#and these games always wrap up his self sacrifice as ... his price for keeping the people he loves safe ... not like kiryu just fucked
dirt-str1der · 2 years
One last post because this has literally been keeping me up but it haunts me how ice cold kiryu is. The man is like a fucking robot , like yeah he is the warm and compassionate protagonist of our beloved like a yakuza series who loves to help people and adores his nine kids but he gives zero shits about consequences as long as they all fall onto his shoulders and is a huge fan of abandoning everybody who has ever loved him because he cant just Not have his cake and eat it , he also has to fake his death and run away from it
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an-annyeoing-writer · 5 years
EXO Yandere Headcanons
Please keep in mind these are yandere headcanons, and therefore they: - don’t portray EXO members as they truly are; - may include potentially triggering themes, such as abusive relationships, drug use and violence; - are still only headcanons, based off my own interpretation of how the members’ personality could work in this AU, but not being the only/wrong perception in comparison to what other writers/readers may prefer.
Minseok is a very patient and understanding person, who is also very well aware of his own weaknesses. As a matter of fact, he knows what he feels and that it’s not socially acceptable. But he doesn’t feel a particular need to fight this part of him, instead, he opts to hide it for the time being because he knows how dangerous it may be. He goes as a completely innocent person and for a long time, even you don’t know what’s up his sleeve.
Only when he feels safe and ensured that you’re too engaged emotionally to leave him, does he allow himself to loosen up. He slowly eases you into feeling more and more dependant on him, his purpose is to make you his pet, and for him, it’s like an enjoyable game to win over your self preservation and social instincts. He takes his time pushing you into complete obedience.
Whatever your reaction to his suggestions is, he doesn’t deem to hurt you, he may only change his strategy because he believes he can achieve what he wants with proper approach more than getting physical or threatening you. He still respects you as a person and knows what he’s doing is not normal, so he understands why you’d want to reject him. 
Outside, he never shows it though. To the world, he’s the same good man as always, and with you - he’s soft as well, not wanting to get on your bad side and knowing that your trust is crucial here. If he ever feels like he’s overdoing it, he’ll want to fix it so that what he achieves doesn’t ruin your mental state and if you’re to ever break up, you’ll be able to carry on your life (while still making you, for the time being, unable to imagine life without him). He feels responsible for you, especially since he knows how toxic his doings are.
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He’s a natural leader; he always stays in control and you were aware of this trait before you two even started dating. Maybe it was exactly what attracted you? His personality makes it easy to depend on him, so since the very beginning of your relationship you naturally become the inferior part. 
His way of controlling you is subtle, there’s no red flags, no danger that you could sense earlier. He’s protective like any boyfriend would be, and that - you can accept. It’s more about the way he always keeps his eye on you and hints whom you should and shouldn’t meet, not restraining you but choosing how your life should go. Since his superiority is natural, you’re actually more willing to listen to him, because he gives off the aura of “I know what’s the best for you”.
He’s very thoughtful and keeps his doubts to himself, working his way to wrapping you around his finger without you (or anyone else) realizing it. He slowly makes you depend on him more and more, until it’s you who clings onto him, never the other way around; he makes you believe it’s you who needs him to even breathe.
He doesn’t need to use violence or threats. The toxicity he provides is subtle enough to go unnoticed, and as long as you don’t want to leave him, no one will notice how broken had your mentality become, with you being unable to make decisions of your own, or panicking if you don’t see him for a little too long. But he also trusts you, and knows that you wouldn’t leave him, hence why he doesn’t mind providing you some freedom. Well, unless you don’t want it anymore, of course.
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Yixing sees you as an angel since the very beginning, perceiving you as the best that could ever happen to him or to the world itself. You’re perfect and all he could ever dream of. It looks innocent and pure at first, and so does your relationship. But Lay sees the world as a potential source of corruption, and he’s ensured only he can protect you from it. Although at first he sees you as a blessing, praying so that you’d never leave him, the trust you put in him is a proof that only he can keep you safe.
He naturally wants you to cut down contact with the outside world, including going out (he can take care of you, so you don’t need to leave), or people (friends? Family? Nah-ah, they’ll only want to corrupt you). If you don’t do anything against it, he’ll slowly deprive you of everything that’s not him. But if you try to struggle - he’ll think that it’s the world’s fault for putting lies in your head, and he has to help you, since he believes he does only what’s the best for you. In the end, you cannot escape him.
He never gets violent or mad at you, because no mistake you make is actually your fault; instead, he wants you to understand and accept him. But if necessary, he’ll restrain you physically so that you don’t go around hurting yourself. He doesn’t want to cause you pain or leave bruises on you, so he’s more likely to lock you somewhere than to tie you down. He may be up to drug use if he can’t get you follow him out of your own free will, but he’ll always be endlessly careful with these.
The only way for him to lose confidence in his doings is to see you change under his care, to see your personality and mental health wither under his influence, and even though he’d rather you don’t try to fight him, when he sees you give up it’ll cause him to think that he may, too, be corrupting you; any signs that what he’s doing to you causes you harm will be hurtful to him as well.
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The cheerful, innocent person Baekhyun usually is, is definitely somewhat real. It’s the side you see every day, the one friends and fans see as genuine. But there’s also another part of him - the one that shows at times during performances, and in some other occasions, but which he works well to keep in charge and show only if desired, so it looks like a made-up stage persona, even if it’s not.
When you two meet, he knows that he doesn’t want to scare you out with his other self, and he works on keeping himself in check. But the more you two engage emotionally, the harder it becomes to control himself. He finds himself urging to show his other side to you, and the very moment emotions overcome his common sense, is when he'll start to change, sometimes still being your sweet boyfriend, but sometimes becoming someone you don’t recognize; a possessive person who treats you like a playtoy. 
You’ll probably consider it just an act at first, maybe even find it attractive (especially since he'll only behave like this in bedroom at first) - and it may take quite long, because his personality will develop with time; Baekhyun will allow himself more and more, until you realize it’s no act, and he may suddenly lock you up for days, until he decides you’ve had enough or until his soft side takes over again.
Baekhyun’s evil side can get violent, threaten you and physically restrain your freedom. He doesn’t care for rules or punishments, because all he does is for his enjoyment, and he just does to you what he feels like doing. But that violent side can easily change into the soft, clingy one, and at those moments, when he’s more of “himself”, Baekhyun will plead for you not to leave him, to reassure him because at this point, he’s just as scared as you are.
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Jongdae has a heart of a giver, that much you conclude fairly quickly. He’s always ready to sacrifice himself for other people, so of course everyone appreciates him in their lives. It makes it impossible to hate him, and it’s what probably made you fall for him as much as you did. However, as the person he feels strongly about but also comfortable around, you become his way to maintain the balance - with how much he gives, he takes it all back from you. 
He’s ready to grant almost every wish of yours, but such honor has its price. You should be grateful for his presence in your life and always deem to please him, to do what’s the best for your relationship and never try to disobey his own wishes; if he asks you to cut down contact with your family, you’re supposed to do that - otherwise, it shows how ungrateful you are. He’ll complain and whine a lot, acting like he’s the one hurt there, until you do what he expects you to. After all, how dare you hurt such angel?
His word is a command, and he guides you into believing that you simply owe him obedience and submission. If necessary, he’ll make people hate you, either by spreading gosspis or making up scenes that look like you’re hurting him or being unfair, and since he’s an angel, everyone will believe him; in the end, you won’t have anyone else in the world but him.
He’s never violent, but he always let you know that you do something he doesn’t like, even by as much as scolding you and pointing out your mistakes in front of other people. His punishments are cruel and deem to scare you more than cause you pain; he may leave you alone somewhere you can’t get out of, or expose you to something you’re really afraid of. But he’ll always make sure you’re safe afterwards, because after all, he’s such a good boyfriend, isn’t he?
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Chanyeol is a sweetheart for most of the time, and that much everyone knows. Even to you, he tries to be as good as possible. The darker parts of his mind are something he’s not fully aware nor in control of. He doesn’t mean any harm to you or your friends, sometimes it just... happens.
His main trigger is jealousy. He’d probably be a perfect boyfriend if not for that. He doesn’t get jealous too easily because he trusts you - but when he really feels like his position is threatened, he may instantly turn violent towards whoever is trying to take you away. His anger is something he cannot control, and he won’t stop until his thirst for blood is satiated or until someone resetrains him physically. It’s impossible to calm him down, he’ll end up arrested more than once. 
If it’s you who gave him a reason to worry - he may snap at you, even get physical. He'll yell a lot and maybe lock you up somewhere; his wrath is primal, he won’t make up any sorts of punishments, he’ll just act on his anger until he calms down. He may cause you pain by grabbing you too roughly, but he has to be really mad to punch or slap you; if it ever happens, he’s very likely to realize that he’s gone too far and actually needs to calm down before he does something he may regret.
Just like Baekhyun, he also has those soft moods, especially hours after a burst out, and he regrets every single bad thing he’d said or done to you. The fact he doesn’t control himself terrifies him and causes him to be awfully insecure with himself, and he believes that you’re the only one who can help him in any way. Whether you actually can or not - he’ll do anything to keep you by his side.
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I think Kyungsoo is the type to hide his emotions when he’s not sure of them just yet. He takes his time and doesn’t “jump” into anything sudden. The relationship of the two of you develops constantly, which means he demands more and more of you, to the point of everything in your lives becoming common. I see him as a type to give into a relationship everything he has and expect no less in return; even though it takes time, he eventually engages himself fully. The thing is, you have no choice but to do the same.
He may get annoyed if you refuse, or if you need more time to adjust than he thinks you should. He perceives himself as a very patient and understanding person, so when he actually finds something wrong in your behavior, there're no excuses - you have to change.
He makes sure you know how good he is to you, so the only way to make him soften is to appreciate his efforts and actually engage as much as he does. He has his perfect vision of your relationship, and he’ll push you into it until you finally achieve it. But then, he always sees a room for improvement; his demands never stop, and the only way to please him is to do exactly what he says the very moment he does.
He only gets violent if it’s necessary. If anything bad happens, it’s most likely on you (but he doesn’t like to punish you - he’d rather you acknowledge your wrongs); if needed, he’ll also let the surrounding people know not to mess with you, but it won’t happen often. He won’t cut you off the world, he wants you to live your life; to attend the school he chooses and then work where he wishes for you to (the best is wherever he is as well). Your circle of friends will also depend on his liking. 
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Jongin lives with his own vision of a relationship. He imagines the two of you as a perfect couple, meant for each other, but what he sees, is not necessarily you. It means that he wants you to nothing but change to suit his fantasies. He gets mad at you easily, and doesn’t hesitate before scolding you wherever you are at the moment, as if you were more of a pet than his beloved.
He wants the world to see you two as he imagines, but it’s not really likely to happen due to his unpredictable behavior. He’s calm and composed most of the time, but he snaps if you do something he doesn’t approve of, becoming violent, humilating and degrading you, even in front of other people, because he believes he has the right to do so.
His purpose is to train you and nothing you do may make him change his mind. His punishments may be unpredictable and painful, but they’re always meant for you to learn your lesson. More than to love you, he wants to selfishly own you. Just like Baekhyun, he has this darker side in him, but he doesn’t see anything wrong in it. He may take out his anger on you, treating you as an object to use more than a person with feelings.
Once you accept your place, he may become more lenient with you. Having to tend to you is troublesome to him as well, so he’s more comfortable when you actually do as he pleases. Since he may sometimes not be willing to care for you and leave you somewhere for weeks even, it may seem like he’s getting bored of you. But it’s not the case. He doesn’t have to see you to feel comfortable with the thought that you’re there waiting for him, no matter if out of your free will or locked up.
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As the youngest in the group, Sehun is often supposed to give way to others. It doesn’t mean he does that though, he doesn’t care much about rules, but it’s still some sort of obligation that weighs on his mind. To make it even in a way, he sees you as someone even lower than himself. 
Kind of like Kai, he wants to own you, but he works his way there, not claiming you effortlessly but actually being a good man, and then boyfriend to you, until he finally “wins” your heart. Which doesn’t mean he’ll get bored with you - you’re his prize and you’re supposed to stay by his side. He doesn’t treat you badly for no reason either, he usually keeps his vile thoughts to himself until he decides you need to be reminded of your place - only then will he tell you all about how he owns you and your life’s purpose should be to stay by his side and serve him, acting as though you’ve been pretty naive to ever think of yourself differently than that.
He’s actually pretty protective of you, not wanting anyone to touch and harm what’s his, but also helping you get through all your hardships and making sure you stay healthy, since he still loves you and wants you to be well. Unlike what it may seem, he treasures your presence, believing you deserve to be important, just not as important as him. Simply stating, he puts himself before you, but he still puts you above the rest of the world, even though what he tells you may hint otherwise.
He doesn’t get upset (especially with you) easily and doesn’t want to mess with you too badly, but he still likes to show his dominance so he’ll usually only do it in the bedroom, treating you like a slave, ordering you around and making you please him, but not necessarily causing you actual harm. Other than that, he expects obedience, but he doesn’t get violent; his superior gaze and words alone are enough to make you realize it’s in your best interest to submit.
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Please, reblog if you enjoyed! Find more on my masterlist! Drabble requests are open!
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Heartbeat: A Fragile Reminder
TITLE: Heartbeat: A Fragile Reminder
CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 21 / ?
AUTHOR: brightsun-and-dark midnight
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki falling in love with a Midgardian and his words to Thor about Jane during Dark World coming back to haunt him. “It would be a heartbeat. You would never be ready.”
RATING:  M for Mature
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Check Masterlist. It's going to be a long read. I try to keep each chapter around 3,000 words.
My Ao3: brightsun_and_darkmidnight
So many triggers, read ALL of them!
Swearing. Angst. Death. Depression. Violence. Self-harm. Regret. Carelessness for safety. Doubts. Torture. NSFW. Smut. Fluff. And Of Course- Mischief.
Summary: The new image.
 ~ ~ ENJOY  ~ ~
Alicia woke up in pain. Her head was splitting and her stomach- Alicia jumped out of bed and barely made it to the bathroom. As the annoying dry heaving continued, Alicia noticed she was prepared for this morning. Hair tied up and in suitable clothes to get rid of or to lounge in. Loki must have,
"Love. Breakfast is here." Speaking of him...
Alicia saw Loki in comfortable clothes… oh she hoped could relax today. Her head remained in the toilet for another minute as she gasped and tried to relax. She wiped a stray hair back. Loki gave her a warm cloth he actually rinsed by hand. Alicia breathed carefully and flushed the source of the terrible scent in the air.
"You don't have to be here, smell that."
Loki chuckled, "You obviously forgot last night."
Alicia stopped momentarily to ask, "what did I do...oh no. Susan…" Alicia knew it was not going to be good...
Loki took great interest in his sleeve, "most of it is being replayed on the news."
Alicia rinsed her mouth then sighed. Loki chuckled at her deep sigh as she went to the common area. The TV showing Alicia being held back by Loki, her snarling something about her list. Alicia rolled her eyes and trudged to the table.
"Do you remember anything?"Jane was glancing at Alicia.
Alicia lifted her hand and teetered it by the sides in a lazy way. "I know that guy pissed me off. I imagine that was a death sentence." She shrugged as she poked her food, eating toast instead. Marcibeth was sure to find the guy, he was probably being tortured right now as she drank her coffee and ate a microwave sandwich.
"We need to go over the mission for that information on Luit. But you are cleared for the rest of the day, Alicia."
"Thanks Thor." Alicia mumbled as she took a sip of orange juice. She felt better after eating but her stomach still hurt. She went to the library and found some interesting books. Some were Asgardian. Alicia ran her fingers over the patterns wondering what the beautiful curves and dashes said. 
She felt the gentle yet firm hands on her, wrapping around her as a heavy head was placed on her shoulder. A smooth and low voice she first fell in love with spoke, "the witch found peace among her visions. Her real eyes might have been stolen long ago, but she was able to see the future before everyone else. Knew what to say to keep a peace around her. She saw moments of new family members in her arms and was able to see the wonderful faces of her grandchildren. Knowing about her death approaching, she pushed further and saw the birth of her very distant descendant. Full of power as if a pure blooded family member despite the mixture of many bloodlines. The descendant saw the worst of the future.. however the descendant made the best choice to save all of existence-with a sacrifice of her……."
Alicia fingered the bloodied page, "it doesn't finish?"
"It is a prophecy from thousands of years ago. A very crafty healer was able to speak this as a story, but could not tell the price. No one is sure if this prophecy happened yet…. There are many visions that foretold great loss."
Alicia hummed, "Will I lose my eyes?"
"Some witches do...it is common for them to look in the future to be able to see. As said in the story."
Alicia didn't want to lose her eyesight.. she could barely handle visions now. She couldn't even remember them. How would she be able to force a vision? Would she remember? Would she forget what everyone looked like? What if she had children and never saw their faces the same time Loki did? Would she trip over things and be clumsy? She turned and took in Loki's face. Admiring the sharp features, dark curls that were untamed and fell beautifully, then those eyes...
"I don't want to lose my eyes. I don't want to forget what you look like." Her hand rested on his cheek, traced his jaw then pulled him by the neck. She kissed everywhere. Holding the book so it would not get between them once lips met and he pulled her closer. "I love you. So much." Her forehead rested with his. "Can we just… I don't know… I would like a little space...having you around is..comforting.. could we relax separately but in the same room?"
"I love that idea."
Alicia smiled when he placed a light lingering kiss on her forehead.
Loki was staring at her, "Would you like to relax here after the meeting?"
Alicia nodded and then the AI told everyone to meet for the mission preparations.
Alicia sighed as she heard everyone talk. She healed her headache and spoke with a clearing head, "Look. We just need to stalk around, listen to conversations, take those who know important things, and ship them to my sister."
"You would be surprised as to what people put on computers." Natasha suggested to stick with the original mission.
Loki informed everyone, "Luit does not record anything."
Valkyrie spoke up, "His partners might. Those he worked with were very predictable."
Alicia didn't like this… something was off. SHIELD didn't have much information and SHIELD was the keeper of all important knowledge. Marcibeth wasn't getting too much information currently either.. Loki had to be right.
"We go with the original plan. Reindeer games will get; sour patch kid, spider boy, woman master assassin and capcicile in for information and out with no issues. The rest of us will be on the sidelines waiting to be tapped in."
Alicia didn't even react to the nicknames Tony just threw around due to being annoyed too much already.
Everyone ate together on the common living room. The TV was on and Alicia did her best to ignore it.
"Sweetheart turned seductress? OR was she always that way? Loki did say she had charm."
Alicia rolled her eyes as she took a bite of the Chinese food with a slight rumble in her throat.
Hearing Loki's hum made Alicia glare at him in warning but he suggested with a purr, "would you like to use that charm on me later?"
Alicia heard Peter snort and try to cover his laugh with coughs.
Tony waved his hand in Loki's direction, "no. You stop now. Peter stop laughing."
Alicia glared at Loki but she couldn't help but laugh at Peter trying to explain that was not the reason for the laugh with his stuttering over words and continuous trench digging through his explanation. Tony trying to get Peter to shut up must have been Loki's master mischievous plan...
"I.i.i. it was Thor's face."
"Is there something amusing about my face?"
Peter shrugged as he talked, "well it was. Ya know..you looked like"
"He will make you a cooked spider. Better be careful." Loki smirked and took another bite and Alicia could see Loki was content with Peter being nervous and with everyone's irritation.
Alicia's eyes rolled so hard that she could feel the strain behind her eyes. Everyone flustered over a little comment and not worried in the slightest about red flags concerning a mission. Was Alicia the one everyone was worried about putting lives in danger?
Thor's phone went off and he quickly stood and walked off. It got everybody's attention. Then Loki heard his name being called from across the room. Thor waved for him to hurry, prompting Loki to give Alicia a reassuring squeeze before leaving.
Thor leaned forward to whisper, "it is about a healer. Eir has chosen."
Relief surged through Loki as he lowered his voice, "When will they be here?"
"They are already on their way."
"Well, who is it?"
Thor looked in Loki's eyes and the relief left.
"Only two survived.. out of 13. Emma is her healer… Eir is considering using the other healer once they are able to heal themselves.. As well. Alicia was assigned a healer because the only ones available survived."
Loki's hands fisted and he closed his eyes. What the Hel did they see? Two healers left? Loki heard of healers trying to tell the vision they saw to warn people. Was she going to be in that much danger? Loki knew she was reckless and he had a feeling that could be it. His hand felt the familiar pinching and pulling.
Thor gave Loki's arm a squeeze. "Eir is confident in Emma. Rest knowing the healers were not in any state other than confidence and a small amount of doubt."
"The others that talked… were they gloating?" Loki's damn skin was insistent on healing.
"When they talked, it as if they knew something important but didn't know what to do. All of them tried to be smart in their warnings but it was too soon to get even a whole sentence. Recurring words were 'ship' and 'join' nothing else was understood."
"I suppose the Oracle is refusing to give more information."
"You are correct. Only the two surviving healers and Alicia will know the future."
Loki inhaled and exhaled deeply. "This is very odd. To be confident, but risk their lives to share information? Confident with the worst vision? She literally just had a vision come true that is likely linked to her torture." Loki picked his finger and ripped the nail very deep and sighed, "she was, rightfully, upset with the visions of her father… but when she had the following vision of her torture she was so confident."
Thor finished Loki's thought, "she must be in danger."
"Because she sacrifices herself."
"You know things will work out how they are supposed to." Thor clapped his hand on Loki's shoulder, "shall we tell everyone she has a healer?"
"Just leave it at that."
Things work out as they should? Thor was insane. How bad was Alicia going to sacrifice herself? It better not be the end of her heart. Loki could not bare to think about a life without Alicia. More specifically not to not see that smile so warm her eyes became bright enough to cast the darkness to flee. Loki walked to Alicia and held her hand. He pulled her to him and walked to the window. She stroked his hand and gave him a small smile.
"Want to talk about it?"
"Yes." Loki smiled with charm. "Your healer is on the way."
Alicia smiled. "Good. Less stress on you."
Loki's voice raised l in pitch, "Don't believe I'm not going to worry. There are still going to be times I will have to pull visions."
Alicia played with that finger he picked at the nail. "What are you so worried about?" She traced her finger over his and soothed it with her magic.
"You don't need to worry." The dip of volume and the breath before the last word gave him off his lie.
He knew Alicia noticed when she rose an eyebrow, "you are poorly maintaining your reputation, God of Lies."
"Everything will be fine. I refuse to believe anything else."
Alicia hummed watching the small wounds heal slowly and Loki swore she was trying to soothe all of his stress away through his finger. She looked up through her lashes, "God of Truth?"
Loki chuckled, "I have never lied to you."
Alicia snapped at him, "Bullshit. You tear your hands apart in worry and tell me it is nothing."
Loki muttered, "There is nothing that gets past you.." Loki pulled her to sit with him in the chairs by them.
Alicia childishly popped the second symbol, "Nope." She ran her glowing fingers up his arm to his shoulders and rubbed. "Are you relaxed?"
"Yes Darling."
"Are you learning anything because I would love one of these later."
Loki's hands found her knees and his thumbs rubbed the inside gently, "Put you to sleep after touches so relaxing and mind clearing?"
Alicia giggled, "stop it."
"Are you ready to relax Love?" Loki smirked at her indecisive look, he chirped, "Let's go to the library."
Finally, it was just Alicia and himself in the library. They stayed quiet except a little squirming Alicia kept staring at him. He refused to call her out on her actions because he wanted to act as if he was not actually, "in the same room." He wanted to give her some sort of space. It was unlikely they would have much time together once her witch specific training began. Though Alicia seemed uncomfortable, maybe too used to having him around.
"Can I sit in your lap?"
Loki laid so she could sit with him. He draped his arm over her as his other held the book. He did notice she was playing with her wrist a bit, but didn't comment, just relaxed his arm more to add pressure. Thor and Eir walked into the library after announcing they had Emma. Alicia was quick to stand and she looked shocked. Brown and white robes, Emma's dark red hair illuminated by the candle Alicia had insisted on lighting for the scent.
Alicia spoke with a wide smile, "I'm glad to see you are better."
Emma nodded, "It is thanks to you I am alive. I wanted to do this to repay you."
"Thank you but I held no debt."
"Because of you I am alive, and my family. I owe you more than I will ever be able to repay you." Emma lowered into a bow.
"No.no.no. don't do that. It is not necessary. I assure you I am difficult to take care of.. I'm quite stubborn so, I will thank you for accepting to be my healer." Alicia giggled, "you might not get an apology again."
"You don't need to thank me at all. It is my job to care for you now."
Eir spoke up, "Emma is in charge of your health for the most part. Especially concerning your visions. I would like to see your training start today. Now actually."
Alicia stuttered, "sure."
Once in the special room, designed by Asgardians, for magic training Alicia was forced to sit on the floor with her back against the wall, sketchbook in hand.
Eir explained in a very teachable way, "Emma is going to force you into a vision, walk you through it and try different phrases."
Alicia nodded and all Loki could do was watch.
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believerindaydreams · 6 years
@exoplaneeet some fic for you, cos I felt bad about your lack of CS/FL fic...well, actually it’s more SS than FL, with a post-game Tireless Mechanic. (If some of the lore’s off, please note that I have not actually played that much of CS yet...)
The Unrepentant Smuggler leaning against her study wall looks wry and relaxed, from neatly groomed mustache to mildly anachronistic boots. He does not, the Cynical Herald reflects, seem like a man who spent half a Zee voyage raving mad and tied up in his own hammock. Then again, the mutual friend who introduced them is a player of the Great Game; appearances count for less than nothing. 
“Ever since our trip to the Shattered Citadel,” he says. “I tried to loot something that the Mechanic told me not to, and, well, things got a little sticky.”
“No promises, you understand? Secret histories are fraught territory at the best of times, and I’m not even a Know yet.”
The Smuggler shrugs with evident lack of comprehension. “Better than nothing. We’ve been trying honey, laudanum, warm airag- do you know how foetid warm mare’s milk is? And none of it’s done any good. I just keep on dreaming.”
“If nightmares frighten you, go back to the Surface,” the Herald says indifferently. “Or simply wait it out. Even in the Neath, you’ll find that dreams have a tendency to cycle into complacency eventually.”
He glances her over, with the practiced eye of a born hustler, and speaks one word: “Illopoly.”
After that, __ it, she has to listen. 
A blackened engine warms the Physius to a nigh-intolerable point; the launch’s warm is very welcome to her bones, after years of witnessing Kingeater’s cold. Anyhow, their after-dinner Sangiovese is perfectly chilled, after a stint in the iceless ice box. 
“I take it the Mechanic’s as inventive as ever,” the Herald says, cutting herself neat slices of imported Parmesan. “To say nothing of thoughtful- I wouldn’t have expected such an appropriate tithe for my trouble. Or any at all, come to that.”
“Oh, well, that’s Ma- that’s the Mechanic for you,” the Smuggler agrees. “Do you mind if we get down to business now? Only I’d rather get it all out of the way before he wakes up. Talking about nightmares makes him real nervous.”
She studies the sleeping engineer, blissfully comatose now the ship’s safely docked, and nods. “All right. Is it always the same one? Are there patterns?”
“It starts with a desk. Faded viric-”
“It would have to be.”
“Which is far from my favourite colour,” the Smuggler says irritably, “but in the dream, I’m hanging on to the thing for dear life. Because there’s nothing else in the entire universe- literally nothing else to look at, except this desk and a pack of cards. So obviously I start laying out the cards for a game of solitaire, because what else are you going to do? Only that’s when it gets weird.”
“Trionfi,” the Herald murmurs, and draws a small case from her pocket. “Do you recognise any of these, by chance?”
He rummages through the pack. “A few. The Sun-in-Rags, that’s familiar. The Watchman. The Red Grail-”
“You needn’t invoke them,” the Herald says rather sharply, over the sleeper’s choking snore; she brushes an unkempt lock from his face, and he breathes easier again. “How new to the Neath are you?“
“Couple of years.” The Smuggler smiles crookedly. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it, however groovy the zeppelins are. Sorry. Only I don’t know what else you’d call them...”
“Don’t. Just point, and describe your symptoms.”
He does, for the following hour, while she takes notes in graceful Italian script. Possibly he is probing her knowledge of the occult for his own purposes, but the suspicion ebbs as she listens to his fraught accounting; clearly the Smuggler’s unaware of the greater import of his dreaming, and just as clearly doesn’t wish to. 
“After a while I’m not myself any more. The longer I’m playing, the more natural it feels to me- if I spend nights walking through city streets, I find myself weary to exhaustion. I tend people’s wounds with hands that understand scalpels better than control columns. Wake up expecting to be young and beautiful and ravenous, when I shouldn’t be any of those things.” The Smuggler picks up a worn, brimmed cap, strokes it absently. “Simple hypnosis would be a piece of cake by comparison. So. Can you help me?”
Putting off the answer will be false kindness. “I can guide you, certainly. Lead you through the Mansus, bring you to apotheosis, but there’s a price. Though one,” she says, not looking at the innocent in the shadows, “that you might find easier to pay than he would.”
“Go on,” he says, with ready eagerness. 
“Death,” she returns. “Not yours, other people’s. Acquaintances, friends, lovers. Special constables who’ll trace your trail. The prisoners who gave away everything they were, to be broken for your plans- and you will break them, before all’s well. The great appeal of Seeking,” the Herald says, as she links up wood-whispers, “is its solitude, the joys of private watches in the night and hugging secrets to your own heart. Cults are another affair altogether. But perhaps none of this worries you.”
“Not so much, now you’ve put it that way,” the Smuggler says, sober for a moment. “Sounds like I’ll just have to put up with this. Doomed to a lot of tedious clerical work every night, whoo.”
“Then the dreams will continue. Worsen, I should expect. Best improve your shining Hours, or find yourself consumed by them.“
“Which is the Neath all over, isn’t it...so it’s spending every night of my life wrapped up in these visions until I pay off the sacrifices?”
Improbably, the Smuggler is smirking. “Guess I’m gonna have to ask the Mechanic for the recipe to that Darkdrop mess of his. He did warn me it might come to that.”
“A little more than that. Consider yourself under a geas from now on, as far as cardplay goes.“
That’s when he heaves the sigh. “Aw. Well, that’s okay. I never could beat anybody at Texas hold-em, anyway- hang about. How am I supposed to get by in London without the arcana? I mean, I wouldn’t be able to chat up factions, or find the way to my club, or anything...you sure that’s necessary?”
“There are...unspoken resonances,” the Herald says. “Lore has a way of drawing like to like, water always finds its level. You’ll find yourself making these connections whether you want to or no.”
“How about no,” the Smuggler mutters, and abruptly downs the remainder of his forgotten wine. “Okay. So it’s a strictly undercover, jati existence for me from now on- well, that’s okay. I wasn’t exactly a society highlight in the first place. Anyway, the Mechanic will always have my back.“
The affection, the swaggering intimacy, of the expression he casts at his partner takes the Herald off-guard; not for what it says about him, but herself, the unfamiliar kean of jealousy. Conversations left studiously unspoken, natural shipboard camaraderie and what goes for more than that, her ceaseless vigil at the loneliest place in the Neath. Necessary work, of sure and certain applications, but evidently more corrosive than she’d observed. 
Here is a man, persuasive and fascinating and brimful of mystique; and here is his lover. Suffering from an affliction so exotic, no London physic could possibly promise him a cure. 
“He came all the way here with you,” the Herald says, in a flat tone that threatens no more than it promises. “I wonder why. Kingeater’s Castle is about the last place anyone would seek refuge.”
“Yeah, I asked about that. He said...something about Dockers,“ the Smuggler says, chewing thoughtfully on his mustache. “Your being shipmates together, before, he trusts you. And didn’t want anybody else getting hold of me, in case...well, I dunno, they wanted to turn me inside out to rip a hole through the space-time continuum, or something kooky like that.”
That reasoning, now, sounds like a certain spy of her recollection. “In short, you’re at my mercy.”
“Completely,” the Smuggler agrees, with perfect self satisfaction. He winks. 
She grimaces.
There is very little for the Mechanic to repair at Kingeater’s; but he finds a pile of murder-dimmed knives and busies himself sharpening them to usefulness. Which is just about typical, the Smuggler figures. 
“...so. All’s well?”
“Uh-huh,” the Smuggler says complacently. “Slept like a top last night- or should I say, slept as hard as you? You were sure out of it yesterday. Missed a nice roasted blemmigan.”
“Hey, nursemaiding you here from Godfall wasn’t an easy job. To say nothing of sacrificing all those zee-stories.”
The Smuggler shifts uncomfortably. “She says you’re a damned optimistic fool, by the way. Well, not in so many words, it was more elegant language, but you know what I mean.“
“Yeah. Said that it was ridiculous for you to think that a curse like this could be lifted without any blood being spilt, but fortunately she was clever enough to dissipate it harmlessly. Bully for your old navigator and all that.”
“That’s not what I had in mind at all. Not that it’s any of my business, but I thought she’d try to take it herself. I mean, look at this place,” the Mechanic says, waving at the castle’s ruins. “It’s ghastly, it’s freezing cold, and the only company is an occasional batch of half-dead zailors, who’ll probably try to eat you on sight. Some quiet warm dreaming about cities and real people would have done her a lot of good, I thought. But if she decided it was too dangerous, I suppose that’s her decision.”
“That tool,” the Smuggler says, voice suddenly edged with hostility. “The one you told me not to touch.”
“What about it?”
“You specifically pointed out that thing in the Citadel, just to warn me not to touch it. Me. Your notoriously greedy, treasure hunting buddy.”
“Now, I wouldn’t have said that. It’d be rude.”
“...did you hijack me? Did I spend a month blithering out of my skull so that you could get a curse from A to B, just to cheer up your ex-shipmate?”
“Don’t be silly,“ the Mechanic says loftily. “If it was that important to me, why wouldn’t I have done it myself?”
The Smuggler considers. “Cos messing around with dreaming on that level might have earned you unwanted attention in Parabola again. What ever happened to that worm, anyway?”
“What worm?”
“The one you put in the suncatcher. The one that was trying to kill you, so you couldn’t sleep for ages. That worm.”
“Oh,” the Mechanic says, with relief. “We gave it to the Khanate to get rid of, they’re good at disposing of stuff like that. And that was a snake. Not the same thing at all.”
“You sure? I know I’ve seen that in old fairy tales- worms are dragons, dragons are snakey sort of things...”
Above them, in a half-ruined tower, the Herald makes a note to herself. 
A preposterous suggestion. And yet, and yet- if the Khanate’s unwanted visitors were merely cast off elsewhere, does the war of illusions continue on another plane? Will I find my Mechanic’s foe there, reincarnated as some viscid ouroboros worm?
Strange to say, but I look forward to finding out...
7 notes · View notes
housebeleren · 4 years
Theros Beyond Death Limited: Premium Uncommons
Time for the Uncommons of Threos Beyond Death! 
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Archon is costly, but it’s likely going to be the biggest evasive threat on the board, and by the time you get it out, it shouldn’t be difficult at all to get value out of the death trigger, if your opponent does remove it right away. Seems like a pretty easy 2-for-1, which is what you need your Uncommon 6-drops to do. 3.0/5
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Banishing Light takes care of literally any threat on the board, for a very reasonable price. Yes, it can be undone with Enchantment removal, but there’s not so much running around that it’s extremely likely. This is better than usual in this set because it also triggers Constellation, and Exile is much better than sending to the grave, because of Escape.. Take highly. 3.5/5
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Knocking out all abilities is a critical part of this card, and is a large part of what makes it playable. This will completely neutralize any bomb Creature for 4 turns, which is a lot of action for only 2 mana. I’d still usually rather have the Banishing Light, but this is not bad at all. 3.0/5
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I like that there are multiple ways to recover used Enchantments at Uncommon in this set. It makes for deep interactions that are tons of fun. This teller of tales is a decently sized body on his own, and the option to put a Dreadful Apathy back on top of your deck is big game. It reminds me a little of the Choking Restraints/Ironclad Slayer combo from Eldritch Moon limited. I’m a fan. 3.0/5
At Uncommon, White gets a lot of strong interaction and some reasonably costed cards with lots of potential for creative plays. This is exciting, because White is frequently a super straightforward color in Limited, but it’s clear there’s room for depth and subtlety in the color that is very refreshing to see.
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This is basically a 3/2 that dies and leaves behind a 2/3. And that is really solid value for only 3 mana. A vanilla 3/2 for 3 is playable filler anyway, and will usually trade reasonably. I suspect this will go undervalued by a lot of people. 3.0/5
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Aside from having absolutely gorgeous art, Callaphe is a pretty strong turn 3 play. It doesn’t take much for her to be a 4/3 or bigger, at which point she’s great value for the cost, and she taxes all targeted removal against her, as a bonus. Add the fact that she triggers Constellation and adds 2 for Devotion, and I’m pretty well sold. 3.0/5
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It’s one mana more than Banishing Light, but it’s just about as effective, though it doesn’t clear abilities, which is unfortunate. Even so, it’s pretty close to unconditional removal, which is much needed in Blue. 3.0/5
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This is a card you’d play as an ordinary creature anyway, with the base stats. But this is one of the few ways in the set to truly abuse Constellation, and it will also let you reset your Enchantment-based removal to scale up to bigger targets as the game goes on. And that’s not even mentioning that there are several good ETB triggers to reuse. I’m suspecting this will be really good. It’s the successor to Riptide Chimera, but this one trades stats for being optional, which I’m very okay with. 3.5/5
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If Ravnica Allegiance taught us anything, it was to not underestimate Faerie Duelist, which won combats and completely warped the combat calculus around its existence. At Uncommon, this will be less, well, common, but the effect is still potent and shouldn’t be ignored. It’s less consistent, but the upside is higher, and a 1/3 is more playable on its own stats than a 1/2. 3.0/5
Blue got a ton of action at Uncommon, which somewhat makes up for my initial impression that the Commons were a little underwhelming. That said, the variance on the Uncommons is much higher, as there are a few that I think will be fairly weak, so snap up these good ones when you see them.
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There is no doubt this will be good. Even at 4 mana, it’s playable, and the cost reduction is just a bonus. Premium removal, for sure. 3.5/5
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The first Saga to make the cut for me, I suspect this will be pretty good. Creature powers aren’t crazy high in this set, so you should have some good targets for this, and it will be very difficult for them to avoid having to discard something useful if you cast this on curve. Completely obliterating any Escape they may have going on is a great upside, and very relevant. I’d basically always run this, and maybe side it out against the R/G Ferocious deck or something. 3.0/5
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Gary’s back! You definitely want a little devotion on the table before casting this, but once you have another few Black Creatures out, this can be a huge life swing. Definitely an incentive to go deep in the color, but not a great reason to pivot if you’re already going somewhere else. 3.0/5
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Play this for the 2/1 Deathtouch. The Escape enabling is just a perk. 3.0/5
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Pharika’s Spawn seems like it could be pretty close to a Mythic Uncommon. A 3/4 for 4 is fine, if unexciting, but the Escape is where the real action is. For 6 mana and just a few cards from your ‘yard, you get a 5/6 that comes with an edict attached, and that is big game. Assuming it trades once upfront, this is a completely believable 3-for-1. Sometimes, it won’t end up quite that good, but the potential is also there for it to be even better. If you can get repeated Escapes out of this, I don’t see how you’re losing. One of the best Escape payoffs in the set, and I’m starting pretty high on it. I could imagine this getting up to a 4.0 if the format is right for it. But for now, it’s a 3.5/5
Black knocked it out of the park in Uncommons. There were even more I could have picked, but I wanted to limit it to 5 highlighted cards. Given its strong showing at Common as well, I suspect Black will be a powerhouse color. Of all the colors, Black stands out to me as probably the best candidate for mono drafting, since it really doesn’t need much help to be great. If Black is wide open and you can draft mono-Black devotion, I expect that to be great.
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I like the Demigods with variable power rather than toughness, and I also like the ones that cost 1CC rather than CC, since they’ll be easier to cast on curve. Anax here threatens a lot of power on his own, but his ability is pretty fierce as well. By himself, he’ll at least always leave behind a 1/1 when he dies, but it has the potential to get really nuts in in the sacrifice deck. I suspect he will play better than he looks at first blush. 3.0/5
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A 2/1 for 2 that chucks a Shock when it dies? Sign me up, this is exactly what both aggro and sacrifice decks want, so I suspect these will get snatched up fast. 3.0/5
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Okay, this one I admit I’m a bit unsure of. A 4/2 for 3 would normally be around a 2.0, but this one has some extra going for it. The fact that its ability can hit any target is huge, because it can snipe off opposing X/1s or be that one extra point to take down larger creatures with some of Red’s Instant speed removal. And eventually, it’s going to trade with something itself, so I’ll give it the initial benefit of the doubt. It is definitely way better in the R/U Flash deck than in just a normal deck, so adjust your expectations downward accordingly. 3.0/5
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Funny how far Scry 1 goes. While I’d generally rather see Lightning Strike, adding the Scry keeps this from feeling bad at Uncommon. It’s strong, flexible removal, and you’ll like it. 3.0/5
Red did decently in the Uncommon department. Like with its Commons, many of the cards feel situational, like they’ll be better in some decks than others, so my gut is telling me that, barring the bombs at Rare & Mythic, Red will be at its best as a support color, and probably not a great candidate for mono drafting (unlike Black, which seems bonkers if you can draft it alone).
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I like this. There aren’t very many 1-toughness creatures with Flying, so if you cast it for 1, it’ll mostly be a chump block. But the Escape is pretty sweet, because a 4/5 with Reach is a massively bigger deal than a measly 1/2. This can be an easy 2-for-1 against many decks, and has even a little more ceiling than that. 3.0/5
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A 2/3 for 2 would already be pretty playable. Add that it’s an Enchantment in the color that cares the most, that it shuts off counters at no cost, and that it has a late-game mana sink, and you’ve got a potential powerhouse on your hands. My guess is that it will rarely be amazing, but the potential is there, and it will always be at least good. 3.0/5
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On its own, this swings as a 3/4 Trample for only 3 mana, and that’s pretty solid. Being able to move its bonus around as the game develops keeps this relevant, and I suspect it will play very well. 3.0/5
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Affectionate Indrik is back, and it was good then. I have no reason to suspect it won’t be now, even if I don’t love that Green keeps getting Fight on ETB. 3.0/5
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Renata seems great. On her own, she’s a little underpowered, but pumping up all your future creatures is incredibly solid, and it’s unlikely this card will disappoint. 3.0/5
Green feels quite solid. There are very few cards that feel unplayable, and many of the cards are just good on there own, without help. The color seems flexible and reasonably deep, which is a great sign.
Gold & Colorless
For the Gold cards, there’s just the one signpost for each pair at Uncommon, so I’ll go through all of them.
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Most of the Black pairings seem to be centered around the Graveyard, and it’s probably the best color to be in if you want to go deep on Escape. Green-Black has a little self mill, a little top of library filter, and some sacrifice to help fill the ‘yard for your powerful Escape creatures. The Acolyte here is exactly what the colors want, and is a great Gravedigger variant for the archetype. 3.0/5
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Black-Blue goes heavy on the self-mill, but outside of Escape, there really isn’t any payoff for doing so. Other than this cutie, of course. It’s a cheap and evasive threat, and can easily fuel your Escape cards. I do wish it were a 2/2, since there are some cards that punish one toughness in the set (Wrap in Flames, for example). Still, you’ll usually play this. 3.0/5
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Eutropia seems great. The card she reminds me of the most is Skyrider Patrol from M19, which was one of my favorite cards in the set. Most of the Green-based color pairings care about Enchantments, so it shouldn’t be too hard to peck through lots of damage with Eutropia helping you out. 3.0/5
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Red/White is a throwback to the Heroic mechanic from original Theros. (Which they very cutely seeded with Feather & Co. in War of the Spark.) For this round on Theros, Red/White is also the go-wide pairing of the set, with the Herioc triggers this time serving as team pump spells. Hero of the Nyxborn is already a good deal, creating two bodies for 3 mana, and if you’re in the colors, it shouldn’t be hard to get a few good combat tricks to make it even spicier. 3.0/5
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I like that they’ve been exploring new ways to do Blue/Red besides just “Instants & Sorceries Matter”. After U/R Draw 2 in Eldraine, U/R Flash is a great compliment in this set that feels right (and fuels my argument that Red should be moved to secondary in Flash, and Green should have Flash restricted somewhat, for balance purposes). Anyway, the Chimera here is great. Well-costed on its own, and a great trigger once you start slinging spells on your opponent’s turn. I’m a fan. 3.0/5
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White/Black is another Escape archetype, but with some Enchantment recursion to be found on the Uncommon & above rarities. As for this card, I really wish this were 4 mana. I honestly think Wizards needs to allow reanimation to be a touch more aggressively costed, and let White have a little more unconditional reanimation, again for balance reasons. This card does give me some hope that they recognize the need. For Limited, as is, this is a harder to cast Rise from the Grave, but with the added upside that you’ll occasionally be able to snag back a Dreadful Apathy and get some extra removal. It’s decent, but not as good as most of the other cards in this batch. 2.5/5
But seriously, I’m for Resurrection in Standard. I think it’s completely fine in power level, and would be great for White to reclaim some of the pie.
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Green/White is the primary “Auras Matter” color pair, which makes perfect sense. Siona, aside from being FIERCE. AS. FUCK., is a fantastic card for the archetype. She digs deep, making the odds pretty decent that you’ll find an Aura to grab, at which point she’s already worth her cost. If you can grab a Dreadful Apathy with this, even better. (The fact that I keep mentioning that card makes me wonder if I should rate it even higher...) And occasionally she’ll phone a friend, which is just all upside. 3.0/5 (with potential to go higher in the right build)
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Sacrifice? For Black/Red? Groundbreaking.
Seriously, though, I am eager for Wizards to surprise me with Black/Red sometime. I’ll give it a pass this set, since there is a minor Graveyard theme, so it’s a natural fit. Spectacle in Ravnica Allegiance was such a breath of fresh air for this color pair. But anyhoo, this card. He’s pretty solid. He threatens a lot of damage, and will be very difficult to block, so I’m suspecting he’ll be good. 3.0/5
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White/Blue is a very ambiguous archetype this time around, basically just “tempo”. That said, this card threatens to run away with the game very quickly, and will be absolutely bonkers put on a flier or other evasive threat. I seriously wonder if this will bring back the Curious Obsession deck in Standard, except in White/Blue. For Limited, if you can get at least one hit in with this, you’ve saved yourself from getting 2-for-1′d too badly, so I’ll start with the assumption that this is good, and revise down from there. 3.0/5
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Last but not least, Red/Green is doing “Ferocious” this time, which I really enjoy as a semi-deciduous theme. Warden of the Chained is a decent payoff for having other 4+ Power creatures, but is a little frustrating if you don’t have very many of them in the deck. You’ll always play this, but it strikes me as a little weaker than some of the others. 2.5/5
Phew... that’s it for the Gold Signpost cards. Just a couple Artifacts to touch on:
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I love this. It’s basically an Icy Manipulator, but it costs a little more to activate, but then frees up your mana after you’ve done so. It can also permanently tap down a creature with a tap to activate ability, something Icy couldn’t do. Every deck will be happy to run this. 3.0/5
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I feel like they’re finally getting Vehicles right. 4 mana is a touch more than you want for a 3/3, but First Strike, Trample, and Haste are a lot of keywords, and it’s super easy to crew. I don’t know if it will be great, but it’s definitely playable. 2.5/5
The Rest of the Uncommons
Let’s blaze through the remaining cards, lightning round style. (out of 5)
Alseid of Life’s Bounty - I suspect lots of people will run this card who shouldn’t. Sure, it can sacrifice itself to protect a bigger bomb from removal, but it just doesn’t do enough on its own to really warrant much excitement. 1.5
The Birth of Meletis - This does a lot of things, and... none of them are particularly great? Very weird collection of effects. 1.5
Commanding Presence - This is a lot of effects for one Aura, and it should be possible to either get through or take out a blocker the turn you play this, mitigating the 2-for-1 potential. 2.5
Dawn Evangel - Figuring out when this triggers and what it can get back is a feat unto itself. It’s pretty narrow, to be honest, and so I’m really just looking at this as a 2/3 Enchantment creature for Constellation. 2.0
Daxos, Blessed by the Sun - I like Daxos more for constructed, since there aren’t any lifegain triggers in this set to really make this great. He’s solid, just not incredible. 2.5
Favored of Iroas - I like the concept here. Problem is, it shouldn’t be too hard to predict when you’re holding up a Flash Enchantment as a trick, so a lot of the time, it’ll just be a 2/2. Maybe I’m wrong. 2.0
Hero of the Winds - I really wish this were a 2/4 to begin with. 2.0
Phalanx Tactics - Probably the best Heroic enabler in the set, this is perfect for go-wide, but mediocre if you aren’t in the colors. 2.5
Reverent Hoplite - I want at leaset 3 tokens out of this before I feel good about it. Which, shouldn’t be difficult in mono-White, but could be frustrating in most decks. 2.5
Glimpse of Freedom - I don’t really think this is the format for this card. If you’re in Blue/Red, it’s an Instant, so that’s a thing. The escape is expensive enough to likely not come up often. 2.0
Medomai’s Prophecy - This, on the other hand, is a lot of action for 2 mana, even if it is spread out over several turns. Nonbos with self-mill somewhat, but a cheap Divination if you do it right. 2.5
Sage of Mysteries - Gorgeous art. My guess is this usually isn’t worth it, but occasionally you might be able to build a legitimate mill deck around this. And if you see your opponent is self-milling, it’s a great strategy to pivot into. 2.0
Sea God’s Scorn - I’ve been burned with the six mana bounce spells before, so not again. My hunch is this will be playable, but not every deck will want it. 2.5
Shoal Kraken - Seems solid. Possibly will play better than I think, but reminds me of Sage of the Falls, which was only great sometimes. 2.5
Stinging Lionfish - If you get really deep on Flash, this could go up significantly. Most of the time, I’m expecting it to be just fine. 2.5
Sweet Oblivion - Combined with Sage of Mysteries, a true mill deck could be viable. But I wouldn’t run this just to mill myself. 1.5
Whirlwind Denial - Convolute is as Convolute does. 2.0
Agonizing Remorse - In a set with Gods, it would be foolish to assume this is unplayable. But definitely don’t assume it’s premium removal, because it’s not. 2.0
Cling to Dust - This strikes me as pretty decent sideboard hate for a good Escape deck. But I wouldn’t main deck it. 1.5
Enemy of Enlightenment - By the time you get this out, your opponent can work around the discard.  But a 5/5 flier is big, so there’s that. The removal in the set seems good enough to dampen this a bit. 2.5
Hateful Eidolon - There aren’t tons of Auras that make me think this is super worth playing, but if you draft like 3 or more Mire’s Grasp, this gets really cute really fast. There’s a deck for this, but it’s not every deck. 2.0
Inevitable End - Usually this will just be a slow kill spell, but occasionally if you put it on a bomb, they’ll sacrifice other things just to keep that alive. It’s conditional removal, but still removal. 2.5
Minion’s Return - This being an Enchantment-Matters set makes me like this a lot more than I usually do, and there’s potential for combos with Hateful Eidolon & some of the White recursion. 2.5
Tymaret, Chosen from Death - Difficult to cast on curve, but a reasonable drop at any time. Great hate for Escape decks, but remember, you can’t exile an Escape card once they’ve declared they’re casting it. 2.5
Underworld Dreams - Save it for Constructed. 1.0
Blood Aspirant - In the dedicated R/B Sacrifice deck, this could be a thing, but it starts too puny and the expense is pretty high. 2.0
Dreamshaper Shaman - I get it, but this honestly feels more like a casual Commander card than something for Limited. For Limited, it’s mostly a big body. 2.0
Escape Velocity - This again strikes me more as something for Constructed, something a deck like Izzet Drakes might like. For Limited, it’s cute, but not particularly great. 1.5
Furious Rise - The upside on this is pretty great in the dedicated Ferocious deck. I’d give it a go. 2.5
Heroes of the Revel - Decent stats for the cost, and another Heroic enabler. Good in the archetype, mediocre elsewhere. 2.5
Impending Doom - The name of this card really doesn’t match the flavor, but whatever. It’s a solid Aura for aggressive decks, good in the Heroic build, but a liability if you’re not wanting to attack. 2.0
Skophos Maze-Warden - Ignore the wall of text, this is a 3/4 for 4 with the “Flowstone” ability. Which is pretty solid on its own. If you get the maze, it’s cute, but definitely not necessary to play this. 2.5
The Triumph of Anax - This is one of the hardest cards to evaluate in the whole set. My hunch is it will often not work out quite the way you hope, and one or more chapters will end up getting wasted to removal or by not having good targets. I’m starting pessimistic until I see otherwise. 1.5
Underworld Fires - Can be a way to clean up stragglers after combat, and will be good against decks like Heroic go-wide. There’s potential, but I might start it as a sideboard pick until the format shakes out. 2.0
The Binding of the Titans - This card takes a while to do much useful, but it gets there, and it’s a pretty cheap inclusion. Some decks will want it. 2.5
Hydra’s Growth - This can absolutely run away with the game if left unchecked, so I’d generally run it in G/W Auras or decks with heavy Constellation or Heroic triggers. But it is risky until about 3 turns in, so take it with a grain of salt. 2.5
Klothys’s Design - Oh, how much better this would be if it granted Trample. As is, it’s a reasonable top-end finisher, but some decks will find it dead more often than not. 2.0
Mystic Repeal - Enough Enchantments are running around for this to consistently have targets, and it avoids enabling Escape as well. I’d rather have a Return to Nature for flexibility, but this will do in a pinch. 2.0
Nessian Hornbeetle - I like this little guy as a payoff for the Ferocious deck, and there’s virtually no downside to including him. 3.0
Nessian Wanderer - A two drop that can smooth a land-light hand is reasonable, but you could skip it and probably not notice. 2.0
Setessan Petitioner - You’re rarely going to gain more than around 4 life with this, but once you get above about that point, this starts getting good. If you manage to draft mono-Green, I’d slam this, but in most 2-color decks it’s pretty replaceable. 2.0
Wolfwillow Haven - There’s not much need to ramp in this format, but if you’re heavy Green, it can do work for both Devotion and casting double & triple Green casting costs. The ability is too costly to get excited about, though at least it feeds itself. I’d generally skip this except maybe in mono Green with a good Devotion payoff. 1.5
Mirror Shield - Mostly a flavor win, I don’t see lots of reason for this in the format. Side it in against the all Moss Viper deck. You could also side it in against control decks to hedge against removal. 1.5
Soul-Guide Lantern - This will be a brutal sideboard against the heavy Escape deck, but that’s mainly where I see it. 1.5
Field of Ruin - Save it for Constructed. Nothing in this format is worth destroying aside from maayyybe Labyrinth of Skophos. 0.5
That’s it for the Uncommons. Very few dead picks, lots of good options and a few fun buildarounds. Overall, a good looking set, I think. Up next, the Rares & Mythics!
0 notes
winterverses · 7 years
Chapter Thirty-One
Warning: Discussion of abuse and suicide.
Anne had stayed the night again. It just seemed pointless for her to go back to her quarters, even though the tension between them was still present, still throwing them both off. Kirk hadn’t known quite what to do; he’d never been in a position where he had to figure out whether to give his lover permission to kill herself. Not just permission, but the means to go through with it. His mind kept returning to that, gnawing at it like a dog with a bone. Conversation between them had been sparse, a little stilted, and he found himself chafing at the contrast to how easy they usually were with each other.
She’d seemed almost… apologetic. As if the idea of suicide were something she couldn’t help, something she couldn’t control, while Kirk saw it as the opposite.
As it got later, Anne had come to sit snugged up against him, her leg thrown over his and her head nestled on his chest, as if she needed the reassurance of closeness to talk about it. He could tell she wasn’t happy about this either. “I almost wish I hadn’t said anything,” she’d said. “I know it touches on some painful memories for you. The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but… if it means keeping you safe…”
He’d felt his resistance melt then. She hadn’t done it blindly, carelessly stepping on his issues with self-sacrifice and the way his father had died. She’d known, and she’d felt it important enough to mention anyway. Wrapping an arm around her, he’d sighed. “I’m glad I don’t have to explain. I do need to think about this. Anne… I don’t know. I don’t know if I can allow it.” One side of him argued that he had done the same once, that he’d sacrificed himself for the sake of his ship… and the other side stubbornly refused to believe that there was a situation where he couldn’t get to her in time.
She’d lifted her head then, her eyes the impenetrable grey of London fog. “You know how I feel. I only want to protect you… and your wife.” Her mouth had curved in an ironic little grin.
He had known what she meant immediately, his grin answering hers in tone. “I’ve lost her before. I think I mentioned that. It’s not an experience I want to repeat if I can help it.”
He saw a tinge of sadness in those misty grey eyes. “Take your time and figure it out. I’ve told you what I think is best.”
Kirk had kissed her then, partly because he wanted to chase away the sadness in her eyes, partly because he didn’t want to keep talking about it. And despite the tension, that kiss had developed into a full-scale assault on each other, a hungry, devouring lust that left them sticky and sweaty, shaking and breathless and fulfilled. It had been harder than ever to control himself, to make sure he didn’t do all of the things he wanted to do, to keep himself restrained so that she could be comfortable. And, as usual, the restraint just heightened the pleasure they’d gained from each other.
After they’d showered and collapsed on his bed, Anne had snuggled up against him, her back to his chest and her ass pressing lushly against his cock. It was a sort of compliment; she trusted him enough to know that she could tempt him, a little anyway, and he wouldn't let that temptation lure him into anything she didn't wholeheartedly want. Tease. Kirk had wrapped his arms around her, tucking her head under his chin. Despite the tension, he didn’t want to let go of her.
Sometime in the middle of the night, she cried out in her sleep, loud enough to wake Kirk. “Anne,” he murmured, then again, louder. The nightmares were a worrying development.
She came awake with a start, and he could feel the tension gripping her, her heart racing, her panting breaths. “Jim,” she gasped, and he tightened his arms around her.
How could he send her back into that nightmare? He asked it of himself over and over while he soothed her. How could he let her go? How could he let her protect his ship, his crew, with her life? The questions were eating at him, devouring his mind. By the time she was asleep again, he was wide awake, frustrated and angry. Not at her, but at the circumstances, at his own inability to think his way through them. After he was very sure she wouldn’t wake, he carefully slipped out of bed, snatching up some clothes and walking out to his desk. He ordered the door to hold half open, so that he’d hear her if she cried out again, and flipped on the screen on the desk, meaning to lose himself in work.
When he saw the time, however, he realized that it would be morning already in Iowa, and there was one person he knew who had been in a similar situation. He punched in the comm code and waited.
She smiled as she answered the call. “Jim! It’s good to hear from you. You’re always so busy.” There was no reprimand in her voice, only a loving acknowledgment of his position. She was Starfleet too. She understood.
“Hey, mom. How’s life on the ground?”
They made small talk for a while, Kirk answering her questions about Yorktown and the new Enterprise, asking her about her work at the shipyard and new designs that were coming out. Underneath it, there was a faint undercurrent of tension. There always was. He wasn’t sure if it was him who couldn’t forgive her, or her who couldn’t forgive herself for inflicting his stepfather on him and his older brother, but it was a wound that had never quite healed properly, especially since his brother had run away. Still, he loved her, and he knew she loved him.
Maybe it was because of that tension that she eventually asked him, “You don’t usually call just to chat. What’s going on? Is there something I can do for you?”
Kirk found himself reluctant to answer. He wasn’t even sure how to put it. But she knew something was wrong, so he had to say something. “I’m… I have to make a decision, and I don’t know what to do.” She waited patiently for him to figure out how to put it, how best to ask. “If you had known there was a chance-- not a certainty, just a chance of what happened to Dad… If you’d known that going in, and known how many people he would save doing it, would you have let him go?”
Winona Kirk closed her eyes, a pained, bittersweet smile on her lips. “You really don’t ask the easy ones, do you, Jim?” She sighed, opening her eyes and looking down, that smile still lingering. “I’ve thought about this so many times. If I had known… god, my heart says I’d never have let him go. But could I let eight hundred people die, including myself and you if he hadn’t been there?” She shook her head. “No. What’s this about, Jim?” She paused briefly, looking curious. “Is there… are you…”
He couldn’t help an embarrassed, wry grin. He knew what she was trying to ask. “Don’t get your hopes up. Yeah, there’s someone, but she’s not Starfleet, so… I don’t know what’s going to happen. We’ll probably split. We’ve talked about it.” Sort of. Once.
She shook her head gently, that bittersweet smile returning. “And that’s on top of the rest, huh? I’m sorry, hon. That’s hard to deal with all on its own.” After a moment, she added, “I can guess that you can’t tell me most of the circumstances around this. But if I could prevent George from going… I wouldn’t. I couldn’t. Not if it had that price. At the same time, if there was anything else I could do to make sure he got out alive, I would do it. Anything at all.”
They were both silent while Kirk digested this. She was right; whether Anne went didn’t necessitate her breaking, and her breaking didn’t necessitate that the ship and the crew would pay the price. There were other things he could do to ensure both her safety and the safety of the Enterprise. A beacon, maybe, that she could use to warn him if she was in trouble-- well, more severe trouble-- so that they weren’t taken by surprise. It could even be installed in place of the final friend. If Scotty could miniaturize one of the pattern enhancers, they might be able to get her out before anything went critical-- it would give up the game, but at that point, she would have given it up anyway. Something like that. There were other options. Kirk felt the schism in his mind ease, his brain finally getting past the shadow of his father’s death.
His mom must have seen him relax, because she smiled. “What’s she like?” she asked, half teasing, not really expecting an answer.
Kirk surprised himself by wanting to answer. “Her name’s Anne. She’s short. Mean. A bit of a hell-raiser.” He felt himself grin. “When she looks at people, she sees them as people. There’s a word for that, but I forget what it is-- it means looking at people and knowing they have full lives and self-awareness and all that. Whatever that word is, she has it all the time. She writes books.” Kirk laughed, shaking his head. “I told you to read one of them once, actually. That western one, with the group of cowboys that went on the expedition to those old mines--”
“That one?” his mom, asked, surprised. “She wrote that? That was really good. I read the rest of them after that.” She looked thoughtful. “So she’s smart, too. Of course. You’d never settle for someone who couldn’t think on your level.”
“Yeah.” He felt awkward; his mother had known about Carol, but it had been an offhand thing, not this strange, too-serious conversation. “Well, anyway, she was in a bad situation and I got her out of it… but she’s insisting on going back into it to try to stop it. And it’s really bad. She’s… well, she’s not quite…” He sighed. “I don’t know, mom. She’s hurt. She needs time to recover and she doesn’t have it. I’m worried that she’ll… That she won’t come back the same, or at all.”
“Well, she’s got something else in common with you, and your father. Neither of you could sit still when you thought you had a chance of fixing something, or saving someone.” Kirk felt himself grimace, and his mom gave him a sympathetic look. “Anyway, do whatever you can to get her out safely. And…” She paused, searching for words. “Don’t worry about whether you split up or not. The important thing is that you--”
“Jim? Is something wrong?” Anne asked softly from the doorway.
His mom didn’t hear her; she continued, “take every chance you can to enjoy what you have while you have it. You’ll regret it if you don’t.” She gave him that bittersweet smile again. “Trust me.”
Kirk held up a hand, motioning for his mother to wait, and looked over at Anne. The cool grey mist of her eyes was troubled with worry. She didn’t look frightened, so it hadn’t been a nightmare, but… his mom was right. He had to enjoy what he had while he had it. This wasn’t going to last forever. “I’ll be right there, Anne. Everything’s fine.” She nodded, her worry easing, and disappeared back into the bedroom.
His mom was smiling a little, shaking her head. “Go on, hon. I love you, and I miss you. We’ll talk once all this is over.” She paused, and then added, “Tell her I liked her books.”
“I will. Love you, mom.” He gave her a grin and blanked the screen.
His mind easier, he stood up from the desk. They still had a couple hours to sleep. As he crossed the room, he pulled off his clothes, dropping them in a heap by the bed before he slid under the covers, feeling Anne curl up against him. “I couldn’t sleep, so I called my mom,” he said. “She said to say she likes your books.”
Anne stilled for a moment, surprised, and then laughed quietly, not entirely happily. “So this is that serious, huh?”
“Yeah,” Kirk answered. There really wasn’t anything else to say about it.
Laying a soft kiss on his chest, Anne settled further against him, the arm thrown across him squeezing gently. “When you talk to your mom next, tell her I said thanks.” She paused, then added, “I… I don’t talk to my family.”
He’d thought so. She’d never mentioned them, and Kirk knew enough about how his stepfather had affected him to recognize the same kind of thing in Anne. “You don’t have to explain it. I think I get it.” He felt her lips again, another brief brush of a kiss. “Hey.”
“Hey what?” Anne asked.
“You’re spending all your time here anyway. If you want to move the rest of your stuff here, that’s fine by me. I’ll figure something out so you can have free access.” The offer was spur-of-the-moment, but it felt right. She should be here with him. They should take the time they had and use it as best they could, before it ran out. It would be difficult, but he thought he could lock everything so that she couldn’t access anything sensitive. Probably. Not that he was worried about her, but Starfleet wouldn’t look kindly on it if he didn't.
Anne thought about this for a while, and her silence made him a little nervous, but that nervousness dissipated when she spoke. “When we get back to Yorktown, let’s rent a place, an apartment or something. Something with a balcony where I can have plants and a garage for your motorcycle.” She laughed quietly. “Even if it’s just for a couple weeks, we might as well go all in while we can, right?”
“Might as well,” he answered, feeling himself grin slowly. “Need help getting your things up here?”
“I have most of them here already,” she laughed. “Just the art and that’s it. But I’d like you to come with me, if you can.”
“Sure. After shift tomorrow. Today. Whatever. I’ll meet you there.” He carefully pulled her up, tipping her chin up so that he could kiss her, and she responded eagerly, melting against his side, her lips and tongue tangling with his. It felt right. Lying beside her at night felt right. Knowing she would be there when he finished his shifts, knowing they’d have dinner together, knowing she’d be lying on the couch studying while he finished his daily reports, knowing there would be more opportunities for popcorn fights and even awkward races to put on clothing while someone waited to come in… again, it was weirdly domestic in a way that he liked, the way that he’d envied Sulu for. He almost couldn’t believe it was happening, let alone so quickly. When the kiss broke, he asked, “Are we getting tame, Anne?”
She laughed and hugged him. “No. Even wild animals pair off sometimes. We’ll just be wild together for a while.”
Her answer made him laugh. It was a good way to put it. “I am going to be in so much trouble over this. You have no idea. Bones is going to kill me.”
Anne snickered, “You can let me deal with him and Dr. Hayes if you want. Better yet, tell them while I’m standing there with you and I’ll yell back at them over it.”
The idea of her taking Bones and Hayes to task was pretty damn funny. “Sounds like a plan. We’ll break it to them tomorrow before your session with Spock.” He kissed the top of her head. “Make sure you’re feeling especially tiger-ish, I guess. But I’m not going to lift the weapons ban.”
Anne laughed, immediately recognising his reference to the conversation they’d had about exes. “Grr,” she said, playfully digging her fingernails into his side. Kirk held her as their humor eventually faded into sleepiness and wondered how it could possibly be this easy to be with her. The idea that it would be over soon made it work somehow. But he couldn’t deny to himself that he’d enjoy what they had while they had it. Hell, he was grateful for this brief chance, even if he never said it out loud.
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safrona-shadowsun · 7 years
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{Rp between Safrona and @aranyaphoenix that eventually carried into game. Thank you for helping me get more acclimated to rping in game again! Under a cut for length. With mention of @mrblaque!}
A short, penned letter in return was sent to the Arcanist detailed a time to meet in Sunspire Port, always injecting some needed organization within the bit of chaos of her days. The Courier was also a punctual creature, yet she arrived without her typical red cloak - today was not exactly a day for the typical business it would signal. Safrona was dressed only in the Ebonsilk gown that the lady Arcanist had given her on the first day of their meeting a summer ago, and today she was approaching few else. The expected company of the Ethereal also waited, the setting sun edging the starry light of his form with its color. Her gaze was cast out to the sea, idling on the scene that gave the Port its aspect of beauty.
Aranya could only smile, seeing the familiar gown she had given to the lovely Courier, and how the smoldering design matched the flame-washed appearance of Saraj's wrappings. It was like they had been donned in fire, just for the occasion of meeting with her. "It is good to see you both," greeted the arcanist. "Please, tell me what matters have been at hand."
A cant of the head was given by the lady importer,  while the Ethereal flourished into the usual gentlemanly bow,  show off that he was. "Too many matters at hand,  but I'm glad for the moment to tear away from them to meet with you. " Safrona ambled along slowly down the pier,  inviting Aranya to stroll with her.  She seemed to want the conversation to be more private,  away from passing ears.  "But one of those matters I've felt... drawn to speak with you on." A small smile curved her lips as her absinthe eyes glanced the Arcanist's way.  "If Blaque trusts you,  I figure that is a good sign I can too."
"Likewise," replied Aranya with sincere warmth. "And your aid arranging with Saraj for the temporary dome for Sunspire was most helpful. I would be only to happy to return such a favor."
There was a silence from the Courier, unsure of how to begin to ask her questions, to ask the favors she would ask. Her natural hesitance did not go unnoticed, and the sincerity of the Arcanist came again. “How can I help, Safrona?”
She was unable to meet the sorceress’ eyes in that moment. “I hoped for a... favor. That you might keep something hidden for me. Or...safe, is more the word. Keeping it in Dalaran any longer might put me at risk of certain implications I am trying to avoid.”
Aranya’s whiskery black eyebrows furrow. “I can certainly do my best. What manner of “something” is it that could implicate you, may I ask?”
Safrona let out a soft exhale in attempt to release her nervousness, her absinthe gaze holding on Aranya a moment as she explained in a careful murmur. “It’s of a demonic nature. Sunspire Port was what I thought of as far as...security. With you and Blaque...”
Stepping forward and nodding, Aranya was quiet, all ears to hear whatever more needed to be said. But staring on the Arcanist drew in the Courier’s gaze, attaching to something beneath the flesh, idling sight penetrating. “There is...more I feel. A draw to you specifically. I am unsure how well you are connected to the Purveyor but...there is a familiarity that surpasses even what I feel in him in you...”
Ver’sarn blinked, silent and straight faced, as the Courier continued with her careful insight. “...you have touched something....tainted, haven’t you? I feel it, like a dark stirring..”
It was Aranya’s turn for her eyes to be chased away as she admitted: “I have touched--and tasted--many a tainted thing these past several years...it’s not easily understood by some. “What stirs...funny you should say that.” Safrona was met by a wry smile.
“This seems...or feels more recent.” The warlock continued a little more confidently at the admittance. “Either a newly touched demonic source, or something...resurfacing?” The curious edge was on her voice, still surprised in what she herself was saying. The lady Arcanist hardly seemed to be one embroiled in corruption. But she heard it, the dark static of something kept quiet for too long. “There are voices that I am tuned to in the Dark, and it knows your name.”
A nod from the Arcanist further solidified her insights. “There is one. One I tasted, one I crippled in ways that can never be undone. His face found me in my dreams, recently, making threats...or portents. I struggle to discern which.”
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“...manipulative, yes? Even in death their hold is reaching. It is their nature to corrupt.” The Courier remarked with some bitterness. “I struggle in my own way as well, but it is more the nature of what I do. As the Legion has fell on Azeroth again, the demons have become more prey than I mean them to be. But every soul I tap into, that I rip from them is...not always the victory that some would celebrate.” She gave her attention back to Aranya as she looked out to sea, the storm that seemed to ever be building in the distance.
“Mmm, they were common prey for me as well, once upon a time. I hunted them in the days we tapped mana, for sustenance. But what no one could have known was what part of my true nature that fostered in me.”
A quiet attentiveness continued in the Courier, the verdant gaze of the Arcanist returning to her with intensity. “I liked it, Safrona. I found a visceral pleasure in the hunt, the triumph, the taste of tapping the essence of my prey before they fade away. That’s never gone away. It’s an addiction deeper than blood, my predator nature. But it’s been years since I gained full self-control and few know or really understand it...”
The importer’s brow furrowed both with some confusion. “...how did you stay...yourself, in it all? Did they’re hatred not haunt you? Their destruction? Until you could not remember who you are?”
Aranya shook her head, “I felt nothing for them after I drained them. Like an animal, or a beast. And that’s what I struggled with, being my own master of myself, trying to not let the urges of my blood be what controlled me. And yet, that urge for the hunt stirs more strongly than ever again....He saw it in me as he faded beneath my hand. He knows.”
A momentary silence again, as each woman considered the words already passed, the words to next give. Aranya broke it with her wry smile. “The Tomb changed the whole game, didn’t it? A font of power for them all, even the weakest ones.”
There was a gradual nod from the Courier as she agreed. “It changes much. And in the years I have survived, I’ve fought a long habit of needing to...change as well. Or go back to the beginning of what I know, I suppose you can say.”
A nod now from the Arcanist, kindly in tone. “Perhaps we can help each other...”
“I am hoping so...” Safrona began on an anxious breath as she rolled a finger up across her temple. More cracks in the Courier’s composure tonight than she would be privy to before the typical acquaintance. “But you need to know more of me in order for that to happen.”
A directing nod to the Ethereal, and Saraj breached reality to access Void Storage, pulling an articulated chest of dark orgin from its hollow expanse. As it hit the wooden dock with a heaviness, the disturbed reality healed.
“My initial forray into the Dark Arts was paved on a road of ignorance, Miss Aranya. A decade ago I was...different. Naive. Too trusting. Desperate. Vengeful. And I trusted my fate to the wrong mentoring hands. A decade ago, I earned boons of power by offering up the innocent to the Dark. The purer the soul, the better the sacrifice, the better the boon of power by which to earn. And with our own measured currency invested in the soul, it was not long before I began offering up pieces of my own to better cement my path to power.”
Aranya nodded gravely, but it was not with a judging eye, coercing instead for the Courier to continue.
“In the days of my Gathering, my coven, this was...simply the expectant. We did not question who we served, the names we gave ourselves to. In those days, the name Tichondrius was one meant for all else to fear and us to divulge long-dead secrets from.” Safrona’s eyes settled on the chest lain before them. “By the time I could gather my will to break from the ‘pack’, the gravity of what what was done was...there. My soul tethered to names sworn in the Great Dark, to demonic overlords. I have managed to outrun my fate for years in one way or another, but the Path ends the same either way I walk it.”
“Dark bargains were made then, I take it?”
A stiff nod now from the Courier. “I had long settled with my fate. That I belong to the Dark, when I take my last breath and cannot steal another more.”
Aranya almost seemed bemused now, trying to lighten the moment. “Doesn’t sound like a very pleasant afterlife, eternally in thrall.”
Safrona’s smile tightened. “In thrall? More perhaps hollowed out by others to serve as a vessel. There are many ways that the entities of the Dark can stake a claim on a soul, and none are too pleasant.”
The words stole the mirth from the Arcanist. “And what of your soul...?”
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Safrona lighted a finger at her own breast, simply feeling the heart that beat beneath it, the thrum of the soul it echoed through. For a moment, her eyes misted over with the knowing she could lose all of what she had tried to make her own, even if she lost all right to it long ago. “What is left of who I am is...chained to the Dark, food for the Dreadlord I swore it too. Even in death he continues to mock me, eternally bound to the Dark as I am, knowing I belong. I have no future. No afterlife. And I had thought I had long settled with the price I am to pay...”
Her voice took a soft, yearning turn, staring out to the ocean where so much began and ended. “And yet...in the three years I have began to learn to live again? I...have come to want more. To be more, to live...more. I may have become greedy, but I want to claim a better death when the day comes, at the very least. Is this too much to want, my friend?”
There was no answer, but the gentle wrap of arms around her. At first there was hesitation within the embrace. Even within Aranya’s inner struggles, she was not a demon, and the touch lighted on a submerged yearning for something to break up the monotony of Fel-taint the Warlock had fed on alone. But with an instilled control, and the heavy reliance of warding runes inscribed to her skin, she inhaled only the comfort that was offered from a friend. 
“I think I know how this can be done,” Aranya murmured as she released the importer. “And perhaps it will bring some light for me as well.”
“...yes...” Lacy fingers gestured to the chest. “This is why I bring the chest to Sunspire Port. To you. To Blaque. Your Order. I think you can help me.”
“What is in the chest?”
“What is left of the Lord of the Nathrezim. What I could manage. His dormant eye.”
The wheels visibly turned in the Arcanist’s head as she gazed to the ‘prize’, even as Safrona further explained. “I need to severe my connection to him. To the Legion. I want to.”
The thoughtful gaze lightened with a spark in her eyes, Aranya’s lips slowly pulled to a smile. “If Blaque will allow it...I believe I know just such a condition that brings this about.”
The Courier injected her intensity to the matter. “Aranya...My freedom’s cost is death, either way. And I understand it can be my own, if it must be.”
The grave silence returned as the sorceress nodded, and Safrona dared to perk a smile. “Luckily we have soulstones, yes?”
“Or something very near to it.” The Arcanist paused to collect her wheel of thoughts, then elaborated again. “Tezzakel. That was the name of the first demon I crippled beyond repair. Because I drained him of his power and killed him in the wastes of Outland, a world saturated by the Nether. Talk to Blaque, there is a way you can face your death, and if it is done in the heart of the Netherstorm, you may yet have your freedom, one way or another.”
Safrona muttered the name beneath her breath to commit it to memory, as such names held power. But as Aranya mentioned Netherstorm, there was a glint of recognition in her eyes as they blinked back up to the Arcanist.
“...fitting, I think. I died there once. Fell from the clutches of the Nether when I tried to denounce what bound me, deny the sacrifice of my love.” She was momentarily lost in resurfacing memory, of which Aranya brought her back from with the encouraging comfort of a touch to the arm. “Thank you for your insights. I will...confer with Blaque. But enough of the glum talk. I think I promised a certain sorceress wine.”
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adjudicxtor · 7 years
“Don’t worry, I’ll make you happy, I promise.” 
The words continued to echo in his mind, bringing with them memories from his time before arriving in the Hive. He remembered saying similar words to Alice time and time again, only to be met with resistance or self deprecation. She insisted that he could do much better than her, that his words were empty and that she could never understand him. He then ended up switching gears and saying that, as long as she was happy that he could, and would be happy too.
Both statements proved to be false.
“You cannot make her happy.”
Nightmare’s words echoed in his mind this time, carrying with them a truth that he had known but didn’t accept until recently. He knew that who he truly was would force her to go back home, or cause her to remember. He knew that, as long as she still carried Sunday Afternoons in her heart that she would never find happiness. He knew that, if he stayed by her or had her by his side, she would never settle and become a part of Wonderland. Alice would still cling to her world, and with it continue to carry a guilt that was never hers to bear and that was like poison.
As long as Peter existed and remained near, she could never be happy.
Likewise, if she were not happy, then he would not be happy, either. The knowledge that his being could bring and cause her much pain was more than he could bear some days. If he stayed with her, he would only continue to hurt her along with himself. The only way she could truly be happy was in the arms of another, and that too brought him pain. 
To stay with or pursue her would bring him pain.
To see her leave and be with another would bring him pain.
To fully accept all of these facts, along with the realization that he needed to be forgotten so she could thrive and be happy brought him pain, though it was a far worse one than the other two combined.
No matter what he did, he would be hurting. No matter what path he chose, he would not be happy.
Yet...if he chose the most painful path, he knew that Alice still had a chance to be happy. If he faded into the background and disappeared completely from her life, then she could truly be happy.
To sacrifice his own happiness so that she may have hers...was that truly the end result of all of this? After all those times watching over her to make sure she was content...after all those times of wishing that he could do something to ease her pain and sorrow...after all those times where he wished and wished and wanted to take it all away...to be at her side and give her a happiness that could match the love she had shown him...was it all for nothing? 
The thought that all of his effort was in vain only magnified the pain he felt, and it took everything within him to keep his vision from blurring worse than it already was. Everything he did so far; everything he strived for; all of it was for what? To be forgotten? To have whatever positive emotions she gave him be ripped away? 
“What a thankless role.”
Peter wrapped his arms around himself, his thoughts continuing to eat away at him as wound after wound began to open up in full. He had been in this place many times over the past few months, if not years. Each time he ended up in this place the pain had gotten worse, and each time he wondered when it would all end. If he had known that this would happen, he would not have peered into that time on a whim. He would have focused on what he should have been doing and would have not been in this place.
If this was the price he had to pay for being shown love, then he thought it was better not to have been shown anything at all. If this was supposed to be happiness, then he did not want it.
“Your heart cries because you refuse to let go of something unobtainable.”
Once again Ian’s words echoed in his mind, stopping the wave of negative feelings. He knew what Ian was saying was true, but Peter could not stop. He could not stop going after Alice, because for so long she had been his world. She had been the only one to have cherished him. She was the only one who had shown him love and what it meant to be happy. She was his everything; she was his first love. He could not let her go.
However...the more he held onto her, the more his pain only seemed to grow. He knew deep down that Alice and him could never be together. He knew that such a union would make one or both unhappy; that it would bring them pain. He knew, yet he kept hurting himself continuously. Even now that he was in Hive City, far away from Wonderland and from her, he kept hurting himself. 
Here in the city he was free; he was free from the role that game him meaning, and he had the freedom to move on. Ian told him as much, and as nice as it sounded, he knew he could not let go of what he knew. He could not forget, for his role and Alice made him who he was. Letting go was not something he could do, both because he did not know how and that he did not want to. To him letting go meant forgetting, and that was simply unacceptable.
How could he let go? How could he move on?
How could he be happy?
“Don’t worry, I’ll make you happy, I promise.”
How could he make him happy, when the only one that did was Alice? Was Peter simply supposed to replace her with Ian? To move on and forget? He still didn’t understand why Ian cared for him in the first place or even bothered to try showing him love and affection. Why was he so taken with someone who was horrible and still attached to someone he could never have? Who shot him down at every turn and had been nothing but rude, blunt, and cold towards him? Who had shot at him and tried to kill him? How could Ian possibly love someone like that?
How could he possibly love him?
Peter frowned as these questions floated around in his mind, each one remaining unanswered and filling him with frustration. While he did not know the answers to these questions, he did know that Ian somehow loved him and wished to make him happy. He was one of the first, if not the only one to ever attempt such a thing or show an interest. With Alice she was only interested in the hour he represented; she was not interested in the man behind the hour; she was not interested in ‘Peter White’.
Ian, however, was.
As this thought began to push away the questions, Peter couldn’t help but focus on it. While he did so, a strange feeling he had multiple times before began to return. It was a feeling that showed itself every time Ian either confessed to him, flirted with him, embraced him, and even kissed him. He didn’t know what it was, though he did know that it was not something he felt often. It might have showed up once or twice when he observed Alice, but it was not frequent. The last time it showed up was when Ian pulled him close, talking about how he could make him happy as he embraced and kissed him. 
Peter felt his face heat up as he remembered the arm around his waist, followed by the gentle strokes on his cheek. No one had ever been that affectionate with him, nor had anyone ever got that close to him to do so. This was due to Peter shooting them all so as not to be contaminated by germs, and he used to do this to Ian as well. Yet as time went on Peter found himself doing it less and less. He found himself becoming more receptive to the others advances, no matter how much it irritated him. Each time the urge to push him away lessened, leading him to the point where their last encounter brought him far closer to the other than he had ever been.
The most surprising part of it all, was that the embrace was not unpleasant at all. In fact, if he were completely honest with himself, it felt rather nice. It reminded him of the times he had held Alice and how content he was having her in his arms. The only difference was that he was the one being held, not the one doing the holding. That too oddly felt nice, if not strange. 
Come to think of it, Peter had always been the one pursuing another. Not once was he ever pursued himself, and if he was, it was not persistently. In a way it was like the roles were reversed: He was Alice. Ian was Peter.
As he began to put all of this together, Peter kept wondering what it all meant. The strange feeling, the lessening resistance towards Ian’s advances, the knowledge that being held by him was not as disgusting as he thought and that it was similar to how he felt when holding Alice...what did it all mean?
“I believe this emotion is love.”
Peter froze as Spock’s words entered his mind. While he still knew little about love, something about Spock’s words began to make him think. The only experience he had was with Alice, in which he claimed over and over that he loved her. Using this as a guide, Peter began to reflect on the last encounter with Ian along with the encounters before. As he did so, the rabbit soon found himself presented with a new thought: This was similar to Alice.
The lessening resistance to any sort of physical contact; allowing Ian to get close while finding it to be less repulsive over time. He had done this with Alice. The only one whose presence and physical closeness didn’t repulse him was, up to this point Alice.
It had only been Alice, but now it seemed that another was there alongside her without him noticing.
Somehow he had let Ian into a spot that was close to where Alice was.
This realization made everything start to fall into place, while bringing a whole new bunch of questions with it. 
It also brought a new feeling with it: Guilt.
As the realization of what he had done set in, the guilt within him began to grow. He had sworn that Alice was his one and only; that it was her and only her that he loved. She alone was his beloved, and he had refused to let anyone close to where she was. She was supposed to be the only one, and yet he had let another in without knowing.
What would she think? If Alice were here, what would she say? Would she say that she knew his feelings for her were non existent? Would she tell him that she knew he didn’t really love her? Would she say that everything he told her and felt was a lie?
Was it all a lie?
Peter shook his head. He knew for a fact that he felt something for her. Whether it was romantic love or another kind of love, it was there. He also knew that she had made him happy, and that would never change. What he felt was genuine and true, and he was serious about it.
However, he also knew that nothing would come out of this. He knew that nothing would ever happen between them, and while what he felt was true, it would lead them both down a path of unhappiness and pain. Once again Peter found himself where he was before, and once again he wondered if he could ever be happy.
Looking back, Peter could say with almost certainty that no, he could never be happy. He could not have what his heart desired without inflicting a pain that neither of them wanted. He could truly never be happy with Alice by his side.
Yet, there was someone else. Someone who was not Alice had promised to make him happy, and while he still had his doubts he couldn’t help but wonder:
Could I ever be happy?
With Alice the answer was an obvious no.
With Ian the answer had yet to appear.
“Happiness is within your grasp, my friend. “
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jakeremake · 6 years
Chessmaster - a HP fanfic
No price is too great forthe scalp of the enemy King. - Koblentz
The black knight jutted out in a wide "L" shape across the board, claiming a pawn in it's wake. The old man frowned, stroking his beard. It was only a pawn, but it was a pawn that could have, potentially won the game for him, if he had played it just a little more carefully, if he hadn't let his bravery and bravado get in the way, to recklessly claim a bishop that served very little purpose. He had regretted the move almost as soon as he had made it, it had been tempting him, taunting him, knowing that he could not resist it.
But sometimes, there were causalities caused by rash decisions. He couldn't always prevent them. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment, a bad decision is made, and it costs a pawn. Or a life. Sirius Black, for instance, had been a rash decision. One that he regretted, but it was too late to regret it now, just as it was too late to regret the missing pawn. The best he could do was tailor his strategy to no longer involve the pawn, to no longer include Sirius. He hadn't been vital, important, yes, but crucial, no.
He moved his queen away from the dangerous reach of the knight. Just one space to sidestep it. The same way the man across from him had sidestepped danger many a time before. Yes, in terms of strategy, Severus was most definitely the queen, the most powerful piece, the second most crucial, second most necessary piece to the game, sidestepping out of danger, slipping away in another direction that the opponent never considered when attempting to pin him into a corner.
A rook slid down the board, into the same rank as his king. "Check." The word was quietly uttered, but yet rung out in the small study. The only other sound was the occasional gulp, and the slight sucking noise that a mouth wrapped around a lemon drop makes. He studied the board. He could move his king, but it would mean sacrificing his bishop. But sometimes, sacrifices were necessary, sometimes it was needed to give up one piece for the greater good, to rationally choose to do so. The only other option was to back the queen up, and sacrifice that instead.
It was the reason why they were playing this game after all. It was all about sacrifice. Sometimes, sacrifices were necessary. He could sacrifice himself for the good of the order. He had known about the unbreakable vow from before the start of term, but now was the first time that Severus had dared mention it to him. Severus had known that he knew though, after all, he did give the appearance of omnipotence. Carefully placed spies in certain places was all his omnipotence was, but he'd never let anyone know that everything he learned, he learned from the ghosts and portraits.
Sacrifice was necessary, in order to win this. And he was going to win this. Better a bishop than a queen, to protect the king. And that's all this was. Protecting the king, protecting Harry. If Harry were to fall, the game would be over, it would all be for naught, and Voldemort would win. And he'd be damned if he let that happen. No, better to sacrifice one piece for the greater good, to keep the king alive.
And so, he moved the king out of the way, letting the other man take his bishop, unscathed. It was his turn to move a rook, pinning the king to the back row, trapping him. Backing him into a corner. That was the strategy he had for defeating Voldemort as well. Never give him a chance to escape, back him into a corner and flank him. It was an old military tactic that had worked for muggle armies for thousands of years, it would be no different this time around.
They say that the greatest warlords and strategists were master chess players, and he was inclined to believe it. Chess was a game of calculated risk, which was all war was as well. Figuring out what you could afford to loose rashly, what you could sacrifice, and how to pin your opponent into the corner to strike in for the kill.
He allowed himself to loose a rook as well, it was the endgame, he wouldn't be needing it. He advanced a pawn forward, watching as the knight encroached on his king again. But he saw the resignation in the other man's eyes. He had won, he had trapped the king to that rank, and as he moved his pawn forward again, promoting it to queen, the other man sighed, if a little over dramatically. "Checkmate" He said simply, and Severus sat, staring at the board, tipping his king over, signalling his defeat.
"I won, Severus. You are a man of your word are you not?"
"What you're asking me to do-"
"I'm asking you to make a move. Sacrifice a bishop for the good of the king. You can't go through a chess game without loosing a piece, nor can you win a war without a sacrifice. Save the boy, Severus."
"Bloody Gryffindor." The words were barely audible, but he chuckled at them nonetheless.
"Believe what you wish about my willingness to die for the cause, Severus, but you are far more useful. Everything I could do is already on paper. Everything is outlined, Minerva can give orders just as well as I can. But we need inside information." He paused slightly, both for effect and to let his previous words sink in. "Besides, would you like to see an innocent boy, corrupted? Because of external pressure, even though he doesn't have it in him to be evil?" He could see the words hit home by the look of carefully hidden disgust that flickered across the younger man's face. "I won Severus, that was the agreement of the game. If I won, you were to follow through with the unbreakable vow."
"And I will." The words were spat out with hatred, a certain special type of self loathing that takes years to master.
"Thank you, Severus. You might want to work on advancing your king a little more often, saves it from running the risk of getting pinned." The words had a tone of dismissal about them, and the younger man stood, heading for the door. "Lemon drop before you go?" The only response he got was a swirl of black, and the door closing. Severus may not like doing what he had to do, but he would do it, he would do whatever was necessary to win, to get the checkmate.
0 notes
housebeleren · 5 years
Theros Beyond Death Limited: Premium Uncommons
Time for the Uncommons of Threos Beyond Death! 
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Archon is costly, but it’s likely going to be the biggest evasive threat on the board, and by the time you get it out, it shouldn’t be difficult at all to get value out of the death trigger, if your opponent does remove it right away. Seems like a pretty easy 2-for-1, which is what you need your Uncommon 6-drops to do. 3.0/5
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Banishing Light takes care of literally any threat on the board, for a very reasonable price. Yes, it can be undone with Enchantment removal, but there’s not so much running around that it’s extremely likely. This is better than usual in this set because it also triggers Constellation, and Exile is much better than sending to the grave, because of Escape.. Take highly. 3.5/5
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Knocking out all abilities is a critical part of this card, and is a large part of what makes it playable. This will completely neutralize any bomb Creature for 4 turns, which is a lot of action for only 2 mana. I’d still usually rather have the Banishing Light, but this is not bad at all. 3.0/5
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I like that there are multiple ways to recover used Enchantments at Uncommon in this set. It makes for deep interactions that are tons of fun. This teller of tales is a decently sized body on his own, and the option to put a Dreadful Apathy back on top of your deck is big game. It reminds me a little of the Choking Restraints/Ironclad Slayer combo from Eldritch Moon limited. I’m a fan. 3.0/5
At Uncommon, White gets a lot of strong interaction and some reasonably costed cards with lots of potential for creative plays. This is exciting, because White is frequently a super straightforward color in Limited, but it’s clear there’s room for depth and subtlety in the color that is very refreshing to see.
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This is basically a 3/2 that dies and leaves behind a 2/3. And that is really solid value for only 3 mana. A vanilla 3/2 for 3 is playable filler anyway, and will usually trade reasonably. I suspect this will go undervalued by a lot of people. 3.0/5
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Aside from having absolutely gorgeous art, Callaphe is a pretty strong turn 3 play. It doesn’t take much for her to be a 4/3 or bigger, at which point she’s great value for the cost, and she taxes all targeted removal against her, as a bonus. Add the fact that she triggers Constellation and adds 2 for Devotion, and I’m pretty well sold. 3.0/5
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It’s one mana more than Banishing Light, but it’s just about as effective, though it doesn’t clear abilities, which is unfortunate. Even so, it’s pretty close to unconditional removal, which is much needed in Blue. 3.0/5
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This is a card you’d play as an ordinary creature anyway, with the base stats. But this is one of the few ways in the set to truly abuse Constellation, and it will also let you reset your Enchantment-based removal to scale up to bigger targets as the game goes on. And that’s not even mentioning that there are several good ETB triggers to reuse. I’m suspecting this will be really good. It’s the successor to Riptide Chimera, but this one trades stats for being optional, which I’m very okay with. 3.5/5
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If Ravnica Allegiance taught us anything, it was to not underestimate Faerie Duelist, which won combats and completely warped the combat calculus around its existence. At Uncommon, this will be less, well, common, but the effect is still potent and shouldn’t be ignored. It’s less consistent, but the upside is higher, and a 1/3 is more playable on its own stats than a 1/2. 3.0/5
Blue got a ton of action at Uncommon, which somewhat makes up for my initial impression that the Commons were a little underwhelming. That said, the variance on the Uncommons is much higher, as there are a few that I think will be fairly weak, so snap up these good ones when you see them.
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There is no doubt this will be good. Even at 4 mana, it’s playable, and the cost reduction is just a bonus. Premium removal, for sure. 3.5/5
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The first Saga to make the cut for me, I suspect this will be pretty good. Creature powers aren’t crazy high in this set, so you should have some good targets for this, and it will be very difficult for them to avoid having to discard something useful if you cast this on curve. Completely obliterating any Escape they may have going on is a great upside, and very relevant. I’d basically always run this, and maybe side it out against the R/G Ferocious deck or something. 3.0/5
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Gary’s back! You definitely want a little devotion on the table before casting this, but once you have another few Black Creatures out, this can be a huge life swing. Definitely an incentive to go deep in the color, but not a great reason to pivot if you’re already going somewhere else. 3.0/5
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Play this for the 2/1 Deathtouch. The Escape enabling is just a perk. 3.0/5
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Pharika’s Spawn seems like it could be pretty close to a Mythic Uncommon. A 3/4 for 4 is fine, if unexciting, but the Escape is where the real action is. For 6 mana and just a few cards from your ‘yard, you get a 5/6 that comes with an edict attached, and that is big game. Assuming it trades once upfront, this is a completely believable 3-for-1. Sometimes, it won’t end up quite that good, but the potential is also there for it to be even better. If you can get repeated Escapes out of this, I don’t see how you’re losing. One of the best Escape payoffs in the set, and I’m starting pretty high on it. I could imagine this getting up to a 4.0 if the format is right for it. But for now, it’s a 3.5/5
Black knocked it out of the park in Uncommons. There were even more I could have picked, but I wanted to limit it to 5 highlighted cards. Given its strong showing at Common as well, I suspect Black will be a powerhouse color. Of all the colors, Black stands out to me as probably the best candidate for mono drafting, since it really doesn’t need much help to be great. If Black is wide open and you can draft mono-Black devotion, I expect that to be great.
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I like the Demigods with variable power rather than toughness, and I also like the ones that cost 1CC rather than CC, since they’ll be easier to cast on curve. Anax here threatens a lot of power on his own, but his ability is pretty fierce as well. By himself, he’ll at least always leave behind a 1/1 when he dies, but it has the potential to get really nuts in in the sacrifice deck. I suspect he will play better than he looks at first blush. 3.0/5
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A 2/1 for 2 that chucks a Shock when it dies? Sign me up, this is exactly what both aggro and sacrifice decks want, so I suspect these will get snatched up fast. 3.0/5
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Okay, this one I admit I’m a bit unsure of. A 4/2 for 3 would normally be around a 2.0, but this one has some extra going for it. The fact that its ability can hit any target is huge, because it can snipe off opposing X/1s or be that one extra point to take down larger creatures with some of Red’s Instant speed removal. And eventually, it’s going to trade with something itself, so I’ll give it the initial benefit of the doubt. It is definitely way better in the R/U Flash deck than in just a normal deck, so adjust your expectations downward accordingly. 3.0/5
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Funny how far Scry 1 goes. While I’d generally rather see Lightning Strike, adding the Scry keeps this from feeling bad at Uncommon. It’s strong, flexible removal, and you’ll like it. 3.0/5
Red did decently in the Uncommon department. Like with its Commons, many of the cards feel situational, like they’ll be better in some decks than others, so my gut is telling me that, barring the bombs at Rare & Mythic, Red will be at its best as a support color, and probably not a great candidate for mono drafting (unlike Black, which seems bonkers if you can draft it alone).
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I like this. There aren’t very many 1-toughness creatures with Flying, so if you cast it for 1, it’ll mostly be a chump block. But the Escape is pretty sweet, because a 4/5 with Reach is a massively bigger deal than a measly 1/2. This can be an easy 2-for-1 against many decks, and has even a little more ceiling than that. 3.0/5
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A 2/3 for 2 would already be pretty playable. Add that it’s an Enchantment in the color that cares the most, that it shuts off counters at no cost, and that it has a late-game mana sink, and you’ve got a potential powerhouse on your hands. My guess is that it will rarely be amazing, but the potential is there, and it will always be at least good. 3.0/5
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On its own, this swings as a 3/4 Trample for only 3 mana, and that’s pretty solid. Being able to move its bonus around as the game develops keeps this relevant, and I suspect it will play very well. 3.0/5
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Affectionate Indrik is back, and it was good then. I have no reason to suspect it won’t be now, even if I don’t love that Green keeps getting Fight on ETB. 3.0/5
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Renata seems great. On her own, she’s a little underpowered, but pumping up all your future creatures is incredibly solid, and it’s unlikely this card will disappoint. 3.0/5
Green feels quite solid. There are very few cards that feel unplayable, and many of the cards are just good on there own, without help. The color seems flexible and reasonably deep, which is a great sign.
Gold & Colorless
For the Gold cards, there’s just the one signpost for each pair at Uncommon, so I’ll go through all of them.
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Most of the Black pairings seem to be centered around the Graveyard, and it’s probably the best color to be in if you want to go deep on Escape. Green-Black has a little self mill, a little top of library filter, and some sacrifice to help fill the ‘yard for your powerful Escape creatures. The Acolyte here is exactly what the colors want, and is a great Gravedigger variant for the archetype. 3.0/5
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Black-Blue goes heavy on the self-mill, but outside of Escape, there really isn’t any payoff for doing so. Other than this cutie, of course. It’s a cheap and evasive threat, and can easily fuel your Escape cards. I do wish it were a 2/2, since there are some cards that punish one toughness in the set (Wrap in Flames, for example). Still, you’ll usually play this. 3.0/5
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Eutropia seems great. The card she reminds me of the most is Skyrider Patrol from M19, which was one of my favorite cards in the set. Most of the Green-based color pairings care about Enchantments, so it shouldn’t be too hard to peck through lots of damage with Eutropia helping you out. 3.0/5
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Red/White is a throwback to the Heroic mechanic from original Theros. (Which they very cutely seeded with Feather & Co. in War of the Spark.) For this round on Theros, Red/White is also the go-wide pairing of the set, with the Herioc triggers this time serving as team pump spells. Hero of the Nyxborn is already a good deal, creating two bodies for 3 mana, and if you’re in the colors, it shouldn’t be hard to get a few good combat tricks to make it even spicier. 3.0/5
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I like that they’ve been exploring new ways to do Blue/Red besides just “Instants & Sorceries Matter”. After U/R Draw 2 in Eldraine, U/R Flash is a great compliment in this set that feels right (and fuels my argument that Red should be moved to secondary in Flash, and Green should have Flash restricted somewhat, for balance purposes). Anyway, the Chimera here is great. Well-costed on its own, and a great trigger once you start slinging spells on your opponent’s turn. I’m a fan. 3.0/5
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White/Black is another Escape archetype, but with some Enchantment recursion to be found on the Uncommon & above rarities. As for this card, I really wish this were 4 mana. I honestly think Wizards needs to allow reanimation to be a touch more aggressively costed, and let White have a little more unconditional reanimation, again for balance reasons. This card does give me some hope that they recognize the need. For Limited, as is, this is a harder to cast Rise from the Grave, but with the added upside that you’ll occasionally be able to snag back a Dreadful Apathy and get some extra removal. It’s decent, but not as good as most of the other cards in this batch. 2.5/5
But seriously, I’m for Resurrection in Standard. I think it’s completely fine in power level, and would be great for White to reclaim some of the pie.
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Green/White is the primary “Auras Matter” color pair, which makes perfect sense. Siona, aside from being FIERCE. AS. FUCK., is a fantastic card for the archetype. She digs deep, making the odds pretty decent that you’ll find an Aura to grab, at which point she’s already worth her cost. If you can grab a Dreadful Apathy with this, even better. (The fact that I keep mentioning that card makes me wonder if I should rate it even higher...) And occasionally she’ll phone a friend, which is just all upside. 3.0/5 (with potential to go higher in the right build)
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Sacrifice? For Black/Red? Groundbreaking.
Seriously, though, I am eager for Wizards to surprise me with Black/Red sometime. I’ll give it a pass this set, since there is a minor Graveyard theme, so it’s a natural fit. Spectacle in Ravnica Allegiance was such a breath of fresh air for this color pair. But anyhoo, this card. He’s pretty solid. He threatens a lot of damage, and will be very difficult to block, so I’m suspecting he’ll be good. 3.0/5
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White/Blue is a very ambiguous archetype this time around, basically just “tempo”. That said, this card threatens to run away with the game very quickly, and will be absolutely bonkers put on a flier or other evasive threat. I seriously wonder if this will bring back the Curious Obsession deck in Standard, except in White/Blue. For Limited, if you can get at least one hit in with this, you’ve saved yourself from getting 2-for-1′d too badly, so I’ll start with the assumption that this is good, and revise down from there. 3.0/5
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Last but not least, Red/Green is doing “Ferocious” this time, which I really enjoy as a semi-deciduous theme. Warden of the Chained is a decent payoff for having other 4+ Power creatures, but is a little frustrating if you don’t have very many of them in the deck. You’ll always play this, but it strikes me as a little weaker than some of the others. 2.5/5
Phew... that’s it for the Gold Signpost cards. Just a couple Artifacts to touch on:
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I love this. It’s basically an Icy Manipulator, but it costs a little more to activate, but then frees up your mana after you’ve done so. It can also permanently tap down a creature with a tap to activate ability, something Icy couldn’t do. Every deck will be happy to run this. 3.0/5
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I feel like they’re finally getting Vehicles right. 4 mana is a touch more than you want for a 3/3, but First Strike, Trample, and Haste are a lot of keywords, and it’s super easy to crew. I don’t know if it will be great, but it’s definitely playable. 2.5/5
The Rest of the Uncommons
Let’s blaze through the remaining cards, lightning round style. (out of 5)
Alseid of Life’s Bounty - I suspect lots of people will run this card who shouldn’t. Sure, it can sacrifice itself to protect a bigger bomb from removal, but it just doesn’t do enough on its own to really warrant much excitement. 1.5
The Birth of Meletis - This does a lot of things, and... none of them are particularly great? Very weird collection of effects. 1.5
Commanding Presence - This is a lot of effects for one Aura, and it should be possible to either get through or take out a blocker the turn you play this, mitigating the 2-for-1 potential. 2.5
Dawn Evangel - Figuring out when this triggers and what it can get back is a feat unto itself. It’s pretty narrow, to be honest, and so I’m really just looking at this as a 2/3 Enchantment creature for Constellation. 2.0
Daxos, Blessed by the Sun - I like Daxos more for constructed, since there aren’t any lifegain triggers in this set to really make this great. He’s solid, just not incredible. 2.5
Favored of Iroas - I like the concept here. Problem is, it shouldn’t be too hard to predict when you’re holding up a Flash Enchantment as a trick, so a lot of the time, it’ll just be a 2/2. Maybe I’m wrong. 2.0
Hero of the Winds - I really wish this were a 2/4 to begin with. 2.0
Phalanx Tactics - Probably the best Heroic enabler in the set, this is perfect for go-wide, but mediocre if you aren’t in the colors. 2.5
Reverent Hoplite - I want at leaset 3 tokens out of this before I feel good about it. Which, shouldn’t be difficult in mono-White, but could be frustrating in most decks. 2.5
Glimpse of Freedom - I don’t really think this is the format for this card. If you’re in Blue/Red, it’s an Instant, so that’s a thing. The escape is expensive enough to likely not come up often. 2.0
Medomai’s Prophecy - This, on the other hand, is a lot of action for 2 mana, even if it is spread out over several turns. Nonbos with self-mill somewhat, but a cheap Divination if you do it right. 2.5
Sage of Mysteries - Gorgeous art. My guess is this usually isn’t worth it, but occasionally you might be able to build a legitimate mill deck around this. And if you see your opponent is self-milling, it’s a great strategy to pivot into. 2.0
Sea God’s Scorn - I’ve been burned with the six mana bounce spells before, so not again. My hunch is this will be playable, but not every deck will want it. 2.5
Shoal Kraken - Seems solid. Possibly will play better than I think, but reminds me of Sage of the Falls, which was only great sometimes. 2.5
Stinging Lionfish - If you get really deep on Flash, this could go up significantly. Most of the time, I’m expecting it to be just fine. 2.5
Sweet Oblivion - Combined with Sage of Mysteries, a true mill deck could be viable. But I wouldn’t run this just to mill myself. 1.5
Whirlwind Denial - Convolute is as Convolute does. 2.0
Agonizing Remorse - In a set with Gods, it would be foolish to assume this is unplayable. But definitely don’t assume it’s premium removal, because it’s not. 2.0
Cling to Dust - This strikes me as pretty decent sideboard hate for a good Escape deck. But I wouldn’t main deck it. 1.5
Enemy of Enlightenment - By the time you get this out, your opponent can work around the discard.  But a 5/5 flier is big, so there’s that. The removal in the set seems good enough to dampen this a bit. 2.5
Hateful Eidolon - There aren’t tons of Auras that make me think this is super worth playing, but if you draft like 3 or more Mire’s Grasp, this gets really cute really fast. There’s a deck for this, but it’s not every deck. 2.0
Inevitable End - Usually this will just be a slow kill spell, but occasionally if you put it on a bomb, they’ll sacrifice other things just to keep that alive. It’s conditional removal, but still removal. 2.5
Minion’s Return - This being an Enchantment-Matters set makes me like this a lot more than I usually do, and there’s potential for combos with Hateful Eidolon & some of the White recursion. 2.5
Tymaret, Chosen from Death - Difficult to cast on curve, but a reasonable drop at any time. Great hate for Escape decks, but remember, you can’t exile an Escape card once they’ve declared they’re casting it. 2.5
Underworld Dreams - Save it for Constructed. 1.0
Blood Aspirant - In the dedicated R/B Sacrifice deck, this could be a thing, but it starts too puny and the expense is pretty high. 2.0
Dreamshaper Shaman - I get it, but this honestly feels more like a casual Commander card than something for Limited. For Limited, it’s mostly a big body. 2.0
Escape Velocity - This again strikes me more as something for Constructed, something a deck like Izzet Drakes might like. For Limited, it’s cute, but not particularly great. 1.5
Furious Rise - The upside on this is pretty great in the dedicated Ferocious deck. I’d give it a go. 2.5
Heroes of the Revel - Decent stats for the cost, and another Heroic enabler. Good in the archetype, mediocre elsewhere. 2.5
Impending Doom - The name of this card really doesn’t match the flavor, but whatever. It’s a solid Aura for aggressive decks, good in the Heroic build, but a liability if you’re not wanting to attack. 2.0
Skophos Maze-Warden - Ignore the wall of text, this is a 3/4 for 4 with the “Flowstone” ability. Which is pretty solid on its own. If you get the maze, it’s cute, but definitely not necessary to play this. 2.5
The Triumph of Anax - This is one of the hardest cards to evaluate in the whole set. My hunch is it will often not work out quite the way you hope, and one or more chapters will end up getting wasted to removal or by not having good targets. I’m starting pessimistic until I see otherwise. 1.5
Underworld Fires - Can be a way to clean up stragglers after combat, and will be good against decks like Heroic go-wide. There’s potential, but I might start it as a sideboard pick until the format shakes out. 2.0
The Binding of the Titans - This card takes a while to do much useful, but it gets there, and it’s a pretty cheap inclusion. Some decks will want it. 2.5
Hydra’s Growth - This can absolutely run away with the game if left unchecked, so I’d generally run it in G/W Auras or decks with heavy Constellation or Heroic triggers. But it is risky until about 3 turns in, so take it with a grain of salt. 2.5
Klothys’s Design - Oh, how much better this would be if it granted Trample. As is, it’s a reasonable top-end finisher, but some decks will find it dead more often than not. 2.0
Mystic Repeal - Enough Enchantments are running around for this to consistently have targets, and it avoids enabling Escape as well. I’d rather have a Return to Nature for flexibility, but this will do in a pinch. 2.0
Nessian Hornbeetle - I like this little guy as a payoff for the Ferocious deck, and there’s virtually no downside to including him. 3.0
Nessian Wanderer - A two drop that can smooth a land-light hand is reasonable, but you could skip it and probably not notice. 2.0 [EDIT: I skipped past the repeatable part of this. It’s a little closer to Dryad Greenseeker than I initially thought, but still not quite as good.) 2.5
Setessan Petitioner - You’re rarely going to gain more than around 4 life with this, but once you get above about that point, this starts getting good. If you manage to draft mono-Green, I’d slam this, but in most 2-color decks it’s pretty replaceable. 2.0
Wolfwillow Haven - There’s not much need to ramp in this format, but if you’re heavy Green, it can do work for both Devotion and casting double & triple Green casting costs. The ability is too costly to get excited about, though at least it feeds itself. I’d generally skip this except maybe in mono Green with a good Devotion payoff. 1.5
Mirror Shield - Mostly a flavor win, I don’t see lots of reason for this in the format. Side it in against the all Moss Viper deck. You could also side it in against control decks to hedge against removal. 1.5
Soul-Guide Lantern - This will be a brutal sideboard against the heavy Escape deck, but that’s mainly where I see it. 1.5
Field of Ruin - Save it for Constructed. Nothing in this format is worth destroying aside from maayyybe Labyrinth of Skophos. 0.5
That’s it for the Uncommons. Very few dead picks, lots of good options and a few fun buildarounds. Overall, a good looking set, I think. Up next, the Rares & Mythics!
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