#and obi-wan is the exception because. yknow. :)
maulfucker · 10 months
actually the more I think about it the more it makes sense to write him being in rut
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jessicas-pi · 9 months
multiple boom emojis = i can send mulitple asks, right? 😁
i have literally never said no to another ask so. yknow. yeah absolutely.
Okay for this one i've got this AU that's been bouncing around in my head since i went through a brief yet intense korkie obsession a few days ago.
I call this the Korkie And Ahsoka's List Of Lies AU.
basically: after Satine's death, Korkie steps up to lead a faction of New Mandalorians who basically decide WE'RE GONNA HAVE PEACE, DANGIT!! It seemed like a great idea... except... Korkie is seventeen and has no idea how to run a nonlethal-but-not-exactly-pacifistic-either revolution.
And then he thinks... hey... wasn't Ahsoka just kicked out of the Jedi order? Maybe she'd want a job as his advisor...
So some of his friends go to coruscant and find Ahsoka and basically recruit her. She goes to Mandalore and cheerfully reunites with her old friend, and they get down to business to defeat the death watch.
Ahsoka, who doesn't have lightsabers, starts training with a pair of beskar blades. it's a difficult transition because beskar weighs a lot but lightsaber blades weigh nothing. Eventually she figures it out and she gets really good at it and several Mandalorians get crushes on her because She's So Cool!!!!
Korkie also finds her some armor. she looks even more fabulous now. more mandalorians get crushes on her.
The New New Mandalorians move to take back Mandalore. Ahsoka duels Maul with her beskar swords and wins and even more mandalorians get crushes on her. she's officially a celebrity heartthrob at this point.
She plans to leave afterwards, but Korkie asks her if... maybe... she could stay?
Ahsoka agrees.
Now, here's the thing.
Korkie is technically a clan leader now. Ahsoka owns the darksaber by right of combat. they decide it would work best if they co-ran Mandalore.
They make this announcement standing side-by-side, and the picture of it makes the news.
On Coruscant, Anakin happens to glance at the cover of some Mando'a gossip magazine and sees the photo.
Anakin cannot read Mando'a.
Anakin does not know what the headline says.
Anakin assumes they got married.
Now, Anakin has been having bad dreams lately. He's very worried about Padme, and their unborn children. But he's also too distracted by thinking ahsoka??? snips??? My Padawan??? got married??? do i send her a card??? do i call to tell her congratulations??? to pay attention to palpatine's tale of Plagueis the Wise. He completely spaces it out.
Anyway, padme ends up giving birth just fine, and Anakin is so relieved but also really worried about telling Obi-Wan (who ALREADY KNOWS) and so anakin decides he's just. he's gonna pay a visit to ahsoka on mandalore.
so he goes and meets Ahsoka and congratulates her on her marriage... in front of a bunch of people.
suddenly rumors are FLYING that the co-mand'alors got married in secret somehow. Korkie and Ahsoka quickly consult each other on what to do and they prepare a whole speech announcement about the misunderstanding when suddenly an aide runs up and tells them that apparently, mandalorians love a love story, because they're seeing a huge spike in popularity! even with other factions of Mandalorians!
Korkie and Ahsoka share a look.
"Are we thinking the same thing?"
"We're thinking the same thing."
Korkie and Ahsoka stay up all night rewriting their announcement and practicing their "sappy happy in love" faces (and getting the giggles because of it.) They get korkie's friends--Lagos, Soinee, and Amis--to help them out. none of his friends are actually helpful and they all give conflicting advice.
The announcement goes well (barely. ahsoka almost got the giggles again.) and the mandalorian people are suitably convinced of the love story.
Given Ahsoka's popularity, the Mandalorians become interested in her family as well, and a few notice a slight resemblance between Korkie and Obi-Wan, but there's no big deal until someone unearths that Obi-Wan and the Duchess were in love once.
The rumor mill explodes.
Mandalorians don't really have a problem with the idea that obi-wan's grandpadawan may have married his secret son; given that korkie and ahsoka are separated by two "adoptions" (padawanships) and weren't raised as family or anything. In fact, they find the connection between the two of them to be kind of romantic. like, star crossed lovers were kept apart yet the next generations found a way back together... anyway, it's yet another popularity boost.
but here's the thing.
Korkie isn't a Kenobi.
Korkie knows he's not a Kenobi.
Korkie could even prove he's not a Kenobi.
But... why ruin the dramatic romantic tale that the people of Mandalore have invented?
So Korkie Is A Kenobi gets added to the list of Things We're Pretending Are True (aka the List Of Lies in the title), alongside Korkie And Ahsoka Are Married and Korkie And Ahsoka Are Responsible Adults.
Which they aren't. at all.
In fact, they're a pair of almost-eighteen-year-olds (is that pretty young to be getting married? yeah, definitely, but wookiepedia says that mandalorians married as young as 16 so we're gonna assume it's not considered too young on Mandalore) who have realized that for the first time in their lives, they don't have adults telling them what to do, and while they do have to responsibly rule mandalore, that doesn't mean they can't be wildly immature in their free time.
They have water gun fights inside the palace. They text each other dumb dad jokes during long, boring meetings. They jump on the beds. They have really unhealthy sugar-filled cereal for breakfast. They dress up in cheesy superhero costumes and sneak out at night to do heroic vigilante work. Soinee helps them set up a secret Space Tumblr account called korkie-kenobi-truther and they post korkie kenobi memes.
All is well...
Except for the fact that Palpatine is still alive and nobody knows he's the Sith lord.
That is gonna be an issue.
...to be continued, because this got really really long oh my goodness i totally got carried away i'm sorry about that-
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thelogicalghost · 2 days
The Jedi do not preach "emotions bad". It's explicitly shown and stated again and again in the films themselves, to say nothing of the EU, that the Jedi are all about "control your emotions", aka be mindful and mature about them rather than be ruled by them.
I was oversimplifying for the sake of comparison. What I was trying to say (and not really explaining because it was a 2 am thought) was that the Jedi code is driven by abstract principles of self governance. That makes sense internally, but given the history of the Order and the Republic, they should also have laws based on historical precedent.
The movies put all the emphasis on Anakin being forbidden from marriage because of the Order, and as a result they take all his frustration over it. But I think it would have been interesting if there were restrictions on both sides, because there are a lot of legitimate questions about consent and legal authority if one person in a relationship is capable of psychic manipulation.
I also think that the relationship between the Jedi and normal people could have reflected that possibility more. Afaik people don't tend to bring up the mind control thing, or any other abuses of their power, as much as they could. It's always complaints that the Jedi are too weak or soft or bureaucratic, not, "you shouldn't let the Jedi land on your planet because as soon as they're with you face to face they'll start mind controlling you" which imo is a great scare tactic. (of course the Sith aren't controlling you! They only talk over coms or holos. And they don't need to brainwash their allies when they have good old fashioned greed and fear.)
Maybe the point I'm also trying to make is that mind control or mind reading in any form is terrifying and I don't think people in the SW universe react to the possibility of it as much as they should.
For example, imagine how much more interesting it would have been if Obi Wan had to explain to the couple that their marriage is illegal because Anakin might be manipulating Padme. Padme would probably be offended at the implication that she's weak willed, and Anakin would explode at the mere suggestion. But from Obi Wan's POV, a respected senator has been engaged in an illegal affair that could end her career with a man she met as a child? Anakin, very strong in the Force but often uncontrolled, could have been affecting her slowly over time without realizing it. But from Anakin's POV, his mentor just accused him of a horrific crime? Does he not believe Padme could genuinely love Anakin?? Are they going to try to take Padme and his unborn kid(s) away from him??? Everything's unfair, he's always in the wrong. (And of course his friend Palpatine promised to make a legal exception for him and Padme (even though that's a nonsense promise) so to Anakin the only obstacle is the Order.)
I'm not saying "I'll save your beloved wife's life" is an insufficient reason for Anakin to cut off Mace Windu's arms, but I do think "the Jedi think you're a horrible predator" is a much more convincing reason to switch sides without so much as a "maybe we shouldn't murder all the kids?"
Or, yknow, maybe he was affecting Padme without knowing it, if you want to go down a very dark alternate universe route.
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valemya · 2 months
🍄🧸 for the asks! :)
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thanks for the asks!
🍄 mushroom: tell me about your dr family!
Certainly! In terms of biological family... I went the route 99% of shifters go- they're just not around. Being a jedi and all it would be difficult for them to be present in my life anyway, so to make it easier I just don't really know them because I haven't seen them since before I was taken to the order.
There is one exception though and it's a bit of a weird one tied to my other (star wars rebels) DR, which I have had for a looong time. Basically in that DR Ezra Bridger is my (non-biological) brother, yknow grew up together, lived together the whole deal. I faced a great deal of emotional torment when I decided to create my tcw DR, because I felt like I would be "cheating" on rebels by focusing on another DR. A friend of mine helped me realise it was alright to put that DR on the backburner for a little while, and besides I could just script Ezra in my tcw DR with me? So then came the epiphany I literally could just bring Ezra with me to my new DR, and that was genuinely really comforting and made me feel a lot better about my decision to make the tcw DR.
Anyway boring backstory aside, there is one exception and it's Ezra. The only difference is that in my tcw DR he's my second cousin (and my padawan!!) cause I thought it would be reeeally funny if I was just randomly assigned a padawan that coincidentally had the same last name as me, thinking there was no relation, until one day obi wan goes digging in the jedi archives or something and finds out oh shit! you guys are cousins fr!
Someone: *reading off a report* General Bridger and.... Commander... Bridger? Is that like your son or something?
Ezra and I, at the same time: we are NOT related!!!
Obi wan: ...😶
So that covers the biological side... but I know you're really here for the found family bit. I'd say that I consider just about everyone family, especially all the clones, but I'll rattle off a few really significant people quickly.
My old master Depa is for sure the mother figure in my life. And yes she's still keeping me in check even after I've long passed my trials and officially gotten out of her hair in the eyes of the Order. By extension, Caleb (Kanan) is someone I'd consider like a half-brother and don't worry, I make sure he and Ezra get to hang out a lot.
Obviously growing up with Anakin I'd consider him family too, and that means Obi Wan on some level as well. To me Obi Wan is kind of like a wine aunt. Will not be elaborating further. Ahsoka feels like a niece.
Despite legally becoming my brother-in-laws at some point, I do consider a lot of the clones to be either very close friends or some kind of familial figure I can't really place. Naturally some are closer to me than others such as Rex and the 501st or the Bad Batch, but I think I bond with them all pretty well.
Tech of course holds the most special place in my heart as my future husband.
...I think that covers it...
🧸 teddy: do you have a favourite childhood memory from your dr?
This one actually had me stumped for a while. I honestly, genuinely have not thought about my life before the war too much, certainly not as a child really. If I had a favourite memory of anything from my childhood it would be a toss up between:
When I was a brand new admission to the Order and didn't really know anyone or even my place in it all, I would spend most of my time in the temple library/archives. The lovely librarian Jocasta Nu was super kind to me, and I continued to spend time in there over the years and even kind of wanted to work within that area because of her kindness. Turned out not to be as I got assigned to the war instead, but the memory is still pleasant.
The early days when I was chosen as Depa's padawan. Getting to know her and what she stands for and learning from her and meditating together is just such a nice bonding activity. She's super supportive and a very grounded teacher, and I think my eyes would have been sparkling watching her do all these cool things and then receiving her guidance on these same things until I was able to master them myself. Just so cool. I think she's a great jedi and a great teacher too.
And there you have it! my essay responses to your asks! hope you've enjoyed and thanks again for the submission!
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ebisul · 3 months
TCW Rewatch: Season 1 Episodes 9-12
I have no comments to premise this other than I should really read the geneva conventions
Episode 9: Cloak of Darkness
* Prisoner transport of Nute Gunray
* Dooku sends Ventress to rescue or assassinate Gunray, very different tasks my guy
* Gunray interrogation, Ahsoka going a bit too hard on the bad cop role not very jedi of her
* The separatists want to ensure their secrets remain hidden which
* Nute Gunray is a Certifed Coward
* Argyus is a traitor, kinda expected but i can’t pinpoint what was so off about him, bad vibes fr, this is like the third traiter we’ve had in one season the republic needs to vet their men a bit better
* “Innocent Pawn” yknow except for the multiple counts of attempted murder, the invasion, the probable war crimes, the definite war crimes…
* Gunray was rescued, though could be tracked in a Republic ship bc theyre all dumb of ass
Episode 10: Lair of Grevious
* So war crimes are totally a thing and in the galaxy far far away
* Dooku is using jedi as bait to catch Grievous?? To test him
* Grievous killed Nahdar, Fisto escaped
Episode 11: Dooku Captured
* Anakin gets captured, Obi Wan goes to search for and rescue him
* It was a setup to capture Dooku
* They for sure knew how to block sith lightening in fact we see them do it a lot and just never taught luke lol
* This episode is peak obi-ani bickering
* Dooku captured by weequay pirates, ransoming him to the Republic
* The weequay attempt to drug obiwan and anakin likely to ransom them as well but obi and ani switch their drinks
Episode 12: The Gungan General
* Dooku keeps warning Obi Wan and Obi Wan continues to Not Listen
* The weequay also capture Obiwan and Anakin to ransom them as well, presumably their drinks were drugged but that implies that they either foresaw which drinks they would switch and that they would swap them OR all of the drinks were drugged
* Obi Wan’s attitude with Dooku this whole episode is the same as Anakin’s attitude with Obi Wan
* Interesting character dynamics, i love obi wan and dooku interactions
* JarJar being in charge is concerning because of his sheer incompetence and unfortunate luck
* Obi Wan lets Hondo go, also reminds him Dooku is not as honorable and will likely seek revenge, which is probably why he let him go
War Crime Counter:
Separatists: 4
Republic: 0
no new warcrimes this time that im aware of at least
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Beautiful Mischief [Pt. 3]
Bad Batch x Reader • Angst/Fluff/NSFW (yknow the whole deal) • Mechanic [hidden Jedi] ! Reader • Female reader
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Fall on your knees, sweet girl
Sweet girl...
“And how the fuck would you know that?”
“You think she used the force?”
“She did! Don’t believe me?! Wait till the next incident”
Y/N frowns outside the cockpit hearing Cross talk about what he saw with Hunter and Tech. She straightens up when Echo came into the common area seeing the angered look on her face. He didn’t say a word. They stood in the silence and Y/N felt overwhelmed all of a sudden causing her to leave the room, before he could reach—-
“Don’t touch her Echo. We don’t know what she’s capable of” Tech states witnessing what just happened as Echo gave him a worried look.
“You’re taking on a Padawan? You know what Anakin turned out to be. You think you’ll produce a normal one?”
“They are Anakin’s age now. Not a child. I believe I can train them to be the best”
“A little late to find a force sensitive being”
“I didn’t find her, she found me”
“I trust you Obi Wan. But—“
Don’t be surprised by the hardships
Wrecker finds himself in the storage compartment looking for extra ration bars in their food supply when he saw Y/N sitting on the ground propped up against her crate staring at the ceiling.
“Hey?” He tilts his head confused seeing the redness in her eyes and swollen cheeks. “Hey Y/N...what’s wrong?” He decided to sit with her waiting for her to respond and if she didn’t, he would’ve stayed as a comfort.
“I’m a monster Wrecker”
“What? I don’t think so”
“Crosshair does, he’s telling everybody what he saw in the forest. Just another monster in this galaxy full of darkness”
“Okay now that’s a lot of talk. I’m going to need context”
“He didn’t tell you? None of your brothers did?”
“Honestly I ignore what most of them say” Wrecker laughs as he handed her a ration bar seeing her take the offer.
“I worked on your ship for a year before you decided to add me on this journey with you all. Then it’s been six months and as much as you’re all close with one another...I don’t think I’ll ever been looked at normally ever again”
“Y/N...from the time with the scar thing. Scars are scars. It was stupid of us to push you to tell us what happened. As for this recent thing. Speaking for myself, I don’t care what you are. You’re Y/N. A badass mechanic that knows a lot more than we expected. And if shit changes. Who gives a fuck? Imma still like you for you. Besides. Half of my face is a scar and I don’t give a fuck” Wrecker smiles hearing her laugh a little, feeling better.
“Two lightsabers? Ha! This will work nicely for you young apprentice”
Y/N stares with grey covered eyes standing still like a solider as the dathomirian receives the kyber crystals for the hilts before handing the new and improved sabers to his mindless slave.
“You’ll receive a new look. Keep you hidden away from the so called Jedi you used to call your family. Little do they know your parents died and adoptive sister left. Or you left her. I’ve always wondered why you did so”
“I wanted to become a Jedi, Odious...” Y/N says groggily before freeing when he started to force choke her. “I’m sorry sir...”
“Mmm. Are you truly, sweet girl?” He smirks pushing her against the wall and keeping her there like a wall ornament. “We don’t want you to remember to good old days...we need information and you will kill for it if it deems necessary” Odious laughs squeezing his hold hearing her choke. “You will kill if they won’t expose their secrets. We will take down the Jedi council”
Soon Y/N dropped on her side feeling the cold ground turn into a cold surrounding. Feeling like death was crawling in but she quickly stood to their feet seeing Odious’s accomplices approach her to start the appearance change.
No one said it was pain-free
Returning to Coruscant, Y/N thought she was being dropped off but Hunter assured her it was for Echo to receive some simplicity with his brothers in blue.
Even the clones need to go back to their home.
“You coming?”
“But come on. The mess hall will have more of those ration bars you like” Wrecker adds as Y/N stayed glued to her seat feeling a weight grow in her chest when she sensed him. “Y/N?”
“I can’t Wrecker...I know we’ll be here for three days but I’m safe here”
“Well you know where we’ll be” He smiles being the last stepping off the ramp as it closed behind him.
But it didn’t take until nightfall for Y/N to step out and take a look at something that over came their thoughts.
“You’ll be staying”
“No Obi-Wan”
“Y/N you’ve come so far. Why give up training now?”
“Your master was a grey-Jedi because he didn’t believe in the rules the council had held accountable on us all. I can’t live in a cult that doesn’t want me to seek out for more in my life”
“But you can—“
“I’m not becoming a whore of the Jedi council all because I can fuck every man that steps into the facility. I want to fall in love. I want to be free. Free from my personal burdens. Reunite with my sister. Go home. I won’t be corrupted Obi Wan. You can keep your tabs on me if you like. But I cannot be here”
“Y/N. Please”
“Take a look behind you Obi Wan, and what do you see?”
Obi Wan turns around to look at the city of Coruscant erupt in colors and volumes of plenty. He was about to say something but when he turned around.
She was gone
And now she’s returned
Y/N stepped into the quarters she stayed in during her time there. The nostalgia started to hit when the familiar feeling returned.
“Leave me alone” She frowns clenching her fists. “You shouldn’t have come out of whatever corner you were in”
“Y/N it took courage for you to come back inside this place. Please just let me spe—“
Obi Wan suddenly hit the wall outside of her room as she stepped out quickly leaving.
“General I heard—“ Cody stopped talking seeing Y/N and his General on the floor, triggering him to take out his weapon. “You stay right there”
“Don’t hurt him Y/N”
“I’m not a monster like you Kenobi” Y/N frowns lifting her hands and before Cody could even do anything, she booked it in the other direction.
“What the—“ Cody started chasing after her as Obi Wan quickly gets on his feet following in suit after the two.
Having no obstacle in the way made it easy, until Cody called in reinforcements from Rex and a few more from the 501st.
“It’s Y/N. Why would Cody—“
“Cody explain?!”
“Cody stand down for maker’s sake” Obi Wan states. “You can’t just—“
“NO” He snaps as the distress in his voice made Cody finally stop thinks but the actions still confused his brothers. “Now leave. All of you. Except Y/N”
As the sun sets on today
We’ll never know about tomorrow
“General Kenobi. New information has come up”
“What about this time Cody?”
“About fugitive x. You said to dig up anything on them and we got something”
Obi Wan turns to Cody seeing the information on the datapad and taking it, leaving to process this all.
Fugitive X
Name: Y/F/N Y/L/N
Found in the streets of the black market wielding duel lightsabers. Nothing life threatening. But they were found with a kyber crystal that was floating around in the market.
“This...isn’t giving me anything...” Cody frowns flipping through the pictures and finding the video from one of the street cameras of them taking out a knife and suddenly—-
“Why didn’t you come back once you escaped?”
“Why would I?”
“What do you mean...”
“Just because you had spies in my life to keep tabs on me. Doesn’t mean they saw everything. You......” Y/N stops talking as she brings her knees to her chest staring out in the scenery as Obi Wan sheds his robe to be comfortable around her just enough. “You...you lost your master. Imagine that pain, but with your humanity, sanity...”
“Y/N, what happened?”
“A lot...”
A lot that nobody knows
Until now
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solasan · 2 years
mollie please i am begging on my hands and knees for some sivala thoughts …. some ideas … 👉👈😳
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im gonna combine these for organisation purposes but thank u @montliyets I Love You and i am kissing u on the head 🥰 🥰 🥰
🥺 omg sophie aaaa thank u for askin, i have many sivala Thots take them all <333
born on chandrila to 2 very loving parents who, because of the enforced low birth rate on the planet, were Super Not Down with letting the jedi have her; she was three when she was brought to coruscant (a little bit on the older side for a jedi youngling), so she remembers them in bits and pieces, but not super well.
that does mean her early years in the temple were uhhh...... tumultuous. she didn’t really want to be there and she made that Very Clear lmao. probably very nearly did get returned to her parents bc of all the trouble she caused, but she eventually settled in (with some guidance from her eventual master, yasta kivallo).
she matured into a very considerate and intelligent jedi knight. became a consular, rather than a guardian, bc of her skills in observation and persuasion; she’s probably one of the best negotiators the jedi order have, except for obi-wan himself. if things had been different, she might’ve ended up in the senate, ironically.
a few years after tpm, sivala took on a padawan; vuren passik, a rutian twi’lek. he actually becomes a knight a few months into the clone wars bc the jedi are desperate for fighters, and his death in the temple during order 66 is one of the biggest tragedies to shape sivala.
(another one being yasta’s death during the battle of felucia </3. siv loses everyone lmao).
her and obi-wan fight side by side quite a bit during the war; by rots they consider each other friends rather than just allies, and he rly helps her with her grief over yasta, since he knows what it’s like to lose a master. they’re both very skilled negotiators and they work very well together (after an adjustment period, they quickly get on the same wavelength in those kinds of settings), so they get pretty used to working together off the battlefield as well as on.
he kind of assumes she’s dead after order 66 (since she very nearly was) and although she knew he survived the initial massacre bc of the message sent out to the jedi, the years pass without even a whisper of him, and she just kind of... figures he must’ve been killed at some point?
and yknow. the force has gone quiet. she felt her padawan die. hundreds of souls screaming out, suddenly silenced. all that. so she goes on the run and grieves grieves grieves. puts her lightsaber away somewhere hidden and safe and swears she’ll never pick it back up again. (she can’t quite bring herself to throw it into a black hole, but she thinks abt it sometimes).
through a series of very convoluted events ive only like. half figured out. she ends up working to smuggle jedi and force-sensitives away from the empire and settles on daiyu to work especially closely with haja estree. they piss each other off a lot. it’s a riot. 
um and then yeah :) her n obi-wan have a whole huge i’m not alone anymore moment n just kinda. end up rly relying on each other. i dont think they get to see each other often (something tells me 1 powerful jedi + another powerful jedi = big energy in the force for the inquisitors to look out for) but when they do they r very soft and tired and in love sjdjjksdjk.
(she uh. does die protecting a force-sensitive kid in her charge from inquisitors a couple years before anh, but i dont want to think abt that rn so 😌)
if u read this far thank u i love u mwah
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ethvn-torchio · 3 years
april fools crack headcanons
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I'll do all except yoda because fuck you, that's why
big sigh @stillmourningtonystark​ dared me to do this because I mistakenly said I never wrote a crack fic before. this will be extremely cursed and i’m warning you to turn back now, im literally putting a cut here so yall dont accidentally read this. I’m so genuinely sorry this post exists. April fools? oh and there’s a surprise guest/dishonorable mention at the end.
(bitch there isn’t even a gif for Dex or Sandwich clone I’m)
Dating Jar Jar would include...
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try as he might, I personally believe Jar Jar is not a very good boyfriend, generally speaking.
however, if you watched the boring episodes of TCW like I did, you know he 100% tapped that queen. Yes, Jar Jar Binks fucked a queen. so... canon states Jar Jar fucks, so here we are. sigh, here we go
Jar Jar a mad player. Lowkey a flirt and don’t ask me how, but you fr fr fell for him.
what that long ass tounge do tho 👅😜
is actually a sex god, the stupid senator act is all phony. this man gets mad pussy
yall don’t really like the same foods, as Jar Jar tends to eat raw frogs, insects, and fish mostly (this man does not cook his food fr fr), but he’s happy to try anything from your culture that you make.
you lowkey think he’s a sith lord (if you somehow don’t know, just google darth jar jar)
jar jar tries, but generally your relationship is purely for the sex 
Dating Dex Jettster would include...
(somehow, the idea of dating dex is more cursed than dating jar jar)
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you met Dex while applying for a job at his diner. 
though he’s a little gross looking, once you get over that you find he’s actually quite sweet.
a workaholic, so when you do see him it’s pretty special 😍
you had a lot of time with him when he committed insurance fraud and got his diner burned down (yall think i’m joking? I’m not) and that was great for your relationship
i don’t have much to say about dex, but he’s probably a better boyfriend than jar jar
just based on his general body size (in his scene in aotc he’s fucking giant compared to obi wan) he probably has a big dick, so yall got that goin for you as a couple
100% a top
Dating Sandwich Clone would include...
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sandwich clone is arguably the best person to date here. Like, he’s as close to a normal pick as you can get on this list.
Loves sandwiches and bread in general (omfg i miss breaddd, this bitch has no idea how lucky he is to eat space-gluten), will wake you up to say that he made you french toast or something.
he probably attracts a lot of attention at 79′s, because he’s so swag  pussy magnet over here
Like most of the the clones, straight up, he’s just good boyfriend material.
Clearly he’s pretty selfless considering he threw his beloved sandwich at Cad Bane, so yknow, he’s a brave boi :)
You sometimes think he loved sandwiches more than you ngl
Dating P*ng Kr*ll would include...
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this bitch is a fucking virgin if i’ve ever seen one
yall never even dated, this bitch said hello to you once and decided yall were dating in true incel fashion (i mean look at this creature, he just screams incel to me). you, along with the entire jedi order, rejoiced when he died. the end.
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keensers · 4 years
ALL THE EVEN QUESTIONS!!! And any process questions!!! Ok goodnight
hello j!!!!! this is many questions but i will skip the ones i did already (all from here)
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
right now in star wars land, quinlan vos and also every single clone. i love the clones. also, i love writing everyone in the obi wan-anakin-ahsoka chaos lineage. i love writing banter, and that lineage is banter all the way down. at least, in the post-empire world, where imo anakin and obi-wan are back to being ahsoka’s super annoying brothers, except they’re ghosts, so she can’t even fight them to make them go away.
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
generally yes, at least with fanfic. most of the time when i write fanfic it’s because i desperately want to see how those characters behave with a particular narrative or with different situational constraints, or i have a worldbuilding idea i think is really cool. so i love reading fic where other people do that work so i don’t have to! especially with worldbuilding, there are fics where i’m absolutely just in awe of what the authors have managed to do, whether it’s a shift in one aspect of the characters that has a kind of domino effect on every single relationship they have and every action they take, or whether it’s a new, slightly off-tilt universe that they’ve built from the ground up and populated with brilliant new versions of the same people. i write a lot of canon-divergence-by-intervening-circumstances, so i’m a big believer in this, and i love reading it. other writers are much, much better at it than me.
9. Are you more of a drabble or a longfic kind of writer? Pantser or plotter? Do you wish you were the other?
i think this is a process question! i am a longfic writer because I have a hard time saying anything in less than 1000 words, and i’m mostly a plotter, if by “plotting” you mean “vividly hallucinating focal point scenes and stumbling through figuring out what happens between them to get from one to the next, with occasional flashes of insight or inspiration.” i wish i was a better plotter than i am… which is part of why i'm trying to really hash out a lot of the details of atr4 in an attempt to exert some semblance of control over the story.
10. How would you describe your writing process?
scream into a pillow + frantically type 2000 words in one day + lie awake in bed thinking about the next scene + do nothing for a week or a month + get hit over the head with how much this fic/concept means to me personally + start typing again + type 500-1000 words every day for two weeks + repeat until done or abandoned
12. Do you want your writing to be famous?
hm… only insofar as “famous” means “impactful,” “good,” or “makes a lot of people feel things.” so i guess no, not inherently.
14. At what point in writing do you come up with a title?
at the beginning, and then again at the end! because the one i start off with is always wrong by the time i finish… 
16. Tried anything new with your writing lately? (style, POV, genre, fandom?)
well, for the last 8 months i've been in star wars hell because i got so mad at tros that i wanted some actually-good star wars content so i watched all of tcw and just wildly, wildly overprojected onto obi-wan “exhausted but tenacious” kenobi. (i wonder why??? no i don’t.) then i had a great many Thoughts about how to link the prequel trilogy/tcw with the sequel trilogy, which has resulted in me seriously contemplating writing 300k+ of one ‘verse, which i have never ever done. i think the longest thing i've ever written was 75k, and that was orig fic. so my “new thing i'm trying” is plotting out 10+ stories in the same ‘verse and then actually writing them… or at least trying to. 
22. Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
sometimes! really old stuff feels like someone else wrote it, which is very strange. but, yknow, sometimes you read through the entire body of work that exists on ao3 for what you want to read about, and you lace up your clown shoes and go read your own damn fic.
24. Would you say your writing has changed over time?
i think it has, and i definitely hope it has. i think i used to overdescribe and maybe now i underdescribe, which isn’t good either, but i do feel like i've gotten better at plotting and at character arcs that make sense and, generally, at getting a handle on characters’ behavior. also, high school me wrote in a very flowery yet rudderless kind of way, and i think now i have a better sense of both direction and show-don’t-tell.
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Beautiful Mischief [Pt. 9]
Bad Batch x Reader • Angst/Fluff/NSFW (yknow the whole deal) • Mechanic [hidden Jedi] ! Reader • Female reader
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“You’re leaving soon?”
“I need to go on Kamino, and find the answers myself if Obi Wan hasn’t yet”
“Y/N I...I can’t have you kill yourself”
“Rey, I promise I won’t” Y/N reassures her vod without the blood as Reylen brought her into her embrace.
“Remember what we planned when we were kids?”
“You’ll meet me there...when it’s finally over”
Y/N squeezed Reylen in her embrace feeling her grip onto her cloak.
“I promise”
“You modified this rust bucket a lot” Crosshair comments as he helps Tech get ready to launch.
“I do what I can” Y/N replies sitting at her station checking on the diagnostics before prepping along with the two.
Hunter stares at Y/N from his seat sensing her tension, already making him worry as Echo caught on immediately.
“I have easy contact with Fives from the 501st, do you think we’ll need the back up?”
“The Bad Batch is the strongest out of the clones. I have faith we can handle this on our own. But you tell him if we need it, we’d give him the word” Y/N looked at Echo when she told him all of that, getting up and checking on a few things before launching.
“Wait for my call” Hunter informs Tech receiving a nod before following after Y/N seeing her simply take a minute to herself in the storage compartment.
“I know you’re there Hunt”
“Hmm. Thought I was stealthier than that”
“Not with me” Y/N watches him step in standing in front of her. “I’m okay”
“You���re not”
“I promise you that I am”
“Okay, well I’m not” Hunter admits taking Y/N’s face into his hands taking a deep breath giving her the second to do it herself as she carefully held his wrists. “We may face a lot more than just the Kaminoans. Could face the republic head on”
“Or Odious...”
“Or all of them. The republic was meant to protect you, but they failed to do their job and you’ve fallen. Yet that’s all they see. Ignoring all the recovery you’ve been through.”
“We risked our lives already, and are willing to do it again for your sake.”
“I won’t let anything happen to any of you...I won’t allow it” Y/N frowns looking him in the eye as Hunter slots himself closer feeling her hands move to his torso.
“I know cyar’ika” He says before pressing his lips against hers moving his hands to her waist keeping her close.
When the war is over
I want a life with you
And I don’t want to lose you before I can get that chance
Y/N leans into Hunter’s embrace in the comfort of his quarters as she hasn’t stopped thinking about the possibility of everything going wrong.
“Are you alright?”
“You can tell me what’s on your mind”
“...I’m afraid to”
Hunter frowns squeezing her a bit as Y/N held onto his arms pressing her back against his chest. He rests his head on her shoulder holding her until she started to calm down in his embrace.
“I’m fine with dying, Hunter. This isn’t just my fight but for now it should be. I don’t want any of you getting hurt because of my actions. Not anymore...”
“Like we’re going to allow that cray’ika” Crosshair interrupts the two’s private moment by eavesdropping and barging in.
“Okay since he decided to actually come in” Echo adds following the sharpshooter and sitting on the edge of the bed as Cross propped himself against the wall. “We won’t let you die”
“And before you start to argue. The first attack wasn’t just meant for Odious to capture you. Darth Maul had his own agenda. We would’ve had to stop him if we didn’t give a single fuck about you”
Y/N sighs leaning into Hunter more as she took Echo’s hand once it was extended to her.
“I can’t lose any of you”
“And we can’t lose you” Wrecker adds finally joining but staying out since him entering the room would make it claustrophobic.
“So we’ll fight until we win. And we won’t lose anyone” Hunter states.
Loves of my life
I will lay down my life for you
And you would do the same for me
But I can’t let that happen
Stepping onto Kamino felt like a mistake, but Y/N needed her answers.
“Something doesn’t feel right” Tech states following Y/N close behind her as she felt it. Something was off.
Y/N ignited one of her sabers blocking a plethora of shots fired directly at her as Crosshair uses Tech’s shoulder to give him leverage with his rifle and took down the gatling gun firing resulting in a minor explosion causing the trooper manning it to fall. But Y/N caught them with the force giving Cross a look.
“We aren’t killing any body. Especially any of your brothers.”
“They don’t know better. Good soldiers follow orders. Once the chip is revealed, with its flaws.” Y/N states. “The war will be over. Obi Wan failed to figure it out or he simply followed orders instead of caring about those in his life. I will fight my battle another day. But for now. I’m finishing this”
As the batch kept close to Y/N as she took lead walking over to the trooper that was orders to fire. She helped him up taking a step back before he could try anything.
“Who’s orders?”
“I have orders to not talk to you”
“Well then. Wrecker” Hunter calls watching Wrecker grab the trooper by the chest plate slamming him into the wall.
“Now. Who’s orders, reg?” Crosshair glares watching him struggle in Wrecker’s grasp.
“Chancellor Palpatine and General Obi Wan Kenobi” He continues to struggle before finally being dropped and before he could call it in. Echo grabbed his communicator tossing it to Tech to dismantle.
“You think the General is here?” Echo asks getting a tense look from Y/N as she retracts her sabers when the sound of hanger doors open.
Y/N stepped through the batch staring at the transporter ship making themselves visible. The doors close and the ship lands before the 501st and 212th poured out from the sides along General Skywalker and Kenobi.
“If you think you’re going to do anything to her—-“
“Shut up” Hardcase blurts getting smacked by Jesse for blurting that out loud.
“Excuse Hardcase, we’re not going to do anything to Y/N except bring her in under orders of the chancellor”
“Now what does the chancellor want, when the council has more a problem with me?” Y/N glares bringing one hand behind her and signaling Tech as he got to work with his visor. “Obi Wan. Qui Gon taught you better than this”
“Don’t you dare—“ Anakin stops when Obi Wan stepped forward.
“He did. But I believed in the order”
“Believed” Y/N frowns. “What’s stopping you from killing me like what many Jedi did to the sith and anyone that turned against the order?”
“Y/N but you didn’t—“ Echo frowns stopping himself when Hunter looked at him to.
“You, Y/N.” Kenobi frowns taking his cloak off causing an unnoticeable eye roll from Cody, his commander. “You were tortured. Under a control that you had no say in. I had to report it since you were once under our care and then not. You were controlled by sith. Everything had to be documented. Including the scans and labs we took. The chancellor wants us to take you in for questioning”
“Instead of solving the chip and who controls it. You care more about my factor in this? What a weird way of showing it. But I’m not going with you and I’m not hurting any of you to get away”
“So turn yourself in scum”
“Okay I will hurt him but the others I won’t” Y/N glares at Anakin keeping her hands away from her lightsabers knowing if she touched one, she’s a goner. “Hm”
“This is gonna take the hard way I guess” Y/N forced Anakin and Kenobi’s sabers into her hands before getting a head start into the building and before the batch could react, Tech had already deployed her BD unit to release a grenade that put an electric shock through the two battalions and generals.
“Let’s get going”
“How the fuck do you plan that?!”
“Tech is an analyst, Cross” Hunter laughs following Y/N as Wrecker grabbed Crosshair and Tech unexpectedly to hurry their pace.
Echo stayed behind for just a second staring at the battalions before quickly following. He hacked the door with his socket to make sure it stayed closed to give them enough time.
“You got a plan?”
“I know what I’m doing Hunt”
“Hm. Love this already” Crosshair laughs being set down when they reached the lab as Tech opens the camera on the BD unit with the datapad available seeing a few troopers coming through.
“They’re coming. What you have planned. Better hurry”
“And make it quick. I can’t always handle the hacking mechanisms in Kamino” Echo states already shutting down door by door as Tech kept them posted on the closer they got.
Tech froze hearing that last bit from Obi Wan from the cameras and seeing Anakin grow hesitant but a job is a job.
A job is a job
@xxeiraxx @meli-that-girl @Spp2011 @fennign
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