#and now that its the time were supposed to be meeting they wont definitively decide whether theyre not coming out or not
nerdie-faerie · 9 months
Love when plans get cancelled last minute 🙃
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to6ge · 1 year
IV. after math of the rain
( long chapter ahead !! )
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“We’re going to be using a wheel spinner to decide who is going to partner up with who. And this time, Im not going to accept any complaints, or regrouping. Oh and before I forget, you are going to be taking a small vlog about anywhere you and your partner go.” (e.g mountain or sumn like that) Yaga said as he spun the wheel of names—and it was going soooo well, till it landed on GOJO and YOU.
You looked at eachother, everything about your face looked so dissappointed, frustrated, annoyed and irritated. While he had a big smile plastered on his face.
“Alright, so **** with ******, [name] with Gojo, ***** with ***” and so on and so far. Yaga continued to blabber about how its going to go and what youre supposed to do—till finally it was dismissal. “Dismissed for now. Make sure you submit by next 2 weeks.”
The class was so obnoxiously loud, everybody had gotten good pairs except for you. You grabbed your items and put it to your locker, you rush over to your dorm—wanting to rest and lay on your bed.
You return to your dorm, a long sigh escaping your mouth. Thank goodness gracious that tomorrow was a public holiday. Otherwise youd be tortured by school, again.
After a few minutes of laying down, your phone buzzed and you went to check it.
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You felt so lazy to go to his dorm, even though it was near yours. “meet you in 10” was just because you were so lazy and you just wanted a short break before meeting Gojo.
A few minutes after you read that message, you went out of your dorm, took back all your items from your locked and in exactly 10 minutes—you knocked on Gojo’s door.
“Y/nn!! You actually meant it when you said “Ill be over in your dorm in 10,” He still had that same, annoying grin. “Ofcourse I meant it” you roll your eyes playfully “Anyways, so you wanna start now? Or are you just gonna stay like this forever?” you had a small smile on your face “Yeah yeah, lets just go”
You both entered his dorm and it was..surprisingly clean. “So, [name], where do you think we should go?” he asked “Uhh..The beach? Maybe? That’ll be fun.” you said with a smile.
“The beach??? I mean..Okay I guess. We better take the train to the nearby beach soon, or else it’ll be dark” he suggested, “Just stay here for a little longer, im sure it wont get dark so soon..!” You said positively, it was just an excuse to rest. “Alright then, if thats what you want” Gojo shrugged.
After around 30 minutes, you decide to go take the train to the nearby beach. It was a 1 hour trip, and that time it was around 5.30. It would definitely get dark.
You and Gojo stepped into the train, sitting by the edge. It wasnt too crowded, and you were so grateful for that. You put on your headphones, drowning yourself in music. You were too lazy to talk to Gojo irl, so you just chat him.
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IV.5 ( 4.5 ) HERE because ive reached the image limit.
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SUMMARY : You transfered to Tokyo Jujutsu highschool, where your “enemy” goes. ( Friends that loved to tease eachother & get on their nerves ) Even before you transfered, you both had a rivarly ever since you were a kid. This’ll be so bad. Atleast you though so. Then, you both decide to fake date eachother for some reason,, and you didn't think youd even fall for him—but you were wrong.
NOTE : i dont know why i decided to make this so long..
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lakemichigans · 1 year
sooooo my wifi has been out for nearly 24 hours and despite it making me go a little insane, it DID give me time to finish until dawn! i was a lot closer to the end of the game then i thought i was, goddamn, and i think i only had? two? deaths? chris and josh. wait no thats wrong, mike died in the explosion. i might do a replay if my wifi doesn't come back soon because im at a serious deficit of other stuff to do rn, EA app wont let me open sims 3 bc its not connected to wifi 😭 i enjoyed it a lot more than i expected, but i kinda dislike how much it didnt really tie up jess and matt falling into the mines? like they both crawled out together but then it just ends there, they didn't meet up with anyone else which kinda stunk. i do wanna do an everyone lives run really bad tho, i think i know what choices i have to make for the most part?? i know for everyone other than josh because the butterfly effect for it was SO VAGUE "sam missed a crucial piece of information -> josh didnt recognize hannah on time" girl WHAT does that even MEAN but yeah okay ill stop rambling now djwjfkqkq
oh interesting!! i'm not surprised that josh died, most people don't find the crucial piece of information on their first playthrough (i'll tell you where to find it under the cut if you don't want to be spoiled!)
but i totally agree about jess and matt! when they were developing the game, jessica was supposed to ALWAYS die during mike's chase sequence, but then they decided they wanted each of the characters to have the option of survival, so they added that short jessica segment towards the end. but this is where i think until dawn fails miserably at satire. they have the "blonde slut" being punished for promiscuity and the token black character who is widely regarded as the easiest to kill by accident. it's like they're making fun of those archetypes without doing anything subversive about it. so the reason why jessica & matt feels lackluster is because it most definitely was an afterthought. they kind of assumed both of them would already be dead by this point :/
i'm actually fine with the police interviews being the only ending, although i would've loved to see some of the stronger relationships reunite ;-; there's a little bit of variation in the interviews depending on what choices you made and who died. knowing that the characters themselves haven't reunited yet (they're still asking about each other in their interviews) makes it a little better for me because at least i don't feel like i missed anything off screen, if that makes sense
also i'm so curious how you got chris killed?? ashley didn't lock him out did she? chris has a lot of possible death scenes but imo they're pretty hard to get organically so i'm always interested when i hear that he died in a blind playthrough
how to "save" josh:
when you're playing as sam and wading through the water with mike in the mines, you have to walk to the left (i think) of the water wheel and there's an extra area. HIGHLY recommend you find it because it explains a lot about the game!! it bothers me that they made it optional and the totem that hints at it is sooo vague
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iwadori · 3 years
When they leave you on your wedding day (Sakusa, Bokuto)
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Genre: angst
Word count: 1.7K
Sakusa’s will make more sense if you read this you don’t have too but it’ll help.
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“Y/N,” you hear knocks on the door outside your dressing room “I-I need to talk to you.”    
“But Omi, a groom must never see their bride until they meet at the alter,” you say behind the door.
“I-It’s important, and I must tell you right now.” he says a bit more intensely
“Okay, Okay... you can come in but im hiding in the closet since my dress is already on.”
You hear the door open and shut, and a lot of pacing around of what you can presume was his fresh wedding shoes trotting against the hard wood floors.
“Omi,” you call wondering why he hasn’t spoken yet “Is everything okay?”
“Umm yes I-it's fine...it just I-” he says pausing
“Just what?”
“I don’t really know how to say this Y/N, I don’t really know how to say it’s just-” he says again pausing himself taking a deep breath.
“Just what Omi? Don’t tell me you’ve got cold feet love,” you say laughing at the thought of it, but your laughter ceased when you don’t hear the ‘Of course I don’t have cold feet Y/N’ that you were expecting.
“Omi?” you asked again, hoping he had he was still going to give you the response you wanted.
“Omi..” you repeated.
“Omi!” you say finally, now exiting the room (with your wedding dress on) to see why your fiance was not responding.  
To your shock, Omi was sitting down on a couch with his face in his hands with soft sobs coming from his mouth and runny tears and snot coming from his eyes and nose. “Omi whats wrong?” you say loudly, alerting him,
“Y/N you look beautiful!” he says sniffling.
“Omi you were meant to say that at the alter, but now that your crying forget about the dress... what’s wrong?” you say sitting down next to him.
“I don’t know how to say this...” he starts, looking away from you  
“Say what? Omi look at me...” you say feeling anxious  
“We...We can’t get married today,” he says still with his eyes off you.
“What do you mean, we can’t get married.” you ask but you get no answer,
“Omi answer me,”
“Say something please!” you say turning his body so that he’s facing you, his eyes are all puffy and bloodshot from the crying and now tears are filling yours “What do you mean Omi,”
“Remember Ex’s name?” he says confusing you cause what did she have to do with anything.
“Yes I remember her, I remember vividly being the girl you cheated on her with after you claimed you were ‘breaking up with her’ so I had to tell her.” you scoff “so yes, I definitely remember Y/N, what about her?”
“We recently umm how can I say this,” he says struggling for words “reconnected... and I do truly miss her and she’s made me rethink some things, see some things...”
“And those things are?”
“I’ve always loved her, she’s always been my one. The one.” he says smiling a bit at the thought of her making you feel sick.
“But Omi what about us? What about the wedding that’s going to happen in less than an hour?”
“Im sorry Y/N I’ll tell everyone what has happened.”
“I don’t want you to do that, I want you to marry me.” you say desparetly “please Omi, why her? Why now..”
“It’s always been her, and you’ve known that.” he says standing up “The day you told her about our ONE NIGHT stand, was the day that I thought I couldn’t live on, but when you came and accepted the pathetic mess I was, I gladly dated you since I had nothing else to loose...but its been 4 years since then I'm a changed man and EX NAME is a changed girl, a forgiving girl and the spark we had wasn’t lost I guess...and Im happy now”
“But what about me?” you say crying “What about me? And my happiness, don’t I deserve that? Don’t I deserve to finally be happy.”  
“Y/N, you do deserve to be happy. But not with me, not at the stake of my own happiness, I wont allow it.”
“Omi bu-”
“God Y/N, don’t be so desperate!” he said agressively “Im sorry for stopping the wedding, I know your parents have put in alot of money in it and I will certainly pay them back... in due time of course.”
“You’re sorry for stopping the wedding?” you say angrily “Not sorry for stopping this relationship. Stopping the longlasting feelings ive felt for you since the day I met you?”
“Cut the crap Y/N, all we did was have one night stand.” he says rolling his eyes and unbuttoning his top botton of his shirt and loosening his tie I dont know why but this Is what guys do when theyre mad in the movies.
“Your such a liar Omi, you used to come into my work place everyday flirting with me talking about how much you wanted me, PINING AFTER ME, making me fall in love with you and not even telling me you had a girlfriend at the time.” you yell “and you summarise that all to me falling in love with you after one measly one night stand.”
“I don’t want to do this Y/N,” he says heading to the door “We’re finished. No more wedding. No marriage. And definitely don’t contact me after this. We’re through.” he slams the door behind him, leaving you alone and jilted in your wedding dress.
You get why he broke it off with you, and technically you do play a small part to blame. You were the one that told his girlfriend that you slept with him and then dated him afterwards, so I guess ‘how you get them, is how you lose them’ definitely works in this case.
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The bokuto and L/N wedding was going to be a joyous occasion. Your soon to be husband told everybody he saw that he were to be wed with you, he couldn’t contain his excitement.
“Bokuto calm down, we’ll be married soon.” was what you always said, whenever he started his rambles to which he always replied “I know Y/N, I cant wait.”
When it came to your grand day, you were excited from the moment you woke up you were buzzing, wondering if Bokuto was feeling even a half of the feelings that you felt.  
You looked beautiful in your dress, anticipating the look on Bokuto’s face when he sees you at that alter. Your wedding party was already at the hotel you were getting married at whilst Bokuto’s got ready at the houe and decided to drive there.
So after you got ready, all you had to do is wait for Kuroo, one of Bokuto’s best men, to tell you when it’s time for you to walk down the aisle.  
You were impatient, your leg was shaking now you knew how Bokuto felt when he rambled on how excited he was for you to become Bokuto Y/N. You finally heard a knock on the door and you dashed to open it,
“Kuroo, thank god you’re here!” you exclaim giving him a hug “I’ve been waiting ages for you, lets go! Take me to my future husband.” You pull his arm practically trying to run and see your man before Kuroo pulls your arm halting you.
“Y/N...” he says shifting his eye sight from left to right “I think we should sit down for a minute.”
“Why? Is he not here yet, gosh he’s always been late to things” you joke “but fine we can sit for a minute or two.”
As you sat, Kuroo turns his body to you putting his hands on your knees with his eyes looking sad “Y/N. I don’t know how to say this but...” he gulps putting his head down “there’s been an accident.”
“Accident? What do you mean accident? What happened? Is everyone okay.” you ask a bit frantically, since it would sad for someone to be hurt on your wedding day.
“That’s the thing Y/N, Bokuto he..”  
“Bokuto what? He’s okay.. Right?” you ask staring at Kuroo “He’s fine right?”
“No he isnt,” he says
“What do you mean he isn’t what happened, where is he? I need to see him.” you say getting up before Kuroo pulls you back down.
“He isn’t anywhere... well anywhere for you to see him. There weren’t enough cars for us, well there were but one of them the engine wasn’t starting and it sound a bit dodgy. But Bokuto said, he insisted for us all to be there. I even offered to let him take my spot in the other cars, I did Y/N I really did, but he promised us that he’d be fine. He left a bit before he did, saying that if he had chance to wander around the hotel it may calm his nerves. But when we were driving, we saw this car all mangled up on the side of the road, it was his. I told him not to drive that car, I told him and he did and I-” he rambled with tears pooling in his eyes “Im sorry Y/N im really sorry.”
“But why why didn’t you call?”
“He told us not too, he said that he wanted you be to as happy as you could be on this day as he knew it wouldn’t end with you becoming his wife.”
“But the ambulance, you called an ambulance right?”
“He was D.O.A, Akaashi went with him since he knew that he probably wouldn’t be able to deliver the news to you.”
“Why? Why did he leave me? On our wedding day, it was supposed to be our day and now hes gone Kuroo hes gone.” you wail, but kuroo wraps his arms around you in a brotherly hug as he cries too.  
That’s how you spend your wedding night, crying in your friends arms over the loss of your ‘husband’ and his ‘brother.’
Bokuto’s funeral was the week after, and it was not an event you were excited for. It was a hard day to get through, but you did it with the help of Kuroo and Akaashi. You visit Bokuto every year on your wedding anniversary talking to your husband even though it always reminds you of the day that never came to be.
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This is the wedding angst that is a gift from me to you sweetheart @teesumu you can totally block me after this cause girll I cried whilst writing it.
If you want a nice ending to the bokuto story to make you feel better read this
General taglist [bold can’t be tagged]: @sakuxxi, @iimoonii, @hamdehlesmis, @Shoyosupremacy, @iambashfulperson, @kayleighbeccaa, @dearkousei, @bakugouswh0r3, @xedspirits @borpcorp, @soft-angel-clouds, @foxxtrot-116 @Xogiaaa, @jesssobs, @apple-poptarts @galagcica @letssssus, @random-734, [join the taglist here]
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crossovereddie · 3 years
Actually, here is an alternative thing for you to occupy your time with, and a question I have been meaning to ask you for a while. I have finished 911 finally! So I'm ready for the new season. And I wonder, realistically, what do you think the roadmap would be for a buddie endgame?
I absolutely see how their story has been framed and filmed in a lot of parallels to how a romantic storyline would be set out. But there has been no outright mention of either of them being bi - although the conversation about Maddy setting Buck up with whassisface was very casual and could very easily have been an example of canonically bi Buck - and they are both at the end of season 4 in 'relationships' with women.
So, in your estimation, what's the timeline? What's the transition? How do they go about this and how long does it take? I wanna know your thoughts 👀
okay yes i have lots of thoughts on this and it's actually one of my fave questions i get asked. I've always watched a lot of tv shows so I'm just estimating on what I've seen before and what I would personally do. IMO this love story is a slow burn. We only have four seasons so far and only three of those seasons have Eddie in them. This unsurprisingly got long so ill put it under the cut.
So I'll go by seasons bc to me its important to look at everything that has happened so far by seasons and by love interests and not as a whole. Its the best way i can form a timeline that I think would make the most sense and why
S1: So we don't get any hints at Buck being anything other than straight and I think this is because he was supposed to be. They hadn't planned for Eddie yet and they definitely hadn't planned for the chemistry Oliver and Ryan were gonna have. S1 Buck was this reckless kid who didn't take anything serious. He was definitely super immature. Then he meets Abby and he starts to get serious about his job and his love life. I'm not gonna say "Abby changed him" because she didnt. He saw the person he was and the person he was becoming and decided on that change himself.
S2: Eddie!!!! So we get introduced to this army medic turned firefighter in the least heterosexual way. Then Buck is angry because Eddie is hot and really good at his job. they work together and Eddie compliments Buck and now they're smiley bffs. Seriously wtf was all that? Anyway this is all sus bc from what ive seen before in other shows when a main love interest leaves and a new main character replaces them, that means something. JLH replaced Connie Britton as far as big name actress but i really believe Eddie replaced Abby as far as importance in Buck's life. Do i think they brought him in with the intentions of turning him into a LI? No but they sure fueled the narrative from the get go. I think they saw fans reactions and started testing the waters.
Moving on to LIs in this season. We find out Eddie has a kid and the mother is not in the picture (eddie made sure buck knew that right away). Then later on we find out he's technically still married. shannon comes back and we get Eddie finally getting to confront this head on. He tries to get his family back together for the sake of his son. Its big for Eddie's character bc all he does and all he's ever done is for his son. Then Shannon asks for a divorce then she dies bringing this arc to an abrupt end and leaving eddie heartbroken.
meanwhile Buck is still waiting for Abby. Then he finally accepts that shes not coming back and decides to move on. He goes right back to being "Buck 1.0" with Taylor and feels bad about himself because that really isnt him anymore. He wants a real relationship. So then Ali calls and asks him on an actual date and he agrees. This is his first try at a relationship after a heartbreak. in tv these don't usually work out but are used to develop the main character's growth. We don't really see much of her but she breaks up with him so.
S3: This is Eddie finally dealing with his feelings/guilt season. This is also the season I think we really see how important Buck is to the Diaz boys. S2 had cute buckley-diaz family moments but those could still be interpreted as a best friend and his best friend's kid. This season though... after the tsunamic episode was when i really started to fully believe buddie was going canon. This season is solidifying their bond not only as Buck and Eddie but as Buck Eddie and Christpher. As I'm writing this I realized neither of them really has a love interest in this season do they? Ana is introduced but then is clearly presented as definitely NOT the right choice for eddie and especially for Chris. Then they counter that with Buck helping Eddie build a skateboard for Chris that he can use as opposed to Ana's ablest remarks about how he can't do it so just move on to something else. Then we get Buck's reaction in Eddie Begins. Buck has seen his team his friends his family get hurt on the job before but he has never reacted the way he did when it was Eddie in danger. Again solidifying just how much these two mean to each other. Don't even get me started on this season being when Eddie changes his will offscreen. Anyway we get Abby back and Buck finally gets the closure from that relationship that he needs to move forward into a serious relationship.
Now S4: jfc s4....IMO this is the only logical season to get the ball rolling on Buddie and they sure did that with 4x14 despite everything else. So i never thought they would be the first serious relationship for each other after the heart break theyve both experienced. It wouldn't be fair to their character developments. Buck tries dating Veronica and that clearly doesnt work but we know hes now open to dating again. We get Buck Begins where we see why Buck is the dare devil he is. The only way he got his parents attention as a kid was to put himself in danger. They bring back taylor and how to they ultimately get together after she friendzones him? She thinks hes in danger and suddenly wants him. As much as i hate it this is really gonna be a relationship where Buck finally stands up for himself and sees his own worth and realizes he deserves more. He deserves someone who sees him and loves him for who he is. He deserves to be chosen, something Abby Ali his parents dont do and what i think taylor wont end up doing. I feel like shes gonna choose her career over him. Maybe not in a "I'm breaking up with you" way but maybe she takes a new job and want to do LD (hes tried that twice and it didnt work for him. hes not gonna want that) or she could ask him to go with her but he wont. His family is in LA. His job is in LA. Eddie and Chris are in LA and he won't leave them. Then we have Eddie finally deciding to move on and try dating again so they bring back ana. To me it's not gonna work out so I'm not bothered at all lmao. It's interesting that they'd choose her though. Someone we already know Eddie doesn't trust with his son. There's also more buckley-diaz family scenes of them being coparents. The hildy episode, Chris running to Buck when hes mad at eddie, Buck being the one to tell Chris Eddie got hurt, then Buck staying with Chris and taking on the guardian role without him even knowing just how much that role really does belong to him. He didn't do it out of obligation. He didn't do it because he was asked to. He did it because he thought it would be best for Chris. Finally to 4x14. This is by far the biggest "Oh shit this is it. This is the beginning of buddie". We find out Eddie changed his will a year ago and has just been sitting on this info. I think Eddie knew back then what it meant but he wasn't in the right mindset to accept what it means so he kept it to himself. I think he finally started allowing himself to go there during treasure hunt. The man was jealous yall. Carla coming back and her comment about doing whats best for him and not chris is his oh shit moment. I think he wouldve broken up with Ana a few days after that if he had the time lol. He gets caught up in the mother/son sl then this poor mf gets shot by a sniper. The way that whole scene was filmed btw was not in a bff way. That was a lover watching his beloved almost die in front of him. Buck again puts himself down and Eddie decides this is the moment. He needs Buck to see how important he is. He wants buck to know how loved he is. So he sits there talking himself up to it and finally lets Buck know just how big of a part he is in Eddie's family. Buck's previous scene is him saying he wants someone who wants him back then here is Eddie saying he needs him...Chris needs him. wtf.
So with S5: I think Eddie knows and Buck has a feeling but he's not sure so what i would do is spend s5 with Eddie basically showing Buck his feelings but not exactly getting in the way of Buck's new relationship because Buck has to be the one to make that choice. Id also have chris feeling the different shift with buck having a gf like he did with Eddie. This newfound info wasnt just dropped on us for a "Aww so sweet" moment. This will business is gonna be a part of a bigger storyline. I'm hoping its with Eddie's family during maybe 5b.
So what I think would be the best timeline for canon buddie is 5a eddie already having either broken up with ana or is gonna break up with her, Buck choosing himself and ending things with Taylor by midseason finale, them bringing in Eddie's family in 5b and maybe then being when Eddie confesses his feelings for Buck. Then 6a we could get them walking on egg shells around each other not really knowing what to do bc this is all so new for both of them. This could bring just the right amount of comedy and angst especially them awkward and flustered around each other at work. A big blowup can happen between them for added angst (maybe an arguement before one of them or both of them is put in danger) then a midseason finale kiss. Then trying to find the balance between their personal relationship and their work relationship during 6b.
I don't know how long Fox shows last but procedurals can last a long time. I'm not sure thats gonna be the case for 911 especially with all the main cast staying that long so i think this would give us at least a whole season (S7) of canon buddie.
As far as then being presented as straight, there's been more seeds planted about buck being bi. A few i can remember off the top of my head: all of 2x1 lmao, maddie's comment about bucks boy crush on eddie, buck hinting at thinking eddie is cute when he thinks maddie is talking about him, the christmas elf, the comments on the instagram livestream, idk if youve watched it or not but TK's comment to Buck in the crossover episode, and like you mentioned Maddie's casual comment about setting him up with Josh. All we really know about Eddie's love life is he married Shannon when they were young and is trying with Ana so it could turn into a whole storyline for him.
I'm so sorry this is so long and took forever but i I hope i actually answered your question and didnt just get lost in rambles lmao.
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chocojjk · 4 years
“I thought of a scenario where s/o would be best friends with yangyang (but they both liked each other), one day they was in the dorm spying on kun and he ended up seeing you and to run from you guys locked yourself in your room, s /o pushed yangyang on door so that kun can’t open yangyang ended up being embarrassed for being so close to you, face to face. you can do it smut or fluff, whatever for me, love your writing 💚💚💚”
summary: bff! yangyang stuck in a closet with reader
warnings: suggestive but nothing actually happens, just a bunch of kissing
words: 1.5k
a/n: this was too long to be just a simple date scenario so now its this, not edited as always lol oops.
i hope this meets your expectations anon, enjoy reading! <3
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you were chilling at the wayv dorms with your best friend yangyang
the two of you had plans to check out the new restaurant that opened nearby 
but after a very serious conversation 
more like,, 
“im too lazy to go, do you just want to stay here and watch movies?”
you guys decided to do just that 
so when kun came home he definitely wasn’t aware of the fact that someone was there
his AirPods in his ears as he danced and sang along obnoxiously to bad alive 
you and yangyang peak through the door, trying to contain ur laughter as kun lets out massive hip thrusts
the man was feeling himself 
yangyang gently pulls you back, a mischievous smile on his face 
“you wanna spy on kun hyung?”
“hell yeah,” you agreed as you quietly cleaned up the room, removing any trace of evidence that the two of you were still in there 
and then yangyang opens his closet, “should we hide in here”
and you just smile at him because it was the perfect place to hide 
the paneled styled closet had holes on it which makes it very easy for the two of you to peek through 
and so you squeeze in there with your favorite brown haired boy 
smiles on your faces 
waiting for kun to enter his shared room with yangyang
after a while, you notice how close you actually were to the boy 
and with the way yangyang suddenly tensed up, you notice that he feels it too 
you guys might be the best of friends but you’ve never been THIS close to each other
your face was literally smushed into his chest so you had to turn your face sideways 
all it takes is for you two to turn at the exact same time and his lips would be on yours 
suddenly, the feelings that you’ve been hiding from the boy in front of you is bubbling up and you feel like you cant breathe 
“maybe this was a bad idea,” you whisper to yangyang as he furiously nods, wanting to get out of the cramped space as much as you do 
and as fast as possible 
but as you try to open the closet, it doesnt budge at all
“umm, yang?”
and he’s just like “oh fuck,” 
“what do you mean, oh fuck!?” you angrily whispered, still keeping as quiet as possible, afraid that kun will discover what was happening 
if kun were to catch you guys, you would be in big trouble 
he probably wont let you in the dorms anymore 
you know this because one time you and yangyang had a food fight in the kitchen and kun didnt let you back in for a month 
what more if he finds out that yall were spying on him?
and yangyang seems to think the same as he quietly whispered a, “i forgot but this closet only opens from the outside,” he admits, an apologetic smile on his face 
“what the fuck are we going to do then???”
“shhhh, y/n, we’ll wait for xiaojun to get home,”
“when is that?!!”
“idk maybe like in an hour?”
an hour
you feel like you were going to throw up 
and it was fucking hot in this closet 
but right as you were about to smack yangyangs shoulder the door opens and you stay as still as possible not even daring to make a sound 
kun enters, food in his hands, as he takes his seat in front of his computer 
he starts watching his own fancams and you and yangyang try to hold back your giggles every time he commented on how great or handsome he was BECAUSE HE IS AND HE SHOULD DO THAT !! I LOVE KUN
the music was loud seeming kun had his computer connected to his gigantic speakers 
being stuck inside the closet wasn’t as bad anymore now that you were distracted and focused on whatever kun was doing 
but that didnt last long because you suddenly started feeling something poking you 
at a very low area may i add
you turn to yangyang, your eyes wide as he tries his best to avoid your stare
“yang, somethings poking me,” you say quietly and he blushes
“im sorry!, i cant control it,” he whispers while you try to hide the smirk that was making its way unto your lips 
you dont know what to do but you definitely needed his dick to stop poking you where you want him the most 
and so you turn around as quietly as possible
but then 
“y/n,” yangyang whispers from behind you, sending shivers down your spine 
you cant believe this is happening right now 
with kun just a couple of feet away from you 
“you made it worse,” yangyang continues after not receiving an answer from you
“oh, im sorry,” you whisper back, quietly giggling, before facing him again 
“do not laugh at me!, i am a normal teenage boy and your hot how am i supposed to keep it down!! y-” he whispers, getting louder with every word
and now youre just nervous because kun might hear him
and so you shut yangyang up by doing the only thing you can think of 
you kissed him 
and as soon as your lips touched his, he didnt hesitate to kiss you back at all
the two of you moving in sync like this was always meant to happen
his hands that were awkwardly at his sides finally making its way around your waists, pulling you closer to him 
and you feel lightheaded because you can feel all of him yet it still wasn’t enough
but you weren’t about to have sex with your best friend 
especially not in his closet while his group mate was in the room 
and yangyang didnt want that either, you meant more to him than that 
kun gets up and exits the room 
you guys pull apart, just staring at each other, reality hitting the both of you like a ton of bricks 
“i cant believe that just happened,” yangyang says breaking the silence 
“do you regret it?” you ask him, afraid of the answer that you might hear 
“no,” he says honestly and you look up at him 
“do you?”
yangyang turns your face to him, pressing a soft kiss on your lips
“i cant believe this is how im going to say this but y/n,,, i love you,, in a more than a best friend kind of a way,” he confesses 
and all you do is bring his face down to yours, kissing him again 
you just cant seem to get enough of each other 
“i love you too yang,, in a more than a best friend kind of way”
and even in this dark closet, you can see him smile brightly at you, the same smile that you’ve fallen in love with all these years
and you cant help but mirror his actions 
“so uhmm, do you want me to help you with that?” you tease him and as tempting as it sounds, yangyang scrunches his nose up, a look of disgust displayed on his face 
“no baby, i dont want the first time we touch each other to be in my closet,” he says giggling
but your heart just stops
“i like it when you call me baby,” you whisper, so close to his ear
and yangyang swears if xiaojun didnt enter the room at that moment, he would’ve gone back on what he said and just take you right there 
but xiaojun enters 
and you guys are just like
poor boy almost had a heart attack because where the hell was that coming from 
“am i dying??” he asks, looking around the room, his hands against his heart 
“xiaojun, you idiot were in the closet!” yangyang yells
he opens the closet, “what are you guys doing??”
“nothing!” you say a little too quickly 
“we were spying on kun hyung,” yangyang adds to get rid of any suspicions because he knows damn well that xiaojun catches on quickly 
“okayy,” xiaojun says, eyeing the both of you suspiciously as he makes his way out of the room 
and you and yangyang just look at each other, eyes wide, amazed at how you guys got out of that situation without anyone noticing a single thing 
a pillow was tossed into yangyangs lap while xiaojun runs away yelling “hide your boner before y/n realizes you have a crush on them!”
and that was enough to know that he knows 
realization hits yangyang, “oh god, they’re going to tease the hell out of me,” he says and all you do is laugh at his nervous rambling
“whatever at least im getting some now,” yangyang continues, reassuring himself that hes fine since all youre doing is giggling at him
“excuse me, but you havent “gotten” any,” you point out, eyebrows going up, a playful smile remaining on your lips 
“not yet,” he says smirking before locking his door and pulling you into his lap, finishing what the two of you started 
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lovlydovlyjaycie · 4 years
Ævi - The Protector
Hey, so this is going to be a mini series on something I have tried to do before. But I thought of a different way to make it shorter and to make it make more sense. I hope you like it, this idea has been in my head for honestly.. a couple of years now lol. I just decided I really want to put it down somewhere. And where is better than here? Am I right?! lol
Summary: This is set in 2010. There are no such things as superheroes. Right? Maybe Iron Man, but that is it. It has to be. Y/n was just trying to celebrate her birthday, but that quickly changed when she got a gift from a mysterious man.
Warnings: Fluff, violence, maybe one swearword
Characters: Y/n, Bjorn Ironside, Ragnar Lothbrok, Floki, Lagertha, OC Emma, OC Lars, OC Sanna, OC Nils, OC David Mentioned: Iron Man, Odin, Ivar, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, Rollo
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Part 2
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It has been days since the.. time travel? Happened. This is definitely not some weird dream. The servants have brought me clothes to wear. It felt kind of surreal to wear these dresses. I had only seen replicas in museums or they were very aged. But this, it felt real, it still had its color. And I think Bjorn told the people that gave me the clothes that I glowed golden and white, because I am only getting white dresses with golden jewelry. But there was one particular piece of jewelry I liked, It was a piece of a belt on it was a tree. I’m thinking it’s Yggdrasil. Funny, cause that was on that stupid card that I got. I had stashed that away under my bed. I walked out of my room to the front of the longhouse. Ragnar had given me a room to stay in. Even though I dressed the part now, I still felt very out of place here. Would there be a way back or would I be stuck here for ever. So many questions, but there was nobody to answer them for me. Deep in thought I didn’t notice Bjorn was standing right in front of me. I walked right in to him. “Hey! you need to be a little more on guard today! haha!” Bjorn said laughing at me. I laughed at myself. “What do you mean? What am I doing today?” I asked him a bit confused. They weren’t letting me in on all the conversations. “You’re going to be training. You might want to put something else on. I’ve seen women fight in dresses, but it will be easier if you had armor on.” He stated. “Wait what? I’m training for what?” He smiled. “For what Odin send you here to do. He knew we needed help and he send you.” 
They have been saying this since I got here. I didn’t believe it. Some higher power sending me here? Or did He. It was still all so confusing. But what could I do? I don’t know how to fight. And that glowing thing that happens every now and then.. I don’t even know what it is. Let alone control it.
“I think you really got the wrong impression. I don’t know how to fight.. I don’t know how to really do anything.” Bjorn put his hand on my shoulder. “That’s why we’re going to train you. The Gods were born with powers we cannot posses, but even they had to train to be able to fight.” I sighed. It was bad luck, it had to be. What am I supposed to do? “Now get dressed and then we’ll train.” Bjorn said as he patted my shoulders.
Servants had brought me some clothes where I could train in. They said it was of Lagertha, Bjorn’s mother. I had met her when I first got here. She seemed like a very strong woman, mentally and physically. I have also seen her fight and I would not like to be up against her. I’ve heard people say she is the greatest shieldmaiden. And so I have also read in books. It was so hard to wrap my head around me meeting people that have been dead for a thousand years. Or at least in my mind. Because it hasn’t happened yet here.
Then I have also met Floki. He is a little strange, but very kind. I am not sure if I like his laugh or if it is a little disturbing. I also met Bjorn’s brothers, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd and Ivar. They all seemed nice enough, but they all looked like a little scary. But I think that is what they wanted, to not look approachable. Then I also have met Rollo, Ragnar’s brother. He seems like he doesn’t belong. 
I walked over towards the place where I have seen everybody train before. “Hey!” Bjorn said waving at me. I came closer to him and he gave me a wooden sword. “Lets see what you got.” He told me. “Wait. Now? Shouldn’t you show me how to do it first? I don’t know how to fight.” I stammered. I thought that I would maybe start with observing and Bjorn would show me a few things, but not jump right into it. “The best way to learn is to figure it out for yourself and I’ve seen what you can do with that light. So it shouldn’t be hard.” He explained. “Well I didn’t know what I was doing. I still don’t know what I’m doing.” I said the last part under my breath. “Just charge at me. We’ll see from there. Come on!” I nodded my head. Here goes nothing.
I charged at him trying to hit his shoulder. But he quickly hit it with his wooden sword like it was nothing. “Come on you’re not even trying!” He said smiling going back in his stance. Breathed out through my nose. I tried again, but quicker. Again he hit my sword and now pointed his sword towards my neck. “Dead. Again!” He said loudly. I sighed. “You know, if you’d actually tell me how to do this it could be a lot easier.” He didn’t say anything, he only motioned for met to do it again. This time I went for his stomach. I charged at him and he hit my sword out of my hands grabbed my neck and put the sword up against my neck as well. We were standing so close I could smell the ale he most likely had before we started doing this. “Dead.” He said. I could feel his breath on my skin. This was the first time I was standing this close to him. He put the sword down, but he was still holding me very close. I could almost hear his heartbeat. He definitely heard mine. I was overwhelmed by everything here. And now Bjorn. Even though we had a rough start, he made sure every day that he was there for me. He introduced me to everyone. Most of all he showed me a kindness that I really needed right now. Also helps that he is pretty handsome.
I almost forgot he was still holding me. So I looked around and saw Lagertha. “Is that how you train everybody Bjorn?” Lagertha asked. That’s when Bjorn quickly let go and cleared his throat. “Well nobody can compete with you mother.” She smirked at that. “What has he taught you so far.” She asked me. “Uhmm-.” I started. She took that as her que. “Alright how do you stand?” She asked. I showed her awkwardly my stance. “What is that?! The wind could even knock you down if he wanted to. Do it like this. Your feet here, straighten your back a little, your arms forward, but not too much, yes like that. See a lot better.” She said when she was showing me. It felt more grounded. I nodded my head at her. “Alright when you are charging at him the easiest way to take him down is his legs or from the shoulders up. With a lot of power and training his torso as also a very good target. Be quick, because if this is life or death, you’ll only get one chance.” Lagertha told me I appreciated the help. I had no idea what I was doing. I gave it a go. I went quickly for the neck and this time Bjorn didn’t have time to hit my sword away. “Dead.” I told him. He laughed. “Very good. Now If I came at you, you’ll also would have to be quick. You will carry a shield of course, but those are heavy and you wont be able to hold your sword with both hands.”
Bjorn showed me some moves to defend myself and Lagertha showed me how to attack again. The both kept making good points, but in the back of my mind I still had the lingering thought that I didn’t belong. This was a mistake. 
After what felt like hours Bjorn finally said that I could stop and it was enough for today. I probably smelt horrible. “You did good today.” Bjorn told me. “Thank you and thank you for showing me how.” I smiled at him. “Got to thank my mother for that. She has trained many shield maidens before. She knows what she’s doing. She also showed me a lot.” I nodded. we started walking back towards the longhouse. “Can I ask you something?” I asked Bjorn. “Why me, why do you think I’m send here by some higher power?” I asked. It has been bugging me for a while now. “Because we prayed for you, we prayed for help and sacrificed so Odin would send someone and one day later.. here you are.” It must be coincidence it can’t be anything else. But then again, how did this happen? “Why did you pray for someone to come?” I asked. “Because out there in those woods there are things that we can’t fight. We first thought it was the English, but this is no human. That’s why we needed you.” I stopped walking. “What is out there?” Bjorn stopped as well and looked at me. “We think it is Hela or frost giants.” I looked at him with big eyes before I started laughing. “Frost giants? There is no such thing.” Mythical creatures. It’s ridiculous those are stories. “Why could that not be it when you are here?” He asked me. That was true. I did get here somehow and I don’t even know I science could explain this. Would there even be a logical answer.
Bjorn sighed. “Look, again, I have seen what you can do. And even though we have a strong army.. It would need some extra help. You are that help. You’re only holding yourself back. Let go of whatever thought is blocking you from holding back. You’ll see.” He told me sure of himself. He had more belief in me for only knowing me a couple of days, than I had in myself. He put his arm around my shoulder and motioned for met to walk back with him.
After I had cleaned myself up they had a gathering tonight, so I had to dress up. Again the servants had put down a white dress and some jewelry, but I decided to add the belt with Yggdrasil on it. When I walked out of my room there were already a lot of people inside. Most if them already drunk. I saw Floki and he quickly walked up to me. Pushing people out of the way. “Hi there y/n! I saw you were training today. You weren’t very good huh?” He said giggling. “Nope not really.” I said nonchalantly. I knew I was bad. I didn’t really want todo it. “I prayed for the Gods for a sign to give you strength, so soon you’ll be undefeated.” He said with another giggle. They had so much faith in.. in whatever was there. I appreciated it though. “Thank you Floki.” He giggled again and gave me his ale. “Oh no I don’t-.” I started but he pushed it in my hands. “Drink up little one.” I smiled and took a small sip. It was disgusting.
In the distance I saw Bjorn, so I excused myself and walked over to him. “Hi! You want some ale?” I asked as I pushed my drink in his hands. “Sure!” He said and downed the ale. I looked a bit shocked and impressed at him. “Wow, thirsty?” He laughed. “Anything handed by someone as beautiful as you I’ll take.” I immediately turned red of that comment of his. “There is that beautiful smile.” He said, which only made me turn more red. “How much did you drink?” I laughed. “Not enough! Here come with me I’ll get more.” He took my hand and guided me towards the table where they had put different kinds of foods and ale. “I really don’t want anything, I’m fine.” I said smiling. “No such thing! We are celebrating!” Bjorn said almost with a skip in his steps. “Yes, and what exactly are we celebrating?” I wasn’t sure before if there was actually something to celebrate or if they just wanted a excuse to party. “We’re celebrating you!” He called. Me? What did I do? “Why are we celebrating me.. I didn’t do anything.” We got to the table and Bjorn handed me a cup and filled it up with ale. “Well.. We’re celebrating for hope. You are our hope. And tomorrow we’ll have a sacrifice to make sure we’ll win our battle.” He said happily. I didn’t understand, no one was telling me anything. “What battle? What is out there? I keep hearing I’m send by Odin and that I’m your hope, but nobody is telling me why.. So why? Tell me what’s out there!” I demanded. I didn’t understand that I kept being told that I’m their savior, but nobody was telling me for what. “Well, we weren’t sure at first, but after we saw you fight today.. we knew, you-” “After you saw me fight? I failed miserably. I can’t fight, Bjorn. Who ever you’re hoping for to help you.. It’s not me.” I interrupted. 
“Y/n you are a quick learner. And how quickly you adjusted yourself every single time.. And not to mention in the woods when you made me fly back.. It is you. Whatever thought you’re holding on to that it’s not.. you need to let go of that. Everybody here believes in you. It’s just you who’s not.” Bjorn went on to explain. “You still haven’t told me what’s out there.” I stated, I decided to ignore what he said. I still didn’t believe any of it. It was a coincidence. It had to be. Bjorn sighed. “We think they’re frost giants.. But we believe Hela sent them. This dark figure with long black hair has been flowing around Kattegat. We think they’re working together.” Hela and frost giants? What? This has got to be some joke. But my curiosity got the better of me. “Why would they be working together?” That’s the part that didn’t make any sense to me. Because in the books I’ve read she has her own army, why would she need frost giants.. And why would she want earth? If it was real of course, because frost giants and.. Gods don’t exist. “Because Odin put her army to sleep and banished her from Asgard. She must be seeking revenge.” Right.. why didn’t I think of that.. Obviously that’s it. “And you think Odin has sent me to stop all of that from happening?” I looked at him and took a sip from my disgusting ale. I cringed slightly because it was so strong. “Yes of course!” He nodded like I cracked the case. “Why isn’t Odin here himself then? You know.. to stop it from happening. Because obviously he knows how to fight.. Where I do not know.” That made Bjorn close his mouth, he probably didn’t think of that. “You know what if these ‘Frost Giants’ show up I’ll help you fight. I just don’t think I’ll be that useful.” I said in a mocking tone. This was all ridiculous. Maybe I was still dreaming. Or I was in  some sort of coma, that would explain why I’ve been here for this long.  I didn’t notice at first but Bjorn looked a little disappointed by my comment. “Hey, I’m sorry.. It’s just, a couple of days ago I was somewhere completely different and now all these things are being thrown at me.. It’s just a lot. Nothing personal.” I told Bjorn as I put my hand on his arm. “I understand, I just.. You know what the battle is not today, so lets drink like there will never be a battle!” I agreed on that. As I slipped my hand down, Bjorn caught it. I looked at him with surprise and he kept looking at our hands. Then he looked back up to me. “May there be no battle.” He said as he pulled my hand up to his lips and kissed my hand. “May there be no battle.” I repeated and put my cup up and we cheered. I quickly took a sip and after a while the ale stopped tasting disgusting and now it was tolerable.
What was this man doing to me? The whole night I was just blushing. He only needed to stand close to me or brush up against me and I would turn red. I had been trying to avoid his gaze as much as I could from embarrassment. And he knew what he was doing to me. Because every time he caught my gaze he would smirk and come closer to make it worse. He would even go as far as to bring me back to my room just to give me a goodnight kiss on my cheek and ask. “Goodnight y/n. Will you dream about me?” If I wasn’t red before this definitely did it. I didn’t have a come back.. I needed to say something. “Will you about me?” Stupid.. Why was this the only thing I could come up with? “I definitely will. You’ll never leave my mind.” Smooth. Dammit. “Well.. I’ll see you in your dreams then. Goodnight Bjorn.” I couldn’t say the last part more quickly before I shut the door. This man.. God.. 
With my head in the clouds I dropped on my bed. Not bothered to take me clothes off and put on the nightgown I was given. Besides the disgusting taste the ale was good for something, because I dozed off to sleep quickly.
I woke up by yelling and other loud commotion in the middle of the night.. or early in the morning. Either way it was still dark. “What the hell is going on?” I said out loud. I stood up, still slightly dizzy from the drinks I had. I walked towards the small window I had in my room. It was high up so I had placed a box under it to stand on. It was still very dark outside, so it was not morning. But outside I saw people running and screaming. What was going on? Then a man stabbed a woman in the back. I gasped and stepped back forgetting I was standing on a box and fell to the ground. I just saw a woman get killed. Why? What was happening? I stood up and walked back to the box to see outside. When I stood on the box trying to see what was out there the man or something I thought was a man stood there right in front of the window looking at me. That was no man, it was not even human. His skin was blue and his eyes were all red. I had never seen anything like that before. What was that? Then the thing came running even closer towards the window and got his sword ready to charge. I quickly jumped of the box I briefly looked back to the window and saw that that thing was trying to break it. Not needing to look back again I ran out of the door.
Nobody else was in the house. And besides of all the screaming from outside It was eerie quiet inside. I quickly ran towards the front door to get out of the long house. That would be safer right? That thing was trying to break the wall. Even though outside there is probably more of him. I second guessed myself and froze. I needed to hide here right? In the corner by the front door I saw some boxes. I need to hide there. I quickly ran over and made myself as small as I possibly could and hid. This is not real. I’m in some sot of coma and this is what will wake me up. It had to be.
Then I heard the door of my room break. I could slightly see between the boxes that the thing was looking for me. I made myself sit as still as I possibly could also trying to hold my breath. The thing was going around looking for me behind the throne that was placed in the middle of the room, the tables, behind walls. When he saw that I wasn’t there he started walking towards the door. Pleas don’t look here, please don’t look here, please don’t look here. I kept thinking to myself. And he got to the door. Ok, now go outside, don’t look here. Please, for the love of God, walk out that door. As he got to the door he stopped. Of course. He turned his head towards the boxes I was hidden behind. Fuck. He pushed the boxes out of the way with like it was nothing and then grabbed my ankle. “NO! LET ME GO!” I yelled. I was hitting him as hard as I could. For e brief second he let go of my ankle and I tried to scurry away only for him to grab me by my throat. My breathing got cut off instantly. He lifted me up in the air my feet trying to touch the ground. I tried to scratch his hands or hit him, but to nothing worked. Stars were starting to form in my eyes. “You’re it?” He said right when everything started to turn dark.
And then I fell to the ground with a thud. I was coughing up a storm and trying to catch my breath when I saw Bjorn pull out his sword from the things chest before he hurried over to me. “Are you ok?” He asked with concern in his eyes. “What was that.” Was all I cared about. He lifted me up to my feet and started to walk outside. “Frost Giants.” He said quickly before he pulled me to the side of the longhouse trying to stay out of sight. “Here.” Bjorn said pushing his sword in my hands. “What?! You’ve seen me fight.. No, I can’t do it!” I was freaking out. Only today I had trained for the first time ever besides that I almost got killed not one minute ago. “You’re gonna stay with me and if you need to use it use it.” He said sternly not giving me a option. So I nodded my head unsure. “How are you gonna fight them without a sword?” And he pulled a axe from behind his back and showed me. “Come on! It’s better if we get you out of Kattegat to safety.” He said as he started walking, but I was frozen in my spot. This all felt too real. I really almost could’ve died and now looking around I saw bodies laying on the ground. They were all dead. I could’ve died. Bjorn noticed my panic and quickly went back over to me. “Hey! You’re ok! I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.” He grabbed my hand that was not holding his sword and looked at me. I didn’t want anything bad to happen to me or Bjorn or anybody in this town, but still if felt stuck becau- And then Bjorn planted his lips against mine. All of my negative thoughts seemed to fade away and for a second the screaming seemed to stop. As quickly as this moment cam it went away when he slightly moved away from me his lips still close, but not brushing against mine anymore. “I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” He repeated. “Do you trust me?” He asked  looking into my eyes. All I could do was give him a small nod, still afraid to do anything. But I’d follow him. He kept holding my hand and guided me away.
We tried to avoid being seen by anybody. This was the hardest thing I had ever done. Seeing and hearing people cry for help and not doing anything broke me. With every last scream I heard from the people that were loosing their life my heart broke and it actually physically hurt me, but I tried to push that feeling away as much as I could.
We were getting closer to the edge of Kattegat and it seemed to get quieter here. “Alright probably some people already made it out of Kattegat, if you follow this trail-” Bjorn started. “Wait you’re not coming?” I asked. “I have to fight for Kattegat.” He said as he kept looking around if it was safe. “What about me fighting Frost Giants. I’m not leaving without you and if you’re not leaving I’m not leaving.” I demanded. “It’s not safe-” He started but saw something coming closer. Bjorn got ready to fight instantly. Two Frost Giants walked closer with their swords in hand.
“Give up the girl.” One of them said. “You’ll have to go through me first!” Bjorn said loudly. What was he doing? He didn’t have to do that. But knowing he meant it I got ready to fight as well. Feet slightly apart back slightly straight and my sword up, but not to close to my face. Just like Lagertha taught me. The Frost Giants just laughed like this was some kind of pathetic joke. They came closer with their swords forward. They aimed high for Bjorn’s head, but he easily dodged it and hit them lower by their legs. While Bjorn was tall, these Frost Giants towered over him. One of them started charging at me and I easily dodged his first blow by jumping back, but as I tried to hit him back he hit my sword out of my hands. In the corner of my eye I saw Bjorn was gaining the upper hand, but me not so much. The giant hit me with his elbow in my stomach and I fell back. I crawled backward trying to get away from him when I felt I got to my sword. I decided to just put it in front of me and hope for the best. And at perfect timing the giant wanted to leap forward and tried to hit me with his sword, but he landed into my. He went limp quickly, but I cut my upper left arm by his sword. “Ahh!” I groaned. I decided to ignore the pain and see if I could help Bjorn. He must’ve lost the upper hand, because now he was being pushed back and fell to the ground. Without a second thought I held my sword a little tighter and ran towards the giant. I jumped forward and put my sword through his chest and then quickly pulled it back out. The giant instantly fell to the ground and didn’t move. I killed him. I killed two Frost Giants. 
Taking a deep breath I turned toward Bjorn and put my hand out to help him stand up. “See you’re a better fighter than you think.” He said smiling. Trying to make light to this situation I couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re so stupid.” He laughed at that. “Are you ok? Did you get hurt?” He asked all serious again. “I’m fine I just had a-.” I wanted to point at my cut, but nothing was there anymore. My arm was already healed, like nothing happened. But looking at my clothes clearly something did. The blood was still on it and there was a cut in my clothes at the place I got cut, but the actual cut was not there. ”I-I’m ok.. I thought I.. I’m ok-” I started as I felt a burning feeling in my lower abdomen. I looked down and saw a sword sticking out, before it disappeared back in my abdomen. My vision instantly became clouded and I felt light headed. looking down I saw blood gushing out of my abdomen. And then I fell to the ground before my vision turned completely dark.
Let me know what you think.
Also the sword that you see in the gif would be the same sword Bjorn gave y/n, just to get an idea of what it looks like :)
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nahoyaglock · 4 years
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📃 AS I AM CHAPTER 3 — Discovery
SUMMARY — You knew Kageyama Tobio since you both were in diapers, being close family 'friends'. You always wanted to befriend the quiet kid but no matter your efforts, he would never crack. When you transfer schools and meet Kageyama again, what will happen to your relationship?
PAIRING — family friend!kageyama x y/n
GENRE — fluff/crack/angst
WARNINGS — kags being a bigger meanie
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It has been about more than two weeks since your first day at Karasuno, already creating good bonds with Hinata, Nishinoya, Yamaguchi, and even Tsukishima. You were pretty close to all of them, spending alot of time together at lunch or after school, and even during the weekend. They wanted you to feel welcome, after all, you even had a little text group chat.
(Sent October 10th at 11:15 am)
Y/N: [Good morning yall, and happy birthday noya!]
Tadashi: [goodmorning and happy bday!]
Tsukki: [morning, happy birthday]
You smiled down at your phone before shutting it off. Since it was Noyas birthday, your mom let him and your friends come over, it also being a Saturday. You planned to have a sleepover with your new friends, Kageyama, and Tanaka of course. You had finished cleaning your living room, and despite it being small, it was big enough to fit a bunch of enthusiastic dorks, and Tsukishima.
You had begun cooking lunch, making sandwiches for you and Hinata, who was already on his way to your house. "Good morning honey," your mom spoke softly, rubbing her eyes as she walked past you to the coffee maker. "Good morning mom, Hinatas on his way here already," you smile and finish the sandwiches, putting them on a plate and walking to the living room.
"Okay, I have work today so ill be out for a little bit, tell Nishinoya I said happy birthday and Kageyama I said hello," she chuckled as she started the machine. You nodded and heard the doorbell ring, causing you to sit up and smile in excitement, placing the play down on the couch. "Thats Shoyo!"
You hop to the front door and immediately unlock the door, greeting the orange haired male with a smile that was matching his. "Hey y/n!" He greets and you let him in, closing the door behind himself. "Hi Shoyo, I made lunch," you say and lead him to the living room. "Wow, your house is really cute," he giggles and sets his bags and blanket in the corner next to the couch.
"Im glad you think so, I think Tanaka is arriving next, but i could be wrong," you say and plot down on the couch, hinata following your movements. "When is Kageyama coming?" He asks and rests his head on your shoulder, head tilted so he can look at you, but you just shrug. "He hasn't answered me since I sent him the invite yesterday," you say before handing him the plate and taking your sandwich.
"What? He answered me this morning," Hinata said and pulled his phone out of his pocket, going to his text messages with Kageyama. "Yeah, he texted me this morning, asked if i was coming to the sleepover," he said and you sae him typing on his screen. You felt hurt, Kageyama always answered you, whether it was one word, or even one letter, he always answered.
"Ah, he might've forgotten, i wont hold it against him," you smiled and decided to shake it off, it was Noyas birthday and you were ready to have fun. You and Hinata watched a bit of Netflix and ate a bit more than just the sandwhiches you made. It had been about more than an hour since the next person appeared, hearing the doorbell ring as you were in the middle of showing Hinata baby pictures of you and Kageyama.
"Ah, I bet its Tsukishima and Tadashi! Or just Tadashi!" Hinata shouts, jumping up, you following after him with a big goofy smile on your face as you both run to the door. "Its definitely Tanaka! Im calling it!" You laugh, barely able to keep up with the small male as he opens the door. As you looked at the male at the door, you and Hinata both shouted at the same time.
"K-kageyama?" You questioned and Hinata sighed, walking back to your room, sulking. "Its just Kageyama," he complaimed and Kageyama glared at him. "Whats that supposed to mean dumbass!" You let him in and close the door behind him as he kicks off his shoes. "Kags, you didnt bring any bags? Like, more than one?" You ask and walk to your room, seeing him hesitate to say respond.
"I'm not staying over. I just wanted to wish Nishinoya a happy birthday, i thought more people would be here by now," he nonchalantly responds, almost irritating you. "Well, you could've answered my text with a yes or no, or tell me that," you say and turn to face him, kicking his ankle softly. "Sorry," he muttered.
You entered your room with Kageyama and saw Hinata checking out your wall of pictures, filled with pictures of you and kageyama as children, you and your mom, and your friends from Nekoma. "Hey, is that Kenma?" He asked, turning his head to look at you and Kageyama with a curious face.
"Oh, yeah it is," you answer and walk over to the spot next to hinata. "Ah, Inuoka! Lev!" He exclaims with a excited expression, carefully scanning the pictures. "Is this the Nekoma volleyball club?" He asked, looking up at you with admiration as you confirm that it is.
"Thats so cool! You know Kuroo?!" He said, looking at another photo, one dear to your heart. It was the last time you saw them, you had a sleepover at Kuroos house, all the boys attending. You were wrapped in Kuroo and Inuokas arms, the 2nd years sitting on the couch in the back with the rest of the members asleep, or running around.
"Yeah, he acts like my brother sometimes. This was from our last sleepover before i came here," you state and he puts it back in his place when he hears the doorbell. "Okay, this time its DEFINITELY Tanaka!" You slap Hinatas arm and you two, once again, race to the front door. "Its gotta be Tadashi!" He once again opens the door to be met with Tanaka, causing you to shout in glory, hinata groaning.
"Uh, hello to you too," he laughs and steps over Hinata who dramatically fell to his knees. "Sorry, we were betting on who would arrive next," you laughed as he put his stuff next to Hinatas and saw Kageyama come out of your room. "Hey Tanaka," he greeted and you all sat on the couch, continuing the movie you and Hinata had started. After about 30 minutes more, there was a knock on the door.
"Thats definently Tsukishima," You say and Hinata nods as you stand up to open the door, greeting the tall blonde, noticing Tadashi and Noya behind him. "Hey Tsukki, Tadashi, and happy birthday Noya!" You greet, patting Tsukishimas arm and hugging the last two. "Everyones here, so lets get started, hmm?"
As everyone gets their stuff situated, you head to your room to get your phone and order some take out and remind your mom to get a cake before heading back out to your friends. "Noya, you ca– Noya?" You giggled softly, seeing him wrapped in a giant fluffy blanket, and he smiles. "Yes?"
"Ah, I was gonna say you can choose a movie, unless you wanna do anything else before the food arrives," you bounce before taking a seat between Tsukishima and Hinata. "Movie please, i dont want to even know what hes thinking right now," Tsukishima said, his expression was serious. You elbow him with a chuckle that follows, "its his birthday, cut him some slack."
You all decided to play a few games with an old movie playing as background noise. Truth or dare, would you rather, never have I ever, and some board games, Tsukishima winning monopoly. He was currently boasting to Kageyama with a smug look on his face as the doorbell rang.
"Food!" You shouted and jumped up to answer the door, quickly paying for the food and closing the door before bringing it to the small coffee table in your living room. "Also my mom should be home in a few minutes so call down with all the cursing Tanaka," you laughed and opened the food boxes before grabbing some plates and utensils for them to serve themselves.
You guys ate and finally put on a movie, moving the coffee table to you, Noya, Tanaka, Tadashi, and Hinata could all huddle up on the floor infront of the tv, leaving Tsukishima and Kageyama on the couch. "Hey, im home honey. Hi boys," your mom called, a big bag in hands as she slipped off her shoes. "Hi y/ns mom!" Noya called and she brought the cake over to you.
"Happy birthday Noya, and hello Kageyama, its been a while since ive seen you, you're so big," your mom patted his shoulder and he nodded. "Hello Mrs. y/l/n," he spoke politely as Tsukishima quietly laughed at him. "Behave okay? Im heading to bed. Oh, and Kageyama, your mother invited us over tomorrow so i can take you home tomorrow, " she flashed a warm smile and your face lit up as you sat up from the cuddle pile.
"I haven't been to your house in years," you exclaim and placed a hand on Kageyamas knee, giggling. He shifted a bit, causing your hand to fall and he hummed, "because Tokyo is far." You roll your eyes and lay down back between Nishinoya and Hinata. "And im not sleeping over, my moms coming in 10 minutes to pick me up."
"Ah, well either way, ill see you tomorrow Tobio," your mom waved and left to her room. It was silent as you guys kept your eyes glued to the screen. Eventually Kageyama left, so Tsukishima joined the cuddle pile until you guys got tired. Hinata and Tadashi took the couch, Tanaka and Nishinoya draped over each other near the couch, Tsukishima laying next to you on the blanket that covered the itchy carpet.
You sat up, on your phone after your friends from Nekoma decided to blow up your phone.
"You still awake?" You jumped at the voice, thinking everyone was asleep, and you turned to the voice to see the salty blonde slipping on his glasses. "Yeah, my friends texted me," you whispered before turning off your phone, the room being engulfed by darkness and you took your spot next to Tsukishima. "So you and Kageyama?" He propped his head up on his hand as he looked at you.
"Yeah, he's weird. He hasn't been talking to me that much the past few weeks." You rest your head on the pillow and pull the blanket up over you. Tsukishima hums lightly before fixing his pillow, "is he always like this? He doesnt seem that way around the team."
"I guess? Hes always been dry and stand offish since we were children, but to other people he was different." You felt tired, and Tsukishima could sense it. "Rest, worry your head tomorrow." He pats your head before taking his glasses back off and lays down, you smile. "Thanks Tsukki."
"Dont call me that."
Once it became morning, Tanaka and Nishinoya were the firsts to leave, followed by Tadashi. You had just come out of the shower, finding Hinata folding his blankets and cleaning up the living room, and Tsukishima talking to your mom in the kitchen as he helped wash dishes. "Good morning mom," you yawned and grabbed a key from one of the drawers. "Im gonna stop by the store, wanna come with Tsukki? Hinata?"
Tsukishima looked at your mom and she nodded, telling him it was okay and that she'd finish the dishes on her own. You left the house with the two males, taking the short walk to the store. "You're going to Kageyamas right?" Hinata asked, bouncing to keep warm in the cold air. You nod and swing the keys around your finger, "yeah, in a few hours, oh! Let me text him."
(Sent October 11th at 1:17 pm)
Y/N: [Morning Tobio!]
[I'll see you in a few hours!]
As you waited for his answer, Tsukishima spoke up. "Not to.. seem like im putting you on the spot but.. doesn't he ignore you?" He kept his hands in his pockets and his gaze forward and Hinata gasped, "Tsukki that sounds mean!" He smacked his arm, causing the taller to look down at him. "I'm just saying that its not the best way to treat someone," he rolls his eyes and Hinata scoffs. "As if you can talk."
You sigh and laugh, placing a hand on both the males arms, "calm down you two, geez." They relax in your touch and Tsukishima continues. "Seriously tho, he could be just, y'know.. being a bitch," he he spoke, putting an emphasis on bitch. "Or he could be hiding something!" Hinata gasps and you laugh at them. "Yeah yeah, but its whatever really, this is how ive always seen Tobio, it'd be weird if he was any different. Though id like it alot if he DID be a little less dry."
You remembered the talk you and Tsukishkma had before, he always brought up Kageyama and your relationship with him. Soon you started to think the same was he did. Was Kageyama really just being mean? Isnt that just how he always is? Why does he act different around others? Was it you, or was it him?
You kicked off your shoes as you stepped into the warm house with a bright smile, "hello Mrs. Kageyama!" You greeted as she pulled you into a hug. "Hello y/n, my you've grown! Tobio is in his room, can you take him his plate? This one is your" She said and handed you two plates. You smiled and nodded your head like a gibby child and she patted your back as you made youe way to Kageyamas room. You kicked on the door because your arms were occupied.
You heard a bed creak and a few seconds after, the door opened and was almost closed back in your face if it weren't for him catching a glimpse at the plates. "Come in," he mumbled and let you in. You walked over to his bed and put his plate down on his bed and sat on the end as he closed the door. "Wow, your room has changed alot," you smile and look around the room at his posters and pictures on the walls.
"Mhm," he plopped back down on his bed and went on his phone. You noticed this and furrowed your brows, taking a bite of your food. "You know, for someone on their phone alot, you sure do ignore my texts alot," you mainly joked, but you guessed that he didnt catch on when his expression changed and he mumbled an apology. Was that guilt on his face?
You decided to stay silent and just scroll through social media and eat your food. After a few minutes of just silence, Kageyama finished his plate and got up to take it upstairs. "Hey Kags," you called before he left and you held your plate out to him, "can you take this for me?"
"You barely ate any thing," he said and you shook the plate a little bit, causing him to grab it, scared it would fall. "I'll bring you a meatbun," he murmured and left the room. You smiled slightly at the mention of meatbuns, and stood up to stretch your legs.
You grabbed a napkin from Kageyamas bedside dresser and wiped any food off of your mouth. He had a small trash bin in the corner of his room, so you went to throw away your napkin, looking at his posters and pictures on the wall. When you opened the bin, there was a large stack of pictures atop all of the trash.
All being pictures that had you and him in them.
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© tomura-heart — all rights reserved. reposting, modifying, or copying is not allowed. you may translate with my permission and correct crediting. do not read my writing as asmr. do not plagiarize.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Trophy Chapter Eight
You become confused and start to question your feelings whilst Henry tries to be romantic but Stephan manages to fuck things up.
Warnings: Obsessive Behaviour, Implied Smut, Mentions of Murder, Mentions of Rape, Mentions of Torture, Dark themes, Yandere, Swearing, Daddy kink, Spanking threats, Angst?, Violence, Dark fluff(even I don't bloody know)
A/n: its quater past 11....I should be sleeping...my cat is littarily meowing at me to got to sleep but im not so here have chapter eight!!! so this chapter is mostly plot no smut unfortunately but the next one will be 1000٪. I have finally finally got the entire plot to this fic finished and written, I actually have some scenes for the next three chapters done to! But as I said mainly plot I intendedthis to be a little confusing from y/n perspective I want you to get a sense of what y/n is going through juggling her feelings and all that apart from that I really hope you enjoy this one xx
Taglist: @havenoffandoms​ @aphrodites-punch​ @charlieferret​ @thatgirly81​ @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @fitnees-motivation-2020​ @viking-raider​ @iloveyouyen​ @black-ninja-blade​
Gif not mine but the divider is xxx
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Stephan was at a loss, sitting in the cheap b and b room he rented, papers strewn across the floral bed spread he had been going through his contacts agents. Friends. Investigative journalists. Anyone and everyone he could think of hoping someone somewhere would give him a break, a lead something anything! A way for him to distract Henry enough so he could slip you away from him. Fuck sake at this point he'd pull him in for a fucking parking violation just to get this barstard alone in a room for five minutes!! But no one was willing to help they were all in until the name Cavill was mentioned. He couldnt really blame them Cavill did two things to people who investigated him ruined them or off'd them.
Just last week another agent who'd been working undercover as one of the handlers of his prostitutes was found by the bay death by necklacing. A grusome death something he hadn't seen used in America before, usually it was a shooting or stabbing, necklacing was a brutal ,loud and mostly used in places like Africa and Brazil. Execution and torture all in one. It may be one of the cruelest ways to kill someone but it was in all honesty simple to do, hell anyone could do it which is why they couldn't pin it on Henry specifically, hands bound to your chest; in this case with wire and a tire full of petrol placed over you holding them still trapping them, doused in more petrol and set alight. Its a slow agonizing death that takes around twenty minutes, her screams would have been loud but no one in the area had heard or see a thing he bet they had and were just to frightened. He couldn't blame them he saw the girl before she'd been taken off to autopsy, agents; professional, trained to deal with anything agents,onscene were being physically sick from the sight and smell unused to this type of violence. The poor agent had suffered even before that. Autopsy showed she had been raped beforehand she was described as cut and torn up in the report, but they must have used condoms of some description as there wasn't any dna evidence. Or if there was it had been burned away like her charred skin, her body had been in such a bad way that there was nothing to go on. Without evidence they can't charge or formally question a suspect.
Safe to say everyone was shaken up, some left completley requested reassignment and all the ones who came before him were either dead of terrified of the man. Not only that word of Stephans fuck up had got out and he was now a laughing stock. Stephan was supposed to be a honey trap, go undercover seduce a woman of intrest to do one of two things one, prob for information, if she had some great! Stay and use it and If she didnt dump her move on to the next job simple Or two, find a woman to maintain a close connection to the target in this case that was you. It was believed that there was a connection between you and Cavill.
The mobster out of the blue was trying to buy a block of flats in a shitty area. Now Cavill owned property,  lots of property but never flats and never on that type of estate. He owned fancy restaurants and night clubs stupidly high class bars that had dress codes and the residential properties were allways four beroom three bathroom houses worth millions with fucking suanas and shit. Bottom line it was out of character and the man was trying to rush through the sale. The higher ups had hoped with the way he was acting; so out of character and flustered, that he would fuck up. He a mobster kingpin with litteraly billions to his name was trying to buy a building that was falling apart, in a run down poor area, wasn't for sale and was willing to skip negotiations and overpay... 
The only possible connection to it all was you. They knew Fletcher had dealings with Henry and knew Henry used the cafe for his smaller business meetings. That was the most infuriating thing they knew so much but they just couldn't prove it!. So Stephan was called in to see if you was privvy to Henry and his empire and if you was willing to be an informant. Simple. Until it wasn't and feelings got involved. He wasn't supposed to fall for you but he had and that had cost him the assignment. He was supposed to drop it but he wont, so he had to sniff around himself he knew Henry kidnapped you, he knew Fletcher set it up and he knew he was going to save you. With that in mind he decided to do something he never even dreamed. Stephan was going to go rouge.
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Henry was content albeit impatient,  he waited at the bottom of the stairs waited for you his wonderful little princess. He had arranged a night out in one of his top restaurants, he figured now that you were here willingly he could begin to spoil you, lavish you with the luxury you deserved and you had been good these past days you deserved a treat. Tonight was about showing you just what it means to be his, the respect, the glitz and glamour. He was hoping that he could begin to sway you more, he knew you were questioning youself and him, his intentions and as you were questioning he saw a change you were more compliant. He paced slowly his head of security Luke was there beside him stiff as a board, Luke thought it was a mistake flaunting you around so early. But Luke could go fuck himself, Luke was not in charge and Luke should keep his opinions to himself.
Henry was begining to get tired of the mans bitching it was clear that his head of security had something against his sweet pet. It may have been the fact that Henry; seeing the bruises on your wrists after your escape that was definitely not made from handcuffs, had investigated and watched the security footage seeing the way the gruff man had manhandled you dragged you through the house after taunting you, thrown you into your day room on the day you'd escaped. Yes Henry ha found out and promised the man a grizzley end if it ever happened again. The only man to leave marks on your soft skin was him. Luke was bitter over the fact you'd escaped further then the garden on his watch, well thats what Henry put it down to.
"If you sigh again I will stop you breathing altogether!" He finally snapped over his shoulder to the man. 
"Sorry sir I just think-" Henry spun on his heel pointing at him.
"I dont pay you to think! I pay you to do as your fucking told! To protect our investments and you didnt! Incase you haven't noticed your on thin ice as it is, theres a line of others who would take your place in a heartbeat Luke so I suggest you start pulling your shit together unless you want an early retirement." The words were hissed a snarl he couldn't help the thrill that came from Luke's shocked fearfull look. Luke knew poeple didnt retire from his position, not the in the masive pay out and a sipping pinacolada on a sandy beach sense. The only retirement he would see is two foot wide and six foot deep if he was lucky. Henry watched steely eyes burning into the man before him, the guard finally looked away gulping nodding slowly.
"Y-yes sir..I will go make sure the car is ready" Henry smirked crossing his arms 
"You do that! Be the most usefull thing you've done all day." Luke cringed at that but could say nothing he simply left the house out towards the drive shuting the door with a quiet click. Henry shook his head as he watched Luke descend the few step of the porch. He was going to have to do something about him soon.
He pulled his thoughts away from the dark path they had traveled and glanced at the stairs again then began his pacing from side to side once again looking at his the rolex upon his wrist. You were taking your time. Sighing he turned again looking expectantly at the stairs. Its not like you had to decide what to wear he had laid it out! He had done the hard bit all you had to do was hair and make up. He grunted making another lap of his choosen pace route. You better not be up there pouting, if you were he was going to be very annoyed. Five more minutes. He decided five minutes then he would go check and if you was being a little madam and pouting he would blister you ass with the belt at his waist and drag you out anyway dressed or not. He moved finally standing at the stairs hand gripping the banister in a white knuckle grip hissing through his teeth. 
Then he heard it heels tapping on the marble floor slow and unsteady, you were coming. He held his breath waiting for you to turn the corner at the top of the landing. When you did he had to swallow dryly, you were a vision, stunning you were made to be on his arm there was no doubt about it. You made your way down the stairs trying not to topple over in the high heels, which you suspected he had put you in so you couldnt run. Well you could try but you have to unbuckle them first which would be a dead give away. 
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You'll admit the dress was beautiful and comfortable considering how figure hugging it was. A deep royal blue velvet ,thin spaghetti straps and a low open back stopping just at the swell of your bottom, the front had a soft swooping neckline showing a hint of the very top of your breasts. It was a fine choice, henry definitely had an eye for these things. Every outfit he put you in since being here was always well thought out and this was no exception. You had to be careful tonight, he had provided a dress, stockings garterbelt even jewellery and some new lipsticks! but no panties. It made you nervous, it was one thing to always be around the house in skirts with no undies but to go out? You had to be wary, the small mercy was that it was a knee length dress so hopefully no accidents. However that being said with how form fitting it was and the way it pushed up your boobs there was more chance of a nip slip then a lip slip.
There was a complete set of expensive looking Jewellery that each had been packed in blank leather jewellery boxes and was presented on purple velvet. The necklace was three long strings of diamonds one a choker then longer to your collar bone then the final resting just below your dress' neckline the middle string holding one single large diamond in the center, the weighty rock made you dread to think of the cost and matching small dangling earrings and a bracelet...And anklet he had insisted you to be head to toe in diamonds. 
For your hair you had styled it up and away from your face in a sleek sophisticated look,your make up was light, you didnt want to go all out and make him think you were trying to impress him, although in some respects you did want to impress him but for now you would ignor that. You had settled for a light face of make up and one of your new lipsticks a dark nude shade between a peach and beige the last thing you wanted was for him to get angry about not putting in effort which was a real possibility with how the slightest things could trigger a mood swing.
You'd found the past week since you had....Assisted him in the livingroom something had changed, a subtle change at first. You found youself stealing quick glances and smiles at him, he had caught you staring a few times and winked making you flush and stutter. He still had his moments but it seemed your 'admission' of not wanting to leave and wanting to try to stay and fall in love with him had calmed him down significantly. Sure you'd been given a few punishments when he got insecure here and there. You had been finding yourself participating in all of the intimate moments he was forcing onto you, when you did things with him you could barely speak let alone think the throws of passion was an escape. To your own confusion and shame you now admitted to yourself you enjoyed him lathering you with attention it was becoming to easy to melt into his embrace, to tempting to kiss the man back and cuddle up to him as he soothed the burning prints he left across your skin. You were frightened at just how much you began to crave him and need him, you still tried resisting but it was few and far between. In reality you were giving in to him and you didnt exactly hate the change. despite everything it sill felt a little wrong to let him get his way but that bad feeling was becoming easier to ignore.
But don't get things wrong, you had no desire to stay here permanently you had just resigned yourself to it for the time being...You think things i  your...Relationship were confusing at the moment you liked the man but hated how this had all come about. You tried reasoning that your feelings were changing in some sort of survival technique or something. That subconsciously you had to pacify him, make him believe you was slowly falling for him so he wouldn't hurt you or the ones you loved. But at this point you wasn't entirely sure. I mean if that were true and you did this all for Stephans life shouldnt you feel somthing for the agent. But in reality all you felt was abandoned and betrayed by him, but it didn't hurt not like the loos of a friend or lover as you thought it would have. Maybe you was just weird? or maybe you didn't really love him? What ever it was you was thankfull for it as you could concentrate more on yourself and what you had to do to get out of this alive, sane and single. You were not falling in love with this mad man no matter what he did and said you shouldnt fall for it you shouldnt fall for him. But you were slowly realising that just because  you shouldn't didn't mean you wouldn't.
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Henry's face lit up as you slowly made your way down the steps on wobbly feet unused to the heels that brought the top of your head up to his eye line. Seeing you struggling he smirked meeting you half way up the stairs linking his arm with yours. You flinched almost pulling back knowing you should but his grip was firm and you needed help. His voice was low and playful when he spoke.
"It seems you will need my help with walking tonight before you've even touched a drop of wine my love. Thats no matter, more of a reason for you to cling to me and I do enjoy you wrapped around me pet." You gave a quick glance, so you was in these ridiculous heels for a reason. You forced a smile letting go of the banister as he walked you down the stairs over to the door.
"You look stunning! I have the best table in the place reserved just for us but first" he moved spinning around you and just like a magic trick his hand appeared from behind him with a small ring box, he moved pulling up your left hand kissing the back of it. You shivered as he maintained eye contact feeling him smirk. You cursed yourself wanting to contorl your reactions but couldnt seem to. He spoke a cheeky grin his voice was playfull. 
"Here something to complete the outfit I wont have my little girls hands bare~" You gulped as he pulled back the lid of the small box revealing an obnoxiously huge rock sat embedded in what looked like a silver but was most likely white gold band. You tugged at your hand and winced when he dug his thumb in your palm tugging your hand out hashly.
"Daddy! That's to much-I'm not one for rings please everything else is enough. " He blinked his face dropping.
"You don't like it? Whats wrong with it?" You eyed him carefully and shrugged.
"No-nothing I just..." he interrupted you growling at you scowling
"You don't want it? I had it made for you and now you don't even fucking want it? I just wanted to treat you baby? You've been so good and now your going to start acting up? When I'm trying to reward you for being so good. Just trying to have a quiet night out with you, I dont have to take you out, I could fucking keep you here day in day out" You could hear it, that of hectic insanity. Frantic undertones. You quickly shook your head.
"No no I want it! I do want it I'm just worried...It looks...Ive never had anything that looks that expensive" you moved forward to him placing a hand on his chest rubbing slightly, youd learned fast that initiating intimate gestures help calm him a little.
"I-i'm frightened that I'd upset you if I loose it especially if we dance..We are going to have our first slowdance tonight aren't we? I was hopeing we could..Tho people will laugh I've never danced like that before." It did the trick he calmed blinking slowly then beamed at you.
"Oh little one thats sweet of you to worry about daddys feelings like that..But baby I wont be upset if you lost it Id just get you another one pet... Now come here and keep still like a good girl" you sighed in relief as he calmed down you cringed and twisted your hand as he tried to place it on your ring finger, his eyes flicked up to you in warning.
"Its...thats bad luck I'd rather not.." he grunted and took your right hand placing it on your ring finger. You shuddered as you realised it fit perfectly. He moved back placing one parting kiss.
"That is your first warning tonight, daddy doesn't want any games...You ruin tonight and I will be very displeased and you will not like the outcome" you nodded takig a breath.
"Y-yes daddy I understand...I'll be good" he gave a quick look.
"You better now lets go" you released a breath tho calmer he wasn't happy youd argued, disagreed you wasnt supposed to do that.
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Henry playing the part of a gentleman opened the door to the car for you. Once inside he set off out of the gate, you shivered a little trying not to glance at him. He moved his hand to your leg patting it softly rubbing the soft nylon of the stockings he groaned subtly to himself as he continued down the road, you cringed a little moving to pull the hem of the dress down not wanting him to take advantage of the rising skirt and your bare pussy merely inches above. He squeezed lightly feeling you tug the fabric down under his palm cutting off the contact. He rolled his eyes biting his lip to stop the comments on the tip of his tongue. No he wont ruin this night before its begun, anything that happens he can rectify later when you were restrained and withering one your final treat. He licked his lips as he thought about the nights festivities and hopefully what the outcome will be. He was pulled from his devious thoughts when you wriggled uncomfortably still trying to get used to wearing half a set of underwear... And lets face it stockings and garter belts aren't exactly the norm any way. It was after ten minutes of sighing, huffing and squirming that he spoke pulling you out of your thoughts.
"Whats the matter little one?" you snapped you head to him and smiled going to brush him off he removed his hand from your leg wagging a finger.
"Ah ah come on no lying that will be your second warning and we aren't even there yet~" you closed your mouth giving him a heavy pout he rose an eyebrow letting his hand land back in your lap.
"Its...Well I've never...I'm getting used to the stockings...Never worn them before and its strange under the dress...especially not having any panties on....I'm covered but not " he through his head back and laughed as he pulled up to a red light.
"Oh love! you should have said baby...I thought you were having a paddy! I was getting ready to take you back home and tann your naughty backside with my belt." you snapped your head in his direction gulping knowing full well he would have.
"Oh little one don't be so tense..I promise tonight I'm going to spoil you this is a treat baby girl a night of fine food,  fine wine and even finer company" you smiled forgetting your underwear situation for a moment twiddling your new bracelet wanting to take your mind off things. You were going to try and enjoy the night try and forget everything just for one night. You smiled up at him shyly.
"I'm looking forward to it..But I get the feeling your taking me somwhere fancy and I've neve done fancy... think the fanciest place I've been is your house"he chuckled looking forward to the road cheking the lights then moved to face you.
"Our...Its our house pet you live there to now remember.. and don't worry I own the place so no one will say anything if you make a little slip up...Okay little one and if anyone does upset you ,you tell me straight away..I wont have my babygirls night ruined by anyone" you didn't want his words to effect you but they did, the idea of him caring enough to make sure you enjoy the night was sweet.
"Y-you mean it?" he nodded giving the lights another quick glance then focused back on you
"Of course! tonight is all about spoiling my number one! you can have anything you want and that includes a doggy bag of deserts to bring home" you smiled at him hopefully giggling.
"Deserts sound good! I'm excited now do they have cheesecake?" he pursed his lips thinking for a second wanting to prolong your cheerful mood.
"Yes, three kinds and I assume you'll be having a slice of each?" you nodded at him with a cheeky grin, Henry smirked at you leaning in playfully tucking his hand by your knee tickling the back making you giggle and squirm pushing at him. 
"Well my love three slices..Now that is a big ask and deserves a pre-payment I think...Three kisses should suffice" you grinned shaking your head at him and squealed as he leaned over playfully growling stealing three sweet kisses then leaned back in his seat , he was gobsmacked when youd followed him placing a peck against his cheek. You froze realizing what you did and jumped back holding your lips in surprize. What the fuck was that? He smirked moving the car into drive as the light changed. You righted yourself in the seat leaning back choosing to forget that little slip up. But still felt optimistic maybe tonight would be a fun night out even if it was with Henry.
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YES! it had paid off, a few days he had spent watching waiting but finally there was movement. he had been waiting here at the main road leading to the mobsters house. Parked next to a motel mainly used by truckers who stayed overnight, Stephan quickly climbed to the front seat of the car watching as the Aston martin drove past him, not just any Aston martin Henry's Aston martin, the only custom db11 in the city. He quickly pulled his binoculars out to see...Fuck yes!...He couldn't believe his luck! you were in the passenger seat and dolled up... He took a breath you looked incredible and to his utter despair and confusion you looked happy?.
Henry stopped at the intersection Stephan fumed as Henry laughed at something you said then moved his hand out of sight making you roll your eyes and press him away playfully laughing he didn't pull back instead he quickly leaned over kissing you, and the thing that cut Stephan most was that you let him, you seemed to enjoy his attention. Stephan's heart clenched seeing you like that, you were supposed to hate him...You were a captive. You couldn't possibly like the man could you?. He shook his head of course you didn't a mad man like henry? you were playing a part, hopefully a part that you could retire from tonight. He flicked on the ignition throwing down his binoculars if he could follow you both...If he could get in he had a chance, could give you a chance to escape! he could save you.
He took a second watching again as you moved you were smiling giving him a quick peck, he couldn't bare to watch anymore he closed his eyes gripping the steering wheel tight swearing. Could he be to late? He loathed to think of just what he had put in your head what he could have convinced you to do. The light turned green and car pulled away, he waited a few seconds then pulled out making sure not to be to close or be caught by the lights. It only took the disgraced agent around fifteen minuets to realize where you were being taken. It would seem Henry was taking you on a date? trying to romance you, wine and dine you but then what? there had to be a reason, and ulterior motive. Stephan held back watching as the Aston martin pulled around the front of the hotel, Henry exited the car and walked around holding your door for you. He felt a rush of anger as Henry helped you out of the car then tossed the keys across the car to the valet. Stephan stared gulping, you really did look amazing even if you were struggling to stand in shoes he knew you wouldn't have been caught dead in if you had a say. He must have forced you in to them, so he could have you wrapped around him, leaning and clutching at him as you wobbled about unsteady. His blood boiled as Henry moved offering you his arm when you took it he felt..betrayed almost asking himself if you were worth it now, it looked like Henry had got to you. He seethed watching you climb the few stairs to the hotel entrance linking arms with your captor ,you looked up at the mad man smiling nodding as he spoke completely at ease.
Something was very wrong with this image, a kidnapped woman going out on the town with her kidnapper? on what looked like a romantic date?. You hadn't seemed like one of those shallow golddiggers who'd do anything for a bit of bling or money, but Stephan couldn't help but wonder to himself at that point. You looked happy if not a little nervous? shy? you looked like a love struck teenager. But Stephan couldn't help himself he couldn't doubt you, you needed him to get you out, to save you. You needed him to try. He moved pulling the car around the back, thankfully as this was a hotel people were coming and going all the time so it'd be easy enough to get in, he was coming for you. Tonight he will save you and it will look like nothing more then a lovers spat! a perfectly realistic situation that would have no repercusions. Once he had you, you could testify against the mobster and this would all be over. Henry would finally be behind bars where he belongs.
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You took a breath seeing the long line of people waiting to get in the restaurant each in expensive looking glad rags,you tucked your head down akwardly as Henry strode past the long line of people each making a fuss at the two of you. Some did not knowing just who the man on your arm was. Henry cut to the front interrupting the guest at the front.
"Is everthing ready?" His voice was bored as a woman quickly scampered over ready to let the owner in much to the anger of the other guest. The two at the front tried capturing his attention to give him a piece of their mind but Henry ignored them.
It wasn't long before you were in the high end restaurant in one of the towns two five star hotels that he owned. It was nice the restaurant was about fifteen stories up a dark blue almost black marble looking floor,  tables all coverd with pure white table clothes that felt like some stupid 800 thread count material ,high back black leather chairs ,single white roses and candles on each table dotted around. The focal point was a huge wall with intergrated tropical fishtank that seperated the regular tables and vip area which was raised slightly. The set up was split in two, one half all centred around useing the veiw courtesy of the floor to ceiling windows looking over the town the other half had the fish tank to look at..It was clever really the fishtank gave you a faux sense of privacy a perfect divider that let light flow to the other half of the seating area.
Henry walked you straight past the fish tank to a high private table in the corner of the vip area a huge bouquet of roses sat on the table. 
"For you babygirl" you couldn't help but smile brightly as he slid them to you. You leaned in smelling the roses slowly running your finger across the curve of the soft petals your heart warmed and for a moment you truley felt... Special? Cherished?.
You cast a sweeping gaze across the seating area admiring it whilst empty knowing it wont be for long, it was the most expensive place you'd ever been to eat. As you looked around you noticed that the other geusts were slowly trickling in being seated by smartly dressed servers. You looked slower taking in the decor more carfully. Henry wasnt lying when he said the table was the best in the place  it had a uninterrupted veiw of the city and the restaurant.
"You like it?" You nodded looking around the decor was black and gold giving a art decor gatsby vibe. He moved pulling out your chair letting sit then sat himself across from you smileing as you pulled the roses across the table placing then on the corner out of the way blushing. 
"Yes I was right it is a fancy place...A little daunting but exciting...And I can't wait for my cheesecake its my favourit and I haven't had it in sooo long!"
"Any thing for you my little one...But only good little girls who eat all their dinner get a desert you know that...ah ah no pouting!"
"But tonight's supposed to be a treat daddy" he gave you a stern look across the table at your pouting 
"Yes and if your a good girl and ask nicely we would eat out like this everyday, but you were naughty to begin with and daddy has to be strict and have lots of rules...And one of those rules is no desert before dinner now enough pouting don't be ungrateful" you blushed stupidly enough you agreed with him in a way you'd come to enjoy some of his rules, they made you feel...accomplished in a way youd never experienced before, you had something to work to and when you did as he asked he praised you which always made a warmth in your chest blossom. You tucked your nose in a rose you'd plucked from your bouquet grinning softly.
"Im sorry Daddy...Thank you for the roses they are very beautiful" he smiled holding his arms out in a exasperated gesture tilting his head for emphasis
"Well at least you will accept flowers with out a fuss little one...Thats one thing I can now be sure of" You looked down still feeling scolded even if his tone was light you cursed the feeling in your chest. Like rocks had been stuffed in your ribcage making your chest heavy, he was obviously still bitter about the ring you could tellfrom how pissy he was being. You fidgeted worrying just what that would mean for you during the night.
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Almost immediately after you sat down you were served a sweet smelling dark wine by a fairly handsome man who popped the cork with ease handing it to Henry whilst giving you a nervous smile you smiled back to him unaware of Henry's face turning sour he nodded and gave the young man a gruff grunt to proceed, the wine was acceptable apparently you watched as the server moved pouring you out a half glass with shaking hands well aware of Henry who was glaring daggers at him ,you smiled to thanking him. Henry must have taken it wrong as he snarled a 'fuck off' at the man who quickly placed the bottle on the table and practically ran out of sight.
"Hen- da I...what was?...I was just being polite please can we just enjoy ourselves...Please." he sat back regarding you one elbow on the arm of his chair twiddling his fingers, his gaze was unerving. He paid no mind to a waitress placing a bottle of bourbon and a glass finally he clicked his tongue smirking enjoying makeing you squirm. He smiled quickly leaning over pouring his own drink casually.
"I'd be carefull pet, you've got one warning left tonight it'd be a shame to have to reprimand you here and trust me daddy has no qualms of upending you on this table and giving you a sound thrashing" you jolted opening your mouth unable to find any words you settled on nodding quietly sipping at you drink meekly he rolled his fingers in a smooth motion until it was a loose fist.
"Answer me pet you know I hate you ignoring me unless you want to be made an example of here? want everyone to see your cute little bottom turned pink over daddy's lap as you kick and squirm like a naughty little girl" you squinted your eyes cheeks tniging pink at his words, deciding it was best not to test him you quickly slapped the drink down a few drops jumped from the glass staining the crisp white table cloth. You froze watching the dark liquid seep across the fibers.
"I-I'm sor-ry please I didn't mean-" you panicked and began begging looked up and could have cried for some reason he was keeping you on edge tonight more so than usual. He was smiling playfully into the rim of his glass, he had been toying with you...had he? you had hoped you knew his mind games but he was in an unpredictable mood tonight.
He moved slowly plucking the menu curling a finger calling a waitress over and ordered for the both of you. You sat twiddling your fingers unsure of what to do, he had seemed happy in the car but in here...It was like he wanted to keep you on a short leash, make you understand although you were out having a treat you were not free to do as you pleased. You settled on people watching moving to get a view of the other couples, they smiled and curled around one another so happy in love. Free.
You looked down blinking away tears, was this worse? Being out and seeing what you'd never have? In the house you could ignore it but here watching them be so genuine. No matter how much you fell at this mans feet you'd never have that freedom to feel, to be so careless in your love. You'd always be controlled be pressed into what ever made him happy...
Your purpose was to make this beautiful monster happy. But you'd agreed, was it wrong to let yourself go under? To fully succumb to his dominance and try to enjoy him. To find comfort in him and accept him as the beautiful yet cruel man he was?you would have to eventually so why wait? It'd save you heat ache in the end. And as the days blurred into weeks and months you knew that it would be easy. He was vindictive and spite full. He was ruthless and cunning yet to you he was almost kind, it would be easier if you swallowed your pride and let yourself fall for him. Life would be easier and you was slowly accepting that it was the obvious choice, you moved casting a glance at the couples around you. Could that be you? Could you have that happiness in the end with him? the frightening thig was. Yes. you could already feel that your feelings were changing slowly but surely, were you in love with him? no did you care for him? Yes.
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You hadn't realised he moved until he had made his way arohnd the table holding ut a hand palm up below your down turned face. You jumped snapping your head up confused he furrowed his brows slightly pressing a hand to your cheek wiping away a few stray tears.
"Dont cry pet...Not here no one should see your tears but me, no one should put them there but me. Here come on take my hand" you quickly moved wiping them away once your face was free of tears he grasped your hand. Pulling you up slowly, you followed docile as he pulled you towards a large dancefloor at the back of you space just behinde the bar. You saw there were a few couples were already slow dancing you tensed.
He spun round to face you as the song changed to one you recognized, No peace by Sam Smith played loud yet soft through the speakers it was one of our favourite's but this time the words had a much deeper meaning. He held your back his palm hot against the bare skin he stepped forward pulling your hand up near his shoulder you held him softly. Swaying slowly you'r eyes darted around eyes were on you from those who knew Henry, guests and staff alike.
"Look at me...Forget them little one they are just curious its rare for them to see such elegance up close, and I must say you look divine...More of a little lady then a little girl" you flushed at the compliment trying to follow his skilled movements as he placed his feet expertly without a thought to it as he spun you around in smooth steps across the floor, you swore looking at your feet as you stepped wrong capturing his toes. He chuckled and lifted you effortlessly off his foot  an inch or so and placed you back to the floor
"Sorry..I don't mean to..I've never danced like this before...Not very good on a normal dance floor and I'm ten times worse at this, these heels aren't helping...I must look like fucking bambi on ice" he chuckled smoothing his thumb across the skin of your back. Enjoying the backless dress pressing his hands into you feeling your shivers the ripples across your back as he smothered you in his huge frame, letting you feel small in his embrace. He quickly and subtly lifted you up once again as you nearly stood on him again.
"Bambi is a very fitting name I may steal that one" you gave a shy smile smirked spinning you aubruptly then pulled you back skillfully tugging you a little closer. He tilted his head down talking in a hushed baritone voice. 
"Your doing fine...Just let daddy lead, daddy will look after you I promise" you gulped and nodded he spun you again this time making sure your bodys touched, slipping his feet between yours using them to move yours guiding your steps.
He settled you to him as he moved prompting you to lay your head on his shoulder he spun you both slowly bringing you near the center of the floor to make sue no one bumped into you. You sighed humming along quietly whispering the lyrics suddenly there was a lump in your throat you swallowed hard pressing your head into his neck. It looked intimate. It was intimate. You listened as he picked up where you left off humming he lyrice into your ear low and relaxing. You whined moving your hands holding him around the neck breathing a shaky breath into his neck. He moved pressing a sweet kiss to your head song changed and you was thankful, pulling your head up to see his eyes staring at you there was a fondness he gave a lopsided grin.
"Are you okay my love? Your very tearful tonight." You blinked shaking your head at him.
"I'm..C-Can I speak truthfully....without?.." he tensed as you trailed off, you wanted to speak freely without consequences. He mulled over the idea unsure if he should shoot you down, he decided against it if he halted you now you may never be honest with him again. He nodded to you giving you his undivided attention as he slowdance with you in the crowd. You took a deep breath unsure if it was the right time to have this conversation. He had given you permision but you will still be careful with your words.
"I'm confused... You confuse me Henry...Being here like this I..."You looked to the other couples wistfully then back to him.
"I want that...I want that love that freedom and...And I...We feel like a couple ,like we could be a normal couple like them ,but you frighten me, the things you say and do and I...I'm unsure of whats right and wrong now...Normal couples don't do what we do they dont threaten spanking's on dates!" he hummed in response mulling over your words for a few breaths, could everythinghave been his fault? You didnt understand the type of relationship he had with you therefor you dont know what he wants from you or what to expect, is that confusion why you were fighting so hard?
"I'd hoped you were finally accepting things now. I'm glad you were honest with me about being confused love and I'm proud of you. We feel like a couple because we are.... But normal? No we are not we are a bdsm couple, we live a bdsm lifestyle which suits both of us. Your mine and I am yours we are soulmates. You are just finally catching up to that and soon we will feel like this all the time, this happiness this relaxed and playful. I know its all still quite new now but soon you will be used to me being your lover, your daddy, your dominant ,your one and only and in time I will be your husband and father to your children. We will be like this for the rest of our lives. I apologize that I'm only just explaining this now and I can see why you were so reluctant and scared going form a normal vanilla and quite innocent relationship to being in this...very strict and quite demanding, sexually fueled one can be daunting. I was just so caught up wishing you would ajust quicker but matters of the heart can't be rushed and now I see that is what I was trying to do. I am content for now. Soon this will be normal, the jewellery the luxury anything you desire will be yours when you finally admit to loveing me back, when you succumb to your true feelings." He moved looking to the others around you then back to you smiling.
"You will be just as happy as them..If not more you will be the most treasured and spoilt woman in the city, the world even I promise and when that day comes you will make me the happiest man on the planet" he moved solidifying his statment with a kiss, a promise he words sounded like vows in itself. You sighed and pulled back he took a deep breath as you did.
"I'm trying I...Its a lot to take in and I'm glad I spoke to you...I think I understand a little more now...Your You dont mean to frighten me you just...Get excited? okay I can live with that...I've never been in love before its frightening" he smiled twisting you around pulling your back to his front holding you close placing a kiss to your shoulder.
"I know you are trying love, what do you think this is tonight? This is your reward for your week of good behaviour. I am patient I will wait for you neither of us are going anywhere. And in the end everything will be worth it you'll see" 
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You stood stock still freezing as you looked out into the now full restaurant.You spoke as you cast your eyes to the male in the crowd. He was glaring at you making your chest go cold.No. What did he see? What will he think? You dropped you hands from henry's arms your breath was a whisper.
"Stephan?" Henry brought his head up abruptly going rigid he hands wrapping around your waist tighter almost painfull as if you was going to run to the other male. He looked around growling low and dangerous searching for him finally he honed in on him. Was hair dye all someone needed to bypass his men? He seethed as you trembled in his arms he held his breath. Moving closer to your ear.
"You want him? you want to run to him? Do you? You can I will let you but he will be dead before you touch him!" His words were a hot hiss in  your ear.
"No...I-I want him gone" the words were out befor you could catch them he hissed in your ear.
"Y-You what?" he turned you abruptly trying to sniff out a lie but you just held his gaze firm he swallowed his mouth going dry he covered his shock well then glared
"We will see...Come lets go see our dear Stephan shall we?" You tried struggled to keep up but he continued storming across the floor toward him. Henry half dragged half marched you through the dancing couples as you staggered in the stupid fucking shoes!. He turned to you slowly as you gained on Stephan who either bravely or stupidly stood his ground. Your heart beat faster tho you was unsure why you were worried but for who you couldn't say.
"Just remember our arrangement and he will leave here alive" you took a deep breath humming in response before hissing out an answer.
"I'm not leaving Henry" After what felt like an eternity to stood face to face with him, the one you could have seen yourself with on the arm of the man you were forced to be with.
"Y/n..." you looked to him blinking slowly 
"Leave" you had to do it, to send him away Henry would hurt him. You wasn't sure if you were just saying that or not, maybe you wanted to stay with Henry. But that was a thought for another day.You swallowed standing tall looking straight at him, you will not have this mans blood on your hands and you will not be used by him again you had enough sorting out your own shit and trying to figure out Henry at this point Stephan could go fuck himself you will forget him. 
Stephan, Fletcher and Henry all three were the cause of this. It was a mans game and youd somehow become a pawn for all three. You had to choose a side.
"Yes I think you should leave, this is reservation only I'm afraid." Henrys words had a bite to them anyone watching would assume Henry was just dealing with a gate crasher, no one other then the three of you would know how truley volatile the situation was.
"You? No..y/n I'm here for you! To take you back! Please I'm sorry give me one last chance? I love you baby I can't live with out you please?" You froze everything stopped what was he doing? What the fuck was he doing? Making a scene people watched as Stephan made a wild plea for you to take him back. He made a perfect storm, a brilliant and well thought out display.
Henry tensed holding you. You could feel it he wasn't prepared for this. Had Stephan just out witted the king himself in his own building. You held your breath unsure of what to do If he had was there a chance?. Could this be it? Your escape even if you didnt love stephan could you use this ruse to get away? To go into some form of witness protection?
"Ha! Honestly Stephan you think she hasn't heard?" You took a step back to Henry holding his wrist. No you wont take that chance not now. You have to settle, to just accept your lot with Henry for your own sanity. You had only moments ago realised where you stood and now had some understanding of what this was!. And if you was honest with your self you wasn't willing to trust Stephan he was to little to late.
"You've lost your job, your home everything! What could you possibly offer her? Safety? Please" you faltered at Henry's words were all but laughed out mocking. He lost his job? If so it wasn't safe you picked up on the hidden meaning to his words. You would not be safe. Stephan would not be safe. Not if you took this chance.
You placed a hand to Henry's chest and swallowed your throat closed up as tears sprang to your eyes. You looked stephan dead in the eye his face dropped. He knew. Before he could speak another word you gave your answer through trembling lips.
"I-I said leave! Your a liar! You played me I was a job Stephan and I will not be used again...Leave and don't ever come back. I-I'm with Henry now, we are happy and planning a future and I don't need you around trying to ruin what we have." You shuddered tears rolling down your face. Henry pulled you closer, you just hoped Stephan realized that you did this of our own accord, that henry was giving you a choice and the fact of the matter is you chose this beautiful dastardly man.You had to turn away from him tucking yourself into Henry's side.
"You heard the lady, she chose me now leave" 'while you can' those three words went without saying, hanging in the air. Stephan stood his ground trying to plead with you that he had somewhere to take you, somewhere safe but you just shook your head. 
"No! I dont want you! I dont need you! Im happy with how things are and I can't believe youxd do this after all this time?!" You were trying to get through that he was to late the damage was done and youd already made up your mind, your reasons were unclear even to you but he doesnt need to know that all he needed to know was that you were staying exactly where you were.
"But baby you don't understand I was trying-" you shook your head at him desperately wanting hi  to stop youd made your decision.
"Enough! Stephan...Ive moved on its to late now go! And dont ever look for me again!" You moved wanting those to be your final words. You turned your back on stephan and looked up to Henry and leaned in to him whispered below your breath.
"Make him leave, please daddy" Henry felt a warmth spread through him as you made the request. You wanted him to intervene to make this boy leave. He would definatly help, protect his babygirl. He acted quickly.
"Security! See to stephan here escort him out" you tore your head up watching as three men apprehended him dragging him through the space to the entrance whre he was destined after that you didn't know. You took a deep breath looking around slowly  everyones eyes were on you. Henry growled and snapped at them making the restaurant begin the nights festivities. You stood hugging him a few seconds more then pulled you back slowly.
"Good girl...Such a good girl you did the right thing. My little love. The right thing." He pulled you in pressing his lips against yours slowly not forcing anything just happy to let you remain there in his arms. He moved slowly escorting ou back to yur table where a waitress brought out your meal after a few moments.
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After the incident you found it hard to relax and only did so once back home. The rest of the night was overshadowed by it dread rolled in your stomach Henry was tense. And that normally meant bad things for you. If henry was angry with you he hid it well through dinner and you both tried salvaging the evening in your own ways. But even hree slices of cheesecake couldnt lift your spirits completely.
Once in the house he slammed the front door it echoed down the halls. You flinched and turned to him But he bypassed you and shouted loudly into the house standing tall shoulders back he was itching for a fight ou could tell he wanted to break somehing. Someone.
"LUKE GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OUT HERE!" Within a few short moments Luke came running stuttering.
"Hen-Sir I didn't know but we have him in-" he was knocked clean off his feet as Henry swung for him. No warning nothing just one fast powerfull fist connecting with his jaw. You screamed jumping back, the commotion got kals attention as the huge dog came barreling in to the foyer barking and growling on the defensive. You ignored the usually sweet now frightening canine watching the scene before you unfold shaking head to toe. Youd never seen henry hit someone before...not like that, he meant that he wanted to cause real damage then.Once his victim was on the floor he crouched wagging a finger at him.
"Hair dye...Thats all he needed to avoid you....your really loosing your touch about as quickly as I'm loosing fucking patience....This fuck up, your fuck up ruined my night! What was supposed to be our first date down the fucking drain because you let it slip A-FUCKING-GAIN! I don't care where he is, infact I don't want you to tell me but you get the info out of him and release him...Do not kill him" Henry stood at his full height hissing looking to you then clenched his jaw. Brilliant! Fucking brilliant you were shaking in terror just how he wanted the fucking night to end! Not! He sighed running a hand acros his face then looked to the man still on the floor.
"Tell me that you've atleast set the room up for us and this night isn't a complete waste" the man on the floor nodded cupping his jaw that was hanging at a funny angle it looked broken. You tensed Henry was powerful muh more powerull then he looked.Henry sighed he didnt move he didnt want you to bolt.
"Love... I'm sorry I just...i know its scary but you know daddy would never ever hurt you...Not truley, please love stop looking at me like that... Could you come here please?....That's it good girl I'm sorry little one good girl just like that" you moved slowly past the man withering on the floor. And stood before Henry it took everything not to flinch from him as he moved to hold your waist and made his way to the stairs pulling you with him. You didn't fight him, you were scared stiff you doubted that even kal would protect you from his master. He walked you right up stairs to the bed room you winced seeing that things were out...Toys. He moved past you huffing and swearing leaving you to just stand and wait. He made his way into the bathroom tense he was angry, furious even. You shook unsure how to tread it had been a while since he was this angry and you wasn't sure who he was angry at. You, stephan or luke...You hoped it wasnt you.
You leaned on the dresser undoing the buckles on your shoes sighing once the sore soles of your feet hit the cool floor. You looked to the bed the sheets were changed. A dark purple satin with matching pillow cases a single black rose on your side of the bed and petals scattered about the place. It was romantic. Well until you saw the contraptions attached to the chair facing the bed which was intended for you to be placed upon. A large purple cilindrycal arch placed on the seat and..Well there was a very satisfying looking dildo sticking right up in the center and a small bobble textured silicone mat just in front of it, there were cuffs attached to the two back legs of the chair that would make the 'toy' take your weight you shivered unsure if you wanted to do this is he was in a mood. You shook your head best get to work calming him down.
You moved slowly to the bathroom he was hunched over the sink he looked up meeting your gaze in the mirror. you blinked moving behinde him hugging him from behind he froze in your arms hands still braced on the marble.
"Thank you daddy...tonight was fun even if he tried to ruin it" you pressed a kiss to his shoulder. He turned abruptly grasping your chin making you look in his eyes.
"You..you had fun..I thought you was upset?" you shook your head at him he sounded angry but you'd thought it was at you aparently not.
"Of course it was our first date...and we had our first dance I just...I wanted you to know that I'm greatfull" he blinked shaking you 
"LIES! How could you possibly? you wanted to go with him! to leave me! I LOVE YOU I FUCKING ADORE YOU AND YOU STILL WANT TO LEAVE ME! WHY? WHY DO YOU FUCK AROUND LIKE THIS? WHY DO YOU TRY TO MANIPULATE ME? MAKE A FOOL OUT OF ME IM YOUR LOVER YOUR SOULMATE! IS THAT NOT ENOUGH?!" you screamed struggling as his nails broke the skin of your arms."NO!-NO PLEASE I DIDN'T- I WASN'T PLEASE DADDY DON'T!" you cried out loud trying to grab him as he spun you around slamming you to the door making it close with a slam the sound ringing in your ear
"ADMIT IT! ADMIT TO ME WHAT YOU REALLY WANTED! YOU WANTED HIM YOU WANT HIM!" you shuddered as his eyes searched yours but found only tears you shook your head trying to pull back from him.
"P-ple-ease your hurting me..Daddy I'm here with you-I chose you. I-I want you daddy, pl-please let go" your crying seemed to get more out of control as you now struggled to speak breathing was difficult. He blinked your painfull whimpers cuting him deep as he realized he was the cause. It snapped him out of it as he saw that he had infact hurt you he let go taking heaving breaths. 
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He expected you to run but all you did was stay still sobbing your heart out before him clutching your bleeding arms. he moved a hand to you you managed not to flinch but he could see it you wanted to. You wanted to run from him. He swore and quickly wrapped you in his arms.
"Oh my god my love, my heart I'm sorry..I'm so sorry love please shush its okay your okay...shh shh I'm sorry daddy is here, come here my baby..My sweet sweet girl" he pulled you close and just like that he was soothing you again rubbing your back. you trembled and clutched onto him sobbing he took a deep breath.
"I-I'm s-sorry But I didn't I didn't want to go...I wanted to stay with you...He lied he used me im here..I decided to stay with you" he closed his eyes he knew you were coming around. He was just so angry. At Luke at Stephan and at himself. He had fucked up from word one he knew that. This wasn't the plan. He had so desperatly wanted to make tonight THE night. The meal and danceing having fun then bring you back to a romantic room and make love to you. To get your consent, to toy with you untill you were dripping begging for him and finally. finally spend himself inside you. And wake up tomorrow morning with you wrapped around him happy. tonight was supposed to be the first night of the rest of your lives. the introduction to your new life.but now that seemed the last thing that was going to happen, after manhandeling you like that he was sure you were now going to try and reject him completely. that this whole shit show was going to set the relationship back a good few weeks. you looked up cutely blushing.
"The..The bedroom is sweet...I like the sheets and...And the roses its romantic" he smiled down at you seeing that you was trying to overcome the little spat. He hummed grinning rubbing his hands across your back slowly feeling you unwind.
"You did ,did you? well I shall remember that" you opened you mouth then closed it slowly
"What is it? you looked like you was going to ask something very important then little one" you shuddered squirming under his gaze he noted you rubbing your thighs together.
"W-what is that thing? I-in there on the chair?" he smiled at your innocence and began ushering you to move so he could open the door guiding you out.
"That my love is a gift..For you mostly but I will also get some enjoyment out of it..It is called a sybian...Just think of it as my little babygirls very own rocking horse." he chuckled noticing you froze on the spot, he pressed you forward making you take step towards it.
"It rocks?" Henry laughed moving you closer.
"No my little love it does not rock, I have no doubt however that you will be once your on it...Not tonight tho I've my outburst has ruined our night already" you blinked you couldn't help being curious of the thing you blinked tilting your head, you might aswell start enjoying yourself afterall tonight youd made it clear you was going to stay of your own accord maybe its time to just take a leap of faith.
"No I want a go...And you did say its mine and that youd spoil me tonight...I want to play on it" his jaw dropped. What? Were you seriously initiating sex? It was the first time you'd started anything or even showed any real interest. He gulped looking from you to the expensive vibrator then you again. Could him clarifying your relationship have caused this change? Or was there something more at work, were their feelings involved. He wasn't sure but not one to kick a gift horse in the mouth he smiled nodding making you blush brightly and move forward running the tips of your fingers over the slim dildo inspecting it naively. Oh yes the night was back on track and Henry couldn't be more thrilled.
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bubble-tea-bunny · 5 years
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searching for sunshine 
[tamaki suoh x reader]
author’s note: tamaki suoh is my anime bf i love him so much. this has been a psa. inspired by this prompt
word count: 5,147
It feels like the opening scene of a romance novel, the way everything begins.
The sky is clear and blue this afternoon and the air is pleasantly warm, enough to go without a coat and enjoy the occasional cool gust of wind tickling the skin. Downtown sees a fair amount of people traipsing up and down the sidewalks, the main street lined with boutiques featuring the latest fashion and trendy cafes with chalkboard signs advertising their specials for the weekend.
Tamaki’s roped Kyoya into joining him at the shops, on the condition Tamaki be the one to pay for lunch. That had been an easy deal to make. The agreed upon restaurant is at the corner of the current block—it’s expensive, Kyoya had made sure of it, but both of them know the price is no issue. Still, Kyoya doesn’t like to make things so simple, but Tamaki supposes that’s just one reason he likes him so much.
There’s ten minutes until their scheduled meeting time and as Tamaki is wont to do, he gets distracted a mere four shopfronts away from his destination. His walk until now had mostly been casual glances into the windows, scanning this season’s collection but with no desire to stop and get a closer look. That changes as he slows to a complete stop, standing before a mannequin donning a gray jacquard cotton jacket, paired with casual slacks and sneakers. Tamaki hums in thought, hand on his chin, and mentally runs through his wardrobe for any outfits he might be able to put together with that jacket. He’d been eyeing a similar jacket from last fall, but the pattern and colors hadn’t been to his taste. This one, however…
Kyoya can wait an extra five minutes, can’t he? Tamaki has walked up to the front door and nodded in thanks to the security guard who pulls it open for him before he can come up with an answer. But in the back of his mind as he walks up to an employee to inquire about the jacket, he’s thinking Yes, he can. Not as if it’s anything new anyway, and Tamaki knows he’ll be left grinning and chuckling sheepishly when he finally arrives, late, and with a shopping bag in hand (because he’s quite sure, now that he’s been shown the jacket for inspection and he’s started to feel the fabric, that he will be leaving with it).
He shrugs off his cardigan and tosses it on the back of one of the plush sofa chairs so he can try the jacket on. It fits him well, shoulder seams lining up perfectly, and it isn’t too long. The material is soft to touch, and he notes to the employee assisting him that this would suited both for colder and warmer weather. I might just buy it then wear it out of the store! he jokes.
Deciding to purchase the jacket had been quick, but he gets even more sidetracked as he starts to inquire about the rest of this season’s editions (he had, admittedly, not been following the collections too closely recently) and it seems Kyoya would have to wait an extra ten minutes instead. Though luckily his patience is spared from any more delay, for Tamaki glances quickly at his watch in the middle of conversation and realizes he should get going. He says he’d like to buy the jacket, and he meanders around the store as the employee takes it to the back of the store to pack up for him.
The shop had been receiving a steady flow of customers in his time here, but now it’s quieted down to just a few others. Your laugh is what grabs his attention, and his eyes find you where the bags are, a quilted leather purse with a little tassel slung on your shoulder, which you observe in the mirror, angling your body to see how it goes with your outfit. He doesn’t catch the context of the conversation with the employee helping you, and thus isn’t certain why you’ve laughed, but that matters little to him compared to the laugh itself and, more importantly, the smile on your face. It stays there, a small upturn of your lips, even after the amusement from the joke or the funny quip wears off, and he’d like the softness of it to lull him to sleep.
And perhaps Kyoya’s patience hasn’t quite been spared.
Tamaki pretends to browse the backpacks, a sly attempt to get closer to you. He wants to say he isn’t eavesdropping, but if he did, he’d be lying. With his gaze on a leather backpack and his fingers tinkering with the zippers, he overhears your hesitation about that particular purse, wondering if maybe the one you’d been considering before would be better. The employee asks if you’d like him to take said bag back down from the shelf so you could compare, and that’s when Tamaki finally looks up. You’re still wearing the quilted leather purse.
“I think that one suits you nicely.”
You blink and twist around to see who’s made the comment, and Tamaki’s prepared with a friendly grin. Your confusion melts away and it gives way to that wonderful smile again, and you ask curiously, “You think so?”
Tamaki hums in affirmation, and, taking your continuation of the conversation as a positive signal, leaves the backpacks behind to join you in front of the mirror. He stands off to the side and tries not to crack a smile too big as you strike a couple of poses, giving him varying angles from which to judge just how well this bag matches your style. Of course, he doesn’t know you well enough to say if it truly suited you, but he’s always had a knack for this kind of thing.
“Quilted leather is a sophisticated choice,” he elaborates. “Mature and modern.”
Your eyes narrow thoughtfully as you mull over his words. (You are so cute!) And your smile could light the deepest reaches of space. “You’re right. It does look good.” You undersell yourself. It looks great.
Tamaki chuckles and nods his approval, then tilts his head curiously, glancing at your bag then over at the shelves to appraise the other colors choices for this model. “But maybe get it in antique rose… That is the color this season.” Thank goodness he’d had that conversation about the new collection just a few minutes ago.
The employee who’d been helping him finally emerges, his jacket tucked away in a box, which has been placed into a bag, ready to go. She calls out to him and he tells her he’ll be right there. He turns his attention back to you briefly, hating to have to part ways.
“I hope I could be of help,” he states.
You smile. “You’ve been plenty. Thanks.”
He’d like to be a whole lot more to you. You’ve quickly found a spot to settle down in a corner of his brain, and he thinks about you the whole duration of his walk to the restaurant (“You’re twenty minutes late, Tamaki!”) and then some.
Kyoya gets an earful over lunch, and he doesn’t react the entire time Tamaki recounts the experience but Tamaki doesn’t mind because he knows Kyoya is listening. At the end of his spiel, Kyoya just has one question: Did you get her name?
Tamaki deadpans. “I didn’t…” It’s a quiet confession, as if he’s embarrassed, or more accurately, as if he’s shocked that he’d never asked for it. He’d liked you enough that he really would have enjoyed talking to you more, but the employee had come out with his jacket and Kyoya had already been waiting so long and—!
Had he been flustered? He definitely didn’t feel as though he was, but it was difficult not to be set at ease by your little grin. Maybe it made him forget, maybe you made him forget that he was supposed to be the one charming you and not the other way around. Where had the Tamaki Suoh, king of the host club, been? A club where sweet-talking girls is literally his job. Had you outdone him, to captivate him before he could do it to you and what’s more, to do so without words?
His heart beats quicker at the realization that that is very much what happened and the fluster was merely delayed. He feels it full force now, the disappointment to still not know who you are and the shock to have been caught off guard like this. And he bemoans to Kyoya, repeating miserably I didn’t get her name, Kyoya…! It’s halfway to an exasperated sob of disappointment and Kyoya sighs at the theatrics.
“Who knows, perhaps you’ll run into her again,” he remarks in an attempt to comfort the distraught blond.
“I’d need a whole lot of luck for that,” Tamaki responds, huffing hopelessly.
“You’ve had luck on your side many times before. What’s one more?”
Tamaki purses his lips and acquiesces with a noncommittal shrug. Even if that were true, when’s the next time he’d come across you? Who knows how long that could be! For now, the image of your amiable grin would have to do, to keep him going, to keep him motivated to be on the lookout. He’ll dream that the glint in those kind eyes of yours are glittering from affection and not just the overhead lights of the shop with its carpeted floors and plush chairs and complimentary bottles of expensive sparkling water.
Come Monday, Kyoya’s forced to hear the same speech again as Tamaki recounts his conversation with you, this time to the rest of the club. He’s standing, too jittery with excitement to sit as the memory of you is pushed to the forefront. Everyone else is lounging back on the couches, all with varying expressions of confusion and amusement as Tamaki gestures enthusiastically. The tone of his voice denotes just how taken he had been with you. And in a fit of his textbook histrionics, he brings the back of his hand up to his forehead, eyes closed, like he’s feeling faint.
“She was mesmerizing.”
Hikaru raises a brow. He’s never seen Tamaki so caught up on anyone, at least not genuinely. He’s played up this act when on the clock for the club, dazzling girls left and right and professing them to be the apple of his eye, the forbidden fruit in the garden he would gladly partake of. To be honest, it’s a bit… strange to see it now, real and unrehearsed. “I bet.”
It’s only partly sarcastic, but before Tamaki gets the chance to be annoyed, Kaoru interjects. “Then ask her out.”
Tamaki’s hand goes from his forehead to clutch at his chest and he looks offended at the proposition. “Are you out of your mind?! She’s gorgeous, and when I say gorgeous, I mean traffic collision-causing gorgeous.”
Honey tilts his head. “Wow, she must be really pretty for you to say that, Tama-chan!” Mori grunts in agreement.
“You never have a problem talking to girls,” Hikaru states. “She’s really got you hooked, hasn’t she?”
“Well, yeah, but also…” Tamaki sighs, rubbing at the back of his neck. “I can’t ask her out anyway because I may not have… exactly… asked for her name.”
Kaoru’s eyes widen. “So you don’t even know who she is?”
“Then how will you ever see her again?” Hikaru asks.
Tamaki groans, the panic setting in once more as the twins remind him of his initial doubt. He laments that he has no idea if he’ll ever see you again and he really messed this up big time and how could he be the president of something like the host club if he missed something so simple and maybe the charm’s only good when he’s the one in control because it’s clear that with you, you were the one with the reins and he was letting you steer by no will of his own. Is that what it felt like to be at the mercy of his own allure?
“Now now,” Kyoya interrupts before Tamaki digs himself into a hole of self-pity, finally looking up from his accounts book. “We all know Tamaki’s got a fair amount of luck. Who’s to say he won’t see her again?”
“Me,” Hikaru mutters. Kaoru lightly elbows him but he’s cracked a small smile, unable to be contained.
Tamaki glares at them, brow twitching. “I heard that.”
“Don’t worry, I think you’ll run into her!” Honey reassures. “Maybe even soon!”
Tamaki sighs, still not entirely convinced but grateful for at least some consolation. Keep dreaming he tells himself, and typically such a statement denotes cynicism and a warning not to hold one’s breath, but he says it with an optimistic authenticity, a reminder to keep the thought of you close, because maybe it’ll bring you closer to him, and he would indeed have the pleasure of crossing your path again.
Murmurs of a second-year transfer fill the halls one day, and the atmosphere is buzzing with excitement at the prospect of a new student. She’s coming from another prestigious academy outside the country. She moved here after her father, one of the higher-ups of an investment bank, was moved to the local branch. The girls gossip and giggle, hoping she’s nice and exclaiming they can’t wait to meet her. The boys wonder if she’s cute.
Tamaki flips to a new page in his notebook in preparation for the following lecture and smiles a little as he picks up bits and pieces of the chatter in the classroom. The new student is in his class, so they’re more excited than the rest. He’s looking forward to meeting her, just the same as everyone else, and he ponders if he could persuade her to visit the host club. He knows just the trick—he’d sweep her off her feet, pull her in with sweet words and the suggestion that her sweet company might be better enjoyed with sweet treats. And so why not stop by to see him? He’ll serve her tea, admire the gloss of her lips once she takes a sip and admit that he yearns to taste the remnants of the rose tea still settled upon them.
He’s too busy smiling to himself at what he considers to be a very well-thought-out plan, to notice that the teacher has arrived and the rest of his classmates have settled into their seats. It’s only when the teacher begins to speak and alert them of the arrival of the newest student that he looks up.
Either luck truly favors him or he’s done so much fantasizing that fate could ignore his desires no longer and conceded to his pleas. His eyes widen at seeing you at the head of the classroom, and you also seem to have noticed him right away, as you’ve already been watching him. He can’t hear the teacher introducing you over the buzzing in his ears, and he’s paranoid this is actually a dream, and he fell asleep at his desk, and you’re not the one who’s joining his class and he’ll just wake up later to find out who it is.
“—so make sure you help her feel welcome here!”
At the end of the teacher’s little speech, you bow slightly in respect, enunciating your words so everyone can understand as you say thanks, and remark that you hope to be a worthy addition to Ouran Academy.
Tamaki still can’t wipe the shock off his face even as you proceed down his row, to the empty desk two spaces back. Your gaze momentarily finds his again and you smile, small and imperceptible but one of recognition and his heart will probably burst out of his chest any second now. He catches a whiff of your perfume, vibrant and refreshing—it reminds him of Biarritz—and it’s only now that he registers the bag on your shoulder, fashioned with quilted leather and colored an elegant antique rose.
Sure, fate’s made it simpler by pushing you together, but it didn’t make it completely easy. Tamaki’s not the one to sweep you off your feet first. It’s the gaggle of girls who swarm around you during every break period that sweep you away. You’re occupied with them the remainder of the day, and Tamaki spares occasional glances in your direction, checking for any opening to insert himself but finding none.
By the end of the school day, he hasn’t said a word to you, and duties to the host club have him in music room 3 directly after his last class. He gushes about you to the others again, but he does so even quicker than before due to the short time allotted before the club opens its doors for the day. I can only hope that those girls convince her to come here! he states, desperation apparent in his voice. She’s so close yet so far away!
Hikaru shakes his head at Tamaki’s woe is me dramatics. The fact you’ve ended up at the same school was already a lot for him to process. It seems too ridiculous to be true that the very girl Tamaki had run into has come here. By this point, you stopping by the music room had to happen at least once. He addresses this to temper the president’s distress. “If she’s already at Ouran, she’s bound to end up at the host club eventually.”
“Yes, eventually…” Tamaki assents with a sigh. “But I would prefer sooner rather than later.”
They’re not left to linger on the conversation for longer than that, as Kyoya announces it’s time to open. The boys are always booked straight through, and the first appointments start coming in almost immediately. Tamaki take a deep breath, then dons his kingly smile and gets to work.
He tries to imagine each girl is you, and it pushes him to layer on the extra charisma. When they melt at his words and his proclamations of love and devotion, the pride he feels comes from fantasizing that it’s you who turns into a puddle before him. If your charm was at 100 percent, he would just have to increase his to 200.
The room always smells like roses and Tamaki hasn’t kept count of how many he has given today. The scent is gentle, beautiful like all the girls he has the privilege to entertain, but deep down he’s longing to take in the fragrance of that French seaside town and pretend that the warmth of the sun shining into the music room is washing over him as he sits on the white-sand beach and listens to the lapping of waves on the shore.
Before any of the host club members know it, they’ve run down their list of appointments and the day’s activity is at an end. None of them is ever cognizant of the time and it always comes as a surprise when the crowd dies down and Kyoya announces they’re done. The tea sets clank quietly as they clean up the space in preparation for tomorrow. The tables are put away, leaving most of the room bare save for a couple of couches which are too large to bother moving every day.
Hikaru and Kaoru are discussing the last girl they had as they stack saucers, and how adorable she had been, trying her best to guess which twin was which with a deep blush on her cheeks. She had it right the first time Hikaru recalls. Kaoru chuckles. But she’d been so flustered, she kept changing her answer!
Once the room is cleared and they’re about to make their leave, a knock on the door interrupts their conversations. They look to the entrance and watch as the knob is turned and the heavy door is pushed back. Your head peeks through the gap, curious eyes double-checking the room you’re at before finding the group of boys standing in the middle.
“Oh, um…” you start quietly. Remembering that trying to speak while halfway hidden is no polite means of conversation, you step fully inside, but remain by the door. “Some girls told me I should visit the host club, but I didn’t get a chance until now. Music Room 3 right? Though it looks like you’re done for the day…” You chuckle nervously, motioning to the almost empty space.
Every host club member but Kyoya turns his gaze to Tamaki, who hardly seems to notice, for his attention is solely on you. He stutters, some incoherent words leaving his mouth like he’s forgotten how to speak. You purse your lips, staying where you are and unsure if you’re able to venture in farther. You’re smiling as you look at them (but Tamaki can swear you’re looking right at him), though as the seconds tick by you wonder if maybe you should leave.
“I mean I can always… come back tomorrow?” you suggest, now a little confused.
“Nonsense.” Kyoya pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose and steps forward. “Miss [Name], how have you been enjoying Ouran so far?”
Your smile is more at ease now that the conversation is going somewhere, and you tell him you love it here. Everyone is so nice! He follows up with questions as to how your father is settling in at his new location, and how his own father is looking forward to doing business with yours. You nod, mentioning how your father has also expressed interest in working with The Ootori group.
The clearly familiar air between you surprises the others, but Tamaki most of all. He has already blocked out the business talk between you and Kyoya, and interrupts it with an exclamation, equal parts shock and betrayal to discover Kyoya knows, and apparently has already known, who you are.
“You know her?!” Tamaki yells, stumbling forward and clutching Kyoya’s shoulder to shake him to and fro.
Kyoya is nonplussed by the action, and instead seems inconvenienced to be treated in such a manner in the presence of the child of another noteworthy businessman. “Of course I do, Tamaki. You know I like to get acquainted with notable people such as [Name]. We met a couple of weeks ago, during dinner with her and her parents.”
Tamaki slowly stops shaking Kyoya and stills, but his fingers are still curled into the fabric of his blazer. He considers the timeline with this new piece of information, and weakly, he voices the revelation which has come to him. “So you already knew it was her…? When I talked about her that one day?”
“You talked about me?”
Tamaki’s eyes shoot to you at your question, and his cheeks heat up at inadvertently admitting that to you. But you don’t appear to be weirded out or put off, judging by your smile, flattered that you had stuck with him as much as you had that he felt the need to share his experience with his friends (he would yell it from the rooftop too if you wanted him to). Still, he can’t help laughing nervously, spluttering and shrugging that yeah, okay, he did, but he wasn’t being creepy about it he swears and it’s just he’d really enjoyed the conversation he had with you even if it was just two minutes and about something so bland as bag colors—
“I can hardly recognize him,” Hikaru murmurs so only the other three host club members with him can hear. They’re all still standing in the center of the room, unintentional spectators to the situation unfolding in front of them.
“Yeah, who knew Tama-chan could be so awkward!” Honey exclaims, and he doesn’t try to lower his volume the way Hikaru had.
Tamaki looks mortified as Honey’s words hang in the air, but those following few seconds of silence are broken by your laugh. Everyone looks at you, though you’re hardly bothered, and Tamaki would like to hide away. Was the club just out to embarrass him? At this rate, you might not take him seriously!
“Well, [Name], while the host club is closed for the day,” Kyoya states, “I think we have the space for one more.” He turns to Tamaki, brow raised expectantly.
Tamaki, even for all his nerves, thankfully catches on quickly. “Yes, of course!” Then he turns to you and your little grin, and he’s a snowman on a warm, sunny day. “That is, if you’d have me?”
Your grin grows. He’s melting at an exceptional rate. “I would.”
Kyoya ushers out the rest of the host club members, who smile and wave to you in greeting as they pass you on the way to the doors. As soon as they click shut, and the two of you are alone, Tamaki ushers you to one of the lone couches. Internally he’s sighing with relief that there’s no one else here anymore. Now the others can’t embarrass him further.
“We usually give every girl a rose, but I’m afraid we’re all out for the day. If you’d like some tea, however, I could make you a cup.”
You smile but politely refuse, not wanting him to go out of his way. They’d already clearly been prepared to leave when you got here, and you don’t want him to do extra work after you have also left. Tamaki nods, says All right, and his chest blooms with warmth at how considerate you are. We can just talk then.
He joins you on the couch, watching as you set your bag on the coffee table, and he compliments the color. “It looks cute on you.”  
“Thanks,” you respond. “I did have a little guidance from someone.”
“Whoever it was guided you well,” Tamaki teases.
Your eyes twinkle, and he wants to go stargazing with you. “He did.”
Then you turn the tables on him, bringing back up the topic of him having mentioned you to his friends. He smiles sheepishly and confesses, more easily now that you’re alone, that yeah, he had. But I just couldn’t help it, he elaborates. I had the passing thought that you were pretty, but then I got closer, and we started talking, and then I couldn’t stop thinking about you.
Even now, you blow him away, and it doesn’t matter that you’re in the same floor-length yellow dress as all the other girls at Ouran. You wear it so well to begin with, but what you wear better than the rest, and what he cares the most about, is that smile. It has found a home on your beautiful face, and you’re the sunshine cascading over him in Biarritz and the cool ocean breeze and he is overwhelmed but in all the right ways.
He has no dramatics, no acting to exaggerate his feelings. In this moment, he isn’t host club Tamaki. He is raw and unfiltered, just Tamaki. And everything feels backwards, that he is the one who’s quiet and shy, and his skills at waxing lyrical, as though fed the words by the gods themselves, have gone out the window. He doesn’t want to mess up in front of you, to make a fool of himself, but as you duck slightly, to slide into view of his downturned gaze, a fond smile on your face, he thinks he must be doing something right.
“I went to a jewelry shop after I bought the bag,” you say. He’s looking at you now so you sit back up straight. “I saw a pair of amethyst earrings and it reminded me of you.”
“It did?” he breathes out, like he can’t believe what he’s hearing, and to be honest, he almost doesn’t.
You nod and hum. “They reminded me of your eyes. They’re the prettiest I’ve ever seen, you know. I couldn’t get them out of my head.”
His heart wrenches to learn he has been on your mind, and it almost hurts how hard it twists. Never once had he anticipated it might be the same for you, that your seemingly inconsequential conversation about what purse you should buy would stick with both of you. To the point that perhaps you too have been longing for the time to come when you saw him again, and you watched the sun rise and set and rise again, all the while longing rife in your little sighs as you wonder when that might be. He would have searched for you all the way to the end of the galaxy, and maybe, maybe, maybe, you would have done so for him too.
He slowly cracks a smile, cheeks reddening, and he doesn’t know what to say but you don’t need him to say anything as you giggle at his lack of response. You’ve not seen him in action in the host club, so you don’t have any reason to tease him for acting so uncharacteristic. To you, this is how he always is. But you’re fine with taking the lead as you ask him questions about the school and about the city, wanting to know more about your new home, and he is happy to answer and tell you stories, and even offers to show you around.
If he falls into the bottomless pools of your eyes he’d like to stay there forever. Do they feel as warm as they look? The more you two talk, the more Tamaki realizes that what charm you had pulled him in with, had entranced him wholly and utterly, had been just a taste of your true potential. You had much more in store, and he realizes he is no match for you. Not that he minds being the one to be swept off their feet.
By the time he walks you out to your car, pulled up to the front gates of the school grounds, which are much quieter now that everyone has left, you’ve made plans to go back downtown on the weekend. He pulls open the door for you.
“Don’t forget to stop by the club tomorrow!” he reminds you. “3:15 sharp!” You aren’t in the schedule for tomorrow, but Kyoya would make an exception. (If he didn’t, Tamaki would make him.)
“Sharp, yes, got it!” You give him a thumbs up. “I’ll see you, Tamaki!”
You tuck your hair behind your ears so you can see clearly when you slide into the backseat, and as you do, Tamaki catches a glimpse of the amethyst earrings you’re wearing. You don’t notice his smile, which stays there even after your car has driven off, even as he stands on the sidewalk and watches as it disappears around the corner. And he knows confidently that yes, you would have ventured to the edges of the galaxy to find him again too.
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innittowinit · 4 years
Abandoned amusement parks are the best place for young children (chapter 7)
Fic summary:
Techno, Tommy, Wilbur and Phil have been hanging out at the abandoned amusement park in the woods since they moved in. Techno likes knowing he's definitely alone with his brothers Tommy likes climbing on the old rides Wilbur likes having a place to play his music Phil likes spending time with his younger brothers
That is, until a group of brothers calling themselves the 'dream team' move in down the road. Will the sleepy boys give in and share the park or will they succeed in scaring the new kids off?
Chapter summary
Dream recounts what happened today to Bad and their mom Wilbur comforts Techno
chapter word count: 1704 (sorry its another inbetween chapter) 
Dream snickered as he leaned back in his chair, a half eaten ham and cheese sandwich sitting idly on his plate. He had his mask lifted up so it sat atop his head, showing his freckled cheeks and and reddish cheeks. 
“That was a fun game, they were playing along this time”
He reached for a packet crisps, only to drop his hand and pick the sandwich back up when Bad gave him a disapproving look; they all wanted to make Bad proud, he wasn’t around often anymore but when he was here it was great. 
It didn’t really feel like home when he was off at school. 
Playing with the sleepy boys had been fun though, he mulled over the events of the day as he chewed on the childish meal, the sun was still high in the sky and he doubted it was past 2pm at all. 
Phil didn’t seem like he wanted to play, for a moment Dream wondered if Phil just didn’t like playing anymore, he was the oldest afterall, but he quickly shook the thought from his mind. Why else would he still turn up to L’manburg with his brothers? 
No, Phil definitely enjoyed it, he was probably just tired today, sometimes even his own brothers didn’t like playing Manhunt if they had had a long day. 
He remembered buying the fun snaps, it had been a little nerve wracking but he needed them for the plan to work! He had had to lie about how old he was for the shopkeeper to give them to him, he didn’t ask for ID though so he guessed the old man running the place also didn’t see the point in having an age limit to buy a toy. While they were going through their plan first, Sapnap had said he wanted to blow it up.
Obviously they couldn't do that. 
And so they decided on fun snaps and their ‘weapons’. At least this way they’d still get shocked by the noise of the snaps going off anyway, it wasn’t like they wanted to cause any real harm, he didn’t want to lose any more potential friends because of the ways he had fun. 
“We actually got into L’manburg today” Sap laughed, hair dusted with sandy dirt from when he had been pushed to the floor. 
His sandwich had been toasted to make the cheese melty and he was dipping it in a Tomato cup-a-soup. As far as Dream was concerned, that was single handedly the worst food combination ever made and he deserved to be pushed over for eating like that. 
“I hope you guys aren’t playing too rough out there, those Reid kids have a littl’un right?” 
Nodding, Dream shoved the rest of his lunch into his mouth, chewing it as much as he could before giving up and just speaking with his mouth full anyways. 
“Yeah Tommys like really small, we aren’t playing too rough though Ma, they’re cool with it, I promise! Even Sap and George like them”
Once she had finished preparing her own lunch, she sat with her kids; they were so rowdy, it would be a straight lie if she said she didn’t worry about their safety sometimes but she supposed boys would just be boys, no amount of sports clubs or extracurricular activities had ever quenched their need to run about and hit each other with sticks.
What was fun about hitting each other, she had no idea, but hopefully they’d grow out of it before they seriously hurt themselves or someone else 
“That’s nice to hear then, I’m glad you boys are making new friends, I know it can be difficult adapting to new places-” 
“Nah mum it’s easy!” Sapnap had cut her off, hand in a bag of crisps since he had finished his meal, despite how much Bad tried to influence healthy eating decisions.  
“That’s nice sweetheart, some people find it hard though! Hey! You know what could be cute? If you take Bad down to meet your buddies, you said they had an older brother around his age too right?” 
Dream groaned, feigning annoyance as he glanced over to his brother, while like Phil, Bad still cared about them a whole lot, they didn’t really have the almost-replacement-parent kind of dynamic that the sleepy bois had with their older sibling. He didn’t really understand that, Bad was two years older than him and the way they thought and rationalised things was about the same level, so why did his new friends seem to treat their older brother like a grown up? 
Even though they were a bit weird, they were nice and they were fun to play with, so eventually he nodded, it would be so much fun having Bad there to fight with them. It felt like it had been ages since they all played together. 
“I think they’re playing something else now, we can all go tomorrow after school if you want” 
With a shrug and a flippant smile, Bad had at last agreed to go meet his mischievous brother’s new friends. If the scar on George’s cheek was anything to go off though, it seemed like they were a lot more ill-disciplined than his boys were.
Or at least that’s what he liked to think. 
“Phil didn’t mean to hurt you” Wilbur mumbled as they walked hand-in-hand to the old pool where they spent so much of their time together, gently lowering himself in and then helping Techno in afterwards. 
The two sat idly against the curved wall, sitting in comfortable silence as Wilbur waited for Techno to sort his thoughts out. 
“It still hurts” With a voice as quiet and weak as his was right now, anyone who had bothered to stay around long enough to hear his voice, absolutely wouldn't think this was him. 
The assertive, confident way he normally would speak to his brothers long forgotten as he gingerly swallowed the lump in his throat. 
He felt invalidated, ignored, humiliated. 
Why did Phil have to bring up the one thing he couldn’t argue with him on? He had got hit harder than Tommy! Why did he only care about Tommy? 
With a heavy chest and an aching arm, he rested his head on his brother’s shoulder, just wanting some comfort but not really knowing how to put his feelings into words. Thankfully, Wilbur seemed to recognise this rare moment and gently wrapped an arm around him. 
“Do you think….” He trailed off into a murmur after that, prompting Wilbur to remind him he needed to use his words
“Do you think that deep down...maybe Phil thinks I’m weird too? It’s weird to be this shy isn’t it? I’m supposed to have grown out of it by now right?”
His voice sounded frantic and panicked, breaths punctuated his sentences as he spilled his emotions into the empty pool. Gentle hands pulled him into a hug and he was tight against Wilbur’s chest, being reminded once again that even if he felt bad himself, his family would always save the day. 
“...well I think objectively it is a bit weird that we’re both this attached, and we should be able to be able to do these things that other kids our age can but just because what we have is a little funky doesn’t mean you're weird. If it was normal we wouldn’t have a speech therapist but I don't think it's bad, the other kids in our classes always talk about hating their siblings and stuff. I’m glad none of us are like that.” Wilbur tried his very best to articulate how he felt, a lot of the feelings he wanted to explain, he didn’t have the words to describe, and so he was left with small comparisons and metaphors. 
He didn’t bother saying them, if he was struggling with saying them he might accidentally say something that could hurt his brother more. 
“I don't think Phil thinks you're weird either. I think he’s frustrated, he works so hard to make sure we’re all okay and we don’t always show him that we appreciate it. I think maybe he’s scared for you, he knows it’s hard for you to talk and with him getting mad it probably came out wrong. He probably wants you to get better really bad and I bet it’s hard for him to watch you struggle and not be able to help. That doesn’t make what he said okay but I do think you should talk to him and try to find out why he said what he said”
Techno nodded, he felt a bit guilty for being so mad at Phil now, he cared so much about them and he had got his little brother hurt.
Even though he felt guilty, he still felt hurt though and maybe it was childish but he didn't care. He wanted to strop and huff and ignore everyone.
Before today he didn’t even realise it was possible to want to fall out of the earth and want to be cuddled by all his favourite people, simultaneously.
“I think you’ll feel better if you talk to Phil though, you wont need to make up theories on why he said it anymore than you already have.”
Another nod, he knew confrontation was inevitable but he wanted to sit here a bit longer,  with the shade from the trees and low hanging vines, to the roaring hot sun, it just felt so much better to try and think through his feelings here rather than having to think it all out while he was actually having the conversation with Phil. 
“It’s hard” An almost exasperated sigh left his lips “I know Tommy’s just the priority because he’s the youngest. I love him too, so so much, but he didn’t even check to see if I got hurt though. He saw I wasn’t able to protect Tommy and he got mad.
“Today, Phil was tired and stressed and he said some really stupid things but Tech’ I can’t tell you what he meant by them, I’m telling you all these questions would be solved so much faster if we just went and spoke to him.”
“..okay let's go”
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drkcnry67 · 4 years
marry me?
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Title: marry me?
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Fluff: engagement
Rating: G
Tags: none that I can think of, kissing, taking shots, proposals, getting down on one knee, saying yes to the rest of your forever.
Mentioning: @sweetness47
Created for @spnfluffbingo
Fluff list   part 1   part 2   part 3
by this point you have had an amazing almost 2 years. fell head over heels with a man who makes you feel like your more than just a top notch ace reporter. 
you confessed your feelings for said man at a wedding you were supposed to be covering not making a huge fool of yourself. your best friend well she had also found love, hers wasnt as vaste as yours but she got the other half of a very stunning package. 
the article written by your best friend Beth became your new fave article. though you still wrote fabulous wedding articles, that story put beth on the article map. your editor loved it, loved the entire scope, the plot, everything. 
she also enjoyed meeting the men who had enriched both yours and beth’s lives. Jensen and Jared the two men who had stolen your hearts, had decided that you both were important enough to keep. 
what you didnt know is that on this day the anniversary of when you had first met Jensen would be the day that your life would change once more. this time a bit more drastically i suppose the story shall continue from hence forth. 
we pick up in the penthouse you and Jensen are living in, both of you preparing for date night. well double date night anyway. it was the one thing both couples could agree to do, once a week both couples went on a double date. it was that easy. 
Jensen knew you had just finished your shower, he didnt care he was having trouble finding what he wanted to wear.
Jensen: hey babe, where is my dark navy faded jeans?
YN: on top of the dresser in the pile of clothes you still need to put away.
jensen: oh umm right silly me. 
YN: do you want me to wear my hair up or down?
Jensen: half and half, its gonna be a magical day. one that has been planned for a while now. one that we both will not soon forget. 
now you were really curious, he said this had been planned for a while… what the hell could the surprise be. 
YN: why do i not get to know where we are going?
Jensen: cause that would spoil the fun of the surprise. now ive laid out your outfit on the bed hurry up we have a schedule to keep. 
YN: schedule. babe we have never had any kind of schedule other than when you are filming. so what are you planning? and why this outfit? 
Jensen comes over to you and kisses you to get you to stop talking. thats when he pulled back looking at you with smiling faces. 
Jensen: so curious babe, why cant you just enjoy the surprise for once. 
YN: fine ill put it on and enjoy whatever you have planned. but im gonna say this you better have something extra special planned otherwise you will have me to deal with.
Jensen: never fear babe i will always have lots of surprises for you from this day forth. now what kind of mischief can we get into if you dont put on your outfit. or do you want me to put it on you?
YN: I can do it but it’s just I haven’t used this outfit since our anniversary last year.. Why do I need to wear it again, not that I’m complaining…
Jensen: just do it and when we get into the car i have to blindfold you and cover your ears so that way you dont spoil the rest of the surprise. 
now you were curiouser, this made you pull Jensen onto the bed and pin him there… 
YN: why do you insist on tormenting me like this? 
Jensen could only smile as he flipped you onto the bottom as he held you there. 
Jensen: cause its fun now hurry up and get ready we are gonna be late.
the following happened like this:
you finish getting ready
both you and jensen walk out of the apartment and down to a limo where jared and beth are waiting. 
beth and you both are curious as you both are blindfolded and ears are covered before you both are allowed to exit the vehicle. 
once Jared and Jensen knew it was safe for you both to see and hear again they were to remove the blindfolds and earplugs. 
you both are revealed to be in the airport. you both plea to your men but they instead of saying anything give you both money to go and buy anything from the boutiques. 
you both come back with another backpack and a whole bunch of things. random objects, but ones that would provide great entertainment later on. come fancy things in case of whatever your boyfriends had planned. 
then Jared and Jensen ear plugged you both when the flight number was called. though they had spoken to the flight attendant when you both were gone, told them of their plan, told them that you both would have ear pluggs in when you both board. 
both you and beth still oblivious, as the boys remove the ear plugs as the plane takes off. thats when it made you both question really badly. Where your boys were taking you.
the flight wasn’t long but one of the boys sat in the aisle then the respective girl would sit beside then so on and so forth. The one on the end would get informed when it was time to blindfold and ear plug you both again. 
 Sure enough you both were unsure of how much time had passed, but eventually one of the flight attendants came round and whispered something to the guy on the end. It was ear plug and blindfold time again. 
You both didn’t question when the guys did their handy work of blindfold and earplug it wasnt like you were strangers to it. Jared and jensen led you both off the plane, through the busy airport and into the taxi landing bay. 
They unplugged both your ears. 
Jared: in a moment we will take off your blindfolds but first we want you both to listen to the sounds. What do you both hear.? 
You and Beth listened very carefully to the sounds around you both. 
YN: people talking 
Beth: something about taxis so we are definitely on a taxi landing of some kind. 
Yn: the smell in the air is familiar. Wait a minute. I think I know where we are I just hope I’m right. 
Jensen: you both may step forward and remove your blindfolds. I guarantee you both that where we are is gonna be a fun spot for all of us. 
You and Beth remove your blindfolds, your eyes land on the sight before you of a place where your story had began all those years ago. 
Yn: you did this? 
Jensen: happy anniversary sweetheart! Now we need to find a taxi or a ride or something. 
You look around and you start walking toward the person at the small stand near by. 
Yn: excuse me sir, I was wondering if you had any cars available to rent? 
Rental dude: what kind of car were you looking for? 
Yn: do you have anything sporty but easy to get in and out of? 
Rental dude: what about a lack 2021 jeep wrangler Rubicon unlimited 4x4? 
Yn: can you show it to me? 
The guy flips round his monitor and shows you the car, you whistle and the others bring the bags to where you are. 
Yn: babe can I use the card? 
Jensen: what kind of vehicle are we getting. 
Yn: you will see. Now sir, do I need to sign anything. 
The rental guy laid out papers told you to sign/ initial at the spots marked with “x” that’s what you did. Then he handed you the papers in an envelope, the license plates and insurance for the vehicle and then sent you guys to the spot where the vehicle was. 
You led your boyfriend, best friend and her boyfriend to the vehicle. Their eyes went wide as they loaded the bags into the jeep. 
Jensen: babe this is style. But whose driving? 
Yn: me silly cause I have a feeling I know where we are staying. The place where we spent our vacation together.
Jensen: correct, now everyone in the vehicle so we can get this show on the road. commence vacation immeidately.
everyone piled into the vehicle and you began to slowly pull out of the parkade. you hit the highway and sped up, within 45 min you were pulling into the resort. you told the guard that your reservation was under Ackles. 
the guard handed you a packet with park passes, roomkeys, parking pass and your receipt. along with the list of nearby stores, and the hours for the resorts amenities. and then opened the gate for you to drive through. 
upon arriving at the parking space you handed a room key to Beth discovering it was a side by side. this vacay just got a whole lot better. 
You all seperated into accommodations to settle in. 
Jensen: I have made reservations at gastons where we shared that big plate of nachos and grab us some champagne to celebrate the start of our vacation!
YN: i like that idea. i wanna get out of these shoes first. i want to put on something more suited for walking in the parks that wont kill my feet. these heels will kill my feet from walking through the park. 
you sat down to take off your heels but Jensen was now kneeling by your feet undoing them for you. he placed gentle kisses on your legs as he removed the shoes from your feet. 
he then slid on your slip on runners. he smiled as he got off the floor, helped you up and he spun you around like the love struck man he was. you had no idea what was about to happen but you were gonna enjoy yourself. 
now in comfy shoes you and jensen head to meet up with jared and beth as you all head to the car and head off to main street magic kingdom. To where you and jensen first met. Course ya know it was also to enjoy the fireworks and eat the nachos and such as well.
you look around still amazed by everything you see around you. but you are the way Jensen kept looking at you was what made you feel normal. like the disaster at the wedding of Misha and vic didnt almost ruin your reputation. 
your vacation was finally in the bag, your happiness was now in sight. your new life awaited but nothing would prepare you for events of the future. upon your arrival to Gastons tavern, Jensen had started talking to the waitress, she took something from him and smiled as she led you all to a booth.
Jensen could not help but smile, all he could do was smile. he was beyond excited for what he was about to do.
waitress: welcome to Gaston’s is this your first time here?
Jensen: for me and the lady across from me no, but the other 2 yes. can we get 4 rounds of your finest house shots right away, and 4 glasses of your finest champagne and bring the item. on a tray with the shots.
waitress: coming up sir. your shots will be out in a moment.
thankfully for jensen you were too engaged in conversation with Beth and Jared to hear what jensen had discussed with the waitress. Jensen placed his arm around your shoulders, his own breathing shifted, he was nervous about what was about to happen.
Jensen: ah good shots. we each get one i have a toast to make. but ill make the toast after we take the shots. now i dont know whats in these but they are sure to be good. on 3.
You all swig back your shots, Jensen kisses you after you both have downed yours. Then Jensen turns to you and smiles as he gets up from his seat and whistles to get the restaurants attention.
Jensen: I invite you all to bare witness to this momentous occasion. Me and my girlfriend are celebrating 2 years together this very day. I have to know YN did I mention that I'm in love with you.
That's when music starts playing. And jensen begins to sing.
Jensen: I met this girl who rocked my world like it's never been rocked and now I live just for you and I won't ever stop, I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me but now look at what you've done you have got me down on one knee.
You look down and see Jensen kneeling in front of you.
Jensen: it's us against the world, us against those who are jealous, those who dare to throw outrageous accusations our way or print stuff that isnt true. now and evermore i will have the most gorgeous woman on my arm. Will you do me the honor of marrying me.?
The entire restaurant now looking at you as Jensen unveiled the 24k rose gold emerald cut diamond ring surrounded by yours and Jensen's birthstones.
You begin nodding your head before your mouth would let you speak.
Yn: yes yes yes yes a thousand times yes!!!
You felt the cool metal ring slide around your finger as Jensen helped you off your seat and kissed you in front of the entire restaurant.
Lifting both your hands in the air he then yelled.
Jensen: shots for the entire restaurant on me. She said yes!!!
Then he turned to you and you leaned in his ear.
Yn: descendants 3 proposal nice touch.
Jensen: thanks to our best friends for helping set this up.
the hugs and congratulations poured in from everyone in the tavern. it wasnt till a few hours later as well as several shots and drinks later that you, jensen, beth and Jared all exited and went to watch the fireworks. 
the moment of yours and jensen’s first kiss under the fireworks was just recreated. you and jensen waited till the first firework cracked lighting up the sky before creating once more your first kiss. 
~to be continued~
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its-real · 4 years
The Lonely Lady of the Freezing Cold - Part I
Part II: https://its-rael.tumblr.com/post/617517935168290816/the-lonely-lady-of-the-freezing-cold-part-ii
-you can also read this story on Ao3. Technology is mean and wont let me insert the link, but you can find it there under the same title- 
Snow fell in bigger volumes than Moomintroll had ever seen in his life, and despite their large size the snow-clumps drifted leisurely down to settle on the ever growing white blanket that covered the grounds at Hogwarts. Moomintroll was unhappy, the snow had been coming down unceasingly for the past few days, and more often than not it came down far heavier as part of a storm. He desperately wanted to go outside, would too if it weren't so cold, but instead he was stuck at a window, watching and wishing.
“Oh do cheer up Moomintroll,” said his friend Little My, who was as her name suggests so small she could probably fit inside a large watermelon, “it’s Christmas Eve!”
“I suppose so,” said Moomintroll gloomily.
Little My crossed her arms, “I’ve made you the most wonderful gift, you know.”
“That's very nice of you,” said Moomintroll, still looking outside with longing, “I wish it would clear up.”
“The weather does what it wants, so there’s no point in moping if moping doesn’t help,” Little My pointed out, and then hopped off the windowsill where she was perched, “if you’re not going to do something then I will.”
Only a moment later it seemed (the moment was really about half an hour) someone tapped on his shoulder.
“Hello again Little My,” sighed Moomintroll, “I was thinking, maybe I could go outside, if only for a little bit. I’d just have to put on several layers.”
“Little My?” Said the voice of someone who was definitely not Little My. In fact, it was the voice of Moomintroll’s favorite person in the whole world (next to his parents), whose name was Snufkin.
“I came across Little My not long ago, she told me that she couldn’t deal with your miserable-guts any longer and that I’d better go and cheer you up,” Snufkin said.
“Of course she did,” sighed Moomintroll.
Snufkin sat on the windowsill where Little My had previously stood, “it is frustrating having to stay pent up in doors for so long,” he said, “but it’s for our own safety I guess. It may be quiet now but they say the next blizzard is going to be even more terrible than the last, so there’s no point in being upset if you can't change that.”
“That's what Little My said,” Moomintroll groaned, and he propped his head up with his arm.
“Well she’s right,” Snufkin shrugged, then he added, “I’ll leave if you want.”
“No, that's alright,” said Moomintroll.
The two friends mulled in gloomy yet companionable silence for a bit, but then Snufkin had an idea. He was so glad about the idea that he grabbed Moomintroll’s hand, pulled him from the window and twirled him in a circle.
“Why did you do that?” Asked Moomintroll.
“We’re in a castle!” He laughed, and for good measure twirled his friend in a circle again, “a magical castle! There must be so much of it that we haven’t seen, and full of secrets too! Remember that secret passage you found on accident earlier this year? I bet theres tonnes like that and we could be the first to discover them.”
“I suppose,” said Moomintroll, trying to sound dubious, but really he had cheered up a little.
“Come on then!” Snufkin said.
And so Moomintroll let himself be dragged along the corridor at a run, without any care of direction, and within a few minutes they were well and truly lost.
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“Well my friend Moomintroll, we really should have kept a note of where we were headed,” said Snufkin, giving up after they had ended up in the same corridor thrice and lying down on a bench.
“You’re right,” agreed Moomintroll, sitting down at the end of the bench, “but I thought I’d know Hogwarts well enough to get us un-lost.”
Moomintroll did know Hogwarts very well, for he had lived close at hand all of his life, although he was better acquainted with the grounds than the castle because only this year had he resided inside it. Before now he had only visited in the summer holidays when there were no students, or on the occasion his mother needed an extra pair of hands for a job. 
All of a sudden out of nowhere, someone piped up.
“You two wouldn’t happen to be lost now would you?” They said in a very small voice.
“But of course!” Snufkin said, very much relieved, but when he looked around to find the owner of the voice there was no one there. He sat up, “my apologies, but where are you?”
A little dog hopped down the staircase. It wasn’t your average little dog, not because it wore a neat coat and a pointy hat, and not because it spoke either (although that was odd in itself). The little dog was Sorry-oo, and he was a ghost.
“I’m right here my good sir,” said Sorry-oo in his meek little voice.
Snufkin stood, and Moomintroll did the same.
“Say, how would we get to the great hall from here?” Asked Snufkin.
Sorry-oo nodded once and gave them a detailed set of directions that left the two friends in quite a muddle.
“Could you repeat that please?” Moomintroll requested.
“I think it might be better if you were to lead the way,” suggested Snufkin, “unless you have another place to be that is.”
“No Sir, it would be my pleasure! Follow on!” Sorry-oo said gaily, and they followed the little ghost through corridors and passageways and secret staircases until they found themselves right outside the great hall, just in time for dinner!
“Thank you very much,” said Moomintroll to Sorry-oo.
Snufkin nodded, “yes, if it weren’t for you then we wouldn’t have been able to find our way back!”
Sorry-oo just bowed, and trotted off through a near wall.
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Being the school holidays, most of the students at Hogwarts were at home with their families. Therefore upon entrance the great hall was remarkably empty. It wasn’t bare though, Christmas decorations covered the walls and there were several glittering Christmas trees, each touched with magic so that their ornaments did spectacular things. Moomintroll and Snufkin took a seat with their friends Little My, Sniff and Snorkmaiden who were already eating.
“Where have you two been?” Asked Little My.
“We got lost,” said Moomintroll matter-of-factly.
Little My frowned, “well you missed the beginning of dinner.”
“If we hadn’t been saved by a ghost then we would have missed dinner entirely!” Snufkin said, and Sniff looked at him with wide eyes imploring him to tell them the story. Sadly for Sniff, something else was on Snufkin’s mind, “Snorkmaiden, where is The Snork?” He asked.
“He said he wasn’t hungry,” answered Snorkmaiden, and a little grumpily she added, “he said that there is no time to eat while he is so busy. Codswallop, I said to him, it’s Christmas Eve! But he paid no mind so I came by myself.”
Moomintroll tried to give her comfort, “you know The Snork, I think he enjoys being so busy all the time.”
“But one must eat,” said Little My on her fourth helping.
“One must eat,” agreed Sniff, who was on his second.
Little My grinned. She was thinking about the wonderful presents she had ready to give to her friends the next day and became excited.
“Why are you eating so fast Little My?” Moomintroll asked.
“The sooner I go to bed the sooner I will wake up tomorrow and it will be Christmas time,” she said simply.
Moomintroll’s forehead wrinkled, “if it’s anything like the last few nights you won't be able to fall asleep at all.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but then again I can sleep through anything,” Little My smirked.
“Lucky you,” grumbled Moomintroll, “the wind moans so loudly every night and rattles the windows, and sometimes there is thunder and lighting, or there's a big crash because a tree has fallen down.”
“I reckon it’s not just the wind moaning,” said Snufkin conspiratorially.
“Oh?” Pipped the others.
“I think that it's The Groke,” he said.
“The Groke?” Sniff exclaimed with a waver in his voice, “that sounds scary!”
“The Groke is a monster,” told Snufkin with a spooky air, “I have heard stories that she lives deep within the forbidden forest in a cave, and comes out to wander in the grounds for a few nights when the weather gets coldest in the middle of Winter. At this time there’s always a terrible storm, and she moans and laments, and they say everything she touches freezes.”
By now Sniff was trembling and spluttering, “that doesn’t s-sound very n-n-n-nice.”
“She must be extra upset this year to be out for so long,” said Snufkin.
“Do you think she’ll go away?” Asked Snorkmaiden, who slept well enough but all the same didn’t like falling asleep to the night sounds.
“I don’t know,” said Snufkin.
“Well I hope that she does,” huffed Moomintroll, “and if she doesn’t then I’m going to go to bed and see if I can get to sleep before she starts up again.” And he left for the Gryffindor common room.
“I’m going to bed as well,” announced Little My, and went off in the same direction, where after a bit she would change direction towards the Ravenclaw common room.
Snufkin, Sniff and Snorkmaiden left soon afterwards.
That night Moomintroll didn’t get to sleep in time, and even if he had The Groke would have woken him up anyway. She was extra loud that night, and Moomintroll lay under his five layers of blankets tossing and turning and getting more and more frustrated until he decided that tomorrow night he would go and confront the monster once and for all. Funnily enough after deciding to do so he slept peacefully for a few hours.
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The next morning Moomintroll awoke yawning, and was very unhappy.
‘That blasted Groke!’ Thought he, and was even more determined to confront the monster that night. He got out of bed, stretched, got dressed, gathered a heap of presents and hurried on down to meet with his friends. The great hall was empty aside from Little My, who was already eating.
“You look tired,” she said in between mouthfuls, “merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas,” yawned Moomintroll in greeting, and sat down beside her feeling less grumpy. You can’t stay angry forever, especially not on such a happy occasion as this.
Sniff was the last one to arrive, and once they had finished their breakfasts they each took out their heaps of presents and laid them out on the bit of table in front of them (except for Snufkin of course, who didn’t have any money to buy presents and preferred it that way).
“I’ll go first,” Little My decided, for it was oh so difficult to wait any longer, and she jumped up on the table with excitement. She bounded over to Sniff first and gave him a pretty little bag that tinkled with what sounded like money, which is also what everyone else got him. Next she gave the Snork a book of muggle science, Snorkmaiden a mirror that Little My had enchanted to give compliments to whomever looks into it, Snufkin a wooden flute that she had carved herself (Moomintroll kicked himself then, why hadn’t he thought of that?) and lastly Moomintroll a jar with a pretty blue flame inside.
“The flame is everlasting and will never be put out,” said Little My proudly, “I conjured it.”
Moomintroll’s anger dissipated, “thank you very much Little My,” he said in awe. 
Little My smirked.
Next Sniff gave them all a little figure of themselves and Moomintroll joked that Little My was almost the same size as her miniature lookalike. Then Snorkmaiden gave them all a box of homemade chocolate that warmed the whole body with a single bite. Moomintroll gave his gifts next; the Snork was gifted a very fancy pen, the Snorkmaiden a rose that sang (she blushed and put it behind her ear), the ceremonial money for Sniff, a big ol’ hat for Snufkin which he pulled down over his eyes to everyone’s delight, and for Little My a professional looking poster of her playing quidditch in her house team. The Snork was next, but he told them not to open his presents yet, because he didn’t want to see anybody’s reaction.
“I’m sorry that I don't have anything to give anyone,” apologised Snufkin, “I could play my mouth-organ if you like.”
The table cheered as he produced his coveted harmonica and when he played everyone had a splendid time dancing, Little My doing so atop the table and humming and singing along loudly. Later Moomintroll opened his present from the Snork and found inside it a miniature lifelike dragon that moved and chirped and blew fire. He told the Snorkmaiden to give her brother his thanks.
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Although the cheer of Christmas was in the air Moomintroll couldn’t help but notice that the snow storm worsened outside. By now everyone was quite tired from dancing (some of the other students and even some teachers had joined them and they all had a jolly good time), so they sat around talking amiably.
“I’m going to confront The Groke,” said Moomintroll to Snufkin.
“Really?” Snufkin asked in surprise.
Moomintroll nodded his head, “tonight.”
“That could be dangerous, it gets even colder in the night time and The Groke might try to freeze you if you aren’t already frozen by the time you find her,” warned Snufkin, “besides going out at night is against the rules.”
“Pooh to the rules, this is the only way anyone will get any sleep. If you look around you can see how everyone is so tired,” said Moomintroll crossly.
Snufkin wasn’t going to stop Moomintroll from going, he wouldn’t dream of it, but that didn’t stop him from feeling concerned. “Do you have a plan?” He asked.
“No, not really,” Moomintroll replied, “but I’ll wear plenty of layers of warm clothes and I’ll bring my wand and a lantern.”
“You aren’t worried?” Snufkin questioned further, “The Groke is pretty terrifying.”
Moomintroll looked thoughtful, “I suppose not. In fact, I feel in my belly that everything is going to go fine.”
“If you say so,” Snufkin said, although he secretly thought the feeling in Moomintroll’s stomach was more likely fluttering butterflies, and they changed conversation topic. 
That night, Moomintroll bundled up in warm clothes, around seven layers, and put on two pairs of gloves, his scarf, and his thick woolly hat. He stuffed his wand in his pocket and made to leave, but then he remembered that he ought to bring a lantern. As He searched the room for one, his eyes instead rested on the flickering blue flame Little My had given him, the everlasting one.
‘That’ll do fine,’ he thought to himself, and took it from where he had placed it on his bedside table. He snuck very quietly, as quietly as he possibly could (which was extraordinary so, for the paw of a Moomin is like the paw of a cat) out of the dormitory, through many a corridor, down many a staircase, through the secret passage he had found earlier that year by accident, and outside. The cold was bitter and the wind would have buffeted him about had it not been for the deep snow keeping his feet in place. Determined he trudged out, blue flame aloft, in search of The Groke.
It was frightfully dark even with a light source and Moomintroll found that if he didn’t focus very hard he would get lost. After what seemed like hours of searching, he stopped and looked behind him at the looming castle that only made itself known by little twinkles of light few and far between. In this moment he felt a chill creeping towards him like no chill he had ever felt before. The temperature grew cooler, if that's even possible, and Moomintroll sensed the presence of melancholy behind him. He twisted around in its direction so fast he almost fell over, and, holding up the blue flame, found himself facing a looming shadow with big eyes, a big mouth and an even bigger nose. Moomintroll admitted to himself that maybe he was a bit scared by now, not that he would ever tell anyone.
“Are you The Groke?” he called after regaining his voice.
The mass stopped moving, “hnnnnngh,” it said, and nodded.
He called again, “why do you keep coming here?”
The Groke looked past Moomintroll to the castle and sighed.
“Why?” He yelled.
Slowly, The Groke looked back at him and frowned. Looking into her eyes, if only for a second, Moomintroll felt the sadness that dwelt there, the longing and the loneliness that she brought with her wherever she went. He realised then why she wandered the grounds.
“It must be very lonely, being you,” he said.
The Groke nodded and sighed again.
“That's why you come here, to feel closer to others,” Moomintroll said, “I think I understand. But when you come and you make all of that noise in the night nobody gets any sleep.”
“Nnnnhgh,” said The Groke, and she hung her head.
“It mustn’t be nice to be cold all of the time either,” he went on.
She nodded, still staring morosely at the snow.
Moomintroll searched his mind for any way to solve The Grokes problems. He couldn’t solve the loneliness because anyone who is near her for too long would freeze to death, but the cold… he couldn’t just make a fire, that would go out. He went to put his hand on his chin like he’d seen his papa do when he was thinking hard but his hand was already occupied by the blue flame.
‘The blue flame!’ thought Moomintroll, ‘the flame that Little My said would never go out!’
It was the perfect solution. Little My wouldn’t be very happy about him giving it away but then he must do so for the greater good, and he didn’t need to tell Little My anything anyway.
“O Groke!” Moomintroll shouted, “how would you like this here flame as a Christmas present? Then will you go away?”
The Groke looked at it long, and then she smiled and said “hhnnn!” ecstatically.
Moomintroll held it up as high as he could, then she grasped the jar in her hands. She took it, but not before accidentally touching Moomintroll’s hand and freezing him solid!
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eremika-forever12 · 5 years
//Eremika Fanfic : Remember Me!?//
Chapter- 1 click here
Chapter: 2
Pouring some water over the flower pot.....Mikasa finishes off her gardening in the small court yard behind her house....
As she was about to enter....inside the house....she notices someone standing far away....probably waiting for her...
Glancing over the person, Mikasa’s eyes brighten with surprise...
Mikasa looking at the person- Armin! What a pleasent surprise!
Armin foolishly grins- Ahhh....Hi! Errmm...Mikasa!
Mikasa smiles slightly- So what brings you....here? In such an early morning? I suppose you should be with your scouts at the moment ...Captain Armin Arlert!
Armins nervously Chuckles – Well ya....I do have a meeting with commander Hanjee today! So....well....but I came here to talk something important with you!
Mikasa stares at Armin blankly as she says- Go On!
Armin nervously- Wont you ask me to come inside? I guess....too much heat today...Outside!
Mikasa with a blank nod- Oh yes....Sorry for keeping you standing outside! Come in...
Saying this Mikasa goes in while Armin follows her as he whispers silently- Its Okay!
That silhouette.....some one is right behind him!
Eli eyes widen as he stares at that silhouette....who is that? Who must be standing behind him?
Oh my god is he in danger? His mom has always told him to be careful about child kidnappers which roam in corner of every silent place....
Oh god the place is so silent....Eli thinks suddenly...he has started to feel nervous already!
Should he look back or should he....Run!
The silhouette was still there....
Gaining lots of courage...Eli swiftly looks behind his back...
To his shock he absolutely finds no one there...
Eli looks back to the wall where the silhouette was present....to his surprise, there wasnt any presence of silhouette either...
Eli was confused....Was he dreaming or something?
He tries to glance behind to notice if someone is still there or not!
Wind starts blowing around the area as Eli hears the wheezing sound of it....making him kind of shake in fear as he realised he is sitting all alone in this whole destructed area with no sight of any single person.
Mikasa glances back at Armin from kitchen who was sitting around the small round table with a nervous look.
"Whats wrong with him? Why does he look tense? "
Thinks Mikasa....
With two cups of tea in a tray...Mikasa sits opposite Armin face to face.
Armin looks up at her and smiles...
Mikasa sipping the tea as she says boringly- So Armin? Whats the matter? You wanted to say somthing...What is it?
Armin hesitantly stares at Mikasa- Yeah....err....Its...Its about Eli!
Mikasa's eyes widen as she stops drinking the tea and stares at Armin while he continues- Your Son!
Before he could say a word more , Mikasa interrupted as she looked desperate- What about Eli? Is he alright? Did he do anything in school again?
Armin trying to calm Mikasa- Hey calm down! There isnt anything like that but....
Mikasa calming down a bit- But What?
Armin taking deep breath- Mikasa listen! Whatever I am gonna tell you...dont take it other wise! You know very well....Right from his birth I have always looked at him as my own Son!
Mikasa keeps on staring at Armin with no expression as he continues- I have never seen him different even when Alina was born...the thing is actually....I think you need to deal with him carefully Mikasa!
Mikasa frowns as she at Armin- What do you mean by that?
Armin taking deep breath- Today I saw him walking in tense mood....more like he was upset on something! As my meeting was in the afternoon...I decided to follow him to check on him if he was actually fine! He seemed okay after sometime from his expression though I decided to bid him a Hi! He was quite happy seeing me until I mentioned about you telling me to check on him whenever I can last week! He was furious....he almost reminded me of Eren! Well I dont blame his rudeness after all its all about genes...
Armin chuckles a bit then suddenly turning serious he looks at Mikasa- I think you are being too harsh on Him Mikasa!
Mikasa kept looking at Armin blankly when she said coldly- What do you mean by being harsh? Are you gonna tell me he is being rude due to me? Or his feisty behaviour is due to me? I know what I am doing & What is good for him! I am his mother!
Armin sternly- that's not the point Mikasa! You know it! More Over didnt you two had an argument before he left for school? Dont lie to me!
Mikasa coldly- it wasnt an argument! I was simply trying to put some sense in his head! I cant let him be like Eren! I cant let that anger thing control him! He needs to understand the world is cruel but beautiful too which his father never understood! (Whispers Mikasa)
Armin sighing- You know what is the main problem! You are taking his freedom away! Making him sit in the home all day wont solve anything....people wont stop saying crap about him! You both need to live freely! You need to let him open to people! By trying to make him home sick....you cant anyway control his anger! You are simply worsening it!
Mikasa glares- Let him open to people? Yeah right! So that he could kick their butts everytime they open their filthy mouth! Armin....just incase let me remind you! The people around here dont really like our presence! And I dont want my baby to suffer their hatred! Anyways he is indeed going to school....he is learning things there! What he isnt understanding is....loosing his cool wont help him! Its better to ignore people rather than pushing ourselves into hell! Let people say whatever they want....We are happy in our own small world!
Armin raising his voice- Really Mikasa? That what you think? Hiding yourself into this small house....letting Eli be bored all alone in this home! Doing such! What difference are you making? As You Said People Will Speak Shit! Why do you care? What are you afraid off? Its better to live a life the way you want rather than crawling into darkness!
Armin freaks out- Stop it Mikasa! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? IT HAS BEEN 6 DAMN YEARS! EREN IS DEAD! And Humanity Needs Back Their Strongest Soilder!
Mikasa glares as she raises her voice coldly- No he isnt....my heart doesnt believe it! I am sure he is alive...somewhere...
Tears welled up in her eyes- He is just running from us again & again! And I dont understand Why! He promised me for the final time....He will come back to me! If he was here....Eli & me wouldnt have been this much miserable!
Armin shocked- Can you stop it Mikasa? I know you miss him....We miss him too....But he is gone! Accept the reality! Move forward Mikasa! You are only ruining Eli ‘s life! Lastly....You do know how the people acknowledges Eren Now! He is known as Humanity's Biggest Threat in History! Doesnt matter what result has brought from that rumbling! Killing thousands of lives! A murderer is always a murderer!
Mikasa stares at Armin coldly but says nothing as he continues- Eli is still a kid....he doesnt know about his father even! While the people suspects him of Eren's kid! Though they only suspect but have no confirmation! I suggest you....
Mikasa retorts back- I dont need your suggestion Armin! And What proof do you have that Eren is dead? Did you see his body? Or his titanic form again? What makes you so sure of it! Well I dont take any of it....He was your best freind....And you only speak of him being dead! WHY!
Mikasa suddenly holds Armins collar freaking the hell out of him as she shouts- Why? Did you kill him by your own hands? To save humnaity....you were the one who suggested his death!
Armin shocked trying to get rid of her clutch around his collar- Hell No! Whats wrong with you?
Mikasa leaves him with a jerk- I dont care what anyone says....I believe he is alive! Only if he returns to us one day....
Armin sharply as he says hesitantly- Will you be able to forgive him even if he returns from his grave?
Eli is walking hurriedly all alone towards his home....he has gone bit far today....
Moreover he just bunked his school today, he honestly prays.....none of the teachers notices him all of sudden from no where....
The Sun was just on top of him shining brightly....it was quite hot due to the sun rays...
Eli keeps on looking behind at times for some wierd reason....
From a time being, he felt he was being followed by someone! But he couldn't notice anyone keeping an eye on him...
Eli was taking his steps faster....a creepy feeling was eating him out. He was feeling nervous...
Someone is definitely following him....or was it just his intution!
Eli was walking hurriedly without looking infront when suddenly he bumped into someone and fell on the ground....
Eli while rubbing his nose looks upwards and finds two men with hat staring at him angrily.
One man says- Heyyy you little brat! Whats up with you? Are you blind or something!
Suddenly the other man eyes shone brightly as he grinned wickedly- Oh look who is here! The child of the devil.....! ELI....ACKREMAN! THE LITTLE BASTARD....SON OF THAT FREAK!
While other man whispers – Wait....Ackerman? I dont think or remember that monster name as of some Ackraman....it was Yeager!
Eli was scowling at them while still being sitting on ground but not understanding a single thing about what they were talking about but it was definitely something about his name!
Eli angrily- Hey! Whom are you talking to?
The two guys glared at him as one of them pulled him up holding his collar freaking the hell out of him- Hey You Shut Your Filthy Mouth Up! Who even gave you permission to wander in these streets! If the rumours are true of you being the son of that BASTARD! You & your filthy mom should be extint!
Saying this he threw Eli away letting him fall again....
After that both of the men left while laughing loudly making Eli angry more....at that moment he felt like punching the faces of those two old creeps.
He was about to stand and run after them when suddenly a young lad came infront of him....his hair was quite long and the long bangs he had were covering his one eye....he had a stretcher in his one hand which was supporting him to stand still....
Eli notices closely and realises....the guy has a bandage too around his head....
As Eli was lost in noticing, the stranger brings a water bottle infront of him....making him snap out of his senses...
The stranger with deep voice as he stares deeply into Eli eyes while bending a bit- Hey You! You left it there in the bench! I had been following you with my broken leg till here....Kid You Run So Fast! What's the hurry? Here Put it back in your Bag!
Eli blinks his eyes nervously as suddenly it clicked him....Was it this guy following him all the way till here! But back then....there was no one in that barren land!
Eli with shaking hands takes the bottle away from the stranger's hand...
The guy then stands straight from his bending position as he glances back at Eli....
The Sunrays fell on his body as his face shone bright....while Eli eyes widen as he still kept on staring at him while still being on the ground!
While Eli was all numb, the guy asks coldly- Do you think you can stand....Kid?
Eli was scared....he didn't know Why! But he was....all he could do was nod his head swiftly in positive way..
The stranger with blank look replies- Great Then!
Saying so he started limping away slowly while Eli kept on staring at him....
There was something about this person which was bothering little Eli so much....
While at a distance the man halts and glances back at Eli as THEIR GREEN EYES STARED BACK AT EACH OTHER!
Chapter - 3
P.S So How Was The Chapter? Do Like , Share & Comment!😎
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The Masterlist of Masterlists
Just a collection of all my works :D
All For A Buck        -  Dean and Cas must work together to raise the newest addition to the Winchester family, and it might just end up brining them together in the end.
A Magic Kingdom Love       - “An AU where Dean and Cas are both working for Disney and have been cast as the very first gay princes. And at first they hate each other but it’s hard to pretend you’re in love all day for sweet, shy kids, and then not make out under the bridge of the magic kingdom castle.”
Mountain High        -  Suddenly taken from his own home and flown god knows where in the dark, Dean Winchester finds himself thrown into something he could never have imagined in his wildest dreams.
Pas De Deux        -  Dean is a closeted ballet dancer, and Cas is playing the Nutcracker Prince in the Kansas State Ballet. When the ballet loses their Clara and Cas confronts Dean about taking the part along side him, will he be able to put aside his fears and let everyone know who he really is? All to help the man of his dreams?
Screw It, I Love You        -  This is based of this post I saw the other day, find it HERE. It’s about Cas being newly human and Dean leaving him reminder notes all over the bunker.
Slash Fiction (part 1 of series)        -  Following the boys as they continue their journey, saving people, hunting things, the family business. This trip finds them in Kalamazoo, Michigan, at the famous Henderson Castle. With the help of on old friend and the return of a beloved character, the boys find themselves facing something they have never faced before, and have to find a way to stop it once and for all, with a little improvisation.
So Much for Movie Night        -  The boys finally get a night off from hunting, and Sam's planned solo movie night unfortunately does not go at all how he had hoped it would.
Sounds of Someday (part 1 of series)        -   Sam was dead, Cas was lost forever, and Dean’s entire world had been turned upside down in less than an instant. He was alone, again, a typical Winchester ending, but god damn if that was how he was going to leave it. He was going to get Sam back, he was going to get Cas back, and he was going to fix everything that had fallen apart, and now he was going to do it all with twin babies and the king of hell back on his side. Season sixteen… here we go.
That We Do         -  Dean and Cas meet at a civil war reenactment when Dean is forced to go for his father's birthday. Despite Dean's original sour attitude about the idea, he finds something there that was definitely worth going for.
The Ever Handsome and Always Charming Dean Winchester        -   A perfectly simple Dean and Cas wedding!
The Nual’ Family Onion        -  Dean had lived in Lawrence, Kansas his entire life. Born and raised. In his twenty-six years in the beautiful city, he lived a wonderful life surrounded by the amazing people who lived there, many of them becoming family over the years. After high school, he started working for his uncle Bobby at his mechanics shop and fell into a comfortable routine. He still lived at home with his parents, John and Mary Winchester, and for the foreseeable future, Dean had no intentions of changing that. Until he saw him.
The Thing About Blind Dates        - Dean Winchester was perfectly happy with his life. He lived alone, though most days his house was filled with the accompaniment of his little brother and his brother’s new boyfriend, and that suited Dean just fine.But even now, as Dean sat back against the couch, watching the newest season of Animal Kingdom, cold beer in hand while Sam and Gabe cuddled next to him, he couldn’t really say he was anything but satisfied. That is… until Sam and Gabe decided he wasn’t.
Wish You Were Here        -  Sam’s got a date, Cas is fixing Heaven, and Dean Winchester is sitting miserably in his motel room, alone. So he decides to see if Cas wants to have a little fun over the phone.
Lost in a Dream        -   Jack Shephard was never one to believe in psychics, or fortune telling, or visions of the future. But when he starts dreaming of flight 815 crash landing on an unknown island, and all the events that follow, he cant help but start to wonder if maybe he should start believing. Especially when his flight home turns into just the nightmare he had worried it would. Though, this time around, a few things are very different, or rather a few people.
Star Trek:
Clans        -  Jim goes on his usual hunt and everything's going fine, or so he thinks. Until things take an unexpected turn and he finds himself the house guest of a group of people he thought to be extinct. Now, Jim has to decide what his next move will be, doing what he knows is right by his family, or only thinking of himself and possibly putting his entire family in danger.
Lost in Translation        -  “Attention citizens. This is the crew of the Enterprise asking for your aid. On Stardate 2264.78 a shuttle manned by our captain and fourteen cadets was ambushed by an unknown source and chased out of sight of our ship and into open space. Those cadets as well as our captain, James Tiberius Kirk, are still missing. We are asking anyone with any information on their whereabouts, or regarding the attack, to please contact the Enterprise immediately. Our family would appreciate any assistance you can give.”
Maiden Voyage (part 1 of series)        -  "Jim's past was just that, his past, or so he thought. He had made it through to graduation and only had six months of placement standing between him and his captains chair, but he never thought he would see her again. He thought he was past this, past her, now what was he supposed to do? Could they really just go back to the way things were, will placement with her even be bearable, will the crew be able to stand together and face their newest foe and live to tell the tale? Jim could only hope, because right now that's about all he’s got."
Second Chances        - This is sort of an endgame fix, with a dash of Stucky. The story takes place after Thanos has been defeated, the war won, and the world returned back to its natural order. Standing on the battlefield, relieved and thankful that it was all finally over and they could rest. But in their moment of peace, Steve and Bucky suddenly find themselves in a very tricky situation, one they definitely have not been trained to handle.
The Way We Were Suppose To Be        -  Two years after defeating Thanos, Steve finds himself faced with a harsh reality. Because of his decision to stay in the past with Peggy and finally give himself the life he thought he had always wanted, Nick Fury returns to face him with a daunting truth. With the world’s timeline in disarray, it’s up to Steve to return to the past and restore the world to its natural order. Unfortunately it means that the all American hero has to sacrifice his heart and soul to save the world once again. And although Steve thinks that his one chance at a happy life had passed, who knows what the new future holds, perhaps… everything he had been searching for was right there all along.
Steve Rogers X OFC
Storm (part 1 of series)        - The avengers have just defeated Ultron, a much needed victory for the weary team, but another storm is coming their way. A new member joins the team and has some very unexpected effects on everyone, especially the Captain himself, Steve Rogers.Secrets are revealed, scars revisited, and new wounds formed as they battle one of their toughest and most personal battles yet. All they can do is hope this wont be their breaking point…
Final Fantasy:
Noctis x OFC:
At Lucis End (part 1 of series)        - A treaty. A light at the end of the tunnel that King Regis had been staring down for years. A proposal. A wedding that stands to save the lands. A betrayal. That could tear it all down. And a love. So strong yet so torn.The war between Lucis and Niflheim could come to an end, but much will have to be sacrificed along the way. And in the end, would it even be enough? Would the loss of life, love, and family be enough to save the people of Lucis? Or will it all come crumbling down in the end?
Greg x Nick:
Love Undercover        -  In part one of this series, Nick and Greg get sent on a special undercover mission by Grissom and Brass, an undercover mission as a couple at an all exclusive couples resort. Their mission is to find their targets and keep them safe while maintaining the illusion that they are a happily married couple, but they may end up finding more then they bargained for while at Lovers Lane Resort.
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid x Aaron Hotchner:
I Loved Him... Once        -   A series following the team as they solve crimes and take down the bad guys.    In Part one of this series, we follow the team as they take down a serial killer that has taken a piece of one of their own. And through it all, Spencer and Hotch come to a few conclusions and realizations of their own.
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All I Ask of You
Pairing - Tony Stark x Reader
Summary - Based on the song “All I Ask of You” from Phantom of the Opera. Tony Stark knows he’s not good enough for you, but he’s going to hold on to you for as long as he can. 
Word Count - 5,093 (This is a big one) 
Warnings - Language
The feeling wasn't new. The struggle to get air in his lungs, the unsteady pounding of his heart against his chest, and the almost painful tension in his bones was almost familiar now.
The gentle hand coming to rest against his heaving chest however? He still wasn't used to that.
"What was it this time?" You asked him. Your voice was so soft, he was surprised he could hear it over his ragged breath.
"Rhodey. Again." He managed to respond.
"Change it." You replied simply.
Tony’s fingers curled the sheets into his fists as he tried to do what you requested. ”You know, I think I prefer your other therapy option.” Tony replied, still trying to even his breath.
"We've already done that a few times tonight, remember? Or is your memory finally starting to go old man?" You teased him, a soft clink sounding as your finger tapped the reactor against his chest.
"I, am not old." Tony insisted.
"Tell that to the gray hairs I found in the sink this morning."
"You're trying to distract me by making me feel old." Tony said, turning to look at you. Your hair was messy, falling around your face in a tangled heap, the dark circles under your eyes evidence of just how much his nightmares had been keeping you awake as well. No matter how long you both ended up staying awake, a word of complaint never left your lips.
"Is it working?" You asked.
"Little bit." He replied as his breath was starting to even out, and the shaking in his hands were now down to a mere tremor, "and I know you like your men with a little gray."
"You caught me there." Your hand reached out, and he sighed as it ran through his hair. Immediately, he laid back down, this time with his head in your lap. To this day, over a year into your relationship, he still didn't understand why you put up with this. Tony was under no impression that he was easy to deal with. It took a special person with endless amounts of patience to be in a relationship with him. He had given up on ever finding someone like that when you came along.
"You know, there's some new prototypes I can spend some extra time on in the lab. I think I'm going to go do that until-" Maybe this way at least both of you wouldn't be sleep deprived.
Your legs locked around the outside of his, keeping him in place. "No way. If I let you do that, you'll spend the rest of the night there tinkering and will be so sleepy, you'll probably end up hurting yourself. At least this way I can keep an eye on you."
Tony sighed, but looked up at you. "This is not your problem to deal with."
"On the contrary, handsome. You are mine to deal with, and nothing having to do with you is a problem." You told him, your hand resuming its place in his hair.
He turned his head into your stomach, pressing a small kiss there and pulling you close. "You're infuriating."
"That's why you love me. I’m almost as infuriating as you."
That wasn't the only reason, but he couldn't deny that he loved how you wouldn't take anything from him. No matter what was bothering him, Tony Stark had no doubts you were going to be there. Even when sometimes he felt you shouldn't be.
"I wish I could go into your dreams sometimes."
Those words caused him to look up at you, his brows furrowed in confusion. "Why would you want that?" Tony had talked about his dreams with you before. You knew how bad they could be.
"So I could kick your demons' asses and save the day. Just like you."
Silence filled the room, but it wasn't uncomfortable as Tony pondered your words. Never in his life had someone wanted to take care of him the way you had. It had always been Tony Stark's job to save the world, defend the Earth from all harm, and here you were, the woman who he couldn't even get to throw a shoe at a spider, ready to bat down his demons because of his nightmares. He didn't know how he was supposed to handle that, so he handled it like he always did. "You know there's no such thing as demons right? They're just a biblical device created-"
"Shut up, Stark." You replied, a little smirk, an exasperated, yet amused one, forming on your face as you shoved him off you.
"You know, according to you, that could be elder abuse." Tony teased, grabbing your hips and pulling you on top of him.
"Well, I guess you'll have to put me in handcuffs then wont you?" You asked, your fingers coaxing up his chest with a gentle touch, a playful glint in your eyes as you glanced up at him under your lashes.
Tony didn't need to be told twice. "That's a fantastic idea. The handcuffs are right over in this drawer-" He rolled you underneath him, tickling your sides with those agile fingers as he did, forcing a laugh through your lips.
Though you didn't know it, that beautiful sound did more for his anxiety than any crazy therapy could.
"Have I mentioned I'm not a fan of not knowing where I'm going?"
"You have.” You replied, matter of factly.
"Whether that's walking down a New York street or into a worm hole into space."
"I can tell you I'm definitely not taking you into space."
"But we're walking down a street.'' Tony said. It was taking everything in him not to ask FRIDAY where they were headed.
"Maybe you should just look at this as facing your fears. Besides, I thought you said you trusted me?'' The pout on your shiny, pink lips was ridiculous. It also got you what you wanted every single time.
"Really? The pout?" Tony sighed dramatically yet allowed himself to continue to be dragged down the street. "You know I trust you. Against my better judgement sometimes, but I do. I just don't trust whatever unknown location you’re taking me to."
"Hey," You pulled him to a stop, your eyes finding his behind those expensive Matsuda sunglasses. "You're gonna love it." You told him, reaching up to adjust the hood he had placed over his head to hide his identity.
"And afterwords you can thank me for being so good by so much sex we wont be able to get out of bed in the morning, right?" Tony asked, pulling you even tighter against his chest.
Of all the responses Tony had expected from that statement, you bursting into laughter wasn't one of them.
He stepped back as you bent over, fighting a smile at the sound, but his brows were knit together in confusion. "Okay, I know I'm hilarious, but I don't usually miss my own punchlines..."
After a few moments of hysterical laughter you stood up, regaining your composure somewhat. "I'm sorry, it's just- you'll see."
Tony raised his eyebrows, but let your urging hand lead him the rest of the way until you both stopped in front of a gray building.
There wasn't anything special about it. It looked like any other New York cinder block building, until something in the window caught his eyes. He took off his sunglasses to make sure what he thought he was seeing was what he actually was seeing. "Is that-"
"A statue of three deers engaged in sexual intercourse? It appears so. Interesting, but not unexpected from a sex Museum." You replied without a hint of surprise. You could have been talking about the weather outside.
"A sex museum?" Tony repeated.
"You said you had never been on a normal date before, and I thought this was something you might enjoy." You reached into your pocket and pulled out two tickets.
"Oh, so this is what regular civilians do on dates then, huh?" He asked, a little smirk on his lips.
You winked. "Only the really cool ones. So what do you say? Want to look at some weird sex artifacts and rock climb some dildos with me?"
It was the most ridiculous sentence Tony had ever heard in his life. That included anything out of Good 'Ol Cap's mouth. When you had insisted on having this date, Tony had been expecting a picnic or something. Yet, once again, you had surprised him, and he was sure you would again, for the rest of your lives if he had anything to say about it. “God, I love you." He blurted out.
A soft smile, one reserved just for him graced your lips as you leaned up to kiss him, your lips gentle, but firm against his own. Tony didn't even care that he was getting lip gloss all over his lips when you kissed him that way. He loved it so much his lips even trailed yours when you pulled away. "I know." You replied, "but I'm still going to kick your ass at dildo climbing."
"Um, excuse me, but you do remember I'm Iron Man right?" He played along.
"Oh, does Iron Man have to do a lot of dick climbing? Funnily enough they never show that on the news." You teased him.
"Mostly just sucking up to a lot of them." Tony replied.
You gasped. "Anthony Stark! Did you just say you've been sucking dick as Iron Man? You know I'm really not comfortable with that when we're in a monogamous relationship- Hey!" You squealed as he lunged towards you, dodging and hurrying into the building, stopping to send him a wink before you did.
He swore you would be the death of him, but he knew one thing for sure.
He would die happy.
"Have you ever been to Italy?"
Tony didn't look up from his tablet, hand never pausing in your hair as he continued to look over an email Bruce had sent him. "A few times. Food's impressive. Why?"
"That's where my family has decided to go on vacation this year. I want you to come."
Your words did make him pause this time. He had never met your parents. It was something that would seem crazy to most people considering how long the two of you had been dating, but it just had never happened. Tony hadn't worried about it before, but now that the possibility of meeting them had come about, he felt himself getting nervous.
Almost as if you could sense his unease, which you probably could, you put your book down, taking your head off his lap and sitting up so you were face to face. "Is that something you'd want to do?"
"Meet your parents? Are you sure that's a good idea?" Tony asked.
"Well, we've been dating for over a year now. I'm not planning on going anywhere. Are you?" You asked him, biting on your bottom lip.
It wasn't often that Tony saw this side of you. You were a confident woman and very sure of yourself. He could tell by the way that your body tensed and how your eyes wouldn't quite meet his that you were nervous bringing this up. It made him anxious talking about it too. "No, but you know I don't always have control over that either."
"I know that." You replied, fidgeting with your fingers. "Is it so crazy to think positive though? To think that things will calm down enough at some point that you can relax and almost have a normal life?"
Tony ran a hand through his hair, avoiding your gaze. "How about we see where we are closer to time?" He asked after a moment.
Your face dropped and Tony wanted to shoot himself back into space for being the cause of it. You stood up, grabbing your things, mumbling something about a meeting he was sure you didn't have. “Y/N-"
"You know Tony, one day you're going to realize by trying to protect me and keep me at arm's length, you're pushing me away." You told him, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead. "I hope that day’s soon."
He watched as you left the room, collapsing back on the couch once you were out of sight.
Tony hated that you were right.
Over and over the visions flashed before Tony's eyes. The bright light along with the flaming heat, several figures diving into the water to get out of the way, and then there was the screams. Tony knew several of those people didn't make it back. Why? Because he was too late.
There was a loud crash as the metal piece Tony had been trying to mold hit the floor. His whole body tensed at the noise. That happened all the time now. Every loud noise, every sudden appearance... He shoved his tools away from him, frustrated at his body's reactions.
"I can't watch this anymore."
Tony's whole body froze at the familiar voice. When he had arrived back at his mansion, you had been waiting. For the first time since the two of you had started dating, Tony felt conflicted at seeing you. For your whole relationship, you had been his rock. His anchor back to himself and away from the nightmares he had seen. This time, Tony didn't feel as if he deserved your comfort. He had failed and should go through every bit of pain that came with it. Alone. That was why he had locked his lab's doors with FRIDAY, instructing her not to let anyone else in. "How did you-"
You ignored his question and Tony watched as before his eyes a screen appeared. It was a face that looked familiar, but he couldn't place. "Luci Fisher. Twenty-two years old. Fresh college graduate who just started her first job. You saved her life today."
Tony's eyes went to yours, uncertainty filling them. "What is this about?"
You didn't answer, just flipped to the next slide. ''Jon-Paul O’Brien. Sixty-five years old. He was visiting his granddaughter Antoinette in Sokovia. You saved him and countless others-" You continued to flip through several pictures so fast he couldn't keep track. "- from being crushed."
Tony shook his head. “Y/N, you don't understand-"
You just talked louder over him and changed to the next one. This one made him freeze because it was a face that he knew well. “Y/N Y/L/N. Thirty-five years old. A graduate from MIT who had just been fired from her first job. Her dream job. She was leaving with all her stuff when Chitauri invaded the sky." She swiped, and Tony watched in disbelief as a video clip played, footage from a street cam, of the woman before him, running away from a Chitauri soldier, when Tony flew in and blasted him away.
Tony didn't even remember that moment. "You never told me."
"I didn't want you to think I was in love with you just because you saved my life." Tony let you take the tools from him and hold his hands. "That is why I applied at Stark Tower though. Watching you and the rest of the Avengers save all those people? I wanted to be a part of it."
This was not something the two of you had ever discussed. Up until this very moment, Tony had always considered your first meeting to be during your first week of work when you had yelled at him to hold the elevator. Then proceeded to run down the stairs and yell at him again when he didn't. Of course, you hadn't known who you were yelling at, but he liked you from that moment, not afraid to call him out on being an asshole even though he was your boss. He could still recall the look on your face when moments later, he asked you for coffee.
"I know I can't possibly imagine what it feels like to not be able to save everyone. I do know it's eating you up inside.” Some of the tension in Tony's body evaporated as you rested your forehead against his, and he closed his eyes as he felt something wet drip down his face. "Something else I know? You may lose some, but the number you're constantly saving outweighs it. I don't want you to forget about them, because I'm damn sure I'm never going to forget about you, and they won't either."
Tony Stark wasn't an emotional man most of the time. At least in the presence of any one else. His upbringing had never allowed it, and he had never gotten out of the habit. At this moment, he wasn't able to hold back. He slipped his arms around you, and his head collapsed on to your shoulder, exhaustion that he hadn't allowed earlier creeping through his bones. "I'm not in the habit of admitting I've got something I don't deserve." He pressed a kiss against the skin of your neck. "You might be an exception."
Tony let out a sigh as he felt your hand stroke through his hair. "Bullshit." You whispered in his ear. "You deserve the world, Anthony Stark."
"Don't need it." Tony opened his eyes so he could look at you, the only woman he could trust to be like this with. "I've got you."
There was silence as his words sunk in before you snorted. "That was so cheesy."
"I regretted it immediately. The cheesiness, not necessarily the words." He reached up, brushing some hair behind your ears. "Should've just told you how much I love you."
"Not that I don't already know the answer to that, but it's still nice to hear." You replied, hands resting on his chest.
Tony pulled you even closer, your soft body pressed against his. "I love the hell out of you woman. Always will."
Your hands tightened into fists at his words, a smile Tony knew he wanted to see every day for the rest of his life on your face. ''I love the hell out of you too, Tony Stark." You told him.
While everything had gone to hell today, Tony had realized one thing. If he had you in his life, he would be okay. He could make it through all his mistakes, because you would be there to help him sort them out. Of course there was another thing he learned today too.
It was time he asked you to marry him.
Tony ducked just in time as a missile flew overhead. A few seconds later there was a loud explosion behind him and Tony sighed. ''All right guys, as much as I love carrying the team, whose job was it to stop that from happening?" He asked into the ear sets of the other Avengers.
"That was yours, Stark." Romanoff replied.
" ... Right. I knew that." Tony took off to the sky in the direction the weapon had launched. "Just testing all of you."
"Mr. Stark, you told me to inform you when your call was being returned." FRIDAY's voice interrupted him.
"Of course it would be now." Tony grunted as he delivered a hit to a wall in his way. "Patch it through."
"What the hell, Stark? Can't this wait?" Barton hissed into his head set.
At that very moment there was another loud crash as Tony managed to make it through the final barrier and grab what they had been looking for. "No need. Got the ancient technology in serious need for an update. Let's get out of here."
Tony was the last to enter the quinjet and was not surprised to see the annoyed faces that greeted him. Rogers, Romanoff and Barton all seemed to have the same expression while Peter just looked confused.
"Can we save this powwow for later? I prefer to listen to lectures in my comfortable chair I can fall asleep in." Tony said as his suit slid back into the piece on his chest.
"Since when do we answer personal calls in missions, Tony?" Steve asked him, his voice forceful and still very much in Captain mode. Tony had the distinct feeling of being in the principal's office.
"Calm down Cap, mission was complete, I had an important phone call. Everything's peachy." Tony reassured him.
"No, Tony it's not. You could have seriously-"
"Hold that thought Capsicle," FRIDAY had just interrupted with another phone call for him where he was informed his firework order would be impossible. "What do you mean fireworks can't be that large? I've made explosions that go for hundreds of miles! Figure it out." When Tony got off the phone, he noticed all the other Avengers staring at him. "What?"
Barton was the first one to speak. "You risked our lives for some fireworks?"
"Not just any fireworks, large ones." Tony insisted, frustrated with his lack of cooperation.
"I swear Tony, if this is for some dumb Stark Expo thing-" Romanoff started to say. Tony just rolled his eyes as others started to voice their theories. Until Peter spoke up above the rest.
"Mr. Stark, are you going to ask Miss. Y/L/N to marry you?"
Tony shot the boy a pleased smile. "Yeah kid, I am." Then he frowned once he remembered his plan was now ruined. ''I had it planned. New Year's Eve, huge fireworks, but apparently that's too much to ask for."
Steve's former annoyance seemed to have vanished. He clapped Tony on the shoulder with a smile on his face. "I'm happy for you Tony, but maybe this is a blessing."
An eyebrow shot up at that. "Oh? How so, oh Captain, my Captain?"
"You can come up with something better. More like her and... less like you."
Tony opened his mouth, indignant at the suggestion, but then he thought about it. Fireworks and thousands of people? He wasn't sure that was you. Maybe Cap was right.
There was no way Tony was going to tell him that though.
"You know, when we got off the plane, and I realized we were at the beach, I thought we would be getting our exercise in different ways." You told him as the two of you continued your walk to the restaurant Tony had booked reservations at.
His hands were shaking and his heart was thumping so loud he could swear that he heard it hitting the reactor, but you acted like everything was normal so he knew it had to be in his head.
The comforting thought didn't help.
"Hello? Earth to Anthony Stark?" You waved a hand in front of his face, snapping him out of his thoughts, startled. The smile on your face faded at his reaction. "Hey, where did you go?" Your hand cupped his cheek, and Tony leaned into it, his hand coming to rest on top of yours.
"Just thinking about all the things I'd like to do to you in that dress." He replied, moving your palm to his lips so he could kiss it. He wasn't totally lying either. From the moment you had stepped out of the bathroom, Tony started thinking of ways to get that dress off you later. Once you had a ring on your finger.
"Well, I know how you feel about hot rod red." You teased him, your easy smile returning as you leaned up to whisper in his ear. "Wait until you see what's under it."
Tony's mouth dropped slightly at the insinuation and wasted no more time lifting you up in the air, causing you to squeal. "That's it. We're going back to the cottage." He was sure the writing was done by now anyway.
You laughed, that beautiful sound making a smile appear on Tony's face no matter how nervous he was. "But Tony, I'm hungry." You whined.
He sighed, pretending your hunger was a big inconvenience to him, "fine, but no more teasing."
"I promise on my love for Iron Man's ass there will be no more teasing." You promised him with a wink.
He let you down, a little slower than was necessary, letting your body press against his for a few moments before your feet touched the ground. "Can I just say how proud I am of the fact that you know who really has the best ass in America."
"How could I miss it?" You asked, wrapping an arm around his middle, leaning into his side.
Tony pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head, holding in a chuckle as the two of you finally approached the suspiciously empty restaurant.
"Uh, Tony," You drew his attention to the door where a sign stating, "closed due to imminent weather" was posted.
" ... Damn it,” were the only words that Tony could think of. His plan had just been altered drastically. He had planned to use this time in the restaurant to get his head straight and make a romantic speech leading up to the words in the sand back at their cottage. Now that was all shot to hell.
"Hey, no big deal," You reassured him, sensing his anxiety. "We can just go back and order in. Sit outside and watch the storms roll in. It'll be great."
At the sound of a loud crack, both of you looked up just as the sky lit with lightening. The world had to be shitting him at this point.
"No chance that's your buddy, Thor right?" You asked. It was then that the sky chose to open up, water drenching your bodies and soaking you both to the core. "Run!" You yelled, grabbing his hand and pulling him along.
Turns out running didn't help much. By the time the two of you had made it back, both of your bodies were dripping all over the hardwood floors. "I'm going to make this up to you, I swear." Tony promised. "Whatever you want. Tickets to anything, all the Chicago pizza you could eat, you can redo the bedroom like you've been wanting to-"
"Tony!" You interrupted, putting your hand over his mouth. "I just want to get out of these clothes and order some pizza."
"Deal," Tony murmured under your hand. "Take out menus are over there." He told you, nodding his head to a set of drawers by the window.
You headed to them while Tony decided this would be a perfect time to grab the ring. Before he could though, you spoke up again.
"Damn, look how high those waves are." You said, opening the door to the outside... Where Tony's question was waiting.
Panic settled in his chest as he realized what was about to happen. “Y/N, wait!" He followed you out the door to the covered balcony, stopping right behind you. "Let me-"
"Someone's written in the sand. Who could have gotten over here-?"
There was something written in the sand all right. It was the words, "ill me" the rest having been washed away. Tony just stared at it in disbelief. Never in his life had things gone so wrong so quickly. Out of all the things he had done in his life, this had been the thing he wanted to get right. Tony ran a frustrated hand through his hair and turned away, unable to look at this latest failure.
"Tony?" He stopped as he felt your gentle hand on his back. "You wanna tell me what's going on?"
"Not particularly." Tony replied, still facing the cottage.
"Tony..." You repeated, tugging him around to face you, and pulled him close. He breathed out at the sensation of your soft body melting against his. "Tell me. Get it off that chest."
"I just wanted to do it right." One look into your concern filled eyes and Tony was spilling everything. "You've put up with so much of my shit for two years you deserved the best damn proposal this world has ever seen. Then the restaurant's closed, the water's washed the words away-"
"And I found the ring two weeks ago." You interrupted.
"Exactly! All I wanted to do was make up for some of the stuff-“ It was at that moment your words caught up with him. You had... "Wait, what?"
You slipped your arms around his neck, smiling up at him with a soft look in your eyes that fueled his growing panic. "For a genius, I thought Tony Stark would find a better place to hide an engagement ring than his underwear drawer."
It took him a moment to digest your words, but when he did, he spoke the only words he could think of. "To be fair, I thought that was the only place you'd never look."
You shrugged your shoulders. "I like to wear yours sometimes when you're on a mission."
The image of you lounged around in bed in nothing but a pair of his underwear and one of his t-shirts filled his mind, and he licked his lips. "You've never sent pictures of this?"
A laugh left you as you playfully punched his shoulder. "The answer is yes by the way."
"Yes?" Tony repeated, his mind still focused on the image you had put there.
You shook your head with a little laugh. "Yes, I'll marry you, Tony.”
Tony couldn't believe it. No matter how many people had told him you were going to say yes, he could never understand why. Now, hearing the words come from your mouth, he still couldn’t. "Are you sure? You've seen first hand how everything around me tends to go to hell. I'm sarcastic, selfish, don't play well with others, have a bad habit of putting myself in life threatening situations-"
Once again you stopped his rambling, this time with a kiss that promptly stopped his heart as well. Hot and breathy and like you wanted nothing more than to share your whole self with him. Tony parted his lips and your tongue met his, intent and firm for a brief moment before you pulled away. He didn’t want you to and held you close, feeling your warm breath caress his lips as you spoke. "You gonna keep loving me, Stark?"
"Always," he replied, never more sure of anything in his life.
"Then fuck the rest. That's all I need to know."
As Tony pulled you in for another kiss. he couldn't stop the large smile from forming on his face. Through everything he put you through, you still for some insane reason, loved him.
What more could he ask for?
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