiss you sweetly.
☘️ Hates it when other men talk to you, most men don't because theyve seen what has happened in the past but Tommy has no respect for Michael and no respect for your relationship. He doesn't even really find you attractive, but he will touch you, flirt with you, try to make you blush, just to piss his cousin off. And it works. And you'd be lying if you said you didnt try to encourage that behaviour because when Michael has something to prove...
☘️ Its delicious.
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galakianexplosion · 3 months
Okay so; another little one punch man ramble. {SPOILERS! :D}
This is for the non revised lastest chapters in specific, and the monster association arc.
The parallels between Saitama and Flash,
Originaly from a conversation with my friend @kachikirby , it might be extremly obvious to everyone but id like to speak about it anyways! :D
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To elaborate a tiny bit more on this and mostly rephrase ; So both have their own foe to defeat; Saitama with Garou and Flash with Emtpy void (motivated to fight god himself).
Both of their enemies is possessed by said god. And both wanted something out of the other party. Garou wanted to fight Saitama at his best and Empty Void deemed Flash worthy enough to be gifted the same "possession". So to throw both off they needed to get a reaction, something that'd break something inside of them.
Both don't have all that much to look to, even if we know less about Flash, i think it's safe to assume he's lonely and focuses on his strenght. Saitama is simillar, a man so bored with his own strenght.
But, both have someone, now you might add that Garou also managed to kill all other heroes (and more) present near him which certainly did not help Saitama feel better, which i will agree with! But the main factor for the whole state he gets into after stays Genos. (It's also heavily heavily implied/basicaly said that Saitama relies Genos for support and all of that) Saitama recieves Genos' core- his heart.
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Now Flash on the other hand, despite his messy fall out with Sonic, said Sonic is really the only one he has. They both were each other's only source of "happiness" during the times when they were in the ninja training thing. They both relied on each other and had a whole dream with each other. They both have a very strong history despite their falling out. And even after that they do still care for one another. So, even with what Flash says to Blast about being soft in the revised version, he too, has a weakness in the form of someone else. Flash receives Sonic's head as his dismembered remains falls in the back. His head is even cut in half. In the middle, horizontaly.
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Now, hear me out, im pretty sure there's a connection between God and the brain (as well as psychic powers and the moon but anyways,) and Sonic's head was cut in a way that kept said brain intact. I don't have much on this part right now but i do believe theres a link between all of those things---
Also could it be said that there was Heart and Mind (Reason and feelings) parallels
Sonic's dead was false. It's a projection made from Empty Void to Flash, an illusion to break his spirit. WHICH SUCCEEDED. And broke Flash for long enough to able Empty Void to get the cube to touch him.
Meanwhile, Genos' death was fully real. He was really dead when Saitama fought with Garou.
But all turned out alright for the four of them. Flash got saved by Sonic, who was fully alive and well. And Saitama turned back time which allowed Genos to be alive again (and all the other heroes but you know)
So; both also had similar expressions at simmilar time. Faces shadowed out except for eyes. (Saitama's eyes don't appear on most of the pannels however) But both were clearly in a form of distress over someone they care about dying. They're both well aquainted with Death. They're heroes who kill monsters. And Flash also is an assassin.
It can also be said that they would not really have made it out on their own in some ways. Genos' core being there managed, in some ways, to keep Saitama's brain mostly in check (if you get what i mean). Saitama could probably have been way more dangerous otherwise. And Sonic managed to snap Flash out of the possession before God took a hold of him.
Because in the end, God is a convincing little meanie. Taking the form of someone you trust. (Except in psychos case where she fused with someone already gifted by god i believe) (and that homeless emporor who i believe saw a version of god because he perhaps didn't have anyone close to him.) So Flash did see Sonic, like if all his life and troubles were just a bad dream, he was in front of his childhood friend, in a vast field, being reassured by the other he just saw being cut apart seconds earlier.
And both Flash and Saitama know each other. And both lived trough their first encounter with God next to each other (along Manako)
All of this to say that both their parallels are very dear to me. I wonder what we'll see of it in the revised version!
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deimostes · 4 months
PLEASE tell me more about your Omegadow headcanons
building off the little thing team dark have where rouge and shadow always sit on omega's shoulders - omega likes carrying shadow around in his arms. at first it's just like, a mid-combat thing where he'll catch him if he falls, or whenever hes especially tired after a fight (as he'll do with rouge too), but sometimes on a normal day he just picks him up while knowing damn well shadow can handle himself. shadow tells him this too, but all flustered and Not admitting that he likes it. something something the big strong killing machine designed to keep you in check treating you with care like you're the most delicate thing in the world
i think it would be really funny if rouge associated chili dogs with them more than she did with sonic:
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like that's her boys. she thinks they're SO cute she loves them so bad. she'll walk by a hotdog stand or something and just think to herself "huh, chili and hot dogs ..... !!! shadow and omega!!!!"
dating changes NOTHING about their competitiveness. the obvious! it just makes it come off insanely gay to anyone else listening. sparring is a date to them. these two love to rile each other up as a form of flirting. it's the only way they'll flirt in front of other people too. i'm particularly thinking of their TSR interactions like these are so
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shadow starts using nicknames for omega without realizing it. omega has NO idea how to react at first but then he does too. he never thought he'd be calling anyone "love" in his life, but with someone who understands him as much as shadow does, he finds it comes naturally. neither of them are super openly affectionate, especially shadow, but eventually they get to the point they casually use these nicknames in front of other people. rouge is the first one to witness it. doodle about this i forgot i had in my files
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i saw u liked my girl leonid (THANK U <3) so i'll talk about her too :) with a kid one would think these two would be like that one meme, shadow as the picture of the person cuddling the baby on a beach chair vs omega holding the baby upside down just by the leg and swinging em around. but i think it's the other way around when leonid is a baby. like omega is so so scared he feels like he's gonna pop her. meanwhile shadow (while not being as crazy as the meme depicts LMAO) can tell she's strong, like this is HIS and OMEGA'S kid, she'll be fine. and he's right! omega just has no idea how to react when he now has a whole CHILD but he gets used to it and she ends up just as happy to cause destruction as him :) naturally the ultimate lifeform and ultimate robot would have the ultimate cyborg - theres a day where leonid calls herself this for the first time just like, completely unprompted, and if robots could cry omega would have (it probably comes out as funny little warbling noises from his voice box instead)
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fucksurass · 5 months
DEAD? Park!
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Stan: Kenny...? You um-
Stan: Yesterday you were all... Weird? Now youre um.... Not..
Kyle: What hes trying to say is, What the hell happened after school yesterday because you actually look... Okay.
Stan: Yeah you dont look like a mess like after Pocket got here. You left insane and came back chillin. What happened?
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Kenny: You mean apart from fucking Cartmans mom?
Kenny: Im kidding! I read porn and imagined fucking her!
Kenny: And I said to myself, Im going crazy! No one died! Im just a little messed up right now because of stress! So I whipped out my weiner and started jacking it.
Cartman: Dear god, can Kenny please fall off his chair and bust his ass.
Kyle: Awe Kenny come on!!
Stan: Not what I wanted to hear today.
Kenny: What? At least im not acting crazy anymore. Id say this is normal.
Stan: ....
Cartman: ....
Kyle: ....
Kyle Cartman and Stan: Yeah hes got a point. Id believe it. Regular Kenny.
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Kenny: Oh and those books arent gonna help you at all Stany boi. I suggest giving it up.
Stan: Come on dude... Let a man dream...
Kenny: Wendys probably a lesbian dude.
Kyle: Yeah she probably totally definitely is.
Stan: What...?
Kyle: Yeah... You should go for someone el-
Cartman: Faggot.
Kyle: Shut the fuck up Cartman!
Stan: Yeah! Wendys not a faggot! Im sure she'll come back. She always does...
Cartman: That went over your whole head, Stan.
Stan: What went over my head?
Kyle and Cartman: *face palm*
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Mr. Garrison: Okay class.... Sadly and Unfortunately for me... Theres another.. New student-
Kenny: WAH thud! OW!!
Ze Mole: Fuck god!
Kenny: Stop laug- ....Mole..?
Garrison: You know him?
Stan: All four of us do! Hey man!
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Garrison: Thats cool. Anyway say hello to Christofeet- Chris- Christophne something or other or- Just call him Ze Mole.
Ze Mole: I have returned on behalf of Gregory. I wanted to ask if La Resistance lived on after I- er left... For.. War?
Pip: Hello Mole!
Ze Mole: Ah... You are here..
Cartman: Yeah we all hate Pip too dont worry.
Ze Mole: Sure.
Stan: Kenny? Oh not again... I swear..
Kyle: What- Oh...
Mr. Garrison: Can we please sit down? Im still teaching. Who else in here is gay?
Ze Mole: ...Why are you looking at me like zat Kenny? Stop.
Pip: In a matter of seconds, dear Mole, Kenny well have assumed your death.
Ze Mole: How-
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Kenny: Okay I am seriously fucking positive we WATCHED that guy die!
Stan: Come on Kenny! You were doing great!
Kyle: You almost had it then you blew it!
Kenny: We watched it happen guys! Cartman didnt turn off the alarm and he got attacked by guard dogs-
Ze Mole: I hate guard dogs... What a terrible way to die! Do not wish zat on me!!
Cartman: Haha! Sick!
Stan: Oh my god! Ze Mole killed Kenny!
Kyle: You french bastard!
Mr. Garrison: Please be careful with that thi-
Ze Mole: Was my mozer careful when she shot me in my leg while I vas still in ze womb?!
Mr. Garrison: ...I guess not.
Craig: Dude sit down! You killed Kenny!
Red: Whos Kenny-
Ze Mole: Do not worry.
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Ze Mole: Though he dies, La Resistance lives on.
Cartman: Nobody gives a crap about Las resilience! Lets all just wait for the rats to consume Kennys body so we can continue naming all the fags in the classroom.
Mr. Garrison: Lets all listen to the fat kid.
Clyde: Guys im not a faggot...
Pt. 2
Pt. 4
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
Its time for the weekly horrors- I mean Trimax vol 3 >:3
The Thoughts:
chap 1:
-bro you are about to get into a fight can you stop thinking about your bf for 5 minutes
-fr tho, vash's words making him hesitate/angry is so dcfgjhbkml
-why everyone wants my babygirl dead :c
-now now, comparing someone with their brother isnt a nice thing to do
-oh so now we're not even making an allegory, he actually called him jeesus
-also "your soul is forced to endure the sorrow by the hundreds, suffering by the thousands, and the rage by the hundreds of thousands" im gonna throw up cuz of how that GOOD and PAINFUL that shit is
-the polar opposite of being a human huh...i mean besides something i said weeks ago about how he's further away from humanity more than he would like that point is interesting cuz most of the time we call him someone who is more human than any other person. he carries more pain than any human could endure and definitely has more patience than anyone will ever have but...hm...i want to come back to this
-ww pls dont make me cry today pls honey
-oh im gonna cry
-"your ideals will join you in the grave" i fucking hate thats the reason why we all try to be better people, thanks to that fucking wet cat of a man i cannot deal actually
chap 2:
-i dont have much to say about battles but let it be on the record that I'm enjoying ww's eyes sm
-oh page 38 is cool as hell
chap 3:
-ww stop having pretty eyes youre distracting
-meanwhile :3
-ah geesus the body horror (so good but creepy)
-so many fucking details. nightow got down even the smallest scribbles, as 98 vash would say
-oh right that....thats still upsetting
-i fucking swear people need to leave my son alone
-also fucking hate that he had to SHOOT A BABY even if it was fake
-i can feel his fucking mind breaking i cant do this
chap 4:
-"i cant do this" yet here i am lmao
-i think if vash held me like hes holding that girl a lot of my problems would be resolved ngl
-characters reciting names always get to me :c
-"why are there so many" brad you may want to sit down for this one
-..................i deadass thought "oh the doctor is here" IVE READ THIS BEFORE AND I FELL FOR IT AGAIN
-vash with his hair down :3
-nah hes not gonna kill you BUT HE FUCKING SHOULD
-oh i will kill so many people (vash is bleeding)
-hm. this reminds me of something in houseki no kuni (i wont spoil but maybe ichikawa had trigun as inspo which would be cool af)
chap 5:
-oh im yeeting myself (ww thinks about the children) -ww gives in his anger and fear when punching those weirdass faces but I'm gonna say this once: that doesn't make him weaker or worst. i haven't seen anyone think that of ww, i just feel that when he compares himself to vash he feels that way and i cant stand it :)
-vash i fucking swear-
-oh god the fingers...the fucking fingers...
-oh you are NOT talking to my vash about pain and agony
-XD my girls
no wait i need to get back to that. i thought that was emilio's dad not fucking vash himself oh my god I'm sick so sick actually wtfffffffffffff
chap 6:
-is this the chapter with the gays eyes cuz I'm not ready for that-
-oh fuck you nightow. fuck you for putting knives in the title page and the title being "families"
-i want to punch so many things but I'm at work. fuck
-also i forgot about this stampede parallel GOD WHEN DOES MY SUFFERING END
-yeah i agree this is literally the moment. like fuck. fuck actually. fuck what else is there to say.
-like hes so fucking terrified that he was afraid for him, what his journey is causing ww, but even if he wanted ww to stay away and safe he knows ww would say fuck off, but also vash would not be able to take it
-im so fucking upset cuz the last 3 chapters were basically fights. they were full of energy and shit but now that is over and they are in a rare moment of peace, and everything fucking hits.
-im gonna go outside and step into oncoming traffic
-WOLFWOOD :D pls never leave me
-i am nothing. i just remembered that.
chap 7
-maybe i dont want to read trimax anymore. maybe a little person like me isn't strong enough for a 2nd round of the pain. with that in mind, lets keep reading :D
-wolfwood what he is it doesnt matter i swear pls cant you just love him?
-i dont like vash being emotionally attached to stuff cuz that means i have to yell HES LIKE ME FR FR
-oh that....that beautiful panel...amazing
-i think my mind blocked this out because of the previous sad things that happened, so now my brain is allowing me to process more sad things :3
-"i still have so much i must do" and i see i still have many tears to cry out huh?
-ofc wolfwood would ask about redemption
-cant my man show an important part of his past and show vulnerability in front of his friends in peace? damn
-im gonna start bitting my glasses
-luida pls i want to stop crying
-oh wolfwood honey....you just fell so hard for my man didnt ya
-i just realized the chapter is called "life as a" and I THINK the idea is to complete it with "life as a 'vash the stampede'" cuz he's not human
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why consume and/or actually make content when you can just make sillly aus in your head mmmm?
(this gets REALLY long-)
anyway life series au idea with the winners not dying!
Not that they dont try. Grain still jumps off Monopoly Mountain believing that it’d end the game. Scott still suddenly falls to the ground clutching his chest. Pearl still gets blown away thanks to the explosion. Martyn still runs out of time.
But they dont die.
Grian falling backwards, landing on his wings, knocking himself out. hours later waking up with broken wings in so much pain and theres... a bit of blood. Not knowing what to do now he’s somehow lived he stays in whats left of the base. And one day, the border falls. Theres nothing left here for him, so he leaves.
Scott wakes up somewhere he does not recongise. He remembers passing out, ya know, outside. after killing people. And he thought he died- Now he’s in some house, a building style he doesn’t recognise. Somewhere that actually looks like they tried when building. And then a man he swore he recongised came upstairs, in some odd clothes, offering food and water and a place to stay.
Pearl met a brutal should be end. I mean yeah she died because Scott did, felt the pain scott did. but she also was right next to the explosion, and it hit her. felt his and her own pain, died from him both because he died and exploded her. So it was fair to say the last thing ever expected was to wake up to see him worrying over her half destroyed body.
Oh Martyn. Killing his ally and hunting Impulse down. The clock still ticks. Just so, so much louder. There’s no one else around, nothing going on. all that he hears is the wind in his ears and the ticking in his head. He doesn’t really leave where he killed them. Just waits. They aren’t getting some dramatic send off. They can wait around as long as they like ‘till he drops once his hard earned time is spent. Though once it’s gone, once he runs out of time... why doesnt he die? And why can he hear familiar voices in the distance?
Now im unsure how i want the winners living but still being in the games to work. I have 2 ideas but I this current one I vibe with more-
Current idea: the watchers created these doubles to play in the winner’s place, to keep around the same amount of players and to keep some fun dynamics. Once you win the double will continue to play in your place for the rest of the games.
The winners continue to live outside the games and once enough of them build a small community. they only remember the game they won, and are all very conflicted on how they feel about each other.
everyone else who didn’t win is doomed to play over and over again trapped in the watcher’s game never remembering the one before.
Also, the winners stay ‘red’. how much the red affects them depends on the person.
(idea i have atm is, funny enough, the order the games happen. Grian is the least affected, then scott, then pearl and Martyn the most)
How all the winners find each other?
So taking the Grian is a watcher idea and fucking sprinting with it-
Grian after spending a few days alone in the desert, the watchers have moved on. they are somewhere else feasting, no longer there to bother grian (he wasn’t doing anything anymore. just moping. so boring-) but also no longer there to hold him back.
so after those days he kinda comes back to his watcher powers, or well some of them. And why keep himself locked up in a border when he can just get rid of it and run away from his problems (dead friends, destroyed home-)
And the first time he comes across another game is an accident. He finds the border and having not set it up himself (he doesn’t know if he could. never had a reason to try) And stays around the area, sets up a tent and waits for the border to fall.
Once it does. he searches. The watchers dont know, they’ve left. nothing to stay for, time for a feast. But grian looks, finds ruins that remind him of home and it hurts. But he finds someone. someone that, yeah. yeah he knows him. Scott. but it’s not Scott. Not the Scott he knew atleast.
That Scott was sooner caught dead than missing his ring.
But, it’s still a survivor. A winner. And if the blood stained ground is to go by, he went down swinging.
but he’s not dead. he’s alive. he’s unconscious, but breathing.
And Grian’s already lost everyone. this is the first person he’s seen in months. call him selfish, but he doesn’t want to be alone again. so he decides to help this new Scott. Also, maybe he could learn what happened. Get a bit of an understanding on what these sick games really are.
He carries Scott to his home he’s built. Took a while, such long distances still sucked without flight, but the wait for him to wake up was even worse. The chance he wouldn’t? horrible. so Grian ignored it-
But Scott did wake up, and paniced he was to see Grian alive and well, even if his choice of outfit was off. The idea of some form of revenge for Scott being the one to win instead of him was the first thing to cross his mind. like, it’s still Grian. and Grian’s still red.
But he just asks questions, and provides food, and gives answers when Scott asks things himself. Neither seem to be a threat to each other, as there is no benefit in killing the only other person who seems to understand any of this mess. Plus, gaining the knowledge there were two Grian’s, and this one was not the one he personally knew, well, he had no reason to trust him but also none to not.
So Scott stays around. Builds his own house near by Grian’s after the first few weeks. And whenever one explores they make sure to keep an eye out for a border, and ready to alert the other should they find one.
And give it some time, find another they shall.
Double life had ended a bit ago at that point. Scott found the border when he over heard familiar voices near by it. He waited around for Grain to show up and by the time he did the game was over, and with ease he took the border down (yet again no other watchers there to stop him, to busy eating to care)
I doesnt take long to find Pearl but both are quite upset at the sight. Clearly not as somewhat peaceful they had been given. half her face blown to bits and an arm that looks like it wont work the way it use too even with serious help.
While Scott checks her over and Grain looks are their cords to figure how far they are from their little set up, she wakes up instantly panicked. Panicked but also in to much pain to acutally fight back.
And, like, Pearl had been torturing her soulmate for weeks by that point. She’d recognise him. And while the man looking at her certaintly LOOKED like Scott, it was NOT her Scott. It was not the soulmate that left her behind.
Her soulmate wouldn’t look so worried over her state considering he caused it.
Pearl doesn’t take the whole winners live on thing as well as the first too did. not that they took it well, but they kinda just accepted it mostly silently and got on with it. Pearl yells, she cries. That it was all for nothing.
That they could’ve seriously just lived and got along.
Did no one have to die?
Doesn’t help she’s in absolute agony. where her body is actually hurt is completely messed up, but the rest in pain from feeling like she blew up.
They stay around the double life set up untill they deem pearl stable enough both mentally and phyiscally to go back to what they’ve made home.
She’s fairly open about what happened in her game. atleast compered to Grian and Scott, which had both hardly talked about their personal teams or teams that involved the other from their games.
She told them about how she went with Martyn to the nether which was why Scott and Cleo left them to go be soulmates together instead, how she had tilly, and then Martyn killed her. How all the other players thought she was mad.
All she wanted was her dog and a friend.
She bonds pretty well with both Scott and Grian, Scott talking about his pearl and how they were allies, and that clearly this fake scott was a coward, and Grian makes a few jokes about pizza and what they went through for that llama.
Once she’s better they head back to their little safe place. Fairly early on Pearl decides to build another tower, a smaller tower, but she still has her tower. She even gets some new dogs! She was scared to at first. But this wasn’t a death game anymore, Scott and Grian gained nothing from killing her animals. it was safe to have them.
Now, after three times, chances are it’s happening again. They dont exactly look forward to it, but when pearl gives the heads up her dogs found another border and sends her cords over the other two are there within a day or two.
This time it takes a while for the game to end. They dont see much, dont get the notices on their communicators, dont really have a clue whats going on until Grian manages to get rid of the border. Execpt this time the Watchers left alot quicker, almost instantly.
Seems they were already bored.
The three spread out hoping to find the Winner quicker this way, each person having one of pearl’s dogs go with them for safety.
And when Scott found Martyn sat there with blood on his hands, staring at them in utter disbelief he wasn’t expecting to be attacked on sight by the man once noticed.
Something about “you ran out of time, how are you back we ran out of time we shouldn’t be here-”
Seems there was yet again a fun gimmick for the new game.
As Scott’s trying to tell Martyn to chill and keep him from killing Pearl’s dog, the other two both appear having met up running towards the yelling. Now, these people are mostly decked out in enchanted diamond gear, and they have dogs! Martyn’s not stupid. He wont win. he puts his sword away and hands in the air for surrender.
Now, if they thought Pearl took the winner’s living thing bad, boy did Martyn just snap.
Because every single other person in his game had died. They didn’t technically run out of time. two fell to their deaths, the others were murdered. So, for all Martyn knew, he just betrayed his closest ally for a win that ment nothing.
Because for all he knew, they could’ve all lived.
Martyn wasnt too willing to just go with these strangers. yeah, they may look like the people he knew. They might technically be the original versions of them- but what have they done to earn his trust! Show up and threaten him- well he did attack scott first bUT! His dead teammate he just killed showed up again when he should’ve been perma dead! it was a fair reaction.
So they had to spend a little time convincing him, no problem. And once the mention of watchers came up and the borders, grian’s ‘ability’ to take them down, suddenly the fourth winner was all for hanging around with them. (also very much hinting to grian he knew a watcher’s eyes when he saw them- even if scott and pearl didn’t seemed to know for sure yet)
Martyn does still come back with them and set up his own little hut next to a pond he decorated (tropical fish, pufferfish, coral and kelp). it’s further away than the others are but their all okay with that. His red tendencies can still get a little out of hand sometimes, best to keep a little distance when that happens.
This au either continues sad as shit with these lot slowly talking about things that happened and coming to terms about how they didn’t know what would happen at the end, maybe they could’ve all happly lived but thats not what happened and maybe they cant forget everything and everyone but its about time to move on.
silly fun times where the winners all fuck around and have fun. ignore the trauma, enjoy life. have the friends you were never aloud to keep before. Build the amazing house you always wanted, having all the dogs you could ever need. Your alive! Live a little! Enjoy it! until the next border’s found
Or maybe a mix of both-
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spacedhead · 10 months
homestuck reread #7: a5a2 part 3
this is so fucked up.
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but hey check it out. vriska went goat mode
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okayyy merry christmas and happy new year to everyone reading. never too late for a happy new year
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look at roseee shes serving so hard rn. but unfortunately she is talking to doc scratch. which is something one should never do. especially if one is a light player he really loves to torment light players for some reason
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look at how cool jade looks here i would wear the shit out of this outfit if it wasnt approx. 1 trillion degrees in my location. keep slaying girl
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what a thing to say. i know what he is talking about and yet i still barely understood what he meant
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yeah WHATEVER . most important character my ass. we dont care . booooo. boo
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why is jade sprite so sad shes being such a cry baby. honestly normal jade is based for this. jade sprite is just crying and crying for NO REASON. what is even the problem!!!!!
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very fucking interesting indeed.... what a funny thing to say. that is VERY FUCKING interesting......
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woah he looks so cool i love art i love images. also he looks like has the windows logo on his face... sponsored? hello?
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okay so i guess the mayor is having a bad dream. this is pretty scary man... i wonder if its like the ring that he has affecting him in some way. i dont know what it means....
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oh? vriska is here now
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dawwww shes so EEPY!!! that being said, the next page is [s] wake, and i really fucking hate this one. so im NOT EXCITED.
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ARADIA!!!! SHE DID IT!!!! im so happy for her and nothing else happens in this animation so i might as well not watch the rest of it
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sigh. man this sucks
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look at jade go. she looks so awesome! like a super hero. iron man. tony stark . stucky. i could do this all day . blargh
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ok so now im playing another game thing. kanaya and jade just had a conversation about how they have the same role in the two different sessions and how theyre more similar than they thought. also theres some future jade present karkat past jade password shenanigans going on. i loooove when time travel makes no sense and is super confusing. that isnt sarcasm btw. and that wasnt either. also, they updated the sprites in this one so they look way better and sweeeeeeeet. that was 8 e's btw. she isnt even here to appreciate my efforts.....
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this is like scott pilgrim to me. theyre about to go at it!!!! who you guys got money on? me personally i bet sollux 3-0s him and doesnt lose a stock
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easter egg
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anyway yeah guys i was just kidding sollux was no match for eridans insane hope powers. really wasnt even fair to begin with
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yeah and now eridan snaps and becomes an incel. sadge. why do people even like this guy?? WHATEVER HES MID HOPE HE DIES SOON RIP BOZO
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my honest reaction to eridan to only knocking out the guy he had an actual problem with, but killing two women who he liked and respected
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on top of that, gamzee has officially lost it. MAN EVERYTHING IS FUCKING SPIRALING MAN TAVROS IS DEAD KANAYAS DEAD FEFERIS DEAD SOLLUX IS KO'D GAMZEES CRAZY. surely nothing else goes wrong
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oh.....hey john....nice to see you..... maybe you can lift my mood a little...
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STOP CALLING WOMEN CRAZY. even if this one might be a little crazy .. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT
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ALALALALLALAAL thats what vriska looks like shes saying. do you see it i see it personally
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man now i gotta be equius in this game. lets see how this goes...
SHES SO REAL I LOVE HER. nothing bad will ever happen to her
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okay well i reached the end of the game and also the image limit for this post. so ill continue this next time. but i just gotta say
that it was actually pretty good. like go figure the equius one was pretty engaging. equius is very protective of nepeta and it was very sad when he was like "let me take this chance to say goodbye" and nepeta was like "um okay but i will see you soon." like. yeah i guess you will.... :(
i actually liked both of them in this one isolated game . sad for whats gonna happen in the coming pages
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shanieveh · 11 months
ok so like- i read your villain genshin men x hero reader and im obsessed.
now here me out... food for thought
villain genshin men, but the reader is the lover/sidekick of the hero.
genshin man has always loved the reader, but the reader is gaslighting themself into believing theres nothing because "no, he's a villain, I cant" and so on so forth.
now picture this- hero sacrifices the reader for the "greater-good" or say chooses to save the greater amount of people over them, and reader is just shocked because wtf
Enter genshin men with the "he didn't deserve you anyways" and "I can treat you better" etc-
bonus: hero thinks reader is dead only to see them with the villain.
I think the whole thing would be delightfully angsty.
exhibit a, using Alhaitham:
Alhaitham had done it. He had the hero at a crossroads-- save you, hero's lover and sidekick; or save the large group of hostages. He had set up tripwires you see. If he ran to save you, he'd trigger the wire to kill the hostages. If he ran to the hostages, he'd trigger the wire that plunged you into a water tank (and with the bricks tied to your feet and your hands tied, you wouldn't be swimming back up.
It hurt Alhaitham to put you in a dangerous situation, but he was so sure that you'd be safe.
He couldn't fathom the idea that the hero would sacrifice you. Why wouldn't anyone choose their own lover-- let alone someone as great as you-- over a bunch of strangers?
The plan was perfect in Alhaitham's eyes. The hero would never be able to choose, and Alhaitham would defeat them. Sure, you might hate him for destroying your loved one, but there's not much else to do.
Alhaitham had done it. Or he thought he had. Never did he expect the hero to turn and run to the hostages, triggering the tripwire that plunged you into the water tank.
Alhaitham was stunned. He didn't move.
He didn't run after the hero. He didn't press the button he had all along to kill the hostages (although in hindsight, he wished he had waited until the hero was right in front of them to push it. Nothing more than the bastard deserved for leaving you..)
Alhaitham slowly turned to look at your sinking figure.
You looked so sad. So defeated. So betrayed.
You looked like you'd given up, like you had accepted that this was how you'd die. To save a bunch of nobodies.
Alhaitham dove in the water tank, small blade in hand. He hugs cuts the ropes, and pulls you towards him as he swims up and out.
He holds you close as you cry. You don't bother to pull away or to hit him. All you know is Alhaitham saved you, and the hero didn't.
"I'm sorry. I didn't think he'd abandon you."
"Neither did I"
"... I would never let someone take you away from me like that.
"I'll treat you better than that fake hero ever did."
ok but like- just think of the possibilities!!!
Anywyas that was my food for thought. Hope you enjoyed my little tid bit
this fed me for days omg. I enjoyed this :((( but i believe with some men they def avoid the reader because like they don't want a "weakness" but over time they will warm up to reader.
But for some reason i dont think they'll have that "i can treat you better mindset" probably in some way they are afraid of what they can do to the reader and how they can hurt them. But once the reader understands this they will probably bond from it.
With how that villain genshin men was made i just REALLY want that "he will save the world for you" mindset. Because im delusional. thank you this is so great please im sorry for replying late and i didnt proof read this response this is what im feeling the moment
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thegeminisage · 1 year
ok im playing more zelda!! i feel awful this is literally all i can do rn
you know i miss the match over bell from botw. it was so good
i fucking hate this place btw. rauru's settlement or whatever. i hate bottomless bogs
i guess in regards to gameplay it's not that different than lava - more forgiving, even! lava kills you instantly and sometimes you can fight your way out of a bog! - but it FEELS worse. it's uglier for one thing
i'm really close to the lost woods so i'm gonna see if i can navigate it without a torch! since i can see the wind blowing. i have so many korok seeds to trade in lol
took me one false start but i made it! i just had to walk veeery slowly lol
MAXED OUT my weapon storage already. damn.
going to check out a tiny chasm i've been eyeballing forever. i deserve a break
i used to feel so nervous being this close to hyrule castle in botw...the hills between it and the lost woods...it's not as bad in totk although i am still hugging the water. i don't want the music to play lol
fucking korok seed i was supposed to get by starting a fire and using a pinecone to go straight up. it was raining. i had to make the most convoluted structure out of dead trees it took FOREVERRR
how exciting!! after awhile away from the depths i land right on top of a yiga camp AND i can see an easy lightroot from here. a gentle reintroduction
ooh, this book talks about lights that appear and then vanish....that's fucking spooky. i hope they dont mean hands lol
ive been wanting to try "hoverbikes" that ive heard about and theres some fans here, so
ok my bike died but for a test run that was NOT bad
this area is all explored except this one dark spot that i've just now lit up...i'll grab a few poes and go somewhere else
i'm gonna go to goron city and buy my stupid fire helmet. i swear if i don't kill that gleeok on lake hylia i'll die
oh! i found the goron brothers house! kabetta's diary...
uh oh, it's his marbled rock roast descent
ooh, i found the sidequest to get a boulder breaker!!
where tf do i get a cobble crusher these days i wonder...
god i forgot how fun minecarts are. i saw one of the oldstyle ones on my way by...
kilton's balloon! or um. whoever he is lol <3 i have TOOOONS of gems to trade
it's not the same here without the lava, but at least there's lava in the caves...
these mine cart tracks were RIDICLOUS. i got SO STUCK lol
i see dinraAl but im too close to the ground 😭
OOOOHHHHH maybe i can use a hoverbike.....i gotta finish this fight first lol
GOT A COBBLE CRUSHER.....oh man i almost LEFT these guys to go chase dinraal!!!
ok ok gotta hurry
so, this bike doesn't control as well as i';'d like...maybe i need practice...and of course i wish it was faster...but it's still REALLY cool
my battery keeps dying/my bike keeps falling :( i give up
ugh i have so much anxiety about dragon parts.
oh my god...i didnt even have this in botw, i dont have the amiibo card....................
aw i found some monster forces guys. of COURSE im gonna help them
OH we still get the bell after monster forces battles...good
i didnt get all my loot yet!! no one to help me when they come back!! im gonna die!!!
im not leaving w/o my Loot. i'll just have to do it on my own. thank god i have muddlebuds
GEEZ i did it. double loot
i can see the edge of the map! that sort of thing always did fascinate me...some of the textures are warped here lol that's creepy
ok, i looked it up and apparently i made my hoverbike wrong. im gonna try again w proper instruction!!
ok, new bike got me up to the top of gut check rock...it still has too much forward momentum for me, but i've seen a couple of different designs i wanna experiment with when i have more fans (currently only have 2 left in inventory)
i miss the goron blood brothers :( i mean it's so depressing that there's nothing up here but a korok seed...
ok fine that wasnt that bad. STILL
bike is LOTS harder to control with a korok on the back. i like of like the counterweight though to help with too much momentum...
the bike lists to one side! i definitely just need to improve my fan placement
woke up the horse god. JUST as unsettling as i remember.
omg the yiga hideouts REFILL after long enough. rip!
decided to fight the pirates while i was here. "monster forces"...hope i'm not supposed to be teaming up with anyone for this lol
i accidentally hit my bike during combat and it went over the side of the boat 😭 i can make another and i was gonna fast travel after this anyway but STILL......
AUGH it's dinraal again and once again i can't chase her...i know how to do the bike now but i don't have it and also i'm busy!!!!! ugh
248 korok seeds!! officially time for bed - when i started today i was somewhere in the mid 100s lol
i thought i wouldn't play enough tonight to need to make multiple posts but i guess i should have broken this one up, huh? whoops!
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quodekash · 1 year
im exhausted and could very easily pass out at any point in time, but it’s our skyy and it’s 11:30pm so here we go again
(because I’m so exhausted my commentary will very much be either very incoherent or there won’t be much of it at all)
theyre so cute omg
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IM SO USED TO HEARING THE ICONIC WOMAN SAY 'viewer discretion advised'
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maybe not QUITE like you love him, i think you'd get jealous
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does this mean phum also likes men?
cos if so... my man had a lot of internalised homophobia going on, jeez
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its okay, you dont need to come out to anyone at any point in time ever. but telling nueng took some real guts, that was really brave of you, and im proud of you
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im pretty sure i cried when he proposed to him
it makes me happy to know they remember them
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am i about to cry? are my eyes welling up with tears this very moment as i type this? we may never know.
but the answer is yes
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to the surprise of literally no one, i am quickly becoming more obsessed with the side couple than i am with the main characters
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theyre back now yayyyy
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my bro now has ✨visual impairment✨
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but... if he's his ancestor... then petch had sex with a woman?
i guess they had to
as long as they were together and happy tho, it's alright
and as long as the woman/women were aware that like. the guys didnt love them like that.
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everyone act surprised
the letters are so cute
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i aspire to one day have a hawaiian shirt collection as plentiful as palm's
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i strongly believe that forehead touching is more intimate than kissing and i will die on this hill
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but. why. life in modern times is just generally better for literally at least two reasons that i can think of off the top of my head (shut up its nearly 1am im not thinking properly rn) 1. gay tights, 2. health
i meant to say gay rights but honestly gay tights is also a plus
so theres three reasons
1. gay rights
2. health
3. gay tights
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thats it. that's the only reason.
palm, you astound and confuse me (in a good way)
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1. death
2. sad
3. i think lots of dead bodies are probably bad for the environment
4. none of the wars in the past are cool. id wanna see a war like 50 years into the future, what if there's like space lasers or something
maybe i should just watch star wars instead of time travelling
5. killing people makes you feel like a mean person
6. picture this scenario: you really want a snack, your favourite snack, whatever your favourite snack is, you're just really craving it. but you cant have it, because you're fiGHTING IN A FREAKING WAR
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i was right
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hey, you were just here!
^D^ i am excited for simm
thank you and goodnight
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*slides in* Gimme the scoop on these: The World Revolving (or the musical version I have on my blog), Circus Monster, The Court Jester, Monster, Bad Guy
Okay first of all you can't just give me a song called monster do you know how many songs are called monster theres like 8 songs called monster on my Kokichi playlist alone i need a bit more information there-
Inherently The World Revolving fits Kokichi because it's chaotic and clown, very Kokichi, Jevil has Kokichi vibes. If we're going the Man on the Internet version. The lyrics still really fit Kokichi but it reminds me a bit of Kokichi's persona to the rest of the cast, hiding help and freedom behind a veil of sheer madness and misanthropy, how its all just a game and how he can't break this character, no matter how much the madness grows because if he 'falls off the carousel' he's going to meet the devil, aka his death. There is nothing but chaos for those locked within the killing game, and by embracing it, Kokichi can control it.
"Freedom denies the right to choose!"
"In this game, everyone will lose"
"Everyone knows the best place to hide is insanity! Meanwhile the world will spin! Hypnotizing, terrorizing Those locked within!"
"(What a mess we're in but now The joker's running wild!) We're created just to die"
"(Don't fall off the carousel Or else you'll meet the devil) You can't stop what has begun"
"Wee-hee-hee! What a mess we're in-"
Circus Monster to me reminds me of Kokichi's shift from DICE to the killing game, going from a fun circus of fun and beauty to a dangerous sideshow run by a cruel tyrant, cracking a whip forcing him to perform, which he has no choice but to while still yearning for when it was his choice, when it wasn't pain it was freedom. Unable to see the crowds he entertains, only knowing it must be there, and that he loathes them so. Said to be a tyrant despite only just being a trapped circus 'monster' bound to her(tsumugi's) whims.
"Time is dead and gone Show must go on It's time for our act"
"An amazing gift So quick and swift You were amazing By myself I can't They start to chant Why are you not here?"
"A monster lies trapped in it's own Nightmare 'He' is a tyrant, it lets out a plea"
"Bound to sing for us, a worthless monster It never sees us, It despises us Lying so useless, we start to holler "Hey, get up you worthless Circus Monster!""
I have two Bad Guys on my Kokichi playlist, since the Billie Eilish cover is a bit obvious, just general Kokichi scheming and facade vibes I'll go with the other one by Set It Off.
Though the Set it Off version is pretty obvious a well, its Kokichi's anger at his classmates about how he did so much, he made plans, he helped them, he showed them how to survive, and despite him being vital for their survival, despite how he fought for them, how he was willing to die for them, they scorned him, made him the villain, a role he accepted but always hated. The line especially about one misstep reminds me of how he lost control with the Death Road, about how his simple comment about just finding another way immediately made Rantaro accuse him of planning a murder and accidentally made the entire class pretty much turn on him despite his attempts to calm them down. How he breaks rules, he stole the moon, arranged the stars, did everything, but everyone still paints him with a brush of a bad person no matter what he does. He is the Bad Guy, not because he wanted to be, but that's just how he was painted from the start.
"I stole the moon I made the stars align And I showed you how to fly And you made me the bad guy"
"You paint the scene, yeah, with the colors of an enemy All over me for your friends to see I took just one misstep and now I'm hanging by my feet Out of sight and out of reach"
"I fought for you I kept you safe at night I would have risked my life And you made me the bad guy"
"Guess I forgot, guess I forgot History repeats Once lost and found, once lost and found We're too blind to see Just show me how, just show me how the villain was me"
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toontowncreepypasta · 2 years
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OHG BOY!!! Warning for spoilers
Denji's, ironically, the one I've thought about godtiering the least! Which is pretty funny bc hes def my favorite character by now, but boy, he's a little difficult. When I begin to godtier, I look at key themes and aesthetics of a character. Denji has quite a lot! Here are the themes I deem important about Denji.
Relationships, friendships, control, money, connection, obedience, obsession, loneliness, growth, empathy, manipulation, intelligence, and violence.
So theres a few I'm already leaning towards. Blood, space, doom, and life. On the inverse, I always keep my eyes open for inverse classes, just in case the character may be a destructive class, and rhat can be very likely for Denji due to his role in the manga.
While I think Denji adopting Nayuta definetly adds to the space theory, Denji for the most part foes not have any maternal or creative outlets, he’s not creative nor a creator. for that i really really doubt he’s a space player since you need to be something along those lines. I also think that Doom isn’t likely, because while Denji does have a lot of focus on empathy and what that means to someone, or others around him, and a lot of discussion about what makes a good person, I don’t think that’s so much of a Denji trait as it is an important theme of chainsaw man as a whole. Godtiers, unless you are going for a John Egbert approach (Johns built around his classpect, not the other way around, since he’s the protagonist of homestuck) it’s better to focus on characters INDIVIDUAL themes.
That leaves Blood, and Life. Extremely different aspects! But, honestly? I think the answers pretty easy. Life is all about control, influence, growth, change. But, honestly, that sounds like someone else right? Makima? Denji only has those themes in his life and character due to Makima and his direct response to control. Blood on the other hand? Well. That’s exactly what bloods about.
Blood is about relationships, emotional ties, sentimentality, LITERAL blood (Denji’s anemia), sacrifice, obligation, responsibility. Blood is the chain that keeps us all linked to each other, blood keeps us moving as a unit, blood is the oil that greases the gears. And that sounds A LOT like Denji, Makima’s puppy. Denji’s entire thing is relationships, his obsession with Makima, his attachment to Pochita, his whole LEARNING FRIENDSHIP thing with Power! The way that Makima cemented his loyalty to her, breaking him, was by killing his best friend, breaking his ties. His father. His repression. His obedience. It’s all very him.
Now onto classes
Classes are much easier! Once you have your aspect decided, you can essentially just figure it out from there. Denji’s entire arc is about growth, from nothing to something. But something else that’s important is that Denji does not get relationships, by the end. Power, Aki, Angel, Makima, and Matsuba are all dead by the end. In SBURB terms, Denji is a failed Prince of Blood. That, in my mind, cancels out the idea of him being a destructive class. Denji never sought out to break, change, manipulate, or control any of his relationships. In fact, he mostly controlled himself in hopes relationships would grow. You can see it with how he interacts with people, his default face is twisted up in confusion, he watches people, how they react to him and his responses and works around them to give them what the want. He does this CONSTANTLY. All of his relationships are ended by others, typically by Makima herself. 
He is constantly throwing shit at the wall and seeing if it sticks, he’s going into relationships completely blind, playing by ear. It’s all trial and error for him, and while he has a solid identity and personality, he knows who he is and what he likes, he KNOWS he likes people and being around them, and he has NO IDEA how to make that happen.
Can you see where I’m going with this?
Official Diagnosis:
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talisnotgone · 2 years
welcome to kirby headcanon super hell
sorry that I don't know how to do read mores ell em ay oh!!!
ok so yes headcanon time headcanon time
i was thinking about soul bosses right. and how weird they are. and I mean I don't think they are canon but also, there is another thing that is strange that i was thinking about. marx, That Dead Motherfucker Who Got Catapulted Through Space And Into A Exploding Fucking Clock Thing, Then Stayed In Space For One Morbillion Years, is a star friend and definitely alive or whatever in star allies. how are you doing that? who do you serve? what? how?
and I also thought about magolor. and how by all means that egg looking fuck should also be dead as a doornail but is not. just like marx
and I also thought about things that nobody should ever be concerned about making make sense in canon, like the fact that kirby can respawn, and that enemies can respawn, and that the same exact minibosses come to fight kirby every now and again even though they Die. this is just game logic but somehow I made it real.
and I also thought about morpho knight and read its whole wiki page. and I also thought about kirby mass attack because I really like mass attack. and hours later here we are.
so we know necrodeus right? skully guy? evil as shit and is a hands boss? guy whose name means god of death very obviously? yeah, whaddya know, that guy is the god of death/the underworld. makes sure that all the spirits are definitely still where morpho (#grimreaperslashbutterflyofjudgementhours) put em, and all that jazz. most importantly for this headcanon, keeps people in the afterlife and not. like. letting necromancy happen. he's god of death.
ok so even though he totally deserved it for trying to kill kirby. this makes a lot of things bad. let's think of the cons here
1. the god of death is dead
2. there is no heir to the god of death
3. now there is nobody to preside over the afterlife other than morpho knight
4. morpho knight is a collective of butterflies
5. the entire mechanism of death is so fucked
and what does this all mean? the one big thing that this headcanon revolves around:
ever since kirby killed necrodeus, (which I headcanon to be pretty early in the timeline), the afterlife has been running on what is pretty much an honor system. people die and then end up in the afterlife and because theres nobody manning the gates they can just leave. morpho does his best to keep people in but fuck man there are billions of sentient creatures dying in every galaxy every second and that's hard to keep up with. some people don't know about this, and so they stay in the afterlife like a little dead person is supposed to, but the people who know? outta here.
and my apologies but some of the most heinous people ever are aware of this life hack. including marx and magolor. yeah that's right they both fuckig died. and then said "fuck you death" and decided to un-die. but because they're fucked up and evil I guess they can.. can soul boss?!?!?!?! can soul boss form. only if you go to hell though. yeah baby soul bosses the forms you take in hell. that's probably the darkest part of this headcanon and I just pulled it out of my ass. because Um. why would magolor's soul take the form of what happened to him in the worst moment in his entire ass life. marx looks like that because hes fucked up. drawcia soul is fucked up because shes a drawing also my headcanon is you fight drawcia soul IN HER HELL because yeah! sectonia soul uh . um. some redesigns may need to happen ILL DRAW THAT LATER
but yeah. also kirby doesnt crawl his way outta the afterlife every time he dies like everyone else. morpho knight is just so sick of him (scared of him) that it doesn't even bother to come for his soul every time he dies it just lets him. wake up on his own terms. which is stupidly funny to me.
anyways I THINK that's pretty much it but if I develop any more I may reblog or make another post. like comment and subscribe for morpho knight crying screaming sobbing on the ground because marx just died for the fourteenth time and he knows what's gonna happen
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andiwriteordie · 2 years
hi im back bc i have more songs and also bc that mike song was so good what the hell, you always have the perfect songs for everyone how do you do that 😭 the line about wanting to back to the basement with friends....im okay im okay 😭😭
okay so i was listening to a Different of monsters and men album on my way to work this morning and kept getting schmacked with st relatable songs so! the first song is this which was giving me STRONG mike and max vibes. the theme of "im always fucking up and im sorry im sorry im sorry i wish i could take it all back" but still holding onto their heart??? YEAH. the song applies in different ways to them too, where mike has been mean and unintentionally (and intentionally) cruel to will and el and even lucas, but also where max has all this guilt and shame and pulls away from all her friends, i feel like she'd have even more guilt after s4, like all of this is her fault bc she didnt open up, and also bc she kept pushing lucas away and hurting him. :(
the second song is a WILL BYERS TM song, it's so s2 coded when he's slowly getting posessed by the mindflayer. i love that you can also look at it as a s5 concept where he gains control or works with the mindflayer too! the song fits so perfectly in such a poetic way im actually obsessed. like how its growing colder, how its surrounding him and isolating him, and how he sees himself through someone else! AHHHH
okay final song (for now lol) feels like an El song!! It doesn't have a whole lot of lyrics but there's so much in the subtext and especially with the instrumentals that build and build throughout the song (i seriously love this song it makes me go nuts you have to Listen to this one to rly get what i mean!!). You could also argue it as a willel song but personally I find it such an El song 🥺 the thousand eyes of her dead siblings, of papa, of all her friends, of the government agents that want to kill/use her, etc. just being watched and waited on and always a spectacle in some way, but still finding that strength inside her to fight back against everyone trying to hurt and use her. I could even see the lyrics describing the abuse she went through, her remaking, to use her powers for their own benefits and hunt Henry down...man. the "undo this storm" to "i am the storm"?? WOOF.
anyway thats all I have for you today!! btw im so glad you get so much joy out of our interactions ur gonna make me cry 🥺😭 theres nothing like bonding over music that just fits the blorbos so perfectly djcksjxks
emmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaa (i wanted to actually type emmugghhhhhh because that is the pathetic little sound i'm making because these songs are killing me)!!!
excuse me what is WRONG WITH YOU? this line is right here? it's so max and mike coded: So I take off my face because it reminds me of how it all went wrong. i have this mike fic that i'm writing (sorta. i'm taking a break from it right now lol) that this is reminding me of so much.
also though this song is giving me such will vibes as well! and actually just byler vibes, and i think it's because of this section right here.
So I take off my face
Because it reminds me of how it all went wrong
(a mike line because i just think he has such a negative sense of self-perception, and this section reminds of mirror imagery for some reason so it ALSO then reminds me of the depressing scene with will at the end of s1 in his bathroom and having a moment where he's staring in the mirror.)
And I pull out my tongue
Because it reminds me of how it all went wrong
(mike lines. mike regretting the harmful things he's said to so many people and the guilt just eating him up!!!)
And I cough up my lungs
Because they remind me of how it all went wrong
(now this right here are a couple of will lines!!! i was talking about something unrelated with /messrsbyler and kinda stumbling into imagery with breathing and how that ties into the ways vecna has harmed will - i.e. the vine, the mind flayer entering through his mouth and eyes and ears, and then will 2x describes the feeling of the mind flayer as making him unable to breathe? yeah all of this just like is giving me so many feels.)
And I leave in my heart
Because I don't want to stay in the dark
(and this right here. i leave in my heart is will right now as of s4, because mike is his heart. he holds on close to mike and refuses to let go, even in all the turmoil of their friendship, because he recognizes that mike is his light if we wanna use max's metaphor!! and obviously we're gonna see mike realize will is heart too and that will is his light and he's going to come out of the darkness of his shame and insecurity and guilt and DAMN IT I AM SO EMOTIONAL AND THIS IS ONLY SONG 1.)
black water:
oh okay. emma get out of my house right now. unfriended. what is WRONG WITH YOU? HUH? WAS THAT NECESSARY? WAS IT?
the rain imagery? (*cries in castle byers*) i see myself through someone else? (*cries in will losing his autonomy and control over self in s2*) also just like the lines about it becoming colder wtf wtf wtf why is this so will i'm upset now
this is also fuel for my avatar/stranger things brain rot so THANKS FOR THAT?
thousand eyes:
excuse me you were so sick for this
Flowers that lose their shape
I lie awake and watch it all
there's just. such a melancholy and a heaviness to this song. which just hurts me even more because then i think about how all el wants is just to be a normal teenage girl. she just wants to go to the mall and spend time with her best friends. and this song just screams to me like, "no, i know what i have to be for everyone else, and i feel the heaviness and the ache of that" which is so so el. i love this. and just like how the song builds in intensity mirroring how much pressure is placed on her as the storyline grows and grows? GAH I CAN'T. also literally yes to EVERYTHING YOU SAID IT'S SO SO GOOD.
may i offer you an el song in return? i have so so so many thoughts on this song so i want to hear all of yours!!!!
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